f.V-. '• .T" '-tA-A;, • - i '-E; "•?■ -.‘V.. j '’- V*.'' ’*. l > < ... - ... .■' .. <" 1 ", - I '.. J ’ ... •.•■ V .• ■ •;.,* - . .f . . *' ■ - ’ ’ V ' •' ■' ' -. ■ ■ •-■-. /■- . ■ ...-- ,v* v' 1 4* *A * ■ ?* T *■'■ v > s*- ‘ ‘‘ s w,r - , " -’P' ' ; ’■' t - ;**'%■ •< „< A, -A ;, Ik IvAf? vf , * A . > '** 1 e* - -u' f WAV- ■* >-t ;• A:-'*,- 1 . •W , i ; '> * - . - ~• •..••. . S A'. A '"-"A Y : ‘*7>- a ' ’ ’-. ‘ Z * "« 1 *' -V >■ - -■* ‘ ' , * , , * ‘j-p. -> -i >■ , , ~ 1 : -r '. ■: . • MSMit iPSK|S»#R« Hlmte - ••• |P#iMp *''’ r ™-'*•** «^}!*«’# , ‘ ,f< C[>»* ; > rasKpS&S&i'?i r 6. s *&-; ti’l «£»s "KX&iK'tr i £-*' .-i-. f i&Sp4^%^?!§S *J?' ?& *s&&&£*'*? «■»jiS-if-j j-v^isf l *&!v %t • jftpttHssltfS llMMlllli.li s #«ttili® «3fasiSgs|sf l&gP® §ps?s dk Mm gigs && tttiM jMSfeSrafiltigH* j||^^ra| jg§olmmls fe^Ssv^k-fdi^fM I^wmOWM&M4 o&ss?2*f'si- '■*> t^'^f-i^'f*P-&% &sS* - r: S:% i^jVvJf^^^rfsws*. .... . gjfi»pst|. ■■■ ..: : r~: ~ ;3ifl» e « !^^^iteSl^ftSB^^S 3sllsf 1 ' . 3W - ;" w '»-.-.\ ■ r ‘ ;--V : -: vr Ay> ■■’::; • ■•V-)rf^^v^ " ■. -' ::-»!- > ; - "’- .’ ~'.\ ' , \ 4 ' DAILY .Monsiy&'Tesfr 7IONU4Y 2O. TTba 'aUiliiinij uf we give.tbs - following; A few dajs slope Joel Site of Con- ; • ; wny, dlßoovered o Sgoirrsls^wbiph he Beonted for the amusement of hia children, . - ’ ■ hut on desconiling frocj tbetrco, tbo old one mode her ajfpear'tDoe, And in the temerity of her 'maternal affeotion, she jumped upon his hat, crawled down to hie hand, seized one of her young ones, and attempted to take it away. Mr. R. resisted her claim-hut a moment, when sym pathy for the agonized dam made a successful " appeal, and she *as permitted to gather into her furry folds a little one, which she soon deposited in a new home, returning again and again, till she had taken them all from the hanclß of their captor. _____ v Number of Slaves id the Womb —The Afri can Institute at Paris, an assooiatlon ; forthe dif-. fusion of civilisation nod Christian light in Af ■ rioa,’ has recently.issued a circular, in.which the number of blacks held in slavery In different countries is stated to he seven and a half-, mil lions, of which 3.095,000 are in the United States, 3 250,000 In Brasil, 900.000 in the Span ish colonies, 85,000 in Holland cnloniea, 140,000 ■ in the republics of Central; America, and 80,000 v in European eatahlishmentein Africa. . . VoU«ge ( PUtiburgh, Fa- ESTABLISHED Uxb Legisla ture orPennsyltanifc with perpetual charter. ; w>Atip of WRScrons: UOQ. JAVtS BOCCiJUSy .- .1 HoO.'WALTXB H. LOWOtB, . M w«. Waxnisi . • - I: “ Cdaiois Nitnos,. « Mosrs HuiPYttr, * I Gen* J. K- Moorhead. p. Principal; Author of Buff *e Book Keeping* Ac, ' * Professor ot Book' Keeping end Commercial Sciences. , S.H.DALHOFP, Professor of Penmanship N. B. MATEO, Em* member ofthe.Pittsburgh Bar* Pi* a ; ffeSSDFOf Comniereialiairv • , r . • ■ P. nA YDEN, A. M„ Professor ofMalhemattc*t andClM fileal Department*-Profbssor of Haiheraatira, Ac. -, : FODfc ASSIST ANTS are constantly, employed In the .Book-keeping Department . „ k . Dorr's BTsm or BooK-amro is taught by the author, upon blr new invented Blank MookAr-caTeatod for patent 1 Juno 5, 1854. By means of this, important JnTestlon* Is •abou* half tne usual time of etudy, the zeal practice of Book-keeping U Imparted to « degree of perfection never • before attained in the United States. , -i-v - , ■■■". »Hstraining-for buslne*B .compt HOAJiSBNSSSr BBOyCBITJS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CKOITP, ASTHMA, : AND CONSUMPTION . . . ; ■ TST3 Invite the attention of the Y IaSS nuhllo to the uertificate, appended wraffT below, eoDbespeak for them that can ■■ -f ' aid consideration which .their honest fmlmeiiisiiiK - - WfAwMte - Me.i In each nations os many who ' • timm masaWf TOlunlarilv bear witneesto the cfilca _- —...njjr ai aiA,4V<-vftml value of Cuun Rrcnnui, do . wantonly trifle with, or distort -{SnaMMwicpwMMfhetg, nor overstate their conviotfc-ns. jadtn then, whether ttda to not the tnodklne to trust whan too ranst have toiler for the throat or lnnee; Judge too, whethererery family ought not to have It by them as a safeguard against the everywhere prevailing enemy, which steels With fatal-frennency upon almost every flotk, and •- .'-'-..carries off a lamb ftom many a hom»t_ _ Jaekion, C. HU Jackson city, o,®ih Nov., 1852. ’ DR. J. C 1 Avis: Sir—The CHasT PtOToBsI. to much in qnlrad after. Bernal of our best P&yeMsns have used It, - three of them In their own eases, and always with the hap piest effects. The mttasiooa patent medldnea always be fore them , lead to incredulity m regard to every new tome : dy: and it is only alter undoubted evidence of value in any article, that anything like a general confidence can be ex- ■ C The unrivalled *csreU«n«o.of..thi«<»ahlnation of agents^ ”fln the CEsaat proved boyund cswll by repeated trial under their own ©baerration, has eompeßed medical men to proclaim abroad its usefhlnesa. It la beyond all doubt the hot general remedy wre have fbr the Pulmonary Affectiona of this climate, fi the earns time eedaUve and ■ Bxpeclornut—a rare combination of properties. • . in the hope that It will prove ite own rewkrd,l subscribe aywlfi 'Brepccttttlly your obedient servant, „ JAS. 11. C. BULLEB, B. D Ltl ger&cmtn of the Z*sal Profession mark Uia copl •- Williamsburg, L.L,Septwfiw 1852. Da. J. C, Avar; Dear Sir—Over application for the past three yean in my duties as an advocate, brought on some eight months ago a severe irritation of the bronchial tubes, which was a constant annoyance to tne, and fast becoming a source of great apprehension. Every remedy tried failed to even relieve me, Utt I used your Cmatar Pictoiuu This has not onty relieved me, but, as I trust, wholly cured me. 1 care nothing for the reputation of advocating Patent Me dlrlntt, and this is at your sarvlce. I shall recommend H to members of the bar, and others whom I may moet, !*' . boring under rimUv indispositions,. . ■ ■, Tours truly, B».P. JONE8;;-. • • Montgomery, Ala^ - October 4,1849. Da. J. 0. ATSXt: Bir—*l have used your admirable com pound exclusively in my practice, ana find it to earposs, by. ' r«r. any other remedy we have lor curing diseases upon the lon». Tom obedient semnV . Bw B.'JONES, M. D. What yet rcmalns to convince the most incrednlous that the Cherry. Pectoral Is all that itpxirporta to be, vU: ao.uu * equalled remedial agent for all diseases of the'Tbrost and Lungs. The experience of years has proven it to be such and we submit it to the people bolleving that will fally maintain itareputation. prepared byJ.C. ATBB,Chemist,Lowell,Waw. Beware of worthless preparations, attempted to be palmed off under a similarity of name; • Sold in Pittsburgh by oil Druggists, and by B. A. PAIIN EBTOCK ft CO., wholesale and retail, . - J)avna {Hums, . T) EAL VEST ATE AND OOXXBACTIISG AGENT, No* fl, Jtv lEWIN Street, Pittsburgh, lias for Ml, 3 acres or laud, with a large Steam Saw Mdh now in successful operation; 3 Frame Dwellings. Barn. Black* • smith -Khnp and Tools.- Boat Scaflaldi Work Shop. Ac, situ - ate on the bank of the Allegheny river, at Milter*#. Kddy, • Armstrong ©ouhty.Pa.. Enquire as above,-or of air. l*. Hunn, oh the premises* V . 