:-•» V .■ : 4 ' yfe&&&r a — V'• V*? K tSi t- . < * "•* i,-..-;- V.W.' 1“ ■ -*■• »* ■ -•• > A -V-- „ - : *-. *■ ■■ , - „-■* * . ■■■' -■ t-\ ( ’V ■' :• •*$ f4tfe-*-3 :.-v; *>•> o 4; *+* i s■>.* V'l. •*» i-:. •- O?:a_t?-.’* v ■ *’■'• * W ’■*.**’ ¥ -i* »« *Jt t L*-t -*.•; .Vi |* *•. V•*'?•««*•■*'• v -.-'-V - j ;£ti 4 l * *■ •: ■* *v- o. *\*VV^;' it*?*')'* > ♦" t*'J•. v-j hv» ; ;f Ar .'t/: ®S»wkSkf- 'i SBS&ykf £v. ##*- > i ■Kg^3&Bg&r: sS^SlSS&aJf«Ov«■£??^ ««<»* vvVj.i a-» I J J^*2CKfcsJv^ *• 11 ; vf’o ,,! ■*’ W&P w4Wi#v^ 'fcjtei&S-esfl.'* ■ - ,--i * f s%-r V BmP**"*** j^^v-^. v^.^^s .-^J^*«>t> *s-lr.■»i’H c»y.y .«.•.•.-<*■■ ... _ ,',i- ,;;>-' :* . --.*■ '■ ■•■- --■ - t'evj&tiV. ffe?rf.-V ■ .’. ~ v..-- - - »--»f. v-k.r.- y- ♦-:*» .. ;xVj-jt<'. '■:■■■- ■- -f? -; t -.. ■" -' . "' .” ■ '’; . .^V*- f , v,,*kv. -1 -k r '., - , *•+.o*MrtfricmmZlirg* * *a*• *•-•:•' -• :t * jss&M |p<£g; ~ ■'. vr «•■?.•< . » .... - i * ..X * ' * . ' ■ ? V * J, ' «V‘ ->.r , AbOf >. t • •*?? •• * 4 £ l , *C«> *7i-' 'j>i -u •* ■ ;•» • , I<\ •••• t■ • . • • • • v, ■ • ' • r *\ • K ? v **’\*», -, • r; I’ i *f +; . , jLV ... •> * '■' V ■*,' < •* . ■ * -'Vi I'' ?! ~ V ■ 1 " A * ■’%!' ■" j-. j.V-'Vc. - ■ the daily morHing post. Printed tnd PabHlM mm, Jfor»*y, («>•»*» "“J' -1 B¥ eILLHOEUE *> JlOllTßOJlEilV josui-rai oonra ‘ w.'ttKksTisE « ao.. COBBISSWN ASD FO&WARDISQ SBRCttiSTS, Dealers Generally in ftStac.. Htuburgi, Cm ani other MumJactures, *6. a e sj fJtZL ES', • traU ’ riTr.--aLE < ’n, r*. _ ■ _ 4'T, * Cuilj , wia. Bichbaum Js. H. Johnston, Co-£**rt»er«U»i>. .. f I '•-MP - 'l- «i»*r>.h»Y« this day formed apartnersUpfo. -L {- . '} Vyi Jacon and Oil, and pro ,?,»/. m iwaiifjiUn wiLt. the_^ t4 *» ■ g P too" No lie «'*l« »■»> ,su rrool»lr~“, ! oocuptal by B.rtrU«. *‘**£*“; au g H , . JAMES KIC&ARD3ON, JAS. J. BENNKTT. * February Ift, lS.Vtifrha I, ~ m , , v ,i' *L'ia3lJUil. PitisOurgn, i’».. _'*•’*»«» ‘* ? £.nat-Vrradu«r. offers for sale * chow* s' tort o m a i-Ki iS Doom*. Prodac «•*“ <» « VI ‘l> Worrustodaatf™ a» 3p**nn, Unwed r.ui Lard (HU. _ 1 Tail. »• ' FBA'S sbllebs * co.. *<—*«* .»a ...... »•«*“« - T,;-7SrFfiU. .ikuouwoa. «“"»* xs^sSSSSs® 4 - ■aonfltr.nUyoQ bitid. ■'' ■ — AVI llt am” Carr * Co., _ _ . • -ji'-L F juwu»4*w«k. WIL «. . *-I***- WIEA. DEALER AND FAMILY QBOCKtt, coaiia ol WOOD ia» 83“ Henry U. CoUln*» kT eed* AMI) OOMSIISSIO.M Jj Wholesale D««l«r 1? B u “* r ; f^arf l'roduc? goo-erntly, So. %> WOOD 81. flttabarg : —L— Paul A JM.nrdoclt, . m AND TORWAHDINQ AND (J STEAMBOAT AOKSlTH**** W»t«rtMat,Ctßjtaß^ Onto- -■•li'iXi Uo. Ti Wood a treat, Pittsburgh. [my»_^ ® MISSION HER* UIWCBHB AND -wa»>rclfll, Cto flTef y srtiele in the Bi»nk Book, »« “““ “* p 1 tlfled WhiflfcT. No- IPI Llt»nrty«fc, .— L ' —■ _ 56iSpH«SMiMu i .j «-A’JDPACrrUBI!B-of «U PAJUIIBC-- i • ***’ ■.tteodod to. v-w-v. t ■ • H *“ ■ ; * , J > ■ '*■* V * • * ■ VOLUME XIII -— " " CrillllllOl TO 1. WILCOX • 00.1 OUNKIt MARKET BTKKKT AND DIAMOND, tap. constantly ob hand a fall assortment of Drags, Mali dues, Medkine Chaste, Perfumery, and all articles pertain log to Us business. . . Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. . dsi®7_ FLEMISO BttOTHEttS, (Successors to J. Kidd* Oo.) WHOLESALE DBUQGIBTB, Jfo. 60 Wood Street, PMdAtrgh, Pa. Proprietors of Dr. U'Lane's Celebrated Vermifuge, Ueer puis, *o. jaltf JOHN HAFT, JH., (Sucwwor to Jaa-M’dttfiey,) Wholesale and B*UUDru«Uti A NIX Dealer In PAINTS, OILS, DVB BTufPS, Ac., 141 rr .^;f^ J “" bd,,w Dyo-ituffl, Paints, Oils, Tsrnishss, to., No. 93J* Wood stmt,(on« door south of Manori allay, rUTBBPKOH. lJ«t JOiUI SIITCHKLLi WHOLBBALK AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Ho. 135 Wood Street, Next doer to H. ChiM'e Shoe Hcmw, Pittsburgh. 1. 181 L - Hottew. JOS. TZiIUIMO having associated with JOB. ABEL, the. badness will hereafter be conducted under the i sty ; le of j ABKL A 00., at the old stand, earner of Smlthfield and fourth streets. „ mry 1,1854 s . I ail*} illorniuß fJffSt PUBLISHEDDAILY, BY UILLMORB & MONTUOMERY, AT THB - POST BUII BUSINESS GAUDS. JousTj. oiom.oan, i|’t, WHOLESALE AND HEXAIL DRUGGIST, Taorn. UfttKKUlt IT AS EKMOTfiD tt %b* corner of HAND and p H street*, where ha Will, u usual, attend promptly tc All artloleain hisline are warrant**) ptira, ‘M pat up with the utmost care. umri4.em_ r b. A. Vahsutaek A «©♦» WHOLESALE DRUG WAKKUOCS»rO>ro«r »»»*•« Wood strata, and comer Wood and Birth- R . L . ALLEN, WHOLXSAIA DCUJOI IX FortinWinei, Braadias, Cigar*, Old Monocga- hela Bye Whiaky, Ac., ti-go, RBCTIFTISG bIBTILLBE, NO. B WOOD STREET, I‘LTtSBOUUU, i’A. W r INBd, Brandies, Dins, Cardial*, Spirit*, fit. Croix end New England Rum, CUi\U, Champagnes, dootcb Al»,ho»Ao a Brown Stout, IrUh, hootch, Buortoun, oufuono&gahela Eye ana bceu&ed iVbUky, wild Cherry and Blackberry Ucandl**; imported Hanna, SilitafSld Sineipa Olga™? UalMpnufah and Common such low p.iceaae to challenge eoapa ition. gencv Par Ke;?s and Labelled llnttlee.of every etyle, aud Laaijobaa of ail si***, i respectfully in vita don of my stock, at No. 8 WOOD htreet. 