The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 15, 1854, Image 2

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Wng |W.
; democratic ticket.
democratic oowtt tickm'
I . CoSOBE33,
: Oil ARLES SHALEIt, UUj of Pittoburgh.
[Babjact lo the decision of the conferee* of the di
I ! • AaaiBBLT,
J- K. MOORHEAD, City of
jj)HH 8. HAMILTON, South PHK
. JOHN 8. K*N-
’of PitUburgh.
Bt. OUlr.
Clwk op Oocst,
PHILLIPS, Robinson.
JJAH TROTILLO, City cf PUtsborsb
i * j Auditor.
DANIEL WERTZ, Pitt Township.
DiawrtDEJ* of tsi Poor,
JAME 3 A. GIBSON, Pig*- ,
ROBERT BAILS*, Mmnpbwter.
If , n y of oar l«.l friend, wilh Paper Book, printed, we
laform them that the Post Job OBoels prepered to do them
.t the shortest notioe, sad la the neatest style of the Art-
Eire as a trial and we will insare satirteailon.
Nereis of the Day. ,
g: ne ie the Cholera first appeared at Martina-
burg, thirty-eight deaths oocarred. ,
In conseqnence of the storm laßt earning the 3
wirea-irefnsed to .work, and we are therefore (
without onr usual telegraphic despatches.
The Yellow Fet tr is prewailing at Charleston,
SC.' Twenty-seven deaths occurred in forty
eight hours. t _
Great excitement preraiis at Chicago, arising
out of the seisore of fugltire elares there by St.
Liuisuwners. Tie slarcs were rescued, and
the owners arrested. I
Nojlires were lost at Charleston by the late
storm, but the danage done to property in the
oity, and to the c-ops in the wicinity, is immense.
At Solliran’s Isl&A the damage is eery great.
Erie Railroad stock has gone up nearly SlO
per share within ten days. In oonsequence of
this siiddenrise. s irerai failures occurred,in Wail
street, on Wednesday, among the dabblers in
stocks. , .
Thto Washing to a Union announces that orders
hare! been receiVed for the withdrawal of the
British fleet in the Galf of St. Lawrence, and
the throwing open of the heretofore prohibited
Ashing grounds to the Americans. ,
Latest intelligence from Columbia is *p ,0
Wednceday nood. At that time the cEseaae »a«
•till proving fatal, eereral now cams h»*i»B b« n
reported that morning. Oa Tuesday,. there were
between: thirty] and forty erne*, and fiftetn
deatbe. A or more of the leading Phila
delphia physicians, were on the ground, minis
tering to the sick.
We if ill tell dor Democratic friends what the |
prospeots of the campaign are now, «o far a*
can! be asoertaiied. We are in reoeipt of intel
ligence from many different parte of the State,
and unless oorl correspondents are greatly de
ceived, onr Democratic friends hare no ennse for
discouragement. -They hare only to work with
a hearty good will for the good cause they hare
heretofore done battle fer, and the State will he
saved from thej oalemity of a Whig administra
tion. Let us took at the figures a little.
In 1861 Gorlsrnor Bigler was the Democratic
oahdidate for Governor, Wm. F. Johnston the
Whig candidate, and Kimber Clearer the Na
tiriet. The Whigs then were as confident se
they arc now.! the Abolition element was ss
aotire, and aslbitter then as now, inconsequent e
of the enactment of the fugitire slare law by
Congress. The result shows that the Free Boil
ers roted en mituir for Johnson. It is boasted
they will eoti the Whig ticket this year. Tet
what was the result in 1861!
The rote ol the State for Bigler in that year,
waa 186,499: —a pretty powerful mass of yeo
manry for a few thousand Know-Nothings to
rout and destroy. The Whig rote for Johnstcn
In 1861 was 178,034. But this inoluded all the
Free Boil rolls exoept sixty, whioh were oast for
Elder. It inoluded also oue-half the Natire
rote. “Clearir’o rote in 1861 was only 1,869.
The balonoe jof the Natire rote was, as the in
sult proved, ldivided between Bigler and John
ston. SuoSTwere the combinations in 1851, and
snob the result. Mr. Bigler waa elected by a
majority of 8,465.
Now, whajt are the elements and combinations
at work thisjyear, from which any great ehanget I
In the result oan be anticipated by either party:
Ist. Opposition to the Nebraska bill. This is
• matter with whioh Gorernor Bigler had no
more to do jhau had Judge Pollook, or any pri
vate oitizenlof this commonwealth. Erery man
|n this State thought as he pleased on the sub
ject, without referenoe to party lines. Pennsyl
vania's representatives in Congress roted as they
jpleaaed on ihe bill, some Democrats for it, and
iaome against it. It was a measure soj-fnr as the
repeal of the Missouri lino waa conoerned, that
loan do no possible harm. Bnt Gorernor Bigler
isays he would not hare repealed the Missouri
had he had the work to do of organiz
ing the territories. Judge Pollook says the same.
, On that point then, they agree. Where oan the
jroters find cause to strike down one who had
! nothing to do with the matter; and put np ano
ther who also had nothing to do with it ? But
say the Abplitionißts, “ we wi'l punish Gorernor
Bigler for Ithe act of Congress. We admit he
had nothing to do with it, but we mutt wreak
onr rengesnoe somowhere, and we will select
him as our! victim.” And do they beliere the
honest yeomanry of this commonwealth will per
-1 mit such as act of injostioe and wiekedneso to
be done t j They attempted in the same way to
i make him the riotirn in 1861, on account of the
! fugitire sllro law. But the people rebuked the
: gross injustice, and elected him Gorernor by a
handsome WBjority. Bat the Free-Soilers voted
for Johnston in 1861, and he waa beaten. Sup
-1 pose they! rote for Pollook in 1864, will not the
result be uhe Bame so far as that element of op
position i* concerned ? Bnt say our opponents,
; "many Democrats, are dissatisfied with the Ne
i brisks bill.” Suppose there are many such:
they are dissatisfied with it because it repealed
the Missouri restriction. Gorernor Bigler says
he would not hare repealed it. Will Buch Demo
crats rottt against him then, under suohcironm
stanoea ?: Are Demoorals bo anxious to hare a
Whig Gorernor that they will rote against their
candidate who agrees with them in the matter T
Xo: We do not beliere a hundred Democrats
throughout the State will obange their rotes on
that acoount. They hare no cause to do eo. If
Pollook,] then, getß the Free-Soil rote, whioh
WO doubt, the result is the same as in 1851.
Bnt some of the Democratic freesoilera say this
year that they will not be sold to the Whigs, and
they wiU rote for Bigler.. They hare been sold
too often. In this more, aa in ererything else,
•very actfw produces some reaction.
2nd. The Know Nothing element, with the
growly exaggerated estimates of its numbers, it
Issuppoleed, by our Whig friends, will decide the
aleotiom We do not beliere It. Their numbers are
irobaWiy not one-half what they are repreeeo-
V . / s
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ted. The game of brag la their greet lerer.
They may thrice end inoreaee in the fmtid at
mosphore of crowded cities. Butrin the pure
'eir of the country no ouch religious persecution,
and causeless hatred of people born in other
lands, oan sway the hearts of the two hundred
thousand rotere of this commonwealth. The
free dwellers among herten thonaand hilla and
rallies lore freedom too nitieh, and understand
it too well, to Join in wiring again the relig
ion! strifes, the bigotry and persecution ofji
old doya of ignorance! Democrats aretb
pions of no religions sect. They
denominations equal oiril righ
ft py considerable
PennsyUania can
; this dangerous po-
politicians to uptnrn
.rfof eoeiety, In the hope that, under
/arrangement of parlies, their ambitious
agings may be gratified.
We are told that seten-eigbta of the Koow
Nothings are Whigs and others, who would not
rote for the Democratic candidate, in any erent.
We can spare the one-eighth without defeat. It
weeds the party of those disappointed politi
cians, unquiet spirits, and office seekers from
whioh its greatest troubles come. Last year onr
Jodge of the Supreme Court, was elected by
87,000 majority a' margin wide enough for
the whole Know Nothing strength.
But suppose a much larger proportion of the
members of the eeoret order sre renegade Demo
crats. Is there no re-aotlon goiog on ? Is there
a naturalised oidsen that can be deluded into
the folly of roting with a party that would re
enact an Alien Law; repeal the naturalisation
lews ; ornsh a religious denomination ; and aoy
other religions denomination that opposes them!
Will liberal, enlightened old line Whigs help in
a work like thief Let their action in Phtladel
phta, in nominating Chandler, answer. Let the
resolution of their Contention in the esme oity,
repudiating and declaring utter hootility to the
secret order answer. Lettho powerful re action in
that headquarters of Know Notbingism answer.
Id Philadelphia city and county, many well-io
formed citisens suppose that Governor Bigler e
vote will be larger than in 1651. Whether it be
eo or not, it if a reasonable assumption that
Know-Nothingism will drive into the Democratic
ranks as many voters as it will take from them.
