*5 * t* i , «» - V . f * * v v % j- , , 5 ' s'.. ’ * f ' « 5 s3j-V”,'V' '«%'! U. f »“ *-■ , r’ ‘“* i’ ’ -’'*- I‘l 1 ‘1 - -L..l* ' •]> ,* 1 t ‘ ’ r t ' '• - $ ' ' ' '"""'" ' "■-■'■ r ~ r :.t? t-tv V* r‘' "■'* j ; *> *’■. >* •" % ■v f yi V \* ■s. *J* £>^!v === &ws< L*-J s pnrta ,t ,'‘ .‘.-'.t fp' ' SjjhlVdty ti*? s» .. .i i'.'PPi il ; ■ ,-. AorloatM,- >'« I* r^‘ ! ' * l - *S’ J - '?:, »*• md insuram „\jv 'Cx*;* 4 »Si.“ V r* Af t , VV' *-." J '•• ilKii IMh 4sM^m smtBsPhP(s; Immm wmm suss# liPiSfS pA^MSkwMm ppfa^H ■nmitsuj I"* ssssiiA rpllfp§# #lf?|§B£S I SOMM filllltl tefisi feMs^&g*Eaaaiss3 • w ‘ -' i ’> ’• * -4' , !:r i ,^ v ’ ,> >;< - : , * „v **- -. " t7 ** -S.* *-<"*• •S v# '»*''> * 1 ** **«— T */V T.-"*- -•- »‘ * ■•&_ , P '•* ir" •'J'V “- _\ w -*'* r '-«_<»*, £ ,*, T t t "" * '*••* •* * \f * \ *. ■* t- r S» t *.* v *■-«•„ { ’IT DAILY MOftNtM-POST. I J* FRIDAY ...».«jn.nlt hi THE EaHT* ysoa* BaJ-lOOH. U —Mr. Elliott; the mtanaut, giving an account of his ascension -from sneaks of the • oppearaticeof the ,estjh;fjpt? a balloon: «I don’t know that I eTerh.nfedhere toforo that the wronaut may wetf b» tho most sceptical man about the rotundity of the earth. Philosophy imposes the,truth upon oS, -but the view of the earth from the elevation of a balloon iB that of an immense terrestial basin, the deep er part of whioh is that directly under ones feet.'-A&’woMCcnd, the uasMUis to recede— actually to Bluk away, while the bon bon gradually'nnd gracefully Uftß a diversified slope, stretching away farther to n Uoe that, at tho highest elevation, seems to close with the sky. Thus, upon a dear day, tho saronautfcels as if suspended at about an equal distance >£■. tween tho vast bine, oceanic-cute above, and the,] « equally exploded,.tfirreatiivV basin^beiow., Errioiox or Coro Watbu.—On Wednesday, tbo "18th inst, the bouse of Wm, H. Moody, ( _ ' * o f gtandlsh, Mo., wsb struok by lightning, ■which demolished tho chimney, burst a large I hole in the ceiling of the Bitting room, ana Bmashed the store and broke the door. Itstruoh a dangher of Moody’s, six years old, on the baofc of the neck, tbe side, and leg to the foot, leaving ‘ a disoolored mark half an inoh wide, the whole distance. Cold water was at once coptouejyap-' plied to the apparently dead girl, who, in twen • ty minutes from tho time she n6S struck, reviv ed, and ie expected to recover. i CHERBT PECTORAL. . *ott IHK BlrK) CCRB OS - -, ~.T COUQU3* MOATtSSUbSM.BBO^CUITI^. waoopmo-covsM^cßoiMMtb#±., .:. duYD CONSUMPTION. S WB Invito the attention of the | pnblio to- tba certificates appended belo»,ioahtJFraXrof'l>ca'ttiotmi : did consideration -which their honest frankness deserves. ■ ~ ; .. Sio i In’'each stations ns many who voluntarily hear witness to tbe.cmca-. jjyiutd vnlJSe ct finvaai PKToasij-do not wantonly .trifle with, or distort l facts, noroverstalotheir convictions, ro a,T.el«n , ‘“r, O, ®,ht:ov., 15.2 TO, i f Troi: Sir—The Corcar Praotm is ranch In ■ natodettcr A sS«SI of our host physicians have used it, Js^MSsssatfSffiSwK 2?tid" tot Sjtongllte & general confidence ran ta on 3e"^"”~P I46 SISSSS •WSSSSH*^n»'I?- T,aismbc myself. ItespoctiuUy your M . ». oiStXhs agon Lvere irritaUon of the brenchWtulie., • vhlcb wm a constant annoyanco to xna, ani fast ' TESSAS fftStanprchenidDn. Every remedy tried fhitei a sourca oigreac pp CSehrt * This ft!™ SSVSRS‘Ii, 53. « X tSL wholly cured me t rn nothing for tbe reputation of advocßtlps patent -Jc* leans nounuKTOj raomnienil it taring under similar Indispositions. r. P. JONKB, Yours truly, j ! r D^tr- Ahu, October t, ,tSC9. T»a. J C ATSR: Sir—l have used yonr admirable com nrnSd a'ldirivdy in my practice, and And it to aurpa-s, hy Sf“av nth« Sy wVhavetor curing diseases upon the lungs.. Your Obedient servant. D ■ yet lomainfi to convince the moat iocraJnJeua shut thoOheriv Pectoral is ell tot It purports to.be, v,i: an un ' agent fornll discasoa of the ..Throat and ■ lenca Tha experience of yearshaa provenit tohesuch, add M submlUtto the people, bolwvtnß that its virtues -at'S SHE?rb.mk,tawcll,Masr. Bowen, ' of Trortblewi Reparations,atunnpfed to bo pauawl off nndtr * "p7tto”b by all Druggists, and by lilUtt : KSTOCK * 00, wholesale and retail. :, jaryfiauitw • —: A Clarfc'ji t*lau*u- A TSBSU arrival of NCNNS *OL I Ejsss?,saasSiKffis., ss .^ s 1 ' iaont "unBS nSSni: •.•■- 3 Eim of tba OM'Vn n»rv *. M _JJ Bnlvaror-ASMckcfixmi’*-'^^ o**.,, 0 **.,, f ” -, JOHN 11. IUSUKW, SI *«* flre-t, *»«■ to-doy {Saturday) the rcjgsS«9sK3>jurv PTAKO FORTES. from the ctl-bmtuJ cECaiC&MNQ * 50NS, ■ !two- superbly carved 7 oclare Planca Poor plain Itoscwood 7 “ Three Carved do » “ One extra carrcd . Ja u « Ooeplainßosewood. 6% . Tour do .do 5 w m haro bean finldtiHi durlnif tho Sbly at BOSTON .PRICES, BuSbSoV No. 81 Wood Dtreel. ~ri Aft.nfcforChlclLeriPg **«**. n«*xrm._ :U»H numt- „ BEAL ESTATE AND CONTRACTING AGENT,, No. -, IRWIN street, Pittsburgh, haafor enlo-oj (Mv »'■— 180 acres of land la Coder ' ratine on the main road to Marion, and it miles from «-ip ton OmUesfrcm two Railrtad depots;,».«** lainnder •• mitiTation a good Frame Bouse* Prime Barn, And Qrana OrchanJ.-- The- frrto is well -watered? high, drv, pood land, In a eery healthy county. A rS?cSaat hanralu can be had of this farm for prompt as ixbore, or of Mr. John ilmrn, on tbs pro “aS>, S acres of land, with . huT» s tf°> Ba n '' l^ J^ An nncsessfal operation; 3 Frame wcIUnBB,. Bsrn., Black Hffllth Shop and Tools, Boat ‘ ate on the bank of. the * Allegheny rtrer. at MUWs lildy, Armstrong county* Pa. Enquire as anore, or of Mr. L. M lllso»antwaatehaseStoSOOJOO fret, R, M,of good White Oak Plank, 3 Inches thlck,Borloleet long, . to ld lnchra wide, part to be doliTored In October next and part end ere-i th.ng of the fitting out of a large Hotel, In the city cf nowdolnza yerr Uraronslnesa. Two to fire years oftbe lease of the house can also hehad,and Immediate possession *ijQUfred. Enquire cs above. __2f° If icq mHB BENTOS IRON COMPANY, ol Western reu,,sj,i 1 Tama, bavins become the proprietors of the KENTON and DICKERSON PATENT /or making Wrought Trend* “/™ u< Ore, for tbatrportlonof territory of Penney va nla lying west of, and including the oounUee of Pulton, ltaDflmson,Oen’re,Clenrfleld,tlk and McKean, are non tSnarod to ecu eerUfleates of stocb In Arid company, each KaShfatodc entltllngthe holierto share In the profits of the oomnany, and the right to use one Furnace under said Patent. F The Company will also sell tho right to use the lmcroTemrnt In the above named territoryChy single tor- She fact that hy the Renton process Iron-Ore can be converted Into Blooms at about the cost re qulred toconvertCro Into Pig Bletal,is a Bufilcfentrocom m 2fc“j AMEBH-CKAATS has been fortbe eale of rights to uso Furnaces under said Patent, to whom application may he made, or to the undersigned Directors ol the Company. J- K MOORHEAD, | wnupauy ALLEK KRAMER, NHttebnrgh. JAB. W HAttMAS,} W. DEWES WOOD. SPKeesport, JAB n. CRANE. Pittsburgh. fohlM*wtf "wm. a; mulukg, DK2VLEB IS - Sine Tea*. Choice Family Groceries and Willow Ware. CORNER OF WOOD AND SIXTH STS., yrrrsßoiurn, pa. Iq_„_ recsWlnitiilars* assortment of FUESH GOODS, iSadfiSSon to hto alreadr extonslrs stock, P” I r hM '<} „„m first bands in tho Eastern markets, whieb, will 1» sold “«r- 1 families, buying by tie SSP-.1 m .