*v * *ssic"o % ■ - ;•• *’ v -: ■ „•$■ ■ :<%; - r ? i ttt; —7^ —~ v - 1 V 5 y ; {*’’’■vt ,*v " »‘ V'iY i*'* * " .’j'i-, ij % * '" v -■'- ’Vh ■>' , 4 :tv\" ;-* ", V,' \\l' - , • ** ■*• f »«* 7< ‘ - ; ( \;<7 "v -- *':'\ y%»~? X Vj,w„ ~,,> - ( ' } "-7- 7: •. ’ :'S# «?: •• ;. v';; > yWn/^s^V'* l , * 1 -' » • \ ,‘ l’ f ’ I ‘» ‘ " i M , i 4■ ** '^'.«.\'';v' : :’ ;r V ; ;.’ ;'- •-•-• •>.«;• ■•- ■- ■% .7’ : ••..■;• ~ ~;■■-■• ,-r . WO&4$W- : XXi$!$A i ..■’•; •>.<:i; v ft *-\r 4 ,i, V^ ‘7->;■*'*■ {t-v* ‘,r*-;iS : f4,i 4^ a -H %«v7l: *, ' v -sV7A’ 1 > ~\Vi uitj ,{N ,jji’i l jJ j&v.i’V if- »’*.c «? S $ ;.V’-,^; *. ; ,r ‘; « > ph* i >, -ij»i‘< 7' ,^ i ',‘ i 1 “S «s?Ra i ? , rf s - % w? '£lS uTWrohlTn. wtfally offer hi*. '%£H3i£ffSi* ■’' : 'inch fef; Landscape «i!| iflSgMfMi ; 4 e : nygoni] E. BIIE^ Miaou, I*4lol. v >smnr som«KWnUt'arnu w tf ?W&9 a ma. ClfyuOT* r .pitt-sbubou. :.: SBf&sOABB, Proprietors. - 'SSr.'Wr.'-'iwH'a^aKUK'fl*^ # >? A~? *0a») " (!**• Bt CUil« t Purr a. V KS?/*£Cj^f-f 1 modlou* Honwlmrlng nndorgon* '"famished irtth owejulpmeht* : . ■ ;;■ JS^ia-.. Boomfaas nB; ..,■•■■ ...; dthepwpxie- M'O I£«W Al% •••tt&e-aar. ■•|»iaraOTFDja.'y : lnter*** «►’ fei At 'Uhioom- AVKonernl, that lota* flttod * » oniTBJWOji In tha basement of > »®l!fW?raS^S!r# ■- *WN. ■ keepscomUntly on hand the.choi* •:•• BBWSMSIW. HtenloontakoptOv ’* ,s*• Clolr loger Beer Bros —: '^nr.fnnirWoodAtrooyirtll'boputettallyWtendeo 'WKRsaaassr: t-. V' 11&gerBeerHallsintho Hisßecrh< ,J&lf£S? v rf'^VvS^v, ,c :- i .-0 ? ;i v 'Tpaßuperfaranlde, and every/otherae- a ° ar ff altt * v -- vt., -.-■ ■ •;'" 111 l Illy am SaILY'MORSIN6 eost. WEDNESDAY M0feHlftfg:1:::;::!--i:“=JPSi: H-, Jssnx IdSB-HoLDCCHHiur,— The N. Y. Tribune liiig been favored with the following cxtrsetfrom a private letter from‘'Vltims: . « ' - 11 AYew'days BiueeX cUilcdaVtliO Motel vuci BomitcKen Kmetr topay:my < Jijuny: Llad-Qoldeobmidt.: ; Bhe baa-n deeided'pftieftaef for America' and Americans ;..and,.in-day by all clasees. Sablio.persons' : must-keep open rooms as on other days of the | ' week, andahe people go from the church to the i theatre as if noth were dedlcated.to the Moat High. The Jenny Lind of . former days has ■become the dignified Madame Goldschmidt of the' ‘prcßent; . She. eppeerß somewhat. older, but retains the frankness and simplicity of man ners which have characterised her above all ethers.. CHERRY PECTORAL* bob iim sins amt or [ COUJBS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, ;; < L'..:: wboopino-coubb. croup. asthma, ■■■--.-i: Mat CONSUMPTION. , jgaki. WE inrite tbe attention of the .pnbllc.ta tta-uertificaUs .appended j ;;below*andt«*peikfori&*m,Uiat«an-1 V IHVX..: did consftieratfoiL.wUicb sbclr. J»ne*l j I .uJHiSyf,. frankness dessrrei. , . I ' u nnr*w. • f)jßr_sßKy-Toluotarityt>e*rwitn«s»tQ-thfl.cfflc*-1 do| irtptonljr.ttiifl* -irith, or distort ] GSmwmmimmamsp.ttJifrtTioT overstate tbetr.paiw)totion&.; Jadge then. wbother tbi*ir»oWiiined!ein»to> treat when ten must bare relief for the throa. orlonge; judge too, , ~ whether erety ftmlly ooght not to here it by thcnr » a I safigoerd egelnrt the flT«iT»l>ereiirtr»t!lng enrjy.jthlcb j gtealawlthfothl frequency opon atmoet erery-floflt, end *: ■ The unriralied excellence of this combination of agents, ■ ■{ln "the CuniiX IhMOEAId piosM beyond «til by repeats v. -i .-.trial tinder thelrown aberration, medical men tonrotlaimsbroad Its uieftilhess. • JV I®, beyond all v donbttbel<»t#eaaral reawSy wehata far the Puloj Mi«r> \AffscUonscf thlsclimsto, at tha-same-time scdatl?* ana ',; tx-p<«toraut~arerecomblnatlon©!pr©pcrties. •• • • . Jn. the hope that it trill prove Its own reward,l subscribe ‘ iimrit BttDcetfully souroNdlentsomut, •• y v 3Ag n c a ■XctsenßtmtntlfV&Z&&PrT>ftt*vm • H.I. JOSES. . Montgomery) A!*., October 4. 1549. Da. J. C. Am: Bir—t hare used your admirable com . ptnaod exclusively In my practice, ana find it to surpass, by far. any othertesxedy we hare tor raring diseases upon the ' longs. Tour obattm servant, • ... ■ • ‘ It B. JQSKP, M. B. yet x«maS&B toconTlcca the most tneredatonsahal the Cherry Pectoral is oil that It purports to be, rli: on an wuaßed remedial agent far sIX diseases of the Throat and Lungs. The experienee of yearshas proten lt tohe aqeb i. andw« subaxHitto 1 the people, believing that its rirtura .' Will fatty maintain tareputatfon. - ' Prepared by J;G AYBH, demist,l«o**N» Was*. Beware of worthless preparations, attempted to he palmed off under .-nrimllarity ofnem*; — • Sold In Pittsburgh by aUDrogel3t*Sß* by TLA. P.AHS - 00 . wholesale and mull. ' . j*6:finidiw ; Stfiw umv£e. . : EMI Estate and Contracting,Agent. ■ I THE subscriber has been ladooad.toopen an office for ihe parpoeeof buying and telling* on Commission, and : having tUe Agency of largo Steam- Sav-MjUsaad Boat* v Yards, on the Alleghenyriver,'togetherwithmaay other facilities frsm other voter and eteameav*olll*- Ho flatter? j ' himself that he can furnish any bUliofinmber mtul .. Uahcr of; aoy. kind, great or ,small, lose or short, and i .deliver them atony point on tbs.Allegheny,-Monono&bela, i : Ohio,or Jdiwispippl rivers; oontnet to bolt! large Barges, Boats, Coal Flats. Boat Gunnels, Bridge Umber* Rail road Timbcrs—Frelghtlwa, to any given point, mad will attend totheSale and JtentofEea}£rtats., Fmm ' .his-long.experltmoa in lnmberiP&ifinighting and .host "building, ha thinks ha esn. give general ssU&faction.. All . pcKara* are requested to make their eon tract* fiTjnt • -tially those waaUngboafcs or large hilliof lumber and tics* be?, should contract for them In the tail tor the spring and aurntpar nse. :H« will also attend to the pmebaw and sale • of any commodity that may be desired.;-: j i ; • ' Letters addressed to David Minfcr, Beal Estate-und Cob* . tree ting AgentyFittsbargbs-Boz No. 120, post ptiti, ■will be -punctually attended to.•; Biscfficeis on Irvin street,No. 2, Allegheny Hpnsi* . : ... ; DA.VIP>MVtIN. urnsrcss. . PHtXbargh. - Mr. John Morrison, ■..**■: •.•••• • . •• • ; Mr.BobuS. Allegheny flUrer. . Mr. Wm. Armstrong, , . u Clarion “ < . ; Mr.Oaorg»B.Sirency f ; : .*••■■■ “ --C.AJ.-ttahnftCo, « « a aeeglriydaw " ** OFriCB INTiUS CITY I ISONET TO THB OliD COtJSTBY* • tl lag friends in tbw Old Country, and desirous of either j mnneyor .paylay their, passage* that hia ar> I xanzementa tor dolngctthar is now CEaap3ou,*nd os so firm ■ a basis that mistake* can .not occur,nor losses accrue to any I party* ; Daring tbs last ten years in whkhrba baa been In tM* huslaesa,be has remittediOTor aHalXMillion of Dollars ■ without the loss of a l dollar, andiihe hauee for which beta nsrot, in Urerpoohliaa shipped not less than 46*000 persona • daring the last year to tbl* country, wlihoatstoaplaist of | neglect of doty on thrirparu ■ HtfiP PuMgnger Tickets tof London. Dublin. lirer* 7. paoL Glasgow; Cork, Belfast, Drogheda,. idoierick, Port ' Bosh, Newry,. Galway; and Dundalk, to Haw York, Philadelphia, claw Orleans, and from them* to JRttsbakgb; and will attend strictly to for warding tsuaengertfwm them* to any part of the country. He also has rightdrifU tor sale, payable at the following places,Ti*. fls ekoIANB. DJwirds, Bandtord A 00».... ~......L0nd0n. _ Wo. Tappacott A Co.;^»...«a* MM **M.a MM ~ MM ..M.. M JiTerpool. (ATauableintha principal cities and towns throughout HttglaniandWales.) w v 077StELAKlf. ■. •. y •.* ••■■.■■ Drortndal Bank - Annazh.'; '• Mallow, Etrabane, Athlone, .Carlow, Drogheda, ? jferxnoy, , r . Monaghan, JBnnisoonby, Baliina, . . Catas, , . . Dundalk, . . Galway, Newry,.