The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, October 23, 1854, Image 2

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Sailtj Jtlnming
Monday morning.
We would call the attention of MERCHANTS AND
BUSINESS MEN to the fact that we have joat received
from Philadelphia a number of fonts of new Job Type, and
an now prepared to fill orders for Cards, Circulars, Bill
Heads, Paper Books, Posters, and Programmes for exhttri*
tions. All orders will be promptly filled.
Under oar. marriage head will be found the an
nouncement of Rev. Antoinette L. Brown’s mar
riage. Her absence from the Philadelphia Wo
man's Rights Convention is now satisfactorily
Fifty thousand people were estimated to be
present at the Ohio State Fair on Thursday. A
gentlemen who was present informs u* that tho
oattlo on exhibition were very fine, hut other
wise it was inferior to our State Fair.
Suicide baa becomo epidemic in Kentuoky.
On the 10th and 11th instants, no lean than four
attempts at eelf-destruotioQ were made in Scott,
Grant, and Harrison counties. They were all
The Zanesville Aurora, of the 17th inst., states
the*. a son and daughter of Wm. Newkirk, Esq.,
were drowned on Sanday last, in attempting to
cross the Muskingam in a small flat-boat. The
age of the young man was 20 years, and hiseis
tor 16.
Miss Rosa Bennett, a sister of Mrs. Barrow,
made her first appearance on the American stage,
at Wallack’s, in New,York, on Thursday evening.
She played Lady Gay Spanker in “ London As.
snrance;” and, from the remarks of the critics,
seems to have made a successful debut.
We give full particulars of the outrage upon
a Catholic priest in Maine. It seems to have
been altogether unprovoked, and is universally
condemned by the press as brutal in the last de
gree. The victim was not an Italian, bat a
Swiss. Those who are fomenting this Know-
Nothing movement should find in this outrage
food for serious reflection..
Myron H. Clark, Whig candidate for Gover
nor, was charged by the New York Pott with be
ing a K. N.; and that he was refused admiasioa as
a delegato to the Convention held in New York.
He has written a letter to the editors of that pa
psr, denying explicitly the truth of every part of
the charge.
As will be seen by our telegr&phio column,
the remains of Sir John Franklin’s party have
at length been discovered; or it is at least so
reported. Sir John sailed in the spring of 1845
to se&roh for a north west passage, and has con-*
eequently been absent more than nine years.
Little anxiety was felt for his safety until the !
latter part of '49, when, nothing having been
heard of the expedition, the public mind exhib
ited considerable fear of some mishap; but it
was not until the present summer that all hopes
of seeing the bold navTgator were abandoned.
It was only last spring that his name and the
names of the officers under him were stricken
from the rolls of the British navy. #
The first expedition to aid the ioe-boiffid voy
agers sailed from Scotland in April, }sso, under
command of Captain Penney, and consisted of j
the “ Lady Franklin” and “Sophia.” Shortly!
after Sir John Ross sailed with the same object
in ths “ Prince Albert,” screw propeller ; and
in the spring of 1851 the United States Govern-*'
ment sent oat the brigs “Rescue” and “ Ad
vance,” commanded by Lieutenant De Haven,
with Dr. E. K. Kane as snrgeon and nataralist !
to the expedition.
Several other ships were despatched by the i
English to search for the lost navigator, but the I
most reoeot attempt was made by Mr. Henry j
Grinnell, of New York, who again sent out the
“Advance” and “Rescue,” but this time in,
charge of Dr. Kane himself. They have all been '
unsuccessful, so far as discovering any trace of
the lost expedition ; although a Captain M'Clure
U said to have the enviable reputation of having
first demonstrated that there was a north-west •
We ara heartily sorry that Dr. Kane could not
have had the good fortune to first discover tra
ces of Sir John’s Expedition. Ilia noble daring
deserved such an honor, but it has been other
wise ordered.
Vole for Governor and Prohibition.
We shall not again publish our tables until
the entire official returns are in, but give
the vote of each gubernatorial candidate, with
only the official vote of Potter county to bear
from. We give it as reported at 100 majority
for Pollock:
For James Pollock, W. and K. N. ...197,106
For William Bigler, Democrat 160,203
Pollock’s majority.
On the question of Prohibition or no Prohibi
tion, we hare returns from every county, official
and reported, and the result is that it is defeated
by a majority of 2,9G0. Butler county gives
only 8 majority for it, Somerset 198 and Sullivan
7, while Elk gives 25 against it. Our figures
foot up as follows:
Against a Prohibitory Law.....
For a Prohibitory Liquor Law,
Majority against it.
m&tzia of Major Isaac D. Barnard, who comman
ded a regiment in the war of 1812, and distin
guished himself by great bravery on divers oc
casions, wore re-interred at Weat Chester, Pa.,
on Thursday last At the same time a veral
monument, having a square base with sides each
two feet wide and twelve feet high, was erected.
On the front was inscribed :
“Major Isaac D. Barnard, born March 31,1791: died Feb
ruary 18,1831.” On the left Bide— “ Major of the 14th U.
B. Inf&atry in the war of 1813; dUtioguishecl for gallantry
at Lyon’s Creek, Canada, October 19,1812.” On tbo right—
“ Senator of rennaylranla, 1829; Secretary of the Common
wealth, 1826; Senator of the United States, 1827.” On the
rear—“ Thia memorial injhonorof a Patriot, a Soldier and a
Statesman, was erected l by his fellow-citizens, Oot. 19,
A Urge number of military from Chester, Del
aware and Philadelphia counties took part in the
Madame Rumor has showed her lying pro
pensities in nothing more than the recent Arctio
calamity. One of the many ridioulous story set
afloat and in print in regard to the survivors is
to the effeot that Mr; Baahlam h&B been refused
admittance to the office of the Collins’ Steamship
Company. It is simply untrue. Another, that
the chief officers of the Atlantic, when she flail
ed from New \ ork on Saturday, were each arm
ed with a revolver, with instructions to shoot
down the crew, if ever another Arctic calamity
should catch them deserting, is a pure fabrica
Thanksgiving In Pennsylvania,
Gov. Bigler has fixed upon Thursday, Nov.
80th, to be observed as Thanksgiving Day in
Pennsylvania. The eame day has been appoint
ed in several other States.
Now that the excitement is over, the
press of New York are beginning to criticise
rather closely the behavior of Capt. Luce on the
Wreck. The Commercial and Day Book both
intimate, that many lives were lost in conse
quence of his indecision, want of promptitudo
presence of mind, etc. *
The confusioniats of Ohio are so ex
cited about their success, that they are entirely
craty. A Democrat meeting one of them in
Columbus, the other day, asked him the time of
day. Two thousand majority, shouted the
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Yu*) Duty of Sail ora tuw«rd £*aascogtra*v
Judge Baldwin** Opinion•
About. 1889 or 1840 tho ship “William
Brown,” laden with iron, and having on board a
large number of passengers, foundered at sea,
by which more than two hundred lives were lost*
The vessel’s boats could not carry more than
half the number on board, and the sailors to
"save themselves threw into the sea, after they
were in the boats, a number of women and help
. Jess passengers. To prevent the drowning crea
"tures from clutching to the boat several sailors
armed themselves with hatchets and actually
chopped off the hands of those who caught hold
of the guards. A herculean sailor named
Holmes, had, at the Captain’s command burled
several out of the boat. When the boats ar
rived at Philadelphia he was indicted for mur
der ; hut the Captain contended that to save the
lives of the rest he was compelled t:> act as be
had done. The trial came up before the la
mented Judge Baldwin, who found Holmes:
guilty of manslaughter and sentenced him to 0
months imprisonment and a line of $2O. At
first the jury could not ugrec, but Judge Bald
win told them it was absolutely necessary for
the safety of passengers to establish a different
precedent. The following is an extract from his
“ We must look not only to the jtnpardy in
i wbioh the parties were placed, but also to the
relations in which they stood. A familiar ap
plication of this principle present itself in the
obligations which rest upon the owners of
stages, Steamboats, and other vehicles of Irans
portaioo. In consideration of the payment of
fare, the owners of the vehicle nre bound to
transport the passengers to the plaoe of con
templated destination. Having, in all emer
gencies, tbe conduct of the juurney and the con
trol of tbe passengers, tbe owners rest under
every obligation for care, skill, and general ca
pacity; and if, from defect of any of these re
quisites, grievous itjury is done to the passen
ger, tbe persons employed are liable. Tbe pas
sengers owe no doty bat submission, he is un
der no obligation to protect and keep the con
ductor in safety, nor is the passenger bound to
labor, except iu cases of emergeuoy, whero his
services are required by unanticipated and un
common danger. Such is the relation which
exists on shipboard. Tbe passenger stands in a
position different from that of tbe officers and
seamen; it is the saiior who must encounter the
hardships and perils of the voyage. Nor
oan this relation be changed when the ship
ia lost by tempest or other dangers of the
sea, and alt on board have betaken them
selves, for safety, to the small boats; for im
minence of danger cionot absolve from duty.
