xi®? ~* ~ S c -Js v ,; U<, ~ .A* - -rVit;', W* ■:,••••; vX. ?*» "» •'*« ~ .• v- :- ■' . • 1 —~" a ~“ ■■•—- '■ ■' ■’-' ■ /'~ i. ’■ &%*:? SSS =^=,=^^^ SSB = '•* X j Jok Babkbb.—This redoubtable and indor *. :-;*%►*>*.X j ‘ table champion of Protestantism, who cannot be de' V * *4" K ~. \- n *-“■. by foar, op bribed bj iofloence, to quit his expotts of N‘* * iftle iniquities of the Catholic church, agreeabl' ' ‘ yeniaement pey morning papers,’held forth to r &&&*&£■ •*-■■» tN-*» > ». i£fi]p*jr'£ ’ ated crowd, on Sunday, in ths lower part r:dhj&fcW«: L»?X-Vi* y *••»*.'.•«» +-jt y ' haring, for certain reasons, which Joasph ; regard of the ordinary forms of logic, * * **** '*^ ,f *<* , +* ** iemored his field of labors to that t> j The particular matter which hr V- 1 • - V' -? f . %rj f »** ° r t,n> *« o ’ » w ‘ T-P~“ d dl,i “ w “ “' iXcKi* • ' Up« would „«,> • •:- ;■*• S* j V-\ ,v .t* ««. lhd 17 •’ Inli wlllliPf §m ■Si jttl ißif fi*&jg& Mfeg mmM <4lll|tlP iMMpg ■w§WmM mmms L «>*•-«•» *»**•• -^k-—,..> - -~V: -Iv. • '“rS- -• ■- >■!; ■'V- •:■; v - -• ■ .\ i ?: : ; p;v B\, ■B':. > pP i •< *v ; -vp ■'■ :k.a:;-pp:• • . , # ! ® - .. t c'-l .. . . ■ -t ,■ • w ", V foisDAV MORNING mis CITY POST. r Joe Babkbb.—This redoubtable and indomi table champion of Protestantism, who cannot • be deterred by fcar, or bribed by infioence, to qnit bis exposes of the hor rible iniquities of the Catholic church, agreeable to' adver ▼ertisement per morning paper*, held forth to a large and ex. rited crowd, on Sunday, in ths lower part of Allegheny— haring, for certain reasons, which Joasph, with all bis dis regard of the Ordinary form* of logic, was unable to rebut, removed his field of labors to that side of the j The particular matter which has aroused Joseph's virtu pas indignation this time, and the' subject of discourse on Sunday, was a dtcumstanoe that occurred hr our sister city h week or two ago, with which the name of an honored and rwpected dirise was connected in a way too Improbable lbr belief,— the story being so outrageous and infamous that nO would publish 1L Because of th& refusal* to jcnown what would certainly render theip liable to a cult . for libel, they were each, Indlrhlually and collectively, ft. vored by Joseph ★fth one of his most classical and elegant notices, abounding with beautiful expressions, and neat and Well-turned sentences. Our neighbor of the Chronicle', }n particular, ought to be delighted at the attention he re ceived, as two-thirds of Joseph’s remarks were addrosed i specially to hlm. depicUng his virtues, and describing his jtetsonal appearance], In a very graphic and enthusiastic i banner. * Ta* Jail is incenveaiently crowded this hot ' reether, not leas than one hundred and twenty prisoners 1 wing confined there at tha present time,—a number large ittoogh to make it anything bat pleasant loboardat the ex ] «naa of the county. If it were not for the excellent §ys! sem adopted by Mr. Crawford to cleanse the building, and keep it in tbe most wholesome and healthy state compatible With the bad ventilation, it would be almost impossible for i o many to exist in it while the thermometer stands at 00°- ]luring aHiort visit made the other day, we observed that t be cells were all scrubbed end cleaned as carefully as any irivatehouae; those inhabited ty the females, in particu -1 ir, presenting an Interior totally devoid of eay kind of lm- I nrlty. The ventilation of tbe place, however, is extremely bed; ■id some plan shonld be adopted. We i hink IT tbe sugges ti on of the Grand Jury, to construct e large wind sail on tl le roof were carried out, it would produce a marked and bmeficial change. Some other little alterations, such as more openings in the roof to leave out the confined air, a uld also be effected without great expense; and the utility a: id value of-which would bo immediately reoogniaed. LiQUOBa ASp’MEBCHANDisE. —Wo are indebted t> Mr. Allen Dunn, tbe City Oenger, for the following: A umber of barrels of Liquors and Merchandise gauged from January 19th to July Ist— | Liquors, I .23.208 I Moiaxses, . 19,C80 Oils, 1,618 [Number pf barrels arrived from January 19lh to July 7lh, and uot guogrd : I .4,742 | WtUky,J | Oils, (subject to be gusged,) j Number of barrels not Included in the above, gauged tmpty, arrived Mince January 19th. 2,296 whole and 127 half barrels. total arrivals from tbe above date: Molasses, half barrels, I Arrested at Last.—Alderman Major’s police [ have at lost succeeded In arresting one of the persons who I perpetrated tbe attack upon tbe Pic Nio party at Hinere- villa or Oakland, in May lust. We gave, at tbe time it oe> j carred, the particulars of the unprovoked assault mado by | a gang of ruffians upon a party of young people who were | enjoying themselves at one of these places, in harmless amusement. Several of the children were injured by stonos thrown, hut owing to the feebleness of the party no arrest* coaid be made, and the assailants were allowed to go free until yesterday, when offl'er M'Coy took into custody a young tnau named John Uively, who was identified as one of'the participants. lie was brought before Major, who examined, and afterwards, in default of the proper se curity, committed him to jail, to stand bis trial. ! Serious Accident. —Mr. Thomas Banders, a blacksmith, residing U the corner of First street and Cherry J alley, while driving In a buggy in tbe vlciuity of the citv, on Sunday la.it, was thrown oat, and rae-ived severe inju- I riea. The h">r*c took flight and pre,7l Fourth street 3*28 a, WILKINS A CO. , |_*ACu.N —6 hbtls Sides; ~ JD 2 do BbotNdets; 2 do llams; tor sale bj JtI s SMITH A SINCLAIR. j |*£FlNlSl> SUGARS— —' I XI 16 hbls Lorering's Crushed Snirar: 60 do Loaf Sugar; . '• 16 do Powdered Soger; I SO do White Coffee #hgar; | 10 do Coar3e Palrerlked; for sale by f : LSMITH a SINCLAIR. \! la DOW GLASS-160 boxes SxlCh ~~ if 10 do 10x12; 60 do 10x14; 26 do 0x12; _ , 16 do 7xo; Swearery and Blair’s brands; for sale by SMITH A SINCLAIR. _i”™_ SMITH A SINCLAIR. u ’> ]u*l -Mrnr & binclaib. KOSIN BUAP—37S boxes No. 1 Soap, tor e.i .HZ , SMITH aHn^.t- WANTED— Thretflpore closer Men, to complete a oolo gy of parcbastfra, on the handsomest location on the aourth Street EoadTtiis side of East LibertffX °n£! are eeldom made. Enquire of THOMAS WOODS 76 Fourth ,t r „t BMLHA— u kegs i,m ery> aborted, in store uui Jor ,°y PLUMING BItOTHJiRS, j-1... tiUccesSOrg to J - & Co., 60 Wood street; h , Dottea *** toflad rriogM. blacK JC «wl.inall coloM.Jußt received per express, at No. 83 corner of Market street and the Diamond - Je24 - JKANK VAN OORDEB. muM down 88 per cent, st A. A. MASON k CO.’S, Jiz ; rr ”“ r * brand, for O Mlt by Lj«3BJ SMITH * SINOLAIB. V * . ! v .?V- ' "..:• ■■-y*H v. , ■'. ji- . . »•■, ,V; . y. ' . -'V • •• TELEGRAPHIC. :jpLY 18. By the PBeilly Lioo« for th» Horning Poit ’W’ASH&QTO!' Citt, July 17.—Senafe —Mr. W*son called up the resolution fixing the salaries ofthe-employees of the Senate, Increasing the same 2C per cent The resolution was passed. It abolishes the per dienr compensation except to commit we clerks, whose salaries will amount now to $6 per day. 83nate messengers will receire 11,200. The Hotun joint resolution, Increasing the pay of em kgMaUre department 20 par cent, and prc hiwting hereafter the usual extra allowance, was passed. Mr. Bright gave notice of his Intention of calling up the Texas bill tomorrow. r Mr. Badger's motion to reconsider the rote, passing the line to the Pacific, waß rejected.