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U '”",~/L'*-"’»•’ "V* *'££*< ***V'A?» »t» ’i -y Jorai» < fcftft*«*i& v^** 4 £-5 * *-- J**?:; sv tV- ; *vV.. ?• * *-*v * :-^^?^"^s^i > *f. ?:4 *i -: -f. *. _ i >?;*’i^-.Ti’ ?: >’"•'’fV'•-•■-••.,-;• - ; • ■ •■•'.■-'•_••.■ -,- .- -v.* 1 *.;-* TSft 1 MhlpA ft «l»- i ' t? - *>• »* »--? fcj'«<■? -~ W - M , • ' .«..■' 4 . . ■ ~x * '•* * * » » ,•• ' ■•■ *£^V- ■ ■--. ; ■-, ■-. ' ■ ',V, - ;-■ . : ,\ : .-* m§i A%-g f.";'J Sc«Vl«'' MMi^ 3 <*-. —:n —■ — 7 1 — f ‘i ■■ r * '?'•*- \'C s'.! > i. t ' ■vf; i-<-■ i ■ ivi. -i' ■ i •. *t>. . * -a* h : .. -,***£ J , - ?*£*# i •!.: ••*i \ ■] '. -•'* '•s .- •* ~*■£*■ - ' *-• i ■ H- ' • '?■.» v. - .■•*»*■ l-i* -r i wi V v - #*..■' ’ B *r? * ffrpfrjirtj*' »u ;M>l risk loth* UnitoaSt»t*#, « Uie Allowing na»y*yarOn ■ At ChftxlMtown, Mass. At Brooklyn, N.Y....... AtGosp<*4 T *-t , jJ 6,400 4,800 On»4hird of the said beef and pork must be delivered at co?h of the above-named yards respectively by thie•J r *f . logs and leg rands of the i \ttfnr4. nnd the till iOH aud idioulder clods, the tlxoul* | ofetlcWn,? pieces, and at least d wiuntt* from the neck end of each forequarter, or the 3,4, nnd 6, on the drawing ordellno. Mtnt.ii of th • fore awl hind quarters of an ox, which will bo attached to and form a part of the contract, must be wholly deluded from each barrel, and the remainder o / the c *cao, inite id of being cat wU'i a clearer fnust be cut Lhrcunh mUi j a nno and knife, to giv-the meat a tquare, neat and mooth not la* than eight pound*each. e oork must be packed from corn-led. well-fattened ho ~ pjanghpiretl between the first day of November, 18M, a.id the first day of January, 18 '.5, and. weighing not leas than two hnudred pounds each, excluding the shoulders, haras, logs, feet, butts, rumps, lard.and uM r-ftiro plows; and most be cut vnlh a tow and knife, in m,.c-« weighing not le*< than six pmods each. V IVhili the btef and pork mupt.be salted with at l«a?t oue atrtu'e bushel of lurk’* Island: Isle of May. or f?t. Uf« 1 Balt • and the beef must have five ounces of fine pulverized RflUt’etre to each barrel, exclusive of a pickle, to be wade ! from fresh water as atroug as salt will make it, and must be j beef or pork, and no exeeas of weight In cither article wid j *l’he barrels must be entirely new, and be made of the beet seasoned heart or white oak etavas and headings; the stave* , A i — nn > ipM than five-debthe of an inch thick, and the vp-ullnira notleaß than three-fourths of an Inch thick; they must be three-fourths hooped over, including the Iron Loops, with thebeat white oak oVhkkory hoops, and eachi barrel matt hare on It four iron hoopo-rie: one of one and ahelf “ch in width on rarh bilge, and one of one end an eighth ■ d sa MiJuVaKE l ‘ a iS ß ba?r°f burning on Its head -Navy Beef,” or-Navy Pork,” as th« case may be, with th* Miutractor’f name and the year when packed, ana welzbl* and shall ftlw» be branded on the bung-etave with th., utter B. or P., as the cate may bo, Th and pork will, unless otherwise directed by the Q r t hi< bureau, be inspected by the inspecting odlcere . narv-ranls aforesaid, aod by noon “sworn. ‘ “i'mr Kltod pmlBloM,” wbo-wlll bo awtrelri by the r •.i.eetire ciuJltnandlDg offleertt; but their charge! tor su-h fo-U-lW mutt be paid by tho reapectlee coutrarrore, who liße*i*c have th# barrels p it in good shipping order, ihe sati-'artion of the commandants of the respective mwjacd* aforesaid, after inspection, and at their own *x- nr more M>proT«l snrvtirs, in a sum equal to one • if amount of the will bervqulrvd, will r* withheld from tl»e ,“, nt ot each yavmoir. to be made, a*; collateral **cuntj r th« dne and faithful performanco of the nwpMtire con . ' „i.i|.h will on no account bo paid until the contract* ] tied w tth iu alt Tespect«; and bto be forfeited to arc eorop_ a ln t h* event of failure to complete the th' prccribed P-rtod- <" «» «f Mhy. r ire oart of the contractor to d-lirpr ill or any of the to .r or'rcrlt ettovc monttomrl, of the quality onl >t the ** f “n-Ttoacos nboee protided, the contractor mil forfeit H. nty to tho Cnlted Stole* no liquidated d.matres, a .urn eiKSev tmual “ twice the amount id the contract prlre to to wd/ln n» of th “ * rtn * l thereof: which I ; hammers may he reeorrred from tlnw to ‘lute as '.‘‘ v l'ajmcnt wm to made by the Colled Stale, it U percenlum at tnc p* oul ft completion of the eontrart, jo* be c“ .ratri 1 rfl° r tb. e.hl to-ef ond pork stoll hare been received,'and bulk lor the same shall hare r. resented to the nary azente, respectively. duly ep- I , 'JiTv thocommaudnottof the respective nary.ykrde. «„*■ to the terms of tm* current b'-f te bttscudrd will U yo riimlarly ‘Usi-f -f , f?nirnaraiinglo be alUclied to theamtrad l\rpoU « "t ,l! are accepted (and none others) ] win to forthwith notified, and a- early aa pr.cUcaM.a eon relit will he transmitted to them-for esecolljn, which eun -1 J he .etnrneil to the bureau within ten days, ea "“r.tbe time required for the regiaUr trancnlto.cn Ct the mnl.- ■ ,j te 0 f the letter Informlnd a bidder or A record ordupjrare ) , MtUoofal , the the mrajilnkof the act of I*4l, and his Ml rriirhe made'and awsptod fn conformity with this under standing. muJ t bo accompanied n'as directed in the • ETCf M«Sof the *'t of Conffrws makinj appropriations; Oth K*ctlon . f It.: f.r the naval • • j AiU bJuinod,)l>y a written guarantee, 1 1 Htb. R morts rvtrtwnslblc persons to the effect that unleHalie {hjkl bidder or biJdrn will. If hb be ortho eatßr into no obligation within BttraieMo fttral6h th artidepropoeod. oocnmpaniM by the MrtiScute of . dUtrfcl jiUiPS UttWL.-il au.U» dbtrirt attor- Ibe ~r oincerof the general goTercment. or know o to the bureau, that the gtosrant ra are * h Nn t JrapMtof l wU| t^ r “*^^ l '“ ll “ accompanied hr, such guarantee. ««iiipncr. and tb« nanus of car-li JmbJr ol t£ firm,a ootnpanyoffers,withtlieCliri*- niemiser o ®J. n ln fttllt be *UtetL j.rrvi-iut wa t»‘ o/ ejttlr, - I fw fer rereftoa, a J.to U»f the /loom V„ prrk ££ rfprf Uiai fall Mow the. l*t< , ata> particularly Artrltd to the a* “"■/‘“^“"’^ubllfeSo-l-] 1-yIUT UE3DLOTIOS reindro to bid. for prorls.ons, do- JJI thlneand email storao f-w tho n«e of the nary. r. ru Seil'c awl Hataf <>/ Krpracnlttfn*! of Me iSicu, in Oatjrm asmaWcd, That all LT. fcr S «uoolira of nrorhdoos. clothiiwand am all etorea, for S, uJof the mn may >* “»-P** oo ° !lh «*- e mt 7f modi by ont who iinuunmcn as a Btanufac partmentin, the articU prised V, be fur turer of , or g\ reverse, must be diUincUy stated t* i tat S- bidiof all persons who may bam I tcre.mnii with the conditioßJ of any contraoU Uwy. In.ieJ.to.comply ioUt wit b the United RUtea fJ_ ootion of the department, W rejected; that if P,, Ar!’thLn'one bW*be offered for the supply of an article on more than one mo o» dlher ln own nnoe.or In m-countof a y« c irtfc, or any other person, the whohTrf ew-h bi£aball be rejected at the option of the de whole of such f „ nbidl not be riarrlTieJ partment, amlcopartners > whenever ltmay.be ku..tl..fof«yb to of the United SUtos tomoU, to pro « ’ hk * “5 to « are parti-Uiar Qy, Bureau of Provisions and £5 htott m“ thi of tho Secretary of the N«y °W, and hereby hs, abthorisod to procure tho same on the befit terms. In marfcat oyert. Approved 37th March, ISM ■ at! «rwy propoalfor n*v.l .upplle. invited HSfess d'r‘ btoTtb.y Jl.ll foil to tt^'‘°“t “°N'L B ,V i i r ilh ,^° r,rsSr:r£«,£ s?':K£ £ r,^;Turotet.'“f.^"yi- nuffi uepmrimeni. KRFNCU AND UEUiIAN LANUUAQtd. S the EnglUb Ungn.pt lTuently, »nd »JU ‘""J”/ tb« ..me time cun do so. Priv.te Inntructlon given iff ' i “i«rm»-Forpriv.tein.tro.Uon $l5, pa lmlf K!«ion. For .1 J.f per h.lf ~»H°iL i£L Tea* TMi Tea* , , , ■n-o have roceired from New York and Phlindul- HALF CHESTS TEA, comprising Yonng n-3-i^ii&viwn Imperial, Gunpowder, Oolong, Souchong, feySi audEn g I iXUreakfant, all of w hlch here been cere fuuvwiected, and trill be sold a* ueoal, eithorwhoiMale f uliy w ecvwi, au RJo ftn(l j a , a coffee, Lorcrlnff'e »nd°Ht Loula Heflnwi Sugar*, suitable for Jelllee, Presertea, t“ d ! R gio a ,d 25,C00 Principe Begat* of prime sell « *lo* . Pekin Tea Store. 88 Fifth utTwet. “oroSIOKiBINO * SONS,Bo*- ton.rU: Two nuporoiy 1 Four plain Rosewood 7 Three conred d» £3 .. One extra carved *>74 One plain Rosewood **(& .. Four de do .. hare been finished during thf All the at»Te -« latest stylos o f furniture. Inva laat month.ft f l - pBICBa tY9TJ piano warranted, riabljr at BOSTON . JOHN H. MSLLOR. No- 81 Wc/A street. al Agent for Chickering * sons. Boston. -i g~y~ y of ° r s**,ooo, •UJ*Q---b years- fir which caeh and good Copper Blocks will be given, at fair rates. Bna WOODS. 76 Fonrth street —BdTThJj wVcs.n—a uig> aappir, bv Spring., bbl, and half bbl* »n £*g» - uIQ comer of the Diamond and Market st P>uTflfta —MQ j plcnefl Merrimack md QPcbftOO r>p ?' °. tirelr ne*:V f ■' ■ ,* * *£J Sf <••• ft->; •' V' L: ' * I c **” *> . ; ) • < \ ‘■l <*.•- ■: r r" , ‘ T »r BarrtU Bkf. Barrdt Pork. .1,400 1,200 2,«0 .V400 I^oo oa SrSiflMG BBOa. . . .