•V.*;-*-: '•• -> *;V. Bs4:vv: . 1’,.... , . .:• . >1 i :V : •■ L> ; 1,; .' ? ■glllpglpl ■h^p '^iSl |pgg| WMo®B@ S' lfe£2w3» »- “■^S’ ; ;> > ‘vE'tL" wMSf®%®| *W«^P®§ JPP. m&m H^MsWSf§i| jtilllll mtemi Jpgi ktSM 'mSi iM|M' w^mm W^mom ~ - ■ '■' ~'~-~'.‘i*-i?7l -■"- ■:■ :■'_>*“ /f4*AV^w?*S***lV^.-H*®-* -,■ ■ ~^>-■;■ ’ r *’: ~ • ■■>.; ; * > •■"' ° r : . :1 *•- * • ‘ . : ». ■ .V. -; V * T 1 i K D.A4I>Y MORNING POST. aid iWtiL-d may mntng. (flirofay mfmtni) ov alLt-Hone & mostoo.ukri'. ■OXTH-WIST OOEim 01*_ W PCTtfr 3TRESW- *a- T£R »S.—Pita DoUaiw a yew, paysMestrfctly In tdvaaw. PUDoLarswiU invariably bawquired IfnotpnM Tw&cnrra—tor sale *t tbacounter In tb* Office, ud by the News Boys. - - - • - THff BATOEDAYMOBNIHO W** L-pnblUbed;Crqm the same office, ©zP» Urge abeet, st TWO OOLLAKB s year, In sdrsnoe. Single eopise b. itoonUonrf ‘>'±l m ***%%<* i. Job Printing Ofioa in tUdtg, trim all i: "l S ,Jr*J J~> m. O.e .totol Mitt, mt vMt Teuon .j ...... , .■ PROFESSIONAL CARDS: ' ' GKO. F. OIIXMOBB, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office, ctnwr of fburtii street dnd Okerrjf .alley, PtTTSBCIOB, PA^ yy. wni attend to his profession si buslnessas usual, at hia office, between the hours of 0 A. M. and 4 P. M. of each J„y. fr 3o " ROBEHT E. PlllltlPS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ST. LOUIS. Mo. JOSEPH -WBATBR, . . ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR at law, Office, No. 1M Fourth .treet, ja&lyS] prrTMßuana. pa. JOHN BARTOS, __ ■ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, OJXlee« corner Fiflta. »nd Grant «*»♦» ■ ja&lyg] pirrg»oaoa. tk. c : A : n7~Bld&U Robert** .. .■ , j . Attorney at law— omoe. No. isa smithfleid atreet* butwwia Fifth and Sixth. Collections carefully wienil get to—special attention ‘gWen to OoDTgyandog. fdecSay Thomas Means, VT __, v A TTORNEY AT LAW AMD SOLICITOR A Office, nest door to the Poet Office, Stonbenrille, Ohio. ATTOUSKV AT LAnorth etroet, Plttabocgh, P.., fourth door below Mr. Rody Puttereon’e Llrery «,*UIV J -_ “ j. ($. Morrlion, * rtOBNSV AND OODSSELLOH « UW-Mai » A. moved to No. 44 Qr»nt street, ae»r Fourth, j-, \ C» Orlando Loomti, . ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth stmt, »dot» wooa. go j V 4:y __ Thomas M.3»t*r«halV _ LI; Attorney at law—office, JIL street. ' r. B. Ctriubtn, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office on Fourth ftreet, tgett Cherry alley and Grant street. • A TTORCTY ACT "oUCTKLWKJIT LAW-OBoe h> A BolHlnP»°° or «° t stre « t - — " D. Ba«U) . . A iTORNET ,VT LAW-No. 12T Fourth A ue*r amlthflgld. pttrg^ Alderman Wation, otic* on Third street , opposite the old Post Office, -wT/'uKKEaU business pertaining to ibe office of Alder- AAmaa and Justice of the Peace will be promptly at . > . fo Acknowledgments of Deed, and Mortgages, end rttor 'r wriUDg, Uk.D .t M»o«c,or « the "Si I.U fstv i>f Pittsburgh, are placed In my possession. Persons -gft£ jspS»oaaSd Docket, may hare the nectary U*x£d thereon by Alderman Watson. [myfeL. ~ N Bn«k*Mt«r» Mderman. OFFICE. Grant street, between Fourth Diamond >-l'ev Conveyancing of all kind, done wi-h the great ,„t »™ T iod uSI «uW ™«! “ E “£T amlniM, Ac. a->^ — Removed. . -T-. dr. d. HUNT, Suaasos Dbstmt, has «moTed offlfe from No. 16 Sonrth stre:» BUSINESS CARDS. „ _ B*». HCSBIII*. D W. ÜBHSTIKB * CO" COMISSIIIX AND PORWAHBING SBBCIHHTS. AND , Dealers Generally in Produce, Pittsburgh, Cin cinnati aui other Hanu/acturea, *o. A’0.93 Front iirt'U, Ww« Jt-irL-et and Ferry atreets, prmsCKOii, pa- _ 49» Liberal cash advance made on eonsiirnmentii. Par ticolar attention paid t-Xforwarding Western mercba.ndhre»CM.—Clark A Thaw, Wm. Bagale* A Co., Wm. Si Cullv 4 Co, F. sellers A Co, Ilara A Black, * R*hm Uonrv Graft, E«i., Wm. Eiohhaam, 9- R. Johnston, £J.. Tbaomßnkewcll, a*. “«t' *<«•. ■‘gg” Btoocr, K*q- • Co-Fartnerahlp* THE snbecrihtT' hßvo thL» deyf-rmt-d a partnership fi>* the puruMe of carrying oa Conmunon and Aruord i»w io connection with the risk, tiiean and OxL, «»«*/*?■ duct business cenemlly, under \h* style of h-tnuan A Rira , | No. 110 Water and 150 Front streets.,. tXS.piri by BurbrH*. ' ~ JAILEi RIOUAUDSON, r T>q t -nr.VJF-TT February Ist, 19M;fcU X . Oounti? *«£«*’ ' gpices 6f every variety Gxoeenss waited to w Mills. Also; and the purest quality. fi™““ produce taken in e* Dried Fruits, Foreign and Domestic, i rwu change for u-„ , ortment of Landreth^ P.R. D. has procured a tull n ■WarrantedGarden Seeds and mtito* the attention tereeted in rural affr*-° —* Grocery business. A \V\LLINGFOB.t>. , io&t " f«*h€ I Pittsburgh. February 1.1854 /~IOM'US3ION AND f J (j Wholesale Dealers In *>*. by BurbrUee i S; s WC»&°VS*Tp. ***%? Peon*. ■ r Jljso i. MSSUJk«" riihOß «. m> «•« V nRfWRKRS- Dealer* n\ rTIEA DEALERS AND f/ WawTilouae I Wooden and Willow Ware, Ja|mnn«l[Tin J5B Libert.- biplwt Utensils, ie, Wholesale »»d ! '°' ~ pr ls:y atreot, Plttabnnth. ..... nw*^ wt-ras Pittsburgh. f No. 309 Liberty street. PitUbuigh, Pa. Jya> Sperm. Llneeed and *- au **‘- FE A’B SELLERS * CO., Forwarder* arad “ nSRT aicimM, HttuDow W Wln«»ndB«#ar»--No6.l*2»na l« , Y aud Liberty Pittsburgh. lion, N*il»r«owo» jy3 * *«.. constantly oa hand. _ 'WIUUm Carr * Co., rJ\ fWM- Caur Wt« mf the firm yoreigo Wine* WHOLESALE OEOCERS and Dealer* m and Brandies Old “°® on S^ r \ y street, PltUtorgh, key, K 0.329 Commercial 1j>»» LiUe » HaSiTlbcSI . ■«rnowJltK Prod ““ W «ton so. 243 ul, * r g /^Bir fiOß. PA. apr22 J »ml Importer or 014 Country Dl4mon) j : . Jj eS Wine*, Ao., corner of Diamond auey f«i»8;y ptttsrnrgh, l*a- Steamboat lm u. _ 4S-TEA D E S^^S OOEB, ' S * masts of tom aso olios “ s a : ™*ww»«S l BS ,r o U *»ss^jgs»*S- t si (j SCKAUUOAT AQJSSTS—No. 7 W«wrtjl , „I * WABKBOOSB-1« pXuitnd besal. gSrS&SISSS-S =oa« -«» «» Warehouse,ootobt of H»Ut >»°l?