The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, June 13, 1854, Image 2

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Editor and .Proprietor^
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* • : 01 fm COCUffy.. •
Democntlo Btate Central Committee.
She Democratic State Central Committee t>Ul meet »t
Boehior’e Hotel, lh Horrfstmrg, on tho 16th
June, A. D 11854, ei 10 tf doota, A, SI,
J. KU.IS BONHAM, Chalnoen.
•the ksohsbpebssahothbwak.
The influence of the English Press in thia
country is far more extensive and powerfal than
the majority of our peoplo ooqld .be persuaded
to beiiovo. On all European questions of poli
cy, on all subjects relating to the political, reli
gious or social condition ot the nations of Eu
rope, and even of Abis, we derive our informa
tion, and our opinions mainly from the press of
England. Identity of language and origin, inti
mate and extensive commercial relations, and ]
kindred and friendly. feelings, notwithstanding
two wars, have given to English literature and
tho English press a vast and an undue influence
over the public sentiment of this country. We
heed a literature of our own, independent and
free in its tone and sentiment, and tTuly, Ameri
can in its oharaoter V and we will yet acquire it.
We need means of information in regard to Eu
pean affairs more impartial and trustworthy than
the English press supplies. That press is said
to be free, and is ably conducted; yet oven in
regard to the events of the preaent war,.in whioh
' all the nations of the world are interested, we
can obtain from it: no reliable > information. It
spcakß the sentiments of, a government and oli
garchy with which American republicanism and
democracy can have little eympatby.
The London Times, and the -British Reviews
ore now publishing: historical sketches, of tho
countries involved in the present contest, and
professing to give true views of their political,
and sooiel condition. Yet no reliance can bo
placed upon them. They were designed for po
litical effect, end are written with a view to serve
tho ends of the British policy, regardless or the
troth of history. : Thus tho English press is now
employed in representing the Turkish govern
ment as mild, paternal, just and liberal in its
sway over the Christian nations of Europe, that
for four hundred years it has held in hondogo
and slavery. A late article in the London Quar
terly labors to convince its readers that
the Ottoman government is a model of excellence,
liberality and mercy; and that the many mil
lions of the Grcok population of Turkey am too
• degraded, vicious and treacherous to bo worthy ,
of the patriarchal kindness of such a. govern
ment The pages of the London Quarterly Itself
could bo quoted to prove the utter falsity of
theso representations. About .the timo of tho
Greek revolution it represented tho Turkish gov
eminent os an arbitrary and merciless despotism,
utterly disfranchising and cruelly oppressing
the great mass of the Christian population, “hud
treating them as a conquered and abjeot race,
that might be plundered with impunity, and en
slaved by right of. conquest. The .wbolo English
press teemed with such eeutiments, cud snob re
presentations then, for then it was. the.policy of
tbo English government, to favor the Greek rovor
lution, and establish an independent Greek king
:* wno. nunAmaltihari Nn*J±-i*-4bc
polioy of the same government to suppress and
crash a second Greek revolution, andsostain the
Cause of the Turk. Hence the chongo in the
tone of the press, and its labored effort to prove
that all its former views were false. Yet it is to
Bnoh a source we look for European intelligence,
and for onr opinions of tho affaire of the Eastern
world. ■ ■ ■ - ■ ■' ■
Our intelligenoo, in regard to the events of
the present war; must some mainly from the
same source; and must be received "with many
grains of allowance. , Every trifling advantage
of the allies trill be. magnified into a. splendid
victory. The bombardment of Odessa was rep*
resented as an astonishing triumph of the allied
fleets.: Yet it turns out, when the, truth is at
length known, almost a failure. The Russian
batteries were not destroyed, nor their -mega
tines blown up.: The damage ■ can be soon re
paired. Amost every ekirmish- that bae oc
curred between the Russians and Turks,, is de
clared a Turkish victory by the English press.
Yet the Russians eontinne to advanoe, and the
Turks to retreat. A hundred and eighty thou-,
sand Russian soldiers are now on tho soil o f
Turkey: and to these forces tho Turks: alone
cannot oppose half that number of .effective, sol
diers. The disoSpline of the Turkish army,. nud
the capacity of its commanders, aro-far inferior
to those of the Russian.. In cavalry and artil
lery, it is notoriously. deficient. Omar Pasha
could not probably: concentrate fifty thousand,
men on any one point, to give, battle to the Bus
tians. His forces are divided among different
fortifications, that may retard the advance of
the enemy; but can form no effeotnal defenoe of
the country.' The English and French forces
are still at a greatdistanoe, and ere they reach
- the seat of war, the Turkish army, now assem
bling at Shumla for a general battle, may be ut
terly overthrown. Tho Turks fight gallantly ;
bnt in numbers, discipline, and armß,, the Rus
sians have vastly tho advantage; and the result
of a general battle would probably be disastrous
to the Tnrks. The Tnrkißh, Treasury is empty.
The Greek popnlation. is ripe for insurrection,
when sustained by the near approach of the
Russians. The Turks themselves are .diseatls
fled with their government, for concessions msf
to the Greekß. In fact, so little vitality and
strength is left iu'the Turkish empire, that near
ly the whole burden of the war must fall on the
English 'and French. Russia can pour half *
million soldiers iato the heart of the. devoted
empire. To meet ench a force at each a dis
tance, wonld inenr expenses, utterly exhausting
to all the treasuries of Western Europe.
Rnssiamnst be met on land; met in the heart
of the Tnrkish empire, and with forces sufficient
to check the advanoe of her armies. To bom
bard her seaports, destroy her fleets, or even to
burn dCwfi her capital, would he no defence of
tho Turkish empire. To provide for the defence
of Constantinople itself would be of little avail,
All the rest of the empire wonld be overrun and
conquered, and the city would fail in the end.
It was thus that the Turks conquered their' Eu
ropean possessions.- Adrianople was for along
time the seat of their empire, white tho Greek
sovereigns still reignod at Constantinople, The
Russians may. do likewise, unless, their armies
are speedily mot by large armies from>England
and France. The Turks alone can oppose no ef
feotnal resistance.
