; V v r -.- -' » „* - * ■&jjjj||^ v ,^Vr-.’ f*: xp. ''■ L t«.?- •' „ ■■ a* "iS ?*l4- - :, -■ -£. £§s*3n*c |%V *. *' <- - *«~*Vkk- • x mm>u md rvvU"t **»*. {iffy tm*M.* h.«fv^s«S:«-4it«*&»S « n• Bv l *.r,6».uose^ * «#- rfftf WS.-ta** iv.'! , » r » * TW. imj-iMe-trletW In advanr,. PH DolTtitnU lf not patt V'*t | " *? 3to/« "pi*» *nAm~*x ula .t tb* o*aoter in th. M * • Omen. and by ita* Sen* Boy*. ts* SATURDAY MORKIUe POST , £•■* "jTv® ■>•• I >L-onhliihed from the«ame office, on a large blanket «»w . Jj] ahaet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in adranoe. Single copies ** n^rvi^A*-I Fr crSop«pnirill be discontinued (unless at thedisere-1 5 £y on of the Proprietor*,) until all arrearages are paid. __ Vv~gi 7 ej - *Jf i'i\ l>~ fo*»jj •. Jx . 'l'] o®-No attention-will be paid to any. oM« nni«tf wp°»* i* *'»fc ? X panied by the money. o* satis factory reference In m v t»' i J* V^.V Connected ivith th* EiUtUithtwml r>f the K'dttfteßS&J. •* is an - tfti larguUob Printing Ojßw*»£ej2L«J»«J" ' Hrrfjo/worfcii Stole on V; l-V- ;;•’ V ,7.'/ .v—;• 7;:v. *y: ,-' &&*’** -** Or *T ‘~ *> f.•,, ;V 4*V ■ ..»:/ ; ' ' v - < ,' ~’ ►' ) 1 " ■" - ■ *,£M J'W rrt 'v ■. *• i-' ’ fa *&■**?&*- r E T TT, *. v >k i p; * ! t "' " r- professional 080. F. GLLLMOttE, ATTORNEY AND CdUSS-ELLOR AT LAW, Office, comer \f tkorth 1 street*iwf Cherry allffc IT pjttsbcrou, p «#-Will attend t?) his professional busH- sa an usual, at hU office, between the hours of 9 A. H. and 4 P. M. of each day. T « JT2O_ ROBERT E. PHIiLIPS, ATTORN EY AT LAW ST. LOTJIS, Mo. « JOSEPH WKAVEII, attorney and counsellor at law, OOlee, So. 14# Potrrih street, Ja3:ljf] : prrraggaoH, pa. JOHN BARTOM, m attorney and counsellor at law, Of&ee, corner Fifth and Grant sts., JaarlyJ] pittsburoh. pa. Biddle U-obertßt Attorney at in Fifth and Sixth. Collection* carefully attend ed to—special attention given to Conveyancing; [dee&ly_ Thomas Means, Attorney at law and solicitor in chancery. Office, next door to the Post Office, Steubenville, Ohio. my’4 _! ■ ' -] p. n, 08 ,, ATTORNEY AT LAW— No. lu9 Fourthstrect, Pittsburgh, Pa., fourth door below Mr. Rody Patterson’o LJtctj sal.!.. , i- 38 t J. 8. Morrison, Attorney and counsellor at law—office, n movedito No. 44 Grant street, near Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa- aprlfry C. Orlando Loomis, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, Fourth street, abort Wood. _ Jy4:y , 1 : Thomu M. UarahftUi ,W—o3lce,LowTie , B Building?, Fourth ju»7:ly B. Carnahaui .ATT—Office on fourth street, between l Grant street. je2-7 J. S. M’Clowry, TTORNSY AKD\COUS6SLLOR AT LAW—Office in BaXewelTs ftalldityjs, on Grant street j* 2 u. H. El*sen, ATTORNRY AT LAW-s-No. 127 Fourth Street, aboee and near Bmithfield. . , mar27;y Alderman Watson*. oflic*, on Third stmt, opposite ihe otd Jbti Offset, ■YI/IIBRK 811 business portnloinst to thorhSire of Aider- W man And Ju«Uce of the Peac Clark & Thaw. Wm. Ua;r.!ry i-j Co.. W in M - Cully * Co., F.l Sellers & Cn , lla"< 4 Kramer * lUhin, Tlanr* Graff. K*q.. Wm. UVhbaura. S-jR- Jubn-ton Km., Thoruao liikawtll, K-*q. a q- ool^nn't _ Jrl Cooparliienhiiu | mnr, sutecritett )«t* <\".? 1 t-u- i n T-. I tb« purpoM ofwrryicr on Cj-iHi.'jiV.-i u4J l-i’int ri. iitj, la cnoaectba with th i £i<-’ i '**•-/ Warranted Cardan Seeds, and incites the attention of cH Id lt*TMtivl Inxaral affuin. • Copartnership ' THE USDKH3IQN'KDh*Te this d.\y ebUrei lota p-.-* nersblp, under the munnautl style df J-'A. IIUTX'.HI 801 Ti CO., far the panwieor iranaotiuzd Ouamissl'm aoc Grocery business. J\S. A. UL’TCHISOX. ' 3 A. M. \TALU>'GI‘ORP. 1 ; f-W Pittaborgh, February 1, 1554 W. 1. ISOIIH- J. HICaMtOWN. 1 , J. 1. Hb.V'i:?’ ENGLISH A. ItIOHARGSOX. COMMISSION AM) FORWARDING MERCHANTS. *r •Wholesale "Beiders In Fish. Uaooo and oil. aud generally. Warehouse formerly by Rqrbri-Je* <* loghram, No>. Urt Water bud lf»0 First atnjet, bnUburgh. Penna. a . . /' t raisas o~ bailitt R£ -' < *‘ iA% s BAILEY « REKBHAW, TBA DEALERS AND FAMILY GROCERS; Desber* ii Woodsn and Willow Ware, Japatme*d Tin Wans, Ilon*- keeptng Utemsila.&L, Wholesale and Retail, No. £53 Ljbeirt' atreat, Pittsburgh- ; wprl. J ,:y natnas storss, w»ut sicols, Mta» o'Kzy Pittsburgh.. Maryland. . j Pittsburgh. Seller** .Nicole A C°., PRODCCB A5O GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 808 Liberty etr%»t, Pittsburgh, I’a. . Sperm. Utuwed and’Lard Oil*. . __ _ JT^_ * BIUJCU. 18 54. .T . TEA’B SELLERS & CO., FarwardW*and Contmliilon NercUanti , btU.t*S IX \ PROVISIONS, GROCERIES AND OILS, 2Vb. SOB Liberty street, Pitt'burph. 7> wnxux ICLLXX, Phil* .WJI.'SICKKTSOS, Pittsburgh Killer A RAcketaon, TTTHOLEBALE OROCKttS, IMPORTERS OF BRANDIES. • W Wine* and —No*. 172 and 174, corner of Irwin Mrt Liberty «tteßta, Pittsburgh. .Iron, Kails, Cotton T*™** wosUnUynuhftnd- , • JT* B William Carr 4s, Co., flT*.' CABS late af the firm of J Parker 4 Co.) Wi£OLU3ALE GR»>CBR9 and Dealer* In Foreign Wine* • and Brandies, Old Manongnbel&ftnd Rectified Wbi»- fcer. No. 329 Commercial Row, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, P*. i» r>:V imntLv'minitty JJFtS f UKRBOS XiaXPaTIUCN BI'CLVRKAM, HRKROBI * CO., WHOLESALE Grocers, Prodnce Dealer* and CotamM aloa Merchants, No. 213 Liberty street. aRr J2 PITTSBURGH. PA. .... ... 080. BIS*.HA WM. BISGHIM A CO., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION i MERCHANTS, Zibcrtw tired, oppotiU Penna. Radroad Depot, -m-7 Pittsburgh. Pa. " pagoda tea store. JEHU HAWORTH,. WtoktaU and Retail Grocer, Dealer and Importer or OM Country Black Teas, French Brar die*. Wines, Ac., corner of Diamond alloy and the Diamond, PW.aarch, r». 1 f,b29: > • ' UVINGSTOSs • liO., FORWARDERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Staambost Ajfnntf, Ja*h2* ; Terre lUrtt, lynx. WM. A. MKJLURG, „„„„ ■; JW-TEA DEALER ANU FAMILY GROCER,^* ! COftSKK 07 WOOD AND SIIXTU S7RFIST3, Pittilrvrgh. [ Henry H. Collins, Forwarding and commission merchant* ana • Wholesale Healer in Cheew. Butter, Seeds, Fiub» «nc Prodbce generally. No. 2*> WO >D St- Pdßfeorgh. [mam Paul A MurdoSßT COMMISSION ANT) FOKWAUDLNG WIKRCHANB, ANJ> STEAMBOAT AGENTS—No. 7 Water Ktroet,Cincinnati, Ohio. . _i _ . KiQK'A MoairheMl. 'HOLFSALB OUOCEKS AND tMWDUCE DEAI.KHSr- No. 27 Wood street, Pittsburgh. < ' Smith 4s, Sinclair, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANT?—' ConiprW.od ->nd First pts. ftmv-3 Henry auCftllough 4fc Co., WHOLESALE UHoCERS «ui .Uer-‘hanJ' r corn-r of Penn an-t Irvdu sr;y •ts.PittsWgh. ) . ■* & GALWAY, . if V PORK PACKER AND PROVISION DEALER. 4 Cjumbbciai Uqw. LrtEßTff stater. | __ ' W. S. Haven. ' 1 mss OLD PRINTING establishment, (UTB Jobs., 1 BTOS A StocCTOX,) and BLANK BOOK and STATIUsh- JU - WAREHOUSE—Ia praparnd to exudate e»err style of . IrfrfaL Commercial, Canal and Stcaml-oat Job Printing ind Book Bidding, and furnish evtoy article In the D.auk Boon* Paper and Stationery line, at the shortest notiee rad on jthw amt ibaaonahle terms. . , L „ ~ Book and Stationary Warehouse, comer of Market, and Second rtwetH.. : , . ' „ • Printing*)Ah'* ood Book Bindery, No. 60 Third si Pgyjf : B* ■T. C. Mordant TiODKSBttISB'AND SrATIOSEIv-h** alwsya oa hkna.» ■ » anenaralassortiQßQtof School,MifCullaneonaan'iDicns. (, i■. Thomu M. Little, &Bt« Prtettnz, Post ®n«i-Cap Paper, &e.;Wbole«tl*and Re-| XTrATCTU AND CLOCK MAKER—tlrtli rtreet, l**tire«j ; jrt>. lot Wooditreofc below ilfth, East Mil*, Plttrttrirgb. 2 \y Wood *ad Market street*, opposite Iron City Hotel. and lanoACT* Scraps. apiary j Ali klml* of Jewelry made sad tgpagtd. fapfitly , kviicll 4P Bro,;' . . <*> ~ !