The sailor is bound, as before, to undergo what
ever hazard is necessary to preserve the boat and
the passengors. Should the emergency become
ito extreme as to call for the sacrifice of life,
there can be no reason why the law does not still
remain tbe same; the passenger not being
bound either to labor or to incur the risk of life,
cannot be bound to sacrifice his existence to
preserve tbe sailor’s. ‘The captain, indeed,
:nd a sufficient number of seamen to navigate
he boat, must be preserved ; for, except these
.bide in the ship, all will perish ; but if there be
aore seamen than are necessary to manage the
oat, the supemnmeray sailors have no right for
heir safety to sacrifice the passengers. The
ailora and passengers, in fact, cannot be«re
arded as in equal positions. The sailor (to use
-he language of a distinguished writer) owes
more benevolence to another than to him
<elf; he is bound to set a grea*cr value on
be life of others than on his own; aod
while we admit that sailor and Bailor may law
fully struggle with each other for the plank
-which can save but one, we think that if the pas- (
' : engcr is on tbe plank, even the law of necessity '
justifies not tbe sailor who takes it from him, •.
vhen the dinger Is so extreme that the only ;
hope is in sacrificing either n sailor or a passen- ‘
■■:£T. Any alternative is bard, and would it not
•e the hardest of any to sacrifice a passenger in
•rder to save a supernumerary saiior?'' The •
,!ury found the prisoner guilty of manslaughter,
md he was sentenced to six months solitary con- ■
inement and hard labor, and to pay iu addition j
fine of twenty dollars.
Ob, Lucy Stone I
Oo Thursday last the Rev. Henry Grow, (a
"ullud pustfon, we believe,) in a speech at the
Toman’s Rights Convention in Philadelphia, took
co conservative side of the movement. He did
ot believe in them becoming legislators, &c.,
nd produced sundry quotations from the Holy
criptnres to sustain his argument. Iq the
Piirnoon Mies Lory Stone took him up and gave
va “particular jessy Wp quote from the
'dyer's report
Fhr the iilc.i r,f trim; g- viTt.rJ * y tin- ; m-e;.i
. St Paul, which uer<- only '.!i--i„*n<-d for l eal udnr't*lt<ui.
ml were totally unfit for tlii< n t ;e »f progri .--i. hupp..-*.-,
• said, our fjrefiithKrrf ha-l l.rvti governed liv the lexr.
Fear God, and honor the I£ru£," would nut the Di-darn
on of Independence bare been left unwritten aril the
.•.*<ent Republic le-n now n province oftireet Britain.
•r her part she ■ai-1, It every pa,- ,-.f v Writ, fr-.m
• -nesis to Revelations, bad wrl'iieu u|*>u th-ui "
iFject to your husbands,” she would dUrard thuu the
•Ideti rule of Confuecius, •• j.. unto other* e.“ thou wnuldet
hem should do unto thee.’ Th-re were -er.-ral expre*-
•n« of illrutf probation trcni the i«ij.|)e. ( r- „t tin* avowal,
■it her remarks were generally li-ten.-l to with the utmost
tteution, and frequently elicited tuorb applause."
Lucy alwaya gets iodjgnaut when she thinks
.f wives obeying their husbands. Why she
tioold, is rather hard to understand, as, we be
nevo, the story in circulation to the effect that
•Ac was shortly to marry a rich Cincinnati gen
tleman, is totally false. If it is done out of
sympathy for womankind generally,|we are afraid
it is ill bestowed; for most of the “down-trodden
creatures” appear to think lightly of the “ un
mitigated despotism M, of the lords of creation.
Feom the OnisNBLL Expedition —We find
ia the Hew York Herald an interesting letter
from Dr. Isaac I. Hays, of Chester county, Pa.,
Surgeon of the brig Adranoe, commanded by
the intrepid Kane, written in Baffin’s Bay, in
July, 1803. The health of the persons com
posing the expedition continued good, and an
enthusiastic determination to persevere in en
deavoring to ascertain the fate of the long-lost
Franklin animated each and all of the gallant
party. According to the plan agreed upon be
fore the Advanoe left New York, her arrival may
be looked for dnriog the present month or early
in November. Should she fail to reach port
within that time, it will probably be beoanse
Capt. Kane had.-determined to continue his re
searches in the : 'Arctic rogions for another
19“ There appears to be a Hegira of the
Catholic On Wednesday last Archbishop
Kendrick, and Bishops O'Connor and Tiraon
left for the Eternal City and now it is an
nounced that Bishop Newman, of Philadel
phia, will leave in the next steamer, depart
ing from New York. The object of so many
of these reverend gentlemen going abroad
at present is, in accordance with the wish of the
Pope, that the Americana Hierarchy should be
fully represented in the Grand Eoclesistical
Council in Rome, daring November, on the sub
ject of the immaculate conception of the Virgin
Does Church Property Belong to the
Bishop ?—We learn from the Cincinnati Gazette,
that a case involving this question is now be
fore the Kenton County (Ky.) Circuit Court at
Covington. The plaintiffs are trustees, elected
by the congregation of the German Catholic
Church in Covington, and desire to build a school
house to front with the ohuroh. The defend
ants are trustees, appointed by the Bishop in de
fiance of the congregation, and were directed by
him to huild the school-house in the rear of the
oburch. The Canons of the Church and De
crees from the Plenary Council of Baltimore,
were cited to show, that all churches are in pos
session of the Bishop, and oubjeot to his author
ity; and that neither Priests nor the “ faithful,”
are to appoint trustees without the authority of
the Bishops. . Another point at issue is, whether
a deed or gift of property to the “ Catholic
Churoh for pious uses,' 1 include! for the use of
a sohool honse. The decision, which excites
interest in Cincinnati, is expected to be given
this week.
Dairy Secret.— Have ready two pans in boil
ing water, and on the milk comibg-to the dairy,
take the hot pans out of the water, put the milk
in one of them, and cover it with the other.
This will cause a great increase in the thickness
and quality ot the cream.— Phila. Dollar Neva
On Thursday night, Adams & Co’s Express
Office was entered in Wilmington, Del., and
robbed of $2,200.
♦. -«* ■>
O# MWiikl*.
Tbe St. Thomas correspondent of the New
York Tribune statieonthp authority of rumor
there that the President of the Spanish Republic
of Domioica had ceded or leased the exclusive
oooupancy and use for tbe term of one hundred
years of tho Bay of Samana and adjacent lands
to the United States Government; that the
President, Santana, is favorable to tbe wishes
and movements of our Government as securing
to himself and bis petty State the moral and
physical protection of a powerful country against
his superior neighbor Soulouque.