^. d lte.lt Binder?, HotMThlrdW. nn™ —B. T. C. MorgM, -OOOK3ELLKR iND ST*Mis»ll*n«.sj'»nil Blwi SSS qaE J2S? -p.KAi.Bs -Tsreg-s^jsssr JJ PlttobOPsK Thu hUh»t prijs if myUrr ; ; William Glenn, , w _ F(VIKHTND2^ —Corner of Third and Wood , fc 0-S Kav. where ho ii preoarea ip do "F***^?* 1 of Ruling aod Bintliiig i ‘ A ,— — Walter F. BarthaUiv fMPOßTKß aftd Dealer In Prauckand X Hanging*- I ! •*• • : .'■'*> •• • •* ‘ 1 ' ■ * .v ;»• <> *» . . VOLUME XII ! BUSINESS CARDS. JOSEPH FLEUISS, C fSDOQJSSOH TO l. WILCOX * CO.] O&NKR MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, keeps conitutli on htitd a full assortment of Drugs, Medi* dneij MjedkineChwtd, Perfumery, and all articles pertain log to his business. , . , 49“ Physicians 5 Prescriptions carefully compounded at ■JI hoar*. • W Jons rLxmxQ. coouaas rLsniso. FIiEMINO BROTHERS, i {Successor* to J. Kidd A Co.) WHOLESALE DRUGGIBTB,. m 60 1 food Street, PitUburyh, Pa. Proprietors of Dr. M’Lane's Celebrated Vermifuge, Urer Pills,Ae. J* lo^ JOHN HAFT. JH‘. (tSußcosaor to Jan M’liuffey*) • ; Whole.ftlc *nrt Retail Dranlit, fc . ND Dealer la PAINTS, OILS, DYBjBTUfFS, Ac,, 141 thr “ " ot * below %°txSi.u»gn. - jr JUH.N ttOHO&Kf Ag|tf • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, ' Dys-ituffa, Fainta, Oi;», Yamlaließ, 4c., \ O . 931 z Wood Ktrtret, (one dwulb of Diamond alley, j FITTBPiIEOH, [j«^ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, So. 135 Wood Street, i&yU; *N«xt door to H. Childs Shoe 11oqh», Pittsburgh. i iMOi... _ J- FLUIISO. Notie«. JOS "FLEMING haring associated with JOS. ABEL, the. business will hereafter be conducted under th-style of J. ABt}L * 00., at the old stand, corner or Smlthfield and Vourth streets. William Thorn, Druggist, /A$ REMOVED to tbs ooruer uf HAND and PSNN ji Streets, where be will, as usual, atteod promptly u his mitoerou* frienda. All articles in hisUne are warrant®-' pure, and put up with the utmost ear®. marl4:Qm IS. A.. Fahncitocii * Co., WHOLESALE DKUQ WAREHOUSE—Corner ftrstaßd f ypod gtreot&, oodoorper Wood and Suctb. {leoi . WUQLESALX DZALEU IX Foreign Winei, Braadie*, Cigars, Old Mononga- hela Eye Whisky, &c., also, rectifying distiller, iNU. 8 WOOD UTUfiUT, PITTSBURGH, PA. WINKS, Brandies, Uma, Cordials,,-Jamaica Spirits, ct. •Croix anfil New England Bum, CPareU, Champagne* dcotca Ale, London Brown Stout, Irish, Scutch, Baurbun, )ldM*noogah«la Bjre and Rectified Whisky, Apple, Peach, Wild Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; imported UaTana. desalt, and Principe Cigars; UalMpaoUh and Common CiMraall at such low pilces as to Challenge compe ition. Pane/Bsr Kezt and Labelled Bottlea of eyery style, and Dsmdihns of all sii«*s.‘ J respectfully invite uu cxamlus ilon df my fctock, at No. 8 W»X>£> Street, Pltubu.gh. ?enng. B^*r ' , JUHAi GttoUTT, L5l PORTER OP Bit AN DIES, UIN, WISES, Ac.—Dealer to hoe Oid Moooogahela Whisky, Peach Brandy, Ac \l*o, Rectifying Distiller, corner of Smithfleld and krcut ■treetki Pittsburgh. • i B J— ! J, Bryar. _ iITtIQLKSALS AMD LIQUOR MKRCIIASX YY ; 166 Liberty atrvft, apd 51 Uiwaonct «Ui'y- »««ulO:y J'oUN M’DKVITT « BKO., Uiocer» untl be*l«M to Foreign *nd Domestic-Liquors, Liberty etrewt, c-p^c«u -.tukil of Smithfleld »t. .. keikovui ~ E. DOWNING, CLOTII IE It, «£* dis KiDOTed to 294 LIBERTY ptruet, opposite UarrlM* alley, ami No. 3 bEVKNTU, near Suiithllcld, wher» b» attention ol bis friends and the public U inmud to •tock'of READY-MADE GOODS always on buna. M.-. Jtoth*, Cessimeresand Vesting# for ordered worn; A tui .Wjrfenent of Purnttliln* Goods fur *entlemen, itududio j.t. pf K y qualities, Ac-. Ao. jpaaVclosut~.....~ Jicuraa^v Wholesale and Eetail Clothing Merchants, 1 80. 88 VKrtJD STKKEI. Ilpfcsubscribersreijpeetf'aUy inform their o.d ami the public in general, that they hare Uu* day a ociafad themwWes iu the abote buiuueaa, uud.-r tho hn .1 JtiilN M/CLOSiLKY A 00. I’hey respccttui.y bor« 01. 01. land,) for -the purpo*® ol carrying on the cLOTHINU .USLNEaS, hope#by strict attention to business to merit a nare tu the patronage of the late firm. yj _ Jf. -Cl'-Uldng made to order in the tno#t fothtouaLlc and on the shortest notice—lnferior to none .hit. I ■ ' " jamti C. Wall, » * JJHCiIANT TAILOR—N'«- 45 Hftii rtr-et,op|*»«PiLha ,j\_ Theatre; PUtsoursti, Pa. . —! James Bellinger, DfIONONGAHELA PLANING MILL— Wouldraspeclfullj VI Inform hi- friend* and the puoiU, that Ids new vsUib- Ishient Is now In full oceratirn. ana tuat he U preparedtc iumfeh Ifrrt Cabin#, and fill all orders lor Planed Lumber, ™Si» tv-lTldd ttooldtep, ol ««T a«cripUon, =*3. to .. iSuuitaMe frT »T*ry qf«ertpt*n Ql wort. = ' IAKAB CIOS'* EU ™. a. CRISWELL, bell and brass founders, 4 ITANUF kCTUItKItS of »U kinds of bit AbrV'Oilk, LO \v OOMOTIVK, tiXKAM fcNGINK, I’LUSlIii-HS, tr. Ai w OOttcm Uattiag Msnuimctunsr*. Poandrj on K*becc* AkJe*M*,io in with Intelligent* end uen«el ( Sol : St7or , °thT“°we^'™Te;i.'w 1 .l be enPPIM el.bort ?oto AU bSncea entreeted to hi. new promptly «t- T J BlEtom, Esq, Klehard Co««n, Esq, V- «**•*“■? I*ol A OW -- m 7‘ OBijPF A CO‘* t Western Foundry, Ho. 124 Weod street, r ANL'FACTC U OOOKINO STOVES, Coil *nJ K?„l«. T.. Ki,tU<«,fe°° &»“■ *"■ .lfe±U‘- Aoitln Loonl** . 011 l raOKrttar havluj opon«d *0 °<»» »t »«a Saarasr 1 i ° t^r° B^!A r ojS§u^jg! ctobse, callM, Japan and. Copal Putty. Paint tea^s”V TIBE ne««eMion of na-lmatnaon-wiu I MONO KY. tbe 6th of September next, at the room cor Ji bMty .:«««. utoly occupied by tb. A. W. Loomli.C. K-P, Jr, [ inborn t. It. MlUer, «i f .a to. bwuh** MAnAaCTDKKR AMD DEALER IM AU. IJMDa 07 Tobacco. Bn«fli * nd Cigar*, looaco , AV riffh u . t puisbunfh, I*. *3- K«ps constantly on band a Urge aupply ot all<*« —rafloug brands of Imported Cl**”;' i—s— -!“ JOSEPH CHAPMAN, < WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER If IMPORTED CIGARS* No STHKtT._I’!TTSU.HprB wgW PAPBft WILiI»«fl CANTOS, OHIO. «rc*pplnff dt Sinclair* mini KfIALE m 3 KfiW' H^TEtSILVAmSBInd CABPBT UAfl nurt* Ni. IMWOO4 *«.