S&X& r *t. SkSIWkN I «ii^^ pplp&^| SBKr> J- *T* jgP-BStS* .‘fl. TO > !, f..'r. {W MllMigji S§^ss§i£ss3v- i ; ifthlifejSWfeM wSgS^ik &&$&$&? i jbhmb»b[l y^n EgSgigga Mp liiil llsilsiis wsiP*i % fi 11 Stjw rm iiJ kg! « **&©*#££*■ * "<><*ssi SSl!^*^lisfiffi ommm Mtsmm esmSiSMt&iSA Xv^-/V c V^Wi^■*•*s>•&*.«m*** *■Tt***?* jMV* * -p-m / + 3 *\ • ' K\ < V • ,V ;• -■ t' - H ‘ ;i■’ • ' -.j THE CITY POfrTl "i lliu Tmoil—A llttt* dreonntMM « towTe«tord*r.«hlehmwt»t»toirtoy i "**?] runoeretoth. *■>.<” Indue. pertlcotorlin. tor »U6h they «. trmto. jjA *** ™ tonan nnl+ed In f l #’L *°Si W to, Petl-rlnnd, uito toJW. .onatj.-irlunbo tad friende reddliig-to • fag T ,ry with Wm •rrtti. Intormktlon bow to **' “* tta „„i r for to. pent toC H« York Ctf to. only »** 01 ”“ I,in * Pittsburgh "" * alMtol the mnn to purehu. . *7 “-rST: litter pl.ee! HI. eoneternetlon end ““[°°, 8 _ "t, lmsKierf, when on.rriring In the Queen ] '.Mrtaibtow.t eitor ftom hit Wto ***gach ln toehlgheet degree* ,-d If tollroede.de., ehoold cootino. to employ auto per- M thej ehooldet lew take cue toherehontotonto, »b» poor Iguornut emigrant* toe rlotlme of their eb«*t«rj. . -—— o**ntfs FAm os tfi Foobth.—Sotot»l of oor eotemnorariekaro firing Ut. K l eri,lor «d oth« Om nlbni eompantoei J«t rebnko (br the extortion preotimd hr them hat Toeedry.ln cherflng double '*”• ” the happen* l to be an nnneuel demand for eneh mrii of ooßTeyenoe. The eomputle. bee* fbrththo plea..hat their rabldaawer..pnblieeonVanlen», for the neoommodatibn of thoee .bo were and.l. to Mr. other or more erpeodr. teem of conrejaoe.Jf “* *““• thedtj,endthetthe hre»eeplwaj. pleeedatthehrwwrt- earn. Id order to enable utt, nodlffeooe how poor, to petronlee them ; Jet on en oeeeeton like the nnmbera who are prerented, bftbelr Hmlted otrenmetaneea, from learlog the dtp dmlron. of breatblnf thereof ““““HMmtthmrtllT prohet af.ln.tj the rwmrrm.ee TAob of extortion -the, wire. foil* of on I the Fonith. I KtLhiD BT Falubo reo* A Bouse A-'tv. eteniDS of the Fourth, a yoong am Mined John eorronndlojin AhontmHdghh fcr abedehaober, «* —■ “ to « in thejrmnnd with inffldeht rtolence to fraotnre hie arm, U the-grounii bg , u taken to the renn mod three • digcoTered that In addition — - hat lltu. hope, oraninf, -hen bdd .JJ- on the a Tardiet of accidental death returned- M n.'“*.\£lo.» bonder hf trade, end I* enppoaed to belong to Elisabeth. Accideht.— A young ud named John WU n*mß. residing in the upper P» rt ° f Allegheny rity, Wl * .xTt lesterday, by the premature discharge Injured very seretel. i 7 mmerlna the load down of* pistol. WhU. '"M* "jStpW »Um nail *nd atone, from aome rw« “* *• ♦ nail striking Mm o® th ® **4® of hemd ’ ▼ent off, the aril rtruuug, lboT right .xerud.tta B , ontil mrflc.lMri.t-~ ™ S.atous Assault. Three “"•*”**“ °"” fi *'”““27 .« « v« the throat, and, after choking him severely, £££? Sa nco’c, when the other t- Wehrf -iST&t tta brnUl .tuck, be mrf. informtio. of *— **—“ p *f “‘ n " ’ ,IW * mMt to the meet of the pcrp.tr.ton.- Thmatwikoto K.LL.-A wortant w.eye.- tordoy Imed »T »»»■■ I:-^'.lo, . >„ rJ *h» ilMDtf Rescue, ehtrgea wiui onootW Nichole John. Th. projector, rX” on board tb. bet, oIK«- tbatU»«* Wm down .10. obittot of wood, ** to take tab life- - ~ SP: ggi it* SSI VMk.ahohox.t Accidsst. A little boy, Abort ZZ'm***. napaed George f %•_ tTeltera hoow, on Merkel etreet, EEV2J& -n,n, —«*. - ~ « » moehM to leotre bat little hopo of Mi t«or«r. ; Kkuso a Tippliso llotisE- Ann McNamara, tho proprietor of a doggery on PonneyW. «- *•“ 10 * *wTu“7 filing ligoor .ithont ItewMn noth of,*•, M.J. Wha T has become of tbe Allegheny Enter jriKt A onpj bu not b*n K«n on tide dd. of the rlxor the Fourth. —— -7. «- ,i n -- wrflaTillft. 3 tulles from Ja*oco**t*“i */^ miles feeKrr weusrin*. » T-xlnstoo is oo a part of ■“•'“'SHSms *nd etone, two etorleehhl tfafl pomieeMe e Urge nnd oprinjt hou«e ' houio. two «hoop W,«t.Wotliidoroe.ai,iil»r*o“r™go houoe, booi, . hog *T, »rn iecM»rj on . moke heuee.end "|7...er.illm:«prihn on the promisee, f*rm. .I™. v\f woter for ilUhe fields. POT further which nflord-e pi™ y subscriher on the premlteA intormetion enquire of the CHAPMAN, njfcwgm* iiggjj '* *♦,* T****r7 < . I * r " i ■■■• **'• .:•».*•* ■.* ’ ' •* :. '■ • »» .1 It 7TIBK underiigoea oSM for iJnedb J AnSl? JohMtoo! OaH. Uto batten oUee from™*:o*TUUn>- Thera ire •mmpike,itideOTtJnel*6CKES oUMr oB t. ■on it four Dialling MTeotyfire ecre; ire bOUM«, md * 1 enUtv»tiab. A good Orchard. “MS-' '-"""SSiSSsS,™ . 1 «“»"•* «■ c»U ttnd Bettle - J A>IES HBNDEBSOIj, Aiin’r. Also, ono-h*ir sere Ljt In fi £ e imp rove- It is • Wuttfal Lot; in tgntot *soo>nqal« of •meat»»ml Is offered for descriptions °* M™* •me OsllMid got my B*gu« r » * T jjoaAB' WOODS, voriety of property. 75 Joortb street. . j«B2 1 M’ooa t« * t,l ‘ ’ . KB DMlor. In E^ct.L, 45k*? U» a l/fcnrtl.r. V.lliP T "“" «-as!!. c i5KK$ notm«dtiu.t Subscriber :? for ifL» o ,i m _ nVrf'K? DotuL per *»”; rtr^3STp« the wfagle wnoant h P» Id^ LYAN TrtMQTer- ijlOK .'ALB-i r Mill, Gleje Wort ?J%l?S7t e rini end price enquire - MEB bjchey, , Real estate Agent. TOKNIP fIKISDS. — „ . __ Rnta Baga, Z'J&fJ o** 0 ** Vo! low Aberdeen, Norton. . Globe, and Delee HybiW; whol „ 4 „ua .. the Store, mh WAKDRO p JLeuArtOLS—AT A. McTIGUK’iS. of Urenl and P A «fth street*—loo plain Green Selin; .60 figured, all Z J^/ruMdandlined;7splainQrosd»Napleslined; 100 pi*- ° ell colors. All of which will be aold low flawed an- * ’ jelS> to quality. -■>ppua.-400 frehPin FRKSB PWB for sale by rive by Express, WI j; C. AND] PKBBKRVIKG «*» (/ White Soft Cnuaw* »* StaLAih '- / N. 0. Sugar,»!b* for $ l » for • F>LAC& LM3E MITT=—A taautirttT O felling cheap at J*g* iWKttY AMP QU)VK».