<, nSa-JuncJ Blakrtjr.baa arrangements made arttli Eastern .Honses, .bim to issue Brans, SSbfcatdght, feriny-amount, In London. Lljornool, SttWin.Pinlirf Frankfort bn the Main i also, stall the Ittrlnclalßanks and Brands 4“ G6 ™^sB,&Soa n G dß ol Britain, and Ireland. Drafts orer one Jffif °X n ". 1 “ $4,05 to £l. • Office* earner of Seventh and BmUnnelaßtt. my 26 -—- —T' Notlce to,Bto«kUoW«r»*. A GREEABLY-to absolution of the 'Board of Trortees A of thb Odd Fellows Hall Association of the cityof Pitts burgh.* passed'at ameetinsrheld tins office, on Tuesday, ■ 23d last., tho subscribers to the Stock of eald Association are hereby notified that ra [lo] pee ce5T„ bdng the fifth iMtaldient of thtir' snbscriptanij wm be doe and, payable - on-tho 36th of June, 1864. . Vt M. 8. HUNTER, on mo *>vu > Treasurer 0 F IL Association, Marbot-eod Swentid ete. . "■ - HBW-OFMOB. ' BBal-Estate“.an&Contaaoting Agent. ITtHE cnbecriber. hue bean Induced; to open on office for fclmaelf lhat ho can famish any Itnnfccr and timber of any Wad* great or small, Jong, or short, and .ta2l:ir4*v ' SUKANCE COMPANIES. WSTtvih SAFEMvtHStJBipTCE. COHFAHV. in the &gfe on Third JUKCES. ■°Cwfo a r LSr 1-TcraU portsof the World. XKEIIRANO?S “ ' On goods to rivers, canals, lakes nod land carrisgoa, to all parts of t&c lssxmAKoK3 ■On merchandise generally. ■ j-.: £:'•■' : '.*? ° n ABBMB d OFTUE tMMPAH Y,' Kovcmhor 7 mVadclphio dty, 42 - Carden, Southwark, and other loans, .......181,003 u. Stocks' in hanks, railroads-and Insurances tBm ~ Bfi^^:rzrr“”:ri7ru^aM .BaUawin ttotandfl of Agents. «n4-premiainfl- on MfiWoe Policies recently ™ SttbsenpUontfQUa w Win* Martin,. Joseph 11. Seal, . . ... EdmuiulA • Bolide*,'- JobnO.BaTis,- llobert Jlurtoo, • ; . Jobnß. Penrose, George G. Leipcr, EdTTajdDariiQßton, ll’Jonas Brooko, ...... ~J.G. Johnson; James 0. Hand, TheopUos Paulding, James B. M’iatland, \T. C-ludwlg,. JosrrE W.Cowak, Sec’y. ■ ~*HIttI»ASI«UAI. STA'i-KBiBBIT .’ I OP IHK ST A ®E M Cl 0 A L FJ EE A ARjENE IHSUEANCE aOHPAUY, I OF PXNHSTLVASIA. Assets. May Ist, s PrcmlumerecetYed to May 1653.......'* 19 Interest on Loans, 40—..~ • .wv—*; Capital Stock,- - $446,163 26 Returned premiums, losses, Eo-lnsmance, Ex- M ;■. *ii . • : Hoads, Mortgages, Stocks, end other good seen* : Premium Notes WgJo Si Ca*hou.hand. • .■ .»■■ Total ain't of Besourrasj Idablefbr Losses....; JO - KRICTOM. ; . I JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, Dauphin oounty, , 1 P. 0. SEDGWICK; Harrisburg, - : I : BAMUEL JONES, Philadelphia,. ; 1 A. WILKINS. Banker, Pittsburgh, : A A CARRIKB* PtiUbtoyk*— JameslL.Willson, M.P. MU S kw «*-*■ B. ARNOLD, Agent, ! • raarlT-y - So. 74 Fourth etreet. Pittsburgh. The FranKlln Fire Insurance Company, Of PhlaAdphia, iVniuyhama. ,;■■ BTRECTOBS —Charles IV. Rancher, Thomas Jlart. Towas Wagner, Banrnel Grant, Jacob ft. . t® l ** Of* I enU, JloSlocal V. Lewis, Adolphl E, Boris, PartdJS.Browne. Mmris Patterson. • ' Ctus.N. lUackXß, I’rai-lmt ChaaG. Bams, SrsrePxn/. -- ,-■ , OonUnn«tomalcolnsuran(*,porjwtnalorUmlteJ,on*vei7 description of property. <» town and country, at rates as low. i «a»re consistent withsccutily.v■•■•, .'SI-rr-:;' M t 'The' C.-.int'any bavo reserved a large Contingent Fund. | which, with thetrCapital and .premiums,safely luvertcd.ai ford ample protectlon.to the assured. . „ .. „„ K The Assets of the Company' on January Ist, 1851, as pub- Ushod agreeably to ao Act of Assembly, were •■eMlowc, rls. I Real Estate : Sam Jo I Cash, G4JUO at Total ,1,212,703 44 Bines their Incorporation, a period of twcnty-one years, they hare paid upward of Ono Mllhcn 1 our Hundred Thou sand DollaS, losses by fire, thereby affording erldcnoe oraie adrontaitefl of Insurance, os well as the ability and disposi tion to meet with A^t, ap24 OfSea, northeast cor. Wood and Third eta. PBOTECTIOA . INSURANCE COMPANY, .. ■- ■■ -■ .OF HARTFORD, CONN., Capital Stock. Annual Premiums and Western Fand 51,000,000. I INCORPOBATIBD 182.6. ■ Poliriesof Insurance issued fitnU. thaw. HARTFORD, CONK. _ rtn Chartered 18|9>«CanUalStooh ©300,000* Tiios. K- BRACK* President. TIIOS. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary. Directors— Thom* k. Brace, Samuel Tudor* Kbenexor Flower, Ward Woodbridgo, E. A-Bolke'ey, i Joseph Church, Roland Mather, 1 Frederick Tyler, Edwin fl. Ripley, Robert Buell* SunuclS. Ward, Miles A.Tuttle* Henry Z. Pratt, John L. Boswell, Austin Dunham, Gustarus P Darin, JunJoa 8. Morgan. *3-Policies on Fire and Inland Risk# Issued on arora ble terms, by GEORGE B. ARNOLD* Ag*t, dec!2 \y yp. 74 Fourth street. Pittsburgh. IVE3fEBITI ; ABMMS : TMUpWnrOOT NEW LISBON, OHIO BRANCH OFFICE, No. 1W FIFTH ST, rmSBDIUUI. Ftsnea A By>c£oßs, Ppnst. Levi JLartit, See y. iPIBXCtOBfI r.. . • James Barbie* HenrySprjnger, Daniel Hnrbaugb, Sf* Levi Martin, W E McLaughlin, _ James Bcr.*nu, a J "* Uta ' 'riSBkKT, Agtnt. ©SrWill in ure Balidiogg, Btores, Merchandise, and Property generally, on the most favorable terms decl:6m —apr22 .• ST. CLAIR HOTEL. (FORMERLY THE EXCHANGE,) PITTSBURGH, Corner Penn abd St. Clatr streets, C. W. BENNETT Proprietor.. IS'ThUI? a first eltiM ioiwe, briman the RmlraailDov. pots: tbs rooms sro large aodjßOsrly.farnlshod,anil en»rgM moderate.. . ■ aprtClTd** RILEY,’S HOTEL: CORNER FOURTH AND - GRANT STREETS,, ~ YITfSBURan, PA. m ? 2o?]. E. RILEY, Proprietor. • J. ITMASTEES, JR., AO’*,.. H.'MAIIKU, T>BRRY HOTEL, comer of streetana Duquesue Way, PittBbargb,.Pa.- . • .. ... ..... ... marl!? MoMAfrTERS AIMARKLIS*. Proprietor*. .; CITY HOTEL. (tITZ BKOW»*S,*> - corner or. Smlthfleld nn - PITTSBUKGIt, PA . GLASS &OABB, Fiopriotors, . JOHN P ' DAN. D. CARH, (UU Htufer oScc.) • (t*t» Bt. CUrUs * Trctf TWTfl».i«gyi>- and' commodious House having thorough repair: and' famished. with ne.w equipments throughout* 4 !* now open for the reception of the tmvylug public.- --CnARQEa amPKRATgs-;.. - . aprzs.om FLORENCE BOJEL, No. 400 BJIOADWAX,-..SBW VOSS* *.■ tuasßvaxti.ostet sonowus_ruuf.) . BETOBN IQVEJOY, - v,; '"PPIHETOIU A r FRASIUIN HOUSEyClcVelfthd, Ohi6* f C PATRICK’ A 80K, House has ua *r repairs, alterations, and largo additions of new fumituropetc., and fch© proprie tor -pledge ehaß.be trarthig Oh "fbtirpartto place where all the com' "fbrtS'qf hfifsTfelasshotol-canhothund.-.' •« .: J&tr ' ' . -- C: PATRICK * BOW, -VTBW GOODS! -NEW' GOODS! I—IIAG&N & AHL, No. i'j3p’'Bl : M&TMtBtrTOti*T®ao!rriMlTlfi£Uielt third supply of Euintot-t GOCd-S aoirtrt ani most boautfc < ' Jl ’ " eglpea Bilks, . GrensdliisV' -Jfronifc lavas, Blboß ' Baca Goods, • > r”. 'STmtrO!lerio^* * '.Panama, r- •TaailMf 'Plain Poult DeBoJI, JSonnet JUbboasr ’ _ T __ r\- 'A3Bb, r "» feir choice-SlDfc «sUUtsplittX»-tfautUl&s» > Oar ! BOtr/ttje C4dle* canrolyxcpott getthqp fiytasi’Bß Velraaiinr-- bcs t “quality clGooda/nt T^SSSS^ I fa« ftoirt BI MABEET lt«s»to - ’ r. - '.‘i- ,i ... _ EXCB AUGB.-AS» .BAHKIHG HOO.SE -- - -o r - " ,A/WI|, .. BANKERS AN D EXCHANGE BROKERS, SdvcßcmovedVidr C&UxtoVit OortierqfFiflhand Wood it*. . pirrtßtmaH, pa. _.• TfcATRICKS r& FRIEND, Bankers- and'Kxeh&nge Brokers, H Arid Dealers in. Notes, Drafts, Acceptances,. Gold, *ll\ er and Bank NdtaA Bxcbauscs:dntlie Kastdm and Wcstarn, Cities constantly for sale. : '; : Collections made in all• the cities. throughout the United States." Deposits recoivod in par fatuta or tmrrent p&P^* at , the corner of fifth and Wood Streets. ...