«, Httebargh, !•». ail\> iMontinfi ftet . _ _ _ .. vn» T\i,n V TO a tv\?a TOP - • ASD DEALER 11*4 JOHN MITCUBLI-, ALLEN, atatlonery, So. 122 Wood strcar. TTTHOLE3ALE anil Retail Dealers to W Staple DRY GOODS, Non. 01 Mrrket and 8 ™oo street, Pittsburgh- ~ B. WHITBIIOUBE, „„ F" ANCY BILK AND WOOLEN DYER ANDi CLEANER, No 7 ISABELLA Bt, near the Emmet Hotol, mart AmamaT. . “ ThoniM M. Wttlc, XITATCn AND CLOCK MAKKBr-KIM. W "Wood and Market streets, opposite Iron City Hotel. All kind* of Jewelry made and repair*!- I - • a. L. CUTUBttt. ’■ "■."OCTHBERT * SON, Real estate and general agents, ju. ».o SoMWiMlraL c f7«nl. r «, fnnnniflfloa *0 JdtniPßT * Li*,) WOOL DEAL |T «E\iKcc3mISSION the ule No. IT4 Pitttbnrgh, P* BUSINESS CARPS. JOSHUA RHODES A CO., WHOLESALE FBUITEES ft COKTECTIOSE2S, 39 Wood St., Pirrsßcasn, Pa., I HAVE on hand and are Meriting the following Goode, which they offer at the lowest market rate* 76 bags Ivica Almonds; 2® boxes Maecarom; 25 ** Sicily do 20 “ \ermicclla, 25 bales Bordeaux do *0 F* l ™* k «„j r . • 16 bags Shelled do , &0 “ W. Hock Candy, 50 “ Filberts; , 25 ANc.l do • 60 “ Walnuts; 1° s®* ' do 60 “ Cream Nats; j J 6 44 Caperj . 600 bushels Pee Nuts; 16 4 Olives: 3 25 bbls.Texan Pecans; ! 76 * Guno Drops, 25 “ Illinois do • 100 “ boiengee. 2000 Cocoa Nuts; j 60 “ 200 boxes German Plums; 50 doa. assorted pickles, 25 kegs do,. do SO “ ‘ Preserves; 10 bbls. do do 100 “ PeppM Sauce; 10 cases PruneSjglasajars;, 10 cases SaTdines; * 10 “ “ fancy bxs.; 6 “ 4 fj- »**• 60 cask* Currants; 2 “ A an 20 cases Citron.; 200 bags Brasil Sugar; 200 boxes Cluster Raisins; | 40 bbls 8. C. 9“^- lOOhf JT.R. ‘ do j 25 “ Sugar. 200 at ” ** do ! 10 cases Liquorice, 200 boxes No. 1 Herring; | *5 boxes Itef|d do. 100 “ Scaled do [20,000 Principe Cigar*; lease Mace; p<),000 Havana do 1 bbl. Nutmegs; >16,000 Regalia do 1 «: Cloves* • 2,600 Half Spanish Cigars. 25 proas Blacking ; 60 gr. Mrs. Miller sF. Cut 26 baskets Salad OH: . 60 grow Anderson hdo jTc. ANUERSOS ft c°., Ho. 6 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pft.» WHOLESALE Dealers lu Foreign Proles, Nuts. Spices, Confectionery, Sugars, Cigars, Ac, *«• lUlp ‘“® Prunes, Oranges, Lemons, Limes, Dates, Citrons, Almonls, Filberts, Walnuts, Cream Nuts, Pea Nuts, Cwm Pi e Apple Cbe. ?e, SuTdlnes, Pickle*, Sauces, Hock Candl er tnicelll, Maocaroni. Olive Oil. Ac.. Ac. apr2Q.ly ESTERPK.SB WORKS. ho 136 vroot»an*t». t *» nooa »ilow raum aiixr. B 6 WN d TETLEY. IMPORIERS and manufacturers ».* cutlery, surgical and dlntal INStROMBNTB, It IF LE S, Ac. \l e keep a general assortment of the abc' e articles oouatantly on band; together with a iteneral variety of Fancy Hardware. Also. Guns, tola andVerolvw*. Flasks, Hums, *hot rSv *c Idtad and Bullets; Bowie, Dirk; liuntingand Pocket Knives; i UHr Druses' Shears; Pocket Scissor., Ao.- Also, Troaaea and Supporters. Jobbiug and repairing neatly executed. . RIFLES!—Wear* making Rifles of every order, of the best material, and workmanship Orders received tor them at Wholesale or ed with despatch- HunUng parties supplied at Wholesale prices. —— rhandelleri and Own Fixture., q-IHE nubwribentßre now opening at tbeir uee W wtMffl; I NO 100 FIRST STREET, between Wood and Smita aiid the largest Sortment of CHANDELIERS. BRACK ETS PENDANTS, and ell articles connected wit Gas Fitting, ier offered in this marked- Having arrangements made by which they will be consUntly in receipt of new patterns 2d eonMutg °',f£ chaser* to their selection. w ® 0 „y?f iowas any house in the West, and being P^^cal tars, can offer peculiar advantages to those desiring articles '°We wcttaoe .. heitoror. to « «p building. of every i -4erirtk>n for can. w»t*r a» * MAKUFACTUKKRof the celebrated Gossamer Ventilating Wig, Klueuc r \ Baud Toupees, and every uracnptten «l of Ornament*! u " ir ;, f il, XLjsSm. OmUi-mm, •» FOUKTII tlBU.r, between Wood Ot'i Market, Pi', f- Bixtcocr’s svutera er Abies L?o:**i* nod Ueutlemcn to measure their l.i -d* with accuracy. No 1 The round Head. * _ v .» No •] From the torched ct.t the head to rt.k, .-o. - i'or Tmipm. tn ">*" «■/ I" 1 ’, o *.i ~nU*rn. .tUmact shsp" (> f »!»• t,nld P , «•« coach and Carriage Farlory 1 JOHJfSIOW, BROTHERS * CO., « ‘SJ'^nv lu"lSuS7V™ LJJjTjB the public generally, thn! they heve the manufacture «■: ’ urr.ajr-*, v?V c, *Tg-_w..rmu-he«. Kockaway-., nnd Chariot*, in all tliair Tarimi* stylus o! tini*h,»ud proper. « . All order? .11l 1* executed with strict regarded nrutel t> and beauty of ttm-b. Repair* will *•*» /•« the most raasonaU# term?. Using in .^- U r , rv beit Rliaf.i*. Pole?, au*l WTwi rtuff, they feel ; trn Lot that oil Who f».OT tli«a ,»ith th.lr p»troß»,--, »hl >* oerfeotlv •allied on trial of their work. ... Piua:ho..‘n or., r.'.i'o. sti.l to s it. t>, . colt. *•-- alcg elsewhere. ___■ CANAL BASIN. ALLEGHENY LIU, (MAS TUX IUALIou-Vi I-TATIOX.) p asuubs 1 " ,lf i TW»Si CASH 03 J “ hl ' r '' Ba vAX. KENSKDV * 00. II A U S> \V A 14 E Saddlers and Carriage Maters. R. T. LEECH, JIL, Al 4 0 , 131 Wood •treat, mTdBUUGU. Also, Cloths. Damasks, Lacos, Moss, Bent Stuff Springs, &c_. «c. - "tK Vl*’ AWtHCni.tno-TWin^/ 11 ' 1 phA>. , ■'. w : tn«* bfst Couiro 'l«« from ■ 1 ouly toip°f* i® irus ■ ■ . . •..i,*-tirin liuu.mfu. ni« r*Mrir>r ** «srb prkl*Su'l cf b. , J«,r r „ |mlt „,l„ „,„or fluent's* " '.-‘Xv. < ri ..,—tf u nv Inrlt™ lh« » «p «>« ..tlsCcUun. Th.. . Sc. ®- Flo* YounK Hy» n - 40,^50 ®; rf . - 5c _® fo. “VaUOUA t'*A twilß, burner — lTb„ -übsrri' -r« lift"- ■■[“■li"! »l j NS> ” -SCi . CMC. .•oUc-Uon»f »»*■ •»' I SS“ oS. "om Üborol wr»., f..«« »">*>«»* ®* l « ““ *£>., No. 53 Foard, ,U D Hchrocicr'lnfo Aotar, will *IT. piano. rlolln an-1 guitar. ■*— " & williams, HEATIBG AHD VMTILATING WABEHOUBE, | MASVFACTCftEM or Chil.on Earnoo, Wrought Iron Tubing, A«i> KiTtisos w» Steam, U.as or Watxh. J yy No. ‘2b Market Btr«et, Pittsburgh. to t'h. l»lro»»B« "f ATKJNSON 4 OKKI.Y M 3 ~ mitn'i* cnolcu anil Buc J, aJ'may datin' to procure dio#' Sw«?