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' * r y r »>** h • •.■> s--. i •., ' . • ••“.• f C : - ...>•<• 4 „ *' ■* ui' » it .' • ;srr*!'- x. •. ■■ : '- ’. t s**££ n-fn, . _ ■.J set- t t 4' • V e v; il a :41 ), • g 4 Vail Z/ * ‘ > •'-* * * \ ", ./. .’ < ■*' '<* » . ’ ■■*>•*%. -*■*** i.l' 1 * ’" ' * «•&’». > »;AfVW. vV j/h V■. * #,* ■ - • . - ■ ,v -■•■■ ' '?''W : ; ■ * -‘*V 'l'***' \ * ' ■* > * r » . v r , >2iSi££;«s3*s& ••-a. * ~' F 7. j*nnrB*B*ft»s ;; ICEaUAy M0B5ISS:77:::::k:::0(3T0BBR 17. HudaUHO POST JOB OFFICE. Ufa would call tbo attention of MKRCQANTB AMD MKN to the fact that we have jnat received pMladulphie a number of font* of new Job Type, and now preparml to flit order* for Garde, droolan, BUI lleade, :P*p« bock*, Porters, and for exhlbi - done, All order* will be promptly filled. The Ohio Btate Faircommencfes at Newark to da/, and continues until the 20th. In Now Orleans, daring the month of Septem ber, thero were fire hundred and forty-three deaths from yellow fewer, and the epldetnlo still prevails. ,Odr own city is nearly free from Cholera, and the report of the Board of Health will Bbow in creased healthiness from all diseaws on last week's exhibit. There were 482 deaths iu New York last week, of which 25 were from Cholera. In Philadel phia 216-9 of Cholera. Both im- proring_in health rapidly. - * S T Indiana hue elected nine nuti-Admidtstration and *lwo Administration Congressmen, and in the lower House of the Legislature the autl-Ad ministratlon party has a majority, while the Sen ate is in doubt. Ah ingenious persou suggests a method by which the Arctic might have becu saved. It sounds very plausible, but unfortunately in such times men bate little time to find out new remedies. A third despatch has been received from Cap. tain Loco, in which ho states that Mrs. Collins, Miss Cellina. and Master Collins, swept from the deek of the A:ctio as she went down— that they did not get Into the boat whioh pre cipitated so many into the sea. Avertible calamity occurred at Troy, N. Y., on Friday morning, by the upsetting of a ferry •kiff. Oat of seventeen persons on board, only Mx were saved. The boatman, Edward Yetto, was among the drowned. Those on board were principally young men, employed at Wheeler & Taylor’s chair factory. West Troy, whither they were going to wotk. BUSINBSS PUOftPBGTS—FOOU—KIUCK- Tbe drought is over; the cholera has left our city; the eleotlon is ever. We have now time to return to more congenial topics. We are. inclined to the opioion that the sea son of high prices for food le almost over also. Notwithstanding the shortness of the crops of corn and potatoes in large regions of the coun try, facts enough have been ascertained to allay all apprehension of scarcity of food. Taking the whole country together, fully two-thirds of a corn crop bate been harvested; and two-thirds of the usual supply of potatoes. The whole amount of wheat raised In the country was greater than lost year, wheo we bad millions of bushels for exportation. No foreign demand will rill for exportation this year; and that cur pias of wheal will supply to a great extent, the deficiency of oorn und potatoes. Of the smaller grains there is a pretty good supply. Ilsy was abandaut in most parts of tho country. The imports of grain and provisions from Canada, which are cow free of duty, will be large ; and wiy do much towards supplying the wsnts of the eastern States and Atlantic oities. There is then no foreign demaud to encourage specula tive prices, and produoe undue excitement in the provision markets of the west. With food enough for man and boast, and with the demand limited to the home oousomption, it seems pret ty certain that prices mast recede considerably before winter. This, we believe, is particularly true in Pitts burgh, where flour is now as high asMn New York. The suspension of navigation on the ft** ers for two months, by low water, prevented the usual supply of wheat, flour and other products by the rivers. A rise of water ttty'sooa be ex pected ; and • largo amounts of provisions will doubtless come in on the first good stage of water. Tbe demand for Pittsburgh manufactures this jeer cannot fall much belo v coy furmer jeer*. They are generally artiolea of neeeeet ty ; such aa farming ntenaila, iron, nails, gUfs and otter articles, that most be purchased etery year ttronghont the Treat; and tbe west is abondantly able to-purchase them. There can be no doubt that the large purchaser of provis ions at highpricea last year from4be west, seat* tsred larga amounts of money over that whole region. Notwithstanding tbe talk of tight mon ay markets in ' the cities, the oonntry most be tolerably wall supplied. There is now more, money in the eoontry than ever before; and It If more generally and equally distributed. There Is, then, abundant mesne to purehaee all needed ff-rrHtt of meanfaetnree, and there will probe* bly be about aa active a demand ae usual. Oat merchants and manufacturers then may prosper. The steamboat! can hardly expert os active employment ae laet year. Every means of con veyance was folly employed then, to carry for vrard (be produce to tbe seaboard for shipment to Europe. A large amount of the shipping In the Atlan tic ports Is Idle, and freights are low. The name oanees will affect somewhat tbe steamboat Interns [on oar lakes and rivers. Bat, still mors will they affect tbe railroads. Last year tbe Pennsylvania railroad was crowded to its utmost eapaeity with freights going eastward for several months. The amount of freights will doubtless be greatly reduced this year com pared with thc'ttflt: and all the railroad com panies will have to be content with somewhat redooed profits. They may expect the profits of ordinary years. Last year was an extraordinary one for them. And now a word more about prloes. We see ho reason why beef and other meats lo our markets should continue to bear such high prises. Beef cattle aad sheep, we are told, can be bought unusually low. The time for paying 50 cents, or 40, or eveo 80 cents a pound for butter canoot last muoh longer.