< y . ■ ■ “ • : 'v hv HOLMES' S SONS, ■ BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS} : navi BsnovaD thsib B&ygrgQ -;&yD-m»ciHiyQE ofticb to no. fi7 mmT mm,' rOgRDOOftSBSLOTt OLD STASI>. ; N HOLMES 4 BONfl,Vßonfcer».Tmd -Exchangeßrown, . and Dealers In Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, Gold* SUf ver ahdßtink. NotefLExchange on the Eastern and Western : the dtics' throughout the United [ Btateo. Deposit* received In par funds or current paper, No. 67 Third.and-Eonrth Bt&. .{jaOfcly : Pr.R. M. Huston, ,- i ~..v S|»n«r r M^lTain, Charles Kelly, i. .• \ Samuel Et States, Henry SloAn, ■ Wm.Hjw, Jr*» * . Joshua L. Price, • ' JamcsTennent, - .'John > B; Sumplo, . Charles Scbaffor* J. X, Logan, Pittsburgh,. R. T. D. Morgan,' do.. ■ . MARTlN,President,.i.. 18. C. HAND, Vioe Prcddent V. AVMADERU, Agent, nb.Water street. Pittsburgh. “ B saegen'x, ' -BANKERS-AND KXCUAjS.QE IHIQEBRB, It S. CO&NXB OP TTOOOXStitti-ajS.V I’ITTSBCBOH,^'«•*>. - ■ "pvRAIiERS in Coin,'Rani? Notes.-Time Forsigtfann L/ Domestic «c. , nhcßVMftgft'im nitthaprincipal citlea of the Union and *»n« ■ topeffor«aleinsmrtB-toßuit;porcliasoTfl». , Currentand par funds received on deposit. ■<:•• j >. i 'Collections made on all'parts of the Uniou, at Uie lovreat Into. ~ ' fr c P u - I,f $558,318.70 HOTELS. .NKERS AND BROKER^. ; . . ' TICBNAN * CO., ~ BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BIU>KERB, ; Hil. 95 flfaxi Strut, earner of DUaAartd JUcy, ■—■ . PIITEBOBOn, PA. „ ' BOX AND SELL. Bask Notes And Cofo; Biscoant tlmo ,«eliaage,‘tm4 prtail6Pery.notes; »»*» •11 the principal oiUea of the Union. Beceito depotiu on call end on intereet, and glffl their prompt Attention toell other matter. appertaining to a Broker's tusiness. Eastern TUchtinffo cf.natotilly on hand. moro 1 JOHN WOODS, BANKER AND EXCHANGE BBOKER, Exchange, Commercial and Ban* notes. riTOOK bought ana sold ion commlsMan. OoUccUops & carefully etteuded.to. : Interest paid on Deposit. , jWNo, MU Fourth street, neatly opposite tho W. U. Bank, __ aoc .* t> ~ it CO. f , : ■ ;.■■■. . BANKERB AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, - iroon •Aio n/tH fltnggTS. - SIGHT EXCHANGE on the Eastern Cities constantly for sale. Time BUls ot Exchange and N Gold, SUrer ami Bank Notes, bpught and cold* •'S?J^ U tS! maiiejnall thfl principal. 6t?.E«» nTTEBW-on. ga.faterent »Ilow Aj.> jVo.?&UntrlA ■<<., PiUtlwryK ta> . FURNiTUiiE jambs w* WOODWX PABlft&T FU H2siTri(K.MA NVFAi TUIISH . - Ware-roomli 07 and 09 Third .treat. ',Tm J- W. W. respectfully Snfrmu>fi\ his fn-nis and i u*.lo.ncr» that bo VL ' ha* now completed hi* spring stock rwq of Furniture, which it decidedly • 1 * -thaiargaatatulbesteircroCerttl for tale lu.tb*sCitjr, wb*-» will b* told'it prtaa aa low as any Intfca United State*, Cantor IVcsL' , . ~ T be Is determined to uphold the quality mtn well sea fonfid materials, best workmanship- and from the extent of Us cnler* and facility lu manutorturln?;. be 13 tTisblcj! to ptoducv WD-rautoi' furniture, at tLe lowest pricey. •■• HC 'bssndort«i the principle of idea lift tag hU custom: f* Interest with bus own, la quality auJ prk*% nsu al way son hand Ike grcAto». rarivtj "i «*er> ot formUire, fruia Urn-cheapKSt fcnd.p4Sint.rst, to the un.i.e*r* gftjjtaudcccUy, .that a brow; of any partrf one, OW.w famished from hi* stock, er manufaetured expressly to or* der. Tk* fallowing articles consist, lO:pjUt, of his *tork f Which Cwiishiißsa of sty** and .finish, cf.nnot be aaipwred in any of tko Eastern cttoi: . liOulsXEV totoC'tuto Solas; tO del. Mahogany Chair*; 30 do*. Walnut 44 " '6O Becking « •: • SOWalaat ** «• • 60 Mahogany Dhraa*; 80 .Walnut “ 60 Marbl*Tcp Centro Tables r . to ■ ... 4 ‘_-Erv«iu- Ourciun; CO u u Withstands: 40 Bad Mod 44 XOO Common M SO Plain Dressing Bureaus; ' -49 Mahogany bedsteads: 20 Walnut “ 60 Cottage ........ 600 Cherry and Poplar Bedstead* JO Mahoftn* Wardrobes; 10 Walnut “ 10 Cherry “ "60'PfadS'Uumus; 70 Pining and Ureakfart Tables ri3 Secretary aud Unokcas&s; j SDdos. Gone Seat Chair*; £S4 Cane Sett Hooking Chair?; M 2 Ladle? Writing Desks; OHatand Towel Stands; What-Nots; __ 1 -Rtiguires; Paper Mach? table*: ""Conversation Chairs; Pembroke 11 “ Hall and Tier ** nmtioa “ URra’Work M Pesrl Inlaid u Esten«ion Pining Table?; Aim ** Ottomans (Gothic and Hall Chairs; A lares anaortmeot of COMMON FURNITURE and WXNOSOn CHAIRS Casern Mastaa supplied with all or* ticks in their lino . and QOTKLB, furnished at the shortest settee. . All owners promptly attended to. apro 6U&mtH>ftU| Ahoy I ii-pi Tin subscribers tender tboirnoknow-*?? [Jfe&alS'ledCTt'ntßTortbe furors bestowed £syfii22taihatn by their Steamboat fr Lunds, and K>l would respectfully rcmlud thim and otbera Interest- 1 1 1 ed In building boats, that they are atoll times prepared to furnish, on the most reasonable term?, every description of Cabin Furniture and Chairs of the best material and work manship* T, D- 10UN0 A COx Corner Third and BcnHbfield stroete, Jyl2; *53 opposite »* Brown’s Hotel" James Lowry, Jr., I GffATO AND BEDSTEAD MAhUYAOTURKR—No 294 Fetterman’a Row, Liberty nrcat, n&s on hand a lam stock of Chain and Bodi tends or every description, mode of the best smterlnl*. which he will sell lower than articles ot the tome quality can be sold In the city He would call par* ticulav attention to his large stock of Mahogany andWeluot Chain and Bedsteads, which he trill cell ot greatly reduced prices. Also. Taming ot every ame-iption executed In the neatest man nor- Orders left atiho \\ are Rooms, or at the ■Mill, comer of Adams and liberty struct*, will be promptly ttendeOto ; A CO., HATS ON lIAND ftt thair entendre CABINET and OUATR MANUTACfTonr, No M Smtthfleld Btreet. a large MWrtment of fancy and plain furniture, which they ■will jaell 15 per cont* below customary ratta • •3frrm»M»skofafr- -Greet* Inducements to Cush..Purchasers* [ If T B will sell our largo etook of COMMON AND FANCY | ; VV’ CHAIRB AND BEDSTEADS, prices that cannot fall tO T>l«aM cash purchasers. AH our work is warranted. Oortemb'krt CASH. • ‘“ : JAMES'LOWRY, JB, [ njjr2i oor. BeroutKanfl Liberty sts. w - WM. M. tiTKVKNbON couUxnittß. to manufacture aV CABINET-WARE of every deftfrlptlon; at hisold stand, • comer of Liberty and Seventh-streets. •- XJNDISKTAK- I $ »TNrt attended to. In allits branches. , m?U RESTAURANTS CORNUCOPIA . a:ni> coffee housed D; BARNARD. ;:: 2f6 Wood 'and Market, ■ janlfrly]-- ’■ -xivtsiixnxtn. : • CRYSTAL PALACE, > -No* I*B-Market street* C. C. SEELY, ’ 7~\: RESPECTFULLY lnftnna his frlendß and the (Qjvu /©rfjpublio in generaVthai lio bos Just started bis York-and; Philadelphia, xn6dern style of COOKING OYglßßßandererythlngelseintha eating line-- Oystors in the Shell or Stowed* for MUJ cents a dozen. He will also furnish the best of everything that •the market will afford. House always, open.until 3 o’clock In the mnmlng. ••• ; • •• » marlft-tf OYSTEU SALOON AND KEbI’AWUAII 108 WOOD STREET. nrrUIB subscriber has now bis SALOON AND i A EATING HOUSE perfected in a manner thatcuunat I -tx ezecledhy any similar establishment-in the city. --. L: XBALS-mLL BE SERVED UP AT.JLLL XIOURSOF t THE DAr,TVomthe Choicest Meats. T’owls, Flth* 4tc., - I'JfIS.BiJJLof J?MS cannot bo surpassed, and ho would respect- I fully invito the attention of tho public to in < * „ CHARLES STILL, | ja2&nq*otf' IOS Wood street, , gt.UlairLager. lieer Brewery. - i rpHE anderelgnod respectfully informs the public thathrj nowfiiUYPWPorodU> pervoprtvatofamilies and the i public generally, with ,hi|> celebrated LACIER BKEU, In botUes. AU,orders loft a* his Office, NIM9 MASIONH ALLEY, (near Wood street,)wiU,be punctually attondedto; and tho Beer deUvorod toony port oT « YWnJty. j je2B tf P. 0. SOIUSNOK. ‘ genurXSprSeefHapr ~ JVa. (hutonEbust t ftU^B : aubscriber Jt»w Just, tjiolargest anl i »X< best finished Xage&Jtees-i&aUitia the city* . Hi# Becrls - i ■apknowledfed'to bo^superior priicle* andi eyorj.o.tber.V*- i« -v K. CENITZ.