'JOHN UROUTT, ti _, rMPORTKR 0* BRANDIES, GIN, WINKS, Ac—Deal* f infine(Hi Himongabela WbUky, ® r>n J ly J r * 1 I iao, Ractiiying Distiller, comer of SnuthOald and iron strata, Httaburgh. _ WHOLES ALE AND RETAIL YjQL'OR MERCHANT 185 liberty atral. and feblO.y __ HcikOTal> WJXO. E. DOWNING, CLOTHIER, - ** aA3 rioted to 294 LUIKUTY tin*, Umrnnon No. 3 BITVJENTU, n«»r ttiauLDeld, »bei« ItM UtwUon ol hi* rritßdJ U*J th* pobtic U inntcd to tb« •tockof WtADY-aLADK 0001)3 *£w*S* on Laud. Al*», and Tooting* for ord*r*d work- A fait JmMutTuMQXßlablag Good* for geotlrtueo, locli» uAJKU‘\uu'or tuc firm of Ox-i.tr * i l». i, s it, opcu*i STORK : c " t Vl“. %h *.H)f. _ J ‘" ; - JMttl C. W»«| \,l &RCIIANT TAILOR—*•■ i& Vitlh >l* Al. Thaatro; PitUbur£b, Pa- _ — ft|,r ' ja»«a Hctiingtri \rOMOSaAH*LA PLANLNU MILL-Wuuia VI lniaru hi. friend, nrnl Uje publK, luu- hi. n.w now to full opemlwn. .nu U.. 1 l» i. i;"!"’"' 1 “ furuhih Dont Chiu, um nil nil mow'd nui-1 Luinlwr, »itb Dtomptncw, and at tb* ioweat rata*. . Baaed and PUnfc, plan«J an on* or w*tb ‘<»ie Vf OOMOXIVK.STKAJI KNUISE. PLUMBERS, A*. Al «b cotton Bnttlnt Maautacturßr*. foundry on B*beoca«tr*at,AU«,;b«Dj tsty. oKd Stow, Ko. 12Mark*t aurwl, M^burfb. OLD BRASS and COPPER taken .a fi r *'■«■ JLhSald. Or4*ri Lift at tb* foundry or offiur . wUI t-« pronfpUy attended to. _ ... _ f * u, : ,r ... 1 joiKPU T« IOWIIV, Tta 43 Cbrmer of Fifth o*d Wood Str**ti, qb atalrs. Entrant* from Fifth street- Piueburgh, rr2UL*PFtTTXY uutotsn to Ue public Ui»t b* tm rSl OTAII AOKNCY.In «nn«- alto to renting, pvraom m want of serranU, * n want of piaoc*, wtU U -nppßM J All bajdaass mtnwted to hU ear* proapUy at tailed to. j ««>-Richard Covan, Eaq .W. J Juno, MMtk.rul, A. A. '*9'*™-- h. ourr.~. "m.SaX»F. , , WoiUrn Foundry, Ho. 121 Wood droot, . r COOIvJ Ml ffTOVKii, Cool ond Vl Wood Stover, Parlor Stover, llotlow VI ere, l la 1” a“d rod Fancy Feodor., Itad rod dJyKrttlo»,T«»K«««»r« L »Wg “Si'!’* * |i«o»l»iB| fiSKs AND CLABStCAL saMISABTf* sauLißu t> McDonald, m. a., wuNcirxi. ■ |THK of thi losUtutio& wlli i I MONDAY, tl» 6th of Soptwmtwr nw*t, at tne roo A “ y.r£ icT Liberty .tr»ts, Wdy «»PM »» th “ “SS&ETh-l A.W. Loomi.,O.ICMP,Jr, cjahont, R. Mill*. **■ --- I , . .‘! AMD DKAIM IS ALL USDS ® r : Tobacco, , 1 «-Kmp.-Mucuyy h«a* i.rg«»»ppH»f *“ ■>■ • 1 brnuli of InipftwA Uigßaß- jofllffH~CHAElttAN l WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN A. Ornamental Pattern* for. Carting, MrfeUn*. 4o - Slltllfc’lELD jftcor*tSn 6f BteiwnbortJ, Building*, *r printing nndwmpplng trim. No. 108 Wool street, Mtulnirgh, P>. «won»M»m IN MUBIOAX WnSSmmraS «£* Br the 0I | ■,^^^2^oo^o. !S9 Uhcrty «tr»«t._H»y* ind LBQHOUN *** “ d “W «•■ 17* PI tuburgli. l'k - *»d ••** •*** 01 *** Allegheny. W9*m. • "* ! < xouTffrsß^Effass=^rj-jj»g^[ o mo* • BUSINESS CARDS. J. C, ASDBRSON, | Ho. 6 Wood Itnet, Pittsburgh,[Pa., WHOLKSkLK Dealer, in Foreign Fruit?* gate,^Splce*. Confectionery, Sugar*, Olgan, iSf Prunes, Oranges, Lemons, Umes, Dates, Cltrna*. AJmona*, Filberts, Walnuts, Cream Note, l'ea SutfcGooba t*i S.ur^liC.odjjV.x mioelli, Moccoronl, Ollre OU, «c.. to. I KSiT«B.PH..»K WOKR i' ,0., 3. s , hippwm ss^S±SSsS3fs«fr-r Hating x2k>rs and Hair Dressers’ Shears; Pocket ke. ««,«• , » pTVLKdi—We are miking Rifle* of every ieaeription, i Mila, n f tint beet irtftvrWi mnf * workmanship! warranted. be Oil- I Stlth despatch. Hunting parties suppUMrat Wbohjale nfc.aSaiurt end Oai Flit^ire** Sfldfthiliuwrt iMortmenl »' raW ““jMS' ETfi, PKNISsm. .ndol ‘ S r,"h£uu£ ,*m Ka’i&tKr SLS&tw &Ttt Sj£L‘fc° ».ri 3u»l.tothdr i»lootton * , " ,^?^au c Sa»K“ low a* any house In the West, and being P™. . «*tleh-e urs, can offer peculiar advantage* to thoee dfclring article* ‘NfeUStaM .. towtolbf to »t op of erw, do scrlotlon for g»a. w»t«r ud Btewn- i ... BnOs Outings of ,11 Hod. mtjdo lo ’no.lO»^lr»t«trMt. Ef=l ~ r okuitOlD BIiKTCUK JfBOM nw TOR*, , . . , . MANUFACTURER ofthe celebrated \ Gotsamer Ventilating tWig, Ax r \ Band Toupeea, anil uYen LIA jA of Ornamental Uair. ftr L«Hm ficntlcmen. 7» FOURTH bTRKBT, Wood and it"****. Im,i - Butchai’l s/*Lem fables Ladiot and Gantlcjneh to m«a**rv thwir beaJ» V/i t "I t- round of the Bead. ; . ,> No' X Prom the forehead ot« the bead fteck, No. - No. X From war to ear, o»«r the top. » V Q 4 Fr-iin ear to ear, round tbs forebe^l. For Trir*"*. to corer the top of the b*ad;ouly—a P*P»' patSrl & exact aba*- of the l»U parU jj«£*.. K«w Coach and Carrla** f&efrj I JOHHSTOH, BEOTHjSs * !CO., ra __ u,!«cca onA lUmmt tirvM, At'n'uny Oil, vmtr rij tu wol;IJ1 lofolfc Ib.ir (rWI .A gjfl, VJ U»« public generally, that they bare | >nnim , nM j the manofeCtUf* of Carriage*,; SEjL-Barouebo*. Rockaways. Burtiw,Sleighs and Chariots, in all thoir All order* will be executed with strict regard to durdbUtty and'beauty ot flnUh. Repair* will al*o be JatUndod to on tbs mo«t roanonabl# terms. Using j 1 '?