The Bay of Samana lies in tho north-eastern
corner of the island of St. Domingo. Its en
trance, which looks out upon the Atlantio, is
some twenty-four jniles wide, and its waters ex
tend fifty miles inland. In its centre, at some
fifteen miles from; Cape Raphael, which marks
the entrance trom;tho South, and twelve miles
from Capo Samana on the North, are two islands
called the Grand Glevantndns Keys, each some
thing like a mile long, which effectually break
tbe force of the external winds aud waves, and
render the anchorage within as sure as R is con
venient. Indeed, it is admitted that there are
few if any better or more capacious harbors in
tbe world. On the north of the Bay stretches
tbe peninsula of Samana, which, though rather
low and marshy at its connection with the main
body of tho islaad, is a hilly and irregular ex
tension nf lend, eh-iped something like a boot,
and varying in width from four to ten miles
The port of Samana, which is said to be ceded
to tbe United Btates, is formed by a cove some
half a mile wide, and & little longer, which puts
up from the Bay iuto the peninsula. How deep
the wate:* is we have no means of knowing, since
no accurate survey of the Bay was ever made;
but thorc is no doubt that the frigate Columbia,
at her recent visit, examined the soundings, and
found them sufficient for every purpose, or oth
erwise some other point would have been treated
for. We believe there are ft few houses there
occapied by wood-cutters, but on this head we
bave no distinot information; at any rate, the
number of inhabitants most be very small. The
region is remote from tbe settled portions of
Domioica, being sbout 200 miles by sea, tho only
convenient mode of getting there, from St. Do
miogo City.
! From th« lUngor M**rcorr, t>-t l l * j
Cathollo Priest Tarred and Feathered*
Ills Death
By a despatch from Ellsworth, we learn that
tbe Rev. John Bapst, the Catholic pastor in this
city, was, on Saturday night, tarred and feath
ered and rode on a rail in Ellsworth Mr. Bapst
was on a visit to Ellsworth when the outrage
was committed.
He was formerly pastor there, and was there
engaged in a controversy about the 6cbool ques
The only thing the raffians say for them
selves To extenuation is that they bad previous
ly threatened to Ur aud feather Mr. Bapst if he
came to Ellsworth again.
He has been pastor of tbe Catholic papula
tion in this city a few months. We understand
he was born and educated in Italy. SiDce he
has been here he has done much good among the
Catholic population, and has brought about
many useful reforms, winning commendation on
all hands.
We have not terms strong enough to express
the indigestion uttered by all classes in this city
on hearing of this dastardly outrage. The
shameless cowards who have done it should re
ceive the highest penalties of the offence, and
tbe town of Ellsworth should be made to respond
in damages for this foul wrong to a visiter who
could not be protected within her gates.
Defalcation Iu New York.
i From thti New York Tribune of FriJny.l
There was a rumor in circulation last evening,
of a heavy defalcation in the Ocean Bank, and
on application to the President he informed us
that the amount of tbo defalcation is $lOO,OOO,
of which, the President thinks, $50,000 are se
cured. The defalcation arises out of certified
.checks to certain parties whose nameß are un
known to us. The Teller certified these checks
iu an office in Walt street, and the parties sup
plied him with funds to meet them, between 10
A. M. and 12 M. t —and this operation has bceu
going on for months. The Tel.or was, of course,
iu collusion with those parties who were thus
using Ocean Bank money without any means.
The facts havo been known for two or three days,
but made public only to-day. Mr. MctJuckin is
the name of the Teller of the Ocean Bank.
7b th* hildor of tho At'w 1 <jrh 7 i
la order to correct an exaggerated rumor, 1
deem it proper to state that the late Paying Tel
ler of this Bank is deficient in bis funds to an
outside amount of $75,000. Tbe Bank has a
surplus of s4s,o*X'). Jo capital of one million
will be butjlittle impaired, and there will be no
interruption of its business
Very respectfully,
J. S. SIBBONS. Cashier.
Ocean Bank of New York, <>et. r.i
From llw Netr lurk Tun-*. Friday
W’e last eveneng received information of the
■ieath of the Catholic prioet, Rev. John Bapst,
r.n Italian, who was tarred and feathered and
ridden on a rail, iu Ellsworth, Me., on Satarday
night last, while on a visit to that place. The
only exouse yet offered in palliation of the atro
cious conduct of the mob, is that, formerly, when
n pastor in Ellsworth, he engaged in a contro
versy in the school question. Admitting ihat
the priest could have been guilty of any miscon
duct sufficiently vile to warrant popular violence,
his participation in a discussion of an open ques
tion, was certainly not of such a character. The
attack upon him for the cause given, is a dis
grace to the town, which can only be removed
by earnest and energetic efforts on trio part of
the respectable perpetrators of the outrage to
the severest punishment prescribed by law for
the crime they have committed.
Wheat from England. —The Buffalo Demoo
racy, of the 3d, has this paragraph:
We hear of a shipment of 10,000 bushels of
new wheat from Liverpool to New York. It will
arrive probably during next week. This is an
eccentricity in trade that beats a transaction in
high wines that took place this week. A car
go was shipped from Cleveland on the advice of
atelegraphio despatch of the market here, and
was sold here, but before it was landed, it was
re-purchased at an advance by the shippers,
sent right back to Cleveland, and sold there, at
another advance.
We would add as further to tho point, the fact
that the millers of S&ndQsky have imported some
7,000 bushels of wheat from Buffalo lately, the
same having passed here but a short time before
from the Upper Lakes.
The Coal Trade Suspended. The coal
operators in Schuylkill county have combined
and suspended the shipment of coal, alleging as
an exouse that the wages of workmen are too
high. The consequence is an almost total fail
ure in tho receipts of coal, while tbo supply in
the various yards of the city is probably not
more than enough for a week’s consumption.
The operators could not have done a more un
wise thing; for they cannot convince the pnbllo
that with the enormous advanoe on the prices
they are receiving, they cannot pay tho very
smalt advance in wages. They will foel the oon
sequenocs of their folly before long, and we
shall not be surprised if one of the first acts of
Congress, on re assembling, shall be the re
moval of the duty on coal. They wid have
no one to blame but themselves.— Philadelphia
A Grand Jury, in Charleston, 8. C , recom
mend that the slave trade be legalized, by repeal
ing all existing laws against it. The Grand
Jury are, no donbt, sincere, bat their slavery
fanaticism exceeds any display of thatqualiiy
yet exhibited by the most rabid abolitionist. We
shall next hear the Grand Jury recommending
piracy as a very honorablo pursuit.
A destructive fire ocourred in Baltimore on
Thursday night. It broke out on East Falls
Avenue, and destroyed the stoam saw mills of
Griffiss & Coates, and Laponraille& Maughlin. It
also spread to the board yards adjoining, and
destroyed an immense quantity of lumber. A
number of small houses were also burned, and
many families were renderod houseless. The
area of ground over whioh the conflagration ex
tended, is two entiro squres. Of lumber, there
is $lOO,OOO worth destroyed, and the entire loss
is $200,000.
«i#*lnvallda Recovering from the effect!
of Fever, Bilious Diseases, or lon* continued Illness of aDy
kind, will And Carter’s Spani»h Mixture the only remedy
which will revive their drooping constitutions, expel all
bail humors from the blood, excite the liver to a prompt
and healthy action, and by its tonic properties, restore the
patient to life and vigor.
We cad only eay mi IT. A single bottle is worth all the
so-called Sarsaparilla# in existence. It contains no Mercu
ry, Opium, or any other noxious or poisonous drug, and
can be given to the youngest infant without hesitation.
See tba certificates of wonderful cares Bround the bottles
More than five hundred persons in the city of Richmond
T a., can testify to its good effects. ’
gee advertisement.
Pantaloons* — The well-known superiority o[
GRIBBLK’B fit tn tbs Garment, needs no comment on bis
part; it has been acknowledged by all who haT« Ihvored him
with their orders, that they bore never been fitted with the
flame ease and style as by him. He begs to inform his pa i
irons and the public, that bin stock is now replete with the
newest coats, rests and pants, suitable for the
present season. E. GRIBBLB,
Tailor and Pantaloon Maker,
rc24 MO Liberty tL, bead of Woed.
