& H 1 ""A * > ' 1, t •* v ■* s a* -•.' * ' anus V • '•+ ■ %*.'■ ■ '■. v; Vv *■■ ■. :,. "'' * *' V,*. - • * **/• - ['.VV'.L,.* 1 . ’ W I M T -*‘. iK'-v •■ - •-.* J"~£ '* * / £&?'*** * ■*•**s.< (- ,; '-s ; -,■*' '■' ±>£%'t . <-: Vi *;-.' fi'SKfl't-vzd-r-Z ■ i r :--’.Sctfr ; - ■; ■’-•.;'-' ? .‘V-:, i\t£ < ?-/*t *”• -v ■• -J *.« } '* I :* jjf>*jX- r ''l r-; c&&v t ; - ; .;-'T ■ .',t : '; \ r * * :■. ‘^'V'tLAv*vOVHtEi*^■■,:*•!"> u “ - Jvi^V ’*■ A >.'.-'": ; 'V / J ? '..- * n?» , i >'° “ ; ;W - S &!£££sftrav*. -*^>^l 4tfg[3n ***** r* »i-.' *•* ** s*** v** <« vj ■PM mysm grs&i Mj#y |j@3ss0 %SrSS^®^^fe ! MfeSsilss.’ga^ mßgmtt §B®?*s 'JAp l|iP§s#?®i jM*Eßkit»^4«i«>*s”/«s!t {-; fc *’•»,».VEI fcraSS&|fW l «« 5 ***%^‘J‘-'%WVI.4'i/i fßttßßk&k aHBBBbs»iSS^BSS» aßSmmmmm 3|||l^ *3?t/c&?i f ~^';-;'i>j. »••■ ~s«.*r/^^s3; fr 2rr t\ r •• «B *&&&':-• S 1; ‘: : r * * tCragf VS- , • V“-, -.■■« ••* "V *’«Vf.-; ( ,»*Vv'•*« ,: ; »-* **K y •.%'» • &&: -a • • - - ...... • t-r•*£*- “ - '• - •-*--• * , .7 i V* ’>%**:<’ -• <,-..'v'a ".■ ; ’■: -:\V- - v.r i' J-. . : • ■ .._G do* Peppe* oauco; by kegs Geriuun id-iwa; 15J gre MiHer’AJflueUat; - iSUiJi Tomuto Kctenup. jW " Audersous do; i cutes Preserved Ginger; s*wl do* ft»*>rted W«k=|,.- 2) kegs lubrns; go bi Loiengcs; ~o cas** £uccj box Prunes, 60gru« itlu ktugv ; 6 ♦• 'OO jur do; <2OO obis augur; •■'OOJ bx* Tiro Cthcmjts; 10,000 ftiucipe aeguw; 610 •• a*Min«s»4w»«HN do. 10 bunktsig olive oil; lO.ouu llevaua do, law bus P«?a Nuts, jj.ooo Common do 10 bx» b.ocanmi; JJ.WW *“• a^' u ’ 1/ ■• TarmialUi 16 m»U tnuh »»K*. W “ Ol.To,; J,uuUOo«»*uu. .i at uatk« ./urrunth, *■ i #. “ .l,umt l F. s .'; 36 ««*< Ataomli; I |.s« hock Cuudv; 6 obf> do, : s fc -*!ra— sr£?' ; n..*•»• »«»■& aui3 2d Wood St., buiwu-n frirfrt and oeu)Da._ ~fUst'kWliiiViSir' ]it -04 Kml***. J IWuvt UstUnouScu U.»d l*»udrby Win. fcUrlHK* fortune, ur Adventuresol Ned Loro: bjJ.lt* Jbn.v, tTutuor of Wil l Aeftern Bceneu. s >Wn Leuven: Oy Kuuny *crn» 44 uupplf. •*; :, t ■ £u>U!r Agiu>‘, orCouveat Lite: by a Clergyman * g«ci-ets of. »iu SiaitUy : by ilio "tabor of Liu, Ibo Ou^^. i P.in»i«i,r jjAM L. It. .LALrJfcu, i““i y Woodalreel 7vL v.\V^Uc»rULANKLTd « ttUeidhii—A. *PTit*il. crnero Grant and fifth Street*, bus on baud *b‘->. lei and yello* flannel*, of every quality; ** V >.ort-oe«i <«i UluDkeLs.uil » .:Oluudwi very supe.»«r ««••-_ • bloH.:uef uod uub.eu-l4ed aueeliug*. £^' i '. *lOO ‘ l-Ub i.iueu Muet* uDd **”“**'*%* :. utv n.iwe-t. d t.» caii uud ess...iue, us urr.iugenumW I.j bteti'tdrtd«:wita munufftaureru by ***** t'-'** Kt A«« Vurk pru-e.-. X r b'V B'* Hf-'- JOsMl'il d.Mllll l* l)—*'" IS Ucd-t-.n.-, l- „sl..ucul Ske-.chesol \>«teru I'resl-. &te*u*ui, ib* - *-• lU l'criiouu Um««, uud v. = first iwr ?mUb, D i>.; i»rn*c }'- ■fi iß t r - .1 jibed, uud ituJe w'i tes mulled tQ order, I,"' JOHN S BAVIWJ., . t>j Aiatket. o«-ur lvarUi^»ur4-'. *1 C/.a .-S«:u VV'irjd C.ig-*s, udsol'lcd t. 45^.‘ Wt .o J mi Hdllfriii. .'.cpieiubec, rec*'V£; a dress o t &--d washing Calico lor oo J>- - ami Mil mho, proportion. . tU l’ u Su.Vuiaiw— ly tons taarlaob: 5j t>dia Mackerel, large No. 3; , bo hi' bids “ •«ii bids .“bail; 3U ill bids ?had; do bids Mackerel, medium; bOUTbbts •• “ li>j ob.s Hydraulic Cement; jj cole- i'aito rOa}>; i>j bag* Ti a Jtby -eod; 160 - tfaiti-curu; at i( .pH L.S iLISU * MCHARDSOV CUI'AWUA BBANuY—A pamarUcl*,Ui«growiU wi *■ / i-ooniry, from the cel bratwl lactory of Zumaersn a , Uaeiauati, tar **l« by tb. gallon or t*t>, by * • <«• b. I'lOKdlrhff, E *. D l6 No. 1;.7 Lmeriy s-rw- V r ALL)ABLK F Ait M uK-lod ACKJw* i-OA tAU..-r. ateou tbe oy nt-r, 4 cn!-saU»k*-H h« )->rL, and ‘M iiom Lbs illy ; *0 acres are in a gmd, »Uk ouitira'>>u, so of prune bottom ianl, letnaindei thoi-v .- bet and well eatrrrd; a two n.orj Brick li um>, a !•>.; f kmeUaru.attL. etob« tMroinciil. aw , suitable eutliou Apol amt Roach Orchard, »lib abundance i f otUefrfrn: Brice £>o an acre. "tr rso easy- be bad. toe *•*• and tarm'og too A ialuau»e Lnr*« j>«wer Cu'-r aui ihraabius Machine, Ac., win b« »oUI a; lair pru«» ; 2. CUr»l4i.i«i * M-’N, 9 pxpli Real r- -Uie Agr U u, i-to Tb.n' • riVJ“C-Jr—A liric . ii.iiaog at«'- I ti 73 iwf uuiiuut. a lu illtitixii a Boa* U xtrv “* yi Uuft F'u frAU*.— fieaaax.li>- /V on tb« bid near lln* a.i eyl)'-n ; - Riooti, a ad frtr.Uti - I'laua tWied. Tan co .rooilis aud a b well U-r cumf.*n ami Air-'*, l »•->' '■ Bier kitebeus, » noc *esan-iall iu ot the ihk.swv* -• of good water, stable.etn! li-iiw, f Jtte too-j'-r ii* bra in t <4 rrdar. TQe .ot is I£> f-*-t rrjnt b> l«'H» drrp ; JfiJw. b oCflliVKwT * so’*. • jlt-al K-;a-.e A.’fi ' •; T’.M'.l »tr- *• I *ibrL» Ju-; rc<- irvi.-0 ( ta.' - - r.dn»,' 11 rirery wlitb aa t dfaii 1 . a i.j-,n«o)' pv-c-a ail rot.rrs jo*t \u.-y saporior or: * -r«b d 7 ‘,jj ceuta wllia ;at .ft aepU ‘ A A i>b »CK t'i.\u» Sion.?—Jo»; r..Ai\"4 « i n .i-.- 1 g tbi* ahoTe map'..' admired M.Ks, all IK «>». i ' ■| li Ik. FTtKA'-U CUI 'iZej!—Wf li»r< Jd>t • I / U.-W ;\k-*ea cl ibr ai.orr aue «.*•> A.“A. iIAtJN A Gv>.. MplJ UjKblbatre-t ALU tVOOL i'LMl'.'-A A. MASO.N *Cd, io a l dj ft aili rec/.itr», and t»jwo a Tery ►*•-«. r tb ,u 100 pieJcs nil »00l i'laii/; puri.a-»d k’. ibe r* - * packavt* *»J *»re-iwry a»ie< m New Vwk at m.icrbw* tr : co-t ol q jiur, *u.m, ih ‘f Will t»e olTercl at u.-arl.. > half leas iß*n uausi prkw .. *'■ ' StfpTKdatiyra, i^i«.—ilaua.n « aUu >•• '- ,1 sireeL bi.-eja-itteceirni par expr-.in.- .m-*•: i»«« *« beuiUfdl iwyiea of FreDeti, S*’l»a, io»-l Scut.-b 11r0t,.. JiUßdOtUf.ittiti, . ter o&rrd iu ti.b. m:y. , AiS • n very large Aaeortincnt of Medonna CiothA, . Tra.*Biiittg ilanibt. -W \~SJ WaEiIA.V !■>— IV wtM *ta Uisitu- 1 1 j tv j»y a* follows f»r u*i*vl VV»rr*ut , lu ttir ■oivut*. Wa tuim-aod acre* >u: fl*> tor ldJ aurb*; £>l tor b-rss; *4*for 4U acr-s; iu gold- . ■ JAMBS BLAKELY, ■ u;3 ' B* l * l V*'*'" i \LAU olL— 2j riKir j‘r~ ’ receJtrU anJ lor »aie (£' 3 rt pT It. AL aKLLkBg ft \ f ».S.\A—l c«*e small ilaka jure we’d and t>r »*le 1 „• j>l It. L. SKLLBK* * «:u icl'lLK oOAP—26 bxs jaal received and for *«ie bj 1L E. A <>» OLIVE OlL —i pii-rjtui recrif»*\i aul fjf *aJ« by mj* 11. b-jSKLI.LiIs ft C Cl INC tNN At I IsO Al* ; i Uu u>xe* oleine aud German Scan tot »' il *LL OuTTAUK UOLSK, »Uh * L-n <1 6o frwn O Cnkra btreet. Mt Wsf-hlugLin, by fort deep l' - -eet street Price $700; .$4OO In bind, balance -M U yearly payment*. *»,ai.b, g aa» ItoTb-rl^* SAltKl*.— lax*-* tiu«- firuDrf BliCt-p. • a Sir. M«i|i(nfk*m celebrated imported al'ck, lor •< au 3| JASIHb WAnl>K'» : OsWfctiO PIIKPaKKD Ous»N — I** *>•*■-* t- >< H •».. •lie by H. K. bELLKU* Apt . »ui§ . f-T W>.ol rr»- 12* hf bbU Woito »i*b; i 1 10 ball do; S 4 hfbblaTrout; i 11 BtiJ3 do; •"* 10 hf bbb Picterel; for rale by j,17 HKNKY n. fi'ULI.N? ! Hup. Cliulen Powebong, (in papers) at 40 eta. per r» Plßeet Pongtae Cbalan, do 62 >$ do. Tor Wile by ( j*24| A >1 t-'U ; R ; • SALUDA— lO ctu»l.« in rtort and for **le by •oSH _ _ K. E. HELLER*;- C 1 I>U;IN— Oo bbU i . rtore aod for aal* by » in sb-re uud for Mi* *•> nu -0_ _ K E.