Notwithstanding the..boastful-.tone,: and;the
gross misrepresentations of the British 1 press,
England is probably now. involved in a conflict
that will cost her more treasure and Hood thaw
any war in which sho was ever engaged.-. ; And:
we believe it matters little what side Austria
may {take in the straggle., Should she join' the
Western Powers in active hostilities, the base in
gratitude of her boy emperor would -be Bternly
'punished by the Czar. He marched into Hun
gary in 1849, and crashed a revolution that bad i
well, nigh overturned Francis Joseph's throne. 1
The'samearmleB/'by.the same defileß, could again |
enter the land of the Magyars', and rouse them
i lo arms once more; supply them with arms and
munitions of war; and organiio a revolution
that all the'military power of Austria couia
never suppress. Grocoe, Italy, and the Greek]
population of Turkey, have already shown Blgns
that they would strike in euoh a cause. Austria
will probably not invite such peril by voluntarily
abandoning her position of neutrality. But if
she does, it will add little to the strength of the
allies.' The wholo weight of the war must fall
upon England and Frauoo. It must be oarried
on at a distance, at a vast and oxhaueting ex
pense, and will probably be continued for many
Russia is the largest compact and unbroken
empire that ever oxisted; and out of her seven
ty million peoplo, three million lighting men can
be drawn to recruit and double her armies, if
needed. Snob an empire, ruled by so proud, en
ergetic, and inflexible a monarch as Nioholas,
Will not submit to humiliation and defeat or dis
; memberment, until all its vaßt power iaexhaust,
ed. ' Will Russia or.'tho allied powers be ex
| boosted first? i Should this war oonttnne, its ul
timate result is by no means certain to be fav
orable to 1 England and Franco. We bave still
eome faith in the ancient prediction that Con
etantinople will bccomo a Russian city.
:JUNE 18.
Wo have been in tbo habit of considering the |
Journal one of the organs of the Whig party; ,
but wo snpposo it has determined not to occupy
that position any longer. It refases to publish
in the usual form, tho ticket nominated by the
connty contention that called itself Whig. It
is now two weeks einoe tho tioket was nominated,
and it does not appear in the Journal. It be
l comes important to know the reason of this re
fusal to publish the tioket.
For some time we supposed it-wasbecause the
convention was in fact an abolition convention,
adopting nothing but abolition resolutions. The
editor of the Journal, wo supposed, had too
much good sense and patriotism to join in the
attempt to oarry tho whole Whig party over to
the abolitionists. But when ho suddenly startled
the community by justifying tho mob of Boston,
and declaring that ho was com|nrlcd by the mur
der of white men by negroes and abolitionists'
it was evident at onco that he had resolved to
follow in the wake of the OareCtc ia tho effort to
soil the Whig party. Why not pnblish the ticket i
then 1 Aro there not abolitionists enough on it?
Were not the resolutions strong enough? That
can hardly be the reason, for wo have lately
been led to believo that the editor of the Journal
wrote them, notwithstanding the American at
tributed them to Mrs. Partington. Why then is
not tho ticket published. We are forced to tho
conclusion that the reason is Judge Pollock’s re
fusal decline; at the suggestion of the Journal.
Webelieve that if Jndge Pollock should decline
to-morrow, nnd make way for Potts or Wilmet,
the Journal would pnblish the ticket before ano
ther two weeks had elapsed; and pnblish it right
too, and not in the Sarcastio form, and rebellions
spirit in which it is published, in,the American.
ggg» Mbs. Ansa Con* Mowatt,' whose mar
riage with Mr; Ritchie we before announced, woe
married according to Swodenborgian form, she
being a member of that cbnroh. It took place
atlhe residence of her father, Mr. Ogden, ia Ba-1
venswood, L, 1., ana the event was graced by.a j
brilliant fete. The scene is represented as hav
ing been enchanting—the grounds, without, rich
ly and luxuriantly adorned by nature and orna-,
mented by taste, and the halls within made gen
erous by all that elegant hospitality and profase
I abundance could provide. Senator Douglas, B.
J. Walker, Messrs. Orrnnd Aiken of South Caro
lina, Witte and Ingorsolt or Pennsylvania, mem
bers of Congrees, and several eminent strangers,
distinguished the affairby their presence. The
relations of tbo bridegroom, owing to tho beoent
calamity in their family, were not present The
I brido's dress was of white silk, beautifully em-
J broidered, lace applique being also let in; the
j veil of Honiton, • fastened by a wreath of, white
] roso buds and. myrtle leaves, and would have
j swept the floor bed it not been looped up at the
I side ; a pearl necklace, presented by tho grpom,
I graced her nock, and the berthe of tho Brussels
| point was confined at the bosom by a broach be-
I longing to the same sot. -
ggy The Cincinnati Commercial,’ has the fol
lowing in regard to the Nebraska bill, and the
agitation of tho subject by whigs and abolition
llts: .
Tho Consequences of the passngo of tho Nebraska hill, so
for os they aro nnfortunate, oro destined to enure to tho
South. They .will he felt soon enough in that section- of the
Union. under any stoto or circumstances, lo.supereode the
necessity of measures for their acceleration. onl severely
enongb to do sway with any demand for the means of in
terelficallon. Neither is agitation required to secure tho
occurrence of such consequences, They will como soon
enough for tho safety of the Union—quite soon enough for
the tranquility of the people. And although douhtleßS the
tendency will be, from now onward, to eocttonaliso the greet
political question of the country, wo have too little taste for
the results of snch a process to p(re any countenance to
measures calculated to increase tho tendency.
-That man talks like a sensible man and a pa
triot, if he iB a whig. We hope there oro a good
many whig editors yet to bo found, who will
stand by the Conetitution and tho Union, and
refuse oil association with the party of agita
tion* disunion, and treason. •
Men,-not Fsntciians. —A notveryfastDem
oorat writes to the New York Evening Post,
proposing Thos. Hart Benton and Wm. 11. Sow
ward, i for'President and Vice President. The
editor, however* throws cold water on. the pro-,
jeet, by showing conclusively, that these two
gentlemen agree on no prinoipla of publio poli
cy, save the Nebraska Bill.
General Winfield Soott has made a report
on the oanßes that lod to tho wreck of the Ssn
Francisco.’ He censures severely Colonel Gates
for his conduct; and: speaks in commending
terms of Mtjor Wyse, and Lieutenants Charles
8.: Winder,-Van Vost, and Gardiner. -
Hpn. J. F. Snodgroßß died very suddenly
athis reaidonoqinParkerßburg, Va., on Monday
week. At the time of his death Mr. Snodgrass
represented the 12th dißtriot of Virginia in this
[e j present congress.
ggy-The Martfaa Washington conspirators ar
rived in Ginoinnati on Friday, having been re
leased on bail. .
[Special Correspondence of tho N.Y. Evening Post,]
proepectsof War with Spain—Preparations at the
Navy Yards—Surplus Revenue not to be Re
dated—Dallas and Cobb going to Madrid—War
, with Spain expected in Six Months.
■ Washisotos, JuneO, 1854. — Preparations for
War with Spain, itishe will not sell Cabs, go on
steadily and firmly.
1. Military and' naval stores are being collect
ed in great quantity at all convenient points.
2. All the vessels of war and naval Btations
are undergoing a thorough inspection.
