,V. - * *- -v • ’ **• * J * • • ;' vt'i: ! i . Sr«"..;’ ••■• ■ GjSs*.“-'s .-.• Ktej&ftNk' f *';*'?&*"'••* *A* . ’-r, it ':. v . : ,r.v.*L>'! \'7 . ■»V*JV* «?£,• * i,t *1 ,v. » p.\ - - L•:;: l»T>: j *• viv* * i- *' , fr. 'Js * i t'>’ *?,* ,0:::::::S E PIEMBER 8 0. j -Walking along the wharf t* 4 **^^'‘' .’/Wotharday, oar attanttoo m dtaetod to a haßi«w t ifrl >.’' ?«-(nVV >w steamboat, Whily drawn up to the foot of Wood stmt, ? ;C*X*X^'6^t3ti*a*i*V/t 2*w i-5 ?*; Therashe is ihoHut «al»U*g touclioa, and wait* * r '.l TV* * Vtg for the to back out She is called the William hfabr, ontof ooapUmeot to one of our oldaatand moat , *a#j^i^SSil i: <‘VfVs: v '. ! •'%**"’' :; Tsnof goodftltofi,OaptJohno.Sinnot. j4 v ? h :'IHarhoU waabjaflt bf Bpatea, of Bdlaranoa,and la 180 , J!L|{ t^ 4 '| , v*l J.^X'lSi^"f*. V “i Wfco maanticturad .by Boblnaon M Minis, Bomb Pittsburgh; cylindew, 23 Incbaa; T^ftatatreka. \ *?. **.s • *tT < Jtooa«a,42 laoliap te dianwtorj 26 foot tong; whaala 32 foot. i-^yHdiainator, l wttfrB fret buckets. She la also fornithed i flfoSraSJ^ l £-#^2 l * i 'a *“'- %: *t- r ’* •*• .**- s th * Doctor, ftnanpplyiag tha anginas, and forcing water £ aV* 1 ' ~ p i f 'ar the boat Ab angina for holeting freight ontof the V*t>^C; .Id, has also barn proridadJ A < * f -fXX *XJ; *■'• **“ cabin waa Wt by Bnntiog A Blahardaon, and paint •**. v *•• ,rf >*';••*. and decorated to a rery neat and handsome manner by 3at3Kw» m M'&'J*'-, *>f■!■»'*£V V*- JbJ ♦%.**•*' -f ‘ f r.vt-'J * The tarnUomis of a reyy elegant kind, and waa supplied *-‘AB>-'r;J rJd,»M.lr»t* l ß,arthrtr^t 3sSK^i^?^»t#SrV s^nT^jV^ jS h t " , ’V i ' , irX ? i The boat, was bnllt for tha new Orleans and Alabama "V t XsV’ r'- v! rar trade,.and barnn as a packet between the former L‘ -t *». -JV -,' fc *..\ «‘i»* / ice and Montgomary, Alabama. The whole cost of her nstrnetion wiUjambunt to ahont g 40,000.. th * h ° wj 4 d a< »° o “ tion «• stiu "““w Jrelj and effectively; and; haTe already done an localcu* P, f -n a t **■'' '*• amount in rellaring flcdaseisUngthedlstresa and needy, jfoelr expenaes, so fkr, hareareragedabout * 4*V<« t^V-*;. v DOper day. We hope there will be no hesitation on the' -* c'* rt °f in fnrnisbing the funds necessary to >:■ -j ?&', ; V. f -ry on the laudable work. MBBajß6ffSp»WCT|l&Vw f «n» AsaodatiOtt fa not as some suppose, merely a tempo. jqftljf<***4^^^• * *"f' 7 concern, (4 last only during th* preralenee of the M 1 “ rirt “* to ** poor, during the coming winter, TfP^CjF}[;'^;•- 1 i r ten it will probably be mow needed than at present. c£* <**• members- af It are unremitting in tbeir own exer “»lul °< e * ooot all they desire with* 'Ll 1 th * supportc|f ihelr fellow dtiaens. Therefore, let no KaWfiSp * * B ** niggardly jin eortribatlog; let ail give aeeordlog to y.M•fej.'ihlrk >i r meaner and they will be more than amply repaid by SH~-|£j>a;ge»S^j~^jW^) coneciotuneas of how much dlauess it will relieTe. BliHpM INMM gjglgggp ,^"F I, ' ALLr Cokkittbd -Barnard Callahan, who “ nt to j*U] * fc* d*yp ago ty AWrtmao Major, to f 1 ]► " * ’wit further examination on the charge of commuting an L clanlt opoa htowlia and rtatcr, had another hearing be. " : ***** nu ®* 9t^ m ** yraterdjay, and was finally committed ?^nis^s^K^^^^s^^^g^j^--f;^j A | j GH T> _^l € pli en g a rbe p t the young mao who O»Pt- S** l !* week or so ago, and who has Wen at large * . t'Trr tinea, was arretted by the Mayor’s police yesterday* ,r ia d « e * alt committed to Jail. The Captain's SA^-tlyia.Vh’ *' , ‘ , J pnd did not prove as serious as ruat first supposed, nnd »ow about again, stout as .rer. - *F HC Thratm.—We understand that the Man bMil !n o° ntam P lat,on 10 °i* n this estalillshmeoi *• uttw ** rt * ** du w * *•* *“ mar * w *° me kiad of » Bn f MneDt here, just now, to drire the gloomy reminiscences of the past two weeks. .;A» aaw ». Niagara Engin. brokeß » on ; Thursday'night, near tbs Hand street ,,^fe«RSi^^EJv^£sK'fc^ss*^* ,jH| *,^!!Sl ;a*f» »whn at being taken, to the fire in Allegheny city. h 5 3^Kngin. will be oat of cerylce for a few days, until the -r- CoNncOT.-Peter Oilland and ■***'' "**■ *»* *? T> j Jerick Konitx, were sent to jail yesterday for thirty -V by Mayor Volt, charged 'with behaving in a disorderly- the nigtjt previous. rofcOexoMß.—Ulnar & Co., No. 32 jSMt#Slw , '%wH *t ;**atreeiL hare Harper’s Magazine for Oc- Price only fifteen ©sots. J - T" ■■ - ST. LOBIS ASD OKW ORLKABS. iatOBT DIRECT AND ONLY RELIABLE ROUTE. LROAD TO CHICAGO rSS^^SwtSfeSjPfys-T ! TIIHSCB BY MB "HJI.HPW RAILROAD bkl wmMm wMfwl , la %0 ill! **■ e'f? % MteteM^is^ , matwag^L !^^*s®S«s®ri!< s#s ;^>K«S&S' WkIUMP* NBW -BOOt, Cir.nl* •» ■W |tt * CO.’S, Ko. 82 Bmithfleld itreat iSKSCX Journey to Centnti Africa or lift rod Undfftinfro" 1 i! *- a J4t>ttoitiw S**b> “■**«“•®f tfc* wtu ” Nil ' ; *r*v Of J«lftn»n, flimllton, JaoUob, 55^*®KS!«‘zS^5*'s/yt&ivS' ,ir « 4r&!358i *« »»j.a. Biu-in. m ,he Mort Onftrtnnito Min In the AmSatil£SkSXSlll Cinot,orT«ontr Tim Of *n AMno Cm. .iSbm&si<&Pl<*l 1 ’— Ifn. 32 BmltbfieM itreet. , Zv "ii bore. flnt quiUty Slot CnniliM A. -«i imiScrrt •■* *» nl. by : ■ „ d. % l?_?? «&?1 ‘Z'- \ : BAIIET k BBNSHAW. :■ *, {’’;*!, "'„• t 7\Egr TOHOOBb—4d»n primi qnrlity Bocf Tongnu _ <>oit r : . bahey a kekshaw -u. esS&sPF&'i* vsydr-f." tttetis&tti&sZ&Er-- *Jk - • v. life f #:- ' - *■".*..s*'!' i - ' •■■ , -v.- ji* f,*y£iy£2BsJsr+~' '?vs>«i'"* ■ . . • • .- •:• ~ ''A*;.* - - 'A•*;, •,, - V., :.y - _>".f 0•’•;•*'•» . .’V ••• ' T >• ."•. V* ‘, ‘ *■} *». 8 Yi", ■ Mfiisiigg .-i •s 1 J • v . .*W - * 4•' ’ '■■■-*>.' r t ' - '■* •'VI 1)el, Fits Deaths from Cholera, were all we could Id to report yeiiterdsy. Twooftheae were of a rerymalig tot character—the sufferer* only living a few boars after fag attacked—the other three were oases of some days lading. We h4ard of only one new cam : llary Hutchinson, wife or John Hutchinson, drayman, jerry alley, near Ptamb, Third Ward. •Irs. Burker,, (Third street* near Ferry. The family in Lieh this lady died, appear to hare suffered more than w other In the city—the disease haring carried off four jmbere—the basband, wife, child and mother-in-law. Mrs. Barry, Wejbster street, between High and Tunnel. Mrs. Tieborg, oorner of Tine alley and Walnut street, Ith Ward. ' New Muaici—W« have received from Henry stwr, No. 101 Third street, the following new marie, ieb has jost been published:—a song, “Come with thy *t voice again,” written [and eomposed by Stephen C. iter; ''The Bayadere PoUra,’’ composed by OhrtsllaneMan- Also, “TbeGaiells Scbotlish,” oompoaed and dedica -1 to Mrs. Frederika Fleming, by our talented .town* n Henry-Kleber; and “ The Sapphire Polka,” dedicated Hiss Maria Augusta Hewitt, of New York—composed iby H Kleber. The pienea are Mi well arranged. Select-Council. —A epeoial meeting of Belect irdl was held; last evening to take action in regard to appropriation of $2OOl by the Common Council to th> ird of ne<hvootbe IStb Inst. A resolution waanoan* >usly passed tb concur in the action of that body. A mo i was also adapted, urging upon the canal committee the prkty cf keeping their attention directed to the ooadL i of the canal,instroetiog them to see that it dldnot he re dangerous to tae health of the dty. Air Line! Benito from Chicago to St. lonii. RAINS LEAVE CHICAGO DAILY (Sundays excepted) on arrival ot Xxpras Train of Michigan, Southern sud tral Bali mad*— -First SL Louis Day Mall - 8:30, a.