Aft • “-•■ ■ ~ ....., :■:■■ •'■ •••. .M^' 1 . ■ : '- ? t ; \ MM r^"'-^.""," -::.s .-, M v . •. .'•••• ! .M ' ItftMHMftff *^s^~ SjV: # ::.t • -m. «vV*%^is.-»V!«- s sr:' ,♦ c^.'i, MiSte-<&■ pTS-rli & :rN fc A! GSESnSaSf *V-^ :^ "■ -ill ** * , “i # * ** VIT t v < n m • a- **J &&H*- %?4iXx iU'rrttrpf'i J-h -mo^ SsSßrnkjiMtii: gSf®te: isgH#is. §l#l "^ltew Ira Egg mkwM ! ■ :! ; i t 1 r Mtaglfiig» te?^jiMsia[. ■.. percussion caps, invented by n clergyman years previouely-Col. Colt patented in the W ted States a pistol on the principle of sroreti.p cylinder breeoh, and a single barrel—a far more simple and beautiful tDieution. [TO B* COWTIWtgP j ■ ~ Dniln Jllnraing \'ml -.-r-. 1 —- ——r^Toprietor. O. F. GILMORE, Zdltoraa*,— SATURDAY »j»RNISO ; you JUSTICE Of TUB SUPREME coukt. JER**liS,§i? UC v M \TTIvH WILL EACU u£- mis vai-kh : / OUR WEEKUY PAPER- [ Ourwllyofcoda, U fore^ar.he^ocD uur j f atpadv inare£?fc 4er . open on in elrott\fttloa of our weeiujr r WMhi Ti™aTte C «r™d% o om7oTintelli ll enoe 6,gn and local no. M . We Btr „ c k off nil can „e eupplied .ho ©all soon. Th« people of Pennsylrania are just „ P intereeune end imoortant election, and r:rr™*- « P - and send in the namee and the for our paper, and send dimes as fast MP« , , uicl i matters as mote known , P * tim , to nb —* extra attention and labor upon the paper. p ";:r::: 0 r 0 « r „„ inflaenoe their p»p»™ may harem diecour ""g northern men from going to *»«•"«* ■S:sss2=c’sffi pitt*" xrg TBemocßATic tic: FOU C^'TEKNf'U, ILIA AM BIGLER. rO B Caka.. m HENKA* S. MOTT, ** u OF pier — "‘lZtry 1. th. creature of P«*i.. law 1 and ■ , where created and establi.h- "enactment. No -eh UW^. f . m France e«r ?: ~ «*« of ed hv tbo posiute law t&rougou Did the Missouri act of IBM repeai _.»■ Hw. «* *'>° lish “ U ' ery The repeal of U is Be “" ll ' y the old law. The simple a repealing la . ROO then revive repeal of U>. act of W. >•« [f ., on . Nebraska bill, while it repeal, the !e“ of 1820. restore the old law legalize .lav s 1, doe* not. Baler'. proviso express y ■.fid reads sR follows • set Wa „ , , Thlt „ o thm<7 herein contained shall ; r;;; r MO d fered b, Senator Badger, of Norib Carolina, .^ Z made a par. of the law as »passed. I. « pressly proride, that if the A-t ?8 >0 abolished slavery north of the fine cf .6 | 8/ Tr!u r to‘r A fppteef course j - =; n£rTie^s:rr; both li, entirely ftbolitioo pwert 17s.?tT 'whore is the law legalizing it 1 "held to serrice ’ But . the north ha. the advantage m tion Is oorrec h b hst difficult to abol- Z slavery* U actually existed, and had aeouiredTpermaneut footing, and -ah profitable. BnUt wonld be infinitely more diffieut to create a tlv-llsh slavery where it did not before ex "“ the above view is correct, tho latter “pl'lnof the case now in the new terri rate, the existence of the the noMibility of danger from that source, will de ter very many prndent southern men from taking rteir slavel to'hat region. A few reckless men m »v rash into Kansas with their .laves; and by threats, and frethy resolutions seek to nl.rm the ‘•"a abolition!.., and keep them >-jy ; ■ neh men -ill be few in number, oceonnt among the tbonsands who -.11 be upoo the soil of Kansas in a twelve-montb. Those who wish to prove that Kansas wt lb State and would rather have it so tbnn • ? theme'for political agitation, rely fur their loseatbemererp Misaoari . . Te m S,X adHos Kansas, and can mostreadi- U supply » With P^-'^J^irTnly °< MissMri arc I the white men of Missouri owo . uses are principally confined to the eastern and sonth-eaatern counties of tit. State. It .scorns , fo tr hnndred miles across Missouri hy travel. Under. Bnch cirenmstanoes. and with • aoh risks to run, what chhuce is there that Mis . ionri will supply a population to the great tern of Kansas, that will determine its character ioTavor of slavery ? No sane man w.ll believe “ And qq sane and sensible man can honssffy argue that it *ui be so. Dishonest demagogues may still strive to orsste alarm for polmoal pur poMB; and may fry to keep np the deoepnon long enough to affect oertain elections. Bat th Zs of th. people are not deceived. The truth 1. generally known, and the alarmists despised- BOHUDAK Aeohatic Bokhapps. We ha* 6 v Mr d It strongly intimated that Wolfe’s Bohet «• noting or IM. .han Holland gin di.till.d from Juniper bee riM and gotten op in a very nice etyle and .old Whether it be true that it ..real ZZii not medicine, might be a queetiou but ft *gl« »» on.thiog.tb.Ml, and i. a good thing «h.n token L ei, »„d in moderation. It to a good article tt> w.rm iteather taken in doee. of about a tea i senful or thereabout.. ; Hr. Ktyeef., comer of Wood'etreet and Virgin *av- **• *! 