. ■ ' j. «* »
Vi ! -'
' V *'
'• • • i J *i* . *
P* tbe O'Reilly Line* for the Horning Poet
Discovery of the Remains of;
Sir John Franklin.
Montreal, 4 October 21.—A despatch from Dr.
Rea, dated York Faotory, Augnat 4th, has been
received by tfir George Sampson, Governor of
the Hudson Hay Territory, narrating the discov
ery of the remains of Sir John Franklin and
his unfortuuote coinpauious. They were starved
to death in tHe spring of 1850, to the northwest
of Fox river.
The Mmitijal Herald Bays
Wo yesterd iy despatched a special messenger
to the Hudson Bay Company’s house at La Chien,
and through the kindness of Governor Sir George
Simpson, are enabled to lay before our readers
the followiog outlines : —a despatch was receiv
ed yesterday from Dr. Rae. Rae has been ab
sent on the coast since the Ist of Juue, 1853, and
returned to York Factory on tbo 2&tb of August
last, from whence be forwarded letters by express
to Sir George Simpson, via Red River settle
ment ; in which, after briefly noticing tbe result
of hie own expedition, he proceeds to state that
from tbe Esquimaux Indians, be obtained certain
information of Sir John Franklin aod his party,
who wi re starved to death, after tbe loss of their
ships, which were crushed by tbe toe, while
making their way to Great Fish river, or Bock,
near the outlet of which a party of tbe whites
died, leaving the accounts of their sufferings,
near their mutilated oorpsos, which were evi
dently furnished to their companions.
The information, although not derived from
the Esquimaux, who communicated with the
whites, and who found the remains, but from
another band who obtained tbe details viva voce,
may bo relied on. There is no doubt left of the
truth of the pejftrt., as tbe natives have in their
possession vinous articles of European manu
facture, which ha<l been in tbe possession of tbe
whites j among these are several silver spoons,
forks, &Ci, on one of which is engraved—“ Sir
John Franklin, E. C. 8.,” while other* have
crests and initials which identify the owners as
having belonged to the ill-fated expedition.
Drawings of some of these bave been sent down.
The fearfol tragedy must have occurred in tbe
spring of 1860.
Cincinnati, October 21.—A difficulty has ex
isted between the trustees of the Catholic Chnroh
id Newport, Ky., and tbe Bishop, growing out
of the latter building a school bouse on tbe
eburoh lot without oonaeut of tbe former trus
tees. lie-applied fvr an injunction, which was
graoted to-day by the Court. He decided that
the Bishop hod the right to appoint trustees for
the cnurcD, aud to use the ground for church
purposes only.
L*k« Propeller Wrecked.
Bcffalo, October 21.— The propeller Bt.
Joseph, bound to tbe Upper Lakes, went ashore
od Middle Reef, Lake Huron, with six feet of
water in her hold.
Kuropetn Steamer Arrived.
Nxw York, October 21.—The steamship In
diana, from Southampton, arrived below.
Clock Factory Darned.
Hartford (Ct ). October 21.—Kennedy’s clock
factory was burned yesterday—loss $20,000
New York, October 21. —Sugar and Molasses
.lull with declining tendency. Coffee quiet.
Cotton firu. Flour a irifle higher : sales 7,000
bbls Ohio at $R,£0058.75; Southern $8,600
$8,87. Wheat firm with upward tendency:
Miobigan $1,15. Corn...tales 00,000 bushels
Western mixed at 71C 0804 c. Pork a trifle
higher: sales l.OOOjbbls .Hwaat4i2,37J, Prim*-*
-$11,310$! 1,02. 8.-cffirra: country Mess $ll
re packed Chicago $H.2f>0,514,75.
Lard firm. Whisky firm Lead quiet. Tobacco
...Kentucky 7(. Stocks heavy; Money active.
Philadelphu, October 21.—Flour quiet, hol
ders firm, little export demand : sales at $8,30,
the uniform asking rate: extra s'). Rye Flour
and Cornmeai nothing doing. Wheat in fair de
mand ; the fupplics bate fallen off; gales 2,000
bushel? ordinary good Northern and Western at
$l<7l»(ri)$l,8o; white $1, I .W<£>>2, sales 2,000
t ushels Western nt&l,7f>. Rye $1,13 : South
ern sl.l7(ci}s! .18 for Pennsylvania. Corn...
moderate sales at yesterday's quotations; sales
•1000 bushels at 82c. Oats dull at lo lower.
Whisky dull at 3Sc.
Cincinnati, October 21.—The river has fallen
six inches ; three feet six inches tn the channel.
Fiour $7{«».57,10. Sales 1,100 bus Corn at 38c.
Oats 40a. Whisky 27c. In other articles noth
ing important has transpired. Money matters
g uiet.
«•- Airs. Ilaniica, Mo. 600 Fourth street,
Nrw Youx, May 15, 1*53.
A child of mine showing symptoms of worm*, I gave It a
t> itili- nf Dr M Lam-'* Olebrated Vermifuge, which brought
•way « Lunch i.f worms, numbering, I should judge, about
thirty. The child was Tory pick during the operation, but
i* now well and hearty.
Mrs. Twist, No. is Avenue D, writes under date of Aa<
gust 10, 1452, and nays she had beau troubled with wortne
for more than a year, and that she took on* bottle of Dr.
M’Lane’i Celebrated Vermifuge, which brought away from
her over three hundred worms, big and little. She now
believes horself to be entirely tree from disease.
Mrs. Hcoows, a German woman, residing at 304 Rirlngton
atnwt, nays, that after using one vial of M’Lane’a Oelehra
ted Vermifuge,she passed two large tape worms.
The above certificates are all from parties well known tn
this city. If there are any wbodoubt, they have the names
and addresses, and can satisfy themseivee by personal in-
P. B.—The abora valuable remedy, also Dr. M’Lane’s cel
ebrated Liver Pills, ean now be had at all respectable Drug
Stores Id this city.
Purchasers will be careful to uk for, and take none but
Dr. M'Laoo's Vermifuge. All others, In comparison, are
Also, for sale by the sole proprietors,
Successor* to J. Kidd k 00.,
00 Wood street.
ELIXIR OH OORDIAL.— A WoWp ro Moicju, Marti hits.—
Th c re are formalists anil dogmatists In all professions, who
deny the truth of every thiif jtoey don’t find set down in
certain books which they hafs£>een taught to regard as the
mmmun bonum of the principles and practice of their call
l QigH. Such men arc mlll-stones round the neck of Progress
but all their efforts cannot chain down Investigation and
experiment, nor discredit tbeir malts. Medical martinots
might possibly be found who would deny that MORSE’S
most certain means of renovating a broken down system,
nnd restoring shattered or relaxed nerves to their fall vigor
and tension, that the world baa yet seen. Let them deny
itl Omnipotent truth is mightier than they. Call the le
r'OTcre 1 nick to the witness-box, and let them testify against
prejudice Let fact combat theory, and the gratitude of
thousands, saved from a life of suffering and a premature
grave, drown with Its acclaim the cavillings of those who
are too wise in iheir own ooncelt to examine and test what
they condemn. When tbo shaken nerves become firm, the
weak digestive powers vigorous, the feeble robust, the de
jected Joyous, the suffering free from .pain, the bed-ridden
active; when we Ree every flpedes. of functional disorder
yielding to this inestimable curative, ought wo to lie against
the light, by denying, or even doubting, its extraordinary
properties? Forbid it, candor 1
The Cordial U put up, highly concentrated, In pint bot
tles. Price three dollars per bottle; two for five dollars;
six for twelve dollars. 0. 11. RING, Proprietor,
192 Broadway, New York.
Bold by Druggists throughout the United States, Canada
and the West Indies.
FLEMINQ k BROS., No. 60 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
DU. GKO. 11. KEYSER, No. 140 Wood street, do
J. P. FLEMING, Allegheny City. ocUiLdaw
X Hbme Where Changes Never Come.
A second supply of the above beautiful Bongs Just re
ceived. Also, the “ New Melodroa,” for Flute or Violin, for
sale at the old established Piano Depot of
oct3 No. Ilk Wood street.