__SEtI.KKH;A_C' I’ IQU'JUICE kyniT—7 t-ticin nor and f) , jy-fl UKNIIYJJ. «‘ “ouir*rcollCue~l“UiilC• I Department* tKENC:I a.ND Um'. iIA.m LA.NUU UL.i Mtt. lIaYDUX. Prlicipal of tbU department. has rar arrangements with Mr. I*. F. UDwARDY fur furir.ir porujitO-nt cianre* In thwe«» lungijHgw. Mr. U I* * g* n ’ 1 in xu of the highest ratpee.taiiiiity aod thorough edurnti'’ Hungary, ani no pain • will be syared tn Ms d«T>r ’ BjrsDt to tuj lung repu*atfr-ti of lb** '■ UituiDn, for effleidot uuJ uPmurh instruction Mr. rp«uka tba Ensli-h Ungouc* . an-i will Instrr. German *an 1 French in Kngli-h Person* d-s!nub IMirmi Sugars,eul-aht* for Jellies, Preserv A -.,.u5,y I■j a* 1 llcf. 2>; itf.uUO Principe .'egant ui’i«m quality, wideb Wd will eell wholesale at *lu fl 1000. * J A JAYaES, Pekin Tea Store, 38 Filth *tr»^i. N«w arrival of Chlokerlng’s Pianos- JOHN U. MELLOR.BI Wood street, vl opened to*lav (Mouday) the follow!: PIANO FORTES,, from the celebrat \J 3 * U V uinuofa&toryof CLiICIiERINU A £oN3,b< loa, vis : i . Two superbly carved 7 octave Plaoo*. four plain Rosewood 7 “ “ Three carved do “ *• Odo extra carved fijJa “ “ One plain &?£ “ “ Four do do •> “ “ geven Walnut 0 “ “ All the above mstratnenui Lave been flnl*b>-d during i. laat month, and are of the lat.ststyles of furuituru. In', rlahlv at BOSTON PlUOEtf, and every Piano warranted nB y JOHN U.MSLLOR, No. %1 vVcy-d street. RU tl Agent for Chlcfcering k Sons, Bostou WANTED —A Mortgage of*i,o of $6,000, raav e:/ht '.car* fo which ca h nod good Oorpar 5t0.1,1 .1,1 bj, f>™, .t Bur nt». wooos , au H 75 Fourth “tree: a(jl j cor&er of tbs Diamond and Market Ft. • MrtrrimftcW nnd Oocb«» PrinW, * l J ,ir,.iv stvie“i. I'igethtjr With an aajortmfint of go* - AA' *-» h z co H.IJ 10 ; ; BOS, J 140 Third urat. ) . . . ■ »»*-’ * - ! "’p. . •• jteßuun, „ • ISLAfIU JUN6UUANCKS . , ■ On goods fey rifew, »i*rf»toj J*kee and land flWni|*lj to alluartsof the Union. tfilU: INSURANCES • Oq merchandise generally. Oo stores, dwelling bousas, An. J ' Otf lUM ooMeAilK»«o»«a»b9r7tJW». , Bondsauu AU>*ig»g*i«.. 00 dUtfOl Bwuisyiyiaua, I'hihidelpbia city, Spring Ganlep, Southwark, and other 10an5....... «...«.wlß*fW*.n* .stock* ia banks, riUioads and insurances com ponies : 24,013 » bills mrciTaWe...'. a -• «.ush unhsod , 16,071 30 iialaacesin the hands of 'Agents and premfuma _ ua ilariss PoUciw fecenily issued 131,70* 07 c übeociptloa ‘*~IOMOOOO duuctoha: . Dr. 11. M. Hiuußi ' ! Hugh Crate, . gpenctir il’iirnln* Charles Kelly, Samuel Ji-Awbae,. Henry Sloan, ; . James Tnniunix, Win. Kyre, Jr., Joshua L. Price, James Teaaem, John B. Soupw,. Uharle? ScbaU'er, J. X. Logan, B. T. C. Morgan, Jo. VfM. .UAJlTlK,President TUOfI.C, HAND, Tice President JoeiPQ W. Cowan, Bee*/. P. A. MADKBU, Agent, marl 6 No. 96 Water Pitbibtttgh. ■\Vm. Joseph U.&gd, bdaiiwdA. houdei,. , JvUo.C.^OATia,, Burton,' John H. l’ecrosa, Ueorgo G.Leip*rr, ti-twartl Barllugton, U, Julies . J.G. Joan»ou, . Jatnca U. Flaudf Tneopilus Paulding, James li. iTFarlaiid, W. C. Ludwig, iautt) ANKI'AL STATkanfiKT ttTIIJJ »®A'TK MUTUAL iriHß AND UAKXKE IN SOKANCE COMPANY, or Pfc»i**ThVAJllA. •to, May l*i, SMjM M jiuiu.-'fu-c' iTixt iin\i»y iti, ifwJ, XJbptou r® •met on : Ml* iu . t».l '» - I**,** l w urnesi Dnsmluuiri, Luvees, Hi* InMii'aiiue, Kx pennvft, - 87,8&4 M id*, ih’rwn***, dtoelta, and othrr e*eu* cZ-UmZZ - »WWSI W oiiuui 50t05...-. .. 61 hem hand - I«,BMU'il fotaJ ain't of Kasourctat, Liable for l£>*i+m—~ $.168,31# ?0 JOUN P. KUTHKlttOitD.Uoaphm oonntj, i>. 0. nMIAiVVICK,U*rTOburg, bAiIL'LL JUNbA, Philadelphia, A. tVILKI.Nfe, Banker, Pittsburgh, A. A. C AlilU Lit, JOLili U. KUTUSKPOXID; Dauphin county, A. J. UlLhiBOT,U«irrt»b I'HOST company, PHILADELPHIA. CHAATZKKB AT AIL SBTH, IUO. CIIAKTKfc HBHI’KTUAL. CAPITAL $250,000. Office, 3 E. Corner of Third and Chestnut Sir ceil, Thtiad/lphut. OJloert oftA* Horn* &t*ird at J’hiiaddpkia: piucToa*. dt*pbea R. Cravturd, i’&al &. >3o-uU L. ilomekh, iJurvrvuJL, Wiili*ca M. (Judwui, ft'Ulucj » Wtndtnl— Wwptnm K. OrmwfrriJ. i-’wc i'rHbloti—AEabroM W.Tbxaifwftß Mcdtctd, JL£+m**tr t —J*mw 11. WAi**®o, M I>. MUgkena b.ilcwry, M. l>. • K. £k*>Ll>, A*«ai, *u*ilT:y So. T« Fo«rU» Krt-t, tnmbtrffa. i r*i« Friui&lln I'lrt lnmiftavt Compaajrt ftw>>wwi - i Uwi«iUrt, twb»M 1 f W**;i»rr, Grout, J*c\>b R. MailL, w" Kiob , -u, Mvnivru U. U l oluwrti. C«a»- S, KoMUUI, JYrjtUimt. ’ i ,a. U. •5 '.at5T:U« tu £3.;V« lL»wrKt,'.». ■• r ilauioa, t-o n*tj ■ •i u . i j-rvft tij. in u-va *.~.a »f»uc:ry, *t r*X** u low 4 41 ■)« ix*uju.?Ui-t-»Uh .ii* Cs.>iai*ti> U*Vi * >*»’*• f lifci, 9 ,trt, vlth ILt ir -*} 1U» »>«1 j r-4LiuciJ, »f -f . pr.u- u>.:. t* •wrtiml t*A*cUt< Uje tna Jwbmi 11*41. ** jnN « *m**.».' '• l - .'.>•■ wi Ai«*! ;>'•>, • <■*■»•«* »l»; m ■ • :» *c*yut l« a.«* «t •In.e tl’.rtr In-.r',' .-kUr.tt, a prr'—A >■( ,+j ufnr*ni Of f’o** to'.ttkn Hun Irvi tV*o ..oil uc:i*i*. U-mx by Li*. Uj«’ tor *»> nUat »»**<••<• **f th* .a'jv.-rt tJ ; i' well u 0™ *tot«U) «4*-l n t - c,r« i wiiL l all Ufcbl«ui''f. j. ii \RtHM.K '.’IITIX, A^wt. .-.,4 jKj, t/SU*. nenu-r*-l *tt. W<»xJ lad Tlari A*. W FHOTUCTIOS NSUEANCE COMPANY, H.UITFOKI), CONN., 'apilal Slock, A nnua i Fffmimnt and H’uiem fund $1,000,000. INCoKPOAAIAD 1*24. ‘llla# of Tusorane* all tin*** ## ’..*4n:U>beiiMUrni- _ .. 4 , H Miller, Jr .C W. R.kkrtJoo.J W. ttntler, I -I uc*, Ji., W. 11. Smith, C. I bm-fti.rtrau* W. Jarkwcm, . ; . 'I. l,yoa,AnnM*FLi}*pe»cr>tr,’i'-»r/r Htrrie.Jaaw Mr :ul»r f Alexander Slink*. ThhßiaeScolL C Office, Sin. 9U Water itnmt, Warehouse-f 6md( A ••P aUire.' Wft»kQf*b. . MfKly HOTELS. CITV HOTEL , . ( UATft B owa'a.) Horner of Hmltbdelri and Third etreete. riTTsnrimu, va GLASS 4 CAHB, Proprietors. JOHN I* HLAm*. dan. i>. calk, -» • TTil«g-~ >W I«4nrb.) (Lab W CbartM 4 Ttrr] IU*«l«.l 11 ills Ur/** nod cotnmvdinu* Ilosae baring thotuu/h repair *uM:i in Warreu for the sccommoda i. *u of th« imveliii/ community. A (-tiurr of tiutihr patrjDair« if» respectfully Solicited ,u 17 M. GABKILL. FIUi\KLL\ HOUSE. BiT Uf.rTNLI r I UJiKT. AIV*VK Til In I*, I'HILADICT.riUA. PAIiREH d. LAIHD, Proprietors. TKuMn *I,.VJ I'Kit DAY ntHILLAK lIOiUE, JuIIXaTOIVX, IMXXA. (HIS ha»inc i-bar/e of Uie »bo»e DBUi'ii IlmiM*. oud it a. n eipeUM, In a mlorUbh* well a.f i.'le/nu xtylt*. now pre|>rrtal 10 re it,- /ui-flt*, ami gire ample eu.L-factU>n to all who may |llU w llmiK. i« h:ifj .UllKn DOWNEY^ HAKE'S HOTEL, l.al*- Aariuer’e ExcliuiiktH \ T 0. 133 LlHKh'f V B’L‘ItKET, lot.; of tilth street, PltU burvii- .SAMhhh il.vllr;, t'n>j.TieUT. Ts»i» llutel i* eiitinly ii»w. liaviug juat bt-«D mmplelixl at i opened for tbt,»«'c..i»iuod..tlon the public. [aopl3 THE GLBN HO' ;8 N.tW KHALtY KOlt SUMMER VISITEUB. —The X have hem Imi.rowed, and the House rendered u,jr« attractive, j*eß«rully. The proprietor will be happy r-:« hit* trieoils. 09-An Otnulfcua of ih« Excelsior Lin* la now running 'run Uin etntlon, on Fifth (‘treet, to tQ«* QLJSN lIUTEL. i.i-uykh the station at 8 o'clock, A. M., anil S P. M 4 return r.'t QtU A. M , and P. M FRANKLIN HOUSK, Cie-reland, Ohio. , PATRICK A BON, PnopßirroM.— I This Uoum hu ua dergonu thorough and extenffire repairs, alterations, ami large addition* of new furniture, and the proprie tors pledge tbemselree that nothlug shall be wanting on their part to render the Fractur a place where all the oom fiirtf of a first class hotel can be found. jy*:tf a PATRICK * 80N. RILEY’S HOTEL: CORNER FOURTH AND GRANT BTREETB, PITTSBURGH, PA. E. RILEY, Proprietor. FLOAENCE HOTEL, No. 400 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. (OoSDOCT» 05 TB*-*CBOP*AS PLAV.) EEUBKH LOVEJOY, J. *’*AST*»5, - H.JIAMLI PKURY HOTEL, corner of Hancock streetaod Duqoeene Way, FitUbargb, Pa. maptry McUASTBR? 