The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 14, 1854, Image 2

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I Congress,
ciIABLES SHALKK, City of Pittsburgh.
L 6TBWART, Allrgbouy. City.
[Subject lo the dedslon of the conferees of the district.]
1 Assnaty, '
jl K. MOORHEAD, City of Pittsburgh.
JOHN 8. HAMILTON, *>ath Pittsburgh.
JOHN M. KIRKPATRICK, CUy of Pittsburgh
WILSON STEWART, Duqaesne Borough,
i Record**,'
JOHN 8. KENNEDY, City of Pittsburgh.
J. HARVEY &088, St Clair.
! Clerk or Ooort,
JOHN n. PHILLIPS, Robineon.
KLIJAH TROVILLO, Cltycf Pittsburgh
) Auditor.
DANIEL WERTZ, Hit Toirnship.
1 Dirtctors or the Poor,
fcDWAUD M'COR&LR, Indiana.
DORERT BAILIiY, Maorbeeter.
If any of oar legnl friends wish Paper Books printed, we
inform! them that the Post Job Office is prepared to do them
at the .hottest notice, and in the neatest style of tho Art
Qive u i a trial and wc will ins an sati* Gallon.
News oftbe Day.
By q private despatch received from Colombia,
Pa., last evening, we learn that the Cholera is
abating in that place.
The Niagara ie in—at Halifax; but excepting
the heavy decline in Floor and Wheat, her new*
is unimportant.
AB excellent article on the Know-Nothings,
fromlthe New York Evening Pott , together with
several miscellaneous articles, will be foond on
onr Jntside this morning.
ilra. Benton, wife of CoL Thomas H. Benton,
died jat her residence in Washington on Monday.
She nod been an invalid for many years, and
was fcttended in bar lasthours by Mrs. Fremont,
formerly Miss Sallie Benton.
Tlie Albany Register says there are more than
$1,000,000 now lying unclaimed in the Savings
Banlts of New York State, some of which has
been there fifty years, and suggests that the
money should go to the State.
The verdict of the Court Martial wbioh sat at:
Philadelphia, on Commander Samuel W. Down
ing,shas just been made public. Ha was oharged
witli disobedience of orders, dishonorable oon
duotl, &0., &c., in assisting in the escape of Com.
who betrayed the Argentine squadron into
the ihanda of the diotator Rosas. Tlie Court
found him guilty of all the charges except the
first, and the President having approved the
verdiot, he has been sentenced to bo cashiered.
Tho Gazette is attempting ones more to deceive
its ireaders in regard to the reliability of all
statements made in the Toel.
if e stated some days ago, that the New Yoik
Daily Tribune was losing money and was a fail
ingj concern. We spoke of the Daily paper.
We founded oar statement upon the admissions
of of theTrifome • upon the ap
— pearance of the paper, and upon the comments
of {the presses generally on the subject.
Oh the Ist of the present month the sice of
thq Daily Tribune was reduced “eight columns
in amount, being one oolumn on each of its pa*
g ea . Reducing the width of its -columns is the
same as reduciog the number of oolumns. Will
the Gazette dare to deny that a reduction
. was made T If so, then we refer tft, the Tribune
'itself for testimony. In that paper of the Ist
ins't, we find the following among other remarks:
•< Owing to the present calamitous depression
injall kinds of business, whioh we fear, is to be
ae| protracted as It is universal, and the conse
quent diminution of the spaoe ooqnpied by ad
vertisements in the columns of the Tribune, we
find it convenient to slightly redoes the size of
oar sheet, and heneeforth, until farther notioe,
it will appear in the form and style in which it
is now presented.”
{The word 41 slightly,” means the amount of
redaction we have named, as any bne can ascer
taiin by comparing the paper before and since
the above named date. The reason given is the
falling off of advertising patronige. The ex
tent of that falling off may be seen by looking
at the pafeer. It is reduced, we should judge*
filly one-third already. The editors of the pa
per choose to give as the reason for the falling
off of advertising patronage, the “depres°lon of
all kinds of business.” But the Herald end the
Time*, and some other New York papers do not
appear to be similarly affeoted. Its cotempora
ries choose to give a different reason for the Tri
bune’e ill lack. The New York Herald of the
dnd inst, speaking of the Tribune , says:
1 “ There has been, in one paper, a defiance of
a|l the principles upon which oar social and po-
C rlitical edifice la founded—a contempt for every
thing that is dear to the hearts of good men, and
Scod citizens, and an attempt to deoeive the
nblio mind on great political questions, the
settlement of which involves the very existence
of the republic. The wildest fsnatioism has
rnn riot in the editorial columns of the journal
referred to, and it is by no means singular that
merchants and traders deoline to support a news
paper whioh iB looked upon with contempt by
their best customers.
I The fact then, of the reduction of the size of
the Tribune, consequent upon the diminution of
patronage, is placed beyond a doubt,
i Now, every one knows that no paper is re
dooed in size and coßt bat for peoaniary reasons.
The Tribune has for years made desperate exer
; fions to ont-rnn the Herald. It would never
plve up the race bat for the fall conviotion that
it was sinking money, or making no remunera
ting compensation for its labor and capital,
j The Philadelphia Argue attributes the waning
fortunes of the Daily Tribune to the same cause.
We find the following in that paper of the 11th
; “ The business men of New York having very
generally withdrawn their patronage from the
New York TVifcims, in conseqaenoe of its fierce
knd unmitigated abolitionism and assaults upon
isvary Southern interest, that journal is now re
porting to personal slanders upon the mer
chants of the South, whom it blames with this
jonrtailment of its patronage and business in
We conld make extracts from numerous jour
nals to the same effect; showing that the fact of
redaction in the size of the Tribune, and
great falling off of its receipts is known and
Commented upon all over the oonntry. Yet, in
face of these proofs, in defianee of the Tribune’g
{own announcement of the rant, the Pittebnrgh
Gazette has the aadecity to tell ite readers that
{the Tribune is as prosperous as ever; and that
!the facts which we stated In relation to it the
lother day were untrno ! We conld qnote more
!from the Tribune in proof that all we aaid was
true; but enough has been said on the aobjeet
to show that in this, as in many other matters,
the Gazette is utterly regardless of truth; and
that its tirades against the Poet are groundless,
and unworthy of credit We atate nothing bat
what we believe to be true.
Decision m. Tin Ebib C asm.— The New York
Tribune gets very angry at our Chief Justice
Black for deciding that the people of Erie were
noting legally in tearing up the traok last winter.
We would want no better evidence of the jus*
tioe of that decision than the vituperation of Che
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From the boastings we hear uttered from day
to day by oar Whig friends, we should judge
that it took a great deal of extra effort to keep
their courafee up. Sometimes they hare it that i
pollock will be elected by sixty thousand of a
majority. At other times they oome down as
low as twenty thousand. Those who lived bore
ia 1851, will remember that in that year the
Wbigs predicted a similar triumph. Tot the re
sult was that Bigler was eleoted by a handsome
majority. Nothing has occurred siuoe to justify
the extravagant hopes of our Whig friends, ex
cept the promise of abolition leaders that they
will bring the rank and file of the Free 801 l party
op to the help of the 1 Whigs; and that a secret
policial society will coalesce with the Anti-
Maeons and Whigs.
The question now is, how far these promises
can bfei redeemed. Can the leaders combine fugi
tive slave law Whigs with Abolitionists ? Can a
secret political organisation, whose fundamental
principle is religions intolerance and enmity to
foreigners, seduce Democrats from the ranks of
their party, aod compel them to vote for a Whig
Governor? It will be indeed, if Demo
crats can be thus misled; thus driven into the
position of hostility to the party with which they
'have so long aoted. There can be no ex
cuse for such recreancy at such a time as this,
for the mere purpose of making a Whig instead
of a Democrat, Governor of this Commonwealth.
We .cannot be persuaded to believe that a few
disaffooted and disappointed politicians can ccr
rupt the rank and file of the great party of the
people. What harm then can the Koow-Noth- |
logs do us if they oome from the Whig rank® 1 ? i
If all the Wbigs turn Know-Nothings, and then
Tote the Whig tioket, the result is not changed
Demoorats have no occasion to be discouraged.
The vaporings of our opponents about the great
number of the members of the secret order need
alarm no ono. We can triumph over all oppon
ents this fall, if Demoorats all turn out and
Ho, for Kansas t
We had a conversation yesterday with an agent
cf a large body of men who arc ahortly to take
their departure from this city for the territory
of Kansas. They number some four hundred
aod fifty aouls, and are principally from oountiee
io fennsylrania, West of the Alleghenies, al
lhough there are not a few from Lyooming coun
ty, in our State, and also from the Eastern por
tion of Ohio. Theae men are fully equipped for
emigration, and only await a inffioient stage of
water in the rirer to Uke their departore. Three
hundred and fifty of them, the agent aays, will
he in Pittsburgh within twenty-four hours after
tha first freahet of any magnitude. Such ex
amples as these Ore sufficient eridenoe of the
fa sity of the bugbear that a certain party ia
t rving to raise in regard to Kansas and Nebraska
l. coming stave States.
