HIS® feS;\ *v;-;-■■ ■ '*ftv- - ->*r . • : - ■ • : ■ ■; 1 ,• , ; *-- •, .*;.V- r - . • •%£*<». V„.y, <» ■?. x.x\ -! "--.’.t :rE-,-Vs • ' ■ . i; . ...'. .„v , f -S • ! i r 1’ * *,•*'*' ’** *' '• ,.1 v t “ v ; s ,*i .' : t ■-' •*■■ *• >*»*?/ • SgWU -.u V.Vj'S: -■ iteV'v; ‘r-r -I%*^£v^V^\'VV■v;;,"’' vv ■Pfe- 1 __j^ lillt?fi^ M «*"'"■>- “ -< oM^\ MWy Bw& s * --Sjfe.A WW^U; WtK £-’P ’wwSAisif; W!i^ 1 j -* iw*Z& »\-* t % *\ * Wg^s sfe^a Jlj s>’j & f i-3 ifca m *'£>?£§ ' ts*h Sfctfi pq if W^Um Sw;-iSp>t#^jfV'^i«*;-^ e *%»%*•*#»*>!•.-*.*: •:• «■■ ; fc », .rWJ-'-'i: * ijv*! •■ *U*7^ $ ~ • v; *iVt&££*;V^£H>V, ’‘'• -. " '•• •’VJwSsrW**-•»**•■< - *.’•' • '••*• •>7.fi-v% rr <»■'.■% : 4 fl\,’:*r.' ..'r. »f*«r£r » • 'r‘+»V'H ,i«t. '• ' ”-■ ■■«»«'■*• ;. ’i-£ *•• || ft 1 E»- K&ncs* ej^sssi fIIpIPFPP 'V- - * -'• 'h . - H . j-.vV’-’..*. 1 f .-'. ■' * •* ••'• -1-r •'. _' I ,'*V>‘ "s4* V-*V'' :, t -Z; f -‘»***';■-'* ■ 1 / ■ - •—*; '■■;■■*•• '• - -S'-:- ■ -..... . ..** ,%.- - ■ ■..•'4 '':•. ’ -!*-• ■-f ..' : . v .’, •>f • *•* >:- :■ -..■-. 4/: • T-: 2 •* ;.- A r j£. •• . • V*:*?' ii‘ ,-■ • x :'’ \ ' •>- -4 r t :,•' . , vK , ». DAILY MORNING-..POST. MONDAY MORNING: ; HUMOROUS. Uncle Peter'B-. "ho flourished e few rears ago among the mountains of Vermont-as on ".derated?orse dealer, was one day oalled " by an mneteur of the '“equine, in I search of ” something fact.” The result is told as fol lows in the Northern Ornette: ••There,” said Uncle P.,' pointing to an ani mal in a meadow- below the houße ; “ there, sir, ia a mare ypnier who would trot her mi.e 10 wo minutes and twenty seoonds, were it not for one thing.” •* Indeed “ oried bia companion. “ *es,” continued Unde Peter,-P ehe is four years old this spring, is in good condition, loohs well, add is a first rate mare; and can go a mile in 2 20 were it not for oas thins '■ ’ ••Well, what is it?” waa the query •• That mare,” resumed the jockey, u » crery way a good pieoe of property. She has a hea.y mane, switch tail, trots square and fair, and yet there is ons I kins only why she oan t go * “What fn the Old Harry isit then 1” cried tho impatient amateur. ** The distanoe is too great for the time, was the old wag’s reply. Resolution Propo.lng imeodme»U««l>' Constitution of tltt common^reoltu. Skotior 1 BcsUvtd by iht SenaU a«d Bouu. of Btprtsen tau£?of (ho Ommomocam of in Control M JSSy met, That the following omendmonta be end the seme ere hereby proposed to the “™l U I mouwealth, tinder end in accordance with the prori tenth article thereof, to wit: sseno, I.eTn; /ppllod Xo the purpose for which the debt may be “,"r ot ,neh debus end to no other purpose. wSuriii the public debt of the Commonwealth, , n g o*gl” be eoutraefod l»™ of war JJlSSinweSm.euppreM inenrrertipo end to redeem the Mbdt?debt/SsliOgientnre eheU aUhelrnMt eeesiou otter ?heedoodonUdasecdou into the Conatitmiou, prorida “"°SS ?uSSo„ increased ready b, at a rata of not lota than five per centum per componpdtog. ; i . w>tH fand B bnU be invested In the loans CommSSiealtb, which shall be cancelled from time J be provided by law; no portion of .hall not in “ T ” T y*&“tl^ a irint owner or stockholder In w~uhoTel£where, fo med for any purposes. 4 The Commonwealth shall the . *' rttv. borough or township, or of any d.tK , of . ioraslon, rappress lusurrcction, or to defend the State In war. PROPOSITION 2t TO B* ARTICt* XL Prohibiting Municipal Subscription *. uS^m.a-tSJtaltoln ny joint .took jl.tom or „i,rootmtlon, or to rtto monoy br, or loan in rmlStto,or InoWof any »nchoom[«ny or *.— ,«*. JB-tf/SSSssr' & Spcakar of the Senate. In Senate, April 28, 18M. ikiolreci. That tbia resolution pus. Y*ea 22, nays tl. Extract from the Journal T. A. MAGUIRE, Clerk. In Boom of Representatives. April 21,1854. p c"ci *r°' PEXNSn.VA.XIA, S 3 SKMIIII . S OrF.CK,I llarri*barg,Jaly 1,1854. f f I do certify that the above ‘“iJ o "*?,'!* J? ‘ i mT l.troe and correct copy of the orising »** u relative to an amendment of the C?*”" 1 ® tioo.” a* the wo* remain* on file 5o In testimony whereof I bave hereannD set my * band and caused to be affixed the seal of the aco ; "hary'iofflw.thedayandy^eto^^wriueii. .- t geeietary of the Commonwealth. ■ Journal of the Senate. ««Reaoiutk>n No. 562, entitled * Resolution • proposing .„Xr-» the coitituu™ or «h. ireareml • third time. Oh the qooatlon, "ill the ™ to the first proportion, the yeas and nsys were Uiteo, ■ri-mehlv to the Constitution, and were as fjllows, tu. in ~.. Rnckaiew, Darlington, Daraie, Purguson. JWoS-'n, nVldeman, Hamilton, 11. ttSSSh t W. Hamlin, HeL.ter; took, M-parland, Piatt, Hulggie, Sager, BUfer, and M Caslin, Bl ?f^t»r<_.Qr.hh, Cn.mll, Hendrick*Klnxer, Knn- U waa determined In'the , On the question, will the Senate ape. to he second pm podiion, the yeas and nay* were taken agree y Won FouiW, M’PmlsSl Piatt, Price, Qulggle, Blifer, Wherry, M CaMlin, **ESStaH«. Orabb, Creewell, Darllngten, Hamilton, was determined In the affirmelire. BO the q""“" 0IIrll . 1 of tie unnae of BepresentatiToa. « The aneeilon recurring upon the final pawns* rf the HeeSSSn* the flrrt proposition uas hsroed to a. tulom-, SiHSrfe: asrsa; £&■ j^^SR a SSTfi»hSK' 25$ 0 . S&J kfSunelk &WMlller. Monaghan, Montgomery, tf™ Mo£r“ Mom. M Perke. Parmlee. Pa-ntor*. Putney, lu.llns llpbert.. ballade. SoottwSkii# Stmoatoa, Smith, (Berks) Smith, (9j?. ,r *'? r S».b Southern, « bkleln. ' Wright, Ziegler, abnee,Speaker-«5. SLftbTSSSon wee determined In the ailirmatiee. Oa the auaation *lll Urn Houee agree to the «»«nd propc aiUon th'yee, end naya *«re taken, •f™”? 1 ’ 1 ? 10 t , h J 1 " SdoMOf UwlOthertldeor the Oonetitutiou, .=. so Dears on ths Jou r naJ# of th® two of thi, Com ' ™.d cm. St“”diSr 0 X™ lr ’ “‘“Tbwli ItU:U«ts£ *° d of th® Commonwealth. vnTI C K ; To tlte Creditors upos «»• L,ne ot 1 pnbllo Improvements. rsiHF rRKDITOiiS upon the lUin Line of the Public notified, U»t. pursuant to A * An Act to provide for the ordinary expen &V wiin Of the public Canal* and •PP»P. ri * lton# » B4UrO, j d&T of Mar 1864. the Comutljwionera ap« approved the 9th d»y or W, ie»e. «* JVB pQ WER AND StPAIfS "Siring dit.' prior to th. Ut d *J folio. Iwfto- tod poriodr, for tb. foSment of th. doti.. uslgnod “““> ~ 10 « Monday, “ 17. Johnstown* Monday. “ -L BlsiterUle, "~*Thur#day, “ 27. „ ""'."Thursday, Aug 3. HunUnjdon, “ 7. Lawlatown, ~ wkmujiy « 10. MUlewtowo, “ “ 14. rrta J, ari » u ...Thursday, “ 17. ParkabuKi (( Thursday, “ 24. ).BSifil ■ THOtfAsT MAQCIRIi. gocr.t»ry- N,. w [a T{TK tl mk 10 BUBBOHIHKt— T&> tollowiog OW 18 TUK lin* AWO ot eoßnnenco mod »e*W»« *J* b rfbo [ RU39BLL4 now Yolumoa. Now U the time to 8 , Demurs, No. 15 BUitioiii!™ ’ Ca] , ■-ass? . ss*«w* Putnam, g"* 1 ?. r fltd"9oD. WmTorly MmgmxiQC, litteU** LlTing Age, rJaliM* Gazette, Chambers’ Journal, OlJlSn'B Pictorial, Hunt’s Merchant*’ Magazine PU* of Our Union, Blackwood, i; -UN riaLs'clH' WOKK.S—Amariain wlltlon la «■>» toU n.» .opplj bj express. unS* Before th. Floot Soriptoro imdtag" “ Qua*. MM or Foroihodowi. Yoioee of the Day, Dead and Night. o BngUeh edition of the abote also on hand, at $1 p«i tem “ fnM »* “* Book Btor, ul ft «5 Market street, near Fourth^ hn&TU Of JULY KX-UUHBIUN-Do not target tolooi .t .ImißbeDutlfol BUILDING LOTS,eo ple»e»oliJ «>m “Monot WeeblogtoD—free from the duet «nd emote Md Id the pare Jr or the eoautry-yet withld ?fSTmSoti' wjt of the city. The loelW Pleue »11l sL* jyB - A-OOOD DUELLING UUUIiK (No. U liiUd dVr K—nonUlw sight rooms, food oellsr sod A 8&N, U» Third *tr~t —iuk R,.«fi—i l»rz« *ud fr»sb. rapltj SL “nMffiur® 1<3» , «0U “> » nrUty of otl»r naif! woelTiS oy JO3 pluming. iff —— .. .