*#« V„ ; •’ f'i . . ■; ( v , .■ v .■ ■ ■" w :.. > I'‘i'* :■■■ V : .', v . ■"*“-* SUR VNCE COMPANIES, A W WWP*"*^ * °*o2Sr \To all puts of the World. parrflHTß, 1 INLAND INSURANCES On goods by ritera, canals, lake* and land carriages, to aTlbdrtaof the Union. anparavi FIiUS INSURANCES On merchandise generally. On stores, dwelling houses, Ac. j ASSESS OF THE COMPANY, Norember Ronrlaand Uortinuttf —OU SUUo, FransylruiU, PUlnWpU* ««;, Spring Garden, Southwark, and other loans, „18i»®w ** StoCka In banka, railroads and InauranoM oom- sSSSE=EE=^s Balauceniu uie hands of Agents and premiums on Marine Policies recently issued J« Subscription Notes .JOO.OOU 00 sißScroßs: 1 I)r. B. M. Huston, UngbCrai;*, ! Bpeneer M’llvain, t Charles Kelly, I Siiinuel K. ijtokeS, Henry Sloan, James Traqu&ir, I Wm. Kyrn, Jr., 1 Joshua L-Vrico,, \ J ernes Tennent, I John 11. Semple, Charles Seballer, J. T. Logan, Pittsburgh, | b. T. C. Morgan, do. WM, MABTlN,President TUOS.C. HAND.Mee President. P. A. MADEUIA, Aaent, 9fi mUCTOBS. JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, Dauphin county, P. 0. BKDUWICK, Ilarrisbdrg, SAMUEL JONES, Philadelphia, A WILKINS, Banker, Pittsburgh, A. A. CARRIER, “ JOUN B. RUTHERFORD; Dauphin county, A. J. UILLKTT, Harrisburg, B. T. JONES, Harrisburg, ROBERT KLOTZ,Carbon oounty. JOUN P. RUTHERFORD, pnrident. A.J. UILLKTT, Secretary. WllUnnure against purils of sea and inland navigation, alsa, on Merchandise in city or country, at lowest rates con daunt with safety. Policies isawed on dwelling boueei either perpetually or for a term of year*. Branch Office, corner Fourth and myj-T t-f A. A. CARRIER. Actuary. THIfI U»l TBITS TXT KB LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY and trust coup any, PHIL.4DELFBU. CHARTERED APRIL S6TH, IUO. CHARTER PKIITETCAL. CAPITAL 8250,000. Office, 3. E. Corner tf Third and Chettnui Streett, Philadelphia. OJUtrt of the Home Hoard at PhOadetrhia: Stephen R. Crawford, Paul B. flaldard, Ambrose W. Thompson, Lawrens* Johnaon, Benjamin W. Tlngley, G*>. M Ueory, Jaoob L. Florence, James DewreUX, William M. U.Alwin, William M'Kee. Praident— Stephen U.Crawford. r»c< /*/rxuU»r—Ambrose W.Thompeon. Kxaminer, piiUlntrgh—Jmmt* H. Willson, M. D. Mleghenv CVy—lt. B. Mowry. M. D. * OKO K. ARNOLD. Agent, uuulTjj No. 74 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. •jiht’Fraukllß Ftre luinrancs Company, Of PkiladeMda, fWjW/yfrojrio. DIRECTORS— Charles W. Kan-ker, Tboma* Hart, Tobias Wagner, liaouel Grant. Jacob K. Smith, G«o. W. Rich ards. Monlecal D. Lewis, Adolnhi E- Boric, Dartl 8. Browne, Morris Patterson. Cuss. N. B a * CKO, rtmdmt. Chja O. luxe***, Axretary. Continue to make insurance, perjadoal or limited,on every doscriptioo of property. In town and country, at rater a# low *■ are coaid*tent with security. , _ . The Oompany have reserved a large Contingent Fund, which, with their capital and premium*, safoly iavwLxl, uf 6»rd ample protection to the assured. The Asset* of the Ooinjan y* on January lrt. KSI. as pnte listed agreeably U> au Art of A*wmUjr, were as follows, vlt: R«Ww» - *»“•>» f! Real Estate - #**2*/ !* Hash, 4c - - 64^t * * l Total - - ;4 Since their Incorporation, a period of twenty-'-D' 1 year*, thcrliavc paid upward of One Million Four Hune insured. v Direefers.—H. Miller, Jr.,C.W. lUcketson, J W. Butler, N.liolnws, Jr., W. IL Smith, C. Ihmsrn, George W. Jackson, Wm. SI. Lyon, James Llppencott,George Darsle, James Me- Aoley, Alexander Nlmkk.ThomMiJcott. wm_ Office, No. 92 Water street, (Warehonseof Spang A Co., upstairs,) Pittsburgh. nnelltlT "JCTHNT INBbRANCK COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN. Chartered 1 8 1«— Capital Stock 9300,000* TUOS. K. BRACK, I‘reatifmL TIIOB. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary.! DIRECTORS— Thomas K. Brace, Samuel Tudor, Kbeneaer Flower, Ward Woodbridge, K. A. Halkeley, J Joseph Church, Holeud Mather, Frederick Tyler, Edwin O. Ripley, Robert Buell. Samuel B. Ward, OUlles A. Tuttle, Henry 7.. Pratt, John L. Boswell, Austin Dunham, BUosUtus F. Davis, Junius 8. Morgan. on Fire and Inland Rlskslssued on favor*- ble terms, by GEORGE E. ARNOLD, Ag't, decllly- No. 74 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. HOTELS. HOTEL. CITY (LATI uuows's,) Corner of Hmlthfleld and Third strccta, PITTSBURUHt PA. GLASS & CAKE, Proprietor*. JOHN I*. GLASS, DAN. D. CARR, (Ute lw(ir JUI T«Ufnph Offlo*.) (Ul* BA. CkirW* S F**tJ D*ula) THUS large and commodious House haring undergone thorough repair and furnished with new equipments throughout, is uow open fur the reception of the traveling public. Charols Moimtirt. aprtfrtfm “ST.“CLAIR HOTEL. (FORMERLY THE EXCHANGE,) PITTSBURGH, Corner Penn and St. Clair street*, c. W. BBIfNETT Proprietor. ifl a first class boo3e, lartween the Railroad De pots; the rooms are large and newly furnished, and charges moderate. apr!4:lydAw TUB UL.KII HOTBJI/ 18 NOW HEADY FOR SUMMER VL4ITBRB. —The grounds have l*sen improved, and the House rendered more attractive, generally. The proprietor will be happy to see his friends. ff- An Omnibos of the Excelsior Line Is now running from the station, on Fifth street, to the GLEN HOTKLc Leaves the station at 8 o’clock, A. M., and 6 X*. M.; return ing At 9 A. M., and 6% P. M Jel2:dm FRANKLIN HOUSE, Cleveland, Ohio.* CPATHICK A BON, PaoPßttroaa.—This Uonse has as* • dergone thorough and extensile repairs, alterations, and large additions of new furniture, etc., and the proprie tors pledge theuiselTue that nothing shall be wanting on their part to render the Frahrur a place where all the eom fr,«-ta nf » firrt ftlass hotel can be found. ' jyVtf 0. PATRICK A BON. KILBY’S HOTEL: CORNER FOURTH AND GRANT STREETS, TITTSIiURUU . I’A. my*)Tl S- SILKY, Proprietor. ~~ FLOHKNCBIIO^feL, NO- 400 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. (ooiroooriD ot» tn* «übopba» plah.) REUBEN LOVEJOY, oc3-ly ■ A • PROPRIETOR. Ji. H.MARKU 4. M'MIbTIHH, J&.. MVT PERKY HOTEL, corner of Hnnoock utreeUnd Duiiuwni Way. Pittsburgh, Pa. mar4:y MoMABTEf S k MARBLE. Proprietors. o PUBLICATIONS—Just receive! bj Express the following new end stenderii Books, ahead of all cotem poraries: Wood's Practice of Medicine, new edition; Sir Jasper Carew. by C. Lever, new work; Fashion and Famine, by Ann 8. Stephens, new work: Jnggier of Nankin, by B. Oobb, Jr.; Wild Western Beenes, new supply: Dodd Family Abroad, by 0. Lever, new supply: FansT Jfern, aeoond series, new supply; l . fagtaiL a Poem, by P. J. Bally, new work: Chafers' Papers for the People, new Edition. In C volsg « ' Select Writings, " •• in 4 vols^ « Mlsoellany. in 10 rolx.; « French Revolutions; - Btorles of Irish Peeeantry, M Life and Works of Bans; u German Utendwre; Handle's Field Books, M«%opply; Traotwlns on Oorvw Bhnnk on -Curve*, nsw work. AU Mnwns wanting new and ahaapßooks will aal at jjls lAWHL B. LAWnn W Wag! stmt "iToinrSTTAirD BAHKISO HOUSE ' a. wilbShb *. co., 1 ' UNITED STATES BANK BUltpiNQ. No. Street, rrCTMOMH, PA. FOREIGN and Domestic Kkobange, Coin, Bank Notes and Land Warrant! bought and sold. Oollectionsmode throughout the Union. Businuas paper discounted hod loans negotiated. Slocks bought and sold on commission. . , Money receiTed on deposit, and interest allowed when left for a specified time. ?___ Removal. PAT&IGSft ft FBIEHD, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Scan Removed their OJflve loth* Cbmer fifth and Woedsti. rarsßunou, pa. PATRICKS A FRIEND, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, and Dealers Ln Notes, Drafts, Aeoeptanoes, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchanges on the Eastern and Western Cities constantly for sale. Oolleetloiis mode in all the dtles throughout the CuiteO States. Deposits rooelted in par fondn or current paper, at the corner of Fifth arid Wood Streets. ffobS S. HOLMES ft BOMB, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, $627,471. 63 UAVX OXXOTXD TEEIR BABKI3U AS® BXCEAWQR OTPICt TO 80. 67 MARKET STB ITT, roOB DOORS BELOW OLD STABS. AT HOLMES A SONS, Bankers and Kichongo Brokers. • and Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, Sil ver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western Cide? constantly for sole. „ , Collections made in all the cities throughout the Uniteu dtates. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, No. «7 Market street, between Third and Fourth sts. Ljn3U:lj lAS. S. UUJB,. HOOH & BAS6KNT, BANKUIia AND KXCIIANUK BIiOKEM, n. t. ivaji££ of wood a sixth sts., pitwbumb, w. | vliALliUSln Ooin, flank Koto*,’hinß BUIb, foreign and I ) Domestic Exchange, Certihcates of Deposit, Ac. Exchange on all the principal cities of the Union and Eu rope, for wile io sums to ouU purchaser*. Current and par funds xeceivid ou deposit. Coll«etk>ua made on nil parte of the Union, at tn? lowest r»u,. L”P U:l ? TIGKSIAN 4l CO., BANKKHtS AND IiXCiIANUK BKOKEBS, No. 96 Wood Sirrct, crrmrr of Diamond AUey, PITT3BUHOH, I*A., BUY AND riKUL Bank Note* anil Ooia; Discount time exchange, and promissory notes; make eollecl-vc* In *U the principal cities of the Uaioo. ReceiTe depCcMe .