Ur. »nd” Mrs. W. J. Florence played nl the
Peopled Theatre, St. Louie, on Saturday cren
inn,—the first night of the fall eeaeon. The
Democrat Bays, the pit was stacked, the orches
tra seats and dress eirole was jammed, while in
the upper tier there were crowds," and that the
audience were delighted.
The Lait, Vnklndeit Cut of All I (ir the night police of I’ittebarjtli were arrested ■
;te<ln*Mlay night in the act of committing a burglary.
L... tszUh Courirr.
A pretty towu, that! —Wheeling Intelligencer.
Would any one believe there was so much
malice in “ tte one horse Tillage V Poor Wheel-
The Bxhftbttftou.
The HorticoHnral Exhibition at the new City
Hall in the Diamond, is quite a splendid affair,
and well worth a visit by all our citixens. The
Hal! is the largest and most elegant in the city, j
and it is worth a quarter to see it in its present
trim. The specimens of fruits and garden pro*
<jucts on exhibition, are, we think, quite equal
to former years. The Hall Is well ventilated ;
the music good; the crowd last-evening was
large, and, altogether, the exhibition Is very
creditable. Go and eee it by all mesns. You
will forget the drought while looking at the big
Meecantilb Cbabitv.— The merchants of
Philadelphia have issned a call for a meeting to
take the neoeeeary steps to afford some relief
for the poor of Charleston and Savannah, while
Buffering from the yellow fever scourge. This
Course is eminently proper; and we have no
doubt the philanthropic and oharltable soule that
could ejjnpaihise with dietrees at a thousand
miles dietanoe, will also call a meeting to aid
the sufferers at Columbia, Pa., which is much
nearer home. Last year, great distress existed
at New Orleans from ao epidemic disease. The
large mercantile houses of New York and Phila
delphia, that did a heavy Southern trade, vied
with each other in contributing sums from $2O
to $6OO, until nearly thirty thousand dollars were
raised—and aleo published in the press a list of
subscribers, with the amount of subscription op
posite each name! Of course this was notjdone
for effect; notwithstanding the slanderous as
sertion of some individual who pretended to dis
cover that those who had, or wiehed to have, the
largest Southern trade, were the most liberal in
—A letter from Capt. Harper, of the barque
Charles E. Lex, states he was present at the
Consul’s offioe, in Port an Prince, when Muller
confessed to murdering a man near Burlington,
N, J., and he*verily believes it was done for no
other purpose than to get released from a Prus
sian vessel on whioh he had shipped. This, is
somewhat plausible, as no such murder is known
to have been oopimitted at the time or place be
mentioned. Nevertheless it is somewhat strange
that a man should accuse hidiself for the pur
pose of getting rid of his duties on tjibaTd a ship,
and to persist in it to the last.
Cbikikal Statistics or New Yobi. —The
semi-anoual report of the Chief of Polioe, to be
laid before the Common Counoil to-night, dis
closes the significant fact that the whole num
ber of arrests by the police for the six months
ending on the 31st day of August, was 26,-
110, (twenty-five thousand one hundred aod
ten 1!) Increase over the previous sir months,
Hon. Joseph R. Chandler.— T£e Whigs of
the 2d Congressional district whopre dissatisfied
with the proscription of this gentleman on ac
oouot of his religion, met in Convention on Mon
day evening and Dominated him by a vote of 17 to
1 for Job R. Tyson. Mr. Chandler is deserved
ly popular with his constituents, and we would
not be surprised if he beat Tyson by a large
The Y«ll*w Fewer In Savanuah,
The following extraot from a letter dated Sa
vannah, September 4, will give one an idea of
the ravages oommitted by the destroying pesti
lence. It is from a young man engaged in the
mercantile business in that city:
“Toucan scaroely imagine the devastation
the fever has caused in this oity. At present we
have not a population of over 4,600 white peo
ple, and the deaths average sixteen to eighteen
per day. It Is with much trouble that people
caa be found to perform the sad offices of the
dead. A great number of our citizens have fled
in terror from the soene, leaving their business
to take care of Itself ae best it could. All the
principal hotels are dosed, and it ie with diffi
culty board and lodging can be obtained by those
who have no families. Ido not think, however,
that the fever can go on muoh farther, if, for no
other reaeon, it will be for want of victims to
feed on. Oo pur whole range, a dietanoe of
about four Philadelphia equarea, there is but
one store open besides the one with which I am
connected, and to-day the last man In that store
rOoitftsponrftaa ftfttw Dally Kerning Po«L]
BTOOKTOS, August 16, 1861
Editoes Post : Since the sailing of th.e steam
er on the first inst., there has been little worthy
of note transpired. Thb greatest excitement,
probably, iB in the political world; and it is
caused mainly by the division in the Democratlo
party, of which, no donbt, yon received tha foil
partlolars by the last mtil—the nomination by
i the anti-electionists, (the majority) of Messrs.
Denver and Herbert, and by the eleotioniste of
Messrs. McDougall and Latham, for Congress.
In oonsequenoe of this division the Whigs are in ,
great glee, anticipating a glorious victory over
the Democrats; but in this, it is ss confidently
believed by tie anti eleotioniste, they are, in the
language of one of your distinguished fellow*
citizens, “ a little too previous.” The arrival of
Moaßrs. McDougall and Latham is expected on
the first proximo, when, it is fnlly believed, they
will immediately withdraw their names from the
electiouißt ticket, and of oonrse the Democratio
party will be united again. The fight will then
be between Democrats and Whigs, and. as the
former aro largely In the majority, their ticket
wiil no donbt be eleoted.
From the mining regions we have tho usual
accounts. In many sections the water has given
oat and a great number of olaims have been
abandoned until the rainy season sets in, whioh
will probably be in about three months. By tbe
arrival of the steamer Sootbernor, from San Die
go we have later and more reliable aoeoonts
from the Kern river mine*- The report* first
reoeived of the richness of these diggings, are
fully sustained, and the miners are flockiog thi
ther in great number. A specimen of combined
silver, copper and quartz, was found week be.
fore last near Mokelumne Hill, Calaveras coun
ty, and is on exhibition at the banking bouse of
Adams & Co., in this city. It is thought by
many that silver and copper mines exist in this
State. t&The finder of this specimen would give
ne reliable information of his discovery.
On Saturday last, the steamer Polynesian ar
rived at San Francisco, from the Sandwich |
! Islands, bringing dates from Honolulu to tbe \
29th ult.' On the 18th July, the combined fleets
arrived at Honolulu:; it consists of seven ves*
aels—three English and four Frenob. On the
26th, the squadron left, but its destination is not
known with any degree of certainty; a few days
after another Eoglish vessel arrived, making
eight in the squadron. A public meeting had
been held in Honolulu, for the purpose of devis
ing means for the establishment of a line of
steamers between that port and San Francisco.
The steamer Columbia arrived from Oregon
lost week, bringing contradictory reports of the
suooess of the miners at Port Orford. Conflict
ing accounts were also in circulation in regard
to the richness of the mines on the Coquille river
and Qalcese Creek. Bome beautiful specimens
of fioe gold, (said to resemble the gold of Feather
river, in this State,) had been picked ap on
Burnt street
During the past fortnight, several Chinese
emigrant ships have arrived at San Francisco,
crowded with Celestials. The sourvy, or a simi
lar disease, broke out among the passengers on
two of these vessels; nearly two hundred died
on the passage and after they arrived. Some of
tbe vessels have been attached for carrying an
excess of passengers.
Ou tbe 2d of August, the town of Btdwell, the
county seat of Butte county, was almost totally
destroyed by fire. Tbe fire broke out at 11 A.
M and at 12 o’clock the town was in ashes -
but six nooses baring esoaped the flames. Cali
fornia has oertainly bad her share of fires; vsry
few of the towns, of any magnitude, have es-
lo regard to the abundance of the gram orop
of this State, for tho present year, the molt ex
travagant expectations of our farmers hare been
realized. Not only haa sufficient Wheat been
raised for our own ose, but we hare one million
buekile to spare. Bomo responsible firms of San
Francisco are malting preparations to ship
Wheat to the East. The shippers in the Atlan
tic States bad better Bend no more Floor here, if
they do not wish to lose money; the market is
glutted now. Floor Is selling in Stockton for
$10,60@511.60@512, accordng to quality.
On the 12th inst, a young man named John
B'axstur started from San Francisco for Inde
peudenoe, Mo., on a wager of $7,000 that he will
reach-the latter place within Iteeiae |dnyi. The
distanoe is said to be at least 1,800 mtlee, but
Mr. Bloxstur think be can find a shorter route
hv 600 miles, making the distance 1,300 mile*.
Whether he can reach his destination iu the time
specified or not, woold be hard to say at pres
eut • but I suppose you will know long before
this—as he most, atleast, beat the mail eight or
ten days. „ . t _
Bot the mail closes in a few minutes, and i am
compelled to stop writing for the present.
Respectfully yours, W. H.
Another Editor Gome.-— On the 4th inst>, at
Lexington, Mass., Henry M. Bmith, associate
editor of tho Chicago Journal, was united in the
holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Harriet A.,
daughter of Hon. Charles Hudson, of the Bos
:on Allot.
