The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 29, 1854, Image 2

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or nu ooostt.
i CHAM.IH BHAUSR, CUJ of Pituborsh.
! UR. 0. D. PALKKB, BaU«tOoo«J.
j j
' hi. ktUKPCTKIOK, aiT of Httoborjh,
JOHN a KENNBDY, atyof Pitubargh.
j j. uarVBY 8088, Bt CUir.
■ Clerk of odpm»
' JOHN it. PHILLII>S, Robinson.
C0*VI88105*». , , .
i ELIJAH TfOVILLO, Citj of Pltubirch.
DANIEL WHET!,, Hit Township-
DIEtCTOM or TO* Pooe,
HOBBKT HAH.KY, Mooch*""-
Be Aiieii«4<
I p«y a Taxi
1 Those who hare not paid * But. or County
I TJX within two y«*w, rttonld attond to it at
! onco. 1 Don't lose a rote l
News of tne D»r- .
Hon. Bodger Barton, of Mississippi, ha. de
alined the Consulship to Havana.
Too foreign eteamera arc reported this morn
ing. ' Nothing of Importation, except a Blight de
al, oe In Breadetoffe.; •
Our dally this morning appear* In an enlarged
form,'in ooneeqoence of a abort eopply of onr |
nsnat paper. We hope to be able to reenme our j
former appearance to morrow. .
for the October term of the Court of Over
I Terminer, for the city of New Tork, eight
parsons charged with murder ate already on th.
oaleodar, and the liot ia not yet oomplete.
In the letter sent by Hon. Greene C. Bronson,
to the Temperance Convention at Auburn, de
wing hie position with regard to Temperance, he
thinks that the Legislature has the power to pro
hibit the aalo of Intoxioatlng drinks, but de
olarea that he is opposed to suoh extreme mesa-
mfij. . .
in thiß day’s Pott will be found an arUol*
from the Philadelphia Ltdg.r, In relation to the
finance* of PenneyWania and Qot. Biglers ad
ministration. It should carry great weight in
coming from a very able as well a* a perfectly
Independent and neutral print- Let every man
re jf pontifical man was celebrated yesterday
in St. John’s Chnrcb, Philadelphia, for the re
pose of the sool of the late Bishop Gattlaod, or
Barannab. A similar serriee took place tbo day
previous, at St. Mary’s ohnroh, for the repoaeof
thenool; of the late Bishop Barron, who also died
*t SftTa&nfth, of yellow f«rer*i
Wo aro bound to bo grutefalto our very kind
Whig and Pros Boil neighbors for the sympathy
and alarm they thro* away in behalf of the
Pott. The Pitteburgh Pott seeks to be an organ
of truth, of sound Democratic principles, and of
general intelligence. It has oeoupied that po
sition for many years, and during the fifteen
months of our connexion with it, w. here d.s no sign, whatever that it islosing it. po
sition. The length of our subscription list, com
pared with any former year, is certainly eery
encouraging. The appeareooeof our advertising
columns will compare eery farorabiy with any
other paper published in western Pennsylranla,
or eastern, either. The large amount of read
log matter transfered from its columns to the
pages of our largo list of exchanges would in
dicate a healthy condition in public estimation
Of the 188 members of the last legislature, <6
were subscribers to the Doily Hominy Pott do
ring the session, and quite a number of them
continued to take it after the session dosed.
As to government organship, we will support
~,d defend, to' the best of our ability, every
measure of the National or State administra
tion. thet owe: belieee to be right in principle.
We will say nothing but what we belieee to be
the truth; and adeooete no measure that is not
right in our opinion. W. wait for no •' cue ”in
expressing our opinions, but speak out frankly
on ail subjects proper for remark. If the Pott
ia not conducted on independent principle# we
know not what eould be termed independence ;
and we ere not awere that any thing elee le desi
red of no in any quarter. Our oouree appeero
to giro general aatlsfaotlon.
' We ere nop employed In ■•building up an or
gan at any ooet” We ere endoeroring to con*
duct, on feir prindplee, e wdl estnblished and
widely circulated journal; and we intend to
. make It pay Us own oost. W. has. no qnarral.
with onr neighbors, except in the feir and open
field of political controversy. We see as yet no
cceasion wheteror to foer any rivalry.
We make these remarks in no unkind spirit
toward, any one; end with no desire to heart.
Bnt thus much we felt bound to any to make
known the feet that the Pott is maintaining its
' position; audio increasing in its circulation and
patronage asW as any olhsr paper in western
Pennsylvania, If «»y »n. doubt, it lot h.m
come and examine toe proofs.
If our neighbors designedly their remark,
yesterday morning toooneoy to the pnbho mind
any impression to onr detriment we are certain
ly justified in Baying whet wo hare said above,
to that oorreot impression.
To show that others think about as well of the
Pott, as we do ourselves, we subjoin an extract.
The following is from the Somerset Democrat:
“The Saturday Mommy Pott, a weekly paper,
published at Pittsburgh Pa., is democratic to
the oorc, contain, the latest general news, and
is a very useful and interesting family journal.
We regret that want of time prevent, n. from
giving a more extended notice of it. We say,
however, that those who desire a good oity pa
per. couldn’t do better than by ordering a oopy
of It immediately ”
; Weoould add many suoh; hat remembering
that only little more than one ytar ego-we pub
lished nearly two columns of snob friendly no
ticca at on. time, we will not trouble cur Mad
ders with any more of them at present.
■.* "-J ~ vj„!
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i t TSBUB® B ;
Tnl Chicago Fugitive Slate Cass — Imfor
tast Decisiok.— The two ’Sgchanme end Grant,
whowsrs indicted by the Grand Jnry at Chicago
for kidnapping an alleged Blare, hare been
discharged by the Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court of Illinois on habeas eorpbs. The Chi
oago* Journal says that theOhief Justice decides
that the prisoners hare- been unlawfully detain
ed, that the power of nttor»ey*i«nby the own
er of the alare was sufficient to arrest him mth
oot thp assistance of the officers of the law, and
that they had a perfeot right to use whatersr
weapons they found it necessary to employ, in
securing that meet.
■■ ■ • ' • .- i !!***?*“”•
The editor of the Sew York VtrM addressed
• circular to the Governor., Secretaries »«)»«•«..
&0.. of moat of tbo State, of the
for urformatlon to regard to the atato of the.
oropa It haa reoaiwd a large number of an
swer., which were Jrabllihod to the Bccabi on
i the 26th toat In remarking upo# the oootonta
of thoae'lettars, the Berald say.t
•iCaaMdering the mat apprehension whloh
was felt with regard 'to tho falling off of the
oropa during the drought, about a month aince,
wo hare eeery reason to oongratutote the public
on the more cheering prospect whioh the letter,
of our correapondenta generally P rMent ; J h . ,"
letters are from gentlemen to whom the publio
will bare full confidence, moat of them occupy
ing high official positions, and others being pri
vate oitiaera of high atanding,
among agriculturists, to their respective State..
The information thus obtained must ofoonra
"’iheftoe large .apply of food that under the
Beolprocity Treaty, may be expected from the
British ProTinoea, will help much in making op
any deficiency of our crops. The European
crop., it is now folly ascertained, are remarka
bly abundant. They will want but little food
from this aide of the Atlantic.
Notwithstanding the harm done to some or the
oropa, potatoes, corn, garden regetables, Ac., by
the serere drought, we do not think that pnoee
of provision, will be higher than at present du
ring the next twelve months ; end it is probable
there will be a considerable decline. Flour has
largely declined in New York within a week. In
that city and to Cincinnati it has fallen a dollar
a barrel, and fully as much here. Flour now
sells here for a dollar more than in New York,
owing to a Bhort local supply.
There la food enough. There will be no fam
too, and there i» no need of alarm.
Some of the eastern papers speak discourag
ingly as to money matter.. The large shipments
of epeoie to Europe by th. steamers is pointed
to as a sign or distress. The Imports were too
large last year, and some money must go to psy
| the exoess. But that will soon regulate itself.
