The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, June 19, 1854, Image 2

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i'A-.VV'V A- r*/. j 1 Aa
i*’,/ *'*- 4 jit* 4' , 5 1 ' ’t.Vj'tf* iv f» ’1?
r —-JBg#.-i»,
'"'" ',’ "' 1 r srae;i>Vo«i'>f BBT0 “?f t01
% *i,'*V|s. tj V £ nnTionsluranmsLfft.metAt Wktoi T s*Jleta?lttHAJ?b£
. —— l St?S^.
s*v i< r t •] 1 wiwy.*«*M * «* »»p~^
1 -lyj ■?, * <- <-, V WI ,-,„ / Ml)
"• '.' ’’ I'' M.‘. P'oiWpf th? BW«Of‘tfprejOflt »P«/}» le E^,
<74 1 tlh- “* 'totesa f from V“ftd»W ffio •.
" jSylfeSfttfy*t>v.4|^7<.^7^ - , ' Qio.o.TrALKit,'&CT*»»y 1 ■ *■' v,.-;, i- t.-i.i ,-.
■k&fil/i; < ’ ’- , ‘ ' TH? Sqa+HC CATSATo •>•„»■
J^SSS«ffi||i? l ft« s S->? ,f S‘^ f, ’A f * , f*^'*- t .*V?{l f ;‘ ■* ’-, -J Twp.of-the Ganal ■Commiesionerfll‘>MeSsr&
- . • Hopkins, and Jfors^buveJußt-returited.from,
a•; i >F-r'”i $ . an examination pf the' -whole line of the North
SSSSlffi:Breach Canal, and they report, it altaobbehtir Sly
■ -. •- completed; and that
i . August Trfll’he letin, and’foAded'bcmtßi
’ 1 ‘ - tnrttaß orer the whole length oKk lill«:»Vh«^
*4V<4 “\ ". new pact of .tboVcrlt tbflt.hp* lately fin
- • ieij M nTnety ; ftfur'thilwin length, whMh wißf.
fS '''ss*■7 ' - • ttoporfonsforaerly-ponstraoted, makes hlTne
Ss ‘" " ' of'canal belonging ,to :fte;Statpof ni,ontlwi
" hundred and ten afflai, from Cplnm
' «ato the New Fork State-line,, ,It there con-,
neota with a.NeW Xbik Sanat,' which .agninpou:
J neote with<-the j-reat New To^k,Central. o ? nal f
' ‘ Thne-tbe whole eastern of our Stato'hae a
s^^; -£X--^^t't‘r%f^S^&V■y l ' ■ water communioatlopwith western New
■ ■ ■ hakes, -ihe-Impose
’ ’ channel of trede to PenMylyanla.can hardly.hf>,
•’ orwesUmaled'-. The.nWmarkcto thatttepena
‘ «»the anthracite opnl-of eastern,FuqtaU'
will bo - boundless, .and constantly increasing.
‘ The oitiea df.'lwestetn' Hew rTork sad 'ofithfe
whdlsXakc countries, will draw theirsnppliea of
fuel from this'source. The vast quantities'of
' fuel required for the steamers on the takes will
"cpritetongreatfrom'the'samesodmo.-. Andtho
Coal trade alone*.will-maid, the North. Branch
,■,■ canal- one: of,tho frist/pajlng:: Impmetteritsfin
--' thoicOuntryi-'. Belawaro' Division, now pays
: ahont fifteen per-cent,’on. its coet, andfS h'frnrt
.' fulsanrca of rovenup to lha State Treasury., The
North Branph equally if not moro.profiU
-••-••SMj>;i«wA-*MloitrifaviDg:tte pphl'o by
. ;’:tha .ample.reve.nuesdt ,wiß,yield,dt willat fte
earns tinifi hring, mmiqnS'-cf dollars into, thq
- ■ commonwealth'for thopurohaae of c0ij1..,,,, _
Pennsylvahia has'.ihher poal and iron mineß
~' sources of >ealth'abte epdnripg and, probably
more ■valnnble than th® geidmines ofCaUfproia-;
, >, • ■ These pnblio improvemeatffi 1 which thhiState hpa
oonstrnoted'sl'great'eitpense, arc rapidly devel
- 1 - 1 ■ opitig ‘ these ■ sources - of- wealth,, by opening ito
all iho-hertmarketsiof thcoonntry. i.He
A‘. speedy 1 eampletibn of •<he-anr<md ?
over avoiding the! planes; and,
. tine will nlso be a
• eg the'means will idlow, and with- a rigid regard
". to good faith-and econnuiy,/ : ‘ ' ■■’“ '“ ’’
fj&Ny fcV*f*/* pji - A/i-.'-M r i
XM£gemssi. H’
® KtSSlsmfS.!;:'' ‘ir* v-tfV; w*
I fet|ji
Xists tX*J'AefAgL^f
v m:' 7*'
' - rO. f ; OtttHOBS, Editor 'and Proprietor.
Humbug lti Regira to tfae Election.
The Philadelphia electwnhas been trumpeted
over the lend by the as an AntfrNe-,
'- -h'raaha on eridenos, that,
; ere deserting.their, standards JttCftWP i(Ue®$ST,
ied withffiotvtoeastfre,^' An examinatioPiPfifhs.
- ,vote of the old city will show that,the yote of,
■ • -the Democrats hoa been instead of/fca;,
jog, reduced. Det -that-fact be remembered.
■ ■ : The Democratie voto in the old< city—that ie,
jhe city undents fqnjer limits—was increased
at thelabt election in Philadelphia. Itiaevi..
dentj-'thenj that;the Kotivei Americans,-trader
. their, new title ot Know-Nothing, derived none
' of their strength and nnmbere from the Demo
• • erotic ranks. •• . ‘ '
r ’ Democrat ean|oin;them. Theitprin
■"" cipledaro’not only atvarianeo wlw thfrepittt of
the constitution, bat with, the Mig cherished
, principles of tho Democratic party. The Con
f stitntign provides for the free toleration Of all
'.'■■izr t 17-j . ."T.- religionb thp Know-Nothing* stride at, and utr
‘ ' 1 - terl -'oeOribe, onowiigous denomination. The
’ Democratic party favors tie Battlement and citi.
w senaWp -of fereignors. In. this oountry;—the
Knoi»-flo‘hiDga would uttcijly disfraachiso all
foreigners, and mma 0/ fortigatrt. And the
'Whiga adopt their Bendmenta; coalesoe with
them; and arapteparing to tenderto them one
■'= of the first offices in Uo State. , foreign
er, ortonof a foreigner;-mb Vote witfcjbe.Whiga
hereafter? And what Democrat trill join ifila
newly ehristenedTSative American party ’ ,
- v The" result Of the eleotion in, Philadelphia Tjill
‘-’arouse every Democrat to.® senepof, hjadntypß
a responsible memblsr of tha greet.potty 9^
■ people - .- Netf cntemies BT»aeBailu»giit,;npfl ne.W j
- and insidious assaults are-made on its timo-hon
" ored and' We, as Demo-;
' crats,’fight for principles,f.not. meu.i. We. meet,
■ elect our lioket to austain; onr principle® r. W.e. i
' aafco no corrupt and . gambling bargains, to gain
‘ n temporary triumph; and -encourage no-riots
-j ■ We appeaU to the clergjr-ef no
particular religious dennmiqation for help, but
advooate equal toleration of‘all' religious ueots.
’ Wo would - mingle -religion- with polities in no
*forni.- We will advooate,the aoetrine eftStates-i
‘Sights; and the right of the,people Of eabh|
- „Stato and Territory' to- control- and - manage its 1
:■ cirri domestic and-looti aiEairsi r We are the firm 1
8 ; fricndß of'the'Snion againstj all pnlitieal buck- ]
nters, trading politicians, .and triutors'. ■ Are not
• these-Demooratio principles*. ,: ~ ‘ * •
540,000 oi Babe Notes, Stole?,— Recently
the Bank of Tennessee ordened-from,its engraven.
In New York, an entire new setofnotes of.yfttionc.
r ; denominations; with red backs.' They, were'.foe-?,
''wirdea'bjf Adams fc.Oo’fc EepWbsi
’> nsami’nationcf tbe bosiit appears that sio,poo.jj
' of the' denomination of top'.dollar* bad. been.
. stolen on their passage.*; T jie bills had not yet
" been signed, and the .Bank tefuse to lssue any
• 510 notes, with-red'-baoks, until the-whole -are
‘ recovered: -It is thonght thejy were-abstracted
on the steamboat between Lpuisville and Nash*
flue, r
' -Gb«at ;;iB.,weU|
.-known,‘is , - -,.JngW?ri»Ei
■ eltiea Intte Union. Bhe may alsobe considereds
the largest dog filaugfcteringjoltjyas we sea iopT.
~ wards btfifteen huodredJeaninestaYo ‘‘-Bhuffied:
- *>£*> elnoCthe ebnlmeneement of :the season;— y
-•- This liste* fact’toay jersojto explain nregala
tion posted om, the stall? of City
market: t.\ V. •, <..-*•
. : ;v “tfojwliUlttftft >Uonr^ w 't J iA
J6hn B. Weller, SenaVorfrota Cali
fornia, it lasaidf will lead to‘the hymfenlsl alia*
: - gotne day this week,;a.hiifl3 Stanton, of New
■• 5 3®ofe>-j» iB earnestly hopod-the Teenies TeK
. lowplnshes of the' will be od
' 'hand, s6-that-wo may mtss none of the'partl?a*
J*ra of this interesting evonti :
A KSdW>l!Olhl|^UDß|Al'<
| From sundry artioles TWlpVi(fyu-'®*®*7 a P'
gtl» Ne» Yorlc wo
IOW-Nothinga. 'lt Jm&Jwt pofi»® time
lunUy 'Eoiftgtoyef' to Nat»»S;Amerioau-
I ism, until inits igsuo' of JlmreJay laaija fio<*
USS%i!oTOng:~' < C., \ '
I “As we sa!d before, 4 America for the Americans,' must
I be the motto of every patriotic heart, anjj.ilnoe partizan
wlflrimese and canning, will not permit <jf tito introduction
| of such tin amendment to the that made
1 noee'Eary by the- t'mos, but one alternative remains, and
| If the constitution adraita that a man born on
bboome a sufficiently good
citizen. to vote for an officer, ye do not nee how.
be deprived of the
iEfeiS-flb'otrine of tho .D«raocra(’>-is
the>t>a»rOTOa t i off aH erationalism, and can novps.
receive til ‘aren't Of' any* lib oral
zep., a par with the policy
iil-jthet dnahgmßJoftddroesf of the nefi)y:eleoi^.
' Moyor of Fhiladel[ihia„Wh6. depiarpd bp wfcbW
appoint ntncitizen bf.&nelgh *>irtb toortyofihj
eight hundred .offiptßi controlled,,by him; and:
<»h‘rs,’too; inntity<with.<a<ferty otae'hutrdfed.Ppd
■ttotity bhotißa'nd'ttdiptediidUizepß.'-.dndge'Con-j
bad,'hbweW^wsle'eleeted. -by tha Native-Amerii'
■ jaedpe;biBiien-“
•■aL'ot Sumo on that Boore
‘Btifit dtanot’bbUo paid'Of domocwtiojonf-
IfcafJ” 'Deniodthoy 1 ddt4 : tM'bsitraiiißO Sjman be
"dihstf h'e'tfad ,S6 ! bifttttm4tb‘is: to >see’the >Ughi<
hrst'ih’tihbtKrtS rath b d 1 tli du drat, Q&n : free and,
fiappy manifest ittf
'ijen't anj'epiHtb'f’l’he coiiiitrfiion-by^refirain^to.
a-iarge portion ojf‘oar, feiiovr'cUizenß < ingbis
,and 'ga’afantieS by that inetrn-
'We are’eoiTy, theijpfore] jha*-,'
t psLl| , ,js} , l of^Bsinjg] i \o,'belpng party advpoata
Bach narrow ap tbo..aboyo«i,»si.