- Mr. Pettit moved to tako up his resolution to the Nebras ka and Kansas act Mr. Ohasosald If the motion was taken'up, he wduldof mM bin menifmeDt for pr,ntlnß tlw notdfl *“ d proceedings on The motion of Mr. Pettit was then rejected. The Homestead bill was then token up. Mr. Stewart offered liis substitute to the Homestead hill, giving the benefits cf a homestead to alt person* entitled to .hold lands byatate laws, and fixing the price to be paid to the same atthe end of four years, at 26 rents, and (or lands 2*5“ ,n , “"Vet a oartalo time 26 cents; also the price of lands from $1 to 26 cents per acre, according, tot he time they have been hi market- Mr.Gwfn moved to amend ths original bill by fixing the price to paid at 26 cents per acre. ■ A personal debate occurred bet wee a Mr.Wado and Mr. ~T he forrn 'er asked the latter if he bad used the words in the debate printed In his speech, vie "the Senators * nd Now York will not so soon eat their words." air. Clayton said be tad spoken them snbatanUy as re ported. , Mr. Wade replied that he did not believe the words had. been attend in the Senate,and accused Mr. Clayton of hav ing skulked the matter, and in his private room bad written *ords in his speech whloh he did not dare to utter in the Senate Mr. Clayton —That’s a lie—that’s a lie. lie was called tc order by the Speaker After some further remarks by Mr Dodge, lowa, Clayton and Cass; Mr. Weller moved an adjournment, hoping that nothing serious would grow out of tbe difficulty between his young friends, the Senator from Ohio and Delaware. The Senate thvu adjourned. /bute.—Unsuccessful. efforts were made to suspend the rule io order to report the Senate bill granllngland to lowa to railroad purposes, and to report to the Benate bills regu lator tbe pay end to iocreasc the efficiency of the army, and also to establish a retired list The House then wont into oommlttee oxvlhe Armv Ad rropriatioD bill. . ; r A long debate in committee took place on the subslitn ilonof Civil for Military Superintency of Armories, when tbe committee rose without action. * MU was passed regulating tbe time of holding Dixtrict end Circuit Courts in lg-ulsiana, after a hich the llouee &J -{ourned. ji Effect* of the Defalcation of Crane, PHiLADurau. July 17.—The fraudulent issue of stock ftt Boston by Edward Crane, President of the Vermont Cen tral llailroad, has created much ronitmiaiton In tbe Stock Board here. Crane was one of ths subscribers to the stock at the Sunbury and Erie Railroad, upon the fiUtb of which subscription the city of Philadelphia toned -bonds per fir„t million of her subscription, the ordinance authorising tbe subscription requiring that a similar amount should first le obtained from private subscribers. The discovery of this fraud will undoubtedly suspend the ’psrallons cf this road, a* the second subscription of am dicer million by tbli city cannot now be paid. Another Railroad Swindle. Bosros, July lT —E-twnrd Crana, President of the V*r moot Central Railroad resigned 10-d ß y.. Previous to his n- ignatlnn it was dtoovered that he had overissued right thousand shares of Vermont Central Railroad stock. This discovery has caused considerable excitement iu the monev ra .rket, as it is the second oflence of tbs kind committed bv him within abnnt a month. In the firvt case, oomplalot wrs to the Grand Jury, but noacUnn w«s taken It .. ? a . U f r - , Cr ‘ E ® aUfd the oyer toneto raise money upon it. pledging It as collateral wruritv to I*. Latimer, who. supposing it to pebonajidc, w>|d It In market Nsw OtLXtxs. July 17.—Galveston listen to the 14th «tste th it a large body of Indians from Mexico was marching in’o tbe inter or of Texas There Is considerable excitement among the people who sre complaining against Gen. Smith, iVtUinn* are cireu toting to his removal, sod the appointment of Gen. Baraev to *he chief oemmand. Theoonditton of the treopa throughout Texas is excellent Legiilsture Adjourned. HoßTos, July 17—The New Ifsmpriiiee legislature ail joiirned on Saturday. after n sew lon rf At week*. Among th.* acts pawed are one .relative to the fraudulent tone or Micks in Railroads, Banks, and other companies.and one tin lowering married women to make te*tfmentary di«eori ti -n of their estates. Distinguished Deaths. Ntw Yoax. July 17 —Died yesterday, at Lebanon Spun;*. N B. Blount. District Attnro<*T. Elma Augusta Mason,lata \VbcaGny, di««d at Oyster liar y.*. tenlay. 3 * Er Judge Merritt, of this city, aisa died yesterday. of Cholera. Oa-ivm, Mash , July 17.—Two vn*ing l-dlea. daughter* oi Kredrelrk Howes, of 80-ton. a'templed to «r .>h-ck* Mi.tthews and GUI wsre taken at Montreal, and *3 300 covered. Mortality of Philadelphia. PtULtniLPUiA, July 17.—Ibe death- in thi* city during tl.-i week eodiug on Saturday, we e 4J3, Includin ' CO freon ch dera. * Mortality In Brooklyn. It(to')kiTX, July 17—The death* in ttrookly n lu*t wvek W. re 221, including 84 from cholera, a large increa-vi. N'xw Yoix. June 27.—Stork* active, improved. Money.. E-iter supply, and firm; sterling exrhangn, qule-.. Cotton fiim and active durinx thii past week, but quieter tiniav r ices firm; Orleans. Middling. StJ; Mobileiclddlttig’ W Upland middling. Ct*w firia; tran»artiuns ilm itej; Kio lOto Of a Sugar firm; t»rleans. Moats v:vlo. Mtdasres nnchanpeii. Floor Vdvanned TJ t<- 26 on iow grades: sales KVJO bbU straight brands SUti at $6.60<27; good Ohio, iVuithern firm and un changed. Wheat advanced; oewSouthern re-i,sl.sn : white y. i.-higau.s2. OaUlower W 0»r« a'jvr.t!eeit la. Unwed Oil...quiet; English 7v, 0 mos. Lead. Uslrtn PniLaoi.L-iuv. July 17,-Klour Vt-rv quu>t, *l.:pplrg h-dai $026: ti.> exjj.rt demand/ th- nniv sales rnp.ricJ ■rj »mail lots tor hum* con-urapiton at 60 for r is. m o and good brand.*, and s.s for e .tm, hjeklour an i Corn Metd; nothing doing. '.laUirr more en juiry for W neat: supplies coming tn more fn*e!v. sales ]s- e Delaware rwl at $1 t-S, afloat; White worth f 1 705.1 -i. Bj«; ootbing doing. Corn scarce, In f.lrdemand ; sales,.! Sr/O bush Yellow at 76&7&C, afloat. - Whisky; small sale* at 28c. , CrxcwWATi, July 17.-*Floar nnchangrel. but limited at $7-v? 05. arrivals etill Ifebt; sales ,VXI bids Pork on private terms, supposed to be $lO 60. Whisky advaend to 23r, scarce. Hemp delivered. $l6O for Kentucky, spirit* Tur pentine advanced to 56<$6S, with light stock, tiroceries unchanged; market dull Sorcross’ Planing Nachlnei MY Rotary Planing Machine bu jant been divridej not -t’l- : _ to infringe the Woodworth Machine by the Supreme V Men Wanted. Oort of the Culled State*. end lin now prepared to wll / HL'NlftlKb WAMtH-n the Central Rail rl.-iiM to uae, in all part&of the United States. . Ibis oia- road, between WltfcSnaburg and Irwin's Station Tie cL n* givertniiTeraal valWaction. Itobtaloed a medan-oth wage* will i day, payable at in* end of each In New York and boston, over the Woodworth machine, mouth. Al>o,dit lloivakSand CAKTA wanted oo th«-un* after a trial of three week.*. work, for which the highest wugatt »i|| be given Eoeuire Jehiil-wflin N. O. NOKCROSR. *t the office, braddock'* Held*. rnrjJ tt .JAMES FENLON. ZINC PAINTS. One-third Cheaper than White Lead, and Free from all Poisonous Qualities. 'UK NKNV JKHHtV ZING bivloK \ enlarged tbeirworkft,«nd lmprore.l tie quality of tbflr pi Klucu, are prepared to execute order* for their SUPK III OK PAINTS. l>ry, and Ground la OH, in exuortwd park %g <* of from i’> to 600 pound*; aim, Dry, to barrels of 200 pounds each. 3 'fbeir WHITE ZINC, which Is sokl dry or ground to oil, is warranted PURE and unsurpassed for body and uniform wliiteness. , A method of preparation has jeeently been discovered, which enables the company to warrant their Paints to fresh and soft in the kegs for any reasonable time. In this respect their Paints will be anperior to any other in the market ' • Their BROWN ZIN'C PAINT, which is sold pi a low price, at.d can only be made froth the Zinc ores from New Jersey, is now well known for Its protective qualities when applied to iron or other metallic surfaces. Their STONE COLOR PAINT possesses all the properties of the Brown, and la of an agreeable color for painting CV.t ti-tee, Depots, Out buildings, Bridges, Ac. iwaler* supplied on liberal terms by their Adepts.., ,FRENCH A KICUAKDS, Wholesale Paint Dealers and Importers, *pr~:omw N. W.eor. 10th k Market sts.. Philadelphia. A. G. CUBBAGE, WHOLESALE ASD RETAIL I)KALES IX Groceries, Green and Black Teas, Balt and Fish, SOUTH BIDE OF DIAMOND, PITTSBURGH. PA., HAS REMOVED to this stand wfth a view to extending and enlarging his business, lie will keep one of the completest and best as,orted establishments in thecitv, and respectfully invites a call from all fals old customers aud the public generally. n e deals extensively in COUNTRY PRODUCE, of all descriptions, lie keeps on band a large assortment of BTONK AND GROCERY WARE, best quallfy Call and see me at my new stand. fcnyl9:lti]*iyw Letters Twamenuirv u> the Estate t>i john. nick kl. Br., late of Robinson township, in the county of All* Kheny, Pa., dec’d., haring been granted to the undersigned ull persona Indebted to said estate are requested to muke immediate payment; and all persons buying claims or do rounds against the estate of the said decedent, wilt make known the same without delay to ■’ JOHN n. PHILLIPS JOHN NICKEL, jr.,’ of llobtnson township, Execatorscof said John Nickel. Sr. je<d*fltw WONDER OF TILE WORLD.