" • •« '■• ••• r^W'*"** : ‘ , *'’‘ c — ■ ♦'•'* -’ *■ * /'•• , '':f C ;^Vv- ' '-‘I /' - ?<££&•>«-- p_- aj^yskNlP^t ; 4f st»vv-V>J MMbM&g %^mm M§ti#aij WMtssmmG'te )MH WmmM W8&S& L****&£t' - ■ mm « ilp§m ffiH vh|| y&mMt mßk Bom §m& Hi icuiMK fIOCB* MOLA"v 4’ >t - V ,• - ' v w .V X FRIDAY MORNING: Taking things Emj--A Philosophical Worn an. [From the Albany Atlas, Jane 2T;] * -As an exhibition o e he right kind of people for this world,, we give pHoe to the following letter of ft woman to her hofibaod ip California. It is bad enough for a woman to be left “ to her own reaonrees,’’ withoot being Tirittjd with oth er misfortunes, in addition. Bhe appears to take * things easy—-asshe should | Dear Haabaod ♦ As it is some time sinoe you-left ns for California, I sappeso jyon would be glad to hear how wearogjattingsloDginyohr. absence. . I am happy to sayi that we are ali en* joying yery good health, on the whole. Jnst at present, two of the boys Have got the small pox, Amanda Jane has got the typhus feter, Betsy-is : down with the measles, Samiiel got hooked by a the other day, and little Peter has jastohop ped off seven of bis Rogers with the hatehot. Its a mercy that he didn’t obop them all off. „ With those trifling exceptions, we are all well; and getting along nicely. You needn’t be at all anxious about us. “I almost-forgot to say that Sarah Matilda eloped last week with a tin pedlar. _ Poor girl I j she’s been waiting for the last. ten years for a chance,.and I*m glad-she’s married at last. She needn’t have taken the trouble to elope, though, V fy* for I’m sure I was glad enough to have her go. She was a great eater, and I find the baked beans don’t go off nspr so fast now as they did. The way that girl would dig into pork and beans was a caution to the rest of the family. “ The cow took it into her head yesterday to.. fob ay&y; whicfar was verj fortunatej I’m sure, for the barn caught fire last night and was con sumed. I was in hopes that the house would go d too, for it’s very inconvenient,!but the wind was the wrong way, so it didn’t receive much injury. “ Some boys went into the prohard the other night, and stripped all the fruit trees I am . very glad of it, for if they hadn’t I presume the ■ children would have made themselves sick by eating too'much; fruit.” By the President ofthe United States. TN porsumce of.lav, I, FRANKLIN PIKRCE, President L of the United States of America, do hereto declare and make known that Public Sales, will be held at the übdsr mentioned Land Offices, in the State ol lOWA, at the period* hereinafter decimated, to wit: At the land office at KANKSi ILLEj commencing oo Moo ds?. the fourth day of September next, for the disposal of the public lands situated within the following named town- . ships, vix: t> XorU* of the base line, and tvest of Ux fifth principal meridian. Townships seventy-nine, eighty, eighty-one, eighty-two, eighty-three, eighty-four, eighty-five, vighiy-dx. eighty ' seven, and eighiy-eight, of-range thirty four. ■ Townships seventy-nine, eighty, eighty-one, eighty-two, eirbty-three, eighty-four, eighty-five, eigbtrox, eighty seven, aadV-ighlv-elght, of range thirty-five. TownshipssevSnty-four, seventy-five, seventy-six, seventy nine, eighty* eighty-one, eighty-two, eighty-three, and eighty-four, of range thirty-six. 1 Townships seventy-nine, eighty, eighty-one, eighty-two, eighty-three, eighty-four, eighty-five, eighty-six, eighty •even, and eighty-eight, of range thirty-wren.; Townships seventy-niue, eigbty, eighty-one, eigbtr r two, eighty-three, eighty-four, eighty-fire, eighty-eix, eighty- MTen, and eighty-eight, of range thirty-eight. Townships aeventy-aix, seventy-seven, seventy-nine, eighty-three, eighty-four, eighty-five, eighty-six, eighty seven, and eighty-eight, of range thirty nine. Townships eighty-one, eighty-two, eighty-three, eighty four, eighty-five, eighty-fix, eighty-seven, and eighty-eight, of range forty. At the same place, commencing on Monday, the eigh teenth day of September next, for the disposal of tho pub lic lands situated within the undermentioned townships,to wit: North of the base line, and west of the fifth principal meridian. Townships nighty-two and ninety-one, of range forty-one Townships eighty-two and ninety, of, range forty-two. Townships eightj-two, eighty-three, eigbty-foar, eighty five, el/hty-bix, eighty-seven, and eighty-eight, of range forty-three. i * Townships eighty, eighty-one. eighty-two, eighty-five, eighty-six, eighty-seven, and eighty-eight, of range fortv four. . Townships eighty, eighty-one, eighty-fwo, «ighty-three> eighty-four, eighty five eighty-six, eighty-eeTen,and eigbty eight,-of range forty-five. Townships eighty-two, eighty-three, eighty four, eighty fire, eighty-six, eighty-seven, and eighty-eight, of range for ty-six. ' Townships eighty-four, eighty-five, eighty-six,, eighty i seven, and eighty-eight, of range fortv-seren i?htT DShipS es B ht 3’* aeTcn acil eighty'eight, of range forty- At the land offictfat, FORT DBS MOI NES, commencing on Monday, the fourth day of September next, for thedis jKnial of the public lands within tho following namfed town ships, to wit: North of the base line, and west of the fifth principal meridian. Townships ninety-three, ninety-five, ninety-six, ninety seres, nlnsty-«jsot,»nd ninety-nine, of range seventeen. Tovrushipa ninety-five, ninety-six, ninety-*even. ninety eight, ninety-nine,suid one hundred, of range eighteen. Townships ninety-three, ninety-five, ninety-six. ninety seven, ninety-eight, ninety-ndae, and one huudted, of range nine'eeo. T6wnaU!ps ninety-three, oioety-four, ninety-fire, ninety sis, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, and ninety-nine, of ranee tw--n£r. ° Townships ninety-one, ninety two, ninety-throe, ninety four, ninety-five, ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight and ninety-nine, of range twenty-one. ’ Townships ninety-two, ninety-three, ntnetv-fonr. ninety, five, ninety-six, ninety-seven, and ninety-eight, ofYranw twenty-two. Townships ninety-four, ninety-five, ninety-sfx, and ninety seven, of range twenty-three. ‘At the -ante jface, oommeocingon MoudajXbe eighteenth day or September next, for the disposal ofjthe pnblio laud*, situated in the following named townsbi#* and parts of townships, viz: North of the base line, and west of the fifth principal meridian. Townships eighty-time, ninety-two, and ninety-three of range twenty-four. ; Townships eighty-nine, ninety, and ninety-three.ofraiure twenty-five. Township ninety-two, except sections five, seven, Bine, the west half ofthe northwest quarter of fifteen, seventeen nineteen, and twenty-one, of range twenty-seven.; ’ Sections two to nine Inclusive of township eighty-three and township ninety-two, east of the Des Moines river (ex cept sections one, three, eleven, thirteen, fifteen, twenty