’.M*'-‘4. -w;- ■-‘ ■'-" y**. \ *v<% t |i‘ * f t * 4** -Iv/ * <-* T . - v^*i V , 4 % 1 } >« *• *£* A V t,'-. K >rv ’ * » ■? * s l r >3 fc * *- >• s *•* ,■** 5 * «r * V*' c‘VVw , * *“V% «*' v „- * 1 * j ■* *■ j h ■* a %* ' 4 s < * iV?-,-**** V 3, ”■ V*. **•*•£, .I*' 'i I,’ 1 •fl A,i, > 4, „ 1 - _ 4 I * ■; v, v *'r *' _\ . ~ ’>V" .'’>*-"s ' : y> “V ! ''r' - n 4 >*’ V* s- .y - 1 , ":;T--'►‘‘sfA'CM < •„*-« v-: y. „ - it • *.i»4 "'V‘.7 •"? iv '-V« «•.* ii •**■!' l' v Ij »♦ i. I ** i'* •*• '• r 'Jfc *'► • ./'-• i t v*»e ;>r ■; ? *v»s r '\'r. *,*■* ■» »■’Svi^-v;- ■*&.-&'*■■*■'. ■■ !fc^<-c* r ?»yX-t-'- ,! >.i» *> v. ' J -\ 't : V'.- ~ *-- a ■«. k V*» ' f **l : ' ?^ ,> .aSlh"** <, J'i??'.* ) ;?"« :• ■ >m. S*.»T- .•** J •*• *'l- ■'- . '-).•' •- /!■ ~.! , ?\ *■’r,*i s,i •-> 4 ■*'*■•;; •«• -. y•- £? ! »'£ : «?•:■:•*' ;-i> !*&(£. t **■w,'; i«ii y ‘f-.v’y y-)A 4 * -V* ? t - ig®aliss ■’«§s j*ft#ifii&s liHiglM^ y%. • n«m*. £*i^€u2^^JsV-ir?**£?',*£§£* j TVfITOSOKOAIIEItA PLANI2»O 3!H*» (jsSK®^^^4flU^tP&SJ|!^js?s> , fll lntormhis friends end tbs suWls f^feof_^as»^M^j^g^u^vl^..-v, ,• ^^ig\Mwj* Uilnorat to now la full opcraUca* ana thA Baalb Doom, and Moulding of eiwytoerlpUoK - .*...•: ’ ““ "ISWo •#« OwpwteewetfW ancrlor qnallty«r»»Mr,bi>tti>4ln qnjr style Sa®S«MPWS^Oeß6@P#*^^*^»?^i^« : ¥» , S*lft« !. .._ IrMoimd, Blank Boom Pioratoortor. ■ ■ j J .-.----i-;.-~:«f - ■ I of Btonk Boom alwapn ' f^ TkQ trade auppllodon liberal HAVEN, &Ut : "' ■ - BlanX BoohManufactuMr, ■-■ **~^**}°*,„ - *“" a Corner of Market and Beeonil atreeta, - - r- iKKc*wta», Eißßb&ggL ' Copper AiulEhcotlrOQ Wort, Oooi. —•—“ *“ I -ani‘lJotelA. -Portable-Porgej, For. ißeltatbr Bridges, Aej Cork UfejPrv 'V.‘ I choaoestklnd: AleamboatWorkatten. J iC-A< *SI - ».» TrlromlnK^tv •••'•» *.vA*?r- ■ ; Jfo. 80 Cbrrxer JBarfcei aireSwid a inds, I :nrtBANK-VAN/aOßnBß;Ne»pecfpTly.ann »@WS®S^l(^©?^Jpi%'^^:Bllt2iB?Lbt?J»Ji».fe»iSsU.« E ''-.- tnxA > r tonblloof Pitt*burebanjlTlc!alty,.thatbß : itu, MWwSnnjlnffBtoreoßM. , nwimwiijiiilii 'Wiiiir irini ~ ~ r ~' jr \ . v ,; r fc . I? y '*' <... ‘' *. r • " .3- I .'. '. - the daily* MORNING POST; s , i ‘ L fiwSißiSKtj if >u»ny, (tfanlay oa-Stei. „ „ , - .'"~-r^iH^eu4f^ou-iiMQRi i '» " ' ■“■ “■ mw&S'&m&’&ftohv-i'er >"*»' Sriirrj ' 03-VH‘Ha’S 1 —T«T,lpiT»MestrictljJn .om^egiij9ru«{«ff c si ! oy& : , THE 1 SATTrSDAT MOHHIHQ POST/ - liiittiTJSW Iron ttemmo Bffiw, on n «boet,at WO JXJtttRS »Jear,in bAwm* Single eoples ‘ *M W-ilKo&U»w>4 (onless at ttedteta- .-■] b, P«M -to any orte imW ac*>m .v,, rr.. .; •..vdp'sstlsf*ctoryTafcreTicein this city, i SiSS&uSS lht Xmdng JP«I u vvtfif Vit target Jib Printing Office* x ft the aiy, wAe»*e aK •tirtf* 0/ toorfc i« font on tfa iTtoffetf notice* arid moit feoioft* i PRiOFJESSIONAL CARDS. _ GEO. F. OliiETttoaEJ , m . _ ATtOßlifiY AND OODJ{9HLT- - iE£!_ ROBERT JEi PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY- AT law, - . - ST. IiOTTIS, 'Mo. . ■ ,J ' '- n. awdtt noberta, ] "7 , v ,:.i. 'nontfET -ATDAW—Ota®. Ho. 132 SmttUMA stfoot, ' ' A KitvreettlFtfth Ud Sixth. Collections carefully ottoad- ,ri to—apodal nUcn Uoa-glremto Conreyenclng [docAly -r.tJLW'- . « *. ; ,i.;: k TTOUSET AT LAW- AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. A- OSce, next dome- to tbn Poßt Office, aioubenrillo, Ohio. •%' V;: J’•>;• -v.-r.'.A ,;V <’■ ' - ■d :vVj- • * ? >•.:W tJs.uF«r»o«iji-r' ? A TTORNBY AT tiAW—No. lOfl Fourth street, PittaDnrgnj; A jpe.* ttyoft floor Wow Air, Body Pattoioo a Urory . Stable. < . i=S ■- ?■ :*■-■*'-■■. ; • 1 jig, Morrisons • ’ ■>■ • : a AT3t» OOtWSEIiLOIt AT ? A.™«d toNo « Orant street, Dear Koorti, PitWJß^b, •- ■ ■ "' r 'r. Loomlii ~ , ; - .. a VtTORNEY AT lA Oflce, Ftrtum struct, rbOTO Wood ; srtiomaiJß* ,< l' nOBJSEi ATiAWr-OIBpCi Jiflwrio’fc BuUdlna, Fourth lt. B. Oarnnlißn, * TtOTWRY AT «t»«,DrtjiraMi ■' Chon? olli-Tarel Great ttreot. . i -v ~ j.sTs i clowm’ ' 4 TTOHSKY AM> COUSBEUfItt AT LAW-OEeo la A ■DthilWrilVßaUJJgWiOTtfirWitatrßfV l f - 1 ' uTh. Umn, 4 riORSBT- AT roortli street, ilw an 4 A oawEiaslha*U_-_j j aus: T_ •.“T f “JOSBPH WBAVKIt, ' . "ATTORNEY" AND COUNSELLOR AT. LAW, '> '.t.’.i omce* H 6. J4-*- f'oartli. ntraet, fa&Vvt] • I-ITTHH-mnl. PA. j , , . * —-"aoHjr BAttTos, . ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office, comer Fifth, and prantatl.j mrsacsoir. **• . Alderman WntiOn, _ Offloe , .on:TMr - l wtr, nw; ho will 1» tom to «UooJ, to ill profesol oil alb. - SCS_ . " - Y j sOQTt; PJHiTiaT, Fourth street, fi»eaoosUti» •r 12 Xdiwk, Kreratr * • : BaJim, Henry Graft E**., Wm. Eichbapw, 8- IV - Esq, Thorns Gootru I«ah«t frq-, :v 'gioacr. Sag.-'--;-;-: *■' • ■••'•• ■ ■ j> r ,- irißpicndt ■.i > lt.U‘t)urbJi, dealer t> t M* • Coantry Produce, ortcra for **l» * citoico arowrtevselceXed for family tuse. Bpussso* e*«7 TR V»I, bUSteom Mills. ~«*)♦. Drici Frniw, Forelffa nod Domestic. | > rodu?» l&tea m «x, fall «K>rtia«it of taodrtthV WartintelOarfea BMd*, AOd-toTito Ike attentiaa c! all la* tcrestedlu rural aflaira..- . ■. t . .. ■ '*P_lL^ WM. A. aroLiiiibt • 33-TEA DEALER ASD' family grocer, ** ja23» Copartner***!#- • rrHE U> T DP,K»SIQNHO haTss tf,U 1 nerstiipiutKies tbe nacw *»1 #t>l* or i. A. IIItTUU SOM * CO., for th* parpos* of «*** u *Mi * J «'£? Rr ‘ l «* A WALUM^b '. j Plttabarsb, Yebrnai? t, IS3> ■: j r '’'-’* ’ j'aiaoCi W*(tf . Merchant TAJUiii—is*. 4fi frntMimt, t« Tb«urr. WiU>>unb, ftu *£V_ it LAIRD, ilaie vr lh* tru3 e-f c^irr*A luring L. *t«u«4 krone -ko. Of (two *?