—'The great wonder of tho world has at length been discovered. You cannot make one hair white or black, bat Mr. BYRON 11. ltoUB bu at lengtn procured the troth of the great «ecret, af.tr much study, toll and expense, how to make the hair curl Hud in 1116 moBt dutiful and graceful manner for life. The proprietor has traveled through various parts of Europe for upwards of nine year*, In search of the celebra tod chemist and physiologist, 11. Joquos, and ha* at length found him in Italy, and purchased of him the receipt for the ium 0f53,000 All person* haring the most uncouth and coarse looking hair, can hare U transformed into the tiful fiDd CurliB 8 appearance that could be de- Bired. The composition of which the article is cumposed wIU not ««t more than 50 rents, and but on,, application is seeded to the hair to cause it to curl and ware in iho moat uniform and penect order for JJfo,aud thus improve the ilooks and appearance 100 per cent. We now offer Oil* won derful discovery to the world for the sum of SI 00 Direct all letters to BYRON 1L ROBB, Farmington Tram ball county, Ohio, and the receipt will be immediately for warded to the person. All letters must be post-paid to a«cnre attention. J«9:3mw FOR RENT—A.very desirable eountrypoat, 7 mile* from the dty, on the Btoubenville pike—late the Homestead of Gen. Wm. Marks. Along with the bouse and garden will be let an Orchard of the very best quality of grafted ,for further particular*, enquire or Mr. Jackson, at the Toll Qate on the premise*, jyll JAB. 0. RICHEY, Beal Estate Agent. WJJtTED— tA Laborers, 3 Teamsters, and several Can *7*, tor Railroad; in a healthy location, and good wage*. Apply at FRANOIBCOB’ Agency Office, Jyff 66 Fifth st, saar Post Qflce, T-' THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Date from Texas, Railroad Aeeldent. TELEGRAPH MARKETS. Executors’ Notice. To Uak< Curl. v . y, . ■ r. - • Jitins for river arm Che River, by the metal mark*, bis 23 Indie* '. < >•» thuchaoßei and almost at a stand, only s fail of on- i.ii ftluco Saturday ni f hk The weather baa l «en very 0|,..~ »lro for the last three dayß. 7 Tkt Louisville Courier, of the 13th, statea that tbe river was still swelling, with $ feet 9 iaebaa water lu the ieauai. The steamer Jess* Lascar left yesterday to run iu th< eat Newton trade, in place of tbe Tbos. Shriver, laid up. The light drnm.ht steamer Equator, Captain Cambel leaves this for Wheeling, as the regular packet, i 9 o'clock. Tht arclyaU and departures of steamers bate been very slim for tbe past few days, owing to the low water and boats overloading and blocking up tbe channel, and because of the sudden rise* and falls of the river during the month of June. :We predict more ln the natural channel, should the water keep at anything near what it is by tbe marks at our lauding. The steamer lUincit Belle will t e ready to leave this day. She was built under the superintendence of Captain Joseph Calhoun; her draught of water, by her marks, U 13 inches; the dimensions are as follows: length on deck 164 feet; beam 28 do; depth of hold 8 do; 11 inches measure* tnent; 144 60*96 tons; 2 boilers, each 38 Inches diameter, 22 feei long; 2 engines 13>$ inches by feet stroke. Cabin by polled, Applegate A Mason, and painting by Murphy A Spear. Any one having the curiosity to look at a complete ligbtrdraugbt water boat, will step on board tbe JUinoit ‘Belie, fibe will be in chtrgeof J. H. Clark, a gentleman welj kncjwn In the trade from 8k Louis to La Salle, with his as. sistant, Capt. Albert Q. Folger, In the clerk’s office, there is no doubt but those traveling to 8k Louis and shove,will be well satisfied. POST OF PITTSBURGH. 1 >OQT 11 mCHKS WATIB 1W THI CHAJWSL, METAL MASS. ARRIVED. Bteemer Jefferson, Parkinson, Brownsville. “ Loierne, Bennett, Brownsville. Thomas Shriver, Hendrickson, West Newton H Oen. Bayard, Peebles, Elisabeth. 14 Jesse Laxear, Antwalt, Wheeling. DEPARTED. “ Jefferson, Parkinson. Brownsville, i ** linserne,BennetUßrownsvllle. ■ M ThomasSbrlver, Hendrickson, West Newton. “ G«n. Bayard, Peebles, Elisabeth. “ Jesse Lesear, Ace wait, Wbeeliog. STEAMBOATS. “1854.” PITTSBURGH, CINCIBBATI, I0UI8VILU?, awn SAINT LOUIS. PitUbßTgh and Cincinnati Steam Packet Line, TOR THI CO3V*TAXC* OF PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT BTTW«X PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, Ani Saint Louis. iy**s* - Tan Lins is composed of seven nr. clans powerful Bteamers, nne* for speed, splendor, safetyA>HEb bd.l comfort, end Is the 05LI maooon dailt use of Steam pACtrts on the Ohio river. It connects with the U. g. Mail Liue of Steamers from Cincinnati to LouisTlll# aod Salot lx>uis 4 bv which pa&Mmgcrs and freight are (untied and rr csipted through daily. Two new Steamer* have been added to tbe Liae, which uow consists of the following boats: -» Bays of Departure Oiptairu. from Pittsburgh. BCCKE\>, STATE SI. W. HsLTtnoovia....Sunday. MESSENGER, No. 2 J. B Davis. Monday. ALLEGHENY ...... Geo. M'Lux -Tue,=daV. CUV'STAL PALACE ffs. J. Kouxtx. Wcdnea-Jav. PHILADELPHIA R. J. Grace. Thursday PITTSBURGH.. H. Cam-nsu- Friday. PENNSYLVANIA Jxo. Kunctelteb —Saturday. l-*wve daily at 10 o’clock, A. >l n precisely. No freight received after nine o’clock on tba morning of departure. For particulars, apply on board, or to* JOIIN U. LIVINGSTON.) , JOHN FLACK, j Ap»nte. Monong&hela Hou6e Buildings. Pittsburgh,lS33. __ 14«c19| For St. Louis and Illinois River. rrm—. THE K-nm-r ILLI.NOI BELLE, Oapt. J, 11. I i rll *TTfW f>< "" wlll f ' ,r the shove and Intefine- ports on TU KSDAY. iHth lost, at 10 A. !U. passim* apply on board. iyJ7 For \Vfaeelittg~ vn> TJIE Kramer hyt'AluK, Capt. CAWPBLX.L wilt leavr for th- al»ve and intermediate port* •■■■■■oil TUESDAY, July Into, at 10 A. M. . For freight ami t a-nage apply on board. Jrl7 Kor Cincinnati. , fn* ~ TUh am hjrl.t «t*amar KOSALIE, LgMgtSaC*?’- nnr.irti, will !<*▼*• for the above unJ i a . [ktU on MONDAY, 17th in*L, at lu o'clock, A M. l’or freight anJ pMMire apply on board, or to jylo ODbLlMIVVihin .% UAHS Kor fcl. Luuli. " ‘ ” /r-ja, . THK mwmcr VIENNA, Oept. ChaklMjJlat, LgflifcQß * |U fl,r ll ”‘ «nil iut«?rmediat* Sbru OIMHk.u SaTCkDaY, lCib Juft ,»t 10 A. M. T ►or IreifTbl sud apply &x» U*nJ, or In " _„&!> J'MIX FLACK. As»of ► or Ciucinuati. THL <-l-nm-T qCAKKK CITY. Cap;. J. *»'. JJta&Q*SnrM, will l<*aTF- r.,r tbo ibox. iud InU-raiOill p-rt!. on TBIS DAY, tb* 13tli in*t . tt 10 c c ock, A. M >'*.r and puwt;* app'-r on nr to KI.ACK t IIAHNKS. Afffrr* itegolar Wlietling Packet. , f rs> m Titr ‘ ,u^ia * T >'.YCIt ANUK. Capt. 'I'CIUA* LA||g2>3>o rvrrf Mo.\ IM Y, W LDN K»b AY. and KID.W. nt $ ./clock. A M., rvonoctitig wit H.*- C. ond l*. Railroad at UVU-ri11... F-„ fcvieht apr.lr to j r -* J- I* iI.LINtiWi.»oLJ, Arfi-nr. lt«gular Whcdlngpßckti.' . tr&* T£t£ ite»mrr hCLIi ?K. Ci|>:tia iiKß.ir I» iUKMMY, TIIUUMJAV. .xATfItDAV, «t W a. M . * D ,J p,»„- »ub l « C. MU J« K.nlro»l »i WrUarill* » or (r*-»Kb l «j p!\ to __ J. I>. CmLM.NOW.VjD. Af.-uL . fcvcmng Line far Wheeling . (n> ll,h »*•* i »»*t draught m-au.Br JUdh;: LjJja&CtfLtZKiu. C»pt A.>ew«lt, will travp .-T«r\ ■■■■•IWDAV, WLDMtfDAY arid FItII>AY. at '.I o'.-look, i* »J »nl i'H'aifc apply l«o*nI, or to CHAKL» ItA.K.\>:>, Aifal. “ IS )4." CAN A D A WEST. * ■ jolj 'l UK fc INK lo» frv«ur« »i»hiu»t TKLKiUiAPH. CauUlu R. IUREv-*. will make t»>. tnjv« n w..-* *f-ruxi«» r |«t».s Port Sianioj, auJ Port liur%tll, *» folium Loam* for Pur! «T-rv > t ,_ TIII'RiDAY KVt.M Mi, at T>, o’cl.^-k. Leaves l*urt Hurwrll for l‘o ri Stauler at l nViwk. !