three, twenty-five, twenty-seven, thirty-one, thirty-three, and thirty-five.) of raoge twenty-eight. Townships eighty-four, eighty-five, eighty-six, eighty-sev • en, (except section one am} the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section three.) and township eighty eight, (except sections one, three, five, seven* nine, eleven thirteen, fifteen, seventeen, twenty-one. twenty-three, twen ty-five, twenty north half of northeast quarter of twenty-nine and thirty five,) of range twenty-nine. Townships seventy-seven, eighty-four, e-ghty-flve, eighty six, eighty-seven, and eighty-eight; (except the east half of the northeast quarter and the east half of the southeast quarter of section one,) of range thirty. Townships isev'eoty-aix, eighty four, eighty-five,: eJrijtv six. eighty-seven, and eighty-eight, of rang* thirty-one. Townships eighty-four, eighty-five, eighty-six. elzMv seven, and eighty-eight, of range thirty-two. Townships eighty five, eighty-six, eighty seven, and eighty-eight, of range thirty-three. At the land office at DUBUQUE, oommenciog cn Monday the twenty-first day of August next, for the disposal of the public lands within the undermentioned townships, vix: North of the base Une, and west of the fifth principal meridian. , Township one hundred, of range three. Township one hundred, of range four. Townships nioety-oioe and hundred, of range ten. Townships ninety-eight, ninety-nine, and one hundred, of range eleven. Township one hundred, of range twelve. i Township ninety eight, of range thirteen. ninety-seven and ninety-eight, of range four- &&SK w^i Townships nioety-seyeto and ninety-tight, of nnge •fifteen Townships ninety seven, ninety-eight, nlnety-nlrie, and one lmndred, of range sixteen. ] At ibe land office at OHARITON, commencing on Monday the twenty-first day of August next, tor the disposal!of the tpw't 6 l * DdSaltoaledwlthiD followinghamedtownsaipe North of Che bate line, and t out of the ffth principal " meridian. Township sixty-seven, of range twenty-nine. Townships sixty-seven and seventy-fire, of range thirty. Townships slxty-serep, seventy-tour, and seventy-fire uf range thirty-one. : ’ At the land office at FAIRFIELD, commencing on Mon day, the twenty-first day of August next, for the disnoealof the following described islands, to wit; North of the base line, and west rtf the fifth priuewal meridian. Two islands situated in sections two and fourio township tj seventy six, of range two. At the land office at lOiYA CITY, commencing oni Mon day, the twenty-first day of August next, for the disposal of the following named Islands, vix: ’ North of the bate line, and vest of the ffth principal meridian. Islands situated in sections twenty-five, twenty-six, thirty five, and thirty-six, in township seventy-nine, of range three. * j*3:oaw:l3w Oommlasioper of the General Land Office. D STEWART has removed his BRUSH FACTORY] from • the old stand, No. £1 Fifth street, to No. 2fljFifth street, nearly opposite, on the site formerly occupied by the Iron City Hotel, where be will be pleased to see hta custo mers, and as many new ones as feel disposed to patronixe him. i » ®: —In connection with tho Brush Manufactory, as heretofore, will be found in this all klhds of Variety floods. Looking glasses, Oombfl.Tnyß.Ac. fmy|fl:3m T«a* ror the People. ' ' NOTWITUSTANDINU no much faaa ahooi the of *»• 5« a £ tecelnnc 350 Half Chests, o. \otrap Hysons. «fl i«rs, Oo onga Souchong, nas been selected with care, and will be sold m usual. 1 A. JAYNKB; P24] W, A, ftI’CLURG QTtLAVVUKK.KtKs.—Uot c i3, Boarding Iloiisea, *nJ o lies will find « constant supply of Strawberries, of the largefit aD'l finest fruit, for the table or preacrring, fresh from the Tine at 10 o’clock In the morning, and at 4 P. M at tho coed Store, 47 Fifth street jel2 O EMI-ANNUAL SALE —A. A. MASON k CO willotMtn' 000 Monday, July ilrd, 10 more cases of thow 6-4 ooes; 6doof 6 and 8 cent Lawns, and 4do of BawwM knd Tteat «- /jcLo Hot, gold, and auowjcd baths—open e^TdT7 (Sundays excepted,) from 6 A it. to 10 p. u., at the Darber Shop, Perry corner ol Hancock street and Dagawne way. my24;3md rnwo BKiOK HOUSES ON LOOaN STREET—WeII ar*. X ranged for comfort and convenience, fop sale an ea*y terms by 8. CUTHBXRT A SON, jeia , 140 Third street.- IDDKK’S INDELIBLE INK—I gross received by ■ jog JOS. FLEMING. 'IUETIB' liYGKANA—S down Curtis' J relred and for sale by jelB BMP SEED—3O bbk. Hemp-Seed, in store and for ule . by [je!3] ) FLEMING BROTgunkT KiTNi-JD jSYHUi*—za obu B>r tittefty : / 3«28 ' v , SMITH * SiaOLAl 'ABM.BUARD&—IO dosen fertile by . ! —“ ' SMITH k aiNfTT.*rn: . i •Vi-.K . ..." .'■■■■V’ ••; •;•;.'..';:%x ; .' ;■: • .v : MORN 11 Bemoval. JAMKB WARDROP. THE RENTON IRON COMPANY, of Weetern Tania, haring become the proprietors ofthe and DICEEHSON PATENT /of ■ tt< < ? € »/ ,r *s** PortionofteSritor^fpinn^ltl;: W9S ‘vS countie* of fSioS, Huntingdon, Centre, Clearfield, Elk and MoKean, are m» to Mil eertificates of , stock in eakl eoonpenv each fj*** of stock entitling the holder to chan in ilieprofltaof right to nee qne Puma £l!S£mti £•**»*• The Company will als* Mil the right towe a* 4 ™Jl bo?a ***** torritorjftgr single fK£ I "£S^ C " taui £££ SSSaMtoStt* «» “•“•**» ’''SWUMrtf V. 1 FLEMING BROTHERS. '' ****, INSURANT# (XftftftANlßi „ LJ __ DELAWARE anrnjAi. safety company OFFICE 1q the North Boom of the Exchange, on Third street, PHILADELPHIA. ; on xmxd MARINE INSURANCES. , Oa Tassos, y • . s • Oazqq, fTo all puts of the World. FhSOHTB, I INLAND INSURANCES On goods by drew, canals, lakes and land carriages, to all puts of the Union. “*™» FIRE INSURANCES On merchandise generally. On stores, dwelling housw, Ac. t ASSKTS OP MS COMPANY, Norembe'r 7.1863 Condi and Mortgages Wannnn Suttol Pennsjlronta, Philadelphia ci tJI Garden, Southwark, .nd other 10ana........... 181.663 32 Stock, in tank., railroad. and injorTnco. com- ’’ -.as?*' Cashonhand *..-....1" Taj?? S Balances in the hands of Agents and premiums on Marine Policies recently Issued.... 121.707 07 Subscription N0te5...... OO Weictoes:. ; i Dr. B. M. Huston, ; 11 agb Craig, I Bpepcer M’llrain, | Charles Rally, Samuel K. Stokes, Henry Sloan, \ James Troqualr, [ Wm. Kyra, Jr., ! Joshua L. Price, j James Tennant, J John B. Semple, I Charles Schaffer, I 1 J. T. Logan, Pittsburgh, I B.T. C. ilorgan, do. . MARTI!?, President. >3. C. HAND, Vice President Wm. Martin, Joseph Jl.Seal, Kdmund A Souder, John-0.- Davis, Robert Burton, John R. Penrose, George Q. Leiper, Kivud Darlington, I H Jones Brooke, ! J. G. Johnson, j James C. Hand, I Theopiios Paulding, j James B. M'Farland, TV. 0. Ludwig, | WM. „ „ THOi Joeirn W. Cowan, Bee^y. TUIUD AN&CAJL* STATJCttBJHT OP THE STATE MOT uTI FI BE AN D MARI NS INSTJBAYCE COMPAHY, Of PMHBTLVASIA. A**eU, M»y Ist, 1862. Premium* reedyed to Blty lit, 1863..; Interest «n Loans, d 0... . Capital StockZlZ. .p_. . _ $448,188 28 Bammed premiums, Louee, Be-lnsunnoe, Ex penses, 4cv Bonds, Mortgages, Btocks, and other good aecu* _ *?"