3 ' -V ~ , ’ i •* l * ] A of'conU-" ”' Tbe celebration of «*>• '* °. °. ° ,»&: : «Vii v laborer9 were killed at Baltimore by tbo which was &*ghtoa the 24th ofJua., 11J% ln : U&jjtye heat on Tuesday.! .. , Monmouth county,-w%4ho N y)B|»-«t Frathtfld, j i ryej aod other, should N- ; w Jers«ji( was, for th«; firsl tima,: duly o*lc- bett&the heads Are fully ribe, ' aln brated on .About 1,106 t*ih- nephew of Okjer Pooba, 1 taitr.*ii4 •fronHb.OOO to years of afff'.-f'‘ when the parade and review was over, at about The 7 ' ' j I noon, it waa deemed imprudent to proceed far- baB filte ,i up a room in the'New York ther with tbe arrangements ; and there was no U„ fitft /|jaUoe where parties can get marrl< ~: mock battle. .■Paring th^-rtwenty five or (jbm-j Oae eoOT'le bave already set the examp e, minutes preceding the time appoln&oen were jwe prelinmeothers ™ cour9e B. t. mcnning the mock engageme ft ' of them fell while i Th« I ™ d “ d Yy. B lUs sidd the attehdebco iB | disabled by the heat. accident oconred aleo | and exoitement as"great as «1M ««'«• standing in the-i Uer _ Ba i a , e .. Private Abrcm t briitf . d contest between Peytona and Fas lon - j firi Sf the Lafayette Gnard of Newark, bad | Pre , lou , ,0 leaving Did Point Com ort, on h ; Awhile engaged with othe» in ( S firing, the gun, by it, premature discharge.- j frigate Columbia, and sloop of-war Preble. : nutation was resorted to in bis case without de- j „ Latt#tat President of the ! U: Another private in the same company had Coloniiat ion .Society, has , hta face burned coneiderably by the same . die- letter strongly opposing the propoeedwithdr h ree A resident in the neighborhood stated al of r at the presen , two hundred pound* at three and a half cents-ia seven dollars; wD!l ' r ; , hundred and ninety-sin pounds sel.s at eight dollars. . . . Vui .nc uo passengers who sailed to the At “dlX”o1h y er''m e em'be J r U . ,, :f 0 .b , . , t11m K ous Barf Prince Van Bureo. Mr Ch»ri«» L Brace, and Mr. Roger, bearer of tho de nrfticbe® to Purl#. • It i. said .ha- it has become a regular oustotn f„e those who attend Trinity Churob New Yore Citv to enquire for a programme of the must C V’ex-rciscs Half of the congregation look „“on the vocal and organic parts ot the Sabbath cevemonies ns folly equal lu an Opera. At the Queen of England's, on the 9th inst amoug tbe presentations, the Time# an* 109 ■’ »h« frtllnwiotr* *- Br the Minister of noaoeea tbo ronowio^. J - . , n;e,v»e. the United tales—Lieutenant Colonel Dicker sod, ald-de camp to his Excellency, .be Govern nor of New York.” Three cheers for Licnt. Col. Dickerson. In New York, on glorions Independence Day, bearing the L riso catUer and eri Ut r fl-e works to the extent of $-.300 will be let off in various parts ef the oity. Tae •he a will chime, six bands of music play, nan ToXl L , and the glorieu. moro promise. to be properly ushered in, and the natal U.y hiilod _ r , _ The gold chronometer given toCapt Ingraham hv toe working men of England, in .pprectation Of b s noblo conduct in the Ko.txa affair, has ar -V . Vnrk It is to bo forwarded for delivery to tho government which is to be made the medium of communication with Cap'-logra ham. The ohronometor is aocumpamed with an address engaged on vellum. A marriage of two deaf and mutes took place a, he*Church of the Puritans, New York on Tuesday last. Tbe parties were Mr Lewis Peel 1. XC.a Marv Toles. «u.l the ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Lewis, bis '‘"P I **" ■J’*' ing interpreted by tbe Deaf and Dumb ”-'po» b ". torte parties. They had a "ueption afterwards at the Deaf and Domb Institution, whep an ele gU tea service, the gilt.*f the Directors, was prttßOted to ihetn. kiliei'by the enemy. Benton is not likely to immortalise j&Vtneelf daring this session ot Coogreea. He hn- opposed with el hie might the approprm tiun of ten'tnillion dollars to carry oat the stip nl.itiooa of the G-.dsdeo treaty. After ell hie efforts, hut eix'y-three members of the House voted against it. He "as not able to rally all the Wbig/membera against this measure of th,- Administration. The splenetic old man h»« Inst all influence by pursuing a course ooDdrary sn allhAitrmer principles. Erery speech that be aoswertd by reading extract, from bis punlished speeches of former years. Xois proceSß of replying to him out of hi. o.n record exci-es considerable merriment in the {i'Qse occ*?.k Tae Ptnntylvaman sums up the Talac of tnis treaty as follows : -If Brother Jonathan naeer makes any ” than bo .bio inrlancr. m UUmi VooblSi’ 1 « St" ES.