The import, will doubtle.s be greatly reduced
! next year; and there is plenty of mooey In the
oountry to keep all the wheels of business in
motion. The California news to regard to the
mines is favorable; and whatever may be the
demand for specie for Europe, there Is no doubt
the arrival, of gold from those mines for the next
year will exoeed by far all the shipments of spe- |
ale from our ports.
I AH that 1. wanted to Moure continued pros-
I parity is a good demand for labor at fair prices;
I small importations, economy, courage and confi
ionoe to the future. If there is money enough
to the oountry labor will find a market Impor
ter. will be eautiou. this year. The people have
had a .alutary lesson of economy. In foot, with
eoonomy, wo see no cause for alarm, or gloomy
A targe' rise in the riser will probably "tart
b :,mess in Pittsburgh at briskly »e erer. The
i ught laoTtr; the cholera is gone; and oar
m rohents and manufacturers are prepared to
fiii all orders; and oar coal-men to supply all
deuinudft. _
The election day ie near at hand; and, no'
withstanding the brag game played by our op
ponents this year, as usual, we expect a Demo
oeatic triumph this fall. Encouraging news con
tone to reach ns from all quarters. The Demo
crats bam discovered the Kntfw Nothing
and wilt keep out of it. And those who had
been caught are aroused to the fraud, and are bear no part in throwing the State
administration into Whig hands for the next
I three years. That is the design of K-ow-Noth
! ineism. Can a lodge be found that is not under
I the eontrol of Whigs 1 And then, the public
! w irks, shall they be yiesa away, as Whigs rc
lo'mmendf They have cost the people over
! taenty millions of dollars. They are worth
what they cost. Shall a Whig Governor be elect
od to y.w thm away 1 Will any Democrats help
to commit sneh a fraud -on the people 1 Let
| them be sold at a fair price or kept, is the Demo
erotic dootrine. The flnanoes of the Commor
j wealth were never in a better condition.
If every Democrat will turn out and work and I
vote this year, we can eleot onr whole State
•icket, and a large portion of our county tioket
,g e said the same last year; and the result
proved that we were right. If the whole Demo
cratic vote had been out, our whole ticket would
have been elected then. Let ns not lose as good
a cbonoe this year. This county may be Demo
cratio if we wiU it, and work for it. The State
is largely Democratic. Shall we throw away
our advantages for the desperate chance of some
thing better which Whigs promise ! Be not de
ceived by newfangled humbugs. They are old
tricks of the enemies of Democracy in new dis
guieos. Onr iioket is a good one, and should be
cordially supported.
Our chances are good. Bradford is likely to 1
get a large vote for Governor ; and he deserves j
it for his manly refusal to desert and destroy his
party. Democratic Free Soilers are refusing to
be sold. Our naturalised oilmens are awakened
to their danger, and ire rallying for the preser
ration of their rights. All friende of religious
freedom and constitutional rights have learned
that the election this year is of vast Importance.
The o!!f Tine Whigs ate resolved to be Whigs
still; and retain their name and their princi
ples. Confusion prevails in the piebald ranks
of our foes. If our friende will arouse them
selves for the task, we can sweep tho county,
1 tod th« 8lat«. _ _
Familt Qua&kxis- —Mr. Joseph R. F)*m
gen, editor of the Philadelphia Warn, (a Whig
orpin) In his piper of Wednesday, oille Morion
McMiohael, Eeq., “» blnetcring demagogue,"
“braggadocio” and ■■ ooward.” It ie » sorry
eight ti> »ee a prominent man in “ the great
Whig party ” thde characterised by a brother
Whig. Morton MeMiohael, Etq ,ie the nght
nand man of Judge Pollock, and »ill be recollec
ted ts the individual who played second fiddle
,o him here, as he did in many other plaoee du
ring Pollock’a late pilgrimage through Western
Pennsylvania, when he frequently spoke of the
wontd-be Governor a his “friend Judge Pol
lock.” Now, taking for granted the editor of
the Hews speaks the truth, (and we know noth
ing to the oontrary) what must be thought of
the gubernatorial candidate who travels the
Stato with a “blustering demagogue," “brag
gadocio” and “ooward” os his chief fugle
man and friend f Are we to judge Pollook by
. the oompaoy he keeps t Then, is he mean in
deed, according to Mr. Flanigen; and Mr.
1 Flanigen ought to know.
A Chasc* foe ** Ou> Foqibb.”-— A. new paper
is being started in Boston, the first Issue of
which was to hare appeared on Wednesday last.
It is called the Bolton Evening Telegraph, and
will be edited by Biohard Hildreth. The men
of this oountry who are lnollned to think the
newspaper literature of the day erinoes too pro
gteaaire a spirit, will now hare an opportunity
of subscribing to a newspaper edited by a
“ fogy " of the most anoient stripe. As a histo
rian he built up this not nnenriable reputation,
and, we hare no doubt, as an editor, he will
folly rlndlcate it-
A Chijiess Ammioas Cities*.—A few days
■CO there was issued at the Bute Department a
passport for Tung Wing, Es,., who ha. just
graduated at Tale with the highest honors. The
Star says Mr. Wing is a young Chinese gentle
man of fine talents, and great learning for his
age, and has been eight yemr* atnong u*. e e
about retaming to Chinn, to eee Mi friend*,
the ftret time.
rW;; t:'
- •'t «<-v
■K.-v >( .
.nd .M W they don', cry
;.*■ Bhamo on it "
Gorernor Bigler end Judge Pollock both turn
ed ont with the stnmpin* the State
It'appeared to bo wfihthatlhey
nbonld do so. Ooremor B; bid fpokut bnt
two or three times when be was taken slok it,
Warerly, md for three or. jhir h “ |bpen
confined by a eerere Illness. Regardless of the
jisabled, end eren dangerous oondition of hiß
Competitor, Pollook continued on Sis trarels,
miking speeehes whererer he oonld gather i
crowd. A generons competitor wonld hire ta
ken no Booh idrantige of i disabled opponent.
Governor B. finding that he. should hate so
opportunity of making known his sentiments,
and answering his opponent on the stomp, has
written and published a short address to the
people of the State. He speaks out boldly and
like a Bound Democrat and statesmen in that ad
dress, and we hope all tho people will read it
carefully. The Qaiitti, alarmed for its effect
upon the publio mind, now abuses the Gorernor
for doing it. The Qatetu would thus hare the
Democratic candidate's mou'h stopped by eiok
ness, and his pen silenocd by modesty ; and the
whole field left to the windy declamation of the
Whig candidate. It is another Chicago attempt
to condemn free speech when Democrats would
bo heard, and glee the largest latitude for speech
making by the Whigs, a,We think the true and
g. neroos-liearted yeomanry of this oommou
woalth will pronounce a Terdibt of condemn i
:ion against suoh ungenerous and dastardly op
ponents. And, in regard to the Gaulti and its
scurrillous abuse of this only method by which
Gorernor Bigler could reply to tho numerons
speeches of Pollock, the people will approre tho
Gorernor's oourse, and ory shamo on his oslom
A correepoodenl, who Bay* what he under
stands and knows to be true, makes the follow-
ing suggestions:
“ The newspapers of the eity should urge the
Canal Commissioners to toy a trank aoroes the
plar* of the Freeport aqueduct, sufficiently large
to conrey water enough across to supply the ca
nal from Freeport down.
“In state of the health of the eity,
it undoubtedly will be disastrous in the extreme
to allow tho bed of the oanal to go dry. It would
i also keep the navigation open on this end, and
a re-Bhipment, by means of a ferry, oonld be car
ried on at Freeport.
“ It is suggested that a trank about two feet
square would be large enough to keep np on
abundant supply of water. It would coat but
little, and answer a very useful and beneficial
•We would oaU the attention of tho Canal Com
misioners to this matter. The water trnuk
should bo pot up at once, not only as a measure
necessary to the health of the two cities and vi
cinity, but that the business on the eanal may
be continued with but little Interruption. It
oould bo dono in • fow days.
