? \jvT' ' ' "■■’',•■ S'-."'- • ,••■•:. ... i.f i*'*’. ' T.'>.v - •=•■-> '■■■■ •'•• ’■ ; v•' .... ;V v s'.'... * - • V •.' .1 •*- - ■ . ... \ - . - - : &iw>' ,**«s?• : d a£a;**S*.•>«•>;ti* •> ~ *•• - i *• *- ...••- ■». ,n > '> li ■ im ■■ I m—!■*»!«■«—nn-rimußini'T - m in i niiim-ninmi . • U’.' j ,~i ri TJT? /ti f| V IJt I Court or Quarter Sessions.—Before Hon. I 1 liXCi til 1 William B. M’Clure, President Jadge; Hon. On- 1 i? •*.'■ \\ " toNESDAT MOENINa :: :: : : :: ::6CToSEK 26. Mel Adams end Hon. William Boggs, Aaaooi -* V . kcBDK ronVTftw day. h«o elapsed since Tuxsdat, October 24. * -t ./J > V.. 4 teoorded the terrible doith of (kpSnNlxon, Tie juiy In the case of the Commonwealth vs. % t»>- »>«■ f* * ‘ *• again wo are called upon to add one Thomao Crumley, Joseph Each, and Alexander - "■''if 3 ’it', *-> •* *j, i 'l4e name to the many who ha« Buffered Tio- on tnal for riot * reton >e<» a Terd,ot of '* t* *1 .**£ v s s'? »•'V.- ‘ v t deaths, by the hand of the murderer, in this no^ tu^t y- V V -h Vj -r* M and Tiomity Yesterday afternoon, another! Jr°Z l!L , B °f' Indictment, * » * 1 *»„ - . *■ - f was eentunprepared to ite.Maker, by the r “7rt ! ' B ,.? oIo 5* ? d V waa fell" 3 - fr..-**-”- 1 -"—— —- r.a s ■>'" ( ' Llll 7 ?Tl V ' - % Id and fie pemon who committed the terri- » houee Defendant .1 1 * J-+ 1 1 » ‘ German named John Kramer, for- and *“ fi - d - C** "* , > i in the eam.ee. Commonwealth re. Matthew Fi.her. Indict -V* 4 *—,- W* tfllark hae been □ the employ!of the Agnewe’ and b a ,, ory on oath of Mar, 4 f,V #“* 3 ' 1 *• 1 L clerk for aOO pie of yeare pant, untUafew defond “ nt wae found gu.lty, and J* a, V . , s |a ago when he wa. appointed foreman. Kr. f“* enced "> P»J “ «»• of fif( “ n dollars and , iaw. 1. 1 ri .■iSP*.. K ". .A:. 1 .. *' - : ■} was only at work in the name plaoi a few r ' T , ' **.Sw&s -•> , e and quit of his own accord laet Frida,. Tee- Commonwealth a. tel Jackeon. Indict «S*Sfi>.A *■ "* t W fay morning he called at theXHaeeWorke and n«t.inal,oionßm,Boh.ef.lnpoieomngaqaanti - «£»s.* t s v bested a oettlement of Mr. Agnew. That gen- of fowls belonging to Joseph Wybrant. On '3j!viW s >* , ‘a. iiv I kV .. -'a-" ■• . ben sent him to Clark, as he was the person tna 1 -'.lf <>rl>. had engaged him. He went as directed, Child Burked to Deatii.—A very distrees- V R V:>. ; 'T .jctorily. In the afternoon, between foor and A child named Thomas Garry, only fire years of •>» I t> ;}J o-olocK, he called again, at the flame place, age, whilst playing by himself in the honee of V o:#r «V .» -t. ’ ■.**•:« »'. V ‘ [*' J went to the office where Clark was employ- his parents, approached too near the fire, which &d Vt** t + i‘ ri’*' h •’'After being in the house -for a few minutes, oommnnicathd to his clothing. In an instant af- ’ .■» ifficnlty sprang ap between the two, and the ter he was involved in flames, and ran shrieking Wm?" 4 t‘ y x *■ ■+ S * leased told Kramer to go about Us business, from the house. Before assistance was rendered, W*•**^o?V* *** - : v V« ' mer replied something, and requested Clark the ohillf was so badly burned, that he died yea ' 7 ' r> - C~* ■* ** *■' =.. iome oat with him. Clark aooeded to this re- terday afternoon from his injuries.. '* ****** ■s■:? ■’i,. I '.. v ntU a <' »:» - ".Jat, and walked as far as the gate (a few steps M n . _• «. , 7 . S* f *W*I <; 4, rf * , - t Jn the door of the pct-room*whee the other „ Ma * »«™”-A« Irishmen named John •• *• b fed out. knfe the blade of! which was fenr Connel, employed on a eteamboat in the Men y *tv *• Ire inches long and stabbed him in the left ongehele rirer, near the Point, was drowned ,es fitX*k ‘t, laet e ther in the heart, or directly below it. M ln * ,nto <-!>« water whilst attompi ta # 1 c“rke‘d n r. p »rr™t »d h Sroo. , ; "H '*“ ** ~+e that he subbed, and immediately ex- "?““h A TOrdiot of “ cidoßtal S' * '~ tl id , drowning was retnrned. i! ' : '*#y*}r\L * ”lfter stabbing Clark. Kramer started off down Mobs Cholera in Jail.—Two prisoners in swi d*“t -jin. and came as far as Alderman Parkinson’s in jail—one a female, nanud Margaret Clarke, V* r Aki'i.-::. » 1 «.Ise. where he walked in and made an informs- the other a vagrant, oalled Fred. Miller—wero 'i' 1,1 -’ “agamat the foreman of the laboring men, in attacked with Cholera, yesterday, and removed *S*. 'fiewß Glass Works, for assault and battery.” to Passavant’s Infirmary. This makes five per- > ' v < 'ftug the time he was making the information, sons who have been attacked in that institution ,v<-: ’ jipDeared to be very nervons, going out and within less than a week. ■f **&? *-■' '' «’ Ibe door several times; but the Alderman, of J^. r i*«: * '[rse. never suspected the crime he had been v • ■'* Ity of. He also appeared anzioostopoet •♦ ' 'lo the issuing of a warrant until the next day, !*..«Sthe Squire insisted he should go with an e '&*£?•** r ter immediately, and he started from the office v -4°“P An y Wlth officer Clarke. >, : proceeding up Penn street, and but a frAssST&tj.fcA;^-ylv WsV’tfSfrLTL^'^‘ L*-s, •t''n rt distance from the office, the policeman met crowd bringing down the dead body of the ordered man. Ha stopped to make some in while doing so, Kramer slipped off 4SEBHWW* i riA r “ « d ’ » p instigated : but up to a lat*;hour last nigh», Vr^£».oi/^J , bj s-'-,,r -r. v . s Q telligence of his oaptare had been received. ie murdered man was unmarried, about :y years of age. and described to have been ry quiet, inoffensive and respeotable person. ‘csided with his sisters on; Walnut street, Peno, in the Fifth Ward, to which plaoe his "as taken after his deaths i ''derer is a rough looking German, with _ 'v cast of countenance. He is said BEV**-. ™... ed until to-day at one o’olod>* k Couhtt Fair.—A busy scene was pre d yesterday, at the Fair grounds, i Ward. Although only the first day and the time mainly occupied by oshi, ; l ' v;w*-■ ;■ «»>w:cun bringing m and arranging their artioles a great crowd was on tbo ground and r. ! ?! f-VT' ' ; ; r '.'|cent, during the whole course of the day. ♦SMfffcWuJjF A . } y the Fa r w 11 be openedfor visiters with ’®K^*5 l, V>r * * -*W t k ts and t marrow for the communi- 'St r * K 'hne ally L t 4 the Board of Managers had had the aelcc- • .^ y-ju. f.rJjX, x.b v.,: of the weather, they could not have picked finer day. or one better adopted for the than yesterday. The sun shone out VC i- ft d b 11 antly but its rays tempered suf by a 000 l wind, to make the atmosphere iuut and comfortable. Just suoh a day, ic •» to make every one on the grounds joy obo ■ve that in addition to the several iinga enumerated on Monday, as having been ' d by the Manage s, a 1./ge tent ha. been XtJ? up e nee and affords more room for the ox- kr “• •"" ■“ msiderable taste is displayed in thearrang of articles so as to show them off to the best - •'.: _ mtage. and no little ingenuity has been dis .ty led by Borne of the fair sex in the ornament •f> i -lie. which Ihr- ■£, Wl' '»-' J Jfa variety of the tables on wl Vff V't lurta are displayed. .fom the indications, yesterday, it appealed %MeA2. - t there would bo a belter display of home- Utannfaetored articles, and ingenious in ‘Aij “lions, than at any previons Fair. In Agn implements, particularly, we noticed a ■O-'tked improvement, and were exceedingly *>« d at the quantity and variety of useful *33SPSK^da^^% 4 offered to the attention of the farmer. number of these hare been entered by £»!