*»«-U* aa t «ua3.) fur tfc# paTp-wa ot tsurrisf t?i» tfc* t UTTmNU ltuaiHfcS*. h*;** by arvtatteßitoa to basics** L» tnafU a caaraot tfc#r pawalsrsiff tioUiefirca. -• 1 If* lL*-Ci&tfcio« a*!* to order lathe ooat Euaic&AW* __ _ «tTieii,&si&a tbftfrbcrftrt>»aoU:c—to asroe i in:la* • - ..-..jso. i. jUHuntf* «;y. . * - «4!ta» «s. Vfr BBKfIUW, ~ j^KFifTiMlWlltr mBA DBALEUS AND VAillbK OI(OCUl»j- ID 43 Cbnwr «/>VW ««rf • L-Wortea dna-WUlo»WßW.4*rtnJ^ t^. w J. offl«*ap rtdr*, Eatrstwo trm ITiftfc ami rutebofsb*' &D(iistJtsturil«.&e,,‘W)io!eaat«^i^ ,^»210 ‘.-' >3 nTi vy t -T tiSrfaOTOlitY wbwbw to we t»aWb tlai fc* bu *-£t.Viti«bateti | 11 ootaa-acfsl the ftilAl, AOLNOY.in epas*^ * tioa with lolelUouaw and U«erai tirtlectiot. W* will; «Ijo aitsud to lvmmu to treat cf mmHUy in as*: cas&dtr. tt th*wt Id van: oS piano* Whl t«#apflW at thort. notfe*.AU hafitneM cat«M«tf to hi* ear* preapilj “ft/iiMO-T. J. nishM., Kill, RMiwaComn. &q.,tr. 0- bailie,' fcr. Ala*. ' JUfttfc. Jaee* MtcfcflfeJ, A. A. iiMon, HaffltAOlrt. 1 ; ii olf V- •. •J. £lC*l4TJ* a*® j : TWUesalß Dialer* la l ish, Ba»o tan* till, »nJ t ro.|a a 'nwrik;-Wawhrraro formfriyououftalo«M.»jr» * I K~hV*cVNo. HO Watte and ISO Hrtt »«■«*, PUUV'irsb, Peona. .. ; '• UAtt’lS 11UVU, . JOUS *lOOl3, i ““V**^ 3 * flUtbontlC:, Maryland, j .. . Fittrtnrsli. Seller*! Nicola « C 0... - u TIRODDOBaTOOSSKBir. CiyMSIISSIOiI MiacnAKTß, r ifo.S»li!lwrtrrtr«*,rittsbttrsb f l*». Bnimn. Llnsaodand lord OHa. _. __}T“ - '"1864. i ‘ 1 : FBA*S BEU»EBS Cpjr Forwarders «ad Coatiali»ioii DXAir.Rfl 15 f . ■ ■ PROVISIONS, QBOCKRIE3jANI> OttS, Jafrlgifl : ” JVfr. 509 Librftn ifrrct. PiUilntTgh, P«z~ V,;BJQUXb£ mittrZL n , nLntgi*i...i»J'’ t< y f- **eng.‘jS..L..JU»CX.K&&PiTIUCX« - -UrCtURttAS, HBRttOS & *;«*». J *lX7*llOl^BAL& Oroasrs, Produce I>**J«*» an! Cdmuu* r ,. w WH. SINOIUII CO., ' iWSWAHDINa AND COM'lWai'jN' MKI’.CTTANTf, Liberty itrect, tyjmttc J’enna. . i;i VIKGmTOJffS Afr CO*f FORWARDERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Steamboat nORWAUDUfO MERCHANT, tui Jv VFbolesAlo-ltetle* ■laXJAfecSfc. flitter, SeedJ, *®2 feaaarSSjnUr. ™ WOOD [marg VNbIMIB.«rOH I F^WAKD?I^ AOT> '' C°STBAJIEOAI AGENTS—No. 7 Water etreet,Cmctanstl, ouo _I tiff-iL. . ■’vitliiß' „ wt ; ii ‘rrrflOt.'Bßitn.OlWOKttS AND PRODUCE VBAUSR&-'. W No* 3T Wood rtreet, PitUburgbl imyZ* r:--V: :nenry'Ts>CnUoagU A 00.. -X%rnOlXS\.tZ OBOOTHS and UOTtnlA-oa McwhMt*. W : corner ofPann Bnllr.gjn Wtl*h ■*-* *“*ALr : ~ _ . XTrV'ITOIiESAIifc and .JletnUDcaJtrann Sitlt, xhncv a?ia. W Staple DKT'GOODS, Soi CLBA>EB*. i!*V S S?7.IBVBKLLA St.;■near Hotel, .... -A Attwaw. I ssr d/ingtantW on hivtul. ■. \ ■ ■— — william u»rr & - wlious^ Kr&'ass’w-fswaui. Vft,-- —'; - r ? r"'- ' « ■'••-' - - • - —T 7 .. WIKIJJQCB •*• 0U1 " Bt“bBAPF ; & ♦ i.f Wostorn Foundry, Ho. 124 Vfco4 street, , ■ i ! STOVES,_Ca»I «nil MAnrHJr stoves, Parlor Stoves, ttdllow \Vare, V 1 •^S 00 ?;.# •pfMn ao .tutu, siftrtts .... Pat&ur&h. •BOK3U.E^OWWKHS*ASp , feoMMiaSIOS MEa • cil A'NTS—Ooroer Mood and Rrnt ets. f p(rr3 PUBLISHED DAILY BY CL F. GILL MORE, AT THE “POST BOILDING3," POKNER OF FIFTH aED WOOD STREETS, AT $6.00 PBB ANNUM, OB $5,00 WHEW PAD) STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. VOLUME XII. BUSINESS CARDS. •Jottir VLsuxro. 'VLEttIKO BROTHEBS, ’(Baecessow to J.KJdd& Co.);.; WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, ... . i JVb. 00 }Vood Strut, PUUburgTi, /ta. - Proprietors ot Dr, Sl’Louc’b Celebrated Vermifuge,lifer ■PaliSt&o. 1 * :"* • ; JBO ;;v, JOSEPH FiLESiaißrO* fBUCCBBBOtf TO IV WIICOJt I 00.1 •/IORNCR-'MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, keeps h&dd a full assortment of Drugs, Medi cines, ModSdueChtssWi Perfumery, and oil arUcloa pertAin iogtohlsbusluca*.' • - - ■ • * Physicians’ Prescriptfonscarefully- compounded at all hours.■ . jadly ■ ;D« At Fidutestook do Co>) . DRUG Jiret and V f Wood atreets, and corner Wood add Sixth. [febl i. ~ j.ntmsQ. .. .. > ••• Notice. . TO3. FLEMING haring associated -with JOS. ABET*, the. 1/ .haslaesa wQUicmAur bo conducted under the stylo of JVAftRL A 00.,»tthe old stand, comer of Smitbfleld and yourth:6tro«to. ' . jal;y WlUi&mTUorjD,l>raggUt» :TTAS BKMOYjbID to the: wrhor of HAND and PENN ■XX Strecta/whnre.lifl will, as usual, attend promptly It hlsuromeroua friends.-Ail nrtldesin his lino are warranted pare, mad put up with Uie utmost care.: marl4;6m c JOHXT HAFT, JH., ..(BuccepeortoJas.M t Uu£rey t ) , WUaleiale ami ReUtlDrasnlit) . A ND Dealer .iu.PAINTVDIIjS, DYE STUFFS* Ac., 141 A. Wood street, three dtor*below YirglaalU'y, qprA mAoly PttT^UUUQH. ' W« £• Haven* ' rnnE OLD PRINTING JB&TABLIIiUMENT, (Lm JOBS- Xsrca A Brocuoy,)asd BLANK BOOK aso STATIONE RY WAREHOUSE—is prepared to execute every style ot Legal, Oummexclal, Canal and Steamboat Job Printing and Boot Binding, and furnish erery article la the Blank Book, Paper and Stationery line,-at (he shortest notice end on the ,martxwieotmbUterms. ; • Blaafi Booh and Stationery Warrhouae, comer of Market and teao&d street* . Printtox Qlßoa and Dook Bindery t No. DO Thlnlst, norU* ..• ~ Br *SVC* WorgUO, , BOOKSELLER AND STATIONEIb-h#s always on band •tt general assortment t>f School, Miscellaneous and Blank Books,’ iMatlng, r*»t and Cap Paper, An, tffcolenUaand Re tail. No. 101 M ood street, brlow Fifth, Hart aide, Pittsburgh. Wanted, Rngw ana T*an*nf Scrape. . - tplfety.: R . L . ALLEN, 3cuqi.j3au mun is , . Foreign Wines, Brandies, Cigars, Old Hcbob&q» helaßyo Whuky T &o., ALSO, RECTIPf ING DIBTILL&tt, Na * WOOD -STIUSKT, PITISRVIIGH, FA \tTV*K3,' Uracdfe*,' Gins, Cordial*, Jamaica Spirits, St V Y Croix and New Copland Hum. Clarets, Champagne*. Scotch Ale, London Brown Stout, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon, Old MonongaheU Kye and Rectified IVhUky, Apple,Peach, WUd Cherry «trrl Blackberry Brandies* Imported Hanna, Regalia, and-Frlnelp* Cigars; lUlfepanUh and Common Cigars, all at such low pne** a* to challenge cofflpe Hips- Fancy liir Kag* oral - Labelled rf every »iy!