;■. i 1 v-.. :■ \ .., : -V : C v '% •«w:‘vkw‘v ■■ ;r / y wvvirw,:; v;- :./■ :;v ..;••• f : : ;:■.■ „■ ywtf Bltmiing'® cat. “"'l , ~—- - —■— r -- L -- : ,-S PITTBBPB6H: sm jf satoHdat m o ifn i n a :::;::: septembeei 10. ■■ ./ • • • fv.S'rS? '*%X?' FOR OOYKKSOR, ' WILLIAM BIGLER. . 4 ■ 'j i . K R JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT, *>£•’ I i JEItEMIAH S. BLACK, El '• 07 POSEMPP COBKTT. .*.l FOR CANA L COMMISSIONER, ft# 1 lENRY S. MOTT, '*..•' , j =-•——~r “i=r=^= > DKiUOURATIC COUKTV TICKET. “,'t „ f * Cokoebss, jJJJ# • r* CIIAULKS SHALER, City ._f Pittshor R h. ’’■ I J CoNoanss 2AI piaTiut’T. :-*»♦ ** j DR. 0. D. PALMER, Ratler County. ■•?>* ! Ar^nuLr, If-ji i J jK. MOORHEAD, City of Pi{tsbcr ß h. JF <*. M’lN S. HAMILTON, South Pitt-burith. Of S, .i'«riN M. KIRKPATRICK, giy of I'iitsbarch. gf» . .■ THOMAS M. CARHOR, b* *. ! WILSON STEWART, Dn.inysoe-Boruugh. ”* Hicoßnra, gz JOtlN S. KENNEDY, Citj- of PiU!bur s h. ff 7 UntSTP.R, gfj j. HARVEY ROBB, SL Clnir. &£ _ Clerk of Court. tjtZ JOpX U. PHILLIPS. Robinson. Coums-ioysn. 5 Ki.IJAH TR'.'VILLO. City cf Pitisbur^li. DANIEL WERTZ, PiR Township. —- DIRECTOI.« OF THF P.V.H, JAHES A. UIIWJN, Pin-. • EDWARD ln-Hann. ', f „ MORSISO POST JOB OP f 'ICK. We ttc ilil call the attention of MERCHANTS AND V -• «'\ '• • J A' ••’- <■':*, -.- . • . ..... , » * l . ‘ _ ■.- ■. ■>' .'-’iv • "v'-av; • v - ” •■■/; .'• l<: * ?'“■ l-i v • I^*; s?*.n ? ** ;V? •; : a 'l -- ■ *f\3% *■*• i» h s. 1 i ~v«, fV' Ki L'-tT■■■.v .V. » > k;v.v''.,', ■.* 3k-*?&\'Z .’<■• ,*,•. ?ii,^*ss rf» H w i ,jf ** ,! ''7*' vi *r TvsAiv,-r c *■ vl**' . •**• ’ jS*' v. v <»t •- \... jfe&t&AlV&iKry''*. :' U* s -v'* s ■*■ /■ ■*'? i «■ ■ 1 £& % £ s^ > “si -f* & & •»SJ s JSJi- - »t» %. t-, * J J&vfe'S' &*« < •='i L- if -A OKW& M|otßst r,: ; ' : - S ;/ !a$ a'f vli. w>a:> :■ i< n ££' t?. J3&8&&S& '**?’■* % fcl -y t *;S Sv jHSsw */.-'* <. y «v B#jLSi jnpiftp v -i# tj /.^S-' >- •'■ .... - . ■ r*s'£rr.\~Zf.r~' \ V - -*• ' - >?4V /^.i-< 4 v‘ * ' BUSINEi3 MEN tc thi fa'-t that xre received from Philadelphian number of font? of new Job Typo, r.nil are now prepared to fill orders for Cards, Circulars, IJHi Heads, Paper Books, Toal-irs, and Progra-ame* for exhlbl tloß6. Ail orders trill b« promptly filled. Governor Bigler, we arc happy to learn, is pronounced out of danger. A despatch frum his pbypichin3 wti3 received at Philadelphia to that eflnct. Cholera, at Columbia, it will bo seen bv the telegraphic report, caused eighty four deaths up to Thursday night. From the number of deaths on Thursday, it would appear to have- reached ohmax. /i.f?*! Mr. Nichols, of the Cleveland Athctueiim, has - *' conoludcd an engagement with the celebrated traveterj&ud esteemed gentleman, Bayard Toy lor, for two hundred lectures, to be delivered in the chief cities of the Wcct during the coming fall andlwmter season. Another Ward excitement is prevailing at Georgetown, Ky.- A man named Thommason shot his brother, for which he Was tried; but the jury failed to agree—eleven being for couTictiou and onei for acquittal. Great excitement en sued ; and a coat of tar and feathers was talkod of for dissenting juryman. A National Convention for the discussur. oT the various topics connected with Induetrial Cci vcrsity'fyiacatiou, is in session in Cincinnati. F. G. Careyl, of Ohio; Prof. Langstcth, of Mas;?.; Dr. Brown, State Geologist of Indiana ; Bronson Murray, jlieq., Corresponding Secretary of State' Board o^'Agriculture of Illinois : Prcfi lcul Al len, of the Ohio Farmer.-’ College, arc exprctril to deliver address 8. Saturday Horning Poßt.” The number this week is one that v?e can recommdnd to its readers. On the first page is No. -1 of itho State Central Committee Address ; the Decidjioo of Cliief'justice Black in the famous Eric Case; Speech 9f Gov. Bigler iu Moctro-.?, Pa., defining his position on the Nebraska Ques tion, ar4 several miscellaneous articles. The are: “The Campaign of Falsehood," •‘Judge finch’s Opinion,” “Freedom of Speech,” “ The Campaign—The Prospect,” Who Speaks tho Trdth?” “A Question Answered,” ** Sbabspeare himself Again.” from California : Foreign news hy two steamers, and a condensed summary of the news of the week. Single number five cents, with or with out wrappers. RIVER MES--RIVER ASID HARBOR BILLS. We understand that our Whig frirnds arc making desperate efforts to deceive those engag ed in the";navigation of oar western rivers into the belief that the present Democratic adminis tration, and the Democratic party are opposed to appropriations for the improvement of rivers sndharbojrs. It is not true. Past history proves its falsityj In 1848 a Democratic Congress pass ed a and liberal appropriation bill, aud a Democratic President approved and signed the bill. The money was expended and the rivers We have not the documents at band just now, but we think that, during Mr. Polk’s administration, over two millions of dollars wen.- appropriated for that purpose. Not half that amount was appropriated for the .same purpose daring thje Whig administration of President Fillmore, i Nearly all the money that was ever expended in tbo improvement of our wc.-:trra rivers was under laws passed by Democratic Congresses, or approved by Democratic Prcti- ! denis. Yet river men arc now told that the Whigs are their peculiar friends, and that to them they must look for help. We much mistake the good bard sense of that class of mpu if they do not Bcoutsuch humbug. The Whigs: the friends of the workingmen, for sooth 1! i3|nd when did they become 00? Not when tho ten hour law was eoacted certainly, for they opposed it with all their might. Tho Whigs the frieodsiof the river men l “ Tell that to the marines ; the sailors won’t believe it” But theyjpoint to the late veto of President Pierce. Ia reply wo point to the bill he vetoed, We published a list of the appropriations it con tained, aadjany man reading them could see that one-half ofj the objects to which money was ap propriated py it vere neither national in their character, nor useful and beneficial in their de sign. The total sum contained in that bill was about $2,800,000; and of all that sum only about SIBO,pOO was given to tbe.improTemcnt of the Ohio river a river one thousand miles long, and washing the shores of the six Lu-g est.and wealthiest western States. President Pierco wou|d sign a bill to-morrow, if pre sented to him, giving three times that sum to the; improvement of tho Ohio river. Let tho bill stand and on its own merits, and no Democrats wjould oppose its passage. But if i mn*t be loaded down with grants of one or two millions more to objects neither national or usefnl, it is! the duty of a faithful public ser rant