*°fb” ‘ b -" ii “'j; ,^ o “SJS“hi ™ aim Jed thirty •S 0 I lk 1 “ iwimD*x»tk»ui Oi K i—«nd alK> «* uru aot onlyth of bwW*, “„‘'SS" R.”rS root*, .ten if It shooU i*— >■ »° other present value.” - g®» Madame Mesi'cuyi, ono of the slaters of Kossuth, died in Sew York on Thursday morn in- Her disease Vis consumption, the seeds or which wore planted in her oon.titntiooin the winter of 1851. on that awfnl night whpfi«\ the female members of Kossuth's fsmily.-including 'herself, were arrested by Austrian pens tfarmes, and dragged through the streets of Pesth to a place of confinement, prerious to their expulsion from the 'kingdom.! It was the winter that Kos suth was in the United States, and his oonr.s h»re was understood to hare protoked the brutal outrage. Madame M. bore a striking resem b'auce to her illustrious brother, both tu pet son & id charaotor. She leases two children, bo.h da tgbterß, one about eteren and one about thir teen years of age, to the care of her sister Rutt kai This lady's husband is Using in Austria, hut hehasbeehYdrWddcn not only to com. to her, but cron to send her any means of: support. Trassuso Chicago Rtvgn.—A oommtttee of tbe Chio.go'councils. hare resolred to accept the plan for tunneling Chicago riser as proposed hr the American Sub-Marlnetunnel company, f r \..m York, tbo finances of the city bethg eo low as to preclude her from going lute the Voter prise. It is to be finished by May let, 1800, made of cast iron; entraucee on a grade notsa cc-rding one foot fall in nine. The plan to be two wagon tracks each 10 feet wide and two feet ways, each four feet wide, the former 11 feat h !,t, and the latter V feet. Tbe top of the tan- J ,o be not less than 12 feet below low water mark for lot) feot in tbe centre of the nror. Toe company shall hare the right to establish the following rate, of toll Each foot passen .,cr, one cent. Etch wagon with 000 hor.e, three cents. E»ch wagon with two borseo fire Oi’Dtds. • K Bntmu. Exhibitor V ui.« named Naeh. o ...rioted or of il'i. Locliermao, lb \t icouplb ftooaty M . «d «■>*« , : , cu.,'d at Carlto.illo on the 23 I bit., receded a* commutation of hie sentence to itnpri«oll meol for life. The G .eernor'e letter, fco«- „..,r was not read non! near the time fired for lat escu'inn.-W'i-n eotoethree nr four ...r—tus had already to gratify thotr fl.prated appetites About 6-e hundred of vthttn .ere determined not to bo disappointed, and ,h-y therefore attached the jail determined <0 create him theme-lee.. They trere repulsed by the , ’\}f •«; *y. Jt :4u ft* ■* * f -r‘3 i • •*.* At C *. j'-V- -t :.-p >" - - t\- f *U' {’*•• *• '-\ * » K ; i of ,h, P-r.l- l (Me ) Mini MiKiWiS. liana,mn I-l.nils. \ , M*reh l. 1564. j j On. trait -only need I tneuti.m. a trait .aimoft among heathen nation.-.'WW" s■ shameless licentiousness. b»‘l> | tr 'h of “harace- in ancient Ha.niiana .though . marked, waa no! of the same type— morally per haps. not pby.ioally—« th« Itwntioun trait nok ,«n at the inland.. Or! .inly the effect. l ‘‘ Unit intercom., of .hr H,.aiin. trl.h racb M , «rr. .err different from tb. effect, of the r till "'intercourse with men from Christian land. The late Dari 1 Main, in an article pnhlieb.d to ,hV fllLfte. Sped.. or .ay = " Another o«»« ; of the diminution or the people ot the telaod. . the linen,iomnea. exi.iing between ll.wa.iM female, and certain foreigners that come her , •ugoot wire.. ' Becau.a of tbeSiceotious habits . of such foreigner., contracted, perhaps, in other coontries, they oome here poUured a j disease, and haw pollated *i of tie United States, or rather tbo of the government with the lodises, they ure oot per mitted to remain there. - The I..d,an title o lands is not yet extinguishedi; and when oor friend left Fort Leavenworth, the United Btatea Marshal was engaged with squatters and emigrants out of the J T Many, however, were poshing ooward bejond the Fort to the borders of tbe gren^. plains, where they hoped to be beyond the reaob of the Mar sbal. The country is not yet open to settlement, and oannot bo till the Indian title is extinguished. This will no doubt be effected as rapidlv as pos sible : but the philanthropist will ash. where can the poor Indian go? That question suggests sad and sohsmn reflections. Let us hope that many of them will become civilized, and enjoy with us the blessings of liherty. ' The course wbioh .the officers of the govern ment feel bound to .pursue is producing muob ill-feeling among the emigrants They are har dy and enterprising, and seem determined each fsr himself, to pre-occopy a largo slice. of_thm new and valuable territory. Desperate efforts