1 also want to pnrehase 6to 800,000 feet, B- 2f of good White Oak Plank.3inches thlck,B©f ldteet Jong; Ttol6 Inches wide, part to'be delivered tn October next and part in April,lBss* as above. : : Also, tbr sale, an the Beds, end eT«y thing of the fitUng not of a large Hotel, Id the city of Pittsburgh, now doing a very ijrge business. Two to fire years of the lease of the house can also b4had,aodimmedlatepdaesslon if required* ~ Enquire aaabove. - ' • -3« S THB BENTON IBON COMPANY, of Western t'ennsyi vania, having become the proprietors of the-BENTOS and DICKEBSON PATENT forvtakteg Wrought Iron tff red from fhe.QH, forthatportionof territory of Pennsylva nia lying west o£ and-landing the counties of Fulton, Huntingdon,Centre, Clearfield, Elk aod McKcan, are new prepared to sell oemfiOates of stoek ih sald company, each share of .stack-entitling the holder to. share In the profits of the'eompany,'and the right to nse one Furnace under said Patent*. . The Company will also sell the right to use the improvement Jn-the above named territory, by single (dr nace or otherwise. The fact that by the Renton process Iren Ore can be converted into Blooms at about the cost re quired fo convert Ore lnto Pig Metal, is a enffleient recom mendation ofits merits. Hr.- JAMES H. CRANE has been appointed Agent for the sale of rigbUtoura Furnaces underpaid Patent, .to whom ' application maybe made* or to the undersigned Directors of the Company. • J. K. MOOUHEAD, Y AIiEBJT KRA3IEB, : ypittshurgb. JAB. W. HAILMAN.)- W. DEWfcS WOOD, iTKeesport . foMlrdawtf ■ -JAB. H. CBANB. Pittsburgh* WM. A. M’CLUKG, DBALEB IB - Vine Teas, Choiee Family .Gmarieaand'Willow ■'-Wate. CORNER OF WOOD AND SIXTH STB., nTTSBXIEQTr.PA. 18 now receiving alaige assortment of PEEgll GOODS. in addition to his already'extensive stocky-purchased from first hands In theEastemmarkets,which, will be Bold at the lowest market prices, . . Hotels, Steamboats,; and families, buying by the M pa TJ'DBOPEAN AGKNOF* PABBENGEB A KUiUITANOK |?j OPPIOK.—-Jarues Blakely has arrangements, made 4, •: with Eastern Houses, which enables him to issue Drafts, payable at sight,- far any amount, in Inndon, Liverpool, Dublin, Paris, and Frankfart on the Slam; also, at all the - Provincial Banks and Branches ia Germany, France, Great Britaini and Ireland. Drafts over one hundred pounds at $4,95 to £l. Office, corner of Seventh And BmHbftoUl st#* ~rny2A ■ ■' r . ■ •. ■ ■ SEMI-ANNUAIi BALE. . • • Ai El A SON &- OOm No;V> fifth ; Will open thair next great Bend-Annual Sale of • DRY GOODS, 6X THUBBDAT, JUNE 16, 1854. I HIS SALE will befotod to~betba Largest ana most attractive they have ever held* . • ; : • . JeH J Sotice to StOOWkoW«M* A OREEABLT to b resolution of the Board of.TrMtoes. A - of the Odd Fallow* Hall Association of thacliyof Ktta» barah. passed at a meeting held at the office. onTuesday, ■ Sfidlnst.. the subscribe** to the Stock of sidd Association are hereby notified that na noj m car., being the fifth iwtalmrotof -thetr Bubscrlpto, *IH 1« due and payable op jlm SBtfa of J one, 1654.. WJIi 8< HONIKB» • Treasurer o<-F. H, Association; corner Harket and fivwifl Rt*. ■ 7 SKWOPWCbT Beal atate and Contracting Agent. mm subscriber baa beeb: Induced to.ooen an offloe to I the porposeorbojlng and selUog, ottfomtoiMlon.and Savin* tbe Ageney of large Steam Baw-MUli and Boat "Jardaon the Alleghenyriver, together with many other fecUWea from other water and atsam.aasf-mlua. ; Bariattora himself that he can furnish any bills rf lumber and timber of any hind, great or .eraaU,. long or. abort, and ■ deliver them at any polnt.on the Allegheny, awnongaheia, Ohio, or Mississippi rivers; contract to bmld largeßa^es, Store Boats, Coal Slats, Boat Gunnels; Bridge Timber, Bail: Sad Timbers—SWghfXron,.Coal, 4c, to any given pojntj. 1 and vrillattend to the Sale and Bentof Beal Estate.. rroin his long experience in lumbering, ftelghtlng and boat bollding, he thinks ho ean gtvegeneral eatisiaotiim. All to make thriroontraetssoon i.Wite {dally thoso wanting boats or large hillsi of iumb?r.and tlm beryabould oontraot to them in the fall % the spring and ■' summer use; 'He vrlß also attend totho punduae and tele Damn Mom, Bcel Estate and Con tracting AgentflSttabargb, Box Ho. 120, postpaia.wtn bo - “ I>A,YII> MUNN. : BS7ZUKCO. f • 001. Jama» 3). Horgin, Lumberman, Pittsburgh., . • Mr. John Motrison, Eki* “ t , lwh _., lUT _ Mr. Bobl. S. Brawn. Em? “ Sf? ‘"JT?' Mr.Wm.Aßnstamg, “ “*3™ « l SIEAWBKKKUS3.— Hotel*, Boartmg Hoows, »?<1 Jami lies will fled » constant supply of Strawberries, totbs larKtStsM finest fruit, for the table or presenilis, frwb ftcm the Tina at 10 o l eiock in the mornlng» and at AP- M* 8*010,47 VmhltoHt. - j^ViSKOP. .v^^eoSrps^iEsr' r-iNsmrM ARB HUTVAL SAFETY IHSTOANCB COMPANY. Eo6moflbB KxcliMge,.oiiTMrd : \J street, rmLADBIPSIA. „ ' MARIN* iNSTTEAKCfiB. Os Vassas, > r ' j CLuwo, .-- xToalKpartsofthoVTorldl . • ' pßßantB»-. jl •• '■• . . 1 ■-i INLAND INSURANCES 1 , Oi goods by riren, canals,!**** and’.land carriages, to alipartsof the Union. w PIKE INSURANCES ; 7 Onmerchandisegenerally. - . : On stores* dwelling bouses. Ac. ; v - . ASSETS OF TEE COMPANY, November?, 1863. Ronds tad M0rtgage5........0....624,800 00. St&toof PennsylTaolai PhitadelptaU cl^ r Spring . v : - Garden,Southwark, and pther 10an#,».«...»,.~-181,063 42 Stocksin banks, n&lroads and Insurances com- •■_■.•. i " panics "24,012 20 Bills xoceirable 04 Gosh 0nband... nn .»... M ... M ..,... M .«i....4 M .*..»»....« M . 16,071 80 B&lancesintba hands of Agents and- premiums I -- i on Marino Folide* recently 155n6d.; MM u..«u.«..121,T07 67 SabseriptionNotes..... M .,.....100,000 00 $027,476 63 '^rVMBSCTOBa:':;';•••'/'■; J - - Wm: Martin - Dr.B-bLHufcton, t : <: JosephH.Soal, . Hugh Craig, . i EdmundAßouder, Sponcer M’llrain, John C. Davis, Chiles Kelly, - Robert Burton,-Samuel E* Stokes, { .. John R.Penrose, . HenrySlo&n, - George Q. Ltlpcr, James I Traquair, . .. s ■ Edvard DarUogto% Wm. BwJr, 1 - • • H Johea Brooks; : Joshua L* Pnco, - : , J. G, Johnson, - ■ - JamesTennent, . i • James C.tiaDd, John B.Semplo, • •Theopilua Paulding, Charles Schaffer, - James 8, STFarland, J. T. Lojrnn,Pitttrtrargh, \.. :W. C. Ludwig, - ■■■••■- 8.T.C.-Morgan, -do* ! ** TO. MARTIN, President : t . r? 'X&O&.QIIANI/t'VlcaFresldent Joseph W.OowAi?,Bec?y. P. A. MASERU, Ammt, marlO ~ No. Oa Waier street, Pittsburgh. ■. THIRD! ~ ~ OPTHB BTATE MUTUAL FIRS ANDSIARINE IHSuEAHCE COMPANY, OF B&HSBTLVASXA. Asaets, Mar $200,016 61 Premiums received to May 15t,1853-..~-~.~~.. 133,260 36 Interest on Loans, 1,916 19 Capital •: 100,000 00 $448,183 20 Beiumed premiums, Losses, Rednsuranoe, Ex* 87,804 66 BondVMortgeges, Stocks, and other good e*m-> M Premium 179,030 61 1T,820 21 Total ain’t of SesonrceS, Katie for Lowes— S363JUB 70 • ... . . ■ ■■ • • ■ • JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, Dauphin county, -. P.O.SKDGVriGK,Harrisburg, BAMUEL JONES, Philadelphia, • A. WILKINS, Banker, Pittsburgh, • A. A. CARRIER, ••. ■ JOHN B, RUTHERFORD*,Danphin county^ A. J. OQJJETT.Hutiibair, S.T. JONES, Harrisburg, BOBEBT KhOTZtOazbon county. JOHN P. ItUTHEßFOaD,Pteald«nt A. J. GILLBTT, Secretary. WW Insure against perils of sea and inland navigation, al*e,on Merchandise m elty or eoontry, at lowest rates eon* stotont with safety. Policies Issued on dwelling bouses either perpetually erfor a term of veara. . . Branch Office, corner Fourth and gmlthfleld streets.: pyS&tf • ■ : . ' - .A. A.CA&BTEB, Aetaary... tub .«mi‘ LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY and trust company, POILADEUnBDU. ' CHAETEBED APRIL 86TH, 1850. