The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 31, 1854, Image 3

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Corosir’s Ihquibt.—Coroner Lowry held an
inquest, on Sunday, upon the body of a German,
named Fauck, at Geret’s tavern, Fourth Ward,
Allegheny, who was supposed to have met his
death from foul play. It appears that Fauok,
in company with Joseph Hammenmith and Ed
ward Fodder, left his residenoe in Allegheny city,
on Tuesday last, to go into the oountry to dig »
well. Fauok, who was muoh addicted to Intem
perance, had a bottle of liquor in his pocket,
from which he drank until he became intoxica
ted. When they arrived at Sarpßburg, Hammer
smith and Fedder stopped to consider whioh road
they were to pursue; but Fauok prooeeded on
to a bridge, which he was in the act of crossing,
when he staggered forward, and fell head fore
most over the bridge upon a quantity of stones
beneath. His companions ran to his rescue, and
set him up, and immediately one of them went
for a physician. Dr. Courtney, of. Sharpsbnrg,
came and examined him; he prononnoed him
« only drunk his injuries did not amount to
much.” The Doctor then left Fanck with his
companions, when they took him to a public
house, and left him to come to Allegheny for assis
tance. Fanck was brought home on Wednesday,
when medical aid was summoned; he lingered
until Friday night, when he died. The friends
of Fauck, thinking that his injuries were inflict
ed by blows from Hammersmith and Fedder, had
• them arrested, and committed to jail. The evi
denoe produced to the jury yesterday, fully ex
culpated Bammeratith and Fedder, clearly
proved that the injuries were received by the fall
above mentioned. Drs. Trevor and Baldwin
made a post mortem examination, and found the
skull fractured, and gave it as their opinion that
the deceased came to his death from compres
sion of the brain produced by the extravasation
of blood. A verdict in accordance with the
above facts was rendered.
Supreme Court. —Hon. J. 8. Black, Chief
Justice; Hon. G. W. Woodward, Hon. E. Lewis,
Hon. W. Lowrio, and Hon. J. C. Knox, Associate
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Monday, September 80.
Mount Washington Inclined Plane Company
vb. Lyon, Shdrb & Co. Submitted.
Shinn vs. Holmes. Submitted.
Mahlow et ux. vs. Gormly et ux. Submitted.
Specht vs. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Yierheller vs. Paok. Submitted.
Avery & Ogden vs. City of Pittsburgh. Ar
Babbitt’s vs. Riddell’s Executor; Erie county.
Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Lowrie ; Lewis
Hoskinsou’a Executor vs. Bradford; Greene
county. Judgment affirmed. Opinion byLov
rie ; Lewis and Woodward dissenting.
School Directors of Wayne township vs.
Kline; Armstrong county. Jadgment affirmed.
Opinion by Justice Lowrie.
Smith’s Executors vs; Smith; Indiana county.
Judgment by Woodward; Lewis dissenting.
Swan et al. vs. Lytle; Indiana county. Judg
ment affirmed. Opinion by Woodward.'
Pitea vs. Sloneckcr et al; Indiana county.
Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Woodward.
Conch v*. Sutton. Submttted.
Bell vs Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. Ar
Count! op Quarter Sessions. —Before Hon.
William B. M’Clurc, President Judge; Hon. Ga
briel Adams and Hon. William Boggs, Associ
Mosdat, October 30, 1854.
. Commonwealth vs. Henry Pratt. Indlotment,
assault and battery. The defendant plead guil
ty, and was senteooed to be imprisoned for three
months, and pay a fine of $lO.
Commonwealth vs. Jaokson Bann. Indict
ment, surety of the peace, on oath of Louis
Kramer. Prosecutor sentenced to pay costs.
Commonwealth vs. John Fritch. Indictment,
surety cf the peace, on oath of Andrew Richard
son. Defendant sentenced to pay costs.
Commonwealth vs. R. A. Cutbbert. Indict
ment, assault and battery. The defendant plead
guilty, and was sentenced to pay costs.
Commonwealth vs. James M’Millan. Indiot
meut, assault and battery, on oath of L. Y.
Clark. Defendant was found guilty, and sen
tenced to pay costa.
Commonwealth v*. John Noble. Indictment,
malicious mischief. £fo verdict.
Laucekt. —A youngman named Robert Beatty
•was committed to jail, yesterday, <by Mayor
Volz, to await a further examination on a charge
of breaking into the coach house of Mrs. Agnes
Irwin, in the Seventh Ward, and taking there
from a trunk containing a variety of articles,
worth about $7O. The information against
Beatty was made by Phillip Jordan, the coaoh
juan. The robbery was perpetrated some weeks
ago, supposed in connection with several others,
who have not yet been arrested. Officers Reed
and Moon, in eearohing for the above articles,
discovered them in a coal pit, in Pitt township,
along with a variety of other goods which had
also been evidently stolen. It is supposed that
the person whoso arrest is mentioned, belongs to
the gang of burglars who have been committing
bo many depredations lately, and that the coat
pit was used as a place to secrete" the stolen
goods in
Ip the citizens of Pittsburgh own
interests, they would patronise those establish
lishments who persevere to produce in our own
eity thAt which is tasteful and new, as soon as
it appears in the eastern cities. One of those
establishments is the Banner Hat Store; the pro
prietor, by a species of intuition, naturally anti
cipates any qew style, and forthwith it is manu
factured almost before the “ beau monde ” of
the east have stamp’d it with their approval.
Such enterprise should be rewarded, and to all
patriotic men we say go to the Banner for a tas
ty hat, at a fair price, opposite the new Presby
terian Church, 147 Wood street. *
Kennedy's Bank Note Review. —The Novem
ber number of Kennedy’s Bank Note Review, has
just been issued, and can be procured at the pub
lishing office, on Third street. Tho immenso
circulation which this valaable publication has
acquired, is sufficient evidence of its worth, and
the estimation in which it is held by the business
community. The proprietors, finding that the
wants of the publio demanded a safe and relia
ble Detector, oftener than once a month, now is
sue it semi-monthly, and in a Bhort time will
publish an edition weekly.
IlAErEii’s Magazine eos November. —Gilden-
fenney & Co., 7G Fourth street, have reoeived
this popular magazine for November, and con
tinue selling it fox fifteen caits. The present
number completes the ninthwolume ; the back
numbers can always be had at the above estab
lishment. They have alßo received the Knicker
bocker magazine for November. All that we have
4o say about it is, call and get a copy. *
Fatal Accident.— On Saturday last, a Ger
man girl, whose name we oould not learn, while
walking in the vicinity of a atone quarry, near
Knox’s coal pit, on Coal Hill, accidentally fell
over a precipice, and was so seriously injured as
to survive but a short time after the accident.
Her residence was near the scene of the occur
rence, in Lower St. Clair township.
Cutting Affair.— A woman named Mary Ann
Kirkendall, was committed to jail on Sunday, by
Alderman M«*j or, for cutting Dennis Carnigan,
near the river, with a knife. The wound inflict
ed, we believe, was not of a dangeroue charae-:
ter. The female accused is one of the nymphs
from Prospect street.
Fabbwbll Sermon. —Rev. Mr. Lee, of the
First Associate Church, Seventh street, pre&ohed
his farewell sermon on Sunday, preparatory to
leaving for the lslands. HI health,
we believe, is the cause of the Reverend gentle
man's departure.
Fire —The alarm of fire, on Sunday morning
about 10 o’clock, was caused by the burning of
a brick house situated on tbo corner of Denman
and Washington streets, Birmingham, owned by
n man named Btroub. The loss is not estimated
at a great deal.
In Town.— Miss Lucy Stone, the indefatigable
advocate of Woman’s Rights, arrived in this city
•n Sanday, and is stopping at the Monongahe
la House, where she received the visits of a great
number of ladies yesterday.
Pctnam’s Maoazine.— Tho November
of this magazine has been received by Russell &.
Bro. Fifth street, who will be happy to furnish,
it to’customere, with the leaves cut and trimmed;
in the neatest manner.
Theatr!: —Mr. Silsbee appeared last evening
in two favorite characters, and was received by
a full house. To-night he appears again in char
acters peculiarly his own.
B. T. C. Morgan, Wood street, near Fifth, has
for sale the November numtffer of Harper. Tha
contents oomprise the usual variety of interest*?
ing matter. : •
Admitted. —J. P. Penny, Esq., of Pittsburgh*
yesterday, on motion of Hon. Charles Bhaler,
waß admitted to practise as an attorney and
counsellor, in the Supreme Court
Petition job Divorch.— A petition for divorce
ITM made on Saturday, by James Poole.
l r- H rfv^Kn
By the Line* for the Morning Post
N*w Tore, October 80.—'The steamer Pacific arrived tbto
morning, with Liverpool dates to the 18th.
Livxxpool Markets, October 17.—Cotton....Milligan re
ports the sales for the last four days at 30,000 bales, includ
ing 6090 for export, and 8000 for speculation. Fair Orleans
middling 6]<^; fair Upland 6; middling s^.
Breadatulls...Flour advanced 3s; Western canal 375; Ohio
39a. Wheat: Willie 11s 6J. Corn: yellow and white 39ju
Lard.~62B@&4s. Pork unchanged.
Consols... 94J^g.95.
Perrins k Wright, of Dublin, dSd sereral smaller bousv
have failed.
There was nothing from the seat of war, up to the 9th.
There is absolutely nothing respecting the war. The dee
patehee, such oa the; are, are altogether conflicting, but the
news is authentic, that up to the9th of October nothing had
been done. The sides now number 90,000; they occupy a
strong position south of Sebastopol, with 30,000, and 30,000
more are expected to arrive by the 15th October.
The latest accounts say that General San Robert has or
dered the Russian outposts to be driven in on the 9th, and
the batteries erected.
Ten thousand additional Frenchmen ora to bo Immediate
ly shipped iTom Marseilles to the Crimea.
The Baltic licet will return without further operations.
Omar Pasha is preparing to operate on three points—the
Pruth, Dobrudscba, and the sea.
Russia is amassing forces on the Austrian frontier.
It is surmised that France and England are nt present
organizing the re-establishment of an independent kingdom
of Poland!
Jerome Bonaparte is to be re-naturalized as a Frenchman.
