v,^jy•■ * \- •'■ , , \* = - V.- ■:. • ’■-V/V’: "■ - '■ I V lltel'-.',''. *l* . '■ • » ■*>' V* i '.'V* ..... , *££'■ i. . y ' - > •■£ '‘pi's*,' SP" B***'V' r>,\~ ■i 4 \s';, i ; v»-’.‘. O , ■ I ■'-■ i'\ -“* ; •&**s€&*&£ tfS&i-yrv.tr ‘r t&Hv*irc£V lI t*>, ♦ &r^^£***j r ;rT*"w !,•■«{ ' -.s’ii :'•. '‘-AZ< '«;'^.Tv's s^r £ ?v , TO»IWJ'W?K® «: *“ 1 i , „ N ' t * ki ” B “*• **** f;r New Br « hton » ii vhich p ito * *» i»*d • &T ■ *g3*; xalatire lying ill. Not being a-quainted with the hour of ffi/yy departure cf toe cars, be did not reach the depot until after BflSS«^S^f& J Si&B?^^jA s o‘'S the last passenger train for that Tillage bad left. In fail <0 H v lgnoxanco andtonfurioa he «u not aware of this fart, and "V- ' Wlited unttl °“ r oine o’clock before he found it out. At &•£*£§&£*£s£s■s'i' ‘ **“•» ■> freight train storting, he jutiped on board, on* l *•* **• baprwion U would earry him ito hie deeticati-m, tut the train not going farther than the enter d.-pot, he V|fo *$!?? p ~;•' there left ft and determined to walk down, adopting the '■ V Ballroad track as the surest road. Ho had not proceeded “*** tb “ two hußl,t ®i lrom the depot, when he we* '■' j * ’ i ** olted b T “»• *a*°t who asked him if he had anj money. i &/*<&* v “7 foolishly, be »• the aHrmatlte, and bad *?tjPvC f replied, when he received a tremcmlone blow on the £V*,yi' b#sd * * club or bludgeon, which laid him oot perfectly ln * en,ib ‘ e - »»al* then robbed hit person of (18 In shot by William Jones. Braddock Is a mem berof the Allegheny Engine Company, and it appears that a bad feeling exists between a crowd, which assembles on Washington street, (c-f whleh Jones was oneofthenam b«.) and the Allegheny beys.' On Friday night, as Brad* t»j this crowd, 000 of them bit him on the with a brick, and an affray occurred, in which here y ceieed a cut in the head. On Saturday night following, he **• v&s up there sgain, and called on this Jones, raying ho ■y^jw -ffiffiyiffi*wnied to talk with him, when Jones drew bbt pistol and jil fired at him, aiming it is snpposed at his head, but misting **■ uin>» the hall passed through the neck directly under the l j£Fttllfik‘ 3V^* was admitted to ball, bat the other not being able to »nw ;3i*l ***«d b J tbla ■».. '••• melons »a» . ejg^j^k^g^Wssfe«a , ijmf | -**, b, iuiikm, jf u,. fe% a ,«t &4%8%»$ 1 "• TiE M* tOSs'L rtiu LOAN-,16,000, on b, fltj or Count: i&WiJaSslf'i' rj fl b. ■ Flsherf vs- Farley; Uuion’ccanty. Judgment affirmed. Opinion-by Knox. . Dentler> Appeal; Nortumberland county. Judgment affirmed. Opinion by Knox. Justice Woodward filed a diasentiDg opinion. __ Wm. H.| Patterson vs. Robt. Patterson JuulataCo. Judg ment affirmed. Opinion by Knox' Jus tiro Woodward dis senting. : Robt. Patteffson vs. W*u. H. Patterson Juniata Co. Judg ment affirmed. Opinion by Knox. KownV Administrator for uw vs. Robison. Judgment affirmed. : Oanion by Knox. Porter A. Btgtt for use vs. Robinson; Berkseoanty. Judg ment affirmed. Opinion by Kuox. Blasentlng opinion by Lewis. 5. Henry Porter vr. Christ. Selbo.r; Daunjiln oounty, Judg ment affirmed. Opinion by Knox. Lewis and Black dis senting LongweU et a 2 vs. Mellon ; No. 64, 1554. ■ A certiorari i granted, returnable on Monday, September 18. Patterson vs. Hillard et al; No. 27, 1852. Judgment of non. pros. i Plunkenon vs Chess; No. 6, 1854. Judgment cf non. pros. No counsel appeared. Shram ts. Williams for use ; No. 9, 1853. Writ of error quashed. No judgment on the verdict, little vs. Johnston; No. 4, 1654. Judgment rf nonpros. Kldred, Jr. vs. Michigan State Bank, No. 17,1854. Judg ment of non. pros. Wagnerief al vs. Otto; No. 38, 18i-4. Judgment of non. proa. Seely vcJCommonwealth of Pennsylvania; No. 28,1854. Vierfaeller vs. do do do 29, do Wilhelm vs. do do do 30, 1854. Motion'to quiub, argued and refused. M’oory vs. Commonwealth of Pennaylvania; No. 2, 1554. Cummins ts. do do de 4, do Shannon vs. do da do 7, do Folk vs. do do do 46, do B*ely vs. d-' do do2<, do Vlerheller vs. do do do 29, do Wilhelm v*. do do do SO, 18M. Matter of Road in FJudley and Mooa; No. 1, 1854. Pro ceedings quashed. Robert* vs. Scbaffur tl al vs Road in Chartien; No. 3, 1854. Proceedings qaashed. Patterson v«. Robison for use; No. 8,1854. Submitted. In matter or Road lu Baldwin township; No. 11,1854. Argued. Bold Outrage.—»W.e received yesterday the following particulars of a villainous ontrage and robbery, perpetrated on Saturday ni*bt, near tbe Outer Depot of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad. A farmer, named Jacob Shook, from Uie neighborhood of Nobles town, arrived in Allegheny on Saturday afternoon, with tbs lntentim of I Exhibition or the UoßTionximAi. Society. |_;b« Committee of Arrangements of the Pittsburgh Ilor- Itl cultural Society have been quite busy Car two or three {days past, arrangiue and decorating tbe new City. Hall, for jthelr annual exhibition. NObetUr piece coaid be selected, lend everything necessary for the accommodation an! con- Iveuience of exhibitors and visitors, will be afforded. | We understand that a larger number of exhibitors than NTeT before appeared at a similar exhibition, will be pres ident, and we may look for a magnificent display 6f beautiful mowers and lasdous frnit. j Tbe judges will meet to-day at three o’clock, to make ex* tealnalloD*; and in the evening, at seven o’clock, the Hall Swill be thrown open for general visitors. yPsHKSYLTAiiiA Medical Colleoe.— We refer readers to the advertisement of this InstitatioD, ia fiber column. The coarse of Lectures will commence Monday, October Otb. This College has always enjoyed ivoroble reputation, and to any one desirous of entering 4 uk) medical professiop, no better Inritntjon to perfect bim jin the theory of medicine ran be found. ] Milks M’G&kel -was committed to jail yes jterday by Alderman Parkinson, for obtaining board under •ftlM pretences from Wm. Wallace. .49* Ague and Fever or Tbree Tear* Standing Cured.— Mr. Jolm Longden, now Uvisg at Bearer Dam, Hanover county, near Biehmond.had Ague •sd Fever for three years, most of the time he had chills twieeaday, and rarely less than once; be was parched with fevers as soon os the chill left him; and after trying phy. riclan/*, quinine, most of the Tonics advertised, and every thing recommended to him, was abontto give op in despair, when Carter’s Spanish Mixture was spoken of; be got two bat before he had osei more than a single one, be ] was perfectly cored, and has not bad a chill or fever sine*, Mr. Longden is only one oat of thousands who havebeen banefitted by this great tonic, alterative and blood purifier. *,* Bee advertisement , anlxdaw Hew Jersey Water Melons ssdiJPeieW fi'UH tobpciftxr is ia dally receipt, by Railroad, of the* I fttiMt of PKAOHBTsad WATJIR JttSEOMfe' /Cr at his Depot, Mo. 128 Wood street, shore fifth. •iifctf BAMvXL MXmvOK. ■ - V W • •V\T ' v J ' .. V'Avv > ■ t > . ■ ■■■... V . ■ TELEGRAPHIC. By th- O’B-flly Hn«i for th» Wonting Po«t SonthtrnK4m._DWutrou Storm-. Buniui, SHS«nl»r 11 _N,w Orlran, p>p,t, of Tum d»y t» rgwWad. 2,800 bales ofcottoov-r-recited by tbs stnuner Princese > iV 1 ? ? oee “ n ? at Charleatom, 8. 