-' .. * t DRY GOODS. Cffew Arrival of Sgrliy nttd Bummer Dry AT No 99 N.'W. BIDE OFTFOOD StWbt! " B URMG A .COvJapotteM snd .Sobbcrs in British, ? . French arid Gwhum DRY GOOD3.' .Haring r.eceiT- ■ ed our large and extensive stock of spring and summer . ; purchased Yrbmlmpbrters, manafacthters, and part through one owiilmpomUon, we feel safe-in assuring. our . bid bustdinerai eomitiy Taercbantff and city dealersgeneral; • ly.that owing to these noquired facilities, inpurchasing, t we can offer such inducements to bnycrs.as are rarely met I with in the trade. ... . ‘Among our dry goods stock-will he-found casbwerea, de* lainw'', Portsmouth ■ lawns-of the .sn-et desirable.designs* mohair lustres, alpacas.plam black and fancy figured silks, ginghams and fancy prints, latest-styles broadcloths, fancy 'satinets, tweeda.and f summer panta* looningt.brown and : ■' We have also opened a very large assortment of bonnets, newest styles pafm .leaf-hats,-Rutland braid and an extensive variety of hosiery, gloves and ribbons, , with lace goods, fancy nettings, jaconotta,mull and flgurea : Swiss musuns and black wlk veils, io. .., Our variety stock embraces In part .combs,buttons, ppr-- i ousaoncaps, . turnery, and almost every article usually kept. tbovu • riety lino, together with a large stock of gold and silver watenea. Watch- materials, glasscs r goTd and giltjewelry of newest-patterns, end a great varietyof SO h°uJ andSday. • eiocas, ailof which wlll.be sold at the lowest prices for cash Snarly call from buyers is NEW DRY GOODS STORE. Iron Sprout—No. 91 Itlork*t atreet# • OTJK bousoliolng ageper j*U)ry Goods oaslscp, wowould reflpflciftiny solicit thp ptstronago of the public, feeling confident .thaVfromot»«-** tenure and well selected stock of SILKS, FANCY AND BTAPLK GOODS -wo can offer such Indaccmenia w rum entiro satisfaction. UAOAN & AML*, : Noa.ol Marketantl&UnioD strtet. SiMOte BABQIST, ,» : M'TiUlilii comer of Ofautand Fifth just A m received on assortment of fiuo DMdask I>lnon Table Clotbß and Snow-drcp Table STapkius.. AlhOjlO piece? fcanJ&omo small piaid Summer s&*”>**' SjlffiS TrimnUnp, Is- great variety;. . Also/Montilh k Slltor;lo.aJl the fashionable colors* r - -- '••-■.,;• ' • •• • CLOTH lN G STORE! JOHN M’CLOSKEY & CO., hi name of too THREE: 810 DOOM, have, for tho por poso'of Odiolring more epaeo for their ImmenFC tmeinear, '•moved to the apaclousbaUdlnlt °°. DIAMo/l) ALLEY ANU WOOD STREET, Where they have now the more SPLENDID BIOCK. OF CLOTHS! READY MAD! CLOTHING, .. That has cser been olTercd to thopubliiv . Their principal object for this. remoral, la to giro them noro facilities for tho . - mt> * r>x> WHOLESALE TRADE. . They are prepared to aellGooUJ at tho _ T n r>Q t ' ho WEST EASTERN PRICES! A»d thoy will warrant them • to ba.w good u anymann factured In tha Union^. ,„ hnK . v. CUSTOM wORK» Uf TBS HE3T STYLE, ARD UPON TOT. BltOttrKST ROTIC*. ; - They bavo on band a full and beautiful aesorttnent d [ JXJTHB andOOATINGB, tor - • -- > ; • • | FROCKS, DUESS,__WAIiKING AND BOSI- NESS COATS. OnTinterfrflta are Identical' with (tan of our And wonsauro th# poblio thtttourvfldellty will not tail In No. 88 Wood Street, (BAST BIDS,) COHNEB OF PIAMOND ALLi-T.. : N B —-We dvslre our potToua to understand thR tvre hot e nolongerany connection with the Clothing Bnalneas on Liberty p i«mt* Onr attention ia devoted exclusively to the Hon.oahoT.dwign.tea. JOHH M^tJBKOT k m MK\V SPBISG GOODS. . ■ ■ JUST RECEIVED ATJOUS JIcCLUSIiBS * CO'S It bolo, SBlg Clotlileg Wiitbume, No.6BWoodttrcct,nnd; corner of Dlimond alley, tie largest and B»»t 'ntM, rtock « goods that this eolebnted house has ever hail the rjwsuto or Inrltlog the .ttcntion ortho public to. Thesegoodahaee been purchased from first hand*, and, ranecqucntly, no second profit on them, which Icarea us ahle to fu?, **it nf bj Email profit*as any house In Lie oast* cm titles. Therefore, we respectfully invite of wholflfflje dealers and country merchant*, lo to klto os a hall, and examine oor ertensivo ap*>rtxnrnt of SbaDT MADE euwurso. It is almost impossible to enumerate the rfuaolity or immense piles or garmsett that M to be «en at this large establishment; It ts tnfildent to .s L .hat It has nersr been Pressman SAJIbKh BEAT, ~ no. di" Qffhjjn ho mj* wSnAeai BT. CLABt fitmtT, , . ■ ” * ESTLEHEaS'S CLOTHING made exclusively to order, IT and warranted 10 trait Has constantly on hand a Choice iwaartsmictof CI/>TB3t CASStMKUEs. audOVBItCOATiSG.of the ‘atestrtylr?,sel«ted wrcMlr Cjr tile custom trade- GcnUemch leering tl ?f * r °^^n^eorh bate their w Ishcs consulted and compiled with, as al. wor£ Is done umlcr his owncapcrctclotn __r.QTl.__ fllllE undersigned re? pcclfuliy infotnts his friends and the I public that bn Is now receislngal hlsMorc. hn.li. Mb' oTtv -.1 a c>iabetment of Cloths, Casslm. rce and Vestlngs.cf tbo latest anil mofl.derlr»b.e rtyhsv * hi?® ®° l« creraml to matte to order in Ihe mart fashltnab.c man*, ner at short notice, and on the most reasonable term*. . Wohats jtluo pa band a largo ohd well msmt£icturcit*to« of rmily toads Clothing, to which we Incite the attention wUlfindlttothelr , dvsntegc to call at 1" h.berlj; street, tsdorc me,log th«r porch*res. . : {marPj uiMynn. WBaltlnstoti blothlng H0 1}v,„,,.-i PKaSB. tvuolcsale and Kctail fhraier in CLOTiIINO, . Vo. liti liberty street, o;posit* Wavne, ce-r I'cnmr. Pa,,* peer D-pct. Plusbarsh. l>a. Thtt store Is fitted nnlo the most modern style, and Is always prepare! to furnish tjofalf of lh* gaftliiv and tit lh*. V>or-vt pric.a. apt,o..r.t — H<>%r Clothing store. , , • NO. 4, 81XT11 RTRKtfT, OPPOSITE blbt.m • rr»UE fiutwJTiltT I»a? ;vwt opened thl* new wtAbllj'hmfttvt, I where U* ba*iilwoy* on h«»>d a bws«choltfoA»*Ml- of CUlTlUSG,which ho w«jxnt« equal to an* in the* rtw, and will acM at iheiu-.rit trason&Ul* pn “L^r lll; U>l - s "t?ovsm*£*. WATCHES. JEWELRY, &c. ■\%T£ HaVB TuVfiOOP.SJewelry, la rich and br*u T . \V tifud tarUty, wrtl eelecuOj And A lars* Watchi I *, the cost wsd p«cffclly finished, of London, hwernool AfidGuoev.i roanofac uip. bilvt-r Warn made In my own manufactory at Oafclnn-l, Lamp*, Girandoles, Mathematical Instrument#, Glass CuttcrV and Gluiar a 4c. All A» Cheap asaoylo this or eastern cUie#. • • Watch rcralrlnc done lo a supenor manner. OITflr 7 i made and mrnded at UiboldestwlaUlUbeaA^iaUUclty. I rnTfid rorner Marbet and Fourth sts> CLOCKS! CLOCKS!! CLOCKB!!! DKMKLW IN WATCIuScUiCKS, JEWELRY, ri tjVKKWAiUS. No. 42'KIlfTII. fctrett, WW - , bp tTnclnomaß * <>■ W» nimrunent of 8 dny sod 24 hourCl&.M, * ?