The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 31, 1854, Image 2

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Tbo Whig and Abolition presses of the north
ern States are begmiog to express considerable
alarm at the movemeoteof Americans, and the
policy of onr government in regard to some of
the West India Islands. Just now the island of
Hayti, or St' pomingo, seems to have became
the object of their most particular solicitude.
This island, which the French called St. Do
mingo, is abont as large os the State of South
Carolina, containing aome twenty-eight thousand
square miles ; and contains now about a million
of inhabitants. The population is divided into
three classes. The negroes on the northern and
western part of the island, number about 650,-
- * ‘-rut- 000, “d f° rm the empire of Hayti, now goT
S— emed by his sable rnsjesty, Faustin, 1., ** Em
peror of all the Ilayties.” The central portion
°f t * ie inland is occupied by whites, with a dash of
India blood in their veins; and the south-eastern
«T* part occupied by whites with a dash of African.
These two last classes form the republlo of Do-
minica, whose capital is St. Domingo, the oldest
} European town in the New World. Tho popu
* lation of this republic is about 360,000.
A state of war continually exists between the
whito republic of Dominica and the black etn-
P* ,re °f Hayti, though active hostilities have
*•“ for 80me ***** snB P ended - Solouque, the
' Em P eror bftS b «e n for three or four years enga
gedin making preparations for the conquest of
Dominica, and, it is said, his army now numbers
000 nek. His'private interests, faowev
'^»""mter^ere his desire of conquest. But a
few y®w» ago he was a private citizen, and'not
worth a dollar. He was crowned Emperor in
- 1849, and has since amassed a fortune of at
i leaBt two mlUlons'of dollars. While thus en-.
I E*g« d m P lttnderin g hia people, and destroying !
T ' the commerce and industry of his empire by his
‘ extortions, his Dominican neighbors have had
|| time to consolidate their republic and prepare
for effectual resistance to the thteatened invasion
tbe n ®y tiaDH - The capacity of the blaoks to
fJjyiycW'rQ’J &$ ’ prosper under an independent imperial govern
ment is well illustrated by the fact that the pre
it sent productions and exports of-Hayti are less
«^l*■ x^*y[r^ rvlFfjjfe t«*- than one-sixth the value that they were several
years ago. Nearly all the profits of exports and
*' ft, commercial enterprise go into the private coffers
of “ bis majesty,” and industry and commerce
‘are discouraged. Formerly tbo exports of the
isUnd ’ in coffee, sugar, mahogany and minerals^
were as valuable as those of Cuba. Now, they
are of scarce one-tenth the value. Such is the
w result of negro rule and “ imperial majesty”-
ship in one of the fairest and wealthiest islands
Of the globe. In the Dominican portion of the
? ’ll island there are believed to be mineß equaly in
richness to those of California. Some of them
were discovered and worked a century ago, but
have been lost sight of since the colored race'
M predominated/ jThe whole island was nnder the
JfefllblAck- .-frnm. mi —*a *w«
the whites of Dominica revolted and established
bjj£* JK* j /lJ their independence. Tho mineral wealth of
that portion of the island is now being devel
r/T °ped and almost fabulous accounts of it riehness
UTO °ow given by some writers. One writer
says the whole island "is a pile of rich mines;
iffijgSSj f“salt, sulphur, Iron, copper, gold, ore found
** I® al™ oBl every hilL" Add to this its forests of
mahogany, and its rloh lands, capable of pro
during in abundance, sugar, coffee and grains,
and some idea may be formed of the natural
£v 1 wealth of Domlnioa. Yet the constant appre
hension of negro invasion has prevented the de
velopment of that wealth ; the immigration of
> foreigners; or the industrious cultivation of land
tv by the natives. The opening of a gold mine
would invito invasion. Large and rioh orops
might be swept off by an army of negroes ; and
B ®7 eTjdenc ® of increasing prosperity would ex-
Clte R jealoaßy ftnd ca P ld *ty that would lead to
a barbarous and sangutuary war. Excellent
land8 ’ that in Cuba would sell for forty or fifty dol
‘ lars per acre, oan be bought in Dominica for
.- three dollars per acre ;—lands, too, in healthy
*sh!i§!s: and convenient locations; and that would soon
he occupied by thriving planters, if the peace
and independence of the republic were assured
J by the protection of a powerful government.
V The area of the Dominican republic is about
' equal to that of Massachusetts and Connecticut
together; and under a strong and good govern
ment a population of a million and a half could
■absiat anil prosper.
£at.a few years ago the Dominicans offered
unconditional annexation to the United States.
The offer was not commnnioated to onr govern
ment by tho agont; and if it had been, at that
time. President Fillmore would probably have
rejected it. Whig instincts revolt at the thought
of annexation ; and Whig politicians tremble at
the enggestion of a movement that might possi
bly offend tho governments of England and
Franoe. Tho Dominicans aro still in favor of
annexation; but are prevented from renewing
tho offer by British agents, who threaten them
With a Haytien invasion if annexation is at
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laili; Rimming
Wp would call the attention of MERCHANTS AND
BUSINESS MEN to tlio fact that we have just received
from Philadelphia a number of fonts of now Job Type, and
are now prepared to fill orders for Cards. Circular*, Bill
Heads Paper Boohs, Posters, and Programmes for exhlbi
tioos. AU orders will be promptly filled.
News of tne Day.
Maxwell, Democratic candidate for Congress
in Florida, has a majority of 1050.
A despatch from New York says the Lewis
oounty, New York bank bills, are in bad repute.
On Saturday a fire broke oat in the Harlem
and New York Railroad car-house, corner 43d
■treet and 4th avenue, which was entirely de
stroyed. Loss $30,000.
Edward Z. C. Judson, alias “Ned Bantline,’*
who was arrested a few days sinoe for shooting
a colored man, named Freeman, has been aoquit
ted on the ground that he oommitted the act in
self defence.
An attempt was made to blow np Earel’s Ho
tel, Park Row, New York, on Saturday after
noon, with an infernal machine in the shape of a
twelve pound keg of powder. The building was
somewhat shattered but no lives were lost.
A medical gentleman writes to a New York pa
per that he has examined a number of each va
riety of oyster, through a microscope, and has
failed to discover any thing deleterious in them.
He bclives the much slandered bivalves are en
tirely healthy this season.
A telegraphic despatoh says that Collinson’s
ship, tho Enterprise, the only one of the English
expedition remaining in the Arctic seas, had ar
rived at Port Clarence, Behring’s Straits, having
got os far west as Wollaston Bay, 105° 30' .west
longitude, hut learned nothing of Franklin’s
fate. Dr. Kane’s is the only party of explorers
now in the Arctic regions.
Gen. Cazneau has been sent by our govern
ment to negotiate a treaty with the government
of that republic; and it is understood that a
treaty has already been signed; bat the terms
*re not yet fully made known. It is said, how
ever, that, among other things, it allows Ameri
ean citizens to work the mines on the most lib
eral terms; and to bay lands and cultivate them
Without losing any of their rights as American
citizens. It is supposed these liberal stipula
tions will induce large numbers of our oitizeni
to settle on the island as miners, and sugar and
toffee plasters. It Is also said that the treaty
eedse to the United States the possession of the
hey tad peninsula of Santana as a military and
naval depot. Thlff Is not yet oertalnly known.
The hills around that bay are said to be tilled
with mines of gold and other minerals, and cov
ered with forests of mahogany. The Domini
cans believe that snoh inducements held oat to
oar people will result la establishing an Ameri
can colony on their northern ooast; and securing
a large number of Amerioan settlors in their
midst A liberal infusion of Yankee enterprise
and hardihood amongst them would give stabili
ty to their government; revive Industry and com
merce; develops the mineral wealth, and give a
sure guaranty of safety against negro invasion
Such are some of the advantages the Domini,
oans would derive from the acquisition of Ameri
can settlers; and the establishment of American
colonies, mining companies, and military and
naval depots in their territories.
To the United States it would give a secure
and commanding naval station in the midst of
the West Indies; where our steamers could be
repaired, and supplied with ooal and provisions
in peace; and onr naval forces with munitions
and stores, and a seoare rendezvous in case of
war. With snoh relations established, onr com
merce with Dominioa would bo of vast value.