« t and Demijohns of all sice*. J respectfully Intßo an examina tion of my stock, at No. S MOuDLtnast, PlLUbargh, 4*«nna»- ■ ■ ■ a?TS.Iy . jiuiseil AUroi Booksellers, stationer*, dealers in star DAUB AND LIU IfT UTJBRATbTIJL and Pobtahere ft ihal:O. O.F. TOKBM; Ko.l& Fifth «««?, PRUbaTsb, Fa '■'marl!hly ; / ; - - - •' • ' T JOI iH d 7 MOUOAS, Aft't, WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DKUGQIST, Aft) nUL£k 13 Dyft-srofij#, Poinla, Oils, Vanishes, fte.,. No. \V do bt«7 d«rrtju*B 3iiluun£uditt&s2H£. _ _ "" uauu &‘no»W, ~ A IlClilTlXTitr—UC'.e#*: HlUo Hal), N;x7& Third tfswt* 'A IftUfcattfU A&3 tost «*,!£ ftf t£u Uistacfid, Aliftf&wr iyKtfw Walter A*« £U*r*Ua)lt IMPOIiTKUAsa DtfSber a of M* frivol* tuil U»* l» tattled W> ii** "Ktacfe-ef MSADY’SIADK tIOOM live?* o» h*nlr Jlltf* Ctatftn, Cawtuen* *ftd Vpvtia'4 fv? orJ*re*i w*f*. A fwia AffrtttUcni of Varsl&Jnj tyr i&rlu-jlef *ll qailutr*, Tr«ak.«, __l*-'? _ JWXV X*CIOSEIT~.-—.i.~.»wC>'l9lUbl B CjMUrt* Wholciilo end EoiaU Clolhlcsr tSerekacti, KO. «» WOOD CTISKirr. | Uj«r ct4fa.rt«a*Tl i }: £• •oiXtfaepTaUiriiu tfsocraUUai U&r?h«r» tiJ* , I Umciwlvc* »i» tkfc ni&iT* bmlattJS un£ef lb* £r& ]oi JOHN U'Cfr&KEY ft 00, Titsy r«»i«ctfUity. j*clW6 * i *fc»rroi - .» * t - I etch *lll 1* **ttl*4 byAWßa f»o# ' 7 Au»ttn boom»«r*, ”■ . REAt ESTATI! AGENT* SlrtchMalSw. Stost, *od BUI BrokM.CHStxySo. Si) fourth fitrtcM**®™ Word,) It* fuuacrjtwt b&Ttag opetiPl an i/CSc-* at tb* afcffr* ft** oorpfflteol DKOtUlins l/iaiu, JuHsi Wood*, Morts»R**t«B4 all olbEr lollruiuitut* for Ih* security ot. iuunc)'. ood t-r lo* pnretuito mod *»W of Stock*. WU *!to Rtr* proopt *t>d «*rurml«» Miration to boy In*, ttUiß*, . I** IWalmtyb, p*. . : ■ ■ jime* MeUtnnre., MOSONGAHELA PLANINQ 41IIJ-—Wouldr**l«;_iru]ly intormhl* Wend* »iul Uu> pu&lle, tint 14* nayr.ertat* Uitmnit 1* now In full operation. ana that h» U pranarad to fnmUh Boat CaWnai and IUI Ml order* for Planed Lumber, with prompt™**, and at tie lawett rate*. H i Boid and Plank, ®l»nod on on* or Doth cidea, cotuustly I and Menldlnps or mtj description, mad* to and Oarpentera would find It to tictr adrantog* to give him a call, a* b« can now turnish them with planed ttuSaultabla for every description ot worn. ■yH;'■ A i pwmmf \3U3(ftlU ■ ' HEBRON ft CRISWELL, bell ANI) brass founders, J>AXUL. AHC, JR MAifBPAOTCUEBB of »U Wna» or BHABS WOBK, LO OOMOTtVK, STEAM K!,'cfit£«, 'iJ'Plttfllmrgb.: Mapi, lnn.« St Ulilr atrwt, Pittsburgh. hand all tails ot elthm dry or miaod;Japan And Copal Tarnish. linseed: Oil, Bollwl OU, Sulrittf Turpentine, Window Otoe oi -ail filzes, l atty, Paint •Brashes.' Ant all of the hast quality, and ibr sale at reasons. ;tatirteM.- : ■' • ■■ '■■ «pn - T BSTBttPttlSiii WOBKB. rro jl3GTrtxpt annoonn«nuaiuon?aunY, mwif d TETLEY, I niKm’KMSiend wMmfeotuwn-oi ■ ‘ jSjIiMHHMoxrrLKRV, SURGICAL AND DENIAL : J|PC£p : : : INSTRUMENTS, BULBS, io. w« fagf : keep agoneraJ assortmootoftboaDove sW articles eonfltanUy oa hantlj .together gss-tsi® gsstf&Efsssssstesr j A Hrm fo -RTPTIES!—We are making lUflcaof etery description* to ni&om«bertinelStU.and wnriransWp yorrintoL— fSSSineSrSfi*them at Wtataial* or Retail, will bo fill- SfwlSi dispatch. Hunting parties eupplled at Wholesale aricea. ■.■■:■ ■■■■ • -—-i UBION DEAI.EE, JITT BTRECT, . ■ 1 pttatiiiitiifiri tmd GM JPJxtmci*.- of OtUOTWfiM, BRACK- We low as any house in the West, «4 WtaJ PJJJg«’ • tetfl. can offor peculiar adrantagoß to thflCO BUSINESS CARDS. lodes & co. ( - - a 8 & COOTE9TIOH2RB,! rtmounon; Pi.., .ski-:: • I receiving toe.foUo»mg floods, \ lowest raarltet rate? ;rr ... ,\ . 20bo«a'Macearonli - i •20 44 • . YermlceUni :: : i ■ -60 « -hriMS i ’ •! 60 <* W. Bock Candy,; ■ 35 «. A No.I do ■" f i 10 44 Bed do 16 «■. Caperfj. .. i 16 44 Olives:- . 76 14 Oune Drops;- i 100 « -ljoseagw; • • i 6Q “ Jujube Paste; •. ! 60do».ftMcatedPicltleflj.-] JOSHTTA. BHI WHOLESALE FSHITEB • 39 WOOP Pi HAVHon.fcaad and are re which theyoffer life the 1 76 bags Itlca Almonds; 25 v Sicily do 25baleaBoruoauxdo ' 16bagaShnUod •do . . 50 ** Filberts; 50. : u ‘Walnuts; 60 “ Cream Mata; ■ . 600 bushels Pe* Nuts; - 25 bbls, Texan Pecans; 26 ** Illinois do SQOOOoooaMuta;:. ' 200 boxes Gemma Plums; 25 kegs do : do 10 bbls. do do 10ca*ea Prunes, glass Jars; 10 “ ** fancy baa; - 60 casks Currants;. •••.. . 20 eases Citron; • . 200 boxes Cluster Batatas; lOOhf." M.R. do 200 qr. “ “ • do 200 boxes No.l Honing; 100 ** Bcalod do 1 ; .lease Maw; - I bbt. Nutmegs; -l" 11 Ctorea; :• 25 gross Blacking; - 25 baskets Salad OH; SO 44 44 Pressman 100- 44 ■’ Pepper Sauce; u:\ 10 case* Sardine;;. . - lg, ;' V Baud Toupees, and stery description #of Ornamental Hslr.for Isidlrs and <0 FODUU between Wood and Market, lilts' 1 PLcrcnca’s system enables Ladles; isgajCTttnriflafitlemrat&PCTrore.thelrbeadil ptW with accuracy. ! FOB WKiA ] No, 1* Yha round of tb* Head. i No. 3 From the forehead cwr tba bead jo neck, No? —. No, 0. From ear to ear, oxer th* VP. ■ No. 4 From ear to «ar, round tbo fcreboad. fert Toupees, to com lb* top o t th* Load, oaly—« F*^ r pattens. th* exact sbapsofthohald P*n , - estebpiusb Fours buy, AU.SDiiK.vrrr?. nUnJMa.rcdrral'trttLrtmrlht&riif'^ H AVISO f.ttal opiaT*»t»bU»lmwnt*lui«Uß!