Owen's affairs and Mcllenry’s are less unfavorable. Pep
tins k Wright, and five other Dublin Arms, have failed,
and a panic prevails there; but it Is hoped it is temporary
The garrison at Bebastopol numbers 30,000; MenachikotTs
force in the field is 30,000. Reinforcement* are expected by
the middle of Ootolier, which will swell the total Russian
force to 90,000, which is also the total force tho allies have
by sea and land. Tho allies, however, are constantly being
It is expected that Omer Pasha will Immediately re-cout
mence operations on throe points—the Pruth. Dobrudscba,
and the sea.
All the smaller English steamers, bp well ns the whole
French fleet, are on their way homo from the Baltic. AH
further operations are therefore, it is presumed, at ao end.
The rumors are gatberiog strength that France and Eng
land have actually under consideration the practicability of
re-establishing the kingdom of Poland.
The cholera continued to spread in Dublin.
Samuel Phillips, the novelist, is dead.
The recent commercial failures continued to occupy atten
tion. It had disastrous effects throughout Ireland, canning
the suspension, in Dublin, of Perrins A Wright, Corcoran A
Casey, Corn Merchants; Keogh A Reddy, Provision Mer-
chants,and others of less magnitude.
> The foreign refugees are ordered to laave Madrid within
eight days, save those who could give good reasons for their
residence, or find security for their eenduet.
Copknraqkn, 15th.—The House of Representatives voted
by a majority oi SO to G, for the appointment of a commit*
toe to draw up article* of impeachment against the minis
try, for the promulgation of the July ordinance.
Cuixa.—Lettors mention three attempts by the insur
gents to take Canton, which had failed, and an attempt to
effect a compromise with the insurgontp, which had also
proved unsuccessful. Th« fighting was going on at Shang
hai; the imperialist* had made little progress towards the
recapture of the city.
Latest dt Teleorapb —Marseilles, *l6th.—Each ship of
the allied fleet is to furnish a company of marines and eight
guns, making a total of 2UO guus to assist the siege of Se
' llxamgEG, 16th.—Immediate steps will be takeu for slop
plug indirect traffic with Russia through the Prussian pom.
The Cholera ia rapidly abating at London. There were
only 249 deaths during the last wt-ek.
A court martial has been held fo. the trial of Captains
Rillett and Richards, for the abandonment of their ships in
the Arctic expedition. They were acquitted.
The Pacific bring* 211 passengers; among them are Dud
ley Mann, Col. Aspinwnll Cramer, Secretary of tho Russian
Legation, Ac.
Disgraceful Proceedings of a Kioto at
WovciSTXR, October 30.—Asa 0. Putman, the notorious
kidnapper of Thomas Pirns and Anthony Burns, was discov
erel at the Amorican'Jiome yesterday, and was immediate
ly posted throughout the rity. In tin- evening, a vigilance
committee of citizens surrounded the hotel and watched
Butman’s movements: he flourished r. pistol »t tli-m and
threatened to use it, whoreupon warrants were i*M>nd and
he whs arrested this forenoon, and brought beforethr Court,
charged with carrying concealed weapon*. The rase was
postponed for two week*, and be nw required to give bends
for his appearance. A large nod ex.-iu-d crowd gathered
wound tbu Court, and it IwMming evident that UutmaD’.
Ifo was in danger, Geo- F Hoar, free koHit, son of the ten
arable Samuel llnar, appealed to the crowd to let the kid
napper go safely out of tho rity. 'ihe rrowd gave way, and
Butman, accompanied by a strong guard, weut to the depot,
followed by the populace, where the colored men fell upon
him and would undoubtedly have taken hLs life, but for the
interference of Martin Stowell, James A. flowland, Mr.
Hoar, Rev. J. W. lligginson, and Stephen C. Foster, all abo
litionists. Butman was hustled Into a carriage accompa-
nied by Uigglnson, and thus escaped with his life. Illggiu
sen was considerably rut by missiles thrown at the rarrisea
Butman was pelted with rott.iu eggs snd stones, srtd wat
kkk"d and b*nton almost to death. lie promised never u
visit Worcester again.
City Mortality-*Oyater Panic—Explosion,
Nr«v, October 2>.—The welt’s mortality 1* 475, of
which 24 were deaths from cholera.
There Is n new panic regarding tbeentioz of oysters. Dr.
Chilton publishes a card statin * that h<- ha* test*-.! a quan
tity of all kinds, which he pronounces to W as and
wholesome as at any other season.
A small keg of ponder in a valise which had been placed
near the bock-keeper's de*k at Earle’s Hotel, explode! this
afternoon, breaking the windows and demolishing the cell
ing, Ac. The cause is stato-1 to have be-u ihe occidental
discharge of a pistol in tho vall«c. Another statement is
that a portion of a slow fuse has been found, leading :© the
supposition that it wan the work of some fiend. So one was
scriou. 5y injured, but there were some narrow rscajies.
mortality of the City—The Beale Can
j Loss of n Brig, Ac.
Fu;t.Ar»EiriUA, October 23.—The death.* iu this city for the
post week, were I*>S, of which S were from cholera.
In the case of ltonlr, to-day, D. I\ Brown moved for a new
trial, and will tile his reasons on Monday.
Gov.-rnor Bigler arrived in town to day, from Washington.
The brig Adele, hence for St. Kitk>, in a violent gale on
the 5d in>-t., was thrown on her beam o id*. Ail on board
peri«hed except a sailor uaiued Thuro, who «as reisavt-J af
ter being to days on the wr*-ck.
gouthern New*.
lIU.7IUO&E, :-W—New Orleans uf Tore-Jay
re re<-*4T»\l. The total deaths fur the week were 247 ; from
•Trr !>><*,
from Turn pa J’.t.T to th»« Sfltli, h n*eiT«l. Tu#
adtani* wen* <jui**t. Uowlpjt" Fort \Vu--lih,i;tnn.
The Columbia wa* »t l’cn««col» <>n the JEM.
Oo Friday there were no deaths from any enusj.
IlaDibL ton k &)o, an rxtwtu-ii’o dry iroo-i. in Halt
more. ask nil tx tension. Holder* of their paper liojw. erenti
ally they will moot all thuir cb’.iinitinii*.
PniMI'FAFHIA, CfctcU'r oO. — I). P. liruwn, ruuritol f->\
IVnlx, tiled fifteen ruuaon> for ft new trial, nAsortin* that tin
verJict was against law nn<l cTiJemv; t lint the jury wit
by atutemonU iK>t iu PTidenrv; that she jury i
dulged lo liquor daring ih* trial, acj Ibal M-ine btnl
ired tiial their uiinJn were mmle up bffor* hearing il
evidence. The argument on the motion will ho lienrd oi
Fri Jay before th** Court In banc. A motion wu aho oiad.
to admit tlio prisoner to bail, but tin' Court deferred the d<*
cision for the present.
Arrival of the Empire City—The Wreck
Nrw tons, October 3d. —The Empire City arrlTed with
Hanna dates to (ho -4ih.
Twn fchoonern had just arrival with pasr-mger* frcm tho
ateamphip Isabel, which had been wrecked near Key Weal,
but no lives had been lost. No particulars have teen siren.
New i'ciEK, October 30.—Cotton unchanged. Flour on-
Milled; tales 5500 bbls pood Ohio nt $* STv-cO 18; Southern
flrtn ; fairs 16*«0 bbl« at-fu T.Gn'J SI. Wheat firm. Ora a
trifle higher; sale* *5,000 bushels Western mixed at hUtb’d.
Pork advanced lc; sales 1700 bids meM at $l2 G2r>ssl2 75.
Beer unchanged. Whisky: sales 000 bid* Ohio at 30r-y4O.
Cofleo unchanged. Sugars firm; Orleans Molasses
steadv. Linseed Oil firmer at *lc. Lead firm. Storks low
er. lloney unaltered; Virginia sixes ; Cumberland
29; Heading 71; Erie ; New York Central
PHIIAbEtPHia, Octol*er 30.—Small sales of Flour; market
firm; but little export demand ; sales GOO or 700 standard
good brands at 0,25, Including 100 bbls. Baltimore
at to. ltye Flour scarce at |7. Corn Meal scarce; rales of
400 bbls. Brandywine at $4.60 Wheat active; llttli* offer
lug; sales 3QQO bushels at $1.95(5.1,00 for good and prime
Southern red, and $2 for fair Pennsylvania white, ltye in
demand at little coming in. Corn dull; sales
2000 bushels yellow at S 3, which Is a decline of le. In <lrn
certw and Prov Wons a small business doing. Whisky held
firmly at 4G>£@4l in barrels, and SO In bhds.
mUK subscriber respectfully announces to the Ladles and
_g_ Gentlemen of Pittsburgh, that ho has recently en-ctal
aRIDING SCHOOL, which, in point of size, commodious
neaa and adaptation, undeniably excels any t-iinilnr estalfr
lUhmenl In iho Uuited States lu location is accessible
from all parts of the city, while Uh high and (dry situation
renders it especially suited to the promotion of health, by
this most agreeable exercise. The nurses are docile aud
well trained, and the proprietor pledges himself that no
pains or expense will be spared to nirke this establishment
’ the first in the confidence of the public. oct23:tf
LETTERS of administration on the estate of HENRY
UOTT3MAN, deceased, Into of this city, have linen
granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said
estate are required to make immediate payment. Those
Ravine claims will present tlu-in, duly authenticated, for
settlement. SAMUEL CUOI’ER, Grocer.
oct24:fitd Diamond. Pittsburgh.
received, r.t the corner • f Wood and Sixth
FUSSA MACKEREL, in bbls, half bid.-, quarters and kltts;
No 1 d<> *" “
“ SALMON, in bbls and kttts;
u • jo spiced,J>ut up iu K) lbs c:ms ;
•• CODFISH. tI , t
The above aroof this fall'e witching, and put up expressly
for family use. [oct24] W. A. M’CLUKO.
OOLEN LONGsilAWLd.—Just received, another
large assortment of Bay State, Empire State, and
other kinds of Woolen Long Shawls, of the newest and
most ■>'' lr “ bl ” W “ J C ° lom A A . MASON & CO.,
...120 25 HfUßtrtrt.
fNIIKESE—24 boxes W. R. Cheese, in store and {or aalehy
(~SUEESE— 600 boxes primw W. R. Cutting V b SlT , .^i rb *
j celved and for gale by HENRY H. CQLLLNB.