* Tbe fall feed must be now in "a tolera ble condition; and the market is beginning to be better supplied with batter. Milk, we believe, is seven or eight bents a quart.. Is there any oocasion now for double tbe former price T Whoever pays sixty-two oents per peck for potatoes, gets less of nutritious food than the same money'would buy in wheat flour, or ooi n meal. Some of these prloes will have to come down in spite of combinations and hucksters. We have laws against huckstering ; but, unfortu nately, we have nobod/ to enforce them. ‘ We have been promised some facts in regard to the huckstering business of this city, which will be published when received; and will show that our citizens are compelled to pay exhorbitnnt prices without Buy adequate cause, exoept to enrich those whose trade is unlawftfl. We look uponhucksters as a class not needed. Producers of iood. can supply it to consumers, without the Intervention of each a olaee of tra ders.;. and their Urge profits is just so muoh un* nefcrimrily added to the cost of food'.for the whole community.. It Is probable that the deuuad for labor will he somewhat reduced daring the ooming winter, In this city and elsewhere; and the laboring el uses especially 'are interested in the suppres sion of all unnecessary causes of the emhanoe neat of the price of food. Thasksuxvisq nr Mabsachubirs.—Governor Washburn, of Msw, has appointed Aka 80th of N ivembfer, to be observed as a day of ttaaks glflng. fb . ,»*- ■ . • l v,. %•„: :*> • « H ,y« "V Hews of tbe-Day. ITSASi -'tV ■■■ ■*, ' ; * Bla ► ter of (k« Buitiar emoanim arrived at New York laat evening, brou| telllgeitee of startling interest; from wj appears j||a masterly iuaotmty of the Alfl at Tbwcaptupe of Sebastopol ported 18,000 Ettariana j 22,000 pt}*toei%a*d tba'entito tinnj of tbl under Prince utterly routed 1 At. this io tras.lt will be a terrible revel tm&ortfcerQ Bear, but must hav© been anl tod by him long since; and eertainly m more than what was looked for by all Cbi dom for nearly a twelvemonth. The ati was a desperato one—even taking the ae< furnished by the victors—and was doc dearly bought We must remember that the reports all from English and French sources, and are to exaggerate the success of the allies. 1 are not magnified, the siege and taking b&stopo! is one of the most sanguinary up cord, and eolipsos Copenhagen itself; bo its results will be as Important cannot for mentbe supposed. See tolegrapbio cotun HOW NKAIt WE GABS, The Dispatch bad two partfooUr mean gytoir \a Iho last election, for which it la more zealously than for &J 1 others. Tb was the election of ffo. K. Hthvenaon. Mi vonron was defeated. The eocoml was th< hibitory law. From present returns, we b it was defeated. We predicted that Mott would be electei Democratic votes.” He was so; and the vote for him was unnecessary surplusage predicted that Judge Black would have as a majority as Judge Knox had last year; official returns will show our estimate was er too high, hut not extravagantly so. i We predicted that Messrs. Caruahan au> lock would be elected to stay at home, were so. We predicted that the Democrats would a Register. They did so. We predicted that Mr. Loomis would feated. We knook under there. We predicted that we would eleot a CL the Courts. We did so—“ w» a Bo\ a ei The small balance of oor predictions we say nothing aboat. OOK BUOOM*. 1 he four brooms at onr mast head have to remain when they are for one year i Considering the countless discordant elei arrayed against 'be Democracy this yen consider any success a triumph. There ok brooms there. Oae represents Cot. Mon, was eleoted by Damoomtie voter, aside froi help of K. N.’e. Another represents « Black, eleoted by Democratic votes. Mott'i tion sweeps the Canal Board entirely ini hands cf the Democrats. JoJgo Block's tU makes a olean sweep of the Supremo Couj t ie same hands. J. Harvey Robb ie elected Register, and oireep the Whig* out of the! fat office. John M. Kirkpatrick ia Reeled to the Lei t ire; and will make the dust fly a Httlo the Wi are mistaken. That mokes four; so the four brooms tiUod a while longer in their lofty poai Sett year we hope to get leave to pot up more new brooms alongside of them. Are our neighbors content ?' Tta* »«OldUlrl«*’ Almkl. f The annual National Contention for tjh vocaey of the Rights of Women wilt comti ire session ip Philadelphia tomorrow. Mott, Mrs. Nicholas, Susan D. Anthony, .‘‘tone and all the rest of the etrong*min«ie< . xpeeted to to present. Whether they .ii4casa the! propriety of holding baby is i.ot stated; but it ji* certainly a question wklbjn tie province of of them at least, and on . I.iefc their opinion wonld carry considerable aelgbt Come, now, "old girls," Ist nsjbear •> bat you hate to -say about Roby Conventions, - .1 leave votiogj and polities to the koov N •things, for they! will have it sll their ova way » . any rate. j prokinitien Daftatsd. From returns so! far it appears quits eertaio it “ For Prohibition” is defeated by a round .jority. We have bow before us the votes of A tlegheay, Adams; Berks, Books, Chester, Com t> rland, Delaware, Huntingdon, Lawrence, Le t ih, Lebanon, Mifflin, Northampton, Northern t rland, Philadelphia, Sohnylkill, aad Westmore- I .ad, which show ten thousand agaiaet Prohibi ii.,n. This we ibtok will not be overcome la tbe counties yet to hear from, and may be inoredsed. Although the pOU is not so heavy as on tbe gubernatorial ticket, there is, notwithstanding, a I rge vote cast. j Tbs Tntm Gur.