. V Vv" r ! '!'>; ..- - • . \ *:■*-• -• ~ ••■•'* *■ *:■£& c *»* -‘ • <•“■ ,- r -.-04 «. 4 - *-, i « :•-vv■£'•■ - '-.-vs---: v-;.::, ' vvy-^:y m, :y, ■ — - S&feft' v *2 v .i .»/i# e ; •’ r y;; L^#lsr*Srli' , t #wSi ) «4tv*;?,* '*■ • ! si-’ •.' **• .'rtrlt-’,■■?-H *• >■' -;*■ ■»:••?■ .*£ %|s»3*i?S*L J*LrjK4ay'*af*& * UK~-*t} <_y ;i • .... »' AV* ' ♦=' ; ~i-" '' .•*• r *.» .'**■-**£%? *?' ?\ .s ' • i I* '•__V > tSi S>• t .• .■» '"■'v ■ ■>?. /■. .v. ■■■••., 'Y.- *• • *• .■ ?; TOKUQ- IJf accord aaai»witii instructions «raMwm^tUs oflevyfhmjh a»ie* T. Piatt OnwgiMirt m the Memphis NtvyYsriMutil-sell to the highest Udder, tor t^sssca^^ssssksai the United States, embraced and derailed in (he Jbuewihg Ktetak Sale toeOßttwe tPo*a*y'to eottiple* property l»afl to goodcdndjtffei aa&to be^Uspoeed esfanpl y u consequence nf the itrtnstVwnf the Wary Yard the city of Memphis, andiu scMftuhiu thereof. * TO WIT: 46*5 pounds Bemp Tow, Terse 7 ecus Hid^Bope. LOT WABTE TOW ANb MANILLA HUP, TO WIT: Heap Tow, Hemp Waste end Baade Manilla Waste, Knots sad The. K barrels bestqualitj Wilmington Tar. • BUILDING MATERIAL, TO WIT: 111560 best Brick 1000 beet Paring Brick 1850 best Pressed Brick 158S11 feet various Haber and Lumber 730 tone Pittsburgh Goal (beet quality) 1041 feet Stone Coping 605 foot Stone But Coarse 47 feet Dimension Stone 80 feet Sane Curbing (undressed) 25 perches Robbie Slone 8000 pounds Nulla (aneorted) 1162 pounds Iron Spikes-: . 260 pounds WAught Nalls BC&* best Welch State 966 feet Ridge TOe* 164 Piles (80 Test long) 116 Window Sills (stone) 1060 buabels Sand 1676 pounds Sheet Lead 76 hernia Cement 140 bushels Charcoal 6 boxes Tin SO bushels lime 31 boxes Window Class 67 pounds Sash Oord 1686 pounds Sash Weights 110 Hinges (assorted) 400 pounds Paint 88 gallons Paint 00 168 gallons Sperm Oil 640 pounds Putty 10 gallons Spirits Turpentine 4 pounds India Rubber Packing 1 pound Sugar of Lead 1 keg White Lead 210 feet Tin Guttering SO pounds Benp Copper 1060 pounds Old Iron 1322 pounds New Iron (assorted) 82 pounds Horeeehoe -iron 12 barrels Berap Iron 16 pounds Horeeehoe Nalls 10 pounds Solder 338 pounds Blister Steel 18000 ponmhgwt Iron Beil Line Hangmu 10 poundsnmory 44 window names - 6 Door Frames 27 Shutters 20 pairs Sash, glased 3 pairs Bash J)0 pieces White Oak 5 pounds Russia Isinglass 3 pounds llu*eia Gins ISO pounds Tallow 250 pounds Hard Soap 1 lot of Old Castings 1 lot of Tree nails 1 lot of Band Leather 1 lotof Lee* Leather 1 lot of ou Cans 1 lot of Jugs 1 lot of Barrels (old) 1 lot of Hickory Cogs 1 lot of Wire (assorted) 1 lotof Steel 1 lot of Stationery 1 lot of Nails. TWO BOSTON PIRK ENGINES, HUNNBMAN*B PATENT, Numbered 847 and 348, 6 Inch cylinder and 16 inch stroke, with 4 joints suction each; buckets, axes, spanners, Ae, complete. Also, Fire Hoee Carriages, with 800 feet leading boea to each. One double cylinder, bo ri son tel Pile Driving Engine. MAOHINEB, TOOLS, Ac., OF VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS. TO WIT: 2 Piling Machines . 6 Piling Hammers 8 Hoisting Cranes 2 Derricks 1 Boring Anger 3 Jack Screws 4 Setting Phis 10? Cart Felloes 2 (krt Shafts 10 Cart Hobs 214 Cart Spokes 8 Railroad Cars.. 16 Axletreee 4 Spring Bolts 1 Sorobeing Brush 166 lbs Chain Cable - 3 Slating Knives 28 Locks, assorted 1 sett Wine Measures 12 Sash Pulleys 20 Masons Hods 66 Bhoveis 4 Axes, Collins’ 2 Cylinders and Cape 3 whitewash Bruahm 2 dosen Dust brushes 30 Angara snorted 8 Framed Saws 4 Spirit Levels 2 Foot Adses 1 Whip Sew 4 Croeesnt Saw* 2 Scythes 2 Hind Barrows 40 Wheel Barrows 2B Trestles 14 Monkey Wrenches 6 pair Platform Seales 2 pair Biasing u 1 French Horse, one Wfautng Ms chine 1 large Thick Edge 1 Greying Tool 1 Hatai Stalk 1 Peak Iron 1 large Burring Machine 1 sett North Tools 1 pair Soldering Irons 1 pair Hand Shears 1 large Oast Iron Stalk 1 Bolderlng Furnace 11 Work Benches 16 Water Buckets 1 Sand Screen 2 Lime Sifters 9 Mortar Owe 2 pair Plow Planet, with EEs 6 Tongue and Groove Planes, amorted SSesh m ’ «i 3 s Finishing «* a 4 Planes, assorted 1 Grind Stone | 1 Mortice Machine, with 1 pair 86 Inch BeOows 2 pair 40 «• 4 Anvils 4 Vloee 8 Sedge Hammers 4 setts Stocks sad Dtai 1 Punching Machine 1 Press Drill 1 Stavlnz Block . SHand Hammers 4 Finishing “ 2 Stone “ 4 Mtt« of ToOgS 10 PanebM 6 Hammer Punch*# 90 Bolt Tools 14 8 WrroehM 1 aet of Bhoohig Tool# 1 “ Blacksmith's Tcola, la Roeewalk font* Shop 16 Crowbars 7 Pick# 4 Stone Baggtee 13 Wedges 1 PalntStone 1 Painters’ Knife 1 M Diamond 5 setts Chisels O-Olobe Lanterns 6 Hand Saws 4 Screw Plates and Taps 8 Sqtuiw 1 Mt Turners* Gouges 2 Broad Axes SHatobets 1 Saw Sett 5 Callipers 6 Screw Driver* 2 Drawing Entree • Nippers 8 Universal Chart* 20 dosen Tilen 0 Gimblet#,. HOESBSs. WAGONS; CABTS, WH: 4 Bln* Draught Horses 1 Tone Horse Wagon Z ' ' VT-1 Straw Cotter Si pair Cart lines 'T 19 pair Qames • k ACheck Be ins 4 Martingales 8 OarTvOombe 8 Brushes Slloree Curts 2 pale Ttanbtr Wheefc 8 Casta 2 Water-Oart# 2. Drays 1 Plough and Doable Tree IDoutde Stretcher 2«ngle M l-Pitchferk 18 Mir Harness 8 Horse Collars 8 Blind Bridles SALUTING BA2XEBY, 10 WIT; 15 safes Carronadea 16 Beds and Slides . 10 Quoins 16 Tompolns, wtOo Wads and Laniards - 16 Lied Aporna 7 Rammers, with Sponges ■*** 2 Worms «nd Ladlw 1 Gnn Boraper 1 Pouch Barrel 3 Powder Horns 6 Prim lag Irons 8 Borhig Bitts 2 Logger Heeds 8 Gan Bpikes • Mallets 1 Passing Box. 8 Trane Bar* 2 Match Btavee -8 Port-Fire Stare# *0 lards Flannel. CM ' fc! ’ 10WIT steSV Ifaho * M, J rCI S I'* 1 '* l}4to* * H OttdosenOOee « I Hoe ** * 10 Windsor . « 8 Softs '' 1 Centre Table 1 Mahogany Table 2aettssmung ** IS Office 7 " 1 bngeTronlDg Table Ismail 8 ssfts trf Shovels, Soap and Fflfcot BW^^iCatgstlng 4 Hearth Rugs 97 yards Oil Cloth 1 Hall lump llUtßsek 3 Sklsßoards 11 Bsdstsads: 6 Bureaus IOWSEBSOs 1 Copper Boilsr .. , 1 Wardrobe . : r> , ! lLWilttncMaa jrjtgV V £ Vp-fc-t. ft*: ‘ 6 Tumblers 2 Water Jot’ ' 1 Secretary 1 Iron Baft - .. * Cabinets fer Papers SOSes Stools 1 Drawing Board, with movable frame 2 Chests of Drawers JBook Caw Store*. SURVEYORS’ AND ENGINEERS’ TWimitTVim, Me., *0 WIT: 1 German Theodolite 1 Surveyor's Compass 1 44 Chain 1 Transit 2 ZnreU and Rods _ 2 Drawing Boards 1 case Drawing Instruments 1 box Water Oilers ' 6 Paint Dishes 2 Fountain Inkstands 11 Ivory Beales 1 Tape Line. NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS, TO WIT 1 Right-day Clock 1 Barometer . 