*“*"'’ olTer to tbo public ot groat hurstluj, ouch «WV pearl Inlaid anil nil other pstternr of Mantel Cl««. l Al»o, a rich uMrtmcnt of fee SOU*® 3 . **' nr . P*"P* laror oTllndc w .enil anchor eeeapmeut {£&&“ of j’.wli ttdSllr™**, which wo intend repnlriog done mannernodal low prlcca.ond warranted _ m ” H¥W"TKWELBY BTOBE, No* 81 Marfcot Street, .fceond door ilwt tic X'arU- ucct corner TOnN BTBTthSON,(of (be loto firm of J9 JK® JJJSJvJI J & Oo,)nopoctfoily onnounccjtotfcs pablivhnUiohM lIANDOUS3, I'xktt and *«[ Cbnraiinun Sett, anti tho oroal variety of gou4r in hit lino "£££. and attention Rif® to the KKPAUI of HNE will 1)0 able U> civp attWoctton»thooo who tnof totot Wo with their patronage. », Plttsbargh. May Mth, 18S3 52" Henry RUitoarason. Jeweller* • HAYING netted his etoro In ftbandsone manneT.Mid »«s?s and Coko Dlshtu; wlib- on ondlcMTorlety of “J ?T FINh/tt ArtlKbS AM> utvii wOLD JLWhUIY Al IIAIIQAINB —We wish to Inform the public that wo ore now olfcring our pronont stock of ano Wotobos and JoW clry, Ot prire* that cannot bo Mat,- Iherofbro, *9. oof and all, you that wlah to buy flop ry, giro ua a call, imd savo from 2ato 50 nor «int purchaaoa; whWh you can certainly do -by coJlln£«,« N. k U L —Watch repairing attoudod to lu an lta branchcs. In a auporlor manner. - Gold Jewelry. repaired or.mauufac tured to order at aholrt noUco, at nQoffS| „ at , Eag; . . if roTOiSrarTu wALViOMs, tcisib stones, 4c MftSSrt aswnails andTences, Mantle Plecce, Oen tra amrKorS>ps;alwavß on hand ondmade to order." N. B—Hnviiutintioduced a newatyloof Yonce for eln ' oUryl«ts,of JWRm*.MK»»*f’««“S’S# 1° T Ol °i rallingform.nndat Tory little cost ortrlron fenring I refer to apwlmons of that and other work I hav e already "done lntfo Allegheny Cemetery. ; I hare, on hand a choice selectlonof drawings tor, every description of Work In oy line, : _ ... gEjERESCXS j v .• * ' Col. HENRY MoCULLOUGH, IMttsbnrghi. WM. UAGALEYv Esq* ■ ' “d I KRASIKII A RAHM, «“ j ‘ Mrs.’HARMAR DENNY, _ do_ • • ffin. WIttJAM WILKINS, HomaWood. - Hon. THUS. IRWIN. Allegheny. , --JOHN ’oROSSAN, EWa Morongaheln. Honse - - at.riOd.tr- ’7 ■ lyivcoldv A-NU ttHUVVJIiIiJATIib-oin-ti U_'(SDmlayH enccptod,) ftom ® *• *o® Hotel, corner at Hancock eln-ctanS Dnqneemiwajr. t „ j ( " ■ *i- > i'V ~ ‘ 'lS?r - ’•■ir«*fc*.•«.♦•.. .< -•-•••. V ■ * *•■.,. *•■:.• ISifiiii 5 t »| T CLOTHING. '■'vv 4''-- MISCELLANEOUS. SALE OF THE MAIN LINE OP THE -PUBHGJy-QRK& _ 4 1 ««Ss. n S Scon the conditions, restrictions and contointJ in tho net of Assembly eforessid.Oß. nod Brenon 1. That tbs Governor is hereby aatnorlreu or S n rorMo«%««& thenco to Hollldayeborg, tho Allegheny Portage railroad, including the ne^rcwnftntolM^ condition at the time of the transfer, and theCanal.frqm , Johnstown to Pittsburg with ell the 1 •wtrtftinine or ' belonging-; and it. shall no the duty, of in? the Commonwealth, witMn ten days from the ,| SSiaffe of this act to give notice in two newspapers pub-q JiS m the' dnesof Philadelphia, t l‘itobnigi Jind ,^'».| York, and that sealed-proposals will bd received at Ms | for the purchase of Bald main line. of the public improve ments; up to the first Monday in Jnly. Anno Domini, onq | SonSmt eight hundred, and flfty-fonr ; f aid proppaMn Bhailj | state tho maximum .prlco offered far the said main line,otj, the fcllowlnu terms, to-wic: twenty per.ccntumhf thp, omoant hid W he paid Into thetrcnsnryln oash, hefcro the , transfer or said works,and the balance in ton ecioai annnet Instalments*, the interest thereon payable senu-onnaalry} trim the date of the said transfer,- « the rato.of six per can temper annum, and theflrstlnstehnent payahlent the , expiration of ono year from the data of tranefim. and said ; talance shall Vi eemired'to the' .OornmnnsreaUhlby th, , bonds ef the company purchasing the same,and. the samej , the works and improvements. afnrosnid: mrufoj. That no hid fir a lew amount than .tea millions of dollars fi>| 1 said main 1100 shall he entertained, •• • : ••• * , ; "Stas 2. Shat It shall be; lawful for any rallnad, canal, (* | navigation.company,. incorporated undnr the laoapf thin , Commonwealth, to hid; for,- and become ttramomhaacrqf , raid main line of public worksynny thing in ite charttr,_or , tho lawe by which: it is governed, to tt«, contrary. notwltn-1 standing, and to, increase its capital I I money to any. amount' ueeessaiy to effret such purchSsi , i and complete the unfinished portion of the 1in0....... I Era 3.,That it shnli he the duty of theQqrmorj.hi the | i nrassneo of tho Secretary, of the .Commonwealth, Auditor | I General, Stato; Treasurer, ui. such :| see proper to ho present on the naid firrf Monday in duty, | Anno Domini onethonsand eight hundred.oud luty-Jour, to , onen *M4 proposals and award said main line to the rorpo- J raUoh or persons offering the highest price fbr tho -Samdj, And In case two ormoro proposals ehoola be made for said .( maitllloe.for the same Coycmor ehallhaTathe \ authority to decide between sold bidders; Se party wh(vo hJd »h*3l be doc.lared the highest shall SJreuSn forthwith depwit with the Btato the gum oftwo hundred thousand dollars os security that such narty wllL in ninety days threafter, pay thefi^tirutalmont of twenty per centum In cash nr bonds of the Commcm &SS; speciOcd in this 7 act} andja the event of sqiJ party failing to make sack deposit with tho Stato TreafareT, the Governor shall sethiaor her hid * W ll ' next highest bid made in compliancewltuthe prevlslons.of th ßrc.'7.' That Immediatoly after the Governor; shall .hare Issned letters patent, tho said company shall take posses sion of raid public works, and shall be bound ever Urpe. after to’keepingood repair end operating condition tko entlrellno cf-roid Tailroatls end rcnals,. extending from Philadelphia lo Pittsburgh, with tho necessary toll houses, water stations, locks, buildings sod other appurtmancOsi and that the said railroads and canals shall ho, and fererCT rematn, a publlo highway; and theraul-company ehallfur nlsh stationery and locomotive engtaes and motiyopower for’the lisa of ail persons or companies ougagod, or wishing toengam, in the trahsf«>rtaUon of tonnage or passanprg r.t such times and: in each manner s* not to tapolr the pso and eniojmentsofsald.railroadsandranalsby raid partiey they paying Just and fair charge® lor the use of said main Kot any portion them* which ahall. not exceed the rates of taU now oharsed npon beats, S4 ■' I g • Tbai the fiald company, on tns Ctat aay of Dcccm ber after Its iurarporallen, and: annually lbereMter. shall cans* to bemads ont under the oath of one of Its officers, , enil transmitted to the office of ths Auditor General, »:cte- I talhdSSnent, exhibiting tho amount of tolls,freiget and o'h»r which hare been recolsed by said rompany daring tho erecedingyear; also, a statement of all the eg-, pehdltores ftr tte some periodfer reralrSjmamgßment mo-; Sre power, and othsr purposes, end it eheli he the duty of the Auditor General to file said sioteprantln his office as oil i similar reports ore now filed; ' ’ Bra 9. That thoraldcsmpanymsyownandcmployloco motiye engine*, cars, honls and horses, and: conrey oassen ee-s and tonnage, of whaterer description, on said canals and railroads; and shellhsTe tho right to rseelveoomp*n. satinn tar the same, ns hereinafter, prorMsd, and. to make such geniral regulations for the transsc.Usn of bnsme-B on sold railroads and canals, as ttsy may. Item lime to rime, deem Proper; aiid ttev shall slso have the exclusive right I to tarnish all tho motivo power sorsofd railroads, t Sec. 10 Thai the said company jd»#U bate -thu rieht I to Bubiycl loniUpA. "hipp’d or discharftad ot the Intpnno* ' dlate tiolaUon said line of Improvement, to. charges of ooro l than twenty per centum obovelhO ratt-s per mil© charged I fnr similar tonnage passing over, the entire extent of raid I Imororementa for tho time Mngendthessld company shay t make nndlscritnlnaticn in to isenn eharpes agidnst. sni hoat* or tnunege passing to and from the. Bnsnochanno Dl i VWo'u ofthe Pcnn»yl»oni» canal,ana thechanres, ana toil ! on Burhtrnnaso and boat*’ahall n*xn rxceod per mile ! %la<* Tjowcbaryvri bv the State on th« Sarquehftpnft, i llran-h fiM North Branch dlTlfwn« cf the Puirowltßula ! canals; o? the amount paid now the Commonwealih upon;. 