'*’> v n r' 1 ’ MVfl'iV. . -•/ ; f. • r 4 h > .Uv'toL * 4.■»-,-. .-,\ k „i r v. w. -« , v *V \* C';Vil« ' ;*l a,: V-'-r" ... - .-’• . -V,. --t 5 fc *-V „' * *■*'<:?■ > * -w J‘ ' «. • *v „- • t-'.’ " : > v , . i; * f V- > - -i f *0 ( > V S'- ** %3S vl 'AnS M ' ’’** '-i r^ I *-' * W '*’ ’ , ,* * *3* l ■** V l/Jj* , w 11 I H i ‘ H t , , * I < ' J , r rf V V 1 '** ■* * *■ f 4 - *2 **■;»’' s I ,* 1 s 1 1 ‘ * >ft££4A: ■ %- ' ■; . ~ v .■' ~ .i; X>4t J YM+ : -Hi mi in' r MiSCELLANEO’ .* •^'^-;w ■ ’•J.rortbaUcilM.StolfHoM , 7-'.\ ’J • : .h' i> '’ * r -* 4 U i v 'maaktitmn tbut PuTOe? ■** V:r^s.?J•4i' l li*Vvl h mcntioned LRud Ofilws.' >Nfij s*t;.«k-. «■’» r *’ •© lieremaftcr derfjmotv^ ..' s““S* t>&«3 j» ...: on ’ fcWto,h f PMM Ispsiapis' Mkmm mmpM .&& .*2X[U&-< - ’Srfg s&M mm m fUt m Mi-C -&&&' •SSB^jSB !^fe|§^spf §ggdjglj: fot:&sTff//» y%sg|:-v::--r. ~...: , -'-:: r :-v>'.; - ^ p *,£*?> 'h*gs J : -viv.. ' ; w- : ■ fe£&i&4&s&*- - -.>:•: "*“'-!>-*;>> •* ■ .'••'■ v team S-mS^m^s^K,,'^,^--'-'^ ■. ■ MILY MOMTNfr __ ’ J aiOOTAY%6BHfiiG jg^SEsy,. •• T7E Invite the attention of the V-‘'*BSSf' jW -• • pubUfl -to the certificates appended T - -below, and bespeak l foribem that can* f did conriJcrationwhlchthair honest ■ ftookntssrieserves., ■ - Men In each stations as many who •• f\J6Ki' witness to the rfßca -•■■ ' cyaixd value of Coras.*; Pectoeai, do . . wantonly tnfle with, cr. distort filin' an irifirt^poroverstate their cpavictioofl. . Judgethen, whetlierthsaisnottberaedldDetotrastwben : von mnsthave; relief tor the throat or lungs; judge too, * whether every familyvought-not.to have it by them as a ■, safeguard ngainstthe everywhere prevailing enemy, which steals with fatal frequency, uponalmost every flo«k, and v. cariicaoffalambfcom.many.ahome?: v- . ••■ • n ....Jackson, C. H-, Jackson city, 0-,2OLh ■'Da J. a Area; Bir—The Comt Psofoaai. is much in- qnired after. - Bevere! of our best Physicians bare used it, :/ 't three tff them in tbeir own casesy iuod always with the hap* plest offbcts. The numerous patent modiclnes always be • - - dorethaaii lehdtoJafcrednlity in regard to every new reme d# rand It la only after undoubted evidence of value In any " artido, that anything like a general confiilencacan he ex* C * The unrivalled excellence of this combination of agents, (In the Cstaar PcproaAXi)proTed beyond cavil by repeated trial under their own . observation, , hascompelledmedical • men to proclaim übtoad ita usefulness. It .is beyond all doubt the best general xwnody we have for the Pulmonary. •» ; Afbcifouaof this dlmste, at the same rime sedative and .expectomut—a rare combination of • Ju the hope that It will prove Its own reword,rsubscribc ■'•. myselfr ErepoeUullyyourcbedismeervan^ .7 • JAB. H. 0. bllLtiKß, M. D. . US. fftt&maUif.SULtgal Frofcsuon mark thu case. Williamsburg, I* I* Sept. 3.1862. • Da. J. 0 Aisa: Dear Sir—Over application for the past three years In my duties as on. advocate, brought on mob . :■■..■ eight months ago a severe Irritation of tho bronchial tubes, which was a constant annoyance to me, ind fast becoming a source of great appwbenrion. Every remedy tried Crilod to even relieve me, till 1 used your Cbxbay Pscro&ax. This haanat;onlv relieved me, bat«l tcu&t wholly cured me. • I care nothing torthe reputation of advocating Patent Me dicines, and chin la at your service. I shall recommend it ’ to members of the bar, and others whom I may moot, la* v- J boring Qndoralmitalr'indifipttiriasK; •. v , " : Yours truiy, B* F. JONES. • • •-'Montgomery, Ala., October A, IMS. • Da. J. O. ATin: Sir*-I have used your admirablo com* pound exclusively Inmy praetlce,aad toad It to surpass, by fir, any other remedy we bare lor.ouring diseases upon the lungs; . .Your obedient servant, • • * ... * it. B, JONES, M. D What yet remains toamvincQ-tho mostincredulaus that . the Cherry Pectoral Is all that it .purports toTxs.ris: an uu* - equalled remedial agent tor-all diseases of the Throat aud Luaffia. Tho experience of years has proven It to be such, »nd wo submit lt to tba people, believing that its virtues willfully maintain ifcswputaUon. / ? Prepared by J. 0. AYEB, Chemist; LowelVMasSr r Be ware. - .of worthless preparations,attempted tobe palmed off under. • . - gold la Pittsburgh by ell Drngglsts, and by B, A«PA HN« E STOCK ft 00., wholesale and retail. > ■ jffl;6m/Uv? . DEGUISOH'S V Improved Hon«Exploslvo Camphena lamps. 1 -§' ‘ UAVXNQ PTOCHASED THE . ' > ,&\m right for the above LAMP ia lie .'** -"-BEIL . counties of IALLEGHENY, BEA» *l* \*££S|& SVER* WASHINGTON, FAY- A A KITE, andiGREENE, wears pre amoared to furnish Lamps, or sail. ••, 'jJnlHSfl Bights for a reasonable priced— T , w Tnese.Lamps are so constructed tv os to render explosion impossible. *..... ,;and the public may, rest satisfied that they may be need with 7 * ■ entlrp saCsty.- * They also giro more brilliant tight, and tho " materials ucod being cheaper than th» “ Long Tallow,” or oils t>f any.kind, they mustepme into general use. We also : have BANTERNff and CANSontbehoo-eXplosive principle, BKCOHMENDATIOj«B: ' ' This certifies that wo hare seen, examined and tried, Be - Golnon’s Improved Non-Exploding Csmpbene Lamp, pa* / tested January 6th, 1862, and are-fuHy satisfied thet It Is a - Toryjvaluablounprorementjßnd will be found far preferable ' L.'to any other Lomp in- ; fiso.- We believe for safety It is per : fectly reliable, and therefore dMm. it richly deserving the . attention of nll such oa hate occasion to use Lamps of any kind. " ■ . E.C. Biddle, Batavia, N. Y., B.A. WHson, Batavia, N.T. P. V. Booth, • do ~«MX Wilson, do F. Austin, v: tin - T. 0. Harlem. N. T. ;•0. F. Parims, •do -::.-B.J.fiIan&, - do 'V” Alva Smith, . : do.v W. D. Lowerie, WlUlams’g, L. I. .. F, A. Marsh, - .dd :; - Ji -E. Bogardns, do ' Elias Foote, do J. Bpluing3, do A. B. Tyton, -, do S. Browns do ■N, A. Woodward; da J. A.Patterson, do - . OA&IPHENB, FXNB OIL and'FLUID, always for sale at ' tho lowest prices; , 'h&\i , ■ The attention of Steamboatmen anf Railroads is respect rally Invited to the « sew patent Lantern and Can. The Lamps may b© seen In oporation at jDr. KEYSER’B Dmg Btote,'lWWowrstMetj'Whbre'thesrw» keptlbr sale. —--"'ftblOidawtf..' •' - v- ~... If' SEW OFFICE. . Beal Estate ani Coatrafctiag Agent. THE subscriber JMK been; induced to open ail office for lb© purpose of baying and selling, on Commission; and . haring tho- Agency of large Steami Saw-Mills and Boat ■■ Varda on the Allegheny river, togetherwith many other • facilities from other water and steam saw-mllls,He flatters • himself tbot bo dih farnlin--any .bills of lumber And timber of any bind, great or. small, long'or short, and •I’oliTerJthom at any point ontba Allegheny, Monongahela, ../-Ohio, or Mississippi riven;,contract to build^ftreeJßargES. ■^£fcQ»Jtoats l poal.Flats t Jloai&innels* Brfdgo "timber, BaU*. road and'will attend: to theßaleantfßehtof Beal Kstata._jFrom hU long-exporienoa freighting aniTbcat ... ... bnlldingthe tblnfcß.be: can.giro genetal raiii^hpUon.' >AU ' persona are requested 1 tomake their contractasoon; espe dally those wanting: ooataorlarffeiiliabfltmheranAtizD her, should contract for them in the fill for (he spring and ■ ' summer use.HeyrlU.alip attend,to the purchase and sole of any,aommodity that maybe desired* " " : Letters addressed to Beal Estaie.andfCoa . - tradingAgent,Pittsburgh*BoxJfo.l2o,postpaid, will be • ; punctually attended toe. Hisjofllfiftis pn, Irwin street, No, 2, Allegheny Haase, ■ ■ j DAVID MCNN.. .'Jij y • .KSrZSBtCESa • I - " . OoL James JQ* Morgan, Lambermab, Pittsburgh- . . Mr. John Morrison, Esq., j . ? . Mr.Bobt.a Biown,Esq* : ;«: i ...Allegheny -Biter. Mr*Wm. Armstrong, ; «. ■Clarion .. ... ;• Mr* George B.Bweney, *, > ** “ t O.AJ.HahnftOm, i** < « « •desnAydfcW- •'-••• i W JW 10* ~.