Where, then, iB the gain to the party of isms sod
bargain and sale! And where is the cause for
that blustering and bragging with whioh Wbige
seek to deoeive the timid thia year, as in former
ftnd there leave them to wj
And it cannot be; be]
portion of the
The Vienna Lloyd'i has euthentio newe that
Marshal Bt. Arnaud will leave Constantinople on
the 2d of September, to take command of an ex
pedition which, by that lime, would have reaohed
its destination.
The oholera continues at Varna. Stormy
weather prevailed ou the Black sea. . A private
despatch from Varua, dated the 24th nit., Bays
Bve ships with troops sailed yesterday, and six
tt-lny. Opinions gain currency that the ttrst
destination of the expedition will be Anapa, and
that the fleets will wioter there.
Marsha! Arnaud will hold a general military
council at Varna, to inquire if the army to fltror
service during the present week.
The Dasebs.—The Turks continue to occupy
Bucharest, and arc strengthening all etrategio
positions. They are re fortifying Tirwnoya,
which WAS ordered. Some rations were to be
delivered at Uoileschotti and Wallachia, and it
was reported thot the English division would be
sent there.
The Russians on September 2d would be at
Jassy. Their headquarters. August 25th, were
campaigns. at Borland. A force still bolds Gatatl for bol-
Connau*. DxnocnaT. 1 The day h „. di .
fall of the great Demoeratlo party has not yet ' J;6tnsolle „ nJ »t,nnntin the fortiflcatloni
oome. And no secret order will erer gain n lim , r . un .i and in the Aland Islande. They
etrength enough to etrike the blow thet shell de- wtrt B 0 Badly damaged aod wanted eo Urge u
I .troy tho of the pcopl.andthe com against “Ibem*'
etitntion. Coder the eway of oor party, thie t!ISJ were offered to Sweden oneon
eonntry hue grown nod thriven beyond all para- of h| , r jeclanog againstKuani., but
101 l in the history of all the nations of the world. Sw , Jeo refuses to accept on loose-terms.
The party may commit ermrtoccasionally : but On ibe 26th »U., S.pier and Marshal d
in iu great principles, its wive policy ita pro- lmn" end retreated
.greesive spirit, He Arm defence of freedom and wbcr , , b „ c m 15,W0 men In gnrrieon
Amerioun intereite, it ie always the same, and ooe huudred and twenty two mounted, and
alwavs right Shall such a party bo overthrown ,igbtv dismounted guns, taken at Bomarennd,
always oua h ., w ,n be divided bsiwc.o trance and Lngtand.
by a rabble of ivme end has »i , n „ g e me nt, will,out low of life. 00-
prinoiplee, and no rallying calls, except sneb aa At ~_ Its.b ult.. between eighteen Boa-
I would eunder the Uuion, drag religion iuto liM hosts and some English eteamere.
politics, and scoff at the poor and oppressed of , .. who left
other lands ? Tha Democracy is stiU *• tintern-; OoraMoa Diol.. . . * ..... .w.
outer tanui / , Philadelphia on Wi-duesday eeenipg. states that
tod” It has met the same enemies before un- rauejfipni-* «u i *
or£ were bid ,0 labor more ..meetly : and i "eosery ,b. ..««»«« "« h ‘
neeer a campaign, when earnest efforts, and a ! .eg for »» trj»h ;
fall •• tarn dnt,” had belter chance of snoots*. i , w UJ another beat)«r tart night.
Tee two hoadred thousand Democratic Tolers of ! , !r r* probably irrcr. We hope the
this Commonwealth tea strike a blow this fall, j thuDt , cr ao4 lightning or last night will porify
if they will* that will silence their clemoroue : and present the spread of the
maligners end foes, and earn their hon.-.r, and , Cho>rlt
the honor and ioteresta of the State.
We will add a ! few items of eoconrageramt,
which we derive from correspondents. In Erie
county it is supposed Governor Bigler will gtiin
» thousand votes. In Bedford, Falton and C*m
bria hi* rote will be largely increased. In the
Northern counties whiah he has visited, hie
speeches glee full satisfaction, and, it is belie*-
ed, hie *ote there will be much larger than tn
1861. The re-action in Philadelphia is opera-
tiag strongly in his Ta-ror. From old Berks they
promise a good report. From many other parts
of the State we hate equally favorable reports,
and the assurance that Democrats are at work
cheerfully, earnestly, bravely as in days of yore.
If all Democrats will do their duty, the result
will be, as many a time before, a glorious vic
tory. __
Pbbsohal. —Err, John Uacleen, D. D., Presi
dent of Nassau Hall (Princeton) College. Sew
Jersey, haa had the honorary title of L. L D con
ferred upon him by the Kegente of the Unircrsi
ty of Hew York Col. Jeremiah Clemens, who
haa been reeldiog in Waahlngtoncity for the lost
eight or ten months, practising his profession,
has returned to hia horns in Hantaeille Rer-
LE. H. Chapin, the eloquent Coleersalist preach*
er, haa been speoding the summer eacation at
Pigeon Core, Rookport. Massaobusctts, but will
resume hii duties in New York next Sabbath.
While absent he preached to immense audiences
in the cities of Cambridge, Lowell, Boston and
Charlestown Reecrend H. N. Hudson an
nounoeß in the Churchman (Episcopalian) that,
owing to n' misunderstanding, with the proprietor
of that: paper respecting the oontrol of its
columns, he shall withdraw from all connection
with it as Boon as practicable Ur. Daren pert,
a brother of Miss Margaret Darenport, appeared
on Monday eeening at the Broadway Theatre,
■ New York, for the first time sinoe his return from
Europe, in the tragedy of Qthello. He was wel
comed by an audience of not lees than four
I thousand persons. His personation of the jeal
| ous Moor was enthusiastically applauded.
It is with deep regret that we announce the
decease of this gentleman, one of oar oldest and
most widely known oititens, and a prominent
member of the Pittsburgh Bar. Ho was attack
ed by Cholera yeaterday morning, and died at
nine P. M. Mr. Callan, we believe, had not en
joyed good health for some months, although hie
serions illnesr'was of short duration.
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Death of Mr. Jtmei Callan.
__ )* * '
Axibioax Boabd or Fonsiau Missions. —The
fifty-fifth annual meeting of the Board of Com
missioners for Fogign Missions commenced i'
Hartford on the fifth inßt., Hon. Theodore Fr
linghuysen presiding. From the treasueerVe
port it appears th|t the expenditures of the“*r
were $822,000, and the receipts $210,000 T “ e
auniuf report of the Prrontial
Committee’s report were read.
Atufasaas Lboislatobb. The ’ lt, » Rt "' k
Trm 'Dmocrat publishes a list, 4 ,he newly
elected members of the Ark an/* legislature,
from which it appears there' 1 " t»«nty-flve
Whigs, seventy-five Demoora* or tbree t 0 one ‘
The Whigs have lost fivem/‘ ber » ,ino « the laBt
legislative election. At V* Whi S!?' r J » 111
soon become extinot in
The Democratic Committee of Corres
pondence met at/ 8t Ch>rles Hotel - 011 Wed '
nesday, and afy' the tr ansaotion of some pre
.. . L. adjourned to meet at the
limlnary bneir'’ ./ Q i _ ,
. , _ AA. M., Saturday next,
same place r _v
A-A number of eaeee of Cholera were
v,«eterday. All the tunal precautions
. Ji*t disease are needed now. In onr
will be fonnd the report of the oases
gJ%solted fatally yesterday, so far as they
be asosrtained.
«r. \ , *• . • t *■-*v ‘VLy.lifcrtj!
the eoekisi SEW*'
The foreign newh, in addition to nhat
tained in the telegraph reportajtf
are not rery important. We jej
,ng grounds bw
American*, and the
New propoeatohaTe been
.dm7which will involve new negeti-
hare not transpired.
reoent firo at Varna, half a million
,<funds of bread, equal to two weeks’ oonenmp
tion of the English army, was lmraed.. In con
sequenoe of the fire being supposed to hare been
an incendiarism, a precautionary cordon had
been drawn around the powder magaatno, and
great excitement prevailed against the supposed
Russian incendiaries. „ .
It was generally believed that the Crimean
expedition had sailed on the 20th, although some
reports bad assigned the 30th as l . h ®
date of its departure. The expeditionary foroe
will be less by ten thousand than was originally
stated, and it will include about twenty thous
and Turkish troops. The London Tima, in re
ply to the rumors that prerailed as to certain
diplomatic motives having retarded the depar
ture of the expedition, asserts that the delay
arose exclusively from obstacles of a purely
military nature. If this be really the case, it
ooufirms the statements made some short time
since, respecting the defective administration of
the Freuoh ordoance and oommissariqt depart
ments, for with the latter we believe the diffioul
ties principally lay. A
In Spain, tbe government seems tOibe taking
onergetic steps to repress tbe republican move
meet. A decree has been issued suppressing
the provincial juntas and tbe forces; organixed
by them. The government has borrowed sixty
five millions of reals, secured on the revenue of
Cuba. Queen Christina’s property has been con
fiscated, and her expulsion from the country de
It is H said the pr<
•to bo thrownopej
pgr- 111 (he New Y<rV HrraiJ of the
I3lh (net-, there were immly tiz cotamn* of *d
eertieeoetitr,. In the DedJ New Y«rk 7Vt4w««
of the eiKie date there were but tu-tim column*
of ftlrerlißPOcns^.
