jfmmM'C > h \ '>% f *, **■•• v-X: ■ .-'■•*•- -I '!.•<..•» •». 2 :• -i .<*';#' j<* > "■*’ f' '*• ■ 4V* • i - *V4M .^wSt 15 \ V ' * ’ ' §s&i**** * J^^sSK a > *\£3 ftJ, ‘K* * v’Jff * \W$ ~| *-*Tw r ■H£SB&? 8 ?-'r*:•'•. : 1 : ;-%s; -rV .4 ; •. -|, r -|... '-'% «*■ v „ ■, i > *;* •,-- -,. s\i , r v.■i-' i . •.? - ; H.’ -Vtgr^v-vj’ ~ v ,&** *#■** JJ- f ■*■ ». t,c:xi. th. 7 JA » r V -v gsssg^^asg'ii-^ <•* •.,-««■ #* B 4H* I'l'l c"l '«•• L '-> -Vv» * -> i i>v-\ >| satsn '4t&m fSllpgi 1 I§\^T - tte ■gngsfa fln. mmMmi amm lllP^V'JfeSa S®SfH I®*** 4B jfjjfllj paw* %'*&*%&£* '•Soas^»''i.<*v©itei3s *■'. ■ *fp- s&mMsms , . J”^mffi^Wf^frtri|».ij.uiJ-J Jl »i I'm) i" iiillWltll'ili'Wiii i -».«•■»»—^••.—•v.'jug^ :-■ #; ;: '"' ! ■ .»*»» - •■ SV'-, . • T*'. 5, *••■*.** ... . w "*" \ " *'' V*’’ , DailH fl'jreinfi MOSDAY MORNING: J*OH ©“VKhNOR. ILLIAM BIGLER. FOK JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME 00CRT, JEREMIAH S. BLACK, - OF ttOMWSH OOOJfTT. FOB CANAL COMMISSIONER! HENRY S. MOTT, of wx* ootnrrr. HOBfiINQ POST JOB OPPIC»- >. We maid c»ll tlw attention of MERCHANTS ANP BUSINESS JIEN to the feet that We have just rereiveU from Philadelphia a nnmbor of fonts of new. Job Type, and an non prepared to 611 ordere for Cards, Circulars, Bin Honda, Paper Books, Posters, and Programmes for exhlbl- Ilona. All oTdera will be promptly filled. . Mayor Conrad, of Philadelphia, exercised the veto power, for the first time, on Thursday last. He sent beck to the Councils, with hie objectionF, en ordinance prescribing the powers and duties of City Controller. Hon. Charles M. Conrad, Secretary of War under Geperal Taylor, who waa attaoked with a severe spell of sickness at Niagara Falls, about ten daye ago, is recovering. He i» now the guest cf Ex-Pfeaident Fillmore. It will be aeon from an from the Louis- 1 / Ville Courier, in another column, that the preea /' of that city still keep up ia running fire upon ;/ (Hott.) John J. Crittenden, for his disgraceful part in the Ward trial. Ha, has laid himself out oold, bp far as the Presidency is concerned. GREELEY ON THE REVOLUTION. Mr. Qrftaley steadily pursues his task of pre paring the public-mind of the North for a disso lution of the Union. Nothing is too sacred for his Blanderous pen. The Union and the Repub lio which our ancestors founded, and Uie glorious Constitution whioh they framed, Greeley and Garrison denonnoe. But hot content with this, Mr. Greeley now pronounces,the war of the Re volution a “ very common-plaoe matterand Washington a .man “of no genius,” and •• more eminent in limiting the evils of defeat than in achieving triumphs. *’ Here is what he eays in the Tribune Utoly: "Our father*nobly did tbolr work; butth.T*on no grout battles wUhrignallr Inferior rorc«,re r. Langdon’s man agement of the inatitntion ia excellent Neai neas, good order, and kind attention to the pa tients prevail throughout the establishment. This institution does credit to our community where eo large s sum has been voluntarily con tributed to so humane a purpose. More money, however is needed to improve and adorn tb> grounds.. It should be .understood that this Institution u not purely a charity, designed only for the pooT who have no homes, or means to pay for noi sing and medical attendance. All classes ar> received, and those who are able ■can pay, and can find at the hospital the best attention an« { medical treatment In many cities people o wealth prefer to be removed to the hospital when sick. The officers and managers of the Hospital are entitled to muoh credit for their judicious selec tion of the ground, the ereotion of a large, airy and elegant building, and famishing it wilt everything necessary to render It an ornament and a blessing to our city. Mr.-Tohn Harper baa devoted muoh time to the work, and is enti tled to a share of the credit Thi Master's House, a tale of Southern Lift . By Logan : publiahed, by MoElfath & Co. New York. Wo hare reeeived a oopy or the above book, and read It through. It is a feeble imitation of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” and writtet' with the tame general design. Bat in delinea tion of character, narration and vividness of col oring, the writer falls far below Mrs. Stowe, the book is not likely to do much good or harm. It will not help much in the foundation of a northern party; and it contains not o:o new idea In relation to the institution of slavery. I< illustrates no general truth, or particular truth either, unless it be the fact apparent through all Its pages that the author is wholly Incapable 01 of producing any creditable variations on Mrr. j Stowe’s “ Uncle Tommy codes.” llow we suc ceeded In reading the volume throogh we can hardly tell. We supposed there would be a murder or a duel near the end of it, and reed on tofiod them. And nearj.be end of the book n negro is craelly murdered, and a planter is killed In a duel by a friend. Then, the wife of the surviving daetlist dies, and he is left sitting on the verandah, like patience upon a monument “smiling at grief” till the sun goes down, and he is left in the dirk ; and there the bowk “quite.” If the author had “ quit ” before ho killed the planter he would hate sbowo more humanity. It is astooiehing with what impudenoe DOteliste commit murder. | For the Morning Port.] DEMOCRATIC TICKET Congrut— Gen. James H Watboh. Elisabeth Attembly — Hon. Coarles Shaler, City ; Colonel Mittbeff Harbison, Rbhinson ; Col. William M Stawari, Allegheny; Col. B*tn. W. Black, City ; o*f>t. D EL Miller. Sewiokly. CUrk — Abram Hays, Allegheny. /recorder—James Salisbury. Birmingham. Commissioner— El'jah Trovillo, City. /Zeyurer—S*m. Snowden, Allegheny. Audnor —El ward Thompson, Wilkins. Poor Uoust Dtrecton— Francis Wilson Penn ; J Harvey Robb, Lower St Clair; James Bar ton, Indiana. • Messrs. Editors: —What do you think of tbe above for a ticket? Let the coming Convention place at the head of our ticket an honest farmer like General Watson. We hove bees represented long enough by sharpers, bankers, professions} men; and no great good has ever been gained to the distriet. Circumstances have even oompelled ns (o apply to one of tbe learned professions for a portion of the Assembly tioket; and we place two of our strongest men, Judge Shster and Col. Black, on the ticket, on accouot of the great strength of the ticket of the opposition, as