_ ■ - T x * % * *'V%t»?'fs> # ' ’ ** -T ** * * -«**« 1 * c* » * } t -+- t " I ''' v :'• ‘P */' **' ~ " -«&&&.•' r»i*^r4^-*<• :.\\; '■ -*Kv:Cs\‘ PiV S* hj-i '■ - J ‘" “ ';£••' ',B ?v> XV*- i'Vi> » % tV PxV iVpXp-PP y ‘X’- t-Vt' :\Vi- 4 H hV’-» ». V M *>V* it *i sWf* ■:-v £k W’• ,s »{.*; *Jb-1 vi K l . ■■ \*-\ v.'vj ;"jto .'v tvpd toiV xP r;*t ; # V&*> *\> 3®fc^Ss¥s&»is*&ij »C*S B^V k Vn ** ,--»U\ Mis Xx P> X’; teiii “ i Q ti'fc.V4vSi*t«_V• I'V J Vlr\> »tte tV^v.‘s to Messrs. Colohan, Danean, Blanchard and Geary.' These gentlemen are all able and experienced : and from thetr high standing as men of business we antid* pate their work will be strenuously poshed, and completed by the time specified, vis: by the Ist of December next These sections embrace, some rery heavy werk» Including masonry*. On section A a largo bridgoacross Saw Mill Eon, of flrfit claes masonry alll bo roqotred, and about 3. 000 perches of vertical and slope valla will be necessary on both. Tbeanllclpated expense on.the troikaboro allotted la about $BO,OOO. v" . Ocibacb os, an Olp Laly.—A negro man named Thomas Wilson, was arrested by thodncinnaU po ntoon. Mondayjfor an attemptto outrage tho person of an V earenty-fire years of age, on board the lady Frank .. ■ ■ lady Is a resident of this city, and arrived home yesterday, Ehobmlbecnon u visit to tome Mends In the and had. just reached Cincinnati from Louisville, , w ? ler * abo was walling to betransterred to another boat bound upward, when, tho black soottndral entered; her state ■ room, and closing tho door, attempted the peipotratloh of the crime. The old lady was .considerably Injured in her straggles with.the.Tlllaln,.. The Cincinnati papers also men- Bon that he was arrested for a similar offence on the porao n : :«f uyoonglady from Pomeroy,Ohio. • Arwr he -WSJ taken • before' the Pollen Coart; bnt both the ladles being anxious 10 get homo, and not wish, iahlng the notoriety that a judlila! hxaminaUoU would at taoh.to it, did not appear; eud consequantly, the Court was reluctantly compelled to discharge tho TtUaln. • - A Sab Cobnbb. Complaints innumerable . hare been mado against a gang of rowdloa, who nightly os' . semblp in froat.cf the German ohurcb, on thecomer of Wy 11$ and High street*, Mocklag op the street* and making U almost impossible for.peaceable clUsona tt ladles to'piya ■without running an almost certainty of belnglasolted.'Tho members of the congregation,in particular, bate been ; an noyed on Sundays by the loud and ptofanu language made < ueenf aoringßorrjcaa, by these mimreants; butconld never : Saoceed in haring the nuisance abated.' Weareglad to hear i that-Aidcnnaa Major has at last tsken the matter in hand, I and will disperse the whole crowd. Warrants baro already been Jssned for the arrest ofhalfadoien of the worst cf the I at, and Information lodged against about twenty others, j Floral Concert.—A grand vocal and lustra- j mental Concert will bo given by tho pupils o f the Thin] [ Ward Public’School*, under the directionof Mr.D.Shiyock, j the eelenrated music teacher, this evening, in tbe Jargohail I pf the School House. Several of ourbo«lmtisleal perlbnn-1 era hare been seemed to take part in the instrumental por» I tionof-tbe performance. ~ j The room in which tho Concert 5 to be held la one of ifr* j largest, and best vontilaled in the dty—better f o y- j anch purposes lh Eomaoco of the Middle ipue Strickland, au thor of ** Ihe Queens of BogUmd." This 'to , great toot Mil hy agreat author It to for »to by Gnaenlmnej tCo Ea “’“ U,i »«««tay A Fianr took place yesterday afternoon be tween two Irishmen named Carnahan and n.r-.a.„ ea High street. During the light the latter struct tho former a aercreblow oyer tho hoad wlihapoker. Carnahan made information of the fact botore Alderman STMaatea, who fix rested «nd held the prosecutor to ban. Exotntsio* TjtAiir. —it will be seen by refer, enco to the adrerttoesnent ortho Ohio and IWrylrania Railroad, In order to accommodate all who wish to tato an excursion to iho country on tho fourth of July, that thay intend to put BO extra train on, and place the tore at a-ie price. .. Assadw. Ahi» Battket.—Edward Boylo made iaihrmaton, yesterday, before Aid. jrMaatmt acalost M’Ornndy. tor tho ebore OfTen^^S™*? laocd for hu arrest. Tap parties reside la the 7th Ward. Ctpiw COMPAQ Md®Mih r h BI l RaU A ? D EBn! SiU-ROM) Offiea tßn-E-CO - Caatle, Jane 21st, 1654. }J e 27 Pirns woisiia: wkis woukh'm— soo boxes Fire Crookeiß; ' ' - STO3 Homin Clbdloj, 12 ball, ; r,: ?• fe s ssr;. * “ regies, No°. 1; * d ° : .-?v . , do .' do 2; •- - «..«-J?.E oxa JafifesonCrickow: 000,000 Torpedoa; • • 40 gross Pin Wheels; JO »• louneoßockets; ••' 35 !? - do.. . do; .: ' ■ r • 4 do • do; • . 