1 Thermometer 1 Sextant 1 Aslmuth Compass 1 Mariners’ 44 1 Artificial Horton 2 Flags 1 Spy Glass 1 Boat, Awning and Sail 1 Hedge and Cable 4 vote Nautical Almanac. LIBRARY, TO WIT: 1 Bible 1 Pfayer Book - - 2 vol’sQreenleaf on Evidence 6 “ Kent’s Commentaries 1 “ Constitution of United States 2 “ Story on Oonsfn 44 ** 1“ D Hart on Court Martial 1 “ Hongs “ “ 1 “ Kennedy M “ 1 “ French and English Dictionary 2 44 Spanish 44 “ I “ Jemmon’s Mechaniceof Fluids 1 41 Blunfa Sheet Anchor - .1 44 Brady’s Hedge “ 1 ** Haswell’s Engineer's Companion 1 “ Chareniets Plane and Sp Trigonometry 1 “ Sir II Douglass on Gunnery 1 “ Anthon’s Clessiral Dictionary 1 44 Irvin's Columbus 1. 44 Burn’s Catechism of Steam Engine 1 “ “ on Bcrow Propeller 6 44 James’Naval History of England 2 44 Life of Cotltagwood 1 44 Southy*9 Life of Nelson 1 44 BotU’s American Kev’n 1 44 Ward oo Steam Engine 1 ** Mordtoalou Powder 1 14 Treatise on Steam Engine 1 44 lives of Naval Commanders 1 44 Ordnance Manual 1 44 Life of Decatur 1 44 44 Preble 1 44 Simms De*c. of Instruments 2 44 Weiabback’i Mechanics and Engineering 1 Stevens’ Marine Surveying 1 44 Norton’s Astronomy 1 44 Lee’s Elements of Urology 1 14 Treaties of United States 1 44 Stewart’s Naval Dry Docks 10 44 United States Statutes at Large 1 44 Index to 44 “ 1 44 O’Brien’s Military Law and Court Mt* l *! 1 “ Practice of Exp Batteries 2 44 System of Arm’ts of Boats 1 44 Webstet’s Dictionary 2 44 Ordnance Instructions of 1852. HENRY T. HULBEKT, Navy Agent oetlfcdawtd G. B. Lock, Aact’r. 49* u Louisiana Courier," 44 Pittsburgh Morning Post,’* 44 Nashville Union and American," copy daily and weekly till day of sale, and send accounts to this oScefor payment INSURANCE COMPANIES. DELAWARE XBTVAL SAFETY HBURAKCE COMPAFY. OFFICE In the North Boom of the Exchange, on Third stmt, PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCES. On Tuans, ) Cargo, vTo all parte of the World. Fncxcßta, ) INLAND INSURANCES On goods by rivers, canals, lakes and land carriage, to all parte of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On merchandise generally. On stores, dwelling houses,Ac. ASSESS OF THE 00 HP AN 7, November T, 18*8. Bonds and Mortgages.... yii ynn oO dtateof Pennsylvania, Philadelphia city, Bpring Garden, Southwark, and other loans, .181,663 42 Stocks in hanks, railroads ami insurances oom- penies Ufll2 30 BUla meltable „. 166,825 64 Cash on hand..— 16,071 30 Biimieiittth« nf Agents and premiums on Marine Policies recently Issued.— .121,707 67 Subscription Notes .lfwjooo 00 Whl Martin, Joseph 11. Seal, Edmund A Souder, John 0. Davis, Robert Burton, ! John R. Penroee, George G. Leiper, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, J. G. Johnson, James 0. Hand, Theopttus Paulding, James B. M’Fariand, W. 0. Lwlwlg, Dr. B. M. Huston, Hugh Craig, Spencer M’Livain, Charles Kelly, Samuel E. Stokes, Henry Sloan, James Traquair, Wm. Eyre, Jr., Joshua L. Pries, James Ten neat, John B. Semple, Charles Schemer, J. T. Logan, Pittsburgh, B. T. 0. Morgan, do. MARTIN, President. 3. a HAND, Vioe President. Josxra W. Oowax, See’y. P. A. MASERU, Agent, >6 Water stmt, Pittsburgh. THIRD AHKVAL BTATEEE9T OF THE STATE MUTUAL FIRE AND MARINE IHBUKAHCECOMPAHY, Or PBNNBTLTANIA. AsnU, Ujj Ist, 18S2 Premium# rewired to Us; Ist, IS&3-. Interact en Loans, Ac.-.. Capital Stock. $440,133 26 Stewart pmalnma, Low—, Rv-taanru—, K* pw—, Bonds, Mortgages, 8 too kg, and other good seen* curt ties Premium Not* Chiboshud ....... Total ain’t of Besouroea, Liable for Loesee 7O ___ DiaaoTojta. JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, Dauphin oounty, P. 0. S£DQWICE, Ugnfgbun, BAUUHL JONES, Philadelphia, A. WILKINS, Banker, Pitt* burgh, A. A. CARRIER, “ . JOHN B. RUTH£BFOKD;Dauphin oounty. A. J. GZLLETT, Harrisburg, B. T. JONES, Harrisburg, BOBEBT KLOTZ, Carbon eouuty. JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, President. A_ J. QILI.KIi, Secretary. Wultnsure against peril* of sea and inland navigation, iJm, on Merchandise In city or counter, at lowest rate* con •Utant with safety. Policies issued on dwelling houses either perpetually or for a term of years. Branch OAoe, oorner Fourth and Hmithftaid straeta. mjt&tf A. A. CARRIER, Actuary. THE UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY and TRUST COMPANY, ’ PHIUDELPHU. CHARTERED APRIL 28TH. IWO. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $250,000. Office, 8. E. Corner of Third and Chestnut Strut*, Philadelphia, Ofrcert of the Home Board at PMladdphiai niuoroM. Stephen B. Crawford, Paul B. Goddard, Ambrose W. Thompson, Inwreues Johnson. Benjamin W. Tingley, Oeo. iTHenry, iff**} Florence. James Derereuz, William M. Godwin, William M’Kea. President— Stephen B. Crawford. Vice President —Ambrose W. Thompson. Medical Examiner, FitUbwgh —Jameg IL Willson, M D JUegheny City—K. B. Howry, M. J). GKO. E. ARNOLD, Agent, m*rl7y No. 74 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. *Vh« PranUia Fir* Imubbc* Oonpur, D_ Of Philadelphia, Prrmxyhania. T * IBBCTORft—Clurlea W. Bt&eka, Thonni Hut Tobias Winner, Samuel Grant, Jacob K. Smith, Geo. W. Bfcb* yU. Mofdyeai D. Lewi*, Adolphi JS. Boris, Derid S. Browne, Morris Pittnoo. Chau. N. Barokbb, FruidmL Obib Q. Bajtcux, Secretary . Cfcntinae to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on arerr d*oeription *f property, in town and eountry, at rate* aa low a* are consistent with security. a The Company have rewired a large Contingent Pond, wUeh, wiiL :r capital and premiums, safely lttreetedTaf mrd ample protection to the assured. The Aewts of the Company 4 on January Ist, 18SL as pub* llehad agreeably to an Act or Assembly, were as follows, rlx • rp«iz=— zz'SS -J“»p or *rriom*— rajwaij SEfVr «,»• o® Bl ‘“I TotaL.... £jj&M their Incorporation, of “H iST? p * l ? Of One Wlllon Foot Handled Km flre ' thereby affording eyldenee of the •drentngee of inenimnoe, u noli u the ability nod dlnoei tlon to meet with pnanpOm allMebUldee. 