'■"■%■';■ '. ’;'. i ;'5 >'^4 -f.' ,'it.-*'"'; v-'^■'••Jr| , 3i*'^^r* !,> *B*v.:4< ■ <>.-;. 1 -:■, -y;~ »»r ■ * r^v- v ■■ " -f 1 ' * • ■''7- "■ ' \f‘*'^ , ‘‘’' ' • '!’- ’^K 77A’ : -t^- ; v;••*■ •'' *,<7 V .’, • ?■' y;,-.7vVv’7'->;■',7'7 v;-\'V- 7-••'.- ■ , ' •• 7- i Iff.;V* •***/<’£* ' 9*6 S;> * ys. v s» v’« >. .ssSJ.* *•’■•'," ■»>*> *ssr«' S®gS®PS&#fe&M: V'v*? ?#* ‘C;-! ■bMM mmii Hmm Wmm '•Ms ISggfessii '>ss.l MiKli wmmm BBS jggppg MBl Bni|p instil® wmsk JUpM *»?&» t'^r^s'iv^,''; Wmm&, ~,. t>-- s*.- DAILY MORNING PO^T TUESDAY MORNING: ny The babyl* sick, my dear '• Well, give it eastor til. DenoH bring up the castoif oil.” ' ■ .,■ • “ Ifa all gone, fir, not a drop is left. «. Gone .! why we hare not yet opened the bot tle fl Sore you have bad it every day, and I have seen you use it myself, upon your salad.” ••Wby, you scoundrel! you don’t moan to say that I’ve been eating castor oil every day during the salad season?” “Sure you have, sir.” “Did you not see the bottle was labelled Cas tor Oil?” . “ Sure and I did sir, and didn't I put it in the castors every day ?” ' Resolution Proposing Amendment# totlae CouKitmlon of the t'ommonwftltn. Ssctioji 1. Retvlred by V>t Senate a»d Haute of llepraen- U‘ivt* •/ the Commnnwtulth i in General As «m’iy mef,'That ilic following amendments be and the same are hereby proposed to the Constitution oflbcCotn m(ji.wealth, under and io aecoTdHOce with the provisions cf ttte teath article them-!’, to wit: PaoPO»ITI9N 1, TO HE AMICUS at. Slctiom 1. liiu aggregate amount of iebte hereafter con trusted by the Oommmiwealth shall u«v*r excewi tb>- turn of five hundred thousand dollars, t-xeept in rase of wnr to repel invastoo, suppress indirection. or to redeem tho j>uN lie debt of the Commonwealth, a*-d the money so raised shall be applied to the purpose for which the debt m anil stocks owned by the Commonwealth, ?r »uy other funds arising uuder any revenue law now exuding or that may be hereafter enacted, so far as the same may bo re aoired tr. pay the interest of said debts eeml-annually. and annually,to;redue« the principal thereof by a sum Dot less than fl*re".buOvir©d thousand dollars, incrca a el yes ly >*v compounding at a rate of not Iras limn live per ccutum per annum; the said sinking fund shall be invented in the loans of the Commonwealth, which shall bo cancellcdlrom time 3 10 tj m fe in a manner to be provided by law ;no portion of the sinking fund shall ever be applied to the payment ot tha debt of fire hundred thousand dollars meutionedin tin? first section of this article, but the said sinklngfund shall be applied only to h *rein specified . gjstmoi* 31 Tho credit of the Commonwealth shall not in any way by jgivon mf loaned to or In aid of any individual, company, corporation or association, nor t-hall the Common wealth hereafter become a joint owoer or stockholder in any company, association or corporation in this Con.mon wealth or elsewhere, fo tm-d for any purposes. Sscno.v 4j The Commonwealth shall never asfurnn tho debts of any county, city, borough or town-hip, or of any corporation: or association, unless such debts shall have been contracted to rapid invasion, suppress insurrection, or to defend tho State in war. TItOPOSmoS 2, TO DK ABTICLK XI. Prohibiting Municipal Subscription*. The Legislature shall never authorise »uy county, city, borough oritownsbip, by vole of its citizens or otherwise, to become a stockholder in any joint stock company, as-o ciation or ovrporatfon, or to raise money for, or loan its credit to. or in aid of any such company or association. E 1». CHaSK, Speaker nf the Hjust of Representatives. M. M’UASLI.N, Speaker of the Senate. In Senate, April 2S, 1854. Rejoiced, That thia resolution pass. Yeas 22, nays 6. Extract from the Journal. J T. A. MAGUIRE, Clerk. In House of Representatives, April 21. 3,654. Resolved. That t-is resolution pas*. Yeas 71, nays 20. ExtrotfSirtthe Journal. WM. JACK, Clerk. gxcaLTAßi's Omen, \ Filed April 22,1854. j C. A. BLACK. Secretary of the Commonwealth. psxxsrLVAyiJ, ss. SacaxTAET t> Omcs, > Harrisburg, July 1,1554. f e. \ i do certify that the above sad foregoing is a J BXaI~ >true and correct copy of the original “ Rn-olu -1 j tion relative to an amendment of the Constitu tion,’' as tho same remains on file 4n this office. In testimony whereof l have hereunto set mv baud aod caused to be affixei the seal of the Sec retary's office the tiay and year above written. *' C. A. BLACK. . Secretary of tho Commonwenl -h. Journal of the Senate. “ Resolution No. 602, entitled * Re-*olution proposing amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth,’ •was read a third time. On the question, will, the S- unte agree to the first proposition, the >«a* and n-<-, Horn. Hummel. Huuseek-r, Hunter, llurti. Jackmiu KU gore, Knight, Laury,i(L«bigb.) Linn, Masae, Maguire. Man derfleld, U'ConDelU WKee. Miller Monaghan. Mor.tg 'mory, Moore, M«er, Mum. Falmer, Purke. Pnrmlee, I'A'-mur-, Vattereon. Porter. Putney. Rawlins, Robert*. Rowe, d*ilade. Seott, 31dle, Simonton, Smith, (Bei k-,) Smith, (Crawf.rlj Stewart, Stnekdala, Strong, etrothera, Wheeler, V. n-kltm, Wright, Ziegler, Chase, Speaker—SO. - Nats—None. . _ „ • 8"o the question was determined in the amrmatire. On the question will the Ileus* agree to tbesroond propo rtion, M>e yeas and nays were taken, agreeably in the pn - ■visions of the 10th article of the Constitution, and nre as fbJlows: Ykas—Hessra. Abraham, Ath*rtnh, Ball, Barton, I> k. Boyer, Byy'l, Caldwell, Carlid-. Chamberlain, C.ok. Cr*ne. nmmin*. !):»• gbrrty, Davl*, lVepan, D-' France, Dunoina, K inger. Kid red Kvaus Fry. G Blentine, .Gibhoney, Gilmore, Gray. Oroua. Gwiu, Hamilton. Hies* land, Uilller, Hippie Hun*eekrr. Hunter, Hurtt, Jackman, Kilgore, K'-igbt, Laary, (Lehigh.) Lowery. (Hogs,) Linn, Magee. Maguire, Maodrrfleld. M’Oonueil, M'Kw*, Mouo-- gb&n, Montgomery, Moore, Moser, Mu.*e, l l'urke, Parmleo. Passmore, Patterson, Porter. Rawlins. Roherw, Rowe, SaJlade, BcoU, Plmonton. Smith, (Berk*,; trrnith, (Crawford,) atockd&le, Wheeler, Wlcklein, Wright, Chare, Adams, Baldwin. Beans, Bn«h, Byerly, Bckert, EBls, Hart, Herr, Horn, Hnmmel. M Onmb*. Miller. Poalson, Patnoy, Sidle, Stewart, Strong, Strother*. Ziegler —2O. Bo the question was determined in the affirmative. Ssckktart's Orrice, \ Harrtsborg, July 1, 1854. f PSHNSTLVa a ia, ss I do certify that the above and foregoing L* a J seal. Utroeand-correctcopy of the ‘•teas” and ‘ wat»'’ 1 —y— w> \ taken on the “ Resolution relative to an amend V ment of the Constitution of the Commonwealtli." aatlie same appears on ibe Jon nals of the two Houses of the General Assembly of this Com monwealth, for tho Session of J 854. Witness my hand and the seal o( said office this flret day of July, on# thousand eighty hun dred and fifty-four. C. A. BL*CK. jyll:lawf3m Secretary of the Comm^nweaDh. KOT I C K , „, To tbe Creditors upon tbe Wain .Line of Public Improvements. rpilE CREDITORS upon ibe Main Line of tb* Public I Improvements are hereby ootifiral, that pursuant to so Set, entitled “An Act to provide far the ordinary expen ds of Government, the repairs of tbe public Canal* and Railroads and other general and special appropriations,” ; aDorored the 9lb day of May, 1844, the Commissioners ap pointed to examine all claims for MOTIVE I’OWER AND REPAIRS, bearing date prior to tbe Ist day of December 1853, will meet at the following places aDd periods,-for tbe fulfilment of the duties assigned them, viz: Hollldajsburv,on Monday, July 10. Hnmmlt, . Thur-dmy, “ 1.1. Johnstown, Monday, “ 17. lllairrrille, “ . Monday, “ 24. Pittsburgh, . ThorHlay, “ 27. Huntingdon, “ Thursday, Ang. 3. Lewis town, « . Monday, “ 7. ‘ Millerstown, “ . Thursday, « 10. .Harrisburg, “ Monday, “ 14. Oolumbla, *' Thursday, “ 17. Parksburgr-- “ Monday, “ 21. Philadelphia',' ’ “ - Thursday, “ 2i. Jyl2:t27tb THOMAS A. MAOPIKK. Secretary. DR. CUMMINGS’ WORKS—American edition 75 esnts per Tol.; new supply by express. Ob arch Before tbe Flood. Scripture Readings on Genesis. -The Tent and the Altar. , Leetures on Miracles and Parables, or Foreshadows. Prophectic Studies on Daniel Lectures on the Xpocalvpso i Ist and 2d sones. Voioea of the Day, Dead and Night. Benedictions. , . The English edition of the above also on hand, at per roL; former prices $2 and $2,50. For sale at DAVISON’S Booh Store, jylO 05 Market street, near Fourth. AGNES STRICKLAND'S NEW BOOK.