15,000 il rolling Cracker*: Second supply; just received B Dd for sale by 0. AbfBKUSON t c;i„ ; Ko. 0 Wood street. a u,b Cl«ki l^ qnrier,or Matal, Toan »”“' MaryCowdon 5? thll ">«‘or of The Wilmington’*, tc ■ so ri» »«M I*mllj Abroad: Charles toert Jut fiotSd hnmprona as Charles O’Malkj ;T6oenti * B “ tho “° 4 * *U» popular Haps and Mkhaps: bj Grace GreamroM* 11.25 : IdA and Eayloganf Mrs. Partington: *L2S All near Pack, as soon aa putjSkod tor aalaat low p rias Je23 w H. MINER* CO, ■ - ■ : ■■■.■.- KO.--82Bmithfloldstreet. i.fc^°'. i, ’,2? y p,3 ' c ! enti! > £,rB l»W> Jfanw Homo «n 4 w£u " y ‘? ra maiJ,-opposlt» 'WtenSi Si, - 6OT “ sl otilw Ho “«» »n 4 toto. «t-very £Jr f jSj- & ODrHßKttt 4 (jON, MO ThW Writ. (V «'» BOOKS! HJSW BOOKlil—Aiibrerr br the Atou, Time the Avenger,4c..“ , nltor S#w^“i l Blaekvoat'a lkagmjhe.; ■ . TiUl of Mate.Fv Ward; ..ficah supply,' •. • .•.••• ! landoa Lancet, for June. ' i Hunt** Merchant Magazine, Ibr Jane £: •' h • Yankee Ifi'Hoas,Tor Jill?, Pictorial Brother Jo a* than, for the 4th bf JnW ; ! Gieason’eJSotfirUl,endMl the iiieteraiitSJii hero been received for ihle week; at “ rM# P«»re, PACL WereiyDepQt, I Ylfthet- "PPomte th. Theatre. ' P.,1',.U UA-,UI-\UO—53 »uya found the largest and most comnlcto “* W. Iron* and American Wall P.pere wcacof ihiP,i rtm * nt ° r • via: VeWet, field, Satin,,Flowered, Comma,? tacn ? ot4,n '> Papers;-Bordora, Ylotb, DeooraUons, StatSar' Kuo C 5,, 8 * 1 ‘' teas, and Rmtla or Oak, Marble and aold^PartoS , ’i C ff' 1 andolHceedocOretedlnl&tcstParfcianatTlu. "P t, hßl l* a great variety always on hand. 1 ‘ Papcri: t Paper hung wilt judgment, taate and economv i Mi U’iois TU tfAnamna.* . *6O Horso Hakes, implored pattern : -•20 latent Grain Drills; 40 dozen Hay. Rakes; 20 do Hayforks; 0 do Gra n Cradles: •ao.- 4» EttthMaoASnslU': »'• 10 do Horn Mualra j&rat 47 Tlnh «tn»!, ly JUSE3 WABJBOP. TTARVEST IMPLEMENTS 100 dOrenHaj Rikuf^ 8 ’ tolr0T(!a pattern; 20 do •do Ports; • 0 do Hralo Crsaics; ■ ■■ 20 tin Scythe and Sncathi Nontx-rOrders forKetchum’s .» : celebrated New York Iteitpers fliletl ,l,, > ,nii iho «nl Hortiool torsi Store, 49 Fifth^ ji^^ a K h A^ AWM&.—A. A.MASON "a tx>. mb im. ■; Jj thdDIOOQ pieces fine lawns, Birof : wato£^2Ssg'f u, f - - neg rtjle, end will be offered at rcdaecd priS. * "“j™ I *' PJSI'SSwP'S - THOMAS WOODS, ; np»o kkujii mouses u.-j . ±^“-*SBK», — ■ ' KOThtwl ■*rtrt» j irTt.UUUT STEAK DBUIUSKS-A fnuh I --■ glvedMut ftt ulatot^^ A "**“ •“PflJ jo«t r» BAmsr 4 fiSKIUZAW* i>V-f - •.■•-..iivv. thn O-BeUly asaiSgsgs X Oftho ÜbltM State Of ImiSrX, L lt ¥' E ; &««W«>t make known that tiSbUi Ltawm'Sii 0 Adeciara and WISOQBBIK, at me North the lau line, a ndearfo/ ae faurth TO . n thw^flS»g; o r™ y rr' ca ’ tff “ ts '' dsht > «!■>«, «a J& l °#&£T e r ea ’ and WtZSXSE!* 1 ”* twenty-nine, and uSKSJaSSSS* 1 ’ twanty-nite, and datltofteoteif*,£££“£ commendingon Mon- A-brft n/ Ota &« e fmc, tht fourthprincipal me tv2rt?J 8 n l Sl n l T ' t T 0 ’ t */“ ,s ’'‘ llrel> ' twenty.tbnr; twbn- . - 1 :" w «n™tw! PS t * ent^ and twcnty.nlno.of ; Town«hip twcnty.nlne,.of TanßetthPcß.;." " 'Li® 3 ,*' P* twentytliree,’twcniy.four, twonty.flro, two'ntv. Oil. twonty-eeren, and twenty-olghVof tango (bur 17 « h iK twenty-one, twenty-two,twemy.threo,twentr. twmty - nre - ‘W !“‘y -tb tM and twonty-four, of range seven Aorta o/.fie toe (me, andrarfo/ lAc’/ourtA primipai %t?- Township tun^e'oaa,; ..•.>*;■■ • ActhoLanaoiHwattWlLTXJW HTVPR Monday, tho eloresth WifSepimb^rsSrt? 1 jg’!ftS! 0 poul of the publle lamls dtoatod wlfliia "Ui« frtUn»f 87 named townships, to wit* witmn iiw following -YorfAe/tAetoelme, «a fourth pnnipain*. Township thlrty-serad, of range si*. »“,*£? tbWy U “ rty6 ?™* “* of lhirty - fl "> tMr^lX > ■* thirty scrcn. of «reTof rango'n^o 1 ; »a thirty. Townships thirty four and thlrty-flye, of nihra tan Town* p thlrty.fiyo;efrangtf eIOTCh- ° ? ' Towosb p thtrly fl*Oi orrango twolroi f J a T S h ‘ Psthirty ’ ,hW » fl "* ***•*»», of ranee fiw“ hIPS twen ty.nlne,‘thirty, and thlrty-Bre, 0 f ran-e thirty-five, and forty*™, “"Otow. , &"X P . tw% D «r„ n ' . fori y, of range nineteen. 7 W t , thtrty-nlno, and fJSESssg AortA or tte toe hne, tmdtof 0/ a, /enriAymneyxd me. JS^SS^S^S^^SSSS^ Monday, the twenty-flret day of Anenst °° ral or the foilowlnw Islands, to wit- “ t > or ,b 0 <»*?<>• AortAe/ tie tor Arte, ra*rioner 0/ fAe Central Zand ogee. XOTICETO PREEMPTION-CLJimASTa. OMh»'7.EhS,H"n td * t 0 "f Brannon to any ‘‘ olSj wl . th , in , tie t»WEsWpa and parta 6( tontUa SiTf >° trtawfeh tbs lemlto iie Kitlf faction of the Register nod ItecclTr-r of the proper Lind OffiM, md mako pajmeot therefor os stun icrKwUxnchK'Mi bof,r» the davappointed foTthe t!’?S,“ t e 2 B , c,,t ? f *?