• .• awmr ., >• 3tfna wltfcilts ro«»—3 anal The Klftfidestmonth otiTOTCaprWpttßj«ar. With ate thick-fiiUge^ndits sunlight dear; . ...... And with the drowsy tune ' u ~ of -thebright leaping waters aa they pow • ■ Laughingly oh amid the springing gt 44? I -v v.:'..'Earthfttberiayoaioomißg7^>'»v:' ■ Smiles os she. puteher gayest mantle on; - : . .. Whlle myriad . • Their welaome song, breathe dreamy; music totina. • Till seems the air an element of sound.* Theover-archingsky : • : tfeawlhifioltertlnfc, a Jobber bla®* • .■.■■■ t:;?--- - Ab If the light of heaven were melting tnrouga . Its saphiro home onhigb. Hiding the sunshlneJa their vapory hreas.. The clouds float on ilka spirits io thclrrest.; j • A deeper melody* .. * : Poured by the bird*, as o’er thalr callow young, -i;;i Watchful they hover, to the bree*o is flung- - Gladsome, yet not of glee— Music; heart-born* like that which mothers sing •: Above their cradled infants, slumbering.; . , . v Onthe'warm hiU*eide«whero ,> lVi : y ; The sunlight llngera latest* through tho gross . tho laclous strawberry.l As-they pass, Toanff children gambol there, Grashlngtbe gathered fruit in playful mood, :: And staining their bright faces with U» blood., . ■ A deeper blush is given To the half ripened cherry, aa tha sun • ■ Day after day poura .warmth tho trees upon# • >*. - ; ' Till the rich pulp is riven; The truant school-boy looks with longing eyes, And perils Umb and neck to win the prir*. - The fariner, : lnhifl field. Drawathe risk mottld aroaod the tender maize , While hopehrlglit -points to coming days, - When all his tolls stall yield An ample and>raundma.hearth . llhero shall be lattghlngeycs and toots* or mirth, - Poised on hfa rainbow wing, The butterfly, whose life la but an‘hour, • • Uorcrs coquettWily from flower to flower* ■ , a gay end happy thing;. • Borh.f->£ the eunahlne and the anmmer day, Soon pasting; like the beautiful* away. " Those are thy pictures, June 1 • months—thou month of flow era, r: ~ Pirsbborn of beanty* whose awift-footed houra r-Bauco-to the merry tune . - ... ' Of bli>ls,*ndiW6tere,andthe pleasant Bh6at On-thoaflnny hill peal’d out. -' ..’''■..•:.l-&clJt,weroJiotwTong' • To deem Uton, art a type of HeaTOn's ellme, QnljF that there the elouds and storms of Time 1 : Swept not the elouds along; The-flowsre—air—•beeufir—mnslo—nil are thine, Bat brighter—purer—lorlier--more divine I . .^.-WEE3 : HMa«®S" : CUEKRt PECTORAI.. •. TOft TB* Ril>n> CUTJ'iIP COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, 23R0KCHITI3, 'i iWHOOPIHG-OOUGH, CROUP, ABTHiUi : •. JLffD CONSUMPTION.. - Qay Wood H arse^y,and .tiat-deui. TAMES KENNfH)Y,flate Manager of the well-known Sy* tl' r»casoNasai(ss»l?PW York») begs J leave toinformthe i ptxSlio. that he now established ah EXT.EN£CVJ2- NCR-; ' SERY, cm thoParm of Ur;James B» Nfegley-jnear Bast Lib • ertj,-wherehe shallboprepared,after the 6th foitantf&re - ■ **• iv* and fill orders far every .variety of FrditAhd Ornamen tal Troes, llordy ami Green House Shrubs and Plante. In . addition to a choice apdsnperiot stooken hand, he haamade • arrangements with 6ncof the largest Nurseries in the East, to keep up his supply. Having a/thosough and long expe> ; rience in the business, ho can assure Us customers perfect .'saHsaction*J ■ ..." • ■ - Mr. Kennedy would also respeetftilly offer hla services In , designing, laying out, and managing Rural Cemeteries, Pub . lid Parks: or the grounds.of Country Residences; and will also famish plans for the formation of Lawns, Approaches, Picturesque Scenery, Ac., in the highest styles of the art. Practically acquainted with, every hranch of Landscape Gardening, and havlngspont yearn in the Sylvian Parks of England, and on the beautiful hanks of the Hudson, he hopes ho has the capadty to meet the wishes of those who fevor him. •. - cy Communications con bo addressed through the City Post OElca, or. left - at the Warehouse : of Messrs. Negley a ■ Hohan. 22 Wood street. «ur7:v IiODY PATTERSON’S BAZAAR AND LIVERY STABLES. mHK UNDERSIGNED having ejected new andoommo- X dioos SXABLE3 and CARRIAGE STORES, in conneo - tJ onj? I thjhls old «tabl [Sh mcnt, TJ a - prepared to-do • vastly in n®?4. 'creased bosines*. He baa pro• rawP*!>m£' J-L4SL.jrU|an for ONE HUNDRED AND yST+JW FIFTY UOBSJE3, of which be can take an increased tmm :• bar.on livery. r Ho has arranged bis new buildings: with avlewto tales ; oud stortngftrjob, of new and second band Carriages* of all descriptions* to which; he. will giro ample attention. Shore Is also within the neir building an Equestrian Bing* • where Horses are trained and exorcised* which will be found adraotageons tn persona Iteeplng . Horses with tbe under signed.., . Thankful for an exceedingly liberal patronage in the past, and the favors of a multitude -.of friends* the undersigned will eodeator to command its continuance by downing it. mylB:eiy low—inquire, of Odfclml * THOMAS, WOGDatfre fourth street - - INSH&AN Cfi’ COMPJtNIfiSij "t' au“Hinsn.AW4»B _____ HOXCAX. BATETY XHSTJBiHCE /APPIGKIn thtf KorthTßoom offtho Exchangej.>oa3luiflj , b ,7 IN6URANOES. s t *< '• . T Hw ypattß.. :■. V .• .•-> .t.-.-- "CA*ao, VTo all parts of tfca’World. __ PBJOGETS. : J ’ •Ox. 1 ~ F ~ •. INLAND INSURANCES - On and lajulicarriagw, w * Ur “t. Of t heT,ni |& B I S BDBANOE 3 - * Qqmerchandizegenerally... *•/... ■On stores, dwelling houses, Ae. ■ . * 'i*.-'**--••■ - ASSKTSOFTUE COMPANY, NovemherJ,Jss3,:. .Bonila and ,Mprtgag« v .00 l stat»>of Pennsylvania, Philadelplilft city, Springy . ' GaWtrui Southwark,and other ldans,... -181,063 4a sfockßln‘hanksi railroads aswi'iosnrancoaooni^ CaAonhond 10.<«I op Balanecain do hand, of Agents nnd premiums . . .-on Marine Bolides recently Subscription Kotes..».. u . - - ...-Htt.pOO 00 :JUNE 19- Wm. Martin, . Joseph H. Seal, . Edmond A Souder, ' - John 0. Davis, . Robert Barton, . . John E. : Penrose, George G.Deiper, • Edward Darlington, H Jones Broofco, 3: G. Johnson, James 0, Hand, - Thcopilos Paulding, >. garland, W.O. Ludwig, -- THI Josmi W.ttoSiK, Safy. ■. I. TH'idU ASmiAI- STATBMBNT OPTEUa’gTATK MrTB Ali Pl'-BE ANB MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, OT PKSSBTLVAKIA. Assets, May Ist, I*6L (JOyd™ 8 Prorainma rood rod to .May Ist, 1863... « Interest on Loans, Ac.«.., Capital 5t0e1cw..;.»...»w..»«...mu.. : 10P»0QP'6Q (440,183 88 Returned premiums, Losses, Reinsurance, Hr* ' _a penaes, - 8^88460 (3&8£1& 70 , •-UiKCSXJBJsaTB. • .• Bonds, Mortgages, Stocks, and other good “Cnv • ■ ■- . ■ cforltlM-. (161,481 80, Premium N0te5—............ 61 . Cash on »» • 17,826 21 ToUl&mH of Bowurces, Liable for Losses 7O -Musatoas.. : "V / . ',••■)-••-••' JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, Dauphin county, , P. O. SEDGWlCK,Harrisburg, - , •; H SAMUEL JONES, Philadelphia, A. WILKINS. Bank^Pittsbuigb,... ‘ A* A. CARRIER. « ; , - • r. JOHN B. RUTHERFORD;DanSbIn county,- •:. A..J.GILLETT, Harrisburg;; ■ ~-• B. Harrisburg,- .< . ROBERT KLOTZ, Carbon county. JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, President. At'J. GILLETT; Secretary. ; r ■ . Will Insure against perils of sea- and Inland .navigation, misa, on Merchandise in city or country, at lowest rates con* sistent with safety: Policies issued^on dwelling houses either perpetually orfor a term of years. , Branch Office, corsor Fourth and Smithfieldstreete, iny23:tf ' •' A. A. CARRIER,Actuary. ' ' THE USITKD;BTATEB:, LIFE INSURANCE, v. ANNUITY and TRUST iCOMPANY* - PHILADELPHIA. CHARTERED - APRIL 20TH, 1850, ■ CHARTER PERPETUAL. - CAPITAL $250,000. Office, E. Center of Third and Chestnut Street*, Philadelphia, v . Officer* trfthe Bone Poard at PhUa&elphiat SmKOEOBS* ■ Btcphonß. Crawford, . Paul B. Goddard, Ambrose W. Thompson," Lawronce Johnson, Benjamin •‘W.Tingleyj Geo. BTHeuty, . Jacobi. Florence, . James DereretUt, William M. Godwin, ; WilliamSTKoa. Prrrideni—Stephen R.Crawfbrd; ; -rieePmutent—Ambrose W.Thompson.. • Medical Examiner, Pittsburgh*- James iLTVlllson, M. D. JJleghtny City— B. B. Mowiy, M. D. ; GKO. K. ARNOLD, Agent, marllry ■ • - N 0.74 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. Tbc Fran&lin Fire: Insurance Compaay, .. Of Philadelphia, . 