[From the Cbleago Democratic Press, of Saturday.
Elsewhere we publish the statement of Wm.
Horner, Esq., of Lanoaater, Wis., in regard to
a disgraceful outrage perpetrated on Monday
last in Allegheny City. This affair Is one of
the legitimate consequences of a disregard of
law and fanatical purpose to accomplish ho ob
ject without the aid of reason or the restraints
of honesty. We slnoerely believe that all such
oondaot is ft positive injury to the enslaved race,
that it is rninoas to the oanse of a sound mo
rality, and tends to break down those safe
guards whioh the law has thrown around both
person and property.
W« never knew of good resulting from mob
violence in the end. If it does away with wrong
in an individual oase it opens the flood-gates to
no innndation of other evils. If the North
really desires to exert a good.influence upon
public sentiment at the South on the eobjeot of
slavery, it must employ other means than this—
nay, it must entirety put a stop to outrages like
ths one perpetrated upon Mr. Ilorner. Such a
oourse of prooedure inflames animosity, and
neither eon vinoes the understanding that slavery
is not a blessing nor discovers to it the means of
getting rid of it.
Mr. Horner is well known in this city as a
gentleman of Integrity and honor. His state
ments may be relied upon as entirely correct
A Virginian, himself, and formerly a slave
holder, ho liberated his own slavea and took up
bis residence in a free Btate. With such feel
ings as a man may be expeoted to possess who
has acted thus, the condoet of the Allegheny
mob cannot be regarded otherwise than a fla
grant outrage upon him, as well as an open vio
lation of the law of the land, and in the end a
positive detriment to the enslaved race.
A Wise Doo —Yesterday, while we were at
the Hopkins’ House, in Morris, when the'mail
arrived, the proprietor ordered Pike, a fine
Newfoundland dog, to go to the post-offioe. The
posteoffioe is situated several blooks from the ho
tel, but in a few moments back came Mr. “Pike”
in the best possible humor, bringing ns the Press
aud Journal, and, of course, we eagerly devour
ed the Chicago news. We were informed that
be will take a tetter to the post-office, and so well
does he understand the law that he will deliver it
only to the post-master, and only to him when
he is in the back room. A wise dog that.—Chi
cago Freee.
The Baltimore Cattle Market is overstocked,
and prioea have declined fifty eenta on the huu
A cabinet meeting was held on'Monday to
consider the proposition for the annexation of
the Sandwioh Islands.
Over 0000 persons crowded into Castle Oardta
on Monday evening to witness Madame Qrisi’s
personation of Norma. The reoeipts, deducting
dead-heads, must have been upwards of 9H>,090.
The cholera at Martinsburg, Yn. ( is supposed
to have been caused by the oitisens partaking of
over ripe water-melons, a large, quantity of
whioh arrived a day or two before.
The Albany, 111., Herald says hundreds of cat
tie have died on the praties this summer for
want of water. The southern portion of the
BUte has suffered greatly from the drought
The business of Savannah has been almost en
tirely suspended on account of the ravages of
the yellow fever. The Pulaski, the largest hotel
in the city, has been closed, and half of the
boarding houses have been deserted by their
nronrietors, thirty-five business houses have been
shut up, and “closed on account of sickness ”
meets the eye at every turn.
Samuel Williams, a colored man, has one of
the finest farms io Washington county, Md. He
was a slave in Stafford county, Va., but subse
quently purchased his freedom from his own
earnings. l He then bound himself to years
of servitude until he oould purchase his wife and
children, whioh he accomplished when he wm
60 years of age. Now he owns a farm worth
$lO,OOO, and personal property amounting to
several thousand more, all .earned by his own la
bor. He is now 78 years of age.
A* 1 V v - : 1
-- C[*. '’-N.
i— •x ,
«- -,.J K* * *
H- A Or.nt «•»!■( tt tka j «r i(» “* at Thr ** T *““
Dr H-Un.,ttoluctoorttotol<*r.t«lLirerPUli,u»d ‘ Stnudlii* Cured—Mr. John hongdcn, now Urlng
tLePiU. for MTvml In hi. prnetta, brfbr, to.ould S.t,B«torDun. H.nor.r county, ncr K f
b. Indued to odor thra to th. publlo to inch . munor u f indtotor fbr throo you., mort of th. Urn. h. tod dull,
to took, thorn known throufbout the country. TM.J twin..d»y,nyf rtroly lauthon one; ho wupuctodwdth |
louMd phyrtdnn tot th. MWtnpncnuM ttot .11 high* fever. n. .otnt M th. chill loft him; .nd .ftutrying phy>
mlndd Mln .nUrlng th. lbta .glint ddmm, qulultm, mort of th. Tonic .drcrtlmd, urt «™T
tbow unutopulon. empiric. who obtrod* thdr du thtogeoinned.dtohlm,wM*bouttogi™uplndeej«lt,
I nortrnm. npou th. public, Mid cly upon » eyrten of pn*. .ton Cuter’. SpuiUh Mixtur. >o epoken of, to pit two
ingtOKirtrtnttom. Convinced, however, of tto el v.l to bottle, but before h. tod n»l
rt*tto Liver PIU. uni InfluuKud by th. plrtn dlcUtrt of wu pufoctly enretbund hu not tod . chDl or
duty th. Dootorflnrtly MCridoni hi. delict. Ming, on Mr. Longden I. only on. out of tboomod. '“"it™
th. »lUr of public good. Hi. pet mwlietne to. not din h.nrfttod by U>t. rrcl tonic, rtt.r« to . •
•ppolnted th. Ctoctrtlon. of th. medld .t _«.« to. .dvrtUumurt.
whom to wu Indoood to fcrego hi. loollnrtlon..
From .Tory guuler do w. her th. mort gmtlfflng *o
oounU of it. wonderful cuctlro effecte—tto tort uid th.
wut, th. north uid th. couth, uo rtlk. Udmi with “tiding,
of gret Joy” from the 'died. The wonderful Pill,
tor. completely oonquecd ttot get KOurg. of Amerlo.,
th* Llr«r Oompltlnt.
PnrchM.rewUlb.cK.flil to Mb torDrJTLmtf. Cal*
rjww viiil *ul *»>« nos* tiM. There ere other
be pubUe *
Dr.tfLenVe U?er Mile, •!*> U* celebrated Vennlfuge. ceo
now be had at all reepeetabU drag itorei m the United
State* end Jeaed*. , . .
A*, to ">* »' ’ OU ‘’"'''‘‘SmlNO BBOS.,
Seeeeeeon to J. Kidd A Ccu,
60 Wood atreet.
Moree’a ullxlr and
Cordial*— Whence prooeei the lassitude, tha depression,
tbe debility, tha Indifference 10 lift, tha Instability, tha eon
tlnaal feeling of Ulßeaa which It la impossible to define or
localiM, so common, ao hard to boar, and ao littla pitied by
tha robust and healthy 1 Wa answer-front tha atomaah
and iba nervous system, between which thara exists tha
closest aympathy. Want of altal energy, sluggishness In
the accretive organs, a general Watt of tha system, la at
tha bottom of all tbedlfflculty. To tonaa tha whole organ
taation from tha torpor, to taboo It with now life, activity
and vigor, and to auatatn It In that condition, thara la no
preparation comparable with DE. HOUSE'S INVIGORA
TING ELlXlfi OE OOEBIAL. Other attaull may excite
tha dormant phyaical anarglaa tor a time, bat like the nlght
llaah of tha lightning that leavaa behind it a deeper gloom,
the exhibition of there exhileranta la Pillowed, after the
drat convnlaive affect ia over, by a dapraaalon of body and
mind more profannd and paralyalng than aver. The rem
edy la literally woraa than tha disease. But tha Elixir baa
a dynamlo Indnanoa. It not only creator a new condition
of the phyaical organlaatlnn, but parpatnatea It Tha ani
mal eplrlta are not only charred and elevated by ita agency,
but kept np to their new level without flagging- A vegeta
ble compound, congenial to tha system, It aeema to act open
tha conatltntlon iteelt.and to revolutionise It In chronic
dlwnnra of the name, tha atomaah, and tha liver, ita ope
ration la all hot miraculous.
The Cordial la not up, highly concentrated, In pint tot
tlee. Price three dollars par bottle, two tor live dollars, aix
totwewTdStaL O-li-EUia, Proprietor,
193 Broadway, Maw York.
gold by Druggists throughout tha Dnltod Stater, Canada,
and tha West Indies.
PLUMING A BEOS, No. flO Wood street, Pittsburgh.
UK. GKO- H. KEYBKB, No. I*o Wood street, do
j. P. PLEHINO, Alleghany City. neptdaw
> \, " a f\ » I* * • ‘ 4 '
*6 % ’
-"* ’ *J* * , J**, e
~ •
*e * J. * »•
"yy. Tb« 6r««t rranelk ium*dlM I i»H.
wUh lor • Mb, cpMd/, end ptrm*o*nt cur*, ihoold u»
the aboT* otMnui M* unrivelUd T&SNOQ PEEP AKA
TIONB. They b*r* now b*a lu tor flr* 7**rs — h*r*
been thorough)y USted lu tho«M&ds of th* mort obrtiMt*
com, *ud luTarUWy b*T* flv*n Mtbbdlou- Th*y *r*
sot compoMd simply of Bolmb Oopoira, but *r* *nUr*ly
different from mil oth*r prepmrmtkmi, both in tb* nature of
their ingradieats and the manner in which they operate
upon the patient. Hesoe tb* wonderful eueoeae attending
their nee.
