('.:"• •■*?; Mmm&f&fyw 3 _ I ijl_l| H ifl _T\f|l*) 'Mill 111 I * :]. yi iTj Mmragsaßti :sv«[Wj;*%£2»** *t*S'.£+ * sSHSVfc 4*v-BiS*V Sr-*'* ?•!*■ W'?:■.%*" * :** ?. 1 iKvM «ra&<**S» «•& fsss^ig&M^ WMMi ■BMBhM mMh ’tfS&f/* i- fcY^£fd r Jp*4st2p&i *&?£ hft.fsi't ~'W~ ~*;... .J~* r '*:' r '\ -,;VvV- , 'V*i “As -‘ -,VA£; >: ‘sss: f j-ic» 'i- p,?i " t #*'>**> 4* v, _ iV a «.W /<= ~ '/•pif-c??-:- J ‘lv\:- ; *Y?H i• tf’ -Or. C'- ‘ SSS#i'^>^‘vy IBMpm iIIMM !lf'f#&#^sf§ iifcsSwffiSwsFWS^SK^s w2Bft*®£»*s« v«ie»SHls 2V**tT*?styi Son FOR DAMia*nciermont 6»ith yeeter d*Ltlt«tod eaita In U» Dbtatot Coart egriart AlfrtdO’- *s?'* w*n *nd Wflnwn O’Neil, for tracpau end M*»nlt md bat* 'tow Thu «UEi*g«««Ulll yeeterd.y, by Hayor ToU, for waulttag uA beating Patrick HopklM. Labcikt. —Thomas Conley waa oonmlttedl to i*U. ytotartay, tor the robbery of a gold watch, worth 81W from William palxell. /Jlßßajffifft/gfcfo; Marcus W. Achisok, Eso., was yesterday ad- s ., , mtttad to prtotlMM Attorney end Councilor la U,e 8a- San - promo Court, on motion ofCobWileon M'Oandleaa. Th» Grits ahd Bnugs turned out yosterday, Nl „Ydßk,Be. In nnltorm, to tend the fooeral of Mr. Bamnel Blcbardcon - gjgM-j;^ . MTOUK, t ndSAhatneti'bujolt j Boutbern^red »1 3 ® s * Ba, sramnei tempi BSSteM gEMfe* mmk%m w*sswa«wsß|sa s«ss«»&Eew -* SS%SSSS^S&. *s : '-t*i^2^'a?*** A j mon mrNDRKD THOUSAND DOLLARS worthof *teck f>l.«s‘“^ r ¥«S2.Ss“iid. iMMM pw !«jf frvrt **l* tr-f. JTgyyjiHßl-**. ■•£ f* **f4> *•' *K H •♦***> —1» •» ' « *|t| .a - ' , ’ w _" . 1 .. s * " a» a v '>•*’*‘A^ t v '-»* « /' 15 -V''' • ;,kg .. .• -•i r 1 *■ *• t i*' '* • ..- ■ Hmifew ■ ' .■" " ' '. • /'£:£ ?^r..^v>^uair,' : -. - -' : - : *y &}■' '‘ *ji- * • I THE (nt‘Y TOST. »■ Bvnin Qoni.-PtmtDi: ChUf Jiutle. Ttr *~.h g- Ahfik. Jnatlcaa Kite I*»wU, W. H. lowxte, G«o -». Woodwmid ond JolaO. , ■ ■ ' I 'Tdbdit, September ix 1 r a* OommonwmlUi ofP«“- iw2PS.ItUSS. ArrundbrMr.AUm fer ; „4» ABrodwrTS. Howtfn udmlnlamutoc, No. ®» Motion tot mjnt amednfia '“STii.ciMk.rt admlnls -4 Bailroad Company Irtaoegey bill vu filed hi Bei- J&S,?" n caumriL at tba In jimea Todd; but It teems that the Auditor AtotoMi™ At £?£, Gonoroi i»« Wa outhotiiy *» • h **"¥2* «Ufltlff to etrrf on the cnuo. But Hwu not brought to ?va sotloo of the court, end no lußdeut excuse ie glton ftr ? , m2 I SmtSSw») tho Mil on tt»t tt» awn timiMtoith wu not t cirtTi aid that a print# Individual Sunorigb UMhrustSiiinKlf between her end one of her "rheopSon of Court erts then, end n now thet the In terests indrlabta of the oommonweelth tn snob n auena this, ere not to he settled end adjudicated, eaeept upon her “TSwecandeddeforherabnence, we eun d * >_;y.V \ ’ f’* 1 * I '.. ‘ - v** : s b W* WIKI jMt«rd»T ibown by our friend Col. /ll „r the Cltj Hotel, tbe terrioe of direr p'tte to be pre. noted to Un. McKinley, widow ofihi let. 8. HoKlnl.y. Jw- Tb» •errlo* contirt* of A Wwn U sir, SSpL? 011 ' ' Cotfu Pot, SS^Swl. QtiiH Joe, Burf.Bowi, Brool Bowt, WeiMK. Tbe pweentetton will tele piece etUeeoole Hell, on Filth etreet, in tbe letter pert of September or eerlf in October; when e conrocetlon of ell tbe Meeonlo Lodtee In Weetern Pennerlrenle wUI be roomnned tcjetber. It le eleo el seoted tbet eeine of the oßcere of tbe Orend Lodge, from PMledelptU, will be in ettewdence et die >M time. Tfc.premht.tioo epeecb will be Hide b, Col. Wilton M Gendlae. end the plete will be recelred on tbe pert of tbe by Hon. Chwle* 6b»ler. Soddhs Death. —Coroner Lowry yeiteriUy »f -tfmn held an iwioea; on “» w > “ f * »oodied anddenly at the torero of Mr. B Ughtcap, on federal afreet, Allegheny. The deeeaeed «» ! .cooper by trade, and raaidodon Third ttraat, In that city. •1 Jut u tha dinner bell area ringing, ha entered tbe Urarn 1 In a .lightly intoxicated condition, paaaed Into the dltdng h^l'and rommenrod eating hil dinner. more than n bluortato when be wna aeUod arlth a«t o apoplexy, and died tnatantly. A xetdlct In accordance with th« fret* wm renewed. Th* Raw of yesterday and appearance of mm, remind the people thet .tree »»d other light earn, mar hate wont stand the teet, end In making the charge „ .onld recommend the Babh, Wide Awake, Oriel or Know Nothing beta u eery deelreble, and they are made at the Banner Bat Store anperlor in quality to the eeetem endaatowia price as the lowest. Dont forget the algo of the American Ting, 147 Wind street, oppoalte the new Free feytokbn cbureb. P*T*a Fbsckir tw arrested on Mondaj ere nlng, charged with the larceny of eereral eilk hendkerchlafe **2 the atom of Poland A Benor, on Liberty street. He „„ Uhrn w Alderman Wiggin.’ oßce, bat while that me etatrata waa engaged trying the erne, made hie eeeepe- Borerai other chargee of larceny are alaopcndiogagalnat him* i -IOMiUS-OO bap patne n»i by 10 Jara, 111 " gmo A MOORHEAD. MU ftim. totol. te «■« n coMJMg. ; .j{#. \ - ‘i'-W %■ 44 ‘ >•*. J* «* «,*■# • N >’,** >-•'-•• •***«* J * ;,V w - ? Tr; ■ 7 l --*.>• > «* . ‘ ■, ’.• a ' ■. >• ’.