*l*l«*i. ißiptnninnita, «a>bw)nir«Tory fidilty fit mnauto luring In lb* t-Mt itul rteepot itjflii »»I o*nlo* Ih* «- rluilr* right in 3.1 . rfutinwa 1 . 2m SaonlhlDSl nn*, *od John Johawn’s Soil tooting Cn»«**l Ironviatotßi J*n u*rr in. 1844, iupwior to anything of t!« Mod In lb»w»r. kod alls iiartEfc * till*bl*d for nauiWlO j ( theabot* Irons, Faison I»*o» and l*tp* !*>**»> I ate jr«*i pored la erit wbot««J# *sd rot*U on fair Wtß*. Aar peraca* viihfos to jHirehtro tbi right for msraJalM ; upon the Improved cr *U if ; o>, .bon nrticlw. nil KlsoJlAs n, . nsySMsn . AUtgbßiJ rtys_ ro w A - Vo iiS I»ttV NO. 103 WOOD BTBEET. . , . JOHN 0. PARB7. (»ts*«Bur to J.aPnny * toJ »«• talnfcn»ib««urtMnw*of tfc*ri4 tfffli»n4 U» rubbal gMwmily.ibattrt h**ns*«> butiJj. unJ U gusttS ta taiumr*riuring.»*rrf dwcriptbai of CAliTifSOi—. rafc *»: Pitot ChWoJ Jtoilifi tog* JWe» Pitot Kittle*. toreoiT.l*MAtil,e«l»A»J»! 6»*i» KilOsA l.r uu» ciMutomii of C*rv* Huger—nil ««t *» a p*ltni pnsrit. tcoira MJ.C.PMTT%*n4«» *a f crioitur 4,-i -tiSity lo»ycl!wJjiis4«Wia»M llto «»** BaJ.eo ti» pl»o. lIULU>W T7AII&—A ew«»l *«Brt=M»l» «3J ft«a w* «wl iraprorij patlfto*, ftigon town, tfeg Iron*, »d IrmsJ. Ac.' IMUSI ÜBlCatifetp, tfrS aUcJdowy of «T«3r6!*3f?U»* tlvuncnltod or ei4itoorg«. *_ :■ •■ 1 . .- : Coo* R£OT«i KlisSon lUngw, ent Ccal Stsrer. of etrry | Icrrictlm: loviCuob Kota. £»•«l»w. "hub nos«w! ib» 6ns oris* Lit lAM.*B4l6il.it lb* Agjfenll«»» »«* «f Ab Ugltoj Genie,ltoi=4wneawtalby ftCwn hwired e*«m*i Eu'.'.frit* «v* * Sot »i T .» n kind* in u», *n4 ni.ili »iU tl »tv»l prim*, lull < ret. i tnt Ut*r, Tnw Ataniaeo, Eg»‘*. *«*■*. Eta til* i, WtralA WicxVi.Cu'i«. lnfrvi«l »sU.*a. Jtaefor ii.-t; I '.*.—Tb* t»sni:* r.'gjSi. *l*? t^Straou,7-«.?uq tt liVeto. I** t}**" t'*», ruimyleicii, end «*»«•»•* **» *ty* Im» *sdS*tte,Siot. I'ls**WVtaWin*--iH of t rty »li il lb* te«*. F(V«; “ s .!?|i w ? fa, ,a, fSUIT ta ffr* ta.» till,it It*iu4 IJS ■ '**9l** . | m ; ’.. , , - —;-V' jTL'L'JBV £firN V i' O H«t »5 *h »it«al4«v itm ft(U a;tV at>J ilftawd. OfiJrrr c**t t'X «****» gT«ph alivfrlr-J tr. oojh**\wti**l ; rareVi Dieutrfctitrp* mA Aft U«i)rr)r t I *sls£ !»*?&. r>'o- id *»«*» t?* frrtei Kmeorivn.) \ 1 IL y* Cit WO * CW.-t»»in« filled up «>* I fSb itajl. r«sn* In lijolt, »IU» if Hv c m. liibti. e2*t Sint Clwi EIHEJ»CS3E3, In »ttl« to tail ill. aatjlai In prlc* ionadlng to j§k in4*iaiUlJ of ***». *O. EH-Suportid* OU by tt. t«t irU«la,£r«le. iiai tooi* blWiEnSttirlag Ui* 4»IF ini iTifitng. Mid «toß> ~„!n Iniitfsl toeilfind ittcnln* »p«io»a»itt£l rtoil --—htW gAtlE* WAKDaOP. : OrrEMfsTMiCASAav mans. j tt. ico.Hpi.ier*! brwl,bBagr.ry hwlj.i*l to..laser., Elr46«lh of EcpUmlnr.Mjt, at th»r«OT nor ofVorry >nd Übrrty «trwu, Ulnl, occupied by W. ; M *s«S.£llon. A.W. loomed.Kn, P ,*„ 8.», You onhorrt. It Mlll.r. Jr. .... “"now'cSioK'ona c«rfus« rttciory i 70HHW0H. HBOXHEBB ft CO., Omur tl JUbtcta <““• Cclnwnl Mr«l», CUy, rwpertfuUy lufbnn their friend* the public generally, that Iboy hftTe ytyfyL-ErzgaZm thfl manufacture of CarrlaKta^ HoeV*waj*,BTiinste*iSleight and Chariot*, in *ll their f wriou* «t jl» SIREESt!?* All oraer* will bo executed with to dnrtUmy and beauty of flnUh,' KflP&irr will *l*ol» attended to on thetno»trea«mahl» tern*. Uring In bestEasternBbafle,Pole*,and f»cleonfi« dent thatall who ftroTttawn with their patronage, "HI M perfectly satisfied on triol of their work,». • . i, m Purchaser* are requested to giro na a caU,beJbro porch a* ringelaewhero. : J _ _2?«!? CHINA H ALL. JOHN J.O’LEABTT, rMPQBTX&i WflQlWll* A!o> RST4H* PBAIW Wf- ■ CHINA, GLASS AND QUEEN3.WARE, 3bUe CiilUxy*JMtUmiaand Silver J*ta(ed Witrt, . Solar Lames/Waiter* and llqum tfaralahlng Good*, Ko. 03 Mftrtset ; Between Third and fourth, opposite goo. R'Whitei*, . aprUHy PITTSBURGH, PX L LANK BOOKB— - LcgOM, - 7~“ •. joumei*, ■ - •• Cublta**, ; Bocolptßooks,> / * i ■. ••...••••■ Docket*, •: Oranydoacrip* i tlon of BLANK BOOKS MADE TO ORBEB at.ahoitnoUw, i of the most superior quality of paper, bound In qny stylo required. Blank Books rAotn to order. • . A large and- .excellent stock of Blank Books alvaya on hand and for sale at low rates, consisting of Cap, Demy and Uedium work, In all style* of binding* ; ThotradeauppilodonliberaUenni^ ■ jV. S. UAYEN, • Blank Book Manufacturer, ' aspS ’ Corner of Market and Bocond street?* JOIIN M'DBVrtT * BKO.t Orocere end -Lealore in Foreign and Domestic Llquoraj Liberty street, bPP«|}t? heed of Smltbfleldet. i»*_ Tf.tin HAWORTH. oornet of DiatuonlelulDlemoni) 1 "oiler,' wlshos to inform Us customers and the public I generally. that ho Is now rceolying nlargo and choice eeleo-1 Sonor OROORBIHB. inch oe.Qbolpe rial, uahpowaor. extra tine Souchong, N|n»jmg,Oplonis> I Congo, and acontod Orange Pekoe TEAS.; Mocha, Old Java 1 and'BIOOOPFEKS; tlno BDQABB 4nd BYItUPB; Bunch,. Closter. Valencia. Bunend Bnltana£RAlBlNB} frejS CUB* I I r«HTB! preaorrod Citron. Lemon and Oraogatoela j«upe rri?T ?rm"h mtAOTHEg: Port? Madeira, ■Teneriffe, ;CbM>r rpigbe.LfchOß- Bherrv and M«Wn a general assortment of auto Bf|ol3S=«U pf .wnfob beiXi determined to sell at each LOW PRICE? that oshnot he tottnrtnr other Bare In the city. I . OPPJSB—4OO bsga prime Rio OoBeo;-' ' . :| 20 do do LogujTOdo; , . . I 60 pockets OldCoTorntaont Jaradoi for .rale I a, aprSl MILLER * RICgBTSOM -| 1 NAIL RTBBKK LKGOINB, ofthe beet quolltf «l I Uoßnbbor. -Also,a commoner article,-for-ealant.tJw Bobber Depot, 118 Market street. ] H . pHUin », i'.