Who Smurai Tmrm’-The editor of the
Oautte charges us with changing the caption of
a telegraphic despatch for the purposed insult
ing himself and brother Free Soilere. This we
pronounce to unqualifiedly c 9 tbe
epatoh had no headiug whenroceived at onr office,
and, therefore, oould not hate been ohaoged.
Farther, ae our despatches arc hat a doplicale
of those received at tto Gaulle office, we do not
belieee it bad any such captioo when reooieed
there, and benoe this charge of the editor must
be e wilful and deliberate fabrication. A paper
claiming to represent “ all the decency " sbonld
not perpetrate a falsehood wilfully, as the editor
of the Gcaette seems to baeo dono in this in
Kxbtcckt Chivaibt —A grand tournament is
lo bo given in tho amphitheatre of thoAgrioul
toral Association, near Loniseille, on the 16th
October next, the lest day of ths agricultural
fair. The Loniseille Journal says it is to bo
got-up on a scale of magoijkienew which will
eclipse any exhibition of a similar kind eeer
given in Keotnoy. An invitation has been ex
tended to tho “ chiealry ” of tho entire State.
Of course, then, Got. Crittenden, Got. Holm,
Thomas F. Marshall, Nathaniel Wolf and tho
Hardin comity jury, will be present. Kentucky
Chivalry I
We have received the first number of an ex
ceedingly handsome and well arranged paper,
bearing the above title, published In the far
away territory of Kansas. It is edited and con
ducted by 0. W. Brown, Eeq., formerly of the
Conneautville Cauriir, and bears impress of oon
siderable talent. We believe it is the first paper
issued in that “disputed region." We wish St
A Fust to Lx*.«.-Wo cell the ettention of
our render# to the edeertieement of Mr. Long,
in reletion to renewing seeled propoenU for the
leaeo of » rtlaable ferry
Dui|<ro«i cl»p»Tr»p.
*• American* must rule America” qooth the
Buotlineite trickster. «•! shallow demagogue.
Was It erer ruled by anybody el«« than Amen
oana t The Baltimore Republican asks :
Of the thirty-three Oorernore of the different
3tatei and Territories, bow many are foreigo-
We belies, no, one. Of .be fire thousand
member* of the Legislature, of the different
flutes how many war® boro Abroad ? Wot any,
we sentu™ to assert. How many member, of
tb® Senate of the United Stalest ' But one, ftDd
that one not lees distinguished by his *bilnt'» »>
a soholar and a statesman than by his heroism as
* °, di " How many of the}-WO hundredjaod
, four members of _th. House of Kopresen
radios ore foreign born ! Not « -member.
Of the Bupreme Bench ? Not one. Of tbeJ u
diciary of the different States! Few, if any.
What means then, this oser-reourring sentence .
- American. mn.J rule America!" It mean,
that unscrupulous and selfish desire
to effect this end, means must be used and catch
words adopted, by which honest minded oitisens
will be alienated from their party atwobment,
induced to break the ties of social and friendly
union, and eren throw off those
humane affections and impulses emblematio of
the true American character.
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ti The Herald of Freedom.”
The deaths in St. Louis for the week ending
Soot 15tb, amounted to 118. Cholera 9.
The Buffalo Board of Health report sefenty
nins death, last week, of whieh tweet,-two
were from Cholera. . „ „ .
The reoeipts at the Post OBoe in Now York
oitv, for the fiscal year ending 80th June,
amounted to $1,266,446 18.
Thirty thousand persons fished the State Fair
« Tuesday and ail "° ™ «
season tickets wore exotuded. If is thougnt inis
exhibition is the-most suooeeaful m the country.
Monseigneur Bedinl, now at Rope, has been
appointed Nunoio at Portugal, lu place of Mon
siegueur di Pietro, who is called to reoeife a
C&rdiaftl's hat.
The Catawisea Railroad has been opened to
Milton. Northumberland county. The cara
lease Philadelphia by the Reading R«l r °» d - »*
7J o’olook in the morning, and reaoh Milton at
44 In the afternoon,
The •• Protestant Episcopal Brotherhood, of
New h YorkCityVoffers a premlnm of $5O for the
be,* tract on the subjeot of Chnroh Brotherhoods.
The essay nm»‘ not exceed sUteen pages of duo
deoimo print.
The Boston Post says: The sum of $1,600
has been oontributod far a monument to the
, “ : ee , TinwuiDi The commemoratife shaft
stooks, in whioh the city has the P ,„ .
rest. The eity bonds hare always ."f ®i.
to within a few months, when •
ated. The annual city rer.nue is $8,700,0W,
expenses, $7,000,000; so,.« >■ « x P.“ t ? <l
ingfund, to wipe out the debt, will be eremted.
/ >
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runnviau n» D,n d«ko<-
'riiom the FUteWiW* Wi«,] (nmtral.)
From an admirable address from Got. Bid«
* tb. people of tb. State, just pabl.«h«d,]».
lj»re the gratifying awaranee tbat the fin»eea
of the State were never.,ln a more wbolWome
egsdltioo. Gur rsaourceaureequalto allordi-
S£y demands, with an annuel surplus of aboot
three quarter, of a million of dollaro, whieh ia
applicable to the payment of the publio debt.
p PP r the three past years this lurpla. baa been
absorbed in the consummation of sobemes of
improvement oommenbed prior to bis induotion
into office. Tbeso undertakings will cost i the
gtate, in all, over four millions and a half of
dollars. But for these, a eery large reduction in
the State debt would bare takon place during
the term of bis servioe. No new schemes of ex
nenditnre hs»e been commenced during his ad
ministration, save only a small appropriation to
1 enclose the rublle grounds, and a meagre som
to sustain an idiotic eohool. If he should be re
elected Qoiernor, the power or the Ee'cutive
department, he avers, shall be employed to ar
rest all new schemes of improvement at the ex
pece of the treasury. This is the true doctrine
and the praotiosl observance of it the only means
of maintaining the credit of the Commonwealth
and of relieving tax poyers from the prosent ou
eri Qov e^hnok, B *when be was elected, adopted the
same policy, ned by rigidly adhering to it. State
loans, that had been previously selling mt shout
30 ner cent. Of their face, were brought up to
r Nothing is more certain than that if_new
sohemes of expenditure are favored by the Su.e
Government, State credit may be expected to
Bed ns low a level as ever before. The proof of
this faot is shown in the present price of City
loans. Wild and profligate loaning of the oredtt
or tho oity and districts, before and einoe Con
solidation, have piled np ouch a mass of debt
that city hoods that once stood on a par with that
of the Federal Government are now below those
or several of the petty company corporations.
This depression, too, is mainly ther work: of a
stogie year’s maladministration. Gov. Bigler
has u far as in him lies, patented soy such
folly sod extravagance on the part of the Com
monwealth. Hence, Slate credit, though one.
very low, is now much better than that of the
citv At the preaent time the oredtt of the
Commonwealth requires the most watchful gnar
dianship. A single unwtse ond Improvident step
or even a slight change of the policy of the
present administr, tioo, may result in a great de
predation of loans, and consequently in great
iOM. --
Pboobess 01 Cast, llobboo, abd Fabati
run Reformed drunkards *” d
primates have figured bo profitublybeforethe
iAiblio that bntnbera are tempted to go into
!h*«e branoheß and qualify. The area, too, of
reformation is widening, with the demands of
toe public, Mr Samuel Head, tbe reformed
gambler and robber,” an aoeomplioe of the noto
floue Henry Wyatt, and a leader of the gang
headed by /oho A. Mnnd, who has spent twelve
years of bis life in tl.e prisons of the different
States of the Union, la no- eotonng to crowded
bouses in the county of Livingeton, N. T. lhe
Rochester Demooral, a paper of the etaog whang
eohool, annonnoea that the Great Reformed and
moat illustrious lecturer intends to favor that
city with a visit, •• and deliver a course of lee
tores, in which he will give hla views on the
present prison discipline and management. He
will also give a true history of his crimes eotn
mitted in this and the Western States. —Alba
ny Atlat.