&'■« < enterprising neighbor, Mr. E. R. Sbankland, sri?s f, ,fC'y t-t'-t **' wo shall take oooasion to allode to them ’NSBw9W»S®*Sw4t«SV«- , 'J?'s*' : dnriog of the Fsir - S -Vo season is most too far advanced for any i: »Q k show of frnits, Sowers, &o.; but, neverthe- W a very fair quantity of these articles is of 3Kr* •*•*?«■ Our housewives appear to hare been •V>.^^■»£• r. £ <** ry preparing various objects of domestic use; butter, oheese, jelliea; preserves, and like delicacies offered by these good dames, **?ed 80 Inviting, that we involunUrily sighed wW* V A*'Tv• ■•*- re thought of the specimens of the same ar a.we purchased in market, and were com- SBWWfto eat We shall notioe these in detail 2i s • vn front of the fair grounds is beginning to W.C* %ent the aspect usually incident to these t*Q - brings. Itinerant exhibitions from all parts are gathering there; and any one r-, 08 of witnessing the most wonderful can- ill the world, can be gratified, at a modc remuneration. Hucksters, and venders of HraS|Eßos**Jw ! of goods, are making their appearaace, %V! we suppose there will bo no lack of thimbls and snch gentry, to exercise their mge- d?"*.!? * tJ fiy on the unsophisticated are informed by a police officer that our ®w > IB thronging with piokpimketa ; and it would i 'l*' ll for Tisiterß at the Faurto kMpalookont tt'*jty of Consnmptlon, was listened to with much Merest The Doctor seems thoroughly acquaint flwith his subjeot, and arguedit with great J lity. The body of proofs whioh he presented Support of hia theory, would certainly seem Sfccient to settle almost any contested question if showed that the existenoeof icar. oothe ■figs, after death, from otheg diseases, is very *'Jqnent; ehowing, of coarse, recovery from piiißnmption. And he cited; also a large num of individual casea, where recovery from mption had taken plaoe. Ho contends q, t Mng can take plaoe by chance; that what ',l '" - 'd once must, under the same circum tike -dace »*»“, “4 tbu the dnty 0f Chnlrim wi, uld be 10 ehpervo oarefolly the iSmSe. under which up,ure ***** Ifee ohros, and to bn.ng similar oircomstanoeo jiearnpon simUar oaS of recovery *om pulmonary s%.snmption, would demonstrate ill nsande. If these be facta, and we do not them, the Doctor has oertatnly fully I’jßtained hie position. ' Fitoh lectures to the ladies this afternoon, & from the practical value lecture, we Xld urge and hope to ..a a g.n.«l ...ten tfnoe. wl Attacbmskt ron Coxtemm or Cooet.—-An at -Johment was yesterday issued byJudge M - y, k e 100 f the arrest of Safah O'Neill, .on a * »’ af&argo of a contempt of Court, in refusing to *CT ..-■ - T..,fy as a witness in the case of the Common 4A»: fcp» »rs;e»lth vs. VilUam and Catharine Lee. The re lT*3tSW'tt;l witness was already a prisoner in the j«U, and of oonrse there was no diffionlty finding her. Va 1 il >; tVv" Rev. Me. Paezse’s Lxctobi.—Wo hope onr Will not forget the lecture of Rev. Theo- Porker, at Masonic Hall, to-night. Mr. *•* s~r*V'r?t»Pls&rk.er is generally conceded to be one of the ■?• divines and lecturers in the country ; and « »« better motive, ought oertainly to » orowded honse. Poeohaskd.— I The Riding Committee of the Pair Society, have purchased the beanti- Isv'il end highly trained mare Jenny Lind, from 3i&4V« Assault ajjd Battkbt.—Aldermaa MoMss- i i , r"' r n —ir yesterday issued a warrant for the arrest of ' tT l man named Martin Creeghan, oharged with gi «»tana reiur. i/>t a> f.vi rmr.i L-y sm«p. 'tir'i* >■ t5 .-: ; z.~.: .---v- - . Sc' • : • ■ ■ ’ n/ZiZ-y*-- W-V -.1 *»I C- f-'x*' r - <1- i. Jl *t sgl- • r- - ~L - ■ V* '. a ,»'• w •>*--• •■» ".’X... mmrnmam. vm,- m :? S''"*' r "’ : ' r .*5; r ,Xi . •*' f * •' k . •• • , ' a* v K: t ■ ' r «• » •• TELEGRAPHIC By the O’Beilly Lines for tho Morning Poit The Remains of sir John Franklin— Further Particular*. Borrros, October 24.—Tin* Moutreal paper# contain soma additional details of the discovery of Sir John Franklin'* party: In the Bpring of 1850, a parly of forty white-- were sven traveling southward over the Ice ‘drawing l-oat#’by some Esquimaux ludianx, who were killing peals on the north shore of King William’# Laud. None of the party could speak the native language intelligibly, nut by signs of the natives they wpto made to undersian-l that their ships had been crushtal by the ice, anil that the whites were now going where they exported to shoot deer. From the appearance of tho men, all of whom except one chief officer, looked thin: they supposed they were getting short of provisions, and they purchased seal from the unlive-. - At a later date of the nam- season, the bodies of about '.thirty whtte persons w*-ri* discovered ou thl continent, and tire more on an Island uuar about a long -lay’s journey, say thirty-five or forty miles nortli-we*t. umi n large steamer back of Great Fish River. Some of the bodies were burled, and some we.e id teuts; others were under a boat turned over, and several lay scattered about In different directions. Of tbose found on the island, one was supposed to be an officer, as ho had at- I.woth* stmpjwal over hi- shoulder, and a double-barreled gun underneath him. From ths mu tilated state of many of llie corpse-, and the c ntents of tho kettles, the erilcnce that Urn party were driven to canni balism appears to have been abundant The r.tiv-k of am munition must have been exhausted. A number of watches, telescopes, evmpsisars. guns, Ac... wen- found, all of which appear to have been taken up. Hr. rtea -aw piece- of three articles wl'h the K.-quimHtix. together with sinu silror •poons and fork-. As many os could b« oblidne-i were pur posed. A list of the most important relics was found. With of ‘.hem, others would b> forwarded to London. fT’om New Mexico. Loci'-vittE.Oetoh.-r 2*. — Th<* Mnfa K tniil ortiv-sl at In dependence or The 2il. , , W. 8. Knight, L-cut Griffin, ann .‘W<’ p Uatfen, arc among the pas«engeT c who arriv'd !b-’r- Th« election has h-*n h*ld in N-w >feXi,^-.* ha# re sult'J * Q a H-m-'cratl'* m«j"rity in th>» Hou-c oT .’rprrsen tative- JararfU* l* Pt ‘' l ftf wnr i " r " 1 th-* government re fuse to tr.'et with him The Umhs uneasy . and a n-*w Indian Agent, Labo die, has tveu f * nt out to bring in the chief* to bare a talk. Mr! Merriwehth-'r*» oppr’intm- ut of l.abudir gives great sat isfaction. ” Judge Benedict is holding courts from Taos to Dovena. Judge Baccus arrhVd at oanta IV Judge Davenport and family wen- met crw-jN:jr Kan-o# Miip-r Morris sol party were met near Cold 8p *lnc. Bi-hop l,«ui-*r. near Cotton wood. met The Keown.. nl-rre ih • -to— lug of Arkansas, ami the Eaos at Big Bend Both *vrc friendly. A military pus: on the Argansa# is much neebd Troops «.r-> e..i.ceriirutiiig 1° '!•** nclghborhc-*! of Al bernia to resist the Jaccaril's. Captain Davidson and hi# command are cntwufr fn-m Santa Fe to that place. The trial -f Wlghtman h« resulted man acquittal. From Texan. RatTluoax. October 24 —New t'irleans papers of Wednes day are received, wiih Galveston dM*»« to the 15th. Apprehension# arc f-dt for the f»i« -f the steamahip Nau tilus, due from the mouth ef the Hi- Grande fore more than * Parties of Indians are cut in -:LTer*nt dirertior*<. and do prodation# are constantly romciirted One of the compa nies raised by the State hml r*-n tez>ou«*~l at Goliad. An encounter with the Indian-- to--k place in Star county. The troops lost a corporal, and bad Miv.