those two great luminariea-Vf the law—Messrs.' Pol lock and Carnahan—were seleoted on account of their great legal learning and trausoendant ora torical powers, and especially, appointed to stump the county,—particularly lu the rural distrlota, —and astonish the unsophisticated. Hencb the necessity ot selecting two, at least, equal as possible. Col. Trovillo we all know. He has been Sheriff for two terms; and although he is a mait that practices the Btriotest economy in bis private affaire, he retired from office poor; and after having bis hand in the publio treasury for six years, earos hie| living and maintains his family by tbe sweat of Lis brow—conclusive evi dence that he will not steal; a qualification that at this time ought to be indispensable in the esse of Allegheny County Commissioners and New York City Aldermen. Allegheny should have a man in the House to protect her beautiful commons from the grasp of railroad corpora tions. Colonel Stewart is tbe man that can and will do it: and the AUeghenians know it, and will elect him, if nominated. Yours, TOWN AND COUNTRY. To the Editors or thi Morning Post: —As the time is near at band for the Democratic Pri mary Meetings of Wands, Boroughs and Town ships, for the nomination of County Officers, I wish to recommend to the party, as a candidate for County Commissioner, a gentleman of long experience', well known, tried and to the manor born ; served with distinction in our last war under Harrison; has been Sheriff of our county; knows oil the duties pertaining to the office; and is in every way qualified. I al lude to your old and; respected fellow-citizen, Elijah Tbqyillo, of the Sixth Ward of Pitts burgh. CHABTIER3. Love and Suicide. —A Mr. Nash, of Pem broke, Massachusetts,; and Miss Sampsou, for merly of tbe same town, but more recently of Stoughton, drowned themselves on Monday, in Reed's pcDd, Abington, in tho same State. The Boston Traveler says: The girl went with the Pembroke, and thence to Abington, where, after divesting themselves of their outer garmeots, they lashed themselves together and jumped overboard, and were iu that position when the bodies were recovered. They left a note behind, stating their Intentions, and where the bodiee could be found. 1 The letter found is as follows: “My name Is Isaao P. Nash. In this water you will find me.. lam a perfectly sane man. P. 8 —Bury us together aa you find us. Isaac P. Nash.” The deoeaaed had formed an attachment for each other, but were prevented by some reason from being married. The female had been In this city on a visit to hfr aunt, and was in her usoal spirits. Duma thi msT six months in this year there have been 110 accidents on western waters, without reckoning whole fleets of coal boats, which were lost during a storm last winter, with many of the hands ou board. These 110 acci dents Include collisions, explosions, bantings, snsgglngs, running aground, Ac. They have caused the destruction of over two millions of dollars of property, and the lots of from 970 to 400 live*. >.S»* V.t *' ‘M- Effects of Polygamy upon the Mormon Population* As the Saints in Utah will shortly be apply* iog for admission into the Union,—when the question whether they can be admitted with their “peculiar institution,” will come np for decision,—we give an extract from a late work* to sho% how polygamy operates. It i* from • work entitled “Utah and the Mormons,” by I Beoj. G. Ferris, late Secretary of the Territory. I Mr. Ferris is spoken of as a gentleman of striot l veracity, and having resided a year in Utah, mixing with the people, his means.of information I are of the first order: The effect upon population is decidedly dele • erioua The prophet Joseph had over forty vives at Nauvoo, -and the rest of the priesthood o-d various numbers, corresponding to their standing and inclinations ; nearly all the ohildren of these polygamous marriages died at that place; indeed, it is alleged by Mormons that not one was taken to Utah. Brigham onng ha 9 thirty children, of ifhom eight are by his first and seoond lawful wives; the remaining twenty rwo are by his tpirituah. lie has about fifty wives, some of whom are widows of Joseph Smith, and are probably past the time of having children; but, Supposing him to have thirty who are oapable of having issue—which is beio " tbe true number—the twenty-two children would bo less than one child to a concubine. If each of these dogradcd , females could have been the honored wife of one husband, the aggregate lumber of ohildren, according to the canal tverage of four in a family, woold be- one hun ired and twenty, showing a loss in population of ninety-eight. . , , “The children are subject to a frightful de tree of siokneas and mortality This is the 'cmbined result of the gross sensuality of the .arents and wauljof care towards their offspring, ts a general rule, these saintly pretenders take .s little care of their wives as of their children ; ad of both less than a careful farmer in the ■Uateß would of bis cattle; and no where out of I • Five Points,’ in New York city, can a more fil hy, miserable, neglected-looking anddisoruerly rabble of ohildren be found than in the streets Great Salt Lake City. The Governor ogam, ♦hose attention to his multifarious family wo are -tound to suppose greater than tho average, af fords fair illustration. He was twice lawfully oarried, and has eight legitimate children, who *re all living. He has had a large number of children by his concubines —no one knows how .naoy—it is only known that there are only twen ty-two surviving. These females do not reslM in the ‘Governor’s bouse,’ so oalled, but in diff erent establishments, from one op to a dosen in place.” 