Excelsior family stakcil—The lagmiieuto with
which this starch is prepare*!, render wholly unnecoa
sary thn uso of starch polish or spermaceti, as it produces a
fine polish, without gumming up or injuring the finest fab
I'ut up in pound package with full directions for use.
For Nile-, by the box or retail, by
f|V) THE PUPILS Of a. ANTON ,Profeuor of Mutic.—
JL Mr. <J. Anton purposed returning to this city in time
to resume his leaching on the Ist of August, but being un
fortunately taken Ilf at Fairmont, he will not be able
to reach tho dty for Some days. Due notice will be given
.to his pupils of his srriraL Knquirie* may be made at
f au2l IL KLRBBR-fl.
NOTICE TO BUILMHW —Tile suitable for Under Drains
far y&nl#, einlULWSter Ac , of rarious sizes,
lit the Agricultural TJl* Works, Manchester. Samples at
the office, Fifth street.
■f *“•.**,: (, *-
v ‘.v \ -\.*,L W *
- * ',• -
Church Difficulty.
Ai Carmel, h. i u . ; .--i^•. October lTth, by the Rev.
H. O. Livingston, Dr. JAMLa H. MEURITT and MU* AN
Atnooo, on Saturday, '.be 21st tost, at the residence of
her wm-hi-law, John Fleming, No. 33 Roes str&rt. Mrs.
MART DUNLAP, apod 67 years.
The friends and acquaintances of the family are respect
fully invited tanttend her funeral, on MONDAY/ibe 23d
Vst. at li» o'oiooti. A. M
Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh, Octo
trr~y ler mI.-t, —An election of thirteen Directors,
to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at the ftttihiwg
Uoufe, on MONDAY, November 20th, between the hours
of UA. M. ami 3 M.
jieti&w JAS. B. MURRAY, Cashier.
p^r 5 ' -*!»• Regular Monthly Meeting of the
|_-w/ “ l’Ltytljurgh Yojuft Men’s Christian Association,”
will l held at the room, THlS(Monday) EVENING, at 7 J 4
0 cloi - k - 8. S. BRYAN, President,
i: C ToiTts. Rec. Sec. r<*t23
f: ' ~ '
County P»lr.«»The Books of Entry will br
- * r the bortn«M office, on the Fair Ground, on MON
DA i. at 10 o’clock, A. M. oct23:lt
rpHE subscriber respectfully snoouDces to the Ladies and
± Gentlemen of Pittsburgh, that he has recently erected
a RIDING SCHOOL, which, iu poiiit of rise, commodions*
new and adaptation, undeniably excels any estab
lishment in the United States Ite location is accessible
from all parts of the city, while its high and airy situation
renders it especially suited to the promotion of health, by
this most agreeable exercise. The Horne are docile and
well trained, and the proprietor pledges himself ftit no
pains or expense will be spared to mr Ite this establishment
tbe first in the confidence of the pablle. oet23-tf
'-UO-- —hs
CILOAKB. —A. A. MASON A CO. have jant opened %l
j elegant aod extensive assortment of clo»J», satin and
velvet Cloaks, with the rich eat atyleg of trimming [oct23
BONNETS. —A. A. MASON A CO. are daily opening tbt
latest and most fashionable satin and yelyet Bonnets,
xtwlr assortment comprises upvanle of six hundred Bon.
n*te, of all qualities.
C'lOP P b E— IQQ he»w primo Rl» •
J 20 do Jara: In store and for sale by
RICE— 5 tierces in store and for aale by
hbds fair New Orleans in store und fdr ule by
REFINED SUGARB—Powdered, Crushed, ant
liOaf Sugars, for sale by
T POBACCO—KuwndI A Robinson. Wm H. Grant,
X Old, and other favorite brands, tor sale by
fPKAS—lmperial, Gunpowder, Young Hy»on, and Black
X Teas, in store and for sale by
— - 2cU kegs assorted »i2**s in store and for sale by
/ 1 LASS—IOO boxes 9x12 and 10x12 Window Ulass for sale
" T by [oct23] KINO k MOORHEAD.
BUCKETS— 20 doaen Buckets;
5 “ Tabs; for sale by
CIANDLKS —75 boxes Mould and Dtpfmfj Candles |
J 26 “ Star Candles; for sale by
|l4OO, in easy payments; with suitable Buildings, and
Orchard of grafted fruit. The land is well watered and of
good quality, in Preston county, Va.
Real Estate Agents, 140 Third street.
PIANO F*iß Uh.\T.—A good aix octave mahogany casa
Ptaao for rent, at the old established Piano Depot of
No. 128 Wood street
Mackerel— do tiu No. 3,“largo; ' ~
10 “ medium;
“ No. 3, small; for sale by
OOAP—2OO boxes Rosin Soap for sale by ~
TANNERS’ OIL—2O bbls prime Bank Oil for -ale by
r POBACCO—10 boxes RasseUA Robinson, 6's;
X 25 “ W. 11. Grant, 6’s;
25 “ Webster’s Old, s's; with a large as*
sortment of other brands, 5 s and U pound, for sale by
('IOFFEK —200 bags Itio; —-
J M P° ckeL * Prt“o old Gov’t Java; for sale by
SL'U AR3—7 5 hbds prime N\ U. Sugar; "
30 bbls Coffee Sugar;
2o “ Loaf; for ule by
ULAfStS-1-00 bbls X. o. MoluWfcr nl. br
It BY Kb PS—Sj bbUof »,ri<ni.H qu.liU.R,for
'PAR—It* t.ljla N. C.Tar, l-> arrl... .r:-i tor Ml. hv
>OilN—4'Xi bu.t Shell Cern in utrie ami ft,r *«le by
box-* W. R. Chw( In ?tore and for nix by
R. Lu allen;
WHOLESALE dkalku in
Foreign Wines, Brandies, Cordials, Cigars, 4c.,
_ Iltrrvri:KN ’ Wa TKK and WBBT STREETS,
TT,l3ju*t ro&iTtd U-.j following articles from New y*rk
O. *n.l Pliiladelnbk, nHectod personally, with great ears,
from the different Custom noua«w, which are offered for
#k.f* at kj low rates ax any In the trade, If not lower*
1 quarter cask eery old M.C. Branur,sintag« 1523-
•' tegas Frera’a Cogu&c
* “ Maglory “
* “ Old Cbapagne “j
. h*uf jd|»« Pmci, Caetillon k Co.'x Cognac*
ti . " L»ger Prere's State Brand ;
s •• Old Plastered Head, vary superior for hoti
and restaurants
sqn i:i>*r - Lafsrettc Coanae
2 '
OtaM, Dopoy A Co^)
“ A. SHgaetto Dale, .►Rochalla Viotaee,
Dark, J
'JO l>anvi« Wild Cherry Brandy;
1;> •• Blackberry •• (very superior;)
li “ Cioger *«
.T Raspberry
10 •• Old Peach “
|> quarter casks Pore JuW Particular;
"* “ Saudemau’a Port;
> “ •* Durmeister's unrirallad Port *
■ " Osburan’ ISM, of groat colrbritr for
medical qualities;
l '• “ Old London Dock;
M “ '* Rurtfundy.
6 quarter casks Tortilla Amber Sherry •
3 *• “ Old Pale Cortes “
“ Choice Old Golden "
*• Lobo “
“ rery old Amontillado Sherry;
“ Duff Gordon, brown, “
1- quarter casks Dry Malaga;
10 ** “ Sweet “
4 “ “ Tenertffe;
0 “ 14 Lisbon.
60 baskets Charles Heldaieek;
60 11 Double Grape;
25 “ Double Crown;
25 u Anchor;
25 “ Mum k in pints and quarts
100 cases St Julies, long cork;
50 “ St. Eslephe;
25 “ Chateau Latour;
25 »* « Lafitte;
25 “ Usdoc.