1 KUch bnaU'And tonnage under preient maximum rateji .of 1 toll a* fixed by the hoard of Canal Oonunlsriooer*. •. [ the eleventh gration. aHsr vrcetlng the purchasernr par- ■ 1 chairs Into a body politic and corporate, provide* that the 1 company puttha'ingsoeb public works “be,audibly are 1 hetoby authoriiofLjf they dcvirt it.cxpedlentp.to contract ; » railroad, by the eligible route.* from the , terminus of the rhliadelrhUAudColpmUarallroodtotbo t AV<«ih**oy Portage railroad, and eonooct therewith, cud i i elwToxtrind tbo allrtthoiiy Fortngf* railroad to thn rity of | Plttebitreb.Y.nd connect wUh the Nerth tVe«tern rtdiroad; \ and toincrea-ve thocapitaUtock of the company to *nv 1 rtpdunt'ineecamry to complete the pam*. not exofcding i threehundrHltboasamJsbaros at -fifty dollars each: The same i»e whbin ore years, and com plfcifdwHhin ton years from tho date of Its Incorporation nndsr this act** ~ The twenty*s®oond BeciH>*ht , coTides that the-purebawr of i widcanat and railroads “shall cjvrryont la good faith Ml. whl’b may he In cxfateocc between the Coomon l wealth and other -parties for tbe .’conrtrnetlgp of ne\r work i on the AHogbeny Portage railroad, or fir repairs or, mate i rials on any part of the said malo line; Provid/d, Tha t the. ( ftiid «.mpnoy msy abandon wdd contracts In the same man i ner that tho Cnmtnonircslth might hare done, and that they etolVnot b«.liable for any of the debt* cn the said , . Bcc : 23. That if ony company heretofore incorporatnl by ibis * Commonwealths ahall become the- purchaser ;of rcdd main line» such company phall hold the same under It* oririnal name, organisation and maespeTneht, but ei>joy-M) tho power*And ho^ tlfm*, w«-trictlon* an d condition a m tbl* act, except such a* relate,to the name, organisation and management of the eomjttirc, nnd npo& the payment of the first Insial* meat or the purchase tnoney by aneh company, the Got ereor eha!! eonrey tlie eaid main Jlpe in the manner pro-' Tided for upon the Issuing of lettcre-patonf to an Bn|ijoOp fMlure to pay any IcslMtuent. ctid tbo 1 fuMEnoii Intenst tor more than six months from tho time i' thM such Instnlment orlntomt shall b» due, shall: work a 1 fo'feHureof double the amonnt of money due; and a rape lition of such neglect thall produce A forfeiture of the Iran- ■ ! chlres hereby granted,-whereupon the Aald ralroads and , I catialßAhall retert to tho Stato together with the worklog, i i «tock and property thereon owned by. such; company, ens retake chtrgecf raid csoala end railro«4s.«na keep the ram, open foe nfe ,t ffraseht rates of toll tna«haiKe for the use thereof until ratten is bad hy the legislature.: ■: •* Bit sS,'.Thet It' shell nt *li' ; tunos; be ; lawihl fern com*, mlttee of tho tegtslarnra, epjwin M foT lKottinraasc; to in ■ snort 'the brake eod .exainltio; Into the nreceedings nroio L corawetieh puVehnslng eeiii : melh.Unei'TVif the. phrpnseof wewteining whether the rights ena privllcgca granted br. this set here been .misused ot ehnsed; and tha mer ndW. *nch Temedlra »nff 'roheitfes As mirewinw** 4 - SOT to seenre e complleoMfwlth itte jravtsisns off thhnscfc: - -SS. Thef-the tSffslilurs.presrtrii'tlie t*wec toelter, revoke or ennui the powott nod. privileges Which mey bo conferred by this ngi'un the pjßpenywhioh taoyjpntcbsce. . the sold mufti line whenoterehy o| the aSi powers or priv llsgesmsyilnthelr onlnlon. beTnJarious io the cltlsens of i this Commonwralth in sneh-menner, however, thet tto In* ■ justice shell bedone tothe rald'ccmpeny. The omitted rectlohsend pnrts of sections or the Act, ere imdies conrornponthe pirtlcspurchesing the asiiml orrpo: .rata fbrm, end such M eonc«fnthoBttta only; eha thelt in t%lh’eretS'e?'tldlb«taS°i'rfhytthoCsnil%ommlssicnera upon through freight, ant in feroo st the Cstncf ssgaot the lew, end which will bMome tbe highest rates iheV.thafnTchttSorwlU hive the'rigat ts ch»rge;jßiens foK or intermediita points on tbemetn line, end on ell freights cienrad »t Pittsburgh fcr Vhllidulphle, or-intermcdUte points, end curried lhe:;Whole dislknco;between these - r -. '■"* ‘ J -' 1 * • . I Iret class, $1.75 per 100 Q pootid?. ; v ‘ -Recnnddsssi 1.25 - do, - ; ; ' * ‘: Third class,' LOO —do-'-; 'do. •; '•* ': Fourth do**, 95 ’••do - . ‘do. r „* ~. -2nd. On all Baltimore frelgbto u tomiog I ; *' - T . Second class, TO 'do_-‘d4, ' -y - . ;j •' 7 ':■;■■■ Third class,- ' ; 50- 1 3q •• :dP,; : m - * • j *• : ■ ponrth’cTass,' . 45- " do * * on, 5 .-.v.'i The yatea of toll upon local freight belng too Tolamluoua j forJnßcrtlnn bb apccrtMped,if deemed necessary, j by those desiring to bidj An application to this Department} < wherecer - . . -Th&aabsccriberifl no-k.recd.riUß bis .Fill fitocfL of GHEIJ ;ftBd BLACS finest vXt\* tob6jound-ib.tlidEaatcramTirKot,vMerdjfttitflTißitlngtA* city arc invited to eall and examine OufcStOek. '. ■ •Below Jb a list of tfca ytuious gradcfiy aU or;which / h*YC batihcarefally selected* ana can witkconfldonqo b 4 tecom*. •manded :- - »•:.•-•■ * - 1 - *•■. aD'halfnhestafinflToatisHyaoTi;.*-..;. r jo • da do - ;; ;; . 40- . do.r -Qxtrafiw»Moyune, Ho;, . < , . J ; 100 dOv.-Superior ,ito; t 15.. do. AXUnfio*. •- do; : • ,50 InoqureflboxcßMtraCarioua Young Hyson -85 half chest* fins Gunpowaor; . 10 -do ■v«xtnkfin«..noj.^:. . [.”■■: • . 5 . do-- do. Woytme Imperial; . - 80' v do - Bapcrlor- ..-oo;. -n, • -'••• ■ ' ; *- : 150 do;>-Fine Qolope.Blaofc Tea; “ 40 do .. :,, . fiO' dO’ ...- «ittaOnnomi oo;.,: • i.■ • „ • SO do -BopflrlatiTeittitrongftndfnigrantQoicng; ■ 85 chest* extra fins .English BrcakfestTse; - • ■. .-■< 6 do - Carious . .no.- . Jam and Bio Q>flfee.iaTCrilULS'?r i - • •• ■. vs j ,■» • ...■ t . « , K ' •.•■• “7V" v’ “V - - J V' ' ' •' !\*f. -V; ■ ■“vifr ~S vr--,..