3. All vessels of war are detained in port.
4. All idea of reducing the surplus in the trea
sury [by reducing duties—so : strongly recom
mended by the President in bis message, and by
the Secretary of the Treasury in his report—is
I given up, although the surplus is already nearly
doubled. ■ ■ '• ■
I 5. Dallas and Cobb aro going to Madrid, to
I bring book Cabs or war. They . will do what is
required of them. Cobb is a furious Cubanite:
I Dallas is a poor devil, that runs npon every scent
I the administration givee ont, and, besides, ia un-
I ole to Bob Walker, and under contract; and a
[ war is to Bob what a railroad charter is, a mere
I speculation.
]■ G. NoUifiere in Congress say, Cuba or war in
| six months; members of the Cabinet say this ad
ministration will have Cuba? ->,vr.
: - ~ Elienvum, June 2, 1854.
Editor of the Evening Post t
- Dear Sir; Will yon be hind enough to inform,
me who is the author of the Junius letters. By
so doing, you will'oblige a subscriber.
: - ‘ J. H.
Answer.— We promised not to tell. •
Whole Jimlni i
■ •. . : ' : i.acv
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A late letter from a gentleman of high soetal
position in Mexico to tho N. 0. Picayune, de
clares that in view of tbo.-.impotcnce of hit
Highness; Santa Anna, and the war of desolation
-he has carried on,-he would not wonder though:
the greater portion of the repnblle should re
bel. He also says the way matters are carried on.
at present; the Mißilla Valley money will not
provide government with funds for more than
six months.
A desporate convict in Sing Sing prison, named
Samuel. Murray, made on attaoh with a razor,,
on Friday last, upon his keeper, Mr. Goo. P.
Sherwood, and succeeded in infiioting several
frightful wounds. Modioal attendance was at
once prooured, and Mr. Sherwood may possibly
i reoovor. . Murray waß - sentenced in 1850 fer
ten years imprisonment for highway robbery,
and until reoontly has behaved himself well. .
By a statement made by the Foreign Minister
of the Sandwich Islands, and which has just
reaohed na by the last California steamer, it ap
pears that tho decrease of population in those
islands in the year 1853 was six thousand five
hundred and eighteen. One out of every twonty
threo of the inhabitants had been oonvioted. of
crime within the year. This feeble and licen-
tious race will soon become extinct.
Mr. and Mrs. Bobleter, and Lewis and Jerome
Murray, havo been held to bail to take
their trial for attempting to extort money from
Barnard Pinner, by inveigling him into a room
with Mrs. R., and then boating .him until he
signed a noto for a earn of money. The men
wero held in $2,000 each and the woman in $1
000. ■
Chevalier J. C. Gevers. formerly Charge d’Af
fairs of bis Majesty the King of the Netherlands
to the United States, has arrived at Washington
to fill again that bonorablo. post. Mr. Covers
has come with: full power to settle all claims
against Mb Government, nod to hear the char
geß and complaints of Captain Gibson, who has
made a demand for compensation for his impris
During the year 1853, one hundred and nine
teen foreigners wero naturalised in the Sandwich
Islands, fifty-three of whom wero Americans.
The King in his speech says:—As for. the adop
tion of the Maine law in this kingdom in the
presont state of revonuo, which. I Bhall show
hereafter, no man of practical sound sense wonld
recommend it
« Old Tale ’’ mast be in a flourishing condi
tion, judging from the number ot students given,
as fallows:—Undergraduates 4&B;Students in
philosophy and aTt 45; Medical students 41;
Law etudentsBB; Theological students 27. To
tal 594.
; Oa tho 27th nlf., seven hundred and thirty |
Germans passed through Cincinnati on their i
woy to Nebraska. Will our whig and abolition
brethren Who preteod to fear that tho new ter
ritories may become slave states, please tomako
a note of this?
■ Mr. Noble Butler, brother of tho sehoolmas
i ter murdered by Matt. F. Ward, writes that hia
friends in Lonisville bavo, without Baying any
thing to him about it, paidnnoteof bis in bank,
for expenses incurred in Ward's trial, and he
needs no assistance from other places.
Dates havo.been received from Fayal up to
May 12tb, up to whioh time nothing had been
heard of tho missing steamship, City of Glas
gow ; there is, therefore, no hope of her turn
log np in that quarter.
Despatches have been received at Wnsbiogton,
stating that lion. Robert McLain, oar minister
to China, had sailed from Hong Kong, for Can
ton, the 27tb of March, on board tho U, S.
sioopof-war, Vincennes, Com. Ringgold.
Captain Isaiah Rynders, President of tho
New York Empire club, was married on Friday
night, at his resideacein New York, by the Rev.
Mr. Stockton, to Miss Phccbo Shortwell, a very
beautiful and accomplished yonng lady.
: The deaths in St. Lonis, for tho week ending
June 6th, wero. 105, of which 25 were emigrants.
There Were a few cases of cholera. There wore
147 deaths in Chicago in the month of May; in
Cincinnati there wore 293;
Col. Walker, the famous leader of the Lower
California fillibustera, who had returned to San
Francisco, has given bail in tbo sum of ten
thousand dollars for his appearanco before D. S.
Commissioner Papy.
Michael Party and his wife aro now on trialin
the Kings county (Brooklyn) Oyer and Terminer,
on a charge of poieoning an old woman, named
Darby, for tho purpose of getting possession of
her property.
i Tho discovery of silver in Talladega, Ala., bos
| created much excitement in that vicinity. One
I company extracted sixteen pounds in a single
| day. v ...:■ ■ _ ____ ■■■■
Avery, tbe young man from Springfield Moss. |
who morderod Busauna Russel, on the Yankee i
Blade, had been examined (at Ban Franoieco, and
Jfncanlay hag boon nnanimoaely eleoted pres*
ident of tbo Edinburgh Philosophical Institu
tion, in place of tbe late Professor Wilson.
: Green Ilendrlck. has been obosen Speaker of
the legislature of Connecticut, in place of Mr.
Foster, elected U. 8. Senator.
At the reoent Connecticut Editorial Conven
tion it was resolved to advance the rates of ad
vertising twenty-five per cent.
In Kentucky “ the fly ” is eating up the tobae
|oo plants. Soma beds have been entirely swept.
One Hundred and Sixty-Third Ascenbion or
Wise, the Aebonadt.—ln a letter to the N. Y.
Courier and Enquirer , John Wise, the famous turo
naut, gives tin account of bis one hundred and
sixty-third ascension, which took place at BJ, P.
M„ on Friday last He eays:
The day was squally, and it was necessary to
Btart with a strong ascending foroo, so as to over
come the obstacles surrounding mo. This cre
ated a sensation when I gave the word “lether
go,” as'though I had been projected by thß force
of gunpowder. In a few minutes I entered the
clouds. The balloon was still swaying to and
fro like n furious elephnnt. All round mothers
appeared nothing but a deep twilight, of ashy
hue. In another moment the sun faintly showed
i its disc through the milky vapor.