1 “epoei - J.GASDUiBR OOFFDf, Agent, nortbeeit eor. Wood end niird rte. PROTECT loft INSURANCE COMPANY, OF f HARTFORD, CONN., Capital Stock, Annual Premium* and Watem Fund $1,000,000. INCORPORATED 1825. PoUrise of Iniursnoe issued »t &U times on the moctikTom* ble terms, tgsinst LOSS OE DAMAGE BY FIEB, Oft THI PERILS OF MATI6ATIOI, BY GEO. E. AKNOLD, Agxkt TOR PITTSBURGH AND ALLEGHENY COUNTY. mirlfry Wutm Inanmncn Company, Mttnbnriii. E. MILLAR, PrcrtdmX. |t. m7(JosBON, ScSSary • CAPITA!,, 9300,000, kn/iLLlunraagafnatmllUnda ofriakaFlßß and If A TT BINE. Afl loam wm La Übarmfly adluatad and promptly paid. A Home Institution, managed by DnLicroea who are wall knovn in the community, and who an determined by ■roaptnaseand liberality, to main tain the character which tfceyfcare attorned, as offsring the beat protection to thoa Who deaire to be Insured. Millar, Rlaketaon, J.W.Butlar. If.HOlmat, Jr., W. H. Smith, 0. Ihmaen, Qaorga W. Jaekacn! Wmi 1L Jamas Lippanoott, aeorge Danie, Jamas Mo- Aolfj, Alsiandar Nimiok, Thomas Beott. Water street, (Warehouse of Spans A op stairs,) Pittsbargh. nor&lf aOBB&T H. PATTKUOK*! jgU— LIVEET AND SALE n jr»W . fSJit STABLE, W&Wr Dt »»oad street and Cherry fcUsr, ißSjr-ii. jITTSBBXOB, PA. <>„, ofui.ie«t«tkiee v. I . BANKERS ANDrBBQKERb. XXOHAjreE AHD bahkihq -HOUSE : : was&a « 00.,- ' UNITES STATSa BANK BOILDINQ. Ho. Fourth Strut, . FORHIQN and (Join, Bank Notaa and Land Wairaatobought and sold. Collections made throughout the Union. Stuf naaa paper discounted and loans negotiated. Btoeks botruxt and sold on eonninioa Money received on deposit, and interest allowed when left for a specified time. deeS SmoraL patbiokb * reran), BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKEBfI, EmtßmovdtMr QfficetotUarn*ritfJifthand.WKiMti. FmSBTJXOS, ra. T>ATRIOKS A fRXKND, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, X and Dealers In Notes, Drafts, Aeoeptaaoea, Gold, Sliver and Bank Notes. on the Eastern and Western (Sties constantly for sale. made in all the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, at the oorner of fifth and Wood Streets. [fobs H. HOLMES ft SpKB, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, BATS aXMOTZD THUS BASKXSO AXX> UO&AJKU OFTSCI *0 10. 07 MiiiiT nnxxr, room noons mow ou> erurn. N HOLMES A BON 8, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, • and Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, Bil ▼er and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern »n*< Western Qtiea constantly for sale. . Oollections made in all the dtlas throughout the United States. Deposits reoelved in par ftinds or current paper, No. 07 Market street, between Third and fourth its. [Ja3OJy JAS. a HOOS, „*HO6. BAECXNT, HOO5 * BABGEST, BANKKRB AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, n. a ooanx or wood e sacra era, nrrsacaoa, pa. DEALERS in Ooin, Bank Notes, Kbs Bills, foreign and Domestic Exchange. Certificates of Deposit, Ao. Exchange on all the principal cities of the Union and Eu rope, for sale in sums to suit purchasers. Current and par funds received on deposit. Collections made on all parts of the Union, at the lowest ratoa [sepllzly TIERRAN A CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. Ao. 96 Wood Strut, comer of Diamond Alley, piTTSßuaen, pa., BUV AND SELL Bank Notes and Coin; Disoonat time exchange, and promifleory'note#; make collections in all the principal cities of the Union. Receive deposits on call and on Interest, and give their prompt attention to all other matters appertaiolngto a Broker's business. Eastern Exchange constantly on hand. marfi JOHN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE BBOKER, nxALxa in Exchange, Commercial and Bank Hotel. STOCK bought and sold on commission. Collections carefully attended to. Interest paid on Deposit. 49*No. 68*4 fourth ntreel, nearly opposite the M. M. Bank. decie BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, ooairxx or vroon ahd rirru htuits. SIGHT EXCHANGE on the Eastern Cities constantly for sale. Time dlls of Exchange and Notm discounted.— Gold, Silver and Bank Notes, booght and sold. Collectlanß made in all the principal citiaa of the United State*. De posits received of Par and Current funds. [martTly ALLIS KBAMia, SDWAKD XAHM, JLOaiSCI k>m» kr aster a \ nun BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, BOY AND SELL Gold, Silver, and Bank Notes; negotiate Loans on Beal Estate or Stock Securities: purchase pTomissary Notea and Time Bills, on Best and West; buy and sell Stocks on Commission. Collections made on all points In the Union. [myl G. X. ARNOLD ft CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, DEALERS in Exchange, Coin, Re»v Notm/Blght and Time Drafts, Ac. Collections carefully attended to, and proceeds remitted to any part of the Union. Btocka booght and sold on commission. U9_.No. 74 Fourth sL, next door to w*nfc of PttteVg. (selS AUSTIN LOOMIS* STOCK AND BILL BKOKEB, Office, 80. 92. fourth it., about Wood. PITTSBURGH. 49* Notes, Drafts, Bonds, Mortgages, and Loans on col laterals, negotiated. Stocks and Land Warrants bought and sold. octi EXCHANGE AND BANKING HOUSE OV A. WTLrrwß ft co., No. 75 forara Snnt. Opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh, i*ns Pmmiaon XkmeiOe and Ftmxgn Exchange, Bank Note*, Qoid and £Uoa Bought, Said and Exchanged, at the EXCHANGE AND BANK!NO HOUSE Of WILLIAM A. WILT. ft CO., 44 wood rruiT, rmmwH. lnterest allowed on time deposits. [ Janl3 tsoKPsoa am .. —«... —jjro. a. cscausT THOMPSON BELL ft CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, turner gf Third and Wharf etrteti, PUUburgh, Pa. $627,476 68 THOMAS WOODS, A9*COMMEECIAL BROKEB.'B Notes, Bonds, Stocks, Howl Kitats, Ac. JVo. 75 fourth it., Pittsburgh, Pa. (Jss{ CITY HOTEL. (LATI BROWS'S,) Cwrnar ef InUkfisid and Ttelrd stmts, PJTTSBUUUB, PA. GLASS ft CARR, Proprietor*. _* on ß P- dan. D. CARR, Oste Sue Wit tiSep«>e OOm.) (teM •*. CterUi 0 Pan7lSU*t*) THIS large and commodious House having undergone thorough repair and famished with new equipments is now open for the reception of the ireowtlng public. Caasapa stonsnara. aprSMns ST. CLAIR HOTEL, (FORMERLY TUB KXQHANOK,) PiTTBBCaQH, C«rn«r Pemn tad Bt. Clair itr««u, a W. BBOTiETT Proprietor. This Is a first cless boose, between the R*n>pe >» “*PPJ An Omnibos orai* Excelsior Lins is now running from the station, on Fifth street, to the GLEN HOTEJ* Uaves the station at 8 o’clock, A. M., and 6 P. M 4 rwturn- Ing at® A. M., and 6% P. M. * J e l fcfcn J. 0. MARTIN. ArenL CFHANKLIH HOUSE, CUwelamdTotU^r PATRICK A BON, Paoraisrcaa.—This House Su un • dergone thorough and extensive rwpetn, alterations, ana large additions of new and the propria tors pledge themselves that nothing shall be wanting on »bere aU the com forts of a first class hotal oan be found. 