The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, July 07, 1854, Image 2

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FRI DAY MOBKmOai^^Jgl 8 ""-
j / O? COURTT.
W« would C»ll O'* attention ° r MERCHANTS AND
BUSINESS MEN to thw f«t th.t ». here juet received
from Pilledelpbie » number of fonts of new Job Type, wnd
no J prepared to fill onion for Cenle, Csrcnlare, BUI
needs, Paper Books, Poster*, end Programmes for erbibl
bltlons. All orders will be promptly filled.
ee wt
and I
of b|
any careful observer of the political move
a in our State, for the last four monthe, it
; be evideni that democrats hare only to do
• duty in earnest to giro to our political op
,.nts; of etery color, stripe or faotlon, a
I erloo defeat in October next.
~'pr a year past, a large portion of the whigs
ham been endeavoring to form a coalition with
the Abolitionists and native Americans. They
adnfit that without such ooalitions, and a new
basis Of organiiation, their party most remain
in a 1 hopeless minority. But the great difficulty
has' been to know which faction will provail in
the new party that is to be formed. The lead,
era are dealing with stubborn materials ; and to
devise any plan of alUauce that will be satisfac
tory to all the factions sought to be embraced in
the fusion movement, is evidently impossible.
Up to this date the alliance is not accomplished;
and thero aTe strong indications that it cannot
Up to February last, nothing had been accom
plished towards securing the 00-operation of the
abolitionists with the Whigs. The introduction
of the Nebraska bill into tho Benate wan seised
upon as a means of getting up an excitement ]
that would bring the whigs and abolitionists to
gether. But the abolitionißts adhered to their
own tenets, and required that the whigs,should,
entirely abandon their own organisation, and
come over, oho and all, to the abolition platform
—that one plank platform, the sole basis ana
Vitality of which is hostility to the Southland
ail its interests. Accordingly, wo find that
the whig conventions of several counties or oar
State, hare lately succumbed to the abolition de
mand, and adopted nothing but abolition reso
lutions. It was so in Allegheny connty. Tire
resolutions were adopted, all on the subject of
elarery; and all breathing uncompromising and
unprovoked hostility to the South. And one
fact should be remembered, as indicating the
difficulties the whig leaders anticipated before
the fusion” was Completed. The whig con
vention of this ooonty adjourned without passing
any resolution, or saying one word in relation
to their candidates for Governor, Judge of the
Supreme Court, or Canal Commissioner. It is
easy to divine the motive. Judge Pollock, Mr.
Smyser, and Mr. Darsie were all whigs. It
might be neoessary to withdraw one or all of
them from the tioket to conciliate the abolition
ists, the native .Americans, or some other fac
tion. It would not do to endorse them, and
pledge the party to their support. They must
wait till tho “bargains and sales ” were'com
pleted. ' They have waited long, and in vain.
Not one 1 oontract is yet signed, sealod and de
livered Mr. Darsie, being of foreign birth, was
obnoxious to the the NativeAmerieans or Know
Nothings; and he has consented to withdraw
from the ticket. His letter to that effect is in
the hands of the State Central Committee •, and
the publicatioh is only delayed until other bar
gains can be perfected.
i B. Bash Bradford is the Native Amerioan
1 oandidato for Governor. Upon the withdrawal
of Mr. Darsie, the design was to have Mr. Brad
ford decline the race for Governor, and take Mr.
Darsie’s place on the fusion tioket, for C anal'
Commissioner. That would secure the Know
Nothing vote, to Pollock, and the whig vote to
Bradford. But alas'.
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In Brains }M:
OILLMOBB, Editor and Proprietor.
A letter from oar Brighton oorreepon'
ill be found on the first page.
-Owing to an injury receised, one of our
« wee unable to debtor the' paper on hie
yeetenloy., We will make ell right in a
• two, end hope moot of oar readers on that
will reeeiretbe piper this morning..
r- The'telegraph news will be found of an
on interest The foreign news is portion -
important. ! If the reports are true, the
ans are erery where worsted ; and the war
not last eo long as was antioipated. But
, 0 f the news needs confirmation. It is
: r too much 11 all on one side.*
jp* Al despatch received from Philadelphia,
Lou the Democratic celebration them on
ih, »8 one of the greatest gatherings that
Toot place in Independenoe Square. Bpeech-
Tre delivered by Hon. John L. Dawson, Orr
booglassi Mr. Dawson’s speeches spokeii
£ our correspondent as particularly do
it, and eothusiastioally applauded.
,e Democrats in Philadelphia are in high
is, and see a re-aotion already commenced
:■ qince the Know-Nothing election, that
s utter defeat to fueionists and disunionists.
Let ns examine the faets.
II Th e best laid schemes of mice and mao
Gang aft aslay.” ’
To the astonishment and .wrath of the wbigs,
Bradford refuses to withdraw. He insists that
Pollock must get out of the way, and let him
hare the gubernatorial track. And he believes
that he has only to be stubborn and resolute,
and it will be done. But Pollock, too, refuses
to get out of the way. It is said he has joined
the Know Nothings himself: and why then
should be bo required to withdraw. But Brad
ford is stubbdrn. His infancy was rocked in a
mahogany cradle. He is a man of wealth, of
respectability, of ambition. Why should he be
compelled to abandon thisforlorn hope of being
Governor of a great democratic commonwealth t
Not ipdaead !He positively refuses. So fu
up a stump " there. i
r Not being able to boy tho Native Americano
and Know-Nothings with the Canal Commission
er’s berth, the traders tom to the Abolitionists,
and offer them the vacancy oocaseioned by Mr.
Dareie’s withdrawal. George E. Biddle, of our
eoonty. Is sopposed to be available. The Demo
crats favored him with a fat office once. He re
warded them by abandoning their ranis. He
can probably hare Mr. Darsie’s place ; but upon
one condition. Fotte , the Abolition candidate for
Governor, must withdraw, and sell, assign, trans
fer and convey his whole party to Pollock. Bht
lo ! another difficulty. Eotte refnses to get out
of the way.. He is rich, and can afford to spend
a little money in the oampaign. Hois ambitions;
and something might turn up that would make,
great man of him yet There is nothing like
being in look’s way. A nomination for Gover
' nor is an honor not to be had every day; and
when obtained, it is not to be relinquished for
nothing. But above all; Potts is reputed an
honest man, and he denounces these " bargains
andnales” as dishonest; Ho does not believe
a few demagogues and -trading politicians have
a right to boy and sell the great mesa of the peo
ple. He believes it wrong to boy and sell 'ne
groo; and equally wrong to buy and aril white
J • 1 .". .. I [■ ;'l: ,i ,
men.. He appears to be one instance of an Abo-1
litionist who considers a white man as good as a I
Vrgro; and that neither ohonld be sold. Again
is the fusion sebeme "up a stamp.” The pla%<
it will be eeen,! was originally to put Bradford ia
Daraie’s place; WllmOt lb SmyeeVe plaoei and
haro Potts withdraw. ThatiWould hare left a
clear field for Pollock, with Whigs, Know-Noth
ings, and Abolitionists to baok him. And the
other candidates on the Bute ticket—Bradford
and Wiimot—would hare had the same booking.
Bat the refusal of Potts and Bradford to deoline
the gubernatorial raoe knooks the whole thing
, on the head; and fusion is thrown into utter
. There is still another difficulty. Smyaer re
fuser to tieetine in favor of Wilmot. He thinks I
a Whig should not be-reqnlred to withdraw from
the tioket to make room for a reDegade Demo
crat We think so too. .Mr. fmyser is right,
and should stbk to his text ■ Bradford n right
too. He is a better man than Pollock ; and has
hoßts of friends who will never consent that their
favorite be sacrificed. Potts is right too. “ A
white man is as good as a negro, and shou
not be Bold. _
Secb iB a brief history of events ttano hr. We
ebell keep oar reederß informed, from time to
time, of farther developments. A new ere of
political gambling has dawned upon ns, rich in
scbemeß and trioks and infamy. Ie it not in
famous ’ Party leaders professing to h»Te prin
ciplee, and'asking the confidence of the people;
yet ready to abandon all their principles, and
trade tor the fneion of a rabble that, they hope,
miy eecure the spoils to those leaders ones more.
We'aro satisfied that the great maos of the peo
ple of thio State will soorn each political gam
bling The mass of the people are honest, and
will not bo sold; and will not abandon their
principles. The DemociaU hare nothing to feer
in the present campaign. They have only to
close ranke, end charge firmly npon the disor
ganised rabble of their frantio opponents, and
our old Cpromonweelth ie still safe under Demo
cratic rule. ’
Ffttftlltf of Chloroform.
Id out paper some time ago, we publiahed an
account of the death of a lady in North Adame,
Mm., which was asaribed by Dr. Streeter, the
attending physician, to the inhalation of chlor
oform. The liOnistille Courier demurs to this
conclusion, on the ground that the “ eridence is
too loose and pointless for the production of a
ficed faith. Indeed, Dr. Streeter glee, no rea
son for his assertion that his patient’s death was
caused by chloroform, nor does he show that he
administered the artiole according to principle.
He does not refer to the eery important point:
M to uhat length of time had elapeed between the
period cf the patient'e eating and the admtnutra
lion of the chloroform. If Dr. Streeter gate the
lady chloroform soon after she had eateu, he ei
olated Dr. Beatty’s grsat law; a law whioh expe
rience has confirmed, and if he did so, he ,e to
•blame, and the chloroform is not.”