—Tbe next best thing to be* i«l victorious is to. know how to take a d< feat greoafnlly. Our friend, of the Toledo (O.) Re publican, is ons of tte men that may bo do eat el, but oan't bo beatso. Bear him crow over tie recnlt io Luca# county. It is tbs spirit thst never says die: £BK ELECTION lE.LOCAB! ! Ulf PARALLELED SUCCESS !! ! The Whale DsnMratls Ticket BleeteW, otertkeUft! • The result of tbo election yesterday, was i rucb as might pell astooish even Democrats D am selves. Although the whole Whig, Free 1011, and Know Nothing fores was organised inj op position, and the utmost exertions made to bring defeat and dismay upon the Democraoy, we are prepared to announce to-day our belief, from returns thus far, that, as far as Ljuoaa county is concerned, MR. COMMAOER IS ELECTED to represent os in the Salt River country, ;>y a majority which tie need not be at the troub .o to compute. MR. COOLEY 18 CfTOSBN JUDGE, io the same region, by a majority against him of a hundred or sodesa. Till WOOLS COUHTT TIOKKT IS SAVED ! from the troubles and vexations of official sta tion for the next two years. % TUB STATS TIOKBT. we eeunot as yet give the result upon, m w< un derstand, lu tte second ward of this oity, and in some of tte out towns, the Fosioaists are still voting against it On tbe whole, the popular vote seems tc de mand that we bring out our Rooster for tho [Here Is displayed tho cut of a rooster as ride of a eoou reverted, ] Astounding News from fait River Country! Soares a Fusionist la to be foood in that ? bole region, aad pure Democraoy reigns. ; The Whigs, who bavo been recentlyjsojtnrn icg In that country, have returned on A 7 > &r> * visit to their frieods and allies. But; Os’eful for tte future, and profiting by past experience, they .expect, as soon as the congratulations at meeting are over, to oommenoe preparations for a hasty return. OUlclal Vole of Mereer Con Qty. Mbbohr, Ootober 14, 181 ADure, Oillmore £ Montgomery: —l herewith send yen the official vote for tbo principal ojffices in Meroer county: | Pot Governor—Bigler, D, 2650 ; Pollock, W, 8084; Bradford, N, 6. j For Judge Supreme Court—Dlack, D, 5 613 ; Smyeer, W. 1641; Baird, N. 861. For Canal Commissioner—Mott, D, 8817; Der ate, W. 1681; Biddle, N. 424. For ttaagrefe—Trout, D, 2697; AllUoi, W, 2888. For Assembly—Defrance, D. 2370; Lamb* D, 2892; Parmlee, D, 2391; Clapp, W, 5 kTCalmont, A. N. D, 2862; Lott, W, 2861 For Bheriff—M’Cleary, D, 2046; Moon 2981; Smith, F. 8, 886. For Prothonotanr—Graham, D, 2806; ley, W, 2854; M’PheriirFTß, 288. For Register and Recorder*—Hamiitoi 8812; Mown* W, 1668; Junkin, F. *8,861 Yours, Ac., J. D. W A ridloulous I*ol7 was published in one New York morning papers, to the effect ths Collins was a It Is hardly neoess •ay that such is not the ease. Mr. 0 bears his sorrows like s man. LETTER FROM CAPTAIN LUCE. DASTARDLY CONDUCT OF THE CREW. Melancholy Death or Captain Condvet of UKil)«tU»i Bd OBlcar* Quango, OoMfa«r 14* 1851. Oapt. Lace arrived her* this mottling on board the Cambria, Capt. Russell. ** .. After, the collision, and when Captain Luc* (band the Arctio mast go down, ho, with the ,ptiaeegorB, (for by thisrime att lhe seamen had ;I&$ with the exception of one—the third officer,) lost no time in lashing spare together to form a raft The life boat wad the only one left at the time, and to got tbe rAft constructed It was ne cessary to get the life boat into the water; bat the oars were left in the Arctio to prevent the life boat from bciug taken away from the ship. The following is a correct list of those saved with Captain Lace: Aujenyerj.—Frederick May, 0. F. Alien, and James. Smith, of the Arctic ; J. A. Qovet Fran cois, of the Vesta. Seamen —Patrick Moran, John Riley, Alexan der Grant, John Patterson, Michael Hassell. The names of those who arrived yesterday dn i icipa*-' i) thing nisten toggle Mounts tbo ship Huron, aro: —Luke McCarty, Riohard Maccbioe, Janice Abbys, Christopher Moran, KrAStas Miller, John Drury, James Ward, David Benny, Robert Bryson, Jojseph Conuelly, James Connor, Thomas Wilson, \ Conway. These belonged to the Burosacd Dorian party. These despatches, and tbe full report that afterwards came from Captain Luoc, iu which he states that severniSeatfels pasted within sight of hia. raft, increased the hopes of those having friends anjoug ihoJDciio’s.paeseugrrs, that others may have boon'picked op and saved. Annexed is CupUin Luce’s iutenscly interest ing statement: CAPTAIN LUCE’S STATEMENT. Qukbkc, October 14, 1854. res in bored > first . Ste pro- elieve We large The rath- E. K. Collins— /W Sir: It becomes my painful duty to inform you of tbe total loss of the Arctic, under toy command, with your wife, son and daughter. The Arctic eailed from Liverpool on Wedaes duy,September 20, at 11, A. M., with 233 passen-' gera and about 160 of a crew. Nothing of spe cial note occurred during tbo passage until Wed nesday, September 27, when, at nooo, wo were on the Banks, In lat. 4G:45 north, and long. 62 west, steering west by compass. The weather had been foggy during tbo day; generally a distance of half to three-quarters of a mile could bo seen, but .at intervals of a few minutes % very dense fog, followed by being suf ficiently dear to see one or two miles. At noon I left the deck for the purpose of working cut the position of the ship. In about fifteen min utes I heard the ery of " Hard starboard,” from the officers of the deck. 1 rushed on dock, and bail just got out when I felt a crash forward, and ut the same moment saw a steamer under the starboard bow ; at the next moment she struck against our guards, and passed astern of us. Tbe bows of the strange vessel seemed to bo literally cut or crushed off for foil ten feet; and seeiog that she must probably sink in a few mio utes, and taking a hasty glance at oar own ship, and believing that we were comparatively unin jured, my first impulse was to endeavor tu puve the lives of those un board the sinking vessel The boats were cleared, and the first officer and six men left with one boat, when it w*a found our own ship was leaking fearfully. The engineers were set to w&rk, being instruct ed lo put on the steam pumps, and tho four -it ck pumps were worked by tho p*esen{**ra atwi crew, and tbe ship headed for tbe land, which I to he about fifty miles distant. 