- Tralee,- - Balymena, .Clonmel!,; Dungannon, Londonderryi Omagh* Yooghall, Bsnbrldgc, Kilkenny, Dungannon, KUrtub, Waterford, ■ Coleraine, ■• • Pareonatown, Cork, Ennis, - Baadon. BUgo, ■ Wextord, CootehOL Limerick. Baliyrfuumos, OS SCOTLAND National Bank of Sootland, Edinburgh, its tranche* taflftjtowfißinSootland.-- . * OITPUANCE. Mess n.Edwar&Blount & Co., Bankers*,. ~*;;,..*..8ari»« : r ' (Awilablofnsnytflty in Front*.) on osnsANy. > Mcmis. Vogel, Kock A Co 7 7anker« > Frankfbrt-cm>tli9-Haln, • ■ {Available in any dtr In Germany.) • ' JAMR} BLAKELY, IM. Post oOc*,cir! left at the Warehouse of Messrs. Negley * Mohan, 23 Wood street JU , I T „ . • • >. • s.' ilsNfJVibV A -Oft I TtriSW OQOD3! HKW GOODSH-rHAGMi A.AUL.No. | • J.l 9! Market #treet, arß now Twelylng their third supply .| * of Summer Goods, com prising th® newest and most peanti*rj ful styles of •.*...,.n * Berages, ■ Striped Bilks, . ■■* ■■■< i ' lOtsnadloesi.;.-.: —Breach Lawns* f- = Black FlgM SI Iks, - LaeaGoods, * f j Embroideries, ..- Parasols, ; :: Tissues, PZalnPoalt-Defiofl, i Also, a few. choice. Silk *b& MasUlltfr. Oar stack bring entirely new, tho Ladles.saa rely upon gettiag ike newest styles, m well oath*best q,oallcy.of:Gcooa, jat rery moderate prices- , _ > ~BemMober-thO''lroaFra&kßnUdlagSsNot.9l’MAllKST Street. *»gr Pearl Steam Mill;, . CANAL BASIN* ALLEGHENY CITY, ■ • ' (nis TO* KUI&OU) RAfIOS.) ! I TIU.!HLIES will b« «unpll*iTriUi.onrwiopjgr*dtaof I Jp ‘ FBB3U GROUND. FWUR, j 1 BrlnvlflEiliMr olden at too Mill or In onr boxes at ; I Xogan, Wilson & 004 Wood streetot Brmnn k Belter, cop*. I Her 'Liberty and St. Clair streets. Pittsburgh. > r :I: I - H. PtSohtrarU,T)r J. Aaiesbeny. i,l IV 1 Floor wiUbeaelirerai'MtuntliesStteVtfcereftbetnaeltieil team:.CASH«n4e}lfery._ :i j - Jygt , KENNEDY k OP. 1 WM. A, M’CLUKG, j:: DBUBB IN S FineTraa, Choice Family Groeerie* and 'Willtfw CORNER OF WOOJO-AND SIXTH STSI PITTSBURGH, PA. j TSootr revolting a laiw-dSKnfcftteMPOf FRESH GOOI3S. v.: I. taadditiontoblsalready exteusfre'stock, puMtaiW from first tawUifftheßsartarmnartats, which* wiHbe at the lowwtmartat prteas. ‘ _ ’ [. ■■ MSrUo talfl, Btotfmboau«’ai«-firtnDls»* baying‘by (h# qi»nUfcy,*nppU6d*t-wfcd»Bale:.ritcs.>■.j .Goods daUverefiln tbtf dty ftse-of chMCT. • r mp2| THOMAS WOODST BROKER,n» ICO ptuxk w _ Notes, Bonds, Stoctee, Heml K»t»tc,& ■ Jt'o. "5 Fourth s'.. 11,5 Q RANGES ADD LEMONS—* ‘- B j = 1 • 260 bona Orecgcs; - ■ . - " • ‘ 1 .tt ,/t aoo “ lesions; weeired an4«ffal.!.:: 7s-.-.: , MARINE i INSUBAHCES - " - ■Vto»U pwtoof i tDaB MiI.AKD INSURANCES ,: On goods fciriT •:;• ■ i On atorca.dwellins houses, 4c. . . ; - ASSETS OF TUB OOHJPANT,NaTSinbcr 7,1&53. Bonflsnnd OO State ot PeonsylTanto, Philadelphia dtyj Spring : - v*. • . Garden, Bouthwartc, nnAother,lowid,».««.;<.—. 43 Stocks in 'banka, railroads and iusorancea .com*,j panics «,01S .Oakbonhand. M . M ........:16,GT1 80 Balances in the fcands of Agents and prexnipma . . _ L f obMarinePolldesirooenuy'liisnea..v. 4 i».....-i..«'2l»^TJ7 —400,000. B. 0. HAWT,Vice President.: A.£lAZ)Em< Agent,*/! 16 Water street, Pittsburgh/ TOa. Martin, Jpseph H;S«d,> •! EdmsmdA. Bonder, «tahnC. Davis, Robert Bnrt6&,< ■ Johqß. Penrose/ , George G. Lelper, Edward Darlington, rJt.GwJobnßon,-'-:; . James Oi Hand, Tbeopltas Panldisg, . James' B; JFFarlsnd, AY* C.Xu4wig, ’ WM. THO! jtazra W. Co*i3,Sco’J-. THIRD ASSBAL UTATBaISST : UETBB'ST'ATB MUTUAL TIRE AND MARINE XUSUBASCE COJUPAHY, ’ v O* PEHSatLYASIA. Mwy t tit, 1R.V2..L W recelTod £s ln&sre*t*nLp&as,Ac....»M~ - ■.• I*s*s 15 •Qayfoul 100,000 00 (140,183 £0 Returned premiums. Losses, Ite-lnpira©oe,.£x- ■ < peases, 4a,rtT.... 87,881 8C . ,$368,318 TO •Bonds, SloTtgaffM, Stocks, and other good *wa- ■ $}OMBJ {8 , Premium Kot. -IJ2»SIS £} Oashon hnod.M« • 17»820 $1 Total am’C of Resources, Idabla&rtASMß..^ r ■ '.r WBWToaS. : < ■ JOHN" P. RUTHERFORD, Dauphin county, p. : 0. BEDQWICK, Hanriabor*, SAMUEL JONES, Philadelphia, . V A. WILKJNB. Banker, Pittsburgh,. ' A. A. CARRIER; * «■ JOUK B. UCTIIEUPORD,Dauphin county, A. J. GlLLßTTjHarrijburg, • v S. T; JONE 3, Harrisburg, - -. , - > ‘ ROBERT KV3TZ, Cathon oouttty. -JOHN P. RUTUEIUDWJ, PreddSnt. .- 4. J; aiLLSTI, Secretary, . . 'Wlllinsaro against perils nfK*a anti Inland navigation, alsa, on Bierchhadiis in city or country, at rate* con* aistent 'with safety.- policies issued on dwelling hoaxes either perpetually or for o> tona of yean. •. Drench Office, corner Fourth and SmUhitald streets* •' taygbtf • .- • .A; A. CARRIER, Actuary* THBOSIT LIFE,INSURANCE, > ANNUITY AND TRUST. COMPANY, rniLADELriiM. CHARTERED APRIL NOTH, 1550, CHARTER PERPETUAL, CAPITAL. 8250,000. & .J2> Comer of T&trd and Ghatnvt ■ SirettM, Philadelphia. . , C&ktrt qf tilt Eim* Board {U'Phiiade!skiai ■' - :,, araxetoas. Btepbeaft.Crawfbrd,' P*al B.Godderd* . AjahrasfeW. Tbompeoa, • I*vrenco Johnioa, Geo. H’llcary, Jacobi*. Florence, JatOHi DeTereoXy WnilftXQ M.*OoS«tß^. : "WnUua U’See. Prw«dai2->SiepbeolUOnwford. - ■ Vice Frewfen*—Ambrwe W» Xhtaaj«oa»•• Medical Examiner, Ptftilwtgh—iMxaH iLWlllecn* M- D. Allegheny CWjf—lLß.JlDtrrj, 5L D. GKO. K. AftSOLD, Agent, inart7:y ■ * 1 •' tfo:74 ftmrth street, Pitu>bogb._ THe FnuUUfta Virp lAianra«fl:Compaßj f Sif .pk'f*A+}phiA nmfj>frwjnf*- . ■ w. Blacker, Thomas EsAThWas 1 / Vfjujaer, Samuel Grant* J*eob R.£nilth,G«o. tV. lUeb* tfOs, Maniacal D. Levis, Adolph! ILSori*, Da rid & Crown*, Harris rsttereon. Cxus. 8i BtsatOi Pm\OaU. auiO.BJLscxtß,Ssr«42ry.- : '. Continue to make insurance, peTpcinalcrUmJted,o»«*«?T description of property, in town end country, at rates 11 tow es ere consistent with security. The Company hare reversed a lam Contingent Fund which, with thcircstptul end premiums, safely infested, of l>rd ample protertlon to the assured.■•■■■• The Assets or the Compact* on January lit, ISil, as pah ilshod agreeably to os Act of Assembly, were M &ilowa, rts; sf*3T? *3 Temporary IT steed..-. ~ ............ ~.....w eust 00. Ouh, Ac ™ —~*w SI t Total u ..:..„tU12,;03 U Btocfl their incorporation, * period cf twrotyoa* year*? they here paid upward of One MlUkmfoQr Ttcto- MDd Dollars, losses by bra* thereby aitoting trrMew* cf the advantages of insurance, as well as too ability and dlspo*V tlou tovect with promptness aftiUbUlUe*. J. OARDINE3- OORTS, Acest* Office, gortfraagt wf; yon* and Third «t». , PROTECTION INSNEANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN., Capital Sleek, A nraial Premitmt and Weitem Fund $1,000,000. INCORPORATED 1824.. • Pollduof Imarsacftlnraedat aU times on tbs zantbsoro* tie terms, against. . 1 LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIBS, 1 os Tin I PERILS OF HAVIOATIOET* I .BF n ■ I GEO. B* AftKOLP. Aomt FOR PITTSBURGH AND ALtEGWSNF COUNTF, I . marl&y .