*n call and ou interest, and give their prompt attention to ull other matters appertaiaingto a Broker's business. Unatern Exchange constantly on hand. _nuins_ 1309,016 61 .. 135,350 stt 1,916 19 100,000 00 $446,183 S 6 JOHN WOODS, CANKER AND EXCHANGE BROKER, $368,818 70 DXAUt* l« • Exchange! Commertlal and Bank Note*. STOCK bought tsd mid on eommlmloii. Collectkma earefolly attended to. Interest paid ou Dopoelt. bH'/i fourth street, nearly opposite the M. M. Bank. dw V* HILL * CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, coiuu or wood and nrrn jtuin. SIGHT EXCHANGE ou the Eastern Cities constantly for ■ale. Time Dills ol Exchange and Notes discounted.— 4ioid, yll rer and Bank Notes, Iwught and sold. Collections made in all the principal cities of the CuiWl Btat«. l>e poslUTectdred of Par and Current Puod*- " aswaio uuiii, rwatxct uauza. VtttirKß k RAHM, I BASKEKi* AND EXCUA.NGN BROKERS, B 1 DY ASI> i>Kl*bUold, tfUrer, and Bank Notre; negotiate Loans on K«1 Estate or Stock Securith*; purchase | promlwary Notes and Time Bill*, on East and West; buy and sell 8u»-k*on Commission. , , I Oollivtions made on a)) (>utuU Union. i.tnTl O. E. ARNOLD A CO~, BANKRftS AND KXCUANtiB BROKERS, | I\RALKK3 in Exchange, Coin, Bank Note*, bight and I 1/ Tim*' Drafts, Ac. Collections c&jrfulif attended to, and proceeds remitted to any part of the Imkm. Stocks bought and sold on commission. I jie. 74 fourth sU next door tojiaukof Pittsb e. twin I AITBTisTLOOMIS. STOCK AND BILL BROKER, 1 OfUct JS’n. U 4 Xeirt'i if., of*>r< Wood, PITTSBURGH. »*SotP*, Drafts, B uls, Mortgage*, and Ix»an* on col laterals, negotiated. UUrdte and Land Warrants boughl and.sold. --- oe - tS - IBS3. SXCQANOE AND BANKING HOUSE OF A. WILKINS A CO., No. 76 Focuth Sraaar, Opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. PWMCIfIU [kwtiu and i'ur»v* i*ank A*ot«. UnLi and A2wr ikx&hL &>Ui and of Or* EXCHANGE AND BANKING HOUSE OF WILLIAM A. HILL A CO., M wr*»T> smxrr, nmtMH. g(i,lntere«t allowfd cn tune depriMts. 1 raonreos tell. - :S " U ' *-CAC““IT THOMPSON BELL A CO., BANKKKd ANI» BROKBBI*, OvrufT */ Tturd ae-i »s«d tVrtrU, /lx THOMAS WOOD*, WCOMSIERCIAL UROKER,-» AMD READY MADE CLOTHING, That ban <-t.t been offered to the public. Their principal object f-r tht* removal, !■ to give them more ladlltle* for tb* | WHOLESALE TRADE. Thrv are tirei*ar«\] t<»>ell Ocyaf'ai the .... . . LOWEST EASTERN TRICESt V*irTKli W. W UUDWKLL, And they win warrant them lob*M good a* any mano ntniKKT vr HV I Ti’H £ MA .V t-PA CTUB KR. farturixi In tha L'r.U'O. ° wiiirCimi H Third alra#i. CIBTOJI WORK, J \V. W. r«.*p*eU'ull» l5 tax best situ, abd cros tu* B».i>ktejt son x hit tre* au.l r-.-V'iueri- that I They bare on hand a fall and beautiful aaeortmuot o. ! FEOGKs! WALKING AND EDS.- the largrat an J bo*t erer offered for rn.le In thU City, which NKSS COATS. wiii be eoW at pritw* ** low a* au j lu the United etatre. idenii,-*! with Un.** of our euatomrrr AXl> LtALS* IS KolMi Bondi) Stock*, 11**1 Estate, Ate., t \„, /luri/i /!, l\:iJ>uryh, I'i Kfc»t rr » ki. i A* fcf 1- drurmlned U» Uf hr-H Khr quality with well m- ; amed nuttmala, l»*it wurkmarutiip. «ad ni'wrst Jrrign*-.and i from the » v»*nt c! h)» order* and lacllUy tu manufacturing. [|» t« »tl»llM *n r.*vO>j.'.i ** * He wlopud the prinrlpte c l ilrntlfying hi* customer*' • lnlrr-'r’t with Uii own. to .uaiity and price, sad keep* *1- 1 wajo-.u iißii.i the variety oX »T<*ry diwripUoa of famitur*. tl*** chn »»d |daio«*t. teth«* moot el*- • faint mi l Cvv tJ T. that A h->u*r. or any part ..X on*, may bo j farni-hed from L;» rr manufactured «ipr-**»r t<’ nr der. The t .-Unwin* artirlw rou.'irt, in ;>art, of hi* *‘.rok, ‘ which for rirlmw i.-t *tyln and Ouirh, cannot be surpassed j In any of tin* Uastern cUbw: ( ~Loub XIV Uitw*-i*t»» *:fa*{ j 60 nuta*. in plush and hair Cloth; . 2»0 dos. Mabog&sv Chair*; AJJoi. Walnut ftO Mahogany Rocking “ I .30'Walnut •• “ ! 60 Miiiogany Wran*; ! “JO Walnut “ , ; s>o iUrblo Top t>utr* Tables | ,60 *• “ Drw/«iag Human j “ " Wntbftin'bij j fiO Unclosed ** j K Coin coon " | JO Plain Dwripjt Hurewu^; "W Mabogaar iW'Ute«*ii>: .JO Walnut ‘ *» 60 Ootla«e “ IX) Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads; 30 Mahogane W ardrobea; 10 Walnut ' “ 10 Cherry ** 60 Plain Bureans; TO Dining and Breakfast Tables 12Secretary and Broken***; 30 dot. Oane Seat Chain: M Oane boat Kecking Chair a; 12 Ledim' Writing Ifcwks; Uat and Towel Stands; Whit-Nob; 2 Btiguir**; Paper MacbeTabi**: Conversation Chair*; Pembroke “ Elizabethan u flail and Tier M Reception “ ladies’ Work “ Pearl Inlaid M Extension Dining Table*; Arm •* Ottoman*; Qothk and IlaU Chain; A large assortment of COMMON FURNITURE and WINDSOR CUADUS. Casixit Uuni supplied with all ar tleiea in their line. STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, furnished at the ibortest All others promptly attended to. aprt m, Tux subscribers Under their acknow-xja for th# favors bestowed upon ■HHHHbthaiu by their Steamboat friends, and would respectfully remind them end others interest* ’ l ' ed In buildlog boats, that they are at all times prepared to furnish, oa the most reasonable term*, every description of Oabin Furniture and Chairs of the best material and work* j«uies JLOYrry, Jr., CHAIR AND BEDSTEAD MANUFACTURER—No. 894 kettermao'i Row, liberty street, nas on band alarg* stock ofCb&irs and Bedsteads of every description, made of the best materials, wldeb be will sell lower than articles ot the same quality oaa be sold in the city. lie would call par* tleular attention to bis large stock of Mahogany and Walnut Obalrs and Bedsteads, which he will sell at greatly mlased prices. Also, Turning ot every description executed in the neatest manner. Orders left at the Ware Rooms, or at the Mill, corner of Adams and Liberty streets, will be promptly tUndecl to. marft HAVE ON HAND at tbair extensive CABINET and CHAIR MANUFACTORY, No. 04 Smithfield street, a large assortment of fancy and plain furniture, which they will soli l£> per cent, below customary rates. Terms—eashonly. decTTtly Great inducement! to Cash Purchasers. TITK will sell our Urge stock of COMMON AND FANCY yV CHAIRS AND BEDSTEADS, at prices that cannot fsU to please cash purchasers. All our work is warranted. Our terms are CASH. JAMES LOWRY, JK^ mar 2& cor. Seventhjand Liberty ste. g7\ WM. K. STEVENSON coutinucs to uanutacture Ul_ CABINET-W ARE of every description, at his old stand, ■•lcorner of Liberty and Seventh streets. UNDKRTAK- I % lING attended to, in all its branches. myll RESTAURANTS CORNUCOPIA 49-OYBTER AND COFFER HOUSE. - ** D. BARNARD. No. 40, Fiflh Hired , between Wood and Market janlOrly] pittsbpxoh. J. G. MARTIN. Agent. CRYSTAL PALACE, No. 18 Market street. C. C. SEELY. -g=fr /*•->. REBFECTFULLY informs his friends and tbe | •Jpul.llc lu general, that he has just started his New York aod Philadelphia modern style of * COOKING OYSTERS and every thing else In the eating tine. Oysters in the Shell or Stewed, for 12% cents a doxen. Ho will also furnish the best of everything that the market will afford. House always open until So clock lntho morning. marlS-tf OYSTER SALOON AND UESTAIItANTI 108 WOOD STREET. TiHE subscriber has now hU OYSTER SALOON AND EATING HOUSE perlected lu a manner that cannot be exec-led by any similar establishment in the fit?. MEALS WILL BE SERVED Ul‘ AT ALL lIOURSOP TUE DAT. from the Choicest Meats. Fowls. Hih. Ac., Act IDs Bill of Fare cannot be surpassed, and he would respect fully Invite the attention of the public to it. CUARLKS BULL, j ß 2omxetf 108 Wood street. St. Clair Lager Beer Brewery. mHE undersigned respectfully informs the-public that be I Is now fully prepared to serve private families and the nubile generally* with hia celebrated LAGER BEER, In bottler All orders left at his 0f1k»,N0.39 DIAMOND ALLEY (near Wood street.) will be punctually attended to; and the Iteer d«U,«r«i to My put of th. atj or . ldnig. Je2B'tf J>. O. OLIIKNLA. beiiiti'Tager Beer Ualir„ Na. 106 Smithfield RneL, opponte ike C Jiutom lloute. THE subscriber has just opened one of the largest an] best finished Lager Beer Halls in the city. His Beer Is acknowledged to be a superior article, and every other ac* commutation about his bouse cannot be excelled. m*J.