1 was cniup'-lb-J to leave my boat with the first officer and crew to take of themselves. •, we > four who a the udge elec > the Several ineffectual attempts were midr to stop the leak, by getting sails »vrr tho bows; bat finding the leak gaining on us v«ry fast, not withstanding all our very powerful ftf,»rts to keep her free, I resolved to get the boats ready, and as many ladies and children placed in them ae possible; but no toousr bad the attempt been* made than iht firemen and others rushed into them tn spite e/ opposition. Bering this elate of things, I ordered the boats astern to be kept in readiness until order be re stored; when, to my disomy, i saw them ntt the ropes in the l*ow, and soon disappear astern in the fog. Another boat was broken down by persous rushing at the davits, aod many were precipila ted into the ecu and drowned. This occurred while 1 had beon engaged iu getting the star board.guard b at ready, and placed the second officer In.charge, vhrn the same fearful scene as the first beat tr as being enacted—men leaping from list top of the rail twenty feet, pushing and mann ing those who were in the boat. I then gave or deft to the hecood”officer to (el go! and row ffttr tbj* ship, keeping under or near the stern, to be ready to take on board women and children, as soon as tbe fires were cot and engines stopped. My attention was then drawn to the other quar ter boat, which I found broken down, but bang ing by one tackle. A rush was made for her also, and some fifteen got in, and cut (he taekls, and were soon ant of si§hL i found that not a seaman was left on board, or earpenter, and we were wlthdht any tools to assist us In building a raft, as aw only hope. The only offioer left was Mr. Dorian, tbe third mate, who aided me, with the assist ance of many of the passengers, who deserve great praise for tbeir coolness and energy in do ing elHn their .power up to tbe very latest mo ment Itcfore tbo ship souk. The Chief Engineer, with s pnrt of his amis tents, had taken oar smallest deck boat, aod be fore the ship went down pulled away with ebdut fifteen persona. We bed succeeded in getting the fore and main yard, and two top gallant yards overboard, and such other small spars and materials ae weooold collect, when l was folly convinced that the ship must go down in a very ebort time, and not n moment was to be lost in getting the spsrelssh ed together to forms raft, to do which it became necessary to get tbe life boat, oor only remain ing boat. Into tbe water. This being accomplished, I saw Hr. Dorian, the chief offioer of tbo boat, taking oars to keep tbe oars on board to prevent thttu from leaving the ship, hoping still to get most of tfie womeo and oblldre* in tills boat at last. They had made considerable progress in collecting the spars, when' aft atom was givea that tbe ship was sink ing, and the boat was shoved.off without oars or anything to help themselves with, and when the ehip tank the boat bad got clear, probably an eighth of a mile to leeward. in an inetant, about a quarter to five , P. M., the ! thip went down, carrying eetry soul cn board with her,. I soon found myself on the surface, after a brief straggling with my owa helpless child in my arms, when again 1 felt myself impelled downwards to a great depth, and befpre I reach ed the surface a second time bad nearly perish ed, and hit the hold oj my child. As 1 again struggled to tho surtaoo of the water, a most awful and hesrtrendloff soene presented itself to my view—over two hundred men, women and chil dren struggling together amidst pieces of wreck of tvery kind, calling on each other for help, ami imploring God to assist them. Such an appalllog scene may God preserve me from ever witness ing again. | 1 was in tbe act of trying to save my child when a portion of the paddle box came rushing up edgewise, just grating my head, falling with its whole weight upon tbe head of my darling child. Another moment I beheld him lifolcsis in the water. 1 succeeded in getting on to tbe top of the paddle btx, in company with eleven others; one, however, soon left for another piece, finding ..that it could not support so many. Others remained until they were one by one re lieved by death. Wo stood in water, at a tem perature of forty five degrees, up to our knees, and frequently tbe sea broke directly over us. We soou separated from our friends on other parts of the wreck, and passed the night, caeb one of us expeotiog every hour would bo our last. At last the wished for morning came, sur rounded with a dense fog—not a living soul to be seen but otirowo men being left In the course of tte morning we nv some water oaeks and other things belonging to our ship, but nothlog that wo could get to afford ue any relief. Our raft was rapidly settling, as it absorbed wator. - About noon, Mr. 8. M. Woodruff, of, New York, was relieved by death. All the others now began to suffer very severely for want of water, oxcept Mr. George P. Allen and myeelf. In that respect we were very much favored, although we had not a drop on tbe raft. The day continued foggy, exoept just at noon, as near aa we oould judge, we had a olear boriton for about half an hour, and nothing conld be seen but water and gky. Night same on thick and dreary, with our minds made up that neither of ue would again see the tight of another day. Very soon three more of our suffering party were relieved by death, leaving Mr. Allen, a young man, and my eelf. Feeling myself getting exhausted, I now sat down for tte first time, about eight o’oloek In tte evening, on a trunk, which providentially bad been found on tte wreck. In this, way I slept a little throughout the-nlght,. and became somewhat refreshed. _ , „ About an hour before daylight—now Friday, the 29th—we saw a vessel's light near to us. We all three of us exerted ourselves to the ut- if the tMr. jyto oßins • '’ii ‘ • V , ’ .. v . • . ; t ■ - v* . ■ '■'->• f 1 i VA7.