6,470 69 $49,882 48 We find the following sensible remarks in the New York Tnbune, to which we ioeite the alien t:.on of all correspondents—particularly to the l ,st sentence in the third paragraph. So great a penchant hate many for writing long winded documents, that if asked what we were reading, could reply like the man in the play, “ words, words!” and nothing else: > A correspondent writes us a letter for publica tion upon both sides of half a sheet, and not naring room enough, extends it upon another sheet, and then asks us to excuse him for qnt writiog all he had to say upon one sheet. What for? Is be laboring under the hallucination that be post office still adtfbres to that eery ancient \,irce of old fogyism, so appropriate to its gen eral character, and charges twenty-fire cents for every piece of paper of which a letter is com oosed! We are thankful that.wc hare got rid »f that nuisance, and wish we cpnld get rid of greater one, the whole post offioe establish- is not the offense our correspondent need ed to ask forgiveness for. His error was that he lid not write upon fonr sheets instead of two. Write npon one side, and one side only of yonr paper. Write with Mack iok, and eschew all other shades as hated ahomiuatidn to the prin ter Use plenty of paper, plenty of ink, and put what you have to s*y in good, large letters «nd very few words This is a telegraph age, and every surplus word is expensive y to write, tedious to read, useless to pnnt. Remember that paper for a printer has only one side. Review of Senator Crtttenden’a Speech at the Trial of Matt. F. Ward. f From th« L- uisfill* Courier, Whig ) * * “ * * * * *■* Mr. Crittenden’s whole course towaras the pu pils of Butler’s school was most slanderous, and bo lottaii it #o wbvn Mr Allen called him to ac count for it. His flouodering them made him .look ridiculous. He had to admit that the boys , were honorable and intelligent, and the admis ston -how* that hia inventions for impeaching ibeir testimony were utterly disgraceful to him. noth as a man an»» m»oy learned :»«bu )i»» U«n «r,iu,o, *»'” r XTBW .MKIUJIIHUMBtIII II lIHm Mbd doc but hold foot o better.” Either will origin of, and clmOying the worm* gemrotKl to the on- j\j 3J .tract Mit onr oreeent uorooee Etery decade of years man ejetem. Seanely any teple or melleal edence hoi tir J*sgr Can* Knight, hi.| life *aJjJa»ME*jS «« th P .«SS to the DeSoorotiopony, in | • anirit of-intense boasting. raise the cry of re- yet physicians an very much dirtded Id opinion « n tao . and Famine : by Mr*. Ann i. .Stephens ; **n pool ogoinot oomo popnUr meoaure. They ore mtjacL it mo* b. admitted, howew, ttau dter an, a p i«, ‘VSirtiSl** • : rerr-un to do this, if in ooooniuinoUng each o mode of expelling them and purifying the body l measure. A good deal Of excitement has been presence Is of more value that the wisest dbquUitlonj u CaJ , Ue Aron, *oj » " » CTMted and a good deal of antagonism manifest- to their origin- The inefem ed. Like all other paroxysms, tbeao efforts are Such an expelling agent has at last been found. Dr. M’* e “ , jJ|£ ! * | |5 , j I JSJ«L for July. ’ V, brief bat violent. They are accompanied by Lane’s Vermifuge proves to be the much sought after «pe- Ti , e Iron Cousin, of MattuJ Infiaauca: byHtry Oowden the moet theatrical preparation? and predictions. cifie-lts e«c-ey being universally ectoowledßed by the Clark; *,». Fovsalehy KoSiteattSenSSit" lonnmerable disasters are anticipated as the entire medical faculty. As further proof, read the follow. V -- fruits of a failure to repeal, and innumerable i ing from a lady-one of our own citizens: blessings as a consequence of tbe success of re- ; New Tear, October *6»lBsa peal. Generally, however, while the prophets! This Uto certify that I was troublej withwormsformore are declaiming, with oracular significance, tbe : than a year. I was advl/ed to use M’lWa Celebrated approaching evil, the plain and practical knock- j Vermifuge. I took one bottle, which brought away sbout down argument of *he RkSULT of the offending fifty worms; I commenced improving at once, and am now and offensive reform is presented, and a collapse perfectly well. The public on learn my name, and further takeß place at once. Repeal, therefore, as we particulars, by applying to Mrs. lUrdlu. No. 3 Manhattan have Aid, is a good word, but result a better.. Place, or to B. L. Ibead, Druggist, corner cf Rutger and Who now would repeal the tariff of 1846, the an- Monro* street*. nibilfttiou of wbleh was ealled for by countless P. S—The above valuable remedy, also Dr.-lTLana’s oel voices only a few yean ago T Who would think ebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all reepeciaDle Drug j of repealing the independent-treasury law, stores in this city. whioh was at one time, and that recently, so Purchasers will be careful to ask for, and take but odious to masses of men that, as usual, violence Dr. M'L&ne’a Vermifuge. All others, In comparison, are toot threatened if it was nof tom out by the roottf worthless. Who wants California thrown back into the arms Also, for sale by the *oi* proprietors, of military Mexico yet California was an FLEMING BROS., acquisition full of the seeds of rain to most of our ,„ , _ Successors to J. Kidd * Co ? .oq- .. whig friends only yesterday. Who wantß to see the act annexing Texas repealed ?—and yet this, too, was threatened a few years since. The re fieotious to which these questions must giro rise in every honest mind are the best arguments in faror of Democratic measures that cou'.d be framed. They carry contiotion to the moat stubborn intellects. They Bhatter the brittle aud transparent glass of political delusion, and i they leave the impostors of party, like the en gineer who is hoisted by his own petard, melsn* choly monuments of the fate of those whqae creed is but an aocident, and whose sucoess a misfortune. Recollect, fellow-countrymen, that these cries for repeal, heretofore refused by yon, and re buked by results, were all the inventions of the same men who now clamor like so many fiends for the repeal of the Nebraska bill, as if the samo fate did not wait, like some swift and terrible Nemesis, to crush them again. In the forefront of the present tumult we see the same malig nant faces, and hear the same malignant cries, that have followed the democratic party after every great measure has been adopted—the same hypocrite Greeley, the same infidel Phillips, the same noisy Hale. They point out, as before, to some future calamity whioh is to uever happen ; and their only present fear is that the people will remember the nnvaryiog current of their past failures. Even if they now succeeded in their insane designs, the democracy would short ly be called upon to help them out of the vexa tions which they themselves had brought about It is maduess not to sse these things; it is worse than madness not to be admonished by them.— Washington Union. Mofmxhts of Matt. Waxd.