4 MARKLB, Proprietors. T)APRR HANarNOfl—WtheanJ lightshade*, with wktp HOUBE ’ A.wILKIRB + oo«* - ■ DoßMtfe Q?ta> Notts X tiri lA«OTarMAtoftobgtt fcii« , BOllll* 4y, in ell the "»**«* throughout the United Bistro. Deposits received in per funds or current paper, st the comer of Fifth end Wood Streets. [ feba $627,470 M RAKKKRR AND EXCHANGE BROKERS,. BASS UHOTD Trrerk muvrtwo AND EKOBAXOS OCTICB TO SO. 67 mjjlut atenr, roos doors sxlow olp stand. N HOLMES A SONS, Bankers end Exchange Brokers, » end Doalwv in Notes, Drafts. Acceptances, Gold, flit t«t end Bask Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western Cities constantly for Sale. Collections made in ell the cities throughout the United gtetro. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, Xo. 07 Market street, between Third and Fourth sta. (Ja3&Jy New Arrival of Spring and Summer Dry Uooaa. AT So. W N. W. BIDE OV WOOD BTRKET. D GREGG k CO., Importer* and Jobbers in British, • Prench and German DRY GOODS. Haring rwceir* «Aloar large and »x(«hhWu stock of spring and summer NBW Of PICK* goods, purchased from importers, manufacturers, and part v.+.t* •«,A CnTit-ranti-no’ Amnt. iLroiuh our own importation, wa feel safe in awuriog our _Ee*l ™ . old customers, country murebaats and dty daaiersgeneral- r l - ' n J’ *ubscriber haj been *««*“** to ly, that owing to thene acquired facihUes in purchasing, I ibepurpowofbnylog and we can ofler such inducements to buyers as an rarely met having the Agency of large B^^., B*w^J 8 * w^J. l, J^ 1 d r with in the trail* Yards on the Allegheny rlrer, together with many other Among our dry good. stock will be found Mahmerea, de- f.cUlti«from other laines, Portsmouth burns of the mot desirable designs, blm-lf that be enn furuidt «t, biU. of lumber end mohair lustres, alpecss,plain blank and fancy figured alike, Umber of any kind, *t~t or small, I king or Jbort.und ginghams and fa,imprints, lattoit .tylM broadcloths,li.ncy oeU.er them at any point os tbeAllegben,, MonongbeU, iratiugs, cassimetea, ..tluete, weed* nnd summer pasta- Ob!io, orMlssisalppi riem) eonteKt U> buUd Urgeßa^es, loonitti; brown and bltok muallna, table diapers. Store Coal Plata, Boat Gunnels, Bridge Timber, Bull- We bare elao opened * eery large eaeortm.nt or bonnets, road Timbera—Prrfgbt Iron, C°al, Am, to any giTen point, TlKllit A.l At 1.6., noanetstyira. palm leaf hale, Rutland braid and Iwglinru, aiid will attendto Fron BANKKIta A.ND LXCUA.NUK UItuKJtUS, aud an oitenmre rariety of hosiery, glorea and rlbbous; hlf lon, ln lumtoiring, freljbting and boa tfl el m 3 strrrl, cmrr of Ihammd Alley, wim lacegoods, fancy nattioga, jaconetta.mnll end Ogured hohhn.-. hr All riTTsnuae u.rl, paia. muaunaand black silk Telia, Ac. persons are najinated to make ttodrcontracta Boon , rape- I >LY AND BKLL Bank Note, and (Join; Diaamnt lime dnwSji. fruiters »aicne.i, watch umtcmlM. gifts.**, gold »nd gill jewelry of Am-nt. Pituboiwh Box No’l2o oost o»id will be Bxrlumg. *,nsuLtly od hind. marO ck.«i putw-rna, and a great rariety ol ») hour ami b 0»y i- No rt or as, aii of which will U* * .M at the lowest price* forcash j J hSJS “ DAVID MUNS nr *austocmry rHerw**. ;AAt sg y —— n_ n *,n «*rly call from buy»rr» is reapectfully aoUcitaa. | ranxu D. GUEGU A Cy. j tAO. fl. UG0X....... HOOK * SAKGEKT, D4N&KKh AND J2XCUANGK BHOKXKB, a. ■. cxuitra of wood * eOXtu srs., pittsbumb, fo. 1 vi*AJJ£K£ in buk Note*, Timo JBflU, Foreign and I / Domestic Exchange, Oertitieatea of Deportt, Ac. Axuh&oge on ell th* principal cities of the Union end So* rope, for Ml? in stnnt> to suit purchaser*. Current nud par fund* received on deposit. OoJleetfons made on all part*». - f the Union, at the lowest vim. [sepll:ly BANKER AND EXCHANGE BBOKEK, S3W,3M 7u - uuxw lit .) Exchange, Commercial and Bank Notes. STUCK bought and sold uu rotmaiseioti. Collections gainfully attended to. Interest paid on Deposit *#-No. Fourth street, nearly opposite the SI SI. Hunk. _ d *" l6 HILL ft CO., BANJUKS AND iiAGHANGK Mtuhhita. w-iailT KXOUANQKon the K*rt*rn CIUw conrtaotly for Q bU- ttai* Silbr at Bxthang* and Mate* aba-oast**!.— Uoid, Silreraud Uaak Note*, bought and *n!J Colh-eliour raud«maU the principal due* of th* United State*. !>•>- petit* (wriicl of I’ar Fuada. tmaTlTlj xdwkrd *ao*. rtoßjtJi:i culm gftAMSR * RAHM, BnNKfe.lt> AND EiCIIAMIK UKOK.KBS, BOY AND SKLLGoId,SIITr.r, and Hank Note*; negotlat* Loan# ou He a) Krtate or Stock bwcurlUoaipurclxa** Not** and Tina NUlr, on Kaat and Waft; boy a»t sell Stock* on Ootamlarion. OHlectkin* pade os all point* in tfc<* Coles. [*ajl Vcd., iiABKJtftS AXl> KXUUAN'UK BUOKKHS, DKALKKS to Cola, Bank N->u*. Si*ht tad Una Draft*, Ac. OoU«« KILL BBOKER, 'Ujtcr. .Vo. W MwfA #f. otorr Kood, PITTSHCKUII. | Note*, Draft", Ifon.U. M'.rijfajOT". an ! I**o* 00 col lateral*, srtf-Uated. and Laud WarrmeU bought and raid 0013 IXCUA.VOH AND HAFKISO HOCBI OF A. WILKINS A CO., No. T 4 Ft*C*Ts Snot, ■Jncfin tb» ita&kof Fiiubonth. j—a Pm«w.-snu__ l>m*ilu dn-i I'.-f'V* £.*-A‘j*y<.2».ni «4*d &*i*eT sad and eUK* -IXCIIAMit: AND HANKIMi U C 9 A OF WILLIAM A. RILL A CO-, «'-i iraiuT. ruTaasaoa twoiftt kUo«««i ,-a uair dvp>*:ia. ! yanl3 th .o* mu • isv.*.t«u«i R.pyrd f •„«( :vf rrrrU, /b. Tima«< vVoudi, WCOMMEBCIAE ÜBOKER.'U Kol.l. t3nn.li, Slncfci. llnnl Kitilli **.. -.v.,. :> t . r :' ■.*. ’• i t . iIHKI \V. U'(H>l>t3 ICI-1., CAMI.VXT riTHM tCM i hi A> IXJ fTT MX. Wunrimi »t ind «« TUrtltml. j W U . r—iortttii.’y tu*>ra«/?\ dQkjySißjfifßf a*s3 that ttAonev »vrtar »tnrk 9^R rerattur*. ■Ui'-n l* 4*44«Wr • " ■ tb» larger;*C-- bett **** %* any in tt* Veiled Star**. k*-l -.>r Wert. 44 th* •«* »**!••••; «LX»*d l—■! « 'rk*4js ■ :«! »**«t Jrsiflk*; j ftv-o ih» r . r m, *ia twi.Uj u> iMnolactanaf, i b* u *naU**J ."urnilar*, nt tb* ; prv.;*« li» ba* fci-. T u-l Ou prt#-:;** «j{ t hu rwU&-« ibCaTMI wtib tj* caw. v« »«l ;»<•*, »?l *i (U i «-t -**t y 4**rtptic» <4 furaltar*. fy;>.* r ».-s* *c.) ; t • it* B**l p’** jjfcUt t. -Vi > t ii«*t » u $•»-'• ■*«n »*J ** - rurfti-Jmi fyw.T fct» (.■‘-x-'l, .'T n*t iJ*- n,-r«fc-; a ‘,f “ Ww^tMkSi., ’« KbdhMMl l!»CotnaH-ft " 30 i>r— HaLr-Ab * W ftr-lrc 6w, JO Wninut 10 «3brrrj • M 10 Plain Parana*; ! TO UuiD 4 nbi! TaUm wl UutrMf*; 1 »t OmrtrmUOß CHcin; l'Mßbmt* M BilftbftiUA ** lUi tad TW M ■KMMpUre " LmiUw* Votl M , torltaJAM “ ixuwioa T»bl*«, jj Am ** Ouaaacu; ■*’■- UrUiK *oJ Ujw: Cb*lr*; A large MK>rtm«BC (f COMMON FURNITURE and WINDSOR CHAIR* Caarrxv Mitu* iupplW with *ll ar* HTBAMBOATB and HOTELS, fttraUheJ at tb* abort** iOtfoe. All onl*r* promptly attsu-M to. apri .nih Ta* •ut-sr ril*r» imjfi th'L* aekno* /?\ : for til* favor* br*towed upon I by their MnutK«i M<-ad», tttd |W ; would re»pe*-ifuliy fMniml Ujftn and ether* istrrart- * “ " ! «U ta building boat*, that they arii at all llou prepared u> , furnish, on (a* meet reasonable ttni, every deaeripUno of Cabin FuruUUr* and Cbalrt of tb* beat maUrtal and work cnaoahlp T. It. Y 'l.'Nrt A (XI. Corner Third and Poillhfl«14 streets, jyt2,-M opposite “ Itronu'* Hotel." jan«i Xowry, »lr», CtUAIH AND BEDSTEAD MANUFACTURER—Na 2*4 i Fettennab'a Row, Liberty rtreai, Qw on hand a larga *U*?k rtfOhalr* mad Bedstead* of every -iisi rtpOon, m*J** of Lb* beet material*, which be will aril lower than article* ol tb« same -jualify can be aold la the rtty. Me would rail par ticular aUwntiou to hie large stuck of Mahogany and Walnut Chair* and IWalftaad*, which he will Mil at grnatly reduced price*. Alao, Turning of every d«*enptb>o executed la the namteet manner Order* left at the W are Kooma, or at tba tdlll,corner of *.!»»