The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 26, 1854, Image 2

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W« would o*U the ottonßon of MKBOHANTB AND
BC3INBS3 MEN to the foot that w* here
»«so« prepared to fill orders tor Cards, Circulars, BUI
IISL, P«wr BooU Porter*, end Progr.d>o>« for exhlH.
tlons. All orders mil be promptly filled-
K«wa oftne Day.
A serenade was gi™ to Governor Bigler,at
Willard's Hotel, Washington, on Monday night,
by the young Demooraoy of Washington.
7 The Yellow Fewer has nearly abated in Sayan
nab. A heavy frost ocourred a few nights sinoe
and many of the absentees hare been telegraphed
to return. . „
The total raluation of reel and per son pro
perty in Chicago for 1868, wae *22,929,68) , for
tba present year it is $24,892,289, giving nn in
crease of $1,462,602.
Aa will be seen by the report of the Board of
Health, oar city has improred considerably since
last week. Forty-eeren deathß.for a city of 100,-
000, ia not a hoary mortality.
Ones on the Northern Bank of Kentucky al
tered to s2o“are in circulation. A letter from
Chicago states that the drafts of the Phoenix
Bank on New York hare been protested for orer
• flix thousand dollars. ,
The Board of Managers of the Methodist Bpis
oopal churoh hare offered a premium of $6OO
for the beet eeaay on Systematic Benifioenoe.
The prise is to be given in one snm, or be dtrid
ed among the competitor* as tho Committee aee
St The time to which manuscripts will be re
scued is up to May, 1866.
Thomas J. Goppy, one of the richest men in
Corinth, Maine, has been held for trial on a
charge of robbing the store of H. K- Dexter &
Co., iir Bangor, of a considerable amount of pro
perty. The goods were found in his honse, and
he acknowledged the theft, but the Memory in
timates that the man was insane.
The etory in referenoe to the discorery of t e
remains of Sir John Franklin and hia crew doee
not gain Tery general credence. Many suppose
it to be another of the many hoaga published
in referenoe to that unfortunate nlßgator with
in the pact seren years. Thoße who hare looked
into the matter, think it strange that such infor
mation should hare been in possession of Ike Es
quimaux nearly fire years, and they not hare re
ported it to some of the many traders who nsit
that region. ,
jt is said that the Whigs and K. No. are not
at all satisfied with the share of State offioera
they hare eeonred by the last election. A Gov
ernor, a State Treasurer, a Secretary of the
Commonwealth, an Attorney General, Speaker of
the Honse, and rations minor offices to be filled
by appointment, are considered spoils all too
meagre to reward the rioters. The fire
of the Supreme CouTt, tho three Canal Commis
sioners, the Surveyor General, the Auditor Gen
eral, and many other minor offices are etiU in
tho hands of the Democrats.
Ob the meeting of the legislature, meaaoree
will probably be proposed of a somewhat startling
oharacter. If the Whigo and K. Ns. find that
they hare the oontrol of both branohes of the
legislators, one of the earliest measures in
troduced will probably be an Act to aboUsh the
Canal Board, and substitute for it a Board of
Superintendents, to be appointed by the Go»-
ernor. This would accomplish n double pur
pose. It would secure not only high offices for
the allies, but the oontrol of all the public works;
the control of all the numerous appointments to
subordinate offices on the works, and the hand
ling and use of all tho pnblio monies of the Com-:
monwealth. It would also giro them a ehsuoe
for some fine speculations, in case any portion
of the public works should be sold. But It
would accomplish another purpose. It would
punish Mr. Mott for hating declared himself
a Democrat, and not a Know Nothing.
It is perfeotly apparent that the rank and file
of the K. Ns. have been deoeired in some way
in regard to Mr. Mott. The great body of them
in Toting for him undoubtedly bellesed that he
belonged to their order. His unequivooal de
nial of it has produced profound astonishment
among them. They were deceived no doubt;
but by whom f Some say by Mr. Mott himself,
whioh we do not believe. Others say it was the
Know Nothing leadersthose who had the bo- j
siness of arranging the State ticket, and who
had made a bargain that if Democratic K. Ns. j
would tote for PoUook, Whig K. Ns. would rote j
for Mott, and take a man not on cither ticket
for Jndge of the Supreme Court. That was
the bargain that secured Pollock’s eleotion;
and to mtike it work, the Know Nothing lead
ere were under the necessity of deceiving the
rank and file by misrepresenting the position of
Mr. HotL He was represented as being a
member of the •• Order” when he was not, and
he receired their rotes.
There is not a particle of proof that Mr.
Mott bad anything whatever to do with the
fraud: but he must be punished; and to abolißh
the Canal Board would do it. We think it will
be done. When vengeance, high offices and
rich spoils are all to be gained by a measure so
easily accomplished, and for which ouoh plausi
ble reaeons could be given, it will not be left
long undone.
To prepare the public mind for this measure
we expect to find the Whig papers, between this
time and January, particularly busy in abusing
the Canal Board; and talking loudly abont
frauds, and the necessity of some change in the
management of the pnblio works. We predict
that they will open out on that subject soon. If
not, we shall oouolude that there is some doubt
•bout the allies having a majority in the Senate.
Witbont that the thing cannot be done.
We could suggest several other measures that
would make some fine openings for offioes and
Why not abolish the Supreme Court, and es
tablish a Superior Court, with five Judges t Then
next fall let all the allies combine again and
eleot five Know Nothing Judges. We don’t
eharge anything for these suggestions. But our
Whig and K. Ns. friends will see that they have
only to stick together and aet vigorously for a
little while and they may possibly get the con
trol of the exeoutive, the legislative and judi
cial branches of the government, and fatten
upon the salaries they would have the power to
increase to any extent they please. Their time
will probably be short. Delays are dangerous.
If tho Senate Is with them, they Bhould make
thorough work of it next winter. If any thing
is left to bo aooompliehed at a subsequent ses
sion the Democracy may rise in Its strength and
sweep the old commonwealth once more, as they
h&ve frequentiy_dono. #
We have no quarrel with any party just now,
and shall be happy to make any suggestions
that will prove useful. We like to see things go
lively, and are impatient to see the game at
Harrisburg next winter. Meantime we shell
endeavor to make ourselves generally useful and
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Tb* Imicoeatios.’ —The rush of immigration
on Sunday and Monday last was almost unpre
cedented. It m eetimated nearly ten thousand
persons arrired in New York in these two days,
which if it continued would be more than one
million and a half a year.
Miss Julia »*ah is playing a rery sue
easeful engagement at the
ton. The receipts, last week, are .aid to ham
boon $l,OOO pet night.
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Ahothxu Vxxxi) Quxshoh.—No sooner baa
the publio mind become callously indifferent to
■whnt ru once the »U- absorbing question, eii: '
Will Saltpetre explode, than another whioh
promisee' to be equally fruitful of disousslon,
takes its place. Bine* the loss of Bis“Arotic”
a great dispute has been going on as to whether
a vessel in sinking will oreate a whirlpool,—»U
tho old salts being firmly impressed with that
idea, and, therefore, when they find the vessel
likely to go down, always get dear of the wreck.
But some landsmen who hare occasionally been
at sea, and perhaps suffered a shipwreok or two*
look upon this as a vulgar error, while others of
the same oiass, with equal pertinacity, hold to
’the opposite. A man writing to a paper in Port
land, takes the middle ground. He says: “If
a ship fills entirely with water there will be no
Tscnum for the water outside to rush into, and
consequently no commotion. If, on the other
hand, it goes down while there is yet a body of
air beneath its decks, a botjy of water just equal
to the bulk of air must be_ drawn in. You must
hare read of the sinking of the ■ Roy George, ’
ship of the line, off the ooast of England. In
this case men, piooes of timber, and all floating
objects were quickly drawn in. One man who
was saved says: *lt seemed as if I had one
hundred pounds on eaoh foot, so rapidly was I
drawn down.’ Where the waters regained its
balanoe there light objeota where thrown up.