«U.aUiwb& Win • .... r»he pur* Jultw uf iho ftD exct.loot .ritei. of lU« graliti 6rmv*e.) will tmd m» «Ub B^ n d» t «Urtlll.-d from rg*™**" ia^ «*iuid in lUYnr to Ibe l*"t Imported ! . No. 137 Liberty "irwt ”■* Carptl Emporium-) w *1 OA.HGO&CO. huvingCUtJ up th« uufi K. »• * i n th<« ritT with BMunmoth »oii Mmssmss W\l. DOUGI.A? Toil* A. SriSte /otrancTlbroUßb the Lull dt-jr. All b"4£i tnuissetlons '"JJJf .(tor being out ot «- •'° rf ' !lt “ f‘^s' S CiSuTof ÜbU «uJ SllrerWd.- J«-, unless rolmuurd. IW»“” »prlo:6m | e« L Jewelry,J.J.. ul'SJl?? 1 SEWTBBD STORK* 1 " y*ME» WAUDROP, , . , niMinv HlRDSoftbe moftimproTwl QF7BRS for sale CANARY Blium . Bifd breed, niimdSoed Uoufiuetf —Canary .Hemp. Millet, Ropeand fl B Mt FLOWERS, vlx: IlfTf’urnlrt.e;) °' th i , c fl pot*) Camellia, Horticultural Store, IbrChrUtmaa Tree*, JB ‘ 0ODltK» lor beam b “'f”SnU™ of IboU tatmMtol 1» NO..IM Woed .«. ^ .‘> .- 1 M.< N- ‘ i. , **.«**> * PITTSBUIUiII. SATURDAY. JULY 15. 1854, NBW CARPS rs. Snrinc Styles* A X TUB CHEAP CAKPfcT WAREHOUSE, No. 82 A TillUP We are now receiving and opening one of the l«rp*»t and choinest stock* of C!oth«. MmLh. Matting, Hug?. *'•> ever we?t ol New Y'irß. The stork he* been selected with great «M«. ?«r*maln want of any articles in our line. « "“P** l ® Invited to call and examine. Our assortment consist? in part of the following, viz: Koyal Velvet nod Brussel? Carpetings, 1 Tftjtestry Brunei*; | AubuMoD Can-el*; I Bxim Imperial and Super Three-ply; ; Pat-iit'tapeatry Ingrain; j Ruperfloe and Pine Ingrain; 0 Worsted and Wool Carpet*; Wool and Cotton -lo Venitinn 2*4 %, *£, and 4 4; Hemp Carpets, very cheap! List and Reg, do . . c , . White nod Check Canton Matting*. *£. 4-1, &-*, and 64. Cocoa Matting.-4, %, 44. 5-4, and 64; Spanish Matting, Tery cheap; Elegant Moaoic Ruga, i&> per pair; Axmlnlfier, Chenille, and Tufted Rag*, a.l price*, • Fancy English Sheepskin Mara, Jl5 perJP^r. . nninwtfi do do do from $2.50 to $5 oach, Tojrethir with a large selection of Cocoa, Jute, AdeUide, V *BmblwS4^a»?prlmM cloth table and piano oovers, of Cn^[maPk < teble^od S pianlooTers; also worsted damask by the yar-r, tolloett, doylt-r*. Ae. „ . - « o< A great variety of patterns In door oil*«loth, from 2 to 24 Hollands for windows, 30, 32,34,36,88,40, 42,44, nches wide. « . , . ({old bordered shade?, entirely new, rery nen. Window shadeft of every description. Oval and hollow stair-rods, «ffpet ttek*. Ac- Also, the Roval Turkish Bath Towals, together with every “S”r'' y ‘' pt ‘ QCRrp * l S» Third 3. K. JOSL3. JONES & BUCHER. IRON FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, JVnarj.'runto Railroad, font of Third BarrUlxrrg.Fa. 1 J AVISO Increased our Machlnere. wbWbi Is now i,f v’“ H most improved order, and having added many fadll tt, r,,r .lispalcbing work, we are now manufacturing Mrst Cluu STEAM ENGINES, FOR FURNAUS3 AND ROLLING MILI£, Blowine Cylinder*, Boiler*» Farn&oe» Bolling, MILL MAOHINEKY & CASTINGS, Ga* and Water i>tpeMiJdrs«'M, Retort* UmpPM^Ultcb- ItiS Po*ta, Columns, Girders, Shifting, Hangers, Brackets, Collar Grilles, Bathing Tube, Spouts, _ Hailing, Verandahs end Ornamental Castmgs. We |,rtj particular attention to the taanulaetate end con •truction of Cast Iron Front* for Houee* and Store*. Harlot: hu extensive assortment <>f beautiful Carved I at* tern* of ihe most approved architectural order, our great facilities for manufacturing and shipping enable ua tu com ending Kurnaees or Boding Mills, Mill Owner* and Mill-Wrißhta, will And 1 much to their call and examine onr extoafire stock of Patterns t-ofore building IjtOX ASD BRASS CASTINGS, Oferery descrip-lon; r-.nith Work, Pattern Making. Fu: n .w and Foree Tnyarot, turoUmtl tn or4wr. [rayl&y^ C H I N A H AJL L, S MaHKkT SfKKtT. VOW O 'l-nwl ocn rf th* largest and best selected stocks \ 0! CHINA, GLASS and QCBKSSWAIt»s«ver brought i iLi» market: consisting in part of Whit. Iron fc*oo» Wn* Off T*-.i and Toilet War**, which «« would particularly to vU- the Ladlea to call and examloe, aa the ehap«« nr* «*o* ti-rJi ur%r nud the ware very superior, baring WOW twetre di*(T.-r«nt patterns r-f Toilet Ware, either in full «•»" <* and Piielters eepanite. Wear* selling them at very U ii«i a lory handsome assortment of Trench China Tea ftT.ll Dinner eetts.-or separate pieces of plain whit , gold to- k of I'l"ur V»ee« consists of oxer fifty different u ,, r!l . t. Butitul.ard ranging from fifty cents jar *' ir to timtv dollar- Haring *o large an assortment, we i,. i .-..rt.'l-Pl of -Ultitig all tar'ea. B’i—mm Lrn Sogats and Cream*, Silver Plated Fr-w-k/ ■in.-j.L.- and BuDcr Ui.il'*'>. Knives and Forks, of T«-i 11 Vi-s. frr:tn common ur tha finest; Solar Lamps, ll«t L tail' nn call and examine ourV-uu* JOHN J. l/LKAKT. So. f-J Matket st.. Wt'r. Third aud Fourth, opw-eUe K White’s. '* 41 » ' • Z -;>'''** +s- r •• ::.*>>/ ; s-.i • ’ : ' " 1U VI A KO l Si OH V No 103 TSi'.»l) aXK>:CT. iOUN C I'AftKV. «'I U. J.C. »*arrj * **3* f l t t» Irif.mn :b-'‘u*U'n*r< of th«-old Orm. aod the poNio that far ha-now no haodn. »«.! UextMwrriy in uianufa-nuru.i: -ti-ry ti'-u of A iu> i'nirtjt | 'hi; l, “3 IU-U?. K-ttle? and Curbs, K-: .■’••-"o r-.’t ‘...h, a-ia A-*i; KrtUa*. f.i :ur*- < nasa eusar—«v{_raJ* MU. CMVtoCT,«... M.chtarj of .T.r J' J^riptton, “to 5 .; **££ KmS? £*& ttszsss* ™ * *>- !SyßSss«aaxBSS of •Irn.m.nUl lWll»r.forC*B.ur>.«>d ami nms\ nutmft-X «£ p - ->■; »•■« rwf e?.*_ alwg h e . „ .„ ffi”* «* v«‘ * *• 1 All-ShOBJ. li-lo*«h« ft. 01.ll ( l*. OcantiZ, Muchlnr ' if.ißflE SHOES mnoufcotuwd by «.?or; description. All*, UOW* u ShoeMt- SSZUmTL I\ii" •;'!:= j'^l. r-i-fc .wy»a ..." tiiortwt poQ°t ■ ■ kTSTtk bTu ihe fo \i *P4I v « K N ALtWillßMf CIT\. iriretou*, floral ilrert lht IlriJg*. _ * VI VO tilted ut> tut «.itahH*bment with »H the litt t dS&&gHa3BS 7: h '" cn.