■ and Liberty streets. will bw promptly (tend*! to. marxl HAVK OX HAND at their extensive CABINET and OIIAIH MANUFACTORY, No. 04 Smlthfleld itreet, a l*rg* assortment of fancy tad plain furniture, which they will net) Ift per rent, below customary rate*. Term*—em*h only dec27:lj Great Inducement* to Daatt Purchaser*. \1 TK win wll our large stork of COMMON AND FANCY YY OUAIKS AND BEDSTEADS, at price* that cannot fall to pleaee ra«h purchasers. All our work l* warranted. Our term* ar* CASH JAMES LOWRY, JR., marift «>r. Seventh and Liberty at*. x vvM. i.. aiLVE.NSON contlnure to manufacture CABINKT-WaUK'I cverydiwrlptL n, at hisold stand, UliTty aud atrwU. UNDRRTAK * X * ISO attended to, In all Ur branches. myll CORNUCOPIA. «®“OVSTER AND COFFEE HODBE.iI D. BARNARD. Mo. 40, Fifth Street, bttiwen Wood and Market. JanlOilyt nmacwin. CRYS T A L PALACE, No. 18 Market street. ’ C. C. SEELY, * —•. RESPECTFULLY Informs befriends and the kd/Puhllc in general, that he has just started hln New York nod Philadelphia modern style of COOKING OYSTERS and everything else In the eating line. Oyster* In the Shell or Stewed, for 12U cents a doien.' Ue will also furnish the best of everything that the market will afford. House always open until 3 o'clock In the morning. ~ aarl3-tf UYITKR SALOON AND ItJCMTAURANTI 108 WOOD STREET. TUI subscriber has now his OYSTER SALOON AND EATING HOUSE perfected la a manner that cannot be excekd by any similar establishment In the dty. MSA IS WILL MS SERVED UP AT ALL HOURS OP THE DAY, tram the Choleast Meats. Fowls. Fish. dkc.» dc-c< Ilia Bill of Fare cannot be'surpassed, and he would respect* fully invite the attention of the public to it. CHARLES STILL, JaJKfcmaetf 108 Wood street j. a. MAJvnx, \j Bt.Clatr liAfer Beer Brewery. npIIE undersigned respectfully informa the public that he | la now fully prepared to serve private families and the puhllo generally, with his celebrated LAGER BEER, in bottles. All orders left at his Office, NO. 39 DIAMOND ALLEY, (near Wood street,) will be punctually attended to; and the Beet delivered to any part of the dty or vicinity. I. U. BCHENCK. PROPRIETOR. Boults' Lager Bser HnII» No. 108 SmttAfUld street, opporUt the Oustem Bbtae. THE subscriber has just opened one of the largest an] bast finUhocLLager Beer Halls In the dty. Hlsßeeri* acknowledged to b* a superior article, and eveer other a©* eohunciatian aboat hi* bouse cannot b* excelled. A. BBNITZ. ~ .r * k -*1 v S' V.Ssn-’S- f , f' V « , , ‘ 'j-** 'MV '• [ • ?■.• rjt ht» ' ■ j 4 * V ....•' t ..•*» «*.* 4>- f •.- J. ■y A** ’ ■> V *> "* N. HOLMES ft 8098, •_TUO6. UHLIT ; JOIUTWOODI, coai>ui or moot- ass nmi diuiti rHOHPSOS BELL ft CO , tl , Mi *H* ill' KSI 0 K r. H » tl 1;*-, li L tii Staanaboale, They i A. Mtl.LlkKN 4 CO., REsTAURANTa. rCheeea. for sale oy ITOMJBKAF, EBBBON A 00. j; * +*■*»' .. 4 \ ’ Mew F»U Oood«« at Tarrlle#i»t#Wwi. Yootfo, >stkys FIFTH STREETS. fl AViNO Tills DAI* OPKNKII MY NJSW BTUKB, 1 XJ lw*g leave to call tw» n.lt.-ntkm of ili» Ladi-stc tb* larg-’audspluudkl >>f >I*HING AND SL'MMKit UoODtf, jutl revived. Acic-D,; the »to<-k may he found kudu of the very finest gi.odi’ now imported, it comprises, lu part, 200 piece* black and fancy Dress Mlk*,6o''t*.to $2 peryd 600 do Mous.de Lain**, Uaregmle Laiuks, abd Moumw lino de B-ge; •200 do Beautiful Bareges and Tissues, to great variety; 260 do New Style l)sw Gingtnua.; 2uuo do American, French and LogUsh Prints; 600 do Prenchaud Bngihdi Laws*; 2000 French Collars, from Uv) cents Ur $6,00; 2UQ Mantilla*,of the lateel style*, among which are soul of the most beautiful imported Into (hi/* country. Ah«., Muslin*, Timing* Checks, Uneas, Crash, Diapers, Table Cloth* Gentlemen’* Wear, Ac. TBIMUINUA— In this department will be tounJ a com* plate Maortment ot Drcn* and Mantilla Trimmings, Maltese : and Uoultoo Lacs, fine Lug.Gh aod Thread Lace; all of which will be sold unusually low. Ten bale* yard wide Hub lie at »U cents per yard. m ,3 A. MTUrnS- HEW DET OOODB STORE. Ir E Tfc*v an* preparwi t« aril ItuM* St tbs i o w a*n r a- i .•• / j: a s vuicksi And they Vdl warran; ;b*a u> lea* px>d as any mane tariurwi In tb* Luk-.i. ton WORK LS TV* in LS. >l° iwl till M iIJWJ SWTTC*. have i **»-l a ?nii and ta-aettfui. ftSMinu«a! au4 tor FttOCKB, DttW.i. WALKING AND UUBI M:sd COATS. 0»f ;nter**tear*i4*atieal with lb l "** cf-•■ur rC*Dper*, m l v» ion;. th« yubli.-Uj:‘ur SJchiy wUI uc: fall in *, ting » . e« uiit >4* f*vr>r*4 with. **- !a*i.N‘T * ilGifT TIIM PLkCfc— ,Yo. 88 Wood street, (BAST Sirs,) OOEBBB or I'lAßOSt* AIXKT. *J. i; war ti *u* wi* t**™ *-U.ui»r wr r-«;? .va r. «uh lAe'detain* Uuubwi "»• »tn*t. 'Jvi U 4r*- B*r£ jims ircu»»&KT a oj. JfKW SPRING uoonn. Jt>T iilX ki > ai> Af J ill ■> A tVI H «*j» CVsfclax Wtoinwi*, No *A rvren ■■'t lAatfMtd alley, Vb* ta/ f**l era! t»f«t T»rt*vl »t«fk roll Iftai Ibis ceietrataO !**#*• Lor w»rf bad Lhe fleaeiiO of lot tit oj tl«s alSrotWr. IL> ia Th«»g'.x«lfUtf farri-AMkl ff-ia rtr«l and. no «p<«<«hi yfi-bt «• (boo. •bfc'fe tMv»» u* obit u* ftf that •* i»» «atl ‘ at u izuail prv7f:'« a* *»▼ tmu* I* t!i«* *-a»l' TiarlUM Tbaaaft-ra. *• tl»r BttfSlMO uf «bc itnaaia iaalm m»4 oojblm ranrahaftt*. to foerral, t« {,*9 it* • aali, aii) •i*ute« our •itaad*" aWfrtcirnt of KKAUV MAI»K Cl<«*»ral* th* M p!*« ftf (bat Uto (» nrS al Lbt* i»r( - • WaVli>htn*Bt; It !• Ui aay tiat H ba* Mtn bnoa r«jaalt«l b» tb* Sou** lf a«ar)iLif i‘>il> im. ftAHlltXuHAl, MERCHANT TAILOR. tto «T .tr rf.A.’K I/O T£L I.CJLDJMCS. Cat. ctAia rirmpi^a. NIXTLBMrVf CO.fTartG bwl* *irU* «od»r l>u • «n < 4f .u (L« Kabi' neLle n.a Brr, at theft aoU, ha:bl * i*rgc an 1 w«il m*nularturwl>tock nf rwaUy Clo'.Liog. u> •I.wf. to»ll* th« att«nlk>n of bu>«ra, »4U«w »hnl.-wl. or mall. Pvrwo* wh‘> for %*b. will find It L' thvlr • dfaotag* to call at ITT LU rty .irwUlwlLrw making purdiiw.. C iXiNNKR. Now Clothing Htwre, no. 4. sixth eritKrr, uFp*»nitk liberty. Tint •aberriher ha* .'o*l op»nM tlit. nr* rvtaMUhmcnt. « L»r» rva* »l*«T* Co Laud a .ar4>- and cLoL r a*Qon [*<•lll of aUarttplveof Ci/»TUlNG t whi'*h b** warrant* .sjual to any to lh** rity, and w»tl **U *( the oiMt rvwwmabl* prl km. Th» pabltc arv re>]U«*led to glrw him a call. aarUly BuITKMIEIMER. WATCHES. EWELRY, Ac. W'ATCIIH* AND Ji.Wr.LKY —Wc are a»laug al. kind* WaUhve etaud, a tlueaeeurtu«ent of WATCHES, JEWELRY,aiLVKK AND PLATED WAKE, LAMPS, GI RANDOLES, Packet and iUhb CVUrry, Tea ami Cbmmunfcm SeU, and llie usual variety of good* in hi* line of btutnesa. ti pedal car* and attention given to the REPAIR of FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. fc lie trusts, that from hi* long experience lu business, he will be able to give satisfaction to those who may fkvor him with their patronage. Pittsburgh. May 16th, 1868. my2s Uenry Richardson, Jwweller, HAVING re-otted his store lu a handsome wanner, and but recootly returned from the easteru cities with a Uue assortment of WATCHKH, JEWELRY, and FANCY GOUDd, would call the attention of Ida Clauds and custom ers to the foot that among his Watches will be found the most desirable styles, patterusaud waken. Of Jewelry, the latest styles of brooches, Breast Pins, Fob uul Vest Chains, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Miniature Lockets, etc., etc. FANCY GOODS—tiuch as Papier Macbu, Work Tables and Boxes, Desks, Fancy Vases, Perfume Bottles, Table Mata, Colt's Pistol*, Porte Monnaies in great variety; China Fruit and Cake Dishes; with au endless variety of useful and or namental articles, which have only to be seen to be appre- Uted. (novl) NO. STREET. I.MNE WATOHKB AND RICH GOLD JEWELRY A’i’ ' BARGAINS.