—The Pilgrims of Walstngbam: by Agnen Strickland, is just received and for sale at H. MINER A CO.'S, No. 32 Smithfleid street Another Book by Eugene Sue, tbe celebrated and popular author of the Wandering Jew, Mysteries of Paris, Ac., Ac , entitled Woman’s Lore; a true story of the Heart; price 26 oents. Aubrey: "by Mrs. Marsh, author of Emilia Wyndham, Outle Avon, Ao.; Harper’s Library; 60 cents. TheJesait’s Daughter; complete; 50 cents. A Year After Marriage: by T. 3. Arthur; 25 cen L-*. Howltt’S Visits to Remarkable Places ; $2. Flora Lyndsay, or Passages in ao Eventful Life: by Mrs. Moedie, author of Boughing it in tbe Bush, Mark Hurdle stone, «ca 50 cents. > Nanette and her Lovers; a story illustrating some new Fba>e« in French Life; $l. Julienne, the Daughter of the Hamlet; a new Protestant Novel; compute in one volume; $l. The Rappers, or the Mysteries, Fallacies and Absurdities of Spirit Rapping, Table Turniuc and Rutrancameot; with illustrations: 1 volume; 60 oents. Rosa Lambert, or the Memoir, of an Unfortunate Woman; aoomoanlon to Mary Price: t>j a. W.M. Reynolds; vol. 1; 50 oents. n. MINER A CO., JeSO . S 2 Smithfleid *t. UTAGAZINE3 FOR JUL.F, JUST Iv«jkiVKD. VJ. Knickerbocker Mag»*Lne, lor July. Harper’s “ “ Putnam's “ “ Graham's “ ** Illustrated Magakine of Art, u New York Jqurnal, for July. London Lancet, “ Horticulturist, “ Received and for sale at PAUL KI «£INHR’6 Literary: Depot, jyg Fifth st. oppo»lto th^'Th^rre. TNOtJRTH Of JULI EXCURSION—De not forget to look r at those beautiful BUILDING LOTS, eo pUa'-iutij oiu- Hed onMpnnt Washington—free from the dust ; and smoke of the ciqr, and In the pore air of the country—yet within a few mlnutts 1 walk of the city.' The Inclined Plane wilf soon be .completed, and these Lots rendered very easy of Lots of 50 feet front by ZlO deep are selling at $250 each—s2o In hand, balance in sums of $5 a month. jyj 8. CUTHBERT A 80N.-140 Third street. NO. 2KOBIN; \ ” lulUfr l " No. 1 Baltimore Herring: for sale by jyf A 00. •JULY 25 HUMOROUS -U r : ’ : : : --,¥' : --'.' ■■■■'■' ; ; t->" ■" '-:“ \i •■<•«• ; -:-..- J - «vCs ■ ;*• t - M: -\r • ->--*Z- ••• • - ! - r ;- \ •*v* ;v . frj**, 'j-Av.;• v*>.\v''.■ ■>' ■ " ■ • ~ - Vt'i* *3fj*» L*» **i • u *•. • •: r ■- r * .'■i - th: “ v *’* " .• **.■**, r rjn^Vi•*•'''■» iSp!-"' 1 t . : . »i» • ■ /;.. ■' ’• r 1 ;‘ ■ t -v4* • t . 1 NStHfctNCE- OOMPAN-LES. - -f D E LAWt 1 MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COME ANY. OFFICE in the North Room of the .*Sxebange, On Third street, tIULADELPHIa.i MARINE INSURANCES. Ox Yesseis, V Caroo, V To all porta of the World. FaxianTS, j l INLAND INSURANCES Oa goods by rivers, canals, lakes and land c&rrUges, to all parts Of the Union. FIRS INSURANCE? On merchandlre generally. . •> Ou store*, dwelling houses. Ac. ASSETS OF TUB COMPANY, November 7,1863. Boudsami Mortgages .$24,300 00 State ot Pennsylvania, Philadelphia city, Spring Garden, Southwark, and other loans, .181,553 42 Stocks iu bauks, railroads and Insurances com panies 24,012 20 Bills receivable. 160,825 94 Cash on hand i 16,071 30 Balances in the hands of Agents and premiums on Marine Policies recently issued ..121,707 07 Subscription Notes. ......100,000 00 PIBXCTOB9: Dr. B. M. Huston, Wm. Marlin, Joseph 11. Seal, . Hugh Craig, E-imund A Souder, ■ Sj*encer M’llvaln, John U. Davis, Charles Kelly, Robert Burton, Sam uel K. Stoke*, John li. PeuroM, ; HeurySloani George G Helper, James Traquair, E Iward Darlington, j Wm. Byre, Jr-, ‘ li Jones Brooke, Joshua L Price, J. G. John-on, Jame.-.Teanent, Jatne* C. Hand, Johu B. Sornple, The.ipilus i'autdlng, Charles Schaffer, James B. M FarUnJ, J. T Logan, Pittsburgh, \V\ 0. Ludwig, ; B. T. C. Morgan, do. * WM. MARTIN, President TUOS.C. HAND, Vice Presfaleut Josrrn U\ Cowax, Sec’y. P. A. MADERIA, Agent, nmrlo No. 95 Water -treat, ifittsburgb. PHiltD ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Si ATE MUTUAL FI HE AND MARINI INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PENNSYLVANIA. Assets, May lrt, 1652. $209,016 51 Premiums received to May Ist, 136,250 56 lahus, Ac 1,910 19. Capital Stock -1— 100,000 00 - $446,183 *> Returned premiums, Losses, Re-insxtTance,^Ex panses, fi 87,864 50 inTxaTsnurrs. Bonds, Mortgages, Stocks, and other good seen entities $161,481 98 Premium Notes 179,016 51 Cashonhand 17,820 21 Total ain’t of Resources, Liable for Losses— $358,318 70 SELECTORS. JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, Dauphin county, P. C. SEDGWICK, Harrisburg, SAMUEL JONES, Philadelphia, ' A. WILKINS. Banker, Pittsburgh, A. A. CARRIER, “ JOHN B. RUTHERFORIkDauphin ooanty, A.‘J. GILLETT, Harrisburg, S.T. JONES. lUrrisburg, • IWUKRT KLOTZ, Carbon county. JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, President. A. J. GILLETT, Secretary. Will Insure against perils of sea anJ inland navigation, iv!m», on Morrhandixw in city or country, at lowest rates con ustent with safety. Policies issued on dwelling housed either perpetually or for. a term of years. Branch OQiiv!, corner Fourth and Smltbfleld streets, dyiottf A. A CARRIER. Actuary.^ 'THE UNITED STACKS LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND .TRUST COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. CHARTERED APRIL 26TH, 1850. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $250,000. Otfice, S E Corner of Third and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia. Officers ofths Home Board ai Philadelphia: ooucoToaa. Stephen R. Crawfbrd, Paul B. Goddard, •Ambrose W. Thompson, Lawrence Johnson, Beujamin VV. Tingley, Geo. M'Henry, Jacob L. Florence, c James Devereux, William M.Godwin,. William M’Kee. President —Stephen ILCrawford. Vice. PrtsidctU— Ambrose W. Thompson. Afaiiual Ksarniner, PiUsburghStsmoo U. Willson, M. D. dUeghsny City—R. B. Mowrv, M. D. GEO. K. ARNOLD. Agent, j marl7:y No. 74 Fourth street, iMttsburgh. TUe Franklin Fins Insurance Company, Of Wiiladelphia, /iwuy.’wnu. DIRRCTORS —Charles W. Itanrker. Thomas Hart, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob ft. Smith, Geo. W. Rich ards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolph! ft- Boria. David 8. Browne, Morris Patteraon. Cuts, N. Bxxcxxa, President. Ouas. G. Baxcxxa, Seoretasy. Contluuqto make inouranoe, perpetual or limited, on every dnecriplion of property, in town and country, at ratee aa low a* are consistent with security.f - l. The Company hnve reserved a large Fund, which, witb their capital and premium.*, safely invested, af ford ample protection to the assured. The Ajijote of tlio Company on January Ist, 1861, as pub lished agreeably to iu Act of Assembly, ware as follows, via: 5918,128 68 Real Estate 84,377 78 Temporary Loans I 83,966 17 Stocks 61.899 00 Cash, Ac 64,346 81 Since their incorporation, a period of twenty-one year*, tfcry husv paid upward of (hie SliUioQ Four Hundred Thou sand l»llar?. losre* by fire, thereby affording erid«ncw of the advanL-ures of insurance, as well u the ability and dispoai tion to u<*et with promptness all liabiilties. „ , J. GARDINER OOFPIN, Agent, 1 ap24 Office, north-east ror. Wood and Third stS. PROTECT lO\ " INSURANCE COMPANY, U A lITF.O RD, CONN., Capital S'ock , Annual Premiums and Western Fund $1,000,000. INCORPORATED 1 825. Poll"!-* of Insurance i*sned at all time* on the most favora ble terms, against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, oa rm PERILS OF NAVIGATION, BY GEO. E ARNOLD, Agmt FOP.'PITTSBURGH AED ALLEOIIKXI’ COL’ETT rjikritj:;.- • Western Insurance Company, °ittsbnrgh. R. MILLKR, Jr., Prrtidm!. I F. M. GORDON, Secretary CAPITAL, <1300,000. YTriLLinsure against all klDd* of risks, FIRE and MA W RINK. Ail will be liberally adjusted and promptly paid. A Home I nstltutlon, managed by Diaxcroas who are well Known in the community, aud who are determined,; by promptness and lil.HjnUity. to mainudn the character which they have assumed, a* offering the best protection to thoee who desire to he Insured. Directors. —R. Miller, Jr.,C.W. Rlrketson, J. W. Butler, N.Holmee, Jr.. VV. H.Smith, C- Ihmsen, George W. Jackson, Wm. M. Lyon, James Lippenrott.Geonr* Dareie.JamesMc- Auley, Alexander Nimb k, Thomai Scott. Office, No. 92 Water street, i Warehouse of Spang A Co., up stairs.) Pittsburgh. nt>T *4 : ly AETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, lIARTFOKD, CONN. Chartered 1 H i o—Capital Stock $300,000 TUGS. K. BRACK, President. THUS. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary. | DIRECTORS— Thomas K. Brace, Samuel Tudor, Kbeneser Flower, Ward Woodhridge, K. A. Bulkeley, Joseph Church, Roland Mather, 1 Frederick Tyler, . Edwin G. Ripley, Robert Buell, Samuel 8. Ward, Miles A. Tuttle, Henry Z. Pratt, John L. Boswell, Austin Dunham, __ Oostavu* V. Davis, Junius 8. Morgan. 49* Policies on Fire and Inland Risks issued on favora ble term*, by OEOROE K. ARNOLD, Ag’t,: decl2:ly No. 74 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. HOTELS CITY HOTEL. {LATE tJ OW.N'd. ) J Corner of Smlthfle’ld amt Tbtrd streets, PITTSBURGH, PA.' GLASS & CARR, Proprietors. JOHN' P. GLASS, DAY D. CARR, (Lal< N»t- V«l«fnp!i 0(5o« ) (L*U Su CtoUl k Pmj B*4aUo large and cooim'jdiou* House baring undergone | thorough repair and furnished with aow equipments throughout. Is now open for the reception of tbo traveling puMiC. CIIARQKH M3KS&ATE. ST* C LA 111 HOTEL. (FORMERLY TOE EXCHANGE,) PITTSBURGH, Corner Penn and St. Clair streets* C. W. BENNETT Proprietor. is a firm class bouse, between the Railroad De pots-, the rooms ore large aud newly furnished, and charges moderate. aorl4:lvd*w THE ULKN HOTEL 13 NJW READY FOR MUMMER VISITERS. —The grounds have been improved. and the House rendered more attmetire, generally. The proprietor will be happy to see his friends. . An Omnibus of the Excelsior Line is nifar running from the station, oo Fifth street, to the GLEN HOTEL Leaves tho station at 8 o’clock, !A. M., and 6 P. &I 4 return ing at 9 A. M , aud fIU P. M. i_ JeVirCm & J. Q. MARTIN, Agent FRANKLIN HOUSE* Cleveland* Ohio. C PATRICK A SON, PROPUrroaa.