A gentleman connected with the Weettrn Ballroad B*7* :
«• i have expended for other people daring the lnet three
yeen over $BOO, lor remedies of thtt description, end here
never found • tingle article that gave inch universal tetto
(eetion a* your lit**"** and Lotion dost. Ido not recol
lect of their ever tailing to cure la a tingle Instance. Many
have been cued in two or three day*."
Price, Antidote $1; Lotion 60 rente per bottle.
Invented by M. Bally, PDjtieian to the Parii Hoepltalx,
and erepared from the original redoes, and sold wholemle
and retell by DUHOV S 00- BoleProprl«ort forth. Uni
ted sutee and Canada*. Principal Depot, 468 Broadway,
** Bold m*Pltl»burgii, wholesale and retail, by FLKMING
BROTHERS, (Suiwaeore to J. Kidd A Co,) No. 60 VJood
Wheeling—J. IL PATTERSON A 00, and by
Drugrlrie everywhere.
BOCKBTOCE * AMMOH, twxmort to J. T. Soydar, ln-
Tit* tb« attention of tb*lr friends, and taa paWie In
goueral, to tfrnlr Tirial assortment of FRUITS and
MENTAL THE 18, con«tatinf or about 46,000 Apple, 2SOQOO
Patch, 10,000 Gharry, MQortur, 4.000 Plum, 8,000 Apricot,
1,000 Naetarina, 2,000 Qalnoa, 6,000 Onp*. of rartoiu kind*.
We lnrlU IxuUun, Plantar* nod Tiadaw togueiw acaii.
Nursery ground 4* mile* veal of Pittsburgh, ao the old
Washington Rond, near Ear. Joaaph Clokay s Cbureh.
Jus a* ITCully, Wood atraat;
J. W. F. Whita, Esq* Fifth ftraat;
Robert Arthurs, Fourth atraat;
K. T. rrf«d, Wood otr-t,
~ : Motlew.
WHSRKA3. Latter* ofaAdmlniatrattoo, cum tatamtnlo
the Betat* of JAOOB BCLTZNKK, late of
Sot Liverpool, Colombian* oooaty, Ohle, d*c«imd,h*Te
been grunted to the u*der*i*i»d, by of tho
County of AUecbesj. All paraon* knowtn* tbemaalvee in
debted tonUMUti will make Immediate payment to the
oaderdgfted, and all thorn harta* daim. again* .aid K*
tat* will nreaeot that". duly aotbeotlcnted, to
FAAfti HOUSEMAN, Admloiatrator,
bit Lltotool, OolutuMono county, Ohto, or to
*O. BHALKR A OU-, blc Attyi-,
No. 81 Fourth it., Pltubanth-
To lhM ~
lu»; *XHto Qottind »t«ooilJoM»;100 ■*“ do
Lmllm: I.OW do Childrens Shoes, of til Wndtt 300 <*o
tilirnT’ Boot* tod Otitwti betide* t Itrgt lot of «**»• * n( *
. n.ri-.n, hi mMI Vhjfih bt offCtf tiholtnl* tO dttltT*
con be bought iu the city, for ctih or good
pß 2Jifclw THOMAS 8. HINTON, Agent.
ioiTStdii "
EORIMXB, BUgo, has raoetred, tome three weao *g°>
freight, *c. feepld] B. Q&ISUtK, Migo^
Heo’a W«*r •» apUndid. Qlw him • chanc..
for showing goodi. —t—
h...£odT«i th. .bor., Tb.J h». •!» r«»iT«l th. tel-
'"oiSnlo Chrirticnlty, or the Chiirob of Qod: bj L. i-
** B.
Jonoo, cothor of WIM W.ourn Imbh, 4c.
* co %
No. 76 Foorth ttreet.
Jones, nntfcor of WIU Wei tom **•*•*■ ,
Ml*- Of. Art,
F "^ , bj No. 87 Wool itrwt.
rvl and yellow FUnn*l*» # nfrwrf fupeiior m*k«;
Bortmeot of Bl*oMU,»Uw»l»Jrf T^mFSTs?!**
dmd mue wim» :~‘T
b« toll fct New Yorfc wholtolj
yaluabui «ig?jaaifegs:
pS£. >».««>.«»y
80l KiUto Af»t«, 140 third it
rro lu —a Bri«t pwiiing
1 |IJ6 P« «»«-. "wgsgjgu.
I~TjTUA gIMK T***—Jiut raealTftd %t th» toTtier of
< Witi ml Wood itrooU, • amoll lot of Iho tomt Goo
sepl4 ' '
BABB’S hotel,
qjfet^ r ,- > g?sg.aiar
Mathematic*- _ « Betoidaye exoepted.
Houn fty Tto
Term* $2O par £. HAYDEN, M* D,
half semloD, In elTanoe. mum* at Mathemattoe.
«p!3 ■ ■
X «rSa7ftit OUT ta to hl<
Uk.cbirgeofanytJJiiSJJ"pencmai Utention to
the interest of perton* ww*v«** JO&HDA bqBIN&ON,
188 Wood rtroet.
Xj »t Ho. 91 Market ft.
MplS -
XI of ■tripod ood . Dro» ffl**; and they re
choice lot of flguwd
■pactfolly eoUdt a call from theumg;
J “ t r^T ri,<<l “* ’ CtM-’-tjff*” «rw<-
trt> n*OKft—B do—n Wood
■ale low by
jamm wabpb-op- roth *wt
TTARPKK, for Vf nucsiliX * BEO
Fi Kntekcrboektr »fot
Ha<uliu*r Art. “
HooMboldW«w> Lmltl if—im
fcm,to M,^r
, . *..r
49- Pantaloons The well-known superiority of
CRIBBLE’S fit in the Gsrment, needs no oomment on Me
pert; it bee been ecknowledged by eU who here formed him
with their orders, thet they here newer been fitted with the
seme use end style es by him. He begs to inform his pe
irons end the public, thet his stock is now replete with the
newest ityles for costs, rests end prnts, eulteblefor the
present sesam. E. CRIBBLE,
T*ilor aod Pantaloon Maker,
*MO Lib*’rtr bP*.l of Wool
Pnif«"g l».Ctfro’» Social Assembly at WIL .
..nWEDNBSDAY, and the Rx«*lsior Assembly•*•*7 /f/'
DAY EVENING; also, tb* German on MONDAY E'£
NINGB. Thetmouswot loving ire F*° r S?J,
of Music are statedly engaged. nncrThncaft
etc., in Hall No. I; Cotillions in Hall No. A J bo
are finely ventilated, and a variety and abundance of re
freshment* always provided. Admission, to each-Gent.
and two Ladies 50 eents; Gent. and Lady ‘Scents, G«ut.
alone $l. Tickets may be obtainel of FRANK CAKGO, at
78 Fourth street; or at Wilkins Ilall, 2od story; also,ofthe
Manaaen. and at tbe door on the above evenings. The
strictest order maintained. No cheeks given at the
door. “P 1 —
• ~* " i*i iy t I
For Selling and Buying patent Blghte.
rpllE subscriber, having learned irom his intercourse with
1 Patentee?, and with person, who were desirous to seU
Patent Eight* for Cities, Counties, Stales, Ae, as well as
with others who wish to purchase such rights, that an
agent to transect that kind of buidne?a was much needed
here, has determined to devote hLs time and his abilities to |
tbe ser,ice of those who may de-ire to employ him.
Pledging hlnuwir to attend falthmlly to all matters en
trusted to him, he concludes by referring the public to the
following testimonial cf a few of tbs i« ™ tß
burgb, Ac. iIO3J6S F- EATON.
Pittsburgh, ERgost 23,1854. .
PmsBUBOB, August 17th/1854.
The subscribers have long teen acquainted with Mr.
f Eaton, and hare no hesitation in recommending
him, to all who may wish to employ his services, as a gen
tleman of undoubted integrity and indefatigable industry,
in whose exertions every reliance may be placed.
Neville B. Craii, W. EoblnMJn, Jr,
Wm. Larimer, Jr., John Graham,
W 11. Denny, U. Childs A Co., •
James Wood, N. Holmes A Pons,
P B Friend, Kramer A Bahm,
F Lorens, L R. Uving*tno.
r>- —gtraage Dewwlwp«ma*t«"“Sc»enUfloineo
are daily bringing to light new invention?, and tb*
mareh of progreas is onward; persons Bald, or becoming so,
will be pleased to learn that science and long research com
bined. have brought before the public the greatest wonder
of the age,ln the article of BMKRfION'S AMERICAN HAIR
RESTORATIVE, a sure cure lor Baldness and to prevent
Hair from falling. Bee circular to be had of the Agents,
ciring full particulars. Price IW» In large bottle*. Bold
fj C. £. FISHER * 00, Proprietors,
* 57 Superior street, Cleveland, Ohio
For sale-in Pittsburgh In the following bows*:—
Fleming Droe., L. Wilcox h Co.,
R. K. Belters, G.H.Key*er,
Joel Mohler, Benj. Page, Jr.,
J. H. Cassel.
JUtgheny dig.—-I*. A. Beckham, Preesly A Mean?, J.