£kSm " A.BBNIU. • #•; «? *? ■» ' * 'M . fc .TUOS. tUSatHT, FURNITURE. Steamboats, Ahoy 1 T. B. YOUNG k CO.. Corner Third and Smithfield streets, opposite “ Brown's UoLd." ffIiLLIKKN *c6 h sale by M’OCURKAN. HERBON k co. :IV'N «• k 4- • • *• - " 1 - V * " ' ' ■ - ‘ DRY GOODS. Mew F*U Good*, at very Reduced Prle** ; YODNO, STEVENSON A LOVE, Sign of ttte Ongm* Beehive, No. 74 Market street, between Pourth street and the Diamond, Pitt*borgb,arej'ort rewiring* Mrrrtnd splendid aaeortment of Fail Dry Goods, at nnnstulty low prices, Irom New York and Philadelphia importer* and auo tion sales. The stock will be found full in erery depart ment, consisting In part of , _ . Plaid, stripe and plain Silk, french Cashmere*, Panmettas and Alpaeas, at unprecedented bargains; Merino and Cashmere Plaids, do do Bombaslnee and Canton Cloths, do do | Preneh Ginghams, do Chintxe* and Prints, do ao Irish Linens and Linen Sheetioge, do do Pillow Linens and Tablo Cloths, do do Napkins and Table Damasks, do do Plain and piloted Delaine* and Cashmeres, do Also, a full nssortmsnt oi Domestic Goods, at great bar gaius; Shawls of every variety, Tery low; Cull Chemiaetles und Ilanukerchiefs, at great bargains; , . . • Ribbons and MHUnery Goods, at great bargains; Hosiery, Uu-res and biupcuders, do. Owing to the unusually large lmportatiou, goods hare ' "Wo forced imo the auctums in Uw east, and sold at gteat New Arrival of Spring aud Hummer Cry Goods. AT No. 90 N. W. SIDE OF WOOD BTRKKT. D GREGG A CO.. Import*” and Jobber* in Brtttsn, . French and German DRY GOODS. Having reoeiv* ed our largo and extensive stock ol spring and summer ifoods purchas'd Drum Importers, manufacturers, and part through our own importation, we feel safe in wearing oar old customers, country merchants and city dealers general ly, that owing to these acquired facilities in purchasing, we can offer such inducements to buyers as are rarely met with in the trade. . , . , , . • Amos, our drv goodssUx* .111 bo found cuiunow da- Anioci* i’orumouth lawnS of the meet desirable designs, mohair lustres, alpacas,plain black and fancy figured silks, i-inghams and fancy prints, latest styles; broadcloths, fane) vesting;*, casr.imeres, satinet*, tweeds and summer panta loomng; brown aud black muslins, table diapers. ! We Lave also opened a very lo*W» assortment of bonnets, newest Styles, palm leaf h*U, Rutland brakl and Leghorn, *ml au uxtenoive variety of hosiery, gloves and ribbons, with lace goods, fancy nettings, jaixmuU*,mull and figured Hwiso muHuns and black Kilk veils, Ac. Our variety stock embraces in part combs, buttons, P cr ‘ ' mission cap., threads.i-oit monatex, patent medicines, per ‘ turnery, and almost every artfeie usually kept in the'u i rlecy lure, together with a large stock of gold and silver ! watenee, watch material.-, glasses, gold and gilt jewelry of j newest patterns, and a great variety of 30 hour and 8 day Blocks, ail of which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash nr eaUstociory reference. , N. D.—au early call from bnyerx is ““dted. l«tao D. GREGG A LU. GREAT BARGAINS IN DRV GOODS Al A. ITTIGHE’* HEW STORE, • ‘ CORNER OF GRANT AND FIFTH STREETS HAVING THIS DAY OPENED M\ NEW STORE, 1 beg leave to call thx attention of tt* Udj£ to ttw large audsplendid unrkteiit of SPRING AND SUMMER GOoDS, ju« received. Among the stock may be found some of the very flnwt goods now Imported. It comprises, 2(W pieces black and feney Dress Silks, 50etx.to fl peryd 600 do Moos, d# Lain**, Baregeds Lain#*, and Mousse line de liege; 200 do Beautiful Bareges andTbwaes, in great variety; 260 do New Style Dr*» Ginghams; 2000 do American. Ffeoeb and English Prints; 600 do French and English Lawns; ‘JWO French Collars, from \'2% cents to $6,00; 200 Mantillas, of tl»« latest styles, among which ar* soal of the most beautiful Imported into this country. Also, Muslins, Tickings, Checks, Linens, Crash, Diapers, Table Cloths, Gentlemen's Wear, Ac. TRIMMINGS.—In this department will be fouod a com plete assortment ot Dress and Mantilla Trimmings, MalL*e and Honlton Lacc, fine English and Thread l*e«; all of which will be sold unusually low. Ten bale* yard wide Muslin at six cents p«r yard. my 3 A. MTIOHE- MEW DRY GOODS BTOBR. trow Front—No, 91 Markat ntreat. OUR house being uow open tor the transaction of a gmer al Dry Goods baslnesa, we would respectfully solicit tht patronage of tbe public, faeling confident that, from our ex tewdv* and well selected stock of BILRP, FANCY Ah’l STAPLE GOODS, wc can ofl*t such Inducemeni* a* will in sure entire aallsfieelion. lIAOAN k Alll>, apr-Ltf Not. »l Market and 8 Union street. CLOTHING. CL6 T HI N G STORE! JOHN M’CLOSKEY & CO.. 1 FORMERLY of tbe celebrated Clothing Depot on Liberty 1 ftrseL which has won an unbounded popularity under b* name of the THREE BIG DOORS, have, for the pur pose of aaiutrtnx more spaee for Gieir Immense business, removed to the spacious bdlWlrffon the corner of DIAMOND ALLEY AND WOOD BTREBT, Where tfcev have now the most SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOTHS! Ourlnl«r**t*are.- • I also want to pan. —..-wow,w» —, - -*i «. and we wur* tbs puuhe that our i.deuty will Dot tail in j inilto Oak Plank* 3 iaebaa Chick, Bor 16 leet long, . lo lr> fll ling all order* «e may be larvred with. i uc he* wkie, part lo bedeliTered in October next and part THK PLACK— j in April, 1&36. tnnaire as abore. iWOn 99 »VfjVtf Htl i/vi ’ the fetlJuiT Mlf or atari; ftot7l, in the dly 6f f BA9T BIDS.) CokSß* Of DIAMOSP ALLST. j nirw doing a eery 1 >rge businusa. Two to fire years of the N. 8.-We Mirr oar patrons to underhand tha t wrhatw Ua* of the boo* eau alao hehad,«ad immediate pomemon BO longer any o*n with th- Clt tliinjr Bimtw.-s oh .it -■•■■ ■'-h.i Enome- r-.-l-rt.-. Liberty street. Our attention >9 derotad eirlusWely to the , Bouae abore designated. m *T>r\ JOHN MXDQgKKY * CO. NKW aIPUIMCi GOODS. JUST ItSCKI\hD AT JOHN McCI/OSKUY * CO’S W hole aair Clothing Watvbouae, No. HS Wood street, and corner ot Diamond alley, the Urgent and must varied stuck of ICtod* that this celebrated bouiu b»* ever had the pleasure of inviting the attention of the {ublie to. Tbeer-gudi* hare boeu purchax-d trim Lr*t hands, and, no , second profit on Chets, a hich leave* os able to say that we j ran and do sell at a.» small profits as any hoow la llu- , erncitiee. Then fore, a- n«pectiuily turtle the attention j <,f wholesale dealers and country airrchants, in general, to I us a call, hi id exatnln- oiir extensive Twsortuicnt of ( RKADY M.VDK CLoTUINU. It Is almost impossible to I enumerate the quantity ol Immense piles of garment* that | is to he *e«u at thi* Urg e»t*bii*bment; it is sufficient to i aaT that it has never bean equalled by the bOUM itself. J marlb ’.f _ JOHN MrCUKKKY A CO- BAMUKL OKAY, MERCHANT TAILOR. NO 47 ST. CLAIR HOTEL IiCILDINGS , St. CLUa ovurr, pirrsauaou. GENTLEMEN*!* CLOTHING mule exclusively tooni«r, anil warranted to putt 11m constantly on band ft ebolew M*>rtmeot of CUffHi. CAPBMKRES, VESTWQS, and OVERCOATING, of the lateststyles, wlected expressly for the custom trade. Gentlemen Daring lh«-ir order*. will b*Tp their wDh*>ci>oeult**d and compiled with, os all work ta done under hi* own supervision. novl2 "ciQthlnglClothingt TIIK undersigned respectfully infurnm'bls friends and the public that be la now receiving at bis (tore. No. ITT Lib erty street, • cbolee assortment of Cloths, Caarimeres anti Vestings, of the latest end moat desirable styles, wbicb be la prepared to make to order in the most fashionable man ner, at abort notice, and on the most reasobable terms. We bare also on band a large and well manufactured stock of ready made Clothing, to which we Invite the attention of buyers, either wholesale or retail. Persons who purchase goods for rash, will find It to their sdrautage to call at 177 Liberty street, before making their purchases. [merit) C. OONNbR. Mew Clothing Store, NO. 4, SIXTH STREET, OPPOSITE LIBERTY. TUB subscriber has Just opened this new establishment, where be has always on hand a large anil choice assort ment of all articles of CLOTHING, which be warrants equal to any in the dty, and will sell at the most reasonable pri ces. The public are requested to gin* him a call. Bur9:ly B. OFPBXHETMER. WATCHES. EWELRY, &c. WATCHES AND JEWELRY.—Wo are selling al. kinds of Watches aud Jewelry at much lower prices than is usually obtained elsewhere. Customers may depend on getting goods at my establishment at least as low,and gen erally lower, than the eastern markets. All goods war ranted. Bilrer Ware, manufactured al my own works, in Oakland. Jewelry mauufltctural to i rder, and neatly repaired. Watch repairing done as heretofore, in the best manner, and warranted. Military Goods, of all kinds, at eastern prioes. W. W. WILSON, aul G 7 Market street, corner of Fourth. CLOCKS! CLOCKS!! CLOCKS!!! Pfelfle St Heyrani jfua DEALERS IN WATCUEd, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, C*K SILVERWARE, No. 42 FIFTH Street, noar frrfm Wood, opposite the Horning Post, formerly occu- AMDpied by L. ILeiueman A Co. We hare now hand a splendid assortment of 8 day and 24 hour Clocks, which we offer to the public at greet bargains, such as: Iron cases, pesTl inlaid and all other patterns of Mantel Clocks. Aim, a rich assortment of fine gold and silver patent lever, cylinder, And anchor cscapment Watches, and an ele gant stock of Jewelry and Silverware, which we Intend to sell oheap f&r cash. N. B. Watch repairing done In the best manner and at low prices, and warranted. mar 26 NSW JEWELRY STORE, So* 87 Market Street, (Second door above the A’orlh-wai corner of the Diamond.) JOHN STEVENSON, (of the late firm of John