-\V>: ■ y*-- DELAW&UE JtUIBAL- -BAEBCT- XMBTJ&&HCE COMPAHT. OKFICB in the North Room of the Exchange, on Third streets PllltiZifilipPHlA. • - * MARINE INSURANCES. ::;JOLY 31. Ox Vssssu, , , 1 • Cargo',' •• vTo all part* of the World, factssrs, ‘ ) INLAND INSURANCES Oo goods by rivers, canals, lakes and land carnages, to all ports of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On merchandize generally. On stores, dwelling houses, Ac. ASSETS OP THE COMPANY, November -, MW. Bonds and Mortgages]. ..........Mt 3oo 00 Stateot Pennsylvania!, Philadelphia city, Spring Garden, Southwarkfand other loans, .181,603 4A Stocks in banks, raliijoadß and insurancee com- Balnncesin the handslof Agents and premiums on Marlue Policies recently Issued ™ SubscripOonNotes w _ : DIBBCTOHe: Wm. Merlin, Dr. 8.11. Umlon, Joseph Il.'Senl, , HoghCrilf. Rdmond A Souder, I Spencer ! ’ John 0. Daris, ! Ch.rlles Kellj, Robert Burton, i : k ’ John K. Penrose, V . U«“ r {? George G. Lelper, ; i ’ RJ*Vd Darlington, j yiissf' jssb&ss? i™c3 John »• Semple, IWln. “olJing, ! Chorlee Scheffer, j!ST b. M’F.rhnid, J.T. Log.n, Pittaborgh, XV C Ludwte, [• B. T. C. Morgan* do. " • UU JW, 2* . WM . MAKI3X, V‘rodd«nt. TUOS.C. 11‘AND, Vic* President. Joseph W. Cowan, Bec’j. p a JIiDK[II4 , A? „ t , | v No. 95 Water Btreet, PiUsbargh THIK.O AKNtIAL STATKMEBiT Of THE STATE &UTOALFIRR AND MARINA XHSUEANCECOMPANY, OF PENNSYLVANIA. Aoseuj, May Ist, 185 A. I’lfuiinras ivcelTecl to May Ist, 1863- inleivston Loans, Ac Capital Stock..—~...J • ; $446,183 »* Returned premium?) Losses Rolasuranee, Ex- 5h phases, Ac., *’ Bond,, Mortgage,, SJooki, and other good soon tuirltlw.— f tro'oie 51 Premium Notes i-’«on 21 Casbon hand - 1, ’ Bjo 23 Total ain’t of Resources, Liable for Losses..— $358^318^70 mBECTCES. JOHN P. RDTHKBFORD, Dauphin county, P. C. SEDGWICK, Harrisburg, SAMUEL JONES, Philadelphia, A. WILKINS, Banker, Pittsburgh, A. A. CARRIER, “ ' JOHN B. IUmiERPOKD; Dauphin county, A. J. GILLKTT, Harrisburg, 8. T. JONES, Harrisburg, ROBERT KLOTZ, Carbon county. JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, President. A. J. QILLETI', Secretary. Willinimre agaimrt perils of *ea and inland on Merchandise in dty or country, at lowest rate* coi ‘Sat iuhSfely. 1-oIHe. i»i»d . CIIAB.TEK FEItPETUiL. CAPITAL $250,00(h Office, S. E. Comer of Third and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia. Officers of the Bant Board at Philadelphia: DIMCTOM. Stephen It. Crawford. Paul B. Goddard, Ambrose W. Thompson, Lawrence Johnson, Benjamin W.Tingley, Goo. STUehry, Jacob L. i'l"rctK*. James tterereui, William M. Godwin. William M'Kee. President —Stephen K.Crawford. Vice President —Ambrose W.Thompson. AMicut Jim miner, PilLsthsryU— James ll.Willson, M. D. AVLeaheny B. Mowry, M. B. , ! GEO. K. AIINOLD, Agent, rakr lT:r No. Ti fourth streat, Pittsburgh. Tlt« FrimitUtt Plre luaurinee Company, Of PhiLitleiphia, JW.nsj/toania. ' DIRECTORS— Chark'3 W. Caucker, Tbomas Uart, Toblss Warner Samaul Grant, Jacob R. Smith, Geo. Vt . Rvh ,r-U Mwdeeai t». Lewis, Adolph! B. Boris. Dartd P. Browne, ilorrih Patterson. Caas. N. Bascuh, iVendent. Cnas. G. Boicxca, ScreLzry. w , _ Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on stery description of property, in '.own and country, at rates as low »•? coaiisUjut witli w-ruiity. The Company have warred a Inryv Contingent wh*ch, with tb« tr capital r.nd premiums, safety lnr«ted,*af f.nl ample protection to the assured. 1 Tba Awet* of the Company on January Ist, 1851, as pub llßbodtl. t* A.-t or Annzibl,, tm “foUo»«, m: u «” « - Total $1,212,708 « 51nce their incorporation, a period of twenty-one yeara, they 'haTo paid upward of (.hie Million Four Uundrwl Thou sand Dollars, losses by die. thereby affording eridenoe of the advantage* of inpnr*n<~e, as w>U a* the ability and disposi tion to meet with promptness all liabilities. Lon to m«t wan prom }j aARI)IxKR Ag€nt , ap2t OSire. ccrtli-east pot. W.wl and Third sta. Photectios INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONN., Capital Stock, Annual Premiums and Western Fund 5i, 000,000. IN CO it!'ORATED 18i6. Policies of Insurance issued at all time,, on'the most law blt‘ term*, gainst LOSS OR DAMAGE BV FIRE, os Tilt PKBILS op navigation, BY GEO. E. ARNOLD, Aokht rj « PITTSBURGH AND ALLEGHENY COUNTT. Western Insurance' Company, “itubargh. K MILLER, Jt„ Pretidmt. | F. M. GORDON, Secretary CAPITAL, $300,000; W-jhL insure against all Kinds of risks, FIRE and MA UINE. Ail lows will be liberally adjusted and pr A 't fomeiaatltntion. tannage* by Bitter om who are wall *onwn in th- comtauuUv,and who are determined, by i.ro’u'd ne- and libernlitv, to maintain the character which tlmv have assumed, a* offering the be-t protection to these who desire to be Insured. . _J., isir'ct"rs. —it. Miller, Jr..C.W. Ricfcetaon, J. W. Butler, N.Holmes, Jr.,W. ll. Smith, C. Iliro.«en,(leorge W. Jackson, Win. M. Lyou, James Lipp-ncutt, George Dande, James Me- Aoloy, Alexander N’itulck. Thomas Scott. *»_offW, N 0,92 Water street, ,'W arehonseof Spang A Co . up «UlrO Pittsburgh. _ noTltiily JETS A INSURASCE COMPAHY, II AllTFUli I>s CONN. Chartered 1 8 19—Capital Stock $300,000, rilOS. K. BRACK, President. THOS. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary, fl DIRECTOR.*— Thomas K. Brace, Samuel Tudor, Ebeneier Flower, Ward Woodbridge, K. A.Bulkelej, Joseph Church, Roland Mather, Frederick Tvler, Bdwiu 0. Ripley, Robert Buell, Samuel S. Ward, Miles A.Tpttle, Henry Z. Pratt, John L. Boswell, Austin Dunham, Gustavus F,il>»itls, Junius 3. Morgan. M&- Policies" oil Fire and Inland Risks issued on farora bleterms, by . GEORGE K. ARNOLD, Ag*t, decltly No. 74 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. CITY HOTEL. (UTB O rOW>'B. ) Corner or Smlthfleld and Third streets, V PITTSBURGH, PA. GLASS & CARR, Proprietors. JOHN 1* GLASS, DAN. D. CARIt. . (Uu Uvuc" oa«*.> (L»‘« 8t CWUi * r»r»J Q*uU.) TQI3 largo ami commodious Houso hating undergone thorough repair and furnishM with new equipments throughout, la now for the reception of the traveling public. Ciuiurn moderate. &pr26.fim ST. CLAIU HOTKL, TUB EXCHANGE,) m PITTSBURGH, Corner Penn and St. Clair streets, C. W. BENNETT Proprietor. ■By»Thislg a first class house, between the 1 tail road De pots; the rooms are lurge&Qd newly furnished, and chargee moderate. , nprl4:lydAw 13 NOW READY FOR SUMMER VISITERS. —The grounds hsvu been improved, and the House rendered more attractive, generally. The proprietor will bo happy see his friend,*. SS- An Omnibus of the Excol.dor Lice Is now running fr-ju. the station, ou Fifth street, U> the GLEN HOTEL. Leaves the station at 8 o'clock, A. M., and 6 I*. M 4 return ing ato A. 51., and OJ4 P. M. jeULOm J. 0. MARTIN. Agent- "FH.ANK.LIN HOUSE, Cleveland, Ohio. C PATRICK k SON, PaoPRUTOM.— This House has ns # dergone thorough and extensive repairs, alterations, and large additions of new furniture, and the proprieg tor* pledge themselves that nothing shall be wanting otf their part to'render the Fraxxus a place where all the oom % <*“?'