- : // A- Dai PUBLISHED DAILY BY G. P. OILLMOItE A!' THE “POST ttUILIHMKS? 00RN8K OP FIFTH »XD •»<*>« dTKEETS, AT *6,00 PEE ANNUM, OR *5,00 WHEA PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.-; VOLUME XII. BUSINESS CARDS. JOSEPH FLBMING, fscccxasox TO L. WILCOX * 00.] CORNER MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, keena constantly on hand a fall assortment of Drags, Msdt duea, Medicine Chests, Perfumery, and articles pertain log to hinbusiness.' 43* Physidanp' Prescriptions carefully compounded at ail hours. Ja:9y j.jtur rLcxixa. FLEMING BROTHERS, (Successors to J. Kidd A Go.) WHOLESALE URUOOISTS, lio. 60 Wood Strut, Pittsburgh, ft. Proprietor* of Dr. M’Lane’s Celebrated Vermifuge,-Liter Pills, Ac. JalO JOHN HAFT, JR., (Successor to das M*GaffeyJ Wholesale tad Retail DrvfgDl^ AND Dealer in I'AINTS, Olt.B, DYESTUFFS, Ac., 141 Wood street, three dbors below Virgin alley, apr4:m£ely ’i PITTSBURGH. t JO HA D. MORGAN, Aft, f WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, ASD I) CALEB 15 Dya-stni&, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Ac., . 'No. 93Uj Wood street, (one door south of Diamond alley, V p itTßßtiaou. j < [ja&j JOHN MITCHELL,' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, No. 133 Wood Street, £- dfcyj!] Noxt door to H. Child's choe lluusc, Pittsburgh. Notice* | - JOS. 7LRMING baring associated with JOS. ABEL, the. business will hereafter be conducted under the style of J. ABEL k CO., at the old stand, corner of Smlthfieid and Fourth street*. jaltjr , Wllliagi Thorn, Droiglit, HAS REMOVED to the ornor of] HA.nD and PENN Streets, where he wilt, as usual. attend promptly t« his numerous friends. Ail articles in bIU line are warranted pure, nnd put up with the utmost care. marl4;6m B. A* Faltnettock * Go*, WHOLESALE DRUG WAREHOUSE—Corner Rrstand Wood streets, and oqrner Wood andGlxth. fftbl Ft. L . ,A LLEN, WHOLES.tIK DZALEK Z 5 Foreign Wines, Brandies, Cigars, Old Kononga* hela Ryd Whisky, 4*., ALSO, RECTIFYING DISTILLER, SO. S wool) tfTKKKT, I'ITfSIiUHUH, PA. Ilf INKS, Brandies, Uius, Cordials, Jamaica Spirits, 8t \ f Croix and Now England Rum, Clarets, Champagne*, •teotch Alei London Brown Stout, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon, H i Slonongebela Bye and UuctlSedWhUky, Apple, I'escb, >flld Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; imported Havana, tegalin, and I*rlncl|*o Cigar*; Half-Spanish and Common dinar?,'all at ?uch low price? os to challenge eompa lUon. ,F«dct Bar Kegs and Labelled Bottles of every style, and i*mijohns of ail else*. 1 rvspectfuny invite an examina i>o of iuy ktock, at No. 6 W(X/B Street, Pittsborgh, Vnna- ... apr.lcly IMlMUTfill OP BLtANDIKb, GIN, WINES, Ac.—Dealer la fine Old Monoogabrla Wbl-ky, Teach Brand?, Ac Uso, Rectifying Distiller, corner of Emithfleld and Freni «treels, Pittsburgh. aprlfi > J, Bryar, WHOLESALE AND KBTAIL LIQUOR MERCHANT ISA Liberty street, and,3l Diamond alley. feblCky • JOHN U’LLVin * UKo, Others and Dealers to Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Liberty street, opposite bead of bmitbfield «L ja>tj UttLural.^ —v «-JNO. E. DOWNING, CLOTHIER, 'i* EAS rvipored rt> iSH LlltKhTV;Strect, opposite Garrison aHey.&nd No. S SLVHNTD, n**r frmiUibrld, where ue attention of hlfefrtends and the public is invited to the u-ck-of UEADY-StiPE GOODS always on -band. Also, doth*, Casstmeros and Vestings tor ordered work. A fall s->jrtm»ntof Kuruishlng Uocdv for gentlemen, including Lit* of fclb'tualitier. Trunkx. Umbrellas, Ac. jaij .oan su-epam w*cuat*l. Wholesale and Eetail Clothißg Hatch anu, NO. 8 8 WOOD STREET. r»a- «ut»crfb?rN reapertltilly lnlbnn their old.cujlotaers ana■ ■ ■ ,f, ..■■ —u-»w.iynyii. 4vnaied thc:n.'«-lv«> in the above basin***, undefyahe firm >t JOHN 31 CLOSELY k 00. 'They rr»p*etfbilylkhrh a •can- oi paM> laiicaag*. 4r The ure v »oUN liumoou of each will be settled by thorn «ive* resien-Ti r«iy. R LAIRD, iUtn el the linn of Cootxt A k «t in* # opened pTOUL NO. it v (two doors above tbs >,13 land,} Tor the purpoee,of carrying oo the CWTHPIQ 1 •HEINES:?, hopes by strict attention to business to merit a Hire ot the patronupi of.ibw late Arm. .V. R—Clothing tnadv to order in the n>oet fashionable ivies, arid on tne sLorteet ootiese—inferior to. nons In tba •ii v. Jao’i&y i * KRCIIaST TAlL’.lt—Ns. M Mfib street, opposite *.ht : _YX Tb-uitre; Pittvburch, Pa.' apr7 ilsnu HeUmecrt \fONONOAUtLA FLAN INO MlLL— vafbrm Li- f.-icnls and ths paollc, that hii new eetab-' »hTnent u cow 5u full ot-erat*on, ana that h* Is prepared to umish Boat Cabins, and Oil all oraers lor Planed Lumber,: ritb proniptmea, *nd at the lowcrt rates. Board and I’ieuk.on cop or ooth sides, constantly n hand. Baah, Doors, and Moulding, or rrery aeorriptioa, made to rder. ' i Builders and Carpeotere'would find It to their advantage j give him a call, as he can now runush them with planed ff suitable for every *teiwi.T>tjoti of warfc 1 EESBOH * CRISWELL, BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, \ir ASWACTDRBRR of'atl MmN of BRASS WORK, LO >i COAh>TI VE, STKAM BK6IX UR ASS andvcPPKR tateatn exchange fit; worfc,! •r ca.i!i paid. OrdeA left at the Foundry 07 OCoe, will be ircmpt yjattendoft to. i- ■ v febtfcly “ .TOSKPHf X. LOW'rV, Jo. 43 Cbrwr 0/ A*i/ia and Wiod Strtrti, lpklalni.. Entrance fruta FlPh’itreet. Pittsburgh, PECTFD&LY announce to to* (public that be hu nmrnrfa thfi REAL ESTATE JtGKNCY.In conuw* iitb-Jtftelljjrence end ueneral Collecting, lie will 1 Midito renting. Persons to wmi tof sereanta, in any 1 f, -or those is want 6f places, wi 1 be supplied at «hort ' buxines* entrusted to t s care promptly at* iSco—T. J. eigbam, Esq., Richard Oowen, Beq. W. I«.! Dr. Alex. Black. James Mi :X«*rul, A. A. Uuoa, i Old. _Janl« irr. uasixot* M< DRAFF *. < 0., rostern Foundry, Ho. 124 Wood otroot, I - mTnoKQK, pi., TCPACTURERS OF OOOKIM STOVES, Coal and ’ood Stoves, Parlor Btoves. Hollow Ware, Plain and I rates, Plain ami Pane? Fenders, Bad and Dog Irons, Cottles, Tea Kettles, Wagoa Bofrea, Ao. \s’l IPc •' Ir r it .4 CV Brol mbaer h forpoie *U.othjtr -arTiell | * "Behoeknan iTUaßolein) r ITHOO RAP HE It S—Third street, opposite the Foftoflee, I J PlUstorßh. Map*, L*ad»c»pee, BUI Bead*. Show BHD, *mlm, Architectural, and M&cUumDrawl&gi,JJorioeM and 7D«Ubi: Card?, etc,, Knrraved or I>nwD on Stone, -Printed a Coifr?,(Joid,BrohM,or JWacfc,in the most approved style, oa «» Utmost reasonable priix*. octlfitly . ... s. M’Kinrey, - rTQUSR, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL FAINTER, AND CX Dealer in Paint*—No. 44 fit. Clair etrnt, Pittsburgh.- la? constantly on hand all hinds ot Paint*, el Lb nr dry or oised, Japes and CowU Tarnish, linseed OIL Boiled Oil, Spirits Tarpendne, Wlndov Olaf Mot nil eiaae, Putty, Paint Jrushcf. ka alt oftbe'bMtqnalitv, and tot aala atnaMxia> ile prices. , i . aepll __ Anitla Loomllt L ESTATK AGKNT. Merchandise, Stock, and BUI /okir, Office, No. WTtmrth Street, (ebore Wood.) The Jbttflievlng Opened an office at the aboreplaae, for the t at negoaatinfc Loans, BDh, Bond*, Mortgage*, and -r loatramfrob' fbr'thc wcarity of Money, end for the *e and (tele of Stocks. WDI lOeev glee prompt end iUu attention to baring. selling, renting of and leas ■A JjUtete. JJy’L ■ * AUSTIN LOOMIS. eSGLISII Ar»b CLASSICAL BEMIMABT. W. T. MCDONALD. SL A., PActar-a. ; rHE nest ftewacaof the institution will commence on MONDAY, the sth of September next,at the room cot eer of Perry and Liberty lately occupied’by the tfeffitrft. Vceder. lion. AW. Loomis.C. Knap, Jr., S. F. Von mbot-xL R. Miller, er. autflU i " JAWB'jrdttLlTLrt'Bß, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CIGAIt MANUFACTURER | k.t V a*™s&aiAiir au.gntuaor Tobacco, BnalT, and Cigars,. • [ *Yn. lia Fifth ft., i\Litburghi Pa. Reaps constantly on hand •' lug* *opply of all the rArliJns brands of Imparted Cizara. ( „ ' jo3:J . ; JOSEPH CHAFSkIt^ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN IMPORTED CIGARS, rnyfcly No. 63 M asset aTaarr, Prmpntir.it. The. Greateit {nrentlen or the Age* r TO AVOID thoM nnpleaaant frtrtloga tbat u-ruaU; / JfHccojflpany the wearing of• pew Uai, the CONTOK- lately imported from Paris, forma the Hat to the exact shape eudslxn of the A neat lit, and a good Hut maybe bad-at 77 Wood street. o prB WM. D3UOLAS XBW paper kill. 