•*»*>«« «>«* tf the ESda mbSrtai tit tract elaimea; o k bcnri-a cucb claim b* fcrrMtwJ. j»3-la*fl3*r Ommimtier af th e TgA^d^yßer I **r *•»« or tiie uuiuT!Sii.. TA pnniuanee of lav, I, FJtAhKLIJtf PIKKt'F oiiSJ’ . 1 1 orthe United EuCof AoerteMto d’JK.'.i muho known that public tales will be hold It tl,. n„5 . mentioned Lend Oman, in the State of Mirnrr a v “S'* P -riod> hereinafter *l. 1 auc “ lG A ‘\«>e At the Land OQIao of SAULT STB MATttP «««. t •TO ifcmiterabo fourth d« ctsSlahJ nmrSrt s pc«ai of the pntllo iandi sitcStePiTfhPn %„ fc /t. h 9 ?, tinned township., to ' itbUl **» allowing ■ zs&zsx&sgszz tW™™^ 5f " ly ' :,r0 ’ fortJr * OJ ‘> “ 4 *»*«»«. Of «D£. u ftrij.fcnr, «a fortj-flr,, of SSSKSfSiys £;;lb~ -««.■ «Ea::S!S;slSsf'"'“ rortj. ul^nSi/tW^hS? 1 -*""' »*5 forty. ar “*>«" Towuphlpg thirty Ere. ToM.ftS? f£?.fc"’ ind ftS'S** °I TaO K" f"rty.W • AUlle tancf Of&i ot l^-CAV'T* 8 fiJr . l, - |ip «- IJ'fJleMecDth dsy of Sepumbet mS?fof lO W 4 forty-one, of reuse twvntKonr thir ‘J-»>«. forty, fhl rt y nlne> M 1 nl » p uj I f«^^ t rs ,ih! * tWrt '- toi tbfty, - Township lilrty-sli.of raoja tm nty-tteht. •cable the Elite of Art an t*« n )<* IS eß Sft® Ao eel to ft^SSSSSSSSSSS^CS' snsSS?ISSaF«"“"A -■Will borndmiltied ontu after tbeeieimine Ztn., b ® l * ni * Given under Brr“ henil e t tf,e t,rt> »«*». eJb'htemth o?Mtr^AbnnlSjffllS| O L^! bi “ ,t,<>n ’ 0,15 hundred and fifty fjur. on, UotUMd eight By tta>PW«l.Jent! " ■•*•,««, 'BAHKIIS PIERCE. JMCMWf, axmnlatonwnf OQm ' Vr" OHOS-TO TAE EtIPHON Cl/iTiUKTa or feESS3SS“SSSSS® tSiSS? IO -* afcora enumerated, la repaired to «ISmF. kVt, 0^ ..llp&cUon ofth. of 'H tbo commencement of .the pubUstti# of t^{2Sfi nlc< l ,br gi&V trict J«)annfl3»r Gmmi'irn'r'f'lfgS*™*^ VE^«SE=^ 32 - ESF -g~_ r 4 Me. n. E. Snta IM7. out hadUllonjJ » ■'At Bo o< l mbrool1 »> plaldana striped Cotton Goods; for WrfonXi." 0 ? TwcE d». fust reed red, and for gale at low priors, at * Cl °tMng, -2=2^®2«SMmKg^ FOB ttAWS—A WISAX tiJJALL hi* t: —— ACBKS, nine fflllt* below the clt? in n £“' A ’*nvjß ‘hip, on the Ohla river. It is a jSS«*° n town proved Land, anti in offered low. - Jnaairn of in*, jrtUm THOHAS WOODS, 76 Fourth Btreet . P“nd ' U jLC. AKPERSQN- & CO, 6 Wood al^., JeU . J. O. ANDP 1 - jOW & CO., 0 Wood street. r ABB AND LAUD (JIL— U 35 tega No. 1 Imj. oholfbbU (Jo* Received andfox sale by • ■■■■■ -!-■ & IItCKETSON H""-* ttcrcea prims jeJ7- -SULLER 4 BICKETaON, iiii- ■ igt»naB23Ub B rtvrf. r. ARP OIL—IO bbla No. 1 Lard Oil • i 10 bf do do; rorsaloby ... ... ■ I - - MHit.BR A nrngiwoA V . A LLBPIUE AKy PEPmu xjL 10 tags Peppdr; 6 * wfe forwl *^ •MILLER A-BICKETgfIV. f^HAMPAUNE—4Q basfceta- “lfi landing and for Bale by - ! - iSL- MILLER t RICKETanv (' ««« OJlteOtt, for Bala by- - . MHJ.EB * BlOKKronv jjUS H _Bs bbli M«lnm N 0.3 Ma-JfeiT; . ■ - W I jelJ? -1 B tmri ukiar MILT.Vr 4 EIOKETBON. J °° W fjtnf ’’ Sse “ v'frHrV” I '^wfi, VSI |j,w| MUaER t mngmyniiT 11 ’ o, inrtB ßl> °“^' SS OWltaSS.»n4tor lataTy ' Fleming bbos. , %i . ■1 The legular passenger packet for St. Louis today U tho -™ steamer Tienna, Capt. a Hay. Bho will leave this af ternoon ats o'clock.’ '_Cbpt. Rodgers was notable to leavo with his new boat 2>&3att yesterday, but he will positively start this morning. , . .jPftc JZttir at Louisville,on tho 24th, was stationary, with 4 feet 9 incheß in'the canal, ond on tho ban down to Cairo 5 to 0 feet water. ■ ChdiKn^Kw 11 ™ ni If ? ar . B “•dWn™ nhd Medicine il~T?>^i 1 ?Mf 0 , t '‘ ,!I >‘.6upplied at lower prices than they «n bo had any where In the city, by calling at • ■ w „ ... DR. KETSHK’S J)?og Store, ~n.» corner Wood at and Virgin allay, rr.:.- . . . sign of the Golden Motor. “1854.” PITTB3TOGH, CIHCIHHATI, MUISVIUiE. «n> __ v , BAIST LODIB. Pittsburgh and Cincinnati Steam Packet lino, _ . roa ini COSTBYABCi or FASBESGGBS AND FREIGHT EeTWIBf PITISBUBGH, CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE. AnA Saint LotJii I (13? b.„ Tm ? Ijsl 18 composed of seren bggßttsfflnrt cljsj powerful Steamers, one- {jjEg&Llh osmSiHfiamilguaUal fop apood, splendor, »«c- Wt®SEa»4T, ud "•***wiflirHlßAYi st 9 Ddoik. A< U>> nfiUKtloi? «u>. tbc 0. ud r. Rallrofti at WetlwlMa. Foi tt*Uht apply to _££? J. P COLLING WOOD. A J.nt. Regular Wheeling Pacbeb I JESi.*„ TUE , ~t ' !HO ' r Captain Oconnt D lraera eierj TUESDAY, TUUUSDAY, SATURDAY, at !> o'clock, A. M, aoi con' nectlng with t «C.nndl? Railroad at Wellitllle For freight ffpij to Kof lsl* Loolt**utrcci« I f£S> *>, YIBNJfA, Oii>L C. XI&r» will for tb* ahoru and intoTtoftiiaie pcrU oo SUfcSiiS^tilCßSWY.atliln^etap.lil. F&r freight and apply ca t«ard ( ot to JOUN FL4vK< Arcnt. For St. lioaliT ~* *“ Efic ’»«» rt«o»f DELEGATE,CfIptoio SJHsttsrT. Potkm, Will loam for tb® abora and |&tr*> awwhiTmrtltU f«;ts on THUIiSDAY, fi&sh in*t, it 10 A M. for freight «nJ p«irag» «pp!jr on boori. or. to J B - 3 ___ JOHK FLACK. A«nt ■For Cincinnati. " 1 > XnEitc»mcrASU;ulCbt*,CjpLaßATcnuci, (I> * * boTl > ul inurm attain port* IUUKSDAV.ffIth 30 A. M. * .'H® * aa !»