Sugar, ooffee, iron, sulphur, gold, and mahogany
are among its abundant products. It is a repub
lic, seeking protection, which our government
could give. Its people desire annexation, which
would soon probably be the result. Slavery does
not exist there, and on that score no objection
conld bo made to adding it as another rich and
free State to the Union.
Dominica declared its independence of H&yti
in 1846. It has maintained it ever sinoo. Yet
its government has never been reoogoized by the
European governments, or cveu onr own. The
treaty just concluded, it is said, provides for its
full recognition; and establishes amicable, and
liberal commercial relatioos, equally valuable to
both countries.
One would suppose that such a treaty would
meet the cordial approbation of every American
ollizen. But tho Whig aud Free Soil presses
hive commenced a clamorous denunciation of it,
even before its terms and stipulations are known.
The old humbug cry of “slavery extension’’
is raised again, though no signs of suob an ovent
appear. It is charged that it is an unfriendly
movement against the blaok empire of Hayti,
though nothing of the kind is yet developed.
It is oasy to oall it filibustering. English and
Whig presses will doubtless do that; though its
aims and mode of operation are precisely similar
to thoeo of the Japan expedition. Should it re
sult in giving stability and safety to that island
republio; developing its wealth, aud enriching
our commerce; and saving the white republicans
from the sanguinary rapine and
Inst of their barbarous imperial neighbors, no
philanthropist could Tegrefc it. Those who ob*
ject to It must prefer monarchy to republican'
ism; and the black race to the white. Do our
Whig contemporaries desire that the peaceful Do
minicans shall be conquered and despoiled of
their rights and their property by their black
neighbors, who are too lazy to work ; and whose
gaudy “Emperor” enriches himself by extor*
tion and plunder? Their course io regard to
the alleged treaty with Dominica can have no
other aim.
The United States government seeks cot to
molest the Haytiens. Tho Dominicans have a
right to enjoy their independence, and the wealth
and advantages their country affords They
havo achieved independence, and maintained it
for uine years; and their prosperity should no
longer be depressed and destroyed by threats of
a invasion, and the rascally interference
of English agents. We hope the treaty is eon
eluded, that its terms are as liberal as re
presented; and its tone perfectly independent of
the Kelf-constituted European “Regulators” of
the W£gftß» Hemisphere.
Theatrical end Hasloal
Kate and Ellen Bateman have beeo playing for
a weak past at Niblo’s Garden, New York, to
*ery fair bouses Couldock is still at the Bos
ton Museum. This is his third week The
English Opera Troupe, which performed at the
Broadway Theatre, New York, Is now in Philadel
phia, at the Walnut Miss Margaret Mitchell
is in Detroit The Managers of the Arch
Street Theatre, Philadelphia, have brought out
Bonrcieanlt’s “ London Assurance ” in a style of
magnificence never equalled in this country. It
is expected to have a run of several months
Miss Agnes Robertson Is engaged, and was to
have appeared at the Broadway Theatre, last
night. Jalia Dean is at the New Theatre, Bos
ton Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Florence closed an
unusually successful engagemeot of two weeks
at tho Cincinnati National, on Saturday night.
.Collins, the comedian, is performing 'at the
People’s Theatre, Baltimore.
Louisa Elton. —This is the title of a hand
some volume of 350 pages, for sale by Baml. B.
Lanffor, bookseller, No. 87 Wood street, Pitts-
Li ** * <y>vel written by a lady, describ
ing her experience and adventures daring several
years residence at the Booth. Southern life is
well portrayed, and the book is well written.
The young lady starts out with a determination
never to marry, and keopa her word about as
well as could be expected. ' Bhe, of courso, mar
ries when a good opportunity offers, and every
thing turns oat finely in tbe conclusion. It is
an instructive and interesting volume, and will
repay a perusal. It Is published by Lippencott,
Grambo & Co., of Philadelphia, and for sale by
S. B. Lauffcr, Wood street.
Tub Ebbiho Tips or Emigration.— Since the
let of August, about six thousand foreigners
have sailed from the port of New York alone,
for Europe, whieh is nearly twelve per cent, of
the number arriving. Many reasons are given
as a cause for this returning emigration, but
the most plausible to onr mind is the expla
nation that these persons have gone on a visit to
their native lands to bring out their friends and
relatives. The supposition that it was caused
by the demonstrations of what are called Enow
Nothings, is absurd. When this returning tide
had commenoed to set in, the new order had not
given sufficient evideooe of power to create
alarm even among the most timid of foreigners.
Blackwood’s Magazute.— Tbe October num
ber of this Magazine is received. Tbe artiole
entitled “King Otho and his Classic Kingdom,"
is worth the price of the number. The Bava
rian king of Greece is rather rudqjy handled by
the writer; and the condition of that country,
Us laws, its policy and its prospects, uro treated
of with ability.
Another article headed “ Niaevah and Baby
lon,” will be read with interest. It is for sale
at the depots of Miner & Co., and Gildenfenney
& Co., Pittsburgh.
Tho metallic life-boat from the ill-fated
Arotic, which was brought to the port of Phila
delphia on the steamship Osprey, 'on Saturday
week, was Satarday morning last, put into the
Delaware at Brown & Godwin’s Wharf, above
Pine street. A great number of'persons
into it, to test its capacity, and it was found that
the boat would bear many more than had been
rescued by it from the disastrous wreok. The
experiment attracted quite a crowd.
Nicholas Beehan, who murdered Mr. and
Mrs. Wyokham on Long Island, has been con
victed of the offence, and sentenced to be hung
on the 15tlr of Deoember next. The prisoner
displayed great callousness and insensibility du
ring his trial, and, when the sentenoe of death
was pronounoed by the Judge, he replied:—■
“Thank you air;”—with an awfulaflpotation of
politeness—“ and I will leave you my hair for a
The offioial vote for Congress isjnow oomplete,
bat as many of them were published before, we
will now only give some of the prinoipal ones,
with the re-oapitulation of them all:
Chester Connty.
Delaware 11
G. 077
Hickman's majority—2G6G.
Books County.. ...
Lehigh “
Bradshaw’s majority—B4s.
Myors, Ind. Jones, D.
Berks County 6,486 8162
Jones’ majority—2666.
Leferre, D. Hiester, W. Roberts, I. W.
LancosterCo.4266 6371 0561
Roberts over Hiester, 1190.
Northumb’d. Schuylkill. Total.
Campbell, W 1268 4126 6384
Dewart, D 2286 2846 6081
Cake, D 412 2G24 3036
Clearer, A 172 282 454
Campbell over Dewart—2o3.
Luzerne County.
Wyoming “
Columbia “
Montour “
" 7,087
Fuller’s majority—2,o2B.
Stewart, lad. Packer, D.
Northampton County 3414 3675
Carbon “ 1000 1289
612 1847
162 Cl 6
1345 1710
Packer's majority—2,7o3,
Saaquebanua. Bradford. Tioga. Total
Grow, D 32C9 0381 3412 13,001
No opposition to Mr. Grow.
Lycoming County.
Clintou “
Centre “
Mifflin 11
Sullitan “
Potter “
7,62 b
Pierce’s majority—2ooo.
Adams County.
Franklin “
Fulton “
Bedford “
Juniata “
Robinson's majority—6lo.
Cambria ....
Majority for Edit—f>-00
Fayotto county
Groeno “
Waahmgton *-
Koigbt’fl nwjorUj
Twexty Fir»t Dhtrict.
D. Ilifcbie, W
Allegheny count j ;i7H b TO->
Ritchie's majority 1,'.m1.
Twhstt-Secoxu District.
i’staer, D. I‘arTUnee, 9
HCo 3CrJ3
Sutler eoantj
Aliegheoy (part)
I’arTimcc'i majority 2,01*1.
Beaver eoaoty
Allison's majority 2,636.
Warren ...
Clarion ...
Barclay’s maj0rity....6972
Twxxrr Firm District.
Erie. Crawford. Total.
Dick, Whig 3676 3614 7296
No opposition to Dick.
DUt. Rrg. Dwtu- Opal's
1 WS*
2 3600 (*6Q
•J -&62S 6ftM
4 6083 7W2
6 7*42 7*34
fl S73J eorr
7 SIM M 27
8 8152 648 C
4266 11832
10 .0049 HOO
11 8117 6*3*
12 70*7 0116
13 0130 0433
14 13002
In some of the above districts there is a great
disparity in the number of votes polled. For
Instance : in the twenty-first there are Ism than
nine thousand, and in tbe twenty-seoood, but
few more, while iu tho sixteenth and seventeenth
there are nearly nlneteon thousand In each.
