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JjTw. “r> i. * " : - VV\ ..••■*’■<•’*•• r ry n --:.^. *;••<'; ‘ "1:':t ■';.„ ■*:• i' • Vs*i f '** &**s&& v’-'J t,t Ijte&f+rki+'tfsS-'? , ; k ->. v-j *;. * : s‘-; «■ -■ ; . ■; v ■ i c%i' 1 W% jtefevt '»?■'■. :•;' • .;>■! r v? ■ *•; Br ‘-« *•>' ■* 't u v ’•. • feMiV.■: »t -v-*Y •» .iV' 'JaHA*/* ft'tV*:V >#> ute&klji *il'?; t> "^>SSfiSal?SS!r^ N % ' * t,s jV, -- -4; i ' : » 1 jks^bssS-r’ &fviftffir*kjr»£v* f& -if -fc l--M- k t 4 ~jS&s&sf*Vs:|; 'S?*-' wkps* >i *-*St 1 v..=‘<,»*:» «j .« n*.Va V:-’‘J*>.* l «~. , 'V. r **' * %S^4%V‘-,ri it ? t*t *» r *‘ * «Jrs*„ SjN© JTV ' "V vist&tesi- 'Jk‘Si-3 ipistfcg&fOi-.-i' - Ptiift^ iNSSSSI^^ MgfißP^ir' ■BMI Bpifei ?{*» S »V *?«* W* , ?Jl's\» •»’jT4ifr. 4J ,iMo§ks t *V x JMm&m. §©*JSjtB£jsS&ife*? LSSF-MfS'Srt*?®.? * * *v jSLF fl/7r?‘ *“•* * - ;■.- .' ’•• • > i- *'l'.--LLi!«tv.rr- *•>p!K^-vv• *«»,“rs;v-v-, - *.i?’.'#r .•' . W&*&&y -• '.- -y”*. • •:,- .- tT^js^y^v>y*-t£l^vv-C~J ? -•■■' : ' -•!••*- j.*.*-- J X' -■* ,■ : s|f v * ~~..z+-r * ,-. ..- nV;* >«* •» *- > * h < * '-. I - '- \ ! - • J/ r| •• '-T' •* ' . > • 1 »'■! ,*- •^% ! ”'-. * ; r- ; jtfy 'W“JlK ! '‘.'‘ f ■•■ - ■ &, I ',' :;• - 'V- ■!■■ ■; : xlgjj • Oh , - ,yt - - -x v * •• v ' ■ ' V*. I • ’ i - dj- '< ‘ ’ * * • tIM ’ ' TflJfi DAILY MORNING POST. rr)»lnft~* r M-x'-fi t*rnlm, -fM) *t SIU.RORK * MinwiimtT.' ao&tH'Vsn ooftira «v woon asp Rni wiim t&TXBMS^-n Dollars a year, .payable strictly In advahea. BU DoLarswill invariably ba taqulnd If pot paid tba year. '4V Btngla coplaa nra ora—fcr sal* at the ooustar is tha Oflloe and 07 tha Nawi Boys. IHX SATURDAY KOUTDT6 POST | Irpuollsbed flrom the same offioa, on a larga Man tit SM sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, is advance. Single oopiefl m* cow. ~. • • I 4V No paper will ba discontinued (nnlsasst thydlfdre* on of tba Proprietors,) until all arrearages ara paid. 49* No attention will ba paid to any order nnlsasaoeom* panted by the money, or satisfactory reference in mil dftr. W Connected with the EstnUithmenttf tk* Marring Pott t of tfu largest Job Printing Officii tn the cUy,where oU indx of xoork it don* on the shortest notice, and mod rmstys- M H* • ' ATTORNEY AND CODN9KLLOK AT LAW, Office comer of fburth street and Cherry alley, nTTanrcaa, pa., 4VWUI attend to his professional basinets aa usual, at hie office, between the hoars of 0 A. Mi and 4 P.M. of each day. jy2o ROBERT E. PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ST. LOUIS, Mo. JOSEPH AKAVEH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, lOlllce, No. 144 Fourth street* ja3:l.V§] pirrsßnEOH. pa. JOHN BAUTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Olpce. corner Fifth end Grant ate** rttranUKOH. pa. ! I it. BidcUe Roberts* ■ ATTORN BY AT LAW—Office, No. 133 gmithflrid street, between, fifth and Sixth. OoUecthma carefully attend* ad to—HpcciaJ attention siren to Conveyancing.' [dac&ly Thomas Means, Attorney at law and solicitor in chancery. Office, next door to the Post Office, Steubenville, Ohio. my 4 ~ 8, P. Rosa* ATTORNEY AT LAW—No.lUfl Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa- fourth door below Mr. Body Patterson’s Livery StAhle. Je2S J. 8. Morrison, Attorney and counsellor at law—offloe, to* mored to No. 44 Grant street, near Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa aprlfty C. Orlando Loomis, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, above Wood. Jy4:y \ „ . Thomas M. Marshall, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Lowrie’a Buildings, Fourth street. JanT:ly R. It. Carnahan, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office on Fourth street, between Cherry Riley and Grant street. jefcy J. N. fl’Clowry, Attorney and counsellor at law—Office in Baheweire Buildings, on Grant street jo2 D. H. Hasan, ATTORNEY AT LAW—No. 137 Fourth street, above and near Smithfleld. 1 wriSlxy Office on Third street, opposite the aid Put Office, WJ HERR all business pertaining to the offioeoi Alder* W mnn Ho>i Justice of the Peace will be promptly at* tanjodto. Ackuowiedgmenisof Deads and Martgages, and other instruments of writing, taken at his office,or at the residence of the parties. The Dockets of D. ri. SCULLY, late aa Alderman of the Oity of k’lUsburgb, are placed in my possession. Parsons haring Judgments on said Dockets may have the necessary proeasa issued'thereon by Alderman Watson. [mj3:tf OJ. Bdekmaitar, Alderman. OFFICE- Grant itreet, between Fourth st. and Diamond alley. Ooayey&ndng of all kinds dona with the great* eat care and legal -accuracy. Tides to Real Estate ex* ami oed, Ac. Ja&l B. H. Neal, Alderman. NO- SI THIRD Street, between Wood and Market streets, Pittsburgh. Collections promptly made. Bonds, Mort gages, sad other writings drawn with neatness and seen racy. ''- T ' - ~ li. AHL, SURGEON DENTIST, (sue jmMHß cessor to G. W. Biddle,) XO. 144 SMITH . FIELD STREET. i TV Office hours, from 8 to 1 o’clock, and from 3 to i o'clock frb!s:ly J. SCOTT. DENTIST, Fourth street, fire doors Market. ' r ofvjcx Hoorns—From nine A. M. to five P. M. decgfcv D w 7 HEIUTIKE A CO.. cosbissiun m puuwAtißixfl sekcuists, iXD Dealers Generally in Produce, Pittsburgh, Cin- tf0. 98 FnmltlrceU, belwten Slurktt and Ferry itrutt , Iff* Liberal cash advances made on consignments. Par tiooiar Attention paid to forwarding Western merchandise. Hifo-cwxi.—C lark 4 Thaw, Win. Bagaiey 4 Co., Wm. M’- Cully 4 Oo- P. Sutlers 4 Co, I lays 4 Black, Kramer 4 B.Km tl»ory Graff, Bs-i., Wm. Stchbaum, 3. K. Johnston, Kaq-- fbomas Bafcewell, George Ledite, Kcq, Solomon Stoner. fc»si|- Co-Partuerstiip* rriSK subscriber* ftav<» tbi* day formed a partnership for | th® porpoeo of carrying oa titnunission and F/rward' tng. in coa uection with the Pish, Bacon and OH, and Pro duce business generally, under thu style of ttsousa 4 Rios aaZMOV-; warehouse No. 116 Water anti 150 front streets; formerly oocuniod bv Burbridgo 4 loghrem. WM. B. KNGLISE, JAMES (UCHARD3OS, JA3. J. BKNNJBTT. . Pittsburgh, February Ist, !SM:feb3 FB. DRAVO, Diamond, Pittsburgh, Pa., dealer U _ Country Produce, offers for .sale a choice stork o Groceries, selected for family use. Spices of every variety and th« purest quality, ground at hia Steam Mills. Also, Dried Fruit*. Foreign and Domestic. Produce taken in ex change for Merchandize. f - K- D has procured a full assortment of Lsndreurs WamatedUnrden Seeds, and invitee the attention of ail in terested In rural affairs. janll Copartner* til p THE UNDERSIGNED ha?e tbU day entered into co-part nership, under the name aud style of J.A. HUTCHI SON 4 CO- for the purpose of iranucting a Contmiwion and Grooery business. JAS. A. HUTCHISON, A. M. WALLINGFORD. Pittsburgh, February 1,1564 fobfl EMGIiISII A RICHAROSOfIf. ffiOMttlddlON AND FoKW ARDINU MERCHANTS, *«» Wholesale Dealers in fc'wb, Bacon and oil, and Produce erally- Warehouse formerly occupied by Burbrldge 4 nzhratn. No. 11G Water and 160 First street, Pittsburgh, p.«n. f*B e»«en« a nuutr A~ MBSHaW. BAILET 4 RE.VBHAW, TEA DEALERS AND FAMILY GROCERS; Dealers in Wooden and Willow Ware, Japaoned Tin Warehouse keeping Utensils. Ac., Wholesale and Retail,No. 263 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. apr!s:y »ti«n« an n»a | JOliß Klo>Ut, UUI OtUI, Pittsburgh.' Maryland. Pittsburgh. Sellers, Nicole 4t Co.. PRODUCE ash CBN KRAI. COMMISSION No- 303 Llhortyet. *»t, llttsburgh, Pa. Sperm. Linseed and Lard Oil*. 17^8 f-SOUK*- 1854 4. OWBB Perwardere and Cofiimiision Merehanti DaiLSUS is PROVISIONS, GRO SERIES AND OILS, JIS lra?] No. 309 LiUrtyiireet, Pittsburgh,Fa. VmuN mn «B. L'hila wctrrroa, Pittsburgh. Sillier* Klcketaon, WHOLESALE GROCERS, IMPORTERS OF BRANDIS, Wines anil 3e*urs— Sgr. 172 and 174, corner or Irwin and Liberty -tret-la, Pittsburgh. Iron, Nails, Ojtton 4c- cnmtantly on hand. IT*B William Carr 4b Co., (Wn. Cian late af the firm of J Pakkcb 4 o°-) WHOLESALE GROCERS and Dealers in Foreign Wines and Braudies, Old Monongahela and Rectified Whis key. No. 823 Commsrcial How, Liberty etroet, Pittsburgh, y.. • I>unrt iT BTATIONB. Rt WAREHOUSE— la prepared to execute every *tyle ol i*gal, Oommerciat, Canal and Steamboat Job Printing and Book Binding, aiul furnish every article In the Blank Book, paper and Stationery line, at the ahorteet notlee end on the most reasonable terns. , „ .. Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse, corner of Market and Second streets. Printing Oflce and Book Bindery, No. 60 Third rt. Doris' B. T. C, Morgan* TJOOKBELLER and STATIONER—has alirays on ban Ij a general assortment of Bchooi, Miscellaneous and Blank Books, Printing, Post and Cap Paper, Ac, Wholesale and Re tail. No. 104 Wood street, below Fifth, Bast side, Pittsburgh. «-%. Wanted, Rag? and Tanners’ Scraps. aplfcly Booksellers, stationers, dealers in stan DARD AND LIGHT LITERATURE, and Publishers cl the t. O. 0. F. TOKEN, No. 15 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. merlS-ty . " : I. W. C bad wick, DEALER IN RAGS AND PAPER, No. 149 Wood street, Pittsburgh. The highest price In cash paid for rags, myllrv William Glena, POO KBINDER—Comer of Third and Wood streets, abora 0 .H. Kit. where he is preoarea to do eTery description of Ruling end Binding .. fderijLv JOHN M'DEVITT A BRO, Grooere and Dealers in liquors, Liberty it ret,op^orite , ww \ l , / - •* • • .-, «r K- •-« aVI-Su'C,/- M “„Vt; . Vv^j* - | .' >* • , • tj. . .-V V ; \‘‘V-vf •' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. GKO* F. OILLMOUB, Alderman Wateon, BUSINESS CARDS. cinnati and other Hanniactujes, flfo FRA’S SELLERS ft CO., ooaxrajor wood and aura btum, Ja2s;? j PitUbvrgk. W. S. Haven. Russell * JOISPH MEETKISK’, MANUFACTURER of all kinds of CABINET FURNI TURE and QHAX&S,No.3i Bmlthfteld street, opposite City llo'qL,Pittsburgh. :»,» N B Fnroishiog Steamboats and Hotels partlcnlsriy attended to. aulOty •W^Kvv !! • ■ \V, - r •'jJ'V*'* la: Uaijto Jftwnittß fl ast. PUDLIBHBD DAILY, HY GILL HOKE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE *• POST BJILDIMia." CORNEK t»K Mf*lD>ANb wt»»D STREETS, AT *B,OO PER ANNUM, OR $5,09 WHEN PAID tiTKICTLk IN ADVANCE VOLUME XIII. BUSINESS CARDS. ' Joseph fimiiila; CrBUOCIIBOK TO L.. WJLOOX * 00.] ORNER MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, kaept constantly on hand a full assortment of Drugs, Medi cines, Medicine Chests, Perfamery, and all articles pertain log to his business. 49* FhyaidanV Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hoars. j ar pj rLSAUNG BB.OTHBB.8 f (Successor* to J. Kidd 4 Oo.) WHOLESALE DH.UGGISTS, No. ttO Wood Strut, Pittsburgh, Pa. Proprietor* of Dr. U’bue’B Oelebrated Vermifuge, Liver Pills, Ac. jalO JOHS HAFT, JR., , (Bucoessor to Jas. MMufferJ Wholesale and Retail Druggist, AND Dealer in PAIMV, Oiuß, DVB BTUtfS, Ac., 141 Wood street, three doors below Virgin alley, apr-fctaAciy PITI'aBPHQH. JUHM D. RORGAN, Ag’t, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, : iSD naaLaa in Dye-atuffi, Points, Oils, Varnishes, fto., No. 93>£ Wood street, (one door south of Diamond alley, riTtasoaoH. {jafljj JOHN MlTCHßlilj, WHOLESALE AND BE TALL DRUGGIST, No. 135 Wood Street, jaßtyfl Nett door to H. Child’s Bhoe House, Pittsburgh. J. ASP. Notice. JOS. YLEMING haring associated with. JO A ABEL, the. business Kill hereafter be conducted under th» style oi J.AHEL A 00., at the old stand, corner of Smilhflold and Fourth streets. . ja»:y W llllam Thors, Druggist, HAS REMOVED to the corner or HAND and P£NN Streeta, where he will, as usual, atteod promptly t( his numerous friends. Ail artidea in his line are warranted pure, and pat np with the utmost care.. 3 marH.-flm B. A. FatuaestoeM Jk r Co., . WHOLES ALB DKUG WARKUUUSJR—Corner first and Wood streets, and corner W ood and Sixth. [febl R. L. ALJLEN, WHOUSALX DXAL^IW foreign Wines, Brandies, Cigars, Old Kononga hela Bye Whisky, 40., ALSO, RECTIFYING DISTLb£BB, NO. 8 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH* *A. IITTNKd, Brandies, Ulna, Cordials, Jamaica Spirits, Bt. ff . Croix and New England Kum, Clarets, Champagnes, Scotch Ale, London Brown Stout, Irish, Scutch, Bourbon, Old Mosongahela Bye and Bee tilled Whisky, Apple, Peach, Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; imported Havana, Regalia, and Principe Cigars; Half-Spanish and Common Cigars, all at such low p.ices as to challenge eumpeUion. fancy Bar Kegs and Labelled Bottles of erery style, anu Demijohns of all sixes. I respectfully invite an examina tion of my stook, at No. 8 WOOD Street, Pittsburgh, Peana. apr&ty JOHN GttOlfT, IMPORTER Of BRANDIES, UIN, WINES, Ac^-Dealer in floe Old Mottongahela Whisky, Peach Brandy, Ac. Also, Rectifying Distiller, ooruer of Smithflelu and from streets, Pittsburgh. aprlS Bryar, WHOLES ALB AND RETAIL LIQCOR MERCHANT IS& Liberty street, and 31 Diamond alley. feblOiy Ke»OT«ia «*JNO. E. DOWNING, CLOTHIER, |J AS removed to 294 LIBERTY street, opposite Garrison 11 alley, and No. U SEVENTH, near Smlthiield, where tuv attention oi his Driemls and the public is invited to the stock of READY-MADE GOODS always on hand. Alsu, Cloths, Cassimerea and Vesting* for ordered work. A full assortment of furnishing Goods for gentlemen, Including lists of all qualities, Xrmiks, Umbrellas, ac., Ac. Jahf jean iromanY- ouajcsuua K'cunrxT. Wholesale and Retail Clothing Merchants, no. 88 wood street. IVHE subscribers respectfully Inform their old cos to mar* and the public in general, that they have this day as iwctatou themselves in the above bualueee, under the Arm ot JOHN' MMLOSKEY A CO. They respectfully solicit a .nareoi public patronage. The previous business of each will be Bottled by tbem reopwcMvely. f«b9 i yLAIRD, itste of the tmn of Coolst a Latah,/bat lug XL* opened STOKE NO. 0, (two door* abb re the old .•tabu,; for the purpose of carrying on the CLOTHING uLSiNESS, hopes by strict attention to business to merit a more ui the patronage cf the late hrm. N. R.—Clothing made to order In the most fashionable •tries, aria on the shortcut notice—lnferior to none in the cuv. jin2&y Jsmci C. Watt, VI KRCUANT TAlLoit—Ne. 4j fifth street, oppualle (he J 1 Theatre; Pittsburgh, Pa. a y r7 Juaei Melliuger, \ TONONOAHELA PLANLNU MlLL—Would respectfully ijA Inform his friends and the puotw, that his new eetab- Rstunsnt is cr w in full operation. anu that be is prepared to f-imiah Boat Cabins, and tul all orders lor Planed Lambed, with promptness, and at tne lowest rate*. Board and Plank, cloned on one or ooth sides, constantly cn hand Sash, Doors, and Mouldings, ot every description, made to order. Builders and Carpenters would it to tbmr advantage to give him a call, as he can now luriush with planed . lebftlr JOSEPH T. LOWRY* No. 43 Corner of Fifth and Wood Street*, Office up stairs. Entrance from Fifth street. Pittsburgh, OESPECTFULLY announce to tne public that he has it commenced the REAL ESTATE AGENCY, in oounev tion with Intelligence and Uenerai Oolieeting. lie will also attend to renting. Parsons m want of servants, in any c,.p«itj, or thoMln w ant of places, will be supplied at abort notice. All business entrusted to his care promptly at tended to. Reference*—?. 3. Bigham, Esq., Richard Cowan, Esq., W. 0- Leslie, Dr. Alex. Black, James Mackerel, A. A. Mason, v.affltAOld. ; janlS 91. GRAFF A- CO,, Western Foundry, No. 124 Wood street, riTisBCEOa, pa^ IT ANUFACTURER" OF COOKING STOVES, Coal and JX Wood Stoves, Parlor Stoves, Hollow Ware, Plain and Fancy Grates, Plain and Fancy Fenders, Sad and Dog Irons, Sugar Kettles, Tea Kettles, Wagon Boies, Ac. [j»3:ly{ Anatla Loomla* REAL ESTATE AGENT, Merchandise, Stock, and Bill Broker,office, No. Vi Fourth Street,(above Wood.) The Juoecnber having opened an office at the above plaee, for the porpobe ot negotiating Loans, Bills, Bonds, Mortgages, and *i> otnex Instruments for the security of Mosey, and for the purenase and sale ol Stocks. Will also give prompt and particular uttentloa to buying, selling, renting of and lame nt Real Estate. (Jy7J AUSTIN LOOMIS. Sohuehman A Haunlsln, LITHOGRAPHERS— Third street, opposite the Pcist-efflre, Pittsburgh- Maps, Landscapes, Bill Heads, Show Bills, i.noels, Architectural and Machine Drawings, Business and V Letting Cards, etc- Engraved or Drawn on Stone, Printed •u Color*, Gold,Bronxe,or Black, In the nent approved style, led at the most reasonable prices. octltily ■■ JK’KUuey, House, sign, and ornamental painter, and Dealer in Pain to—No. 44 St. Clair street, Pittsburgh. Has constantly on hand all kinds ot Paints, either dry or mixed, Japan and Oopal Varnish, Linseed Oil, Boiled Oil, Spirit* Turpentine, Window Glam ox all sixes, Putty, Paint Brashes, A&; all of the beet quality, and far sale at reasona ble prices. | sepll KSGLIBH AMI) CLASSICAL SEmiABT. W. T. MCDONALD, M. a., Pxurcrrei. 11HE next session of the Institution will commence on . MONDAY, the 6th of Beptemoer next, at the room cor ner of Ferry and Liberty sreete, lately occupied by the Messrs. Veeaer. Reference* —Hon. A W, Loomis, C. Knap, Jr., 8. Y. Von nuhorst. 