0. PATRICK A BON. ~FI.OIk.KMVa HOTASL, Mo. 400 BROADWAY, NRW YttRK. (ooHDtiCTsn os ras itiaorzait puir.V aBUBSH LOTSJOT, RILEY’S HOTEL: COENER FOUBTH AND GEANT BTEEETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. B. BTTiKY, j. inuniM,«.,ao*» „ * H ““ cX P»r4:j MoJtASTgaS A MABKLK, Proprietors. RESTAURANTS CORNUCOPIA *»*OYBTER AND COFFEE HOUSE “W D. BARHA&D. ' . *?» ' f VW tfirod, bctwtcn Wood end MeritcL Janlfclyj rirmosoH. CRYSTAL PALACE 80. 18 Market etreM. E » •■ C. 0. SEELY, (&V / \ BBSPBOTFUIiY Informs bl* friends and the I AWPUbiic in general, that he has Just started his New York and Philadelphia modern style of OOOKINO OYSTKKS end everything else m the oatiog line. Oysters In the Bhell or Stewed, tor 12U oenta a. dosen. He will also furnish the best of everything that the market will afford. House always open until 8 -tf OIIIEB SAJjOOH AMD BESTAUHANTI T 108 WOOD STREET. «o» hie OIBTBB BALOON AND . HOUSH perfected in a manner that cannot ”’J*A ?i b 107r7 SS • rt A*>oahment In the dtp. ****»ru>up at all uovxs oi OHARUSH STILL, 108 Wood Ja2oansetf gt. Clair L»»«r Urn. —— FTIHI undwdgMd nqmtlUl, taftnni th. palSa tbmttu M ktu«u An onfen Ml .t ii.oa«,iro » maSkd ALLIY, (near Wood street,) will be posotnaUy attended to; aadtbe ieer deUrered to any. part of the Ja3B:tf ■- ' ' ~ ' 9. Q. smrgvfTK Bealts' Lacer Baer Bail. N 6. IQtt MihUtM ik* n.,* —, fy ntM THXsubnriber has jost opened one of the lametanl beat finished Lagerßeer Halls in the city. Hisßeeris aeknoirtedged to be a superior article, and erery otherae copimofatina ahonthia boose cannot be expelled^ A Cudi XTOTOJA-Wherees eertaln Grooers and wowld be Tea 0.1 Dealers are ioduitztouljr dreolatiec report! that we are selling off to quit bniinwa oar friends and the pobUo * n * >nn ed that tbongb we are « selling off," ltunot with such a view, nor do we intend quitting the H£j"* and an orders froia «nr enstonuarehttfSeatM at JAYIfKS 1 MKIN T*A «TOM, Septeabeg 28. lfiMeUw « Fifth efaert. r «■ * - , ** *-.v «.■* ‘' HILL ft CO., HOTELS. proprietor. r Hr sale by : - ffiuun, hbkedn a m. *■' V : »"t * i '. ♦ ■[■ * ■ * V ; B *y> • • !-v»r. - L ' '■ + * * ■ •..■ 5 >* **. : V* : w ' .* ,► * / ' tV‘ h V DRY GOODS. Ji7rJ? l LS!!*!l“ '+ m *r PrifiM. V ODKa / STKTkNSOK * 10Vi, Sin or fli* Orfeiul X ,BMUra,Mo.74M«tkrtrtzMt, totwm Tmithitnet and the* Diamond, Pittsburgh, are just reeetvtaiga lane and splendid aaortment of fallDiT Goods,st unusuattv low prioee, from New York and Philadelphia Importer* and eu> tion sales. The stock will be found full in every depart ment, consisting in part of Ooburgs * nd P l ** ll french Oashmerm, Paramattasand Alpacas, at unprecedented bargains; Merino and Cashmere Plaids, de do Bombasines and Oanton Cloths, do do french Ginghams, do do Chintzes and Prints, do do Irish Linens and Linen Sheetings, do do Pillow U««n, and Table flWh*, do do Napkins and Table Damasks, do do Plato end printed Deltines and Cashmeres, do Also, a foil assortment or Domestic Goods, at great bar gains; Shawls of «rerr variety, very low; Caff* OolUr.-, CbemlMttes- and Handkerchiefs, at great bargains; Hibbchs and Millinery Goods, at great bargain*; Hosiery, Gloves and Suspender*, . do. Owing to the unusually large importation, have been forced into the auctions In theeest, and sold at great sacrifices, and will be sold tor cash at a Tery email advance. YOUNG, BTEVJBN6QN * LOVK. K< •w Arrival laaau Dry AT No. MN. W. BIDS Of WOOD BTKBJJT. . DGBJCOQ A 00* Importers and Jobbers in British, • Branch end Qerman DBT GOODS. Having receiv ed our Urge and extensive stock of spring end summer goods, purchased from importers, manufacturers, end part through oar own importation, we feel in sssaring oar old customers, country merchants end dty dselers gsnenil* ly, that owing to these acquired fadllUee in purchasing, we can offer such indaoemeats to buyers es are rarely met with in the trade. Among our dry goods atoek will be found cashmeres, de laines, Portsmouth lawns of the most desirable designs, mohair lustres, alpacas, plain blade and feney figured silks, ginghams and fancy prints, latest styles; broadcloths, fancy ▼eatings, rassimeree, satinets, tweeds and summer pants loonlng; brown and black muslins, table diapers. We have also opened a Tery (large assortment of bonnets, newest ityte*.'palm leaf hats, Rutland bhdd and Leghorn, and an extensive variety of hosiery, gloves and ribbons; with laoe goods, fancy nettings, jaa»nette,znull and figured Swiss muslins and black silk veils, Ac. t lur variety stock embraces In part ooabe, buttons, per eueaiaaeapsj threads, port monaies, patent medicines, per fumery, and almost every article usually kept in the va riety line, together with a Urge stock of gold and silver watc&oe, watch materials, glasses, gold and gilt jewelry of newest patterns, and a great variety of 30 hour and 8 day clocks, ail of which will be eold at the lowest prices for cash or aatUnesory reference. N. B.—an early call from buyers is respectfully solicited. fb«> D. GREGG * 00. GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS AT A. ITTIGHFB HEW STORE. CORNER OF GRANT AND FIFTH STREETS. aAVINU THIS DAY OPENED MY NEW STORE, I beg loave to call the attentiou of the Ladles to the large and splendid assortment or BPRING AND BUMMER GOODS, just received. Among the stock may be found some of the very finest goods now Imported. It eomorieefl. in part,' r 200 pieces bUek and fkoey Dress BUks.bocts.to (2 per yd 600 do Mous.de Laines, BaregedeLaines,and Mousse line de Begs; 200 do Beautiful Bareges and‘nssuea, in great variety; 260 do New Style Dress Ginghams; 2000 do American, French and English Prints; 600 do French and English Lawns; 2000 French Collars, from 12)4 coots to $5,00; 200 Mantillas, of the latcet styles, among which are soq of the most beautiful imported into this country. Also, Muslins, Tickings, Checks, Linens, Crash, Diapers. Table Cloths, Gentlemen's Wear, Ac. TRIMMINGS.