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $260,000. Office, 8. JS L Homer of Third end Chestnut Stmts, Philadelphia* Officers tie Siam Hoard at PkSta&etjkiat • naxertaa.- Stephen ILGrwwlbrd, PanlH. Goddard, Ambrose W* Thompson* iAwrroca Johnson, Benjamin W.Tingley, Geo. ITHeary, Jacob L. Florence, James Detovox* ; William M,Godwin, : Wmism M’KeiT Preri&nt—Stephen ILCrawford.. Vtct Prtti&atl— Ambrose W. Thompson. . IMtcd Examiner, JHttitovb—Jame*H.WU!toos«H.D. AUegketjf CKy—R. B. Howry, 3L D. GEO. E. ARKQUL Agent, marl7:y . . So. 74Fourthstreet,Pittsburgh. The Fmnaiin Fire Imnrance Company. Of PkdadtlsXictt J¥nnxsZeffnia. DtBECTOBB— Charles W. Baneher, Thomas Hart. Tobias Wagner,'Samuel Grant, Jacob R-SmUh, Geo. W, Rieb ante, Mordecal D. Lewis, Adolphi B. Berta, David 6. Browne, Morris Fattenon. CiUAN.BAffCXxa,/VeiiirnL Csaa.O.Ba!raczs,&crefory. ■ Continue totu&lalamtncc, perpetual orlimltrf, on every description of property, in town and eannijy, at rates as tow as are-ectulitent with security. The Company hsra reamed a large Contingent Fond, whirh, with their capital and premiums, •afrf? tumted, a£ ford ample protection to ths aaured* The Aaku of tbs Company* os January lei, ISSI, as pub* Usbod agreeably to an Act or Assembly, were as follow*, vis: sMortgages9lS»l3 63 • . Beal Rlssml«t*UtimnciaCb*suirtlkTOT*- M»tenai, mains* LOSS OB DAMAQE BY FIB£» . ' :.-o# tor - PE&RBOF9&V10&T1OI) . .. . BY • QEO. H. ARNOLD, Aobbt TOB PITTSBURGH A2fD ALZEQUBtfT COU2TTT. narlfty •. Western Insurance Company, Pittsburgh B- iIILLBB, Jr„ Pret&nL | KU, tfORDOS, Stcrttort : OAPITAJU* 03OO»OOC* cf rUJosFIHE and VA VV EENE. AU low* will be ÜbetaUy«4ja*ted a&4 promptly paid. A Homo Institution, managed by Stasmsa who are voU known in the community,ami whonr*determined. by promptness and liberality, to mol stain the character wn tab they nave aasnmcfl, on offering the boot protection to those who desire to be insureds Sireetorfc—B. Miller,; Jr*©. W» BidWtom, J. W. Butler, N.Holmes, Jr, W. BL Smith, G.Xbmsen,Q«orgeW< Jackson, Wm. 3L Byon, James Uppenoott.Qeoreo Santa, James Jlc- Anley, Alexander NlmlekfThomasßeott Office,So.« Water street, CWsxehoossof Spaog t C. CARR, (UU Vwifa BkLTelejafto3*.) (UU fit. CluUt A Pcry HaUl*) THIS Urge end eaxamriiotur House having undergone thorough repair and‘furnished *lth new equipments throughout, Is noir open fin fbe Toception of the traveling public. CBABOg itoDgun,- ; • aprt&Cm - F&OBESOB HOTEL,- No. 400 BSOADWA'T, NEW TOEK. (oomruoiro oir*a» iroowatt rtiir.) . BEUBEN LOVEJOT, ooSily . ■ -feopniETOß, I EK&BKIilB HOVBB, Cl«nlSll4i, Oblo. . G: PATEICK & SON, Pbopwitcm^—Thia-Hoose has un • dfilgtfne'lhcrough. ABd -exteaslre repairs, i and large' fc&uttona of new furniture, etc* and xho proprie tors pledgo themAelrofl t&at nothing.shaU botranungon •tteir part id render sh« P&isxun a place where aUtbe eoni fbrta of a first class hotel can b© fbum, ’ :'3y4*t . , o. patbics a ibon. ; -iTtTBW fiOO»8i SEW' GOODSII—HAGAN 4k AHL,'No. JL\ 91 Market street, are no* receiving their third supply of Hammer Goods, comprising the fewest and most beaut> fill styles of jßenges, Striped Silks, * ' Grenadines, French Lawns, * .-Black FigM Silks, Lice Goods, Embroideries, Parasols, . /Stones, “ Plain XooltDe Soil, Bonnet B!btftn% (ft slits. •-•Jlatva few choice SQfc «nd Appllqne Our stock being entirely new, thofedlcS can rely upon gotting thd newest styles, as well as the best quality of Goods, at Tory moderate prices. • Bemtinbertbs Iron Front Bnßdicgf.Ko. 91 MABK3T Street.'. . my 27 /\EAKGEB AQDXEMDNf^ .. \JL kfi&boxwOranges;- ~ " • c:' :..: ./-:.. . *5 ,iL,£S2ons;r«ialT«land&rsaleby WW . J.U AKDMMir * 00, No, 6 Wo«S rt. t ' J " *\ ' * ■ 1 ' ’\ \ TgMBBUmaKRDKIERb. EJXCHAJS QE AHD-BAITKiSG HO US* A.. WILKINS « CQ., united States bank buiiding. Wo. AanfiAß# FourtH Street, ; FITtaBURGiI. PA.' . TCOREHGK and Domestic Exchange, Coin, Bank Notes J 7 and Land Warrant* bought and sold. - Collections madethroughoatthoUnion.* : . Buslne** paper discounted and loans nogotlated. , Stocks bought pod sold on commission,.. Alone; received .on deposit, and Interest allowed when left for a specified time, _• • decB Removal. , r .-PATBICKS A FEEBHD» BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Ease Mcmoocd theur Office iothc Oxmtr c/I\flA and Wooddi. V -r-f;'.V-'^iKWaßraOH,^--^ T)ATRICSB ft FRIEND, Bankers and Exchange Bakers, JT. and Dealers In Notes, Draft*, Acceptances, Gold, Silver andßank Notes. Exchanges on the Eastern and Western caties constantly ftr sale. Collections mado in all the cities throughout the United States. Dopostta received In par ffcadß or onrrentpaper, at the comer of Filth arid WfadStroeta. ~ • ffrb3 * H. HOLMES ft 80HS, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, JUTB WMOTO IBM JUMOXO AND JUCQUfOI -OTTICi rO NO. ' • e7.-aUEXKT.BTRKrr, 70US DOOMOIXQW: OLD STAND. aT - HOLMES A SONS, Bankers and Exchange Broken, AY •-and Dealers in Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold, Sil ver and Bank-Notes. Exchange on thoEostern and Western (fitiea constantly for sale. - . Collections mad* in ell the cities throughout the United States. Deposits received In par fund* or current paper, No. g7Marketstree^betwe6BThinlttndFonrthata.]iaSo:ly sab. & noon, . M Bank of JYttsVg. f mIS ■■■ : AiSTISTLOOMIgr ; STOCK AK D BILL BKOKEB, Office, AV W Fburtt oSpmi Hood, PiTTSBUnaiL Drafts, Bonds, Mor:gages, and Loans on «1* ItKials, tugotiatrd. Stocks and Land Warrant* bought and told. . ccis ' ; v-. r ' -r^- ... 'tisbc, EXCHANGE AND BANKING HOUSE.OE A WILKIKS ft COm - No. 76 FocxTn Bnor, ; OpposßeUiaßaskof FitSsbtugh. • : -3an4 • : Prmjgxaa. Daata&c end ibrnpn EstAasist, tank ensSiteefr ■ - J&mht, SriSazdljxAiiinfiUal&A fiXCHANGB AND BAN KINO HOC SB OF VILLI AH A HILL ft CO., : 44 w»AJ *»7*sn tarad tfc* gr»is«.»«trty ct vttsf daffctfjiUws of fMoitare, tr&a the f Uiiwt, tstho t»s*S *!*• tbAtabogjp, t* *37 ttrtpt&i** my fc* faniWsoJ&m tiiji notb, or osfnsprly to cr idtr* Tb* fiUffaiag vfktet cotultf, to s*rt, oMsto wfeS£&&rrfc!mcg*afc;yift*&l Coita, oioast b* was&aad in wf cf tfc* fitstem etia: ; l I«Bb'XlVU*94rt«tii!Bcaji; . to bate to pitas vaartmrct&si M da. Uah&£»&? CJwlf*; ® w»uin “ ■ « tO Mahogany Kth*sj ttWtitiuP « W ttwbl«stop Ooiw T»U«: * W w BressiasßaHKiaa: *0 « « W«*batfcOs*; *0 Enclosed ** : jooGesuasa .... *• :; 50 FtAioDrowJ&g Ihxmu*; .: 49M*&cg*or Oedxfoads: ; S> Woloat « ; COCcttOg* M «bi Poplar Baistad/; S> SUfcostß* Wsrdrc-b «r; ; laWitDtti, « lOChon? « tD FUIo JBartwufj i 70 XHoittg *n4 BCnfclrfurt Titles I fUSacrtUrysna Borrow*: SadoftCAQO&tttCbstnt; '! SHtew goat Adrian* Cbalrej SaUtUrt'WritJog Pvtoi • SlUi Md Too t>l Stand*; What-Not#; ,'•■!' *BU«ttir**; • ••,':• • . Macho Tables: ■ Oo&vemtioaChsta; Pembroke . “ •■ ifEfrstwtbro » ... Holl»mtin«r *• Eocwtten ■ ■-**■ Xodiw?W»gng»at of COMMON FUBffinniß «ad WMD3OaCHAUiB* GiSZSßJdmuouptOM vitbolUf* tWe* to their lino. • • ;,; . BTBAMBOATB iaa HOTELS, foraUlcd *t tie .tartest nntfc*. , All onto, promptly tttondM to. V,.