—A. Uwir nit* offer «>»J Hrg£f.t. wductlo. of IS P« tinman prio«,»t TELEt Busan«bft&n» R»Ur«*d Aeelde ■»• urtium. July 7,— The total number of death* by th» i»btSro*d *xkient Is thirty-two, and throe or four more llftWMßlniarod are In adoubtful condition. at tha road. He rerigo# this morning- - The eoddent Is now attrinuted to the recant removal of JjJ sxpartonood Pioddon'. *wi Banri»t«aamt >7 acription, and appointing Inefficient and Inexperienced po- I litioel sufioessora. ' ' Tremendous Btorm««Oholera at S*» LumjJ**- Cixcwuaw, July 7,-During the ?“ D l 6 rXS£*it£lu i *—>*? «“* ° f ' b * ‘deaths during the week,4wo hundred W seven were cholera. ' _ • ; - Qhureh nohbery. PmLADKLPBiA, July 7 —BL Andrew's Protestant EpUoopjd ChuX»™r «r eighth .»4 Bpn.«. ««•*?• Into l.rt night, nnd lobbod of the gn.Mr y»rt of tj>, Jrto ,°Io communion Krrice,— eoniLllog of font pLteS two brood sLmla, fbor win. enpo, Md two win. j strainers. _ Another Rmtlrood Aeeldent. Bcmto, July 7.—The night laSnlSt! , Western Railroad, asUlefcthe "W*?* 3 * ?l£srfbe tr£k! ran over a horse and threw two . The llntdw ■killing seven, end severely woundiog ton. The passengers escaped unharmed. mmiM lst! |op f nfm worth of fraudulent stocks. xblmeaph iußXxn. sSSsSSSSS'SHS sSS'Ssssssp * hite Hiehlgan at gw. rf M bosh Western pr ? C !S E ??£ whiskv easier. Pork depressed, prises again r o w«- »S X@n£?f«m* slo® Ift ao Beef firm, dty mess $l6 60. Cut meat, tower; Hams 6&'!. of Ibo Jnblic iu»L within th. undmuratloD-i mwb.hip-. rtilaan. TowD.bip. tw.n>yd.o, t-.n-,-tbr« t.„f r fcur, l.rw ty ”«bi iw»tr«iß.,.! *'w™*t> twratyflT.. l».»- bd« ‘inc, anti ttMcf 0* principal** " RiW “ a-ZTSS or "SISSi thlrty-Sye, thirty--.. •»« thirty--™.. of "??.ihl'p. thirty four, thinr-n.., thirty■•!., .nd UUrty ri Mi torty-ooreo, of mp fc twenty-nil. o, thirty. Mi thirty-«T., of too*. twenty-nine, thirty, thlrtyf«yo,.»d forty-ono, thirt y-800, of "“JVTSiKL e | £ hteeo. - ' 6 At’ttitod o^rit"H*!lAßnA,crmnooriMoo Mtaoj Stbfp'affiS^lhb.'th. fSowloJ oi—i 10-iJSpi «/ 01, bcu K«o, «*«* *' ?*** .SESHjgSjSSSaS ******* - bylnw for tb. cm of School., MUiU. towthor with tboe. “ewomp nod n thSUby unttl for coltl.rtion," If OTurflowea ■“"» b Tth»«!tradtlad u An*et toena* ST i;?* ■ ; g* h “S' A ““ D °“MA°NKI!irMBBCE ht NOHOB TO raMKPMIJ. to , R.«W«r of th> pr°P« sssr»J^*-S^;^ JbSlw**!** CcmauMxiatur of ih* General Land Office. United State* of America-Western Dl»- i trlct of P«nn*jrlwuata -cttHERBAS A LIBEL HAS BKEtf PILED IN THE W District Court of the U. State* for the Western District of PenSirWwU on the 28t*day of June, A.D. IBM. br* 14 m wflmn libellant and c&owdpi, BgntDrt the STEAM* in»T - JO3TICE," wb t r«f John SUln.r I. math, brr .S,fnn>itur* do. .lining, In ,nbot.no., th.t i?: Twain Steiner, who U also part owner, detain* *£• S? w and moneys she baa mad*, from the mid libel the boat aDd m , y i„ ue ast the eald ! w*t2rkie Act and that the *ald boat may be held In JSfedT uSSI lh* Onnrl doored. thereon, or nofflclont Becurlty be (Hren monition nnder the OW ;S. ijd’tonrt U.M dlmotea end delivered, Ido teal of Ibe said u) * . claiming the aaid b *c therein, boat, her before B aid DUtrictCourt, ttf that >b*y in and for the Western be held at the city of PJnaonrgu. TUESDAY OF ssStSsfesKSastra allegetions In th.t bet ‘*!J KILEV PRO3T| B . g. M.nhal. n p tt IMTT.TQW. Proctm for Libellant. , , Doted>t« sth d»y ofJnle.ldM.. [Jyfcltj.wdtd (ttl< otiSlxrale Ajni ret in. dealer hi OrooHc pRODU Cv . t , m. v«mm on band a large assortment Cell and see me at my n** " MW - !—i i 30N k 00, Wood street#- gheny, Pei detto, baring rann rated to make Slpirej. la RaAMtotoJ^iarere" toa^F s*"" 5 *"" ’ rtthD “ H. PHILLIPS, i JOHN NICKEL, JBm . of Robinson township. I&MMW <* RRto M» Nktoi>. by A. M*CLURG. 00RD«t^8- FRANK Ti >N * OU. «JH. •dm at Store eloeingout %*vn. ' : '> 's ''V>7-' £;-P*V : r- ' •«, - V- ■_! M -.“* »t ■ *' •' ' -. ' t. ,* ■ . * « “X *'r *• *, *» ' «- * • ■ jS.\?''i'j^vOo - 1 ■■■'~' : v^-T^V;<*'’.;• rj[; l! : ’; v.-: ; y • V - .•-•,♦.v• - i< — .7:>y7 f >;77 ■' i: 7;,-K,. ; .'sI>‘iv'-.'*' •'*• -7 *V-*yyy^yv*,';, ■ .*••: v; ■: •;iv;••*>,»*>.;v ‘::i^--:'r• ' - ' ::<^:r^ .... : ■; .. 77k . >V»^@a^JF*i , V, r V’-.'i'‘; ~■»■.»l'*fc't^j,a».<.». .r. 'ti v:V'- >. ■' 1 , , j ! i •, ? . r-.c- : -t' ‘ '*V A. G. CUB'S AGE s roR Mtn jsR Jnt x Tha mnar.—Utl .rmlng «t dMk, lb. itw.of »«'“ br IS. nM.di nurk, wu 3 tort bud rtrttoniiy from moroimf. Tb» Baekwbwt b« i. taoomliig TtoibL, b.low th. Monon gabela Bridge ? The regular Wheeling packet leaving today. *» the new light draught eteamer Eclipse- She departs at 8 o*B lock. The Ughtnlpg line of boats between Ctnclnuatl and Louis villa, have changed their time of leaving from the evening to 12 o'clock, M , «>b account of tow water. The steamer Time and Tide Is the St Louis packet going direct through, leaving at 10 o'clock this morning. She will depart positively attbe above hour. The steamer Mansfidd, Capt. Marstta, has taken the place of the Crystal Palace In the St. Louis and Louisville line. The Crystal JFWace left Louisville last Saturday for New Or. leans, with a fine trip. ire learn from the Cincinnati CUtentom, that the packets Htgh-Plyer and Telegraph No. 3, have reduced the fare from Cincinnati to Louisville to $l, meals and staterooms in eluded. This is cheaper than hotel boarding. The Saturday paeket for Cincinnati U the steamer Em pire, Capt. Shephard. This Is the maiden trip for the Em pire, and wRh pleasure we can reoommeod such a fine craft, | and Uapt Shepherd, with his two asristaote, Hr. George I Doyle, first, and Neal Hull, second clerks. If any one wish es to make a pleasure trip to the Queen City and back, our word for It they *ill be well provided for from their hands. I Bbs leaves at 10 o’clock. Sou among the Deck Bandtr- The Evansville Jourewl, of tho 27'tb, says the Otendy Burke arrived there from New Orleans last Sunday afternoon, with 1280 bare of Iron, tor the E. andC. Ral:rosd. About an hour and a half »Rer “ST arrival, her deck bends, forty-six in number, all her, or quit. Some of them returned to work 7maeTd*y, on the condition of being paid ten oeuU e bar roT putting the Iron on shore! At New Orleans the Csptaln had •“PW’J men to load the boat, and