IflltfcX;; V •■< *"■« v ■>. ->•.*’ ve-' 1 * *,*w.< 4,1 ’,is*tf*,JV t£.n. 4» "J 1 •* j* >* l\ e-jis*--♦ I*-*;’ »*-a i'j- S ,• y'« *r * 1 1^ lf>iS!#•&&*'#.* Sp2l?fA?> .v. v * >l. •'ft * vVJt,. f-1 . ■*• ;' t^^SfSte'sis%feS^SjrJ' ffeMfepty *yJ* R ;VSf. ii.f;C. A{?»ft Ji,tt2?i •' • \ «> *”* Ktei; pipit?- Utas£- pHiMi wf#Pl# !Mplsife:d ■ W gSlte I fell®* sspss^sfii'v tSftfJ $S pti m M A»i fSspiili ’, *■„ ■ iv.-r.-'Skf, -*’'■-i's,.'-":C 5 i ■ • .-.l'® v -5,?< »J^^.^^**i' :a j»l ,, J*’’ ■': '"■*' »‘" 'v>-- r- 4 1 v'. v , '- j‘- ■”’-*. ’ v : '• ’*%•’' '• • 'I *."**>• .. %.?%!£■:: :;^ **•*■*<# : -/‘ i.^^f‘^V;i•y/.V&'j- 5 .? « '' ■'■<&&•?' ■■■■■■ '■'^'?'^^S: i! & . ' >■■ f'- -Vi -•• • ■•• •• ■•T p W *.) . ji C -• ,■ " - Sr!. . Zj*-™ “■*; fcr ' • *v! f,::, .*■•*■*; t|\. vr- - itesLiUiul.L-w.. • » : ry r om the Boston Post] . 1 HOT WEVTHKR. . . from tbe upper Q*ep« .r„, wof ; ] An hoot mop,*na friendfl, sSSSs^isfi^ - tai — t Th. author of .ho rocor jr.ed aft.r ro^- ing In 100 for twonty foar h ' lable .. R drink * aia - flnuoAi Wit —A reverend gentleman down ■nrtth MVB % northern psper, beiog invited to ■o3tb, sey , . ■t o dispose of e iem mmm horn of the nnrodW ahould be put _ 45SXEr}8JK“ ConitUbtlon of , orßfprtsr n 1. flatted i, t» Sorted At -IU*M »/Uu QjmnonwteltA of uj the •ow«, mt, That tb«fcllo«toK aniatatiau of the Oom —aSS»= ■ ,h.u •» *i , p“ *° ichSr*»i “>■>» oth « r f‘ ur p°' a - „ k oonti»Mi»l,or J o ftheCommonwealth, Hxcnoa l l ®. be rxiotnclwl incase of TO? ul o»bu«l>lfb mj h««W''“2 >ll „ d tt the to wool toearion. ouppreM I . t geoalon after pobtto debt, the Sto the Conatltmion.pnjtkle tho adoption of thtoaoeuoh •" which ahall not ind stocks owned by the tx>m gating or th*t food, aririns under any ™»ra».u. b.or nay be "hereafter enacted* . and qaired to pay the thereof by a sum not leaa annually *J >r *f"?sho£and doU«*» Increased yearly by than than five per centum per compounding be Invested in the loan* annum; the said sinking fan nan from time of the Commonwealth, b Ulr . n 0 portion of -- s rSr.p““ any way be nor shall the Common eompany.corporationoT o wner or stockholder in ’^ m . r «SiX» er i.n»ratt o o la thla Common wealth or «lac*her«, omoMo the SWOT!* 4. The ®“ m ?° n Js«ugb%r township, or of any debts of any county,, rttl* such debts shall have inVarioo, rupprc loaorreetlon, or to deCandtha Btate In war. PaOPOCTIO!* 2, to BK A&TICLI XI. ProWMinfl Municipal Subtcriptunt. elation or ** ri r po *7^ i rt?«oT- guch comp*nj or angoeiatJon. cradle to, or In aid of any suen Q CHABB, o / m«^SSST' /fairer 0/ tiw &*ak- In B«ost*, April 28,18 M. _ Thut HU resolution po>- » *>■ “ ,s ' Extract from tha Journal. T. A. MAG DIRE, Clerk- In lion* l^fA’O Raclad, Thai tnU Moluriim JiCK-C |„t Kstret from the Journal. gtcuTUT'a omct, l . C . A. BUCK. PUod April a, I *“J reUrJ rf Qi, Common wealth. PKSXSrLVAXI-i, 83. SacartAsr's Offici, H»rri»barg,Joly 1,1854. . mimWzgjM Sssssgge? Secretary of the Commonwealth. Journal of the Senate. **—«» «?■" &££ 1 un.Ddin.nt> u lit „ 1U th r Ku» Foulkrod, tr-uter Itott*. Jam Ison. WCiln- - u ' o “ u ”’ C«bb, Cmwell, n.ndrick,, KiMcr, Ko- «“F ""-t» *• SoSstiUtion, andFonlkmd, '".SiM-J;; ,wSix £i£ Bt X%£l£Ln. Cr»bb, Omw.ll, D.rli»zt°n, Mt™, IB th. .®n»BU... „ '. • Journal of the Honee of Representative*. tS&ssssssswe# ■^taJ:rt h W ,lHroßlßf, lUmmoll , ni«- fifbbooev,QUnmre, Qtkt*'* hunter, Hartt,Jecfcman, Hilller. Hippie, ) i, nß ' Kilgore, Knight, Lauryv C|£jjjB §K.ce Mono «Su>. Montgommy, Jtom hoboru, ' l*™ l "' Smith, (Berk.,) Smith, {pJSSfc2B2i.iSSS!Win, Wt. Cb.», sssSifpSw^iSrs"’"^ B ""*' Biruthm ' zi ' gi,r Harriflburg, Julj I,ISM. tA.SS _ ltjovs , n d foregoing ie e {SiasssSSS^sSS^ ,h« Jcio-n.l. of U>«i two r tW " m* o«« tbUtafdW of Julj, on. thoneand cighMian fll, ■ J^‘° dim? £“^oru.o ( So^.-ei^ x . tu. «*' rI'HE CRED^TOM^PJ.r|^ .|j?r u ** “ '5 > i“orS. , paS5 i c ’<£.US£ gM Of Q° Te ™? l ““ w d special appropriation*, pointed to exmxrfne all c d&T or December pl«« periods, for the fulfilment of the duties Mtigoad Ju)y 10 Holliday sburg, on ....Thursday, “ 13. Summit, .."Monday, “ IT johnsto*s« ...Monday, “ Blairarille, Thursday, “ Z 7. Pittsburgh, ' .....Thursday, Aug. 3. x Huntingdon*. ....Monday, “ T. . Lewiitown, , ....Thursday, ** 10- Millers town, _Monday, M H*rri«bufg, M _ “ IT. OolumbU, ....Monday, -V Parfcsbarz, ••••"■• ’ Thursday, “ I *' THOMAS ~A MtaOLKg^»a . v-wy, :{-■ if.- .* ‘' ■ ' *, '* •’ ’•!>'■.• •’ •'• 'r ? *. t* .‘fc ■U, •, ■„ 4 .. V,' ' .:**«-« * J*' T**~-'ffyt > *frriir-i v i%m morningpost. :i::JDLT J 29. MORNING: HUMOROUS-, \ TprOwTa THU TIME TO BUUSUKIB^-lU.^mg N U tb.'JS'.” "virib,! RUSSELL* ut”~7 N rin «.d Niwiwinr l Knickerbocker, “!£S GodeJ, "» tPeUreon, M«jMine. LUtoU’e Living Age, SSo?g£^-' Vvh. umbtmu* " imo ° 18 X) par Toi.; naw **W}lJ>3 “f™ 1 * Choreb Before the Fioo®. ! .. Scripture Heading* on Genesis. JSSSXiELSZ d i*rebl«. or For«h«low». tSSooT tb.O.J, B»d *o4Nljbt. ?SftsUhedltlon *' $1 P " toI.; formrr piten t* Book Store. ' ■ ; 66 Hwtat etreet, near Toorth. - ■ - gyrniWlhON"-P« nottbwno loOfe U*OURTE OF J u"* nnrLDINO LOTS, *o pletsamly situ ! SJ, Imliiied Pl»m will r- good br«SS of Mb« UOIK "'•**“ °T jog. TLEMING. ifl faI SSKTKI r*t i ' ■ ■ '■.%\ !■ ir : . !. • • . , • •S. I ' -V t* .. , iUEANOE COMPANIES. ngbi W ARB ITTITTJAX SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. *s>*°2£?S3? t Kxch “ s '’ on O iaSOEANCES. \-To all puts of tha World. INSURANCES (iq goods by ritor., «*»•!* l»»“ «“* I * od 10 *" P“ uof U °'jmE INSURANCE On merchandise generally. On AMCTB d OFT n ifK O (WMPANT, Number?, Bu n^ot*, penn£yl«Sl, Philadelphia city, Spring 8 Garden, Southwark, w 4 other loans, .