‘Tht'br6Sdfel > Itar*tiqii‘aae'*t San' SBtVfi
ill bp-'.ii
t.ll-ArltfflWPttWWW tfeWHtft . .'iStIWA
earth<iant(tT?hioh.,oc«npred at Ban Salvador, on.
tho • 10th ,iot i April ‘ last,: iegiven in tho govern
i ment- •organ- -of i San ; .Salvndar} mW?k .W..0P.4
translated in-the Newi.VorfcilMrpMl';, We wort
, bf'Uestrootion wee laccompllßhodinton eeconda.,
?hopopulatWof<tho'city-iambont 25;0D0,‘ San
’Salvhdtfr ie 'the'Capitol' of tho i country of that
'paths Iff GintralAmerioa.ltbaaßufforedrgreat-.
itipahf'ttitfePfroni'oarUnttthUbßl Sovtre once
Srd'recorded' ‘at bbVih'g occurred in tire yenra
1676, 1603,'ttiiS 17!te. ,! Another, whiob occurred,
, m , lB39, ! 'bbtf<(&fea' r tlip' , <Stty I and ted ,tbo, popplp.
ld'tbiiilc’'6'fabiiridoniiig'it' "Hhovoioand has nl--
' ao,' 'severfil'fimH' th'fWn <p£ Band, ond threat-.
‘ cneci 1 [general dev'astatibn,- ‘ 'Bnt-nona -of-ihe.|
earth'qnaltes Mluded to, were comparable ia vio-J
lenpo with'that'now recorde'd.; The .event bee ;
ip'spircd ao proipnnd a terror; thpt tbe .peppip
.do not ’ proppeO j to iretorn, again to the ‘same
pile,, but to select anew , locality for their oapl
v.x.i i »
night of the lfitii doy of, April, "l&3f, will ever
be iihe of eiiS abd billet memory/ortho people
•of San Salrhder.'- Oft'tbat' unfortunate night
ourhappyandbedutifnl'eapitol was tnode cheap,
of 'ioine. . Movomenta of tbo earth were felt on i
the morning of Holy Tbureday;”preeedod by
’sounds Tike the rolfiog of heary, artillery over
We&'infs, andlihb diet hot Itmnder. ..Thepeo--
i'plOWere U'liHle nlarmed in coasequeneo of this
phenomenon, 'but it did not; proyen.t them fro.m,
, ipeetina ill the obnpobea .to . celebrate the solem
nities of the day. ;On Saturday all was quiet,
and confidence was restored. The pcoplo of tho
neighborhood ssbemlilcd at usual, to celebrate
•fbepassover. " Tho night of Saturday was tran
ijuil. aa was-also the,whole Of Sunday. Tbh
heat,lit is. true,. was considerable, bat the at
mosphere was calm and serene; For thd first
three hours of the evening nothing,utmaualoa
darfed i' but at halfpbsV nine nsevero shock of
*»« ehrthquttkc; ooontmg‘ withoanlreTlSilSfpye
•liminary ntnsosi alarmed the whole city. Many, left their,bowse »nd made oncamjp-.
mqn ta in the public
ed to pass the night in {heir respective .conn
i—fife 1 i sni——i— mi ; .-.^tfiontpro-■
.fflonition;ot iany:feind, the earth began to'beivei
,awd tremblfl With. euoh fearful force that U) ten |
seconds the entire .city was prostrated. The I
erasbing of the hoases and eburohes stunned ,
the tabs of the terrified inhabitants, white a i
olond of •d«3tfrom>tho failing rains enveloped i
them inn pall of darhness. Hot a
4rop of yrater,pepld begot toi relieve the half
choked and' suffocating, for the wells or fonn
‘ialne were filled np.or made dry,, pf, the pri
vate: hohses A few were "left standing, but all
• were rendered uninhabitable.- It is worthy of re
; mark that,the walls left .standing are old ones;
ail, those-pf modern constrqotion have fallen. ;
The publiocdificea of the, government 'and city
shared fhe’.bomdon destruction. The devasta
tion was effected; ss we have said, in . tho .first
; tea seconds ;:for although the succeeding shoots
wer&.tremendaas and ;accompanied by fearful
rpmbUogs heneqth pur feet,'.they had. compara-,
tirely trifling results, for the reason that tbefirst
.hadleft bhtlittle for their ravages.
■ ' Solsinft And' terrible was’ the picture presented
on that darky-fd&brM night,-of a whole people
- clustering tn.tbepbtasc and on their knees ory
■ ing yrith load voices to Heaven for
agonizing accents calling for t(ieir children and
'friOndk -whioh' they biaiOved :to be buried bo
• treaththe rulosl A hearen opaque andiomi
; nous; omohementof thecaTtb f apid and nnequal,
,canning a,terror-indescribable;; no intense. Bob.
: phurous odor filling.tho ntmaßphere.and indica
ting an approaching ernptjon of the volcano;
- elfeiWfilled with ruTns or overhang by threat
ening walls; a suffocating clodd of dost . almost
• rendering.respiration-impossible; Such was the
; spectacle pteaentsd by.the unhappy city on that
memorable apd awfnlnight - ... .. . .... . .
‘ .It woe found that (he loss [of life had been
• mneh ‘ less-than- Aras supposed, and it now ap
pears,probahle. that ;the,number of4he killed.
. > wiji net exceed-one hundred,' and of wounded
fifty. Tho movements of the earth still con-,
tanne, with strong shocks, find the people, fear
■ ing a ghbelnl 'KwalloWing up :of tbo eite of the
fcityy or that ut may be buried under epmo sud-
Idea, eruption of .tho..volcano,.ate , hastening
owny- , i
; Siokskss nr Tram weather
is beginning to tell seriously upontho health of
Congress,i We loatnffOiri Washington that Sen
'atir Wright is\Beh(lußly ill at hjßjesidencoih
Newark, Ne# Jersey. Representatives (Barks-,
dale,’ of si!sS.‘, and Sapp, of Ohio aro also ab
sent from the same canse. Mr: Dean, the mom«-
bor bom New "York, is kept pt home by domes
tic affliction. ....... • . i
■> .>,l i
-.'Nsw- Baussbibg SsKATonsnir.i—The Bemov
oratio membbrs of the New- Hampshire legisla
ture have nominated Messrs; Wells and Biibbard
for the-United-States Bonatet The Wb(gs and.
-Free Boilers will-nominate aiebparats ticketr bat
•ooalesee on the- highest candidate after the first
-ballot.- John- P.-Hole; it -5b- understood
one-of-their candidates; - ••• i
- :i>.r.i:"ii* ■ —'al*-:--- —■.
.j.ESy Soijia:.Tr»g ::Baya.,:that, '.olthoogli- Mrs.
Motratt letireßfromrtha.stage, Bbe le stilt tinder
engagement to Manager. Ultahio to appear night-
Iyin-tho-charaoter tiMhe , < \Vife > ” for nn
unlimited-period.'- The-lady,mo doubt, mil act
■tor new part, 1 and.add-“ one inut-ol mote to her
full meosure of fame.”: !
- ESP Martin... Van. Bnren, the Albany Atlas
says,employs.the leisure tnonieats ofbis foreign
•sojout'ndu.writmg'afalograpby of himself. No
mealabetter-oaloulatedtodoi it, for noneceuld
-give ns-the aeorat political'history of the times
bo wellas'the Sago-of Llndewald. .. Lot us have
H, by'alHneans. ‘ ■ ■•! —" ! ;
~\,Govßß»pns oy Nebbaska! abb :Kaijsab;~-A.
-despatch from :Washiqgtpni ejayu - tho President
hos. appointed. Qen. William l 3;_ Butler, -of Ken-,
ducky, as,Governor.of .Nebraska, andt-Governor
■ Wright, :of Indiana,;Governor of Kansas... '
. Stabs js raE _WEST.--Tho WeBt,[ at.present,
has ita ; .full...share .of iheafrjcal ''stars.’!. We
jObaerro that Misa JuUa Dtjan .is playing success-:
.folly at Cincinnati; Miss l^aigarttDavenjportat
.Buffalo ; aud_Jplia Bennett at ' h'z
‘BB* Tho oonsDlidatedoityj of Cloreland with
forty{thoy‘tlalmflfry^‘thoofßapdinhabitante l ba»
not a' stogie tdarket hottoe/no.reveitthegronads
to'btuld one'bn." ~! 1 '.*, ' ‘ b-
: 'T. ■ ■'
ll'V '
: The population of liottiaiille, Kijftjs nosf es
timated at 70,000. -J*
Tboltet. Hi Lee, hasjastbeeuoleoted Protes
tant \/\
The anoirdrjbf JapanStas yearb of- ag\
when he'died-t-His Jftjesty’e son h^beenpro- ;
olaimedfenocesjoje, th&ughheia:notyetcrofrnfcd. ;
A Prohibitory-DigiME ijur tas both,
branch&bf by, large
majorities-® JT
OreTetSfSjoruborga H. Talcott, of the Uni
ted States Ordnance Corps, died at Indian
Springs, Qa., on the night of the Bth mat
3 1 1 ThtfetttWir mill: df Ut/O’Shiugiicßßyi to New
port, Kyi, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday af
ternoon.' liOßa,sso,ooo,pron which there .was.
$20,000 insnfotfee. ,hi xlfi ~.tu -,
toemorate tbeitipteallianceß of Franco, England.
SdrirkoJ:* -IthfeaVs the motto: "‘Catholicism,’
Qodproteots thorn.”.
■" Alii (flag •CatfoBitleo,“l&tely!add4d|oth9,Bohpnj'
gladder contain-
[•ttttes.Of.'tiwl*e.prioter»~asji¥iy half fulU'* '■ ••
• i '•£, private ilp tier tofc talc eTeb'rated publisher in
England 'pots ma m rroaswvfdr nbt ’entering into:
qeW authors, i
. thnt.ft ti.'fresh.oopyngb tcssa is daily,
■wrpentbd, ’which will further*binder, the.ealo. of.
the English market: 1 >-.■
• " ‘ln ; anSwer‘tO 'intfniries ’Of> the ..City. Inspector
YorkJ'atfW'tlie jpftjt&B of the cholera.
i that i’unotlonary'statca tbattbe’i'eturna for this
• trebh’trllP'ehMT’’4’lsTge' ’increase,.?f;sho. tspeMp..
ointa'lnfor thejoeitthrep dayi aethey, .hare for.
three days,past,:.-,...*i
Bafisby tfsye ,'ftiiCteaSon ’why! thp Jadjpa wear
anoh..small-: bonnelfliiia-». jost Idea the'-ladies.
’ hare of- waking "n ato re c nnd l art oorrespbnd;
haTißg bathing inside bMßylr. hf'pds. ,,(>wy, put
aar near to nothlng.appossible! on the outside.