Straws, It is said, show which way the
wind blows, and judging from the “ straws ”
which appear in the Philadelphia Nevi,
should’nt wonder if Col. Andy G. Curtin was the
candidate of that paper for United States Sena
tor. To be sure, it don't make any suoh avowal,
but then U very disinterestedly publishes num
berless extracts from exchanges who ore strong
ly In favor Of Handy Andy. However, it may
fail to have the desired effeot. We all remember
this was tbe course pursued by our neighbor, the
Gazette, when it desired the gallant Larimer to
be tho Whig nominee for Governor, and who
would now very possibly be our Governor elect.
How he was “slaughtered,” at Harrisburg,
let tho reoorda of the Convention show; and that
he will be slaughtered again these “straws”
clearly Indioate. Lot tho General look sharp.
Ton End or the World. —Lest our readers
may not be aware of tho fact, we will inform
them that this is the day (31st of October,) fixed
by the Milleritcs for the burning up of this sub
lunary sphere. People have been humbugged
so often by this ory of “ Wolf,” that we are afraid
when the day of judgment does oome, they will
be inolmod to look upon it as “a little previous.”
We would oalt attention to tho fact that Mr.
Rutherford, from Philadelphia, and tho Rev. Mr.
Passavant, will deliver addresses this evening,
at the 2d Presbyterian Church, on the subjeotof
the House of Refuge. Tho objeot is one in whioh
all our citizens should take au interest, and it is
hoped that the Hall will be well filled. An ad
vertisement will be found in another oolumn.
Two hundred and fifty persons leave onr eity
this morning for that far off country. They be
long to the Pennsylvania Kansas Emigration So
ciety, and are under the direotion of C. Albright.
This, we believe, is the last division belonging to
that Society.
W Bishop Potter lectures before the 11 Young
Men’s Christian Association,” this evening, at
7} o’clock. Seats free. A large attendance Is
hoped for.
Ofletal Tote fDr Oeßgreii.
Sixth District.
Broomall, W. EHokman, D.
1495 C 764
lBB2 1969
Sbtekth District.
Bradshaw, W. Bridges, D
,5483 5115
,3044 30G7
Eighth District.
Ninth District.
Eleventh District.
Twelfth District.
Wright, D. Fuller, W.
....3549 6476
.... 710 1269
....2034 1483
.... 794 888
Thirteenth District.
6,433 9,136
Foorteentb District.
Fifteenth District.
White, 1). Pierce, I. 1).
2263 2717
937 1463
1979 2873
l3lB 1604
892 816
649 665
Seventeenth Distbict.
Kfilly, l>. Robinson, W
.2071 2172
. 2N.*o 34H3
. b 75 706
2047 2113
1107 112 M
EiuuTEKSTn District.
Edit, W. Cresswel!, lad. W
1046 i6o
l6-17 • 10UI
2061* 700
TwesTiKtu Lustkic?
Muotgomery, D. Kaigbt, W
Tw**rr-Timu» i»i strict.
Trout, l>. AUitoo, ( W
.1 MU 2462,
,2ff>7 JM33
.K>U, 2613
Tw**tt Foi’rtu District.
ItarcUjr, I>. Arthur*, I. l>
Dint. !Uf. Dow Oppnrf'O
-15 7S2H 95*3
16 . Wl9 10472
it was wvii
i* ... non
19. di-tf you
20 -—7552 Wl‘J
21 .7714 570 ft
22 3*32 5020
23 .5172 TW*
U IWIS 3527
25 7290
IC4,t2S 186,933
For Ktniftii
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' [Trom HoriefcftM Words, September 23.]
( Concluded. )
A sea-captain ejected from his ship a noisy
drunken man, who misconducted himself; and at
the same time turnod out certain pot-oompanions
of the druqjten man, who were as troublesome
as he. Bibo (so to call tbe drunken man) bring
eth an action against the captain for assault and
battery ; to which the captain pleadeth in justifi
cation that he removed the plaintiff “and certain
persons unknown ” from his ship, for that they
did misbehave themselves. “Eye,” quoth tbe
learned counsel for Bibo, at the'trial, “but thero
be seventeen objections to that plea, whereof the
main one is that it appeareth that the certain
persons are known and not unknown , as by thee
set forth.” “Marry,” cried sthe court, “bat
that is fatal, Gentlemen of the Jury !” Verdict
accordingly, with leave unto the eca captain to
move the Court of Qaeen’s Benoh in solemn ar
gument. This being done with great delay and
expense, the sea-captain (all the faots being per
fectly plain from the first) at length got judge
ment in his favor. But, no man to this hour
both been able to make him comprehend how he
got it, or why ; or wherefore the soit was not
decided on tho merits when first tried. Which
this wooden'headed seaman, staring straight be
fore .him with all his might, unceasingly main
tains that it ought to have been.
Now, this surely is, in all respeots, an admi
rable story, representlngjthe density, obstinacy
and confusion of tbe sea-captain in a richly ab
surd light. Does my learned friend Willmore
relish it? Not in the least. Bis dull remark
upon it is : That in the county court the case
would have been adjudicated on its merits, for
less than a hundredth' part of the <u£kincur
red; and that he woald so alter tbe the
land as to deprive a plaintiff saing in a superior
court in such an action (which we call an action
of tort) and oovering less than twenty pounds,
of alt olaim to costs, unless the judge should
certify it to be a fit case to be tried in that su
perior court, rather than to have been taken to
the connty court at a small expense, and at once
Precisely the samo obtusooeas pervades tho
very next suggestion of my learned friend. It
has always appeared to me a good joke that
coauty courts having a jurisdiction in cases of
contract up to fifty pounds, should not also have
a jurisdiction in cases of tort up to the same
amount. As usual, my learned frieuffi Willmore
cannot perceive the joke, lie say 9, In his com
monplace way, “ 1 think it is tho general desire
that the jurisdiction should be givenand puts
as an illustration—“ Buppose a gentleman’s oar
riage is run against. The damages may be fifty
pounds. In tbe caso of a oostermonger’s don
key-cart, they may be fifty ponce ; tbe facts be
ing identically the same.” Now, this, lam of
opinion, is prosaic in the last degree.
Passiog over my learned friend’s inclining to
wards-giving the county courts jurisdiction in
matters of bankruptcy; and also in criminal ca
ses now diappaod of, not much to anybody’s sat
isfaction he seems to consider at quarter see
sions—where, by tbe by, I have known admira
ble practical jokes played off from the bench ;
and towards making a court of appeal of tbe se
lection from county oourt judges ; I will come to
his crowning suggestion. He is not happier in
this than m bis other points, for it strikes at the
heart of tho excellent joke of patting the publio
in this dilemno, “If you will havo law cheap,
you shall have an iuferior article.”
Without the least tenderness for this jest—
which is unctuous, surprising, inconsequential,
practical, overflowing with all the characteris
tics of a wild and rollocking humor—my learned
friend knocks the soul out of it with a common
place sledge-hammer. U hold, says he, that you
ebould have, for county court judges who deal
with an immense variety of Intricate and im
portant questions, the very best men. “ I think
there is great mischief in the assumption that
when a man is made a county court judge, he
never can be anything else. 1 think, if the re
▼ers** was assumed—if the appointment as coun
ty court judge was not considered a bar to a
man’s professional advancement, you would
have bettef men candidate? for the office. Vcu
would have the whole tody of ttleat in tbe pro
fessioo willing to go through the previous state
of probation, as ii would then be, of a county
court judgeship. You must not expect a per
manent succession of able, conscientious men,
competently trained and educated for sueh an
appointment, if it is to be a final one at the
present p*y. The county court judge, ewp«
oUlly.ln the is plaowd in a painful
and false position. He Is made a wspstuts
and must amoeixta with bis brother justices. If
he lives at all at they do, he perhaps wpends
more than he can pffon); he certainly can lay
up nothing for bis&tnily. If he does not, be will
probably nrcet win slights and disparagement,
to which, 1 think, be ought not to b* subjected,
and which Impair his efficiency.” He believes
also that if the Oourt of Appeal were estab
lished, and tbe other county court judges were,
as vacancies occurred, to be appointed members
of it. according Id oirenmsUnote, “ the public
would drrivs rifotber a frontage in not being
obliged to as a jadgs of tbs superior
courts, a partly untried men. They would have
a mao exercised both la ItW Print end in bank
work, and exercised In the face of the publio.