Finally, tbe editor comes to the conclusion
that “chloroform, in the hands of experience,
prudence and skill, is too great a blessing to hu
manity to be asserted out of public fa»or by
such loose, illogioal and unscientific etatemente
as those made by Doctor Btreoter, and we con
sider it due to sufferers, that the truthful claims
of chloroform shall be known and appreciated.
Our courictions of its ralue rest upon a mass of
testimony'oapable pf establishing firmly any
troth on earth. When these evidences fall,
we shall begin to donbt the ralue of testimony.
Tni Oaxitte.— The editor of the Gazette says
there was no truth in the charge that the New
York Tribune was in fetor of disunion. The
Gazette knows that tho assertion is nntrne. Tbe
Tribune has pursued precisely the course that
would lead to disunion for months; and it is
still pursuing the same course. It published,
with commendation, a letter of Cassius M. Clay,
openly recommending a dissolution of the Colon.
It has published a series of artioles showing
that the Union is of no ralue to the North. All
readers of the 7Vi4un« know that the Gazette e
assertion is untrue.
The Qatette next publishes a Billy He in re
gard to a bargain between Gen. Pierce and
Judge Campbell. It is a Whig trick to charge
upon the Democrats exactly what the Whig*
themaeWea are doing. The Whiga are openly
trading for rotes and faotiona ia thia Btate ; and
to deoeire the people into the belief that it ia all
right, they aay the Demoorata do the amine
thing. It ia a Billy, baae, malignant falaehood.
Population or Chicago —A canane jut com
pleted for the Directory parpoee, ehowe the Gar
den city to hare a population of 66,872. Of
theee 28,899 were malea; 82,857 femalea. Amer
ican 25,677; Foreign 85,879; Mariners 4,316.
At the cenaua completed in January last, the
population was 60,782; in 1850 it wa« 29,682.
PasssTLVARiA Railroad. —A new train will
be run on thia road hereafter, leering Pittsburgh
at 1 P. M-, and arming in Philadelphia at 4 A.
M. Sea the adrertieemem in another column.
Handr«dtb A»nftTM > a»rf; o* th« BattU at
Fort Neaeaalty.
[Pram the Philadelphia Baa, Jal; l ] #
A grand gathering waaheld on the eite of
Washington's old fort—Fort Necessity—in Fay
ette county, on Monday, the 3d of July, to
oelebrate its gallant defence by Washington, one
hundred years ago. Washington had been sent
with sir companies of Virginians to ereot a fort
at the forks of the Ohio, now Pittsburgh. While
waiting with his command at Will’s oreek, near
Cumberland, for the arrival of his superior.
Col Fry, he learned that the French had taken
possession of the point, and were busily employ
ed in fortifying it. He at onoe poshed forward
with his party. Beaching Little Meadows, at.
the head of the Youghiogbeny river, on the 9th
of May, be learned of the approach of a small
body of French, and immediately advanced to
Great Meadows to meet them. During an in
tensely dark night, while rain was falling in
torrents, he learned that the French were lying
in a ravine six miles distant. He raarohed upon
them with forty men, attacked them early in
the morning, killed the commander, De Jumon
ville, and nine or ten of his men, and took the
remainder, some twenty-one, prisoners; his own
loss being one killed and two wounded. The
prisoners were sent to Virginia. Col. Fry hav
ing died at Will’s creek, the command devolved
upon Washington, and having reoeivedreinforce
ments, he fortified his position at Great Mead
ows, and named it Fort Necessity.
At this place he was attacked oa the 3d of
July 1764, by a large force of Frenoh and In
dians- The enemy kept np a brisk fire upon the
fort, at a respectable distance, for some nine
hours. It rained heavily, and most of Washing
ton’s men stood in water up to their knees. At
eight o’clock in the evening, the Frenoh com
mander, having loßt a number of men by the
Virginian rifles, proposed a parly. Washington
was destitute of provisions, and greatly out
numbered. A capitulation was agreed to the
Virginians to march out With displayed colors,
leaving only th»ir artillery behind. On the
morning of July 4th the; fort was evacuated,
and Washington with hi* band returned to Vir
ginia. The legislature of Pennsylvania some
year* ago, granted a charter for the Fort Neces
sity Monument Association. The design deter
mined upon, was that of an iron oolumn or obe
lisk,' fifty feet in height The work *»*■*«»«
yet been commenced, owing to a lack of funds.
Bnt those who are interested in the matter,
oonsider it ao manifestly appropriate that the
oornsr stone should bt laid on the hnndreth an
niveraary of the battle, that .they have determi
ned upon calling a meeting of the people of
Western Pennsylvania and Virginia, to lay tho
oorner atone of the monument on the site of tho
’ old fort, on the 8d dayofjuly.
Illinois Would make forty eooh Statu a*
Rhode Island, and Minnesota, sixty. Missouri
is larger than all New England. Ohio exoeeds
either Ireland, Scotland, orPortugri, and equals
SooUand, Belgium, *nd Bwitierland together -
Missonri ia more than half
and larger than Danmark, Holland» JJa'Kinm»
and Bwitxerland. Missouri. nnd Illinois are
larger than England, Scotland, Ireland, and
Wales. "
A writer from middle Illinois, saye that the
proepeot for a hear, prop of grain now was
finer in that region than the present tone.
*- ' S k<' ’ • *
The Fonrtk wW‘Wy gea«r«Hy ©eleheatad
throughout the length end breadth of this greet
.^ g p 2 the usual amouut of powder, pa*
triotiSwrand bad liquor.
In jffenr York several alarmf.of fire and- a
number of riots occurred. There wae nothing,
however, of a serious character. The military
display was very imposing, but it ended in rath
* melancholy manner, from the faot that three
soldiers were aun struck, and died shortly after
Bostof, Jnly 6.—The national jubilee was
appropriately observed here yesterday, and pass
ed off without aoy accident. The weather is in
tensely hot here to day. Some more coses of
cholera hate ocourred.
PniLAnKLPHiAj Jaly 6.—The anniversary of
American Independence was celebrated hero in
a Tory spirited manner, and went, off free from*
accident or row. The military turned out in
foil numbers, making a grand display. Numer
ous societies also paraded through the streets,
in accordance with their usual eußtom A largo
number of persons assembled in Independence
Bquare, where the Declaration of Independebce
was read by Major C< Biddle, who was captain
in the Mexican war. The orator of the day
was John R. Ludlow, a young lawyer of this
city, who acquitted himself admirably. He was
succeeded by John L Dawson, the Hon. James
8 Orr, of South Carolina. lion. S.' A. Douglas
also spoko and treated of the Nebraska question,
i and the great question of civil and religious
1 liberty. During the day there were several
1 alarms of fire, and some disgraceful fights, du
ring which several men were subbed and one
I reported killed. The Mayor’s proclamation
against firing off crackers amounted just to
nothing. The boys would have their own way
despite all proclamations, and made considera
ble noise. _ , ,
Washington, July s —The Fourth was dnly
celebratedby the'Democratic Association. Seve
ral very excellent speeches were made. .There
were, some few fights, and one man is reported to
have been killed.
Wilmington, Del.—The Fourth passed off very
quietly till in the evening. About nine o’clock
last night, Joshua 8. Valentine, a member of our
City Council, was arrested for firing crackers aod
taken before the Mayor, who was about to fine
him. Valentino thereupon very grossly insulted
the Mayor, and ho was committed to the cell
for contempt This created riueb feeling among
the friends of the parties, and $20,000 bail was
refused. About 11 o’clock, the friends of Valen
tine went to the house of the Mayor and under
took to mob h:m. The Mayor came out with a
pistol in each hand and dispersed the mob, after
making several'arresU. The mob handled the
I Mayor very rough, tearing his olothee nearly al.
I off. There is a great deal of oscitemept in town
this morning in regard to it. A citizen offered
$l,OOO to any set of men who would Valen
tine out of the coll by main force. There is no
telling where the thing ra*y end. as the mend*
of Valentins appear to be to carry
the matter to extremes. i
Easton, Pa., July 6.—The Fourth [passed off
very pleasantly. Iu the morning itbcre was
q jite a large parade, composed of the military,
firemsn and students, accompanied by Jibe Easton
B*nd In the afternoon a balloon ascension was
attempted by Mr. Pusey, of Philadelphia, but
beiog unable to obtain gas enough he did hot
a*.oeod higher than the roofs r of the bouses.
After knocking about among the ohimoeys be
c -,cne down ou the bank of the river. He was
a„l injured. Several fights took place as usual,
but tnere was no riot as was anticipated from
handbills posted up on Monday night, illustrated
w th a Pope’s cap and some hieroglyphic inserip
ti:ms. The Catholics say that it was done by
the “ Kuow Nothings,” and the "Know Noth
in*’ i>ay that it was dooe by the Catholics to
create a riot. ‘
Ej til, aßoilly Linin' for tin : Morninf Pott
Forthor Diseomfitnr® of tho Rnisinni!
Farther guceeee of the forks.
Ntw Yoik. July 6.—The »i**mer America arrived at
U-Uifai. with dates to tb- 241 h.
Lirtxfixu. Maxxits—Rlrhardron quote* Wheat as having
drclioed fmra 3d to Gd. Flour 2*. end Corn I*^3*.
provision* generally firm ud unchanged .