*. Second St. rains run through to 8t Louis Id fiurteen hours, via ymlngton, Springfield and Alton, without change of cars jryigc, connecting at AJtoo with daily Libs of Pocket* Hannibal, Quincy and Keokuk, and a 6 Et. Louis with class steamers far JS'ew Orisons and Intermodule points Jm Mississippi, and with regular lines of steamers for as and Council Bluffs, ■ iggsge checked through to Bt. LouU, on Michigan Cen and SotUhern Trains, and at the depot In Chicago. J 4. P. HOLLISTER. Cliieago, General Passenger Agent. ICHARD Pj MORGAN, JR, Superintendent. &-Throuzh' Tickets ta St. Lout*, by Ibis mute, can be “ .ined In Pittsburgh, at Office* cf CUveUnd and Pitts 'jb and Ohio and Peonsylvaoix Brilronds. f».:p2T:Bm * Seven Huttdrad and Fifty Dollar*. ‘QB SALE—A BnICK DWELLING HOUSE of three ’ foom* and cellar; also a FRAME COTTAGE of thre» , as. with a Liot of Ground 26 feet front on Arthor* sire t, * reuth Ward,) by 140 foot deep, with peecb plum and -le trees, vines; Ac. This Property would suit two faml * and 1* offered at the low price of $750 Half in hand. i >” "O' 6 " l ' STJ?Sbbbt ■' "• l J-27 Beal Estate Agents, 140 Third street. CTNAM’S MONTHLY, FOB OCTOBER. Cbn font*—Portraits of Contributor*, No. IV4 author ‘Onr Now PTMident'* . Count Stedlngk, Part I. . Tbe Painter's Portfolio. ‘ Afrtenn Proverbial Philosophy. I Israel Potter} or, PUty Yearo of Exile. Popular Superstlttooe and Ballad Literature of Eng- L in tber Middle Ages. Ntjllie, Watching. „ , , . Novels: Tbslr Meaning and Mission. ; A Day on the Danube. 0. The Famous Quarries of the World. L A Trip from Chihuahua to the Sierra Madse. k. A Thanksgiving. B. The Shadow. li. Cauiea and Consequences of the-Russian War. 1 Tbe tteproof—The Reply. T’ The Editor at target v A Yaok«fe Diogenes. V Vt\ Horiai Notes. r“i. *ed and for sale by n. MINER k CO., ; | No. 82 Bmithßeld street. \KBI FIRE WORKS!!— ; taxes Fire Crackers; a i toss Roman Candles, 12 balls; (la do 8 do; '■ f! u do do 0 do; ■ u do do 4 do; 4' ** Tj/angle*, No. 1; 3| M do 3 » eobors Jacket' 0 Crmc “ rs ; 400,000 ®orpedoe;! . . iO groes Pin Whej' i "* 20 <• 1 ounce 80. 16 “ 2 do do,' 12! u 4 do do: iaood “ PullingOracket.M »Pflr i J“« re ° elTOl ,D ' l 1 1 No. .6 Wood street. ytw vfypHTWfl BHIBT COLLARS. CRAVATB, «od ■?j£u 25S!!nt of FumUtlng 0000., .t tfc. n.« lining Store of a^rtwi^yy.^»NßTn.ooi^ ■ : ~A ■ -• •>-. . *J * , ~ f. •. • h J v/i - \. «*• r> rw-'* + ■***-*• * -S' > ?* *v ■ .. k. - ••'.v - ■■• r -r.; • * : u v • ' r :y i»6jST: fefca ‘y, ■ • • ?*?■■ . J'K:: TELEGRAPHIC By the O’Reilly Lino* for the Morning Post Further bjr the America. Nsw Toss, September 29.—The Crimea expedition la the largest to the annals of warfare •• The fleet masters 25.0C0 sailors, 3000 cannon; among the land forvea are 25.000 Kng lifh, 35,000 Turks and 18,000 Egyptians. The English rqaadion left Varna on the 3d. The French general, Arnanx, and the Turks sailed on the slb, to join the British near the month of the Bannbe The deberka t lon will take place at Point Bara, where there ere hfteen fathoms of water. Once landed they will entrench. Next they will defeat tbe Russians in the field from the sea-fort Constantine, mounting 110 gnns, being the principal ohieot of attaok. The position has; been discovered whence tho Sutflsn fleet will be enfiladed and burnt, or compelled to come ont and fight" Ptiooe Menchikoff conducts the defence at Sebastopol. There are 60,000 men la earnp at Odessa, besides a.foil garrison In the city. Many ships hare beea converted into fin ships.. • ' A new levy of 10 men in a 1050 has been ordered through out the western portion of the empire. Then are rumors that the French Admiral Hamden cp posel the Bebastopol expedition, and that Arnand took the . s'de responsibility, end also that sealed orders were on the wav from France to stop the expedition. Tbe rumors wen not, however, generally credited The orders from England, calling home the Baltic fleet, cause apprehension that tbe Bosnian fleet will commit de vastation on commerce. It is rumored that Nspiet wishes to resign. The Russian* have evacuated BrallowandQalatx, leaving tbe Danube free. Four thousand Austrians entered Bucharest on the 6th. They were formally received by Omar Pesha. It Is reported that Omar Paths and the Austrian commander snbeeqnent ly disagreed. There has been a complete rupture between Persia and tho Porte. The Independence Beige gives the substance of the Osar’s reply to the last note of the Emperor, and expresses surprise that Austria should have tranimltted such proposals, unac companied by any concesadoM on tbe part of the powers. Tbs Czar unconditionally rejects the proposals, and says that Butsla baa made every concession compatible with honor, and it only remains for the Csar to try eventualities, in order to arrive at a solid bests of negotiation. The Em peror will avoid Increasing Ibe complication* of the' war, but will repel with energy all attack, from whatever qoarter. Prussia iofoi ms tbe Germanic diet that she will never be bound herself by guarantees demanded by the Western Powers, and is resrlTed to remain strictly neutral. The Indian mails arrived et Trieste. It brings Calcutta dates to 12th August, Shanghai to July 15th, and G ntoo to July 20th.' The India trade was favorable. China very dull. Great donfurioo exists. Tbe Insurgents bad taken wveral plate near and threaten Gen ton. Foreigners are protected by the factories. The ships Yacht and America have been advertfced for sale. Military exercises continue at Bolngne. On tbe 15th. a shtmfbattle was enacted. The invading army of 40,000 ad vanced from 9t. Omer to attack Bologna, and was met by tbo army of defence of 40,000. After an immense fire and smoke, Belogne was supposed to be taken. Tbe P ench Minister Is recalled from Berlin. Ferdinand Barrel has been appointed. The ebolera'at Paris wns rapidly tbaling Tbe Republican party of Spain is extremely