'CJXTOX, OHIO. FISHER, ANDERSON * Just started thHr pa par |rt»l at the uhotv place, where they will be happy to recetre orders fjr. priuung-ajid wrapping paper of all *!»». * f«b27:tf ~ Ai Tlntite* iabdSQL WHOLESALE and Hu tall 8 ADDLE,'HARNESS, BpHrTRUNK, VALISE sad CARPET BAG manufao * turrr. No. 106 Wood etreet. Pittsburgh,Pa. John H. Hellor, \¥7HOL ES ALK AND RETAIL DEALER IN MUSICAL TV INSTTtCMKNTR Kano?; Music, School Books and Stationery. No. I£2 Wood street.- fjaul E. WHIfIHOUSE, Fancy silk and woolen dyer and cleaner, No. 7 ISABELLA fit, near the Emmet Hotel, mart ", '. A moaner. • 4-CCTHUXET.......... - L. COTIfSKBT. « S. OUTHBERT A BOW, Real estate and general agents, jvo. »o ifmilhjielil ttrrtt-_ \ * notl HLEE, (soccxssox'to Mwntt a Lra,) WOOL DKALr . ER AM) OOSIMIBHON MERCHANT, for the Ml* of American Worden Goods, No. 189 liberty atreet. (myd./.. L. E. Hayward. ? DEALER in SOOTS, SHOEB. TRUNKS and LEGHORN audBRAED HATS, corps* oOUrktt and Liberty nt# ~ No. 174 Pittsburgh, Pa. . ~t jy. V. , Jelfcy - at* A BOHITBOW*-'Oflbe«‘Phn©HalLHo.» Third A PitMvrrfi; a&iecft attaof tbs DUaiqpd, Alleglpisji/ *“* . . :as-“ i;. I . y ;:.. : \V; v^V ‘v -, ~? ,•;■' •■ '' . , ; 1 ‘ ■■■: '-: ■ ■'. Jim af Gtio ifTT Jftinlt* C. WRttt HAGAN 4b, AHL, HOLESALE arid Ratall Dialers In BXk*, Fancy a’id Sfajjtc DRY GOODS, Nob. 91 Market aodB Uolon Pittsburgh. ' apr* BUSINESS CARDS. JOSHUA RHODES ACO„ WHOLBBAIE FBTHTEEB A COHFECTIOHEBS, 1 1 39 .Wood-St., Pittsbcuqh. Pa., HATE os hand and are rewiring the foUswing Goods, which they offer at tha lowest market rates:— 76 bags I flea Almonds; 20 boxes .Maccaronl; ! as Sicily .! do 20 44 Vermlcella; -v' t 26 bales Bordeaux do 60 “ Farina; \ 16 bags Shelled do 60 “ W. Hook Candy; • -“*■ " ' Nc.l do 60 Jilberu; 25 “ ANc. 60 “ Walnuts; 10 “ Red ; 60 M CreamN'uts; 16 “ Capert»‘ : 600 bushels Pea Nute; 1 16 “ Olives: : 26 bbls. Texan -Pecans; 76 “ GuneDrops; 26 “ Illinois do 100 “ Loteuge*; £OOO OoooaNuta; 60 “ Jujube Paste; 200 boxes Gennnn Plums; 60 dot. assorted Ptckles; : 25 kegs do do 30 “ “ Preserw: • 10 bble. do do 100 <( Pepper Sauce; ' 10 cases Pruned, Klassjars; 10 ea»*» Sardines; - ,10 “ ' *• 1 fancy bra; 6 “ • “ hf. bxs. , 60 Casks Cnrvaais; 2 “ „ “ % do 20 cases Citron; 200 ban Brutll Bugay ' 200 boxes Cluster Raisins; 40 bhla 8. C. Sugar; Ioohf. “ li.R. do 25 “ Loverlnc's Bngar{ 200 qr. “ 44 i do 10 cases Liquorice; 200 boxes No. l| Herring; . 25 boxes Refd do 100 44 Bcaled do 20,000 Prindpe Cigars; IcaseMaoeii 10,000 Havana do 16,000 Regalia do 1 -« Clovraj , 2,500 HalfBpaolsb dgew: 1 26 gross Blacking; 50 gr. Mrs. Miller’s f.Cut 25 baskets Baled Oil; ‘ 50 gross AndarwaPw dn_ J. C. &HDUK6ON 4fc CO, Vo. 6 Wood street* Pittsburgh, Pa., WIIOLKBaLK Dealer* in Foreign Fruit*, Nats, Spices, Confectionery, Sugars, Cigars Sc. RaisTb*. Fig*. : Proo*«, 0»og*B, Lemon*, Llioti, Date*, Cltronf, Almond!), Filbert*. Watauga, Cream Nuts, Pea Nata. Cocoa Nut*, PI e Apple Cbe, se, Sardines, Picklf*. fiances, Stock Candy. V« mirclli, Marraroni, Olive OU. Ac . Ac. aprtfcly ' KSTKRPH.BK WORKS. SO. 136 WOOD BTESTYI. T W» DOO* BELOW TDMtS ALIXT. 1 BGW} f TETLKT. .XStSSIHKI IMPORTERS and mamriacturers o* I AND DENTAL MU,? INSTRUMENTS, RI FLKB. Am We keep a general assortment of .the abort e fill. «d with despatch. Hunting parties supplied at Wholesale prices _ _ - .»Tl* . Chandeliers and Gas Fixtaru. TIIK subscriber* are dow opening at their new Ware room-' NO. 10# .FIRST STREET, between Wood and Smith field, the largest a-»*ortment of CHANDELIERS, BRACK ! STS, PENDANTS, and alt articles connected wit«a» Fitting, srer offered In tbl* market Having arrangement* mads 1 by which they will be constantly to receipt of new pattern* and varieties, they confidently invite the attention of pur chasers to their selection. We are determined to seL a* Jow assay house in the West, sod being practical Oas Fit ter*, can offer peculiar advantages to those desiring article* In thl* line. W*oontlcuM» h*r*tofoT» to fit op batydlagtf of er»ry J»- KrlpUoo lor *;»(». water auJ stem. bran OaaU> of all klo4a m»*t* to order promptly. LONG, MILLKR A 00, No. l(fJ yifiit marfcfcy OBOUGKHLKTCUEE, FnrtM HKW YORK, - MASCFACTUUtRi'f tl.i*f»W>ral«-0 \ Gwwierr V»uUUU«xg U'J(c, Elastic. i IUuJ Toupr^,acd *Trrj d^#rr!ptknt 1 -A <.f Orr.ajnrQial Hair. for La•'• J* Nrt. 1 Ibo ro'snd of tb« Urtd. . No. Jl Fu>tb vLr furwhaad ot#r tbf ba* ’. .■■ rt k, *'o - • No. A. Fn*iH rar to ear, cY*nho tf.p. No 4. Ftv.b* oar torar, foqd-J l>ja for«h«**d. For l't»i|'r«4.to r* Yf-r to- top of th* bead oait—a p»p*»r pattern, tbr ri*c; a hap** «'f the t-a'd pari. O' * fffjtfh Cmf|u« Kactorr'. JOHJtolva, a co I Otmxr of HcUcca a*ri ’» _ - j we' WOULD respectfully infirm their iiv- public .rroeralij. that tb*y !•**» ffc3K cunus»QC*d Lb* manufacture of CSn-rt*,-**, VIK "* IHI tt,*ke*sy«. *»J Chariot*, ie all »*ri..m»tyl«- <>;' snUi. and propont-a. All order* «ili iiei*jL.««*utrtl with "irivt r<- f 'at-ito duraKirty .rtJ baaatruf fcaish. K«r«j> will Use \« attend* H‘ >n the Dtoi« naa.w®xb!e tcrci«. Ufllli in all tf> r *r wo*k r them with their patron***-, will U* perf >ctlT satisfied rn trial of thf:r *®rk. Purr»!*A»T« kr«- r*-iu«.t«! to k-»« «>* fail, *■**'** I"** *'••'* _ *?**•?* Pearl Steam Mill; CANAL BASIS. ALLEGHENY CITY, ; (jftxX TUX JUn.au*l> rTATWJ*.) FAMILUuJwii. t>» »uM.H*4wnß:mrvai4ou«jra.iwor FttKr.li GItOCND FLOUR, By leatin-' or,l*r« at-the Mill or lo onr bo*r» at WtiSoo A Cu. t U\h»l Braoo A Reiter, ror net Liberty einil St Clair liueburth. U. P.ft-bwkm. or J. T.bamh'.e. Druggl-U, Alto*her.y. Flour will bei-llv*rol iniamil Win cither »fthetwo.':tie» Tram: CAJiU ob deliver*. _ jyM» liaffA!*. KKNNKDY k CO. HAKDWA It K FOR Saddler* and Carriage Maker*, It. T. LEECH,-JE.. No. 131 wood «(iret, PITTSBURGH. Also, Clot&s. Damasks, Laces. Koia, Bent Staff, Springs, Ac . Ac- T'KAS: TEAS: teas:— AVVoUTU. the uritfloat ami only importer in ihiuM tne buiCunfi Teas from London,*ln now rooHrinc a r •• and choice «elft-Uon of TKAB, which he lr deter ;vd to wll at such pricer and flnenemofquallty, that ail me rKilMi puffer* in tM*or tlj,. nfitdty cannot beat. He moot re«p*ctfollr lorjteiithe . |..iu *n«l genUctnejn <*f lbi» and the rurroundfog districts, without dtsfinetloi* of nation* u* call and try hU Tear, whkb he •wells to be returned, If they don’t fire satisfaction., The followin'; are the prices : Prime Oolong, Souchong and Congo, cents A Terr superior Kagllrh r breakta*t Me F» lb. - Kxtra fin*. BTarjt deltcloue Oougo, ?&e.^plh. floe Yoons Uyeon, 4y£ctoc.