^--181^53 Stocks in banks, railroads and insurances tom- M pauies *"*"'*' , T.r.!lB»!B26 84 mile receirable < 16,071 30 Cash on band.... Balances In the hands of Agents ant on Marine recently issued. SubscriptionWotes.;..—. duictom: Huaton, Wm. Mertin, ; p_ t „ Jowpb U. Seal, ' : Spencer M’ltTaio, Edmond A Bonder, , Kelly, John 0. SitU, t a.mnwl B. Stole*, Robert Burton, i £j enr y Sloan, John R. Penroee, l jMqM Tragnalr. ! ss2®&. Sb,' ! isr?s& IJS'b’MES. ;?r rc.Lui. lB , r r TiIOS.O. HAND, Vloe President. Joseph W.Coww, Sec’y. p A MA dkrH, Agent, • )*'. No. 66 Water «tract, Pitteboryfa *»Ss WRRr OT PINRSTIiVANIA. Asset*, May Ist, 1552_.... premiums Teoeired to May Ist, ISKJ. Interest eu Louis, Ac Oapltil Stock. Returned premiums, Iveses, Re-insurane*, Ex- w pauses, —- crnsnißßS. Bonita, Stock., end other good eecn- ' 08 coritiee— - 51 Premlum ; Notes...—-- - 17,830 *2l Ouboo bunt ■ Total taut of BeAmroos, Ltahl. fbr Lo«<«— t 33 3 ; ° wmotqu*. _ JOm» P- RUTHERFORD, Dauphin county, P. 0. SEDGWICK, Harri*burg, SAMUEL JOKES, Philadelphia, A. WILKINS, JMnker^Pittohursh, JOHN*B/RCTHERFOED; Dauphin county, “a J. GtLLETT, Harrisburg, iB.T. JOKES, Harrisburg, IEOBKBT P^itant. • A. J. GILLBTT, Secretary. £S3Ss2gs£Sb ‘ssSF^'rtSSsasSo. — ThkTJWt KU~iTfTrES i LIFE INSURANCE, AND TEOST COMEAN\, JPHII.ADEI.PajA. CHABTKEED APEIL 28TH, 1&50. CIIiRTKB PERTBTOAL. CAPITAL 8250,000. Office. 8. B. Comer if Third and Cheetnut Street *, Philadelphia. Offeree of the Home Booed <3 Philadelphia: M piMCrois- . 2SKLVS23!-.' EiSr* HEftSE?"* , WUHnm M.Oodwln, WUllkm M Ke*. President —Stephen lt.Cr*«rfonl. Vis* PrfttViinl ThommOfl. u t> Medical Sxawtitirr, PiUsbitrfh-- JAmMII.WUUon, jUtghcny CUy-A. B. K ARNOLD. A»ot, - mar i-. T No. f 1 Fourth street, Pittsburgh- Tww«n»3i«> -^r, *r i “s? r *,“ c *. comp *“ T ' d«JSpSon of property, In M™ *** ooaotr,, .t rotro ~ a ire consistent with Contingent Fund. ford Ample protection to the,AWured. U.hri - Moray —-r fct.B77 78 Temporary Loahs- Stocks.. XoUI 4WIV<» « aon to moot Ith A r t, north-***! rcr. Wood tod Third «t*. «p£4 protection INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN., Capital Stack, Annual Premium) and Water* Fund $1,000,000. 1-oUeiMor ln,ll^W P a »i R .t^te,™on 6 th. m-ti Tor . OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, ! OB THI PERILS OF HAVIOATIOM, «EO. E. AENOLD, Aom tVR PITTSBURGH AND ALLBQHBNT COUNTT. marl6:y —— "WnSrraTXnaiirwwe Company, °ittsimrgli. w. RlcketMn, JJf. Bailor, Jr -VVE Smith, C. rhtniwn, EfOrg® W. JBekaon, I .t™t, new supply, Dodd b;«. Lw, new supply; Fannv r«m, woond ewiee, new supply. I TmThm. -H» P J« Bally, M* work; tl»People■»»|“ • ”sjj 1 “ : PelSwrittop, “ ta*ToU, I “ MtoMtaij.inlOToll! 1 ** French Beeolutions; I “ ' .scoriae of Irish Peasantry, I « Ub and Work* of Barns i | “ German Literature; 1 Henohe’* Field Book*, new supply; I Trsutwine on Curre*, “ “ 1 Sbnnk on Curre#, new work. I iji mtsoo* wanting new and oheap Book* will eall at I jfrSi IMTOK, B. LAUFFHfIn FT Wbod Street I-! ' -''V. 1 •* ” r'V'M*. tfKERS AND BROKER^. EXCHANGE and banking hoube a. WILKINS A CO., UNITED STATES BANK BUILDING. * So. 4Er7l*£B Fo.UPth Street, PITTBBUBG&, PA. v . FOREIGN and Domestic Exchange, Coin, Bank Noim and Land Warrant* bought and aold. Collections made throughout the Union. Business paper dlsoouutwl and loans negotiated. Stocks bought and sold on commission. K __ r~d.«l on (l.postt, .nd inUraat •>>«»*»'** D left for a speclfled_tlme. - ' Removal. PATRICKS A 7BIEHD, bankers and exchange iiaoKEEB, Bint Jtonoani lAor QSict Utlu Chmcr of W*"* *r'»d*M FITTSHtAQH, FA „ . PATRICKS A FRIEND, Bankers and >£icl»rq£ BrokOT, and Deklsrs In Note., Drafu, A«oal.timc«a, Sold, SUrrx urd Bulk Nobis. Exchange, on the EaMarn and Waalara "sssssstfs ». ' ’*l7.-7. 100,000 00 h. holies a sons, bankers and exchange brokers, lUTI UMOVKD tarn bascwo urn *xckai»o* ottua *o m. 67 axsiirr srwacr, pocb noose &iw» ou> ******: N HOLMES A SONS, Bankers and Exchange Brokm, . ud Dealers In Notes, Drafts, Acceptances,.Grid, BU* Ter aodßank Notea Exchange on the Eastern and Western oi &uS“mL£to :a Hl th.cWa. throughout the CnitAi In par hind, or currant Mgr, No. $7 Market street, between Third ami Fourth sta. IJ -_J__ $627,470 53 "• E ”" HOOH AB ARGENTi BANKERS AND EXOUANUE BROKmS, h * wnin Of WOOD k BtXTli STB., PITTSBUMB, Pa. Y~\ BALERS In Cotn, Bank Notes, Tim** * n 1 I Domestic Exchange, CertWcatea of Deposit, Ac. cities of the Union end Ea rope, for sale In sums to suit purchaser*. Current and par funds received on d«j>osit. Collections sude on all parts cf the Union, 1 "TIBKNAN a CU.f bankers and uxcuanuk brokers, JV’o 03 Wood StrtA-t, corner of Diamond AUty, FltnsßL’MH, va., . . BUY AND SELL Bank Notes and Coin; exchange, and promissory nows; make ccl .11 the orincioal cities of the Union. Receive deposits on Si «d P oo £?. re T“.na «!,. U..IT r™»pt other matter* appertaining^a broker s ousineas. K*«te™ txchange ot'DstanOy on hand. ... $209,016 61 ... 136,260 66 .. 1,910 19 lOO,OOO 00 $556,183 26 BANKER an"d H BBOKEIi, $368,318 70 DIAJ-tU W , _ . Exchange, Commerciftl and Bank flOtM. o TnCKboutfht and sold on commission. Collections .Seeded to. Internal 6BH Fourth street, nearly opposite Bank. ——— H ■ LL a vvii BANKERS AJiD EXCHANGE BN******—. dQuxn or woon an© rirra wwna , , Tn nT rtCHANGE ha the Eastern Cities constantly for fsllll® .mm'uuus. EjJtfaßD aAii>4, ruiatmca ta\n» *U" mim ft BAHK, _ BANKERS AMD' EXCHANGE BROKERS, BUY AND SELL 0012 Silver, and Bank Notasj a®*®*}*** i _. n « on Heal Estate or Stock Securities, purchase Tim. Mil* on Em.l Ui4»«ti bu, teL. Q. K. ABNUJ-D * CO., ™ n BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, .