—This House has ua • dergone thorough aud eitensivo repairs, alterations, and large additions of new furniture, etc., and ths propria tors pledge themselves that nothing shall be wanting on their part to render ths FkahkUh a place where all the com* forts of a first class hotel can be found. j y 4:tf ■ ; 0. PATRICK A BON- RILEY’S HOTEL: CORNER FOURTH AND GRANT BTREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. my2o:y] E. RILEY, Proprietor. FLORENCE HOTEL, NO. 400 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. (COXDCCTED OS TBK KUBOPUH Plan.) REUBEN LOVRJOY, oc3:ly I PROPRIETOR. J. M’IUfiTEBS, JR., AO'T M. H. MARSH PERRY HOTEL, corner of Hancock streetand Dnquesne Way, Pittsburgh. Pa. mar&y UcMASTERS A MARKLE, Proprietors. NEW PUBLICATIONS—Just receivai by Express the following new and standard Books, ahead of all cotam parades: Wood’s Practloe of Medicine, new edition; Sir Jasper Carew, by 0. Lever, new wore; F shlon and Famine, by Ann 6. Stephens, new work; Juggler or Nankin, by S Cobb, Jr.; 1 Wild Western Scenes, new supply; Dodd Family Abroad, bv C. Lever, new supply; Fauuv F e ru. second series, new supply; Festus, a Poem, by P J. Rally* ns* work; Chambers’ Paper* for the People, new edition, in 0 toUh 44 Select Writings, M *• In A vols.; “ Jllsoeilany, in HJvol*-; *• French Revolutions; “ Stories ■ f Irish Peasantry, “ Ufo and Works of Buna; u , German Literature; Hernobe's Field Books, new supply; Trautwine on Curves, “ “ shnnk on Curves, new work. All persons wanting new and chsapßooks will sail at jylS SAMUEL B. LAUFFXR’B 87 Wood street ittSKMtS-ANi> BBOKfHtN EXCHAH G£ -40 BiS KIBi HOUSE A. WII.KJiS A. CO., UNITED STATES DANK BUILDING. No. **r-7 Fourth Street, miSULIiOH,' J-A. FOREIGN and Domestic Exchange, Colo, Bank Not*? aud Land Warrants bought and sold. Collections made throughout the Union. Business paper discounted and. loans negotiated. Stocks bought mud sold on commission. Monej received ou deposit, and interest allowed when left for A specified time. det*3 Remoral. > PATRICKS A FRIEND, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE CKoSERS, Bene Removed Lhar Office to (he Vomer of Fifth and Wood its. piTTsaoean, pa_ PATRICKS A FRIEND, Bankers and Eschangu liroaera, and Dealers in Notee, Drafts. Acceptances, Gold, Siher and Bank Nous. Exchanges on the Eiisum aud Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections ifiade in oil the cities throughout the Uulced states. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, at the corner of Fifth and Wood Streets. [f-’bd. 7 S. HOLMES A SONS, HANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, $62T,47i» 63 (UTS SIMUVIU TBK1& BANKiN«i AND UOIA.M.K OfFICS TO NO. 07 KAEXCT STHEET, rOCS DOOWJ BELOW ULD STAND. 'O' UOLMKS * BON3, Bankurw and Kxcliange Urokvrs, X v • and Dealer* In Notes, UrnlX*, Acceptances, Golil, Sil ver and llank Notes. Exchange on the Extern and Western Cities constantly for sale. Collections nude in all the dtlee throughout the United States. Deposits received in par funds or current paper, No. tJ7 Market street, between TlurJ end fourth nts. | jaSo:ly jab. a. UOJN, HOON & SABO ENT, HANKER* AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, if. a. corkis of wool) a oiria ha, pittsburhij, fb. DEALERS in Gain, Book Not-s. Thin-Lii':*. Foreign anti Domestic Kxrh&nga, Certioc.it•.**■ -n' D* j-.-il, Ac. Exchange on all the principal cith:* of the Union and Ko rop*, for sale in stuns u> suit fur hu-ei-y. Corrant and par funds reichtsi --u th-pont. Collection? made on all parts of the Uuio:,. at the lowest •at*?*. v TIEItNAN A Ct>.,~ BANKLKa AND EXGUANUB bHOKEUS. yu. yft Wood Stmt, currier <■/ Diamond Alky, htt*C!;bc.ii, vt., BUY AND SELL Bunk .Nun'., and Com; Discount time exchange, and promi.-sory notes; make collection* In all the principal cities «d the L’umu. Receive deports on call and on interest, and Rive th.-ir prompt attention to all other matter* appertaining to a Llroksr s uustnei.s. Kaatern Exchange constantly on hand. imird f JOHN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE BBOKER, $358,316 TO * DkUlt I.V Szohaage, Commercial and Eaat Notes. STUIIK bought aud suui ou ivuum.-sion. Collections Carefully attended }o. Intercut paid on Deposit l&'So. Fourth street, neatly oppo.ltu the M. M. Dank. dec-10 HILL fc CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKE R 3, coiuccfi op eoon iM> s:na S7rjue?i. OIGIIT EXCHANGE on die Fuv.;aru CUs.'.h constantly for Ski*. Time Bills ui Exchange and N-jUjsl uiscouutwl. — Gold, Sliver and Bank Non-*, bought android. CoUorti-ms rnadf) in all the principal cities of the United Hate*. Do posits received of i'ar and Current Funds. _ {mar27ly n t km rn.ucß, snaajii' UA:;i:, tICCkXXCX XJIAXXA KRAATEB & BAiiil, BANKERS AND EXCIIANGL BROKERS, BUT AND SELL Gold, .Silver. and ibiuk Notre; uegotiat* iLoans on Rual E;:tuL- or Stuck Securitie*; purchase I'romiiiSHry Note* and Time Bills, on East and West; buy and Mi Stocks on Commlsirirn. OntlocGon* made on >ll poiuls ip the Union. Imy l 0. £. ARNOLD A CO. BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, DEALERS In Exchange, Cviu, Bank Note*, Sight and Time Drafts Ac. CoLlrtcuous carefully alteuded to, and procevd* remitted tn any part of the Uuiua. Stocks bought and sold mi cointnD-iou. fe%»No. 74 Fourth st.. next rr**ijn ExcJrjn-jr, Itrnv re-t-i i-.U cu ccr BtfiiyfU, RM arid t.-/. hc.nonl, a.t P i* EXCHANGE AND BANKING H » U«K Hr WILLIAM A. HILL & CO., o* troop -rr.Krr e!tr*:r'‘ErjH Interest allowed on time iir*7^»*lT•>. |_j»r.l2 TUOWPSOS BXLL A • U'Olit.V. fHOkPSOff BELL A CO., BANK E K H A N l> B i''K i' it ?t , Otrrtrr of Third and »'<"*/ * r»»U. fvr.dmryh, fh. 1 TXIOMAK WOO Os 7 «“C OM>IER U J A L bROK E R , -54 •t v asp a in Notea, Bonds, Stock*, Ken! Estate, Ac., -A" “ • l>t: ■ t UiXu> i i l u&. JAMES W. WOODWKLL, QABIE ET Fl' U E ITU HU X A A UFA UTC ii Flt Ware-room* 07 and 90 Third street. J. vV. \V. recjiectfullN mti.rm*/- . jtM BL* friend* and '-c-tiai'T*- he has now c'tnipli-'.e.t tii* -pnne FB of Furnitxm, It t". ijejlt * i * the largest a&u l»*»t «Tt-r o(Ter*.-d for ’uie in lhi» City, which •rill be »oLd at prices as low a<> a&/ In the L 1 idled States, EaatorWnft. ' .$1,212,708 44 ; As bw is determined to uph(-1d th* qualitv with well sea 90D*d materials, Isb-1 workicaiiship, and u -w c-t d-—igr..*>; end from the ert«nt of hi* orders oa.l facility hi manulocturmg, &e Is enabled to pro-due* warrant!*! furiniure, at the lowest prices. He has adopted the principle of :deoaf> |t»x bis -•u.-uomerV interest with hi. own, ia quality and pri.>>, and al ways on tiand ths greatest varo.ty ' ! "'-rv n > ! furniture, rrom the cbeap-v«x an-i pLun't::. I* l l is- m->st iU r manufwt'ir'-J •■xpr*‘>-ly t-- <>r l«r. Th* following articles consi.t, tn past, cl *!■*•*, fhich for richnesa ot style suJ tipt-li, cannot be In any of the Eastern ucire: Louis XIV L«U»-*'t<*te 50 ciofas, in plash aud h.-ur ; 60 dot. Uabfj-rany Chair.; 20 dot. Walnut “ 60 Mahogany Rocking “ 20 Waiuut “ ‘ 50 Mahogany Divans; 20 Walnut “ bO Marble Tnp Centre Tables; W *• “ Dresaitig Bureau i SO “ 44 Washhtandi; 4-1 Kocloeed “ 1X) Common “ a Plain Dreading Burratu; "49 Mahogany Uedsfea-ls: m io Walnut “ 60 Cottage 44 BuQ J berry and Poplar BotLiteaL; 20 Mahogaa* Wardrol-—; IQ Walnut “ 10 'berry !I 60 Plain Bureaus; TO Dining and Breakfast Tnhies 12 Secretary and Hooferere*- 20 dot. Cane Seat Chairs; 24 Cane Seat Rocking Chair*; 12 Ladles’ Writing Dcskc; Hat and Towel titanrtf; What-Nots; Ktlguirea; Paper Siache Tables: Obovenation Chain; " EUtabethan 41 11*11 and Tier “ Reception 44 La.lh«»' Work “ Pearl Inlaid 44 Kitensiun Dining TiMre; Arm 44 Ottoinane; Gothic and Hall Chain; A large aaaortment of COMMON FURNITURE and WINDSOR CILAIRB. Cxiixst MAixaa supplied with all ar icies in their Un*. STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, furnished at the shortest todee. All orders promptly attended to. apt 6 Steamboats, Alloy! ml The Bul»s*orilrtT!< tender thwir lodgment* tor tb* faron be*umtpd u]>-mvL ■flHHHfttbam by tbelr Steamboat friend*. imd would respectfully remind them and others mtorest- * " * «d to building boat*, that tln*y art* at all time* prepared to furaUh, on the ino»t reasonable lrrn«, every dee-rlption of Cabin furniture and Cbalr* of the he*t material and work manship. I T. It YOUXU A 00.. Cornur Third tuowit<' •• Itr'iwnV UotM. James Lowry, Jr., CHAIR AND BEDSTEAD MANUFACTURER—No. ’J94 Fetterman’s Row. Liberty street. ns« uu hand a large stock of Chairs and Bedstead.