-'.'lBj'l : • > : fr t r / ’ V *’ -» PITTSBURGH, MONDAY. JUNE 19. 1854. • ARNOLD & WILLIAMS, HEATINGAITD VENTILATING: WABEHOtTSfc; junurACTCBSBfI <>r 1 CblUoii I , uniaceß,. , W’rong , .- i • i AHDFirrrs&s ro& Btsaw, Gas on Watch*•? >•« 3 JB®“ So. 25 Market ettoet, PlltfiDurglu ■ We havo sold car Farpacuv Patterns Ac., to Messrs. • A&NOL& & WILLTAMSj whom tvo cordially recommend to the tolrooago of the public. ■■■■•■'. i • laS.| ECAIFE, ATKINSON A OEELY. ,i'l OAiiD>-Mr.U. * AN TOtT ACtTll* aUJJKUSDiiit rcqwoUbUyaAtiouncotothecnizcnsof IMurtqrahntui Allegheny that Uieyjwlll; gWe Inbtructlons on the Plano, Gpi&r, •Violin and Plute. Jnqnlro at ILSehroeder A Gain NEW U . gw»gt EIXiUTIX 4 lUnmnanam, tDanufactarers ol • Car Irpn.and small Iron or .‘all descriptions, and make, ah*/ tho flnwtquohtj of Hoodb, Eoundsand Sqoarts. AS-Leite orders forlroh in the boxyabthQ-cftyPost OtQce! .■ j -v ■■■■• ■■ ■ :: \ oc!8 . ■■■ ....' , ■ . SUB subscribers bays -this day formed a Jortnersblp for tbs gurposo of,carrying on dmmtosian. and-ibnoord': jin coaneettan'wittrtho\Fir??J3TT. •; l&&4:fcb0 ! .. :/ ■«•■> ... PltUborsh, Mbtguy 1' ■' A. Tlnciie, i aSaeH '< WHOLESAJ.R aM Eetui SADDLE, nABNESS, ■Wpißf'ntTlMll: VAT.TBB and tIAItPKT BAO Eumutno r*r . • •'tuter. tio. 100 Wood street, IHttelrargb, Pa. : - ij&V _ . i .. _'AFKR lUlJbXi* CANTON* OHIO; : AmJEESO.H & CO; hire Jiutstartod iboirp&» ; poralU«fctbo *bovo pine#, vher-»pKCQgtnbor the Lhftap Storking flumpr,, my£i FACTOBTf jw> 2t nptir stuzet* Sign of THE OLD STAND. TlflilUil tiALT taminrud from U» \\ inaj lloxicry l-Wltwla *-f Luroyo, where Iw h« pur* rtuutfd, ter mKa WJl'cxtotMil*«*na*«U ihi bait dmtrtju&cr only rf FltoXißtf*. bock*, Cndenbirt*, I>T*»rra,Otoir*i *b«» CtUdjTa’e*t>d iliww* p4Qry SU-eki&g’*. together iriibKitfctscnls jto?£ fit Fitta* burgh ifrmia&ttafft] notary, 1l» *HI *#s! by *hol«tiß>or retail ai NaarTurt* ImpciUr** prtora. WILLtAH PALY A CO. Emepber 0» j.2ac«~Ko. Si, Els* of Will OLD STAND. •• - tjfZS _■ -.•.■••■•• v .;■• • -: : ••■ . ; • ' -' f r:.■"". Jonsr h. 0*83H3? ( e? swmrißU* strew, utirwa Ptsrt&ood fcuaoml #U*X.; JJttu-y kacrdca OoM atsd Ml»*r f Utn, liitrwt-4.% 2*rfttt)r \*tmtt thaa fecrfisiw, Vnratff estronfo throoeb ihe LMldocr. All 1 f\nsz*a »nkt TasnsnsHtrW afUr fedr:g bat &%l*» ttetMSffctanawt. teugaitucf 4joU »n-l SiiTerVTstf-h' cbinirviiji *o, *3**j* og feuri. -■. -'. ' *grffrfta^y r|tJj|#.T TISAtu ■‘tiSAfr- , : AWoHITi, xfi*! otftfaS »4 X b&tjr Irarciier !a :s ifc* trees i U#leovl*«Sir**«r*!>inf *<*'■ -t i»re*t ■a4ri»*a« af TUA2f,wiikhfe»UirtfTi I *l ot mb.pfiOM tod tnt&ojuefqaßlUJv that fJI tin thlacr tr.« a* SJeijyjwiOTß{ fceA« litf tt.MV Uyr: U4te* *o j gn&tttatm tf thu it 4 tfc« Kurtvao tfiaa dwiirkt*,; fca&O®, to S*J? no-I irj hit Tew,. »bkh fce »li» to t# reittrt»j«l, If tirj g!W: Prtaj* *> C „<> **cta ■ A TtJW?ftjy*lrK f f &•£&»•?* fcj*o£t&?s G«nri\ ttK.'fy IV .. -tIM Y*WOSlt#»».itfL i ■ irttfoSwaV^ o * Um.m *«4 *t«ia***«Ti9»JrTU-tnnT>•■■■■.• = - Ivrnl&ttftiriuirtb# {darn-^PAuGIJA.-IT.A ft f>J)MSK«fil*toi RiownoA »U*y A hl*ral crJuste-u ia*M t-'i _ J** *X ft^ftwrsKl «t5-nlprww,»M ; -'i • ; l\ is jxJ* f*xt i vt Vy f U w •*'L-T riir Kkft to teitu«»of »»t) H 1« tin. fcj «bc:>-MS«ejrrt»U > »( . •. / >l. h., il A\ W p ' g»alfey»*ey gu . r O.ii*. ?.r«llrf«r4«t.ivawtftf'SJ-_ «»fci tVf< o t wa* Ko* S 3 fc-artti n gehr**ti*r *o4 ti. AoUtt *?*i J JaitltlptUj?ros f'r \**‘V- at-'l ***«; W cf tu&Kj Ciiwlct**?**; a I»t * slock Ckshtacrtttfi. olfla rb-I t»Rty Areiiass bblrta, sic***, Ui ocm! *frp.rlM>*P tot ewhl tb*Ut,{i»t4b>-k rf f«or? Sutaar* ta th« cltp» CwhktAWj „.. , . ■ OKm in th* Tailoring Uua *i#towa In ito «« roaooct <1 th« ihort«i jjotirfc. • ■• .- mylfela " plttibargh o»4 lirto XTOTIC6 U b*?*tY' riron (i» oil who b«r*#ol* fcrrlbid to fh* IMtrhurgtkoodßrt* R&'l »lb;eb .hM.Vwn.BfrltfperbMT *P“ tn lb* f«a*tr4?.tlno of tb» luS4d vltb.l4i .Mewr «aaty.'Uißtß»i|o>uiitt*aifrf Vn« Ihiuu pwrtißr* wl» tr>tb«Trfffl.iar4r«if il»<*R3|-w>y« Ri VT««s 94*ni»r °» cf \xfot* tbc of JUNRt Cj order «t.’ta ftc^Tvl. ■ IL P. Tfnuaior. otto rfP.tlt.it 11:01,-1^3, K«* Cwib» Mty Cj« tHil. i v iiuotiTasO bhokm, ”, ,",' 1 WIIOLESA I*l3 AND RETAIL. I ~IA*KS »a*pirud!a style tw store, i tJ N*> W Market street, atrf JSo. Vntro stmt, t*twe*o ! *ifthstiwtsadtli«THUDOftd»*nd hxt now competed his epriTi* «*** of wwra, shoes, ma m»& o.uf EUMcn r*lin W, r&iio, Dustin And lir*W !1 ATn to wbieh he IntlD* ttw> attention cf*n purohawrs, whether itwhoTtr safeorretail. < . • a, >.;■ TM* stock b oat of th® largest tter opened in ihw cur, tad atattfacwi tvotylhlni worn by tbolt&lhi* of rDtiadwpnb tad N*w York* and bo trusts cannot feU w |>toas* all* Omt wr* Jus bwo £t*ro In aelcoitng tj;s cboU*wt goods; *U«f which t» warrant* . „ . A Ho also ccnUau** to mano&eture, Mhcrattfow, til oe crrlpOeias of Boots and Sbw**,en4 front his long *tpari*m* ofnver twenty years In bastatM la this city, Is, ho trusts, a cuffldeot guarantM that those who fever him with tnetr i, fcuriom, »IU bt ftlrly deaHtrUh- aprlQ-lf ■" ' V BUSINESS CARDS: Etotn orncc. an : : Wiloteaale «nit fU HOOT AND B It OH BAND V ■'mg' TUMtubjctlbof, bums »uew«l MuauUdj in to* -JM n.mifaftnrintf f.l HOOTS and BUOHJ,6f *lt UodV for xxavtt women, and children, U now prei>an*l to wli to deatcn by wholcuteftuch Kootln at they may want, at prices ** low a* ihay can be bought East; oaJanT particular kind cr fit* mad* to order at abort notice, Onto™ and «ula to* jjclted from Dealer* In and cot of tbo ejty, as It will >« to tbdr advantage to call balbro ponhaalDg elsewhere, dutenwr work Bade« hewtofbra. - TUO3. A lITNTON, Acrot, • No. 40. SH, Clair direct ■ apS&fllhn MoLAUU Fubtonttblo 800 l nnA Shoft BlAhcl'j ■ 1 ' No, 96 FOUUTU BTRKET, NKAU WOOD, ■ flWrect(yoi>i>oJ TRIUMPHOVEB THE COMPETITION OPTUK ‘WORLD ... THE:flr« find only PRIZE MEDALS for Ear* ''■TZL*!»