to preventjsuch a squandering of the peo ple’s money.; We beliere that at least one mil lion dollars pf the appropriations ot tbo bill of the last sesaibn could not, separately considered hare found fjfty members of the lower houee to wote for them. When each appropriation I. presented in, a separate bill the' riser- will r ceive their fill share if auction And it is r)ght. The rivers should be impr- Thd. A fair! share of tho public’s funds could not be morn usefully employed. If it is right to give lands jto help build railroads, it is equal ly right to lands or money to help clear out the obstructions of the rivers and lako harbors The rivers are as valnable to the public- and ae great an accommodation to the communities and States bordering on them, as tbs railroads • and ahould be as liberally considered by the national government. | That is our dootrine: and it will he the doctrine .of tho west, if the Democratic party prevail, i; The next census and apportion- ment of representation will probably givo to the west the. control of tho question. Bat we have not to wait till that time. A well consid ered and proper bill oan be passed at the next session, and signed Jby the president, that will eatiefy all reasonable demands- - .-i-M *; Scaa! Slews oCtbe Day Also a letter ••*.:•*.. i• -: r . ' •. ••',*, .». *■.- ■ ';'<•*■ -*'•■ ~ \* ’i'v .. * l * ' * ' ‘ i '. • • V-, .• ►.!■•': -If- . tTt:. - . ■ k^v.: ' ' * ;>.« -Vv. :■ JO" »f- : ‘‘Free Speech” In Chicago. ; FrerSblTfeTr in scribe on their banners “ free land, free speech, and free men.” The respect they have for this motto, when it does not suit their purpose, w&b shown in the riotous manner they treated Mr. Douglas when he appeared before them to vin- Uiaate himself frcnS, the misrepresentations of on Abolition press. If they were anything less than fanatins, and really believed in freedom of speech, tbe’fcast they could do was to listen to bis arguments. We know some reckless prints in this vicinity and other places, have asserted that Mr, Dougins was listened to, and that the mob only interrupted him when ho became abu- Hve. This.is entirely untrue, os any one can sec for Mwself who will read the reports of tho speech. Mr. Douglas was perfectly calm, nod offered nothing that need offend any ouo until ho was frequently interrupted by the Abolition noiso and confusion, and then ho said ouly what their villainous conduct deserved. Bui if wc wnuted further proof to show how recreant they arc to one of their cardinal prin ciples, we have it iu the mobccratic spirit dis played at a meeting held in the same oity last Saturday night. Gov. Willard, of lodiana, it v.;ta announced, would address i«; t!m Nebraska and Kansas act was framed { urolr upon that principle, the same disorderly g vug of Abolitionist rowdieu who the week be fore bad insulted Judge Douglas, ad if by con cert, commenced braying, bloating, gruaniog, yelling and hooting.” Even the Press, an Anti- Douglas paper, says “ there wns throughout tho meeting altogether too much noise and confusion {-r the credit of Chicago.” To show how recklessly the mob acted, we will giro an’extract from tbo report of the Times: ‘•Gov. Willard asked thorn if they did not foow that the Abolitionists sought to dissolve too Union with the Slave States? and tho res i ousc was cheers, and a few denials. Ho then r>»d from the speech of the Rev. Mr. May, of Syracuse, New York, that the “ Union was a r--.mpa.ct with bell,” and immediately “ tbr«c i beers for May ” were demanded and given with f >roe ; they were followed by three more for the • Tribune” of this city, threo more for Gid cings, and three more for Bouton. He asked them if Chicago had.no interest to be affected by the dissolution of the Union ? to which some fel !-w loudly answered “no.” He read to then i;e statement of Greeley, that it would be bet i-t that eternal cocfusiou prevail, th it discord r<.igo, that the capitol should fall and bury its i-. mutes in its ruiue, thao that the Nebraska bill t- :«"uld pass; and each, of those invocations wore < Kered by the mob.” From the lawless spirit displayed wherever AbolHionium ia sufficiently powerful to defy the .w, we may imagine what sort of a time tho , ue friends of free speech would have should '.esc “ God and Liberty” fanatics become num- •ona. Happily this ie not the case, and never ill be : for this very course will raise a ?*urm .at will sweep rut of existence a party »o iu leraot and acting upon one idfa. The PreTaleut DlKeaee, A fcreat many are tryii g fo create alarm, if >t a pauic, by magnifying the number of deaths ly Cholera. Wo can hud no wor.ia too strong t > condemn conduct so rtprehcu.-iblc, nj it ie mtc-riou* th») more alarm foil -and it is allowed t • prey on one's mind, the more liable tire sneb p-rsorji to ! e nttaeked by the There is muck surmise as tn what has caured at this time, it is probable, in • .rt, attributable to th© sudden change uf the V-mper&turc a few days since. After the skin, and indeed entire eyatera, Las been relaxed 5 cirf-p-ire'boa*, such as wc have had witaot:: rnUrmUrion f>r two months, if a sudden change jii tho weather luhea plate, tho pores of the ski;, are closed, the p expiration which b: fore nscapi d totough these chancel!. is thrown upon the in ternal orgaua, aud unlcsi proper car..- ia taken, i. »!ds, dysentery, and varmus -other lib.eofco are «ure to become prevalent We cav ii is pr-.b«- ' !v, in pari, at;iibutabie to thoueb tbt* Jis c >rc is no doubt aggravated by the filthy ccaii :.iuu of the street/?, cellar* and cess pool* through i:t the city. Let the Hoard of llculth ico tn4tbo streets. &uu the citizens form theitu'elr:.* snta block commit tees, and report nil filthy crl!;rs, \c , that arc to be found in This is tbe onlv way to abate what may turn toto a fearful epi demic. Wo w.oulj also suggest that the Hoard of Health make a daily p-;y at sifc l\ M to 'iiapel the fai*o reports in circulation, In our locul ccluTOD irill be fouo.l a full list of new Ol'U PARTY ALIi SAFE The Pittsburgh Journal is spreading upoj the task of proving chat a Democrat Las bctrii elected Governcr c-f Maine. We canno' ? ee ar.y aso in denying it, oo wo It t ir. pass with lU ainple remark that it would be hur l t<> i-k-ot •uiyibiag cldc Lit that Stale. T ie Dfcracera'iy pj “alive and kicking.” nod jl3 g .lag-to live a thccsiud years yet, if the j j world coatiuur.'i so long. Tu:>sc who ia Ju’ce I belief that the Democratic party is to 1 j be bi'oke.o up, because a few load mouthed emiier- ; ers faib.il to get: office, or because a corapara lively small portiou of the party disagree with \ the majority on a single question, will lire to fee ■ the utter abBurdityVf~Ou the liMh iuotant, the Krians and Harbor Creekites have a graud jollification over tbc late decision of thedupretne Oourt in tljcir famous railroad case. The Erlang' have coma out first best in the dcKpeiatc con test, and can afford, to expend a little powder and patriotism od the occtrrifn. A good dinner and some tloquenbepcccheo !