are being made by the Missourtans to induce slaveholders to go there, but the balance of the. feeling is against it. Many of tbe most intelli gent slaveholders admit there is no chance for them This should not lull our northern people for a single moment, and they certeinl* not be deterred by the blustering of the Miasou rians from going there. WosoiKroL Eeoars -Bor Dbawk F.rrr Rons bt A Hai/tib Roomb uis Nkck —John c. Hen drickson, aged eight years, eon of SamoelC Hen drickson; of Wilna, Jefferson county, h-.V, was sent to the b,.rn for a horse, and on returning, ”d the horse by a rope halter, the noose piece baring been removed, whioh allowed the halter to Slip back to the horse’s breast. Oo amrmg at the bouse the horse was not to stand and immediately stored for the bard.!’when,ll was disooreted that the opposite end Sf the bob ter was tied in a slip knot around the neck of the boy The horse quickened his pace the boy fell upon the gfoand, ana the horse took fright and ran a diethnoe of fifty rods, when he was caught by the father of the boy. The rope wipe looßcned from about the neck of the boy, and he was taken no for dead: but to a few seconds eigne of life were discovered, and a pbyßloian was immedi ately sent for. Notwithstanding the apparent oomplete strangulation-of the lad, and the mul tiplicity of bruises hB must hare received, to getber wllh a fracture of the cranium there „ soaroely a doubt of ins reoorery,—JPalertotcn i (jr. T.) Democratic Union. gn> One of the dog prisoners related to no an incident, yesterday, whioh oocurred ot l the evening preyions, jaear,-tho oorner o* Sixth and mnm streets The prisoner threw down a piece Ploin .treoto d *" B ,£e, t iti turning jtover and fonn^l^aVeoie^andl'yalbldbyhi^o^rs as betog worth .wvooty-fiv^dolUri.— an. «««•■ '*'4: v' * r l,' i«.4.ya3tr* - _-i_ Tb« Rmii, the Arcb’dachesa Xoe jouufeS T. o u«e of Bavaria being sitf-, julY. at swis>VAiit. o«ar Wimift pejbapahawjfl™ B i«tpM had ;;baii|ll . Iffiiant ftrfuugi »A. » V^uKSJSS princesses belong. It is more ni . T -^' ll ii Ml ii than real history. Dangers ot Joseob. Kioeofßavaria bybis second ww. -Caror h r ten C4 . nt » ***-»&- Ii„of m»M Jthe' SwSsSnSSKr, either a Qautf'V tb% m«th«r Qoeens. And. to = « ». 1 S”. "a of Pniseu! the ethJr. -other of «b. | h y the Po fotore Kiog of m Of the a-cnad P- te . **«'%s* twins, one is Qaeen of saxony, a , te b* o i»uinndat .—:—- is the Arobdnchess Sophie, mother of tbej> . , , lw |. mr to*r*riu. inoW Empres. of Austria. while daOgh-, ,0,t., Vers is'said to be betrothed to thw h '“* 'p7 r wttrburgh, JuneSitSTlSil. Grind Duke of Tuscany. The rii«>"■>o of Bavaria no t seventy since he was confirmed on it, the family must be confessed to have prospered The Gnelphs, the Holstem-Gottoopa, Lorraine Hapsburge the Coburgi. were scarcely mere be favorites Of fortune. In onr account of the f fairy fortune, of the 8e»eo Bavarian Princess es " last week, we entirely forgot to inolude he children of on. of them, the Vice-Queenjrf *- ly, wife of Eogene Beauharno,.. Of her fir flhtldreo one is the present Qieen of Sweden, another wa. King (consort) of Pnrttuotl. being the first husband of the late Queen Done Maria. II ; and a third is Empress Dowager, of Brai . having been married to her brother s father iu- Uw the Emperor Don Pedro I. Tho disdeemtd desiendantsV Maximillftn Italy. Queen if Prussia, Queen of S*iony Grand children—King of Bavaria, £ing Greece, Emperor of Auatna (by one dhoghrer,) I Empress of Austria (hy another duugber ) I Qaren Of Sweden, King (consort) of POTtogeU I , x Empress of Braid, (future) King of Sslony, Grand Duchess of Hesse, Doohsse of Modcua, (futrre) Grand Doohees of Tuncany. } well for one family in two “ ria now even espires to become the third Uer man pe«r of the first rank, rivalling Auetna and Prussia, hut it is not easy to see where eh is to acquire sufficient territory. She was obi ged o rretore to Austria most of what Napoleon ware her Our readers must not suppose toat foq'irlre of this hind are trivial tiT. From It e disose of many of the more sanguinary resources of state policy, and the vastly Increased faoilitie. for ooustant inter course between court and court, Europe.. fall ing more and more into the power or half e dot on dynaeriee. all intimately connected . tod h<>w everf they may rival to try to bust each other, all playing into e«h other’s hands. J. fl Quin. ? .i ■ . > is • • - * ’■ *4 *•' * * ■ V; '' 'r ‘" » rt dreso, than in plain American clothes. he ha. ie allege.), receded rerj lifle no. i from any of the royal officials, and mamfeetf a disposition to lesre St. Pet.r.hnrgh. - n’cVne'i Vermifuge and Idwsr pills.