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' ' ,1 . •• . £s.?£,>» • * rv* **V «- ■ i l .' r>•,s v •; >,. . k*->L J* •*£VjS«>W‘f.f'» -> „*■-» .’V - * ■' v-cY/.-j V*' ■* 1' *,' -: ’ ■ • : '4v': V N\ c '.;. f t *.•! *» , *'• *J- K. *'„’•’•■ 4*} m* .r ... ?&**;•».>?£ •>• 2* ,^*‘**» c f* i * vy-* »5v *V* V* r» :*■.«<•'' ►'.*■•'•,• j- > ; •> SU>VV,t; : ! tfl-jW'i t. ’. sHfegsgeST-f s . •■ A *•*. > i i * w'.c t' *■-$ *^ra?»Snss s^r;vSf^1 1* •' *> ‘ Partn«rfhlp. ♦V 2 & ti^ l^^ £ •*l/~ r PHE subscribers bare this day formed a partnership &r X the purpose of carrying on Cbaunmum and JFbrwoni* connection with the -R*A, Bacon and Ofl, and JYo* ■3*3* :*x badness generally, aodertbe style of Enaiaxa A Rica i “i/SVfJi*v? *3- l - £MM ; -archouft* No. 110 Water and 160 front streets; '™ r *y occupied by Bnrbridge*loghra in ti eFtrirWaL^t:*Mt«fu £-. t't £jdnWSL B. ENGLISH, T JAMES RICHARDSON, . J ‘" tom ISgglSgig *" ~ Cop.r.o.r.n.p. ;\>i' , <..' i)^,'ll ritabiiwh. tebiwj I, ISM f.b» b. i.viu.sa. 3. nictuansox. j. l iissitt E.\GLE6H * RICHARDSON. * i>d ° A D FORWARDING MERCHANTS, A» *Jm\ f r. nboleaate Dealers in fish, Bacon and Oil, and Produce NtI ~ "" ;i?.' ~‘ M M »|-"""uiy. warehouse formerly occupied by BarbrUge k *r ShS&Tr -* iso. 116 Water and 140 first street, Pittsburgh* 1 -:.--^,JL: 2 BAILEY * BEHIHAW, -ftV»c >■ It PJIiEA DEALERS AND FAMILY GROCERS; Dealers in jj, M %jf Z MlSfSru* 2IT "»v» q Wooden and Willow Ware, Japanned Tin Ware,Uou*e !2iiV»f*.K\ .\u.w .«>.<; r-epmn utetudlSyAe., Wholesale and Retail,No, 263 Liberty *i-~ _L-?b fp£i*z_ *ifuM\'£k334MS»i* •%#■•».• >v-at"hj »f"j h s- .. * srLi.sai, joan moots, aas&s ovtirs, 5, v«, nctsburph. .Maryland. Plttsbocsb i>..' i*h Sallara, Sleola A Co»* >> »:a> T>RODUOE ltd GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, .traet,Pittabargb,Pa. ? % rfSpena, Linseed and lard Oils. JyflS fflßFp'WSirfJfin *♦ *** *%V FEA’S SELLERS ft CO.J ?-T tad CoamlMlon Htrehanti *» beiLsas a jf ‘*~v rA, _W [m}J !To.W9 Liberty ttruLPUUbtergh, Ft. >^.r.»*r,;*:A liluis ullsk, Phila wv.BicuTKN.Pitutmrgb. ts3* *vSi +■ W 4 lErHOLKBALE GROCERS, IMPORTERS Of BRANDOS, iMPe s«r w >^C - :*lU*u/11iC #J wV Wines and Segar*—Noa. 172 and 174, comer of Irwin >»ft it^*-'- V u tJbartystreets,Pittsburgh. Iron,NaU^Cotton Tarns, JEr'lijinb •'* wnyr 1 jc-rcnsuntlyonhand. jy29 i* r i| <4 *' a Ti? 1,3 ’ Wlillam Carr A Co*, r^—’^ar: IWv. Ciaa late af the Arm of J.Paaui A Co.) *r Vrrf b,* *:* « * UOLKSALE and Dealers in foreign Wiaea a and Brandies, Old Monongsbela and Beetlfled WM*> £tVj.>:nj<»s*> w. No. 3J9 Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, SjffiyvF l vjB? i*fty WrtSKftrasfe-flreiiV * mukl r. hu*os....,nu,KruTaraicE. KI’CLURKAS, HERRON A GO., fi'OTrnOLKSALE Grooere, Produea Dealers and Oommis* ItaaA %ifc aapate &gssee6&s c- jt,-»te «►*}** t?'ll KtuieU A Bro.f Sy»W^^^^lyVW? l -43 0C>KBKLIJ!M » STATIONBKS, DKALXSB IN STAN DARD AND LIGHT UTJtBATCBH, and Publiaheriol A WL *O, F. TOKEN, No. U Fifth street, Pittibwgh, Pa. <&?■*?CL**; «st.^-?? HttfWmarlftrly I. W. Chad wick, ~ IN BAGS AND PAPKK, No. 149 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. The highest priceLncaahpaid fbrrags. *n i iTir • t ? v';u:'~: ••.:■ s-.^-'-v r ;4p^>••.»••' ?•:' rss££ : -*'■'' , •V/.«w» •• ■* -* - - .’.. . '■ & -■ - ■■’ ■. t ~'.- : -. *5- * ' *) «j* ’5 •■< * ■(+ &*j + <7 .*.• »i . » • •#-- C•'i 5- *■._ *' 7- .-»-’•< ' }’*.♦►.*’*: .. ' .t, • ’ »*£*• . . “ - ' . - “ -■" 4 i* #«*_ •#• »,**'*J ;^Ti-»*» ti. ; "y- - . ; W *-' •■; i :w^;^**'»r { :-.v';' :i '.-iT.““" - >; . : ’ '■•'« -• V.f/.f -V r '-*‘- t' : ;-i ■: v pg^ sill: « 1. »•' V *< ... OKMttiruaw rv(W. ioltd mmtii?, a? mum. _ RM a.~-mn PoUarsa ymr. payhle etriatty in •Ivancs. fiixDo|lKCwiU4mdattrbs?s«BfaaAliiiotfc within tha year. „ ooplM mow far^ieattheoo^nnthe Office: ana oy the News Boys, . , THS KaßKiira post bpahlkbed from the same offloe,'on n’laife bbaflcet rise at TWO DOLLARS a year, la advtaoe. ®ngl* ebji» Jt*Nopip«Mrfll b» ikooatiansd unls« at the dbere onm theProprietarnAunfflali arrearages ainpnU. No wtehtimwffi be paid to mymd* v£mTmmb* pani»d fcyth* money.or tariffsrtnrrT«te moved to No. 44 Grant street, near Fourth, Pittsburgh, aprlfty r - n,l ‘—'n l.stniii Ponrth street, aboT* Wood. L Thomas M. Marshall, 4 TTORNJKY AT LA W—Offloe, Imrrie’s Buildings, fourth A street. __ janftly Rt B. Carnahan* AXTORN&Y AT LAW—Office on Pourth street between , Cberry alley and Grant streeL j«9? • ; . 4..S«M*olewry, A TrOitNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW-Oflbe la A. UakeweU's Buildings, on Grant streeL jo2 D. H. JBasen. AITORNBY AT LAW—No. 127 foartb stmt, above and near Smtthficld. marfTy Alderman Watson, Office on Third street, opposite the old frst Office, WIIRRK all boatsen pertaining to the office of Aider man and Justice of the Paso# will be promptly si te uied to. Acknowledgments of Deeds andMertgages, and other instruments of writing, taken at his office, or at the jccMeoce of the parties. ®The Dockets of D. S. SCULLY, late an Alderman of the City of Pittsburgh,are placed in my pomnainq, Pertons Luring Judgments on said Dockets may have the necessary process lamed thereon by Alderman Watoon. fmy&tf IS. Baekmaster, Alderman. OFFICE, Grant street, betwen fourth st. and Diamond alley. Conveyancing of all kinds done with the great* «*t runs and legal accuracy. Titles to Beal ErtWit ex amined. Ac. im R. 8; Beal, Alderman* VfO. 91 THIRD Street, between Wood and Market streets, .Iv Pittsburgh. Collections promptly made. Bonds, Mort g:iges, and other writings drawn with neatness and soon* **cy- ' • JeShly 11. AHL, SUES BON DHNTIBT, (eue* ceasor to G. W. BiddleJ NO. 144 SMITH* UTmkUnh FIELD STRRBT. 1 T.T r 49. Offloe boors, from Bto lo’oloOk, and from 2 to l o'clock. febl&ly L » Country Produce, offers for sale a choice stock 0 selected for family use. Bplcae of every variety n J the purest quality, ground at his Steam Mills. Also, rind Fruit*, Foreign and Domeetfe. Prodaee taken in ex Lunge for Uorehandise. F. li. D. has procured e full assortment of Landreth's r'tirninnnviarden seeds, and invites the attention of all in* r-v.g.; in rural affair*. janll ptTmxutux...— —aso. ssmsait I WI. BIIGHAH * CO* [FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MEROBUNTB, | Liberty itreet, oppotiU Puma. JSaQroad Depot, | nurT PmamnwH, Px- ] PAGODA TBA STORE, fEHU HAWORTH, IFfofciaJe and Retail grocer, Denier ' and Importer of Old Country Blank Teas, French Bran ds. Wint»,Ao, corner of Diamond alley and the Diamond, Htsbsirgh, Pa. • fob 38^ LIVIVOSTOSB * CO., ORWARDERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Steamboat Agent*. Tim EUpm, ImU. wm. a. M’ci-uae, TEA DEALER AND FAMILY GROCER,*®* corses or wood aso sixth snira, Pittsburgh. I Henry U. Colllwa, OR.WARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, an* f Wholesale Dealer In Cheese, Botter, Seeds. Fish, and jro-loge generally, No. 85 WOOD Su, Pittsburgh. ' [mart !