-ral men wounded. The Indians were finally di«pem-d. Three men were shot at Camargo on the 4ih nit —one for desertion, ene for murder, and the other mur der*. j, m , ) National Cattle Show.^ Bprjxqheld. October 24. —The great Cntile Show j« loom in* op into magnificent prop -rdons, na the time approach*-* for opening it t«» the public. A large number of entries have l**en made in advance —ov-r io'> in all, and such spwcim-na ns bare never before Keen c:ngrecftt«i in one show on this continent. Thiscltvls to-night entertaining hundredsof dis tinguished guc«t«* from all partr / f the Irion. The grand agricultural banquet is to be held on Thondsy. Death of Governor Bnrt. Locißvnxi!. May 24.—A printed despatch from St. Louis, states ih»t Governor Bort, Nebraska territory, died on the 18th lost. Interments at New Orleani, Niw Orleans, October 2" —Tha interments for the past week were 103. TELEGRAPH MARKETB New Yoee, October 24.—Cotton easier but not qnotably lower. Flour a trifle higher ; sales 7COO bbls good Ohio at |8 68@$9; Booth«rn : sales 3760 bbls at $8 75<5j>9 60. Wheat buoyant at $1 90@2 Off for Southern white; Inferior red at tia Corn a trifle higher; sales 70,000 bus Western mix ed at Pork firm; sale*l4. 72),' ; Michigan Southern 96. Philadelphia, Ociol»er 24.—Flour firm, no export demand; the only Bales f.*r home consumption at $ s 62\4 for common Rod good, and $8 76fg>$9 for choice lots and extra. Ryo Flour scarce. Corn Meal, more inquiry; Penna. $4 26; Brandywlno $4 59. Wheat In demand: sales 3000 bushels «t $1 75fc, 1 Sri: Southern red $1 96 for white. Rye at slls@l 18. Corn in good demand; good white at 80. Gro ceries and Provisions, little doing. Whisky scarce, email sales at 38. CINCINNATI, October 24.—Flour In good demand; sales 2000bbls at $7@7,10. chiefly ot the latter rates; the mar ket# closed firm. Oats: sales 2503 buphel»at3B<£4o; plen ty and doll. Bacon: sales 75 bhds sides at 6‘*, packud. Lard : sales 600 bbln deliverable at Loui«vfll»or here next January at 9. Whisky: sales 000 bbls aC 28, an advance. Cheese: sales 700 boxes at 10, a good demand, prices very firm. Groceries unchanged, demand moderate. Butter: fresh scaroe at 2530. Money stringent; negotiation! are like “angel’s visits,” Sight exchange on the east 16*1)4 premium- Third street calm. New Orleans. October 23 —Cotton unchanged; sales2soo bales middling at 6%. New Molasses 22U, Lard...ln kegs 11. Rio Coffee.. The stock on hand is 24,000. CharxesT-H, 8. 0-, October 23.—CoUon...The sales were 1700 bales, firm; good Upland middlings Cattle Market** New Tore, October 24. —A decline of 60c has taken place on Beef Cattle. Beeves...B@9; extra 10. Bwine...Corn fed $4,12^4,76. Philadelphia, October 24.—2000 Beef Cattle offered; 1600 so’d at $7@9,60. C0w5...515@35. Bheep and Lambfl...s2@ $B. Hog-i...C<®7. BaLTMOBB, October 24. —Oiltle Market —2ooo head Beef Cattle offered; 1000 driven eastward and the balance sold, the prices ranging from $2 7Wffis4. Hogs, supply fair ami sales at $6@C 26. , MACKEREL —W bbls No. 3. Urge; 10 “ medium; 10 “ No. 3. small; for sale by Mt2l SMITH A SINCLAIR. SO 4.1’—200 b'»srH Bo«in Soap for *|il« by Otftk’l SMITH A SINCLAIR. a VVER*' OIL—2O bids prim** Bnuk Oil for sale by oct2l SMITH A SINCLAIR. ri^oBACC-)—10 boxes A Robinson, 5* , I 25 “ W D. Grant, ss; 25 “ Webster's Old, O'b ; with a large as wrtment of other brands, s’s and K pound, fur sale by ooU2l SMITH * SINCLAIR. SUGARS —76 hhdfl prime N. 0. Sugar; 30 bbls Coffee Sugar; 26 “ Loaf; fur rale by _ octal B MIT FT A SINCLAIR. OLABSEB—2O*) bbls N. <>. Molasses Tor sale by oct2l SMITH k SINCLAIR. -r^KfANGITsYfIUI^ —u" hbli«of various* qualities,for silo by foeti:! I BMI.TM & SIXCLAIK. rl£U— just^received, at the corner of Wood sod Sixth street* — MJS&B MACKEREL, in bbla, half bbls, quarter* and kttts; No. 1 *W “ “ .. SALMON, }n bb’s and Icitts; it do spiced, put up in 10 [be cans ; « CODFISH. Tha abore are of this full's catching, and put up expressly tor tolly na». Jocgj] W. A. M’CI.CRG. ppp BLADDKttS WANTED, by 13. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO, oet!8 N' >• 0 Wood street. iNu PAKLOIt FCKNITURE, of every description, on hand and made to order by T H k 00. Materials for embiu JOfiii —4;!'“ *«i find a full assortment of French Working »x>tton. Linen and Cotton Floes. Crotchet Cotton, Stamped Collars and Bands. Embroidering Silks, in all colors; Hoops for Embroidering, and everything else in that line, at VAN OOUDER’S Trimming Store, OCtl6 No. 83 Market street, corner of the Diamond. * j t „ V ’ J * A-Elf S FOR FLttJER .WI3A, The River.— There ha* been no material change in th* river for the past 24 hoars, with between 25 and 2d Inches In the channel by the metal The steamer U 3. MaU was to leave Louisville on 21st Inst, for St. Lonis and New Orleans. The steamer TarkUnon encountered a enag in the llissis. sippi; she damaged her bar, and the room adjoining it was somewhat shattered; nobody hurt, and no other damage done. She loft for Cindnatl on the 21at. Searner Nominee.— This somewhat aged boat, belonging to the Galena and Minnesota Packet has ended her days, by striking u snag and linking, within a mile of Warner’s landing, ou the Upper Mississippi, on Wednesday of last week. A span of hones were lost with her, bat no freight, as that was mostly in the barge which she had in tow. The passengers suffered no injury. The loss to the company will notbohervy, a# the machinery, the most valoahlepart of the boat, will be recovered, although lying in twelve feet water. She was only insuted against Are. —Miuottri Dea i. Sickneji on the River. —We learn from the Republic from Cairo, that the cholera prevailed ou a tlat-boat that was met at West Franklin, and five of the crew had died whb the disense. There had been seven fatal cases of the same disease at ML Vernon, and one death in West Franklin and several new cases. The river was at a stand all day yesterday, with twenty-six or twenty-seven inches water in the canal, by the mark. On the falls, in the stern-boat pais, there wen scant eight inches water. The weather yesterday had turned warm, and was quite clondy, indicating rain. The last arrival from below reports full three feet waier all along the Lower Ohio, which confirms our previous estimate. The river at this point was slowly swelling last evening, nod we learn that at Cincinnati it had r sen about two feet, with feet on Warsaw bar. —LouirriUe Courier, 2lst. FORT OF PITTSBURGH. 2 rtsrt 2 iwcium tatu m tas caawwst, mtal mabx. ARRIVED. Steamer Jefferson, Parkinson,Brownsville. “ Luserne, Bennett, Brownsville. “ Thomas Shriver, Hendrickson, West Newton. “ Qen. Bayard, Peebles, Elisabeth. DEPARTED. Jefferson, Parkinson. Brownsville. “ Lucerne, Bennett, Brownsville. Renewed stock op books.—on mcnday, tub. DAY and WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, October 23., 241 h and 25tb,at 6\4 o’clock, at theCommerdal Sales Room , corner of Wood sot Fifth street, by Mr. Pratt, bis entire stock of Books in store, which has been this day increast l by several cases of the most valuable worksyet offered, at a large variety of miscellaneous volumes. The aseortmeii’ now furnishes to readers as extensive a selection of cho>< •• Books as any to be had in the city, and to be all clean I nut to the highest bidder. Among the standard works wi • be found, th* Abbotsford edition of Waverly, 12 vob . Washington IrTing's .works, 15 vola.; Encyclopedia Arne - icann, 14 vols: Franklin’s works, 10 vols; Webster’s work t>vols.; British Essayists, 8 vols.; Urn’s Dictionary, 2vol i : Library of Law and Equity, 14 vols; Historical Writings c r thi* Classics; fine editions of Bbakspeare, from 1 to 8 vote : best editions of all the English Poets; Chambers’ Inform - tinn fir the People, 2 volA4 Cyclopedia English Literatim . 