* tet I,otel fal “q PATRICK ’ ' uILEY’S HOTEL.: CORNER FOURTH AND GRANT STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. my2o:v] E. RILEY, Proprietor. FLORENCE ~~ No. 400 BROADWAY, NEW YOKE. (COSDCCTED OX TUt EUROPIAJt PLAN.) EETTBEH LOVEJOY, ;ly PROPRIETOR. J. M'UASTUUi, JR., AU’T M. H. MAKKU PERRY HOTEL, corner ol Hancock streetand Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh, Pa. mar4:y 'McMASTERS k MARKLE, Proprietors. ■\TE W PUBLICATIONS—Just receivei by Express the J\ following new aDd standard books, ahead of all ootem uoraries: Wood’s Practice of Medicine, new edition; Sir Jasper Carew, by C. Lever, new work; Fashion and Famine, by Aon S. Stephens, new work; Juggler of Nankin, by 8 Cobb, Jr.; WUd Western Scenes, oetv supply; Dodd Family Abroad, bv C. Levor, new supply; Fannv Pern, aecond series, new supply; Feetus, a Poem, by P. J. Bally, new work; Chambers’ Paper* for the People, new edition, in 8 rola; “ felect Writings, “ 41 in A ▼ois.; “ Mlsceiiany, in 10 vola.; “ French Revolutions; “ atoriee of Irish Peasantry, “ Life and Works of Burns; “ German literature; Henebe’s Field Bocks, new supply; Trantwiae on Curves, “ u Shu*' , on Curves, new work. AH persons wanting new and cheap Books will eali at jylB RAM URL B. LAUFFER’6 87 Wood street •«!» ■ >'.4' - • v f .V.. ■ , (►V'S. : ■ ■**' <%. NOE COMPANIES, $627,47 6 63 $209,016 61 136,260 56 1,916 19 100,000 00 $368,318 70 nrv£BT*iyiT3. HOTELS. THE GLKN HOTEL * i "i* ' t * ,' i - NKERS AND BROKER; EXCHAS9-S AND BAKKIH& HOUSE Ai WlliWM A- CO., , %i o . MtffUTISD-BTAT'ES'BANK BUILDING. So* Fourth Street, rnmeoaon, pa- . w t FOREIGN -end Domestle Exchange, Coin, Bent Notes and lend Warrants bought and sold. Collections made throughout the Union. Business paper discounted and loans negotiated. Blocks bought and sold on commission. Money recetred on deposit, and interest allowed when left for a apedfied time. kemoVai. PATBICKS A FETEKD, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Hast Eemtned thtir OJJicc to the Corner of J\flh and WoodtU. Firrsßcaea, pa. . PATRICKS A FRIEND, Banters and Exchange Brokers, and Dealers in Note*, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, Sllter *nd Pf"* Notes. Exchanges on the Eastern and western Cities eonstently for sale. , OollßrtlOM made In all the ddea throughout Ule United States. Deposits rewired in par funds or current paper, at the comer of Fifth and Wood Streets. l frt>3 ._ n. holmes a sons, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, BATE IUOTtB THJ3» BAWKIWa AMD AXCEAHO* OPTIC* TO HO. 07 MAKUT STXXET, POOH WJOBS B*M>W OLD STAHS. N HOLMES A BONS, Bankers and Exchange Urokert, . and Dealers In Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, 8U • ver and Bank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western the cities throughout the United Deposits receired in par funds or current paper, No. 67 Market street,.between Third and Fourth gta. (jaaO.ly JAB. ft. UOOS,.— HOOK ft BABGEHT, _ BANKERS AND EXCHANGE' BROKERS* n. t oosrxb or wood * with btiu* wttsoumii, re. DyAi wnw in Coin, Bank Notes, Time Bills, foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Ac. Exchange on all the principal cities of the Union and Eu* rope, for sale in sums to edit purchasers. Current and par funds received on deposit Collections made on all part* of the Union, at the lowest ntn. l««P U:1 ? TIKUSAN 4 CO., “ BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 95 Wood Street, comer of Oiammui Alley, PITTBBUKUII, PA., Buy AND SELL Bank Notes and Coin; Discount time exchange, and promissory notes; make collections In «U the principal cities of the Union.: Receive deposits on a»n aud on Interest, and gWe their prompt attention to all other matters appertaining to a Broker’s Business. Eastern Exchange constantly on band. j tnaro_ JOHN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE BBOKER, DSALK& iw Exchange, Commercial and Bank Notes. STOCK bought and sold on commission. Collections carefully attended to. Interest paid on Deposit. 4^- No. Fourth street, nearly opposite the M. M. HILL * CO., bankers and exchange brokers, coaKCt or wood asd nrre struts. 'tIGHT EXCHANGEon the Eastern Citiae constantly for O sale. Time Bills ox Exchange and Not« discounted.— Gold, Silver and Bank Notes, bought and sold. Collections made in all the principal citiea of the LmUal J* posits received of Par and Corrent Funds. [marifily ™.wr» xdward aabm, rwax*c* uim KBAMSB ft BAHH, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, BUY AND BELL Gold, Silver, and Bank Notes; negotiate on Real Estate or Stock Securities; purchase rtcfttLswiry Notes and Time BUls, on East and West; bay and sell Stocks on Oommisrihn. Oollectioo* made on all points in the Union. l m y* — : G. K. ARNOLD * CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, DEALERS In Exchange, Coin, Bank Notes, Sight and Time Drafts, Ac. Collections carefully attended to, and proceeds remitted to any part of the Union. Stocks bought and sold on commission. hq. 74 Fourth at-, next door to Bank of Ptttsb g. [ ■>* 13 ~ aTstih Looms. STOCK AND BILL BROKER, Office, No. t>2 Fourth st.. above Wood, ♦ PITTSBURGH. Notes, Drafts, Bonds, Mortgages, and Loans on col laterals, negotiated. Stocks and Land Warrants bongbl and sold. « „ ocl *- ! 1853. exchange and banking nouss or \ A. WILKINS at CO., j No. T$ ForaTn Btxxb*, ow£it.th.B«>ktfrm.b«.*h. Pms! , clou Dostffftr and Foreign Jiexhange, Honk Aofrr, Gold and Ai. / Bought, &dd and Fcchanged, at the ■ Exchange and banking house o> - WILLIAM A. HILL A CO., »ood staxtr, rrrrsßtrwH. Interest allowed on time df poults. { jsd? tuoufson ball. ~,......._jso. s.cftcmn THOMPSON BELL A CO., BANKERS AND BKOKHRS , OTfurr of Thtril and HW vrcrle. PUUburgh, I u. THOMAS WOODS, MB* COMMERCIAL BROKER, AND DIALta IN Kotos, Bonds, Stock#, Ke*l Katotc, Ac., A'o. 75 fourth a* ■ KUKiNII liitr., JAMES VV. WOOUWELL. CA BiS XT FUR SI TURK M A S UFA brUBER Ware-room. 91 and 90 Third .tree*. J. W. \S\ refpi’CtfuUy iulorau^Tk friends and cu-snmers that h*-UL ha*noweompl«*H hissprtng stock |W Furniture, Which is decidedly * 1 ■ .be largest end but erwr offered for sale In thU 95/oT. l*. wid at price* as low as.any in the' United atatea, A* he ia determined to uphold the qaallty with well sea- i «med materials best workmanship, and newest dewgn*; and I'rtiDi the extent of bU orders and facility in manufacturing, he U enabled to prvjuce warranted furniture, at the lowest adopted the principle of Identifying his custom.*** internet with bis own, in quality an«J. price, and **eps al ways on hand lh- greatest Tariety tf »t«rj description of furniture, from the cheapest aud, plainest, to the »oit«la rant and oostly, that a house, or any part of one, may be furnished from his stork, or manufactured exptwiwly to or* ier. The fallowing articles consist, in part, of ms stool, which for richness of style and Onlsh, cannot be surpassed in any of the Kastern clti**: Louis XIV teUea-tete Sofas; 60 Sofas, in plash and hair cloth; 60 doe. Mahogany Chairs; 30 dm. Walnut “ 60 Mahogany Backing *• »> Walnut “ “ 60 Mahogany Diraas; 30 Walnut ** 60 ilarbla Top Centre Tables: 60 " “ Dressing Bureaus 80 “ “ Washstiunls; 40 y*»rlnaad M l-K) Common “ 30 Plain Dressing Bureaus; "19 Mahogany Bedsteads: b 9O Walnut “ 60 Cottage “ 800 Cherry and Poplar Bedstead* 90 Mehoganv Wardrobe*; 10 Walnut “ 10 Cherry M 60 Plain Bureaus; 70 Bluing and Breakfast Tables 12 Secretary and Bookcases; 20 dot. Cane Beat Chairs; 24 Cane Soil Hocking Chairs; l'i Ladies’ Writing Desks Mat and Towel Stands; Btlguiree; OonTvrsation Chairs; Klisabethan “ Reception “ pearl Inlaid “ Arm “ Gothic and Hall Chairs; __ A large assortment of COMMON TDRNITCM and WINDSOR CHAIRS. (UaonT MaiiM supplied with all ar ticles in their Une. . . , _ STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, furnished at the shortest notice. All orders )Uy attended to. Steamboats, Ahoy 1 Tux subscribers tender their acknow- A I lor the favor* bestowed by their Steamboat friend*, and JW would respectfully remind them and others Interest* * i " ed In building boats, that they are at all times prepared to forsish, oq the most reasonable terms, every description of Cabin Furniture and Chair* of the best material and work lansbip. T. B. YOUNG * 00. Corner Third and Smithfleld streets, opposite “ Brown’s Hotel." James Lowry, Jr., AND BEDSTEAD MANUFACTURER—No. 2M 1/ f ottoman's How, Liberty street, nu on bend e large atoek of Choirs and Bedsteads or every description, mndu of tbe beat moterials, which he will sell lower then articled ot the-v"* quality eon be eoltfln the city. lie would call!