Xh# St Louis Republican mealloas tb»t there if
one feature about the steamer Illinois Belle of
peculiar attractiveness— a lady olerlt i
••Look at her bills of lading, and ‘Mary J.
Pattern, clerk/ will be seen .traced Unia deli
onto and very neat Btyle of chirography. The
insurance companies, under such an
ment, will have to oome down a fraotlon on their
risks. A lady clerk on a western steamer . It
speaks atrongly of our moral progress.
Ex-Governor Slade, with another of his an
nusl classes of traohers for the west, in al
twenty-five youog ladies, passed through Spring
field Mass , on Friday.
please publish the following extract
from a Circular of the Xlna Insurant) Compo
ny, of Hartford. Conn :
Gxo. E. Abboui. Agt., id, dth st.
“ The condition of this office notwithstanding
the considerable looses of lhe paat two months,
is sound, the capital is whole, with a respecta
ble surplus; the Company do not owes dollar to
any book or other institution; with a large bal
ance in cash at our credit in Bank, and every
loes now outstanding will bo promptly paid al
maturity or before ; our investments >o bonds
stocks and mortgages exoeed Four Hundred and
Thirty Thousand Dollar,, besides large balances
dnJT and jn the.J*ure*-nf transmission from
**- Prof. Aoni'i Imvl«or»UB« El,llr
and Coralal.—Ai a prelector egalnat .ontagtoua end
lufrettou. Haul, there to nothing 111. bearing »P ““
oerrei mnreular and digoetleo ayetoma. lf ,h "* *”
order. It. bnman frame to » tower °f
.met Impregnnbl. lo dtomm. Th. chol.r. 1. cow In pro
-0,13 of Importation to our .horn. and It to of the ntinort
Import. or. that th, eastern ehonld » pot Into a condition
bolt calculated to »■ l-t It. atuela Iff emlpant retool
from lump. bu Ito pere-ngre. dreimatod by th. malady,
and th. rumor, why It to a, fatal la that Dtot of U>. nutor
tnnat. tenants of th. etcega bar. lawn .tokened by
porerty and plication, and relaxed norraa. and three,
and tleaow cun offer uo rcalitanc. to th. BtotorU of tie
peetllentr. Tlie veej to«t preparatlee tor the approaching
.hol.ra— tor wc ate aur. to bare It In tha aprlng or eum
mcr—to a morn, of MOIISE'd INVIGORATING KbUIB
OR CORDIAL. It will btlu, er.ry organ .e.ry,
mary morel., Into a condition of prefect rigor, whll. IU
powrful antlc.pllo prnpartto. will n.uWlto. .Tar,
healthy tendency In th. Hold, ot th. body, and purify and
aqnallxa th. circulation of th. blood. To thtao who .offer
from natron, trembling., byat.rta, dyipapato, lirar com
plaint, general, lowneaa of aptrlu, or any dla
aaaa or lnOrmlty eoneuguent npon tha dtoordatnd notion cr
torpidity of any organ npon th. regularity of which general
health depend,, thl. pr.pmatton to rocomm.ndwl a. a aar
uratgn and aaf. cpcriffc-frre from .ear,
and eminently cemeorrahr. In tu nature. Ud a. will f.nd
It a “ piaaaant help" In all the dtoord.ra to which thalr tax
' "iho Sullal to put up, highly ooneantmtod, In pint hot
tlaa Frio. there. dollar, per bottle; two for ffr. doltora,
ria f ; dollar. C. E RISE, Proprtetor,
I®2 Broadway, Nrw York
■old by Drngglato throughout tho United Btatan, Oanaca,
and tb. WeatUdl...
njMlsa * BROS., Ho 00 Wood stroot, PltUborgb.
DR.OKO. H. KSVBBR, H 0.140 Wood do
J p PT.KMTNfI. AlWhPoy City. wpZMW
«- Another C... of Fowor *»“ »«"•
Cured—* f.. day. ago •• "corded an ““““"I*'”
of Parer and >gn by the ora of Of- “'f"* ™ *
We her. mw another to mention, rl. t that ot Mr. J««
■amrp* of stodUonburgh, who etete. that he hod Utatd
vary aaTara attack of Ague ood rarer, and ru
Pill! ara the twit for bUUooa oompleinte eror offend lo hU
■action of ooontry. . . . ,
Although long known a aoreralgn "reedy for ehronto
caaa! or U.p.tlo derangement or dlwat*. of 'be hirer, bo
proprietors of Dr. MW. Pill, -era not P"P»d *> >bo
frequent, but gratify log .rid. no of It. general utlliW and
entire capacity. In thl»r«.p«t, thUinraluahl. median,
to exceeded their meet -anguine .appctatlona, and todumd
them to hop. that It will be Introduced Into erory dually to
Ibe United State*.
State* and Canada. . by>prlatonk MiNo BROR|
gaccataon to J. Kidd * Co-»
D eo Wood street.
Dl.e...V—Crter' 8 speunm
„ . remedy for U,.r Dteeeee. «*
hl„ .rile connected with • dleorgnuLed .t.te of thnt wpe,
Is unriTßlled. L „ Tr .. ftf
Hundred* of certlflctee, from Urn hlghert *«<«• "
persons lleingln the dty of Richmond. i^en
if curt, effected by Oerter'. Bpur.h MUtnre. JT. tat.
only room to refer to the crlreordioerT cure cf L.
Drinker, Erq , of the Arm of Drinker * Morris, Booksellers,
Richmond. Ye., who we. eomd by
Speoieh Mixture, efter three yeere mdlering *>“ dl "*“ d
th«D ill the mwildno he hid eTer »»«u,
recommeeda It to ill*
See *d?ortl*em«oL
Cure to r vUolewn.
- -i—:
oromrtlT ml eullj catmbto, by * P'°t” r r,m,dl ' „
Which you will find in my
madUtdy um it on the Cm a u
Th®«lWitgi*MU prompt and • ff#etu * l - v
fidanee, «ten in the Ut« 9ttge«* lt
Poll dlrteUoo* for tmotUi* <b*
For -1. by (UtOBOK H. M yB»B No^ 4 O W°o d .tmb,
Pltaborgb. M 8. 8. ITtCH, Brood Toy. b, I.
i, .
* V.V> X?*':* ’
• ■- f»s*v
f >Jhi i ii \m k I 'f m M ' ~
part 5 it has been acknowledged ty all who tiara tsroveA him
wltb tbelr order*, that they hare never been fitted
and style aa by him. He beg* to inform hh pa
mm public, that hii itoek Is now replete with the
—■* •*«—' -* ra “ *“ d
' Taller «4 sl*krr p
•240 Lib>'rty *t» head of Woad.^
w&u. loqdrm. Ottomans walnut mahogany e
room nod chamber chain. wUhnmrb'e
7hM«-<V»oi». rid*and dif>h»«,oni*«*otm!, JUJ •
top. One roMvaod p*.»no, etgwri».ne*;
fvodolM and maotl** ornament*; what cot b. ha t T V k ®\“* _
.ad P Uta«k
o n
of ~10- T«m. mtf . »»»" «
H. M. BOYf.», Aarfn
— notice- . , .
pit vd PROPOSALS will be xoeeited by •Hber of tl»*
rt.or,opp»lte Hite
"'iFb —Tbs .bo., law h.« ten J»w <» ™ *™> •‘P ril
Irt, 186 i. I.r farther ttra,.,
enr. Front a*d Rpfi itrott
TirHRRBA9, Letter*of Administration to
\\ i m»*B Sewyer, Esq • late of theCl'-y rf Pltieb- rj{*
dlVd bUe ib« wbscrtber, ell perejdw
0^« Uj Cor, of fatwa nt-tnil Bint L.n"-_
tUtiDch Wei bolt UNION will
for the *bo«e «»d Intermediate
QSBfiEaSB port* THIS DAT. the »lb taitaot.