$• our fru-r.ds Kel so, Lowric, Ac., will doubtless bo well relished by the people of that thriving city. We wero invited to attend ; but must reluct antly relinquish the gratification it would afford us to be there. It is a, long road to travel, ’.bough not a hard one. Success to the right; ju3tioe to all; and prosperity to Erie forever! Death of James W. Buchanan, K*., Among the numerous victims of the prevail ing epidemic, we notice with great sorrow, the name of James W. Buchanan, Esq. After an illness of only a few hours; he died at his resi dence, Braddock’u Field, on Friday morning, at one o’clock. Mr. Buchanan was an old and res pected member of the Bar, a devout and exem plary Christian, and an honored aud beloved member of the community. His losa wili he Rin cerely felt- D..atii uf F. X. Apiihet.— This gentleman v> ell known as one of the most intrepid travelers b_tween Santa Fe and St. Louis, was stabbed at the former place on the 30th ult.. by Mljor We.ghtman in » rpcontre and died immediately. The news was sent by telegraph, bonce no par ticulars are given. The papers of St. Louis contain longSibitnary iSticcs and speak of him >B terms of praise as a man of gentle manners great enterprise and extraordinary perseverance Advice to, 1-arsnts.— Tic Water Curo Jour nal for September says “ Hat if parents —ll use cold water, on them own persons let me -n treat them td have mercy on their helpless chil dren.. .Do heed their cries nnd eutr-afes to tea,m it a little: Nothing is more heathenish and barbarous than to bathe children in cold or nearly G. lii water. I beheTS.it injurious to wash our hands and faces in cold muter water. Those wh„ do it will find that they have rough and cracked skins." Congrenioaal Dlitrlet-loalaittM ef Oiv Paißer. The Democratic Conferees of the 22d Con ‘ District, composed of Batler and a portion of Allegheny county, met in B&keretows, Batler county, on- Thursday. Thera were pre sent A S. Mcßride, J. P. Alcorn, James M. Bra din, John H. Osborn and F. Wallace, from But ler. From Allegheny F. H. Collier, John Otter son, D, R. Williams, W. Hazlett and J. P. Barr. Tli o' following letter was receded from Mr. Stewart, for whom the Allegheny county con ferees wcro instrnctcd : Allkghikt City, September 14, 1854. To J. H. Collier, D. R. Williams and others, composing the Democratic Conference of the 22<1 Congressional District Gmtlcmm, —Feeling highly flattered by,the action of the Democratic. Convention, in -pro* seating my name for Congress, and instructing the Conferees i'u my favor, I fully appreciate the kindness, aud would feel proud to have the hon or of representing the Democracy of the twenty second district, in the Congressional canvass; but, owing to professional engagements, that re quire my porsounl attention al home, as well ns thn claim urge J by Butler, in presenting a can didate from that county, (and perhaps correct ly, inasmuch its the last Democratic nominee vis from Allegheny,) with much reluotance, I fed compelled to yield tothouo considerations. Hoping that that unanimity and harmony which cliurjctcriz ' the Demccraoy, will mark your deliberation*, cud place in nomination a gentk-mau in whom the people will have the fullest conflifncQ. sustaining those Demooratio principles which give stability and permanence * ' our government, und to which alono we iook for its perpetuity. / With &C!iti,T3cr.t& of regard, Vcurs truly, M. I. STEWART. Mr. Stewart having withdrawn his name, D.\ 0. I). Palmer; of Butler county, was nomina ted by Mr. Mcßride, and on motion of Mr. Wiliiams (he nomination was declared unani mous, every coofcrgc voting in the affirmative. The Ductor will pMI a huavy vote in Butler, and if the Allegheny portion cf the District will make the effort, Purviance, the Whig candidate, will hove a hard road to travel. That ie the Way It will Work. The Gettysburg)! Compiler gives us the follow* ir.-g iufnt uiaticn' in regard to what is doing in Adams county It r.'ijr- : '• We are reliably informed that several Demo crats in t!; 5 .'. pner, who had allowed themselvea to be coinfl into joining Know tfothiugiem, have “ dissolved " nil connection with the Order, de* flouncing it as a regular Whig swindle! to break down the Democratic party. The Whig leaders don't «ccm to liko the step !” Wo predict that the Democrats in other coun t!'>, who b.wo l.'con caught in this Whig trap, will do co the Hame bvfvro the 10th of October arrives. Ocntrac?- lra?t« bwn made in Fayette county, K.y , f. rrnerly Attorney General ar-1 Adj-.t'.nt General of the State of Now 1 crk. di“d m Rocbe«ter on Wednesday mor- L-:;or, in is ut preteut the d iice r.f Hr.nry Ward Rrccbcr. Oliver W. H.'l -us, Herman Midrib*, <*. W. Cartia. Na* Hawthorn. Mis* Sedgwick, and Fsnoy Knnble Cutler. A*i -tYf-’r. *ct •< t;: • d'vth-i in St. L’-iin Fro 1 : shows tho aiimV-r to be one 1 m r ! r'. •; m'm’ • .-v./.iy—of f:vc years and ur aor. irr^y-orTo occurring from cbol era nunib'TC't s' rente- a. (!■ bra bn? hr.->1...n : >i;? in Springfield, HI ; : ' r f '-- r h:-:.r.- c:..d:r-.r Mouday morn i' -• -ii' *c vHi;« bad ••cciiric J At the tame rate, l it m-Tta.iiy .m iM'-bnrrh rail'd reach obe hon- cock, m- ;• *, :< »brt i-' ft .ftjpJ hj |Jea *• Kv , , - t Ku.trl time sioeff, tT - v (X J:i- w .un'l Thf> th r ' lusl ii 5 4 id : ' '0' Ty -' - w )' ; tc t !•» eeriou:!;.' iil Tli.* mail j ouoh mad* -,i the Philadelphia 1 o*t • the-, aiul despatcl.;d t i n the sib instant. ' * ’•»- l-fcr- it reached dtrtiu it.i a. t.nd r.tsM cf its contents. The k. Mu ry i to hate i pt trateJ west of l’itt«burpV The kl :.uI, ■ rt>urV'U3 to go to the expense of procuring a coffin. The (’oroner procured tbe names of all those who I\ v "tt anything of the affair, intending to lay the matter before tho Grand Jury, to see if t; oom* action may not b« taken by that body in tho case. Surely ihe atrocious nflair demands investiga t;on, ;«im! the punishment of the perpetrators. He coucwi! the husband's tmne for tho present, lor be yet may not be altogether guilty. —Miuou r i Deriocrat, 12M. J KlTtlA' IU-INABT II.U'K UKTWEKK A lIORBK ASL) j a Stkam l?Mii.sE — A singular contest took place | ,m ’ho Manchester. Sheffield and Linconshiro j Kailway, recently. About three or four o’clock j in the morning, a hor/c ramo galloping at a tro | HH-udous pace along tho lino of railway in the ■i>t ction of Kivcrtown park, towards Sheffield, ami decidedly ahead of an engine and tender, which were traveling the same way. Over bridges and past gates the chase continued. The signals were up, but no heed was taken of them ; it was horse tlesh against steam, ami the raco was ran v?ith a vigor aud a determination which threw into the backgrour.il the tremendous feats of the renowned Gilpin of facetious memory. But in mid career an unhappy pause occurred. 