-ar ticular attention to hie large stock of Mahogany and Walnut fTH-tm md Bedsteads, which he will sell at greatly reduced prices. Also, Turning or every description executed in the oeetest manner. Orders left at the Ware Rooms, or at tho Mill, corner of and liberty streets, will be promptly ttended to. m * r - 1 A.MILLIKENACO., Have ON HAND at their extensive CABINET and CHAIR MANUFACTORY, No. 64 Smithfleld street, a large assortment of fancy and plain furniture, which they will Mil 16 per cent, below customary rates. Terms—cash only. Great lndvecmenti to Otih Purchaser*. WB will Mil oar large stock of COMMON AND FANCY CHAIRS AND BEDSTEADS, at prices that cannot fall to please n*iih purchasers. All our work is warranted. Oar terms are CASH- JAMES LOWRY, JIL, r. Liberty sts. —. VVM. E. bl'KVliNSO?bwinilnu--s u> manufacture vQ CABINET-WAKE of every description, at bisold stand, corner of Liberty and Seventh streets. CNDERTAK- I lllN'fl attended to. In all its branch**. rnyli RE sTAURANTo.' CORNUCOPIA. «“OYSTEB AND COFFEE HOUSE. - ®* D. BABNABD. Uo. 40, F\flh Strut, beiwun Wood and Market. janl9:ly] PtrrxHTTRQn. __ CRYSTAL PALACE, No. IB filarket street* C. C. SEELY, o—s0 —s RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and tbo in general, that lie has just started bis Now York and Philadelphia modern style of COOKING OYSTERS and everything else In the eating line. Oysters in the Shell or Stewed. for 121* cents adoten. He will also furnish the beat of everything that the market will afford. House always open until 3 o'clock in the morning. marl.T-tf OYSTER SALOON AND KLSTALHANXI 108 WOOD STREET. THE subscriber has now bis OYSTER SALOON AND BATING HOUSE perfected In a manner that cannot be exoeled by any similar establishment in the city. MEALS WILL BE SERVED UF AT ALL HOURS OP THE DAT, from the Choicest Meats. Fowls, Fish, Ac., Ac< I£U BUI of Pare capoot be surpassed, and he would reaped fully Inrite the attention of the public to it. CHARLES STILL, 10H Wool street. gt. CUIr Lag«r fccer Brewery. npHE undersigned respectfully inform* the public that he 1 1b now fully prepared to serve private families and the public generally» with his oelebrated LAG Kit BEER, In bottles. AlPonlers left at his Office, NO. 39 DIAMOND ALLEY, (near Wood street,) will be punctually attended to; and the Boer delivered to any. part of the city or vicinity. F. G. BCHKNCK, BtDlti' Laffer beer Hall, >*b. 106 amxihjULd. ttrtei, opposite the Custm* Hmut. THE eubacriber has just opened one of the largest an! beet finished Lager Boer Halls In the city. His Beeri acknowledged to be a superior article, and every other ac commodation about his bouse cannot be excelled. A. BKNITZ. lirANTSI>—A altuatioafor a man andwife to work oi Tf a fkra. Apply at VBANOISCDB’ Agency Office, myn » Piftk street, near ths Post Offlee. ‘ 7*rr i ' ■ •••* ■* ’ -'\« . ,■ ...V; ■Un Hww Arrlrmtlrf »” ‘I *umm«r Dry AT So. V 3 S. W. BIUK Of WOOD STRRKT. DGRRGG A CO., Importers and Jobtere In British, . French and German DRY GOODS. Earing recelT adour large and .Itandre stock of apring and Bummer goods, nnrehaaad from import*™, manulkcturers, and part through our own importaUon, wa feel Bafa In assuring our old easterners, eoantry merchants sod city dealer* general ly, that owing to them acquired facilities in purchasing, we can offer such inducements to buyers as are rarely met with in the trade. , . . . Among our dry goods stock will be found cashmeres, de laines, Portsmouth lawns of tbo inc,*t desirable designs, mobair lustres, alpacas,plain black and foney figured silks, gingham* and fancy prints, latest styler, broadcloth*, fancy Testings, casaimeiw, satinets, tweeds and summer pama loonlng; brown and black muslins, table diaper*. We have also opened a very large assortment of bonnets, nswßßt atyle* palm lB«f hntß, Rutland breld ond Leghorn, and an oitonßiTo ysriety of tamdery, glorßß and ribbons; with laoegoods,fancy nettings, jaconetts, mull and figured Bwus mußUna and black ailk veil*, Ac. ■ i mr rariety stock embraces in part combs, buttons, per cussion caps, threads, port mooams, patent medicines, per turnery, anil almost every artUle usually kept In the va- Hety line, together with a large stock of gold and silver w*tchem watch materials, glass**, gold and gilt jeweb7 of newest patterns, and a great rariety of 30 hour and 8 dav docks, aU of which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash nr ■atterocury reforenca. , . N. a.—An early call from buyers Is respectfully solicited. tenao P. QRKQO A CO. GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS AT A. ITTIGHE’B NEW STORE, CORNER OF GRANT AND FIFTH STREETS H aving this day opened my new store, i bee leave to call the attention of the Ladies to the large andsplendid assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, just received. Among the stock may be found eome of the very finest goods now imported. It comprises, i: 2o? Jteees black and fancy Dress Silks, 60 cte. to $2 per yd 600 do Mous. deUines, Barege deUlnvs, and Mouhse line de liege; 200 do beautiful Bareges and Tissues, in great variety; 250 do New Style Dross Ginghams; 2000 do American, French and English Prints; 600 do French and English Lawns; 2000 French Collars, from 12'A rente to $6,00: 200 Mantillas, of the latest style*, among whieh are soof of the most beautiful imported into this country. Also, Muslins, Tickings, Checks, Linens, Crash, Diapers, Table Cloth*, Gentlemen’* Wear, Ac. TRIMMINGS.—In th>« department will be found a com* cl*te assortment ox Dress and Mantilla Trimming*, Maltese and liooiton Luo, fine English and Thread Law; all of which will be sold unnMiaUy low. Tan b.l*B yard wide Muslin nt all centa paf^artL,^ .„tUOH. SAMENT, Mew Gooda at Hediteed Prices. YOUNG; STEVENSON A LOVE,No. 74MARKET Street, between Fourth street and the Diamond, Pittsburgh, bare J nat opanad • aery large and aplendid assortment of seasonable Dry Gouda, whirl, fura been purehaaed in largo lota at auclion, and from Imrortera clearing out imlee, at and. pricea aa will enable them to Ball many desirable atylaa of Gooda at 25 per cant loaa than the coat of Importation. Dark Lawns at 6 and 0 centa; Bareges and Baraga Dolainca from bcenli up; Dress Bilks from 40 centa upward, and all other Goods lo proportion. t „ A . . . . 4 . A. wa are about to taka accownt of stock in a short time, wa will offer our Gooda at prices that cannot fkil to eolt all ourebaaere. Wa solicit an early oil from our friend, and the public generally, that wc may hare the pleaanre of glr in* them such bargains as we hare never been able to offer b&re YOUNG, STEVENSON A LOVE. HEW DRY GOODS STORE. Iron Front—Mo. 01 Market street. OUR boos* being now open forth* transaction of a gener al Dry Goode business, we would respectfully solicit the patronage of the publie, ireUDgoonMentthatyfromonrex. tensive and well selected stock of BILKS, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS we can offer such ladnoemnns u *ill in sure entire satisfaction. lIAQAN A AUL, apr4:tf Nos. 01 Market and 8 Union street CLOT H I N G S T*o RE ! JOHN M’GLOSKEY & CO.. FORMERLY of the celebrated Clothing Depot on Liborty street, which has won an unbounded popularity under he name of the THREE BIG DOORS, have, for the pur pose of acquiring more space for their immense business, removed to the spacious building on the corner of DIAMOND ALLEY AND WOOD STREET, Where they have now the most SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOTHS I Ain REAM MADE CLOTHING, That bss ever been offered to the public. Their principal object for this removal, is to give them more