■ • ' /•' ;• .. Western -Jxuurane* Coxapaapr Pittsburgh. It. MILLER, Jr- PruitUni . | F. M. GORDON, Secretary CAPITA!., 0300,000# ’TTrtttLlnsurtt against all kinds of risks, FIRE end MA YV BINE- All losses vIU bo liberally adjusted and promptly paid. , / •/ A Home Institution, managed by Dxmctom who are well known in the community,andwhourad&tannlned, bt Somptness and liberality, to malnbdn the character which ey hare assumed, as offering the best protection to those who desire to be insured. ' • ••> ■ __ Directors,—R.Hiller, Jf.,o. W.Riefcetcon, J.W.DuUer, N.nolm«, Jr., W. n. Smith, 0. Ihmsen, George tf. Jackson, Wm.M. Lyon, James Lippenoott*fleorge Danle, James 2fo> Auley, Alexander Nimtck, Thomas BcotL • Office, No. 92 Water street, (Waretansaof Spang A Co., upstairs.) Pittsburgh* = . • uoeiUfly JETNA INSURAItOB COMPAHY, HARTFORD, CONN. Chartered 1810—Capital Stoott 0300)000. TITOS. K. BRACE, President ' • THOS. A. ALEXANDER* Swrttary. DIRECTORS— Thomas !L Brace, Samuel Tudor, Xbcnexsr Flower, Ward Wood bridge, : E. A.Bnlkoley, Joseph Church, Roland Mather, Frederick Tyler, Edwin 0. ftfploy, Robert BuelJ, S&mnelS, Ward, Miles A. Tuttle; 1 Henry Zi Pratt, John L. Boswell, . Aastui Bantam, Gust&vns F. Baris, Junlos 8. Morgau. Policies on Fire and Inland Risks iisoed on ftTOra* ble terms, by QEOUOE E. ARNOLD, Ag’t, decialy • ' > ~ No. T 4 Fourth jrtreot, Pittsbm^h. WJBSTEEN FAttMEKS' CO., -i . BRANCH OFPICB* No. 120 FIFTH BT.. prPTSBUIWn. FinntaA. B lockout. PresL Lxvt Mmnf', frec’j. • kkictces: Hoary Pprlugor, Xotl Mart]a, • Junes fießioa, ' Janes Belly. ' • It. McKASKEY, Agent. iniare Buildings,•; Stores, Merchandise, and Property generally,;< ■> Junes Burble,: ‘ Panic! Uarbatigh,Br., W. K. McLapgblis, Jesse McLaughlin, HOTELS. - «T.-€fl*AIR HOTEL, (FORMERLY THE EXCHANGE,) PITTSBURGH, Corner Penn and St. Clair streets, C. W. BBNNETT Proprietor a finst clan house, between tljo Railroad Do* pota; (ha rooms wo largo ami charges moderate. :.nprl4tlyd^w-.' KIEEY’S HOTEL: COBNEB fGURTH AND ORANT BTREETS, PJTfSBUBQB, PA. n.-taj&ixl-., & BXL'EY t Proprietor, *••»••••■••-• ; J.ITKABTCM, JB4 AO..Jtf. a, MAM LB BERRY .HOTEL, corner of Hancock aLreetand paquesno •Wd/, RtolmnfoPa; pjarirf ■ 7 / 1 MdSUBTEBS A MARBLE, Troprietont.-. CITY HOTEL.. . .. 1 - BROwn's,) Corner orSmlthfleld and Third streets. PITTSBURGH, PA, Proprietors. , JOBS JP. OfeASS, . * PAN P. OAfcIL Bomoluviog undergone; i j. -thorough repAir^aiUl *ith nev;equipments throagtiJcti di noar open for tfu* tecoptieaof the iraVrfUog -pablic.. jtopiAAtj, A■ ■■ SXORKBCB HOTEL., NO. 400 J BKOA»'VrAt I . HBW XQXfC. (OOTOOOTTO 6*fill IPEOMIS-TilB.);, ' EBUBEH M^O^ Eoramoß , 0c3.1y )' ,FB&BKIiIfi HbllB!Bi:fiUVd«Bil r DUa.v PATBIOK-i Horae has nn detganathorough: and ertensiTß.repairs, and large ttonadrea that-nothing shaU-bo vontlzig oa their part to render the F&aftD£t&!place vhoraalLthecom* : ibrta of a first claas hotel can be frond*- -y jyiztf 0 PATBIQfrfrSON. TTAfIAK AAHI* T O/ Bl' Maiket:£treeti 'betwe«a: ih* , I’l. . TOammid |tnd Fifthrfitreet, are reeel*lng ttnextonfire t mi epiendid essortmentof choice Summer uoodajto which [tS*ey mold jMpeat&illlP UndtAihe rAttendon of! the publio. - ‘ tChcirateckcouaUtevinpati*of . j'. j. i .■Raid and striped Silks,' >vp Plaiannd barmUaccnflttel > Brocade --do:' Sommer Cravat* ;■ .'i vPoeitdaSoi '- do; ,r ,; r -Gresaeand ThibetShawls; Ickßa, vdo'; "- !■■■ Cashmere and-Barege do * Bla&SUkaof all grades; *■ Bonnet and MAatttaßlhbodsi- Plata and Plaid Grenadines; Embroideries ;of .elL4tlttds ; 1 -j ChatyJsßaraea and Tissues Thread laccs and Edgings; fMoorotßg/Pebego; .-; j ll Jil£t ft tUrtrtcrotfortmostoE J£ngS ! i ■ OJB A. A. MASON A CO. ■> ’ ‘ ‘ BXCfitABGE 4HD BANKING HOUSE -5J <>* -iii 4 ' CO., U N t l fE D St AT E 8 BAI? K B.D ICDX» 0. . So. J&7l~£* FourtU Street, * 1 TITTSDORdn* PA. T7O&BIQN -and ,DojaesticKxfcnange,Celn, BdokhoUs .f anttX&gd Warrants bought and sold. . Coßocilona madfi-througbout the Union. - ‘Buflinees-patnjr discounted and loans negotiated. << Stocks bonght and sold on eomhiission. - * .v. • ■ 'MoDey.nrceited oa depoiiit, and Interest allowed when left fora specified time. • : . dec3 *.-.v . ... Eemoral* - * PATRICKS A EBEBND, .. -BANKERSAND EXCHANGE BROKEBA- . . Save Harumedthctr Office toVie Cvmcr of tSJUwnd IfoaJ its. **— •’TBUBCtTSOH, PA. '. 7.• PATRICKS A FRIEND, Bankers and Exchange Brokers, and Dealers in Notes, Draft*, Acceptances, Gold, Silver and Bank Notes. Exchanges on tho Eastern and Western Cltip&conHta&tly for sale/ : - r Collections made in all . tho. oiUes throughout. the United States. : Deposits TeeeWed in par funds or current paper, at .. the corner of Filth and Wood'Streets. ■■ •. ...• .(CabS- N, HOLMES A SONS, BANKERS AND-EXCHANGE BROKERS, sAVkJutKovu sum bAszssa am> xicsusam omc* to bo. \;t * y6l ? jahtti.bxb-sst,' wubnooks axLow.otD siAnn.; r:7 ;■’XT' - holmes A , SONSk Bankers and . Exchange Brokets, iX « and. Dealers inNotoe, Drafts, Acceptances, Qold rSil ver and Bank Notes, Exchange on tho Eastern and Western Collections made in all tho cities throughout the United Btatee; Deposits received in par foods or current paper, No. 67 Market street, between Thud and Fourth eta. QaSOfly $027,170 83. :■■: i ' - HOQN&SAJIGENT, ' BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, ; v -•-.-iff.ii.'.ooin'o? "woon a aixtu etsu prrrenonan, pa. .TYE ALEES in Coin, Bank Notes, Time Bills, JTowign and .1 J.Doiflpgtio Exchange. CertiOcatM of Deposit, Ac. v : i. £xcbanga on aU the principal cities of tbe.Union and Ea* row «&e In suwstoeuit purchasers, i.. Camst&nd.parfuiids.rocaiTod.on deposit . \ Collections made onellpartsof the Union, at the lowest i-ntss.'.' ,-r (eopllily . TUfittOf ABi & CO M . - BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. - A r o.-95 Wood Street, comer of Jhamond Alley, ; W' : V-j • » •- • BUY AND Bank Notes and Colo;Dbcount time exchange, and pronhsory notes; mako collects aaln all thavrlccipaldtteaof (be Union.. ItfcelTS deports on call and on interest, end give thnir prompt attention to fell other tn attera appertaining to a Brokers business* . Eastern Exchange constantly on hand, ~ mar 6 JOHN WOODS, BANKERAND EXCHANGE BBOKER, X»KALJiR • 1* ' : 2: Exchange, Commercial anft Bflnh Notes. STOCK bought and eold on commission. Collections carefully attended to; Intercut pall on Deposit 43?* No. 68K Fourth atreci. nearly <>rpc#ite the M. M, Bank. dwlS UXX.L ft CO., BANEE&S AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, \ ': '-• run*.- - ruvsraca sum KRAHEB ft EAHH, .BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BKOKKHB, BtJY AND SKM* Gold* eiitfcT, and Bank. Notes; qejstUtr toons on Real Altai* or Stock t-csurftl**; pufnha*e Notes and Time BUUj on East and IV cat; buy and *«n Stocks Dn Commission. . Collection* made on all pototalblhe Union. [myl G. £. AUSOLD ft CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE DRGBTEJIB, T\EALKU3 in Exchange, Cola; Bank Note*, Sight and ; A/ Tinas Draft*, Ac. 'Collection* carefully attended to, and vemltiwl toanyparteftbs Union, Stook* bought and eoHobOommL**ion. T 4 Foarth sl, next door tn Hank of Btt»Vp. f m>ls " A(fKTI» LOQSI 18* STOCK. AND BIEL BROKER, fWle*. iYo. 93 Votsrih tU ciow lluod, -T7- pmsitunon. . O* Notes, Corfu, IknA% Mwgese*, sod loan* ctv col lttarsla, DTffotiatcd. Stocks «rri L*n& Warrant* bought fcCtl aold, ___. : ■'. ’■. ..: .. . i8oa» EXCHANGE AND BA NKING HOCfIB 09 A* WILBISB 6 CO n f»0. 74 FoCITB &t*SSf| Opposite the Bash of Flttrfctir^b, Jids Portion Ajre.'winj*. <<*s* &*v(t B3*aht,&£Atina&rMnF4i BASKING UOUSfc Of WILUA& A, KUX ft CO., w vcion itiur, tawraati. t&.l&Unrcst tXtomU es tta* drpwat*. .. . jjtalS JASIKS \V. U'OODWELI, cabiubt FtrimiTGur. MAXvrAvvu&Jn:. W«rMoon>»>»nd«OTM>ditrftf. .■■■*.• r*fj>KttuUj :tESaBW|2v . .tb«* BiiHaBMMMBm i -»hicJi U drAlsxilj * “ * &*largest sad belterr* ©dfcr*d ferwietfi. this Ctty, wroth will t» «oU it ertaa a* loti as tsr la t 2» tffiitnJfiua** BMl«! W(aV As be U dri*rmla«i to affr&l tfc* quality with well «r* fooM t&aterUU, beet *ttfceujulri;>. as» l ©"west «ad Crwa li» ids ers2*r* au»i firJUty lacuna&etiarlo** b*l» enabled to pnadue* yamalKl fcmlUire, at thelnvMt prtaes. " . neto«di^dAdtfcepri&^pi*cfM*att4tagVdicxuic9ert s (stcrvst vttlt fcls dm, ia. quality «od i&xs And teepsab w#T» cn bsjßiJ it* £mte#t r&ntty cf «i ety. dswtfpifcn cl fordtare, ftcm U>* cheapest vbA y W:>m, to the s»»l eie csujt *nd onrtlj,, tLat.