«prt' ; • Strambo.ti, A&oy >' ““ i 'lEU*w/ fl* mKraftn* kinder uieirttknow-|» I th» favor. twttbvsd DpcDvL llmnwnwfflriliimby their Bttuaboat friend., end KSJ would respectfully rwnlud them end others la to rent-' 1 ■ ed In huUdlna hosts, that they ere stall times prepared to famish, os the most reasonable terms, army dexrlptloa of Cabin Fornltur. sod Chairs or the licit material and work masshlp. T. 0. YOOSO A oa. : Cornor Third and Bmlthfield streets, jyl3,*M ' oppoulta “ Brown 1 . Dotal." . Jamoa howry.Jr., -■ . - /'IHAIB AND BEDSTEAD MANBFACnJREB—No. 594- ■ V Fettmtaan’s Bolr.lAherty street has on hands large stock of Chairs and Bedsteads of or ery description, made of th«tiestttater ■■ - V READY MADE CLOTHING, That hasever been offered to tbepubllc. Their Principal object fbr this removal, is to give them more feclhUes forth* WHOLESALE TRADE. They are prepared to soil Goods at the LOWEST EASTERN PRICESt And they will warrant them to be os good os any manu factured In the Union. CUSTOM woas, in fxtx nzst onu,Axn vrenm stiosnsf sotica. They bate on hand a full and beautiful assortment©! LOTUS and COATINGS* for FBOCKB, DRESS, WALKING AND BOSL NESS COATS. Oar Interests are identical with those of our eustomera, and we assure the publh» that our fidelity will not tail In filling ail OTdera wo may twftvoted wlUn. DOST FORGET THE PLACID , Nlo. Wood Street, (BAST SIDE.) CORBBB Of DIAMOND AALBY. N. B.~»Wedesireonr potronato understand tliatwetave no longer any connection with the CSolhlng Business on Liberty etroci. OurattenticnisdorcUd exclusively to the Oouim» above drrignated. oarZS JOHN kTCLOSaSY A CO. sra buiumo uouds. tust sikckjved at jouk ucclosekt *ctrswvi^ O fc*l« ClotkJfig Warehouse, Wooditmt»ibJ corfirr: of t>l*x&&r&d alley. the lanpnt and matt totted itock of j g**i* that {hi* celebrated hoaeo hv CTer h»d lb* ptauure i or iavUtag lie attention of tbs public to. Xbw*fiB«»ba»a: hern puirlivtni free* first b*tol», and, csmttqaestlj, no j second profil on then, which Itam at able to eay Uwi *« no and do **U at u mall profits as any hosj* in the cait* j erndUra. Th*rrthre> *s respect!ulljr invito the attention < of wbcJpMl*d<&j<-f*a&irfKmttyt&efeban(* # ia fmmJ, to i (flea ti* a call. and exjuals* our axtrsidf* aworttaent of > HEADY iIADE 1 * *U?u*i iKimMUl* to rooci*T*t« Um quantity of In Sarnia plies of muracut* ibai If to be sera at tfrU larf* establishment ; it i* mlMa&l to ny ebas ittaaostff becawiuU** by th» bone# Itself, tnsrl&tf - JOflN'SftliOaKEYA -— OttAV, s?. cunt «rurr, Hmarcaß. GBXTt&MKVd CUnriUMO OMiJe Mrlurttety tocrder, *tes wtrranittj t» entt lit* re&tanUjr ctt b*&d * t>soltf» «c*>rttt*nUf CX/>Tfl«, CASSU!£!».& YCSCWOJs •&;10T£ttCUATSMhef tfc» telcft*sjir*itflfftpi! rtprrwlf far lb* euatosa (rale. G*fctt«af,ti learl to* sfcrircrdrr*»*lu b*r« ih*-Jr »UfcMw»jraltodMlmi*bwr£len£l3*»ltlto I ihtt he k b-,w rtk'tkle;iil Lk«te.r«y N«.l7< Mb' 1 i *ny k t&d** *t. Cfc;lfc*, Cwisifftt* »tid J ; c-X lb* Ukrt #r,!j Ds;ttil«4jr»fce *!)!?«, ehteii hr-' i U prrjattwi to taz&n to t-r-kf In the njf»i tuMscebta cu&* ; titft ftiaOwrcl .©eiii.itvw:T.JiisDlh*ißii*trrk#?.»el,s».urw \T« Lm**!*# &a !:«*! *.)*rjn» *n4 vrilmoofftcittwSTi-Uvk #! truly rattle Clashing* to vbkh ve iotiia ih® •StesU'iß IV?«rn* «he> t-aivbime gtxifr fcrcAtls, nRI fia K4Sr; tVfc*J***!« «iui HcUH I**** In CIiOTtUM), 1 • %k>, 3U liberty etrws* c*pcm* Wejrnrs tw*r fvfifift. i‘*.vs«i£»;r IwfMi PUMburfb, I l *. Thl» etote k tktaJ up In the £«nJkv;f &?l»*{iju*Hnrftj>pl«t eprtSfc&a S«vr'Uotbltt{('i(tQTfr ' NO, 4, SIXTH yrnCKT, Orf\«m!i LutEtlTW rpnßaabrrrih'i'r fcM jn*trtt«;iUit* fc«i» wUhlkhcwnl, X »t*r* l»* to*aJwft»#cn bio?!»Ur»«tsirl»te*fc'*«ntt* cjrtjtcf »H«rtk2«>cf 4'U#TllJ2so 4 *ftVfi be w»fntai««*;o*l to*oy tftlh-e*ltyv e&4 «Ui **lt *4 lb# tsoxtreiWßAbU |crt* . cato-tV ttrtiis *f* to fire Dim * tvtr&iy ■ ■■ ■■■-^•., mm»WUKIUIIH, . WATCHES. JEWELRY, &c. .t|?d OAYC TOR S;-Owelty, In rich wi htih ff Ufsl vartely* w«Hand a autifunect. Vruhthtfi tbs Kent oeUb?*t«l and perfsdtly hashed* Lonlonp , - &iv«*lrt mid* and cavndrd *llhfttidmcaiaMUtied*bcptath!«cUjr. W. W. WILSON. pygj ■ ' •/ .. «JT.wr Mstktt ind yourth irts. CLOCHfI! CLOCKS!! CLOCKB!!! - Pfrtfle A Weyrao, LEALKRB IN WATCma, CIXX2KB, JEWELRY, Gtex BILYEUWARE, No. « flPTft Stmt, now Sj-f 3jWtod, oppo*U«Uu> -Horsing ft&t, fbra«rly occo* hy L. Rrinnnaa A 00. Wa hat* new hand a splendid assortment of S day And SAhourCtecAa* which wa offer to the public at gnat oargalnu. *ueh m: Irou caws, peat-llnlaid and all cthwpaUora* of Mantel dockiiu. A2so,irich a»crtm*otoffice gold and *Uvnr patent lever, and anchor eeeapumit Walrhe#, and au eir* ganlstock of J«weUy and Bllverwam, which w* iateml to leliehrapflirOJHibv-'-' N. B. Watch repairing dono ln the best manner and at low priceo, and warmoted. •: : ••••••■■•■ mtrta ““ SEW JBWFIBTTfOBE, Ho* 89 Harket Street, Jcond daor abora (Aa comer rf Hut Piasumi.) OHNBTEYENSON*(of tbs tataflm of John®. Si’Eaddftn A C 0.,) respectfully announces to the pablththat he has opened, at the above stand, adne awortmimt of WATCHES, JEWELRY. SILVER ANli YLATED WARE; LAMPS, 01- RANUOLES, I\Kk?t and JhWf OtdUff, JBrUannia Ifca and Obtamtmfon&fs, and the usual variety of goods In hia line of business.. Bpodal care and attention given to the REPAIR of YINB WATCHES, JEWELRY, fte. He truntSy that from his long ln business, he . will be able to gtre Satistection to those who may favor him with thdr patronage. , May 16th, 1853. my2s Henry Utoburdaon* JeweUnr# HAYING rwfitted his store In d handsome manner, and but returned .eastern citici wltha Rue assortment of . WATCHES, JEWELRY, arid YANOY GOODS, would call thoattention of hlsTricndt and custom* erato the fast that among hls W’atebta wfll be found the most detdrablo styles, patterns add makers. Of Jewelry, the latest styles of Brooches, Breast Pin*, Fob and Test Chains, Finger Hlnga Ear Rings, Miniature Loekets* eta, eto. FANCY GOODS—B aeh as Papier 2dache, Work Tables and Boxea/Doska, Fancy Vases, Perfume Bottle®, Table Mats, Colt’s Pistols, Parte Monnale* In great variety; China Fruit and Cake Dube* ( With an endioiw variety oruseful and or« nam&ntal artiolay, which have only to be eeeo to be appro- Uted. [novl3 , ; NO; 81 MARKET STREET. : ANP UICU GOLD' JEWELRY AT BARGAINS.—We wish to Inform the public that we ore now offihlng our proaent stock Of finer Watchesand Jew elry/at prion that oan&ot be beat Theroforo, we eay to one and all, that wish to bnj fine ..Watches and Jewel* ry, give us acall, and bsto from 25 to 50 per oeul la your purchasesj vhlkhyou can certainly do by calling at 67 Market etred. . •• - N. B.—Wateh repairing attended to ln all Its branches, in a suporloi manner. Gold Jewelry repaired ormauufso* tured to ordIIS'CELLANEOUS. SALE' OF~THE~MAIN LINE OF THE PUBLIC WORKS. SfAtB'DEPAMHKKT, IliaWSßOTjtr,- V Mnv 5. 