, Reflecting that as. I entered the olouds the
ocean was lashing the long-bound shore
with its angry billows, I was not content
to stay in the oloud country long. All this timo
I had the valve open, but notnntil I had emerged
i out of tbo clouds above did I restrain the upward
i bounds of the wild serial ship. Above, I saw
l over a patoh of olouds tbe surf of the ooean
I dashing itß spray into the olouds, as it were. At
last, the ascending power was overcome, and the
bills that I was throwing overboard kept my
company in the descent. ■ When I got below the
olouds again, I saw Flashing a little eastward.
The descent now beoame rapid, and the strong
Wind below admonished me of acrongh landing.
In another moment, my grapple took effect
The jar broke some of the rigging, the grap-
I plo ripped up the sod, and the balloon bounded
I several hundred, yards. Next the car waß
I dashed foroibly into a ravine, and bolted me
Out. I held on to the inside. The ballast being
I also thrown out, gave the balloon inoreased
| power; She rose tbo length of the rope, while
II was banging fast to the ear. In a moment
I the grapple again ripped up the sod,and, seeing
I my predicament—that of being hauled up;, with
a moral certainty that I could not secure myself
to the car long, I made the fearful plunge, of at
least 40 feet, into the salt meadow, knocking
out one of my teeth, and Blightly bruising my
I jaw. ' The balloon dashed off, keeping the direc
tion of the Island; and I shall reward any per
son who will return it to me in time to go up on
I Tuesday next, from the Crystal Palace.
Tours, truly, John Wise.
I New York, June 9, 1854.
ggp- Jacob Strawn’s homestead in Illinois
oonsists of ten thousand acres. The number of
acres of corn be has this year, is twenty-three
hundred. This, at forty bushels per . acre, a
low average yield for the last season, gives
ninety-two thousand bushels. The corn fed to
cattle is not husked, but is. cut up and fed to
them on the stalks.. Another farm is owned by
the same man, whioh is six miles long,and four
b ro ad. East year he. paid out ten thousand
dollars for fenoing materials. He Baa _ also
large tracts of unimproved land. StraWn is an
immense dealer in cattle.
Fannx Townsend at the Industrial. Con
ubess.—Mrs; Fanny Lee Townsend, of Philadel
phia, appeared at the meeting of the Industrial
Congress yesterday moniing. In taking a oica
trace vote upon some question, she voted in the
negative. A member objected to persons voting
who hod not presented their credentials. This
insinuation as to her right to vote,, .drew forth a
reply from her, and she indignantly infprm e 4
the gentleman “that she had her credentials.
AT)d when she got ready she would present them.”
: . “ .. ■ . .
' 'v; ; ‘'
By tM CBoilly linei for Jthe Morning Port
• Niw York, Jacell—The*tcamerPaolfioarrived to-day
trttb Liverpool dates to the Hint ult, i
Thfl Bteamer|Afric& arrived ui Liverpool on tbs eveningor i
the2Bth. ' . . . ■ .-.I
The general aspoct of war affairs remiuns unchanged. . ■ i
Liverpool Markcts.—Cotton...Brown A Shipley report
the sales for the lost three days at 21,'M0 bales; sales to ,
speoulators4soo hales, and to exporte-n 2<>oo; market un-s
changed; a moderate demand at preriouF rates, price* stiff- ■
or but not quolably higher. New Orleans fair 6>4;N. O.
middling 6&; Mobile Mobile middling 6; Upland
fair OV£; Upland middlings.
B?ewl*tuffs...The market Is flat .'Wheat market dull; <le
dined 3d. Floor dull at Od to Is decline; Western canal
37a &)@289; Philadelphia and Baltimore3Bs@3Ba Od. Indi
ana Corn 3s decline, 80s Cd@4os.
Kiee...UarketduH, end downward.
McHenry reports the Beef market aa upward, with an ac
tive speculative demand, with large imports. Pork market
dull. •
The Manchester advices ore fa rorable.
A steamer from the fleet brings the nows that Gustaevor
na was bombarded without effect-on tho 22d. Another at
tack was Intended on the 24th.
The advanced works of Haago, In the Baltic, were bon? 4
bardod and destroyed, and Napier was about attacking the
main fortifications.
Tbo allied fleets are blockading Sebastopol.
The Turkish fleet was off Varna on her way to Clrcafsla ;
SUestzia still held out on the 25th ult. The Russians lost
1500 men la an attack cf the fortress of Abdul Mcdjtd.
Tho Greek insurrection was less formidable.
It Is reported that King Otbo accepts the ultimatum.
Naplesbas declared her. neutrality.
Tb«adhesion of the smaller German powers to Austria
and Prusria, has been secured by treaty. i
Rawl* has certainly concluded a treaty with Khiva. ,
A telegraph despatch from Belgrade announces that Biles-;
tria rdll field out on tho 20th. The Russians wero driven :
back four times with loss. ,
The SL reioraburg Journal says thattwofrlgalea cannon- 1
aded WitUand on tho 10th, and on tho nextday approached i
Ekena*. but were repulsed. i
Five thousand Greek insurgents are posted near Denmark i
in Epirus.
A French division had arrived at Piraeus. i
The Russians are menacing Ereerona* and h&Te recently ,
made a compulsory enrolment of thirty thousand Anne
nl Ke steamer Pacific left Liverpool at two o’clock in tho af.
tern eon of the 31st alt. Bbe brings one hundred and sixty.
Oven passengers. .
A telegraphic dovpatch from London, dated Saturday at
noon, says very little business was doing on account of the
Derby races, Consols, 01%. . : ■
Two Russian war vessels haveboenpresented to the Greek
government by Russia. -
A Russian steamer sailed onto! Sebastopol, nofcwithstand-
Inh the blockade, and captured an Eng Ish morebantman
in the Black Bca;:bot being discovered, she out her priro
adrift, and got back mfe to Sebastopol. 4
The Neva was free from ice on the 2d of May, and bad
rls<*n so high that an inundation wm feared.
Fifteen stone bridges crowing - the Neva were to be broken
down, and the remainder were to be mounted, with heavy
The Emperor has been quite rick.
Ltvbr*ooi M*«rre.—Browo, Shipley Jk Co. quote Cotton
more steady at the quotations advlscdper the Arctlo—mar
ket doting qciet and stcadv. • •
Breadstuff*.—Brown A Shipley m»rt great flatness in the
Corn market. Flour declined 2a. White . Wheat, lie
12s M Coro, 39» Qdfi4os. Western C *nal Flour, 37s 6d©
38s. Philadelphia and Baltimore. 38*@38s 6d
Provisions.— McHenry quotes the stock of Beef as much
rrtuced. Fork doll. Baoonlnlarged«mand ;oxcwivelm-
nrevent any advance in value. Lard gains strength
at ica2« There aro largo orders fhr Tallow, which Is
more saleable. • , -
At Manchester there was rather moro demand for the
dav*. . • • _
Lovnov Markts —West India Sugar rather lower; For
etra inactive; a cargo of Havana, No % sold on Change, at
2ls Cd per cwt; Coffee Jn. good demand; tittle business
doingiuTon; Rice flat, and rather cheaper; ZJnsoed Oil,
87* M per cwt; Scotch Pig Iron, 92* cash; Tallowflrm.