-- ' ilnguler eombin.tlon, Dm rrrj effectual, »* Iho following —l*l shoe: ICtw You. Norember, 20, TSs/2. Kni.lng, from experience, the riluebl. of l>r MW, Vermifuge enJ U..r rule, I hare for eome time back erneiderad It my Only, eotl npd. It m, bu.lnee, to mate three .rtlde. known wbererer I »«' * mo "' friends. A .bort lime erro l Meame mv.elnterl wnb tl case of . ronng girl. who .eem-d to be troubled emh worm, and User eomplelnt et tb. an. time, end bed Inn eome r.o month.. o£t Cof‘if.i°™.“l”hkb ime W according In dlreetl.-r... Tb”rLu,t"." -be P—d • f 'Sr?“-°S!ll ihtoki tb»( one bo* more of tbe l ill- , ; sse - ESa«c»ssS2stt ’ a2£<“ “>.'>.l. pmprl.tore, tiNo Bacc«s«or» to 4- KMd * f ’°'> ATI Wr» f 1 .trpnt j»l7d*w o-TU Or«»t Heß’dluU--". BALLY'S -aSTUUK AND LonuN.-Tbo.. pereon, -bo »lih tor • «f-. .peely, «nd penruneut com, ebould ueo £ZI -hii. * unrlr.lled FKF.NCII PREPARA TIONS. They tar. no. been In *• *" «” been thoroughly u.t«l in thooMd. of tb. urn* obel»*-* cun, .nd inT.rl.Hy b.v. glren B.tL,f.ctlou. They un not compo.ed .impl* of BH»m Cop H... but «. .ntoly dlff-renl from Hither pnep.r.tion,, both In their Ingrelient. .nd tb. manner In .bleb they opcr.t. upon tb. -ond.rful »"« connected -»h th. W«tarn KHlroel «.y.. ■■ I bln exp.nd.d for otb.r p«pl. during th. l orer *aoo, for rmnedlte of thl. dMcrb.tlon, And h.T. ~„.r found . .Ingle Mild. Out g.r. eucb unlr.reH f„,lonM your Antidote .nd Lotion doe,. Ido not re*ol lect of their erer Wling to cur. In ..logl. tnßtence. M.ny her. teen ronil In t.o or thrM d*y." Price, Antidote *1; Lotion SO cent, per bottle. N Inrented by U. BHly, Pnyßlcun to tb. end orepered hum th. redp«. .nd »ld -bolfe»l. .nd retell by DUROY A 00.. Bole Proprietor, for the Uni ted S..U. end Cmulm. Principal Depot, «W 8r0.d..y, wholM.l. .od null, hy FLSSIINO "Stdlng-d. ... PA™* * CO, n-b, DropfinUererjwhere. *»d *l‘ • '“* Ji ’- nrlelng from .u Impure or lb. blood. See th. eltre.rdin.ry cur. of Wm- 0. * h 8 f reepMUble eltlxen of Richmond, V., br c.rt.r'« Sp.nleb Ulimr. 11. bel ulcere .nd .ore. of the wont deecrlption, 1. .l.TCOteo bel bo -a. un»bl. to walk, except on “‘Llne -Tlr- bottle. of Certer 1 ,,h Mixture, the ST.h«.Tihob.T, enffer. t -Ith, bel elect. of mercury, erl pdn. “d ulcer. of tb. !»u« -dTeni«in cnt - 1 well-known .aperient, of .•M4; ‘• c purt; It hM been *>“ been fitted wttb tbe With Q „ by hta . He bege to Inform bie per D««eit tty),ss for co*ls, twu wm y g GRIBBLE| , present ecm«on. . Pantaloon Mak*r, . 240 liberty *U he*d of Wo«!te» Chief ■ lUrtw of Tmuportetteo. ' „ . rrmE CSDEESIOStO -late «“ t 7»V» n w C ?PpSi?Srt i I under the name, .34 «Wlf pf * nt .übEn%h * Firrtßtrtot.. .. KOltr. 11. MARSHALL, JAB- J. BENNETT, JOITN QUAFF. J»m«2Sth 18?4- je&tf ' Kt' W uu.«.M , r r-~a — Cit!ten»’ Insurance company, fliW nor OH JUnB, Id, ' The funi*®*?™ D»r*e- lUis Comrvany 1 bt* thU Jay declared a thTidend ef p* i»«. •.p.n Ih. &.»>“ SJA, TO.M. U>tb« *tri:ta oi l«r8 or their legal represent!*!?#*, oa *aa IUKL L. >u«»nmt. g«*OT. it ia auw cd KlKU'b JHrotfust to tLRt it ha* Imd known to completely eradicate this dreadful dL*~* in 'X , o!h« remedy, end at lew cost or inconveniehce to the p*. | ‘'TOethonaandkofeertldcate, In the of Wop** | top miar of which are from well known cltlaens of Uw> city oHMUsbo-’h lt# immediate ridnlty.jro to **how eb*ari7 end beyond .11 doubt, that Kira's :i:rootroßl»»medirfo. of un comm *n value, not only as a local remedy In ru. ttA*u»M(tane Dt'ifvnt louo/ SphLlul M _**£*™* Internal remedy ifivitlne the in*estLmtlnc “ well an th***uSerißs patient, to become acquainted with it* “tKm haring a dread of miitnree are osanred that thill medicine la puiwly natural, acdla bottled ;aa It flow* from *JZ£u lFr~aiSlK*rs ini' A»™l lit cerhJLcaU'Jlktultiraial t>. T. Foot, *. C, "'■BtoSShtU nth certify, that I her. ten jo t*Uj •* flirted erltP&oWld <’« «»• Umel here be*” "fable to attend to »ny ktod °* much"of the time tumble to ” d h*xt and have been treated oearlv all the time by the beet PbVricitw our country a*brdst {occasionally »ef but no cure, and continued toffrow worse outil Dr. Foot S-*?d»l me to ty the tneenecr wa* beaan to grow better, and by B*iu* at OT3C *> l . . " t R worth thousand* ofdollan. wren bottle* images a NANCY M. BABKISB. This may cortlfy that I here boon escalatedwith Kt«y-« Petrrieinri or Kook Oil, for more then o year, end here re. ESSSfJitocSudito bcDeScmleHort, in the cure of todo. E££u«r«aLl other M. X>« Jiilio H'Al|‘io, Woi F Jams* Ala'*Ua 1* DeT®l*p«»acnt..