—In this department will be found a com plete assortment ot Drees and Mantilla Trimming# Maltese and Ho<on Lace, fine English and Thread I«ee; all of which will be sold unusually low. Ten bales yard wide Mason at six cents per yard. °»j3 A. MTIG HE- HEW SET GOODS STORK. Iron Front—Mo. 91 Market street. OUR bouse being now open forthe transaction ofagener aJ Dry Goods business, we would respectfully solicit the patronage of the public, feeling confident that, from aur ex tensive and well selected stock of SILKS, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, we can offer such Inducements as will in sure entire saiiafiftetkra. HAGAN A Noe. 91 Market and 8 Union street CLOTHING. CLOTHING STORE! JOHN M'CLOSKEY & CO.. FORMERLY of the celebrated Clothing Depot on Liberty street, which has won aa unbounded popularity under be name of the THREE BIG DOORS, have, for the pur pose of acquiring more space for their immense badness, removed to the spado os building on the corner of DIAMOND ALLEY AND WOOD STREET, Where they have now the most SPLENDID STOCK OP CLOTHS! An READY MADE CLOTHING, That has ever been offered to the public. Their prindpel object for this removal, is to give them more tadlUlee forth# WHOLESALE TRADE They are prepared to sell Goode at the LO WEST EASTERN PRICES! And they wfll warrant them to be aa good aa any manu factured in the Union. g«u as any menu CUSTOM WORK, tu rna inr emu, exn orou raa iboktbv uottc*. They have on hand a full and beautiful assortment ol LOTUS and OOATINSB,** FROCKS, DRESS, WALKING AND BUSI NESS COATS. Our interests are Identical with of ou customers, and viwranttxpablM that our AdnUtjvlU not tell in &Utng all orders we u; be fevered with. <•»» DON'T fOBfIJT THI PLAC*- No. 88 -W ood Street, ' (IABT IIOI,) 00Util OV DUXOID ALLIT. 2*. Jk~-Wededreotur patron*to understand that we here bo longer any connection with tile PWhtng Boehms on Liberty street. Our attention is devoted eseluatraly to tin Ho one above designated. saar3S JOHN M’CLOfIKBY A 00. MW IPRINO GOODS* JUST RECEIVED AT JOHN McCLOBKEY A CO’S Whole eale Clothing Warehouse, No. 88 Wood street, and comer oft Diamond aliej, the largest and feoet varied stock of goods that this celebrated bouse ha* mr had the pleasure of inviting the attention of the pabUrfo. These goods have b«*n purchased from first hands, and, consequently, no seomd profit on them, whieh leave* us able to say that we aan end do sell at as anU profits as any houee la thfe east ern dries. 'Therefor*, we respectfully Invite the attention of wholesale dealers and country merchants, in general, to ?7.®. “ d •““!**• °at extensive assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING. It is almost impossible to enumerate the quantity of immense piles of garments that Uto be seen et this large establishment; it 1* sufficient to •ay that it has never been equalled by the bouse lteelf. auul&if JOHN MoCLOBKEY A 00. BABUKL CRAY, HO.^^Mor^^HGS, st. cun mm, nmsvioa. GENTLEMEN’S CIXjTLLDIG msde exclusively to order, and warranted to suit. Has constantly on band a •hole# assortment of CLOTHS, carhymereb VESTINGS, and OVEBOOATINQ, of the latest style*, selected expressly for the custom trade. Gentlemen leaving theirorders, will have their wishes oonsulted and compiled with, as all work Is dene under his own supervision. nov!2 Clothing! Clothing l THI undereigned respectfully Informslhlsfriends and the 1 pabHe that he Is now receiving athbston, No. 177 Lib erty street, a choice assortment of Cloths, Candmercs and Vestings, of the latest and most desirabto styles, which he is prepared to make to order In the most feabionabte man ner* at short notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Wehavsabo on hand* Urge and well manufoctured stock of reedy made Clothing, to wfiefc we invito the attention of buyers, either wholesale or retail. Persons who purchase goods for cash, will find U to their (d van tag* to call at 177 Liberty street, before nuking their purchases. [mart] 0. CONNER. Haw Clothing Store, ' NO. 4, SIXTH STREET, OPPOSITE LIBERTY THE subscriber has just opened this new establishment, where he has always on hand a large and choice assort ment of all articles of 01/)THING, which he warrants equal to any In the city, and will sell at the most reasonable pri ces. The public are requested to give him a call. n**fciy B. OPPKNHEIMXR. WATCHES. -EWELRY.&c, WATCHES AND JEWELRY.—We are soiling al. kinds of Watches and Jewelry at much lower prices **>*n is usually obtained elsewhere. Customers may depend on getting goods at my establishment at least as low, and gen erally lower, than the eastern markets. All goods war ranted. Silver Ware, manufactured at my own works, in Oakland. J *" r *D7 mannfsetured 10 rider, and neatly repaired. Watch repairing done aa heretofore, in the best manner, and warranted. Military Goods, of all kinds, at eastern prices. , W. W. WILSON, • u * 67 Market street, corner of Fourth. CLOCKS! CLOCKS!! CLOCKS!!! Pfilllt A Ai DEALERS IN WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY, y% SILVERWARE, Ac, No. 42 yiiTHgtreet, near *»mWood. oppodte the Morning Poet, formerly occo ■MßpUd by L. Udneman A 00. We have now ><«"« » splendid assortment of 8 day and 24 boor wbkh we oner to the pnblio at great bargain*, inch a*: lion eases, pearl inlaid and all otbar pattern* of Mantel Clock*. Also, a rich assortment of fine gold and diver patent lever, cylinder, and anchor eeoapment Watches, and an ele gant stock of Jewelry and Silverware, which w* Intend to eell cheap for cash. N. B. watch repairing done in the best manner and at low price*, and warranted. mar2s HBW JBWBLBY BTOBX. No* 87 Market Straac, (Second door above Vu Northwest earner of Vu Diamond.) JOHN STEVENSON, (of the late firm of John B. MTadden A reepeotfolly annonnoee to the public, ih»t h+ h— opened, at the above stand, a fine assortment of WATCHES. JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, LAMPSLGL KANDOLEB, Pocket and TtibU Cutlery t Britannia Tea end CbmmunionStU, and the osoal variety, of good* In hi* line of business. Special car* and attention given to the REPAIR of TI2TE WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ao. He trait*, that from his long experience in badness, he will be able to give aatixfrction to those wha nuyfovorum .with their patronage. Pittsburgh, May tftb, 1868. aySt Hsnry Biokardaon* Jawallor, HAVING ra-fittad his store In a manner, and bat reoently retained from the eastern cities with a fine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, and FANCY GOODS, would call the attention of his friends and custom ers to the fiat that among his Watches wlB-'bs found the most desirable styles, patterns and maker*. Of Jewelry, the latest styles of Broodies, Breast Pins; Fob and VestChafna, finger Rings, Ear Rings, Miniature Lockets, etc- etc. fANOYGQODS—finch as Papier Mach* Work Tables and Boxes, Peaks, Taney Vases, Pertains Bottles, Table Hat*. Colt’s Pistols, Porte Monnalee in great variety; China Trait and Oaks Dishes; with an endless variety or nsefhl and or* nammttal articles, which have only to be seen to be appro lated. [povlj HQ. 81 MARKET STREET. FNB WAZCHBI&NS BICH.QOLD JJSWILKY aT to lnfana the pubUolhai we are now offering oar present (took of fin* Watches and Jew elry, at prices that cannot be bsah Therefore, we say to one and all, yon that wish to bay fine Watches and Jewel ry, glre us a calU and sere from 25 to 60 per cent In your purchases; which you can oertalnly do by calling at 6? Market street. N. B.