there deck hands cams on board I Jst before the boat started, and bad nothingtodoou e war up but wood and fire up, and receiving the very high est Taps Tha-work of unloading was going on wf *lowlv Yesterday, occasionally enlivened, however, by * fltht between the bends. The condoet of these deck bands is getting to be intolerable, and no offer. W« advise commanders to make distinct end written I eontrtets with them (they fear writing) not to be paid a cent till they unload the boats. Tbs Sultana, by adopting this course, kept bar deck bends while noloadmg }*» bars 1 of Iron here la«t week, and did the work in a few boors. Stukboit Mxh in want or Pure Medidnesand[ MedWne Chents, can have »b«m supplied etlowerpriere than they can be h*' l any where in the eity.by calling st ean oe uau au/ DR S Drug Store, No. 140, comer Wood st and Virgin alley. Sign of the Golden Mortar. POST 0? PXTTBBTJBGH 3 rxst 0 tWCBKS WSVKX 111 TB» CBAHXat. UAVAL mac. • arrived. iteamer Jefferson, Parkinson, Brownmile. « Luserae, Bennetfo Brownsville. «. Thomas Shritet, Hendrickson. West Newton, u Q en . Bayard, Peebles, Elisabeth. X ' Exchange, STCellum, Wheeling. (< Convoy, Wolf WelJsvllle. *• Beseue, DesmnkeSjLUteTTille. DEPARTED. Jefferson, Parkinson, Brownsville. « Luserne.Bennett.BroTmsville. Thomas Shriver, Hendrickson, West Newton. „ Gen. Bayard, Peebles, Elisabeth, u Hartford, Haxlet, CinriDnatl t. Exchange, M’Callam, Wheeling, u Ceovoy, Wolf. Wellsville u Fairy Qumo, Reno, Wheeling. STEAMBOATS. PITTSBITBGH, CntCDntATI, LOUISVILLE, ARD MIST LOUIS. Pitulranrh sai Cinclui»tl St»m P»ek»t Llm, * voavnt coktxtaxcs PASSESOBBS ASO FUSIOHT l (PITTSBURGH, CIHCUmATI, LOUISVILLE, And Saint Lomla. ' This Lm* U eompoeed of seven ■ 1 dsss powerful Steamer*, I for speed, eplcndar, safoty,^^^^^" L. »nrt.u of 0» ' Captain. 3ram nu&nrpli. rtC.Vrto. M on lh. mornln, ol I *i£pk,a!.”, •'■J'JiS B*un»osros, 1 A JuUN VtACK, ' I * Mooon*mi»U Qoom BaHditifi. IdrrWl PltUhnrgb. 18W. For Clielnut'. ' TUK df» Itcht armUjtllt *t«*w*f ,l ror|J3it .nd jjb - - o flr it, Lool*—Dlr«e«. tS« **«-rTIS!K WiDTlDK.&rtOftrrW. fl9*fc-tii iMie/sr the *»«*• »od tatFnn«dUl« l»rU dHHBoa SATURDAY. Btfa to«U »t 4 V M. For MkU .»d p-«. A p. t iFor Clnetßß«U> __ • TIIK «r.m.r «U*KKH CITI , W-J■ «• I IP?’- »° will lr.ro for lhj«tx... ,nd lol«rm~ll iaßßpi.rrporuonSiTi ai.iT, Ih. Blh ln«, .110 ° icmu. | e«ry MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, .ad 9 o’ciock. A- M-, thnO and P RallreSl at WbUftHl*. *Po» f*»Ubt *pptj to 1 , £ “ J. D. COLLISttWOOP, Afoot. 'aiiniiir Wheeling Paeknt. I«*tw e«ry TVK&VAY, ilHkvl SATCKDAV, .t 9 oVl«» A W., «nd nrn nreUns with t n C. And P. Jullrond At WeUrtH'- Vot frright apply to jeau -• : • - • ‘‘lBb4 ” CANADA WEST. Port Stanley. *nd Hurt Barwell, a* follow*. _ . U.t«. CUT«laml for Port Stanley, erery MOHBAT t»d THURSDAY BVBMNQ, o clock. sswiSisSfc'aiiSß^v&f-MT SSSsrs^!rasff«= »»il puu|. »pply »» boord, or to SOOVILL t L*TOS6“IAcf.7SSd; P 4 I. HOL£OMB, Porter . or A. M’BKIDB. Port Bur.oll. WANTS, r\NE HUNDRED MSN WASTED on tha Cangrt Rjj£ (1 ro-j b«i*MD WUkinuburg and Irwin * Statioo. The t »\ v- *i 1214 a daT, payable at tao end of each !K*h aLo M udnaKSeod CART 3 wanted on tie earn* “»V“t,««• «n> b. jiT.n; nn,u.r. at the office, Btaddock a Flelda. my29:tf / rttfiTwAßßANTfl WANTED—SI7B 00.—I wWJto pur* *chw» L*»d Warrants to the*Jaountof Fit« Thousand el in 160, 80 or 40 acre Wamntti tor which vtt l I* 55d»mi-lou.ijt k» EEBuSS Kr 80 *■“> 40 K ™. Applj mv3 corner of BeTcotb and Bmithfleid etreeU. myo »• Ah'TKD —TWU OK TUHKK U)TB. on Diuoonll batneen fimithflald and Grant atrnata, tor nhlch a 1,111 15 rourthrtjrrL^ N— BY EXPRESS. Cummings' Lectures on Daniel. Cummings’ Lectors* on the Parables- . ” n TrZ\r,‘f(hl“;*. : . irLlß&.l.Ed wm.mm jel6 ___________—- -■ ■ ■— “6 «». Th»wU.U.«toP«rcto- 0 »^S»SS;““ enquire or 76 pourtb itrat. jei9 .„M 1„ fi,. «!U.l V»u,th „■ »" 50 do lOxU; 25 do 0x12; , 15 do 7xo; ,J™" I ’* •" d BWr ’' b ™ nd ' ' S M'I? J ni T BIKCLU iI I" Extract com:iv-«w box**, *, e aua T^u J tin boxw, for sxle by aMrrH j«ZB Ji TIEIMOKB-tO ■)<>■ ln» Be»a tringy. tlKt F“"“fSrijor,,]u«t nM. £r expio, •*.«. S 3, oorxiM of Market etieel and tha VAN GOftDEB. OKMI ANNUAL SALK-WO &swra;Bireft®a?a« 25 Fifth itreet. jt36 , -|fTW T^lgltwnnn>B BQftlOS LKMON 6XKUP; : U ChADTin’B Philadelphia Sjrup; Do Pine Ppple do; , . Do -Eu.pb.rry VlM*«: tor »£• {* cumo j«2O . *V"VaIUABUS OBIST WILL of ihrw ran AM. ottarniß,out 60 bbl* <* tjgg! to 24 tojw. 140 Third Btrcet j«l3 PHS?=S **> .iiKMun to J. KMd *oo-M Wood irtrwt Avtmk noUNTKX BKAT OgfK&Kl* of U»p.o™> In*. on U» KinonTiUo n»d »££&£* toW - i _ m 76 foorth »tr«u p.y.* machINKS— Waraated tocutftom lOtolft per day, with o» •pt» ofhoreee »nd driver. For BHANKLAND, I „ IMWoodfOy* AmctlOß**D«llr laid* , < A T tho Oommewtat BdwBoMM» oornor of .1 AsK^sssrtsassssw r-r.’^g^ta^.ny. Qlaues, New and Bocond Hand Houortiold and Kitchtn Far ultare, Ac., T P . «. ‘ eS^555#5S ——: p. X. DAYIB, Auctioneer. K c, cottoT SALE OF CHARTIERB FLOJRINO O mSt PRfIPEKTY -fIS MONDAT MORNING, July Jj l "?J2 "nUiTjSlnUo*. by order ot MroM.ry h K' i"SSta^IKSSS.EdSd£SK.O»I Comply t of tbo Utter roor within Ejo£rt“o‘ SEuitf. Pittsburgh and SloubonrlUo SSHSrSsjfSacß of EoW Wood*, E*, «%rssas a;*iasr«. «.od«° with lateral. jj DAVIS, Auctioneer. jy*_ ▼elopes, Ac., Ac. iyg ivyrfl AND BHOES-Oo BRIDAY MORNI[iO, the Tib taunt".” lOo'ctak, .t the Commeret.l B.te. Room., aer rtWiA .id niu. ettaU, »IH »• “'<• • S'SSSS Icther, Morocco »nd broniol Mcourej^Tic. Farm for Sale. mn « . n fua*riber. Urine Is Feters township, Washington T »ir« .t pn.»te ule hi. hn, . con,.in , hundred meres, more or lew ; mbout wrrpty-flTe log 0 .. . Maared and under good fence, with wmler »"*? iTmiw n conifortnWe Dwelling Hour.., Jo erery Jeidt thew i- «JJ> a » bUDdaace of Frail, of ThtopwJSfiS 13 miles from the City of mile- from the Cbartlere Valley Railroad, oewr Thompeonrille, ami is eonrenienl to Churches. Schools, SSft and SVMill*. For further particulars enquire of the subscriber, on the premises. JeJfcfitw* ITS Sheep for Bele. THE subscriber offer* for **l« one hundred end eeynty fU«fhaed of floe STOCK SHEEP, In Bert D-er town .hip, on th.Grnu.bur* »nd Butin fn,m “‘‘irai.