0., on Friday laat, which Irate!l marly forty-olght bonS, doing Immons. ' he clt ? *od TWnlty. All the wbarres were In jared; bytho wrater overflowing, and completely flooding rtor ® B ? there was a great amoont of * B j a «d- The loaa on the wharves Is estimated at $*53,08. The wood-work tod stone facing on the Bat tery, bothrid eg, were destroyed. Some of the wharrea were cut down to low water mark. The shipping also suffered considerable damage. The brig Kureka broke from her mooring, drifted against the , "®ttery, and finally sank—a complete loss. The cabin-roof of the steamer De Kalb was blown off. Tho schooner Isa bel wns sunk. A number of other Teaeels were driven ashore, chafed and seriously damaged tn the Interior. The city gardens and honsea were flooded, the occupants in some cases being saved In boats. Much anxiety is felt to hear from Sullivan's Island. The Old Point House was swept away, but It Is not known whether any lives were lost. The sea U making a complete breach through the Moaltrie House, and the occupants hare retreated to the cupola for safety. Moat of those on the Island hare taken refuge In Fort Moaltrie, which is considered perfectly safe. Fears are expressed of .great damage done in the inferior of tho county by storms All the telegraphic lines are pros trated. Later From Honduras—The Secret Ex< pedltloß. Nw Toil,i S«pt. 11.—An rarlral brioii -deice# bom Hood oral to tb. 12th olt, itittn*thl> tbebuilnMi pirt o t the town of Bllisa, eomprWnß HO buildings, hid boon do etroyed by fire, involving alon of $590,000. The bark Oatharioe Augusts, uith the much talked-or law muskets on board, Jailed henee on Saturday, on the secret expedition which, a* some aver, had been fitting out here under the auspices cf Gen. Alvarex, to act against the government of Santa Anna. The steamer Franklin is expected to leave in a day 01 two tn the same expedition. News from the Plains. Sr. Louts, September 8 -—A speelal exprea* from Fort Lavenworib states that on the 18th August the Sfoax In dians killed an ox belonging to an emigrant train close to Fort Laramie. The chief give notice and offered to give on tho Offender. Uenfenant Flemingdrepatched second Uent Grattan with an Interpreter. Sergeant Trevor, Corporal McNanlt/and twenty privates, a whole detachment were murd.wwL We have no reliable particulars. The chief is among the number killed. The Indians are extremely hos tile, menacing the Fort, which is in a critical condition. Re- Intoromnent* have been .sent to Fort Laramie. Affairs ill Canaria. Qtjraco, September 9 It is reported that Sir Alter* \TNab consents to make a secolarlxation of the clergy reserves, a government mrasore. wbl-h elves him the support of Upper Canada. The Liberal party have made John Welsh leader in the floase of Assembly. Hineks cannot retato power at rr-sent. Poatmarter General Cameronretlres from public life. Mew York Banks. Nxw Toax. September 11—The wo«kly Bank statement i« as follow*: Specie 5369 300: circulation increas ed $54176; deposits increased $974,600; loans increased $13;,c00. A Heavy Bain Storm. rHnann-pma, September 11 A hea*v rain storm from the north-east prevailed here during Saturday andyester dav forenoon. It also extended .to New York, Baltimore and Washington. This morning it was clear nod cool. Fire at Cincinnati OisciswATi, September IL—Corvet’s Female Seminary, at College Hill, was destreved by Are yesterday. The furni ture was eared. Insured. Terrible Hortalltyr In Columbia, Pa. Cotxwßii, Pa., Sept. ll.—The deaths from Cholera ainre F. May last amoant to 62. Steamer Empire City. New Yoax. feptetnber It.—The steamer Empire City, with the California midis, le letow. TELEGRAPH VARKETB New Yost, September 11 Floor doll, declined 12o; ailee of 4 W bbts State aud Weatern to day at salee !:0 do Southern at s9.6: Reading R :S rj; Cleveland. Colambos and Ctartnuad 1034-j. Unwed O'l and Whale Oil unchanged. Whl«ky unchanged, an ar ti-<* huainete, 400 hbla sold. Pork unchanged, a moderate demand at pravkma rates. Sales Boo bbls Beef unchanged, a moderate demand at-former rates. Lard nnthangnd, a ttvlHiate dcman-l, calre 700 bbls at previous rates. <'cilapq?bia, September 11 —Flour unchanged; receipts e; <1 stocks small; price* firm ; very ‘iUtlo exj-ort demand, hve Flour petrre and wanted at $7.50. Own Meal un changed. Wheat la moderate demand ; price* declined; (Q-lett 2,000 hush prime new red at SIJ>6®I,SO. Whi1e...51,92 fir f No sale* flye reported. Ootu dull; yellow, 90fi$92, aerial; white, £s@9o, Including a lot of Western at tha lax- U • price. Whisky firm at 43^44. Oxci.vxiti. September ll.—Fionr unchanged. ranging fi ,'4i $S,K'<$A.25, market steady. llrainquiet; W beat $1.50 firlf'i. (.tat* it. In i’r-u Ur-y are daily bringing to light new Invention*, and tb* ttftrh nf progree- l* onward; perrons Bald,or bacooiiogso, will be pleased to learn Uiat anenre and longnwearch cum hr -J, have brought before the puhlK- the greatest wonder o! • La age, in the artlrUbf KMERSON'S AMERICAN 11A1K R.v0 be bad of the Agents, giving full particulars. Price $l.OO In large bottle*, geld by C. R. FISHER A CO., Proprietors, 67 Superior street,Cleveland, Ohio For sale in Pittsburgh In tha following bonava:— Fleming Bros., L. Wilcox 2 Co., R.«. Fellers, U. H. Kcyiwr, Joel Sfohler, RenJ Pag*, Jr.. J. IL Chase!. M'.rgheny city. —L. A. Beckham, Preasly A Means, J. /:,rm*ngham. —A. Patterson, Jobs 0. Binlth [ oprfl JY CTYBA&'fcRTTw ~H AaKKI itteitTPUte. lr<£r burgh, Importer and Wholesale Dealer Id FiuNCY A vt) STAPLE YARIETY AND DKT UtXHW, oilers VS city at. l country dealers iu large aad well aeli-ciftl utrck r.f Q<--ls as any Eastern house, and same prices, Lhoj «avlns rt-K*ht, time and expeuses. ja&y} IT "f»l* OrO. P. — of meeting, Waaliiartcn HaJL Wood street, between Fifth street and Virgin allay. I’ITWOTBdB XiODQi, Jio.336—Meets every Tuesday evening. Mr.BCA.TTm EscAVraajtv, ho. 87—Meeta Brat and third Tii-Jaj of each month. {martkly » aNu acrls"—l am Instructed J j lo pay a* follows for Laud Warrant*, to tbe amount of leu thousand acme, via: $lOO for ICO acres; $9l for 80 arf'-s; s46for 40 aer«s; In gold.- JAMEB DLAKKLY, Heat Estate Agent. Dlaaolntion, rrMB FIRM OF OODRN * H\o« DUN »•» dlMr.Unl on J. the‘2lst OIU by the death of Samoel Snowden. The biuineae of the late firm wiH be settled by tbe subscriber, who wiU continue the business as heretofore. m |>6:lw o*o. OGDEN. So ifumbuv. n' WO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS worth of stock X will not be distributed at ROGERS A CO.’S Star Da guerreotype Gallery, Fifth street, opposite Mason's, hut u;-r-a tbe payment of $1 yr.u ean procure as good a LIKE- N as fan he nrocored in tills or any other city. Call at d give os a trial. auS Cabinet Kurnltnre Warcbenis fp B. YOUNG a CO. (."bAine' A’urnUure and Uftatr Man • X • t ifacturtrt, Noe. 38 and 4*» Bmtlhfield street, opposite Ci.y Hotel, would respectfully remind their old frirnde and customers, and those about to purchase anything lo their line of business, that they ure coustautly manufacturing every deacriptioa 11 fasbisnoble i’arlor and Cbamber Fur* uiiure, warranted la material and. workmanship, and sold on rmsonable terms. Care taken iu packing for land or w.-.ter carriage Steamboat Cabin Furnltnreand Chairs on band and to order, as usual. Those interested in famishing boats will find It to their advantage U> give ns a call, as we give every attention to tl.r maaofactnre of work best adapted to thetr me. (au-tl JUHT RECEIVING, AT J. 0. ANDKtWuN’S, 20 Wood stmt, between First and Second: 39 begs Filberts; . 20 bxsCley Pipe*; 00 “ English Walnuts; | - 6 ctuea Skily Liquorice; 30 u Cream Nata; .! 