B. M'Paddvu A C 0.,) respectfully announces to the publl:,thathohaB opened, at the above stand, a line assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. LAMPS, GI RANDOLES, l\xkel and Table Cutlery, Britannia Tea and Cbtimumon ■'ktt, «"'< tho usual variety of goods in his line of business. Special care nod attention given to the REPAIR of FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, ac. He trusts, that from his long experience In business, he will be able to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage. Pittsburgh, May 16th, 1853. ■ my2s Henry Richardson, Jeyvelier, HAVING ro-fltt«d his store In a handsome manner, and but recently returned from the eastern cities with a tine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, and FANCY GOODS, would call th« attention of his friends and custom ers to the fact that among his Watches will be found the most desirable styles, patterns and makers. Of Jewelry, the latest stylea of Brooches, Breast Idas, Fob and Vest Chains, Finger Hinge, Ear tings, Miniature Lockets, etc. FANCY GOODS—Such as Papier Macha, Work Tables and Boxes, Desks, Fancy Vases, Perfume Bottles, Table Mate, Colt's Pistols, Porte Monnaiee in great variety; China Fruit and Cake Dishes; with an endless variety ol useful and or namental articles, which have only to be seen to be appre lated. jnovl] NO. 81 MARKET STREET. Vmnb watches AND RICH GOLD JEWELRY AT J? BARGAINS.—W« wlah to inform tho public that we are now offering our present slock of fine Watches anil Jew elry, at prices that cannot be beat. Therefore, we say to one and all, you that wish to buy fine Watches and Jewel ry, give us a call, und save from 25 to 60 per cent in your purchases; whirii you can ovrtalnly do by calling at 67 Market street. N. B.—Watch repairing attended to in all its branches, in a superior manner. Gold Jewelry repaired or manufac tured to order at short nptice, at i«7 HOOD’S, 67 Market at. H. KNOEBEL, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELEE, Dealer in clocks, watches, jewelry, and FANCY GOODS, No. 86 Duaoiro AUtr, between Mar ket and Wood street*, Pittsburgh, Pa. All articles sold at this establishment will be Warren tod. Repairing of Clocks, Watakcs and Jewelry promptly executed at the shortest netiee. AH work docs will be wasmntod. [Jalftta MISCELLANEOUS. JTEW OPFICI. B«al KstxU and Contracting Afctnt. pr«HB subscriber has been induced _ta_opan an office for 1 the purpose of buying end lylltog. on nnramt«toajj«ff &Vinff toe Agency of Urge SteanTgaw-Mfflj and Boat- TaJd/on toe ABegbeny river, together *Wr ttsny otoer fkdlities from other water end steam Mer-nUU. himself tost he can furnish any bffil of lumber and timber of any hind, great car email. lon* or short, and deliver them at any point on Ohio, or MlssisSippi riTtri; contract to band Urge Barps. Btore Boots, Coal Flats, Boat Gunnels, Bridge TlmW, lUil- Timbers Freight Iron, Coal, to any given point, and will attend to the Sale and Bentof Real KsUte. From his long experience in lumbering, freighting end boat building, be thinks be can give general aatMacUon.iMl petsonAare requested to make •tally tooee wanting boats or Urge bUU of lumber anil Um ber, should contract for them Intbefall forth jjj! summer use. He will also attend totoe purchase and sale of aoy commodity that may be desired. . _ Letters addressed to Dato-Motk, Real Brtste And Con tracUog Agent, Pittsburgh, Box No. 130, P® 6 *P* l '!*" i t ll J^ punctMlljattended to. SisoffloeU on Irwto eg«J*?o. 3, Allegheny House. DATIP »«»»• urtuiiiu. .. 001. James B. Morgan, Lumberman, Pittsburgh. Mr. John Morrieou, Eeq, “ Blr. Kobt.fe. Brown, Enq., “ Allegheny Rjw. M». Wm. Armstrong. ** Clarion (| Mr«Qeorge B. Sweney, ** ‘ u T the half chest, of neatly pacsed Itt mstallle package, ls now receiring his Fail stwtoof QRYII and BLACK TEAS,—consisting or some of the finest et c j to be found In the Eastern market. Merchants visitmg U*» rity are Invited to call and examine our stock. Betow is a list of the various grades, all of which bav** been carefully selected, and can with ooafldence be recom menued: .. _ SO half chests fine loung Hyson, 10 do do iloTUne Young Hyson 10 do extra floe Moyune do; 100 do Superior do; 15 do extra fine do; GO Laeqnred Mxee extra Curious Yonng Uyioo 25 half chests fine Gunpowder; 10 do extra fine a<>; g do do Moyane Imperial; 20 do Superior do; 160 do Fine Oolong Black Tea; 40 do extrafine oolong; so do extra Curious ao; 20 do Superlatively strong and fragrant Oolong, 25 chests extra fine English Breakfast Tea; g do Curious uo do, . ALSO—Java and Rio (toffee. Lowering's Crashed and Pul* Principe Began*, which will A. JAInSB, oovMaUw M Fifth street. Pittsburgh. EDMUND WILKINS, And near tiu Cemetery Gate, LawrmceriOe. MONUMENTS, BURIAL VAULTS, TOMB STONES, Ac Freeport Stone Walls and Fences, Mantle Pieces, Cen tre and Pier Tope, always on hand and made to order. N. B;—tlarinK introdneed a new style of Fence for Cem etery Lota, of DURABLE STONE, cut through in panel or railing form, and at rwy little cost oew Iron fencing. I rtf*r to t pfdiiirD* of that and other work I liare already don. in if. Ali.nh.oj Cwnrtarj. Urn«« h*»i* 'hole, selection of drawings for weary description or work In my line. 001. nxKRV MoCULUWGH, MtUburgh. ' WM. BAOALKY, Esq, do KRAMER A RAHM, do Mrs. HARM AH DENNY, do Uoo. WILLIAM WILKINS, Home Wood. Iloa. THUS. IRWIN. Allegheny. Mr*. TIERS AN, Sr., do JOHN McDonald CROSS AN, R*qr, MoDOnpabd* Hnase. «orlo.d»T David 9i unu, Real estate and ointkactlsg agent. No. s, Ia.TIN Strvt, PittbJOTgrb, bss for *ale, u> follows: 1W krrei ol land in Oder county,lo*a, 16 mile* fro n M»'*- eailn»\ on the main n*d to Marion,'and 8 mile* from Tsp- Wn. G miW fr->m two Kailroad depots; DO acres l* under cultlxatioo, a good Frame House, Frame Barn and (irana rie*, a iroo«l bearing Apple Orchard. The farm is well watered, dry, good land, la * very healthy county. A very nfrat bargain ran be bad of this farm for prompt par. Enquire as above, or of Mr. John Muon, on the pro ai.vo, 3aer»*e of land, with a largo Steam Saw Mill, tm* In sutwftifuloperation: 3 Frame Dwelling*, Born, Black* smith Shop and Tool*, Boat ocafloki, Work Shop, Ac., eitu ate on the bank of th* Allegheny rirer, at Miller’s Eddy, Armstrong ooanty, Pa Enquire as abore, or of ilr. L. Mann, on the premises. - -*, narchaK & to 800,00?“fJ 'creased business. He has Tisk , n f or on F. HUNDRED AND W -W— -FIFTY UORSES.cf which be can take ad increased num ber on livery. He has arranged hi* new buildings with e view to tales end storing for Jots of new and second hand Carriages, of all descriptions, to which be will give ample attention. There W also a ithln the now building an Equestrian Ring, when; Horses are trained and exercised, which will be found advantageous to persons keeping Homes with the under signed. Thankful for an exceedingly liberal patronage In the part, and the favor* of a multitude of friends, the undersigned will endeavor to command its continuance by deserving it. myli4mdaw RODY PATTERSON. OAA&UQBB FOH BALE. THE undersigned has justreoeived at his «9 CARRIAGE WAREHOUSE; fWj fT,H - near the Two Mile Run, between Pitts burgh aud LawrenoevQU, a splendid a*aoranenOfHL_M9La» of YEUICLEb, of every description, and will continue to reoelve regularly, new and second hand Cbrrsapev, SteU-ies, which he will sell on the rerrlowest terms for cash. Having had twelve years' practice in the Uusln sen,and with his well known facilities in tba East, he flatters Him—df In pntting down all competition. «F; Those wishing to purchase are recpeotfully invited to call and see for themselves. j Rs pedal and prompt attention paid to repairing of Carri ages, Ac. [mylSMawy*| JOSEPH WHITE. ROBERT U. PATT&REOBT9 LIVERY AND BALE p jjt - STABLE, <9^^^ Corner Diamond street and Cherry alley. epr!4 tf _ PITTSBURGH, PA, Dr* D. Jaru'i VamUy tt«dl«lnei JAYNK*B KXPKCTORAIfT; Jayna’aHalr Tonic; “ Tonto Vermlhiga; *' Sanative PlUa “ Carminative Balaam t “ AgaePiUa; « AUarattr. ' ‘ ~ [al>D>e TheaboTeTaloahlefamlly medicines oonstantiyon haod, and sold wholesale or retail, it the Pekin TeaSlore,SBVifih A. JAYNES, BxclUKiveAgAnt for Pittsburgh •treat. Bt ianlfcdaw IIUKLD BOOK FOKBaILBOADENUIAEKKo.—Contain ' Log formula for laying oat curre*, determining frog ea gle*, levelling, calculating earthwork, etc, etc, togmher with table* of radii, ordinates, deflections, long chord*, magnetic variation, logarathins and natural signs, tan* gents, etc. etc, by John B. Henck, Civil Bnrlnnor pocket book form. $1,76. ,%The object of the present work Is to supply - a want very generally felt by Assistant Engineers on Railroad*. Books of convenient form Ibr use in the field, containing the ordinary lograrithmatio tables are common enough; but a book oomblning with these tables others peculiar to the Kailroad work, and especially the neoessaiy formal* for laying out curves, turnouts, crossings, Ac,is a desidernCum which this work is designed to snpply. U. 8. Miutait Acadkxt, West Point, April 18, 1864. 