* 7°!* 'V beet Eastern Shafts, Me*. «>d Wheel stult they f«l l on ®' dent that all who fator them with their pafronatfe, *UI be oorfectl? haliatiad on trial of their work. an* ro-.» ppu-d ,* itt ““'■’•'.'l j" “ ■ »' H k’RKtJU UHOCND FLOt H, Si l«orin« tll.ir orf.r. nl U>. Mill or to our boor, .1 Wo, W.iom A Co-, Wood .tro.-t.or llrmuo A WI-r.Kr ...Tuirortr amt St. Clolr «trro-tr. l'ltt.burrii. u {• ffcb»art*.or J. T. ttuapl**, Uru*i:t4>, Ali‘'in e nT- Hour wiUhe^UT.mUoUmllWinrrtb^ofthM^n^i^* Trooa: CAS.. ™ “‘'^' BEYAS . KWSKI> v * CO. H A Si l> W AJi 10 FOR Saddle™ and Carriage! jukerN. K. T. LEECH, JR., \\ So. 131 Wood anil, ; PITTSBURGH. Also, Cloths, Damuki, Laces. Moss, Bout Stan, 2 Bpria£* L Ac.,_4Co r.iKiT fKAM-‘ Aftokril,'.b"W«toH*Wl IW ilbiou • t«bo >-«W te» London.i. DO* rorolrin,- > T s lore, oni rSi.im ,< tattoo -t THA* too iji aeU*• t* iwii »t «».-n *oJ that alt to* trerina V afl ‘ , - r ‘ tB . tbi V' r uJTnoat riii r»oaoi Iml. Ue »o*t r*sp<*tfutly U,«W .*1 sioUem*. of this tbr without du«nuetJ*>o of natam, to ciUl J lr > , ~ ’ VfiS b. -lls .Uld«l to M rtufMd, If thayaont fr* *wilrf«Gttoo. Tha foJlovtn* ar* lb» price* • , „ * : Oolong, itaufbou* and CoanSr* .. V'iiVY MOsiC ATORfc-TJ.r kulwcrt!-*fi U*v« opened at \ ■‘Vo p 3 Fourth *trv«t. a rbeno n.th-'fion of n.u*lc and ao.:Wf ia.trum.nu, Ilolioo ood 0.-ioc ,-trlmff. Pbuuu, , >i Er n i 0 f Mr. Aronl.l; Hub.*; by M. bolt r, ; ilcuriooru, do. All Hod. ..rb~t lootro from Hit. lout Frrocli mouorurtort™. ml >■( ** oflrr to the yubflr on moro liberal torm-t, tf-'in, confident u..t». «o SUmTcti., So. «s »ourth .1 nsrhrorol.tr ood il. Aob.n .ill Ji™ lortruntioo.ooUl. pLaoo, *U>liu anA __ **■ —-» ARNOkIi 4 WILUAMS, HKATIHO ABD YEHTOATUte WAREHOUSE, MAiiCTACTttsrxa or Chilton Turnacos, Wrought Iron Tubing, FiTTtfis ro» SriAM, Un ot \A atx». n*" No. Market #tro«t, PUUburgh. h»*« «oU oor Foraoooo, Etf.,U> w ***rß AIISUU) * wn.LU.ua, "bom »• onniullr rmimm«oa of ATKINfO(J » OKKLT «n esonUPßt utMivof .Satire Wu®.(Ui«j pare Juke of tfj« ®S!£SSrS^ta^sss^ the (TMHUM Hr»P". i* drdMwl tr» mwy «u,c* : U«i»C Jttdgts, e iu»l in fl»Tor to the best imported ° B p^ oKin g > jj f No. IS: ÜbcrtratfW*- VMipr* CUrk»« pia»Yo> A THESU arriral oIWVNNS* A oeUbriUxl PIAN'Oi ha* jnst bera Tb.7 J.IU «>*»« Ireig ' -” . „ Rjgn ofctba Qoldeo U*rp. H«|g£@£sis? ~^ w Mtm&oh ALMANiO - ““iS.^A^Sf&AVKfcfcSmr almanac h»»bT »u.lon^. P Un, l or town, »u(l by joHN „ srei , L oß,Blw« i .trrrt^ - ■ 1 a m »«* A rvlV■ 1 ot PlftAOß* C f“ Or.ml Action T no “SU'S. crvri BcrpcnUn., p«rl «l«. l'i.no. Two full carved, acini grand, 7 octave Piano.. Two plain Hosewood ®£» „ „ One do do 9* h „ TUrjjO do do Rosewood 6% octave Pianos. Two double round corner . piano J^ssi-SSJSS^^^^L STBBET.UIwreD SSsi&HSS M«*»> nlture, and all. notat ,«LoWru; wIU be Eeeltrie ”B tM> P 01 *) HbKfcnltnre!Store, for Christmas Trees, from the »eea anu n«« dfc2o No. *9 Tiftt it 4 aw Wood. .D&aUL AJBL, OONBOMIKU wJ«2in2SSJSI ?SS2 •" ,W Sid 4wS'S!K?r !»»»“ ’dSsi-uf l™a»Slate Wereh<»»e.*a.lS> W*** l ■*• Wirraa'i to»gre»»4»fc‘lv;_. , mUK INK l» pnipami by a portly fegSaaSgSjgggSp: °^ Sl “' ooW ■t +■ t . ... •* • ■*? *£-*\**» **■ *•* *■ «- '■ -• t ■< * , s • »■ • > <► »• . « I* - f " - 1 »\ . ... ,• r * sm: *% r S-. - • - -A ■ ; • 1- f p * . * . r •• >V' ■’ ' X ' - a** +■* * '■- •,■*■»*** •** -• o-. •* u v: * .*. • r . 4T» *»• v». r ■ * .■»-■ *■ iJ f> * PITTsj B U UGH, TU ESP AY, OCTOBER 10. t 8 54 kew cAiirns* 4 T THE CIIEAI' P CAKI’KT WAREHOUSE, No. 82 A TntRD Htnwt. We aru now receiving ;and opening stocks ot tgg-fl* 0«j Cloths. Mats. Matting, Rugs, *c., ever exhibited west ol Vnw York. The stock bns been selected with great care. Wrsoni In want of any articles in our line, are respectfully KlEitoSll2 our awortmimt consist* In part of the following. Tit: Royal Velvet anil Bruaseb Carpetings , Tapestry Brussels; Aubnsaon Carpets; _ , £xtra Imperial a»d Bup«t Thw-pljr , Patent Tapestry Ingrain; Buperflne anil Pine Ingram ; Wonted and Wool Carpet*; Wool and Cotton do VenlUan 24 %, %, and 44; Hemp Carpets, very cheap, , White*?™! Check Canton Mattings, 44, M, Coooa Matting,24, %, 44, M, and 64 , Spanish Matting, very cheap; Elegant Mosaic Rug*, $6O per pair; Axmluister, Chenille, and Tufted Huge, all pftaaO, Panry English Sheepskin Matt, flo P«r putr; . . rVilnred ,* 0 do from $2,60t0 each. Together with a large selection of Cocoa, Jute, Adelaide, ' e Kmh(»Bftd o |md r p l riu t >«d *doih table and piano •overa, o* ”tiiiSubleand fl phmo" , ‘' ra ; also wonttd damask by e floor oil-clotb.W 3 to 24 for windows, 30, 32, 34,36,88,40, 12,44, Dcheo wW*. , . Gold bordered shades, entirely new, Twy «en. Window thwlee of erory description. . "* c “» ,!t “"Tb. wSSJU* Si, ’mMiS. . «iiThtoL.tr~u_ O. BOCIIUL. s, %. ions. r.nmlvani, i SaHratl,"/ Thinl lltrrMurp, Oi T'| AVISO lnrrl the H moft Improved °nl-r, »nj Imetoi; »J*d BM.M