2 hogsheads 01«1 Jamaica;
1 “ Antigua;
t « St. Croix;
10 barrels New England
1 puncheon Bushmill's Malt;
1 “ Jamison's Dublin Malt:
1 “ Stewart’s, of Paisley, “
1 “ Islay, 6 years old, “
100 s£S£d£°£kE h * , » Rye Whiaky, from 1 toTyear,
2 pipes MeUer Swan;
2 half pipes Bohlen’s Anchor;
1 “ Pish.
00 oases Sontern Winee, ;
10 u Extract D, Adsynthe;
10 “ Oranga Oaraooa;
6 “ Maraschino;
100 “ Stoughton Bitten;
10 barrel. Muir * Son’. Spelling Bdlnbnr* Ale;
' “ HarT.y’.atrong •• (Udoimch,!
10 ‘ r Jeffrey’s « ' u “
8 “ Rutherford's •< u
8 “ Tennot’a <> «
V * 008 London Brown Stoat;
100 doten Demijohns, assorted;
12 “ large and small Pocket Willow Flasks:
16 nevts Coder Ware, assorted.
.52*522 Clean, assorted brands;
100,000 Fanny Ealer *•
30,000 VenJ&hra «
25,000 Chirchana
25,C00 Programs “
25,000 El Neptune “
20,000 Eagle Regalias “
10,000 Steamboat Priocipes.
All the above In store ind for sale low, either wholesale
or in quan'kies to suit, by U L ALLEN
° ct2o:o °‘ No. 8 Wood stmt.
Godey’s Lady’s Book of Fashions.
Graham’s Magailne, for November, just received and fo
wle by SAH’L. B. LACFFER,
• 00120 87 Wood street
I„ Evening. Olaii in Mathematical
N the Mathematical Department of Duff’s College, yonne
men are taught Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry! Trig*
□oroetry, Mensuration, Bnrveylng, Ac. Great pains will be
taken to give the meat concise and practical methods of cal
culation. We hare recently discovered a new plan for Long
Division, the Square Boot, ie., by which the nsual labor la
abridged more than half; alio, several abbreviations in
Multiplication. These principles are general, and will ap
ply to any problems. Class meets every evening, exceot
Saturday. Uours, 7to 3, P. M. Terms, $lO per half sea
al, n P. HAYDEN, A. M.,
Pro feasor of Mathematic*.
New AND IMPORTANT BOOKS, pobliahed bvD A*,
piston A 00. * ’ r
The Virginia Comedians, or Old Days in the Old Domln.
ion: Edited from the MSS. of C. Effingham, w- a . o
paper covers $l, cloth $1.53. '“*•»
Chestnut Wood ; a Tale: by Liele Linden: 2 vols • nrfc-
In pupor covers $1,25, cloth $1,76. ’ * >n^B
Russia: translated from the French of the Maraul* de
Custine; 1 vol., 12mo, $1,25. marquis ae
K.UuLrii l . ; by Him Sewell, anther of Amy Her
bert, Gertrude, kcA 2 vols.. 12a50., pricwil and sl 6o*
I'erty Leader.; Sketch.. 01. Thomu
Hamilton. J«t™, Henry Clay, John Bendolpb,
or Roanoke slncluding notice, of men, other di.Ungnl.fied
Stateamen: by Jo. G. Baldwin; 1 joL, 12mo il
Captain Cool er Twenty Tame of an African Slayer;
Wng an account of hU Career end Adrentnrea on the
CoMt, In the Hiterlor, on Shipboard, and in the Want In
die.; by Branta Mayer; $1,25. For ml. by
H. Miff UR A 00.,
No. 82 Smithfieid street.
APPLES— 10 barrels for sale by
FOB HALE" A fine bouse and lot on Penn street, near
Pitt, for sale at a low price. Esquire of
<*t2o THOMAS WOODS, T# forth street"
c. b. headly:* c«.; r '
WOULD respectfully cal] tie Attention of their frianila and the pabUe, to the «»-'^— .- :. -
«» inspection, on. cf the largen and tart -tooted stock! a ‘?, | n «*■". T*
or the country, consisting in put of the following, Tit: ”, **" "•» «•«•* In ™« ■«»
Boynl Englljh Teleett and Bnuanlt; Imperial ud extra Thr-ert. .
Tapestry Velrete and BtusMlt; - -
English printed Brussels; t .„. ...
£°,^2‘ 0 °r 0 "‘! ,U ,l . Wool and Liieu DuhJcJJJj. *“”■
Tapestry Ingrain Carpets; Wool and Cotton luSaln^^’
Hcddl Lilt sod Sip OumU: '
Together with ft great Tarirty ol Hogs, Slats. Matting, WmayaHn j, ?§lt OariMta. uvi w,,.. net _ . _ • v
right yard* wide, cat to fit any hall onion, to one mStopsHT * ““ 011 <***+ *»«■•*•
Also, a large assortment of Piano aod Table Coxera, of entirely new daaizM*
Theiratoekot OOCOA .
KoglUb manufacture; everybody should hare ona. P*no y broughtlo this market; they us/if
«“ Hotels, Steamboat* and Keridence* furnished on the rcort reason»hla*t-rm.
octl 3: dl ma wtJ anl
A. A. MASON & CO.,
No. 25 Fifth Street,
«r« opportunity of obuioln. Good. .! .bout t.o-thlni. th. usiud prS - U "™* •““*■'« purchMora Ik.
w .„. , . „ _ IN their silk department
WIU bjtound erery dMcripUon of plud, strips .od brocade Dress Silks, of mar. thM FITB HUNDRED PTwnu ■ .
toe largeat and most magnificent asKsrtment the, here orer itUNPEEP PTEOTH, Iwlng
TWO HUNDRED CASES of Merinos, Ceshmeres, Wool Raid,. A 1 osrss. tomtwetn re- d.
Orleans, Mohair Ltutres, hadia. Cloths, Murlire dVLioes, ** B * e * s ’ P °I ,U “. Pmmettas,
Will be filled with Cloaks, Shawls, Mantillas, Talmas, Ac- in Satin --.i Cloih i _...
ti ' i ' rm,S " CASES oiererj toS £2
S i lu“^. m “‘ ,£ ““ rJ f“ * it—«d. lor,, quantities will be nmd. up fe both the
MUhnery Hoods of everj. description. A large stock of Dress. Citwk and Mantilla lyt.-i
• , Linen end Home EMDlnc 6o»<l« ~ ,ir * l
and M" H°^arw”r?o“nUur», ! Ac L T‘’ N * pU “' T ‘""»°S«,'Di.t«r* Duwsk Tkbi. Oorm, 100.
= Oomprisnt a most “ d T iSL*
8., r0; Coatings, Ve.sets, Ac. TeDor, hmid.
ee cues of Calicoes, IS cues of Ginghams, 75 cam of Bleached ITusUns. 1M bate* Rmm - V
terpanes and QuiUa, 40 bales of flannel*. 25 bales Bcklnea and rmZ vr 13 eaaeaOou*.
Checks,,lo cam Blankets, together with many other Goods, forming thTu«r—Bhirttog
erer exhibited in the Western country, and which for sty la, quality,
n., J ercon,t^., J,E«,rn^e.^^U&^^^ 1 ‘ S
FKlti!j UNLYi Mto*j m
njS* *•“* °f Pittsburgh, Ocroara 20ra, 18W.
IKy An election for thirteen Directors of this Bank, for
w~. e “ si^ n & ?***• will ** h «W the Banking House! an
MONDAY, the 30th day oi November next, between the
hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P. M.
An Election for one President, frr»M*n*E»~
Md a Treasurer, of the TemperanceTilleand Noble*,
town Turnpike or Plank Road Company, to serve for one
'“ r > ■“* o® heJd *t the office of the Treasurer, on the
HRST MONDAY of November next.
C. O. LOOMIS, President
AUSTIN LOOMIS, Secretary and Treasurer,
rctlT No. 92 Pourth street.