« «• •* r fi'. - - * l'* v * • ” a* , i 1 . ■■ * i J Luce’s Son. `-‘ ' ' l l t' **■»*■•'* “ . * ' m* * t* ~ rifiteroTTmr"fitrcngWfn bi?sngliis until cam© qnito exhausted. In about a quarter of an hour tbe light disappeared to the east ot .us. ■Stow'afterdbyllgWr*bark hflve in sighttiffifo northwest, tbe fog having lightened a little— staring apparently for ns; but In a short time, mheemed to have changed her coarse, and agafak we were doomed to disappointment; yet I fbft I hope that aome of our fvlloW-sufFeters may have been seewand rescued by.them. . Bhortly after we had given up all hopes of faring reamed by the bark, a ehip was discovered to the east of ns, steering directly fo# us. We now watched her with the most intense anxiety at ebe approached. Tbe wind ohanging, caused her to atter her course several points. About noon they fortunately discovered a man on a raft near them, and succeeded in saving him by tbe second mate jumping over the eide, and making a rope fast crouud him, when he was got on board safely This man s ived proved to be a Frenchman, who was a passenger on board the steamer which we came in collision with. Ho informed the Captain that others were near on pieces of the wreok; and, going aloft, be saw us and three others. We were tbo first to which the boat was sent, and safely taken on hoard about three P. ‘M- Tbe next was Mr. James Smith, of Mississippi, second-class pas senger. Tbe others saved were five of oar fire men. The ship proved to be the Cambria, of this port, from Glasgow, bound to Montreal, iptuin John RusstU, who commanded the bark Juste Slevtnt, and was rescued by Captain Nye of the Pacific. Of Captain Russell it would scarce ly be possible to say enough in bis praise for the kind treitmcut we every one of us have re ceived from bit* during the time we have been ou board hie ship. Hie own comforts be gave np in every respect for our relief. The Rev Mr. Walker aod lady, and another gentleman, who were passengers by the Cambria, have been un oeasing in their endeavors to promote oor com fort. To them, and to all on board, we shall ever owe a Jeht of gratUue for tbeir unbounded kindness to us. From tbe Frenchman who was picked np, we learned that the steamer with which we came iu collision was the screw steamor Vesta, from Bt. Pierre, bound for, and belonging to Greenville, France. As near as we coaid learo, tbe Vesta was steering east southeast, and was crossing our course two points, with all sails set, wind wes'by south. Her anohor stock, about seven by fonr iuebes square, was driven through the bows of the Arctic, about eighteen inches above the water line, and an immense bole had been made, at the same instant, by tbe fluke of the anchor, about two feet below the water line, raking fore and aft tbe plank, aod finally break in; the chains, leaving the stock remaining in and through tbe *iia a»d BUICIDI.— By the late foreign arrlrnK' we hare tho following san gulnarr Item from Italy:—A military man vaa in loro with a young lady, whom ha eonld not obtain in marriage.' Inoenaed at her refusal, he resolved on Tcngeance. Arming '.himself with four reeolrors, he repaired to the mansion of the ornel fair one. The tat person that appeared was her mother—he eh otter ; the beat was her father—he shot him; thempame the young lady herself—he Bhot her;., then same the tmole and aunt—ho shot than he ihot himself. A Liar raow TM Cabs Ann Iwttmstn Eboats.—The Easters train from Portland, be tween Malden and SJnerrllle, waa going at the rate of forty rnluOn hour, when a man who waa In the saloon ef4he car, end somewhat in toxicated, euddestotSepod through die ear win dow. Be was no&fithe least injured, nor did he Show any apphikt ill effects hem his re markable leap. ' <-vyy.y^'J • r tr^, • •• *Zif w lfajiie*a"c el e hr ate* LltotJPlUl—Ar ranked unoag the meet popular remedies of the day. That it all! core liver complaint, rick headache, and dyspepsia, b wnr beyonda dewbt.- feed few UWualigieWliaisij nwl a veil known lady and gentle man of ov own diy: Nzv YoKK, Aogoat 3,18 M. Hr.«nd Mrs. Williams, No. 248 Seventh street, testify that they bm both been suffering with the liver compiaint foraboat five'yeans, dnriog wbleh time they have spent a large amount of money, and tried many teaedlaa, bat to no fnrpoee. Finally, faearlog of Dr. Minus's Wls, they purchased four boxes, whieh they took according to the di rections accompanying each box; and now pronounce tlwaalTini perfectly cared of that diatresetog dlasaas. P. B.—Dr. MlAMfr celebrated Liver Pills, also his great Vermifuge or Worm Destroyer, can now be had at all re spectable Drug Stores in tbis city. Purchasers will please be careful to ask for, and take none bat Dr. M’Laoe’s Uver Pills. There are other Pills, purporting to be Uver Pills, now before the public. Also for sale by thf sole proprietor?, FLEMING BRO&, Successors to J. Kidd A Co., 60 Wood street 49>Prot Hem's Invigorating Kllxtr or Cordial.»TLe over wrought brain and debilitated body find their best solaee and most potent restorative In this unrivalled tonk. Upon the stomach, which Is always weakened by an exesss of intellectual labor or an over taxing of the physical powers, It acts like a charm, impart! ing to that regulator and balancs-wheel of the corporeal machine the strength to perform itr i unctions, and the power to secrete In due quantity the solvent juices necessary, for ptnfoct digestion. There tonoepedes of nervous disease, from neuralgia and tic dotoreux to the llghtst fluttering* of the nervous system, which may not be promptly subdued by this peer lei invtgorant. for all fonctiooal complaints, whether the result of dissipation, or proceeding frosnlnwd untary eauses, it is, in the fullest sense of the word, lurid? aable. who suffer so severely f.tun this description of ailments, will do well to bear this fact in mind. The Cordial is put up, highly concentrated, In pint but tles. Price three dollars per