and the ptofemitfe, Instead of having a man
taken because he has a oertain standing as an
advocate, or beeaas* bs has osrtainly political
recommendations. 1 think it would be a much
more certain mode of testing ths merits of a man
previous to his appointment as a judge in the
superior courts. H
80. for the good old joke of fobbing the pub
lic off, when it Is perverse In its demands, with
half a second-rate loaf, Instead of enough of
tbe best bread; for the joke of putting an ed
ucated and trained gentleman inn publio station
and discharging most Important social fuoctlons.
at a social disadvantage among a class not the
least siiff-seohed and purse-prond of all classes
know between the British Channel and Abys
sinia; for tbs joke, in short, of systematically
overpaying tbs national Shows and underpaying
tbe national Substances; my learned friend
Willmore has not the slightest tenderness! I
am of opinion that he dose not aee it at aIL He
winds up h!s evidence with the following extra
ordioary flat remarks
“ I think that the pnblio attention ooghtto be
very pointedly directed to the fact, that while in
tbs rich man’s superior courts ths suitors pay
nothing towards the salaries of judges, offioers,
Ao., yet in the poor man’s oonnty courts the
suitors are taxed to pay for all these, and some
thing extra, by whita the state is mean enough
to make a small’ profit. I cannot understand
how any one, except, perhaps, a very timid
Chancellor of the Exchequer, oonld justify or
even tolerate an Injustice so gross, palpable and
On the whole, therefore, it appears to me, and
lAm of opiulon: That, if many each m«a ab
my learned friend Wlllmore were to seonre a
hearing, the vast and highly entertaining collec
tion of oar legal and equitable jokes would be
speedily brotfeh&o a dose for ever. That, the
objeot of eueh doll persons dearly ia, to make
Law and Equity intelligible and useful, and to
cause them both to do justice and be respected,
Finally, that to dear out lumber, sweep away
dust, bring down cobwebs, and destroy a vast
amount of expensive practical joking, is no
joke, but quite the reverie, and never will be
considered humorous in any oourt in Westminis
ter Ilall.
Du. Frron’s Licturx is Au.soubnt City.—
Dr. Fitch leotured in Excolsior Hall, Allegheny
City, laet evening, to a very large and fashion
able audience; and the leoturer was reoeived
with marked approbation. We have seldom lir
tened to a more instructive lecture; and believe,
from what we have already heard, that the Doc
tor will, this evening, demonstrate beyond all
question, as he promised to do, the enrability of
that hitherto incurable disease, Pulmonary Con.
sumption. We advise our readers by all means
to go and hear him. If they do not at present
need his services, they will at all events learn
some wholeaome truths, worth remembering.
We wish that the Doctor would repeat hie lecture
In tbis oity, at Maionio Hall.
We must decline the communication of a
“ Friend lo.Merit”—unless the writer is willing
to pay the printer for setting it np.
Harper non Noyimber.— Qildenfenney & Co.,
and Miner & Co., hare the number for the oar
rent month. It is a good one.
LAND! LAND!!—We bare for sale 8,000 scree of land,
along the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, within from
two to four miles Of the stations of Cameron and Belton,
Va., In lots of 8 acres to 100 or more, at from $6 to $lO an
sere. This Is a fine seglon for farming, or for small home
steads. The timber and water are good, and the soil rich
and productive. Bvery station on the Railroad affords a
good market for all kinds of produce. Deeds of general
warranty wilt be made. B. CPTHBKRT A BON,
octlO 140 Third street.
Available mill property for bale, with 90
seres of Land, a Stone Qrlst Mill, of 3 run of stones,
and a Saw Mill, all in good order, situate on the Bandy and
will be Bold at a bargain, as the owner is
about tqmova weft For particulars call at the Real Katata
Ofieaoff & CUTHBERT A SON,
oottlt 140 Third street.
■v v t “
■ n - ' *+*:’■
•*' r- v
49* Palpit*tleu of the tteMt, Nervous Bi«-
•ami, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Dv-pepsia, Coativenem
and Piles, an all relieved and cared io an incredible short
vpaca of time, byOarter’s Spanish Mixture, the great tonic
and purifier of the blood. It contains not a particle of
Mercury,Opium, or any noxious drug; it is perfectly harm
lea, and has cured more than fire hundred eases ot disease.
We can only refer the reader to the certifies tee, a few of
which may he found in another column, and all of which
are detailed in full arouud the bottle. It is the greatest of
all Bpring and Fall Medicines, and possesses ah Influence
Over the blood truly remarkable.
See advertisement. oct3l:lm
lnvigorating Elixir or Cor
dial.—“ In time of peace prepare for war," is a sound max
im ; in time of health prepare for cickness, is an aphorism
no less wise. Spring, with its freshness, its TltaUaing
atmosphere, its cheering influences, is now with us; but
summer, -and with it, perchance, that dread scourge, the
cholera, approaches. Let oil whose physical organization
is sensitive and delicate, fortify their Systems against the
enervating heats of the coming season by a course of that
most powerful, iuocuous end infallible of all restoratives
CORDIAL. As a cure for all nervous and functional dis
eases, In both sexes, its feme is co-extensive with the
Union; but be it remembered that as & preventive it is
ao lees valuable. It gives to the animal powers a resto
rant force that enables it to pass acatbless through the
fiery furnace of contagion, or, in the event of an attack, to
conquer the malady. Add vigor to the frame now, for
there Is no saying how soon It may be required. It is
among tbe feeble, the torpid, the depressed, that epidemics
reap their harvests of death. If, therefore, you are affected
with any phase of nervous disease, or with any affection of
the stomach, if you are depressed in spirits, or enfeebled In
body, if, in short,you are In a condition which renders you
peculiarly susceptible to unhealthy influences, resort to
this Inrigorant, alterative and antisepiie, in which, under
Providence, fullness of years is offered to the feeble, and a
" happy issue" out of their difficulties to all who suffer
from shattered nerves and weak digestive organs.
The Cordial is put up, highly concentrated, in pint bot
tles. Price three dollar* per bottle; two for fire dollars;
six fur twelve dollars. C. 11. RING, Proprietor,
192 Broadway, Nww.Yvrk.
Sold by Druggists throughout the United States, Canada
and the West Indies.
FLEMING A BROS-, No. 60 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
DR. GEO. 11. KKYSBR, No. 140 Wood street, do
J. P. FLEMING, Allegheny Cfty. oct2B-d*w
49" Interesting to those Suffering from
Heodoch®.—A Certain Remedy found in Dr. M'Lane't
G-Übraled Liver PilU —The folio wiog Is a sample of certifi
cates received daily from our own eiUt*-n« :
New Yore, August 1,1852.
This is to certify that 1 have Lean subject, at times, to
severe Huadache; sometimes ibe pain would bo po severe X
could rest neither day nor Digbt. Hearing of Dr. M’Lane’a
celebrated Liver Pills, I sent and got a b»x, of which I
took two pills on going tq bed, for two nights. They re
lieved me entirely. Sometime has now elapsed, and I
have had no more trouble from Sick Hefeaehe.
P. S.—Tbe above valoald* remedy, also Dr. M’Lanc’s cel
ebrated Vermifuge, can now be bud at all respectable Drug
Stores in this city.
Purchasers will please be careful to ask for, and take
n.'ne but Dr. M’Lauif* Liver PilU. There are other Pills
purporting to be Liver Pills, now before the public. ’
Alo, for sale by the sole proprietor*.
rucreScor* to J. Kidd A Go ,
ocl2£:d*w No. 60 Wood street.
49* To all Whom It may Concern.—lf you
want a splendid CUing Sou joa can get it at CRIBBLE'S.
If you want any GentKmcnV ParnUbing Goods, In all
variety, why UUIDBLK luu ’em. If you want the best
fitting Put* yon ever wore, GHIBOLK'9 b the place to
leave your measure He can furni b Umbrellas, Carpet
Bagn, Trunks, Valises, Ac., ot price* to suit Ml sorts cf
customer*. 240 Liberty street, baad ot WoeJ.