’Thebrntot" ■ 1 ' , 1 ,
..At nu pinner, lately given .by P. .T.
Parpnnj, p^.'hia,resyleqoa, jßrldgeport Ct., the.
folio winglineconmadeut ha bill,of fare: " fir /
’ ‘Winu 'artd itynow, tee next j>age,”u..T bpW .who :
' looked on the next page, found it blank; and,, of:
-j jconreej.flcmeidered’thenjselvea “sold."
r" The publication ‘of ‘ 1 00l" 1 Benton’s “Thirty
icars An tbe-TS'S. Senate,
boen commencod at Bt. Lon is, by Mr.
P&ofaUln,' publjaherof the
Two* thonsandflOpAes ore to be printed of; .the
firet edltion’of' thiß'TOlDmiaqtis andjilgblyinter
cstlng wetfr. . 1 ; f ,< < ■
>... Ex-Proeidenb Fillmore hadan enthusiastic the
■'oeptlod'npon Mb visit to St; Louis. Tho notice
of hia intended .coming. woa.only recfeired the
dayprovtoua i-butnotwitbstanding, on bis ar-
HrhV the leveovrar’crowdod with nenriy-aix/
hundred of the o»ty military, with the olty on*-
'thoritieer'some members of the Fire CepapUsent
■ la’unlformi'andtironr twelve to oighteen thou
aaqd’ether citizens, 1 ’
-f 'Charigea are about th takeplacq inthe.Britisb
oobineu doqbtlcaq for tho purpose of gitiog Pal
merstou .something to do'dn the present war,
jiithsM-Tlakiog.pjdissglntiqp of, the_ cabinet.
It is resolved to separate the Ministry of> .War
-from'that of the Colonies. It is expected that
,falmewton will bo appointed Minister of
H'ar. nnd tbatelthei>,B>rG..Grey or Mr.'Balnta’
will boeome-Homa Secretary.
' The Canges canal,'.tbo'greatcat pnbllo work
ns yet oons'rooted by -tbo Baalish in India, was
opened by the Lieutenant Governor, of Agrt on
the Btb «f April.. Tho scene at the opening, as
deeeribed by-tho /papers—English clergymen,
reading \it form ■ of' prayers for the occasion,
Brahmins throwfogfloirera into tbeatream; ah'
imposing display of-troops,' a general distribu
tion. orsweetmeats, missionaries preaching to
the crowd, racing itteftokfl,.end tbolike,.formed
ft curious mrianya. ■ •
■: timing tho fisoaJ year .ending Tuno-laat, there
■were bnilt in Virginia throe: ahipe,- one brig,
eleven Schooners’. fouHeen sloop's, &0., and
eleven steamers, in all forty, vessels, with anag-.
gregate of 0,599 tons. The same year Ohio
hntitfoor ablps, twenty-eight sobooncra, twanty
threo sloops, &c., and tbirty.fiv.o.ateamcrs, in all
ninety vessels, measuringS!,2l3toua. Yet Vir
ginia, by means of the (Jhesapoake Bay and the
navigable channeli. connected with it haa more
natural advantages for becoming a commercial
State, than any other of tho Union. Bhe else
-abounds io ehip bulldingmnterial.
* -V. *4 K.. ■ 3 \J, jli SSOSS
" V “[yroia the Wuhlngton Rsar^Thundnjr.}
iiHgauloiepbß., etiimdler a Victim.; to
pt sw imn.
Por some day* pasr-lt to have _bfen.
statesman U to bs offered aa a pacriflcct to pro
pitiate the spirit of: NatrvoAmerrcanism, in the
next nominations for Congpea3, In Philadelphia- ’
ItwiU bo remembered that ha ; is a member—a
strict, eonßßientions, and dotont one, too—of
the Roman Catholic Church, though bom in the
i United Btates, of an old Puritan etooi, tre be
[ lieve,'
To oar Washington readers we need hardly:
remark thatMr.Cbondler baa worked bis way
■fairly to ilio topTtfand of the ladder of congres
sional, distinction, baring quito os mooh weight
in: the‘ball as any other member-who can bo
named. "His eloquence, Btrong mind, and varied
attainments, bare .earned for him n national
reputation, of wbioh bis oity, State, and party
throughout the Union, were heretofore supposed
to be proud,, indeed... So,, ibe news that he—
really the leading Whig of the House of Repre
eontatrves—dßto bobroaght to the bloek, under
the. use,.of -.the, latest..‘'.fanglo" of popular
opinion—for worshipping Qod:acoording. to .the
dictates of. bis own eonsnicnoor-is freely discus
sed, among the members, with the manifestation
of very gonoral disgust, indeed.
oountrymeu wero barfly engageil in loading up
their vfagons ‘yesterday, in front; of n grocery.on
Front Bow, one of whom was quite silentand
wore a thoughtful air.' WhilothOffengaged tbo
olafm of fire was given,and the fire.bells,one by
one, until all fire sere .in motion, pealed forth
the alarm in their loudest notes, and the stroets
were lively with people, eager to find the where l
abootß of the fire. The. countrymen continued
loading np,- apparently regardless of alt this,
commotion, until at length the silent,- thoughtful
one broke out in a.molanoholy bat determined
tone, 'to hiß‘ comrade, eaylng: •.‘Bill, let’s > git
oat of tbls town as soon hs God wilt let ns, for I
know we'll die >of cholera in half an boar if wo
stay hero;-the people arc dying so fast that they,
can’t hardly bnry them; dqn’t yon hear the bells
tolling all over town for fonorals j I never heard
so manybella in allmy life. Wo soon saw the
two leaving town at i, pretty rapid rate.—ilf«n
jihit (Tam )Jjagl&. ... . . r
' A Sab-InCideut or inn MissiboSteameb.—
Bast winter, a gentlemanly and. well edneated
Englishman arrived in 'Philadelphia with his lit*
; tle -eou.ahd Tnwing hirod a■ famished house,
sent to'England for the-rest of his family. Boon
after, a letter came from hUswife, saying they
would take passage in the etoamer City of Man
chester, ' • Subsequently,- another letter come,
stating that ehohad not beep: able to make her
arrangements in time to sail in the Manchester,-
‘but that-sho Bhould.certainly sail in the City of
Glasgow. * Soma ;timn. after, this, letters. came
Which ahe-had.mailedat tbo tlmo of embarking.
iit‘the ship',-and.'nowhe was unspeakably happy
wlth-tho plmost certainty of soping his wife and
children in a fewidays;;, Rut, alas! day after
day and month after month, elapsed,- without
any appearance-of tho steamer. Daily could ho
bo- seetf at- tho •steamer’s wharf until all hope
had fled; and now it is stated he Is la a fanatic
asylum— a rOsiny mantas ;/i •
" -Payhest of Salvaob to Seahkn.—ln paying
an om'ount'o'f salTOge to the captain and. crew of
a merchant Vessel! it ■was held that "though, sal
vage is tine, individually, to 'all who assist in:
ae ouring tho property of tho: United- States, yet
that tho captain might-be considered as prosetn
ting for .oil interested, and his receipt in their
behalf bs'roooired os V'oH'd. In some cases, the
Court of Admiralty dotprmines the whole amobnt
of Balva'go'in gtosS, feaving it to the sailors to
apportion it among themselves; and In others,
When -the sailors apply 'separately, the court;
makes the apporUohmentr-rli'oiAfnyton Evening
Star. ;v ; ' : : i ,7.777’
. The Buffalo Republic learns from Niagara Falls
that ,Mrl:Robiuson,;ou Tuesday afternoon, auo-:
seeded in going to the oanal boat in the rapids/
:aad taking out arid bringing bahoro every thing
that WOB ynluablb, on -board pf her.-.' Ho bad a
boat OoDStruoted something, like the new moon,
Bharpond elevated ateochehd, tho middle sec
tion only touching the water. None were in-the
boat but Mr: Boblneon .andj hia. son; .It was
considered so great a feat that tho people at the
Tails took them And the boat, and carried , them
■ln triumphal prooeßßlon tfiroUgh
'TOT ; is ,
Seymonr, it is said, was received with high Bon;,
ora on reaching St; Petersburg, hut having, at
his presents tloaifcoihe Court; paid no attention
te a previodd-intlmation that lit wouldbe mors
agreeable to the .Czar for him. to appear in oourt
dress/ than-in-p Mn-: Americanclothes; fas .has
sinoej-.if' ia : alleged,: recel»64 very little notice
.from any oftbo royal and manifesto a■
disposition to leave St. Petersburg.'..' ....
. T
*» »
; .?V* ■■ii-i ■'■- ...
' CncdXiOte^.
Commentators tell ns tfihiLrfmh. ejßßvtheteil — *-?-■. — ~---t~ -w,..~, e
from 9 A. M. till Christ SG:.
IvTOH! B J.*s ia t_sMtne» ! oommonij* |MB|f tbi, company i/As) tUAy.htfiaMV%^^lft
'oahtinHSdA'Hli^Pf'!mS^Teniflftec4&i»ifiOtiQp' ’oracr poiuns per
with nrSUdiToieoknd.then wan T*
not continuftbo loti* aaßebonooisd {mihe prdfc; "jSmS* 8 MA:ssQELT^;Bejetaryi. . ;
they alsoassert>U tojWe beep <r^^g C gottua. ivWfrtMp gtkfrs
utes even at the equator. The Jesuit Scneiner u^.
attributedthat wonderful decrease of light, to The thouaandßof cefffifatee ip thobends of tlieproprie'
large spots on the eun. ’ ■ ■-■
And while, with the Jourm!, wo are on
this intereatiM mbjep,t, S.t«iay. bo
of certain similar—some longer, some snorter
Ini duration—occurrences recorded in history.
f tn:tßB‘jeto^M.-bofo^i|ljp |Ni|
oomedija, the asr'Bness'Wai very dense froth twC
1 the
i oSaaurtty trbm'ca'rly dawn to noon. The'stars
swrey.'vlaiblp.j isndi jits dnration; precludes,, tho
tWssrflfi AiSeJe* «HpseiJidAit,*bß rftWißftVt
the. saa"appoaredfirat in a orescent form, then
Htiltfitr<&oe'i*pbWijtuii"aBdWaB gniduaHy'reßtd*?
wera seen by day, at Home. About
iriff fWKceii months, PP tottery
nesa prevailed from 3 F. M-.tSH night r thiit noth
ing, could. be.-secn.. In .026, halt the sun's disk
drab obsonred'fijt'oigtit inonthsw i In 7§9, Jf#
I rifled*'.';.ln
months,, the s.un.baviog lost bin
•heavens were then opened in fissures by, etrppg;
i flMbSe:'of #B44‘ eaddeniy •
bright Bunlighib Bepk Sli ’ilOflltidbe'sun.,'was
darkened for .three hoars. Feb. 28, 12(MV.for
air: hours c om pletodsrku PS !it pined the day into
Were visible at 3 P,, 51.,,.. In lGil, Aprii 23*-2&,
three days tbe-snn was eo obscured that many
hta^"wa«‘«Sible'nt i ßh'(ii. , ''TlitfepayB Hatybolgji’
.in Cosmos. ■ \ .;■••■. • •'!•>■>••-••
If wo come almost to onr own time; to'Mayj
10; lf'SO.hißtbryaadrtaiilUßD asßersthe bccur
irijape’Jof aiimqrkable
places; 'lt odmn on -between' 10 .and -1-1-A.‘ M*,,
and continued until midnight! growing jfrjfltrally
Sf^rker'Wad. dMef.wb till eleven'. -at;,Wight;'.