* boa*** cr any pvt of can, cay b* raxni&eil Inara fcb a .«• ... £0 Plain Dressing Bdftasi; 49 Bedsteads» . •. .20 Walnut. •* . •:. tOOOttßfl w • , 20 Ilahogin* Wardrobes; :■:■ :10 Wsl&qt ■■<«■' ■ MCherry ■«*.';• • M Plcifl Ooiwu; TO Dl&te* and Breakfast ?ahlo .-.j -23BeanCaryapO Bookcase*; I 50 dot. Cane bead.Chain* . 84 Oana Sent Ucektog (tutors ‘l2 Writing Desk*; . : gHs&a&d Ttrral titacds; Whabftots; Sttgulres; • - ..Paper Mach* Tables s . - Qmvcmtioa Chain; . <.. r«abrok* - <•* BJistbetbaa M lUlUaOTtvr M Brnttoa « -v ladies' Work > « 1 Peuilolaiil “ Kxteasiott DiolcsT&desi • - ’Arta ' *.• ■ “ ■. oitcsumi; • Ctotbio asd Hsll Cbsln; 1 A Urffo-MfloTtrncat of COUPON TD3IHITORB and 1 WJNDSOKCUAIUS. Ci«3*iMixtaaMppltel vUbt«3lsr> ’ ttoies In tbeir U&e. &TEAUBOAITS Md furnished «t tht ilurtetft ’ .QOtfc*. All orders promptly Attended to. Steamboats* Atooy t . fR> w Til* subscribers tender their urknow-f> Li4Kfcr wiled gments foe tbs fitvunt bemowfct upon UL .•fwwffTnnwgthsra by their {steamboat friend*, ; ted raH would respectfully remind them and others Interest* * 1 * edln taiilaipg boats, that they are at all times prepared to fimiUbt on the most reasonable term*, every description of .Cabin Furniture and Chairs of the bpsi material and work* mansbfp. . T. B, YOUN’Q A CO>, .. CornetTblrdandfimUh&cildetreetßt * JyIVM . . . opposite■« Brown's Hotel." Jsmei Lowry, dr. f /THAIB AND IiiiDSTKAi) MANUFACTURER-No. 294 V fetterman's Bow* liberty stmt, nas on hand a largo stock of Chaim and Bedsteads/ot eT«ydGtcriptfc?n f mada of the best materials, which hc will sail lower than articles cl tbs same quality e&n be sold In the-eity. liewould call par* Scalar attention to hU large stock of Mahogany and Walnut Chairs and Ifetatcods, wbloh be will sell at greatly reduced prices.. Also, Turning ox «»cry aesenption executed in the aestost manner* Orders left.at the Waro Booms, or at the MUI, comer oC Adams and liberty Greets, will be promptly ttonded to. aarit A.BILLLIItKN A>CO., RATE OX. HAND at their; and CZLUIt MANUFACTOKY, No. At SaJßbfiflld street, a lore® assortment of Guicy and plain furniture; *hlch they -vfllmU 15 percent below customary rates. ■ Tertnfr—cash Only. Q) real-Inducements io Guh Pnrnliueri* will sell our Urge stock of COMMON AND PANCi ▼V CHAIRS AND BIIDSTSAPS, at prices that cannot fell to pleasaoash purchasets, AM our York is warrant*!, Our terns an CASH* JAMES DOWRY, JIU, parts cor. Bersathjand Liberty eta. A WM. K» KffcV continue to manufacture UjL CAIJINBT-'SfMIB of everydeflcrlptlon. athiAoM stand, ravoornef fif Liberty and ftswithstreate UMJERTAK ** *TNfI Attended to In all Ite I*mne)>pp mall «*OYBTER AND CO P P EJS D. BABHABD. No. 40, P JB4.tW.to Bti pKBVED VPXTMfi EOUJZS OF TH&&AY, t rom tb? ' ■ ‘ Cholooit 'Me«tBi ]F , owU, | , lihi fto»; ftoi ■•Hi* BUI of Fare cannot bo sarpassod, aptfhe would respect* l fttlly lnvlto fhe attention of tne public to it . CHARLES STILL, Jo2£Hnft*tf log Wood streak “THE SHADES!” MORftA.IV R. BRYEUi ■>|> ESFEGOVUrY informs bia friends, and the public in XV general, that be has fitted up the large and commodi- On»3ALOON,Ia tha.basetmmt of tirt THEATRE, Whore be ■ keeps constantly on hand the choicest LIQUORS, of the BEST BRA2JD&; His saloon la kept Open ell hours during the day. 1 fcbW • • ; Ciftlr Lager Ueer Brewery* . TpinSnndorsigntfreflpectfhUy Informs the pab&cthathe l—X - l»now-fally-j>repawi the rpnbßo with his'eelebmad.LAGEß-BEER, iii .bottles; All- ortert left 'at "Stiff OIHcO," S&, 39t. DIAMOND ALLEY, (nwrWoodptrect,) trillbo pubettbllyAttended to; and the Beat deUveredio any part af the clty-orTicinity.~ Xo2S,tf * 1 P. O. BOHBNCK. * Benttt r Peey jßiill, ■. - ■'■lfOi 100 Smitftfuld iiretti opptifitt tAe Ctaicm.Eowu flntoorfiMr'hits-just:opened pooof;the largestan 5 ■‘Xr finished Cagerßeer Halla intho City. His Beerh < •acknowledged to te a superior article, and every otherafr tt>mmodatioaalMbt3ilslioQseL cannot ba excelled; ' <- A.IHWITZ. ~\» r tltuMlim w a dan anti .stHo w aWrk on •t‘f f, »toa. Apply at FBAfiOISOTS’ AMnejrOfflOo, siySS SS BUtk atmtjttuc tin fast OOn. v f 1- 'V 1 - t ■ r* v **■ J' _ t, >* *■* I , t «rt / ****■•' *» ' HSSRti. . M tuoa. asatst, Pirmnan EURNITUKB. REaTAURANTS. [CORNUCOPIA .V; r' *’ ,* , * •' t - v"- Aßltl.*Al, OK, ... f&W 4TO WIW TER': Dll’S" ftOODS II The Cheapest Goods of the Seaton! VOONG. STEVJSNSON A I-* Linen Sheeting, Mlawl4nexm;TabteClotbs,'and Nop* kins. Ilttasia and CraTatH, Tory cheap. . GLOVES. HOSIERY, BtJSPENDERS, andOUAVATS. ; We would resoectfully.eolkit ah early-call from: both wholesale ami retail buyers, flattering ourselves that wo eon accdramodate ail who may favor ns -with their patron* age, on most liberal terms. • ' - '. * • seniiM • YOUNO. BTEVBNSOy k LOVE. Mew Arrival off spring ami Summer Dry . :;,.-.-; r oo6a*.p. . AT No. 99. N. W. SIDE OF WOOD! STBBET. ; TV GRBGG & COv Importers and in British, . 1/■ French and German DKY GOODS. - Having receiv ed our largo ahd extensive stock.‘Of ’spring - and summer goods, purchased from importers, manufacturers, and part through oar ownlm port alien, wo feel safe in assuring our rold customers, country merchants and dty dealers general ly, that owing .to these acquired facilities in purchasing, we can offer such inducements to buyers as are rarely mot with in the trade. ;• Atacngour dry goods stock will, he found cashmeres, der iolnes,. Portsmouth lawns of ;tba. meet desirable designs, mohair lustres, alpacas,plain black and faneyfigurod silks, ginghams and foncy prints, latest style*?', broadcloths, fancy •vestings, cassJraerc*, satinets* twoedS :and summer psntv loosing; brown and black muslins, table diapers. We have also opened» very large assortment of bonnets, nowou style* pitim leaf hats, Rutland braid and Leghorn, and an axtenidve variety of hosiery, gloves and .ribbons; with mcegoods,fancy neiUngs, iaconeUs,muli andfigunsd Swus mnairas and black iilk veils, do. ' t- ; <»ur variety slock embrnces in part-: combs, butlous, per* rtuwnon e»(m, threads, port monaies, patent medicines, per*, him cry, Oca almost every-firttele uimaUy kept , ln : the va riety ims, together with a large stock of gold and rilvor vwicnee, watch materials.glosses, gold cud gilt Jewelry of newest paireriiSt and a great variety of 50 hour and 8 day doom, all of which will bo sold atthe lowest prices for cash; nr satwnemry refeieoce. : ' N. early call from buyers Is respectfully solicited. tetrau : : .p, OREO Q A CO. HEW DEY GOODS STOBB, Iroa Front«9o, «I Market itwet. : QlfH bourn bring now open for the transaction of a genet* alDry Goodfibwiness;*® would respectfully solicit the patronage of the public, ibac, from out ex onslve and well selected *t<«B of SILKS,' FANCY AND STAPLE.GOODS, we am offer suchitiddCememaa* wUI in* sure entire satisfactlcn. HAGAN A AHL, ' aprfclf Kna. Ot Market and 8 Union limit. % AJiMiG H£» comer of GriwutanuF»thrtrews,n*ejuirt • received an assortment of flow Damask Linen Tabic Cloths and Snow-drop Table Napkins. Also, 10 pieces very bstHrctae small pjfliJ Summer Ptlks,atC)4ceoU;slaotUia Trimmings, ia great variety. - Also* Mantilla ,SiUur~iu »U the lorliiwrable.eotora. . . myl2 CLOTHING. CLOTH IN G S TORE! JOHN M’CLOSKEY & CO.. FORMERLY of the celebrated Clothing Depot on liberty street, which ha* won an unbounded popnlarlty under ha name-nf the THREE 810 DOOUB T bave, for tho tor thdr iamcnaw buric«.