1854 I BB Al* BD PROPO SALS 1N VI TB lh T>Y virtue ofannct of tho General Assembly*pawed April X> 27th, A. D. IBM; the. Main Lino of the PublioWork* extending from-Pbiladelpfafa to Pittsburgh, am offered frt sale on tho condition*, restrictions and reservations contained in the act of Assembly aforesaid, as follows, viz : Section X That 4hs Governor is hereby authorized and required to invite proposals fhr tho purchase of the Mam Line of the Public Works to wit: The Philadelphia and Colombia railroad, tho Canal from Colombia totbe Junction at Dunean’a Island, the Juniata. Canal, from thenceto Holiidayshurg, the Allegheny Portage railroad; including the new road to arold the inclined planes, in its condition at the time of the transfer, and the Canal from Johnstown to Pittsburg, with all the property thereunto pertaining or belonging; and it sball 'he the duty of the i Secretary of the Commonwealth* within ton dayafrozn the I passage of this act to. give notice m two newspapers pub-1 fished iothe ciliesof Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and hew I York, and that sealed proposals will be received at bis office for the purchase of said main line of the public Improve ments, up to the first Monday in July, Anno Domini, one' thousand eight hUndred ond fifty-four; said proposals shall stato the maximum price offered for the said main line, on the following terms;: to-wit: twenty per centum of the amount bid to be paid Into the treasury in cash, before the transferofsald works, and the balance In ten equal annual instalments, the interest thereon payablo scml-aunnslly, from the date of ttaesoid transfer, at tho rate of six, per centum per annum, and the first instalment payable at the expiration of one year from the dote of transfer, end said,- balance'shall be secured to tho Commonwealth.by tba bonds of the compasy purchasing ihe same, and the same* wlthootany other record than this act, shall be a Hen. on tbo works and Improvements aforesaid: Fromdtdj That no bid fora less amount than ten, millions of dollars for said main line shall bo entertained. Bcc. 2. That it shall be lawful for any railroad, canal, or navigation company; Incorporated under, the laws of this Commonwealth,. to bid forf - and become the purchaser of said main line of publicworks—anything in its charter, or the laws by which it Is governed, to tho contrary notwith standing, and tolncreoeo its capital stock, or to borrow money to any amount necessary to effect such purchase and complete the uoflnished.portlon of tho line. Era 8. That lfe shall be the daty of. the Governor, In the presence of the Secretary of the. Commonwealth, Auditor General, Stats Treasure?, and such other persona as may see proper to be present on the said first Monday in July, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four* to open eald proposals and awardsald main line to tbecorptK ration or persona offering the highest price for the same t and tu case two or more proposals should bo made for said main line, for the same sum* the Governor shall have the authority to decide between said blddere: JVowded, That the party whose bid shall be declared the highest shall thereupon forthwith depodfwfth the State Treasurer the < sum of two hundred thousand dollars as seeurity.thntsooh party will; tn ninety days tbreaftcr* pay the firsUnstalment of twenty per centum in cash or bonds of the Common* wealth, as specified fn this act* and in. the event of. raid party feiliug to make such deposit with the State Treasurer,, the Governor shall Set bis or her bid aside and accept the next highest bid made la compliance with the provisions of this act, , • •- Bec.7. That Immediately after the Governcr shall have issued letters patent, the said, company shall take posses sion of said public works, and shall be bound eror there** after to keep in good repair and .operating condition the entiroltao of asTd railroads and canals, extending from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh, with the necessary toll houses, water stations, locks, buildings and other appurtenances; and that the said railroads and canals shall be, and forever i remain, a publio highway; and tha&id company shall Air* : «t*h stationery and locomotive engines and motive power fbr the useof all persons or eompanicsengaged, or wishing to engage, tn the transportation of tonnage or passenger* at such time* and in such manner as not to-impair tfae-use and enjoymentsofaafd rallraadsandcanols by said parties*-; they paying- just and ftlr charges for the use ofsald main line, or any portion thereof; which shall not exceed the rates of toll now charged upon boats, ears, tonnage* nod passenger*, by the Oommoowwiltii, It being tbs trod in tent and meaning of thla act, that tho said main line shall be, end remain fbnmrr » pubUo highway, and kept open and tn repair fay said company as such, for the free mound enjoyment of all perrons desiring to aso and enjoy ; the oasis; and that nothing Jn this act contained shall be construed In any way to interfere with the existing righto and privileges of parties doing hairiness upon the nme. An>l provided further, Thai tho company purchasing the i said main tins xfaa!l frilly carry out the contract existing for the carrying of passengers over the Columbia and ’ Philadelphia railroad. r - Era & That the eaU company, on the first day of Decern, her after Its incorporation, and annually thereafter- shell cause ta bemadeout under th« oath of one ofitoofSccrv, and trensmiitad tn the office of the Auditor General, a de tailed stateuanVexhibiting Ux* amount of tolls, frvightaud Other taeomt* which have been received by raid company daring the preceding year; aim, a statement of all the ex penditure* fax tho same period far repairs, management, m>! t(v«r power, and other purposes* and it shall betbedary of) tbs Auditor General to flla««u statement in hi* office a* all l «lmiUr rennrta are now . \ 6ic9. That thesaidcampany may own and employ 100 taoitresuftoes, care,.boats andhem**, and convoy pawo gere and tetoage, of whatever description, on fetid canal* and railroad*; and fhalt have the right to receive eomp«n. ration fcr lb* wmr. a* hereinafter provided* and tn make i sur.b general regulation* ft>r the tramtacuau ofbutinc-a on < ictid railrcodaand canal*, a* they may, from time to lime, j ilflcta proper; and tint shall also h*v> the exclusive rlekt in forobhal) the motive power »r r*U railroads. * .. Esc. 10 That tbs said. company shall have the right i to aubjret tonnage, shipped or discharged at tba interne*- dlatopcinteca mri I in*of Improvements, to chargesctf more' than twenty per centum above the rate* per mJto charged ! ter *inU*r tosuaco posriug ever the entire extent cf eald i teprorment* for the time beujg and the said company shay I make no discrimination m to 3* sin fhuycn against anb beats nr tcun*£». lowing to and from the tfuitqusluuna Di«! virion of the Fvmuylvau* c*umt,«ud ih« charges and toil : nu furhtrmnage and bonis twvrr *xrwd per mile : tncsv now charged hv the State on the Eusqnffaanna,. \W*t ■ .Drench and Mortis Branch Uitl*lon« -f>f the Pcuosylrr.nU i cani!*;or the amount paid cow the Commonwealth ojvm j Nnate and mcoftge under preswtt maximam rates of i tell as fixed by the board of Canal Orraraiariantre, i Tho»ievratfaeiN-tio9,wlte?ereetitgtbapcrch&Aercrpur ebawrelnto*My polltiokiMtcorrorete,'provide* that the j ettSpany parrhaoicgstirh public work* ü b*.and th*y are j hereby aoihoriwl. if. thsy derm ic expetiisut, to construct areifrood, by tbs tao*! eligible route, from the ' trrmiaa* of tbn rhnwtelphla andOalumtUraHrUad to the : Atieghsny Tartags railroad, and cocr.cd therewith; «nd ate? extend tho ailpgbeny Portagv rallmsd to ths ri4 railroads “ ahtitcarry cat fa good film *u jpnqi»efcto.»;fefch.R*ay to in w*W«ra« twrtwero t£*-C&tma*'n frealtfr at*l ouaer or aw work #u y plcßodta jgc. la no* readying Els Fall stock of GUFFI ana BLACK TEAB,-—Consisting of some of the finest cl < n tabe fonndin the Eastern market. Merchants visiting the cliy arelnylted to call and examine onr stock. v Below 1b a list of tho various grades, all of which bare been carefully selected, andean with confidence be rvcom. mended:'"-...''" \ • $0 half chests fine Young Hymn■ 10 do .doUovunoYoung Hyson 10 do. k extra fine Moynne . doj • .100 do Superior do; IB do extra fin* . . . . do; . .60 Locaured boxes axtraOurious Young Hyson 25. half chests fine Hunpowflerj: - • . 10. do extra fine ao; A do- -do -Moyanelmperial; . 