8e l lln ? Bights.
fpHli subscriber, having learned trom his intercourse with
JL Patentees, and with person* who were desirous to sell
Patent Rights for Cities, Counties, States, a* well as
with others who wish to purchase such rights, that an
agent to transact that kiod of business was much needed
here, hu determined to devote his time and his abilities to
the service of those who may desire to employ him.
Pledging himself to attend faithfully to all matters en
trusted to him, he concludes by referring the public to the
following testimonial of a few of the citUens i a Pitt*
ba Jfb,*c- MOSES t. EATON.
Pittsburgh, August 23,1854.
_ , PiTTSßraflo, August 17th, 1564.
, f Tbe subscribers have long l ecu acquainted with Mr
Moses P. Eaton, and have no hesitation in recommending
him, to all who may wish to employ his services, as a gen
tleman of undoubted integrity and indefatigable industry,
id whose exertions every reliance may be placed.
Neville B. Crai/, W. Robinson, Jr.,
Wm. Larimer, Jr., John Graham,
W. H. Denny, • 11. Childs A Co.,
James Wood, N. Holmes A Sons.
P. R. Friend, Kramer A Babm,
P. Lorens, L. R. Livingston.
Life, lnsurance Company;
_ JAMJiS 8. HOON, President.
Cgjlelks A. Corns, Secretary.
-- Thij Company makes every Insaraace appertainJo* to or
connected with UFB RISKS. m K or
Alm, against Hall and Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mis
aisrippi nrers and tributaries, and Marine Risks generally
And again.-t Lose aod Damage by Fire, and against the
Pe ™Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation.
ro!k:i«*e issued at the lowest nhtm am mimt+m*
to aS parties. mv '
James 3. Iloon,
Bamael M'Clurkan,
William Phillips,
John Seott,
Josopb P. iiaxsam, M. D.,
John M’Alpin,
ffm. F. Johnston,
James Marsha l,
Goorge S. Seiden,
Wm. 6. Haven,
James D. M’GiU,
Alexander Bradley,
John Fullerton,
Robert Galway,
Alexander Reynolds, Arm*
strong County,
Horatio JT. Lea, Kittannlng,
Hiram Stowe, Reaver.
_ Hartford, conn.
Chartered 1819—Capital Stock $300,000.
TCIO9. K. BRACE, President.
TUOS. A . ALEXANDER, Secretary.
IRECTORS— Thomas K. Brace,
Samuel Tudor, Kbeneser Flower,
R ard Woodbrldge, E. A. Bulkeley,
Joeeph Church, Roland Mather,
Frederick Tyler, Edwin fi. Ripley,
S?)* ert . B 5 SamuelS. Ward,
Miles A. Tuttle, Henry Z. Pratt/
John L. Boswell, Austin Dunham.
OosUtub F. DaTis, Junius 8. Mo™.
L ,^‘ Po ucies on Fire and Inland Risks issued on fitrora
bl® tB ™*’ by GEORGE E. ARNOLD, Aa’t,
dec!2;lj No. 74 Fourth street, Pittsburgh.
IL^nwl^v ZK ® 8 * l»»wr«ne* Company of
Office Vi Water Sreei.bettoem Market and WoodttrttU.
lome* HULL and CARGO Risks, oo the Ohio and MiaeU
eippl and tribatarie*.
Insure* against Low or Damage by Fire
.lo^^X^tLh, ri1 ’ “'** ‘ Dd Inl * DllN *"*'
Wm. Larimer J r.,
Wllllun Bagaley, B»muel M. Bier,
Buunvl Bea, William RWb.m,
Bobert Dunlap, jr., John 8. DBworth;
I»mc M. Pennock, Francis Bellera,
BHarbaugh, J. Schoonipaker,
Walterßryant, William B.Haym.
John Shipton.
firemen’! birnu,
*se s:sfw , sf.^t MA * ißx BiBKs or •”
J. K. Moorh«d, W.J.ABdmcm,
H.B. WUkjn£
O.H.P»ul*m, William Oolllnrwood.
B. B. Bobarta, John M. Irwin?
Joaeph Kaya, Vm. Wlliimon,
David OmpbelL j«i9
A ***• riTW *•“*» 10 Birmingham,
J\. 288 f*«t by 390 feet, and bounded by four streets, irtu
be sold on reasonable term*. It fe near Bakewell k< Ca’s
new glass works, and several other mannfrcturiiur
Ushments. It is the largest and best lot now to be had in
Birmingham for manufacturing purposes. Title perfect,
and clear of incumbrance. Enquire of
jjse Fo t nh^ t M .“.“aS^S L I I.'SSS ( ,
KT ~
D&nelng I—Cargo’* Social Assembly at WIL
"”7 TUESDAY EVENING; the Union
WEDNESDAY, and the Sxceiaior Assembly trerr FRI
DAT EVENING; also, the Oenaan on MONDAY EYS
, , *** •“WMieot loTta* are inrited. Two Banda
ara finely ventilated, and a yariety and abundance of re
frerfanenU alwaya provided. Admission, to each—Geo t.
, ie * 60 Qe*U.and Lady7se«nts: Gent
al<me $l. Tickets may be obtained of PRANK CARGO, at
16 Fourth street; or at Wilkins Halt, 2nd story; alao. of the
Managers, and at the door on the abort evenion. The
strictest order maintained. E»-No checks givenatthe
docr - sepll
jnS* Tl _''l , * t,r “ Hospital/..
Btteeta, and J. JttKP, North-east oorner of Diamond, Alle-
S*®y attending Physicians to the abore Instl
totlon. for the first quarter of 1&4.
Applications for admission may he made to them *± *ll
ho s ra *t their offices, or at the Hospital at 2 o’clock. P. it
. jaioy
0?\ c » YKAGjfiH, 110 MARKKT street, Pftta-
Asn HTAPnf^rioTwiiv** 1 Wholesale Sealer la FAKGY
V^ aiET X AND DRY GOODS, offers to dty
s^°“*»*£ J*J«« aa large and well selected stock erf
Goods aa any Eastern house, and same prices, thus earing
relgfat, time and eipenses. jetty?
P* —Place of meeting, Washington BilL
vhgr Wood atreet, between Fifth etreet and Virgin alley;
RRaBDUB LOCO*, No. 33fi—Meets every
Mnoairmi Kbcakpumt, No. 87—Meets first and third
Friday of each month.
Lngy CLBTY. of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, meets on th*
oferery month, fct SCHOCHLEITE£’fi
In the DUmond. By order. ■ Wlo ’
OEO. W. BEE3B, BtcwHrr. "
fYjgpATTgNTIOKI 8. L. Q.—Yog are hereby notify
Uv »ttend at yoor Armory, on MONDAYS. WKDVro.
DAYS and FRIDAYB, for drill, and to tranaaS anSTbS
ness u may oom« bafbre the Company. p KAJTR.
_marfB:flmd Secretary pro tern.
LODGE, I. o. O. *>_rC
ISy Angerong Lodge, Ho. J 8», 1.0. of 0 F
WadoewUy erenteg in Wuhligton Hell, Woo l ™
•7 Kotie«<
\V UKVR\hpKRRKR .“‘."‘St?* 00 " “ «*t*t« °<
.f. 7—S. 1 .1 B ltr ° f Pin? township, AlirKimjv
s“™ •*«“ P“t«i to Uw All
persons indebted to the said estate, are requested to make
*? d tiwso claims or demands
SKSI? i?i! at *.^ f i thc said deeedent, will make known
tbasame, without delay, to
Ko. 48 Wayne sc, Pittsburgh.
of Land, a Stone Orirt Mill, of 3 nm of atrLZ.
* B *J r *U In good order, situate on tbe Sandy and
Leaver (knal; wilt be sold at a
ifcont to move west for particulars call at the Real
oa»of & CUTHBBRT *SCtt fr
” m Mamurtn^t.
L)LAy&iiTß.—6oo p»lra of the bet mwfcx qfnTwt—
'> - r ,
>* '
v on - . 0- B* HKADLY • OX.