* Patterson, John G. Smith- f spr6
ip==» CITIZENS’ Insnraact Company of
|ky^ Pittabnrfflt#—H. D. KINO, President; SAM
UEL L. MARBHELL, Secretary. 4 .
OJkc: M Water Xlrttl.beiwtn Marktt and WoodttraU. \
limes HULL and CARGO Risks, on the Ohio and Mia«i»-
Hppt Rivers and tributaries.
insure?against Loss or Damage by Firm.
ALSO—Against tbe Perilsof theBea,and InlandNaviga*
Hon and Transportation.
H.D. King, Wm.L*ri»«rJr n *f'
WUlfauD Bagmley, Bamuel M. Kier, "
Rea, William Bingham,
RobartDunlap,jr., - John 8. Dilworth,
lam M. Peonock, Francis Sutlers,
fl. Harbaugb, J. Schoonmaker,
Wslterßryant, WUlismß. Hays
John Shlpton. -1 1
Horticultural Notice.—Tde Pittsburgh
Iky Horticultnral Sorietr will hold tbe annual exhibi
tor, in the N HALL, in the Diamond, on the
Uih. I3tb, 14xh and l&lb lost Tbe Society earnestly in
vites tbe co-operadon and compelitWn of Cultivators. Tbe
juders aro requested to meet to examine tbe articles at 3
o'clock, P. M., on Tuesday, and tbe Uall will be open for
visitor* at T o’clock In the evening.
UKNKY WOODS, President
a LOT OF GROUND,o;i the river bank. In Birmingham,
A, 288 feet by 3» feetyand bounded by four street*, will
be sold on ressonable terms. It is near Bakewell ACo ’b
new glass works, and several other manufacturing estab
lishments. It Is the largest and best lot now to be had in
Birmingham for manufacturing purpose*. Title p«fect,
end dear of incumbranco. Enquire of
C. R. M. SMITH, at his Law Offlee,
jy26 Fourth street, above Smlthfield. PitUbnrgh.
ry--r~-a l*artncrship Oereto.ore existing
and doing businees uotier the name and style of.
BENNETT, MARSHALL A CO , was dissolved on the 19tb
inst.. by mutual oo&eent.
Pittsburgh, June 28th, 1854.
THK UNDERSIGNKI) hare entered into Copartnership
under the name and style oi QUAFF, BENNETT a
CO for the purpose of manufacturing Iron, Naia, Ac-, at
the GUBlon Bolling Mill, South Pittsburgh. Office at pres
ent with Baalish a Richardson, No. 116 Water, and 160
Flat WM. B. KNOL.I3U,
r met. KOBT. it MARSHALL,
June 28th, 1864—j«2fctf
Life, Fire end MArine Inturanee Company
JAMKS S. HOOK, President.
Csauxs A. Cqltok, Secretary.
This Company makes every Insurance appertaining to or
connected with LIFE RISKS. _
Also, against Hull and Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mis
sissippi rivers and tributaries, and Marine Risks generally.
And against Loss and Damage by Fire, and against the
Perils of the Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation.
Policies issued at the lowest rates consistent with safety
to all parties.
June* 3. Hood,
Samuel M’Clarhan, «
William Phillips,
John Seott,
Joeepb P. Quuffi, M. D.,
John MV/Upio,
Wm.F. Johnston,
June* Marshall,
Ooorge S. Selden,
Flrsmcn'i Uuorants
iLSr Oempany of the City of Pittsburgh*
J. K. MOORHKAIt President—ROßEßT FINNEY, Seere
“sm insure against FIBB and MARINE BIBKB of all
kinds. Office: No.W Waterstreet.
J. K. Moorhead, W.J. Anderson,
B. Sawyer, 8.8. Simpson,
Wa. M. Edgar, H.B.Wflkins,
C. H. Paolson, William Collingwood,
R. B. Roberta, John M. Irwin,
Joseph Kayo, Wm. Wilkinson,
David Campbell. ja!3
rr-=» C. YEAGER, 110 MARKET street, Pitts-
burgh, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in FANCY
and country dealers as large and well selected stock of
Goods as any Eastern house, and same prices, thus earing
might, time and expenses. j*&y2
cyrs»i» Q> f*.—Place of meeting, Washington Hall,
Wood street, between Fifth street and Virgin alley.
FmnuMß lomb, No.S3C—Meets every Tuesday evening.
Examncm, No. 87—-Meets first and third
of each month. [ma«2fcly ~
.a. amauß,
jf=» WstUrn PsnniylTMiia Hospital—
Drs. L. Schxscx, Second, between Wood and Market
streets, and J. R**x>, North-east corner of Diamond, Alle
gheny city, are the attending Phrsldans to the above Insti
tution, for the first quarter of 1854.
Applications for admission may be made to them at all
hours at their or at the Hospital at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Recent cases of accidental injury are received stall hoars,
without form. Jslfcf
rr--=3i Bfotleo*—The JOURNEYMEN TAILORS 80
IMr GXETY, of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, meets on the
first WEDNESDAY of every month, at SCHOCHLEITER'S,
in the Diamond. By order.
jalry QBO. W. SEE3B, Secretary.
I ATTENTION 1 8. L. G.—You are hereby notifled to
attend at your Armory, on MONDAYS, WEDNES
DAYS and FRIDAYS, for drill, and to transact such busi
ness as may come before the Oompany. P. KANE,
narSfcfimd Secretary pro 14m.
LODGE) I. O. O. V —Tfa.
Angerona Lodge, No. 289, L O. of 0. F-, meets every
Wednesday evening in Washington Hall, Wood ft. [jyhy
Valuable and Cheap Coal Works for Bale.
X acre of Ground on the Monongahela river, a abort dis
tance above Monongahela City, together with Railroad, Oars,
Carts, and other necessary fixtures, in good order for carry
ing on the Coal business on an exteartve scale, end also e
free use of the landing at the river for boats, Ae. The vein
of Coal is five feet thick, end of a very superior quality.
For further particulars apply to B. P. JONES, Attorney at
Law, No. 145 Fourth street, or to THOMAS SANDERS, No.
185 First street, Pittsburgh. aep!3.-6t
Mew Bating Heue.
T\HE subscribers invite the attention of the public to
their Restaurant, situate on Fifth street, opposite the
Allegheny Engine House. They intend keeping on hand,
and ready cooked in the best style, all the principal dishes
and of the season. The host brands of Liquor
will always be found at their Bar. A call is solicited, feel
ing confident that they can please all.
wp!2:lw J- FRITCIIMAN A 00.
river, adjoining the Houm of Refuge, on the Plank
Boad at Wood? Ron. There U >lz acre* covered with a
lane amount of Grafted Fruit*, Evergreens, Grape*, Ber
ries and Garden Root*; with a superior Dwelling Barns
and Out-Houses, all Intended to make a comfortable home.
It is offered low. Enquire of ROBERT DAVIB, Eeq.,on the
76 fourth street
premises, or of
Horticultural Exhibition*
Family tickets for sale &i w. w. wuson’e. jevener,
John B- MTadden A Son's and James Waldrop's.
npl23t lIBSRY WOODS, Preddent.
' Good Caih lnrcitmsnt.
OU 40 shares Ohio and Pennsylrania Railroad;
JO do Manchester Baring Bank;
SO do ttODOngahela Naelgation Company;
10 de .Pittsburgh Lite, Fire and Marine Insu
rance Company ;
50 do Rockland Mining Company;
$5,000 Allegheny County Coupon Bonds;
15,000 Oity of Pittsburgh do do. . „
wpiMe n Fourth street
FUSASU 0? fOBUJNK, or tho Ufc 0«a
Ned Lora : by J. B. Joneo, Author of Wua w«ura
BotnMf Ural BoUio, lif. uud _of <*L Vonder
bomb, era; brautUally mtutrutod (tom eulgtaol
Duriey; oompletolu 1 odl, doth, gUt, of error MOfoiuo.
’"cllfoe rasd for dutmr yoouint to thoeheopor stood
No. M BmlthtUld drool.
usorted sUes, Cor
CLXTXLA» i> 'ISWVIT »■«*»*
EiltßOAgi . _ ,
in"oD!ni*snairwiTH th* - „
Ofeio ud Peuiiylvuia
rrtHl shortest, qakieet and ebsspest ryrt»te *oW" ■ *«*■
J[ ago, Bodt Island, MW, w 4 fit. Lo«l%~fc VIA
C *Thi?routa*is one bandied mite thortar and about debt
hoars quicker to Chtefip, this the drcaitoas one VIA 111* |
Trains Mim Pittsburgh sad OteulAnd. j
Four Daily Train* between Cleveland and Chicago.