Moasr Mikct*—Fund* were exceonlnsly strong on
Tuesday. Con»ls closed at 9tf4s9Q?& after official hours
they fluctuated somewhat, ana Anally closed at 91; Money
In demand. ..... *, . >
Blchardfioo quotes fine weather far retail sales Bread
stuffs; Wheat had declined 2d; Flour M; Com. 2«:£T*t
steady: Philadelphia and BalOmote Flour, 83s
Ohio. 89s Ci; While Wheat, I2b@l2s(M; Red : llr@ll*4d.
It is reported that • vast portion of the merchant quarter
of the city of lUga had been demolished by ike military
aUtherlUe* in preparing for defence. It is also wp’irtea
that the allied foTco cf 17.000 men were to be landed in
Sweden, in preparation of that power declaring war on
from Constantinople say that the Turkish corps
at Renal? entlrelv dispersed, on the approach! of the Rus
sian*, on the sth May. • *
fetters from Turin state that a contingent fbree 0f25,000
men had been demanded from Sardinia, by Franco, tar pur
pose* of the Eutero war. v
Date* from China to April 10th ero received. OntheSOth
-March the Imperialists made an uneuecssvtal attempt to
r-tsfc* Shanghai. The insurgents were steadily marching
towards Pekin.
WASHtwaTOJi Citt. Janel2*~Srnate—Tha Bct»*o mot at
noon- The death of Ur. Baodgrasa. * member of In® House,
vm announced, the usual resolutions passed, and the Sen
ate adjourned*
.ffnua—Mr. WalbrMg* moved to suspend the roles in or
dertoiotrodacoa resolution to adjourn tine die on the 3d
°*The*rules wore suspended, and a motion was nude to
ametjii the .resolution ro as to adjourn on the 1 «th of July.
A substitute toadlouracnthe *4ib of AngostwasmovcJ,
when a debate ensued.
Ksiv Yen*. June 11— ■Sundouju— I There was street-preach
ing again, at Brooklyn to-day, and several riots. Angel
Gabriel held ferth at the corner or Hoyt and Atlaotie.
streets. All was quiet until 4h* dose, when a disturbance
commenced Two or tbr.<e Irishmen were arrested by the
police A rescue was attempted, during which several were
badly beaten by the officers. ■ , ... . .
Later In the afternoon another disturbance occurred at
the corner of Hicks and Atlantic streets, Several shots
were filed, Uis supposed by the police. Two or threo wens
killed. A strong force of extra police were out, end th? Utn
Regiment are under anas, at the City Hall In this city, but
there ha* been no further disturbance as yet.
Mayor WwterreU has made ample arrangement* to quell
any riot, extra pollee having been appointed, and the na
tional Guards are held In readiness wlrfc six rounds of ball
cartridges. • ••■ •-
WasnxsQTon Crrf, Jane ll.—Something definite and ixn
portent in regard to oar relations with Spain U anticipated
in the course of the coming week- For aeveral days past
the State Department and the Spanish Legation have been
dlrcusringqaestious between iho countries,and it w certain
that'they am likely to bo arranged in a manner most satis-
intends to rusticate at Old Point Comfort
during part of the summer. Deruasoy’s cottage la to be
fitted up for Ills acootmaodatiou.
Ntw Year, June li—The City Councils w«ro organlsod
this morning. John P. Verre was elected President of the
Select, and John H. Delhi, President of the Common Coun
cil. The vote In tho latter body stood: Delhi. (Whig) M;
Crispin, (Dorn.) 10. The new Major will bo inaugurated
to-morrow. .
Nrw Yoac, Jane 11—Sugar ...sales 400 hhda New Orleans
at 4*-<.: Havana, 7. Whlsky...salea 100 bbls prison at 28. j
rrovidons...sales 700 bbls Pork, dull, with declining ten- |
dency. at $126618.25. Rales 300 bbls Beet; a trifle higher, at |
*lO. Sales 250 bbls Cat Meat* at 6*%@B. Batter plenty— ;
Ohio, 12SU- Said 100 tons Iron firm at $40®42. Cotton i
firm; upland middling. Upland fair, 10J-4; Orleans
middling, 9l£; Orleans fait, Plour...*ale*4,2oO bble,
a declining tendenoy, unsettled, at $8@8,76; sales 1100 bbls
Sonthern at $9,76@)9,31.' Wheat unsettled.* Sales 80,000
bush Corn, prices a tripe lower, at IQ®S6. Money un
changed; stocks lower.
PoiUDXLPnu, Juno 12.—Floor: shipping brands offered.
attOYtbbl; no Bales for export effected. Eye-flour firm at
$5,60. Corn-meal at $8,76. But little inquiry for Wheat,
only sale reported, a small lot of Pennsylvania white at $2,-
10 No Bye hero. Cora In fair request; sales 6000 bushels
yellow at 84, afloat; white 82<582. Oats steady; sales 2500
bushels Virginia at 60. Whisky declined; sales 100 bbls at
28c $ gallon. ■ ■ .
On Saturday lost, by the Rev.l. Baird, Mr. EDWARD
TOYNBW, of Penn street, to CAROLINE 8. OHEE3MAN,
of St. Clair street.
THE FESTIVAL OP THE BOSE Will be given by tho
Pnpils of the Fourth Ward School,-in the SCHOOL
HOUSE. Penn street, on TUESDAY EVENING, Jane IStb,
under the direction of their Marital Teacher, Professor D.
Professor WAMELINH will preside at the Plano. Tho
Plono, from the celebrated manufactory of Nunns A Clark,
will be furnished by Mr. n. Klebor.
open at 7—Concert to commence at 8 P.M.
Tickets 25 cents; to be obtained at tho store of Mr. 0, Yea
ger, Market street, or. at the door.- • j*l3
Archblahop Hughes.
THE EVENING CHRONICLE of to-day (Tuesday) will
answer to General Casa. leaned at 8 o’clock. P. M. j&18
ARMENIA: A Year atKrzsVoom, and on the Frontier*
of Russia, Turkey and Persia. By tho Hon. Robert
Curzon; price $l.
Gideon Giles, or tho Straggles of Life; by Thomas Miller,
E«q.; price 80 cents.
June number Chambers’ Journal; original edition.