* Oulbepmniws. A«w Mail*- The lUrt Walts, by W De Ham; GenuyiAve Waits, by ; La Bella Swiss* Walt*, by IP Albert. The Kymph of the Ware Walt*, by Wallas. La by Wallace; Little Blossom, Polka Maaourka, by H. Mason , Wig wag P.'lka, by P. H Brown; InTitailon Polka, by Wuilw; . The Crescent, Turkish military Polka, by Jurho. Florida, polka Bedowa l y Brawler; Flora Maaourka. by Hope Polka, by Schwab; 11-shlng Polka, by Strakoach; Willard's Polka, by Strakosch; Daisy Polka, by Jocbo; First Lore Scbotdseb, by Wallace ; Verbena Bebotttsrh, by gcballabn; Whisper Sebottisch, by Kruger; Just reeetved. together with a ‘k I tBFTL 1 ‘ »av —"" -siPw — <£iSß n.rp XTKW IowKS, AT HUSSKLLS'-J-lor.ljrßdi.y.orPn.- [\ nw In »n Kr.ntful Lth: b? Mr» Booilln. Tb.£stili , » IHujhtnr; • nntnl for Amorlonr to rmil: by Ni«l BunUina. , _ , _ . Tbe Renegade Glpaej: a »*L „ . __ r;<>w C*M eod examine at RCS3KLL9 cheap Dock B.ore, Fifth No. li, near Market etreet. J , '- x _ XT’kW »weft Monte—KoigbL. Herdsman'* Mountain Ryme Song. 1 1 Jasmin Valse—Wallar*. I’m * Murry LaugblngGirl—Glorer. f«i»1 for »1. .t cnARurrTE ein „-< Old EataMUbod piano lVp<>t. US 'N;'’d st. 7\m\Ts»»uk a>ka«kuui-in. « 01 i. 30 by «! with doe pant. Hew, cuul lioa*, Ac. “jlS«Al« wnwntA. fur • !«*• Frroe Uh- Ud. .U...W cd tier,..™ n*d. * » olh " “Tcbtmm** l"l liu TLirt TYaTmTlfANmVuif^-A - Ai.l .ITOI. •h’-r'’ “'J ** [' found lb- lurpn-t uud n«l conpl.t* *'"’s"™} ' *„urh und Am.rt-.n W.II f.»«. »»> of Ihe b‘; «H«- Velvet. Oold S*tio. Flonvral. Common »nd Cwej SpJ. 6-nr.icm.. SU.lu.fT MA C«c liquid I'uu'U of Ou«, M.rbl. uod OoM. •''•“"l!“D * und ofDoM df«or»t«d io . frwt variety »!«■»?■ on baud. V, bun, .10. rMARSHALL. XTUTICK TO KaK M ISK^— J>| W> Hor* Hik**, Improved pattern , 20 patent Grain Drill*; 40 do*en Hay Hake*; 20 do Hay Fork*; 6 do Ore o Cmdla* 1 ao do Hcjtbe* end fntatba; r io d-. .Uur-M.^-1 upraVlD. aim of M»y. . I). OOLUSQWOOP. Altmt. rruVafANTTS'TH* MONTHLIES. Il»rp«r’« M*C» I clm. to* JuW,h»* bwu X tli»,wr 7 KLRINKR‘B Literary IWrot.- iTI Fifth rt~ oppo»« Dop«y. M£. T bM r ttSSIU W O— *. *&»«- “"i.si,Tss” ,r jeU kCL Booksellers and Stationers. 7 :»i ’ + i / ••• *♦ *V. * - ■ ',’AV-' ••••’..'iV »' ' , ■*• > v % »’ t\ -J p, M. DAYIB, Au^itiooear. TSAAO DICK BOV BAILEY ft RENBIUW |H'uMUSOAUELAWUiaKV-lw'Ta«UiaMonODpJ»l JSi Wbikky, Juki Jr! *««.!, . 124 SecooJ street. A GOOD DWKLUNU UOUSK (No. imra Blr^t)FoH -OUBSKLL k BRO.h.T. nMi«J D^TOT XVj Knickerbocker, for JOOB, .1 th« LITBRARY DLTOT, u Fifth street, near _s (Ytvini] MACIIINES— Warranted to cut from 10 to 15 am nt fipm net dat. with one one span tif hornet ... »- •ujjiankland. r TWO BTOBY UHIUK tIODBE-ne“*o«r “W"*? A lncJ^Z;,iZIn T *%£'£*«{& rA *«L -i-'iWNS-A.. A. UASUN * 00. are now opeuiog b T Ahan 1000 pieces fine Lawns, all of wbwh arc anti li atria. aDd will be offered at reduced price,. T-rraiairr steak bhuTlers-a ■“W'j )“»<■ JJ wired and for sale by* m 3 30 BAILF.Y * KF.yfrHAW. VJT Jttßt. received end for eele by 0 a Wood , treel . AUo, .11 the leadlug weekly p.per. -d cheep public.- tIOQS- . r>UTNAM KOU JUH lb« public at the usual and eetablie A BRO. jja tTAUPKB FOK JULY-ltoyr'. Hi- «d for «»la by 8. y ( jyi _ nMtANfrPABJSMT QRKKN OIL OU)XH-iaXI wrm. It fl 'SAIiSfAJiM a sa to 45 incbe*. for tala w hoi wait A noth Wamoontf. No. 116 Market at. and retail at the Oil Ciotn *»«« .1 Jt H PHILLIPS. my 26 - oUQ AE—4O hbdfl prime N. O. aog»r; O 1 ° n coD*lgomeot; 11,1 ‘wair JtM^ii™J»-co- tt-W.* «* cheepwt 300 ecree ot bo»X on theMo gtin n°w U the time. Knqm fourth rtreet. J«a - SdtjWindoltarf r* Lard and lard oil— U*e*aNo. lUrd; 10 bbla do Lard Oil; 6 half bid* do; ‘ ,,U J««. 1 Lard Oil; . 10 hf du do; foM*i«*y jjy _ MILLER A RIOKETBON, y A VA COKEKK —2u jx»ckeU> Uld Coffee* for ■ by f J„I7T MILUHIt * KICKKT--ON. I.AKKT WINK—»»»• Sirmm" 11 ' and for sale by ijet<) .MILLER * RIC&liTa *•_ |U VK OIL-16 g CKCTBON . TAH CANDLEE —25 boxes 4’s, 6V md > for wleby [J«l7] MILLER * lUCKBTSON.__ Ti'iSH—3s bbls Medium No. 3 Muikertsl; H in •• No 1 Wckled Herring: In stow and or |jel7° MILLER k KICKKTSON. —HAMPAUNE—4O basket* “172." “174," Champagne ~ WI-, toli-8 .nd for »»« - R , CKtT£os . i n j£-» 6 bbb No.for »>* »y Burrn t a , SCI , tm . ANTILI.AB.-a7 A. MASON A OU. un' more then 100 Uwt atjle.* of Muot.llaa. ObLtor »l.bJ H| , NRY , IOLMKi INBKKD OIL— 1U i Je»9 JM k!—lUO bblfl for wile by jelfl —a i.KßATfla—kl bxi puhenswt Balera«ue, io quarter, Jf™ ftod pooQdpapcrg, for- |ty HQLMES , Butler, for rale by 11ENKY HOLMES. i3UTTKIfr—I6 kegs fresh Kurkin £> • »“■ "“ h u,ta4 « r rATHU-3 bbi, coru«r of the Diamond and Marketat. J_JLUKLI< 'in store and for sale by FLEMING BROS- NO. 1 LARD 01L—25 bbl* myW __ iKU OIL, NO, 1-J»« I nyHHI _ . > tad for Mile by [jelflj « JQH.N UAH, JK- R IC £^ der ”°° c0 ° 8ig °°" ! ° t Fatij-Kliii CO. XTKW DBOOKATION3— St. Nicholas’ tern, fcr Bile b 7 WALTER P. MARSHALL^ TARCANDUSa—W boxes Cincional niatjatsolarpre prices. my 6 1' ikP.STu.N k U.KRKILL’3 Extracts of lemon, Oranger I Low. Vanilla, Peach, Almond, Jamaica Ginger, aud ;j«80] W. A. M’CLUIiQ. KERN'S NEW BOOK—Pern Leaves, from ian r ny’fl Portfolio; second series; with original designs; bv Fred. M. Coffin. Jusi received by uy rnw. £ T c MORGANt HE ytfIJCT UK ART—Just pablished complete, from Blackwood's Mngxuine, price 25 cents; for sal# by j e iy IL iliNEIt A CO.. 32 Southfield street. AND Wm’lK PLAID OiMiHAMS— Anaseort ment of the above Goods j ust revived : e l5 ' corner of Grant and Filth streets. "S'ooEV’S AND PETRKSON’A MAGAZINES, for July, T have been received by RUSSELL k BRO, Fifth strwt,,near Market. O - " BY PEACHES —10 bblfi l>ry i*e»eh«; 30 do Dry Ap pled, fur sale by >l9 HERRING —100 bbls Baltimore Herring Jn More and for ,*]B \> f . ENGLISH k JUCUARDSON. m?3O ?f Ufl ffuer and 160 Front ft. B' LTIMOKE iitKKINO—IOO bbls recited this day by PenocTlTUiU Rallrond. mod for sale by 3 ENGLISU k RICHARDSON. . a 11G Water street. . ti» n 30 bids Baltimore Shad in store and for sale by S ENGLISH k RICHARDSON, 116 Wafer anil 150 Front st- , ,HU, lo bhU Baltimore Shad, in store and for sale by j„ fl ENGLISH k KICHAKPSUN. UITK FISH—SO bbieTdp pectrd. for sale by Ji ENGLISH A RICHARDSON. MAChkitiiL— JOO bbls No- 3. for sale by j. 6 ENGLISH k RICHARDSON. PKAK£— 40 bbb crime Pears, for sale by gxoLian k KicmuPsoN. 