APPLES— IQ barrels for sabs by _ _.. Q
tTkyTNED SYKUPfi—oTbbl6 of variooe analltios, for sale
Xtby [oct2l! SMITM \ SINCLAIR.
UCKBTri —20 doieo Buckots;
6 “ Tubs; for sale by
(*"-fANI)LKS— 76boxe«~Moald «n«l Wpped Candles;
• ‘Hi “ Star Candles; for sale by
"niUN 400 bTt«h«l* Shell Coro, In store and for sale by
mAtt—loo bblff N. C.Tar, to arrive nod tor sale by
—okn 100 iitm Shell Ucrn In store «n<l for sale by
VSnEKS K— R. Cheese in stole and for sale bj
I OAt*— JiXJ boxes Rosin Soap for ■Jffjj’Z . _
mANKK"* dlt-SO bbl,
SUGARS— 76 iihdn prime N. O. Sugar;
30 bbls Ooflee Sugar;
25 11 Loafi lor wis bj •
“dieu man * Sinclair.
Motion for a Sew Trial.
of the »tea«aihlp Ijahel.
.V •>' -;'V
The River. — evening at dusk, there was twenty in*
ches water by the metal marks, and falling slowly.
The Qatter Bnlpe line to Wheeling has started *gtin. The
keel boat Martha Anderton arrived yesterday, and leaves
again on Wednesday, for Wheeling.
A Mr. Yanduzen, of Cin<’lnnati, has instituted sultagala»t
the steamers Americas, Minefield and ilaxel, for u*lng
[S single gate ban” for their (ire l»ed», the complainant
claiming their use an infringement of lib patent.
lYdghtt yesterday rated os follows ■ To tit. Louto and Ohio
river, pound freight, 75c 100. To New Orleans, pound
freight, $1,20 ** luO; bbl freight $3. To Memphis, pound
freight, |l «l 100.
The Bruit, KUa, Quaker City, Minerva, Empire and Belle
Golding, are loadingfor fit. Louis, and will leave to-day.
They are all new and'fine boats.
The Challenge and Kate Oasael are loading for Memphis
and Now Orleans.— Cin. 2 Bth.
Steamer Jefferson, Parkinson,Brownsville.
*' Luzerne, Bennett, Brownsville.
" Thomas Shriver,Hendriekßon, WoatNewtoa.
“ Gen. Bayard, Peebles, Elizabeth.
“ Jefferson, Parkinson, Brownsville.
“ Luzerne,Bennett,Brownsville.
“ Thomas Shriver,Hepdriekson, West Newton.
“ Gen. Bayard, Peebles,Elisabeth.
Pittsburgh and Cincinnati Line,
And Saint Looii.
MPk This Lnri is composed of wren
class powerful steamers,
for speed, splendor, safety
and comfort, and is the only TBaotTQQ dailt unor Btiaji
Pacuts on the Ohio river. It connects with the U. 8. MaS
Line of Steamers from Cincinnati to Louisville and Saint
Louis, by which passengers and freight are ticketed and re
ceipted through daily. Two new Steamers have been added
to the Line, which now consists of the following boats:
Days of Departure
Boole. Chptaiiu. frim Piltsburgh.
MESSENGER, No. 2. J. B. Davis. Monday.
ALLEGHENY Geo. M’Lais Tuesday.
CRYSTAL PALACE W*. J. Kouim. Wednesday.
PHILADELPHIA IL J. OftAca. Thursday.
PITTSBURG 11. H. Cumu. Friday.
PENNSYLVANIA Jso. Kunihltsil. Saturday.
Leave dally at 10 o'clock, A. &L, precisely.
No freight received after nine o’clock on the morning of
For particulars, apply on board, or to
Monongahela House Buildings.
Pittsburgh, 1863.
ua6* ci jsafy
THE FINK low press aw steamer TELEGRAPH, Captain
R. Ba&sow, will make two trips a week between Cleveland;
Port Stanley, and Port Barweil, as follows :
Leaves Cleveland for Port Stanley, every MONDAY and
THURSDAY EVENING, at7Js o’clock.
Leaves Port Burwell for Port Stanley at 1 o’clock.
Leaves Port Stanley for Cleveland every WEDNESDAY
and SATURDAY EVENING, at 7U o’clock.
The Telegraph connects at Cleveland, with the Cleveland,
Columbus and Cincinnati, the Cleveland and Pittsburgh,
the Lake Shore, and the Toledo, Norwalk and Cleveland
Railroads. Also connect at Port Stanley with the London
Line of Btageo, which connects wiih the Great Western
For freight and passage apply on board, or to BCOYTLL A
LAUDERDALE, Cleveland; S. F. HOLCOMB, Port Stanley,
or A. M'BRIDE. Port Barweil. mar27:tnov
For New Urltahi and Apalachicola.
TUE new and substantial sU-nm-T BEN
FRANKLIN, Captain Thomas Bait, will U*v»
the above ports, stopping at tL« principal
way ports, on the first rise of the rirnr.
For freight or passage apply on board.
Regular Wheeling packet.
Thu light draught rttanier HARTFORD,
WILLUM IIAZLSTT, WjJfSfflpHfh-r lilHke
trips lor the ab#c and lot- i
port*, leaving, very TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATUR
DAY. at 10 o’clock, A. M.
For freight or passage apply cn hoard, or to
For'Mew OrlTans, Galveston, Braxos ss»>
tlago, and Fort Brown, Texas.
Toe now and substantial steamer RANCH K-
James O’PsVNn.L, Waster, will leave for
above ao.l titteimedUt* porta with the
first rL»e in th* river.
For freight or paraace apply -n board. oct2;»
I HAVE the pleasure to announce to l bore who have L'nb
erto obliged me with their favors, and to my friend- and
the public generally, tbet, h iving a short tlmeucw relum
ed from the East with a Urge and very
superior STOCK OP goods FOR TUE
I am prepared to supply all orders on tetter terms than
formerly in ccnw'qnency of the immense loCux of Goode,
which, for the past few month? has burdened the Eastern
markft, and of the distrust revised to tbe credit system,
very important advantage.* wore offered to rash buyers; and
hence I Lave been enabled to purchase my Goods at a large
discount on their actual value.
My selection of plain Cloths and Cassimercft embraces
every grade, m>m tbe cnartwr and mnru substantial kind
adapted to the want- of laboring man, to the finer qualities
suitable for h -eaiUnien of fa«hinn, among which are some
Incapable of being Surpassed
In the ritnm. tcr ot the material and richnetsof the finish.
My tnury clmhs, rompruH every diversity of color—grwo,
olive green, iuvirible green, dark and light browns, olive,
brown, wicic color, and various shades OT blue. My fancy
Casfcimcrvti number forty different patterns.
My vesting* are of Silk, Woolen. Velvet, Plush and em
broidered Cloth, comprising the different styles now in fash
ion. My anAortuieiil of Cravats i* unusually large and varh
on*, all lately imported.
My department of BOY’S CLOTHING promises a much
more extensive selection than usual, in conseqaenee of the
large variety of material* that I have with which to supply
Mr. G KOIU3E A KMOR, who bolds a distinguished rank in
bin profusion, and needs do recommendation to the favor
of Pittsburghers, will superintend the Cutting Department.
His numerous friends wi!) plea so remember this.
In One, I flatter myself that I shall bo able to furnish
gnraments suitable for all dunes, fitted op in such a man*
tier, and on such Lams as shall disarm all com petition, and
.1 will therefore so lidt a call from all who are not wedded to
any particular house. 801AJM0N STONJiK,
<>ct±d*w4w No. SO Wood street.
Land for Sale
IOUL/ the Clarion river. This land is heavily timbered,
hap an excellent soil, and Is said to contain an abundance of
iron ore, and a thick vein of bituminous coal. The Venan*
go railroad, which will undoubtedly he built, will run very
near to it, if not directly across It. The MUlstown creek
runs through IL
Al>o, MX) acres In Elk county, well timbered and watered,
and 1) lug near the route of the Bnnbury and Erie railroad.
No butter Investment could be made than in these lauds.
The completion of the Banbury and Erie, the Allegheny
Valley, and the Venango railroads tbr-oph *fc-a. »wlun
.it) »»).. tk, coal, lumber, iron ore and soil, of great
value. Enquire of C. B. M. SMITH,
Attorney at Law,
f»b22:e*m:tf No. 147 Fourth street.
Law Snekst
I AM authorised to sell low seme vamauw x.« w Rooks.
10 vols. Pa. Reports, by Barr;
liouvier’s Institutes;
Oreenlit’Ca Evidence;
Wharton’s Digest, tasted.;
And ntb,r lUportv
6e pO( at the office of Morning Tost.
e^BlfX In
A IUO. A good bargain can be had by applying soon at
the office of the MORNING POST. jylgitf
A LOT 24 fret front on WYUK street, and extending
back 10® feet to Wide alley. On the back part of the
Lot is a Cellar Wall, built for iwo small House*. This Lot
is in a desirable location ftr a residence; and will be sold
low. and on favorable terms. Title good, and clear from
incumbrance. Enquire of OKO. F. GILLMORB,
j y l3 At Office of Morning Po*t._
l,bt _ for Sals.
A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 24 feet front on Carson street
br 100 feet in depth. In BinDiogfcpm, will be sold
cheap. Enquire of GKO. 9. GILLMOKK,
j T ig at office of the Morning Post.
Isaac Jones,
MANUFACTURER of spring and Blister Steel, Plough
Blab steel, steel Plough Wings, Coach and Eliptlo
Springs, Brass Nut Taper, half patent, Screw, Mail and
ilammered Iron Axles,—comer of Ross and First streets,
PittsbOTgh.Pa. rclStlr _
T. B. Young dt Co,
Vo. 38 SmiUifielo rfrreZ, opposite City Hold,
CUAIRS, or every description. Materials end work
manship warranted, and sold at rcdoced price-. Care taken
In pecking for land and water carriage. ___ au3l_
‘ " por Sale or Barter.