1 The intrepid animal, heedless of obstruction, and passing on to outstrip his panting competi tor, suddenly missed his footing and rolled over the embankment. The engine gave on unearthly sounding shriek, as in triumph of his unlucky mishap, but this only infused new courage into the veins of the heroic animal. Nothing daunt ed up he sprung, and again started on the raoe. Again he headed the engine, ami again tho raco was continued ut tho same headlong speed, the horse leadiug with evident resolvo to win. or. in the language of the melodrama. “ perish in tho attempt. Ia thm way they reached the Yiotory Station, but the further circumstances of tho con tost wc are unable to record. —Liverpool Chron icle. A Shifts Judijl.—A short time since they had a queer case for a Circuit Judge in the West ern District of Tennessee. He was a good law yer. but oared nothing for appearance, and less for dress. The latter he knew nothing about it being left entirely to Betty, his wife. His Betty was absent from home, once when he started around on the circuit, leaving the Judge to pack | his clothes for the trip. He dtd so but instead of finding bis shirts, he seized on a pile of his wife's what e d you-call-ems. used for a like purpose. A learned brother who roomed with him. was muoh amused a few mornings afterwards, at the queer appearance of the Jadge. nothing being m sight but his head. arms, and feet, his looks of bewilderment and his eotto voice reflections, which were •• I wonder what on earth made Bet ty out off my sleeves. I can t see/' It is pro bable that be heard the reason tho next time he saw Betty, bnt not before, as the Bar kept dark j on the natter {to him) that round. • fr * k ' t '♦* <'o} .1.- .-- fc - _r f • * * ¥ f' • . Jk i - . "J ...• «w ’»%<&*' + •* pfam tb* Philadelphia North Aa*rimm.J tASOAtr** Pounds.—TfcffLi&Ofttter Xz*m%. ner alleges that the Kao* Nothing party la that comity hat framed an tatire ticket for Cocgresa, Senator, Atsembiymea aod ooonty officers, and publishes a list of the names said to be so nomi nated. ForGongrees, the name girts is A. E. Boberts. In the same district, the Democrats have nominated William B. Fordney, but be has since declined. laaao E. Heister is the rdgulaa' Whig nominee.' • These things serve to forboC trouble in the Whig stronghold. Tfaaddeus Ste vens is said to be very aotive *mong the Know- Nothings. . Tnx Conn Chop or thb United Siatis.— The corn crop is one of the most important crops of the country, hence the anxiety produced by the long drought According to the census of 1850, the total amount of ooru produced in the United Btates, was 592,071,104 bushels. The prinoipal corn growing States produced as follows: Ohio 59,078,985 Alabama.;.... _28,753,04* Indiana Georgia -30,090,099 Illinois.. -67,646,9*4 N. Carolina .27,941,051 Missouri „36,Z14,637 Virginia 85,251,319 Kentucky 68,672A91 Pennsylvania .19,835,214 Tennessee New York ...17,868,499 Mississippi.... 22,446/52 & Carolina J 6^271,464 A full orop for 1854 is estimated at 700,000 - 000 bushels. X9* Ljuohing in California has hitherto been the aot of the mobs, but a recent ease at San Jose has shown that they have there a secret or ganization for the purpose of executing retribu tive justice. A man suspected of murder was found at daybreak, one moruing, suspended by the neck, in a public plaoe, perfectly dead. . It was known that this was the act of the secret association referred to, but no steps were taken to punish them for it. Among the people of San Jose, generally, there was a disbelief in this man's connection with the murder of- which he was scoused ; but this secret olub tried him and condemned him in their own oonclave, and hung him without judge or jary. W’A Valuable P amity Medicine.—°o cel ebrated baa Dr. BTLane’s Vermifuge become, that ll is re garded as the onl/ specific cure for worm*. VaniiHe* should never without a sopply of It. At this season, particu larly, when worms are ao troublesome and frequently total among children, parents should be watchful, and on the fir*i appearance &f those distressing symptoms which warn ua of their presence, at once apply this powerful and effi cacious remedy. We are confident that It only requires a trial, to convince all that It richly merits the praiees that hare been lavished npon it. It is safe anil infallible. Vol umes of certificates can be produced, showing its great mMical virtuea. Purchasers will be careful to ask for Dr. JTLaoe's Cele brated Vermifog*, and take none else. All other Vermi fuges, in comparison, are worthless. Dr. M’Lane’s genuine Vermifuge, also his Celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all the respectable Drug Stores in the United Slates and Canada. Also for sale by the sole proprietors, 49-lnr* Hope Tor the Slek—Dß. MOUSE’S INVIGORATING ELIXIR OB CORDIAL.—The startling cures of nervous diseases wrought by this maml-working restorative has awakened the public mind from the apatoy with which Innumerable disappointments bad accustomed It to regard what are called patent medicine*.” It is not too much t»nay, that nothing short of miraculous tntsrpc eitlon has eTer produced such rapid relief to the feeble en< euflering. Thousands of both sexes, wbcae nervous syr terns were utterly provtrate, some of whom were bed-ridden, and others merely tottering over the earth’s surface, sppa rently brvken in constitution and on (he high road to the grave, have been restored, by two or three courses of the Elixir, to robust health. The Agent has the proofs acd evidences In his bands, and is prepared , t m times io ex- hibit them. Hie medirineonly require* foctP to sustain SL Lidio* who for yeari had been suffering from the worri complications of the peculiar difficulties te which too many ef the MX are subject, have been relieved in lees than one month; -meting off, a. if by enchantment, lb* lassitude, palor, nervous irritation, low spirits and dsMlhy, and l*-' coming active, healthy and cheerful The IWWORATJEG ELIXIR is Indeed a godsend fo the feebler sex—r»*toring to regularity every Intermitted funrtioa. and in many stance# blessing the deepairing wif.