1 'let—loo tiercea prime Kic*s, for b -le by i„l7 KXOI.ISH k KICUAUDfcOV SUAI>:— 26 bbU Bbui: 60 hf bbls Shad; io *tore and for sale by ~j ele KNGLI3R A RICHARDSON. Potatoes *. 'y. N[lY „ cow^. trim*. lor sale t-y- UENRY COLLINS. DRY PHACIieU 25 bua pi J-10 - )K V Ar | -L^«bu.rc r '» l .^ NK T „ CULU; . a OUOAK A>'l> MOLASSES— -60 Liid« N. O. Sogar: 76 bt>l* do Molaaaea; 25 do 8. U. Miluw; for sal? by .M’CLURKAN, HERRON * CO DRIED FRUIT— 2a eackt Lry Appl**; 15 caalu Dry Peacb*a; tor «w« by J( . 5 M'CLURKAN, UKRIION * CO^ nUTATOES—‘JO tips ou ccnrizms-'Bt, and for sale by Y* M’CLt'HKAN. UKHIION' A CO, ACXj’n'StiurU>EKs^- 24c*R»u> receded on consignment and for tale low by M'CLURKAN’, II EUROS A CO. PIG IRON—luu too* M*;rrrr omDty. t,abar»o Furuac*,) t, r rai« by __ [my'«U] KING * MRIIEAD. EDFOKITmINEKAL WATER—In bbU nod half bbl«s u»k aod inolb*rry cooperage.) lor m>« by ;*b V KING A MiXIRHKAD. LA 4 *—500 boxc.«, Bxlo, »x!2 and 10»14, M’Kunnan A in .tor. ..Ul fc, 4 MIX)KnKAD _ R’l Jtiiy APPLES— Pared cor*d, and sliced, put up In pdl(!D ran?. hermetically sealed, retaining the origi nal fl»ror and fre*bu«w of the fruit; for sale bj W.- A. 51 CLvRu. ftL'UAK AND MOLAtfSfc 1 — 7 Maple Mol*.*****, of S c*rb ; 2UO ttw do BuU new Potomac Herring; H 5 Jo Jo 81*id; the first <4 it#* 9ea.=«.n. Alm, Halifax Herring; No. 1 and 3 Mackerel; Salmon, smoked. do. pickled : on hand and for sal* by tnrll BAILEY A RBXSHAW.2&3 liberty street ICB CKltaftl FttBIOKIiS-Tba *«“• of tb,tl ° J '° •ft.gyMfawsw. ! H" ‘ KCiakk’d PAKINA BOlUKK.—Tliis has been found one of the m-*t desirable article* in the way of cook ins uientdl* yet invented. It la almost Indiepensible in toe preparation of Parian. Oritta. Ilomony, Oreen or DrW Eslu. Ac. For nl. b, BAILEY m\3o '33 Liberty inwt l7 1 mKj W a lIA D Eei—- A large stock, of Transparent Win- YY dow Shades, oomriating of the Gothic, Plain, Boquet, - -Tale, Lmdso.ape and Drapery atyiea; for »1 »fc°*e id retail at the Oil Cloth Ware rooms. No. lid Market j e \pj J. A 11. PHILLIPS, 'Ti ki k VAltUi 3, fot»jo ,hol««olo .oil no Market street. [jeU) OUMMBRCRAVATS.—We are now opening a Tariety of O new styles of Lawn and Gingham Cntvam and Tie* for aummer wear Also, some very rich and fashionable plain “ d tone/ Silk Cravats *nJ , 25 Fifth street. WALL PAPERS—A new supply of 12>$ ceo j Papers just received, for sale by , ' x * WALTER P. MARSHALL, , , 85 Wood street. FTNiTpaPKR HANGINGS —A choice assortment in ehints, brocatello, and satin imitations, for sale by j O 5 WALTER P MARSHALL. AttlilAtiK OIL CLOTU—2,OQW yards of the plain and enamelled finish, manufactured on plain, heart duck gooas; sold wholesale and retail at the Oil Cloth Warerooms, No. 116 Market street, my 26 M 01186*5 OUMFOUNU SYKUt* OF YELLOW DOCK. ItOOT—-This compound will rcmoTe diseases arising from Impurity of the blood. It Mb' m a purifier of the blood; strengthens and braces the system; is harmless and blmple in Its effects. For sale by . TONS N 6. 1 SCOTCH PlO METAL, arriving and ic •aleby (jo7J WM. BINGHAM k CO. sellkrs ca TI AKI-KU'S SUUAZIMi, •<* «»». .f ,„_q, 104 Wood StM-et 'RUSSES—O doz Marsh’s celebrated Trusses, received by 5.17 JOS. PLhMINu. —CHIEDAM SCHNAPPS—I gt osa Wolfe’s Aromatii Sch ’“ Pn " 7 .103. HJMINO. OMADBS AND IIAIH OILS—A very large assortment or the finest English and French PomadM and Hair Oils,.received by [my26] JOS- FLEMING. A LLSPICE AND PEPPER— A 10 bags Pepper; 5 “ Allspice; for sale by j l 7 MILLER A KICKE^ON. —BED BUCKWHEAT—4O bus prime, just received ai for sale by [je2lJ JAMES WAUDROP. PhIMK LEMONS—ISO boxes prime Lemons, in fctoi and for sale by jel4 J. C. ANDERSON A CO., 6 Wood street COOOANUT6-2000 freah Cucoaniiui, ju*tarm. and for sale by ' . jel4 J. 0. ANDERSON & CO , 6 Wood street. rust received and for sale by JOBU MOHLRR. OTTKR—I4 flrkiDß prime freeb, received and for sale b] j yl * HENRY H. COLUNS. EAJtLS—I2 csetU just received and for sale by jjl lIENRY 11. COLLINS. ■rjIELE GUNS AND PISTOLS—A greet variety keptoon J\, Bt&ntly on hand, together with thr necessary apporte nances, and shooting material In general, for sale by jjflp BOWN k TETLEY . EEYOLVHtS —A good assortment of all lands of Tera, Including Colt’s, Allen's, Maraten’e, Werner’s, and the BaTolring Hammer Pistol, just received and Ibr salt wholesale or retail, by BOWN A TSTiKY, j e 24 138 Wood street. ALTIUORK 11EK&13G AUD SHAD, Tery flge, for »1« by the barrel, by BAILEY A BENMLAW, j gg 3&3 Liberty etreek NOW NOTHING BHIBT COLLARS. and » fall Meortment of Furnishing Good*, nt the new Trimming Store of Je24 XTBA OLD'OOT’T. JAVA COFPBE—A f«W Ug>, Ye i .£ P ° Ttot ' r ' Cri '' d “ df ° r '“' W. A. M’CLURO. —RAPIE bh*wlb.—A. A. MASON M OQ. bate joat n Mlved. p*r expreaa, onottwr Ur«e Miortment of tte p)«ip ni »°ibtold-r~-; -.