Candles and lamps were ..lighted forthepeoplo
to'see to dine afid •-to perform work about, the*
honse. Thfcfte bbbdmdrecjhtsitehDforo 12 o'clook,
M., In tbo OTcniog so dense wifiiififtbsW'fsvJ:
thLO.Ata flCla
lantern; grope thelr’way to the • barn to take
! icartWf 'tbeWaWe. J 'ttoWirds iretirjfll to Jtfielf
roCSts'ut' It AVM.', and the day was converted'
Inta nigh L.... . • r, II lii'i-rj- ; . . ,r.u...,, ~.:
*. -• ; '«TbS : nlnQtBciith of Slay, a'gT(xnay'(lfl.y,i*>*«’* .*
■ 1 1 Whenatatoeartineattieskfi
• ■ , -:’"-TK»konVae<!IJn«‘n<»y'M*tIgn
1 i : ‘Boaxeg«at*Tettt‘Uiit2b. l tV , ‘ i
and : ti»onataVal'tdnt(n’o proceedtd. -i,
Whether commentators can ;explain alb l the
abo're‘on'physlcal.grounds;M Whether they will
prenonnee any or alt of them * W- 1 •
cansoi.thelr'lgnoriincodfAbaf ¥o tbo ezplana-.
remains., to-be.
proved. • Some -of these occurred near certain
remarkable events In.history, aa ;
nutar eclipse portended the enciroliag of Aiatho .
By Burns by nis Jegai owners, andtbeannsual’
parade of . oar, military on the ,
transpired before e&rtoqaaks*; others before bat-*,
ties, and one; about 45 B. C„ happfcaed at-nod
after! the dcath bf '.JaliasiiClßßair. Aa'fo'i" Burt
solves, we. Bra altogether- unprepared/ to. pro
nonnee any.of them preternatural,' tbotfgh we
nngbjtiwlthi’tha'iesme/.Broßrtety, as some c¥nfr
•mentators declare that of the’ pruciC*jop,4nd
for the 6amo reason,Wixr tbat.iboy wero.Wot
occasioned by an interposition oftbcmopn b'p
,tween the ana and tbo earth, inothbr Words by.
a solar eclipse. ;> ABtho’Biblbßeema to be.silent'
on the chntaaterpf the.pbcnqmcrran. whetherns
natural or . snperhnthfabWe can affprdljib; With
hold our opinion, and on high' authority. Be
sides, the 'snpetptittou j tfptipt3, B» Hfn atneng'
ancient hationsond inoderp lgnoratit iribca;'ciin
eerning comets,eclipses,nbacarationA-meteora,,
thunder and lightning, aurora borealis, being
Connected With bnfpbu are‘fadiDg qut
of the pubUo, .: Ilbman-'angaries do not paea cur
rent nowwith enlightened people.- And in wbat
part of .Cosmos dbtolhhpblrosohhio 'nnd'oo'mc '
p'rehensiye UnmbbldtKfer to the,Egyptian
ness os n miraonlona eventf—Sorttn Putts —■ -
4a*Dr. Cet4brMe4 : Vemlfogf;
and Liver singular combination, bat my:
k- .-Nrtf'YoaK, yarctafcer COjtSii ...<
■ KooiiTD?rZrom expcrie&ar,Tßo'VSluaßlFTiUilltieffflr Dr* 1
iTLane*B Vermifuge And lim-Pttlß, ipoiao'tinje
back considered ft my;anty,'ariil raade'u,’my ip '
friend*. , Aahnrt lime’ago. l became tie
C6EO tifflYQUPgglrtewhfl Trfifrmq
logfor iom* two months. Throagir’; my .pesshadon'rhe
papclnt«rioneh6ttJ©oflh‘.'M r Lane's: Veirnifagt*; utuS tme •
box of 14 rcr Fill* which eho accords 2 to dirwrthmy.
Tbt rekiiit was,‘alls ptiwed a large quantity, of worm* and •
thlpks thaton*boxinor» of .the Fills Will restore hcT to
perfwt health. ■ Her itamo and reSUe&oe can be
eulllng ori E.L.' Tbealf/ Druggtet, corner Of Butgcr and
Moorw streets. ■/• *"• 1
' P. vfinable remedy, also Dr* ilMiana’qcoi*"
ebrftted Liter Pills,Can nowbe'hidataHreppeetabtoDrug:
Stores ta this city. . •
• Porch ascra will bo careful to ash for, and tsfeq puae but
Dr. M’Lsne’s Yermlfuje.- AH others, In comparison* axe
wartbless, * .
Also, to safety the tola Ji V.'
Succc®6rtfto.J ll .Kl<ldACo., .
W. >6s Wocirtreot.
B&- Dlone*»lAvigoratlilK £liil£A£’Go>
Ctal.^** 4 lo'tinjgf of peaee j?rcpaio focwer a is a«trdnd
iniilm j In tiLnt.of toS sickness, is an apbo*
tisnno lass vise. •• Spring, with It* ftWh&ees, its vitalizing
attocßjfteriyltvcheering lafioeucce, U new ■ with, _us; .hot.
end with' Ita perchance, ihst dread «»urge, .the
Cholera, opprnadUas. ; ; letail whose physical, organization;
is EoaritSTeaßd ddkata, fcrGfy thelr systems ihir
aberrating, heats of theecmingeca 9o * l by fe tout seof that
Uio«t pbverfalj lnocttoxxi and Infallible of nil restoratives
,GOB,DIAt,, >Ait Venice {br ail iupryoua n»d< functfquuV Cia
eases, tobbtib e«es,- ite fanie is coextensive with the Union;
but bo it 'remembprbd tbat'aa i. bo less Yalu- :
able. ; It glres to tbehnitoal power* a refttotoot .forcotlVt,
ehablcsittopassecathelesathrotfsh.tbefleryfarcicoc'f epn*
tsgioni ld the evefhtvf to coti<jh6r tbb ihalady.
Add vigor to thntomte ftoipjfar hbtf.tooii;
it mayborequlred.- It Is among the :f«ble,tho torpid* The
depressed, thatepldejailca mp
therefore, you are affbetftl with any phaio! of rierrotLS’dlfl-.
edge; or with any affliction of thestoia&chvifyou erode*
pre?£cd to spirits,, or eufceblcd ln. body v If, . Ip- short, you
are in a condiUoawhieh renders you peiulUtly snscoiitlbl© -
to unhealthy. influences,: Resort to: this great inViguraat,
altenitiyrindantlßeptlo, In whlcb,under Pzovidencei
out .of their dlfflouhlestD nlivrbo suff&f * froth* rib dtt&ed
nertes and week digestive organs,'.' \ - *.
Tbe.OOTdlal Is put up, hJghiy ; to hot
ties.: Ihice three dollars per bottle, two* forflve flollarp, sir
ftr twelve dollars, ; c j i (ML RING, Proprietor,
r k 193 Broadway, RewTork."
- Soldbyßruggirtsttoougbont.the Unltedlft&tes,Canada,
> and ton West Indies. . . ! « •:/
AQEXTB. ; . uVi S. > i,
- FLEMING & JIRO3, Ho. 60 Wood street,.Pittsburgh. -
: IUtC GEO. H.'KEYfIBR, Ho. 140 Wood street, ilo .
• <aty. ; : JplgnUw.; :
Old Sorci ( Cleerif and idi eruptions ond-dis*
aoimputeordopravedstatoo’/ toorblti&fr
Bee the ertrabrdinorynuro of 0* a highly :
of Richmond, Yaj, by CaTter , A ; tJpanlßb
Mixture/ dto had ulcers and sores of theWorefc
<erutebes*M.A.few 'botUos of Carter's Spanish Mixture, the
graft btoCrd as jfc hk doredktindrods
of others who hove suffered with rhehrotfsm,-bad efforts.
- 6f t oftho bones and Jolnis.-*
advertisement.\| . JelWtmdaw- -
. \ #ff*
GIUBEGE’fTfIt in the Garment, noeda ’fid Comment dbiiis :
part; acknowledged by&ll who have iaypred him
thaVtb^'hkwfii&Vet been fitted wUhih«.
®amewn»vidd > style as by him. -He! begs to Infitoh hlB pa-i;
irons abd the .that his stock Is now lepletoiwlthithe
newost tl^les.for coots, vests and pants, suitable for the
nresenfseason.' . ’ -'I * 1 *.5 t i E.'GBIBBLE,-•-»
• v ‘ •' . • ;>■ - -TanorsindiPantalQon.Maher,
‘ mars 24 '- Wood.
F' gESII piNE APPbKS,—4O6' &esh : ApplM,-toor*
4CQ ,
' ' - .. .. ! 'Ho.fiWoodstreet*- •
-t IBABINO from 10 tolfr
#cifcar o£ Wheat or.other .smalt ffraln per: flay» Trtth one,
.p.aofhonoaandtth? .MngV
i' ... -.■ -. r -1* Wood street.-
'yytAPß A. MASON. * 00. baTe juat
\j oelved; p«r orpr*ss;‘ another. Targe assortment of rich
plain andicmbroMentfCmptf Shawlßt -—mySO
TiTQWINO MACEiMa— torattrOm.aO to 16
r-rtJt-*cr€a of. Grassier horses,
nnU galeby [TOySOI;B.R.V~SHANKLANI>. ,
WWILKHS-A &«* sopply
mjIA»BI*AB£NXQitIfiKN:O«i'OW)I?U-i-my yird»,-fii
• 4Sln4hßS,'ftr sale-wholesale
ud 'retail at the <M Cloth. ■ ■
y.'-r’v* - v tlthhlipb; •,
■ x>AOON-^lßcaaka;Shoulders and Basts HKtas,‘aprime
: IV Article, roeeitodtoer steamer sale by "
myg4 - " • -J; juOTZCHIBON-A.CQ.
“V MABUN A iX).—dOt)' casaajam! jockaga of the
A. latest Midmost dMrabl* stylfes of Cry Goods will be
opened on thd29th,-30tli andinst of May«.-...--~'->--vmy2T..,,.
43 H4B— !, Car saleby f
Q my2a IBMCTIfc* StKCEAig;,
Jj(l lmy3?
\ p *
V -‘V
M S < s
> *i *’ fc * »*
'ab46«y6M»ndoubVthat.Kii^"’Erao^MjBft : in^lcii» ;
latemaJ romaty, toyitlng tto BbyeWanß, M
-W6IJ natlw suffering patient, to beccmeacqmuntea witMta
ha-ring a dreftd>f- mixtures are ass'
pimappended theartifieizUof ih<■ celc£>ra£cdltsY. Fool,iLJ)^
.‘Omati^TetiSii*!i'nttT>M;t<iat l tma tjojuS kindpCaiAiesy i
iSmenied A»'feWl!B,V« Oll.tuseVo ■
JitbSig elra bad^W #t flwt; hot’
thoisirKtwaaaitonbißbg; itihWthe pMSbttfcSwiraiferf
»t oboe, and I aboadoibSgatt
MTen bottles I hbYdgot'S <Ji?e wcrtll thonsnote ofdoHlH."-
*®T -t ~f } hxnSy u; barkkb.