- wjth ea*<*rn&: jo Nor is it lees certain in its action upon man. whether wak ened by excess, or suffering from eon'lityUnnal d-Mlity, nrrrrasocss, dyspepsia, liver dlse.es-. or any cth-rdi-.otor U,at Impairs the integrity of the virile function. til? tZZOfIJI Si, * h, *w ly ““* D »afrd, in pint bol -0.7, botu *- *» 11,. doll.™, .u fcr W-hr. dollu*. C. IMU NO. Proprietor. - ~ . , 192 Rroedvav. New York. u " iuJ ■ °m«u. ILDUXO a BBOfi, No. 60 Wuod arM. Pltt*ba*«h -- fLKMI>Q ’ OHy. »e P i(bisi *w Liver DlMM*i.H3ifipf , i Bpenhh Mixtun a- a remedy for Liver Dirnaas. and the number of foraM. b:« evils c-oeceted with a disorganised »ute of that crest la unrivalled. Hoo-Jr-d, of r.rtiHo.!«, lroa th . hl . h „ t prmiD. Ilriof in ih. clt, of Kkhmood. V., ml,bt b. ,1, of enrw .Orel. I b, Culrri. «p.nuh Mlxtnr.. W. h. only rro» to reft* to tb« extraordinary cur* el Samuel L. Dritikrr, K*q , of the Arm of DriDker 4 XlcrTi*. Bookroll«.r», Richmond, Va, who « u cor*J by two boittf* of CarUr’i PpanUb Mlxtar*, *ft>-r thro* year* fuffcrtß* from diseased He nys it* netioo od the blood 1. wonderful, betur lh*n nil the Dadkißr be bad ewer takeu, end cbeerfolly mommeiJi it t* all. V&» adrertliement- eepi&daw , dikd. l!!t Jl™** moniia lt»»*loo'ckpl* from all calamity, and twT »k 7 V **7 th » P rn S«**of pe*tU**e» among u*:— t 0 *i T * P* bUe notw » that THURSDAY, tha 21« t day of fteptembat, Instant, ti reaunmsnded by ua aii a P ro P*rd»J. *h«o th* eJtlseoa of Pittsburgh and Alle- JmSr’ilwK o*"* 0 *"* fTO f n f ll world! 7 •mpfoymant, abould , repair to their several place* of worahtp, and la the foil eootrJUop of their baarta, make bombla confcaaloa of their lin'raU? of o»™dad Ultra gainst •II lnnudiata and him cmih or tribulation. Ulren Qnder oor haada aad Male, tblsWih day or geo- SSSSA £KKD I. VOLZ, Mayor of Pittsburgh. WM. ADAMS, Mayor of Allegheny !•©!• And Wholuti« and Metall I JAMES ROBB, NO. 8« M ARKKT, and No. 6 Colon street, ihlrd dooj irom the Market House, Pittsburgh, would call thi aueutlon of hia friends and tfie pnblle generally that h« ™ Bt ~* »f boot And ?ilOK*i ta UJa stock la on* of the largest ever opened In this city, end embraeea eTerythinc worn by the ladies In Pblladel p'lta, New York and Boston, and he trusts cannot fall to ’ , or *?. l **** hu b “ n * ,T ®O In selecting the c k?»***? ail of which he warrants. He also continue# to manafheture, as heretofore, all de scriptions oi Boots and Shoes, and from hia long experience of over twentj years la business In this dty, U, he trusts, a sufficient guarantee that those who fayor him with their patronage will be fairly dealt with. wp ifl A < S*| AP -Z A^.J rOR BALK—Constating of 160 acre* 80 cleared; Orchard of grafted fruit The lead lie# won, is well watered, aad of good quality; situate 7 mile' S' o .® v **. “«« the road leading to Bruceton I rice $1,400, lo easy payments. Al®o, a Farm situate on* mile from Broceton.onthe Mor gantown Turnpike, of 4CO acres, 300 cleared, good implore meets, plenty of coal and limestone, aad one of the bcul grain farms in the neighborhood. Price and terms reason * bl «-, 8. CUTHBKRT A SON, ”P* 6 140 Third street. w j ED MCSQKOVE, or the Mott Unfortunate Man iu iht .1 World; a comic novel: by Theodore Hook. Tt# Railroad King, or the Worlbtp of the Golden C«lf. FormllUan, a Spasmodic Tragedy: by T. Parry Joue.«. I«oo&ia, or Legends of the Whit* Moon tains. Capt. Canot, or Twenty Years a Slater. All the Eastern Papers for this weak, just received and r sale by W. A. QILDKNFENNEY 4 CO., __ 76 Fourth street. BRANDY—A pure article, the growth of th! J country, from the celebrated factory of Zlmmerma A Co., Cincinnati, for sale by the gallon or bottle, by D. FICREI&EN, No. 137 Liberty street. BLACKBERRY, WILD CHERRY AND GINGER BRAN RIKS, warranted pare, tbe best antidote against Chol era, for sale by the gallon or bottlo, by niNK PAKLoR FURNITURE —W# are constantly man- L ufhcturing fine Parlor Fumitore, of the bast material Dd workmanship, and from the latest designs, which we dl at low prices. T. B. YOUNG A CO., **pl Q opposite City Hotel, Smtthflcld street. Mahogany and walnut wardrobes — some patterns, finished and for sale. —P l * T. B. YOUNG A CO. of AUBLB TOP WASH STANDS-Various patterns and rX prioes. [aep!6J T. B. YOUNG A CO. ON£Y SOAPS—26 groesjust received and fbr sale by FLEMING BROS, Successor to J. Kidd A Co., PIQ No. CO Wood street. JHAPO RATING DISUE9-100 varioai slaes on hand U and for sale by faeplß] FLEMING BEOS. IARKY'S TRIOOPIIRROUS—6 gross on hand and for > sale by [seplfil FLEMING BROS. UPER. GARB. SODA—IOO kegs on hand and for sale by 1 «plfl FLEMING BROS. T INSEED OIL—IQQ bbli Just received aod for sale by J-A wplfi FLEMING BROS. INGLISH PUTTY—l&aaskjjost received and for sale by I aeplfl FLEMING BROS. FUSS BIACKBEBBY BKXHDY, BY TOE BOTTLE, for sale at “OGB MOUSE." No. 32 Diamond alley: Tfll" is warranted to be the parest article of the kind ever offered for aale In this city. [eeplfc3t NEWB FOB THE PEOPLE—EVERYBODY. . If you want an; Book*: u jou want Hagaiinet: If you want cheap Publications; If you want Standard Works; If you want aintkina that is printed, call at B. MIXKB 1 00., No. *2 street. * f* -» .« *•_ - - J*' * - FLEXING BROS.. SaecMaorfl to J. Kidd k Co., No. 00 Wood «treoL HIW ASTKSTISKKXHTB. Fruli* of™* month ’ 3 — M ““ «nt oodrtlM n^ n w , «*‘ r »Pf«.7iV^-?lHo.;sSB; “' Hn*. tj. tcHESCi, Second, between Wool ifi \t *i lEiSSa=-«^ Applications for mar be m>,i. . ~ hour, at f their office,, or at th. n V 1 ... - _ JalOrJ* ■'OL'ItNEVMKN SO 1 Bj"X?°” th ’ atSC!i ' JCUL *ITHR'e, , -Qz. ° KO - W. SJSKSE, Secretary D. VICKKIBIN, — ' No. 137 Liberty tree t. | jf*£r siftncr n«r.ed)«v t BA£LT*B AUTIDCr.f AND y-rwos who ▼lai lor a safe, trt f'lj, tr-d p-rmanoct cure, iboTddrr* Above celehnaied r.sd unrivalled FHTIN33 P&STA&JU TlOXk>&*y Jut* now been U use for firs y«ar»_h*Te *ughly tested la thousands or the most obstinate caee/faiiS Invariably bar# given satisfaction. They an no*-'composed simply of Balsam Copalra, bat are entirely fromall other preparations, both in the nature of their ingredients and the manner In which they operate upon the patient. Hence the wonderful snceesa attending uTetr use. A gentleman conrrtcEed irith the Western Railroad stye: u I for other people daring the last three years over $3OO, for remedies of this description, and have never found a Single article that gave such universal satis faction as your Antidote and Lotion does. Ido not recol lect of their ever foiling to euro In a single instance. Many hare been cured in two or three days.” Price, Antidote $1; Lotion 50 cents per bottle. Invented by M. Bally, PAysiulan to the Paris Hospitals, and prepared from the original recipes, and sold wbotaale and retail by DUROY a CO., ttoie Proprietors for the Uni ted States and Canadas. Principal Depot, 458 Broadeay, hew York. J$ Sold »o Pittsburgh, wholesale and retail, by FLKMINQ BROTHERS, (Succe!