•«•»**** Pori fi>r Cli>ri»i»nl «T4irji WEUNKADAV ami SATfKDA'* 'hV'k.MMi, at 7 1 ., u'cl-vk The Telegraph conO'-ru at UrtviHod, » |;b the Cleitdand, Coiumbu* and. Cmduimi, lb* Qi>t*lbuJ and I’lUj-buiyhi tb«* 1-alf ahorf, ao.l tti« T >i<*d:>, Norwalk * n j Oi.ivriand Kullroada. Alao n»riim't<* at is.rt ManleT with lb*. I.r.ndou Llni> of whsuti moDerbs with the tirral Wceton Railroad. Kor freight aad:pa«*4<*> ajiplv on hc.nl. nr t»W>VIU. A L-UiDKKI'ALK. Clen laad. n t\ ilOLOfVllt, Port Slnnler'. r.r A. M’UKIDK. Port »ur«*ll mar^T.tnoT wants; Land wajuiants vvantko—si;»"uo i *i*b u< |,uY chaw Land M arrant* to tl<« amouut of Fire Th«UA*»d Arree, to 100, W or 40 acre Warrants; fur which will h» paid $l7B In (fold, tor lfao nrms, nod In proj>orlioQ a»r §d »bd 41) acton. Apply to JAMtrt BLaKKIY, heal Ratal* and European Agnnt, toy 3 corner of Seventh and Hmlibfhdd atrwet.H.- WANTfcD— rTWu OH THREE LOTS. oo Diamond alley, between Smlihthdd and iJrant street-*, for which a fair price will be paid. Inquire of Jelfcllw THOMAS WOOD?, 75 Fourth rtreet. 833,000 Worth of Farms and Building Lois! 100 FARMS AND 2000 BUILDING LOTS H’t'M bt cftrt'iffld among Of) Subecnhrn on the Evrtring r n FARM of from 2to 20 acres. These lots are beautifully locau-d at LAKELAND, Long Island, where an«w i-burch and school house, and a number of private dwellings, stores, work shops and factories, have already b*«o erected, several more are now being built, and several hundred will he erected tho coming season. This in a floe opportunity of owning a delightful country residence near the city, where the domestic comfort* of a family circle can be fully realized, and where 26,000 build ing lot* and about 000 forms have lately been sold; aurl eale* are dally being made to individual* who, after careful examination of it* location and ascertaining the quality of the Bull, uro selecting forms for agricultural purpose*, be ing confident that do land so cheap and calculated to in crease so rapidly in value can be had within 60 miles of the city. This land would have been all taken up years back, but ha* been an mfai7«f eitaif for the last century, sod completely locked up for upwards of two hdndred years— since which large sales hare been made, and where the wild deer roamed at large may now bu seen beautiful oottages and cultivated fields waving with the abundant productions of our mother earth. This is one Of the best opportunities now offered to those of small nienns who are destitute of a home of their own, to purchase one for a mere trifle; also, a few farms, con tain ng each five and ten acres, and upwards, at from (26 to $36 per sere. All persons .wishing to avail themselves of the opportu nity now offered to procure a Quo farm or spleudid building lot near tho Empire City, should make immediate applica tion, as'hey are nearly all disposed of. Apply to CIIAKLEB WOOD, 208 Broadway, corner of Fulton street, Y. Y., where map* and pamphlets can be had, or sent it required by mail, grails B. H’LAIN, Agent, jy!3:3md*wlfl 21 Fifth street, Pittsburgh POWER A RIERDON, Architectural and ornamental carvers.— Ornamental Patterns for Carting, In every style; Modeling, Designing, Ac. Composition Ornaments for the decoration of Steamboats, Buildings, Acq 90 BMITHFIELD Street, near the Post Office. jyliSm LAND! LAND!!—B. CUTHBEKT A SON have for sale Farms of from 00 to 1000 acres, located in Pennsylva nia* Ohio, Virginia, and Illinois; npwoEls of 10,000 acres In STLoan county, Illinois: several tiacts of land on the waters of Big Fishing Creek, Va., In lot* of 130 acres and upwards, at $1,60, $3, $6, and $lO per acre. Person* wish ing to buy, will find it to their advantage to call at our office. No. 140 Third street. jy3 1 fj*OUKTII OF JULY EXCURSION—Do not forget to look J? at those beautiful BUILDING LOTS, so pleasantly situ ated nn Mount Washington—free from the dust and smoko of the dty, and in the pure air of the country—yet within e few minutes' walk of thqcity. The Inclined Plane.will soon be completed, and these Lots rendered very eesv of access. Lots of 50 feet front by 210 deep are selling at $250 each—s2o In hand, balance in same or $5 a month. jy4 8. CUTHBKRT A SON, 140 Tbltd street-. SILKS, MANTILLAS, DRESS GOODS, Embroideries, Trimmings, Hosiery and Gloves, House-keeping Goods, Linen and White Goods, Bonnets, Millinery Goods, Gents. Furnishing Goods, Ac., have all been marked down from 20 to per cent, during the Semi-Annual Sale of A. A. MASON A CO., 25 Fifth street. COMMERCIAL POST I J TTSBUEOH BOARD OP TBADS A *. »> MERCHANTS’ EICIIAHGE. OFFICERS. President— JOHN BHIPTON. first Vice President— Wx. 11. Sjhtb. Snxmd M “ Wu. R. Brow*. Secretary—Wx. S. lUvbx. Treasvrtr— John D. Scuut. Superintendent— 3. T. Nout/iam, Jr . tbmmitUe on Arbitration for July.— W«. H. Snirii, V. P., B. lUEßicon, Wu. Raglut, JotiHBA Riiotss, Gso. Black. DAILY REVIEW 07 PITTBBtFBGH MARKET. Urnc* o r vn« Daily Slorntso Posr, » 9 Tueaday, July 18, ISM. j The scarcity of Flour in our market has caused the fei sales reported to be at an advance. FLOUiL—6O bbis saperflne from store at t8,121£; 25 dt BZlra do $8,25; 2S do do $8,37; 25 do do $3,50. GRAIN.—7S bushels ear Corn from mure at 02c. SUGAR.—IO bbds fair 4%c tourmouths. WUIBRY—6O bblsSOe; lOdo 27c. BAOON —13.000 lbs shoulders and bams In lota at %c and BW@B-l£c, aecor ling to time; 6 tic reed sugar cured baton 10'^c; 4do canvassed at 9J#:. LEATHER —4OOO ft»s harness from store at 270 t* &>, cash: 2000 Pw. skirtings from store at 30c do; ICO side block bridle at $41,60 dozen. Decline in Pork«**Stoclu and Prices. Tbe Provision market bore, as veil as elsewhere, is ex cessively dull, especially for Pork, and a lot of 800 barrels of mess was offered yesterday at $lO Early In the week a sale of 700 barrels mees was made at $lO per barrel, on four months’ credit. We noticed yeeterday shipments of 2,100 barrels of Pork to New York. Tbe stock of Pork and Bacon la this market, on the l«t of July, as ascertained by actual count, w«a 19.657 barrels pork; and 190,880 pieces bacon. The stodtof pork in New York, at tbe last accounts, was 114,000 barrels, and the price of mess in that city yesterday was $11.36. This is rather a dull prospect for pork speculators, and must have an inlluencs on tbe p -kee of tbe next bog crop, and the Im pression is prevalent that prices w It be much lower next season than thev are this. Theetock of pork in this nn-- kot is not very large, when it is taken into conslderat on that more hogs were killed and packed aroand Louisville the past season than at any other point, and more than was ever before packed anywhere.- —Louisville Ouitrier, 1 3th. Auction-Daily Bales. AT tbe Commercial Bales Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth streets,at 10 o'clock, A. M., a general assortment of Seasonable, Staple and fancy Dry Uoods, Clothing, Boo;* and Shoes, Hats,Caps, Ac^ AT 3 O’CLOCK, P. M., Groeeries.Queensware, Glassware, Table Cutlery, Looking Glasses, New aod Second Hand Household and Kitchen Par nitare, Ac., AT 7 O’CLOCK, P. M., Books, Stationery, Panry Articles, Musical Instruments, Hardware and Cutlery, Clothing, Variety Goods, Gold and Silver watches, Ac. P. M. DAVIS, Aurtloneer. fja3lrtf Household and kitchen furniture— Od THURSDAY morning, July 30th, at 10 o’clock, at the dwelling bouse No. 17 Oongms, near Wylie street, will be sold a general assortment of Household Furniture, among which are: One mahogany Sola; 18 mahogany and cotumoo Chairs; mahogany and walnut Hocking Chairs; Wardrobe pari.>r and dining Tables; parlor, chamber and stair CarpoU; Waahstands; Beds, Bedsteads iuid Reddltw; gilt frame Looking Gla* «s China, Glaas had (Juemjswsru; kitchen uteustia. Ac. t jyl&j P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. B4LK UF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE- On FRIDAY evening. , uly‘2lat. at '■> o'clock, at the Merchants' Exchange, Foorth street, wtll he sold by outer of Alexander Bradley, assignee of Sc«lfo, Atk osoti A Okelv. that very raluabio LOT OP GROUND on thu north side t*: Front stre-t, between Market and Wood streets, haring a front of 28 feet on Front street and extending back 60 fret, on which Li atectod m excellent three story Brick Waie house. Also, that valuable LOT adjoining the above, bar log a front of thirty feet on Fruntstreot, extending through to Second street one hundred and sixty fret; t<*gutb~r with PIECE OP GROUND in rear of last mentioned property U> foet by 40 feet in depth, on which Is erected a very ruMan ual three story Biick Workshop and Warehouse, with Steam Engine aDd Boilers, cylinder 13 inches diameter, 16 Inches stroke . two Turning Lathes and Fan; Bbaitiog, Ac. AM, LOTS Nos. 28 and 29, in plan of Augusta K. fibalcr, ou Coal Hill, having, tngeC rr, a front of 60 feet on Rut iegr Street, extending hack 120 fret. Txrus—One third cast), re.