2 vols.; Lajnrd's works, 2 TOU4 fine Family Bibles; We - Kt«-rV Dictiortary, Ac., Ac. Many of these are in antiqn i cud other superb styles of binding, with elegant illnstr; ■ tions. Also, Letter and Cap Paper, Gold Pens, Gold evei PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, M . BAVr3 , AurHon „ r . “ Thomas Shrirer, Hendrickson, West Newton. “ Gen. Bayard, Peebles,Elizabeth. “ Hartford, Hazlet, Wheeling. STEAMBOATS. “1854.” PITTSBURGH, CnrCUOTAn, LOUISVILLE, ASD SAINT LOUIS Pittsburgh tad Cincinnati Steam Packet Line, roa THX OOVTZTAKCZ or PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT BZTWKBN And Saint Louis. twmy This Lius ta composed of seven mh, class powerful Steamers, one- for speed, splendor, ami comfbrt, and ta the oslt tbsocqb daily uni or Sts am Packet* on the Ohio river. It connects with the U. 8. Mail Line of Steamer* from Cincinnati to Louisville and Baint Louis, by which passengers and freight are ticketed and re ceipted through daily. Two new Steamers have been added to the Line, which now constats of the following boats: Day t of Departure Boatt. Chplaxnt. frxm Pittsburgh. BUCKEYE STATE. M. W. BrLTxaoovra....Sunday. MEBSKNGER, No. B, Davis Monday. ALLEGHENY Gio. M'Lals .Tuesday. CRY’STAL PALACE W*. J. Kocnrc. Wednesday. PHILADELPHIA IL J. Grac*. Thursday. PITTSBURGH- H. CawtuU- -..Friday. PENNSYLVANIA Jno. Kukitkltkr- Saturday. Leave daily at 10 o’clock, A. M., precisely. No freight received after nine o'clock on the morning of departure. For p*rticulir», »pp!j on board, or to JOHN B. LIVINGSTON, ) . JOHN FLACK, f A K* nt *> MoDoogahel* Uous* Baildhtgr. idHTIP] Pittsburgh, 1853. “ 1854.” CANADA WEST. cl^,, g^t p y o t^y, lty usafej THE FINE low prewore steamer TELEGRAPH. Captain R. Barrow, will nuke two trip* a week between Cleveland; Port Stanley, and Port Burwell, a* follow*: Leaves Cleveland for Port Stanley, every MONDAY and THURSDAY KVENI.NO, at 7‘* o’clock. . Leave* Port Burwell for Port Stanley at 1 o'clock. Leave* Port Stanley for Cleveland every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY EVKNINQ, at 7U o'clock. The Telegraph connect* at Cleveland, with thu Cleveland, Go I urn hu* and Cincinnati, the Cleveland and Pittsburgh, ttte Lake shore, and the Toledo, Norwalk and Clevuland Railroad*. Also connect* at Port Stanley with the London Line of Stage*, which connect* with the Great Western Railroad. For freight and passage apply on board, or to 800VILL A LAUDERDALE, Cleveland; B.F. FIOLCOMB, Port Stanley , or A. M’BRIDK. Port Burnell. mar27:tcov For New Orleani and Apaiaehlcola —TIIE new and sutauntfol steamer BEN will leave lor the above ports, tl Hi® principal way ports, on tbe first se of the river. For freight or paasggj apply on board. Regular Wk,'P«»l Packrt. m fu-i The light draoghi steamer HARTFORD. I Wiu.uk Haiucrt, will hereafter make trip* for the above and intermediate port*, leaving-very TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATUR DAY, at 10 o'clock, A. SL For freight or passage apply on board, or to octal J.D COLLING WOOD, Agent For Hew Orleans, GaWsiton, Brasoi San- tiago. and Fort Brown, Texas The n«* and substantial steamer RANCnE -1 Jawm O'Dsssell, Master, will leave for above and intermediate port* with the find ri»e in thu river. For freight or passage apply on board. oct2*j A CARD. 111 AYR the pleasure Li atmoaur* to those who have hith erto obliged me with their favors, and to my friend* and the public generally, that, having a abort time ago return ed from the Hast with a large and very SUPERIOR STOCK OP GOODS FOR THE FALL T a A D K I am prepared to supply all orders on better terms than rnwrly. In consequence of the immense lofiux of Goods, tiich, for the pest few months has burdened tbe Eastern market, and uf :he distrait reposed In the credit system, very important advantages were offered to cash buyers; and hence I have been enabled to purchase my Goods at a large discount on their actual ralue. My selection of plain Cloths and Cuaimerw embraces very grade, from the coarser and more substantial kind stapled to the wants of laborlog man, to the finer quaJßes ultable for gentlemen of fashion, among which are roue Incapable of being Barpaued the ffliaracUsr of the tna:>?rUl &utl rMmwnof the fini-b My fancy Cloth®, comprise every diversity of color—uni’n, olive green, lnviribi'< green, dark and light browns, olive, bro«n. wine color, and various vbadrs of blue. My fancy Cassitm-res number fv>rtr different pattern*. My vesting* are of 8l!k, Woolen, Velvet, Plush and em broidered Cloth, comprising the differentsiyles now In fash ion. My assortment of Cravat* is unusually largeand vari ous, all lately imported. My department of HOY’S CLOTHING premia** a much more extensive selection than usual, in consequence ot the large variety of materials that I have with which to supply it. Mr. GEORGE ARMOR, who holds a distinguished rank in his profession, and needs no recommendation to the favor of Pittsburghers, will superintend the Cutting Department. Ills numerous friends will please remember this. In fine, I flatter myself tn*t I shall be able to furnish garnments suitable for ail classes, fitted up in aueh a man ner, and on such terms as shall disarm all competition, and I will therefore solicit a call from all who are not wedded to any particular house. SOLOMON BTONKII. oct£dAw4w No. 80 Wood street. Clmmlottl'i Loan Oflteo, No. 100 SUITUPIKLD STREET, N'KAR FIFTH.— Modcj loaned on Gold and Silver Watcher, Silverware and other valuable articles. au!4:iUy HOUfK AND LOT FOR BALKCUKAP—A Frame House, of four rooms, situated on Washington street, near East Omraon, Allegheny city. This property will be sold at a very low price, as the owner intends removing West. 8. CUTHBERT A WS, octll Real Estate Agents, 140 Third street. A Bargain For Manufacturers, [8 OFFERED, in AdamsviUe.at Dam N0.4.0n Big Beaver river, consisting of 13 shares of Water Power, and 100 jot*. The Water Power is one of the best in the couuty. t and the Lots are offered at a great bargain. Enquire of THOMAS WOODS, ocil&lm 76 Fourth street. SOMETHING NEW.—As We intend making a change in our present business, we are prepared to offer our stock of fine Watches, rich and fashionable Gold Jewelry, Silver Spoons, Forks, ko., at precisely New York city wholesale prices, which is a reduction of from 10 to 15 per cent. Therefore, any one wishing a fine Watch-or any other arti clo of rich Gold Jewelry, would do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, »t 61 Market street N. B.—The very best quality of Watch Glasses set at 16 cents each ,at HOOD'S. ocU C. D. Wood, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN WINKS AND LIQUORS, No. 147 North Second street, fifth door above Raoe, east ride, Philadelphia, bns on hand the beßt qualities of old Brandies, Wines. Irish Whisky, Mononga hula Whisky, Holland Gin, Cordials, Ac , on terms worthy the attention of purchasers and dealers. fau2Qy THOSE Who want Boy’s Clothing would do w«ll to call at CALLAHAN’S Basar, ‘24 Fifth street. Ilia goods for Men’s Wear are splendid, dive him a chance. No charge for showing goods. __ sep!4^ For Bale or Barter. A LOT OF GROUND on Craig street, Allegheny city, of TiYi foot front, running back to Isabella street, on which ax* four Dwellings, in good order, the rent bringing two hundred and fifty dollars yearly. They would be ex changed for a small Farm, or sold at a bargain. oct4 THOMAS WOODS, 76 Fourth at. Flower roots for spring blooming.