■h'4J' ir - .. >•»' "'• c'L '"* *L, • .. .”’ ”, ,?* *;• .;*• ■■>■"*s*,■.■ r.S: i'••.•.•! "••'•■ ■‘-r- . i »?>t&’>:• '•*■ *• «?•' ’■ »\*’• •■ •■•' ■ “ %:■: :•_ ;..v\-.;!f ; ;.':• „«>:■■ v : -:f!’ •*= *•*>’!•* •.■*• :••' ••".r <'••„•<• ■*•s•' ••: •• -••*•-• ‘■V‘V[' : -'.’ , -r-; ■• - . ■ .'i.* ••. •>.-• vA Jki . ** rv . * : ,<.{•* ■ u Jßl*k>.4 \•-*S Jj ••• *-V -*s a. 2. V* **• ■* 1 vt> * , ‘- v s *' *- »> 4 '> : ‘ SAX* ‘ T I, ;V' I Cf j*’k- v &£gs^g3p4 jMmim IM fplliiEt lisifea Sllllsil wsm *llm in will mmm Milt# f|&p| BSIj@N3&?&S Il|g||§^gj ralfyffii «P J|J® «| ggi MmmmtM mmssmis®sggte&& i^sssfcifSiHS?^ - A ’• * • •*. i * • / S >•**** * K - TilK I>AILV MORNING POST, Pr-irt'l -m<( PaWsJfi xxry Atorrung, (Sundry t&fepUd.) GY GILLMORE dt- MOSTGOHKRY. soarn-wxsr wrkth f.r w*»o iwo nr*a «iuih. Or TER M Five Ootixrrt a year, payable strictly in advance. Six Dol.are will invariably be tsquired if cot paid within the year. SC»r Single copies tww ctNT*—frw sale at the counter in tin Ottos, and by the News Boys. , THB SATtJED&Y MOEftIHG POST It publUhed from the same office, on a large blanket die sheet, at TWO DOLLARS • year, in advance. Single copies rrvi csrts. MS' No paper will bw discontinued (unless at the diecre on of the Proprietors,) until all arrearages are paid. ' -**“ No attention will be paid to any order unless accom panied by the money, or satisfactory reference in this city. MS' Connected tcUh (Ju. SOMWmait o/ tV Mormnp J’uf t one of Ou largest Job Printing Office* tfl the city, -wAereaU birds of toork u done on the shortest notice, and atari reason* aht* ■nt PROFESSIONAL CARDS. GEO, F. GILLHOaE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office, comer qf Ihmrth ttrceC and Chary aUey, yy-wni attend to bis professional business as usual, at his office, between the hours of 0 A. U. and 4 P. SL Of each day. jy2o ROBERT E. PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JO.SBPH WKAVBR, _ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT ?LAW, Office* No. 14* Fourth street* • PITTSBOttfIU. PA, JOHN' BARTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Once, corner Fifth and Grant ats«, jitStlyg) PITTSBOBOB. PA. K. Blddie Koberta, Attorney at law—office, No. lMSraitwwd street between Fifth and Sixth. Collections carefully attend **dto—speoui atteotlon given tOiConveyanclng. [deeply Thomaa Mean*, Attorney at law and solicitor in chancery Office, next door to the Post Office, Steubenville, Ohio, myi • . ATTORN KY AT LAW—No. 109 Fourth street, Pittsburgh Pa., fourth doer below Mr. Kody Patterson's Liven Stable. , J. S. SlorrUon, Attorney Ajfb codnsellor at law—onoa, n moved to No. 44 Grant street, near Fourth, Pittsburgh Pa. aprlQ:y O. Orlando Leomla, TTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, above Wood . jyj? , ' Thomas M. ttayahall, TTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Lowrie’s Building*, Pourtl . street J*a?dy R, B.Carnahan, . . AT7ORNP.Y AT LAW—Office on Fourth street, betwaei Cherry alley and Grant street i*2-*y J. N. M*Clowry # TTORNEY AND- COUNSELLOR AT LAW—Office h BakeweU's Buildings, on Grant street I>. H. Uazen, TTORNEY \T LAW—No. 127 Fourth street, above anc n-rj- Smithfield. UMriZy Alderman Watson, OJtcf on Third street, opposite the old Pott Office, Yjr HKRB all business pcrtlitjiog to the office of Aldrr V ? man and Ju-tico of the Teaco will be promptly; at tended to. Acknowledgments of Deeds and Mertgage*, an other instruments of writing, taken at bis office, or at ; thr residence of the parties. j The Dockets of D. 6. SCULLY, late an Alderman of th- City or Pittsburgh, are placed in my possesiioo. Persot having Judgments on skid Dockets may have the necessar; proccsH issu-d thereon by Alderman Watsnn. [my3:tf N Baokmaiter, Alderman. OFFICE, Grant .tr -et. between Fourth st. and Diamcti atlev. ConeeyaQcing oCaU kinds done with the grea «t care and legal accuracy. Titles to Real Estate*' amlned. Ac. : K. S» Neal, Alderman. X T O. 91 THlRD'Street, between Wood and Market street Pittsburgh. Collection* promptly made. Bonda,Mor cares, and othar writings drawn with neatness and ace s£* _J , X>IL D. lIUN r, cstiaaEO* Dcktist. has remove hL» offl'c from No. 75 Fourth street, to No. 1 UXn JURTII Street, one door brio* Ferrv, whe; he will be happy to attend to all professlpm C.ii«. : ' ' »r rs " •«. AIIL, tjU*tGKON DENTIST, tsu atn. to G W. Biddle,) sio. 144 SlilTL V ~‘~>-UT TT-F yy office hours, from Bto 1 o’clock, an from 2 to I o'clock fcbl&ly jr ..J. SOOTT. DENTIST. Fourth street, fire dopi of Market. 1T ornci Hotras—Prom nine A. M. to fl' P. M. BUSINESS CARDS. £. w. Dtasns* I _ D W. HBtISTIXE * CO COMBISSION AND FOKWAiiBI.'IG MEBGHJSTS. AND Sealers Generally In Produce. Pittsburgh, Cin oinuati and other Manufactures, 4c. JV0.03 Front ttrciU, betvvm Mirktt and Ferry tlreelt, PITTSBI/KOR, P.V. Liberal cash adyancr.* made on consignment,*. Pa ticalar attention paid to forwarding Western merchaadi-- Reftrinccs.— Clark k Thaw, 'Vm. Bagaley k Co., 'Via M Cully k Co., V. SHier* & Co, Havs k Black, Kramer Kahm, lltmry Graff, Esq., Wm. Eirhhaum, 3. R. Jobustoi Kaq., Thomas Bafcewoll. Esq. LU»org- L*-diie, B»-q , S o ; o ™', l fltoacr. Esq 3 v ' : ~ Co~Pan ner»ul§>. mCE subscriber* ba?o this day f-nut-d » parioets’iip f‘ the purpose of carrying on Cotumutum and P-ru-an i7\g t tn ciionectioD villi tint Fith, B~icon ami Oil , and /*r duct business Rauer-ally, anderthe style of A Kiel aumo.n ; warehouse So. 116 venter sad 160 Front streets Ibrsxerly occupied by BarbriJge A laghram. WM. B. ENGLISH, JAMES KIOUAUDSON, JAS. J. BKNNBIT. •gb, February Ist, lSSfcf«h3 ' Pittsbur; FR. DKAVO, Diamond, muourgb, »m., ’ . Country Produce, offtora for sale * choice Htock Groceries, selected for fatally’,use. Bpires of erery tuioi aod the purest quality, ground at bis Steam Mills. AU Pried Fruits, Foreign and Domestic. Prodoe* taken in e> F. R. IK has procured a ’dull assortment of Landreth Warranted Garden Seeds, acid inrites the attention Wholesale Dealer* in Fi«b, Bacon aud oil, and Prod at feueraily. Warehouse formerly occupied by BurbriJge ashram, No. 116 Water and ISO First street, Pittsbunjl Ponoa. M raanttS o. baiubt * naxs*iA> BAILEY d t lISNBHAW, TEA DEALERS AND FAMi&X GROCERS; Dorter* l Wooden and Widow Waro,3apanned Tin Ware. lions keeping Utensils. Ac., Wholesale and Retail,No. 263 Libert street, Pittsburgh. 1 i aprl*7 r**scia tuxcu, johs xicols, EitUbargh. Midland. I Bell«ri« Nitfoli A Co*, PRODOCF axd GENEUA.L OOMUI33ION MEECHANT! No. 304 Liberty *t. Pa. BtWTn. Lin#***! anti Lard FKA’S SELLERS ft CO., F«rwarßer> and Commtialon Merchant* | DEILKBS I» PROVISIONS, UKO2ERIE3 AND OILS, j»S:lmg] | No. 309 Liberty ttreel, Pittsburgh. PH- WOLUJf MlljLEfc, Phil Killer A- Rtcketaon, WHOLESALE GROCERS, IMPORTERS 07 BRANDIE. Wlni* »nd Sedsrii-Soe. U 2 end ltd. corner of Irwir and Libert] streets, Pittsburgh. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarn# *e„ eoniDulttyon hand. \*Tr>__ Carr * Co., fWH, Carr late af the firm of J Puxn A Co.) WHOLESALE GROCERS and Dealers la Foreign Win* and Brandies, Old Honouqahela and Rectified Whl kev. No. 3® Commercial Hoff, Liberty atrwt, Pittsburg) p. ’ •AUCSL M’CWhttAK >HUI T ISXIIB'JS .....ALCX. tIRKPAUUCI Ill'fbCai£\S| lIEftaOM A- CO., WHOLESALE Grocers, Produce Dealers aud CommL PA ■ H BIVGfL u . ;...rT- : «W..UU(U!I4> Twn. BlXOltAlll A co., n . FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT©, Liberty iireti, appotilt Pcnna. Railroad Depot, anr" Pirtßßuaog. PA PAGODA TEA STORE. ;/•. IWORTH, WhtHaalt and Retail Grocer, Deal* jorter of Old Country Black Teas, French Brai Ac., corner of Diamond alley and the Diamt*' Pa 7 feb2B:y LIVINGSTON A CO., IDERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS Steamboat Aerate, feutu Hum, Inyt. ~ WM. A. M’CLORO, ■WTEA DEALER AN’■> FAMILY GROCER, CORNER or WOOD iOCD SIXTH STRrSTS, *. PiUxbttrffh. H. Colllae, FORWARDING AND COtfttlSelUN MERCHANT, an* Who ertale D.