-idue in two equal payment* at nine and tighteeu monil,—with interact, to L* paired by boud and mortgage on the prmai-es. Jvl« K M DAVI-*. Auctioneer' S'IAFLE AND FANCY DRY UCUlin, AX Al.UTWft.— "n TUESDAY MJHNINII, July Mb, at 10 o'cloct, will be sold, without reserve to close a ronaignment, a gcneml a-sortun-ns < f seasonable fur, Sgo and dom-stlc ctiple and fancy Dry uuods, embracing the usual variety kept In ta exlrmiveretail Dry GuodsMore. Also,a quantity ul Hoof. 8hor«. H*t , Cape, Bonnets, and a variety erf Gor'd.* from a Trimming Store. _J»I7 P. M. DtVIS, AucM.-neer. ORPHANS’ COURT SALE «.*F CUARTUIi;? FLH.KJ.NU MILL I’ROPEhTV. —On MONDAY MORNING, July 24ih, at 12 o'ckck. on the pr«mL*e*. by order of Mrv. Marr It. Davis, Administratrix of tire lair .fas. IJ. Da***, au i dr-.-ree of orphao*’ Court «,f Atiegheuv countv. » iil lJ sold, that valuable Preceof Land, eituateon Charter* creek, f.iur ml)re from nilsburgb. on the cieubeavulr Turnpike Road, in Kobiu«on and Chsit ere townships, containing four acres aud seventy perches. rn>which is erected a first rate Merhaut and Grist Milt, la gnod order, of turning out 180 barrels of Cour per day, with a Store House, Dwelling Uou*. Cooper Shop, Stable, Ac. Tin- Mill contains f,»ur pair burrs, three w t* of bolting cloths, ifuee screens, two smut machines, two packing ma chines, < D e corn crusher, Ac , with storage for Si.uOO bushels of grain; which imprt-vement* post about $2u;OOP. Tbe water pi>wer Is among the be-t In the county, to whicn b added ample steam power when required in drr K-i-wov I'lre ihmiug village of Mansfield is duly dl*tan> me nn l a half miles Remington and tire Chartler* Coapanv Mtnaa half a mlie; (be Railroad of the latter run* wttbtu 400 yard-i of tbe Mill, and the Pittsburgh and niegtrenrille Railroad within half a mile. The neighborhood Is highly improved and br*t in Western i>no«ylvanl* for wheat, nirni*blcg custom wt.rk to arncuot of 60 IKK) bu*haL, and tor sale more than twice that Quantity yejrly. with a rea-Jv mnrkafor tire A plan r.f tire property ro»T le> <—en at tf-.e Auction These wishing to etatiifne thesama will call c-u Mrs trb<> r*“.ile» cm tire premise*. F.-r further parti.-ular* enquire of Rot-rt Wre-J-. p.ei, Mnirefi.-M Untvo, or Otd. John R'»— Trrui*—Our-lhlrd rv»idn<> in »hj 'w- v*«r*4 vivli iu>n*t. Sl’Miklfc^— In Ujroo Hum*, 23 "• do Miouidc-r- ; Ui bbl« new larr* No :< Mackm!; 30 Lf I»LU do d>, Jo; toii-rlv*. m " a<-dium do dn ,t i; '*» t-bu du d u do j.,, i: •• L»k* Crout, id »tor«*; " Uulliinor* Herrin*. in xtr-rv. -0 ** d<» t'htul, do; •’ “ No. i pttru I.irJ OH, d<'; 2-‘> “ TaritiPf* Hi!. di>; (A: i'kd > prtznr J'> xrN . HD bhl- Mr-.* JN-rk . Jim •• »irr,.«UM; “ lr-*t iMI-f.tr . *‘■o bbdtO . - I.Mh <> •«. o.»k ; lo I«im W O. To'tiarc .. li.n; i.bU c‘ Ho >in. 40 «••«** Ri.r, 7 b.x; RJ hfcr.k* Drtnl Applet, and Paacbr*; 2000 pound? Baron !IWh. KViMSfI k RICHAUn^V 'T.. r y MONDAY noi DJt\ Ui A MTl‘ ili ti, corner i.f tiruut ai%J >'• fir, hu HOST m liali.l 10 run. blrsohM Qu-ikn mo*- 1 ; wet* uf; f.O flrr-* frith llnra; p \*cr, whit* uiull*. tur l»,J‘r*'dn-.-*«-» TN plrw* Hiipo; rutton an] wonl.-n *»•* lor wear; a frw pur..* fi u «. bis -k rh*!lc; bi* r fc t t-arrr.i tnJ plain t*ra.{? and Ur--u»-s; mantilla?-., manukii fiAand trimming* r-t rrrrv d«arrlptl..n; 1.-m ndorrl nnd oiU«l dr iln*** gingham?; aOO jd**« .'lprricJdck pr ir ■, fa»t color*—all of wlnrh will br eoM rxtrrmtMr low j»!2 lAlttE VOKKs! FIRE rtuKlia::- ‘ 20u U xe* Fire Crackers. <• grew Human Candles, 12 ball.-; 7 “ ’ do .Jo S dt,, ’> " d" du I, do; « “ do do 4 do; 4 “ Triangle*, No. 1; CO i.ox* Jackson Crackers; 600,000 Torpedo* ; 40 gross Pin Wheels; 20 *• 1 uuncu Rocket*; 16 “ 2 do do, - 12 “ 4 do do; 15,000 “ Pulling Crackers; fWonU supply; Just received and fin- sale by J. 0. ANDEKA)N 4 (\j.. _j*‘27 No. ft Wood street. VTOTIOE TO FARMERS.— " X v 60 Horse Rake*, improved pattern : 20 Patent Grain Drill* ; 40 dosnn Hay Rakes; 20 do Hay Fork*; 6 do Gran Cradle*; 2i) do Frythea and Sneatlis; lo do Horse Mutslee; for at 47 Fifth rtreel, by JAMES WARDROP. \TALUABLK HAND STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE. —A gt«*l three story Rrlck House of 11 room* and kitchen, hall, parlor*. Ac., all well papered and in good order; dr/cellar, coal vault, Ao. The Lot i* 20 foot front by 110 deep, to a private alley. Price $4,000, and easy tonus of payment. On Townsend street—a pleasant Dwelling House of 8 rooms, with a good lot of ground, tree*, vin***, Ac. Pricw $2,000. 8. CUTHBKRT A SON. l4O Third street. ONLY $4OO FOR A FRAME HOUSE, and Lit of Ground, situate lo Allegheny city, near Beaver street. The Lot Is ;i0 by tJO feet, with fine peach trees, coal house, Ac. Call aDd examine, SI.WO, in easy payment*, for a largo Frame House nnd huge Lot, situate on theoastern road, opposite the Arsenal wall. Also several other Uoose* and Lois at Tery low price*. g. CUTIIBERT k SON, l4O Third rtreet. PALE.—Five Lot* ou Pennsylvania Avenue, in front Jl of Ctiathiun street, and 4 Lot* at the junction of Bbt enth and Webster streets. Also, a large variety of chenp- Lol* throughout the city. If yoa wautanv kind of proper ly for a home, just enquire of THOMAS WOODS, 76 Fourth street. I^lSU —10 bbls N'o. 1 Hhad; ~ 10 do do Herring; 15 do No. 3 Mackerel, 1854; 15 do Trout, and 5 bf bbla do; 6 do No. 3 Mackerel, sound; tor sale by J*2B SMITH A SINCLAIR. NOW Id THE TIME Tu eUBbUUBE.—I will furnish Harper’s Mag&xlne for $2,40 per vear, or $1.25 for six months. S. B. LAUFFEiI, jyl 87 Wood street. MONO.NGAUKLA WHISKY—I9O bblaOld Monongnbela Whisky, just received aDd for sale low by JOHN LITTLE. Jr., Agent, jofl ; 124 Second street. RUB>KLL A BRU- havo received Harper, Graham, and Knickerbocker, for June, at the LITERARY DEPOT, 13 Fifth street, near Market. mv.’U MOWING MACHlNES—Warranted tocutlroiu Hi to 16 acres of Gras* per day, with one one span of horses and driver. For sale by [my3oj E. R. SHANKLAND. A TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE—Pleasantly situated -fV on Carpenter street, near Wylie, with fruit and ohade trite*, shrubbery, Ac., for sale at a very low price. jel3 S CUTHBERT A SON, UOTftir- street. U~ FRIGHT STEAK IiItOILERS—A fresh supofy jost re salved and for sale by n*y3o BAILEY A RENBIIAW. GRAHAM FOR JULY.—Graham'* Magazine for July jnst received and.for sale by S. B. LAUFFER. ’ .87 Wood street. * Also, all the leading weekly papers and cheap publics *l°Qg. jy3 SUGAR— 40 bhd* prime N. O. Sugar: 1. do Clariiied do; Received per steamboat Jane Franklin, on consicament f' TAale by. f je2l] J. A. HUTCHISON A CO. I >ARED PEACHES—On hand and for mle by the barrel. X or lees quantities, by j* 3B BAILEY A RENBHAW. ORN—IOO sack* received this for Ky J*s M’CLPRKAN, HERRON A Co. j s* V r ’iV v * w -k fc +* ’ • 4 %* . _*• J p * •$ • i ;*v** r .- ; ■ • r *» . ..‘.•WSY • r ; 'V V': rift 1 ’ 1 AUCTION SALES, P. U. DAVIS, AaotiOßMr. I*. M. t>A VIS. U,r, (*■ » -■« a *'V MISCELLANEOUS. j rARD AND LARD OIL— J 16 kegs No. 1 Lard; 10 bbls do Lud Oil; 6halfbbi« do; ]L«i i do; for Sale by J*- 17 -MILLER A RICKETSON. JAVA OOli’irEK— •!■} k.-u< Old Got. JtiTd Coffee. lor ►. bJ fjfl7i DULLER A RICKETSON WINK—Iu ca«i*s Julian” Claret, recris.ii ' >ad for aalo by t jel?| MILLRIt A RICKETSoN. OLIVE OIL—IS cases Olite Oil, for s&Je by MILLER * RICKETSOy. ifAit CANDLES—2S boxes 4’s, s’«s aod 6*B Star CaoUies. for gate by [je!7] MILLER A IUCKETSON. 