****• *P;>ly on hoard. or to - >-3 J- I>. OOUANtIWOOP, Agrat. For LoalirTiie. r '“ “ 1 «»■ rrordlrr OAK fxpit. Mniitisi*. will lean on c«,ai.nivrt, JHIIUJIoDA3Set., at 306’cJcck, A a C'r ttso aton and lotnrmoiiate fori,- ’ ' ’ er **-* J ; B. a**du ForC I ncinnaU* ““ H*s> »* J* 4 *®* 1, MASSMj, Capt Dura, w;U SSothSK!?«^l*H*-*s oTB,io ‘* IntnnoetflaU porta cm Sfrth injii-, at lo o’clock, JL 3L far fttjgbtnml ptagagA apply op boar*. j P 2§ PorClnclnatW ' .fgSl t.^. Tai -.f l . Mmrf . 'yiinrotw, cnpt Ttrowu vUXSSP °° TUtmS&AT, S9th but, at 10 A, M. For end puxago «ppl/ cm board, or to '-** JPtLV rtACK. Agent, „ 18d4.” CANADA WEST. Lr®»hA CleTe i a £ t, ' Por * Stanley, fw> afSfefcawC .. Port Harwell, * W"" I |W' TEWontptr. capuin Silrt W r-r » ' rMk !»«•«» CletaUnj; Port Startler, and l>ort Barwtll, us follow! ; TU^TDAVEVE^/^fntlf^’K"' 7 WXB " ?»* J*»TCS Port EarweU li ir Port Htanl.rnt 1 o'clock «V B *lrVMl!lfv?N f So?it’S;7 WEDSBDAY th .“ Toiod.l,Norwalk and CUrnland Stoi^ii'4J?sS3? e, ‘ Po . rt Bi f° , 7 " llh *• I'Ootlon uwMJ™t*soiy *Mah cooneeta with Om Gnat Western r AnnepfiaVa?& on board, or to ECOVIIX t aoM<)so ' “ o t/> ONE BVEn>BED I «SS'mSfl£D l 'oa Ibo Central RiiJ. r.'?^Yj 'kl^borB anu Button. The *“■" Bl,,!0; En ' nl " JAMES FENLOX. T AND WAIUUNTij WANTKO-317K 00—I wish Xj chase Und Wtrranta to the amount of Pita Thousand Acre*, Jn ICO, 80 or 40 acra Warrant*; for which will \» tertl ' ant * ** proportion tor 80 and 40 acre®. Apply to JAMES iiLAKELY. Rea! Estate anil European' Agent, corner of Seventh and Sm!thfl«! With ®“ K E, BIIAKKLAND, 120 Wood r treat. A ft*" 111 * <*°-'&'xhlraatr^FUK n ’PiS 00 ' 1 “ n « end finished title. tJOI3J B. OUTHBEBT & BOS, 14a Third street. Champagne FOE BiIB-81ity amt of lend, on the new Plank Hoed front Allegheny to Now Brighton, 3 miles below ™? h T? T -n! 3r »i n 'M 1 ,nll “. inm '*'»«»• ran, by the ow . rowlt It will pa fold very low, and divided in Inti iwm k to 16 acres. Those wish!* to nlh«Xm?«u “.■Rjwef THOMAS WOODS, 75 Fourth street. A u*W bdiumiw lots fob SALE^SSt «hoi» BulUlng Ute, BltMts on Ohio lane. each* 24 feet frontby IBQ deep to a 24 feet alley,, and dlroctly enro dfeJllWdeyjrtteet, which It no* paewi andlniood ordST ThftfjsLote are offered fer eelo at low prleoe, and on eaar fenM. 8. CCTUBGRT * 8011, ’ 140 Third etr^t- ■jiTOWifiOJia—Wamaieti jo cut Ircm 101015 fe^wiraar 7*® stage of water laet evening at dusk was mar feet four inches by the pier mask, and tailing ■jL'SjftWJl'K >wt dranght steamer IMHMm'leaTesdbr Cloelnjiatl.this morning, at IQ o’clock. •- .d'ie regular; tonisrille packet leasing this morning Is . the steam propeller Oakland. , Tht fine steamer -.tdmcrfcur, Oapt. 0. Batchelor, Intends ‘easing a secant .space' at the wharf this morning, to visit the .Queen City. , The .regular. Wheeling packet for tojlay fa the steamer ■ieiipts, leasing at 9 o’clock, posltisoly. . T H Btesmor Mmm* left yesterday tor Cincinnati with a line freight, and a line trip of passengers. Tho Prairit City had a lino load, and quite a respectable number of passer, gets for Bt. Louis. , Ththuß of Capt.. Brown's now three decker, arrived from Walker's shipyard, Elisabethtown, yesterday morning, to wceivo her cabin, Sho is on deck 2SO foot; breadth Of l»am 40 feet; with 8% ftet of depth of hold. gQBT OF fITISBPBQB. * mtl »“°i m int onamrei, nm me.: ■..■ . _ . . ARRIVED. ' : Steamer Jefferson, Parkinson, Brownsville. . Jaaerne, Bennett]Brownsville. • *Thomas Shriver, Hendrickson, West Newton, • ••“ . .flen-Boyard,Veeblea t Kli2Abetk » Cenvoy, Wolf, Wellsvillo. Vienna, Hays, St Louis. V , . New York, Gilmore, St. Louis. .1 -V . Arctic, Bovinney, St. Louis. Exchange,Bl’Callum, Wheeling. u Veaturo, Gordon, Beaver. PBPABIED. **. Jefferson, Parkinson, Brownsville, . fV . , Luzerne; uenaetl, Brownsvillo. ■ . TbomasShriver, Hendrickson, West Newton. ** Gen. Bayard, Peebles, Elisabeth. “ Convoy, Wolf Wellsvllle. “ Prairia City, Robinson, 8k Louis. “ Eorccter, Rced,Bt Loais. ** Advance, Ncaro, Cincinnati. “ Exchange, M’Callam, Wheeling. ” Venture, Gordon, Bearer. STEAMBOATS. j. n fnujvivrnnp. *«.« n i Wants; B. CPTHBERT * SON ■» -1' • ' PITTSBURGH BOARD OP TRADE! ANDt ' MEaEfIABTS' EXCHANGE, i „ . Officers. •JratfOTWOHN shipton. . i** 1 frauicrit—Wx. 1L bars. &amd T ‘ « Wk. R. Bttovw. Secretary— War.B. IIAVSJf.. .: v ■ Treasurer—Sola D. Bouixt. - ; . Superintendent—&, T- NOKtaAW, Je. ••'?' ‘ 071 far Wjb.B. Bao ws v P jssfisssz 3aa3 *- TAMro ' DAILY REVIEW OF PIITSBUBGH MABKET. Orrio* or to* duly MosSino Post, i Thursday, June 29, 1864. • J Tho heat was again intense yoitcrday. Buslnoas Wasdoll Inconsequence: • n.Ff®? ll-75 **!