11. Miller. Jr. su*26 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CIGAR MANUFACTURER AH 0 DSAI.II IS AU. KUtDS Of Tobaeeo* Snuff, and Clears* No. 26 Fifth *L, rUteburgh, Pa. 49* Keeps constantly on hand a large supply of all the various brands of Imparted Cigars. JaB:| JOSEPH CHAPMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN IHPORTBD CIGARS* my&ly No. 63 Masks? btixst. Pittsboeoh. POWBU A RIBRDOS, ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS Ornamental Patterns for Casting, in every style; Modeling, Designing, Ac. Composition Ornaments for tbe decoration of Steamboats, Buildings, Ac.; 96 SMITHFIELD Street, near tbs Post Office- yl:3m NEW PAPER niLLi CANTON, OHIO. F TATTER, ANDERSON A 00., have just started their pa per mill at the above-place, where they will be happy to receive orders for printing and wrapping paper or all Sixes. I feb27:tf HA. T India* ; WHOLESALE and Retail SADDLE, HARNESS, TRUNK* VALIBE and CARPET BAG manufre • turvr. No. 106 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Pa. jygfcy i John H. Hollor* 'ITT'HOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN MUSICAL yy INSTRUMENTS. Pixnoe, Music, School Books and gtatlonery. No. 122 Wood btreat, ' fjanl A. J. JIISUU, AHL, /». HAGAN A AHL, ■\TTHOLE3ALE and Retail Dealers in SfDct, ftmey and VY &apfe DST GOODS, Noe. 91 Market and 8 Union street, Pittsburgh.. - apr4 E. WHIIEUOUgE. Fancy silk and woolen dyer and cleaner, No 7 ISABELLA Bt, near tha Emmet Hotel, . mar 4 Atuounfr. . i Thomas M. Little, TTTATCH AND CLOCK MAKER—Fifth street, betwera :YY Wood and Market streets, opposite Iron City Hotel. All kinds of Jewehy matte and repaired. Taps:ly 6. GUTBBXXT- "... ptTTHBXBX. S. OCTHBBRT At BOS, Real estate and general agents, no. so &nilf[)Uld RreeL novl . • : r; earn, HLEB, (swnasoa to “war* Lxa,) WOOL DEAL* c EE AND COMMISSiqN MERCHANT, for the sain <}f American "Woolen Goods. No. 189 liberty street [my 4 L JD* Hayward* T'VRALER la BOOTS, SHOES. TRUNKS usd LEGHORN \J and BRAID HATS, corner of Market and liberty sts., So.lTAPtttabwgh.Pa J*l4^ i BAJta » MQgga* )A Philo Hall, No. Tg TMrd street, r\. Btttsbnd: aad wst ridi of the JHatnohd,'Allegheny. Tjvifogm. : - ■* B LOUTH A BRO., East Birmingham, manufacturers of • Bar Iron, and small Iron ot ail descriptions, and make, also, tha ftxMStquaiitj orHoopa, Rounds and Squares. 49*LstTsoris» for Iron la the bax*tt tha city Post Qfooa. ooU ■v ■ 'i 1 ■A ' '''Hi J. C. AKDBRIOI, Vo. 6 Wood stroot, Fittaburffc, Pa. p WHOLESALE Dealer in Foreign Frulu, Nuts, Spices, Obnbetfonwry, Sugars, articles oonstantly on band; together ! *ttb a general variety of fancy Hardware. Also, Guns, Pifr -tols and Revolvers, Flasks, Homs, Shot Belts, Caps, Powder, Lead add Bullets; Bowie, Dirk; Hunting and Pocket Knives; Tailors and Hair Dressers’ (Shears; Pocket Scissors, As.— Also, Trusses and Supporter*. Jobbing and repairing neatly executed. RlFLKfll—Wears making Rifles of every description, to order, of the best material, and workmanship warranted.— Orders received for them at Wholesale or Retail, will be fill ed with despatch. Hunting parties supplied at Wholesale prices. n»yl6 ChandsUsrs and Gan Fixtures. THE subecrlbersare now opening at their new Wareroom- NO. 109 FIRST STREET, between Wood and Smith field, the largest assortment of CHANDELIERS, BRACK ETS, PENDANTS, end all articles oonneoted wit Gas Fitting, ever offered in this market. Having arrangements made by which they will be constantly in receipt of new patterns hnd varieties, they confidently invito the attention of pur chasers to their selection. We are determined to Mil as low as any house in the West, and being practical Gas Fit ters, can offer peculiar advantages to those desiring articles In vbia Uae. We continue as heretofore to fit up buildings of every de scription for gas. water and steam. Brass Castings of allklnds mads to order promptly. LONG, MILLER * CO, [ No. 109 First street Btrrcarx’s system enables Ladles aaa Gentlemen to m««iur*> tbelr beads with aocurmcy. FOR WIGS. No. L me round of the il«ad. j 3 From the forehead or«r the head (o neck, No. J. No. 9. From ear to ear, over the top. ! No. 4. From ear to ear, round the forehead, j For Toopeee, to cover the top of the head Only—a paper pattern, the exact abap- of the bald part. f*ny4 1 Oanur of Rtbt*** l and Belmont ttrteU, Allegheny City, . w WOULD respectfully Inform their triad* ’ t^>e P ub “® generally, that they have commenced the manufacture or Carriages, Koekawaya, Buggies.Slelgh* **«i Chariots, in all their Fariou**tyle« of finish and proportion. ’ All order* will beexecuted with strict regard to durability lad booty of finish. Repairs will also be ettesaded to on the most reasonable term*. Using In al4 their work the best Eastern Shafts, Poles, sad Wheel stuff, they feel confi dent that all who favor them with their will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. Purchaser* are requested to give os a call, before purcha sing elsewhere. ' octfcly FAMILIES will be supplied with our various grades of FRESH OROUKD FLOUR, By leaving their orders at the MIU or In oar boxtw at ' Logan, Wilson A 00., Wood rtreet.or Braon A Reiter,cor ner Liberty and St. Clair streets. Pittsburgh. 11. P. bchwarta, or 3. T. Sample, Drogzlstj, Alleghany. Flour will be dellrered to ramilles la either of the two cities Touts: CASH on delirery. jyfrl BRYAN, KENNEDY k 00. FOR Saddlers and Carriage Makers. R. T. LEECH, JR., So. 13 lw oodl iti est ( PUTtJBUKGH. 4Uo, Cloths, Damasks, Laees, Moss, Bsut Stuffy aIKAS! TRAdt rfcAS’-A rtOttTU, the original *od only Importer In thlnl '; the best Oonto Twor from' London, Is now receivlnc iv i large and choice selection of TKAfI, which he li deter led to sell at such pricer and fineness of quality, that all tne males* puffers In this or the next city cannot beat. lie moat respectfully Invites the ladles and gentlemen of this aoAbe surrounding districts, without distinction of naoon, to call and try his Tea*, which be sell* subject to he returned, if they don’t give Satisfaction. The following are the prices: Prim- Oolong. Souchong and Congo, 3?cent* E). A verv superior English oreaktast Congo, 60c ft th. Extra fine, a very delicious Congo, 76c. ft &>. Fins Young Hyson, 40&50c.fl lb. Extra fine Young Hyktn and imperial, 75c. W B>. Very best Young Yysoo and imperial, *1 fl ». Don't mistake the plane--PAtiODA TEA STORE, corner Of Diamond and Diamond alley A liberal naluction made to daan-rs , >*r2l tVV MUSIC STOKJi —The have opened at ao. As Fourth street, a choice collection of music and mualnl Instruments, Italiaa and Gcrmao strings. Planoe, by M. Kurd, of Paris, and Mr. Arnold; Flutes; by M. Euler, Frankfort, A. ClariooeU, do. All kinds of brass instru ments from the best French manufactories, ail of which «e offer to the public on more liberal terms, feeling confident that we can render entire satisfaction. H. SOUROKDKK k CO.. No. 143 Fourth st- H Schroeder and G. Anton will give instruction* on tha piano, vlolld and guitar. *ap23 HSATIHO AH? YEHTILATIHG WAREHOUSE, 49 s We have sold our Furnaces, Patterns. Ac-, to Messrs. ARNOLD A WILLIAMS, whom we cordially recommend to tbe patronage of the public. ta3:j SCAIFB, ATKINSON A OKELY. Depot ot lioagworth A Zimmer man’a Oa tiwu Wlaci and Brandy. FDHE anderalgned has received and offsr.'i for sale, at tVn- X cmnon irrvcci, a large quantity of Logwortb A Zimmer man’s cnoice aua world-renowned Sparkling, Dry end La dles’ Sweet Catawba Wines. Burb a* may Jo-ir* to procure an excellent article of Native Wine, (ibe pure juice of the grape,) will find tuv establishment the pleco lor the gratifi cation of tbelr deetres. Tbe Catawba Brandy, distilled from tbe genuine Grape, is declared by many excellent judges, equal in oavor to the best Imported Cognac. D. FICKEISEN, |aZO ‘ No 137 Lib»;rt> xireet Afresh amvai of nunns a clakk-s celebrated PIANOS has just been m 'dsE3H by the subscriber. They have, been and carefully selected expressly for this tnsr-J « U ** bet, end are considered unequalled for sweetness end power of tone. They alt poeses* the new Improvement of two »rpar*U bridge*, the bass strings running over and above the treble. They ere fully iparranttd to stand any climate and to excel in capacity for steading iti tune Prices range from $250 to $6OO. Alan, a floe lot of Ptauoa from tbemanu factories of DON UAH A Co., and also LIGIITK, NEWTON A BRADBURY, N. Y. All tbeabove wJD positively be mid at Factory prices, without additional charge for freight, risk, eto., eto. HENRY KLH'tEK* Sole Agont for Nunns A Clark’s Piano*, No. 101 ’Third street, jeS Sign of tbe Golden Harp ! BANKING HOUSE OF BE 1.1- G AimETTSOX &. CO-. d tbe North-west corner of HILL and MONTGOMERY \J Street, >n the borough of HUNTINGDON, at -which a general Banking Business is contemplated to be done. Draft* on Philadelphia, Pittxbuigh, Ao , Ac., always for aale. Cbfectton* made at the principal points In the United Money rvoeived on deposit, payable ©w demand, without Interest; also, for 8. 