> id. Bxtrs fine Young Hyson au4 Imperial, 76c.m lb. • Very beat YouogA'jeon and Imperial* SI lb. . Don’t mistake the plaea- -PAGODA TKA STORK* earner of Diamond and Diimoml alley A liberal, redaction mad* to aaatwra ■ _ . * ,T>^ TkfKW MUSIC ---The euTwriner* hare opened at No. 83 Fourth Street-a.eboir«- pollmion of fopric and tauA. j: 1 Icitromeota, Italian and German Arinas PUm*, by, JI- KranJ. of Paris end Mr. Arnold; KluU-in l.y M. Euler, Frankfort, A..M ; CluriuneU, do. All kind* of brace Instru ment* from the l«?st French manofaftorie*, all of wbkb we oJler to the yoblic qn more liberal terms* feeling confident thatweean reodei; entire isaUrfaetinu. H. BCUROEDEH * CO.. No. M fourth st. H Scbroeder and U. Anton will gire Instructions on the piano, rtolih and guitar. t “ ARNOLD k WILLIAMS. HEATIKO AHD VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, MAxekAfTtnuas or Chilton F unmeet, Wrought Iron Tubing, Ani> FiTTUdd roa oa Watm. ■mr No. 35 Market »tr—t,|PUialmTgh. 91T We bare sold our Furrier**, Patlernr, Ar-,l<> M*w*. ARNOLD k WILLIAMS, whom *o rordlally ncoßtartid to tin Datroome of Uic public, tor ; POAIFK, ATKINSON k OttKT.Y. >cih>v- * Ziwroermtu'i Cm ttwut Wlnei and Brandy. TUB onderidrned La* received and offnr» fur tslr. at On ctnnan pricer, tt large quantity rff Locworth * Zimmer znan’n rnoire and »orW-reoown*rd Sparkling. Dry and La* die** Sweat Catawba Winer. Such as may cMro to procure an excellent article of JJaUto Wine, (the pure Juice Of the crape.) wifi Bod mv eJtablLliroeut ihe place for the fratifl «*ntlon of their deiirM. '■The Catnwbe Brandy, dUUUrd from tbe genutne Uraws to declared by many 1 excellent judges, equal lu flavor to the beet imported Cognac. 4 I>. FICKKTSEN, jaiXJ No. 137 Liberty rfn-rt.^ LouKWortb Carso** Dtgntrrcotype b«4 Art Gallery» Apillo Bmldwi'g, JVb.-70 rburtA ttr&t, {next to l.*n suit all, raryint; in price hc-willur to AiJftKlta and quality of e*ar. Ac. OU by the best artists, lor »nK od i on cr.- hlbltionduring the day and crculng. Citiwns ami gerp are Invited to call and einmino specimens and IV.nt* ims* • ; rr 1 ? Loan Olhoc. JOHN A. O'BttltlN, tfl SMITIIFIRLP FTHKBT, Fourth and Diamond alley. Money loaded on Hold and , fcllver Hate. Diamond#, Gold end Siltrr W»tehe«, Jewelry, j Moaical Instruments, GUdb and Pistols, Feather Beds, Puc- Dittxn,aad«U kind.* of article*—for any lrni;lh «>l tirno •oreed 05. Charges ft* storage considerably lower .tb** banjfriforh. IMthlo entninc* throaab lb« Loll door. AH business,transaction# mictly confidential - JS*ForfrltL'd 'pl«la«' cold immediately after tying tout of dale, unler* redeemed. Bargained Gold aud Silver Ivutcb* ea. Jewelry. A c , always on hand. apjr^fcflm " STORK. JAMB? WARDROP, OFFERS fi.r rale fIAKARY BIRDS or the moatimnroved bread, being Very hardy, and fine alnger*. Bird Se**d# —CanarV,Hemp, Millet,Rone and mixed Se*l. Bouquet? irillba tornUhed eoranoeed of the finest FLOWERS, via: Caraolinsi Rom Bud*, Ilellotropoe, *O. JfTargTven* (In pot#J ftr Christmas Tree*, from the Seed end HorUcultural Store, Wood. lnk< | rpHlfl IKE ts prepared by a purely chemical proeete, and I I . ItU pale wbt*a first used, bat by exposure to the elf b+ r«om«i'gradaatly of a mo«t intense and permanent blse*. For eate in bottles of ▼Krr 1 .mui ortting ilost. PITTSBUIiG-H, TUESDAY. JULY 4., 1854 i BUSINESS CARDS. SKW CARPETS. Spring Styles* AT THE CHEAP CAKPET WAKKJIOD3B, No. P 2 THIRD Street—We are now rooeWlng tod opening one of the largest and choicest stocks of Carpetings, Oil cloth*, Mats, Malting, Hugs, Ao., ernr exhibited west of Now York. Tbe atoc* baa been selected with great care. Personally want of any articles in out linn, are. respectfully inTited to call and examine. Our assortment constat* la kpart of the following, six: \ Koyat Yelretaad Brussels Carpetings : \ Tapestry Brussels; * x Anousaoo Carpets; Extra Imperial and Soper Tbrer.ply. Patent Tapestry Ingrain; Superfine and Fine ingrain; Wormed and Wool Carpets; Wool end Cotton do Venltlatf IS-AM, %, and 4 4; . Hemp Carpets, very cheap . Ltsfand Rj>g, do White'and Check Canton M« ttlnga, s£, 44, 4-4, auJ o-i; Cocoa Matting, 2-4, 44, 6-4, ami 64; Spanish Matuhg, very cheap; ‘ 1 Elegant Mosaleltnga, s r *o per pair; Axmiplsur, Chenille, nod Tufted Rags, all prices; Fancy English Sheepskin Mats, *l5 per pair ; Colored do do do from $2,5A to |5 cadi; V Together with a large selection .of Cocoa, Jute, Adelaide, Velvet, and other Mats; Embossed and printed cloth table and piano covers, of entirely new designs, eery rich. Damask table and plana covers; also worsfrd damask by the yard, tollnett, doylers, Ae. A great variety of patterns In floor 011-clotß, from - to 24 feet wide. Buff Holland* for windows, 30, 32, 84,3 d, 38, 40, 43, 44, nobes wide. 1 Gold bordereJ ahades, entirely new, eery rich. Window shades of every description. Oral and hollow stair-rods, carpet binding, taeks, Ac. Also, the Royal Turkish Bath Towala, together with erery thins usually kept in Carrrt Houses. “ email profits and oulck sales.” C. B. HKADLY A CO, DtrSimae fttThird street. JONES Si BUCHER. IRON FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, ftntuylrtuii* Jiuilroad, frvt rj Third rt- If !> > itburj. t\ l. HAVING incrtsi*dour MarhiwrT* which Is bow of ih*. znr/«t ImproTod ordar, aod haTlßst *dd«d tnao; LtiUi tlfti for liUpatcbiotf work, wsarr now w»oai«i'turiuß Mri»t Clm STRATI EHOURS, rOR TUBNAC'KS AND HOtLJNU AILU*, Blearing Cylinders, Boilers, Furasce, Bolling, BAW AND GJUsT MILL M\CHI>’EKY * CASTINGS, Ouw.l Water {‘tie*, II jdrai if, natr.rta.Lamp Post.*, lurch ing Ctfiirans MnWe, Shafting. lUngm, OreekeU.fit'llßrGmtre, BflihiDgTub*,S|»mitj', Railing, Verandahs an-i Ornamental Castings. p«> parttrolnr nttanUuu to the taatmfartuje and mb •tructlon of Ca*t Iron Pronti for Hontai and Jltorea* n»rtß}; an exteu»r»* aaaoitment of Icautilui tarred Pat tara«.o( ib# mc*tnfipmrrd arcbwntural order, our vtmst facMUee for manufacturing at:i! ►ripping anaLV-wa to «ua p^tr*'vitli our ritlm « Partle* erecting famnen or Hotting Mills, Mill 0« nrr* and Miil-Wricbt#. will findj xnucji to their t-Jranlazi- to enll and examine our < Block of Pattern* before building. I IRCIX jsn BRASS CABTJSGS, Of eerry de*?riplfon; Smith Work, Pattern M«kini:. Fur nace and fund.-hed toord>-r- Ibit'ilSt •Cll't.N“A HALL: makKit sYiikoT. XTOW o -rned one of the i»r»*-*t and lwet selected *tock» il of CHINA, GLASS act QL KtiNhW AH'et~r hrciuht to ibir market: oo©BUih»g In part of White I mo Stem* 1>»o- Oer. IV* atnl Toilet Ware. »h’-h «cc would prtr-abtTjT In- Tile the Ladle* To . a »cr) t;*n.laonifl tea.rtawmtof FmvL China Tea and CtnueT all*, cr *<| a:»'e }4een of plain aVit , S';id l.tu-l, f-t Uo'-t oa’.iern*. >hir tok uffi-jrVuM of oter fifty «lvtf«reOt pau<-rr«. eery h- ao'iful, »r.*i raogjeg from fifty mi.?* p-r pale to thirty dc4'.-.t»- Ilav.qg ri la; •- «n »«'.'r!n»n'., we frrl ernfaieol t-f • oil U«te« r-MUinn Tea I*> '• and Cm-ttt*. ri’.»*r Pistol F-.’W*. pj*. T.* ml Lull- Mu-, K «.»*«• F-’t k«. >’f ea-- »•>•!* • >«•>►. from r..iuu- o .0 '.lk; rr»es: S- l*r I.Jiuf-r. ll«li (Amp?, fi|rar..|<>'*'. a::j !Imw VuT'»:«Mr-g <*<><' .;MSf \VAk» —'if Il.u Unr- • *c/t- CW !. t ■ftl" UltflT Oi# |**Urru, wit'- .1 «•» '••■ u.* ■mr i •» ttw U-t *n>t. ■«:( >-!i* a* U-» ■.h-in 't* ikM Ui* IT'.-* 1 Alf«>, * of »re r‘ , *;-*elfd!Bjr io*lt**l ir> <-»lt >r<4 *ry-\i*v&qri 1l) \v A KO l !% DII V '* NO. 103 Wu'»£> J-TtUlilT. JOBS C. PA&KY, ct> J. C Vit? A O )W» Vttnf..rw :i*« i'iu» !„-i * vf ‘-iJ fro. ad tfc* public fvfifrtii/.t.'-at h<*.‘ : •<* "ft •*»■ ffrd in'isar.nfartvr'ni;. > I CAJTJMifI—■ Mi-rh nr: l’*t. nt 1 KV-.'»« ».-yl Krill':-. Ivi .-'i'v ;•. '. £ .