“ 11«»-. j.«. Juhn S-.v.lnz o( Hie kind In tlfa mar nary 10. lard.. Mtrnlrf Iml’tornment fcr munldln g a«d «*>, ' *“ pared to aril ’ ,b °K‘j!'' p^Trebaa*the'riisht tor moulding „‘r,n^rm?^S'Vf%’’ndmanul.rt„ rt ng.n,or al, „f iho nbore MtlclM, wW P K ‘ X,C *' l,lr * s * c KING3LAND, Allegheny city. mv»:3m —— BUOWASD sHOIiiS, vjmutty3iss£E*Jfc iKS,tJS;;SSSSsisKS ““ti" «i. our Of Iha larger! «" [^‘“Jphm .Jaemtuac.s^^ GrrulV'ini has bran girrn lu srlocllug tl» V**'- all of uhlctf h- watTjnta. Imrelofora, all da furor U uuhum, will Ih- f.iirlvjlea_tt *><» WUoleiale »«d 4tet«ll J§! T ‘‘!i- "u-rini "f BOOTS and of all kinds, **** muMi.ii • • * l.a uow j.rcpnred to fall to luv u i l 'u i w't iiii ti, ? Ht*v in* v w tinti at pricof deal.-. * l.y wh*.lrt«U* sMch * R „J n „v‘particular kind US low HP tf>»> .-it! he l)OJ,ni Urdl , rs #ua ei , lls eo. ~r-Ire to oriero rt ° , h d Mit w ui btf to Customer wwtk made ' uiyrON, Agent, 1 tfn 49. ?t.Ctatrstre.it nr2 c il»'H . _ ——^ ~““ J Me LAUQH L I N , ] BO?**”? JSS ■ i,,ws HE 18 W Kbl* 1 1 , .hprn n nt to b*» inferior t<> any 11..0 »ad wU • r Jlt> ls w „il prepared to do all similar ariicl** la tDe a ’. h , in foi* employ a corps of Kina, of ciLHiom war J’*“ a J?,,rf in tb « city. Th« public can at bis eaUblWim.nt. « d examino hisO l **!*- - ’ A' v- »r t \ pA,CT O B \ i j bT ° ? V0 K h FIFTH STUFF* Sitni of THB OLD STAND. 1-iriLLTAM ?KLV ha* returned from thi Munufactur- | Ww 1 i.v cn'h. n y Rtociting., Socks. Undershirts, tl.« test 'h«ripu,m only nf nnd Miss.s- Ur»«.r>. Gloves; ,*££, domestic stock of Mtts- K CnuK.“ IIW. If-JUI sell b, wholesale or retail at N*»* Vork IraiK>rWr ° DALY A CO. Remember the Sign of TU* OLD STAND. | my 23 T"*AL'L KLEiyEH baa remoTtxi blB LITERARY P V’JK 2“’£«£££ o' “y L, ‘ t**ratun* of th» (f&T- PEKUTTeT STORE, BY a. AV a fv» lirtt.l left*- "■»* "* Sold Wholesale Mui BctiiH; iTi'tn-n ahhaj Hlrmingnam. manufecturerg of 1 l“! .wd «£l Irooot all description*, and Oflee. •V- -V »*><►-'** ' o«//- ” .* «/ r' r»> -> i «v. „ 1 ' ■ « » », ' t * J. 74 ~ GEORGE J. HENKEL’S CITY CABINET WAREHOUSE, Jft. 173 CHESTNUT STREET, (Qnosat I.TDrPSJDWci Hall) v phiUdclpbia* nrairmrßE, nr evert style! Comprising Lc.ul.XIV, LouisXV,Elissliolhsnaod Antique, with Sculpture Carving and modern stylo; In Boeewood, Walnut, Mahogany, Batlnwood and .Maple; all of superior construction, and finished id tne b««t style, equal to, if not excelling in qual* ity, the Goods of any Establish mentin the United States. EMPLOYING none but experienced workmen, (appren tices being positively excluded,land using the best ma terials, the work cannot fall to give satisfaction to pur chasers. Among* the many advantages offered to pur chasers, is the facility of burnishing a House, either in oh> gant or plain style, completely from one establishment. by which means all the article* in each room corresponu in style and quality, ahd the immense stock always cr. band,, being so various In design, enables purchasers to pl'-aee their taste «n a selection, without the delay necessarily caused in ordering Furniture. . T . To rlv* au idea of the finished Furniture on hand, I o*eu only Inform you that my Booms are 175 icet lona, by 27 icet wide, four noom in number; with Bbops contiauous,rum dent to employ 200 bands, which U a guarantee that the work is ali done under my own immediate inspeciiuu 4^The Packing is alldone in the Btore. aod *y rx jj*“** warmntea to earry safely any distance. Visitewto Phjla delpbia are respectfully invited, as purenasers or other* lee, to call ana examine tho Goods. - WOKLU’B PAIBB, London, 1851, and New York, lss3' h TRIUMPH OVER THE COMPETITION OP THE WORLD _ THE first and only PRIZE MEDALS tor liar n ess at theGrcat Exhibitions in London, 1851, JhQ and in New York, 1853, was awerded to nAV'vl uACEY « PHILLIPS, Masers. LACEY A pnibUPS, at thmr extend v* estab lishment, Nos 12,14 and 16, South Filth street, Philadel phia, keep the largest stork of ready-made Harness end BAddles if any house in the Uuitod 9uu-s They have reduced the business of manufacturing y-jjf.Ttpys tem, that. for. quality and price, they are beyond all com petition. The best of Leather only is used, and no palm are spared to reach perfection In every article. It is aeknwlsdged, that for elaganco, lightness, comfort and real value, the Harness and Saddles of Lacey « * bil lips surpass all others. They invite a close examination ot their stock. , . . Attention is called to the following ecnl* of prices: Oood, plalo, serviceable Single Heroes*, SLLOO ll ’ “ fanev “ ’ “ “ . Neweomb * Rro.. d i T.O.Twicfiall A Co.,Commi*siofi Mercnant*. New Orleai 1 h*Te an open Policy of Insurance. «*ilch wi.il roff*i all shipment* to nij address, when adrtv-J by letter 7£> mail, or when endorsed on w^®f Jft , g s ££u{&£‘ tb time ot shipment. JOBBPII M»'JiiiliXi atgfl : : : : Bay Wood Snncry and Carden*. JAMEd RKNSKDY, [late of the **li-kuovrn *t r«u» N.» V«t)' «*l» " ,*, n^. uk. - public, that h* haa now estabhohed an hXTW.SIYi.NLK SERY. on tbe Farm of Mr. Janie* S. Ne*l*y. n«r hart Lil> arty, Where be aball be prepared, after ln wwT«mJr celTe and 1111 order* for -very variety of Fruit “V. ? t i„ tjd Tree*. Hardy and Green Houae shrub* and l lant*. Jn | wldiEolo a ..hokeand superior clock on band, he baa mads nn« oflrba 'inwt be can assure hi* custoper* j~arfect ■ tttkfKtlQP- »c4U»to «"»». capacity umxl tb.wUbwol to- -bo Ur-i-J tou s htb. City j PmHMo -- »"* rf *' s1 '- * I \lnhap, * I w* t?* tkholder*. .>otbij* I SS ISSI. fourth in.t.lmeut.| FIYRDOLLARS I*KR SUARK on tin; *»y of KACH KNSUINO MONTH, unul the whole amount "Ckhoidt. «*.!« °°”!! *ls E th.we residing in Westmorland N v l-r omeluJe ComUfl Nerilleli.li Building, - of Fourth And ieA3wd TreaF>tr Mnclin Company- MODERN AND ANTIQUE ORNAMENTS. n»lti.mrnt,Aot much rhru,,ur ind baudimer ihn . Plaster end Wood Carving, uuda grout ""mAtCR LBrf KK3 FOB SIGNS, tery cllcnp and warrant •J to lint for 20 years exposed to the weather. Abore Gouda fur sale at tha manufactnraFa pnee-ptost •«y*ht added- "V^rtctVt. j«2* " Notice Is Hereby talven, T».