6 9 and 12 months, payable with.rea sonable rates of interett thereon. ILUISTER, J. M. Bell, R. B Johnston, Wtn. Jack, Wm- M. Lloyd of HolUdaysburg, Pa A P. Wilson, J. Geo. Miles, Wm. Dor ris, Jr., Tbue Fisher, Wat Orblson, John Scott, James Gwlu, and Geo W. Gerretuon, of Huntingdon, Pa. Huntingdon, July 21st, 1864—1 m D STEWART has removed hU BRUSH FACTORY from • the old stand. No. 23 Fifth street,-to No. 26 Fifth street, nearly opposite, on the site formerly occupied by the Iron City Uotei, where he will be pleased to see hi» custo mers, end as many new ones as feel disposed to patronize him. N. B.—la opnaeotlon with tbe Brush Manofootory, as heretofoia. will be found In ibis establishment all kinds of LookingQlaases.Combs-Toys,*o- [myUffim Loan Of&ce. JOHN A. O’BRIEN, 67 BMITHFIELD STREET, between Faui-tb and Diamond alley. Money loaned on Gold and blivet Plate, Diamonds, Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, Mosteal Instruments, Guos and Pistols, Feather Beds, Fur niture, aad all kinds of article*—for any length of time agreed on. Charges tor storage considerably lower them heretofore. Private entrance through tbs hall door. Ail : bußioeas transactions eiricthr confidential. 49“ Forfeited pledges sold Immediately afterbelngout of dat-, unless redjemra. Bargains of Gold and Silver Watch e». Jewelry, 4 c., always on hand. • aprlWim .*, > ? s' o.'.' PITTSBURGH. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. 1854. BUSINESS CARDS. EHTERPd.IB WORKS* mo. 130 wooDSTurr,* an noon »*ujw mom aumt. B 6 WN a TBTLBY. OEOftGB uLKTCUfiII, FROM HIW TORE, MAN UFACXD KBR of th« celebrated v Gossamer Ventilating Wig, Elastic A Band Toupees, and every description 1 of Ornamental Hair, for Ladles and Qentlama*, 79 FOURTH STREET, between Wood and Market, Pitta* burgh. A«w Coach And Carriage Faelary I JOHNSTON, BROTHERS 4 CO., Pearl Steam Mill; CANAL BASIN. ALLEGHENY CITY, (SIAE TBS BAUJUUJ> STATIOH.) hakdhmk s<; ARNOLD & WILLIAMS, ' XAPcrirruuk* op Chilton Furnaces, Wrought Iron Tubing, A.id Pimsus roe Stssm, (la* oa Wxtsb. 4V No. 25 Market street, Pittsburgh. A Clark’s Ptaaeo XXMBXXB OP FIM Removal. SEED ITOREt JAMES WARDROP, OTTERS tor sab CANARY BIRDS of the meet improred "breed, being Tory hardy, and toe slngera. Btedßeeda —Canary .Hemp, Millet, Rone and mixed Seed. Bouquets wCI be furnished composed of the toest FLOWERS, ris : CataelUa, Rwt Bads, Heliotropes, Ac. Erergreena(ln pots) for (Butetau Trees, from the Seed and Horticultural Store, No. 49 fifth sU peer Wood. dec2o . cennume tlu Smoke. SITTK gQbxcribOT bavlnc the exclusive right tomanufao tore ud MU BWSEN£rS HOT AIR AND SMOKE SSUMINQ POKNACK, is prepared to recurs orders, aod contract Ibr beating buildings with the most economical vamee sow in m The attention of those interested U sotldfed, Anr tntormatton can be had of A. BRADLEY, Nos. 3 and 4 Wood street, or of J. BARNDOLLAR, deettAf 1' Iron City Store Warehouse, No. 134 Wood si. - i Warrsa’i (>ongrwi lab. ’ rpHIS INK is prepared by a purely chemical process, and I UveorintedtfCtmtainwXAinQitifarieuttometalicpau* Itls pale when firet used, bat by exposure te the afrbe eomes gradually «f a »«•* inteaae a*L Remanent black. Per sale in bottle* o t T*ri maalxe, by wholesale or retail,at agbg.:, . - W. S. HAYKfi’B feStetionary Wan ■ ? -a**. Market street, corner of 3d w . A CARD.—Mr. (». ANTON and il. SOUROKDKk would respectfully announce to the dtissns of Pittsburgh and Allegheny that they will give Instructions on the Piano, Guitar, violin and Piute. Inquire at H. Bchroeder A Co.’s NIW MUIW STORK, 44 fourth strat mM ..f.vaSiT-iA. aiv- if' •»—' v. .- .W- ■ j ** •* ■* : 2ir —, BUSINESS CARDS. orbw c arpe rs. Spring Style*. AT THE CHEAP CAttPKT WAREHOUSE, No. 82 THIRD Streets—We era now reeuifing and opening one of the largest and choicest stories of Carpeting?, Oil- Cloths, Mats, netting, Uugs, Ac., ever exhibited went of Nhw Yore., The stooa o&e Dean weCtwl with greet cere. Persons in want of any articles in oar line, are respectfully invited to sail and examine. Oar iseortaent consists in part of the following, viz: Royal Velvet and Brussels Carpeting*; Tapestry Btuhmls; Aubusson Carpets; Extra Imperial and Super Tbree.ply; Patent Tapestry Ingrain; Superfine and Fin« ingrain ; Worsted and Wool Carpets; ‘ Wool had Cotton do VenlUanlM %, and 44; Hemp Carpets, very cheep; - List end Rag, do White uod Chech Camon Mattings, ?£.4-4, 5-4, aod 6 1; Cocoa Matting, 2-1, ■%, 4-1, 5-4, and 6-4; Spanish Matting, very cheap; Elegant Mosaic Uugs, gtio per pair; Axtninlsier, Chenille, and Tufted Rugs, all prices; Fancy English Sheepskin Mats, SIA per pair; Colored do do do from $2,50 to (6 each; Together with a Urge selection of Cocoa, Jute, Adelaide, Velvet, and other Mats; Embossed and primed cloth table and piano covers, of entirely new designs, very rich. Damask table and piano coven; ale* worsted damask by the yanl, toilnett, doylera, Ae. A great variety of patterns In floor oilcloth, from 2 -to 24 feet wide. Buff Hollands for windows, 80, 82,84,88,88,40, 42,44, Itches wide. Gold bordered shades, entirely new, very rich. Window shades of every description. Oval and hollow stair-rod*, carpet binding, lacks, Ac. Also, the Royal Turkish Bath I'owals, together with every thing usually kept in Carpet Houses. ''Small profits and quick sale*.” C. B. HEADLY A CO., mar&mae 82 Third street. JONES & BUCHER. IRON FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, Pmntylvania Railroad, foot of Third tL, Harrisburg, Pa. HAVING Increased our Mschlnerr, which U now of the moet improved order, and having added many facili ties for dispatching work, we are now manufacturing First Clan* STEAK EKGINE9, FOR FURNACES AND ROLLING MILLS, Blowing Cylinders, Boilers, Furnace, Bolling, SAW and GRIST MILL MACHINERY a castings, Qaa and Water Pipes, Hydrants, Retorts. Lamp Posts, Hitch* Inc Posts, Column*, Girders, Shafting, Hangers, Brackets, CotlerOrates, Bathing Tnbe,SpouU, Railing, VerandaJtt and Ornam*nlal Castings. W« pay partionlar attention to the manufacture and con struction of Cast Iron Fronts for Homses and Stores. Having an utenure ajmortmaiit of beautiful Carved Pit* tern* of the moat approved architectural onler, oar great far manufacturing ami shipping enable us to com* pete with our cities. Parties erecting Furnaces or Kuillng Mills, Mill Owner* and MUI-Wrightl, will find l< much to ibeir advantage to call and examine our oxtonrivo atoeft of Patterns helm bonding IRON AND BRASH CASTINGS, Of every descrip too; Smith Work, Pattern Making. Pur dim and Forre Tuyere*, furni»h*ri to order. [mylfcy CHINA H ALL: MMtKtT BlftKtT. N'OW o-'ened one of tb- mnr**t and bait aalected stocks of CniN A, GLASS aud^L'^ f gWAfiK J «Ter brought to ihia market: consisting lo part of VVbile iron Stone Din* sr. Tea and Toilet Ware. »bi‘>; Solar Lamps, Hall Lamps, Giramio!