4 BIKKCrOEB —Ch&rlea'W.Baucfecr,Thomas ITart,Tobias Wagner; Samuel Grant, Jacob R. Smith, Geo. W. Rich ards, Mordoeal D. Lewis, Adolphl £. Barie, David B, Browne, Morris Patterson. Okas. N« Bakcib, President Cius.G. Bakcszb, Seretoiy. Continua to make Insurance, perpetual or Umited.cn every description of property, in town and country, at nice ad low I ns are consistent with security. . .. The Company bate reserved a Urge Contingent Fund, i which, with, thrir capital aid premiums, safely invested, of- 1 ; ford ample protection to the assured. <.,i r -•- i The Assets of tho Company 4 on January Ist, 1851, os pub- ; i lished agreeably to an Act of Assembly, ware as follows, via: I raxiortgage^.^.^w......—s9lB,l23 C 3. - [ BeaTßstaU..™. 84577 78 ... Temporary ,■ B&£60 II ■■> Stoc i.;..,........,....™ . 61,839 BO Cash, Ac..; 81 '.<%••■ Total „,...$1£12,70844 Sinoe their incorporation, a period of twenty-ape years, they have paid upward of One Million Four Hundred Thou* sand Bollars r loesce by flic, thereby affardbnr evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ahditj and dispose. tUm to meet with proinptnefa all liabilities. J.GABDINEE COFFIN, Agent, OGloe, north-east cor. Wood and Third eta. . PROTECTION XNSUBAHCECOMPAHY, HARTFORD, CONN., Capital Slock, Annual Prnhiumt and Waltm Flmd . $1,000,000. INCORPORATED 182$, policies of Insurance issued at all times on the most farora* bio terms, against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, on vizi PE2XULS OPN&YIOATIONf -:v BY .-'i ; - - GEO. E. ARNOLD, Aqbbt rOB PITTSBURGH AND ALLEGHENY OQUJNTY* marl6ry • j:: Western Insurance Company, IS. HILLER, Prexident. \ £. Mi, GORDON, Secretary CAPITA!*, ©300,000, “fYTTLL Insure against all kinds of ria}u,PlSS and MA YV SINE. AU lossesr will be Übersrfy adjusted and promptly paid. -. .• - A Homelustitntioß,managed by Dmsovois wheare well known in the coramunity/and who are determined, by' promptness acid liberally, to maintain the character which theybaveaaaumed, asottering thobeftt- protection to those who desire to be insured. ; KENNEDY k 00. Directors.—B.Mi3ler,Jr.,o. W. BleketsoifjJ.W. Butler, N. Holmes, Jr., W.H. Bmith,C.lhmsen,GeorgeW, Jackson, Wm. 3L Lyon,-James Llppencott, Q eorge' Mo- Anley, AlexanderNimlck«ThDQSS Scott. tiS-Office, No. 02 Water, street, (Warehouse of Spang A Co., np stairs.! Pittsburgh^. ; nor24:ly JBTNA INSURANCE COMPANY, • HARTFORD, CONN. • - Chartered Stock 3300,000* THOS. K. BRACE, President. THO3.A. ALEXANDER, Secretary. DIRECTORS— Thomas Kv Brace,' Samuel Tudor, Ebeneter Flower, Word Woodbridge, E. A-Bulkeley, Joseph Church, - Roland Mather, Frederick-Tyier, • Edwin 0. Riploy, Robert Buell, ••• Samuel 8. Ward, MUes A.TutUfs Henry Z. Pratt, John Li Boswell, Austin Dunham, Gustaras F. Daris; ' - ‘ Jaulos S. Morgan, i XS-PoHaits on Fire and Inland Bisks issued on fsTora hie terms, by GEORGE B i -ARNOLD* Atft, ~ > .deol&ly No. 7* Fourth Pittabargh.- - WESTERN FARMERS* INSURANCE rOO - LISBON, OHIO. l BRANCH .OFFICE, No. .129 FIFTH Pzs&ih A. BtocKOur, Prcst LWrMmnT;'Bec*y.'; James 8urb10,... • . Henry Springer, • . ;DanlelHarbaugb,Br., Lev! Martin, ' W. E. McLaughlin, : James Beaton, . . Jesse McLaughlin, . • James'Kelly. .. • • R. MeKASKEY'j Agont /BS** Will-Insure Buildings, Stores, Merchandise, and Propertygenorally,tm the most farorsbletorma. decl:om—apr22 ST. CLAIR HOTEIm (FORMHELY SHE EXCHANGE,) -n . PITTSBURGH, Corner Fenn and St. Clair street., . C, W. BBNNBTT Proprietor. , a first class :h6Use, between the Railroad Do*, pots; tbo rooms are largo and newly farnished, and charges moderate. ; ; aprli;lyd&w . KIL.EY’S HOTEL,: CORNER FOURTH AND GRANT STREETS, PJTTBBUSGB, PA. E. RIUSY, Proprietor. T ' XltfiUßtOS, JO., AO!tiHiHifn>tu JLH. IUfiSLI PERKY HOTEL, corner of Hanoock streetond Duqtifsne Way, Pittsburgh* Pa.' . ; : * • murky McMABTER9 & MARKER, Proprietor; ■■ CITT HOTEL. (LAT 3 BROWH’B,T Corner of Smltnflftld ana .Tbfrd streoic* JPITTSBUHQByjPA* . GLASS & CABB, Proprietors. JOHN P..GLABB,: / . *DAN. D, GARB, {UU (Uta BVCtadtt* Pmy HoUU.) fIIHIS' largo and comm odious House haririgundergone •JL thorough repair and furnished with new equipments throughout, lahowopen fbr the reception of-the-traveling public. OaABQEff MOBgaATR ; --aprg&Om' ■' FLOBESOEHOTEL, . Noi 400 BROADWAY, HEW ,YORK.>r (corn)o«7m>oniraEEOßopjuspLAH.) ■ . . BEVBSN LOVEJOY, ot&ly : PROPRIETOR. FSANKIiIIT HOUSE, Cleveland,, Ohio, €V.PAIRICK~A SON, ;Housa&a* uh ;«:dptgone .tharuugh:and extensive aud large-addiiionß 'of nowfhnuturo,et »v. Aim, a fevr choice Bilk and Applique Mantillas; -Oar l nock being entirely now. the Ladles can rely upon getting tho newest styles, oa well as the best quality of Goods, at Tory moderate prices. ■ -; .1/ * Remember-the Iron Fyont No f fIVIiARRBi 1 Street. 'V;.- ■.;‘TflySEf.-'; J - iT\RAfiGES' AOD LEMONS— • !-j - I/',' '250 boxes Oranges;: ; . . , . ; 800, “ Demons ; : r6e*iT&landi&'Baleby - ■ my3S - - * 0. AKDEBBON AQO,Eo. 0 Wood sfc 'A.V, JiV-'.’r . ■•••. Jv. V • .-.■••• $627,470 63 WBXCTOMAiv ’ Hugh Oral?, • ' Spcncst ■ * Charles £&Uy.» • Samuel B. Btohes, - Henry 81oan, r .. • James Traquair, Wm» Byro, Jr., ::■ / .= Jdahua L. Price, -James Tennant* • John Ih Semple,: '- " Charles Schaffer,!..:.?. J. X. Logan, > i B.X.C. Morgan; - do. . ; MABllW.VrosWcnt.v :•> , IS. 0. HAND, Ties President P. A.JI&DEEU, Agent, 96 Walog e greet, KtteDargh* HOTELS. . : 5. AND BROKEEf- AHB_BAJ?XIire~HOUSB ' ' AVWIEKIfcS &. CO., 'UNITED BT-ATES BASK BUILDINO. So. e-Tl*£t Fonnb Street, * trWSBURGn, VA. T7OEKION and Domestic Kzcbange, Coin, Bank Notes J? .and Lan{JWamjnta t>onght and sold. throughout tho Union. n-Budnetypaperdiscotmtcdandloans negotiated. bought and sold on commission. - ---Money recetred.on. deposit. and interest allowed when . .feftlbr a specified time. -- ; j : ;i . decS 1 . ■ ■■ 'Removals: PATBICKS&FBIEND, " BXNKRRB AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Hod* Removed their Qsat lotftc Gamer qf F\/Vi and Wood tU. URiVi-ij* KWBOTBOBj PA. ' •' v;;... -T)ATRICKSpA FRIEND/Bankers and Exchange Brokers, dt"ft&d Dealers in,Notea, Drafts, Acceptances, Go’ld.Bßter and B&nk Notes. -Szihangea on the Eastern, and Western uut .is.’: Exchange! Commercial - Bank Kotos* STOCK : bought and sold -on • commission. Collections carefully attended to. > Interest paid on Deposit; : - Eonrth stxceii nearly-opposite the M. M. Bank.- - . • . d«cl6 HILL fc CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, " OOWIXB 'OF:t7OOP AMP TOTH BTUR9. . CJIGHT EXCHANGE on the Eastern Cities oonstantly for O eale. .Time Bills ot Exchange and Notes UiscountaL-r Gold, Silver and Bank .Notpp, bought, end sold. Collections made In all' the principal dues of the United. States. De* points received of Par and CUrTent Fundß. (mar27ly. , AttSH JKDWABD -IUZIBT, ; rLOOIftCS XEAHXa. ICRA’MTgR-Jfc -TtATTW,' - ; BANRERg AND EXCHANGE BROKF4RB, BUY AND SELL Gold, SilTcry and Bank Notes; negotiate Loans on Beal-Estate or Stock Securities?.purchase promissory Notes and Time Bills, oq East and West; buy and sell Stock* on Commission. . ; .... ' ' Collections made on'all points in the Union. . [myV 0. B. ARNOLD * CO., : BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS,' :• f ' j ■pvRALEES in Exchange, Coin, Notes, Sight and I / Time -Drafts, Ac. Collections carefully attended to, and proceeds remitted to any part of the Union. - Stoeks bought and sold on commis&fcm. < -ttß-No. 74 rpnrtti sWncxt door to BankofPittaVg.lselE ; AUSTIN LOOUII9. 