jgmMjijJ Vt * * |ggwM||Pl;/5 |jsg|k^pll'ij»a «■*<&<&&&* K»: »'> vSsRSI Sr '*,.*>? : ■ tapggk llllipi*} Wr§®fc§R^£*&>*' tepii wm wMm 1 Bn wmm l|||||jji| B*F®t^ssafeSs?^ ■ jf 4 * iSqi fHXT* n* r'Vin *jro FTTTH ftTUM*- TKR MS.— Five* Dollars a year, payable strictly - published (bom the same office, on a Urge blanket eiae sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year; to advance. Single oopiee ; FITI OKtTS. Ay* No paper will be Usoontlcued (unless at the diacre on of the Proprietors,) until all arrearage® are paid. «y No attention will be paid to any order unless aceem p iniM by tlje nrmcy, or vati "factory nfcHiiW In this city. Connected >trith the Establishment of Ou Morning Pod is one of Ike largest Job Printing Ojhces m the city, wfere OU kirib of work it dime m the. shorted notice and nod reaeon PROFESSIONAL CARDS. GEO. F. GILLnORB, . ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT* LAW, Ojjicc, comer of Fourth itrectxmd Cherry oQey, % PITTSBCMB, PA., Ay Will attend to, his professional business as usnal, at hie office, between the hours'of.9 A. U. and 4 p. M. of mch day. ' ; jyg? ROBERT E. PHILLIPS. ATTORNEY AT LAW JOSEPH WEAVER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office, Mo. 144 Fourth street, ja3:lv£} pittmbttkoh. pa. JOHN BARTON, ATTORNEY, AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office, corner Fifth and Grant «ta.» jn&ly?) pitthbukoh Pa, , it, Biddle Roberta, ATTORNEY: AT LAW—Office, No. IS2 Smlthfield street. b*tw*ed Fifth and Sixth. Collection# rarefially attend ed to —special attention given to Conveyancing. [dec3:ly Thomaa Means, ATTORNEY; AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. Office, next door to the Poet Office, Steubenville, Ohio. my 4 S. P. Roaa, ATTORNEY: at law— No. 108 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa., fourth door below Hr. Body Patterson’* livery Stella. ’ je2B • ‘ J. S. Morrison, ' r - A TTORNEY AND' OODNSELLOR AT LAW—Offide, re- A. moved to No. 44 Grant .street, near Fourth, Pittsburgh* Pn. ' aprlfry C. Orlando Loomis, TTORNKY, AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, above Wood ■ . iy-ky _j Thomaa H. Marshall, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, LcrwrieU Buildings, Fourth street. • • jan7:ly ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office on Fourth street, between _ Cherry alley and Grant street , . ’ jefcj J. Pii. M’Clowry, Attorney and counsellor at law—Office in Bakeweir* Buildings, on Grant street J«8 D. H. Haien, ATTORNEY AT LAW— No. 127 Fourth street, above and new Smlthfield. mar27:y * OjKce on Third street, opposite the old fbst 005c*, WHERE all businemi pertaining to the office of Aider man add Justice of the Peace will be promptly at tendj-d to. Acknowledgments of Deeds and Mortgages, aud other instruments of Uniting, taken at his office, or at the residence of the parties The Docket* of D. 3. SCULLY, late aa Alderman of the City of I‘ituburgh, are placed, in- my possession. Person* having Judgments on said Dockets may.have the oeeeeaary prow*# irv?u**d thereon by Alderman Watson. [zny&if 0 ? (if Buckaatter, Alderman. OFFICE, Uriut vtr-et. between Fourth at-and Diamond ulley. Conveyancing of all kinds done with the great est care aud legwT'aocuracy. Titles to Real Estate ex amined. Ac. jw&j DB. D.;IIUNT, 3cr>uiCo» Dswnrr. has removed j3Lgg»sghi« offl-e.from No. 76 Foartb street, to No. 19 Fi )T7RTII Street, one door below Ferry, whciV he will be happy to attend to all professional calls. ‘ apr& ■ll tl. AHL, SURGEON DENTIST, (sue- JgL«SE3» to G W. Biddle,) NO. 144 SHTTII FI ELD STREET TJLP 99* Office hours, from Bto 1 o’clock, and from d to f o’clock feblfiily . J SC< fTT. DEN TISjT. Fourth street, five door* " n with th ■; Fuh. Itanm and Oil . and /*rr> ouc- husiae'j generally, umlerthe «tylr of K.tuuim A RjcJp AKHin;• warehouse No. 11 <> Water and 150 Front streets; t formerly occupied bv Burbrldge 4 Inehram. Will. B. K>'QLT3n, JAMES RICUARDSON, JA9. J. 88-NNKTT. Pittdmrqb, Febroary Ist, I'tMrfeh.'l K. DRAYO, IHamirod, (‘itLaburyh, dealer I _ • Country Prtxlace, o.Ters f<*r sale * choice stock o Groceries, selected for family ut*e. Spicks of every variety and the purest quality, grcuud at hla Steam Milts. Also, Dried Fruits, Foreign and Domestic. Produce takeo io ex change for Merchandize. F. R. D. ha*' proenrsd a full assortment of Landreth’s WarrantedGirden Soedn, nud invite* the attention of all in terueled in rural affnirs. , janll THE UNDERSIGNED bar* this day eutered Jatoco-part oershlp. under the nauv' and style of J. A. HCTdil. SON A CO., f-ir tit* p'nrpoae of iranacting a CommisMon and Grocery busing. JAd. A. HUTCHISON, A. M. WALLINGFORD. Pittsburgh. Pebrnarr 1.T554 fehO, ENGLISH A RICH ARISON. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. a» Wholesale D vih-rs iu Fish, Bacon and oil, and Produce ccueraliy. Wamhouar former!) occupied-by Rurbrioge A Inghmm, No. llti Water and 160 First street, Pittabnrgh, Penna. f ; fe3 DAILEY 4b REIMHAW, TEA DEALERS AND FAMILY GROCERS; Dealer* in Wooden and WHIow Ware,.lapannad Tin Ware,House keeping Utimsilx.&c., Wholesale and Retail, No. 263 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. „■ aprifly rxxtrns HCLIZB&, jo aw mooia, inn owing, Pittsburgh. Maryland. - Pittsburgh. Sellers, TCleola 'A Co., PRODUCE asn GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 309. Liberty Pittsburgh, [‘a. Soenn. Linseed aod lard Oil*. 1 Jy2B r. SELiias! : T 854 ml owns ISI WSSp^‘ lfcp ISsSSSiS&I Forwarder! and Commtulan Slarcliaati j*s:ltn?3 JPo. 309 Liberty ztrttL Pittsburgh, Pa. WILUaU KIULSm, Phl'.R... —WII. IUCUTSon, Pittsburgh. Miller A Rlcicetson, WHOLESALE GROCERS. IMPORTERS OP BRANDOS, Wine* and Sagara—Nos. 172 and 174, ooroer of Irwin and Liberty street*, Pittsburgh. Iron, Nolls, Cotton Taras, AO- ponataiitly on hand. jy2B William Carr A Co., (Wv- Carr late af tho firm of J Pamscß4Co.~) WHOLES ALE GROCERS and Dealers in Foreign Wines and Brandies, Old Monongahela and Rectified WhU key, No. 320 Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. . Jafiry SIM CO. M'LK4ALE GftOOBRS a«fJ Commifudon Merchant •nra-»r of Penn and Irwla streets. Pitt«b’gh. 1 u.ur.a'7ui -Row, Libcktv street, ! The old printing establishment, (Law Jora •itoit A Stocktos,) and BLANK BOOK AJfD STATIONE RY WAREHOUSE—is prepared to execute every style af bagal, Commercial, Canal and Steamboat Job Printing and Book Binding, and furnish every article in the Blank Book, Paner and Stationery line, at tho shortest nottee end on the men reasonable terms. Blank Book and Stationery Warehouse, corner of Market Ocoond streets. , Printing Office and Book Bindery. No. 60 Third at. novlfl B. T. C. Morgan, 'TVXIKSSLLBR AND STATIONED—has always bn hank. J) a general assortment of School, Miscellaneous ahd Blank Books, Printing, Post and Cap Paper, Aa, Wholesale and Re tail, No. 104 Wood street, below Fifth, Bast side, Pittsburgh. Wanted, Rags and Tanners* Scraps. ep!6:ly j Rnuelt A Bro., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, DEALERS IN STAN DARD AND LlfcllT LITERATURE, and. Publishers 6t the L O. 0. F, TOKEN, No. D Fifth, street,. Pittaburgh, I*a. marl&'ty ; I. W. Chari wick, ~ Deader in rags and paper, no. i« wood Street, Pittsburgh. The highest price in cash paid ftjr rap-, xovllrw . i W|iu«m Glenn, FOOKBTNDER— Corner of Third wad Wood street*, ebofe 0 -H. Kav. where he is preparaa to do every deaeriptidn of Ruling and Binding. ( [dgfl; ; • Waller P. Blarshakl, . T" 7 IMPORTER and Dealer In Trench and AnerioaA Paper Hangings. Ban - IV. 1 r >. , *.,V& 'C?:: • ; r *:■>•>, *-Jb' - I wwayj.y.-,nr ST. LOUIS. Mo Alderman Watson, Rcraoredi BUSINESS CARDS. D W. HEUKTINEfi dt CO. Co-Part n« rsti I|*. (popart nerelitp FEA’S SELLERS A CO. OE M.KHS 15 PROVISIONS, GROCERIES AND OILB, PAGODA TEA STORE Steamboat Agents, Teams Users, Isn’t. 00K5ER OF WOOD A3D SIXTH BTUKTS, Pittsburgh. W. 9. Ilaven. " 1. 1 ■' '-* 1 jfl . ... SV^vv 1 ' .;-:v JHovumg ffr yst. POBLI.-HED |iiu, BY GILL > Ottß & MONTGOMERY, AT THE “P‘iB '■< ILiHN 8,” •»ißibk .if flttli .void BlilEgiS AT t«.nO PKK ANNUM. OK *6.OU WHEN PAU) STRICTLY LN ADVANCE VOLUME xir. BUSINESS CARDS. JOSEPH FLEMING, Cligcoimat to l.; tilooz . co.l ORNER MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND,' keep! constantly an hand a fall assortment of Drag*, Medt «ioe«, McdfcdneObestfl, Perfumer?, and all artiolee pertain tog to bis busineM. Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully compounded at all boars. : % : : j*:9y JOE.V FLXMMO. FLEMING BROTHBaS, ■ (Succeaeors to J. Kidd * Co.) WHOLESALE DRUGGIBTB, Jfo. GO iPuod Street* Pittsburgh, Pa, Proprietors of Dr. M’Lane’s Celebrated Vermifuge, Liver Pills, Ac. - jalO t JOHN BAFT, JR., (Successor to JhS M’Diiffev,; Wheleiale ani Ketsil Drugglet. AND Dealer In PAIhTH, 01 B, DVB BTOfVs, Ac.,141 Wood street,' three doors below Virgin alley, apr-LmAely ___ [ ' PITTSBURGH, ' JOHN U. OdBGAN, Ag’t, WHOLESALE ANU RETAIL DRUGGIST, avn djuxir « Dye>stuih, Faints, Oils, Varnishes, Ac., No. Wood street, (oue door south or Diamond alley, pirtßßuaag.' (ja&e IHAI MITCHELL, WHOLESALE AND “REfAIL'DaUQQIST, N 0.135 Wood Street, ja3grg] Nett door to tl Child's shoe ilubse, Pittsburgh; -J. ABZL J. rLSHIMO. Sotiee. •ITM. FLEMlNGhaving sssocMedirlth JOS. ABEL, the. O i badness will hereafter bedobddKed a Oder tb- style of J.. ABEL a 00., at the old stand, ooraerof Smithfleid and Fourth street*. ■; • ja«iy ! William Thorn, Druggist, f_| AS. KEUOVED to the of HAND and PENN XX. Streets, where he will, as, usual, attend promptly tc hianumerous friends. .All articles to his lice are warranted pure, and put-up with the care. marltrfim ’ B. A. Fabaeaioch * Ce^ WHOLESALE DRUG WAREHOUSE—Comer First sad Wood streets, and-oorner Wood .and Sixth. [febl. ; R. L. ALLEN, WflOtttAtC w ' Foreign Wines, Brandiaa, Cigars, Old Monongar hela Bye Whisky, Ac., i AIjSO, RECTIPVING DISTILLEB, ( NU. 8 WDOD STREET, PITTSBURGH, BA. TjtriNES, Braodiee, Gins, UOrdiat-, Jamaica Spirits, 8L is.T Croix anti New Kngtand'ltum, Clarets, Ch*mpagAw, ) Scotch Ale, LoDdon .Brown Stout, Irirb, Scotch, Bourbon, Old Monongaheia Bye and Rectified Whisky, Apple, Reach, Wild Cherry aDd Blackberry Brandies', imported Havana, Segallf, and Principe Cteam; iiialftSpanlah and Gummoo Cigars, all at such low puces all to challenge compalUotr Raney Bar Kegs and Labelled Bottles vf every style, and pemijehoa of all sixes, I respectfully Invite au examina tion of my stock, at No. 8 jWUOD Btreet, Pittsburgh, peons. ■ . T *pr3:i > jV»HN GHUUTT, riIPORTKR OF BRANDIES, !UiN, WINKS, Ac,—Dealer L Iq flats Old Mouonjcabela Wbl*ky, Peach Brand,, Ac AJm, Rectifying Distiller, corner of Smlthflelu and Freer streets, llttsburgh. (- ' ‘ aprl3 U *l. BrVar, \tT UOLKSALK AND RETAIL LIQDOR MEIIOHANI iff ISS Liberty streeu and 3j Diamond alley. feblOry T’UiTN M’DEVIiY a UKv*.,! Uiooers and Dealers la tl Foreign and Domestic Liquors,' Liberty street, opposite ij«ad of Smilhflrld »L f - £34 *»-JNO E. DOWNING/ CLOTHIER, *M ijLl Ah removed to 294 LIBEuTY street, opposite Garrison 11 alley, and No. 3 aEYENI*II, near ttaiith&eld, where to e attention ot his friends and the public is invited to :br stock of READY-MALE liOuDp always on hand. A!*o, Cloths, CaxMmervs and Vestings far ordered want. A full ase-rtmemof Furnishing Goods for gentlemen, locludiu, li*t- of al! Lmbrcljaa, Ac', ac ja^ ■oxautmi— .7 .........ix.x3XiJL» a-cunu.LT. Wholesale and Retail Clothing Merchants, A KO. «8 W,»OD eTUKLX subscribers n-#p».*cTfull> Inform their old custom era 1 and the public in gecrral, that they haVe this day a*- -jauateu themselvenin ib«« above bUMneea, under theflrnj nil JOHN M’CLOSKKV AOO they respectfully solicit a -hare o? public patrona-xe. [ 1 ITbe nreviod? bu! LAIRD, (latte nf the firm ui Coolxt.A LuiOi,Tb»tln. Ll/a openeii STORE NO. 9, j.two doors aln>ve the cl •tana ,) for the purpose of jurying on the CLOTHI.V tc SIN ESS, hopes by strict attention to buoineae to merit » ihare ft the patronage of the firm. j[N. B.—Clothing made to ordl*oki on due or noth rid.-A, oonstaotiy op band. j Sash, Doora. and Moulding*, or entry acscriptton, madd tc order. ] Builders and Carpenter® vnrnd Qnd It to thetr advantage give him a call, as he can oow turainb thorn with planed rk. wm. a. Hxaaox - ..Jaxts caiaatu « EBBBOR k CRISWELL, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, Manufacturers or an kin-in'or brass work lo COHOTIVK, STEAM KNULNE, PLUMBERS, Ac. Al ai, Cdtton Batting !Uiuaiartur(>r>. Foundry on Rebecca street. AUcghony City. Office and Store, N»- PitUbufgh. OLD BRASS and COPPER taken in exchange for work, or earh paid. Orders loft at tha Foundry or Office, will b* promptly attemlen u>. - ' ' lebn-.ly JOS KPH T. jLOWHY, ' iVo. 43 Corner of P\fUi ana H r «od Sirtels, Offioe up stairs. Entrance from Flflb street tttttburgh, RESPECTFULLY announce ito cue public Qiat ha ba* oommeDo-i the REAL ESTATE AGENCY, in connec tion with Intelligence and Ufnerai CollMiing. He will also attend to renting. I'ersotuhn want of •erv&nta, in any capacity, or thoaeln want or places, wjll be supplied at short notice. All business entrusted to his care promptly at tended to. j References—T. J. Bigham, Ekq., Richard Qpwan, Baq.. W 0. Leslie. Dr. Alax. Black. ! agave klackerai, A. A. Mason, MaffltA_old._ janlB h. sttxrr austsats J. v uaaxxtT 01. GRAFF A. CO., - Western Foundry, No. 124 Weod street, PITTSUUmOU, PA., \X ANUFACTUREU- OF COOKINO STOVES, Coal and -Tl Wood Stores,. Parlor {Stoves,JJoUow: Ware, Plain and Fancy Uratea, Plain and. Fane .Fend era, Sad and Dog Irons. Sugar Kettles, Tea Kettlm, Wagon Boxes, Ac. [ja3 iy; Austin Loomis. REAL ROTATE AGENT, Merchandise, Stock, aad Bill Broker, Office, No. 92 Fourth Street, (above Wood.) The suosenbvr having opened an offlee at the above plaee, for the purpose or negotiating’Leona, Bills, Bonds, Mortgages, and aU otherXnstrnments for the security of Money, and for the pnrenase and sale of Stocks. Will also give prompt and particularattention to baying, selling, ranting of aod learn az i.cai Estate. ’ [jy?j : ~ AUSTIN LOOMIS. _ ichnehman A Hannifin, LITHOGRAPHERS— Third street, opposite the Postcfllre Rtteburgb. Map?, Landscapes, Bill Heads. Show Bins, Labels, Architectural and Machine Drawings. Rusinets and Visiting Cards, etc:, Engraved or Drsen, on Stone, Printed ■n OoJ&ra, Gold, Bronse,or Bjack,fn 'the most approved style, and at the moat reasonable priwe. octlbJy" S.n’Klniey, FTODSE, SIGN, AND-ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, AND "IX .Dealer In Paints—No. 44 «L Clair street, Pittsburgh. Has oonMmntiy oti hand all kinds oi Paints, either dry or mixed, Japan and'Oopd Tnrhiih I fnnerrl fill. Boiled OH, Spirits Tarpestioe, Window Glass oi air shies, Putty, Psfeit Brashes. all of the towt quality, and for mile at reasona ble prices. ' sepll ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL BBHI9ART. W. T. MCDONALD. M. A- PatsciPai. THE next session of the Institution will commence on MONDAY, the sth of Beptemoer next, at the room cor ner of Ferry and .liberty streets, lately occupied by the Messrs. Yeeder . . v Refcrpsau—VLan. A. W—Loomis. 0. Knap, £L F. Yon onborsC R:,; Ml Mur. jv. auirlid _ “jACOBIH’CSLLPJTEn, WHOLESALE AND UK CALL CIGAR MANUFACTURER 45D»s4L*a iftrau. gisne or Tobacco, Snuff, and Clgars» - -Ko. 26 fifth sL, PddburgK, Pa. 49!* Keeps constantly on hind a. large supply of aU the various brand.* of imparted Cigar*. jfeg _ JOSEPH CHAPMAN, WHOLESALE ASO KETAIL DEALER IN ' 111 POKTB D. CIO A HS, my2:ly ' No. S 3 Harkrt sthset, Pirreßmon. Tile Greatest Invention of the Age, . a TO A> -UD Uuiso uo{ile«xant lbetiugA that usually aoeompeny the weariogof n n««r Hat, th*» COVFUK MATOR, lately Imported from Paris, form* the Hat to the exact end sla- - f the head. A neat fit, and a good Hat may De bad at 77 Wood Htreut. *prB • tVM. D.»TTGLAS NEW PAPER iniLL.I CANTOS. OHIO. rIMIER. ANDBRMIN 4 CO., have justfitarted ihelr pa* per mill at the KAL EBTATB AND GENERAL AGENTS, AV-50 £V SmUhjuld ftrat. hgrl tf&rtu' HLBE, (roooigaoa ro ttnrar a Lx*,) WOOL DEAL c BRAND COMHISaTON MERCHANT, for the sale of American Woolen Goods, No. 139 liberty ,fmy4 • • • '■ L B. H«Twaufd»; ~ DBAI£R fo BOOTS,SHOER-TRUNKS and LZQUDRN and BRAID HATB, corner of Market and Liberty ste., BtelTd Plitabdrgh, Fa. __ JeX-Ly ' 1 0 : ' BARR AiiOBER, ' , - : A PhUoHaIL No. 7* Third street, A. Pittsburgh; and east ride of theDUuumd,' Allegheny. Tyl**a ReiLOVaf PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY. JULY 12. 