“*?- ~ $181,481 M PnwiomNotM j_ nnjols Jl Ouhon hand in..,, 17830 31 Totnl em’t of Beaooreee, Liable for Lohm...„ 7O I SOLMTOIfI. RUTuKRFQRD. paaphtn lyinnty, '* P-0* SEDGWICK, Harrisburg, SAMUEL JONBB, Philadelphia ; A. WILKINS, Banker, Pittsburgh, i A. A. GABBIER, «. j JOHN B. RPTUKRFORDiDanpbIn oonnty A. J. GILLKTT, Harriibunr. 8. T. JONES, Harrisburg, j ROBEBT KLOTZ, Carbon county. JOHN P. RUTHKRPORD, President A. J. GrLLETT, Secretary. WUllnffiireagainstperilaofses and Inland narration, ala*, on Uerr-bandiio in city or country, at lowest rate* con aistent with safety. Policies Issued on dwelling bouses «utber perpetually or for a term of year*. 6 Broth Offlce, oornerJourth and Rmfrhjuyj street*. A. A. CARRIER, Actuary. _ _ _ TH*' UNiTICb STATES LIFE INSURANCE, AND TRUST COMPANY, * PHILADELPiIU. CHARTERED APRIL SJTH, IMO. CHARTER PMRPETUAL. CAPITAL $250,000. Ofice, S. E. Corner of Third and Chalnut Street*, Philadelphia. OJieert of Vu Home Board at PhUaddpfda: DIUCTOU. Stephen R-Crawford, Paul B. Goddard. £f°kro** V^rT^, om P #on * JohScn, BenJlnUn W.TJngfey, Geo. STllenry, % June* Dmreox, _ William M. Godwin, William M’Kea. President —Stephen R. Crawford. Vice President— Ambrose W. Thompson. £?** i (*f,PiUst>icrffh—Jußf l » U. WUlnn, M. D. MUgheny City —R. B. Howry, JL D. GKO. B. ARNOLD, Arant, No. 74 Fonrth atreet, Pittsburgh. FranMta Fire ln»nrane> Comn«|i r . Of Pkdadelvkia, PnwyXxsania. r\majrOßS-Charl« Hart, TdWm i 0r&Bt * J *^° b R. Smith, QwxW. Illch- Lewi * t Ado,^ i *■ Borie, a. Broimt MotTlb Patterson. CHAS. N. BaScme, President tJHAa. G. U*sm, Secretary. rrauunL Orotinu« to make insurmurt.pMpetiulw limited, on *t«t description of property, In town ami country, at rate* m km as are consistent with security. , SfSTT h " r ,” f*"" 1 * '«*» OunUo«,«l Fund, which, with their capital ami premiums, safely inTtwted, *f fbrd ample protection to the assnred. II P? th * oo J*nn»u ]>t, ISM, u pnb- Uihtd •sree.Hy to mi Art of dumbly, wer. „ (dll™ Tll . fe—: - - **»*?«' Temporary Lou,* 63.N6 17 c£h :*• - ♦ ®»88f 00 g “ b> * c Bl TP lotal tlJl2,*oB 44 fiiue* their incorporation, a nertrt oMwentj.©ne ywi, up»»M of One bullion Pour Hundred Thoi bj Cre - the "^ r ‘ffordim? evidence ofthe MTantagw of In/wrwico, as well u tb« ability and dispod tioo to meet with promptness all po * H * ' J.OUtDINJCBOOmN, Amt, ;JKr?_ Offlce, north-eaat cnr. Wood and Thlrf tU. ... PROTECT IQBB INSURANCE COMPANY. OF ’ HARTFORD, CONN., Capital Stock, Annual Premium and Weetem Fund $1,000;000. •.Ml mcORPOEAIKD 1*26. PollelM of limun Unud a >ll ttar. on tho montfaror*. ble terma, anhut LOSS OR DAMAGE BT FIRE, OB TBB PERILS OF HAVIOATIOI, BY • GEO. E. ARNOLD, Aomt TOR PITTSBURGH AND ALLEGHENY COtTNTY insrl&y ‘ Western Insurance Company, ®itt»bnrrh ia. miller, i,| b « ; sssrrss** W 1 * U M? I *,’ and Mi prompt* pMd. W ‘ U UUI *dj»»tod and A Horn. Institutlon, managed by Diifcrou » bo on well known In the community, end who ore determined. by protnptueei and liberality, to maintain tho character wtlcb teJrsriS;if" ,g thebMt p^^touK* „ £m**r». r ßjtfilu,r, Jr.,C.W. Rieketson, J.W. Butler. N. Holmes, H. Smith, C. Ihmsen, George W. Jeekscn, I«?'.r'.T yoll, i^ D v?? George Derate, Jemes Auley, Alexander Nimlek, Thoms* Scott. M ea.O»c«,No. t>2 Weter street, (Warehouseof Seen* 1 suira.) Pittsburgh. _ norluf ASTRA IHSURABIOjg COMPANY* HARTFORD, CONN. CharteredlS 19—Capital Stock $300,000 THOB. K. DKACIS, President DIRECToSS 3 - A * ALKXA Secretary. Thom** K. Brace, Ebeoeser Flow«; d v V^P dbl ? J?e ’ K. A.Boikelej, i , P^ C v Boland Mather, Frederick Tyler, JCdwin O. Ripley Stnmel 8. w!nf Mllea A. Tattle, Henry Z ..Pratt, John L. Boswell, AwUn Dunham, *sj?Sl» T . afi P ‘ DaTlf * Junius 8. Honan. Hi*ET >l S tai 0n FI " and InlftD ' l Kilk * Ueoed on farorm bl« ««™. b 7 GEORGE E. ARNOLD, Aa’L decl—ly No, 71 Fourth street, Pitteboi^h. HOTELS. CITY HOTEL, (LATE BHOWM’B.) Corner of Smlthlleld end Third atreete, nr... ~.JL ,TTSIn ’ R GU, r-*- GLABS & CASS, Fronrifiton JOHN P. GLASS, DANdVarr THIS l»rs» .od oommoilloM Homo hMine nudenron. i 1 re P air " nii larobbM with now'oqulp^Sl ;™Tti^ruZn£ r m » pti ™»' ST. CI,AIR HOTEL, (FORMERLY TILE EXCHANGE,) PITTSBURGH, Corner Penn and St. Clair etreete, C. W. BENNETT Proprietor. '* E firBt cl M® bouse, between the Reilroed De '"F**"l newly farntlehed, end charge. «Ptl4:lTdAw __ . the GLKR HOTEL T 8 NOW READY FOR SUMMER: VISITERS - The X grounds bare been Improved, and the Houae rendered :rsr ,rfj - Th> -srass " Omniku. of Ito-dslor u„ e ~ , JOW £ron» the station, on Fifth street, to the GLEN HOTEL. & k - A - M - ““ 5 r - Jel2:6ra FRANKLIN HOUSE, Cleveland. Ohio f] PATItICK A SON, Pbop&ixtobs.— This House has ub- V* dergone thorough and extensive repairs, alterations, and large additions of new furniture, etc n and the ton pledge themselves that nothing shall he wanting on their part to render the Fbavuui a place where all the com forte of a first class hotel e*n be found. J7 l i tf C. PATRICK A SON. RILEY’S HOTEL: CORNER FOURTH AND GRANT STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA E - EILET, Proprietor. ~ No. 400 BROADWAY, NHV eeubkh lovejoy, . J. M’IUSTUa, re., ao't P“" - “SS'ssaKlSl MCMABTEBB A SIAEKLK, Proprietor,. jr ; -r f 4HD B4SKISB HOUBE ’ „„ T _ .A. WILKIKS *, CO. : , A ,^.V ANK BmiDINO ”°-* Street, F“ -l Exchange, Coin, lianl Hotel .v,hS; Uwl W **ruits bought Hd Nlil. collection! made throughout the Union. f BUBinew piMr discounted ana loans negotiated. Stocks bought, and fold on commission. * iJB l !? 3ri “3l ed . 5* d *P asU ’ *“ d Interest allowed when left for a specified time. decS^ PATRICKS A FRIEND. _ BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. Bnt Removed Uuir Office to Uxt Owner ttf Ptfhand mat *fa , __ Pimenafiß, ra. e T>AXRICKS * rnOSND, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, atiS*teiS?* 61,1 ***««“ throughout the United *“ P" fund « « ettnent paper at theoorner of Jfjfth and Wood Streets. $627,470 53 mxnrJF- HoLitK * 4 SOH§; B&XKXR& AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Tnll * BA * ra P ASD noaAsQioriTai to «o. Nnnuii?^ w wß OOOJK B*U)W. OLD SXi3R>. * 4 ®°^ s * Banker* and Exchange Broker*. Dr ** Acceptance*, Go]lal aad Bank Note.. iwk bought and eold on commission. Collection* rarefuHy a} tenJ ed to. luten-Nt paid on DenoaJt *»-*.o. Fourth btreet, nearly opposite the M. M. d eel 6 TO ~ . OOBKXK or WOOD AWD fUTO 'MUTTS. CiIGHT RXCHANQRon th® Eastern Cities constantly tor n ~ on Tlln ‘’ BUl * 01 and Notes discounted.