—The Louisville Courier of the Bth iust. Mji: We learn that a few days since, Matt. F. Ward left Hot Springs, Ark., where he had been stay ing several weeks, for New Orleans, whence, it is said, he will shortly sail for Europe. His health was quite good, and before leaving Hot Springs he threw aside his cratches, was able to dance, and waits, and seemed to be in fine spir its. The CourUr of the 11th eays: Matt. F. Ward was one of the passengers on the steamboat Antelope, from New Orleans, and at Flint Island was transferred to the Telegraph No, 2. He arrived here at 12 o'clock Sunday night, and at 6 o'clock yesterday morning start ed in the cars to Frankfort, accompanied by several members of hie father's family. We find the following in Mrs. Swiaa belm’e paper of Batnrday last The Free Democrats of this county have issued a call for a Couuty Convention. It is very nu meronsly signed, and verifies our statement of a few weeks past, that tb*y would not support Judge Pollock. This oall states that a part of the object of the Convention is to take measure to support their own tioket. We trust thej will stand fast on this ground and support their own man, unless some general move be mads where by they can unite with some other pary, without betraying their principles. They certainly can not eapport a Baltimore platform man, and such we understand Judge Pollock to be. Mr. Edwin Crosswell has retired from the edi torship of the Albany Argus, A game of quoits for $5OO, was played at the Atlantic Hotel, in Jersey City, on the 4th inst., three on a side each. James G. Percival, the poet has been appoin ted, State Geologist of Wisconsin, in.place of Prof. Daniels, removed. It is stated that the Emperor of Franco has offered Lieut. Bonaparte, of Baltimore, a com mission in the Frenoh army. A gentleman writing from the western por tion of Michigan, states that the crops are su perb. Wheat never has promised better. Capt Wm. C. Jewett, of the steamer Martha Jttritt. trading between Jefferson and St. Louis, died at Glasgow, Mo., on Wednesday morning last, of Cholera CapL J. was well and favora bly known to most shipping men on Western riv era. Some time ago, it was stated that Mrs. Robin son, the “ veiled ” and condemned murderess at Troy, N. T., was a Mrs. Campbell, who bad kept a hotel In that place. This is now denied by Mrs. Campbell’s sister, Mrs. Ruelly of Toron to, who has visited Mrs Robinson in jail. «7-Thli is tRe Remedy.—MOUSE*3 INVIGO RATING *f cent, per bottle. Inrented by M. PbyiieUn to the Perio Iloipitels, end propped from th# original redoes, mid mid wholesale end re til by DUEtOY * 00. Sole Proprietor# torthe Onl ted States sod Ososdss. Principal lie pot, 418 Bttmdway, N ”ldmPlttsburgh,whojemlenod rrijll, by PLMINO BROTHERB, (Successors to J. Kidd » Op.) No. «0 Wood street. Wheellog-J. H. PATTERSON A CO. *ndby Drugclsts everywhere. J”** |49> Sylphilta, Scrofala and Diseased Blood.—For these terrific disease*, Carter’s Spanish Mix ture Is the only specific. The proprietors have in their possession over one hun dred certificates of the most extraordinary cure* effected by it. We refer to the certificate of Richard Adams, late High Sheriff of Richmond, Vs; Edwin Burton, Commlwisner of the Revenue for Richmond ; General Welch, of the Mam moth Circus; Dr. Handley, of Washington City; Mr. Wm A Matthews, and 0. B. Lock, Esq-, of Richmond, Mr. 9 Boydsn, Exchange Hotel, and a host of others, who have seen oases of the wont description cured by Carter’s Spanish Mixture. They all certify that it is the grsatot purifier ef tbs Mood known. «,.»w»4T«tlnmnt. jylOOpdm Pantaloons. —Thu well-known superiority of GKIBBLE‘3 fit in the Garment, needs no comment on his part; it been acknowledged by all who hare favored him with their orders, that they h»T« never been fitted with the same esse and style as by him. lie begs to Inform his pa* irons and the public, that his stock is now replete with the newest .tyles for coats, Tests and pants, suitable for the present Season- K. G KIBBLE, 1 Tailor and Pantaloou Hiker, $4O Liberty st., head of Wood. SPECIAL NOTICES. r> —nraWerofttla. It is doe to KIKIPB Peiroteum to g»j that It ha* been known to completely eradicate every vestas* of this dreadful disease 111 lee* time than any other remedy, and at less cost or laeonTentenee to the pa- thoneandfl of certificate# in the hand# of the propri* tor, many of which are from well known citizens of the city of Pittebo ~rh and It* immediate vicinity, go to show clearly and beyond til doubt, that Elll'B PtrnoilDM Is a modldfla of no common value, not only as a local remedyln Paraly tis. Rheumatism, Deifneu. loss of Sight, bates a valuable internal remedy, inviting the investigating physfadwi*, a» well at the suffering patient, to beoomeacquainted with Its m Thcs« having a dread of mixtures are assured that this medicine Id purely natural, and is bottled as It flows from thoboeoro of the earth. The following cerUficaiiistoviedffitnapaperpubhshedat Syracuse, A. hand bean date August ± J 852, to wftfcMi also appended thecertificaUeftheoelwrated D. T. foot, of Syracuse: ■ .... Thle may in truth certify, that I have been so badly af flicted with Scrofula fur the la*t seven years that most of the time 1 have been unable to attend to any kind of business, and much of the time unable to walk and confined to my »nd have been treated nearly all the time by the best Physicians our country affords; I occasionally got some re lief, but no cure, and continued to grow worse until Dr. Foot recommended me to try the Petroleum, or Rock Oil, as ere ry thing else bad failed. I did so without faith at first, bat theeffect was astonishing; it threw the poison to the surface at once, and I at once began to grow better, and by using seven bottles I have cot a cure worth thousands of dollars. MRS. NANCY M. BARKER. This may certify that I have been acquainted with Kiev's Petroleum, or Rock Oil, for more than a year, and have re peatedly witness'd its beneficial effects in the cure of indo lent ulcers and other diseases for which it is recommended, and can with confidence recommend it to be a medicine wor thy of attention, and can safely say tbatsaeeess has attend ed its use where other medielio had failed. D. Y. FOOT, M. D. for sale by all the Druggist* in Pittsburgh'" n.nV'AMrm n —pp-a Jjotice-—The Partnership hereto ore existing nml aoinf buiine<« under the name an£ style of BENNSTC, MARSHALL * CO, was dissolved on the 10th iusL. by mutual eousent. ’ BENNETT, MARSHALL 4 00. Pittsburgh, June 21th, ISA 4. Copartnership. THE UNDERSIGNED have entered into Copartnership under tbj name aod alyl • ot GRAPE, IIENNETCA 0<», for the purpose of manufacturing Iron, Nal *, Ac., at the Clin ua Roiling Mill, South Pittsburgh Office at pres ent with English A Richardson. No. 110 Water, and 160 First street. WM. B. ENGLISH, ROBT. H. MARSHALL, JAS. J. BENNETT, Jon\ GRAFF. Pitt-Lurgb. June 23th. 1864 Citizen*' insurance Company, PITTS JIUnOLL, JL'.