—W» wish to Inform the public that we are now offering our present stock of Unit Watches and Jew eiry, at prices that oannot be beat Therefore, we say to one and all, you that wish to buy fine Watches and Jewel ry, give os • call, and save from 26 to 60 per cent in your purchases; whi«h you can certainly do by calling at 67 Market street. N. B. Watch repairing attended to In all its branches, in a superior manner. Gold Jewelry repaired or mauufafr tured to order at short notioe. at je7 HOOD'S, 67 Market st. U. KBtOHBEIi, watchmaker and jeweler,. Dealer in clocks, watches, jewelry, and FANCY GOODS, No. S 6 Diamosd Allxt, between Mar ket and Wood streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. All articles sola At this establishment will be warranted. Repairing of Clock!. Watckee and Jewelry promptly executed at the shortest. MMfa*. AR work done will be warranted. [jelMferf - ,> *.,**•*>, -?a& • TEAS i-TBAS'f TEJSJ f ! VTlffTJßftf IJt - * : Jtt the P*!ci» Ttm Stare, 3H -pxrta rranr,Pummaa,Pa. Tjytb* half ebsai. of nbatly pftCKed (s tsctrtmllk poeksgtw ii tsgoittbitnae. Th« rabaeriber Is notr Mc4Tix»B his hllitock-of BBW* and BLACK TEAS, —conslstlß(c of some of Iba finest cl < j a to be hand in the Justfrrß maxket. Merchants visiting U* Sty are inrlted to call and examine oorstoek. Bek>w is a list of the ranous grades, all of which hare beenearefblly selected, and ean with confidence be recom mended 1 ....... V , ... 9fr'~half'eh«fs fine YontigTlyeen; 10 do do Morose Young Hyson 10 do extra fine Moynne do; 100 do Superior do; 16 do extra fine *do; 60 Lacqured boxes ertra Curious Young Hyson 36 half chells fine Gnapowoer; 10 do extra fine on; • 6 "do - do Moynne Imperial; 20 do Snperior do; 160 do Fine Oolong Blank Tea; 40 do extrafine oolong; 30 do ' extra Curtoos ao; 20 do BuperlaUrely strong and fragrant Oolong; 26 chests extra fins English Braak&st Tea; 6 do Carious ao do; ALSO—Jars and Bio Ooffee. Lorertng’s Crashed and Pul> yerieed Sugars. ALSO—w»O Principe Segars, which will be sold eery low. A. JAYNBS, no»l4:d*w 3ft Fifth street. Pittsburgh. Col. James B. Morgan, Lumberman, Pittsburgh. Mr John Morrison, Esq., “ 14 Mr. Robi.B. Brown. u Allegheny BiTer. Mr. ffm. Armstrong, 44 Clarion “ Mr. George B. Sweney, •* “ ** C. A J. Hahn A ** 44 44 de»2l:lydaw DsTld HVU| Real eat at* and contracting agent, No. 2, IRWIN Street. Pittsburgh, bu fin* sale, u follow*: ISO acne of lao<3 In Cedar county, low*, 16 mile* from Man c&tine, on the main road to Marlon, and 8 xnflee from Tip ton, 6 mile# fnm two Railroad depot*: 90 acre* if under cultivation, a good Frame Uoom, Frame Barn and Grant rise, a good bearing Apple Orchard. The farm-if nail watered, high, dry, good lead, in a very healthy county. A very great bargain can be cad of this farm for prompt pay. Enquire at above, or of Mr. John Munn, on the pre mise*. Alfo, 3 km of land, with a tare* Steam Saw Mill, now in «u'.mM>ful operation; 3 Frame Dwellings, Bam, Black smith l*h-twn of drawings for et«*7 description of werk in mj Una. ‘i('.r uarirallf i Mcelienre of this combination of (in ;tis Chukt I‘tcTt*AL,, prOT'-d beyond enril by repeats trial u'd*r o»n oU*tv»:sod. hae eotnpelfed madieal mm U> prt«Jiutn abroad ueefulneeti )t la beyoetl all d-Milit the be«t a«-onrai remedy ve have for the Pb»mbw> ttrauru • 1 Affections uf tbU climate, at tie msm> time aedatire u.^ (Vi llftiET liiL'flll M'iihti'ib eipectoraDl—* rare e ul>initki& of propertied wli ! !sSai «V eT, QU ’ M i to the bo t < that it nUI prore ita ownre«*rd,X sobocriV SkamkS . Uo'n w'lLLl ! **' '/ i I>. J. C. Avrr.: John MO.:.N : ALu’ciiO* f AS, ■"■"'nt* i l **'L _... ... . _ . - : which wanaconstamanaAjyaiioetometnDd fMtkaiam^: JtOOV PATTIAU.BO&i'h . a source of great apprehetuden. Every eamedy triad &Ut«l BAZA All ANL) LIVEKY STAOLEB. lu oVud relies e mt*, liU « UMI yoor CBXMT PjßXttUib This rpiir USr'KKSK.NED baric* *‘•elM n-w andoqcacK' h** not ooly relierwl me, bohas I treat, wholly cured me. i choc* and CARJLIAIiK bTUUKR, in Conner* ■ I cart- nothin? tor the of advocating Patentee „ lk* with bta old MUbhabment, : didoes, and Oil* Uat your serrko. I &h*U KoMUwnd « h--* t* imfaiwi to do a really in- ■ to members of lie bar. and others whoa 1 may meet, i»- tmaioei He bas pro- flpp9» j boring nnder similar indiapoeulona. -^XjJ^TtstoofeTUSKUUXP&RPASP*" W • ! Yotirstraiy, IL F;JONES rirrv UolUtehof wbiefa be can lake an IncTaaaari pqm ; Montgomery, Atm, October 4. IS4&. b*r on llvny. t D*. J. C. Art*: Sir —1 have uwd jour «rf»i>«KU eom lie Uas arrangad bu new building With a view to mlc# J pound eidttsivelj in my practice, *nd Cod it to aarpan, by and •tone* tn job. r 4 new and imal band Carriages, of ! far. aojr other remedy *e Lava tor curing diaaaseanpcm the •ii u> wbieh U« will [in ample attrtrtioo.4 lans*. VourobcdieiUaerTaiit, t Im« u alio ■litis th«< new bulhilog an Kqueetrlaa Rltf, &• B. JONES, M. S • beftr lloraea are tralnro and eteptW.nbleb *(11 be (bond ! What yet remain*_to ceaTlttoa tha aoMtiDcrodnhms Uud adraotafKoa* to ptnoixs kwpiog Hurt— with the uadtr» t if o*'!. n**okfuit'Oß|ri.(. kw at hi* ' __ JL X OAiUUAQK WAREHOUSE, uttttafd. aear th* Two Mil/ Raa, brtveeo PUtsbarfbaH^S^E*- tuJ UvrraotUU, a npiwdM VMf or VtUiCLK*. «>r rwr; Aeeertpooa, aad a)U coaUira* to rmrrif ocularly, new a*4 aooonU bi*4 QariaffU, B*dkv*, ekfch he ar(Ufelt oath*Ten lo*e«ttorn# tbl ea«A. »-«*•— >•--««—■-—~i-*rr~-ft—Hi rtirbnrtnifT.-- 1 *i:b hi» «»U kaow e fadiittw ta ibe Raat, ha fiatters hi marl 1 to MUiwdciap tllfoapaCMloe. «om vbbtat t« (wueWe ir« napectfoUy in Tiled to cal) and lor thiwwlea*. fe^Mciaiand prompt ettaatloa paid to moirlstof Carri •*■*.*& [»yl*dewyt JOBRPU WHITE. UOHKUTIItPATTK lUO N •» ft-rfs UVE&Y AHI) HA US qXMJL STABLE, taraar Dlaaoad stroot aad Chorry alloy. H»rl» IS PITTSBURGH, PA. Dr* I). *l»7&a*r rtnlly MadUlact JAYNrs KXPMUTO&AhT; j*yM> ll*ir Toaic; •• Toale Yrrailuje; •* MutiTi PM*; “ CanoimaUv**• Af9« Pills; Altaratlvr; ♦* 4a*rle*D UslrDy» Tb« shots *slu*b|*f»aUy osdlclnst- couMsotiyoa baud, aiul sold vhcUssltor rsUU.st the PvkiaTMSlorv. JSPiRt «n»t. By A.JAYNfcS UieioplTfACTQt fbr Pietitrarxb IJIKuD DOCK fUKKAILituAD K.SuINAKU,.-.