■_ , • .. ■ 'if' • c " f. ■"? »T th» OBrillT Llaw for th» Hunting Foil POXJR BATS LATXB TEOH BUBOPK. youu September 12.—the steamer St. Louis, from Havre; arrived lus afternoon. Bhe bring* Liverpool datea on qualities below middling. Tbe**^ B ®?* the 28th and 29th were 8,000 bale* each day. Breadstaus dull and lower. Wheat declined 9jl; Flour Is fid@2fl. Corn in stood demand; advanced la. The weather w»a fine tor harvesting. , .j. The Trench troops re-embarked from Bomorsond, and it . l< expected will make a descent on /inland, west of Eel- tethe Crimea woald leave Varna on the 3Mh Auput,with7o,ooomniand ooo The BpanUb government has borrowed 66,000,000 reals, upon security r ■ Li TOe D dliol«. i. rather loMTlolmt.t g. ;h,«reU th.t pUce U «thn»ted «t hrit • mlUlori Kterdiis. Omar Pkehk, iritii tS.OW men wtd 30 gams, anlpred Itu charwt on th« 211. IIi?r«o«ptlon was enthusiast. 000 MjftMC* (br th. Orst month, anil 7,000,000 Jot the sue ceding manths, at suhoMlar, on hlo actnall, Joining tho Western powmn. . . . ~ The Swedish diet Souse Peasants have proposed to peti tion the wing to take measures 10 prevent Aland Islands from returning to the Rurrian dominion. . The German papers announce theapproachlag conclusion of a treaty offensive and defensive between Austria and the Western powers. The preliminaries are settled. Tire ships of war passed through the Orest Belt on the 29th, laden with Russian prisoners en rouie for England. A telegraphic despatch from Brussels, announces the resignation en matte of the Belgian ministry. yiLwra There Is nothing important. The Com markets are tending irresistibly downward. The vineyards present a *^mmiy P d^ , SliSrs has been made Mawhal of France. gptDlih affairs remain unchanged. There has boen a roval decree lo suppress the juntasof saM-J. t , 4 . Latest.— Turkish accounts of the battle of Karsctatethe : result as indecisive. The lofs on both sides wei 6000 men. lUsean Pacha was killed, and Mustopba Taoba wounded. 1 Three Bui«sian Generals were disabled. . , PAWS, Tacwl.y Erening.-ThreM clo»d at_l3fl »si, four and a half per cepta 10J for tile end of 0“ month. Loppon, Tuesday Keening.—ConsoleclOßed et i nominally the highest this year. • . There was great firmness In the Manchester market, . All the Coro markets ware greatly depressed. At Market Lane, on the 28th, n«w Wheat was quoted at 2 to 3s lower, and old and foreign 2to 3e lower. Floor fell in London la American money in London la dsddedly easier. . Trade In Manchester stronger and prices wail maintained, r In Franca Wheat has declined 10a to 12a per quarter. Arrival af th# Calltornia Steamer. wjw Yoai, September 11—The steamer Empire City ar rivedat this port with $1,086,000 treasure and two hundred P *At*rTtble hurricane occurred On the 7 th, off Cape Florida. It lasted forty-eight houta. . On the 9th, the Empire City spoke the hark Itdndoer. of Baltimore, totally dismasted, but ooald not a«aist bar. Uer hall was sound, and her crew determined to remain by her. flaw a bark bearing down to her. ... . Dates from Panama to the 2d Inst., Valparaiso to the Ift, .and Melbourne to the 16tb June.are received. There la nothlog of Importance from tho Isthmus, or from gooth America. _ Governor Wood, Consul at Valparaiso, arrived at Panama In the sloop of war St. Mary’s. Bhe sailed from Valparaiso for the Sandwich IslanA^^ The Portsmouth on the 12th, ana was ex pected to sail aooo. The St. Law **Additional states that the revolutionary party had powefSlWrtwo large towns and were hourly expected to atuck Canton. State# surveying squadron was moored off the factorise »r the design of protecting Amerloeu interests. _ An arrival, Just as the stoem*r was leaving aanFranctflco reported that Canton had surrendered to the Insurgente. Haltmoml September 12--Ellen Morant. while prf"rm ln?in thedandng icine cf theSertouv Fsm, Cboto. .™. .11 «b»8o-d u> MlVtoSilfJn tb. tow.r P»rt South M.nta. •<«•*■ VM|ltlTe Bib.. Excitement. omcoo, September 111.-Mueb .tenement bm Sfffeffajtfs-jassKs gathered nrennd the office- «ha l>tw Mf*t*rjr« Nto Yolt* September I].—-Tb. t*rqu. C.ttarlu. Apue m 1 AWareX toactigtlturt th* government of B«ota Anne. Si expected lo l«re lo a day or iwo on the earn* expedition. _____ Op.bt Fl»« »t ».ll*«. Honour.. Lo..| $500,000. Knr Year, inumuv n —An arrival brings Ad*!*** u\U stating that th" btwin*;n from Hooao™a w rompririnz on» hundred build* betodwtrttf«d tjr «m,teroHl°S »*° M of Aan.xotlon of tb. ».nat.lt >. I,land *.. Arrl.ol of in. B«.»m.r OlM»«w. SS3SS2SSSSBBS! a l .le«r»pHOji.r»tor Dead. nnmt s. 0, September 11.-Tbornton operator of thi. Tel.gr.pb button, died to day of yellow fever. ■ / Independent Whig Candidate. Pbiudopoia, September 12.—Jo3eph H. Cbandl'*r wM Dominated in the Second CongrewloQil Wstrict, last night, a> an independent Whig candidate gglUng Of tlie iteomer 8*»t» An»»- N«w Yo«, September li.