££&«# ; Pral * ttudoek, 5 AND FOKWARDING HKKOHANB, AND ZSZ*Z&U BTE AIIBO AT AG HNT&—No. T Wttor ftmt, CtatofctL S!u A Noailuaa, GROCERS AND PRODUCE DSALXEB |f No. 27W00d street, Pittsburgh. [mj23 Inlth * Sinclair, 'HOLESALE GROOBBS AND COMMISSION MKB CHANTS—Corner Wood and First sta. [potS Henry 21’CulIougb A Co., ’HOLRSALE GROCERS and Commission Merchants. corner of Penn and Irwin streets, Plttab'gh. ] ja&lyj W. 8* Bavui. f\nE OLD PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, (Lin Johm* I sro* k Srooxtoirjand BLANK BOOK ixn STATION*- f? WAREHOUSE—is prepared to execute every style oi •gel, Commercial, and 8 teas boat Job Printing and pox Binding, and furnish every article in the Blank Book, operand Stationery line, at the shortest notlee end on the Lost reasonable terms. j Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse, oornsr oi Market &d Second streets. Printing Offloe and Book Bindery, No. SO Third it. botl< j - B. T. C. Horgu, OOOKBELLER AND STATIONER— has always pn han,- 11 a gageralaaeortmentof looks. Printing, Post and Cap Paper, Ac, Wbolemle and Re- Vu, No. 104 Wood street* below fifth, Bast side, Pittsburgh. f'CS. Wanted, Rage and Tanners' Berapt. apl&ly [TrHOLHSALB GROCERS, and Dealers in Produoe, For- VV oign Wines and Liquors, Old Monpugahala titrl Whisky, No. 291 Liberty sb, Pittsburgh, Pa. [jy29y JOSEPH HBBTKIKKt kTAMJFACTUBKE of *ll kind* of OISINST PUENI. VX TUERAnd BmltUUld street, oppoefta ity UoteL, Pittsburgh!. N. B.—Furnishing Steamboat* and Hotel* partfcttlarly Sendai /. • ■ ’ mlfey #. ud la 7 ar.=••• r - - ' .er , *. . - .k .' „ S _.i?£ 44 fflaito POBLIBHBD PAILi, BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AI THE “POST BOILDINGS,” CORNER OP FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, AT $6,00 PER ANNUM, OR *5,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE^ VOLUME XIII. -Li- , ' • JOSEPH fobbing, : - a ftncoassfli so i. wiiroox * co 1 pfGKNHTMAKKEr STREET AND DIAMOND. keet»s on ***& * full assortment of Drugs. Medi iS,SSS»“- I ' erfam “ ry -“ i , *f“ Prescriptions carefully compounded at - ja:9y fABM BtptrrHn i m V WCHHAM /Luturo. -. FLEMING BROTHERS. „ _ (Successors to J . Kidd & Oo.) WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, _ «0, Wood Abed, Ftaalmrgli, Pa. of 01-11 L *° e * GtobrWMl Vermifuge, Urer JOBS HAFT, JR., ' __ . (Succesror to Jus. MU nfTey.) A-WBalUßla usd Ket.il DrnKclit, TO Dmlot ia PAINTS, OILS, DIE BTCFfS, Ac. 11l leood street, three doors below Virgin tdlpy, eprlmiAalj PITTSBURGH. JOitH JO. KUKUAN, Ag’t, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, AND DEILCR IN Dye-itnffi, Paint*, Oil», Varnliha*, 4c., No. Wood street, (oue door south of Diamond alley, riTTsuu.nQH. Ljaftf johm hiitcuEllT WHOLESALE AN I) HE! ALL DRUGGIST , , „ V, No - 135 Wood Slre.t, ’ N«xt door to U. CliiM’e hhoa Hoube, Pitts trorcb. J. uiu... • Zfotice. TOB. YLKHIKa haring associated with JOB. abet, the. Vhereafter be cotulueted under theatjlo of J. ABEL A 00., at tho old stand, comer of Smithfleid and Fourth streets. j, l:y H WUllam Thorn, Drngglit, AS BJsMOVKD 10 the corner of 11 AND Streets, where he will, u usual, atteud promptly to hJsnumerousMends. AlUrtlcleslnhisUnearewarrniited pure, and put op with the utmost care. marl4:Gm A. Ffehneitock A. Co.* HOLSBALk I>KUG WAIUSUOUSE-Corner First end Wood streets, nd comer Wood and Sixth', [fob! R. L. ALLEN, WSOLX9&LC rirn.rf. iM • Form*n Wise., Brandiw, Cig*r«, Old KonMun hela Bye Whisky, &c., ALSO, RKCTIPYI.VG IUSTILLEK. NO. 8 WtM>l>-STK£irr. PlTTsllUiWli, FA. VI/ INBB, Brandies, tiin*, Oozmuls Jamaica Spirits, SL TT Cwlx ud New Kuui, Ci&TfU* ChmopungiL Booteh Ale, London Brown Stout, Irish, Scotch. itourtxm. «d Monoiif aheleßye and UacUfced Whiaky, Apple, Peach! Wild Cherry *nd Blackberry Brandt**; imported LUfana, Begalia, and Pxtnupe Cigars; Hali-apaniab and Common Ufara, all at such low piices as to challenge coape Ition. Fancy Bar Kegs and Labelled Itotl 1« ol erery style, and Demijohns of all alias. 1 raspecu'ully invite an eeainloa tion of my atook, at No. t> VYuoD Street, Pittsburgh, aordilr JOUN ttdOUTT, JMFOBTXR OF BRANDIKh, UIN, WINKS, Ac.—Dealer In fine Old ilonoogahtla Whisky, Pearli Brandy, Ac. Also, Bectitying Distiller, corner ol rimhhtieid and Front streets, Pittsburgh. ipr ia J. Uryar, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOB MERCHANT 155 Liberty street, and 31 Diamond alky. feblDry »JNO. E. DOWNING, CI^ui. WholAtAis and Retail Clothing Horchanu. HO. 88 WOOD STIiIJKT. THE sSbecribere respectfully inform thoir old customers and the publicin Recersl, that ibty hare this day as sociated tLeau-eW** in the abuts butane—, under the tirm ot JOHN H'CLOSKEY A CO. Th».y rc-ix cttuily ■oi!*it • snare or public patronage. The previous bur.in--« of each will be fettled by them a*tr»reepecti*«ly. K LAIRD, fUiK of tha firm of CoOlii a LaTarTThsTiM • opened fcTUKJi Nu. 8, v,twu do.-.** old aland,) tor the purpose of carrying «.» the CU/THING BUSINESS, Lopes by nrict attention u» buMsccs to merit a •hart oi the patronage cl the late brm. N. Clothing uuujo to orl>r lathe most fnfhionsbie Styles, »nd on ihu shertett notice—inferior to near In the «*£ yaadtey Jamil C.' Watt, KRCHANT TAILOR—No. 4u Fifth street, opposite the Theatre; Pittsburgh, Pa. aprT James Afeiilnaer, MONONOAHELA FLAN IN Li ufil.Jy— Would inform Li# friends and the j>uo.k, :cat lus n*w wtab- Hfhment is now ta full ejwraticn, and tlmi ha u prapwrad u> fnmiah Boat cabins, and Cil all criers r.r i*iaa-u Lumber, wUhpramptnaaa, acid at the if-wusi rate*. Board and Plank, planed on one cs both sides, ccastaatiy on hand. - Baah, Doors, and Mouldings, ol retry CrKr.mjon, to ordar. Bufldara and Carpenters would hud k to their adTaata** to giee him a call, a* he am new ruruieli thrtq wjuj planed atnff soitoble tor cecry deeoripti'jn es work. w». a. jAJtxa cAiswau. HXBBOH & CEI6WELL, BELL AflL BHAjSS FUENLERB, MAHUFACrUiIEKAni ail kind- i f iirlA.-a WGBff f>n. COMCTIVK,oTtAAI KNOINa. PLUdBEUB. Ae. Al so, Cotton Batting Manurac:urcrt>. Foundry on ii-bece* itrwt. Cuj. Offlc* and .No. lliMarSi-t :.irwt, lm«Lurtfh. OLD BRASS an«i OUPptSK tax* r. in for «c-rk orcaehpaid. Or*«rr» Iris atm* t-unory cr oCo*,»lJI t* to. MA-ly JOtfKPH T. LOWIIY,” Po. 43 Oirnrr of f\F\ urW H'ed Xr*,f,, Offl»up it*ir». Entrari*-** hr-si Kifii iMul.urgh, KEfiPISCTFULLY aduvu&u' to to* publir iLal lie bu oommawd tDo RKAL ESTATK A'.KN'CY, m rotm«o bon with InteUUrenc* and xm-rtu a Unnin-. 