1 have looked over “Henck’a Field Book for Haitroad Engineers,” and think it well adapted to the ob jectits author proposes, and have no question bat it will be founds very useful and practical volume both forolfioeand field work. D. U. Manas. Tbot, April 21,1864. I am much pleased with Mr. Henck’s little manual, the “ Field Book of Hail road Engineers.” With the presenta tion of some of the most practical and useful of recognised processes among railway engineers, he has given others which, new at least In their present form, appear to a mint of higher value than that of mere novelty—that of being in general susceptible of available, not to say desira ble, practical use. In conclusion, while I think the design of Mr. ilenck’e book U each as to adapt it excellently wall to professional needs, I have pleasure in expressing my cordial satisfaction with its execution, alike with the per spicuity of arrangement effected by the author, and the ex cellent typographical taste displayed by his publishers. B. Fxaxxum Gauss, C. E. and Director of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. For sale by WILLIAM 8. HAVEN, Dealer in Engineers’ Stationery*, wnfl Market street, corner of Second. WM. A. M’CLUKG, DfiALKA IN ’ Fine Teak, Choice Family Groceries and Willow ! Ware. ! CORNER OF WOOD AND SIXTH STS., PITTSBURGH, PA. 18 now rewiring a Urge assortment of FRKBH GOODS, in addition to his already extensive stock, purchased from first hands in the Eastern markets, which, will be sold at the lowest market prices. Hotels, Steamboats, and families, baying by ths quantity, supplied at wholesale rates. AS” Good* delivered In the city free of charge. Mp2l J,’ M * " ” ' 'UOMS, for ,'HANK UtSUKS UAZKTTK OF ¥Ax>. _ August. Knickerbocker Magaaine, for Aug oat. Harper, for Auguat; lfreenta. Sol. Smitb’o Theatrical Apprenticeship, with llltutra* Hods: by Dailey; 50 cents. Quarter Kaoe in Kentucky, and other Stories: by W. T Porter, of the New York Spirit of the Times; with illustra tions ; 60 cents. Mysteries of a Convent: by a noted Methodist Preacher 26 cents. Bo many very good and new books have been published lately that it is well worth while to call and look at them. Such books as Fashion and Famine, the Curse of CUfton, Lamplighter, Thoughts and Things; by Klihu Burritt. . H. MINKB * 00., *°4 No. 82 Kmfihftrld street. GOOD F ASM FOB SALS, of 43 acre*, With • good farm bouse, of 4 rooms and oallar, and front porch, a good spring house, with douiiie barn and stable, wagon shed, corn cribs and good garden, and orchard, with abundance of applce, pears, peaches, Ae. ft) acres in cultivation, and balance timber, a good soil and a new farm, situate 3 miles from McKeesport, near the Yooghlogbeny river. Price $l,- 600. Terms (600 In hand, m one, two and three jear*. g. OUTHBKBT A SON, ana Beal g«uu Agent, 340 Third st. A 1 M- -0 t*UU£HTio POWBISK— now U om for poUskiac Am bnw, A*4 1 *ro« in oritwi by [Jyllj Jdfi. VLXfiGUfO. - l v*» f »*' Carter’ s Spn«W» re ‘ • THE GREAT PORHIKB Of THE RU)01». MOT A FAMCIA-Of JOHSU » • •» - AS INVALUABLE KEMKDTTOB SCROFULA Kn£‘ Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate CMta«*w;Knmaoo*, WmplM or POBtOIeSOB the PaSS, Blotob—) Ba?+Syes, Ring Worm or Tetts* fieatt Hssd>,l**** %?££ and p/ln of the Bones and Joint*, Stubborn Lie*™- th« number of extraordinary cure* effected through It* ; tgane?, hasinduoed the proprietor*, at ttmutgeiit request trtEdi friend*, to offer ft V the puhßfrylflfr.tbey Jq«tth the utmost confidence lull* rirtue* *ad , »and(rffai«.^JnUi»< SSSStTIm, boweTer, .tioog»t “ A f the uroDrietor*; usd ere from gurileaim well,, known In their localities, end of tb# Ughe*tr#*p«^biUfy many of them residing in the of Richmond, Ve. "p/UQYDKN, Esq., or the Kxcbenge Itotel, Mchmow ton o,«ry.W,M,. h. bxt »« tb. m«Ud«, »Urf jitter's gp«nUh Mixtureadministered iinTe&eßimd»a <£££iu cS}eH thedisease* ed, with the most astonishingly good result*. He **J* it Ihe most extraordinary medfetoe he b*s eT .“*“?- AGUE A2iD PEYEK— GREAT CURE.— Ihwebyeertff.' that for three jeer* I had Ague endygrerot Uto aostTHe lanulescri prion. I had serwel tidesof Quinine, Mercury,and 1 beltoeeell ti»*&»*<*•« wrdsed, bat ell without any permanent reUet At lajt tried Carter's Spanish Mixture, two bottle* 0l tually cured me, and Tam hippy to my l betehea ndth*- 1 chilli or Carer since. I consider ft th* best Tonic In tL world, end the only madidne that erer re ached my case Jobs Lojwdiu Beaver Dun, near Richmond, V a. 0 B LUCn, Xaq., many years In the Poet Office,*** thfcheonfifesneein Ui. Mtonishing efficacy of Carte’s gpanisbMixtor*, that L* has bought upward* o* bottles, which ha ha* give, away to the afflicted. Mr.Lucksayihehaaaever known to Ml. when taken aeamUngto direction*. . - Dr. MINGB, a practising Ehysidan.end formeriyof U*-. City Hotel,in the city of Bkhmond,eejaheha* witness in a nomMi of instweee tha effect* of Carter's.Spa*jfi Mixture, which wen moat truly surprising. HesaQrsin > *BB*B of Consumption, dependent on the liver, the good •> feet* were wonderful intlwd. . ■ BAMUKL M. DRINRXR, of the ten of Wakiii ris Richmond, wo* cured o. Liver Coxnplaintol ei o ht 7®*^ Sanding, by tbs uee of two bottles of Oerter’* hpeniel OP SCROFULA.—The Kditorsofthe lUct mood Republican had a servant employed in theU- pn.- room cured of violent Scrofula, tism. which eutlnly disabled EinAwm wortc. Tw6lbotu« oi Carter’s Spanish Mixture made s perfect cure or luai and the Editors, in a public notion, say they “ uheerfoliy r ► commend It to all who are afllioted with any disease of u» bI BTILL ANOTHER CURS OP SCROFULA.—X had a ver. valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Oerter*# Spanish hfixtnr< I arndderit truly a valuable medicine. ... Jon M. .TatljO*, Ooodnctor on the B. P. and P.R. R. Richmond. Va SALT RHEUM of TWENTY YEARS STANDING CUKLD —Mr JOHN THOMPSON, residing in theetty of ttehmon*. was eared by tfam bottles of Carter*-* * Salt Rheum, which he had nearly twenty years, andwhJci *U the plnMtdan* of the city could not ewe. Mr.Thomt eon is a well known merchant in thedty af Richmond, "a. and his cure Is moat remarkable. . WM. A. MATTHEWS, of Richmond, had a servant eui« of Syphilis,in theworstform, byCartert Spanish Mixture He says he cheerfully recommends it, and oonriderslt Invaluable medicine. , , „ . RICHARD X. WEST, of Richmond, was cured of Serafu 1* and what physicians eall confirmed Oonsumption, b; three bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture. EDWARD BURTON, oommMonerofthe rerauue,/*!' he hs* w*n the good effect* of Carter’s Spanish Mixtare u a number of Syphilitic cases, and says U is a perfect cun for that horrible disease. WM. Q. HARWOOD.of Richmond, cured of Old Bomeand Ulcer*. which disabled him from walking. look a few bol tles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, and was enabled to walk without aicrutcb; in a short time permanently cured. ti Principal Depot atM. WARD,* C0.,N0. 83 Haider I^*w!otO CTA SONS, N 0.183 North 2d *t_Phfisdelphj;. BENNHTT A BRERS,No. 126 Main street,RfchmandjV». And for sale by B. AITAHN XSTOOK WILOO.i t Jr. A 00- FLEMING BROTHERS, 60 Wood street, Pitt * bnrgh; H. P. SCHWARTZ, Allegheny; aml.byDriittktf 1 and Deal ox in Medicine everywhere. bet&dewly CHERRY EECTORAI COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. WB Invito the attention of the V W£if • _ public to the certificates append.*! below, and bespeak for ihora that can J did eonridaratioD whkh their honest f JBm' fmkMde«nw. Mo., is such stations as many who wotantertly bear wtta— to the eSc*> r9i^^—WtM\ crtodTsloeof Chiuy Paontu* do AmbSHHHvt" o * wantonly trifle with, or dteort facta, nor ureratate their oonrietiotja- Judee then, whether this l» not the medicine to truftwh.n ynTinrU'tkV.e reUef fcf the thro.l or lno»; jrtge whether «r«7 femily ought not to here It by them to « mfnrueri egeinst the ererywhere pmreMng enemy, whi.h with f.ul frequency upon elmoet erery Ho.*, end I-Ifrinl nff ft Umhfffim many a home f Jackson, C. H-, Jaekaon city, 0., 20 ih Nor., 1862 D* J a At**: Sir—The ChsUT Pcctokal la much i:;* noted after. Sereral of our beat Physician* hate need it, three of them io t heir own cases, and always with the hair oleat edeqta The nomeroos patent medictnea alwayw Iw fore themuiead to incrwtnlity in regard to erery new retn.v dv and it i' only alter undoubted evidence of rilae many p -*•-*«, that anything like a general confidence can be *- cited- • unrivalled excellence of this combination of agent 4, (ia the Chkult PteTOaal,) proved beyond cavil ter trial under tbeir own observation, has compelled mectcel men to proclaim abroad its usefulness. It to beyond ad doubt the best general remedy we bare for the Puimonarv A Sections of this climate, at the eame time sedative acl expectorant—a rare combination of properties. In the hope that it will prove its own reward,l subscribe B-P-U.UJ joo, --*■*— r M r-Bitf'.fttei jj». j. c. Ateb: D«r Sir—Over application for the part three years in say duties as an advecate, brought on some eight mouths ago a revere Irritation of the bronchial tubes, which w*f a constant annoyance to me, and last becoming a source of great apprehension. Every remedj trier* felta! to even relieve me, till I used jour Chiut Prcrouu- This baa not only relieved me, but, as I trust, wholly cured m.