The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, July 06, 1854, Image 3

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_ A I!savt Bosisess.—Toe PcnnsjT.imia Bail
o»d did a tremendous bmioess on tbo Fourth. Such a de-
Land wu3 there /•»r excursion tickets, that the trains left
' TPry or minute?, in.-tcad of pvery hour as
announced in the time fu’.lc, and urea ih,n
umbers were unable lo procure scats. During the day.
aearly eight thousandifexcurtlon tickets were sold to dlfftr
bUl-ioni; CD ttlU—Lh« largest number g-'iog to one
ffi «pioint being toSwisoviUe, for which place alone fire thousand,
h ll udred and eighth-four tick, t? were disposed of. The
receipts; cf. the day for excursion passes amounted to
***t2.4l2 £5. This does not include the sums paid to conduc-
flt stations uioug the road, which would amount to
gjggjjjSgg'aiiL i^lyj£,-4a " ,;rl ‘ ""■
u proof of the reiuurhahle carefulness uiin-ised in run*
sJSfeSfj*? tra:D;< ’ Vfe m& 7 remark, that of the immense num*
fIM&BHMga :er can-ied, hot u single individual was injured. * c>
The Foubtii in lUhmi.ngham. —The day pass
<r* o{ * very pleasantly. The Montgomery Greys, Lieut G.
Appleton commanding, drilled and shot for two silver
iF.^y«^^ | niliil-‘- dos. A:Dnff prored himself the best drilled mem*
tj tTWty •£_£*& vd>® r, nmTMr. Stewart the ten shot. The judges to decide
merits of the contestants were Col. T, U. O’Conntr, M*j-
Patterson.; and A. L. M’Cldre.
* The National Quarts also paraded, and locked well in
•ft-j new uniform; they made a very geod turn out. The
*'*Tf‘>? >f ' oail Hahtiath Schools celebrated the day in the Grove at'
hack of tho-borough. Notwithstanding the drinking
fyg.VftTc <f»C^tw.3to*LCT-rt i .^w* lcon ° yere doing a “smashing” business ail day, there
FoJuND.r-The body of George Cochran, who
on Monday afternoon, Was recovered the next
4° ut noon » and Interred In St. Mary’s Cemetery yes
*sr H a)■• An inquest was held by Coroner Lowry, and a ver
%.V in aeoardanee with the statement we pnbllshed on
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HiALta Omc«.—lntermenta in the City of
Pittsburgh, from June 27 tb to July 4th, 1 ISo-i.
~ Adults. Ceildrek.
Consumption .... 8 1
Measles 0 2
Oaaciooma Ateri...._ 1 0
Mania a Potu_ 1 o
Dysentery 0 u 1
C0nvu15i0n5.......... 0 1
Bbeanatio Goat 1
'Tuberealarlleßlngitis... 0
Still 80rn..~ o
Paralyris..... 1
Accident...** 1 - 0
Under 1 ywnr - ....4 j From 40 io W
From Ito 2. ~~l j “ 60 to 60 ~1
« 2to 6 ....2 i u 60 to 70 0
“ sto 0i “ 70 to 80 *.l
“ 10 to 15 0 ] “ 80 to ©Off: ...0
I “ 15 to 80 Qj “ 80'tolWJ; .„..0
I •* 20 t080.._.~ 1 I Age unknown. .0
[ ** 30 to 40 .3 I -
titles 10: Female# 5; White 14; Colored 1 TotallS.
By order of the-Board of Health.
" A. 0. MURDOCK,.
Physician of Board of Health.
AlleqhbnyCountv Tbmff.rance Convebtios.
—Agreeable to notice, the delegates (two or three hundred
In number) representing the different Temperance Societies
of Allegheny county, convened in the Sixth street'Cumber
land Presbyterian Church, (Rev. Mr.BryanV,)on Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o’clock.
The Convention was opened with prayer by Prof. Wilson,
after which, on uotienof Her. Dr. IVessly, Dr. Jamea Ca>
rothers whs called to take the chair.
On motion of Alderman Steele, a Committee of three, con
sisting of Messrs, Steele, Marshall and Bryan, was appointed
by the Choir to select officers for the Convention.
The Committee after a short deliberation made the follow
ing report:—
President—Hon. James Carothexs.
Vice Presidents—Hon. Wm. B. M’Olure, Ret. James Rod
gers. D; D., Andrew Prestlow, M’Keasport, Ji mes A. Ekln,
Elisabeth, and Robert Mullingar.
Secretaries—James A. Llghtner, Esq., Rev. J. Q. Brown,
and S. Bchoyer, Jr. * y
•The report was accepted, and the officers took their seats.
Before taking his seat as Chairman, Dr. Carothers made
a brief statement explanatory of the object of the Conven
In order tt> commence business, and afford a foundation
to work on, the Rev. Dr. Presely begged leaTe to ioUodUce
the following resolution.*:—
1-. Resc&vtd, That the experience and observation of
every day tend to strength* o the conviction,: that without
a prohibitory law, onr efforts to Arrest the progress of io
temperance must prove, in u great degree, unavailing.
2. jfcxcfoxf, That the popular will in our oouctry, if
fairly expressed. is decidedly in favor of a prohibitory law,
as a for alike by the of humanity, tbs
welfare of the community, and the interests of religion, j
3. Stsdted, That, regardless of party distinctions, we
will sapport no man as a candidate for office who is not a
reliable friend of prohibition.
On motion, the resolutions were ordered to .l>c called op
separately (o be disposed of finally, on which motion tbo
lint was read and passed unanimously. The second being
next taken np, dinted a brief ditcaarion of its merits from
Drs. Black, Campbell, Peanock, Presalyv Eakin, Rodgers*
Howard, Mr. Hultz, Rev. Mr. Hastings, Alderman Steele,
Rev. M. Brown, Mr. Ewing and others. There seamed to
be no doubt existing in the minds of a majority of the speak
ers, that the people themselves were in favor of the passage
of a prohibitory act, and that whenever the citizens of this
eoumyheden opportunity to vote for such a measure
without having their faith trammeled by political bonds,
It would meet with their heart" approbation. A large por
tion of the afternoon whs occupied in the diiiruasiou Of this
revolution, which was at last adapted.
The third revolution was passed with but little discus
On motion, the Chair appointed Messrs. M’Cllotcek, Rodg
ers, Huit% Marshall and Black, a committee to prepare
business forlho Oonvontlou.
■While these gentlemen ware engaged in attending io
their duty, Hon. Judge.Yt’Olure was loudly called far to ad‘
dresi the meeting. The gentleman dodred to beexcused, al.
leging that be did not come there for that purpose, and was
not prepared. The cries and vociferations fir tbo gentle
man continuing nton; loudly r.ft?r bis excuse than before,
he at length coasrut. J t.> mate u few rernvk«,d:recUngfcU
attention parUcuinrlv to th»* pr>:«-.*nt ticen-n* syst-un. which
hocharnetcriae-J ns »b>«rd in it.-- cou<-eplii<u, raloulatid the
do the greatest efil io its execution, and iu*.fib:i«nt in Us
mode of punishment, lie gHT<> a i^h-rtai-c-'uor of the tnv.o
nsria which those who cell without ihvnsa are punished,
showing that they in fact rec ivono puui.d>meot whatever*
or at least insufficient tore drain them from vl-dating to
law.. No law, his Home rail, would be efficient, until It
Was totally prohibitary, aud exterminating war upon the
and not upon the individual. Tlwre are at presen t
nearly 1,800 gTOggeries lu the county. The Judge earnestly
advocated the passage cf a prohibitory law, and in-the
course of his remarks, which occupied‘considerable time in
the delivery, furnished" many Intcre.-tiog farU heretofore
The Buxines# Committee having returned, Dr. Black, tbo
Chairman, reported ta follows ;
Whereas, The time Is ratidly approaching when thebeo
ple of this Commonwealth wiil eejoy the. privilege of voting
for or against prohibition, and j *
Whereas, We have the utmost confidence in the judg
ment And decision of the people, expressed through! Uit*
ballot-box. therefore, i -
BaoUtd, That we accept the proposition tendered us by
the Legislature, and are willing to at-i lo tbo result of the
aald election, allowing that a majority of (be vote* r ; i>:
throughout the State shall lx* cou.-i ter-l decisive eitr.c-r
way, so far a** regards the succeeding Legulature.
Rfsolved, That the so called Maine Law u do longer an
experiment, but a well established fact, and its workings,
are such as to commend themselves to every reasonable
and well thinking man. .
Resolved, That there be appointed an Executive Commit
tpa for the County ComeatUn, wboae duty it shall be to
appoint a Vigilance Committee of two in e*ch election dis
trict, who shill call meetings, attend the p-olla, Ac.
"ißeeolved. That the Executive Committee shall take charge
of the prohibitory effort for the county, famish epeukrra, Ac. -
That Abe following named gentlemen, be the ,
Executive Oommiitee:—James Marshall. Chairman, John
M. Kirkpatrick, Jam«* M'Caedlesa. F. SI. Bailey, Hiram
Haiti, Snowden tp., Dr. James CnrotbervWilkiaß t? . John
lidyd, Sbaler tp.
;Kf>ance Oommittee—Bev. Dr. lU«Jgers,-Thomv ctw'.c.
apd Wasbihgion M’Clihtock. .
The report was nnanimously adopted, when, v oa motion,
tbe Convention adjourned sine (fie.
Boy Drowned.—An interesting little boy,
named WnL-B&rt, only eleven year* of age, was drowned cn
The6day afternoon in Cbortiers creek, while endeavoring to
preserve A yotmger brother from meeting a similar death-
The boys were both in attendance at a celebration gives by
the superintendent and touchers of the Fifth street Method
ist Protestant Church, and strayed off, in company with
severaJ companions, lo bathe in the creek—to reach which
they had to walk over a mile.
After being in the water some time, the younger brother!
was carried by tbo current into a large help, where tie
I water whs over fifteen feet deep; which being observed by
he ran immediately to his assistance, without
considering his inability to swim. As a consequence, before
reaching bis trotter, be got bi-ycind hi* own depth, and
while a.ill struggling nobly to render that .assistance to an*
other which he needed himself, be sank beneath the water
The youngesst, almost 'exhausted by bis efforts to keep
above the suifuco, managed at lust to catch hold of a log
that providentially came tloating down -the creek; and te-
Plained attached to it until assistance was rendered him
rom the shore, j • ,
rj The body was 'afterwards recoTered, and taken to bis
•%atber'-rf residence in the Eighth Ward. • .