‘«ler in Cheese. Butter, Seeds, Fisb.anu Pro-ltice generally. No. 25 WO IP Mu. wtsbargh. -[mart ■ j panl A Murdock, > COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCUANS, ANT STEAMBOAT AGENTS—No. 7 Water «tnwt,Clnclpoßt. King A Moorhead, „ 58ALE GROCERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS— -17 Wood street, Pittsburgh. [my23 m°o L l 1 Smith A Sinclair, " . _ ALB GROCERS AND COMMISSION KER CH A*TS—Corner Wood and First sts. foovS henry R'CallOttfH A CoT ~” WiIOLpiALB GROCERS and Commission Merchants •or Jnr of Penn and Irffta streets. Plttsb’gb. ] ta&ty? 1 I W« 8* Haven. . TUB OI£D PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, ‘J. o®’ 0 ®’ BTO* tfeTOcsTos, 1 ) and BLANK BOOK ajn> STATION L RF WAREHOUSE—(a prepared to execute d R*- cail. No. 1W Wood street, below Fifth, Kart aide, Pittsburgh, mi. Wanted, Bags and Tanners' Scrape. aplfr.ly : Booksellers, stationers, dealers in btan^ DARb AND LIGHT LITERATURE, and Publishers cl the 1.0.0. F. TOKEN, No. 15 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. marl s‘lt : |7 I. W. Chadwick, ■ I , SALS* IN RAOB AJfD PAPER, No. 148 Wood BWtt, PlUidrarffh. Thu bighert price in cwh for myliryf • • I | William Glenn, j FOOKHINDER— Corner of Third and Wood itreeta, abore 0 .Hi Kay. where he Li prepared to do every deeerlptjen of Bulingjand Binding. r T 3” . I Walter F. - Harihafi. IMPORTER and Dealer In keel 111 ■ her r InMA- 1 - ■« -.fit .. ; ,;* • ik? **•*■?»» •**■.**; •ifr-.ru ‘ ptfi* **%*&■'■''-■ ■■ ;■ •* r ■■' Pis 'Cisik ■ ,' .:f; ■ 1 "■ PITTBBCMH, PI., LOUIS, Mo Bfmovei .BX*. XtCUBAIII axcai owes Pittsburgh >s,Pitt»burgi L**tM »' w j f , Dmto ittornimn PUBLISH £I> DAILT, Bi' GILLMOIUS fMONTGOMERY, AX TUB • i'wM BCU..-t-iiTe> J . Wholesale and BeUUDrngglst, AND Dealer ta PAINTS, Glut*, Dih BI'UrFS, kc., 141 Wood etreet, three doors below Virgin alley, apr4:m*ely - Piri'aßpßOn. JOHN D. MORGAN) Ag*t, WHOLESALE AND KEI'AIL DRUGGIST, AND DLAJ.U4 IN Dye-ftufii, Paint*, Oils, Varnishes, &c., Wouu street, tone dour eoutlj ot ummond alley, HTTnncaou. j [j*&3 JOHN MI’TCUELL) WHOLESALE AND KEI'AIL DRUGGIST, Me. 139 Wood Sireet, ja3:y|] Next door toU.UhilJ’e rhoe' liuo.m, Pittsburgh, 03. FLEMING having ajoochited with JOS. ABEL, the. \) business will hereafter pe conducted under Cb- style of i. ABEL a CO.,iat the old stand; comer of BmlthSeld and •ourth streets. ! • ja::y William Thorn, Drugglit, lAS RKMUViuD to the corner otiilAND and PENN . J. Streets, where he will, as usual, atleud promptly tt as uumeruurt ineuda. Ailarucleeinhbline are warrant* pure, and put up with the almost care. marU:tfm _ 11. A, Pahneitock * Co., .1/ UOLBSALb DRUG W AUKUuUiß—Orncr First and W Wual street*, and comer Wood and Sixth. j febl R. L. ALLEN , , WUULXSAU DXAUUI ■lx 1 ’ Foreign Wines, Brandies, Cigars, Old Moaonga heia Bye Wftislcyp Ac., ALSO, RSCTIFVING OISTILLER, NO. » WuoD STREET, VlTidUb'UtiH, PA. iiriNßd, Brandies, Uios, Cordial., Jamaica spirits, Bt VY Crola ana New Knglaud Hum, Clarets, Champagne#, jcwtch Ale, London Browu Stout, Irish, Scotch', Jl>url>un, lid Monongahei* Rye aaa KectUied rtbUky, Apple, Peach, v ild Cherry and Blackberry BraiMtee; imported lluTiina. .egalla, and Principe Cigars; iiaif-dpanieh and Common , all at such low p.tces as to challenge cornpe itiou -aucy Bar Kegs and Labelled Rut lea of every style, anu -smljubnsof all sizes, 1 respectfully tame an examine ,.,n of my stack, at No. » ffOCD direct, Pittsburgh, ouna. »ptd:i/ John wttue i r, }i PORTER OF BRANDIES, GIN, WIN US, 4c.—Dealer' Lin bus Old Monongattela Whi-ky, Peach Brand'. A r .iso, Rectifying Distiller, corner of dmitUtk-iu ana Kiui.i .roe ts, Pittsburgh. _ u « iri:> J. llrytr, 1/IiOLKbALK AND RETAIL LIQUOR MERCHANT fY l&u Liberty-street, and 31 DUmoud uilcy. lelH):y JoiiS MDLYiiT a BrtO., tiroueca and healer# to F oreign and Domestic Liqoora, Liberty atrtet, opposite .ad Of SDUtlltittld .'U _ Jaoj 4V-JXO. E. DOWNING, CLOTUIEtt, - ** |An removed to LIUEttTY street, uppwMlo Uarri*-n j I alley, and No. 3 SEVENTH, near fcmlthbeld, »her* jo attenuouoi his friends and the public is invited to the vek of READY-MADE OCUD3 'always on band. Ale< .uths, Cass:ineres and Vestings for oniemi wars. A lull of FarnLhlng Goods for gentlemen, iccluJtu.- _*t. of ail qualities, Trunks, I'Pbrvilaa. sc., «c. jsb.> tV* opeue-i 3TOKK NO. doors ib>'Ve the idu ana,; for the purpose ot cjtrrying on the CL*.»TIIJNt» oblNLcri, hnpesby strict attention to business to ueru t .are uj me patronage of the late hrm. tL—Clotting made to order in the moat lushionabl* vies, anu on the ebortest notice—inferior to nouv ta the „T. __ . Jtmci C« Watt, IKKCUANT TALLoii—No. 4& Fifth ? treat, opposite tin Tliaairv; Pittsburgh, Pa. _ «pr 7 Janitt ii«UiaK. bdb:l v * ' JO3KPU T. LUVVUY, jYo. 43 Varner of f\ftk and 1 Wood S'rteU, rfltoe upstairs. Kntrance from Fifth street. Pittsburgh, * KSPKCTEULLY announce to tne pablic that bo has ir commenced the 11KAL ESTATE AGENCY, in ccnn*c js with intelligence and uenarai Collecting. Ho will .50 attend to renting. I'eronjun want of -ervaute, In any .padty, or those in want of piacea. wiil be supplied at -hurt ;tice. All business entrusted to bis care promptly el uded to. Refermccx —T. J. hlgbant, Ebq., Kb'banlCowan, Esq., W. . Leslie, Dr. Alex. Bluet, James Alacheral, A. A. Mason, jfflt A Old. Ja« l* 81. GB.AFP * CO., Western Foundry, Ho. 124 Weod street, ! mTSBOBOH, PA-,! «TANUF ACTUBER”* OP CUOKINO STOVES, Coal and .VX Wood Stores, Parlor Stoves, Hollow Ware, Plain and: ancy Grata*,Plain and fancy Pondera, Sad and Dog irons,; Agar KetUea, Tea Hettiea, Wagon Boxes, Ac. (j*&lyj AuitlDLoomli, , »EAL KBTATK AGENT, Merchandito, Stock, and Bill [X Broker,Office, No. 92 fourth Street,(above Wood.) Th 4 uoacnber baring opened an office at the above place, for thd (UTpow? or uegotlating'ldana, Villa, Bonds, Mortgages, and ll’Kliucy, : dOUS®, SIGN, AND ORSAXKNTAi PAINTKtI, Dealer in Prints—No. *4 St. Clair street, Pittsburgh. Us constantly on hand all kind* or Paints, either dry or alxed, Japnn and Copal Tarnish. Linseed tdl, Boiled Oil, pirits Turpentine, Window Glass ox ail sizes, Putty. Paint trashes, Ac 4 all ofthebest quality, and for silo at reasons *prices. . frjdl ■ hSULIim AND CJLA*OLCAI« SKMISAUV. - w. t. McDonald, ala., pukcipiu ; rllK next session of Uie Institution will commence on MONDAY, the 6th of Septemoer next, at the room cor er of Ferry and Liberty streets, lately oocupled by the lessrs. Veeaer. [ * nee*- -Hon. A. W. Loomis, Os Keep, Jr., 8. F. Vop Uefcrencti —Hon. .. ahomt, K, Milltr. Jr. JACOB W’COLLLSTKR, T VHOLKBALtt AND KKTAIL OIOAK MAM'KACTL’HtII A3TD DLOU 1M *LL USD* OF Tobacco. and Cl|>n } No. 'lo Fifth ft., lUUhvrgh, Pa. \ 49* Keeps constratly.oo heed » large supply of ell ibe erioua brenda of imparted Cigars. JOSEPH CHAFHAH, WHOLESALE AND HE TAIL DEALER IN] IMPORTED CIGARS, No &a Mamet utrsct. PirrflßUßQH, The' Greatest Invention of the Age* TO AVOID (Dose uapleimaC fueling* that usually /■accompany th« wearing of * n«v Hat, the CONFOK 4%UATJ&, lately imported from Paris, forms the Uat to uo exact shape ami stseof the head. A neat fit, and a good Jat may oe huod *t 7T Wood street. aprB NEW PAPER MILL. 6 'ANTON* 0810. OISUIR, ANDERSON A CO., have just started their ps t per mill at the above place, where they will t>® happy ■o receive orders for printing end wrapping paper of ail Elite*. XetrZLtf i—A. Tlnttle, WHOLESALE gad Retail SADDLE, HARNESS, VALISE and CARPET BAG manuiac * lum. No. 106 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. jy»:y ,!*:■ . • " ■ ' - - I John O. BKellor, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Pianos, Mock, School Books and stationery. No. 122 Wood euwt. 1 ijanl *, j. Ha5an......... ........... —.... j>a*ikl a uL, JR. HAOAS A AHL, WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers In Silks, Fine)/ and SlafU DBT GOODS, Noe. 91 Mvketand 8 Union itreet, Pittsburgh. . ' . *pr4 E.WUIIEHOCSB, FANCT BILE AND WOOLEN DYER AND CLEANER, No. 7ISABELLA Bt, near the Emmet Hotel, ;pi«r4 AiLsosiwr. : Themai M. Little, ] WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER—Fifth street, between Wood aiul Market streets, opposite Iron City Hotel. All kinds of Jewdry made and repaired. fap6:ly 3. if............ 8. L, CUTUfifRT. 