*f*or« >o J. Kidd & Co„) So. 60 Wood street. Wheeling—J. 11. PATTERSON A CO., and by Druggists everywhere. j e 23 ■tef” Tha woll-kaowa Bapcrfority of QUIBBLE'S tit in the Garment, Demis no comment on port; it has been acknowledged by all who have favored him with their orders, that they hare neyer been fitted with the same ease and style ofl by him. lie begs to inform his pa irons and the public, that his stock is now replete with the newest styles lor coats, Tests and pants, suitahla for the present season. jE. GKIBBLE, Tailor and Pantaloon Maker^ MO liberty head of Woed. SPECIAL NOTICES. Wotlce—»The Democrat* of the Fourth Ward. U-er of AUegueoy, will mwt at the Honae of Thomas Gardiner, oo SATURDAY EVENING, September 16th 1654, to nominate oue person to serve lo Common Council’ in place of 8. M’Kinley, decM. By order of * __ MANY DEMOCRATS. Social AMemblyatWih fnWFnitsnav L * V »"2[ T 2 KSI>AT EVKNINQ ; the Union MY mSvS’. the Excelrtor Aaaembly every FRI 0, alao * th " Q«nnftn on MONDAY EVE , • Tha * m “»««*Dt loving are invited. Two Bands of Music are statedly engaged. Fancy Dances, Sehottische* in Hall No. 1 Cotillions in Hall No. it The Boom* ■re finely ventilated, and a variety and abundance of re freshments always provided. Admission, to each—Gent, and two Ladies 50 cent*; Gent ami Laay 76 cents; Gant.* alone $L Tickets may be obtained of FRANK CARGO at it Fourth street; or at Wilkins Hall, Sod story; also, of the Managers, aDd at the doe ron the above evenings The MTiclest order maintained. 49» No checks given at tlie scpll A G f. yx • *"<* Bu Y iu S Patent flights. r I 'IIK subscriber, having learned trom his intercourse with I. . . V ,J w,th P ur *° na who were desirous to sell i?.k nt ,£ gbW J‘ jr Co «nU«i, States, Ac ,as well as WKh others who wi*h to purchase such righu, that au agent to transact that kind of business was much needed here, has determined to devote hi? time and his abilities to tbo service of j£ose who may desire to employ Mm Pledging himself to attend faithfully tb all matters en. 23,1844. “™>n« l!«H,or becoming so, WU be [.lrenel lo learn that roienev and longreneareh Inn’ bin.d, here breeigbt before tli- publi- the greataet wonder Pl-Smifirn'V ° r KM *«SO-VS AMKKICAN HAIR KheroUATn K, a fi’ire rare lor Bekfncm and to nrereat "' C . S ™ t - bed of Ute Agent* Jtnne full par-jeuler*. I’nce $l,OO In latge bottles. Soli y C. Ae.^USVJKK ’4 CO., I'jDprletarß, Pa. . , So wrier rn«t,CleTeland, OLio f.ir -«.r in I’ittf btirgii » a thr following hou*e*:-l ?, f- " iloox * Co., V V\f !i' r ’ ti. IL Kt-j^or, Jr-J Mi-Lirr. 11* uj Puge-Jj*., J n. Ci.'rtc2. C< y _ ' L ' kbsUO ' ?reFfl J k I‘*Uerj*uE, J'jhn 0. Smith J aprt> feBWSK»«sr K5S '“ JK»g®ssssassfe ‘ >c '"‘ nr bv Fire. „ „ BUKTOUI gift®** , Wm.Lcrtm.rJr., WlUlcmlUjsclry, Dcmullf. Kmr, a.mn-1 Hrc, Will Urn Blnxhcri, Bob»rt Dual« P ,jr., JoU f. DPl.orth, i”} 1 ’ M. ivucmL, Pm«:» Mim. B.njrbcuih, J. Pvhoonmckrr. WclUrUrj.ut, WHiicm3,HcT. . _ Juftn ahiptop. 3 , Gy, ll ° r ' l c “ 1 <=ri I' >«o i i iVt, r~b (fri/ Horticultural boriety *m hold tb» «i»na*l .-shlo! iri-Mhoi. 1 5i .» SorttrmSStl, Id- T , tUo al; j eoajprt UHi of CulUratom Th* SSI T (?**“« ¥i Io . n! ’ Mt 13 P * wala# tb * 3 Jw-om a't ? Zm? "* • ,b * ,u » **« for Tini.ors *i , ( lock jn the eT«un,(j. IlKNliv WOODS. PrertJrat A LARGE LOT FOR SALE" 2ss feet by aw fwt, anJ bounded by four utreetl will J** «>ld on lercua It » twar Bakcwtll k Co\l W “J*®* 1 “anufactnrfnf w»tab . * '■ * aJ l ’** l ,ot now to bebad it, Hh i“ h f,:f \ UQQfacluliu S purpoNw. Title perfect, j uivl clear ct incumbrance. Enquire of le*>fi iv C ' D - H.FMITU, at hi* Law Office, I l-ounh atreet, abnre Smkhtield. Pittsburgh. j ? ' . 1 "‘“‘■"‘lip Itenlohn tuning BKNNKTT. MAIL HALL A CO., was diwotTtd on the 19th Iwt., bj nutukj coucot. ntubnrgb. Jnn.SUh"*'!" 1 - S * A “ BiLl 4 «>• CoptffßMhln, f PI!K UNDEKSIUNED haTe cuUrwl Into Copartnership 1 under tbi> name »od atyU of GRAPI'/UMNKVr I Co , for the purpoe* cf manufacturing Iron Nal *. Ac at “5 p K ‘k »?-&"£ oßftfe£ t., ' :' V ' h * lUh4r^oD * **>• 11« Water, and 150 Hwtrtrwt. WM. B. ENGLISH. ROUT. 11. MARSHALL, J AS. J. BENNETT, ' . , , JOHN GRAFF. I June 18A4—.jegfttf PITTSBURGH Life, Ftro and Msriue Insurance Comnanv OFFICE 55 FIFTH STXEET 7 ' JKASONUC HALL, PITTSBURGH, PA. Camu A. Coltom, S ' n °°‘ < ’ i ‘ n * 3iJtrnL l“ "n o. or 4Cllln£l UuH and Cargo Rieka on the Ohio and Mi»- i « V n '. ,, » nd trib ? , “ ri *’ aDtl Marine Kiaiu generaiiy. And against Ue» and Damage bv Fir*, «n,i a .,i.„ ,/ C ( r th l* , Ini * nJ Nllv ie*tlOQ and Trans%rUti«j e 1 .uh »*tj James 6. llcon, Samuel M'Clurkan, William i’hjllij*, John Scott, Jowpb I‘. Gaxianj, SJ. D_ John M'Alpin, Wm. F. Johtutao, James Manfi/a.i, George S. FelJco, mj 25: ly wS? i mS’=S!S?J2?^su* u * 1 " bmm of *” Wm. S. liaron, Jame* D. M’GIH, Alexander Bradley, John Fullerton. Robert Galway, Alexander Reynolds, Arm strong County, Horatio N. Uc, Klttannlm. Hiram Stowe, Beaver. HUOfOIK J. K MoorhMJ, w. j. Aodmon, Sfrn' M VJ r ’ *• “■ 3lmps.™, Wn M.W„ r> U. 1(. Wilkinp, blb Eiw"’ ' William Oollingwood, *>lm Irwiof Jowph K.jf, Wm. Williißaoi, Dayid Campbell. j a j2 DAIS anJ FRIDAYS, for ilrilf, and totaiia "rh bSf "' f ‘' r “ 010 °«P“y- “jUNIJ, - - : Secretary pro tem. j>AAHKRO»A LODGE, I. O. O. F—n,. ; .Tj> r Angerooa Lodgo, No. 289,1.0. of 0 9 moot WalneadAy oreping ip Woahington BUI, WoodJtUj* Valuable and Cheap Coal Works for gtU q WtUtTYJOUK ACKIiS P OK SUWKIOU ± acre of Ground on the Monongahela river, a short dia lance a bore Monongahela City, together with Railroad Cara. Carts, and otter necessary fixtures, in good order for carr£ ing on the Coal business on an extensive scale,, end also . fr /l us *, of , the tho rirerfor boats Ac. The vein p f anJ • ™7- superior quality For further particulars apply to E. P. JONES, Attorney it Law, No. 145 Fourth street, or lo TUOSIAB SANDERS Nn 185 First street, Pittsburgh. sepl3*6t°* Mew Katlug House. f|>HE subscribers invite tho attention of the nubile t. ± their Restaurant, situate on Filth street, oonorit* Allegheny Engine House. They intent kpepiniron hamf and ready cooked in tty best stylo, an the prindnal dhhfi and delicacies o? the season. The best brands of tin?” will always be found at their Bar. A call beSidtJ) rii ing confident that they can please all. WQ » lee *' "*P ' 1&ly J. FRITOHMaw * oo # | F VUU WANT BT THE QUANTITY- *- X If yon want single copies; ’ If yoa want in wrappers for mailing’ if you want new works as soon as published • If you want Jones’ uew local no ref ~ W S!fv2f lhlD ; KM b * n*U.’