—My stock of Bulbs has arrived from Holland in fine condition, composed of Hyacinths, Tulips, Crocus, Ac. The stock 1* very large and varied, and offered at low rates. Catalogue* imiy be bnd at the warehouse, or sent to applicants, octO JAMES WARDROP. "VOUNO FOLKS' GLEE BOOK—This work consist* of JL over one hundred copyright songs aud duetts, never before harmonized, bestdw tlie choL-est selection of airs, (among which are many gems from the German and Italian) the whole arrangedlna familiar man; cr for first aod second soprano, tenor and baas voices, designed for the use of sing ing classes, glee clubs, and the social circle; by Charles Jarvis. Price $l. A largo supply of the above work just received and for sale by JOHN 11. MELLOR, octjy 81 Wood street V/TAGA74NEB FOR NOVEMBER.—Godey’a Lady’s Book jVI Peterson’s Ladles’ National Magazine. Robert Bruce, the Hero King of Scotland. Law Student, or th* Struggles of a Heart. Harper, for October; price 15cents. fiList received and for vale by W. A. GILDENFENNEY A CO , No. 76 Fourth street. TTrOULKN LONG SHAWLS.—Just received, another W large assortment of Bay State, Empire State, and other kinds of Woolen Long Shawls, of the newest and most il.siroble Btytes and colon. MASON A CO., „ot3o amhrtre.t -TIOR SALE.— A superior Farm House, In Roc hot-ter, 26 F Pittsburgh, at the junction ot two Rall rokdH on the Ohio river; it is doing a good buriness, *ud is best kind of a location for making money Enqulreof _7?Sn THOMAS WOODS. 76 Fourth st AND SIXTY 4QJUI3, 80 cleared. Tor „ ,£Tr rjt. ™'*"■>'»™"'“ l *” d ° f good quality, in Preston CUTIIB£RT 4 goN, Estate Agents, 140 Third street. - - AR rent —A good six octave mahogany cas-a P l AN° R Ji^Vt h eoldertabltshe.) Piano Dep-'t of r Pisao ror rent, at the OIQ ckIRLOTTK BLUME, ,m - No. 11S Wood -tre-t 4 PPLEB-W Umto ftr ' ■! *"!■* V' ■ ' r. - ■ * ‘ - -V/: * 3 /v % * . ; ... ■ f * v*.\ j * •» * •' - *-\ *> iWS >"V *• »t J * ' .V«-' . AUCTION SALES. Auction—Dally Sales, AT the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth §treets,at 10 o’clock, A. NL, a general assortment of Seasonable, Staple and Fancy Dry Good*, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hat*,Caps, Ac., AT 2 O’CLOCK, P. M., Grocerles.Qneensware, Glassware, Table Cutlery, Looking Glasses, New and Second Hand Household and Kitchen Fur niture, Ac., AT T O’CLOCK, P. M., Book*, Stationery, Fancy Articles, Musical Instruments, Hardware and Cutlery, Clothing, Variety Good*, Gold and Silver watches, Ac. P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. fjnBl:tf F. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. Assignee sale of a market street store— On FRIDAY MORNING, October 27th, at 10 o’clock, at the store No. 114 Market street, near Liberty, will be sold by order of F. U. M'Connell, assignee of Jo*. M. Elliott, the enUre stock of DRY GOODS, VARIETY and TRIM MINGS, vli; Fine embroideries white goods, velvets, oil silk, beragi'S, gingham*, prints, cloaks, shawls, parasols, silk braid and gimp, bonnets, opera caps, a very extensive assortment of indies’ pouts’ and ifiisses’ hosiery and gloves of the best varieties,velvet trimmings, braids, mantua satin and Velvet ril/bous, cloak tassels, dress gimps, fringe* and buttons in grunt variety; fine shirts, linen bosoms, Ac. cus tomer made; checks, fancy flannel and merino shirts, shirt collars, cravats, stocks and lies, porta monnaias, combs and brushes, fine wax aud kid dolls, toys, perfumery, ladica’ skirts, under slips, Ae., wool comforts and hoods, carpet bags, worsted yam, silk, linen and cotton threads, with the variety of trimmings, Ac., usually kept in a city store. oct2s p. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. Brandies and wines at auction—on Wednes day AFTERNOON, October 2Mh. at 3 o’clock, at tho Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, will be sold for account of whom It may concern— -7 iiuarter casks superior quality French Brandy. 0 cases (2 dozen each) C. D. $ Gold Sherry. 6 , 500 acre* in Elk roomy, well timbered watered, and lying near the route of the Sonhury and Erie railroad. No better investment could ba made than In thaw lands. The completion of the Uunbury and Erie, the Allegheny Valley, and the Venango railroads through that region will render the coal, lumber, iron ore and soil, of great value. Enquire of C. B. M. SMITH, feb22:e*m:lf r AM authorized to sell low *ome valuable Law Books. [_ 10 vol.«. Pa- Report*, l-y Barr; lknivu-r’* Institutes; Om-nllel'a Evidence; Wharton** Digeat, last *d ; And other Reports, Elementary Works, Ac. GEO. F. GILLMORE, sep2l at the odea of Morning Post FOR SALE VERY CHE AP. a BUILDING UST IN ALLEGHENY CITY, 24 fwt by 100. A gr«od bargain can be had by applying 0000 at tb* office of the MOK.MXG POST. jjlfctf “ BUILDING LOT FOR BALK. A LOT -'4 tV.-t front on WYUK Btraet, ami extending Wk lOv i**t t'> Wile alley. On the back part of the Lot is a Collar Wall, built fur two small House*. This Lot is in a J*-idraMe location tor a residence: and will be sold low, and on tMT<.r»bl«* terms. Title good, and clear from incumbrance. Enquire of (IHO. ¥. UILLMOUK, jy A GOOD BUILDING I-OT, 24 feet front on Carson street by l'X) b-rt in depth, in Birmingham, will be mid cheap. Enquire of GKO. P. GILLMORE, jrl3 at office of the Morula* Post. 11l A V K sold my Interest in tin- business of Lon*, Miller A i_V. to S. A. l»ng, who, with John Phillips, will con linue at tli» old ftauJ. Fo. 109 Front street. I cordially recwmiurn.l th.' new firm lo the patronage of my friends. PitU-hurnh, July 29, ISM. P. H. MILLER. is. a. iloifG 4 CO., BKI L AND BRASS FOUNDERS, AND GAB FITTERS, invite attention to llieir stock of Chandelier*, Brackets, Pendant*. und other fixtures. We fit up house* with Ou nod rteatu, make Bra.-*."* Castings of all kinds to order, for nlsh Railroad rumps an l Tank Fittings, and keep Anti- Attrition M-ttM constantly on haod. j>3l Fall and Winter Goodll E I) M O N D WATTS, MERCHANT TAILOR. .m>. IS6 LIBERTY STKKKT.—- i have now oti band's large stock of Fall and Winter Ui '-ls. ttveiroatiugsof entirely new designs; IMishtest ink-*, of the most beautiful patterns; Frunch and English CH**imere», c.f oTrry style and shade in the market, all of which 1 will make to Older on tbo most reasonable terms, and warranted to suit. octA New Paper Hangings. NO. 86 WOOD STREET. Fink french and American parlor papers ; Decorations in gold, oak and marble; Hall Pa purs, of various stylos; Flg’d»nd Plain Papers, for diningrooms and chambers; Cheap and low priced Wall Papers; Borders, Oiling*, Figures, Window Shade*. A Urge noil complete assortment of the above, selected for th-* season, will be sold at the usual low prioas. octa WALTER P. MARSHALL. steamboat Parnltnra and Chairs* WK have on band and are constantly manufkrtn ttl ring STEAMBOAT CABIN FURNITDRK AND fBI CHAIRS, of every description, ri«: /1 I Extension Dining Tables; Do Bar do; Ladies Cabin Chairs, of various style*; Genu. do do do; State Room do do do; Do Toilet Boxes; Tete a Totes; Sofa*; Divans; Centre Tables, Wash Stands; Card do; Water tl-»; Trays, Ac., Ac. Material and workmanship warranted, and price* satis* factory. - T. B. YOCNO A CO- JjUO 38 Smlthfleld at-opposite City Hotel. Daff'i College—Classical Department* FRENCH AND GERMAN LANGUAGES. MR. HAYDEN, Principal of this department, has made arrangem* ut« with Mr. P. F. UDWARDY for forming permanent clashes in these languages. Mr. U. is a gentle man of tbe highest respectability and thorough education, from Hungary, and no pains will be spared in hi* depart ment to sustain the long established reputation of the In stitution, for e'Mcieut and thorough instruction. Mr. U. speaks th- fcngllrb language fluently, and will instruct Germans and French in English. Persons desirous of at tending the Commercial and Mathematical Departments ut the sain.