20 do ’ Superior - do; * -160 •• do ‘Fine Oolong Black Tea;' ■- • 40 ’ do extrafineuoiong; ■ > SO- do : extra Onrloaß do; £>s® ®?B arla “ Te , l 7'n<»‘*»ndfciigrantO®lmg; 29 chests extra fine English Breakfast Tea - - >' v 6 - do- • Curious oo v do- ; ' ~ ALSO—Java and lUo Cfaffbe, lOTericg’a Crushed and Pul verised Sugars. .. • ALSO—63,OOO Brincdpe. Segues,. which will be sold very low, A.JAYMES, •novMrdAw 88 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. WJ OOL iik>B EQ^S.—Or«r-100 pieces Fiaid W oci heraged YT ofeveTyjJwcTiptlQnjJuit _ 'mj23 „ A. A. MASON A CO. % \«K '• : ';V; f '' MEDTCXL. ‘ Carter's Spanish *Wixnre. THIS GRIS AT PUJiOTKIt OP TUB IiLOOI. not a VAKnctE c? atsctlßT ra if • A S INVAtUABI,B CEJIED? iOBSCROhCLA Kiog'l xjL' Evil, liheuniutwiu, Obstinate. OutaneouK Eruption*,’ I»jmploa,or Piistuleeon.th*.i'Mo, 'bronlc Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Heitor, Scald (lead.- Knlst>eniPß> and Pain of the lkmrfl andjotots, l Stubborn Ulcer*. Sviihl.* HUq Wsortfera, Lumbago,: Spinal ComplalntimiM afl Ws eases arising from auinjudlciouß u*o of Mettury, linimi dence In Lift, or Impurity of tbe Blood • v Thbi valuable Medicine. Which baa becoifce Calebs tedTot the number, or extraordinary cures effected throuirh ■ Its agency, has inducedthe proprietors* at the urirent rebneat Of their friend*, to offbr «to the the utmost confidencelnti* virtues and wonderful ;inuive .properties. The following certificates, selected from a ime number, are,'however, stronger testimony than the moi«- Yord ol tbe proprietor*; and- are from gentlemen- wen - known fa their localities, and of the highest respectability; many of them residing in the city of Richmond. Ta. : ; P. HOYDKN.E&j., of the llotel, Richmond known everywhere, says he has seen the medicine called Carter’s Spanish .Mixture administered fa over a hundred cases. In nearly .all the diseases tor which it is recommends ed, with tbe most astonishingly good results. Ho says it the most extraordinary medicine be has ever seen. - ; AGUE AND ?BTEB-MJBEAT CORK-—I hereby cerUfy ; that for three years I had Ague and Fever of-iho most vm* lentdescription. X bad several PhysMonß, took, large qtmn titles of'Qulnine, Mercury, and I believe all the Tonira ad vertised, bnt all without any permanent relief. At last 1 fried Carter’s Spanish Mixture, two bottles of-which effec*’ tually cared me. and I am happy to say I have had neither chills or- fever ainee. *1 consider St the beat Tonic in the world, and the only medicine that ever reached.my coxa Josh Losonxs. Beaver Dam. near Richmond, Ya. : C. B. LUCK, Eon, now in thecltytof Richmond.afid.for: many- years in. the. Post Ofltee,ha* such ctonfidence in .the astonishing efficacy of Carters Spanish Mixture, that he has- bought upwards of fifty bottles, which bo has given away to the afflicted. Mr. Luck says he haenever known - to fail, when taken according to directions, - . ' ~ - Dr. MINGE, a practisingPhysician, and formerly of ihe City Hotel, fa tbe city.of Richmond, says ha has witnessed in a number of Instances the effects of Carter's Sp&iuirir Mixture, which Yew most truly surprising. Hessyama. osse of Consumption, dependent on the liver, the go6d ef* fecta were wonderful Indeed/ SAMUELM.-DRINKER, of the firm of Drinker A Mon ris, Richmond, was cured or Liter Complaint oi eight 7eare J rtanding, by the use. of two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture. GRKATCURE OP SCROFULA.—The Editors of4he Rich ' mosd Republican bad a servant employed in their pr«* room cured of violent Scrofula; combined with -Rheums* Usm, which entirely disabled him from work. .Two bottles or Carter's Spanish Mixture made a- perfect cure of him, . and the Editors, in apubllo notice, say they M cheerfully re commend it to all who arc afflicted with any disease of the' blood.** ■ *\ • STILL ANOTHER CURE U 7 SCROFULA:—I had a ten valuable boy curod of Scrofula by Carter's Spanish MirtUrV 1 consider it truly a valuable medicine.- 1 _ , . , _ „ Jakes M. Tatlois, Conductor on the B. F. and P.R. ft; Cou Richmond' Ya SALT RHEUM of TWENTY YEARS STANDING CURED:: —Mr, JOHN THOMPSON, residing inthedty of Rlehinonu, was cured by three bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mix t u re, ol .Salt Rheum, which he had nearly twenty years, and which all the physicians of lie dty could not cure. ' Mr. XVmp son Is a well known merclum tfa tbe city af Richmond. Ta. and blacure Is most remarkable; WM. A. MATTHEWS, of Richmond, had a servant rum? of Syphilis, fa tbe Worst form, by Carter's Spanisb-Mixture. .He says he cheerfully recommends it, and considers it* as invaluable medidne. - -• . RICHARD E. WEST, of Richmond, was cured of Ecrofu- - la, and what physicians call confirmed Consumption, by three bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture. ; ' EDWARD BURTON, commissioner of the revenue, *ay* he has seen the good effects of (teeter’s Spanish Mixture to• & number-of Syphilitic eases; and says it is. s perfect cun* for that horrible disease.. . WM. G. HARWOOD, of Richmond, curedofOld Ulcers, which disabled hm from walking. Took a few bot ; ties of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, and was enabled to walk without a crutch; to a short time permanently cured- . Principal Depot atM. WARD, CLOSE A C0..N0» 83 Maiden Lane, New York. T. W. DYOTT A SONS, N 0.182 North 2d st; Philadelphia i BEN NEXT A DEERS, 2fd 125 Main street, Richmond; Ya. And rorsale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK A 00 n L. Jr. A 00., FLEMING BROTHERS, 60 Wood street, Piits burgh; 11. P. SCHWARTZ, -Allegheny; and by Dru/gistr and Dealers In Medidne everywhere. - octSidawly nO2USE>S GOIIPOUND SYRUP OF YEL LOW DOCK BOOT, fpHIS isapurely YegetableOempound,«cleniifieaßtpre J. pared from the best route and lierbs of.the Maoris Modfim.and has gatoed an; unrivalled reputation fur tbe folowiog effecte, fit: RIEGULATING AND STRENGTHENING' THE LITER, and Diassrrva O&ouss, and cleansing tbe Stomach and els, end thus earing all Bilious Diseases, Liver Complaints Dyspepsia, Indlgostion,Costivcness, File*, Headache; F*va’ and Ague, Jaundice, Nausea, Lose of: Appetite, Ac,, and causing the food tu nourish and support every port: RUBIFYING THE BLOOD, and thus oaring all Humors, Cutaneoua Eruptions, ' l*»6altßheam r ifryripelas;Bcs2dHead,Casket, Pimpicvnc - the free, Blotches, ulcere, Tumors, Mercurial Disease- Can Ac. BEGCLATISO TBB SBQ&ETOHpORGAKS, and by enabling them to perform, their proper fune-.Mnv preventing and curtog many painful and dangerous 4ia- strengthening and. qnlstlngtheNervems System; tbut allaying Nervous Irritation, and earing all-diseases rrtbe j Nerves, as Hysteria, Neuralgia, Cramps, Ac. It Jsuurix Ailed > : lathe can of all FEMALE COMPLAINTS, oe WeabhWs. Gonerri Debility, Irregularity,; Swellif-tj of the Feet,- Umbe,.Joists, Caused by weakuess: Lungasd Throat Oomplalnta,as Colds, Coughs Aetboa, Consumption,Ac4also,Dropsy. - ... , ■ liavlcg made useef tbe Cxnnpoand Syrup of Yellow Dock Root, prepared by C. Morse A either ourselres, or » nur famillee, and finding it to bo a very salutary aad -ctfeftaaj preparation; wo do mostcheerftxlly recommend it to the imb*- lb? os a T«ry valuable medidne. la A W. Spencer, Ksq ,Cashier lime Rock Rank, do. do.. u«v William Phillips, Rev. J.