-jj.i Kits in Exchange, Coin, Dank Notes, Sight ij nromd. r.mltwj u. »nj p*rl orti. bnton. lYmTlir LOOMIS. STOCK AND BILL BBOK E B , Ofot .Vo w Fourth it., abort "<*«» ’ PITTSBURGH- . £&%£& sf iOd sold. ----- - - bthiiaNOl AND HANKING HOU B B OF * A. WILKIHB ft CO., No. 75 Fourth Btr*k, OpporfU th. B*nk of Pittsburgh, j%n b . w .Vjw, MKindM*' l c„J firtanp-rf, Ol !k. mcn»”3 »*» uankiso oouss 0/ A. HILL * CO., 64 wool. strut, pittmcroh. tV Interest *SI) DCAL'X Sot **’, **” A * *’»•>>" •Ware-room. »*»».«^ tfuliy inform.^ - hU friend* and customer* j£at h* baa now aompleted bta .prin^ tS!^^-t 0 1/ W U^m r r J *ale Will be Mki at price* aa u any In the United State*, “”.*”‘l.m:«.l w uphold ttw ” d toned material*, be: t workmanship, aod newest ie from the of bU order* ami facility in he U enabled to produo. warranted furniture, at the lowest 61,889 00 64,346 81 'ISTh- «k.pt«l U.. prf»=Pl° of ItontUytoß iDUMt with his owdl in quality and price, mJJW* hand the greatest *arlety of every description of furniture, frum th? cheapest and plainest Jo the T U not and costly, that a house, or f] P** famished frura his stock, or J** d«r. The following articles consist, to part, of his -hlch tor richness of style and finish, eannot bs surpassed any of the Eastern cities: Louis XIV tete-a-tete Sofas; *0 Sofas, In plush and hair doth; 60 dot. Mahogany Chairs; SO dot. Walnut “ 60 Mahogany Hocking “ 90 Walnut “ “ 60 Mahogany Divans; 90 Walnut u 60 Marble Top Oentre Tables: 60 u Dressing Bureau*; 80 ** “ Wash stands; 40 Eneloeed ** 100 Common “ . 20 Plain Dressing Bureaus; "49 Mahogany Bedsteads: J*j Walnut “ 60 Cottage “ 900 Cherry and Poplar Bedstead*; 30 Meboganv Wardrobes; 10 Walnut 10 Cherry “ 60 Plain Bureaus; TO Dining and Breakfast Tables 13Secretary and Bookcases; 90 dot. Cane Beat Chaim; 34 Cane Seat Rocking Chairs; 13 Ladies' Writing Deskr; Hat and Towel Stands; What-Nots; 1 jtiguirea; Paper Machs Tablmt Conversation Chairs; Pembroke KUsabethaa “ U*ll n triTiHnn “ Ladies Work ** Pm?lnlaid M Extension Dining Tables; Ann “ Ottomans; Oothie and Hall Chairs; . A large assortment of COMMON rURNITURE an WINDSOR CHAIRS. Cabucit Miuu supplied with an ar ticles in their line. . , . STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, furnished at the shortest notice. All ord* l J. Q. MARTIN. Agent. , r * *% r *v ... . H ■ jao. a. cauoiu BELL 4 CO , n i KK K AND BKOItKBS, rirni ant Hj;«i THOMAS WOODH, W COMMERCIAL bbOKEB.T" K.Sli'ljtili. sts promptly attended to. Stcambokti, Ahoy I mmm* Th* aubscribers tender tnelr acknow-*?k ! lor the farur# bestowed upon by their Steamboat friend*, and m woold respectfully remind them and other* interest- l wi in building boat*, that they are at all times prepared to furnish, on the most reasonable terms, e T ery desert ption of Cabin Furniture and Chairs of and work manahip. Comer Third and Smith field street*, opposite •* Brown’s lioteL /"(HAIR AND J U*EDSTKaI> 0 MaSuKACTDMB-No. I 1 Fetterman’e Row, Liberty etrear, DM on baryl * l»rS» ,wklrSSrs and Bodetea/U or eeery deacriptioo, roeJe of the beet materlale, which ho will aoll lower than etUde. ol the how quality can be eold In the city. lie would adl par* denial attention tt> bis large BtocX of Mahogany and Walnut Chaira and Bedeteade, which he will sell at nrieM Aleo, Turning ol erery description executed In the lea at the /are Roome, or atthe Mill, comer of Adame and Liberty etreeta, will be ttended tn. , aTmTLlikkn *. CO., . HAVE ON HAND at their extarulT* CABINET and CHAIR MANUFACTORY, No. 64 Bmlthfleld street, a large assortment of fancy and plain furniture, which they will aell 16 per oent. below customary rates Terms— cash only. W CHAIRS AND DF.D3TKADB, .t prlciuth.t »»not °“ eor. BffTcnthjuid librtT *ta. WM. K. dTEVKNBON continue* u> mmuartun 61 CABIN ET-WA.RK of er«ry dwcriptlnn, hUoMittnd, M| corner of Libert? and Seventh street*. UN DERTA K f If NO attended to. in all it* branch***. REaTAURANTa. CORNUCOPIA WOYBTER AND COFFEE HOOSE."W D. BAHHARD. „ Jfo. 40, Fifth Street , between Wood and Market. J»ol9:lyj pirraßOMH. C R. Y S T A L PALACE, v so.lB Market street. C. C. BKELY, RLBPKCTFDLLY informs his friend* and the I aJpublte in gnml, that be ha* Just started bU New York ami Phlladelptiia modern style of OOOKINO OYSTBRSaod everything else In the eating Une. Oysters in tbe BheU or Stewed, for 12U eenta a doaen. He wiJI aieo furnish the best of everything that the market will afford. House always open until 3 o clock in tbe morning. _ marlS-tf OYSTER SALOON AND RESTAURANT* 108 WOOD STREET. THE subscriber has now hla OYSTER SALOON AND EATING HOUSE perfected in a manner that cannot h« exfieled bY any similar establishment in the city. meals mLt me served up at all uoursof THE OAF, from the _ • . Cholceat Heats. FowliJ Fiih, Ac., *«* lii BUI of Fare cannot be surpassed, and he would reapect ,U, InTlt. the .thmtion of t£. to^ 108 Wood street. gt. dUlrliafcr Beer Brewery THE uhdonduned rMpcctfully Infirm, th. public th.t h. U now fully prepnrwl to public generally, with hit oelebreted LAGLR BKBR, lo bottiM. All orders l«ft »t bU Offlee, NO. 38 DIAMOND ALLEY, (Deer Wood street,) will be punctaally ettended to; B«,r ? .llT.r«l tonny port of tb. cUyM^odg. beniu’ Laftr Biir Hip, Xio. lOfi SnithJUld street, opposite the Cuxlom Houtt r[S subscriber has just opened one or the largeet an) beet finished Lager Beer Bella in the city. Hia Beeri< acknowledged to be • superior article, end etery otherae eommcia&on about his boose ofinnot be excelled. __ ' A. BENITZ. •\irANTKD-A situation for a man and wife to work ox YY a &rm. Apply at FRANCIBCUS’ Agenoy Offloe, 'wf* m fifth street, near tbs feet o*ee. • ~> wr \ - : .v: New Arrival «f Bg r and Summer Dry j AT No. 99 N. W. SIDE o*9 WOOD BTMtEI. D GREGG k 00., Importers end Jobbers in British, . Frencb end German DRY GOODS. Baling r«*iv •dour large end extensiTe stock of spring goods, porcbaeed from importers, manofMturers, end part through nur own importation, we fee l »f« , ffeSeral old customers, oountry murrhaots end city dealers g ?