-Tho Mexican war iteamer Santa Anna cleared to day for Vera Cros. TSX3GEAPH XABSXIft. m—▼/«* Reutembcr 12,—Flour declined 25 to 37V$c; • gales 4,250 bbla good Ohio at *9,266|i9,62; ? M SlO 16c S sale* 2,250 bbla at *9,26^9,62. Bouthjrn4 * moderate demHurt; wdea 12,000 l»iu*h £ h ?wt°r£l af *176. Coro-Tho BUanior'e oewi bad afa Southern red a* &0,000 bo*h «.M. Vor* un- Torableefhct, prtcM •« . 12,006 bbla on the root Chicago at *16,600*1 ft. (Tut »t *l2. E«f L*nl unchanged;* mode st**! 3OO bag*, prices firm, tracrao rate darned. Oo«ee...Baie*ow w* i r Moltwses tlona limited. Bagar firm' . 25@24. By® un finn, with upward tendency, ao . changed, a moderate demand. 8»c« *dtaM«d W;wKWSU* <% feptemtor 11-FlourJ±? am; but llttlr lnquivj for .hipment ; tb'”4?lb ed was 860 bbl* good brands at *9,87 M- Bj® rlour».. ta, MuT o"ri,Mr.l«rm; »Im4oo »«• ufoax. * Wheat duU; mtllon holding off for Jp"** f M« > tooo|bu.b good r«i .t *I,SO@H 90, KiW p whit® attliOS, afloat. Rye... Nothing doing. Com dull until aale yellow at 90@91. Cattle Markets. NUT Tom, B*plemb«r 11-4,090 Bw»e* oB.r«J; m«rket rent lot k rrm.*rn pp,t Btptembar 12.— Sties 1&0Q head beef cat* *7 «100 tbe fcr ordinary and prime qualities. Oowi ranged from $l7 to $«• U0g5...400 la market, *>ld at »6@ ti^&eep...»B<»d ßa PP l 7> Pfl““ ranged viifmau. Beni ember 13.—The offerings of beef cattle w«t l SoheaiLMo werelfciTeu eastward, 700 left over, 660 rawing from 2 to 4 cent* on the hoof, a do “>V* J* lOTlb,. Hog*...supply WOO, 4000 h«d pr1c««|5,60@0,60» 100 Jbl. Boot* Md Sfcoaa. Jt JJTLACQHLIN, Wo. 95 fourth etreat, nearly oppwlta . aVMi Office,lflmanofretoripg Gentlemen’s first Boots, low , ties and buttoned ; Oougraaa and BoUon JJfnJtarJ; lS5f Boots, Half Boots, Jenny Linds, BUp* Mi?l£dFw»»» leSn* Belters, of ereiy «>W andahade; sS»oy«Ktt *ad B*Ua Belters, of the bast material; Mlseei B—AU Undsmedetoorter/em short notice. [euM US FORM*£R JUEJ*. Tturiver*rOn last evening, there wa*l2 iophoe water in the channel, by the motel mark, with a slight rise from the late rains. Ths Alleghany river bad risen lncher, and from what we could learn from the boatmen of theGnt ter>Buipe Line, from op the Allegheny, that river waa about at a stand. ____ The stesmen Jmt Leuear and exchange are the packets running to Brownsville—the Exchange io the morning, and the Lascar in the evening—from D*m No. 1. Ths keel-boat Ebtptre arrived last night, and brought up from WheellnglS tons ferap Iron and 450 bushels wheat, besides discharging 9 ion# of freight at WallsviUe. The weather since Setordav evening hM . Ije ® l l“f ant There we" a' storm on &* a «teyevening, but no rain fell here, thoush in.the immediate vicinity. The river Is about at a stand, with 17 inches water in the canal.—Lome riffs Journal, S-jAember 11. St Louis, September 9.—The river is low and telling. Six feet reported in the channel to Cairo. aro all low. The weather is warm and cloudy, with indica tions of rain. . STEAMBOATS. “1854.” PITTSBURGH, UIHCIHNATI, LOUISVILLE, Utf BAIRT LOCH. . T * - Pittsburffh and Cincinnati Steam Packet Line, vob rna ooiwitascs or PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, And Saint Ijouia. This LOT la composed of eeyen I class powerful Steamers, tf—for apeed,*pl«ndor, and comfort, and Is tie oslt Tonooan daut *»* « 8f “Jj Packets on the Ohio riTer. It connect. with the J* S-“j» Line of Steamers from Cincinnati to UaisTiUe ndhist LoaSu, by which passengers and freight art «**« "• Cfivtrd through ddily. Two new Steamers hare been added to the Line/which now consist* of the Snail. Captain*. from PiUtbvrgh. BUCKEYE STATE. M. W. B*LTXHOOVKK....Bunday. MESSENGER, No. l—J. B. ALLEGHENY Geo. M’Lau* .Tuesday. CRYSTAL PALACE Wm. J. Kookti- ‘S* 4 ®*^* PHILADELPHIA B. J. Gaact. i PITTSBURG II- H. PENNSYLVANIA Jwo. Kunriua. Batunlay. Leave daily at 10 o’clock, A. M., precisely. ’ . No freight rooetred after nine o’clock on the morning of departure. • . r " p “ to ’ l *”' ■ p s , o y .S Ap , tt , JOHN FLACK, J ‘ , ’ Monongahela House Buildings. Ldeclfi] Ittobargh, 1868. “1854.” CANADA WEST. kClaToUndtPdrtßUnltT t and Port Harwell. 888 TUB JIN* low pressure steamor TELEGRAPH. Captain R. B&MOW, will make two trips a week between Cleveland, Port Stanley, and Port Bunrali, as follow*: , L««VM Cleveland for Port Stanley, every MONDAT and THURSDAY EVENING, at7M o’clock. Leaves Port Harwell for Port Stanley at 1 . v Leaves Port Stanley for Cleveland every WEDNESDAY uid SATURDAY EVENING, at 7 Wo’elock. The Telegraph connects at Cleveland, with theiCl’ve** o !)’ ColumbuirEd Cincinnati, the Cleveland and Pittsburgh, Xe Lake Shore, and the Toledo, Norwalk »“* Railroads- Al«) connects at Port Sunleywltbthe London line of SUEes, which ©onneeU with-the Great Western passage apply on board, or to SOOVIIX A i LAPPBtifi* T -KiCleToland; d. r. HOLCOMB,Port Stanley . i or a. Burwell. mart. :tnov friON SALES. VRbilon**Dail7 Sales* At the CommercUl Sale* Kooma, comet of Wood an-. rmhrtreaU.at 10 o'clock, A. M-, a of SaaamaWa, Staple and Fanej Dry aooda.Clothln*. BooU and Shoe*, llats,Cipa, Ac., AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M., Qtooariee.Q-neeßSwtre, Olaarware, Table CnUery. Looluns OlaaMi, Sew and Second Uand Household and Kitchen Fur nitare, Ac., AI 7 O'CLOCK, P. M., took., St.lloa.rj, Foot Artdrr. Woricl IMnuik, H.rdw.r* .ud Cullrry, ClotWnf, \ utrtj Oood«,0i,ld »“■ B(lT.rw.tri«>, Ar._ P. M.DAMS,, AucUoaror. ,;.J1 tt p. K. DA YU, AactlonMr. nTOCKS AT AUCTION.