-B, Rtohmond, C. S. ’Jopfs,v' J Bates, ooet. Be&j. Colby, and one hundred olhera of {hr owtTcsptctablefamniß* of Providence.' j This certifies that I have for a number of yearn bet>u «c 1 qnlnted with the sompo<los au«l mode of maanfactn-r o? j MORSE'S COMPOUND SYRUPOFYELLOW DOCK BOOT {I bam also been acquainted with its nodus operand* iuju ' { aud ran fay that to all n&pectslt is admirably l-Utod to remedy that class of Disease for which it v*«ihu ) rigneOL It is especially valuable to INDIGESTION aTM all its attendant symptoms, it exdto to healthv action ihe LITER; Tcmovos Torpor, andl nactivlty of this’ORGAN sUmulatos healthy actios in all the system. As a DKPC RATOR, or purifier of thedood, it has no superior. DAVID HOLMES, M D :■ ■ Jan.4.1853. VSm Prepared by C. MORSE A No. 44S Broadway New York, and aold by Druggtsta and others throucWt this and other countries. - JOEHUOHLEB, Agent. J Pittsburgh; v2‘ .'AST. '\j3b lajis (ACOUSTIC OIL! ) M f& 11 \jBv® 14 Oft TUB cutte r ÜBAMBSS, PAlNB,4uid thi Uis . anjgMtJT MUtcr fraci tiie Ears->-ab© I &M thos« dia. nesses tike'.tfJ* turning v iU*r f watering of steam, 4 c., which aro symptoms of approaching Detfhessjwod aL**»sccer*Uy withiho dlstW.foani sK >£ mta who hayo teen deaf ft* too, fifteen; and twenty >.»«, **» hate,a&er. Us-tois one ■tt\es» thrown asldo their trumpetmfxinz nude perfectly well., Phyridana and Burgeons highly r* ;om mend Ua vtan. ■■ .. ***-y ' _ ' tYrom the Tribunal Pisrara .Nzouect Yocti Cuiis*ci_Tho«san:» o. children anunaUY become deaf; Inconsrqniiice ot Ji«. ; chjrewi ol matter from thelr atfs,tndncwl bv Scarlett.' ver. Oel4i*c. JJffw.tf mdthrre would do their dotr and vtxi core. Scarpa’s OUforDealbetii olid nso It aa cWted. ■ n.-ir ctdldronrrouMtjj cured jbullfnealected. thedischna'iron tinoee my. trouMesotaft tha heallßggriluiair reia V >t sel gttd floally partial o? total'-daaihft&jn • . „ „ . „ IMK)UXAST NOTJCH- Gutawl tee Mrr : ■ .. <^tAa{«!iScmtitoc«oKdaito««Arcn*. oaftlfy, thatwheu liraa»t»ue Iwelrcyeatiml kraattiinV; atithitt jnAYew axotxliwl T .iiii It almost imporalbleto heat, unless in the Teryloudefu.mil ef roiw. I remained in that situation until taut sue>;qer, » "f warn I heard’or BCAIi fA* COMPOLND ACOUSIiU OIL. I Immediately obtatiuil rv" ; l»tUe„whfch I hare tnefeaad am happy: to ear It has doted like magic, and quite cored na Any onotrlahlrm fm her l iS'P y; • BBOSo Dtoiocbto, cor. Wood and FonrtK all: st&.^S^B^® , BnissiBt,.WoodaMiet. Third and Fourib: ■ .JQbJiSlOiitiiKa, ■ and ailour,first clsta Hotels and Restaurants, os-Welled dMlsrsccnmlly, whero the proprietors dost respect;ally refer tho public lor them. ■ 3 - Theespmreubut a trifle, when compared with the la calculable good they olfeot. “ Fooling eatlsaed that our Bitters possess merit e OBMent tp nwHumendthem, wo will not muiHply worde foihcir praise, batataall to giyorthem a trieii batboearafnl to STOMACH BITTEBS,' pother? are other BUtersrepresented la be the name, wlich comiirS UTelyareworthlose. Our Blttcwarewlihout a riealieitbß* ae to thoiymedtonal qualities, or as a'heteiage.'t They ere pat op In square bolt] ss, con talnintr a fullqaart. witti ill. rectwus on. end J>r.XMaileUtr‘i &tmac\ ihW» blow „ on ■ the glass. None other genuine.' •: UOSTSITEB, SMITH A Co ' BCT Peon street, KttabnnHt : ■.Kansas fi»KL6°n> Ltpa, Banna ana Freesca, Sorea .on Children, and maUy alleYiate/lf not ;entfato_cnrBßaU*aamiPUes,lnflanim»; it of iMoot*, KmptaontheFace, ana ill Diseases of tho Shin* • 1 MONROE TERREL, ■•• •■ *« wl« byPLESHKO BEOTHERS.^nnIxfBB, y«S4SSS.y ilte^u,r S h * :J -Q-Bimingiaia; JJre. B. HOLMES, Tcmperancetllle; D. M. OOBBY, Allegheny; .WlSHlJt&NtPonnnrtTOnUOlaßa Wodis; SAM-’X, Allpflimyt B. DATISON, -East. Liberty; SPANG A . CO.,' Stoarartetoarn; LEWIS DALZELLAOo'sharpabnre; STEW AETiLLOYB 4 CO„ Mechanics' Iron Works; J.° W. HASHES, Man cheater, " JySStety TkR- TKEBEL’BHEALING aUfTMBNTwffI ewi Balt XJ rhenm (Tetter), Chilblains; Common Sores, Chappeior Cracked Hands,Bnrns or ScaldseCnts or Wounds. Files, t Q . flamniaUon of thn Breast Bite* of Insects, Bora Lips, Pim ples outheFaoe, and Breaking OutanaBoreaottChflareh. aniaU Diaoaaes of tha 8klo» iPno*w and SWAT than aire ■otherrMedldn*.;' ;? - ■ For (rale by FLEMING BBOTHERS, and Dr, KKYaUB. Wood street, Flttabureh; J. O. BJUTH BlnaTaeliam Bi ui Btore;WM. SEIBERT* 080.. 477 l’enh~ street: LORENZ A: WIGHTMANt -FennaYltonia Glass Worts: Jba ‘a" HOLMES,TemperaWOTiHej B-iJ.CVItIIY, AUarheSvCit? SAMOEL BYB&iAUeshenjr City {WMbSMITSSicnS vUlp; LOB 6 B-WisO/. Wt A C? Biewartatovn; LEWIS DAIZHUi.:ArCO.,: Bliarpabnhrbl ' BTEWAJBT LLOYB \ A 00 T Mechanics' Iron Works IJ. W HANNKN,Manchester. JySMany ■vr a—Aßingla bo* 'or Dr. TERREL>B OINTMENT will la a top.an jßlm-ksrolth’a,Farmer^Baflnrt,or Mechnn. iff;B oandSflftt them chap or crack vrex sobaflr round and in good working order all win tar. Pfrepartd toft sola by JIONBOE TKRfcBD, . jjgfcd&wy Ncfogataofc, Conn. saBNOKi) mi&—' Oilßagamot; oa Ciimamoo; “ Demon; 4 *Tloyei; : 'Wfatesgreca; ‘" Nerolij . . ; <1 Bassaftant *_Grgauum; ** jQiangejv.- .-’‘ Mask; 1 ** Bose; K lavebcfer; In store mil for Sale by : •••'■: JQBIi-IIOgT.BTt, mjlB *- 2U Liberty street. •i V ■ i s n* «’« *.L•• V ji-'rj; * ' v v ’- ••.*■■.'«• c ■’■■■:! ■* • 950 Bewara - ' ■.■ .V r . t '-+ -I .. .-'r ; - # < « -' r*<. £*£2- r v ~ ■ j -r. \v MEDICAL. BRiIIORSE’B ~ InvigoratingCwdial A Phenomenon in Jffediciiie, .TTBALTfI RKSTOBEO: AND Llpp, I-JWfITHBSItiy 'ftV' " ' : DIAL. At tint the properties attributed!* i'rotMom'tf" IpvigOmtfagJEafalr Ot ftlmlfttr., TTtf public* often deceived, could nofcbelike mb lime truths announced by. the discoverer;' But fret* trod* mable fails, attested by witnesses of the highest class cud character* erenow triumphinffover-aildoubts. .lorredu* -': lity Is overthrown by a mass.Pf testimony which Upeifecfly Irresistible. % v.’ The 3£&£7Zs.remedies,'fa , arising from a, mlruseor abuseottbe various otfganawhfeh : m&be op the wonderful machine called mate It restore*to '.«J« vigor every deUeatofuuclion ccmnfleted with thatmyß tenons compound'-agency of matter and fnind; necerary to t&o reproduction of To persona of frehie sroa- c -!?u #**?•> osdefldent in vital power, it is recommended -: t ■» Um.only meansof communlcatingthatfneriar,'Which,la necessary to the proper enjoyiiientof ail tha&fltaral appo* 5® - mental attributes, Its beneflriS ■ eftocta are not ..confined sea, or to any see. Ota feeble girt,theaUing over»woramanofbnpincsp*theyicym otnervouadep™ion, the .individual auffexingfrom general debilltyVor from tho - weakness of Afsngle organ, wfil all find immediate and net* manentrelleffrom the-useof thisincomparahlcTtnovatoe, To these bave predlspoeitioii to iriU prota a complete and un&llfogjßsfegimttl against tbaiterrihSe ’ malady. . There awmany, perhaps* who hate ao trifled with ; thdr coprtitrrtlons, -that they, think themselves beyond the ’' ■ reach of. medicine*; Let sot evea these despair. The Elixir t deals with disease as it exists, without reference to causes* and will not only remora the disorder itself, but ‘ REBUILD THE BROKEN CONSTITUTION'. * .Thederangements of th* system,^leading■■fa narrows dla» • •eases, and the fonnsof nervousdisease itself,are Bo numer* ous that It would require n edomn to enumerate lhe mal* - ' i dlra/fpr whtd3 this preparation is a A few, hoar* : i-eTfer* : mcy: he enuiotrßtcd, -via;. dtytereaux.'' heart, spinalaffections. muscular debility.tmnorsCatu* tence, Wpiickingsensation is the. flesh;uumbbtfs, mental depression;-weakness of tbe wllV Indisposition to more, fainting after exercise, broken sleep and Cstifaisg dreams, inability to remain in otaBplaceorpoHtion>weaknrssoftha oniana,,flcnraJbpp, ‘ ferities;a chronic tendency to miscarriage, emacfatJon, and all complaints growingont of'S free Isdnlgesre - .idons,and all barrenness that does not proceed Lv , causes beyond the reach of medicine, »• 'Whenevertheorgattstdbeajetednponarafreefrc" formation or stricture!diseasea.lt is averred that *< ' MORSE’S INVIQOBATINO ELrxiß will replace weakness with strength, incapacity With effici ency, irregularitywith ohi&nni and natural activity, and thlffnothnlyWithouthazaTdcfft-actioD.'b-QtWUhehsppy' .effectop the general organisation.; mind that nU maladies, wherever, they begin, finish with the nervous eysiem, and that the'nerve of motion : and sensation iflphyseal death.; Bear-in mind also, that for;ev«ry .kind. of nervous disease the Elixir Cordial is tho only.rtlUblepireparatlon.knowo."