This ship had her ports open below the second
deck—the space between the first and second
decks was filled with air when the ship went
down, into whioh a mass of water equal in bulk
to the epace between deok, rushed. Thus it is
that both Bideß of the argument are correct.
The manner of sinking, whether empty or full,
will determine whether or not there is to be a
This book is now in the market, and a silly
affair it is. Its forthcoming has been frequently
announced, and extracts published in advance
by way of advertisement. All the extraota we
have yet seen are miserable attempts at wit and
romanoe, and the whole book is undoubtedly as
great a humbug as the author. The people of
this country are tired of such humbugs, and will
propably decline buying a book of ellly twaddle
for the purpose of putting thousands of dollars
in the well orammed pockets of a conceited and
greedy showman.
The man who will defraud the Amerioan peo
ple out of thousands of dollars by exhibiting an
old negro woman with the lie that she was the
nurse of Washington, and then write a twad
dling book to brag of it, can hardly expect a long
ran of popularity, or a large sale for his stupid
York. It will prove as flat a failure ns his
boastful attempts to make the Crystal Palace
pay- __
Bev. TUeodort Parker’s Lecture.
A large audienoe listened to the lecture of this
gentleman last evening, and were evidently Weil
pleased with his discourse. It is the matter of
his discourse, not the manner that tells. Though
•is manner is easy, he ie not what is commonly
called an eloquent speaker. He is calm, deliber
ate, unimpassioned and graceful. But his
thoughts are the pure metal; weighty, sensible,
the result of etudy, reflection, and a careful ob-
servation of humanisation ; and there is a vein
of wit and satire running through his lecture
that secures attention, and often a laugh and ap
plause. A little more of the fire of eloquence is
•ranting. He steered tolerably clear of his aboli
tion mania, and altogether gave satisfaction.
The Association has secured some good leo
tnreraforthe winter, and we anticipate mnch
t.leaenrc and instruction from the lectures at
Masonic Hall, during the coming winter.
Dr. Elder will be here next month.
■We hope our citisene will not forget tho meet
tg that is to be Held at Masonic HaR this eeen
ig, iu relation to the House or fiasco*. This
i otto of the most philanthropic projects ercT
jggeeted in our community, and we hope our
itieenß will encourage it with their wonted lib
,-ility. The following notice is published by
\e committee:
Thomas G. Rutherford, Esq,, late Superinten
mt of the House of Refuge of Philadelphia, and
jperintendeut elect of tho House of Refuge of
eg tern Pennsylvania, and the Rev. Mesere.
oilier and Pasaavant will address the meetiog.
he importance of the subjeot aud the talent and
eperience of the speakers, we trust, will ftU the
ill. Exercises to commence at half past seven,
lmittance free.
Kabsas Territory. —A gentleman who left
Philadelphia, with Gov. Reeder, writes from
Fort Leavenworth 'on the 12th inst., Btating
that the whole party had arrived, after a very
pleasant trip. Governor Reeder has made Fort
Leavenworth his restring place for the present,
and haß already shown his determination to ex
ecute the laws, by holding some squatters to bail
who had been fighting each other. The gentle
man farther says Kansas requires an incredible
amount of labor and severe privations to make
it a bright particular star of the union.
Gm. Cass ih Illinois. —This veteran states
man and Democrat has been addressing the peo
ple of Michigan, at different points, on behalf of
the Democratic party and the papers tell us he
is everywhere reoeived with the greatest enthu
siasm. ' On Friday last the oitisens of Chicago
had an opportunity of hearing him. The Prut
says the ball In whioh he spoke was densely
packed, and when he had concluded six hearty
cheers were given for the general.
Dr. Ward’s Liquid Dihtivrior.— We have
been handed a bottle of this mostdelightfnl tooth
wash by oar friend Dr. Kktsrr, Druggist, of
this city. It is a most elegant article, and from
the known reputation of Dr. Ward as a Dental
Surgeon, we have no doubt of its superiority
over the majority of artioles of the kind. We
i presume most of our readers are aware of the
| whereabouts of Dr. Keysets store, corner of
Wood street and Virgin alley.
N*w Tore Weekly Bark Statements.— The
statement of the city banks, for the week end
ing Satarday last, presents the following re
sults, oompared with the footings of the week
Week ending lzL\Hh. Ending Zlif.
Tyw.». $87,092,810 Deo., $1,423,215
Specie . . 11,130,877 10,320,163 Dec, 810,214
Circulation 8,458,722 8,497,666 Increase 38,834
Deposits 66,095,388 66,627,886 Dec., 467,502
The Rial Victor hi the Crimea. —We have
seen no mention made of the active part whioh
Madame St Arnaud took in the invasions of the
Crimea. There she wae, nevertheless, as busy
and prominent as ever. The delay in the depar
ture of the expedition was, it is well known, oc
casioned by the large amount of baggago which
this lady took oat with her from France, amount
ing, it is said, to something like fifteen hundred
i band-boxes. As a French woman’s traps are
I exceedingly frail*, and require delicate handling,
it was found neoesaary to provide additional
transports for their conveyance to the Cherson
neap peninsula. It is said that the determination
to attack Sebastopol was the result of a coup de
utt on the part of the poor Marsha), who has
1 been nearly driven crasy by a ooncatena-
I tioQ of domestic as well ae military embarrass
ments. It is fortunate for the coalition that
they have got such an ally, for without some
snob spur to his military ardor as his spirited
helpmate, we fear that the commander-in-chief
of the army of the east, wonld have done bat
little to deserve his Marshal’s baton.
The treaty with Dominica, lately concluded
by a Commissioner from our Government, it is
said provides for the foil recognition of Domi
nica by the American Government; that Ameri
cans are to be allowed to hold and cultivate land
and work mines in that oonntty without being
required to become naturalised.
•’ ‘ *. >*N Sjy .
■ •*
The following ie an extract from a letter from
8. BnchlDgham, publlehed In the London
Weekly Chronicle:
professor Porson, one of the grenteiit Greek
scholars in the world was a confirmed drunkard;
Be? Mr. Maurioe, assistant librarian of the Brit
ish Museum, and a man of extensive andfaned
learning, waa frequently insensible from inebri
ation ; ,Bheridan, one of the most eloquent, of
orators, waa frequently drunk; Shiel, who came
nearest to him, perhaps, in the modern house of
commons, drank deeply; and Campbell, the po
et, for whom a statue baa been erected, to be
plaoed in Westminster Abbey, among the wor
thies of England, was, in his later years, rarely
B °ln r the volume of “ The Lives of the lUus*
trioosto which I have already referred, there
are these remarkable proofs of other highly ed
ucated and literary men being hard drinkers. |
At page 3, is the following passage from the
life of Sir Walter Scott: . Q ,
M His erudite researches into ancient ooottisn
lore gained him, at the Literary Society, the ap
pelation of Duns Scotus ; while at the “ Club
the more convivial, as it was the less scientific,
of the two gatherings, he obtained the tobnquet
of Col. Grogg. Appropos of the convivial char
acter of these assemblies. Sir Walter lived to
repent of the excesses whioh were occasionally
indulged in; and in a letter of warning to his
sen, then a young officer in Dublin, he traces
back those severe stomaoh seizures, whioh at
one time endangered bis life, and extorted from
him shrieks of agony, to the ‘ hard dnnklng
which had been ‘ the sin of his youth. And
many times would he say to those exposed to
similar temptations, ‘ Depend upon it, of Ml
▼ices, drinking is the most incompatible with
Again, in the biography of Charles Lamb, in
cluded in the same volume, at page 80. is the
following paragraph: “It must notbeconoealed
that in his convivial moments he would often be
betrayed into exceeeee in the use of stimulating
\ drink , which immediately after caused him the
acutest remorse . He also struggled manfully
against the beeetment, even to the denial of the
company of such men as Southey, Coleridge and
Wadsworth, that he might not, by the accompani
ments of the table,' be enticed to excess; and it
was partially to escape the temptation of society,
that he left London and buried himself in the
country, when he beoame bis own master. We
regret that truth compels us to reoord the failing,
even in this imperfeot delineation of so great and
good a man." The eonduot of Lamb in this last
particular is a proof of bis wisdom. While we
pray not to be led into temptation, we are bound
to flee from it whenever it presents lUelf. But
how much wiser it wonld be to remove the tempt
ation of strong drink from the great mass of the
community, by shutting up all the dens in which
it holds ont its allurements and tie snares.—
Close all gin palaoes and beer abope of the king
dom, and prohibit all traffic and sale in the de*
, .tractive poisons; in short, enact end enforce a
Maine lew for Greet Britain end Ireland ; end
there would then be reocned from the demon of
intemperance millions who ere now more or loea
injorod by a greeter or lees degree of indulgence,
end the wealth, ea well as morality and happi
ness of the kingdom, would be increased meny
fold. lam yours, faithfully,
London, Wednesday, Ang. 10,18 M.
