-VAfv , -, {■'■-IX'” .. ’■”■•; t- t T , ~ .** '.l- « < , ’> =* ! Sga^K£^Bs^gcP«aSgg» t >2.»A *.*■? *. *”* It* * v -v,' fei IS - *»-•> ’ *<* W Kh^BwBfe‘titeiffifcgfe:i' |gi«s#apife W^i^t^ 7^%bz*'A r b m^Mool 9B3§&^s|g^!s ltBSjBag H sij&ggjgB« liig All ifllllilfi M ||| ■ I, *.*,***-&$ pybif? g&& &g§gokw&'sm ' » p < ¥ *!S^^.-’ j *»» v*.*^-** B -- ■:■ ■ -/r ’< A''!?#*# .■• - :'•■;■■■'•- '■• : • , •■'-. •': v^--40fc -''i> &r-?: ?&vgf“vr''' -- ; '^'i'Zi-7 :: vV\->- - s ':**;jKv ■ - .T:-:- . Ijgffe; ■; :,"" i- -r 1 ' i +1" - - ■[-*: •« -\ ~ > n , h k 4-'.C THE CITY POST. TUESDAY MORNING:^ Disobdi< Houses.—John Taylor and wife, ; ud a remad Stephen Hague, were: all arrested on i Sunday, and brought before Alderman Major, on an Infer i mation made by Patrick ITOoj, for keeping a disorderly house on Basin alley, in the Sixth Ward. Several witnesa* es were examined, who testified that the ;hoose had long been an intolerable nuisance, and that It was lmposriblefor ! any one who had respect for themselvas to live in the neigh borhood. Taylor and *ifo, in default of ball, " Dt to ! the hill; tut Hague giving security In the sum of |BOO, was : released. , Alf. Kwril .limit .return be!br«M»Jcir Volt, .grinrt»irotnfto oarnrf SoMn W«it, who reridw on Wood fltrMt, near Sinlt. Security to tha amount of ft?, hnndrod dollars was required and given. Xf a few more of our citixena, who are eognixant of such houses, were possessed of firmness enough to retara thus to the proper authorities, the number of these sinks df iniquity soon to reduced. Fight.—A disturbance oocurred at a Lager Beer Hall, on Penn street, in the Fifth Ward, on Baturday night, wherein an inoffensive stranger was beaten very bad ly. It appear* that two fellows, considerably the worse for liquor, eoteted the house, and commenced abusing the In mates, when a young mm who wa# standing at the door, waiting for an omnibus, desired them in ia civil and polite manner to desist This so excited their ire, that witiumt further provocation, they both immediately attacked and ■ abased him severely, before they could to taken off. The rascals were not arrested at time, although we believe it is the intention cf the young man to prosecute. Fatal Accident.—A distressing casualty, resulting in the instant death of a mao named Andrew MeCI ure, occurred yesterday morning, In Manchester. The unfortunate man, who was a cooper by trade, was engaged hauling barrels to the city, and had just loaded his wagon preparatory to starting, when one of the barrels became loo*e» and fell under the wheel. At the moment he stooped to pick it up, the horses became frightened at something, start* ed to run, and before they could be stopped, drew the wheel over his head, fracturing bis skull so much that be dledal* most instantly, lie was the only support of a wife and large family, who are thus left in almost destitute drconmauoes by the melancholy .event. Delightful Shower.—About 8 o’clock yes terday afternoon, the gathering clouds and the deep mut tßrings of the muffled thunder, announced that w# were at list to to favored vitb wbit bad bno eo long and ardently a tfedred ; and ante enough, In a few mlontetafierwarda, the parched and sun baked earth vai deluged with showers of ; sweet and refreshing rain, which wee enjoyed by our clti- I stn» with the relish that long absence from such a luxury 1 only i*«n give. The themometer Immediately tell from the scorching altitude it has maintained fur the lastweek or two, to a pleasant and comfortable heightb. In the evening,, wo wereVlso visited by a heavy and long continued thunder storm. Tub Wife the Better Halt.— A poor, unso phisticated'looking Gutman, named John Goraenhoover, appeared before Alderman Parkinson yesterday morning, and made a long and grievous complaint against bis wife, who, he said, was always abasing him, and allowed him no comfort at home. On-Suoday night, in particular, after be bad retired to rest, she came to his bed, and heat him rery badly—first with a chair, and afterwards with a rolling pio > threatening at the same time to punch out his eyes with a pair of scissors. A warrant was issue! for the arrest of the termagant. . Assault and Battebt, with Intest-to Kill. Thomas McDonald, the individual against whom informa tion was laid some time ago, for attempting to kill Valen tine Guckhart, on the 7th Inst., was arrested yesterday, by the Mayor's police, In a dilapidated hovel, near Nichbhon A Payne's foundry. Hk ia also accused of committing an assault and battery on the Lieutenant of the Watch. Tha prisoner was brought before Mayor Volx, who be& him to bail in the sum of $5OO to answer both complaint*. A German, named G-ietimyer, yesterday made Information before Alderman Parkinson, against Frank Wolff, the proprietor of a tavern on Peau s’reet for aasanlt and battery. The prosecutor was in the house of the de fondant, and was brdt-red out, but refused to gu, which so iuoensed WolfTtliat be caught him by the throat, and after* eboaking him yloleutiy, kicked him into the street. A war rant was iasnod for the arrest nf the accused. Row Amongst the Cabal Boatmen For aome lime past,an opposition line ot canal boats have been running to Sharpsborg. and the rivalry existing between the two is already beginning to produce the quarrels usual i n puch eases. A difficulty occurred yesterday In regard to a certain landing near tho canal bridge on' liberty street, which is claimed by the opposition; the result of which was that an information for malicious mischief waa made by Jaa. boott, before the Mayo;, against James Mcllvain. 1 Sudden Death.—A German named Qatleib, residing In the Third Ward, Allegheny, died Tary maidenly on Saturday, from a disease resembling Cho)sc*tai>4«iMeb - was so pronounced by the attending pbyuleMn. Hewas buried on Sunday, and bis funeral was attended by a Urge processiou of the Protestant Association and Odd Fellows, of both of which orders hi was a member. Larceny.—Alderman Heisley yesterday com mitted a colored woman ntmed Ituib Dickinson to jail, on the charge or stealing the sum of $2.50 from. Louisa Moore. The money was taken from'the prosecutor while she was sleeping in the boose of the defendant. Good Appointment. —Our friend, Dr- Augus. tns H. Grose, of East Liberty, has received from OoTernor Baker, of New Hampshire, the appointment of Commission er for that State, in Pennsylvania. A better and more to:- tby man than the Doctor could not be selected for any office. Trespass. —Christian and Barbara Slinger were yesterday committed to jail, on a capiat from the Dis trict Court, to answer to a charge of trespass, preferred by Henry and Magdalene Goeblay. A ■warrant was yesterday issued by Mayor Tola, for tfiwerrest of Richard Hancock, who was charged with baTlng driven his carriage against the person of Thos.. M’Cey. Two Irishmen were fined four dollars each yesterday, by Mayor Toll, for fighting in the Diamond on Sunday afternoon. Accident. —A child, about eight years of age, fell off a swing in the upper part of Allegheny, on Satur day, and broke ita arm In two places. M’t'ONSELL(k WILLOCK, - BANKERS, AND Dealers in Exchange. Bank Notes, Gold and Silver Coiu. Current and Pur Funds received on deposit. Slocks bought and sold on commission. Collections