For fnduht or IM> W 1?” tfgj&Sxß. Agent.
e»pw - **
a«d.*u.. mm.^
»«*,— *■
Ba^."3 LSS?'Mo“' h Sn«.nd PilUtal &o»om T .
.nd JuUuv
s.tur.l m«orj of Honun Jpocloo.
SiiSoii'if CnboTfconi ißCOrory to th. promt Umo-U-
B * n ££ ost _ T Hi HEW STORE.
- A« • wtfrk of fletloa, UtooMof
. -.r,! Ii cunnot fallto t* rwd wltS dteplnterert
I —Arte Tork Obttrvtr.
I For (>*lo by
I **P ®_
'Vo ii ANlCti A.ND oTILKtU* Wetting to procure *larg»
\1 around, within twanty ndnutei watk of the
Chi! and In* healthy and ** ‘ toW priC *
*°^rff> C><,y ' CCTHBKKT 1 * SO*. 140 TMrd street-
-soT«^D!!r7AKST^r^ALs^j ; ira»te3 - oir _ n^
A *ss“sf£J 3sbAs£Tn‘i°«". s Sn*Si^
s.p ; ”***i%T"
Offle* of 140 Third «tr*«t
TiruuLifS uußigav—a. a. m <au» * co. to.. ]»«
W rieelTri 600 J-wo W~l«>ni»lcrj.
LtiUu b.tck ribbed,
do do ’•bit*, do;
do do aUto do;
d 0 do •**ort*d colors do;
“rs^’r 1 - e£-
i ■ c.ur»l..J. ,
claSl of goOds. *JS Fifth Street.
iVoiODKRB WA.vfib-ttoblibSTSS prfc.pJdfor
13 K ooJ brtf BlaJOtrs br PAnsE3 IOCK * CO,
Wco3 and First itwt>.
%rSW e Pr .ocb. Ss3 or
nrp2Sailra # o«ro of lit ml ‘ Co.’, Bxrr**,
,_«nr tfco peno«U*»m* To«ai*a«i Ctn
i~SS*-ffs»'a«R ss:
„, >nd Pn,|lha.ld *r«t., ™?' b « r *, o '„w«™.2. it.
(< In >ll kind. Of rm.-l.ureh MaaotMtun^LriJ
P j,„ mn d LT* 1 -
NOTICE.—^ lirrras curtilo Grocer 4
'J b)r cornet Diamond end Merket kUMt.
corner Diamond and Marhrt rtryt-
TIBRKBMfcttY I h»T«r«»!*fd # f? or '“!£ {
P »f p e rfnn..rr.««i.a»l!Cf n«J
line tboM wirbtnK rxd I'trfonjery «ou d do we-1 to
MpSB - -
ROW VS EGO uINUKH-in.ojM- violet.
I" ■»» I- «« » «™* ”“ l ” d W JOS . FLB iXSQ.
»i»ptB ——
yAMILV gTAROH.—Tt» lagprtftootii wlYb
E -hkh l, prepaml, «od« .hotly
•V, lh . „„ 0( .urch poil*t» or irpermaetti,« it PJ*”??.
withoat gmmntag up or iojaring tha flo««t fab-
ri “at op in pound -ilh *»» fOT
For sale, by the box or rrtxll, by
17 AST OULORKD OINaHAMS-WorU IS>l <*"'*. •
-Si' 1 ”* “ “ “ A. A. MASON * CO’S
p«r yard, uia&l pric* 12%
foigffi- 1 bhd ‘STcoLugf.
6$ Market. pearE-orth Mre*L
A. A. MASON * 00.
HkIESR.--300 boxes rimy W. R. eutdag. in ably by
An Air T.lnn Boats from Chicago to St. tools,
mini LKAVB CHICAGO DAILY (Buii4«y>ijxeopied)
T “I™* Southern nnd
Csntr»l iUllrmd*— . „ . w
rm st-Looi* d»tM«u. mo. J *•
Becottd 8t- L-<bU Night Exprett 10w8, r. M.
TiSS ran through to Bt Louis in fmrtwn
Bloomington. SpringCM sod AHon »tltw «”
or oooomc. connecting mt Alton with C»UJ U" “> ™““
for iffnilbol aulocj nud Boot ok. nod »t St. Louie »U*
Urtl c ait iloanwoi/or A'eto Or Iron* end Interaedlete point?
■Jitho tod with rrguUr Unne of etonmen for
to St. Louie.
«*> “ 4 SoutOrmTr.ltm. “J-fg.’SSgf L
Geuend P»«WDg«r Af»nt
nTOH4RD P. MORGAN, Je, Superintendent.
Thro tub Tloebi* to Bt. Loul* bv thU rout#, ( ;*n be
~ i »« n piitjburcb tt Oocn of Oswlmi End Pitts*
ob“ S.nnr,l»nl. KeHroede. Oep^Qm
UW. CIiIIOTTI nould inform M* fr}" d ?l *S 4 jj!
. ReneraUj, that he 1* STILL AIIYB, and
•lull rium« fir bujineM in the oourie of next »e«k, et
hUoldft»n<i,whe-. he .hell reelh.ppr to ■»«*
PtitUlpgborg. Bwtw oounty. Pa- .. .
H a «en Hundred and Fifty Dollar*.
»I» . FRASIE COTTAGE of thr«
rooms with a Lot of Ground 28 feet front on Arthurs street,
[SSitfi wlrd?) by 140 fret deep. with peach plum and
.ie Tbls Propurt. .«» raU v»o fUnt
KJSu'ofcS priS./r» lU!johjjrf.
a» >■* t ’° >“ |J ?’s™ E ra ylro,
ifral Estate Agents. 140 Third street.
TmkRCIAL DEPAKTMENT of thb Institution, are
■~ n for tiw rocentlon of pupil* in MercauUla and Steam
'* jITSt edition of the College Clreol.r.Jil.tfmUMMd
—call and get*copy.
P cbntents— portrait* of Contributor*, No. IT., outhar
of “Our Now Pm Went.”
1 Count gtedingk, Part I.
2. Tbo Padoter’s Portfolio.
4* African ProrerbUl Philosophy.
i 's&rssssz jffssfift—. or *■>«
land, In the Middle Age*.
loAS? F.mou» Qoutlm of
1L A Trip from Chihuahua to tka Siam Madia.
12 A ThankagWug.
li bonMVMBMi Of the ftuslan War.
16. Tba Reproof—The Reply*
16. The Editor at lats*.
17. A Yankee Diogeoe*.
J °E^ dT " land<br, * lebT N^'smdSfiriS^'ttaat.
°SS«;«t BDWABD TOYMM, Adaloj’W'
8 “d- 10 ’“«*
-r* •
: HftrH-Hll W* 1; of w fOUft •**”?** *** “
M °°lS)nT»TY“BCnffi»olSß?ldi» bf »•*■•,■■■
■ Tafoarth ft»—t; or** Wilkin* n * ll ’^*L rto 'f ’ rb» *lm, TKN ACRXB Of LAfD ta
| &££& «* *.«»’ 1 ™ >i£ two ■riro ACT» 1W
I Jg** •* r —”- S °** >, * I,Bn w n , ggA «Wg"* "TnVaSkiS^-
~~ ' AGENT ' r»UTNA«’S MOnTiILT. urn 0cr035- ' „
Wor ■allUl and Bwyln* PaleM P rl,, —-■—»-««» -
&'S^. k SS*«SS=«,
i{ssa?aaS3rsr& , fSrAari -
Parch. Ic. MUBiso x. 9. A DtT on tbeDuabe. -
Pitufcargb, Angnrt 2S» 1864* 10. The nmeai OntrriM of q»yc«M.