— Gold, Bilret ind Bank Notes, bought and sold. Collections made in all tbs principal cities of the United Btatee. D®- poolts received bf Par and Current i'uoda. (tnar37ly atu» ulia*~ &IHM, 7ioiw^rnuii ! ERAItEE A HAHM, B fiANKK&S AND EXCHANGE BBOKEBE, UY AND &KLL Gold, BUrer,a»d Bonk Notes; nrgotiste Loans oajßeol Estate or Btock Securities; parebaae rT S" l !f^ ,y * ol,B#w * d ' Elnw Wii*. on East and West: , and sell Stocks bn Oolisctions mads on all points in the Union. fniTl 1 Or E. AEFOLD ft cal D,. f ®£*W** AJ»D EXCUANUK HIiOKXEJS, EALEUS in Exchange, Coin, Bank Notea, Sight and Time DnjrtA Ac. Collections carefully attended to, anu proceeds remitted to any part of the Union. Blocks bought and sold on commission. «* Fourth tL, next door to Bank of PitteVg. [selS AUSTIN LOOMIS, ' STOCK AND BILL BROKER, Q&c* t A’o- 92 Fourth it., above Wood, PITTBBUHUH. ' A®' Drafts, Bonds, Mortgages. and Loans on col and^J?d. D ** OU,Il * a ‘ Btoclu aDd Uq ® WarranU boughl 1853.’ ° CM EXCHANGE AND BANKING UOUBE 01 A. WILKIVB ft CO., a .. . .. No. 75 /ocxth Bteot. Opposite the Bankof "Pittsburgh. 1 : Prrrotnwß Duviaiis and Abfrvt gn Eadtanst /laat- _ Suld aid Exchang'd, at tht IX 011 ANGK AND IIANKINO HOUSE OF WILLIAM A. HILL ft CO., r „ M stxxxt. riTTsstraan. _ »S» interest allowed on time depetfu. [janlS nOMrron rc.i. T VI 7 ,7.7;.. - THOMPSON BKLL A CO., 11 „ B A.VKBRB AND Bit o K Kit $ , - ° trn ' r °J TjAin/urwi i rtsU, Mtti/wp/v/ta. ariiojiAß woods; *»“COM2fIEU,CIAL BROKER B -f» _ _ _ ' ASD I'SALIB IS Xotes, Boa 4», Stock*, Ueal Estate. 4tc«. ft' o - 75 fUtrih tt , Pa. FUKNiTUKE. - _ JAMES vfr. WOODWKLL, CXBIITKT PVKXf TUK KM A .V UFA CTU R£ R y* i»T»*mi ill *nd Utt Third street. J- W. W. rwfvsirtillT iuturnua friend* aod cu.;tomrr* iL*t h»\jl hu Qcrw cumplotM hi* .pring wtoek IV| thr ~r .■• , jTf of ruraiUm, wkM» i- drcid«li*/Tl wui NfEij -.'TLII" °* -ml ln uii»oitj,wUch 2l*!!rwi2t. PrtC ” “ °* “ nr l ° th * As h« ts iltrU-rminM to uphold the qusiltr with wo'.l ■_* • from tL*mxt«nt of hi. order* aud fkdJlty in maaufhetnrino hskeaxhW to produce wxmntod funJIarTSSTtoSS ..TS« hi?,,.„ ° f*' 1 * 11 !* W " 1 <**“• k~w *l -. b V U ! rvtKty of every deeerlp&m of “h* to th. 1ira...... S^r« a v 2» < ? stl, V xit * 1 * boUM » or any part of t.nr, mar ba hT ?f* ,tock - CT hthhotocturwl .ipreulp ZoH ■^h.h^?^k° w ng ,* jn * u *’* in P»rt, of hi. .took •“"•«: *• ««p—J “ XTV' t*rte-a-t«jt« Sob*; W Sofia, f n plujh and hair cloth; 60 den Mahogany Chain: 90 do*. Walnut « 60 Mahogany Rocking *« 30 Walnut “ « 60 Mahogany Divan*; 30 Walnut “ 60 Marble Top Centro Table*: *2 “ “ Drtuvlng Bureau; , “ Waahitandf; 40 Kndoeed m 100 Ootnzaon <• 90 Plain brewing Bureau*; 46 Mahogany Bestead*: 90 Walnut *« 60 Cottage' •< •JO Cherry and PopL 90 Hahogan* Wardi 10 Walnut « 10 Cherry « 60 Plain Bariaofi; TO Dining and Breahfiut Table* 13 Secretary and Bookcaae*: 90 do*. Cane B«jt Chair*: 34 Cane Seat Racking Chain: » Writing Dwkj; HatacdTowel Stand*; What-Not*; s» Q r kst S&* : §££%*;** Gothic uid Uhll Chsira' “ a * n * : WINDER °' OOMUON FOKHITUS* ul toi“- °“ m " 7 “«*» "WW with „ d HOTELS, fan*** , t All order* promptly attended to. Comer Third and Smitbfleld etreete opporito “ Brown’g Hotel." Kf!dSS BKssaKraSSS?!?s; ttandtri to. str««t«, trill ba pnmigUj Terau-ariionly. 7 dMS7 .. SstV_S*' , ,V®'T*“** to 3a«h Ptrchum, K£S«as^5SSS ■" CABU. JAMBuSw&32r , * d - Jgr. Ub«rty7t«. CABINET WAKK^nr* 1 * 0 " u> m.nuftcuir. UAm.’J JLi-w AKK of ertirjr (lwMnutloD. tthUold Bt«nH * nd itreeU. UNDKRTAs’ It. br.ii.-hni. m.ll _ RESTAURANTS. CORNUCOPIA ~ ***OYSTER AND COFFEE HOUSE "W D. BARNARD. F ' /lh S ‘ rM ’ »W and MarUL nrranumm. Q. MARTIN. Agent CR Y S f~A L PALAPP Wo. 18 Market .treat. A C E > C. C. SEELY, /l^)t>nhH??,I iCTFUL . L \ ,nforinB hls Wends end the 1 AypooHc in geueral, that he hy iui»t starts m« §gS’SHig^ T fcATlrolrouSS' Z7J"? , OYBTEtt SALOON and Twh> L fr?£t tbf SmvEn UP ATALL "°™* o, *as * fully invite the attention of tteJobiktoS ne^et ‘ CUAttLKS STILL 108 Wood atreet. Tp-p «e»r Brewiry. WB P? tfß,l 3 r inibrm « the public that he Dublin fu !! y to serve private families *od the K. g hii Started LA™ BKKR, to ALLOT OmWI 0 m WI ,eft ** W* Office, NO. S 3 DIAMOND aSlthl wm J* ponctually attended to; Je2B.-tf del "ered to apy part of ihe mhe c£& own. ibont lUa hoa*e cannot be Meeiui . . A.MNIT2. m"AMTID—Aatmaou for > m uiaa i *l*taworir«i ” * *"»- 4»Jf »» raAMOIgODg'-I^’fcL"' , , V.i ~HILL * Co., BAJTKKHB AND EXCHANGE BROKE"^, r ' » I" 1 i* : - ’ i 7 : •• ' **, v * • ..-• " L* •> 1 . ■' ' fc. *- ' DRY GOODS. S*w Arrival of and Summer Dry D QRWW®? & BU,K 08 WOOD BTRRET. * 59c» and Jobber* in Britlfb, • branch and German DRY GOODS. Haring reedr- IroS! nlSSmifr :l^° t aiT# **** * spring and wSer ( rom Im P«terB, manufacturer*, and part old ciwKwn«^J >Wll l m l"-r'a«ion, ve f©«l safe in aiming our S*SsSitott 1 and dty dealer* general- Jr S J?, U ¥' M * acquired facilities in purcfaadn* ,tock wl " >” found eaahY>e»s,de. mSSsrin.,^S°”, U ‘ Uwn * ° f *>'« “ » desirable dUigna, alprat, plain black ar.d ianej Hgured allX nSSS^d^‘~ Pri ?f , ’ tato,t ' t,lw brciiriothj.kncj w “d" *od rammer panla. *“* bl "* table diapers. P newLtiiiiil* 0 °P' n ,' d * »err large assortment of bonnets J*™ h ‘ t *. Jutland braid and Ughon? •Sui ° f h “ lll ' , '7. glores and rib bans; m 0“ *° d < ’* ured enaSiJSf. t, (5. < f2i' !mllr * cw in part combe, buttons, per bo'l rtMtaiae, patent medicines, per unmlljr kept in tferi •uKnmlinkn *, Urg * Bt « k »f gold and eilrer f ' l"*"’ gold and gilt Jewelrj of 'itauf 5"“ rarietj of 30 honrand 8 daj or ““ “ tb « >o.-tptim, teerai 2*J£ A ° “ riy from bn ? er * *■ respectfully solicited. nia * D. GKK6O * CO. [ OHI4f~SZIGAiNBTirT)SY~GOODs~ST ! M’tiohb's irzw stoke, HAVfm^rS * N D riFTH STREETS. AVISO THIS DAY OPRNED MY NKW STORK, I , mS »H»"tlon of the Udiesto the epIeKH II Mortmept of SPRING AND BDMMKK 2*®s /■* »»!«*■ Among the stock mar be found »meof the eery taest goods now Imported. It comprises, s | Kfesr' 1 "™ 1 — sod American, French oud English Prints; “?■ **•»* end Bugllsh Ursf; 2000 French Collars, from 12J* cents to *5,00; ofthemoeMouiiOdri 6 l,tMl " s ' l “’ “““S whlch “■ “«■ f ißtpoepd into this country. **ftSSStS2SS Cb “ l1 ’ wilt fioe *»««* and Thread l«caj all of which will be eo!d UDoeually low. Ten U!«. yard wide Muaflo at alx come per yard _ A. MTWITB- | •~v&06. iiunt, Muoublc pry Goods, which hare be«a pQrehnMd in lam i^K 4t • QctioD » •® J fron » importers clearing ow I of OoSXTt "A Wl “ ““. bl ’ lh ' m to " u “•nj Beeirablo «flea .sisfi? l iias , “ ltoa 40 ° p ’* n1 ’ *■"' *“ " re * boa ' to , uk « “count of Mock in e abort time. . °” r a “*k ,[ prieea tbat cannot fail to anlt all W * f oUell “ “' I J ''l' from oor fricnda ail fh™ gewerally that we maj bare tbo pleaaore of oiV! Ing them anch huwalna a. we hare ncror been able to otta before. ; >2o] YODNO. RTKVKNBON b IOT1! HEW DBY 00008 BTOHE 0, I,r° 1 ,r°. n F ' , " 1 -»o. 01 n«k.t .trot. U „? ■*>* opro tor tb« tratukcUon of . g.nOT «i Dry Good* badness, ws would respectfully solicit the ImSSYJ? 