made at any poiut in the United States. Souih East comer of Market and Fifth streets, myll PITTSBURGH. PA. Treasurer’s Office of the Uhartlers Valley Railroad Company. SUBSCRIBERS to the above Road are hereby notified that the Board of Directors have celled for a second install ment of Five Dolla&s per share, payable 10 the Treasurer -on the lRt Monday of JUNE, and also Fire Dollars per share on the first Monday of each ensuing month, until the whole amount Is pall. ’ mj3o:tT ALVAN WILKINS, Trea«nrer. Yankee notions, fuk jolt. Art Journal. The Parian Side. Fern Laves, from Fanny’s Port Folio; second series. The Lamplighter. Chambers’ Journal, for June. North British Review. The above just received ami for sale by . SAM’L. B. LAUFPKR, fe22 «J 7 Wood street. LACK received at A. M’TIGHB’S, corner of Grant, and Fifih Rtraeis, a few pieces of very fine plain and figured Black' Silks. Also, Mantilla Bilks and Trimmings in all the fashionable colors; bleached Muslins and Iri*b Linens, 5 cases of the very best makes, just re ceived at A je26 *• corner Grant and Fifth sts. ■\¥TESXKIUN DKAFTtJ—Constantly for aalo at right, W short date, on Cincinnati, Loularille, St. tools, New Orleans, Chicago, Detroit, and 7 Cleveland; at No. 71 Fourth street. A. WILKINS * go, I* A CON —b hhds Hides;. If 2 do Shoulders; 2 do llams; lor sale by •28 SMITH A SINCLAIR. EFiNKL &UUAIW— -15 bbls Lovering's Crushed Sugar; ?50 do Loaf Sugar; 15 do Powdered Sugar; 30 do White Coflee Sugi^r; 10 do Coarse Pulverised; tor rale by j«2B SMITH a SINCLAIR. 11/INDOW CLASS—I6O boxes 8x10; YY 10 do 10x12; .'6O do 10x14; 25 do 9x12; .16 do 759; Swearer's and Blair's brauds; for sale by je23 SMITH A SINCLAIR. IjtOß KENT—A Tory desirable country neat, 7 miles from 1 ihe ritv, on the Steubenrille pike—late the Homestead of Qeo. Wm. Marks. Along with the house and garden, will bo an Orchard of the very best quality of grafted fruit. For further particulars, .enquire of Mr. Jeokaon, at the Toll Cute on the premises. „ jyll JAB. C. RICHEY, Real Estate Agent. JUST RECElVED.—Wearyfoot Common:' by Letich Ritchie. Walter Warren, or tlio Adventurer of the Northern Wilds: by Owen Duffy. Woman's Loto : by Eugene Sue. Flora Lyndsay: by Mrs. Moodle. The Frontiersman; a narrative of 1783. Jdst received and f<*r sale by W. A. GILDKNFKNNRY k CO., jyll No. 70 Fourth'Street. TkTEW KOOKU, KKCEIVED BY EXPRESS.—Oummlngs Lectures on Daniel. Cummings’ Lectures on the Parables. , Thompson’s Lectures on Pulmonary Consumption. ' The Turkish Empire; its historical, statistical, religious condition, manners and customs, etc: by Alfred De Keese, membe: of Embassy at Constantinople. Translated,revised and enlarged, from the fourth German editionj with me mo in of the reigning Sultan, (Omer Pacha,) the Turkish Cabinet, etc., etc: by Edward Joy Morris, late U. 8. Charge «I’Affaires at Naples. For sale by B. T. C. MORGAN, }elfi 104.W00d street,. A GOOD Dw&LidMJ HuUafi (No. 20 Third'street; SOU SALE —Contains eight rooms, good cellar and finished attic. [Jeial 8. CUTUBRKT k SON. 14q Third street. WKTNUIiSE WANTLD—oue thaiia TouDg andOealtbyj Apply at FRANCISCOS''Agency Office, No. o 2 Fifth wtreot, near frast Office. - IRON—6u tons ho. 1 Anth ~~ - -/■ '~~ X 106 “ No. 2 do; . 100 w No. S - do; r - • 1 t■* *>L:* Good branda, for sale by WM. BINGHAM kCO jy * Canal Bans. tELEGUAPHIC. By the O'Reilly Lines fof the Morning Poet ~ P0UBl)4Y8 IiTKR TROK EUROPE. 25. arrival df the pacific. He* Tore, July 24.—The steamer Pacific arrived at Mi o’dock this morning, with Liverpool dates to the 12tb inst Thera were no battles of importance. The English fleet had temporarily withdrawn from Oronstadt. Russia is forcing Austria jnto new negotiations. Btrohgauspickms are entertained of Austria’s good faith to the allies LiTWr.—The fleet has temporarily withdrawn from Oron stadt to! Barduo. - There has been no battle. 'PruMta-isradsaspedalenvoy to Austria, urging her to refralo from farther steps with Trance and England, but rather to join Prussia in negotiations for peace. The Arabia arrived oat on the morning of Sunday. The news absolutely amounts to nothing. Distrust has again been excited reepeotlogtbe intentions of Austria Austria baring, at the Instance of Prussia, countermand* ed the advance of her ariny into WaUaehia, the Russians will not burry to evaetoielt. On the contrary, the liasr’s letter to Prussia under any circumstances be In* sists on retaining the one of Sereth for strategic reasons. Considerable mystifications bangs over the diplomatic relations of the powers. Austria baa again resorted to me diation, and it Is expected about a fortnight will elapse be* fore the hext phaee of negotiation transpires. There is no actual war news, excepting an action at Qiur* coo on the 6th July, when the Turks crossed the river lo force, meeting with the Russians. A battle ensued, when the latter' lost 600 killed and many wounded The Russians still occupied the Danube bank from the Alata downwards.' The Trench and English continue to Concentrate'between Varna and fihumia; 60,000 men are now there.' P The report that the bombardment of Oronstadt began on tha 30th of Jan?, is not true. Austria announces a new voluntary loan of 500,000,000 of florinsat 06 tnr five per cents specie dividends. By the President of (be United States. IN pursuance of law, I, FRANKLIN PLKRCB, of the United Sla tea of America, do hereby declare sod •make known that pobite aaie will be bold at theundennen tioned land .Offices, In the State of WISCONSIN, at the purioda hereinafter designated, rit: At the Land Office at BTEVBNB’. POINT, commencing on Hondny, the fourth day of September nest, for the dispo salof public land* ahuatad in the following named town aliipa, Ti*: AortA t»f the base line, and rati nf the fourth principal me- Township* twenty-one, twenty-five, twenty-six, and twen ty-seven, of range two. Townships twenty-five, twenty-qix, twenty raven, twen ty elght, twenty-nine, and thirty, of range three. Townships tweoty-iWTen, twenty-eight, tw«-ntj-nine, and thirty, of'raogo four. Townships twenty seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, and thirty, of range nine. ' Townships twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, and tlilrty, of range ten. Townships twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, and thirty, of range eleven. At the Land Office at LA CROSSE, commending on Mon day the eighteenth day of September next, for the disposal of the public lands within the undermentioned townships, vis: JiorOi of the base Kne, and of the fourth principal me- Townships twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-tonr, twen ty-eight, Red twenty-nine, of range one. Township* twenty-two, twenty-three, tn«l tweoty-nlne, of range two. Township twenty-nine. Of range three. Township* twenty twenty-five, twenty six. twenty-seven, and twenty-eight, of range four Townships twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, and twenty eight, of range five. Townshios twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twen ty-six, and twenty-seven, of range six. Townships twenty-three and twenty-four, of range fe-ven, y>rih of the bate line, and eati of the fourth principal i»«- Tnwnxblp tsrmiy-flTe, of ranw on«. At tb« Land Office at WILLOW IU VKR, crramcndln,' *>n M.mdar, tb* elefenth day of S**piomlwT next, fur tbcdta* pc«al of th«-politic land! rltuatnd within tho following named towoahipS. to wit: y.