** 0! every ‘leacriptlou, made of the best materials, which he will noil lower than article* >4 the same quality can be sold In tbu city. He would call pur danlar attention fo his largu nu*ck ot Mahogany and Walnut 'hairs and Bedsteads, which be will Mill at greatly. minced prices. Also, Turning ot every ascription nxectitod In the neatest manner. Orders left at the Ware Rooms, or at the 'Mill, corner of .Adams and Liberty streets, will 1*» promptly '.tended to. mni-21 A* HIILLIKKN At CO., s HAVE ON HAND at their exteti-ive CABINET and CHAIR MANUFACTORY, No. «*» 1 Smlthfleld street, a large assortment of fanny ami plain furniture, which they will sell 16 per cent, below ertv sts. Ok W>l. K. STEVENSON continue* m umuutuciurv CABINST-VTAKHuI eTeryd*o , criptloD.alhlsold •itand, Pol>x>rhorof Liberty and Seventh streets UNDKRTAK * " mNO attended to. In all Its hraooh**. mvll REoTAURAVi’ AND CUFFBK H O.USIi.'S* D. BARNARD. No. 40, Fifth Strut; Utwrrn Wuod and Murkit. Janl9:lyJ i-iTTSQCiuin. CRYSTAL PALACE, No. 18 Market street. ’ C. C. SEELY, / \ RESPECTFULLY Informs Lis friends nnd the I #Jpufaiio in general. that he has just sturtwl his York and Philadelphia modern stile of . COOKING OYSTEKSand eterything els** In the eating Uue. Oysters in the Shell or Slowed, for I'dU cents a dozen. He will also furnish the best of everything that the market will afford. House always open until 3 o’clock in:the morning. murlft-tf OYSTER SALOONANi) ltEVi~ KlfiS’i’Ai UAAi'I 108 WOOD STREET. THE. subscriber ha* now his OYSTER SALOON' AND RATING HOUSE perfected in a manner that cannot b« exceled by any similar establishment iu the city. JtMALS WTLLME SERVED UJF AT ALL HOURS OF THB DAT, from the _ fihoicait Meati# Fowli, Flali, D STREET. D GREGG A 00., Importers ah?T Jobber* in Britiwb, • French and German DRY GOODS. Having recei*. ed our large and extensive stock ot spring and summer good*, purchased from importers, manufacturers, and part though our own importation, we feel safe in assuring our old customers, country merchants and city dealers general ly, that owing to these acquired facilities in purchasing, we can offer such inducements to buyers as are rarely met with in the trade. Among our dry goods stock will be found esshneres, de iaioe*, Portsmouth lawns of the tnest desirable designs, mohair lustres, alpacas, plain Mark and fancy figured silks, ginghams and fancy prints, latest styles; broadcloths, fancy restlngs, cassimeres, satinets, t*ecC* end summer pania looning; brown and black muslin*, table diapers. We have also opened a very large assortment of bonnets, newest styles, palm leaf hats, Rutland Oratd and Leghorn, and an extensive variety of hosiery, gloves and ribbons; •itb lace gooue, fancy nettings, jaconetts, mull and flgnr«*l Swiss musuiia and black silk veils, Ac. onr variety stock embraces in part combs, buttons, per enasiou cap*, threads, port monaies, patent medicine*, per- Turnery, aud almost every article usually kept In the va rlotr line, together with a large stock of guld and silver •Htcues, watch materials, glasses, gold and gilt jewelry of newest patterns, and a great variety of SO hoar and 8 day eiocas, ail of which will be sold at the lowest prices forcaan nr eatuanctory reference. N. u.—An early call from buyer* la respectfully solicited. r«r>x:, D. GREGG A CO. GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS AT A. M’TIGSS’S NEW STORE, CORSE It OF QRAST ASD FIFTH STREETS Having this day opened ill new store, i beg leave to call tne attention of the Ladies to the large and splendid assortment of SPRING AND BUMMKK GOoDd, jusi rureived. Among the stock may be foaud some of the very finest goods now imported. It comprises, in part, •JOU pieces black and fancy Dress Silks, 60cts. to $2 per yd &UD do' Mou.h. de Lalnes, Baregede Lain**,and Mousse tlnu de tiege; 200 do Beautiful Bareges and Tisanes, in great variety; li.'it) do New Style Dress Gingbsms; 2000 do American, French uod English Prints; 500 do French aud English Lawns; 2000 French CoiUrs, from 12J4 ceuts to 05.00: 200 MAQtUla*, of the latest styles, among which are soca of the most beautiful imported into ibh country. Also, Muslins, Tickings, Checks, Linens, Crash, Diapers, Table Cloths, Gentlemen'll Wear, £o. TRIM MINGS —ln this department will be found a com pute assortment o< Dress and MaQtilla Trlmminga, Maltese and Ilonlton Ijicc, fine English and Thread Lace; all of which will be sold unusually low. Ten bates yard wide Muslin at six cents per yard. myJ ___ A MTIOTIK. Sew Goods at hedneed Price* Young, stkvem*un a lgvk.no. 74 markkt street, between Fourth street and the Diamond, Pittsburgh, have just opened a very large and splendid assortment of Mrueonable Dry Good*, which have been purchased in Urge lot* at aurtlon, and from importers clearing out sales, at such prices as wid enable them to sell many desirable styles of Goods at 25 per cent less than the cost Of importation. Dark Lawns at 5 and 6 cents; Bareges and Barege Delaines from 5 cents up; Dre** Silkn from 40 cents upward, and all other Goods in proportion. Am we arc about to take acrount of stock in a short time, we will our Goods at prices that cannot fail to suit all purchaser*. W» solicit an early cdl from our friends and ih-« public generally that we may have the pleasure of giv ing them such bargains as we have never been able to offer before. [ je2oj YOPNQ, 3TBVKSBQN A LOVK. NEW DRY GOODS STORE. Iron Front~9io. 91 Market streets OU K house beiug now open lor the transaction of a gener al Dry (Jno.l* business, we would respectfully solicit the pHtrntiage of lb* public, teellog confident that, from our ex tonrive and well selected stock of SILKR, FANCY AND tiTABLR GOODS we can offer such inducements as will in sure entire satisfaction. HAG AN A AIIL, No*. 91 Market and 8 Union ftrect. CLOTHING CLOTHING STORE! JOHN M’CLOSKEY & CO.. INUKMKHLY of the celebrated Clothing Depot on Liberty . stre«*i, which has won an unbounded popularity under ho came of the THREE BIG DOORS, have, for the pur pose of aaiairing more space for tbotr Immense business, "amoved to the spacious building on the corner of DIAMOND ALLEY AND WOOD STREET, Where they have now the most - ' SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOTHS! asd READY MADE CLOTHING, That has ever been offered to the public. Tbolr principal obJ««ct ft>r this removal, is to give them more facilities forth* WHOLESALE TRADE Thny are prepared to sell Good* at the LOWEST EASTERS PRICES! And they will warrant them to be as good as any manu factured iu th<* Union. CUSTOM WORK, IV THE HUT »mJt,*_SD CPON Til* SHOtTiST SOTICI. Tb<-y have on hand a full and beautiful assortment o 1 L-JTHS aud COATINGS, tor FROCKS, DRESS, WALKING AND BUKI- NESS COATS. Our iuierest* are identical with those of our customers, and we a** are the public that our fidelity will not fail io ailing *>l order* we may be favored with. &T DON’T FORGET THE FLACK— Nio. 8S W««d street, (EA.IT SIDE,] CORNER Of DIAMOND ALLEY. N. IL —We desire our patron* to understand that we have no longer any rynnertion with the Clothing Buxines* on Liberty McCLOsKKY A CO’B Whole sal- CiuiLioK VV aretiouM*, No 3b Wood-treet, tod corner ••f alley, the largest and moil vkried slock of gnedi that tlii.i celebrated bouse has ever had the pleasure or Inri.imt the attention of the public u>. These goods have i-.—n jmr.hn'ed from !inl band.*, and, consequently, do se-nad pmflt on the to. which leaves us able to ray that «e can tn.i 4<> sell at an email profile *.■ any house la the east ern'•i.l—. Thrrefurv. w« reepertfuUy invite the attention of trh s*y that it has uercr been equalled by the house itself, inarlbu JOU.N McCLuSKKY A l». SAill'KL (iHAV, MERCHANT TAILOR, *YO. 47 ST. CLAM HOTEL BVILDFSQS, BT. CLAIR STRICT, PimBCKQD. (1 KKTLKMEN’S CLOTIII 10 made exclusively to onler, J and warranted to suit Uas constantly on had a Choirs assortment *>f CLOTB A, CABSIMKRKS, VEBTrNGS, ami i V EUCOATINO, of the latest styles, selected expressly f«>r the custom tmd". Gentlemen leaving their orders, wilt hare ib.