1 BTOOK AND BILL ;BROKER, • - . ' £0 ** Washstands; 4Q Enclosed ’ * lOOOommon “ 20 Plain Dressing Buroaos; • v :-49 Mahogany Bedsteads: SOWahmt « 60 Cottage « too Chany and Poplar Bedsteads; . SO Mahogany Wardrobes; 10 Walnut « ID Cherry « 60 Plain. Bureaus; TO Dining and Breakfast Tables 13 Secretary and. Bookcases; SO do*. Cane Seat Chairs; ; 24 Cane Beat Backing Chairs; . 12 Indies* Writing Desks; 1 Hat and Towel Stands; What-Nots; Etigulres; Paper Blache Tables?.. ..;, OouTenarion Chain; Pembroke •* Elizabethan M Hall and Tier ** Baocptkm •* : XndietfWcrk M Pearl Inlaid . l** j z;, : V; Extension Dining Tables; . ‘ Aria ,‘ \ •’ l< * Ottomans; •• * Gothic and Hall Chair*} - . A lara Assortment.: of COMMON TUBNITUBB and WINDSOBCHAIBJ9. ,dearer Making supplied with allar tleks in their line. ... * STEAMBOATS and HOTELS, famished at the shortest notice. \ AD orders promptly attended to. •: .v. Steamboats* AUoy % *.. • : •. .. r fCSft* (J. . Tußeobacrlbcratepder their acknow-s3| for the faror* bestowed pponyjt,, Jy their Stoambopt friends, and Rp| *oold?esretfaUy remind theta and others Interest-* i* •d in they are at all times prepared to furnish, on too most reasonable tortus, crery description of Osbin yumitore and Chairs of the host material and work manship. T. B. YOUNG & CO., Corner Third ahd Bmithfleld streets. * opposite ** Brown's Hotel.” fr12,’69 . fISAE* ANX) J fIMSwJD°MS{wACn7aEB-No. 194 \J FeUermau’t Bow, Liberty street, ms Wlllbopcmotnally attended to; *nd the BoerdeUrored ,to any part of tho olty orrlclclty. J°2&«. i F. • 1 „*,nßaidn ...» •■AvBBKISg."a \l/''AMTISD*rA EituoticU for a man and .wife to work On TT'Al!™. Apply at, FBANQSQUS’ Aganey OlScs, - ajSi ~ ■.. . . ■ x «4 Ftab street, bear the PostOiHoe, • V* ■ly^ : :^y!'- , i .■ : . % .:r»r-y- : y^, Ar?»-^^-ff~-^-^o:^,-r:. T y?ysj | ; : £'s» : i« ••?.;;••£,,. •> . * *i * r ; .V:s . .•■• f- M „ •’■(■ ■ ...-.• It.' ' GOODS.' ' ’ BKCOND AHItIVAL OB ' I PAIiZi ASD WIJiTKR DftY COODS H, ! t.l.s? Th&iQht&pett Qoodt of the Statonl !XTODNfI;aiKVISHSDHr* LOVB,< sign or the original' ¥ bu>Hxv£* No. 74 3 IAB&KTSTREbT, between Fourth and the Diamond, Pittsburgh, have just and axe nowopemuij;aiaftcaaudsplendidassortmehiof- * ■ DKESB GOODS, Of tne novest and most-desirable styles, adapted to the pteieuceeason,' : - ■. Pima brocade and Fancy Bilks at bargains. - - PUmdJlaefc and Cornelian Silks and Turk Satlne. :-..MerinoFlalda.aUwool,nud Silk and Woo) do. Also. Haw Silk and Coahmoro plaldsofevery description, - verycnean. • New atvle Plain and Fancy Do Lames. - ' French Merinos. Cashmeres, Cobargs* Alpacas* end .Earar mactas. ail colors and qualities.. . De Hcges. and high colored De Lalnes, all qaaiities 1 . ;i 'Foll and Winter Shawls, dftiVery description. - " Lb'ngandSqnaVe Brocheand Plaid Shawls. . i . . Printed Cashmere and plain Thibet do. i French UhlnUes. Ginghams. ‘ I: - A* general assortment dhstoolor Prints, from cts. ups : i WHITE GOODS of every description., Collars. Eml/dlldkis.,at bargains. Bonnet Ribbons and Millinery Goods, very cheap. Also;* lull stock of DOMESTIC GOODS, at low prices Linen'Sheeting. Pillow Linens, Table Cloths, and Nap* ' kins. Bnssla Dinner, and Cravats, tury cheap;* l - - GLOVES; HOSIERY, SUSPENDERB, andCß AVATS.: *1 We would'tesDectfdlly solicit an early call:from, both wholmleandretail bUTerSy Battering oiirsolvcH that we can accommodate all who may favor us with their p&tron* age.onmoBtllberal.tems. .. Witt - . YOUNG, STEVENSON. & LOVE. Hew Arrival ot Spring and Summer Pry Gooa«. ■. ■ AT No. 99 N. W. SIDE OF WOOD STREET. ’ B GREGG & CO*i Importers and -JcbbcradnDrltlsh,-: • French and German DRY. GOODS. Haying, receiv ed our largoand extensive stock-.of spring: bhd summer goodej m&nn&cturors y and part through our own Importation,-"we feel snfo in assuring our old customers, country merchants and city dealers general*, j ly, that owing, to these, acquired facilities; in .purchasing* i we can offer each inducements to buyers.!* are rarely mot with in the trade. Amongpurdrygppdestock will be der } lalncs, Portsmouth, lawns of thovmcat dcsirablo designs, 1 mohair lastrcs, Alpacas,plain: black and fancy figured silks, i ..ginghams and fancyprlnts,lateststylcs;;.hrdadclQths,Ancyl yestlngs, cossimeres,, satinets, tweeds and summer, pantoyl loonlngj brown and block muslinsi table Tdlspcrs.- .- • •• .1 Wo bare also opened a very largo assortment of.bonnets, newest styles, palm leaf luvtflj Rutland braid;and Leghorn* and an-extensive variety: of hosiery, gloves I with lace goods, fancy noulngs, -jaconetts,muU and figured i •Swiss muslins and black silk .yeilsi Ac.» < tor.variety stock embraces,in,part combs, buttons, pert, mission cap** thready port monales, patent medicines, per* turnery, and almost erery articlo usually, kept in the va-' riety line, together with- a large stock of •gold ond silver watches, watch .materials, glasses, gold and gilt jewelry of newest patterns, and A: great variety of SO hour and 8 day elocu, ail of which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash orsatiEtnctoryreference. • !■■■■.• N. A—An early call from buyers la respectfully solicited, teresa « D. ORKGQ &,CQ. • BEW DEY GO OSS STORB. ! ' 1 -Iron Front«*N(>*'9l- market-street* ' i OUH bouse being now Open for tho transaction of a peilirr* al Dry QoodsburineM, we would respectfully solicit the: patronage of the public, feeling cphfidentthatrfronr.our exv ensive and well- selected stock of SILKS,..FANCY-AND. STAPLE GOODS, wo can.'offer such inducemems a« will iu sure entire-satisfaction. . rIIAGAN & Allb, tpfi-tf - ■ Nos. 91&farVetaud 8 Union rtreot.- A ' M’TIGUE, corner of Grantund-FUih «re«Ls, n*RIGEBH ■ Anti they will worraxtt them *to bo aagooa an ao/ mnnu factored in the Union. ■■•■■■■«■ . : CUSTOM WORK* 15 TBB CE3T STIU,ASD CPOH lUI SnoaTAS7 HOTIC3- Theyhftto on band ft full and beauurul 'aaiortuent cu LOTUS and COATINGS, lor FROCKS, DBES3, WALKING AND■= BUSI- NESS COATS. Oarlmereits irtUcntleal wUh. tfiow ef our customer?, and weawruroth# pablio that fidclity'rcili ‘not ..foil An tUllnir all order* may boXavorcd with. . JB9* DON’T 'FORGET TftE B&AOJS—- §@ W«od §ts*ee£, (EAST HIDE,) COBH KB OF DIAMOITO ALLHT. N. B.—We tlMlroour patrons to uJjrteniLand Uni •probate oo longer say connection with the' ClotUlngjßASines.* on liberty street. Oar attention U devoted exclusively to the. Uoastiabove designated. mar 23 JOHN M’CLOSSEY 4 CO. v..' ; NEW SPIUKG GOODS. “TUST lUSCJ2TV£D AT JOHN McCKOvSKBY&CO‘3 Wb t/ raleOothlagWarelioustvNo.BB Woodstreet, and corm.T. of Diamond alley, the largest and moht tou«1 stocii of! goods that this celebrated hoa?o haR Mer had. j of inviting the attention cftbe public to, These goods have, been purchased from first bands, bod, conseqUcntlyy-tio | second profit on them, ■which leaves hr able to *ny. that wt* i can and do sell at as small.profits as any house iu the (-:lst-. 1 era cities, Therolbre, we respectfully inritothe attention 1 of wholesale dealers and country merchant*, in general,- to giro us a rail, and examine our extenmw assortment of. HEADY MADE CLOTTIING. It is almost enumerate the qaaotlty of Immensepilfa-of.garmcnutLai h to bo seen at.this Urge establishment; it is sufficient, to. say that it basneverbean equalled by the houseiu*elf. . . marlfctf JOHN MeCLOAKKY A cn.. BAfilUKIt OtlAV* ; BT. CLAIB BTKW, fITTSBtmOU, .'