We understand a subscription was subsequently rakedby
U the teachers and scholars or the school, sufficient to buy a
lot in the Allegheny Cemetery, and pay the funeral expenses.
The Fourth passed off without the occur
rence of » single stabbing or hbrotmg case of any ante,
i circumstance of which wo bare uo parallel for ycaifl.
Chia gratifying statu of ulTairs L« justly attributed to the
nergeUc and:efficient precautionary measures adopted by
dayor Volz previous to the day. In order to anticipate
my disturbance that might uriso, Ur. Volz placed on duty
taring the day the whole of the night watch, thus having
n alt parts of the city a strong enough* constabulary force
o suppress any "fight or outbreak that might happen im
nediatdv, LcForu'itcoulJ rhe to the dignity of a murder or
. riot. The streets were remarkably free of intoxicated
arsons until 1 a late hour in the evening, at which time the
allro.vls, omnibuses, Ac., began to bring back the Individ.
ials who had flows to the country in the morning—a large
dumber of whom were in u condition to,show conclusively
abat they hadn't spent their time where the Maine
gsw prevailed.
Frank Leslies Gazbtt*.—Roaeel & Bro.,
.6 Fifth street, have received the July number of this
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the advertisement of the committee ef the bon4 '6f mini
gar* of St. Mary’s Ceineterj, announcing i —o( the balance
of those beautiful building lote'in the' neighborhood; of
Lewrfooeville, which ie to tqkop&ce on FUtonU; next, At
So’eiqek in the afternoon thetpremine. ih|« property
is in A delightful neighborhood, a* knows who is
acquainted with the situatlofa of the Allegheny Cemetery
which is in full view; it istlio in jhe neighborhood of
some of the most elegant eu|urbi!i residences about the
ctty, and also In a healthy, rtstired locality. The terms = tf
sale are quite moderate, only tne-foortb being reqnired in
band, whilst the balance can remain on Interest for 12
jears, if required. ‘Persons wishing to attend the sale
will be furnished with omnibus tickets, entitling them to a
free ride in and out by calling at the office of Jamesßlakeiy,
E*l. • ‘ - td.
Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad.—Below
will bo found a statement of tbs receipt on this road for
the month of June, and the first six months of the
compared with the earnings lbr the same time last year, to
gether with the number of passengers carried:
Receipts in June, 1564»...... 1....482.060 22
“ 3«53« 6MSQSI
InreMWi $38,708 01
Paasongers carried, 30,290.
Earnings of the Ohio and Pennsylvaniaßailroad
in the first six months of .1564- 1 4448,608 88
First tlx months of 1853... 211,102 67
Increase,Bs percent 1. 4204,416 31
Passengers Tarried in 0 months of 1854,198,326
Average number of passengers per daj....1,271
Inquest.— An inquest was held by Coroner
Lowrie, on Tuesday, cn the body of a Mr. Smith, who was
found lying dead by the side of the Allegheny Valley Rail*
road, in Penh Township, about thirteen miles from the
cicy. The deceased was a laborer employed on the road,
atul-took sick from excessive drinking, on the evening piw»
ceding the Fourth. Be .endeavored toreaoh home, but,
a' out eight o'clock in the evening, he w«ls found dead, In
the place stated. Dr. Vanhorn made a poti mortem exami
nation of the body, and came to the conclusion that his
death was caused by apoplexy. He leaves a wife, and five
children. _ . . r
Fibs* in Allegheny. — The Major of Alle
gheny haVing forgotten to Israe a proclamation forbidding
the use of fire crackers, pistols, 4*., on theftmrth, thebrivs
of that city indulged in that amusement to an unlimited
extent, to the greei danger of life and property. A pacVajje
of the crackers was thrown, either designedly or eeddeotat
ly. on the roof or Sirs.' bouse in the First Ward,
which set fire to the shingles, ..and endangered the whole
huuw before it was extinguished. Anoiher house, in the
fame ward, was also fired ia the eaote manner, and dani-
considerably. ,;
Frank , Leslies' Gazette op Fashions for
has been received by Miner 4 Co., No. 32 Smlttfleld
street. It is very best number*yet Usaed, con
taining all the different fashions for the ladies, which are
of so much Interest to them at this reason of the year.
is the first number of a new volume, and is a good time to
commence subscribing. >j
Not D&au, hot Deokk —A lad, aoont four.
»-n years of a*., wu pickoj up on Tuwtey .rtyrnorai, In
Sp.lnß alley, Imho Firth Wart, In an inanutl.l. rendition.
*Jdoh was anppoard to hay. bren prod Herd ly a ,nn atroka.
Hr was taken to tbr Mayor's office, and a phyildan » n t lor,
wko, alter en examination, pronounced him only dead
drunk! 1
Affray.—-An altercation took plaee yesterday
m irning between two men ia Uayardstown, in the act of
striking, ouo of them, inls-ing his object, ►truck a pane of
gl .-s and nearly severed his tlmmb, at its junction with the
b ‘.11.1. The wounded man called on Dr. 31’Cook, who dressed
»La injury. v
Good —We nre glad to Bee that Alderman Ma
jor has held of the scamps who «pcnd so mucli of their
U no od the corner of ITylie and Ulgh t-treats, to bail in the
sum of two hundred dollars each to keep the peace. U>
h T«-’ b* will nri«t a few more of these sconqdmls, and
iu..keanexauiiilccftli*m likewise.
We would invite attention to the large 6&lt
of vuluablo Heal Estate ia the city of Allegheny, which Is
to iako place tbU evening, at S o'clock, at the Merchant's
Exchange, Fourth street, by p. M. Davis, Auctioneer.
Old Sores, Ulcers, and all empiions and die
e> -‘-.M nri.tin/ from aaimpuruor depraved state of the blood-
S r lb" extractrdnxary cure of ffn. U.. Uarw 01. s highly
n-ptjcubte citizen of Richmond. Va, by Carter's Spanish
Mixture Ih* had ulcers and sore* of the wont description, 1
and finally got »o b*d he was unable to walk, except on
e.- utchoa. A few bottles of Carter’* Spanish Mixture, jhu
R-vac blood purifier, rare! hits, as it has cuml hundred*
of others who have suflerel with rheumatism, bad effects'
of mercury, anl pales and ulcers of the hones and joints.
.•ioe«dv*rtuwment. jeJOtlmdaw
Ey the O’SniUj Lines for the Morning Poet
Kusslans Driven Across the Danube.
The steamer arrived tills afternoon: but owing to tha
p.evjilwore of severe storms East aud West along the line*,
* ■ are without our usual telegraphic details We learn/
b weyer, that the steniner bring* the important lnt-lllg«D»a
that the Turk*, unas.dstrd, have driven the Ru-urus acres?
ti e Danube, and compelled them to raise the ring* of Silts*:
ti 11.
New Ont-ctMS, July s.—Judge Campbell, on Saturday,
h Id Gen. ;Quiuuan, Mr. Thrarher and Dr. Saunders Jo
$-~000 Bonds. All of them refined to give the required
t«>nda, and were placed In the custody of the U. B. Marshal.
The case will probably:tu cum«i before the State Court by
L.Ojeae sorpus.
linvuna dates to the 24th hare boen received. Nothing
important U A decree bus been published for the
c oatruclion of extensive defenses on the wei-t aide of the
Brownsville. (Texas,) data* to the.24th report great dli
o.Qteutat Malamoraa and throughout Tamanlipa*, Incon
e 'lOen'-e of the arbitrary acts of the supreme goVkrnmrnt.
.' any were leaving tba dty,- and several citaens had Bed!
t • the American ride of the Rio Grande. The Flag saysV
revolution is inevitable, ! 1
Brazos was Tinted bye hurricane on the 28th, curing
great damaze and several deaths. 5 T;
Cue-third CiieAMr than WUte lead, and Free
from all Poieonoua Qaalitlet.
itpnE SEW JERSEY "INC COMPANY, having greatly
X enlarged their work _Ad improved the quality of their;
5 redacts, are prepared to exeeute orders for their SUPE
RIOR PAINTS. Dry, and Ground In Oil,in assorted pack*;
from 2S tofiUOpounds;.also,
Dry, in barrels, of 3UO poundaeaefa.
Their WHITE ZINC, which Is sold dry or ground in oil,
i- warranted PURE and unsurpaAMd for body and uniform
A method of preparation has recently been discovered, ':
v. bicb enables the company to warrant their Paints to keep'
h-Huh and toft in the kegs for any reasonable time. In this
respect sheir Paints will be superior any other in the
Their BROWN ZINC PAINT, which is sold at a low price,
and can only be made from the Zinc ores from New Jersey,
it now well known tat its protective qualities when applied
to iron or other metallic surfaces. I
Their STONE COLOR PAINT possesses all the properties,
of the Brown, and la of an agreeahle.coior for painting Cot- ;
t igea, Depots, Outbuildings, Bridges, Ac.
Dealers nuppUed on’liberal taraja by their Agents.
Wholesale Paint Dealers and Importers,
apr7:6mw N. W. cor. 10th A Market sts., Philadelphia. •
To Malt* Your llair Carl.
\TTONDgit OF TUB WOULD.—The great wonder of the
If ' world has at .length been.dlttotered. You cannot;
make one hair white or black, but Mr. BYRON 11. ROBB;
bus at lengtn procured the truth of the great secret,;
much study, toll and expense, bo* to malt* the curl,
and wave in tbo most beautiful and graceful manner for:
Itfa. The proprietor has traveled through various parts of;
Kurrpe for upwards of nine years, in pearch of the celebr*-,
t*ri chemist and physiologist, U. Jaques, and has at length
fiand him In Italy, and purchased of him the receipt for
th* aum of $5,0C0. AH persons having the most uncouth
i<nd coarse looking hair, can have it transformed into the
most beautiful and curling appearance that could be de
sired. Tbo composition of which the article is oompoaed
will not-cost more than 60 cents, and but one application is,
needed to the hair to cause it to curl and wave in the most
uniform and pertect order for life, and thus improve the.
looks and appearance 100 per cent. We now offer this won
derful discovery to the world for the sum of $l,OO.
Direct all letters to BYRON H. ROBB, Farmington, Trum
bull county, Ohio, and the receipt will be immediately for-:
warded to the person. All letters must be post-paid to
(‘"core attention. jrf>:3mw !
For Sale.
T;iß subscriber offers for sale, a VALUABLE FARM,
situated on the Ohio river, in Hancock county, 6
miles below Wellsvllle, 3 miles from Manchester, 2% miles
from New Cumberland, and New Lexington is on a part of
the farm; it contains 200 aeres of first rate land, 140 acres
cleared, under a high state of cultivation, and well fenced.