f«dU twTVor •Urp.tSiiH; nrl, *«*«■ “•» numutaWrlilg ™ l BTEAH KSOIIiBS,: fOH FURNACES AND ROLLING Blowing Cylinders, Boilers, Furnase, MUiagi MIDI. M \K \ AUAgIINO 8, Ou and Water l tnr Pofta. Columß*. Girders, Shafting Uangyes, J^UUvOell.rGr.u*.sß*Oil ogTaba,BpoaW, 0 gTaba,8poaW, . Railing, Verandahs and Ornamental Castings. I Wo pay particular attention to ttie raanuftetura and eon itraction cf Oast Iron «*,*•*- Front* for House* and S«ot*s. UaTtng aoeatenme aasortmeut of beautilul Carrad Urns of the most approved efe!jU«*ctural cider, ouf facilities for manoCacturluK and shipping eqaUeua to com erecting i’ornaces or Rolling Ml>*, Mill and Miil-Wrtehts, will f>u-l it much to ibei* adractagi to Si aod our excite of Patterns before building moy axu ait ass casti: vtw. Of rrrry Hmlth W<*k. I'-turt, UA£*. Fci jttrx* ami For** Tutu-*?. forcv-hM to trier. fmyliy_ -» m-»».« i-t nTKKV i" THI It It 'AN D FOURTH. -f.il liUMtap.rU - ir.v.:-- ihrißluntl-nrfthf n-antrr Md eUf «■•»« d-wu aiO«Mt jal. of T.-» Ware, »- Wl -nSJ.-nt of inline lU »*-*•. • -.i-n* »UM. mu 1- i jhJ «M..- iron dM, *>«! W, c t il-1 £n>ll. I.lu-, link- l''" m l-nr r l^.lir-«nknd pwt.. Al n !»od««i.<-jr».-n >f rlis »i*t «bli« ImiuHoo Main, .liidi . *« I* miUI 00-h Win* U-«- * «rf. COMMON WAKI’. -Our M.- k . f Comntoa T*>t«. I IHMi.-* Biker*. S*p; i-«, tmwK ftp* •‘t-ry «rtlr)e In the-Ut;*-, l* ! •!'<«*. ai» * *-*r the TliyniiJ country - -f ‘ * * ♦ *x r u '* ‘■.'V * " * <*vV 1 ,► - 4< . =••• PVR A*SUM OR #5,00 -WIHSR PAID STRICTLY IS ADVASCSj CORSER OF FlFili AND WOtlD-STREETS, AT **•.<» !> ' R ASaUla - ” ’ . i - - business cards. JONEB & BUCHER; IRON FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, ,r *L_\»» \V\HK lluvjti,* a Urco anJ »I'l.mjUvted riook r.f (.tn/Ar. tiatt.t. trill Wl -t fa-lory •»*»*« tfao i \»r tii iM- «'! i: a M-p*i*U lull. AJ. *<■ r .,t „ , .... «J »■• >- • «*>«* “'jS^VtIURY. iowa kor ft nit ¥ M». I U 3 VOOl» >TKKK‘f. , Jiill*. C- I'AKF.Y, (»orwnfr u> d. C. I'fcty * Co .) &•** j lulitftxw U»r«4UU.n.W »l th« publto| -1., n»i : « •halt'- l.u- ; «ti J-, and J* fciW'OMtely «1»- tl“. -t.'y of CASTINGS— such *».: Cbl::1- i K©**; Unp- K.JIU Curt« |>al,nl Kb'tUnf■ f.r I*.-; Aifc. N'd* A*b; SutfW* K«-lU»» f 3 rtba L»cuk.’iuw C*:.** butrnr-atl on «» profit, known do ~* Liiltj to any oUirt, Mil ’“»«• ■ u4 * 0n "'hulCOw WAKK-A »« *3d nojitcrod pattern*. L*>< Irt-c*, Sad Iron*, Hotline NLlC»fUip.*i.d Mac binary of every description, alcltf cd btni or made to "id'-r. Ovk “tort- Kit-h-t. i. anlCniJ Stoma. of «r«7 ddmpu-b: >•—C.-.W M-»~. f - ««»*. •*M> 'V. lwJ r “f Aral pm. IP. ISW *«J I'pl. •‘‘“l*' * w ,~i tv- nTT I’a and r ■> tur.i* ud-,t I.J £f.**u hundred ££& S —v four -1.-. • I*-*-- 0~» stcrM; Kadta’.i r Store*; J ».'U*r Stover-, *c. I’mrlor Ural-* and fender*. srvat mrietj. beautl.ully en*m«lM. butldlns; in Morin! of wry varlaty of urntniemto! lUillne.fc* Camatertaannd ''SJ, /T.'V.'i &«-■*.--* '“V 7 * .“"'‘n'lp'iS? VinJ. lo mr, »cd »11l >~ 1 tt «ul Lever. I'm* American, Kean's. Ct*ao», RinhaMl, Wood*’, lWock’3, Bull'*, lmpro»*sl Bull, Ac. _ . , kvuUe JTought'— Th«- Mi. lXiuWe I *o«gb> * blib fcaa taken the premium *t the BUte F ?^ r " ®* peursylraol*. and OWo,n«dwhwr«rii ba* •*“*£*.• I Iron and -Null*, SU-r* I w inTh will MtU at lb# yrii**: w«S wZlt | public to sir- me a call, at th* old aTiL EG II EN Y FOBG E . SOLOMOI BIIKTTKIC* CO. (Uta BU*vl * tiamvle 1 * Hollins Mill.; «•» (,f tbe v AU«-*bnor, Ulow tha St. CUdr Mtv*t Bridfl*. AutQKEs\ City, Pi THK proprietors ntaprettaU; li.fona tbo public tbil, tiaviu* nad* (lUiirin adiitionH *.• their •nUWWi m-oU th«v are prepared to luauutf.rtur*. c-u tb* ®«*| ■enabU tumui, free WoVk frr £** chsu» will !>«• in narration about the of f *;' n^f y » when all order* Sbo«* wilt meet «UU prurapt a SIU Wok* made and dre**ed. Order* ««-•*« by mall or tab*. graph attended to on the »bort«-t nr>tW» _#i±£_ * Cabinet Furniture VVwfreHouee m n YoUN'i h CO., Mrrmtutv eur>:li..“U ituythlliKln thrir cf burin***, that they kit fon*tau|ly mannfnoturto* Ju. deß-rh'tloo . t faahl'inaMe Par.or bud U arubrr nlm» warrant*! to material and worltnaiwhip. and ro.d cr. t.k-u in pf.-un, in W"i ’ vun.ltur.uid Oudr,ou h.uduid bool. lu furulsbing toff. jriU talH <»«■* i AI , tl,, .ic« iiH n call, a* vs irtvu ever? attention to SjSiS | tvir u- Uuin. ' BOOXii AMD SHUKS, ■mar WO I dRSA l*K A.-NJD KETA.ILan l.iou« him with tbrlr Kemtnarr for ISoya* S.u ror n//yUu’» < Crimt Court Ittar. r iillK till sniiobuf thto Ikhool *«> cotuureure on MOV I ‘iftY aiwuif Jtb, au.l th. Julio, urlnatruotlon will A “bSn CRIIWS and-M’DONALD. . rVrr .ro tin sucooasivo montli.. lu the Acadrlulc jrar. Tuition l.}lf,mi»rrduan" ntotlltal Til. ““I? I *',f SEiSrHh fb Biay" bo mad. aftfr tZ Z*7K£l?«~«. « «&£s* dropped lu IM.