“th.towi”; to tbS. ocqulrad facilltlM 1" we an offer «uch Indaoem.ul. to bajere m »re r “''J m ' t Wl will be *«** a % a VS£? MSS=S»-2Mr neweststyles,pefS lea! hats, Rutland braid and Leghorn* | and an extensive variety of hosiery, gloves and ribbons. with lace goods, fkney nettings, jeconetts, mull and figured Qtnn muslins and black silk veils, *c. “ oarTttrut, .lock embrace, in jut "ggSigm- boyeraU great bargains in utt _ i L„!^ OUS AT A M'TIGKE'B HEW STORE, CORNER OR GRANT ANO EIFTU STREETJT ■*-» iviv'n TniS DAT OPENED MY NEW BTOIUt, X H I?fb. ;•'«» “S Urse and *plendld assortment of SPRING 8 ,”v~, ~ OOODSL jail *«**«>- Am ° u * <*" ««* *” '°"“ d some of the eery lineal goode no» imported. It comprises, 'SocTSice. black and fancy Drew Bilks,Mcts.to *2 per yd MO dS StoiM. d. Lalni, Barbed. U»», and Uom~- line de lien; , . . 200 do Beautiful bareges and TUsues, la great rarlety, 250 do New Style Drees Gingham*; ax» do American, French and English Prints, 600 do Frew* and English Lawn*; 2000 French Collar*, from “ dU “ -om 200 Mantilla*, of the latest style*, “J 00 * %T * “ ffl of the moat beautiful unported lnto Lhlß COUDtty. Also. Uuallns, Tlcidngß, Check*, Linen*, Ora*b, Diapers, Table Cloth*, Gentlemen’* Wear, Ac. - TRIMMINGS.—In thi* department will t>e lounu a coin nlata aasmrimanl oi Dreaa and Mantilla Trimmings, Maltha SdHSStofuoa. line English and Tbrimd Uce; all of which will be sold unusually low. Ten bales yard wide Muslin at six cents my 3 _ _ 1 Hew Goode et “T,**"''?, STk'l'ct 8-reet, lot*et auction, eoj from ■”l^”, c ' e *;‘ fJoebuS-lee HEW DBT GOODS BTOBE. Iron Front—So. 01 Market .trent. OUB boUM being now open forthetreowction of| R*o»- el Drr Goodibarinena, we would refpeeifnlly aolUiUh* p.troiS. of th. public, to.“"*“°“' I „ L l^*V/SoY a I“D tTmlrTVcd mil setoctoU of SILKS, STAPLE GOODS w, »u oSir web Maxrm'W •* J^ 1 In in .ntlr. •.llrfKllm. OAGAIi t AHL, »prl:tf No*- 01 Market and 9 TJolonjOreet^ CLOTHING, CLOT H I N G STORE! JOHN M’CLOSKEY & CO.. ££T. oTrtSrilßM 810 DOORS, h..., far th. pur- MMofiLcqoirlßg Don t\»r* for th«ir immense boiines*, "SSSZSg*. "of'cloths i ready made clothing, 11 That baaii.r b~n .Jirrf to the public Thai, rriiclpul oljactfor thin tumoral, la to giro them more faeiUtlN for th* WHOLESALE TRADE. Thu, aru prwpurad to ««U Good* at tho LOWEST EASTERN PRICES. And tbej will warrant them to be aa good aa an, manu factured In the Union. „ „ CUSTOM W Ontli FROCKS, < DRESB*’walking AND BUSI NESS CpATS. Onr IntarMta arc Idantloal wltli thoaa of our ouatointra, , end we aneur. the public that onr OdelitJ will not fall in, ! No. 88 Wood Street, fBAST AIDE.) 00**1* OT DI AM 05 D ALLJT. w B —W« deeirrour patrons touuderstand that w* hst« BQlouKrur oonoecllon wUb th® Clothinjr Businaw on Übntfrtnwl. Our attention Is d®Tot*d «xcloaiT*ly to tb« H^i b ° T * dWdgT1 * l * d ’ JOHN SI-CLO3KKY * CO. V£w SPRING GOODS. .. , j TCST BKCKIVED AT JOHN McCLOSKEY A br-lj •J sale Clothing Warehou*e,No.B!»\'«*Ktrect.»Dd c nru f i 5f Diamond alley, th« largest and moat Ttrind ! roods that this celebrated house lies ever had the | oMurSog the attention of the public to. These goods bare lieu purchased from first bands, and, ™ MOOOd profit on then, which leases us able to say that can and do sell at as small profits as any house la lb •" pro cities. Therefore, we nspeetftiUy InTlte the aUrot of wholesale dealers and country m*nb*nu, in I£££»’ rlTe us a call, and examine our extensive assortment 01 SkaS mADB CLOTHING. It l» almost ImpowiUe to enumerate the quantity of immense ptlr* of 6" m * n “ tb f ‘ uStaShatthtoui. establishment; ««J “ “LS»'r h “ 1 ” -D : gAUCKL. OBAI , ' so. s’PcLjLia Xoml 'uZiLDixan, OT. CUA ITUR, KTWICMB' KVTLKMKN’B CLOTHEIG made excluritely toordsr, CLOTH J, CAaSISIS^^TINO^ KSS-“S“-r h.,?iheit wl»h.. eon«ult»d ,irf oompll~l with, u nil wort I, don. under hi. own »np«r»lrion. Clothing! Clothing l j rpHK «ndml arrith, I nubile that be U now me* Ivin? at bl« iioff,, No- >• • .fi,ri~£.rhol™ uotnial of cloth,, Cu.rim.r-. ,0.1 v-.tlnn of th. lataat and met d.rirah,. ,tyl.,, "hlch b '.p^°Wm.i.£onl.rlo lb. mo.l ru.bloo.bb, m.o -' ? ,u..[ nntlM. and on tbs uio(t reasonable terms. U lf.blT^.l»oob.“.Ur B . and woll loanolutur-l. to.lt of ™dj mad. Clothing, to -bleb we tnrlt. th. attention r^ b .rS:“ po W “«7^ r . ”“ib.lll dodU.o their t dean tag. to c.ll at 177 ,t~t. b«for. maktag riirlr purchases. l m * ni i Maw ClothinC Store* i oiVTII 8IR1KT) OrPOSITK LIBERTY. rnuli ■ vher« be bn elweyi on bend * lwjC« iQ(I choice K«ort- oFKStld* of CLOTHINO,'which he m.rr.nb.equ.l “£>,lnU>.cU,, sod will sell .t tbe mo«t ravwiuabt. prf *” 10 ‘BMliEHia watchesTTewelry, &c. i, IVE the GOODS—Jewelry, in rich *nd heno - o—. Jewel,, Bealls Ho- SSSSs^ss^sss jrSHl^ comer Market mod Fourth »t». CLOCKS! CLOCKS!! CL0CK8!!! _ DB*LES!SV*T€u’/8 i Cufet3,JEW£UIT ; * ft fo -|»» «nd 24 hour Clocks, which w® •slendid assortment of o day ana ** uu “‘ . |_-_ SMsfe p.w wJteh * “ low price*, and warranted i T^IBTETKMSONt(S°2i'IS I^M B.M'tpLn pij'ted'wlkl!,lamps, ol i»NDOLKB TMkttaxd TabU CutUry, Britan*** Tia and tb. ™I*T of good, In hi. U» 0, 8 .nd nation giT.» to tfc. WtPAIB of PIN* WATCHBB, JKWELRY, * 0 - experience In burineM, be H o°t FANCY S&DsrEKUt* * t “ , TwS».“'uT“^“ -issSteaSi- - B«S^3&^ ; ssisss Oolt’B PUtolß,) port i?£?^£ u iiiJr^®tTofweful ud or °^ e i °!+i 1 w.'wbdch h*t® only 10 *» to ** * pprfr uumenUl H*t® omy MARKKT STaEKT . •re now offering our ‘’xb.refore!