—On THURSDAY EVENIN'! ]4tb io»t., at " l A o’clock, the Merchant* fcxrbaa*' Poarth etreet, will l» «Jd: . 30 share* Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh Ft* k. 00 An Bank. of Pittsburgh 10 tio Manchester, fearing B**>k " 1H do ltui'c Cln. and Ismi*. X* lr - •1* do Monongetwla NnTlgutlon Co. •• j do Ohio aud Peona. Railroad Co. U do Lifts. Fira ud Marin* Iw. Co. *• 10 do Citif-oV Insurance Oni'an* ‘ w y. M. DAVIS. AueDooecr. ’■'XkiiV. hi«k*K or lmY ijWW nuva a t,:ov..vi*o Li STORE AT AL-CTiON-On THURSDAY Sftosibcr Hlh, .! 10 »t '>■' wmm.irt.l lu«ni N «to«r of Wool .nil Fifth ««*“■ "'*‘l' ~ UI , riunirr •uortffl.nt of Supl. »nil F*n-y Dr ? l '" .book wllUh or. .up*rfloe Cloilro. l aroliol*”'°.'' blnwl.bd ood brown Mdrlln., lrth CoboTc Idoth*. Alp.ro., lnwo, Honnbl", Oln. hTO" Print. Chiu!*. Sliowl.-. Ildifi, Potont Thr*.d. »">«” (Jlore*, Iloolory. Ororolo, *r. A 100, o h liata, C*pA Bonnets, Bo* French style febtrtr, 'Otb i ▼arlely of faFhi-JtabU A~W—-» WANTS, T AND WARRANTS WANTED—-ill* OC.-1 *l*h U. pur -“I SffiU*"lftS i w “■•j'Slfi Effl- * and 40 acre*. A P pIT Kuroiaw A«cDt, _3 ooroar of Seraulh mod femlihfield #uw*tfc "ittn'i Alsnanaee far 1885. ■wATir il MKLLOK. *1 Wood etrwt, Httabursb. »lh b, Mr. L»k. Ix«.K U. “'“SI'itnSVSM.MU ALMANAC, lIIIJ.’H MAGSXtNE ALMANAC, AMERICAN FARMERS’ ALMANAC it i. onlr ncU-aw to aay, that the Trillion*, moral and Hill'* Almanac* -til be maintained hsr*4*y Ho.M »< Infrlaiiu j on the copyright of the aboja Almanac- • Th-y Sill b* f.f sale at all tho b, tbe grow or too, *»d by JJ|IN u «m|t. iw.traetieai In Waste* o ££>,So 1W BBCOCiD street, will be promptly attended UASKILIi . CORNER OF MMS AND SO LIU &Td, WARREN, 0 riviiV Proprietor uk-s pleasure lo aniwuunuK U» the “ iff-jssftsss &-*-««•$.-ggsgu. •cl 7 - ■ ■lElml TCTMB t'-M PAT- BUILUISO'tOT FOB »A1«1C- A LOT W feet front on WYLIK «n»t. uk! u.«imtr.n c .. E B ,uir.of OZO. * fiVuiNK. or TUl*.—That bj p*t!dk ca*h wa c*n I M OK6 Sotot upon . ISo. Ur«« Lot of Orouod » So* Uu.t the office of 8, LUTHBWT^**)!^ fcu£W KUOiITFOL LOCATION.-For »U, » ,rs “! D«.m D * flouw, lost completed, of fix roouss toa » ,ai d< “ c " to-exftinl&e the aboTe * SON, .« Ks do do do at fr%, do; 2,000 do do hams at lie, do; 4,000 m do do aides at fc, Ibur mos; 8,000 fid* do do shoulJen at«c, do; SWm lofoads’at scales at $23@26 Tp ton ; 50 bales at canal at $25. , SODA ASH—Sales fl caeia at S]4.l* Ibfsix moa; 20 do at do do. ■ ' JDST RECEIVING, AT J. street, between First tad 60 begs Filberts; | 60 “ English Walnuts; 30 ** Cream Nats; | 11 bales Bord’ux Almonds; - 800 bxs M. R. Raisins; 1,19 £ a J° 160 bf do do; «° “ Gam Drops. SOO-dos Lemon Sjrup; 30 kegs German Hums; lftOgreMUler’sFloeCot, 30 do* Tomato Ketchup; 6® “ Anderson s do, 8 cares Prewired Glngrr; 60 dox assorted Pickle., 20 kegs Raisin*; 6 cases fancy box Prunes; 60 gross Blacking, & “ do jar do; 200 300 bxs Fire Crackers; 10,000 Principe Segars: 6jo “ Sardines, % and ‘w 10 - 000 Regalia do, 10 basket* OUta Oil; 10.000 Uarana do; 1200 bus Pea Nut*; 20,000 Common do; 10 bxs Maocan.nl; 20,000 H(. Spanish B.>gart; 10 “ Vermioein ; 16 “ ats D* l *? ; • 10 “ Olires; 3,000 Cocoa Nuts; , n u 20 casks Currants; WOdniiSng,’; » to Sh-ltal almond,; 40tog,Poem..; 1 30 “ Islca Almeods; * C»««, 20 - LUbon do; 3 , n KSIKby 20 bbl* Loreting's Sugar; J-C. ANDMaO^, au2B 28 Wood at, between First and Second. Cabinet Furniture < W«r«l&ouM. ; TD YOUNG k CO., Cahine' f'umiiure and Chair Man . uractxrcrs, Not 3j and 40 Smithfield oUvct. opposite City Hotel, would respectfully remind their old friends and customers, and those about to purebare anything in their line of business, that they are constantly .inasutaetariag eTerr description < I fashionable Parlor and Chamber Fn* niiure. Warranted in material and workmanship, and sold on reasonable terms. Care taken la packing for land or water carriage . . , . Steamboat Cabin Furnltare end Chairs on hand and made to order, as usual. , , ... Those interested iQ furnishing boala wtll find it to their advantage to givfl oa a call, a. w« gl™ «*«7 »tt™Uon Jo the manufacture of work best adapted to their,use. (außl Ifresh Axilval i TAGAN A AUla, are just I.Goods, to which they tnfi tnmen sod the publio la geni ••elected with great eare, and can be pmch*.