**l ’ii6B* efctheGreafExblMtionsln London, 1851, .- A :and In New York, 1863, was awarded to • - „ LACEY A PHILLIPS, ■ Messrs,- LAOKY & PHILLIPS, -at their extonslte estab* . li?hment,.Noa.l2*l A end l&SonthKfthtttect* Phlladel-. >hla< keep .the largest stock of ready-made Harness mod laddies of any bouse In Stales. - Thry bare reduced tba business ofmanO factoring to such perfect sys tem, that,To* quality and price, they are beyond all com petition. ..The nest pf .Leather only is used,nsd ttop&ins art spared to reach perfection in every article. . Il ls aeknwledge&tbatibr elegance, lightness, comfort end real Taltuf, the Harness and Saddles ofLecey A Phil lips surpass all others. ' They inrlte a close examination of their stock. - Attention is celled to the ftUo« tag scale of prices: Good, plain, serviceable Single Hames&.;.;^l2^oto $25,00 "fancy - 28,50,t0 36,00. “ plain Double 1tarueA5,..:.;...*..;.........40,00 to 30,00 . • They have a branch of their ‘establishment -at New Or leans, «o. 81 Charles street, ‘ . Country Qotn&a Makers can be supplied with Harness cheaper, than they can manufacture them.. . 48T A number of HARNESS MAKERS are oUcrcd con stant employmentrtho yeAr round. -The hlghest-wagea. given.-- Apply to • : LACEY A PHILLIPB, . Ho, 12, u and 16, South Fifth street, near Minor street, 1 Philadelphia, Pa. . .fob 2 . OITTOABIWETWAKEHOPSE, - ife., 173 CHESTNUT, BT2EBT, • (Oppositx IjraKPtSDxsex Hall,) ■ ■ .. Philadelphia* FHBHITUBE»IHEVEBY~STYLEL OornprlslngLoulsXlVj ljouis XV, Elizabethan and Antique* •with, Sculpture Carting and modem style; ■ln Bosowood, WalnUt, Mahogany,Satinwoodand Maple;- - • ell of superior coiutructfon, and .finished Id the -> . v , bcststyle,eqnalto,ifDotcxcclUoginqaol ity, the Goods of any Establish' r ••• - 1 • • • - ment In the United States.; EMPLOYING none but experienced workmen, (oppren- JEj tlees being positively excfndcd,land using the best ma terials, the work cannot fail :to giro;satisfaction to pur* chasers* ; Amongst the tuapy adfanteert offered to pnr* chasers, is iho fadlily of Furnishing a House, either in ele gant or plain style, completely from one establishment; by which means aU the articles in eachrocmcorrerpood-ln. styls asd 54, t&4 M» CoeoftlUUlߣ,24,^i4-i,S4 k UBIC4; - Spanish MaUfo*, «nr ebrap; Eipgant SSfealc Rog*, $M per pair; AxoldAicr. Cb«nUle, «Qil Tolled oil priees; Tanry Eaglnh SfceepaXin Mau, £l5 per pair: Colored do do do «rHh * Urg< selection of Cocoa, Jute, Adelaide* vclvtWsndoilerSlats; ~ _1 EsstaMd and primed ctmfc table sad piano enters,,of i «i>tlraly:newariigtt*,TeijTtch. ■ - ■■ 4 .-,i pat&art UWe sod piano ccrcra; also wonted damans by the yard. toUwtt,doylora*de. •■.■.'■■ Affrcatrarisiy cf patterns in floor oll eoUreljr D, a complete slock of Pittsburgh Glass. I The public an- respectfully Invited to call and examine { our goods. JOHN J..CLEARY, | .. N*o» G 2 Market sin het’n Third and Fourth, I " mrlfctf ' ' opposite George R. Walters. J. ft. JO3B-««>.-n Ct SVCIUS. | JONES & BUCHER. 1 IRON FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, " I swhit-? stuteoltt Jiarscilles Vestings. Abo, mvenl •wire'different aatorlalsraiul' styles suitable* ft?thews - -"'.•V : '--'l' t'-' t —r / 't *’* f'? *" V% :r c-.'-'i^ : ‘ ••>. v-. •vi^v-.''':-.?,v : ;. •/. '-';-f-:- :,v r-.-’"- : '-’ : ’'. : ,'X- r v\ PHILADELPHIA. GEORGE J. HENKEL'S ST. LOUIS. SEW-CJBPEIB, ’ " 4 - : ‘ii*L-'& ... .. ,v- v; ... . t-v'-V:- ■i ; ; ? ' MABE-Z, OR, THE BALLET DANCER. (OOKTXHUED.') *• , ' : • ’**Yes, consulted our feelings ,V:intetnip: tedMissSilias. i “And asked: our advice,Vbaid Miss : Pris*. -cilia, sharply, ; would not have done each a wick- , -ed thing,V continued old Miss .Wentworth,, considerably strengthened: by these dem onstrations. “However, •it. is too late to say anything about it. The thing is over and done., But. you cannot expect us to countenance .such proceedings. We : are .very sorry for you, but you! must get work, elsewhere. ,We cannot have' our nephew* Captain John Wentworth’s shirts made by a ballet-dancer. It would be setting a young man far too bad ian- example/’: (Captain John was past forty, but still our “boy’* in his old aunts’ parlance.).’.''.-.': j* o Mabel courfesied, and said, nothing. Her modest face and humble manners touch:. ed the ladies. . * , i ; ffHere,’? said, Miss Wentworthv thrusting: into her'hand' the bread and- butter, “tako this; we won’t part in unkindhess atony, rate. Mabel kissed the hand of the good old soul, then jitnll'.haste withdrew, ..She. felt-the choking tears swelling. inter throat, and Bhe did not wish; them to; bp seen., '; “ She did not want her reinstatement because she : was weak and, whining,” she said to herself;’ while the maiden aunts spoke'sorrowfufly of her fall, and said, among themselves, that' ifithad not been fortheirboy,they would not , have dismissed- her-b'ut a! young • officer* and a ballet-dancer! Mabel: shutting the .'little; green 'gate of the pretty villa’ met a hand on'the. latch at* the same moment with her own.: She star ted, and: there, smiling into ' her*!'eyes, was the brave, manly, noble face of'hei unnkown friend. am glnd to see you again, sir, 1 ? said Mu-/ bel hurriedly, before she had given herself time to think, or recollect herself. < , : “Thank yon. Then-you: have not for gotten me?” he with a gentle look "and a pleasant smile. ; -r., . / “The poor never forget their: benefac tors, said Mabel. * ■rr: “Pshaw! what a foolish expression!’’ ■“lt is a true-one, sir.” ! f'Well, well, don’t call me a benefactor, •if.you please. I bate the word. And how has the world been using you‘these three months? It is just three months since I saw you last—did you know that?’* ■*: “Yes,” said Mabel-this time rather " bo' low her,.breath. i V “Well, how have you bee'n geUing" onv. “Badly at first,- sire-better now;** •' : “Better I. Gome, that’s-welll Whataxe you doing?” ■ “Dancing at the- •-Theatre,’ 1 said Mabel, with.a sudden Hush; and shedookedi up full into his face, as if.determined to he indifferent and: unconscious. The - look was caught nnd understood. ... wered, a cloud ofiVrtternesa hurrying over her eyes. “Disgraceful? No, no. “It is thought bo.” - “That depends on the individual. I Tor one don’t think it disgraceful. - Men of the world-1 mean men who understand human nature-know that no profession ofitsell de grades any one. If you are an honest hearted woman,;-ballet-dancing will- not make you anything else.” : “Women don’t look at it in this light,” said Mabel. “Well, what then? The'whole world, is not made: op of women. : -There is some* thing far higher than regard for prejud^ ces, however innocent.” 1 “Vet welive hy . the opinion of women,” returned Mabel. > “Tell me what you are alluding to.. You : are not talking abstract philosophy, that ts plain. What has happened. to you?” . “My new. profession, undertaken' for imy sister’s sake and entereisolely as a'jneans ofsubsistence—-as my-only means of subiui : tence^—'has so damaged me in the eyes of \ the world, that 1 Imvo lost my best friends Iby it.” ; 1 “Tell mo the particulars” •' ' “The three old ladies at the villa” - 7 “Ahl” said the stranger.' “Theyhave been long kind tome.. They were to give me some, work to day, for their nephew, a captain -from India; and ..when they knew 1 was on the-! etager—for they asked me what I was doing, and I could not tell a story—they forbid nie the house,-and!’ took awny the work. - I cannot blame them- They are particular* innodent old- women s and, of course it seemed very dreadful to them.” “And their nephew? ’'• - “Oh, 1 don’t know anything-- about- him* 1 never saw him,’’ she answered, carelessly*? “Indeedl” muttered-ibe stranger. “He has nothing to dd withit',’, t „ - “That I can swear tot”be. 9a btdow hi* breath. '- - = t , “But they seemed to think- v worse..of? tjr.-. because I was to work:-for him. ; They said., it would set him- such a bad? example,..if a ballet 'dancor was allowed iojdo.his Wfork. . The stranger burst into 4; largo, .manly laugh; then suddenly changing .to, the . most, gentle tenderness of manher r ;he- began .a, long lecture-- on her -sensitivness, and'., the necessity there was -in,her circumstar ices, of doing , what she thought good, and b eing what' she; thought right, j independent :of every person in the world.' - And spe mak ing thus, - they arrived-, at ;the door ofher lodgings; he had nbt finished: his lecturei so he went in. Mabel felt as if she knew him so well now, that she did not oppose his et-Vt toring. He was like her father, or on olvd friend. The cleanliness, modesty, and, propriety. of that little room pleased , him very much-r-r it was all such an index of a pu re heart un touched by amost dangerous calling; and as she. sat in the full light, just opposite to him, end he could see her fresh, fair face io-overy line, he thought he had never-seen u. more beautiful Madonna head than hers*and never met more sweet, pure, and idnocent eyes.- He was grieved ot hßr position-?—not hut that she would weather-all.ita/nhoals -and, rock's bravely; stillmen do not.like young girls tobo even tried.-? There ig something inthe very fact of trial which! woundathe manly nature; whose instinct: is to protect. ] 'He was much'' interested in I was sorry to leave her; slie was, something like a young Sister to him—she was . not nineteeiij 'nnd he; was forty* four—so he mightTwell feel paternally toward her! He should like to take har under his,care, and shelter her from.all the-ills, of life. He waa pained for her, and .interested in her, ‘t si:,: /- -v ' ■ ’ • „ * _ \ * OX* NUMBER 266; ■ . ■■ ' . J.' * t ." L J ~ A * / " > j ; , * / „/ * ' i „ BATKS-OF A»VEJttT*OSiSj|. " *01)010 UPON BY TUB PITYBBtIBOS pd ' , 1 ’ DcfMnsoiutaitDtuui g* *?rsfo,4o9 insertion... -J Ji each oddltfouai imsrUoo, :..V ..one weck^/i..,.• '* u r two Treat*.....,... " throe week*....,...,. “ u oco " ... “ tWO . three ~ ..:■« . &fl? months*...^ , . . f t 3% **" “ one Standing Card, ilx line* at ” , ,-cffiUraitinaßA'. asnam,X«ufrutr»;< thhtdtewouldoomßOgt >fi iscoimselmight bei of his 'friendship might ci diej JeeUless. lonely. enoughto see her will hejtv&s old to so, with nil the gentlei. he left her, after’ai very .g visit, : with him her gratefuf thanks for hH.'feiil ness, and modest hope to See him “fljfeef should suit his convenience to call agt but-he •was-not:to give himself.smjt’wffi about itS” - - , , (TO S* COSIWBD) ' j VSLVmEBSAIi &SVATI& FOaSAli rrnEExecQtorK of Marosa Buck,JaieofCn troll lowffi ‘ JL Washington county, Pai, deceased, will offerafcn) rate, on MONOAY,-June 12th, 1854, the-followjng’roti ■ . Beal Estate, to wit: , ' *• ;■•■•••..