*’'' «*J to elrj,.l pric W.tehM.nd J.wol one and all, 25 to 60 per cent In your d. -“■* - « replug io a superior maimer. Gold Jewelry rrpeuw ture4 to order at short notloe, ei HOOD . St S 7 Market at WATCH M 7iI^^^ EffELEE ' ' A of the Odd FeUpyi , otflc, on Tuesday, burgh, pwjwlUnnjrttag iw f w AMOcUtiou aSdlniUthe subscriber* ®“® l S -„cist "being the fifth ar« hereby notified that nw [lo] ”J. C “ £ ne „J| w »ble instalment of their »‘£f*P ad; Joint on the AllerWv. Ohio or Missis.ippl risers; contr-jct to trnlltl sS« B»“, Host Gniinels, lirKlm. Timber, K^l- I fiS s? .Si «s^r«» 'r£r±£;' &s£. l as building, he thinfcs be p soon; e*ye persons are rc< l a l ert“ ■»* wmmm Book k-eplng l* Imparted to Ruegree pe before atuiined iu the taUial Mat* • .inward* of 400 »sSSSS±£-::“ SS^ssssss E ®.S. Book Kmplog.prlw 11. » “ ot "*' « . JrS--t rsritm f»r »ucb Boob* and Ac %™'’-- dSt. C=m»«Pfl P rf ™ 60 «■“?j., M „ Send f»r a circular hy mad. J_l • PKTia .UttUDy .. TV CAT vsTATE AND C"NTKACTINQ AGI.NT. No XI IRWIN Str«t, MtUburgh, ba» Tor “'£•’£ 4, stiSi s^-'^ e&Un«. on the mtin ro»a c . . . n ( » lft under ton. d mile* (r in t.o cultiraUoc, a good Fmm<* ll<> ‘ firtu {« well rl l - *| l! hiih I Tr^ n «»J P, |*nl. 1“ » «'< )n-o.thj count {. w.triwl. hi|ib,dor, »«»l l . {.rmfotpron.pt John Mann, an tin. "*1», •’ aont of '’n d '“c!.rn, Jl ill” k iu paewrful operation, olr shop, Ac.sUh puilth Shop and Tools-1Vwt1..... . >vi-lv SStfuA..* .f th ; Armstrong oonty. la l»H k - d M ’ Munn, on the premier*- in . o M. of zo«l 1 *l*n want to purchase & in **>&' ft ~ w SSSWk'SS to -«l p-rt tb* fitting out of a Unto ««-•■•. in T . f ,r thu Enquire asabo-re. .— i~~- TEAS! TEAS! TEAS! WUOLESAI.R AND RET.UU i ii in e /’ftiti Ten Store, TJY the half chest, of neatly panned in melalllc pscinfo i | iO.F.S I WIU.UTWUuS u. Aly art Invited to call ann Mamina «“<• h Below Is. list of th. var.ona J £“ciom beencartt'ully selected, andean with confidence Da rcco-n half cheats line Yoonn Hyson; 10 do do Morunu toungllxflon 10 >r, chetU extra no* Kwcliidi Breakfast ?vu; * ALSO —JaTa aud“lio U Coltee. Loverlnga Crushed and Pul ’ aJS’oS I .™ Principe Sre.r-, >»><* low - ...a_ as Fifth street. Pittsburgh KOUV I'ATTKKSON’S BAZAAR AND LIVERV BTABLE3 TnF L'NHKKSI(*NKI> havloit erected »*w andcomuio “L, 5T*mXS»»d CAKKIAOB STORES, iu cornua Uon with hisoldestablishment. fLyvli prepared to do a Tastly t n * JNfJ busing. Ue has pn-QfrgP- W Cl Tipioc for ON K U UNDHKD A.' D / FIFTY HORSED, of which he can take an increased nom tan&wdi.««» Burji DEi . wm. *SSriSJ? 1 “ and storing for job, of new and second hand C**™#'*’ lil description*, to which he will gire I There U also within the new building M‘ JJJS where Horses are trained and exercised, which will De ioniiu adeanugeous to persona keeping Horses with the und "‘SmMbI fbrtn Mcwdiogly tlbend p.troojp ,nd the furors of . multitude of M,nd>. the ’l’jgfX. 10c ° mm,, ‘ Jltt ”** aSr.&TSSaiSS- OARRIA6KS FOR SALE. THE undersigned ha* } uflt received at his © CARRIAGE WAREHOUSE. sltuatedrjg Ktftr' near the TwoMUeßun,between Pittsburgh ill 1 and Lawrence ville, a splendid assortment JHr *■ of YBDIOLKS, of trrery description, and wiU continue to recede regularly, new and second band Oarriaga, Strii.it*, Buaaia . tfc., which he will Mil on the Tery lowest term* for eaeh Haring had twelTe rears' pracaoc in thebojlneefi.aod with his well known facilities in the'East, be flatten himself In putting down allcompeOtlon. ... .. ThoM wishing to imrebase are respectfully Invited to call and see for themselves, . _ . Kapocial and pmnpi attention paid to repairing of Lajn agfmylBaUWT*l __ JOSEPH WHITE- _ ROBERT H. PATTERSON*"* M set c °r»" 01 *“° nd “ rcet NO i’ICB. GEORGE W. SMITH Informs the public that be hw ilM posed of hi* entire BOTTLING ESTABLISHMENT * f the Brewery on Pilt street, to W. I). English, whom be re commends to his customers in that department. To tike Public, I«r» The subscriber begs leave to announce to the public that be has purchared the BOTTLING DE PARTMENT of the Pittsburgh Brewery fromG. W. Smith, on Pitt freet. He is prepared to supply, and at moderate prices. Smith’s celebrated KhNNETT AU. and BROWN STOUT; also, common ALB and PORTER, In quart or pint bottles. . . .. lUving been for a length of time connected with Mr. Smith’s establishment, be feel# entire confidence in being able to serve families and the trade with promptness acu entire satisfaction. * m» Particular attention paid to packing for shipping. All orders delivered. [jy-hlm] W D. KNULIbU. JUST PUBLISHED and tor sale at RUSSELL'S Utn/T of Cheap Literature, No. 15 Fifth street, the following '^TTufltappers: or. The Mysteries, Fallacies, and Absurdi ties of Spirit Rapping, Table Turning, Ac. Boston Slave Riot, and Trial of Anthony Borns. Rosa Lambert: or, the Memoirs of an Unfortunate Wo man, by G. W. M. Reynolds. Ashleigh, a Tale of the Olden Tlnwvby Mbs Dopey. Travel# in Turkey, by Adolpbus Slade. The Lion’s Skin and the Luvtria Hunt, by Charles de Bernard. . Remember the Bookstore, 15 Fifth street, near the corner of Malkst. RUSSELL A BROTHER, « e l 4 Booksellers and Stationer#. WM. A. M’CJLUKU, " ’ dealer in Fitte Teat, Choice Family Groceries and Willow Ware. CORNER OF WOOD AND SIXTH STS., PITTSBURGH, PA. 18 now receiving a largo assortment of FRESH GOODS? In addition to his already extensive stock, purchased from first hands in the Eastern markets, whleh, will be sold at the lowest market prices. ty Hotels, Steamboats, and families, buying by the quantity, supplied at wholesale rates. yy Goods delivered in the city free of charge- Mead and Mineral Water Fountain. WHQWE. No. til FIFTH Street, oext dowj® MarenSp . Hall, dealer In FRUIT and CONFECTION AK\. lee Cream, of the beet quality, served up during the sea* ■on. Also, Strawberries and Cream. , , .. Families can be supplied with Strawberries and other Fruits, during the season, on tbe most reasonable terms. Orders are respectfully solicited. J ei:i r Advertisement. ANY person wishing to make $5OO i n 6 months, address rue, post-paid, Farmington, Trumbull county, Ohio. This is no fiction or book agency. No traveling is nece»- ry; but any person can remain at home and make the ‘ ln tL ' th °“ iwTyros u‘ noim. t vUT AM) DRY TOBACCO—2S bbls aud 20 ht bbls supe (J rtort fcr IV [)■« “““ * MKCLAUi. ■«V C* '• . r OU- A?