-'; • v . ‘ CUBED* NERVOUS* DI-EASES. ; No langnage janctmTey an adequate Idea- of tha im me diate and almost lt oecatfonainthw shattered nerroussyßUm, Whether broken, down: by excess;; weakiby natot* or impairad by richness—thenoBtrmigandrelaxßd crganiratrtmJiatom» ' revivified mental: clnAi&rical uymptumsofnervons diseaseavanlahtogetberniHJeritalD- Scenes. .-Nor te the eflecttempaTOiy i oiif'the contrary tha relief is permanent—for the Cordial properties of the medU cine reach the constitution condition. - ' LOSS OP MEMORY, Confusion, giddiness, rnsh of blood to the head, melancholy debility, hysteria, wretchedness, thoughts of eelf-destrne-" Hff,7rr“ roflnHlpit3 'l ftencralprtatraticn, tm «biHty t nervoumess, mDnl^VßgneterrorsfpaSlSon^SeliSJfteSten^. . o«nsapation,eta,fromwhatevercanBaariring,itiiifthw® to be ploeed on hunuuxtestiaony’jabsohitely -A' GREAT MEDIQINH VOIt VKMAT.Wfr v *4 . . - The unparalleled effect* of tblr great nstoxaiiTe, In all cojnplalnta ioddent to ftmalesv xunrk » BBTTcr* Jn Che »n« nalscf medicine:' Thousands of etimnlaits: hare been la« ' : derangememvto ' which the delicate formation of woman render her liable. - EVEBYIFOSIAN OP SENSE; who suffdisfTomwesknesH, derangement, nervousness, ti 9» ’ mors, pains in tbebaci, otany other disorder, whether pe* enliar to her Bex, or commonin both se&te~~to2lfe the m. Vigoratlsg Cordial a trial. - HARRIED PERSONS, Or others, will find this CoTdial alter theyhava ufffid a boh* tie or two,«thorongh regenerator of the trsteis.,-In alt directions era to be found the happy parents of healthy oiP spring, who would not have been so buttor thlsextraonlft nary preparation. Andit is equally poteutforthe many dla' eases for. which it is recommended. -Th6nsahdsef yonn» men. hare been restoredhy nringit, and not in arfmde faS. stance has R ftdled to.beneflt them. : . PERSONS OP-PALE COMPLEXION* * or confranptiTe bablis, are mtored by the uifc ©ffc bottle dr two to bloom and vigor, changing the skin from a pale, yet low. dckly.eolor, to a beautiful florid complexion. • ■ TO THE SnSatTEDED* . These are some of the sad and melancholy: effect* prodo* cod by early habits Gfyouth* vi*: weakness of the'bade . end limbs, pains in the toad, of mu* - culaar:powcr, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, torveue irritebtiHyvderangement of the digestive functions, general debility,aymptomsof consumptions, etc. Mentally, theffearfol effects on the taindarexonch to be dreaded. ■, Loss of memory, confusion of ideas,'depression of spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to society, selftiatnist/ lore of PoTUnde.timldity, etc., arefomoOi the'evilsnrodn* cod. 1 . All thus afflicted 1 - - BEYOBB CONTESTPIATING aiAKBIAGE should reflect that asctmd mindendhody srethenmstno* «#«ary requiiltes to promote connubial happlnesdi' indeed, ' Trllbtmtthese. Urn journey; through'iiftf beeotfiesa-wear? piJgrimafftt—tha prospect-hooily darkens the'-iriew; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled triththa’ melancholy reflation that .the happiness of a&othn be. comes blighted with your own. - ► OAUT3OW. , '■ .Dr. Morse's Ihrlgcratfog Cordial has been countetfeitea by some unprincipled persona.- In future, all the genuine Cordial will, feaYathe vtoM**'- ten's fexdmllc pasted otqe th eeork cl* each bottle. and the following words WowninthegloPßi <■ Dr- mLoratte lavlnoratfoo Cordial, . The CottUal 1» pot op, Ughly CTmceotratad, in Wt Iwt> - Hos—price tiroe dollar* per Jmmo.lwo for Hva doluSa, do «» for twelve dollars. .0.1 RING, Proprietor, -- - .182 Blt»dw»T, Y* .ndiL\S?^S. throUBhODtau,rnite4 *** «*■*» s s. ed Wooaawet •. Po., QEO< It ‘KEYSET N0.14f1- f * <» ■ / • AUMfcroyClty-atfO. P, PljfiSlKQ Cjp dttcedlatotbBH>tte»hc>norcdSflygtoT>pfiinfe; < -•./ •!> : PCIVEEDIACHER.S . Tr „ T - htobo-electeio - ' Xan llnren. Post and,others, who, harepablished -their «ew* of their power .and ,Talne in serersl of the medical' Id?n>»l»dnthstcity,Bnaareaißolnthedaiiypraeae«of recommending their use to patients. Afotl erromit of their opinion may slsohefounaln etmy pampHetandiefitto the addrosanfany-perton teithe Btate Wappiylngfoost: pdd) taDr.OKhfc KBTSBK, who isageSftrHtaSwSgb,. he sent by mail, with tell doscriptiona. | Price of s3 ainl $6. | Pfcyetdansare poUtcly laTltedto eftll «nd cxamlxtethrfr* iconstruction, -v ~ . i ■ ' : Orie Word Sforc to iavallilb * [ Nopmoniiesd ! TrliAtlt ia daimodthey can do,' and an whafcrmr : become irflh a constant ponritcdoinx bf cateat : nos trams (bottled strUl) erCUodly'Anjifo'lJteJy InvfSdtO' give them a trial, ••-/■:■•■.. . .. ■‘nTT ■■ .. N^a—One Chain wiU last Ibr years aillose'none of Its' ®Uld° P ° WW ’ ““h “ a caahe applied to either adult or : dEO< A ShTSKB, No. 140 corner of Ttood stmfit «T.|V ■pirgin alley; Pittshnnth, wholessle and retail agent. - atS? hy J. P.PhKMKQ, Allegheny City. TpSito ** Br* D. Jayne , i Furnllv Mjaiwfyo* TApjjgaEXPECTOEANT; ' HilrSffS?;*' v ** lonic VermUUgo; * « BatEtfrePlUi: « AtffePOls:':*'■' ... -Alter&ttV6{ ■• ft- .:. AWnytf « ITI TTATTh— JEbeaboTe.T&loabld fsmUjr sledlctoeit eQix€an^7oa-£attd» andUold wholesale or retail, at the PeU* r«# sS®?B^& ■; : :i jr9K jQ - Tto- B&OWN, No. 41 Diamond Alley, D* A ' .votes his eStire attention to an, offlg Practice. - aaß :■ • msT Bis business is mostly .ccßfln«tfto JVtfeafc W ?%fKrMl.Z>toai£*,andsuchjpMnftatallectloss,' l 4B& nought on by imprudence, youthful indugeace and excess, Urethral Discharges;Jmpurf tyofJtheßloid, wi& #|) mg2£ r sea oftho Venereal Orgßn.StdnDlseasea.Boortrotto'EtuD* tious,Tetter, ■ nes4, ; Impotency, Plies, Uheumattam,JftinaJe Weakness. Monthly fiappresstons, .Diseases of the iblnUt Pirtula S AnCjNerToua Affections, FaJnslnthe BackandXe&uLlrrL • tattoo and Kidneys,enccwsfullytrw&d.-- BljM«iuearß’pwcaoeC«l»tetlUactty)o»to»Dr.Bnnni toWsS*? 1411668 ° f * *^ oCd * OUW 40 •BwSt may coin* Q&cesnd Private Consultation Booms, n.Diamcaid aQar Charge iflodffrate. :•>••• ■ tior&dAvSr TjHKOMftll.iJißfrrijgi IftnowtfapsnrJy dtsoororod «i*THßatisia la a speedy and: certain fiemedx.Jhr: thatpaJnful trouble.. ltnsTerlails, Om&oaudPrivateOoMult*ttoa-E<>QmsPo» 4iDIAHOKIti - Pittsburgh, Bean**. TbeDoctoriaalwaysathoßia.? march23.*d*v. ' , - /TKUIIftP-ttlNOKK—ltiOtt lbs. putcfitoaod Ur store and for sale by • FLE&HNQ BRTmTfifos NDIQOt^SQO I tor Indigo, insioTo aodfor *• siZ** . - f . VhKMfNQ >imryrr^ufl^ T INaKliB Ollir-1000 gallons LiiUKWi,Qii" twit*** -Ltto-aJet-y Q»181 ib/jiNNl—lao'il XVI JolS 5 ’ , ’ V * J ’ ' l4 SMHIiVQ BBDTBffiS. ::omm - ,J ■ Vv-I.