*geo. weyman,
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The Habits of Literary Ken.
Female ShttpUflOf and Precoclaue Mar*
A singular instance of female depravity la re
corded by the Philadelphia Gazette. For the
last 18 months, a girl caned klary Add Galway I
hag been in the employ of Mr. Banin, in Eighth 1
street, of Mr. John Kiehl in Arch street, and da
ring the laat four weeks in the dry goods estab
lishment of Mr. George Fryer, in Chestnut at
It appears that on entering the atore of Mr.
Fryer she presented one of hie children with a
beautiful handkerchief rained at $46. Mr. Fry
er naturally inquired how she came by suoh a
oostly article. She said that her mother held a
▼ery responsible and lucrative situation in the
Girard House, in Philadelphia, and her aunt the
same kind of a situation in the 8t Nicholas Ho
tel, New York, and that one of them had given
her the handkerchief. As she was a poor girl, J
she said, she did not like to keep such a hand
kerchief. This explanation was satisfactory at I
the time; but on last Saturday night Meryjtan
was detected in the act of seci'etiog scab Hoe
laces, which led to her arrest and to some start
ling disclosures.
It appears that during the last 18 months this
young lady has been carrying on shoplifting by
the wholesale, and with a success almost napar
alleled by a female. She has taken from the va
rious stores in which eh# has been
terns, silk dresses, merinos, laces, handkerchief*
and other goods, amounting in value to hun
dreds of dollars. Her plan of action was to re
present to her companion saleswomen that the
goods had been pnrohased and were to be sent I
for. The packages were laid aside antil boys I
called and transferred them to the henses of ac
quaintances of the young lady, to whom she had
made them presents. Goods, amounting in val
ue to from $250 to $350, hare been recovered
by the police, and they expect to recover'SlOO
worth more. She appears to have scattered her
favore in every direction, giving away that which
did not belong to her with a most royal hand.
But this is not all of the story. Mary Ann
exeroised her fascinating powers over a mere
Ud, 17 years of age, a clerk in a well known
jewelry store—secured his affections, and lastly,,
they were, upon false representations of age to
Alderman Thompson, united in marriage. The
lad belongs to a very respectable family. And
to add to her troubles, she is now in an u inter
esting equation”—not meaning the custody of
the authorities. The case is an extraordinary
An American Vcnel Fired Into.
The Providcnoe Journal publishes the follow- !
log extract from a letter received in Providence, |
dated Rio Janeiro, Sept 6th: I
“ The vessels in port are the bark Nevada, |
last from Rio Grande, and tho brig Paragon,
from the same port, both in ballast, waiting
freight; the ship Tejuoa, loading for New York, |
the steamer Bay City, in distress, bound to Ban j
Francisco, and under sail. Before this reaches I
you I expect there will be a sensation in the
States, because of her having been fired into by
the English brig Bonita. The Consol has had
the matter under advisement, and proper papers
have been forwarded to oar Government It
seems that the man-of-war, being to leeward,
fired three blank gone for her to heave to; there
upon, with his colors flying, Capt Wardle haul- j
ed his fore and jib sheets to windward, lowered
the peak of her fore and aft sails, and waited
for him to come op, when three shots were fired
In soeosssion. The first fell short, seeond came
within ten feet of her foot, and the last passed
between the fore and mainmasts. On the boat I
reaching the gangway, the Englishman enquired
who was the master, when Capt Wardle
answered that he was the man. He then as
serted that the steamer’s men were all drunk,
And in a early manner demanded why he did
not heave to. Captain Wardle answered that he
had done so before he had fired a shot. HU
papers were examined, when the Englishman,
noting in the steamer’s log the fact of boarding
him, left. There is a Russian frigate some
where on the ooait, and the English are oat
looking for him.”
Caution in Eatino Oysters. —We see in the
notices of the sadden deaths of individuals that
it is stated they died after eating oysters, of a
a disease resembling cholera. The following
statement concerning an alleged disease among
the oysters may explain the cense of these sadden
“A Baltimore correspondent of the National
Intelligencer,"writes that it is a singular foot,
and one important to be generally known, that
the oysters of those waters, thus far this season,
have proved markedly deleterious to health.
Persons have been taken violently ill after eat
ing them, (raw especially,) with eramp, cone,
cholera morbns, &0., and in some Instances
death has ensued. Crabs, too, have produced
similar results. An old and experienced fisher
man states that, in his judgment oysters and
crabs this season are impure, unhealthy, pos
sessed of some poisonous substance, and nnsafe
to be eaten.”
Dbath or Hugh A. Garland. —The St Lonls
papers annonnoe the death of Hugh A. Garland.
He expired in the above named eity on the 16th
inst. He was formerly a member of Congress
from Virginia, and held the offioe of Clerk of the
Honse of Representatives daring the Twenty-fifth
and Twenty-sixth Congress. On theepeningof
the Twenty-sixth Congress, he called the Honse
to order, and began the great struggle upon the
New Jersey contested election oase, by refusing
to call the Whig members, who held the certi
ficate of the Executive of the State. As a stu
dent and a scholar, Mr. Garland occupied a re
spectable position. He was the author of the
Life of John Randolph, published a few years
einoe by the Appletona.
The subject of » bridge over tho Mississippi
riser »tBt. Louis isdiseussed in the newspa
pers. It Is suggested thet the bridge ought
to bare an elermtion of ninety foot. It wonld
cost a million and a half of dollars, an amount
deemed insignificant oompared with its ad
'vartaios. •
**.* **■ * - *
\.v •
A. .*• ** H*" '
* J *sf •
, v*Ms,S; ..
' '??<&-
'* v V
«.. k l
Bt th« gHalllj linw for th, Komlng tfit
v*w Yc*k. October 25.—Tli® steamer Washington arrived
I*2 nightStaSTHoolt. Bba_ bring p*p®« to
the-Uthand two hundred aod fifty pMWngwe.
Consols 3M*>£. Morey light
London Oorn Market 1* dearer. .
Ilollinnhead A Tetley give the sales of Cotton on tbelOth
*t 5 000 belts, of which 1,600 were for export end l,oooon
speculation ""The market closed dull, without change from
Market hi oo
quoted at S3j; Ohk> 36a. Oorn...boldm .» pr«*lnk on
the market, anticipating a decline; yellow and white 80s,
paflMngera of the Wajlyton £"B“JO «►
rolt, the Russian Minister at Washington, Bsjoo de_Bc
disco, bearer of despateheafrnm Bt. Petertbun
siac Legation at Washington ;J- H*^*£sj , J . r .7_ *
iinitfd dtatea Lention at Berlin; J. A. Statyner, Bx-rMt*
<*»£• «"*?■
and Lad, of th. .Lip North Star, which had boon aold la
9aa Jacinto is in Southampton dry dock.