-ir wishes consulted and complied with, as all work s done under hi« own supervision. novl2 Ciotblng.l Clothing I riiHK undersigned ntspts tfully inform* bis friends and the X publlo that he is now receiving at his store. No. ITT Lib eriv ►treat, a choice assortment of Cloths, Casaimeres and Vestings, of the latest and most dmirah.e styles, which be i.i prepared t. make to order in the m**t fashionable man ner. nt «h->rt iidice, and on the moat reasonable terms. We 1,-iro id>o on hand a large and well manufactured stock >f r-n !) made Clothing, to which *a Invite the attention •I buyer*, cither wholesale or retail. lVr-4,n> who purchase goods lor cash, will find it to their ■ drama;'"- to call at ITT L berty street, before making their pnrchoiiM*. £tr.an*] C. CONNER. New Clothiag Store, NO. 4, SIXTH STREET, UPP'SITK LIBERTY. ‘ r | 'll K subscriber has just opened this new establishment, X where he ha# always on band a larg**and eholce assort ment of all articles of CLOTUING, which be warrants equal to any In the dty, and will nil at the most reasonable pri ce*. The public are requested to give him a call. marfhly B. OPPENOEIMER. WATCHES. tEWELRY, &c. \IfL IIAVK THE GOODS—Jewelry, in rich and beau- W tlful variety, wall selected, and a large assortment. Watches, the most celebrated and perfectly finished, of Loudon, Liverpool and Geneva manufac ure. pilvpr Ware made In my t-wu maouActory at Oakland, and warranted pure coin quality. Military Goods and Society Emblems, Jewel*, Seals, Re galia Trimmings, Ac. Spectacles, Tea Ware, Lamps, Girandoles, Mathematical Instruments, Glass Cutters' and Gutter’s Diamonds, Ae., Ac. All as cheat* as aoy in this or eastern cities. Watch repairing done in a superior manner. Jewelry made and mended at the oldest established shop in this city. W. W. WILSON, corner Market and Fourth its. CLOCKS! CLOCKS!! CLOCKS!!! Pfclfle * nejrran, DEALERS IN WATCHES. CLOCKS,JEWELRY, f/S?V SILVERWARE, Ac., No. 42 FIFTH Street, near V-T* Wood, opposite iba Morning Poet, formerly oceu ngjßpled by L. Keinem&n 4 00. We hate no* hand a uplendlJ assortment of 8 day and 24 hour Clocks, which we odor to the public at great bargains, such aa: Iran case*, pearl Inlaid and all other patterns of Mantel Clocks. Also, a rich assortment of fine gold and silver patent IcTcr, cylinder, and anchor escapment Watches, and an ele gant stock of Jewelry and Silverware, which we Intend to soil cheap fsr cash. N. U. Watch repairing done In the best manner aud at low prices, and warranted. mar 2& HEW JEWELRY STORE, Mo. 87 Market Street, (Second door above the AbrtA-wcsf corner of the Diamond.) JOHN STEVENSON,(of the late firm of John B. M’Fadden A C 0.,) respectfully announces to the pubUthat he has opened, at the above stand, a tine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY SILVER AND PLATED WARE. LAMPS, QI KAN'DOLES, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Britannia Tea and Cbmmunion Sett, and the usual variety of goods In his line of business. Special car* and attention given to the REPAIR of FINK WATCUES, JEWELRY, Ac. He trust*. that from hi* long experience in btulneea, he trill be able to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage. IMtUburglu Mayl6th, 1863. Henry RUthardaon. Jeweller* HAVING refitted his store In a handsome manner, end but recently returned from the eastern dtiea with a fine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, and FANCY GOODS, would call the attention of his friends and custom* era to the fact that among his Watches will be found the most desirable stylos, patterns and makers. Of Jewelry, the latest styles of Brooches, Breast Fins, Fob and Vest Chains, Finger Kings, Ear lUngs, Miniature etc. FANCY GOODS—Buch as Papier Mache, Work Table* and Boxes, Desks, Fancy Vases, Perfume Bottles, Tabls Mats, Colt's Pistols, Porte Monnales in great variety; China Fruit and Cake Dishes; with an endless variety of useful and or* namental articles, which have only to be seen to be appTe lated. [norl] NO. 81 MARKET STREET. Fink watches and rich gold jewelry at BARGAINS.—We wish to inform the public that we are now offering our present stock of fine Watches and Jew* dry, at prices that caonot be beat. Therefore, we say to one and all, you that wish to buy fine Watches and Jewel ry, gire us o call, and ssve from 25 to 60 per cent In your purchases; whl/h you can certainly do by calling at 67 Market bireet. N. B. —Watch repairing attended to in all its branches, in a superior manner. Gold Jewelry repaired or maunfao tured to order at short notice, at jt'7 HOOD’S, 67 Market at. H. KNOKBEL, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELEB, Dealer in ciiOCKs, watches, jewelry, and FANCY GOODS, No. 86 Dubowd Aixrr, between Mar ket and Wood F>tr<*ets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ail articles eold at thi-i establishment will be warranted. Repairing qfOlocks, Watcher and Jewelry promptly executed at tbe~*sborteBt notice. All work done will be warranted. [jfcl&fim Notice to stockholders. v -V AGREEABLY to a resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Odd Fellows Hall Association of the city of Pitta burgh, passed at a nesting held at the office, on Tuesday, 23d lost, the subscribers to the Btock of sstd Association arts hereby notified that IK [lo] PCt cist, beingSthe fifth instalment of their sntxcrlpUon. will be due and payable on the dflth of Jane, U6i WM. B. HUNTER, Treasurer 0. F. H. Association, oomsr Market and Second sts. MISCELLANEOUS. DE GUINON’S Improved Non-Explosive Campfaene Lamps. fIAVIM* t'UKCHASKJ) IUX A rieh«,for the shore LAMP io ihe counties of ALLEGHENY, BEA *> ♦ VEH, WASHINGTON, FAT* I I ElTK.and GREENE,weir* pre pared to furnish Lamp*, or sell night* for a reasonable price.— These Lamps axe so constructed, m to render explosion Impossible, and the public raav rest satisfied that they may be used wlUi entire safety. They alsogire more brilliant light, and the materials used being cheaper than the “Long Tallow, or oils of any hind, they must come Inlo general use.We&lro hare LANTERNS and OANSonthe non-exploeire principle. RECOMMENDATIONS; This certifies that we hare seen, examined and tried, l>e Guinon’e Improved Non-lJxpioding Camphene I*mp. pa* i tented Janaary oth, 1862, and are fully satisfied that It ts a , very valuable improvement, and will be found Car preferable to any other Lamp in use. We believe for safety it is per fectly reliable, and therefore deem It richly deserving the attention of all such &a have occasion louse Lamps of any, g/o Biddle, Batavia, N. Y., 8. A. Wilson, Batavia, N. Y. P.V. Booth, do J.C. Wilson, do F. Austin, do T. C. iTKennen, Har.em, N. Y. C. P. Parsons, do Jt.J.Maon, do Alva Smith, do W. D. Lowerie, Williaihs’g, L. 1* P. A. Marsh, do J. E. Bogardus, do Kliss Foote, do J. gplnlngs, do A.D.Tyron, do H. Brown, do N. A. Woodward, do J. A. Patterson, do CAMPHENK, PINE OIL and FLUID, always for sale at the lowest prloee. . , , L The attention of 9 team boatmen and Railroads is respent fully invited to the new patent Lantern and Can. Thr Lamp* mav be seen in operation at Dr. KEYSER’S Drug Btore, 140 Wood street, where they are kept for Bale. feblOtdawtf . »KW OFFICE.. Beal Estate and Contracting Agent. THE subscriber has been induced to open an office for lbs purpose of buying and selling, on Commission, and having the Agency of large Steam Saw-MUl* and Boat- Yards on the Allegheny river, together with many other facilities from other water and fteam saw-mills. lie flatters himself that be can fnmisli any bills of lumber and timber of any kind, great or small, long or short, and deliver them at any point on the Allegheny, Monongahela, Ohio, or Mississippi rivers; contract to build large Barges. Bto re Boats, Goal Flats, Boat Gunnels, Bridge Timber, Rail road Timbers—Freight Iron. Coal, 4c., to any given point, and will attend to the Sale and Kuntof Real Estate. From his long experience In lumtaring, freighting and boat boilding. be thinks be can give general satisfaction. AH persons are requested to. make their contracts soon ; espe •tally those wanting boat* or large blllaof lumber and tim ber, should contract for them in the fkll for the spring and summer nee. He will also attend to the purchase and sale of any commodity that may be desired. Letters addressed to David Mr**, Ileal Estate and Om trading Agent, tyittsburgb, Box No. 120, post paid, will be punctually attended to. His office is on Irwin street, no S, Allegheny House. DAVID MDNN. 001. James B. Morgan, Lumberman, Pittsburgh. Mr. Joho Morrison. E*q, “ “ Mr. Robt.S. Brown, Esq, “ Allegheny River. Mr. Wm. Armstrong, “ Clarion Mr. Georg* B.Sweney, ** “ “ dIJ. IlshnACo, “ “ a de#2l:lvd*w Duff'sMercnntlie College, Pittsburgh, Ha- ESTkBLISUED IN 1840—Incorporated by the Legiala ture of Pennsylvania, with perpetual charter. BOARD OF DtUCTOXS: Hon. Jakes Buchasan, I Hon. Wauee 11. Lowxu, “ Wu. Wilu.lB, “ CUAiiia Natios, « Mo-ca HamptoS, I Gen. J. K. Mooauxan. P. DUFF, Principal; Author of Duff’s Book Beeping, Ac, Professor ol Bonk Beeping and Commercial Sciences. B. H. DALHOPF. Professor of Penmanship. N. B. HATCH, Eaq.. member of the Pittsburgh Bar, Pro fessor of Commercial Law. P HAYDEN, A. M., Professor of Mathematical and Clas siest! Department. Professor of Mathematics, Ac. FOUR ASSISTANTS are constantly employed In the Book-keeping Department. Derr's SrsriK or BootkEirwa is taught by theautbor, upon his new invented Blank «ooks—eaveatrd for patent June 4, ISM. By means of this importart iovenGon, in about half toe usual time of study, the real practice of Book keeping is imparted to a degree of perfection never before attained in the United States. ills training for business comprehends upwards of 400 real business transactions; 300 commercial computations. A thorough ooorseof business PfircMASSHir Dally Lectures on Commsrcial Law and Commercial Sciences, the theoiy of profits, the art of making money. 