-t OtSn*. _ i - —w.'B* BCA.IKW, S»-«-• “ J «“ V,v n B ", RS r« '■ tio.BB ntUirtrvut —ifSbJrTASD' *i.u u. ? Hnratnnd «•» or OAIIER, M M'LAUUHLIS’S, will call at fourth aim- I< i? > 00 ft MllSlßiGKtt ikf ORAPF) « rWoySfuHK* OF COAL AND WOOD COOKING jg«tasss?rs«jgk aiml, aboM Flrtl ‘. P-tfl'OKh.Pa. d£- ST OC KINO PACTOHY i JU S) FIFTH STREET, Si,™ of THE OLD STAHD. W.,, 11M uaLY had retiiTQYsii from Lha Manufactur- \ L £u“b£ dior irsropo, wh«r» Lo I .. rerv ext*-n«We and well assorted stock ot onlv o(SU«kiag», Sock* UndmUrW, y! l * *** • also now »tyle ot Children’s aad Misses’ Drawee, OM^ “« Tl^LUUomealU c BU)cfc of mt* ESK KSSS UoJcxy. «' » ill «“ »» -LolOTloor York Importers p UAM I)AJj y A CO. B«.eml»r tb. ptoco-Mo. M, S*go of THE OLD STAND. mj23 lAcinoval. FT FTSKIT Tie B remoTed his LITERARY DEPOT: So iTI M «r»t, to m .treM, oppotdt. tb. X^oih« will be b»ppy to aeo his former patrons, re^ln B“'>J ° r th ‘ pe£in tea store, I A. JAYNES, A-o. sa iW> IK~* Jtorbtt, «~Ui »K • Whole?*!* and BamU- Wats? Melons and Peicbes. « ttfe subßcdber is U*dly receipt, by iUilro»d, or Uie u ‘. %a . t f ' street, shore Fifth, ' -i -*o9:U -*HCEL BTKINBUCK. .. V. . ' » . ■“ PHILADELPHIA; GEORGB J. HENKEL^ tfl 1T Y C ABI S»*F ■■ f W MOV SK , V i»a CLffjraT^P£, -mfo £r ’ corpora. l» m ™ B « l Hra^ e i ptUl< nrsinTtrßE, nr eteet tfrixE! Oomprfcstag Louie XIV, Loon XV, mMtalLM*"! AntkiM. P erith Sculpture Ourring .ndin:xl erne tJ / „. In beat ityKeqMlto, Ifuoteicdltoetosu.l s ss le the nSllty of Furniihjn* * e [t £!5«Wu etylo, completely Horn ft only inform you that my Eocma are li&ioetk>ns, by £> f«wt uldL fburnooraln uuftberl with Shop, dent to employ 200 hondr, which la . gunruntee thet the workJ* all done under my o*n immediate to.Tbe paekiwisalldoneinUie Store, and Furniture waited l/iSy safely any distance. Vfcilere to P*B» delpbk are reapSfcill J *» purcnasers or otherw I w, to wiling m«il»»the Goods. , ST. LOUHS. JOSEFII MOGIUHUja# COMMISSION ASH FOEWAEDIKG MfcBCHANS, No. 38 Cosmiou, suow i’iai Btv*», «• St. Lsmla. Mo., /''tONfIIGNKENTS aniCommlMkms will nuetwjtn prompt (J and personal attention, and Übe&al odbonotJ *‘s*? zhwnwfcen required, oft OotulfßnMots or DUlsof Udtaft "orderßlor the purabaseof Lend,Grain, Hemp and ©thw 1 ProdS will be promptly Ailed at tbs lowest market prices. TheßUtriw: and Vofwardlng of Herrh*ndi~ and Pro daw will meet with especial ears anddlspatafc; tb«l****t rates of k might wilKlwaya be procure*.and the expense Of Storage and Drayofens maeb-as poaalble avowed. 2>ac**Baoon, *M***"«». Cincinnati Charles*. Bio* A 00., do; Strader k Uoraan, “°i Chouteau k Valle, do; Hosea k Fraser, do, Doan,Kin** Co., do; Bnrlw?er * Whitnoan, do; J W.Bntlerd Bro.,PKtabh;. 8.0. (Aoooaman * Co., do, D Leech ft 00., do; E.AC.Yarn»ll4©oe,FMl*d*» Wm. Holmes * 00., do; Morfan, J. M.Bach* Morgan: Blow k March, New York. B. B. Oowegys, . J? do; Baltimowu ?SK£fift*i-£v33SMT/&. *3 Hce.ru,hoc.Co., Co; T.C.TwkhcUftCo.,Oommlwk>n M,«rcha»tt.*New Orleans. have an open Policy of Insurance, which all shipment* to my address, when sarUed by bdter per cull, ot when eedoreed on UU. of Ij4lm '*%?•£.£* tlm.ofrhipm.mt. Kanina Nebraska 4 KsowNothlmgli*’ LA*l> TVnCMTT *■* O«WX. CHEAP** TUAN CAN BK BOUGHT IN TUB ABOVE TERRITORIES. Real Kstate Parm for Sale* rims MibdCTlber i* autbori«*l to Nil TWO I AND BIGUTV->X>Ua ACRES OF LAND, ritoatM hi Versailles trwm-blp, Allegheny coon tv, l*emirjhra«»»ij*®g back of M'K«c«port, known u the nftJSii Bight of the prej-wed Bt.tioii on the Coo*riUriUe ! fUUtctfL Improvement* as follows: a square UW |OU3X, 30 hJ wCtwo stories blrfh; and nun UM feet, fboth dkw and in cood orucr;) two fine you tic ®JS? U ’ AKL*. fbert grafu tunw of the fir*t erdor. This Land In well calcnlßb*! for • SS F.m, being T.ry level, art the toil of torntto •tnilitj for nndUißg wu.l *Ub twiv- ir Durttro never i-ilin# fprinjyof eleeUept Water. TI U land l.e« fm-ilkier* rarely »«-t with, being wfthlnJiM « mile of the and one mile of 3tonougahel», end jdmuAlon the i n*v f tUo lWlroad, and I mp(«-wd to Mifitaia aa inexhaustible bed of IRON OUB. Tbi-i Land would not be In U«» market, only that the owneT l, about to to the ** Far West-” T«i» uicderatfl. For fnrvher particular*, isqabe of W. J KtVSULD... .. U»»v ! BU on Estate Ajyot, at this office. VuTouble Proporty For Sale* , , _ tpwo of IiROUM', upon which abe erected four 1 Urick »iU 1.0 rnurn IlulWlwSk ‘s^“/, MOO. Said property Udruated m the Mnth Hod cf the city of Mttsburgb; o®Pen® WfMdfbtibß ■ • and . . ■ dtrweCa, AUo, tU factory and Ground known M th* B»ptre ; Worts” situated on the corner of Tcnu and Moms street*. Al«\ *3 vtm of unlaproTed food, #tOßt*d on the AU*> cbeny ilrer. one mile from Kitst Liberty. One portion of inod therv h Uni best S* w Mill location in the scanty. Ai», a number of IoU containing from 1 to o cl chohw lead, situated on# mile north-west of t*-‘t liberty, and one mile eeit of LewnttcmiLe. , . The atom named piece* of property are Tery desirable, maey. _ / tKAKI>/l*ri6 BkUMX, Ka ll« Wond street, h*» just re- ] (j reived the following NF.W «0|1C:-A Song from the I’m Going There; Switzers Farewell Walu, flelUk, i Itretbi f Ji»ua-.ban's March; lloar* of Devntioo, a eolWuon of tme ml mModies, arranged In omt *4 le for piano or melo d*.