Them ik 05 acres of bottom land of the best quality; it will
be ftoldlower ihsn any other farm on the Ohio river that
Las the ; same improvements. The house is a large frame
and stopu, two stories high and well finished ; a good spring
andspring house adjoining; on the premises Is a large
barn, stable underneath, a large carriage house, two sheep
bouses, a-bog sty, corn crib, poultry house, wood house,
smoke house, and every thing also that is necessary on a
farm. Thera is 7or 8 never Ikiliugspringaonthe premises,
which affords qdemy of water for all tbo fields. For further
information enquire of ttih subscriber on the premises.
SALE—A beautiful location or Hite for a Rolling
Mill, Works or Foundry, situate in Temperanoe
villo, Allegheny county, Pa. For termsand price enquire
of Mr. J. Howard, Fourth street, or
j«39 Real Estate Agent.
J_ - Rata Baga, Purple Top,
Yellow Aberdeen,- Norfolk, r
Globe, and Dales Hybrid; wholesale
and retail Rt the Seed Store, Fifth street.
PARASOLS— AT A. McTiGUE’S, corner of Grant and
Fifth plain Green Satin; 150 figured, ell
colors; 75 figured and lined; 75 plain Gros de Naples, lined:
100 plain Gros de “Naples, all colors; 200 Children's plain!
figtuW and lined, all colors. All of-which will be soldjow
for quality. jelß ,
Fine summer dress goods.—a. a. mason aco
are now receiving another supply of Summer Dress
'Goode, comprising soma very rich new styles of figured Ba
reges, Silk Tissues, Ac. Also, a large assortment of the
most fashionable colors In plain gooda. je7
a full assortment of Furnishing Goods, at , the new
Trimming Store of
SEMI ANNUAL SALE.—6OOO yards that colored Lawns
at&oenuper yard; Barege Delaines 10 cents, worth
18; With all other kinds of goods la like proportion, at
A. A. MASON k 00.%
jtfC tt fifth street
KSl# « h i a -
. *\-
* 41
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. . .....
The Jitter.— Lut evening at dusk, Ota stageof w iirr »-v
-the mealmark, m 3 feet fire inches, audfklliug. I,Jv f
w*s quita a refreshing thunder shower in the
The Uumometer at 2 o'clock was ld the rhade. :
Tht regular Wheeling packet Etbpae, leaves ot 0 o’clock
today, July 6ih.
The Friday packet for Cincinnati is the light draught
steamer Ilsrl/nri.
The LitroLe, CnpL Cook, has put hie shingle up to leave
for Clnclmirii! A fine opportunity for those wishing
totrarelthui ujy,or ship freight.
The eteamur Zime ond .TuU, wnlU be seen by her card,
leaTw today for St Louis. Bhe Is nearly new, of light
draught, and comfortable accommodations; with experienc
ed officers.
(bpL Sam. Dean brought the steam propeller Tmin City
to the wharf yesterday, in dbgnbe. ls no doubt,
should any of his friends call on board, hot that he will
treat them to the best he has.
The Empire.—Th is is the turns of a fine steamboat how
lying at our wharf; just completed for Capt. A. Shepherd,
and intended for ttw Cincinnati trade during low water.
She is finished in comple order, and is of Tory light draught
—drawing only 16 Inches Her hull was built by Ben. Cour
ain; cabin by G allot t,. Applegate k Mason; palntlog by
Murphy k Speer; engines by Robinson, Minnis.A Miller.
Her dimensions arenas follows: Length os deck 162 feet;
breadth of beam SO feet ; deptn of hold 4% feet. She hu
2 boilers 21 feet long, 33 inches diameter, with 2
16 Inches diameter, 4 feet stroke. On her trial trip on the
Fourth, her maohinery worked well. She leaves on Satur.
■ day, and we would recommend her to the traveling public
and to our friends of the press.
The river yesterday was ruing slowly, with SO Inches wa
ter ou the pass in the Fall*, and 4 feet 2 inches in the canal.
The weather during the day was exoaeaively hot. During
the afternoon there were several alight showers of rain, not
sufficient, however, to lay the duet.— EenocraL
Bealt in from Selena and other points above, report only
3 feet water on the Lower Rapids ; in consequence of-this,
all crossing with cargoes are compelled to lighten—nothing
done every season, and for almost nine out of every twelve
months, year in and year out.—&. Louit Ectn Scwt, 301 A.
SnawootT Men in want of Pure Medicines and Medicine
Chests, can have them supplied at lower prices Mian they
can be had any where In the city, by calling at
DR. KJSYSBR’S Drug Store,
No. 140, corner Wood st ami Virgin alley,
the Golden Mortar.
3 rxgr 6 incut* waves ts tus chaeuil, naval, am.
Steamer Jefferson, Parkinson, Brownsville,
“ Lnserne, BennetLßrownsvtlle.
“ Thomas Shriver, Hendrickson, West Newton.
** Gen. Uayunl, Peebles, Elisabeth.
a Exchange, M’Callum, Wheeling.
" Adelia, Oraham. Zanesville.
“ Kate Osswl, M’Yay, Cincinnati.
“ Eclipse, Moore, Wlu*eling.
“ Hartford, Haslet, Cincinnati.
“ Michigan, N 0.2,.2, WcHsvllle.
“ Venture, Gordon, Beaver.
“• Jefferson,Farklmon. Brownsville.
“ Luaerne,Benftett,Brov&iTllle.
** Thomas ShriVer, Hendrickson, West Newton.
“ Gen. Bayard* Peebles, KlLxabeth.
“ Gaxe','Data, St. Louis.
“ I/ouliftU«,Pean, dndanatl.
Alliance, Bean, Cincinnati.
“ Eclipse, Moore, Wheeling.
“ Lltalen, Summers, Cincinnati.
“ Kate Caascl. il'Vay, Cincinnati.
*• ' Adelta, Graham, Zanesville.
“ Michigan, No. 2, Welisrille.
** Venture, Gordon, Bearer. »
Pittsburgh tad Cinelxuuti Steam Packet Lise,
1 And Salat Leuls*
l. Tan Loi* u eompoMd of hub
powerful Kna«n, UQ( ’’_LmH!kV
thr *p«d, aplmdor, AfctyjißHßSß
and comfort, and 1* tbe ojcit nraocc.a daiit usi or Stum
PiCtrrj on tb« Oliio rircr. It cunMct* with tb« l ! . 9. Mail
Lin* of SlMiAm tram ilnninnart to LoulftUl* tnj Faiet
Loai*, lit whWh pHsurntriw nod ar* twXrtrt and rr~
c/>pltd t/irxmgh daily. Two n«w htrwnirr* bars bean addtd
to lh<i Li»iu, Which now cmuhUui of tlu following boat*:
Dayi */ Dfnxrtvrt
Boat*. Qrjltinu. frmn ftudvryh.
iitCKRYB STATE- M. W. Hurtnoov A.... Sunday.
MESSENGER, No. 3L...J. B I)avis*_ Monday.
ALLEGHENY Gao. M'Latw TurwUy.
CRYSTAL PALACE-....Wh. J. Koc;iTi-...~....Wa1an>1iy.
PHILADELPHIA R. J. Oaacs ...„Thurad»y.
PITTfiHUKOH. H. Ctxrwu. -....Friday.
PKNNBYLVANI A-...-..J*o. KunriLTOL.......Saturday.
Imeto dally at li) o'clock, A. M., pr«rii**ly,.
No fr«i£ht reeeitad aflarnlua o’clock on tba miming of
For particular*, apply on board. <w to
MoßocgAhwla Uooae flalldinftr.
PUtabargb. 1&53.
For Cincinnati.
THE steamer UAKTFORD, Captain W«.
J lUaLjtluim. will leave for tb* above tod tnterme-
jxrt* on.FRIDAY, t\h lost, at 10 A. M.
For freight *rul passage apply on board, nr tn
For Cincinnati.
tjmy . TUK new light draught steamer KMI’IUE.
bntruw#, will leave f.r ih* »U-v« ami
.■■■HEBAiuiersiedlalv porta on SATURDAY, 9iti last-,
fetlo A M.
For freight and passage apply on' board, or to
jytj __ FLACK_A CuLUNOWlK‘D.__Agfnt
Per Cincinnati. ~
fmm, TUB Steamer LATROBK, Capt. I. N. Coox.
leave for the above and Intermediate porta
THURSDAY, Ctii ioat n at 10 A M.
For freight and passage apply on hoard, or to
JjG r JOHN FLAUK. tirnt.
For Si. Lomle—Direct.
TURsteamer TIME AND TlDE,Cat>t.Ccmx,
i will leave for (he above and IoD-rm*disu porta
«29SSQBoo THURSDAY, 6ib tnit, Hip il.
For freight and passage apply on board, or to ,
. jjG JOHN FuACK, Ag-ot.
r or Cincinnati.
-mmy THE steamer QUAKER CITV, CapL J. N.
(jULtf itocsE, will leave fur the above and ioteraurtl
■BHlHßate porta on THURSDAY, the Alb -inst, at Id
o'clock, A. M.
For freight and passage apply on board, or to
Regular Wlteeltng l^acket.'
. IWB* ~ Til* steamer KXCHANOB, CapL M’,
■HHMfIbFiUDAY, at 0 o'clock, A. M-, connecting wit i
the C. and P. Railroad at Wellsvill*. Pot freight apply to
JeSi ; 3. D. COLLINfIWOQD, Agent
Regular Whaallug Packet.
irmi* THE steamer EULUSE. Captain Gtoanx D.
1 JlwL-tf Mooax. leaves every TUESDAY, THURSDAY,
■BBBBand SATURDAY, at tf o'clock, A. AL, and con
necting with l'*C. and p. Railroad at WeUsvllie.
For freight apply to
>2o , J. D. COLLING WOOD, Agent.
THE FINBlow pressure steamer TELEGRAPH. Captain
R. Ribxow, will make two tripe a week between Cleveland;
Port Stanley, and Port Barwen, a* follows;
Leaves' Cleveland for Port Btanley, every MONDAY and
THURSDAY EVENING, at7J4 o'clock.
Leaves Port Bnrwell for Pcwt Stanley at 1 o’eloek. •
Leaves Port Stanley for Cleveland every WEDNESDAY
and SATURDAY EVENING, at 7« o’clock.