DruwAnn Ci»r>rv. —The Democrat* of thla
county hiTe Dominated for Coogreis—Joeeph
Edwards ; Henaie—Atariab L. WlUiam»oo ; A*-
aembly—Pearson Herril.
Kf’isim'* Bask Xcts lUvitw.—The eeml
moo'hly uumber of this ioralaable publication
has just teen i**oel Thepreeent number ©on-
Uios the usual amount of intereeting and oaeful
matter, in which i# included a long list of new
and dangerous counterfeits louly put in circula
tion. We take the liberty of clipping the fol
lowing letter, which will not be detoid of inter
est to our readere : (
Enr an.{ Rail Road Am*,»
At aut. 4. I**44. )
Misses. KssSAi’i A UutTHin, Pittsburgh :
Omllrm l observe in jour lilt of reported
broken Banks the name or this institution, »leo,
the Washtenaw, and some others in this State.
This Bonk and the Bank of Washtenaw hava
sustained a heavy run for about ten days, in con
sequence of a false report got op against them;
but they have redeemed all that came, and .their
credit in tho vicinity of Ibeir location is better
than ever. This 1 can say emphatically in rela
tion to this institution, having been oonvereant
with ita business. It is fully able to meet its
liabilities, and has taken In a large amount or
its issues, and is now prepared to go forward in
its legitimate business. You will pleeso oorreot
the error so far as this Bank is concerned, In
justice to i! and Ibc public. Yours, truly.
A. J. Comstock, late President.
Harrisburgb continues healthy, with the ex
ception of svorai oases of bilious fever.
Tho rain of Sunday that visited a great por
tion of Virginia, did not extend to the town of
Tho Buffalo Board of Health report 110
deathe last week. Of that number 38 ware from
Hon. Wm. M. Meredith has consented to de
ls.., Ih. address bohre the Pennsylvania State
Fair, to be held in rbiladelphia on the 26th, 27th,
and 28th of OcV f)er -
Tho rlinneroarqno Mermaid, arrived at San
Franc,sco p Hong Kong, brought news that
. .hine Sound tb California with Chinese emi
grants ta d been lost in the Chinn sea, together
with l’lOO of their passengerß i
jiujp Oossler has been nominated ae the Na
.merioan candidate for Congress in the 2nd
j iß ,lct. In the regular Whig Convention which
some ten days ago Oossler received a num-
V of votes while Hon. J. It. Chandler not one.
All the towns along tho course of tho Suaque-
Jaona river, it is said, have hern suffering very
much from sickness. The Lookhaven and Snn
bnry papers attribute tbo sickness at tbeaa two
plaoes to the want of drainago of eomo low and
marshy plaoes in that vicinity.
Tho Democracy of Baltimore City and County
held a mass meeting on Tuesday evening. Hon.
John Nelson was chairman, assisted by Hons.
Robert J. Brent, P. T. Thomas and other die
distinguisbed men as Vice Presidents. The Sun
eaye it was tbo largest meeting held there for
many years, and very enthusiastio.
gasp- Mrs. Elizabeth Benton, wife of Col. Ben
ton, who died at Washington, on Sunday eve
ning, was CO yearß of age. For several years
she has been prostrated, having been deprived
of utterance and of all her energies, but she
bore her sufferings, it is stated, with unexam
pled fortitude and ohristian resignation. A wri
ter in the Intelligencer says :
Tho ruling feeling in Mrs. Benton’s heart, and
strongest to the last, was her devotion to her
husband. Of late she has sat constantly by his
side when at his labors at home, and indeed their
lives may be said to have-boon inseparable, for
she has made her home wherever bis business
oalled him. Bhe was reconciled to part with
him on his late return to Missouri, because she
was too weak to accompany him, and knew_that
his duty required his presence at home. When
■he felt the approaoh of the oriels which termi
nated her life, she led her daughter to the va
cant chair in which her husband worked, and,
by look and gestures, made it apparent that she
required hie reoall. It wae too late. Bhe walk
ed to the bed in the next apartment, from which
■he was never able to rise again.
' ». ‘ *- * •/*
U- Bia Fishiso.— The following “flsh”
;*urj is from the Frosidenee, E. X., Jo “ r ““
Captain Cheoe, of the schooner Mary, while off
the Cmpe* of Delaware, the se* Ter^“ l “’
a barrel sfloet seer bln. He lowered his boat
and approached it, supposing it was a baml of
turned it up to right it, and found
tbat the' other head was out, and that twelre
sea blaok-Bsh bad stowed themselees. in the
barrel so tight, tbat they could not g«t out.
The last one wedged in the others. They fell
an easy prey to the captain, and upon being
taken hut were found to weigh about twelre
poooda e*ch.
Sad Accidiht. —On Saturday last, Mr. Wm. j
Bushman, ft young man residing in Dickinson j
township, whilst on ft gunning excursion for i
pigeons, wee killed by the accidental discharge
of bis gun. It is supposed that in crossing a
log the hammer of the gon strock and caused |
the discharge, the entire load of shot entering
his brain. See oral persons near by who eaw
him fall, hastened to the spot and rendered all
the aid in their power, bnt he died in a few min
utes, without being able to give an account of
how the rcoident oocnrred.—Cariuie Democrat.
Not Musa or a Kitsk Ahthow !—A man
drove ahorw and buggy in a greathurrytothe
Newport ferry, on the Kentucky side, the other
day. just as the boat was shoving out, and oalled
loudly, “ stop, stop, wait for me won t you ?
But the boat was gone. “ Weil, said the man,
who was a little elevated, “ you may go to
with your old ferry boat; this is no river, any
how," and he forded, beating the boat to the
Ohio shore.
n- A Great Bleeelnß to the
Dr M’Une, the inrentor or the Urer Pill.. u«d
Due. Pill, for je»r. lo bto P>«tio,, before he could
be Indued lo offer, fbem to the public iu .uch . m»nner ..
to m.ko them known tbrougboot the couutrj. Thli
leerned pbjelcUn felt the Mm. repugu.oce tint .11 hi*h
mlnded men of eoleno. feel In entering the lbt. .».l»t
I tbOM unecrupulou. empiric, who obtrude th-lr u«le«
nomrumj upon the public, »nd rclj npon . ejetem of puff
ing to .ueteln them. Oonrloced, boweter, of the re.l r.lue
of the Unr Ptlla. .nd Influenced bjr the pUln dk-Utee of
dutj, lb. Doctor Utmllj Meriflorf bh feeling, on
tb. .Ittr of public good. in. greet medirin. Jn, not dta
•epoiuted tb. e.peeutlou. of tb. mallei
übo« Induced to forego bU inrlUmtlnu-.
h.recompletelj eoegueral tint grMt rnourg. of Amertc.,
careful tout for Dr. U luet C.le
brUM Uf«r Pill*, »u 4 t*M no" rl **- Th< ' re ~ lr' ' °^ eT
PtlK purporting to bo Unr PUi*. now befor* th« } üblir.
Dr U*«r PIU*, also M* e*lebr»twi \ onnlfb**, «n
nowbTbli »t *1! rwpoculilß drug »U>«s In ih. tnitrt
BUte* »Dd Conod*. .
A'»for«l.b 7 tb.«.l.pWrietcm.. M[!i(s
gaoc—or* to J Kidd A Co.,
fit) Wnn>l
» Di. M.r..’. l.Tlgor.tlu* fcllilr .ua
Cardial Wb.n- prooo.l U>« 10-Bltodr, Ik- d.prr-ioo,
lb. dvblUty, Ih. lolllte.DC. in IK". Hi* InxUblllty, Ul. con
tloaol f~Uo« of lUnm. which ll Ir lmponibl. to drfln. or
looUu, fo common, to bar, .nd - UtU. pill'd by
Ih. robu't .ol h—liby! W. wt-tao th. mm-h
...i th. n.r»oui cr.t«o,—o which Ibrr. «xlxu lb.
doMit rympothy. W.nt of .lt»l «o.rgy, .ltifjUbom- in
th. -ctwtlT. oipu, • [.wnl «< ““ u *<
th. bottom of .11 thclUßcnlty. To rou-th. whol.ont.n
motion from lb. torpor, to isbo. it altb now lib, .eUrlty
•ad .Igor, .nd to ItuUln it In IhU, tb.r. 1. to
p-p—loo eomp-obl. with DR. MORSFS ISVItioRA
PINO KUXJR OR CORDIAL. Other .tininli moy rxr.t.
th. dorm—it pb yd—l rn— *ir» tor . time, bat ilk. th.
of th. Upblolof th— I—T*. behind It . drwp«r ptootn,
.I—rbtbntoo of th—. .obiter—it. 1. tdiowtd. »fter tb.
hnt coarutelr. t U or—, by i drpr— doo of brdy .nd
mind mot. protoooJ .od p.nUj.ln« lb—l .rrr Th. rem
edy te lit—.lie wor— th»o th. di—• Rot th. Klulr hr.