1|« vil] ftlao attend lo renting. in want ol ~* , rTanUt, in any capwdty, or thowtn tr».at of pir.cvv V * jppl«d at abort notice. Ail bnsineaa entrusted u i>.j« care ;>roiattly at tended to. JZ4/erenc£*-~-T. J. Bighats, n [ Ksq., W. 0. Leslie, Dr. Aiex. Blaoß, Jades rlnr.iera], A. A. Mason, Alafflt A Oia. Jsnl*s x. QKXtt - xximsum M. GRAPK A C«7, Western Foundry, No. 124 Wood street, ITANUFACTUREfIs *jf O-WKI.M) STOVIW, Coal ami J.YJ. Wood glove*, Farlur t5lo»m», Holli.w Wara. l'laln am) FanevUratM, i’ialu ao4 Fanoj F*nd*r«, S-.nl ;»ni ixn? Iroas, KctUea, T«s» Ei’lllei, Vl'a-on JJos.*, As. ; ! AbiUd Loom!*, RKAL ESTATE AUKNT, Mervhaotiiit. Stock, Bill Broker,Oilloe, So. 92 Fourth itr«rt;(afoove Wood.) Tb* •UORcrt bar having openvd nu office at the above }>!»««, ter the paipuw ot negotiating Jxmne, kiiU, Iktmli, and all other Instrument* ter t!it security <*f Money, and for the pamißM and wale or Pto.-k«. Wju ai*o ptt prompt and particular attention to buying, r«*n!lne of and !«**• ,nc iu*i tout-. [jyJj aoti:; loomis. Echncbrntn 4 Hnanlcin, LITHGUKAPILKUB —'third slm-f, upjiopit** the Pott*oi!lee, Httaborgh. Haps, Ui*i*r»j;»s, Bill Heads. Show BUU, LftDti*,Architectural and Machine Hraulugs, HzmineM ana Visiting Cards, eU\, Engraved or Drawn im gtene, I‘rinUai in Color?, (ioW,Brou«o,or UUoS.io the most approval style, and at the n»u*l n-mmitblw'prlcm. t»-tl£>:ly 8. Sl’Klnley, House, sion, ani> ukeaskotax. painter, and Dealer in Paint*— No, 4-1 Kt Clair ftrr-et, PlttaborgL. Ha> constantly on hand all kinds ot Paint*. either Ary or mixed, Japan and Copal Varnbth, Unwd oil, BotU«d OIL BpirltaTnrpeotlne, Windoir Gln?F ot all "Ires, Putty, Paint Broihee, Ac; ail of the beet quality, ao FifUi it., iKtUburgh, Jb. 4W* Keeps consUntly on band a large supply of all tbe Various brands of Impertad Cigar*. j*3:jj JOSEPH CHAPMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN IHPORTEO CIGARS, ay&ly No. 63 AUairr hTn«T, t'lTfßßtnmii. POWKK * BIEBDOM, ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS.— Ornamental Patterns for Ciuting, In every style; Modeling, Designing, Ac. Composition Ornaments for tli» decoration of Steamboats, Building*, Ac.; M SMITUFIELD Btt—t, near tfaa Post Offlca. yl*Jm HEW PAPER MILL. CANTON OWO. FfSHBR, ANDERSON A CO., have juatetarted their pa per mill at the above place, where they will be happy to receive orders for printing and wrapping paper of all si Mi. feb27:tf ft—M : A. Tindle, WHOLESALE nail Retail SADDLE, HARNESS, VALISE and CAKI’ET BAO manu&c -• turer. No. 106 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ir&y John Q. Mcllor* TT7HOLKBALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN MUSICAL Tt INSTRUMENTS, Pianos, Music, School Books and Station wj, No. 122 Wood rtreat. [ jnnl JLJ.HAQAJT ; HAGAN * AIU*, AITHOLRBALE and Retail D t hb in StDei, Fancy and *f Staple DRY GOODS, Hob 81 SL&rkwtand 8 Union street, Ptttaborgh. apr4 E. WUI TEHODSE, Fancy bilk and woolen dyer and cleaner, No. 7ISABELLA Bt, near the Emmet Hotel, mart Allxohjxt. Thomu M. Little, TTTATOH AND CLOCK MAKER—Fifth street, between f f Wood and Market streets, opposite Iron City Hotel. All kinds of Jewelry made and repaired. faps:ly A cuwn**r~ .a. doiimm. 6. CCTHBERT db SON, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENTS, No. 00 SmWiJldd street. norl Card, HLES, (SOOOB6OR M aiCiPUT a Lsta.) WOOL DEAL • ER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, for the sale of American Woolen Goods, No. 130 Liberty street. [my4 L. E. Hayward, Dealer in boots, shoes, trunks and leghorn and BRAID HATS, corner of Market and Liberty ste., No. 174 Httalmrgb, Pa. Jel4:y • BARR * MOSER, ARCHITECTS:— Offices: Philo Hall, N 0.75 Third street, Plttabnntb: and oast side of theJDlamond, Allegheny. fellkSm B LOUTH A BRO., Hast Birmingham, manufacturers o! s Bar Iron,'and small Iron of all descriptions, and make, alao,tha flhestonalltyofHoons, Rounds and Squares. AW*liaaT*oW«ri‘fex Iron Id Che bex, at the city Post OOoe. *olB w». .J. FLXJtiNO. Kcaovnl, ■AWrAcrciu* or Chilton PorucM, Wrought Iron Tnbia*. A*» Fitmtui to* Btus. Ua* o% Watkx. 49" No. 26 Uirktt atrrtt, PHUbargh. W* h«v* »oW oor foraoew, Pittmu, 4e., to M*»r* AIINOLI* A WILLIAM#, when w* cordially rrcosiiDcsd t*> th- of ib* irahijA. J*-2i SCAIFE. ATKINSON 4 OCELY ±' | her-- - l* v ' 1 J)iSUI AflL, JH. ..t‘_ v v -'. •' •• '' „ " r r * ' T ** *% T V* v* ■ sr ... * g ** • - ;, j* v * . v,’ • •y.ij -f«w • j ••»•;»- PITTSBURGH. MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1854 J. c. ASOKESOH, Ho. 6 Wood itroot, Pittilrargh, P*., WHOLESALE Dealer in Foreign Fruitt, Nut* Sploe* Confectionery, Sugar*, Cigar*, Ac, As. Ralrias.Figs, Prunes, Oranges, Lemon* 14mm, Date* Citrons, Almonds, Filberts, Walnut* Cream Bate, Pea Hut* Ooooa Nut* Ploe Apple Cheese, Sardine* Pickles, Bauoe*Book Candy, Yer mieelli, Uaccaroul, OUto OU, Ac., Ac. apr&ly KRTERPAIi: oa iSGwoasmnr.t inn nooi mlow rasnr auht. Mewir d TXTLMT. IMPORTERS and aaaufretumn oi SURGICAL AND DENTAL Mw INSTRUMENTS, RIFLES, Ae. We keep a general assortment of the ebore artfideaconstantly on hand; together with a general variety of Faaey Hardware. Also, Ouna, Pis tole and Revolver*, Haaka, Horne, Shot Belts, Cape, powder, Lewi and Bullets; Bowie, Dirk; Huntingand Pocket Knirae; Tailors and Hair Drawer** Shears; Poeket Sower*, Ac.— Also. Truasee and Supporters. Jobbing and repairing neatly eiecmted. BULKS]—Weare making Biflea of every description, to order, of the beet material, and workmanship warranted— Orders received fbr them at Wholesale or Betall, will be fill ed with despatch. Hunting parties supplied at Wholesale prioe*- my 15 ChaudelUn and Ou Ftitnrei, THB rubecribersare now opening at their new Wareroom- NO. 109 FIRST STREET, between Wood nnd Smith field, the largest assortment of CHANDELIERS, BBACK UPS, PENDANTS, and all articles connected wit Oas Fitting, tTer Offered in this market. Haring arrangements made by which they will be constantly in receipt of new patterns and varietie* they confidently invite the attention of pur chasers to their eel action. We are determined to sell aa low as aay house iu the West, aud being practical Gas Fit ters. can offer peculiar advantages to those desiring articles in tuisUue. We continue as heretofore to fit upbwßdiagsof every de ecription for gas. watar and steam. Brass Castings of all kinds made to order promptly. LONG, MILLER A CO, wargfcy No. 109 First street GEORGEBLETOHER, FROM nv YOKE, .. MANUFACTURER of the celebrated m . \ Gosaaaer TeatiUtiag Wig, Elastic / n\T i Band Toupees, end every description Ifewm of Ornamental Hair, for Ladies and L > 7O FOURTH STREET, Wood and Market, Burrcom's system enables Ladles and Gentlemen to measure tholr beads with aocoracy. No. 1. The round Of Hie Head. No. A From the forehead over the head to neck, No. 2. So. 3. From ear to ear, over the top. No. A From ear to ear, round the forehead. 