*; , and 11-m-w Furuiftiiug Goods. BOSTON GLASS WAKK—Of thb «e have a Urge assort ment, particularly the Diamond Pattern, which looks as well as the bt«t cut, and ceils vt Ism than cna thlnl tb* price. ALw, a complete vtoek of Pittsburgh Glass. The public are rwpectfully invited to call and examine oar goods. JOUHJ. O'LEAKY. No. 02 Market at., bet’o Third end Fourth, myXBrtf oppoafte Oenrge H Wnlte'e- IUWA Fuiaum NO. 103 WOOD STREET. JOHN C. PARRY, (towwr to J. C. Parry k On,) begs tointen tbecostotnersof theold finuaud Um pubUc genwlly, that ha basaov on hands, srart* aztenstvaly e»- gaged in manufacturing, every description of CASTINGS— each as: Patent Chilled Holla; large Kettles and Corbe; Patent Kettle*, for Soap, Pot Aeh, Soda Ash; Sugar Kettles, for tb* manufacture of Cano Sugar —all cost on a pataU process, known an J. C. Parry's, and are superior for dura bility tft any other, and sold lovror than those made on the old plan. HOLLOW WAKE—A general assortment, all from new and Improved patterns, Wagon Boxm, Dog Irons, Bad Irons, kr.,t c. Bolling Mill Castings, and Machinery of every description, always an hand or made to order. Cook Slotm, Kitchen Range*, and Ooal Btovee, of every description; lowa Cuok Stoves, Are ilzes, which received the first prise for 1860 and 1861, at the Agricultural Pair of Al legheny County, Pa.,end recommended by fifteen hundred persons; Enterprise Cook Stove*, four »in *; Premium Oook Stoves; Egg and RadUts r On! Stoves: Parlor Stoves, Ac. Parlor Urates and Fenders, great variety, beautifully enamelled. Common Orates, and building material of every d ascription. A great variety of Ornamental Hollins,forOeaeterie#and Fearing. Plough* and CzuOngi —A stock of all the kinds in use, and an! be vdd at reluct'd prices. Hairs Pat en* Levar, True Aci'-ri-'an, KpvnV, Crane's, Kinkoid's, Woods’, Peacock's, Bull's, improved Bull, Ac. BottbU Pliughi. —The llkhijr.au Double Plough, which has taken the premium at the Stale Pairs of New York, Pennsylvania, ami Ohio, and wherever it ha* been exhibited. .Iron and Nails, Stove Pi;* and Tin Warn—ell of which I will sell at the Icwc.-t prl^n; and respectfully Invite the public to give me a call, at the i*M stand. No I©S Wood *L «n*lrv *AKV O P4RFV ALLEGHENY FORGE" ROLOMOV BHETTER * CO. [Late Blesel A Semple's Rolling Mill.) on the bank of tbi Allegheny, l>eli>w the Si. Clair Street Bridge, AtxroatNT Cur, P*. ri'HE proprietors respectfully inform the nubile that, 1 having made extensive additions to tbelr establish tueot, they are prepared to maoufarture, on tbe most rea sonable terms, Iron Work for Bridge*, Car Axles, Quarry Work, Stone Cutters’ sod Masons’ Tools, Shafting, MIU Gearing, Machine Work lu genera!, ami heavy Forging, of every description. Ai«o. HoKSB SHOES manufactured by Shelter's f attrU Horse Shoe JfucAiwr. The Horae Shoe Ma chine will bu in operation elwut the middle of February, when all order* for Shoes will meet with prompt attention. Mill Pick* mu le and dressed. Order# sent by mall or tele graph attended to on tbe shortest notice. * }a!4:y bntbkpbisb foundry, ALLEGHENY CITY. federal street near the Bridge. f TAYINU fitted up mv establishment with all the latest t 1 Improvement*, ombractng every facility for manufac* taring In the best and cheapest style; and owning the ex clusive right In J. J Johnson's Box Smoothing I one, and John Johnson'* Self-bcatlog Onartoal Irons, patented Jan uary 10, 1864, superior to anything of the Lind in the mar ket, and also having a patented improvement for moulding the above iron:, *‘igon Boi«s, and Pipe Boxes, I am pro* parad to sell wholesale and retail on fair terms. Any persons wishing to purchase the right for moulding upon the Improved plan, and manufacturing any or all of the above articles, will please address 0. KINGSLAND, myßfcSm Allegheny city. BOOTS AND SHOES, WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL. JAMES ROBB Ima fitted up 1u rpi-udM style hw store, No. 89 Market -treat nfid No 6 Utilmi street, between Fifth street and the Diamond, and has »mw completed his Spring stock of BGUTfI,SHOES, SLIPPHBS, GAITERS, Ac., and Palm Leaf, Pedal, Durtiu aud Braid UATS, to which be invit-s the attention of all purchasers, whether at whole sale or retail. This stock Is one of the largest over opened in this city, and embrooea everything worn by the ladies of Philadelphia and Now York, and he trusts cannot fail to please all. Orest care has been given in selecting the choicest goods; all of which he warrants. He also continues to manufacture, os heretofore, all de scriptions of Boots and Shoe* and from this long experience of over twenty years In buslueai in tiita eliy, is, he trusts, a sufficient guarantee that those w«so fevor him with their custom, will be fairly dealt with »P«*fctr First street, between wood and market STREETS, PITTSBURGH. PA., oallJ* Francis’ Patent Metallic Life BotU,of Guiauised Iron, also mauutoetuna Oopuer and Sheet Iron W»rL. Gooitini Stoves for Steamboat* and Hotels, Portable Forges, iron Work, uu-ge Holts for Bridge*, kc.; Cork Life Preservers, the basj and cheapest kind aiewub-iat work atten le»l to- l’*r'io.y Wit are receiving from >*■« Y.-iK Philadelphia, BSd HALF GUESTS 1 EA, comprising Young Hyson, Imperial, Gunpowder, Oolong, Souchong, end English Breakfast, all of which have beau corefuliy selected, and will be bold as usual. ’ A. JAYNES, Pekin Tea Store, i v 2i No. 38 Fifth street J" mjt/Td aU^t-sT—lhu»o wno wuu to get neat end well fitting Boor, SHOE or GAITER, ■ill all ,t M’L*UBHUj.B. ~.u 05 Fourth street HfcISINOICrt * OKA»'F, MANUFAOXUUiiIUJ OF OOAL AND WOOD OOOStNQ BTOVJM, Parlor and llaailn* Storas, Qrato Froal*, Frodan, Wa*oa Box* *=-. *©• Wartboun No. IM WOOD Btreet, a bo?* Fifth, PUtaburgh, Pa. H** S7T OCKI.no factory, pro Ti FIFTH STREET, Bigs of THE OLD STAHD. WILLIAId UALY A** returned from tha Manufactur inn Hoatery Uiltrlota of Europe, whore he haa pur enased. fur o*4h,« aery attansiaa and wall assorted stock of tbs beat daserlptlons only of Stockings, Socks, Undershirt*, Drawer!, Cloaca; alio, niw liylaof Children s nod Missal' Fancy Stookings, together with hla domestic atock of Htta hnrjh Mauu»Uetured Hosiery. He wUI acll by wholesale or DALY * 00. Remember the pl*c«—No. 14, Slgo of TUB OLD STAND. my 23 ' PAUL KLEEMER has removed bii LITERARY DRPOT from No. 7# Third street, to Fifth street, opposite the Theatre, where be will be happy to see his Conner patrons, and ell others dedroua of purchasing any or the cheap Li terature of the day. *P*f ; ly PEKIN TEA STORE, 7 . BY A. JAYSBS, iYa. S 8 Fifth street, between Wind and Market, south tide Sold Wholesale aod Retail. Ja&y} Walter p, Oiarahall, IMPORTER and .Dealer In French and American Paper BUS “ ■> ' f • vV 1 . , . * t*.* *' s V> - ’ - ' fi ■* *■ .. ♦ **, ‘ . f *1 , n. v . v 1 ' j .»• - * * CITY CABINET WABEHOCII, &•. 173 CHKSTNUT STREET, KUKHITITRI, Or EVXKY STYLE 1 Comprising LoulaXl V, Louis XV, EUsabethan and Antique, with Sculpture Carving and modern style; EMPLOYING none but experienced workmen, (appren tices being positively excluded,land using the best ma terials, the work cannot (ail to give satisfaction to pur chasers. Amongst the many advantages offend to pur chasers, Is the facility of furnishing a House, either in ele gant or plain style, completely from one establishment; by which means all the articles In each room correspond in style and quality, and the immense stock always ca hand, being so various in design, enables purchasers Uf please their taste m a selection, without the delay necessarily caused hi ordering Furniture. To rive an idea of the finished Furniture on band, I need onlyinfbna you that my Rooms are 17b teetlong, by 27 feet wide, four Doors In number; with Shops contiguous, suffi cient to employ 200 hands, which Is a guarantee that the work Is all done under my own Immediate inspection. 49 s The Packing Is ell done in the Store, and furniture warranted to carry safely soy distanee. Visiters to Phlla delpbla are respectfully invited, as purcnasen or otherwise, to call ana examine the Goods. au26:ly /CONSIGNMENTS aoi Commlmlons will ateetwlth prompt VJ and personal attention, and liberal advanora will be given when required, oa Consignments or Bills of Lading, (n hasxt. Orders lor the purchase of Lead, Grain, Hemp and other Produce, will be promptly filled at the lowest market prices. The Receiving and Forwarding of Merchandise and Pro duce will meet with especial care and dispatch; the lowest rates of Freight will always be proaurea.and the expense of Storage and Drayage as much-as possible avoided. Page A Baoon, Bt. Louis; Ellis A Morton, Cincinnati; Cbarlees, Blow A 00., do; Strader A Gorman, do; Chouteau a Vaile, do; Hoses A Fraser, do; Doan, King A Oo* do; Springer A Whiteman, do; J.W.BnUvr ABro*Pitttbh; E.OGoooaman A Oo* do; D. Leech A Oo* do; E. AC. YamaU AOo*Phllad*; Wm. Holmes A 00., do; Morgan, J.M.BnekAMorgaru Blow A March, New York. B. B. Comegys, do; Frost A Forrest, do; Shields A Miller, do; Charles A.Meigs, do; Jodah Lee A 00.,-. Baltimore. A. G.Farwell A Oo.,Boston; Abraham J. Cole, do; Howard, Son A Co., do; W. B. Reynolds, Louisville; H. D. Newoomb A Bro., do; T. 0. Twiehell A Co., Commission Merenanta. New. Orleans. have an open Policy of Insuranoe, which will cover all shipments to my address, when adviaed by letter per mail, or when endorsed on bills of lading before, or at the time of shipment. JOSEPH MOG RIDGE, augO ML Louie. Missouri. D. SCAIFE, Removal. • . Jl ~ 9ljsr >^ PHILADELPHIA. GEORGE J. HENKEL'S (Orroairs ixomnnrei Hill,) PlUUdAlpltlA. In Roeswood, Walnut, Mahognny, Satinwood and Maple; all of eoperior construction, and finished in the best style, equal to, if not excelling inqoal ity, the Goods of any Establish ment in the United States. ST. LOUIS. JOSEPH NOGRIDGB, COMMISSION ANI) FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. 