A LOT OF OttOUND on Craig Btreot, Atli'ghrny city, r>f
ZIV4 feet front, running buck to Isabella street, on
which ait! four Dwelling*, In good order .the rent bringing
t wo hundred and fifty dollar* yearly. They would bo os
chansred for a small Farm, or sold at a bargain,
octd TUOMAB WOODS, 75 Foi
pleton A Co. •
The Virginia Comedlaufl, or Old Days iu tlin Obi Douiin
ion : Edited from the MSS. of 0. Effingham, Esq.; * vols.,
paper cover* $l, cloth $1,60.
Chestnut Wood; a Tale: by Licit- Linden; 2 role; price
In paper covers $1,26, cloih 5i,76. ..... ,
Buflirfn: translated from ibo Fr-nch of the Marquis de
Custine; 1 vol., 12mo, $1,26
Katharine Ashton : by Mlw Sewell, anther of Amy Hep
bert Gertrude, Ac.; 2 voU.. 12m0., price $1 and $1.60.
Party Leaders; Sketches if Thomas Jefferson, Alexander
Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, Uenry Clay, John Randolph,
of Roanoke: Including notices of many other distinguished
Statesmen: by Jo. G. Baldwin; l rol., lfcno., $l.
Captain Oanot, or Twenty Yeara of an African Slaver;
being an account of hlfl Career and Adventures on the
Ooost in th« Interior, on Shipboard, and in the West In
by *'-^ ER * 00.,
„., 8 No. 82 Smithfield street.
r of Bulbs has arrived from Holland In fine condition,
composed of Uyaclntha, Tulip*, Crocus, Ac. The stock is
very large and varied, and offered at low rate*. Catalogues
bud Ih. warehouse, or »^^££eOP_
Young POLKS’ OLKE BOOK—This work consists of
over one hundred copyright song# and duetts, never
before harmoulzeJ, besides the choicest selection of airs,
(among which are many gems from the German andJtalion)
the whole nrranged in a familiar manner for first and second
■onrano, brnor and baas vole**, designed for the use ofsing-
Ibk ciaFs-'-B, glee clubs, and the social circle; by Charles
Jarvla. Price $l. A large supply of the above work just
r»ceivt«laDd tor rale by JOHN H. MELLOR,
Bl Wood street. ,
Ten thousand dollars stock of gold and
SILVER WATCHES, of the finest and medium quail*
ft* now fur sale at lees than regular Eastern prices, and
cheaper than ever offered In this market, at the corner of
Market and Fourth streets. Citizens and strangers intend
ing to natcha-itf, will find it to their interest to coll and ex
amine this Block. Abo, fine Jewelry. Silver Ware, Bp4cla
des. Pens, Tea Ware, Castors,Spoons. Lamps, Military
Goals, Ac., Ac. A large Mock. cheaper thanjelsewhere. ;
Watch repairing don* promptly, in the beet manner and
pricey W . WILSON, 67 Market street.
“ ■ 'i.
.'V .
-».. %■**• *a ' »*■•■■ %-v*\ ' . , .
-'* r,''-'***' . -
" ' >.♦* '■• '*.? V •
* *“'«*. OV•• * ~«£♦* *
■ ''-.'!‘.''Vv
- *Tk*
•' _ « ■
‘ - V V 4- •*
•. • v , t*■
T llit t t *
President —JOHN SHIPTON.
First Vice Pwidtul—Wu. 11. Skitb.
Second u *' Wm. R. Baoww.
&cretary~Yiu. S. Hates.
Treasurer— Jons D. Scuut.
SuptrinUndent—3. T. NoaTHAM, Jfl.
• Commit Let cm Arbitration far October. —\Tn.UAM H. Burro,
V. P., William Risckaet, Bcxjahjn Bascwell, William
Ru, 8. S. Betas.
Tuesday, October 31, 1864. J
There was more done yesterday in the general business
way, although the sales of Bacon and Flour were few. The
latter article Is rapidly approaching the high figure It at*
tained some six weeks ago. We note:
ASHES—SaIes 60 casks ImporLxlat %,4 moa.
BAOON—SaIw 3.600 lba sides Rt7V*. four mos; 0,000 Bw
shoulders and bams at G% and 11, cash.
BLOOMS—26 tons Lower Marir at $95, 6 mos.
COFFEE—7O bags Bio, In C lots, to the country, at 12c,
4 mos.
FISH—6 bbts No, 3 large Mackerel at $11,50, cash.
FLOUR—2O bbls superfine from store at sB,b7 ; 20 do do
at $8,76; 20doextrado at $9,12.
GRAIN—Corn—l,4OO bus shelled from depot at 76: 600
do Ear do at 77. Oats—B6o bos In lots from store at 65.
HOPS—6 bales No.l at 40c, eash.
MOLASSES—SO bbls Oak at 23c. cash.
SEEDS—IO bbls Timothy at $2,87, cash.
BUGAR—Bales 9 hhdsdully fair, In two lots, at Gets;four
WHISKY—SaIes 42 bbls Rectified in lots at 35; 32 do do
do at 30.
Puce of Hoot—An offer of $,25 $ cwL for I.ooofEt bogs,
payable on the Ist of January, with 8 fl cent, interest, has
been refused at Lexington, Ky. Several lots, however, have
been sold there at $4 gross, on time.
Auction—Dully Bales.
AT the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and
Fifth etreets,at 10 o’clock, A. M_ a genera) assortment
of Seaaonabls, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,Clothing, Boots
and Shoes, Hats, Capa, Ac.,
AT 2 O’CLOCK, P. M.,
Groceries. Queens ware, Glassware, Table Cutlery, Jtooklng
Classes, New aud Second Hand Household and Kitchen Fur
niture, Ac.,
AT 7 O’CLOCK, P. M.,
Books, Stationery, Fancy Articles, Musical Instruments.
Hardware and Cutlery, Clothing, Variety Goods, Cold and
Silver watches, Ac. P. M. DAVIS. 'Auctioneer. fja3l:tf
P. H. DAVIS, Auctioneer,
eteniop, NoTember 'i, at ~]4 o'clock, at the Merchant*'
Exchange, Fourth street— *
60 share* Citizen*’ Deposit Bank Stock;
60 " North American Mining Company Stock
lt)0 “ Adventure " “
*24 “ Pittsburgh, On. and Loulsv. Tel. Co. “
SO “ CJlixens 5 1 neuranre Company
M “ Western ‘ f
j DAY erenlng.Noveinber 2J, it o’clock, it the Mer
chant! Exchange, Fourth street, will be sold, by Order of
Dr. U. G. Kdringlon, Executor of & G. OochnQ, deefeeed, i
Ground Rent of $46 per aonam, payable eeml-annuailyjoD
the first days of April and October, leaning oulof property
No. US Diamond alley. P. M.'DAVIS, r
oc:3l Auctioneer.
j and TUESDAY eSenings, October 30t and 31at, com
mencing at 7 o’clock each evening, Mr. Pratt will close his
Seventeenth Annual Sale in this city, at tbu Commercial
Sales Rooms comer of Wood awl Fifth streets. Late flesh
arrivals hare biwu added to this extensive stock. Tbe b*
sortment now famishes to readers as great a variety of
cboi 'e Rooks as any to be had in this city, and all must be
sold to the highest bidder, to close the consignment.
ocl3o P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer.
lost, at 10 o’clock, at the waivhou** of Edmond Greer, No.
134 Water street, near Smithfi-ld street, will be sold, as he
Is declining bustne**, his entire stock of choice Wines, Li
quora, Ac. among which arc 34 bbls old rye whisky, copper
distilled ; 26 quarters and eighths Brandies, of the
beet import* ions and finest quality; an assortment of su
perior Champagne and other Wines; Holland Glu, Ac.
33 half chests Teas, prime qaality;
30 boxes and caddies Tobacco;
Ocflee, Spices, Starch, Castile Soup, Batting Buckets,
Brooms. Candles, Ijouisrille Lime, superior CnbCider Vine
gar, and a gonerul ussorlmeut of Groceries, Ac.
Also, superior stand casks, rectify tog apparatus, reeetving
tubs, large pump, iron s-if», office furniture, Ac.
The above hav e all been carefully selected for regular par
cba«ers, iiud will l*e found of tlie best qualities. Terms lib
eral. |ort2>i) I*. M. DAYIB, Auctioneer.
at 10 o'clock, at the Commercial Boles Rooms, corner of
Wood and Fifth rireete, will be >«ld the stock of a city Dry
Goods Store, now. being closed, wtopri-lng a large and de
sirable tu.-ortmeirt of Staple and Fancy Goode, «f the latest
styles and best quality, among which are french Merinos,
Kombazino, Ceuton Cloths, Debages, Co barge, Paramattas,
Alpacas, Rob Roy, Gain au-J California [Maids, Dress Silks,
Cashmeres, Shalieys, Silk Poplins. Bareges, Delaines, Ac.
Mueiins, Jacorifts. Swi * Crapes, Silk", Lares, Edgings, In
:icrtlnj>», Flouncing*. Luo-, I!-lkf*., Capes, Collars, Cb<inl
i**tte", Ribbons, Ac.; Cloths, C*>-sira-*re«, Tweeda, Vestings.
Unmbroon*, Jen ns. I'lanne I *, Linseys, Blankets, Shawls,
Merino Shirts and Drawers Ac.; Irish Linens, Table Linens
and Cloths, Nankens, Drills, Mu-slina, Diapers, Tickings,
Checks, Qottooade?, Merges. Velvets, Hollands,Drees Prints,
Ac , together with s g-in-rul arxertmeut of Fancy Goods.
oci£a P. M. DAVIS, AocUonver.
lUßsrr strict, ijrrwtr* tuiid *5l. vocbtii struts.
In «»r* tb* lioautiful of CirrX'A, CLASS
an«l yVEBXSWAKt-. now op-u at the abov** u*tebli»h
m*nt. Ouf goods being entirely new, we an* enabled to
offer Indnornenis In all the lalert styles of Dinner, Tea
and Toilet Warw, white iron-stone, we hare a great variety
Of aha pen: alto, gold hand an<l fancy colored stoneware
Tea and Toll*t seta. Our Mock of white Covered Dishes,
Soup Tureens, Vegetable Dishes without cover*, Salad
Dishes. and every article appertaining to a Dinner Set U
large and well selected. Dritannia Ware, Table Cutlery,
Spoons, Castors, Waiter*, toil House furnishing Goods, we
bare a large assortment.