3 Fur Toupees, to cover the top of the heed only— 4 paper pattern, the exact shape of the bald part [ my* Maw Coach wad Carriage Factory! JOHHBTOH, BKOTHZBS * CO., Owner of Rebtoca and Bdwumt sfrwtt, MUght ay CT/jr, ' arm ww WOULD reepeetftdiy Inform their friends iVfrHyaml the publk generally, that ihey have the manufacture of Carriages, jOr Rocha ways, Buggies,Slsifb* aud Chariots, la all their various sty lee of «■»*>» and proportkm. AU order* will be executed with strict regard to durability and beauty of finish. Repair* will also b* attended to on the moat resmnshte terms. Using !a aU their work the beet Eastern Shells, Poles, aud Wheel etuff, they feel confi dent that all who favor them with their patronage. wIU be perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. Purchasers are requested to give oj a call, before punka- __ octfiily Pearl Steam Mill; CANAL BASIN. ALLEGHENY CITr, (nan rax aauaoaa static*.) FAMII»I£S will b* V FOR Saddlem and Carriage Makers. E - T.-. PITTSBURGH. Alto, Clotlu, S&m&iki, Lades, ICoai, Bant Staff, Spring*, kt n 4c. ; fI'KAS: TkAn: TEAWt— AWOKTII, the nrtrlo*] eoj ± only Importer is thieii ' (the beet O-ugo T.tui form London, b now r*crtrlo» itf y large sod choir* MlrrtiOD of T&AK, which he l* deter:. nod to nil it jtacti prim ud fin-w—wf quality, tt>.t &]] um r-wkleae p«A>n in thti&r Ibe next ci:t ran bot boat. I|e moat respectfully Invitee the laJirs mil iwßiicart of thbi ted th« »grrourulfug districts, without dDiinrtico of nation, tn emit aud try his Tut*, which he *clb Mibjart to be t*lur»*l. If they doc 1 ! giv» taiUftrtten. The following arw the price* : itolmjp.i-oorhoagand Oago, 3T'ydW cent* y ft. A von sa;wrl.4QetAor.f ft. Extra Cn* Young Uyaoo ud Imperial. Tie. ft ft. TVry best Voußff Vrton ted Imperial, *1 ft ft. l>>t l mistake ti* plarw— PAGODA TKA PTORR, corner of ißuoondul Diamond alley A liberal reduction nult to dealers latZl fW MUSIC STuUR.-—Tba cub*.til'*r* h*»* at i.l .■*■•'. *>s Fcarth *tiv*t .a tbcW ooli*:tloo of iquak wt ia/*runenu», Italian aruj O*na*o itrlnjc*. Plan'*, b? H. Kr»rri. of Parts, and Mr. Aboirf; riot**; b j M. K*l«r, Praslf.rt, A M; CUrios-t*. klmli ofbr*j* inatra fflenta from it.* bant Prrocb taaoatartori*, all of «hkh *• os»t v ih*> public on mon Hbond unoa, foaling confidant that *o ran r»nJ4T ectirr* aatlafoelios. 11. tfCIIROKDJCti A* 00, No. M Josrth II Hehronder and 0. Aston will flra lutnotiosa os tfca piano, Tlojin and jprttar ARNOLD * WILLIAMS, HEATIRQ AHO TEanLATUTO WAREHOUSE, >epot of Loßfworth A ZtA««rmu*i Ca> ttwtw Wlnti «nd Braadjr. asd«r«leDeU b*j revived »ad offan at Cln- X ctfimut prwi,» Uni* qoutity of Looworth A Zincs •i' QUB'netwtc* nod world-rwnovnod BporkJlnf, Dry and Lo *lW dwe«t CoUwb* Vlbm. Bccb u buj tfcwrfr* to prorarw ■o •*zeplt<>ot nrUcl« of NwUt* Wine, (ih« pur* jaicw of tbo Crnp**,) will Bod mjr eftebtlohmoot th* pUrf-w fur the jTwtlft ration of thMrdoolm. Tbe CnUwbo Bnu>dj, dial U*d from tbr jr*mUu«* c., always on hand. aprlO:Cm HBW SEBD STORKt JAMBS WARDROP, OFVBRS for sale CAN Alt Y BIRDS or the moet Improved breed, being very hardy, and fine singers. Bird Boeds —Canary, Hemp, Millet, Booe and mixed Seed. Bouquets will be furnished composed of the finest FLOWERS, vis: Cornelias, Rose Buds, Heliotropes, Ac. Kvergreena(ln pots) forflhrUtmas Trees, from the Seed and Horticultural Store, No. 49 Fifth et, near Wood. dae2o veatime the Smoke* THE subacriber having the exclusive right to manufac ture end sell SWEENEY’S DOT AIR AND SMOKE OONBUMING FURNAOE. is prepared to receive orders,and contract for heating buildings with the most economical Farnaoo now in use. The attention of those interested is solicited. Any lniormxtion can be hod of A. BRADLEY. Nos. 2 and 4 Wood itreet, or of J. BARN DOLLAR, dec24:tft Iron City Store Warehouse, No. 114 Wood et. Warren’s Oongreis ink. THIS INK is prepared by a purely ohemieal process, and is warrantee to contain nothing injwriota to metalicpem. It is pale when first used, bat by exposure te the air be -•omes gradually of s intense and permanent black, tfur sale In bottles of vorinu else, by wholesale or retail, at sapB W. 8. HAVEN’S Stationary War use, Market street, corner of 2d. i SGLIBH DAIkT dHIKSR—UO boxea this day reodved \ and for saly by (aafifll HENRY H. COLLINS. V** •n»!< •«• V .i • ,Y .. • ....... ■■ ■ ‘>, fc *;• V»’.\ *■•*•: . "i - V v cW-irf -r's - > * » •> -« ♦» > -4*. 4. ' » :♦* *» v -' i ’A*-'**--. •* ■ „ v ‘ •' 1 , * • < #•; A *s* 1 '* s-ap.-rr.-r: ...-jdMsrt? fflamm, fiasf. SEW CARPETS. Spring Style*. AT THE CHEAP CARPET WAREnOCHE. No. 82 THIIID Street—We *re now receiving ana openlnir ’ one of the largest and choicest stocks ol Carpeting*. Oil | Huge, ever exhOribodwZt of New Tort, fche stock has been selected with great care. Persona in want ofany articles in our line, an rwpectfnlly “M. 4 *!? 64,1 **“nine. Oar assortment eeasUte in part of the following, vis: Boyai Velvet and Brussels Carpetings; Tapestry Brussels; Adbossan Carpets; Extra Imperial and Soper Three.ply; Patent lngrain; Superfine and Pise Ingrain; Worsted and Wool Carpets; Wool and Cotton do V VeniUan 24 %, and 4-4; \ Hemp Carpets, very cheap; List and Bag, do w ’“ d w: SnnUh Mlttln,, TCT7 chr,p; Uonlc Hog»,»W perpdr; Axminliiior Chmlll., ud Talttd Rag., .11 pricu; Oolored do do do fremftioto^™*; Embossed and printed cloth table and piano oom*. of entirely new designs, very rieh. Damask table and piano eovea; also wonted damask by the yard, toilnett, doylers, A*. 1 variety of patterns in floor oU-doth,from 2 to 24 Buff Hollands for windows, 80, 82, *«,&*>*» 40, 42,44, nebea wide. * Gold bordered shades, entirely new, very rich. Window shades of erwy description. Oral and hollow stair-rods, earpet btedhfe tankft'fe. guicSjdM." a B. H*A»Lf* 00. MTMrtitrwt? }. x. josxa. JONES & BUCHER, IKON FOUNDEBB AND MACffINISTS, Raa "> ad , f°o< of Third tL, Btrridmi, Id. ITAMNO l&orMMd our MMhlDeir, vbfe. 1* now M lk« 11 most improved order, and having aJA*d many (belli- for ilispatrhing work, wear* now mamnlaetaring First STB An EKGISBI, FOR rCHNACHB AND ROLLING MILLS, Blowing Cylinders, Boilers, Farnnee, Bolling, B AW and ORI6T MILL MACHINERY * CAUTINGST Gas and Water Wpe«,Hydrants, Retortj,Lamp Poeta, Hitch ing Po«U, CoUmos, Girders, Shafting, Haagwi, Brackets, Cellar G rates. Bathing Tube,Spouts, Railing t Verandah* and Ornamental Caetinas. We pay particular attention to the nuskstSN strnctioti of Cast Iron Fronts for Benssi and Itorsi. Having anrxteoiiT* aMorUnent of baantUAQwsd Pat terns of the must approved architectural order, our great faculties for miQuftcturiog and shipping enable ns to ocei pet* with oar citiee. Partie* erecting Fornsoes or RoiUng Mill*, Mtn Ownma and Mill-Wrights, will find It much to their advantage to call and examine our exuudve stock of Patterns before building. IMOy JXD BRASS CAMNXQA Of every deecrindou; £miib Work. Pattern Making, Fnr nace and Forge Tuyeres, furabhed to order. [mylfty M_ China. Mali,' * Auorr wr, BtcTwnur third and fourth. —lOO cratßVt 4UEKKIWAUB, of Fall huporta bon, now receiving, to which we invite ths attention of the country ami rtty trade. Having some d<*«o diSerent pat terns of Tea M are, v« fael confident of suiting all tastes; atnoug »hi.