The Telegraph connects at Cleveland, with the Cleveland,
Columbus and Cincinnati, the Cleveland and Piltaburgb,
the Lake Shore, and the Toledo, Norwalk and Cleveland
Railroads. Also connects at Port Stanley with the Ixmdon
Line of Stages, which connects with (be Great Weetora
For freight and -passage apply on board, or to SCO VTLL k
LAUDERDALE, Cleveland;-!*. F. IIOLOOMD, Tort Stanley ,
or A. M'BRLDK. Port BurwelL mar27:tnov
* Hen Wanted*
ONE HUNDRED MEN WANTED on the Central Rail
road, between Wilhinahurg and Irwin's Station. 'The
wages will be $1,12% a day, payable at toe end of each
month. Abo, 60 lionBES and CARTS wanted on the tame
work, for which the highest waged will be.given; Enquire
at the office, Braddock’s Fields.
my2o:tf . JAMES FKNLON.
I AND WARRANTS WANTED—SI7B 00.—1 wish to pur-
J chase Land l Warrants to the amount of Fire Thousand
Acres, in 160, 60 or 40 acre Warrants; for which will be
paid |l7B In gold, for 160 acres, and in proportion lor 80
and 40 acred. Apply to JAMES BLAKELY,
Real Estate and European Agent,-
myd corner of Seventh anil Rmithflold streets.
WANTED— TWO OK THREE LOTS,on Diamond alley,
between Smithfield and Grant streets, for which a
fair price will be paid. Inquire of
je!s:2w THOMAS WOOD3/75 Fourth street.
Lectures on Daniel.
Cummings’ Lecture* on the Parable*.
Thompd'm'* Lectures on Pulmonary Consumption.
The Turkish Empire; its historical, statistical, religious
condition, manners and customs, etc: by Alfred De Besse,
member of Embassy at Constantinople. Translated, revised
and enlarged, from the fourth German edition ; with me
moirs of the reigning Bultan, (Omar Pacha,) the Torkisti
Cabinet, etc., etc: by Edward Joy Morris, late U. 6. Charge
d’Aifairesat Naples. Foreale by B. T. C. MORGAN,
JelC ■ 104 Wood street.
FOR SALE— Sixty acres of band, on the new Plank
Road from Allegheny to New Brighton, 3 miles below
Allegheny city, and 1 mile from Woods’ ran, by the old
road. It will be sold very low, and divided in lots from 6
to 15 acres. Those wishing to purchase a cheap home oan
esquire of THOMAS WOODS,
jelP « 76 Fourth street.
BUTTER —14 firkins prime fresh, received and for sale by
IEABLh —12 casks just received and for sale by
fy\ RAHAM’S MAGAZINE, for July, has been received at
RIFLE GUNS AND PISTOLS—a great variety kept con
stantiy on hand, together with the necessary appurte
nances, and shooting material in general, for sale by
jell BOWN k TETLEY .
REVOLVERS— A good assortment 01 all kinds of Revol
vers, including Colt’s, Allen’s, Marsten’s, Werner’s,
and the Revolving Hammer Pistol; just received and for sale
wholesale or retail, by . BOWN k TETLEY,
jr24 136 Wood street.
BALTIMORE HERRING AND SHAD, very fine, for sale
by the barrel, by BAILEY k REN6HAW,
Je2B 263 Liberty street.
FOR BALE—Bix acres Land, situate near the Miners villa
Road, mile from the Court House; on which is a
small two story Brick House, Stable, and other buildings;
also, an excellent Orchard, Term*—-One-fourth cash, bal
ance in five equal annual payments. Enquire of
je!2 - AUSTIN LOOMIS, 92 Fourth it.
OBAOOO—3I ken Kentucky Six Twist Tobacco, received
-on ooailgPTPent; few sale by
President— JOHN BHIPTON.
First vice President —W«. H. Smith.
Second ** “ Wm. IL Baowrt.
Secretary— Wm. 8. Have*.
IVaUum-—John D Scollt.
Su}Xrintendvit —8. T. Noktiux, Ja.
'(hmmittejf on Arbitration far July. —Wit. 11. Smith, V. P.,
Orrie* or th* Bails Moaxiao PotT, i
Thoxwlay, July 6, 1864. J
As harvest approaches the price of- Flour begins to come
down. In other articles we notice no change:
FLOUR—SO bbls r. f. and extra from wharf at $8,12}-£; 20
do a. f. from do $7,87; 25i10 fine from ejore at $7,50. Rye
Flour—2s bills fioo from store at $5,55.
WHISKY— 90 bhle la lots at2«c.
OOPKEIi—I2 bags good fair Rio at
CHEESE—7O boxe« at Oc.
BACON—24,OOO &j Shoulders, Sides aad Hams at 6 \4, &A
and cash, and &14&814, time. AUo, 7 tea Sugar Cured
a* 99-f, 4 months.
LARD—4 bbl« and 12 hegs No. 1,89.-4, cash; 14 lea Loaf
at 9*>£; 40heg* do d]A.
DRIED BEEF- 0 Cos at 13c ? &>. !
FISH—3O half bbls White $5; 20 do do Trout $4,25.
. SODA ASII—6 cks at Z\A, 4 months
PIG METAL—2Q tons Laurel IHU at $43, 6 months.
J Auctlon»Dally Saleit
AT The Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and
Fifth streets,at 10 oielock, A. M., a general assortment
of Seasonable, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,Clothing,Boots
andßhoes, Hats, Caps, Ac., - '
AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M.,
Groeeries.Qneeruiware, Glassware, Table Cutlery, Looking
Glasses, New and Second Hand Household and Kitchen Fur
niture, Ac.,
Books,’Statkmery, Fancy Articles. Musical Instruments,
Hardware and Cutlery, Clothing, Variety Goods, Gold and
Silver watches, Ac. P. M. DAVIS. Auctioneer. £Ja3l:tf
P. M. DAVI£, Aaoiioaeer,
Book sale.—on Saturday evening, Bth in*t ,at
8 o’clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of
Wood and Fifth streets, wilt be sold, a collection of oew and
second hand Books, standard authors in the difterent
branehee of literature and science; Family and Poeket
Bibles, Megoxinefl, Pamphlets, Letter and Cap Paper, En
velope*, Ac., Ac.
jyfl P M. PAVIg, Auctioneer.
Bouts and tjuons-on Friday morning, theTtii
Instant, at 10 o'clock, at the Courtnereial Sales Rooms,
corner of Wood and Fifth streetsiTvrili be void n general as
sortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, of late •wMOnahte etylea:
oomSrislog moo's, boys’ and youtlis’ calf, kip, Hungarian'
and ooafnj Root* and Brogans; man’s and boys' patent
luather, Morocco and bronted Mcnterey Ties, Shoes and
Toilet Slippers; women’s, mlssr*’ and children's Shoe*,
Bootees anu Slippers, Jenny Liud Ties, bronsed, enamelled,
calf. Sip,A*- (Jyji) P- M. DAVIS. Auctioneer.
njiRUSTEK bauToV land iN’M’fssoukT^jirfiluH?-
I DAY KVENINO, July fllb, at 8 o'clock. at the Mer
chants' Fxcbange Pittsburgh, will be nrtld for account of
whom it may concern, by order of J. Knnx, Ewj., Trustee.
the Boulh-we>t Quarter of Section No. 28. Township £4,
Range 10, of Lands wild at th.i Land Office in Palmyra)and
situate in Scotland county, Terms at a«ie.
Jeffl P. M. DAVIS. Auctioneer.
Public Sale of BnlJdlng Liota and Blocks
Adjoining LawreaeevilU.
fT'IJE undersigned Committee of the Hoard of Manager*
J of ST MARY’S CBHKTHRT, will offer for aale on the
prembes, rn SATURDAY, the Kth day of July next, at 3
o’clock, P. U, at public auetkHSf CO BoiUlng Lota, each 24
fret front and 110 feet deep; and 3 blocks of Lois, each Od
feet front by 110 feet deep, being the balance unsold of PI
Lots surveyed off lad summer. It i* defined unnereanry
tn ray much about this property, a- it L« well knnwo to the
public: eufllca it fo «ay that it U one of ihc h-nDotont la.
rations In the nrighlx'.rhivtl of lt»* city, with a Bui view of
the United ruUev Anwinal. Aiirgiieoy Uvtnetery anil River,
and is within 7UI) 9>«-t of :hs Toll Houm* on the L aad 0.
Plank Road, ai which poiut Omuibuees are p&Jeirg every
five mlnutee, briogiug perxcnK into the centre t.f Uk.' city
In Utile over half an hour, at a <***l <•( tlir*-ee* Dts. To per
sens wtnhing to enjoy a coi't-t.-y lonne. with Lhe rnovenl
en<v« r.f ui Uteir ...j-iiu lb*- city, thla protar
ty offer* indu-cmetitii net M t>9 ovcrio«’iievl. Bale poviurr,
and a liberal credit will U gtTan for thr«H- fjanlis of the
purchase money.
Mr. De»i:u, Supcrintend.-ul ?t. Mary', Cemetery, wi"!
show tbe at*Ta pr.perty v< any teron calling on him pre
vious to the day of rale. JAMK4 BLAKELY.
Iloaton I , ajder MaelK ('ompauy.
artenti -n ; fBulU-r-. fV.n t rii.-'«tr* and Cab
inet Make:*, U l L. tf.U r.ew and great ImproT#-
meot iu the taauula-iure of emte-l:t*i:ra*-nii fir
an.| outule an I la*i-ic: Cabin*. Halt*,Cburrh
•**, Dweltiai;*, S:?re<. an 1 P.rfir I'irnKure. in gilt, or lo
ImitainiQ .f Tarim;* kind) cf r.-l A io. Ccrni rs. Brack
et». ant • r-,ir- l-.--.' f.r C-lHn;**.
.M'nilJin On*ti'-. Yro»— Paili-me*,;. A•, rurd, rLeaner
>ad baudvum-r ’, I‘ia-ier „nd W««<1 Care iug, and a
.deal rom* durable,
V hbk K I.EITKRB Full t-IGNS. »«-rj rj.n.ip and warr*a!
ed t-la-t l-r L"i ;ear» e?.p.—l i” th- »«.D.-r.