-»aaDUOcmeD ILS/ .re d&Jlr bringing to lulu d«*« lowentUw* «c«l th 2£h rf on*n- i- i j-wnn* Bailor becoming»., wH> l* u» )«s»rn !h»t science end lun#ro**mi*b «>«• Wowl h.*«» brought btjfjw.the ©ubiic th« *f*“*T** i of t»w nrtlrlt of KHERSON'S AMt-IUCA.^I IAlh KF if T<*i' \TIVE. • *ure cure lur lUJbi» » D 'J to ♦**!*•*»» Sw/ftim felim* to b- hid of '****££■ tnrincfuil •articular?. Prior $l.OO ialirco bn*lh». SoW nnns »*•* • c E KI j H KH * 00 . |>n»ri«rora, i ' fcx 3a«*r»or street, Cl*v«n*d. Ohio. , For «1« in Plkthurgb lit the fol towta* hottee*- Hrn»it»s Btoa-t «ii * r K. E. fuller*, <3. 11. Keyeer. t Joel Mohtor, lten) Jr., J.II. Cisstsl- AUrff*my rty.-L- A. Beckham, TnsAy * N>EY, 3-orp- lnsnm *g»ln*t TTRK ind/MARINE RISKS of ah ■ito-r,. Office No. W Water «treet.* . OUKTOM: V' J. K. SloorhwkJ. W. J. Andersen, B r «»WT«7, R. D.SltnpMD, wiSfffinlWe, I ■ M Jr-F'™- j- I v D>rMC*nnt»l J* l - —FItizESS' Inittrauce Company oi Q^P^PUt*barsH—n DIKING, Pr«eld«nt; SA.M- C 0*« •#4 Mtf&sZr -i,'betw** Uarket and Wuod xSHur-i* ia T LL and CARGO RUE*, od tbo Ohio and SUasl#- slppi ItiTi ff tributaries tlon and TniuporUtios. pimctcm; Vm. lr offices, or at Uie IlitfpiUl at -o elo«k. P. M. D H-rj-nt c;v>es of accidental injury are receiTed at *"*>o“*** without form ---—— ~ - »•-. Y KAUtca, 110 U.'KKKt lL5r burch. Importer *.n.i Wholesale Dealar In FAMCI K£»“» " «t . W -pHr«„ «ta« r«Ucbt, ttma and tfxpengea. i—IL —;r~iiT». F—Flee* of meetlßg, W«*hington Hill, itmt, between Fifth street uul > irgk »n»T- Lodm.No.3;)6— M«tseT«ry il»sd»J«Tenlng. Bscampmn*, No. 87—MeeU **&J£J rd mooth. [mertWy r-~»Ai»OKKOKA LOPGK, I. O. O. P--Th* ID? Amreron. Lodje, Ko. 259, I. O. of 0. P., m«» rray niiif In Washington lull. Wood «t- fJyl-TT Clu» Premtun»i--l)ttff’i sol,eJ£’"^5 ol,e J£’"^ The oeuel l>n»a»iu«ne will *» ‘******,l! of the in this Institution, in JULY NKXT tor the ffreetwt pr>3cieucy in Bookkeeping, Pen* tnensbiy, end Mercantile Lew. £?-• 1 TAILOBS SO CIKTV, of Pittsboljh Mid Allegheny, m«U OT tofaml third WKDN KSDAI of eT«ty month,»W.o ShOBI- V Bg - M,rte ‘ Jk, a. l. u - i 0“ «edves. Pfe.&Zft233S2*»2“« BJ-. "'sr Wm a,c °" l " , w^^. M’COSNKI-l- * jVii.l.OCK> A Nil Tiaalarata K»«ka»*a,BMilLKo<«fc Golland Bartt BL -nomat »»d Par liund* «wi»ed «p dapoaU. Bcu-h E«rto>™aol PITTSBURGH, PA. ayif • - ’ • TiiiJSSr.. me. «rfy>« uh.rtt.r. VUier liwjff iu(lmd ' rn*rßrßKßio Ui««tfbw» -K"*- 1 v* tM*oy notified tut «l*> Fir® Dollar* **> S^Jmitbe *r« UowUy «I ««h «»moB *K>o>m «““■ the wbol® wnoopt I* pUL_ -jrg 4LVAN WIUUXB, TeeMOiM. xTKWBeOK.3 JUST RBCKlVEtt—Mnerton-. ty M*r7 N Rnwrfl Mltfori; ptk.»lJS. . «»4 H«r Ujtm s <>y Mbot Oorn«. *l - Money U*mt: <>y Un* aCw**ll. *l - tlw-Se«DM: by l»dy Bttlww; \ 4i&r TbeMfwter'a Hoa». by Logts;sl*~d> Surar, or the Knight of du> ***“'* * MrtlcOt hf Kobert Mo»tW»ery W«d? » i 't7 v irT n Sfrlron Coualn, or Mutual lnftn«**->7 M»ry 0. Srjfsisiriiils^ . Aenn;Tl,. WU»lo«. . B~eWed.ndfor»le»ia>^*J^^*^'”? co^ I ~«o T ‘ T" Fourth tiratt TTID QLOVBa— BBjan’ii N«ei ■no eolor*d - *“ a »'* hri Bttk “JSilx TMJ SCBBEHL u7b>r Bi.. Job»Cb«hm, j GILS*, of WstfiTeounty, 5- . j ’! * ' HIED/' Tbotrfhtwia ttfthi fcmily «• tmspmedW 1 * IntUeA tend Uw fanelil, t*t»»wra^*t« o’cltni, *■'■ ’*** r^ 1 ' ' dene* » Bt. | s ;j li' .. L , IrlW ry : -T. | Fbefttr*> aa JOß. C. FOSTER, MiHtnre.-—On IL^MONDAY, July 3J, theThottr* wlUbe opened form ltw nights only, with m good fompwny, who will tppemr in i a. rarleiT of nlamslns entertainment*. , .. OnTUKSDAY, July ■Ub.tHer. will benperformnneeboth AFTBKSOON end BV&SISQ. yt Ctnrch.“v,r7 6USi>*V. .WOTia*iSSj? NB ILL* BAIJk-oMMrt their Hoomi on MON- u H4YB;f - PJEKIiSVfcTTASta. RAILROAD! - FO.URTII.OF JULY EXCURSION. rrmfRTPIfN Exru.ITRAINS BETWEEN PITTSBrSOH T nRI.NT .VO. .ipplßg *t t».t LlUrtyi Wilklo. 1 U.T| n g PW.tatKh .16 7.6,6.10. JwrfSX A sTuA % S. i. o, *cd 6 o'clock, P. ■™l°* «<“ “>* ™» " ** “ ? MBSKDIES, A«n>, m p k*entfßT Station. \ ,r \TTQEW OBiTf f'uSVL' ! w»i« KunoßetMer*, ” Rnv| Ag j QKA.FF,u» pmoer In g* sds bJSKafrSwM* i* pjTtdhuigli, 188* PAWifill 4r tilA>tt4>Uft| sirwt. m»r th%Po«- Q&** >. —1 MU-ntt Fltt JOLY.-£uuy«’« JO ' J bj a VwJrtS*- OW Id lUt TLUK TU aTJBAUB.IBK—I .111 fatnU> Harper’* M.W.. »,« P« J«£ “j?! 1 * r* 87 Wood rtrew. . 7\ «HB GIANT OF THK MONTHUKS-T-H-rp-r -jyl r-.fih it-, opp:«‘» B tbe TbCTtw. I | «f« .'.AGAZI.SE, for ' « . ““ bJ 82 Siol Afield rt. j >1 kj. ALKKAlUa—'*utoox*#frir >u qu*ro«, kuif *i»U poui £>,{*>*"' ro«i.