3. CuTU*a*T. dthbKRT A g 0», I Real estate and general agents, No. bo BmUhfidd strest. , , noT ft nara« ; |_ HLKE, (suooxbos *o Mcrpht * L**,) WOOL DEAL • SB AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, for the sale of American Woolen Goods. No. 139 Liberty street [mjfl L K. Hayward. J\ DEALER fa BOOTS, SHOES. TRUNKS and LEGHORN" and BRAID HATS, corner of Market and Liberty its , No. 174 Pittsburgh, Pa. ‘ BAftRBrMOIER. t • A Philo Hall. No. 76 Third street, '/jLttttsbttxgk; and asst rids of the Diamond, Allegheny. 4 f ! ■ ' • !A-‘ ■ ■ :! i H£»«- -i^***; ■* V' BUSINESS CARDS J. C. AISDEftSON f CO., i No. 6 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa., ti; IMLKBALB iteulure In Foreign Krutu, Nuw, Spice*, V\ ConfcctloiAry, Sugar*, Cigars, Ac., Aft. Kaiaioa. Mg*. Prunes, Oranges, Lt-mons, Lime*, Dates, Citron*, Almonds, Filbert*, Walnuts, Cream Nut*, Pea .Nuts, Cocoa Nut*, PI o Apple Che *e, Surdlncs, Pickle*, Suuee*, Kock Candy, \or upcelli, Maecurrol, OUre Oil, Ac., Ac. apr-fthlv _ T fiNTKIIPII.SE WORKS. ■ HO. 130 WOOD 3TtU-Ti, T »D COOR aiLOW mow *II*T. J BQWX a TKTLKY. IMI'OBTKKfi and manufacturers of jfiHWP* H ™GI/ri.KRY, SURGICAL AfO) DBNTAL * INSXKUJIKNTS, UIFLKS, Ac. \V« kwp a general assortment ot the above artbleaconutanUy on hmiult together with a general variety of Fancy Hardware. Abo, Oun#, I‘b tw and JleTOlvcri, Fla*ka, Horns, Shot Belts, Ca|*t, Powder, Lead and Ballets; Bowie, Dirk; Hunting and Pocket Kniree; T»ilcm» and Hair Drears’ Shears; Pocket Scbaore, Ac.— JOao. Trusses and Supporter*. !Jobbing and repairing anally executed. !RII*LES:—We are making Bltba of «»«ry description, to order, of (he'beet mete rial, and workmanship warranted.— Oxdorß received for them at Wholesale or Retail, will be till e& with despatch. Hunting parti*# supplied at Wholesale prices. __ Chandelier* and Oaa Fixtures. tHK subscriber* are now opening at their uox Wareroom- NO. 100 FIRST STIIKKT, baiweeu Wood and Srnitb 6*dd, the largest assortment of CUANIILI.U'.Kir, HRALK RTS I*KNI>A>TS, nodal! articles connected witUn.s Fitting, evcr’offerrd in this market. liavtng arrangement* made try which they will be constantly In receipt*)! new pattern* and varieties, they confidently invite the attention of pur chasers to their selection. He are determined to Sell a.° lew us any bouse in the West, and being practical Gas Fit ters. can offer peculiar advantage* to those deairing articles Ip this line. i Wh continue a* heretofore to fit up buildlDg* or every de scription for cas- water and steam. ! Brass Casting* of all kinds made to order promptly. ! * LONG, MILLKR A CO., 1 marshy No. 109 First street. J GUUIiOK uLKTCiI I'BOM NEW YORK, | —. MANL'FAUTI’UKRof the celebrated I *»« \% \ Go»»Hi»fr Ventilating Wig, Kta.nie i /S\\ \ Band Toujm*i>, anil vterr ilescrU-tJoti I of Ornaaienur Huir, fur Ledir:* bl*l ft TO FoLKTII sIILEhT. between Wood and Market, &B BUTCnrx’3 py-t»-tti fr;al(!c:i Tndir* r *w^/£'*^ r fzW witli fceo. 3. Fri*in oar to <-»r, <»T*r the top. i From enr to tar, round the forehead. to cover the top uf the h«*nd only—a piper ii. tli<* etwct fhap** of t’*! !>;iM p*ri. JjiL*.- .Ntwio'iuli'«nJ C«rrl«ffc Kaciary 1 JOHNSTON, BBOTHRR3 * CO., j Qruer nf AVb*r«» and Brlmont ttr'rtt, (Vy, ! ' WOULD r*">v» , rtful!y Infurm itrtr trir-ods 1 th*> paWlc goaertllv, that th<*y hure thr tnar.ufh.tare ofOarriii**, , »,>■« and Chariot.*, In a! I t.h*lr ™rtnu* !«*** ef finish and proportion. I All orders will U ‘•i-rulM with *trW .Jnra*iil«> knd benutf t.f fioi-h ILmsirs will «!>*> l** to -'ll Fhe mp«? t<*nxi». l.Viui in *M tb*ir work il»*» b*itt t* 1 "'h~d -tuff, thrj fc«*l or. a > llnnt ili.it *n wf,.. rarer them with Ihetr patrona**, will 5* saiwami on trial of thc.ir work, i l > an* r-r t u*+t*d to pro u* a call, be£ure pup-lu ting: ebirwhrn!. _ ortftly i Peart Steam Mill; \ CANAL BASIN. ALLEGHENY CITV, FAMILIES’ will 1.- ««ppIlH cf rKE.SU <1 ROUND FLuL'K, iUy katlnc lh*ir or.l-rf at the MIU or ui our b'.xor at ! tVtlacp A Co.. HV*wi nn**i.nr Draon A K*-ltwr,r->r* inrr Uln-rtv and St. Clair stn**-tr, PitMbtirsh. ] n. I*. 5c h« art*, or J. T. Mmui*. Allegheny. ! flour wi;l IwsMlreml to tnci!lir» ia either wf the two WA K « !f o w j Saddler* and Carriage Makers, I I\. T. IEEUII, JR., No. 131 Wood li cet, | i*l ri>BUKUII. ! Also, Cloths, Dad!asks, Laces, Mo>i, Bent Stuff, j Springs, ftc , ftc. j rjTfcAe* "rt.Ai* AnuKtU. W:r ortgnu.l *nd ! I only imi*>rt©r in tld* ■ mi-Ustl'wipi'fc.'(ruo : Lmdnn, l*-now r«-rt-iTiu.« a t • \ large and fb.-irr vlwil..n ;of TEAS, wl.Wi b-I J-wr i-M to wll at -u<-h ar.J fincu**«r*ol , that A.l Hill |lllT-r-ifl tbi-or ' Ui** n.rxt citv ■■•isiio! iM-nt. Hf r;<:?t in'it**H the i lu-.lir** mid gfoMrui-u <1 tb<; -nrroandios dixtrifn*, ; without JLtiurlion ol u«tM>n, lo call nud try hi > which be erils »übj*vt t.. i-- returuwl, if they don’t girr •-atlifaction. The followiue are tne prici** • __ Prim • ?) ~j>- cents f P>. A v**rv ili}«’rior Engil-h br*'aSta-t o'tien. •*>!>• v>. Extra fin-*. »d ,,rv dviidouH Congo, Tic.f tb piur Young Ivwi, Extra Cne Ydung Myv-n ana imperial, T>. P>. ' Vfrv Vvh t* Yolir g Vy-a.n and lmpcn»l. «1 lb. Don’t mistake inf p^—-- IMUuUA TEA * POKE, torn-r of Diamond aull Diamond all*-? A liberal reduction u*»*ie todrni-r« _ _"i r r N EiV~ML.»ib .-T'IKE —Tts- •ul)vri!ef have op-n4d at. ,i. 83 i'oilrtii -tn—l a <-hoi--e collwtion or niuM.-'and murlral iu?truin-nt?>, Uolisn nnd G-man lrin?B, piar.os, by U. Emrd. «jf I'-iri?, and Hr. Arnold; flutes; bv M. Euler, Krcukfbrf, A. M.: Olarion-ti. n«d> mnnufiu-Uiriw*. all ut which we otter •" the public, mi morn, liberal t-ricr, fi-dlii-: eootid-n*. that we can rrnJ-.T -ntire Miihdvtl.m. 11. SCIIKOEDrIp. J: CO.. No. Fourth .-t. II S-’hnieJt•( L>»sworih A Zimmer tnnnN .-m*i-e ana worldT-an^ned'Sparkling. Pry awl La illea’ Sweet I’atawba \t in.-'. Sw-h o« may loir.' to procure an oxceiirut artice of NT. toe Mine, (the 4 ure juice of the crape.) will Otict euv establishment lh« plum tor the grstltl* mUon or their desires. The Catawba Brandy, distilled from the ReuulneuniD*. w dedr.re.t by many excellent judges, muei In Caror to the host imported Cognac. * 1). FICKKTPEN. No i.'ff Liberty e*»yet " SuniPVi Clark’* Flaiiao AFRKSII urrivnl of NUNNS 1 CLARK'd eolebnit.il PI \NOs tins just been by the subscriber. they bate been H and carefinlv Selected expressly for this our-d * .U * kat, and nrt-c.fli.iid. reJ a Bewailed for ea-eetne** aiKl * w> SteJO. Ab-O,a tine l-.lof PKrm* from tlienano factories of DUNHAM A Ct>.« uud ulm> LIfIDTTK, NEWTON ABKADItURY, N.Y. All the above wtH poTUvsly bn sold at Factory oncis, without additional charge fir freight, rbk, etc., etc. IIENUY KLK : EK, Role Agent for Nunns 4 (Turk’s Pinma, No. 301 Third gtrret, Sign of the 0oM»n Harp. .i>. dsi'iybui I Now arrival of Chlckering’e Piano*. —■■ _ : JOILN 11. MRLLUK,*! Wood will °P<-n to “ Threw Walnut c ' “ All the above Instrument* have been finished during tne last mouth, and an* of the latest styles of furniture. Inva riably at BOSTON PRICKS, ami eveTj Plano warranted. r,,u,r • JOHN !l. MEJULOR, 1 No. street. Agent for Chlcfcsrtng A Sons, lhmtnn. " Removal. , __ . ■ DBTKWART has removed hi» BRUSH FACTORY front # the old stand, No. 23 Fifth -tj-eet, to Nn 2H Fifth Btrwt, nearly opi*wU«, on the site formerly oecuplelby the, Iron City Hotel, where lie will be pleased to see hi« rusto roers, and as many new ones as feel dlspofed to patronise B.-In connection■ with the Brush Manufactory, ms heretofore, will be found Id tbi» eatablishment all hinds of VarietyGoods,hooking Glasses.Comb*. Toys,*o. (tnyl3;3m WM. DOUGLAS ■ Loan Office. JOHN A O'BRIEN, 07 SttITtIPIKLD STREET, between Fourth and Diamond alley. Monty loaned oft Gold and BUtet Plato,OMamosdfl, Gold and SiWer Watches. Jewelry, Musical Instruments; Guns and Pistols, Feather Beds, Fur niture, and all kludsiof articles —for auv length of time agreed on. Charges for storage considerably ower thaw heretofore. Prlvata entrant* through the hall door. AU business transactions strictly confidential Forfeited pledges eold immediately aftcr belng out of dat- , unless redeemed. Bargains of Gold Sod Silver Watch e«. Jewelry, .