80 rruu Kin Versos; 11 bale* Bord’ux / 20 ** aw'd Extracts; .'OO bx«JL.R. Babins iO bu Jojnbe Fast*; 150bfdo do; tiO “ Gum Props; 100 dox Lemon Sjrnp; , 160 do* Pepper‘Sara; 30 kaga German Plums; -160 grs Miller's FloeCnt; 30 dox Tomato Ketchup; 60 “ Anderson's do; i eases Preserved Ginger; 60 do* assorted Pickles; 20 kegs Jiaisins; 80 bis Lounges; 6 cases fan ej box Prunes; 60 groat Blocking; 0 “ do jar do; . 200 btds Sugar; ;ua) bxx Fire Crackers; iio.ooo Principe Began; h-0 “ Sardine*, *<£ andlo.ooo Regalia do; i'» baskets Olive Oil; 110,000 Havana ; 1200 bus Pea Nuts; 20,000 Common do; 10 bxs Moccaronl; ',20,000 Ilf. Spanish Segnrj; 10 ** 'Vermicelli; 1 15 mats fresh Dates; 10 “ Olives; 3,000 Cocoa Nuts; 10 “ Capers; 20 casks Currants; Bjo drums Figs; 26 bxs Shelled Almonds; 30,bxs Bock Candy; 6 bbla do; 1 case Sap Sago Cheese; 12 bxs Refined Liquorice; 40 bags Pecan*; 2 eases Csiabria do; no “ Ivica Almonds; 4 “ Mat Cauls, 20 “ ' Lisbon do; s “ Nutmeg*. 20 bbls Lovertog’s Sugar; J. C. ANDERSON, au2B 28 Wood st., between First and Second. A Mew Arrival of Pianos. CHARLOTTE BLUMJC, No. 118 Wood streo., is just ra eelvfog the following new Piano Fortes, with sad with out the JBollau attachment: Uno elegant curved Louis XIV style Graud Action 7 oc tave Piano. One extra carved Serpentine, pearl keys, 7 octave Plano. Two fall cxrrod, semi grand, 7 octave Pianos. Two plain Rosewood : . &X u “ One do do . fi/tf M u Three do do .0 “ “ Two double round corner Rosewood 6££ octave Pianos. One round corner finished bock and front 7 octave PUno. A farther arrival Is oxpected.ln about two weeks. [au29 lof Fall Good*. t ruoeiving their cboleo Fall rite the attention of their cm leral. The Goods bavo been will bo sold as low as they Their stock consist* in part Fresh. Arrival. HAGAN & AUL, are just Goods, to which they invi joiners and the public in gent 'selected with great care, and i can be purchased in the city, of the following: Plain black Silkd? Fig’d do. Striped do, Plaid do, Lupin’s Bombazine*, do blk and coGd Delaines, do strioed and fi’gd do, Fine Cashmeres, Canton Cloths, Paramattas, Brocha Shawls, l’ng t square Bay State do do, Blk Thibet do do, Cashmcro Shawls, Chintzes and Olnghams, Unshrinkable Flannels, Welsh do, Embroideries. Gloves and Holsery, Ribbons Lapin't French Mcrinot, at an exoellent- assortment of With all grades and colon the very lowest prices, with housekeeping goods. sep9 Iron Front D Buildings, No, 91 Market st. Valuable wadi Cheap Coal Works for Sale. rpWEKTY-FOITK ACRES OF SUPERIOR COAL, and one X aero of Ground on the Monongalwta river, a short dis tance above Honongaheis City, together with Rail road, Cars, Carts, and other necessary flxturea, in good order for carry ing on the Coal badness on an exUnnre scale, and also a free use of the landing at the river for-boats, Ao. The vein t>f Coal is ;five feet thick, anil of a vary superior quality. For further particulars apply to Sr P.' JONES, Attorney at Law, lio, 146 Fourth street, or to THOMAS BANDERS. No.. 186 First street, Pittsburgh. sepfcfit TNMBBOIPEHIEB-Jmt recti Tad,scgie new style L*as k Col haw. Flowing Sleeves, Swiss Flonnbink and Embroid ered Swiss MnslSha. ' ' a. A. MASON A CO, i, - J sep7 26 Plfth street,, y*-. ;■ -- v 4 ; i tv'. VtJEWST FORRITJER JHX.V. The river. —On feat evening, there was scant 12 inched wafer in the channel, by tha metal mark. The steamers Jute Lotear end Exchangt are the packets running to Brownsville—the Exchange in the morning, and the Zocear In the evening—from Bam No. 1. The Gutter Boipe Lightening Line of keels are making their regular trips. The keel Union left yesterday and the Empire is expected to leave to-day for Wheeling. They come up and go down, dniwing 11 inched water, w that Pitts burgh la the hea l of navigation. STEAMBOATS. "1854.” PITTSBUBGH, CIBCIHHATI, LOUISVILLE, Ann SAINT LOUIS Pittsburgh asd Cincinnati Steam Packet Line, FOR Till COITVgrANCSOF PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT BrrwsxH PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, And Saint Lionise !!■> w This Lnrx Is composed of aeTcn m class powmful Bfeamera, une- for speed, Hplendor, safely and eomfbrt, and is the ohlt tdsocoh daxit uns or Stkah Pacxsts on the Ohio river. It connects with the U. 8. Mail Line of Steamers from Cincinnati to Louisville and Saint Louis, by which passengers and freight axvticktUd and re ceipted Otrough da Gy. Two new Steamers have been added to the Line, which now consists of the following boats: Dayt of Departure Boatl. Oaptaine. from Pittsburgh. BUCKEYE STATE M. W. BkLtinoovxE....Sunday. MESSENGER, No. 2..... J. B. Davis. Monday. ALLEGHENY G*o. M’Laik .Tuesday. CRYSTAL PALACE Wk J. KooxTX- Wednesday. PHILADELPHIA It. J. Grace. Thursday. PITTSBURGH- H.CamPbcj. Friday. PENNSYLVANIA../ Jwo. Kluoteltu. Saturday. Leave daily at 10 o’clock, A. 51., precisely. No freight received after oiue o’clock on the morning of leparture. For particulars, apply on board, or to JOUN B. LIVINGSTON, 1 . . JOLIN PLAOK, f Aganfe, Monongabela House BuHdlngg. |dec!9| Pittsburgh, 1853. “1854.” CANADA WEST. «3p Port Stanley. ». .iaHW and Port Borw< i l * THE FINE low pressure steamer TELEGRAPH, Captain K. Barrow, will make two trips a week between Cleveland; Port Stanley, and Port Burwfell, as follow?: Loaves Cleveland fur Port Stanley, every MONDAY and TUUKSDAY EVENING, o’clock. Leaves Part Barwell for Port Stanley at 1 o'clock/ Leaves Port Stanley for Cleveland every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY EVENING, at 7U o’clock, r The Telegraph connr-cU at CleTeiaud. with the Cleveland, Columbus and Ctndonatl, the Cleveland and tiie Lake Shore, and the Toledo, Norwalk and Cleveland Ilailruads. Also connects at Ifort Stanley with the Ix-ndon Line of Stage*, which connect* with thf Great We-tern Railroad. For freight and passage apply on board, or to SCOYILL 1 LAUDERDALE, Cleveland; R F. HOLCOMB, Port Blauley , or A. M'BRIDK. Port Burwell. marJTttoov AUCTION SALES. Auctlon-*l>ally BalM. AT the Commercial Sales Booma, corner of Wood and Fifth streeis.at 10 o’clock, A. M-, a general aaeortorut ot Seaaonabls, Steple and Fancy Dry Goods,Clothing, Boots aid Shoes, Hats,Caps, AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M., 4 Groceries,(jneensware, Glaavware, Tatde Cutlery, Looking Giaaaaa, New and Seccnd Hand Household and Kitchen Fur nitare, Ac., AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. M., 8.->oks, Stationery, Artirl*«, Musical InstraßettU. Hardware and Cutlerv, (hotbiug. Variety (jaou*, G*-}*! and Sliver watches, Ac. *P. i! : D.tVlS.Auirtioneer. (ja3l:tf P. X. DATIB, Anetienwr. SALK OF HOCSKUOLD Fl’-UNITUKK, DESK, Ac-On TU ESDAY AFTERNOON, 12lh tort , at 5 o’c»(-‘k,at the Commercial balas Rooms, nyrner of Wood and Fifth »tr/-/-ts, will be,sold, ingrain and rag carpets, matting, mahogany and cane seat chairs, tables, stands, mahoxat y ecHoeM bu reau, beds and beddlDg,high and low p -t be-tatea-i*, Um|«, Inttaoia, glass and queeu*war«; looking glaasea, kitchen furniture, rooming utensil*, Ac. Alwi. supswtor wsiuut otttce desk, ibow atndce.care of edneraJs, Re. •epl'J P. 51 HAVIB, Auetfoar^r ] ARJOil r.i .w'a ~o.■ t">iiii Xj STOKE AT AUCTION.—On THURSDAY MoKMVi. N ptemtwr Jlth f at lu oVloct. at the Cumam-Ui 5a!.