. / , V ■f*i ENTL£iTE.VB CLOTm.MG made exclusively to order, VT and warranted to eulL lias constantly, on band a thrice assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMEREH, VESTINGS, And OVEUOOATINGi of the latest styles, selected expressly for the custom trade: Gentlemen leaving thulrordcra»will have their wishes consul tod and compiled with, aa all worfc Is done under his own supervision. _ novIS Cloihtng I: Clothing I TpCffi undsTHigced respectfully Informs blaftfcndjt endih& X Public that ha is tiow receiving at btsstope, N«.l7t Lib?’ ertystrect»a choko assortment ** Cloths; Cafslmcfes and Vestings, of thelatest and most Stylea, whlehli« is prepared tomaketo order In tbo’nnwt;fiisbioMh]p Kan-’ ner.at short notice, and on tho-mostreasonable terms. v We have also on hand a large and well ffiflhufnctuftd ftoofc of ready made Clothing, to which .we invito the htteuUon of buyer*, either wholesale or retail. . ; Parsons who purchase goods for cash; will fiodlt to their idvantage to call at If T Liberty street, beforo making their ; pmrchasaa ‘ • ■;•'•' [tnaTh] ?. .C. CONNER. Washington Clothing Hall. PKANE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer io-CLOIIUKU, * No. £l2 Liberty street; opposite Wayn6,se*r-Peana. Passengor. Depot, Pittsburgh; p*.;' This store is fitted up in the most modern.,style, and is always prepared to furnish goods of the best quality and at the lowest pflceg.-apT29;2m,; • .. New Clothine Store. ' NO. 4, SIXTH BTRKET, mBERTYV ' THK subscriber has Just opened this now establishment, where he has slwaya on hand alargeaodohbkb assort* tnentofall articles of ho wflirautsoqußl toany inUiecity, and will fell at tho most reasonable pri* cea. The pubiieare roquestedto give him a call. r. •_ ; j marfcly . , ; ....>■-;lb OPPENHEIMER. WATCHES. JEWELRY, &c. /xxril UA Vli TiUi GOODS.—Jewelry, in rich wjcl beau- YY ' Uful Ysrioty, well selected, bud tt larps assortment; Watches, ..the most celebrated • and perfectly ficlihed, of lioodon* Liverpool and Geneva manufop«w r . i Silver Want made in my own manufactory at Oakland, and warranted pun?coin quality. Military Goods end Society Emblems, -Jewels,. Scslb, lto-. galln, Trimmings, Ac.:, Tea Ware, lamps. Girandoles, Mathematical Instruments, Olaes Cutters* andQlasler's Diamonds, &qr t &q % All os cheap as any in this or eastoni cities. •'' - Watch repairing-, dona in * superior manner. Jewelry, made and mended at the oldest estabUghed shOp'ln thls city. iw.w.wasoN, •' , corn erSlarirfft arid Fourth • cwoEsn oiiooKg»? 1 1 Ffelfle & Meyran,- . DEALERSIN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, §3|v .SI LYKIiWAIUI, Ac* No. 4i EIFXIL Strevt, neat Wood, opposite (ho Morning: Post, formerly oeou- by L. Relneman *,Cb. r Ws:faar«'.no*'laad.ft‘ splendid assortment of Sday and 24 hour Cloc&s, which we offerto lii& public at great Bargains, such asV' Iron cases, ptarl ifilaWarul all otter cattproe of MantslpocS'a. 1 -Also,a Jriatj assortment ©f.floe goicl, ihd : ’*iUur--potont lever, cylinder, and anchor csOapmenfc Watches, aud au eie ffaotstocfe of Jowelryand Silverware,: which we Intend to sell choapfßr cash. N. ; watch repolrlng -dono in the best manner nml at low prices, and warranted. > . . . -maras. HEW JEWELSY STORE, So. ST Morlxet Strcci, {Btcemd door oboce thelfotifcvictt corner (f the Diamond.) TOON STEVENSON,(of the late firm of John B. MTaddeu y A Oo.,) respectfully announces to the public that he had opened, ot the aboTo stand* a fine assortment WATCHES, JEWELRYTaiLVEK 4ND PLATED ; WAKE, LA&IPS, GI RANDOLES, Fockct and 2UNe CWZery, Britannia Ziaand ChmmuTtion SeU, and the ÜBnalTarioty of goods In Els line of business.. • Special care and attention given to the REPAIR of FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. He trusts, that from Kla long experience in business, no will be abJotqglve satisfaction to those who nmy.ibvor him with their patronage. - Pittaborgh, May dfith, 1863. IJcnry fli«hartUon, JevFcU©rr . ' HAVENQ refitted hja store in a handsome I ' manner,*and~ bat receutlyreturnod from tho eas torn cUiorwith & fine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, and-.PANCX, GOODS, wouldcall the attention of hfe firiendiand eastern ers to the fact that among- his Watches will be ‘ftohd thß most desirable stylos, patterns and makers; J Of Jewelry, the -latest strlesof Brooches,Brea&t Pins, fob anti Vest Chains, Fingerßinm, Ear Eingß, iliniatnre Ix*EQts, etc, ’ - FANCY QOODB--Buch aa Papier Macho; Work Tables and Boies,- Desks. Fancy Vases, PerfUmo; Bottles, Table [Mats, Colt’s Pistols, Porte MonnMealngreatvariety; ChihrPrult and Cake Diahos; with an endless variety of Useful and or namental articles, which have only toi be seen tobe'kppr: ■ foWll Or MARKET STREET, TUSI RECEIVED—A few. more af.those i»lebratedE;. p.. tl Johnson Watches and Railroad Tima Keepers. Algo, a. fine assortment of Ladies Watche3, whlcb we guarantee ae curate time keepers'; togelherwitha new and lashtonablo , aasortmeht of rich Gold Jewelry, which we will Bell-lower.. than any other establUhinebfc’west of the mountains. Give us e call at 51MARKET Streets ~' • - Pine Watches repaired with accurany.and war ranted..'Gold reaklrod and manufactured to order onibort at 6l Market street. - ~~®ylB 1 WM. A. M’CLURG, DBAIiER IN r&ieTeas. CioioeFamily , Groceries anAWmow WS*S- ' CORNER. OF WQOP ANP SfXTR JTS., . ■' : 'iFirTSBURan, pa. IB now receiving & large assortment of FRfißli GOODS, in addition -to his already jaxtensivb stock, purchased 'from firsthandsin theEafltorts markets,‘which, will be sold atthelowestmarket prices; >r ; : -t •• •••■ v'* . and families, haying by. the quantity, supplied at wholesale rates. • .. . dfipvored in thodtyfree of charge, j.sepai : TWTO..XJ*ARD 01L—25 bbls Jnstcw andlorsale by . iX myStt - j FLEMING BROS. -• ' * * - • w_- ‘V •-••r f *7' ’■* • j- ' “*‘ r * v-* *- * ' * 'I-.0-v?-'.- i' y r:'i. MISCELLANEOUS. By. tbft Pnflldent at tlte Vnited State** i rrji purfUMic-eof law.lyFßANtfi.TJiPllSltCEj'trcsiieni. ;- T X- of tbp-•■•.- ■' vltHdldfl. ''/ \ ';v> : .To.WDPhJpßißeTenty-nlne, eighty,'eighty-ona, e!ghty-two* ; eighty-three, >ighty-fbor,. cighty-flvej-.Tcigfaiy-six, -nighty seven, and eighty-eight, of rfipco thirty-ftur,- >v ■•■■■' Townships 6i*venty-nino, eighty, eighty-one, eighty-two, eighty-three, eighty-four, eigbly-flre, eighty-ala* eighty • seven, msd’Righty-eighti of range thlrty-Uve.*.. . .-v • >.. Townships flQventy-foai\«iTenty-fiVß.BeTetity>riX,seventy* nine,. eighty, mghtv-oue,' ~e«chty-two,. eighty- hree,: and : four;.of rangbthirty-Wr^ •Townships’sevehty-hJiic, eighty, *!gbty-one/dghfcy=t-wo, eighty-threo,: .eightv-fbur, mghtv-firp, serep, and elghty^ight,of.range thirty-seven.' • ?■ vTowcfifcipa sevehty-inhei eighty, eighty-one, cighiy-three,' eighty-four, eighty-fire, eighty seTffn.'iand eighty-eijrhtvnf range ' ; . , .-t Townships scventy-sjxv-vaeventy-seren, • eer«hty*nine,- eighty-threo, eighty-four, elghtv-five," eighty-six, eighty soren, and eighty-eigbt, of range thirty nine. - . .. ... r .’Townships, elghty.-bne, eighty-two, eighty-three,, eighty-, four, elghty-fire, clgbty-slsyclghfy-seven, and elgfcty-eight, ofrange-forty.- Atriho- some place* -common dng '.on Monday^theefgh/.. teenth day of September next, for the. disposal of th 9 Pubr lie lands situated within the undermentioned townships,to Wit:::' .S.V;.;v': . fiCorth.qfVie bas'elim, and mendian.* ' 'ToWosTitps eighty-'twqahrtnih6ty-ciib;<)f range fortybne.. ‘ Townships elcMy-two and ninatyi of ranee fortyrtwo. ....•. . Townships elgbtv-two,-olghty-tbroo. eighty-four, eighty xe, cightyrseven,' .and/eigh.ty-elght,';bf range ertv-throe. . Townships eighty, elghty-ona, eighty-twoV.elgAty-fiv.p r elghty-slx, eighty-feT&h,’. and'- eighty-eight, of .range .■ forty-; fo«r: v • 1 > - '■■■!;'. Townships- fiphtVi dphtyemo, eishty-.two, eiirhty-four, eighty-five '£ighty-Bix/ei2hty-aovcn,andQ!ghty 'elpfti, of rangeforty-five.'