,.... IflM 11. A Trip tot CWlmnllßn to tbofitetn Mai—. '•
Tba oubsctlbmi hare ion* l3. ... _ . _
Horn I. Eaton, and bare no boaitatton tareoommmnms &|n q, of tb« War,
him, to all who may irtabtormplw «»»««>“ yg- 10. Tb. Kopiy,
tinman of undoubted Integrity and lnddbugablo lnanatry, K ibe Editor at larja.
in whose exertion* eterj r*Uu»» n«j be p**«»v . IT. A Yenfcee Diogxnex. -? •
NevQle B. Crtir, W. BoWwon,«.• , u. Rditortel Rote*. ‘ i
r I L L^;: Jr - tfassa, ; j “ rt^^^%“S^ unra w«WAl-f
Jtm<a Wood, N. Holmes * too*, Hd.76 Ibarth rtre*
p R Friend, Krmme? * Bebm,
f! U R. Livingston*
—-—— ; l< TboM flee two storyBRICE HOUBS*,« threin*
r,-=» g'trnnfo oevel«p*m«»t.—dri«ntlfi«iDeu « n ‘ paetmyand Ptamutreet* Thk-Property iateuexeel
are daily bringing to light new . i eD u2Skm tor bwdneni, being to ilw nUto
Sreh of progress la onward ;j*rtoa» Bald» ° r mar hotua, and In the principal
will be oteaeed to laarn that edenee and long reaeaxoh»ni ; _ ork . Ae. It will be mid tow, a»d wpoi*
RESTOHATIVK, * ««I» «•“ « B “' dD T’, 1
iw7fl!mf»U(M Baa dxenlar to be had of u»erAg«“*f.
riS?ftol«irt£ttln«- Price $l,OO In large bowiee. bold
glring fnuparocn £ ngHlsß * ca. Proprietor*,
D ' - 57 Superior street, Gereland. Ohio
. PoraalelnPitWmrghlntl«^o*in|^---
mhS ■ „ r:
J. H. OaaaeL , *, %
MUghtny ctfy.-L A. Beckham, Preeely * Means, J.
yi^TmnglM«-— A. Pattareon, John Q. Smith
Chartered ig|«-CapitalStoek $300,000.
THUS. K. BE AUK, President.
THOa. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary.
DIRECTORS— ThomaaK-ara^,
Samuel Tndor,
Ward Woodbridge, ,
Jocesh Ghucfa, X Rolmhl IWber.
frederiek Tyler, *"*“<*• wfiJ*
Robert Boefl, B f nrQ#l ® ,^_"r*
Miles A.Tnttle, Henry Z. Pratt,
John L. Boewell, f'“f* PHSSSi
Oostarue 1. Davie,-. . Jnnlna ft. Morgan,
ya- pqUclm on TbeKn4 Inland Risk* toned onfaeor*
“souqs r- arkold, a^
aSßfc 7 No. 74 Fourth street, Pitttto*-
CITIZENS* ißinraace CmpKAy 01
O*p|ttt»ttggfc» ■& D. SlROf Pr«U«it; oAM
UKL L. MARBHBLX,B*creUry. m^rtrih
Ofa: M WdUrJßreei , teft—— Mark^amd'Wioi «•"•«*»•
gpix and CAKQO RMa. op the Ohio and
alppi aiT«n and tributaries.
tkm «si traasportetloß.
U.D. King, Wm.LarimarJr.,
William Bafralay, Bamoal M. Kiar,
i wimiTnWmhOT,
I Robert Dunlap, jr., John 8. DUwortfc,
Isaac If. Pennock, FruoeiaBallw»»
8 Harbaugh. J. Bahowimakat,
John Bhipioo- cam
A LOT OB 0 HOUND, on the riter bank, In Blrmtegbem,
288 feet by WO feet, nod boomled by loor streets,will
be sold on reasonable terms It Is near Bekcwdl k Oo »
wm ctus works, and sereral other manufacturingestah
It.'moult U 1. Um ItrgMt and lie* lot now to b. hjdln
Birmingham fur manufacturing purpose*. Title perfect,
and f 1 -** of Incumbrance. Enquire of
C. B. M SMITH, at his Uw Office,
Fnarih street, above Smltbfield, Pittsburgh.
)yCB _
—Th« Prtnershlp beretO-hre txfetibf
IL^«Dd doiDsr baakn**» nnder th* n*me«nd style m
uSnKTT, MARSHALL A CO., ft* dlMOlTed On the 19tfc
bI “““Whit, marsh all a 00.
Pittsburgh, Jose 2Sth, ISM.
ander tli« uoa ead style ot QRAfr?, BKMNKTI i
siessi-ssi' sstfss
* lucl^ l * o s > r. o k u EN? I srH,“ d 160
Tint street. HOST. H. MAHaIIALL,
Pittsburgh. June 38th. ISSI JeStetf
life. Fire and Karine Insurance Company;
* JAMBS 8. HOOK, President.
OsiftUS A. Coltow, B*en\&7.
This Company makes every laiuraac* appertalalag to o:
eonoKtal with LUB RISKS. A
Xiao. against Hall nndCasgnßlokson «l> «!• and Hl*
slssippi rirsis .ad tribunal*nod MWWSisks
Aid against law and Daindg. by Fl™, and against
Parils oftbe Baa and Inland Naslgodon and Transportation
Policies imaedst the lowest pates consistent with eafct*
to all parties.
James 8. Hoon,
Samuel M’Clurkac,
William Phillips,
John Scott,
Joseph P. Gaasam, 5L .D.,
John tt'Alnln,
Jtm.t. Johnston,
James Marshall,
Goorge 8. SaUen,
rr?>ASSOOIATSD Flrsmsn’s
Ly CaapahroftheClty of Ptttaburf h
J. K_ MOOKhES, President —ROB BBT FINNKY, Secrv-
Lsiore against Jl&B and MARINS RISKS of a!
hinds. Oftce: No. 99 Water street.
J. . W.J.And«*m,
8.0. ftiwyer,
WB.M.IMg*r, E.B,WIUIw,
c. u. Paulson, VUHAmOoUlnKwood,
K. B. Robartt, John M. Irwin,
Joseph Ku«. Vo. Wilkinson,
p WTldoTObriL }*lX
f BAGBBi UO MARKET street, Plttr
fy burrb* Importer a&d Wholesale Dealer in FJJN'CT
AMI StAFtlt VARIETY AND DRY GOODS, offer* to eitj
•ad oouatry dealer* a* large aadwell selected stock o:
Goods as any Eastern bouse, and sane prices, thus **Tin*
nd«bt, time sod espeneea.
r,— o. O. —Plaoe of maeting, Washington Uall,
Wood street, between Fifth street and Virgin allay,
pmnna Lonoa, No.336—MmU awry Tueadayerenln*.
m«h..»wu fireumin, No. 87—Moots first and third
Friday ofeach month. [marMsly
Wuun PeßßiyiTuls Hospitals*
Dnu b. ScamrcE, Second, between Wood and Market
•tnats, and J. Bid, North-east corner of Diamond, AIW
gbeny dty.arethe attend! og Physicians to tha shore Insti
ration, lor tho flrW qoarter of 18M. . 4 . „
Applications for admission may bp mada to tham at all
hoars at their offlrea, or at tha Hospital at 3 o’clock. P. Bt.