. dynomte 1080.0—. It not only or—to. . o.w -odltloo
of tb. phyard otp-Ux-too. but jarpe-t.l.e It Tb. .nl
m— rplrtu or. not only ch—d —ld .I— .t.i by Ur .pmey ,
bat kept OP to tb.lT now teeel without Itetfihd A eewt*-
bi« com pound. caod*ntel 10 th. .yd-n. It —m. to -1 oi-n |
U- n—stltaUe. tt—lt >od to rweclutk.oli. It In ebrenlc
t of th. o.rr—, lb. iloir.wh. .nd lb. lire-, tt 1 , -
nika l* «ll bnt mincttloos. . ~ .
Tb*oiwdtal l» pa* Bp. rowntrilnl, la plot .t't-
Un JTk* thrt-i iotUfi p« rifr.iH'^Mi
i®f t..iT* don—.
Solti ItraoK* tktwtfboo*. »*• V. ui> 1 »****--.
ud tb* W«ot India*.
a assn*.
FLEMING A BROS.. No 00 Wowi PUt»V«r^i.
DK.OKO. It KEYS**. No. UO Wood 'Xx**l, ■»"
J. |\ rLKHING, AU**b»»T o‘7 **l “' uW
O* TbomUr swraiac.ftl 9 f fioek, THOMAS A. Mitli
0A N, la tb* IAI y»fcf of bW •**
UUfeaarftl will Uk« plw» TUDAT.{FrMaj.)A» 10 A.
M , fniw iht f >rtm~r ~f H* falSct, UDUcad, n
Wttktu ttVßtUp, MAT BnUilrk'l MJ*> [.lO(**vl l<>
MtubkCbanb. TUtSimdt of th* frailly ap* rrp*<l!*'-7
InfttM to KUa4.
On Tbur*Uy, R*pU«b*r 14th. a» ftl -r 0 ■
JAMEKCALLAJt, w«q.. l» lb* T*» r l t hi* •***
HU Mmd* U»4 tbow of tb# frally, »r» InfMml U- at>od
Hi* fu&cr*!. from &)• la»* «o itrwt. Al;«
jiHor, »t 3 o'clock, P. M, THIS I>AT. to ?***<*
to Meant Uak* C*mri*rj- ,_
M®tlan.—The DeßK*Tata of lb* Fcmrth w*r.».
Ik^Of Atl*«aeoy, mill B*.t el <h* Honee of Thoraea
19M to pomlaato ww p»iw» to *o Common Council.
%r>V C D^.U-R»T.-
Aiuchoy c*«BtFt #»«
/ ,rv Oat*'-*K»«UA </ frtiinjrfwmu to l>a Shrnjr
) lUL V «/ AEtphaM ««•«/*. GVwfuttf
1 . u CbarUa 11. Orant met* you •rcun. of prr*-
lUm1 Um tot claim, then w* commend J«» (■* brbTt) ibat
«, raamoa. by food a»l .ummonaw, Jam** I *
CrafLaod ■ »■ • UnUhlaon, Executor. of Jama* Ada®*.
SJJ; David Alien. Oelherlo* Alton, Alia®, awl
D«*U Allan Wray, JamaaTboma* VTray.Jiarab Jane Wray,
Ch>rt«a Rowan Wray, children of EU»a Wray, (formerly
SJJI » Frnnda 0. Ballj, of M»eba*i Allan, and
{£££2*Pannoek iod Imae Penn**, lata■ of your
«onn?y?*o that they be and appear betbra our Jud/e. o!
'H* htotrict Court nf Allegheny county, at a l>url to l*e
“T* wherma thay tb* «ald Charlc* II <lr*o..
th. DlalnUO. ami ‘ih# defendant. aforeaaU, toffetbrr and
ntidfaidad do bold ail that Lot or Parcel nf Ground altuate
to Che Fifth Ward of Flttabargh. birinnto* twenty teal
“t.f Finn >U~t, on lb. ~ulh ,U. of .trut,
Ibrt, ftet i tb.of,
beeline naraUal with Factory itmt on« hundred and
XfVSc to Quarry *wt; tknee alon* Quarry .treat
ftJtr St; thane* by a Ilna paralW with Factory .treat one
band mi and rtxtj toet, to place of berfnnlni. The earn*
defendant*, partition therwof batweom U*a to fca me*
aaeordtofto thelaw* and anatom* of ihl* Oommon wealth,
toaorh earn mad* and pforWed, do c*ta*«y, and the aan*
to ba dona, do not permit rtry unjurtly ami a«*to*t the
law* and costoma. And hart yon than tharr tb*
*»M Oourt, at PUt*bur*b, the 7th daw of Anguet A. D
ROW’D. CAMPBELL, Jr., Prothotytary.
mnlftrwSt WILUAM MAQILU ttferllf
itray Mare. ’ ,
A STRAYED tnm th. Pcrarth Rn.Ji,oo
ftaT Wadnudar uonilnßr URb b“b,» BIY MARK,
far. old put, tbno wblt* fnt, bluo lb tb.
f.™ .nit alztMii boada Bldb. An. penoo rßorolng ber
SUitTRR BURPLER, DUmond, PltuburiK. »«l
near TnrUa Creak, Allagheny co.
A TIS* FARM, oa Cb*rtWr«Cr*ek,<®pt*lnlnj 131 kwi,
_.ii imnrovad. tM only six nila from tbe ettj.
t n | » good From* Boom and Lot, nmt th« he*d of F»d-
SKS SEnW tat* Uo«~ LoJJ. -»l=h
«U 1 bo liTon to on, ,110 ,t«btn poirhu.prop.rtr They
,U 1 HofU«*rtlud oo It. flo* **g^ , BfciSM, 8 fc iSM,
0B _ 76 Fourth >trreL
ot staleandsteawSncntaM f° r d* l
'so gulkindStrawCottar*,**riou*ri**;
34 Oorn or Qrain Mill*»
60 Oorn SteUon* hand and bor-o P° wpr -
Jx -*" ** m,y% U jimia waVdiu°
Bv TTIIC noTTLS fcraale at **OCR UOCBE, No. 3-
Dlemond aller ’tW* 1* warranted to be the purest
..eW thAtndwar offered tor *ale la this city. [^plu:Jt
News for this proplr—ever* body. t
If you want isj Books;
If you want Magaito«;
If you want cheep PubUoatlonj ,
If you want Btendard Works;
ir ,ou anylMng th.t U _
«« No. 83 Bmlthfleld street.
I If yoo went single copies;
If you want In wrapper* tor mailing,
If you want nsw work* ea aoon as published,
Tf Von wan r Jonas' new local noTel;
If Ku want anything by malWl or send to th«
MIW.I No H 32Bmltba«MM^t.
MnßiunrßiVH—A A. MASON A CO. will rrceire to
lot Of SmbroU.,l«L
mhmUtrfd Book Cambric Ooliare and S] mtm ;
*mbroidared Book ana t*» ob4misett « l , ftnd riabiw;
Cambric Biding Blmtm and Habits; Book and Cambric
JIRKNOU M MINOR—A good article worth $1
C fot oente, »t
CIOFFKB— 100 bag* prime Kio;
. «m »• Java, in itore and for Bala by
o. BUOAE—27 hhdj good hir N. o.Bog»r,on eon-
uJ tot »l« by Kraa k mqqrhaAD.
rr«AB-100 hf dw*t> ImpßW.Ouapowdm, Voong HjKm
B1 “ k T '^ l °' tot ’ MHG*WhBaD.
fi\OßAOOO—dOboxea * Kot)liu<in'«, WHUiJn K.
1 On.*, Wehater’a Old, «d
wplo -
EFIHKD BUQABS—Powd«re«l, uruabed, CUrlfiad and
Bagw*, In wtm wi *'£so 1 MOORHKAD.
TTriNDOW QLABa-100"t»J»3» 12 . 10x12 10x14
VV 15 ai *“- In rtoi. Bid fct ■ to * BOOEHBAD.
* . ..4 ** *•. *
;*W V '
, ■ \.'v/
V fc
nf ADvxxfiiararri.
A. A. MASON t 00*8.
The Great frlfleh Reoeedlee I le-M. j |
BALK'S ANTIDOTE AND L'lltON—Those persons who .
wish lot a sefa, speedy, and permanent cute, shonld a* 1
theaboTß celebrated and unriralled FItHNCH PREPARA
TIONS. They hate no* been In nee fer flye yeere-yheye | :
been thoroughly tested In thomende of the molt obetlnete |
..-gl— artahly bate glren satisfaction. They ere
not competed simply O' Bilsirn Copsiya, bnt ere entirely
dlEerent Horn ell other preparations, both In theaetureof I
their to gradients and the manner In which they operetw
npon the patient Bence the wooderfol success attending
their u». __ „ ■
A gentleman connected with the Western Railroad says:
“ I hare etpended for other people during the last three
years over $3OO, for remedies of this description, and hare
nerer found a single article that g.T. s«ch unisonal
fectlon a. your Antidote and Lotion does. Ido not recol
lect of their ever failing to cure In asingle Instance. Many
bar* been cared in two or tbrw days.”