-i im who ha*esubscribe 1 to too capital Stock of the PITTSBURGH AND ERIE RAILROAp .MPANY?iS Which ha' been made specially to the couMtrnction of the roatl lo Murcor eouu ). * Sillmontof fit* vat CC.vt, per share, i» re-iaired »o te id to the Trewum of the Company, »‘Waomce, Mercer county, on or before the 20111 UA\ O JULY 1854, and that an tastalmeut of nvt visa csxr, per share’will be r*l ulrwi 10 ** P al,l at ° thirty days thereafter. Bt order oStlio Board. luir 3 3 B. f. BASKIN, Treasurer L’. *E.R. K. Co. I Office of the P. *K. It. K- 00., l j e *7;3w [ New Caitle, June 2lit, ISo4. ) * *w«w P*rtuer»htp» MATTHEW QKAKi' ANb I'AN'L. HtISfNQhU, tr&ding boratofcroa* M. Gil APE A 0.1, Su>v« and llollow wm« litnutKturrri, No. 1M W.oa i-lrwt, h»vr- tin. i.»j H.’StalE w»b lh«» THOMAS J. OllAFf,: d. . I»«Mr I. th«lr batinoAi. Tb. u«m«, «jl»; and •} }”>' ‘ h AS. from lhl» data, bu GRAFF, HttlalNGbU * GUAtt. in#} SSpo-ifally soliolt a conllou.t.on of' th» to lib erally bontoweJ upon tb« Aria oF*M. Grutf A Go. ' irgh, July IS&4. __ /TKEAT bargains of summer goods »l A. siol llllU (jr corner or tlraot noil Einb streets. I 'ito'it ■ the liiimeneed mlltattotl my summer stuck ot Ur. t c„it, the mrH all new. and haru been purebacod tots s "MQ, as they are no* offered at price-, far below thj- u*ual rows. Ladies would do nell to call ood n .aJJfJB* I "- ntuclt comprises beree*, la*DH, summer Bilks , grenadines! beregedo laiceß, and u mostctery article mW jy kept In a fancy utoro- tZ- —- fttw Trlinmlttg store, Vo 83 Cbrrnr of Mx.JW drol and Vu Diamond. FRANK van tiOIIDKU re*pecfully announce* U> the public of Pittsburgh and vicinity . that be will *“* i J l £ "tin* s*tsiul», the largest and boat selected owned In this marked together wiUi a general a&.*ortment cldlanlware, Cutlery, Tools and Fishing Tackle, all of a Inch we offer at the lowest possible prices to cash P urcb “* r * I s ° r for good apptorwl papw- FIRST STREET^BETWBEs'WOOU AND MARKET STREETS, PITTSBUIiOU. PA., build.. Fnmcu Palont Metallic Elfc Boat*,of GalranlMil Iran : aBo maoufac Copper and Shoe. Iron Work, GookinS J to 1 5 “ ro . r r S „f?"j2‘4 1 .okli*HniHia. Portable Forges, Forced Iron Work, l#ar s - Bo^ , K^ rU *“”b - Whoirrai* Aganta fbr mapfuaMurer.. 1“ v Vih'i'i'AV SAVK VIVJS DOLL. Alta A MONTH, }OU V YOU CAM BAVJB rivfi vv by on SU. Wubington. Priw, s2so—term*, $2O ? Jim? a month. Now w the uma to secure iD 8. CUTUUKRT & SON, a good Lot oa easy Urini. 140 Third Rtrw*t j§2V ,".mi LET— A MMII UUUa~K,oo f.hdutraet oror Murom?, I te.ui "jioto; «n to «“• p«rt Of this J«.r-rjm AlloTipwl Boo” OB fooMjlronio otobu., oe.r the I ° , '*TBOSLiS WOODS, 75 Fourth itrueL. ST. LOUIS REVNTW7 * wailing; Lot Sonet bv 90,.froutlng on Congress and Elm sta. 'a House'and Lot, on "Wylie street* near the aew Court I House. The bouse is veil arranged and hi good order, and is now occupied as a hotel. *.. “ A Three gtory Brick, on Smithfleld street, new Seventh being in an excellent badness location. Tb* Lot Is 80 by 80 feet deep, fronting on Smlthfleld st. - . • A. Cotuce Frame and Lot, $» by X» feet, fronting on Anne and Uobiuson streets, Allegheny Qty. TUs is a very desire ble and pleasant location tor a reeidmwe. Nine Lote In the town of iTKeaspoft* «*ch.®o foet hy 160. Several of these are on the Main street. ' __ _ . • Eleven Acres in Umetowu, on the Mommsahem Btrer. on which there are 4 houses; there are sane 6 or 7 acres exex* celled stone coal, and abundance of limestone, convenient tn the landing; and tWQeeel pita open. _ . Ninety Loti in\the town of Columbia, 60 feet by 160 earn, nearly all level, and well located. The tenant of endLlsrt haa the privilege of using whatever stone coal hemayre outre for his own use, from a pit near the Lock*' is a' rteasant situation on the bank of the Mononganeta nr* er. a shortdistanofrbelow Look No. 3, in the midst of an ex tensive stone coal region, and would be a desirable Mint to* manufacturing establishments. ; ■ _ . ... Two Hundred acres of superior Btone Coal;with Hoare, aalliaui. *«. Thin Jiropirl, hal .fhMtof UonougabeU river; an axnfUant landing; Mod grade and ronndation for railroad—with enough level ground atone point tor bouses and gardens, or locations tor manumetortea. The vein is deep enough to allow horses to he used in teU> ing out the coal—tho Quality of which, far iron work, steam, g al, or for any ordinary uses, is not surpassed by aay la the absence, my agent, James Blakely, Eifr, will give *U necessary intormation.'and be authorised tortve wasas -iwetot? fcr »°T rrot.rty ■o' as to divide into lOaere lota,bavingagood erring on each. I'lsa splendid 1 opportunity tor a specula tion. Thos* who want a good home, or wish to make mouev, would do w«*ll to- look at It, as we will aell to the hr>t that offers us our low price, In lots or all together. Al*t>. 6t« Country Seat?, 1 mile from Woods’ ran. and oulv Z mile* from Allegheny city, by way of the New Brigh ton' I’lank Koa i. They are dm healthy locations, and of fered very low. „ , , U(.o, ten Country Seat* ou the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rnl r0w1.7 milt* below the dty. They will be told wpara:* or toother to a colony or building association. It is a lovi-iv Iw-.tLi'.-D. aud ch«af, of coarse. . • Also, on-* liOt of two acres, and two smaller pieces or ground. ov j* n *>>to Hartman's at Woods' run, offered at a verv low j.riiw for to fine a property. An assortment of Laud-, lloust-s aud Lots, alaays on band, and described io mv r-iri«er. Before buying yon woold do well to call and w ? THOMAS WOOLS. ':** ’ 76 Fourthatrvet. Beautiful Sites for Country Homes. rinift oHsra fer sale, on easy terms, fIfTY I 105* lalJ «.i7 and restricted forniralTeddences.' 