—Watch repairing attended to In all Its branches, tn a superior manner. Gold Jewelry repaired or manufac tured to order at short pottos, at .. JcT HOOD’I H'KBOMBKL, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, T\HUa IN ODOQKA WATCHES, JBWSLBY, AND 1/ FANCY GOODS, No.'B® Daxoxp AIXXT, Uivotn K*t ud WoodLjtntta*Jßtttataaigb, Fw All »***"i— it tbii oatoblUxMotiriU bo vurwiML Bopolziiig of Clock*, Witekei aad Jowriry proastlj inatii it tho abortaot potto*. AUworfctMWvillD# wamnM. [MMn^ '•• FURNITffSE. » ; nniir.irMviiLil CABINET FOBIfITUBX MANXJTXOTBMEM . WtN-mßi 9T»»dB9 ThlrtittMU J. W. W* rseperthiily tatorm ess* Us friends end tt»t sasßal j£t M ‘ l °* “ Wi»U»* United. States, As he la determined to uphold the with wtf 9m> soned materials, best workmanship, end newest designs; and from the extent of hie order* and flirittty in manutoetarina, be. Is enabled to ptoiaoe warranted furniture, at the lowest prices* . ,* & He has adopted the principle of identifying Us ewteaMs’ interest with his own, in qnallty and price, end keeee ii wajson bend the greeteet varietyo* every lesmijiltih of fnxnitnre, from the obaspert eadpleheet, to the meet ele gant uid costly, or anwpartaf one, Wf be famished from hie stock, or mennfrSfared nrprwilj ui m der. the following articles oonrist, in pert, of his sleek, which tor richness of style sad finish, nan no t be summed In any of the Western cities: XIV tete-a-tete Botos; M Softs, in plash end heir cloth; ; —- 2JbQ dos. Mahogany CSubt! SO doe. Walnnt M JW Mahogany Rocking M 8® Welnnt “ « :,60 Mahogany Divans; _2O Walnut « .60 Marble Top Centre Tables: 6Q “ “ Dressing Bureaus * 1.60 u “ Withstands;. ,40 Enclosed « 100 Common “ 90 Plain Dressing Bureaus; .49 Mahogany Bedsteads: 90 Walnut « . 60 Cottage “ 600 Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads. 20 Mahogsnv Wardrobes; 10 Walnut « 10 Cherry « 60 Plain Bureaus ; TO Dining and BzsaklMt Tables 12 Beeretary and Bookcases; 20 dos. Cane Beat Ohtin; 24 Cane Seat Rocking Chain; 12 Ladies’ Writing Deaks; Hat and Towel Stands; What-Nots* J SSSSrifth** IStaSf Klfiahsthan “ Hall and Tier M Reoeption “ Wfce' Work « Pearl Inlaid “ fatsnskm Dining TabUe; Arm “ Ottomans: {Qothic and Hall Chairs; |A large assortment of OOMMON FURNITURE and WINMORCHAIRS.. Qsanr Mans supplied with aa£ BTBAMBOAIB and HOZKLB, furnished at the ■»>'—test notice. All orders promptly attended to. lUanlWti, AHm! > IC5> T “* *®»*criber* tender their acknov-A UMfidftaigsußtJ for the frrors bestowed aponuL by thatr Steamboat friends, tad p9| vookl respectfully remind them tad others Interest- * TI ed in building boats, thmt they tre tt til times prepared to fttf nlth. on the most reasonable terms, erery description of Cabin Furniture and Chairs of the best material and work nuuwhip. T. B. YOUNG * 00., Corner Third and Smithfleld streets, opposite “ Brown's Hotel.” Jwci LowrTi Jr H CHAIE AND BKDBTBAD MANUTACTUBXB—No. 3H Jettorman’e Bow, liberty stmt, hu on >»»»*< a itock of Chain and Bedstead* of era? deaociptfcm. of the beet material*, which be will eell lower than article* oi the am quality can be add in the city. He would call par ticular attention to hi* large stock of Mahogany and Walnut Chair* and Bedetead*, which he will sell at greatly reduced prices. Also, Tuning ot every daeermtfcm ezaentad in the oeateet manner. Order* left at the Ware Boom*, or at the Mill, corner of Adam* and liberty nreeta, will be promptly ttended to. , marZl A . HILLIKII 4 CO., HAVK ON UAND it their exteutre GABUfIT and OHAIB UANOTACTOBt, No. u amWnui«i itrwt, a larse UK»rtm«it oflancy tad plate ftiraltura, which they will mU 16 per oeai. beknr esstomary rate*. Xfinaa taah only. . Or* ' ladvcev**" irut lad»Mm«at« to o«ih Prthwri, WB will sell our large stock of COMMON AND BANC? CHAIRS AND BKDSTBADfI, at prices that eamot fail to please eaali purchaser*. All oar wort is warranted. Oar terms are CASH. JAMBS LOWRT, JR_ eor. Be**nthi*i*l liberty da fit WM. is. BTJIVJUISON amti»ac« u> masoftecaar* Vl CABINET-WAKB of at hi*old stud io muwr of Liberty tod Brcnth ftref. BBDEBTAK * % *lN6attaßd*dto,tßallitsfamßebaa. myll EDMUND WILKINS, And nmtr i/u Okmttery , 1--,- -n MONDSULVTg, BCHIAL VAULTS, TOMB BTOKXS, 1© Freeport Btone Wall* and Fences, Mantle Pieces, Cen tn and liar Tops, always on band and made t* order. . ”• B-—Haring Introduced a new style of Fence tor Oen* eten Lots, of PURABLB £, out through in pa'** l or mmng for*, and at very little eost over Iron fencing. 1 refer to ipaiiiMoi of that and other mtk I have already done In the Allegheny Cemetery. I hare on band a choice selection of drawings for every description of work in ray Od. lIRNRY MeCULLOGQH, Pittsburgh. WM. BAGALEY, Ebb- do kbamkrTbahh, do Mrs. HAHMAB DRNNY, do Hon. WILLIAM WILKINS, Horn* Wood. Ucm. THUS. IB WIN, Allegheny. Mr*. TIIBNAN, Br_ do joiin McDonald cbossah, boot. House. aprlOAew TEAS! TEAS! TEAS! | WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, «® the Pekin Tern Store \ B isnmro«it,hmnMB,Pi. y the half chest, of neatly paexed in metallic Mdoni to eoH the trod*. Tbo rabenriber Is no* reestring his Fall stock of GBX7I oad BLACK TEAS.—cpnristtm of aomeof the flnmt cfccii to be (baud in Qeßastani market. Merchants riaitin* the city are invited to eaU end examine our stock. Below ie a Ust of the various grades, ill of vUeh hire beencarefullj selected,and can with confidence bo reoca mended: 30 hilf eheste fine Young Hyson; 10 do do Horae Young Hyson 10 do extra fine Koyune do; 100 do Superior do; 13 do extra fine do; 60 LacquTad boxes extra Carious Yount Hnon 25 hair chests flue Qcmpovuer; 10 do extra fine uu; 6 do do Moyuu Tw^p^«i. 20 do ftapritue - ao; 160 do Vine (Moot Black Tea: 40 do extra fine Oolong; 30 do extra Curious ao; 20 do Superlatively strong and fragrant Oolong* 26 cheeta extra fin* English Braaktost Tea; 6 do Carious ao do; ALSO—Java and Bio Coffee, Loyering’s Crashed and Pol. rerieed Bogan. ALSC-63,000 Prlndpe Began, which will be sold Terr tow- - A. JATNiea * DOTl4ri*v Si THth street Pittsburgh. I fIJBW UVVIOK. Baal Batata aid Contracting Agent. 