- > ..A kr* Carter’s Spanish »'<'• Vthr AREA! EORmSB 01 Til* JIbOOI . hot * FAaTICU 0* KBCIIU 111 «. . , AN INVALCABWS MUIRQY FQRBCUOFCLA Km** KtU- Kli*um»«i«n* OMiuU Cutaneous Eruption--, blelor Pustules on the Blotcbe*, lk»ils iuruo*c ‘ ‘“ p KTes . KinVWora or Tetter, Scald Bead, hnlaz frm-'O’ S”f2Tofthl bSZ mnd, Srabtom «Wf £ >.i Jr mb Ulwnlen, Uunbmgo, Bpimml CompWjU, mnd mi! Ws w mrbdngfrom m» M * rearJ ' Imi ’ r “ ' i '?S»°^b°. t iSSS2wbKiiS« b sg“ t *?aSth '£ .wi most extraordinary medicinehe hae everaeeo. . h F*V*£-*rt gpmnlS Hixtbivtwo bottle, of whlob.llco unbmppj todnjl bmT.bmdndtiicr SutarafSTriSd. SSBS it th’. brat lonic in the world,°mnd tbeonly medidne thmt ?“ B ’' r L?» of Blcbmond, rad bt °' lotbTprat OOm, hu dnch oonMdnooin tht has bought upwards of fifty botUeSmWhkh he baa 8* SJiiytoihe afflicted. Mr.Lncts*T*hehaaneverknow u tn fail. when taken aoeonUngto. directions, la*a number of Instances the effects of SsSi^iSSS3fi!fcTO fCC °ISuEL the firm of Drirtt-x * Mor ris, Richmond, was cared of hirer ComjJatotoi eight ynur funding, by the use of two bottle# of Carter'# . Spanish *<3 BEAT CURE OF SCROFULA.—The Editors of the Rl-’h mood Republican had a servant employed in their P r&t room cored of rkileat Scrofula, combined with Rbeuma dam, which eutlrely disabled him from work. Two bon lei of Carter’s Spanish Mixture made a perfect core or b-.m, and the M lt " r *i in a pabllo notice, say they eheerfallj re- SSSfiSSlil*! mnrea»tetedwkanyd«eof the AKOTnER CURE OF SCBOFULA.-I had a t JSble boy cored of Scrofula by Carter's Spanish Mixture I consider it truly a valuable * * AnoJl( _ Conductor cn the B. ?. atidP.R. R. Co., Bicbmood. Va. | SALT BHB CM of TWRNTX YEARS BTANDIhGCUR*d>* vr. irttni THoMPBoN,re«idingi»thedty ofßlehmunu, 7m ouiSjbySS?B&i of Crter*. Sp«4* Mixture, ni gjt Bin.! which h. hud Dcrlytwmtj je»r.,.hdwb;ct ill the nhTjieUDß o! lhe cit ? not cur*. Mr. ThoL ip gooU a well known merchant hi thedty if Richmond,' *. '“iw* Richmond, bad ft Mirant cured ofl«hiu£tat£« word form, by Carta* BpnU. He mjsm cheerfully recommends It, and considers it -c I °RkSa]^^WTßT*of Richmond, vaa cured of Scrofu la. and what physicians call confirmed Consumption, oy three bottles oi Carter'* Spanish Mixture. amPARD BURTON, commissioner ofthe revenue, «*yi I he baa seen the rood effects of Carter*! Spanish Mixtur» a- Jne to acrimonious and irritating to the bow, s Thto is not. Many of them produce ao much 6 r jP l *£> P*' “ »nd revatoionintbesyatomastomorethaneounterbalai- X?g7Jd to priced from them. These pdlx wodoee toriitto* or pain, unless sl SSf * tyf&t it to better that any medidne ?SS; to'wS they , ? I ' Piles. Olie, llysenterj. Unroots. Scroti » ; and ®eur*v,Cold» with aorenees of the body* Dicer* and 1 - Jurits“ r ih« blood; in short, any and every ease when a P °TlSj halVlS'produoed seme singularly *ucc«£fulcaT . * in (lout, I>ropsy. Gravel, Erysipelas. Palpi ■v ti- nol the Ueart, l*aio* in the Bach, StomacbaodBW • They should lie freely taken In the «prin|CrrthevMT, .o uurify the blood and prepare the system tor the ‘ £. Jlfon « An occasional doee stimulates the stoihacb a. d bnwels into healthy action, and restore* the appetite and Ti-or They purify the blood, and, by tb«r stimulant »•<- ti,7n on the circulatory *y*tam,rtnoratoUw Strength of t e body, and restore the wasted, or dtoeasedenergiee oft e whole organism lienee an occasional doeeto adran. moos even ihongh no serious derangement exists, btft SSiS Soring should never be carried too tor, «* *n7 5!£537« medicine reduces the strength, when token o excess The thousand cases In whkhapbyrictorequli'd £££ bornomerated ta* bnt to the reason of erery body; and it b confidently bener a Sis pill will answer a better purpose than any thtog whi h fa« hitherto been available to mankind. Whan thrir _ ... known, the public will no longer doubt wl. it of. ctbulle modido. b, JAMES C. AY EH. .l Chemist,Lowell,Mass. Mcettcent*per box. Flrebo. a fot sSd 1., B. A. FAHNESTOCK AOO , PltMborgb. .oO ' T ail llruggut*. Tape-Worn in Children. ~ TAPE-WORMS frequently infest the intestine* of t .e adult. They are often of enormous sise and leu* n, «oiJr£»tpSo aDd tenderness the «dom«hl'J c „ npra j health becomes deranged, the system eofeebi. 0. and the symptoms are continually ■fS™ 7 .?** 158, *J or death terminates the snfleTtng. B. A.FJjhoestocK** V r mifutw Is the best remedy io this case The worm, at. r S'inSdtttwed, will be discharged In detached portloi.e, I hereby certify, that I gate a rial of B. A. Mnutae>> a Termifuaeto a daughter of mine, two years old, and it caused her to pa«a two worm*, the same day; on*» tape worm, thirty Inches In lmcth, tt» worm, twelre inches m length. I ®°ft #nd cheerfully >< “*^, *£ 4W M. «■ “ a FiiraasTocr * co. “ggjjg*" House. * i|.u* KBji-roa iKt> mntiSn «*a« ‘ii2r^ fot S*L , SdSyjrSSS*°? ?3...n, nl» lying *«« of, ud Huntingdon, a, ufcl oompuy, «cb pjepnred w «dl MdSdn ih»r« of stock Furnace underbid the company,sad *■ *fi\i a*, uU to tb> PeunuThe named territory, by single fur* improvement in the ihat by t£e Benton procoee ] neoe or into Bloom* nt about the eoet re* MaUl,i*.Bußcientr«ooJ mw? Jiu*S l£ CBAMI ban boot uppdntrf Agontfcrlbo ?* r, /iihsi in use Punuoee under mid Patent, to »bom mle of ri#bU to . te tErunderrigned birecton- ot •ppUcatiou ** “^"BSSSSni tieOnopeny. ALLBN BEAM KB, V Pittsburgh. JAS- W- HAtLMAJt,) W. DEWEB WOOD, M’Keeeport. JAS. IL CBANB. Pittsburgh. 