Price, Antidote $1; Lotion 60 cents per bottle.
Inrented by M. Hally, Physician to the Paris Hospitals,
and orepared from tbs original redoes, and sold wholesale
a _a ..Jtt dltroY * CO- Sole Proprietors for Ibo Loi
Sf aJS22d Ss2r«. Wip- Dfpot, 458 Broadly,
N Sold m*Piltshargh, whole-sale and retail, by
BROTIiKRSy (SucceiatSW to J. Kidd A Co.) Ko. 60
DrngcUts ererywhere. J
49-Ague and Fever or JTnree Teare
Bttu>dt n g Cnred.—Mr. Jobs Longden, nov Hrlng
»t Bearer Dam, Uanorer county, near Richmond,had Ague
and Ferer for three year., met of the time he had chill,
t.lce a day, and rarely lea. than once; he va. parched vlth
ferer. a. »oon a. th. chUl left him; and alter trying pby
siciana, quinine, meat of th. Tonic. .drertW, uni ereiy
thing recommended to him, va.abonttogire.up Indeed.,
when Carter 1 . Span!* Mllture eu apoken of; he got tiro
bottle., hot before he had u«el more than a .ingle one, he
va. perfectly cured, and ha. not had a chill or ferer rdnee.
Mr, Longden i« ouljono out of thoumnda who harebeen
benelitted by tbla great tonic, alteratire and blood purifier.
%• Sm gjTertWmcpt.
~Pin** 1 """ 1 The well-known superiority of
GRI BULK'S fit Id the Garment, Deed.*) no comment on hil
i^rl; It has )>~n acknowledged by .11 wbo have Caroml him ihfli orders, that they bare never bwu fitted with th#
»u>« <■«* and atyle as by him. ll# beg# to inform ills pa
M|l nod the public, that hi# stock 1# no* replete with the
ewt*t ftvlefl for coaU, TWti and pints, BuiUhle for tb#
Tailor and Fantaloou Maker,
WO Libert, at-, head of Woed.
piwnt *e*»on.
r \.— ; —„ Danelnc S»Girg u '< Swd*i Assembly tl WIL
JSwEDvK? DAY, a** ExcU#ior A *~“ b > y * T " y tßb
D\Y KVhMMi; »t*o. Lb*- German on MONDAY *•»*>
NINOS. Tb* ainu-emuot Mtlii* we Invited. Two
.if in lull No 1; Goinll'-ns Id Hell No- A The liooms
°.ly T..utatnl, Uiid » T.rl-tJ .nl .buodeueofn-
J£w&. -I—?- pro.i.Mt A-lm .-fco, to eedj-£»|-
. tmn i.,itf-a &(i r*nta; G*mt. end is cents, Gent.
■ fl may be obtained of FRAN’K CARGO, at
: X/rtb ;nr ftt WilMne lUU, 2ud story; al«o,Pfth«
w and at th« door on the ebore erenlng*. Tbs
For Helling »tid potent Rl«l,le
r|'HE -üb-wiber, beeing learned trom bi»tnt*reottr*>«lU»
I patentees. fttid with person* who were d«*lron»,tainti
Kiahts for Cities, Counties, St*left, ko , ft* -well u
wi-h other- *bo wish to pufrfcftse such righU. tb*t *a
•£«-nt to transa-t th»t kind of barine-e **» mueh n««led
hers bftft •!**>rmiD>“l to devote hi# time **d hli abilities to
the service of those who oey desire to employ him.
iwmog bimselr to attend faitbmliy to ell Btttm <jo*
truntol to him. he cuncluda* bv referring the public to the
flowing testimonial cf * few of
burah, Ac. _ MO3ES F ’ JCATV ‘ -
Pittsburgh, August 23, lftiw.
PrmscaoH, August 17th, ISM.
The .uh-crilwn her. l»n< I~D with Mr
Me*** V F.etno, end hare no hesitation In recommending
Sin, to »H who may *t*h to employ hta «rjjer*, MIJP»-
Usman of uod-nbted Integrity and Indefatigable lndu*try,
la shosaeacrttrnu every r.riUnc* mey t»e placed.
Nf-eiUe H. Crai •, Kbm«>n, Jr ,
Wm Leri jaw, Jr, J .hn Graham,
W 11. Deonv, !L Childs A GO-,
j ISSF « VTo-i;' - S. IloluJ“3 A doc*,
p K Frlro l. Kramer A ttahm,
V. Loran*. b- K. IJrinfrton.
fctraVc* bevel»p*«ne»i—:so«iUflei»«u
L_s? #r*d*Uv LnHguuloHgtvtnrw invention*, nod 10*
tuar-b f'f i.rt*n*w *>n«ar\l; Bald, or b*«>miog f^.
Will W J :««.•*! to i«&m tbat K>r«n and long warch com
tmrd l.»»- tiruught befcre the poblle the gr*at*»t *oo-.t
U.a artrtlf at KMKUsu.VS AMKIUCAN* UAIK
KKbTUttATIVK, a «urV cor* fur IWlow. and to prcTpai
I'a”'!>•'» falling See circular to’b« bad of the Agent*.
«i»iug fuH t *r.»rjUr«. ITI -»• SJ.‘W In [urge bottle*.
l- b c. 11. FfeUKK A CO.. Proprietor*.
3 17 rawnct »tmt 1 CI»Ti!i»0'l, Ohio
For lu ruuboiyb :n tb«* frUowlng house* :
Vu*ns«r.g Hr'*-. 1- Wilcu* k Cc.,
K- t- .•*. !.-r«, O. ll.Keyrcr.
Jo*.; Uoblrr, I*ag», Jr.,
J. 11. Cbm!.
Aii/yC-iy ofy-L. A-Unchfcaa, Fr<*dy A Meaar.J.
* in. A. Fatten* ■«. Job* G. Saith- J *rrd
ciTlXfclSS* 'inimaM company oi
rilttburgb. —H. F KINO, rrw.:d»ot; iAM
CKL I- MAIU-ULLL, Secretary- j
64 K*ll irr S , rc'l.l*t*x** kt*rl*ta*a W*«litrteU.
lar*r* HULL and CALGO Uw Okie and Uiaak*
Injuirr 4g»lu*t ijc. •* or L'xmagr by Fire.
AL*>— A<aic»! tb- ?*xlUur the Sea, and Inland Mariga*
tionand ~
William H»tr*Jej, .-*m««*l M. Klor,
feuau-t! Kn, William Bincham,
JU&ext Joiia S- Dilworth,
|..aa, M. IVnuMk, P.-uncts relief*.
&. Uarbaugh, J. vboc&mafear,
Walter Or) ant, William B. Oaya.
Shilton. _____
r^rHorTiVnlt'arai Notice.—Tbs MttrborKh
K_y Hortitaltor*! Stwk-T *lll hold th* annual exhibi
ts In tb«- N> * MAHSKT HALL, in lb* Diamond, on«h*
121 b i s«i. Udiaol IMh lort Tbs Society •arocrtly In
»iu.< tlw ■%» <>j*rnuon and eompsittiwo cf CulUtalor*. The
iodcrs ar* rwiue#t».i to mi-et to examine the article* at 3
o'clock, P. M , on Tu-* lay, aod tba Hall *lll b* open for
«I*l tor. at To\ l<«k rn the crmicß.
UtXKT WOODS, Prafifrnt.
Ali>tT Of OR.UCMJ,on th* river bank, to Blnnlngh*m,
<*s# r»t by 3*) tmt. an-1 bounded by four streets, will
b» ir>M on reasonable term* It Is near BakeweU A Co.’*
dm *!**• works, and ***er*l other mai.ufccturing estab
lishments- U U the largest and bent lot now to be had So
BtrmlQfhun for manufacturing purpose*. TUle perft*ct,
*nd clearof incumbrance.' KnqoTreof
C. B. Si. SMITH, kt hU Law Office,
i f jg yoorth street, ahnve Smith flald, Pittsburgh.
Notice—The Partnership bereioAirs etxuliug
»nd doing burioww under the name end style ot
HKNXKTT, MARSHALL A 00, wee dissolved on the lvth
br mutual euaseot.
Pittsburgh, June 2Slh, IsiM.
rUK UNDERSIGNED here entered Into Copartnership
undrr the name eod style of GRAFF, BEX NETT A
,oo for the purpose of manufacturing Iron, Naiis, Ac., at
the Clinton Rolling 3UU, South Pittsburgh. Often at pree
•at vttb English A Richardson, No. lid Water, and 160
pint WM. B. ENGLISH,
Pittsburgh, June '2Sth. 18&L~je20:tf
Life. Fire and Karine Insurance Company
JAMES 8. 1100 N, PrwUuit.
Coi.JU.ts A. Coltos, Seeretary.
This Company makes every lnsaranee appertaining to or
connected with LIKE RISKS,
Alao, against Uull and Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mia
alssippt river* and tributaries, and Marine Risks generally.