. Ashlelgh: A Tale of tho Olden Time, byMisaE.A, Da
puy; price 25 cents,
Howitt's Visits at Remarkable places.
The Hiye of the Bee Hunter, by T. B. Thorp, Qlnstroted;
price $l. For sale by
jel3 H. MINER A QO„ S 3 Bmltbfleld streot.
A VALUABLE GRIST MILL of three run of stone, capa
ble of turning oat 60 bbls. of Flour In 21 hours, for
sale by F. CDTHBERT A SON, .
jel3 , 140 Third stroet
A GOOD DWELLING HOUSE (No. 23 Third street) FOR
•8 ALE—^Contains eight rooms, good cellar and finished
attlo. [JelS] S. CUTHBERT A SON, 140 Third street.
A TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE—Pleasantly situated
J\. on Carpenter street, near Wylie, with frnlt and shade
trees, shrubbery, Ao » fer sale at a Tery low price.
je!3 8. CUTHBERT A SON, 140 Third street.
ranged for comfbrt and convenience, for sale on easy
terms by 8, CUTHBERT * 80N,
jelB ■ 440 Third street.
T^MERY—I3 kegs Emory, assorted, in store aqd for sale
Jel3 successors to J. Kidd A Co., 60 Wood street.
/TTCRTIB* HYQEANA—3 down Curtis* Byge»nfl,juat ro*
\j paired and for sale by
T INaKED Olle-1000 gallons Linseed Oil. in store sod
_|j for sale by [Jsl3} FLEMING BROTHERS.
MANN A—l6o lbs. Manns, in store anil foe sale by
BOUND GlNGER— lotto lbs. pure Ground Glngor, in
iT stow and for sals by FLEMING BBOTIHSK3.
IN illQO—6oo lbs. Indigo, in store and ibr sale by
HEMP SEED—SO bbls. Heap Seed, in store and for sale
by . ■ [je!3] FLEMING BROTHERS.
T' HE QUIET HKABT—Just published complete, ftom
Blackwood's Magaslno, price 26 cents: ibr sale by ...
j 913 H. MINER A CQ; 82 SBltbllclil street.
MAC KERNE —60 bbls. large No. 8 Mackerel, 1851 in
spection, jest received and fbr sale by
BLOOMS —200 tons Laki Champlain. on band and arriv
ing, for sale by [JelS], KING 4 MOOBHEAD.
•Treasurer's Ufßce of the Chortiers Valley
Railroad Company.
SOBSCBXBEBS to theahova Hoad are hereby notiiled that
the Board of Directors have called for a second Install
ment of Fits Doinass per share, payable 10 the Treasnm
on the Ist Monday of JUNE, and also Five Dollars por
ehare op tlie <lrst of eapli ensnfng month, until
the whole amount Is paid,
mjSfctf ALVAN WELKINS, Tmsurer.
> ; v;-;-. .ji
Grand Javeoilo Oratorio*
fs. 4®-Wtxat the Kewr York City Folk* anyt
•/-•••' jv \ • ■: NewYoex, August 25,1852. . ;
This is to'certify that I am well acquainted wi the man;
fifty years of ago; for many yoars a rcßlileutof this city t who
has been at times extremely ill, .but could not tell-.from :
what cause,; unless it was worms. lie told his attending
physician his suspicious, but the physician at onco Ridiculed •
the Idea, ond rofused to attend him any longer His «m
tben'menOohed Dr;>r&mB*6 Vermifuge, and naked him if
he would.take It; his reply .was—l must take something to
got relief, or die. .. V-V
Thvy at once procured a bottle of Dr. M’Lano’fl celebrated ,
‘ Vermifuge, and took one-half at one dose. The result woe,
he paastfdnpwarfaoffftrca(Zuar/* o/tOTrmj, cutup iherery!
form. He got well immediately, and la now enjoj jng most
. excellent health; and, like the good Samaritan of old, Is
; endeavoriog-to rollete his unfortunate, neighbors. ; He
•makes it his bosi ness to, bunt up and select all cases film!*
larto his own, that may beglyen over by the regular pby
rioians, and inducesthem .’to hryDr. il’tafia’s Vermifuge.
So f*r be has induced more than twenty persons to take
the Vermifuge, and in every east* with the most happy ro
snlt&- He la well satisfied that Hr; &L'Lano T s Vermifuge is
superior to any; other known remedy, and that If. more
generally known would not kil to. save many valuable,
lives. For further particulars enquire of Mrs. Hanlie,l24%
Cannon street. New York city.
P. B.—The above valuable remedy, also Hr. M’Lane’s cel*
ebrated Liver Pills, can now bo had at all respectable Brag
Stores in this city.
Purchasers will be carefal to. ask for, and taken ouebnt
Dr. M’Lane’a Vermifage. All others, In comparison, are
Also, for sale by {be Bole proprietor*, -. . ■ .
* - - ■ . • FLEMIKG BROS, . >
Sncceasors to J. Kltld A Co., :
00 Woodstreet
: Prot Horae’s Invigorating Elixir or
Cordial »~The over-wroogbt brain and debilitated body
find their besteoloCo and most potent restorative In this
unrivalled toiilc. Upon thestomach, which if always weak
ened by an expeas of intellectual labor or an over-taxing of
the physical powers, It acts Hks a charm, imparting to that
regulator and balance-wheel of the corporeal machine the
strength to perform, its functions, and the power to accrete
in due quantity the solvent Juices necessary for perfect dl-
I gestioh. Tbere la'noepeclesof nervous dhroose, from neo-
I ralgla and tic dcloreux to the lightest, fiuitcringa of the
[nervous syetein/whiehmay. not t*: pifpmptty-'subdued'by
this peerlee* isrlgorant. For alt functional complaints,:
whetbefthe results of dissipation, or procoaUag from In
voluntary causey it Is, In the fullest sense of the' word, in-.
I valuable. Ladies, who suffer so severely from tWs.Uescrip
j tion of jhls. ftet ioshlnd.
I The Cordial is put up, highly concentrated, in pint hot
I ties. Price three dollars per bottle, two for five dollars, six
I for twelve dollars. . C. U. RING, Proprietor, -
1 192 Broadway, New York.
I Sold by Uruggi"tA throughout the United States, Canada,
I owl the West India.
I YLEMINQ A BROS, No 00 Wood street,Pittsburgh-
I DR.GSO. n.KEYSBR, N 0.140 Wood street, do
J. P. FLEMING. Allegheny City. je9:dfcw
nid Sores, Ulcers, and all eruptions and did:
eases arising from an impureor depravedsfotoof the blood.