-h nx*j br found white iron atone, gold band, gcl-i ar-mti. L!o«, piak, plain purple,brown *sd green. Al so, a baodeoue erwo sprig and white stone, wbieh can *old much i>clcw tb* real atone war*. COMMON U ARE—Onr stock of Chanson Iwl Plains. liakrra. Nappies, itnwis. Pitcher*, and every article in the Uoa, Is large, and selected for the dtjr and country trite. * OLAS3 WARE—Having a large and well selected stock of Ola*. t»n band, « will «■![ at factory priree, snvtng the morrhaot tr< ul !e of making a separate bill. AiJ ve J ask is a cas). aud feel c- object of p’awtug. } _***_ Jt’lfN 3. CPLIART. IO W A FO U fl Dli'V NO 103 WOODSTKMML JOIIX C. PARKY, lauccaaeor to J. C. Parry A Cb,) loininna cf the old firm, and the pnhUe generally, th&t b* has c:-w on hands, and is exteudveij ec ga« . Ksngw, iMOai Stnse*, »f every description. loeaCcok Stwvee, Smalxmi, which rvcaired the first prise for liM> and IWI, at the Agricultaral Fair of At legheey Lkanty. rmasmeniied by fifteen hundred perwone; Knterpnie O*>h£!t*«w J fo or Piwnsiam Oook rtevee ; Egg arid Radiator ('— »l fell, iw* . 'flmrlor Stcvea, *e. Parkw Urate.- aaJ Fender*, great variety, beautifully enaaelieA eVsnmoa Orwtee.snd buiidlag ntetcrtal of everv lUMlStk*. * ■ Agrvat variety 0 f Ornamental KslUmg.for Om&eteriMand Fen cleg. TTougks and I\*ugk Outing*— A Urge stock of all the kinds In ere, and will tw sold at reduced price*. Hall's Pat en* Lwvur, True American, Egan's. Crime’s, Klnkald’s, Wteale*, bull's. Improved Bull. Ac. Ao«6l< Michigan Double Plough, which hae taken the premium at the but* fair* of New Turk, lVnneylvanU. aerl iWtfo.nnl wbMwverit has been exhibited. Iron and Nails, stave mf.e md Tin War*—all of which 1 will e*U at th* lowest prioe*; and respectfully Invite th* pnblle to give me a call, at theolj stand, ho. 1M Wood ft. mWJi O FSRRT. AKE ALLEGHENY SOLOMON SIIUTTKa * CO. (Late Blseel A gcmitir’s Rolling Mill,; c o the bank of the Allegheny, below the !»t. Clair Street Bridge, Auxcoa-vr Ctrr, p*. HE proprietors reepwUaiiy inform the public that, having madr vxUudvv addition* to tbrlr establish- ment, they are prepared to manufacture, on the most rea sonable term*. lien Work fhr Bridges, Car Axles, Qaarry Work, Stone Cuticra’ and Masons’ Tools, Shaftiag, MIU 0«*rlog, Machine Work In general, and heavy Forging, of every he will meet with prompt attention. Mill licks made and Order* iwol by mail or tele graph attemtrd to on the abortast notfoa. jaliqr Cabinet Fnrnitnrs Wsrtksnie. U. Yot'Mi A t'O , ikttwi fknutm and Cktnr Jfaa- I # itfaclarert, Nos. ;’,B and 40 gmttbflek! street, opptwita CVy Hotel, wrvjll rwvpe-tfully remind their old friends and customers, and Uu*m stnut to purchase anything tn their line cf busies**, that they are constantly loanutactaring every description > I faaLionabls Parlor and Chamber Fur niture, warranted In material and workmanship, and sold on reasonable t*rui>. Oars taken in packing tor land or water carriage Steamboat Cabin Furniture and Chairs on head sod made to order, as usual. Those InWeeted in furnishing boats will find U to their adrantago-to give uii.f work tot adapted to thrir use, fault! BUOTti ANDJHOKI, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. T AME 3 KUilB I*** ntted up in splendid style his store, ♦I No. TO Market street, and No 6 Uuioa street, between Fifth street and the Diamond, and baa now completed his Bpring stock of ROOT*, ntIOKS, BLTPPERd, GAITKKA, and Palm Leaf, Pedal, Dustlu and lirakl HATS, to which he InvitHi the attention ol all purohasen, whether at whole sale or rotail. This stock Is one of the largest erer opened In this city, and embrace* everything worn by Ihe ladies of Philadelphia and New York, and be trusts canoot fall to pleas* all, Urvat oarv has been given iu seloctlcg the choloest good*; all of which he warrant?. Ho also oontinues to manufacture, as heretofore, all de scriptions of UooU and Shows aud from this long experience Of over twenty years in business in this (Sty, Is, he trusts, • sufficient gunraotee that those wlio favor him with their custom, will be fairly dealt with. ■_ aprlibtf Bsminary for Boys, South-wit eor. t\f Fifth and oVont ttt~sj>poiiU Cburt House, f pilti Fall Bwtdou of this tfohool will commence on MUN- A DA Y, September 4th, and the duties of instruction will be resumed by Merer*. tiUltiUd and M'DONALD. There are ten successive months In the Academia year. Tuition is $12,60 per quarter. The number of pupils is limit*!, aqjl boys are admitted In the order of application* which may be made after August Hath, at 64 Liberty street, or at School, or by letter dropped in Post Office. aufcow" w; urvcAiFic, First strkb:, between wwd and market STREETS, PITTSBURGH, FA., build! Brands’ Patent Metallic Lift, Boats, of GaWautiol lroo . also, tneuuikctares Copper and Sheet Iron Work, Couklug Stores fur Steamboats ami Hotels, Portable Forget*, Forged Iron Work, Large Bolt* for Bridges, Ao; Cork life PrweeTTers, the beet aud cimupHit kind. Suiamboat work, attended to. [my'ifl.y WJI ure r-po.mug ft-orn New York and Philadelphia, aso HALF CHESTS TEA, cnniprlslng Young Hyson, imperial, Gunpowder, Oolong, Souchong, aud Engllsn llronkthst, all of which have been carefully .HflecU'd, and will lw s»ld as usual. A. JAYNES, Pekin Tea Store, jjrJl No. 38 Fifth street J BOOTS AND silUES.—Thoee who wish to get a neat and well Citing BOOT, SIIOK or OAITRR, will call at M’LAUUULIN’S, W Fourth street. QUAFF, UKISISUKA * QUAFF, Man cfactureus of ooal and wood cooking STOVES, Parlor and Heating Stovot, Grate Fronts, Berniers, Wagon lion* Ac., Ac. Warehouse No. 124 WOOD Street, abore Filth, FiUfli)urgh,_Fa. jy24 STO CKINtiF ACTOttV, yo. 