And against Lues and Damage by Fire, and against the
Partis of the Beaand Inland Navigation and Transportation.
Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety
to ail parties.
James S. Hood,
Samuel M’Clurkan,
William Phillip*,
John Scott,
Joseph P. Gasaam, M, ,D-»
John H’Alptn,
Wm.V- Johnston,
Junes Marshall,
Goorge B. Seldeu,
Fireman’s Insurance
Company of (Me City of Pittsburgh*
J. K- MOORHEAD, President—ROßEßT FINNEY, Becra-
lnsure against FIRE and UAKDfS RISKfI of all
Unds, 0&oe: No. 99 Water street.
J. K. Moorhead,
B. C. Sawyer,
Wn. M. Edgar,
C. H. Paulson,
R. B. Roberts,
Joseph Kaye,
D»tKl Campbell.
rr J c. YEAUKK) 110 MARKET street, Pitt*-
ILjs/burgh, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in FANCY
Knd country dealers as large and welfcgelected stock of
Goods as any Eastern house, and same prices, thus earing
reight, time and expenses. * j»&73
r>— o. O. F.—l‘Law of meeting, Washington Ball,
Wood street, between Fifth street and Virgin alley.
Pittsburgh Lodos, No.:l36 —Meets every Tueedayeveaing. EacumsssT, No. 87— Meets first and third
Friday of each month. tmar26:ly
Western Pennsylra&U Hospital.—
Drs. L. Sources, Second, between Wood and Market
streets and J. Rood, North-east corner of Diamond, Alle
gheny city, are the attending Physicians to the above Insti
tution, for the first quarter of 1854.
Applications for admission may be made to them at all
hoars at their offlnes, or at the Hospital at 2 o’clock, P. JL
Recent cases of accidental injury are received at all hours,
without form. • ~ JaHh{*
IkSr CIETY, of Pittsburgh and Alleghony, meets on the
first WEDNESDAY of every month, at SGHOCHLKITRR’S,
in the Diamond. By order.
jei;y GEO. W. SEESE, Becretary.
ATTENTION I 8. 1* G.—You are hereby notified to
|L_S? attend at your Armory, on MONDAYS, WEDNES
DAYS and FRIDAYS, for dHll, and to transact such buab
DMi as may come before the Company. P. KANE,
martkOmd Secretary pro tern.
LODGE, 1. 0. 0. Fr—The
tUI? Angerona Lodge, No. 289, LO. of 0.1., meets every
Wedneeday evening in Washington Hall, Woodet. Uylry
Valuable and Cheap Coal Works tor Sale.
!_ acre of Ground on the Monongaheia river, a short dis
tance above Mooongahela City, together with Railroad, Cara,
Carts, and other necessary fixtures, in good order for carry
ing 0D the Coal business on an extensive scale, and also a
free use of the landing at the river for boats, Ac. The vein
of Coal is five feet thick, and of a very superior quality.
For further particulars apply to E. P. JONES, Attorney at
Law, No. 146 Fourth street, or to THOMAS SANDERS, No.
185 First street, Pittsburgh. sepl&fit
“ Hew Eating House.
r|>HE subscribers invite the attention of the public to
I their Restaurant, situate on Fifth street, opposite the
Allegheny Engine House. They intend keeping on hand,
and ready cooked in the best style, all the prindpal dishes
and delioaries of the season. The best brands of Uq«»
will always be found at their Bar. A call is solicited, feel
ing confident that they can pleaae all.
„ p l£lw i. MHOHMAK * 00.
h , ■ i
*• ■*>•* Dooaorn. ___ __ I
Tin rateittw hM o» i
600 pair Ttcnoh Morocco ***““*’ *”1
kino; 30000 Goatnodf“>>* S"** l ‘ZStTZob do
todioo; WOO do cffidmi’o Owl, of ”-2
mSco’Booth ondOoitoio; beoldeo n huo ton*
600 Biogono, 6>f moo, which ho oßm wholynlo Oy*** 1 *"?
loircr-thon the? con bo bought in the city, for <■* orgt*&
' Tgoma ; L HIHTiW.
' ~ Lett Qm4i* it .
yi anuns,BUft).fc*»Moetved, «mw
freight, £e. [*»!*} • g. qßiM*^
n - „
rrmogß who want Bof* Oothioe would do well to cull
CALLAIIAVB B*iar> 24 fifth itrmt. Hlljfoodi for
ifc u ’iWetfa«fpl«Bdid. Qlr. him * chance.
tor afaowteg *ood«. zzR
‘"oSwdo ChrbtUnity, or tkr Church of Qod: by L. A.
s ‘s:;^B«r». i 00.o n
Life of John Chryiootom: hr be J.B.
mb of TortnM, ortho lUrlotTOf Boamm. oj»
Joneft, Author of Wild WMtoru w
AU »« Booh. * 000
Ko-Tfl fourth rtrort.
TIIRT BKCEIVItD BY rarßttja.-Ftood.yy
t| talcs of Battl* od Be* and Land: by Wm. BUrtttc
AdrMitnreaot sed Lorn: by J. B.
Jonea, author of Will Wartern Scenes.
v«rn Leaves: by Vansy-Tcrn; 3d rapplj.
For *»1" by n ■ Wood rtr««t.
aepl* ■ '
mi™fofa£nt *nd Fifth onnoti, bu on hud «bile,
, ~f? Uo „ piunels, of erery qnolltr; e cenenii M
j«iiow r*» -u woo i and of nr; Kipertar m*ke,
•ortment of Bl»nk«», *“ 7*57*511- i 2V* Md 3 y*rdh
Kssrs£i£i%«-ij** • to "C?"
hu «fW> >1 New York wbolw»lf prtw*. • m9^-
V A ““K SfiTR'SS 2K.
Appl< »nd Peaeh Orchard, *U« h-d thsstoi k
Prtee $5O an acre- Temu ***>♦.Catting
and farmingimplement*. Aealoabi*bym
.* ssAg *«, *» asisssyss:
Real Betate Acenta, 140 Third at.
Brte. D.dU« “"SfiiSSrSSr'
± $176 per umom ttr«t.
j£B£ aJffiK-sifcfiis
asra s£tt**r*^zg££Jr*
A fall MBortment of lower grade*, m ,olUßO.
eepl4 -
■VTO 133 ÜBEErf r «tr«t,
Ni, «*pw
jtzassv: ssssasft k a**
“» “» *“““'
M^“f U >t. 9.V. »-»-;'^!m lll , bj a,.
«~ion, lo * dT *““. Prob«of of SUlbomoits
»epis -
SI2XS2&2 ~£. affiLaST
ltt Wood rtwet
Lcputb prencj
rOoir* Jot Of flpiMd ««P~ '*" *I3|J
spcdfallj aoUdt a oU Kir
ffKff ffoak~BY’agv« jo3*ph smith, P. a^«
K nWorietf Sketcbe-of W«untPmb,-
SLtaSfSfcrtyHtoht-m to : “*
g . . k* joHpb Smith, D. D<« prk* $4.
w. i»i«igi> -sa-siiffigr-
,iIWCAOBS-S Sown wool MMScnti &.•*, lu:
\J *•!« low by
I I A'.l'fctt, Inr September, received by KUSABLL A ~BU<
H Knickerbocker, for September.
Mijulap of Art, **
Uouseboid Word*, “ . u ,
Call xocn ud procure * copy of your fasonte Hsgaxici
tt N ». 1& Fifth street. near Market. 1
Vt tV> b-A)K- JUar FLUUMiKU.—SocIes Ambrorta;
IN Ut Christopher North. '
hunmUan. * Trarcdy: by T. PMty Jo**-
Th«s gcout*, or ihe Black Riders of Ooegree: by W. Uiii-
Vreaks Fortune, or tbe Adteotoies of Nod Lorn: bj
ln the Talley tby Emilia . ,
Captain* of the Roman Republic: by H. w. Htf bert.
Just «~l«d «d SSEr k 00.
Mo. T 8 Fourth street
Co“TAtfK HoC»R FOR SALK—Pleasantly situated
ao tbe bill ew the Allegheny Marin, and ftuattagOo
PUok Hoad. The Bouse contains sir rooms and a ball
well amused fir comfjrt andcosvenianea Also, two sum
mer kitchens, a tine verandah in front of tbe house, a web
of-ood water, stable, coal bouse, Ac. The bousa is new and
In rood cnier. Tbe tot U ltt fret front by 150 deep. Piles
aepU Beal E«t*te Agents. 140 Third street.
AItIANCK *'UK utilAMfl.-*OC «i»t u »® «*OCK, li»-
turn end good trill of a Country Store, ritnate
Diln from the city. Also, the Stow mod Dwelling House,
l4O Third atreet.
LACK 6IJLK*-Jnst weelTed. 20 plasm Black Kike, of
•very width and credo; • apwodid article tor $L
tgpli A. A. MABQN 4 00.
a&AMKTTAS—IOI pieces all colon jest received; :
twt superior ankle worth S7J4 cents aelUng at isvv
A A. MABOM 4 Co.