COMMON WARK—Our stock of common Teas, Plates,
Dishes, bakers, Nappies, bawls, riichers, and every article
in the line Li large, and we are prepared to pack them with
or without fine good*, as the purchaser may wish.
Also, a targe assortment of all kinds of CLASH WARE,
which we are telling at manufacturers’ prices, all of which
are offered at wholeaale or retail, ly
Rlcelslor Carriag* Factory.
MAKKRB, corner of Rebecca and Belmonts! reets, Alls
gbeny city, Pa., hire on hand and are manufacturing no
i-xt.-nalve assortment of Carriage, Rookaways, Buggies,
Baggage Car*, Ac., inadu In all their various styles, with
strict regard to durability anl hoauty of finish, usini; in all
their work the test J unUta iron and ••astern hickory. Re
pair* attended to on tbcmosl reasonable terms. Tb--y fw?l
confident tliat tall who may favor them with their patron
age, will to perfectly satisfied on tiial A their work.
The Pittsburgh and Manchester Ouinibuaes pass every fif
teen minutosduriog the d*y. nrUlfiily
presh Htoek af Katana 4 Clark** pTauoa
HKLEBHR respectfully informs the
•public that he hw just returned front
the Eastern cities with tbaUrgestaod most
complete stock of PIANOS em brought U> « I • 1. ”
tnls city They are from the celebrated factory of Ncmrs A
Ctaait, New York, and arc warranU-d jrrfccl lo every re
spMTt. N.AU ’s Piano* bare received lh« first class ;>ri.-c
medals both in this country and Europe, and they aru con
sidered by the musical prolusion, and judges in general.**-
and uneqvvU’*- " f, “ ln . T “"
riahly Lo the suuu- as charged at the factory, without addi
tion. They ruuge from $2W> to $l,OOO. . ....
Also, a ch. i,lot of Duubam's well known and highly
cunular PI ANoa. Dunham's Pianos were among tne first
uml in thGoltv. and Uiey have kept up a moel enviable
| ♦*> ihle day for auperiority of tone, touch, and du-
I "The above lot or-mprises all styles and prices; and as every
Instrument offered for sale by the subscriber l« carvfully
and thoroughly examined by him, he can. In all case-, guar
antee to furn L-h purchasers with good, substantial and re
liable Pianos, i-nd el factory prices Person* in want of a
befurc buying cl-ewh*re. HKNKi KLKBr.K,
ixmrc uj fa for Nuon , * Clark’s Piano*.
Also Dunham’s Pianos,
No. 101 Thirl street,
t 24 Sign of the Golden Harp.
Old planns taken In exchange at thelrfull valne.
OP establi-hment of Surveyors General and of Land Offi
ces for file Territories of NEW MEXICO, WASHING
In panutcre of law, the President of the United Btatea
jWteJ that f>r llw prewnt th« t.llo.ioeeiriljJ, tbs
sites of the office* for the Surveying and Land Dtstnfcts cre
ate by acts p*«"«*d »t the late session of Congress, vit :
The office for the Surveyor General of New Mexico to be
located at Sajita Ke: and that for the Surveyor General of
Washington Territory at OLmriA.
The offices for the Register and Receiver for Washington
Territory also at Oltkpia; lho» for Oregon Territory at
rtatnoN City: tlu.wfor the Winona District, In Minnesota
Territory, nt Wixoxa; and those for Red Wing District, also
in Minnesota Territory, at R*D Winn.
Qiven under my hand, at the City of Washington, this
twenty-fourth da, ft Augu.t, A. D.
sens:lawf6w CommlsfliOTicrof the General Land Office. _
WIIKUKAS. Lu'ters of Administration, cum fosfamffjto
“So. on th. Btato of JACOB BUJ.TZNEB, UU, of Liverpool, ColumUolJO coony, Ohio, dvooomd, B»'»
boon grouted to t'i*‘ undersigned, hy the JiUgistor of the
County of Allegheny. All persons knowing tb«m*ly« tß
debted to wild Estate will molt.- imtnodinle payment to Uu
odereignod, and oil tim e having c-loims ogolnßt sold hs
,te will piwaeoi them, duly authentiraH'd. lu
FRANZ UOLTZEJIAN, Administrator,
East Liverpool* Columbiana couuTT, Oliio, or to
C. SfIALKR A CO.,XiB AttyV.,
No. 81 Fourth at, Pittsburgh.
WHFRRAS letters of administration to tho estate of
HT.N RY HPKRBKtt. late of Pirn* township, Allegheny
oonnty. deceased. have beexi granted to the subscriber. All
persons iiid-btM to the said estate, are requested to make
imumliute payment, and Oio-e (mrlo* data* or demand*
against the estate of the said decedent, will make knowu
tb« nnnit>, wllbnut JugaßAN a, Adm V..
ortlM.wdw Nojb WayneSL; Fittaburgh^
Fill nnti Winter flood. I
I bate now on hand:. lar s « -lock of Fall and Winter
Qooda. OTo,oo.tlnsA°feutlrelynewdo«k'n»; Ho,* V eat
tnas, of til. moat beautiful pattern.; French and bngliah
of arery atyl. and shade in the market, all of
which I will makn to order on the most reasonable terms,
and warranted to suit.
N«w Paper HMMffrnga-
Fine frencu and American parlor papers;
Panel Decoration* in gold, oak and marble;
ii,n p« M rB. of various styles; . .
iSd .nd P l * lll FtPO'' dining rooms and chambers;
Cheap and tow,prired Wall Papers;
Itanium. QelU"g»? Figures, W Indow shades.
A line nod oompleto assortment of the aboTe, Kelcrted
fnAKJon, will be «bl frJgß,^
fiieaml>oot Furniture »nd Chalrn.
MBICDAIRS. 0f KTery description, riz.
|T| Extension Dining Tables;
* Do Bar do;
laodics Cabin Chairs, of rariow styl”.
Gent*. tlo 4° K*.
BUte Room do <l° at> *
Do Toilet Boxes;
TetnaTete,; Tables.
IhTana: , r*rd do;
. Wash stands; >ryS*«.Ac-Ac
JSSnSW--* w|SSfaafiSE
33 gmithfleld st, opposiU Gty HoUL.
■- . • V SW-
Foreign Wines, Brandies, Cordials, Cigars, fcc.,
HAS just received the following articles from New York
and Philadelphia, selected personally, with great care,
from the different Custom Houses, which are offered tor
•ale at as low rates as any in the trade, if not lower:
1 quarter cask eery old M. C. Brandy, vintage 1623:
6 “ Leges Freru’s Cognac ;
6 “ Maglory
5 “ Old Cbmpagne 4< J
6 half pipes Pinei, CastiUon A Co.’s Cognac;
6 eighth “ I>ger Frere’s State Brand;
S *• “ Old Plastered Head, very rnperior fur hotel*
and restaurants;
& quarter •* Lafayette Cognac;
2 half “ “ “
5 quarter “ Otanl, Dupuy k C 0.,)
3 half “ A. Seignette Pale, > Rochelle Vintage.
2 « “ “ Dark, j
20 barrels Wild Cherry Brandy;
13 M Blackberry “ (very superior;)
16 “ Ginger “
3 •* Raspberry “
10 “ Old Peach *•
6 quarter caskß Porn Juice Particular;
6 u “ Sandeman’s Port;
6 “ “ Barmelster’s unrivalled Port;
“ Osburns* 1834, of great celebrity for its
medical qualities;
“ Old London Dock t
6 quarter casks Portilla Amber Bberry ;
3 “ ** Old Pale Cortes “
“ Choice Old Golden ••
“ Lobo
“ very old Amontillado Sherry;
“ Duff Gordon, brown, “
12 quarter cask* Dry Malaga;
10 “ “ Sweet **
4 “ “ Teneriffe;
G “ “ Lisbon.
60 baskets Charles Ueldsleck;
60 “ Double Grape;
V> “ Double Crown;
26 “ Anchor;
25 '* Mum k. Co., in pints and quarts
100 cases St- Julien, long cork ;
60 “ BC Estep be;
25 “ Chateau Latour;
25 “ “ Lafltte;
25 “ Medoc.
2 hogsheads Old Jamaica;
1 “ Antigua;
1 St. Croix;
10 barrels New England.
1 puncheon Bushmill’* Malt;
1 “ Jamison’s Dublin Malt;
1 ** Btewarfs, of Paisley, “
1 “ Islay, 6 years old, “
100 barrels Old Monongaheia Rye Whisky, from 1 to 7 years
old—a choice article.
P. M. DAVIS, luct’r.
2 pipns Metier Swan ;
2 naif pipes Boblon’e Anchor
1 “ Pish.
00 cases Hautern Wines, assorted;
10 “ Extract D, Adsyolbe;
10 “ Orange Curaooa;
0 “ Maraschino; ’
100 “ Stoughton Hitters;
10 barrels Muir A Sou’s Sparkling Edinburg Ale;
10 “ Harvey’s strong (b dos.eteh,l
10 “ Jeffrey’s «• « J
H “ Rutherford's •• «
b “ Tennet’s •• •>
10 “ Barclay A Go’s celebrated London Brown Stout;
100 dozen Demijohns, assorted;
12 large and small Pocket Willow Flask*;
76 nests Cedar Ware, assorted.
60.000 Havana Regalia Cigar*, assorted brand?;
100,000 Fanny Keler “
30,000 VerJahra “
25,000 Chirchana * **
25,000 Programa “
25.CKW El Neptune •'
20,000 Eagle Regalias u
10,000 Steamboat Prindpees.
All the above In store and for sale low, either wholesale
or in quantities to suit, by R. L ALLEN,
q-tkQ-.t'.m No. 6 Wood *tr«;t.
Beautiful and Valuable Property for
Sale at Public Auction,
EAR MANCHESTER, part of the Estate of the late
In James Adams, Esq., on SATURDAY, the 11th
day of November, at 2 o’clock, P. M-, on the premise*.
1 have be«n authorised by the.owners, residing in a dis
tant State, to offer for sale, at public rendu*. 30 most de
rirable Building Lots, adjoiuing the be rough of Manchester,
pa't of the above estate, each 24 feet front by 100 feet deep;
one tier of them fronting on Market street, which is 00 feet
wide. These Lots have a fine Tiew or the Ohio river and
adjacent scenery; are near the Plank Hoed, snd in a very
deiightfut and desirable neighborhood, and will be sold on
quite reasonable terms.