-* Ibwma, corner of AVroJ snd F-ftb airrets, wi:i IkkM »u ixltasivc assortment cf H*jl« and F*nc) Dry GioJr; ai4<>ag wbi-b ar* sup..r£no Cl-Jtb*, Casaiia-im. Jeans, blracbed an-i bro* a Mu*Uos,lrbb Litx-ne, Iz-laiae*., Ctbarg CSoih-s Alpacas, Idnaeys, Otcgi>an>', Prints, Chln.’s, Shaw;*, lldkfs. Patent Thread, Iluttoxu, tiiotM, Uoait/ry, Cra/ais, R<-. Ai»>, i. <{uaoM:y Lis ts. Shoes, 11*1*. c«(>s, Boanrts, One Freorb styi* rhiru, aitb • variety cf farhiunable Ready 51*d% C.othiag. srpll P. id. DA*lr, Au^Lionrer WANTS. AND W ARRANTS WANTED— $174 '>l —l wi«b to pur- X x chase Land Warrant* tn the amour.! < f Five Ttir.nM«d A-jres, to lbu, M or 4o acre Warrants; for wfcj-h -wltt lw paid fITH iu geM, for \t*i ama, and In pri/purtioD tor and 10 acre*. Apply to JAMES ULaKKIY, Real R*iat* and Eur>>i<*an Agent, my 3 comer of Srteath an t .NBtthfleld etiertr. Ilfll’a Alttaaaci for IN9B. JOHN H. MELteMt, Kt Wtk.i rtr—t. fUteburgh. wi'. publish on th* lith August, ih 1 well lioi-wu •cries cf Almauacg (for lasl> > calcu'aDrJ by Stuford C.;HI4. E>4 , and for many years publiibed bi Mr. Luke L.-mis (f thi* city, under tijr name of. *• Lciranij’ Aluhdb'?." The sene* will ocmslst cf— HILL'S TITTSBURfin ALMANAC, HILL'S MAGAZINE ALMANAC, IULL’S AMERICAN tAXMKRS* ALMANAC, ll Is 9oly neSMarv to My, that the reltficu*. moral an l useful character or Mr. Hill's Almanacs will be m*latelQr 1555. 9&~ Priatere and others *-+ hereby nautionad against Infrihglng uo the copyright nf the abn«e Almana-'s They vdl be fjr raie at all the Bookstor .by the groat or loscn, and by *l4 JOHN 11. MELI/iK, M Word street. Instructions In Mnatc. MR. WAMKMNK would rdbpwtfn! y Inform hi- ; u; il« and friends that tie wifi continue h!« prcltj >ta «* Instructor on the PH So FORTE and VOIOK. Orders left at Mr KLEBKU'e M u»lc Stcre. or at hi* r»*l detJee, No. Is 7 SECOND Knret, will !■* promptly to. aui GABKILL MOllSk, coßysj: op mais asd s ■rm j ts , wahhks, o THIE Proprietor takes pleasure id t» Ibr X public ibmt this new and elegant Ur iel has teen as a bouse of entertainment Bring n-mtaorticus and n«oray. end adjoining tbe offlre of tbeOhlo Mtag~C*>4upaoT,lt c 3 -rs inducements unsarpaswi lac-Warrm forth? t'v.umoda Uoa <>f Uw traveling commual’j. A share of public jalronsj* to respartfultv K'ltdt'-d. au!7 >j iJAttRIM.. FRANKLIN HOUSK* CHESTNUT BtKfctT, AlhrVX THIRD. PHILAUEI.PIItA PARIIBR A LAIIID, Proprietors. Jy)9j3cnj TERMS $1.60 PER DAV. BCILDIAU LOT FOU SALK. A LOT 24 feel front en ti’YLIK rtreef, and eiirncllng bark IOiS feet to Wide nj !«;•'. On the back part ui itse Lot U a Cellar Walt, built for two small Houses. is in a desirable I fcatlon tor a rr*Ul«r.ce; «u l will he sold low, and on frvnrahle term*. Title gnod, and clear from locum bran cw. Knt |2bo, time of after payment* cither at four yesrty payments, or at $& a month, or $1.2& j/er wc< k. Call sn l the plan of (ha Lot* at the offlee of b. CUTUHICKT A ?o*l, a«3O 140Ttilr?l street. DELIGHTFUL LOCATION.— For sale, a lie* Fratuu Dwelling House, ju»t n>mpleted t ef nix ne>oi« and a cwilar, sltnated on ML WtuLicgton, a short dUtam-e fn.in tbe Inclined Plane. The Lot is 100 feet front on a flO fust xlrcet, by 2U& deep on alO feet alley. Prlee f Ktm term* ensy. Persons In search of a pleasant reeWeoce will do veil to examine the abovu property immediately. B. tUTHIIKRT A f»ON, 14r ulu by" » ,qulO KING A MQQRIIAAD, f PEAS—'lmperial, Qunpowdar, Young Hyson and Black 1 Teas, in sfore and for sale by • anlO KINO A MOORHEAD 1 . TJOTATOEB—6OO bushels for sale by x sep6 HENRY H. COLLINS. &■ jL jbwTi J s ' ». v -V 1 v * • i •*« i»* «* .>*■'V 5- * • 1 • I w . : •• i« v \= i ■ 1 .1 '" X'•■••'. *»%- *.' ' •.v-r/.’^ r > ~ , *v‘ W '* < iV ß . v Vs*V r V '- • > -«» . "> .v,’ . v • i * *■ v J * 0 i/i • : [• i \OV , »> » w" 'j» ! **• * *► v ‘ / 4 ■«-:.«»*> ■* * COMMERCIAL POST. PITTSBURGn BOARD OFTRADB AND UEftSIIANTS’ EXCHANGE. „ OFFICERS. Prtsvleni —JOHN 6HIPTON. t\rst Vice. Prttidenl—Viu. 11. S»rmi. Second « .. Wm . r . brown. Secretary— Ww. S. niTifi. Treasurer— J o n?t D. Scixit. Superinlendr.nt —S. T. NORTBAIf, Jr. OmmitUeon Arbitration for August —Ww. R. BaOWW, V. P., C. w. RiccETsos, B. F. Joxm, Jaxes-M. Ooopxr, Wm B. E.voLisn. DAIIY EEVIEW OF PITTBBUEGH KiHKET. Orncx of rrrs Dtar Morxixo Post, 1 Tuesday, September 12, 1854. | Thero was little done on ’Change yesterday. Flour firm and a slight sdvsn.'e experienced. Whisky, which a day or two ngo had n tendency to d> clinc, was also firm. FLoUK.—Sales of lH bid* extra from wharf at $9,60 ; 20 do do from drpot at $9.50; 20 do do from store at $9,82. GRAIN —2OO bticbM* Barley at B*»e, cash. MOLASSES.—IO bbls ‘oak ” nt 24c. four months. WIIISKY.—26 bblfl Whisky 40c. raah. BACON.—Sales £OOO lbs dty smoked hams 10c, easb; 1000 lbs do do shoulders 7c, do; 4500 do do do (%c, do; 8000 &>s I. C. sugar cured bam* at do. LARD GIL.—4 bbls No. Iso 80c. four months. PEA NUTS—22S busbeis at $1.50. cash. BEANS—69 busbeis white at $16,60 cash. __eALTPKTRE—IS bags at9c, fonr month*. I HAVE sold my Interest in the boriness of Long, MUJer k 00., to 8. A. Long, who. with John Phillips, will con tinue at the old stand, l’o. 109 Front street. I cordially recommend the new firm to the patronage of my friends. Pittlbnrgh, July 29, 1854. P. H. MILLER. s. a. Lojto mrmps 9. A. LONG dfe CO., TYEIL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, AND GAS FITTERS, J-R invite attention to their a lock of Chandeliers, Bracket*, Pendants, and other flxtoree. W’e fit up houses with Gas and Steam, make Brass Casting* of all kinds to order, fur nish Railroad Pumps and Tank Fittings, *od keep Anti- Attritiim Metal consjsntly on hand. jyfll Real Eitate for Sale. W ILL private wiU-, a three story BRICK ? V HOUSE, on Smithlieid street, No. 17G. Also, a two atory Brick House, in rear of the same, No. 25 Btrawberrv ailev. Also, two Brick Honses, fronting on the Pittsburgh and Gr*H-n«burgh Turnpike Road, adjoining property of Henry Burke.-, near East LUtcrtv. Also, 14 acres of Ground, fronting on tb« Brad Jock's Field Plunk Road, adjoining prup»rty of Hon. Wm. Wilkins, and others. Also, 5 acres of Ground, wi'h a nsw Cottage Brick House, 40 £e.-t front by 22 back, with a b*ck buildtog attached to the same, ihi the premises is a gx>d Btrn. Stable and Car riage House, 40 feet long by 20 wide, and other ont build ings, all new and in .good order The above pro|>erty will he sold low, and on reasonable terms. For further particulars enquire of THOMAS O’NEILL, on the premise*, wp4:d6uwlt* opjswite Judge Wilkins’. lireaa Making anil fllUJnerp^ MIL-t. 8. K. UAHth) re»j>cctfuily informn her friend* Uff lo ' l oibers, that ah« is prepare! 10 make tn order the style* of DJI ESSES. CLOAKS, MAXT/LLAS b»«;:et<:h. Itonuete altered and dyed according to direction*, and neatly and tastefully trimmed. We aim to give satisfaction. Apollo llaiJ ilngs, No, 76 FOURTH Street, second sterj same entranre as to the Crystnl Palace Daguerrlan Gal irT ? _ jvaoriswlv I AM) Ftm NALK—Kg' acre.- situated in Harmon Ik>t j mn, I we>t of E-nnomy; prices3l acre, l.si neri*.mtn-■- w.-st (.f Konunmy, nn which Is a good Onh»'d ; price sl*» f*-r a'-?*-. For particularseeijuire of *" 2l _ Al,’.MPANY STOCK, 4 %J‘ t' r >ila low for cash, nr four months paper Kn <4iure >‘t THOMAS WOODS, IH L . 7.'j Fourth street. G«org* it. White, "" •>. -9 MARK ET cTttKKT. alii open on and afi r MON IN DA> NK\r, the 4ih lav or Septrml>er, a rich and v««n«’ d- Mu-lln IMftine*; D.I Ikoml ariroM Bn ; Tamiw C>Ah» and Plai.b; Al*o, eJritel. barrel an.’ plain ?,iks; 1 ''Hi!.* , Km'.r<-t Ji-riei to-I L»c-n; M;:o,iu,rnt Fall and Winter Pur h-srtt revcriv Bt the »uetron In New York, at • :*r>-at n-Jucu<-n t<*n f pri--e« Tte-.