88 OoxafiCUL, bzlow Pnn Bnur, Sts Louis, Mo,, CHARLOTTE BLUMK, No. 118 Wood street, has just re vived the following NEW MUSIC:—A Song from the Wrtt; I’m Going There; Switzers' Farewell Wales, Beliak; Brother Jonathan's March; Honrs of Devotion, a collection of sacred melodise,arranged in easy style lor piano or melo deon, bjGro-e; Wild Flowers, Wallace; The Organ. Man, (Bsten; Farewell Marcb,'Beurer; Scbnihoff’s Grand Walts : I’ve Been Roaming (roodo), Drealer; Softly, ye Night Winds, Wallace; Mad-Oap Scbottiseb, Grobe; Bad from the Opera, Beliak—earily arranged and flogered for beginner*; Jordan Polka, new; (Burns Favorl, par Wilhelm Kuhe; Parkinson's Garden Polka, Henson; Parlor Masonrka. Bel die; To Meet Again, Voee; Dying Words of Little Rat;; Turn is Darkness on the Mountain, Wallace; The Mother’s Smile; Early Dreams, six beantlfhl melodies for email bands, by Often. Also, a good selection of Guitar Mm-ic. Bongs, Polkas, Waltsea, Marches, Ac. Ac. aa2 Aay Wood Nursery and Gardens. JAMES KENNEDY, [late Manager of the well-known Sy racuse N merles, New York,) begs leave to Inform the public, that he has now eetabiished an EXTENSIVE NUR SERY, on the Farm of Mr. James 6. Kegley. near East Lib erty, where he shall be prepared, after the 6th Instant, to re ceive and fill order* for every variety of Fruit and Ornamen tal Tree#. Hardy and Green House Shrubs and Plants. In addition to a choke and superior stock on hand, he has made arrangements with one of the largest Nurseries in the East, to keep up his supply. Having a thorough and long expe rience tn the business, he can assure his customers perfect ■atisfoetko. Mr. Kennedy would also respectfully offer his servtoes in designing, Laying out, sad managing Rural Cemeteries, Pub lic Parks, or the grounds of Country Residences; v™- 1 will also furnish plans for the formation of Lawna, Approaches, Pktnreeuue Boenery, Ac., in the highest styles of the art. Practically acquainted with every branoh of Landscape Gardening, and having spent years in the Sylvian Park* of England, and on the beautiful banks of the Hudson, he hopae he has the capacity to asst the wishes of those who favor him. 49* Communications can be addressed through the City Po« Office, or left at the Warehouse of Messrs. NqglejA Mohan, 22 Wood street Notice go fitoskholdtrs. *” Orncsor Pinsscaou asn Ooxskllsvixli R.R. Oo* 1 Pdltbvrgh, June 28th, 1864. / AGREEABLY to a Kaeolutlon of the Board of Directors of the PI I TB BURGH AND CONNELLSVILLE RAIL ROAD COMPANY, subscribers to the Stock of raid Company are hereby notified that the fif.h INSTALMENT OF FIVE DOLLARS per sbtre on their subscriptions will be due and payable on the FIFTEENTH DAY OF JULY next, (the first, second, third, and fourth instalments of two dollars and fifty oents per share, having heretofore been called In,) and also, FIVE DOLLARS PER SHARE on the fifteenth day of BACH ENSUING MONTH, until the whole amount is paid. stockholders residing in Somerset County will pay to Samuel M. Hatter, Meyers Mills,; those residing in Fajelto County to Colonel D. R. Davidson, ConneUsvllU; those residing tn Westmoreland County to General Cyrus P. Uarkle, eat Newton: and ail others to N. Veeder, F*q., at ihe Office of the Oompeny, in Neville Hall Building, corner of Fonrth and Liberty streets, Pittsburgh. WILLIAM B. CURRY, jyß3wd Treasurer Pittsburgh and Oocnellsville R-B. Co. Boston Papier Machs Company* MODERN AND ANTIQUE ORNAMENTS. PITTSBURGH AGENCY, 67 MARKET STREET.—Tha attention of Build era, Steamboat Contractors and Cab inet Makers, Is requested to this new and great improve ment In the manufacture of embellishments for Buildings and Steamboats, outside and inside; Cabins, Halls, Church es, Dwellings, Store*, and Parlor Furniture, in gilt, or in Imitation of various kiudj of wood. Also, Oorniees, Brack ets, and Patent Ventilating Centre Pieces for Ceilings, Mouldings, Consuls, Trusses, Battlement, Ao; much cheaper and handsomer »htn Plaster and Wood Carving, and a great deal more durable. BLOCK LETTERS FOR SIGNS, very cheap and warrant ed to last for 20 veers exposed to the weather. Above Goods for sale at the manufacturer’s prices ooet of freight added. W. W. WILSON, Js2B 67 Market «L Notice la Hereby Given, IV) ALL PERSONS wb» have subscribed to the Cepltal . Block of the PITTSBURGH AND ERIK RAILROAD COMPANY, and which has been made specially applicable to the construction of the road In Mercer county, that an Instalment of m* pa cut, per share, is required to be paid to the Treasurer of the Company, at bis office, in West Greenville, Mercer county, on or before the 20T1I DAY OF JULY, 1864, and that an Instalment of rrvs rxa cut, per share, will be required to be paid at the eame piece every thirty days thereafter. By order of the Board. B. F. BASKIN, Treasurer P. A E. R. R. Co. Office of the P. A E. ft. R. 00., I . New Castle, June 2Ut, 18&4.J JeZ7 ' a * New Partnership* Matthew oraff and danl. reisingkr, trading heretofore aa M. GRAFF A 00* Stove end Hollow- ware Menufocturere, No. 124 Wooa street, have* this uay associated with them THOM AS J. GRAFF, aa a partner in their business. The name, style and Utle of the firm will, from this date, be GRAFF, RhISINGER A GRAFF. They respectfully solicit a continuation of the .patsonage so lib erally bestowed upon the firm of U. Graff A Co. Pittsburgh, July Ist, 1864. G 1 REAT bargains of summer goods at A. MoTlGllE’S, I* corner of Grant and Fifth streets. I have this day commenced selling off my summer stock at first coat; the goods are all new, and have been purchased this season, and as they are now offered at prices for below the usual rates. Ladles would do well to call and get a bargain. The stock comprises berates, lawns, summer silks, tissues, grenadines, beregada lain**, anda.moetevery article usual ly keptln a fonoy store. jyB flew Trimming Store, JVe. S 3 Qrmer of Mm lot itrtet and Uu Diamond. FRANK VAN GORDER respecftilly nonounoe* to the public of Pittsburgh andvidalty, that be will open bis now Trimming Store on Monday, April 17 th. Ha ring fitted up the neatest store room la, the city, end filled It with a choice Selection of the latest style* of Trimmings and Fan cy Goods, he Hatter* himself that be'will 'offer tuperiorln duoecenUandendeavortoglvefullßatiafaatkm to all who may favor him with their patronage. .Now, don’t forget the place—No.B3 Market street, corner of the Diamond. [aprli] FRANK VAN GORDER. EffTERPKIE WORK JVb 186 Wood sfresf, Third door btlom Ftryin Alley. - BDWN A TETLEY would call the attention of Sporting men to their large assortment of Guns, Rifles eod Re volving Pistols, the largest and best selected stock ever opened in this market; together with a general assortment of Hardware, Cutlery, Tools and Fishing Tacfcla, all or which we offer at the lowest possible prices to cash purchasers, or for good approved paper. marlß ri tURKIBU ToWELR—W« have just received soother lot 1 of those excellent Tuiklsh Bath Towels. Brown Linen Towel has a aharp stimulating surface, combl ->iag the properties of a Flesh Brush, with the desired flexloilUy of a Towel. The Colton Towel posaeMea a soil neea not attainable In the linen, and the peculiarity of *b vording moisture without friction. Call early and secure a pair. 0. B. HKADLY A CO* jy 24 No. 82 Third street. JkTEW ARRIVAL AT UOOt/B.