-: * ...... ... ' MEDICAL. Carter ’« Spanish JiSixtt re. THS GREAT- PURIFIER OF- THE UUIOI. «- - -jTttf-A.j'Aßticts opjuucnnt w 4f A KEMWt FOR-SCltoi*Ufcr.2Cingtf ! £% KviU RheumaoHiasOUtfoete CuUnwys Eruptions, [pimpled portulefron-tfie KclLs* h rutile* Bote Eyes, Ring-Worn orTeUer;J3cald'Hes f L Kulai-'.nn'mi ond P«!n of the liouca and Joints, Stubborn Ulc?r.fl;.ryjb>' Ulic Disorders,-Lumbago, Spitml.COmplßiutfs bDd ( ,.flll vUj eases arising from aolnjndicloua uws of Mercury* Impru i deuce in life,or Impurity - " This valuable Medicine) which baa become «'elebrr ted for I the hUmtonrof Sxtntctdlnary caret effected throilgb Its itgetrcy, has induced the proprietors*, at .the urgpmt,-request; of theirfriend*, to offer it to.the.puWir.,whicb they dowlth tho utmost confidence in its virtflcsnnd wonfleTfu»v.»taUY< properties. ThefollowingcertlficoleB,Belectedfroid a large* number, are, however, stronger,testimony than the mere i word or the proprietors;-and- are from gentlemen':-wen known In tbblrlochlitiw, many of them residing in the city of Richmondrya. > -v'■; l P, HOYDEN. Esq., or the Exchange UotrfrihchmOnd 1 known everywhereusays he has seen the .medicine, called i Cartor’s BpanWtrMlxtufe administered in Ovsf a hundred tasek in nearly nil the diseases fop which Ittercoou menu, ed T with:ttomnst Astopishitrgly gjxrt result* , lie m>s U - -. lhomost extraordinary medicinehe haaever seen., AGUE AND FEVER—GREAT CUKE—I hereby ctytify 1 •thhtftr thrce yeanl:had Ague and Foverof the mc.fa.-no-. i lentdescriptioni IhadseTe»aiPbyBirions,tooklaTgir r quan i titles of Quinine, Mercury, and I believe all tho Tomes art-.; vcrtlsed; but all without coy-permanent ‘At last 1. tried Carleris Spanish ftllxture, two botU^,os ; which efiec-j tuoJly cure 4 me. and I;«s» .happy W say.l have had neUhei t chills or fever since; *1 consider- it'the- best-Ton«*in- the, world, and the only mnOidna that ever Beaver Dam, near ■ _ , , . 11 O. U. LUCK?, EstJ-jUDw lu the city of Richmpnd.and ter many years ln-the ;Post Offlwvias ip ahe ; .astonishing :tdßcacy of Carter’S -Spanlah h»»« bought upwards of fifty* bottles, Which .110 ln»s.given away to the mulcted. 1 Mf. Luobßaj’flbebflSpeVorSPp'cu ; :tdfeil*whebtakenafecoiding tfr.direclions,; - Dr. MINGE. a practicing Pbyrfdam and formerly of the City Hotel; in the dty of Richmond, says he haswltpwec in a- number of instances, the effects of SpsntPt Mixture,-which were “most truly Burorisinif.' .H* W*LW J oaso of Consumption,dependent on lie Liver, Bf foots were wonderful indeed., v ; .. >w- r . v : SAMUEL M.‘ DRINKER, of the firm of DWnhtr - A Mcr-. ris, Richmond, was cured of Liver Complalntof eighty can etenOifig, by the -use of two bottles of Carters Spurns! CUBE OF SCROFULA.—The-Editor? of the Rich mond Republican servant employed In their prere. room cured of violont Bcrofnla,- combined with Rheuma tism»which: entirely disabled him. from Work, -Twol-ir tt!?* “ of Carter's Spanish Mixture made a perfect cure of himj. and the Editors, in a pubUenntlee, cay they “ phoerfbtly re commend it to all who are afflicted; with any disease.of thr blood.** STILL ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFULA.—! had « verj’ • valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carteria Spanlsh Mlxture. leonddexlt trulya valuable medicine.; . •; Jauts M.Ta.TtQa, ' ' .; Conductor oh ihe B. F. and P,R. R. Co„ Richmond. Vs SALT RHEUM of TWENTY YEARSSTANDING CUBED. —Mr. JOHN THOMPSONjferfding In thecity of Richmond, wax-enred by three SolQes o? Cartons Bpanish Mixture,of ' Salt Rheum,' vrblefa-frrfaad reariy twenty yearsiand-wbJcb,: all the phyaiciani of ihe eity'could not cure. Mr. 1 nomp. son is awell known merefcantin thocity af Richmond. > n. andhis cure la most remarkable. ~ ...i- ,> • ■ WM. A. MATlllEWß;of.Richmond, had a fervent rureq of ByphUls, In the worst form; by Carter’fi.SpaqjFh Misturc. lie saya he cheerfully recommends Ll, and consideri it an invaluable . • . • - RICHARD E. WEST, of Richmond, waa cured of Scrtini.- la, and what phyricians- caU;confiTmed Consumption;by. three bottles of . Carter’s Spanish Mixture. • EDWARD BURTON, commissioner of tho revenue. «ay» he has seen the good effects of Carter's Spanish Mix! urt in. anunber is p,perfect curf for that horrible, disease*-... :,,, ... WM.G. HARWOOD, of Richmond»oured of Old Scresand Uleew, which disabled him from walking. Took a few boh ties of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, and was enabled to walk, without a cratch; in a short time nermanen tly cund. . . Prihmpkl-Depot at M. WARD, CLOSE B33i aider- UToSp * SON’S, Na. 132 North 2d at, Philadelphia; BENNETT * BEERS. No. 12fi Jfalnstreet, Richmond, Va.. And fbr sale by B. A. FAHNESTOCK & CO., L. WlLroXv Jr. & 00.,ELEMING DROTHERB, CO Wood street, Pifterj . -ta«hvILP<'‘SCKWART2, ijJfeghanys.pntl.hcy.pTrrrfpta and Dealers in Medicine everywhere. . MORSE'S conFOvn&s rntpoF ye I*olo-ROCK ROOT* mins ifl ft purely Vegetable Compound, scientifteaH j pre I p a7 « •risbor, M. B; H. P., James Hutchinson, Q. 7.-J. •Rates* Doct, Bcrtf. Colby* and one hundred-others of tb<- moet respectable famffios of -* . .. This cartlfles thatT have ibr a number of years hern ac hulntrd with the composition and mode of manufaetvrooi MOUSE'S COMPOOND SYKUPOPYKLLOWDDCK HOOT I have also been acquainted with Its modus operands »» lis ea«e,andcan say that in ail respectsitfc admirably pxteuv latiNl to remedy that class ftf Dj»a» fbr which signed. It is«siifcCUiir*** u * w « ln INDIG nil tS attendant symptoms,' it exelta to healthy ; actioa the ! LIVE 1 ?, removes Torpor,anfll nactlvity of ttukOHGANaod i rtimulftteshealthy action in all tbo system, - As n LKPC. MM, or purifier of the • pT6ridence t 22.X* J«£i.4,1868. • - . ,. 3 ~ ta-Trcpired T>y. a MOBSE ft CO.,' N0r446 Broadway, Nawi'oT k» and sold by Broggiaia and others throughout fblsa&d other oomxtriea. JOELMOETLEE, Ageat, awSTtly ••• . ■ Bittsboygh. Vs. mis AXOUSTIC OIL! dm TWj|r the uit tunt ro» J IJ-0&TBK UUBJS.vnr DEAKftiSSS, PAINS, and tht sl* “; chargesot aJfctUrfrom tlio Kax&—those dis agreeable noises UK* the baiting of water, . wMiti pi? of B , voain,'^ :T , s»tdcliire s> ; ssptoms't)T approocoing lica^ifiss,'OtTiT ata> g&nefcMlywith the dlseoso*. ttoi who hate been deaf fer ton, 3 cars, •adhere obliged toiu»ear-troinpeii, bare; aftemsifi;: one or two'bottles, thrown «Ma trumpets, being i-mde. perfectly Pb)rticiaiis and Surgeons highly xi-.-o©-. mend Us usa,-: •/: ’j‘ •’ fFromtheTrflHJßM: r Pabists Dos’? 8501*51 Yoflfc Cnapaw.—Thousan \t o± childftp. annually .become deaf, Jn.consequence of dis charges of matter from lhelr.^aw t li3doard_bji{qold do their duty end pro* ••eit«‘3c#^VOll'fi!m:lWafli^a^M»ife«STcU»iMtetl. ; heir - children srouldhw cared tboUfnetflfitfed, the OiEchsrg. eon- Hoot* very treuMe3bm®Klh«:iwatlpKgraaoauy gets.w.'ms and OmvlW partial or total deaftefisenrees* * IttEpHTABTNOiaCB:.; Xhßan&MU Mrs.'Eatt:und ‘ft almost ImoossJbld fo beatnmfesiftf therapy loude?v.nne notvoteor- fcWmtfpefTlift&RtliffaßßtfpvfttU-*last summer, I > H»itt:oifSCA.Kt , A , a CdHlftWP Ollik ¥6l*KETlC.«nii wrantcd to i.itl? Xi prai»«i»J ; fiweogthen -Ui& w&ol* Bjfl{6tq.or.oTcry one ; who u»st6Mh,“irfe now kept lor sola by *• ■' \ , Ur. QJSQtfK KEVSEH, corner Wood et. ond Tirgln cTloy; i befcJUrlana Fourth?; * Rtwct.r . -arid nlftth* eJftsS HotMatand- Restaurants. as wril u i dcalehTg6&era&y,wberetfce proprietors mast. r&peciioHy. '■ : V ‘ Theexpenw : i£«but-atrifle,-trhfin with thHu- "••' “rh-.-'Tv; *•... ■. i -yei^n?teHBtttpdtbafc cnarßitters possess mcritsulhrlent; to'ftoaffiittßttd: thMßi wa will not multiply words In ijictr prak£'bdi'a*k*UwriTethem n-triaU-bat be^arelulto W toHOSTBrrER'a STpMACU.BirrfiRS, ns there ore routed-to be'-thoVFajQ9j*wmc& eojni ara 'tiTely nrje worthless; Dur lUttexanxeTslUiout a rital, either. put a. lull.: quart,with dfc 1 roCtiopfinhi and jDt.J* Ifrstr.LUT't Sl&nash EtUtcrt blow u oa thofilssa* Honeother genuine. • S- ! HOSTOTIEB, SMITH fe CO~ 2ffljPentt street; Pittsburgh ■■, ~dec3l; -i- :-v-rv .950 ;R.e I wtt*»ti..j. : . y.clflxt jagngpfenee> that ii'iHll. npt ( .