'll FIFTH STRF.ET\ Sign of THE OLD BTAJTD. WILLIAM DALY ha* returned from the Manufactur ing Hosiery Districts of Europe, where he has pur chased, fur carih, a Very esten-ilvo and wail assorted stock of the best descriptions only of Stocking, Socks, Undershirts. Drawers, Gloves; also, new style of UhUdroa'ft and Misses' Fahqy Stockings, together with his domestic stock of Pitts burgh Manufactured Hosiery. He will sell by wholesaled retail at New York Importers’ prices. WILLIAM DALY A 00. Remember the place—No. 24, Sign of THE OLD STAND. my 23 PAUL KLEINER has rumored his LXTBOAUY DEPOT from No. 73 Third street, to Fifth street, opposite the Theatre, where he will be happy to see his former patrons, and all others desirous of purchasing any of the cheap Li terature of the day. *pr7:ly PEKIN TEA STORE, BY A. JAYN£S, 2V«. 38 I\flh street, beitoecn Wood dtui Market, south tide 8014 anti Retail. Jfc3.*yg _ . Tew Jersey Water Htloai md PeMheil rpIU is io daily receipt, t>7 ft*iln>*d, of the J. finest iiiuiity. of t>£AGHJk> eud WaT£E MKLON& 'Ceil stills Wpst,Tro: 138 Wwi street, above FUUI so fctf MAMUfiii siKonuox. - l - > i -•* « • : • •• ip'VV . * . • .**>j f r- BUSINESS CARDS. FORGE Aeinor&l. ' vVtt, ‘HIT.ADFJ/PmA GEOBGE J. HENKEL’S CITT CABINET WAREHOUSE. No. IT3 CHESTNUT BTBSST , (Oraoacci IXDxnapxrci Hall,) _ Phlladtlphla. TUBBITOBX, IB B7X&T BTYLE! Comprising Louis XIV, Louis XV, Xlixahethmn and Antique, with Sculpture Carring and modem style; In Rosewood, Walnut, Mahogany, Satlnwood and Maple; oil of superior construction, and foiishad in the b*fltBtyle,equalto,tfDOtexoeUiDgli2qoal ity, the Goods of any Establish- mentin the United State*. TjtMPLOYING non* but experienced workmen, (appren- X!i tioee being porttirely excluded,)and using the tot ma terials, the work cannot foil to grv# satisfaction to pur ehaoers. Amongst the many advantages offered to pur ohaMn, is the facility of Famishing a House, either in ele goat or plain style, completely from on*establishment; by which means oil the articles in web room corresponds ctyle and quality, and the immense stock always on hand, bwjtg so various in design, enables purchasers to pleoea their taste m a selection, without the delay necessarily caused in ordering Furniture. To rive an id*a of the finished furniture on hand, I need wily Inform you that my Booms are 176 met long, by 27 feet wide, four boots in number; with Shops contiguous, su£H eient to employ 200 hands, which is a guarantee that the wo riti**L done under my own immediate inspection. Packing is all done in the Store, and Furniture warrMted to carry aafrty any distance. Visjter* to Phil* delphia ore respectfully iavttad, as purenaeers or otherwise, to call amt examine the good*. auE&ly ST. LOUIS. JOB KFII ■OGHIDGE. oomnwffoa ass fobwabddg Sbchaht, »»•» Onwjto, mow ta, flauw, mlOocuotokm, wil m~t rttii prompt tl udp.iK.il ■Wta, .ad Übol.***** “«* square LOG BAitN, oo by » V*? two fin* young ORCH- grafted fruit,) Just commenced to hear. There “ *• 0M hundred acres dvand xnd iu s hfoh ‘Utc * f "*L tt \**»* 1 •»* the bolaaes U well Mt with whUeoak richer of Um first order. This Land is well calculated K»r • *®®k Perm, being very level, and the mil of bo excellent quality for gress-growing, and being well watered wittf £2? wfonrtem neverfailing rpriner of excelieot water Ttfr Land to fotiUtie* rarriy met with, being witbk. half «d one mfleoffiouongehela, and almost on the hn* of the OonneUsvlUe lUifroadfand U •upjoert to contain an inexhaustible bed of IRON ORE. pus Land wooid not be in ihe market, only that th* owner U about to remove to the - For West.” Terms easy, and E&JPrtS****. ¥aT forthw lnquire of W. J. kBTNOLDS, at Loren** Glass Works, or of _ JAMES C, RICHEY, - tga Real Estate Agent, et this office. T_, Veliabls Property for Sola. WO Una OF GROUND, upon which arc erected four Frame BtßUinga, whiah reat acuuaUy Property Is siiuaodin the Ninth Ward of the etty of Pittsborgh, on Penn rtreet, between md "■ ■ streets. Abe, the Factory and Ground known as the “Empire W **S eUnatedon th* comer of hnn and Morris etseots. Aleo, aocrmtf unimproved land, situated on th* Alls tfb«uy rITTT. one ndle from East Liberty. On a portion of this land there is the best daw Mill looatlod'tn th* eonc’r Atoo,a number of lots containing from I to 6 acres of choice land, situated on* mile ut»r&-w«*t of East Liberty, and cos mile east of Lawrcneeviii*. Pj**** °* P*P**T are very desirable, ehanera °® odvantageou* terms to early pur- For terms c 1 sale end farther information apply to We. r. R*am, No. - Wood street, Plttrburgh. U. 1). THOMPSON', _ Amiguea fcr Ju. 6. Nrfljrjr. CtUAKWTtJt BLUME, No. llSWood ' ceJeed the following NEW MCSIC:—A Sou* &£? iK W«t; I’m Going Tbete; BvttsnVfarewell Walts, Beliak; Joaniban’a Much; Hour* of fierotbm, a collaedon cf aecred la hut style lor piano or meio daoa, by(2rot«; Will flower*, Wallace; The OrcanJUaa. (Katao; PureeU Murk, Bearer; BchuJhoff'a P** I ** f* o ** *"»«•*; Bcftty, ye Sight Wls4a, Wallace; frlad-Cap Probe; Uud from the Opara, BelUl—uaafly arranged and Coffered for beaaneri - Jordan Polka, oaw; CEurm Parorl, par Wilhelm Kobe- Mko,ltewaa; Parlor ilasourka, Bal r? IMS Afalo. \am; Dying Word* of Little Bet*; Titrre t* ftarkaaes oa the Mountain, Wailaoe; The Mothers bmlle; Early Dreams, at* beautiful melodic for «nal! > 1 * o *,.* * oo ***» to intern the noweetablkbedao EXTENSIVE NCR. uRT, on the farm of Mr. James 8. Negley, near Hast Lib «*•* iuataat, to re- «*dar»terwyeariety of rnUtandOrunawm- W T l ***! S»lj udQtwn Hoom Shrub, uid m..«. . dwle..»4. U p«torn o clob k^L.W^S “™P“ U «lh on. of lb«lMtf*Ni™ri<.tath.B»tt, *?*•*»; »b <>l»wpplj. H.rln* . thorough .od ttmo^loUb.hmloM^h.cm uoarohl. etutomnopnfict .offer bl. wrrl». In aj^o»,Ujl^onl , iu,ilm»ri Nt lo,Ko r »lCmwt. r W, mb. rM^ior the * °* c * dtJ “ lichee of thoee who be *U«wMd through the City W " i ° aa * Nwfloy* „ Bortoa Pnltr Sl«ek« Company. MODERN AND ANTIQUE ORNAMENTS. “OIITfiBURGH AGENCY, IT MARKET htukkt—■Tht JL attention of Builder*, Steamboat Contractors wd Cab- Imt Makers, k requested to this n«t uni great btpror»> amt to the manofecmre of embellishments for buiiiiua and Steamboats, oaUMe and inside; Cabins, Hall*. Church oe, or «»!.. ~A Three Btoiy Brick Dwelling Home, Ho. UOfMaotzwt . between Hay street and Bva&raQey: tad Lot 25 fret front b«k 112 feet to an alley. TbeßemeiscMoftlM la one of die meet pleasant neighbor* ' ftD ?Kni?if7 em i , ? dn i eorßM * frcatanafMwrixaeti} flT «“ et front on ferry and «ix{y feat on yrDnt itrwt, -with * good three etwy Brisk Bafldtnt en the ssrs^?ss. , s%ssr ~t ’" S£££& * ** *+ - 1 ALo4witbTeryoonT«ktlrMM Lot» fret by 90, fronting on Oangress and a™. n ** „ AHou *® “d lot, on Wyße street, near the new Obsrt Hooee. The home is well arxangedaad in good orderTaiMl Is now occupied a« a hotel. 