bottle; two for five dollars; six for twelve dollars. C. H. RING, Proprietor, 102 Broadway, New Yurk. *>ld by Drnggista throughout the United Btalos, Canada aud the West Indies. FLKMINO h UKOB., No. 00 Wood street, Pittsburgh. UK. GKO. 1L KJCYSKR. No. 140 Wood street, do J. P FLKMTXO. AliegneaY City. oet!44ew 49* Invalids ftaeovartmg from tbe effects of Fever, Bilious Disease*, or long continued illness of any klLd, will find Carter's Spanish Mixture the only remedy wbleh will revive their droop'ng constitutions,expel all bad humors from the blood, excite the liver to a prompt and healthy action, and by its tonic prope>ties, restore the patient to life and vigor. We can only my tax it. A single bottle is worth all the so-called Barsaparillas in exigent e. It contains no Mercu ry, Opium, or any other noxious or poisonems drug, and can be given to the youngest Irfant without beritation. See the certificates of vonderlul eore# around the bottles More than five hundred persons Id the dty of Klehzaond, Va., can leali.y to its good effects. *•* See advertisement. s&■ PantaiMai.-Tbe well'koowa saperferity 0/ Q&IBBIJrS lit in thsQsrmsnt, naedsno comment on Ms part; it ha* N-c o<*i:»ow]edn*t by nil who bare Orrond him with tb«dr oni»r», Umt lb«y hare ncrer bash fttid with th* name um and atylo u by him. lie b«g» to Inform Ua pa iron* and tbe public, that bt» Block is now raplets with Um newest »tyl«a for coats, rw>U and pants, suitable for tfca present season. K. QRIBBLK, Tailor and Pantaloon Makar, 240 Liberty at- heed of Wood. SPECIAL NOTICES. mt Ri(hU. r | 'UK subscriber, having learned from his ioterconn* with 1. Pu«it»c«, sod with pcrwni who were deairoas to aril Patent lllgbt* tor Co untie*, {States, Ae., as vellaa with others «lw wUti to purchase such rights, that an agtnt to transact that kirn! of buatneee vaa modi needed hi nr, baa determined to devote his time and hit a bUI Lies to lb') per* Ice of ttwew who may (Wirt to employ him. Pledgiug himself to attend talihiulljr to all matters an* trud'-a M him, lie n include* by referring U>e public to the flowing u.nieiMihd of a fee of the ciliseus In Pitts •aro« every reliance may be placed. NrriiU li. Cnlr, W. iwblaioii, Jr., Wm lifcrimer, Jr., John Graham, W 11. benuy, 11. Cbltis A Co., Jimrt WwJ, N. Holmes A Poor, |\ It. Frlmd, Kratner k Rahct, V. laweoa, L. B. LiviDS'l country dealer* as large and well selected stock of Goods as any Raetern house, and name prioae, thus saving might, time and expenses. j*3?i O. O. ifr—Plaoe of meeting, Washington UalL ins' Wood street, between Filth street and Timm alley. Pirinuus Lopos, No. S3B—Meets every Tuesday evening. MswavTux SncAKVwrr, No. 87—Meets first and third Friday of each akmth. * [amrSfoly MntleOi—rite JOURNEYMEN TAILORS 80 QKTY, of Pittsburgh and Alleghany, meets an the first WEDNESDAY of every month, at fiCHOOULHITMR’B, in the Diamonds By order. ”* Jeljy 1 PRO. W. SBBBK, Beeretaiy. ATTENTION t 8. L. G.—Yoo are hereby notified to attend at your Armory, on MONDAYS, WEDNES DAYS and FRIDAYS, for drill, and to transact such busi ness as may come before the Company. p. KANE, marSfcfisad Secretory pro tan. 4«4n O. Mewry, Teeoher of the PIANO they FORTE, may Be oonsulud at the PERRY UOCSK. Utmeges loftat the Music Store of John H. Mellor, 81 Wood struct, will be attended to. oct4 LODGE, X. O. O. thy Angercua Lodg*. No. 889,1.0. of 0. F~ meets enry Wednsedaysveningin Wuhington'HaU,WoodsL [JyDy Land for Sale. 1 Qfm AG&KB or LAND IN fOESST OOUNTY, near ! lOvU the Glarion rtrar. Thla land iihaaTU/ttanarad, | baa an excellent foil, and Ueaid to contain an abundance of Iron or*, and a thick vein of bttnalnoiu coal. Tha Venu* go railroad, which will andauhtedlf ha boilt, will run rerv mr to It, if not dtreotij acroat it. Ifca MUlttown creak ronethrough It. AI£0»MO aerea In Ilk oonntj,'v*U tiatbaned andwatered, and lying near tha root* of tha Banbury and Brio rrilroad. NoMtUrlAWtant oonld b* mad* than in tbaaa The completion cf th* Banbury and Sria,tha Allegheny /Valley, and tha Tanaago railroad* through that ragfata ‘will reader tha eoal,lumber, iron oaa and aoUTor neat rain*. Kaqniraof O.B.M.BHITH, Attorney at law. Ho. X4T Jonrth ctreet. . ftbftfMTtf BDILPIIW Wi* IfOlk. 1 "' - i LOT M fcet tat at WYLIB strwt, sad sxtsadlos A bdUl OiTStßiek put of tbo UtUa OsllarWa*,baittft*twonull UooMsTfbSfLot U la a OMinbt* kostaft* s nta; sad will bs sold low, tad di BwMUttm, Soi sood. sad elosr frost IneanbfmsM. Kpfoifs*.. QM.Ton.U«OM. jyia At Ota of Manilas Foot. batrta lap; V/ *0 do Jtrs; JaMovasadfbr atlato octll KHia A MOOBHXAL. wiwm wijwwair wn now— CARPETS. OIL CLOT HSI. MATTI» G*- .ft C ,,, NO.« THUU> WBEXt, PimBOBOEr PA., of the eotmtrr, nniwlailn In fast of th* mOMrimg, Tl>: * Bgyol tettAT4lreUMJPn»wl»; ImpwW oad extra Tbro*ply> Topeetry Yotvotaesd BrumM: . fhwortftoaaAß—Jogroto; BnflUh ptinted Bnuoelj; TollU u 4 pfataToMH, tehaiMl * AoNMODOuMHi Wool tad Uan Vetch Carpet*; Tspeetrj lagrela QirpaU; • Wo£tt4i*«» ♦*»» m«w ■«■ ■a*in»T» fewi. “SMALL F&OFIT8 AUD QUICK J3AEB&” P. B.—TERMS CASH, ONLY. octl&fhnawtJaAl A. A. MASON & CK, No. 25 Fifth Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. JJAVE just received FIFTEEN HUNDRED CASE 3 AND PACKAGES of I>RY GOODS . • ,• V ' A • • . FOUR HUNDRED cun andpacksges of which, having been at the iarge'PeremPteryJnlae heliew &k. at one-third lot than cost of importation, will be offered ai a small advance from coat, thereby rtHrlffi pufrlMirri tE> raw opportunity of obtaining Goods at about two-thirde the usual price. "• v ,- L.- .3; .T 4.. IN THEIR SILK DEPARTMENT . . Will be found Avery description of plaid, striped and brcestde DiaaMkarfßawtlinflTl HPHraxp tha largest and moatmarsiflceat assortment they havaeverexhibited. s ' UKESB GOODS DEPAKrtfBS¥. ** ‘ TWO HUNDRED OABBB of Merinos, Caahmerea, Wool Plaids^-Alpira, Bombs More, *** n ~i —; Pfrpliaa. Paraaiithri, Orleans, Mohair Lustres, TartlM Cloths, Mualin-de Ininea, Persians, Ginghams, Me. Me.’ THEIR EXTENSIVE BHAWLSALOON . _ Will be filled with Cloaks, Shawls, Mantillas, Tahnas, A&, ia Satin sad Climb, embracing'evetythfeg 4afr ishicbind • fashionable, of their own and foreign manuiketur*. PORT! CASES of every description of Oadhmere, Broehe and WinterShavla. ' - . - . TEEIR BONHET DEPARTMENT. ' This reason their Bonder manufoctory Will be oonaUarahly ii rreassd. Large quantities will be made up fcrboChthu Wholesale and Retail trade. Millinery Gooda of mrj description. A large stock of Drew. Cloak and Mantilla Trimmings -i - ■ hl»edk«d Houe Kaanthg Geada. An extensive aaaortmant of Irish Linens, Linen Sheeting*, Kudrins, Tow clings, Dtapera, Damask XabW Govern; Lac* and Muslio Curtaliis, Furnitures, Ae, Ac 1 A fuU stock ctf Furnishing Gbodc-rLadka’ and Cents’ Cn Jar Garments, Cmvati, Scarf*. NeckHta, lioeiary and Glores, m fall aa eurUuent. BaibraldcriMrßlbbeni aad Laea Dapartmant ‘ < Comprises a moat extensive atoek of Colls**, Capas, Habifo.Stoves, Chemisettes, Handkembfelh, Ttotiaringi, Bkbta, Bands and Trimmings, Laws. Edgings,’ Crept*, three hundred cartons Plaid, Plain and Figured JUbhewn —-■ Cloths, Qxutmtrtx and testings A complete variety of Cloths, Okastocree, CMtedb, Ynsthan fmdf, fir Bavera, Coatings, Velvets, Ac. Tailors’ Trimmings aiwaya on band. Brery description of Whiteend vtricfr Good*.- 5 DOUSSIIO GOOD 8. —' 60 casea of Calicoes, Ii cases of Gioghams, 76 pans or Btoebed Hoiliw, 100 bake Brown MnalifW, -13 oasan Omm^ ■ terpsnes and Qnilta. 40 baits of flannels, 26 balsa Ticking* and Stripes, 16 esses OairtDD Fishnet*; OOtnsc* Bdriteg. Checks, 10 casta Blankets, together with many other Goods, forming the largest and moat attractive aaaortniaitGttNjAEbfr. evaT exhibited in the Western country, and which for style.qoaUtj, and price, has sever Wb equalled. I laving a buyer constant]/ io the Masters Cltlea they will be always receiving the latasta&d meat fosbkmxbleGood*. ONE PRICE ONLY. : An SI eetlwn for one VrwUant, five Managers and a Treasurer, of the Temperaccev ilia and Robles town Turnpike or Blank Boad Company, to acrssjbr one year, vQI m held at the o&oe of the Treasurer, on the riRST MONDAY of November not octl&lmdaw C. O. LOOMIS, President) AUSTIN LOOMIS, Secretary and Treamusr, oetl7 No. 92 Fonrth strwat. A TUBES STOftT BRICK DWELLING HOUSE Ig-BAND lot, in which I now resfak. No. 216 Penn atzwet, irr— between Irwfn and St. Clair ■ treats. The Qooae is well finish frum cellar to garret; containing seven rooms and kitchen, wash house, in the rear, adjoining the building. The Lot ia -20 last front and 00 foet deep. I will m)1 on very reasonable terms, as, tn aooaontot tbs late death of my wife, I am determined to sell If pnsrtMa, and quit house-keeping. Tenon One third cash, balance 00 time to be agreed on between the parties, in payments to suit ihe parties. Poammlon ctvsn immediately after «*)«, if required. Title indisputable. If not eold before the. Ist of January-next,! wiU rent to some g~oi tenant, with a small foamy. tf* I will aiso sell two HOUSES end LOTB, Atnatad'on Eg Third street, Steubenville, Ohio. One Lot la 60 foet •*'*7ront by 180 deep to a 9 foetal ley, on which U a large two story Brick TTontVj containing 11 rooms, kitchen and cellar. The House was kept for many yean as a Farmer/ Tavern, bat now occupied m a Saloon and Restaorant It 1* just opposite the. Court lionet and public ofime. Ibm M also a large Stable on this Lot. . • The other Lot adjclns the above; Is 27 foet frent by 18u JfoA foot deep, back to the same alky, on which Is a two HBstory FRAn HOUSE, containing 6 rooms,and a dE * H *kltcben and cellar. It was occuphd forsMMyeaxs ;lv a Bakery. I wfll eefl both trgetbsr, or separately If desired. ‘Taras -Cue-third cash, balance in payments on terms to suit Ute parties. Warrantee deeds given for «U tbe property. No rTkcumbrancas on iL Enqnire of the proprietor, «r of-E. .HERWOOD, fc>q , Attorney, in SteuKfrviUn SAMUEL M’CLAIN, octl7-l«* No. 216 Penn street, Pittsbwifa. F. BATON. China BaU| Market, between third and fourth sire stp. We have now opened one Of the largest and bests*- .ertHl stocks of CHINA, GLASS and QUEANSWARE, ever brought to Ibis market Oar assortment of white iron 't-TDe romiste of some half dosen different shapes of Dio uur. Tea and Toilet Ware. We have some eight or tan dl£ rpwnt stylej of cohmJ stone Tea Ware, 'together with a i«eeutirul article of Gold Band and Gold Scroll, both Sac ■miiatiuLSof French China, and about ooeAhtad the coat. COMMON WARE—Oar stock,of common goods ininige, ui which we Invite ihe city and country trade to examine, -9 w<> ein sell a bill of common without any fina, if desired. GLASSWARE.—We keep a large stock of Glass of an kinds on baud, which w« can sdl at factory jprioen, saving .be merchant the trouble of makidgaeeinram M 4 for that articlu. The above are offered for sale low, either at whole sale or retail, by JOHN J. tla|«. and Fort Bmwb» T«xu. _ . mm* ™ n«« and enhetantial alaaiar BtVfgTK. Jams* (TDAsmu, Heater, will leave for above and Intermediate ports on THURS DAY. October 19th, 1854, at 10 o'clock, A. M. For freight or pamgt apply op board. oct!7_ GrtmßlTtr Pafk*t,f»rl The ftne steamer BRAZIL, Gaacs,Mas> yißlftWt »U 1 leave for tba above ami total jnodlete on TpEEPAY, tb* 17th instead at 4 for freight or pamac* ppply am beard, or to oct!7 JOHN FLACK, Agent RKBBINB BUREAUS—Mahoganyaad walnut Deeming Bureaus, terpentine fronte a handsome artfcda, tolah ad and for sale b j X. B. YOUNG A t 30 fast front by Odeep Terms easy. 8. CVTBBEBT A SOIL . Sc-140 Third street. A HOUSE AND LOT rOR BALE, attuatedin Strawberry allay. PrleefOOO. ■ • . A Ilaoee end Lot, in Allegheny city, on Washington street, for $7OO. ' A Uqqm and LoL tn South Pittsburgh, near the Toll Gate, tor $350. Terms easy. 8. CUTHBEHT A BON, octlO Real Estate Aganta, No. 140'Thlrd it - /v ARDEN TOOLB-Gdoaon steal Digging Forks: U 8 do Ames’Spades; : -u. 4 *■ MEAT.yuaJjuwy-Rnggto A Co/s improved Cnttmn and Bauage Btnfiari, of vaMoos atsw, to. oetl * JAMia W.MDEOP. ■ crar*" ! ‘"’--"^mgrsssiF PPUto-lQbarrSa oeUB ~ ffawiweet CUar - rfIHE wbactfber la regnlwlp imnliinfoanilliaaionaiaully. Wat am Imm sad other Ohioqtotfccgale,fa fotatoanttswrnbmri Alan,wary; variety ef Applet received dally; for sale bribe ' BAMUXLEBEOatUCK, MBWdsdnSaL W'.rnjMWT.KD “ x ~ wtm ?3i t %£gS! 9. -4 .