«*ri in the city. of the following; _ Plain Mack Silk*, Brocha Shawls, Fnjj isiaare Fi*’d do, B»J SUI- do ; do, Striped do, BUTOkrtOo do, I'lwJ do, Cashsere Shawls, Lapin’s Bombazine*, Chintzes and Ginghams, do blk andeo’ldlfcdaines, CosbrtOkable Flannel*, do striped aod&’ijd do, Welsh do, Fine Cashmeres, EttfcroUorle*. Canton Cloths, Glove* and Uolsery, Paramattas, Uibbom . With all grades and eelnr* Cajnn t IVcncA, the very lmrnrt price*, rith in ikrttlenl assortment cf housekeeping £C«*d.s. ‘ *r[i9 Iron Front HulMmca, No 91 Market st. A Mew ArrW*rof Flanoa. CUIAiasOTTK BIXMK. N*lW Wood *treal. h.jmt r* i reiving the following new i'iaao Foites, with and with out the .tjlinu attachment: _ „ , . , - Odo ‘decant earreil L»t One do do Three do do _ d.nable round corner Rosowood C> 4 octave Plano*. < -ns round corner finished lack aud front« o*taw J’L»; A further arrtTal 1* elp>r-ted In about two week?. faulfi* lA.>l' I'll it thlt-h—lbO acres situated in Uaceor,n Bot j uun. 4 miles w*t K jUP'.iK MINIMI COMPANY STOCK, 0 for «»l« );>* fir onsli. or four munch* paper. Kn ,iivcif „ THOMAS WOODS, MBl:Iia 7C. Fr-orth rtrort. ; Wm. Jr., / AL-'THING AND U'KNUlllMi STHiUL Afusuaac Uil /yy, r?rrrf, i’rf.v'.uryt,—Ci&thiti.; irutic U> order, i s~x«J vtrlr, an'! «t rst*s [ jEhl«k>>i*lC* or Corn'llt anbjeei* Kurmportnnously [_ Tri-atM: be Wm. Cider; $l. y»<* Nai.. cr lli» Thru® Apj>T*-ntf«-*: J 1 t 5. limbs ani U'.y: by Kiiaabath Oake* Siot’h : $1.28. Halin’* Uiitnryof Cuba: Ula«trat#>d; 69 r«t*. ll*nl Tim'/ Chari** Ihek>n» ; •*-» 1«»«* K*cl* ’• by U. P. R. June* T &0 *-n r*. < inf-llsTid TaPlc*., ,*r Crayon bkp'rhrc of tbf N'MJpeabi* M.-u of our b.®: by U*or>f* W. Buuiruj , with 2) portraits ; t X»ite. Oi.LECTBD BY lIKMLY KUKtfKR, personally,■ 1® »• avlern dt*n>, end jiwt received by Adams k Oi. * Ez- Th» Wt'l Wood Home: by Mr*. A. Wad*. Tb* Warrior Page, vocal duett : by Bt. Olover. On: Summer Moru, n-reoade: by Calleett. ~t Tt» Old Fanner's Qrave, tone and quartette: by Abbey. Evening. a beautiful «ang: by Fn. Abt Old Joiwy, song aod chord*: by ff#rwl, Vrw Day*: bv Wmwl. . Piano—Th* Farewell Waltz to the Ladies of America, with Jalltai's portrait r by Jallba. The fireman'* Quadrille: by Joiiitn. Tim Sultan * P*>ika : by Uiubert. The Kventu* ShnSe I**»lka: by Wood. Tltaola WalU: by Frey. U-rr-Chaw tvhoUiacb: by Bro»or. Kl Cucuyc, the Cuckoo, adrbraXol Hat sea Contra Dour* Vy Wurr«-n La Waltz: by ScOloTer. The Antler's I’olka: by W*iU TABLE to LKY—A liriefc eiablo, in the rear of ° NO. AH r™. «. *n>r •» GEJ n _ aU 26 140 Wood "irroL C“ tllhb^b-—dwJ iiom extra Cutting fqjpfcal* by ) jyM JIMNEr^H.JMLLrNSL^ IVRAifliWAirn KLTItOsU'LCT Part‘2o, fir July, of 15 Bralthwalfs Retrospect of Practical Medicine an*l '“aSKIi IWof.rt, or Frail]- PrWe:hj the euthor of Pique, dc., Ar.. For hale at thu chean Rook Store of W. A. 01 LHENFENVET k CO , !_jti • 76 Fourth Kt ri**t- i’msU—l'J'J hf bbli Wbilß Fi«b; r 19 bbls do; M bf bbl* Treat; libbiH a?; 10 hfbblaPickerel; f&r sale by t_ l7 HKKRY 3. OOLLTNS. /~\IU>INTAL WIOPB— AnoiW Mippiy of this celoteaUd U eitroct fcr the hralhcicLkl, noe*f«* f^r^inq, fc uli oocßt*r of the Diamond kid Market at, i^'XiiACCti^nintTwn'iiamaTWebrter*# Old*and oilier lOF ~lL' KINO* rfvfTHfc PUPILS OF O. ANTON, inswap Of. Viri£- I Mr. No. 00 Word Street o UOA|{S.—'We h*Tr on baort » fall * n ft O Crushed Bup*rF, nailable for matin? PrM^rran, *c„ which w® arTwllinß at 8,9,10 and Tea Store. M Fifth street. riTWO FRAME IIOU3 k*. and a targe .LOl of Orouud, haT -1 luff a front of W fret on th* brtiw of thebill, (ML Washington.) by ICS fret deep. Also, » lW *£* InJiISl n JiIS ,or * l ”° i *"s oUTaffi““ ON,* 200 »«p” 140 Thiitl street. AQOOD DWELLING lIOCSE.So. 33 TowdbgdA Ft reel, fDritsle; conmintog eight rooms, ell lo gorel onler. Erie. fJOOO; «M 0 lo hand, the Real Eatale Ageol*. 1« Thlri atreat. NBW DOCK by x7p. rooeiTod by 11. Miner & Co., So. 52 Smilhfield street: Famous Persona ao«l Places: by N. Parker Will W . Boone and tbe Hunter* of Kentucky, by W. 11. “my Veartln both nomi.rb.rM, or RemllilaceooM of a former Merchant: by Vincent Nolle, late of New Orltane, l2 ?toe Youth of Jefferson, or a Chronicle of College Scrape*; ' or the Black Eagle: by 0. P. R- Janje* ; 60 FRANK VAN OOUPBK. W Fifteen Minutes Around New York: by 0.0. Foster; 20 "our Honeymoon, and other Comicalities, f™m Pouch: with illustration*; _ n . tvj_. Pkr , Agatha Beaufort, or Family Pride i«<« u - All the now Books of the day ■ u Pg| u J{jjJ Eß k qq , 23 No. 52 Bmlthfleld street. TEHRESCOPIC3, er Curreot Subject* Extemporaneously Treated, hy Famous Pewons and Places, by N.P-Wil». Daniel Boone, and the Hunter* of Kentucky, by W, H. Wood, by Leile Linden. Peterson’s Magarine for September.^ Godey’s Lady's Book. Yankee Notions. Jrntt ncdTrf .04 X“*'.mLDKNFEiraEV * 00., anffl No.Tfl Fourth eireat. hKdTON fc MKKHILL’B V*lt**> ot Bose, Peach, Aurnmd, Sxrawbsrrr, **•» for flavoring In touu, Blonc Mingo, PoMlngo, /M-O&JRa. V *f * 4.- * ’ -•• •'VC.* *?