Persons purchasing a block of four or eight Lots, could
have a country home, with all the advantages of the city,
at a moderate price. Title is unexceptionable, and one or
the very best about the city. For other particulars applr
Real Estate and European Agent,
octlH cor. Seventh and Hmlthileld sta., Pittsburgh,
will offer for sale, at public auction, on MONDAY, the
13th day of November next, at the Rooms of the B»«rd if
Trade, ail that valuable Lot of Gr uod on the comer of
Penn street and the Market House Lot, In the Fifth Ward,
36 feet front by 100 feet deep. This piece of property is
attention Of DCXSOtu ibuww aT • r '~cn »»
for investment- TCIe unexceptionable. Apply to
.D. v. } .uxston a. min
Communion Ware.
TMXKARD9, Cups, Plate*, Baptismal Bowls, Ac., just
opening. Also, Uritiania To* Ware. Cariors, German
Silver and Plated Bpcons, Forks, Ac. Tea Knives, Butter
Knives, Uunp*. Ac.
Watches and Jewelry, in laige variety, and Tory low
prices; Gold Pens, Spectacles, Pencils, Canes, Ac.
Watch repairing done in a superior manner, and warrant
ed. Jewelry repaired and made to order. Emblems, Seals,
and Regalia manufactured. W\ W. WILSON,
octlT comer of Market and Fourth streets.
Watch Trade.
\\y j£ invite the attention of dtlsens and strangers toour
ff large and carefully selected stock of Watches and
Clocks; Railroad Time keepers, in gold and silver case?;
real Chronometers for the pocket, warranted Dot to vary
a minute in six months; Patent Lever Watches, sl2
to $220; a large assortment of good common or low priced
Watches, both in gold and silver cases. 'Also, Railroad
Station Regulators, Office Clocks, Church Clocks, Ac.
Watch lUHnota.—We do Watch Repairing in a man
ner not excelled, If equalled, by anv MtabU«hment in the
_eepl3 comer of Market and Fourth streets.
C. B, Headly A Co.,
CHEAP CARPET WAREHOUSE, Xb. t>2 Third street ,
near Market , would respectfully inform their friends
and the public generally, that they bare now In store their
complete F'ALL STOCK, consisting of CARPETS of every
description, from the lloyal Velvet and Brawls, to the com
mon Ingrain. Hemp and Rag. Floor Oil Cloth, from one
in eight yards wide, new designs end very rich. Cocoa and
Canton Matting, Druggets, Ruga, Mata, Stair Rods. Window
Shades, Ac. Persons in want arc invited tq call and exam
ine their stock. Steamboats, Hotels, and Residences furn
ished on the most reasonable terms.
0““Small profits and qnlck
Hew Stock of Cblckerlnc*i Pitnoi<
I JOHN H, MKLLOB. 3 Wood street
stock, of Piano Fortes, firom theeelebra
\J 8 C \J Utrd oamuactory of ChJckerinz A Sons, Bo*
ton, consisting of alt the newest styles of 6, <$V A and 7 octavo
instruments, in richly carved and plain Rosewood and
Walnut Casas, and with all their lato Improvements.
Purchasers can have a choice out of the largest stock of
Piano Fortes ever brought to the city. Prices invariably
inr tam« •>« lu lto*ton, without addition for transportation
or risk, and every instrument warranted.
Also, a large tot of Ptano Stools, of various patterns.
MKLODEONS.—A fall supply of Carhart’s Melodeong, at
$45, $66, $75, SIOQ and $l5O each. For sale by
Sole Agent tqt Chlckering k Sous’ Pianos, for Pittsburgh
and Western oct4
ousei and Lota for Sole*
WILL be sold at private tale, THREE IIOUSES AND
LOTS. One Brick Honjw.eltaatedon Ferry,between
Fourth and Liberty atreeta; Lot 20 feet front by 79 feet
Also, one Lot and two Houses, on Logan street, Sixth
Ward. One Hoorn fronting on Logan street, and the other
on Carpenter’s alley; Lot 24 feet by 100.
Also, the stand l now occupy, on the comer of Ferry and
Water streets, the lease runotnz oneyear from let of April,
.866, with the Furniture, Bedding, Ac. The House at pres
int Lb doing a good business, ant is pleasantly 'orated.
For terms and further particulars enquire of
corner of Ferry and Water streets.
lIIAVK sold my interest in the business of Loo?, Miller
A Co., to B. A. Lodz, who, with John Phillips, will con
tinue at the old stood, Fo. 109 Front street. I cordially
recommend the new firm to the patronage of my friends.
Pittsburgh, July JS, 1864. P. IL MILLER.
S. A. LOKG * CO.,
Beil and brass founders, and oas fitters,
inrite attention to their stock of Chandeliers, Brackets,
Pendants, and other fixtures. We fit up houses with Oas
and Steam, make Brass Castings of ail kinds to order, fur
nish Railroad Pumps and Tank Fittings, and keep Anti-
Attrition Metal constantly on hand. jy?.l
C. D. Wood,
AND LIQUORS, No. 147 North Second street, fifth door
above Race, east side, Philadelphia, has on band the beat
qualities of old Brandies, Wines. Irish Whisky, Monouga
hela Whisky, Holland Gin, Cordials, Ac, on terms worthy
the attention of purchaser* and dealers. _ [au'JOy
Baths—Hot, Cold, and Shower.
IN the fitting and furnishing of which nothing has been
spared to render bathing luxurious as wall as healthful.
Are open every day, (Sunday’s excepted,) from 5 o’clock, A
M , uotil 10 P. M.,at the Barber Shop, Perry Hotel, corner
of Hancock street and Duquesne Way.
jm2o JOHN WOODSON, Proprietor.
"CimmioUi's Loan Office,
Monoy loaned on Qold and Silver Watches, Silver* at
aud oth-r valuable articles. aultidly
Wm. Olgby, Jr.,
Fifth street, FiUfbtcroh. —Clothing made to order, In
pood i»tyle, and at moderate rates. aufttf
No Humbug<
I will not be distributed at ROGERS A CO.’S Star Dn
cuerreotype Gallery, Filth atreot, opposite Mason’s, but
upon the payment of $1 you can procure as good a LIKE
NESS as can be procured in this or any other city. Call
and give us a trial.
* Mineral Water and Sarsaparilla.
WIL D. ENGLISH, Pitt street, below Penn, is now
manufacturing and bottleiag the above beverage* on
an extensive scale. Ilia articles are of the best quality, and
manufactured from the purest materials. oct!7:ly _
A. Bargain for fluiKfictnreri,
19 OFPKRKD, tn D«m N0.4,0n BJg Bearer
river, constating of IS abares of Water Power, and 100
Lota. The Water Power i » one of the best in the county.
n u» u... - ■« * « M i H b sgi , B "- w a?«r of
76 Foorth street
YValter P. BftribaUt
TMPORTKB and iDealer in French and American Paper
* Htnirlgg* ittara
And a fall assortment of French Working Cotton,
Linen and Cotton Flosa, Crotchet Cotton, Stamped Collars
and Band*, Embroidering Silk*, in all colon; Hoops for
Embroidering, and ererjtning else In that line, at
. YAK GOKDEB’B Trimming Store,
octl6 No. 83 Market street, corner of the Diamond.
HOB SALK—A floe bouso and lot on Penn street, nor
P Pitt, for tale at a low prioa. Enquire of
oettO IHOMIB WpODS, T 6 Fourth street.
Conaamptlvws Rstdl
UYGEANA, or Nevly Discovered Method tf hdmlationj-*
This most wonderful article la destined to prod ace an entire
revolution In the treatment of all diseases of the lungs.
Accounts are daily received from Clergymen other per
sons of the highest respectability, of cases of cures hereto
fore considered Incurable of Asthma, Bronchitis Coosnmp
ti-.-u, aud all DiM-iihea of the Lungs, 6y DR. CURTIS*
UYGKANA. Read the following:
Dr. Russell, Postmaster of Burlington, N. Y-, aays: '’“Send
a down more Hyguana; it is workiog wonders her* la
disease* of the lungs. I beligye it will care any diseases
not In the very last stages, aud even then is price!*** to
lb** rest and comfort it Is sure to give the sufferer. * I am
willing,’ said my neighbor, ‘to purchase a package a week
for my daughter; it give* her perfect rest. Xdo not expect
her to live.’"
lltucana ut Mai.vz.—J. H. Gaubert, Pcetmaster of Rich
mond, Main*, writes us: <( The Hygeana la doing wondefi
here. My sister has bad a distreaalog cough, with great
difficulty df breathing, for years. She wore the Inhaler and
took the Cherry Syrup r or a few days before she was re*,
licved, and now, after one monih’s.UM of It, her cough is
Wf*U. Dr. Curtis' new system of Inhalation must produce
an entire revolution in the treatment of diseases of the'
lungs. There is no mistake, it Is truly a wonderful dis
The Rev. Mr. Curtis says t “It is sow eight days rinee
my daughter put on the inhaler and commenced using the
Hygeana, and it has already done more for her than all the
medical faculty have been able to do for the l—* two years.
The irritation and tickling sensation in the throat Is
and with it the rough. She sleeps well."
gold at DR. KEYSER’B Drug Btore, No. 140 Wood street,
corner Virgin alley and Wood street. [oet&dawSm
[ From .he Pittsburgh Daily Dispatch, Jkfc.16,1853.J
Chest Exp*nders~-SbiOmlder Braeti.~Aa
Excellent Article.
Persons who have acquired a stooping position, by follow.
ing a sedentary occupation, will experience great relief by
the use of the *• Washington Bu*pender Brace," made and
sold by Dr. KEYSKR, corner of Wood street and Virgin
alley. It answers for a brace and suspenders, the weightof
the pantaloons is so placed as to continually tend to bring
the shoulders to their natural position, and expand tha
chest. We purchased one some time ago, and have been ao
pleased with iu, that we unsolicited gave it a “puff," gratis.
Women, hundreds of whom are annually injured by the
weight of enormous “skirts," ihimil dun procure «
braces. Bo particular iu procuring the kind mentioned, as
many of the Braces sold are humbugs.