-: • .v.r' Townships d'ghtyftwOj' . five, «igbty-Mx,eighty-fieyeii,;and jaegafor-. * ty-slxi ■ -y '■•■•*■. ■ * •' ■- x r- Townships' r «fghty-fbtiiv blgh ty* fl ve, ‘ ".eighty:6ty» eighty-, , sovenj and eighty-eight, of runge forty-savon,.. ._■. !TPWnshlpf’eighty-seveti And dgfcty:efght r bf raiigo forty* dibt .. h ! At-the at' FORT DE37MOItyEB, cipirunentlngv on Monday, tho.fourHurtbf of September: next, for thadLv r posal of tbo public lands within the following tutocd town* |- ships,to wit:- ■ -•■ •■.•••• ' North -of (hefoiit lint; and wst of thof-ffi’principal ’ ' Towcphips ninety-lWe. nlnfity-Mx. nincty- Tango'BftVenteejb..': Townships ninetypvn, ninety-six, ininety-seven, nintity 'ellrKt, ninety-nine,and ond'htrndred. of rabgo eighteen,r • - Township* hinoty-thtee; ninety firo.- nluety-efx, ninety* snyen,nlnety*< : lght, ninety-nine, and bco bundfod, of range blne*eeni- * •; . ...... •..• • • • • Townships’ ninety-three, nlnety-foitr, htnety-fiTty ninety-, piXj ninety-soren,. ninety-eight, and inlncty-nineyof range twenty. ■ • .. r *. t •••.. ; • , *: Tc'’tnJshJpJ -'nhJety-finß. ninety two,; ninety-three, ninety*, four, -ninety five.- -ninoty-rix. ninety-seven, ninety eight, rin>t~tilnoty-Tifnty.Qf'rahgb.t web ty-onb. ;v., '-Townships ninety-two, nlnety-threp,'hihety-four,hfheljr-' ;Cve, ninety-six, ninety-eight, of range twonty-twn; > • ■ • ninety-five, ninetyl - of rangft'twentv-three. .'i At-'Uie‘dm«p?ace,CßmraenclngohMondajr.the.oJghteoHlh day of September-next, forthe disposahof the publialnad*: situated in the fbHowing namtul townships and. ports of -townships/via: -v-V/- ■-VV. jyoHh ofViebaseline, E.oortimtmQingrn Mondar, the twmty'flm dav of August next, fir the disposal of the public lands withia;ibo undermentioned townshlpa, vIb:"-’ ‘ :: North-of Iht bai& linc, and vts 1 , of .lhfffth -priricipai v 1 meridian, • I •• Township one hundred, of range three. I . Towaabipbne-imndreiJjOfntnge four. , . . Towushipanlnbtynlno and hundred, of range ten. * } : : Townships ninety-dirhi# niuoty ninp. find one hnndre Towtishltia nJUetysaTan.and ntnety-pfghVof rahgo JUleen-' . Townships ninety feven;'Jiiuety-eight, ninery-nicc,'nad . oce huhdrcKl.c.f raoge PiXfcr.n.'. . ~y; At ihoiandofiicentCllAUlTON’.eottiTnencingon Mominr, the iwrtntv-firstday of August next, for tho disposal of the publili'larKissituaxcd within the following hamed townsalps to wit: - - A’ortA cf fhc bat«. Unt, and vxsi of the fifth principal: : . - r ’’ mcrufiiin. ' ;; Township aixty*fi:’T«*n, of range t.wcnty-Glhe. ; • Townships slxty-f : ev«n seventy-five, of tango thirty. TownpHps sixty-seres, Sovnuty-lour, and seTenty-firo,' or range - - r.- . i • Atiholand offlwtfttFAlßFlhLD, Commencing on "jdayVtht? twenty-fityt-day of; August ri«xt,'fijr. the difipo?al of-' tbOffo*Jowincde. a,, tib ,, d islandvth wjt:. .... ‘J&irili of the llne.end losrt of the. fifth priucipil I " vxcrUHdri. ‘ ‘ TwoWsttJk situated id sections two nnd ft ur i n lowurtrip -Sareniyrts; of rtmj-e two.- ’ 1 .- >, At fiia land Office at IQVV A - CITY, commencing on Mon dny, the. bwciity-flretda.Y of Angus? next, for tbo Uispe&ilbf thetoUcmlttguatnedlslamJarvlzr .;■ North of the 'bate lint, and intsl of thefflh- pHndpal-i. • • v; -tncridfatU. '••'-•'• -. ‘ \ -v ■'••-•'•• • Islands situated tkirty fire,innd thirty-* lx, in township seventy-nine, of range ■'ttawfv . . V.V-' -. Lauds appropriated by law* for the use of Schools, Mili tary nadotherpurporos.tcjetbeTWith those“swamp and overflowed lands, xaiwto thereby ■unfit for cultivation.” ir ahy, gmutod to the State by-the act nn!JUed.“ Ap art to . .enaMathft State of Arkansas and othor States to reclaim the ‘swamp lands’ within their limits,” ; bar23 f 1850, willhoexduded from the soles. r iV;/ , The offjriagoithe-abovo. lands win;beconnh.cueedouthet-i disappointed, and tHU proceed in the order la which they i are advertisuduo tit the Whole shall have l>eot» offered, and. the rials* thus cloml; but nosale shall b« kept open longer ..than two *i>ehp,.attd no private, entry of any of the lands ' will he admitited until'after theexplndton orthetwo weeks. ; Given. under niy hand, at the «ty .ofWasbioßton, this, eighteenth dav of May, Anno Domini, rnia thousand eight: hundred and fifty-four. • • fRANKLIN PIERCE. By the President: V ....". ■ T v 7 :: John Wilson, , Commissioner of the General Land Office. NOTTCti TO I’UEEMPnON CLAIMANT 3. Every person entitled to' Upright of.pre-emptfea tie. any. Of the lands within the Townships and parts of Townships tvboTc enumerated, is required toestabliah i he same to th'o aStlsfactlonof tho .lhoptopor IShd: ‘Office, and make psymeht therefor assoon aapractlcaMo after seeing this before tho dayappolntedfor , the commencement of the public sale of the lands embrii* ring the tract claimed.; ctbexwiso sucb claim will bo for ced. JOHN,WILSON, v OcumnlssTchar of the General Laud Office..: -llyvtfiu President of ilie linlted.tfitateii - IN pursuance ol Uw. I. FItANKLIN PIERCE, President of the United Statospf Amerirn, do hereby .declare and inake known that yabllo 'saies; will bo hcld sttho under*. •menMonedXand Ofikefftln tboStato of MICHIGAN, at the periods hereinafterdeslsrba 6K vfz; - *\ TV At the Land OffleAhf SACLT STK.MARIE, commpnclpjj tm Monday, the fourth day of September next, for the dis posal of the public lands situated within tbo following namedtowdshlps*towitr* l - 1 " • v- _ • c.., ' North of the Inise tout of Un principal metidiQni o Townships fort j-six, forty sov'en, and forty-eigbt,of raegb ten.".'-'IY-V.-;.',. ; .„v; .7.yy- . .'Y;Y7Y' '-yi. • ’ ‘ ‘i.-bl . Towuship.forty-nine, of range fifteen. ’ 'ToWoiihlpSfortj-'twbjfoHy'fvur/ and forty-five, ; 'ofTdcgb Y-.W • '..V* ... ; '7 : Townsbipa forty-four, and forty-fire, . ortango twenty three. « • Townshl psforiy-two,forty-three,forty-four, andforty flrej ofranso twenty-four;. ~ Township foTly-thrco,cf mngo ttroniy-five, , Townrhlpsfotiy two,and forty-three, ofrangotwenty-six. • Township fbrty-ninu, of ranga tWßnty-elehC : : ' ■ -Townships forty utnd, and.flftjr t of rango'twcnty-nlno. - - Townships of rang© thirty. " . _ Townships farty-nino, and fnty, of range thirty-one, ■ - - ‘ Townships forty-six, forty-sefen, fortyieigh't, nlnei of range thirty-two^^ Townships forty-fix*.forty -?qvcn,.forty-eight, and-forbr •Qioe,;of rango;tbWy»thwa- „ - Townships forty-two, forty-three* forty-fire, forty-six, and forty-seTen, of range thirty-four. forty : sot a rxencu or rt; ' . AN. INYALDABIiiS.iI£B4tUY.FOHSORQFOLA:Kte« , f| vA. K*R»- Bbepiuatwui, Obstin»te CQtatiKms h ►'Pimplea-or’PuMateacra tbe Fju», niotchc% yoilj», 3JicoQlc,| I Bore’Eyss, Ring M , oxraorTslt«r,i^ldUiiaa/Enlai:t*mt?bt! [ and Palb Of theTJonesapd ; JoiTrta, Stubborntfteer*>4»y jM*’ i eaacsaihdDffTromaAlnjwrclons'tiseof Mefctjry, Inipru dence in Life,' crimp hsit tbeßlood/ - : - TJlils ralaable Medicine,-’wtiicli bas -becoispUßtabrrtcdfar •. of effected #uongb4t* induced; at the.urgent request '©ftiieirfHepds, to ofltir-ttto thspablic, thevdo with • the-Uimost confidence intts propcxtiesv Tba followjngcertificntes, selected from & large number,**?* strong** testtoony than tbs mere jota,pf : m4' l i» »eH known in their locahiies>and of the highest respectability, many ofthearagiding loathe dtyofßlchinond: Ya. ■ P, HOtDEN. Esq,f6fthe Exchange Hotel,-.TlfcbmohJ called .Q&rter’a£panii& Mixture edmlnlrterKkin oyer a hdcdred; catoa, ib nmlrall Ythe diseases for which It is recpiexocnd edjWlth-'UiezaWfaatonißhloglrßOodxfesnlts-' Hc sty* it ’ : the medlcmebe has eVerawn: AOCK 4SD ;?E thatfor lentdewriptlotu 1 hadeerfnil PhvsJd afis,' took laxc e unatv .title? ofrdaixdne, yerUsedt batnll rri^tft^yvpCTmanent. At leak!; . triedTCarter'a BpanjilfM&6ire I 'two'bottles of which effec* totally cured pm* afid^wmftappy'to Say X haYehadneither chills doce;- .Ixonsiderit tlie best TdniMnitbe . wotid, ond the iudy.'