Block PLAID MlLKi—Just received, a lav pieces ci
the above much admired Bilks, all excellent colon
W pl2 A. A. MASON A CO.
DABK FKKNUII CUINTZaB—We have J«et received s
few pieces of the above tee seer striae.
** A. A. MA9O3 k 00,
Fresh Arrival at the flew Drr Ooedi Store.
Aar. ooasiantly reeelTinf frssh sappUai of Fall and
Winter Fane; Dress and Btapls SRI QOOD3- The)
would respectfully call the attention of tbe Ladies to thdr
tnah itoekof plaid and fif’d Silks, French Xerinoes, Wool
Plaids, Scotch Plaids, Embroideries, leces, XJtta, Olores,
Hosiery, Ae. Also, a foil stock of Domestics, Woolens and
Housekeeping Goods, of erwy dmcriptfon, constantly Rent
on hand, all of vhieh they flatter thetaolree they can offer
to their customers at fewer prices than any other boos* to
thadty. Kemember, COLLIhS * M’KXH,
(Dr. Thorn's old stand,)
Ho. 63 Kirket street
Orphuu’ Covrt fall.
WILL be offered at public aale on THURSDAY EVEN
INO, Oetrfbar 6th, 1664, by order of Orphan** Os art,
tote the propedfcr of Iterid Greer, deceased, that valuable
tJmit+cg int. Jfn»tmA on the tamer of Penn and Marbar>
front on Peon street, 33Ufeet, running
along Marborr 110 feet, to the alley, whim bounds the
PannsylTaaia Railroad Depot.
Also, at 3 o’doek, P. M, on SATURDAY, the 7th day ol
October, 1864, will be eoM on the premises, a number of ele
gant Building Lots. In the Eighth Ward, near tba Eighth
Ward Public School House. Terms mad* known at sale.
IWm. 8. ntns,
Jamea D. M'QUI,
Alexander Bradley,
' Jobs Fullerton,
Hobart Galway,
Alexander Reynolda, Arm
strong Cotmty,
lloratio N. Lea, Klttanaing,
inw«m Stowe, Bearer.
W. J-Andereon,
U'. B. Slmpeon,
11. B. Wilkins,
William Colilnprood,
John M. Irvin,
Wm. Wilkinson,
'■J' c - ,‘-.V
Mo. W Market ft.
jambs ward bop, Fifth
D&Y GOODS.—a. MTIGffIE, corner of Grant end FJtb
•tract*, has now completed bU ftll ftoek, ana rrcohl
beg lear* to nr Gut he U now celling good* it twent7*flre
Mr cent, leee then the prion of laet jeer. Imllae will bear
a mind ***** a very dreee of plain black >ilk can
be bought at this eetabttahmestftr At* dollar*; a dree* of
good Parmetta fcr $1^0; a dren of Hooitts deLaineor de
Bege for |lA2>s; adrasaof gocdwaahlngOaikolarWeU.;
aod all other good* In proportion. eepll
-10 tom Paoriub;
60 bbii Haokerel, largo No. 8;
60 hfbbU “ “
26 bbl* Shod;
60 bbU Maekeral, madiam;
60 hfbbla M M
103 bbis Hydraulic Cement;
60 boxM Palm Boap;
00 basi Timothy good;
160 ** Saltpetre; at
NEW AND POPULAR BOOKS, lust published And n
eelved by H. MINER A 00, 32 Smlthfiald street.
Captain Canot, or Twenty Tears of ah African Slaver ;
being an Account of hie saner and adTaainraa: by Brants
. Sister Agnes, or the Captive Nan; a picture of Convent
Life: by a Qetvyman'e Widow.
Chestnut Wood; a tale by liela Linden.
The English JBnroy at th« Court of Nicholas I: by Miss
Julia Corner.
Nannetta and her Lovers; a tale of Normandy: by Tel
but Qwynne.
Vinceot Nolle’* fifty Tears in Both Hemispheres.
Easy Nat, or the Three Apprentices.
Harper’s Megaalne, for September; price 15 cent*.
Mrs. Boutbwortb’a new Book, in press, and will be receiv
ed in a few days—The Lost Heines: by Mrs. *■«— D. N.
South worth, for any new Books call on
H. MINIS A 00,
No. 82 SmitbEeld street
ALL WOOL PLAIDS—A. A. HABON a 00., in a few
day* will receive and open a very select stock cf more
than 100 pieces all wool Plaids; purchased at the recent
package and peiemtory sale* in New York at a sacrifice from
cost of manufacture; they will be offered at nearly one
half leaa than nsoal price*. »»P7
SBPTKUbR Ota, 185 a—HAGAN *AHL,Na9I Market
street, have Just receired per express, same of the ino.t
beautiful styles of Prench, Swiss, and Bootch .Wrought
KMBROIDICRIES, ever ©Sated in this dty.
Also, a very large assortment of Medonna doth*, for
Travelling Habits. . seg9
l japannt(.
branches, executed in ths best style, and at prims to
suit the times, at the Old Shop, rear of Jaynes’ Tea Store,
FIITTH Street, below Wood.
The of Tinners, Ponders, Purnltnre and Glass*
ware Manufacturers, is solicited to our new style of Inlaid
Pearl Papier wood, glemand iron warns, of every
description. Samples can be men and Information obtained
at the Shop, or at the Warehouse, Mo. 184 Wood street
yy gteambost men can also see a new style of Ornamen
ts giam Panels, surpassing any heretofore executed in this
dty. aufclm
w"aND WAKKAhTb—IO.OO* A.CHJ£3.—I am instructed
I i to pay as follows for Land Warrants, to tbs amount of
ten thousand acres, vis: $lBO for 100 seres; $Ol for 80
acres: $44 for 40 acres; in gold.
anSS - Beal Bbtats Ansnt.
for sale at 20 osnts, by BAIPL. B. LAUPW,
an» W Wood street.
’mo LQAN-$l*,OOQ, on sots* seemed by dty or county
■a awl * mmimwa.
- - •*/
; '>’ v
•' - • * ' *
and Iter, *e; Bo*aa fcr co&id p«nqn» g*k^gg' ■ -
I a«nirta*i«nt»,raitaehu»>dllH'“JJJJSxSyS .
tuicat*. Haora nra a. Tft «M«a» iiteiirtermy rS:
mam at 8 aMiiw." Bmmtof tte tateated
troaa, Ulai lUIA LOOA»,«tn> *t» *W~r “ “.
Scat alibt IjiaOMA*
Mr. J. J.Pltoraa“la««m>ar" ®>* SSHffeiEfiSl *
[ tsth. tha uerfcrmanoawtU eomnanea wlui tbanmamy
oriMSOMUtK, THJC B1BUKUI: £««•«.
I Prior; Partbonla, Mln Lcg*n Paa da P—*., *■"*** ~
I and K. Partington lriah Lilt, Mil. Mar? Fartlacton---.
I r )-- m— wiaa Imman: Wlldlora,Mr. JCantj
I Byad* . ■»- '- ' -'- ' : ■' ' -
?WFM-&Sa?BSS3S^L :; .v
I tof arenowaold, thawingthatthejuettoeM** a **‘** w * -K —
Sh«r. • new chimh mi *s2’
vrtvM* dwelling* stores, werk-ibop* J**®”** ***;
Jlready been erected, serera! more are now being built, and
, amnlhundredwillbewcctaa
i , rV'<« ii a toe opportunity of -owning n deHghani cponny
lendenee near the dty, where the dmnertfa <gPffg** r
can be tuOr wnlima> and where .
tna l oxm and about COO (uni hara lately been aold i*d,> £>
r?fc« M.irfWWni made tolndirMoala who,ait<r-<ar«fPi* -
imfoeation and etoctabdng «e quality**
■_ i n in u mionlnr tonr**" 1 * agrieoitatal pnrpeaaa, be*
£?land bo cheap andcalculated to toy.
S^2»iSldSrln ,^l ®* e * Db * ‘
BdsGdwooU hare been nil'tateo *fymn bebt
KntiJi hMB m m*"*"* ntw tor the laat century, ui
mmniatelT locked up finr upward* of two hundred yearn ■
(tnnvhkb inn nlae baae been made, and where Um»Ud
ttlaSemay now be wen beautifulytugea
aad eultiTatad flekto waring with tbe abundant peodhettant
°nS» SemonSfW orocrtmltto KW otortto tiD»
of imall maana who ara destitute of a home of thaif own,
to purehaaa one tor a mare trifle; alao, * to*
Uio ug each fire and ten aorta, and upwards, at from pa
“S^oSrthia*tomil ttarndw. ol*W*J»
tdtr Mwoflbxed to procure a fine torn oe Wm
St®ETu»janptaoSTiHouliim»*» UnawdßW-;q|H»
- il FUth Pimhxu&.
uolk’a c«U«fe-*CU*»IeU
\ fB. HAYDEN, Prieeipul of thb department, hi* made
[VI arrangements aith'ttr. P. F.UDWABDY for forming
permanent clashes In these language*. U. ir* gsmtto
m«n of the highest respectability and thorough education,
hmm Haann. »"<< no tains will be (fared to bis deport*
atitotlon, for e*dant and thorough inatrneUon. jb. U»
maki the English language fluently, ai*l will inatme.
end French to Eaglfoh. Person* <Mrew» «€ *t
• ending the Commercial and MothemoUcol IfoportMiiM it
him con do bo. Plicate instruction giro# if re*
'Terms—For private Instruction $l5, p« half session. For
1 rl»w Instruction $lO. per half aeerfon.
v ajO/—TiTume* wuntog tyauaral, toltly *ndeag»
ble >ltes for suburban iteldepoas I base four of those
beantlfal bioeln 100 tost square for sale, tj the northern
end of the Sharpeborsh Bridge, four mileafrom town, and
within 1300 feet of the Allegheny Valleyßailroad Station,
these block* will be sold at the price* obtained at the pub*
lie auction on the Uth of July, adding interest only Iran
that ■!»**-
Abo, 60 Lota, each 25 feet by 100, will be aold on reason*
i ftn 2| Beal Estate Agent.