- time can do so. Private Instruction given if re quired. _ Terms—For prl rate instruction $l6, per half session. For class instruction slu, per half seeaion. Prices to suit •Il.« Dry Goods. AM’TKHIK, corner of Grant and Fifth streets, has just . received und Is now opening his first Fall stocks for this season. The attention of ladles Is respectfully directed to the following prices: Pine French Merino* at 75c; &-I wide Parametas 25c ; a large assortment of De Care at 12c; fast colored Prints 6*4; pieces Flannels at 15c up; tarti wide Sheeting all w Building !>’»• 1“ Walter P. Mar.hnll, JH Tb-M I*u *r>> In Ibe millst °! IMPORT tip and De*l"* In Hreucfc *di Paper tlou of lb. Pia.l,urgh ADI eiev-l»-l Bai I A™ “‘‘ikl'iKi T A l upK°L r * Jln '’°^SaKs BI.AKKLV. V’OR SALE —A due bou» tod lot on Prun Ural, uetr cepO"HHble. App. y>tAtu Aeeot X* Hitt for sale at»low price Enquire of oet2o THOMAS WOODS, 70 Eourtb street. i c*a?-“ w ' m sssirfsss&s£ r *■ .* r ~ ■ ♦*«* • •«r * F N* ■ •' v * •£ r:- \_v.* ~ ',A S’ •!•' -•* - « r ft.- »■* Land for Sale. Attorney at Law, No. 147 Fourth street. Law Book*. At Office of Morning PoaL Lot for Haie> corner Omni and Fifth streets. ...THo< H. YOCNO V&A2ICU L. TOUSI MISCELLANEOUS. R. L. ALLEN, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Foreign Wines, Brandies, Cordials, Cigars, fto., NO. 8 WOOD STREET,\ BETWEEN WATER AND FIRST STREETS, HAS Juat received the following article* from New York and PbUadelphfn. Faceted personally, with great car**, from the different CuRochelle Vintage. 2 ** ” “ Dark, J fancy brandies. 20 barrels Wild Cherry Brandy; 10 “ Blackberry “ (very superior;) Id “ Ginger “ 3 •* Raspberry “ 10 “ Old Peach “ PORT WINES. G quarter casks Pare Juice Particular; fl “ u Sendemun’s Port; 5 44 “ Bannehter’s unrivalled Port; 6 “ “ Osburtm’ 1834, of great celebrity for its medical qualities; “ Old London Dock; “ Rnrgandy. SHERRY WINES. 6 quarter casks Portilla Amber Sherry; 8 “ u Old Pule Cortes ** .. u Choice Old Golden “ “ Lobo “ “ rery old Amontillado Sherry; “ Duff Gordon, brown, •' MISCELLANEOUS WINES. 12 quarter cocks Dry Malaga; 10 “ “ Sweet “ 4 “ “ Teneriffe; 6 “ *• Lisbon. CHAMPAGNE WINES. SO baskets Charles Ileidsiech; 60 “ Doable Grape; i 25 “ Double Crown; 25 “ Anchor; 25 “ Mum A Co., in pints and quarts. CLARET! WINES. 100 cases St Joilen, long cork; 60 “ Bt. Estephe; 25 “ Chateau Latonr; 25 “ “ Lafitte; 25 « Medoc. RUM. 2 hogsheads Old Jamaica; 1 “ Antigua; 1 “ St. Croix j 10 barrels Now England. IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKIES. 1 puncheon Bushmill's Malt; 1 “ Jamison's Dublin Malt; 1 ** Stewart’s, of Paidey, ** 1 “ Islay, b years old, “ 100 barrels Old Monongabela Rye Whisky, from 1 to 7 yean old—a choice article. HOLLAND GIN. 2 pipes Meder Swan ; 2 half pipes Bohlen’s Anchor; l “ Hah. BUNDRIEB. 60 cases Bantorn Wines, assorted; 10 “ Extract D, Adsynthe; 10 “ Orange Curacoa; 0 “ Maraschino; 100 “ Stoughton hitters; 10 barrels Muir A Son’s Sparkling Edinburg Ale; 'lO “ Harrey’s strong “ (Bdox.each,l 10 44 Jeffrey’s “ «* * 8 “ Rutherford’s “ « 6 “ Tennet’s “ “ 10 “ Barclay A Co's celebrated London Brown Stout; 100 dozen Demijohns, assorted; 12 “ large and small Pocket Willow Flasks; 76 nests Cedar Ware, aiwortete, adjoining the borough of Manchester, pa-t of th*» above estate, each 24 feet front by 100 feet deep; one tier of them fronting on Market street, which is 9»feet wide. These Lota have a Ads view of the Ohio river and adjacent scenery; are near the Plank Road, and In a very delightful and desirable neighborhood, and will be bold on quite reasonable terms. Persons purchasing a block of four or eight Lots, oould have a country home, with all the advantages of the dty, at a moderate price. Title is unexceptionable, and one of the very best about the city. For other particulars apply to JAMES BLAKELY, Real Estate and European Agent, octla cor. Seventh and Smithfield sts., Pittsburgh. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY.—I will offer for sale, at public auction, on MONDAY, the 13th day of November next, at the Rooms of the Beard of Trade, all that valuable Lot of Ground on the corner of Penn street and the Market House Lot, in the Fifth Ward, 35' feet front by 100 feet deep. This piece of property is worthy the attention of persons desirous of Improving, or for Investment. Title unexceptionable. Apply to oetlß JAMES BLAKELY. Chinn Hall, MARKET. BETWEEN THIRD AND FOURTH STREETS. We have dow opened one of the largest aori best se lected stocks of CHLNA, GLASS and QUKENSWARE, ever brought to this market Our assortment of while iron stone consist* of some half dozen different shapes of Din ner. Tea and Toilet Ware. We have some eight or ten dif ferent styles of colore 1 stone Tea Ware, together with a beautiful article of Gold Band and Gold Scroll, both fine imitations of French China, and about one-third the eost. COMMON WARE —Our stock of common goods is large, to which we invite the city and country trade to examine, as we can sell a bill of common without any fine, if desired. GLASSWARE.—We keep a large slock of Glass of all kinds oo band, which we can sell at fketory price*, saving the merchant the troobl* of making a separate bill for that article. The above are offered for sale low, either at whole sale or retail, by JOHN J. O’LEARY, octl 7 92 Market street, bet. Third and Fourth. Commn.nlon Wore. TANKARDS, Cups, Plmea, UaptLsmal Bowls, Ac., just opening. Al*o, Britiania TMi-Ware. Castors, German Silver and Plated Spoons, Forks, *Ac. Tea Knives, Butter Kotves, Lamps. Ac. Watches and Jewelry, in large variety, and very low prices; Gold Pens, Spectacles, Pencils, Canes, Ac. Watch repairing done in a superior manner, and warrant ed. Jrwelry repaired and made to order. Emblems, Seal*, and Regalia manufactured. W.W. WILSON, octl? corner of Market and Fourth streets. THE REGULAR PLOWING MATCH of the Alleghany County Agricultural Society, will take place on the field opposite the Fair Ground, on FRIDAY*, the 27th day of October, at 10 o’clock, A. M. Persons intending to Plow, must have their comes entered on Tbursday, and be on the ground with their teams at 9 o'clock, on Friday. LIST or PRUUCVS FOB PLOWS*XX OTKE 13 TBXBS OF AGB. First premium, .... $lO Second 8 Third 44 • • - 6 Fourth 4 DOTS CXDKB 18 TUBS. First premium, $3 Second H Third 44 .... 