Time to Cleveland six boors, Chisago twenty-two boon,;
and St. Louis thirty-seven I
Trains for Cleveland leaT* Alliance at T AO, A. IL,IAOO, 1
M- and 6SOP. M, connoting at Hmisoo with Trains tor 1
Cuyahoga Falls and Akron, and «rfjtng>ln Cteslandai
290, P. M., mi B*2o, P. 1L
The Trains or the Ohio and Penna. Baiboad, leavePittr
burgh at 3.00. A. IL, 8.00, A. AOO, .
Island and St. Louis. _ . . ... „
raewngßrs for Toledo, Chicago, fit UwSa and the Ncwth
w.*t, l earing Pittsburgh on
noon Trains, by going VIA CLEVELAND, will arrive in
CHnago one Train in advance of thoae Who go
field or any other route. Time gained by going «• tHeve-
Uoi, eight hours. _ . .
i'asaangera going to St. Louis or any other pMStam
of Chicago, will make the closest connection* andyaokem
tiui‘j by taking the 8.00, A. M„ Train torn Kttabargh.
Piuseogera by thta Train (via Cleveland) reach St. tern* on
the .reoing of the following day.
The Trains from Cleveland to Toledo and Chicago ran as
follows: Leave Cleveland at 6.00 and&2o, A. M-, iOO and
8 A), P. M; arrive in Chicago at 8.86 and ILOO, P. M., SA),
A. M. and 12 00 M.
Trains leave for Bock Island and 8t Lodi as follows:,
Luare Chicago at 8 20. A. M and 9AO, P. M.
Passengers for fit Louis go over Bock Island Railroad to
Join, ana thence over the Chicago and Mbsiseippi Railroad >
to Alton, and thenoe by Steamboat (28 mite) to St. Loci-.
Piu-iencers by the 8 JO, A. AL, Train arrive In St. Louis at
1 1 .*JO Fame evening, and by the BJO, P- M, Train at nooa
eh-kti through to OteodMi, M* thM. ro
cLtreked for .na Bt. SmSs.
In cun. i i««u»S>ct»
To AllUnce -4'J »> i*» <“«■*'> <*} .* !?
Cleveland.. 4 001 La Bella- 14 6* 12 60
Toledo 600 I Bock Island-18 A 0 13 60
Detroit- 600 1 fit. Louis-.-. 12 AO 15 60
Passengers are requested lO procure their Uflkauai.the
offtex of the Company, In Mooougabsla House, third door
below the comer. J. DUKAND, fiupYCfevelancL
J. A. OAUOHKT. Agent,
Wm. 8. Daren,
James D. M’Gill,
Alexander Bradley,
John Fullerton,
Bobert Galway,
Alexander Reynolds, Arm
strong County,
Horatio N. Lee, Elttanning,
Hlzam Btowe, Beaver.
For Sale.
\ 1 UUUUXY jflkOVAUXY.—»oreale,e I
Vy desirable upland farm, of 134 mm, (with *■»«*» I
jprin a which hire not MM in-nil thn Utounpmnfcntrt I
in wutbnr.) iltontn within poo-tootth of n milnof tki-1
Poontjlrnni. Bnllrond, nt the gt. Olnlr Snot, n* ho-1
proveDonUnien-Weil Bni»h«4l>w«llbign»l Tnonnl Bow. I
Spring House, Log B*m, nod 70 ten* atenrtd. ]
tUo, n Poitnoln Slum 8«w Mill, awdr now, nodofthn I
moat ippiOTid construction, calculated. to n» 3J W hum* 1
Ur, tot which cnn, nt n null eiponu, ho mtfn to u BO I
or f 0 feet in length; with Circular Sow foredfmg,.Ao. it I
would alao be admirably calculated for a GristlUU, *itnw j
; te-i as it Uin » fine grain growingwuntry. Prom on* to
four thousand log* ean be had with the HIQ. TWi Mill fc I
I now in operation, and ha* constant order* tor *JI the te~
her produoojL Log Umlu, L* 11 f
eired/ Apply to. JAHBB BUAKmLT,
gep!3 - Beal Bfcttta Agent.
Watch. Trade.
WE invite the attention of cdtiaena and strangers to oar I
large and carefully selected stoak of Watebe* and
Clnrlw; Railroad Time keeper*, in gold and silver eaeea;
r> ul Chronometer* tor the pocket, Warranted not to vary
a minute in fix months. Patent Unt Watebee, f-om $l2
to : a large essortment of good common or low pnecd j
Watches, both in gold and silver <meet. Also, BxUroud
Station Regulators, Office Clock*, Church docks, he.
Witch Befahum.—We do Wsteh Repairing taaman
ner not exceUed, if equalled, by any eeUhttabmmit In the
Stole. W. w. WUdOa,
fep!3 corner of Market and fourth * tree to.
Rlegant Prwna Oeed*. " j
A A. MASON A CO. are now in receipt of several earn* 1
. of rich Drees Goods, all selected with great care, at
ihe recent large paekage sales in JNew York* *t leu than
cst of importation, oomprislngp rich btaek flgd Slka, do
rlatd and striped Silks; do Brocade Silki; do Amur*; *>
Gro d* Rhine; colored plaid and striped Silks; do Pdede
bo's; do Glace, do Brocade; french Metlooee; franchmw
rino Plaids; figured Cashmeres and Delaines; fine french
Gingham* and Chin toe*. - —>
T> Y Ylrtoa of a precept under the hands of Wn. B. IT*
i> Clare, President of the Court of Comma Plena, tn sad
Iji the sth Judicial District of Pennsylvania, and Jn<ite
of tbe Ooort of Oyer aod Terminer and General Jail IWit
ery in and tar said District, and William Boos and GmtaW.
Ail anus £aqa, Associate Judges of the same county, In and
fur tbs Conoty of AUegbeny, dated the 30 tb day of Angum,
lo the year of our Lord one thousand eight handled end
f.fcr*four, and to me directed, fat holding, a Court of Oyer
aid Terminer ond General Jail Delivery, *t the Court
j[ ,aso. In the City of Pittsburgh, on the IST MOJiDAi OP
OGTOUKK, at 10 o’cioea, A. M. . _
public notice Is hereby given to all Justices of the Peace,
O-ronur and Constables of tbe Comity of Allegheny, that
they be then and there. In their proper persona, with their |
Hulls, Records, Inquisitions, Examination*,and other re* j
m-mbmn.-w*, to do thi*ae things which to their respective
< Ukesi in their behalf appear# to be dene, and also thorn
that will {iio«ecate the prisoners tbat now are, or may be
In tbe Jail of sold County of Allegheny, to be then and
there to prosecute against them aa shall be joat.
Given under xny hand, in Pittsburgh, this 80th day ■
August, in tbe year of our Lord one thousand eight bun*
drei and fiftv-fbur, and of the Commonwealth the 77th.
» U 3l WM. MAGILL, BberttL
\TJS\V IPAJKC JUat* PlißLlstUSl*.—.
be Christopher North.
Formiliao, a Spasmodic Tragedy: by T. Perey Jones.
The Seen Is, or ihe Black Eiders of Congree: by W. QlU
nwro Rimma.
frtaks of Fortune, or the Adreotores of Ned Lora: by
J. B. Jose*.
The Xlome in the Talley: by Emilia F. Cerlen.
Captains of the Komen Republic: by IL W. Herbert.
Just receired and for sale by
Na 76 Fourth street.
A 001TAUK UuUSK SALK—Pleasantly sitaalea
on tbe hill near the Allegheny Basin,and fronting the
Plank Bosd. The House contains six reams sad anail.
well arranged for comfart and convenience Also, two sun
jnur kitchens, a fine verandah hi froiit of the boese, a wet’
of good water, stable, coal house, Ac. The boose Is new and
in svod crder. The lot U 125 feet front by 150 deep. Frier
t > 400. S. CUTHBEBT A BON,
pl2 Real Rytale Agents. 140 Third street.
a cilAKCis i\Jtt t»UsX&estM. —;fat sole, the stock, tlx
x\ turrs and good will of a Country Star*, «i taste eigh:
miles from the city. AUo, the Store and Dwelling Boun
Stables, Jke. ’ B. CUTHBIRI *&»,
acpH 140 Third'■tr—t
,LACK. aiLKU—Just reoelred. 90 nkeei BlukßOha,
t every width and grade; a splendid article fer $l~
e P I2 A. A. MASON *OO.
niaMKTTAS-loj pieces all colon ja*t local rad: a
very superior article worth SSli casta sailing at iBs£.
ep!2 i. A MASON * OU.
BLuCK pLUD SlLKS—dost received, a lew pieces oj
tbe above much admired Silks* all excellent cotari.
»epl3 A. A. MABOH A 00.
DAKK PKBNCU CHIJiTZaS—We have just received a
few pieces of tbe above fine sew styles.
A. A. MASON A 00,.
Fretk Arrival at ilia Sew Dry Goads Store.
ABE constantly receiving fresh supplies of Fall and
Winter Fancy Drees and BtapleDKY GOODS. Tbe>
would nspeetlblly cad tbe attention of the Ladiee to thel.
fresh stock of plaid and fig’d gluts* French Merinoea, Wool
Plaids, Scotch Plaids* Embroideries, Laces* Mitts, Gloves.