'■ Tfefamayce^ytbat , 4&T* , BAstaomiMntSd.'*rttfi«tes» 1
Petrilfiara,or R6ok OiMbriboro tlwnn boats'. and.haTß l«-
reaudlj uitneracd Ita ‘ bettWetariffeeti In tha cure of dnd'*-
to4'«^ with daUldenc* WeoiiitWnadt t<| bo SomedidnairoK
. iuya.ettMw .
ne*. „ 459 of yojir Pqtj&ra^%T*
Brnd me
■'«m tb6CooSTegaUoi3aV"JlinLaWx iu placeianct'saveral.,
q( my people are affected til indigestion and an inactMDL.l
-of ihe llrer, thejftaw oT,mxi‘«JTf'antl Mfe, before taking.'
'yD«j^-EBtaMCwV«ft , ftocs Oit.'r.m tosc several hoiUee?-;.
out a .rear and b half ago>.amt r» '■.
goodifcooUtt fo* years aa
rtneb bitnaiidikea P 4nglOil»ttlfetxtfqre
; nf lba atanaek'whldfo BO idtstresses ibo dya-
j.hafiriiftlt ndthlni; of It sinco that |
"tfaaw* * of,
nwof yoaP'Potrolennii...^A_u*vi rt
-}BoI4 fey, g;jfi Basin, GED.jGu KETBEU, 240.
\Tsf*h £*-• ' ■• •■• i “.** •*':■ &Hgfr.'
-iii ! '/ „ PIT.TBBUUGI* i
Birin? J&ranraJice Company ; ,
;-f ’• OFPIGBiM Bli'W STREET, - ■
‘ •HABOSJO HAtfc.'iPITSsnCROH, Pi. ,
i i.~. ,t UO3IC, Pnailatt • -
CnAEL'.s A.OottGS, Peqrttnry■ - i i —■■-
i; JTbl».Cf.i»pitPjr appMUlnlpgtaiet
paßjmffcijgb JtWoji thV Ohio ana Mia
ei*-: .-1 pt; i ri rt- ran n dti-itjn! nri t*,an d It! a rjn e Risks generally.
And i&aSnSi Loss and Bggidatttha
, PerUfl’cTfhaßs* and'Tniand Navigation and Transportation.
-'phlieipa iaruralnttkelonO'it rotas cofodstn&tisltii Pigsty,
i'toall‘partlea' ; ' ' ■ ,a.
• WUCTCMf;- f
’'‘j«mßsB.'irMn;‘ • ■ ‘ 1 Wjrr.SJllaToii, t
I ■ SaTnuriM’Cinritnn, -“ ' JslTrrs l). M'fiiU,. . . -
li,vyuil»n> Pbj'.Hpv i . ■ ,Aloinnacr.BpuUsy,..
L rBohA Srott*i I ; t Bohn Ffailor^n,.,
L JoMpltP.Gnaam.Jl.Po,, RobertpaWay,
kiJpitn-M’AUSn,,,, y-?tapnaer.Jt«jJivW,: J Arat
..ilCTP».B< .»'•«
I. Jttftit a,. i„.i > , K&WdSfc!
Id fiWgB.S-SsUsn. , . UlramS We, Reaver,,.
1 i.gttSfrty ..!■■■ ■ ■ -i.di i W-i::.,. dd.ddd
fpTSBr rS4 range? Dcrrdppemeh Crea-
invention*, and the
; «DAi«h xif progresaia/ua ward; pcrsuaa Haiti, or'becoming bo, : .
%tin»pted«d toWtotbifc*cicncejip<i
Osrfßed/liare bronßlitbeforotbe publis ihe. I
of tbe Af&i tothe jutioleofJSiifißSOiTS}Ab£suiCABi
a gara catE -tor»JiaMni'.ss amt to prevent;
'Hair from falling. - Sco circular to b* haifr of. therAgßotej
riTlngfuU particulars, l?rl£\oo imlarge LotUea. Sbla
,Jy 3 .j ~ : ; v 42.JS*PISKini A
i t*-" H*-ii w*«v\ * J s? SuperiorCleveland,-Ohio. ;
•i; Tpr role to iK to tfc e,fonpFitfe bouse*,**-
i , r : ... JkWfldoxji Co*,. i.. „ . *
.'Jk&feiipri. , ~g.“-2'rt“/
- g
• i • j-r.-.'iJjilLCaafieJ; ' ;-v - , -•;• •:
, ‘ Atiqihmy eiiv.-* li- A- Bc&fahi&7 *' nMafcvJ.
FJeoigg. V. • ; 11
i Jnfip (j. j3mi th •
i'iresatti’a intmrance
lw}f Company of tlioJDtty: orPlUSbtirgh»
?IN?RS*V&«*e -;
Will Iturara against TIEB and H&P.INE IHHK3 of all
/ - .x ;
i >- r . - j ...
[» — Wi!3. ■A>4«lftr3*s JC
»- RO.Snwyeri - u dE-iß.&Oiproa,
I.' . Wo, ISj Edgar, * ,
;.< .aiCPsuilson, .. . . ,
m< > . 1U IX^Boberta,,, . ;X '*
L>.^ t.-YEnuWfl Wuson, -
j-i,K JPaTlilCampbell. I ' „ : ' jalS 4^
S»' oiTIZBSS' l'nfluraticc Cdmp&ay oj'
’ Plttabtu*cjir—4PrrrJoaofc; HAM.
" } "
. QjjUt: M RTetUhfiw&rt arxlt-fioadikratisi !i
InflfffesHULt imtiCABOO on ; tbo Ohio and lltei* ■:.
4 **« —' . r , .
rirw; s;i i ....! Mi; ,
( : the ferils Of tbe ftis,-an<l JolaudNavis*-
' •-• * ,i.,i
vi*;-'’ z *'^r s --":"}+!•-j;-,.t
, '-'•H.D'.Sin?,' * • 1 : Wci.t^iniaef^r.,
"WnHalalSg&ißyy' Ki?T, . :.
* * • .'Bamnelßear' ‘ '.••■' 1 ! Wk l iuiroltmgbata',
' • '^'.KobßrtUtildUp/Jr^y
laac H, Peorroek, ... ■••*:?’
7 Biltajb«acbr; . J.'Scboonmaberr: : ■ *■ ,J 7"
walterflrysSt; •')■ > *• ‘WUR£unß;'lley37 : “ -■■■■'•-■
s‘l * '.* }?-■. V;: 4 ; ;4ohi£?htpton. s:~>! r -t4 -
n-s» -.’cash -ssxpvva** 'SiX'm
Petwsy Pronin. CAPITAL, 8l500,00{), CsAE
TSB: i ~- *■' J
■'" •J¥tttemf^Hon. ki ASGTrBTOB 0. HEIST.ER. ■-
ir/WILLSON- Vh •
niREOTosa.- . • ;
• Hbfa. AiO.Hefoter, • 1 " Batnpel:W*.Haya,. .. : .. ....
. • IWflllaxftßobSnsofc; Jr.y ."•• v •ThonlfitGiUesple t .-
‘'•' WHUiltn '• Johnß.CoX* > .; v.
HarrerßoHtnan, • • • Jacob^Btfita,.. .
Jofeb wsUcefrvJry ' •*• WURamOolder, Jr., ■ ■ ■■ ,
Jacob S.Haltlenaon', • **• - • Aaronßcmtmngh.-..,
-KCSSELT^A'OiSES^Agents,-c , .
• JiftJpyetto Bufldlngs;
~v Qt> Wood stxeaLV, J
rfs»‘: West cm I*«unsylTa|ila HokplUl.—
Dry. IjiSCHESCK, Second, between Wocd-and Market
streets; and'J;' Barn/ North-east canmr.isf Diamond,Alio?
•ghenydty.iirothe aboYelnsii
tutlon.foc thefiretijuartorot'-TSSi. I -•]•-. >iV :
- - Applications fbr admission- may be! all;
boon at their offlreiu'or at ftTd HospltiLat2 o'clock. P.AL.
• Recent cases of aeetd an taMnJ ury trd r6celyesnt all hours,-.
'without fdrto.; ; - [ • ; ..
O. tEAO BK, ~HO-2I4RKCT.stirM, Pitta.
IhSri burgh, Importer andWhale?ile-I>ealerlirT?AN€Y ;
add tonntrydealere as large and well selected stock of,
- Goods as any Eastern; house; and saiAal - price sy.tima-sayi eg.
refghtj thae-end ctpecwfiv- Vi* I _v? r; ja&yg j
O. OVU’i-T-l’lkar of meettog, 1 WaKblngtojvH&ll,
- -
./pnrsnui^uliQt^^o;33&-v , Meetietcry Tuesdayerenfttg:
" No. ST-r-pleets first and third
Friday -
Lodged jftsi 28 ££ t OJof-G.-F/,mceta eTery
.Wednesday owning In Washington Hill* Wood st. [jyhyr.
>Cl as I Fremlum College ,m
U ; «^ , .-' i rbo.usual handsome FremloihswiU 3* awarded at
an* 1 eramtamtlon of lb® Classes in.chle-'lastjtutlou, in JULY
•NEXT* forth®- greatest 4>r>>Bcteney;lh'Bo6k'koephig,-'Peii«
manahfoand Mercantile Law,;: -y ---jeStlw*-;.
ClETY,.oCHttshurgh and Allegheny, meets on -life:
tfirstand third WEDNESDAY of ereryteiodtb: bttLtf.FLOKL
Marketstreet, Bybrdor.- : ••; -v '‘ J - «■••-i
- > -»> A. : ; ■.: JOHN.YOUNG, JB^Secretary.
ATTENTION! 1 B. Ii Q>—You’are hereby notifled to
attend ■at yoar Annory t on MONPAYS. WEDNES
DAYBiani FlltDAYßvfordrilljand to'trnheact-sudr bdsl*
tieranS'tndy cotaebeforothe KANBJ"
TJpbriKfcemd I '. -.' --r- : ;; | Soc?rctaryprottm.' •
d on Cart>enter street, near WyliU, with fruit and shade
trees, ■ehrahhery.-Ac*. Jbr eslaat a y ory-lOw-prlpe.^.
: joIS:i / . A BON, 140 Third street.
' \JLr ; rMgedfirc'tcofrifoii end- -oontenlo'tjcs, ’fbr fiald *ea ea£y :
terms-fcy U f * i; i S. CUTOBKRT * SON, --
jelS . . . >- ; *^KfrT&ii?3-street. •
kefttf Kmery; assorted] In store and for Hale
by ;?f:FLEMING BROTHERS* ••**•'>
. 1 391&M :: j9w&X£3orfi ttf Kidd &-Oo^GOWood street.- ■
'IUKCIB’ down OuiUs" Hj6H>ns ( 'Jcer
J esiyedtmdlh/Kiiliby !
OIL—IQWJUjoUons UnFeed Oil, in store as
v Yo?,ssle>y : : V;_ J f X,Km> T G- BROTHERS.
AN^A*— lufiiore atylibrsale bv
t; friS '’>•< "v:-*
QROIJN D' QIN.QUR —1000 lbS."ptira GreilndlQlbffmy:tp;
• store gpdYog.'salo by ' ■----* FItKHIHQ BROTH£K3.Ici
iTHDIGC^—GOO lbs»4a(UKOj instore dndforeale by : •<-• ■
Xj iQlg r. , : ’•>-"BRQTfIE|IB.
HEMP hWa. llcnitvyeod, Instore au'dfor solo
by [joiaj-r gttjMIS&fIaOTHSRB.