Cottok H*A»n—D*nnl<tmi report* tb*t tb* previous
st »mer** new* had * favoreblf? eff-cton the Cotton
pr«uff*r, a large bu«n-«- doing; lower and middling
SoaMlw bare Improved. most; an active speculative dc
muDd at an a-lvane* of »J. bolder. me^Uoß; .he demand fr~-
l, but not pres-lutf sale-'. Th. sales for the week w«re dO,-
*l5 hale-. including 45 000 lyalee American The »l*e in
.r-wuUtcir* w-fe r,,A00 bale*, and to -xporW 8,300. Th
a>- od Friday were 15,1*00 hah*, iivlu.iiog 6 000 for «P«rt
and speculation. Orleans fair nud-illng 5 V MnbHe
f.rb 1 ! cl.-rflng firm with an upward tendency. The stock
inclusively of ehip board. amounted to 91*,000 balaa; the
aUtrk exclusive or ship board, wai 610.000 bale*.
Breadatull. —Kkhantaon k Brother* quote the weather
favorable to Kngl.oJ and Franc* Tor acrirultural purpow*.
waaequentlv Bre.dstuff* are considerably lower in price.
Wheat baa declined from 3d to Od. and Flour Js. Indian
G rubai declined left'*, and holders are rather pr«*ing
a;-on the merk-L Flour... WMtrrn Canal 3T*
et.lar* aav 36* 6d(«U?7e; Straight Baltimore 37» &l. Wheat—
Whit! Its Ud/Ald* 3d; He>l, Usual 1* bd-other» quote
White at lWglli* 3d to 12*, and lied 10* to Us. ludlao
C< rn 36ef<£37* and37* 04.
|*rort*lon»—Girdlner report* Beef transaction* small,
bm price* firm. Pork market firm. Bwou firm, and Ham*
and Shoulder* unchanged In price, with a moderate bu«-
D *The Turk* on the 15th eailwl out of SllUtri* and attacked
the Riuudans la their trench**. . A severe ballla eneoed,
enlloit In the tnt*l dLieomfiture bf the RumUn*, who were
pumued by the Turk* and fled acres* the I>auube. They
then deetroywJ the lUisslan fiege work*.
It li considered that tbi- victory will change the face o.
tt A eoSpfficT to aaiwsinato Napoleon ha*
In the South of Franoe. One hundred and fifty arra»U
have been made.
Complicated negotiation* conUnue. .
Thu papers announce that ou the lith ulUPaiklewUeh
r*-.lT«l order. Irreiflt. P.trr.t,ura to r.Hr. besremd Preth.
Tb« Pa I. Monitaar .enounce, th.ton the >Sth of Jan«.
tb. Turk. m.J. a trciomdou. »rtw from bni-tri. and jd-
U. ked the HuMdon. wiG. gre.t fury. Gen. Ba.cld.ra re
eelred a wound, rendering ampuUtkm of the left leg necee
aary. Prince Uortacbakoff raceired a eoutuakin.
The Kuiwians had sprung three mines before Sllistria
without damage, and were prepared to mount the expooted
breach when they were attacked on thrw sides by the Tark*
with fearful slaughter. The Rnmiane fled.
The Turkish brigade from Bbumla succeeded m entering
The Russians were employed on the ,l«h
moving ibelr dead. Three Huesiau (leneta s wew 1 «W.
The garrison of HuUohuk went over to the Island of
Mokao and destroyed all tho Russian work* there.
lien Grotenhlelm’s division i* *ald to hare defeated two
Turkish brigade*, with 6.000. cavalry and 40 guns.
The Turks hare driven th* Russians out of Tortakai,
which they occupied with a strong gaiTtaon.
(leo. Luders is amongst the wounded at SlUitria.
It 1* said much disunion exist* amoog the Russian gsn
eml* at head quarters, probably Induced by ill eueceai.
Austria’s summons that Russia should evacuate the PriD
ch'nllUes, it is said, has caused the utmo-t Irritation at St.
, p.i a rtbuK. and an answer i* under discussion.
P who w*a em thfl
said to have been ordered to return to take Sills trie at any
from Turin to the Ulh, .UU. th«t J oOg« U.bbj
.barred with a preliminary to inquire Into the guilt of
uertiee charged with the aaaaßelnatlon of the hukeofl’.r
me who eu, woundod with a polgnard in tha
•tracts of Parma. on the I2ih of June. s - i
Madrid advicoe to the lilh stale Ihalid
aod iloarina wore amsted on a charge harboring Gen-
O’Donnell. Messioa escape I, and Orlando was sent to Go-
“Iwepatchea from Vienna state that a
eluded at Conatantlnople h«tw«n An.trm and Porto;
relatiee to the Dnnuhlan principalities, the
lng that, if Rneala Taluntarilj retires, the Austrian troope
wlil enter the princlpsUtiee, and form a defence between
Russia end Turkey; If Russia refuses to retire, Austria
Jrii"uk“neh step? ia may appear neeesaarv to Insure her
d °S?.’Rua»lens here been surprised and beaten by the
C, ?b”Sh of ß Mth» P Sh. at, BUletri. is -nOrmed
iiTtsT—A telegraphic despatch states that at a eonfier
TVeliein it trad decided that Frafiia would not
; declere war on Russia, but would piece a portion
STb. Prn»i." .rm, »»1» »■« order of tb. Emperor of
“ ha. succeeded to the chief command
Ida. force, in ihe Danube, in consequence of the
r„«ed butlers, who had hU jaw carried
says to English H«»t of upward,
nf fnrtv T«i?els"wafl signalled off CrjnataJt,
° A t was aeterely wcurded. Gen.
SehUders haa tis leg shot off, and two other
. ... . *rh« car naze among - the Russians was druadf .
S.f',.U«l "g“fnS,Toroith. Danube. Pursuing their
iujv.ntoitethe Turks crossed an arm ofrihe riser,
m’“te B o’f Hope, end blew op ihe Russia
thnreon The Turk, then erected temporary baltorie* on
m.Xlgwten hank of tb. riser, before the north tae of
H?, The Russian battalions, east and west, imme
diately retreated In gwxl order across the liter, destroying
b ßistens, at me latest ecconnts, were to the ridnity
of Rolarascb, awaiting reinforcements rpv.
Th« tictory was gaiiied’eutlrely by the Turks. The
The V cu> _f nTl . r «.ti o na In Bulgaria must now be altered.
order the whole Ros
ItiS fall back on Jft«y. Kre this the Russians
" tn rnhnaoi'bod all their pcaitjoos on the left
!£nk o?Se b D the fort, of Uorsotia, Mats-
C “h.‘ D app D tS^ , '»f t ». adrance of Belkin for m.
P ”he nt ßuLteu°eS,unts from Buchant admit that tb.
™3rllonß eaainst Sllletria are suspended, hot say me,
Admirals b _ blockade of the mouth of the
£ fleet were cfnldng off Ecbestqpol.
P^R*Stt Pe p!SS“ha?. , £r«nt into the interim-
The u#toAdmlr»l:'-Plttiiirid«, took ponntiijon
of whkhtakbe fc2&* l»to a jutto#
thf* irractioo mi totally extinct *t Iftnu, hot
A. * E
*• ■? A",
•I.' " * (' 1* *-
\ .-•■ .f \ . ■
■*, b •'.■*•**♦;**• ■* \ ~.„ .. , \ .'.i-if.
v V - -* : 1 •' :
S 5, V
T* rUfth troopaand majfolnery hare baan • ant to Tfaeeealy,
infcinedlat* retirement of the alllee fro*** Taikey. It can
.TBSSySS3rJSSi..«- ■£•£*- {£»s
°°Viuwi, 19th —The emperor in resoWed, IT an *n4»
answer comes from Russia. Austria win forward a floa i «!•
tfanatnm, demanding a eategorical reply w J thi n eigb 71
i Itla Mated that Napoleon has Intimated to the Austilau
gbremmant, that the French will interfere to sa D pre«s w
oTotlonary moTemen nin Hungary "«d Italy, T h *|® t *“
Austrian troops art engsg'dagnlnet the Russians. Similar
declarations ara expected from England.
A Russian loan 0f1f1.000,000 of rubles, at 6 per cent, was
negotiaUngsatHsiaburg it 87.
. WrstiiaoToa Citt.-amw.-Tha noose
slinratloo of Bennett's Und Bill. After a ape-ch from Mr.
Bennett, in reply to Mr. Disney, of Ohio, he mored to post
pone'the bill until December. Some mmrntie* «wud
ri allowing Mr. Disney to reply, when Mr. Bennett with*
drew hi« motion, and moted to recommit it. .
Th. House then went Inlo • Commute, on the Gen.r.l
Appropriation Bill, nnl arprooriaUon. wee. *®
cootinulnß th. Acqednct to ■upplj Wa»hlnjton with wale,,
mnri'for furnishing the oew Insane Asylum.
Mr Clayton’s Mil, for the more effectual suppression of
the sIS/trade, by ’ restricting the tran.for of American
vessels in foreign ports, was taken up and paased.
The reload Insane Land BUI was.taken up.
Mr Brodbead spoke against the bill.