\fc, 16, Ibit —The President kQip|.i riv-rs mid tribu'aries, and Marine Risk- generally. And a.-whi-l Loss and Damage by Fire, and agalost the Peril* of the and Inland Navigation and Transportation. Poiicic* is-uni at the lowest rales consistent with safety to all parties. Wm S. Useeo. Jisirt I>. SNjm, Alexander Bradley, Juno Full«“ton, Robert Galway, Alexander« Reynolds, Ana strong County. James 9. Hoon, Samuel M’Clark**, : William Phillip*, John Scott, ? p. Oastsm, XL D., John M’Alpln, Wm F -»ohn*t*»n, Jafflea Ms'-ha 1, George 8. Sol ion, 1 mrSSriy , Horatio N. Lee Uinun Stowe, Bearer. strange Developeoaent.—Scientific men are dally bringing to light Dew inventions, and the march of progress is oaward; perrons Bald, or boeomiog so, will be pleased to leara that science and long research com bined. have brought before the pubjlc the greatest wonder of tillage, l'» the articSs cf EMERSON’S AMERICAN HAIR RESTORATIVE, a sure cure tor Baldness and to prevent lUlrfrom falling. So* circular 10 be had of the Agent*, riving full particular#. Price fl.oo in large bottle*. Sold by O. F». FISHER A CO.. Proprietor*, 67 Superior street, Cleveland, Ohio. For vale in Pittsburgh in the following house*:— Fleming Bros., L. Wilcox 4 Co., R. E. Sellers, - G.II. Keyser, Joel Mobler, Ben,}. Page, Jr, , J. 1L Caere 1. Allegheny city. —L. A. Beckham, Preasly k Means, J. Flrulug | • , . Rirmtrvjhftm. —A. Patterson. John O. Smith I eprfl Firemen’s Insurance Company of tile City of Pittsburgh* J. H.. MOOKUEAD. President —ROBERT FINNEY, Secro- Will insure against FIRE and MARINE RISKS of all Mods. Office: No. 90 Water street. J. K. Moorhead,* - W. J. Anderson, B. C. Sawyer, B. B. Simpson, Wn. M. Edgar, H. B. Wilkins, O.H. Paulson, ' WilLUm Collinjwood, B. B. Baker:*, John' M. Irwin, Joseph Ki)«, Wn. Wilkinson, David Campbell. 3*13 CITIZENS’ Insurance Company of Pittsburgh.—H. D. KING, SAM* u 2 L. UARSU£LL,SecT6Uryr\ Ofiee: M WaUrSrrnt.beiwca Jtmrketand Wbodtinett. l£urvs HULL and CARGO Ri iksA>n the Ohio end Missis* dppl RlrerE end tributaries. / uurares sgslnst Low at Dtm|ge or Tire. AL&d—Against the Pe jjlscftae&», snd Inland Nttigt* tiou and Transportation. ) ;MUReu: Wm. Larimer Jr., Samuel M. Kler, William Bingham, John S. DUworth, Francis Sellers, J. Schoonmaker, William B. Hays, jton. decBB H.D.KIng, 1 William Biignley, Samuel Re*, Robert Dunlap,jf., IsAer M. Peonock, B. HarbeUgh, Welter Bryant, : John Shi] MUTUAL FIRE AND MA> ILf^RISE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Pennsylvania* CAPITAL, #lOO,OOO. IJHAR TBR PERPETUAL. jVw'ift" tTnn, AUGUSTUS 0. HF.IBT Kit. Secretory—THOMAS H. WILLSON, Esq. MMCTOkS; Don. A. 0. Helster, Samuel W. Hay*, William Robinson, Jr., Thomas OUlesple, William F. Fahnestock, John B. Cox, Harvey Bollman, Jacob Peters, John Walker, Jr., William Colder, Jr., Jacob 8. Haldermen, Aaron Bornbaugh. -RUSSELL A OAKES, Agents, Office, in Lofhyette Buildings, j, (entrance on Wood street.) n<=» Western Pennsylvania Hospital.— Drs. b. ScarsCX, Second, between Wood and Market streets, and J. Rean, North-east oorner of Diamond, Alle gheny city, are the attending Physicians to the above Insti tution, for the first quartef of ISS*. Applications for admission may be made to them at all hours at their offices, or at the Hospital at 2 o’clock, P. M. Recent cases of accidental injury are received at all hours, without form. ■ jaMhj* rr-=» C. YEAGER) 110 MARKET street,* Pitte [Liy bursh. Importer and Wholesale Dealer in FANCY AND STAPLE VARIETY AND DRY GOODS, offers to city and country dealers as large and well selected stock of Good* as any Eastern house, and same prices, thus wing 2 relght, time and expenses. rr -—p.- f>. fo:—Place of meeting. Washington Hall. Wood street, between Fifth street and Virgin alley. Kttbsciuib Lodge, No. 336—Meets every Tuesday evening. Minca-vmi Encaxpmwt, No. 87—Meets first and third Friday of each month. (mar2fcly rr=»ANGERONA LODGE, I. O. O. Angerona Lodge, No. 289,1.0. of 0. F~ meets every Wednesday evening in Washington flail. Wood it. [jylty Kntlce.—The JOURNEYMEN CIETY, of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, meets on the first and third WEDNESDAY of every month, at the FLORI DA HOUSE, Market street. By order. j«1:t JOHN YOUNG, JIL, Secretary. ATTENTION 1&. L. G.—You are hereby notified tt attend at your Armory, on MONDAYS, WEDNES DAYS and FRIDAYS, for drill, and to transact such busi ness as may come before the Company. P. KANE, oiar2fc6md Secretary pro lem. Cargo’s Dagnerreotypo Aj»Uo Building, JVo. 76 ibwrtA street, (next to Lymft Carpet Emporium.) _ g. M. CARGO A 00. having fitted up the most A ample rooms in the city with ®ammo£ sky and side UrhtjL offer First Class LIKENESSES, in style tb suit all, varying In price wording to and quality of case, Ac. Superior OU by the best artists, for sale, and on ex- ÜblSonduring the day and evening. Cttbens and sM (rtrß are invited to call and examine specimens and Paint- Lm y*L FOR SALE VERY CHEAP*. A BUILDING lot IN ALLEGHENY QITY, 24 feet bfr 100. A good bargain can be had by applying scon at the office of the MORNING POST. Jjlfctf. BUILDING LOT FOR SALE. A LOT 24 feet front on WYLIE street, and extending 109 feet to Wide alley. On the back part of the Lot Is a Cellar Wall, built for two small Houses. This Lot is io « desirable location for a residence; and will be Bold low. sod on fovorqble terms. Title good, and clear from Incumbrance. Enquire of GEO. F. GILLMOKB, j yl g ■ At Office of Morning Poet. a»PKR FOR JULY.—Harper’s Magasipe, for July, just reeeivai and for sale by S. B-LAUFFER, jyl 87 Wood street. AToCOttiys COiIPOUND FAMILY SOAP—2O«i boxes fcr Mwl» by fjylTl HKNBY n. COLLINS. IJUUe— 6 bbls this cay roceired by jyX7 HKNift H. COLLINS. I INSKKD OLL—S bbls recalled and ft* ±_j j y i7 HENRY tf COLLINS. IMall— 12* hf bW* White Fish; 1 19 bolsIdo; 84 hf bbls Treat; 11 bbts do; 10 hf bbls Pickerel; fcrnlthy j_ l7 • HENRY H. COLLINS. TpvitY APPLE©—IS bUsftt sale by j jl7 HENRY n COLUNS. 