Carter’s Spanish mixture.
Not a Particle of Kereory in it.
J Infallible Ramady for Scrofula, Kiag'a Evil, Rbeuaa
li«tn, ObAiinal* Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimple* or Pa.vulert
• a tbe Face. lUoirh««. Boll*, Ague and Fever, Chronic Sore
}>•-«, King Worm or Tatter. Scald Hoad, Enlargement and
I'a o of tbe Bone* and Joint*. Stubborn Ulcer*, Syphilitic
Ihaorders. Lumbago, Spinal Complaint*, and ail l>i*eavw
arising from an InjodleiouF owof Mareurv, Imprudence lu
Ufo, or Impurity of tbe Blood.
great alterative medicine and PariJfor rf Blc<>J
*« tf.w u*ed bytboamnds of grateful patient* from all parts
• f fh* tolled Flat**, who t.wtlfy daily to tb«* remarkable
»ur*w (-rforme-l >.y lh» j-rvaUet of all m-dirinaa, “ CAR
TER’S SPANISH MIXTURE” Neuralgia. Rheumatism,
nwv-fola, Ernptic.o> na the Skin, Urer Diva**,
I’WraOH Sorva, Au-dioTH of the Kiloeys, to*,-**** of tbe
Tbf'ait. Pvmal,’ t>isp!al»t% I'aio* *&t Aching cf the Bone*
and Joint*, are -peedily put by uiog this great and
tm-tlmab'c nnoe-tv
>' *J all dl'-ura Ct the PVM, nothing baa yet Uvn found
Ito compart *ttb It. it tbe syatrm of aN larpari
: Um, art* gently n«i -rtictfuitij im the Liver and Kidnwj.
; ahwigrtmn ■ , tha IBgWffeai, :«Im tone te tba Stomach,
make* tha aatn elear tad healthy, and Vaatoree tbe Coorti
lattxa, eafe*' led by db*-**-* ,-.r broken down by ty n n i
f<t youtb, t-i it* prwin* vigor and (trangth.
For th« Lariie*, it >< invanahly better than all tbe «*-
metic* ever t*al. A fow d.vea of Carter's ?paoi*h Mixture
will remove alt sxllownm— of complexion, bring the roe**
mantling to the elieek. «)*»U~iiy to tb« step, and im
prove th* gem ml health in a reftfarkable degree bcronJ ail
Ibe m«dV*-iß*e ever heard of.
Tbe large number vl certificate* which wr have received
feegu pervona Item all part.* of lha United Stxt**, P the Wet
evidence that there 1* BO humbug stoat it The prews
hotel keeper*, magtvtratra. j>hT*M»n*. ao<l puhlk men, well
known to the cwmcunltv. all add their bvtimoav to tbe
wooderfal effect*of tbW GRBAT BLOOD PURIFIER.
Call on lb* Av?nt and ret ■ Chrultr and Almanac, aa-1
reed tbe wocderfai mm thfe* truly greatest of *ll Medldars
ha* imchiwi
Nr>fw genuine voles* Mgotd by BENNETT A BEER*,
Proprietor, No. 3 Pearl Richmond, Ve_; to whom all
order* lor applies aad agaueto* mux*, bo addressed.
ING, FLEMING BROS-, and by Druggists generally.
STATISTICS OF (XML: leelodiM Mimnl Bltanlootu
Substance* employed In ArU aamMannfartvTes; with
tbeir Grofrapi krai,Geologies! and Commercial Dfetribetfoo,
and Amount of Production and Ooturumptioo on the Ameri
can Continent: with Incidental Statistics of the Iron Man
ufacture*. By R- 0. Taylor, F. 0. 8- !<-, Ac., Ac. Second
«dition, rvrtitd and brought down tn ISM, by 8. 8. UaiJo
man. Prof. Natural flefaace. Ac. Published by J. W. Moor*.
1«5 Chi-.toot ntraet, PblUdelphla.
Tb» I'rtal Interest la one of tbo moot Important in the
Unite,) B'atw, and idnoa the first edition of the lata Mr.
Taylor"» work *aa ezhanated, Iboce intonated In the pro
duct, consumption and trade, have had no means of becom
ing acquainted with the euttfect In its Tarioua relation*.
Fortunately, this difficulty no longer exists, as Uhls second
edition supplies an Immense mass of information In relation
to the various coal fields of this continent, details of mines
and mining, supply and consumption, markets and routes
of transportation, mnalyziapf specimens, Ac., Ac.
Uestdsa tba eoal iotsrsst, there is another intimately con
nected with It, namely, that ot lion, to the manufacture
and ttaflatics of which, a considerable portion of this volume
Is devoted. Here will be Am ad a full account of the con
struction of furnaces to amalt Iron with anthracite coal.
This work to useful, not only to the capitalist, piiltiwi
economist anl consumer, bat to tbs general reader, on ac
scant of the varied and intarssting matter it contains upon
collateral subject*. Tba publisher has spared no pains tn
making this an attractive work, It being embellished with
numerous wood cuts and colored maps, printed on fine
paper, 640 pages, Bvo.
For sals by B. T. C. MOSQ AN,
octal 104 Wood ulraet, near Fifth-
Fiflsau Ceatii
HARPER'S new monthly magazisr for no-
VKMBlR.—Ooxtists : Napoleon Bonapidtte, by John
8. C. Abbott, illnstratsd with fifteen engraringsg Tbs Gene
rations of Fashions, Illustrated by twenty-two engravings;
General Taylor’s Residence at Baton Rouge, with illustra
tion ; Whoa shall we marry; The Quaker’s Wife; The
Young Surgeon; The Newromea, by W. M. Thackeray, with
four iUnstrsttnns by Doyle: A few words about Birds; The
Ways of Providsnos; Tbe Scholars of Brisnne; A Night in
an Did Castle, by Q. P. R. James: O&lvanoplasty; Some
thing for tha Tart toe about Oolert; Stooping to Conquer;
Tbe Betrothed Children; Tbe Nurse’s Revenge; A Greek
Carnival; -Monthly Record of Currant Events; Editor’s
Table—The true Boorece of our National strength; Editor's
Easy Chair; Editor's Drawer; Literary Notices—Docks of
the month; The Old and tbe New, Illustrated; Two Paths
in Life, lUastraied; Fashions for November, with illurtra
lions, furol«bed by Brodie lu advance of th<dr appearance.
49T Prioe Fifteen Ceuta. For sale by
_No- 32 Sinithfleid street.
BY a hober, industrious young man, who will devote his
entire time to hli business, a SITUATION AS SHIP
PING CLERK in a Wholesale or Retail Warehouse As
sistant Book-Keeper, or a place In a Grocery or Dry Goods
Store; and will make himself generally useful to his am-
Eloyer. A note addressed through the Post Office to “A. B.
or lo t at tbe office of the u Post,” will receive prompt
attention. > ect3Ltf
dhlOlifA —GRATIS! For Sale, a Two Story Brick
Dwelling Ilouae, well arranged for comfort
and convenience, situate near Wylie street, on Carpenter’s
alley. Price $l3OO. Terms easy.
GRATIS! The Real Estate Journal, just published, con
taining a list of part of the property for tale by B. Outhbert
A Son, can lw had free of charge by calling at Ihelr REAL
ESTATE OFFICE, 140 Third street. oct3l
£\) 75 ** No. 2 “ “ “ good brands.
For sale by (oct3l) WM. BINGHAM A 00.
AT A MEETING held at the Masonic Hall ouTboxsdsv,
tbe 26th instant, for the pnrposa of bringing the
impor'Ance of tbe HOUSE OF REFUGE before the pablic.
and giving the community a better idea of its design and
advantages, it was unanimously resolved that Titovas G.
RuvnxßroiU), Ksq , late Superintendent of tbu House of Re
fuge of Philadelphia, and Superintendent elect of the House
of Refuge of Western Pennsylvania, and the Rev. Mr. Pas
satakt should repeat the very able and Interesting ad
dressee which they delivered on the occerion. In compli
ance thereof, the uudersigoed have the pleaxmre of an
nouncing to their fellow-citizens that another Meeting, on
the subject, will beheld in the Second Presbyterian Church,
on TUESDAY EVENING next, the 31st instant, when the
above named genyemen will again, with others, address
the meeting. A very interesting time may be expected,
and the public are most cordially invited to attend.
oct3o:2t L. R. LIVINGSTON. J
THE Stockholders of the Meta, and C. H. T. P. Uo„ will
Pittsburgh, on tbe 25th day of November, 1854, between
the hours of 1 and 3 o'clock, to elect a President and six
Directors, for the ensuing year.
oct3fcdaw3t W. C. ROBINSON, Treasurer.