—-Ountam- X 1 lug SirmuLe tovlayiDgouteurw*.determining frogau giM. levelling, calculating earth-work, etd, together *iUi tables of radii, ordmatre, deflections, long chord*, ma&uetlc variation, iogerathlmj and natural sign*, tan* gvuts, etc. etc.. bjr John B. Henek, Civil Engineer. Poeket buuk form. $1,76. •*.Th* oly«x-t of the present work la to supply a want very geueraliy felt by AcUaUnt Engineers op Hailroadj*. B«x>k» «r ooDvenlant h-rm for use in tb* Bald, containing the ordiuarr logTarilhmsUc table*are common enough; but • book com Lining with (be** tables othe>s peculiar to the Railroad work, and especially the necessary formal* for taring out curves, turn-outs, eruesioga, is a desideratum which lb la work is designed to supply. U. S. Miuvaav AcaMotr, West Point, April 18, 1554. Gentlrm (h* oh* j*ct lu author proposes, and hare no que*tk»n bat U will be (bund a vary uselul and practical volume both for office and field work. D. h. Msaax. ~~ TEot, April 31,1854. I am much pleased with Hr. llenek's little manual, the " Field Book or Railroad Engineers. 0 With the presenta tion of some of the most practical, and useful of recognised processes among railway engineers, he has given others which, new at least in their praeent form, appear to possess a miut of higher value than that of mere novelty—that of bviug in general susoepUUe of available, not to say desira ble, practical use. In oonci orion, while I think th* design or Mr. lisnrk'e book is such as to adapt it excellently well to professional needs. I have pleasure in expressing uiy cordial sell*faction with Us execution, alike with the per spicuity of arraugemeut effected by the author, and the ex cellent typographical taste displayed by his publisher*. 11. Fbanxuh Qxuat, C. E- and Director of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, for Nhe by WILLIAM S. HAVEN, Dealer In Engineers' Stationery, _ Market street, corner of Second. WM. A. M’CLUKG, OEALKft IE ’ Finn Teat, Choice Family Orooeriet Willow Ware. CORNER OF WOOD AND SIXTH STS., PITTSBURGH, PA. 18 now receiving a large assortment of FftBSU GOODS, in addition to his already extensive stock, purchased from first hands iu the Eastern markets, which, will be sold st the lowest market prices. ♦k* lioiuls, Steamboats, and families, buying by the quantity, supplied at wholesale rates. jsdf Hoods delivered in the city ftwe of charge. sepSl L' HANK LKSLIK'D UAZCITK Of FASHIONS, for I 1 August. Knickerbocker Magulne, for August. Harper, for August; price 15 oenta. Sul. Smith’s Theatrical Apprenticeship, with illustra tions : by Dailey; 50 cents. Quarter Race in Kentucky, and other Stories: by W. T. Porter, of the New York Spirit of the Tithes; with Uiustra tlons; 60 cents. Mysteries of a Convent: by a noted Methodist Preacher 25 cents. So many very good and new books have been published lately that it Is well worth while to call and look at them. Such bookras fashion and Famine, the Curse of Clifton, Lamplighter, Thoughts and Things: by Klihn Burritt. IL MINER A CO, so* No. 83 BmhMiMd street. G1 001) FARM FOR BALB, of 48 sene, with a food farm I house, of 4 rooms and cellar, front porch, a good spriDg bouse, with double barn and stable, wagon abed, corn cribs and good garden, and orchard, with abundance of apples, pears, peaches, Ac. 80 sens m cultivation, and balance amber, a goad soil a new thrm, situate 8 znllat' from McKeesport, sear the YougUogbenj river. Price XL -400. Terms $4OO in hind, balance m one, two and three years. s. CUTHBKBT AJJQN, •o 2 - B«*l lfctste Agent, 140 Third AUlfl of the beeterL now la am tor t #tlUhl *r Am (week te; 1 cnee r*. mini-tl NH*t . JwCILMMta. C«rtth*s ]SvmuiShSStt re.l TUB OaSAT PURmBB OP TUK BUKH . - m A.MnnMt UI * 1 -1 T 4 . AIT INVALUABLE REMEDY FORSCBUFCLA Him; ' gore Eyes, King Worm or Tetter, taMYltadrßhtfr«*B>ra •nd Pun of the Benee end Joint*, BCobbOftf«W*k Hyp®* Utie Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints,abtl earns orbdngfrom eainjodtckma use of Mercury, I®l*d deuce in Life, or Impurity of the Hood. - ' . ’Pi u Taloeble Medidna. igneh-baa beooiae«l9bf*tedpf the number o t exUmwdinaxy sum dbeted through ftt urcacy* has induced the proprietors; at the urgent ef their friend** to offer it to the public, which thev Jo Wftii the utmost confidence in its virtues and-woßderfo*> .t*Ut4 propertied- The foUowingeertificatesjseleetod from sUrgq number, sre, however, stronger testimony than the mere word of the proprietors; and are from gentlemen well, known in their localities, and of the highest ropdetsb&Ryj many of them residing in the city of Richmond, Va. - ! P. UorUEN, lisq., of the Exchange Hotel, Rkhmoon known everywhere, says he has seen the medicine eallef Carter's Spanish Mixture administered in over a hundred cases, in nearly all the diseases tor which it is ; ed, with the most astonishingly good results. He says it • ibe most extraordinary medicine he has ever seen. AGUE AND FEVER—GREAT CORE.—I herebytertifj' that for three yeartl had Agu*sndE*ver of the most >ir,; !en (description. I had several Physicians, took iargvqusn. tities of Quinine, Mercury, and I believe all the Tonic* «1 j vertised, bat all without any permanent relief. At iaafi k iried Carter's Spanish Mixture, two bottles ol.wbieh.-efilK 1 * tually cared me. and I am happy to say I have had nritb*->‘ chills or fever since. I consider it the beet Tonic in ibf lb . City Hotel, in the city of Richmond, says he has ' in a number of instances, the affcci* pfCarur’* Bgaui*} i Mixture,‘which werv most truly surprising, _lfefaya.it> ; ' oamof Consumption, dependent on the pva c l-' feels were wooderfulindeed. SAMUEL M. DRINKER, of the firm of Drinker A , ria, Richmond, was cured of Liver Complaint pi *1;/M ywrr- '< rtanding, by the nee of two bottle* of Carter's apHnb: Mixture. GREAT CURE OP SCROFULA.—The Editors of the RicT mend Republican had a servant employed in their pres, room cured of violent enobhnd ’vitfi Rheum* tism, which entirely disabled him from work. 7 Twcbottlr oJ Carter's Spanish Mixture mada a perfeetcareof bom and the Editors, in a public notice, aaj they 14 cheerfully v* commend it to all who are afflicted with any disease ot th blood.” , STILL ANOTHER CORE OF SCROFULA.—I had a ver • valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter’s Spanish MiktW 1 consider It truly a valuable medicine. Conductor on (heILF. andP,B. JLCo., Richmond, Va SALT RHEUM of TWENTY YEARS STANDING CORE L —Mr. JOHN THOMPSON,residing in thedty 0/ RiehmofUt. was cured by three bottles of Oerter's Spanish Mixture, « Salt Rheum, which be had nearly twenty.years,and wbicl all the physicians of ihedtyoQUd notcun. Mr. Thom 1 son is a well known merchant in the city af Richmond, Vs. and his cure is most remarkable. ’ WM. A. MATTHEWS, of Richmond, hud a servant cur* of Syphilis, in the worst form, by Career’s Spanish Mix taw He says he cheerfully recommends it, andconsiders It or Invaluable medicine. RICHARD E. WEST, of Richmond, was cured Of 'Serofb Is, and what physicians call confirmed Cutwuaiption, V three bottles of Carter 1 * Bpanish Mixture. EDWARD BURTON, commissioner of the rrreuue, *ay helias seen the good effects of Carter’s Spanish Mixtuwli 0 number of Syphilitic cases, and says it Is a perfect ear r for that horrible disease, f WM. G. HARWOOD, of Richmond, cured of Oldßoteano* Ulcers, which disabled him from walking. Took aikw-bu: ties of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, and was enabled to w*i> without a crutch; in a shert time permanently cured. Principal Depot at M. WARD,CLOSE A CO-,No.S3Jfaide> Lane, New York. T. W. DYOTT A SONS, X 0.122 North 2d sL, Phiiadriphi-: BENNETT A BEERS, No. 126 Main street,Richmond, IV And for sale by B. A.JAIINkSTOCS k CQ..L. WILCUs- Jr. A 00., FLEMING BROTHERS, 60 Wood street, Pitts burgh ; H. P. BCHWAETZ, Allegheny j.fno .by DraggLie and Dealers in Medicine everywhere. octflaiA»j.y ; 9m§ CHERRY PE CTO R Alt son vox aann cues or COUGHS , COLDS, HQA&SMySSS, BRONCHITIS, WHQQHIKG-COUQH. CROUP, ASTHMA. AND CONSUMPTION. "WE tnrllo the. .attention, of tLi V BSn _ public to the vertifleatas tppemfrd'' j below, and bespeak for them that «ii: f •. did consideration vhuhtMf bon<*i A Irank'&ess deserve.. Me j in such stations as many vrht l]|K voluniarily bear witness to the efficH . ey and value of Cnzaav Pacroux, co not wantonly titfie with, or distort BSawsHMawaßeau facts, nnr overstau; their eonvktiou.’