2*! Pub'lc, filing confident th»L from ourei- CTAPLE nomS -lecw .lock of SILKS, >ANCY AND staple GOODS we ena oflersuch inducement* s« will in. *ureenUr« wOrfiction. UAOANJt AUIT _spr4.tf Nos. 01 Msrket sod 8 Union stmt. CLOTHING. CLOTHING STORE! JOHN M'CLOSKEY & CO JL strest, which hu won sn unbounded popularity under rHBB* 810 DOORS, riDg ®f” "I* o * ** Immense btutnwM. csmOTed to the spacious buildlnj on thecorner of DIAMOND ALLEY AND WOOD eSScT Whew they hare now the most ' * SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOTHS! READY MADE. CLOTHING., . Th»t l>u b«n off.r«l to lb. public. J, h .”iLSS^^ Uor **« tb. WHOLESALE TRADE ThtJ »ropr»|»ral to nil Uooclo it tbo LO ITi'Sr EASTERN PRICES' .... CUSTOM WORK, I!* TN, mst sriL*,Asß LTOH Ta* eU OIT*BT BOTICI. IS-7B‘*."lO J AT,vi 3 !°'' r “ J b -“ Ur “‘ —>«»•■< FROCKS, PRESS, WALKING AND BUSI NESS COATS. Ourlm.rw l > . r ,iJ, nt wl »im tho» of our curtomm. J ,e lh * u>*‘ OUT IklrUtj »U 1 00l 101 l In i\o. 88 Wood Street, u o *l. 81DE 0 COKHI* OF DIANOAD ALLKT. ° ur I'Ulronrlo undur.UmlUiut uo hum jolonurrunj eonnocUon uiUi Ik. Cl.rhmg Bnrlnno .on bui-23 JOHN U-CLOBRKV A CO. apainci ooom. —“ L.-or ILECKIVKI* ATJUUN MtCUiSKEV A GO'S lu„,l^ w *" h r*- N » 88 "- 1 UjlH.monJ.il,, th« Urtml ..d mart ..ri-J .took ~f KTi* ./fit ?** I hoAM *Trr limj jh. |i!n>u, of InrlUnn Uk >tu D th>D afth. F ufcli. to. Th«w,mid,L»i. k~n J.uithurt.taa Jet blm j . tIJ muwyiaui, ™ if/to ?'**■ “‘W I *'* ra <*» .I!, tolaj thJ; .. m S U ,n “ 11 * m,Su “ »"/ l*™™ la lb. mf foTH. til. atfcollon uf wL.,1,.j.1. d l »l,r. tnj rouutrj niclwu, lo mii.l. to and ex«mln« our rxteDg}«* aMortioem of ..it, “V* CL, ; TII,N ° if i. .iSitTli'.Tui ,o lliC *4“f nl, ‘y of iromeniw of eunneat# that * l U * l " e*Ubll*hmrtt; U & auflkfcne to “J, 1 ,J it bw n«T«r Uwp hjojUlwl b j th« boumjitA-lf. marlGuf JOHN McCLOSKKY k CO SAnUKL UKAY. yo. *it' 5r C cljjjf honELm/jLDfcGs, tocirJ VJ .Qd «rr.ntod ,o .ull lu. amuvUj on hud . CLOTHS, CiBBIMERES, VESTESOEL •na 0\ KRCOATINQ, of the lahwtityles, (elected cxpreeaiy th .h!? f^ B » tr * d “‘ ®* ntlemen their orders, will oo, , 'a U *<, “ d OOB »PlW »Hh, U .ll^ork “_dme under Baris Clothlaf! Clothing! TMIE undersized respectfully the ■* Ppbltetbat be 1* now receiving at buttons No. 177 Lib ertj atm*, a choice *wortment or CJotiw, Cassimere* Hud Vesungs, of the latest and moot deeirub.e «▼!«. which he U prepared to make to order in the most fashionable bud* at *h°rt notke, and on the most reasonable terms. We have also «j fcaoda large and well manufactured (lock of read/ made Clothing, to whieh we invite the attention of buyer*, either wholesale or retail. Persons who purchase good* for cash, will And it to their 1 dvantage to call at 177 Liberty (treat; before making their purchase*. [mart) C. CONKER. ~ i**w Clothlac Store. ~~ Tirv°* ******* OPPOSITE LIBERTY. UK subscriber haa joat opened thU new wubliahmrat, where he hu alwavs on band a large and choice awort ment of allarttelea of CLOTHINQ, which be warrant equal to any in the dty, and wUI tell at the moat reawnabU pri -3“ e pohllc are requited to give him a call. * inanely “B. OPPKN UEIMER. ~watchesTjewelry, &c. TITJi HAVK THS GOODS.—Jewelry, in rich and briu* Tj tlful variety, well (elected, aod a large assortment. Watcbea, the most celebrated and perfectly finished, of London, Liverpool and Geneva manufacture. Silver, Ware made In my own manufactory at Oakland, and warranted pure coin quality. - Military Goods and Seciety Emblems, Jewels, Beals, Re galia, Trimmings, Ac. Spectacles, Tea W.are, Lamps, Girandoles, Mathematical Instruments. Glass Cutters’ and Glazier’s Diamonds, Ac., Ac. All as cheap as any in this or eastern cities; Watch repairing done in a superior manner. Jewelry made and mended at the oldest established shop in this city _ W. W. WILSON, corner Market and Fourth ats. CLOCKS! CLOCKS!! CLOCKS!:! Pfetfle 4 Hayram, A DEALERS IN WATOUES, OLOCKg, JBW&LRY. lf% SILVERWARE, No. 42 PItTU Stmt, near X~ A Wood, opposite the Morning Post, formerly occu flUißpled by L Retaeoan A Co. W# hare now hand a splendid assortment of 8 day and 24 hour Clods, which we offer to the public at great bargains, such as: Iron came, poarl inlaid and all other patterns of Mantel Clocks, Also, a rich assortment of line , gold and silver patent ever, cylinder, and anchor esoapment Watches, and an ele gant stock of Jewelry and Silverware, which we intend to mil oheapf&r cash. N. B. Watoh repairing done in the best manner and at ow prioes, and, warranted. niar2ft I HEW JEWELRY BTOB E, j . So* 87 Market Street, {Scoond door above the Tforth-wcxt corner of the Diamond ) 1 JT OHN BTKVKNSON', (of the late Arm of John 11. M’Psdiion Y * o°i) respectfully announces to the publls, ihet he hM opened, et the above stand, a fine assortment of WATCHES JBWKLRY. BILYKR AND PLATED WARE. LAMPS, QI RANDOLEfi, l\xkct and Table Cutlery, Britannia Tra and (mnmumon Sell, and the osual variety of goods in hie line of business. I Special care and attention given to the REPAIR of PINS Batches, jewelry, ac. ! lie trusts, that from his long experience in business, he will be able to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their patronage. ‘Pittsburgh, May 16th, 1853. Henry HLctiardeon, Jeweller, HAVING re-fitted his Store in rhindmpt manner, nnd bnt recently returned from the eastern cities with a Coe assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, and FANCY GOODS, would call the attention of his friends and custom ers to the fact that among his Watches will be found the most desirable styles, patterns and makers.* Of Jowelry, the latest stylos of Brooches, Breast Pins, Fob and Vest Chains,. Finger Rings, Bar Rings, Miniature Lockets, etc., eta FANCY GOODS’—Such as Papier Macbe, Work Tables and Boxes, Desks, Fancy Vases, Perfume Bottles, Table Mats, Ooltfs Pistols, Porta Monnaies in great variety; China Fruit anil Cake Dishes; with an andless variety of useful and or* namental articles, which have only to be seen to be appre* lated. [novl] . NO. 81 MARKET STREET. Fine watches and rich oold jewelry at BAROAINS.—We wish to loform the public that we are now offering our present stock of fine Watches and Jew elry, at prices that cannot be beet Therefore, we say to one and all, you that wish to buy fine Watches and Jewel ry, give us a call, and save from 25 to 60 per cent in your purchases; whhhyou can certainly do by calling at 67 Market street N. B.—Watch repairing attended to In all its branches, in a superior manner. jUold Jewelry repaired or manufac tured to enter at short notice, at HOOD’S, 67 Market at. „ ' H. KMOKBEL, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELEE, D BALER Iff CLOCKS, WATCHES. JEWELRY, AND FANCY GOODS, N'o. SS Duxo *o Aim, between Mar *«* and Wood streets, PiUeburgh, Pe. All articles aold at this eatahllahmeot will be warns tad. Repairing of Clocks, . Watches and Jewelry promptly executed at the shortest notice. All work done will be warranted. IjeltkOm Soilce f StoeUißldari. AGBSEABIT to a reaol ottos of tho Board of Tnutaw of the Odd Fellow Hall Aaaodattonof the city of Pitta bugs, paaed at a meting bakl at tba office* on Tuaaday, Spinet, the antaaeribexa to tba Stock, of aaU Aaaodattou •ra hereby notified that.