Hosierv, Ac. Also, a fall stock of Domestics, Wpolsns anc
Housekeeping Goods, of every desaiption. constantly kept
on hand, all of which they flatter theowsUcs they can Oder
to their customers at lover prices than any other bouse Is
tbe dty. Remember, OOUZhS A M’KEB*
(Dr. Thorn's old staadj
sepll i No, CS Market street.
OrpbAm’ Court Solo*
WILL be offered it public sale on THUBBDAY ITIN
ING, October 6th, 1864, by older of Orphans? Oonrt,
late tbe property of David Greer, deceased, that valuable
building lot, situated on the eoraar of Penn aad Macbory
streets, haring a front on Fean street, SMffcet, running
along Maibary lift feet, to .tbe alley, which bounds tbe
Petmeylrania Bailraed Depot.
Also, at S o’doek, P. M., on BATUSDAY, tbe 7th day of
October,lB64, will be sold on the premises, a number of ele
gant Building Lota, In tbe Eighth Yard, near the Hajhib
Ward PubUe Behool Bouse. Terns made kaownat ale.
DSY GOODS.—A* MTIGHJE, corner of Grant and fifth
■treeta, baa now completed hia IUI stock, and wonU
beg leave to aj that he la now arillng goods at twenty-fire
per oent. lees than the prices of laat year. ladies will bear
in Bind a very band no me drees of plain bUrit aOk ean
be bongbt at tbiaeatabUafaaeßtfiirflve dollars; a dreaa oi
good Pannetta for $1,50; adreeaof Moaalia de laiaeor de
Bege for sl,lB}s; a dreaa of good weaUagOaUen for Mofe;
and ell other gpoda in proportion. sepll
-10 tonaPearlaah;
00 bbU Hide oral, large No. 3;
Mhfbbls « «
80 hf bUs ;
60 bbii Mackerel, madias;
"< fiOhfbbla " **
101 bbli Hydraalte Oemest;
60 boocM Pals Soap;
00 bage Timothy Bead;
160 M Saltpetre; at
Ni£W AND PUPULAK BUUIUJ, Jest pabUsbed ud re
eeirad by H. MINKB * CO, 82 talt&sM street
Captain Canot, or Twenty Yeui of an Africa* Sit«;
being an account of Us career and adreaturae: by Brats
Hlittr Agues, or the Captive Nun; a pfetsre of Ooawnt
life: by a Clergyman's Widow.
Chestnut Wood; a tale by T Hf Titutoi
The KngUah Envoy at the Court of Nicholas X: by Miss
Jolla Oorner.
Nasnette end her Lovers; a tale of Normandy: byTal
bat Qwynne.
Vincent Nolte’e Fifty Tears Is Both Hmiapharee.
Keay Nat, or the Three Apprentices.
Harper's Magaslse,forßeptaabar; price Ueenta.
itn. Bouthworth’a new Book, is praea, end wfll be teeetr
ed In a few da;»—The Lost Balnea: by Mrs. hunt D. 21.
South worth. For any new Books call on
H. MINSK A 00,
No. 83 BndttdMd at iset
ALL WOOL PLAIW-A. a. MASON A 00., in a few
days will reeelre and open a rety select stock at more
than 100 pieces all wool Raida; ynrnbasuil at the recent
package and peron tor? sake in New Tcck at aaaMttasfron
eostof maimJeetute; they will be cflmd at needy one
half kw than agaal prices. espT
SKPTMMB& »TB t 1851.— HAGAN A AHL, tU. 91 Market
street, hare just worked per axpreae, some of the mott
beaatifal styles of French, Swiss, and Boeteh Wrought
MMWHmpmiKS. ever offered In this dty.
Also, a t«7 large assortment of Hedonna Cloths, for
Travel] tni Habits. sepO
tranche*, executed in the bast style, and at prkea to
•alt the times, at the Old Shop, rear of Jaynes’ Its stare.
FIFTH Street, below Wood.
Tbe attention of Tinners. Founders, Farnitsre and Glam
ware Manufacturers, Is solicited to our new style of I T*~ tj *
Pearl Papier Machie,tn wood, glass and iron wares, of erery
description. Samples can be seen aad Information obtained
si the Shop, or at tbe Warehouse, Ho. 184 Wood strait
J. babmdollab.
Steamboat men can ■if" sea a new style of Ornamen-
tal Glass Panels, surpassing any heretofore axeented in this
dty. * aufclm
and WaHhanTS—lo.Wk AORSat—I am Instructed
1 1 to pay as follows for land Warrant!, to tbs amount of
ten thousand acres, vis: $lBO for 180 acres; (91 for 80
aeras; |4O for 40 acres; in gold.
au2B HsoiHshta Agent
for aula at 90 cants, by SAMT* B. LAUFFSB,
aa26 •; 67 Wood sti’eSL
rFtO'LQAN-fHMioo, °® sotaa wwrd by city or Bounty
X bond*, as collateral security. Enquire of
raoSUB WQODft.T»Foorhst
PALM SOAP—U 6 bxs to store and for sale by
—*■ pe ■*'♦•**•
V ~ *•/ '
"■-••• 'r&n..tjf-w--t,. ~-v.' .
• - :•>■■.:/ -?> • ' • ■■•
f y . *•■% *.
- '■ ’'i’' - ’ * -.vU- „
- * ~ ' *\ * ~*/f
* - .V'
tlse!slMH»s< ■■■ I— **
oaEPtar, Vej Bcnai.&t Qound ,«mm« rtrßam
Mmbf Ma.wlU UcbOTa UK .«<• «a»*riOp.«r-
Ufloat* Dbon epm xx 7K o'clock: iwfrirnr.M to
«i»ttoftU «i«MWi wtoflgf
fiazi LOO AS, oa wUEhsaadoa dM win MWMW
rUP»’ & Imwlm* ph» of Bim~Sib flMfeft
BoptAbif UO. fHJMmiMt »ffl WWW *® ®
Pigl CollOKß—clooolooj XtxfKrgmiMt, ■
\Tli- HAPPES. IModMl ofthl. WtM
jji (RnfiwDU with Sir. P. P. DPoUW feta##
■iinnsar~i* ~‘ *~ Uw» liDinnw WfFfl*!!*T
m\n of the Mill ft reepeetaMfltyand thnriMHß WMrtW t
Hp"f T 7i * pit °° Bblns wlfl WwMfr
m*mt to nilui the long cstiMlsbed reputation of dnln
stitudoo, #w elrtsnt noil thorough tautruettfiu Ur. TT. c .
apxikstna BngHshlangnago Soentljr.nnd wiUJartraet
Germans and fiwdt lunclidi* Potaotu dnlnnu of at*'
tending iheOommesetil ana Mathematical ItaMrtxitsttii nt
I the mb* ttcno eon do jo. Pihiti Imti iilJilfgiTaa tfw*
I** Terms—foe prlTatalnilruetloD $l5, per naif nukm. I&T
| class tostruothm $lO, psr half scs'lon. . an2S
/\- frlwyttesforsuburban restdanrea. Ihsrfamsrdflhjtn
HautUm blocks 100-fcet square ibrsafr, nt 'tM northstfc
eu t of dm SlurpsbaKb Bridge, fonr .ndhe from town, sad
wt- bln 13fr» fret of the Allegheny. Yalhiy Bailroad Station.
rli«« blcdcs will bo sold ns the pi loss obtained at.thwpnb;
lie snetkm on the Utfc of July, adding interedouly Hum
that date. '
Also, SO lots, —**» 25 fret by 100, «U 1 bo sold on reason
>»u« >mim,
vu23 • - Beal Estate Agent
Patented by tbehria 1863.
4 SAYING of «1 least fifty Per Cant. In Urn Ireuaed.
A Ooc opuipraesly fer AmiUef, Hotels, Btskt, CHBree,
li l* Cream Saloons, 4c, Be. . ;
*.pg Wood st, between Third and IhKhsta»
M -dKAP BUILDIfiU Ll/M POBKAUty-fltOfqOdlnta,
If eseh having a front of M fret on Ohio Lane, Allegheny
Cl y, near the outer tUpot, by 130 fret deep to a >1 frte afley.
i*i u*« $260 each; one-fourth in hand, balance In one, two
am three yaare. S. COTHBKBI * BOfif,v
i-ppB Real Estate Agents, 140 Third street.
ipWMM'Y KUiUM IS BAUD, baianea at gft a nonta.