■ eatra from store at *8.40: EOdndn ta 37 Mi&**«• Wi.2od° s.CteS ?vrAlu : v 0a ??T?? 5 ,0? ft(! Shoulder?, Sides, and Hams 614, 014 Um. mi <£h. 14 408 Bag " 00804 ■ WTiog hbls No. 1,75,4-months. PBICEB OF STOCKS. COEBIOTEODAUTFORTHKHOHNinO Patricks 6 Frl«nV ‘90,00- Pittsburgh city 05...........08,00' Pittsburgh city coupons, payable *- : T,. t Now Y0rk........... 102,00 Allegheny City 05.;..... 88,00 Allegheny City coupons, payable • • in Philadelphia.... 02.00 BANK STOCKB. . > • BankofPittßburgh-..; ■ BG^O i Merchants aHanafoctUTers’B&nk '57,00 Kichangeßantu.. 5505 Fannere’DeposUßank., : Allegheny Savings 8ank............. . 0040 • ■ BRIDGE STOCKS. 1 Monongahola Bridge. 03,7 s ( St. Clair street —- - [ > Hand street Bridge*... , 00,00 1 Northern Liberties 8ridge........... 30.00? I » INSURANCE STOCKS ' ' 1 : 1 Western Insurance Company.,ls.so! I Company...,- 15,00 1 Associated Firemen's Company.— - 6.00 [ TELEGRAPH STOCKS. * | Atlantic end 0hi0... 4240 I Pittsburgh,CtaclxmatiaLouisvlUa- 4L75! ILakeErl*-,,, - I I Pittsburgh Gas Works 68401 i UoaongabciaSlnekweter...... - 1 I RAILROAD 8TOOK; i Pennsylvania . 49,00 1 Ohioand : 48,76 [ Cleveland * Pittsburgh Railroad... . 60.00 1 Harlm Railway and Dry Dock-... 102,60 ; Turtle Creek Plant R0ad............ jo.QO? ! PerryevlllePlank R0ad—......2000? 1 fiW r GhartiorsCoal Company...,.- * ■ COPPERSTOCKS. Pittsburgh andßcston—..- —. ■ North ■ ■ North West. North Western.- . - Adventure...; --.....A;...-.,.-. - flJSfi Ohio Trap Rock.., , Minne50t5u...v..;.;...,„,...-- i „-.,.,' Pittsburgh and Isle R0ya1™,..., 8.00? Douglas Houghton..,4Vo* Gntouocan..— 1 Ridge.,.... Pirn Steel 110 %%7zz—z=z H 81uff.,.. . . 2® Peninndnr * j &7zzzz::zzz. J fgg: Iron City NEW BOOKS, MUSIC, &c Oummlotr*’ LceUini* oo tho PuTablei Warroon Palmojiniy Ooatuinptlon. The Turkish Empire; Ite - historical Ktaiiifi -*! tonilJtlon, muraen nod ctutom*,*tc: by Alf«l & member Df EmWy .t Con»Umtloj>b. and enlarrwj, from the fourth German edition: with at*. moire of the ndgnlnz Sultan,. (Otorr Pecha.l the Tnri-tiK faHnet, etc ,10. by EdwrSjd'oy u Y<^ d rt&4.rc3at hapten. jToreaioby B.T.C-MORGav * -£ 1" 104 Wood «■«&■■-' IV BOOKS, AT HUtJSBhLfe-.-Siira I ill tacea lnan Brcntful Ufo: by Mra. ’ by -'"’ * BOTO ‘ tOT Til af^SfSSi* mutl to 01030 Dotil *>* a«jn«b, « (rvm UrnSrl^t toih.pßstetaa,.: 4.C11t08, I E4 roTtm ' nt > nl> i , a “' ,r< ' J «>pt« of Sb« »(£*« blshlr intnrcjf 2i0»1C.. Tim Flirt lfaltj, bj w. Vo tliun: tlriwrliitm tValu. br D’AJbrrr | 8«iw« tv.iu, b< Il'AUxrt; W U.TrS?n‘: *» “• ' InrHailun Pcllt*, by tVallaro- ■■ Wini SUionrka, bj »octe; n*l» PolH«, bj ScfcS ib; b - T ««*<»*; « Pclbi, by Ptr«>;oitb ; Eilifj I'oli*, by Jorbo: Rrat r,br» Stboiatrli, by WalljM • : 101 Third «r*it,»>jnnfUi» Golden n»n> FUOMSIIfcJ) »y| fjf tat* *•. /uWiSW®" S-ara Hist, »n4TrUI of AmbOny Barm. ° f *° ***•*-<• Wo IkSLd SUa asS U» W. Unnt, by Chart* d. : J^^* I *?* **s L A rSrroS^ mSr * T UA>v, ®»s7orMiSs«; The Uft of Dr. Alci*nte: by bit m, j. tr. Alexander 50 «"■<*P»cumber,! our prwmt ini *>•■*»* WX.. to eownd writs. or SbJ;Hd, Kl4f; * b " t " *«*',«« «M>« Sunny Eld* Carter* N*» Dock* for Ynu'.h.rlt- Mabel Or»*t « f* W °l? »nd Billet of if J lb^ n *’ or Sketches of Fotion Mlnloni of Africa oml tba American Flag. -M- - 85Martei tfreou notTiw.'i' j NEW MUSIC.—Muito, B . CHARWITTB BtdWE'S • Old E»UblMltd PI«BQ Duptit, 118 Wood «t. tiiiw uuoitan— aod.j'B udW'iioik, Peterson's Eady'a National Magaalne, for July, Flora Wndray,or Paeengea In auEteutftil Life: br Mnt Woodlo, author of Mark Hurdleatono, *e. MFol for .Americana to read: ■JJ* «to Marriage: by T. 8. Arlhnr. The Henegado Qtpsey, or the Betrayal of Claude Dural oThoDufortunate Slald.orthe Mleer’a Fate, a domeatio Thi loCultlriitoiyfbi'Joan. Becelredindfbrenlopt PAUL KLEINER'S Literary Depot. ™ Pifth etrcot, opposito tho Ticatre. JTAB CANDLKS—SO boxes Cincinnati, o&ortod sizes/* t } manufactureraprices. . - myft _ - . PBEST.IN * iIEKKILL’S KitracU o( Unnoli, iimj Bose, >unllla, Peach, Almond, Jemalca Ginger. and Nntmoge; for enlo by fJe2o] w. A. M'OtBB& FANNV'T-JillN'S NJ-HV BOOK.—torn heaew, Imm ny'flPorUbllo; second eerleSj with original (Wort hy Fred. M. Coffin. Juet received by 8 MM B n » • rUE QUIET UKAKI— Jost publiAbmt complete, from Blackwood’s Maculae,price 25cents* ibrpola bv jel3 H. MINKU & C 0„ 32 Smlthfltid str&L .KOWN AND WUiTK PbAlB ■OlftOUAMfri.AuuZrt ► moot of tbo abo?