1 Mo - *' ,D R ' 'it Sir n. cm.L«B. C, oraic CUIMNKY TOPS— 3OO of Tarijua pmcmto I- Ale by fjylll HKXHY U COLLIN TN THJC MATTgK OF TUB ftXTK.NSI jS OF UAJOOCf X SritKnf, in City of.Pitlebnrgh. No. (8 of Octote. | i 'J ™'y V2Ui, 1864—The Tiewers eppointed by the Court, it tho »oos« o«, to Tiew tho pound OTP wbieh it »•» pt ■ DOfoi to puna s»id street, bring or tho opinion Out U>. proposed Increase of width ot stld stKet lo oxpodiont nnn haring aacerisined and determined the dunna likely tn u done topneete property by said eitensioii. Noth*,jnpor IUUO. of the dlieotionl of tho Aet of Assembly, heub_ glren to all persons inures ted in deftnying the thereof; thntioidThen. will dnlioo of their appointment, et the PKiUtY aoD3Rln th. City of Pittsburgh, on WItDSMBAT, AngnrtlMM.at 2 P. M, o. mid dny. £ "KlT’. C. I*. MAO KB, JAU. W. WuODWBLL, R. B. M’GOWK.V, 8. M. BIKRe Dividend Sottce. pxmßcmoi, Jnly 13, ISM. THE president end Directors of the MuNUNGAUKL.- NAVIGATION COMPANY,have this "'“"“‘V & COPH.MH), jvlo:t3oth Treasurer Hon. New. Company* [Wayneebarc Messenger, Dhlontown Genius of Brownsville Clipper, Washington Examiner, and Green burgh Argna.lnsert4timeaandchargePoat-J . . 0— NFDOLLABASF«Jrir OBHTSI'EK ACKB,fo good land aitoate on the water. of Big FUddrig Creea _ Vi Several tracts of 1000 aeree each, will bo talot to salt purchasers, at the above prioa; also, eotne at pe acre. About 1000 acres on Jlsh Oreeß, witAln iron *to ». miles In the Railroad, at $6 per acre. Also, 100 acres ebou lu miles from Motmdsrllle, t and 0 from the rten-s |lO per acre. Good lands, good Utlea, »d for fall particular. tmU j T U Re*l Kn>tg Atenp, 140 Thirt *t. «yrpw Keahion end famine: by -Mr*. Ann o WeUerWarren f or the Adventurerof thaNorthern Wilds Woman’* Love; a true story of the Heart: fay BngeneSue , Frank Leslie's Ladles’ deserts, for July- Knickerbocker Mags sine, ** The Sew York Journal,. “ Gleason's Pictorial, and all the carter* Literary Papers, have beon received at _ PAUL KLEINER'S literary Depot, i tl6 fifth street. opposite the Theatre. - NN 6. BTEPHENa’QKKAC WUttK.—Pasmon^iwi A Fsmlne: by Ann B.Btepbens; completetnl volume. Pl riah!oneble Dissipation: by Marta V IPtiUer; SO cents Vnr til* hv -■ H- UINEi» A W , jJS__ No. S 2 Smith field street- RTU’S CHEMICAL WKITIWU VLUID—m »ni lianey of color, fluidity.end in all respects, to Arnold> or aoy other Writing Ink. Is l*J« severe on SUtalUe Pens is entirely free from sediment, and ts sold at very moderau rates. Warranted to give satts&etloo. for nle by Yf 8. HAVEN, Sutioncr, Jrl4 Market street, corner of Seccmft IVOKY KYKit-PuINTHi) PKNUlLB—Alewdoien jost’re ceived and for sale by W*. S. HAVEN, Stationer, j y l 4 Market street, corner of Second. P BATTS NKW PATENT PEN HJLDEB—Soluble Io» any aiie of Steel Pens. It holds the Pen firmly, able! can be removed without any difficulty, and wilhoat soiling the fingers, i’ors.le by W. S HAVEN, Stationer. jy i4 Market strret, corner of Second. ARTAK'S EUUATIUN TAbLBS—A few copies lor salt b T W. S. HAVEN, Stationer, jjl4 ;orner of Market anlSeCi nd sts. Building Lots Tor sale, IN BIRIUNUUAAI, SOUTH PITTSBURGH, AND ALLL QUEST CITY I WILL SELL on reasonable sod accommodating term -BEVK.NTKKN BUILDING LOT% siluated In the bo ougb ot Birmingham, being sub-diriidoDS of Lot No. .1 i Oregg’a pu*>d»fi«ioa of a part of the •* G 2 acre tract in u; manor of Pittsburgh," four of said l‘t* fronting on Y*a> street tweaty-four feet each, and running back one hui «lr-ii fie:; four fronting on Birmingham street twentj-WL feet, an-J running back ninety fire feet; and the other nli troQtiog on tiregg street twenty foe t, each one running Me. nlnetv-t.il feet, to the lot now occupied by Jones k Qul* f,.r tbVlr new works. .. A!»o, ms lot in South Pittsburgh, extending from tt Birmingham to the Brownsville Turnpike Hoad, contalmo in front, ou the Birmingham Turnpike, twenty-four fee and Mending hick oue hundred and eighteen feet. Also, three lots front, ng on Pasture lane, near Carro street, in Allegheny city, tweuty feet, and running bee one hundred feet to an allay. jyiaat DlTldtnd. Omc* or Pirwßuxoa Gas Confast, l July lUib, 1c64 ( rrniE TRUSTEES of the Pittsburgh uas Oompeny- L»» -I this iay declared a Dividend of nrs pea C£*r on th Capital Slock of said Company, ont of the profits of the *» rtx months, payable os demand, to Stockholder.-* or the. lewal representatives, at the office of the Company. j y U:»w JAMES M. CHRIBfY. Trea»orer New books, just received. Elibu Barritt’s Thaughm and Things at Home an Abroad; with a memoir of Mar? ilowltt. Footprints of Famous Men; designed as Incitements t Intelleelual Industry; 12am, iUustreted. Puddleford and its People; by H. H. Riley. «»We have briefly announced this work a* In praae. H now published, and ready for the public. And the publ will want it. It is not ooe of the kind of books that i a-begging for‘patronage,* (confound th «t particularly En r lUh word, for which, as yet, there has been found no go synonym!) but «u thweentrary. a book that will conn'iit. success, because it deierre* It. As to that, *we ■b»L a* XV+ have seldom been mistaken in our prognostications c this kind, and we * say it, and we say U boldty,* that th. time we ain't be mistaken." —Knickerbocker Magazine. For sale by H. MINER-* OU.. jy!3 No. 32 SoithfleW street POWER A RIEttDUN, : Architectural and ornamental carters. Ornamental Patterns for Casting. In every styl- Modeling, Designing, Ac. Composition Ornaments for tl decoration of Steamboats, Buildings, Ac 4 96 SMITfIFIEL Street, nesr the Post Office. . jvl^m LAND! LANDII—». CUTUBEttT A &ON have for m Farms of from 60 to 1000 acres, located in Peonsylv. nia. Ohio, Virginia, and Illinois; upwards of 10,000 acre in M*Lean county. Illinois: several taacta of land on lb , waters of Big Fishing Creek, in lots of 180 acres an upwards, at $l,BO, $3, $6, and $lO per acre. Persons wisl lag to buy, will find it to their advantage to call at oi office. No. 140 Third street. J? 8 1 FOURTH OF JULY KXGUttSIUN—De not forget .todee. 