'T'HB sabeeriber bat been lndneed to open an office fbr A the purpose of buying and selling, on Commission, and haring the Agency Of large Bteam Saw-Mills end Boat- YmjJ. on the All^htnrrlTK,, tognttw with naaj otbw fsdllues from other vater and steem saw-mOls. He flatters hlnuelf that he ran furnish any miu at lumber and timber of any hind, great Or email, long a abort. deliver them at any point on the All^heny. Ohio, or Mississippi rivers; contract to build Umßuna Store Boats, Coal Plats, Boat Gunnels, Bridge Haber. Bril! his long experience In lumbering, frekhtins and boat building, he thinks he can rive general aatiSetion. All penons are requested to make their contracts soon; esoe elaOy them wanting boats or Urge bffisof lumber and Um ber, should oontrwttor them in the fall tor the spring and summer use. He will also attend to the purchase ««i« 1 of any eammodity that mey be desired. ' Letters addressed to David Mcujr, Beal Bstate and Con- Agent,Plttsburgh.Box No. 120,postpaid. will be ,ttond.d to. 1&. oOo.il O. *» Allegheny House. _ DAVID MDNH. OoL Jameeß. Morgan, Lumberman, Pittsburgh. Mr. John Morrison, Esq., ** ** Mr. BobLB. Brown,Saq. •• AUMfeuj El«r. Mr. Wo.Armstrong, « - « « Mr. George B. Bveney, •* m u G. A J. Hahn « mu de*2Llyd*w HOD! PATYBIIIOH'a BAZAAR AND : LIVERY HTART.ES Tltt DJTOBRBIGKSD hirto .KMuTuimas, dlotn ST ABLES told OAKSiIAQB STOBBB. taS» m tion with bis old establishment, Mm'ii’ a£K\>< prepared to do a vastly weaeed. barineto. He has tfbTN iriaiontorONBHUNDREDANDiar~,Ifi BUTY HORSES, of which he oan take an increaeed Bom ber on livery. He has arranged hie new buildings with a view to —i— and etoring for Job* of new and second band Carriage* of eH descriptions, to which be .will give ample Ther*!**^* o within the new building an-Equestrian u<"«r, where Hones are tralnea and exerrieed,whkh will be found advantageous to persons keeping flame with the under ""StoikflilfttMi MOtodtajly Ilbml ptotSuw. I. Ui. put, *S! th.Aror.of . mullltud. cl Mud* tSudmtod **“ “ oonuMßd lu canttaauee br limiilnii It mylßdmdaw ROPY PATWknnniq. • r CAKWASEI FOB. SALE. . Eanderrifpedhai (n«rea<»frr»d*tfc4« :,v . - 1 ■ OAEKIAOC WAEBHOUBK, aituarfj^EßX> aear the Tvo Uile Ba&« hß^raenfittteSQ^EHßi. and Lawrence rille, a splandM of TEHICLEB, of erery degcriptton.and iwTTl Wide by 100 fret deep; nartof ttuTSMBI **” ** *»•* s&ssatr a“ ' _' - JJmSsk&AEILT, Heel&uu«Ddte»peMi Ayeat. frKSJ*?? a irttk.goMbo ftcat porcfa,m|ow| JS.^JIiSJTOa.^IELSS gg^gga^a^ttesae jg.s^msaasroteftfc ■" imi-waSnSSiyiMiSiaiw ctuu&i Spattuk ‘Jo&mme.. sh> great rmarvn orta* BLodE; , i A- »*wku or meat nr j 11 WTjM*** lll HITOX MHCBOIBUiKbIM ■nVttMuuan-Obottotip '’iilmllil mi Hioi i —r ~ Tin ■on m-<-, «tn£j— lllllll% ■»! ] Utto SiMlbUo Tiwlini fabZoMydatatLaaA,dW the RUmbWOf «rtEMKIBMT «OM ■flSrfsi Ihful Ifrf iMiwiitta nrnnilb‘ lantdaaeriptkm. IhadeevßralPhyaldsa*,tooklargaArth- : tttt« of Quinine, Mercury, and Ibattavedlthe Timka ad* t rcttaC At (Jut triadOartai'a Bpaaiah Mixture, two bottlaaol which eflm tnaUy cured me, and I am happy to aa y I bare had narthax beat Tonkin *sr world, end the only medltrte that ever reached my cart a B. LDOt bfti, dtj of Bldnnood, «Bd ftt. I^SKC", !i U " "“P*"* *“•«* oUlcteMlV'tto: astonishing efhmey of Carter'* Boorish »>>,.♦ s, i in a number of laataneaa the atieeteof Christ's Smash Mixture. which war* noat truly surprising. He says in a BAMITKL M. XfIUHKXB, of the firm of Drinker * Mor ris, Richraond, warcarad of lirar Oomplaiatol eight yekn standing, by the use of two bottles of Carter's gaesfck Mix tare. * GRRAT CUU 07 BCBO7ULA«—The KStorsofthe Rich mond Republican had a aerraat ampioyad In thair ptaar room cored of violent Scrofula, with. nrr^ tiem, which entirely disabled him from work. TwoboSe* of .?!J t *L2i? p “! >ll *“d* a pertbeteureof bun, and the Rditora, In a public no doe. ay th*r M ri commend it to all who are aflUetad with any diaaaa of the blood.” BTILLAMOTHXR CURX 07 BOROHJI^—I had a Ten onadoftoofnl, by Oatne, flpimieb I eonsidar U truly o valuable medicine. Oondnetor on the B. P.andP.R. R. Oo_ RW»oSITa. SALT RHRUM of TWINS 78ABfi8TAMDDfQ OOKSD —Mr. JOHN Twnwpnnw J —«- gh^ilmniwi waa cored by three bottiea of Cnrter'a Bpamh v»Tfai— «L Balt Bheoa, which ha had nearly twenty yeere.and which all the physicians of the city ooold not core. frr.Thomp son is a well known merchant in thadty af Richmond. Va. and bis core is moat remarkalde. WM. A. MATTHRWB,of Richmond, bed i arrant cored of Syphilis, in the worrt form, by Gartar’a SpanJah Mixtore. Ha aay* ha cheerfully recommends iuand conddareit an inralaable medicine. RICH ARD It. WMT, of Richmond, waa onred of Bcrofo la, and what nhy*Sdan* call confirmed Connmptton. by three bottiea of Certer’a Bpeniah Mixture. * JtIiWARD BURTON, commiaekmer of the rereuoa. nnf be baa aeen the good eflbeta of Oartar*a Spanish Ift^nin *«Ssto l Sra2^* > “ d mj,il WM. EfchmmJcnMaofOU Sonaud Ulcera, which disabled him from weiMeg. Took a ftw bot tles of Carter's Spanish Mixtore, ■«< waa jg walk withont a crotch; in a ahert tima pennaamtlT cored. PrindpalDepotatM.WAßD.CLMJß AOO„No.MMaMen inncpNaw Tock. T. W. DYOTT A SONS, No.ISS abrtb 1i it Thllsihiliihle BENSIR A BXK&S, No. ISS Main Andfcr *alobrß. A.PAHNXBTOCK AOO^LWILOOX, mOtHBRB,-« Wood atreet, Pftt» bordk;H.P. SCa-wAitßt, AlleglMiy tandbyDroggiau end Peeler* in Madldna emrywhare. • • - octtaUwly CHE RSI PECTOR AL nx m juro ouu oi COUGHS, COLDS. HOARSENESS, B&OHCSITIS WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASIH3UT AND CONSUMPTION. \ Jby WC teviia tha attention of the a pohUe to the eartttaataa appended J below, and heapeelrfeyih—i A«» »*»>• ( did eonMderatlott which their honest fr*nknanidaaMria. MaalnanehatatioManmaaywbo Telonurily bear wttna—,to the eftea ey»»d rain* of PacrauL, do not wantonly trifle wlto,or dbtort not orawtato thair oonrtothma. Judge then, whether this la not tha medicine to trnet when yonmoethaTe relief tor the throat or lnnge; judge too, whether erery family ought not to hare ltliy Ghem aa a aatogoard against the everywhere prenfiing enmny, whkb steals with fatal frequency upon every fio&, and eari lea off a lamb from many a home ? '* Jaekaon, C. Jeekaon dty, O, 90th Nov., 102. Be. J. C. Atix: Sir—The Omt Pionait la much in* qnired after. Sereral of oar beet Physidans hare it, three of them In their own casea, and always with the hap piest effects. The numerous patent medictnea elwaytbe tore them, lead to incredulity tn regard to every new reme dy; and it is only after undoubted evidence of rain* la any artida, that anything like n general confidence eaa be ex cited. ‘ The unrivalled excellence of thia combination of eonis. On the GsaaT PncroaAiJ proved beyond oevil by repeated trial under thair own obeerration, baa oospaßad men to proclaim abroad ita uaafalnaaa. It if kmoral! doubt toe best general remedy we have tor tha Puamur Affimtkma of this at tha jama tfaaa aadatttc and expeetorenf—a rare cumhlastlon of propartlaa. “ **>• *?»