■•/.. n*U f.t ** <* f**2rr.t f.* k-42. wiwt. .t> j C l*-.r r;> '»,’•••! <■- *'.£-• rf ».: l.ivtrf iLfli; U*o«* nsUue Lb# ot.J t'*a. llUl.W'* V-’ l :**• A v -rrvß* all ftvra n#» pi*?UhK MC : j -■! <-r*rj a»*rr}rtk'«, t*n UaC‘l i r n '.4* t" Oo«t\ 9tr****, Kl*rh<-n Kacire*. and Coal Siitirt, • t *»*rj drtertytbta ; loma4Xv.it Mrw«», b***U'-*, *-liW-b r«l'»l ikt prli* s»f la6o ui 2 Ui« AiT’l'taUnf*! Yfcir f-T A! Count*,T‘*..«|.-l '*irnc:Wi , l»l bT tfirms j-tr*orf, ,Bn>n-rU* 0« i f *.**•«. f,*ir ; I‘rraiiuin ti*»k »ud tL*dt*b*r Oonl tucrc*. l*ar!t/r slotr», Ar. fvi.i (*r»tr» rat l*rv;»fA, »S)«et*i ll*luC£,?oi F*>o <4t.it. v-/ IKoLffa sn<** '.-.-.‘n IrooMkt X*nj>, Suit* i ll'aiiJ T:u v. » f •‘Web I w\}\ »*U *t thr !o»fc-'t Ar->! ruFjw'rt'ttH* tb* tubllr tc rl»* et*» '■»!!. at tb# oU ataaJ. Kn. 14? Wfol it.' t r>vs P PARRY ALLE G H E N Y TOHGE ROLOMOI sriKTTEll.t CO. (L*te DUsei A f*»'*nple‘e Krdlmit MIU.I on the bank of the Alleghany, below the bi. CMc Bridge, AtL£UB£.M Cjtt, Pa. proprietor- regretfully lutertn th« public that, having made erteu«h* additions to tbelr eruldUh meat, ?t:n) are prepared to manufacture, on the tn*»*l rea mutable Urn*. Ivon Work for Bridge*, Car Ail**, Quarry Wor>« Stone Cutler*’ anhf>rt*»t ih>*Ww. )»H'7 K JIYB RPttTs K" F r O OVbH Y, Ai.LKniir.Nr crrr. W*nJwus* % Ftiieml fimt, n«ir tht IL't-tj*. n A VINO OU«a up cij •AtabtUbsunat wMi alUhe improTrmrnt-, .•inbrn-lnjc rt.-ry r*dlUy fir manufir ;urtOß in the h**t ar.'l di-apient dtle* and nwuluKtheet p!u*l»<« rtirbt In J. J Jolimon’i* taanotnitijj I nn«, and John John*on'» Mf-heMioj Cuareoal irons. i«al*ot«Nl J»o -o»rf 10,18u4. oupuricr U> anjlUog of the kind lo tt»« war kcuaod alao baring a patent*! Improvement foe moulding fh> shore iron-, n »«-*, and l*ip« Jtoiet, I am pre pared 0) *ll vkuter tlr nod Mall oe tdr term*. Apy perano* wUUIng ll of the above arttrlwn, will pl«M« Allegheny <*tty. — 1 TlooTii aSS'siWKi WHOLESALE AND UETAIIy. JAHES H’ * cl tl ha* iiitvl up In i-t-teulM ftyl* bis ntor.% No. 80 Market Rtrwet ulKt No 0 Colon *tr**t, be,»**o Hflb street and lha Diamond, nftd ha* wo* complete ht* bprlog *:v:k <’t lUjTS. SHOES, tUPI’KBS.fi AITKIN. Ae„ ,mi p»im Leaf. petal, Du»tlo»ud Braid HATS, to whleb ha | loTlt-r tbeattaotlonof »n pnrcbawr*, whether at whole* Minor retail. - ... Tbtaatocfc leone of erer of«qM in tbl* city, a&4 embrace* everythin? worn by thebaic* oM’hliadalphla And New York, and be Iruetj cannot tall lo.ptcaea all. Great care haa bean giren In Mlec Jog the choicest good*; All of which ha warrant*. He alfo c -oth»u«d t» Manufacture, m ncretufbre, all de acrlpttosS of Boot* and Shoae,»od from thl* Ions? ■experience of orer twenty veara In bualnesa in Ihl* city, is. «•» truets, n auftlclcnt guarantee tbnt tboee w; : o fator him with their custom. will hr fairly d-«U with •mVMt - ' ‘Wlioloeale mid itetfeii BOOT AND PH OE 31 AN l V A-OTO K V . THE *ubeerit«r, harlot eog*gwl uxii-nataclr lu the m*nufu-'turio£ l, i BOtlTd and SllOEc.ot alt kind*, for men. women, and cMli en, in now prepared to fell to dcalorx by whole*!?* *ncji {rood* a» they may want, at price* i a-, low tt9 they cau i* bought Bast ; and any particular kind i or flic maun U order at eh >rt W'licv. Qa;l«;i-a _nud r alb *° - I IW.cd from t‘- iler* lit aud out ct the my, a* li will -be to I thclradcimlat?.’ to call bali.rtt purchaciog eleawhert. Cuitlomer work made a# iK-njtoforc. THOS. A HINTON, Agent, No.-49. St. Plhir street. J . McLAUtf IILI N , Ftihlonible Boot nn«l Shoe Maker, No. W VOUKTII STKKBT, NEAR WOOD, s (Directly oppoiitc Iht Maytrr'i Ojfitt.) HE lb WELL Pilti'Aßßb to furainh nil Uocd* In W* 11-e end will warrant them not to b« inferior to any 1 rimllir articles la the city. H# u welt prepared to do all kinds of custom work, aud has iu bin employ a corps of )»krlun*o,vborannol be excelled in the ritv. The public are respect; ully requested to call at hiseataMlaLment. and examine M«good*. _ _ laprXSm STOCKI NO F* A O T O B Y , Jfo, Ji Fieri! HTRFXT. Bicra of THK OLD STAND. WILLIAM uALY bai.rctutncd Lorn t'o.i Manufactur tnaiionicrr Districts of Europe, where he. has pur chased'wr cash, a votY«ratoo»tT*aadwiil aborted stock cf the boat description* oalrof £ lockings, Socks, Undershirts. Draweni. Oloves; ako, now nyleof CnUOren’i and MiiW Fancy Stocking*, Msdocneitl- stock of Pitts burgh Manufactured U«*lery. lie will eeilby whoi«aleor remn.t*.- VO* „ ALY , M . Remember the place—No. 24 1 Sign of TUB OLD STAND. t0?23 PAUL KLEINER ha* removed his LITERARY DEPOT from No. 74 Third street, to Fifth street, o f> poiite the Theatre, where he will be happy to ace his frrmer patrons, ’ dad all others desirous of purchasing any cf the cheap Lh teratare of the day. - ■ . apr7:ly PEKIN TEA STORE, Tby a. JTAYHBS, jwu St AAA sfrsA bttatm TfM and J larJut, wwft tid* andßetaU. ; Js3;t| TV K bat Iron, nad small Iso* cf M\ descriptions, and .. - i > »• . • « •-ry*V' • •.V.‘ t ** ** -. > • . ; ; .1. C- WI'CHKO. it ml ;'»!f Jroas, b%J trpSA, Liemoval CiV* -• V V t' * y * -'r.A ‘,y„- .Vjv .rJp :i *h PHILADELPHIA. GEORGE J- HENKEL’S CITV CABINET WABKHOCBE, y *. i 93 cBESTyur street, (OFPoani iRptPiXDUcB IIall.) v Philadelphia- FURNITURE, IN EVERY STYLE! Comprising Louis XIV, Loul* XV,-KlUnbethun and Antique*, with Sculpture Curing and modem style; In Rosewood, Walnot, Mahogany, Satlnwood and Maple; all of superior construction, and finished in the best style, equal to. If not excelling in qual ity, Urn Goods of any Establish ment in the United States. EMPLOYINO none bnt experience! workmen, (appren tices being positively excluded,}and using the best ma terials, the wort Ban Dot fail to give ftbtisfnotlon to Por chasers. Amongst the many advantages offered to vor chasers, Is the facility of Famishing a House, either in «1* gant or plain style, completely from one. eatablb'hfieut; by which means all the articles in each room correspond in style and quality, and the immense stock always cx hand, being so various In design, enables purchaser* to please their taste to a selection, without the delay nuceviarily caused in ordering Furniture. To wive aa idea of the finished Furniture on band, Ijieod only inform you that my Rooms arc 175 iwtlong, by 27 teet wide, four Doors In number; with Shops contiguous, suffi cient to employ 200 hands, which is p guarantee that the work Je ail done under uiy own immediate inspection. Packing is'all done in the Bior**. and Furniture warranted to carry safely any distance. .Visiters to Phila del phis an respectfully invited, as purenawn s or otherwise, to call anu examine the Good*. au2- f i:ly_ WOKLU'B FAIRS, London, I*3l, and New York, 1833. TRIUMPH OVKR THE COMPETITION Ok IHK MOULD A THE first and only PRIZE MEDALM'or Hay fl -rr~L nees at tlwGreat Exhibitionsiu London, 1851. ' and in New York, 1853, **• awarded to Eil_/Q LACEY A PHILLIPS, , . Messrs. LACEY A PHILLIP*, at their extensive estii llfthment, Nos 12, H and Id, Eoulh Fifth street, I’hUa-M* pbta, keep the largest stock of ready-made Hamers and Biddles of any house in the United Stele* They have reduced Hie business of manufacturing to such perfect '.vs tem, that, lor quality and price, they arc beyond cl! com petition. lT»e best of Leather only Is used, and no p.dns are snared to reach pecfecti m in every article. It la aeknwledged. that for elegance, lightness, comfort and real value, the Harness and Saddles of Lacey k Phil lips surpass all others. They invite a eluse examination pi their stork. ‘ • Attention is called to the folio* lug *coie of prices-; Good, plain, serviceable Single Harne55,......512.00 tofSA.CO “ fancy “ *• “ 2&50 to 35,<0 “ plain Doable Harness- 40X0 to hG.W They haven branch of Uu-ir gstablLshment at New Gr leans No-B1 Cbartesstrwt Country llamr»s Maker* c.in be supplusl with cheaper than thsv can manutarture them. 4£~A number of are offered atant employment, the jmr round. The highest wa.