1854. BUbINEiiS CARDS. JOSHUA RHODES * CO., WHOLESALE FBTJITEBS ft COITFECTIOSEES, 39 Wood St., PirrsßCMn, Pa., HAVE on bund and an receiving the following Goods,' which they offer at the lowest market rates: — : 76 bags I vice Almonds; 20 boxes Uaocaronl; ;25 “ Sicily do 20 “ Vermicdla; 25 bales Bordeaux do 60 u Farina; 16 bags Shelled do 60 “ W. Rock Candy; 60 “ Filberts; 26 “ ANo.l do 60 “ Walnuts; 10 u Bed do 00 “ Cream Nats; 16 “ Caper* j 600 bushels Pea Nuts; 16 Olives; ‘25 bbls. Texan Pecans; 76 M ‘ Gone Drops; 24 '** Illinois do 100 “ Ixmenges; 2000 Cocoa Nats; 60 “ Jujube Paste; 200 boxes German Plums; 60 dos. assorted Pickles; •24 kegs do do 80 “ “ Preserves;’ lObbls. do do 100 “ Pepper Baucc; . Prunes, glass jars; 10 cases Sardines; 10 “ “ 6mcybxs4 , 6. “ ** hf. bxs. 60 casks Currants; 2 ** “ % do 20 cases Citron; **“ ' - " , 200 begs Brasil Sugar; 200 boxes Cluster Raisins; 40 bbl* 8- C. Sugar; 100 hf. “ M. &. do, 25 Covering’s Sugar; 200 qr. “ •* do 10 eases Llquorim; 200T»Xes No.l Herring; 25 boxes RefM do 100 “ Scaled do 20,000 Principe Cigars; 1 ease Maee; 10,000 Havana do 1 bbh Nutmegs; 16,000 Regalia do 1 “ Cloves; 2,600 Half Spanish Cigars; r 4 26 gross Blacking; OOgr. Mre. Miller's F. Cut '26 baskets Salad Oil? • 60 gross Anderson's dn ;SOff * CO, J. C &NDB >t, Pittsburgh, Pa., i foreign Vruics, Nuts, Spin**, ' i, Ctg&xs, Ac.,Ai!. TUlabu. Figs,: Lines, Datr#, Citrons, Almonds,-I its, Pea Ndta, Ooco» Nats, Pi'.e. Iw, B*nees, Bock Cendy, Yer . Ac. sprao-.lj .HTKKPR.gB WORKS. , Ho. 6 Wood rtreei 11 1 HOLEBALE Dealer* in W Confectionery, Sagan, Prunes, Orange*, Lemons, Lit KUborUt Walnata, Cream Nal Apple Gbe fe, Sardines, pfok) tnirelU, Baerarool, Olirs Oil. a 0.134 woodpoufa, r nvaon below vowra *uat. sewn 4 txtlet. rft BBfl IMPORTERS ud manufecturere of SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, RIFLES. Ac. We ■V keep a- general assortment of the above article*constantly on hand; together, with a general variety of Fancy Hardware. A Leo, Gunn, lie* tola mod Revolvers, Fiaska, Horn*. Shot Belt*, Cepe, Powder, Lead and Bullets; Bo vie, Dirk Hooting and Pocket Knives; Teller* end Heir Dreeeers' Sheers; Pocket Scissors, Ac.- Also. Trusses sod Supporters. Jobbing end repairing neatly executed. RIFLES!—We ere making Rifles of every description, to order, of the: best meterial, and vorluneoshlp warranted— Order* rood Ted (hr them et Wholesale or Retell, will be fill-, ed with despatch. Hunting parties supplied et Wholesale prices. myU Chandeliers and Gas Fixtures. THE subscribers are now opening at their now Wareroom- NO. 100 FIRST STREET, between Wood and Smith field, the largest assortment of 011ANDEL1EKA, BRACK ETS, PENDANTS, end ell articles connected vttGas Fitting, ever offered tn this market. Haring arrangement* made by which they will be constantly in receipt of new patterns and varieties, they eonfldentlr Invite the attention of pur chasers to their selection. We are determined to sell as low as any honse In tbe West, and being practical Gas Fit-; tars, can offer peculiar advantages to those desiring articles : Is this lino. ' We enntione ns heretofore to fit up buildings of every de scription for gu. water and steam. Brass Castings of all kinds made to order promptly. LONG, MILLER A CO , . mar22:v No. IU9 First street. GKOROKBLETCUKft, mow NEW TOBK, . MASUFACTUIIERof the celebrated \ GdcMiner Ventilating Wig, Elastic 1 Band Toupees, and every dvscripli'-u I of Urnamenlal H«ir, Lr »c;i W Centfotoeo, 79 FoUKTID STREET, between Wood and Market, li't*- Burrrnxx** system enables LedW Y and tieuUeciento measure tfceir hj-t-i* g i SjW with accuracy. No. The pound of tho Head. No. 7 From the forehead oxer the bead ip uck, No. U No. ?, Frauj ear to ear, over ibe top. No. 4 Fr«.i» ear U» ear, round the K>feh**al to -iurel'il.t;. apd b»M»uty of finish. Repair* will *!*o attended to on tie oo»t reu*oijahU terms. Using in nU lb«ir work the b*wt Eastern Fiiaftc, IMe«.nqJ Wheel stuff, they foe! <->n6* dent that all who favor theta with their patronage, will be perfectly rattled or. trial of their work. Purchaser* are requested to pi T *“ u* a call, before pnr.ba ting eisew here! "C*M> Pearl Steam Mill; CANAL BASIN. ALLEGHENY CITY, tbs aanJMJ.vn mno.v.) t FAMILIES eriil i>« • appl**! wttbnurvorimiagrad** rf ' FRK.SU OU..LND FLOUR, Ry h-aviog tl>»lr order* at tne Mill nr in our boxes at iAgan. Wflaon A Co.. Woooyftreetor Braun A Reiter,cor- •T Lllwrty aod St. Clair street*. l*ltL«l,urgli. II- P- Srhwartx, or J. T. Kara Die. Drupci>t*, Allagheoy. Flour will bedeliverM to taiml'.estfi cither *f the two cities Tuna; CASH on deliver*. BRYAN. KENNEDY A PO. H A K l> W A K i: FOR Saddle™ aud Carriage Makers, 11. T. I.KKCLI, JR., So. 131 Wood atieet, FI I'TrißU KG 11. Also, CloUu, Damukt, Lace«, Mon, Bent Stuff, Bpringi, kc , Ac. ■ 'I'KAS! TEAS! I’EAS!- A WORTH, the original and 1 only importer iu this?' . tne best Congo Tea* from London. it* now w«-ivln£ a v . large end choice selection of TEAS, which be n deter i-vi to Mil! at ouch pricer and Onenear of quality, that all toe recaieea puffer* in thbor the next dly cannot beat Ur most respectfully invite* the ladles and gentlemen of this and the surrounding district*, wtlhoQt distinction of nation, to call and try bis Teas, which ha sella *al4**et to he retnmvd, If they don't fire tmtlefartioa. jibe followiacar* the prices: Prime Oolong, Souchong and Congo, 37 cents lb. A venr superior English breakfast Congo, 60c $ ft. Extra fine, a Tory tlallciooa Congo, 75c. ft. Pine Young llyAin, 4(tfn£>oc.s ®. .Extra fine Young Hyson and Imperial, Tfic. V ft. Yery beet Young Yyaon and Imperial, fl lift. Don’t mistake the place--PAGODA TEA STORE, corner of Diamond ami Diamond alley ' A liberal redaction made to deaioni ' , IspSl v NEW MUSIC iTuKE—The subscrD-era have opened at No. 83 fourth street, a choice collection of music and EQua.nU Instrument*, Italian and German I'trings, Pianos, by U. Erard, of Paris, and Mr. Arnold;.Flutes; by M. Kuler, Frankfort, .A. M 4 Clarionets, do. Alt kind* of brass instra* mentsfrom the lw*t French manufactories, all of which we offer to the public on more liberal terms, feeling confident that we can render entlrn satisfaction. , H. SCEIROKDKR A 00., No. 88 Fourth st H Schroeder and G. Anton will give Instruction* on the, piano, .violin aud guitar. ! sep23 & WILLIAMS, HEATING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, MAMUIMOTUaxa* or CMlson Furnace*, Wrought Iron Tubing, And Fittu*os roa Staxu, Gas oa Warn. No. 26 Market street, Pittsburgh. a#* We hare sold our Furnaces, Patterns, Ac.,to Messrs. ARNOLD A WILLIAMS, whom we eordlally recommend to the patronage of the public. la3:jj BCAIFB, ATKINBON A OKELY. 3 Depot ox LongworthA Zintmerman’i Ca tsvrDa Wlnci and Brandy. Til R unaersizued Das received and offers for sale, at Cin cinnati meet, a large quantity oT Logworth A Zimmer! man’s cnoice ana world reuowned Sparkling, Dry and La dles’ HwtetUatewba Wines. Burh as may desire to procure, an excellent article of Native Wine, (the pare juice of the* grape,) will find mr establishment the place for the gratifi cation of tbair desires. Thn Catawba Brandy, distilled from -the genuine Urape. is declared by many excellent judges, equal Id navor to the bast imported Cognac. D. FICKEISEN, iaS» No. 137 Liberty street Cargo’* DaguerrSttype anil Art Gallery, ApSlo Building, No. 70 Ftkirih tlrtc(,{next to Carpel Emporium.) R. M. CARGO a 00. having fitted up the most K( ample rooms in the city with mammoth sky and W aid* lights, offer First Class LIKENESSES, in style to suit all, varying in price according to MBjMftsUe and quality of cam, Ac. tt&»9uperior Oil by the best artists, for sale, and on ex- ThlbiUon during the day and evening. Citizen s and stran gers are invited to call and and Paint ringa. ; apr27 Lo«n Office. JOIIN A. O’BRIEN, 67 SUITUFIKLD STREET, between Fourth and Diamond alley. Money loaned on Gold and Silver Plate, Diamonds, Gold and Silvir Watches. Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Guos and Pistols, Feather Rods, Fur uitore, and all kinds of articles—for. any length of time agreed on. Charges for storage considerably 10-rer than' ’iMretefore. Private entrance through the hall door. Ali business transactions JOrictiy oonfldt-ntial Forfeited pledges sold immediately after being nut of dat-, unless redeemed. Bargains of Gold and Biivor Watch -1 es, Jowelry, c., always on hand. aprlQrfitn —. : N EW“BEED "9TOR B 1; JAMES WARDROP, OFFERS for sale CANARY BIRDS of the most Improved breed, being very hardy, and fine singers. Bird Seeds —Canary, Hemp, Millet, Rone and mixed Seed. Bouquets will be furnished composed' of the finest FLOWERS, via-; CameUas, Rose Buds, Heliotropes, Ac. Evergreens (in-potsj fbrChristinasTrees.'fh>m the Seeffand Horticultural Btore, No. 49 Fifth su near Wood. dec2o vsniame the Smoke. r pHE subscriber having the exclusive right tomanufsc . JL ture ana sell SWEENEY’S HOT AIR AND SMOKE IQONSUMING FURNACE. U> prepared to receive orders,and contract fbr besting buildings with the most economical Farnaets now in use. The attention of those interested Is solicited. Anr imormation can be had of A. BRADLEY, Nos 2 and 4 Wood street, or of J. BARNDOLLAH, dec24:tf I Iron City Stove Warehouse. No. 184 Wood ft. ' Warren’s ( ongresi Ink, rUS INK is prepared by a porelv chemical process, and is vwrdhltd to contain nothing injnriout to metaliepmt. It la pale when first need, but by exposure te the afr be comes gradually of a xnoet Intense and permanent black. For arte in bottles of vari nu sixe, by wholesale or retail, at sepB W. A HAVEtf’S - War use. Market street, corner of 2d. A CARD.—Mr. ti. ANTON and u! SCHROEDER would A..raspaatf|ijly atmonnes to the dtisens of Pittsburgh and Aliegbcny that theywfll give instructions mi the Piano, Goiter. Yfcdla. and nate. Inquin at H. Befaroeder A Co.'s Teton met. • sep3B - - ‘ ' r •••■■■. ”v ■ '••-v'* : rao .'• ~‘ N'* -. . : *.*- *' ~V> % 1 \**V W* v . •,. J •-..-. -_, .. * •'.-. '. pX*« , -W- A ’ V.* BUSINESS CARDS. NEW CARPETS J. Spring Stylei. AT THE OHKAi’ CARPhT WARETIOCBB, No. 82 THIRD 3treeL—We are now receiving and opening oneof the largest and choicest ftoeks of Carpetings, Oil- Cloths, Mats, Matting, Rugs, Ae-, ever exhibited west of New York. The stock bas been selected with great care. Persons lo want.of any articles in onr line, are respectfully invited to call and examine. Onr assortment consists in part of the following, vit: Royal Veivetand Brussels Carpetings; Tapestry Brussels; Aubnssoo Carpets; , Extra Imperial and Super Three.ply; t Patent Tapestry Ingrain; Superfine and Fine Ingrain; Worsted and Wool Carpets; Wool and Cotton do Yenitian 2-4 %, % and 44; Hemp Carpets, very cheap; IJstandKsg, do i White and Check Canton Mattings, %, 4-4, b-4. and 6-1; Goooa Matting,24, %, 44. A-4, and 64 ; Spanish Matting, very cheap; Elegant Mosaic Rugs, $6O per pair; Axministar, Chenille, and Tufted Buga, all prices; Fancy English Sheepskin Mata, $1 & per pair; Colored do do do from $2.60t0 $5 each; Together with a large selection of Oocoa, Jute, Adelaide, Velvet, and other Mats; Embossed and printed doth table and piano covers, of entirely new designs, very' rich. Damask table and piaoewovers; also worsted damask by the yard, toilnelt, doylera, Ae. A great variety of patterns in floor oil-cloth, from 2 to 24 feet wid?. Buff Hollands for windows, SO, 32,34,36, 38, 40, 42,44, nches wide. Gold bordered shades, entirely new, very rleh. Window shades of every description. Oval and hollow stair-rods, carpet binding, tacks, Ac. Also, tha P.cyal Turkish Bath Towels, together with every thing usually kept in Carpet Houses. “ Small profit* and quick sales.” C. B. HKADLY A CO ,' marS-Joae 82 Third street. J, A. JONES BCCHta. JONES & BUCHER. IRON FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, /VwnryfeaiuVi Ra&road, foot of TAt'rtf sf_ Harrisburg, Pa. HAVING increased our which L* now of the most improved order, and having added sutny facili ties for dispatching work, we are now manufacturing First Class STKABV ENGINES, FOR FURNACES AND ROLLINU MILLS, Blowing Cylinder*, Boiler*, Farnaoe, Bolling, SAW AND GRIST MILL MACHINERY A CASTINGS, Gas and Water Pipes, Uydrartx, Retorts, Lamp Posts, Hitch ing Posts, Columns, Girders, Bhaßiug, Hangers, Brackets, Cellar tire tee, Bathing Tube, Spouts, VVrandaAs and Ornamental Castings. W« p*7 particular attention lo the manofoctnro and con struction of Cast Iron Fronts for Homes and Stores. Having aueiiciu-iv* asaoitment of beautiful Carr-4 pat tern* of most approved architectural order, our great focliiries for manufacturing and shipping enable us u> com pete with our ritia*. Parties erertiog Furnaces or Bo.Uog Mills, Mill Owner* and Mill-Wrigbts, will find P much to tbetr advantage to call and examioe our exu-n-ite stock of Patterns before building JROS A .YD lilt ASS CASTINGS, Of every deec.-ip ion; rn.lth Work. Pattern Making, Dace aud Foree Tuyae,-.. fumi-.h-d to order. i ciri2 v CHINA MsKKr.T fcTRKF.T XTOW o-ened nar rf th» largest and be*t selsctod stocks LI of CHINA. GLAM* aod QL'EKNRWAKII.ever bruuaht to lhl« market: mnsirUng In part c.f W hlte Iron i>in ncr. Tea end TdM Ware, whi'-it we would pnrtiruiarly Id ;it« the Ledie* to rail and examina, aa the shape* an en tirely new and the war.; T-ry *up*xkWfhaving some twelve different patterns of To|!,t Ware, eilb* r iD full relt- or 11 wl« and il*i-brr.« separate. We are seiiir.g them at very moderate pries*. A!«i.» very hand.-n ini- a.-ssertment of FrenH, China Ten and Dinner setts, or separata piece* cf pUIn wkit , goiJ bond, or fuciy ;attcm». Our tockVif Flour \ascs (r>nsists of over £ft> d.ffi-recl patb-ru*. very t- auUiui, ar-.i ranging fr« n lift? <-cuf« j**r pair ti» tliirty dollar-. lUring au large an ar-.rUumt, we tr-i font: lent • i euitlr.if at; i**:e*. n-lLauis T-a I‘..i . nnj Oreaui«. Silver Piatol F<*rk-«, rpo**n* iDkliut.rr limio. luanw anliorks c t rarl«‘u« n;y|c», from •'-.iiuicti t|„ Ctr,.!, S.iar l.s-up*. Hall I.*tnp*, Glrur. lnJee, and Hi-uw* Furntahing BO.'t'N W AitK—o; th|a wr h*>e a large assort ment, |wrtt<-uia;. r the Dura -nd Pattern, which b-.k* sj soil a* the i«c:t cut. and eel\. .it !*►* lln.-i • r.« tb.T~.i lb* price. Also, » oiti.p;cie s»t«-k >,f Pittsburgh lilass The public an* rwpeeifully in»iti*l to cwR and examine ourgexijs. JOHN J. o LEAKY, N.-. &2 Marl «t «t.. I. «'o Th«r«l ai.4 P-urth. rayl- tf cf trfisite r,.wru< rr f ti.e old firm, and the public generally, that he La* u.>* Land*, aad 1* .-Lit-urif-iy «o gageii in fUHTmfbctMing. v-ery d— of t'Ahnxiid— la.h aa: Patent Chili'-J Roi!*. Kf-!tie* and Curbs; Patent Kettle®. V t p, l’r-‘ *>!.. Ash. lL«'llle«, f r the ciAnufaclitr- -f Can* cast >m a palrnt E**r*tt. known asJ.O Parry's, at 1 are «upori< r f: r dura iiily to auy other, aod acid lower than tlu-se made <>q tha old plan. lI'.I!AA)W WARE—A g-.ncral Ma'-rtmeat, all new and lmprpvad pattern*. Vt u >.».*-» I* >z lnms. Sad Irons. At.. Ac. Rolling MUI Oastitiga, and Machinery of erery description, always on Land or made to or!*r. Ocwk Stove*. KltiLec Kang**, and Coal fltovea, of every dearription ; lowa Ctv.-k tilove*. flvesiie*, which receii«*l the first priae fur W»5O aud ’s6l, at the kgricultural Fair i.f Al legheny County, Pa., and r-vrtauicmS'j by fiJLn-n hundred persons; Kntarpriae lV*-k i-tnve*. • jut *i-.e* ; Preniiara Cook Dtovea ; Egg and Radiator Coal htoves; Parlor store*, Ar. Parlor Grate* and Kurwler*, great variety, beautifully •oamell>4. Comcoa Urates,and building material of every daarrtptlon. A grwat variety of Ornamental Balling.for Cemeteries and Fencing. Ptmghs And Gzstir.gs —A large st4«:k of ail the kind* in use. and will he *ohl at reduced rrirea. nail's Pat •ft» Lever, True Aiarriiain, Kgvn'N Craoe’a, KlnkaW'*, Woorij'. Peac.M-k'*. Hull's. TruprovcJ Hull, Ac. />ou kU Hotighs.— T.ie Miehigv.n lA.'jt-le Plough, which lias taken tii* premium at the Stair Fair* tf New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio,and wberevarit has he>n exiiiblted. Iron and Nails. Stove Pipe and Tlu Ware —all of which I will tell at the lowest prbvs.scd lnvite tha Onblie to glv* maa rail, at tbs old stand. No. 193 Wood st. • ••to* 'fimj e> ptupv ALLEGHEN YTo'.B G E . 