—Just revived a He« aau Jln rich assortment of fins Gold Jaweiry ofevery desirable style. Alto, pearl and velvet port monks, in gnat vari* ties; fine fans, gold and sliver thimbles, and numerous other goods, all of which we will nil at New York eity prices, and much below the prices usually asked at other; establishments in this eity. Call and examine our goods and prices, and save from tfi to 60 per oent; in your pur chase* at 61 Market strert. jyll Important to Tailors, TTJBT RECEIVED, .a large assortment of Tailors’ nod tl Trimmers’ Shears, of the best in the country, which we offer at the manofocturer’s prices, at BOWN A TETLEY’S, Enterprise Works, 136 Wood street, febT Wholesale Agents for IF YOO CAN BAVE FIVE DOLLARS A MONTH, yon can have a fine Building Lot, of 60 feet front by 210 deep, situate on Ml Washington. Price, s26o—terms, $BO In hand, at $6 a month. Now Is the time to secure a good Lot on easy terms. S. CUTHBKRT A SON, ja2l 140 Thirdafreet ONTINUATIoN OF THE GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL SALE OF A. A. MASON A 00* and still further re duction in prices, eommendugon Thursday, Jnly 20th, and through the month of AogusL jylB ton* No. 1 Juniata. Gap Sorgo, 60 u lake Champlain, for sale by j y 27 KING A MOORHEAD; 1v ri KL> mmir—lo assess a. cTiket X) my 29 F, BKUERB A CO. - -‘•V. A Three Btory Brick, on Smithflalri street, near tier mth— being In an excellent business location. The Lot Is 2o by 80 feet deep, frontiag on Smithfleld st. A Cuttsge Frame and Lot. 28 by 120 foot, fronting on Anne' and Robinson streets, Allegheny City. This is a very desira ble and pleasant location for a residence. Nine Lots in the town of M'Keesport,«ach 60 feet by 160. Several of these are on the Main street. Eleven Acres In Limetown, an the Monongahala River, mi which there are 4 booses; there are some 6 or 7 acres of ex cellent stone coal, and abundance of limestone, convenient te the landing; and two ooal pita open. Ninety Lote in the town of Columbia, 60 feet by 160 each, nearly all level, ami well located. The tenant of each Lot has the privilege of using whatever stone ooal he may re-' quire for his own use, from a pit near the Looks. Columbia is a pleasant situation on the bank of the Monongahalariv- : er, a short distance below Look No. 3. in the midst of an ox tensive stone coal region, and would be a desirable point for manufacturing establishments. Two Hundred acres of superior Stone Ccal,with House, , Railroad, he. iw* property has a fount of 140 rods on the Monongabele river; an excellent landing; good grade and' foundation for railroad—with enough level ground at one: point for houses and gardens, or locations for manufoctoriev. Tbs vein is deep enough to allow horses to be used in haul* : lug out the coal—the quality of which, for iron work, steam, 1 gas, or for any ordinary uses, is not surpassed by any in the ; country. In my absence, my agent, James Blakely, Esq., will give all neoacary information, and be authorised to give warran tee deeds for any property sold JAMES MAY, myty HO P»mi afreet 95 Per Cent Lower than a*jr County. A VALUABLE FAKM jfoH eALB—The sobeciibsr la authorised to m-U th* fallowing desalted TRACT OF LAND, containing 111 acres,eltoatrt for Sale. IfifkA ACRES OF LAND IN PoKhaT COUNTY, near 10V.FU the Ctprion river. This Land is heavily timbered, has an excellent eoil,and is said toeootain an abundance ot iron ora, and a thick vein of bituminous coal. The Venan go railroad,which will undoubtedly be bniit. Will run very near to It, if not directly across It. The Millstown creek runs through it. Ai£o, 50u acres in Elk county, well timbered and watered, and lying near the route of the Banbury and Eria railroad. No better investment could be made than in these lands. The completion of the Sanbury and Rrife, the Allegheny Valley, and the Venango railroads through that region will render the ooal, lumber, Iron oru ana soil, of great val ae. Enquire of 0. B. M. 81LLT11, feb22.'MDi:tf Valuable Property tor bale, ON LItIEKTY 6TALEX’, ADJyINING Ti»K METUCp DIST GRAVE YAttO, NEAR CANAL BASI-N.—this U now the only desirable piece of property In tkis neighbor* hood oot already bought up by the> Penney Ivania Railroad Company. Fronting on Liberty sufcet, on him street lw feet, thence to the Methodist Grave Yard BdK feet, to Liber ty 110 feet. • This property Is most dosirable as a Hotel. The building how on it, a oobtaantial three story brick, a kb all the necessary baok building*, has for a longtime been occupied as the Union Hotel,doing a good bnames* Capitalists and others desirous of making a good invertmcnt, will do well to examine* the premises. Spr2B.tf EDWARD FABER. I WILL SELL my unexpired lease (fourteen yean) of a lot, situate on O'Hara street and Spring alley, in the Filth Ward—W ft fronting on O'Hara street, and running back 100 ft. on Spring alley, on which is erected a four storied Brick House, 40 ft. square, with a frame, twnstoriea, 60 ft. on Spring alley, well calculated to carry on any branch of manufacturing business. Being engage*, in man ufactoring in the country, 1 offer the above for sale. In quire at No. 425 Liberty street. oc!8:tf EDWARD FABER. SIXTY THREE ACRE • OF LAN 1), with 250 acres of Coal attached, and all the Improvements thereon in soccese ful operation. . aid farm Is situated on the Monaagahela riv«r, «4 miles above Pittsburgh, and is supplied with a Farm House, Barn, Tenant Houses, Orchard, Railroad, and an excellent harbor. The vein of Coal is five feet thick, and cannot besurpassed in quality. For further particulars apply to . NICHOLSON A PAYNE, jelfttf No. 385 Liberty street. A Very Desirable Coantr> Beat at Pri ▼ate Bale. ritHE subscriber is authorised u> sell the following piece X of property, containing 2J£ acres of land, situated in Outline tp., Allegheny county, pa This property la beauti fully located on the bank of the Allegheny river, about 4 nuies from tbs city; having two fronts, one on the Law rcnceTillc and Sharpsburgh Flank Read, and the Allegheny nvar; and about SO rods below the ferry, and just Delow the uew bridge, now being built over the nver. Fur far ther particulars enquire of JAMES C. RICHES, jcB Kwai KfUte Agent. SALE.—I67 acres of Land, Smiles south ui Darling- X? too, 80 acre* cleared, good Orchard, a good Stone House, large Barn, two Frame Houma, ail in first rate or der, and offered at Uia low prloe of s3*j per acre also, one-hah acre Lot tu Oakland, on Charlotta street. It is a beautiful Lot; io front of Mr. Ogd a • fine improve ment, and b offered at the low price of sSoo—enquire or me. Call and get my Register, for description* et * great variety of property. THOMAS WOODS, jagg 76 Fourth strict. dhi « >| |. —HALF IN HAND, balance in 4 >«ai a, for a qpi-UUU New Frame Himse of 6 roosa, with a large luiui ground of 60 fort fronton the Brownsville road, in South Pittsburgh. Plenty of cboioe apple, peach and plum trees, gripes, currants and gooseberries. A large stable, out ov«n, «o The bouse 1* well papered. - good gratae, Ae. Call and examine the property. 1,11 s OPTHBERT A BOS, 140 Third st. ■ MJR -SALS —BIX acne Laud, suuate'near the Mlnvnvill* X Road, (rtumtha Court Huuse; on which is a fm.ti two story Brick House, Matte, and other buildings; also, an excellent Orchard. Terms—One-fourth cash, bid?, ance in five equal annual payments. Enqubeof ' jeUt- AUSTIN LOQMI»,W Fourth St t'V/iTAG B FOR REN Tr— The mam tmihimg of House os j Nursery HIU, with about an acre of ground. Enquire of J. oTEDEfOnD, on the premises, or of ny-28 THOMPSON BELL * 00. ValaaMe Property For dais. FIVE HANDSOME BUILDING Lorn, situate un Centre Avenue, near Fulton street, and within Can minutes' walk of the Post OSes. For terms, Inquire of HOON A SAKOZNT, mylT comer of Wood and Fifth eta. A GOOD DRY CELLAR, under the Neptun* Engine House, on Seventh street, suitable fbr curing ttnlsasw or produce. Inquire of JOHN H. STEWART, laarO 867 liberty street. " ! *• Let* ’ - fTtffn dwelling Loose , now ooeajdsd by maon Federal X street; Allegheny, No.'<4 Colinnade Raw, Dear tn* end of the bridge- Bsqeue at khs Boast • - W. H. LQWRTK LUBlatt* MMlfi KXIRAOTB—B dos«n Lukin* fls«st u* tracta fee the bcadtethtaf, tcmit«4 bjr mU roi 11*3050. '- r NUMBER 25, Property (tor Bala* Farm in the Attorney at Law, Ho. 147 Fourth street. For Sale. Coat Works For Bats* -» ** ’ ■ «•- HATE» OT APngETIHgO, AQBXXD UPOS ST TBS FIT ft MV MOM PMMm Tuimmitua.aun ‘ns square, one 9 M “ roefa additional insertion—ff u “ -a* weak- ..... X7l “ “ two weeks —S 40 u three weeks— 4 00 u ** OCO month - “ “ two tnnuths , ~T “ “ throe months— 9 ©y S ftmr m+mtlrp n M _. r|< ,0 Q 0 * ** six moutha-. H lift •• (i one year UOC tending Card, six lines or lees, per annum—— 10 91 eoiaeiazui at plzaspu: "Hw square, per annum, (eroluxiv* of ehs paper)—,.., 94 04 DAILT MOMiJNG TOST. SATURDAY MORNING; Of the State Ceattal Committee.