1 Afrw good Building Lota for ml* on the above wm.
I', iea of eneh Lot $250. Slae, SO fret front by 210 deep; t»
an alley. Situate on ML Washington.
a. outbibu bl
npg 140 Third street
~ “ Oantlstry, J ■* -
. DB. D- BUNT. Votmt, ta an-
that, after may
<gmi>ba frond at hto Baet,PZ4asad to attdnd
toauwhomayfrTorbsawtthacall. ITbtgia
Is on ferry street, ooa doer from liberty stress, faapi
AypUß VAU&&S-0 doaan impreyad ftram, Jnat ra>
WAKDROP, fßßishaat,
C> !>• Wm 4«
AND LIQDUBS, No. I<7 North Second street: tab
abore Bare, eaat dde, PhOadelphla, hae on hand the beet
quantise of old Brandies, Wines. Irish WUshy,M«iflnf»»
beta Whisky, Hollasd Qm, Cordials, Be, on terms worthy
tl.e attention of purchasers and dealere. ' (wßy
WAYXBLXY HOUSIt, 60 South Sghlh atmoL betwsmi
phretnot and WalnnyfUladelpbia. [angtey
THB ogioa, ”
NO. 11l Aceh itasLPWladelpbia. X. S. WZBB(lateof
the Bagls.) Promietor: (anifey
TMt Tea; T«a»
j-jTOv WBhannNtndbon Kww Toft tad
CRKBTB TJEA, eomprWsg Tong
SSjtMfl Hywjn, Imperial. Gunpowder, Oolosg, Boncboug,
■ajkflUw* WwgllA Tfa^M^allrfwMglilieeeh—fillW
'tuijr selected, ud will be aold u uni, cither wholeeclc
urroUll. Aleo,«ttperfow Rio end J»v* OoflM, Ittrertstfl
tod St Itfala fiefload Bo**r»,«oii»bi«ferJellki,l , iMCi iu,
Ac., et 8.9.10 nd of prime
uoilitr, which v« will Bell wbolMtie st $lO 1000.
Pcto Tec Store. 3&Wfth«tteei.
ClUxeßi 1 Deposit* Bask*
'PUB Prtsidaat sod Director* of this Bank hare tfck day
1 declared a dividend of fora T*ta«t.,odtaftbeptßßls
ui ibe last rix moatha, on the capital stock paid is, parable
os or after the 14th teat. & D. JOftfS, GotaMr.
Pittsburgh, Beptanbr i, lSSt^-feepfctd
Hjdraallfl Camast,
FOE easterns, Spring Horae* Tin Walla, *c_, rsrtous
brands, always oohand at 319 liberty attest, Pitts
burgh. - [sepfc2wj W. W. WALLACE*
gaaiiaary for Boys*
&*h‘W«d ear. tad Great ate, oppotiU (hurt Bourn.
'I tQf y®U tafikm of this School will eommenc* at MOM*
1 DAT, September 4th, end the dotles of iustrnctfcmwiß
b« resumed by Mann G HIGGS and MDONALDi *•
There axe tan auiueslre months In the Academic yens.
Tuition la par quarter.
Tha number of pupils is limited, and boya are nIwWM
in the order of applications which mads after
August 30 th, at M liberty street, or at School, or by latter
dropped In fowl Office. aufcbw*
yriew to <nlt $
ASTTIGHJS, corner of Grant and Fifth streets, hasjust 3
• received and Is now opening his find Fall stocks Ibr ?
this season. The attention of ladies Is respectfully directed | -
to the following prices: {
Fine French tferinoes at 75e; 64 wide Bsrainetas 2Se; n £
large seeartmeot of De Case at 12o; fast entered Prints *
603 pieces Flannel* at Uc up; yard vrideSheettag d&; eA. |
arroi De Leins at 28c. Kentucky janea, tweeds did estti> >
nets from \B% up, eheeka, tickings, nrodins, lieacs, crash, L
table elotha, all wool plaids, blankets, shawls, ribbons ana £
every other article usually kept in* Dry Ooods Store, all of |
which will be sold far com at prices to suit the times |
: A. MTIGfIE, £
wp" corner Grant and fifth streets. \
China HaU t ' ” f
—lOO crates of QUEBNBWABB, of this Fell imports- 5
(ton, now receiving, to which we Invite the attention of tha t
country and dty trade. Having some doaao different Mb" £
•era* of An Warn, we fed confident of suiting nil tastes; ,• *
am jug which may be found white iron stone, gold head, }
£dd scroll, blue, pink, plum purple, brown and green. At- |
a, a handsome green sprig and white imitation stone, vrttidr |
can be sold modi below the real stone warn. *
COMMON WAKE.—Oar stock of Common Tins, Plate*, \
Dishes, Bakers, Kapplee, Bowls, Pitchers, and every artide i
■jx the line, la large, and selected for the dty and country |
trade. ■ I
GLASS WABE —Having a large and well selected stock,
of Glass on band, we will sell at fectory prises, saving tha
merchant the trouble of making a separate hilt All wn :
- esk Isa call, and we fed oonfldent of p’earing.
mye john j. (rumor. t
. BUILDING LOT IN Al.LBtttiEMl CITY, 94 fost by r
t\ 100. A good bargain canba had by applying aoon at
dxa ottce eg the MOBBING POBT. - jylfotf ;
oMALL OUXTAUE HOUSE, withaLotof 60 fcettmntoa
Colon stzaet Mt. Washington, by 928 fret deep foaOl
eetstreet. Price WOO; 8400 in hand, balance tn three,
yaartj payments. For sale by - -
; au2S - 140 Third rtwfc
Lot for Sals.
A GOOD BUILDING L0T,84 feet front onOarsca street •'
ty 100 ftat in depth, In Birmingham, wffl be sofei
•dieap. Enquire of QBQ.F. OILLMORE, v.
JrU alcana of the Morning Peat
AVJfiuY FINN DRAY HOKABjfiyeenoliLfarmisjSu
quire of FLBMIMBBOB- -
8 At.a 1) u!L—2d easea just reed red aad for sale by
asp? - It. B. GBLLERS A Op. - |
\ WANNA?—lease small Bake just redd aad far sals by ;
]>l sepT . &. X BKLEBBS Aw. \
. vABZIUC SOAP—a bxs intreeetred aad for sale by - ;
U aepT * B. X BEMJBg AOX j
OUYN OIL—I pipe just rceeked and for aala by
eep7 JJjmmAOO,
fos to store aad for salo by
L «»
Magazines fur September— \
Kagnxine; pike 15 cents.
Knkfcarbocker. j
Putnam's Msgeitno \
Maya due of Art ' ‘ i
Frank Leslie’s Lsdtas’Gasttto.
Gatov's lady^aßrnk.
Just rewired sad for ask by
«pl Mo. 7fl Fourth Brest ;
KMHMiiinitiUKM—a tai>!
' O Market street, ere now ©pentagon* cf the largeat aad
most varied asnrtfoaats at Preach ami Aoetrfcn Xmbcoi
-derksowr oGstad la our dty. They.eouskt la part, as
follows: ■
Baantiful Wrought Jaconet OoQgm;
Da do do Blesses;
Da do do Chemisettes;
Wltbamagnttcsot sssorttaaot of Rouacbigs, Mghyg,
and laasgtings. espl
Iv S& boxes Oktoe and German Soap;
69 do HUPs Extra No. l goapiiuat ncaiTed
and for sale by BAILBT AAISISHAWr
sspl 968 Libarty street.
STAB C AND LBS—2I boss first quality "gtar dniS
Just rsMfvad and for sals by
BUf* TOHfICU Idonsn ptiaa quality Bacf Teuyaaa
reaeirsd aad for ah by
tni . , BAILEY A REHggAW. -
Harper, for September.
Leslie’* India* Qesette, for fleptomTmi «
Herd Tlase: by Ohaa. IHAens; fomh sunely. '
Tkoadsiogn: lqrQ.P.R.Jams«.
. fir Jasper Oarew: by Charlaa Lsrar.
Formlsby . a. B. LAUFFBX,
raSl 67 Woodatraa
B&MUDA ABBOW BOOT—IOO fos 'rery SnaVmud
Arrow Boot reeaHad this day by
auSt corner of the Dlaaend aad Market at
soil i
reeeltsd direct from tbs Springs by
Mt&imst CHESTS —I have os hand tbe feast lot d}
Medkias Oasts ereroOMred in Pittsbergb, suftable .
for FssslUss, Phyridans. Sieamhoats, Ac. Paw wkh
iag a good aad cheap Chest would do well to calTaad ex
amias mine before ponbadng elsewhere,
ausi Josnaim.
LUOBTSB SHEEP.—Three -tne strong fibssr. fem
Mr. Haddock's celebrated imported stock, for A by
eoSl 1 JAIUg WIBEfoOP.
OSWJ9GU PBKPABKD CORN—IO boxm la seam and for
sale by K. & BELLEBS A CO,
'an9B , 67 Wood Wrest.
SAL SODA—IO casks in store aad for sale by
aaffl K. B. BMJJBB Z 00.
Xi auBB B. B. BETJ.BtS A 00.
CIANTiLB SOAP—id bis to store and for sale by
/ an9B E. E. HBI.I.BItt A 00.
O UF. C.ABB. SODA—UO hags la stoce and for sale W
I IQUOkICN BOOT—7 bales in store and tot tale by
j aa9B R- B. BBLLBBS Apq
40 bags prime Bio;
10 ** Jarm; In store and for sale by . '
Na SDGAB—76 bbda prime is store and for mle by
r ]^BAS— lmperial, Gunpowder, Young Hysea and
X Teas, la store aad for sale by
ftnsNik for mk by_
1 “"’’"‘“iSbSt g.ooupk
P 1^ 1
’ V
-1 gnasreealTOd by
\ •