~Tgv. attention to the disease until the Bowels l 'Jw become Mrawgulated. when, in-*H proha t ill y. it may be 100 laU. Ho» important it H then, for all ihose suffering from any form of Rep* ure of the Bowels, to rail at once upon DR- KEYBER, ei bis Wholesale Drag Store, on the corner ofSSood street a:.d Virgin alley, and procure a TRUSS, to retain the pro* trading portion of the Bowels. Dr. Keyset has an office beck of the drug store when: Trusses ere applied, and war* ranted to give satisfaction, lie also baa etery variety of Tmeses that you can name, and at any price, to suit the means of every one in need of the article. I also keep every kind of Supporters. Bdy Brace* , Suspensory Banda ges. Elastic SUxkinys, fur enlarged veins, and all kinds of mechanical appliances used in the cure of disease. I would respectfully invite the attention of the public to an excellent Truss for.Cbildren, which Invariably effects cores in a very short time. N. H —I also keep on hand, and for sale, a large assort mm't of Shoulder Braces of the moet Improrod hind, tint h... hem worn with so much Jntlsfhctlon by hundreds of persons, both in and out of the city. DR. KEYSKR'S DRUG STORE AND TRUSS DEPOT, corner of Wood street aDd Virgin alley, No. 140, sigh of the Golden Mortar. Jel4dftw HENRY HOLMES. FROM THE HEW HaVEH PALLADIUM. jfg- Froit Wort or Koek Roie.—A medicine under the title of “ Rock Rose,” made from a plant of that name, is havlmr * great run in this vlduity for its curative properties. The cry of “quack” so truly applicable to at least one half of the medicines of the day, cannot be justly applied to tbfc Rock Rose, ftrit ha* “made Its mark” in th's city in several cases, to the relief and cure of sufferers, when'other remedies ham faded—-and what Is quite re* markahle, some of our best physicians do not beeitate io spffak rery favorably of compound. The care, r.re not fabrications, but from highly respectable per sons, mat of whom are well know to ns. The manufactu rer is also wt'l known to us as a gentleman who would not be engaged in a humbug, or in deceiving the public in any J way.— PdlbuUvm. We cheerfully endorse the shore, haring witnessed Its good effect, oursol.es, on pulmonary und scrofulous com plaints. We bclle.e it is the heat eomponod for colds and coughs, eiUnt. The Book Rose has long hoen known us a plant of rare medical rirtnes, and its preparation is super intended by a gentleman of abilily and character, in thia city.—if- 11 ii &nd for fale by ' bridal chamber pat* ili, assorted sizes, a t P. SELLERS k CO. Nsw Hirer, Def, 20,1851. Thl* is to certify that the notice of the Bocfc Rose medi cine published in oar paper in connection with one from the Palladium, was not only unsolicited, hot was written by the Editor of lib own judgment and otaerration. OSBORSf * BALDWIN. IV-unir* Orncn, New Haven, Dec. 22,1851. This will certify that the farorahlinotice of the medicine known as the “Hock Rose,” was a valuntary testimonial, induced by the writers’ knowledge of the curative effects of the-article in certain cases, as well as by the&Torahleopin ions which others, well known to him, had expressed of it j and furthermore, the article was written - without pay or the promise of payment, or the knowledge of the manufae- BIBCOCK * WILDHAN. ~ SCROFULA." MYERS’ EXTRACT 0? ROCK ROSE. 104 Wood street HENRY HOLMES. nil» wonderful medicine is Hut gaining for itself a popu larity which no other medicine can boast ot The plant, Hnek Hose is need and recommendeddjy many eminent physicians of our country. Hear what J. U. Thompson, of Philadelphia, toys: “I hare prescribed it in bad cases of Scrofulous patient* at Wilis Hospital.” His success at tracted the attention of senior physicians. He reports tho following remarkable case of White Swelling of the right hip, in February, 1»44. The lad was seTen year- old, and had the di-ease for three years, the bon* was dislocated up wards snd outwsnls. There was a large opening on tho hip leeding to the boue, into which I could throat my fin ger. T counted three ulcer*. Ue had been under several physicians, who hsd giren him up. 1 ordered a decoction of Hock Here —in two days Id* night sweat* ceased, I then ordered a tea spoonful of Hock Hose, three times s dsy. Thirtv-ninedsvs efter, he was endrely weti. Eold by Dr. i 1 tO. 11. KKTSER, No. 140, corner or Wood street snd Virgin alley. Sf ttign of the Golden Mortar. Kaprciftl Notice to PertOM Odßg Cod Liver Oil.— The subscriber having made arrang.- „„U with Mean. Toppleiu * Thompwm, for * regular supple of their genuine COD LITER OIL. pot op in pint bottlMt, would respectfully invite the attention of the pub lic to an ct.min.tion of th. .elide, baing fully persuaded th.t for purity end freeneer from rancid taste or swell, it I. urnnualed. There is a w no Cod Liver Oil in this country mperior, if equal, to the .bore. Hundreds ot bottle, have Veneo'l and given unrivaled satisfaction In the article of Cod Liver Oil, person, taking it should be careful to ob. uin a genuine artlde and'on- free from a rancid ta.te and tmcll, as its virtues ■£- greatly enhanced by its being accep table to tbe.tomasb lfnd not producing nausnea—purity and . pleasant t M Le makes it more readily taken np by the lac teals and .bombed intn the blood, .nd thereby In cueing the richness of th.t fluid giving » “no »nd healing impre.- don tu every organ through which it pssses. Sold by GRO. li. KBYSER. So. 140,. rj -e«r of Wood street and Virgin Alleys. mvll , lUw ‘ Sign if the Golden Mortar. K R.-I also k~P al. kind* of Ot-nulce Patent or 14ppt»- etarr Medifio'S fir monr of which I hold the exelohiT* 2SU-.Vndwhk-h will be ml by the doz-n or grw.at.New Yr.rk and Phila ieipbia prices. LIST OF GENUINE PATENT XEDICINES, . as h a.m> uiDrorixu bt . F l WAoVJofrTiSwiO* Corner Fourth and Wood street*, Pittsburgh. KEELER'S AMERICAS COMPOUND: Javne's A.U-ratiTe: •* r TTTn ;ri * >ir * Untom: « Hair Dye: “ Expectorant: •• SauatiTe Pills: « nair Tonic: , Wtstar’s Btlsom of Wild Cherry; Bryant's Pulmonary Balsam; Doo Rand’s German Bitter*; Holland do Hostefteri* Stomach do Mercblsep’ Uterine Catboiieoo: Storms’ Scotch Cough Candy; Price’s , do; Thorn'* do; Howe’* do; Osgood - * India Cholagogue; Morse’s Inrieormttng Cordial* * Tyler’s Gum" Arabic Dropa; llarrison’6 Hair Pye; Phalon r 6 do Batehelor’s do McM don's Elixir of Opium; Bryant** Purifying Extract; Dailey’s Pais Extract: Brown’* Essence of Jamaica Gingery McAllister’S do do: KMder'ti IniMUble Ink; Tayson’s do do; ArnhrlJ’s do; Dr. Curtis 1 