-.-a given. Apply to LACEY k. PIKLLIFh, No. 12,14 and Id. South Fifth it reel, near ilin >r s:re*-t, Philadelphia, Ph. ' *- y -- J ST. LOUIS. JOkKI , U MOGUIDOE. OOMMIbSIUN ASH- FORWARDING MEKCUANT, Jio. W Coweiioau «n.ow rise tTßxrs 8f > Lenli, h0.,- C'IOSSIGNMXNTe an i Commissions will meet with prompt > and pvraonai attefeUon, end libn.at adrowe-* will he gives when required, oa Consignments or LtJisof Ladix.g, Ik Asm. Orders tor the pureliaaaof Lead, Gram. (Irtcp and ether produce, will be promptly filled at tb«* lowest mark?; prte*«s The Iteceivicg am! Forwarding cf Merc-Caiuitxe atel *.'r»~ will meet with r*p«ctal rere and dispatch : the I-.w-ht rates of rroiitht wlil«iwa>ebe procureu. ;ir-.i the 1 •f Btorageaud Drayagi:as much a»j<»*alt!r avoifi.-*.' ururserv PvgeAlteoon, Bt.LcnU; EiIL»A Morton. Crii Charlna,Ulow A Co., do; KtrodcrA Oormac. ‘o; Clpouteau A Vaili*, do; Hose* A Fr*t»-r. 'to; du; Fprln*--*r A Yf Human. «'*; .I.W.DotirrA Bro.,Httsbh; £.O Gojousmn a Co.. t.t, D.UechACo.. do; K. A C- Yarcatl A f>>.. fh*’.a:i-; Wm, Uotsw A Co., -lo; Mftrgan. J, M.Piirk * Mi "-t.. BlovASfarrh, N«w Turk. B. R.Uowgvi, dc, FVo*t A Fnrrevt, dc; ShlrM* Jk iliiter. •*; Cfcxriee A. 'teige. Jt ; Jo*UiD L-» * Ca.. fUltin err A.G.Farweila «’A>.,Li.-rU>n; .'.htehato J. CVr. -io ; Howard-,i*cti A C*>-, do; W. B. fteysoJds L- .; 11. D. Newcomb A Fro.. , T.C.Tvtefteli A C J -.. CotomWi' to my a»t>lre.»s. when advw—l by tett-.T t-**r ImaU. or when endorsed on bill* of laJing te ,# --r-?.-'r nt'hr time of sttnoent. ' Mt*oniP*li.. trif*y w». Mlaw'ori. db omos's ***r— -a Non-Exploiive Comphen^Laaps. rUUCHAarL THF. Hula l»'f tt.ekOrTi LAMI* ifi h n>unlh*f Y Vrlt - WAP H 1 MITUS. >A\- 1 ■ICTTF^andtiHKEN-g.weatepfe. 'Wli < 1 Tljcss- Ltir.p.o *o '*>u*tr*.c*«-»l as tortnSerrjpio.tenitr^r-*i l asd the pnWle mat Te*t'sL*fi«d tiir.t th-~ ..y,y (». «eitb eatlresaMy. Th*TaW»gite mf'ir hrilhant ><<},,. NT aatevUlsttM-d belng-*h'*ajwr than the M Long oil* of *OT kind, they uitsat eume.ttiio general u*.:.. o^.. late LAKTZRNB *od CAMRon the noo-eXVl">ivc priu-ij 10. KKCOM.MEXDATIOSS: Thls any other Lain|' In o**'. Wr te;li*v. Cor safi-tT If ;* j—r lenly reUahte, and then-tovr *Wo it rVirly d-*r. rrln;; ;hc aiteotkjnof ail sorh as Lave occarioo to Uro Lsmrsofany ll f C*lUJdle, Batavia, S Y . 3 A; Wilson. Batavia; N. Y. F.Y. Booth, d>» J.C. Wlteen, du E. Austin. Jo T. C. M’Ke.DDcu, narem, N.V C.P. Pareons, J-' E J.Manu. do Alva Bmith, do W. P. Lowarie, WlUlam.- £■ L. I. F. A. Marsh,- . Tyron, do K. Brown, do \ A. Woodward,-lo J. A Patt-rPon, do CASIPILENK, PJNK t>IL and ILIUH. alway-ILr at the toweet prtcea. The attention of Stewmbnatmm and Ka!lrv»a.S-. i- r-«r.fct fuily Invited to the Urw patent Lantern and Can. Ihe Lamps raav be seen In operatloo at l>r. Ki'.lrLJ'.'b Drug Stoves 140 Wood street, where they art: Wept for «aL*. fcUffcdawtf _ __ B»livood llimcry »nd Gtrdcai. James Kennedy. (i&te Manser of thew-iHmown 3y* i raruse Nuaerte*. Sn* York,) tegi* leave>ui infirm tie j public. that. b« b»* now established an EXTENSA K Nl ft* j SkKY.od uh« Farm of Mr.Jam-* S. Lesley. neer.Kart Lib- | arty, where h* ..ballbe prepared,after the 6th dnsUnt, to re- j eelveand All orders for every variety of Fruit and Ul Trees, llanly Mid Green House abrub« m l Plants. In addition to a choice and superior stork on hand, be b&smadc arrangements with one of the largest Nurseries in the .East, to he*p up hiswupply. Haring a thorough and longexyc rlenea in the buiewe,he eta assure Ul» customer* porf-et aati* faction. Mr. Kennedy would also r**vpritfull y offor hi* Mrricgle> i Mahan, »2 tYnod etreet. tt «rTrr KENNEDY A . TIODY PATTICHSOJi’aif^ BAZAAR AND LIVERi" STABLES. THK UNUEUPK.NKD bavin* *'.voted n»w and romno- Clous and CAKHI AdK STORF*. Ineoncrc lion with hi* "Id establishment, t(» jfl— U prepared in do & ko ™ FIFTY UOR3E!*, cf which he «*an take an lncrwaird uutu her on livery. Ila ha* imnnd b»8 ne w bui'ding* with a>l“Wto f&l'* l etoriog for jjb, i:l n«w and second' hand Carriages, of nil descriptions, ta.whlrh b" will give maple attention- There Is «m< within the now building an KqueHrlaa Ring, where Horses aro inin«t«uJexerdsrU,whk-h will bo found advantageous to portion* keeping Horses with.the under signed. Thankful for an exeewMngly liberal patronage In tbo pa*t. end the favore cf e multitude of friend*, the under?! .70 <“1 will endeavor to command Its continuance by dtwrxiuß lu HODY PATI’ftKSOX _ CARRIAGES FOR 6AL.K. THE andendgned ban jum.r©c*iT* tfce , publicof Pittsburgh onrtTidaJty, that hu will open hi* new Trimming Store on Monday, April 17tti.' Having riUed np tlw neatest store rrk tnin ilje city, anil filial fc with a ehoitiu adectlon of the latent fiylos of Trimmings ar.fl Fan cy'Goodf>,*h« flatter* hlniKi-lf that bo wni offer Superior in due-? uenta and codonror to give roll aatlafuctton to all who mar favor him with their pauonagn. Nowi don’t forget the plaee^ffo.B3 Market itreet, corner, of tha Diamond. [jprl 3?r FRANK VAN QOKDEK. KNTEKPIIIK WOBtC Ah ISO Wood itrrri, Third donr Uluv) Virgin Alltv. BQWN A TETLEY would call tbs attentlou of Sporting men to tbtdr large assortment of Guo.*, Rifles and Re* rolling Pistols, the largest aod best selected stock cter opened In this market: together with a general aaeorttnant of Hardware, Cutlery, Tools and fishing Tackle, all of which we offer at the lowest posable prices to sash purehcBera,_oT for good approved paper. mar ‘ * ! W« B. SCAIFK, First street, between wood and market STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA., builds Francis* Patent. Metalllo Ufa Boats,of Galraoixed Iron: also, manufacture* Copper and Sheet Iron Work, Cooking Btoeea far Steamboat* and Hotels, Portable Forge#, Forged Iron Work.jLarfe Bolts for Bridges, Cork Ufa Presenrers, the bet>t and cheapest kind.. Steamboat work attended to. [mygdy Important to Talion* : TUBT RECEIVED, a large assortment of Tailors* and •I TrimmeiV Shears, of m bast makes In the eduntxj, which we offer at th* maanfactam’e prioea, at y. BOW?f A TETLEY’S, Euterpriae Works, ■ Mi 7 " Wfardasala AjaafafccraatifnMturam. FOR SALE AND TO LET Property for Sale. '■ THE pabtraler offers for *aie, on very reasonable term*, 1 tb» following property, via: ~L Tju-wo Ftc-ry.Brick Dwellio* How. No. 110 P«b street, 1 betwoeo II»y street and EraD* r allay: and Lot 25 fwt front, ! extending bark 113 feet taan alley. The House l* one ofth® * beet buildings, nnd In one of the most pleasant neighbp*. j howls in the city. Fivo Lots—embracing corners of Front and one hundred arid Are feet fronton Ferrv audAlxCy Front itrret, with a good three storyißrirk Building on thf corner, a two story Frame on Front and two I trick Build* iogy, used oj shops, on Ferry ft. ' ■ A Lot, 81 fwt front by hO £«*t deep, on TrOnt, between Market amliFcrry strata. A Lot, with very convenient Frame Dwelling; Lot SO foet by Bn. fronting on Congr*** and Llm at*. A Houre tin'l lift,-on Wylie street, dear ths new Court. lloiuu. The houaeia well arranged and in good order, and is now ns a hotel. A Three atory Brick, on Smithfleld street, near Seventh— being in airexcclient business The Lot I*2o byBO feet deep, fronting on Smlthfleld at: < A Cottage Frame and Lot. 3S by 130 feet,fronting on Ann®’ and Robinson street*. Allegheny City. This is a veryderira bin and phusant loralknfl'or a residence. Nine Lots in the ’own of M’Keitsport, each AO fret by 180. Several of these are on the Main atreeL Eleven Arran In Limotown.