oneasy; ano ther outbreak is considered near. The Republicans are thorongbly organised throughout Spain. A programme of en intended movement is secretly circu lated. Tbe MarquU of Alvarda is reconised as tbe head of the movement, and he beeps concealed. Public opiufnn connects Mr Souls with tne movement. The Qoe*-n arrived at Lisbon, where she embarks for France. Closing of the Stats Fair. PHIUDIUntA, September 29 —The State Fair cloved this afternoon. The attendance was equal to yesterday. The wt ole number of Tivlters is estimated at a qoarter of a million. In consequence of tbe large receipts, additions w*r* made to tbe premiums, so as to double the amount advertWd. Tbe ploughing match came off to-day. Twenty ploughs were entered. Prem toms were awarded to Newell french, for tbe Michigan Plough, and Ploughing; Qrn. Bieckmao, lor Wiggans* Plough; Jacob Plbbat. for be*t Ploughing; to Ororge Blake; second premlam and Robert Blake, third, f>r the best Ploughing: II Randolph, of. Tioga, bertpiougb U-y. There was so annual addrees delivered, in cctjseqasoeecf the sickness of Mr Meredith. From Havana. Vmuntuniti. Srptemlo-r 29 Bv the arrival of a steamer «t Cbar e/Jton, Havana Irttara have l«-en rfewivad, roctalo ing details bribe rt-sepfbo of Concha. which appears to have be*-o genera.lv cu.liuiia-iiic. K-.«urla rrcvjrad him as hie suoceMor.,eiU(irtnl him to the Palsewend th»a r«tu-oed to bis country seat. Concha was driven to the Jtu lieoeN to take the oath of oftt.e. The carriage wav presented by hi* admirer*. Order* have been given to place Moro, o*> baoos, aad other forts in a state of complete repair. De«lh of « Coagresimau aad mm Eminiut Lccimui. gept. 29.—Presley Ewing, member of Q«- grew from the Beeotd Ci-trict, died of cholera M Mammoth Gar* on U edae.-day. Wm C. AOan. an eminrut artist of thie city, died at Millikan's Bead, Louisiana,on ibe 23d last ,cf jello* fev. r. Angtl Gabriel Arrested. Waxhisot.* Citt. 2’.—Ore, alias Angel Ga briel, was arrested last evening, while attempting to vpeak. and lhi* looming coomilttod to jail, uot twlng able to irrog - ulzs to keep tbe pear*. lie ba* no sympathy tu this quarter Arrival ef the Uarmann. g New Tent. September 20 —The Steamer Hermann arriv ed from Havre, with 260 passenger*. The Union arrived at Southampton on Iba Hlh. TELEGRAPH MARKETS New Yoax, September 29—Slock Crmvr, quirt; money plenty; .Reading 70; Erie 441£; Cleveland and Toledo *0 ; Ni-W York Central Flour dull, market unsettled ; ■icte* 7400 bbl' gn>d Ohio at I Southern : fair* 20uu bus at $7 ; f«ncy $8 sb. A'beet...prier* easier hut notquot'xbiy l.ower ; Scutbvru while $1 &*a>l 76. Corn dull; eale* 3Ji.O--K) busbeit Cotton dull with upward ten. deney; the sale* frr Lite- past two days were *OOO balea. Cof foe quiet; Rlu Sogar firm. iranaactk>nt Bsoder ate. Molas*cs6nn with upward tendency; Orleans 2ft. Kje b!eberwi:h an active speculative demand; salee 860 bo* at ss<§s 7S; (ft asked Cor It WlUky quiet, market rosier Pork : sales HXM) bbl* m*w at $l2 75 ; prime $ll Tfc'ptl 87. B-ef unebaugtMl Lord declinel **• Cot atrots unchang ed. Butter, Ohio, Iron dull. PanAPatFitu. Sept. 2».—Flour doll and Inactive; small vale* for hum* consumption at $8.25. Rye Floor at $6 76. Corn Maal dull; Hies 22$ bbl* frvsb ground IVnna. at $4. Wheat dull, unchanged; sale* SOuO bo«h.atsl.s6tfstl,ti2 for prims red, and sl.l2tqtsl,4ti for Interior, and sl.6>K** in tbe channel, and blocked up w lib boat*. "1854.” PITTBBT7BGH, CXBCUnfATI, LOCISVILIE, Orncs or tbi Duly Momma Post, \ Saturday, September 30, 1834. ) P LOUR.—29O bbli superfloe la lot* from store et $l,OO fk bbl; 20 do do at s7>?; 20 do extra do u $8,23. UHAIN.—IOOO husbelsOaks from depot et 60c.: 200 do do. store at 62; 100 do do 66c. 300 busbel libelled Coro at 90c. bUGAR.—4O hhds fair at 6%c, cash; 6do do tbur PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI, LOUBVILLE, | ” wu'isky.— 35 bbu rectifM «t 380. Pittlbnrgh land Cincinnati Steam Packet Line, FOB THI COKVSTA3C* OF PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT OXTWCKR And Stint lionli. . Tan Liu it oompoeed of mt«d rr~±, _ claw, powerful & teamen, for speed, splendor, safety, and comfort, and is the on.T tjnwuun dailt uks or Stsam Pionr* on the Ohio river.. It connect* with the U. 8. Mall Line of Steamer* from Cincinnati to EnuisrUle and Saint Louis, by which passenger* and freight are ticketed and re ceipted through daily. Two new Steamer* hare been added to the line, which now consists of the following boat*: , Day to/ Departure Beatt. Qtptaint. /rim IhUtvurgh. BUCKEYE BTATE. M. W. BrLttHOOvau.. Sunday. MESSENGER, No. 2..... J. B. Dati* ..Monday. ALLBUUENY Oxo. S'Lai* .Tuesday. CRYSTAL PALACE Wn.J. Wednesday. PHILADELPHIA K. J. GgAC*..... Thursday. PITTBBDUGIL 11. CaXTBUJ- Friday. Jjro. Kuumrzn. Saturday. Leave daily at 10 o'clock, A M., precisely. No freight reeelred after nine o'clock on the morning of departure. For particulars, apply on board, or to JOHN B. LIVINGSTON,) JOUN PLACE. . / Apmt *, v - Monongahet* llouee Buildings. v. JAkdftl Pittsburgh, 1858. “ 18.^4.” CANADA WEST. . Port Stanley-. m* h and Port Harwell, j£gj^ TILE FINK low pressure steamer TELEGRAPH. Captain R. Bi&aow, will make two tripe a week between Cleveland; Port Stanley, and Port Burwell, a* follow*: Imth Cleveland for Port Stanley, every MONDAY and TITCRSDAY EVENING, atT^o’eloek. Leaves Port-Borwell for Port Stanley at 1 o’clock. Leave* Port Stanley for Cleveland every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY EVENING, at 7W o'clock. The Telegraph connrcu at Cleveland, with the Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, the Cleveland and Pittsburgh, the Lake Shore, and the Toledo, Norwalk and Cleveland Eallroeda AtoaoDDecU at Port Stanley with the fjpudnn line of Stagee, whfeh connects with the areal Wextern Railroad. For freight end pamege apply on board, or to BCOVII.L A LAUDERDALE, Cleveland; A V. UOLCOMU, Port SUnley , or A. M'BKIDE. Port Burwell. marY?:(ucv laics. AT the Commercial Sales Boons, turner of Wood and Fifth vtreeu.at 10 o’clock, A. M_a general ax.wrtraetit of Seaenoabta, Staple and Fancy Dry Qood*, Clothing, Boot# and Shoe*, Uat*. Cat*. At, AT a O'CLOCK, P. lltoeartoe.Quaenaware, Glassware, Table Cutlery, Looking fllaaeee.New and Second Hand Bwwhdd and Kitchen Fur niture, Ac., Books, Stationery, Fancy Artlriw, Bubal Instruments, Hardware and Cutlery, Clothing, Variety Goods, OoH end Bilver watrhwL A<*. P. M. DAVIS, Auk)Bg Store, kilcben un-nails, Ac. ’ P. M. DAV|F, mf- 30 __ tj UlUt’S'ALfe IN MlIrfUN TUWN»U > l*—on >.:ur jL d-17 afi«Tfl«oo. oapt*e>b*f 3l)th, at,. oYlork, *UIW-whl •t publtr t«b4u« at ib* mklrw of Xl r*. Ljtuao T. Chil i*, ot Um llflooßgabtl* adjnialDK City Far*, ia BlflliU toVß’blr, 1 fiuni'y bay born, 1 otia bora* barouche, falllnj’top and barn***, 1 u»i> tujcy. I akl*b. 1 t«o b«>rw w» jod, I ob« horro *ipo, l cart and h*j%*W, 4 Beta »»(p n obJ plow barn***. blow and harroW*, Lay Uddara. Map*. 