&, byUro.e; WiW Vfowera. W *ll*re '• Tbe Organ. Man, OfoUu; Farewell March, Beurer; Schulhoff .I.Grand Walt*. I*t«* Been Roaming (rondo), Drwler; Softly,-ye Night Wisdi, W»lUr«; Usd-Cap SchottUeh. Grebe; Bud from the opera, Beliak—easily arranged and iu»gerwi for banner*; Jordan Pc Ik*, uew ; Uiuvres Favori. par V\ UUelm huhe, Parkinson's Garden Polka, Krnoeu; Par or Maaenrka. Bei . Tt,ere IS herkarea on the Mountain. W allace; The Mother's fcudle; Early Dreum*. six beautiful mel«lle* tor small hands, by tErten. Also, s good selection or Guiur M_u.de, gongs. Polka*. Wallies, Mirehre.jp._Ac. “ u .-_ Bay W»o4 Knncrjr and ciarUntta. JAMES KENNEDY,[I*I* Manager of the well-known Sy- ; racUM Nueeries, New York,) hags i public, ifcat he has now WtabUshed an BXTKNSI\ t NUlt- ; a KttY, on tha farm of 'Hr. Jama* S. near East Ul» ; arty, wb«re he shall be prepared, after the Sth re- , ceive and fill order* for erery varWtyofFroit and Ornamen tal Tree*, ll&rdy andOretfn Honse Shrubs and 1 lant*. In addition to a choice and aztpertaritocktm hand, he ha* made n — with one of the largest Nurseries In the East, u> keep up his supply. Haring a thorough and lengexpe- Hence in the biwtoesai he e*n awurehi* cuatomiTF |>«fect mtlafactkia. Mr Kennedy would also respectfully offer hi* serTlees in darning, laying out, and managtn# Rural Oemeterfc*. Pub lic Park*, or the ground* of Couutry ILwideucre; aud will alaolurniah plan* foe the formation of Lawn*, Approaches, Picturesque Scenery, Ac., in the highest styles of the art. Practically acquainted with every hranah of Landscape, Gardening, and bating spent yeaialn the SyWlan Parks of-; England,and on thutiatriiful bank* of the Hudson, he hopes he ha* Urn capacity to meal tbe fWw of these who ean be addressed through lh* City Pest Often, or ieft at the Warehouse ofMerers. »«gl#y A *£S’:f WOOjStmL _ gKWWEDY * 00. Boston - PuplelTMaebe’ Company* MODERN AND ANTIQUE ORNAMENTS. PITTSBOEQIi AGENCY, «T -MARKET STKEET.-The atteution of Builders, Steamboat Contractors and Cab inet Makers, l» requested to this new and graat taprora mem In the manufacture of erabelUituaeut* for Buildings „w< Steamboats, outside and inside; Cabins, Halle, Chnreh -08. Dwelling*, Stores, and l*ir!ur Furniture, in gilt, or in ; imitation of various kind* of wood: Also, Cornices, Breet «ts, and Patent Ventilating Centre Piece* for Codings Moulding*, Consul*, Trusses, Battlement, Ac; muchcbeaper and h*ud«om»*r t for L*o year.-* exposed to the weather. Above Goods for saleatUiotnanufortQrer’s priew-enst v.v.wjug H«w puineiiblpi Matthew chaff and han't.. RutaiNaKß.tredio* heretofore ee M. GRAVI. A CO. Bure uul UoltoF wore lUnufeotnrere, No. 12-1 Wood etreet, hare “?F •seod.ied with them TUOIIAS J. OttAEF, “ » m,.i r business. 'ihe name. sty Iff aoil title or G« flan wiU> fbotn tbis date, be GRAFF, HEISINUER A GRAFF. T«peeifally noilcit a continuation. of tbe patronage so Üb arally bestowed upon the firm of M. Gruff A Co. Pittsburgh, July let, IBH. 1 ' ?S BEAT "bargain* -of saimner goddi ul “J'KJHfir \T comer or Grant and . Fifth, attests. I bar® this day . commenced wlUug oil my summer stock atfirtteost ,Um Sola uro all new,aud have been purchased this mabmi. $Sd as they offered at price* far rates. Ladles would do well to call and get a ?he stock comprises blawns, summer sllfc?, t>**™*. grenadine#; berego de laiut*, and aiiuoatetery artieW usual. Iy kept in a fancy store. , . ~ ' Hew Trimming store, Vo 83 Cbrntr of Ua,ktt tUMt and thl Damond. FRANK VAN UOKDKR respecfall, Miiumnres to tw nubile of Pittsburgh uhdTldhlty. that he will open his new ?rimmlns Btoreon Monday, April 17th taring :1 ted un tin* neatest store room in the and filled it «llb u choke ..lection of the len-at styles of Trimmlnge and l an of tha llismond- [aprl'2] FRANK VAN OOMhK- . KJSTKttPRIB WORii Si, 150 TVtod stmt, Third door W«» Virgin AU^f. TJOWN * TKTLBX'VouId caU the etienUon of Sporting li men to Uiuir Urge aseortment of fluitf, “ fl ? « d ssssefigss* we offer at the lowest possible priu» to cash P ur '- b^ rl ' e for good apptovod paper. _-tt—rr; r|VUKSi3UT6WEG.-W. Jl°f .u^ The Brown Linen Towei na» a««* t je*ire2 eombiciag the prupertieef a Towel prae-fM a eolt* tlexibiUty of a To*el. tho pecuUartty of ab- I ness not attainable in toe uno »-anu md menre a Bordiaf molrtar. -ItUout fttetioa. go, . | pair. Ko. 82 Third'street. I __JJ2 1 C«ll xni «u*un. out goods tl»l« cent. In joor por- SLTt Sl lhito»»« L - " —Sii: TreuOfbori tttad btiretiT ■;. ;.* -+-►'•■ *• numb: x»wip«rty «>r S*l*. I rnwn rahaaib«r offers tor sale, on very wMDonWo »tw, asajSEEffisJSSisS^SsasS basUmUdinge,and In o»o of. the *“*t hoods in the city. _ _._J T _.,- ~, of FwotanMenj**■«»; one hundred and At* feet fronton *«rTY *M*aj Front street, with *good three gtor? Brick if*™??