>r'Ji of the bast line, anjuftst of the fourA prineijhil tne • Township thirtv-scTen, of range six. Township* thirty-six, thirty-wren, and thirty-eight, of ra*ip* *««. Townships thirty-fire, and thirty-wren, of range eight. • Township* thirty-four, thirty-fire, thirty-six, and thirty, seven, of range nine. Township* thirty foor and thirty-fire, of range two. Township thirty-fire, of range eleren. Township thirty fire, of range twelre. Townships thirty-fire, forty-wren, and forty nine, on tha sooth phote of Lake Superior, at the mouth of St. Louli river, of risge thirteen. Townships thirty, thirty-five, and fbrty-scrm, of rang# fourteen. Townships tweDty-nini', thirty, and thirty-fire, of rango fif een. Townships twenty-nine, tbirlj, thirty-fire,and furty-onc, of range sixteen. Tiwnship thirty-fire, of range syren teen. Townships thlrty-aine and forty, of range eighteen. Towusbips thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty-nine, aot) fo. /, of raoge nineteen. A: the hand Office at MSXASIIA, commencing on Mon dry, the twcuty-flrst day of August next, for ibe ilistxval ot :ne public lands within the following named town.hlps. ri:: Svthof the base line, and east of .the fourth principal me- • Townships thirty-one and tbirtT-two, of rang* soTenteen. At the Land Office at MtNKKAu POINT, cvtntaenriug ort the twenty-first day of August next, for the Jtipo eai of U» followlor Inlands, to wit: N’.etfc of the bate line, and eart of the fiwrth principal nr* bland* rituntnl Id section* twelve. tblrtoea, fourteen, and of township nine, and Motion tblny-eii, id towoebip ten, of range six. Island* situated in lection* six and wr™, in town«Mp niu'-, andeections one, two, nine, and eleven, la u>wiiehj> Un, of range wren. JOHN ! Jrllawfl3w Qmmisti*ntr flf'Ote Ocnerai I*a*d Offr.j. M AUTO PULISIUMI t'UVV Dr-.K—Um> cl tbe ImUiUcid oor iu um for polishing floe bra.**, Ac; 1 go*** r*t retted by JOS- rUCMIXG. WANTED —A cituaUon, t>y a Young Man, e* U-joU keeper, Clerk, or Salesman. Apply at ! . FRANCISCOS’ Agency Office. " | jv 10 66 Fifth at., near Office. ■ MUSSUE PAFEK—Afsnrted colon, for Oanfecikm.T'* usd A at low price.*, by J. 8. DAVISON, j»lb 65 Market id. NEW ARIUVaL at HOOD’S.—Just revolved a au.i rich assortment of fiue Gold Jewelry ofoutety dn«irablr sty .e Alm>. pead and velvet port monies, in great v&rle th*; fine fans, gold and silver thimbles, ami numerous goods, all of will: sell at New York city pn .‘as, and much below the print* usually axkrd at oilier; establishment* in this city. Cad and examine our goods an i prices, and save from 25 to 60 per cent, in your pur cb.ines at 61.Marketstreet. jrll T^MKKY—29OO lbs, assoricd numbers, on linnu ancj for Xj sale by ]_jy7J VLKMI.NU ttlu>S. WANTED —A riloation for a Farm Hand; ayoungmnn, who has been raised to the ba-inw*. Apply at FRANCISCCS* Agency Office. jyS No. 65 Fifth Street, peer Post Office. T’OR SALE—A beaulifnl location or rite for a Bolling X Mill, Glass Works or Foundry, situate in Temperance vil't*, Allegheny county, Pa. For terms and price enquire of Mr. J. Howard, Fourth street, or JAMES C. RICHEY, j-29 ' ' Real Estate Agent. £) • > ACRES OF LAND FOR RALE—W ilh a smalt Frame House—l 2 acres in coni, within 5 mites of the city.. jyll . , B- CPTHBKRT ,k SON, 140 Third st I EXTRACT OF VANILLA—I gross of Botra's celebrated 1j flavoring extracts of Vanilla, received by jvlg : -JOB. PLKMING 'INK SOAFS —A large and fresh supply of CleanyCel * ebrated Honey Soap; Low’s Old Brown Windsor, and tnriety of other kinds, received by j>7 , JOS. FLEMING. k OSIN BOAF—B76 boxes No. 1 Soap, for sale by JV js23 fiMITH A SINCLAIR. Teas Tor the People* NOTWITHSTANDING so much fuss about the E“‘"Vl' r scarcity of Tea, we are receiving 350 Half Chests, nf of Young Hysons, Imperials, Qunpow- Oolongs, Souchong, and Congou, all of which has been selected with care, and will be sold as usual. 1 A. JAYNKB, nplO Pekin Tea Store. 88 Fifth t-t. TVrEW BOORS, BY AT DAVISON’S BOOK J.N STORK, 65 Market street, near Fourth. The Pilgrims of Wahdngbam, a tale of the Middle Ages: by \gnes Strickland. J Kills, Lakes, and Forest Streams. Travels in Armenia, Russia, Turkey, atul> Persia: by Cu-xon. "| (twl Creek Letters. I . Maurice on Lords Prayer. j Christmas Holidays in Rome: by Kip. jyl<>i liUKE WORKS 1 FIRE WOKKfiH— -1 200 boxes Fire Cracker*; 6 gross Roman Candles, 12 balls; j 7 “ do do 8 do; 6 do do ■ - 6 do; 8 “ do do 4 do; 4 u Triaqgles, No. 1; 3 “ do do 2; 60 boxs Jackson Crackers; 600,000 Torpedos; 40 gross Pin Wheels; 20 ’* 1 ounce Rockets; 15 “ 2 do do; 12 “ 4 do do; 15,000 “ Pulling Crackers; Secomlaupply; just reoelved and for sale by J. C. ANDERSON k CY, j«27 No. 6 Wood street. ld THE TIME'TO SUBSCRIBE!—The following X*i Magazines and Newspapers are about to commence new volumos. Now is the time to subscribol RUSSELL A BHO., Booksellers, Stationers and Literary Dealers, No. 16 Fifth street, near Market, art) receiving subscriptions. Coll and make arrangements for your favorite Magazines and Newspapers. Harper, Knickerbocker, Putnam, Godey, Graham, Puterson, Wavurly Magazine, , Llttell's Living Age, Leslies’Gasatto, ; Chambers’Journal, Gleason’s Pictorial, , Hunt’s Merchants’ Magazine Flag of Our Union, 1 Blackwood, Borticulturist, Magazine of Art, Water CofeJoarnal, ' Phrenological Journal. j*2B MUZZLE YUUR DOGB— 6 uosen Dog Muzztea, just re ceived and for sale by , DOWN k TETLEY, jn2V .j 136 Wood street. IHBEStX-24boxes prime, Cheats, jost recoived and for J. Sale by :| Uy4] u SMITH A SINCLAIR. (AHEAP HOUSES—SSSO, $lOOO and SI,IOO—FOR SALE a j Frame House of 5 rooms, well arranged and in ’good order, w|lh a loj of 22 feet front on Clay alley, near Wash ington street, and not for from the Coart House. Price ss6o—terms easy. 1 ' Also—A good'Uouse and large Lot of Ground for $lOOO, and’a Boom wjlll finished for $l,lOO. Terms of payment my [jy!6] 3. CPTHBERT k SON, 140 Third street. ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY OKNTS PKK ACRE, for good landiSitoata on the latere of Big Fishing Creek, Va. Several tracts of 1000 acres each, will bo *6ld In lots to salt purchasers, at the above pries; also, some at s2jper acre.' About 1000 acreson Fish Creek, within from 2 to 4 miles oi the Railroad, atss per acre. Also, 100 acres about 10 miles from Moundsrille, and 6 from the riTer, at $lO per gcre. Good lands, good titles, and ea?y terms. For fall particulars call on, or address by mall, post paid, | „ 8. CUTHBKRT k SON, jy!6 1 ' E*i*te Agents, 140 Third st. XTOTIOE TO FARMERS.