4Ja9? nn K:.Tir.CtQi;AßK,<,nth^^^ n -tf J sr W ary and : ,n •• i mQ raUteTidmt> ofOgtjg* 0F at the head of situated fcrmonufocturiDg pur pO**iS. i The a bore ia wonertv is ritnuted In Dngttoene toronyh, on <»- S ““' 1 irtii'\Var«l Vro party for •»!« at a Good Bargain* T rmilvKK VALUABLE IiKICK UOUSES I Lula eiobr»c« *lrunt on P*nu atnwl* of 66 fajrt 6 lihcs, to a 3 feet alley ! on i b "t JV'Sjh *u£hZ Kc block of Brick Honses. two storlee high, with kitchen „J cellar In taacment, 11 feet front on l>mn «ccct..no3o .hop on Locos, sect. This U arery Oerirable itne .Ln for citicr a Store or a Torero; Fenn street being the error throughfare of the citT: and this property being eon ventnot to tb*K*Hra*d Depot- , .. . .. Thi« piupufty would not bo in the *“*•*“{£ *** OWU.T i* livius In Washington countj, and finds It extrama iv •m’onTeolcot to attend to it. t , 4 Trim- ease er.il price moderete; tor further perttoulerri J' T S P ROBERT DA Y. Fifth Hard, cn.iutreot or JAB. C. RICHEY, Hr-.! Estate Agent, at this office. t.rpA for Sale. IOAA ACRES of LAND IS FOHEST COgNTY. wu IoOU the Clarion riT*r.ThU land I* bearily^Wo^ b»» ue excellent soil,and Isaaid to contain an mbnndMoe of iron ur«- and a thick aeln of bituminous coal. The venan ,to railroad, which will undoubtedly ieM to It, If not directly arrow it. The Ulllatoim creek r TLsu?Wo in Ilk couuty, well Umberedand ****™J' «n i 1, log neer the route or the Sunbury and Erie reUro.,l. NoVtter ineertment could be mede tbkn in thwe landj. The completion of the sunbnryand Brie, the Veliev', end the Venango railroad, through that legion will render the coal, lumber, itoo ore and eothot great vein.,, bugaboo,- O.V.VJHVTK,^ No. Id" Fourth street. ValuaSfic Properly lor ON LTiEHTY ADJOINING MKIUJ DIST GRAVE YAKD, NEAR CANAL {s DOW the only destomblu piece of property ip this aocnbor bol not already bought up by lh* vi^-ESfioS ,vm D4 nv Fronting on Liberty 50 feet, on Elm street 100 fritAhenw to the Methodist G rare Yard BOJ4 feet, to Liber .^TtaLiproperty is most defirmble u e HoteL Tb ®b ui j‘ l j?B now on H, h g.-od substantial three story brick, with ell the Sece°«ery beok buildings, has for e longtime been occupy LThe Unlon Hotel,doing a good burtaett. Cepinrilwseod others desirous of making a good inrertment, will do well to examine the premises. apr3S:t£ For Sal*' , ! r WO.I. SELL my oneipirol leas. I Lot, situate on O'Hara street and Spring aEay.ln «*• Filth tv‘rd—lo ft fronting on OTlra tunning Ucfc 100 fl.on Spring allot,on »hkh VS? storied Brick House, 40 ft.Hqnarc, with a frame,two itorfca, of ft.O"spring alley, well calculated to cany on an, branch of mamdacturlngbutineta. ufactarinnin tb® country, I offer the abore for aale. in quire at No. 428 .Liberty street. oclS:* ’ Coat Worki For SftU* CIXTY TQIUSK ACIUS • OF LAND, with 250 acres of Coal N attached* and all the imprortments Oieroon taBoee«e fu t operation. .• aid Farm is rituated on the Mot»on*ah*U river .4 miles abOTe L'UU-burgb, and is Farm Bat-it, Tenant House*, Orchard, Railroad,and Vein ofOealfa fl*« f<*t thtek, and cannot be surpas ed Forto.top^.Jg.g^w • - No. 235 Liberty street. i“Very Desirable Country »«« »t Prl vale Sale* PHE subscriber Is authorised to«sll tbo following pwce 1 of property, containing ° f Jiod * Collin* ip.. Allegheny county fa. Thfa proper* is b-J* fully located on the bank of the Allegheny nTBr ’ , &bo . ul * mliiw trcoi the city; having two front*, one on the Law reucevllle and Sharpsbureb Vlank Road,and the Allegheny mrr; and a'a-ul 80 rods brio* th« ferry, andl Jurenrlo* aruu£ r ton, 00 acra. cloarod. go:rt Orchard, a good Stonn ilouio, largo Horn, Wo from. Uouaaa, all io Oral rata or dor. .oil yllorod or tho low prtai of »aS 1,1 S ’.W>t street, ala, yno-hair aoro Lot io Oakland, oa Charic..c stteot i* a boautiful Lot; In front of Mr. aont, and ia offarnd at tho low, ? rl "jl l *^rf > rf?e.t V.l and got m ? KogUtar, irlety »r property. yJfSorth atraal. - a , IV L', or I.A Ml rOK SALK,—Three hendeer. 02U tit jeted In Itohloeon towothip,iil«(lttnj ecMh IV, on the Sleuhenrlllo Hte, end A “J.'f * city Will he «ld in IoU to mil P'P d **?^£^t I«ualA 1 «ualA inn Vor further partlrtulrrs enquire of George U. Kiddle, *““■ l.Coletnen.SltmooreheleHolier, J AMES C. RICHEY, F i l f« sh ' Keel Some Agent. t—MiH 5 aLk—MS acrtsM*Lind, ritual* nw tbeilinersvUle «<>-». n.< mil* from tbe Court Hod**; onvMeb is * FrtalUwo eiofy Brick. Ilous*,. Bubli, •nd'Hber b^Ulnga; SJlin client Orchard. Terms-Otte-JourUi cwh, t»l- /MoITAGK.iOK KENT.—Th« miita building ol UmmTob V/ Nurwry Hill, with about unwretfgtwi®*- * n 9 utr * J.HCBDKWKD, ou th. „i t * 00. : Valaabie Property F ® r A al# L Five iiaxdsuu* builuiso ATenua, tear Jultoa sad ▼Bbio lan ™ at ** ..Ucfthel-ostOfice. ra , l7 . comer of_W»dJßi«sS“i_ Xo L«t« .. . B ' i DRY CELLAR, under tfc» ” *****“• ***■“• A WSSSKSfr. ° T ra!rt Irfioiwof ■ >v 86?iiberty*tr4t To i*«t* - 77 , T 'HE dwdaw bmu»oo« I street, AllesMnr, »«• * OoltoMde Ko», MM “» Eniai. «M» IOM.. HtoWBIE. - fitrffCJi ■ * 4 *,' * .• s .: l Vv •te'&giSfcaiA RATES OF ADTBETIIDrfi, taXVtD UPON pr TBX PITTXBUMfnt PUXMM n*-». ♦*-——•-***—-t ••• '* “ —ah edfflttaael toowtfcia •* on* i n ' *' two wee t • u 44 three »**| r-4 4t “ “ one month.t M M “ two m0cthc............... ... ' ** 41 three m0uthe....~......~~...~..~~....~..~~ •Ot " flrar monthe ...... ~.~..~....~.r...- it •• 44 ifimoo* ■ pie, when thrir formerly avowed prioiplaa andl measures were thus abandoned. After keeping . the country In oommotioo for. so many contending for .measures and views which th« 7 ' now tacitly admit to be either false or hopeless, it would seem that dissolution was the only thing : left for them. But the natural enemies ofre poblioanism and equality eaa never be idle.- The interested and ambitious demagogue will, asm quit hie trade. They can at least get leeal ofi cea by stirring up strife among the people,: and.