Sold wholesale and retail at tha Drug Store of GEO. H,
K EYSER, No: 140, comer af Wend riroet and Virgin alley.
tM' Sign of the Golden Mortar.
N. B 1 also keep evary witriy at Trasses, Supporters
Body Braces, Pile Props, Baade Stockings, Suspensary
Bandages, Ac. *o2laUw .
Curw In Cholera.
A CARD—Citizona of Pliitoudk you have among you
one of the most terrible dieaaaM known the rVifrrir Al
though so fatal, as it usually proves, it is nevertheless
promptly and easily curabla, by a proper remedy; invaria
bly so in its earlier stages, seldom otherwise even after
oollapte has taken place. By twenty-two years’ acquaint
ance with this disease I am enabled to afford you
Which you will find In my
Erery/tzmt7y should get it at ones, keep It on
Every perwn in fact should have it within roach, *»d Im
mediately it on the first disturbance of the bowels.
The relief it gives is prompt and effectual. Use It with con
fidence, even in (he later stages.
Pull directions for treating the fli—■» accompany it.
For sale by GEORGE H. KEYBER, No. 140 Wood street,
Pittsburgh. [sep2l] 8. 8. FITCH, Broadway. N. Y.
A Physician's Opinion of my Shoulder
D* Laxc, editor of the Cbamberaburg TVowcrfpt, under
date or September IS, 1554, In speaking of theee Braces,
p-ivf : Our frfend, Dr. GSO. H. KEYBER, submitted to our
inspection a very fine specimen of the “Washington Sus
pender Brace," manufactured and sold by him at the corner
of Wood street and Virgin alley, Pittsburgh. It serves
admirably tbe purposes for which it is intended, Is light:
and easy, aud altogether free from the objections f
to tho many other Braces in general use. It is an excellent
Suspender, while at the same time it preserves the shoul
ders in a healthful position, without at all restraining the;
natural movements of the body. Tbe Dr. will send them,
by mail, free of postage, to any part of the Union.
801 l wholesale aud retail at DR. KEYSES’S, 140 Wood:
street, comer of Virgin alley. [oet3:dew
PrcprMon »f ITlaa.’ Lira PUU-
Whnlcsale Druggists ami Dealers m Intent Medicines ,
Comer Fourth and Wood streets, Pittsburgh.
V Jayne’s Aiteratire:
“ Carminative Balsam:
« Hair Dye:
- Expectorant;
“ Sanative Pills:
“ Hair Tonic:
xnatax’s Balsam of Wild Cherry;
Bryant> Pulmonary Balsam;
Ilocfiand’e German Bitter*:
Holland do -- - - - •
Ho?tette,V Stomach do
Merchipw’ Uterine Cathollcon':
Storms’ Scotch Cough Candy;
Price’s • do;
Thom's do;
Howe’s do;
Otrcod’s iiHiia Chc-lagogne;
Mi-re*’* Invigorating Cordials ,
Tyler’s Gum Arabic Drops;
Harrison’s Hair Dye;
PhaloD’s do
Batchelor's do
McMonn’s RHxir of Opium;
BryantV Purifying Extract;
Dailey’s Pain Extract;
Brown's Essence of Jamaica Ginger;
McAllister’s do do:
Kidder’s lndellible Ink;
Payson’s do do;
Amhold’s do;
Dr. Curtis’Hygeana;
Lyons* Kathairon;
David’s Lilly White; s
Bazin’s do;
Tobias’ liniment;
Hunt’s do;
Allen's Nerve and Bone Liniment;
Mexican Mustang do;
Farrei's Arabian do;
Gardner’s do;
Barrel's Indian do;
Carter’s Spanish Mixture;
Barne’s Pile Lotion;
Meen Fun;
Scarpa’s Acoustic Oil;
Merchant’s Gargling OH:
Ruahton, Clarke A Co.’s Cod IJ Mr Oil;
McAllister's Ointment;
Bings’ Itch do;
Trask's Magnetic Ointment;
Jodkin’s do;
Swaim’s Panacea;
Hoack’e do;
Sargant’s Infant Panacea;
Perry Dari*’ Pain Killer;
Ayerr Cherry Pectoral;
Ilongbten’s Pepsin;
Bier's Petroleum;
McLane'* Celebrated Llrer Pills
Bmndreth’s do
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills
Lee's Anti-bilk)us do;
Sarsaparilla Blood do;
Bren's do;
Swaynes’ Extract Sarsaparilla Blood ills
Jayne's Anodyne Cough do;
Townsend's Health do;
Jew Darid's Plasters:
Shoemaker’s do;
Dr. Newman’s do;
Bad war’s Beady Belief;
Morris Remedy;
Prof. Wood’s Hair Bastorattre;
Emerson’s do;
Ball's Sarsaparilla;
Townsend's do;
Sand’s do;
Onysott's Extract Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla;
Wolff’s Schiedam Schnapps;
Soap, CleaTer’n Honey;
« Highly Scanted Brown Windsor
“ Mask;
Lodi am’fl Specific;
UcLaoe's Sudorific Cough Syrup;
Tyler’s Gum Arabic do;
Sellers* do;
Swayue’a Syrup of Wild Cherry;
Smith's Tonic Syrup;
Barry's Tricophorous;
Norwood’s Tincture of Varatrum Vlrlda;
McLftne’s Celebrated Vermifuge,
Dr. Locock’s Pulmonic Wafers;
Thompson’s Rye Water;
Agents for all of Dr. HcCliotock'j Family
Dr. Needham's Breast Pumps;
Water's Auaospherle Breast Pampa;
Gum Elastic do do
Evenlag Clmi in HuthemtUei.
IN the Mathemetieal Department of Doff ’a College, jousg
men are taught Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigo
nometry, Mensuration, Surveying, Ac. Great pains will be
taken to give tbe most congee and practical methods of cal
culation. 'We have recently discovered anew plan for Long
Division, the Square Boot, Ac., by which the nssal labor u
abridged more than half; alro, several abbreviations in
Multiplication. These principles arc general, and will ap
plv to any problems. Class meets every evening, except
Saturday. Hours, 7 to 9, P. M. Terms, $lO per half so
“n. P. HAYDEN, A.
c -t2(> Professor of Mathematics.
Dnff'i College.
Classical and mathematical department.—
Hour- and terms per session of 20 weeks, payable by
the half sefrion, in adraoce:
Regular Day Class in Latin. Greek, Mathematics, 9
to 12. A. M.,aod 2to 4, P.SL,S2Q. Evening Claaein Math
ematics. 7t09, P. M.. $2O. French and German, 9tn 12, A.
M., and 2 to 4. and 7 to 9. P. M n s2o. Ladies’ Class in
Mathematics; Wednesday, 4t06, P. Saturday, 9to 12,
A.M., $U>. No pains or expense will be spared to make
this department of the College worthy of patronage,
octll P. HAYDEN. A. M-, Principal.
Penmanship, Mercantile and Steamboat
Tiie day and evening classes of Durrs col
lege are open for the reception of student*.
Dally Lectures on Mercantile Law and Commercial Sci
ences. . oetft
Hammetk Light,
mj produced at CARGOES New Gallery, No. 76 Fourth
street, by bis la-ge and improved Sde a&d Sky
Lights; by which Likenease* of Children are in*
in a few seconds,and Adults In any weather.
WETf Miniatures set in locket*—Daguerreotypes copied.
Rooms open day and evening. anf
THOSE who want Boy’s Clothing would do V'll to call
at RAI.LAHAN*B Bazar, 24 Fifth street. His goafiTSr
Men’s Wear are splendid. GiTe him a chance. No charge
for showing poo is. , eepli
John W. Butler A Co.,
Firwardino and COMMISSION
Dealer* in all kinds of Pittsburgh Manufactures, Lead
Ftp, Had Short ’LaA, 67 Front rtieet. [upM
PIANO FOR HUNT.—A good «!t wm« mdMwpay «■
Piano for rent, at the old established Piano Depot ®f.
octal No. 118 Wood stmei.
• »w*. * 5 s^l**
-■ iV'".
'S'* ,
; y „
■ ---n- aj I ~
piTTttDtn, ct. trou mb raw ongins.
An Air Lin Bwu frwn Chieuo to St, Idnii.
CHICAGO DAJLY(3«odajrexeepk<l)
A on arrival of Exproaa Train of MiehWan Boutbsrn aa t
1] . 11 .n. 1 .
Ist. BT. LOUIS DAY MAIL. 5;20. A. M
Trains run through to St. Louis In fourteen hour*, via
Bloomington, fyringfirid and Alton, wiftoul change of ears
err baggage, connecting at Alton with drily line of Packet ■
for Hannibal, Quincy and Keokuk, and at 8t Loots with
and intermediate points on the Mississippi,and with rogitiar
lines of steamer* for Kansas and Gowned Blots.
Baggage checked through to St Loris, ox Michigan Cen
tral and Southern Trains, and at tha depot in Chicago.
K. p. HOLLISTER, Chicago,
General P»meager Agent.
RICHARD P. MORGAN, Jx, SuperinUndent
Through Ticket* to St. Loois, hr this route, can be
obtained in PitUburgb, at Offices of Cleveland and Pitts
burgh and (Milo and Pennsylvania Railroads. fsep2T^m
Ohio aad PeuMylvaria Railroad.
fTI&E shortest, quickest and cheapest rout* to Toledo, Chi
ULkvKLAiyp* Qriena, and St. Louis, is VIA
This route is one bandied miles shorter »"4 about eight
hour* qufckar to Chicago, than tbe circuitous one VIA IN-
Throe Daily Trains between Plttebuzghand Cleveland.
Four Daily Trains between Cleveland and
Tine to Cleveland yix hours, Qticago iwenty-two hours,
and BL Louis thirty-seven hours.
Trains for Cleveland leave Allianoe at TAB, A. IL 12.00,
end 690 P. M, connecting at Hudson with Trains for
Friljand Akron.and arriving In Otovaland at
10.00, A. BL, 120, p. U.. and 8.20, P. H.
The Trains of tha Ohio and Penna. Ballitud, leave Pltte
bnrgh at 3.00, A. B.OO, A. M., aad 380, pTlt; arrive in
Qeveland at 10 00, A. 2J20, P. il, and 8.20, P. Us con
necting there with through Trains for Toledo, <Rde«n. Rock
Taland and SL Louis. •
Pawngersfor Toledo, Chicago, Bt-Louis and the North
west, leaving Pittsburgh on either of the morning or after
noon Trains, by going VIA CLEVELAND, wUTarrive In
Chicago one Train in ,advance of those who go via Mase
field or any other route. Time rained by cohut via Cleve
land, right hours.