• ** wevetta ownreward,l aubaerlbe myaaifi Beapecttully yoarobadtravnarrent, f s JAB. H. C, wrf-T.wn, M. D. 1 LdfienOmentf&eLteal ProfeatommarktkUcan. _ T „ , WHtiamhnfg, L. L. Bspt-I.IMX Bn. J. a Ana: Dear Mr—Over appUeatian tot tha past threayeaxa inmydatlasasaa adremto, brought on soma eight month# ago a severe irritation of the hrowdal tabeat, whkb was a constant annoyance tome, nd toatbeebwura a source ofgraat XeeTy remedy triad toUad to even relieve ma, till L used yourCaxinx Paczoaju. Tbla haa not only relieved me, but, aa I trust, wholly enred me. I ears notfatog tor the reputation of advoeatiw Patent Me (Heines, and this is at your service. I shall noMaend it to members of the bar, and other* whom I may ■»*■», la boring under similar indispositions. Tour* truly, _ *. f. JONXB. _ T > , m Mcmtgcaomy, Ala, October IMP. Bd> J* C- Am: Sr—l hare used your com^ pound exclusively in my preetke, ana find It to surpam, by i fmai y trt tieTtfor rmiinrilsmsm aisai (lis lungs. Tour obedient eerruU B. B. JOSBJL II What y«t t!na>tm to oonriac* tbs moat iaenduou »><■» tbsCfcmjPsetoMlUallthatitwffpcrtstobtTiszaan*. sqnallsd remsdlal i|nt tor all diseases of tbs Dmt sad Luigi. Th« sxpsrienee of jaws has panu ft to ha pH». bdfcrtnf that toyirtass will felly Maintain fttnepntatta. PrmsdhjJ.O.ATßß,ahißSst,lmU,lla» Bom of worthless preparations, attsastsd to bsptlmad off n&dsr t rimllaritj of ttama. Bold In Plttaborghbj all TTrsaslsts. and by B. A. PAHW «BTOQK4 D«TM Huu, REAXB3TATB AM) 00NTRAGI1NQ AQENT, Bo.S. IE WIN Street, Plttiborgh, hu tor 6>Uovs:— mm of Uad Ia Oatfß «oanWf term, 16 inha* frMB Ua«> wtln«»oa theauinroad toMark>a,aixi 8 «ttMfeo«Slp. to ° , . c irom tin Eaflroid depot*; ft) mam ft , oalttattßs,ftcoo4 frame Hon**. Frame Bam art Oxana nod bwzinff Appto Orcbaid. Ttoo torn to veil watered, hl*h, di7, nod lend? t» « t«7 healthy eeantr. A wyjwrt barplaeut be brt of thto ftrmSrnemot Epqnlr* u ebore, or of Mr. John Mans, on the ftv- Atoo, 8 ten* of land, with a tom Steam {to* mol uv in euoceaaftil operation; 8 frame SvdUnca, fiamTßtoek’ dßith Shop and Tool*, Boat Scaffold, Work Shop. **, «J ta ttoos the bank of the Alleghenyrirer, at “ * 4o ™> (tot, B. M-,rf rood WhUaO£ Hank,»lnch. thick, Tor lb Set kmj, TttlS oetoi ~ —*-*»“ no* ererjr lrrge hnitnem. Twotoiie jeuwtdthe J^ >J lL^A. Bo^l -fcg K KAIA * BO AI)ItMaiNg&a-;j S®?S»SSfs»SS Inegnetie Terletkm, Mgexmthlme and nete^at b^W*li,7s. J ° h * 1 aTfl *"**”«^'*«- t *,Th» oljjad;s the meant work ie to auppir a wiat TatTgaMfalijMt by Amlatut Jtogtoaato MiaLK? Bootaof apareniaat Samte aaaUttMldd, oontainkor the oniinarj logrerithmetic tahkaaia onaninattSebe a book mm tuning with thaaa tahlaa othare peep Unto the SI^7S~ta3SS£SeStSSSS^^S whichthiaworkbdmlguwPto eopplr: ' ’ ' u.B.«itaun damn, Weet Rtit, April H. ftwtlntoa; Ihaaalooked orar u Hanto’a nstd ao^kfoe aad think It weil adapted lo tin oh> jert im author pnpaaee, and have no qpaMonhpt IttdUto fonndbTerj naefnl aad pzaettealwaionM both fertrißtodad Beid work. D. H. n..,. I am mtmh pjeeaedwith Mi. Bookof Ballroad Inctneaia.- tnt^ttoJntoir'tE f° a ”* a which. newntSat in thet^£S^»Vif! jam. t tx h«« Tjs^fflS^iSjiSKsyjsrs being in general fuoeptlbto of . btejproSoel oae. litaondaita^whUdltfibk of Mr.HeneVo book to mehuto adapt ttnxueUenilTwoll SsSmsmSSSSS JJ- W«ctor of ft lnetttmte. Jor *oto bjr WILLIAM 8. BATO2L- Dealer in Engfaieea* ftUtkioery, tn 3 Market ftxeet, eotnar of Second. JM ™* Tms, Choie# Family ffr&trfN Mai "Willow CORNER OF WOODLAND SIXTH 8T&. teaafaathanda in fhalamarp marbata,which? jSnlrS at the krweat market nnoee. ' dW“ Hotels, Bttoiannaii aad haSia. bavlaa bw a* QaaatitT, appalled at whoiaaala ratea, ™w —« ja I **"* ÜBMMU aakkTTk u# knlekerbookerltataiine.fci Aanaat. * Harper, fcr AnaaJti priee la oenta. S »r ; «■> ®— ! ssffssiS^ Tn^SntT 1 ” °* * ot>nTBnt: riiidie r® 8 * 1 **_y»*hion ud Yaaine. tho Om idf fka r—ipUghtwr, Thought! aad l£S3? S* %>a«itoToo» . *"!•«<» ta tto ttsw *M. UtMr mam not, snaa H<>i —a •W.^SyWMSSfti^ -g-s^Kssasf&r^ jjg^j^q,yar .*• m, '4 '%.** 9 * ! h. '.V *V . * <** - J* y'ff.'r,**#- ■ <. '■: !;■>•.: -? r ,r ™Wiil **r*£**i»£im j*®^StosS^^&SjSsty!HsS2r : %sagjatgaga;'saBg^ffiS : Mj^WnßAlitMTlaeeotpiatt^VNkaMirai sssTtoS^s^ssaasssssst g^BsssrsaS^aS manbqvaA tbum&et —J" ." :'"" l^ fc an tamimk -r »^S£KS£nsss3sffiS tMMdaf r*aeJs?bat«ia7ligSr sssaajsssßSffilsSSsSS sssaßSUssssssr*' onfiioy jr*RTDCBDi»xAg». brand, rtrMM *m:mse£SS! •ymptonrof narrooa dtanan Taafafe tooatfcn tatfSwiL Bojon. »or laa»a«flhettempor»rynra;isto*S g^ggaaggggaasgSS ““Jg. ntTOUM, iSbGIjS iniSSE Sggsgfassa^aaar^B : X SBJU.T MDIONB job II»ni. - mm, Mipsin tiu bask, or aSSEKSnS!fc«CS£ o»^.fflJ*£3S£!Ss% "? FB&8QN8 Q> PALI OOMprarwflT ~ - «wwmtt« baUta, ara naUxadfiytheua of a bdtfUw ■sas^jß*Ba»y*ffiSSg __ to thx . . : j itTMWIW KiSSUfIB ‘- .- J ■hooMreflart that a ■pond grind and body M»'A.iLt i • SSSjSSSSSSg3| | n.oordUto F • ass^asl t 4£^a& aOTI * b ° ml f ACnBHVSt •• •■ - ; ' : --- I. ABachanxOty-asap.TtSlSfc • - | ? ■■•• * 'ir«iraffSK6»«sSi : f Paaftnaij an! l *°y*h»kay#l>Wß4laaffnr tan, f, —dTOT oba«dtoHM l'' 2^;^^S^? s^SSs£Ci!f?S E ;. SSSS^I 1 - “J**™ «* »w%uc m££; | *•, __l JJtalttaltibm.l ./ - )• sssssssssosS^smSSj-. om^m^SSSSSS^i^j^S ii«Bs^j3SfeaSag£r, gjSspjSlSos^o ! CT./ I g^isSiy^^^“ S^3S K^xas? s2»3r? i asaissssf lorial«kT A-lATMB, -*”»' ? ; "W»r» BaUabU. ' *T* 1 :: lo you** ytmrchildiratTiM^p»KmfaaihMtt., «aWMJsa&as®Sl;:-; jWftWT «U WOWBB-fel sss , : SSSS&SZSSLZI loarh Ttfinlßji to >dm d nri—. di w— i>n. «wi »h. • P«M One d^wrSrtimlmtf~ ? IfICHWBI MWB. - la> twaßAi4-mfr J - : rrr ««*»■£££:., ~ *. i.»Aim*»nxßE ioou -■-•■ **»* - -■ .-> i; - -- :T«W».«qintiMW|Mnk:;,.-, 'Tift■ D - CIWWIWI UUtfujMl i' ' imrtßim haw haw lW^J^a«^fc■■^>liwM^i^.- : SEKWa^ssssarsß; r»r>!<<<&• mzsTU non, h« n inth £ ; T~Mt.tyh» J-A*IW«TM >ni.ftidm«Ja«a