> c.. always on haud._ aprlo:Bm ‘ “SfcW SEED STORKi JAMES WARDROP, OFFERS for sale CAN AltY BIRDS of the most improved breed, being vwy hardy, and fine singers. Bird Seeds —Canon, Hemp, Millet, Rone and mixed Seed. Bouquets will b« furnished composed of the finest FX/3WBRB, vu: Oamelias,Row Buds, Heliotropes, Ac.. Bvergrvenß(ln pots) (brChristmas Trees, from the Seed and Horticultural Store, \ No. 49 Fifth st-near Wood. dec3Q ' uenianme the Soiolte. THE subscriber havJue the exclusive right to manufac ture and sell SWEENEY’S HOT AIR AND SMOKE CONSUMING FURNACE, in prepared to receive orders, and contract for heating buildings with the most economical Furnace now in use. .The attention of those Interested in solicited. Any iwormntion can be had of A. BRADLEY, Nos 2 and 4 Wood street, or of J. BARNDOLLAR, dee24itfl Iron City Store Warehouse, No. 134- Wood it. < ongreaa Ink. Tqtfl INK is prepared by a purely chemical process, and k warranted to contain nothing injurious to mtialiepms. It Is pale when firtf used, but by ex]>w>ure te the air be comes gradually of a most intense and permanent black. For sale in bottles of vari ' - • *v* vr . -1 • * * '■ 7 , » f T i|i •«.*» . BUSINESS CARDS. N E W CARPE r s« Soring Styles. At TUB CUBAI' 1 (JAKl’b'l' WARKIIOCSS, No> 82 THIRD Street.—'\\V are now teeeirius and opening ooeof th* largest and choirt-at stocks ot Oarpetiugs, <*H- Cloths, Mate, Matting, Hum*, Ac, <*Ter exhibited west oi New York. The stock ha.-* been selected with great cam-. I'er*nnj In want of any articles In our llue, nre respectfully Invited to call and examine. Our as.'wrtroent roneUt* in part of the following, viz: ] Koval Velvet end firtusr.b) Carp^lin;:?; , .T*j>es(ry Brussels; • Aubuseon Carpets; Kx trn Imperial and S«p*r Three-ply : Patent Tapestry Ingrain; Eupcrline and Fine Ingrain ; Worh!i | «i r.nd Wool Oar|>evF; Wooi and Cotton do Venitian 2d and 4-1; Hemp Carpel?, very cheap 5 IJM and Hag, do White and Ch<*ck Canton Mattings, %, 4-1. S-i. and 6-4; Coo .a Mntttng.2-4, %, 4-4, £-4, and 6-1; Spanish Muttiug, very cheep; Blegant Mosaic Rugs. $.6,1 p-rpair; Axniinister. Chenille, and Tutted Bug*. ail prtres; Fanrv English dheepsfcin Mat*, pair; Colored do do do irom *2.£>o to £5 each: T'-grthvr with a largo geiration of Cocos, Jute, Adelaide, Velvet, anil other Mats; KtnU..=s*d and printed cluth table tnd piano rovei*, ot eDtirelv n*-w d-stgns, very rich. Onma-'k lib!- and plan* -»vcrs; also worsted damask tj the yai'l, Udlcett, Joylrrs. 4«. < A gre-.it variety of patterns in floor cil*cloth, from 2 to 24 But! Hollands for flO, 32,154,30,38,40. 42,44, nrhe- wide. Hold U rlerei shades, entirely now, very rleb. Window shade* of every description. Oral and hollow stair rods, carpet binding, larks. 4-. Als\ the Moral Ttirkfsh Bath Towels, together with orory thing u-uaJiy kept in Carpet House*, •‘itmall j.rof:ts «nd naick Fni*-**. C. B. lIBAM.Y A CO , tnr.r3:njk- _____ S 2 Third etr»--i. JOXEB & BITCHF.It• IRON FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, Jlnnrv.V nuu h'ailread, fool of Third ti - I/amsWy. /'a. HAVI.SU inire«ar-i our Ma -hlcerv, which is now of ihe nia-d Improved nrdwr, nnd haring added m»ny facllb tie* lor dispatching work, waare now manufacturing First Class BTKAH ENGINES, F*)R PrRNAf hdt AMD K'*Ll.: Ntl!trtir!'te«,BnihineTube..'*poi»t», Ulilir.g, Yrrah-iaht rtfl-i Cattingt. We j.,.y pratlrnler eit-uticn to the nanufaetuxe and run structi 'ti *d Cvt Iron Fronts for Ilonaes ami Stores, Ilnvlug aiiexiensire Rsv.; uui nt of heautiiul Carrel Pat tern* cd iho most tpprovsA andiHretunil order, our faeiiille. for luamifaciuring and shipping enable us to com pete aitii cur i Uie*. part:—- rn-rtir.g Pdimarrj or RliTlng Mills, Kill Owner* nnd Mol Wright- 1 *, wilt And i* moth to ilrelr adrantii-r to call xn i eiainit- our cvii.ruDe.xlork of I'alti‘rns I ci'.rf bub'illot. u:oy a yr> m&\casttscs. T iJt—frit : - n; Pattcru JiaiUD-’, Far* Uft:-f Vn>*•!r' U> r. . i:; •1 - > € 11 I N A 11 ALL : . m xUKt.r a;lUsi.T. •, r; . I th- nr*.'-'* a:- ’ -‘ vh 1\ i,l CHINA,'-LA* * ar.t} QUHNNtMV AK! \ **.t hrcwcLt to iLj. CDHtkr!. - -j-'.-th:* in |.*tt (»i W hit- Iron fMo* iir-r, Ti-a k&4 Wait-, * hie!i *rv |'i»r:irular!y in r-kt« itif 1.-.«i>* li- l uu-1 «r\nniinf', rw ’t-> -ir- -r,- tln-iy t>f «r nn-t th- w.rt* r> rv *»(•< ri’r. » t *elr •l;:I-ri-nt tuittprna ol T*-IM War»\ either iu tui. ?«•<’- or H •*» l* aril -*.-|-aratP- W. are helling D.-m »t v-ry JU;> irrntr j ri V- Ai • * aTi-t s**nrtm<-nt vf Pr»-rvh Chir,*» T-* nr.-! bioit*-r or -enara:* pir-ees of j/lain wMI , £>'id io ir t ',( n..„r ■'an- f-f < »**r trty ■!i:T.tn*ni s>a: r—• k- *atijul. *:»] fnT.i fiT. •/ c*tr » ;<-r }.«|r u. klii.-ty l!s»i;is ro JwK’i an uv.-..r:iu<'i)t, fi Knh---. K.tiiT.* >mrk». <■:' i.vlrs. fn ta r .tna»«u ti- lia* Et»-M; !UII L-is.;-. nti-i iinj-- Kuriiial *i.. Uii>i"N W A f; K f>:'»>il« WT II n ’.»• a )" 'C* n.i-ilt. ; i!"! 1 »rl y (!.>• |iixi7» ,, rrl Pn!t#rn. *brrh M *<•>l 4" till* t> kt rut. HD.I *rli~ :it ltfv< limit < Ut* liiiri the r-i r. » ot Ui.w*. Tt.r i u‘ !ir an* j-.-f jwo'tfuilv infit.-t [.■ .-all nt-I i-s-mint* ~u r j,. ' JrtJLN J O-LKARY. N, . >:■' M*rk.*t rt.. 1. I'n Tt.irt tu.,l I’iirt*:, (jt-Tiir U Wbu-' lOWA ~K*O V "jii l 5 U V ~ V> 103 .'TKfcKT. JOHN c. t. v =u«-c»m.-<.r t-J.C. f-iirry A C 0... bre> t..tnforrc tb-. ’iit'of th-*-bl Seta,and th- poVdlc g-n-ra'ly. t»:ei b-- l.a* mw on hand*-, an i i< exten-iv-iy en ghgod iu tnanulaotui ing - v ery Jc.- npti--:. «.f CA.-TIM.»?? — as. I’at.T.l '•bill-.l it lb. 1-i.rv;r- K.eo! Ci:rim; l'»bul K-l'Jl'M..' •■•• t -*• k, C' «1» A - .. Mi - H K-'tl-R. f..ft;.* <■' La::- * US bs—rt.'J -r't .-I a «r„r.'i. kuoan a-J C b. hjj 1 ..re -ai- .b.rt.ir dan:- b;Uty to ucy other, and .adi lower then tic..— tned- ‘>u the old i Ira. HmLL«>W WARE—A r-s-nl all frrin n-w and ltnproi-d pattern?, 'vrg'-t, l! xt.*.. D*>; Ir.-n-..'» 1 Iron?, te..Ae. • Uniting Mill -.m t Machinery :f J—'Tiption, 1 aiwny- a-i. hand or cj-.-le tr orler. I Cock hir.-h.-u Range*, and Coal t-r-Ve-, -d every ; ■ie-crh'tV'l) . l.ota Sbrve*. five •*!!«•:'. »h)-h rv-r.dv-)! the , irrt prire f-.r i-f-r ami It'd, ni th» AgricoUueal l ..:r rf Al- j l’egheny (Ste.inty, I’a.. and r.-nuini-ud-i by fcfu-eu luuidred , r*r?oti?, Lulorpriae i,... k r’otes. n.ur rij-? I'reuiiuui ibe.'k j U'T--; K« ami Radiator Cou! f'bn : Parlor Ac, j Parlor iir«v- and fender*, creat variety, beautifully ' enamelled. Common tiren-s.sa-i building material of every i dearriptiou. _ 1 A gr«at varl-iv .>; i.'rnt-ui-ctal Railing,f«.r C^meterte?and F*n--ir:i. . i .ir.d iTr.a;.;,'. f.-ii iogr—A iarlOl- I'd- I Id;. -d abb-b I will at-!! a: tV* j.n.%.-, -'-d re-pv-.r.i'.v invite tb« *' * r "*' '* * r;»r: Vr> I*«V i-V A L L K G li KX Y 'F(I UG K SOLOJIOT SI! lj'.TTfcll & CO. P.'.-x*'! A :•••mj-S'.i Utiliw Mill i fin tl.** l>i.nk of the .ViWh-'JM, tl.o 4? ' Au.t.-,:i*w Citt. IS rpjir, pr«>i'rirUjr.i ••.•'.fully Store* to- pibh.' ih*l, 1 CM'l'- •".I'-a-iT' - >»d to U:r:r m-r.l. ht.-!'rt-> nmtuitv'Snr.-, mi :l.< m*-*! n-n- Hiuuliif !r..|i f.ir Itrilc.-'. «'ar A -*••«. i*r.-l li-mw Ki «>l t-T-ry .1.-KTiTi'loti. AS-'. ll*‘lt?K SIH.iKS lonnufai’turM l.y Shfllr-’.' • iileut //orc* Sin* i/v In oion alnjut ib<* mU-llr of IVl.ruary, v.lir-ii .ill or»l-r« f >r -o "ill m-rt with prompt Hif.-ution. Ml!! I'i.-k- e’l'li* find . iWcm "-Dl by mail nr «*l*- irrnpli lit!. ii.l-c| i.niii { ti>> -tii•rttM noi :■*<*. jn!4:y is'n tkii p u i e~k6' c S iml v , ALLkliiliKNY CITY. 15’irrA'Ault/vi.' r.rt*t. »i-iir f.> J I AVIMi U'Ml U|. ;n;. <-.-tabli>hm. i in with .ill lh«* lat-r-t iJL Unftp*t••mi-nt-'s iMiihrntit»rf **t*t>- f-filltv f;>r iumtut*e- in Urf nqsl nbrujvM **t>l«*: »n«i o*UH>k th* «s -rlii'iT*? i jjbt in .1. J JvhtiMinV [><<* siuO'.'lMijjC l-r:il Iron-*. \< J»n- uary 10, ! 5 :.4. •nM««*rx>r t<> anything of ii>- kind in ilo* tour kct. r.ni aip i hiving a patrruti-d impr''T* > m«*ut for moulding th** nlmTu w 'sgon nu'l IV K «> Uuxo.h, 1 Bia })n<- Viirwl to -i-l! »uJ rvtui! on fair Wnw. An_v wishing to ptiroha®** th** vl;:M for moulding upon tlie improT«l ylnn, and nianufm-turiDt; any or all of the shova article, will plr-asc tddre, KOOTs AXlVsiiT)lfiN t WHOIrESIi.IC AM) It ETA! Ij. ' JAMES |,n- mi Cl lip It» -pl.