7\H Y uUUl>ti.-A. amd f>JVi ( ) t trtxU, ha* bow on hand W oaaea bWharl bwub* town <&/, cent* up; M pteoes Irish Unas: 2S pi**®* £S*i»* ladies’ dress- .TSpteoaa tae»; »tt«i aad wooden mml for bora’ wear; a few pieces fine black efcalle, black, eS ttaw mwodUu: (Uk and trimmlngi or mry description;; tan rixed da bage; drew gtagbUta; W» P>““ pr-n'g, fm£t oolors—all of which will be sold extremely K je!2 . T.-'UHOPKAM AIIJSNCX. tAMESUbB « I hxsz&s. assL& swags! PnnincUl Bank* Ml Bnnrh— itt QaraaayilTMC*, “ r **J Drafta oreroM hnadrsl pound* at Smlthftd.u. m? 25 uui AaftUil. OAIJI-.-MW) MIM UntoHMl !•»«• *2f»55 t .pi IBdi »"«• *> <-?»», »"* ' . n fMft mwt.; res A—ifcO lbs. Vans*. in stars and fer Ml* by \\ MU nmtOQ B*OTHMI« V •-- pir-Kr** » <•'-». ~3-£*tV V>- »: V.. * - *’♦*. DR. MORSE’S Invigorating Cordial A Phenomenon in Medicine. „ Hatixu amvtm* *w> uke lemjthened, bt dbT lioueni invigorating kuxie o« cos G.—At fiwt Uift propeniw? a:trlbot-d in Prof. KllatrprOorUi.l urm(lecoi*4 u'ulcan Tto. r£blic”oEetftlecet.ed. could not bclleTu ihc *n:;| lc m'-I " aly - litj ia ororthrown bp • mm» of tcetuncnj wbUb u pocuouj '"■nSjELtr JB rreiedlM, fa »U owes, the Ojjjjjjjjyjjj - arWug from • mteuee te abuee of the Terioui. tu*Mhlch make op the wonderful machine called man. It raiaorcp full rigor wery delicate function connected with toa lerioOß compound agency of natter and nH>d, oeconair w the reprodoetion of human life. To persons of fee Me eula* frame, or deficient is vital power, it ia r * as the only xnaana of communicating that energy, wflien u neceeeary to theproper enjoyment of aU the natural appe titea, at wen as u» higher mental attributes. Itabeneflcßl effects are sot confined to either sex, or to any eg*- *“• • feeble girl, the ailing wife, the llatlees, enervated youth, the over-worn lean ofbusiness, the rictini of uervousdepwWM , tbe todiridxMl anlffertng from general debility, or ftoia ins ,weakness of a a ngle organ, gtil all find Immediate and per manent relief from the use of this Incomparable renovator. To those who hare predisposition to paralysis, It wfll prers > com plot* und unfrlßos mfcgumd mumA nmludyT Thme ore m»uj, perb.j»,»bo h... «, trillcdiritß tide conrtltntipna, Omt they tWnk thmmolrr. much of medicine. Let cot eren thee.-deepeir. ThogllAlr deela *ith dl»u« w U oxlrlfc •itiput reb.reuce to eumea, and will not only remove the disorder itself, but _ REBUILD THU BROKEN COXglll UTlOy» ' Thuderangementß of the*yst* m, leading to nervous dia* frnnsof n*rv«* disease ooeLhat it would require a to lb* (lira for Which this preparation is a A few, how ever, may he enumerated, ala: neuralgia, tlcdoleivaM, brtd-ce£incipient paralysis, LS heart, wdnal affections, muscular deHuty, iremors, flatfr lmie a prkhiag sensation in the j.v.nibi'ese, mental SSiton, we&nesa of the will, indlspcritiotf to move, fainting after exercise, broktn sl«* p and terrifying dreamy Inability to remain In one ptaeeor position, weakness of the orocreatirc organs sexual iu« mpeienry. melancholy, men oniana, floor albus, rinking «* the swmarj, krfties. a ebrr.nie tendency tomlacantege, emadatfec. and all«anpUi»tsgrcwingpuiof afrreindulireweof the^fr gions, and all barrenness that does net proceed &om organic causes beyond the retch of medicine. . _ , Whenever the organs toacted upon are free from nti* formatluncrttricniral dis«i^J*js ajenedthat “ MORSE’S INVIGORATING ELECIB _ . will Teniae* weaknee* wiib strength, incapacity with «W| froey, irregularity with uniform and maun»l activity, and ilii# cr>i only without haxard cf re-action, Lni uUhahappy effect bu the general organtiation. 9S~ Bear In mind That all maladies, wbererer they begin, Snub with the nervous nrtem. and: that Abe.paralyaation or the nerve of motion -Vi .enastion is physical death. Rear in mind also, that- Ibr every kind of nervous disease tbe Elixir Cordial is tbs ' ■ Ko language can convey an adequate ides of the imme I dlateand almostmlraeulouschangewJilcbitceeajJonslß tbe diseased, deWHtated and shattered nervous broke down bfucoi, ml bj. ntm or imprinl bj rickneas—the unstrung and relaxed organiianon la at one* braced, revivified and built up. The mental and physical symptoms of nervous diseases vanish together under its in fluence. Nor Uthe effect temporary; on tte contrary the relief U permanent—for the Cordial propertiesof the medi cine reaebthe constitution Itself; and restore It to its normal condition. S OF MEMORY, : Coofliakni, riddiaess, rufb of blood to tie head, melancholy, iebiUty, h\sterfa,'wretchedness, thought* o fBelf-d«true* tVm—**r of insanity, peoeral proetJatfcn,CTa» ability, nertccaneaa, inability to fcleep. dfc*ra*es Inrideot to female*, decay of the prop.>gaticßfanciUjue,l>set**r» f *Doi» T*xue terrors, palpitation of the heart, nnpotency, c-'-nstipation. ett, from whtterer eausearisißg, It ia, tf there ia any reliance to be placed on human teaUmeoy, absolutely ‘““““'a OBEiT «KDICIHS FOB FEMALE?. The <.( Ode gnu ee»tol»UTe, hi •» cOTpleiotVlKlient to renrelee,iutfh . re* o. in ch. u- SSofmedidM. Tbom«nde ol Btimniente heoebeen to- Tantfad—thousand of indgorante concocted—all purpctttng tobe specified io the Tarf&a* diaesaee >*l * which thedeUeste formation of worn aD render her liable. jbvjbbT WOMAN OF SENSE, who suffers from weakness, deraogement, nerrotutM, te mors, pains in Jhe back, or any other disorder, whether m culiar toheraax. or common is both sexee—to give the ttt« PERSONS, Orolb««.