\ I care nothing for the reputation of advocating Patent Me dkinee, and this Is at your service. 1 shall recommend it to members of the bar, and others whom I may meet, In boring under similar Indisposition*. __ _ ; Yopi# truly, A F. JONES. Montgomery, October 4,184 i». D*. J. C. Atxu: Sir—l have used your admirable com pound exclusively hi my practice, and find H to surpass, by {hr, any other remedy we havelor curing diseases upon the luma. Your obedient servant, R.B. JONES. M.D. What yet remains to convince the most incredulous iliai the Cherry Pectoral is all that it purports to be, via: an uu equalled remedial agent for all diseases of the Throat and Longa. The experience of years has proven it to he such, and we submit it to the people, believing that ita virtu--* will fully maintain Us reputation. prepared by J.C AYKtt, Chemist,Lowell,Mass. Beware of worthless preparations, attempted to be palmed off und or a similarity of name. Sold in Pittsburgh by all Druggists, and by B. A.FAIIN- B3TOCK A 00, wholesale and retail. je&6tnda* JAM K.-, ULAIUkLV, European Agent aQvl I>« tier in lUal Estate, offers for sale the following valuable property, vis: a0l)0 acres fine land near the Misalarippl and Wssccn Ealiroad,-lowa. 640 acree of timber and prairie land in it. Pauls, Minnesota. 120 acres In Liverpool township, Colum biana county, Ohio, lfil acres near Qreensburg, Westmore land county. 160 aerae near New Castle, oouDty, highly improved. 1 acre lot near the front gats of bt. Mary Cemetery. 4 lots, each 24 feet hy 110, neatly fenced with palling*, near the borough of Lawreneeville. tw) building lots, 26 feet by 100, near the north mA ot the Sharpsburgh Bridge. 80 lots, each €0 feel front by 100 L-at deep, in Liverpool, Ohio. A very valuable fhra in Mercer, county, of 190 aerus, with excel tent bouses, barn and out buildings 2 houses and lots on Diamond street, in the bor ough of Birmingham. 8 lots, each 24 feet on Quarry street, running hack to the Manor Line, filth WanL Call and examine Register, at the corner of Seventh and Bmltbfield streets. j?2l BKOWM’d KdaSNCK Of GDfGlSK.—Thto Mmeivw to war ranted to poeseee, In a concentrated farm,alLtha valu able pro{>«rttoft of Jamakm Ginger, and will be tinted, on trial, an excellent Family Medicine. It to pertieoiarJy recommended as a tonic, to pereoo» recovering from ttv«r or other jlnnare. a few drops hnparting to the ite—acb a glow and Tigor equal to a wuw gteartil of brandy or other stimulant, without any of the debilitating effecte which are cnre to follow the use of liquor of any kind, and fetetberw- to children and fematea. To the aged it will prove a great comfort; to rfaetneatie affections It gives great relief. Ae a Cholera remedy there to nothlug >perior to it, and no family should be without It. 2gtuae • " JOS. ttJUUNU, corner of the Diamond and Market at. - received by irj* AIIQMKfITKAD uF FIVE ACHES FOR s2s.—W* luv< for sale 8000 aerra of food load, (ail of which can in cultivated,) in lots of 6 acres and upward*, at from $5 to $lO per acre; situate along the line of the Baltimore .and Ohio within from 2 to 4 miles of Prawn.i in and Belton Stallone, Marshall county, Ta. Many pereona liv ing in the crowded dtiee weald do well to purchase a lew acre* and aeeore a healthy and comfortable home. There are first rate market* for all kind* of prodaoe at every ela tion on the Railroad. A village at Oasuron Station iJ growing rapidly, and the country around is improving very fast Utie indipntable. 8. CUTOBERT A SON, jy2o , k. 140 Third street. Mend and Minei WfiOWB, No. 61 mfu Street, neat door to Masonic • Halt, dealer in FBOIT and OONFBQUQNARY. Ice Cream, of the beet quality, served np during the sea son. Also, Strawberries and Cream. Families can be supplied with Strawberries and other Fruits, during the season, on the most nuncinslilii term*. Orders are respectfully solicited. • je£tf I vKSIB+BLK bKAL ESTATE FOB SALK—Thirty Build- I / ing Lots in the borough of Manchester. —24 fc®t wide by IUO feet deep; part of the estate of the Adams, £*4-, dec’d. These lots fronting on an avenue VO feet wide, and extending to an alky In the re*r2s feet wide, make them desirable property for a suburban residence. Also, a lot of ground on the corners of the Fifth Ward Market House and Penn street, 35 feet front by 100 feet deep, to Spring alley. Also, two lots of ground on liberty street, each 25 feel front by 160 deep, to Quarry street. Apply to JAMAS BLAKELY. . Jyl9 Real Estate and European Agent. Advcrtuement. ANY person wishing to make $5OO in 6 months, address me, post-paid, Farmington, Trumbull county, Ohio. This is no fiction or book agency. No traveling is necessa ry ; bat any perns can remain at home and make' the above sum In the time stated. Address je-Jm PROF. BYRON g ROBB. hi uoODH. —A. M’XtUiiß, corner qf Grom and fifth ttrerU, has now on hand 10 oases bleached auaun, lxvm 0)4 cents up; 60 pfores Irish linen: 25 pieces whits molls, tor ladies’dresses, 75 pieces linen; cotton and woolen good, for boys’ wear; a few piece# fine black chaile; black, DarreJ and plain berage and tissues; mantillas; msntilia silk and trimmings of every description; tan ooioreiand de bage; dress ginghams; 600 pieces Merrimack prints, fast colors —all of which will be sold extremely low. j«l2 IvUttOFKAN AGENCY, PASSENGER A REMITTANCE jj OFFICE.—Jamae Blakely has arrangements made witii Eastern Rouses, which enables him u> issue Drafts, pay able at sight, for any amount, in London, Liverpool, Dublin, Paris, and Frankfort on the Main; also, at ail the Provincial Banks and Branches in Germany, France, Great Britain, and Ireland. Drafts over one hundred pounds at $4,95 to £l. Office, earner of Seventh and SmlthfieU sts. my2s njjill ANNUAL SALE.—6QOO yards fostoolored Lawns at 5 oenis per yard; Barege Delaines 10 cents, worth IS; with all other kinds of goods In t»ka proportion, at A. A MASON A OQ-’B, BLACK. SlLkS.—Just received st A MTIGHETB, corner of Grant and Fifth streets, s fow pieces of very fine pi«t« and figured bilks. Also, Msutflia Bilks and Trimmings in all the fashionable oolors; bleaehsd Muslins and Irish Utwna, & casts of the very-best makes, just re ceived at - A MUGHK’S, je36 corner Grant and Fifth ata. Mineral waters. a fresh supply or coagrea*, Bsdfosd and Bios lick WAer, received by - ' Mg. FLEMING, aul oosuar of the lEmi— i —i Entat ifeivt . **’*' . . > • "'-T IfiyigoratiikC^Wk^ 15 AThd&Ummoff ttkalth- ** JjL dr. HOBsira wYiooamSg^PtnMt^xa- DLAU-At BuA t >?> Inriaorstlng Elixir arCordlal vers damned MnkxUv *«* . - v . ■>. mftdfc often demited, doald not hebsfW ftt , iftnetruthe anawuwed brOxdiiuJKir. Bat fctftvmw* niahle faetfrlteatod by.wttnuem flftbelitghmi ■!— , rTiarantir an op* fairunphing ant ail dopWa. :•»«» i : ; utr ii imßCtfadwß'tcf a mass mUj&aoicj wnw _ illrtrlf•- . *, •*. j - Tlm» '* 3f : eular frame; or dafidttf fa tttal |WWWyKh „,.t.. ,: m tbe only means W odamunkMlaf 1 “ j : oececmry totbo aroor mJnymsnied aU ft* wf ..h ?s,: tfeaa, aa wall aa wnlriwratthUttHil* - effects ara not confined to either tottf"*®*- B* feeblegfri,thwafliig wife, tbe iletfaaß,emw nmjmmjmMi* fi>K< i ttax.wom manof barinoaMbe iWMmofoatyenaoaftemtai»; .;: :-.>t •tba indiridua) suffering from general deUHty,er bob the .? .?■ inatnii of a single organ, will aU find immediate and par* "< nasaatraHaffromtfce V M So tboaa whohaTtpradjgwaltte tonesaSyri^^viU^MßML, >- r f * complete eiid qii&Hra (battoniife, , , OienrtM ow) flidlM vbo ktn M'tralia'tlllt thefr th«t'thi»yttot Uwartiwbfflbdty - reac&of medidne. Let not rren ihaae deepetr. TbeKttxfe,.. deals with disease as it exists, without xefeeaeo teeaaam, « and will not otriVYemniTi the disorder itaatt bot' '! EJitf LTli> THR BROKJSH COSBTOTmOS. r n Tbe deraagemenuof Abe sytiem, Lending •. | eaBM. «nd tbe -forms of nervous disease itself, ara so Burner -. ona tbatit wouldreqtrire a column to dnkmerste unr testa ') din far which tbit preparation Ismspecific. « ever, may b* enamerated* yin: ncuialgte, ttedoterwort, hea&acbe, faMpfeht paralysis, hysteria, pelpttatiop pftba . . ,beact». rofctl affections, muscular dttdutfl Qnust,' tin* " j lanes, a pricking sensation in~ihcfitob»*uAfcMSi»*aeQUl dapemakm, weakness-of tba will, indisposition-to nmre, mffmr hwikm aleep and tHUJinxdrmma,.. inability to remain in one piaee or position,w.snkiismnf Uw>'. ?■ unmratlm nrgsns. nrnelinrmiTniTm-7 T~‘fr“-*T* I Ti IT** —* curiam, floor albus, sinking at tbe siaanach, female (y tsritteg, achwnfc tendency to mtocarriagywßlaricwjiati _ - all growing out of n fi«atedi|lganea of tba — iiona, andall barrannaae tbatdoea notimiTml fiiifaauewti beyond the reach of aaadirfaa. , . -4 r^.) ffhaneterthafltganatebaaetaditpenaaafp—Tfafa iV ~.. fbnnafa>noratzletaiaiiyflaaaMaitia«mndttMd-| ■rA . HQSBPB BUZZK * ' ‘frill MMaee weaknaaalrltb atpaagb* lm«paiiH|>]lli lU . «-ocr, irregularity with nttps and natsni aettritz* fat tfaa not ouj without Haaard af to hw effect 00 the general otganiathm. 