Architectural, mechanical and landscape
Drawing GltL-tf uow open at
RHUBARB ROOTS—Mammoth variety; 10,000 Aspara
gus Roots, large rise; for sale by
FRUIT TREES— IOOO Dwarf Pspr Trees; 1000 Standards
Pear Trees, of the most approved sorts; for sale by
FLOWER ROOTS—4 cases fine German Hyacinths, To*.
lips, Ac., for sale at low rates by
IT MUST BE SOLD—A email House, with large Lot of
Grouud, tor sale. Price $360; or lose, for cash, as the
owner Is abont removing West. Call to day, if you want a
bargain. S. OUTHBSKT A SON,
oet2B No. 140 Third ftresi..
fcjLV V-:'
C. B. HEADLY & CO., *
WOULD respectfully all the attention of their Meade and the pobHe. to the fret that Umbmaoviß ■*—
nadjfor ioapectloiu one of the Umrt sad hart Mlectod «ver oibnd ki £wato»
oi tnc conn try, m—tg tin gig part of the &knri»g, yti: »»^wwiwf»ww
RoyaJ Kr gush Valrsu ami Brumels; Tirfrittol »nt Trrtri TTiioc ulj .
Tspeitrr Velvets and Brussels; Superfine ud 0m Ingrain;
ItogUsh rrtotw! Brussels; TwflUd ud plain VeniUan, for >»»f ud stain'
AubuNon Carpets; Wool ud linen Dnteh Garnets*
Tapestry Ingrain Carpets; Wool ud Cotton lambTi
I I?' I ***"?***. Mata, JUUlog, Drarertin*, Fall Oorpoto, and Float OB doth* tnrn on. to
eight yards wide, cut to fit any hall or room, in one entire pu«w
Also, a large assortment of Piano and Table Cor eta, of entirely new total;
.Paris Oil Cloth, for Piano and Table Covers; Transparent (freest OQ doth*. tor Windoit •
: Buff Hollands, of all widths; ’ ;
The Royal Turkish Bath TcnraLdo.
Their stock ofOOOOA MATS la Tery lawe, ud something superior 10 uy ever bronght to ttfs market they are of
Lngiish manufacture; everybody should nave ane. " ,T * wya*e«
Hotels, Steamboats and Beridaneee furslabed on the most reasonable terms.
A. A. in ASO If & CO.,
No. 25 Fifth Street,
FOUR mJNDRKD cases and packages of wblob, baring been purchased at tie large Pmavtovr Baka 4* Nm v«tV
nt one-third lees than cost of importation, will be offered at a email adrafioeftam —f — . 0I .*»
rare opportunity of obtaining Goods at abont two-thirds the usual price. - * • «**» uweojr OUul HB the
Will be found ever; description of plaid, striped and brocade Dress of mote than FTVI
th • largest and most magnificent assortment they hare erer exhibited.
TWO HUNDRED CABKB of Merinos, Oashmeres, Wool Plaid*, Alpacas. BoabaMnes. DnThin rmfc, -
Orleans, Mohair Lustres, Ladies Cloths, MosUn dePertStoSSam? ErE* ** JURpil"*,
Will be filled with Cloaks, Shawls, Mantillas, Talmas, 4c- in Batin end doth, stiftrsrlna eraeffcM 1 '4£MHtf§L a *
tahionable, of their own and foreign maauflrtara. FORTY CASES of «mj dfrriptipnof OiSmi^jwS3P«M
amofrctory will U 0 0 D dd m hl T l M ««d. .pwUlfc. will b. m*l. „p fb, both q.,
Millinery Goods of every description. A Urge stock of Break, Cloak and Tffanfflla Tr*" l —*-
Linen and Boast Keepinf fliroiii.' - *
***** s*pS^mdiHM^wiw*iikk>ob TO ,u c .
D *** °* t,D “ l *’ cm* ft®* N«d. Ti™,
„ Bnkroidtrleif Klbboas and I, ace Dcmttnmt
Comprises a most extensive stock of Collars, Gapes, Habits, Sleeves, Cfaemixettas.Hrartrm.liU* vt~
Binds •nJlnmittlng., UcM. Blglngl, Crmpes, thro btnulml cS pHS[s^J?^S^^ lll,<lhl » , > SUIt *>
Cloths, Ousivurcs and Votings :—A complete variety of Cloths, _ , _
8.r.r,, CotUogs, Velrets, U. Trttorf ia^fag«l«.ponh^d.
CO cases of CaUooes, 16 cases of Ginghams, 76 cases of Bleached MnaUna. 100 halts Brown u«.n«, -t* - L
terpanes and Quilts. 40 bales of flannels, 26 bales Tfckinga and Stripes, 16 cases Cantos VbaaS&OaZZlLwH?'
Checks, 10 eases Blankets, together with many other Goods, forming tbs largest and most
ever exhibited in the Western country, and which ibrntyle. quality, and price, baa never been wnZi la€Pt P* o "*™?
Usiing a buyer constantly in the Eastern (3 ties they wJUke always receiving the latest andmagtUefcfenabto Goods.
ifs» Young Mea'a Chriatlui AiiMittloa.
—Tl)«r« will be a L£OIUEX delivered before the
Pittsburgh “ Yoong Meu’sChrisUas Association” ob TUES
DAY EVENING, the 3lst instant, by BISHOP POTTER,
of Philadelphia. Seat* fret. Doors open at 6% o’clock;
Lecture to commence at 7% o'clock.
ocf3o-.d2t Lecture Committee.
rr"i==* Dr. Fitch will Lecture on Monday
lxt£y and TUESDAY next, October 30th and Slat, and
BIOR HALL, Federal street, Allegheny City, at 7U o’clock
In the evening, and o’clock In the afternoon. foetSO
Bank of Pittsburg k, Octqbi* 20th, 1854.
An election for thirteen Director* of this Bank, for
the ensiling year, will be held at the Banking House, on
MONDAY, the 2uth day oi November next, between the
hours of y A. M. and 3 l\ M.
ociZUd JOHN SNYDER, Cashier.
An Election for one lYnddeot, five Managers
aod a Treasurer, of the Tempenneevilleand Nobles*
town Turnpike or Plank Bond Company, to serve for one
year, will be held at the office of the Treasurer, on the
r'lFviT MONDAY of November next.
C. 0. LOOMIS, President
AUSTIN LOOMIS, Secretary and Treasurer,
fctl7 No. 92 Fourth street
For Selling and Buying Patent Rights.
rpfU? mbreriber. having learned from bis intercourse with
X Patentee*, and with persona who were desirous to sell
Paten?- Rights for CttLw, Co untie*, States, kc+ as well as
wi;h other* who wUh to parcham such rights, that an
sit-nt to transact that kind of business was mnen iwdvl
h**r*\ ti>r. dptermlned to devote his time and hb to
the *-**n ieu cf those who may desire to employ him.
Pledging himsdf to attend falthfaßy to all matters en
trusted to him. ha concludes by referring the public to the
following testimonial of a few of the citizens in Pitts
burgh, *e. MOSES F. EATON.
I'iUsburvh, August 23,1&5L
PmsacxoH, August 17 th, 1854.
The snh«cribera have long 1 era acquainted with Mr.
Mo«fs Katou, and have no hesitation In recoin mending
him, to all who may wish to employ hia Bervfoea, as a gen
tleman of undoubted integrity and indefatigable industry,
in whose exertions every reliance may be placed.
Neville D. Crair, W. Robinson, Jr., *
Wn. Larimer, Jr., John Qxabain.
W. iL Denny, JL CfcUds k Oct,
Jam# Wood, N* Tfrileirs k Arms,
P. it. Frfend. Xwyf* Wahw» )
1' fjoieos, L. E. Uvtngaton.
life, Tire sad Mirime Tmumm {fempsnj;
• JAMBS S. SOON, President
C'ujibus A. Coijv’i, S«m*ry.