— I\ 50 Hone Rakpa, improved pattern ; | 20 Patent Grain Drills; : 40 dosen Hay Rakes; i2O do Hay Fbrks;- 6 do Gra-nCradles; 20 do Scythes and Bneaths; ilO do Horn Monies: for at 47 Fifth street, by ie!7 JAMES WARDKOP. ICB tfITCBISKS. WILBON, corner of Market and Fourth streets, is opeuJog another lot of those Terr aueh Approved Patenfcßrittaaia lee Pitcher*, fbr family ud'botet uee. Ice will last from four to fire hour* longer id these than In any other Pitcher, and they arc of a good Stor constant dee at all season*. Every family, boose, and hotel, should be japplied with them; **.ilf“* examine them at 67 Market rt, jylO V oaNm jvfldORaTJ&D, Kents Couecied, ana cosiness | j Partners procured, at the General Agency l4O Third atreeL • - . ijrT I:-:!:; u. i. "Sf-ix; «WS FOR RIVER Jtir. ' Tlu. iKeer-Last evening at dusk, the metal nuirkc»H- >1 for nineteen inches water in the channel. A hoary r»i:i fell last night, which may possibly improve navigation. Vipt. It. U'Kdty't new bull arrived yesterday from lien Conrrin'e shipyard. When finished, she U Intended for towing coal to Cincinnati, from the works of the Chartieri Coal'Company. ■At LouitvHh;, on the the river continued to recede slowly, with about three feet water in the canal, ami four wt os Portland Ur. " • ?" X FOOT fl INCHES WATEE 18 THE CgAWHIL, METAL MAKE. ' ARRIVED. 1 Bteamer Jefftsrson, Parkinson, Brownsrilla. “ Lucerne, Buiwett. Brownsville. 44 Thomas Shrh-er, Hendrickson, West Newton. u Qen. Bayard, Peebles, Blixabeth. DEPARTED, “ Jefferson, l*arldu*on, Brownsville. 44 Luzerne, Bennett, Browmrville. “ Thomas 9brirer, Hendrickson, West Newton. 14 Qen. Bayard, Peebles, KUzabotb. STEAMBOATS. “1854.” FITTSBTOOH, CIHCIHHAXIj LOUIBYIIAE, Pitbrirargh and Cincinnati Steam Packet Line, FOH Tilt COJCVCTANCF or PAB9BNGBK9 AND FREIGHT between PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, And Saint Louie* Tuis Lis* is aombosed of seven class powerful Steamers, for speed, splendor, safety t and comfort, and is tlie oslz th&ogoh baiiy U.te or Steam Packets on the Ohio river. It connects with the U. B. Hail Line of-Steaniers from Cincinnati to Louisville and Saint Louts, by which passengers and freight are tiduUd and.rt cri-pttfl through dally. Two new Steamers have been added to the Liae, which now consists of the following boats: Daytof Dtparlurt Bools. Captains. from PUtAurgh. BUCKEYE STATE. M. W. BannoovEfi....Sunday. MESSENGER, No. ;!—J. B. Darts-. Monday. ALLEGHENY ..Geo M'Laix Tuesday. CRYSTAL PALACE Wm. J. Koukte Wednesday. PHILADELPHIA It. J. Uiaix Thursday. PITTSBURGH ll.Cakpkeli.. Friday. PENNSYLVANIA Jso. Kumeteltexl Saturday. Lear* daily at 10 o'clock, A. M., precisely. No freight received after nine o'clock on the morning of departure. For particulars, apply on board, or to Pittsburgh, 1862. legultr Wheeling Packet. nw> THE steamer KXGH A.NGK, Capt. M’Cauuw. cTery MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and at P o'clock. A. M., connecting wit i the C. and P. Cailruad at WelHvllle. Foi freight apply to >32: J. I>. fIILLINGWOOD, Agent. K«gu!ar Wheeling Packet* TliK ►!t»*D)pr KClill dK, Captain Osor-ie I) lratr* «fwv TUESDAY, TIIUUSDAY. SATL' KDAY. atoVlc-'k. A. M., tad fun. u«rUog with t -4* C. and l\ lUJiroad at NVIIjtUIw. For freight apply to jt'JO “ 18 )4.” CANADA WEST, , * Cleveland, Port Stanley , frja» k ,-waafctiy: and Port Onrwcll. TIIK FINE Jaw j rwurcM.'aoKrTELEOKAHI.CAf.Uin R. IlftUuw; will m.hf two txijv< s week between CltfVeUbJ; Port'HaoJity, and |*urt JJarweE, *s lollows ; CJeTelauit fur l*on Stsnlev, rrery MONDAY and THURSDAY EVENING, »t T oVlAk. UaiyaPort Uurwell for Port SixuJej *t 1 o'clock. Phrt Smulej for Cleveland every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY EVENING, at ./clock. The Telegraph ivuu- ct» at CleveUul, wlib Uie Cleveland. CVlumhu* and Cincinnati. llie Cleveland anj FitUhurtfb. t:i” Lake abort*, and iho Toledo, Norwalk and Cleveland lUiin in*. AlwonninvL* nt Port Stanley with the l,oud< u l.iw. SUjJm*. wlilfb tonmr'.i with the Ureal Western ttallwaJ. t -r freight and wn.j.ly on Word, it to SCOVTLL A LAI'.PfcIIPALK. Cleveland; ?■. f. lloLroMli, Pert Stanley , or A. M ItRiDR. Port llurwcll. ciar*dT;tijt''r _ c WANTS. 1" ’and' WARRANTS WANTED—I.IS.-y l wuh to Pui j ilia** hand Warrant* lot he amount nl Five Thou'-aad Acre*. in Hill, VI or 40 uerw Warrant*; for which will lm paid SI7Mo i?o!d. tor 1U) acre*, and In prrportloo *.r hO and *0 aerie. Apply to J.OJt.s UJ.aKKIY. Ileal Estate niii Kur prun A?*at, mjo- corner of Seventh and Smithbeld KtrwU. 11/ ANTED—T\V*» u!t THREE LuTS. onTiuiaT-o'd fj\ la»iw«-»*o fmilhbrM and Grant slroot*, lor wht.*:i a •air price •-rill hv p.u.) Inquire of TU’iM.AS 7h Fourth ntv.-t. IN* Til It; MATTER «lF Til E E\ T KNSI )N ijY lIANCMCK SrliKfcV, in City of Pith-burgh. No. T» of October Term. IK»4. July —The Tif*»crs Appointed by the o»urt, in the abotr c»»f, t > ti»'» ibr pp)unj .m>r wlnrh It w».i j.: pO*<*A t»> i-XIeQU .*-\i.t tSfeel, bt>tli£ of the opluion Ul*t th« pr<>po-*t-d lucre*** of »idtb oi »«id nrret b> expedient, nud tiHriciff Mcenaloe-i and Jetcrtuiurd thr dnuaipi likely u> l** dw»n to private ptoperly by Raid extension. Notice, in pur euKtt.o of the direction* of the Act. of A»«mllv, U hereby t« »ll person* interred iQ defraying the exp-jnro thiTt- I. that »a)a viewer* vriii ra*eilo4i>:b*rKe tb« furthrr dmlraof tbi'lr •{•pr.-iDUn-nt, *t the i'KKUY IIUUSX, in the CUyof I’Utwhurgh, «.n WtUNKAi; \Y, Au h -u»t J, 1»M. at J o'ciMts, I‘. M., <>« raij day. K-.U»Y TIitMAS STKKL, C. L. MAUSK, JAb. W. Wi.k'IAVEM., II K. M'OotVKN. .>* 3d. KIKK, li^.rs IJSTTKRS Tr-i*taeul*rvto the Estate of JOUN NICK KL, j Sr.. late «>r Robinson town*hip. in the munty of Alle ctienyj I*a , dec'll.. haring b-**n granted tf the midcrstgTi*«d. all pf-KUP indebted u> wild nuti! arc to make iinoiedinU- pn> uioni; ant all person* having claim* <>r de maud* against th>-ew!a;«. of tlir* said decedent, will make knowu the »*me wjtnout delay to jej ltd* I'd® Norcrou' Planing Mactilnt. MV Rotary I'luim.g Machine lias just It-ru il•--- 1-1. J tit.'. tii Infringe the Woodworth Mw-liine by the jMiprrtne Court of the Culled Stales, and I am uoe prepared to sell right* to u*,. in all part* of tho United States. This ma chine five* universal *nH*firu-,ii. Itnbtaiued n medal U.tli in Net* und Ho nm, over the Woodworth machine*, after a trial of three neck*. V (1. NoßCnoyp. *' Oniic or nrTauin'.u ii\< OmHSt, ) July 10lh, I>M. i T'niß TRUSTEES rf the Pittsburgh tins Company bare thL« day declared a Dividend of rivt vkr tt5T on the Capital Stock of said Company, out of the profits of the la-t rix months, payable on demand, ut StoekholJer* or their representatives, at the office of the Company. jyHrJm ■ JAMES M. CJIKISIY, Treasurer. POWKU At aiKKDON, ARCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMKNTAI CARVERS.— Ornamental Pattern* for CV-ting, In every style; 51c*'eling, Designing, Ac. Couij>oMiioti UrrmmeuU for the decoration of Steamboat*. Buildings Acg fti SMITiiFIELD Street, nt"*r the Post UJfic.v , j\l:2m 1 AND! LAND!:—?. CClllliEU'l A rO.N ha»e tor sale 1j Farms of from 00 to 1000 acres, located in Peunsylva* nia. Ohio, Virginia, ami iiiinols; upwards of 10,000 acre* in M’iiran county. Illinois; several t.acta of land on tha waters of Big Fishing Creok. Va., in lots of 13u acr-m and upwards, at sl,bd, $3, (6, and fib j«t acre. Parson* wish* lng to !buy, will find it t<» their advantage to call at our oltle*>. No. 14U Third street. jy3 81LES, MANTILLAS, DRESS HOODS, tonbioi'Jcrie?, Trimmings, Hosiery and Gloves, House keeping Goode, Linen and White Goods, Bonnets, Millinery Good*. Gents. Furnishing Goods, Ac., Ac., have all l»evn marked down from *Ju to UTJ-j per cent, during the Semi-Annual Sale of A. A. IIAW>N A CO., i'~JO ~i> Fifth Street. SUGAR— AO hints prime fr. u. Sugar ; - 1 do Clarified do: UeceiTed per steamboat Jane Franklin, on consignment; fjrsaleby fJe2l ] J. A. HUTCHISON A CO. Black teas"— Sup. Cliulon Powehong, (in papers) at &G eta. per Ih. Finest Fongliie Chulau, do do. For sale by f jc24j W. A. M’CLURQ. fl'UßNiFßEfcDd. J. Kuta Baga, Purple Top, Vbtlow Aberdeen, Norfolk, Oloho, and Dales Hybrid; wholesale and retail at the Seed Sure, Fifth street. j*3U __ JAMES WAKDIIOP. 