1 A Three Story Brick, on HuilthflaldimaaAa—»n—rft— being In an excellent btbrinaee loeatkst. The lot fatthrlQ feet deep, fronting on Bmithflald ft. ™ A Ootuge Frame end Lot 28 hT 190 fcat-fnwittw uidßobinsonstreets, AHapnenyCUy. fUsSeaveryderira* ble and pleasant location fer a raakboen. Nin* Lots in the town of M’Keasport.saeh.aofretbTlia. Several Of these are oft the Hrin street Seven Acre* in Limetown, on the Konanobela Rim, eat which there are 4 homes; dure are anna T oelient stone coal, and abandonee of Hb>mW —.i—♦ fe the landing; and two coal pita open. Kteety Ufia m the town of OotaUa, tt feet by ISO each, pearly all lard,and well located. The tenant cf enehLM pu the privilege of uring whatever atone ooaljie nay re* qnire tor hie own me, from a pit bn* the Loek*. _ Oolnmhfr U a pieaeant situation on the bank of theHonoMabrinri*. er, a short distance below Look Ha t, in tbwiSletarm ex. 4*0,1. poimtfar "jTw» Htmdredaem of njndee tto* OmLwttb Home. ffifronLAe. M•fn»a*rE»fro!t ofISKH2TB Iwboo|imi river; an eEHeßmft hmdtnw; good iftfni ftamdatton for railroad—with enough knTnoud at mm point for homeland gardens, evleemowferMmfeelariMb The rein is deep enough to allow torses to be need in han£ t log oat thecoal—the quality of which, fer iron work, eteaaT gm, or for any ordinary W^lt—g—ipaueed by any in the country. In my thanny, my .f f, Ij— BUuty,aaw«S! jfn «n gy t»mtfbnrimlto dw* WMJM tee deeds for any piopurty ott, Jiina maw Bo.llOFmn etimt aft Par Coat Lower Uan 57 <■ Cenriy, A VALUABLE FARM fOR fliTilt w>» rabeeriber is authorised to wB the following described TRACT Of LAND, eootaining lit acres, situated in North fanttn town* chip, Allegb««py conaty, PA, 14 mffrt from the C» cf Pltte bQrgh, and near the line of the gteubettvtlie Coat and Line Stone under the whole pi»—. aMt-a«y of MSfaw-lnprovemente as follows: A very comfortable fern Hens*, SO by 26 feet, 2 etoriee high; wash Home, “d other out bnOdlnge; a new frame Bunk BtrnL> 64 by 35 fret, finished lu the beet possible manner, with Ptabling under the whole bunding; 100 bearing Annie Ti*m, best grafted qualities; a large quantity of Peachud CberTy Trees, ail In bearing order; abort 85 acres ciearrt and In a hlgh state of cultivation, with water in aU the fields. This land is vory comfortably situated In one of the beet neighborhoods in the county, bring convenient to market, to churches, schools and mills, and would not be in the market, only chat the owner is about to remove to the for weeL Terms easy andprioe moderate. fbr tether Pari sian see the owner, wM. ROBB, on prmtisM, or the scriber. JAMBS G. BIOBHT, su2lalaw Beal Rrtate Agntt. 1?0R SALE.—Two tplendld farms: one . the other 76 acres; beantifhUj located on the Udw St. Clair tbwnehip Plank Road, 6 miles from the city, each of them lying so as to diride into 10 acre lota, haring a good spdlig on each. It is a splendid opportunity tor a specula tion Thoee who want a good boms, or wish to »«v» money, would do well to look to it, as we will sell to the first th* offers ns our low price, in lots or all together. Also, Are Country Seats, 1 mile from Wood/ to, and only 3 miles from -Allegheny city, by wayof the New Brigh ton Plank Boa! They are fine healthy locations, and of f«red rery low. Also, ten Country Seats on tbs Ohio and Pennsylvania RaUrped,; miles below tha dty. They will bt mid separate or together to a colony or building association. Elsa lorely location, and cheap, of oourse. Alfo, one Lot of two acres, aad two places of ground, opposite Harlmaa’s at Wood*’ run, offered at a rery iowprioe tor so fin# a property. An assortment of lands, Uotues and Lots, always on hand, aad described In my register. Before buying yon would do well to eall and enquire of THOMAS WOOL’S, -*»* • TS Fourth street. BeaaUful Sites for Country Homes. : I«HE nnSemigned offers for sale, on easy terms, FIFTY LOTS, laid off *nd restricted for rural mridentes. ai«*. au ENTIRE SQUARE, on the bank of the Allegheny Hear! fi* l hy 200 feet deep; having front* on Mary and Julia Ann Avenues, and Henrietta and Uetr streets. TM« Mioara eon tains many Fruit Trees of the choicest kind, and commands a fine view of the picturesque and romantic sea n*ry around. lam desirous of preserving thu square en ttse.asit would afford one of the most charming and mag niflarnt sites tor a gentleman's summer residence. in the immediate vicinity of the twodtfee. aims about THRtR ACRES OF GROUND, at the head of advantageously situated formanutocturing pur The a bore property la situated in Dnqturae borough, on the high and main bash of Herr 1 * Island, and i* readied hr a Tory sabaunual bridge of on* span. Fox particular* an tly at ay residence, in Daqneene homngh, on the aok. fronting the head of Herr'a Island, or of JOHN DUN* LAP A CO., cortur of Second and Market rt*_ PiUabarjrh- WM.C MILLED Fi 'mb Ward Pro£*rtjr ror sal* at * OMd TltttEl VAI.UAHLK USE* uongss AND LOTS.— The«- Lttf tmtaio. » front od Penn ttnn, of 60 tot 6 i»cn»,to jSfcetril.j; on.hlch ttun U erected » blr block of Br.ck Houses. two stories high, with •ad cellar la basement, 41 feet front on rnrni ntmt. ind 80 fortd«p oa Loensi street This Is a rerr fecirabl*situa tion for either i §tore or 4 TaTern; Peas street Mbs the Rre*t of the dtj : sad this property bring oon- Tenient to the RaUr.tad Depot * Thla property would cot be la the market only that the owner Is 11 ring la Washington county, and finds it tyjaeoavenient to attend to it ; Tramend price moderate; br further pertloulen enquire of ROBERT DAY, HAh Wert. or JAR. a RICHEY, Reel Ketele Agent, et title otlco. WKdTMOKALAhC COUNTY PIiUFJSSTy sale."* dwirabl* upland Farm, of 134 acres, (with several springs whiefa bare not tatted ta all the late unprecedented dry weather.) situate within one-iborlh of sail# of the F«tm»> t?ama Battroed, at the St. Clair Depot. Ihe im provemeats ms a wall finished Dwelling and taut House. Spring House, Log Bara, and 70 acres cleared. Also, e Portable Steam Saw MUL nearly new, and of fha most approved construction, caksfiktad to saw 86 Ibet tarn her, but which can, at a small expense, ba made to aaw M or to feet In length; with Circular flaw fbr edging, Ac. It wonld also be aomhablv calculated for e ftufr tod uk is in e fine grain growing oowntnr. from one to four thousand kgs tan be bed with Um MOL Brfs Mill ie now la operation, end has constant orders Ibr all the tim-~ bw produced. Log Wagons, Chaims. Aegean be bad If de slrad. Apply to JAMBS BLAKELY, **l3 Beal Estate Agent _ Valaable Preperty tor Bala. ADJ&tNIEG THIERBO* \J DIST U&AVE I'ABD. NBAS CAEAL bahtw_tm« is BOW the only desirahle piece of property In this ndxbbor hood not already bought up by the Pennsylvania Haitroad Ooxnpany. Fronting on Liberty 60 feet, on Sim street 100 ty UOwT 10 **“ M * thodlat «»*• Yard Bfeet, toliber- Tbis property I* most deair*b!aaa ft H6t*L ThebaOUag now on it,, good suhßUnLUUhretfttWT brick* withftUsbi nrowsary back baildings, haafbra long time been oeeapied u the Uftkmllotd,doing»good buiaem. OepiuUsuind otbrrs desirous of making a good ineertmenL will do veil to examine tbe premises. aprSLtf KKMnH>T A 00. For |tl«« I WILL SELL my uexplred lease (fcartatt year*) of a lot, gituate oaO’Haraatreet ud Spring afier.itt tha Fl«h Win)—4o ft. frosting on O’Hara street, sad running back 100 ft. on Spring after, bo *hkh Is eraotad afbar rtorka Brkk House. 