4c. Duff’s Book Keeping, Harper's edition, price $1,60. p"»t age 21 cents, “ the moot perfect and comprehensive in the English language** Duff’s Steamboat Book Keepiog, price $l, postage O cvuts, ** u perfect system for tucb Books and Accounts.” Duff’s Commercial Calculations, price 60 cents. for a circular by mail. f jplfrdtw David Mania* Real estate and contracting agent, no 2, IRWIN Street, Pittsburgh, baa for rale, «s follow*: 180 acres of land in Cedar county, lowa, 16 miles iro -. siu»- catine, on the main road to Marion, and 6 miles from Tip ton, 6 miles fr>m two Railroad depots: 90 acres it under cultivation, a good Frame House, Frame Barn and Grana ries, a good bearing Apple Orchard. The farm is well watered, high, dry, good land, la a very healthy county A very great bargain can be had of this farm for prompt pay. Enquire as above, or of Mr. John Mann, on the pre mises. Also, 3 acres of land, with a large Steam Saw Mill, now in successful operation; 3 Frame Dwellings. Barn, Black smith Shop and Tools. Boat Scaffold, Work Shop, Ac, i*:tti qie on the bank of the Allegheny river, et Millrris Eddy, Armstrong county. Pa Enquire aa above, 05 of Mr. L. Munn, on the premises. also want to purchase 5 to v ; o.oo’> f—t. B M., of puod White Oak’ Plank, fflnehc* thick. 8 or I-ifret long, 7 «'» 16 inches wide, part to be delivervd in next and part in April, 1865. Enquire as above. Also, for sale, all the Beds Furniture, and every thing of the fitting out of a large Hotel, In the city of Pittsburgh, now doing a very l rge business. Two tn five years of the lease of the house can also lw* bad, and Immediate poeses-ion If required Enquire a* shove. j f 6 TEAS! TEAS! TEAS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, •K the PeJdM Tea Store, 3K KD-TH eMtrr, PirraflLßuii. J'a. BY the half chest, of neatiypacaed in metallic pack*.;e* t* suit the tna«. The eabscriber is now receiving bts Fall *U>cfc of GUFI f and BLACK TKA?.—eoaswunu ot some of the finest cl < j« to be found in the Eastern luarnet. .Merchants vbuling lie jlty are invited to c*ll and examine our stock. Below Is ■ list of the venous grades, ell of which have been carefully selected, ana can with confidence be rwoio* manned : 80 half cheat* fine Young llysoo; 10 do do Movuue louag Hyson 10 do extra fine ttoyane do; 100 do Superior do; 15 do extra nn* do; 60 Laoqured boxes extra OuriouA Young llyxon 36 half ebwte Cue Gunpowoer; 10 do extra fine «*•■; 6 do do Moyuue Imperial; 20 do Superior uo; 150 do Fine Oolone Black Tea; 40 do entrafinnwiong; DO do extra Curious uo; 20 do Superlattrcn cmmsenil fragrant Oolong; 36 chests extra fine Eogiuth breakfast Tea; 6 do Curie*” uo do; ALSO—Java and iUo Coffee. and Pul verised Supers. ALSO—^63,OOO Prindpe Sagers, wnlehwill be sold Tery low. A.JAYNKS, .tS Fifth street. ihttxhunrh. KOliY PATTKKSUk’S BAZAAR AND LIVERY STABLES. THE UNDERSIGNED huTiutr ejected n*w and commo dious STABLES and CARRIAGE STORES, In con aee ffx tloa With his old establishment, «-> b prepared to do a vastly in creased business. Up hi“ p—*- , vision forONBUUXDRKD AND ** FIFTY UORSBS, of which bp can take an increased num ber on livery. He has arrmnpp.l his new buildings with a view to rales and storing ibr job, of new and second hand Carriages, of all descriptions, to which he will giro ample attention. There is also within the new building an Equestrian Kiog, where Liorses are traioM and exercised, which will be found advantageous to persons keeping Horses with the under signed. Thankfnl for an eicee Jlngly liberal patronage in the part, and tbe faron of a multitude of friendf, the undersigned will endeavor to ooounand its continuance by deserving-it. mylfcAmdaw ROPY PATTERSON. CARRIAGES FOB. SALKi THE undersigned has iustrecetvra at his __ m ; Carriage warehouse, near the Two Mile Run, between Pittsburgh and Lawrence ville, a splendid Vly -_Tvsf ' of VEHICLES, of every description, and will continue to receive regularly, new and socond band 'Curriagut S»W-tries, B*ggiu, die., which he will sell on tne Tery lowest terms for cash. Having bad twelve veers* practice In the boldness.and with bis we'] known facilities in the East, he Hatters himself In putting down all competition. Those wtshlngto purchase are respeetfallylnrited to call and see for themselves. Kspwdaland prompt attention paid to repairingof Csrri ogoa.de. [mylB:dawT*i JOSEPH WTIITE. ROBERT ZI. PATTERSON'S L ~" LIVERY AND SALE Corner Diamond street and Cberry allow. aprlttf FITTSBLhGII, FA NOTICK. GEORGE W. BMITII informs the public that he has dis posed of his cotire BOTTLING ESTABLISHMENT tf the Brewery on Pitt street, to W. D English, whom hu re commends to his customers in that department. To the Public. The subscriber bogs leave to announce to the p iblic that be has purchased the BOTTLING DE PARTMENT of the Pittsburgh Brewery from G. W. Smith, oo Pitt i’reeL He Is prepared to supply, fn any quantity, and at moderate price#. Smith's oelebrated KKNNKTT ALE and BROWN BTOUT; also, common ALB and PORTER, in quart or pint hottiee. Having been for a length of time connected with Mr. Smith's establishment, be fuels entire confidence in being able to serve families and the trade with promptness and entire satisfaction. Particular attention paid to packing for shipping. All orders delivered. [jy-i-lmj w D. ENGLIttU. JUST PUBLISHED and for sale at KUabbLL’S Dcri/T of Cheap Uturature, No. 15 Fifth street, the foltoaimr Work*— b The Rappers: or, The Mysteries, Fallacies, and Absurdl tlesrof Spirit Rapping, Table Turning, do. Boston Slave Blot, and Trial of Authony Barn#. Rom Lambert: or, the Memoirs of an Unfortunate Wo man, by G. W. M. Reynolds. Asblelgb, aTaleoftheOldeo Time, by Miss Dupuy. ' Travels In Turkey, by Adolphus Slade. The Lion’s Skin and the Lover’s Hunt, by Charles de Bernard. Remember the Bookstore, 16 Fifth street, near the corner Of Market RUSSELL k BROTHER, Booksellers and Stationers. WM. A. M’CLUKG, DEALKR IN ’ Km Teu, Choice Family Groceries and Willow Ware. CORNER OP WOOD AND SIXTH STS.. m PITTSBUimu, PA. I 8 now receiving a large assortment of JT&2BU GOODS. X In addition to his already extensive stock, purchased from first hands in the Eastern markets, which, will bo sold at the lowest market prices. Hotels, Steamboats, and families, bovine hr the quantity, supplied at wholesale rates. " 3 49* Goode delivered in the city free of charge. Mp2l Mead *nd Mineral Water W U n OIJ’LFT'UaLref-i, next door to Maamie « Hell, dealer is KttUlT and CdNFECTIONAEY lea Uream. of the "bait quality,a-rrud ui dorin* the eee* fon. AlßoTetraeberriee and Cream. FemiUee cm be eupplied with Strawberries mod other Froite- dosing the-eeason, on the mart reasonable term*. Orders are respectfolly aolidted. je^tf Advertisement. ANT person wishing to make $5OO in C months, address ®®i post-pwd, Pennington, Trumball county, Ohio. This is no fiction or book agency. No traveling is necessa» rr; bat coy person can remain at home and make the above sum in the time stated. Address PROP. BYRON H. ROBB. CIDT AND DRY TOBACCO—26 bbii and SO hi bbls sqm ; rior, tor sale by fja3B] SMITH * SINCLAIR. v k Jk - ~ ' «:«t ier’* Spanish Jllixit re. IUlo. k mu demand for aneffcetiTe purgatiri 1 which could be relied on as sun: >md J pwfoctly safe In iu operation. luih f ha* been prepared to meet that de maod. and an exuuslve trial rf its virtues has ebnclosively ?howo ' jth V what success it accomplishes the . ui pose designed. It le easy to make a phyricaijnU, bat not easy to m iku the .Orsi *n a., ptlis oue which should have none of th< üb jeetions, but all the advantage#, of every other. TbD baa been attempted here, and with what success we woulu re spectfully submit to ihe public deciidon. It has been tn forTnnate for tlie patient hitherto thi.t almost every’ pu ■ na tive uiedlrino is acrimonious and irritating to the bov -da. This is not. Many of them produce so much griping ; nin and revulsion in the system as to more than eounierbal: a« tb- good tn be derive-J from them. Tbesc-ynZfe produc* no irritation or pain, unless it arise from a previntudy exh ox obstruction or derangemeut In iho bo els. Belng pu .lv vegetable, no barm ran arise from their use in any.qu.i.ii ty; bntitbbettertbatanymedirineshonldbetakßnj di clously. Minute directions for their use in the . cal diseases to which they are applicable are given on the l-ox. Among the complaints which hare been speedily by then, we may mention liver Complain t. in Its various f.