**’? corner, a two story Frame o® front sL, and Brie* logs, deed u shop*, on Feny ft. 1 . A Lot, 81 feet front by 80 feet deep, on rrcrntj M(«een Market end Ferry street*. A Lot,with rery convenient Frame I>welltfg, Lot® Use* by 90, fronting on Gmgms and Em sta. r vj A Bouse end Lot, on WyHe etzedt, ne*r Opnrt House. The house is well arranged *ndlngooaoroer,ona ln now occupied as * hoteL 1 Q .i h^feassasssasf^at^ nnd BoWnron streets, Allegheny Qty. This fe * wrj dwtia ble and pleasant location fgr s rerideaoe. J ' Nine Lotein theteanuof M’geogprrt, eeett W-fe* “ • Several of these are on the HdP***™ .,. »'»—l Eleven Acres In Umetowu, on which there ale 4 honeee; there wAmmatytT crilent stone eeal, end abundance of limestone, eooeenieat U-the landing; and twooQaljdtsopen.. u • -"Wieebr I*>te4n the 6f by lbO each, nearly all lord, and well located. The teriy * has the prhflege nf using whatever raize for Ids own use, from a pitosarth* *ytu. -9y!!r Is a pleasant sltnatlon on the batk a fce'WWWJ' %r, m *ort distance below Lgk. thewadstofany- I tensive stone coal region, ann *opkfWa dhdzimwFmßfcw*; ' aamtrtMiW wMilMiMWia. - t ~ 9wd BomiredacEMi of superior Stone .oeAWiur wn, UjlMdl 7c- TuTproperty hu* UooDnsahel. ri»«r; »n «0»1U« ImiUft*. |°°» »?”” foundation for railroad—with enough teral tamaam m* gfiEJfSS.saS'SK^IgSS ’^sss^^rsssssig^st for any prop«ty Ml .; *“F ; *j«ritt'i» the Avaloablb farm fob eathorised to sell the /HEXSjSSfJJZ. LAND eonUtnlziglll ae»a*,albi**B>eiS4Wh burgh, and near the line of the God and Lima Stone under the Thole ** *g*p access—lnaproTemeiltsas follows: A t*? Homs, 30 by 36 feet, I,awriee bIfcWjjLlJJ Bouse, and other out buildings; a new Frape *s»*t M by 3& feat, flnbfoed in«hab*t ThistaiS I*tw,cone»«M)r««rt»J W»““ sasassasevsaMWwa msstet, only th*t tb. «™r aKSMssa^SasajS “Sks. K^ißiUt.Agnft. ?iS ■‘TboM ’•.ho »anl a .rood tom., oi wL* ‘ *» "22 iiia,.'T, would do well to look at U. a* .* tbo “t ttot offora m ourto. Also, five Ootmtrr 1 J“P® **?“ oolj3 toll™ from -Ulerbonr W*ttoN.» ton Plank Boal Ttoy arc Otm tmalthy tocatkma, and ok '"tio'mnCanatiT Seat, on tho Ohio and PanMylranla Ildirwd,7 mUea Wow^had#f. The? or together to a colony or baildinff amodation. It ii a lord; location, end cheap, of coarse. n-'ij-^V'ir Airi one Lot of two acres* end two ■malle£pu»** of crowS, opposite Hnrlman’s at. yowls’ ana, * tSrlowpSce for so fine a property. «»stia£j«f . iSjs Hooaa* and Lota, elaeys o» head, •* 4 I ?g®2?f2 a 7^ r/ T^'”y '°* , ° alK ™mZZ™D v* f TifWth rtrMd. Benulirul BUe. for Country Horn... rpUB u»)m4pi«l oto teijto.oaewton^. 1 ™; I LOTS W»1 wgat^dfgUtetadforrormUmlawy KimKlS NOAM, on tb. book °f **» tm foot long by aoo '•* xui •lull. Ann ATonnoo, rod BomtetU ,?5 oontniu nanj *"•£*»'SjJULSaiSu cumnnunls s «n« flow of tho Eery.too od. 1 ondoofaouiofTuotrTlntthto mpmm* nifie«iU4tM *>r> g*otkm*n«remawr vtHW* » “tV tijp Ik'sdvl, oifTAntoguongly ritnottd frrtoiiinnfbotaring por- P °tS; .Soto property Is eitnAtod In Dn,d«n.teoo f h,_on the high ind nOn Innk ofHerr'i •Trer* eubetrunbd bridge of ono ipin. Por jnW»ny pit 2 my reeMonee, in Duqoem. bonmgh, on Urn mb bin* fnmtiog tile heal of Uerfß Inland, or of JO&K DfJN “to" of " 4 Kllth Ward Properly enlo at a «•« riEEZ T AID ABUS* BIScK iotJSBSAND TheM Lola embrown front on renn BttoeL of w *“f* 0 to nS tool >llej i on wbfci there Uereejal ■ ntat bleblodiof Drict Houses, two rtorta M*b, ’'JthbU'JS - nt » _ii-r bM*afeot, 41 feettroot an Penn street, sad w gyiSil This tion for either s Store or ft Tsreni; Teton »twst being ths Uweltar: sod this property being oon-^ eniotre or 0f JAfl . c . RICHEY, Rest toutg Agent, et this ogee. uuuaTiy fjtuPKttiy w disssfiptow iaMr *a* •fT’ s&jsss springs which hsr* nottoltohm all lh»lit»ttnplCT»tePlal ,*Vv sAmtber.) situate vithhl uhc-ijarth ctf rWMI*M .t «h» Shcuir i>jg-„fgjg prossnents us » w«H Sols(^J»welltortlldt*Mrt»«fc, sorinc lftate. Log Barn, **& T® »tt» etottwL,- - 41*. a Portable Etaaaa S.T Mill, newly WSgffjg sort ■ppsoTsd «q«swji»to».*»t«l» t * 4 to“W*«*—SlWSJ herTbut which can, at 4 inWlkspenee, he “jgfffjjj 5 or CO feet in OMoltr B»w tor would alaob. •dmtaW* ctiepUXal for i t*l mif U in • ta« Js»m wiiDg Bran ob» W four thousand logs can he hid with the MIU to now In opendonfanh ban conotant others btir preduesh. Lop Wsjona, thorn., J a .'^ I-^i 3 Apply 10 _. JAM^iS2%t. /-vY LiuEKTY O DIST ORiVB YARD, NKAIt CAKAI. iTiow tl.« only JodnbUlteoo otpro|i«tjtatM«>dgbgfr taxi not nlromiy bought nf by tto Company. Fnmtiw oo ÜbartrtA 6*2,‘5fe5»5f feS/i fe-t, thence to the M«»hpdirtQr»T« B^eld rem oft mile* atafw tftteborg* is Farm House, Bars,Tenant Bouew, OitMW.Hinl nlffjwr an en*U«6t WV»n; , • )£n ,' •' i ?? i The rein o(Ocmi la tje 7," 'Lv” bitiuutr- ** &Y*i, •' •' • '•• •’ rTr tSS liberty street A' 1 twyi.»