«ll or «»d to tho great Cheap Book Store of MINER A 00 _sep!s - y o> 32 Baithflcld ittwt ~ ~ Hydraulic Cement, 1 T?°S Cisterns, Spring Houses, Fire Walls, Acc, various JL brands, always on hand at 819 Liberty street, Pitts burgh. [eep&2wj W. W. WALLACf. Wmr f %1«» | /•. STKf! 7ASIS, fh**UnCkt+, wnf Nhf >- X*. ’ hajWTpi, ia4 eajj A bUm foot tfc* efty. A>*, i ??o3 rm Room and Lee, nartlM band flffvO* er?a AUajrf-ny 5 It k oCtrvd loir. I h*ra j r.?i»u .; w-kur, irith tto tantplMror»lftrM »ombet u Aama, Oov-'trr Santa, Hwwfti Vm ’sz SHOTAS WOODS, B EOID A. A. MAIOH M UP. wtU receiTO '£► Jgj aoty?w>* nv iat fgieadid be of SmbraUortce. Embroidered Book and Cambric CbUan rad Sleeree ; Do do do ObntettnudßiUiii Cambric Biding Decree rad Habita; Book rad Olkbrfe 71oaiu±ag9 ; Edging* and Inserttap; Moll and 8 vice Band* Pl«io 6raw Linen Handkerchief*; Hematiebed Tiiwm do; Embroidered Lises Cambric do; alargeuaortmentoftlM ?ery dedrabie Quipnre Bmbroideriee. eeplfi FRKMCH MKBINIW—A good mu* worth 11 sellis* for tO>A coots, st * sop!s IFF HE—lOO bags piime Rio;' 13 “ Jara, In store andforsalobr KDie * MOORfISAI). \T 0. SOQAK—27 hhda good JUr'K. 0. Sugar, on eon i> * -sigmont, and for tale by *«pl6 KING AMOORHAAD. ri ikas—loo hf cheat* Imperial, Gunpowder, Young Hyson _L and Blsek Teas, la store and for aie by KWG A MOORHBaD. ' I boxes Russell A Bold neon’s, William H. X Grant s, Webster's Old, aod other brands, for sale by ™PIS KING k HQQRHfcAn. RICK— 10 tierces in store and for salTby ____“P»o __ KING k MOORHEAD. SUGARS—Powdered, Crushed, Clarified and Loaf Sugars, in store and for sale by »°l 6 : KING * MOORHBAD. xkri»ii)OW GLASS—IOO boxes 9x12, 10x12 and IQxH TV Glass, in store and for sale by »*pl a SJNG A MOORHEAD. AKK CHAMPLAIN fi LOOMS—2OO tons on hand and < lor sale by [»epl6] KING A MOORHEAD. To shoe Healers. ri'HE subscriber has on hand now, and to order J. 600 pair Freneh Morocco Bushina; 400 do Goat Bus tins; 200dw Go&taod Frooeb Boots; 100 do Gaiters, for Ladies; 1,000 do Children's Shoes, of all kinds; 200 do Mi-ises’ Boots and Gaiters; besides a large tot of eoarse and Coe Brogan*, for men, which he offers wholesale to dealers low-r than they can be bought in the city, for wh or rood paper. • <*pU:lw THOMAS A. HINTON, Agent Lest Goods. GBJMZR, Sligo, has received, some three weeks ago, jCi. ‘bogbfed of pjowy Goods, China Ware, Ac, marked in care of ffm. M’Cu»ly,forß.Gruner. The rightful owner is rwiuested to come forward, prove property, pay “ * w ? 7 » "HI be row to pay cSgfTf fnight, Ac. [aepl4] B. QBIMKB, Sligo. SotleiT riiHOSE who want IJoya Clothing would do wal to call ,f *t CALLAHAh 3 Barar, 24 Fifth street. HU goods tor &len a Wear are splendid. Giro him a chance. s# chare* tor showing goods. ' tepu SABBATH MOKtiLNQ KHADIMiS ON TUK OLDTS&. TAMKNT.-aiLDBNFBNNK' A 00, 78 Fourth street, pare redeltei the shore. They hare also received the fi£ low Jog: Organic Christianity, or the Church of God: by L. A. Sawyer. * Litcmy Recreation* on Miscellanies: by J. G. Whittier Life of John Chrysostom: by Fred. M. Perihers. Freaks of Fortune, or the History cf Ned Lorn: byj B. Jcnea, author of Wild Western Scenes, Ac. All new Books received as soon as issued, by W. A. GILDNNFENNItY A CO., No. 76 fourth street. TujXKiMtlVj® BY fcJCFklfiaa.-yiood and tfrtUL or iy*,*3? D B * ltJeS 00 * nd Laod: h f Wm. Stmrbaek hnkt of Fortune, or Adrenlmret ot Ned Lorn: byj B Jones, author of WUI Western Beenes. Fern Leaves: by Fanny Fern; 3d supply. Sister Agnes, or Convent Life: by a Clergyman's Wife. &«reis of Old Smithy: by the author of Jfila. the Outcast 111 os (rated Magazine of Art, for September; 2d supply. * or sal « by SAJfL. B. LAUFFhsf *P I4 No. 87Wood street IILANKK-- ' MS corner BLANKETS * MUSUAS.—A. AtTIUUK i. coratr or Qtint and Fifth streets, has on hand white* reJ and yellow Flannels, of every quality; a general as-’ ►ortment of Blankets,all wool and of eery superior make* blwched and nobleaehed Sheetings, 2, 2 U and 8 rant wide; Irish Llnecs, linen Sheeting and Starting. «rditr are rtqnwted to call sad eiamice, as arrangements hav* been made with maonfaetnrers by which those goods can be sold at New York wholesale prices. sepli VALUABLE FAEM OF 132 ACKEd FOK tiALJS Situ *te on Ibo Yooghiogheny rirer, 4 miles above M’Keet elt ? ; 80 ftCr * B in a good state o! cultivation, 50 of prime bottom land, remainder choice tim berand veil watered; a two story Brick Home, a large • “»• Bam, wltb stone basement; also,suitable outhouses; Apple and Peach Orchard, with abuoaaoee of other fruits. 1 ! ice $5O an acre. Terms easy. Also,euibehad,theitoek ' Implement*. A valuable brnt power Cutting aud Thrashing Machine, it, will be sold at lair prices. ~ 8. CUTDBERT A SON, 11 Real Estate Agent*, 140 Third at. V L&T—A Brjttf Dwelling House,on Townnnd street J. $l.- per annum. 8. COrnBEKT * SON, W P I4 140 Third ntncL l/XTKA l-'L.»i£ TEAS.—Just received at the corner o: Ju sixth nod Wood streets, a small lot of the finest Gun l< wd«-r iVa, strong but of very delicate flavor. Alro,*notL ti:j.{ !y "i the finest Oolong Tea, which has befcre river i.:urL s unfartion. Lovers of fine Teas will fin. th. above all that can U» desired. Price cf either $1,50 per £» A fulllaesoitmcnt of lower grades, from cents op. W. A. M’CLUHG. HARJS’S HOTJiL, N°h 1 r ~ LJM.'iTr rtrwi, mu. ii burgh. 81UUKL HAlti£ r i*roprlotor.‘' " w This Hotel is entirely new. having just been comi.letet. ftn-i otened fnrtheaccommodailog of thwnnlrffe. fwolfi f N the MaUu-maUcal I i-p*rtmeutef Duff’*. Coikye, Tounc L Hen are taught Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry! Xriii> iieiactcy, Mensuration, BurTcying. GUculu#, Ac. SuperitK edrantagrji are hen- afforded to young men Ibr acquiring r thorough practical knowledge zt Arithmetic and thehiehm Mathematics. Hour* from 7 to 0. P. M„ Saturdays exoepted. » ?” •«*». «* twaoi, weeks, payable by th< half Mrion, in advance. p. HAYDEN, M. D_ Profeaaor of Mathematics. LUPrri’S FRENCH MElllNO*£,for 74 oenu per yam. V- HAGAN A AUL’S, „ No. 91 Market at UAUAN « AUL hare received ft beiaUlui ftkeor&neni of nnped and figure all wool Delaioes. Also, i to* cf and striped Drew Sim*; and they re spectfully rolicit a tall from the Ladlas. 6epl3 N l ?''.'' O|lK by IIKV. JOSBPU SMITH, D. o!ii KodrtonF, or Historical Sketchu of Wulmu Pr»bj 11« PeriJom Timw, ui it- Beoordfl; Smith, D. prfce it. The trade rarpU*l, and tingle copies mailed to order. Jose receieed and for sale by JOHN S. DAVISON B 1™?. W»»l Ca«e», sssotted aUes, fo. pl 3 JAMKS WAIIDRpp. H „h afreet Uagtxiae of Art, ** Household Words, « « n? swis , £g^Xur" “■■as* W' t T7T Orpl»aa*» Court Bale, . ** P QbiJc on THOftEDAY KTEK aggfepssssa s&sSEKSws. 