> aurtion sa re ‘••OK >in|.r!ie;-6U-l. jjcuttv rtMlHi.] being unusu "M,S T ’‘ r - ’‘d-'Oor. <; M ids were aoW _ bi.rgb. A«u-.i»t te',l - Wm- LMgbv, Jr.Z ( AN i; H-KSIS.riIV.I STiAk. Mu~n. Hiß, \ . i.r.r'. r'lr.’. ,y-—liisde to d-’ler )*, go w .'v-Je. ftM ftt ««v.>rare _ au^tf -t 1,1 d:-. jo Whit-Fidi, rec-Jtfcbday by . “ Tl A .. . HENRY H. OJLLIXS. T Cur. 1,1 >nt;ec«s Fa:empi>rat>...ukTv . r ftt-Nl * ) Vt ;.i *: - S *L. th- Ti-.- t;-renn.-.-«; $1.21. o •:ba_i.i»» tilv (•;, 51,1.',. «**•*' O' Utetery c-i Cuba; iUu,;r«t,wj ; fiti r,--.*, Her-4 Ttnv » t Ite L-t,-. 25 -nt. rec-V Q,> ’ tr th * li: * rk K»k-v: l*r Gl\ *U James; 50 (. n Hand Kkwh—-f.4ha Nethwabie M-n of «U$ by \ivnffm w. Bcwgoy; with tt) pcctralte; i 1 **: For sale ty - H MINRK £, * ’ u 11 E& 91 Saiitbfoid tr-et. A l '*: l! ”** DEI..*. INki,— IVr Lav- a large fapply tf i-tvfi ftli sailing at re-iured pnrre. A. A. MaBvN A OX, . No. _SS Fifth MKtoL .Newest Music'. IU.NUV KcF-bF.R, y-«r*onaJiy, |a the » ~ > -vtern Hires, ana ju»trewiviai by Adam* A Cb.‘* Ex p:.-.v . TL« "lIJ " ‘»'J Slucir : hj Mr*. A. g Ht 4 - ' Warrior »ix»l da*u : by Si Uk>»<»r. “• burarjor Mrrn, •«■**,, S -Jr; hr C*;i«Ut. irwKj^r 1 * tiiar*. #cb< boJ by AbWy. a U»uti. f «l k.(|: by Frx. Abt. ■ 11. J Jjary, «• or M l chant: W Won*-l. I hi? « 'jtVikip!. •i'.i *i'Vi Tl ‘-’ ’’•"■'r 11 *■•*« •» '•■'■" UJi« cf Anwrlc, Wttb JoUJrn n portrait: by Jaßfep. The Firman * hrJolH*n. Th** Sultao’* l»mk* by Hi- bTraluf 8h« : . p.jik*: fcr VTood. TCattia Waltt by Fr*r. StliMlJ*. h by b*\V*TT?n Con Lra Dacia: !.a ( •«ntunii by J*l.oloT»p. Th* Atv!rp - » i>n:kA: bv \fc*ij***. V. 1.1,0 Foika: hr 0 Bekrrt. Th* Mi.ouUiti Zrph.rVi!k«! by F**lrr For uU at liKM.Y KLfcBPITH Mu»k> su>r», Xr * I » go*, w.rg OR), n KKYHTR. HO Wiwtf »:r4 «tn«K. (lilKt£k— UN lnue* «itr« CutUux Chftmm fcir *> 0>» 11KXKY 11. OOLU.VS. | »iunuwajt> itinWm.T-i*«rt w/WJuiyTTr II HroitWl.« c-f taeife*) ilrdlrtua aoj Siirjrry. «r family Pridabr tbo author of Pl'|Ue. 4c.., Ac. k'or rai* at it- clieao It.'* Star* at ISi ?n—in m iMa Wiv.i* ¥\'b] ID bS;« -ie*; m i.t 1 •,:* Trout; ’ llthl. .; 10 h{ bbl.» T'irkfrrl; fbr aale br HKNKY JL_CULLTN3. OUIKVIAI. Another supj.fv «>» thl» Cfl^briuM ritra'-t for tl - ijHti;tk*r<»,W. mttiVtd br , r JOS. PLKMINO, contrrnf Ihi* PfataonJ and Markrt at 1 t>l• taJi.-u ill at Pairtu'mt, V*., In* will not bo able to rr&rli th«> city fur wqi! Ur*. Due *lll bo clrre to hU puptW of hL* nri ival. Lnnulrto* mar b* mad- at ll KUiHKIPd. tOK V CSiT^ti.Ka—of onmneoUi4 Oru*lied culUUw for making Jallkw, Prmarrw, •tc , «hi: h w« »rv srllinj nt 8,0, 10 and 11 tenia fl lb. .A, JAYNKB, »n2l IVkJn Tm Htore, fpWt) PUAMK HOlJj’liri. «tuJ a larga LOt of Orvnml, har- X It:r 8 ircmt of «tt on thi* brow of tha hill, (ML Tiaahlugtcii.; far H'.ft ft.-t dr«r>. Al«s a law Lot in iht> r*-ar. Priw for all, $U»0; fdoo In h»mi, haianoo at $2OO p»-r ><*nr ' * A’UOUU 'mv'KLL'r.MtJ TtulfSK.NoTw ToYMcnd Ktrvel, formal*; Rcntalnin;; rooms, all Id k’ooi order. Prlrt- $6OO In Imnd, tli<* l>.tlanra> in thrae j early pay. S. CUTHIIBRT A SON, Three Houaei mi ft hole for Sale. WILL U- »ol«l -t pnv ft '„ THREE HOUSES AND LOTS. One Hrlck !lou*M>Hn»tedoui'eJTv, Fuurth end Liberty Hlrvet*; Loi 20 feet front *>j 79 fret buck. AUo, r.ru> lot auJ two Jl>us«<, on Logan iitrnst, Sixth Vi ard. Ouu flooeio freutioa on Logan street, and the other ou Carpenter's alley; le't -1 fort hy 100. Also, the stand 1 now occupy, on the comer of terry and Water streets, the ie.-se rummu oneyear from lit of April, Ifa?, wlih the Furniture, iWildiDg. Ac. The Uou9e at pres ent Is tiding a good huslai-KS, ami Is ploaeantly 'ocated. l'or terms ana further particulars enquire nf ‘ ALKX. CUPfrLKS, coru»r of Ferry and Water etrwns. W. A. H’CLUTUJ. VfKW 150011 BY I* WILLIS.—Jurt rwadred by 11. XI Miner * Co., No. ,'l2 CMHithtii-ld btretd : Famcu.j Persons anil Places: by N. Parker W|llU. Boone and the Hunters of Kentucky: by W. 11. Bogart. Fifty Yotrs in both Hemispheres, or lumlolecencM of A former Merchant: fry Viueent Nolle, Uteof New Orltan*; 12ato, cloth; price $1,25. The Youth of Jefferson, or a Chronicle of College Scrapes; 75 rents. WM. DOUGLAS. Tloonderoga. or the Black Eagle: by G. P. R. James ; 50 ceuts. Fifteen Minutes Around New York : by 0. G. Foster; 25 cents. Our Honeymoon, and other Comicalities, from Punch; with illustrations; $1,25. The American Oattage Builder; a series of Designs, Plans and Specifications, from $2OO to $20,000, fbr Homes for the People: by John Bollock, Architect, Ac. History of Cuba: by’jiaturln il. Ballot!; 76 ctsU. Agatha Beaufort, or lumMy Pride; 50 aeots. • All the new Books of the uay supplied by 11. MINER A CO, au23 No. 52 Sinitbfiahi street. or Cjurraut Subject* Kxiempomeoasiy J. Treated, by William Elder. Famous Pertone and Places, by N. P. WBUa. Daniel Boone, and the Hunters of Kootneky, by W. U. Bogart. Chwmui Wood, by Ldio Linden. Peterson's Jdagaztno for September. Godey'n Lily's Book. ' Yankee Notions. Just received and for sale by W. A. OILDENFENNEY A CO, >n23 No. 78 Fourth street. ~ PRESTON A MERRILL'S Extracts of YaniUa, Lemon, Rose, Peach, Almond, Strawberry, Ac., for flaioring lee Creams, Blanc Maugc, Puddings. Ac- for sale bj aoT P WT A. M’CLURG. ENGLISH DAIRY CHEESE—HO boxas this day Medved and for saly by [au26J HENRY H. COLLINS. ' * a *r-1' V ** -- a ' ‘ • . «f H r fc u . ' • *-vV\ v • , «* » - U A. 11 1 Ll>Ksi KKN.V K Y ACO , Tfl Fourth *tr**t. WAL'fKK P. MARSHALL, H6 Wood S. OUTUBEKT A SON. 140 Third Mntt, H<’r.l Ajrento. 140 Thlrij>tni’nL ‘, *“-■ V »V.. >,>oy •. • \ Vy.'x.t&e sap MISCELLANEOUS. Lard and lard oil— l&kMf No.lUrd; 10 bku do Lard Oil: 6 half bbla do; Reotived and tor nla by tnylS MILLER k RICKETSON. I > IUK—2O tlercea prime Btge. foriHy h j Xt , MILLER k RICKETSON, _J el ? 221 ana 223 liberty at. lARD OIL—IO bbU No. 1 Lard Oil; “ J 10 bf do do; for Bale by i* l ? MILLER A RICKETSON. JAVA COIFEJS— 2u pocteta Old tior. Java Coffee, for Male by [jel?) MILLER k RICKETSON. C'ILARKT WINE—4u case* “St. Julian” Claret, received J and for Bale by | jo!7J MILLER k RICKETSON. OLIVE OIL—-15 caaea Olive Oil, for sale by j*l7 MILLER k RICKETSON. O TAR CANDLES—2S boxes 4’a, 6’o and 6’a Star Candlea, O for aalti by [jell] MILLER A RICKETSON. I'ldll—36 bbls Medium No. 3 Maikerel; JO 13 “ No 1 IMckJed Herring; in store tad for >l7] MILLER & ItICRKTSOS. CVIAMPAUNE— 40 baskets ‘*172," “174," Champagne / Wine, landing and for sal* by W MILLER A BICKETSON. bbla Mo. 1, for sale by O myffl SMITH A 8 INCLAIR. Mantillas. —a. a. mason a co. have now for sale more than 100 latest styles of M«ntil?ai». [my22 L INDEED OIL—IO bbls for sale by J» IB HENRY HOLMES. T" Ime—IQO bbls for sale jj je!9 ' SALKHATUD— 40 bxs Pulverised BsJtntui, in quarter, halves and pound papers, for sale bj ; HENRY HOLMEB. BUTTER— 16 kegs fresh Purkin Butter, for sale by JelP HENRY HOLMES. I^GGS —3 bbls fresh this day received, and for sale by J-A J«l9 HENRY HOLMES. BLUE Lick WATER—3bbu received this day by JOS. FLEMING, mT -° corner of the Diamond and Market at. OllAO—4u bbls Baltimore Shad, la store and lor sale by P_J»O ENGLISH k RICHARDSON. \V H ? T J® -PISH—6O bbls Inspected/for sale l>y J T J B6 ENGLISH A KICHARD6ON. "V/TACKKRKD—IOO bbls No. 3, for »ale by ENGLISH A RICHARDSON. PEA HS—4O bbls prime Pwum, for ml f by ENGLISH A RICHARDSON. KICE —100 tierces prime Kioe, for tile by ~ friT ENGLISH A RICHARDSON. SHaDI— 26 bbls Shad; "—“ 60 hf bbls Shad; in store and for sale by MO ENGLISH A RICHARDSON, SUGAR ANI) ~ 60hbds N. 0. Sugar;' 76 bbls do Molasses; 25 ,do 8. H. Molasses; for sale by _ M’CLUBKaN, HERRON A CO tf|'l SHARES OK EXCHANGE BANOtOCRTTSTS; U y_ *’7 WILLIAM A. HILL A CO, _ Banker*, Wooa street, Pittsburgh. LONOWORTirs LADIES’ SWEET WLNE—Very whole some; an excelient'irticle tor sacramental purposes: Il,r * b 7 I>. FICKX&ZS; _J7I~ 187 liberty it. GHERMAN, French, Port, Madeira and American Winre, I foi sale cheap by D. FICKEIBKN, 137 Liberty st- IJHANDIES, Whlaky, French Mustard, Havana Begars ±J *e. f always on hand, at the lowest prices J 7_ l - I>. FICK-KIBKN. CIIIKAP AND PUKE CLARET—An excellent ariteLTior / summer use, for sale by - J_7_H ; D. FICKKISKN. W'ESTEKN DRAFTS—Constantly for sale at sight, or short data, on Cincinnati, Louisville, i U _ PITTSBURGH. PA. •» v amd SbowTrr 1 N the lllung and furbishing of which .nothing has been f •P“‘«d to render bathing luxurlousas well as heallhfuL Ar* open every day, (Sunday's excepted,) from 6 o’clock A. ** AL,Mt i ll n lkrber ahop ’ v * tr * UoW» corner of ilauoock itw! and Puquesne Way. J -” Jim* WOUDS9X. Proprietor. , Li(ht. .