Recent caaaa of aoeUantal injury aza reostrsd at all bans,
without form
rn «ty, of Pitteborgh and Allegheny, meats on th*
firac WKDNKSDAY oferery month, at SCQOC&LUZk&'S,
In tha Diamond. By otter,
jtlry 080. W. BCTSB, Baeratary.
ft. 1* are hereby notified t<
iuaod at your Armory, on MONDAYS,.WSDNES
AYd and FRIDAYS, tor drill, and to tranaaat sueh buti
n«a as may cocoa before tha Company. P. BANS, '
marflfefjmd Secretary pro lam.
rr tottOMA LODDJBi 1* O* O. **—Tbe
itS? Angasona Lodge, No. 388,1.0. of Q. meats army
Wednesday arenlng in Waahlngton Ball, Wood *C * (JyLy
IOUU the Clarion river. This land fe heavily timbered,
Am an excellent soil,and isntd tooontuln an abundance ol
iron on, and athkk vain of bituminous coal. The Vena&
go railroad, which will undoubtedly b«buULWill run very
near to it, if not directly aesoas U. Tba Millstewn eroek
runs through ((, _
A LSO, 600 acres in Fix county, wall timbered snutsUwo,
and lying now the route of the Banbury and bit xnttroaA
No better investment oould be made than In dm lands.
The completion of the Banbury and Erie, tba Allegheny
Valley, and the Venango railroads through that region
will render the coal.lumber, iron ore and eoiLof great
value. Enquire of C.8.3L SMITH,
Attorney at Lav, .
No. 147 Fourth street.
A GOOD bUTLDING LOT, 21 feet front on Carson street
br 100 feet in depth. In Birmingham, will be told
cheap. inquire of GKO- GILLUOEK,
j T fg T at office of the Morning Poet
A LOT M feet front on WTLIX street, sod extending
hadf 109 feet toWJde alley. On the back part of Ow
Lot Is a Cellar Wall, built for two mall Bouses. This Lot
U in a desirable location for a residence; and- will be sola
low, and on ferorahU terms. Title good, and dear from
incumbrance. Knquire of QKO. 7. QTLTiMOKB,. -
jyj3 At Ofßoe of MowflOg Post.
A loo; A good bargain oan be had by applying soon at
theoffloJof the MOASiyO PQBT. jjlfctf
f fib woaa stub nxcssuaus.
•I mint of French and BngHch Gflt aai White China, Gilt
and White and Colored Stone China; commonWaresulU*
ble for country trade. fsepTl-lml • M. -HQDKIBfiOM*, RHI K.t*te £»r »*>••
THAT T*TJ dMlnkbt. property «ltn»Urf »t tij cor
®e»««f Biith n>d gmlttteU tto, THHER
gmitbeiM street, one occupied by Swale A Bcrtbergtr,
Watchmakers and Jewelers, and the other, the oorner, to
copied by the owner as a Oonfegtionary, liquor Store rod
Dwelling; and the one on Sixth street, ooecpled by 8. W.
Zander? as aßarber Seleen andDadling This property
is one <rf the meet eligible situations for a Banking Boom.
or Broker 1 , oa* rt|sUnt dfcrwt te to ICr
enquire of MICHAEL v HAMA.
Title dear and indisputable.
As lam determined to sail UUI sen get anything like a
frlr trioe, this U to girt notice to any person or persons har
ing claim or claims, charge or charges, against me, to we
mnt the one to as* st the corner « Sixth and Bmlthfield
streets, or prefer the other, and they will be satisfied frame-
Ssel? t fatdCtedawfimJ MICHAEL .OTIAHA.
preen Maktni pad Millinery.
y\ MBS. 8. R. OARQUreepeotfidly informs her Wends
—* others, that she Is prepared to make to order the
w9W latest styles of DMMMBJLB, CLOAKS, MAKTILLAS,
fJZKAS, <fci on the shortest notfee and on the meet rem
tunable terms. Children’s Clothing made up with neetntn
and dtffr*** 1 *- Bonnets altered and dyed according to
directions, and needy and tastefully trimmed. We eba te
dre satlsfertion.
ApoUo Buildings, Ho. Tfi FOURTH Street, seoond story
same entrance as to the Crystal Balnea Dasuerrian Gal
lery. Jyfittdawly
JIFLiUSBUH, No. tt RwiUi
. the Mara»« monoftotMjJtataUolMO’otnt
Boots,loirßhoaa,tiaaandbottooad; Oounaoadßatttm.
rdSoibn: UIW Boot*, Half Boots. JOTTlJndijmp.
pan, and Broad. UaUntaaltmof aw ode* and^doj
un KUandinlUOairon, oftin boat KattaUl; Wmm
aadCnUdrot'ado,of awry Tartar- , , „
N. H—All Uada B>ada 10 ondw, oo *ort
. •, . -i
- ***•
■ ,
IWm. 8. Harm,
James D-
Asunder Bradley,
' Jobs fullertoa,
Robert Galway,
Mftff l ** Reynolds, Arm
strong Oouniy,
Horatio N. Leo, Kitfaumlag
Hiram gtOWt, Beater.
Tjtiil for Sale.
,ot for Salt.
I t»u BONSMU-A. A. HAS •* * «». taw
r cwired Mliril Mwrtnwnt of B*» itjrtoiß of llu
Winter BnnMt** .. .1. _
Cok>r«d Gimp and Gcmmer, white RntTßim
Cotcrod mhud Tripoli, Ctolorod
KMC, Brilliuit., Blo.4*Trtmmtac
kick Emhrofcterod I*co, BteowOow*.' - f
801 l Bvtiaad, BjrtHte ViMM k -■ -•
Whit* Kngluh gtr»»,
BiKk *D*iWr «*w. . »*»«» yaTyliy.
Tk« attentloo «f MIUJWWM i* Tr*P*otf»M> ■<»«,
ÜBT VitD-yntawfcrOrttlyf; ! ~
Qnlum for October;
EATlSßETltrlai—WaaaaMAatlta iliatmuMtta
public to out aMortmant of HIABM WOw *
the moot darttable writable fee
li>ns atMmboats, tad itwj dtmttn,ulvt.4/ ififc
Heating Store may be required. We oSet nim iHint
luoerior in etrle of dwiUi beaatyef eef pmetieal
atfiv, toanjaataM}taentoft»H»jtnttaaui. QiT *’
main. a«A», uunatt t
t'giATK or joam »tLij*,(PEC»iEKp;H : inita»
I of .dmlntaraiion tariff* tae« grant*;!* ft*
tlgnad, on tta rareonal aatntatfJfMlCT af
i£ TOh WMdoi ttari^of Wtatarrit, jtawAril»«;
«ooa knoetng ItamlMlndebtal «lll»ntaeroTOnantL
tbo» taring claims wUI praaeat tbrondaTi nillltafieirid*
•t tta ot»« of tta nninrigno*. oftan srmronfaolth
tald streets. JAMES BLIMLT, OoOlnoTonnrito.