-on the Mon6ngiil«elaKiTer,on which there* are 4 liou—«; there are amne 6 or 7 acres «f ex cellent etofc** coal, end abundance of Umcstuoc, convenient to the landing: r.nd two ival pit* open.- Ninety L ta In die town of Columbia, CO feet by 150 each, nearly ail lt-vel, and well located. The tenant of each Lot has the prisil'-z* of using whatever atone coal-h* may. re quire for bis own are, from a pit near the Lock* Columbia la n pleasant Fitualicm on the bank of the Monofegabelariv cr, a short distance Mow Lost So. 8. In the midst of an ex tenmaatano ccal region, and would be a dreirabl* point fLr manufacturing establishment®. Two 11 un-ire*: acre-s of superior Stone Coal.with llous*, Railroad, ic. 'j bis property has a frent of 140 rods cn the Monnngab’:!* river; an excellent landing; good grade and foundation for railroad—with enough !• vei ground nt r.n* point for house® ar-d gardens, or locutions for luanufhctnriea. The vein is d-f p enough lo allow horse* f-j be used in hanT iog out the coal —the quality of which, for iron work, fteara, gas, orf'-r any ordinary uses, 1* not rarp*»v««d b? any In the In nrrabfcrtce, my agent. James Blakely. Baa. will give all nerereary Information, and be aulhorired to give warran tee deed* Tor any property sold. JAMK3 MAY, mT os No. 110 P*mj nAa LaTS FOR i*ALK, lyine Iwtween the &\J' * 1 rrmigba of dtewartstown and Shorpsburirh.— The lu-s r-. - ruly bad su-Teyo-l off Into Build ing l/»w that v=rr eli-dbl* auJ beautiful h» oflaod,crn- Uinluc.ebc ut 2u acre-, lying on the Unk of the Allegheny river, tnlwe-u th- above tawn«. «n.i »iD offer them for sa'e at puhfl; aurtt-n. on SATURDAY, the ISth day of July, r.t :;. Lut n!>o to those wishing to porebare f a ast-i fo: u suburban rrei lnucc,rarely to tar met with. The bridge i-.iTOr,- tj-.i a*, or u-ar (and wbi hj- cow oedor rcotraet.) will l e located on Hit* prep rr'v. <-t nopctiog aith ilieljiwriT.'-i.i il'.e - fbsrpsbU’uh t l’lank K.-ad. sod hi ificing It witlAn 4 uuile* of tht Court 1 H.• v.b«*u she Allegh* ny Va’.U'y Railroad ts finished, and ’ i* is exfteted to bar- i!if ;&r- ncsthi« fad: the statwm will \* near leave : home and U- at riieir piare ;.f bo-dn- se in h few minute*. Two n-gu'.Jir tie'';- t fn m Sharp-burgh to Pittsburgh } a>« si. rowsh the property *-rreral tiioea a nay. and the Ex rebi r i.ii)- of i;mrii'}i»«e« also p*i«* It every hour. I'l'-t.-of the irr- mdr a iH I- ren-tv for deliTery in a few days. JAMr.S BLAKELY, ; P ti c-mer of Si*Tei:th ami Smlthfioid «t». T/ok * i rft—jVo Fam?: one cf 100 jutcs. and jT Ui-' : 1 -••otiftitiy 3oc*t«d on ihr Uj?it ri rr l'iu»k Koui, 6 mll*s Irom lhf>cit;-,rarh of tt-:a lylnjs •<■• «<;« .liTide into lOa.-ro lot?,hH»hic» ?vria.' r n !ri - a *pl*n-t tU**t o!l-»* u« rur it»w pr : .«’, in l n '-- or ?U lo^ethpr. Al.--.. :>r»- C- -.iT.'rv 1 Toll:* frvtn Woods’ ran, on nn’t retD^jriiEia.. c,!: - 1 ,;, - w »>■« ' Jiv ’•WV-r'"''? ,r fv«l— .. - ™: jrj cr —ut/cMtiou. Jt ~ a lc *^.r. lt Ti .* 1.-* '' tw r,":r(, cif) i»r. FmrvUef rf *r t:i ti, r; f''’I** 1 ** lis/iatac's r.i Worsir' mu, ti7Vr«xi nt * »cr'. •> w i-Pn- — ! ;• ‘i* J'ni* a pr^r An c_«.«ortn:?M of u’n !•• j‘. 1 - rr•»;«?«•-- or Lr.mi. Mfi i-T • «-!Vr« t T-n'r. nn «UT term'-. eIFTY | I !■ i ! J -rt -.ri U-r ruTiiiTr-W«*D<-*f. Also, kl> >. {•*;;>; ,'V-’A i; i-. ':■ ti:«♦ t'Rnk. of the AihsihvßJ met, • tij! ~,a; i'-r > : hiring t'ront* <utul. I atn liesin/u- f*f i rf-t-rvis*; till*. s-junre fti- ’ tjf;, --it w< uHfcfeM "a* of the infrt ♦•harißfnK sjadnsc luSi.tmt t;>ra g«ntl« ta»n'r maarr rcriJi me, in the"} tirir.its of ifce two riti**-.. _ ? a;.. . kfoin Tilft* K ACRfcS okgrocnd. at tb'ttitSil«’f women, with black hands and faces, ere polish «*" rituaied ft r manvifecttirifcu par- • ing ftt i at herßtill n«»«aiAa everything is moved, v vii »bOT# fo i-itiuitwi ID on \by the steam engine iff the-trotsioaechamber ' i • a,-uun uL i a .in Vf Hfrr’g istic-i; onita? renfcrtihj 1 below. Everybody gets a slice of hit thirty- ' * trrr Mibn-niU’. Mils* a onn jfan. tor particular* ap-; bors> power; and my conductor says, they bar* vh at my ,rci*id«ni-**, in Du-iucsnc pn tno nrnin , * ’ J L'uV.. ft’sxiiv 0.0 tV*i rf Herr* l-land, or of JOHN DU.V* ; Still plenty. Of power to SptK f >M if SteSß pOWST l.kp><*<>. rcrc«-r ot twron-i md Markni «<«., ■ were an article like gas or water, to be laid oh a M. C- i w benev»r it is wanted fpoo a distant reservoir. *iftn>» Ard ***« ml * ° opa l Such, indeed, it is; though when carried for, v| ijis*.i:k v u.i wi._- iVttsrs ant> lots— ias I saw it by a belt across the yard, much of •*j *.!’r rrn | i n ‘** **--*1 on penoaireHU of« t Iflße force, of oourpe, is wasted. Here ,is on? / lr?t?X f uS* j£ the.batcher, still wearing a bias smock, m-t (v::j: ;>i Vi *nic:i‘. 4l f-«-t on Penn ac j ;;o ; and very biiay polishing, cylinders. His work B P io ‘ 6o r ?P id Jy tiial of «M» pr-ut tirrn»**hf<«rn of tbe > icy: »_na tki? property bring cun- “v oft BOd lodge opon 818 fttCe, WbICQ IS Specked TBni.-ot to m* iLiilr. aii and spited &H over in rather a comical manner; Tht. l>«T*tty *m«.| net h- lo Hi. DsrkK only tint tin. j 11, g«, ■ tnvin 0 ?e BometilMB (for h» will i’’;:; ts&xssstr'*' ,: t*-, , ■»* ,U P *»: ? T*tm«*«n ami price tao-!*nit*-; for further partkrJar* but not more than is^occasioned by the minute, ea-iait. Cf ' W *" 1 ’ 1 ehipa.of.aeel which trott*. the workmen' dow'h ' !>,! Sotr.Vtti.oEn..- which have to * - ~. .. . magnet; or, when they stick in, hyscraping tba .Liana lor pale- eye with the sharpest knifp that can\* found. ISOO 'tf^tt.i'ton^r 1 ’ The botcher is very qniot and intent npbb.Ua 1.:l< tin r-r,-iiwot *M!,nr.d la said an abundanrc.pf : work, as the manager enters with me ; bat t&» Iron ore, and a thick vriu of bituminous coal. The Vetan . American close to us ia siDgiog a fong .when W 9 - and does not think of leaving off-not rtftu , thr.iu :L it. , he. Tne girts have a natural shame of black FJfc wuntT.ycU timberedtndwitered,; bauds cod fnees, though they cannot help them* ! eeivea. and look more closely down at their work TuV f-mj :- ti-n cf th-» cunbory nnd trie, tbr i while strangers are neart than tlflheaf and tidy Vailey. at'l 0i« Yt&aupo nuJreju’u* through that rcjit.ii \ cpirVa below. ' S!l,e ,vn E n r qu^cr 1 ' IU,: ‘ ,Xr ’ irea c!«.Mfsmith! | All this time we have been seeing only tbs. Attorney nt Law, tnaking of littla bits cf a pistol. Pausing a mo- 4 No 147 Fburth_ftr««t._ , t 0 gee the engraving of a ship in fuU Salt, and other ornamental work—including the coo ker’s name stamped by greet pressure on tht cylinder—we come into a great room, whore all the minute portions arc brought to be ex amined. Here, by means of guages, but chiefly by the practised eye-6f the superintendent, eaok separate article is examined, and rejected, if ift the slightest degree .faulty. From this room th« vorions parts are served out t o the workmen who Jftf pat them together, and torn out the comploto revplver. Every revolver being equal to six single pl«- tol?, they ere rarely spoken of as braces ) |Moet customers take only a single revolver, and! the name of every purchaser bring recorded, atft 1 the nutnber, which is marked on mmyiparts of the weapon, being noted at the same time, eomw curious identifications occur;. Severalaceodote* are related cf persons who have been treeedhy the revolver “ "jP®* os an eyo cuu wink. .. . - My companion had nothing more to chow a* exoept the baths and the reading roo», Mf plied Chiefly with newspaper,, for the hwuftt of the tforknao; bo I hid him good day. wndgo oat of the fiael; of hot rank oil, to enjoymor* keenly the oocl breeze that is blowlngfirbfc w*. river. ; '-b'22 <■ nu-f Vuinnblc Properly Jor Sule, . S \X H-i.MY Mi:ur, AbJuINJVi T'IKMETHO \ ) iJI.'T Git\VK VAUI*. N'KAIi OAJiAI. nASIN.