% ramovad to the spadoua building on thtenmer of' DIAMOND ALLEY AND WOOD STREET, Where they tav* new tfc*c3ort SPtENmD BT«3K Of CU)XHS! '• A Stf ' ■ READY MADE CLOTHING, That has ever born offered to tha puhUs. . Tli.ltprlt.dfalota'rc!fjt 1». remoT»l,H wglreUita non) CanliUM ' W HOLES AX. E TRADE, . Re town (Inert, .life,. LO WEST JSASTr.BS PRICES! Onua to!» w gsoa Mi»r omb f.rfirrwlSatli. Cr-Kia. CVBTOU WORK, ir *iutW3r mu.*>n) WH>'t,t3» «!!’ATia* wma. - Tb.r t*To « talt twmUfal UKitnwct cl . urnu wd'OMttsaM» <•••;• •.. „ FROCKS, WALKING AHD BU3I* nnss coats ’ Osttntm*t**f*il*n&&} wtlh of cur cua terser*, and »»a?»axath»pdhne that onr ffdriiiy will not frdl In IMiingaUovdvrsweisisybafttvrtd-vrtfh. • DOST; FORGET TUB rLACR— Street, : (cjufT aiDft,) bt diamond aww. H. longer any eonnectl-an with the Cfc&ktng kswlocw. liberty street, Oura&Q&mjttdeTgled iwtflttflTcly to Ui» Hou» above dnfrnakd, SarSd • ' : " i - SOtiX WtiT*KEY A ATJOfIS HdTlMKtr * CO'S »ts 2. t| **> No-iS Wi-cdstnvLabdfM'nr-r (.{ aii?y T ihs isrgvst 4n-3. ctKaiverkd siork of; g*riAlli»t tbiarafvVatfti ts>uw har aver' hod tb# p+vavataj vf teviftojg the if tb« pubife to, Thesv# gwdsltave; ht*x> fciittlitted frGia f_r*4 rK-d. f^srr-'jxwt.t-ly, rees2r3-undlt o*» thso, whkbt feavva us fttT* tne*y Uiat>e mo«&id^»fnatai*taaliprtfit»r»any Lou**la thaiwi^. TlxrrfcSife, wa wpe«fußy tnvDa UsW attrntfcu of and country fwvi. t*> wife a »wIL and raatnloa bur attreriva o*«?ttft*oV of IIKiPV ClflTltfKa; •' XCfritam • ti *? f c«w»sj* ttm i* lo wa &t ihii l»rs* >rtAt‘;UlSßi>Fftts ii w to BT u»st H but n*Te? fc**o JMiSlf tel. !fV ibt-'fetftt*® IlKtt jniiy ,«gCM*gKEV &<&. 1 nXTUVKts UUAVt • CTt sui* KttxKT* wmacaau. /“I «fia6wl7 u>cpJer, VT *bd uramoW to *ult ll** flcatfaoUjf cb basil a tit CUtTH&CASfiIWKIity, VESTISGS, aB-JOVKIiCOATIhCIjcf «prml» taraibflf *bb«»cot;»ultfe3ani«tn]?lit)vl with, as »U wot* »tSco* un&e* bU owft *aperfifkOr - ne»W ~~ . A:%r Clottiioß l Clottuoff l TIMIC tuslroljpakl riwjwctfaUy lßfcna«bUtrfrod**ndtt» X eaUte thst fc«U Bcwr«elritf|f*t blMtare>Sto. , n7 UN ertX U/wt,*rbH«} searteent of Cli)lbK»C«»lia«Ta tc4 ftf the ft&t) mart goslrabto styles, which b* Is txrrtired to bj&a to «Msr la to* «s«vfcahi3tj*l4* »«* apy. at shot! peace, tix4 on the taast mscashto terms, Vrehar»4bocQhaftd*Unfo«c4 wtUmspofarturautocfc of to&ito Ctotolcjj, to which w# Invito the sttontton i*f bovsrs, rilhey cMWirit ■ whs ;mrc!x*#« good* ftitcwsh, win find H to their i drsotiuc* to call «t?7 liberty vtrwi, before mailns their '• purch**a! ’:;. . , (taarif} -,C?»:ooXyfcß.-" Wuhtßßion Olotbtnff Ball. ~ P HAMS, WfcoUaeJ* *Cd Retail Jfcaftt lo CLOTUIKQ, ♦ So, 842 Liberty atrset, ofpnritn Wayne, war ft nab,, fatec&ger Depct, rKubUTgb, Pa. This store Is fitted up la; tto &uat rouen* *tjhv«»de.idd. dll aa cheap a* any lathis or eastern cities. ; : ? ■ ; • Watch wpairthE doha in *,/rnrptomam«raxid anchor esc*pment-Watehes,aadan elfr gant stock of'Jewelry and Silverware, which we Intend to aellchetipf&r^hi- N, R. WAtch repairing done 1q the best manner.andal lowprtcee; and warranted; ■•■ r mar2s HEW JBWBtBrSTOE?, V Wb* , B3''.M*rtM>t iMriSeti;- c ‘ (Second iooroSow Pie .lforilUtxsftonicr 0/ At Diamond.) TOIINBTEVKNSOfWof the lat* firm of John B. STFtddim V A Oo,,) respoctfoliy announces to the publlMhat ha has openod; at the ebere etond, a fins eaAortmontbfwATOHES; JEWELRY, SILVBRAND. PLATED WARE, LAMPS, GI RANDOLES, ibdfef and Table CuUcrsit Britannia Tta and Oomviunton&i*, and the usual Toriety of goods In his line of.business.' ■ •• •' . r "•-•-■•;-•; -■ Speeds) care and attention given to the REPAIR of P&iß WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac, He trusts, that from his long- experience In business, he #fli he able to give satisfaction to tbos# who may favor him with theft patronage. ; Pittsburgh, May 16th, im. m»25 HcWyfticlitydgoniJeweiHrf; r»iu*e):.•■ WO*SXJdARKKTfITBBKT. * TOST fawTaore of thoae-celebwtod K, D fl tl 'Johnson Watches and Batlroad Time Keepers. Also,- a which we fctiarMitee oc* curate tlnje keepersi together with:,*.now apd taehlooabK assortment of which we will sell lower thananjtotherestaWlSimeiitwootorUjexqoanl&ins. Qiro ueaoallaiAlißlAßKKTfitreeU ; * • •■' N.B.—rFlne Watohearepaired with' acoaraayy and war ranted. ?Cotd Jewelry retired end manufactured td order pa short notlMj atllOpiyß, Si Market streets \ *myl2 : -TTAUTABLE MILS: PDwer, ; V ibrsaje; situate liirerp6ol,pwo, on: IBs gawly'and BoaTUr Cinalj,c6tiflsHng )Dt** large, Grist i MUKofSrun of stones, eteqr tWng la ojßipiflte oraer, ablo ; to turn out S) barrtla crf iu24bouw~-Also;* Saw -Mm.capablo-ofeawlDgitomlO tolWOfeatQflUniwrtlkUy. | Also, a large Woolen Factory; {\rithoufcma6hlnery«).nT**elr; i I leg Honse, Store House, Barns,* StabloV Av xajS *1 Wood street siiii >-«.•= C- ... - -A«— • ***>» ii' v - ■ •• . MISCE£LANBOM~ ~ r ’, SALE OF THE MAIN LINE OF THE PUBLIC WORKS. *' r suti DtPjawwHT; HAWusßimo v ■.l = 1 - . Ma? $; 1854 i ’-I*; SB AL BD PJRQP.OS ALB .IJVJTBD» BY virtue .©fan act of the General 27th, A: D. 1554, -tK© Main- Line. r of tbePubifc works, extending from Phil adelphlff to - Pittsburgh, iaru .offeiwi .if r wJeon the condiUons. restrictions and reservations contained •in the act of -Assembly afhrosald/As followvrixr, -: A , - gscrpoji. That the 0 overnoris hereby. authorised,end required toinvitosealed proposalsfor. Ihebarchason* toe. Main line of the Public Worts to viti The PhlTadelpiaa and Columbia railroad, the" Canal from Columbia to the Junction at ;Tsland, the ’from. thence toHollidaysbnrg, tb© AUegfceny.JPortage railroad, Including the new road to avoid the inclined planes, mils: eobditio'u attbotimeof tbo. transfer, ttndL tliVCanStfrom ; Johnsiown ta,Pittsburg, withall/theproperty.tiiereimto. pertaining nr belonging; and it shall' be the auty©f tfre.j Secretary of the Commonwealth, within ten days from the passage of tote act to glvernotlMta two newspapere Po - lished In the cUles of Hillftdeh } bi», PltfftburgK ,; ond' New Yoxkiand that sealed;proposaU.will be receivj*Laihiiieol<» for - the pureba set of s&id main, lib e of the public,improve-, mont«,up to the .first Monday. iaJul£,AhDb iK>mlnr,oiie ( ! tboußSud-eighthundred and flfty*fonr; Mid proposals shall jitato the maximum price offered for the siajri: mainllne,on i. the ft llowlng; terms, to-wit:. twenty. per,centum .of- the [ amount bid'to"bri paid into' thetfeisuiy In cash, bcibreto© transfer bf said works, and the balance in f ten equal annual Juatahnents* the interest thereon 7 from toedate of toeeoil at the teto of s|r per. cfehtnmpertmmuiL'and the first payable at the expiration of one year from the date of transfer, and said: balance shall be secured to the Commonwealth by the bonds bf the company. punhailns the: thb same,: witboat any ptber record than this act, thall.’be.