No. 82 Tend streat, between Wood and Market
Th«»tro—JOSEPH a VIBYBA. Leera knv
etreet, .bor.
Phrquette SOe; Prints Boxen,
Jo. d0.»5; Brand Tier, SSe; Bora fcrehtaS?™
ranting rata will t, charg'd 13U
cente extrafcrthecerttdcate. Dooraopenkt}£toTo?rai
praotmancatooMnmaaca at 7)4 o’dodL.l.Tfftmnra«S
S?ilt3E£l& T *V“ 5?- QKOKa * *• locks, t &Z3!£i
■aU, admired Yankee Oomaoian, haa lnduradthe Manager
f r « a»g»6»meot tbr aftwnigbta looger.T_Jg£-
October the pertemaneee wUI commence Jt«a h£
nSS\ PO y“?SJf ,> OT thbabpliobohabd.
Lot Bep Bago, Tkokre Lock.; Rooteh Dance. ketjaM M. ± n
; Comic Song, Mr. Doarfiartr. f* ri-mrimin
Mr. CHANFRAU, the popular comedian, is rorawad. tM
l-Are the following beimtirul
- ”J Qm » P*rior, or fcney dances, which will he
introduced by Madame GBAHET, in frrrniiH<nf»fi ruifc
utnne Danay Academy. at LAFAYETTE hasj.
iWs *ea«m, vis: the Karlaiska, new; YaraorW atS
I’knsietme, new; Oerlitxe AlamrarawTßramer
polka, new; Berlin Two Time Waltz,new; Geriitae Ameri*
Concter. or Qolet Bedova:
Polish Bedowa, Mazurka Cracow; Opero Mazurka: La Uynw
tspaniole; Grecian Shawl Ranee Tarantelle; La tVA««i. r
Cmeovieone; Original Highland Fling; Hornpipe Waltas
ot oerm * a Poika; Reihemlan Polka: tVMnwwra.
Quadrilles; Mazurka Quadrilles ; T-t
Sidlienoe Grele; Star Ranee, Ac., Ac. aSSSnw
DR. C. M. FTTrnf,
Showing la cm ora, pointing oat the proper nrane tor
:ta prevention, and demonstrating its the
CI ra r . iIJM BOOMS, In Infeyettn Bnilding*.
e l?*!! 8 ? gentlemen on Monday and Tuesday avan*
lngs, October 23d and 24th, and to the ladles ontha after*
noon of Wednesday, October 25th.
For particulars, see b»Twt hills.
Dr. Fitch will be at the City Hotel, Pittsburgh. Pt-ftcm
Monday, October 23d, untfl Saturday, NovemtelSthTwhan
h ® be consulted on Pulmonary Consumption, •
a^.-0t^ r dl-e »«* lbs cheat; also, fcr datob/Sn*
t hltw, Ryspepda, Female Gomplalntsjmd all other dimm
dobltul Supporter, Sir wekknra of the buck, &ntng<k th.
ic i ‘“d I?oral debility; nleo, AB.niohACb’k ■
S T, l 1 1” Kora, fnhnlhtff Tnlra end other hwtrrarae.-" :
which m&y be reiinlicd.
traora who nuy eonenlt Br. Htch, m«y eonttone to eee^
ln Sew York withoedfnrther expenen;
end all *bo deeire to see him in rwfnMied to nil uraw
hJfpMt um ’ -
MB. C- aTMANCS, having arrived in tfae etty,
method of Informing ids former pupils tHiiuAi
open DANCING ACaDAMY, Od nest
T-f »t LAPATEITS HALL; alsost
LXCBLPIOB HAlJ*AJJegben jcity,atwhiebtime hewlll
£« h *PP7 to see ell those vfco feel dUou of learning the
beeutjfW art of dancing, combined with
Aa His terms will be es test senses. Hewluliyeh aßUke
aaneetflootetiyiK, together with many nev tod beentfrul
dances nerer before introduced in city
Ladies’ class meets it La&yette Hall on Tnmdav's ud
at 3 o'clock; and Gents' at 7% o’cloek/in this
A class in Allegheny will be formed, of wfckh, the time
cf meeting due notire will be gjren. o*™* in T
Hr. SMRKramn be found at Layfayette TT«n, entrance
Btreet » * om 510 sad from 2to & i&fecfc every
aj ° r * oet!9 '
: Bteambeat Pnrnitnre and Chairs.
fJS Wb have on hand and an constantly mansfoetn.
CHAIE3, of every description, vis:
1 « " Extension Dining Tablet;
Do Bar do;
Ladiss Cabin Chairs, of varioos strlw
Gents. do do do-
State Boom do do do; - •
Do ToUet Boxes; “
TeteaTetee; Softs;
Divans; Centre
Wash Stands; ST d?
Water do; Tknys, Ae.
*££“ «£.
- l y ™. 88 Snrfthfleld st, opposite City Hotel.
rag"*-*-* »
Bobert Bnot, the Hero King of SeeUuS!
l* w Student, or th* Btrogzlaa of « Heat.
Harper, for October; price 16 cents.
Just received and for sate by
W. A. QILDEfTEfjr»T ico,
Ko. Tfl Bogrtb street.
A. A. MAfIOS A 00- -
Buperior lain Home, la BochsterT2B
m ®* a J ,t ISK it tha jmneiios of two »««>■
taU?.'£.'?k2d?,?T' : n™ *"“*»«*. raili
Y BOOK-TM, work con.lß, 1 of
is^K l^s?£?ssss^2^, 2d i sa
«»MM, tMH» «4 bu. TOta* <taSSd to ttoiStfS!
d »°!*’ “* tt * lort * l drd*: by a£S
‘■‘W'yof On •bonvork jtut
wwredand Sir i»k by JOHJf H. KUiOB,
SI Wood atieflt..
, !?i£Jsis2r w *" "
Ota Lost HeUeae: by3(rm.Baathwarth.-
A bpMttoe on lie Camp ard Hindi, with irhfch b -
nected the eonstroctfem offleJd works M ndßbrr Mm
with an appendix of artillery range* o* nZliiTirTz
ton. Captain United States AitUlSy. ~*mjD.Qnt
&sasaa and Netnaka; the Uatarr nnwiM. t
or Annals of Pmw .»! •
ssr**' w-£ffisateßft.ow.
Bo* TdFoerth street. -
LAUD! I —We hare fog t-QQO'aarae
■** OWo BASTvSudLtai*
V* in wf!!«M?* of **** »*«tiwucfOmatoatad Bdtoa*
•£e. ta ThS li » * * rc ® * *K> u
?£*;. Tt £Z *±3?* *•!**» forfanoißfcQrfcr«M& home
stead*. Tha timber ud water an food, nd tka ■n -*-*-
2i P 21 a, fit2L *T"7 «■*» « S?sffii?S£;
B®®d Dukit for all of Piuduci. n » «
wranty will be made. 4 SuH^ 1
06119 Monwfowi
( I^T^ 00 buBtieU Com, Inctom MMIJtmM or
50. fl Wood tr«t
f’IHK i'AHI/OK yUHMTUiK, of tnii a«w
iuuad and mad* to order bj
< " tl7 *■ b. Tonga * «tl
flod . foil •asortmem of Inwh
ocU6 So. 83 ■
f *: r PC V Ownt Btrwt It eontata««fcaU.
Sl6 7 * ' fI..CWHBm*6OS,
oCtl6 ’ go.ljOThlrfrtnk
A Sg? £g£jg •**'*•*
‘° All< * h '* J dtj ’ °» w«u»»ta.
A Houm tad Lot, in Sooth Pitubunth. »>— tw «yt
a * te \£* $350. S«nu «wy. & COTHBK&X A ■n5 T ® 1 *
Booljhtot. AwtCSaUft^nKdW.
00UI _ t. b. rocaca * Co.
° ctl -—: t. a totoo * ax
&sxr&jgsiz& - nr+f&i,
" aT *• a.-TOHM*A —i
if ! *
■ • ,4e
'' - srfS^>
v ■ “ r;
V \