1 6 urn* bay, corn,' at», with a quantity of f«rtn log at>’B?n», lumber, 4c. Term* liWral,Deo(kia*>l tt kpp?> P. M I»AYU, 4Bfi'r. IJMJINKi ißli‘ IMfTKUMKSTS AND BOOKS AT At'C li TI(JN—A ftltubi* ll«fii)*rr , i Trtmt; i lirp (U rniMtr.. Theri&Mßeter, Ac, tUhcfcel; SkltoUr-o* ttrlti*b or irictiutury of Art* »oJ tornr.-*, i-j t«»U; lloWrtmn'a 1 l»s*t> to mn«\ < «:«J » few n’.tx-r thole* mtnli&r »tvl mlwelUnaout h>*-k« will Im #o)i! ftl lb* ( ViißOjerrlt] :**lm Hoorn*. eorarr of Huh ftnd H'riVr JO. at 7 o'rtwk, will b**>td. *t lb* Comm»n-i»l Halm Komna, oon»CT of Wood and Fifth rir**t«. a oollfi-tirir* of *a!u* alj* mbivlUen u» Amoc/ tU'D Witt b* ff-ja J. Library rf o*crr»J KnnwWdjts; wotka of Thoniaa JHrfc, voiomwr BntUh Female Poet*. iliu*(r»ted : lUkrr* Livy, S vol*; Illustration* of the Arripture* ; Outon'a Collecti»i>* ; FU'llin’e Arvclsnt lll»torr. 2 vnl« , Ui>»r< Book of Nature; LL trrary of Natural 111-tory. 40nxry of Art*. Science* mol Manufacture*,2 *■>;<•; IViwHog'» Wuury ot Ur. maoism; Ifon Jc»hu*on’» Dramatic Work*. ll*s)eH’« ebak sprore, 6 volume*;,superb Family Bible*. Ar. Catalogue* are now ready at the Auctfon *tore. *ep2B P M. DAVD*. AucU-vn«j* my lea; ' Gents. do do “ do; State Room do do do; Do Toilet Boris: Tete a Tetes; Pofhs: Divans; Centre Tables; Wash Stands; Card do; Water do; Trays, Ac., Ac. Material snd workmanship warranted, aod pri es satis* factory. T. U. YOUNO A 00, Jy2o >8 flmltbfleld sf„ opposite City Hotel. NOTICE— Letters of administration on the retain of the late PERCY CUEEdMAN, of the city ot Pittsburgh, deceased, having been granted to the undertighed, all per ron* having claims agaimt the said estate are requited to present thorn, duly authp<*lleat#d; and those knowing themselves indebted will make Immediate payment to M .p2&6t EDWAHD TOYNjfEK, Administrator. ('. A liberal al lowance to large pureha»rs. -;?A I LNfL s » sn!9 Pekin Tea Btore. 88 Fifth street. AND FOR SALE—I6O acres situated In Raccoon Bot- J tom, 4 miles west cf Beonomy; price |BO per acre. 160 acres S miles west of Economy, on which Is a good Orchard; price {lB per acre. For particular*enquire of autW AUSTIN LOOMIS, 92 Fourth st._ ISXTRA PINK TEAS.—Just received at tbo corner of j sixth and Wood streets, ! a small lot of the finest Gun powder Tea, strong but of very delicate flavor. Also.anolh m supply of the fiueat Oolong Tea, which has befOro given bo moch satisfaction. Lovers of fine Teas will fin; thu above all that can be desired. Price of eithsr $1.60 per tt». a foil assortment of lower grades, from 871 ‘ --' ..'* '*'s s - •».• - - ft **► * ‘ -•V * l f V*i} :•.: C A%%V„, • ,v r <• . , * -i < - i .auo 'A-y.j ■STEAMBOATS. ASP SAINT LOUIS AUCTION SALES. ~ AT T O'CLOCK, P. WANTS. Real Estate and European Agor.L eornerof Seventh and SmltLfield strvcU. Metallic Burial Cases. Law Boohs. nunnery Goods. v 4 V ; i* v* ;» COMMERCIAL POST. PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRADE AND MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. OFFICERS. iVeridoO-JOIIN SDIPTON. Fint Ties President —Wm. n. Bwvn. Second “ “ Ww. R. Brows. • Secretary—Tf*. 8. Daves. Treasurer —Johs D. Scullt. Superintendent —B. T. Nurthak, Ja. Cb nmitife on Arbitration for August —Ws. R. Brows. V. p., c. w. r.icMtsos, B. F. Josts, James M. Ccovia, W*. B. Esouse. DAILY REVIEW OF PITTSBURGH XABXET. BACON.—SQM) fi)s shoulders it four mouths; 3500 Ih» ham* at ltignlVjC, do; 250"' B* rides at 7*4% do; 6000 B« shoulders At 7%c, do; 2000 lb* hams »t 11c, cash; 6 Hates soger cured bams at lie, four mouths. CIIKEBE—63 boxes Western Reserve atlo%o, cash. HAY.—IB loads at scales at $23®28 ft ton. ABHBB.—ChhdsSoda atB34c, four months; 2 dodo at SUc.do. PEA NUTS.—63B hushslsat $1,?0, cash. Dnltstl States Hall*. Poet Office Departmest,! August 29.1854. f PROPOSALS for carrying the molls of the United Bute*, from the Ist day of January, 1865, to 80th Jane. 1858, inclusive, on the following routes on th# Mississippi, will be received at the Contract Office of the Post Office Department, in the City of Washington, until 9 o’clock, A. M , of 6th day of November, 1864, to be decided by the 11th of the nme month: KENTUCKY. No. 5102; From Cairo, 111., by Memphl«, Teon., Napoleon, Ark , Vicksburg, Miss, Natcbet, and Baton ' Rouge, La., to New Orleans, 1.076 miles and back, daily, In safe and suitable steamboats. Leave Cairo daily at 5 p m; X ' J ' Arrive at New Orleans In 6 days by 6 p m; Leave New Orleans daily at 6 p m; Arrive at Cairo iu 6 days by 6 p m. No. 6102 c; From Cairo,Mil. by Columbus, Ky M Hickman's, New Madrid. Mo., Ashpnrt, Tenn., Hickman'* Bend. Arc , Fulton,Trau..Omola, Ark., Pecan Point, Randolph, Teno., and Oldham, Ark., to Memphis, Tenn, 242 mile* and hack, three time* a week, in safe and suitable steamboats. l eave Calm every Monday, Wednesday and Fri day, at 12 m; Arrive at Memphis in 31 hours by 7 p m next day; Leave Memphis every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 11 p m; Arrive at Oriro tn 31 boon by 6 a m next day. MISSISSIPPI. No. 7311: From Vlrksborg, by Young’s Point, La., Mllll ken’s Bend, Peeao Grove, Tellola, Ml**., Lake Prorideoce, La, Princeton, .Mlea,Grand Lake, Ark- Point Worthington, Mbs., Greenville, Columbia. Ark , Geins’ I ending, end Victoria, MU* , to Napoleon, Ark , 233 miles and bock, thr«e timns a weak,in safe end raltaule steam boats. L-*»* V|rk«burgevery Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, ill in; Arrive et Nnpoleno every Friday, Saturday and Buo lsy, by 6 p m; Leave Napoleon every SaturJev, Wedntsdmy and Monday, et 1 a ra ; Anlve at VlcksV-org awry Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, by ft p m. ILLINOIS. No. 18627: From Rrvk Island, HI , by Usmpteu, Fort Bv run. Ordoro. Albany, Fulton, Bavenaeh, !«• Claire. loaa. Camaueba, Lyons, Tabula, and Bellevue, to Galena. 111, 100 miles and hack, three tlm«< a week, in safe and suitable steam boa to. Bidder* will propose a schedule. Fcr form* of nroponla, guaiaatee, and certificate, also, Instruct iocs and requirement*. condition* to be lecorporated In the contract* to such extent os the depart ment m*y d«v-m proper,,) see advvnis.-meat iaviUog propo sal* for mall service on the Ml*«i**lppi river, dated 7th Ju»«. 