& llen.cm, ' the works and impiOTeinebts afore«md: i7Wjscrm beraftor its irienrporatom, and; annually thereafter, shrill canto* to bsmadeotit ui>ier.iba oath of rma of Its olficexs, an erofeiwmpauy sbav make nodliertaSnatlcn Id to l * cbargro-ayalnet sril* teaofs or tftnuvgv pacing to und, from toe -.KusiqgiaaT>ft f)I - I^n^jlvanj'«fchil, apd cjriniyra arid toil tan w»*h fonnex*'and beats rhsll never »x«#W per. mile In<»* now chained bv the- Statocri Qj* Bn*qttrbauna. t\Vt ftricth wrd Scrto Tiranebifilsfcit*mf pf Q» Prowylriinla easalatof niVw. tlfe .Commonwealth upon' *u4i Bari arid: ton ruse under pstmut Jntilmmn n.U*cf toll a* fix#4 by to* board of Canal e - lnto abedv politic and «wpor*?e. pretties ibatth* Cot3?aoy pttwWfopSarhpqblit? ,Wc*k*; M be. tad. they »wr »cr*by If tiiey derm It' expftlfeat, to oriri*t? act a jaifwahby U»a rTiiibto.rontvfrpta thAiwrafcm lermtouS ef the TfcHafivl j hta and Ootoolli rellroad to the AtfQhtttj Priitaifl railroad, aihl eonnrrtitberewltbl cn*l aianestood lb# 4\l«beny IVwUg* the .cliy of ariJcnanw't with lit* Karth/Wjiteim jraJlroed; and -iri inmaro the Capital sta* cf . company tn>nT axacorit'.tseccwafy' tri' .cojriplHeV tba ram*, cxcetOtog three hundred thousand iharrii at fifty each; /Vo vuikd* Th* m** nI«wJ within .tea year* beta the dale cf Ju txkcOTporaUcn. uxsdra thU Mi.-" ' • ";53mi' twenty-eeecrid sefdco wrorUes that thepQtrhoErr ct aid copal and raUfrißds’cahiU eurryoat in good fcith aU : extract* wbb* may be the Qrrimaon* wiuTto and other parties the roortractica of new work cri the lfefteg# wiltcw4.bt fjfirepstm dr mate* rUleot» e»y p«t of the raid inalft line:' pteridfdt That (be *eU company my rald ronimts to the ram* man c«r that tha Or>mmoriwralth might bavri dene, and. that they shall not Be liable fry anr.cf ih*: debts on; the raid main lineincurred prior to tbadste of toe trerisftf.** •Sid. £3: That If any corn pony heretofore incorporated by thla rha.lt bec«n* tfce purchaser nf raid main line, *o<& ertupany shall bold lb«-Same : undrr: It* criglnat name. crpanltaUoo and mahagement,butenJ secure ttoomplianee with-the prortatobsuf ibis act. -; Ssc. ja. Tbai the ptosrrrV&e power to alter, revoke: or annul tb A poWrtW and rpitvilsgea. which tuajt be robtotwd .hy this aci on the company which mriy pritohase the saldtotuo line whenever any of tne raid powers nr prlv* j U#gr* may, in their opinion, be Injorteas to the dtlssas wf this Cammonwralth in;such manner, however/ that no lq-" jastlCo shall bedorie to the raid company, ” _ ] * The omitted rocUDrisarid part&of sectlongof the Act, .are : suct\ as confer upon the parties purcba.d og toe usual corpo> v 1 ralb firm, and as concsxa thoßtaie.'omy, and their lo* rartion herecoujd beofri.o;tritoTp?ttohiiidoir«.-i r- '■ ‘.. Tlto rates of toll by the Canal GommbsleQOTS ripori through freights aud ftrtorea at tbodatsuf the pas-; rage of the )aw« aim which wld beeome lhn htghe&k xatrel that purchaser wIU haTe the rtgfi.t to charge, are as fol lows, towitr - ‘ , Ist On fll freights cleared at Philadelphia for Pittsburgh, I or Intormedlato points on tb* main line, and pu aU freights cleAred at Plttaburgb for. Vhnadelphta; or lntepurdiote-.i points, pud carried the whole djstuDto between those i point*!— ■. •.•;■. ; ■ ■•/ ' -■ -'.-.'-I Mrst class, f gt.fß peer 1000 pounds. 1 j - Second class,’l2s 'do do. i -. :.. • Third dass; 1.00 ' do • do. . ..:. Fourthelass, 95 s do:. j, -fifcr’-. a*' i; / : • >.2nd. Oh rill Baltimore frtightaoomtng on to Iho'Cenali at Columbia, and cleared 'ftpm tbenw -to '-Pittsburgh; nud on all freights cleared at Plttobuyph fof Columbia, and lined tor Baltimore, too foUawtrig’ttlM of-toll may be charged, viet ■■. v‘--v ->•••. • - : - FirsicUss;: sV : TO do do. > • :-Thirdclass;. 50 .; do.-: . -do.-. v. I ■ ‘: Fourth class,- 45: do do, :>. • - -i > The.rates of toll upon IcxtoT freight being too.’rblamlnous for lnsonlon here, can be ascertained, Ifdfdned tJncmary,' 1 hy lhoito doslrtog to bid, on application to this Pepkrtmeut, whefe rertifled'statements furnished by’tho Canal'Com /trilwlbrieKi are on file. /'.'.lri.purtnabcoeir the raid Act of Assembly, public notice : 4s hereby given that sealed proposals the >mannerTrerorib#d;ftt ; the office of the Secretary of the Cotfr. -monwealtbi at Harrisburg, up to the first Monday of July" next, at 12 o'clock, M. & A. BLACK, .. -: v 1; j,:: Secreury of thoOoamonweal th. J , f . ~ TEAS I' TEAS !, TEAS 1: - ' • ; WHOLEBALR AND RETAIL, - c •St the JPeMn Tea- Store, ' ' 38 Fmn-sr^xn,^uisijOßflzi,pa., . I>T the half chest, of neatlyp&ckod lu metallic package J te. suit the trade,-L ■ •.•••• v- ( - .vt.i \, ‘The subscriber in now reeelVlng'hia Pal) fltooltof OBJ Fi. aD«IBhA I^K:TBABI -Hsnnsiflt4Bg orsomo of thfl finest pl< fv tobe found in the Eastern market. Merchants rldting' the - ' cltyareinylted tocallandoxamineourstocfcc ...;, v: Below lea list of the various jgrau?Sr all of which, hate? i Deencatefally selected, and can with confidence ha ?«coM» [mended:: ■,. v zr:,'‘v i.: z3O half chests fine Tonne Hyson; -' < - ' 10 do . do ' MoTnneYoupgHyaop. . 10 do. ; extra finoMoynne do; : ♦ :: 100 . dOi. - Soperlor : -■?.»■•.? ?.,dpp'V ~\-n ~v:.v;; : • : "- i 16.- <\ do -; extra fine- > •*••■■;.; do; ...^v 60 looqurod boxes extra Curious Young Hyson •; aS half chestsfine Gunpowcer; , ,•/... -10 !., dp. • ; .'«XtXftflne i <•-. r>s.-; - ' : • . 0 -- do v. •::•.•* do Mornne Imperial i • 20 .: do • Superior; ,; : dOL. ~:••••; 160 do ■ Fine Oolone Black Jea; i ...... 40 ... tie extra finepoiong; - 80 do* '** extra tWrtotm ad; .> . 20: do / BaperlstlTeiT strong and fragtaniOolong; : 25 chtf ta extra fine English Breakfast -v .*> ’ m v‘ ' fi 1 • do , Onrioas' 1 ’ no - '• dtf? ‘ . ** > “ ALSO—Java and Bio OoifckloT(uiag*ff yarised Sugars. *' **.."*, I» »■ ■Al£i>4-53,Q00 Bti&dpft.EegarSr-Whlohwlll.hßsoldy^’ loir* \ftTOOL UEBBOifI.—OYUr 1W place* PlMdWooUtetagx* ofereijMiaasriptfon.AaHt roorirvd. r i. '• 4 • iay». ' ' 14. A.IUSQH&CO. -i£~ :■''--n -r:.-, V ir * . . ; * -r 'y " T 38 jßfth rtpeefa " r - ■ : ''' • *V---r. -; r \i • • -- - -v-;*-,.*, -•-- -•• -'--v*. .... >->- iv.-£w- * \ ‘V:- <• *V'‘. r"'. V .• •'■ . 7 '•■* v ■■ ■ t ... , ; '.ty 7 ,r~. V - XiS ■; % - t * • L'\i' ‘ ‘ l l MEDICAL., Carter' 1 * Spanish ' Jfliiti rc: A N ZNYAUTABLIS KgM£l>Y yOR Sing** A HtU, HherraMientirelißt-iAt .last) tried Carter's Spanish eGeo i tdanycaredmet as dr am hippy to tsy l harebaditeiihu abUls crferefr'khfiSe. 1 - 16rarid*r : ifr world, and the only ttedlbia* that ever reached lay case t..,- -...i • , JomrLoiaMa. , Bearer Dam; near Richmond, Ya»' v; -*!?:: s:+ic •.* C. ; Br LtJOtf, iaatoy/yi*arelnthe'PMtOfflce, ; hae’Biich:ConfidenM Ihvtty t astonishing efficaey of .Carters bos tf :fi£trbottles, which he hu has trerer known; toftU, when taken according to directions. *- r * r ’ > -• ®R JHNGE> 4*p«6ctlrtDg*£fijf«iei*n;*nd formerly of lb* :i Qty Hotel. IntbeeHyOf BicbxaotelrWS'be fcoi »Un«ta«i 7 In fc-namwr-of3nstance*the'effeetacf CarterV Sjfcui*jt ; ■Mixture* FdrprlKliipi'i Belays in V. * aacebt Consumption; dependent oti oufXiyef, thbgobd «f' bets were wonderful Indeed. ?;'BAMOEL M. DRINK of-Dfinkrt: A Mor-? ris, Richmond, was Oared b£Xftrer-Complaint 61 eight year r. ■ standing, by the use of two bottles of Carter's. Spanisl y-tr : T ■'% ' •GBEATCUREO7SCBO?ULA>-TheEdltDTS:6nbtnict' xaond; Republican. bad e servant .'employwt In-their pmr r ! voezsr carwof violent 6crofifl% comhinedriwlthr Rheuma tism; or>CaiterVßpani*lrßllxture s»db tt- iJorfect cute of tlum^ fay eommend it to .11 ntu> m .ffllr.tod irltli .brd&raa of th» *■" ' *-1 • . . f k “.. • STILL ANOTHER CURB 0* hadn Ten . valuable boy cared nffieroftaU by Carter's Spanish Mixture I consider Itrtruly a valuable medidne.: *•• v - \" • •: Conductoroi lh&B;Fr!amlPiR«R.CO., filahttcnil, V* 7 - SALTRHKTTM of TWENTYYKAKSSTANDIKGCUKED;* —Mr. JOHN 7fioMPSoN;redding’Jd the dtyxrf lifchbi imti* vaa eared by tbraebottlesofCorter’a SpanishUixtute,of :Saltßbenm T Trhkhl»haiiiißiriyt»entj , rfli tl* physicians of the city .cooJdtict cure.- Me. Tljiftnp bodUnwellknown merchant-ftt4heoHy-af;RichmoUd»-Va , oci hi* eurt is most remarkable. - :.