1) AJIASOLB—AT A. McTiUtliTS, corner of ilnoi *ud Fifth titreeU—ltH) plain Ort-an tin; lf>o figured, all colors; ?6 tli’ured and liaod: 76 pluio tiros de Naples, lined; 100 plain Uro* de Naples, all colors; 200 Children's plain, fi(jarui uud HucJ, all colors. All of which will bo sold low for quality. jely U NDEKWOOi/ri ROdToN ’lkMON'&VuUl»{ Chanvnu'n Wiiladelpbia Syrup; Do I'lne I'pple do; Do itaepbvrry Vinegar; for krlh by je2o_ _ L w. a. sroyjoG. Hosiery and uluyks.—a. a" MAsojr GLOVES—Uajoii's tdwk ami colored Kid Gloves. Also, kid tiulshed feUk Gloves, at- , je-Ji FRANK TAN QOUDER'S- SUOULDKK BK.iCKS—A large lot of excellent Shoulder braees received by [ jy7] JOS. FLEMING. SKIDLITZ POWDERS —3 gross, freshly prepared,for r&lo by • [jy7[ Jos. Fleming. I Uißll MOSS — loo lbs, Tory HU]>erior, received ibis day by J_ j)7 ' JUS. FLEMING. kJ UP EH CAKUUNAXE aUl>A —Ii»,UIH) ttu ou hand uudlur Rale by FLEMING BRuS , Successor to J. Kidd & Co , Jj7 No. GO Wood street. LOVES—-1000 lbs on hand and for sale oy ° ~ jy7 FLEMING BROS._ T*ANi3H"'wiiJLTING— M) bids on bund rnd for sale by jy7 FLEMING BROS. WARANTKD PURE UIL ORIGANUM—SO ft* on band and for sale by {jy7l FLEMING PROS. I DEFINED bALTI'ETKE —2wu IDs on band and for rale J.L_by [jy7j FLEMING BROS. PINK ROOT—ISOO lbs on hand and for sale by j>7 FLEMING BROS. BLOOMS —10u tons Lake Champlain; 60 *• Juniata, (Gap Forge,) for sale by jyl2 v KING A MOOKHBaP. lfclti IKON—IOO long Forge, Anthracite; JT , 110 “ Foundry, Coke; for sale by jyld. KING A MOORHEAD. A MILL SEAT, at the Falls of Fish Creek, V*., with IUO acres of land, for sale by .8. CUTHBKRT * SON, l4O Third street EXCHANGE. —Ten acres <>[ laud, with a good OwtiUUg House, alluata at Murraygrille, Pa., will i* eicbauged for city pro|»«rty. B. CUNIBERT A.SON, jv7 ' 140 Third afreet lAKD— 0 kegs Ne. I for sale by j jylO HENRY H. COLLINS BACON —300 Bacon Sides for sale by jylO HENRY 11. COLLINS. CiUKBbE —AJO boxes, prime muting, tor sale oy r jyll);. . ■ .. . HENRY il. COLLINS. PKA kt> —•£> casks received and tor sale by jylO HENRY IL COLLINS. /■■■ ’ ? . '' POST OF PITTSBURGH. AND SAINT LOUIS JOHN 11. LIVINGSTON.) . JOUN FLACK, j A *" nW > Monongtihela llouzu Building*. idwltfl J. D. OOLUNQWtKHI. Awnt. ISiecutor*' Notice, JOHN 11 PHILLIPS, John nickel, jr., «-f It/ddnonn township, Kr-outor* •<( -aid John Mekel. Sr Diwldeml, HENRY 11. COLLINS. i ■ j 1 • ■S'";.'- • •. I'. - .■ ■•■- COMMERCIAL POSI PITTSBURGH 80-UID OP TRADE AND MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. OFFICERS. SUIPTON. First Rw Prttidail —Wji. 11. Smith. Seamd “ “ Wu. R. IlaoWH. Srcrrlary—'tYw. 8. Hate*. Trrasurrr— Joint D. gcULLT. Huperinttmlrnt— S. T. Northam, Jr . Corumittrr. on Arbitration for July.— Wm. U. Bkith,8 kith, V. P., 8. Hakuacuu, Wu. SaOalzt, JoeuuA Bhodxs, G*o. Black. PB.ICES OF STOCKS. 00E1ICUS DALLY POST *> Patricks * Friend* Exchange B’Okera, Comer of fifth and Wood sirteit, PiltibvTi .. LOANS. Bid. i Atked. Far TaL Doited Staten tin. 1868 $ 119,00'$ 120,OO! $ 100,00 United States sa. 1862 - 100,00) 101,00, 100,00 PcnoßjlTaDiuGs.lBT9..._ 105,00, 000 100,00 Puna£ylranius«.iS6B 96,00. 97,00. 100,00 Allegheny onuuty Os 100,00 100,00 Allegheny county coupons 96,00 100,00 10**,00 Pittsburgh city tits 98,00| 100,00 100,00 Pittsburgh city coupons, payable I Now York !7. 1«V»: 102,00 Allegheny City 6b ....... 66,00 l 99,00 Allegheny City coupons, payable i Id Philadelphia. 92,00; 94,00 100,00 BANK STOCKS. I Bank ofi'lttsburgh 65,50) 65,78 60,00 Merchant** Manufacturers’Bank 67,00 j 67,60 60,00 Exchange Bank ....... 65,25 66,60 60,00 Fnrtn«*rß’Deposit Bank Allegheny Savings Bank 00,00, 00,00 a 2,14 BRIDGE STOCKS. j Monongahela Bridge 23,76- 24,00 25,00 St. Clair street Bridge - , 85,00 - 25,00 Ilnnd street Bridge™ ,v.« 00,00 00, 47,00 Northern Libarth'* Bridge- 80,00 j 88,00: 60,00 INSURANCE STOCKS. ; [ Western Insurance Company *15,1f1,00| Ciiisentt’lusuraure Company lfi,00 : 17*00; Associated Fireaeu’sGompuny.... 6,00 j 7,00. TKLKGRA i’ll STOCKS. I 'Atlantic and Ohio -12,00; 44,00| 60,00 Pittsburgh,CinciQuatiaLoulATiile ’41,76) 48,001 60,00 Lake Erie | 24,00) 60,00 Pittsburgh Ua» Work** 63,00 . 63.50! 60,00 Monongahcii. Shiekwaler I ' 46,00; 60,00 RAILROAD STOCK. {VonsylT.ulh Railroad i 49,00: 60.00 a Pl'taburph Railroad— 00,00 62.00 i 60.00 Marini Railway anti Dry Dock..— 102,60 106,00 100,00 Turtle Creek Plank Road 10.OC 12,001 26,00 Purrysril’c Plnnlc Road— 26,00. j 26,00 Orwut'buri; Turnpike 9,00 10,00 i Chartlcrso‘iil Company . 15,60 i 20,00 COPPER STOCKS. { j Pittsburgh und Boston ——i 176,00 North American 63,001 North «*c*t I 20,00 North 'WxtiTi:. Aiirruture Ohio Trap Hock Minn-enta aud lair Royal— Dourliu- UoUfthtoD Kid?'- Fire Ft«-«»l Aster Bluff. I‘ealn‘uUr Aren - Forest Phwnli Iron City AUCTION SALES. A action*—Daily Sale*. AT the Concu r-iHI .Salen Room*, rorner cT Woo-1 and Fifth -tr--;.',at lOo'ctrwi, A. >l., s p-ner»l annortiDMit of fM'K*.nn! an-1 Fancy Or; QooJb, Booty and Sbot'B, lli.ti-.CapR, Ac.. AT 1 O'CLOCK, P. M., Or>-«eriep.Qot*«c.n»are, ‘.!ar?wartr, Table Cutlery, Looking Ulawr;., New and Sxn-toi [land l{ou.«ehoid end Kitchen Fur* uiture, AT 7 O’Cl/’OS, ?. M. Hiv>kf. Stutionery. Van-y Articli-a, Musical InstmaebL*, llanUtiv end Cutl-ry, Clr-thinr. Variety Goode. Gold am! Hin.-rmat• A.'. p. M LAVIP. Auctioneer. fly tlie President cf Uie United States. IN purMiau.eol Ikw. 1. F>. VNKMN PIKKCK. Pn-.id.-nt o| tll>- CiUt«-d flair c-f do h'-ri-be dwlnrc tind tnuke Sr.'Wn that puMic file.* will !*• h«-ld at th- und-r -tn*-.nn,».-r l I .and Om-«. in tin- ?*T\TK OF SUCUIuAN, at tl.r |- n--i- ti. T'inat'ter v-2 : At U- Laii.i <»ftW if 3 A IM.T nTl£ M Alt IK, on >i»M-AY. th- Ft-l’t-.TU BAY OF SIM'TKMUKR nest, f.«r ||..- ii-(.j-ui.-l. l*nd>-i.uausl within the follow ing nun--1 ’• wii. hi| *. t.. w 11 : .Y.-rf.*. -.•(• 1 jnrnJmn. Tow n.-ntj- f «rt%-«dx, f.-rty r*-»-n, and f.jrtv-right, of range Un. T.jwr-h:; 1 f.-rtv-* i/lit id rang*- r.U-r.-a. •JV**ljeh I- t.-iU id:.- of ' fir.-a Township. fort;,- !*(-, u.rt;, four, ani Jortr-Crj, of range tw. tr\ YoMrn-ht} - urt\ four nnl f.rly-fiti- < f ran-.- twenty-three. Town r-rv. rwn.f-rit lht~*.f.Ttr f. ur, and f.*r:>-flre, of rang’- !»• I.:> ;■ «i- ,rl>-li.r. :- ..fr tf i»;c t-cnJy IH-. ! '7(} tW'i »■ .1 flirty-il.it.* «.f r»ngr twi-ntye-'ut. Town-htj- t'.rt. uin--f mnd- fweuty ugh:. Towi.-tu-.- J.»rt >--t*t•••* end fifty of range i w-aty-nine. ■J ov. n-hi,* l.ft> ( iin- no 1 fifty of ian-- thirty. T.twti»hn« ftrty nine end fifty of mn.-f thirty-one. t..hi r . forty >ix. foty-n r«n, forty-right, and forty •irry f >rtj--v!jht, aud forty. ■Jivwii-!-.:; - ! .rty-*K nit,*- ».'f thirty thrr-. 1>- f>tti tw.\ t' , rtythTV<\ forty five, f>*rtj-?i.\, nnJ forty■«« i v* i s, «>: raci**- thirty-four. fTty-flrr nnJ of thirty tire. T &%; udiii}!- ( r •* t. »r asol tr.tt j Ct« of rung- foriy no**. f.