+. • £*ik * •-X-, ■ Lard and lard OIL -16 XeaaNo.l Lard; 10 bVls do Lard OH; SLalfbbls do; .Bd to. 1. by Mn LgR t RICK KTSON. RIOB— 20 tknru prime Klee, raodred and for sale by lUfi-ar uerw V MTT.T.IfR A RIOKKTBON, jel7 321 and 223 Liberty rC LARD OIL—IO bbls No. 1 Lard Oil; 10 bf do do; tor sale by Jel7 MILLER A RIOKETSON- AVA OOFPKE—A) pockets Old U or. Jam Coffee, f». ml by IJiWI MILLER A RICKKT-UN. li.abkt wtn'K—to caeca “St. Julian" Claret, rucelred i t Ti [my2a IN&KKD OIL—IO bbls for sale by , HEN AY HOLMES. ANDERSON’S, 20 Wood LIME— 100 bbij for ule by je!9 20 hxe RICHARDSON. ' AOKKREI/—lOO bbia >o. 3, lor sale by j'ett ENGLISH A EICIIARPSON- FEARS —40 bbU prime Pears, Car sale by ENGLISH A RICHARDSON- R~TC*-100 tierces prime Bfce, for sale by . j* l7 ENGLISH A RtCHARDSOv o UADI—'SI6 bbUßbad; , , 6O M bbla Shad; in store and for sale by jolfl ENGLISH A RICHARDSON. SCGAK AflD MOLAIiSKS— -60 hbdiN.O. Sugar; 75 bbU do MolmupJ; 26 do B.IL Molasses; lor sale by mJ .# M'CLORKAN, lIKKKU.V * CO. ?>7iflWVwKB »iTItXCIIAXQ£~BA«k ST00&. lor Bale bO br WILLIAM A. ZIXLL A CO n jj2? Banters, Wooditrect, rittabiirglL O.NGWOHIH'S LADIES’ BWKHX WlXK—Veij whole nine: an excellent article ter •acinmonUl tymoin 1 » D ~'iguuff'.t- . / 1 KKM *N, french, Port, Madeira end American Winert , (jT fox Bale cheap by , lui Liberty Bt* BKANDIK3, Wblaky, i'.mch MuaUtcl, Havana aimtya OU h*od, »t the \ok e-t jp^ < y£CES I 3BN C~^llKAl r XND PUtUi OLAHEX—An excellent urtlc. j mimm>r use, for b*l« by J/W ofPall Goods. t recviring their eboicn Pall rite the attention of tbelr cu irral. The Goods bare been' will be sold u low a* tbey Their stock consists Is part WtdTKKN DttArrS—OoMUntly for sale at short date, on Cincinnati, Louiiriile, 81. Jjoate, New Orleana, Chicago, Detroit, and • Cleraland; at No. 71 Fourth street ip2 g A. WILKINS A W- AND Dealers Id Exchange, Bank Notes, Gold end Sllrcr CeiD. Current and Bar fundi recoiled on deposit. btu«kj« bought and aold on eotamUattm. Collections taade at any point in the Uuited Btatee. South East cornsr uf Market sod Fifth streets, myll firraßUiuiii. pa. Baths—Uot, Cold, and Shower. IN the fitting aud furi.Uhing of which .nothingtbaj been spared to render bathing luxuriousaa well as ffcaltlifuL Are open erary day, (dunday’a excepted,) from 6 o&ock, A, until 10 P. 31., at the Barber Shop, Perry Hotel, corner of Hancock street and Dnqneane Way. JuUX WOODSON, Proprietor. pearl k*y*. 7 octaas Plan 7 K’Uie Pianos. Mammoth JLtght. BDPKIUOK AND SPLENDID PICTURES are SUfe produced at CAKGO'S New Gallery, No. TO Fourth XaP street, by his la*ie and improred Side aul fcKv Lhrhta; by which Uken«eei» of Children are ta- in a few second*,and Adulta tn any weather. Miniature* set in Lockets—Dagnerreotyj-es copkd. Boom* open day and craning. » u ‘ „ „HTF Rn»r*OßL.... „.7.J.GRAFF. Graff, ncUinger *> Graff, WKBTBKN FOUNDRY, No. I‘it Wood HrecL—Manu facturer* of Cooking RtoTaa, Coal ami W.od Stores, FurJor f*lOT**, Hollow Ware, Plain and Fancy Graua, Plain au.l Fancy Fenders, taJ and Dug irons, Portable Forge*, feognr Kettle* It a Kettles, Store Kettle*, Wagon Box*.. Ae.Ac. - *° l4 ' WATEKLY HOISK. HAVIKd left Wilkin* lUli, ami mo*«*l to the WAVXIv- LY HOUSE, Diamond alley, which I h**« fitted dp *n baa jtyVe, I woold respectfully wlidt tha patronage of my former fH#» CUAIJW. of wry description, tU : ITI ilxtciuloQ Lining Tables; Do Bar do; Ladloa Cabin Chains of Tarioos style*; Gent*. do do do; Qtaie-nuwak *• J Do Toilet Boxe*; TetaaTot**; Sofas; Dltbbi ; Centre Table;; Wash Stand*; Card do; Water do; Traya, Ac., Ac. Material and workmanship warranted, and price* *a*L“- freterr. T. B. YOUNG * 00., jj jj S 8 emithfleld bu, oppoalta City Hotel . BANKERS AND (BROKERS' I CoRXKB OF FvraTH AXD MtITHFIELD SWEETS \ wuAQm Pliuburj h, Jp a. hKCiIKuTTOWJ£ AGAlN!—dost recited andfor sale at MINER A OO.’S cheap Dock Store, No. 32 fimith fioid etrc*.: ... . auiioj Meoatri of Foreign Luib: by Mrs. lluTlrt Beecher Stowe, author cf Loci* rcm'sCabin; 2 rol^,cloth, illustrated, s*. Sir Jasper Oar*w; Leter's new novel; oO cents. IVshion and Famine: by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens; $l. For •aloby Q. MINEKAOO, j T X« No. 32 binkthfiekl street. MISCELLANEOUS, HKNRT H.OLME3. UKNBY HOLMES red. and fur if ale by eit UiSNRY HOLMtfS. Slick WATSB^Lbi.r^g^iu&j, corner of the Diamond mtl Market at. D. FICKEIBEN', M’COfIfMKL.L.A. WILLOCto, YANKEES, ABTHUBS, BODGEES & CO- SAL frOL*A—l& caefcs on h»Dd and tor sals by jj-Xi FLEMING BEGS. j>tail J. A. HUTCHISON A CO. K‘ KfiIUOKY MUBTAIII)—A fteah supply of Ou» celebra ted Mustard rvcelved nod Tor rale by jy si j. a. nrrcni?os * co. 7 \ Pk’ICB rUKMTUKt—kcr rale low, mi follows: 1 targe I I iron Safe; 1 Double De*k, a sup. article; 1 Letter c7*«*c. My3l] J. A. iturcmsoa A 00. ZINO PAINTS, of tsTery mrlety o! owJ bind and lor wile bj jySi J. A. HUTCHISON A CO. AKD— No. L, in kegs, for aale by I aoJO HENRY H. 00LLIN9. lUSiI-400 pks White Puh, Trout, Seirnou, *c., mowed and for **le by [aulOj IIKXItV li. CuLUINS. IMK—IOO bbU LoomlUo Lime, reemtea by l ft ulO HENRY U. COLLINS. M"' oOOKD’b PATENT FAMIbY SOAP—2OO bxa receir* by [aulOj HENRY 11. COLLINS. WK bare Jnst received some of the moat desirabla odors of H. de Beiges; also, a few piece* of new and ele* Sunt etvies Pdainea and Cashmeree. * A. A. MASON A CO., No. 26 Fifth street. Q_UN3 TO UIRK, by aus 1. UTNAM I'OH AUGUST, (lewv** cut opeujjuat recem *t ' RUBBKLL6’, Fifth street, jj29 near corner of Market. GUNS, i’I&TOLS AND IUFLKH, at all prices,for sale by »u 6 BQWN A TETLKY. 