80L09I0N SUETTER A CO. (Late Bisael A Semple's Rolling Mill ) on the t>ank of Lhe Allegheny, below the et. Clair Btrewt bridge, AIASUSKWT CITT, Pa. f|MIK proprietor* rexpeet/uUy inform tbe nubik that, X haying made cxUnMve additions to tbefr i*f-t*bli*h meet, the; are prepared to manutsetore. on the rea sonable terms, Iron Work for Bridga*. Car Axles, Quarry Work, Stone Cutter*' and Masons* Toole, Shafting Mill Gearing, Machine Work In general, and heavy Forging, of every description. Also, lIoRSE SHOES manufactured by Shetter" i t’aUni Unrtt Shoe Machine. Tbe Horse Shoe Ma chine will be in operation about tbe miodlo of February, when all order* for Shoe* will meet with prompt sttentjon. Mill Pick* mad* and dressed. Order* sent by mall or tele graph attended to or tbe altorteat nntW-e, juH:y kTT EKPR IBKK OUNDttY; HarcAourc, Federal itreet, near the UnJcje. rTAVINQ fitted up toy establishment with ail the lat*«t I | improvements. embracing every facility fur maoufao turlng in Lho boat and cheapest style; and owniug tb* ex clusive right in J.J Johnson's Box Smoothing I on*. and John .Tohnaou’a Self-healing Cnarnoal Irons, patented Jan uary 10.1854, superior to anything of the Id old in thu mar ket, and also having a patented improvement fur moulding the above Iron*, Wagon Boxes, and Pipit Boxes, 1 am pre pared to sell wholesale and retail on fair term*. Any per*..os wishing-to purchase the right for moulding upon the improved plan, and manufacturing any or all of the above article*, will please address C. KINGSLAND, myaO-.Sm . Allegheny city. BOOTS AND SHOES, WHOLESALE AND KETAIL. JAMES UOUU ba* mutd up ill spleudid style hi* store, No. 89 Market street and No 6 t’ulon street, between Fifth street and the Diamond, and ha* now completed his Spring stock of BOOTS, SHOES,SLIPPERS, GAITERS. Ac., nod Palm L*-af, Pe-Jal,Dustin and Braid HATS, tn which ho invit-e tbe attention of all purchasers, whether al whole sale or retail. This stock 1* one of the largest ever opened In this city, and embraces everything worn by the iadies of Philadelphia and New York, and he trusts cannot fail to plcseo all. Great care has been given In selectlug the choicest g«xl3; all of which be warrant*. He also continue* to manufacture, is heretofore, all de scriptions of Boots and Shoes, and from this long experience of over twenty years in business in this city, is, he trusts, a sufficient guarantee that those who favor him with their castotu, wilt he fairly dealt with apriOitf J Wholesale and Retail boot and ri u ok manufactory. THE subscriber, having engaged exten-irely in the manufacturing of BOOT 3 and SUORi*, of all kinds, for men, women, and child on, 1* now prepared to sell to dusters bv wholesale such go«-dx os they may want, at prices a* low n* they can Ik* bought East; and any particular kind or »ixu made to urdur at sh'irt notice. Union* and cnils so licited fr<>iu Dealers iu and out of the city, as it wilt bo to their udvuntng*. to call h-lore purchasing elsewhere. Customer work made a* heretofore. Fashionable Boot and Shoe Maker* No. 00 FOURTH 6TKKKI’, NEAR WOOD, (Directly opposite the. Mayor't Office.) nE IS WELL PItKP tRKD to furnish all Goods in Id* line, and will warrant them not to be ipkrior to any similar articles io the city, lie l J well prepared to do all kind-* of custom work, and has in his employ a corps of wrrkmen, wbocannot be mndlod in the city. The public are respectfully requested to call at his establishment. and examine his Good*. [apriWm STOCKS VO F A CT o R _ Y~, NO *J4 FIFTH STHFET. Sign of the: OLD STAND. WILLIAM DALY ha* returned from the Manufactur ing Hosiery Districts of Europe, where he ha* pur chased, for cash, a very extensive ana well assorted stock of tbe best description* only of Stocking*, Socks. Undershirt.-, Drawers, Gloves; also, new etylfe of Children's and ML****’ Fancy Stockings, together with bis domestic stock of Pitts burgh Manufactured Hosiery. He will sell by wholesale or retail at New York Importers* price*. WILLIAM. DALY A 00. Remember tbo place—No. 34, Sign of THE OLD STAND.- my 23 ___ PAUL KLEINER has removed his LITERARY DEPOT from No. 73 Third street, to Fifth street, opposite the Theatre, where be will be happy to eee his farmer patrons, and all others desirous of purchasing any of the cheap Li teraturn of the day. apr7:ly PEKIN TEA STORE, BY-A. JAYNES, No. SS F\fOi ttreet, *beftwsn'Wtod and Market, xoiUA tide Sold Wholesale and Petafl. ja&vj BLOUTiI k BRO., East Birmingham, maaufiacturers of « Bar Iron, and small Iron ot all descriptions, and make, also, tbs flnestouality of Hood*, Rounds end Squares. JVLsaveocdtn kr lion in the box,at the eify Post OBafc - ... - oeli t ‘ !><' k > ’’ » ■ II A I, L : ALLEGHENY CITY TUGS. A HINTON, Agent, No. 49. Bt. Clairstreet McLaughlin* Removsl. ' i •• • PHILADELPHIA GEORGE J. HENKEL’S ■ j, CITY CABINET WAREHOUSE. IVe. 173 CHESTNUT BTREET, (Oppositx Isdspevdxhcx Hall.) Phlladelplilw* FTOFITUBE, IK EVERY STYLE! Comprising LouisXlV, Louis XV, Elizabethan and Antique, with Sculpture Carving and modern style; In Rosewood, Walnut, Mahogany,Satinwood and Maple; all of superior construction, and finished in the best style, equal to, if not excelling in qual ity, tbe Goods of any Establisb mentfn the United States. EMPLOYING none but experienced workmen, (appren tices being positively excluded,jand using the best ma terials, the work cannot foil to give satisfaction to par chasers. Amongst the many advantages offered to pur chasers, is the facility of Furnishing a House, either in ele gant or plain style, completely from one establishment; by which meann oJI tbe articles in each room correspond lo style andouallty, and tbe immense stock always cr band, being so various in design, enables purchasers to please their taste .n a selection, without the delay necessarily caused in ordering Furniture. To i'lvc au idea of the finished Furniture on hand, I need only inform you that my Rooms are 176 teetlong, by 27 feet wide, mur noors in uumber; with Shops conliiruoup. suffi cient to employ 200 hands, which is a guarantee tbut tbe work is all done under my own immediate Inspection. J?*Tbe Packing is oil done in tbe Store, and Furniture warranted to carry safely any distance. Visiters to Phila delphia are respectfully invited, as purenasers or otherwise, to call anu examine the Goods. au2stly WORLD’S FAIRS, London, 1851, sand Now York, 1853 TRIUMPH OVER THE COM PETITION OF THU WORLD A THE first and only PRIZE MEDALS for Har- nes* at the Great Exhibitions in London, 1861. ' and in New York, IS63L was awarded to Uf M LACEY A PHILLIPS, Messrs. LACEY t PHILLIPS, at their extensive estab lishment, Nos 12,14 and 16, South Fifth street, Philadel phia, keep the largest stock of ready-made Harness and ciddlea of any house lo the United States They have reduced the business of manufacturing to such perfect sys tem, that, for quality and price, they are beyond all com petition. The best of Leather only is used, and no'paln* are snared to reach perfection in every article. It 1* acknwledged. that for elegance, lightness, comfort and real value, tbe UarneßS aod Saddles of Lacey A Phil lipHKurptsa all others. They Inviteaclose'examinationof their stock. Attention is called to the following scale of prices: Good, pliln, serviceable Single Harness sl*l.oo to $2.%00 “ f»ory “ •• .4 28,50 to 35,00 “ plain Double Home**, 40,00 to $O,OO They have a branch of their establishment at New Or leans, No. 81 Charles street. Oonntrv Harare* Slaters can be supplied with Harness cheaper than they can manufacture them. H 49- A number of HARNESS MAKERS are ofgred con stant employment, tbe year round. The highest wages given. Appljto LACEY A PHILLIPS, No, 12,14 and IC, Soutß'Flflh street, osar Minor street, Philadelphia, Pa. J . f r b2 ST. LOUIS. JOSEF II nOORIDUB. 0031MIS8IUN ANI FORWARDING MERCILANT, No. 3a ConaitaaL, bilot Pisi Brass*. 