>m-f>ur tiu-i forty-fit o of tortylfcn*. M U,*> l.sn-1 <*"i«.• »t bl'A'-AS. cnnjracntdtJit on MON* iMV.lhf KWHTFO.NTH l‘\V OF n*xt, &»r ;h> prMU irf OiH put.',: - lund» Kjtuulf the )inr, nu-n-liiin tfttm-uiai*. Ct-lrT au i f t:v-o i>[ run/** ;i. '.birlyninr. uni f.>r- Touu.Mf-onri. ty. ot riu/» !«■ niy -litp. tt>iriy-*u, thir.v— v.-n, thirty right, tLirH nit.-, f >rt>. iin l f oi. >.f rin;" twern >lv T-'wi.'J-.ij•« thirty • i\. thirtyat>J Jorty, rf rmuj:** t».*nt.»-r<*v~ti. ih’rtv 'i’L i.f rang- tweoly-H,:!. 1 >i- l-y In * fur th>? u*«- <;l S«-L*»u>. Mili tsi v :.i; »n«l r.T.-flio*!nuU.«. mmlrt ih-rt-by unJit 1-r ou!h\at on." if nn-. u. the .'lnto by tin- -nt uotitird •• An lot to otl: tii.' the Stair i.f Ar'-.»nr«» nu.l other State* to rrt'liUCl • •tr«tr>|> 1 nt ■-I>*' within U*«- r limit' J VV>, H'i'i t< 's, hul*'i/ruu\ Otf tj/'i i lx* i«i the u!»*T" Wind* will t* iv:u:scn‘'ed on llie d»v< 4. mi l wiii proceed in the order lu which they ur* ailverli-ed until the wl,ok* .'Wall bare Wtq offi-rad, ami iftr Pftl.-, thy* »•!..-.•.] . ! Ut I. ■ -air riltill U k.-t-t op. » longer th, n'twn ro—'i*. in 1 r..» private vntry of any ■ f the lands wi.riu. 1.'.:--1 until after lln* expiration nt th»* two week*. i.iion 'under my baud. nt the rite of W.i-iiincl*>». this •«VBe*iiith 'lu*• May, Anno Domini, ••n- thousand right huudro*] m. 4 hfl> f ur. FRANKLIN I’IKUCK. By the Prv*! i<-nt : Jens Wu.-ox, C*'innib*ioii--r > f the 0.-tiernl I/mJ OGlcc. NOTICE T' PREEMPTION CLAIMANT:-. 1 Very i•>'>•-"!» ••i.il'h 'I U.e right of p:r-ui ptinn to rniy of iln* Imi'li vijli.iu U.o Township? nod part* of Township* above enumerated, !.- required t*; ec’ahlDb the fame to the of tin* Register urn! Rce-drer of tin* proper Land (Jin *. ami makii {•».. lUftit LhiTcfur us w*-:i a* practicable nf . r newing th,.» mdiee. ami b-f*re the day appointed for Ihr .v:muii i:r*nu*nt of til*' public Pale of the lund* I*mlir:t i*in * tin* tract claimed; otherwise such claim will K* for feilud JOHN WILSON. ji ■ llimmiifl mrr r.f thr 4irvurnl Istml O-lier. Valuable dllll Property for Sale -\\7 ILL t*o sola on the pr*utl-es, nt tin* month • f Sandy W Creek, lu PuUu township, on TiIL'RhDAY the 3rd da) of Augu-f n**xt, a STEAM SAW MILL, with Chopping Mill utta< hed, nil to gtvd running order; also, a Frame Hou.-*', rttnbiiuu, Ac . situated between Col. Morguu‘s Coal Ealinod arjd Allegheny V alloy Railroad. The h*a-e of the lot <'f ground (ftl-.-ui nin« mTt*s) on which nre the above mentioned iropp-vemeute, will expire cn the l*t <*f April. l&M Pun hn*'r may remove the MUD an ! Building oft the ground at nny time during ml i lease. If the I>w«»ilinn House i.* not reiu’.-vnl the heir* oi C Feodori, Sr., must pay the purchaser two humlret and fifty dollars at ihe oxpirn* tioii of the lense. Ground subject to a rent of thiny dol lar*. n year, Fuswrudon (given on the tir*t of O -to U-r next. Sal,, to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. Terms cash. ALEXANDER MULNIX. C. SNIVKI.Y, ji-l:lUli-tw Adm’rof K. Peadon, Jr. dec'd. ji. u The fee simple title ol the above mentioned lot of ground will he sold nt public sale, as soon as an onler of the orpUaua Court can be obtained by E. Peadon’s Admin istrator hfr tlnr. purpose. C. PNIVKIA', Adrn'r of E. Peadon, Jr . dec’d. For Sale. IMIK subscriber offers f ir .-ate u FARM,situated In Eliia belh township, Alleabony county. Pa., »■.£ miles from M'Ki esport, 4 l 5 milos trom Kliiabcthtown, and from Buena Vista. It contains SEVENTY ACRE*, more or lew, about li;» acres cleared, the balanco hmS (good Oak Tlml*er. Ii has five or six (good Springe of water and Coal In abundance. There areerectcd two Dwelling Houses,one fratue. tour rooms and kitchen; oae Log House and B-ack smilh Shop; also, a frame for a Saw Mill, and a small Stable. For further information enquire t.f the subscriber, on the premises. jv*dl:w:im* JOHN U- M’KELTY. ot jce fn Sc 1»oo 1 Teachers. rpilK Board of'School Dirwtors of Lower St. < lair town -1 shin, will meet at school House No. 1, Ml Washington. St it) o’tflock, A. M-, on SATURDAY, July ’J’dd. Jamos M. Pryor, Ewp. County Superintendent, will be present and ■ examine ail ;>cr-onn appl) mg as Teachers. Th» Board employ two Female and six Mole Teachers. Salaries of Female*. $*JO per month—of Males, $3O and $35 ur uic-uth. The Schools arc expected to be open 10 months next year. T. J. BKHI AM, President. A. B. Secretary.— Farm lor Sale. rpHK undersigned cir-?r for sat.- that excellent Farm in J. Wilkins township, lately owned by Andrew Johuslon, lien J.v.lt in but ton mile* from Pittsburgh.on theNnrthern Turnpike, and cent tin* 14d ACKklo OF LAND There are mi it fuur Dwelling Ilouno.-. t«o Hams, and other out house, and a (Iri.-t Mill. About seventy five acres are cleared, and it W under pood cultivation. A good On-hard, good firing* of Wti or. and Coal, are found on It. A good title can be made, and possession given ou the first of March next. , .... , . For terms and particulars or either of the un dersigned MAItOAUBT JOIINBTO.V, j y 7:wsn» CHAKLKB M. JOHNSTON. -<• ust received, u large stock of SOLE 4 LKATHBK, I’himdolphiit Kipsund Calf Skiua,Country. CalWtins. Shoe Threads, and Shoe Findings generally, Ac, which I will sell at the lowest cash pricu. tl. HILL, f»ip£kwy Smitufiold street. Sealed Fropoaala WILL BK RECEIVED UNTIL MONDAY, 17th of July, at 12 o'clock, M., for a STEWARD nod STEW ARDESS to superintend the Allegheny Oninty Poor Houwt. pTCpo-al* to rtnte the salary p«r year, nod the iwrson se lected will b«? required to move to the Poor House between the 16tdi of August and Ist of September. Proposals may be left with any of the Commissioner*. n.. order of the Board of Commissioners. a) THUS. YEHNER, President Attest; John Gu.rm.sy. J&+ Secretary —{ jy7:w2t* Administrator's Notice. WHEREAS, Letters of Administration having been granted to the nndersigued on tho estato of JOHN PAIIKHILL, dtfc’d., late Of East Deer township, Allegheny county nil I>ertffln« hating claim* against said estate are requested to present them authenticated for settlement, and nil knowing thenWlTe* indebted are D 'iv7^tH* Cmll BDd HBttl ‘‘~JAMEa HENDERSON, Adm’r. Printers' News ink. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY KKGB PROITTS NEWS INK Just reoeitod at llio PEKIN TEA STOKE, 38 FIFTU street. Printers nt a distance, hy enclosing fire dollars, can hare u keg pent to any part of the country. A. JAINKS, oct2B.Tr Agent for the manufacturer. THE subscriber has rec-lted his supply of TURNIP SEEDS of the most approved sorts, for the Farm and Barden; 50 bushels Seed Buckwheat; Hunt’s Patent Wheat Drilln- aeddi-i and the improved Square Harrows, and Agricultural M&cbinV* of the newest and best patterns; wholesale and retail, at the Seed Store, 47 Filth street, i ja3o:w3t* JAAUSS WARDROP. Lard and lard oil— -15 legs No. 1 Lard; 10 bbYs do Lard OD; 5 half bids do; Received and fot sale by mylB MILLER * RICKBTBON. RICE —20 tierces prime Hire received and for sale by MILLER A RIOKBTSON, jel7 . 