1854. JAMES CAMPBELL. sepfVervt.'tiV] Postmaster UeOrrm 1 . AHOTHE& GES&T FALEOF LOTS ARD BLOCKS AT Hi>:rirBTEK, TILAVKn COUNTY, f’ENNA., October 9th and IVlh* $864, TDK oo'tcrstgnc-l will *e!l, Iu the the dev* catU'vl end ujwn the premia, Tumi Hun dred Lit', Jlhic’.i. f‘i ie*ti, aiui A-.ret t■/ Ground, with sev « el Bail ill kt*. Ac. In the frvroupA the Can&l Hirer* and Rsllrcals. The Trrr»* of Snlt will be down, *4 tn one year. In two year*. 1 j in tbrer year*, with" luterevt at six per m l per annum A .t.-.iu.-rlm of ►!» j-r cent, will be made for prompt pay meat of the principal, duo tenor, two and three year*. Bid* will )e received, at the same time, for quarrying, hauling ami laving two »r three thousand perch of stone; for making, or f >r making and lavlog.onr million of build ing tri k. and for tasking on* million t-f fire t rick , fur rw m ring I onl-o- raids of earth, tn cutting down and ftiling ap street*, sod fir grating, curbing ami paving Oil »u;-'r&H»! j»i l* - f Ohio landing. Also, for the ta nw!U> erwti>>n of twenty small tenements, furnishing all the material. *n I !at«-r. Pur any end all the »t»>rc jot*, one-half will be paid la cash, a* tbs work progress***. the remaining half in lots, ground* or hod ltQgf. at ao-tion rath price*; perfect titles, by warranty r*, at tbeir rwpeetiea real- Jcooe* or piano* of buvlooco, a* *bowa bolow. Purveys, plan*, drawing*. *o-l speeiflcaliou*, with re for erve to labor, ntatrrlal*, 4<-., |r , required a* above, will be axhlbiu*! at the otfire of the company. In Uochaster, after l»t day of oct»>b«*r. Iq *-HJ arc already |o jrojpre* for the WrcUoa (if half a .!u**n oUixr manufacturing •alabU.oamenU. l.> be Irltpo l>y M *atu Also. aa •>tira*iT« Seminary, several Churrbre, and a magnificent Hotel, upon tba bill, but near lb* Railroal Depot aul Steamboat Landing. Three improvement*, with lb« contemplated early com* pletion of lb" Cleveland and Pittsburgh Bailnnd Bridge ncros* the mi>uth nf Bearer, tnU> Rochester, mod the neces sary depot and station attachment*, an abo liberal tad el* te&rivs lojpnVvtarnU of the public landtag* mod street* by Uic Itonmgh Council, mod the location, at thtm place, of (wo or more extrusive Goal Yard*. for shipping Coal down the Ohio. will insure a continuance of fiwfjr timos at Ra cKttUr, and tnjulre an immense amonnt of labor for year* to roaae. It ta expectal that all (be undersigned, preprietore, with many of their friend* and *MO-l»te*, tre-m the east, will be present at tbe aU.re male. In October. M T. C. (lol'LD, Rochester, Beaver ax, Pa., JoiiN THOMPHON. Wakefield, R I, JOHN 1. NKWDOLD. PhtladvlphU, IIIILAM WALtInIDOK. N. Y., rTEIMIKN D DII.I.AVE. ) v _ ORIGIN VANDKNBUROU,/ *7™*'*’*- *• npLeodt* $33,000 Worth of Farsta and Baildi&ff Lou! IQO PAKMS AND 600 BUILDING LOTH IPili iit divid'd among fIOO Subtcritxrt an tkt Kooning tt* 3d ilaf of Urt«bsr t 185*. \L\KGK NUMBER AUK ALREADY ENGAGED Many of the Lot* near these bare been sold for from U*J *0 600 per cent, advance over the price for which these lot* are now .sold, abutting that tbe purchase will Le a good Investment. Karh sub criber, FOB ONLY $l3. payable In Instahnrnis of $5 -nob, will receive FOUR BUILDf.NO LOTS, 26 by IPO ftwl, lying together, or a FARM of from 2 to ‘JO acre*. Tne** loin arc beautifully located at LAKELAND. Long Island, where a new church and *rho») house, and a number of prifute dwellings, store*, workshop* and tsrtorlre, hare already le-eti erected, several more are cow being built, and several bttto'lnd will be erected the coming season. Tbia la a fine opportunity cf owning a delightful country reairtfttee Dear the city, where tbe domestic comfort* of a family drcle can be fully realised, amt where 26,000 build ing lot* and about COO farm* have lately been sold; end antra are daily beiug made to individual* who, alter careful cxamluaikm of its location anti ascertaining the quality of tbe soil, am selecting farms for agricultural purpose*, be ing confident that bo laud k> cheap and calculated to in crease so rapidly in value can be had within AO mile* of the city. Tblk land would have been all taken up yeara bark, but ha* been an sntaiird atom fur tbs last century, anu completely locked up for upwards of two hundred year*— since which Urge sales bare been made, and where the wild durr roamed &t Urge may now be seen beautiful cottage* and cultivated fields waving with the abundant production* of our mother earth. This is one of the best opportunities now offered to those of small mean* who are destitute of a home of their own, tr> purchase one for a mere trifle; also, a fbw farms, con taining each five and ten acres, and upwards, at from $25 to $35 per acre. All persons wishing to avail themselves of tbe opportu nity uow o flu red to procure a floe farm or splendid buildlog lot Dear the Empire City, should make Immediate applica tion, as 'bey are nearly all disposed of. Apply to CUAKLKft WOOD, 308 Broadway, rorncr uf Fulton street, Y. Y., where maps and pamphlet* can be bad, or sent if required by oinll, gratis. B. M’LAIN, Agent, JyKldmdAwU 21 Wfth atreet, Pittsburgh. "VyOTlCK.—Whereas certain (Irooari and would be Tea Xv Dealer* nre Inlustrlously ciicuiatiug reports that we nte selilog off to quit business— our friends and the public hrw re*|>ec[fft)ly tnloraed that though we are k * selling off,*' it is not with such a view, nor do wo Intend quitting tbe basineas; and all orders from our customers shall be at tended to a* usual, nt JAYNKS' I'HKIN TEA 9TullK, Pittsburgh, Feplt-mber 28,18o4»lAw 3fl Fifth street. Daft’a college. fpiIKDAY AND KVKNINO CLAtJBKS OP TITS COM -1 MKIHUAL DEPARTMENT, of this Institution, are open for the reception of pupil* in Mercantile and Stesm- Ixiat Book-keeping, Penmanship and Lectures on Commer cial Science*. iff* A new cilitlon of the College Circular, Just publl-hed —call and get a.copy- rep 27 I JAYAtID TAYLoit'e UKKAT UU'IK —A Juuruwy toLVti- I I tral Africa, or Life uuil Land.-‘ca]>eit from Egypt to tbe Kingdoms of the d Lite Nile. Virgiula Comedians, or Old Days In ths Old Dominion; from tbe MSS of C- Effingham, Esq. Ikulml Currellou : by hcuellcrtiiena. Part 4, Chemistry of C dioiou Life. Just received and lor rale by W. A. OrLDENFENNKY A CO., raplß No. 76 Fourth street. Copper Htovka for Sole. »7£ SllAllUa UF UiDUE MINING COMPANY STOCK, / U for sale low for cash, or four months paper En quire of THOMAS WOODS, aepltlm 75 Fourth street lnetrnotioua lu Hualc. MR. WAMRLINK. would rospectfolty inform hi* pupils sod friends that be will continue hi* prolesskm as Instructor nu the PIANO FORTE and VOICE. Orders left at Mr. KLKBER’S Music Store, or at his resi dence, No. Ib7 SECOND Street, will be promptly attended Walter P. ttarihall, TMPORTKB and Dealer in French and American Paj»r H-wwltW tnavS / TUKAP iIOUSES^S3S0 _ and' _ $400.