Ilygeana; Lyons’ Kalbairon; David's Lilly White; Bazin’s do; Tobias’ Liniment; Hunt'* do; Alien’s Nerre and Bona Liniment;, Mexican Mustang do; Parrel’* Arabian do ; Gardner’* do; Barrel’s Indian do; Carter’s SpanUh Mixture; Bsrne'b Pile Lotion; M«*en Fun: Scarpa’s Acoustic Oil: Merchant’s Garbling Oil: , Itushton, Clarke A Co.’s Ccd Inver 0*1; McAllister’* Ointment; Sings’ltch do; Femd’s do; a GrtfJ’s do: Trask’s Magnetic Ointment; J udkin's do, Swaim'e Tanacea; Houck’s dr; gargant’s lutant Panacea; Perrr Baris’ Pain Killer; Ayer's Cherry Pectoral; Iloughtau’s Pepsin; Kier’s Petroleum; McLane’* Celebrated Liter Pill*; Braodreth’a do Wright’s Indian Vegetable Pill* Lee's Anti-bilious do; Sarsaparilla Blood do; Kren’s do; Sweynes’Extract Sarsaparilla 8100 l Pills Jayne's Anodyne Cough do; TowDsend's llealth do; Jew David’s Planters: Shoemaker’s do; Dr. Newman’s do; Rad way’s Ready Relief; Morris’ Remedy; Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative; Emerson's do; Bull’s Sarsaparilla; p Townsend’s do; Sand’s do; Guysott’s Extract Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla.; Wolff’s Schiedam Schnapps; Soap. Cleaver's Honey; , « Highly Scented Brown Windsor *< Musk; Ludldm’s Specific; McLane’s Sudorific Cough-Syrup; Tyler's Gum Arabic do; Belters’ do; Swayne’* Syrup of Wild Cherry; Smith's Tonic feyrup; Barry's Tricophorous; v . ... Norwood’s Tincture' of \ aratrom «iriae, MeLune’s Celebrated Vermifuge, Dr. Loeock’s Pulmonic Wafers; AKentaf" if of Dr?McClintock’s Family Medidm tn Needham’S Breast Pumps; Wafer’s Atmospheric Breast Pumps • Gum Elastic do do. J. A 11. PHILLIPS. JOHN lIAFT, J*. FRANK TAN GORDI « - f*- Vj The Only Certain Remedy* A GENTLEMAN, well known in this community, of sLriet veracity, haoded na the subjoined statement a few davs aince. It l* but one amongst thousands o( Acta, , ni ; M Baeh we publish It, for tbw benefit of those who are ■uttering from Worms, perhaps, as In this case, after har ing used other articles, purporting to be infallible worm destroyers, without any avail- , flK# Liverpool, Goiumlflana Ox, 0, Hay 12,15&5. ■Hatri. B. A. Fah-aestock «f Q>., Unrztncn: A child of mine, agwl about five years, baa ..wip for some tlmeosnd, while at dinner one day, wutaken with spasms; our doctor was sent for; bs mu that Worms was. the cause. We procured some of o* A* FAHNESTOCK’S TERMIFCQK from a neighbor, and gave the child a teaspoonlol and a half; In less than an hour it passed an Innumerable quantity of Worms, and In-a short ttoie was restored to perfect health. We would not be without your Vermifuge under any conalderariou. „ JutnAawau, Formerly of Pittsburgh, Pa. •a- prenared and sold by rreparuu FAHNBBTOCK 4 CO., “ corner of First and Wood streets. MM, lire annuj Centers, Huts HfrU WALTKR P. MARSHALL. "JNDOW 8H for sale by irsdthij s»r, sad fcr aale bv IfCUTOUN, HXKBOtf A 00. V i** v'/.j- {'S'**'* c * •*? *• ci™l]ra^TiTr.B« 0 H IN CONNECTION WITH •. , ECLIPSE im'sMPIRE, YTA WFXLSVTLLf, - _ • •, _ AND OHIO AND PENNSYLVANIA &AILBQA&, rJA rnHKshort«*l, quickest end .-fl Oa on, 3 ( t,um«r Erflpw or P»™t° C1.r.1.m1, {=,oo. J, . . j-g •TIA ALl.IAril.B- ■ w Uat«Amnn«*t73o.A * * ”3. llu-Uon With trains for Akron, Cuyahoga Wk arriving at Cleveland at 10, A. M., and i2opP* !*• Faro to Cleveland, $*DO. „ „ ' , »*i». Ihe trains of the Ohio and Penna. RailToeil, JeaTingPU t A • burzh A. U., 8, A- M-, and 5, V. Jl, anee fr.r Cleveland at 720 A. M.. 12, M , and 6-2 S, P*la. » > „ and MTiw In Clmiiol at 10, A M., 2.20, P. M., sod 8A0» • . .. ' t P. si. • r>j3 ticketed.to Cleveland. BoSalo, ’Toledo, Chico* ' «ci, WBWe, Rock Island, and fit. Louis. , ' _ ■ ’ Time to Chicago. 24 hour?’—St. Louis, 48 hours. t • F.tftß TU VXU2ITOLK.'- »JW SIA AUdAWV; -*•■.:•.• .- T . . ToCl«vel*nd~-..~...—53,G0 To Cleveland— } Toledo JW T«>W«- ™- W ' Detroit ...• B.UO Detroit.... ■ •. . Chicago $lO,OO A lfc» . A , ' Bock Inland . .... ft.6o ’ BockJaland —-ljr» ~ T- V Ht. Louis 18W \ St- J- Passengers are requested ur procure «« «*«* 3. A. CAOTHCTtjggltfc ]e2G . OHIO AHD PHniSYLVAHIA BOHiTOIft. COM ME lBC* 1864, “ 1804 MAIL TRAIN leaTesPUUburßhatSAMjdißSSktAlD ' ane©; takes tea at Crestline, and makes a OMIMI* nectlon there with a last Express Train, reaching Onctor nsti abont 12 o’clock at night. _ ; , . _ ~ EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh a* 3 o’clock. F.M., after the arriTal of the Express train from Philadelphia, and reaches Crestline at P. M., connecting with the Night Kxpreaa which reaches Ciaannati in the morning. Connections are made with the Ohio and Indiana, and Belfimtain* and Indiana railroads for Dayton, Indianapolis and towns in Indiana. . _ Connections are made with Cleveland. Monroerule. Ban t dusky, Toledo, Detroit and Chicago with Bucjrus, Upper Sandusky. Forestland the towns on the Mad Rtverßoad* Also, with Mount Vernon, Newark, Zahwrille and towns on the Mansfield road. ' . _ , ' Fare to Cincinnati ST; to IndianapchsSS; toftaytoti JAtOj to Toledo $6; to Columbus $3,25; to Zanesville $840; to Cleveland $4. Through tickets to Louisville st redoes* j rates. RBTTTRIfIKG I THE EXPRKS TRAIN leaves Crestline it lift P M, and reaches Pittsburgh nt 850 P M, connecting with tha £*« Express Train through hi fifteen hours to PhnsdelpMa. MAIL TRAIN tear?? CrestUne at 2-30, A. thear rival of the Night Express Train from Cinemnan, na utltbs at Pittsburgh at 11.40. P M. jjEW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leevaa Pittsburgh at 10 A SI, and 6 PM, and New Brighton at a A FREIGHT S TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at T A *, and 9PI SL. and arrives at 450 A M, and 450, P H. 4?