- Judge thru, whether this is not the mediciae to trust whrsi tou raa«t haTe relief for the throw, or Lang* ; judge to-, wbetlwtr every family ought not-to have it by them as n safeguard aoaiQM (ho c-vrrywhsr* preraiiiCßenemy, which steal* 1 With f*t*4 upon aiiaoet every Hoskr.ami canios off u l imb from many a borne) J ark run. C. U-, Jarksou city, 0., 20‘.h Nov n 1842 Da. J. C. Arts: Sir—'The CaaaxT Pscroasi. Is ttuohiu- after. Several of oor Lest Phjrieians have used it, three of them la 'heir own cases, and always with the hr plest rff'-ct*. The uumenius patent meilieiaea always be* fore them, lead to iceredulity in regard to every new re la dy ; sod It I.- only after undoubted evidt-cm of value intif. artVfe, that anything like a :*euerti oonfidence can.be ex citM. the Cherry Pectoral is all that it purpurts to be, viz: as »u> equalled remedial agent lor all diseases uj the Thnyt *uii Lung*. The espeneot-e of yeaa has proven it to be such, and we mboil it to the people, believing that it* Tirtn« * will fully maintain ilareputslien. rrepers-i by J.C AYKK, Chemist, Lowell,Mas*. Bewtr* of worthless preparations, attempted to be pwitneJ off and* r » similarity of hum. Sold Id Iltt«barjrh by ell fragzisU, and by B. A-FAIIV EST<->CK A (X) . wholesale and retail. Je(bflci4fcw JAMKS tfLAhLLY, huropeas Agent and Lfeaterib Hud offers fur »«le the iollowiug valuable pn>p«r>j, vui 'JMU acres floe land iuwr the MlaKbfeiJppl and SUsm un lows frW acres of timber and praine land in m Minnesota. 12U acres la Liverpool township, Co]un«* biana county,Ohio. Ivjl met** nearUrvensburg, re. land county. l&U acres near >'ew Castle, Lawrence eouny, highly improved. 1 acre lot near the front gate of e*. Mary Cemetery. . 4 lota, each 24 feet by 110, tteaUy fenc*-u with palling*, near the borough of LavrvocwviiJe. iwj budding lots, 26 feet by }OQ, near the oorlhwndnf tic dharpebiugh Bridge. 8Q lota, each 60 leet fronthy idy Vwi Jeep, in Liverpool, Ohio. A r«*7 Taluabie fwvwi in Mem-x ooanty, of 13u acres, with excellent houses, barn and oul buildings 2 booM and iou on Diamond sueet, In the U>i ough of Birmingham, a lota, each 24 feet on Quarry street, running bach to the Mauor Line, Filth Ward. Call ana examine Begiater, at the oorner of Seventh and SigiihtUdi street*. ' ' jygl BKOWN’b KiSKNCtI u* GINUKR.—This KBWMtfhwar* rant**) to pu**e», in a concentrated form, able properties of Jamaica Ginger, and will be Arana, i>:< trial, an excellent Family Alnlkine. It ta particular:* recommend*! at a tonic, to person* recovering from fbv<**r or oilier disease, a taw drops imparting to the stomach a glow and vigor equal to a w turw to follow the use of liquor of an; kind, and it is there* tore especlully serviceable to children and female*. To th aged It will prove a great comfort; to rheumatic affection give* great relief. As a Cholera remedy them is noihhig Iperior to it, and no family should be without it. 2 g sceiTed by JoS. KLLMIMi, JJ26 ' cancer of tbs Diamond ne4 Market i . HYK s2^.—Ww L*» for saw 3UOD acres of good land, (all ot which can U cuiuvated,) la lota of 6 acres ami upwards, at trcto |5 V slu per acre; situate along the liu» of tbe : Baitiinore auo Ohio Railroad, within from 2 to 4 miles of 4J*ineron and tkltou Stations, county, Va. Many oersoos liv ing in Uia crowded dttaa weuld tlo well to puribase a t«‘* acres and srcure a healthy nod comfortable home. Tb«*re an tint rate market* tor aU kinds of produce at «tery sta tion on the Hailrund. A Tillage at Cameron Button i growing rapidly, and the country around io improving vtr feat. Title Lsdlputahle. & CUXIIhEhX * jj2o 140 Third afreet. Head anil Mineral Water Fountain. WHOWh, No. el Finil Street, neat door to • liali, dealer In FRUIT and CONFECTIONARY Ice cream, of the beet quality, served up during the sea son. Also, Straw barries and Cream. Families can be supplied with Strawberries and otter Fruits, during the saasun, on the most reasonable term*'. Orders are respectfully solicited. je&tf I yKBIKABLK REAL ESTATE FORSALH.—Thirty tu.ua- I / ing Lots in the borough of M&acbeslar, £4 feet wide by llNj feet deep; part of the estate of the late dsaius Adams, , dec'd. These lots fronting on anaTenuulsi test wide, and extending to an alley in ibe rear £6 feet »id*v make them desirable property for a suburban reefcUncw. Also, a lot of ground on the comers of the Filth. Vi ard Market House and X’etin street, 36 feet front by 10U feet deep, to Spring alley. Also, two iota of ground on Liberty' street, each ft lit front by 160 deep, to Quarry street. Apply to. « . JAMES blakkly. jy!9 Beni Estate and European Agent Advertisement. ANY person wishtngto make $5OO in 6 months,address me, post-paid, Farmington, Trumbull county, Ohio. This Is no fiction or book agency. No traveling Is necr.va rj ; but any person can ramain at home and make Hie above aum>Ui the time stated. Address I \KY UUODS.—A. MTIGIIE, corner of Grunt mad AVJU 1 / itreeti, has hand 10 oases bleached jauauu,' trom 0% cents up; 60 pieces Irish linen: 2d pieces white mulls, tor ladles’ dresses ,75 pieces linen; cotton ami woolen good-for boys'wear; a few pieces flue black challe; black, barred and plain berage and tissues; mantillas; wsntflja rilk and trimmingso* every description; tan colored aud mixed de bwge; dress ginghams; 600 pieces Merrimack: prints, fast oolora—all of which will be told extremely low. 1 European agency, passenger, a remittance OFFICE.—James Blakely has arrangements- made with Eastern Houses, which enables him to lsßbe payable at sight, for any amount, in London, Liverpool, Dublin, Paris, and Frankfort on tha Main; also, ate** the Provincial Banks and Branches in Germany, France, Orest Britain, and Ireland. Drafts over one hundred pounds at $4,06 to £l. Office, cerosr of fVrrimfh smithfield aU. my£6 • * OKMI annual &ALK.—6OOu yards fast colored Lawns O U 6 cents per yard; Barege Delaines 10 cents, worth lb; with all other of goods in like proportion, at A. A. MABU.N A CO.’S, j«36_ *■ . 26 Fifth street. BLACK SlLbS.