«3Bdldse that ever reached my c&bo .: • * Jons Losqdss. Beaverlhun.OGariUchraond.rYa. f a Rlchincmd.ahd for cisny yearsiathe PoatOffice, has -sueß confidence in th*' .astonishing «fflcacTOf Outers ‘Spanish- Mixture, that-he has* bought upwards, nf fiftybottles, whjcli .he has gireo away to the afflicted, ; Mr. Buck says ho hasfcerer knows ' l^hdi r wlMntokeDaecorilingto:dircctloni.: '> .'. . iij. - the cityuJf Slelicioncl, says he has witnwed in& numbered instances, the effects of Carter's Bpaiifsb Mixture t wbicßwera most truly surprising- He sfcysin b j case dependent os the: hirer, the good «f> ' HsctaworowDsderfSl lndoedr->r'r • - BAMUEI* M. DRINHEK, of the-fins ofDrinkn A Mor» ria, Richmond, waaenrpd of XJrer Coiaplalfitolei&hiyeßTf' standing, ;by the use of-two; bottles of-Cartcr’a Spanish, Mix hire- - y: GREAT CUBE OP SCROFULA.—The Editors of the Rich 1 ■ mondßepublicanbod a L «rvant cmplOyed.in their' prest room cnred of yiolent Scrofula combined with Rheuma tism, which «ntlxely disabled hlm.from work. Two bottler of Carter's Spanish Mixture made a perfect cure of him, and the Editors, in a public notice, say they “ cheetftrt ly fe» commend it to. all who are afflicted, with any diseaaafif th# ; blood." -.• f, STItX. ANOTHER CURB OF BCROFtJLA—Ihada ret} ▼eldxble boy curedof Bcrofula hy Carterls Spanish Mixture: I consider it trnly -a Talnable medldile,' ' ..; r • ■ - . - - Jms M. Tanon. ... Conductoron:the.B-P.andP.B.Xt. Co:,Wchmtmd.Va’ r BAET KHEUM of TWENTI YEARS BTANBXBQ CURED —Mr. JOHN THOMPSON,reaI (Bug in the city orßicbtnaou, was cured b; three bpttles of Carter’s Spauiab Mixtore, of Balt Rhenm, which ha hod nearly twenty years; and Vftfcb aH tha phyglfdanaOf the not core. Ur. Tl.omi* «onis a well khown merchant in thccity af Richmond»-Va. !andhis can isrßost remarkahle. : , A.MATTHEWS,of Richmond, had a se^ranbrntrc. of Syphilis, in the worst form, by Spanish Mixture. He says, he :chcbrful!y recommends U, and. considen it an lnralaable.mediclDe. -..v,v... •.. . : v;. . r , . j-, RIOHARJVH. 'VTEST, of Richmond, was cored of Bcrofu ;U,:and..what;.physicians: call confirmed Consumption: bv three bqttles of Ciirter’a.Spiinish Mixture-' : • 1 < - - : v :EDTTARC BURTON, coiaffllssioner of the. reyeuue, «ajf •• ..Beioa seentba good eflfectspf Carter’s Bpaniah Mtxtnrqln - a number of Syphilitio cafie%and aayi it' Is w perfect •ctirr Tor that horrible disease^T^^ : . „vr-.n i v;,>‘t -WM.O. Riohmond,cured of Old and J ties ;bf ; Carter's Spanish Mixture, and was enabled to walk 1 without a crutch; £nx short time permanently cured. i •-• Principal Depot at M. WARD, GLOBE &42QJ NoVSiM ui3 Cn : ■ I*aue, : NewTork.' '•• • „ A BEERS, No. 125 Main street*Richmond, \a: forsale by R: A. FAHNESTOCK: A COuL. WH/'-OX; ffr. A COVFLEMING BROTHERS, GQ Wood street, Pitfsl -brirgb f- Hi P: T£C& WAETZ, Allegheny; and by Brnsgistr and Dealers in Mcdlcjne'eyerywhere. •- ' •octB:d*wly lL ' morsjs’s coMPorao syavp LOWDOCKROOT* : rpHlEia a purely Vegetable Compound, scientifically pro I ■ A: pared from the hest roots and! barbs of the MaUrit j bodies, and has gained anuntivaped-Wputation .for th« j folowing«ff.ctB > >n*.:- : < r: ■•* 7 : T 1 BHSQU&ATXNG AND UVEB, 'and DioxSSlv* OWAKS, end Blganrfngthe.Btcmach amiliow 1 -els, aßd thttUcurtog allßaioußTiiseaßefljiaver Cbmplaluts,,' DyspepßUjlndfgestionkCostfvenesaj Headache. Fever I and Agae* Waiiß&aj-'liOss of-; Apatite,- Around ' e&Oßiag thefbekf to nourish hfidsupportercry nut: • .-■ ■ < * .. MUIEXING THE BjUOOD, and thus curing aUHnmors, Cutaneous Eruptions, S-rrotn • la,SaUSheom,Eryripelaa,BealdHead,'Canlter, Pimrtesor ' Tumors, Mercurial Disease Can ;:cer2,-Ae.,Ac. ; '.--;rr''r - . - BSGULATXBG THE BSQ&ETORT ORGANS, - - ! and by Enabling them to perform their preventing and coring many painful and dangerous dis* essees.stttngtheningahd quietingthe Nervous System, thus allaying Kervous Irritation, aad curing all diseases of . the lt la unrivalled In Ifie enre of all- FfiMALK OOMPLAINTS, .as Weakness, General: Debility* Irregularity, Obstructions, tbrellioj o* the fFeet, !•&&&$, JoinfaviAc* caused byvealcness; also, Lang and Throat-Complaints, as Colds, Coughs,- Astlma* 1 Consumption;to.»:*Jso, Dropsy. Having made, use of the Compound Syrup of Tellon Dock i Root, preparedby O. Horse* Co* either ourselves, ori nour famili33, tmdfinding It tu be a very Balutary aud effectual prep&ntion; wa do mostcheerlhllyrocommendit to the pub* lie aaavery valuable medicine. E. Banlr,ProviiifinCejß,l4 A W.Sj»nared by 'C. MORSEA CO n No. 446 Broadway, Ncn ToTk, and sold by Druggists and others-throughout this and other countries, JOEL MOHLER, Agent, ■. aprZTtiy . • • , , Pittsburgh. Pa.. • Jf PR TUE CCItE o£I)EAJ»l ESS,:PAINS, and tH* Dts- X. ' charges of Matter from the Ear»--fl]?o, nil thosfc'' &**■ agrecablenqises liko the Jbuxziiig of insects, tilling »f w a ter, whining of at«un, which are symp toms of approaching Dearness, and also generally with the diseaso. Mac} per eons who have been deaf for ten, fifteen, and twenty v cars, •.and.'weTe obliged to use ©dr-trumpets, bare, after Tislog 'one or two bottles, thrown aside tKaV trmnpta, being made perfectly well. .Physicians and. Surgeons highly recom mend its no*. • / . .. * rFromtheTribuna.l - Panasrs Don’t. Nfioixct Yona Cno»ttEr>Jlhmi«anili ; oi chiidzca annually become deaf, in conßeqncxica ot ■ div axsrccs Of natter from their ear#, induced by Harlet Fryer. ; Colds, Ac, . Nov, if mothers would' do theirdaty andpra care ficarpa’aOiUbr Deafhefija. and use It os directed, i heir ■ chlldren-srouldbecoredt buMfnefiJectedjtba'dl&chiffE. con tinues Ten ttonblesoisie, top *e?ring gradually g©!Bw.»rse» and finally partial or total deafness ensues. . . ‘ IXPORTAK7 NOXICE: - Ckdlatidsu Mrs. BaxUr* and tTvt wUI impart to youi'n/o)i;w& i Won that &i2cmv&ceandasionishyl bcrebr certify, that when l yna about twelTeyears old, I gradually became denT in both ears, eothatln a few mouths J J i und' -it-almosiimpoesiblatohear. unlessln tfcatgty louOctvioia : of voice.' 1 remained in tbit station until ,last summer* ;a period .of efffcteen LTCW». r :wfien X h»id'bf:SCADl'A.*S COMPOUND: ACOUSTIC OH. ,I obtained* a whlchl hare urtflL and am Jbapjpy to say It baa acted Ilk©B?agio>fittdquit© cored;®©.- Any onewißbtozXimber JnformaUon or mV case, which ! think a renxark&blf cue. . win find mo by calling at my residence, Concord street first door abovebeexmd street, BbbeocADaxi«.-- JforJala by . ' A. JATHJSBT ' Pekin. Tea Store. •• gg Fifth street; HUabuiVK. j; I. -Hoatemr’a Uelahratod etotaaci Bitters, •; ■prraEfttY:ANTl-DMPBPTICtwd warrahtw toinvig f nralfl and-Stiengtheii.tbe'-Trhole system of every one i whonsestftcm^^ronotrkeptioi-stJebr'•'•*' i r:'*«& CUSO. IL KEYSEB, corßep.Woo3 &aad Tlrginslley ; - ;- x • FLR4llN(J^}UOS»*Drcgguta, cor. Wood and lfoartli.fllg4' , ItvJ2; BELLEKS,Druggist, Woodat tot. ThlnLan&Foiirth: : ’ and all our first-class liotela and Restaurants, as veil as .dealers generally,-where tfaer ■proprietors most resnectiullr refortUopubUctotthem. r 3 iv a trifle, vhem comparea witb tho In* calculable goc*l they effect !■.. ■ JfeeUnß satisfied that nxsx ßitter* possws meritsuCßciont 1 to recommend them, we. trill not multiply .woida In their I ptalso, butaat uU to gire thom a trial; butbe careful to “k^TOSIEraER-gJTOMAOHBICTBB&- uHm-it* lOttor TUHSsjMjmenl^l;«b bo tha HuneTwliicn couir tivplyare worthier ;Our BltterßamieUbout &rlr»! .either C* to Utmr medicinal qua!!ties, or 6-1 a boTcrJifn*. Tfcpv ire put up containing a fall unart, iflth di: lections on.and Dr.'J. UaltlUr’t StomacX SiUmhovri on tiurglaM. Mono other genning.', '* HOSTBITOB, SMfTH * CO., ' ayPenn Btreet. EittaliUri:h '- ■■ 880 Hewartt TT SWILLbs p«i(i to «nyjte7amwlxoirUU»Qy tifejm o *'®.