35 bble Medlum No. 3 Mackerel; 10 “ No 1 Pickled Herring; in store and Tor ' j«lT] MILLER & RICKLTsO.V. CIHAaPAUNE—iO basket* *173,’ J Wine, landing and toe Rale by MILLER A.RICKKTSON bbis No. 1, for nUe b)i* O Py2» SMITH k FINCLAIR. MANTILLA*. —A. A. MASON a CO. hire now for xal* mow than 100 latent ntylew of Mantilla*. [my22 LINSEED OIL—IO Lbig for s&lo B/ ' IlfiN.IY HOLMES. LIM K—loo bbls for m)« t>; Jel9 OALKKATUS—4O bu Pulrerlsed Saleratus, ia quarter. O halfw. and pound papers, for sale by J el ® 11ENRY nOLMES- B UTTER—16 kegs fresh Kurkin Ilut'er, for sale by HENRY HOLMES l/GUS—a bbls fresh this day receired, and fur sale by -Lj HENRY HOLMES. BLUE LIOK WATER—it bbu reeelrod this day by , JOS. KLEMINQ, corner of the Diamond and Market st. "VTO. 1 LARI’ OLL—26 bbU in store and for ul« by my2d FLtsMIVG BRO 9. LAJii> OIL, tu>, I—Just receiTKl end for sale by JOEL SIOHLER. BUEKiIAVK’a pTOMaCu BITTKKS-12 down onliTSd and for sale by f JclQ] jpuy a AFr . j a . 6O bbia flm ijualUy, on coaMjmuent; tvr X by | j “ b "P«- Jfs WALTER I’. MARRIIALL. STAK CANDLKg— bo boxes Cincinnati, assort aiz-*. at ounfictium prices. ’ 51* F. SELLERS_A CO. P _ KEATON A : MBaaiLL’B JfaitoSSTf iloaa, Vaailla, Peadi, Almood, Jamaica Glogar. aoJ fomataby [j«2a] yy. A. M’CLUKti. ?r r d .“ l^W With d “' gn,r T“‘ fni«uw« juhuai«i «o, np ,. w , i„ im je!3 n. MiNKH A CO. 3* Smltbfleltl » tr 4t, V HITt 1-LAIU 01.ViUAM4-Au„^n JJ moat of the above Good* just received at M . A. McTIQUE’S, -i- ooraer of Greet ecil Fiah rLm..?« GOuEY'6 AND FfcTJStiSOV." MAGAZINE, f7r*Jul7 hava two received bj UCSSKLL A BRO , ' -± r .zL. Fifth Etreeu.oear Market. f J f»!, K S7 IO bb ' S J‘ IU . IHa'IlV lIOLMKS. HKKkuu-JuO b6U Baltimore Harrlns In no™ Sd ioc jjd, b, KSULISII b KICIIAUDSON, . 118 Wgifr nod ISO Front «t. >.U:i'iMOKK IiKKJUXU-100 b'bU rwcitcj U IVaruylrttLi* Builro.nl, and fur tale by * * KNQU4II ii BICfURDSO.Y, ■ — Uti Water «r«t. y lUD-30 kbla HaUlmcr. Shad in .tor. a'ndTbrWbj- ENGLISH A HICiIAKDSOX, 1 Ir 2 11« Water and 160 Erent id K ,U ; V jT~* U bbU lt ‘ lUlnor “ i,hmd ’ iB »“>w «ud for rale by* y-J-., - ENGLISH 4 iucuakdsun; W 60 IwpecCcJ. tor e-aJ» by T~ --J— ENGLISH 4 KICHARDSOXV’ \l 3, for fwie by y J — ENGLISH 4 KICHARLAIV IJLARS—Wbbl* r riiaßp e ani t for«ißby 7 ENGLISH 4 HICUARH3ON. R Uen*« prim. Uice, for « .|, by - EXQLISU 4 MCBARDSO V. OliaLK—boie Stiad; “ i«ifl 60 hf bbJs shad; in Btcre 4atl *ale by . J * - ENGLISH 4 KICIU!t!.*IN. I)Of ATOKS—3O naclu for salo bv HENRY 11. COLLINS. I'JSACQKd—buj prime, for «mie Ly HENHV U. COLLINS. f .il'PLKd —'ll bu* fcr ft»le bj H*SHT n COLLIN? AND MOLASsKi— J 60 hhd* N. O. 3ngar; “6 bnl* do Mvlkhwh ; d 0 8. 11. UoUmm; fcr sale br MCLUKKaN, HKKRON t Oil. \tUKD FUUIT—2S Meka I>ry~App{eii; ls e**»w try Pe«ebe»; for nlo br 51’CLUHJCAN, UEftfioN * CO i >IJT ATUIU-a) luji on „ , 4-- J™ M CLUKKAN. IILUK’ >v ' • * jIJCLURKAy. HERRON A CO. U T” reu,,, r- r»rn.™.) tir r*ln by |mr.u, Kl>o * MuOuH mi ' BKDTOIiD WATER—To bbl* utihaUbbl*. M *' l niulbrrr/ eoGj*r»g«,) for *»!«■ by * - jiIXQ *_IIoORHEAI>. (T*'(tr^7 iUO H b 0 , 1 "' S,l °- "ioTn," ij'KfnnMn 1 Co. a brand, ia store ud C>r n»u tr 3 * KjNO. * MOOROISAD. R,*££? n A **I > Lkic_r.rod Mfed, *nd kIIccO, XV fe»llf.D cans, her»fUc*lly r-talDiai ih« orliri u*l fi»Tur and frwho«*« of the fruit; for n»ie by ** W. A. M MAt'Lfc SUGAR AND MULAtiaKa— , “ * r < s Mmpie McSabUM, of $ **|Lj. o»« do Suxar, io <«koj; Ju»t rwvtred on and for c&]« by J ’" w. A. M CLUHO —K> l>bL« new PotomacHerrin*; lli.. 'AU% IlilifS H.rrtnp; No. S|Jl£«P S. on Lml .ml LuTbjT ' --IIL, U-»IAA * KKNMIAW. 2M Llbonj niiot I H*TK>r ici'ciut.a nuiiaSs=is fj .ai In-in of lb* tinj j u m,, f or sa j p JIAIL. V A KKNSUAW. jj M KNH r S BAKINA |WlUiK—tLLTiuui b«„ ,„U53 ,7.,,, , in'* “J'l jfnimtle orticlaj In the wmf of K 'i’” Hi*™ or UrlrJ o l; - T Hailey a kknshaw. ~ ‘.iW LjtiertT \V l , liAl M 7 A Tr»n-p»reiit Win- T T >low Shade*. consigns of the Gothic, Plain, JJoquK, tii.»er»»K L.aJw'ape aod Drapery itiles; far Ml wholo wl.- ana rrtuil a: the OU Cloth WareroJfas Ko. 116 Market '•*«*»] J- * H. PHILLIPS. 7( lO a tu U C l, *". Tr * , ** ,HireDl 011 U.»IU for ', ,' I IT.k xS* ' JUn rr^lvwlfS^vTeTnvTu. ibe atunuon ofpareLaa«ri u> this new auJ beautiful -. uela; tb. Goods are warraote-l to remain plubJe in ai feindaot wither, anJ perfectly water proof; lor sale at the India Robber Depot. No. 110 Market *tm*L J * 11. PHILI.IPS. down India Kabbtr Whip! frota j w ’ f uVM.Sr 1 ! 1 ?.!!?/ 5111, *"1 f*, U - wholM «l« kDd retail, at So. m> Market atrwt. (JeW) ,1. ft 11. PHILLIPS. O OMMKR CKAVATi—We are now opening a *an*t*~oi O o*w Lawn and Qiogham Crarats and Tie* for aumoer w«r Al», Mm . eery rich and r^hlonableTwiJ and fancy Silk Cratats and Ti«a. v u A. A. MASON' A CO., _____ uir of i-'i - c ,_ / Pnpprsjnat rwMirwl, for aide by c Q WALTER p. MARSHALL, . 85 Wiv * A choice HMurttnout in X t-hlnu, LrocaLdJo, aud patio intfuUou*, for mlh br .l 1 * WALTKK i’ MARSHALL. ( ]‘Vn? lA i? K | VM**' U)TI1 — li > , > 00 of tbo plain aud y flnUh, maourkctarod on pl&lo, twiik-d and wtJ 3 ™** ® old * hol « ulle & od retail at the Oil Cloth \>ar*rooma. No. Ild Market street, tu jitfl MPOU ‘ Ni> Bysun?y-YKiXow D-jJg KOOT—This compound will remove dUeaaei arising irom impurity of the bloc*, it acta .u a purifier of tht Wood ; strengthens and brace* the system; U harmless and simple in ita effects. For sale by uaruiuwa ana JOUN IIAFT, J*. /(I ’iSfb™ 1 1 “^uVi'oMi'TAL.'arrinQgT^nrr * U«*l WM. BI.VQtIAM A CO. T\IUKiT tierces 8. fc Boef. ~ ' j- 7 mvgi V. SELLERS & CO. 14 AkWtll’d MAG AZIN tJ, for Juoe, for sal« by - 1 - 1 * U. T. a iIOKGAN, _lO4 Wood Firewl. r | 'HUSHES—O doe Marsh’s celebrated Truest*, received by A-!*«*-• . - 1 JOS. FLKMrNG. HAIR OILS—A rery large assortment of the finest English and French Pomades and Hair by [my2ti] JQ3. FLEMIN*! Allspick and pepper— )o bags Popper, ... & “ AlDpice; forsaleby - . . MILLER A KICKJBT3OX iIL'CKUIitAT—W bus prime, just n »T"i P“ ad feSV - '™ b °”‘ J A i. J-0-AMDBtgQS t op,, « Wood if “So^t A 4 KTS_iWU i 1,,.. JC. ANDERSON-4 co.. C Wood Ftroot. 1 uiL—Just fHcrtTed iod Ibr“pa!e by * —V.*l JOKL MOHLKH. .UTTER 14 firkins prime fresh, recelrwl end to r sale br iii IIKNRY H. COLLINS * tjKAKLS-ia mbjiui ™*!»ed ,ad for .ale * IIKNRY U. oor.T.TN * Dd atlooUD 8 material in general, for ttal/bv PP -1. _ BOWS Jk TKTLE V . —i® .136 Wood »twt B A h* T i S K? 1 * AMJ SHAD, rery fine, foraaTe by the barrel, by BAILEY A KKNSHAW, 253 Liberty af~ r/'NOW .NOrm.NU smMT COLLARS." CKAYATB, ofFUrnUhln * OoriM,* the QOW J*24 FRANK VAN OQRDKR- iMTUA OLD UOY'T. JAVA COFFKK^AWtagf, Yew J superior, reeelred and for sale by ’ Yery w. a. jtcltjhg. ( IKAWi SUAWLS.-A. A. MAtiON **oo hire juiFS w P? r “P 1 ’ I '”’ Mother large awortmeat of rich pUip *od embroidered Crepe 8h« wl» frOBiOUO—BI kags Kentucky Eli Twist Tobacco trSrs X OQ eon*J*Bnieot; fcr ia]« bj ’ rocesTc• A. HCTCHISOK * 00. * r • IV) j - EXTRACT OF BOCK BOSS. OB FROST WORT! An ( r. kn! uahle Remedy for all Scrofu'iu DiAejne <, indif a»- Tetter, S!c* tscbe, Canker, Nurging Pore Mouth, Oetj.Tia Debility, und as * Purifier of the Blood, b on equalled. The If)CK ROSE lies gained a reputation, at bom* and obroft/1, yhkh nn utb**r medicine baa ever done in the same len . lh of time. It has long boon the etody of Physicians, todiaoover aoiaa for this most distressing complaint Whether they h-ire been raecesefol, reoaloa for the sufferers to fay. Tfcero are, la this country, handreda of who are offering from Indigestion, probably, tn ttAft ease*, cured by their own imprudence In Urtog. To time we would say try MYERS' EXTRACT OF BOCK ROSE. It hae eured, an i will cure, the worst and most obstinate of Dys pepsia, and all lU concomitants,—Coativeness, Skk, Head- i ache, Heartburn; Flatulency, Aaidlty, Ac. Seethe follow ing certificate: *174,” Champagne Par. A. B. L Utc?a: Dear Sir—ln the winter 0f1847-8, I suffered beyond description with Dyspepsia, and a train of other evils dependent on It I had applied to various doctors, and a number of nostrums bad been reoosuntnded, but to no purpose. I proeond and ossd two bottles of yoar Extract of Book Roeo, and found almost Immediate relief, ao much so, that I hare used no other medicine since, and, in fact, I can find no other which. In my dcllb* er&te opinion, can bear comparison to Jours. And In all cases, when I hare the opportunity, I reeommend your Extract, as standing first over all others. Let all whe are thus afflicted try it, and find what I have found. Truly 7ou», QEO. B. OONKLUT, West Meriden, Conn. HENRY HOLMES. “ While some were at College learning medical etiquette, I «u studying the lava of nature. In tha forests of Aa» is*.”