♦TV fl-PtIUuK AND SPLhNDII) PICTURES Vj| prwiuted ai CARLO’S ftew G.llery.Jto. "APounh Jffi ««. i’T .ou Impm.nJ rtkie .ad sk, £ which Likeoewe. of Children ere Le- QKmM,' d Lt> • lr ~ encode.end Adulu in u , wcLhcr. in copioi. Rooms open day and evening. a £- a.ukirr— ~ n. axisuicea. « j a..w UraE, Rsislnccr ft- Graft. IOUNDHi, No. 124 Wood T f fsrturers of Cookiog Stoves, Coal and W;od Stove*, Parlor stove*. Hollow Ware, Plain and Fancy Orates, PIMn and Fsoey Fenders, Sad and Dog Irons, Portable Forma. Begat Kettles, Tea Reft!.*, BtIZ ReS^w£>a*£? *oi« _ WAVERLY UOCSK. bmMt TJTSSSiS. oan lw bad at all time*. The Bar is well supplied with Ll>{BOn ol the beat brands. * u>r y JOHN WALKER. Farmitnr# and Vltalrs. (?\ " * ’• h “ d *»d are constantly manufoetu- Wif-uslfil BO ALi CABIN AND CHAIRS, eg every daecriptiou, vis: ■1 * fatmiloa Tables; Ho Bar do; Lndks (Mtin Cbaim, of various styles; Osots. do do do; State Room do do do: Do Toilet Boxes; Tsts a Tstes; . . Centre TehUe; Hxhlttandr; Cnrd do; *>: Tr.ru Ar.,*e. Meierul end workmutahlp tnOTntm, end prise. «tl. . r. B. VUUHO i m ." S 3 Smkhfletd st,sppwMts Qty Hotel. A&THU&B, KODQE&S A CO, BANKERS AND!BROKERS. 0F ro liS[S,£™3? T f'!* LD st***™. IjEScil fcK eTOH IS AliAlS ■ —Joat neeivetf sad for «U ‘^ I>KR * 00 ' 9 cbe *P Star*, ho. 32 Smith- Buiior Memoir* of foreign Uoda: \, T Mr*. IluTift UhmmijJi “ U ” of l nrl ' r °‘“ l C*bln; 2 TOU,doth, ‘“ ir i “P rr ; Lcw'i nev oorcJ; 60 c«oU. >MhJoo sou fuaitu: bj Mb. Aon 8. St*ph«u; 11. for "fjj u. msKtt * So, J" ty No. 3t Rm>th K ' OLVKKft—A good acorUDMt of oil M"j« of B*rol- U ‘, cJu4i *« Co l *’*. All**'*, Montan**, Wcmar**, . R Pliiol,ju*t nedTodiiad tot ml* wboWol* or reufi, by BOWN A TJCTLKT, Je * 4 13ft Wood stnat. C'4kklUNJ&Z.2e*m* Ztardloe*, in wbolo, IrmJf »pJ nn.^ r O boxf*,ju«i weired and for eel* bj 4 BAltlrf * RBXPHAW, ..U® 24Ub»r - CURED HASIS—We have ju*t reeei»*d another V i2 l Z { iu P" tep Sugw Cared lUtxu.eateetned the beet in ibeCladnaatl market. Alao, Sugar Cured Dried Beef, on liand and for Rale bj _»«L HAILEY A RKXBHAW. 1 'fWlitt Kentucky ToOecco, o^hSd X and for rale by [JySlj J. A. HUTCHISON A 00. Kentucky mustard—a (nib mppiy of die t**d ttiulanl reedred nod for aaie by J. a. Hurausos a co. O** YUKNITUKK—For sale low, as follow*: 1 urn iron bale; 1 Doable Desk, e rap. article; 1 Letter tetao, Ac. jjyai] J- A. HUTCHISON A CO. Zl£il/ FAINTS, of Tirtetj of color, constantly os hand and lor aal« by _J>3l - J- A. HUTCHISON' A CO. LAIU)- No. 1, in kegs, far «ele bj -* uIQ HENRY H. COLLINS; pks Whit* Web. Trout, Salmon. *c_ neitlred L and for aalc by [aulO] UKNRY H. 00LUN8, iili.'—loo bbls LouurHle Lime, received by ~ / mttlO j HENRY H. CQr-i™q COORD'S PATENT FAMILY SOAP—2Oo baa reoeired . by faulO] HENRY 11. COLLINS. Jiut rew}r*tl Mm* of the moat desirable color* d * Bdgos; tl*o> • frv piece* of mv and e)e> geot sty lee Delaines and Caahmem. A. A. MASON A 00., No. tt ytfth rtntt. Q.UNB TO HIRE, by SOWN A TETLEY, No. 136 Wood et. |j UTNAM FOR AOGUUT, (learun cat oj>enJ just rvodrod BUSSELLS’, Fifth street, _ *±rt . near oorner of Market. GUNS, PISTOLS AND RIFLES, atall price*, for rale by » uB BOWN A TETLEY. DELTA, .POWDER HORNS, SHOT POUCHES, prioMni Cup*, Ac., for sale by _ aoa . BOWN A TETLEY. rpUEKMUMETKRS—2 gruu just reeelred end foraateby ± FLEMING BROS, Successor to J. Kidd A Co., No. GO Wood street. SUGAR AND MOLASSES-T 40 hhds N. 0. Sugar; 50 bbls “ UolaiM«; 40 “ Sugar Douse Moles***; for sale by .Jy 3l M’CLPBKAN, HERRON A 00. MACKEREL —15 bbls large No. 3, for aale by JJgl M’CLPBKAN, HERRON A 00. XfSW BOOKS AT KOSStLLS.—Pertwopka, or Current lY Subjects: by Wm. Elder. ' vux ™ ui £lRy lean In Both Hemispheres: by Viaosnt Nolte. of Jefferson, or a Chronicle of hit College and other Comicalities, from Punch; 11- Life of Daniel Ooono: by W. U. Bogart. Easy Nat, or the Three Apprentkae: by A. L. Btineon. The American Cottage Buijder—Home* for the People: by John Bullock. r Chestnut Wood; a tale by Lisle TJtyj« r Fearless Fred, or the Highwayman’s Bride Fifteen Mtnutae around Nov Yorks byG G Footer English Envoy at the Court of Nicholas I: hr Min Julia Oorner. London Art Journal, lor August. Godey’s and Peterson's Maganne, for September. „ RUSSELL A BRO., au «* Fifth street, near Market h-'URMP SERDi—. • X Bute Bags, Purple Top, Yellow Aberdeen, Norfolk, . Globe, and Dalee Hybrid; wholesale and retell at the Seed Store, Fifth street i* 29 JAMBS WARDROP. wbgab—a) Pols prime Tlnegar for weteby ~ >° l7 HENRY H. OOIXINE. GW READY/—Putnam’s Monthly, and>Yank«e Notions, .1 for September, for sale by 1L MINER A CO ***2* No. 82 SmitbSrid street. T) 1S1T1NKI) BUUAEB—Powdvred, Crushed, XV lAuf Sugars, in store and ibr sals by *ulO KINO k MOOagBAP. FLATVB NMW PATKNT MW for any tin of BlMl Pena. It holds UM*an firmly, which ean banmored without an ▼ difficulty, and without aoilfo* thaUngera Jor s-la by W. S. HAYgtf, •frM. ifartat wtnet, comwof Seared AA7MABON* OO.UT* Jut rwwWed a «»«. • mantof French of whiahsnthebect °f color* mad ntbafraarpattaraa. wM B«dt«lae wUeb U Itcalielne I MTEBS’ EXTRACT OP PEOST WORT, OR BOOR ROSE! An Ittr.lu.ble Reared, *, tII Serpfuluj Diaeeee., Indignt- Oon, Salt Rhenur, Sick HeniMho, (inker, NurMup Sore Mouth, Oeuenl Debilltp, >u.l n> . Purifl.r of tho Blood, la unoquaUed. SICK HEAIUCIIi. Rou G». From early childhood I have been subject to severe periodical attacks of Sick Headache, at time* ren dering me unfit to attend to my houtehold dutw. For the Uat two years I have been very weak, and had little or no appetite, but by the use of jour Extract of Bock Rose, my geoeral health Is much Improved, my appetite is good, I have no more Ueadache, and I feel better and atrongerthoo 1 have for years before. MRS. C. H. WEBSTER. New llaven, Sept. 14th, 1552. CUTANEOUS ERUPTIONS. Eev A. B. L. Mycri: Dear Sir—ln Cutaneous Eruption*, in several instances, 1 bavo given jour Extract of Rock Bore to children and other*, in getting up from the Measles with the happiest success. In several case* of 'Sryaipela*! this Syrup has effected a cure; it may be relied upon as a 1 certain agent, capable of eradicating the fw> m system, by purifying the blood. I recommend it earnestly for all Scrofulous Affections, Cutaneous Eruptions, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Colds, and Pulmonary Diseases in general. YourjtmJy, guy, g. R. WARREN. New London/October 7,1860. RHEUMATISM. HKNKV HOLMES. Bev. A. B. L.Uytit: Deaf