* OINtt JafitiX,Mi£iTU!6 it: according.to directions- II thoyviU.c&ll .at my office and say Wp»» Barns. ana freezes. Sores on Children, and emtly aUeTiatMf not entirely cure Piles, IhCattma uon ox ino nreaat, Sites of Insects, Pimpleson the fac& and all Diseases of the Skin; • MONRo|j '•■■ ~■ ■■-•! KaagaincktConn. - ,Forsal6 by HfEMWOUBOIHKBS, and'Dr, KBISEB, BSnTiJi£a»rencer»illo j XTJKi B. TttWßpjri.&et £ ; aeisa.4 cai'BtewMtBtoS^- LEWIS DAIEBLh4-CO,Bbarpjburg; BTBWAETiXXOYfi ■4 CO., Mechanics’ Iron Worn; J. W. lIAJtNEN. Man chester: ■' - - Stfl&dAf? ' TprTEEsEi7raE23!iaMNxSßNf^2^S^*r oMSK’ 8Un ’ * Store; WM.BEIBEBT4isRO,«T Penn S 4 WIOHTMAN, Pcnne^t];' ps:fes BH*ES*®s3fcws* - -Jy&daWy lhrrA. etogle, brat nl Ur. TUB EEL’S OZKXUEKIftfin -lie ■ seep any Blacksmith's, Fsrmer’p, Sailor’:a.cr Meehan ice hands, lot them chip or grw&erer eo bad,eonnd and in • goodworkingorder all winter; ■■:::■■ - ...a:-. -Preparcdandealdby • - MOSBOE TOTmpi. • * }jllx&kvy Hangatnct,Opnn. Allegheny County, at, *JlariaP.Warb<(r, .."Vrflotico Is. hereby glee® that, in _ ra. of ottoideria Equity. Heirs of John Garbot. J passedhy.tbo District Court anrß 23,186t,there in perpetnaai means. riijOfthe evheuiMaorltnessea to tho wlli-of John Oarberr attba'offlwofßeld Washington, Esq^,Nd, 166yburthS cn HATUBDAY, June 17,18ht,at 10 o'clock, A. ll.' : . soyZtSwd - ■ ) ' J. tOTBWIG-KOETHKNj Attorney.'’ ’ . *■ ' r' i* !U- ' . > S. • ’ f.w » 1: . •.. ,* 4- • 0 ' * «: - *' * » r \ y.\ •. .n.r- - •. ~ *■'!: \. ' ■- »5 » -■ - < - f . i. - -«v 7 ( ~..y\ , MEDICAL, ACOUSTIC OIL! ) ' jy {? v TfIE WLI toa J nS»~ «■ ■ ■■■-; ' ■ .■ ~*T .•# ■;■■■ . y -v * * Ta- £ . ' ■< DR. MORSE’S InrigoratiniCord JMnoiifijiSSin Hedidnej tmTLHNC/l JIB; *. XL me mxmmimoQi&TiKQ jsuxi&i plMfc-rAt tot thfrireroUeg alttitaitflfl lo Pro > IbvfttorttJnijEJlxi^' orCordlar*credeeizifcd fabulci ( .- publiOfOflesrdfeMredTbßtHdhotbeQtiTß theshnclK-’ ito* truths axmoflhced by the discoverer..natfatf .. .Diabie,tteta*aurttod,by..«ritßcsMflcrf the highest £' • character, ere nowtriUmpUcgoreren doabta.s •:>.. ■>■ v lltyletffferthfOWDbjrftiia^ofteeaiiicnjwhlchlsi • v .r bwiliilblfcv. ,h -» * •’ „■ mnediea.ittftUCJifle*, thedeplorf,~! • J ' v t arisfafffttiai ft mlsnseor abase of the variouecroa* - . makeuptto wonderful madblndtslledniaiL Itii- -V* tan Tigorerory deHcetafonctioii connected wiib t; ' » ferfouacompound ageney of matter and mind, jierf- - '■■ *■" ■*■ the reproduction of bOman U&. - Ttfpezsoss of feel' • ctilaJrOTtte»or defldfiatiirf-’.’Tifal :pinrer f itlsi«oi{* -.•** , as the only ; means of-ccmmuukaung - that energy,! ■ ■.. naeessary to the proper Mtfqymflnt of all the natal v |titeV»wdla*l2lohi5 r hc*mentalatuiiutevltst} ,v - ~r - | tffoetsare act confluasito eif hracees, or to aura? • feable gtoMha ailing -wub, the listless, enervated ya •■■/•., overworn man of business, the victim of nervous de - ■•: ■ .*. • the Individual suffering tom generaldob&Jty, or^.v ■weakhwpf aiuglo organ, will aTUtadimmediate& . ® a aentreliQf from the nsoot'thla IpcoTcparablerc? To theft who bave'predispogiUon to paralysis, it w:‘ •9-«nspleto;*bd oniktog aafeguttlegelnst that* . ~. v-. v . ; maJady.. ; Tbereare many,-perhaps, who have eo tril * * T- *#'**• ihat ■ -- mcfroTmedidne. Let nofr even these dc&pair. TF ; dqaUwlUi dispose as it exists, without ref*r«noe t 4 and vriHnot Only.removethudisorderitselftbot S •* . >i,B£BTOB THB BBOEKN 005STmJTI01« lbe system, leading toner! ' dim. and the forms of nervous disease Itself, are w ' nuatlmHt wtralinqalwi a column to enumerate t? . ■- diea-ftr.which'thiffprcparntkm Isaspeciflc. Afe Bvevjnay be. enumerated,-vis: neuralgia,: tic d<£ ■•■■-• heaa*flcheiiorfpi«itparoJyas,'hysteria, palpitation r hesiitj ’ aptolai&wtlomvmuscular debility, farMnqs' upriching sensation.-intbe flesh, fiumbnessf-' / , depression, weakness or tbo wUI, indlsporition tV . fainting afterexirctafr,-bfcheniileepesdtOThVlnir* Inability to remain in cmeplaee or position, weaknei procreative organs, eexnal inoompatcncy,aelauchb> oDlana, floor albas, sinking at the stam&cb, tanal£ - larities, a ehronio tendency to miscarriage, enadati laUcomplaintsgrowingoutof aictJnlgfßw of; • _» " . ■ and all barrennesa that does aot proceed from w censes beyond the reach or medicine. ■•■'!’’■'?“' *•* Wheuemtoorganstobeaetedaponaretoefr/V**-’ formation or stricture! dlseases.it Is averred that ; w «•: J ' ' HOB&K8 MmOORATIKS BLESIB * will replace weakness witbatrengtb, incapacity wi ■ •■■:■ •;:• ency, ; irregularity with onlfona and natural actifT thisn6tonlyirlthout'ha«iTdOfrw«cUon,butwiUi- *** • ‘ 'affeet ■■ mors, pains In theb&ek T o**ny other disorder, whet; cnlisr to her sex, or common h* both giver : ' yigOrating'Ccjfdlara trial.' :' ,:.rv: . , -'': .MASKED -„«*?■ orothers,winfihd tblsOordlal after they have used / ' Ue ©rtwo,a thorough regenerator of the lyatem.? - j « -dlreetiottsarotobe. foundthe hapffg parentsof hanu . ' ‘ tftTeheeajo;but for this ext,' . uftTyprepuration, Andltlße«!ml!e pasted orer the corkof each bottlo. an! : following words blown in the glass;- . { . v Dt» Horsed InTlßorattaff Cordial; * 'Y C- H. SINQ, Mopilotor, H.t IhoCordM b.pqt.VF,HrWj conaratnrted, In pini. “ ties—prica Ihree per bollli, (wa fer fivn doUnr* • " for twolTO doDut C- H, WM, Proprietor, j • Sold by Cmocbta tlirGnebont the trolled States! ’ - and tha-Wcst Indies. ’ • AGEHTSI -HtteharjJi—FLEMlSH, fiiios., Ao. 80 Wood etmh : ’ “ Do SEO. REETSER, lfo.Ho « « , Allegheny City—JKO. P. FLKMU.Q. ■ ■ ... Olnotimeu—Bi H. MEAKINGA fchlOanei i,’ -' Invalids of Pittsbnrgb and Vicinity, f -V .' "Vrooß attention is urgently invited to a careful ami i, -i ' ■ .jL 'did -perusal-qf. something .that ha* just been 1-'. V • *»• dncod into the ihne-hobored Keystone State. ‘ " FVLTEKIUcaEB'S HTERO-RLECTIUO TOLTAIC CHAINS; A JSEW and NOVEI* mode of applying a powerful reme*‘ r » ageut,Bo constructed , as. fo be won under the garmc - . next to tho aMn.otodocla g a.constant mn nv v. »Wp« MOST i‘OfOIAR OVRAin r B AfiJEST ntTHB 170111, 5 - They were 6tsUntreduced lntotho United Steles *bt' one yearalnce, audeent threughiho same tr Bl as in .. repo, »nd tob »t onee introduced into every Horeitah Is- f- 1 * nwndedthem.-:-. ■ ft, - Tbeyate hlgtayreconunondcd by Proa. Tatea»'.„„ », i -Vanßureu, T'ost Mid olhew, vhoi have huh’’■ c”? % a paidJfoDr. GEO. H.ISEYB&R. Vho te rltJ ft^echeinsoMibewVDynSil^^S^^ rricecfChaina,!? sn a eg- ■: ■;> % »»a examine that- ■ conßtrnctlpfcendnrononnce updntheirmerit*”^'“*l ■ . Cile Word Bere to lnvtllili, 5 ivm noteocomplish Jn»’ rijat It is claimed the? can do, and all persons who har/ become disgusted with a constant pouring down • of ;^thSAtri«d?" m) ” e Ull ' U3,>7»w,juiieea;J» , app]ied to either adult aj vi-S® if ?®' 140 corß «' of Wood etrCet sal »ga a, Mtol l, it - .janlfateg - Agunt for :■ Private liUeuci. . s. ■ v ..ft DR. BROWN,' No. 41 Diamond Alley, Be- _ f totes hbeatlraattaaUosto an office Practice seenf ■■ rEg Hie barineia is meetly, confined to iVieale ™W '4 «48» - FctktwJ Wuatu. end each pidnJal affections. 1 ‘ .Orouglit on-by toprodenee, youttftUnSttlßeaoe tel StbSL ? Monthly fidprctalow,: Dlsotsea ot the Joists, Ftatah, ’ ‘ t ssgsssss;*«sa3SS'iKrs dev Ms oa re* •■■■ .■ .Ttv ycomenfr Ofae6SßaPrlT!rteOimatiltetlonEMH)iJ,a k ® , ’ -„ j , * t».Charea moderate. •”” »* „sgsg‘gf* * 1 nrogD’fl aftwjy air a ; X\ fcr BheumaCtoa fa» ®y*sbtwi w ■•& that panful trouble. It ; Beaody l!r t, -v & Pittsburgh, Peon’*. TheDoctot ifcib i* \ " ■ rf >j* ethane. EBBKNQBJ> ~, . r , t V;V, ,'».7a» yU- t r 'f: 1 \ ;"•> ~,V> >- , f % MEDICAL;