Sc® the extraordinary euro of. Wm, Qv Harw joih a highly
respectable citizen of Richmond, Va., by Carter's Spanish;
Mixture. He had ulcere and ibres of thtf worEtdcsorlptl6n #
and finally got so bad T he was unable to walk, except on
cratches. A few bottles of Carter’? Spanish Mixture, the
great blood purifier, cured him, as It has cured hundreds
of others who have suffers! with rheumatism, bad effects
of: mercury, and pains and ulcers of thebOnev and joints.;
%*£ee*4v«rtuenient.. jelQ;lmd*w
.jgST" Fantalooui.-*l'bß well-known superiority of
GKIB&LE’S flt In the Garment, needs no comment on bis
pert ; It tea been acknowledged by al) whoharo favored him
with their orders thatthey have norer been fitted vrhbthe
same ease endrtyle aai Sgr iimi •• Ilfr Leg* to Inforro hispa
trona and the public, that bis eiocktsnow replete with the
newest styles for coats, verts end pants, soluble fbr the
present season. _ r ,r-> •8.-GRIBBLB,-
- ■■■''■ Tailor and Pantaloon Maker.
240 Liberty head of Woed,;;
It U due to KlEtt’S &lnxann. \a
(fcjy say that It huks known to completely eradicate
every vestige of thin dreadful disease in ten time than an?
mixer remedy, and, at Icaseoetor Inconvenience to the pa*
' -V - ' ■
The thousand* ofcertificates tn the hands of the proprie
tor, many of which are from well Knows citUcns of the city
ofPittsbu’"rfc and Its Immediate vicinity, go to show clearly
and heyond doubt, that JSisAi.-FRM&Biai is a medicine
Of uncommon value, not only as a local remedy In Ftxraly
ti$ f ßJieiiMaiim,D^fitesi f louof Sight* but an a valuable
Internal remedy, inviting the InvcstigatlnephyEiol&DSiCa
well usthesoffering patient, to becomeac<iualnted with its
' merits. wr
Those having a dread ofmixture# are assured that this
i medicine la tmrely natural, andisbottled «u»it flows from
i tfcahceom ortho aaxth... . ; , _ .
i copied from a pav*rput>ht7ifd ai
Arraetue, .tY. K,und bean date August 2, 1852, to wWcAu
appended thecert\fioalecJViccdtbraicdl),T^F^it,M.D^
[ ef Sgrxtctixe: -.; '•
Bdamaylntrutb certify, that I have been so badlyaf*
ficrtfulafor tbeiast seven yearsthat mostof the
time I have been unable to attend to any kind of business,;
and much of the time unable-to walk and confined to my,
t bed! end have been treated nearly ail the time bytbepesl
1 PhvEidanSour country afford*; I occasionally got some re
j lief, but nocture, and conttnuodtogTow worseuntil Dn Foot
1 recommended meto try the Petroleum, otßocfc Oil, a*
I rythingelso hadfaUed. I did s» without faith at Jlrst, but
I Uieeflfcctjrasastonlahing; Ittbrew the poison tothesuxfece
! atonce,andl at once began to grow letter, and by using
leaven bottles I have got a cure worth thousands ordotiars.
- * . . .MKS. NANCY-M..BARKKE.
I certify that 1 have bwn acquainted with Klet'a
1 Petroleum, or Rock Oil, for more than a year, end have re
-1 peatedly witnessed its beneficial effects ihthfcqreof lndo
tfent ulcers and QtbOT diseases for which Jt'U recommended,
wnd can with confidence recommend it to be a medicine wor-
I thy ofottentlon,and can safety say that auecasshas attend*
1 ed ita ute where other medlelne had failed.
I ■, -■ D.’Y. FOOTj M. D, ..
| Toreale byall tha pruarista In Pittsburgh; {mugfaiAw.
indlHOition snil Liver Complaint
Ik§?ODKJSD BY KlEft'S PETROLEUM.—Rem! the fol
lowing letter from But. 0. mciraws, n Mittrioimj In
Oregon: ••
Mb. J. M. K«a—X>ear Sir : Mysell and -wife having been
greatly banefittod by the um of ypur Petroleum, 1 wish to
have yon send me a box of two or three dosed bottles, I
am the Congregational Minister in this place, and several L
pf my people are affected with indigestion and an inaction
of the livor, tho wvmo of myself and wife, before taking;
your Pxtrolew, ob Rocs Qu, We took several bottles
two or throe catm—about ay ear and a half ago, tmdwe'
have never enjoyed flo good health for years as we have!
since that time. I had not taken a single bottle, before
that fullness of the stomach which bo distresses the dys
peptic was relieved; and I have felt nothing of it Bines that
ume. My wife was also relieved from a chronic disease of
theliver, which had been of several years a landing,by the
nse of your Petroleum.' '
Sold by 8. M; EIBR, Canal Basin, GEO, H. KEYSEB, 14pt
Wood street, and Druggists and Medidhe'Dealers every*
where. ''' • ' - : oct2s
life, Fire lnaaranoejCompany;
JAMES S.HOOH, President. :
Chasms A. Colton, Bepretary.:
Tfrja Company makes every insurance appertaining to or
connected .with LIFE RISKS.
Also, against Hull and Cargo Risks on the Ohio and Mis*
daelppl rivers and tributaries, and Marine Risks generally.
And against Loss and Itamago .by Fire, and against the
Perils of the Son and Inland Navigation And Transportation.
Policies insured at the lowest rates consistent with safety
to all parties. ■
Samuel M’Clcrkan,
William Phillips,
John Scott, .. .
Joseph P.Oaszam»M. D.,
John M’Alpln,
Wm.F. Johnston,.
Jamoe.Al&rshad, .
Goorge S. Selden,
my2s:ly .
jTMsASSOOIATfiD Firemen’s insnranci
uv£y Company of the City of Pittsburgh*
Will insure against FIRE and MARINE RISKS of all
kinds;' Office: No. 99 Water street.
/ '• v v -: . .DtESCrona:- , -ct\\ ■
J.K.Moorhead, W. J; Anderson,: />
B.O.Sawyer, <■ . B.B.Simpsoru
Wxn.M. Edgar, H.B. Wilkins, ;
O.H. Paulson, ■ William Colllngwood,
R.B. Roberts, John M.lrwin, , .
Joseph Kaye, : . Wuu Wilkinson,
David CampboiL :
lf3» CITIZENS* Insurance Company, of
lfr§? Pittsburgh^—H. P. KING, President; SAM.
DEL L, aeoreUry.
Ojjkt: & y&iler&TttivbdtotmMa*'kiian(l.W!3<>ditrttU*
Insures HULL and OARGO Risks, on the Ohio and Missis,
rippl Rivers and tributaries. -:. . _
ALSO—Against the Perils of the Sea, and Inland Naviga
tlo&and Transportation.
■ smmoßst •'
H.D.Klng, - Wm.Larimer Jr., .