Tbfe Cnap4nT nufce* every fasmbee appertaining to or
cnnnectcO with LIFE Ul£K£.
AI.»o. fer*iDot Hall &n-l Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mis',
duippt riTcrs and tributaries, and MtHot Rjeks generally. -
And AAiuat Lons and ihims/e by Fire, and against the
Perils of lb* .MS and Inlsod Navigation Tr&n*pwxl&lfcia.
Ptilirh-s issuedat the lowest rates consistent »itb safety
to all parties.
Jamt# S. Huon,
Samuel M'Clurket*,
WlUlam Phillip?,
John JV»tt,
Jiwph P. Gaizam. >l. !>.,
John M’Alpln,
Wm.F. Johorieo,
Jamre Marxha'l,
Goorge S. Selden,
Wm. 8. Harea.
Janws D. M’Gill,
Altnahr Bndk;,
John Fullerton,
Robert Ualiray,
Alexander Reynolds, Aim*
strong County.
Horatio N. let, Ktttamtng,
Hiram Bearer.
Chartered 1819—CapUai St«dt t 300,000.
THOS. K. BRACK, President.
THOS. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary.
Directors— Thomas k Dime,
Samuel Tudor, Kbeceser Flo wet,
Ward Wool bridge, R. A-Bnlkaley,
Joseph Church, Roiand Mather, *
Frederick Tyler, Edwin G. Ripley,
Robert Buell, Samuel R. Ward,
Miles A. Tuttle. Henry Z. Pratt,
John L. Iloeweil, Austin Dunham,
Guetavus F. Davis, Juntas B. Morgan.
83* Policies on Fire aad Inland Risks imued onfovoza
hle terms, by GEORGE K. ARNOLD, Art,
declily No. 74 Fourth street. Pittsburgh.
fTS» ClTlffilfiffiß’ Inanranca COmpanr of
Pittsburgh.— H. D. KINgT Fieshleiitr
URL L MARSH Hi, Secretary.
Office: 9* Water SraLUtw** Mmrkgt and Btaftfrtrti.
Insures HULL and CARGO BUs, on the Ohio aad Mists
sippl Rivers and tributaries.
Insures against Loes or Damage by Fin.
Al£o—Against the Perils of tits Sea, aad Inland NaTtea
tion aad Transportattom.
nxaaocoaa: •
H. King, Wm. LarimerJr^
William Bagaley, Samuel M. Kier,
Samuel Sea, winfam
Robert Dunlap, jr., JohnS-DOworth,
Isaac M. Pennook, Fraaeto Sellaa,
8- Harbaugh, J. Behoonmaksc,
Walter Bryant, William B. Hay*.
John Bhiptoo. dse2B
Vlreman>s lmnmraaea
liv Company of the City of Pittsbargh*
J. K. MOORHEAD, President—ROßEßT FINNEY, Secre
tary. *
Will insure against FIRE and MARINS »tmtb 0 f all
kinds. Office: No. 99 Water street.
J. K. Moorhead, W.J.Andereoa,
8.0. Sawyer, &. B. Simpson,
Wa.M. Edgar, H.B. WRkinj,
0. IL Paulson, WQUamOoUingvood.
R. B. Roberts, John IL Irwin.
Joseph Kaye, Wm. WUklnaan,
David CamphelL j«io
AU3T OF GROUND, on the river bank, in Birmingham,
283 foot by 390 feet, and bounded by four streels, will
be mUI on reasonable terms. It fa near BaksveUßOo.*a
new glass works, and several other manufacturing —ta*-
li'Mnema. It is the largest and beet toe now to be had in
Wrmlngham for manufacturing purposes. Title perfect,
and clear of incumbrance. of
C. B. M. With, at his Lav OSes.
Fourth street, above. Smithfleld, Pittsburgh.
IT’S**- » °—■-» (innimlrlyat WIV
on WEDNESDAY, and the Excelsior Assembly every FRI
DAY EVENING; also, the German on MONDAY^EVE
NINGS. The amusement loving are invited. Two Rands
of Music are statedly eng*red. FancrDanem.
etc., In Hall No. 1; Cotillions in Hril - The Rooms
are finely rentilated, and a variety and abundance of re
freshmenta always provided. Admission, to each—Gent,
and two Ladies 60 cents; Gent and Lady T 6 «enta; J Gent
alone $l. Tickets may be obtained of FRANK CARGO, at
76 Fourth street; or at WUkine Hall, 2nd etory; also, of the
Managers, and at the door on the above evenings. Qte
strictest order maintained. No cheeks given at tha
door- • aspU
)Y W estarn Pennsylvania Hospital
tnSr Dn. L. Scubicc, Second, between Wood and Market
streets, and J. Run, Northeast comer of Diamond, Alto*
gheny city, are the attending Phystdansto the above Inril
tution. for the first quarter of 1854.
Appilcations for admission may be mads to them at all
hours at their offices, or at the Hospital at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Recent cases of aeddsntal injury are reoeived at aD beure,
without form. JalQ^s
C. VBAGBR, 110 MARKKT stmt, Pftts-
IreSr burgh. Importer end Wholesale Dealer in JANCY
azxi country dealers as large and well Httd m * n +)g cf
Goods as any Eastern house, and eaipo thus wtn.
reigbt, time and expenses. ja&y|
PmsiCMH Lodoa No. 336—Meets ererj Tn
Msacaanij Esc*JtrMi«, No. 87-Meets firstandSSd
Friday of each month. [marSM*
)T^r*r..y.?, tte * > "* ,^w JOPRNJtYMKM TATtJT.pp~ftp
r vnvM^vTv i^ Blmrsil **“* meets on tbe
“ttffiS" B; T oSr“ mth ’ “ BCDOCHIJIITKB ' a ’
J?l2 880. W, BEBBE, SmUlj.
Ai'i'fiHXiUN I B. L. (J.—Yon are hereby notified to
TOL &tt f n d »t your Armory, on MONDAY* WXDMB
PAYS and FiUDAYS, for drill) and to tnzmet such bmd
neea aamay come before the Company. P. KANB.
matffl-.ttmd Secretary pro tern.
c. Mttwry, Tester of tbe PIANO
“V FORTK, may bo consulted at tbo PKERT HOUBJL
left at tbe Mask Store of John H. Holier, SI Wood
street, will be attended to.
JJjSr Aogettma Lodge, N 0.389,.389, LO.of 0. meets ererr
Wednesday eteninctn Washington HaU, Wood sL [jyL-y *
TOBACCO —10 boxes Russell A Rahtay> n m« .
25 “ W. IL Great, 6's; ’
25 “ Webster’s Old, 6’s; with a lam a*
eortmest of other brands, 6’s and
j ». -t*«e * \ .
. • w«* ' > >
>"?% ; r v
• - v r.-ys-f,.^
- \
« , O. B.HUW*. ico,
Ko.6g Third street, bettreea Wood eaflMartk
_Tfoe*tre.—JOSEPH C. FJ9RB, in asb
IhSr Masagzb—Fifth street, above Wood~~ M ftiem of ad
m-3*lon—Boxes sad Parqtwtta 50c; Private Boxes, terw»_«a
do. do. snail, SS; Seetmd TSer,2Se; Boxes for eokeed *£.
sons, 60c. Person* seeming seats win he charged uu
cents extra for the oertifieat*. Boors open at s£to T ©Wotte
performance to st7*Xtt’rlnrt- fomnil night of
the g.aat Yankee Comedian, Hr. JO6H BILBBKE, reaped
here on last evening with shoots ef langhtar and gwww*™..
applause, from every part of a crowded and frshfonabls
house..—.. This evening, October-51at, the TUFftrmmMM
eoauumee with the force of BOOTS AT THE SWAN: T ir
ffc By«n; Belly, Mrs. Xortar Danee, Mbe Man
J Arlington -_To be followed by the comic dfift of near
Patch IN FBANOM: pm&, Mr. JoA.aSSe.7.^l
de Dens, Mieses 8. and M. Partington—ThwwfotJ® to eon «
elude with THE YANKEE IN CHINA r AUjeh. Hr. Josh
SiJsbae. Boring theplAs, Bushes’s “ Boroday ©fdhe United
Statue ..—.To morrow, JOSH SILSBEE will appear in two
great characters.