BsjiiTi—Mr. Mason offered a resolution, calling for the
M or th. Amuricn Mloi.U,r .t B mel .eo
i il, M | iar « of any American ▼ essel and the fm
SKKei!?o7»Amis', riliaen hj th. ao.horid- of
BT iil'bm Mt.hU.hinß . line or .t.eoer. h.t.e.n S.o
Francisco and Shanghai, *la Japan and the Sandwich
K&3T"b?Suction Of a tin. of tel.
jjtlJh from the MiastsSppiriTertoSan r™clsco_ wuUke"
Split gl»e§ 2,000,0C0 acres of land for the
.line in two rearm; the goyernment V?
miu free of coat. 8000 words per month, the'
kept up at each 100 miles, at the rale# to be ehsmj en the
11m now In operation. The bill- was postponed nntll to
W,e«..0T0„ Citt, Julr 6.-i7b«K-m. lion" «enpi«l
th. d.r in 'l.bhtinß th. Owml Appeoiwi«ion
SmaU.— The ClllhTni. T.l« Bl “’**
upjonh.i mo ended, and poetwrowl nnUl Monday.
Insane Land BUI was taken up.
Mr William. addreMed the Bennie in enpport ef the Wii.
"he qmwSn .h.ll th e bill pM>.
ohjarthm. of th. Pmeident, wee then pnt and decided In the
Mil. were P~~d : Foe a MiliUry
read from Arret Salt Lake city to California. FoTtheron-
Huoatlonof a MlllUry road from *^l’"
. o. y A . i\>m nafißUßt of dell (racer* so
sk.7*nn thetorrltiy of NeJTdexlen, while under mlHUry
Sjvernment- Also the bill to refund to indlriduali money
oaned to New Hexleo.
TERRIBLE FIRE. ~ . . . .
Piwmnu, Ju’y h—A terrible firs \ytidjht
at PbUadelphla. It broke tut at o clock, at. thalSa-
Theatre. Chasnut atreet. opposite lha Girard Hotel,
*l iJSTSriyS whole block, bounded by Cbe-not and
George street*, and Eighth and Ninth s.reete. Tb ®F re * t
Museum baUdlug, containing the two lygwtand ® ort
gmnt saloons in the country, was totall {*
£r«u large dwellinge on George street, (be WaTsrte Hotel,
Bell Twin, (targe Fisher's tailor store, Q. C-Nichoteon*
dry rood* store, 8. IL Scholl's eating bouje on Eighth <£•
The fire extended east from the Theatre nearly to Eighth,
consuming the folio-sing fir*tela»ito |
of immense raloe. They were occupied by J. A. Plane, No.
218 goods, J. 8. Earl-*. No. 210. picture dealer and
m*K?iod the 1i floor by Bmlla * Co-
TK,- Enui 1 Go 214. dry goods, R- • W. rrmrier. No *t*.
«sa?n th?flrst Boof,andMnL Burke's miUlnery on
OD i. EtvSH bulMrtg. N«w, w» «2 »;.*«
oceuiiled partly by the Art Union Gallery, C. F.
Melser picture dealer and (ramsdealer, and by Bontellrr
linen No m
204 fancy goods, EtereU's Jewelry atere, 201 W. 8. Mason,
fograrer; mb Udumus, jeweller. 198, and Harman Hook
«r*book*eUer. at the corner, were more or l«je d*m»gr-J
ahmt the roofc, and the Interiors were injured by water.
The Mareum and Theatre belonged to P* r^c f'
ilu wboJ. Mil net lo i-ured, XhrtT dnime
n™rd.jusht, burnl»* off lb. toot,
of M««o dweUlo** on Simeon itrwt. The MujwumwalU
h»»# partly Wien and will hare to be entirely
T>- lo the Girard House. oj.pwlt* *be **
■tot tariouft, and lb* proprietor* are already prepared to re
fund ©petition*. The furniture l* aomawhai damaged by
Th« following In tb« bntem*ml of the tb«*tn» w«r«
d Jmlji :-Wm. Touts*, t*h*n~nW tod drtnkln* »J«o».
iifiOO inwirtd i J A. U. l?b*w, toy dr*l«, \rm fI.SOO,
LuST/ M. Witten, b** -tore, C. F. Amt- ,
Se T . m»lb*m»lle»l 10-tmotnU, lot- not known, A. L Y»o
«,nt. confectioner, lo«. SI,WO . Cherlr* Jewnnerwtt, Jeweler,
.hi. ,;nrk W»1 tuoetly «r* Adjoiningthe liewtre on
the eut-th- dry good. -lore of Xllrebeth Tleee, Ant Soor,
Km beery end but little no lomr*ti-r; "gg l
Mr., I?tipple** children’* clt thing .tore, lo*> J6.OM, pert y
in.nredi Keen** extender dry good* Itniw, '“'J “o*Jy
dretrored. loss eery henry ; Jetne* 8. Cerl I I store,
lo Tb,'ThKtK’wKKreined et onlnturd. Two
Setom*, 23« by TO feet, geuetellj regerded "
Itnrast tmi mett is the c>aotry, tw» about f. 0.000,
o£usarmer«. Tbit\od th-Tbe*tr* wrr, ownM by 1 >*«
B Parker, of BurUn*tou. Th* dttn^s* 1 tbe ,£:
building and furnltur* i* «tlmal*d *t $10,001?, fully In
"tu tellers of th* mus*nm bulldfeg **** w, j|‘ '*
large quantity of liquors, Ale, Brow a Stout, Wbtsky.Oro
eerier tiaras, 4c., belonging to Urmy, White * Co..
Brown, and other parties and were toUby uertroyed, .oee
"SiTbLv, U .11 th« particular. of tb. lo««.
which It le lmpo*»>U* to estimate. The lot* will not l-e
body or R A. ShepherJ, on* or the ac
tor* Id the th/aue, was found the r “‘“- "“/“‘J 0
cr >;>. It appear* that after «*r»plng, he went b * r * to *
e>»« hi* watcTfrom the dressing room; which *u the last
•een or blm.allv*.
The audience all escaped T * v.mV.
U 1» supposed that the theatre was eel ou fire. It brox*
out in the carpenter sbop*b.lcmgmg to the e-tablt-hioeot.
RALtiK *at, July s.—An scciteot yesterday by
the rolimoD of an excanion and the r ®" ul * r "
milM from B»llim'’re, on the mad botw.*wo Little » ork *ou
lUltliaora Twenty-eight perrons were !
other* were badly wounded, soma of whom w»l di«* The
names of the killed are as follow* :-*•**?
Merrimao, Mr*. Koblnson. Henry Clay Jeffenea, »»» j*
Mod iron Jefferies, who also had I bis U« h^keo,
Toaner Martin Boyd, Michael Ooilark, Tbomae Dorsey,
Darid Murray, Henry Rose, frederiek Oomb,George nerill,
Patrick F. Arwy. Michael
Kbet William G. Braeken, John Larimer. K. B.Kr»eae»»n.
Le wte Cochraoe. Mkhoel Fineb, Geo. D. ftebL Among the
wounded are John Scott, conductor, both ly hrokan, end
1 twenty-sersn others bare nearly all their teg* broken. The
two trains came together turning a cure*. Some of the
*icti£Twer* behl fast by. the twl “f
before they oould be relieved. Many died from the beat oi
give their ralos in more explicit language.
rn'.-iKHiTI. July 6— Adeepateh from Independence dated
30*h that the Ball La*" mail reached here last night,
M™; S«»t irom lb. ~»7-.
du.l All parllee weie awaiting the arrival of lh« merchant
Urtlna sTany trader* with their twin* were r>tito f aioog
M well u could be expected from the great amouot of ralu
that bad faUeo; and almost erery stream
Some merchant* and emigrant partlee were at South Platte
and other stream* of water beyond.
.I.b 1.1 U„ f«rof pun-
Uhment from the aoldler* at the forts. .. ...
or n ?hA'°U>«e .r. not » =.W
road-. _
P«n.en«hWH<Jul, B.—An arrival tar. tom BerbadoM,
Balt 1* rtrj ecarce at Tm*« klana
BonoJ. July 6.—The now Catholic Church at Ojnhour
_ blown up with gunpowder during yeeterday, and
wu blown up wrin g , bl , excitement, nod
nearly dralrojwl. lh.r. u nonw „ her> the Catho
riSldld Srtlr «nd KM there for the protoctlou
ru accidental.
Ntw You. July s—Ths ship Trade Wind, of PbiUdel
u, *fti™TKnath«ra oort for Liverpool, w»* run into off
fiS toWe ntoof bv the ship Olympus, of
Capa tsaoie aw Britain with 900 tonaof iron
srsafir »» m —« m
S£rJS?rt JggSJ-
Sugars doll, with a declining tendency , Orl»M itfgjvi
p„w. declined under • * ’ ...
Bootbern red Wheat $1.73, reu - »t 68/3172 •
sales 050 bbls. Butter and Cneese quiet and steady.
PmunuMU. July 8.-CT»ur ?%’
rnX'ESi -*>-£.
it afloat, but today buyer. rein*
JK itltli “ »-d, tig*. In bb„.
C1.C1...T1, July fl.-Tho rlrer hu fallen tea Intbee.
«*- Horse's EU*»r or Cor
dlsl.-A bolt of fesrful dlereaes tbit hs« In tine! put
b«m eooetdired aiuoeptible of re I,if, bpt not of sore, are
literally eltermlnited by till preparation. Among tbeie
miy be enumersted nerrons headache, tic dolorous, neu
ralgia, indigestion, heryoua trembling!, hysteria, paralyita
In its early stages, hypoehondrisali, eertlgo, spume, flint,
lug flta, general weakness, and a boat of functional dlsor
' den affecting the general health of mind and body. A. a
remedy for any of the complaints which produce sexual
Incapacity, it ie an absolute and inrariable epeciic.
BoH by Droggbts throogbeat the United BUie»> Cannon,
•sd the Wect IxitUee.
naaaa * BROS, No «0 wool Plttrtmuh.