-u-iw Myt.. hi- Hot,-, , No. 81) Market rtn i‘.t nnd No 0 Uui.iu »tre-t. te-t««cu , fifth stra-t uud Urn PUumnd, and h<»« now rnmph«t*l his j .Spring s ock ~f H SMPI’KUS. H AJTKIIS. Ac., huJ I'.dm Uni', ivjiil. Uii-iio nod Urmi IIATS, to which he | lnTit- < the ntu-nliou i f nil purchaser*, whether at whole. ; sal- or retail. , , . This stock l» one c.f Urce*t i-rcropin-d In ihlsoity, and embraces everything worn by.thaU'lies-.f Philadelphia Ami New York, and be '.rusts cannot fall to please all. Orest Care hi.-been rWcu in -nd-eilr;; the o!ic»ie«-.-t Rondr; all of which In- warrant*. !I« also c.mtiuuert to manufacture, as heratof.ro, all ilr scrip'iuus of Boots aud Shoes,nod from ihi- lonjj cxpvr.em •• of (>rer twenty \rars In business In this eiiv. N. he trusts, a suflh-lent tfimruntee Hint those w ; k> favor him with their custom, will he fairly d-alt with- aprlVlf _ JWholcialt land lletall TlO U T AN I' SU O K MA N l.' 1* aOT 0 It A'. THE -ohscriUr, Imvim; ensured exlendv.-ly in the manufftorUiijof BOOTS and SUOKs, of all kind*, fur uum, women, anil child e». is now prepared to sell to dealers by wTiolosulesuch ir"*«ds ns they m»y want, at puct-a as low ns'ih-y run W bought Bast; and an.' particular kiu-J or k|*« made to order at sh'-rt not lee. oners and calls v» liclted from Dealers In amt mit of the oil), ms h will hot;, their advantii'n* to call Wlore purchasing alsewln r.\ Customer work »IXTON, A c ..,„, upttS.Jtim Xo <■» y.n„„<-r, t j. McLaughlin, Fashionable Boot anil Shoe Maker, No. 05 roncrii stiiskt, nkaii w.hih, {fiiTrr.tl u rmpouts Iht iltiyor'i tyfles.) HK 18 WELL IMtEI'AKEU to furnish all Hoods in his line, and will warrant th-m uot tn be inferior to any similar articles in the city v He Is well prepared to d.> all fetnd- of custom work, amt has in bU employ a oorps of wtTkxncn, wlmeanui.t bo exc-lle-l In the eii v The t uhile are respecliully requested to rail ut his eetabli-dmienh aud examinn his Poods. _ apr.xHm S TO C Kl N U FACTOR V - ,' yo -4 FIFTH STUKIH' Sign of THE OLD STAUw. WILLIAM DA.LY has returned fraci the Manufactur ing Hosiery Districts of Europe, where he has pur chared ter cH-di, a very extensive aud well uraurted slock of the best descriptions ouly of Stocking, fock*. Undershirts. Drawers. Gloves; also, new style of children s and MWres’ Pancy Blockings, blether with his d«mMtw stock of Ijtu burtfh Manufactured Hosiery. He will Sell by wholesaJeor "**“ O Ji.w lorn Importers’ CALT t Urmrinber the iJ««—So. =l, Siuu of TUE OLU STANP. my2a __ _ • . Hemoral. PAUL KLEINER has removed his LITERARY DEPOT from No. 73 Third street, to Fifth street. opposite the Theatre, where be will bn buppy to see bis former patrons, and all others desirous of purchasing any of the cheap Li terature of tbs day. api*?;! y PEKIN TEA STORE, BY a, JAYSES, tfo. 3S Fi/ik tired, leiwetn Wood and Market, toulh tide jF#“ Sold Wholesale and Retail. jn&yg LOUTH i BHO., East Birmingham, manufacturers of, . Bar Iron, and small Iron or all descriptions, and Tnr*-, thefinestquality ofHoopSjUounds and Squares. 4^- Leave orders for Inn in thr?toex,at the city Post ofek. “W W- »*••■,%*» V v s f' *Tv *■ • ’* ■•!•'. . ■ -,. *■' V»' A A '..1 ,»**:> V ' 'm* »V. .* r- ,i) • .] A*. •* ; .r. -) *>.< V 'KfctSiS, AT lull ANNUM, OR $5,00 >*':t£N PAID STrIICTLY IN ADVANCE GEORGE J. HENKEL'S CITY CABINET WAREHOUSE, AX 173 CHESTNUT STREET, (Opposite 1 KosPixur*** Hall.) Philadelphia. FTTENITTTEE, IH EVERY STYLE! Comprising Louis XIV, Louis XV, Elizabethan unil Antique, with Sculpture Curving and modem style; In Rosewood, Walnut, Mahogany.S&tinwood and Maple; alt of superior construction, and finished in the best style, equal to, if not excelling iu qual ity, the Goods of any Establish ment in the United states- I'EMPLOYING1 'EMPLOYING none but exjrerieneed workmen, (appren tices being positively excluded, ;and using the best ma terials, the work enunot fail to give satisfaction to pur chasers. Amongst the many advantages offered to pur chasers, is the facility of Furnishing a House, either in ele gant or plain style, completely from one establishment; l y which menus all the articles in each room correspond in «tyle and quality, and tbe immense stock always c*j hand, Wine so various in design, enables purchasers to plea-e th*ir taste «n u selection, without the delay necessarily cati.-ed In ordering Furniture. To •ri**-*«i idea of the finubud Furnivurr. on hand. I need only iniurtu you that my Rooms are lift teat loug, by 27 foi-t wide, four aoors In number; with Shop* contiguous, suij •duutlo employ ‘dOti hands, which is a guarantee that the work l» ail ue under my own immediate inspection. £3*l‘fra Packing is nil done in the Store, and Furniture warrantee to carry safely any distance. Visiters to Phila delphiu are respectfully invited, as purenaeersor otherwise, to call it no examine the GrswSf.. >iu2s:lv WORLD'S FAIRS* London, 1851, and New York, 1853* TRIUMPH OVER THE COMPETITION UF TilB WORLD THE first and only PRIZE MEDALS for Jiir , M . --r-'-x na*s at thwGreat Exhibitions In London, loil, ' and In New r*>rh. ISad, was awarded to eacly a philups, Messrs. LACEY A PHILLIPS, at their extensive estab lishment, Nos 12,14 and Id, South Fifth street, Philadel phia, beep the largest stock of ready-made Harness nud diddles of any bouse in the United States They hate reduced the business of manufacturing to such perb*rtvy«- tem. that. frw quality and price, they are beyond all com petition. The best of Leather only is used, and no pains are spared to reach perfection in every article. It is acknwl*dg«*l, that for elegance, lightness, comfort and real value, the llWhsmb and Saddles of Lacey A Phil* Ups surp 0 to lis, l| *J ** plain Double Ilarsesa, 40,00 to bO.OO They have a branch of their establishment at New Or leans, No. 81 Charles street. Country llarm-M Maker* can be supplied with Harness cheaper than they can manufacture them. A3* A number or HARNESS MAKERS are offered con stant employment, the year round. The highest wage* given. Apply to LACEY A I'IIiLLIPS, No, 12, 14. and Id, South Fifth street, near Minor street, Philadelphia. Pa. f«b2 JOSEPH HOGKIDOE. COMMISSION AN: FORWARDING MERCHANT, No. :w Cnux::?UL, exujw Pim ferur, 81 • Louis, Bio., CtONSIGNMENTS an iComtabulotit u ill meet with prompt / and t-ersooal attattfjon, and liberal adrancu will be given wnei/requirej.oa Consignments or BiUeof Lading, to Aafwt. Order* tor the purchase of Lead. Grain. Hemp and other rnslace. will be promptly filled at the lowest market prices. The Receiving and Forwarding of Hurcn&ndlze and Pre duce will meet with especial care and dispatch: the lowest rate* of freight will always be procureu. and the expense of Storage and Dray age as murbai possible avoided. Page A Linoon, p.t. Locis; Ellis A Morton. Cincinnati; Charles, Blow A Co., do; Strader A Gorman, «ic; Chouteau A Valle, do; llosca A Fraser. do; finnu, Kina A Cv., do; Springer A W hltcrann, do; J. W.butivr a llro.,Mltsbh; E.O. Uooouman A Co., do; D. Leech A Co., do; G. A C-Yarnall A Co., Pbilada; Wm. Holme.- ACc . do; Morgan. J. M.Bnck A Morgan: Blow A March, New York It. U.Comegrs, do; Frost A korrret, do; Shields A Miller, do; Charier. A- Meigs, Jo; Joaiah L*-** A Co., Baltimore. A. G.Farweli A Co.,Boston ; Abraham J. Cole. do;- Howard, son A Cc., do; W. It. Reynold*. Louisville; ll. p, Newcomb A Bro., do; T.C.Twlc&cl! A Co.. Commission Merchants. New Orleans $-%_l nave an open I’oh 'y of Insurance, which will novel all shipment* to ni' address, when advised fir letter pel mall,or when eud-.rsed on billf of lading before, or atth* tiiae of ••aipai'Ot. Buy Wood Nursery and Garden*. JAM Eh KENNEDY, [late Manager of the w nil-known Sy racuse Nu-eries, New York.: tiejr* leave to inform the public, that lit- ha) now established an EXTENSIVE NUR SERY, on the Farm nf Mr. James A Negiey. near East Lib erty, where he shall be prepared.affer the sth instant, to re ceive and Hit orders for even variety of Fruit and Ornamen tal Tree*, Hardy andGreeu if*.use Shrubs and Plant*. In addition to a choice and superior stock on kond. he has made arrangements with one of the largest Nureerie? in the East, to beep up hl> supply Having a thorough and long ex;** rience in the busing, he can asiuro his customer* perfect satisfaction. Mr Kennedy would also respectfully offer hii services in designing. laying out. ami managing Rural Cemeteries, Pub -1:- Parks, or the ground* of Country Residence*; and will aim; furnish plan* for the formation of Lawn.