81- Louts, Bio., CONSIG NM ENTS an 1 Coouniesion* wiil treat with prompt and personal *Um»tJon, and advamrs will be given When required, ea Corndgiuaent* or Billsof Lading, (n Aana. Order* tor the purchase of Lead, Grain. Hemp »M other Prodnee. will 1* promptly filled at tbe lowest market prices. The Receiving and Forwarding of Mermandlsc and Pro duce will meet with care and dispatch: the lowest rati 1 * of Freight wiil afway* be procured, and the expense of Storage and Drayageas touch os posaible avoided. itrtktxcb Pag* A bacon, Pt. Louis; Ellis A Merton. dncinnatl; Charles*, Blow A Co., do; Strader A Uormaa, do; Chcutrao * Valle, do; IJok«« A Frazer. vR; Dean. Kmg A Cl>., do; Springer A Whitiunan, do; J. W, liutur A Bro.,Pittsbh; E.O. Gooouman A Oo. t de; D. Leech A Cr- . do; E. A CrYarnaJl A Oo.,Pklladn; Wm. li:>lts«9> A Co., do; Morgan. J. U.Burk Illfo* A Jdarrb. New York. U. B.Ccmegv*, ' do; Tn-et A lorre-t, do; Shields A Miller, do; Cbarie* A. Meirs. do; Ju»lab Lee A Baltimore. A" G fare A Ho*;.-a ; A Vxbam J. Ccle, do; llo»»;4,»(8il\, Ji-; W. ii. Reynold*. Louisville; H. D. Newcomb A. Bro.. do; T C- Twictel! A C--‘..Cc*tr.mi«ion Merctiasta. New Orleans. flft.l have an < r-en !‘t>i:;*? of Insurance, which will cor>-r all »hij*m-nt* to cn a-l.lr-*s. wbrn advised Uy tetter p«*r oiail. or » ben endorsed os billsof lading before,t>r at the time of snipment. Vf^IUIDGI^ tort w. W|ju->itri Bay Wood Bariery uad Gardens. JAMKi* KENNEDY, Manager cf the well-known Sy-. racu*e N ioetaut, to re «dvc and fill chli-r* fur ovrry of Fruit aud ftrnamcn tal Trees, Har-1; lujiirs-i. Ilcu-o Shruhe aod Plants In adiiith-n lo * oh--ire*nd ?ujaTlor «'.ocli on hand, he bajuoiatie arraegemvnes wt;ij uo* of the largest N'arseriesizi the Idut, ti> keep up bissupplv. Uavicg a thorough and longexpe rieore m thr buftioff*. hr can assure his customers ;>erfoct vatisfartion. Mr. Kennedy would alv> respectfully offer hU servicee In Jerigning, laylngoct, asni managing Rural Cemeteries. Pub lic Parks, or tbv grounds of Country -Residenres; ao-1 will al*i furnish plar« for the formatinn of Lawns, Approachee, Picturesoue SL-»-nery. Ac., in ti« blgbeet styfesof tbe art. Practically acquointrrj with every branch of Landsrape Gardening, aod liaviug spent years in the Bvirian Park* of England, and os tbe b**attfUJ banks of the Uudron, he hopes be has the capacity to meet the wishes of those- who favor him. 4aF*Communication* ran be addressed through tb* City 5 * Post Office, or left at the Ware hr use or Meoara. N eider 4 Mohan.« Wood street KKKMttTf * CO. Notice to Stockholders. «>rri -t or Pmimrantt axp Onyxmavu.Lt R.R. C0.,1 PilUfmiyh, June 2&ib. IsM. ) ACUKRAHLY to s Resolution of tbe B'-ard of Dfriicinrs «.f ilie I’l ' TSbUßtlll AND CONNKLUxVIU.B RAIL ROAD OoMPANY, «üb«Tlbrr, to the Stock c»f»aM Company an* hereby notified that the fif h INSTALMENT OF FIVK DOLLARS per hhant on tb'-ir -ur-Acriptioh* will be due and payable on the FIFTKKxTII DVY OF JULY n«xt, (tbe first. second, third, and f.urth instalment* of t«o dollar* and fifty cents per share. haring heretofore beett called In,) and aim, FIVE DOLLARS PER SIIAKR on theAfterstb day of EACiI EJiSULNG.MuNTU, until tie whole amount is paid. bo >cfc holders refitting In Somerset County will pay to Major Samuel M. (taller, Merei* Mills.;dbuse residing is Fayette County to Colonel D U. Da»llson, Connell svtlle; thou* residing In Westmoreland County to Genera) Oyrns P. Markin, " est Newton; and all others to S. V seder, at lbe Office of tbe Company, in NeTilie Uall Building, corner of Fourth and Liberty streets. Pittsburgh. WILLIAM B CURRT, jv4'3wd Treasurer Pittsburgh and ConncUsviUe RR Co. Boston Papier MacHa Conpaan MODERN AND ANTIQUE ORNAMENTS. PITTSBURGH AGKNCY, 67 MARKET BTKKEX.—TI«e attention of Builders, Steamboat Contractors aid Chß iuei Makers, Id requested tr> this new and great Improve ment in the manufacture of embellishments for Buildings and Steam boats, outside and inside; Cabins, Halle, Church es, Dwellings* Stores, and P*rior Furniture, in gilt, or in Imitation of various kinds of wood. Also, Cornices, Brack ets, and Patent Ventilating Centre Pieces for Ceilings, Mouldings, Consuls, Tressrs, B«ttfemeot,Ac; much cheaper and handsomer 'ha,, Plaster and Wood Carving, and a great deal more durable. BLOCK LRrTKRS FOR SIGNS. very cheap and warrant ed to last for ‘JO years exposed to the weather. . . Above Goode for sale at tha manufacturer’s prices—coat of frvUbt added. >y. W. WILSON, Ju2b 07 Market st. Notice li Hareby Given, TO ALL PERSONS who have subscribe! to theMtpihri Stock of the PITTSBURGH AND ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY, and which has been made specially applicable to the construction of the road in Mercer .county, that an instalment of ms pta c«rr, per share, la required to be paid to the Treasurer of theCompaov, at bis ofiL», in West Greenville, Mercer county,ou or before the 20TH DAY OF JULY', 1854. aud that an instalment of rrve per cor, par share, will be required to be paid at the same place everv thirty days thereafter. By order of the Board. B, F. BASKIN, Treasurer P. i K. R. R. Co." Office of the P. A B. R. R. Co., New Castle. June 21st. 1854.) J u -' :aw flew Partnerahipi T Matthew orakf and uan’l kx-isinger, trying heretofore as M. GRAFF A 0)-, Sieve and Hollow ware Manufacturers, No. 121 Wooa street, hare this uay aamclated with them THOMAS J. GRAFF, as a partner in their business. The name, fctyle and title of the firm will, front this date, be GRAFF, ItKISINGEK A GRAFF. They respectfully solicit a continuat.oo of die- patronage so lib erally bestowed upon the firm of M. Gratf A uo. Pittsburgh, July Ist, 1854 / "1 BEAT bargains of summer , goods at A. McUUUE'S, \JT corner of Grant and Fifth streets. I have Ms jay commenced selling off my summer stock at first c* «; the gools are all new, and hare been purchased this season, and as they are now offered at prices far below the usual rates. Ladies would do well to call and get a bargain. The Mock comprises l.hwdn summer silks, tissues, gtcuadines, bet-age de loines, and a most ever}- article usual ly kept in a fancy .-tore. jt 5 New Trimming Stprej JW> Kff O'f.io- <at work attended to. [niyJ6.y Important to Taiiun,, . JUST RKCKIVBD, a large assortment of Tailors’ and Trimmers’ Shears, of the heat makes in the country, which we offer at the manufacturer’s prices, at BOWN A Works, 136 Wood 'Btreet, Wholesale Agents for maDfuapturers. IF YOU CAN SAVE FIVE DOLLARS A MONTH,'you can have a fine Building. Lot, 0f.50-feet, front by 21b deep, situate on Mu Washington. terms $2O in hand, balance at $0 a month- Now is thetime to secure a good Lot on easy terms. S. CUTHBKRT A RON, J* ai . U 0 Tbind;street; - r | K> LET—A FINE HOPARon P>nn 1 for a term of years t or, forthe part of thi* year—rent J?*”- a good House on Pennsylvania avenue, near the Court Bouse. Inquire of ■ - , • Jyfcta THOHAa WOOW, Hr<*rM.*r»t --• -. ••••: r r.r . u -i*:. NUMBER 285. FUR SALE AND TO LET Property for Sale, rpHE subscriber offers for sate, on very reasonable terms, X tb- following property, vlx: A Three Star; Brick Dwelling House,'No. 110 Prop ctreet, between Hay street and Erase’ alley; and Lot 25 feet front, extending back 112 feet to an alley. Tbenctwelaoneofthe beat building*, and. in one of the most pleasant neighbor* hoods in thedty. Five Lots—embracing eorners of Front and Ferry street*; one hundred and firefeet fronton Ferry and sixty feet on Front street, with a good three story Brick Building on the corner, a two *tanr Frame on Front sh, and two Brick Build- Inc*, need as shopg on Ferry «t Als>t,3l feet front by 80 feet deep, oo Front, between Market and Ferry streets. A Lot, with rery convenient Frame Dwelling; Lot 20 feet by 90, fronting on Congress and Elm eta. . A House and Lot, oh Wylie street, near the new Court House The house Is well arranged and in good order, and Is now occupied as a hotel. w A Three Story Brick, on Smlthfleld street, near Seventh— being In an excellent business location. The Lot Is 20 by 80 feet deep, fronting on EmitbSeld rt. A Cottage Frame and Lot 28 by 120 feet, fronting on Anna and Robinson streets, Allegheny City. This is a very desira ble and pleasantlocation for a tendon ee v Nine Lots in the town of U’Keesport, 00 fiet by 150. Several of these are on the Main street ' Eleven Acres in Limetown, on the Honongahelt River, on which there ore 4 houses; there ore some 0 or 7 seres of ex cellent stone cool, and abundance of limestone, convenient to the landing; and two eoal pits open. Ninety Lots in the town of Columbia, 60 feet by 150 web, nearly all