facilities forths _ _ _ / WHOLESALE TRADE. They are prepared to sell Goods at the LOWEST EASTERN PRICES! And they will warrant them to be as good as any man factored in the Union. _ CUSTOM WORK, IS VES asst STTUttSD VMS *HX 9HOXVXST wonca. They have on hand a full and beautiful assortment LOTUS and COATINGS, lor FROCKS, DRESS, WALKING AND BUSI Our Interests are Identical with those of our customers, and we assure the public that our fidelity will not fail In fllling all order* w* a»ay be favored with. DON’T FORGET THE PLACE— No. 88 Wood street, (EAST SIDE,) CORNER Of DIAMOND ALLET. jj b. We desire our patron* to understand that we have no longer any connection with the Clothing Burinre* on Liberty street. Our attention i* devoted exclusively to the nouseabovederiguateO. , qq. MEW bPRISO GOODS. JUST RECEIVED AT JOHN WoCLOSKEY A GO’S W hole sale Clothing Warehouse, No. Bft Wood street, and corner of Diamond alley, the largest and most varied stock of good* that this celebrated house has ever had the picture of inviting the attention of the public to. These good* have l«en purehaart from first bands, aod, consequently, no second profit on them, which leaves oe able to say that we can and do sell at a* small profits as any house In the east ern cities. Therefore, we respectfully Invite the attention of wholesale dealer* and country merchants, in general, to give us a call, and examine our extensive assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING. It U almost impossible to enumerate the quantity of Immense plies of garment-* that to be seen St this larg? establishment; it is sufficient to say that It has never been equalled by the Loose marlftaf JOHN MoCLOdEPA A CO. gAHUKL GUAY t BT. f1»l* STUtT, FITTBBtTROH. t GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING made exclusively to order, uul warranted to suit Hu constantly on band a «bul» assortment of CLOTBi, CASBIMKRKB, VESTING?, and OVERCOATING, of the latest styles, selected expressly for the custom trail*. Gentlemen leaving their orders, will baee their wishes consulted anil complied with, as all work A done under hi* own snpervlsiop. POTl * Cl ot hlngl Clothlngl rplIE undersigned respectfully Informs bis friends and the I poblio that he la now receiving at hl» store, No. IT 1 Lib erty street, a choke assortment of Cloths, Casdmerwt and Vesting*, of the latest and most desirable styles, which he Is prepared to make to order in the must fashionable toan u*r. at short noth-*, and on the most reasonable lenns. We bareaUo on hand a large and well manufactured stock of ready made Clothing, to which we invite the attention of buyers, either wholesale or retail. Penons who purchase goods for cash, will find it to their 1 drainage to call at 177 L-berty street, before making tljeir pitrcbases. [mart) c - °° N N* J> -, . !f«w Clothing Storp, NO. 4, SIXTH STREET, OPPOSITE LIBERTY. rrtllK sobacriber has just opened this new establishment, 1 where he has always on hand a large and choice asaort mtnl of all articles of CLOTHING, which he warrants equal to any in the city, and will sell at the most reasonable pri- C "n, l ™y UhllC 10 What-Nots; | Paper Machs Tables: Pembroke “ Hall and Tier “ Ladies' Work 41 Extension Dining Tables; Ottomans; WATCHES., JEWELRY, &c. TTfE UAVE THE GOODS.—Jewelry, In rich and beau- YY Ufut variety, well selected, and a large Mortmain. Watches, the most Dplebratod and perfectly finished, of London, Liverpool and Oeneva manufacture. Silver Ware made In my own manufactory at Oakland, and warranted pnre coin quality. „ Military Goods and Society Emblems, Jewels, Beals, Be- Ware, Lamps, Girandoles, Mathematical Instruments, Olam Cottars' and Gutter's Diamonds, Ac., Ac. All as cheap ae-any In this or eastern cities. Watch repairing done In a superior manner. made and mended at theoldeatesUbUshed^shop^intoißcity. my 22 corner Market and Fourth sts. Pfelfle db Sleyran, —n DEALERS IN CLOCKS, JE WELR Y, SILVERWARE, Ac* No. 42 FIFTH Street, near E/X Wood, opposite the Morning Poet, formerly occu- by kßelueman A Co. We have now hand a splendid assortment of 8 day and 24 hoar Clocks, which we offer to the public at great bargains, such as. Iron eases, pearl inlaid and all other patterns of Mantel Clocks. a rich assortment or fine gold and silver patent lever, cy Under, and anchor escapment Watches, and an ele gaotstock of Jewelry and Silverware, which we Intend to ** N . Cl ß* Watclfrepalring done In the best manner and at low prices,and warranted. m . HEW JEWELBY BTOEE, Ho. 8T Marfcat Straat, (Second door abort Ibt NorOrooal oomtr 0/lbcJHamoml.) V TOUNSTKVENBON,(of the latefirm of Johnß. M ridden O * Co,) respectfully announce to ’liSSSJ’.fe' itnonwl at the tboTB itUlli 1 fine UUOttflWQt Ol »» ATtliaO) JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, LAMPS, GI RANDOLES, Pocket and Table. Cutlery, Britannia Tea and Communion Sett, Mid the usual variety of good* In hla line *nd attention given to the REPAIR of FINE W hJ2™’, tbMftOThi° ong experience In bnrineM, aill be able to gin »o defection to tboeo who may favor him with vheir patronage. Pittsburgh, May 16th, 1853. Henry Rkhudion. Jeweller, HAVING refitted bis Store In • £“ d "“® “““"jfjfJ hnt rHfltmtlT returned from the esstem rities with * _ .f JEWELRY .nd PANOT nrvins «nnld cell the attention of his friends and custom hi. W.tchfl. »ill ground th. B™dLi?i£ctVasee, Perfume Bottles, Table Mats, Oolt’sPiatols, Porte Monnaies In great China Fruit and OakeSbU; with an endless rarlety of useful end or Fink watches and ricu gold jewelry at We wish to inform the public that we are now offering our present stock of fine Watches and Jew elrv at nrices that cannot be beat. Therefore, we say to onJundali*TOtithat wish to buy w,tthe ” *” dJ * wl ' l ' ry g|,„ us a call, and «aT. ton 25 to 60 par cam In jour whlVh yon can terrain!, do by calling at 6, U N. k B!-Watch rapairing attended to In all ita branch™. In a superior manner. Gold Jewelry repaired or manufac tured to order at .bort notice, at nQOD , 3 5 - M>rket>t . U, KNOKBEIi) watchmaker and jeweler, •pwKALKR IN CLOCKS, WATCHES, I I PANfV noons No S 5 DUMOHO AIAST, between Mar kV.nd WoLTeS Pitt-burgh, Pc All articlerreld at this establishment will be warranted. Bepalrlng of Clock. Watches and Jewelry promptly executed at the shortest notice. All work done will be warranted. 1J Notice to Stockholder*. 1 OREEABLY to a reeolution of the Boutl of Tn«<«» A or the Odd Yellow* H*R Asaodatlen of the oily of Pttte isJih, paeaed at a meeting held at Ihe ZSd loiL, the euhecrlber* to the Bteck of eaid Aaeodatlon are hereby nottted that m flO] casm , t>«I Q* mßtalment of their lubeeriptlon, will ho due and payable on the doth of dun., oors*r M*rk*t tad Beooad it*. -' *■*’ ‘ ' ■’.SV' *• , i * .00 DS. CLOTHING. NESS COATS. CLOCKS! CLOCKS!! CLOCKS!!! ' SBW OFFICE. Batl Eftet* ami Contracting Agent. r-jnnc subscriber has been induced to open aa office for 1 the purpose of buying and selling, on Commission,and haring the Agency of large Steam Saw-Milla and Boat- Yard* on the Allegheny river,together with n 7 facilities fromotber water and steam saw-reilft. He iUttere himself that he can furnish any bills of lumber and timber of any kind, great or email, long or abort, and '•elirer them at any point on the Allegheny, Monougahela, Ohio, or Mississippi rlrers; contract to build Jarge Baigw, Store Boats, Coal Flat*, Boat Gunnels, Bridge limber, Rail road Timbers—Freight Iron, Coal, Ac, and will attend to the Sale and Rectofßeal Kstate. From his long experience in lumbering, *"*>***"£"?