Alow *» v-U tc.r -ale at iniOuf-'-’uier'i* ptirca—ex-et
if freight . \V. WlLryiN,
PlTTtißl. h'jU AND sTELUKN\II.LB It.MLH 'AD’ « "
Treaaurer'e Dlibn, June J'lJ. Dot j
TUB tar the inter*-*; ou ih« Loud* of lb* City
of i'ilUbnrab. given lo tb« I’itlrturah ao l Firulxn
rill* Italln jlCom;-any.due< n th* FMt>T rilOXlMU,will
be paid at the office or'NteMr* UUNC* *•'. SIfEK ’•» AN k 00,
Bankm, No. 48 WilData *tr*ift. New Yura, nr at li«e Treaa
urer’siiffiee, No. A 4 IVotal »tr**e r i Piit«bnryh
The Coupon la No. 8, on IV nd4 da* DVI, tnimlerr**-! from
1 to 2» IncloriTe. WILLIAM A. HILL,
je24.lw Trea*urer,
Farm for Kali-
Tni: Mil4U-rlb«r.< i-i Pe'i-r* ; wt.ii.ip WaaLlnston
econly, i’a„ will i iT-r at private *;*'.<* 1 *ru c- ntwin-
Ing v:r« hui.dre.l *tw, • r ie«- . i»i. £»*
arres 11 which b* clewr*-! oud uixUr w iLh water
In «»ery field ; there i» al» > a ••r'.ablc i> Houte,
Ram, and i ther <>ut bui u:!idN with u!> - i..dano'.- - f fruit, of
Tarlr.u* ainda. Tb!« pr-.p, rty U.-- L. mur- fn-io li- City of
I'UUburjb, o nnle* fr-ir. th. \ alley Ueiirrwd.
ne«r Thompannviiie, and I .--.ii\eDleut t<» t'l.oi- be*. 8- h<. ir.
Grut nn ! r-nw MiUa. r>r further ular--• z -,uire of
Lh« aubrcrjtf r, on the premia**.
Jef.-rta* 'ISAAC HK-Kfr.y
176 ttbecp.for Haiti
ri'IIK c.tfer* for •nVccn LuninM ar.-t
X flvr brad of r.D- c'TiKIK ellF.l.i', in Eaf.t I)-«r l«»a
-ship, r-n ihe Gfeensburg and Butlrr bead-'lit miles from
jfew ftfnsle.
Tli* Ulrt W"U* t>y \V p* llnin:
<J»>T;ericTe WaltT. bv D'Alt.rf ,
L* iL-ll* 3wl*?r w/lt.-. u P'Alf^ri;
Tlw N> iu(lb of «hr slit, by Waller*!;
La Pluinl Or Walla, by W slinrr;
Little Bio.-.tuu, Ivlk* Mazcurke, by li Tuasou ;
W was v Ika. by F. 11. Itfr.wu;
ln»iuiion I’uli.i, by Wallace;
Tb* CrvereoL I’urkUh inilrary IVlka. '• v Ju.-hu.
Florida, t’olka Rodown by Dressier.
Flora Msioursa, by Ju^hv;
Hofw Polka, by Schwab;
D»i>t:iut: Pulko, by Slrskcjrh;
Wlllard'e Polka, by Strskoech ;
* Daisy Polka, by Jurho;
Firxt Love Schoitisch, by Wnilaoe ;
Verbena Schottisch, by Scballehn;
Whi*;*r SchouWb, by Kruger;
J6»t received, tag*ther with a general eelerfion of tho !a!e«t.
Rmgv, and for sale l>y IIKNKY KLEBKK,
jei4 101 Third atr****?, eiso uf ihu floldeu Flarp
"VYIiW ii-KiKb, AT UU&eKLLS’.—Kiurn ) yudsay, or Pas-
AN mz** in an Eventful Life: by Mrs. Mcodic.
The Je.ioil’s Daughter; a tnmd for American!) to rend :
by Ntd Bunt Una.
Tho Renegade Glpsey: a sequel to Claud- Duval.
Thw Unfortunate Mold.
CaH and examine at BUSSELLS* cheap Book Store, Fifth
street. No. 16, near Market street. jr2U
WELLING' HUUdE _ FOU"SALE—Situate on ThirdTtT.
above fmiUifield. The House i* Weil arr&ugud, with
bail and partoi'ii, dining room and kilchrn, 4 chambers,
bath nuns, with hot and cold water: M.-d cellar, gas fix
tures, Ac. For price and ti'fin* roll at the Real Estate Of
fice, 1(0 Third street.
NiriTcTNDKHD A\‘i) TinKTY AcitWOF LAND, one
half mile from the Ohio river, m ar Baker's Landing,
66 acres under cultivation, with Orchard and other good
improvements; one-half the CPal under it reserved, it Is
offered at an extremely low price. Enquire of
e2l 76 Fourth street.
Yaluablk property in Collins townbhh*.
FOft SA LK —64 acres situate one mile from East Lib
erty, and about 200 yards from, the Allegheny river, and
same distance from the Allegheny Valley Railroad. A new
Brick House, of hail and 7 room;, finished in modern stvle;
a Tenant Uouse, a large Frame Barn and stable, and other
out buttding*; a good well of water und durable spriKs;
also a running stream at lower part of the form; ep or
chard of 300 trees ; 60 acres in cultivation, balance good
timber; a valuable stone quarry. Will-be sold altogether,
or 10 acres with the improvements.
|e23 Real F-tate Agent*. 140 Tiiird at.
■VTEW MUFlC.—Mu«ir,'swsrt M u-iT—Knight.
J3| Herdsman’s Mountain Uyme Sung.
Le Jasmin Valtn—Wallace.
I’m a Merry LaughingUirl—Glover.
Sweet Woman—Eme< aou.
Evening Home Song.
Agreeable Hchottbch—Brown.
Widowed Bride.
A Passing Glimpse—Voss.
Dream’Life Polka.
Russian Dove Bunco—43robe.
Fairest of the Fair- Polka.
Hpauiah Fandango—Grobe.
Tun Separation—Guitar.
May Breezes—Guitar—Max Zover.
My Home, My Happy llocm— tluilar. •
Just recciv*-d and for sale at
/ * CilA:ii<4>TTE DLUME’S
S my 23 Old Established Pi:»n>> 11.q.0t, US Wood st
ONLY S4co Foil A PRAM E HOUSE, find LH of Ground,
situate In Allegheny city, near Bcnvcrstroet. The Lot
i; 30 hy 60 feet, witb-fiac peach tre-,-*, coal-house, Ac. Coll
and examine.
*l,OOO, in easy payments, for a Urge Vh»mo House and
large Lot, rituatc on the eastern road, nppdsile the Arsenal
wall. Also several other Houses and 1/o’a at very low
140 Third street.
PAPER HANGINGS—B 6 Wood street, where m-y be
found the largo-t and most complete assortment of
French and American Wall Papers west of the mountains,
viri Velvet, Gold, Satin, flowered, Common and Cheap
Papers; Borders, Views, Decorations. Statuary Birds, Cen
tres, aud Panels of Oak, Marble and Gold. Parlors, lulls
and offices decorated in latest Parisian style. Cheap Papers:
a great variety always on haDd.
Paper bung with judgtneut. taste and economy.
Notice to farmers.—
60 Unrse Rakes, improved pattern ;
21) Patent Ggpin Drills;
40 dozen Hay Rakes;
20 do Hay Forks;
6. do Gra n Cradles;
20 do and Sneatbs;
10 do Uorse Muzzles; for at 47 Fifth street, by
■~T A. MASON A C 0.—300 cases and' packages <.f the
J\ . latest and most desirable styles of L‘ry Goods will be
opened on the 20th. 30th and 31st of May. my 27
JL Mne, for July, has been received nt
PAUL KLEINER'S Literary Depot,
jyl Fifth at- opposite the Theatre.
ijABED PEACHES—On hand and for sale by the barrel,
Jt or lees quantities, by
Black teas—
Sap. Chulsn Powehong, (in papers) at 60 eta. per tb.
Finest Fongtae Cbnlan, do 62 )A do.
Far sale by fje24] W. A. M’OLPRG.
MUZZLE YOUrt DOdS—6 om» Co* Mqtilm. jmt n
oeived and for sale by DOWN k TETLEY,
j«26 136 .Wood street
- ». ■< '"j■
n.* v
•'. -. ■■. - >•'« : • A#u
i» . • •. ♦■■ + f*
-• . + *■ ■*, <-
/ .- ► . • v '
I’ ard and lard oil—
J m 16 ken No. 1 Lard;
10 bUs do Ujd 00:
Ahalfbbla do;
Received and fot sale by
RICE —20 titirces prime Rice, received and fbr sale bv
Jel7 221 and 223 Überty st.
TARDOIL— lObblsNo.lLardOH;
a 10 hf do do; for sale by
JAIA OOFFEK— jncisi'iiiiild Gov. Java Coffee, for sale
CILAKET WINE—lu c;i>«s ••FL Julian” Oiarat, reedvni
J and for sale by i je!7) f.l ILLKR A RICKETSON-
OLIVE OIL—I 6 cases Olive Oil, for sale by •
STAR CANDLES—2S boxes 4’s, s’a and 6’s Star Candles,
for sale by [jel7J MILLER A RICKETSON.
FISH— 36 bbls Medium No. 3 Mackerel;
10 “ No 1 Pickled Herring; in stare and for
sale by [ je!7] MILLER A RICKETSON.
(Ill AMPAGNE—40 baskets * 4 171k ,, “174,” Champagne
J Wine, landing and for sale by
16 bbls No. 1, for sale by
Mantillas. —a. a. masun a co. have now for sale
more than 100 latest styles of Mantillas. [my22
LNSKED UIL—IO bbU fbr sale by
LIME— 100 bbis for sale ny
DALmtATOB—4O bxs Pulverised Baleratus, in quarter,
O halves and pound papers, for ssle by
BUTTER— 16 kegs freah Farkln Butter, for sale by
UOS—3 bbls fresh this day received, and for sale by
my 26
NO. 1 LARD 01L—25 bbls in steve and for ssle by
LARD OU», feO,l-—Just reoeived and fur sale by
and for sale by fJeIQ) JOHN HAFT, Jtt.
PEARLS— 60 bbls first quality, on consignment: tur !-*le
RICE —34 tierces on consignment and for sale by
my 29 3 V. SELLERS A CO.
NEW DECORATIONS—St. Nicholas'bridal chamber pat
tern, for sale by
STAR CANDLES—6O boxes CLncinnsti, assorted g t
manufacturers prices.
PRESTON A MERRILL'S Extracts of Lemon,
Roes, Vanilla, Peach, Almond, Jamaica Ginger, and
Nutmegs; for sale fry (j«2OJ W. A. M'CLURG.
FANNY FERN’S NEW BOOk'-Fern Leaves, from Fan"
ny’s Portfolio; second series; with original designs:
by Fred. M. Ooffin. Just reedred by
_ B. T. C. MORGAN,
Py 2 ? 104 Vgood street.
ffiHE QUIET HEART—Just published coiiTpiete, from
X BlaAweud’s Magaxlne, price 26 cents; for ssle bv
j«l3 H. MINER A 00., 33 Smit&fleld street.
ment Of the above received at
A. MrTiaiirs,
J el 6 ■ corner of Grant and Filth streets.