• ' On Bryltanr known wbtch la attached forty acres of Land, more. orltsa,-! substantial dwelling houses,linaeincnts, £c., for theafj •./ modation of those employed at the works. The land abcf< " infitone.Oool,and Lime atone, Ond.includes aboutten|>; ’ :.. -valuable bottom land, situated tin the rircr near Monk hela Cityyand crossed, by tbc Hcmpfield Railroads?' -> • property prsenteunusual Inducements to thsmubufit • -errcrcapit&lLat, w oßafoahd,iJeelrabla inresunmt. I- ’ 1 Also—A IVactof Land, Mtuate onPJgeon Creek, ;lßg?twOTtjrncrci, mdro or Jess, and known as the •• perty, s Von,wbieh.ar« . unnadalattnusUona to those whp wish to secure a ptaL:^' 1 - ; spot tor a'couhtjy-hcniit - - £. . ASfcElotffof Ihofbregoingpropetty will booihlbitw made known pu tbo dtjy of pale, Balo to commence 1 « ' tho day cf sale. my24q v v.; ~ FropertyrogSnie» y-’ $-. v v;'-> 1YSB& subscribermicro for saio, on very msonabla > - 3oise..Thebouseiß well Arranged and in good ords ; SmitMeld street, near Bov?$- • - 'brine In an‘exeunt harnesslocation. The Lotie2oh r •'f&etdoepJfionttngcn fifoiithfleldsU. > , :;{■■ A OotoLgoJtame end Lot, 28 t^l2ofeet,fronting -«idßbuScn greets, ABeghenyClty. This Is ft very C •■■ • ■.***. ' hie and nJeasaniiocatlonfo? Aresidenee. , % Nine tte of McKeesport, i»ch 60 ffcet ht govenrioftheseja2»onthe;]l!iuzi.streot.' - jj,-**"' o Steven Acres in Lsttetornj, onlho Monongah els lU'V'i *£' r i which.tHere'ftre T noal, and fihnndance,cf limestone, conve^v^' ■ te'the'landing; endtwo coalpib open.- 3; a : 'r-tflnetyLot*lnthe towriof.Columbia, GO feet by nearly all level, aad well located-; The tenant of eftK -? ■sZy»i the prirßc^e-nf'tuing^Phateverstuns cori quirefbrrhis cwnnse, from a pitjirar the Locks. > u a pleasantsituationonthe fanlf of .the■Monoagahtfvat i?v er, ftfihortdisfiancebelo?? - Look. X 0.3, in the midst of' tin #■■ tensive' stone cpal region*end would be a desirable pot:.; ; r:‘"rs-:IZja,,atf In my ahg«u»,n3y James m>o riveV t. all neeeMMT information, and bey>**r :j£ff£g jsy tan deeds for kny property 5914" mp«nn w. uTctAUIM lOTgj ( - tito ftrWKt., Terms easy, tKer TarUralara, mature of W-.J-MTOOUJS. "gES*” 1 ?- • - Finn Wardt- properiy ror »*le « » IT'HBEB VALUABLE bSScK HOtISE£ASI> *5 f - ThaMWit&cmtaseaoTiOTton.PeTro street, or 05 Inches, to ASfeetallcy; on irtdch para beteclal 4- V. 'WoWMSaf Brt*:HoU6e«jl«> Jtorte J and collar la buanent,« *»t firoot on tfenn ThUlsaTety aetlroig- ■ Uon for either a Storeof oTATorniPecnrtrMt hrt creot.thran&hfaro of tlu> city :,aa4th?» pwpony MV ; .l v This property would,not be io.tbe.iaarset only 14 . • orarlslMngin'WaaMiigtoncoonty, andfinas-Uq . jy.jaamtenlemtbftttawlto.it. /' . . i orSX'rf? m 1 - or JAB. 0. BICHJTE* \ " wr26 ' BealEnfeteA^nUattblSj Cool property for ialeßX ft Grcai BMI offer* .to roll tb*. ©fg ; 1 ofcoftL'and lCSttres of Burfiico.fiitnaiedatTw , . EandlnS?©ti~tbo{OMfrJMter, Jti HandrockCo.,T% tharerf lStqtramy of Wtamiooos4' ; -'»t*pdntoath»rtTOrwho»thB wntOTjroMut 13, iho lowest stage, oca a my lotto V°°h OT (Ml bmta'Alai oehvrtot forttOpMpotoof Mtat cool-works ot tha soma point*- The shore will he b 5 * ~ ihi*g:UMi city, m rG&£S?MHte lams, or ito fetter cattle for thl&. ( Also, a:eonTenient;'BrickXtoSntpy Mansion anv I large enough fijr a reßpectohle iainily. A)«>» o ®i) I place an.ex cell cut Tvo StoryJlrlcls Eweltf | fin Shod hasementima attlo-on the bank of tbeA. - - JA Sf& uenuVlXol Site* Loir Country »oj r rraiß uuicraitfttod offers 'for Rule, oa easy tenn Y LQTB,laId ofl.«id jeatrfctea for rural taENBEEB BQUARB,’.on^he : banfc of the Alwgnc. DlffT aronnd. Tarndßironßof preserving this l> Uj?MJtwcuidßllbrdJ ■ thehigh andnadtt tank of IlerrVM ani.ancl fe y - ■ e very substantial Bridge of one pptiu. For parti L ply atmy reridenovtaiDngneano.toroegb, enj tan£ fronting the beadofHorr'a Island, or of JO -LAP ft GO. corner of Becond «4 Marfcot ate.. VS aprUrtt WM. & M , . Side r\N LIBKB.TY' BTREKT,:-Al)IOININa *l.l - TCAaB. KEAK CAKAL BAi ianow thecrnTy deeirattepleceof property to hood notebtody boogbtnp^^J^^jH. Company.: fronting on Liberty £O feet, on yißt feet; thence to tie Methodist Grove Yard &<% tea JJyJIO feet..... - igniort desirable oa a Hotel: Ti .This property i*. . ~---t now on R>~* gem enbstaptiatthree story hricß,v neoesttxy-baok tmitdiD«v bo? for* lone tlmo l>«*;; w thotJnlonHotel,Uoing'*gOQd?bu£iDeE3. Cop, pothers desirousof xnftk*pg fi good in?ertmeut, itoexamio* the premises. apr2B:tf . I • • EPVTABDj Land -fox Sale- t Off IAND IK I'OItESX COW lOUU: ibeCtalon.Ti»er-/nite land la heavil; biii an excellent aoB, andlaßai4 to contain an iMtt eri; and a thlekveln ofbittunfnona eoaVJ Venroad,i»bl6h *lll undoubtedly bebollt. St .16ltj it not'directly acroad fc.-ftt-IW-.? and IrlmX near tb* rente of U» Bnnburjrend M - No beta. ’ r iOTestment could «e nuuie than lnj. TOi. 'of 'tba'Banbury nod Brie, tbs - Veliev, and < the Venango railroads tbtoogb 1 ,wiUxeodsrtha wai;tamber,lionoroMdK «loa. • - - afl.«bBS| r ‘ So. 1« lonf —-x. - vA'A-le Property. For Sa*, TTOVE.II4BDBO&. , - K -l Kn b“ IKO J? Fx’tlbin etreot, and rltbln tel.., walkofthoSeetOfltoe. Eot mylT'* comer of IVood eod; . f«b22a*m: 1 - wo ;; A (jOO’i-ÜBT CSUIAB,' Xtain tt>» ‘s*rtv AvHooi^oxiB»t«nUxn"riS*o}{^^?; B^ *"**•* Iom Siuu 'v- . _ f fc -r '-t- v * " f ■% font' •