* building, he thinks he can give general satisfaction. All persons are request*! to make contracts soon ;espe elally those wanting boats or large ber, should contract for them in .the fall for the spring and summer nee. He wilt also attend to the purchase and sale qf any commodity that may be desired. Letters addressed to David Moss, Real B ® tate ., fcnd ,,9 o ?* trading Agent/Pitteburgb, Box No. 120, punctually attended to. His office U 0° I rwin“SSSii °* if Allegheny House. DAVID MUNN. umncn. Col. Jamas B. Morgan, Lumberman, Pittsburgh. Mr. John Morrison, Esq, “ . “ w Mr. Robt. S. Brown, Esq* “ Allegheny Biver. Mr. Wm. Armstrong, “ Clarion Mr. George;B. Sweney, „ C. A J . Hahn A Co, “ “ dee2ldydsw ; . _ t>nsr»« MeH!»ntlieCo»«ge>PHt«burgh ) l , a- ESTABLISHED IN 1840—Incorporated by the Legisla ture of Pennsylvania, with perpetual charter. SOAU) OT DIRECTORS: #4 £ Hon. Jams Bucsahax, I Hon. Walk* H. Lowxi*,'M “ Wm. Wmknra, I “ Chasus Natl©*, ' , - <* Moses Hametoh, | Gen. J. K- Mooxhead. P. DUFF, Principal; Author of Duff’s Book Keeping, Ac, Professor ot Book Keeping and Commercial Sciences. S. IX. DALHOFF, Professorof Penmanship. N. B. HATCH, Esq, member of the Pittsburgh Bar, Pro tesor of Commercial Law. . . , p HAYDEN, A. M, Professor of Mathematical and Clas deal Department, Professor of Mathematics, Ac. FOUR ASSISTANTS are constantly employed-in the Book-keeping Department ~ , Mf . Durr’s Btht*m or Boox xixpiso is taught by the author, upon his new Invented Blank Hooks—eaveated for patent June 6, 1854. By means of this importatt invention, to about half tne usual time of study, the real practice of Book-keeping Ib Imparted to a degree of perfection never before attained in die United Stats*. Ill* training for bunne** comprehends upwards of 400 real business transactions; 300 commercial computations. A thorougbicourseof business PuwAssair. Daily Lectures on Commerrial Law and Commercial Sciences, the theory of profits, the art of making mnne^Ac. DoTs Boo* Keeping, Harper’s edition, price IL&°, Po<- age 21 cent*, r the most perfect and comprehensive in the 'du'iTh'steamboat Book Keeping, price $l, postage 9 cent*, « a perfect system for such Books and Account*. Duff’s Onmtaercial Calculations, price 50 cents, yy- Send for a circular by mail. (jel»-d*w DtTld J!lanD| REAL ESTATE AND CONTRACTING AGENT, No. 2, IRWlNiStroet, Pittsburgh, has for M follows: 180 anrea of land io Coder county, lowa, 16 mile* “ S*®* catlne, on the main road to Marion, and 8 miles from Tip* ton, 6 miles frcm two Railroad depots; 90 acres isjmder cultivation, a good Frame House, Frame Barn and Grana ries, a goodTbearing Apple Orchard- The farm is »«I1 watered, high, dry, good land, in a very healthy county. A f err great bargain can be bad of this form for prompt pay. Enquire as above, or Y the half chert, of neauTpwaed 1“ metallic package* retiring hln Fallatockof GBFFI and BL ACK TEAS,— conrtcUng ol some of the tout clt p to be fbundin the Eastern marxet. Merchants Tinting tLe dly are invited to call and examine ouratock. Below is a Ibt of the Tanou* jrrauea, all of which nave been carefully selected, ana can with confidence be worn* menued: • ■ _ 30 half chest* fine Touns Hyson; 10 do do MoYuno xoangllyaon 10 do extra Are Moyune do; 100 ; 5 do do Sforunc Imperial ; 20 do Superior ao; 160 do Fine Colons black Tea; ■JO do extraflne unions; 30 do extra Cunons uo; 20 'do Superlatively uroug >md tragrant Ooloug; 25 chert* extra fine Emziiah Breakfast Tea; 6 do Carton" o'* , do; ALSO—JaT» and Kio OoC-v. levering’'' Crushed and I ul razised Sugars. ... . ~ ALSO—63,OOO Principe Se«rar*. which be void Tery lo poTl4ai*w ' SS Filth "tjvet, Pittsburgh. —■ ROUT PATTERSON’S BAZAAR AND LIVERV STABLES TUB UNDERSIGNED having erected n»w and commo dlou# STABLES and CARRIAGE STOKES, In eonoec- than with hi* old establishment, prepared to do » vastly ip- J|fIMDK /Ml 'creased business. lie has Tirion for ONE HUNDRED AND W ■■«- FIFTY HORSES, of which he can take an increased non her on livery. , He has arranged hu new buildings with a view to talas and storing forjob, of new and second hand Carriages, of ail descriptions, to which be will give ample attention. There U also within the new building an Equestrian King, where Hones are trained and exercised, which will be foond advantageous to persons keeping Hornes with the under* signed.' . ~ Thankfal (bran exceedingly tlberal patronage in the past, and the favors of a multitude of frienlf, the undersigned will endeavor to oomtnand its continuance by deserving it. my!2;4m,uw ROPY PATTERSON. CARRIAGES FOR. SALE. THE. undersigned has'just received at his msm n CARRIAGE WAREHOUSE, situatedrgig near the Two Mile Ron, between and Lawrenoeville, a splendid aseorrmentjfcßL 7, of VEHICLES, of every description, and will continue to receive regularly, new and second hand Cbrrfape*, SuUaes t Bufffies, (tc., which he will sell on the veiy lowest terms for c*sh. Having bad twelve veant* practice in the business,and with bis well known facilities Id the East, h# (Utters himself In jrot|ing.down all competition. Those wishing to purchase are respectfully Invited to call and see for themselves. Especlaland prompiattention paid to tepairiagof Carri agga, Ac. [mylB:dewy*i JOSEPH WHITE HUBERT H> PATTERSOS’S LIVBRY AND SALE rMMJL STABLE, Corner Diamond street and Cherry alley, aprlA-tf PITTSBURGH PA. NOTICE. GEORGE W. SMITH informs the public that be has dD posed of bis entire .BOTTLING ESTABLISHMENT * L,,*. Carter’* Spanish *Ttixl i re. tub orbat nnuriiß or thk bum . HOT A TAMOS or MVCUIT W IT- ,•• / • ' AN INVAXUAiLUifi KSMBOT VOR SCROFULA Klftg^ ISrilt mamniami, Obstinate Cutaneous hriiption*, Pimple* or Pu»tuleeqn.tbe boil*, uxr%>ar Bore EyWXUfc* Wona or Tetter, Bald Bad, Kobe temeo* ead Pain of th« Boose and Jeteia, Stubborn Ulcers. By phi lltio Dleordert, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, and *U Wa eases arising from.Miojadkkme •■§ ofMtrcury, lmpru deuce In Life; or'lmpurity of the Blood. : Thin valuable Hediain*, whieh baa beoamaoeletortedVDi the number of uxtrooralnao obi— effected thmugh jt» agency* has Wdnoed the woMlehj«%.at the urgent request «f their £Hend& the uunoateonnddhce in its yirtrwa nod wo&derfu>A..raU*t property TOOf&flb*tegpertttoete#*eeleetedfraaralar*e number, ere, however, stnmgac teetimonythan the mere word of the and ut &on gentlemra w«D known in thetrtocalittos, and of4fc« highest respectability, many of Asm redding in the of Btrhirwiud, 'Tat.' p. nOYPKS', Esq* of the EwihangeHotel, Rkhmono known everywhere, says he; has eeen the medicine called Osrter*s Spanish Mixture administered tenser a hundred came, in nearly all the dlaeaeee forjrhich it ia meoumvnd ed, with the most aetoniahtefly good results. He says it \ the most extraordinary medkuie ha haeerer seen. AGUB AND nSYEK-GBEAI CUBEr-Ihareby certify that for three jadrs I had Ague and Vam of. th«'moat tlo leutdescrlpcfcm. I had several fhysirfeas, took iarg* quan tities Of Qutote»,Msrcuxj,aad-l.beUsTeall theTool©-ad vertised, but all without any permanent relief. At laid l tried Carter's Spanish Mature, two bottles ot •whkh’ effec tually cured m A and I am ifsnj to pay i hare had nah ber chilli*or ferer since, leonndw lithe halt Tonic in.the world, and the only medkine that m readied my earn Bearer Dam-near Richmond- Ve. 0. B. LUCK,' Saq., nor in the dty of Richmond, and &n many year*in the JtostOflo*,baa iueh confidence in the astonishing efficacy of Carter's Spanish-Mixture, that be baa bought upward* .of fifty bottlee, which he baa gins away to the if™***-' Ur. Lucksays hehaa never known to fail, when taken aoeordingto direction*. I>r. MIKGE, a Physician, and formerly of Uir City Hottl, In tbs city of lliohiTinnd, aaya he baa witneawd in a number of instance* the affect* of Carter's Spau*k Mixture, which were moat truly Bundling. Be uja in a oase of Cbnaumption, dependent on the livar, the good ef fect* were wonderful indeed. ... BAMUJU, K. BRISKER, of tfa* firm of Brtaker i Mor ris, Richmond, was cured of liver Oomplaintod eight year* standing, by the uee of two botUee of Carter’* Bp*id& Mixture. GREAT CUIUS OP SCBOPUUL—The Editor* of the Rich mond Republican had a servant employed in their press room cured of violent Scrofula, combined with Rheuma tism, which entirely enabled him frwmwcck. Tw2, ir.AOO-PMPONG BROTHERS, CO Wood street, Pitt* banh;H.P. SCHWARTZ, Allegheny; end by Drop: Ist* Dealers in Medicine everywhere. oct&dawly PILLS: FOB ALL TOK PBBPO3BS OF A FAMILY PHYSIC. THERE has long existed a public \ demand fioran effective purgative [ill! ' «hb:U coaid be relied os as sore end perfectly safe in Jls operation. 