40 ft.square, with afrune.twostoriaa, 60 ft. on Spring alley, well e3coUtad to oiTaay branch of manufacturingbuslneaa. to *»■■—- ufactoringin Uw eountry, 1 offer the abore tor sale. In* quire at No. 425 Liberty street. oclSrtf ” Coal Work* For Sale. TIUtEJS A CRB? Or LASD, *iXh 260 aoree of Coal O and all the improvements themon lnnuees* ful operation, tall Farm is fitaated on the Honengahele river, M miles above Pittsburgh, and is naplfad vith a Farm House. Bam, Tenant Houses, Orchard, Railroad, and an wxoeHent harbor. The vein of Coal Is fire feet tiielt,and cannot be mrremnd In quality. For farther particular* apply to WICHOLSOW * PATHS, Wo. gSS liberty gtreat. A Very Desirable bouutry Bant at Pr£> Twatc Sale* HE subscriber is authorised to sell the following ply* o; [in>i**rty. containing acres of land, situated in Collin* ip., Allegheny county, pa. TMs property U beauti fully located on the bank of the Allegheny riser, ahem 4 miica from ilia city; haring two fcmim one on tbe law* reoeevillo and Sharpsbureh Blank KoaoTand tbe Allegheny river; and about SO rods below the forty, and just oeknr tbe cow hi idsv, now being built over the river. For fur ther particulars enquire of JAMES C. RICHEY, i Reel Estate Agent. IjlOK BALK.—-IS 7 acres of Land, 8 milesßooth of Darling* too, 90 acres cleared, good Orchard, a good Stone House, large Barn, two Frame Houses, all In first rata or* d«r, ami offered at the low price of's33 per am. Also, one-half aero Lot iu Oakland, on Gharlotte street. It is a beautiful Lot'; in front of Hr. Ogden's fine Improve* ment, and is offered at the low price of tfIQQ of me. Call dnd get iny Register, for descriptions of a great variety of properly. THOMAS WOODS, £1 I IA/ i —HALF IN HAND, balance in 4 years, fora y’ljwAV/ New Prime Qouco of Sjroomsi with surge lotor ground of 00 feet front on (1m Brownsrille road, in South Pittsburgh. Plenty of choice Apple, peach end plum trees, grapes, currents and gooseberries. A Urge stable, out oTen, e.c The boose is well papered—-good grate*, be. Call and examine the properly. iyll S- CUTIIhERT A SON, I*o Third st. ij>olt BAl.K—Six seres Land, situate near the Mjn>r?Tillt 1 ltoad, I>4 mile from the Court House; on which is a small two story Brick House, Stable, and other buildings* also, an excellent Orchard. Terms—One>fourth mah, *nl oncr iu fire equal annual payments. Enquire of iol- ACSHN LOOH&,gg¥ourtht lUTTaGE POK KENT —The main buOdfaig of Hmn, ap ) Nursery Hill,witbaboutauacreofground. Snauire of on the premise*, or ©f *»iwru »f*S THOMPSON BET.T, A fXK F Yaiutble Property gar ITS. IUND6OHK BUIISHNQ LOTS, dlxuto od Oratn Avenue.iMM Yultoo stxeet, and within y flP waik of the Post Office. For terms, t&fstn of HOOK 4 BAEfIXNT, cornet of Wood and Fifth eta. _ To Let« A GOOD DRY CELLAR, under ft* Neptune Uw>hM A. HouMfOnßirenth.fltreeLguitabtelbreterfagß^SiM or produce. Inquire of JOHN H. STEWART, °>*rt ■■ SO7 liberty ftreet. To I«ot» ’pttß duelling hooee nowoccupied bjMM fnilwil I street, Allegheny, No. 4 CoOoaade Rolf, seethe end if the bridge. Enquire »t the house. -W. H. LOWRIR OSWBOO au7 NUMBER 65. kbwawyabbl EDWARD TABER. 75 Fourth street. 'ASCB--6 boil jus; received by"** w. A. iraLUM. %- .. -• ~! -<• ‘' *•* -* s ; J s -*ajwwc4«#* 11 ’ SAWS or tamxwD vron mt raw rmttvMea mu tmtnm wotatna, * cro * > th* oppc«H* Pttt*. -.. ■ •a£ to «s a »«-.-Hf 1 Mjflfcta • . oor. fronted Bow Ktwetj. ■ l - riTl1 _ WAyjßJLiiir Hnn«H, sssgpftsfssrs: 3*«£s3x&k cn b. hmi at all2Ss*£™> Uqm<(a»Mrt iSSfc. "WJW »w> JOHN WAT.ygtt AR'i'-HUBS. RODflgna *■ ,nn i^raaMu^aytMto», I*M.- CTd . lj£S*®wasSsaKsr" tag™** «i tt. pianororas«»d“=?»<»•■»» M cot • - : IUAOJomw... l 5 b"a'A'cll ** Mtnll ' gffia a^e&Bssg. COOKIHgTnD*H“i TI HOB* O VE B utWotHawt.- A. MAB3M * CO. tow lu id. ' laortouotof n*w Mjkm ti f ßurnt J gSr awssfesi; : * ttflotion MILLINiteg |g r«t>ft.;tftUij«nltr4*.~l • ayoaßiCLjLdt WlLi^rifi IOT|T _ BANKEEB, A <££*%? fa ? xcll “S e > Bani Gold snd&flTer OoCTmt and Par Funds wSdred an rtmmlr Stocks bought and sold on commission. Collacffem■*»niSu ■t *ny point in the United UOUOCUOM made K«t corner of Market and Rfth streets, ' mWßpjgg. pa. Wn - H. Ttteotl 4 Co. _ ' _ tWTOCMaOtt TO t. ItHnST. ja. a m- 1 p. , T Tntt =r Mikfcncjr Imdeni Sul ud Dog Bofjr K.IU-, To K.IU*., B«S • - • 1 .... ■—- ' : T 034 '2£, ootlO’ln ** aotLQ>Ai ' pqHWA&yrys an£» comshbeion mbr attjßtkap«atoiS' craMgnaentb fcr atle of Floar. Produce. ie. *_ Owa for re-ghipment fonruded with dogftdi, MARTIN’S O restaurant and eating saloon. K TH* KABTTOS PLAN, » DimcmlaUab*L- Tfbod tad Afarte dm^Air spmtb* best style, uui on tb« shortest sotke. _: Awltk Xl WAN 4 ABL m jnet -lUftoodg, to which tbqrinr. tom«r» and the jmbUe in nrn selected with greet —i • can be pnrchuedis the dtr of tbfe following: H*taU«kHlto, Broeha 6h**k, Pur * | saw:* ao Wk.ndeo’UlteUlDM, Pn.hrt-v.M.«fniliiirl *’■ B*-.. . &£££*• \ S : L °**‘ rrauX Mmaot, at —PO ‘ Iron Trent Bon-*’ ior it ail eooda. it reodri&g thdr chafe* - I»h »it® the •tUsOkm of tMr eas ier*!. Tha Goods h*T6 bora oul b* nid u low m they* Tbdr stock consists in part tow. No. fll Market rt. BMta anj ““*“ Mtew ji. Mnda nude (oordoyog abort actteg. fgaio yif Brnnit IftTaatlaß of th« P***wmt feelings tb£*™]ly «feg^s»s«s£^£Hßr y* i ■ twi.BOcai.Afl: ;; W 0 !???* Bo . la -^** gr °*' atETH*a eeUbnUa* f T . Kenn.tt Al* and Brom atwit. Abo,-»» he »■ S?£?™£3» 1,,U1 °'® ooT ? •““> , opened In tUrOtf, 5*S n K worrl krthe ledles in PtiUedd- endßo«t,n, m be (rate annetSU to fwSLn v"*?, 1 e * r% b*» been iriT&n in ty^ “Sj o ** good*, nil of which he wruits. »* . T*.^* 0 °°nUnoATO *OV ■‘ffiSssasssi^,-: ■.tsss&hsr W Wertit, Haw y«rir. >r»UAtriT«i»tuua tw ni. umj-bst COLLINS & M'Wr 1 Bwwa&raarsa; r ' s.X n ss^. bKr - rrt sasfissssr “ pr. Thcnft ©tfataalj " jMHbrkirittk , For Buit . J-c Ausai AHD dOJtTEWSHT DWBLLDSO Bgm_ On north -•* • * -—*- ■'' >- .: .:''T,:',?.;!•; lt M Ittfr. 8. JATMEg. •We ere b’lDitaatl; nun* ÜB, Of th« C«*t w«Uil»| atwt deo-lgne, which we b. YOVhii * CCho otelp t*mitligefai street.