Patented by then in ISO.
ABATING of at leant YlftT Per Cent, in the Zoeuaad.
dot up ezpzeaaly for Families, Hotels, Banks, Offices,
°" S *‘“ D '' *”'*'■ K. nODKIHSOK,
gepg Wcod sL, between Third and Fourth sts.
—OitfAi* ummiNti lajTb FOB HAUL—KreroodLots,
, each haring a front of 24-feet on Ohio Lanet Allegheny
eiiy Pf*’’ the outer depot, by 330 feet deep to a 34 feet alley.
Price •‘Mfl each: one-fourth in band, balance la one, two
andthS-yeaa! 8. CBTHBKBT A 80S,
Beal Batata Agents, 140 Third atmfc.
rant EAT X DOLLARS IN HAND, b*isnea*ts6amo»tt.
I A few nood liaildint Lota for tale oo the sboveierma*
s36o. W 60 feet front by 210 deep to
an alley, Bltaat* on ML Washington. .
Mg HQIMad attest
“' oentlitry, '
DR. D. HUNT. Dxsmsr, togs leare to an-
JSsflßiSnotwoe that, after » protracted absraoe, be may
•JJJWB&bt again found at hb poet, prepared to attend
to all who may fevor Urn with a ealh Hb office
is on Ferry street, one door from liberty street. [sepd
. t-pi.g p*kwk>u-« amen improved Parers, just; r
and for sale waRDROP, tilth street.
C. D. WMd, :
AND LIQUORS, So. 147 North Second street, fifth don
ebore Knee, east side, Philadelphia, has on hand the beat
qualities of old Brandies, Wines. Irish Whbky, Monooga*
bela Whisky, Holland Gto,Cordials, Ae, on terms worthy
the attention of parches** and dealers. [taSßy
* 1 ’ OWbTOfl’S.
WAVXRLEY HOUSE, 60 Bouth Eighth street, betweos
Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia. (anSfcy
: THE UMiOflfT
NO. 11l Arch iticef, Philadelphia. T. 8. WEBB (late of
the foigle,) Proprietor. .taufifcy
TM) Tea, Tea*
EW B here ceniTed bom New Toric
vhia 380 *** TP CBIBXB TEA, cunpAlng Young
Hyson, Imperial, Gunpowder, Oolong, Souchong,
gfifliuh BnikbK,allo( which here been cure
miy selected, end wOl be eold aa usual, either wholeeele
or retalL Alio, superior Bio end Jem Coffee,
ud 8L Lcniii* Refined Sugar*, suitable for Jdßea, Preserree,
a* ,at 8,9,10 ud lieH ©; PrindpeSegan ofpdm*
qaailtr, which we will cell wholesale at $lO tplooo.
Pettn Tea Store, 38 Fifth street.
. Uydraalle Cement,
FOB Cbrtana, Spring Booms, Vita Walla, varfcma
brand*, always on hand at 810 liberty, atreet, Pitta*
. Price* to lalt >a-DrrO—dii
A ITTIGUS, comer of Grant and fifth streets, ha* josfc
XjL* reoetred and i* now opening his first. Fill Modifer
ihja NMon. The attention of ladles Is xcepectfaUj directed
5 to ibelbUowing prices: _
Floe French JdwinoM at 76c; &-* wide Paraaetaa 2Se; a
lam esortsMSt of Be -Gaze at 12c; that (doted Print*
500 ptwsw Flannel* at lftenp; yard wida Sheeting &/i ; au
wed Be Lain* at 28c. Kentockj janes, tweed* and sattt
aets free* 18 K up, chechs, tktinrt, muslin*, linens, ewh.
u table doth*, all wool plaid*, blankets, towls, ribbons and
rrarr other article nasally aept In a JJry QoodrStore, aU of
which will be sold Area* at price* toealt the Hwae
X. imQHX,
comet Grant and Fifth street*.
a building lot in an,bah any city, u feet by
A • 100. A good bargain can be ha&by applying «X» a*
the office of the MQBJHNQ POST. - jyl*tf
Hoi:iiii,wilh.eLotof 50 fret fronton
O Cafan street. Mt. Washington, by 388 feet deep to a flO
>eet street. fdn $700; (400 in hand, balance in three
yearly payments. For rate by ' '
m 23 140 Third street.
Lot Car Sale* ~ - |
A GOOD BUILDING LOT, 24 fleet front on Qarson street
by 1&0 feet ia depth, in Birmingham, vOl bo sold
eheap. Enquire of OXO. f. GIOLMOBE,
jjLS . "[* at office of the Morning Poet.
AVXKY FINE’DRAY HOBSB, 0 Tear* tdd, for ale; en
quire of FLEMING BROS*
i A LAP OIL—2O cases just receired and far sale br
MANNA— 1 eaae email flake just rac'd and far aaia br
c« P 7 a. E. BXELKBB A CO.
vASTILB bOAP—2S bxsjustreceived and for sale by"
j aepT B. X. SELLERS A CO.
OLIYX OIL—I pipe juat reeeiTed and far sale by
gqT a a BKLLRKS A 00.
J. au2B
lvl Harper’s Magazine; prior 16 cents.
Putnam’s Magazine.
Magazine of Art.
/Prank LaaUe’s Indies* Gazette.
Paterson’s Ladies' National Magallae.
Goan’s Lady's Book.
Just received and for sale by
sepl No. 76 Fourth street.
Market street, are now opening one of the largest and
most varied amorUaeots of French and Austrian kmbrol •
deriea ever oflarad ia our dty. They ooasist, in part, as
Beautiful Wrougbt Jaconet Collars;
Do do do Sleeves;
Do do do Chemisettes;
WKh a magnificent aamtment of Financings, Edgings,
and Inserting*. eepl
I j 26 boxes OMae and German Soap;
'£2 do Extra No. l.Soap; just reeeiTed
and far sale by BAILEY A BEN6HAW,
. eepl • 263 liberty street ,
TAB OAMDLAH—2i boxea flat quality Slar Oandl
just received anil far sale by
BEEF TONS ÜBS—4 dosen prime quality Beef Tongues
reeeiTed and far sale by
XI Harper, far September.
LeeUe’a Ladies’ Oaiette, far September.
HenlTb&M: by Chaa.Diekena; tittk a apply,
Tieoiutecgs: by O.P.K. James.
Sir Jaeger Care*: by Charles Lerer.
For sale by
BRMUBA ARROW HOOT—10» Iba rery pa. Bamod
Arrow Boot received this day by
■u3l aoroer of tbe Diamond and M«rbt st.
J\ ‘ aaSl
MtfDIUINK uHJSSZ* —I have on hand th* fine* lot of
ever offend 1b Pittsburgh, irritable
tar families, Phyridans, Steamboats, At, Ac. Tboes wish*
inga good and cheap CW would do well torall andsx
axaiso mini before purchasing elsewhere.
LEICBSTBR SHBKP.—Threa fine strong Sheep, from
Hr. Haddock's celebrated imparted stock, Joe sale by
OSWMK) PBBPABBD CO&N—10 boxes In stare and te
sale by R. JL SXLLSBS A 00,
>tt aB W Wood street.
SAL ftODA—IO casks in store sod tor rale by .
aa» B. K. BBLLBBB w 00.
is WIN— OO bbls la store and Hr sale by
ft anS B- K. SELLERS 4 00.
C~ Soap—to baa m store and mr sale by
/ autt B. B BBLLBB3 A 00.
S"CP. CABB. SODA—I6O kegs to stare and Jbr sale by '
• & li SBLLBRS A 00l
T HHJOKXCII ROOT—7 bales fat storeendfor tab by
I | h« E. B. BBLLBRB A CO.
DOTATOKS—6OO bushels ftr sale by
jy sepg HBMBT H. QOLLDg.
TvtiBLUU aeeta i waived and to sale ht
X aalT HBtfltT H. OOLLTO
T Tlfß—loo bbls fee sale by" ,
/ « *v* * -
'V v'
■' r- . V
, in stun and lor sale by
* 87 Wood street.
-1 gross reerived by .