\JT have been received by RUSSELL A BRO., ’
~ Fifth streeL.near Market.
| |RY PEACHES—IO bbls Dry Peaches; 30 do Dry .ap-
X * pies, for sale by
rations now in use; a large supply received bv
MINERAL WATERS—Congress, Btdford, and Blue
Lick, received direct from the springs, by
BETTS’ SUPI'OKTRRS—6 dos of Mrs. Belie' celebrated
supporters, received by Ql7) JOS. FLEMING.
/ ce'l«mt article for tbe ab-jve complaints; 1 czo-s re-
CclTrd by [ Je*j JOS. FLEMING.
/ ILK4I Kh’SHoNEY SOAPS—l2gross, Noe Sand 4; Musk
V f Brown Windsor, Ac., recelrel and for sale bv
Ij l XTKAOT LOGWOOD—*OOO lbs in Store and for sale by
c Successor to S. Eidd A Co^
_•_** » . No. 60 Wood-Atreet.
\f GRFtiIA TULPiIAS—2S doi in store and for sale l.y
avX j<l • FLEMING B1U)S.
/”1 AltKfcTT*B BOOrCH SNUFF—BOO fo* in store and for
" J sale by ! j*2; FLEMING BROS.
I^MEKY —‘AaXj B>s asaortod~UMs, In stare and for sale by
G< L'M ARABIC—2 bbls white, »n store and for sale by
\f A«»NESl.\—2«ju lbe calcined, iu store and for rs!* bv
HFUkiMi—itu bbls Baltimore Herring tn More and for
:kJ _ 116 Water and 160 From #t.
BfLTIMOKk HMIKINU—IOu bbls ywcrtred it in o** by
.lVootylvtaia R&iirowd, tad fur «a)e by
11C Water street.
C* Mmrksl at.
bblj tfajtimore Shad id »tor* and far ea'.e bj
ta ?3o He Water and 1 to Front at.
h't UAl>—W bbls Baltimore Shad, ia store and for sale by
WHITE FISU—6O bid* inspected. for vale by
MACKEREL— 100 bbls No. 3, for saL by
T)KAKS—4U bbis prime Pears, for sale by
RICE— 100 ti«*rc«s prime Kit*, for sHo By
.OllAD'—26 bbls Shad;
"O So hf bbls Shad ; in store sod for tale by
1 POTATOES—3O sacks for sale by
DRY P KAC li fcjy—23 bus prime, (or sale by
J\K\ APPLES—34 bus tor sale by
O 60 bbd* N. O. Sugar;
To bbls do Molasses;
lio do P. H. Mola*«es; for sale by
p rvmiti.*
I’jßlßli FRUIT—36 sack* Dry Apples;
A-' 16 casks Dry Peaches; for sale by
I)OTATOKS— 3U bags on and for sale by
BACON SHuU LbKKs— 34 casks received oh consignment
and for sale iov by
1 _)!<.» IKON IOU tons Meruer oounty, (Sharon Furnace,}
■ for «de by [my34] KING A MOORHEAD.
BEDFORD MINERAL WATER—In bbls and half bbls,
(oak and mulberry cooperage,) for sale by
GLASS— WO boxes, Bilo, 9x12 aud 10x14, M’Kenoan A
<X>.’s brand, in store and for sale by
TYAMBO APPLES—Pared cored, and ollocd, put up in
JLV gallon cans, hermetically sealed, retaining the origi
nal flavor and freshness of the fruit; for rale by
>6 w. A. M’CLURG.
Maple sugar and molasses—"
7 kegs Maple Molasses, of 8 galls, each ;
200 ft* do Sogar, in cakes;
Jast received on consignment, and for sale by
ijf W. A. M’CLURG.
Ij'lSll! FISH! I—l 6 bbls new Potomac Herring;
-T 6 do do Bhad, the first of
the season. Also, Halifax Herring; No. 1 and 3 Mackerel-
Salmon, smoked; do. pickled ; on hand and for sale by
tpyll BAILEY A RESPHAW.2S3 Liberty street
t>est article of the kind In use. For sale by
HECKER’9 FARINA BOILER.—Tuis has been found
one of the moat desirable articles in the way of cook
ing utensils yet Invented. It Is almost lndlspensihle In the
preparation of Farina, Oritts, Homony, Green or Dried
iruits, Ac. For sale by BAILEY A RKNSUAW.
,my3o 253 Liberty street.
WINDOW BIIiDKH A large stock of Transparent Win
dow Shades, consisting of the Oothic, Plain, lidnaet,
Flowervale, Landscape and Drapery etylea; far sal- whole
sale and retail at the Oil Cloth Warerooms, No. 116 Market
street. fjelP] J. k 11. PHILLIPS.
7( l| | YARDS 36 inches Transparent Duff Oil Cloth for
|IM_F Window Shades, just received from the factory,
and for sale at the Ware rooms, No. 116 Market street.
>l9 J. k □. PHILLIPS.
manufactured. Also, Gents’ Gloves of every variety ;
for sale at ths Rubber Depot, No. 116 Market street
>!•* J. k H. PHILLIP 3.
the attention of purchasers to this new and bAutlful
article; the Goods are warranted to remain pliable in all
kiodaof weather, and perfectly water proof; for sale at the
India Rubber Depot, No. 116 Market street
WHIPS— 30 dosen India Rubber Whips, from Ito 7
feet in length, for sale, wholesale and retail, at No
116 Market street. [>l4) J. A H. PHILLIPS.
SUMMER CRAVATS.—We are now opening a variety of
new styles of Lawn and Gingham Cravats and Ties for
summer wear Also, some very rich and fashionable plain
and fancy Si! k Cravats and Ties.
A. A. MASON k CO.,
>l2 I 25 Fifth street.
CIUKA> WALL PAPERS—A new supply of 12J4 c«n
t Papers just received, for sale by
>•* 86 Wood street.
VJINE PAPER HANGINGS—A choice assortment in
X* chintz, brocateilo, and satin-imitations, for sale by
CARRIAGE OIL CLOTH—2,OOO yards of the plain and
enamelled finish, manufactured on plain, twilled and
heavy duck goods; sold wholesale and retail at the Oil Cloth
War**rooms, No. 116 Market street.
ROOT—This compound will remove diseases arising
from impurity of the blood. It acts as a purifier of the
blood; strengthens and braces the system ; U harmless and
simple in Its effects. For sale by
>l9 JOHN HAFT, Ja.
71 I 2"ON8 NO. 1 SOoTCII PIG METAL, arriving and if r
l\f saioby [Je7[ WM. BINGHAM k CO.
DRIEt) BEEF—lOtiercesS. C. Beef 1
P1?2 9 F. SELLERS k CO.
HARPER'S MAGAZINE, for June, for sale by
„ B- T. C. MORGAN,
m ?3l 104 Wood street.
riTRUSSES—6 do* Marsh’s celebrated Trurses, received by
SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPB—I gross Wolfe’s Axomatis
Schiedam Schnapps, received by
,Tf)OMADKS AND HAIR 01L£— A very large assortment
jL of the finest English and French Pomades and Hair
Oils, received by fmy36] JOS. FLEMING.
Allspice and pepper—
-10 bags Pepper; ‘
6 “ Allspice; for sale by
SEED BUCKWHEAT—4O bus "primal just received and
for sale by [je2l] JAMES WARDROP,
RIME UMONft—lftO boaaa prlmw I*mnn. Store
and for sals by
>u J. q ANDERSON A CO, 6 Wood street.
CQGOaN UTB—loop fresh Ooooaonf* iirtvd
jeU J. C. ANDBKSON t 00. 6 Wood itroot
and for aala by
ArEK—3 bbls received this day by
corner of the Diamond and Market st.
rVULp* SUA*lA— a. a. MJL&Jd, * Co.feavu jwt t*»
V <BiT«d,per«xpff*M, noUfcf l*rgo ueortmenK oftMfc-"' “■
ptoU and wabipiaiwtd Pop* fthjwlt. . -.jriW.'
•? ? ? r m M
lierula, br Rapture of the Bowejf^
are afflicted with a Kupiure of the Bowels, who pay little !
attention to th** disease until! the Bowels •
C J W become MrawguUlwl, a oba* !
1 ility. it may be pv* lati ant' j VIA WELLSVILLE - ,
U if*, then, for all iho«e suffering from up* AKD OBIOAXD PEXXSTZTAXIA RAILROAD, VTA
“ ™" “ P ‘ T lll ronfitoTotedo. Chi
-1 V uole&ale Dm* Store, on the corner of Wood street X eogo, La Salle, Rock l6lan<L Galena. St. Louis, ani *he
.nd Virgin and prernr, a TRUSS, to mlttin th. pro. j
truding portion of the Bowels. Dr Kerser has an office win°™tVn* ir - t ‘ L 7 D,, ' T ' Joa ISW. Passenger tfratiw
hl . . . . ‘ UT - ****** “** * n Office , will run daily, icunday’e excepted) as follows:
bark of the drug store where Trusses are applied, and war- j VIA WKLLBVILLE.
ranted to give satisfaction. He also has cTery yarieiv of i L * aT ® WellFTflle at 4 20, P. 3L, and AlHaaee at A 26, arrl-
Trusses that you can name and at anv nri« i,. ~ i T *,°£ i? Cleveland at 8 50, P. M.: making a close connection
m™ nr „ * tw name, and at any price, to suit the with Michigan Central Itsilroad lino for. Detroit, CbJcaim.
means of erery one in need of the article. L also keep and the North-west. ’
every kind of Supporters, Bndy Braces, Suspensory Banda - Pawngers for the 4 30, P. M, train from W«iUvi»L», h_. T *
yes. Elastic Stocking* , for enlarged reins, and all kinds of *'• “**««**-dafty (Munday’d excepted) at 9 00, A. 31on
mechanical appiiances used iuthe carH &lip » tr
I would respectfully invite the attention of the pdblUs to Loire Alliance at 7.20, A. M., and 12, 31., ronovetiug a
“ TruM ,ar Children,»hioh inrnriiblj eiTecU .rri^gl! « r**’ fe! »
cures in * very short time. - ; Cleveland, $4,00. ’ , • .