*, Approaches, Ihcturej-qui'Scenery, Ac., in tin* highest style;; of the art. Practically acquainted with every branch of Landscape hardening, ami baring spent year* in this Sylvian Parka of England, and on the beautiful bunks of the Hudson, be hot** be haw the capacity to meet the wishes of ihoae who favor him. Communication* can be addressed through tha City Post Office, or left at the Warehouse of Messrs. Kegley A Mohan, -J Wood street. ui nci or Ptrijiituun am* Coxso-lsvil’-s R.IL Co., \ Juu-'dvh. ISM. ) AGREEABLY to a Ke.i.iiutinn of the Bmnl of Directors vt the PI 'THUriUiH AND t (J.NSKLLraViI.Lt> RAIL- ROAD I'-.'M PA N \ , 'Uu-i'riber* U> the jiook of-aid Company nr*' hereby notified that ihe lit" h INSTALMENT OK Fl\ K I>; ;l. LARS j *t share on their <-o;**rTiptloß« - ill bo due and payable on the KIKTF.KsTH D\Y OF JULY next, (the, fir*t. second, third, and fourth instalment* i f two dollars nml flftv rent* per share, haring heretofore bee a called in,) and Hi.-o.KIYK D’»LLA Kj PKK SHARK on the fifteenth day of KACII ENSUING MONTH, until the whole ainouut is paid. Storkho'Jers re.-iiiing in Somerset County will pay to Major r-aranel M Haller, Meje. •• Mill-*.; those residing its l ayette County to Colonel D. R. Davidson, Connellsrille; th.»»> fe-i-hug iu WrMu.ondnoii County to General Cyru* l’. Markii\ W »•*! Newton; and all others to X. Ywlt, Kpij., hi ihe t )Ocf of the Company, iu Neville Hall Building, corner ft Fourth and Liberty ftrisets. litteburgh. Cbtir Hln-t William h. curry, jv4-;:w.J Treasure" Pitt-burgh and Comieli'riil* ll.lt. Co. Buatuii Papier .Hhclic Company. MODERN AM) ANItQUE OKNAMENTB. PITTSBURGH AUhNCY, to MARKET STREET.—The attention of Builders, Steamboat Contractor* and Cab inet Makers, b requeued to this new and great Improve ment iu the manufacture of r-inboililhmrm* for Buiiwicgs aud Stcmnboiit*, outside and inside; Cabins, Urll*, Church es, Dwelliug*. Store*. and Parlor Furniture, in gilt, or .in imitation of various kluds of wool. Also, Corn levs, Brack ets, and Patent Ventilating Centre Pleeri for Coiling*. Moulding*, Consuls. TruNßeS, Battlement, *e; mucß chea;*r and handsomer iha.i Plaster and Wood Carving, and a gwat deal Duoe durable. I»L;*UK LETTERS FOR SIGN'S, very cheap and warrant ed to last f r Yu \ ear* exposed to the weatlier. Above Ciouds for sale at the manufinurer's prices—ci.at of freight added. W. W. UILbOX. b 7 Market *t. Notice la Hereby Given, T’O ALL PKR?O.S> wh-lan-niiWtiliei to u»t* Capital *V>rk of tIiPITTSBURGH AND ERIE RAILROAD COM I’ANY, and which has t»-*n malt* "penally applicable m ill** construction <•( Uit< road In Mercor county, that nn In-ualmcut “t ru t i’an ctNf, pur share, is re iiiired to be 1.5i.l to the Tri*a-ur**V of the Com pun v r at his olllce. in West lirt’t'DTillc, Mercer county, on or before the 'it)Til PAY OF JULY, lsl»4, and that an instalment of fits mi ctsf.per C. KlN, cliy. ehurt*, will be required to he p«Ui at the *amo place every thirty ilavs thereafter. By 0r.1.T of tho Board. U. F. RASKIN, Treasurer P, 4 K. R. R. Co. Odiiu* of the P. A K. K. K. 00., r-.e-.'i New Castle. ,1 ui,e 2ist. 1554. j * ' MATTHEW GKAFFA.'.D I)ANX. KnIStNGER, trading heretofore ns M. GiIAFF 4c CJ., Stove and Hollow* ware Manufacturer?, No. I*4 Wuoa street, hiTe this uay with them TIIOUAS J. GRAFF, as a partner in their hmlnes.*. The name, stylo and IDI- of th*< fl'tn will, from tliis date, be GRAFF, KEISISIiKK A GRAFF. They respoeitully so loit a eontlniiaC-ou of the patronage so lib emlly beiiowe 1 upon the firm of AI. Uralf A Co. Pittsburgh, July l*t, lHf.4 G\ RK.AT bargain? l of.summer gooJs ut A. McTIU HE’S, T corner of Grant and Fifth streets. I have t. i.i .lay commenced selling oil my summer stock at Hrst ccat; the goods arc all ueiv, and bare been purchased tills se.isou, aud as they are now offrrt-i at prices far below th- uvual rates. Ladkri would do well to cull au t pet h bargain The stock couipri.-cs gn*uadiiitrn. beregede laities, anda montvery article usual ly kept in a fancy store j> 3 New Trimming Store, .Vo 83 Cbmrr of iMa krt t'.rt't ami f he Diamond. VAN GORDEK respecfuliy aunouucta to tha public of Pittsburgh and vicinity, that lie will open his new Trimming Store ou Monday, April 17th. llu.iug fitted up the neatest store room in the city, and filled it with a choice hdecti-m of the laicst *tyle> of Trimtniogs and Fan cy Goods, he !ialU.Ts hiui.*clf that he will oiler superior in duce Hunts and ctidcuvur to give full satisfaction to all who limy favor hi in with their patronage. Now, don't forgot the placir-No. bd Market street, corner of tlie Diamond. japrlij FRANK VAN (10KDKK. .Vo 130 Hood slrefi, Third door fW>>io Virgin AUet). BOIVN u TETLEY would call the atluutiun of Sporting men to their large a-oturtmeut o.f Guns, Killes aod Re* volviDg Pistols, the largest and host aclvcted stock ever opeued In this market; together with a general assortment of Hardware, Cutlery, Tools and Fishing Tackle, all of which we offer at the lowest possible prices to cash purchasers, or forgot"! approved paper. inarlS First street, between wood and market STREETS, PITTSBURGH. PA., bolide Francis’ Patent Metallic Life Boats,of Ualvumzed Iron . also, manufactures Coppor and sheet Iron Work, Cooking Stoves for Steamboats and Hotels, Portable Forges, Forged Iron Work, Large BolU for Bridges, Ac.; Cork Life Preservers, the best aod cnenpest kind SlminUeit work attended to. fmydQ-V Important to Tailor** JUST RECEIVED, a Urge assortment of Tailors’ and Trimmer.*’ Shears, of the best make? in the country, which w« offer at the manufacturer 5 ? prices, *t BOWN A TETLEY’S, Enterprise Works, 130 Wood street, febT Wholesale Agent? for manfuacturer?. IF YOU CAN SAVE FIVE DOLLARS A MONTH, you can have a flue Building Lot, of ftO feet front by 21l> deep, situate on Mf. Washington. Price, s2so—terms, sfc> in baud, halunce at $5 a month. Now is the time to secure a good Lot on easy terme. S. CUTHBERT A SON, j,-21 140 Third street f| to LET—A FINE HOUSE,on Penn street near Marbury, X tor a term of years; or, for the part of this year—rent low. Also, a good House on Pennsylvania avenue, near the Court House. Inquire of jyiilm THOMAS WOODS, 76 Fwuth fftrwt PH I LA DELPHI A. ST. LOUIS JOSEPH MOfIRIDGE Si. t/*uis. Missouri. KRVNEDY A CO. Notice to Stockholders, New Partnership. ENTERPIUE WORK • : -t . . 'NUMBER 294. FOR -SALE AND TO LET , Property for Sale* rpnE subscriber offers for «?a>e, on Tory reasonable terms, X following property, Tiz: A Three story Brick Dwelling House, No. 110 Fenn street, between Hay street end Evens’alley; end Lot 2£feet front, extending beck 112 feet to an alley. The House is one of the bwt bulldingp, &cd In one of the most pleasant neighbor* hoods in the city. Fltb Lots—embracing corners of Front and Terry streets; one hundred and five feet fronton Ferry and sixty feet on Front street, with a good three story Crick Building on the corner, a two story Frame on Front st-, and two Brick Build* inga, used as obops, on Ferry at. KosautU Again, The last steamer brought another speech from the great Magyar, delivers 1 before a large meet ing, in Glasgow, at whioh Mr Biilie MacGregor presided. Kossuth's evident design is to arouse the people of Britain, so as to prodooe on out* side pressure which will compel Parliament and Ministers to revive Polish and Hungarian Na tionality ; or, at least,: not interfere in favor of despotism, should the Poles or Hungarians make the attempt. It is for this purpose be hae re- : mained quiet so long, doabtless preparing a tb*....... materialjfor those arguments which he intimate* wilt be delivered in different cities throughout .the United Kingdom. We give a few extract* from bis Glasgow speech: - I desire you to understand that I am j erfectly : aware of the fact that Great Britain, as a State, i will do nothing out of sympathy for Poland or • ! Hungary ; that Great Britain, as represented by | its government, knows of no sympathy at all, j cr, if it knows anything about it, all its leaulngs j are ruther for (be dytmsties than for the nations. I 1 know that