11110 ( Hs has been prepared to meet that Je* auiod< tad an extensive trial rf i*> virtues has conclusively shown '-iih what soccers ItaceompLiahe* the pur* a poee designed. It is easy to maL* a physical £©, hut not easy to ntatr which should hare nousofth.- -b- Jectioa#, bat aH the advantages, of every other. This h«* been attempted here, and with what success we woujo re fpec*fully Submit to the pablte decision. It has been in fortunate for the patleathitherto that almost every put4* tire medicine b acriaonioas and irritating to the bowls. Thi* b not,- Many of them produce so mujh griping j.-io and rernlaion in the system as to more than ennnterbah: i is* th- rood to be derived from them. These pOi* product* no irritation or pain, unless it arise from a prarionaly exi- : n obstruction or derangement in the bo-els. Being pu: It vegetable, no berm can arise from tbeir use to any qu«t.;»- tv • but it is better that any medicine should be takeu j -it c’ously. Minute directions Ibr their use in the sev-.ral diteases to which they are applicable are given ou the I. x. Amrng the complaints which have been speedily cured t>y | them, we may mention liver Complaint,in its Tmrions to tus • of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor, and Loss of Appewnt, 1 Listlefsoess, IrritabUity, BQious Headsebe, Billon* Feur, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Sloe and Loins; for, in tru:b, 1 ail these are bat the eonseqaence of diseased action in -lie ] liver As an aperient, they afford -prompt and sure relief I in Costiveness, Piles, Celle, Dysentery, II amors, Scrof-la , and Scurvy, Golds with rnrenaes of the body, Ulcer* anc i purity of the Wood; in riiort, any and every case wte . v purgative la required. Iliry have also produced tome singularly eueeesrful cu?ss in Rheumatism, (lout, Dropsy, Gravel, Erysipelas. Pallia tion of the Heart, Pain* in the Back, Stomach and tide. They should be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the.system far the change of Keascns. An occasional dose stimulates the 6toxnach *rd bowels into healthy action, and restores the appetite imd vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their stimulant ;c -tlon on the circulatory system, renovate the strength of :iie body, and restore the wasted or diseased energies of 1 .e whole organism. Hence an oceuional doss is adra> ta gooas even though no serious derangement exists; but un necessary doxlng shoaid never be carried too far, as en*ry purgative medicine redoeea the strength, when take;. to excess. The thousand cares in which a physic is requi. «d cannot be enumerated here, but they sugge4 themw xes to the reason of everybody; and It U confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpose than any thingwl irii has hitherto been available to mankind. When their vir tue* are once known, the public will no longer doubt a i.at remedy to employ w'>en in need erf a cathartic medicine Prepared by JAMES C. AT KB, Afeiyer and Praetl-al Chemist, Lowell,Maas. Price 25 cents per box. Five bcA*a f °SoUi by B. A. FAHNESTOCK k CO., Pittsburgh, and by. \ Druggbta. ’ jyfegmds^ Tape-Worm La Children. r | rvAAPE-WORMB frequently infest tbe intestines of \ha X adult. They are often of enormous siae and length, musing great pain and tend ernes* In the stomach. Tbe general health becomes deranged, the system enfeeb < d. eod the symptoms are continually aggravating,until r>- lef or death terminates tbe suffering. B. A. Fahnestock’s Ver mifuge is the best remedy in this ease Tbe worm, afur beiog destrov ed, will be discharged In detached portions, and a speedy relief will be obtained. Nxw Yoxx, November Bth, 1853 I hereby certify, that 1 gave a vial of B. A. FabnesU* k’s Vermifuge to a daughter of mine, two years old, and it caused ber to puss two worms, tbe satne day; one a fc.;*- wortn, thirty Inches iu length, the other a Urge stemu-h -worm, twelve inches in length. I most evrdlally and cheerfully reoommesd it as a worm medicine. J G. Fmnare, STB West 43d street. !>• Prepared and sold by |. E. A. FAHNESTOCK ft ijB corner of First and Wood it«. JAMES BLAKELY, European Agent and Dealer in Kt*l I Estate, offers for *«le tbe following valuable property, vis: 2000 acre* fine land near the Mississippi and Misuari Railroad, lowa 640 tores of timber mod prairie land in St. Pauls, Minnesota. 190 aeree la Liverpool township, Coll u- ] blona county,Ohio. 101 aaresoearQreensburg, WesimLrv land county. 1M sores nearWew Castle, Lawrence oonmy, highly improved. I acre let near the Trent gate of dr. Mary Oenwtary. 4 lots, each 94 foot by 110 > neatly ft l red with pollings near tbe borough of lAWteneevUle. 00 building lota, 95 foet by 100, beer the north end ot the Sharpsburgh Bildge. M lots, each 00 foet frofet by 160 feet deep, in Liverpool, Ohio. A very valuable form In Mercer eonnty, of 100 aeree, with excellent bouses, barn and >.ut buildings. 9 bouses and lotaon Diamond street, In the bor ough of Birmingham. 8 lots, each 24 feet on Quarry rtrret, running back, to tbe Manor Line, Fifth Want Call snd examine Regiatw, at the corner of Beventh and streets. New mubiu—EveniLg bound*. w»aeupsweet>:*i ody; two pieces: by N.Leidle; Just pabHrbtsL Lovely 1 Belly ; bung by Harry Lehr. Know Nothing Polka. W ere I Pomemed of Fairy Power. Enchanting Dreams, Overland Mail Gallop, D*Albert. Constantinople Quadrille. Caricature Behottisch. Valllasee Polka Mlfftarie. Our Girls, with colored plate. Dark Eyed RUeo,colored plate. F-iry ijnrf colored plate. Qaivava March. Table : Moving p»K rtMU " h - This Darkey's Heart is Sad. Daslilug Polka, Btrakoseh. Eva Clair, Avery. Home of My CUtd* hood, My Native Land. Pretty Little Warbler, Clayton. Away with the Past. Fawn PoUta. Home Glob Behottirch. Bright Eyes, Kuhe. L’lnnooence Polka, IF Albert, A T ew Guitar Star of Home, ?. Welland. Kitty Tyrell, Glover. Bfee is Seeping, Woodbury. Father's Coming Home Mother, J allien. L,v* wilt thou twin* for me a Boner. The favorite ballads of W. Y. Wallace, 12 numbers. The Broken Lyre. Yoa ask me if I Love Y»u." Tis Pleasant to be Young. Justncelvedandforsaltal ihe old established Piano Depot of CHARLOTTE BLUM*, Jy2l 118 Wood stmt. AdT«rU*«Mtßt. i NY person wishing to make $590 in 6 months, addrese J\_ m e, post-paid, Farmington, Trumbull county, 0110. Tnis Is no fiction or book agency. No travoltaf i* necessa ry ; but any person can remain at home and make the above sum in the time stated. Address PROF. BYRON H BOBU. rilii* KJ&NTOM IRC?* OOMPANT, MOORHEAD, ) H-i-W* KRAMJUL > Pittsburgh. JAfi. W. HAILMAIi,] W- DXWEB WOOD, M'Keesport. JAB. H. CRANK. Pittsburgh. r«bll:«Uvtf I ittY UUUUO-—-A. MTltiHbj owner of Grant and t'-fin I ) tirteU, has now on head 10 cues blenched moiim, trom6 hi cent* up; 60 pieces Irish linen: 25 places wtite molls, iur indies’ dresses, 75 pieces linen; cotton end woolen good, for boy*’ weer; e few pieess floe hleek dbelie; black, Derred end ’ plein berage end tisom; nuotilliii nurtiiwj silk and trimmings ot e?ery description; ten »l«ei end mixed de bkge; dress ginghams; 600 pieces Msmmncs prints, test colors— all of wnich will be sold extrsnely iov j«l2 ___ AGKNOk. »»**-* li OPPICK— T - iTUIrtOFKAN AGK.NO*. PASaiSMI&B * RJSIIITTA&CB Jji OFFICE.