1 at thoee beautiful BUILDING LOTS, so slauanby situ ated on Mount Wsshlngtnn free from the dust and amok of the citv, in the pure air of the country—yet wlthi a few minutes’ walk of the city. The Inclined Plane.wP soon be eompleled. and tbeee Lots rendered Tery easy < access. Lots of 60 fret front by 210 deep are selling at S2D each—l3o in hand, balance in sums of $5 a menth. jy4 8. CUTHBBRT A BON, 140 TM d street. Treasnrer’i • nice off tki vhartlera Vallej Railroad Company. SUBSCRIBERS to thaabova Road are hereby notified tha tbe Board of Directors hare called for a second instal ment of Ftva Dollaxs per share; payable to the Treasure' on the Ist Monday of JUNE, and also Fire Dollars pe share on tbe first Monday of each ensuing month, unti the whole amount (a paid. _.. I _ LIL „ my3G:tf ALTAN WILKINB. Treasurer. UTMAM FOR JDLYl—Just received andfor sate atfto 16 Fifth street, near tbe corner of Market. Abo, all the Magazines for July, which are offered to the public at the usual and established prices. . jjj RUSSELL A BRO. Tape-Worm lm CHUdrem. TAPE-WORMS frequently infcst the Intestines of th* sdalt. They ere often of enormous else and length causing great pain and tenderness in the stomach. Xh« yenerel health becomes deranged, the system enfeebled and the symptoms an continually aggravating, until relie; or death terminates the sofiering. B. a. Fahnestock's V«r mifoge is the best remedy In this ease The warm, aftu bdng destroyed, will be discharged In detached portions and a speedy relief will be obtained. . New Yoax, November Bth, 1853 ' I hereby eertlfy, that I gave a vial of B. A- Fahnestock'* Vermifuge to a daughter of mine, two years old; and 1: caused her to pass two worms, the same day; onaa tape worm, thirty inches id length, the ocher a large stomach worm, twelve iaches in length. L moet cordially-and cheerfully recommend it.as a worm medicine. J. O. Fuunts, S7B West 43d street. Prepared and sold by • B. A. FAHNESTOCK k CO., jyB corner of First and Wood st i.UNE SUMMER DRESS QOODi.—a. A. MASON *OO f are now receiving another fupply of Sommer Dreg* ~Gcodn,.eomrriidng aotao very rich new style* of figured Kg' ' regee, Bilk Tiiwues, Ae. Aiso, a large assortment of IB*- most fashionable colors in plain good*. je" AVALUakLKURIST MILL run otsWoe, o*i» ble of turning out 50 bbls. of Flour in 24 hours, for sale by K CUTHBBRT A SOK, je!3 140 Third street A FINK COUNTRY SKAT OFFERED FOR SALK.—It* is 12 acres of improved Land, am the XloersvUle road —a beautiful spot for little money, inquire o^ THOMAS WOODS, j*2l 75 Fourth street. RRAPLNO MACHlNES—Warranted to cut from 10 to 15 acres of Wheat or other small grain per day, with one span of hone, uid ilriTer. r« ■£ £ ONE HUNDRED ENGRAVINGS—Frank Leslie’s Ga zette of Paris. Loudon and New York Fashions, tor July—This number has one hundred Engravings, beskin n pattern for a Mantilla. Just received and for rale at the cbVap Book Store of W. A. GILDENFBNNEY A 00., jyC No. 76 Fourth street A BUILDING LOT FUR BALE—Of 24 f*wt front on Ooofc street by 156 to CUffstreet; price $400; terms easy Alto, for sale, a small Farm, near the city, of 2334 acres; 12aeres in Coat; with a Frame House and other improve ments. Apply to & CUTIIBKRT A BON^ jyl3 , 140 Third >tr—t A GOOD DWELLING HOUSE, of 11 room*, wall fiubtiei ami in good order; situated on Hand street. For sale ri LET—The second story room, large and convenient, well lighted, and good front entrance, of No. 140 Third streeL PoGcearion given immediately -Apply to 8. CUTHBKRT A SON, jyl3 140 Third street. CANARY CAGES —6 dot fancy Bird Cage*, new styles; price from 75 cents to $6; for mie at 47 fifth street jyl2 JAMES WARDROP. CHEAP PRESERVING SUGARS— White Soft Crashed at 8 and 9 cents per J»; N. O. Sugar, 20 lbs for $1; fat sals by js24 . tT. A. M*CLPRO. Clttuns’ imsmramee Company, mWENTY-TWO SHARES of the Stock c.r this Company, 1 for sal* by WILLIAM A. IUU. A CO, 4 JeSfcfedAw ' 64 Wood stmt ,* ■ : •. • .V. ■* .w - •#ffllTW. ■• - r-T" ' JOSEPH .* m.k.hi, «nt jStmSf-S* young Americas «tor Mr. wiugrAELABP |*srnntmga galaxy r>f takat seldom ofcfsd to the fuMfe la may ettj , This Evening. July jTth, *B he pmmttA the eI ' r ‘” ,OT "*V« B EILrB»rkAWO« I-ril'd. Hun,, (wtlh JbkO- !!——*■ • Doricoart —Mr. 0. ®****^- ;. I in. Min B. WlMipw To conclude with the dm— of . madblame, the emu or m iwt Supike. ——Mr. V. M«hei Madeleine,(whh ve—.) -—Jtre. G Hi— 1 _ To-morrow, last night hat IwßttewppMtef Mm. O. Howard. ■ 1 ' TWELVE TBARI BILL pferX’ R li*min&BCTER, coxcsßTs, sxßamon ure uema ALL OHOniWCAIIKit by MtS cc Wail>l, ee —I amt by AdameA.Co.'ajExpr-a, will —nr* finHili attanUon. _ • Refer to ttilioffice, thoHoteliu4 «*fctt CIRCUS AND MKRABKIUX . _ _ portinc hlUfttlly tfjwdid to. ifwf LMKUUB HALupenaeriy WUfcv*a alLT *•"** —■». , near BmiU\Aeld- can be obtained te hlflr. Fmttvnh, 3oneerta» Pnbl*c Meetings. Ac. Also, Cargo's CXitlca an» Sax Uorn Band can he (bond in readiness af ail time* I« Applying to WM. FRANK CARGO, at tbe Cry *l*l Pafor* Dagn-rresn Booms of R.H. Cargo A 0©- Fourth ttn*,ore t the Han. To the Crodltore spea Attn Hals Lise of Public luprovtmesu. I HE CREDITORS upon ibo Main Us* of the Public -I Improvements are hereby notified, that pursuant to au set, entitled “An Act to provide for tbe ordinary expen j*m cf Government, the retair* of tbe pnblie Canals and llailroeds and other general and special apprnjmiiona, Ansroved the 9ih day of May, 1964, tbe Oommi»'ioaerf «p -(minted to examine ali claims for MOTIVE I*OH Ul AND : •lkvaiks, hearing date prior to the 4 s *day of December, ISS3, will meet at'the following places aod. periods, for tbe -folfiimeotbf tbe dudes mdsoed them, vix: QAiUayabuig.oa. Monday, July 10. Summit, “ ..Thursday, ** 13. Johnstown, ** »..»« -Monday, ** 37. Blalrsvliln, w - -.Mondav. “ 21. Pittsburgh,' •* : -Thursday, “ 27. .<_ Haotingdcn, “ ——i Thursday, Aag. 3. Lewlatown, “ t .Monday, “ 7. Millemtown, “ —....-Thursday, u 10. Harrisbufg, “ » -Monday, “ 14. Columbia, “ -.Thursday, “ L. Porks burr, Monday, ZL Pbiiadeluia, “ —Thursday, “ 24. Jyl±t27th THOMAS. A. MAQPIBB, Secretary. LG-nGWOKTH’S LADIES* SWEET WlNE—Very whole some; an excellent article tor sacramental purposes; r vale by »• F3CKE&BN, , IST Liberty it. 7 nrOiAi>, Prraeh, Port, Madeira and American Wines, : JT foi sale Cheap by . J>- HCKEISEN, jy!2 137 Liberty st. Brandies, Whisky, It. each Mustard, Havana Segars, Ao- aleays on hand, at tbe lowest prime. }v!2 . PICKS ISBN. A?ilr pUrfK CLAitET—An excellent articlefor ; summer use, for sale bj _jy)2 Bj&T SWISS Imported ftineft from ftritser land, foe sals cbesp bj jin I link' KiTHACTo fOtt TUB iIAJiDKBKCUIKFd. —1 bare i>»t« day rtsccijcd a large assortment oT Borin’s me Extract*, among irbfoh an his celebrated. Oriental )rop?, etid to be the finest perfumery In the world. Also, Is celebrated Extract* of Upper Ten. Jockey Club, Ac, Ac. 