«v v-* WM» A.MATTHEWS,of Richmond, hadaserroßtcuTeo ■of ByplfilUjte the woratform,by Carter's Spanish'Miature- oondders iv an inralueblsTmeOidne. «»*’•<' ■ ;.BK!HABDS» \t EST» of Rirhiatmfl, Was etlied-of Scrota-- la, and what physicians , call confirmed Consumption, t} ibrecbottisinrCaitertSpanish EOalUre. ■...k ■--., ’ vr .EDWARD commissioner Of the* revenue, >**y7' he has-aeen thtfgdodefltot* cl Carter's Spanish MUturr it a number of ;Byphiliaato»***n4 .ta7B it is » perfect cun-: tor that horrible disease. - - -s iT WB&G.HABWDOD.of Richmond* cured of Oldßcrpustid Diners* whlteb-diaabled 2iitii.&ota walking; Took* few bit* tlee of Cfezt6T?*Bpahito:Mi;ttawab&'»as«nahledlo «olk withoutacruteh; in asbort time permanently cured. '• : . PricdpaiDepotstSLWA&lhilLOSßACoiNo.B3MsMet York*?. : t t ’ T.I&DYOTT ft BoKB,Hfcl32 North U*fcjFliU«Be!if»i - BENHETT ABBESS,Ha; m-Malnjrtiwt,aichinoiiU.V».. Asdtorjale by II.A. JfAHNKSTOCK*CO~L.,WIU‘t>X Jr. ft ita Wood. afreet* Titi» Allegheny; and by Brmrgisti - . octfeda-aly gaBBJB y 8 COBPOPSP BfRPP OP TKU " ' ‘fr-- EOW is A purely FegetableOttnjcuna, sdentifieaTlj pro pared from the best roots and kerbs of-th* Mauris’ -hne gained an tmrlTailed reputation ’ for Ow folowlngeffecta, tuu __ • * \ BaaniSiaaso AM>iBTßEnOT&Binra tfBE'EiyKR, aediha£9irrTß-OnaAS&eud eleansingthoStomachendß/lw els; axnl thus curing ell Billons Dbeaste, lAtex ttaorptsfa!*.; ’©s*P*pS J % Fn«;Headache; Fern ;'* and Ague,- Jaundice, "Sautea, Loss of Appetite;' |t n and causWa the fbod to nourish and support ever? part: " PUBiFYINO: THp JJtOOIS, ami thus curing all llamon. Cutaneous Eruptions, Scuta • KrytfpelaSrScaldßead,Canker, Fimpiexpt tfco Caee, Blotcha, Ulcers* Tomors, Mercurial JHsea**. Can ..cert*,*?,, Ac. .j ~ REQCLATZSO TUB MOBBTOBt ORGA&B, • arul by enabling them to pesrtara/thairprqpj’fancLipnA, pretenttagamL coring many palatal asd4asgerhu;.s* : eases* afreagthcnteffeml qubttngtbe NertnaaSysteni, the*, si toying Nervous Irrtta&ot*, sad cozing. aXhdtoueeof. the Verves, aaHystgrla t Henralgia.Cx i ainpl > Ae,:TtiflanriTa'U4 Intbecnre: of A2)-?£MAUi COMPLAINTS, WWsaknvst, General LkbilUy, r Imgoiar|tj,, Obstructiont*: Bwefflp*• of the Peat, Umb9, Joisiar fte^-caused liy'.waakscAft Lang and Threat OamplaiatCtaa OoldvOoughs, Astbtaaj C °ulvS^^adfu^?tS r lx*k . Root, prepared by C. Mortoft Co, fitherouradres, or in aui 1 rtty ‘salutaryand :«tteebial-r preparation; w« dombstcbaertallg recotarrufiKlHto lkMa'ntry.T«laanlenrtdlcine.-"“- .; J&Rotxme, Esq^CasbiefTJfttionalßaßk,Proyidcnw,U.l4 A ’ W.Bpencer. Efq *C»hler Orue Eoek ltask',4b.dOM Ver. PbilUpSj Rcr, £L 'Richmond, C. S. Jones, <-3ito: Prorldouce Getn WUHam Field,‘.M; W. G. M^Cvriu' FUher, M. U. H. Fit Jame*. Hvitdtlnpoa, G. 8., Pea. V. J Ratwi, Oort S>tij: r tfclbyy kad .one hoodred othera of th» ■ ©opt reSpeciablefttaiUles of FrorWeoee.- Thls lhute for, \ number of j wnTbcrn ae: wltb.the eomncAtUbn ana taode of manoiketotpor MOKBE*S COMFOCHO HVROPOF VRLLOW DOCKUOyT/ 1 haro also been acquainted with lts wfxiuj aptmndi iu ita cai*, abdeitfaaythattn all mpeetsit is admirablyciicu luted to Tcmody that class .of Disease fhy:wMeb It w a.* signed.; It U cepeeiany taloahleia IHOrGSSXXOH ■ anil an iu attendant symptoms, H cxcitc to healthy action the hTFEB, rJ« oi children annually become or. dis charge* of matter frbja tlietf hj ftarletiVTcr,, ~0010**0, Now* If mo them would pro-1 cum chUdreawwrtdha?uie&: built neglected, thcrdlscharge con- Unoca »wj,troublesome. Uio.£eariDsgrttdualij : re**av.'isb* and finally partial or total deafnees e&rqea. ; - ■. * IMfiOBTASI'KOtoC®* . i Cußand teeHr*. Hasten and tte.vnllisiparitQ you tyttko . f- •- A3Totn^oJ*CTt ip-^b^rebe' c®stiiy,that when! was about tweltgyegoold'X gram mil* •< .becamedeafiQrbotb ear^ecitbatJna.^months* t> bud' it almost Impossible tohesr. unless iulbqTinflr. loudest Doni Of.tol»r;aT9at»tae4jte COMPOUND ACOUSTIC Oliv. t t like magic, and £uite, com me. onewishtosfarihet Information of rot cue* wblcb T think * remarkable Srm, yIU find street. Bret doorabOTeSooondaoreet.- . -' ’ -Hi^sooaSazi]* , ,• V. •' ‘ “/v, PekinTeVStor*.‘ " v , 'sB (Fifth str*«t.'ftttjsbarpb. ■ i Dr. Jib' Jj'KTIBI -toateiter’nailnbmed Btomacirßtttois, -—KLYAtt'n.DYfiPKKriC.rwil warraDUd to iurjg -U orotoand strengthen the "whole system oferery one /ho him them; erenow tope tor tale by ' Sr. GKO. lI~KJKVSKU. comer tVood EL and Virttln biles ; FIiSMJMQ IhTtggiatorcptt'Wood -and Fourth put.;. : It-il BELLJEUhiXlrtig2ist.\YMxlst. bet. Third and Fourtli: JOltLilOTtliteltv Druggist* Llbeuratrett;. ..■ i. ' andallour Eret class llotels and' Rsslaaranlri,ae : veil ad deal era meraUl.Whero tin proprietors hrnst jreopaftriiny refer the publio lor them*. _ -; : The etFehio ta hut »triffo,.Ttbeh comparcd-wlth tio Ur eal eatable" (toodtheyaiffect- ' ' F«ellng'nßafieostaa merit inmclent torccommendthem, wowlll- not-mnUlplvwonts in their' bnttol(iii™:SjTti;Ta»m.»tr(ati'6tttlietn[reful to «Jk for HOSTETT^R'S STOMACIf BrrIKKS, asthere! an other Bitten npre*ent64tb he the same, which compara tively are »»TOte*,: ; .OMSilt4ttMi *Bhout a rirsl,either ns to their medicinal qualities, or a§ » bererage. They , art PWt SFta«quaret»ttfn,^ii46,iVto»TB ?Jr«. .B,UoLUK,3inpfraOMiniei u l> r H.:TSuaHX, ! Aliai§y-i e w .•fiivisoK,- Kint* En>«ts!, ’ .CO„.--Btej»toCftfe>r I Smg,DAEZBIX4O9, ShwjlrtMtiSWWAßT, tt&ZD A 00, HoduUWltoii WOtli; J. W/IttHMBN: H«> cheater.. JjS&iwP I OKTJJiiisS.'iofiJ rare *od »tl DUejaels of UlB SWlii an* aaa^iftBw^/-^i£^caaaBiteagJ«'T‘-o .!*•»•( - SpiMlei hj. fMjnHO; BBffJHEES,*o4 Br, i Wood; .etr&fltjKttabx>rri^^«^f^SilitH g Jsir^[pehtuq>'ntny,; * iwiaHrambi SwwsviywififflJrtjiWsOTiis- jonj. &. I HOLMES. :& M.CUBBy, ; AU«awraCilTr HARSH?»M«nta»at*r, ' ~. _ j --■■ ; - "" ■**•»*** •HHmbjhe B6gr*' '■<*' ‘W.-.snsßnsi/s mxmemvm XY« kwawr BwKrinltlft; Jittaerti; BafloibfiiM'Hechaß hfg bonus, la t them chkb or cnek erer so bad, sound and In, 'jtoodWolWn*OTderallmDi*r. Jl “ •' __ jflPffßCß TOBBEIij " . -jyatoltvj . r. Ll> /, i> HmmatncKOoan. Allegheny County. as. > > ’ ■ ' ■ ; Msll» B;Cf»rber I " j’| ilotlMiahertby giten that,fcr ts.l ~ iVvnr*dnvM«T an order In Equity, ’'HelHOfJohn Qorber.ypassod by theDbtrictGrart, April .B I IBS4 L thßre_wlll be anorUnlnMStn Ltn.llarp*mimtarao .ril,ofpieat^crrei»«iriiw»swlStßei>flfofJol, Bt . EE.,NORSE'S; IKVIOOJU I aNO. > EUXIR,«'&& ! 'latli?ortfJng ; EUxlP<>r€cof»iial i w^r»ifefct6td ;:^bTfldia^-oTl}# I pabUc,' lima truth* aumranetdby the cllscoT«rer.‘ Batl&ct»,jindV stable ■ factfljaUestedbywitDepeea of thehlghest'claji rad' .'ch'ifaeter, 'nre'noVlriwaphtoj? oyer-*ll : dnubi&'''JnrredD« lity is overthrown by amass of teatimtiny Which liperftaUy inweistfblv: •»» jUV i< £/* uA . The KJjJtJB remedies, la all cases, the deplpreble ore* arising from' a rnktae or abuse' of tfi e various organs irbfch mbtsw up the wonderful machine called man; It icstopHto- XttH ioitieT andmJu&jKeejsary to the reproducUon’Of Euman Ual Topetflmfa'OT'feoble an* as oeccsraix io the prowafejijoymeptof all the natural fippft-: ' tlteSi aswell as uta nighermental atoHtofaiAlti bfpgfffW ■ eirertfi-Ata iiot;tsonflced ; to either sex, or to any *a. ,Sba the TeaknesBbf>s , ogletotgBn t .willulJCi)diiijraodiate»odpa> manentrelieffrp^theußeotthiaincoiDparablejeiioTator. To IhoeAtfholiave a ccmoeto;*^tinfidlW^^ • malady* There wejn«n?» r petii»pe, r who'hweBo trifled with their cooEtitntionß,.tbBttliey thlohthemselTeabeyondthe reachof nlWiaxitv’ let nbVoreh ihesedeabiJr,' Taa Elixir >deals vlih disease os itmdstsi tocoasesr and-Bill not only remote the dlsorder.ltpelf; hot ,* , , ■ UmrilSTSEilßbKE{fCOJ«STlTini'pN. { - l 1 i eases. Bnd thefbTmfl itßeif.are itoupaaer* i ons that it , woold miuire ad)laihn to enumerate the mala* ;.di#q tet< ia> ot>«eis9.r' A;few*how* i.OTer, mfly be euutDera}ed, "via: oenT«lgiji i; tJpdoisreatac, bfad^chCjtocJpi^htpartiys^^KySt^rti'jmlpitatteO'Of the -hearty.spinal affections. muscular dsMmy,-irymfir*iflatu* weakiiw of the irffl r to mote, fate sleep endterrifjlog dl«m*i mcroenatit e organs, melancholy, num~ oniana, floor-alßuSjfJnßlog- at th| .stomach,female Irrego - Uritto,* cbronfdtßbdiimy to lrripearriape, «aatlaU ctooreaGh the eopsUtutlnn eonditioni.' - ..