© Goods Joat received at - ' „ A McTiaiTE'3, 'W corner of Grant and Firth tUrretr. GOUKVa AHD PETKrtBWTS MAGAZINES, fbTjTnT hare boon received by RUSSELL & Blto i e2 ° Fifth gtr»ot,|ncar Market: Fifth Ward Property far sale at a Goon T„ _ Bargain. u HBEB VALUABLE 13 KICK HOUSES AND LoTBl ” vr * I '? ch “ i i " aoDr y~‘p- „ HBSItT HOLMES. IBVEB AND AUUJ3 MJXTUKK—Una of Uio Wt rations bow la ose;-a largo supply roeeircd by ■ JOS. FLEMING.. . IWfiltAi, WAlEK&—Congress, BedTbrd, ans"*BiMa Uck, received direct from the aprinS? by '™ B 1 JOB. gLEMUftK do, of sin. itetta' «aete«Sd fjoinTjMilrf^n 1 ? *• * . • -f v .-Tv-v'ii .t.smr-j.- ■ • (f ; >■ ■» 4 h • A .“4“'M BOOKS, OmOK «M 0 ovSS’JSS' C < T on /? IDAY “OILING, 30th in»L, ?"* Sfi°fH. at e „?® c 0 of the lato Alderman A. Q Rein! ? TOo l’ TS." be ‘ ol,OO ■ ■ P. M. Apctfoneer. 3,00 - HALb OK SUPKltlOit WJNJ£h"anii i uJTTTmr 0,00 Af^ OBA SKQAItB, Ac.—On SATUUDaV MOBNING 7 » Ifl^SSSalSl ■as ks ElSgS3»SwlT£ •*.» ■— Si s@ 33,00 -00,00 -igl- - P.M PATO.Auetl.meer. , 00,001: 2,14 AIHIjRBDAYRVMKQ,“A l o^afBD™c L ck'^S U 24,00 i 26,00. oTJOhftGrre^^^^^ s si s ®MOj, 60,00 all timea. calrab^o an£ easy access at 103,00 100,00 fjgjL P- M. DA Via. AoetlmnS. 10,00! ,M J“ra^Ai;CTßNlNQni 9 Jh^r^e t^ofock y et C |, ) ’.^ n = i SaSSSrSISS fnS,^r h - rald ““ ,n •««- «2E3w£SE3£ J&24 . ■ •■"■ - ' ' '< POST :*»I ge B^oberg) rUUuvrc . i$ 120,00; $lO -101,00 • 10 ■ f • fi t OO 7,00 1.78 8,28! 2,001 2,60 gfpspssf} as ■■■■— f-.Cil JOS. FLEMING, jLj-STiiACT LOU >VOOU-40W It,, in stonTSid fur ale by " ■■•■',■ FLEMING HBOS, X Boesrasor to S. Eidd A Oa, . No. On Wood street ’yjOKWJIA TC£wuS-iJ6 <)m In more null f u T»irt.> - _ Fleming bugs. ft. km m,,., lo etm , M ror M1 ~ - FLEMING BBOS. white, to ttKTt MjffoTSlTb, ~—• ... rtEUiso r.RO« ra “ OBl > In store and lor -=-= -2 _ _ -mMJMQ'BBOC — —— 110 Wafer and ICO From sfc. Exatien: * raciTAßßgo^, lWVftterstrwt, jobs n. meuoii, .■ • 81 VToort street 4 ■sichakdsq.v, 7 IWWttsr aid 150 Front ft. S'jts -I '' fcu »‘^iumo» f h3^K««Ssrajlis?b y I.NOI.ISU * JUCtUKDSOJj/ W WBU—GO Ibis tajpscUx), tzrtala byv ”~±s *»fiuBH 4 BICIMfiBSON. TyTAarWiEWOObbl, So. 3, tor teUo'fcj- _ESUUSU iMCTTATUSOJ.’. M?"" 10 Pftoe Peum Sot nie (T? BKOMStt 4 IIICHAKDSnV R iTT?* 0ti * rTCa r rtm< Wo, - ■- UNOLiaU iWCIIATtKiOV. sac it for *aJe by —- J —— ffiSSBY H»_COLt.TVa I) a jllO* la ' iUCS ~ 2S tnj P'tof, for ra t,l,y henry R.cnr.T,iM« 1 ) U t bus rcrgileby —' * nimr n collins Off* 1 ® «»«». P rio. w. g.u?>u^Tsra^- UR.vny *i. colltns. iiJi'L IIKNUT n.cm.nvs ] l Rtg» Kir «J» Dj -L -— : HENRY n. COLLINS. >COau,AN3> AIOLABSE3 * 60hJjii»K. o.Bagar; • JJkJk «**?. Moiassw; - *!*•*> ■“* d ° »•.«» MoIMBWj foccilabT a H-CLUHKAN. nEftm& * ™ . MOI.PRKAN. agßlmv 4 CO. “m iw ““ fh!,hDCT °"*>° ™bl» ntir iMtomuj Herring; .. — . MUki i BBtflimr HEWUSU’tf It*AJUI* A Tula h»s h*m*T~r — ”, 000 ©f ihß most desirable opdeltw i» ♦K^ 9^T eca * found W* to™%™*SS3gZBZBS£j?« '*—- —* ■'• - Uhorty sireeL S’SsliSsllgsl^psS nM | »t th. OH Cloth J“5 LJ - J J- ■* H. PHILLIPS. 700 «a ftr ml, u.a» W.rttoom* Ko.imfe Xf cry * & H. : PBTT.r.Tng %Sfi*" «>»»»»ber hM No. : —— ?-J* H. PIULLIP3. I 'ieU ßUbb ” pot ‘ No. 110 Market st vm£ tor 6 “ 1Sllt 0)0 *~— —— —:—- J * n Pinr.T.Tpg F. 9KI.LEH3 4 CO. "AITHIM—iH) flosen India Rubi*.** wm—'T VV fret In length, for nl'e. whoI«j»i« 1 10 7 116 Market Rtreet. [jeU) j*'* "jf s£}!},, *‘ a K °- SUMMER CHAVATd.—We aro , new styles of lawn and GIngScXJISF “ VS,"* of inminor wear Also, eomo Terr J *1“ for and fanoy Silk Cravats and nos."™ aod fashionable plain A A - mason a co. 25 Fifth street. H. T. C. MOIWAN, 104 Wood ftwot. i‘ap«Bjo'e l,^?7ed, I fc7^ le E ty WPly ? f «}T«m WALIEB P. MARSHAM,, 85 Wood etrcut;’ i.SiNK PfIPKK iMranifan _i 0 enamolled finish, mum(ictorlidS S f r i ti< ’ p!nla “d heavyUuekgooas;sold trholM^Md°~>J!! Un Ai' rl * 1 “ <1 * nd Wareroonu, No. 110 Market street™ 4 reSJI at 016 011010(11 •taple to Itaettretl For uteb'y * yEtcm: b )urakm and H Attwai’s aauAZUii!, for June, for «uTEV 104 Wood street T^SF • a ™'™^*SSESSS* • - JOS: Fl.ttMrcq *■ Schlcto feirappsfKdttarf >as Veuve AromaUa ——:— JOS. FtEMIKB. F a jyg* »Wet orsoiiß Oalftklnj, SoJawX“SS l o ¥P'“ l| J Calf .which I Trill ?Mctt^ioSirt^l ri 2 41l ’ K " l“enilly,”. wpZfcwy lowest auhprioo. a. mi£. :-..;V .•Vi- Bglltfcfolfl ' A T the &^^ o £n:j > £“y Sale*. - * -A. FifthstreatisatlOo'clock a -X m* Wood sod of Sewonabls; SteDle aid pSSv geneTal assortment and BhoSSSfiMSK£f 7 QDOd «.Clothinff, Boots _ AT 2 O’CLOCK, P. M., Instruments, M , s£aa^^K^^ i aaa fl {j^ r F* M. DATIB, Auctioneer* gas 88&,8SW5."ggITS -Merch»nls Ejtcbango, Fourth etrwt, will bo sold : I. 10 shares Exchange Bank Stock j I , ~'J 0 , OUouni Ponca. RallrocilEtoek: p^ffiK.SragSSK,*" 4 ' of 51000 Jc29 !’• »l. DATIS, Auctioneer.' §ttfias«BList»?essspA ■ ■ _ P. M. DAVLi, Auctioneer. TP. SI, HATI3. Auctioneer. STAND, lately oc- Surgh and 'Lh? 1 ? 1 on 4114 Htta as.