Great Britain, as a State, never y*t stirred a finger for the sake of national freedom : ! abroad. I know that Great Britain, as a State,. . , | does not care a bit about seeing our nation op*, j pressed; and that, whatever be our * j Great Britain, as a Sute, will not. throw one ; straw cf help to cling at it, even if wc wereeri* i dently drowning forever, provided Great Britain ' I be not forced to by its own- interest** nay,' I go ; so far as to be petfectly convinced that even in j that case. Great Britain, as a State, will' be-ex i tremely anxious provide by some other aetna ! for its own interest, if possible, and if it can find out some each menus, it will studiously avoid to _£nipjcy those which would benefit any opprtteed »he security of the oppres sors, so much prone to look but to dynasties and govetaHUltiLand to disregard the concerns of nations. _I UiluJfe i I am right in this estimation of Grait Britain** | onlicy, because it is the light of trath in history which brought that estimation borne to my | mind ; but be I Tight oj/bc I wroog, such is my i conviction ; I firmly believe that considerations, i of national egotism are the only power, which i may bring'Great Britain to onr side—but that ! without that imperious argument the oppressed t t cations on earth have nothing to hope, noihingto - i expect from Great Britain’s sympathies. Pent | trated as I ara by this conviction, I desire expli citly to state that in the matter we have to treat, i I discard emphatically any appeals to sympathy; - ! ! I desire the arguments I told at Sheffield and : Nottingham, and may ~11 here, to be Wpd «- > -t. Clair Township Blank d miles from the city,wteh ; clusively from a British interest. .V SST.RBP T.HS&SU&SS | At the Nottingham meeting a petition to both- - tion. Those who want » good home, or wi?h to make { houses of Parliament was unanimously signed, money, »ouid dn well to look at it, an we will sell to the j - -j first that offers us our low price, la lots or all together. j praying for government to use all honorable lhe » f r “ lifib “» ton Blank Hoti. They ara fine healthy locations, and of- . nationality. This petition was forwarded to Alm’, tea Country Seats on tbe Ohio and Pennsylvania the Doke of Newcastle, Minister of War, who j*» "S™** to present it to P-ltaunt; tat lovely legation, and cheap, of course. : the Dake declined doing sj. on the ground that Also, one Lm of two acres, and two smaller pieces of' • gr'-ut-U, opfiiutte llaritnan’s at Woods’ run, offered at > : “it would be most unusual to present a petltlQQ JSSafiS Si Z&&S&JZXSSZ £i f Parlintnent. haring direct reference to a deal.- ; my register. Beiore bujingyou would do well to tail and ration of war or the establishment of peaefrwith ' enquire of THOMAS WOOLS, . . . . k / , j-7 7o fourth street. ; foreign powers, which are matters entirely with* Beautiful bitea for Country Homes. ij a the power and prerogative of the Crown.** ri'UK uu*.tm.:i>«\a offers tor rale, ou.mMyti-anh, kiFTY : . .. i_ _l_ laid off and re-triouHi for rural residences. Also, The orator read the letter of the Duke to the : <*»*“““ of the Nottingham meetffig and re-,. Julia Ann Avenue*. and Henrietta and Herr err*«.s. This asCTked ; _• square r-ontnins many fruit Treua of the choicest kind and j. " , _ , . . t . . . .. . ct*mniHuds a fine view ot the picturesque an i reman tic see- NoW.ifibeoOt quite mistaken IQ What little nerv around. Inm desirous of pre.-erving this square en- Eoclisb I know, that anEwer means to 8»y, “that tin. ■» inr-uU rfbrt on. of th. mta etaratat ud mu- ; , be British natioi baB „ 0 jigbt to meddle with nifleent sites for a gentleman* summer residence. in the ® ~ , immediate Ticinity Of lhe twodtie*. : those matters until Jill is over;’ cosseqnently, Ain., si-out thk E ACRfcS OF OHOUND, at the bead of be it right or be it wrong, no remedy is poesible advaotagaonsl* ritnaied fhr manufacturing lAir* 1 againBt it> because I certainly imagine no Tii« above l* situated in Duquesne borough, on . possible subsequent censure can be reputed to the high and mala bulk of Herr’s Island, and is reached by ,be a remedy, 88 it cannot make undone thing* ■*’ a very euWtamial bridge t.J one apatl. lor particulars ap- th . j- nfi rn ajir hear 1 Nav lam even pH »1 my r,-kl.ac«. in Du.|u«n. borough. OB th. m»in , Utt ; ftre aone : Lueor, near.j naj, lam BTea j bank, frootiup the head of Herr's Island, or of JOHN DUN- j made tO understand from loftt BDBwer, that 1 Lap a CO., corner of Second and Market ata., PitL«burgh. ! thoogh vParliament may have the right to speak j aprrrif y M -__ a miller. ; a b oa i war and peace, after these events have Fifth Word ,ale at a t»ood ac t Qa jjy taken place, yet the people has even 1 rpnKEK valuable brack houses and lots.— ; then no right to petition, because now war is . I JL The?* Lots embrace a front on Penn street, of 60 feet C ; declared—the event has aetoqlly taken place; i cc Which therela : d m pretension c? having a petition ! b;e block of liru-k Houses, two stones high, with kitchen ! r j-v .-J » | sml cellar lu basement, 41 feet front on pens street, ami 30 about it presented 19 caaracteniea &9 most unu i f-e: tiif pon Locum street. This i£ a very desirable fitno- \ goal, and without precedent. Now, sir, I may i tion for either a Store, or a Tavern; I’cnn street being the ; h . An>v / a » indeed snrrv 1 ami to have to great throachfnre of the rity : and this Property being con- ' be f l a 9 inae 8 ™ 1 l ? DaTC *° i Venient t<. the lthUrond Depot- P art wltfa Chcenng illusions about the COQSU- Tbu* j'p'pertv wmid not i-* in the mprket only that the tutional value of British institutions, and to have 0.8. r i> Mviu,- io cobbh, and (tod. it , , scriptural exprcsiiion there ly inconvenient to attend to it. . v ® . . 1 . . r - . . f,. . . Term.* easy and price moderate; for further particulars e IS much 01 BOUcdtcg. brass and tinkling cymbal* 1 enquire of KUUEHT DAY, Filth Ward, • them. » ' or J An. C. RICHER, i , . ■ ... , j Bpr 2f, K e »i Epuifi Atfi.L at this office. | Further on he says circumstances will compel ! Tianri fur Sale. Great Britain to interfere agaioet liberty on the IQf IO ACKEi L - V ' SD Jr N r county, near ! Continent should ehe continue her alliance with ; J.OVJv7 the Cl&riou river. This land is heavily Umbered, [ . ‘ baa an excellent soil, and is said to contain an abundance of I “ perfidious Austria I • iron ore, and a thick vein of bituminous coni. The Venan- \ v, go railroad, which will undoubtedly be built, wiil run wry j The BntlSO. uatlOO, which, With ft generOUS near to it, it nut directly across it. The Millstown creek : impulse, meant to take up her arips, and unite ' ruiL* II ' " ■ her purse for the sake cf tho freedom of Europe, A acre? In Elk county, well timbered and Watered, ; t, . »» • and lj lug near the route of and Erie milroaS. ' Be ® Great Britain drifted to the humiliating 1 No’better Jtivcstment could be mado than in these |ands. I position, to have to give OSSUrOOCCS through her ! The completion of the sunbury and Erie, the Allegheny , Westmorelands to Austria—only think, gentle ’ Valley, and the Venango railroads through that region : . . . , ... ~K _n» i wiu render the coal, lumber. Iron ore ana soil of great men, Austria .—that tu>. British government Will lvalue. Enquire of C. iOl. SMITH, oppose freedom, should it endeavor to profit by- ' AKOTn V *ii«w, the war . Woeful, gentlemen, woeful. Really | ---- - —— it will be a strange sight to hear the Sooteh <*v\' li'ekty stueiS , 7djois?n P o Tub’metho-: bugle sounding under tbd walls pf Rome, exci-. '\J DisT tiKAVE yard, near canal basin.—ibis ! ting the Camerouians to fight for the Pope against Id bow Ilia only dwiraMe piece of property in tWis neighbor- i Xtaiia.ll liber'T * or to Bee the British baYOOeUiSt htx«d nm nlr«trtdv K'ught up by the IVnusylvachi Railroad i . T . _,_ n , m.. LXjtnp •ny. Kroulin;: on Liberty i>o feat, on Llm street 100 • 1 CSte, Lombardy, PoseQ, Of perhaps even feel, ib'-ncw to the Methodist Grave Yard feet, to Liber- saw, opposed to the resurrection of Poland ftHU ;ty lio feet. tt , , -n. i -i »• Hungary! Your noble hearts feel revolted at i This property m moft desirable as a Hotel. The building ; . * - . .