- this they seem ready to do, as passing events vbondantly terify. We do not deny that the masses of the .party opposed to os are honest, sound and 'trad, hearted cirisens, who deeire nothing but that the r honor and intereste of their country may be promoted and perpetuated. It..is their-einecre prejudices against the democracy, or their long habits of obefiraee to party discipline which keeps them where they are ; but we confidently trust that the time has now come, when they will break the trammels which have hereto* fore bound them, and join the democratic party in a oordial support of the laws and the Constl turion. . J Previous to the last presidential election, the organs, orators, and leaders of the party, then calling itself Whig.' had .exhausted their list of party doctrines. __ E«n larma halt Wn aartlad eome temporary subterfuge, and on this th ._ betook tbemstWes to * most diwep»t*o» The, exerted .U influence to’exeite tie of tie Catholics and naturalued aoters **“»** tte Demoeratie party and it. candidatM. lt.- mediately upon General they denounced bun as a bigoted Protectejt. . who, it elected, would use uis !*>»« *“ preaent Catholics from haring their If*,"** ■„ against tfiiaseot ol paapui, »u ™ as a high political offence. Certifies tea. from Catholics in his own neighborhood, declaring that he was bostae to them, flooded the coontry and the sanctity of the Post Office wes violated for the purpose of circulating these documents along with tbo religious papers rsmi by persons - of that faith. On the other hand, 0»n. Scott was held np as a man for whom Catholics, shore all others, ought to wtfc : 'K h« was notamsm her of that church U »“ *!£*“• famUy were, a* his daughter had, with hlsoon sent, gone into a content Never before was so bold and shameless an effort made to ro»se_ re ligious prejudices for political purposes. Ben- s sihle men of all parties, sectß, and deeply offeoded at this unblushing system or endeavoring to carry an election by sectarian *P" giiii m ore humiliating than this,'if possible, was the flattery bestowed upon their adoptod feUow-citireos. Prom the aged and distinguish ed soldier who was their candidate for President, down to the most obscure and inefficient or their, sneakers and writers, all professed a becoming seal for the righti of foreigners. According to their statements then.-ellpeTOM.ttfta eign birth had been or were about to bo greatly misused by the Democracy—and they were urged, exhorted and waroed totrusl uobo fobc tthelr true friends the Whigs. Even‘the. dMnet epokeu by foreigners was referred «» superior to the *efnacuUr Unguig* which the n«if* born ettl md.. Tbe broffae” wm music to thetr care. the ” German, nooent?* was the subject of extrzTZguot ; B *Theae facta, fellow-citizen*, are free* in yonr reoollection. But would you believe *•**•*”* a&me politicians who were Breaching this ««■ nan cniazde agaioat the Democracy, w* : two years ago, and who did all that in them lay, to excite the jealousy or adopted cltisena against native born Americans, have recent! J Mpousaa the doctrine of proscription egabut »“'*««* not native born, of whatever rtUglerns ftttWMd ere eeid to be in close affiance with a secret and oath bound association which prorosee to pn»- r«.n for conscience sake the newly elected Mayor has tbte doctrine of proscription. Thstthin ljn mere polidcal maumusre on the pnrt af tta Whig leaders may be confidently it is a heat Uses attempt to makes political W of religious prejudices, in whlch they themsslves do not participate, no one can tained faots, past and present, make it perfectly apparent, that these same polltietanj, "SB anti-republican doctrines of the enemies of pop ntar rights, by the power of truth, by thalforoe !”1 refused argument appeahug to tbe eon-, science pf the people. This tffnghug = 1 rious and poUOoal elements cannot bo appro ved or endorsed by a free and Überal recple ln this aga and in this country. ™«y who tojnk ~ so emnst bo credoloos and short elghtec lctfeen. . In’ 1852, the Democracy asked no more tean equal justice for Protestants, end now when the Whigs have changed their ground, we wut demend but oommon And eonstitodooal righto for adopted eitisens of whatever religlooebellsf they miy happen to be. TM.h«.verb«etoe I creed of the Democratic party, ae it hen ever been the policy of this government They Men courted no seet or olees ““ 52-Ji reoognlse no pecoliar rights m snyaact but have only sought to maintain die of all, and to bestow distinction and3wn«w £.toward of individual merit tlon and the law—thegreat : , ty which the people of thls country, ■ id those of foreign birth, fought and hied fat I —freedom of conscience, whi<*. nn Amerwms- I christian.Weald teks from hts ,el 1" ““T*?" “o. to all and Special f»r« «» : platform of the Democracy. Prom «■»•«*» deration. let ue look down calmly upon thedm of those who corns in conflict wtthtbese prieoljdes. Ours is themun. o f our Sui.m true 7 led wUlrmnsintm. toihe P*£ olpteebf civil andrelights nb *^. by tbe revolution.- wbdWjgi EDWARD FABER. EDWARD FABER. • T * ' e . t ‘ * b ;<,.v*ci*’«:r *-**.-. .'/.sv:-- .8....- r '*< X*l j ; e , 'S’4 * rtn uxif noKMMU o» uat: Atnunu: :::::JT7I.Y IS. -r v v V n< “ 1 Z: XXX' ■. - y.c.. £• - ■ -" ••‘f • r .--/>*• - - , **r’- #--• > v ' '*%-.*-* ~'.*r H •J -'tllgf " - -f'* ■ , 'V ;>S< A?' ' * -'^p ■•# . « - -Vp*C' <* “\ - ■ 4-*'z - ' "!»SS -- . - ■ '*=*-.■ •. ±i ,'L^i -. ■ -1- ■s-■ .-- /• „ V W» *5 ‘ sj-# » «- •, - - v>V -* - .’* '* *'•' 'S- , »-** <• - Tv* * V - : $ --<£*• r • '•' ; v ■"'l?*-- ■■ . -a'ap ; dgfif 1- 4M»- | ■' ... " •.* *B> . ■•■ „V;>£ '_ * . ffi- --s- -■c sg - *,O. -, : >„■, ' ■" * jfsNfb' ■ - -"** * 'i, . > %*-•- ' -y- i v :. ' ” : f ■- Jt - H v - *>• ‘■tm’ - A -~r 'Z- ; W - V-. .V mSS i’ ' 3 1\ r' -'-■V s ?*'r-r ~0- “*" ■** : ■ '# ... V • X- -' "lili