—For sale, u Brick V J House, of three rooms, on Arthurs street, with lot of 20 feet front by 70 deep. Price $4OO. Also, In rear of above, a Pram - Cottsgs, with lot of same rise, for $360. Terms easy. Fruit and shade trees to each. B. eOTHHKRT & SON, sepO 140 Third street T' ’0 THE rUPILS OF G. ANTON. '/Vo/euor qf Music.— BJr. Q. Anton purposed returning to this city in time to resume his teaching on tbe Ist of August but being un fortunately taken IU at Fairmont. Va., he will not be able to reach tbe city for some days. Due notice will be given to bis pupils of bis arrival. Enquiries may be made at mU 34 11. KI.EBKR'S. r.mciNE UHE9TS —1 have on hand tbe finest lot of Medicine Chests ever offered in Pittsburgh, suitable for Families, Physicians. Steamboats, Ac., Ac. Those wish ing a good and cheap Chest would do well to eall and ex amine mine before purchasing elsewhere. 1 “usl JOS. FLEMING. rsvo LET—The first floor of a good Dwelling House, on I Boss street; two parlors, dining reom, kitchen and oeTlar, at $l2 a month. ft. CCTHBKRT A SON, Mpl9 / ' ■ 140 TWrd street. * - *' r V- •*' * j *J, ’ . + *-*, ♦ * %r i. ' ••• f '■■*s■*■s *-“\V 4,; • j*. t ' w jj i FEZES MISCELLANEOUS. Proclamation. WHEREAS, In and by tbe 13th section of the Art of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, passed July Sod, 1539, entitled “An Act relating to the Election* of tLid Common wraith,” it is enjoined on the Sheriff of ever; conn- ' ty to glee notice of such elections to br held, and to cnu* ' merato in such Dotire what officers are to be electa]. In pnrsuance thereof, I, WM. MAGILL, Bheriff of the Connly of Allegheny, do therefore make known and give this pub lic notice to the Electors of ■aid County of Allegheny, that a General Election will be held in the aald Ooanty, oo tbo BEOOND TUESDAY OP OCTOBER NEXT, at the several Election Districts therein. The electors c.f thu Fir*t Ward of the ciiy of Pittsburgh to meet at the house of Mrs, Jane Little, at the corner of Fourth and Ferry streets, lo said Ward. The electors of the Second Ward ol the cityof Pittsburgh to meet at tb© Public Bcbool House, in said Ward. The electors of the Third Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the home of Andrew M’MasUn, Esq. Tbs electors of the Fourth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet ot the Public Bchool House, in said Ward. The electors of the Fifth Ward of tbe city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Pennsylvania House, occupied by (Jotlelb Beklel, (late Alex. Slew aid,) In said Ward. Tbe electors of tbe Sixth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at tho Public Bchool House, lu raid Ward. The electors of the Seventh Ward of tbe cityof Pittsbutgh to meet at the Public Bchool House, in said Ward. The electors of the Eighth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet al tbo public Bchool House, in saM Ward. Tbe electors of tbe Ninth Ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public Bchool Uoose, in said Ward. Tbe electors of the First Ward of tbe city of Allegheny to meet at the home of J. Wood house, on Kobinsoo street. The electors of the Second Ward of lheb Colbaugh. on the Franklin Road, In said township. Tbe elector* of Pine township to meet at the house of Hugh Crummy, in said township. . - The elrctor* of M’Candleiw u-Wuship to meet at the bouse cf I>aniel Irh-iup, in said township. The electors of West Deer tow?,ship to meet at the boose of Nathea Couley.ln said township. The elector* of East Deer township to meet at the Public Bch«wl llonsa, in the borough of Tarcntum. Tbe electors of Neville township to meet at School House No l. (hereafter to be called Chaplin ) Tbe electors of Beairkly township to meet at tbe house of Samuel Ritchie, in said towu-hip. Tbe elector* of Indiana township to meet at tbe house fofrserjv occupied by Alex turner, in said township. The ejectors of btulnr township to meet at John Shaw’s Mill, in eaid township. Tbe qualified voter* ol that fart of Indiana township, io Allegheny county, residing within the following described boundari*-#, to »it: beginning nt the r>oiDt on the Allegheny river, at the upper line of the farm of Jchn Cable, and run ning a northerly cuurw, between the farm* of said Cable and John Boyd to the north east corner of Cable's farm— (bear* running a westerly course to the Shaler township lioe In such a tnnnocr as to embrace all farm* or lots situa- ted in Cunningham'* dbtrh-t.snd known ** ihe nver tracts, within eafal ly ces’ Ex tract Sarsaparilla Blood .ills Jayne's Anodyne Cough do; Townsend’s Health do; Jew David’s Plasters: Shoemaker’s do; Dr. Newman’s do; Radway’s Ready ReHef; Morris’ Remedy; Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative; Emerson’s do; Bull’* Sarsaparilla; Townsend's do; Sand's do; Guysnit’s Extract Yellow Dock aad Sarsaparilla] Wolff’s Schiedam Schnapps; fioap, Cleaver’s Honey; “ Highly Scented Brown Windsor ** Musk; Lodi urn’s Specific; McLane’s Sudorific Cough Syrnp; Tyler’s Gum Arabic do; Set.era* do; Swayne’s 3yrnpofWUd Cherry; Smith’# Tculc Syrnp; Barry's Trkophorons; Norwood’s Tincture of Varatrntp Viride; McLaue’s Celebrated Vermifuge,* Dr. Locock’s Pulmonic Wafers; Thompeon’s Eye Water; Agents for all of Dr. McClintoek’s FamUy’Medlcinesj Dr. Needham's Breast Pumps; Water's Atmospheric Breast Pumps; Gum Elastic do ,do. febl&ly Boots and Shoes. Wlkoleskio amd Botnll I JAMES ROBB, NO. 89 MARKET, and No. 6-Union street, thfcffdoor from the Market House, Httsburgb, would e*l! the attention of hb friends and the public generally, that be has just received bis Fall Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, .In all their varieties. His stork is one of the largest ever opened in this dtr, and embraces everything worn by the ladles In Philadel phia, New York sod Bcefur, and brf trusts cannot fall to please all. Great care has been given in selecting the choioest goods, all of which be warrants. He also continues tn manufacture, as heretofore, ail de scription* ol Boots and Shoes, and from bis long experience of over twenty years in business tn this city. Is, be trusts, a sufficient guarantee that those wiio lavor him with their patronage will be fairly dealt with- seplft Fresh Arrival at Use new Dry Goods Store. COLLINS A M’KEE, AO 63 MARKET STREET, ARE constantly receiving fresh supplies of Fall and Winter Fancy Dress and Staple DRY GOOD 3. They would res; cctfully call the attention of tbe Ladies to their fresh stock of piaid and fig’d Silks, French Merinoes. Wool I’l&kLs Scotch Plaids, Embroideries, Laces, Mitts, Gloves, Hosiery, Ac. Also, a full stock of