Pe*ecngers going to St Louis or any other print west
of Chicago, will make the closest connection* and quickest
time by taking the 8.00, A BL, Train from Pittsburgh.
Passengers by this Train (via CleTolaad) reach 8t Louis on
tbe evening of the following day. -
The Trains from Cleveland to Toledo and Chicago run as
follows: Leave Cleveland at 6.00 and BJO, A 2AO and
P. M; arrive in Chicago at A 45 and ILOO, P. M~ 5.30.
A M. and 12.00 M. • ’ *
Trains leave for Rock Island and SL Lonto as follows :
Leave Chicago at 8.20, A. M. and 9.30, P. M.
Passengers for 8L Louis go over Rock w(*ro*d tc
JoUcLand thence over the Chicago and Mississippi
to Alton, and thence by Steamboat (23 miles) to St. Loolw.
Passenger* by the 8.20, A. M., Train arrive In SL Louis at
11-20 same evening, and by the 9.30, P. Train at soon
next day.
Baggage checked through to Cleveland, saJ there re
checked for Chicago and St. Lottie.
Ist CLASS. Ihv 2*9 CLASS.
To Alliance——42 30 To 4ll 50 9 60
Cleveland...... 4 00 La Salle...—. 14 60 12 60
Toledo 6 00 Rock Islands 16 60 13 60
Detroit .... 6DO SL Louis.. 19 60 U6O
Passengers are roaoeriod to procure their ticket* at tbe
ofiea of the Company, In Monongaheia Bouse, third door
briow the corner. J. DURAND, Sap*t Cleveland.
J. A. CAUGHXY. Agent,
THE MAIL TRAIN will leave every morning(Shhdays
excepted) at 7 o’clock, stopping at all the nnlsr eta
tiona,and-arririsg in Philadelphia at 12 o’clock,. P M..
THE FAST TRAIN will leave Pittsburgh drily (except
Sunday.) at 1 o’clock, stopping at Greetwhorg, Intro be,
Blalraville, LockporL Johnstown. Wihnore. OallMsen, Al
toona, Ac, arriving In Philadelphia at 4 o’clock, the neat
morning. *
THE EXPRESS TRAIN will leave every evening
at 9:30 o’clock, stopping only at Irwin’s, Dreensbargh,
Latrobe, milride, Johnstown, Lllley's, GaUltsen, Altoona,
connecting at Harrisburg with tb* train for Baitl
more, and arriving in Phfladripfeiaor Baltimore, at
noon. ,
THE ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave evetv afleT
noon (except Sunday) at SJO o’clock, stopping at au regu
lar stations, and running only as far as BtaimiDe.
(except Sunday,) at 11 o’clock, A. atop ping at all sta
tions, and running only as far a* Brinton’a.
RETURNING TRAINS arrive in Pittsburgh. Pint Ac
commodation arrive* at 8 o’clock, A. M. Exproaa, 1, P. M.
Second Avcommodation,,P.M. Mail 12A0,P.H. Put
Line, 2.20, A M.
Faro to New York.slo^o; Pare to Philadelphia,sB; Para
to Baltimore, $B. fare to Bedford Springs, $5,70.
Baggage checked to all stations on the Pennsylvania Rail
road, and to Philadelphia and Baltimore.
Passengers purchasing tickets in can, will ba charged tea
exarea in addition to the station rates, except from stations
where tbe Company have no Agent.
No notes of a less denomination than five dollars will ba
< ’ ,CT ' ,t tb °* e ima * l bTtb *
NOTICE.—In care of loss, Aha Company will hold
themselves responsible for personal baggage only, and for
an amount not exceeding $lOO.
N. B. —The Excelsior Omnibus Use has bees employed
to convey passengers and baggage to and fromlbe Depot, at
a charge not to exceed 15 cents for each passenger, and
16 eent* for each trunk.
Por tickets, apply to J. MEBKIMEN, Agent,
At tho P. R. R. Passenger Station, on liberty st.
Pittsburgh, July 6th, 1864—jjeT
Haw Amanant c
MAIL TRAIN leaves PiUxfcnrgh at 8 AK; dines at Alii
ance; takas fese at-Cnaffiae. and. make* a close con
nection there irtthAfest Pipims Trafn, reaching CSnctn
nati about 12 o’clock at night.
EXPRKBS TRAIN leaves Pittshnrgh a* 8 o’clock, P. M.,
after the arrival of the Express train from Philadelphia,
and readies Crestline at 11*80 P. oonnecting with the
Night ttxpreas irhkh reaches Cincinnati in the morning.
Connections are made with the Ohio and Indiana, and
BeUbntaioe and Indiana railroads for Da; ton, Indianapolis
and towns in Indiana. _ __
Connections arc made with Cleveland* MooroeviDe. San
dusky, Toledo, Detroit and Chicago with Bneyrna, Upper.
Bandnsky, Ponat, and the towns on the Mad Diver Boad.
Also, with Mount Yernon, Newark, ZsnesTiUe and towns
on the Mansfield road. ' i
Pare to Cincinnati $7; to IndianapolissB; to Dayton
to Toledos 6; to Colombo*. toZaneerfSe $5,10; to
Cleveland $4. Through tickets to Loularflle at redneed
m at/. TRAIN leaves Crestline at 2L30, A. St- on the ar
rival of the Night Express Train from Ctoefaingd, end
Pittsburgh at 10 A M, and 6 PM, and Ner Brighton at 6 *
AX,and 1.16 P M. -
JRSIOHT TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at 7 AM, and 8 PI
M-, arrives at 4.30 A M, and 4J30, P M.
49- Tbe Trains do not ran on Sunday.
49* Tickets or further information, apply at the ticket
offices of tbe Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company, of
J. G. CURRY, at tbe corner office under the Monongahels
House, Pittsburgh, or of
GEORGE PARKIN, Tleket Agent,
Federal street Station.
JOHN KELLY, Passenger Agent.
PeHniylTanlt HkllrMd*
SUMMER TARIFF between Pittsburgh, Philadelphia end
Baltimore; commencing April Ist, 1554.
jpirxi Clast —Broom*, Cedar and Wooden Ware, Feathers,
Furniture, second hand, Furs, Pianos, poultry; Wines, in
baskets or boxes: 75 cents ?1100 lbs.
Second Clou—Dried Fruit, Beeswax, Deer Sklna, Clover
and Timothy Seed, Glassware, Hardware, Bags, Wool and
Sheen-Pelts, and Eggs: COc. 100 Tbs.
Third Clou—Bacon and Pork (loose,) Butter, In firkins,
kegs or bbls; Hides, Leather, Soap, WindowOlas, and Cot
ton, uncompressed: toe. VlOO Bs. .. ■' . _ ,
JbwrtA Clou —Alcohol, Bacon fin casks or Boxen,) BarW
and Malt, Beef and Pork, Candles, Cheese.Xard and L* ru -
Oil, Hemp, Whisky, Cotton, (compressed,) Deaf Tofeac<-v
40c, Jt 100 Ibe.
Flour 80 cents 11 bbl. •
Merchant Tailor.
JOHN LAUGHLIN, formerly foreman tor Ifc B. Stoner,
would respectfully announce to his friaods snd the
pubUe generally, that be has rented and newly fitted up
the fine stand lately occupied by Messrs. J.B- A C. las. No.
89 Market street, between Second and Third, where he is •
. prepared to make to order G KXTtIMKN’B CwtlilM in
the most stvle. Having himself a«ve* a regu
lar apprenticeship to the trade, and being apracdoal cutter,
he therefore flatters himrelf that he can turn out .garments
not to be surpassed lu workmanship or style in tms cc any
other city in tbs Onion. ... ,
Having just returned from tbs east, be,baa a targe as
sortment of the most fashionable Goods, in hisune, ever
brought to this market. :- • ■■ .
N B. Boys' Clothes made and trimmed in the nahteet
manner. He will alee warrant all ware whatUlsrepre
sented to be. Parents will find it greatly to thsfc advantage
to give him a call, ff M»y want thrir boya Beatty fitted.
Don’t forget the pbee, No. 39 Market stag*, between Second
»and Third, west stfia. ' ’ sep4idaw3m
Steamboat Furniture aad Chairs,
WE are constantly engaged in tbs
menafaciure of STkiMßOgl! CABIN
description, and pay particular attention
to tbs manufacture of the best styles, suitable ferthe®**
of Steamboats. Our experience in this branch of ms bust
nees us to warrant satisfaction, as areu fig the
promptitude in which orders are filled, as In the quaHty of
the work and personal attention gi?en to the fitting out.
Those Interested In furnishing Boats, will find U to their
*°^" ! ‘t. b. Toma * co.
' Horn* Leacm* FMtory.
totoil the retail nadeef Kttßbnrjh *»l4Uecha>r,
nude of hard twitted jean, dark lettmjUllrtS**
Thegeneral edmlnrfon tint i tewnrt’a ChochanndTweedn
an notlnferioriiiquality to any otheta maanlKttnd In
the United State*, with an indenting dnijd (x thou,
enconragea the aohecribet to eatend hia bmdiuee, ,liUl *
yfewtokeep lip a good aamrtmcnt of ami nan*
ally retail from 12 'A to 1% centn per lard, heatple* will
bezant to marchanta who cannot data. it conraiAawtycall
Prices to imlt
'lh« attention of lidKieis rsspsc““Hj itattd
« wMs.Bm—gjge: •
at2Bc. Kentucky janes,
181< up, checks, ticklne*, muslins. Hasps, crash,
£&, dShs, ill »1»1 plaUs, blankets, shawls, rfttass»»d
„sr»oth«rnrtiii« usually keptlnspirOsjgJ •*“•>»*“*
,&h will be sold/or cask at prices to salt tbcttgSjL.,
AEBLKTOP WAfIaKCAI«»-lhtoo*»7^w»ta»t
.jtojwn. p * u * rM '
.. c,-.*; vV ♦
* ,
4 3ti
1' -V‘/:
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L** V. ,
«*gki- ••• *