Tbeieheve b-« no official d«P*t4je« pabltebed wlaUre
to the battle at Alina. The English, it is said, had two
thousand hilled, and the French tourtew hMdred. The
•Me. bad chang'd thdr plana, and war. to attack Behajto
r“n Sip. of the line at the mouth
Thu bombanlment of Sebastopol began wUhOcttger.
Marshal Bt. Arnaud is dead, and General Ban Robert is
in command of the French army.
Meruel has been nearly destroyed
Edward Ollrefs affaire wUI be adjusted.
rUSfieerrived at Liverpool on Tueeday
“Tirai, Taenia, Er.nlng.-0n tha SKh topb-mlw on.
hundred and thirty heavy guns were disembarked at Balak-
October 6.—PrinceQortecblkoff fa UL
There is a great concentration of Turkish troop, at Mat
acblne. Omar Pasha begins hla operations against the Bus-
that onto*-b*v® bean giben to rewire the remain, of Jiar*
i -i a. intend vite ail the honors paid him upon his ds*
oarturo from Constantinople. The farewell whlch hs had
SdSSd7ttSar»y. dated the 36th September, arrived
Toaton, says that, orercome by disease stalest *bleh he
has so lonx struggled, be isobliged to resign the command.
oompllntMit 10 hi. then*, ton
E Tb?Tln». of October »th, Uth, oonUlnf rota
■ssrsf fas s£2z* —«*■ -
L °lsE,“ th« B sSa? of Alina, the Brudani tanad all Jh.
r,lt«« ihroa«hlnthdrfijd.t ; ttojlrt
"ffiSTSTSSi report of tho tattU.of Alina -«
SSftSai. —-a-* •>«“-» ■»
“prfveie de mention that great demoralisation
Pr ?he elllse dwUtryed the aqueduct which applied the tort-
”wght ♦**""—"* cavalry were landed by the elllse on the
Cr Tbll‘ubsbita«te of Odessa bar. given a ptodf* to burn
the place ratber than to allow it to frill Into the hands of the
nl AftW the battle of Alina, the carriage <££iMhn«ff
was taken, with his private correspondence, by the french
Toe Inss by the burning of Mattel le
to the large destruction of Tallow, that article has advenes*
la id. tnLoodoo, and Hemp also has advanced eo&sider
ab&m Poland we learn that a peat movement la in opera
tion along the whole line. The Russian C* 1
by forced marches towards Warsaw. The troops of the
kingdom of Poland are directed on the Austrian frontier.
aiTjTtT,October S 5«— I The steamer ««rty
this moraine, wttb Uverpoal dates to tlmlfitfa.
The Cleoaatia arrived at Liverpool cn the 12th.
IntslHgenraefthe loss ofthe Arctic erected pralbaod
"Swliblß Brri™d •» H.l,h«do. 8.«n1.j »t Boon.
There wee no decisive new* of the war; up the latest
dates ao tmpieerion had. been made on BebaetopoL Hen
eeUkoff kept the North, tod was expected dally to have
joined Oeten Saekca Gortschlkoff, who Is at Per<rkop.
The news Is confirmed of Mcnschlkoffbariag wnh aorta
line of bettlr-shlpfcbefijre the tober of fiebastopoL
KnemUs note by Franco and «n*!and bare caused Pras
«t« to express s willingness to act with Austria.
LiT*aiStSiA*r*T».—Oottoa—The “"****“?
dull and although »me drculers quote a slight decline In
lower grade*, the trading booses continue the qnotetions of
the AfrlralThe demand has bsen moasrateand the sales
of the week were 39.000 bales.
BrMdvtafT. tan-JVim 1b food tau* •*•*»““ “ r
1. ill tom lb. pretloba HtUof. Brown * SblpWj 1»om
nmmrbßtbifbßr. Wb«.t h» wlrooaA *d: .bit, taqooUd
u U*h rM lOd. Corn doll, £.voriog bo,Bn.
“ c, “ ,u “ ® na “ d
T 'nrraairt ufli—Brorn * Shlptoj rtpon DrimWln liu Ann,
haviac adranosd for the week Is 4d. Wheat, 4d. Oora
dolL? trifie lower. The stock of Bceadstufe at fen Porte U
small. Farmers do not offer frraly; Bl®
83s. WbmWwhite.*s«#ttsTd;r^Bs«i>Su ML In
dian Oora—white and JW* ;
Some other circulars quote Western Oenal, S3s fid, gnod
Obto, m*Kb. lodUnOmonm...
m* UoMm.loß.nmll Mil, »•
TETTxMrt la. ommd. A«rk»n
dollars is 2d, eagles ?6« BX4- . ~ , ... - ...
Iron market dull, the export demand UJalll|gefl. Bar
Iran Is quoted in Wales aft *8 fie. Hatis armfenotod in
Wales at £7. Pig Iron U quoted in Qlesgommt 83s. Lead~.
will be mounted In buttery around B*beetojni cm the fdk.
Tb* bombardment will be commenced on
assault is expected to take piece on the fifth. The nllted j
tranches aw within 1«P0 yards of the wails, swiM*u«jara
already mounted. A private despatch says that there was
m tataESt «p « the
sunk with their guns, stores, on board, and the r«Min*
dcr of the Russian fleet washed in "adlnjwibrrinking.
The arews, numbering 10,000, warn added to the
The aUied fleets are comparatively useless The mariw*
have joined tb* land forest. The wbolaeouatry north irf
Sebastopol has bran evacuated by ftsailtes. All the allied
reserves left Varna to the Grimm. '
Often Bached has been at 2d, and was
expected to join Mensehlhoff betea the 16th. <
Tte Paris Debate estimates the Ruasleo force In the Crimea
at 86.000, and the allies at 69,000, Including seamen.
Thetwo Rusal an generals taken at Alina were Gonlkoff
and Scbanoff; both wsra wounded and have since tod.
They sey the Bunians had but 36,000 at Alina,
that sufflclentto defend their position. Mrasphikoj, though
Bkk, sat on a height and directed the battle. *Jj**«»
bajonetted all the wounded Russians calling Ohft Sinope.
Siußtook tb. cblrf oomnmnd of tbHnUl KM.
Canrotet Is considered an energetic adventurer, bat as a
taetedan rather doubtful.
CAol.r. ie Hew York.
Niw Y«I, Oetober 14.-Bt»rtllng eoeeo of ehotaraeod
rndden doth, em>.ctnd«oedb7 ccttfagoyctcrc, *—!*•
Hoi. The tblknrlng deotbe occurred tUeeftccnoon: .John
lLOorneU.CeeUcrofthe Metbonfceßenk; Jercrc P—V
Jr., Agent Atlutlo Uoo of Peekotei Morcte M. DhUm,
OouiuSlorotlAW-elleflerofcw boon lllncec. ■—
oro cdxront of namercne eeee* of elekneee nom duluo.
Tfco HMlpmttjr Treaty.
iuoiaioCßOO. October 24.-TO. Legteletore feeore lie
BMiproeitjjjßteotloo le delayed by » dlepoM jirlae Ae
eentbly on ilKtoo. owing to ■ wont of oonMewee., It O
tbowght carried, end the Prcrlndol gor
emtoeotwijSnMM? . ..
KndorJeiaient ct tbe XUelprocttr Bill.
Bo«tok, OetobM- 25.—The Governor of New Brunswick,,
In en eddreeetotheopeningLsfMatoireon the2oth,warm*
lj aadoteed tbe&edproeity BIU.
EtrthqMk* Im liw
Eon, N. EL, October 25,-Shoeks of “
were sensibly experienced hereet ten o'clock last night.
Several buDdings were shaken, bat no damage vu done.
OkoUro ow the (tenaeklp Oorotlho.
N*W ToUp October2ft.-Tbe ahlpCkroUpeyfrom
dun* arrived; fifty deaths from Cholera occurred daring
her pasage.
SaAltaf of the aarepe.