QUI£T:HKAKT--Just published complete. Y’rom
X Black\rbOd'S MSgsafne, prico HScants><fbr sale oy
-;Jrt3 V :.;r;:,g. MINKK & CO.. fag BmltMeidstreet, ;■"■
MACtiKREIi— 60 largo No.j 3. Mackerel, '1854 in-
BliQOiiS—iWp'ioua Ziftkf Ohpiqplaln, tyghand apfl arriv-
Jofttfercale by- ~ fjeis] KIKG & MOORHEAD/ .
Treasurer** offloe-of Valley
, 1 RallrottdCombsay.
. O the JHfectors -for a- - goetynrl install* •
per ehare, payable to thft'Treasnrer
ontbo.blt Monday of JUNE, and nlsir Five Dollars per 1
Monday. qf eaqh [enSoJng monthl until'
•tb® ■phoJa.amouniiapalil, : .' '-• > t i - •
TOffbtf; - - : , A?jVAN'*”“
‘ ' -the GIiKN HOTEJL \ ... .
TB NOW/ READY ' StTMaiEIf VlsrrEES.~Tho‘
tho Dousejendored
more attTwtlve, £eaaraUy. •will bo happy
to *eo hla friends. . • f.. - ... .
j /J3£*An Omnibus of tho Excelsior Line Ift.’now.runniair
on Fifth street, to‘the.G&JsN 1 HOTEL,
■peayes fte sfagqq at S^clopS'jAV&l4 and 0 _P. fetUm
iott end O&P,. U*~i r -ii * - -
J»l2 Cm v 3, p. MARTIN,-Agent :
:“~rriib'sr*7: \ • .•
"A **OXE-dated J"Bna»iy.23£l63? t ' payable four jnoiiths if*
. ix tcr.-dato, at the office jot T7insiow,:l*ani9r 4.-op.y New
Tork. signed B« and Stenben
-Tille Ihd 1 road—ehddtfeedyCbarlca, Naylor,!3ec*etaiy, t -, •:•.'; •
,v Alipersona ire hereby worried f txpi to .buy- said • note*- ae'
payneatiffilXbe *</u«ed..;..Ahy pergoh fiadinjjit.wiU-confer
an jeiVljjg U Tftfh'fivPi Ainotd & Co., or
''■■■■■'•"■■ 9 • WOMFSONiBELi,.* CO,
IBrjiorrrhWini'Wood sta.
STEWAETbae removed Ms fiom
±J+ thDold'Stand, No. 23 Fifth street,toNo.26 Fifth:
.tfreetjUcarlyopposite, on the+ite formerly Qccnpledbythe
lran .Glty:'BDtQl;.7bt!rß'iro tri!i-;bft pleased-to boo hlscnAfo*
'ioers/and as many nflw ’oaes' as fe4l disposed topatronise
Mo. ‘ * 1 ■" ‘ T ‘i
„* k R~Ia J connection-with,the oro9fr-Mennfjirtory.aa
heretofore, will be4bund in this establishment allk nos of
TftrifltyOuodA : t<iiohlPgglaswaa>t3omb3»Tp.y»-dc» fmvl&Bm
X. INCHED OILr-Jnst recoiTpd and Tot.rale by..
•JLi- *laylB| , '*” J ‘ v - *
■ / v" y
V*' “ *
* ~. .■ -
*1 * *
lni=of;tho Stckßojdera of the: rftttaarth' TrtHS
Comowy ariiLbe help fet tlmßaeUlun House,on TUESDAY.
Jtu»27tlßld*ti»M«o’6look, A.H., to take action on the
Visptoncjsofthe wn lut leglclatuxe for **•.,
to^ooof, • Jo^yP-BCDjXY|^,„
'»tj^>BmrcantUe^oUege > FntstourgiitP*'
Jif 184&*+Incorporated- by.itha'AGglsUK
Wj tlire flf-ftamSvlTantiu- with pcrpota&l cbartW. :.,. .
-\y •
; Hon« JA3lfB BvaOA»A2f, - lllbn, WaUKS H. v>
*V W u. Woadis, •;■ I. “ Ciutti*s K|iTXdp»» -
“ Mores Habitcs 1 , ~ [ Gen. J. BL - x .
P.DBFP, Principal; AuthorofDnfl r « Book'Keeping, Ac.,
Professor ot Book Keeping and (Xmmorcial&tencßs.
8. IL DALnOPPi-Professorof Penmawibip. _ i
rs the PtttsfittrgbJßtiy, 1
fessor of Commercial Law. . . -•? • ■., -:i >^: s m su.--,;-
p. HAYBEN,A; M 4 Professor
deal Departiuontv.Professor of Mathematics, Ac*...- ... < ~, v - ■,
5 go TO ABpfeiilT&fari* fefrtafitlj; empteje<*„l» ift?
“■ ' f * 1 ,
nnoti ills new invented Blank Kooks—caveated for
.indo) 5,-'lBs4i| By kaeanVof thifl lmportact Inventions in
about half w- ■usual time of study, the real- praetic* of
Book-kueplog is Imparted, to «l Uegnm.of perfection
tafiraiaiwinsyo|beJDni^edßtates. ' ~j. v?*.t ;r fj.ii?
lliV,trfanlOjg for eomprehenasupwarps of e 400
nni illness transactions: 200 emnxaerctal computations. ■
1 oorarseof w >
v * ‘BnIJV- lactates, on. Commordal In# *nd, Gpminqirfal.
; 'totiwi thß'ftfcory'OT of making money
Buff's Book Keeping, Harper's edltPn, price. Mtt
' perfect and-coaprtbanfllrr.rn tbk
;&• i
9a,perfcct.syst«iniijraucbsft)okflwdAtt»uDta. __ *°
. i,.JDuff. , s.Cop»iPPwWlCWciHAtloWJ^BriP9^ ceal f’. ..
. £s* Bend to r a >.*»> i- • ■■»•; • u i:
■ waygr.vntrrorß HP flODE¥>a LADY’S BODS,
commencement of the Heeond Quarter
nnrUVJMy'No.of Balaft. Wrt Book la pnbHfhca, and
‘"\ ‘ cb6la!n’B sS ‘uMial ja rtester «f •nlciw’for i
iSjfe&tttftiniy fijfWniytrtft'ttt*; <hatf can bei&awHnatqr:
Tbb unrivalled t clorSi PnafiltaS,* tobertraod ln nootner
'pdMtoiUotf; front Dnssten
Medortfand-ZaUmaJ Mantles; OEdinroiday. »
ItiwjTtJcm |bfrahlrt ftont*?-ttubiftl«fciTfop Jbblrte; Braid
*PatterMt*"’<3ortcy , »«Cnui*eof-i.fcessona ]in Drawing; The
Wild Ftowvtaof the Mcmtb; ;©» -Papyrus; PejOTOf 1
tfeKiwuv ObemlaßltßS.-awr'Dnilet Sleeves; Bonnot Preflot*
Ver; ToitialXet&crs f CfiKlbat Basket, for tbo centre table?:
liqiffhV Pattern; Head-Di«£«
'*i scn> *ai|l)OTE; ; (W lantry;
Yardi. vrltb ; Tann
linage, with engravings] Xifo.of CoitunbuajiQ&doj’fl jR-r
valunbft’fend Seasonable Recipes; Confectionary; Ice Creams
<- ; 'ysyniteNo;»ißl>eeenfcooi*eeipfcof:2s,eonU| u .,+ T - e k .
v v.V;. -f. im \ j.'r'it •-.J.r l *.<«-CEBJU.3| V;;]
'HwMsopioirQW ;, yw J ; «mif»tt«atefc«coprw*«® P*™ o
sending tboclnb<^.-.»4w-..»«r-.».»«««*. 1 .....i/-«»»fMSr*‘*» .J®.
; *Hgtrt?&pfc*'tt»'7«ar. - ' *>«..'»< dft do 16
Eleven copies, one year* :> •= do- - j..;dp[ - do/.
, i ''^*Q6doj T s Xndy’s Book and Arthur’s Home Magazine
wgtbotb be>B®«t om year for S3,CO. • >
... . ,L* A. GODET,
.. . . ; • Jfo. 113, street, Philadelphia. -
. SobscrlpUooa .idea >o=
1 j’eia^l u»a- ' , " fc Wood itrCTl. Pittabntgh- *-
fcl IJffJBOOKSI MBW BQOKSni-Hal.y’s Ltiy't l!ooSl*j
■ -•piterebn’riiaj’.NattoD.l Mmgaaine, fcrJuljt, ..... .:]
-.. Flora ln m ißionttul Lira- by lira. I
ilooOißl»ptucr4ef ifwk HordlSitone, *c. ■■.;„■ ... ....... l. ..
- iffhs 3 l<pijU,’fiil>(lDelMr> l asPiW9l for Amntesni tonaAf.l
Ttj'SadSu'wWwtiiiit'Ji'-ti.'u ■■ ~; . 1
m£jK«tas» a»^>!
:.' l :xh» BulJjUWt« pr U» Miser'a Fate, a .daoesJKi
„W.. ■
iVI-rfoly* ‘ V •
' for July*, , '1
Flora Lyndsay, or Passages Inna Eventful Lire: by Mrsj
.-^TU* novel for Americans loreadiby |
,sfe<J Ifcntltae., l j l; . . i.. ;...i n { > ‘ ■ ... ~■•:. :..
• Jbn Ueoegoile GJpsey, 05 IJje.Betraya) ofdardeDbrn.
' The Cufortumtio Maid, or, the iliser’sFate; a domestic
'tjoycl:-••■ :/;• 'V - ' v::'v....V '1 J -* •*:•'■*.V“"-"5
• • LUUn*ft tiring Agtf. VFor sale by. !
it- s.** «* ‘H.HINERA.CO,
•Jol '-x.: . r .. ■ S(!Bmltbßeldst. ( ’
‘ift Ledy*fl'Book r fjrJoljr.' > i *. ■ .■■?:■*
Pr.terwm'a Magailne, for July. , ~i...,.... n .
L .-j Flora byndWwQT Passages in an Eventful Life: by Mr*.
V poodle, j ‘i> J> rj *i, j V r’» ; • ~ " l r 'j
Hie Jcwit’a Daogbter: by wea BuntUno.. .... : . .
* TiieTTcpegtyle oipß«yJ or tbe Betrayal of Claude UuValT''
. , The Unfortunate 'Maid, Of the Ulscr’ri Fate. ■ *.: ■< ■
'‘BjrWhtt l Jonathan, for the 4tbof July. At the cheap.
•B**B»nfdr Wt A. OILDBNF2SNNEY & CO,
•*'- —•• i. ».•;■•! > .-*■ .&., i 76 Fourth*street.- .
fiALtS—tiirty acres of-Land, pn fta, Plan*
> >jl * Woos! frrtb'Aitephsny to Newßrighton, 3 thfles belOw.
> Allegheny city, and 1 mile fttm : Woods’ ran, by the old
■ rofrh "It ftvill-bft soldvaiylow, and&lvide&fti JotpifroipS'
to 15 acres. ThosowUhfrigto-purchase oebcap.homa.cwar
empire of. i! THOMAS .-WOOD*?,: ;
i irlQi - * . ? t 75Fonrtb street..