••.• • '•- '•'•'•.C—V' : vV v -n»irrft> tosleep. diecascfl ipddeTjt to - fpTnnTi'jf.'deeay of the td*n&rTii{toe terrors;'-palbitattea of l etc- from 'wbntrtmcou ws AtfoiDg,' it bt. if there la ariT reliance to bo. plsecd Qchutnan teEtijnocy.absolutflly infallible, A GRKAT MKXItOJNH FOIL FEMAIiTS. -•- in oQ mark ft sewcntln. cbe ftn rials of medfeice*.' Tbeußaruiitoral!mQlanla'hflTebee& iti rentfd—tbcoaandof InTigotsutseoncoeted—all purpOiKnff to be specified In Jtfce Tarious di?msses7and derasgexDenu to : Which thedalfcatfifoTnifilScn'or^TamaiKiriWlerherUiible.. . ., , . Who suffers from weakness, deretifleihent, nervotmaesa, tre> mora;'paiha fn the.hftrSf «* any other disorder, -vhrtheepO' 49dias to her sex*-or common tobothsexes—to gtrathera* rigorfitingGcerdifila txifit. r 7 • * •' ' J *MABrJS3D 'PEBSONS;' v Or alters* ttJH ‘find this Cordial- after they 'hertetiaftl a fiot> tle ifrtwoi» thorongb regenerator of,tho'4yptem < ~Zo,aa dirrcHopspye, to be _C?u tdihe hoppj.parents of beftlthyoff 'fipring, Whoi-iironld' h6 l hatebreti: to out for thferextraOTfli nary Jjeqosllypotent fbrthSmanydla «ua« f.r Which. H is reeommended. - Thousands of yeung toon barn tvhtg it,: and not in* rihgle {&• atancQ bar it faflM'to .beneSt them*. :, • • ••, ••, ■., ■•.■.. • PEllEfoS'W PALE CnMPtEXimr. i%al ' - 4 or ronmmpttro restored byihs use -of a bottle or t*o to blomawnd the skin from* palfcyel lov.ekWy color; to complexion,. \ - *• ‘TO TifIaMIPOTHDEIX, of toelanaholyotfeetfipfbda-' ccdb7ieaxly:ba.litf k iroahsegapf .Um- took -and limbs, pains in. thenwd* dimness of eighty loss bCmtu* eolru* pQger. cni'.the. mind dreaded. VXoss of of ideas, depresaion - of epWtJi, v *Ttt R»lf-d3sthut, lore of toiltude; timidity,!ete:;are some ot -threirUff ptodn* cadi Aflthus :.» i 'i L .. o^i v -- - BBFOBB CONTEMPLATING MijlBlAOH ( : abrdjal‘.hss beeh roantorftXfrd by &ome unprincipled pemm*. r ’■ . slV the geusttifir Cordialiwfll hard the.propria, ta'a faoeimlto pasted pyer the cork of each hottte, the foUowrpß wordshlowu in the glass: ‘ ‘ l)r* %r. i; C. 11. RlK6fPioprfetor,^4..T; - The Cordial is put up, highly oo&cratrfited. In plot bot- dollars per buttle* two fbcrfiye dollars, aix fbrtwdlTedollars^. - . C.H.RlNG,Proprietor,. - - - ■ -192 Broadway,'W. T. Sold byPruesist* thronghout tbeUnited Statu, Ctaudb and the West Indies. f ■ _ gut _ . aobsttsi. . ' JJ ltliOSU fib: Cd Wood strttfi' v : Po CEO. It KBYHBB. Kn,J4O. « « AlleabenyCi^—3KOr-PiFLBMINQ. AIEAKINGS. -?r . :i v .fbblQfiaHeaV. ; ...Invalids-or Pittsburgh waA Vicinity, ; '\7OUIl attention!* orßenOy inTitwrfoeCarefhland eta :JL did-pernsaV of somethin# tofrtjbu, jQat .b«B&L.totrc> 4u5«4-lnto State. •''* : 'UTOWgIffiQTKKG > J - '* VOLTAIC CHAINS! A.NRW mode remedial . agent, so constructed aa-Jn’he-voitj tmdfarihawrmrtjta, Tjejt to toedftn: rrMadoff a gthitdimt;UKTNT£lfflUWEl> Corwiitaf-BIjECTaCMJIAfiNBHBMvrfr?ciSDS.:T;ij>.;ii • -v, k ... Inm«dla(eJptltef i EVoxa Uta mostMoteT»to;aD(faTKo-upennabea&etffvofall NERVOXIS-IJISEABEB. -It aeldQp.haa*ftfled to farntob ahnwt certain relief, end a FINAL, PERMANENT (jUltli, bybeing uietf Bceordlng' „/ todtrecttarr* to ttoMtowhig diseases t >• ,i - ~..Uterina.Paina,i: (loot. Sciatica, ' - PaJpltsUoflortheHaaii, Psxalytia,* s *' • '• •• '* -Periodical Headset v* 1 * PatotolaadflireHßd Netmlglaof thoFa^!o,^---flenel*ll)etlility r :I)l^fca^£^cftlMßpin9i ; /-.-,^Pa^ttftc^toft<2hr®t,y\•' ! Yfaai erb * eauaed hy£ ; of NEJtVtJUh gmllyie]J‘notjpermapeTrtlycnMd by simply tasting Ihacbainp for a fair hpur* each day* ■ • •. ;p ; : ••-• .-. BciH&nderalood .^-vv^'v-rv cures all, only* those fq*'w aictt'itr Tareoomrnendedy J «id4norebter, ire boldly .■wMtni a tkdjDETX.'UmVho. medicinal lament otANY p«rihnQed I ;Sft I£ASiy.,COHSa taring. the .last yw/oitSwedlftSaw** Jurtttaxoed,‘as rrrr ‘" w Tirj . CHAIB*. And togiPTO thto defy any tn-reoo to prodneo ' CT S^«ot3^. { ayrfdana..end Jntelllp'm patient? ss .jnay ba fbtudln c of thnrtyislx pages; (ttatlaV of the*t£&fcnt»* T^-c—«*? .* andofter being subjected'tot he moat andßl/rld Tdal*r ! ‘By to'ednt medical nictf fit Faria, they were fonbd/to pot* . ererappliedy and by thdr infitxance.wen Jntzodncedilnto • the hoepitolpof that Becured by letters patent tetha|frMtChGfiT«nunent. r ,.„, . ' Tlifiy at«[3^^inaMnßcd;!n‘almost .««?Jr,'Hwpital to tfegland;ennaicy ,• Anrtria,' and patented to tbpse conntrlet whete they haae r ’Xffttot I ** %t* wtou, v., ~TSeywera!fJr& introduced Into the ope wynt tofoagb too; samo'tr.olAain' 35a ropfc,- and.ywtoVat otfcc to jfaw-fforkvwtoe they are*novia dally bIORE'WONBEBFUL CCUSS - toinTW awarded them; \ : -Tfief awf.l3*hi¥tpeo'mineqjled by Proft. VatenUfeeHott, .irbo published;thebr ttetraeftheir povenaQd-Taioe;la;acsesa3-of:thesji£6llcaJ loathe dafly.pracifee of opfnlonmay^ateo^e itfontflottery to* addtesaof aQ^panoO'to the Btete by ; appb^^tpost ti?. ■- ■ £. o^mtoojthelr PK^oo^ceujiratheirmerfte. .... " ; 'i' ; -^ : 'Ottrword Wote to tovaitiis, . jost wbotiC iaclAltned tbcy can dorsad elhpezsasuvrhb totir noatnitoß (bottled awUQ axe htodly and politely tartted to gtve them a. trials •'••'•' - '* - •’-. • :.•- ft* 8.7-OneChain vIU last for year*-and of Ito electrte power Vf use. andbur be-applied to Clthri adult 07 ' told. ■■‘-2 -••:c/'. , V y -;* ;•*.* • TS- .... r- QEO*'39t.JR3?YSBBi'Ko. 14b corner.of Wood street and •Yirgte'Mley; Httahnrab, wholesale and retail cgehtl AUfe. rbg AUeghcay-CltrKi 1. ?/ •fjieclflpteyem • < BTi'D. 1 fnyae’k FamtlF I H(idtclß^ * JUfclTcfcfc* V wifrTermlftig®; BanfttlY«TO7ft: 1^ r CMTnin>tiTeßaUwa; AguePflU* u, f -;' & ■ fa" "Axa'erfci^^ftlrDye t and sold wholessleior retail,at tb®Pekin TeaJiore,&7Ul& By- .A.JAYWEV Ijtflfccuy * - , .. PUUfcjrgft.: f.t.u <■. :< illieaiei- - - h sj \ nj*bu£ineea is mostly ouaflncd to Wsg :J r tnmaliXfcii«,and : sTir^ti»lntaligertltm4.)B& ' BvfhilK B«Mlltfclt™»tloo ! >Qmon'h«i;aii«tßWntiinv tJrethW Wtidmrga, InpttrttT'otniie-moa, 'trttl l all Dt**! - of tHe VenerwOOnran. Efcin :tian* i .icaerilllc^orn> f ;w?«, -Ijaiioteftcy-r • Moptfafri flppppgstaaft Disease*: of too fa trtaiod.— •/ -- -V- ? •"•••- .-!«®xt«en-jfe*n?pT*fctieo(aixln this &ft*}n&bl«a Xfe&rewn t 6 ftisuiwm of a BpMOj tiort to tfakjrMoo oa* r W#w#v-^••. •> * :vjl? :-v *■ O. PUmtmd all* y» ' ■■■ V: •; .. . ' 'V*-' r. vv’ ' y 'r.. EItBUMATIBU/— Dr.Browtrtne'wly for Rheumatkm is* rpeadyancJcertaln Rmnedy tat ■ *bat pafasfa)trouble. Itc6T*rral& - - I\- ■■ . ofßw ar^WYateCw^alfcatfoix-Booms Ho* 4| EZAHOHX& f tfttrtraxi&j fgpxfr. thoTfcctorla ilujb qtfeimr*-.' mnebS&dJhr. t , , - TOmiQKtrwbfe- i < * -aVOil-Bemmot; ' <»U Cinnamon jv ~ _T ; . - ** Ifttaoo; l4t Clow; v „ ' *i? <1 mbtftrpxoen; “ Jferoll; ‘ ' )'f at BtsfK&ts; < * Ortaauxrt? * «. M Otange; * Husk* < .. £ „ , ft* «*!• fey 1 I' ■„ . ■*» *7 •■: s-\. ; . .'•■V’fe • " ? :