—Wmi LAW. - , The discorery of Sock Rose (Helena them am Canadetee) by Dr. Whitlaw, haa prosed an inestimable benefit to man kfmL As an alterative It is onequaled In Materia Medics; as a tonic and deobstrnent It la matchless. Myers’Extract li the only scientific and reliable preparation, has already “ made Its mark” as a remedy for Scrofula, Ba't Rheum, Tetter, Dyspepsia, and all diseases arising from Impure blood and impaired digestion. See certificates. -t- IT IS SO, > j Wo know it to be a fact, and therefoi4 do not heaitale to' say, thatia all Scrofulous and Bilious Diseases, Indigestion and its attendants, Blok Headache, Soar and Sick Stomach, Canker, Salt Rheum, or Tetter, all «Hp other dlintnos arising from impure blood, Myers' Extract of Boek Pw has no equal. If you donbt the lket, rind tha array of proof in our circulars, for the truth of which we challenge iarefttigation. B. T. C. MORGAN, 10< Wood stff< Sold by Dr GEO. H. KEYfiSB, No. 140, comorof Wood street and \ Irgin alley. Sign of the Golden Mortar. ■ferTHc Beat fIMtMi— MUUKH lea tt-y JfLTIC PLAST£R.-The writer, about fl T # yean ago, be c«ae affected with a riolent pain in tbe hip, originating fr>->m a hart. I also was troubled with a pain in the breast, and the fieri had wgstedwwaj from my left arm, so as to prrxent a shrirelled appearasoe. M/ attention was called to Moorhead's Magnetic Plaster, by means of an Sicre I bare used tbe Plaster, I hare reoorered the use of all my limbs aa perfectly as erer they'were In my life, and my >nn has filled op. and Is now as healthy ea erer. FIUKCI3 TAYLOR, City of Pittsburgh’. Pittsburgh, July 12, 1864. S<-ld wholesale and retail at DR. KSTSXR’S Drug Store and Syrup Depot, No. 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sign of tbe Golden Mortar. jyl4:daw fMM H n Ilcrola, or Kuptore of the Bowel*. 47*TU£HK AEE THOUSANDS OF PKJUJON3 WHO ar® afflicted with a Rupture of the Bowels, whe pay little '• attention to the disease until theßowels C* jSjQ teoone straagulaied, Then, In all proba bility, it day bo 100 lata. How important it is, then, for ail those raftering from any form of Rap* ore of tbo Bowels, to eall at once upon DR. KETSXR, at bla Wholesale Drug Store, on tha oorner of Wood street an J Virgin alley, and procure a TRUSS, to retain the pro* truding portion of the Bowels. Dr. Keyaer has an office back of the drug store where Trasses are applied, and war* ranted to give satisfaction. He also has every variety of Tru.-fes that yon can name, and at any price, to'suit the mt-ans of every one ia need of the article. I also keep erery kind of Supporters, Body Bracts, Suspensory Hflnffa gts, ELuiic Si/jdangt, for enlarged veins, and all fc«nH« of mechanical appliances used in the cure of disease. I would respectfully invite the attention of the public to in excellent Truss for Children, which invariably effect* :sres In a very short time. - v • B “ I ***° on hand, and for sale, a large aswvt tnnnt of Shoulder Braces of the nxwt Improved kind, that her, been worn with so much satisfaction by hundred! of persons, both in and out of the city. DIL KETSER'S DRUG STORK AND TRUSS DEPOT, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley. No. 140, alga of the Golden Mortar. Jel4dAw Especial Notice to Persons Using Cod Ijlwer Oil.~Tbesabscriber having msde arrange* oent* with Messrs. PoppUin t Thompson, fbr a regular supply cf their genuine OOD LITER OIL, put up in pint bottles, would respectfully Invite the ettntfon of the pub lic to an eramlnaUon of the article, being fully persuaded that for p arity and freeness from rancid taste or swell, it is unequaled. There is m.w no Cod Lirer Oil in this country superior, If equal, to the above. Hundreds or bottles have been poid, bd.l given unrivaled eatisteetion. In the article of Cod LiTer Oil, persons taking it should be careful to ob> uln a genuine article and on* free from a randd >»«+- and sm»ll, a* it-, virtues are greatly enhanced by its being aeeep table to the stomach and not producing nausuea—purity and a pleasant taste make.* It more readily taken np by the lac* teals and aborted Into the blood, and thereby In ceasing the richness of that fluid givine a tone and impres woo to every otgan through which It passes. Sold by GEO. H. KETSRR. No. 140, c- -mar of Wood street and Virgin Alley, mytihdew Sign if tbeOolden Mortar. N B—l also keep al, kinde of Genuine Patent or Propri etary M&itdncs, for many of which I hold the exclusive agency, and which will be sol by the docen or sitae at New Vork and Philadelphia prices. LIST OF GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES, ON HAND LSD roa salt 8T FLKBUXO BROTHERS, utrun. WhcJfMih Druggidt and Dealert in Foletd Jfcrf»w,.. f Fourth end Wood streets, Pittsburgh. KI.LKBS AMERICAN COMPOUND; * dayne’fl Alterative: Carminative R»1«nm; “ Hair Dye: Expectorant; “ Sanative PilLs: M Hair Tonic; Wis Ur’s Balaam of Wild Cherry; Rryant's Pnhnonary Rat—™ ; KonfUml's German Bitters; Holland do Hosieiter’a Stomach do Merchiws* Uterine Catholkon • Scotch Cough Cantlv; Priw'd do; Thom's do; Howe’s do: Osgood’s India Cbolagogue; Morse’s Invigorating Cordials Trier’s Gam Arabic Drops; Harrison’s Hair Dye; Pbalon’s do Batchelor’s do MeMnnn’t Elixir of Opium; Bryant’s Purifying Extract; Dailey’s Pain Extract; Brown’s Essence of Jimalca^Qinger*: McAllister’s do do: Kidder’s Indelllble Ink; Payroll’* do do; Arohold’s do; Ur. Curtis’ Hygeaoa; Lyons’ Kathmiron; David’s Lilly While; Basin’s do; Tobias’ Liniment; ' Hunt’s do; Allen’s Nerve and Bone Liniment: Mexican Mustang do; Arabian do; Gardner’s do; Barrel’s Indian do; Carter’s Spanish Mixture; Btrne’s Pile Lotion; Meen Fun; Searpa’9 Acoustic OU; Merchant’s Gargling Oil; Ruahton, Clarke A Oo.’i Cod Liver OU; McAllister’s OlntmeDt; Sings’ltch do; F«rraT* do; Gray’s do: Trask’s Magnetic Ointment, Judkio’e do; Bwaim’s Panacea; Houck’s do; Sargant’s Infant Panacea; Perry Davis’ Pain KUler; Ayerie Cherry Pectoral; ' Iloughten’e Pepsin; Kier’s Petroleum; McLane’s Celebrated Liver Pill*; Brandreth’i do Wright’s Indian Vegetable Pfllg Lee’s Anti-bllious do; Sarsaparilla lilood do; Even’s do; Swaynes’Extract Sarsaparilla Blood 11U Jaype’s Anodyne Oough do * Townsend’s Health do; Jew David’s Plasters: Shoemaker's do; Dr. Newman’s do; Radway’a Ready Relief; Morris’ Remedy; Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative; Emerson’s do; Bull’s Sarsaparilla; Townsend’s do; Sand’s do; Guysott’s Extract Yellow Dock aad Sarsanarilla Wolff’s Schiedam Schnapps; Soap, Cleaver’s Honey; “ Highly Scentnl Brown W&bor “ Musk; J. A 11. PHILLIPS. J6S. FLEMING. Lodi urn’s Specific; McLane’e Sudorific Cough Syrup' Tyler’sOum Arabic do; * Bfel:er*’ do; Swayne’p Syrup of Wild Cherry; Smith’s Tonic Syrup; Barry’s Tricopborous; Norwood’s Tincture of Tantrum Viriile: McL&ne’s Celebrated Termiftige Dr. Locoek’s Pulmonie Wafers; * Thompson’s Eye Water; Ag»Btt for *ll or Dr. McCllntock’i FubUt IfeUdßM Dr. Needham’s Breast Pumps- Water’s Atmospheric Breast Pumps Gum Elastlo do doT SELLERS’ VERMIFUGE. —“THE BEST PREPARA TION.” „ „ „ * roixr PuisasrT, October i, IMT. Mx. R. E. Bzu.k&3:—Of your »ir vitfr> oat hesitation, that, having used it extensively tn-tsr practice for the last four or five yean, I think It decidedly Hit. best preparation of the kind vhldx I have any know!- edge of, although I hare herotomt* used the preparation of several other manufiietuma. Tdors, Ae., - - D. COUGH, M. D. Prepared and sold 'by R. B. BELLXRS A 00., 67 Wood stmt, and (or sal* by Oraggtsti gracnlly. j«gj •V. MEDICAL. DYSPEPSIA. TOR STUDY OF NATURE •V*jVv-*iV ' -. r <*- '* • •_-■ " , - : ■ . .■ ; ' !. - '*iK / - >*■?