*Dl ,to ' lu,i * oord1 * 1 * , “ r hmTßnsadsbot tle or two, • tborongb rwtnnerntor of the Id »U Jli«otkma»t» to be found the happj parent, of beulthjoff spring, who would not here been ao but Sjt this eitreorfl netwurepeietlou. And It is equullj potent for the menj die eeSfor nhlth it le teooimneniled. Ttousends of Joan* men base been tertnted by using it, end nol in e single to atMTint has It felled to benefit them. ““ PKRgOSS 01 PAIR OOMPtoSHOH. I or roMumptire hebi’t, ere restmed bj theum of e bottle or two to bloom end rigor, changing the skin from m pale, J«i low, siclriy color, Thaw are acne ©f the «d fend melancholy effects produ «d by early habits of youth, via: weakness of the back Ind limbs, pains in the bead, dimness of eight, loss of mue culnr Dowet, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous SibOnUty. derangement of the digestive functions, general lability, sjmptcms of oonsumptiona, etc. . Menially, Uie tearful effects on the mind are much to be r. Morse’s Urigoratlng Cordl^, 1 C. M. RING, Proprietor, N. T. The Cordial is put up, highly concentrated, in pint bet* price three dollars per bottle, two for Use dollars, six. Sold by Ilrozzists throughout the United States, Caned*. MdtheWMttotoM. AOE ,, TSI Wttaborah—FLKMlbG. BKUS., No. 60 Wood street. Do 5 QUO. H. KBYBER, No. ltt “ “ Allegheny Ctty-Jh'O. Qndrmati—h- H. MHASI&69. 1- — CUttH O* i’ALNc, ena the IM*» 1 chargesof Matter from tb« Kars—a]*o > *U those dia* noises like the hotting of insects, frllingef water, whining of steam, 4c.. which are symptoms of approaching Deafness, and also generally with the disease. Many per sons who bate been deaf for teo, fifteen, and twenty years, and were obliged to ore ear-trumpets. bare, after using one or two bottles, thrown aside their trumpets, being Mde 1 perfectly wall. Pbyrtciena and Surgeons highly, recom \ mead Us um. I Iron, the Tribune. I PAUXT3 DOS'* NWtACI YOU* I ZhOttMS'dl 0. children annually become ted; in oon»equence of di*- eharw of mutter from their ears. Induced by scarlet Fever, Cold*. Ac. Now. if niothers would do their daty end pro- care Scarpa's 01. for Ueafoese, and ow it «a diroctcd.tbeir eUUnn would becored : but if neglected, the discharge oon- UnnM WJ uoubleeome. the bearing gmdualij geU woree, and. finally partial or total deafbewMwneu. . 3 IMPORTANT NOTICE; r a n n «,lwt- Mr*. Baxter.and Mg wiU impart to yea tion that tc Hi convince and eulonish you. Axtouxkbo Factl— Philadelphia, January*.—l hereby certify, that when I was about twelve years old. I gradually becanutdeaf in both ear*, so that in a few monthsl-fcund . it almwiaipoaßible to bear, unless In the reiy loudest tone of voice, l remained in that altuation until wtnm a period of eighteen vesn. when I beard of BCAKI’A n COMPOUND ACOUSTIC OIL. 1 immediately obtained a bottle, whkb Ihare need, and am happy to eay it like magic, and suite cured me. Any one wiaaing further iafbrmation of mr case. which I think a remarkable-me. will find me by calling at my residence, Concora street. erst door above Second meet. R*a«xia fttxn*. Formic by A.JAINBB, rormwwj pekin Tea Store,. 39 Fifth street. Pittsburgh. " #®o BeWirt " t WILL be said to an; person who will bar a ho* of Dr TERREL'S HEALING OINT KBiT, and uee it according to directions, it they will call at my office and say with' a dear conscience, that it will not com* nldelr care Chapped Hands, Chiblains,Cba- W, Sore Lips, Barns and on Children, and greatly alleviate, if not entirely euro Saltrbeum, Kies, Lnllamma tkm of the Breast, Bitea of Insects, Pimpl«e on u» race, andall Dtaaasesofthe Skin. MONBOB TERREL, Naugatuck. Coon. ¥or sale by TLEMING BROTH EES, and Dr. KSYSEB, Wood KneU Pittsburgh; i.Q. SMITH, Birmingham;.. WM SIOBKRT t URO., 477 P,nn strwt, PlttAM»h; tm tn * PwnwlT.nl. alunWort*:“"*• fiTEr Alleghany; WM.SBUTH, Lawreoeerflle; LUKB B. DAVWON, Bart Liberty; SPANO A SfctSARTLIiiSD aarpsbarg; KTgWABT, LWYD A C 0 Mechanics’ Iron Works; J. W. HANNBN, Man* cheater. ;y-«o«wj_ » TERREL'S HEALING OINTMENT tnii cttrt Salt rbeaxafTettexV Chilblains. Common Sows. Chappeler •kv) Hand*, Buns or Scalds, Cots or Wonnos, Piles. In «™Sthmtftheßieast. Bites of Insect®, Sow Ups, Pa*- king Ont ana Sores on Children. SldaU DiseMim of tbs Skin, quicker and tvrtr than any “t&SflJnjßnira Baonntas, wd ut. mtske, Pitttbnreb! J. a. SMITH Blnmi*hm Ding WM bSSkT 1 4RO. 477 Penn em«: U>BBIS . a WIGHTMAN, Pennsv’.venia Glass Wore*: Mrs. 8. HOLMES.TenspermnoerUie; D. M. CUBBY, AUeebesyCity; SAMUEL DYER, Allegheny City; WM. SMITH. Lawrence* _flu. LUKE B. DAYIBON, East liberty; SPANG A CO. Surwartrtown; LEWIE DALE ELL A 00., SharpShnqrh STEWART LLOYD A 00Mechanics’ Iron Works; J. W HANNEN, Manchester, jydfcdawv - NBs-A single box of Dr. TERREL’S OINTMENT will * keep any Blacksmith's, farmer’s, Meehan Id's hands, let them enan or ersek ever so bad, eonnd end in pffl‘S^dnrDKr jypT.wy Naogstuck, conn. priyats Diseases* _ DB_ BROWN, No. 41 Diamond Alley, &•* /» «otes his entire attentisn to an office Practice. tW Bis bosiness Is mostly maftned 9 TMeratiDusasei.andsochpaimtuaiucuona, IP £!Sd it on by imprudence, yomthful iDdnlggKxanQaxoesc Bhannattam, female* Weakness, piiasin the Back and Loins, Ivri fi£ftn£» Kidney e,sucnesafoliy tmt*- o SSSy2Sl««**»(« te * tW»dtv)enableeDr.B»w* to o£S*s2aS of a speedy caw to iSlwho may com. on -4*oBeeutd Private Cansnltatk-n Booms, 41, PD»*»******* moderate. 5555251- HEUMATIiiL—Dr. Brown’s aewiy tor i* k. speedy «nd certain Remedy few thatpainful tvonble. It never faiU. j, 4 M *MnsT>’ GflcAaniJ'-irate Consultation Looms No. «DIAMOKr, Pittsburgh, linn’s. The Doctor la always ai home. marcUfik-iew. ___ - - YATOrSKXPE&TOBAK*; J *J^ eV J “ Took VemiWg*; u :: ■ •■ iSSES?H... *. KpJa.lTm.elte HB.ter«l> Cl fid SCINTISD KAft'KK SHDFy— Th« 6o«t •!»»• OM.lna»; 300B»wcd™i i.lf comet of SUittt »tre«t »«d ll» OKI SB4MDT—IOM of tta M.*Uo»“":*>* : i>H 4Ws>lpni?oM,n<»iKi<* „ o U vusa. I*”' ..'. 1 tL. IStikdAW o«*>T r . .. v A'"' » *•*■* *' ■■ .* • feblfemetw I $ l