N.B—I also keep on hand, and for sale, a large assort- biu'ah ®^' oa^^ t P €nTia Railroad, leaving Pftts
ment of Shoulder Bracts oi the most improvedlkind, that ance for Cleveland’at 7Ho M ’ aod'eas*!* 4 *?*
have been worn with so modi satisfaction by hundreds of p E ‘jr aiT * Te ia CTe^ at 10, A. M.,*2.20’ P. M., and 8 50*,
aDd ° ot ° f th6City - ! Pwsengers ticketed to CUebmd, BuQalo Toledo Chin
DR. KBTSER’S DRUG BTORB AND TRUSS DEPOT, go, U Salle, Rock Island, and St. ’ To3edo » CWct *
corner of Wood street and Virgin alley, No. 140, sign of the T> * to Chicago, 24 Lours—St. Louis, 4S hour*.
Golden Mortal- „ lAKI VIA WE.LSVTILZ. FAHK TTA tumw
Golden Mortar. j*l4<i*w To Cleveland $3,00 To Cleveland. ~.AAOO
T01ed0.....: 600 Toledo-.*. 6JX)
PvtfOJt. 5.00 Detroit. e,OQ
Chicago $lO,OO A 10.50 Chjcago......sTl,oo *ll JO
Rock Island...; 15.50 Rock Wand 10 50
St. Louis I 8 60 St. Lcny.„.„... M ,„„ 1950
Paasergers are requested to procnr* their tickets at the
ofHce of this Company, in Jlouongah'ela Hem ms, below the
comer. J. DURAND, Sup’t Cleveland.
J; A. CAUGHJST, Agent,
Pittsburgh, .
4?»Froat Wort or Rock Rose— AmedJdoe
under the title of “ Rock Eos#,” made from a plant of that
name, is bavins a great run in this vicinity for iUlcaratire
of “quack,” so truly applicate to at
least of the medicines of the day, cannot be justly
applied to the Bock Rose, for It has “ made its nark * in
this dty in several cases, to the relief and core of offerers,
when other remedies have failed—and what U (joltere
markable, nome of our best physicians do not hesitate to
speak very favorably of the compound. The oertiftjates of
cureb are not fabrications, bat from highly respectable per
sons, mot.t of whom are well know to us. The manufactu
rer Is Also Wb’l known to U 3 as a gentleman who' wtjnld not
be engaged In a humbug, or in deceiving the pnblid in any
way ,—BtUadium.' \
We cheerfully endorse the above, having witnessed its
good effect, ourselves, on pulmonary and scrofulous com*
plaints. Wo believe it is the best compound for coils and
coughs, extant. The Rock Rose has long been known as «
plant of rare medical virtues, and its preparation iJsuper
intended by a gentleman of ability and character, In this
city.— N. H. JUffister. T --
Niw lUvmr, Dec. 20,1861.
This is to certify that the notice of the Rock Rose medi
cine published in our paper in connectionwJthoce fifom the
Palladium, was not only unsolicited, but was written by
the Editor of-bis own judgment and observation. :
Palladium Ornct, New Haven, Dec. 22^1361.
This will certify that the favorable notice of the
known as the * Rock Rose,” was a valuutary testfinonial,
induced by the writers' knowledge of the curative qßeets of
the article in certain cases, as well as by the fovoraljie ojrfn
lons which others, well known to him, had expressed of it;
and furthermore, the article was written without Way or
the promise of payment, or the knowledge of the mAnnfoo
This wonderful medicine Is fast gaining for itself a pepu-;
larity which no other medfaaoe cap boast of. The ’
Rock Rose, U u«d rdJ recommended by many •miTvnt
physician* of our country. Hear what J. H. Thompson, of
Philadelphia, fays: “I have prescribed it in bad cases of
Scrofulous patients at Wills Hospital.” His success at
tracted the. attention of senior pbyeldans. He reports the
following remarkable case of While Swelling of the right
hip, in February, 1844. The lad was seven year- old, and
had the disease for three years, the bone was dislocated up
wards and outwards. There was a large opening on the
hip leadi*g_£o lb? bone. Into which I coaid thrust my fin
ger. I counted three ulcers, lie had been under several
physicians, who bad given him up. 1 ordered a decoction
of Rock Rot*— la two days bis night sweats ceased, I then
ordered a tea spoonful of Rock Bose, three times a day.
Thirty-nine days after, he was entirely well.
Sold by Dr. GEO. 11. KETSEB, No. 140, comer of Wood
street and Virgin allej.
Aw" Sign of the Golden Mortar. . Je&daw
Ekr Kipeclal Notice to Persons Using
Cod Liver Oil.—The i-übscriber having made arrange
ment* with Me-sre. Poppleia k Thompson, for a regular
supply of their genuine COD LIVER OIL, pot np In pint
bottles, would respectfully invite the attention of the pub
lic to an examination of the snide, being fully perraaded
that for parity and fm-ne** from rancid taste or swell, it la
unwiualed. There is new no Cod Liver Oil ia thin country
superior, if equal, fo the above. Hundreds ot bottles have
been sold, fcud giveu unrivaled satisfaction In the article
of Ood Liver .Oil, -persons taking it should be careful to ob
tain a genuine artktc and oo» free from a rancid taste and
smell, as iu virtues are greatly enhanced by Its being accep
table to the stomach and not producing naturae*—purity and
a pleasant taste make* K mere readily taken qp by the lac
teals and absorbed into the Mood, and thereby in causing
the richness of that fluid giving a tone and hyiing Impres
sion to-every organ through which it passes. '
GEO. H. KEYSER, .No. 140,
c. mcr of Wood street and Virgin Alley,
mylCidaw Sign cf the Golden Mortar.
N. B.—l alto keep al. kinds of Genuine Patant or Propri
etary Medlcim-s, for many' of which I hold the exclusive
ag*ney, nod which will be wl by the doxen or gross at New
York and Philadelphia prices.
PiSprltUre ef ITUm'i Vrml/nj* »>4 U*«r RS<.
W'u.'ejil* Itrupyuij and Dealers u* latent Mediants,
Oorner Fourth nod Wood streets, Pittsburgh.
Jayne's Alterative: ’
“ Carminative Balsam;
“ Hair Dye:
" Expectorant;
“ Sanative Pills:
*• TlaiH'onie;
Wlstar’s Balsam of WRd Cherry ;
Bryant's Pulmonary AaUsm ;
lioollaod's German Bit'ers;
Holland:. do
no* tetter's Stomach do,
Merchises* Uterine Catholicon;
Storms’ Scotch Cough Candy;
Price's do;
Thrygi’s do; ?
. IlofVe’e do: •
Osgoqgs India Cbolagogue; •
Morsrs Invigorating Cordials
Tyler’s Gum Arabic Drops;
Harrison's flair Dye;
Phalou’s- do
Batchelor’s do-
MeMunn’s Elixir of Opium;
Bryant’s Purifying Extract;
Dailey> Pain Extract;
Brown’s Essence of Jamaica Ginger:
McAllister’s do do:-
Kidder’s Indellible Ink;
Parson's do do; ±
ArnhoM's do;
Dr. Curtis’ tlyeeana;
Lyons’ Katliairon:
D.tvid's l.iily White;
Batin’s do;
Tobias’ liniment;
Hunt's do;
Allen's Nerve and Bone Liniment; 1
Mexican Mustang do; I
Parrel’s Arabian do;
Gardner’s do; 1
Barrel’s Indian do;
• Carter’s Spanish Mixture; ;
Barns’* Pile Lotion; i
Moen Fun:
Scarpa’s Acoustic Gil; .;
Merchant's Gargling Oil;
Clarke A Co.’s Cod Liver Oil ;
McAllister's Ointment;
Sings’ Itcli do;
Feral's . do;.
Gray’s do: \
Trask’s Magnetic Ointment,
Judkin’s do;
Swaim’s Panacea;
Houck’s do;|
Hargant’e Infant Panacea; i
I’erry Davis’ Pain Killer;
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral;
Hoagbten’s Pepsin;
Bier’s Petroleum; ;
.McLane's Celebrated Liver Pills;
Braudretb’e do
Wright’s Indian Vegetable Pills;
Ijee's Anti-bilious do;
Sarsaparilla Blood do; I '■
Even’s do; 1
Swaynes’ Extract Sarsaparilla Blood Pills
Jayne’s Anodyne Cough do{
Townsend’s Health do;
• Jew David’s Plasters:
Shoemaker’s • * do;
Dr. Ndwman's do;
Uadway’s Beady Relief;
Morris’ Remedy;
Prof Wood's Ilair Restorative;
Emerson's do;
Bull's Sarsaparilla;
Townsend's do;
Sand's do;
Guyana's Extract Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla;
Wolff’s Schiedam Schnapps; i
Soap, Cleaver’s Honey;
“ Ilighly Scented Brown Windsor
“ Musk;
Ludlurn’s Specific y
McLane's Sudorific Cough Syrup;
Tyler’s Gum Arabic do;
Sellers’ do;
Swayne’s Syrupof Wild Cherry;
Smith’s Tonic Syrup;
Barry’s Trieophorous;
Norwood’s Tincture of Varatrum Viride;
McLane’s Celebrated Vermifuge,
I>r. Locock's Pulmonic Wafers;
Thompson’s Eye Water:
Agents for all of Dr. McCliotock’s Family Medicines
Dr. Needham’s Breast Pumps;
Water's Atmospheric Breast Pumps;
Gam Elastic do ► do. feblfi:ly
Tlie Only Certain Remedy.
A GENTLEMAN, well known in this 'community, of
strict reradty, handed ua the subjoined statement a
few days since. It is bnt one amongst thousands of facts,
and as such we publish it, for the benefft of those who are
suffering from Worms, perhaps, as In this case, after har
ing used other articles, purporting to be infallible worm
destroyers, without any aTail. i
LmarooL, Columbiana 00., 0- Mar 12.1853.
Mam. B. A.JWwatock dCb., ' 3 .
OcTLiict: A child of mine, aged about! fire yean, bad
been ailing for some time, and, while at dinner one day,
was taken with spasms ; our doctor was sent for; he said
Ibat Worms was the cause. We procured: some of B. A.
FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE from a neighbor, and gars
the child a teaspoonfol and a half; in less than an hour It
passed an innumerable quantity of Worms/and In a short
time was restored to perfect health.
We would not be without your Yermiftge under any
considerarioe. Jams Ajutuctle,
Formerly of Pittsburgh,'Pa.
- Prepared and sold by
je» corner of First and Wood streets.