1 FLASKS, BELTS, POWDfiU HORNS, SIIOrToUCUiiS, Drinking Cupp, Ac- for salo by aijs * J SOWN k TETLEY. 2 d 1 I—T PUI«- , |T7»o?«*J« ££*gjFista ami Dealert in AW Medicines, ConMT Fourth ul W«od itrWh Pittsburgh. IT EELEfi’B AMERICAN COMPOUND; k Jayne's AAereliTe: «• Carminative Belssin; « Hair Dye: “ Expectorant; '• Senative Pills: “ li&ir Tonic; Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cherry ; Bryart’s Pulmonary Balsam; HooflamTs German Bitten; Holland do lia* letter's Stomach do Merchif**' DterineCatholicoo': Stormrißccteb Cough Candy; Pricu's do; Thom’s do;* Bowa’s do; Osgood's fedlaCholagogue; Mom's Invigorating Cordials Tyler’s Gam Arabic Drops; Harrison's Hair Dye; l’halou’e do Batchelor’s do MaMoon’s Elixir of Opiom; Bryant’s Purifying Extract; . Dailey’s Pain Extract; Brown's Essence of Jamaica Ginger; McAllister's do do: Kidder’slndelliblu Ink; Payson’s dfa do; Arohold’o « - do; Dr. Curtis’ Hygeana; Lyons’ Eathairon; David’s Lilly While; Basin’s do; Tobias’ Liniment; Hont’B Dr. Locock’e Pulmonic Wafers; Dr. Needham’s Breoat Pumps; Water's Atmospheric Breast Pumps Gum Elastic do do- lor, constantly on BOWN A TETLEY, No. 180 Wood >t- Always Reliable* DELAYS are elways dangerous, and particularly w wit* chUdren that hare any of the sympioma of w«»s. iu rnu .-M your child restless, pale, with foetid brt*LMi*rd .tamacli, or on Itching of the nose, 50a need notherfUdeto administer to it 11. A. Pednertoek'e VermifoUe. ThU tarth tible remedy will destroy ell worms In the irritation, end leeye the bowels In e plesaont condition. Head Mr. HaiTia’ Etstement. YoIIl , eb . 19th, 1843. Thi. ie to certify, that I gore two bottles of B. A. Mine, to2vVermUhse to e child of mine, rii yesrs old, Md*J awwml worms. One of them wee ebont yiyTKSN SSMTu, length. I can therefore recommend it to the rthhc as the beet remedy for worm* erer need, the pto , WJL B HARRIS, 116 Orchard rt. Prepared and sold by William A* HUI *- Co.» JANKERS, A'o. &ft mod street, PittikcnpA HOLD on B»'.e the following BONDS AND BTOOKB-^ 40 shares Kirbtnge Bui; ‘ 17 do MonoDgahel* Navigation Company» 20 do Cubans’lnsurance Company; 12.000 Mooongmbela Navigation Company Bono* , i sOOO CUT or Plttjijirgh Bondi; r-pW l,r*wtf j 15,000 Chanty of AllegMny Bomb. |— U. HINKU A 00 Locuit 0roT« 1 rfHE next saaion ofthls tab I DAY. September 20th, »wl «™S ini ban At JD.J rupll.ftom U» arot.iatn«x=ln»>«°S“S , 2- Ui . .toreof Mr.QmP B- I CireuUre mtj Mr. tUUati, OWoodat, WhiU, on SUtte: or o* . t pUe»Uon.to ■jfji. Hl OLAiKI, Htt.burgh.Jw | »u9:td . h * n . '«f * , v ■J, V*\.' ’ ze*--y* Arrangement, COmtEXCINQ FEIIR VA5T! 3,1864, - 1864.- Matt. TOAIJi learn Pittsburgh at 8 AM; dine* at Alii anoe ; takes tea at CrwUine. and mah« a dose eon* neeiion there with a last Express Train, reaching Qncln nati about 12 o’clock at night. EXPRESS TEAIS leares Pittsburgh »» 3 o’clock, P.M., after the arrival of the Express train from Philadelphia, and reaches Crartlin* at 11,30 P. M., renneedng with the Night Expr«« which reaches Cincinnati in the morning. Connections are made with the Ohio and Indiana, and Belftmtaine and Indiana railroads for Dayton, Indlanapoug are made with Cleveland, Monroeville. Sah du*ky, Toledo, Detroit and Chicago with Bucyrus, Upper Sandusky, Forest, and the towns on the Mad River Road. aKo, with Mount Vernon, Newark, Zaoearille and town* “w toOrSnMtTtV; to Indianapolis^; to DMa to Toledo $6; to Columbus to Zanesville Cleveland -$t Through tickets to Louisville- at rednaad RKTtJRNIJSG t THB EXPRESS TRAIN leaves C.teadine at LIS P M, and reaches Pittsburgh at &30 P M, connectingwi tithe fast Express Train tough In fifteen hw«l »rbSM»tg£ matt, train leave* CrestUue&t iSO, A-M-,on thear* riral of the Night Express Train from Cincinnati, and m EPiEsS£iu&£& atiok maw- Pittsburgh at 10 A M, and 6 P M, and New Brighton at 0 A PRHTftTTT*TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at TAM, and 9 Pi it., and arrive* at A3O A U, and 430 f, P M. a^*The Trains do not run on Sunday. .. . n» Kckete or farther information, apply at the.achat oßcm of U» Ohio and P.nn.ji-tim, J Q CURRY, at the corner office under tns Monoaganaia Federal street Staiiptt* JOHN KELLY, Passenger Agent. PtßUTiTaal* BaHrMdi-. . - SUMMER TARIFF between PfctsbprgluFUUMjW* •» Baltimore; commencing April Ist, !*»*-_ _ First Class —Broome, Cedar end Wooden Were, Feeaiew. furniture, mcoud hind. Tan, Pianor, Poultry ; Wlure, l» bertwtw or boats: 75cents 100 B>g. Jtamd Chat— Ditod Fruit, BeMwjx, Dew Omrec snd Timothy Seed, Glassware, Hardware, Bap, Wow aad Sheep Pelts, end JSggs: ®>c. ..wu. Third Class—Bsexm end Pork (looee,) Butter, m Mtef, logs or bUs; HldM*Le*ther,.Boap, Window Glam, endOe*- SSI lOO fee. Haur 80 eenti T H>L ■ tr^cIBCPB. g. Bim|lw * Co.’» T riuuiportmtiom h«,n JiJnllh KMJpn . bssese mo AND TKOM PgELAPKLPHIA, BALTIMOBJ AND I HEW YOBK.