*«riO]raemr» batngtbe fifth matalaentof their aobaeripoon* win be doe aod tajabU o& the 26tbof Jana, IBM. Wif. S. HUNTXa, J Xreaeorer O. P. IL Aaaodatkn, j ooaaar Harfcat and Second ata. j .V tv ■-»' -j i—liiX. 1 -*?! •, I V^V. ; N .• ‘ *«‘i ♦ •'. ‘ •’ J i‘ • •' r~ ' ‘ T w Estate and Contracting Agent. HB subscriber has been induced "to openknofflce for i be purpose of buying end staling. on qommisrton, and MTing the Agency of Urge Steam Saw-Mills and Boev £{«?, the Allegheny river, together with, many other ucilltiee from other waterin'! f>team ft&w-taUis. He flatter* tumeelf that he can furnish any bill# of lumber and timber of any kind, greater email, long or Short, and •ellver them at any point on the Allegheny, Monoogabela, Ohio, or Uismwippi river*,* con tract to build large Barges! SSTeS 0 ?°* t Qußnels » Bridge Timber, Rail road Timbers—freight Iron, Coal, to any given point, aod will attend to the Sale and Reutof Real Estate. From ' gS,i?!“* PZ&yJ* lumbering, freighting and boat building, ho thinks he can giye general satisfaction. All persons are requested to make their contracts soon ; espe-' •tally thoae wanting boats or large billsoflamber and Um ber, should contract fbr them in the fall lor the spring and summer .use. He wllftiUo attend to the pnrchasa and sale otvaj commodity that may be desired. Letters addressed to. David Jlcsw, Real Estate and Con tractlng Agent, Pittsburgh, Box No. ISO, post paid, will be S l to ‘ offlc * *■ « Irwin street, No. 3, Allegheny House. DAVID MDNN. Krrouurcxs.'' Mr43»orge B. Sweuey, •* u . M _ C. AJ. Hahn A Co- « « ' „ des*il:lydsw EOoJ** Mercantile College,'pfttsbnrwh. p*. BTABLIBIIED IN IS4o—lncorporated by the*Legisla tuVe of Pennsylvania, with perpetual charter. * „ , OF WIaWWSI. u ° n - oms™?*** I H®?* y*L«* H. Lowant, «• K* vt £* cw » I a Caiaus NiTLda, * ' Moaas Hanmir, f Gan. J. K. Maousuo *2®"} *£»£•! 1 Anthi of Sam^I 0 * Mud <^onimorc£ » l 8cleu«». Pror «*T Of Penmarwhip. * or toSS^a-ur 1 "' of **“ put * ,, ' , '* i ‘ **■ . **: HAYDEN, A. M-, Professor of Mathematical ami Clas- Professor of Mathematics, Ac. VODR ASSISTANTS are eoostanUy employed la the Book-keeping Department. Deyr’s Brst» or Root utrao is taught by the author 3SSS D u TeßtM mMk di for patent By **■»*:<* tw* important invention, in 'v**f “*? of stady, the real practice of or perfecUon ; Hlstrainiag far basinets comprehends upwards of 400 real business translations; 300 eonuaerclal computations. A thorough eourseof business Pcouxsuar. Dsliy lectures on Oommerdtl Law and Commercial . thß theory of profits, the art of making money, Ac. DulTs Book Keeping, Harper's edition, price $1,60. post oompreherndve in the Duff’s Steamboat Book Keeping, price $l, postage 9 cents, • perfect system tor such Books Accounts.” Commercial Calculations, price 60 cents. Append for a circular by wall. (jelfedew Pnwm Mena. AND CONTRACTING AGENT. No. J, IRWIN StT«.t, PUUbnrgh, bu for u folio..:— 100 aoru of Una In Oder oonntjr, 10.., It rail.. fro® Moio cntln., on th. m.ln ro«l tn Mnfon, nnd 8 mIW Horn Tip. fr 2" Nnilrofol dopota; 80 ncm b under enltlTntion, n good Prune Honn, Prune Bun nnd Grnhn rloA • foo.l beering Appl. Orch.nl. The turn U .ell watered, high, dry, gcxxl land, in a very healthy county A very greet bargain can be bad of this farm to* prompt S£«s Aiqolre as above, or of Mr. John Muon, on' the pre- Also, 3 acres of land, with a targe Steam Saw MSSL now In Buceewfol operation; 3 Prime Dwellings. smith Shop and Tools, Boat geaffbld. Work Ihop, At, situ ate on the bank of the Allegheny river, ait MJnertiEddy. Armstrong county. Pa. Enquire as above, or of Mr. L Muon, on the premises. 1 • l “'to pnrehu. sln 8.10,000 fort, B U. of iood Whit. o*k PUnk. 8 InebM thick, 8 or 18 font lon*, I to 18 inebn wtd A put tn b. d.ll.cnd in Octnbu nnt wl put In April, 1836. Enquire as above. ■ .. A* 1 ** f° r “J*. *U 9“ Euroitore, and every thing of the fitting out of a large Hotel, in the dty of PUteborab, now doing a very 1 -rge bosin-e*. Two to five y«rs of the lease of the Boose can also be had, and right for the a bore LAMP in the - iJHL . ccootieeof ALLEGHENY, BKA. *f jIHa. fVJEK, WASHINGTON, PAY PTTE, and GKKEN K, weare pro parad to furnish Lamps, or sell alights for a reasonable prise.— These Lamp* are so eonstrnrted as to render eXpiarios Lm possible, and the public may mat satisfied that they may be u*d with entire safety. They also gtre mom brilliant light, and (he materials used befog cheaper than the " Long Tallow." or oils ofaOY kind, they most come into general use. We alro! haee LAaTJCHS'S ind CA>'B n tbf ooMiplcain principle. RCCdWHCXDAtIUNfi; * This certifies that we have seen, examined «m» tried, De QaSorm'* Improved Non-.Rxpioding Oampbena I«mp.'na* tented January Cfh, 18d2, and are fully satisfied that it i* a T»sry valuable improvement, and will be found far preferable to any other Lamp in w. We believe fbr safety it toper* fectly reliable, and therefore dean it rlelijy deserving the attention of all stud) as have occasion to use Lamnsofanv kind. 7 y C- 1L C. Diddle, BaUria, N. Y., 8. A. WUpod, BataTU, N Y P. V. BooOj, do J. C. Wiiwn, do £ uejn t K. Y. C. P. f’aranna, do H.J.Mann. do AlT»Bmitis, do W I». Lo«vrie, Williams’#, L, L P. A. Minh| do «J. K. Jo KUu Cootc, do J. fplnlnj;*'! do A. I*. Tjron, do K. Brown, do N. A. Woodward, do J. A. l'aU«r«oB, do CAMPUKXE, X’INE OIL ud FLUID, alwiTt for 83}u At lb* lowest jirliw. The attention of Steemboalncn and Railroads is mp.vt fully famtod to Use new pat*ut Lantern tod Can. Tb* lAinps may be men in operation at Dr. KKYSER'S Drug filor*% 140 Hood street, w here they uv kept for sale. febKhdawtf ROliV PATTKUSOIi’s ' BAZAAK AND LIVERV STABLES TIIR ITNI>KRgIKRgI• IdZS *n putting down ail competition. to call Especial and prompt attention paid to repairing of Oarri* ****» ***• f_my l&dawr* j JOB RPHwHITE.' HOBKRT PATTEHIoirs : flrrfN livebv and sale jcm, TO STABLE, Corner DUmul etrnet and Cherry aUwy, ■ »P rl4! ‘f PITTSBURGH, PA TEAS! TEAS! TEAS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, •w Pekin Teu Stare. -rkv*h.h i# . ’ *** *trrg nut, Pwmpmi.pjl B to 1*1«*» .nd b ßr*Jns r ¥S r .t p “* lTl, ‘* M« Foil ■lock Of asm TEASj—oonawting of come of the finest cicit ®V t * r ” »>'*«■ Uerrdnnti Tinting 1 tin dly are fnvtted to call and examine ourstoek. * f H 1! gkodoo, nil of which h.T. rad*!