«»». M Ff *~ mHE subscriber Is satforisiSasebi 1 of ctcuertr. ooctulgbir *K mikes from tbe cKjrj b»Tto«.J»« IWJ £KHr. tbe new bridge, “>» J«g“« b -‘‘.fluEf a HCHK aJß^S&t.. TMitaAlt-Sj nw of Und,3mU«aaonttiofD.rllnr I? ton, 90 acre. cleared, good Orchard, a good Biopa lliure, large Bar* two faai »!•*»*• *ST ui offered at the low price of $33 per , , %leooo»ha(f xnltAh, Oakland, on Ohariotta atrwet. It'STbLoUfol Udi’infront of Mr. ment, and l< oSeted at the low price of «300-enanlre « me. Call and get mj KeglMer, for deecripHom of varWf of proper*. ' r\r\! .—UAU IMH AND, talamnln < ftain,** H SI,UuU New Pram. HomeOf 3ri«n», Tri*****?* lStof*gronndof «0 feet ftonKattfre ibrowpirille.iyd, at SonthPltUbnrgh. Elea*of cholceappU, tree*. ET»p«*i currants aa g©c»«tan**. : * Wpf>W*i ontoT««jM ThebooseUpaired good craws, Be; Hall and examine the property. " . . - i OCTHW* AON, 140 Bird it Vjwa. BAI **“■“*“• r Ko*d. 1U mllo from tie Obfcrt House; on yM£4s-» small two fto?y Brick House, Wahl*, a»d.Sttafcfc*fcta# also, an excellent Orchard. Temg-70y-t}ojtj in, Ml m,c^ae.e,nri^nnrf^»g^^Wg||Ajt buttling ofßomeCT j tfantexr HilL -with nboafc».f«wof fWimd.' mnpom ° B BB** 00._ Vala&ble Property Forfil#* " FIVB HAND3O3dJt BUILDUJQ LOtS, dtnete cm panto* Avenue* neerFaUoa etroet, *ml within ten minnte*' of the Poet Office. For «f Woo4_tnd Iftrch*ta/_ To Let*, -a • : ! -77: i GOOD DOT CKLEUft, wfcrtb* A «"»*■ «>aai««h Irwt»T--T- - U-Mgrr. iWKOU 00RN BTAHCH-S I uwoii -jar. **»*»!**.i-i y-- * • ,•.»- vV, > ■V'. r , -* ief*** vrot tr tnfr r • •uaiMnui.aia: a*«fwn,ow Inmrlirm .............. t bmt&m......... ■- JJ « : ~ iTrn'MMrSii f ■--■■ t » « “ ifcm —- t ■ -- *°* « IJB , ITr -iiM * “ dr—«l>» •' ,l i ' * . “ ««El!«r. >iil ii.iiini " MaOKngAitxllMerlM* P**— 7 ;t,L' oOTMH<*" a< Qm iw p**")- ■ • AU£G£LLAN£OtS LAW) JJYD LABDOIL— UiirAiJMOOh do; BKtimaallNitbbj - BICJt—» ttezeaa yds* Bfeo, **i tot mi* by MTIXIR * WOtBWOK, Mlt - -ffll ana 20 Liberty it. ti 1U OtL-10M>i>Moa Urtfill: , { i low do do; ferula by v jfar MIUJ» A \ fua— OM B—. J«fr» Oofc^fcci f jaXTj ; MILLK& * KlOUffttM £jta omn .to: - ?. /TLiitrr WTNf— l3*l7] MILUE& if UG&JO9OK irygyioili UfejaaO«*wOUr*«feU-by ,i •- ■.. Jttlu»#iiiicKirreoH. B'^ I~jaS£3r«iffl£asSnsrsisasSß T ~7 Lw ■» /^HAUPAUNB—iO teik«tl '“IT TO*, fcadtef tad ftr nfe t*‘ -tsHAfr-UMb aoJ,fic mk by O ml» ■ SMITH A SINCLAIR. laiAS.lll A m h«r. t,r lyi UnalttU«tf«t Wlw of ItootiUM. [njtt. T IHBUD OIL-loMakfcr mbty ~ r " • "u-.aOjT iiomiffl. - ■-• fcg»T BOLMt QtUUtkTUft—«o hr vßftcm . Y HOLMK& I)UTT*!I-16 Drtw » >M> prtrni r'j^^ i tfcrw via* i * *r---’ r v- *■ -*)■** M«d;t tijn3*w* t. m liberty + . KiUIAS, yreocb, l*ort, Uaddnand Ansrieu Wise*, fct.rf.eti’c:^mtUXaaDS, . jju ~ „ ... ..-, . _ nrlibiij u. \)EABI)XHL WtUtj, MaiMaoS,n»TKt« mat, / UIKAP AKU m*S CLAUtr—j ■ ■ 1 ■UH ,-■ -:, ~-y WikSXUUi IMtAfTS—OonaUntiy Aw «*• dgkt, or tett n-• • - ;e '•••'1 v'& anritintri,. £oni>dU% £Tusi%'se*»W*, DMK^asd o, v r itituroatfitateuntmc jrfg s - A/WIUUtt A 00. HVOLYKBB—A oTal! Uadsof JUvol* tm, tiHiiiWg OoU’s, liuvWs, Wot**, ,jgg4 , _- f , j.-.j ~; ,186 WoddatewA. Cl 4JUUMJ»-a «w« tedlMKtolEbete, aa4 qaavtar A twXMy’illSt MCktrcd KBd lbrMStt ®f . BAIL*! A BBSBBAW, ;>.» ~ libarty *-t •t-A fruit rappl j os tiita «Mn t«d M»*Urf natvM CBd-faritife'Sf jjgl • . t * *-> . £ \rinCJC YU&MITU^M—For «al* law, u feUovt: 1 Ur** H bon Mi 1 DnUi » mn. axtiet*; 1 Lett• Aa. [ jj») J. JL-HuTCBIBOK * 00. ZU-Mo.A y to] W tea*to>y ~ I . _ _ _ » nICTT H. OOLLIWb family hup—an bu n*air3 |V| tr fttigr. - ■•- /myRY h. om^to. W« IMV* jim MatfTSdjVßwo( (farfrmW# mlmi of M. da Bdgac; slao* & few piebes of mw sod #l«* ‘ . . A. A. MABON * 00~~ mIQ J~fto.itmth stwst. u»» •' . . ■ ' SOfK I TICLIT, --. • ••* w. «M Wnod-at. ant -«• '• ' 1 2- wAW nuw »»■ >»» ■' i>'i ~:' .; A Mntat. I?tuK«!uisA aillß wgi, shut poocuH, * TKLBT. S ... 40hfcdp W.O. BHfu: ~• *»•'•* *«* *«* miSim* ■im “ > ** %. jjai HK&BON ACO_ ■£ flMJlMttfr Blf*ng,.„ - &s£'*’ K v/v'4)*.4#V> Hybrid; vfaftfeaala and re US ax the Head Qtcrs. iVabuiaat. -■-|Hgn;g.-;•--!) 1 ?.f:» -war uabMM WABP&OP. : laokaa ttotwm, SM*t* 9mm*)****** jfamgt* 2Ji* fait, , , y •to» tnfglMlg touttptithj MMfiUttr, °° th» mart Übtnl Mu, AUta>od*^TiSd£S7* ij« . ’*7 fUDORfi BEOfl, BWBlwiwto J Kidd 4 Ok. ] t :a t :,c. cs r.rt Uhf y»- <0 Wood Sit. L on tend and ftr JafcwbJg ptwuft ** namie bbos. SUPSL CAB*. fiOD4c-10Qk**»<*bndu*ferarialir «pi« - y~*jTruamia bbo* _ Mpy. .- , _J£ISB A MOORIItAB. <; . q- d: Boaftear N. a*dgar,oa eowg^ * WOMLUP. '. rrtxtf^io^iSUUi VoSSßotfloftoS?] mat-id bjr~ .- ti >epU :^•■-. .., srKBSa * MOOMIAP- On»hnl,Cl«rined «4 Moo,^ IM . r Ju^ |^l ' -M»l* *»d ISB *»QO»IDUft , übuut MUCttK, > i2| : at 9D MEBt% feg; ,- -^^ li ' , : i ,’irnf uWatl muh* p. kh j : ijPMUSP SUmoa, tog •**'?***" w. 4. ircura jflßsswafgfjhgi. w.a. jnijSirw j W. Af, v;; fit-' :• ,« C ■’*’ N.-* * . sprits '»m*p v* IA AA A BICKVSOir. k&beXM 4?t. viutdff* Btw CtodlM, «Lc«t * Bio&nrsoy. ti,* ■ BlQggaOlf. Itu, Id quartet, JISSKY HOI t«*tS£W cora«ro \ \