Sr—Having used your Extract of Rock Boae for Rheumatism and General Debility, and found it efficacious in removing the disease, I would cheer fully recommend it as a valuable medicine for the diseases It promises to cure. - R. KNIGHT. New liaven, January 6,1851. SALT RHEUM, OR TETTER. I hereby certify that my eon Edward (a lad of ten years of age,) was, last September, attached with Salt Rheum. For four we«ka, there was adeep core on thie side of his face, extending around the mouth, which discharged freely. We tried soveral medicines,' without obtaining any relief. At last, we tried Myers’ Extract of Bock Rose, which has effect ed a cure. The sore is completely healed, and his general health much improved. HORACE W. BULL. New Haven, March, 1863. Sold wholesale and retail at Dr. KEYBER’3 Drug Btore, No. 140, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley. 93F Sign of the Golden Mortar. au2Udaw [From .he Pultburgh Dailj Dispatch . FV6.16,1863.] Cheat ExpanderwShttulder Bracsi—*Au Persons who have acquired a stooping position, by follow ing a sedentary occupation, will experience great relief by the use of the ** Washington Sospender Brace,” made and sold by Dr. KKYBER, corner of Wood street and Virgin al)«j. It answers T.r a braw and suspenders, the weight of the pantaloons is so placed as to continually teed to bring the shoulders to their natural position, and expand the chest We purchased one some time ago, and have been so pleased with it, that we unsolicited gave it a “puff,” gratis. Women, hundreds of whom are annually injured by the weight of enormous ‘‘skirts,* should also procure these braces Be particular la procuring the *in« mentioned, as tuaoy of the Braces sold are humbugs. Sold wholesale and retail at the Drug Store of GEO. K. KEYSKR,No. 140, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley. 49* Sign of . the Golden Mortar. N. B—l also koep every variety of Trusses, Supporters Body braces, File Props, Elastic Stockings, Suspeusary Bandages, Ac. au2lai*w * to Kw Fork,slo,&o; An to Philadelphia,«; Fm« to Baltimore. $B. Fare-to Bedford Springs, $5,70. Baggajreobeeked to all stations on the i*BnnsrlYania. Bail read, and to Philadelphia and Baltimore. Passengers purchasing tickets in ears, will be chargfti CEfrs in addition to the station rates, except from statioae where the Company hare no Agim*. No notes of a less denomination dinars wOl be reeeiTßd in payment for tickets, except those issued by the Banks of Pennsylvania. NOTICK.—In case of low, the Company will hold themselves responsible for personal baggage only, and tor an amount not exceeding $lOO. k’. B.—The Excelsior Omnibus Line ban been employed .o convey passengers and baggage to end from the Depot, a charge not to exceed 15 cents for each paasengerTand 15 cents for each trunk. ’ For tickets, apply to J. JIESXIBTEN, Agent ft-ft- PMsaoger Station, on Liberty st. Agency .. Ur. M . d „ OHIO AHJ) PESHSILVAFIA HAHEOAI). **• Enlarged or Varlcoae Veina, Weak KSEK JOINTS. AND WEAK ANULES.—I would respect fully invite the attention of Pbyridans, ud ihe public gen erally* to my assortment of Silk Elastic S toe king#, Knee Caps, Ankle Socks and Bandages for the relief and eure of Teriooe# or Enlarged Veins, Weak Ankles, Weak Knee Joint*, and the various appliances used in the cure of dis eases requiring outward support. 1 aleo keep every variety of Trusses, Body Bra:«, Pup porters, Shoulder Braces, and in fact all kinds of mechani cal appliance* use i in the cure of disease. GEO- H. KEYEER, Wholesale Druggist* auZfcdaw No. 14-j. cor. Wood at. and Virgin alley. Aui- AT DR. G. U. KEY 3ER’B Drag Store, Ho. 140 corner Wood street and Virgin alley; Cherry Pulmonic, Pulmona ry Balaam, Pectoral Expectorant, Pulmonary Liniment Depuratlve Syrup, Heart Corrector, Humor Corrector, Pure and Medicinal Cod Liver Oil, Anti-Dyspeptic Mixture, Cough and Cathartic Pills, Nervine, Vermifuge, Female Pills, Fe male Specific, Ac., Ac-, used by him constantly and with unprecedented sncceas in the treatment of Odds, Cbruumption, Asthma, Heart Diseases, 2ty»- pepria. Scrofula, Sian Diseases, female Qmptamtj, Piles, At, etc. Dr. Pitch's unequalled Patent Silver Plated Abdominal Supporters. Dr. Pilch's Improved Plated Spring Shoulder Bract. Dr. BteVi Silver JUs. ling Tubs. Also, all kinds of Proprietary Medicines, at the lowest pike*, wholesale or retail. jySLdaw LIST OF osvxrurs PATENT mzdicihes, os bud an roa »m bt FLEXISQ BROTHERS, Wholesale DmggUts and Dealers m Patent Comer Fourth and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. KEELER'S AMERICAN COMPOUND; Jayne’s Alterative: u Carminative »■; Hair Dye: “ Expectorant; V Sanative POls: “ Hair Tonic; Wls tar's n-i—> of Wild Cbany ; Bryant’s Pulmonaiy ■»; lioofland’s German Bitten; Holland do HfleteCter’AStomach do Merehbev’JJUrfheCatholicou: Storms’ Scotch Cough Gandy; Pike's do; Thorn's do; Howe’s do; Osgood's India Gholagogue; - Mona’s invigorating Cordials Tyler’s Gum Arabic Drops; Harrison's Hair Dye; Batchelor’* do McMunn’s Elixir of Opium; Bryant's Purity ing fa tract; Dailey’s Pain Kitract; Brown’s Essence ofJamska Qinrtr: McAllister's do do: Kidder's Indellible Ink; Parson's do do; Amhold’s do; Dr. Curtis' Hmui; Ljou' Ksthafran; David's Lilly White; Basin’s 4o: Tobias' liniment; Hunt’s do; ‘ Allen’s Nerve and Bone Liniment; Mexican Mustang do; Parrel's Arabian do; Gardner’s do; Baml's Indian do; Carter’s Spanish Mixture; Barne’s Pile Lotion; ileen Pun; Scarpa's Acoustic OU; Merchant’s Garvins Oil; nosh ton, Clarks A Co.’s Cod Liver OU; McAllister's Ointment; Sings’ltch do; fernl's do; Gray’s do: Traek*e Magnetfe Ointment; JudklnV do; Bwalm'e Panacea; Hoock’a do;| Sargant’e Infant Panacea; Terry Davis’ Pain KUler; - - Ayer 5 / Cherry Pectoral; Houghton's Pepsin; Klers Petroleum;; McLane’s Celebrated Liver Pills Brandreth's do Wright’s Indian VegetablePUle Lee’s Anti-bilJouj do; Sarsaparilla Blood do; Bven’s do; Bwaynes’Extract Sarsaparilla Blood ill# Jayne’s Anodyne Cough do; Townsend’s Health do; Jew David's Plasters: Shoemaker’s* do; Dr. Newman’s do; Radway’s Beady ReMsf; Morris 1 Remedy; Prof. Wood’s Hair Restorative; Emerson’ss do; Ball’s Sarsaparilla; Townsend’s do; fraud’s ffio; Guyana's Kxtrmct Yellow Dock and ft*»— WoUTs Schiedam Schnapps; Boap, Cleaver’s Honey; “ nißhly Scented Brown Windsor •* aloak; Lodi urn’s Specific; McLaoe’a BodorlSr. Cough Syrup' Tyler’s Gum Arable do; Sellers' : Joj Swayne’s Syrup of Wild Cherry: Smith's Fault Syrup; Barry’s Tricophoroos; Norwood’s Ttncture of Varatrnm Ylride; MeLane’s Celebrated Vermifuge, Dr. Locock’s Pulmonic Wafers; Thompson’s By# Water; Agents for all of Dr. MeClintockVFimily Stedieinea; Dr. Needham’s Breast Pumps; Water’s Atmospheric Breast Pumps; Gum Elasdo do do. Always Reliable* DELAYS are always dangerous, and particularly so with children that hare any of the symptoms of wosu. In yen see your child restless, pale, with ftrtid breath,hard stomach, or an Itching of the nose, you need not hesitate to administer to it B. A.?