> ms of Jauodlcf-,*ludigestion, Languor, and Lout of Appc .0-* Listlcssnefk. Irritability, RiMous Headache, Bilious Fe-ttr, Fever and Ague, Pain in ihe Siue and Loins; for, in tr. th, all these aro bat tbe consequence of diseased action id :be liver. As an aperient, they afford prompt and sore r> iu CosUvenctv, Piles. Colic, Dysentery. iiumo;a,-Scn’'aiu and Scurvy. Colds with ar,rencsa of the body* Ulcers anc 1- purity of ibe blood; in short* any and every case wha:* w pargntive is required. They Lave *l* > produced some singniariysuccesefulcvres In Kh-umatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, Erysipelas. I‘alt Ua ti. c ol tbe Heart, Puln- in tbo Back. Stomach and r They should be freely taken in the spring of tbc year to purify tbo blood and prepare the system for the chang of seasons. An occasional dose stimulates the btoinaeh :.nd bowels into beaithy action, and restores the sppetite i ud vigor. Th- y purify the blood, and, by their stimulant *>c lioo on the circulatory system, renovate the strength of ’be body, and m«torw the wasted or diseased energies cf the whole orgauism Hence an occasional do«e is adva; ta geons even though no serions derangement exists; but m necesrary never be carrie.l too far, as c' r>' purgative medicine reduces tbe stieng'h* when take! to excess. Tbe thousand cases In which a phytic js required cannot be enumerated here, bnt they augge-t themsr ves to the reawm of every body; and it is confidently beli< ved this pill will answer a better purpose than any thing wl -ch has hitherto been available to mankind. When their vjf. tues are ones known, tbe pnblie will no longer doubt w hat remedy to employ w-en in need of a cathartic medirio' Prepared by JAMES C. AYKR, Asaayer and Cbemi-*t, Lowell, Mass. Price 25 cents per box. Pive l> xes forfl. Sold by B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO, Pittsburgh, an- 1 by all Druggl«ts. jyfcfimdt *. Tape-Worm In Children. TAPE-WuRMb frequently infcst the intestines of the adult. Tb*y are often of enormous else sod lee .th, causiug great pain and tenderness io the stomach Ihe general health becomes dennped, the system enfeel mI, and the symptom* nre mntinuaily aggravating, anti) r .‘ief or death terminates the suffering. B. A. Fahnestock’* Ver mifuge Is tbe !w*t remedy in this rase The worm, art-r being destro' ed. wilt be discharged in detached porti .Q-, and a speedy relief will be obtained. i Nrw Toax. November Bth, IK I hereby certify, that 9 gave a vial of B. A. Fahnesti» k's Vermifuge to a daughter of mine, two years old, arl it caused her to pans two wanna, the same day; one a t .•> p«- worm, thirty inches iu length, the other a large atom xh worm, twelve ioohee ih length. I moat cordially and cheerfully reeoamend'it as a worm medicine. J G. FncLoue, 378 Weet 43d strec 1 -. - Prepared and sold by B. A- FAHNESTOCK k CO-, jjS eomer of First and Wncd »<*. EDMUND WILKINS, Eagle Marble and Freeport Stone Works, NO. 245 heap OP WOOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, And near the. CtmeUri OiU, LawrenemUr* Monuments, burial vaults, tomb stones. Ac Freeport Stone Walls and Fences, Mantle Pieces, Cen tr« and Pier Tops, always on band and made to order. N. B.—Having introduced a new style of Fence tor t .-m -etery Lots, of DURABLE STONE, eat through ia pen* ; or railing form, sad at very little cost over Iron fenetog. I rotor to specimens of that and other work 1 have mlr* aly done la ihe Allegheny Cemetery. I have on hand a choice selection of drawings to every description of work in my line. (Pkirxuiicn: OoL HENRY McCULLOCQH, Pittsburgh.. WM. BAGALKY, Eaq, do KRAMER k RAHM, do Mrs. HARMAR'DBNNY, do Hon. WILLIAM WILKINS, Home Wood. Hon. THOS. IRWIN, Allegheny. Mrs. TiKKNAN, Br., do JOHN MCDONALD CROBBAN, Eaqr., HonongebeU House. aprlOßsw IMIK RENTON IRON COMPANY, of Western Fehiuyl . Tania, btTiog bet**»e the proprietors of tb« JUW'fON and DICEERSON PATENT /*r nwuW»v WrwmitJron di rect firm the Ore, for that portion of territory of Pennsj lv*- nla lying west of; and la eluding the counties of Fulton, Huntingdon, Centre, Clearfield/joA and McKean* are new prepared to mQ nerUficatas of stock in said company, <>«eh share of stock entitling the hold** to share in the profits of the company, and the right to use one Fanises under said Patent The Company will also sell the right to use the Improvement In the shore named territory. By single for* nace or otherwise. Tre fact that by the Benton process Iron Ore can be converted Into Blooms at about the east r*. qaired to convert Ore into Pig Metal, is a sufficient recum mendatlon of its merits. Mr. J AMES H. CRANE has been appointed Agent for the •ale of righta to use Furnaces under said Patent, to Whom application may be made, or to the undenlgßed Directors of theCompanv. J> K- MOORHEAD. 1 w. DBWEB WOOD, ftKeesport JAB. H. CRAVg. Wttdißuh. feblladawtf f \RY GOODS.—A. STTIQIiK, comer of Grant and yjV% u streets, ha* now on band 10 cases bleached. msMia, trom6}4 cento up; 60-piace*irieh Uun; 36 ptaom white mulls, for ladles'dresses, 76 pleoee linen; cotton and woolen good., for boys’ wear; a few plccea fine black chalto; bUck, barred and plain berage and .Usance; mantillas; mantilla dlk and trimming* « every description; tan colored sod mixed de bap; Ores* ginghams; 600 pleeas Merrimack pr nta, fiat eofora all of whteh will berwjld extremely ;ow. Jd« ' • El'nUfEAiN AUKNCf. FASCANGbA * ttkMITTAMJK OFFICE.—James Blakely baa arrangements made wild Eastern Houses, which enables him to tsaoa Drafts, payable at sight, for any amount* in .London, UeerpOol, Dublin, Paris, and Frankfbrton the Mala;.also*at ah the Provincial Banks atid Braachae in Germany, franca, Gn*at Britain, and Ireland! Draft* over one hundred pounds at $4,96 to£l. earner of Seventh and Bmithfiekl ala. - m>36 ' ANNUAL BALB—6IMU yard* fimtooletad Lurms at 5 cents per yard; Bang* Dalai nee 10 cents, worth *l#;. with all other kinds of goods in Ilka NOMfilen, a* a. a. iuSoilTjoQ.% i** , - __ 26. fifth atoU. jy^ANflA— I*o fta. Manna,la ■toreand mrmj»^by '-■’s >. • »> r - ?.V> *4rtC- v -r : MEDICAL^. PILLS: '*** 'a- - ** ■***:'~;T '*■ t, • ■■V - -- - • " *■ ■■ jf V* *'■>' >. ~ -.MEDICAL. DR. WORSE’S Inxigtratiog Cordfa! [ A Phenomenon in Medicine. Xl KAlTir RMTOUKIi AND ITVE LESGTHDfIbfc-Bt XI ijlv MORSE'S ISVIttO&ATIWi BUZfß>Snbo& DIAL.—At fim-tbe properties attributed to ProiThloreei Invigorating Rllxtr or Coroial weredeemwl fabulous. Tbe * public, often deceived, could not believe the Piniliteafcd'iUV 1 "* lime truths amounted by tbs dlsemem-. tot (hot*. unis otebl* tests, anatfed by witnesses of thehlgbm cbua i wd . efisiracter, are sow triumphing over all doubts. Inirodu UtyJe overthrown "by s mass oftsstimcny whkh Is perfbeSy Jmsistibro. The SLITIS rvmedka, in all t—s* the depknbte arils •rising from a. misuse or abuse of .the various organs which nuke op the wonderful machine called sum. It restores to full rigor every delicate function connected with that mja* terioua compound agency of matter and mlsd, neenmoryto the reproduction of human Ulh. To persons of feeble mas* cater frame, or deficient In "rial power, it Is reeommemfed as the only means of communicating that energy, ithteh'te wUm proper enjoymeot ot all the 11105,41 well as the higher mental attributes, la beneficial *j®*®** W® not confined to either sex, or to any see. The feeble girt, the aittog wife, the listless, enervated youth, the man of business, the victim of nervous depzeeaion, tbe wdivVlual suffering from general debility, or from the a estate* of asugle organ, will all find immediate and t*r- from the use os this Incomparable renovator. To Choee wto-lmvn predtepedtioo to pertly**, it a ill prnva • complete and nntelUcg .aafcgnani against that terrible matedy. There^re many,perhaps,whohave «, trifledwith their constitutions, that they thick themselre* beyond the reach of uudkte*. Let not even theee despair. The deals with dies tie as it exists without reference to cause*, and will not only rexnove.the dfapriier Itself bat REBUILD TIIE BBOKHf CONSTITUTION. The derasgemceu of the system, leading to nervuuadte ■eases, and the fans* of nervous disease itself, are so muner oua that !i would require a column to enumerate the mala* dies for which this preparation is s specific. A few, how ever, may be enumerated, via: nenrrigia, ticdotereaux, bead-eebe, indptontparalyste, hysteria, palpitation o! the heart, spinal affections, muscalar debility' tremor*, flatu lence, a pricking sensation In the flesh; nombeewe, meets! depression, weakness of the will, Indisposition to move, fatatiic after exercise, broken steep «nd tiirilyixg drerzns, inability to remain in one place or position, weakne* *f the procreative organs, sexual IhcrmpetencT.Deiaueholy, mbs ontena, fiuor albus, sinking at the stomach, female Irregu larities, a ebronie tendency a miscarriage, etuaciati&n. and all complaints growing out of a free indulgence of tbe pat riot:*, and all tarra)ties* that does not procei d from organic causes beyond tbe reach, of medicine. W henever the organsto be acted upon are free from mal* formation or strictural diseases, U is averred that MORSE’S INVIGORATING ET.TTTR- will replaceweaknes* with