DR.OBO. H. KKYSBBL, No MO Wood itreel, Jo
J. i. Itausa, Alliihonj CStj. , i yl»*»
• t 'f' •
‘ - A*- */'’
. •». v . M**-: 1 ., ■:
I’ ,' / A
' V..,'*- .A
O-WnwlWwßill Worm!IllV grot
mas; lmroud !n»tlfU hM.o
origfn of, ul eluilfying «“> *o™’ I"**"* 4 11 “• J”' !
mu ~rt«n. gmraly »°T topic uf m.die.l nd«nce hM |
olloltil mow oßOfoobsorratiot. and profound n»»rdi i an 1
phjiWanaatowy much dMded In'opinion on tho
.abject. It moot bo admitted, howorer, that, >ft»r all, a
. mod, of oxpoUloj them and purifying th. body from.thdr
proatnooU of moro Taint than tho wlteat dtaqoUßoni aa
to their origin. ,
goch an expelling agent ha* at last beea found. Pr. M •
Lane’s Vermifuge proves to be the much soughtafter ape
dfle—its • fleecy being universally acknowledged hy tbe
entire medical faculty. Aa further proof, read the follow* |
InjT from a lady—one of our own dtisena:
New Toax,Oetober4s,lBi2.
This Is to certify that I waa troubled with worms tor more
than a year. 1 was adtlred to use M'Lane’s Celebrated
Vermifuge. I took one bottle, which brought away about
fifty worms; I commenoed improving at once, and am now
perfectly well. The public c*n learn my name, and further
particular*, by applyiog to Mrs. Dardie, No. 3 Manhattan
Place, or to B. L. Theall, Druggist, corner of Bntger and
Monroe streets.
p, B.—The above valuable remedy, also Dr. M’Lane’* cel
ebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all respectable Dreg
Stores lo this city.
Parchasers will be careful to ask for, and take noue but
Dr. Bd'Lane’s Vermifuge. All others, in comparison, are
Also, tor ul* by the sol* proprietors,
SiKoessora to J. Kidd k 00.,
60 Wood strsot.
49* The Great Vrencli tumedle* I ••"■d.
wish for * eato, speedy,-and permanent cure, should use
th« above celebrated end unrivalled FKKXCH PBKPARA
TIONS. They bare now been In nse tor five years—hero
been thoroughly tested In Ihooandi of the most obstinate
cat**, and invariably bare given satisfaction. They are
not compose! simply of Balsam Copalva, hot are entirely
different from alt.other preparations, both in the nature of.
thair ingredients and the manner in which they operate
upon the patient, llanee the wonderful encceae attending
their use.
A gentleman connected with the Western Railroad says:
.. i h» Te expended for other people daring the last three
year* over $BOO, tor remedies of thia description, and have
never found a single article that gave inch universal Satis
faction aa your Antidote and Lotion does. Ido not recol
lect of their ever failing to cure in a single instance. Many
have been cored in two or three days.”
Price, Antidote $1; Lot km *6O cents per bottle.
Invented by M. Bally, Physician to the Pails Hospitals,
and c repared from the original redpes, and sold wholesale
and retail by DUROY ft CO.. Sole Proprietors fortbeUni
ted States and Canadas. Principal Depot, 458 Broadway,
*Sid m k pitUbargb, wholesale £* ****l, by V JJ’ISJS*
BROTHERS, (Successors to J. 4Udd A Oo n ) No. AO Wood
JSeel Wheeling— J. IL PATTERSON * 00,
Drurwists everywhere. JP V
sar*«. Pleer»«-and alt •■uoiioos and dls
eases arUing from an Impure or depraved state of the blood
See the extraordinary cars of Wm. 0. Harwood, a highly
respectable dtlsen of Richmond, Va, by Carter's Spanish
UUtare lie had uloers and *ores of the worst description,
and finally got so bad he was unable to walk, except on
erutebe*. A few bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture, the
great blood purifier, core! him, as it hes enred hundreds
of others who have suffer* 1 with rheumatism, had effects
of nfrreury, au 1 pains and ulcers of the bones and joint*.
%*3eo advertisement. jelftlmdsw
Pantaloons.— The well-known fuperiority of
QRIDDLE'S fit In the Garment, need* no comment on bis
part ; It bas been acknowledged by ell who here throw! him
wlUi their order*, that they hero ham fl « ed * ltb **“
taD . eaae nod rtyl* u by him. He beg* to UtormhUl«*
iruoa end the public, thet hie stock 1* now iwpbto «** !v!
Tailor end Pentoloon Maker,
240 Üb-rIV at-, head of Woed.
Nolle* —The Partnenhlp hersto'ora eiU-tiog
\~J/ *n.i dor buitwM under the name and «J\« °J
HKNNKTT, M AKSII ALL * CO, waa ila»lT«d on the 19tb
1a,.., b, mutual °»“" t - Bf . NNirn . UAB3nALL k CO.
Pittsburgh, Jon* 28 th, 18M.
rpilt UXBERSIG.VM> ban '• b „ C KSS
1 under the name and eljle of OKAIT', BENhrrTa
(>i for the purpose of raaoulKtariog Iron, “at a, *t, at
tbe'etintoo RoWor Mill. South Pit«baTjb_^Oaoo itpw-
Ft^ri2eel DSIUh * RlChald#O WM O B l K-VQUSH,
FJr*ta.reet. ROBE . It. MARSHALL,
PHtrburzb, June 28th, IRM—j>»2S:lt
Citizens' ln»zr*neecompany-, Ml IS
!L=y pUUGEi, JUNK, 16, 1861 —Tho Pieafcteot am Direr
uinnof thi« Company hare thU day declared a Dtrideud of
Ttiacz poluu per ahare, upon the Capital Etoct, payable
to th* #Uvkbotrfens or their legal reprrtentatlTM,on and
afi«r Moedar, tbeldtb loat.
Jri: «>t HAMHRL L. MAKSHELL, Eretary.
Indignation and Liven* CompUlai
letu it from ttet.'O. DtcszMos, a Miarioimry lr
M Kim —Dear Sir: Mysell and wife having beeo
mitlT beneflttod by lb# uae.of your Petroleum, I wish to
haw you md4 me a box of-**o or three down bottle*. I
am the Congregational Hitttatorin this place, and sewal
of my people are affected with indigestion and an inaction
of the liver, the same of myaelf and wife, before taking
-„ ur paraoLStn, oa Roc* Oil. We took several bottles—
two or three each—abont a year and a half ago, and w*
hare never enjoyed so good health for year* ai we bare
since that time. I had not taken a aiagi* bottle, before
that fullness of the stomach which ao distresee* the «V»-
pepUo was relieved, and I have felt nothiug of it since that
time. Mv-wife was also relieved from a-chronk diauaae ol
the tirer.'Which bad been of several yeara standing, by the
B *told byS. M. R IKK, Canal Basin, OEO. IL KEYS2R, 140
Wood street, and Druggist* and Mediiine Mere ev«y
where. __ < * t ~—
Life. Fire and Karine Insurance Company;
- JAMES S. BOOH, KreMdent
Cb&alu A. Coltos, Secretary.
ThU Company make* arery tosnnaoa appartalnlng to or
cooßected <iUi LIFS RISKS.
Alto uimu llnil and Cargo BUka on tb« Ohio and MU
tiasippi rivers and tribatarfea, and Marin# Eieka MMTtUy.
And aeaiost Loss and Damage'by Fire, and agiloßtihr
Perils of the get and Inland Navigation and TranapartaUon
Policies Issued at the loweatrataa eofuiatent with safety
to all parties!
James S. Hoon,
I Bamufcl Si’Clarkao,'
, William Phillips,
• John 9ectt.
t~ Joseph P. Oanam, il. D.,
; Joho U’Alpin,
i Wm. ¥ Johnston,
>• Jams* Maraha'l,
i Goorje 8. SelJen,
Btr»»*e Derel»p«ment,-Sde&llfi«mui
ILSran daily bringing to light new inTenUoiw, and the
nutb of progress b onward; persons Bald, or becoming*>,
will be pleased to learn that science and long research com
bined, have brought before the pubUe tl*
of the ace, in the articl* of EMERSON 8 AMERICAN HAIB
RESTORATIVE, a sure cure tor Baldness and to nreteni
U air from falling. See circular lobe had ofthe Agents,
riving full particulars. Price $l,OO ®° W
gv a B. FIBBER A 00., Proprietare,
3 67 Superior street, ClereUnd, Ohio.
For sale in Pittsburgh in the following houses:—
Fleming L. Wiloox
R. E. Sellers, 0- U* Keyser,
joe) Mohler, Benj. Page, Jr.,
J. H. Cassel.
AUtjtieny cify.-L. A. Beckham, Pressly * Means, J.
A. Patterson, John Q. Bmith
ASSOCIATED Plr«m«n’i liuurw»c»
Company of th« City of Pltttbnygl^*
J. K. MftQkHKAD. Presidest —ROBERT FINNEY, Secre-
Will iainn iplnit FIBS uid MARINS RIBKB of ill
ktndß. Ofllee: No. 99 Water street.
irr=, ClTlZENS'insurance Company of
Pittsburgh.—H. D. KING, President; BAM
UEL L. MARSIIBLL, Secretary.
Office; 94 Water Marktt and WbnttrtM.
£u HULL and Rlak*, on the Ohio and IliuU*
ilpplßlTers and,tributaries.
insures against Los* or Damage by Fire.