49" Bear Insriod uiK aH maladies, whaerexClher beafa, flniah .--1-' ryatzm,4od perab’saaoa of the nerraof motkQ. inf eraStion is pbjneal death* ifaiAit,: < ferararykind of nerrona dlaeaaa the filxisoltJ afaiaal •' !' eemtttiott* f ■ ■” " lots of M4HOBT, -.. 5 .y . QonftuSon, giddineas, rush ofblood to the h sail, . ;/ •ehUltr;‘hysteria, -wretchedness, thqnghts of — } V ' tjpp-wr of fassaity. dyspepda, genifoa .pmtfratton,tew» .I^- dbriity, nerTonsnem, inability to slaep, diaeaafa laddmfa ta ; tMsalea, decay of the • {■.• mania, vague terrors, paiintatVm of the -haan, - , 1 • ; UanynUaneeiobaplaoado&hamanteantaatjjMaolfaalF nfafahla. . . - 5 - l^ A OaBAT HBDICSnniFOBTDCiiIE. c * Tbe unparalleled effects of this great reatorattre. In -all J «a»wpl.Hifai \ne*A+\t tn fcwvataS, MAtMtmfa mr*. . ‘kj. ««iy wwiiHn*. TTimnsTWls nf sthnnlanti tins heao In . . •nmfHl •* * ir r"lHliii| -- ( •* tnba specified in the earmu dSeeaaea and darancssßanta- to which tbe delicate formation of woman reader bar liable, EVEBY WOMAN.OF SS2US, - ; . - P--' who eaffew from weaknneSjdsraMiiment, narrom—, fo> . more, pains In the back, or any othar • cnHar to her sex, oreomagafaboflurai fcgbwt^ai% TfaocatfagOasdlalatriaL ' . •- msnwTWTt . Ordlhera, willSndthbCordial after thsr hayeaaadhbok . tie or two, a thoroagh reganarator of tne iy-st—L In ail : directions are to be found tba of haaEhyotf •;) spring, wbo would not bare been ao bat tw fbfa axtneciii nary preparation Andit thafamydis ‘ - erofTr which it is recommended. Tbooaaadaaf yonng , 1 man harebeen restored by and notfanafagisin* { stance has it tkßed to benefit them. f PEEBQSB OF PALS OOttPLSXEOH. | or oonmmptiTe hshtta, are restored by the nae of a bottle or \ j two to bloom and rigor, changing the skin bm appletyel . * low, shfaly color, to a beautiful lioxid complexktt. - j . TO THE MISGUIDED. / f These arescaae of the sadaod foelancbniy.abbots.prodiK ‘ eed by early habits of youth, via: weAbefa'tf the back ■ and limbs, pains in tbe head, torn eniar power, palpitatkmcif tbe imaru-dstpcnala, nerrwut irritabUity-> tbe genmal debility, symptoms of consmnptionsj etc. Mentally, the frarfol iffbcts cm tba nrfnd aremoA lO be ~ dreaded. Loss of memory, eonfbsion of ideas, decreedco. ' ? of spirit*, eril forebodfings, aversion to sodetr, feU-airtrtlsti 1 love of solitude, timidity, etc, are soma of the eiHajttodti-," 1 eed. All thus afflicted I BEFORE OQNTQCFLAXIEG BCABKEAOE : j ahonld reftect that abound mind and body are n»- I oaaaaryreqtrisiteatopwsGßotoccmnnlrial happiness; lnAnd, ' i without those, the journey throelife becomes a wtsij 1 pilgrimage—the prcapect baorly darkens the idew; tbe mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy refieetkm that - the happiness of another be www with your own. CAuno*. Dr.Mqree'slnTiaailng'OußUal hat been by some unprindpKd persons. . In fatare, all the gennfoe Cordial win hare thqproprte’ tot's fae>eimile pasted over tbeeork of eadk bottle, and tba : words blown fai the glass: - * • " - = ■- The OoTdial is pain, bigbiy concentrated,-in tint ' « ties—price three dofiare per bottle, twe for five abt i for twelye doQaxs. C. XL KDiQ, Proprietor, f 192 Broadway, a. Y« Bold bypruggists throughout the United States, and the west Indies. AGEBfII ' pittsbargb—FLEHUiO, BK0&, Ho. 00 Wood street Do GEO. H. KEYSBE, Wo. 140 «* <* Allegheny Ctty—JNO. P. FLEMUfG. Otodnnari—B. H. MEAENGB. |, OR THE CORK Of DEAFNESS, £ X* charges of Matter from the Ear*—alao, all those-dto*’ § ? whirring ef steam, Ac., which arewymptoms of approaching | Deafioese, and also generally with the ffiiy per* | soot who hare been deaf for ten, fifteen, and twenty jars, *1 end were obliged to nae ear-trumpets, hare,altar . J or two botUe^thrown aside their trumpets, being Mdt - . | perfectly welL Physicians and Surgeons highly ream* ’ | mandittnse. v ■?,§ • rTromfbrfTrftmne.l 1 PiXKSTS Bos'* VulksnTosx Gminnir^— - r' : children annually become deaf, in cetueqnaDce of. die- ? chargee of matter from their eon, indaoed bytieadrtPever, ' Colds, Ac. Now, if jnothexe woald do their dnfy and .pro* . - 1 care Searpe’e Oil fyr P~iftrirr ini_ntm If sn rttTHt>rt,tnrtr - rhftilTTm wmlfl hr mmrt • Imt If nnglnrtnd, thr dim Turin nnn' tlnnes very uoubleaoma. the bearing gradually geia won% •' end finally partial or total deafbasaensWM. . ' .--v IMPORTANT NOnCB: > . \ fIiTT iTitf rr **r M —*i rf rV/infrfinjnTrf fn fm fiyfiv turn that mScommee and asteMpac.. isnyonsio Fscil—PhfiadelphiafJaauary <*—l hereby certify, that when Z was shoot twelve years old, I gradually became deaf io both ears, bo that toafcwmnetfuiT And It almost impossible to hear, unless in the very loudest ton* 7 r ofvoiee. 1 remained in that situation m**fi last summer,- • a period of eighteen tow, whan I beard of SCARPA*b : COMPOUND ACOUSTIC OIL. I immediately obtaioed * - :. ; bottle, which I hare usecLandna happy tasaj IthaeacteA ; like magic, sad quite cored me. Any one wishing forth® l ftf Bl¥ MM whUfc T .-i— -fill And mir hr railing st • -i door above Second street. . *—»«■«» r . lor sale by A.JAJHBA : Pekin Tea Store, MRS < >9 fifth street, Pittsburgh, , 7 Always Reliable. i DKLAY 8 are always q*ngcroa% and ” • children that hare u; rf thn sTTapisms trf uTinaa a •$ In inni'inr tmir rhlTj rrstinai, |iaTn ■llli fii fill laaatTi jmul j stomach, or-tnitefchxg of the noea,yoatteedßOtbeatt4tato administer to It B. A>faiuostoch's Yerndfbge. Tfabtara^' >: i oable remedy will destroy all voau in the njntwi. aflaj 7' <1 > irritation, and leave the bowels in a rfitiitant eoodldon, - . f* 1 • Seed Mr. Harris’ statement. •" ** * Nhf Torn, fob. Iftfcjtt* -r{ This Is to certify, that I fare two botUeeof B. AnhaH> tock»BTemttßge to aehUdof mlaa, Mxyeaweid,and dm •' { passed several worms. One of lhiKn was abbot IIfIKKH 5 INCURS IN LBS6TO. I can Kto -f the public as the beet remedy for worms ever «asd. I WmTb. i Prepared and sold by a A. FASNXSTOOK A 001. > 1 scpS - corner of Phot end Wood at*. - < mitJt TRUTH CQNCKRXISQ gKLUnWTiaMTpMf ' X —AMngleTiilprodndagvondaEßi SeadOtt feilov- l 'ug: PmxJeflwaon eovlaa-*7, 180., Mm. R. B. Bblbi: «r—l bought afX*.B«o,<»i bot tle of jour Vending*, mud gave It to m efclid of nine, mad It expelled 68 large worms, and gait* a number of mO one*. ' JC. Piua. ' Qtatm rr., Jefifezaoa Feb. 7,1552. Mi. R. E. anuiii-Having fried yosgTarmitoga fa my i frmOy. I eu say that It la not to be aarpaamd by any Ter mirage is the world tor expelling worn*. Cl. Bboabs. V Wrotovprr, Jeflersoo 17.1558.' i Mn. K. E. Biaw-I|>t» one beta* of yoax Termtfafe 5 tomrchild,audit expelled?slarge" worma* ItUhhfttbo f beet la qn. Toon, xaepecfrtally, P. Dsoua. ' f Prepared uivU by ' R. S. SSLLXBS t 00- { aalg Pittsburgh, Pa. V,.~ : Water Foaauin, Frtyata PUmw. . ; a DB. BBOWK, Ko. <1 Shnoail Alky, Dw m- --■ { Mtm —b* —**~t tn in nlTVsriw t%a MX. - i IX His boMnasaJa mostly confined to AtoUt AM Mwiivt,rtfami * BrphUto ? g7philltk’E r nptto , j»,Goßoabe«,Qtort.»riet«*e \ • •ee of the Venereal Organ. Skin inseaaea, BoartmOcEmo- ! ttons, Tetter, Ringworm, aess, Impoteney, Piles, Rheumatism, Female Wealrae, ! Monthly gnpprenk’ni, Otouca -of the Joints, Ratal* la .- - Ano, Nervosa AfieetkmvPateain tbs Back and Jtohu,lrrl tattonof the Bladder and Kidn4y,HfvwirtnHj irsetadi Pore guaranteed _ Szteen years' pzaettoe (Mx la thiaottytenabtae Hr. Brows to ofler aarazaseea of a ipeedy eore to au who may ocrna ss* imhlinsn OSoe andettvatepowsttatkoi «lhp tfuquuMßuJaitr , ' . west,ill way . Brown's newly diacovared reenoy tor Rheumatism is a apeedy and certain Remedy thatpainfultronblc- ItneverfeQs. OAceand Private Ooesnltatian Booms Ho. 4} DUXOSP - Pittsburgh, Pawn’a. The Doctor la always at koma. marcttßalAw. - • • - _ •■ R. b. JAXNK*S uABKLNATIVJI BAL&AM iS OOe'or the moet effldent, pleamnt,andaafeeamnosttltaieMr' offered to the peblietor the removal the venose derange-*' mentaof the Stomach and Bevels, and the onlyirtSde worthy of the least confidence tor taxing CAolera or Atsaur CbrnfiainL This is, without exception, one of .the moetvalsabl* tozsily medicine* ever discovered. Hundreds, nay then* mnda, of certificates have been received from Physki>ns, Clergymen, and torn! Was of thb tint respectability, hearing the strongest testimony tn its torn, too ndmcsoua to publish. AJ- for mis atlfea PEKIN TSA 6TOBE, No. 8 S fifth stmt. jyto w . l fAJt. brand, tot O m\* by 1 totfj SMITH A fIINOLAHL WRICT SCRhTRB RAEPEB BSOFF—Tbe. finest ajrtki 1 now in nss; 800 &• recdved.by • JOi FUEMDIQ, / f*l7 • comer of Market strewtwod the Mam'md. TIB! 1,/ tor sal^- 111 *- . VXttYjmi DfiJLY UOJULA, * **»« oW, I( 7ST^S& V « > N v '■ * 'i „ - -T ' .»• - *. -i * * V'* ' * - > '>.■ ' ftblbanaw . | »«> alia Yack, «ml 4a»4 aal hC.-a.-u-, yry««iw MO*.. v N V v v