level, and weQ located. The tenant of each Lot has the privilege of using whatever stone' coal ho may re quire for his own use, from a pit near the Locks Columbia U a pleasant situation on the bank of the Uonougahels riv er, a short distance below Look No. 3. in the midst of an ex tensive stone ccal region, and would be a dndrnbla point for manufacturing establishments. Two Hundred acres of superior Stone Coal,with House, Railroad, Ac. This property hoe a front of 140 rods on the Monongahela river; an excellent landing; good grade and foundation for rail road—with enough level ground at one print for houses and gardens, or locations for manufactories. The vein is deep enough to allow horses to be n—l in haul ing out the coal—the quality of which, for iron work, steam, gas, or for any ordinary uses, is not surpassed by itr in the ooantry. In my absence, my agent, James Blakely, Esq., will give all necessary information, and be authorised to give warran tee deeds for soy property sold. JAMES MAT, No. 1W P»nn iml WELLING - HOUSE FOR BALB—Situate on Third st. above Fmithfipld. The House U well arranged, with bell and parlors, dining room and kitchen, 4 chambers, bath room, with. hot and cold water; good cellar, gas fix tures, Ac. For price and terms call at the Real Estate Of fice, 140 Third street. Jrfl 8. CUTHBERT A BON*. O" N K HUNDRED AND THIRTY ACRES OF LAND, one half mile, from the Ohio river, near Baker’s Landing, 66 acres under cultivation, with Orchard and other cool improvement*; otwholf the Goal under it reserved: It is offered at an extremely low-price. Enquire of THOMAS WOODS, *2l 76 F- nrih sovet. VALUABLE PROPERTY IN OULLLNg TOWNeHI % FOR SALE—O 4 acres ritaale one mile from East Lib erty and about 200 yards from the A-legbvnv river, and same distance from the Allegheny Volley Railroad. A new Brick House, of ball and 7 rooms, finished in modern siv le; a Tenant House, a large Frame Barn and & table, and other out building-*; a good well of water and durable springs, also a running stream at lower part of the form; an or chard of 360 trees; 50 acres in cultivation, balance good Umber; a valuable stone quarry. Whl be a>ld altogether, or 10 acres with the improvements. 8. CUTHBERT k SON, Beal Estate Agents, 140 Third st L'uK CALK—Two (•plemliU Forms; one of 100acres,and a the other 75 acres: beautifully located on thw tipper fit Clair Toepubip Hank Road, 6 miles from the city,each of them lying so os to divide into 10 acre lots, haviog a good spring on e*eb. I: Is a splendid opportunity for a specula tion. Those who want a good home, or wish to make mnoev, wi.uld do well to look at it. os we will sell to the first that offer* us our In* j.r.ce, in lot* or ail together. Also, five Country Seats, 1 mile from Wood*’ run. and only 3 ml!e« from Allegheny city, by wajol the New Brigh ton i'lank Ito* l. They are fine healthy locations, ac-J of fered very low. - Ale**, ton Country Seats on Ibe Ohio and Pennsylvania Rsi rvad.7 miles below tfc« eity They wUlbem-H -e;»an» e or trgetlwr to a colony or building araociatiou. it is a lovely l<4-r.li'/ti, and cheap, of course. Aiw», one Lot of two am*, and Iwo smaller pieces of iroutd, opposite H&rlmar:’? at tV- r>d«' run, o3Vr» | at a rery'low i-rlc* for so fine a property. An m*eortm-.*ni of latndN iluu** 00-J al-ay* on hand, and dewiihed in my r-jrf*t*-r. Before toying you would do wril to mil and enquire of THOMAS WOOI S, _j r l 75 Fourth str—rL Beaatiral Sites for Country Homes. r PUK un.-n-lunrl nff-i* tor sale. V‘'b»?{jigfronts on *iary and Juita Ann Avenues, and Henrietta and Kerr stree s. This equitr- rontains many Fruit Trees of the choicest kind and mamiodi a fine view of the picturesque an i romantic see tfty around lam desirou-of this square en tire. as it wotfld afford one of tbs m It if not directly across it. The MilUtow® creek runs through it. ' ALSO, 500acris in Elk eoonly,rw*il timbered and watered, and lying near the route of the &anbnry and Erie railroad. No better investment could betaade than in the?© lands. The completion of the Bunbury and Erie, the Allegheny > alley, sad the Venango railroads through that region will render the coal, lumber, iron ore and soil of grmt value. Enquire of C. B. M. SMITH, ~ „ Attorneyat Law, feb2g-eam:tf >.N.vT47 Fourth street. Valoabis Property lor sale, ON UkKRIY STREET, ADJOINING THE METHO DIST GRAVE YARD, NEAR CANAL BASIN.—This is now the only desirable piece of property in thie neighbor hood not already bought up by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Fronting on Liberty 50 feet, on Elm street 100 feet, thence to the Methodist Grave Yard 86U feet, to Liber ty 110 feet. This property Is most desirable as a Hotel. The bußding now on it, a gi»d substantial three story brick, with all the neeassary bank buildings, has for a longtime bet® r-oeopied as the Union Hotel, doing a good business Capitalists and others desirous of making a good lnrertment, will do well to examin.* the premises. ■ apr2&tf : EDWARD FABER. For Sola* I WILL SELL my nuexafred lease 'fourteen years) of a Lot, situate on O'Hara'street and Bpriog alley, In the Filth Ward—4o ft fronting on O’Hara street, and running -back 100 ft.on Spring aljev.on which is erected.a four storied Brick House, 40 ft. square, with a frame, two stories. 60 ft. on Spring alley, well calculated to carry on any branch of manufacturing burineas. Betas engaged in man nfee taring in the country, I offer the above for sale. In quire'at No. 425 Liberty street.'!. ocl6:tf 'EDWARD' FABER. Coal Works For Sale. OLXTY THREE ACRE OP LAND, with 250 acres of Coal C> attached, and eU the improvements thereon in success ful operation, aid Farm is situated on tb- MonongeheU river, miles above Kttsburgb, and Is suppli-ri wjth v Farm Hou-e, Bern, Tenant Houses, Orchard, Railroad,knd ah exrellent harbor. f The vein of Cohl hfivefeet thick, and cannot in quality. For further particulars sppiy u> NICHOL-ON A PAYNE, No. 235 Liberty g«vaet; A Very Desirable Countr, Bent at PrL yate Sale. THE subscriber is autliori.»eU u-wll the following pir*- of property, containing acres of land; pit sted Tn Collins tp.. Ait<*gheny county, fa. This property is beaun fully located ou the-bank of the Allegheny river, about 4 railed trwu tbufity; having two froots, one on the'iaw rvo-wUle and Flank Rond,and the Ailegheiij river; and about SO rods below the ferry, and just polo* the new bridge, now being built over the river. F. r. for tber particulars enquire of JAMES- C. KICUKY', >■9 L Real F--tate Agent. SALK.—IB7 acres of Lend, 3 miles south of Darling ton, 93 ricr«< cleared grv.xj Orchard, a good Stone Hoiuw, iargfe Barn, two Frame Houses, all In first rate nr lier, and offered at the low price of s3a per acre Also, one-LnUi acre L din Oakiaud, on Cnarlotte street. -Itis « bcsutrfai Lot; tn front or Mr. Ogtl n s fine improve meat, and is offered at tho low price of sBoo—enquire of me Call and get my Register, for descriptions of a great variety of property. THOMAS W«iobs.'4- 75 Fourth st»»L BDILDI.HG LOT FUR SALE. , A LOT 24 !eet front «‘U WYLIE street, and eiteaAf&g bhek 10y feet to Wide alley. On the back parroFS# Lot is a Cellar Wall, built for two email Houses. *nya i7i tain a desirable location tor a residence; will be eoid low. aud on fevoruble terms. Title good, and elear from incumbrance. Enquire of GEO. F. GILLMOKK. - ; At Office, of Moraine Boat. ■ Land, kiiuate near th* Miuersvill# A. Road, mUe from the Court House; on which is a rtmall two story Brick House, Stable, and other buildings; also, an excellent Orchard. Terms—One-fourth cosh, bal *iwe in five equal annual payments. Enquire of , AUSTIN LOOMIS, 92 Fourth st LfiTAGE KIK RENT.—The building ol Lluuee on Norsery Hill, with ahont an acre of ground. Enquire of J. eTRDKFOitD, on tbs premises, or or »y 23 THOMPSON PELL A , ’ Vainable Property For bale. FIVE DANDsuMK BUILDING Lord, situate on Centre Avenue, near Fulton mreet, and within ten minutes’ walk of the Post Office. For terms, inquire of *cV, additional iewtion...-. >* “ Vwn weak?.... “ “ thr** Kerii.. ' “ ; ‘ jne 0i00th.... “ .'* two QLlQtbu. ..... “ “ three monthiu... „ ,na,, 0 Oft 14 four month* ~. , 10 01 “ fix month*-........ UQf ** “ one-yee?—•••-.*— _ 1$ Qf. ttndinjcCard, g | x Hue*crless, pp«tnmm ~, ..j ot\ CBivajusuATPtuffcti: \ One squat*, per umma, o* DAILY MORNING LOST. WEDNESDAY MORNING 'The sun that Adwertleed hls Firm and is acquainted with Samuel A. Walker, Esq., the celebrated auctioneer, and altgost everybody, when they have anything to' eell by auction, call on him. A montii or two since, tbo auctioneer was sitting in hia office reading one of the daily papers, when a well appearing man entered and inquired for Mr. Walker. The auctioneer eaid in hia happiest manner that he was the individual, and at the same time tf&ired his visiter to be Boated. The stranger gave his name, and said he resided in Saugus, on the border of Malden, and haring bought dry goods aud bandannas of the auction eer when be was in that line in Kilby, street, he had now come to renew bis acquaintance and to get him to sell some land wbioh he owned in Malden. ‘ ; He stated to Mr. Walker that be only wanted hie services as a salesman—he, the owner, would do all the rest. He did not intend to have any advertisements in the newspapers/ as be had given notice at the last town meeting that he should sell bis land at auction, and that waff do-* tice enough. The owner desired to secure the services of Mr. Walker for the day, and inquired his price. The amiable auctioneer said be would go down and sell for him for one dollar. This Mr. Walker agreed to, and hie visiter returned delighted with haring secured the eminent ser vices of the auctioneer at eo low a figure, after paying the one dollar to the auctioneer, who then secured his next cnatonder. and the fastness of moroiog went along ueoal. « When the day appointed for the sale Arrived, the auctioneer hastened to the cars and was soon landed at ibe depot in Saugus, where the owner of the land was anxiously awaiting his arriraL He was oveijoyed at seeing -him, and after ex changing,the compliments of the morning, and taking a glass of cold water, the land owner and the auctioneer, the former with a spy glass and the latter with a small red flag, was seen foot-' ing it for the location of the.land which be was to sell. After a dusty walk cf half an hour they arrived at the spot, where they remained for an hour after the time appointed for the sale to commence—the owner and his auctioneer being'' the only persons within two miles of fixe place about to be sold fay auction. The owner won dering why the people did not come, and the auctioneer wondering why they should come— thus ended the tznadvertised land -ale. * A few days after, the old fogy sold bis land at private sale to a well known operator in real estate, for six thousand dollars, which was the price he paid fer it some seven years since, wise ly coming to the conclusion that he was behind the times, and could not make much by selling land at auction, even if he employed a Boston , autioneer. Ail the foregoing hupp, ned io April of the present year About the first at May, an other stranger called upon the same auctioneer, i and said be bad a beautiful place in Maiden’, ! near Sangus, to sell by auction The auctioneer " said be had some experience down that wf progress, not an old fogy. H* is acquainted with boainesa and up with the times. He said to the auctioneer, I want your services as auc tioneer. and I authorize you to speed not ex r-eiipg $5OO in procuring plans and properly placing before the people ibis valuable piece of property, for valuable 1 know it to he. The nnctioueer and the owner tfaa following dav visited the epot, and a few afterwords % beaut ful lithographic plan it the ftra iras placed upon our table, and irJ the commercial pa, era and nearly all of the Other dailies, ap-' peered one of those brilliant akd attractive ad vertisments for wnicb Mr. Walker is so celebra ted, setting forth in trmhfnl terms the advan tages of the location, about to be sold by him at auotion. The day of sale arrrived, nearly a thousand persons attended, every lot was sold, the aggregate amonat of which was near twelve thousand dollars, the operation yielding to the owner a net profit of something over $6 000, after paying the usual commission to the eoo-. tioneer and all the other chargee. Every one was pleased with his purchase, and several new bouses are now being built upooihe premises, ;all of which may be seen as the passengers pass ' along by railroad. Jadiaious advertising and pr per expenditure always rtsnlt favorably.;, old fogies will take warning from the fate of the man who did not advertise. ~ - [Extract from Ur*. StowsV forthcoming Werk.] - "Sumy Memories of Foreign. L»ndf N , I bad met Macaulay before, but as you have not, you will of course ask a lady’s first qne»- tion, 44 How does be’look?”' + “ Well,* my far as relate to themere outward husk of the soql, out engravers and-, dagnerreotypiata bare done their work as well as usually do. The engravings that you"get in the best editions of hie works may be oonsfd ered, I suppose, a fair representationof bow he looks when be have bis pictnrq'taken, which is generally, very different from the way anybody looks at any other time. . Peopje seem to forget,: in taking likenesses, that the fea tures of the face are nothing but an alpbabt, *nd that a dry, dead map of a*person’s face gives no more idea how one look 9 than the simple pre sentation of an alphabet shows what there is in a poem. Macaulay’s whole physique gives you the im pression of great strength and stamiua of con stitution. He has the kind of frame which we nenally imagine as peculiarly Epgluh; short, stout and firmly koit. Tberd is .something nearty in all his demonstrations, Ti e speaks in that full, round, rolling voice, deep from the chest, which we also conceive of ah. being more jommon in England than America. As conversation, it is just like bis writing; that Is to say, it shows very strongly the same qnaHdeeef mind. ( I was-informed that he is famous for almost onoommon memory; one of those men to whom it seems impossible to forget a thing once read ; tod he has read all sorts of' things that can hie ‘bought of, in all languages. A gentleman tbld me that he eonld repeat aH the Newgate litera ture, banging ballads, last speeches anddybg confessions; while his knowledge of Milton-is so acute, that if his poems were blotted out of xistence,.they might be restored simply from •lie memory. This same, accurate knowledge extends to the Lstin.and Qrtek classics, to much of the literature modern -Europe. -Had nature been required to make a man to order, for a perfect historian 1 , nothing better coold have been pot toes her, einee there is enough of the poetic. fire included in the ..com position, to fuse all these multiplied materials together, and color the historical crystallization with them. Macaulay Is about fifty.' .He has nevermar ried; yet there are unmistakable evidences fa the breathings and aspects of the family circle by whom be was ’surrounded, tbat_ the social part is not wanting in bis coofbrafa tioo. Some very ch inning young lady .rela tives seemed to. think quite as mnch gifted uncle as you might have done bad he been yours. Macaulay is celebrated as a controversialist; and. like Coleridge, Carlyle and almost Wfhry. one who enjoys this reputation, he has’.qpme times been accused of not allowing people their fair share in conversation. This’might prove an objection, possibly, to those who 7 wish to talk; bat as 1 prefer to bear, it woald piovs hone to me. 1 must say, however, that astute occasion tbe matter wasqnite equitably managed. There werp, I should think, some twenty&ihir ty at the breakfast table, and the oondSaMion farmed itself: into little - eddHpof two or three around the table, new ond then welling ontlnto a great bay of general disaoune.. M’COlfatßia. * WU.LOCK, ' « BANKERS, AUftllaalnela Btctebf*, sad kartr xV Coin. Comal sad far foods received or rtejnelf ftoeks boogbt and loMbn inmiiilirtin OrilectfrM wade U so; pctntia.tbeGsUed - t.,.;., Soaih East corner of Market sad fifth etreets," *" ■ + 4 r> » •fc* a rt* urns noirputaL,pa i.m: [From the boa too N*wj] tbs Man that did Sot. MACAULAY. r. \ - :•• -'i-cfttv .4 w * ’ ~ **4 ~ r - 1 7ft 8 00 ... 400 ... ft 00 :JULY 12.