ALSO—Against the Perils of the Sea, and Inland Nariga-
Hon and Transportation.
Samuel Rea, WILUmj Bingham,
Robert Dunlap, Jr., John A Dilworth,
Isaac M. Pennoek, Francis Sellers,
8 Earbaugh, J. Schoonmakar,
Walter Bryant, WUliamß. Haja.
John Ship ton. dec 28
Wm. S. Haven,
Jun«* D. M’OiUt
Alexander Bredley,
John Fullerton,
Robert Galwey,
Alexander Reynolds, Atm*
strong County,
Horatio N. LeaKlttasning,
TTieani Stowe, Beaver.
J. K. Moorhead, W. J. Anderson,
B.C. Sawyer, R.B. Simpson,
Wm. M. Edgar, \ H. B. Wilkins,
0. H. Paulson, William Collingwood,
R. B. Roberts, John M. Irwin,
, Joseph Kaye, . Wm. Wilkinson,
David Campbell. ~ Jal2
pfknsyWante. CAPITAL, $lOO,OOO. CEUR
Secretary—THOMAS H. WILLSON, Ee*.
Hon-A. 0. Helster, Samuel W. Haya,
William Robioapn, Jr., Thomas Gillespie,
William F. Fahnestock, John B. Cox,
Harvey Bollman, Jacob Peters,
John Walker, Jr., William Colder, Jr.,
Jacob B. Hslderman, Aaron Born bang h.
Office, in lafayelte Biuldiogs,
i e g featranoe on Wood street)
Western PsnneylvantaHoiplUl^
[KSV Dn,. l. Sctnoic*. Second, between Wood and Market
streets, and J. Kro, Northeast corner of Diamond, Alto
gbtmy city, are the attending Physicians to the above Insti
tution, for the first quarter of 186*. ' . „
Applications for admission may be made to them at all
hours at their offices, or at the Hospital at 2 o clock, P. M.
Recent eaaee of accidental injury are reoeived at all hours,
without form. J* lo **
fv~» C. YEAGER, 110 MARKET street. Pitta-
ILisr bureh. Importer and Wholesale Dealer in FANCY
and country dealers as large aad well selected stock of
Goods as apy Eastern houto; and same prices, thus «aving
reigbt, time and expenses. ja&yg
rv—o. O. F«—Plane of meeting, Washington Hall,
Wood street, between Fifth street and Virgin slier.
Pittsbubob Lodgx, No. S36—Meets every Tuesday evening.
MncißTiu E.vcutrmHT, No. 87—Meets first and third
Friday of each month. [martfcly
LODGE, I. 0. 0. F—The
Angerona Lodge, No. 289, L 0. of 0. F., meets evwy
Wednesday ev*ntug In Washington Hall, Wood st tJTw
rr-=?» s.tiee—Ttw iuw“ jw
CU'fS.ofPiWtaitik imt JiUqlmT,
tatwniUISdWKDNSSDAYof m«rjr mmUb,»ttJi* ILOKI
DA HOUSE, Market ntnuU By ardar. __ „ t
jely JOHN YOPNQ. J&-, Baewta>y,
ATTENTION! fi. U Q.—You *rt hereby
Ujsr attend at>oar Armory.on MONDAYS, WBDHBi*
DAYS nod FRIDAYS, for diiu,»»d totwnwwwdibl*
mm *m*y some before the Oanpeaj. F. &Aa«»
nafSMnd • ■ SeawthiyFfbifo*.
*°iLl friend, the family am <>>**;
tenChir faaW from No. 93 StmitljljSM «eet, between
Diaiaowd alley and fifth street, on »»' noltueo, »t 10
o'etidt. N . • ~ • "l '' '
THE MAIL TRAIN will leave every morning (Sand«je
exoepted) at ? o'clock, stopping
lions, and arriving In Philadelphia ato’clock/. PM. I
THE FAST TRAIN will Ic*to Pittsburgh daily (except l
Sunday.) at 1 o’clock, stopping at Qreeniburg, Latrobe,
BiaimiUe, Lockport, Johnstown, Al
tooaa, Ao, arriving in Philadelphia at 4 o dock, the next
m °THß** EXPRESS TRAIN will lesve erety eTening
at t>«80 o’clock, stopping only at Irwin’s,. G w«»J>OTj’
Latrobe, Hillside, Johnstown, Gamtaeo. Altoona.
Ac., connecting at Harrisburg with the train for Md
more, and arriving in Philadelphia or Baltimore, at I^Bo,
“tHB ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave every after
noon (except Sunday) at 6JO o’clock, sloping at all regu
lar v wrt running only as Car as Bla^sville.
(except Sunday,) at U “ aUsta
lions and running only a* Car as Brintoc - •
ItE TURNING TRAINS *lll™ to PJOabarjli. Pint Ae
ooiamod.Uua .rri.eJ >1 8 *Fui
SaconA AceommatoUon.l-JA.P AL Atoll I*- 3 ®! *•|
Li pmtostwYor*, *10,50: Pm toPhiUd»tolito,»B; Flr »
to BAltltoore, $B. Pm to Bedford Spring, *6,10.
Bmot age checked to aHstations on the Pennsylvania Rail
roadTand to PfiUadelpbla.aud Baltimore. i
where the Company have, xm> Agent . b(
No not** of a lees denomination than five dollars wu* be
received in payment for ttehets, exoept those issued by the
NOTTC case of loss, the Company will hold
themselves responsible for personal baggage only, and for
an amount not exceeding $lOO. * . _ .
N. B.~The Excelsior Omnibus Line has been employed
to convey passengers and baggage to and from the Dcpot.r
a charge not to exceed 15 cents to each passenger, and
116 cents for each trunk. . .
For tickets, apply to J. MBS KIM HN. Agent,
At the P SL R. PasseAger Station, on Liberty st
PittabttTgh. July 6th. l&M—1 jeT
' ararm for Sale.,
npHK undersigned offer for sale that excellent Farm in
Wilkins township, lately owned by Andrew Jobns?on
dec'l. It la batten mile*from theNortnerr
Turnpike, nod eontains 146 AC&Bd OF LAND. There are
on H four Dwelling Homes, two Berne, end other out
houses, end e Grist Mill. About eetentySee aoe* an
cleared, end it is under good cnltiretioa. A good Orjduri.
good Springs of Weier, end Coal, ere found on it. A gnor
title can be made, end possession glren on the first cJ
perticulers enquireVellher* of the un
dersigned. MAKOAKBT JOHh STO .i,
Bietlee to School Teeehsrs.
BoarU of School Directors of Lower St-Ueir town*
1 ship will meet et school House No. 1, Mt. Washington,
stio o'clock, A. M., on SATURDAY, July Ed. James W
Pryor, Srq., County Superintendent, will l e present anc
examine ull pereons applying ms Teachers.
Th- Board employ two Female and six Male Teacher*
Salaries of Females, $2O per month—of Males, s3l3land ta
per month. The BchooU are tnbeopenlO month.
atxl year.' • T. J. BIQUAH, President.
A. B. grgrggot*.Secretary.—[jl7:»Bt
“ Scaled Proposals • ~
at 12 o’clock, M, for a STEWARD and BTtW
ARDBSS, to snperiotand ibe Allegheny Count* Poor Douse
Proposals to state the salary P»t J®*** yiam *
leeted will-be required to more to the Poor Douse beteeei
die 16th of August and Ist of September. Proposals ma>
be left with any of the Commissioners.
Br order of the Board of Commisrionen-.
3 TflOS. TKRN'KK, Proilent
Attest: Jony Ponur*. Jx- Secretary—f j»T:w2t*
Administrator** Biotlce. -i
WHBBKAS, Letter* of Administration hath)? be**i
granted U> the uad-rsigned on the estate of JOU.
PAHKuILL, dec'd., late of East Leer township, Aileghen
joonty; all persons haring claims against said estate at
requested to present them Immediately, duly authenticate
for settlement, and all knowing themseltes indebted ar
notified t* call and settle.
The DOCKET, and all the Books and Patera of A. G
KEINiIAitT, doc'll. Ute in Alderman in tho Fourll
Ward, City of Pittsburgh, periaining to bis office, are do*
in the band* of I. Wiggins, Alderman of aahl Ward, ho.»
llaod street; whew all business pertaining to «y <wßo
•ill be promptly attended to. Deeds, Bonds,' Mortgage*.
*c , promptly attended to, by • ..
jjyat* X. WIGOASS, Alderman.
SUPERFINE OLIVE OIL—6 dozen of lha jfore Tuarai
Oil re Oil, for table use, retired this day. Those ii
want of a very exeellaat article can
jj7 corner of the Diamond »nd Mark*; at.
BAKKK’d PUKE COD UVKIt OIL— By larOiebctai
ti-le of the kind now in use. Tho>e using Opd Llm
Oil would do well to give thi- a trial, and be convinced o.
its superiority orer all others; 6 do* J rMIXO
MS t SOAKS A iargw *ud iTvsh BUpptj of Clean’a Ce»
1 e-bra ted Honej 8c«p: Lor’* OM Brora Windsor, an
. of «wr ”""" 1 *r ]O3 FLBUI:iG
SHOULDER BRACES—A Urge lot of exrellmt Should*
brace* receiv'd t>y [j)7] JOS. FLEMING.
.'i EIULIIX lirtVDEßs—3 g roes, fret Llv »al>
> bv [j?7] JOS. FLEMING.