Pittrbnreh. September 35. lrM . ■ -4.*#**’
I of lon* and tta Territory of. Minneroto io n ftact
time, an* will letae til* eity Or ttatporpwe IfMfn
mb; intending to make arrangf aoti tani I'riSi 're
Agent at Toe a City, Iow»- Bt. Pnole aotV OtUlnaamvAtin
nesota. Be solicits ibe pntronega of thoeataeeoaa il ulaea a
of Locatinglands la tx.e Weet ll*will
attend to Locating Land it in the-TfrrUpry «
PurciuudngLoUinthedty oi Bt- k . ~
JAMBB B.>ntT, -
Beal Batata and European Agasi,-. -
MP»-r~- BrnltbfleMmiiut. FEHbutgh-
GodayVlndy'* Book; lfafMtMJ>
htoorfi Lady's Hatktl Msgaatae;
li«rt Laaaon, a tale;
PoeoM and Pawdlee, \ff Thomas William* rsw;
The TlrgtolnrfeoaedleM. by G, C.Fllnghem.Kn-;
fraake of fortune, by J. B. Joaaa; . ..- . /
Justteodred andteraalohy . " „
ir. x AunnranßrftXL, ,■
ira2B Wo^dfOertbioetr
Wk Thibet Shawls; square Bay BUg§|
Bay State Biewls; long Broctte Bh**««jf
Shawl*; French Cashmere Shawls; e*4» Iw
Scarfe. to greet Taztety. a* .• ■■ •-
aepW . HAS AS A -AHI?B* WMi
OrahtnU Cwtl B»l*«
building lot, abutted go tfc«cafcnaratt>imjnrt Marb«r
KtraetSf baringirrontonFanil *tr»k, ranter
fttoeg Marbwr HO fcet,lo Cba aB wf, «UA tepnd**»
Octobot.lBH.nUlbo«cMo»tt» |r««w.« »*jyj**
<11: Bolldlog Loti, In tbo Bighih Word, w
Word Public gehocl Boon- bun■j»a«ilS»*»*»«B“
anpHiA Gnot»g
4 CARPET BACK,cottUtoto»n aatWflliyhw
A mkk<.y«* tot on TwAyiMf, ——
eUj;«ntirili U a Cawtawa Owi. Aiij g—
ibaaoova,and U*»Uf tbaa at BtoarßMtp»«toßtoy
N 0.682 libertymet,or at Lbis
wmrdad. ■B* a fl
A r/iptT • •
DR. R. WRAY leader* hia jprnliaalniiai a«Tkaa to Ut<
former friend! aad thapabitepaacaUy*
Ag» Office corner of Wabaiar and JBm areata-
•a the 29Lb Baptaaber a laigatt of WBOT
RINQS. which Will ba aold at 62H u—U —al
UUHNINO BON SAXtJ—We will open oatba AA Sa]
tember aoma Fall aiyles of
-gON A-C&.-fcaaa jo*t raoatred a lar*a waH ifljr
twt TeltbU, Batin» and SOta.
-1000 bmtofli thaU«t Oonyfer.Mlato
AT*—l,6oo bujheli o*o, ia«M> it
Pmujirufe rmttmdring* to .
; Bfauatt-4 MQgAI
ri'DIOXHX BKliD—ttQ ba«to»gH—
I store and fornie toy •
~Vp3B g*9llffl 4 MCHAI
O *g hbds Loeerinc’s floe Syrups;
50 bbls Lorering’i Crushed Sugar;
SO bblsLoreriog’s Putr«*»d Sagar;
ID bbls sugar-bousokytup- WormMlt - -
ffyplft F. R. PRATO, Ho.lHiWl
100 text* pur* Mustard; / -•_ • \J
— W
\ , ball, four room, finished attic Ih>lilB
SO br 90'fett, ritnatad oq Stath ctffofer M»r test
A well finished Hoose, od Wylie street, wttfc Lot Why
90 feet. < ••■.«.
A Brick House, on Sixth stmt, with lot ST M Coat by
100 deep, to aa alley.
A three story Dwelling House, oaHand iftat
Three good Housm, oa Th*rd Mmt,
meey others in varions tooetjonsaad oa mm terms'.
If you want • House, farm, or Bonding Xpt, the place to
be euppUed la at the Keel lrtih OBue of - . »
moU —— 140TM»d eteaafcr.
r) LOAN- SU,O». ok aotaeaeeured_b*dty oe eouaty
anti THOMAS WOODS. 78 bwrttsl.
i_t AOAh * ABL hate tesiwa i >astlf>iUaflrtatrt
rf of striped and figured aU wool DabJaaa. AI«M
DreeaSOk* ; OAtHTMr
epeetftally solicit a eaU from the'Xedke... - eejpl*
AW MUelO—Jest reoeteed, per erpwt, Ay iMAy-
Veteran Mka. by Oeri Eckert; fltuiaee fcbcWfc, 4y
Weßaad; Bark Byed Beauty if the Boath, by HanyOcrtS
velh Miariea wtth portrait aC_tb»~*waor,.
Lite with a Playful Heart; Ellen 9~* tr h
The Mother*! Smile, Ibr It.T. WiUeoet gMjpm
Away to HeaTea, for Guitar, by W-YTWeThtwj feMßtpgr
Hours, by J.H.TuBt; laari of cm* Wrfhjrtya, wjla.apgfe
Would watt Nerei Met; Farewell Peholt£eh, IbylCT.
lace; Manama BalfcAvßaaafc-Bsads Q*ey.byflW.«wy;,
Allegheny Waltees; Belle
The Wishing Oats, eoae atn; *BmA»
Nerer Come; laOevsandree Yaire, t*r MMaujmtM
Old Joeey, lateet Ethiopian eoog? Peed Wght.jWogy
serenade. written by Loagfeltowj ftgmfig of ThddMfc
erer, hy wm. Y.WaDaee. Also all the lateet f
iiAaj, §gg nle b/ • r <
M. A comtortaWe Dwelling. Beaae, )n lajihil) plea»
eutly situated oa Marla coatßlolfir sk rocnu
cellar—price $1,300. ; _ Y.I;
Also, two large fnaa Bouses, suitable
with two large lads of Gtoand, w*H of •gpedyptr, WBC
trees, de, will be sold at a bergsip ai the on* laMaiii **
morlnrWest. ■* <’ _ _
Tea choice Lota of Orasad, 338
the hBWby over W) feet basing Tlewcf »he
cities, rlrw* 4*.-prioe and terms *e«y.
*-»■-** j
Bwl BrtM» ApotfcUP ThM
I|ia C »oir > to tfc# Goods, or COT*n*Bt J|«yeydße;tiio A^-
ft *Offafofrtton fbc Uw AfikUdFeovloofOori, by
Atsxsadsr,P.Pi, chaop fdldoas!,». - ' r «
M— aho of Btobo, T«o. ' - . ••-•>:v "-•
iitah udtbo Monacos, thah: history, eosttnc, dOitiiw^
do. do, by Pwria. •. .---
Foaoos Ftaoai sadPlaosa, WHB* j
TbeOtfHoosoby thoßioar.
ffatfrarioo Ashtett, by Bawifl; last book.
TkiroßooSnrtOß. . - --
Una ot&f JntfeM of tmtaMdßhho
Old Bad BtOM.
ThbaThatißAthaOUttr, Jamtefialg. • -- ; J Jl
Seir-XxplwatotyElbltt, nfnuf jiWalatlaaffl
CwyWr»t»d Q»t »oa*» Irtlltf tjWl tffc
M’Kcnow Hictorr rfgimilWiTOa., .. •.••>•
Thfahl totw. iupaiMr i
ThtluAvaUnlft; ftotetorbl sod UlaiaiJV' m _, - r.
Bkcteb Book mC tlM&ritxh Konbv. t Ti»,
Dr.gnitk'aHfcmrTof 6t—c«.ig.fe.Aa. !' ..'l^--•.
Tn Bnnti rif tolif ■lttiihT itiltjn - ....
Nxw books i nsw itonii i.i«uc-ae j jj^J
Wood,M.A, T.Q.K,
o» iwi < a««iM,VT d» «&■»«< WjfristQ.
I oi ul tin Ovfimtia** by ftwawiiMilwHgriifej
Tba TranU of Balradg, «>Tiw XamwA <T*
fw-n Hartley. A.M. • • - --i+.j t
Ite GnatßaA Sn«ofi, or Uw MaftlarXarfe £*s* -*T*-
vlih thirtr-ttro Ittnctrsttoac. -'-ir
rrttig>roM,ottt»Tif NHm, bytob».My<*K _ . .
Just rnttrad fey - :.. • ■ „ i :
«rp2S gAMCTt B- UIIIBUI Wso&sfcwC. -
Glass— ia>bo»Bxio; lsxil; ss£-
KHKOtt MlOtlSOfr—a good worth |l —WnC
— pH
s-'ioneuiu AMO BBXUKU WAXIOr^L
hc.ltiM tlrmttnm U»gprimbf •
.-«i joa.TUPtnra-
UTEKB—I7 ItlHm TUrt aaltj fcß*. I* t 0 '
•«» . Midge a ow*?!^!
•' " ’“ w
'V. ■?•**-'
r ' •“
*; '
fe V *'
: V •
i %
IJL Mi«ng * COT!.