«*e. 84 mod street, PitUbvrgk. OLD on sale the following BONDS AND STOCKS: — 40 shares Exchange Bans; 17 do Mo non gabel* Navigation Company: 20 do Citizens' Insurance Company; $2,000 Monongahel* Navigsilon Company Bonds; si,ooo City of Pittsburgh Bonds; . . ss.CooCjnnty of Allegheny Bonds.. Tsspfcdl»*^f Loooit Grove Semiaary in Tefflij I»4ij«. IT HE next eeedoo of this School will beds o# WBDRB DAY, September 20th, end eo*****® Dey Pnpfls from the city *w conreyed to tKm VsM QroreinesexxtlaßiTeOmaibsß. OrcttUmney beoMflsed it tbeetocoOf Mr. George White, on Merkel et Mr. Mean's, 81 Woodefc, or oa epplieetlon to the Rector, \ RET. WM. IL CLARK*, Pittsburgh, Pa, « : tm^sc-sb* MEDICAL. Excellent Article, B. A. lAHNESTOOK A CO, eonwr ofyirstand Woodrti. ,rV »S . ..RAILROADS CIEVELAHD AMD PlTT*Stf*o* RAILROAD, IN CONNECTION WITH JTXAMXBJB ECLIPSE AKD EXCHANGE, ___ VIA WELLSVtLLE. * ■; '• AND OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, TZd rpHB ihortMt. aidckett and cheapvet route toToledo.CW “"*■ “•*-v3X VIA WELLBVILLE. Leave WeltevUle at 4.20. P. M„ end Alliance at QJO. arrt- w , t? fTel a s! 1 “ 4 “ Io> A - *” a v : M - *'•" “ . 'S’ Jtailro«d, In-in? I'll In. boreb .t 3®,A. u a. . p „ nD(ic f; rAlu nnre for Cl.Telatd . i ' 30 A. M.. 32, M , and 6 30, P. M “h*" 1 ” “ Cl ” ,ella 1 « !«. A. 31,2.20. P. M, .id 8.20 Puun«ez, for Toledo, Cblogj, at. Looi. and tie NorUi nfnVlflSS Pittehurfjh on tile 3.00 Pi SI. Train, VIA J;."7* ELAND, make a close connection there with the Night Express, by which they arrive in Chicago at J 2 UC M« next day. Time from Pittsburgh to Chicago 21 h-.urs. Paraengere taking this TrnSo, vi.i CTrvriand, will reach Chi- r eago coe Train Iq advance of any other route. Passragws ticketed to Cleveland, Buffalo, Toledo, Chic*- go, La Baiie, Rock Island, and 6t. L&uii. ♦ Time to Chicago, 24 hours—St. Louis. « boars. SiXX VIA WtI.LgTHAI. Mas VIA tmiyp To Cleveland „..$3,00 To Clm-elami.— ..HM T*>le.lo —.. 5,00 Toledo ...... ' 6,00 5.00 Detroit. :.'e,f>o; Chiago..slo,oo A 10.50 Chicago 4U,WAII,W Rocklslaud 15,50 Kock Island Z 1460 St- 18 50 Bt. Lcote Pa«*«3gers aw raquestijd to procure their tickets r tbd office of this Gwnpaajy hi- Mononguhela House, belov the ■ corner. J. DURAND, Bup’t Cleveland. ... J. A. CAUaHEY. Agent. PtttrWir. , SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. THE PENNSYLVAN I A x B .«. ih«. RAILROAD. THROUGH IK FIFTEEN HOURS. ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, JULY 6TH, THREE ! THROUGH TRAINS. MAIL TRAIN will leave every morning (Sundays JL excepted) at T o'clock, etopplDg at all the reguter tta tlons, aoderririughi Philadelp-kie at 12 o'clock.. P M. THE FAST TRAIN will leave l*iti?Surgh daily (except Struday,) at 1 o'clock, stopping at Grwnidrarg, Latiobe. Illairsvilie, Lockport, Johnstown, Wilmore. GalliUen, Al tooaa, Ac, arriving in Philadelphia at 4 o'clock, tte'ricxt ooralng. '£HK JSXPRKSS TRAIN will leave every evening at fe3o o’clock, stopping only at Irwin’s, GreensburglL Latrobe, HilLide, Johnstown, Lilley'e, Gallltxen, Albania; Ac., connecting at Harrisburg with the train for Delti more, and arriving in Philadelphia or Baltimore, at 12,50. • noon. * ’ • THE ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave ererr after noon (except Sunday) at SJO o'clock, stopping at all regu lar stations, and running only as far iu* Blair?vHle. THE SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leave* daily (except Sunday,) at 11 o’clock, A. M., stepping at aD ata tions, and running cniy as fitr as Brinton’e. RETURNINO TRAINS arrive io Pittsburgh. First AnP commodaden arrives at 8 o’clock, A. 11. Bxpress, 1, P. ST. Second Acor.nuaodation, 7.16. P 51. Mail I*A3O, P. M- Fa*t Line, 2.20, A 3L -» . Sew Arraneeiatiit, COMMENCING FEES UAET23, 1844 StS®s¥3@S§ 1854 MAIL TRAIN leavesMttsburgii&t»AM:diceii'«t.AJli ance; tafcei»t*ast Crestline. and mnkrs o dowcoa. - nectton there withataat Express Train, reaching (Sarin rseti aboutld o'clock at eight. B EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh a*- 3 o’clock, P. U„ the arrival of the Express train from Philadelphia, anj reaches Crestline at 11.30 P. Jf„ rotmeetmsvilhtb* hicht Krprees which reaches Ciudxmati iu tbeuorniu? t-o injections are made with the Ohio and IndUaaTud BeifbcUine and. Indiana railroads fcr and towns in Indiana. >s - Connection* are made with Clefeland, Monroeriile. San dn?ky, Toledo, Detroit and. Chicago with Bacyxas, IJcoer Sandusky, Forest, and the towns ca the Mad Rfoir Road w i, th MocatTeroon, and towns on the Mansfield maxi. ' *"» Fare to Cincinnati $7; to IndianepolU(S; to Dayton t&M}; to Toledo $6; to Columbus $5,25; to Zanesville $UO* ta CletfUnd $4. Through tickets to LouisiHle at reduced rates. ' ILETUBffIHG s. TUB EXPRESS THAIS' leares Cresflme at 'IJ6 P SI. and reaches Pittsburgh at P M, connecting with the tet Bsprewi Train through la fifteen hoars to Philsdolnhis * MAIL TRAIN leares Crwtllne at 280, A. M., on thflar* nval cf the Night Express Train from Cincinnati, and smresai Pittsburgh at 11.40, P SL . NEW BRIQHTON ACCOMMODATION- TRAIN, tea «.l: ntubiuxh k 10 AH, ,c • Ballretik. SUUHK& TARIFF between Pittsburg IMfcl.hAh » B d ' Baltimore; commencing April Ist, 18SL I'irU Ciasx —Broom*, Cedar and Wooden lWaie, leathers, Fsunitnre, Becond hand, Pur*, Pianos. Poultry; Wine*. i» baskets or-boxoe: 76 cants 9100 fit*. /hvmc? CTasi—Dried Fruit, Beeswax, Deer SKm, CSotct " and Timothy Seed, Oisssware, Hardware, EsgsTwoo! and Sheep Pelts, and Eggs; 60c. 9100 fiw. - t ’ ? Third Cfeui—Bacon *sud Pork (loos*,) Batter, in firkin*, kegs or bbls; Hides, Leather, Soap. Window Glass, and Oet ton, uncompressed: ttc. ft 100 fits. . Jbitrik Gian — Alcohol, Bacon (in casks or boxes,') Bulit »d-Halt, Beer and Pork, Candles,-Cheese, Lankaad4*rd_ 2c CotU3Df ( com l )re » ed i) UnfTohaoee pi Flour 80 cent* 9 bhL • - - »ptl QEOJU3B C. FRANODCDB. C.BU»|lum fcC«. , i Tnajpofuuan Mm'j j ~ gjygigigp To AND FROM PHILADELPHIA, BALISUOSE AND ~ NBW YORK—The Owner* And Agents'tfSU B»t' b*T«b«»it toih«Mn &art«ea ieus ooimecttfSHlhfbr '* M eld established .Bingham’* Line." will etre osoal prompt attention to the firnirditu nfProdocej War-' 7 chnndize, *0,%» the shortest time end bn as ftTorah!e terms as any other Line. . . - 4QT Only one transhipment between PlttAmeh. Hxl!*- delphia and Baltimore. r • rr’ < r „ QEO. BDfQHAM 4 CO,' ‘ CmilßMin. Liberty at- Wttriitrrf» r BIKSHAM, DAVIS 4 CO, : ™°H -^issssrssaffissg^:; 121 Norih st~,;Baltlnibre ‘ , M. L. OSTRANDEB, Agent, 1 l »P*:lT l 85 West it, 2(l» Swk. TUvtbla Keel Bitete Ar Skle; MTUAT very deeirable property situatedvAewr- ■3<- ner of Sixth and ScritijMd *ts, containin* THRU * POUB STORT STORKS AND DWRLLEKfS, two on Smithfleld street, one occupied by Siedto A Bartberger, Watchmakers and Jewelers, and the other, the earner, ge - „ eupted by the owner as a Ocnftec Lionary, liquor Store and ' % Dwelling; and the one on Sixth street, Ofecpied by 8. y. Sanders, as a Barber Baloon and Dwelling. •Tbiepcoperty - b oaeof the most eligible eituation* for a Banking wmm~ or Broker’s Office at present offered fontale in tbertty,- Frt terms enquire of U3CHAEL O’HAitAf* • J clear and imlispulabie.. - As I am determined to sell it if I can get anything like a fair price, tbls is to gire notica to any person or persons bav*' ing claim or claims, charge or chargee, to amC / sent the we to me at the curt er of Sixth »nd flmttbfteUf 4 streets, or prefer the other, and they will he sa dried imne* •■*■ distely. [anlOaUwgmj „ MICHAEL O’HAjST Merchant Tailor! :* JOHN LACGHLIN, formerly foreman for Mr. would wnuctfalfr sneouDee to hit frlsmdl public generally, that he ban rented and newly fitted 'oi> the fine stand lately «M— «u»* ZrrZSZi Duaiaaf ;do rWool t fltt'dlMMdr and Ccx-baoOCafieoar, with an r I -ftnt. Sack HeniieU. We ere eloeing oat oar nmae/Levai, ml all fnd«* of Burner Goods, at coct. [hS . I V ■"-"a fi * V V v N v \ • pf