'hose wishing fine extracts can always‘procure them at JOB. FLEHINO’S, Jjl2 corner of tbw Diamond and Market st. EXTRACT OP VAi»l‘ .*A—i gross of Boam’a celebrated flavoring extracts of Vanilla, received by jvia , JOS. FL’KMTKO \/f AGIO FuUSUING IDWDKK—One of tbe bestartictes tVI now in use for polishing fine brass, ee; 1 gram re ■reiTed by ~ JQ3- FLEMiyO. I JuNULNK BOAF— An excellent soap for the toilet; 1 L gross received by . f JOB. FLEMING. O&c&’h lAVIOOKaTING COEDIsL-t> do* received by [ jyl.j . JOS. gUPCXO. IVLOOAI3 —Ioo toostakeChamplain; Yj 60 *• Juniata, lUapforge.) for sale by j,l>' - me A MOORHEAD. PIOJItON— 10U tons Forge, Anthracite; Itt Foundry, G>ke; for sale by jTl2l ' * KING A MOORHEAD. Dtt. tliiilUMia’ WORKS—American edition 75 cents per vol; new supply by express. Church Before tbe Flood. Scripture Uredings on Geoesi*. The tent and the Altar. hectares os Miraclei and Parabks, or Foreshadows, rroppectic Studies on Daniel Lectures on the Apocalypse; Ist and 2d aeries. c Voted* t>f the Day, L'ead and Night beneflictioDS. Th»i tngll.b editinn of the aboce also on hand, at SI per prices $2 and For sale at t DAVISON'S Book Storef jylO ; . fiS Mathet street, near Fourth. N“EW iiUOivS, BY hXPUKsS. AT UAVidus’S BOOK STORE, 05 Marker Fourth. The Pilgrims of TVsl-.angham, a tale of the Middle Ape: 3 Agues bbickUod. Hills, Lak&<, and Forest Stream?. Travels la Armenia, Russia, Turkey, and Persia: by utxna. . Owl Creek Letters. Maurice on Loris Prayer. ’hrintmuß H'lHdayvin Rome; by Kip. jylO NRVILL& B. CR\IQ. a~j-; cKCUtRS. W W. WlLSON.corner of Market and L Fourth afreets, is o peeing another lot of those very *!" •uch approved Patent Briitan a Ice Pitchers, for family id hotel use. Ice will last from four to fire hours loaner . these than In any other Pitcher, and they are of a good itteru for constant use at all seasons Kray fatally, •aiding bouse, and hotel, should be supplied with them; •ice «fl. Call and examine tbc in at 67 >Urket?gt» jylO ITANTED—A. fitaatiaa, by a Young Man, aj Book- V Y keeper, Clerk, or dalesman. Apply at -FRAN Cl SOUS' Agency Offloc, JylO: • - 85 Fifth st. near post PC oe. I’ljrt B PAPER —Assorted colors, forOonftettooer’s use, at low prices, by J. 8. DAVISON, jylO ; . 65 Market at. LARD— 8 kegs No. I for sale by JylO . V HENRY H COLLINS. —3OO Bacon dtdeafor sal* by - - )11Q HENRY IL COLLINB. ’tIJEfcSE—'AW Poke*, prime eutiiog. W sale by w •» jylO HENRY H. COLLHS. jJKAKLS—2f casks meirelKul Nv nit by L. jylO HtNKY n. OOLLINg; PIU IRON—6O tons No. 1 Anthracite; I 0& No. S do; i 100 “ K&3 do; Good brands, fbr sale by WM. BINGHAM A CO.. * jy3 Canal Basin. j | 11BLS NO. 2 ROBIN; ta/W i 5« No. 1 Baltimore Herring; for sale-by jjB . GEO. BINGHAM A CO. BIRD SCUD—km lb.-* for feeding during ths hot season, fox sale at 47 Fifth street, by jyS ' JAMBSWABDROP. nTTKT N URdB WANTED—One that is young and healthy. YV Apply at FRANCISCOS’ Ageney Ofltee, i> 8 ; No. p 2 Fifth street,near Poet QBco. ANTED—A. situation Tor e Farm Haadpajoangma who has beoff raised to ihehurioesa. ipplyat FRAN emeus’ Ageney OBee, i ; No. 85 Fifth street, Pear. Itawt Office. ROuM to KENT—In the neighborhood of the Post Of fice ; suitable for a store or aa office. Apply at • ' FRANCTSCCS' Agency Office, JyS . No. 66 Fifth street, near Poet Office. JtU PAREINN OLIVE OlL—tt nl« by PLEMUK3 BttOS,^ ISweccMor to J. KMd 4 CB. jy7 Kg. 60 Woqd gfti*. / ''LO^fcS—IUOO Hu 0n h*od iad ftK* aue Dy .' I \j & a - ?LEHl*i^aoB. PANISH WHII > 3>T \1 TAhANTED PCati uIL ORIGANUM—SO Ru .ln.l Tf *nd for»le by (j>7’ FLEMINO BR< PIN K HOOT—ISOO lbs on &ttd and for nit by 1 jyT FLEMING >BO3. ij^MKRV— 2OOU Bw, umnat mmters oil -band and for Jj sate by ‘ [jj7] ’ FLEMING BROS.- \ll ILL SEAT, at the Falls of Fish Creek, V»., with 100 acres of land, for sale by S. CUTUBEBT A SON. JyT 1 , I*o Third street. t'XCHAMiH.— Tea aertn id laod, with a good Dwelling i Home, situate at MartaysriHe, will ue exchanged tor city, property. - £. CUTUBKBT A SOS. Jv7 \4O Third UAhn NEGOTIATED, Menu-Collet,Sdtt'touiseaa Partners procured, at Um General Agency Ofloe, lift Kdrd street. jj7 ORPHANS’ COURT SALE OF BUILDING LOTS— lnto the Property of £>arld Greer, deceased ■> tested in the Eighth Ward of this dty—flnpsting on Pennsylvania are* oua, Forbes street. Locust street, Vickrey street, Bleff street, and Magee street. 'Will be sold on the tirrmlr—. on SATURDAY, the 29th day of July, as 2 o'clock, P. SL Terms to accommodate purchasers. Particulars made kco vn at sale. EDMOND GREER, \ . . jeffcti SOPHIA GREER, f AdßPt> *_>xUi.fcj naUU-JuA*—trank Lcauea lifidbw* (hntk,Me A July,yurt received akl for sale at 20costs pwrfiopy. Also, a fee copies left of .Harper, Putnam, Graham, Godey, sod the. Euickertocke., for July; all for sale 5 cento lew thsii-cm be had else where— notwithstanding the hoc woelher. Remember, the pU'.-e is 87 Wood street. jj7 - SAMUEL B. LA UPPER. BALE—A. A. MASON A CO. wiUoftor their immense stock of Embrotterke and White Goods £*> tn per cent less than usual prices. Jyd 8. CUTHBERT A SON, 140 Third street i|i AhTj^i/—a purchaser for thebHnaeoiaest uoim and T 1 Grounds on Troy Hill—it b a home. Enqnireof THOMAS WwuDS. 3e28 75 Fourth street. tuiuicb atrn *\>K CuUmK* RISMDa.NO* s Rr« t acr« cf yrooad. In a beautiful location, gßuat- yp«f XU* Ran, at $125 per acre. Alxo, 5 acre* at sgu . ac-j $ ocr«* at s36o.**r acre. A food road (plaak) to akera r*op -rty, and pleasant tkuaUon for roMeocm. Kxau>«c Ux vearseivaa. 8. CUTHBEBT - ou.^ 4 A. SliliaS A Ol) —4OO CUM H& of It* A. Utestttdnott«k»li»Wc*tjrWof opened on ttu tWy aPtliMhta^of May. »>ff 'sir . ... , A*. '- r 5s?T ■ v~?-- '*?' x r y ’■ ~ v f-,‘ . " fV'“ ' 4-~'V ‘ . ‘ / V ’ -V -ftfi J . <* .'.ft'J'i-*-* * --i . > H\ ?' NOTICE U. ■pICK'SISBS. D. FICKETBKW. bbi* on band tod fcr, FLEMING Ln Kl> eALTPATKK—'Awo toe on hand andiforsale f jjT] . FLEMISH BEOS. 140 Taint »fnm. . K.UuUibc, lur aoW L*'_r Kwxra^ouiKC ' v £sa&*~ , w t