Bra Tou. October 24.—Oottnn dnU with deoßnlns be
deoey. Ploox: relee of 1400 bbla good OUo *t 12;
SutLrn' «a« 2000 bbleet l» !129« 3T. Wtoet: pH«
Orm. Oorn: eelee 40,000 l»ieelBWL_Forl:eHeelMo
bblemrceot 212 27®12 4»i ptßbe JUST. lart iHglO
-- OUo Stock dnIL Money rteedy; Ken*
™y .li»?Kl<“ > skrrf*od nod Toledo Kefireod 04; New
York Central S7)>f •
PHiLinsirßU, October 25.—The reedpto of Wl onrw
gnS; shfeplng brands held at no expartde
mead. Bye floor, and Oonunmt, oo qaoto the
at 47. Wlity Oncer, 3»c erted.
CiHOnnu'ts. October 24-Flonr coerce end] Ugber et 27,20
•Sf - oE«5."£
seed 0i1..."2©75. The river nil fallen six inches; weather
ln these languages. Mr. TJ. Is a. gentle-
Sot“ «iS3i tb. longMUblUbed "lgtjtj?; <« S? TT
th “ WggCTSSj. Periin. drcirco. Of ob
ljdtofionetircJ Deportment. et
Trirete InHracUon giren If rw
’ U TS^i-»or|HT»teli»tnictlon^pertalfe— ten. Por
class instrpetkm $10» t** k*** sesslfm.
nTt p.wra pntidiny Lota in Bast Liverpool, Ohio.
•n.^StTMOUttaildet of PotteriM, oeer fie flto*
J otvu, Htaborgh end CSeedMld Beilrojd, e=J wUI be
ccpagobl-e. Apply to JAhl g^^l^nt.
T«K, blatmbs w ":' T “iX«srooK * 00,:
iJ... No. 6 Wood ftneL
TNHpAKLott ruimn:UtUt, of tTcry <
.»d HMd.toMdMbT TB-Toro a t oo.
A octie
i ' *
" ♦, •
i. . • . V
49" Mr*. fltan«*fV*> $OO fiartkiiM**!
.-■‘tiP.'i. Nrw Toan, M»y 16,1853. ‘
£ <*<m «r mine showing symptoms of worn*, 1 gato ItA
boiU* of Dr. Celebrated Vermifuge* wbieb brought
jnj a hnadhpf worm*, numbering, I «heuJd judge, about
Th* ?Mld wu very lick during the operation, bat
id now well and hearty.
Mn. TwifT, No. 18 Avenue D, write* wader date of An
net 10, ism, end says she had been troubled frith worn*
for more than a yew, and that she took one bottleofDr.
M’Lane’s Celebrated Vermifuge, which brought away from
her otct three hundred worm*, big and little. She now
believes herself to be entirely free from dleeeee.
Mrs. Brooms, a German woman, residing at *>4 Blvtogton
street, says, that after wing one rial of Sf’lnne’s Oslebea*
ted Vermifuge, she passed two large tape worms.
The above certificates are all from parties weU known In
this city, if there ere any wbo doubt, they have the name#
and addrmees, andean satisfy themselves by persoaaUn
qp. g.—Tbtr above valuable remedy, also Dr- MJ*“ P ***]2
ebrsted Liver Pills, can now be had at all respectable Drug
8t pureh»*er» irtH be carefpl to a»k ibr, and but
Dr. M’Lane’s VeraKhge. All others, In comparison, are
Also, for sale by the sole proprietors,
Fleming bbos..
Successors to J. Kidd A Co»,
ao Wood street.
O'lDTaiiii Eeo*Terlß| from U« effects
of Fever, Bilious Diseases, or long continued illness of an;
kind, will find Carter'* Spanish Mixture the only remedy
which will revive their drooping wjnMltntlnni, ttpsl
bad humors from the blood, excite the liver to apreenpt
and healthy action, and by It* tank properties, restore Ihe
ptffpt to life and Tlgor.
We can only eay mn. A single bottleds worth all the
•opened BareaperlUas In existence. It contains no Heron
ry, Oplnm, or any other noxious or poisonous drug, and
can be given to the youngest infant without hesitation.
See the oertlfleatas of wonderful cures around the bottles
More than five'hundred persons In the dry of Bkhmond,
7a., can testify to Its good effect*.
%• Bee advertisement
OT*To all Wbom ft way 70a
want a ipleodid fitting Bull 70a can gat it at CRIBBLE'S
If 70a want any Gentlemen's Parnlehlng Goods, In alj
Tartety, why GRIBBLB ha« ’am. If you <*•
fitting Paata yon erer wow, GRIBBLR’B.i* the place to
tana* your aann. He eenfumlsh Ombrallaa, Carpet
fu r , i Trank*, TaHses, fie., *T prise* tosutt «p sorts of
customers. MO Liberty street, head of Woad.
octM B. OIOBU'
Suddenly, on the 24th Instant, Mr.TBBKHCB CLARK.
Tho frtwte of tha family ara invited to attend hi* fa&stml,
at 1 o’clock, THIS APTKRKOON, from hie lnmwfldMiea,
No. 14 Walnut street, adjoining OaaselTe Prug Store.
to **’* H. 00LUK8.
proposals Tor a Brlfig*.
noaaU, until tha Ift November next. tor tha construc
tion ota rabaUßtUl BRIDGE aeromthw Pagniylrania
osar MTsdden** ice-house, tn ImqMnM borough.
Plana and snedfieattona eon be eeen at tha pnbOo boaaa of
E ™” t *«“•' K * l ' on
0042*9131 Bur**** of Duquaenc Borough.
(DHpatah coot three times.!
' Betlcei
All pßßsofis minima will take nonoß
that Letter* of admin Utrstloo 00 tha eatato of PAT
KICK O’MALIKA, decaamd, lata of Btawartatown, AH*
the aame without delay, to .
MARY ABN O’MALIKA, Administratrix,
oetatdUwflt _ at Stewartotown.
[Delaware Journal and Tha Blue Ean’a Chicken, Wilming
ton, copy one time and charge this office,]
KiiuriTun,timn mu 00 roc*** arum.
to we tha beaottfol assortment of VMINA, GLASS
and <j USES SWA RJL> now open at the abort eetehHite
want- Our gooda being entirely new, we am enabled to
offer ioeuocmenu in all the la tact style* of Dinner, Tea
end Toilet Ware, white Ironstone, wa hare a great variety
of ahapaa; also, gold band and fcacycotorad stone ware
Tea simToflet pete. Our ftoek of white Covered Dishes,
Soup Tureen*, Vegetable Dishes without covers, Salad
Dishes, and every article appertaining to a DJuner Bet is
Urge and well selected. Britannia ware, Table Cutlery,
Spoons, Castors, Walters, and House Furnishing Goods, we
have a large assortment.
COMMON WARS—Our stock of common Teas, Plates,
Dtebea, Bakers, Napplm, Bawls, Pitchan, and every article
tn the Bn* te targe, and we are prepared to peek them with
or without fine goods, as the purchaser mar wish.
Also a large assortment of aQ kinds of GLASS WARE,
which we are selling at manufacturers’ price*, all of which
•ZS?* “ ,b ° l ~ 11 ’" " toU ’ %J. O-LK^KT.
iunAPHf>UBKd—Aeood three toiT BRICK HOUSE,
, on lona ftreet, weft arranged with i kdl and nine
room*, *ll well papered and, finlabed In the beat rtyle: hot
and cold water In each fterjr, tU tatnw*. s*.*«>;
Wi, Itorj BRICK BOCBS, on townjmd
containing firs A>om*, hall and cellar; price $1,500.
AUo, a twoatory BRICK HOUBB, cm Carpenter street;
price $1,600. . , . .