Domestics, Woolens and Housekeeping Goods, of every description, constantly kept on hand, ail of which they flatter themselves they can offer to their customers at lower prices than any other boose is the city. Remember, COLLINS A’M’RBE, (Dr. Thorn’s old stand,) aepll No. 63 Market street. For Bale. A SPLENDID COUNTRY RESIDENCE, on the Ohh river, adjoining the Uoase of Refuge, on the Plank Road at Woods’ Hun. There is six acres covered with a largo amount of Grafted Fruits, Evergreens, Grapes. Ber ries and Garden Roots; with a superior Dwelling, Barns Mtd Out-Houses, all intended to make a comfortable home.. It L offered low. Enquire of ROBERT DAVIS, Esq, on the' premises, or of THOMAS WOjDS, pcpl&lm 76 Foorth street. Elegant Dress Goods. A A. MASON A CO. are now in receipt of several eases. • of rich Dress Goods, all selected with great can. at the recent large package sales, in New York, at less thsu cost of importation, comprising, rich black fig’d Bilks; do plaid and striped Fllka; do Brocade Silks; do Arnure; do Gro de Rhine; colored plaid and striped Silks; do Pole de Soie; do Glace• do Brocade; French Merinoes; French Me rino PlaUs; figured Cashmeres and Delaines; fine French Ginghams and Chintzes. ‘ sep!3 ' William A. Hill A Co., . BANKERB, No. 64 Wood xtruL, PUttburyh. HOLD on sale the following BONDS AND STOCK 3:— 40 shares Exchange Bank ; 17 do Mooongahela Navigation Company; 20 do Citizens’ Insurance Company; . $2,000 Monongaheia Navigation Company Bonds; $%OOO City of Pittsburgh Bonds; $5,000 County of Allegheny Bond*. feep&dlw*wtf Locust Grove Seminary for Young Ladies. THE next session nf this deboot will begin on WEDNES DAY, September 20th, and continue forty-two weeks. 1 Day Pupils from the city an conveyed to and tepm. the Grove In an exclusive Omnibus. Circulars m»y be obtained at tb« etore of-Mr. Qeorge K. White, on Market street, and at Mr. Mellor*f, 81 Wood »L, or on application to the Beetor, BJST.,WM,a.CUA»U. t .l iTjntteburah)9a^n -rs',’**’ A* • - EMS - RAILROADS CLEVELAND VJJMD, PITTSBURGH miTiBOAO. • lit CONNECTION WITH THE . •! Olklo tod PstuviYthia lUllr— 9* VTA'ALMATICA 1 • T Fflflß shortest, quickest and cheap'vttafte to Toledo, CM* ’ ' Jtacfc. Island, Oaferta, 1 and-Bt Lo»*, VtA' TWa route Is one bundled toiler shorter ~etrt about IJfM' bona quicker te Chicago, than the circuitous on* .VBtJH*'• DIANAPOLIB. ‘ •' Three Daily Trains betwedn Plttfborghsnd Cleveland. Four Dally T sains between Ctrvehurd a»d Chicago. Time to Cleveland six hours, Chicago twenty-two hoorf, *■ and 8L Louis thirty-seren hours. - " ' VIA ALLTAKOE. Trains for Cleveland leave AHlancvriat T 80, A. 12.00, M., and 680 P. 11, connecting at Hudson with Train* fow Coyabogn Fails affd Akron, and arriving l in Clerddtod'Vt- ' 10.00, A. M., 2 20, P. M., and BJ9O, P. BT. - The Trains of the Ohio and Penna-Raflroad, leave-Pith- ’’ burgh at 8.00. A. M., S 00, A. 3,00, P. M.; arrive In 1 Cleveland at 10 00, A. M., 2.29, P-. *nd 8.20, P.lfyjoo • Dectingthere with throughTntinslbt ToledoCUcwpsßaek ; Island and «L Louis. . , Passengers for Toledo. Chicago, at lonia MkAthMNettfc* west, leaving Pfat-bargh oa either of the morning or after noon Trains, by going VIA CLEVELAND, will arrive te Chicago ooe Train in advance of go-vteJdiifo field or any other route. Time gained hy going via fllsrn v land, eight hours. - Pasfwngers geieg to St Louis or any ; other point md of Chics go, will make the closest connections atm quickset, time by taking the 8.00, A. IL, Train, from Pittsburgh. Paasangi.TS'by this Train (via Cleveland) reach St. Louis ou the evening of the following day. _ The Trains from Cleveland to" Toledo and Chicago run aa follows: Leave Cleveland at'CXO and 8."30, A.'5L, 230 mut 3.20. P. M; arrive in Chicago at 8.45 and 11,00, P. SL, 188. A. M. and 12 0031. Trains leave for Rock Island #::■! St. Louts as follows : Leave Chicago at 8 20, A. M and ft.so. “P. M. Passenger* for St Louis' glover Kocklahfid BaUroad th Joliet,ana tbenceover the Chlcagoand lo Altoc, and tbeuce by Steamboat (23 tsUea) to StToob. Passenger# by the BE9, A. M.. Train arrive in It JJO rame evening, and by the AGO, P. Miat mob next'day. Baggage checked through to-Cleveland, tod that* it-- - checked for Chicago too St. Loots. s - FARE VIA ALLIANCE AND CLEVELAND. - 1«T CLASH; t I(fT am/fes class. To Alliance -42 30 jTo Ghicjigp..— .4ll £0 v 9 SO , Cleveland. ... v . 400 i La Salle- 14 50 12 60 , Toledo ... GOO , : 113 50 ' Detroit .... 000 1 St, 19 l6 50 - Paeaengtaare ifrod'nre ‘ offloe of the Company, in Mononjtabela'BoTlßejttlrf tfttdf' below the corner. 3. DURAND, Sap’t Cleveland. ' J. A. CAUGHBV. Agent, ' " ‘ ‘ WttftoTgtt. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. \ THE PENNSYLVANIA 18*4. JJSjBSBmBSHHB T 894. RAILROAD THUOC6H IN FIFTJSBK HOURS. ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, JULT . BTH,-XBKEI THROUGH TRAINS. TIIE MAIL TRAIN will I*qtb every morning (Sundays exa pled) at 7 o'clock, stopping ci aU the regular sta*' .' tions, and arming in Philadelphia ut 12 o’clock,. PM, TIIE FAST TKaIN will leave Pittsburgh daily (except' Sunday,) at 1 o’clock, stopping at tirtjeusburg. La trow, Dlairsville, Lockport, Johnstown. Wilmore, OalllUm, A3* 1 looba, At, arriving in Philadelphia at 4 o’clock, the Etxt morning. TIIE .EXPRESS TRAIN will leave every rvenfftg at 9:30 o’docky stopping only at Irvin's, Qreenftrargb, Johnstown. lilley’s, GaHtJxen, Altoona. Ac., ootmecting at Harrisburg with the train fcr 'BiJti ttorri aM Arriving in Philadelphia o t at 12^0, THE- ACCOMMODATION TRAIN wfll iaswa 'mmr **tt. noon (except Sunday) at 6.30 o'clock, stopping aiallregn* Ist stations, and running only u ferae Blairsrille. THE SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves dally . (except Sunday.) at 11 o'clock, A. R, stopping at &U tta tions, and running only as £ir as Brinton’a. ; RETURNING TRAINS arrive in Rttaburgh. ‘IM Ac commodation asives at 8 o’clock, A. H. .Express. X,P. M. i Second.Aocommoiatlon 1 7.1 a, PM. MrillglHVKjL Tout, - c . ■ Line, 2j20. A M. '* Pare to New York, $10,50; Pare tond£adelnbia,)&; 7 W . ' t , , to Baltimore $& Fare to Bedford Spring*, $a,7Q. ' _ \ , * Baggagechecked to all stations on the . . i , road, and to Philadelphia and Baltimore. . " , ' ~ Passenger* pcfc-clia*lDgtick*tsmcars,wlUbedbßXgea Tin cists in addition to the station rates, except from station* r where the Company have no Agent. No notes of a less denominaticnthan Rve-doUnrf wSD be ’ 1 ‘ received In payment fitr tickets, except thee* toned by the * Banka of Pennsylvania. NOTICE.—In case of lorn, the Company will beU themselves responsible Ibr pergonal baggage only, smd A* an amoant net exceeding $lOO. N. B.