—The Owners end Agentoof said Hm hire bora for the put fourteen yeere wiMrtrfjnUiw “ old MUbliahed Btogbam’» Line.» They*££ assal prompt etteatkm to the fbrwmrdmg of Piodace, £uLndUe> Ae, in the shortest time end on. w feroraW* t TsroS y ™?lSiSsp»»»««« ddpU.anißJtimore. QK) . bujbhaM * 00, rkt»i Turin, liberty it, Pittabargn. BINGHAM, DAVIS * GOZ 276 Market greet, phfledelphta. JAMK3 WILSON, Agent, 121 North *t_ Beldmor*. M. L. OBTILANDKIL Agent. MWeataU, KcwYoflu Proprietors.- Valuble Uml KimU tor SaU* ~ ■—« tH*t wry dadrabls property «itn*tgd >X oot fffiErmr Q f sixth rod Bmlthseld it»,eonl*iafaB IHIB iF’B JOPB. BTOBY BTORSS AOT ott ftnKhUd ittML oss oHJUpled by BwU* • "•**•'*•**» w tbs ownsr as a Confectionary, Liquor *2?- D walling; and the on* on Sixth KSKSS^-iSiS^SaiS “ pMent ° lmd mm&fin&xi? terms enqoire of w UI prion, this in to gire nothin to nnj pnmoo *' tot eEm or claims, Charts or chartea, «atott %iS£S aenttheoneto uat theoorn»rof Sto* nnd toitUUU . . _ i.i jfhr *i» other.they will be nfliliel Iwß^ Pr mCHAtL O-HAR^ BetelUßt " . JOHN LA.TJGHLIN, formerly •voold respectfully announce to hto frl«d* *®“_ *?* vabHe senatSiyT that he has rented tad im»ly fi* 4 * 4 ®* Sstafrtand Utoly ooeupMd byM«ag».3.S.*ai^No- S?™t style. Bitlm tdn»U>OT»d lmr eppraoticeehip to the trade, end befai epraegral iraW,, he therefore flettera himeett thot he cm torat oot gormmrtr not to be eurpeeeed ia.erorhmhnehlp or style in thir or ear ■’SgfcSSdKS from the . eertmeutof the most foehloneble Goods, In Ms Hn*, *Tts brought to this market. , t., n nr.i ■utmt SUk— Boys’ Clothes made and trimßedtathe neetos? ______ «/_ »in warrant all waw wh*t ssntedtobe. Parents will tod it greatly to their to (In Mm a call, If they want their boys nfUyJttted. Don’t forget the piece, No. 39 Market streW » be i*Jsl®^ 4 mil Third, west — Ocortffc lu . ■_ , NO. 6# MABKJSTSTKBKX,».iU ? DAY NEXT, the 4th day or SeptAonber, ft rich «» doth .*«*»• ; French Meriooe* and Cashmeres; Do do Jfnslin Delaines. Do Bombftilnea and Tamise ClotheandPiaids, Alan. striped. hexied and plain Hih* r " ' French Chintxee, Embroideries endUe*: Also, •general assortment of FhD an*Win»*,- recently at the auction » great reduction tiom. former P "*»•.™? befogunpreoedented, the quantity exhlblted ally large, and the quality Tery superior, Qoodv »«® at ruinous sacrifices. Pittsburgh. Aui Sundries— -10 bbdi Bacon Esins; . . 25 *♦ do Shoulders; 50 bble new largo No. 3 Mackerel; SOhfbbls do do do; toarrlr* .» 30 *• ' misrUnm do do 25 bbU do do do • K.} 15 “ Lake Tront, In store: 25 u Baltimore Uerring, In storo; " 20 do Shad, do; 6 “ No. 1 extra Lard Oil, do: 25 u Tanners Oil, do'; 60 casks prime Pearls; 100 bfaU Mess Pork; 100 u Grease Lard; 20 “ Loaf Sugar; OOhbdsO. Bogar; 230 bbla O. Molasses, oak oooperage 40 boxes W.O. Tobacco; 100 bbls N. 0. Boaln; 40 casks Rice; 7 boxes Cream Cheese; 150 seeks Dried Apples and Peaches; 2000 pounds Bacon Sides. . jjg""*"” ENGLISH * BICHABD9OK Tlkxee Uoaaei «nd Lo<> awn IT7TLI* be sold at prirate sale, THEKM gOUgM.-ABP VV LOTS. One Brick Hoaee. si mated onTerry r poith and Liberty streets; Lot 20 feet front bj 7» *•* *&>, one Lot and two Hoose*, on I ftp* «*»«*» Ward. One House fronting on Logan street, and tneotur on Carpenter's alley; Lot 34 feet by ff r.__ Alio, the stand I now occupy, on tbewmeaN tfUmnA Water streets, the less* ronnluir oneyearfromlst of April, 1866, with the Furniture, Bidding,Ac. Thei a^iient pm* doing a good business, and U pieaMitly’ocated. «% term's and further partientesj^rf^^ rorner of Ferry »°d WaLw streets. —B.'tuaboat Furniture ud Chairs M WE are constantly engsnd jj* menu aeiure of STEAMBOAT QABDi * CHAIRS and FU&NITUBS, of mtxf description, and pay parttadarattgij* to the manufacture of the beet styles, suitable ft* Uis uae “r Bteunbo»tt. OotMpeitenM in thlibnaidi rf *•»>«* SL.mS.le. n» to nsS mtie&etion, u J promptitude in nhkh orders are filled, as in tbe_yj»»ty Utontion li»« lR **' *• A - ““ i. A. LOBG A. CO., B«. and BRASS FOONDKRB, AND QA3 YJTTXBS, to thrfr slock ofChandsßoi*. Br*ft*A .nd other fiiturw. WaltwteaM vUkta nska Brass Castings of *U Mods y onlu.fla- Kh Baltaul Pomp, and Task fittings, art leap JmU- Atlitoicm jfaUi coMttatfly on bud. wn im|t If.lrlwy aad fItiUaMKT. • - ■ - y\ Mini R. b. CABQff rg»p*»tfally interne her Mends oibea. she Is prepared to make te order tha 14& it } on the shortest "notice end on the noetzM* •oaable terms. Children's QotMag made up with w and despatch. Bonnets altered and dyad imiutdfng to directions. and neatly and tastefully trimmed. W*n>.tO TA TOUBia seoona nni*f** as to the Crystal Mm Sa^aaxnMLtao^ THHH ------ *• 40 rzczz .- .nw-T*** /-r >.* v " M a -■ ,• t/ .. r • - f V.' .* * r- * t. B. TOPXfI * 00. 'fB§lp