221 and 223 Liberty rt. lARD OIL—IO bbls No. 1 Lard Oil; j 10 bf do do; for sale by je!7 MILLER A RIOKKTSON, JAVA COFFEE—Iiu hocKeta Old Gov. Java Coffee, for sale by [je!7l MILLER A BICKKTSON. CILARKT WINE—4u cases ‘♦St. Julian” Claret, received J and for sale by | je!7] MILLER A BICKBTSON. OLIVE OIL—I 6 cases Olive Oil, for sale by jel7 MILLER A RICKETBQN. STAR CANDLES—2S boxes 4’s, 6’s'and 6’s Btar Candles; for sale by [jel7j MILLER A RICKBTBON. IM3U-— 36 bblfl Medium No. 3 Mackerel; 1 10 " ,No 1 Pickled Ourring; ia store end for je!7] MILLEIt k KICKKTSON. CHAMPAGNE— 40 baskets “172,” “174,” Champagne Wine, landing ami for sale by je!7 MILLER A.IUCKBT3ON. *3 HaD—l6 bbls No. 1. fur sale by J my 29 SMITH A SINCLAIR. MANTILLAS. —A. A. MASON a CO. have now for sale more than 100 latest styles of Mantillas. (my 22 LINSEED OIL—IO bbla for sale by jelQ HEN AY HOLMES. LIME— 100 bbls for sale oy je!9 HENRY HOLMES. OALEKATUs—IO bus Pulverised Saleraius, in quarter, O halves and pound papers, fur sale by jclO lIKNRY HOLMES. BUTTER— 16 kegs freah Burkin Batter, for sale by jely HENRY HOLMES. Ij'GUß—o bbla fresh this day received, and for sale by Xj jelO HENRY HOLMES. ELUK LICE WATER—3 bbts received this day by JOS. FLEMING, my2|3 corner of the Diamond and Market st. NO. 1 LARD 01L—25 bbla in store and for sale by mygg FLEMING BROS. LARD OIL, NO, i—Just received and for Bale by mjlSj _____ JOEL MOHLEIL fIOKRHAVK’b cToMAOti BITTERS—I 2 down on hand 11 and for sale by [jelttj JQIIN HAFT, J&. ISRAELS —50 bbls first quality, on consignment; tor sale 1 by | je!9) F. SELLERS A CO. KICE —34 tierces on consignment anti for tale by my 29 P. SELLERS A CO. VrKW DECORATIONS—St. NieholM’bridal chamberp«- i. 1 tern, for sale by _je* STAR CANDLES—6O boxes Cincinnati, assorted sixes, at manufacturers prices. —; ii,oo 8,20. , 17^50 ! 200,00. 8,00 10,00' 4,80 6,00, PKKSToN A MKRHILL’tf Extracts of Lemon, Orange, Rose, Vanilla, Peach, Almond, Jamaica Ginger, and h utincgs; for sale by [ jrfOj - W. A. M’CLUKU. TiANNY FERN'S NEW BOOK—Fern Leaves, from Fan -17 ox's Portfolio; second series; with original designs: bj Fred. M. Coffin. Jusl received by 7,oo; 1.13 i. 7«: a,OO 3.25. 0.00 2.00; 2.00 2,60 'JMIK tiUIKT UKARl—Just published complete, from X Biarhweud’s Magazine, price 25 cents; for sale by J»ia 11. Miner A CO., 32 Smithfleld street. C.OOi O.OO 7.00 0.00, 2.50 a.oo BKUVVN AND WaiTK FLAIL GiMi HA &IS—An assort went of the above Goods just received at A. McTIGIIK'S, jcls corner of Grant and Filth streets. /touEY’S AND PKTKrtSON’fI MAGAZINES, for July, VJT have been received by RUSSELL A BRO., Je2ll Fifth street, near Market. I vRY I’KACUKti—IO bbla Itry Peaches; ap do Dry Ap- I / plea, for sale by jelW HERRING —100 bbl* Baltimore Herring in store and for tal* by ENULISH A RICHARDSON, ci)3o 116 Water and 150 Front at. BALTIMORE HERRING—IOO bbla received lb la day by Pennsylvania Railroad, aud for aala by ENGLISH k RICHARDSON, jeo 116 Water street. HAD—do bbla Baltimore Shad in store and for sale by O ENGLISH k RICHARDSON, tpy-IO 116 Water and 160 Front at. t i UAL>—io boU Baltimore Shad, in t*U>rv and for rale by O j'*# KNGLISU A RICHARDSON. WHITE FISH—SO bbla inr pec led, for rale by ENGLISH k RICHARDSON. MACKEREL —lOu bbla No. y, for rale by _jed ENGLISH A RICHARDSON. —to bbla prime Pears, for rale by j«n_ __ jssausn a richabdson. RICE —UK) tierce* prime Rice, for s ilo by jelT ENGLISH A RICHARDSON. SiIADI— -ia br>l« Shad; 60 hi bbla Shad ; in store and for rale by j*l* _ ENGLISH A RICHARDSON. [POTATOES— dO sacks for sale bv L J«-> HENRY H. COLLINS. T VKI i'EACH KS—'«i6 bui> prime, (or tale by 17 jrlu HENRY 1L COLLINS. , ill' APPLES— tiI bus for rale by ”” 1 jelO HENRY U COLLINS. oluak and molasses— O «'>o blide N. o. Sugir’; 76 bills ry Apple#; 17 li> c«*)u Dry Peach**; (or mU« by jro MOLURKAX, IiKHRON * CO. PorAIVKS— bogs od conj| MCLUHKAX, tiKRHQX A CO. BA(_XJ.\ SUOU LDERd—24 ca*kj* rewired on euxuugiuaeut aod for »alt> low by _ BTCLURKAX, IIERROX A CO. Plli IllOX—luu toas Mercer county, (ilitrcu Euraace,) ft>r «*l« by (iny24j KIM) A MOORHEAD. 1 lEIVeukD MIN KKAL WATER—In bbb and half bols, Jl> aal tnullmrry cooj>,T»ge,) (or sal* by KING A MOORHEAD. / > LAsa—6(X> boX««, HxlO, mw «uid 10x14, M’Kennan A VJT Co.'s brand, iu store and for sale by J*S KING k MOORHEAD. KAMBO APPLbS—Pared cored, and sliced, pot up in gallon ran*. BerafSticaiijr sc*al«l, retaining the origi nal tlnTur and freshness of the fruit; for sale by W. A. M’CLU&G. MAt'LK j-UJAK A.ND .MULAaaKS— -7 kegs Map!# Moliuwe*, of H gall*. each ; ‘A)O Ibi do Sugar, in cakes; .)u»t m-tuvcd od con-slgnmeut, and for Rale bjr __i«* _ w. a. M’CLuna Flail *;'pr<.Ttxl S-qiNm- —lf> bbl* ukw Potomac Herring; •' do do Shad, the first of t&o season. Also, Halifax Herring; No. 1 and 3 Mackerel; Salmon, r>muk«TuN'S PATENT ICE CKBaM FREEZERS—The Wst article of the kind !u uw. For sale by _ BAIL* Y A KENSUAW. Ht.CKEU'jf KARINA BOlLEK.—Tuts bif been found ou«* of the most desirable arti4 Wochl street. KIFLE GUNS AND PISTOLS—A great variety kept con stantly on band, together with the necessary nppurie nances, and shooting material in general, for sale by _je24 BOWN A TKTLEi*. REVOLVERS —A good assortment ot all kinds of Revol vers, including Colt's, Allen's, Marsten’s, Weruer's, aud the Revolving Hammer Pistol, just received and for sole wholesale or retail, by BOWN A TETLEY, 136 Wood street. BALTIMORE lIEKJhINU AND dHAD, very fine, for sale by the barrel, by BAILEY A KENSUAW, j* 263 Liberty street If NOW NOTUINU SHIRT COLLARS, CRAVATS, and JV a lull assortment of Furnishing Goods, at the new Trimming More of _j<-24_ FRANK VAN QORDEIL IjVYTRA OLD GOV'T. JA\ A COFFEE—A few bags, very Ti superior, received and for sale by w. A. M'CLURQ. CtKAI’E SHAWLS.—A. A. MASON A CO. have j reived, per express, another large assortment of rich plain and embroidered Crape Bhawlz mySo r I TOBACCO—3I kegs Kentucky Six Twist Tobacco, received X on consigmuent; for sale by _ j*-i J. a. nuTomsoN a co. NOW IB THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE.—I will furnish Harper's Magazine for $2,40 per year, or $1,25 for e»x 6. B. LAUFFER, jFi 87 Wood, street. . Y» ONO.NGAHELA WHISKY—IOO bhfaOlrf Mnnnnph.l. ijX' Wttsky, just received and for sate low by JOHN LITTLE, Jr, Agent j**3 ' 124 Second street Citizens* Insurance Company* SIIAKEa of the Stock of this Company, X for sale by WILLIAM A. HILL A 00, je2oUßdaw 04 Wood street. RUSSELL A Elio, have received Harper, Graham, and Knickerbocker, for June, at the LITERARY DEPOT, la Fifth street, near Market. my3i MOWING MACHlNES—Warranted to cut from 10 to 15 acres of Gran per day, with one one Bp an of horses ana driver. For Bale by [my3o] E. E. SUANKt-AND, PKIUUT bXKAK UHOILKKb—A fr«l» supply jusi r*- pcired &sr the sufferers to say. There are, in this country, hundreds of i> .S ..