—Ii is i.-i dw tl.i* . uiv JfptruMi-j ir—r i f {‘toperty in tV.js ueiirVior nom!:t*:uiy u>ui:’iu *q> l y the IVnnsylfaoia I’.tilnad O.nir.in’.. 1 n tiiinj; on nierty 60 feet, on Kla street IvO Id tfco Usrtlic-ii.-t,finivi> Ym4 io,Lil> r ty 110 feet. ThU* is J’ftrr.bV ass Hotel. The buiMirs now r.rfit, n ‘chiMtintiil tbti-e story brirk. with nil the nee«.««.r j back. be - i..«r a long time Wen rvitJvi* d 'a* the L't-ii'ti Unt.-I. ilrii!.- u -rood l-u-im-fs. Capitalists ami < fiber.' ilesirwu* i>f m-iking a food iareruneot, ••fill Jo widl to eAamiu • ihc i rvaiis< apr‘>:tf IWiLI. SELL mv-un-xprcJ Icum.* (fourteen years) of a Lot, fit ijfctt.* ca O'Hara street ant! Spring alley, in ibe Fifth Wurd—iOtt fronting on O'Hara atrw», and running buck lyO ft.'in Spring nllev. on which »< erected *\ f-ur etcnud liri-'X fTru'-. 40.fi.square. with afrune,two?tr>rii-s. 60 ; ft. on Pp-hn; well ealculaiud to. carry on ar.y branch of ni-.r uf.-ictqriu*;busuit!*s. Ceing engaged in msn ufncturm'. in >Lv country, I off above for sals, in ouirc *' \\\ t." Liberia street. ' EDWARD FABER. SIXTY* THKti.ACEE- OF LAND, with 250 acres of Coal and oil the improvements tberwoo In sacw as fal operation. nl-1 Farm L« situated on the Unoongabtla river. H 4 miles above I'ittsburgb, and U supplied with a Farm Uou-e, Barn, Tuncnt Hauser, OrchnrJ, llailmad, f.ttd an excrdl-.nt barb-T. T I’btj vein rf Coni Is five Teel thick, and cannot be &urp»f~i in For fai'twr pameuiar* apply Vo MCITOLhON* & TATNK. jallbti NV. 23 S Liberty a»rt*t. A. Vers- Desirable. Coantr/ Seat a* Pri« Vats Sale. subscriber La autiioriwd to sell the &>Uoving ] of prorvrtv.ooatalciDg C% acres of laud. rit>'ateil in | Collin* Allcgbeu* county. Fa. This property is bwinU- : fully locate on the b-.nk of the Allegheny river, about * | miles from Aha ritv; having two frunta, one on the Law- • raoreriUsaua Sk.lrpsburiih Hank Road, and the Allegheny | rtver; and a'vut HO rods Vlcw tfcfl >rfT, end just Oelnwt; the tow brivlco, now being built the river. For fur* tb-r T'cirlleulnre «Dqutir of JAMES 0. RICHEY, j, 9 • - Real Kftate Agent. “ Farme» ‘Uou»eV. 4cTo I*et. ONK OU Trtu FARMS, with oomniodktuß Brick DwvlV jugs, -tud Stables, ne»r to the city, and auiiable-for Harden?, 'Milts Farms, or to fatten mttle Cor this market. Also, a ivovauJeot Brick Country Mansion aud Slab*. iui ftO enough fur a rvyi-etable family. Also, one smslfa pUo mootfc*.„. “ thr** " ?ntJi. , L. r w. •' “ ono jear Uo/JJn? Ctj-J.th !lu<* or lew, per annom , CUXaSKAtXZ AT FLEABUU: }D«*qe*rj, pcru-nmim, («a»-liuive of tli* 7»per%- ss 00 DAILY MOUSING TOST' -TUESDAY MORS ISO [From Hou*phoM "'ord*.}- - REVOLVE R 3. ’ [concluded] In liinatogbam, the harfeTs of fire*ar!M are tbade of old nails, that have been kaoekod about, and which are melted, rolied into sheets, twisted again, and beaten About, till they are considered to be' tougher 'nod Jess likely to \fcurst ; but the American gansmuhsknoir no 'fr Ibibg about this. They merely beat the end if * ibe baret of cast steel again and beat It vtthV F steam.hammers ; for it would not do to draw it Y through boles, as thick wire is drawn, or to roll' J It as with ordinary round bars. These ham- are fixed, -five lu a frame, where-they quiver with a chopping noise too rapidly to count the strokes, over a little iroa plate, never touching it, though coming very close. Into the first of these the smiths thrusts the red -end ' M the bar, and guides it till it is beaten square, t - Tbe next hammer beats it’ smaller, but still square ; the next henta'it smaller and longer still, but rounder. The fourth hammer beats It quite round, and the fifth strikes off the exact I length for the barrel. This gradual process Is necessary, for the steel will not bear ! being beAten round the first lime ; and, al j though five barrels may be thus forged in one minute, the rapid strokes of these hammers are said to make it quite as tough as the Binning* i ham plan; which seems to bo borne cut by the ■ results at the Proof House. On the came floor,: the barrels and cylinders, after polishing, are - case-hardened, aud tinted blue, by burning la hot embers: processes which are well known. Across the yard strewn with chips of iron again, and through toe tool, room, where men are turning.great screws and other bplts and portions of machinery, we mount to the first floor, and enteta long room filled with ma-* ■>■ chines, and .rather more redolent of hot rank ( oil. Considering that the floor supports & long 5> viata of machinery in full action, the .plaoe \ looks olean and neat, and is Dot very noisy. Girls quietly attending to the boring and rifling of the barrels—having nothing to do bnc s to watch the lathe narrowly, and drop a little oil upon the borer with- a feather now and then men drilling cylinders, holding locks to steam files, cutting triggers, slotting screws, treating • cold iron cverywnere os if it were soft wood, to be cut to any f>hape, without straining a muscle. It would be difficult and tedious, to describe these machines minutely, although they are very interesting to a spectator, and cannot, I : believe, be seen elsewhere Every one of them ; is a simple lathe: .but it is in the various cut ter*, borers and riflers that the novelty and In genuity exist. Where the thing V be made l» of eccentric fchap-, the cutter iw-of ecoeotrio shape also ; and although the superintendent of ' each machine acquires moce Gr less skill-by practice, it is i’n the perfection cf ibese cutter* and borers, toe guarantee foe uniformity consists. The bores of-'barrels ami cylinders must be straight, and evety one of the manp-phrte must be exactly a dupli* - c&ic of snfTner. No cue part belongs, as A matter of course, to any other part of ooe pit* tel;-bat each piece may be taken at random from a heap, and fixed to ard with the t>ther pieces until a complete weapon is formed ; that weapon being individualised by a number stamped upou many -of its 'component paHs. The advantage of these contrivance*' is obvioua. Io every case r.f revolvers sold, a number of tuch parts yrk pistol as are moat liable.to accident; and, with these, any soldier or sailor may, in a few minutes, repair* his own weapon:-' Seventy odd out of a has- - drtd of the injured revolvers picked up on thtt - battle-field, daring the Mexican war, were re paired with bits of other pistols on the spot. In the top floor, just above this, men and JV6T pnm.TAHwft m»tr for il HCMJELL’B MgOT of Cheap liutttuh, No. 15 ilfib ftreet, Uw ftllovkl • • The Rappers: or, The Mystorie?, Fal.aoaf, «W !*■«■** tiea of Spirit Rapping, Table rarciof, &«. - - Kiot, and Trial .of Aiihanyßqrat. £oaa Lambert: or, th* Memoir* of an Potertmata W«v m y.V.^L?:» Tale of the Otdaa Tim** by Mill DupV- Trareii In Tortey, by A&olpbna Slade. .: ybo UMfr'Skfai and the Lorer’i Honfrby ta**fa*4* Bernard ‘ BooteHw* »ad frattem*. ■ . qwuNOAAU UI WBl&Kt-W WrtßtMtf IM flnHtlMwt* *V ? 1 / fj. ■■ V-V/' in a oo « 00 » - ' :** *