„ j*_, r | dow on it, n g—d .-übstaotlal throe atory brick, with all the . l b® idea , you say it will not go Monongahela river; an excellent landing; good gradeand J foundation for railroad—with enough level ground at nu point for houses and gardens, or locations for manufactories. The vein la deep enough to allow horses t.y be used in haul- j tng out the ooal—the quality of which, for Iron work, steam, i gas, or for any ordinary sms, is not surpassed by say in the j country. * j In my absence, my agent, Janies Blakely, Esq., will give ] all necessary information, and be authorised to give warns- j tee deeds for any property sold. JA3U» MAT, jßV'i*' Nfl.llOPwo «tw*i j DWKLLIMJ HOUShi i-'Ott BAtK—SluiUe on Third abort? tmithfi-M. The House ii well arranged, with hall and parlor*, diuiotf room aikLJUk;ben. 4 chambers, hath room, with hot and cold water; tun-*, ir F..r price and terms call at the Real Eatal £i:e. 14u Third street. jein S. CUTHBERT A SOX OSK IU'NDIIKU AND THIRTY ACHB? OF LAND, one half mile from the Ohio rirer, near Baker's Landing, 6j acrta under cultivation, with Orchard and other good imp'rovements: one-half the Ooa! under it reserve!. It is offered at an extremely low price. Enquire of THOMAS WOODS, e'dl To Fourth streeL VALUABLE i'K'U'EHTV IN COLLINB TUWNeHI FOR SALE —CI acres situate one mile from East Lib erty, and about ‘AW yard? from the A legbenr rirer, and same distance ir'.m the Allegheny Valley Railroad. A new Brick Mouse, of hall and 7 room*, finished i a modem stvle; a Tenant Ucuee, a large Frame Bam and stable, and other out bonding*; a good well of Water and durable spring?; also a running stream at lower part of the farm; an Or chard of 800 tree?; f*> acre* in cultivation, balance good timber; a valuable stone quarry. Will be sold altogether, or 10 facr.-a with the improvements. 8. CUTrTBKRT k SOX, Real Estate Agents. 140 Third ft. For Sale. i ever; they have already pledged Great Britain to I WILL 3ELL ciy uhespiml lease (fourteen years) of a i oppoae &ny attempt of national freedom, and it - Lot, situate on O'lKro. street sad Spring alley, In lie i _*,* ..• . __ half — oW Fifth Ward—lo ft fronting on O'lUra atreei.aud running ; Wtll not be, in tbeir power to atop half-way. bark 100 ft. on Spring allev, on which is erected a four ’ —— Storied Brick House, 40 ft. square, with a frame, two stories, f wqq turn of r aT we and •Rpildivig lot*! to tt. on Spring alley, well calculated to carry on any j •««»WW ““ ~7 branch of manutacturingbusiness. Being engaged in man* , 100 FARMS —ooo BULLDING LOTS. . ufactanng In the country, I offer tbs above lor sale. In* ; )Pi2 be divided am/mg 600 Suhicritxn on lAeZYentnp oftJu quire.l No. iilUbwty.lm.l. 31* of July, 180*. rclKtf EDWARD FABKU. : . LARGE NUMBER AitK ALREADY ENGAGED.— Goal Works For Sale* ! Many of the Lou cur these have been sold lbr from SIXTY* THREE ACRE - OF LAND, with 250 acres ofCoal ; 400 to 800 per e«iL advance over the price for which thwe-. aiUched, end all the improvements thereon In success- ; now aold, showing that the purchase will be a good ful operation. aM Farm is situated on the Monongahela j investment. river, >4 miles above Pittsburgh, and la supplied with a j Each subscriber, FOS ONLY f 15. payable in instalment* Farm llou-e, Bara, Tenaut Houses, Orchard, Railroad, aud lof each, will receive FOUR 25 by 190 an rsix-llent harbor. ; feet, lying together, or a FARM of from 9to iWacrva. Tte#e The vein of Coal Isflve feotthiok, and cannot be surpassed ; lots are beautifully locate! »t LAKELAND, Long Island, in quality. For further particulars apply 10 ' where a new church and *cb™i house, end a number of NICHOLSON A PAYNE, private dwellings, stores, work-sh,.pa and factories, hwve jeFitf No. 235 Liberty street. ' already been erected, several mere arts now being built, and STVery De.lrable Countr, Beat *t Prl-! ""mlhuodrml *i« b«,re«eJ J i 9 vato Sale* J This 1« a fine opportunity of owning a delightful country i rpQE subscriber is authoriM-d to »11 the following piece * ; readme* near f^,*^x2!and D^b«e < 36^ t bsd- " ! 1 cf property, containing 2J* acres or land, ait-ated in > family circle cm Ufu'ly and where bu^ ' Collins tp., Allegheny county. I’d. This properly is beauti- 1 ing lots *hont GOD-f tndlvfalnalii who. alter msefni miles trom tbe city; having two fronts, one on the Law* j mnilywn oi f _ a r~- «—«enltnrei mw: and •boui 80 rods heU,e fcrrr. and juat o«lo. , m v.loe rtn be had wllbin SO ml)« oftb. tLa i.e- tads.-, ... te,D S built ojaj tba rirer. Foj fur- | furf ngu b „ e bwn all tallau URJor, ted Orchard, a good atone . aeer ntflin ed at-large may now be s-een beautiful cottages j House, large Barn, two Frame Houses, all in first rate or | in( j c um Ta ted flcldJ wavingwith theabondant productions i der, and offered at the low price of s3a per acre j of OUT mother earth. Also, one-ball acre Ljt la Oakland, on Charlotto *___ ■ j This is one of toe best opportunities now offered to time* It L a beautiful Lot; in front of Mr. Ogd-n sflne unpro - tr n»ll ipeypa who are destitute of a home cf their own, nient, and is offered at tbe low price of saw— enquire oi . one f or # mere trifle; also, a few farms, bou rne Cell and get my Register, “p** 1 1 tain ng each five and ten acres, and upwards at from $2& variety of property. TH °a w?nsi «h£* ' tos3s per acre. je-2 * & * oQrth street, i All person® wishing to avail lhemeelves of_tbe opponh* STi 777*1 —HALF IN HAND, balance in 4 years, fora i pity now offered to procure a fioc Lirm o?sp?eo Jii building _ tnl Wl M * New Frame Hou« of 5 roems, with a large : lot near the Empire City, should make immediate spptfca lutot’k'rouiid ot'W feet front on the Brownsville road, in tion, as bey are nearly all, disposed ct Apply to OOaSLEE : South Pittsburgh, plenty of choice apple, peach and plum , WOOD, 205 Broadway, corner of Fulton etre«t,Y.Y., where trew grapes, currents and gooseberries. A large stable, • maps and pamphlets can had, or seat ft requlreAby out oVeu, *u The house is well papered—good grates, 4c. | ma ii > gratis H- M*LAIN, Agent, Call and examine the properly. ivl3;3thd*w is 21 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. ,yH S CUTUBERT A SON, 140 Third at. 1 -= M>K ?ALt six acre* Laud, situate near the Miners vllle ■* i;oaJ, milafrum the Court House; on which is a small two alary Brick llouse, Stable, and other buildings; also, an excellent Orchard. Tenne—One-fourth cash, bal ance iu flTe equal annual payments. Enquire of j . ’ft * *''■*<, 4J 4 V 4 ' . ' * « ' .1 / ' - ■ " -ffc-' *» r . ■ .y.-J*:-. - " «4 * i •:• A* KATES < «'n;p rrotf • ciouth*. “ f-ur noQthfl^ . u -i* m0nth5............... ** <4 occ ........ tending tix Hnw f>r par hhimk 10 00 CEATCr.UILE AT Pt-XABBIZ: )ae nquarv. par Ranma, (ey*ln«re of th» 26 00 DAILY MOKKIKG DOST. IUE SD A Y~M 0 &NIX G: ::: Xirena Making and BUllnery. y\ ' MRS. S. E. CAR'iO respectfully inform* ber friend* and others, that she Is prepared to make to order the <36* latest ftiylesof I/BXSZES, CLOAKS, MAXTLLLAB, . TALMAS, tic, on the shortest notice and on the moat rea sonable term*. Children’s Clothing made up wl sh neafiMS and despatch. Bonnets altered and dyed according to directions, and neatly and tastefully trimmed. We aim to " ■give satisfaction. Apollo Buildings, No. 76 FuURTH Street, second story, same entrance as to the Crystal Palaee Daguerrtan Gal lery. . is&faUwly. . BEHANS’ COURT BALE UP BUILDING bOTS—Ute' the Property of David Ureer, deewwd—f iumted in the Eighth Ward of thL« city—fronting an Pennsjl»anin avfr nue, Forbes street. Locust 6tr*et, Vickray etrwrt* Eluff streeUand Magee rtreet^—Will be sold on the pnwiuea, on SATURDAY, the 29: h day .of July, at i o'clock. P. M.. Term* to accommodate purchasers. Particular* mad* known at sale. EDMOND GItKER. 1 « > __ . SOPHIA GREER, }Admr^. MORSE’S IAViUOKAXINO tORWnL—h do* received by f jy!2j 3PS. VLKMTSQ. oy(Tfi«.K. BQAP-An ezcvlirnt Soap for the toUet; 1' must retired by fjjUl JQR, FLEMING. ila lor sale by HENRY H. COLLINS. &•■»•*• *L-. .7? \ is V* * i * I 76 3 00 4 00 5 00 *oo lO 00 IS 00 - IS 00 ■JULY 25. bfi J . .