-The Trains do not run on Sunday. mf* Tickets or further information, apply at the Uekat Offices of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Ocsnpany, Of. J. G. CCRKY, at the corner office under the UttongahMa Hou«e. Pittsburgh, or of . =- \ GEORGK PARKIN, Ticket Agent, . ' , Federal street Station. f ß b23 JOHN KELLY. Passenger Agent. Pennsylvania Railroad* - SUMMER.TAHIFF betweeo Pittsburgh. Philadelphia Baltimore; commecxiDg April Ist, 1864. _ _ Tint Clou— -Brooms, Cedar aiwl Wooden Ware, rwXuat, Furniture, second hand. Furs. Piano*, Poultry; Wine*, B> baskets or boxes: 7p cents yW lbs. n JIM . T * Sxnnd Class —Dried.Fruit, Beeswax, Deer Skins, o«T*r and Timothy Seed, Glassware, Hardware, Bag*, Wool Od Sheep Pelts, and Egs*: GOc. 100 lbs. . Third Clast —Bacon and Pork (loose,) Butter, in HttiM, keps or bbls; IXides, Leather, Soap, Window Glass, and Got ton. uncompressed: bbc. 200 !bfl. . » - FburUi Class— Alcohol, Baron fin casks or boxea,) B«Jg_— and Malt, Beef and Pork, Candles, , . Oil, Hemp, Whisky, Cotton, (compressed,) Lear Tobaccoi . 40c. 100 lbs. ’ geor 3'e C. rKASCDCTB. o. Bingham & Co.’s TramporUUon Llua TO AYD FROM PHILADELPHIA, 'BALTIMORE AMD NEW YORK.—The Owners mud Agent* of hjro been for the just fourteen jeara connected wilb *» “old established Bingham’s Line. 7 ’ They will gtr« Ujwr usual prompt attention to the forwarding of Produce, Mo- in the bhor.est time and on as faTorablo terms as any other Line. . . • Only one transhipment between Pittsburgh, Pnila* delphla and Baltimore. * 00. Canal Basin. Liberty eW Pittsburgh, c UINGIIAM, DAVIS A CO4 276 Market greet. Philadelphia. JAMES WILSON, Agent, 121 North st_, Baltimore. M. L. OSTSANDER, Agent, 86 West g£ New York. Proprietor*. 'i ' OSES '*TRIOST.A»rrs NEW BOOK—Tbe"Pilgtto* of A WalriQßham: by Ague* Strickland, la and for «U# at II- HIXKII A C«.*s. No SS Smitbfidd»tr«%t. Another Book by Eugene Sue tlw.Ubratadandpcpnlar authorof the Wandering Jew, Ac., eniixled Woman’s Love; a **** ”**A obwy- by Mrs. Marsh, author °v I *% Wyndham* Castle Aron. 4c; Harper s-Übrar*; The Jesuit's Dnu^nter; complex-; .* cent*. A Year After Marriage: by T. tf. Arthur; -5 o Howitt’s Visit* to Remarkable Place*; *2. gftf Flora Lyndsay, or in an ErenuolF - Mocdife. author of Roughing it in the Bosh, ijt . Loeers; a Mory * ftoß-si ait Vi'i^rV Kotel; complete in one eolnoe; $1- •_ ...nPW ,' - ***•" T The Rappers, or the Mysteries. Fallacies «. ,• »• = Of Spirit Supine. Table TurnUg.and Eatiancemeut; with CfCl* *'• : \krrO-: ”j tm „r s °° tosl ” 7Pri “ :bjo h. aasmithMd g- .. : ' \ T UST RECEIVED.—The Pilgrims of WaWnghaa, «-* .1 Tales of the Middle. Aces: Strickland. The Master lloase; a tale of Southern Life thy Ingan. lilackirooi’s Magazine, for Jfne. Graham's “ “ The New York Journal. ' . .. lijrjm , Woman’s Lore; a true story of the [Heart: by EugemJ Sue. For sale at p A^.L KLEINER'S Literary Depot, I c jq nnh street, opposite the Theatre. ar yuR JULY. JUST RECEIVED. JjU. Futnam’s Magazine, for July, Harper's do do. Graham’s do do. Peterson’s do da. Popular l2. RuMia: hy De Casting. . _ _ , Mi for _ • q 76 Fourth street., ■ For Eteiati - mQ£ Urge and commodious TAVERN STAND, I cupW by Wm. P. Applegate, situated on th* burgh and StoubeoriUe Turnpike, about one w»l« Joels’ Perry, situated in Cfcartiew . to v w “ h county. The nouse U a large Bnek, containing ***** twenty rooms, together with.a good Store Boom, and ttey mod Cellars. There is on the p.emlaes a large StahlMP^-, riaire House, out-building*, three good pumps, oMBW , t cistern, two good Orchards, and ewreral out v khich is for rent, and possession - . For further particulars, enquire of LYDIA Ahh 3 the premises, or the subscriber. Q MCHSy * foctgTrdlwawtf) Chartiers Tp.,t- 24,15&5. T ATM PUBLICATIONS AT DAVISON’S, 65 Harm at. The LUfeoTlh-. Alexander: by his son, J- W. Alexandw. Tbe Magarine* at-30 cents per number; our present and Model for Young Men: by Dr. Scott, of Nf« Or* -lean*—a coupe of LeetuTea. Fern LesTes;"second aeries. ; . The Pariah Side: abetter book than either Sunny SM* ■° r Carter’» a >leir Books for Tomb, ri*: Mabel Gra»t,o6*ri«a Roussel, the Wpod Cutters and Exile? of Letanoo, Alexander on Consolation; cheap edition, *l-». | Manual of Missions, or Sketches of ForeiguMissiousor tbe Presbyterian Church: by Her. J.C. Jjowrle, uitn maps, showing the stations,.Ac. | Africa and the American Flag. riniE HISTORY OP PITTSBURGH, from the cfrUectp; 1 ncd when it was visited by white men, town clo>e of the last century, with notices of some of the iaipor tar.t manufastures and work# of Internal improvement, up to the present time: by Neville B. Craig. n r lV . A NOT* dated January 25,1854- payable four month*** ter date, at the offlc* 6f Window, U»i** *. n York, rigned B. Wood* Preeideot IMubnigh endSl.llbe.- Tille Railroad—endorsed, Charles Naj lor, I becretwy. , All perrons are hereby «erned not to hayriM naymeMioOlle rt/hred. Any person findingit^i, l eonfe “ nbllgnßon b, leering It V., corner Third and Wood ft*. Balbs-Uot, com, and Shower. . . IV the flutaft and furnishing of which Both tag haS-tec? soared to-render bathing taxnrtonsaa wt» as healthful. An* own every day, (Sunday’s excepted.) fro® 5 o clock, A. m ttsSlo P. U n at the Barber Shop, Parry Hotel, eornar of Hancock street and Itaqtteene Way. > . JOHN VOOPSQN, Propmtor. K. 8. Neal, Alderman. * . X T 0. 91 THIRD Btwet, betwre Wood tnd UnluSarMM, 1\ Pittsburgh. Collection* promptly made- BoiaMWt gases, and other writing* drawn with neatnew racy- - ja»ui^ TDST HKCKIVBI).fKtt KXMIIiSS, TUTV ■ I A l»r« aaorczocbt of new &xnl beantiful WM *■* Mugs, Btcsst BM, Gold PMtdU Ml fen« v ” srtlds Of rm, »w«b sis lay jmttj S stuck is eaosl to sarin thsdtj la'style sod (jOslltT, too i n . m«M eastern house will fell, ®« ai “ *P i ss:'o.St’a.JStosoijo sod cumins oor goods sod prices, St 61 “t*** l I 3«g> —— V-WK SALK.—Hr.Lotiou y-ua^lTitai.AW»,ot^ H ftattf and 4 Lots at tfee mtb u»l Webstar rtwett. Afco, * Urge flggjp: LoU tiuwufboot the *o°® f^*£ffys/S9Br^*vi . . "• .* v '• t&g --*3fc? . ~ •..** i. ' *1 r '*■?s » J. s. DATIfION, 60 Market street, rxar goortb a' .* .* ~ - l i-7-t-:v*' •*v : ... r .-i?,. -'-• • ’ v -^l „ ’ij v-vs? ' 1 -»’C‘ ■ > u 'i' v -1 - •' >-r5*H ,£M '-,^:M S ■ 1 Vi ? V „ ''J| .aw?* - ■ '.-i'