Mall moss—lW) Very superior, reix-ued Uii» day b
j, 7 ,* JQS. FLEMING.
. Or»icß I'.iithii.SATK al>DA—ls.loo ftwon bang and for
> tale by PLUMING BROS ,
Successor to J. Kidd A Co ,
No. 60 Wood street.
■>LOV ES—lOOO lbs on band and for rate «y
, j y7 FLEMING BHO3.
SPANISH WUITING-r&O bblsoo hard and for Mile by
w 7 FLEMING KRt>3.
Waßantmh pure oil ORIGANUM—S6IS* . n bant
and for sale by [jyTl FLEMING BROS.
tk EFINKD RALTPfcTRJS—2uuu fos on baud* and for sab
t by [j>7] FLKMINO BROS.
PINK ROOT —1500 fba on hand and for sale by
'N4IKRY—2OOO lbs, aaroned uumbv*, on. band and for
ji sale Ay [jy7] FLEMING BROS.
A MILL SEAT, at the Falla of Flab Creek, Ya 4 with KX
acres of land, for ale by 8. CUTS BERT A SON,
JJ7 » >440 Third ttreet-
XUUANGE.—Ten acre* of land, with a good Dwelling
liooae, aituale at MunayrriUe. Pa, will t.e exjAangec
l,. a.
OaNS NEGOTIATED,' Rema Oollected, aud BttalM
Partners procured, at the General Agency Office
Third street. : JJ 7
United State* of America—Western Dis
trict of PenasylTsiila.
District Court of the U. States for the Western District
of Pennsylvania, on the SSlb day of Jane, A.D. 18M, bj
Adam Wilson, libellant and ooownei, agUnst the STEAM
BOAT “JUSTICE,” whereof John Steiner la master, her
tackle, apparel, furniture, Ae* alleging, in substance, that,
the said Captain Steiner, who 1* also part owner, detain
the said boat and moneys she has mad*, from the mid Übe
lut, and IhrtWow
bo.!, ber ucU«, *«., .nd ti»t lb. Mid boat m.J to told l.
custody until the said Ooart deereee thereon, or sumdeiM
seoarlty shell be given for the amt _ . _
Now, therefore, ia porsnance of the monition under tb*
ecal of the said Ooart, to me directed and dentered, I dt
hereby give pnbUc notice to ail persons claiming the sail
boat, b« tackle, le., or In any manner lutereeied therein
that they be and appear before the nil District (butt, tc
be held at the city of Pittsburgh, in and forlhe Weeten
District of Pennsylvania, on the SECOND TtJERDAY 01
JULY, Instant,at eleven o’clock in the forehooxjof that day
then and there to Interpose their claims, and to make their
allegations in that behalf. • ■ l- .
8 WE3LET FROST, U. 8. ManhaL
G. P. HaxxtTov, Proctot for LlbeUant.
Dated toe Stb day Of July, IR5*. [jyfeltjaw^td
the Property of David Greer, dceca/ied—situated In tb*-
Eighth Ward of this city—fronting on Pennsylvania aTe
nue, Forbes street, Locust street, Vickrey street, Biofi
street, and Magee street—Will be arid on the premises, on
SATURDAY, the 29;h day of July, at 2 o’clock. P M
Terms to accommodate purchasers. Particular* made
~ « D a a a^'}- u - '
sette or Paris, London and New York Fashions, tor
luly—This number has one hundred Engrevioga, beside*
a nattern for a Mantilla. J oat received and for sale at the
cheap Book Store of W. A. GJLDENFENNEY A 00.,
jy6 : 5 - No. 76 Fourth street
PRICES REDUCED—Frankjeslie’s Ladies’ Gazette, for
July, just received and C$ sale at 20 cents per copy
Also, a few copies left of Harper. Putnam, Graham, oodey,
and the Knickerbocker, for July; all for sale 5 oents less
than can be had elsewhere— notwithstanding the hot
weather. Remember, the placed! 31 Wood street.
Magazines for july, just received.
Knickerbocker Uagftaise, for July.
Harpers “ “
Putnam’s _ - u «
Graham’s " “
Illustrated Magaslneof Art,
New Tors Journal, for July.
London Lancet, “
Horticulturist, u
Received and for sale at
PAUL KLS!KSRS Literary Depot,
jj6 Fifth sL, opposite tbs Theatre.
WANTED— A situation for a Man Cook, a Ooachman,
and Barkeeper. Apply at • w
FHANCISCU3’ Agency Office. ;
jy6 « Fifth ft, near Post Office.
WANTED— 6Q Laborers, 3 Teamsters, and several Cart
Boys, for Railroad;! Id a healthy location, and good
wages. Apply at FRANCISCUS’ Ageocy.Office,
jj6 66 Fifth st, near Poet Office,
their immense stock of Embroideries and White Goods
at front 25 to per cent less than usoal price*. J 36
Hosiery and gloves —a. a. mason a ca wm,
during their sale, offer every description of Gloves
and Hosiery at a redaction of 35 per oent - jjO
TRIMMINGS— Every variety of Trimmings closing out
at one-half the usual prices, at c
jv6 A. A. MASON A CO’B.
33 per cent, at A. A. MASON A OX’S, , r
j y 6 * 35 Fifth street.
/-< sobGK W- SMITH Informs the public thst'he has dis-
the Brewery 00 Pitt street, to W. D. English, whom he re
commends to his customers in that department.
To (fc« Pablle.
fgy»Tha subscriber begs leave to announce
to ibo pobliitbifct be bos purchased the BOTTLING DE
PARTttENTOf'the Pittsburgh Brewery from G. W. Smith,
on Pitt ilreefti Ho la prepared to supply, io any qasoUty.
and at moderate prices. Bmlth's celebrated KhNNRTJ ALB
and BROWN BTOGT;. also, common ALB and PORTER, Id
quart hr pint bottles. " . ...
Haring been fur a l«glh of lime connected with Mr.
BmiUi's establishment, be feels entlra confidence id being
ableto stm f—m** and the* trade with promptness and
entire satisfaction.
p*kl to P«£toK for shipping.
AJlanJcadeUrwrwL fjy4ila) W I>. POLISH.
ILrfslto*. 'OoßwositiOQ Oroameots Cor the
*c * QQ §#»HFIBLD
ftcsdt, near the Port Oybr JjltSm
V .*V ‘
r-.Vi, V4''
Boxes and ParqnetU Ate J Second Per—
Private Boxey, large -sB,tX> I Boxes fcr colored peopioJOT
Prixate boxua, small..—. 6,00 | .
jfST Psnons securing seats will be charged 13JfreaOX»mr
tbs certificate. ____
49. Doors open at 7}£ o'clock—performance coaawMp "
at 8 o’clock.
Second •praartnre of the talented srtiatea Mr. nd
THIS RVKKDtQ, Jo*y 7‘b> will be presented the tiwntl
ful play of
8. Woodbury.
? ru£~ *• W*ld**wr«.
To ccnriude with the farzm of
Mr- Dupuij...
Mrs. DoqnU
43* To-morrow, Mr. MePerlsnd sad Kin Woodbury wfu
»pp»tn . _ _
A Lli COMMUNICATIONS ty Mail or Tel«ira|.b, or ftltte
fieot by Adams A Co.’i Express, will secure iomediet*
Rider to tbl* office, tbe Eotele and Katie Stores.
poeticir lattbfally attended to.
1 lAto'iO’S BALL. titan** «••*!,) fourth street,
I; near .'imUhfitidL. can be obtained Ibr rmrtk*, Festivals.
Ocnceris, PaM ; c Meeting*.*#. Also. Cargo’s Cotillonani
Sax Born Band an be found in twadinem at ail times, t y
applying to WM. PRANK CARGO, ai the Oystal Paha*
Dtgderremn Rooms of R.M. Car** A Co., Iburtk street, ora I
the H*U.
Notice to Stockholders.
Orncs or Pimßuccn axu CoxsEUsmut R.B. Gx,l ’
JUfebur?*, June 28th, 18**. /
AGREEABLY to ; a BeeolutioUrof the Board of Directors
UOAD COMPANY/subscribers to the Stoek of >aid Company
are hereby notified-tfcat tbs £f h INSTALMENT OF JriVM
DOLLARS per s-liare on their fu oeeriptiaEi wfll te dne and
payable on the FIFTEENTH DAY OF JULY next, (the .
second, third, and fourth Instalments of two ddjiara
and fifty cents per share, haring heretofore been exiled iu,>
and also, FIVE DOLLAR* Pt'K SHARE on tbe fifteenth 1
.lay of EACH KN2UING MONTH, untQ the wh*lo amoi^t
** reeling in Somerset Oonnty will pay to
Major Samuel 11. Haller, Meyers Miils,; those reriding i»
'Fajetle County to Coloud D. R. ConneUrrfllet
I 'lhote raiding In Westmoreland County to General OjTUS ,
| i*. Murkie, West Newton; and ail others to N. Feeder, s
[ Ksq., nt the Office of the Company, in Neville Ball Building, .
I corner of Fourth and. Liberty streets, Pittsburgh.
I j?4-3wi Trea«un»* Pilt«borgh and Connelb-vtile KR. Co.
t ’uL-uiii or jLiA tXClinaluN-l)w not iurgetrolook
JH at those beautiful BUILDING LOTS, *o pleasantly alt®*
ntfd on Mount Washington—tree from the dust end mot*
of the city, and in tbe pure eir of tbe country—jat, within
a few minutes’ walk of the city. The Inclined
soon be completed, and these Lota rendered eery eeeyof
aocejA. Lots cf oO feet front by ZlO deep art,Beltingat $356
-aeb—*2o in band, balance in soms of $5 a menih. .
jj4 ” P, CDTIICBBT a 80S, 140Thl d street.