—June* Blakely b*a ‘ rT^*T“ U n ß . witn Ka»tern Rooms, wfckh enablee lam payable atsfcbt, lor any amount, ‘n Dublin, Faria, and Frankfort on tkf Main, also, at ail \he ProTinciai R*"M and Brand** in Germany, France, Great Britain, and Ireland. Draft* over one hrad»4pomnd* at 94,95 to £l. Office, owner offiarantb and Bmltbfle)dsU> u? 2& - - OKiU ANNUAL BAUt-«W> JKll* &tt colon* Jawm O u6c.rn.pCT JMllolh* uni*»* F"’ 4 *>*• pro»<«to>,U 19, wuu >» »UB “ A. A. MASON A OO.'B, . ia o« 25 ruth mat to “Sfi“*Ss^ ,j .?!* A.’*- Vi% ' f «r. DB. NORSE’S Invigorating Cordial DXAI*~~At flret the propertlfeiattslbnttd NHPnrf. M«rf» Invigorating BlilrwCoedlalwsjjf Jswwwi fefruhwto- TM public, often deceived, coaid sotpeUfre and sub* Mbio truths aaDounccd. by the '(flecoverer. 'Bat tat* unde siafcle facts, atieetedilij wittea—ndflhu btgbta eta* and character,-are oop to*? TStj ja mtfannr byamaai of testtimy. w||* to f«fertly Ul 'j£ rt EUX2S rwJIW. UjU «*■ «tfl« •lilng from •mlroM.OT.tkOM^lflU.TlliSMUMM^** LSSSE£^EBBaBj»a« I terioos compound tgeßCy of—rtlWßßWtyy?,* Ole reproduction af human life. -,Tei.pgia>fy ■»*» eulsr nunc, or deficient tn vital power,»le bwm?** 1 as the only meahrsf communfepung tJ* Njaen ■ 1 hammy to the proper enjoymentct eartti Bnttrrnl app» i tltea, as veil u & hightr mentalatntlail—.»Jtt tonanemi 1 efforts are hot confined to either. aßX,flßtofny eg*- Tn* I feeWe gW, the effing wife, the ™* - nrer>voßt men of haeUMOstbeVietta ef nerSMfedeprMßOO, the Individual soffsißg.Bomgeneral deWH&or from the wtokhen of ejtcgle organ, ufli eU end pw* niheeaf relief from the use of thistocoißnajibiarepoTatKW. To thoee who bare p»d|sfcoettSo* topdfamfeylt will inove A .complete and safeguard agathetsshaitembto malady. There ere jueojr, perbaw, wb© haveso trifled vttli their coastttnUotts, that they think tbrtnartvas beycod the reach of medicine.* Xet noteven ibce* deepair. TneUzir dealt *dth disease as It exist*, without reference to oaaam, end will not only remove the disorder Ueelf. bat REBUILD THR BROKEK CONBTUUTION. The derangements of the eystem,leading to nerroae dto* eneea. end the forms of eo ruhp one that ii wouldrequirea column toanameceia tbamala dies fee which this preparation is a spedflo.. .> few, how ever, but be enumerated, Tb: neuralgia; ttedoknaux, hea&aehe,.lodpleoi paralysis, byßah,.pilplMßw oi thp heart; spinal.affeetious, muscular debility, HOiton,flatu lence, a pricing sensation in the fletiutiumbpem, mental depyrlon, weakness of the will, huuspdefttm to more, feinting after extrdse, broken Weep andtmsf£4ng ***** inability to remain In ope place or position, weaknemef tha procreative organa, sexual toccapeiiiMujt, mafonrhnly,«n In lloence.. Nor is the effect temporary; on the eohtrary tha rwiiiTf in prmw*"* —** at. cine reach the constitution Itaeif.apd reatorslt tabs normal condition. u*s o? mhost;-' - Confusion, giddln bm, rash of blood to b«a great tiitmttTi, in a& complaints incident to females, mark a newer* in (ha wm>. sals of medicine. Thousands of stimulants have ban in vented—thousand «f tnvigoranta concocted—all parpen Bag to be specified la tbs various dltaMaa had denligianißta t» wbfeb the delicate frraatfen of womaarender hm liable. EVERY WOMAN OF SENSE, who suffers from weaSaea* tesawnmi, nnrwmniam, tw more, pains bi tbs back, or any other disorder, whether pe culiar to her sex, or common-!* both eases tJ|h»th«ii» rigoxatinfOordlal a trial. ■"***"** markup pxßßcara, OrotherSf WiUflad this Cordial after they bare need a bot tle or tjroi a thorough regenerator of the lyilwa. In all direetionsaie to be frond the happy parents of healthy off spring, who would not hare been eo bat frr this extraordl nary preparation. And it is equally potent for the.many die eases frr which U la rooonunended. Thousands of young men hare been restored by using it, and not In a slngla In stance has it failed to benefit them. - PERSONS OP PALE COMPLEXION. or consumptive habits, are restored by thanae of a hotdner two to bloom and vigor, cbasginglhesHn from ap*la,yel low. sickly color, to a beautiful florid ctmphriiou,' TO THE MISGUIDED. These are some of the sad and mala noholy effects prod» eed by early habits of youth, via; weakness of the hack and limbs, pains in the heed, tHmnf of sight, lom of mus* enter power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous irritability, derangement *f Lbo digestive ihwenoos, general debility, symptoms of eonsumptions, etc. . . Mentally, the fcarfnl effeeta on the mind an much to be dreaded. Loss of memory, confusionj>f ideas, depreariou of spirits, evil foreboaings, aversion tosociety, aelfdlifrnif, - tore or solitode, timidity, ete, are Roma ot the evils produ ced. All thus afflicted - . ~ BEFORE CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE should reflect that a sound mind and body are tt»>oitß» ecttary requl*itea to promote connubial hsppl—; -.indeed, without these, the through life hammee a weery clljrrimage—the proepeet hourly detons the Tiaw; the mind becomes &baaowed- with despair, and filled with the jgeltßcboly reflectioti that the happinces another be* eomes blighted with ycror cwa. CAUTION. Dr. Morse's Invigorating Cordial hit bees oonntarftKad br some unprincipled persona. In future, all thß genuine Cordial will have the proprie* tor’s &e-*dmi!e-post«*dOTertbe cork of tufa botth, and the following words blown in the glass: Dr* Sloria’a Ixrv-lcormtlmc C«rdltl> C. U- RING, Proprietor, N. T. The Cordial la put up, highly concentrated, la pint hot* tiM— price three dollar* per bottle, two for &T* dottan, tlx for twelve dollars. C. H. - Sold byDrugrirte throughout the United States, Ouada and the West Indies. AGXHTSi Pittsburgh—FLEMlNG, BBOS., No. 60 Wood stawt. Do GEO. H. KEYSBB, No. 140 “ “ AllejjbeoT City—JXQ. r. FIKMUi'Q. flacinwu — b. H. MBAKINGB. ~ , OK THK CUUtS ui' I>J£AKMCBfi, PALMi, »nd theDts- J X* chargeeof Matter from the hars—akq,*ll U»y die*- * agreeable m-Lses like the bussing of iaseet3,feUtagefihUer f i •shilling of steam, 4c., which are symptoms of approaching £ Deafness, and also general!; with the disease. Ttany per- % eons who bare boen deaf fur tan, fifteen, and twenty- years, -, j and were obliged to use ear-trumpets, hare, alter using on* f | or two bottles, thrown aside their trumpets, being mad# 1 I perfectly well. Pbjrieiazui and Surgeons highly recom* | mend its use. , * • I ! From the Tribune. ( ] Fabers Don't Manser Tons »j« ©. children annuailT become deaf, ia eenseqtuaee «f dis charges of matter from their ears. Induced bj aearistJerer, ColdZ*c- Now.if mothers would do their dutyend pro run* Scarped Oil for Deafness, sod em it as directed, tfrelr children would beeurod: bntlf n*mtlf JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT: Jaywe*a Hair Tonic; «* TonicVermtfoge; **, SjaatiraKDas " Carminative Balaam; “ Ague HHx; <« Altera tire: American llalr Dye The above ralnaUeAmdly sedidne* eonstantiyon hand, and cold *Mml« «r retail, at the Pekin TaaStamfiniftfc street. By A. JAYS*»T KxctartvaAgent for Ititslingh OWKBT SCENTED RAPPEE SNUFF—The fiaeatartW* A now in nae; 300 lb* received by \ •• JOS. FLEMING,- • j„l7 corner of Market street aaJ Uw-Phnwi. ORE BRANDY—I cask of the hneetOhgaecErxnd^A uta rtffm.w OatekT t**l was* •f-.-*■ -es-w-^w'^^* -v*’ Ml 4 ->!.* * * " !» s*.***; ’ ,, v ’ ! V'.-.j' ;%>“ y, "* ?„ • _ •. *■«* .*i.f v- •S ' •• k v ,v s i BHSatwr A.JAYSRS,; - Pekin Teaßeora, SO JlfthattneA Pitwhurgh. \- ■ [ I . ; ! t =■ j k