- U\; -.V' ./ *V *' '**,“£■»• r 4****- f>C r _ , * JS 'cr '- 1 ' - „ „ ' s' re " ’< . ; ;>; ss-- ■ j ' j ' ' CLEVELAHD AHD FIIISBHSfia IN CONNECTION.WITH ECLIPSE m EXCHANGE, VIA WHLLSVJUJS. AND OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, VIA ALLIANCE. rpHB shortcut, qnlokest and cheapest rente to Toledo, Cfef»- J. engo, La Salle, Rock ItJand, Galena, Bt. Louis. sad tba North-west, VIA CLEVELAND. On and after TUESDAY, July 11,3564. Passenger Trains will run dally, (Sunday's excepted) u follows: ” Leave WellsvUle at 4 20. P. 3I„ and Alliance at &&), arri ving In Cleveland at 8 20, i\ 31; making a close connect! »n with Michigan Central Railroad boats for Detroit nnd Chi cago; steamers for Buffalo and Niagara Falls, and Express Train for Toledo, Chicago and St Lools. Passengers fj? the 4 20, P. 31. train from Wellavißiq lean* Pittsburgh daily (Unnday's exempted) at,9 00, A. M 2 on steamer Eclipse or Exchange. Earn to Cleveland, ISyOO, VIA ALLIANCE. , Leave Alliance at 7-20, A- SL,and 12, 3L, conn?ctlng at Hudson with trains for Akron, Cuyahoga Falls, ie, and arriving at Cleveland at 10, A. SL, and 2210, P. 3L Fare to Cleveland, |4,00. \ The trains of the Ohio and Pesos- Railroad, leaving Pitts • burgh at 100. A. M., 8, A. M., awl 3, P. H-, connect at Alll anoe for Cleveland at 7 30 A. M , 12, H , and U. 30, P.M., ia Cleveland at 10, A. 3L, 2.20, P. XL, and 8.20, Passengers for Toledo, Chicago, St. feiois and the North west. !sarin* Pittsburgh on the 3.00 P. M. Train. VIA CLKViiLAiID, make a done connection then with the Night Express, by which they arrive in Chicago at 12.0 G II next day. Time from Pittsburgh to Chicago 21 hours. Passengers taking this Train, ria Cleveland, toil) rfcaeb Chi cago one Train in advance «f any other route.' . Passengers ticketed to Cleveland, Buffalo,'Toledo, Chica go, La Salle, Bock Inland, and St. Louis. Time to Chicago, 24 hours—St. Louis, 4S noun. FARX Vl* ' - > vtA Tor Wwt Meriden, Conn. — rut WJOISTItLI. I . ' ClerelaiML *~.~.53,00 |To C1eTeia0d....~...._..5t66 T01ed0..5,00 | Toledo 6,0 Q Detroit. . 5,00 Detroit.... 6,00 Chicago $lO,OO & 10,50 { . Chicago $ll,OO A 1T,50 Rockl?l&nd..„ 15.50' Bock Island.- 16^0 St. if SO St. Lonia^.".—..3.' ijw Passengers «re requested to procure their ticket* IU. the ■*' office of this Company, iu MoooiutthcU House, bfiw *> THE EXPRESS TRAIN trill leave every evening' }■. at 9:30 o’clock, stopping only at Irwin's, Greetulxirgh, -y' Latrobe, Hillside, Johnstown, LfUey's, Gallitsen, Altoona, ' Ac., connecting at Harrisburg with the train fbr Bal't*.• ‘ more, and arriving in Philadelphia or Baltimore, at noon. THE ACCOMMODATION TRAIN win leave every after noon (except Sunday) at 5.30 o’clock, stopping at all regu lar stations, and running only as far as Blaireville. THE SECOND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves daily (except Sunday,) at 11 o’clock, A. M- stopping at all sta tions, and running only as fkr as Briuton’a. RETURNING TRAINS, arrive in Pittsburgh. First Ac commodation arrives at B'o'clock. A. IX. Express, lf P.IL Second Accommodation,7.ls, I* M. Mail 12JW, P. M.Faat Line, i2O, A 2d. - Fare to New York, $10,50; Fare to Fare* to Baltimore, $B. Pare to Bedford Springs, $6,70. Baggage checked to all stations on the Pennsylvania Rail road, and to Philadelphia and Baltimore. Passenger* purchasing tickets in rare, win be charged TES cxsrs in addition to the station rates, except from stations where the Company have no Agent. . • . No notes of a less denomination than five dollars will ha received in payment for tickets, except those issued by the Banks of Pennsylvania. - 4ST NOTICE.—In case of loss, the Company will hold themselves responsible fbr personal baggage onlv, and fbr an amount not exceeding $lOO. N. B.—The Excelsior Omnibus Line has been employed to convey passengers and baggage to and from the Depouat a charge not to exceed 15 cents for each passenger, 16 cento for each trunk. For tickets, apply to J. MBSKIMEK, Agent, At the P. R. IL Par-fiencer Station, on Liberty st. Pittsburgh, Joly 6th, IS64—[je7 • OHIO AHO FSHHSYLYAHIA EAHBOAD. . 1 Row Arranaemeßt, COMMENCING FEME UARY2Z, 1864 MAIL TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at 8A M; dines at AUI ance; takes tea at Crestline, and makes a dose con- nection there with a fast Express Train, reaching Cincin nati about 12 o'clock at night. EXPRESS TRAIN loaves Pittsburgh a* 3 o’clock, P. SI., after the arrival of the Express train from Philadelphia, and reaches Crestline at 11,30 P. M., connecting with the Night Express which reaches Cincinnati in the morning. Connections are made with the Ohio and Tns. & vnd Class —Dried Fruit, Beeswax, Deer Skim, Oorer and Timothy Seed, Glassware, Hardware, Rags, Wool and btwp Pelts, and Kggs: GOc. 100 lbs. * T.’u>d Class —Bacon ar.d Pork (loose,) Buttor, in firkins, kegs or bbls; Hides, Leather, Soap, Window Glass, and Cot* ton, uncompressed: 55c. 100 lbs. Fourth 6 'last —Alcohol, Bacon fin caffes or boxes) Barley end Malt, Beef and Pork, Candles Cheese, Lard and laif Oil, Hemp, Whisky, Cotton, (compressed,) Leaf Tobacco: 40c. ft 100 B*. yiour 80 cents ILL. aprl G» Bingham A Co.'s Tramponatlon Lin* r\lQ AND FROM PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND X NEW YORK.—The Owners sod Agents of said Line har<-been tor the past fourteen years connected with the M old established Bingham’s Line.” They will give their usual prompt attention to the forwarding of Produce, Mer chandise, At*-, in the i-hor.est time and on as favorable terms as any other Line. Only une transhipment between Pittsburgh, Phila* delphia and Baltimore. Proprietors. Sundries— -10 hhdi Bacon Hams: 2S .do Shoulders; 60bbis riew large No. 3 Mackerel; 30 M bbis do do do; to arrive; 30 44 medium do do do; 26 bbls do do do do; 16 ** Lake Trout, in store; 26 “ Baltimore Herring, in store; 20 44 do Shad, do; 5 “ No. 1 extra Lard Oil. do; 26 “ Tanners Oil, do; 60 casks prime Pearls; 100 bbis Mess Pork; 100 44 Grease Lard; 20 “ LoafStigar; lO 8t Wood street. Allegheny building lots for sale.—Eight choice Building Lots, situate on Ohio Lane, each 21 feet front by 130 deep to a 21 feet alley, and directly oppo site Bagaley street, which U now paved and in good order. These Lots are offered tor sale at low price*, and on easy A 8 I am now winding up' my business at the corner of Wood and Water streets, preparatory to removing to' my new store on Fifth street, I would hereby notify my friends that I have placed my books in the bands of R,.®. MEAL, Esq., on Third street, between Wood and Market’ tor the collection of all debts due me upon them. Those knowing themselves Indebted to me will please call as above and settle. j 621:1m JOHN C ALLAH AM. Batiu-Bot, Cold, and sbowetr. IN the fitting and furnishing of which nothing . Las reap spared to render bathing luxurious as well as beallLfnL Are open every day, (Sunday’s excepted.) from 5 o'clcek, A« • until 10 P. the Barber Shop, Perry Hotel, corner x of Hancock street and Doquesne Way. >2O JOHN WQODfION, Proprietor. WANTED— Three more eievee-Mecrto complete a sale' *- ny of purchasers, on the location os the Fourth Street Kc ed, this side of Bast Liberty. Barb i fltat are seldom made. jfaqulreof THO'IAS WOODS, 41 je2S 76 Fourth strati ' -ft— ’’■s'- -f- .*? *, „ f RAILROADS BAUSOiD. VIA WELLSVILLK. RAILROAD GEORGE C. FRANCISCUS. GEO. BINGHAM A CO., Canal Basin, Liberty sL, Pittsburgh. -• BINGHAM, DATIS A CO, Z 76 Market sreet, Philadelphia.' JAMES WILSON, Agent, 121 North st-, Baltimore. M. L. OSTRANDER. Agent, 86 Wert st., New York. 8. CUTUBERT a son, 140 Third street. V. ■ v - \ V - - » ** * 4& ■ _ Jjt&yZtis JH V i- - • V ? j' • i- •= r». ■ '*-*•*; - ‘ -:■ .;■ • m ■■•"«.• ■. v.tr*; - 3; V 1: v<*!■+■*£ .... V •*. :•••.’ - -*■» *< :?% 7 .--i. w* ■p "£, Is ■; - ‘S -. @a§i ' i-3i * - f- jj*[-j r . j j .:- ' -K% • ' •' ~r - . ’ - -;V ' ~*/ r',«, i‘. > s i*■ " ' * «*g§» ■ *" ** : / 1 mt- . • > . V . - r ■<£?#. ..-*8 k'i ; V't- • ’ • . * 'J* ;s*"& ' y&