For fiooaM, ftatMtag LoU or Farm*, at low prices and
-ss,g°*° f p ?oS^ssr , ? , iSf sKuSTsSI
j TtTMRiL—We ore weiring ftca ths foundry of
X L. Jobnstm * 0o„ Prtnt*n' new* ssdeerd lafcs; b»J*
Boed end oommoa OmlUjri; Bxw'ftUlu. aJliittr,
atvateodßg and shooting Btfcfci; I«j Brushes
tadctaptare; w fMnflr feoeyOu* Letter*. Bseb eat
t °Oidvi tor Press*-! end Type win neetr* oar perttealex
ittsfitioo, sad will 1m furnlihfd et fbaodry prices.
8. JAYNES’ Pekin Tee Store,
oetflfclm So. 88 fifth street
FOR KENT—A good HOUSE, OB Saeond atroat, bacw*«n
Bmltbfield and Grant itmti. Bant $3l per month,
oetaa THOB. WOODS, 76 Fourth itmt
J T. ~.D. t. JOBSBTO*-» KA6Dc
EletUlor Ctßtaf* Factory.
lUUBB, earner of Babeeea and Baboaont •treats, Alia
«6enT alty, Pk, bar* on band ud tr* maotbctnring an
ixtanslve aaortmant of Carriagee, fioekawaye, Bngglei,
q. m p Qans Ac* madaiaali tbelr varioia styles, with
•txtoUacard to daubUltj and beauty of flal*h, nsing in all
iHfMktintot Juniata toon and eaetarn hkhnry. So*
naiia attended to on the »o#t reasonable tencti They feel
coatdant that ail wbo nay favor than with lhair patron*
ace, will be parteotlyenttafted, on trial J tbair work. _
The Pittiburgh and ManwheWar Onvnlbnsas pass *»a*y flf*
t—n toinntasdaring the day., ' oeg&:ly
“ Bmi* «r Kefftf*. '
TIOR the purpose of bringing this important institution
' before the pubDo, end gmng the oonnannitj abetter
eaof its Talae end * pnbHa leeHwf will be
heSetMllmfo Bell, onTHtJMDiY MMCIO HIXT,
the 2&th iast. Thomas 6. Rutherford, Req., late superin
tendant of the Houae of Rsfttgeef Philadelphia, and toper
ldtenduit elect of the House of Refuge of Western Penn-
BrlTeaia, and the Her. Messrs. Cottier and PesseTaat, wffl
address the m—ting. The importaaee of the subject, and
the talent and experience «t the speakers, we trusrwlU til
the Hall* .*•:
Xxerdeee to
mlttanea free.
tt half past urn tfotak. Ad-
frrwnlk ItMk *C Mbm * Otark'i Flsunuu.
HKLSBKR rfspnetfully totems the
. public thakbShswtaft returned from
*• mSSan fnwi
complete todek e< FIAIKiS erer broughttol I » fl»
tnit city. They ere from the osiebgtmd tootocy of Mwnca k
Cunx, liewYork.nad, am warranted jk tpA to •fay***
sptet. N.Jk£>*B«fem-fc*T* reariTed the tm riaosfrfce
-eSafe both In this country andßarope, and they ire ecu*
hf&M mnMcal prolemloo. ana judges in general, a»
ritowriierunrtpglfed and unegnaflcd. Tba prices will ton*
rl 3&j bribe suns is ekamed st the factory, without addl*
DOMlsrFrwOß. Dunham.’* Piano* ware among toe jnt
tp ua they Isti lupt up a moat eurikbl*
reputation tothis dsj for superiorityof tone, touch, and du
The sboralot oomprims all and prims; snAnamy.
isstnunsnt offered hr sals by tbs subscriber is embß;
snd thoroughly euamOud by him, he aa, to all ne*s»,giT
antes to furnish purchasers with good, nbatcnhal and m
Uaile Pianos, and at factory j*ries* Person* to want of a
goad Piano will find U to their interest to call and examine
Store baying elsswher*. HJDttY KUUB,
Bole Agent tor Nunn* ft Clark's Piano*.
Also Dunham’s Pianos,
No. 101 Third street,
oetft ■ Sign of the Golden Hup.
49» Old Piano* token to exchange at their full yalne.
1 BXLYKR WATCHSS, ofth* finest and mediarn quall
t&.sow for sole at iees than regular Boston prioea, and
cheaper than mr offered to this market, at tha corner of
Market and fourth streets. OtUen* and stxangars intend
ing to purchase, win And It to their Interest toenll ud u
amine this stoelu Also, fine Jewelry. BUter Van, Speeto
else, Pens, Tea Warn,. Castors, Spoons. Lamps, Military
Goods, A&, do. A Urge *toek,chaanerths» elsewhere.
Watch repairing done promptly, in the but manner and
TbOOKS FOB TUB FARM—the American Parm Book,or
Ij Compendium of Ameriean Agrlealtnxe; by LOiilto.
Sheep their Breeds, management and diseases; by w.
YouatL _
Tbe Ameriean Mack Book; by Wm-Browne.
Cattle Breeds, management and diseases; b 7 V. Youatt.
Saxton’s Ban! Hand Books. A ' . „
Tbe Farmer’s Cyekopedla.of Modem Agriculture; by W.
Johnson’s and Lei big’s Agricultural Chemistry.
For sale at the cheap Book Store of
oeUb Tft Fourth street
# iraida of forty mora SUM of NSW GOODS, among
which vill be found a wall aaJaetad and alagant *u*k of
OBSBB GOODS, ooeaUting of Plata and figured SUka, nw
veirrich «nddMbnbfeeeMnof Freneh Marino*,
taa, Wool Da fainea, Ac, fe, with n .imnlwM ;«rf
Ty3»»«nu and HboaakeapiiigChpda, whkt, together wit* tha
whole of thrfrlmnMnseatoQk, will be oSacedat greeUyre
duoad prioaa. ««*
With good Ttabot: ehonnt odd ooktnnt oUutftf
within thrwmOM of tho Bdltfcoon odd Ohio Railroad, *t
116 par octo. din, oono I* Watod comb, at taaWa
add thirty rnbeo fton lha rirar, dt $3 osd SMB par acra.
Than Idnda oxo in good 1»o£ I ™l®sJ!A*22* 1
mo BTCAttBOAT OWWBBB—Wanted to bv aaINTUr
1 KBT IN A BTIAMBOAT, fcr which caafc ftoek*, or
ml eetate will be giTgn. iMraire rf
oetSS THOB. WOODS, T 6 South stonet
ynr.THW PATRT CHBBSB—2OO boxM Sngllah Ddry
Cbeeee, recalYed end fcr Bale by
W. &■ Cotttaif Cheeai.jat r
CaJSSSS— 600 faoxae
calved end fcr wh
nTTWt—' g bhle pecked Batter. jolt repaired and ft
by [octSftj HJ&JBY H. 00UJW8.
Sltmntlom Wanted,' :
BY an aiperiaawd Pel—in and Oars, in a wbolemle
booae: ean fire the bast of eky reference. fcqata««
ootgtst THOB. WOODS. 76 Ibnrth dwt-
• Jotict.
LKrMU of adglolrtrotton on tba aotato of HXRKY
GORBBAK, deoaaaad, Uta of this etty. ban ba«
granted to tha andactegmd. All yeuooß tadawd tooted
aatate an nqatnd 10 naka lamodtete pop” . _PSg?
lkavtac dates will yio—it tbam, doly aathawttoatod, for
•atOtenast BAMD»LOOqP«ia»«r.
j octMrttd Pteinnd, Httebatfr.
. So. B,l****;
10 ** isadfaußi . .
c. 11 AHD WtIAIL DKiljtKß 111 JOVIfiH ASD Of
---- --- -- .. --i.A.4«Wit. i wli^fl
• *
TopuotrrlocnUKhrpob; a«ip.' 'IJZ.' "'i
Tofottauruttk o moot si R°g, Molo. tUlttig. PruaotlJff. «d Bod <» cfiotko, *•» «*. ••
Torrt. uUlo.cut to fll tar hullor totm. inoooottjbo o**™- .7. . -.