LET— A Hhfc IlCUaßjon P*-nn street near Marbury,
for a teim cf years; or, tor tbe pert of this year—rent
tow. Also, a good Bouse on Pennsylvania avenue, near tba.
•Jourt House. Inquire cf
j,4:t m % THOM AS WOODS, 7S Fourth street.
i UiKb*E—24 boxea prime Cbte e. ja« i«-e*nr«! and to
w,ia by ■ ]jy4] SMITH A SINCLAIR.
V ,—A good three story Brick Boom of 11 room* and
kitchen, hell, parlors, Ac~ all well papered and In good
dry cellar, coal vault, Ac. Tba Lot is 20 £aetfront
•iy 110 d“tp, to a private alley. Price $4,000, and easy
term* of pajmrnt- _
On Townsend street—a yleasant Dwelling House of 8
• cnia.l. with a goed lot of ground, trees, vinws, Ac. Price
y2S ■ 140 Third street.
Wi^vtii.lj —A purchaser tor the handsomest Uouee an
Grounds on Troy Bill—it is a home. Enquire of
je2B T 6 Fourth stgaeL-
’ nuAFTs—Constantly tor sale atrigbVu
short date, on «
Cincinnati, Lornsnile, >J
BuLours New Orleans, -1
Chicago, Detroit, and > _.
Cleveland: at No. 71 Fourth street.
jrfS * A. WILKINS A 00.
.ACGN—Ohbda Side*;
2 do Bboulde*s;
?2 do Hams; lor sale by
tv 15 bbls Loreriug's Crurhed Sugar;
50 do Leaf Sugar;
15 do Powdered Sugar; .
tf} do White Cofiee Sugar; •
lo do Coarse PulvexiF«d; ibr sale by
boxed prime \V. R. Catting, tor sale bj~
, j»l njHBY U^OCLIjNS.
3 IIOS."
Poisr PkZASasr, VaL, October 4,184 T.
M*. B. K. SxtLtß*Of your Vermifuge,l ean *ty wttb-.
' )ut hautalioti, that, hat-io* n«d it extremely hi a£>
practice for tbe ia«t four or lire years, I think It oectyfedtfr
h- Ur«t preparation of tbe kind which I have an* knew!*
1 -lie of. although I hare bentoicra used the svafaratioa
1 -t several other manufacturers. Tours, Ao..*
ttrepaird'ind sold by S. B. SELLERS A 57 Wood
nri't for rule by ( *ruirgi«ta pwcrrally. jeB4.
Art Journal. Tbe Faron SUe.
■ F.«rc> Leavttf, from Fund’s Port Foils; second aeries..
Tbe Laapligbter.
Chambers’ Journal, for Jane. /
North British Review. j
The ebovelust reeelved sad for sale by /
j«*ia €1 Wood/ire*.
ACRES, cine miles belt* the city, in Robfoaon town*
bip. on the Ohio rtfor. It is a beautiful location, of «•
L-r.'Tt-J Land, and i» offered low. Inquire ol
j-l-blm THOMAS WOODS. 75founh itwt
1 A LKKATU.'—to bosee fair, in quarter, half and pomrit
i papers, received and for sale by
11 f \NT>.D— a situation foraGardner and his wife. A
W Pi-at FRANCISCUS’ Agency Office,
j, i ' No. »2 Fifth street, nerr Bo«t Office.
ANTED—Two Coloml Porter* and Dining Boom Bex*, for Hotels In the dty. Apply at-
jyl No. C 5 Fifth stretat, neap Post pass.
WANTED— Several female Cooksjfcr private teflias 5
*liO, Chambermaids- Apply at‘ \ 1
FKAXCISCGSrAgencv o*es,
jvl . No. 65 Fifth atreet; near Poet Qftos.
\j acres qf gnnroiLin a bwuttful
Mile Eon. at $126 per acre. Also, 5 aewl ah $VB> and 9
tent at $360 per acts. A good Toad ahCTapwF
•rtv, and pleasant situation for resideqpiwu tisaaeAs
✓ourselves. S. CUTHuBUF W •-
jejO ' Tyrt street.
v tUT AND DRY TUBACCO—26 hbi* ant
L/ rlor. for sale by f Je2S) SMITH jj
.TAli iian lh.k^—to poxes Proctor a Gamble's brand, tor
> tele by ij«2B] SMITHS* SINCLAIR.
O Trimmings, Hosiery and Qloves, Ho oie-keeplng Goods,
Lioen and White Goods, Bonnets MUUafar' Goods, QentOk.
Farnbhiog Goods, Ac., have alLbectunarked down torn
•io to 37 K p««•«. *“*»* *• l^oti
i-3o . ' jaki^ilt
ANTED—Three more Merer Mei, to eompi«tf»
uy of patchasers. on the hanJvntest localtoa OBtha
Fourth Street Road, thisaida of East tiberty. Such’offers,
are seldom made. Sditutof THOMAS WOODS,
jejS ; A j} 76 Fourth street.
0 < . «
' o*
■■ •
lxbe. i
~Lt»UM iP M iwf— •:
'ID ULOVRS—Baron's black ane col
Also, kid BniAad Slk Gioraa, at
OSIX- SOAP—S 7& boxes No. 1 Soap, ftp
BLACK tilL*'B.--Jui>t received at A. MTIGHffS, corner
of Grant and Fifth rtrtets, a 6*f pSeeee of very fin*
plain and figured Blaak<bilka. Al*, Mantfllu Silks anff
Frimmiogis in all thadaehlonable oolsn; bleached Mnsilne
and Irish Ltnens, 6 eases of the very] best makes, joefc Tw
ceiTed at " • kIKIUPS,
- j«26 > corner Qrtnkaad Fifth sW.
Now IS TUE TIME To oUBSCBIBJsI—The frtiowiac
Magesinee and Newspspera ase about to rnnamw
u*w volumes. Nowlsthetimetoekbscrihel BPMPtA
DUO., Booksellers, Stationers and literary Healers, N* U
Fifth street, near Market, an reeeWfsgsdbseadpUona. Call
4 nil make arrangements fee your Qrrarite Mipile* and
Newhpspsrs. J **
luiper, Knickerhodter, ,
Putnam, Godey,i
Grab»m, Petsnqn, ;
Waverly Mtpdn*, LUtell'S Living Age,
Leslies' GmaeUe, Chsmkkrs* Journal,
Gteason'a Pictorial, nunt'mMerchantf Msgssine
Flag of Our Union, Blaekspod,
Uorticultarist, Art, , -
Water Cure Journal, PhrenAlogkal Journal. j«2B
Dividend lollee.
THE President and Managers <X **Ths Company fer
greeting a Bridge over tbe ABegheay riper, opposite
Miuburgb, in the county of Allegheny," hats tMa day d#~
dared a dtvioend of osx vcoaa aspJbitmti nn ocna, om
each share of tbe Capital Stock of the Company all paid la*
eut of the profits of tbe last six ntcatfer, whkh wfß be pakh
to Stockholders, or their legal rcprejsnttUvea, fbr^wlUi.
• JOHN ilAßPEß,Tn**arer. *
Pittsburgh. July 1. le64—{je&lw-
Farms of from CO to HXiO seres, located hi Pennsylva*
nla. Ohio, Virginia, and Illinois; upwards of acm
in M'Leae county. IHinois; several tisets rf laud on tfea
waters of Big Fiahing Craek, Ta.. in lota of IfiO term and
upward*, at $1,50, $3, $6, and $lO per aers/ Psnoas ▼tak
ing to buy, will find it td their advantsgs to call at oar
ufllce. No. 140 Third street. / jjS
LINS£KI> oil—lo bfcls lor mi* by
jy; • B«
FIKB Wi .*r.Ksr «kj£ wORKa!/^
200 boxea Hr«Cr»ek*TS/
0 jroes Roman Cudlu, 12 balls;
’ “ do (to 8 do;
4 do /do 8 do;
8 “ t do/ ■; do 4 do;%
4 “ Tritnglds, No. 1;
. 3 M do | do 3;
GO boxs Jackson Craekw*;
000,000 Torpedo*; j
40 grois Pin Wleals;'
JJO *• 1 onocojloeket*;
U “ 2 do } do;
12 “ 4 do |: da;
[ 15 006 “ l‘u3lingjCraei*«;
Second supply; just rea»it»l»ndlorrdoby
p. c. * oa,
j«27 I: No. 6 Wood rtroot
r\Kr UOODA—A. iITIGAns, corner qf Grant ami
\_) strrxtt, has now on hind 10 era bleached wnlla,
fn-ro6J4 cents up; 50 piecjfe Irish linen: plecas white
mulls, tor ladled dresses Toljleoe* Unan: eottoa and woolco
•rood- for bojs’ wear; a fempleccs ftna black ehallc; black,
barred and. plain borage au ttesnea: isastDte; mantOin
silk and trimmings of 9re*y description; tan calm ad and
mixed de batfc j areas rirgbams: 600 piece* sferrfmaefc
pr i*t*, tut oolora—all of fchieb win be sold extremely be;
•jel2 :
Carhmerettea, Me Ino Ce*wm«««, ail-wool
plaid and striped Cotton Goods, for boje* and an 1 !
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