—Ho. 4. To the Pe'pU of Ptnntyloania : Fallow Citizens. —There have beta a&tago nistical principle and antagonietioal parties in governments, froro their first institution to the present time. The ono, taking from tbe people all power of seif government, and in fact deny ing their right as well as their capacity to govern themselves. The other, clnimiog in tbo language of our Declaration of Independence, “ that all men are created equal; that tb«y are endowed by their creator with certain tmlieQ able rights; that amongst tbeso jre life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That $o secure these rights government* nrc instituted among men, thriving their jutt p trer* from the content of the govcmtti~} ibnt whenever uny gov erment becomes destruc'ivs of tbeeo eade. it is the right of tbe people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on saeb principles, and organising its powers in such form as to them shall svem most likely to effect their safety and happi ness." It vu these antagonistical princplea that led to oar war of Independence. The great mass of the American people then asserted, dis'iooily and unequivocally, that all potter vat xnht'tnt ** the people. That they not only posersßtd the right of self-government, but the capacity alee to exercise the right. The British of that day* and their adherents in this country, denied this right as well as this capacity. Oar fathers he roically maintained their pusitions, and estab lished their governments upon the principles for whio*t they fongbt; and the right of man to gov* ern himself, and his capacity to do it. In this country at least, are truisms which no man dare deny. fiat although we conquered from relaotsnt England, and obtained from all the governments of Europe the recognition of onr* government, thus established, yet the despots of the Old I world have ever looked with a jealous eye upon | our republican institutions, and we had a party : among ns daring the war of the revolution, and' we have never been without auoh a party since, ; that pr&otioally have deuied man’s right and ‘ability to govern bimsell - . When the oonstituiioos of the seven! Slates of the Union were under consideration, this' ■ party, without an exception, were strenuous in ! their endeavors to clothe -the government with strong, If not with arbitrary power; to keep, as ‘they said, the people in check. They took all the power they could from the people,and vested it in the government, thus reversing the deels ratioa, that governments derived their just powers from the consent of the governed; audit has taken the friends of the people from-that | time to the prteent to correct these arbitrary 'provisions in their organic law. In some of the 'States, the aristocracy basso intrenched itself .behindrtbe barriers of wealth aod exclusive pri vileges, that, even in this age of progress,'tbs people have not yet been able entirely to die lodge them ; and, if not in tbeir organic lav. Is " their ordinary legislation the people of those. ~ ' ■States have been subjected to a tbeir rights, and a tyranny in tbeir government Scarcely exceeded in those countries where des potism prevails. Id framing the constitution of the United 'States, these opponentaof tbe people's rigbiseu-' . jdeavored to establish a consolidated govern-?.* meats, which should tend to centralise in 'he -general govern' cut ail the -powers and rights of the several. States, as well as of the people. They claimed to establish a strong and magnif icent government with numerous offices, rlgh salaries, a standing army,'and * large navy, jand4whesej«r tbey were in power* and bad thi' • [oppoetunlty, they carried- -these. views into effect. ' -'•‘■•w,-.'- i:. - ' * The other party, in tbedayscf the revolution, - was composed of those who asserted and main tained the rights of the people, who put forth the Declaration of Independence, and based their' governmebt npon the principles contained In it. - Ours was the first government ever upon those priociplvs, aud it has been a for all subsequent governments. In the stormy days of «he revolution, the Uuion of the States whs held together more by a arose of mutual danger, and a sense of muiuul cirpendence, than any coercive authority existing m the govern ment of the Union. In the org .i.ixuion of the 'several State governments, the frirods of the people endeavored to tnuke tbtm as democratic as they could, Siill, the ii.fluecce of habit, and attachment to tho ordinary foinu to which they had been accustomed, a paitml igiiorancs of the forma in which tbeir principles could he best carried out, and a diaiuciiustioo to enter upon new and untried theories, prevented as full and oomplete a reform in tbeir government as experierce has since shown lobe ueceesary and enabled those of the other party to succeed in tbeir views to a greater extent than they ought to have done. When the throes and the Moubles of the revolution were passed, and It - was found necessary to establish a better form of government for the Union than the old arti cles of confederation afforded, the convention of 1787-8 assembled to accomplish this purpose. Here the same antagonistic elements were found at work. The friends of the people, believing, that the country was best governed in which the government was least felt by the people, were in favor of retaining to the people and to the Sta e governments, ail power not necessari ly requisite to the transaction of the business of the general government. They wished to con fer open the general government only certain specific and enumerated powers, that were abso lutely necessary for such a limited government or confederation. Tbeir opponents, as baa bean stated, were for clothing the general government with almost unlimited powers, which if granted must have made it a consolidated government, “ and in the end swallow op.ibe State governments I entirely. The result of that convention'was to establish a government for the Union, of unri valled excellence, which combines the federative aod the democratic principle, and makes it a government of compromise, in which the pow ers of government are limited restricted ;ind fined,.to'tboae expressly granted, or which fol low by direct and necessary (not merely conve nient) implication from those granted. This gov ernment, when properly administered, baa .all the power necessary for its purposes, and yet leaves to tbe people and to the States alltheir rights nnlofringed. The immortal Washington was r by unanimous consent, placed at tbe head of tbe government. He ealled ajooud him tbe statesmen and soldiers of tbe revolution—yet in bis cabinet were found I very discordaut materials. Both the aotogonia j tioal principle* to which we hate before alluded | were (here icpreeentvd, and it required the ; whole weight of that eminent man’s character to prevent tbeir operation to the prejudice of the. oountry. Col Hamilton, a man undoubtedly of tetafts, who bad been conspicuous for bis services in the I revolutionary army, during whioh he had eu- J.*yed much of the confidence of Gen. Washing ton, bad been selected fer the situation of secre tary of tbe treasury. In the convention of 1787-8 be bad, however, shown his predilections' for a strong government, which, if adopted, • would have made us little better than an elective: moeatohy, with a president and senate for life/.. He, of course, beaded ibe party which coincided, with his views, end distrusted. or effected to dta trust, the power of the people to govern them selves. They assumed to themselves the heme of federalists, falsely alleging that they wera the exclusive friends of the form of the general ; government then organised and in praotioe. v The immortal Jefferson, the great apostle’of republicanism, tbe authorcf. the Dedsratooo -of 'lndependence, was selected for Secretary .of ’State. He espoused the cause of the people,' and of the Btates, and favored a strict coustrnw jtion of the constitution. He was able, to a jgreat extent, to counteract the influence of Al exander Hamilton. He was not, however, able - tObucceed.iQ all things; and Hamilton, to-the jgreat regret of the republicans of that day, I ‘succeeded in eatablisbfhg the old Bank of .the i|United States, which very soon prostituted itself Ijto political purposes. Before the riose ot I Washington's administration, Mr. itffern*. {withdrew frosn it, as- he was usable 'lwith Col. Hamilton and those who held his po lities! views. In 1796, Gen. Washington haviog declined a steoud tt-eleeUoa, John Adams, then Tioe Bros- * : •- ; *s^ SEPTEMBER 9.