«»nr •‘ i&SSiI - . Sow ana FrteKfl, Pores ~ ChnJrgPi-apd-CTe&Uy aUpTiate* if not •fE2af entirely c ore < Sal ttb etna* EUesj In ftara ma- WriJßUe&eeaomeßSdn. “ W |||SXV. bn? ?£w?£t?l t^KT.T7*«?-aiSlgBa^igrgWAßT,m)YD ..paf %SJs*to£ TSlii TEKBBt/B HEALING OINIMENX,,iriSI Sms Baft". •I -1 'rhtuimfTelter). CMlWaliie, Ciotipelor -Mr£?mial*umi or or-WovuSs, l-fle.. Xa-; eSmStaDOX-thiißreaSt, W to»K*i,Bore'lips,fjm . plea on-the %»» buChHdren., ind*U JMiea®*,®? xwfa-.'tlmp soy, :ii»»SHis;«na'BL. xmnu Wood - Btweti-PUtabiifKh;' J; o,‘ SMITH ,'BWaipgbJtta'l'i ui l i Woraa: /airs. S. llOLMKS;TeiaijmnceTlMD^l).;aCODßßir tAl|ei?lteiiyllisfi t AraLSMITH, tawrenro- ViHer B. SPANG * CO, t fi Ife’w tt t tetna l> y: LE\?I&-I>Aj«XgT >l* '&.Co*> -BTEWAMETXm*,* OO^Methanics’lwn^orka; i.HXNHTO*lMrctreßier; 1 , , ■vr'R-iangle VfrW X)i;.tffllß3p£WNTaUglT *ni V keep any Blacksmith’* Farmers, Meehan* lo*B oTeraortodfSctmdanlia Mansi* 'V ;! - •^ > '°B»fa c b,Ooßo. ■■;. :ji, OU:Bergamot;- ....QjlCjlPWipa, j -M-'Wintersrwi; '' - t ■ . *f ■* ; “ OWBK«i-. . •> T , _ - ■m IMW: . L S JamUR,; ln stcro an & fcr sale by . . JOBX MOFTLER, . >ia}U; . - - . , , ... , 2fl JLUxirly ctoeut. • •., v '• • -'• --.,% f rf: «: J *v*: *■■ ■ ■■■ »•• ■ ■•£v ■,v%v. ' ."'' . T -.1/-' l- -%*£' •. : *? •■' '"' .. ■ L»* ' ** /*'■*“*,> *’ v'-'. •. .f-.i/il-*.-' “'tl-v * * tVSf*. c, 4 "*' ’v. ' \ ’ , tf ■. • •• <•;{ v.** . i - ..i-. \ •• . . • u,T..f. .y ;;r,.,-v DB. MORSE’S Invigorating Cordial A Ehenomenoß in Medicine, TTEAMU RESTOBBl) AND.IiTVK w.nojhksed, B? tf DR. SlftßaffS XNWOIIA'nNO KIiXIB eg COB I)IATt-“,*trfir*t tha-iirajmiki! ,*tlrlt>»l«rK>;Tr B» the Individual suffer! is jffrotb general debitttyvorifcGxn P>* weafcnen* f a s’.ngie organ, will aUficltottcdlata and'pCT*-" nascent relief ftem the nee of tbteincotcpanblnrenoTator*- To Iborofchohavd predisposition t©pimiJysls,i twill prove a ctmpletr^:--'-xv.-; KEUCILD THB BBOKEN. GONSTiiniTIOSs The deranifeiDems.of the eystemfleadinjt to natrons db caseo. and the fwrom'of nervous disease Iteolf. are so onifler* . oun that it would regulrc:e:eQlttßm to enumerate the tnalo* dlea for which tbit* preparation'ls a specific, -it fewybow- ; aver, may be 'enumerated) vis :* neuralgia, (lcdfiienslux,. heod-acbe, incipient paralysis, 1> y*teria, palpitation.«*>* , the , heart, spinal affection*-mnseftlan debilily, tTfinotP, fiato* lehco,ftprickipuiMnsatlcn inthejGesluftUxnbne*?,mental depression, weakness of win, Ipdlspcuafion to mom, fetetiugafter wxfcrrisoi.broVen sleep ond.terrifylug dreamo, inability toremain (none placo orposition', weaknewof lb® wf'cre fit lvoorgn cf, aexual tnccmpeiency, niilancboly.-tnon* : onianai floor aibns, sinking at the stomath; female imgth laritles. a chronic tondeocy-to raisesrriago, etrlacfßtionv end all-complointA growing cut a ftco Indulgence of. the path rionfli ana'ollWiitosiiesa tbaWecs not prdceedfrpti organic cauF**d»yondtb*THieb of medicine, - ,» - , -/Whenever tbe-Organa to bo acted upon srs free from mal- . formation or tirlctpral fllseoreMt lit averred that r ; tormaoon EHX3E r . wtiJi.atreagth, iucaparfty.withe%k mey, IrrejoUipity-with.nnifonn, ananamralactivitTj and this not only without hazard 6t ru*act?onJbtit;with a happy cfsdt oh the general orgaUialion. -sGB*'Bear m mlna that I aHmalcdies; wherarer .they .beßlu, finlph uUh lho nerroua i system; awii that? the panilyzaUon'of the nerroof mdtlon i is j)hyoccl.death. Bt:4ria mind eJ». that for etny kind t)f uermns difeafle the Elixir Cdrdializuie. oniy.iallabla’prcparatlon.bnowni, .•.•.-..s i. • r.-.;.; CUBE 0? KKEVOre JDI r BASE& * * . No language can convey &n adequato Idea of the imme diate and rilmostmiraealonecbaupe which itocevdonsin tho defailitabed and shattered nerrous system*whether broken down; by excess, weak byniaturG, or impaired'by nnrtruiJß'axid relaxed organization la ateneo dbd.unlltnp.. The msntol and (hysteat 1 symptoms of nerrous diseases ranlah together nndpr {tu h» - 1 flupnee- Nor la the effect temporary; on the eonlrtry I rvUef te the Cordial propertleSof the mixii - ; Q ine reach the eonstitnUonltseKand restore It to Its normal LOSS OF UI9IOBT, Confusion, giddlnew, rnshof bTood to tb eh cad, meTenehOTy, 1 debility, hysteria, wretchedness, thoughts- of selfdestroo tirm—fear of insanity, general prostmtien, tna ‘ iibiilLft nesronmess. Inability to sleep, diseases Incident to of Uie propogaiingfhnct Sosa, hysteria,mono mania; tsgue terrors, palpitation of tho be&rt,. fmpotency, OonsUpaUon. from whatror.eausearisJn&ifc Is, If than is-any reliance to bo placed on human testimony,absolmriy lnfixllible, n - ■ M, -~ ■ ■ •*• :£ GRjBAT BffiDIOINB'FOII FEMALBS." :ri) “ % * '■ -0»; MEDICAL. •' Tlieunparalleled effecta of this, great.jaßtcrattva; to all complaints incident to femnlev merit a new era la tbo im* ofvlffcf medicine. Thousands of stimulaota hate'bttrti to *veiitf d—tboucand nf intfgorauts concocted—all purpcatlns to be *p£d fted to the.varhma riJreasea >nfl . PKBBGNB OF. TALE COMPLEXION, / or consumptive habits, are restored by theuse of a bottle or two to bloom and vigor, changing th«*Wii from *pal6,ycl low. riohly color, to a beautifal florid complexloSi.-. .': ’ . \ TO THE MISGUIDED. , . These areromc of the snd and melancholy effects 'produ ced by early habils of youth; vi*: weakness of the hack and limbs,- in-the sight, loan of mus cular: pOwer.polpitatfon of tfce heart, djgpep«ls,.nenrou* irritability, derangement of the digestive functions, general debility,aympUims'ofconsumption^etc. - 1 Mentally* the fearfoleffects on tba mlnictomtich to he dreaded, Loea ofmamoiy, confusion of ideas, depression oFsplrita* evil forebodings, aversion to society,, self distrust, love of solitude; timidity, etc, arofomoot tho evDs produ ced. AH thus v • y*i : ’ BEFORE cdNTEMPLAm’G^SIARItfAQE:: i>h fsclSili PMtSI OT6T tho.corkcf eachhottUvaad Ih® following word* blown inthe glass:^ ;.-••••’.pw.- Wnwafi Invigorating Cordlalt . €. U. BING, Proprietor* N> T. The Cordial is put up; highly concentrated,' In -pint hot*. three dealers pcrbottlej two/fcr sU tat Weirsdollars, «4 Talao lD ?STeral of the medical JotmmVln thatcltjyaßii anfeisa Intbe-fimly practice of m»mmesdb)K tbairnsatd paUrota. A toll account of tbelz opinion raav alao.bofcan& m every vampMct. acd lent to the iddeecßof any pereon Jn-the,6tate tcr appljing(port naidi toDr. OKO.IIVKETSinti'nbD teoecot (at Pittaborgb, ‘Pa- The cliaina can bo rant ty mail, wltb fpll descriptions far-use*- •. *.v .. PricsofChAin*,s3andss. , - Physldana ore politely in-riled to call and examine their construction* wad'oro® o * ll ®® upontheir merits.. “ one Word -BJore tttl&Ttflils, ' 7 No person need fbar* that they Will not accomplish }oat jj •whfttit isclalioedtbeyxan.do-, Add all persons who hava e hebome with a constant ponring doWa of patent } nostrums (bottled swill) am kindly and-pQliWy Invited to ! irt=pHjon ltaWt.jj ' and cell whMestileor'r£t»li,stth\ - ■■•■: ■ :.-,■..■ • ■ ■ '. »UND 'OtNtIISK—ICQQ ltw. pttwr<3jtmi)-.Xi.v*; r ip itoWSnalor eaIPL