** 11 ** nawlUl “““« 1» «co” SO half eheete fine Young Hyeon; 10 do do Morune Young Qreon ,10 do extra fine Moyune do: I 100 do Superior do; IS do extra fine do; 60 Uequrod box*, extra Cnrioue Young Dyeon +& half cheat* fine Qon powder; J 10 do extra fine an; * . £ B aAr H ° rn V.?” ,^l! 160 do Fine Oolong Blank Tea * 40 do extra finiXAtong; ’ 30 do extra Onrlone ap; »=>4 ..ffssssajsasift?" « 6 do Cnrioue qo do • * Rk,o °' , “- v l ™*"*’* cnUh*i .„d p„,. I o*. LSO—M .° 0 ° Pri ° dp * Ber f*’ wftlch will be fold Ttry _norlMl. »a wm rtiwb ratffSb. A 4 C'lark'fl Plaxiao. FRESII arrival ofNUNNS ft GLARE'S .celebrated PIANOS has just been -/ the ecbseriber. They have been mtdel^^WV and carefully selected expressly for fclsnur.V ■ 9 \f ff red f °* "<*o** »oJ plmer or tone. They all posses* the new Improvement of Hrn th * bw ‘’' brings running orer and above «d£ b lln IM7 * P S fuI, J to stand any climate and to excel in capacity tor standing in tune Priorir**.*. ii f, r . DR .N. Y. All the above will positively be eold at Factory prkvs, without additional charge fo7 frefeht, risk, etc., etc. HENRY KLRRER, Sole Agent for Nunns A Clark’s Fiance, ■ No. 101 Third street, Sign of the golden llarp. »«wr mrriT.l of Chlckrriug'o Pi.no., JOHN n. MKLLOR, 81 Wood rtreot, «ik toda f (Matorday) the followioe PIANO FORTES, from (bo celebrated n.Tlf: “““‘“‘“torjofCHIOKERINa A SG.NB,!!:»- Two superbly esrveO 7 octato Pianos. Four plain Rosewood 7 ** « . Three carved do \!A< “ *« One extra carved 6$ “ .. One plain Rosewood 0-k “ « Fonr do do C “ « Three Walnnt 6 “ »« . * U tb » abOT » inatrumenta have born flnJsfied daring (he last month, and are of tfao latest styles of furtfltnre i n » fc riubly at BOSTON PRICES," and Pi.„f., l^„„ I j"* r JOUN n. MXLtOR, i . . _ . No. fie/A street Agent for ChicK*tpg * Bona. Boston. _ . m . DKAiKR IK ’ Had Tew, Choice Fendly Oroceries and Willow CORNER OF WOOD AND SIXTH STS., goods. Xln addition to hlo nlroodr eitenaiva onSv 7 L a ; b T «- _«-Oood.doliTorod in to. city fne ora,.™ ..„.n Mead and ' 5 n . ow ' IrSSfdSrta^a.‘“fpSa*lBrstiaSrlisrHni andotfcar nnlta, during tha Mason, on the mat Orders an raspeatftillr aoUdlad. i MV ni[iil_ , A wr P”* 00 to make 1500 in ft aiS st^» , 3«ai^'- s ssfs J * 7:a “ .PB0». BY&QN H. IJOHj. MISCELLANEOUS. V*.- V 1 *'•'.? ••. Carter’* Spaai*/, illixti % ,■ TU* GREAT .fUklFl/a WOT A J-ASTICU Or wserrai t,\. ' • ( A N INVALUABLE niCMttnr FOR n«er testimony than, the im» Xi!L In tt.£BhAS w,;V-L _ PBy L’fefr> of the Exchange Hotel. Richmond M SSSif , AOWiAfD FEVEIt—GREAT that for three years Ibad Ague and Peter ofiht . lentdeeerfptfon. I bad several Physicians ?Lw iL moBt v <> ' tW«» °f Quinine, Mercury, and I beUereail theTonir^T ▼erUsed, but all without any permanent reUeL it lh i tried arterie Slum lull Hlxture, two tually cured me, end I am happy to say I hare h»rf *, j.v, chill, or Aver * tawJ I totMider it til beet Itoit to thJ world, end the only medicine thmt over reubrti, Beaver Dim, near Richmond, ym Jobk Lononui. _2; ®- HSWefc. oowin the dtp of Richmond. ,n,l foi Post Office,Tias such confidence in rh» aatoaisfalng efficacy or Carter’s Spanish Mlxtare, of *«J which iShaalisS tot^* a ™ ctad - Mr. Lucksajs he has never know! k&f 1 i7™si tl “ n aceordin S to directions. OiSf'HyS?? B **? PytDtngPhysfcian, and formerly of the X*! tba.cfty of Riehmonl, says he has wftnrvod lLtn^fen- the effects of Carter's DKINKKR, of the firm of Drinker A Mcr m, Richmond, wee cured of Liver Complaint ol eiaht - K? tb ' «• hf twn bottle. if <££,T*U ™l mo°o“i T „oSSo OF k . 8 ,? IOrCIA -r' n '' » f «=• *«■ “mcarMofrtoiS n "T,” 1 and the Editors, in i Drs 2 f L,n ' = e n nd,t ,„ mi who STILL ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFULA v,.., F Conductor os the B. T. and P Jlcb v «U the phyricUniof thedfcy could n^tcnrt”^ %Zl h SShiSi “l" m^f.V i , , - t ‘ ,■«,„. /V ho haj Men tb« gwxl effects of COrtrr’r r *ST a noahor of grphili at ?£?““ “ j ? tnrB » for that lm * perfcct core. ■ i Q f HABWtIOP [ ftf BUfcinroj nirid rtf AM - , Uleen, which disabled tSJ? ? nd U^^SjrS. 1 WA iSSLim, f*- CHERRY PECTORA I . W* WI BIFID CCU OF COU mB6OIiva.^^ SESSSS ' BRONCHITIS . who ops „v a- po van. croup, asthma ! coasuKpTioy. ’ k »ffiy -* the *ttralJoa of the S VdA certificate* appended J S ow ’V‘, dbca P e * kfe » , tbemthat<-iii. f JPIIR 2? which their hot.«.t tranknera defterre*. ? I i tS^T *»'KWh stations as many „ ho rlj/^—Toinniarily bear witness to the rc’r*. Aft&MinfeETlN cyand ralae of CnnuiT Pictihu*. -i 0 w»ntonly trifle with,'or «H-: ut ... . Mr o, T «stite their eonrfcti -o*. Judge the*, whether thU fe. not the medicine to trust when yoomoethare rcHt-f-fjr the throat or Tangs; jadm •.*. whether erery family ooght Dot to hare it hy thrrT-,.. * "‘TT-be™ PTTOMW 'Lmj. £ 4 L . i* rt\.T* aa "' J ap i a *'" o « t «»«7 "it, nd caniee off a lamb from many a home f • . TL. T H., Jaeteoo eftj, 0.. 20 b Hot., M .v’ Dr.-T. C. Am: Sir—,Th« Cstny ls marl "‘■ti qmred after. fereral of oar beet PbwicUne hare oili it. t“ r 7 % *»-th«r own ejua*. and alwaya with thei ,*£ efftrta The numereo* patent medicines alirn>« £ fore them. lead: to incredulity In regard to ererv nJtrf. .. onl^“n «‘ H undoub t«d orideow of ialne in ;,‘cr that anything like a general confidence can be >x | ' s ™'"r e ° f tti "of P? ! he C l ire *® T , PK'TOBaj.) proved tayond cavil by redw l«i trial omlertheirowu observation ha* eompellHl »«' JT] tbr ? d iu wS«W Jt h U-ywd' d.Milt the Iwst general re we havfe for Iba PulmoL rv Affocnooe of tM* climate, at the same time sedative and t^pet'tovst**—a rare eoniMnaUem of properties. J" JJ" * **» Prove tts own reward, I subset, mjwlf. Respectfully yonr obedient servant Ld Ihr.Lpal ■ thS^'eSln toy dluj"^StaltoSfc?tbf,"„t .JTf year* m tty doll** um adTreata, bnmcht on *••»,» *S° » lrritelioo of tho broSbu tK wWrh »»* a constant annnyance to tne. ■"*! fcst beeom m. . murw ofmt apprehension. Brerv imMj trsSft*i S to rron «I «»• n> e , au I used yourCHinar iSoiZ t =£ haa not only relieved me, but, as I trust, cured »• « dirf^L" 0411 ! l ®o of advocating* Patent duanoa, and ihl* la at rotir serrice I «K a it ', .. to membersof th« bm, tod'Z, ,££\™ZZ ~i boric; coder tdioilar iadiepariUone. J * ’ ! *‘ Yooretroly, B. ?. JONE-t, Be J O AIe, October f, 184;. & S' 0“” "SS SdSSSS? "ft”>■» 1 “■*•«»** - Properol by J. C AYBR, Cb,„W, Lo w .n - ! rtaitori” %r££?° a *’ tobepolmrd offc tor EDMUND WILKINS «■£ on “.dj“ SE? L ° S-—H«»lan iDlroiand ■ qqit rtyljof fgm fbrC*tu. of DVJtAmtX STO/tK, oat tbroagh la panel or raUTof loan. 0D& at ion Uttla eoot owrlAofaSJS I "*!n“°I of *6*‘ “?«thor work 1 hare already Allegheny Cemetery. I hare on hand a ch. Im .election of drawing, ter erery dwraripHon of work In ,oy UnuscQ: KRAMKR 4 BAHM? Mra. HARMAR do lion. WILLIAM WILKINS, Home Wood Hon- THOS. IBWrN, AileSeov. Mrs. TIERNAN, Br., do r , on i OUN " cDOh *LD CKOBSAN, E.,,, Modmj.M. *prl 0 jU w etoopeax agehcy: ££l TM OLDEBT ESTABLISHED OFFICE IK T,„„ „ « UB Bull JTUW J MONEY TO THE OLt> CODRtrv AMES BLAKELY beg* leare to »y to SSf 3SI', ing fncndsm the Old Country, aad deri™^?