3 twtt Eflilssl EDMOND GBEEB, ) SOPHIA ORK£r7 | Adm’ra. C y«■ f a forW °;»- 5 10 tons PearUsh; 25 bbla Shad* SObfbbUShad; whfbiS“l5 OTl ’ m "V““i "sssjssray*--"* GObajallmoUijSeed; ISO • Saltpetre; at imausg A RICgARTMtnyfl ■sSftoaaasatffite ! .pw»*c*« Thf*° n “nslU°2' ; * U) * b J LW * “hdon. j •* UM Oo “ rt of Niaoto I: i, MiK b«S?“n,“ d her U ' m : *«• Of *°™Wdj: b r Tal Mnot-nt NoHe’i Tlfty Years In Both Bcmisnhmw f.MjN.t,orth e ThK.A W r.r.toS h ' r ”- for bopfotnlw; price IS ctnta. South worth. W £&£&“”• »• «• seull „ H * MINER 4 00, ! No. 83 Smithfield street. | ALL WOOL PLAlpfr—A. A- fk q-) TT" —7 and percmtory sales in N e wTorka t a laeli cost of manaicrure; they will h* , frott half lea than usoal pikS offered at ntv] 7 «* : IBSI—UAIiAN* AH/ o. street, herejuat receded per •XDrMR. Markel beautiful *ty|«.j* of French Bwln*: “ ott Wnatbt TrtiditarSu" 2 ’ *‘ sor, “'" t or Mtdonni Cloth*, for . gep9 £ - FIFTH Stre£ "" of ■' ,Jn “ T “ Bto ”. M*. t ?^!. , l 0f T 1 ? nOT > Founders, Furniture and GW 1 V ) I s *°lWted to our new style of lnlaM 1 “"Chic,ln »ood, glam and Iron wine, elite?, B ’ S,m P* M “n bo men osd lnfrrmatlonobtalnfld .1 tho Shop, or at th. Warehouse, So. 134 Wood etrit i W?,~ ‘Cham boat men out also me a nenatyleofchrn^ln til Q lam Panola, surpassing any hereto Keeireeutedm^hu — - UUMtn | ■ AND WAEKAJITS-IO.WW'ACIi*!!.-! u, JIJ to poy m follow* bt Uod Warrants. to th* l*n thoimnd m «: »180 foT «»: WOfcrJOKTMi iasold. • c ™. »» 60 SKfTEMBKK -NCMBKU OF BUTNAif, fruit SSiSTXi for salo st 20 cants, by BUrLTumm?“ d ““ wwSl TO i/JAW—$l6,OOO. on iote» tyw h»y Dr boad»,M eoUttanl *#etrrtty. Knquln or* * OOBnt 7 ..... THOMAg .UWj.it NSW BOOKS JUST PUBLISHED —No*- <_dTT by CfcrLtopher North. - ,oct “ Ambroda: J.ELJoiSf ftrtu ”> 01 **“ AdTbntom of Nad Lon: by W. A. UILDEN PENNEY A 00, Ho. T 8 Fourth rtrgtfc VA ¥‘r» HAQAN * Am > No - 91 D dalaEPliVS?** 9 ?* * choic * kt tfjlain eoi*d ill wool JSftSkjJ®***»B“» wool; do dart; ool’d MarfaniS •odCocbeeo Oalteooa, with ueseeUaat ■mil iiTuixi? Sack FUnnola. I frim oat owbSSS SSK ace #*®» ****ucrodwof Bonnerfloods, atooit v ;" * f *• t, v*-fV *" ■ »w' V '■ v- , t. H t ••;*. , . *>■ ♦ njS* a caw. imm tm tt tata A«n. km« SSgjEiSg®.* ssssta's After which tbo imini fiat* of .aSSSKwS®" I ®?**' , Ho relumt Toilor, JOHN LAUGHLi N, fin marly foreman for Mr & ftime would respectfully anoounoe to hu Mends end the publie generally, that be bee rented and newly *rint up the fine stand late It occupied by Messrs. J, B.AC. Leo, Ho «0 Market street between Second sad Third, wherobe Is prepared to make to order GXHTLZMXN’B CLOTHING In the most fashionable stylo, fisting *«*■»—»* served a "wy-. r .yP*y Ue to the trade, and being a practical cutter, ' be therefore flattest Mmectf that be nan turnout amenta A. A. MAgOM A CO’S. umm Jut ratmunl from tb. mst, be bee ■ fane u. , iroS?‘t?'th t Srm72,L fe ' hto °* b1 ' to «* "" K. B — mad. and trimmed lit tbe see feet S’ liUI iU sto all nn wh.t tttorom- B «mitawill find It gnat], totbriradTanuuM' *? -Tf if tht - v w«t their hoy ■ ne»Uy fluS garden, on which is on* of the beat of loft 1c is abeantifni Lot for s TMidenoe. “ P«ngß. Al»,li™, adjoining Hartman’, Tannt, of ontorica I“n L , Rnqniro of TDOMas WOODt>. anai:im 7fi Fourth atcoet - Ji ,)a.trolwalpricM. CwSen in parking for Ucd nod itetcr carriage. ft'retb Arrival at the Jew Dry doadi sin,. COLLINS & Al'KEl^^ A., ’ -VO C 3 MARKET STREET, BE cnnetantiy raring Iresh eopnlte. of Fell’.,* Wlnt.rJ.ccy DreuanO staple DM GOODS. The? would rooectftlly call the .ttonHon of the Lodieo to ihS fresh stock of-plaM andflg’d Silks* k ranch MvHbam SfJ; M £gf^? II -si«iT, 4c. Also, afoll stock of Xfexaestiat. Wonfrmiranrif H "rif r ,■i«rfpttaTSi2s^»St °" ~h" ? «*Uer nSr to their customers at lower pricti fhansnv irfhar hnnfci •i» the city. Ben.eo.te, COtShS J (Dr. Thorn's old stand.) Ko. ti Market atrest. AotrtTjQK nunag tun. —— on tbe hill near tho Allegheny Banin.and Honk Ktntd. The Hon... ctZfialnJ e.U.nmgodforoomlortuidconTenl.nc. AleSTHroSn! mer kitchens, n flue Ternndsh in front of the of flood vnter, stable, coal honse, Ac. The bombed 6°M? The tot ie 125 tant bjTOto^gJ e- 40 ®- S. CDTHBKHT *flOH 801)12 Heal Estate Agents. Ito Third etreei. I —Just received, ao »i lf( , .m k . ~ f ®* er 7 *od tr«de; a splendid article fcr fiL *E±? : < A. A. MASON X CO. - i Mjr superior Oracle worlh 37},' wnt/xJUBeUlsi - A. A. MA3QH Q, pg*' | >LUCK MAID Mua-jim rewired. a 15 tU above moth admired Bilba, all Sritot cJta? f "° l2 A. A. tUtONtco. K J SJS ‘ ClilNTzhß—WebtTe jo*tn»^7J^r. r.w pi™, of U» ftbore too t "” l, ’ d » A. A. MASON * CO, 2S Fifth street. permanent elum m the* Un™£ mTu fc^®S!» ssrass2?3SSSfiaES tending Uw Oommoreiai and MaOjematical aSSSL*f*fr tatoa.a.,,. rrir.l. tatrocttoS'SSTjS EVEKY FAMILY SHOULD Have ONE OF n AjSIGLE 4s PHIPPS* CELEBRATED GLOBE WATER COOLERS' if :°;, p,mil1 *'’ «2l£»£; “5! Wcod «t. Ixrfiem -S£ EtUto • oentutryl ■ BJL D. HUMT. Dmbjst, beg. \ m to am . I^TSS-S. "Si JAMES WAKraop. Pirn, etml . I’KffSfcSg h«U Whisky, BanSSaii, cSSiifc ifce attention of purchaser* Mtdd&gra.* notJSiS, itmL m wm _ Vy Chmtnnt apd Widnat, ... v TllK. UHIOS,. £Se£f* d ' lphi *' ~'l'ea, Tea, Tea. quality, »hich n irillVtll whil«to«JjJ^SCßB and wud, win f „ A. J4TIQHK. eoroer Grantand Rfth streets : » A Rood bargain can be fa*-* -* * * feet by thn office of the SIOiINIXQ cw'- -* by applying eooo at Jylfctf mall cuitau* ____ O Union street. Mt W..n *o2“° *»* Oentoa '«t street A pt£*S^”’***»£«> d "» **S vrerl, pajments. For lelebj h * n<1 ' b * ta “ <■> .three M A ft'p7~ le *“ ( 'SmpT* «*i« by — E. SELLERS * A ( UIW plp * just ***« -d Sar KU. i, -- _ R. £■ SELLERS * CO. 'J.’“£U UU ACID 600 Iba Id ntcrre iSTteWR — R.B.SELLXRS k Co. ! *»“. WSITKMBIia:- Putoim', SfAgatlna of Art. *rt«k lAslie's iAdleo’ Gazette , jSg£S#£B^&**~ Just nceired anl for sale Ly_ W. A. OfL.V—6o bhb Jo store and far sale bf Xt. mSS B- B. SgLLBBa * 00. ( I^Sb 18 10 la Mlon &od for nl« by V-*. ... __R. B. SELLERS k CO. S 48, BODA —I£O kegg in store tnd for aala bv -,0 2f B. E. SELLERS k CO. T B *** r ““ 7 bales la worn and ftr >ai« tr *J. R. & figLLEBa A fro IJUTATWtS—6OO bun hell tor mlt br~ X **»* H»tfEY H. CDT.T.nw pJURIS_ia auks notlim ud for nj Q i—“II ! _ PMRY H. OQT.LTWB lIMJB— 100 bUi fat ntl* by ■4- ,p P* HKHEY B. nof.T.rva TySff- 9 " h o * 8 ® pnia * W. g. Cutting, ~ HKNET R OOLZJNS. H ' * 1 ' »- f ~ v'V" ’ • » “7* * *l/7 „ 8- CUTHBKST * SON, 140 Third gtrwfc ™«U nut, just rec'd »Td jr E. SKLtBKS * CO. Beef BAILEY A RENggAff, . JOS. E&KJIIKG corner nf the DUmocd and Market ft. retired tad ft OUTB A SINCLAIR. * ! iW& ; i :^