* < *i ♦ . ■ yj ... C. B. HE ABLY & CO., HXW AD 1 Fox Hale. tby’’- ' HBTKY H. OOLLIN& -*4 - • :..t: ; : ’X. ' _c - - ■•• ■ -if. ----- s--'7>£*- * » r G.B.HKASLY A<*>. Weed ■WSeift AML) SEMKNTB. t Tb«atr«*—JOGBPE e. VMBB, idnnr AS» IMP iUjuoa—J. W. LDWAED,SrMaJbxMO>-mu ' ■treat, above Wood ...>Pikw of adadarten Iffiiw and Pan* . ood Xkr 4 26c; Bow Jbr co&oa Mo. • Tetaepa.- will bodargri I3fc cwti g|a|ir tifleate. Doors opea at 7kj o*c)oa? perfanßasee to nan - taanoe at# the Bcfchi Western Bar, Mas MABGA&KT KTCBiaXt vltt , pear io two great efatrattira~HJ!bir«WK, r Oefefea#/ 17th, the pertttmanene wfll oanunexiee w» &Mt Mr.H , BrMe;jftNTftk#;“ MUs Mitchell. Duett, ffian SA & Zeles de Zerea, Silaa Mar* P«rUogto«.:..^!fiatagoaifc Jfag; r 7 Ho«*h«rttj.~...The whole to eoadoda wiB» .. DOT: DaWar,Mr.Ryan; fanny,SkaVUeMS. / ' ' fYAXKKB LOOK* the edebrattd aad will abaatly appear. V" ' . • • ' ' First LMtmra rOTOG- MBITS ÜBBABY ASSOCIATJOSf i } EKV/THSODQIt* PAMIR* «t Bee**,—?W, dried ' •ad eloqaest dhtfte will Lectors at Mawnric gjJl. Mi.a, »JflttO£Blh» KTBflltO. tbe jStliiost. . - Battet—** TAA J*riie «ma Jtthe JUdlqf it girth aw.? v,* > Her. Sir. Parker toUttiagoblicd** eVriteriyiilfpf Wlj leetorer; kadfijr eaniMt,pemadT« ' a»e not surpassed..; • r -*• 1 ; i.* .Booitcnaiit 6Uo'dc&; Isctnti to f »* ‘ o’clock. llebtitfidoWn 2S>«eatfcKto be bidaltka MpeSeead Book Stna%lArsrr **!attbe door. nBIBT «OOOK~ WM. H. . JAMBS B. HOLMX& EUAB'H. IBIB3L ' ‘ * JO DM U. KIBiLPAIEICK* Lecture >■ NEW AMD VALUABLE WORKS AT Book "Stare, Kfc« mavtitsireet, near VMrtfei'-~T i CyckqwH* of English Idtantant balks sale* tlom from the hmt English *oihot% ftnaihaaasßwt lathe jirsiut ti— ;-aoo elegant lUastraflotia. - - <*«^**»^MUwn.wy»itaitstnlngTi>nel ~~ * oJfe; 10 toU.: 16mm> , litastniad. •.- . .v 1; mSS? hm. ** -d a***^*, Cyclopedia of Aaeedotsaof Literature and the7*o* Arts; byirnhs; ffladwhi- •' - -•> - Tbe Sentcaa of English Woris and •ad arranged u to laeßHate the exprarfon of Mm, o*4*linliteraryeoaspositkm. . v^-. .-.v Una of tbeUhkf Jaallrii of the United States. ?•... Buaay If nfra at Ihwfci raiili ,‘ - nUjttd*; mv.i EadrtzSUa. TtofeThataßdEhefithar. . •* • HMwy of Cuba; ttrfMt and Present. The Twins, or tbe "j r~ir TT IT TTsmj ! » 11 - Ml* - .- a A QRICULTBRAL BRAlHBfff «mdb /X drafeiaf *ni topnifat vet eUr ltatf li»ffaia& L fb* rabeerfber offers ftt mIAiiUM 7Sm Wdsfc£farnst ■■" ebnter, 100,900 Brmln;n!eß of vfeibtneaßtnfe. nsttUct& eDDtmlatstriatemstfoevt tte Tiftb itrwtmSofi-’ bwbemate With competent vmkmtmj Jbi dSdSt sad completing tbrdndna. : . «*M. JAMBS WA&DROP. ■ C* B« UMdiy 4 C«., f'IHEAP CARPET WAREHOUSE,- Jfe. 8* r**r*«fjn* V mmmMmrhtt, amtld reipeetfeßy intern their fcfcode •ihl the pebUe paaiHr, that the; bmrmr hUtti'ttSf snsptele PALL STOCK, eomfodiiff of CARPUS of’eranr '•h ilnw iluthn, ftom moo Ingrain, Hempen* Bap fkerEl ear to 4ght jmrda wile, sew dnjgaotri irsrtr rfah Ooviast - Ceatoa Matting, Drugget*, Ksgs,H*ta, mete Beds Wttdtm Shedea, Ac. Penooete want ere forited to eell aadeien* - - lae their rtoek.. Steen beats, Hotels, and ReaMericeii ftmK ~ iabed©atbenpft.meenaWeieima.. _ - fiTiillti eiel ijefc V aain TJ gO TERMS CASH OHLY. - •. ■. t-; ! Heme Laakne FactsnfT 7 * ' T ‘ Heavy buibrhq ohScsb and tweeds, inmnded "• Om ntnU undeof'Pittsburgh made of hard twisted yearn, dark patterns and indigo btncb ThegepenU.admlwkiO ' , are not inferior in quality to any ethers Deeufoctmed to the United Btatas. with.an tnrranMnr ikmaml for mini maouragea the snhoaiber to extend kh TrminnT' tWi n ~ \ view te keep up araodMaurtmi nf ef amah CSBtnnnifoß* \J ally retail from K 54. to ecmtn per yard£>Jalnple»lrfH be seat tomerchgats who canaot 1 at W* Wamoom, Rebecca street, naar tbe depot, dThshanji ■ ■ rot? dm* MAItnaOW ,.,, , A. CntA -a ; ; s *_JT?-:S HAYING sotd mj intanmt In the tocfl. aMOBKirr JR, A CO, to WQUem H. Te!eatt,wtW~ qualified to give entiremtlfhcMon,. ~ AH poaome havldg against ina/a^lifriadgbleAi. ~ to wtlf-plehaa make «n oariy aettlriniwitr " .V ' - o«12 ' T-KENWC^JS^,, .> „ (bllovlog N»Bo«k^Aßil«mto.KiU;l«T«r^&' . “Lortt*y»J®i* ? jrt»Trodtirir^ii'•*•■■• s BttO* to Both J. H»ie. • lifcoTGowey. • ' 2^^pggnjhrtw»jiMofc_': * BrlMlitflytlMara. FWfl* I IlftT* It*. WBte.' _ Httttjnmterb^XJP.nnHL W. n.a3efi Vocknilisalfc Baoorfc ontel?*kV» P»rtjiE Cbrtstls BMon rtwllt. XBrstnfi., Pwty lwi«f: XOlaadST ' Anntof rmdt Stlelu.'. AxtoTWfxi Tjj Jtelid. UUDijiirOfaaafiA;).^ SoetiM AmtewUi*: ft T^Uk : TijW ftfriw - •- ... ..'. , -• . • Cf*aß)e»*ttdra»Tfavai «; - * y”'v*v£;s - Mmpv: torDf.BWer. .-v.-■•.*» . * JJ a»pUlapuiot,*e«*B. ‘-BAIrE.‘S. LAUftIBK, ff “*» • ffl.Wood ' " Vme Sjtfe oir Bjurter* • ■* A 09 QttOTHD O$T t&llgfrtr—t, ff :: 7 ;! gSttiww.’SWti- ••' PSSSSSSSsaresKC. campoasd of Hyariathi, Tnlip*, ftacw, Iv OuSSs’ verj Um sad Tsria^m t*t v fifcsd sfthsinrshsnw, or wntU AiiThSsllfrTTi <*** nJjUUk-mtXBMQ*. \r«*rr igkks : og-tnanßuox yUanx <«n cm** 1\ lriyrf| MwJkMkax.: •oTJhf of the «Q«r* AB,ey «ttfag j w t!? «pe THUfIC * WoTanbcr lit, for tt» I—e «ftte Twrr-gaejjr^iZS u °SS- te7, “ M,ti * > w& Jyeeit.ee*ltnf etreet*. ~ ~ yur Pttiab, «r-As&»ißof tbe *V~tT n 1 rmnlg Low and Caltuof •• i Lut of HicHuM: tr&.XMni; • - lS*«BtSd»? by Me Afian. •■••’ raeatred »nd . .- - - k 9 .... . ASZ^S^SSSSSStSSSSIS^^si tfeteMtkuMacnter w»•»otrM tnitfS -, J»kß Wi BMCT'AI Foewabbog and oommtsSt —1- - M *-*rh it TmaNhiiiMj Pip* Mi Sbm t Aumu* mufMOT p~ ltr gsrr _ £.!?&£££ «*' *“*•“ **. .<■ _ _10BTOB»Ef t ao».' ■■ '<- JwtßWiH l>«^M»«rtiL ■■- , •,, ''ZSjEgP I? \ I I OiltlM AHU i 1 inms£S&& - Ji -s- ■ —--p* ~:p ■at \ \ \