—Just reoAved at A. M’TlQHlPB;cornet uf Grant and Fifth streets, a few pieoes of wryfine plain and figured Black Bilks. Also, BAs aftd' Trimmings, in all the fashionable colors; bleached MuMian aad Irish Linens, 6 cases of the Very best makes, just re osived at . A. MTttUIkTA, jeae cornae Qraafcanfrgftb sta.l., MINE&aL WaTkRA. A fresh supply or’CtagAatf Bedford and Blue UskWaAr.reetfved l? ' KUJ. FLEMINO^L ant oesnsr of the Hanwnii ms itmtest ttredki/ 1 i- v - _>»- h 1 n J v •v’,* ..I J* ** ! ' . arising from • misuse c* abate of the rtthmmgai VMtt terionscompound igintywnSWtfMM.Mif * Vl'if TT *" cater frame, or deficient hi witllnn(Sd as (be only J*toT f *”"TfrT' rt *C^ > T*f"—lTi ****** 1* ' oeoeiatiy to the ufutfi afoymezit ofmll the natural acne* titeS. a* Well m A« higher mmifal ltlbAdUli uHect* are not T*H« gM,q» tlltag wife, th, HitlM, nnnumjawllj lk> oTer-worn man of buetaesa. th*«*/ff™<^i^iouprt l |n^slnii. weakness ot ps*uo*3M&uL wUlall fißdfc^aS*fa»and per* mutest reUaCftoni tfieAßse of QitrßifatfßkAhU^^fHyitCT. To thsaawha halt {tnttffccition to -fmKSl it tiQTnnrrd a oampiaU>4B&diAflJa* ga&gnax*ataa&rt that tarnbie ■nggpethape, who hkrp so \sSSM with their amiititntiautrjfeA they thin* the reach of medfctaa X*t net even ihesedaipaJr. ' Thetliiir deals withdtaaMvfteabte, and will not only nsnoTe the disorder fb«K"lmt RKBDILP IKK HWtftfW OOKBTTTCTJOS. nWttos’dis earns, csa wnormf ornerrous disease lMf. are so jismer ■ourthaHt mimldft«*l*r»o6Binm teennmSnS^fSta dies fcr whkh this ; Ai6wy*ow. orer, may be enonwrated, tls: neuralgia, hea9»eh« f laefptefcr}*nJytdp, hysteria*Wnitathm ot the heart, spinel wttrtiatifr flint* 4es.tt t outsail itfths fleivauMm*** tsnH.\ 'letircAsVm, weakw** jo f the will, ir. disposition tQ-morek tsMrtinghwr exerchee, Vrokeb ajpep and ifrtrenm. inability 10-remain ittbciwatlreotgaiu, sexual Ic'xaapetency, tneSneMto' solan*, w ,v -- t>T TlriTurii. Irish jmiia -ItirftleS, a esrtmic tendency *g mTw»tnjf g*. a«ri *ll eomplaintsgßrirtßf oat # ftfcbindnlitaole '6ftße pa£ .sens, snd-aU > dote notproctfsafrombftaSe inuipesjjeyoml therich ' .... v • •-■ ■■■:: ■-. ■ - organs to be acted upon art free fmw w»i. ioniMitiowtg'-strtatuW Mnybrred th»f 7r MORSE'S INVIGORATING M-ran •fleyi-megiuaruj inu sfiuwn ■»« i f.mi jhiawot ooi* wfcfeoufftaaard of ie ■ittou; Wt wth itaj»* effect on the gx&arnl ocgaaimtfofc. -;4Qr« Mirinndnirutcf kn maladies, whererer they begin, finish with the nersmil system, and that the of the.serTeof mcikm and senaatfcm ie.*by£ai iaiuPfcefc igterery klmMI noroni iMsim tfca- Kttai* m«wfcireg2 i ■ ’ DJ m weak | traced*, rmljifiad > adbnfltuts>-Thaisflnrcjrtt|OiffigS *t»*i!K».*N6r is the «a*h+•»■<«—... mUtfismwmsnaiit olne readi the oamrtitnttom UwSf. I mi riSseeitfe , „•« , OmfitaMk, ’ hymerM,!wateherti WS) BmngbtiTohletfds^r^ l qania».ugsmwryaa<;pßiiftmrftwßtlm bamt, -nstipetfon, ehh,frtim. *.het*ecs«aa*Baxi*isßrit penyrroinee tope pipoed t“T* j *n~'TJ^**|T'l'itrty- Jokes M. Tatior, who suffer* from weakness, derangement, BerToush&£ tre? Orotbets, will tedttUfMU who*. ’ : 2SJffI^teTO^JSaRBaSSP spring *&*Bd)d fcbtftavufceai torolbr thfa extraardT Bgftnyfr* *»*}* ieuqunHyfrjlnfer the mepyatT mx*he*l»mas*U4wMgM&«i».; - , PKaSOSkOlfe EALB COMPLEXION. r " u consumptive habile, are restored by the use of 4 bottfear * two to bloom and rigor, obangter the skin from a pals, yet low, sickly OTtot, {gffSttSgfe^T^T ll r: :■! I■: Thm,j«irw)l<)mi«MjMit-MiM<6rt,%|fti|,],fjfa:' HJ?- 2F 1 * -.mrwnn nalsstn toft need, dimness ot eight, toee of moa» ttahaai dyspepsia, hertoua. irritability, derangement of the digestive functions, genetil*' WBi|fa]nt of mt» 4 Medially; As fikrtol Offsets on the mind ere mtmhjn lto’* Usadsdl. Lomodl—ll ry, tesfhAOsofideas, deprwsbn/ spirits, evil forebodings, aveuioa to society, self-dlstfttsh'' lore of BEFORE CONTEMPLATING itAWrifrig L Bboold tottovtfai* atom* tobd and esesery requisites to promotaceonimhU without these, the jountey' through Ufi, became* a wmtv mind becomes shadowed with despair, end flilad wffih fn»" C ?■ v.-.t • : KTMJWNT. •• *;;-"• I>r. Mom’s Invigorating Cordial has been «btmterftBe£'* 1 . •-. a :-i . -j • ► 2 Cbrdial will fcavn the tends* ? 3 torie-fewiialleipaataf ovbrthecorl of’ckAhhoftle, andthe ? following words blown inAhw-gfess.* ; •** *?^ttßSSt£g3&: v F : ShsOodid top®* up, Mghlr'rohcentratea, to pint fcofc > ties—price three dollars perbotile, two IbrftTe'Qoßaxsl she ' 1- fer twelve dpOsxa. , C. tL-MffQ, JErepdetos, •••■ 7 3S2Breadwsy,N. Y«--, i . 861dbyJ>ragg&tBthroughout the Ttolted States, and the west udsee. z - .. rut T&B CURB OF IHEAtaESS, PAISB» and the iftK ’ charge* efr Matter.from' the Barr also. alLtfroee diSr C . iflwebli ntfem Hkfrtbe bttadngof "atT, yhWagtf rima, Afc.,~vhleh are^yzaptnmsof ssiirnerMns V:• . tfwgpnfaaffr with <*'' ' sons who have Mew deaf for ten, fiftwgu, aod Wyaaty jgM%- • I and were obliged to use ear-trumpets, have, after, uahm one r * or two- bottles, thrown esSto trninpetjfcbeifig jßaddr petfeofly FsmK,'| . OendUsuse. r.- T,jTZ . ■••T-'. . . «r- -: IF»«thwTrtWwne.J ; ' : ii’ " ""‘"''‘wr Panama Potfe. TllllliwuiTl jl. children -aousnUy beams, deal; ta chsfgwi of matter femg byUiailem i . Colds, Ae. Now, If mothowwould do tfebdoWtairnS’' ■ sate : BebfifeES. and use It as directed, thgir < bmrenwsiiidhomrrrt i rmtlfnutw Uel,fhn dlnhsfisliiil" • OUI and tet Mrt. Baxter, and sAe teili impart to pow informs- ’ tiOTitAafwiHconrtaosmdjesttnfeikiweL-. Awcmnnyn riw!~Phn«o, and leave the bowels-in a pleasant condition, \ Kead.MrwHarris’stefrtnmt. -3. f >. i Nrw Ymx, Feb. 12th, 18« - T Thfeto to entity,‘ffrat-Tgave two bottlesofß. A. Fab neb- * tock'i w adilEofiabw, dsyem eidkHVto < .taasrdsevftod.wonaa.. One of U>nawea about FIFTEBE-! nrCOKB.Xri LENGTH. T cad therefere reeotamana itip : f the pvblio as this faestrasedy for worms ever used. ‘ • WM.B.HAWOB,ll6orriiafd»t.'; prepared and sold by 'B.A; t AUNBSTpCK A C 0» , * sep3 corner of Fteband Ifood>ts.' | JL —A single vial producing wondersf " Heed thsttlcw'- -a - ':• Tug TiSinmiii exf Jan-g, 180. - Mt B. B. Sxuas: Blr-r-I bought of J. R. Bees, one hot* tie of your knd It to a child of and it expelled in tazfeer wsnna, and galte a sober wf amall imea. M. fnjun - Gissba w, Jdfenpp po, Fsh. 7,1862, t . • Ma. B. gEinni Having trfedyqur Temlfuga In my family. I caaeay that It fenerto W wdirpaesed l by any Ter tsifßgeinthoworfalfeeeSßeßiflßWOßaa. O.ißmsfeU . Wnatow rr, Jeffereoncp-Feb.i1,1862. : Ml. R. S. SsiLißt—l gave one bottle ofyonr Yehdlfu'gv wtm *- R. B. 6SLLBRSA.'OGw .i »uta ...... . . ~ - : . . DB.il. JAYNSS CABMIEAHVB BALaAM lwom-o the most efficient-ple&mnt,andsafeqomporittos«yex offered io the fhridft fir-che removal ‘of the various defsnge ' * meW»af Xhs vßtsaaach aad Bohwls, lmd the cfety .worthy of the leastconfldeqmlasenring CM*% Jnfmtm or Summer CbmpJaud. , ____ , i*». *ithqpL_ ekcrotleny cm* -of ths- meet- valnsjdr fealty BtdM&a mr auooTsnd^' Hunureds, nay lUa seeds, of wii fifiramSfesTebeem- fsadiad 1 ftwn'Byiidnii: Clergymep, and femilteanf Qm the strongest testimony in its fevor, too numerous t< publialL : : -• For sale Uthw PKKIK TEA STUBS, Km 38 Ftftt itreet. -jy3B • Private BlHmm* . „„ _a PB. BUnioad AMer.»w-" • / jiolKi.lilsmaifdtteHdakohisufeftfPieußes. SBII IM.. His hpgnmsih jngstty. noofenfd to Hrisdtr. lM Ano, KesewawEfcetiona, Pains in ihe Back and Udon of . ifelsedMsadto Arißmm - to offer assurances of a speed? eoxwteauwfcomeipaeme us dShUSOhXn*'. - ( .--y • - JjfeaeahA Frinte~On—mfee line B i uai, ttoHgkKrwhthcmL : i yu \ . -•■ gF'tifte by' OWBil - SUU’ ' " iac»Btet*G*" t^V* ~ ' 3¥TO^3Pf ifOTMtetyl - gMBQgg BEM. XLXSnSQt B&Q&, : W Woi ibrti .cuJ «ii i-K-iw. N . V ' s * -4; •Zb* flMßtl