4 Fourth u - - - , - 2 octl 6 By order of the Plowing Committee. Watch Trade. WE invito the attention of citizen*) and strangers toour large and carefully selected stock of Watches and Clocks; Railroad Time keepers, in gold and silver cases; real Chronometers for the pocket, warranted not to vary a minute tn six months. Patent Laver H atchea, from $l2 to $220; a large aaaertment of good common or low priced Watches, both in gold and silver cases. Also, Railroad Station Regulators, Office Clocks, Church Clocks, Ac. Watch Kzpaiaixa.—We do Watch Repairing in a man ner not excelled, if equalled, by aoy establishment in the Stole. W. W. WILSON, sep!3 corner of Market and Fourth streets. C. U. Heedly * Co., CHEAP CARPET WAREHOUSE, No. 82 Third strut, near Market, would respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they havo now in store their complete FALL STOCK, consisting of CARPETS of every description, from the Royal Velvet and Brussels, to the com mon Ingrain, Hemp and Rag. Floor Oil Cloth, from ooe lo eight yards wide, new deeigna and very rich. Cocoa and Canton Matting, Druggets, Rugs, Mato, Stair Rods Window Shades, Ac. PerfeODs io waut arc invited to call and exam ine their stock. Steamboats, Hotels, and Residences furn ished on the mori reasonable terms. Small profits and quick sales.”*Cß TEEMS CASH ONLY. Hew Stock off Chlekerlng’e Pianos. JOHN 11. UELLOK, 81 Wood street, has and now ready for sale an entire ptocfc of Piano fortes, from the oelebra \J ■ 8 u *» led manufactory of Chlckering ft Sous, Bo# ton, consisting of all the newest styles of and 7 octave lu.utruments, in richly carved and plain Rosewood and Walnut Cases, and with all their late improvements. Purchasers can have a choice out of the largest stock of Plano fortes ever brought to the city. Prices invariably the same as In Bostou, without addition for transportation ’or risk, and every instrument warranted. Also, n large lot of Piano Stools, of varions patterns. MEIX)DKUNS.t-A full supply of Carhart's Mclcdeone, at 145, 165, *75, $lOO aud $l5O each, for sale by JOHN 11. MELLQR. Sole Agent for Cbick*rUi£ ft Sens’ Pianos, for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. o<=t4 Three Houiei and Lots for Sale, WILL be sold ut private sale, THREE lIOUSK3 AND LOTS. One Brick llouse-situatedon Ferry, between fourth and Liberty streets; Lot 20 feet front by 79 feet back. Also, one Lot and two Houses, on Logan street, Sixth Ward. One House fronting on Logan street, and the other on Carpenter's alley: Lot 21 fret by 100. Also, the stand 1 now occupy, on the corner of ferry and Water streets, the lease running oneyear from Ist of April, 1855, with the furniture. Bedding, Ac. The House at pres ent is doing a good business, and is pleasantly 'ocated. For terms and further particulars enquire of ALKX. CUPPLES, au23;tf corner of Ferry and Water streets. iiathi»Hot| Cold, and Shower, IN the titling and furnishing of which nothing has been spared to render bathing luxurious as well as hettlihfuL Are open everyMav, (Sunday's £xcepUr. McClintock’a Dr. Needham’s Breast Pumps; Water’s Atmospheric Breast Pumps; Gum Bostic do do febl&ly Evening Class In Matl&ematlei. IN the Mathematical Department of Duff’s College, yourg men are taught Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigo nometry, Mensuration, Surveying, ftc. Great pains will oe taken to give the most conc.se and practical methods of cal culation. We have recently discovered a new plan for Ixmg Division, the Square Boor, **., by which the usual labor is abridged nior« than half; also, several abbreviations in Multiplication. These principles are general, and will ap ply to any problems. Class meets every evening, except Satanlav. Hours, 7to 9, P. SI. Terms, *lO per half ses sion. ' P. HAYDEN. A. M oet2o Professor of Mathematics. Duff’s College. CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL DEPARTMENT.— Hours and terms per session of 20 weeks; payable by the half session, in advance: Regular Dav Class in Latin Greek, Mathematics, *c., 9 to 12, A. M.,and 2to 4, P.M,$2O. Evening Classin Math ematics, 7t09. P. M., $2O. French aud German, 9to 12, A. M, and 2to 4, and 7 to 9. P. M„ $2O. Ladies* Class in Mathematics; Wednesday, 4t06. P. M-; Saturday, 9to 12, A. M„ $lO. No pains or expense will he spared to make this department of the College worthy of patronage. ~c t n P. HAYDEN, A. M , Principal. Penmanship, Mercantile and Steamboat Book-Keeping. rpUE DAY AND EVENING CLASSES Of DUFFS COL J. LEGE are open for the reception of students. Daily Lectures rn Mercantile Law and Commercial Sci ences. rctfl Mammoth Light. SUPERIOR AUD SPLENDID PICTURES are produced at CARGO’S New Gallery, No. 76 Pourth street, by his la - ge aud improved Bide and Sky‘ IJghts; by which Likenesses of Children are ta- in a few seconds, and Adults in any weather, ®BBP»Miniatureeeet in lockets—Daguerreotype*copied. Dooms open day and evening. ■ - auT AT a meeting of the Board < f Managers.of the Allegheny County Agrlrttlrnral Society, trwsrreßotved ib»4®® Fair be po-ipoued, in ‘consequence of the* prevalence of Chofrraln the city, to ths 24m, 25th, 88th and flthds/s with FIRST CLASS STEAMERS FOR NEW ORLEANS, and intermediate points on the Mie-tesippi, art! with regular lines of steamers for Kaunas and Couoril Bluff*. TIME FROM'PITTSBURGH ,VT. LOUIS 2S HOURS. Baggage checked through to St. Louis-on Michigan Cen tral and Southern Train*, and ft! the depot in Cldcugo. K. P. HOLLISTER. Ci.fcagt,, General Passenger Agent. RICHARD P. MORGAN, Jr_ Superintendent. Through Tickets tn St. Louis, by this route, can be obtained In Pittsburgh. at •.•foces r.f Cleveland and Pitts burgh and Ohio apd Penusyivnr.,l t Railroad*. Uep27:tim CLEVELAND AND PITTSBUBGH RAILROAD IN CONNECTION WITH THE . Ohio and Pennsylvania, Railroad, VIA ALLIANCE. r PiUs shortest, quickest and cheapest route tn Toledo,Cbi X cago, Rock I*l and, Galena, ani St. Lt-uis, is VIA CLEVELAND. This route Is one bandied mil** shorter and about eight hours quicker to Chicago, than the circuitous one VIA IN DIANAPOLIS. Three Daily Trains between Pittsburgh and Cleveland. Four Daily Train* between Cleveland and Chicago. « Time to Cleveland six hours, Chicago twenty-two hours, and St. Louis thlrtyiwven hours. VIA ALLIANCE. Trains for Cleveland leave Alliance at 7.80, A. M., 12.00, M., and 030 P. M , connecting at Hudson with Trains for Cuyahoga Falls and Akron, and arriving in Cleveland at 10.00, A. M., 2 20, P. M, and 8.20, P. M. The Trains of the Ohio and Penna. Railroad, leave Pitts burgh at 3.00, A. M., 8.00, A. M., and 3.00, P. tit arrive in Cleveland at 10 00, A. M., 2 20. P. M., and 8.2 D, P. H 4 con necting there with through Trains for Toledo, Chicago, Rock - Island and SL Louis. Passengers for Toledo, Chicago, Sc. Louis and the North west, leaving Pittsburgh on either of the morning or after noon Trains, by goieg VIA CLEVELAND, will arrive In Chicago one Train in advance of those who tro via Mans field or any other roots. Time goimsi by going via Cleve land, eight boars. Passengers going to St. Louis or any other point west of Chicago, will make the closest ccrmn-lnns sad quickest time by taking lb<- 9.00, A. M„ Train from Pitisburgh. Passengers by this Tndn (via Cleveland) roach tt. Louis on the evening of the foliowiug day. . The Trains from Cleveland to'Teledo snd Cliionsro ran as follows: Leave Cleveland at 6.00 and 8.30, A. M n ”2AO and 6.20, P. M ; arrive in Olkas-, at 8.43 and 11.00, P, 52Su, A. M. and 12.U0 M. Trains leave for Hock Inland and St. Louis a i follow* Leave Chicago at 8 20, A M and 9.30, I*. M. Passengers for SL LqnU go over Ko:k Island Railroad to Joliet, and thenreoi the Chicago and Railroad 10 Alton, and tbemv by Steamboat (23 miles) to St. Louis. Passengers by the 8.20, A. M., Trein arrive itr St. Louis at 11210 same evening, and by tin* 9.D0, P. M., Train at norm next day. Baggage checked through to Cleveland, and there rv cheeked for Chicago eon St. Loci i. PARE VIA ALLIANCE AND CLEVELAND. Ist CUSS, i 4“ 30 I To Chicago. To Alliance. Cleveland 4GO j La Salle 14 50 ' 12 50 Toledo C 00 Rock -Islands 10 80 13 60 Detroit 600 J St. Louis 19 50 16 GO Passengers are requested to procure their tickets at the office of the Company, in MouongabeU tfousc, third door below the corner. J. DURAND, Sup’t Cleveland. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. THE PENNSYLVANIA iso#. £sdßisßBßo9iißflßß iss*. RAILROAD THROUGH IN FIFTEEN HOURS. ON AND AFTER THURSDAY*, JULY 6TU, THREE THROUGH TRAINS. mni MAIL TRAIN will leave every morning (Sundays 1 excepted) at 7 oViock, stopping at all the regular ata* tkms»ap Bt: iford Springs, $5,70. Baggagecbecked to nil the Pennsylvania Rail road, andto Philadelphia and Baltimore. - passengers purchasing tickets in care, will be charged ra OXXTB hi addition to the station rates, except from stations where the Company have no Agent. No notes of a less uenominaUoß than five dollars will be received In payment for ticket?, except those toned - fijthe’ Banka of Pennsylvania. 4S^NOTICE. —In case of loss, the Company will hold themselves responsible for personal baggage only, end fog an amount not exceeding $lOO. N. B.—The Excelsior Omnibus Line has been employed to convey passengers and baggage to and from the Depot,at a charge not to exceed 15 cents for each passenger, s&3 15 cents for each trunk. For tickets.apply to J. MESKIHEN, Agent, . At the P. R. it. Passenger Station, on Liberty st, Pittsburgh, July Pth, ISs4—[;*7 OHIO AJTD PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. New Arrangement, COMMENCING FEBR UAR72Z, 1864. MAIL TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at BAM ; dines at A til ance; takes tea at Crestline, and makes a close con nection there with a tost Express Train, reaching Cincin nati about 12 o’clock at night. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh a» 3 o’clock, P. M., after the arrival of the Express train from Philadelphia, and reaches Crestline at 11,30 P.M., connecting with the Night Express which reaches Cincinnati in the morning. Connections are made with the Ohio and Indiana, and Beifontainn and Indiana railroads for Dayton, Indianapolis and towns in Indiana. Connections are made with Cleveland, Monroeville. dusky, Toledo, Detroit aDd Chicago with Bucyrua, Upper Sandasky, Forest, and the towns on the Mad River Road. Also, with Mount Vernon, Newark, Zanesville and towns on the Mansfield road. Fare to Cincinnati $7; to Indianapolis $8; to Dayton to Toledo $6; to Columbus $5,25; to Zanesville $5,10; to Cleveland $4. Through tickets tA Louisville at reduced rotes. RETURNING t THE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Crestline at Ll 6 P M, and reaches Pittsburgh at 8.30 P M, oonnecUng with the fast Express Train through in fifteen hours to Philadelphia. MAlf. TRAIN leaves Crestline at 2.30, A. kL, cm the ar rival of the Night Expanse Train frpm Cinonnsil, and arrives at Pittsburgh at 11.40. P M. NEW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at 10 A M, and 6 PM, and New Brighton at 6 AM,and 1.15 P M. FREIGHT TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at 7 A M, and 9 PI M., and arrives at 4.30 A M, and 4.30, P M. J9* The Trains do not run on Sunday. AS* Tickets or further information, apply at the ticket offices oftfao Ohio and Railroad Ccmpany, of J. G. CURRY, at the corner office under the Monor.gahel* House. Pittsburgh, or of GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent, Federal street Station* feh23 [ JOHN KELLY’. Passenger Agent. Pennsylvania Railroad. SUMMER TARIFF between Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Baltimore; commencing April Ist, 1851. First Claw—Brooms, Cedar and Wttoden Ware, Feathers, Furniture, second hand. Purs, lfianos, Poultry ; Wines, in baskets or boxes: 75 cents lbs. Second Class—Dried Fruit, Beeswax, Deer Skins, Ckrm and Ttmbthy Seed, Gluasware. Hardware, Rags, Wool and Sheep Pelts, and Eggs: 60c. $ 100 lbs. Third Clan—Bacon sn& Poxk (teseJ Butter, in firkins, kegs or bbls; Hides, Leather, Soap, Window Glass, and Cot ton, uncompressed: 65c. ft 100 lbs. PtartM Glass— Alcohol, Baron (in amk* or boxes,) BaxWT and Malt, Beef amt Pork. Candle?, Cheese, I*rd and Oil, Hemp,. Whisky, Cotton, (compressed,) Leaf Tobai.*. t 40c. tft 100 Iba. Flour 80 cents 9 bbl. tprl • GEOrtiK C. FRANCISCUS. Merchant Tailor* JOHN LAUGII LI X, formerly f-reman for Mr. S. Stoner, would respectfully announce to hia friends ‘ nil ths public generally, tlmt ha has rented and rvnviy fitted up the fine stand lately occupied by ale.-tfr.. J. S. * C. frp. No. S 9 Market street, Between Second and Third, where he is prepared to tnnke to ordrf CI.OTIIINU in the mOrt fashionable style. Having bim?olf served a regu lar apprenticeship tq tr.e trade, and l>e:ng a practical cutter, he therefore Hatter* bims-Jf that be turn cut garments not to be surpassed iu worhtnau-.tip or r-'.yte in thi» or any other city io the Union. Having just returned from th* eert. h<-„ has a targe as sortment cf the m *st la-hionubb* (Pod-, in L:s line, over brought to thi« market. - N. Ik—Boys’ Clothes mad* and trimmed in th* neatest mann-r. He will a!. 4 # warrant sil ware what it Is repre scoted tobe. Parentswi'i fini rri-Mily :<-tb-iri»drantago bpgtvc him a call, if lh« v *»nt theif koy» neatly fitted. Don’t forget the pfore, No. G'> M-uk.-i -tre-t, Second and Third. we»t hide. • fr»p4;da^vm Steamboat Furniture and Chairs* WE ate ccnstantly engaged ill ths manu'ecture of BTKAMI.OAJT CABIN CHAIRS and FURNITURE,, of every description, and pay particular attention to the manufacture of tby heft rtyivi, suitable for the use of Steamboats. Our eX|e-rienr»- in thi-“ branch cf the busi ness enabler us to sat'sl>tctioD, n.- we’.i with the promptitude in which >.rd*TS ure fillrti, Bt in the quality of the work and personal att**niion gi v vn to the fitting out. Those iotererted in turrd?hl:ig lka-<, will find it to their advantage to give u* a <%JI. . . jv2l T. R YOUNG ft CT». Administrators’ Notice. - WHEREAS. l*-iter-of adminl-iraii .-n to the Brrate of JO UN F. QUIGG, c: :br-in ot.Piewburch, di> eeaaed. have ,u gran -d tv t: e .-.H rlUr : Al* peraon. indeltud to the s.iid r.<|U',-:«-d ais~e uuitiediate payment, and tho.-e Li*»;ug » r nzsiut-C. Uw •btste of Sail decedent will tti* s ; -.nii- n. without delay, to WILLIAM FllsU.fl'.>. Aumnurtrator, oStCt ■ ,-..r»rr R..rft3dk:nS rtieita. THR late firm of D. B. Rt*Gfc.Rsi ft CO, bavin j been dis solved by thed. atb of John F.Qui:g,on the the budshu of tbe firm «ill bv iieiUe tby the undersigned, attheit office, corner Roes and First streets. KSI? }■ September I>.’. ISM. <'-:tMkwst'- riinfijate firm o JONE> * tH'lGG.lmvh.gh-rendistolTed ;1 6/(be death Of JolirfF. Qui-'r f ! b- 27th the 'lpeitifc-s of said firm will to k-u !>, i !••. tLv audrr.-ig. **?*•»»•■ E[tal£3r«4 Iron of B am-*** **”V*^W 11 -a-V Va v ■ *. ■ • • IbTCX'SfI. 2NDO.4M. sll 60, 9 50 J. A. CAUGIfKY. Agent, Pittpburgb.