«l •«* (or I g KNBT „ roI . t . TN c jjVffi:*- 14 h ' lm ‘ w « a—lo fca in«t recalTtd aud far by rntSRY H. COLLINS- I / wf 1 “* olu ~ 10 bbla ‘"“‘•heseth. coujss. W-" - ~i \ i>kD A nltoatiuß for a titrdoer and hii «Ife- A i bit nunonooff AgßoryOn^ pty * No b 3 Fifth Itmu p*rr Po<* Office AJiTKD-lw© CoiWJftrt*rt sod Diniiig IMM t»»U, fat Haul* lo t* rS ,h ' h (J ma of grmmd, ln » be»oilfal lotBtioo,«lto»teo. F i JUIo Bob, at |125 B«r ocre.AIM, J JLSSJ acna at *3SO por aero. A good mi Jpl«oA) >" • iOT ? I"^' ' r „^,l£ i ““° tiita,u “ t SShbRiVISn" ' ■ i» TUid ?trMi ..emi-annual sai.k-a.a. mason * iw. S od Monday, July 3rd, 10 more “f? f „V*S? r “ s < ? ‘‘ ™s; 5 do of 6 *nd 3 cccl Uwn, dud i do of Bmf«« fiWOM. *' - , \ l LK3, JliSl'lLLiS, DHM GOODS, hmo .WMlr S Trtmtnlnt.-. Ho.i«rjr .»d (iloTrs Unto »nd Whit. Oood-s,, Oj«K0 *°- Purnirhing Good.. !«..*•, b*”«'> V" n & -•0 to 37H p«r rent, during lb. s rm^Annn*JM- oj^ 25 ..flvt, -T-UCIiLA.xu'JS Atw IJOOK--TH. • ' A. by Agnes Strickland. U just weir and for sale At II KINEH * CO.*S, No Zi Mnltbfield ftrec Another Book by Rognne Sue the celebrated andpop 3 **;- nttrr of the Wandering Jew, Mysteries of rari*, Ac., Ac Woman's Lota; * true story of the Heart, j*r:> Aut^y: by Mrs. Marsh, author of Emilin Wyudhan. Avon. Ac ; Harpers Library; W^nM. Thu Jerait'ft laughter: «*»pletr; £0 oents. - A Year After Marriage: hy T. S. 2Aee»». ♦ellawitHe Ti*k» to IU-markaUe Places; v yjora Lvnl-ar, or Passage-; in an Kvntful Ufo. by Sir. vjoedla, author of Eoughlog U l® the Hush, Mark Hurdh "^\»MttoamllS S LoT«ra; a story illustrating some ne* ?^ nu^th^Daug bter of the Hamlet; a new Protostan Scvel; complete in one volume ;-gl. . , the Rapper*/™ the Mysterioa, 401 AhiurtltH of Spirit Rapping. Table Turni-g and Eniraneement, wit ,U S« UmberiuStS* Memolrsof an Unfortunate Woman a com anion to Mary Price: by G. °°^ J ' 82 PmhhfleM st JUST RRGKIYKIt — The Pilgrims of Walriogbam, i Tales of the Middle Aces: by Agnes Strickland . The Mall*- Houae; a tale of Southern L 1&: by Logan-. Black woo-Pb Magafine, for Jane. Graham's “ M * , “J* Woman"Swfutrua «iory of the Heart: byKugei sue. for aale KLEIBER'S Literary Depot, I (^Q ' Of»h ••***«». QQpnri»e — A purchaser Ibr ihihend»om*»t House al“*1 Jlro, nm-u u tgXußtfß* ! „ 75 F -urtt* Ftryet. | \jsr JLBTKRN DhArrs— Constantly tor sue at*J*ut, « Y\ short date, oa _ . _ f dtelnnad, - Eul c&V & *SVo ' , -AOO.N—6 libds Sides; l_> . S' do Sboolde a; . 2 do Hams; tor sale by _ , tf5S 200 J SMITH k SIMULATE. FliU— 10 bbla No. 1 Phad; 10 do do Herriag; 15 do No 3Msc)wt«l, 1864; 15 do Trout, and 6hf bblsdo; . . EPINBD K. 15 bbltf Lo»ertßg’* Crwbed soger. uO do Loef Soger; 15 do Powdered So*** 1 SO do White Ooaee Ba*er; . “ do Oo^WTrt^U^^V bo "‘ t, °' l b^ DlJa 7 jag” SOU ah HUlbsß MOJ je2S ~ WKOF-M t alM^ OLIASS—IW »0W 8x10; 10 do 10X12; 00 do 10x14; 20 do 0x12; 16 do 7x9; XTRACT fiOFFKB—SO tcxa, A, 0 * »“”• l*P* T 1381M188—60 dot taoaafl,MdJ>c» bo* rTiD^^ t snd in all colors, j o*tnedwd per ««**■*» ,l So * 8 Tm “ d BORDER. I >LACK LAOK MITT.—A t»»»UIul MWrmret, •^ 2 5* U1 “* chg * p “ TRAKK-TAV (KUtDBB'B. O ELLERS’ VERMIFUGE.— “ TUB B&ft?ESPASA O TION” Pcm puu«m,'Tß.,<)etob«r4,lM7. • * « RjuxMj-Otyoar s&ft jsa^sssasw »ld by^S/OTIXIM* CO, 57 ¥g»a «t4et-aad for «*l« by OniqfrU fpwiiUy. > a4 _ YiMtb* tamosa, K)K Jllil- Art Journal- Th»P«Unßd loom, from Tub;'! Port PoHo; BWtmi the l*aiplirhter. Gjnmton’ Joarnil, for Job*. KortHßrUfobJfovfow- Th« tboTojait reoelTed ml LiOT re«, ™ *1 WooJrtmt. X AWNS.-i. A tTFHIQHT UTEAk A "• U ld«4 and to kr uDIT * ROiSBAW 1 ■ offervdat m '&£#£?*■ 78 Tottrth -nti -Uitti * *k'iT a>UUi warm of gtirikur << “ironS*" o*«?<£•#*& «j. i» “T? ,17£w ■». »>* wumo. )«->».< !»► £^^^ u £sairWsX' .V <~'Vt V . ; ' ; ; f? EfteffttATy._ 1^ AMS - 10 d °“ * SIVCLAIR tt bbt» for tote tnr ~ SMITH k. 81.NCLA1B. *- *» * J < ,'j. i '■ ivr - K-/ ‘ r- ■’' V A T ‘f '*'* i , ‘! *"' S ••• w * at * t i A* JSKMENTS, : . 'WIC HAIXt " MASO He«d4« SraniifriW/ 84*'is Towdsy* July **■ XjfosrXttf 8 'eSI&MTOX <* M MAS will iiWMi u rf&FT* *ut-d. I* 6on .°E“ ** 8 o'clock— Leetore and JS*bititioo to «»»«£•»* »Hv - your Kxhn-Uloßt will be pi*«m on TTJtBPAY, *f»i ri*: atlO,lH» *> »od * o'clock in the erasing, Adtaimtm Jon U/of the highwt order, aad for Uieng merit atanda sbrewrt among the many is country. It 1* pot dp on the pi«n of loose io tlja^olytSfO _i_ Oerdeoß of BtU>tno* Us intro-Joeli 'i, into U>n United EtAth* b** bernrUHed by shore 300,000 HWB<; tmoD? which wem 300 MiaUter*, wfc. all jnniMi«edtt treniUtbeautiful teen* they embeheld. , Th?Chemlcal Department it ond*r the direction oTHt. .aawHOYKK,* c*lelir«ted rnrflwb Ch«r.l*t. |aMon.wULbSTe«Jtumb:r«dwet. Tcvjgter around darns totemOs jmd. mmiloK S,‘«S ZZS £. 'VVgg* ■ program 4 "* - • , .— ——— w HIT BE OK’S CIRCUS. In wklcfc fcxhlb,.idi.AdT.r ip Cb»Biu». . TTriff VTUIbJT /a FOLLOWS:—I» TV ’hoNDAT. and WBDS'FFItsA -Mt*!, 4th and 6th. Tkm P,rf ****** ml ia> f> mrth!) , M’Keupiet, TIICWDaY, Jnlj »th Mc.