*® asffiffiUpia sas twenty rooms, togotSerwith containing some Ilaso Uoofie; out-biilldinga, tlu»a «»2i »SSSS. St * 11^’. Qlr " ChartlCT«Tn,t. BUMS. S»"=fi£SaS»i^« D.BMISO BROS. i IJy -l PLEMIKO BROS. AUJ—‘Ji biils tUad; 40 hf bbte Sbid! latlnn ind for rata by K.VGUan * BICHARrimv J - * n. pmtiHPH. JOHN. HAST. Jr. ■lO tlung 8.0. Beet • ft BBU.KRSA 00 * \ .r , i’C* »-• ' n.t... ■■ : ? f~f p"> 9 | jEsa kss&j I affl'ctwlfflUi a Rupture of the Bowels, who pay uttlo I attention to the disease until the Bowels 1 tg* yy.wgome firnoguUied, when, lu oil proto. ! i* t Q Pay be too latg. How Impnrfnrjfr ' ute oMh^ow^r^f 8 "» r ° ra * Rn^ « Blfl Wholesale D ?J“ TmB * -d V frsteaU9y , and Wood street ttuOtog portion of the Bowels. Dr ii * »tal*th»pn». lechnf the drug etore ranted to giro satlsfoetioo. • He als6 Hm I : Trusses that yon can namp n-nA *J 6 fy Tarlotycf. means of every one In nert of eveiy kind of Supporlcrt, BJyßra*, 7 ga.Eltulic StccMnyi, fcr enlarged velna, mechanical appliances urea in tho cureof disease ‘ * X would respretfally Invite the attention of tie 'public to un excellent Truss for Children, which invariably eflteto cures In a very-short lime. ■• * ,so kM P on hand, and for sale, dlsreeajsort: entcf ShonMor Erow. of the most taproTod kind, ttol We keen worn „ ilh ro mnci Mt]s(ilcUoa “J pcraouay bolhlnandontof thA dty^' pa. KBTSER’a DRUG STOKE AND TRUSS DEPOT jeUd&w • TB& new Mayen palladium Proat Wort of Rook Rbse—A rate ttß title of “Bock Ro M ,»'mado from . pleura! nome, u havlmr a great run lathis vicinity for Its e tou« properties. The ory of “quacky.so truly. applirable io leastone half of,he medicines of the day, eannotlojirtfr thiE/Xk »<”*> fcr « made it. in th-o citytUßoyeral eases, to tho relief, and core or sufferers tTfaen other remedies have failed—and what la quite re-’ merfcable, some of our, beat’ physicians do not hesitate to ; yery fatorahly oMhe compound. ' The certliiciitee of' cutoe are not fabrications, hnt from highly respeetablener. mqit. of whom are know to us. .The akaafkehi. .to.•nf.aeagontleMauwho wbuld hot ?»<>“■'*>« Uepubm, 11n«, 7 Westfall, ondor*. tb. Aio y„, its p»deDect,outMl7e B>.on 8 > .on pulmonary and'aorofnloos'cent- Um Jwt componnd for colds and Srntof" 4 * ,? OBock has long Icon knownas* “ ’•irtues.andlta preparaUon is 'sopor " aiII “ 7 “* #h4 ~*“> I TO. b'to certify that the no«» JmT dne published in our paper in connection with oneftomto toMtoofto 0 * only unsolicited, hot won wrlltonty the Editor of his own jndgmontand observation. . : • I OSBORS 4 Ba£t)WlN ».,,srs,rs:,s£sts„- taownaethe “Rock Rose,” woe . Ysduatai* testoS “ 4 furthermore, the article was written f “ ’ to promise of payment, or tokhqwjedp of toma^ '; . BABOQCif 4 WILDUAif ■ ‘•BOROEBti". .' • J - , MYERS’ EXTRACT OP ROCK ROBE. .lari^yyrhlchm> other medicine can boastol Xbop3. Rock-Rose, ia used and recommended by'manT PMtfSif ° Ur C °?i r f- J- g- ThomjSm. of vjf* 0 ? the attention of renior physicians. 'He ttportbt&i jemerkable ease o i .White Swelling of tL-ff' WAin Eebmaky, 1844. The lad. was seven year- old. imd for three yean, to bone was and outwards.; There was a large opening on to .^lredingmithe,bone, into which I-oonld thrift my an. gr. I eonnted three ulcers, a. had boon under Svito of E l ,cn hlm «P- 1 ordered a decoction entoS fr~'“ D ! Bbt <""»'* ceased, I then fP T i ° fßock «™ times a day. xbirty-mne days niter, he was entirely well. . °3- Sign or the Ooiden Mortar/ JAMES 0. JUCHEY. • --fcctgraHmnfrf] »«*»«*>« P„ion. r s i„- mfnta W>T sob3tri fcr haring made arrangf ' iCT !;_f ,s>pleljl * Tbam fcr a regular’ S 3y of “'irgemriDS COD LIVER OIL, put up mpiot ? o- H. KBtSER, 2fo. 140, mylfcda. iSg lO ' SISI OF GEHtTINE PATEHT HEDICIHFB * • CarnUaa tire Balsam: ... UalrJDjt: : ~ y. •■ •• * Expectorant; y Sanative PiUa; ; • M Hair Tonic; of Wild Cherry; . Bijant’a Bolmoaaty BaUam: Hooaacil’j German Enters; * ■ •■ . Holland . do Hostetler's Stomach do McrdiisM‘citrine Catholtea: : Storms’Scotch Cough Candy; - • vijSCfc# .. ■ da* • ■ Horn’s do; - Done’s. - ■ do: Osgood’s India Cholsgogoo; £?f*\*l ayi BPnB&Z Cordials • Mer’eGnmAmbielJreps; ' ““rtson’a Hair Dye; • Phalon , a . . do_ : Batcfaelort . . do' v . J : Kidder's Indelliblt Ink:- r - Paywm’s do do* ; ; . Arnhold’a do? Jr. Curds’ Hygeana; Lyons' Eath&iron; Darid'a Lilly White; Eadn’a d 0; Tobias* Liniment* . Hunt’* do; - ; Farrcl’n Arabian. do* Gardner’s do* Earrrrs Indian do* Outer’s Spanish Mixture: ' ’-V' il.rce’aPUe lotion* .... 'Meen ffun; Scarpa’s Aeoustlo Gil; Merchant's Gargling (Ml*: ' M^S!?^?“! w *6o.’»Co4Ureton: -■*- McAllister a Ointment: gngs’ltch do: • Ferrd’s ■ do; ■ Onty’* do: Trash's Magnetio ointment ’ Judkin’a.