"A 5 LhKUUMNIf BUflii/IWU-LOtS F«/tt ’ BALE.~EIgbt J
XX -choice Building Luta..a!tnaffi.on Ohio 'Lace; each M
‘feet-frontby 130 doep-to a 24 feet alley* ahd- directly f>ppo-'
siio UegaleyintToot, vhleh ls now pared and in:gcodbraeh
-These Lots arc offered ibr sale ot> Itftr cn- "rasy •
icons ..i: : ‘ fl. CUTUBERIrit .-SOlf,: 1
; jelp- ; t •; : l-tOThlnirtrcet..
bH,AViitf? r fV;la*s»«triclcofTrffnßparoptWra'
W, f dojr Shades, consisting ftfGia Plalti;lk^net.
qdfcape apdfinioory'{styles:
sale th&QU.ClPtpJWfttcrootn.vjJo; Jfe Watker,
straet.■ ; , J. ‘
X -Y.AKDS 30 inches TmnrparenvCuff OU Cloth,ljw
fvM? •Window 1 Shafteff.^nrtreceded;frßia;tb« la?Ury.
und for the Nai 1..16 street.
;i^d39: f .:,.... t ; ■ j. r &H. PHILLIPS; : •
■!'>AKAfiOi*iWAT*A. McT OdK’3, CprpW of Orjat anc.'
■X'* '■■ Fifth !street&--100iplain Green. l£o figured, alf
.color*; 7fi4hnared:ainl lined; «u:plasi. Qros deTfpplea, Hoed:
203 plain. Qrn<4a Nflplesi aUcolora; 200 -Childrcn , s 'plain,
figured BiKUiaed»iaU c(dora. 'AU.otwblch will be sold Iqv.
for quality.
ROOT—ThSfI compound will ■remoVe'd!<wasea:sri*la>'
from iidpnriiy -ot tbe blood. It acts oa a purifiWnr tb»
■blood; strengibcns-and braces tho system } is liarmldSdatMl
simple inltseUbcti-Pocraid byi; t •'
' ■•;; John-hast, Jb.
- L/ Bronchial Affection Lirer Complaint,
Headacha* tdHflsdindliesi.'»aare and effectualremfr'
dy. Fordicectiona, testimonial b,Ac.» call at‘JOHN' HAST.
■ No. l-llWocd-stnati'Httiburgbi and ReeptanphtW."
BOBRHAYE , on banc
andforealeby .(je!9j ;*-•• JOHNBAFTVtJ&.'
FKARbfr*-0O bbls first q.aaiicy, on conriftmnent; for sal*
by v - rjalO]: ' ■F.SEEEKRB& 00. r
1/ iv.
.- ■jeiPV v
F&IUSD iprimß*Nßir's6ysay, foi
pftlwhr., . : fialO] >., HENRY.
tteSNttieulL—lt/Mjaftrsatebj: 1 " , l
Jgto ;■ .. . • - V - HlfliHlT HOLMES-;
r- IMls—iuo bbls for s&ie by';
LTftl9' "
r Pulvcriecd fialernVuJ t iu qy»rt*r,'
Gives fty -
19 ■;, ; >
ht?gs fresh Ynrkin‘Butt«r, for rale by-' - :
Jfr je!9 - -- :> -.- . HES&YHOL&IES,:
'GGS—*3 bbls fresh this day recelvedUand fbreala by ■::
i jelO ' - HENRY HOEHB&;
BlfrcUon,.N o tloc' forMejor f2ener&l» ■,■ ■'
rjlßs COJiIjaiSSIONIiD; OFFICBBh of Companies tnlrt
X , t»t'iallorisof theflm Brignd©fwHl meet on iheFI&ST
MONDAY OFJUDY NEXT, at-'tßa Court-House, In the
CUyof PlUshurght ot ll o’clock in tha:fh!renQcn»fbr the
porpoyi otfilectiM-ft-MaiotaßnnrftJ; far thelSth Divisional
'.PfiiinpyltunlttJHilltiafrrcomposadrof Altrshfiny, Arm4teohg»>
Indiana! and
; JOHN H. JTELHINNY, Brfg.-Insp’r, '
Brigade. iSThDlvWon. «'
Tte Parish. Silo ; o companion to Shady Elde: ?5 eta.
;:;Nan«ttandHarLows; $l,OO.
.. Tutn loams; nesraariea: Oy Paony Faro; 31.25. —
-• ThoKoppervcr the Hysleries'jofßplrit Rapping; SO anfl ;
;r ;A Yea* Jlfte* Marriagd; .brß.&.&rtltar;:2s .ttmtv -■ - -
I. York and Philadelphia EapßtßJbr.tbia.Treek.
I-TocoiTKSiuniCjrEaia-fttßook Store of:: v.\
78-Foortbntrwt, .
“ • ■ • 'SS -gross Pitt Wheels? ; .j
85- 4t " : '(asa&rt|i;V , : ; >: vJ .• •'. '
.. G “ . 2.. do.da?, .
.• '• i:0: r?fi ti'i’do . do; : :
.v. , ,5,-“ Italian Stars; -- •■' -
.. 4 -**. B^igalu.Ligbta;
• ‘ -ff ‘« ,
"10,000' PtiUlnfeCrscSKM;
‘ ‘ ‘3' « . '
. . 3 « do .-2;
* *• a - « * , do\~3;
" bOxcs■FiroCnxclfdrt; received and fbrealeto
' 'v 1 J.^.‘ANBERSaK>4:CO.^
Jot? ' ' "
j£v 'CEIYJJIH-it'bGluj'tho third supply, v
Peterson’s Jaly,
• Trial of Malt, Ward; tlfth’iitiptlj.
. .Year After Marriage rhy!& B.4rthor.< ..
Rdpetambfert: *y; ■ ,»«. ....
. -,jel7-...... .. —: —"S7 Woodstreet.-
-■'TkT<m(m TO FAKMERS.— , •. •■ •*
; iN :' % SMS >s’*^’ ltlOTI ‘ :
. .'4O dozen Hay Bakes; •• .;■■■,■
...20* do. H&yEorfeft; .: • .
0 -do. . Gra'iv Cradles jr: 1 .. . ■. “ ..
■'2o do Beytbosai]&&nedlhs; '
. ■ ■ 10 da. Horae StnndMpibr et 47 Firth etrael,-lgr
• *DIOE —20 tierces prlnJe'Klee.Tßceived end fbr sale by
JclT ; • 221nna 223Llbprty»t.
TAIUI OIL—IO bbls No.JlianlW:
5 J ...... 10 if do ■ do’; ror sale'Ey
jelT ~ tUXLEB.ABICggrgON',
xJL .. : : lOtogsFepper;
!' •. ■ s •«; Allspice; Ibrßale by
jo!7 ' ; • ■ ■ MIId.EB l >'BlCggnoH;
DißlNiS< Treasurer.
(TUMMl>AUN{i—lo;bMltel« ;‘*l73|" “m,” <3hanipasi»
V./Wino, leading ond fur role by , ’.
LAKKT WLKB-HOcwes “Bt. OuUan'’ Cliiret, receired
Bndfjrsaloby ’ |J»W] ■ MILLEIt.g'BIOgETBOII.'
LIVE OIL-15 coses OlttVoil, for sale by .
Jel7 _ . -- - MILLER Af BTOKETSON. .
QTAB. CANDLES—2S boxoq A’e, o’s ud o’s Star Coddles.
O.ftrFaln lir ■; t JC.l?lr . •IttBJ.BB 4■ EIOKETBOSL--
TjilSß-se bin ITedloia No. a Mt-Jtcrel; ' TT.
■JP . ID No-I VlcXtH Herring; fn store and tor
I J°»3 • ’ - MmEB 4.KIOKET3OM.. -
. .TAVA -COFPJSJSrr2O pocfcetaOld Got. Java Coffee, tor Bile
O *** ' ‘ >WI) ‘ . MItliER & TtICKETSGN: .
••--■■■ ,<Jogronl,yolpDy epAChrotiklpyCopy) .
SWEiiT 80ESTBD RAPPEE flficst Artttfe
.sowin me; 500Tba received tj : ': ;
*-:• JOS, lU<!MlRO|'
jel7; ;•-•■ - comer of Market rtraat and the Diamond.',
OEK BRANDY—icaalt ofitie flnartCOgnaffßraiadyJ&i
• medicinal purposes,received •
Jel7 . . JQ3: FLEMIKQ.
WIH&&—I cask genuine Fort, acd-ldofihfflry,-
•JT' for mcdldiiaJ purpoacs, reedfodhy : j '
vjel7 V.: : J.l . >JOB.gLEHTyOi .
\iX:Ko&ulDoMecaasarOU,t®<seivedbf • ■
3*l, ' - . :* y , JOB. BLE&ON&
k < • /< I - * -
»«*» - •*• ’ .• >'• •. '' • ■■*■■■ ■
T • ** -■■:■■ ■'■■■■'
Oa. *«-%:*
*■? . T t v >
-• i ,“*:*•
V T V<-
J 'j; * .
t! « ’V; ; '/
" '*4 t
'-.'i v 1 ;-
■ V f;l.
' : ’v
-- ** A fc ’
' ■ v '”
y ' ~ 1 -
'i';'Vi''-- -
• > i'eachfe*;3odol>ry Aj
ss pximoJeatii*Ts,th? Misty:
the PirrsßxrEaH thuhabhohic society
TKTILBirfw thalx anit'tart rablla Bebeawal ftr
>W - tbUneaeon, at tAFATCBTIUS BALL, on TUEBPAY
an OrtMertrel acooinjwtiiineiit.
Hr. J. T.
- Mr; H. Kf.BBBB, Emltt.. ■ .
r...-..*r.lX*rtiaii3. .
, Soto and wftll'tbo Glpser
tirbl*--- .—.Bohemian Girt
i,Chbfß»-iii7lj ; Jojrl ) Ji«*3<nait , Mbj v .«-"^iii»yWarning,
15tio£o|?:taro»— W«r let tin ffimt fur
SarfSn * Wog Bank SwUilnp'. .......Keller.
Chmue-HalftotiWiliberty.—?.S.... ......EemlremMo.
tbo Bpear. -b .' —Anna Bollna.
Cboruf—All Z..ZZZZZ. -....n0nde1.
Hft4e«tactiLiTeth 4t
Cborns—BatTbanko'be to • u .- :
Wring ..Hayden.
:Ch#»w-.l^,dßiwwut , ilieir bonds asunder.... Handel.
8o!o*—If, Gbd Uftfui, who can bo against n 5......... “ '
be hid at the Music ■'
BWrefl/anasttßQHall/ I)<«ot*opeTjrat7>^o , _flcck. Concert
whl commenco-at 8 o’clock* • , _
.3 tJcketar of Wo» Cuitli,
BocretasyjatjKattonaj■ - r •. :Jclfr •
Muaeum and Menagerie.
'X >< V7DB£X>;l>elx>7acoablsatloti of«Q tbetnoatpotmbY: ,
and unexceptionable amusements of tbe age, will exhibit in ' .
prrPSBCBGII,on CA&BoNStreet, neat Penn atrmVHAb -
Wafdvcn r ? .s $,
'ilondajr ilOtb A a?U»»
' / peeyllaifcatut&cf Barumfy Mammoth Maeenm and
one «3&iiHdon r for a rinpilo piles.of
f adibisrione Tip establishment lnelocUs a great display of -
l-TheTWfofOttßcw;oftt® OHIO INAL TOM THUMB! Mr.