-oMiAIULi CnT. I FRIDAY, JolyTih. __ 1 MOM 3. FaANCMS TOUi}NAiltS,K TWO SPLENDID TP.OCPKS, Parisian and Anglo-Anvieax-it* fc,mcr ifi by lb* r*- oow&ad map. L'-crsß tocbsiiß*; ' .ho, with her hrt'jr trrlnrJ Pan* lej »hd Menaje BWm., CWumAmeod CTAoieße,«°*« ™ai _ MA.D’LfcBS'JOSWIUXS Ass pOiAITOE, Mroe. ml Med, BSSOIrT, Ac, Ac , formed #. hH-htpcr - tkoUr attraction of the **Cirque dea Varieties o. P*s*> nARpIBRt * Oiemal ?rwseh Clown. BnttJ* Imp. AD«I 6 SAM WELSEB, -Ci. -Ji« *r*»t Portosne*® Trick Clown, at. 4 Crsal CW?I'® 1 '® Horn Band can W fcund In re*®n«* arall fmee, l T p»l«ta«tn WM. FRANK CARSO, at tb« Ctortgftha* Rooms ofK-M. Carp* k Co- Fourth a t h? Hall. • - - *a»rn Sl«ct|on Sottee ifor Jl*Jor General- TUIK CuM Ml£=lo> >l> i-IVICeR? .ef O.PPIBVJ'j* **“ T Batt&Uou of the «r*t Brti.'aUe.'dn ne«, mad JetErfep o6ttntte» '®F * JOHN M. WEf.KI'NY. Brte-U«fr. Flwt Brigade. Ifrb THeinton. ow IS Ttlfc I’lMia I*U atbaottlHe.r—Th» following . awl l> ‘»f .■“.gj® 4 "! -w TOlSmcs. N-.w i« the um» to subfCrife^J^»X * lEO, Ifcttk-sllem, Stationed so. IS '•fill (•trert. aaar* reCririoc?uh**ri pUnn*. Call ■cd make arrangement* fcr. your and '"iSKI-’T- ■ Kukkerboei.--, Patna*, 9"*T* liraham, Peterson, , • WarerJy Uapulaa. Litleir* Linag Agt, - T^Hllaa’- Chamber* Journal* - Glrtssoo’s Pictorial. Hnatf* MyckattU? , F,*j of Our Union, Ela«t*ocd, ; L Mostly of Art, . [• f!nw Jonrnal. Phrcocloffcal JoqnMfc' jaW | IKaHAM’3 MIUiZI.VK, r.r J«iT, Ko«lc« to StovKttolder*. k fiftEEVULY to a Resolution of the Boa?a or xraitee* V SnhZoa* Snows’ «*n rf 3.f«tai!rtlng b»l4 *t the « TwgWjM d*t. the siib*Tlbrrs to the ?'o-h of 8&1 , A **M£™£ *f? ..I«s.y lotMol that T 3 ran <~n>> *« *•») »■ ;KD oow.ntnmw j*'» r J.‘- . he haj called *iK* ebe he* be*n in ojl™ . . i i_-.- .. .n-r 1. rmaeeteJ to «ro »:■*«!». JSs27m , 2 !' - i- r •' !- - AOl l ACRES Ctf LAND FOti oAl.B' ; ‘ :• fit' I dtmttd in Robinson township, - > , • ’.- l-ity. Win bo sold!n lots tc*oit rz V - ■GO For fortlisr i-srtlpnlArs® r Allechoey orwinty P* For termi *ud prlc* «pyu** . f Mr. J.nowrd, Fourth .ireet, or Mj^ ciiTcnßYt ,r fj «3 * Rffll Rgtstt AcOTi. rU&MP fefcßDfc. ' BnU B*pn, 'tEpt? 6 ** . - ■ YoHm Atedctfli SOT"'ls« , , . • Globa, ami at the SejJ Stare, Wlh lt ”£ ra gAB PEOP. OakaSOLa-AT-A Jld OHfS. ~rn«t »l r Fifth rtwets—XnOpWßGnjroSjitotlWftnwJ**" low; n ftrotwi tßd lined: 76 p rfcb new i hwJeJ'K-TlWios. *«• 4l»o, * largo MsortmenvoMbo ; etri6r* It> plain rrrd».' ~‘ rr.vow sorm.M. siurt oullaip. j«d r\_ a full of Furnishing Good*, it tha »•» rtonlESEtcreof . ... :ttiHK T*s^Dnt -VIWT >VmAt SALE-MOO > USMUtm yard: BMW.D«IatoM,IO MO. TO* i■; «ia>aUotlwr Wttd3ol d oo^l^ 1 ‘ : ss»e»oh*iwt_ IHH>PPKKattRV’MU , . .T-g -j White Soft Crushed *t 8 and $ cents gtrmf! N.O fap>,»ir OT j ;|M . 'Xtra o: d oovnr. java coffins—a u* *»fS**T report, for «d.l>T g A ' , Pcrcr-hoog, (in pnpw?) »« M «fc If* : Fin..: Foagtne Ctuimi, . ¥ ii ,..TvT>a For 1.1. by- V. A -iIOItTBO. VI c-iTrfMdfcrMle-r j“j4 . - 156 Woo* i treat. 111PLB CTOS AND PISTOLS—A grot T»rtwty-fcept«H> IV atutty on band, together with tb* awwi7»pw», “» d “ !to « ““f* 1 fa b °°^n’Vt B ctlbt. i IBVOLVKHS—A. *Ood aiwmrami« all Wnds of (V ten. Including Cok’< All-n'f. WrtW’» r HALTIMoRK nultiakQ AaIWHAB, >ery 6»«.foTl«K >BB1» Q° fe***!* ol * *** barfl BULKTABKygHtw , > UGAR—4Q hbds prim* V 0. tiu*sr; 1 do Clarvrfd 4ft; - BartdTed oer rte*mbo%t Jtm Fr»rttin, on con*ifiXD«®t .?■£ £ f 3*311 *• *• HPTCm>»ON 4 — 31 k«*sk>otock.; cixT«iatTub*ea»,r**’rtT« oo coaeteUßcnt; -tut sale tj ■ ' _ • ua c '' a “* n “ j; a. HOTcmaoxgoo- iJO* SACK— Tbecb**p*atS«>»er** ot Ood oaSih* *<. f notuesbeU riTer.lo the ad Pool. Tf jos 3**J* ** iissoVi*'»•*■>£ Esq air* «t. THOMAS WOODS, • : . • ■ . TA fcWlB fm* FOR BA.LE—-200 *ctp« of prilOe rt»«r,liaHeh«low3l*Cottn*ii*Ttlie»Okto. 'yj£T‘ ****** n %i£kA?&v3ut OOR BALK-** ■Twit tiro story Brick Hh—*, •i«o, as excellent ort3kfnrtL Tei ua±Oii+'frnUf***t " 'tttftue, buy* t»d Fran* ffiStf? itf*****" ** l mffls^ggsu. ; * Chi*sj*an'B Philaitolphi* Syropi ‘"" :* *' 7 - Dq Ptae Pppl* • dd; * - •** •• r • Be -£i? • • f^MKKT— IS % A m . OUUSIW UMMJIU tofrowd JUuAoa th. !to**UJ«re _ tatfl n»t ** ~», .. ' - • • a>»’;>»w f y au bbl*. imif&fc.'fr-ißnrtE** l ***** * on,.’*** - ,un "-•"•jaaffs ifil ■ . .in...... II L>.g< ripr-ilf ptsi *!*♦»»** : -VM,. "f -. «*. x • * % mm. "JH- •>- s vgi - *- * „\J : -..js* - \-^a - - * “& • « *.~4 ■V .•.J**v- .-■..•«■•. I * ■ • ' i V • »• f . • i j "'" I\ ■ ’ 1- " :$x ''• ! -J v-V -H •* • , af'"" 1 '' * r^. Ilf I ... ' • ■ S’ - '3 t ZJ'" * - - * >*???