- do; —■-•• •*. • Panaeca; . HoockV do;! fi argent’s Infivnt Panacea; Daris- Pain Biller; Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral; ,SS«£§Sg» ■ ~* lmnd« , uS ~6bn ‘ ,eilaT^™‘; BawararillftWood : ' Even'* jj* .. SSKa^SS^**™*. Townsend’s lleaith S *°S Jew David’a Plasterer tfo; ' Skoemaker’a do; ' Dr. Newman's do* Radwav»aßeaiiyßelief; . Morris*.Remedy; ■ - Prof. Wobd’sHalrltestomtire' • ..Emereon’e. . ' do; • 1 : i* • Bull's Sarsaparilla; Townsend'a do: Sand’s . do; Wife' &XS?* Sarsaparilla; “ " • Brown Windsor Lndlnn’s Spedflc; ’ Sellers’.: ■ ■ . ' d o. : •: Barry's Trieopboroua; . Dr. Loeock'sPalnioni© Wafers •* Thompson's Eye Water; ■ * dS? ced b a m’s° Pum p?— * Famil J - Medicines; A Remedy. A. strict Vffladty, haairi na “mnranityref few days since. It’fsbnt bn* nn^ Bll^? 0 statement & and aa such we .publish ItJrihp fE?»L 80 ,L t * lotlsand * ef fect*, saffsriEg from lloS“^^ p^ n n f‘.ft ttfsc -boju? Ing nsed other • * «fe <»». after hat destroy era, without en^aSaff— 18 to ** worm Mam. A °’ 12 > MM. S‘S i lisS r ‘^^^S 4 S tho chlld a teaspoonful ond o hslf: lo Iras ** T ,? 1 passed an imrameraUeqnantitTof K.%1? ho ? r U I time su restored toperfect heatth. ” om ?i* ai *® »«hmt! We would not bo vUtarnt eonr v«— 1«. - „ consideration. y our renuifoge under any - Prepared and add by FonnBrI 3 r of HtEb£££ P». ‘ ffiSSgaf^gSßSs?- • —• •;> >o ' V; ‘ : '» • ;-:*i\ '-■ .'* ■ -j "'*'£? w ''*• *■■■ ..'l :J. ' J * i-<. .. . *• “ * : <• •:- *■• t £*<■' ■.s C; l 'VU~* .< * w r s -, - * -:>:/•-?• V-.V^-'v X: y ■’ J * • rV .S ‘ ”" ' • • ; 'tr.‘. ; *■-■*;■ * •. v. :■ '■■ . ; •• - ■' _i ’ l -% ? - -'*■ .. ; ■*•; ‘ ■*" ' '• .-A .»■ _«* l * \ , t ~ .•. ; '• . •• ' 1 v. f «■ •• ' '"~z r ' it. " •• ' t i., . »* ■ ** < ■ . : v- * ; Vw''* V. *ir> -S'* -. l '-“- -■ »■. . t- v. V. •- ■ . I'r: .v:. u :: c: k'-v; £| IN CONNECTION with BT£AILEBB MOMPBB AS» EJIPIHE, rrr"* 5 North-west. VIA Cleveland’ Uo!ccs > St. tools, on! ths -««. art :%£%£%£* ™'™ d ®S*igSSS?SSSt» T.fcTdf«v^ n 4 ,f?'£- M - to ‘» to® VVrll S ville,l ra „ .HndJOnwui?-tSinsVSr Afcroo “cfi/l’f^’p’u'' 3 ' ll3 * * l haretttt4aj“ A?jVJ : uT'Jj l !! l '.f" 3 ’ baaing Pitts wee for Clorol.na VV3oam ' 1* fr* c^ ncc „ t at Alii* : ’Tolaao, Chlca -1 TctCisrelantl “Jrltixr r , Fjtu > W AUltm. :-■ -3f>wo- To si.® CiiiCOJCP......SIOOOAIOM ' CKuZ- *•«*■..,. 6,00.,..: R0chMaad........... 1* ;o Si?ffiVi s,l i w ' 4ll » ■«• -is «. ?fi I 4 aLd «jo sF"«aISxS«s Ip2o ;■...■ J. A.CAvQniBY, Afrnt, Jittßbnrgbs _ SOMMER ARRANGEMENTS. TH i. PENNSY LVANIA TIIB EXpSks? Tnaiv f pf ‘ “., aE *? ocl °cb,. P !I. ■ S stapplD^onli^tt^ireirS'^w. 7 ’I” 1111 ® ss “? «*»» gs; n^a^tsSrt®?!JK? *“» «v«y an,,. ”****' flatten, 8:25; A.M.. „ 4 .'? ott ™< > - OEtiß la Salmon tffthe £™ I “f a ”’^ Ul h*?barge4 Tin . Banka tfch,t * “ceptthme Jsmefl bjr the -Uira£h§*|^f l ,te s g rraS.ft? Coin I hcl4 an amoimtnoUicceijDg^So 1 ba ®W W ll *«h4 ftt a Charge noft^SSSs° ® nii {™ mt h° Dcpotat 12Kcentefore«l^t' 1 conl « for puwngor, and *. J ‘ WEBTOIF.N, Agent, Bittabaftth. OHIO ABTD rEBHBYI.VaJSIA RflTT.^f>flg <7 r 28,18 M 1854 f. H'»‘«U I neciion.tiiero.wltli a icct do?e con- I aatlabout 12o’clockatnfch£ fc«n»xwohlng Clocia- Mtolrorghtf 3 o'clock, P. St. a^i.tSSIfSSSSCSI.i on-tho sonars, ZantsvlUo and town* SPSWffiBSSH2 fP^llgsp#s SBSESSL sjgjw TRi[N lews Pittsburg at 7A SI and 9 P SteT r4aM "" fa ‘ h = 2 OBOEQE PAIIKIS, Ticket Akoti, £) %ss»'iis»TOxS ir*’ Wo °' s&BS&SSFa^ste £®ggS^«JSS3SfsS So ft_ r ’ CottoB '' <““S«s«W Leaf Tobacco} Hour v BCr cents bbL OEOKIK C. ITiANCIECUS. TraaaportgMoa ***“ aki> bars been for the past foortam® JSi Kents “M Lino dr^ O SaM I S il>mmt betWMD Htt.horgh.n.n.. ,U ! OEO. BIKOHAM A CO. t^nal ®"!n. I-ibortj st.;,Pittsburgh •BIbQUASI, DAVIS A CO* 276 ff?££ S»*" Philadelphia. ■ JAiIM'WILSON, Aqeit, • I—l. North sti» Siitiinofd. M. L. OSTRAN'DEtt, Agent, ■ 86 Wes* Bty Neir.York, 'Proprietors, Tmj ™j Important Kotiee. ■. SSSI^SHSS - PHtilingh.JonaSO.'lSM. Baaamt ' «°.H-P.CUIoV. RIb^^SSSSSSS* KSSiSwSSi." && W?£!Si?3 >. : . - :.- • RU3SKLL &880., eratu3dBtaUc mer* > ' irimi BtrcßUPoarMaflrwfe js2l:t{ »tffo.lO*WOJt> stiiem24ll? “‘ h ” ir « | ir«nipgßtocsH ■■■■.:.■. CALTER! * M’CLANJE, .". Ij w».,_ „ (laio T. B. Cal-retc 4 Co.) *■ f; C - lm 48 South Third sL; Philadelphia. '• A- •_ T V vrindlag up ny business ot Om corner of v K " \st toSmoVhS ta *&.£?^v tor s £ n fltreet.l would hereby notify m? "V •.••#£ 1 ftfendathatHato plawamyiSoksio thi. hands of ' v ‘l' NhALEso ,on Third street, between Wood and M n vtj» '-•SI fbr ths collection of all dobis das me opon Vfa™ 3 Uortrt * 'i o£; k ; 1 a k,i * aim,ebM to “ 1 ' *»» &»» -. ■. Jonv callattav “ pbUgaUonby W ' mOMP£OS BEtts’cO, • - MrnerThirtf r , First Brigade. 18(6 IHrMori. JoWaiiwtd JL\spnred to render bathing 1 uiudmuajS]?i 0 ? **"' D ° W ’ £=- JunN WODBißhPnwim. '%¥a M S» Scttlj Alderman. ——-■'■ icaiiiT w»BUU»t»to 1““«I.