'Vn/lJlikiiW ekABEd, Hnfiereexu. Outers, Musve, Ae-
W for sale by [je6l WALTER P.
sacas ads day, andiar sale by
‘“yVv.'./.J '
. . ,-**'** K ’•* *
«,*■ ’-l
/-• v -■;
■' -V ••-1.
isM - SfliSHi
r | ’HE MAIL TRAIN will Ibtre every morning (Sundays
X excepted) at 7 o'clock, stopping at all the regular ft*
tiling, and arriving In Philadelphia at 12 o’clock,. X* SL
THE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves the Depot every evening
at 9:30 o’clock, stopping only at Irwinsf Greensbargh,
Latrobfl, Hillside, Johnstown, Lilley’s, Gallitreo,Altiww«.
Ac., connecting at Harrisburg with the train for Balti
more, and arriving in Philadelphia or Baltimore, at
noon. . .
THE ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave every after
noon (except Sunday) at 5 o’clock, stopping at all regular
stations, and running only as for as Blairsvilie.
RETURNING TRAINS arrive in Pittsburgh- Accommo
dation, 8:26, A. M. Express, 1, P. 5L MaiM2, P.M. ‘
.Pare to New York, $10,60; Fare to PhiladokJri*,fS; Fare
to Baltimore, $B.
Baggage checked to all stations on the Pennsylvania Rail
road, and to Philadelphia and Baltimore.
Passenger* purchasing tickets in cars, will ba charged TEt
cevts in addition to the station rates, except from stations
where the Company have uo Agent.
No notes of aless denomination than five dollars will be
received in payment for tickets, except those issued by th#
Banks of Pennsylvania.
_ NOTICE.—In case of low, the Company will hold
themselves responsible for personal baggage only, and for
an amount not exceeding $lOO.
N. B.—lbe Exoeiaior Omnibus Use has been employed j
to convey passengers and baggage to and from the Depot, at \
• charge not to exeeed 16 cents for -wc.n taaconr, ««* \
12L$ cents for each trunk. I
For tickets, apply to ’ J. MESKIMEN, Agent, "I
At the P. R. R. Passenger Station, on liberty ft. i
■v Pittsbniyh, June l»t. 1854—j je3 }
1854. ISSSBSBE3B3B3!ii ism
MAIL TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at 8A M; dines at All!
ance; takes tea at Crestilue. and make* a close con
nection there with a last Express Train, reaching Cincin
nati about 12 o’clock at night.
EXPRESS TRAIN leaves I’ittsbnrgh a* 3 o’clock, P. M.,
after the arrival of the Express train from Philadelphia,
ind reaches Crestline at 11,30 P. M., connecting with the
Night blxpress which reaches Cincinnati In the morning.
Connections are mode with the Ohio and Indiana, and
Belfcntaine and Indiana railroads for Davtoa. Indianapolis
and towne in Indiana.
Connections are made with Cleveland. Monroeville, fay;
du§ky, Toledo, Detroit and Chicago with Bucyrus, Upper
Sandusky, Forest, and the towns r-n the Mad River Road.
Also, with Mount Vernon, Newark, Zanesville and town*
on the Mansfield reed
FareioCindoufitis7: to IndianapoUssB; to Dayton
to Toledo $6; to Columbus $3,26; to Zanesville $5,10; to
Cleveland $4. Tbrcugh tickets to LouisTille at reduced
THE EXPRKiS TRAIN bwvt-g CresUina »f 1.16 P M/-
od reaches Pittsburgh at A.So p JJ, connecting with the
if»t Express Train through in fifteen br>tjtj to Philadelphia.
MAH. TRAIN' leirvf CrrMiine at itSO, A iL. cn the ar«
rival of the Night Kxpresx Train from Cincinnati, anil
arrives at Pittsburgh at 11.40, I'M.
Pitixbnrgb'at 10 A M, and 6 1* M, and New Brighton at 6
A M,and_lA6_P AL
FREIGHT TRAIN leaves Plttsbnrßh at 7 AM, and 9 P.
SL, and arrives at 4.30 A M, «ujd 4.30, P il.\
The Trains do not run on Sunday.
Tickets or farther information, apply at the ticket
office* of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Cdtnpany, of
J. G.CURRY, at the corner office under the Honongnhela
House, Pittsburgh, or of .
GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent,
Federal street Station.
1 JOHN KELLY, Pagsenget Agent.
Pennsylvania Railroad.
SUMMER TARIFF bctw*»**n Piu«bargh. Philadelphia and
Baltimore; commencing April Ist, 1854.
First Class —Brooms, Cedar aild Wooden Ware, Feathers,
Furniture, second hand, Furs. Piano*, Poultry; Wines, ip
batkets or boxes: 75 cents *t!00 sm.
Sfctmd Clan— Dried Fruit, Beeswax, Deer Skin«, Clorer
and Glassware, Hardware, Rags, Wool and
Sheep Pelts; and Eggs: 60c. 'pi 100 lba.
Third Clast —Bacon and Pork (loo**-) Batter, in firkins,”
kegs or bbls; Hides, Leather, Soap, Window Glass, antfCot
ton, uncompressed: 55c.’plOOfc?. ,
Fburih Oast —Alcohol, Bacon (In casks or boxes,) Barley
ao<l Slalt, Beef and Pork, CsndJm, Cheese, Lard and Lard
Oil, Hemp, Whisky, CoUee* (compraaedj Leaf’Tobacco:'
40c. * lOolfca r .
Floor 80 cents bbl.
G. Bingham dfc Co.’a Transportation Linn
. NEW YORK.—The Ownerk abd Agents of said L|a*
have been for the past fourteen ; ears connected with £bc.
“old established Bingham's Line.? They will Rise thtlr
prompt attention to the forwarding of Ptodnce,.Mer
chandise, Ac., in the shortest time and on a a favorable
terms as any other Line. .
Only one transhipment between Pittsburgh, Phila
delphia and Baltimore. t
Can*! Basin, Liberty gt., Pittsburgh.
Prourietor*.- 276 Market ereet, PhDadelphtik
p t 0 ! JXJI£3 WILSON, AgeoV
121 North st~ Baltimore.
epr7:ljr {. 86 West st., New. York.
Cor Rent*
rCE large and oommodkma TAYBRN STAND, bite}? oc
cupied by Wm. P. Applegate, situated on the Pitts
burgh and Steubenville Turn pi lew, about one mile fins
Jones’ Ferry, situated in Chartiers township, Allegheny
county. The House is a large .’Brick, containing some
twenty rooms, together with a good Store Room, and three
good Cellars. There is on the p’emieea a large Stable, Car*
riag* House, out-building*, three good pumps, ono large
extern, two good Orchards, and several out Lots—all of
which is f&r rent, and possession will be given immediately.
For farther particulars, enquire ofLYDJA ANN CHESS*
on the premises, or the subscriber. - 1
Chart! era Tp.,t- 2*. 1B&3.
near Fourth.
Tha Life of Dr. Alexander: by his eon, J. W. Alexander,
The Magaaiars at 20 cents per nnaber; oar present
itare price.
Daniel; a ModeT for Toting Hen: by Dr.Seott, of Saw Or*
sans —a course of Lectures.
Fern Leaves; eeeond serial*, . 1
The Parish Side; a better book, than either Sonny FHt
or Bh&dy Side.
Carter’s New Books for Youth, vU: Mabef Grmat,Chariee
lioueset, the Wood Cotters and Exiles of Lebanon.Ac, he.
Alexander on Consolation; cheap edition, $1,25.
Manna! of Missions, or Sketches of Foreign Miesions'of
the Presbyterian Church: by Rev. J.C. Lowrie; with maps,
showing the stations,,Ac.
Africa and the American Flag. •
63 Market street, pear Fourth.
r r> IUS. HISTORY OF PITTbBtJRGH, from the earimt pe
. X nod when it was visited by white men, down to the
close of the last century, with notices of some of the impor
tant manufastures and work.-; of internal improvement, op
to the present time: by Neville IS. Craig. Esq.
one hundred copies of the above highly interest*
ing work remain on hand—the price reduced to 7ft cents a
copy. Published and for sale by
SI Wood Flreet,
Allegheny building lots fok call.—Eight
choice Bonding Lots, situate on Ohio Lane, each 24
feet front by 130 deep to a 24 feet alley, and dbuetly oppo*
site Bagaley street, which ■*» now paved and in good order.
These Lots are offered for sale at low prices, and on easy
terms. 8. CUTHBKRT A SON,
je!9 ■ 140 Third Ftreat.
AS I am now winding up my business at the comer of
Wood and Water streets, preparatory’ to removing to
ray new store on Fifth street. 1 would hereby notify my
friends thai.l have placed my books in the hand* of H. 8
NEAL, Esq i on Third street, between Wood and Market
for the collection cf all debts due me upon them.
Tho* knowing themselves Indebted to foe will plrsoC call
as above and settle.
A NOTE dated January 23,1334. payable four af
ter date, at the office of Winslow, Lanier A Cc., New
York, signed R. Weeds, Pre»ideut Pittsburgh and Steuben
ville Railroad—endorsed, Charles Naylor, Secretary.
All persons are hereby warned not to buy said note, as
payment will be refused. Any p-rson Soiling it wLI confer
an Obligation by leaving it with G. E. Arnold * Co- or
: v THOMPSON BELL & 00.,
je6 .wmerThird-and Wood at#.
Cold, wild bhower. •
IN the titling and furnishing of which nothing has been
spared to render bathing luxurious as well as healthful
Ara open every day, (Sunday's excepted,) from 5 o’nloefc,A.-
M., until 10 P/Al.,»t the Barber Shop, Perry Hotel, comer
of Hancock street and Duuuasno Way.
je2o JOHN WOODSON, Proprietor,
E. S. Real) Alderman,
T^"o. 91 THIRD Street, between Wood and Markvtstreefr,
Xv Pittabnrgh. Collections promptly made. Boci«,Mort
gages, and ether writings drawn with neatness sod accu
racy. - >2kly
A large assortment of new uml bcantifalfrtjleeJSaj?
Kings, Breast Pine, Gold Pooeila-wud Pena. Abo,a new
article of Fans, whieh are vary pretty and:cheap. Oar
■tuck b equal to any in the city : In riy le and qualiir, and
wa jfuarant** to the purchaser ws wilt sell fine good* tn oor
line as low u any eastern house wDI -ell, and ranch lw
than' any other, establishment in this city Give os a call,
and examine our goods and prices, at SI >
U 23 _ 9 HOOD’S!
FOR SAUL—i Jve.Louon Pennsylvania Avenue, in front
of Chatham street, and 4 Lots at tba junction of Sev
enth and Webster streets. -Also, a large variety of ehaap
Lota throughout the city, ir yon warn any kind of -proper
ty for a home, just enquire of TIIQMAS WOODS, 1
jeg> : " 7& Ttrnrth «p«sa
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