I '-VRljSilßjthe nutt without arm*! - Mr. L’EKGEL, tholjou
i Ktaglundother Attaotion&otedaftS merit.' Tbepublloen-
Ljrwn/.fbftejilttWlfilUiiont, led by iio iIONSTEIi CAB OP
I JUGGfSBKABTrdjawp t>y v ft tesm-of^
- wliltrt onMOUDAYv the 20th Inst.
tn tbe wbal&i: poiUrveljrptily2S cents,
CbUdreai>o(ler9;«ar9»lseeiitfl.' Boots open ftem 2 to C,
,*nd from 7t09% tf oloefc, P, , t . ; je7.l2c
~.MLJ.. ?dSUS..MP -
. - „o v 7 Vl , v TO a V
t Lp by ijail-er or Bills
/V Adamrf£Co/fc Eiprew,Trill secure tamedlaiu
‘Kefiptf tbttitt office, the Hotels khtl .Music Stoioa L
: poffttog -Cdthfoliy stfanded^to.
‘fX/MQWfi HALlifriijnerly WilWs itali;) fourth itrctt*
V/( yip& Sihi&jUud. caa'btf obtainfca tar Parti a*, festival?, .
ConeeruAPnMfeWetftbfjA *«.' Also/’Cargo'sCotillon so j .
Sax Horn Baud cah h« to ttfX iti readiness at all times,! w« .•
applying 'SRANK' OARGO, it the Crystal Palter. ,
ttapxerrea& Rooms tit E.BLCatfcßf'&Co., Fourth street, or at '
th*H&}L , >: ‘ -v morSL ■
. r - ltt»Cl,ANßi
"mJ TELOPB MANUPACnrKBRS, Jio. 48 South Third
*tt^vPhiladelpMs.—The public awTespectfullyinformed
tfiatr Mr. JAMBS TVTCKEkSHAM Is our only authorised
•{test in Pittsburgh and vicinity;* -Eustaces men minting;
Cards, Ssaalopuu Ac* will find it to their advnniafre to eali
*at No,' 104 WOOD STREET, .??here-specimens can, be seen,
■and orders left. exeentDd ; Vith neatness and do
<p*tfb, -is.,
■:■" 8; >EOBBRTB is no longer an agent of oura, hla
agencyhaving ceased about the Ist nf/ April.
• , roafca3Lß.OalvcttA©o.V
[ Tn?3o:lm • No; 48 qotith ffh&d at, Philadelphia.
.w'i'i-' tA* Ai- SX ASON &s> GO**
.» u s .
Will open Bole of..
ON THURSDAY, JUNE 35, 1554, ,*,■
wflhbertomd'4o;bff'tho largest natrmost
> I attractive thay held.. • • . •. "&3rfc-‘-
HA FKK KAtfOINUBr-SS Wood filrwt, where m-P btr
fbnbd ihp. Urgttit.atiil iqpeiycomplete assortment of -
K<ppclr and Am£ricsn/Wsll Papers vest of Iho mountains*
Oold, -Sating : PlawrotL Common and Cfcaap.
*PBpertj'Jknrtfors< Tfatf;3}Mcn3b&£ Statuary Birds, Ou*
tr«vmn4 Panels of. Oak,: Marble and Gold. Parlors, hslla
Acdofficcsdacarntwlin Jfitest PatciuiQtylc. Cheap Papers:
* grept rariety always on band.
; ;P«nor htmg-wUh judgment, lasts and economy,
jfllo t ’ WAtTEB P. MAKfIUALT- ;
.ftTtiW. btILiS UANTILLABA?*. fiPTiGHK, corner or
•I 1 Gr»ntaad!¥ifihj'trs«ts,liA3;ju*k received another )ot
style Mantillas, tnatadlsg all tba ftublonablo color*.
Also, nferw pfecso ofvery desirable Ttaues and Gr&noHn&s
priest. Ladled wil*
nlßtnyaflqdafctbiaeeiabUsbmimtthtf very, new cat Btylcai
nni »t the very .lowest - t . . je6 -
of Trimmings, Com
■•l-prtidiip.tlienujstderijable.colrVi in Inca bead and knot*
fed BU&-- Trimmings, Laos*, juii. received pet express
and coir. opening;by. : .ev
■ j .. At A. MASON A CO.
SCM&U&& CHA \rre ntf optmlng a Tirlety of
new-»tylfci ofXawnimdGingh&ia Craxatfl nod Ties for
fnmmer-BwAleo,Bom&'7«rry rfch'mjdfoslilonablo plain
> > • - ' A. A, MASON & 00-
> t » 25 Fifth street.
GHKAP .WAUL PAPERS—A new supply of 1214 cep.
Papers just roceired,'for
. 3*5.? • .... %; ;v: B 5 Wood street.
NBW Nicholas' bridal chamber par*
-tern, for sale by. ■ ■
•joS ■■•■:■■• ■-./•■■• ;i :; L f WALTER P. MARSHALL.
ebiutB,hrocateno, and' suflnlfaltitlons, for pal* by
"• w .v' 'V
SSp Dealers fa &chanj&'&nk Votes, (Sold and Silver
Cdn. ; jOumbV*to Par Fundi received on deposit,
tesbought and inid on."c6'mmfem<m. Collectlona made
at any point in the United States.' '
Scnih East corner of Market ahd'Fifth streets,
• -mTU >’ ' -> . PITTSBURGH, PA.
. v^7^n ! Tr7^i3ssvSrSi^
- A NY'person months, address
OL me, post-paid, Farmington';'Trumbull county, Ohio .
This is no fiction or-boofcagßncj..'-No traveling Is necessa*
ry j bnt; any pereon can reinMn bome oud mako the
abOTefrom. in the time stated." “Address
JcTsSirti - f< - PRQg. BYRON IL ROBIfc
34 tierces on cojaslgwm
PARRTAOB OIL (3LOTH—2,OOO yarTis of theplaln and
V/.enaipflUed finiih. man’dlaoturea on plain, twilled and
hjW duck goods? ■Sold wholesale and retail at the OH Cloth
tt72fi;rV;*,, : : ,Ty.- v v! XA; H. PHILLTP3J•'. •.
HVX, VOLD, A*iD UHQWUdr lUTll3—Open'evory day,
{Bondays excepted,); from 6 to 10 r.H., at the
; waar-dt Hancock street and:
Dofraegaeyay.^.*.^^;:■ ... : . • ..
-JLKAYK&’SHONEY SOAPS—l2frross, Noah and 4; Moak
j Brown Windsor, S«4 reeeiTea and for sale .by :
JA)GIYO0D~“4OOO Ibe in store and for sale by
J!iu» J , . . FLEMING BROS.,
, „ Buowssor to 4 Co^
i<& ~ No. WW«yi Btroet.
TpLPHAB-»25 doa instore and for File by
, AXL,.JW > . ~ . . . FLEMING BROS.
SOQTOii BNC*?—9OO ibV instoreand for
V3T sale by ‘~tJcg] FLEMING BROS.
*.MEKY—SpOQIiw assorted ls stare antfforiale by
< t jc3 t -, FLEMINQ3BO3.
MAGNESIA-200 ttacalclnedj la etore andfor sale by
iTI le2 . - f .. >. r FLEMING BROS.
r>AOON—3O,OTO na,- hog wtma, for isle by
STAR UANDLE&-33 boxes for. sale by
i ~ " ’ ' ■ 5- .SUTtg 4 SINCLAIR.
J -'SQhhliN.o.Biw;
' ‘ WbNl.!do\.Mol*saea(>
1 ■ - ; do 'fi.lT. Mollsiej; for sale br ■ v
,mj>as.. 1 . 7M-OLPBKAN. HERRON 4 Off.
DK» IRON—lOfcJona Merwr:snfnty. (Sharon FurnaraiTl
fc.:teaJ«Jte-:-.j;fagMl:.v-;.KI{I8 4 MOORHEAD.
flOEPEE—aiaiags prtanr Rio CoflOo;'
‘ LjJ >V HEjSoolnita oldGor-t Jura Coffte:
Booeiroduul lSr>alot,""
' “ttlß * ’ ‘ MIIiLRR A BICSEXSON.
ITyBIKB BEEF—IO tteras 8. C, Boot ~~ — :
tyto.a- • ■: .F. SELLERS <fc Off.
-T ABD OU>iNU>4H|d>CncelToduulrortoloby .
iißuKiaß—6Q doz for judo by " , " T^~
£>.M i.,.. sairrnastnolair
ooslarge tka sal* by-■*. ..
>. •’ • ' * SMITH & SINCLAIR.
ij'lSll l FISH! I—l & bbls new Potomac Herring;.; . 1 ‘
JC .. . ~i , Shad. the first of
itha t*a*tt r ILOliax Herrings l?o. land 3 Mackerel.
Salmon. s on hand and for ral« by
.myll » DAILEY A RENBPAW. 253 Liberty etrect
mygl •*- --■ •- 1 -
BACON— 2 casks Shoulders: - - ' ~~—
- . .2. do,..Sides; *’* • i ■
do*_: Hams; ibr sale by ■
by ' *
IJ- ttiy27 . - « SMITH A SINCLAIR
- . r
A LRXANDRIA SfiNfilA—^Boo tes &reb, JnPt received amt
. A fbr.aaleby fpy26!.'. 1 :j PLEtfINQ BROS,
? : illeftO ftnd Mlneyal Water Formtatn. ~
:Tir nOWE, No. 61‘PlPTH Ftrefit, cost door to Masonto
ff h -Hall, dealer :inuFRUIT and CONFECTIONARY
•‘lce. Cream, served np during the gea
ton. ; Also; Strawberries and Cream. ;
FamUlee caa be'soppllod'. With .fltrairbcrrie.‘i and other
Prolbr wMO&TGn -the. most reasonable terms
■OnierswraTespeotfhUy solicited. je2:tf
, ' : ■ Teas fbr>the Peoplci
NOTWITHLTANCING so much lUks al>out the
T«.»*«;rKeWD(t SSO Half Chosio,
ftSSeonSrtlßs of Toaa«"Hyßons, Imperials, Ounpo.:
BomboEf-, and Congoa, all of whlrh.
tajbecn ralectedwjtlieare, aiutwlU bo sold as usual:
' '■ A..JAYNEB,
» rtl ° ' ■ F.EIaTVa Store. 88 Fifth BE
IjmU OAG£3^*lB UQTTery handsome, al varicui» sl<ca
ealeatthegeed Store, Kflhetrwu
- - ■ ■” 7 1 JAMES ■n r AHI)nOS»
jnept 6fli« itbarQ Goodsjmt received at
jr__. -•- corilefrdfgrant a&d fifth rttevt*.
■~pLAIDXINEN,JfOIi BOXB’ CLQT£l£Sj»boGfUJii>rooijp
■m.- Osshxcenttes. Meino-.Cuntoerev all-wool Tweed**
plaid sod striped Cotton Goods*torboys' sod men's clothing t
j ost received, sod lor sale *tlo% prices* st
' • - ' ‘ A. McTIQHtrS,
-JcU-t,-■:... . . .corner^ grant nod Itflh sireot^
i * 4-!
is«jclTorrsTe by • '
a store and ibt sale by
< received and for sale by
fbr nta <>t
»■» ' . UHNBY H. COIXJN3,
■ >'•
■ .■ ■■»;■■
' ■%.. v.
■■■ Vfc. .
- ,J '' S*.;'
< y
. \ '