strength, incapacity with effld* copy, irregularity with uniform and natural activity, and this not only without haaardof nrection.but with a happy effeet on the general organization. Btyr in mind that all maladies, wherwer they begin, finish with tbe nervous system, and that the pamlyiatkn ol tbe nerve of motion and MOWticn Is physical death, hear in m!ad also, that for every kind of nervous disease tie KJUit CorUiaTlalhe only reliable preparation known. : COKK OF NEHTOUS W BASES. No language can convey an adequate idea of the imn,« dlate ana almost miraculous change which it weariest in the diseased, debilitated and shattered nerreu* system, whether broken down by exons, weak by nature, or Impaired by rieknesn—the unstrung and retested organization teat cnee braced, revivified and built up. The mental and physiol symptoms of nervous diseases vanish together under its in* Queue*. Nor Is the effect temporary; on the contrary tbe relief Is permanent—few thoCordtel properties of the modi eine reach the constitution itself and restore iito its somal eondltion. LOSS OP MEMOHT, Confusion, giddiness. nub pf blood to tbe head, melancholy, debility, hysteria, wretchedness, thoughts of «lf-destrtn> lion—fear of insanity, dvppepria, gcDeral prostration, irra tibility, nervonsnesa, inability to sleep,diseases incidmt to femalte, decay or the ting functions, hysteria, mono mania, vagua terrors, palpitation of tbe heart, impcteucy, or nstipation. eta, from whatever causesriHUg, it is. if > bow teaejrrritenee to be placed on human tehtimony, absolutely » A GREAT MEDICINE FOR FEMALE?. The,unparalleled affects of this great re-tomiv*, in .aR complaintx incident to females, mark a new era in the an* owls of nwifldne. Thousands or stimulants have been in vented—thousand of isvigo rants concocted—oil parrot ting to be pacified in the various diseases and derangement* to which the delicate formation of woman render her liable. . EVERY WOMAN OF SENSE, ' who suffers from weakness, derangement, uervousoess, tre* mors, pains in the hack, or any other disorder, whethnr pe* culiar tq har ms, or ernupon in both ias»—to civ* the £. rigoxating Cordial a triaL MARRIED TKRBONS, Or otbera, will find this Cordial attar they have used a bet* tie or two, a thorough regenerator of the lystecz. in all directions are to be found the happy parents of healthy of spring, who would not have been so but for this extraordl nary preparation. Audit is equally potent for the many dix eases for which it is recommended. Thousands of young men have been restored by using it, and not In a single in stance, hasit failed to benefit them. PERSONS r. Honc> Invigorating Cordial, C. U. RING, i’roprietor, N. T, The Cordial is pat ap, highly concentrated, in pint lot tie#—price three dollars per bottle, two lor free dollar*, six for twelve dollars. 1 C. 11. RING; Proprietor, 182 Broadway, N. Y. Bold by Druggists throughout the United States, Cicada and the Went Indies. AGENTS J Pittsburgh—FLEHlNQ. BROS., No. 60 Wood street. Do GEO. IL KKTSEB, No. 140 “ '• Allegheny (Sty—JXO. P. FLEMING. Cincinnati —B. U MBAKINGS. feblOnneaw -|_ OK TUB COKE OF DEAFNESS, PAINe, and the Wh .T charges of Matter from the Ears—a!«o, all those dls* agreeable mdses like the bossing of insects, faUlogef water, whiz ling of steam, Ac., whirh are symptoms of approaching Deafness, and also generally with the disease. Many peri sons who bare been deaf for ten. nf: n, and twenty years, and were obliged to use ear-trumpets, bare, after n«.i«g gg, or two bottles, thrown aside their trumpets, being "H« perfectly well. Phyrieiana and Surgeons highly recom mend its um. iFrcm the Tribune.! Pabxsts Doa’t Nrotacr You* Caonassr.—Thousands o. children annually oeeome deaf; in ccn*equenca ot dis charges of matter from their ears, induced by ttearlet Fever, Colds. *e. Now. if mottiers would do ihelr duty and pro core Scarpa’s Oil for Deafness, and use It as directed.their children would becured: trot if neglected, the aisebtrs* con tinues very troublesome, the bearing gradnaiir nets worse, and finally partial or total deafnwf mmen. ‘ h tMPOHTANT NOTICE: Qsßandtee Mrs. Baxtrr.and the trill impart to youinforma tion that trill convince, and astonish you. Astoojwm Juan} i-*1 h«rd)T oertify, that when I wag about twelve years old, I gradually became deaf In both ears, go that tn a few months I found ft almost impossible to bear, unless in tbe Terr loudest tone of roiee. 1 remained in that situation until 'uist summer a period .of eighteen rear*, wbes I beard of BCARi*A*a COMPOUND ACOUSTIC OIL. I immediately obtaSd a bottle* which I bare o**L and am happy to ray it hag like magic, and quite curea me. Any one waning Ui&het inform iUfo» of mreeaa. which I thin* a nuearsahle jm, will find me by calling at my reeidenae, Concord meet, first door above Second meet. . Prw^i Jot sale by A. JAYNES, _ Pekin Tea Store. 89 Wflh ftroet. Pittsburgh. Wo Kewara , . 1 1 MENT, endue* it aooordLinff todtrestiona. ■ittberniU call atmyoft£e«dsajwK a elearecneeknce, that it will net «■». FkWy ewe Chapped . tab Bexe Upe, Burns am* Freeses, Sort* oaChikhen, sad greatly allrviats, it not entirety eve galtrheum, Piles, inflcnxma* Hod «tf the Breast, Bites of Inasetis- Ptaiplm oaths fees, andali Diseases of the Skin. MONRQR TERREL, For self by FLEMING BROTHERS, mo if* Wood street, Pittsburgh; J.Q. SMITH, Bfrmibzbem- Mw! ' 8. HOmßS.TenpersDcerme; D. M. WM.gEIBEBTA BHO/4T7 Penn street, PittsbvghTlSSl Dffi A WIGHTHAN, Pennsylvania Glass Works; BAJTL DYER, Allegheny; WM. BHlTll,l*vreneevine; LUKES. DAVBON, Best Liberty; SPANG A CO., Stewartatown: LEWIS DALZKLL A CO, Sharpaburg; STEWART, LLOYP A CO, Mechanics’ Iron Works; J. W. HANNKN, Men- Chester. Jy2stfewy DR. TERREL’S HEALING OINTMENT via care gelt. rheum (Tettcrh-OhUhlaln*. Common Sores, Chapped or Cracked Hands. Boras or Scalds, Cats or Wounds. Pites»Zn> gemmation of the- Basest. Bites of Insects, Bore Li m. Pun pies on the Paoe, asd Breaking Oat ana Sores on Children, and all Diseases of the Bkin,-fMefar and turtr thaa ape other Hedtehw.- ~ Pot sale byFLBMING BROTHERS, and Dr. KEYSKB. Wood street, Pittsburgh; J. G. SMITH Birmingham Din* Store; WM- SEIBERT A BRO.. 477 Venn street; LORJ&fZ A WIGHTMAN, Pennsylvania Glass Wore*; lira. 8 HOLMES, TemperanceriUe; D. M- CURRY, A tiecheny Citv- SAMUEL DYER, Allegheny City; WM. BMlt£uWtw>c£ ville; LURE JLDAYlBOa.East,.liberty; SPANG.A CO giewartstovn; LEWIS DALZELL A CO., Sharpabtzrgh* • STEWART LLOYD A CO, Mechanics* I»n Works: J W - HANNEN, Manchester. Jygfcdawy NB.— A single box of Dr. TERRKL’g OINTMENT wm « keep any Blacksmith’s, Parmer , a,Banor , aorMechan- ic’* hands, let them chap or crack ever so bad. sound and is good working order ail winter. ’ Prepared and sold by MONROE TERREL,. jyEaUwy • Naugatuck, Conn. Prtvai* Diioaasi j* DR. BROWN. No. 41 Diamond Alley, De- A mKf vote* his entire attention to an ofiea Practice. lm Hl* business is mostly to PrivaU Venertai DUeatct, and such painful affections, brought on by imprudence. yonthfnlindikigcmeeandazeeM Eruptions, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stnctu re. Urethral Dtsehaxgae, Impurity of Blood, with aU Disea sesof the Venereal Organ. Skin Diseases, Scertmtfc Hons, Tetter, Bhtgwocm, Mercurial Diseases, Seminal Weak neat, Impoteacy, Piles. Rheumatism, Female Weakness. Monthly tjuppreeatena. Diseases -of the Joints, Fistula in Ann, Herrons Pains in the Back and Lain*. Irri tation of the Bladder and Kidneys, successfully treated«■» Cure guaranteed - fixteanysara’FTactfeettUin thlsdtrienablesßr.Broirm to offer assurances of a speedy cure to ad who may cose un der hiscara. Otto-end Private Consultation Rooms, 41, Diamond alley 4PA. Charges moderate. nsWiidy EUhUMATISiL— Dr. Brown’* oewlj discovered remedy for Rhsqmettem Isa speedy and certain Remedy tot n*-t painful trouble. It never falls. -OftcsandVxivateCoasnUatfcA Rooms No. 41 DIAMOND, Pittsburgh, Jinn's. The Doctor is always at home. marchSSsdkw. Dr. D, Jayii**i Family Madiclnes : JAYNES EXPECTORANT; Jayne** lialr Tonic; “ Tonic Yemiftige; C “ Sanative PiTa, ** QanalftmflTeßalaain; “ Ague Pills; “ AltftaUte; : “ American Hair Dye ®s abOTavaluahle famny medicine* constantly on hand, and sold whdaaale or re tail,'at the Pekin Tea Sv&r*, 38 Filth street.; By A. JAYNES, Janlftdsw KyrduMveAceotfor Pittsburgh yWEET SCAN IKD RAPPEE BNUFP-ih, lj now in use; 800 Ska received by . . JOS. ItKIIIKU, oorii» Qt Ma.ket ,„a .h. Di.moirf. T>ufeE RRANDY--last of the tines; Coe uwn.i T w ; X merihteal pnryosas, reeeivd by * < i* l7 2i- ~- - JOd. PLSMING. i tAK CAMDL*»-.Ob V.'* z **■ , -Vi* •/' / ' ! , L ■ - ..... i-.- 5 ' • . ■ / -jysSfH "■ •• ’ .‘t - < . v - -. :-. - >Vt?VV£\ « £•■• T-* V'4.-'->- •• . -. ‘ - . - v :ir -»—... jjj* I i■ i> {- . i i*.-'. .rv , , 4: y*.- - - - * r \ sMi [••i. *v .• . | * Tfc* ' % jSfiteae-.’f ■ -V ■r : - ‘ s>.\ r.fr |c' ' \ ■ i i-}.f t- ... *V •t -cm m - -«fe pW-r—' ',V ' V <^g V v -•.rf-isV' t , tj