"tut. P too MQrtmopt of Pinto pod Totio Ooton, of Qfftfagr jTCrSagJ. m , Tlt . t . l . Trnr.ffliW-*-~-» '•«»'
Ptrio OifOoth, lor PloliooalTotOo Como; ■
Buff Hoiloodo, of oil width! ;
Thdr stock ot 0000 A MATS to t«j bm, nd aoa*ttafftapta)ft «fr Wy Mil*;
Xncli«b masofteton; ««rybody abowd / *
*r Ho<^»«-»b- ta »dß r |j- S o^oy»~g. 1
A. A. MASON & CO.,
Ho» 25 Fifth Street,
ttave jiut wetted rams hoothid cams AiiMpiASMjf .
fOUB HPMPBJtD «ae» a»d paefcagoe of which, barfagbeea k'Hwr Tiifl t
at one-third leae than be efcad at a man ”9 th>
WUI beftmnd every daflutptlDßof pbift,Striped tad brocade ffpiM MfP.iUlftlS 11
>;■ ■-• -■■ >;
winter Bh»wi*- TH gHI BONNET BKPAKTMENT. .:. /.
TtitiWiiawi ***** »"""** wiin» gmdheiM* lacrwai, largeqaaatttiaewill tosaadejitfcrboth fee
«s»y lll * ,trillrt y,_f
An cxteadve woitapt c t Irish llMni,Uon OMtnp, Jjit
a f*U Keefe qfjEmtking Stood*.—ladies’ and Gents’ tfnder Sacaeata, HaDaHMMfeflyjfaM^WßfMflh.*••*.
Horten and 9k>ree, a fall as sortoMt __ ; L ‘‘ \' r ' £
3 - KmOrolderUs, Rlbboj ttdTiMi nep-<«ii«V^~ Jgg* • jf- -£■-
OonarieManortexteiMlfeetoefcof OoUe» t Oapw t Habtf,Hlaeaee.aMMtoet«« > H«ft iwfelrt^flnaartigij.jarty
iMtnwtnge, r*«e.ldftny. Otspes. three hundred eartoas Phil. Plain MilfiwgedMlWMk
OlaOm, Qmmtrtt and rfattyr.—A oooplaU variety <* (hatoewa^O—tnem L *—fr
s!A^ , B»a£A^.sffi , %ssaErsjrasjgssSi
HaTtng a ba;a rnartentlj la (InM—tern Cftlee^thaywH^bea^^irjiedTlpg the latest andmort v
rr*=» Her eba»Ci Mtd linftmtimi 1
Bnmfc.—Fnimcaa«,Octobarg,lim .Inatoflnn
for ibbtno Dbwtcn of this Bank tot tb* a«Hf J«r,
Till biMd stttM Bukfac How, onMooday, OaMtf
Nar«abVßCct,tatirMfl to bom oT frJLIL and *£*.
octM W. H. HBMY, .
rr~=» Buk «f FltttbWffht Oobsb fto,ltti
An «l«etlOD «ac tUrtMO Dlraetm <rf tbia Bank,**
tfwcanincjtar,wLlbabaW ax tha lawlrtm How»<m
MONDAY, tb« XMb day ot Horwbc not, batvwA tbo
hy m iifwiiiimd MnS»
loin Turnpilr or Plwlr li« Of nrn f>r m
nr, wffl U bald * tb* emmet On Timmiw, «■ t>»
taMMOWUTofHomlxrntt • _ „ . -
a a LOOMIB.mHwt
iliin UXmiMiternlliiHßß,
Ha M Venth •txwt._
For lalUaff Ufkta.;
rfiHß rot wa&t, hwlagHoi —d ftm Moiatwoorowitt
1 PaiaatoM, sad with pooano who *wn
Pmtent Blghta tor Ottko, Ooutk* —wott-M
with vtSn who with to pwrnh-o Mtih U|bklW»
fjiii ii, !>■■ ilooi mliml to doroto Mo tt— and MooMßttMJo
the Mrrtoi of thoo* wbo m*T Smln to fpbytett.
niililni lihnodf tr i^— 1 fldthlfcUy to ofl—ttoro
trotod to W, toooaelaftM by i , to_th#
foDowinr m of » fcw of tho dtfcons to PUU
Pmoborgfc, AofßOt *#> 186*.
Pnonu, AafUt 17th, IBM.
Th* havo lose tMO acquainted with Ur.
3Com* F. Koton, tad haro no liooltortnn to mcumbobi
blm, to oil who mar wioh tooapky Uooorriooa, a* ito
n—«, of ondoabted totegxltj and fadorbrtgoUo lodortr7,
la ir bo— orortlrwio orotj ipMnneo —y bo ploeod.
Norillo B. Crolr, W. Botonooo, Jr,
fa LorioMT, Jr, John Orohom,
W. H. Donny, IL Obßdo * Os
Join-Wood, N. Hoi— A goal,
P. E. Pifcnd, KromorJßohm,
F. loans, L-R. Urtogaton.
Life, Tin and Karine Tnonranno Company;
JAMXS B. HOOK, ITopldtot,
Csaxus A. Ooltok, SaentSJT. ' ' -
Thi« Coatway maim wntty lmtnrannt ■jtfwttltitwf to <a
eoao*et*d with UR B1&K8. M -
Alto, «nlD«t Hull aadOKfoUaksontb* QMotadM*'
atadppinrat tad tzibatazlM, tad Mariat Bttfci Bfgri ng.
Aad afil&BtldM and %!&*•£*
Ptrila ofatt Bat tad Inland Ktrlgtrtna tad Trtw|trt»iByr
PoUriMtanrtattfet knroat i |1« mmlrtantwftfr aa&fr
Jan»«a. Hoot, """'"‘irk &.HmaV
Suiod MtanrUm JMMB-Ifaiu,
Wfln.ii> Phillip*, JUmateßniMy,
John floott, iota-laßaatna,
Joseph P. Qsttttß, V. ja, *ohseiB*l*»y, •
Jobs MPAlnta, Alswdsr HurtH iia*
Wm.f. Johnitsa, stvottgOb,
Junes Marshall, Haratto H. Wsttfenttlng,
Goorg* 8. Seldsa, Hbam*ow*Bsn?». - .
mygJy : _jJ.
HiSirOIS. OOHH. _ 2 ■
OhttttM 1819-OaptUl ItMk Wo*,o©ft.
THO& K. BRACLPnritat.
THO& A. ATitTiWlB, n—hry.
TVMCTOBB Thorn K^Bm m,
19 Bomael Todor. Biawrlhvai
WudVoodbrflt% a. I BnlMoft
Jowph CSmzefa, Fnlinrt Withor, *
iS&nfekjfrUr, IMiAMv,
BttvtNß, BwMlß.mil, : •- -i
IBIm JLTftttte, . HMuySLPlotti .: -
?6&aL.SotinU, AatfftSnkM, . . j
Gsst«nuT.]>m» Joato 8. !!<«■■ , i
WPoUdcs on Ybomad Tftlottd MriaiwyA ftfcftft
d«el£& Ho. 74 Voftxth atmt, Fit****.:
ciTiii»y lawi—• o—niyt
__ D, SOTO, Fnrttetj BAM*
VALL-MABflßßX.SMntary. • _'
OMce: 94 Wbter MtrmLl rfmi m Mf H mi Wbei rftwf I
luow HULL ttd GABSO BMu, ottfca QhfeliaA Mpfe
uuannoißitLoagrDißanlvlWi . . . -
AMO—AglMttlwgwflAaCtttfcMßA Tlhl>*ltW^ ;
WTllteia Bapky,
laaae M. Faamatk,
UaS? oiiniyarttacttjtfpiiirtwrifci
j. X moothES, iw<»t tomwrronSi, tSo*-
Uata. OS«:Halwlrat«ataMt.