—The I&caUior Omnibus Line has bean employed to convey pameagua and baggage to and from the Depot,at a charge ant to exceed 16 cents lor,each passenger, ami 16 cents for each trank. For tickets, apply to J. ME&EBIXN, Agent, At the P. R. B. Passenger Btation.-on liberty at. Pttteborgh, J»ly 6th, IS&*—{j*T OHIO Afj) FEHHSYLVAHIA BAILBOAD. ‘ fef«w Ammffcaaumt* ' F£EMffAET&i-19M, 1864. MAIL TOAjNl«mvwnttobttrgb*tBAM;dineeatAll! ‘ •oob ; takh* te& at Orrailihe. an! make* a close eon* neciioa there with a fast Kxprw&v Train; reaching Cfnefai* natiabontlJo’elcx-katDight. , ; -.jr EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh a* 3 o'clock. P. M., after the arrival of the Exprww train from Philadelphia, nod reaches Crestline at 11,30 P. V** cohoeotlng with thw Night Kxprwss which reaches Cincinnati In the a arsing. Oooneciianj tre made with the Ohio and and Deifontsine and Indiana railroads lor Dayton, ladlanapoli* acd towns in Indiana. Connection* are made with Cleveland, Monroeville. Baa dusky, Toledo, Detroit and Chicago with Bueyrua, Upper Sandusky, Forest, and the towns on the Bfver Kind, Also, with Moon: Ternon, Newark, Zanesville end towns on the Mansfield road. far* bo Cincinnati $7; to Indianapolis $8; to Dayton to Toledos 6; to Columbus $8,25; to Zenesvflfo $5,10; t»' Cleveland $4. .Through tickets to Louisville at reduced rates. . KSTUBIIS6I . i.l TEE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves CnstUneat Ho *.M,„• i... and reaches Pittsburgh at B.BO*P M, cozmectia&.s ith tb*w . " -H-* .a. tut Kxpresp Train through in fifteen hours to Philadelphia. MAIL TRAIN leares Crestline sfi 2.30, A- M-, on the sr* rival of the Night Express Train from CtadnsatL and T" .. ~ arrives at Pittsburgh at 11.40, PM. '*• “ r. NEW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION train learns - ' Pittsburgh at 10 A S, afid 5 PM, and New BrMiita tr 9 ' * • '■ 1 / AM. aud 1.15 PM. -1»: . ¥ HEIGHT TRAIN leare* Plttfibnigli.at7.,4 HUM®*.; 11. and arrives al 4.3 G AM, and J> iL ' J9*Tba Train* do-not run on Sunday! tST Tickets or further information, apply at the Qtftot office* of the Ohio and Penney! rank Railroad Company, of J.G.CCRBT, asthe ecrmw office under the fflnnmipMto Qovaa. Pittsburgh, or of :•! • •. GSOHOE PARKIN, Tfckst 4*mt, Fedfitai Mnet Station. JOHN / pat. PtPttiylTMita JUHr»d< ; SUMMER TAjUFF between Pittsburgh, Philadelphia sad Baltimtwe; *eom®eodng April lII* l&bii, ■ . Fint dan Brooms, Cedar and Wooden Tm, fee than. Poraitwre, eerokd hand, Purs, Pianos* Poultry; Wines, in baskets or boxei: 7cents 9 IDO Iba. Svrmd Frnit, Beeswax, Peer.JSkf&s. QpTpr andThaotby Sued, Glassware, Hardware, Bags, Wool an* Sheep Wts,aodKggs: OCte. $ 10Q 3s#. Third CZost-jßacoh and Park (loose,) Batter, in firkins, tegeorbUs; Odes,Leather, Soap, Window{Hms, WdCfc*- ton.onoompreaaed: &5c.91001b«. ■ » AM*fr?te»4Alechol. Bacob [hi easkj or boxea,) Barty. and Malt, Pori, Candle*, Cheese, laail. aiML'£ig>'«* Oil, Hemp. WHsky, Cottop. (compressed,) Leaf Tobac ■lOc. H 100 ftw. - Floor 80 ceott 51 bid. iprl G* Blaghia 4 €».*■ TreupAitatlon L»in« mO AMD FROM PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND X NEW YORK.—The Owners tod Agents of said Lise hate been for the put fourteen y*ars connected with the “ old established Ulngltam’s Lne.’’ They will give their □«u*l prompt attention to th* forwarding of Prrttrj«e,Uer efaandite, Ac, ip the shortest time end'on as fkrorable term* as any other Hoe. ff- Only one transhipment between Pittsburgh, Phila delphia and Baltimore. . . r GEO. BINGHAM ft CO., Canal Basin, Liberty SL, Pitubargh. BINGIUM, I>A*l»* 00- v~ nr]m trsT* 3T6 Market steal, Philadelphia. Proprietor*. JAMES ¥H£OK, A*«t» 121 North st- Baltimore. M. L. OSTRANDBB, Agent, ' «. 86 Wert j£”jfew Tor*. ' Geergeßv WMU#,* -a•*•»* .XTO- 59 MARKET iTKKBT, will oaucd after MON- ’ 'll DAY NEXT, the 4th day of September, a rtehfctxf varied assortment of 1 n:* »i Paris made Velvet and Cloth flnakirTahnan; and'pLßb' "* berts; r . • • •’ Lupin’s French Meriaotwart Ooafatueras; : Do do Muslin DeTataca; • ; 1 ; Do Bmnbaxtaea and Tnrise doth* Sad Ha&tr Also, striped. barred and plain Mks; Preoeh ChlnUm,'Embroideries and Leers:- Also, a general assortment of ladies* Fall and lWntsr 1 Dress Goods; ‘ ■ Purchased recently at the auction sales In New York, at a great redaction t< om former prices. Those auction sa eg being unprecedented, the quantity exhibited bring tonuso* ally large, and the quality very arid at nEnnua sacrifice*. i Pittsburgh. August 30,1S54.— {seplhlp ; . oU.NDKIite— O 1° bhds Baeon Hams; 25 *• do Shoulders; 50 bbls near large No. 8 Mackerel; SOhibhls do do do; tosrrifs 'BO u medium do do 25 bbls do do do 15 “ Lake Trout, in store; 25 u Baltimore Hmring, in store; .20“ do Shad, tio: ..... 5 ** No. 1 estreLard*Oll, s, ftS; **’*'• : 25 “ Tanners Oil, "toj ' 50 casks prime Pearls; 100 W4s Mesa Perk; 100 “ Grease lard; - 20 “ Loaf Sugar; eohhdsO.Sugar; 230 bbls 0. Molasses, oak cooperage 40 hoses W. 0. Tobacco; 100bbls Ji. C. Rosin; 40 casks lticv; 7 boxes Cream Cheese; 150 sacks Dried Apples and Pear Lei: . 2000 pound? Baaon Sides. f • jyB ENGLISH k RICHARDSON; Three Houses and Dots tor Bale. XiriLli be sold at priT&io sale, THREE HOUSES AND YY LOTS. One Brick House,ritustadon Fourth and Liberty streets; Lot 2D feet front fay 79 fat back. ' AL», one tot and two Houses, on Logan street, Bxfh Ward. One Hoo* froniinc on Logsn strett,*jsd the other on Carpenter** alley; lot 24 fret by 100.- Also, the stand I now occupy, oirthe comer of Ferry and Water streets, the l*i*e ronnin* enpyearfroalataf April, :1845, with the Fnrntiaro, BetMlng, A*. The ftwo st ent U doing s good business and is*ltesantly 'ocated. For terns and further particular* enquire of ALEX CUPFLtt, - corner of Ferry and Water streets. BUUibbu Fttrattare «bA Gkalr*, WB at* constancy enjsfrrd in the m*nu T &ciurv of STIJXSIBOAI. C4KQI ■■■■ CHAOS «n 4 I'UHSiniBB. of «r«*y to the statrafscture of fcb*. 6*et ityfair makawafet tha baa of Steamboats. Oat esptriiiniiala this bnneh of the baei seta eaaMes os to warrant satis&cttoa, u weil with tha POMutltaJaio which order* arg filled,** Is tbegunHfr * tfe* work mo* personal sttertito' gi«tn to tfcatttisg dhfc. Tboeelotemted la : tanrlahibg Boat*, win flsdbtoltote ■dTknugw to fire •* »dL . .... jj : £*vi'.~r*rir ;_n'. • hXt • 1 . S -1 , .-•)•■ -at Jl. TOtTSO k CD. .. ifj y t v*i rTfij v i- t : fffiiiiirTrfME 1 ftft* no^BtUMtag Price of each 1M $260. Piae, 60 feet {Matty 111 v 0 ' a ~ .4/** T"'"< V* i-‘ < , - Vl-ve-u GEORGE C. FKAKCISCDS..-” .» Stiuii z-lLm !5 T £ ~I:'UV , 3t^f' " ;, :i .a ::■() ■ •{ :IX' ) i; 'i> : A ~ *|