MB. cTm’MANUS, having arrived in the dty. takm this C
method of informing his former popfls andfrlends
®P e ® DANCING ACaBAMF, on next i
TUCBSDAY, October26,at LAFAYETTE haiY,• tig* t t ?
EXCKIFIOR HALL, Allegheny dty, at which time he will
be happy to see all those who foci dashes* at Vanilnr the
beaudJhl art of dAadngrcomWned with grace, etiquette, »_
Ac. His terms will be as last season. Helrfll teach oC Ou f
aaacantncin. tvyuc, together with many new aadbeanthul 5
dances never before introduced in this dty. \
ladles’ class meets at Lafoyette Hall on Tuesday's and 1
Thuirilay’s, at 3 o’clock; and Gents’ at in thfo 1
city. 3
A claw in Allegheny will be formed, of which, the timo
of meeting, da* notice will be given.
Mr. M’MANUS can be found at LayfoyettsHaU, entrance
on Wood street, from 9 to 12, and from 2to & o’clock every
o*J. octia
SETKN HOUSES TO LET—A Dwelling House, well -
finished and in good order, on Townsend street. *
A Dwelling House on Wylie street. A
Two good Houses on Logan street. j
A small House on Mount Wishinhton. 7
A Hoorn of six rooms, on Washington street, AHerfaeny. s
Apply to 8. CUTHBERT A SON, *
No. 140 Third street.
-VTOVKJ4B** lot Xoremtt.
X* Gtihftai'f Magazine, tar KOvculme.
Lady's Book, forKorenber. * ?
Art Journal, for October. *
Jnrt ree*lr®d bjcxptim; *bo,ooaof that** eoOaetfon» %
tg emythtag lnttußntHrattflßUfloanjß lathis city. *
udittbe knrert ntccr. Bowabar, the place ia at •'*
No. SI Wood rfra-fa
AftKMA HHAM.It Ctjiiß.— l b«n« 7 certii* feat I vis *
afflicted with the Liter Complaint and Phthysfe for* .
iobk time, Mac dor tbaatTMrndertbemtftkbr- ?
ddM; that thedteue, instead of being relieved by the f
medieiDM I took, kepi gradually getting worn, ay body i
swtlliag so Ott lvw nnable to stoop lav enongh to ti«
my Wwo A* dleease vu at the worst, 1 was re> •
commended to try- wij.ctp UTSR PILLS. I dal eo>
sod was relieved greatly by the use of the first box, sail f *
eeniplstriy nnsdW ibaaeocod. -* , ;
WellKTiile, May BS, 1846. Bmri> ■"Conn, Xsq. r
3b tbs Pswc-On original, only true ml gen aloe Uttr »
Pills are prepared byJL JL SeOen» and have his nano in L
blade wax bpon tbs Kef each box, ami Ids denature on ?
the outside wrapper. All others an or L :
imitations. &. & SELLERS k CXX, Proprietors, i *
00 *-58 . • No. 67 Wood street. (
A. Sr- ““ “
S » Hew JCngland Fkxilclu J
ATE that B. A. FJWMSKXX'S TfflOniDOK i, (he !* '■
oolj “tide that cm be impliday ra)M ou tor the ex- .
pulsion of Worms. k^"
_ „ , _. Bxnna,N.lL,'lose 9,1853. > W
I\> S. A. fbJmestoti: <£■ Co^
(iacnjoua—Yor fire jeers past, I hare med B. A. Palme-
BtorV* Yermifny for m mHwlwinHn mythf
stirnthm tw first called to it In * case where I h*d foiled 4 ’’
lodulod** worms with calomel, pink and eowhage. AM- : '*
tie ni obtained, and mad with desbahle effect; rise* then
I hare prescribed it for hundreds jst patients, and in a i
J*tß* majorlte of eases with complete snccrsa. In one ea*. i
a dcgfa bottle of the medicine brought awar from oi& m. »
ttent ntnetoelght worm*. I hare nerer known. It to do !
harm, and i am_ indocedtomake this statement from an '
honest ccnrtetioa that it is the meet Ttloable Ywmtfog* !
yet kiwsTU Saab temrooKfUteMa is its “worm-kflliSF I • '
powtes, that I recommend it to other pferekfauasln this mk- ‘ '
tion,s«lftindshthemTrtth !
if, JJ. SiTML X. D
Prroarcd and«oU bj B. A. FAHNESTOCK?CO. ’
- octgr*aw No. 6 Wood ttcct.
'""—mm-nimat Mo, my,
- Graham's Magartne, for November.
Peterson's Magaame, fcr ScTembar.
B**U I*f** *t Bea; or, Pan, trigstM and Yatchtar—A •
Th« Slpra*! a cboia adaetiui I
Art Journal, Ibr October, with three tiennt 2
■teel sagrartegß and ntmerosa Wood Cota, ffarnfeW ?
__ H* HUBR M Oou I
Ka 32 itnirt
CUNMLUSS-2Q bpxes W. *. Cheese, hi store."
O » fan krgeend prise Cream Cheese, f* ratting.
1000 bu Bar Onm, at depot.
IflOCt fane Shelled Cora, at depot
100 fafais Kodfa Carolina Tar. to arrive.
W bags JUtpeta, hi store.
W bbu Crease Lard, in store.
jgMhtT roman . iwnSTiSiMii
&Ss,’ a “ hta * ;
OPMtAß—Hotaa^eomplet*. with Pi«np nianhwl •
Lnetwbafcwh-wi»h p*>»^ «•—*>—— «*» !
Imnmrrmoor, wi th Piano aeoampnahnent^
Tbeabore Jost Motived and fbr sale far
ocg JOHN. H. MBLLOB. 81 Wool street.
T>DTJfil3rB MONTHLY, POS NUV jjUfßJCß—iaosc the
JL oonteots are able article* from the pens dFMeyard
Mdrille, EeT. ftr. H. ».
Qudej’e fcr-Kovesnber. * f'
Petetaon’s Indies’ Rational Magatine, for Kovnber
O ream’s Msgarine, Ibr ZTorginbsfc
Yankee Notions. Jost received and for tie far .. 1
No. TO Frorth }
A ** & credit to the-eonniry. .
teg contribnUoae by the most dfetingaisbed wfttmorA i
da*. Jost Motived and for sale at the ««h Street HoK h
06 near the corner of Market *
jars, preserved Ptoe Apples, in apart and pint jaw; S 5 i
Vttt Jelly, in jdnt inad half pint JaM. Twriredotenof the $
above, put np fay Chanvsaa, of Philadelphia, jmt received >
°l loctgj W. A. iTCLUBG. ?
’3HXM Jt» Canary fiwd. ta atom ■lyj -
Saecessors to J.Kkki * Co., *
Na 60 Wood atnet $
'S9ITIAN &KD—26 bbte
ty foetg]
JCI by [oetgrj
ik! ASUIKQ SUWDKB—I* huSaHttfl WaAfatr FmK
f f der, In store and for sale by
«*g fianaa bbotpttpb
ADDiSK—I,OOO fog Madder, jngt nedwl »«rt
by [oetS*] FUSMIKG Mfflimr
mL*" a “L“£!“ *“ ““us? &
[oetai] FLUOKO BBgmgßft
C^S^SSSS^ X!S:S¥ssts:^‘
Tr.gvmgn BSOTHXBB.
c i s?i*y ,I fcsr i, Sßass i s&faE a i
/joffgj—loohi|«prinwilHn; 1
2O do Java; hi store tad for tale bj
oettS KINO * MOQRTneAn 1
ETOB- 6 florae la store tad for sale’by
UUAKr—ao fabds fair New Orleans In
; KING 4 MOOkirr^n
KCTIRK& SUOARB—l*oirdared. f ~i
Loaf Sugars, for sale by ’
oc* 23 ESQ * MOORHEAD.
I X, ni^ 1 'r J , {^*^ I jL5f b i? ,on * W«L H.Oraat, Wetotert
L Old, ai.d other fororite brands, for nl* by
*■*■ “o«ed Hia la non ud JtnriaTto'
Cl lawm—utfi i pip, lllm, rVij
[oetej kihq*ihmSu£
".‘Vt * •' * %=• '• C':‘ '■
~~ ~;
- Vy/
* % v - ' v -t
taflthVealttenJtad, for sale
JCpeom Saha, hi iton tad tm