T I Wwirteafl,
&C. Sawyer,
0. H. Panteoa,
A LOT 0» GRODNO, oa tk* itmr fet
rn toat lj MO tout* v
t» Mild on ntmu&fc - It to Ml
mw giMt woito, tad Mnal ¥mm. m*
n«>^—»«_ nisOMtoifMtuAMto lota,
RlnttHi* l i" tor wadtoiiftnißyi.
nddNrtftonntoMN.' ttqpntf
iya> - • fwmhtwt.—aattoa^
day kvyntso; mmgTmTßSatirn-
NINOS. Th. Ulianßtlort»c M* UTttad. TWBudl
of Uui«initaM)r«Mi |jiv])ut|kMQM>ll|
ia Ball No. 1; OatU&faa
are flatly Twfflatad, ml a Tartefy aa>T*»Bata*» if i»
foahmeaia al**y» fcaaridai. i4aWa» to —ah Cleat,
and two ladiaa 89 optef tat uAI«OUMMijta
76 fDQXtb atraat; or atWflkii* Hall, Sad alary; atto»eMho
Maapar* uditQ* door as tfra afc*»aariatep 9ft»
atrfaiaat ordar aaa totalaad Mo tai pn afctk*.
doer. ■ • - ' , ■■*■'• - ’ aa»U *
atra*ta»andJ. lSnyMortteiagt comer ef M—naLAfl»
gbaay tha attending Atatotki abwawlate**-
tattoa.toWhaflrto—lpofWd. _
AroUeataa ftr adnhpM mar te aad* to than at
taat am tfiMltaPt
withowt tag. >l*l*
rT5f» C. tlitflfilL 11» lIAMJKP itar-Htta
aad country Aaalars a* ten* aad wall aatoafced Pop of
Good* aaany Baatarn bone*,aadaai Aamtag
wight, time and oxp*na*a. . .^-•iMqi
iHumn, No. 87 Maota feat aai Mi I
Friday of aachwooft. [marMdy /
ar#t*«*»" ta JOOmHKMMB BO
mnr.afFlttefcwnliand AHaahaaor,—oteoa»th»
fimWBDHPDATofmy amth, at SGKHHIZim’S,
la tha Diamond. Byoidar.
jtßy fIIO. W. fflHßl j Sceratary.
ly-aaiffUmOKl t !«. €k“-»Y*a am hereby aotMed to
IL^atta at year Armory, on WNDKES
BAYS aad TKISAYS, for drlU,aad tofraniim each tah
oaoa a* any mao bPQra St* Company. P. un,
aadfcta Bawahaj num
fr-Sm data O. Nawryt Teacher of th* KANO
Ik^FOKTK, may be eonaalted at the PBBBT HOOBN
Mi—gn left at the Mope Star*of JohaH.KaOar.U Wood
street, wfll b* attended aa. oct4
LODGK. X. 0.0.Tr41r
Aageraß* Lod£*,Ko.SSB v LO.of O.X.n*ata am 7
Wadneedayerenbigln Washfegtcm Hall, Wood at. L^7_
•aa* of laad, a Btoaa Mat mL of * tu «*tan,
aad a ta food order, tftmteah tb* Sandyaad
Hearer Canal; wfll beaPd at a barpP. at the tall
•toattomottnt. I»
QBaaof 8. OUTSHKA tOR, ■. 1
J) mrnmlt^j
andfbraale by
T\«MM MJlltm-nabagaay aad watt Bmai
1/ Bunn iiwHh faateateatai iTlliflJi
atandteaafc* X. B. XOGMTOOw
oattT < iBHhMMHI
’,. r ' '•
>••• ••
So. 82 Third stnot,botwoan Wood omdjiantot.
tr-3» WR on tro 0. FFtU, looal in
iky^<,»ba»o Wood-—JOtooooditoi
nrtSojyrThodld nod*B Sod, raro todjailatoal too
waridtaaowsod TAHKH UOCKR&oaI ll lTltoßdß
arthdofn noortono niobt tie ton. TV II pyjondtoftotoa
iMiifi Ootdbv sKtkt aartMnattiWWfltdNMtfNh 1
ahMomßWt. igi*6
ttr.Byaaj AiMlteMrtoTg,*&«»Wfc -
S*faitoH< miHSIPjKgKTAi? KBLJ did/T .
ITowbaß. FonhooIpOe; lor. Mrs Inoto,
Mm Mill roiMuton TV nbnlotn niniirto rllli Tbr
lOJUBTEOBB. Joeothon Ptooghbcy, TtnVoo torfo
To-muiiow, poUlaolJlbO JtottMPWtoW WW"®*
rpH» JUnOtll-Aro OSo Mtowto^totoMW:
frSal Two fraS
t'SiMtt CMi^unKwwanGwn;
bgaUti OiMfta flonM Tfifio Tiroaiolla; u flwlrTrrr
SnrSoaa; OricUwl HUiltad rsa»; TW»s>«_Jrajloa;
Polka; BofaemkaJgMhn; ftffllliK
PoQu Qnaditma; luntfa Qimftghi ;I»Tiwit*i;lfra
+£m: *****
o» 7 U bBqaW txTjfinh
’\irUdL d«lhw«eoamtfhH Laatam, m JTOIJKV
BBOwtafltt fiftat. Boiattagoiittia proparjaaaaa 1»
Iti cnrabflfty»a* tba.
cot gpnai bo«b£m -
To ladki aad caattmeß ow Monday «ad Tiooiloy mn
ioAOetotarftSaad^^aUb,oadtotb* tatiWflWtfcwna'P'
DOo« <rf < W^Modoy r 'Ootobarß&. -- ' .
lorp«tkttuSrsoobtt4bfflf*;:» ;..7.
"AooMOrtbnitr»i«toflbtdolttoßdHoo toaf
tooto toWtooDroA •. HbJjSidotootoffe—to^BP, l
' *PpooSfto»-ffiito«dlTtoa|bl>iiid^o<— dotodwrdi
■oopood oHb MtoJnKoofbrA *Ubo«l foßtor spoon |
iiidoljloaodlato pro roqnoolPdOOQdHQOj—gy
OF ""VJi'ii'-’.'V
euS b» «ffi muroawi lwlttl^.-<ijifyj
Ac. HJa traTwfflluß<—* —— ggfrwill tgyh «Pd»
rfiWf«w»*n |l| lujilfc ■ ■IHjMiJ ■■■ MfliMlrtlwli
iUbw »w«r wjir?te>M«a—*i»is« rttr j - ■j : ; i ' J
£s£%sss&ai sssgsa&s^
?Tdaata AIMMI7 wUl'l* «•*•»■*
of aae obttM *nrfa> gx*. _ -- .j--
Mr. in&JgCSxB aj*gfcy»tt»Tfrßj«ptrg*»
onWoodgrirfj frc»s> fcqpi 1 v
aiw«. gbjmjii<iminiiiMnm*ii**»»M!f ’ i
PntoJSatM *el*m »a» «»■■*» :
Jt»»«wKMl»«Mn«MfraM—fct *tm MET* 1
L^ttSg^M«i l «jiWWif.]ii iiihTMCMBL
J. tateoaaataii
on. . -GaPB-;
at S k!it
lag" BSo?*'
r, ~ ■-c
y% -
** f » '
. ir *v _ ■. ■
' '•J' i 1
& o c r t >
is* ...... • - -
flrl—!■ ■*■■■■! fcurtrUy.- >
IiPUIJUMHiauI IMMu*, qrailH. QUrtMß*
Kw** •>.*. 4 . nmrmt „-
> tt£ * « £ :
:., aroma* jggnrang.
K AM* I* »to»*»4 ft* »l*te
Lt octtL miJfflJt MCaAIMMT*
1 »tt . ,• "* ,
ygg t snroim »
; ; ,-
<■ "lii ■
l.- \ ’ V '' r^UX r *>» i---^
fr’ ■ m'".