/ I ** : ? T * •ending them money or paying their pauace for doing either ia now aanSS B ind b !n S#* He can Usoe Paaa&ger Ticket* for London, Dublin, Li v*r. & Ojwfc, Belfast, Drogheda, Limerick, i ,? rt \ G vV Wljr ’ k™dooderry, and DnndaUt, to New jMk.PUWdpUa,- Boaton,Baltimoreand New OrlAna.ead «Si? ence to Ht ** b «rsb; end will attend rtrktly to f.?£ wdjng PMaengersfrom thence to any part of the count ry eight draft* for at the fcifiSj ON KNGLAND. :: gSr? “““ * o4 to '=-"^;t' „ ON IBBLANB. norincW Bask . BKAXCHIO. fe;- ssu ass- »- ssa?.. ag**, Newry, Tralee, Balrmeni a *.\ Dnn|*nnoo, Londonderry, Omart * v n Kilkenny, *' Dua^non est* sssr sdr^-l^ ON FRANCK. w*r*.«wdßlontit*Oo-Bank«»_ « . rthl '- * 7 JAJUJg BLAKELY. 186. cor, of frgrrath and tM ni Umum, whkhiabli h£S?E2?w£ Prortaatol Bttki and Bruehei la — o___* ajm by I P la f T IUKDKI mwinM l iIT ATS? ■ V *'• ’■ ' * *-.A. v ‘.-' , t- > r i !,* , r'S}*** '* , BK. HORSE’S " lav!gori!tiugt!#f7 of th. bfehMiS^JS l!S«".ah'e rUm> ’° | TA‘»»ni«ite B r»iiid,i,sS, ,n 1111 '*"•> ,hf dejiiorible eyfll reiSn?! 1 ? *niiMeorabnae of tbenriou*odganiiwbk* - Em JiSf ““«»*•*« “echin.°>U«l man. ItreatottKto f “ n 5 li011 connected with tStmya the reJSK «»>. "eeeitetfto onla?toiSn;,°SrfW “*■, 10 feebta tens- - a» the only P8 W "> 11 fa "commended n re o«ry 7 u> ire^E»?eolo^f’ l H^ t ““*F, «“* U tites. as 4t*h ««thVETV yineßt of * u the oatnrml apce »n,£:arf.”s£i*si,u^ feeble girl, the tmoTW the Tha prer-worn nanofhufiTw thei£u!^s“ ?t * t ® ,i yol,tb » **• tb. ln«,M„« SSIJSSir.SErS HeeJtnew of a a ir-de or*nn will >li «•»< t • * a. o * frora th BaoeDtreUeffroatbe m^o, To these who hire ? ‘ nh l e *«w*»tnr.- a c*-raj>l«te and *’'• Jf * nt P»p melody. There ire that terrible • their eonrtitnUoni, tlet they thSk thrmeetv? of “^ IdD e. Let not .yen ibeeederpai?- d . h T, i , ai **■» «» « Ktlata, edthcut refrren'ce thhs2f and »ih not only ren»rethedtoorderitiS?hrt REIICILD TllJi BROKEN CONSTITUTION Tlie derangement* of tha system, leading to narren. ail. earee. and the Ihnn, of nerroie dtoi'fcr ehSeh'llT ' l ° !r ' “ c S° mn “ entunerate Ih^ESni Anting after estrtite. brohen inabilitjrto remain <□ one place or ' procreaUTeorgaoa,aeii«| iwußpaUncT oaiana, floor albu», ringing at 8011 * laxities, a'chronic tendency to mi*t*rrfo£r /-„■ : .U on? or,°SS^,i'^ U SS door, and all (bat does ncttmrrjjf fn.tt. - B ! cause* bej.;ifti the leach of W * teaB ° TOto: WhepeTer the orpso? to be acted npon are free fWrm ’ fonnaUt.n or eirirlurol i, intwth! „ MOHfh-s isvKSSinSeKuxiß STn IdO? ''^ , “i»tte^°«^iha U r t Tn“ wff l ■!■ eyetern,and’ that U^'i^y^S^v,"^’' lll ’ thanerroir f and eeneatlon I» r .brdcal Stb ° r , * ,o,a “ 1 for carry Sind of net-rone direare if?v!?J‘S d * l * 0 > that . only reliable preparation known* K i Cordial ii tha . - CUBE OP KURTOUB M HASPS f dtot«and S lmmc ? direared, dobUlteted and »K broken down by »bethW? sicknesa—tha ntatrnng and relaxed oreajllre7i?» P t! r>< ’^ beared, rerieified andTrarltni, irmptom of neroona direlie ?inh* floence. hor is the effect tonrann ouderlt* in -3S. rf i* P«™»bente-for theOoiSKre?li2mnr’th ~T 2? ' eonatitntion . LOEB OF MNMOBT. t . lien—tear of U »f"tlMeetni tibillty, neryonaneeefinaMUrefc eTm?!; p "* tl ’ tk,I >. ftl fatnalw, deray of the S to,b * , ThonnieSn®t?esS l or ! tU. J. VBiplrintr incident to femalea, aaaS^n^ri^HjV ll bals ofmodidne. Jbe an- Orotb^eUlfo^'J'gSf/X b / Ue or two, a tboroogh or«L a or.«ntnmJ22S,Sre P^2 > »™»W.- twb to bloom and Tigotfcbanging bottle or 10., drily color, tol TO THE MrsOOIIlEI) Tlieee are sone of.the ead and meler.rhrV eel by .early hahite of ve.ah. rS ,' > Pcodn- . and limbs, fains In the Hoad, dtonrea U " ! h * ck ruler wia-ar, palpltatinn of the hem dSfShif** ' • cwl. All thns afiHs Jl •* MEe 01 era* ' rboob, „t- - pi grimaga—tbe p.rwp^’boSy g,'l f »>T mind becomes rhadowod end “ w: melancholy relieetion that the w ' a > *•» oomee blighted with your owm PP “ , T of “other be. ' n . . . CAUTION. ; Dr. Moirep rnncomtinj CorUial haj hetm »«».«*—# by pocio aßpriocipir'j'pftiwjs. 043 &**“ counterfeited In futaro, all the Cordial wfiii v... *t *»«■ puffed over 7*£* pn T l t^ following words blown in the rlms: * *?* botae » tfc« Dr. Clt>rs«’« ißTlgorttinc Cordial. The CorJUl Is p«t 2S!2:E; ,> ?^ nr > *• V. fie*—price three doUrtrs wKuSfSKS?’ If ? ,Dt 6o *- for tvelire dollar*. *“ *• u? srssk iz* Allegheny Clty-JXO. p. Fuajlvc Ondnew-R n. mpg?- ftMtaSi. •. on TUB CUUK u* LKAkanfw- •ad were obUeed ta dm and £**“*7 ye*r»- or two bottles, thrown tiJuT l * TO » a^er tnfa*g one araillim >-“»■■» «■«. Bt*EfCDj high!, recoin. y Yota Cfcuan._Ttiom.~t. . children nnnutUj boconre dcnf,gtcommtmm^y&S: - „ . „ important Honest QiU and tttMrt. Baxter, and du will import io+oui* f.—., , twn vjUeomfineeaaKl » ofToke. I remained in » period of eighteen ve*~T trammer. OOMPOUJTD AOmnc^J^iJ n ilsf r ? l of S? A »rA»S bottle, Which I hroiJliSJ obtained » like nugie, »mj quit* enrwi mo **/ hku acted 1 information of my case which I tthTif 0 ”® wteili,i * *■**&« will find me by A «•, . door aboregeindSSe? T « *—•■*» KSklr*-. 39 mil rtSd. PjttfbSft. 0 Rwwmra . t. >^r J l' l^_p^^laliyperBay VTOT 0 * If **“*M nKAUHQ Oil# - "til ejljl *t ay Office and say w(2 *,*}*?* that it will not tS+> fi^asttMissssfi: =«^jas^dssaisj DijesMsof the Sul‘ “''monST^tSmT*'** yKs^fflssjffsa'S^ss 8. HQLMKS, TernpeiSeeime; DM ci?£^ ( fei Mnu WM. HtUBKRT A 477 P«n JEISmSS* ffigegaaSaeMl s°& *£*£&/£& wffi;?" wfffinss,^2j ' jygaiawy Cracked Handy, Banu or.Sctlds, Cut* or Wound* flfmoiattoD of thelßreatt, Bit** # P l *the tux, and Breaking OutSo&wS^ilSnSf?- Store; WM. SEIBERT A BRO 477 plt,_ J 7? UD *“*® ®tWf noiM2?T MAN * Penß *y lT “ni» Glass WoSr nOLMßS,TensperanceTiiie; Jk-M.CURRY a **:.jk SAMUEL DYER, AIIwIm,, Citf- i» SVmfr ,Cll >i »ilk; LUKE B.DinsON.SS’St® ! ! I Svlf»"5~- BtewMtstown; LHWIS DALZELL A & 0 * Co ‘ STEWART LLOTtt A CO., ilechanW- t2t HANNEN, Maneuver fit “ a Iron Works; J. if JyBfedawy | " JSSSrs: • SST^SJ?? . «!*ChS ! 5 i n*cSwr lUti0 ° a ““’ U ’ h 22%!£*£? « U'.IKKUHL’S OI.NxiLKST.UI ™ “ '■‘"■aeT’o, Snitor’vor Medan- < ‘ T " 80 NB. —A ntaglv b • kerpaoj Elac ic'fl huujp, let them c good working ord*r i Prrparwl and sold jy^o-dawy * MONROD tJiRRKL, K*ncißirk,t>na, pmOiMATISM.-J XV frr Rheumatism that painful trouble.' Ofiee and PriTate Qi Pittsburgh, lVnn’a. t nurcidfidhw. It- brown s newly tlLwcrerod remedy-. I is a *peedy and certain tor It riererfailA jnsultation Uoome Nc. 41 DIA3IONIL ibe Doctor w al»ajr* at homo. ~ - J I ,”«<•> c Inc, .7*?? -’ll E 6( Il»ir Tinir: ‘ arailMtiWl&aim; “ Ague Pill,; " Altw»tlTe; ; •• -A»tr»r»n n.;^Tv_ The4botera]n*blAamUy mrficlnw cotuani.Hvfv» v j* rsi” ld^ ol '" , ' or T“ i, -‘' the p ' ki ° W.IMA- ii farina.A^fccffi.’EgL Kr-odJ, fcr — -ti JOA FtlfWva It - t t -A - ‘ T-t' " nr”*/ 5 : . . % _\ \ ' 'VvJ't ■v 7,. /•' J r '-'•:.'i ; y V/-> v «% ' % *