* •S' ■ ■■ . < ■ ' RAILROADS CLXTIIAVD AV9 PlTTfltriOß RAILROAD, IN OONNSOHON WITH STUXISI touni in ixcHiifa*, . VIA WXUSmUL AND OHIO AND PSNNSTLVANIA RAILROAD, VTA rritr _ , . » ALLIANCE. tbMpmt toot* to Toledo, Chi- T w . VIA * . at 4 20, P. Jt, and AlUanc# at ASO trri Tlajf lo CJereUod «f 8 20, p. >Tw.n.. - witb Michigan CnM Railroad boats for Detroit Mtit'Ctf ®*g?; fteanen for Buffalo ami Niagara fklli. Train for Toledo, Chicago and 8t LouU. . the 4 20, P. M, train from W«U*rtHa,l«ra ‘ Pittabnrgh dally (BUDdaVe excepted) at 900, xTlA'ca ateamer Edlpee or JPare to CUeraland, s3^)o. _ ... VIA ALUAKO*. Ij.t. Alllnnos «t 7 30, A. It, ud IS. M , soantstihg at nmtoon with trains tat Airon, Cnjahoaa falls, te|in4 a« T sSJ, KM* tal * t?0 ’- i - IL, “ SS ’ K “ Tha .train* of tbaOhioandPaßi**. Railroad, Jearin* Pitta • *2“" r 8. *- M. -A a, P. iTSSSSft'im. *»» for C 'TeUnd at 700 A. U i 12i M , asd «Ql P M la ClcreUnd at 10, A. &, 2.SD, p. l»| r*tten*anr tor Toledo, Chicago, Bt Loaii M d hmw. S?SvJf JM m. M. totofvu m*k* ft clow connection «Wrt tfc* W t J Exp ”?’ wbfch tiMj nrlit hChkanttlSOOlf d*y- Max* from Pittsburgh to CMcm n * „ ' How to CfaJeago, 24 hou»—Bt. Loait. 48 boon. w** TU VftLLSVCXX. vu To CtoTcUlki Tb ftl»—»««*. ~;T^ Tolftdo 6,00 Toledo. -1.~ . «£ £*»**—~ :... 6,00 Detroit S SSEaS^' 8U 1«it0^..„..... 4 .„ lgfio fit. lO 60 «flErssEs?£* to prceoft* tbelr tfcketa at 4e : ottMofuleCoiDpftaj, in UoDoogftbelft Hoo«e,setar the - oon> « r - J. DUUANDTfiop’t OersiftacL ■* A. OAUQHZT, Amt, Pitfawotih.. ‘ . SUMMER AHRAMGEMENTB. THE PENNSYLVANIA 18.4. railroad. 1 THROUGH IH FIF TIERS HOUR! ON AND A ITER THURSDAY, JULY 6TH, totm THROUGH TRAINS. ™ ?^ N wUI mrr mining {Sundaes •xeoptad) at T o'clock, stopping at anth* rmtotu - T “^ A * r - ***** >tn hm At ewwta*xS3£ Ewrmllo, Johnstown. Wllmoee, flalHrtatTjj • S? “*“3B TBADT will lem wmr rate, Latrobe, HlUside,JQfenstowii, lilier't. Ae '» at HarxiaborgwS thetnOn for fiSul aora, and analog In Philadelphia or Bahiiacra,ei li^O* gzeept Sooday,) at U o’elvck, A. SL, stopping at «o£ M ** 1 ■ ! . T«ytoHtwYorh t Ho.6o»Tafo'to-FMladalia.u »e. a—■ - I to Baltimore, $B. Faro to Bedford I >u J*f g *F, ch issf l^ t ? all stations on the PenasyiTsnlnßaß. road, and to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 3 ' ft«e*ngm parcha&g tickets in ears, wMbeeharaadw amsinaddttion to the stationrates,axoept jftxa f h^ pi where the Company have no Agent ,rr * K%mg . _**? “J*"* * less denomination than Ira dollaze will ha CKf 1 *“*' “" tt *»-•«—*£ .. an amount not exceeding $lOO. *’“•**. N- D.—The Kaealdor Omnibus Una has boanannlovad to oonrey passengers and baggage to and from the Dawitai a charge not to- exceed 15 cants lor «*»i\ 15 cents for each trunk. 1 *■"’ For .ppl, to J. HSSKIMiS, ImL : afißgg **"• OHIO AM PMJBILVATA »,n.«njr _ Arructaiast. COMMENCING FBBR CAET2B 186£ ism. isnns is » ££Saß J» BXP&E88 TRAIN leers* Pittsburg *♦ a o'clock, P. H cft«r tbesnirel of the Express train from PfrnSui P M« > &JT*- 4 *!**** «mnoetlng^SSl Night hxpresa whfchranchesCincinnatifattowLfa. - Connections are made with the Ohio end rndianeTend rmUr °* da fcr Ow»«dons era made with OUrraUnd. MonrOeriUe. ten * dukj, Toledo, Detroit end Chicago with Bnerru, Upper Swxltuky. Powst, end the towns cn the nSEr Ctoralnd *L Throojh tfckrti to LooinUlo Untonl rates. * . .- ESTCRUHOi THa EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Cnedine at 105 P M. ud nuhet Pittsbnrgh at 800 P M, connecting witkth* tluongb In fifteenhoarstQ Pfeßadalehla. MAIL TRAIN leaves CnstUne at 200, A. K, on tfrtsr *tlf 1 of . t^- e . ; ’- ight . Expresr Train from ChXfH, «h arrives at Pittsburgh at IL4O, P M * NEW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN \«mi A M, b S h lll6 pi M ’ “* 6 P ** K€W »*Witon FREIGHT TRAIN leaves Ptttsburrtrat 7 A M, and 9 P. and arrives at 400 AH, and 400, PM- • • 49*Ibe Trains do not ran on Bandar. *" or farther informatjon. apply at tbettekst T ffi «S e^^JSsr oU ?? nd P*® ll *?!™*!* Railroad CcapanyTof J- G. CURST) at tbe corner office under ths XonoHuiie Haas*) Pittsburgh) or of " ODl ** * m GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent. Fedenl street Butte. JOHN KELLY. Passenger Agrot. Prnnr)iT«iiU Billniiii. STJUMEB TARIFF between Pittsburgh, pbOadelatta and Baltimore; commencing Ist,lBM-.' * MM * P'irrt Clou— Brooms, Cedar end Wooden Ware, Fee then Furniture, aedood hand, Purs, Piauoe, Poultry :Wlnee, to ba'ket* or boxes: 76 cents *lOO ba. 9 - • w •**2"* £&«*— Dried Fruit, Beeswax, Deer Skins, CSorer and Timothy Seed, Glaatware, Hardware, BagtWoolaacl * nd K S& 1: °oe. VlOO bs. * TAsrd C7a«i--fieo o n end Pork (loose,) Butter, In firkins keg* or bbls; Hides, Leather, Soap, Window Glass, sJxKfet tou, uncompressed: 66c. * 100 bs, w Alccdtol, Bacon (In casks or boxesj Bariev lad Malt, Beef and Pork, Candles, Cheese, Urdand Lard OU, Oottoo, (oomprMed,) L»f Tobi-toi Floor BO cents mbbl. aprl • GEORGE C. TRANCffICUS. Bingham A Co.>s Transporutlto rTrew’v™? UtMliWB AMD ud ifißta of —m n»» 5*T? P*»* fourteen Tears ooaaeeted with the old established Bingham's Line.” They will gfr» their luoal prompt attention to the forwarding of Prodace, Mir ehaitdlse, *O, in the shortest time and on as Jhrorahle terms as any other Line. ' i.fH£.°siß2,!£SF paat lrt ”“ *“«»»**. „ , OSO. BIKQHAM * CO, Canal Basin, liberty tL, Pittsburgh. BINGHAM, DAYIB 276 Market ereet, Philadelphia. JAMBS WILSON, 121 North st, SaUtmoea. M. L. 08TRANDER, Agent, 80 West sL, Jfew Yoek. Proprietors.' L^Sr P ISS ATIO!SS ** DAT “ON’«. » 25* Llfo of. Dr. Alexander: by.hJs non, J. W. Alexander. 4t 30 ° ollt * P erßuin^*r -J owprimt aq4 N«w Or. Fern Leaves; second sake. •' or B * 4 ' 5 * b '“ er 1,0011 •“« BumjrSH. Ckrtert New Book*for YouA-tU: Mabel Great, Charles Booaael, ibe Wood Cutters and£iiles of Lebaaon?Ae. Aa. Alexander on Consolation; cheap tdltlop, ei e* of Miasiona, or Bketchee of Foreigzr M*—of tte Presbyterian Church: by Bar. J.C. Lowrie; vithAaaa. ibowiag the - " rr " Africa and the Flag*. , . i J. 8. DATIBON, -Jis 05 M*tMt street, near Fourth* ri>Uß JUSTORY of from the SSfcfiZ. J. nod when it was visited by white men, don to the ektee of the last century, with notices of soma of the imaor hntiaoiiliitQni and storks uo to the preesnt Usm: bgr Nevilles. Craig, £n. About one hundred copies of the above highly Interest «« wo* rmain on h end—the price reduced to 76 esats a oopy. Pnbllahed and for sale by ~n _ JOHN H* inOXQB, J« 10 >1 Wdsdrias*.,, ALLSQHSNY BUILDING LOTS FOE BALK.—B*ht' cboioe Building Lots, situate on Ohio Lane, tnnli It feet front by 180 deep to a 24 feet alley, and directly mm. rite Bageley street, which is no* pared and in good OfdesT - These Lots are offered for sale at low prices, »nd on twins. 8. CDTHBBKT A SON. > la mnwKrrt. A 3 I«“ now winding ap mj biuiaere ei.th* corner of Wood and Wat«str*et*, preparatory to remorlng to PU * h - would hereby oottSay NEAif hooU 5n ttn buds of B. b ?T7v » otreot, between Wood aid Market twtbe ejection of all dabta due me npon t*wn. xnoee knowing themselves indebted to me will rhw call aa above and settle. ' J&LluT' A NOT* dated January 25,185*. payable four months af tar date* at the offloe of. Winslow, Lanier * Co , New President Pitmbargh and Stenbaa* ~ tills BsflHmil wndrrraed,CharlesNaylor,Beeratary. - dll persons are hereby warned not to boy said not*, a* payment viU be refuted. Aaj person Coding It will cooler an obligation by leaving U with Q. £. Arnold A Op., or THOMPSON BELL A CO , Jo* wwgmrt-aßjWHrtt, Batlw— Hot, Corny *M Ihower. *" IN the filling and famishing or which nothing has bean cparad to render bathing luxurious aa well ssbeslthfUl. Are opes every dgy, (Sunday** excepted^ftweSoWoek.A of Hancock street and Duqumne Way. : J" 3O JOHN WOODSON, Proprietor. N. K , 1E« *• leal| Alderwas. ; 0. SI THIRD Street, between Wood and Market streets, Pittsburgh. Collections promptly nude. Bonds,lloct> gages, and other writings drawn with neatasse'and assn* USL i Jtffcly JUST RECEIVED PER REPRESS, TWA MOHNING— A large assortment of new and beautiful styles Ear Rings, Breast Pins. Gold Pencils and Pens? Abo, a new artide of Pant, which are eery pretty and. cheap. Oar stock is equal to any in the dty in style and gtxallty/aad we guarantee to tbe purchaser we will sell fig*goodsaoar line a* low as any eastern house will nil, and mseh leaa than any other eetahUshmeot is this ettr Gtra us aealL and examine our goeds and prices, at 61 Market street. ‘ i* 23 BQPPB. MACKEhKL— 60 bbli. targe Mo. 8 MmSmm) isalt*! speertioß, jost received and for sale by - ~ ‘ >lB E?KH3BH~»Rinissnaww INDOW SHADES, Eire Screens, Canters. fcnee* Ao.. fin sale by [Jefij WALTER P. MARSHALL. '/ -Vv « ! • * 1% -v/ v > /-< f- - ••.•■. ' «, * ' - ' 1 *t ' * JOHN CALLAHAN.