William B&galey, Samuel M.Kfer,
Samuel Rea, William Bingham, '
BobertDunlap,jr., John S.Dilworth,
Isaac M. Pennock, Francis Sellers,
S. Harbangh, . J. Schoonmaker,
Walterßryant, . William B. Hays.
• JohnShipton. - : ; dae2B
PenniylvanU* CAPITAL, 01OD.OOQ, OSAR.
Steittoy-THOMAS H. WILLSON, Esq.
Hon. A; 0. Delator, Samuel W. Hays. <
; William'Robinson, Jr.* Thomas Gillespie. -
WUltemF. Fahnestock, John B. Cox,
Harvey Bollman, : Jacob Peters,
John Walker, Jr., William Oolder, Jr.,
Jacobs. Halderman, • Aaron Bombaugh.
Office, In Lafayette Buildings,
33 ' (entrance oh Wood street.)
O*o*.F«—Place of meeting, Washington Hall,
. tr*y Wood street, between Fifth' street and ’Virgin alley. -
PmaDcaOH Lorar/No.336—Meets every Tuesday evening.
Btocmo* Etmxsvxsi', No. 87—Meets first and third
Friday of each month. . : (m^gyfy
LODGE, I, O. O* F*—The
IhEy Angeronar Lodge, No; 289,1.0. of 0. F., meets every
Wednesday evening in Washington Hall, Wood at. flyby
Clans Premloms.-Duf’e College.**
Ir^r. shfl usual handsome Premiums will be awarded at
an examination of the C lease sin this Institution, in JULY
-NEKT, for the. greatest proficiency In Book keeping,' Pen*
• m'anahlp, and Mercantile Law.... \ ? , .V - - je&lw 1 "
lK*y GQ37Y,6f Pittsburgh and Allegheny, meets on- the
first and third WEDNESDAY pfovey month, at the FLQRI
DA HOUSg, Market stwat. By order, r - ;
jelly ; ~ JOHN rOUNQ, JIL, Secretary.
ATTENTION 1 S.L.G.—You are hereby notified to
Lrt£r- attend at your Armory* on MONDAYS, WEDNESf
DAYB and FRIDAYS, 1 for drill; and to transact sneb bust*
ness as may come before tit? Company. P, KANE/ • -
mar29rf>m(|. • Secretary .
grounds hare been improved, and tho Mouse rendered
more attractive,generally. The proprietor 7IU be happj
toseehisfrfendp, . -
. An Oipulbus of tfm Exeelslot Line is now running
from the station, 1 on Fifth street, tothe GLEN HOTEL,
Leaves the station at Bo\dQQk f A. U.. and & P. return
ing at® A. M., and P.H
r y
s 't
1 r .
• ,V". ■: ‘ \\?L
.• ,/?v.■ ■ Notice. _ -■
TN order to complete the classified Catalogup'tff Books be-.
X longing to the Youn< Merc’S -Mercantile'Library, do
Hooto wiU be given out from Monday nest, Juael2ib,to
Monday Jans /I ; ' ....
jAH members having .Books . which belong tothcTnstita
tion, arts requested to return themyritiilit three dsjSi.
sjol2:ly - JOHN C« BCHAAP, librarian.
JpVHY MTlOUBjfiwner and. frflh
XJt «fr«&,''has : fcow os liana-10 cases-tleaehwi. muslin,
mulls ft* pieces Unepfbbilbn ahd-Wpolen
jootL, for boyfl‘ wear; a fev pieces fine block ehalle; blsck,
oamdand plain berage' and tissues: mantillas; mantilla
silk and trimmings of every description; tan colored and
mixed do bags; dress ginghams; 600 pieces Merrimack
pr'ntivfist colors—all of which will be sold extremely low
Jei3 • ~ . ' ' *
#o*rdiDg Houses, and Parol
; lies trill, find a constant supply ofStrawberries, of the
largest and finest frolk for the table or preserving, fresh
from the vino at 10 o'clock in the morning, and at 4 P. M;,
at the Seed Store,47;Siflfa street. j- .-V/
FOR BALE—Six sores Laud, situate near theMioersvillo
from the Court House; oh which is a
small two story Crick llonße, Stable, and other buildings;
also, an excellent Orchard; Terms—Onolbnrlh, cash, nol;
inco In fiveequal annual payments.: Enquire of
je!2 /AOgl3N-LOOms;Q2Fourth et.
rruilMttlNQS.—A ganeral sssortment,of Trimmings, com-
X prising the most desirable colors in lace head and knot-:
led Silk Trimmings, Laces, Ac,, just received per express
ond now opening By - i , :i:
■; je!2 . A. A. MASON A CO^
A. MABON A CO. have Just received 60
V pa white ahd eord. Marseilles Testings. Also, veroraj
other different materials and styles suitable for thefieo*
son. frig
SUMMER CRAVATS,—We are now opening of
-new Lawn and Gingham Cravats and Ties for
Rammer wear Also, some very rich and fashionable plain;
and fancy Bilk Cravats and Ties.-
- • A. A. MASON * CO.,
jeia ’ 25 Fifth street.
THE undersigned has just received at Ms •~i ... ■» :
near the TwoMileßos, between
anff*, iAwrencavflley a ( splendid .aasortmenCuEMM&iM-.
of VJSHICLESi of eTery dcscntjtlon. and wfll continue to
receive regularly, new and second hand Carriages, EisUcitt,
Biagiez, <ro., which he will sell os the very lowest terms for
ln thebusinesSyand
wltb hisweU known fbelHtifts in IheEastybe flatters himself
in putting down all competition.-'
Thtoe wishing to purchase are respectfully hrritedto call.
ahdceefor themselves. - . >
- Especial paid to repairing of Csrri*
ares, Ac. ... fmyl&dawvi - JOSEPH WHITE.
T\BY PHAQJi-fcs—2s baa prime;- for tale br ;■
DKY baa for sal* by
('IHKE3B— 100 boxes prime W. K. Cutting, for sole by
•T.INBKEDQIL—IQ this lor sale by
JLj jelO :.. •: : , HENRY IT. COLLINS.
13UXTKU—lQkegsfor sue by
IJAY RUM—Odop very superior WO.l India Fay Rum,
JY received by JOS. FLKMINO, '
jcO l corner of the Diamond and Market gt.
LINSKED oib—l2 hbUforgsleby ‘.r
je2 • ». SELLEKB A CO.
j£V TILLS—I gross of each received by
GIT. MAGNESIA—Odozen, prepared and for gale by
Bedford hair bbia received i>y - v
KIDDER'S INDELIBLE INK—I grow received by *•>.
.jar jos.fleminq.
V * <e lent article: for the: above eoxdplaints:'l pro?* ro
cejvedby IJeO] : : . JO3.FLKMINQ.
FEVER. AND AGUE of the best prepa
rations nowlnuxe; a large supply received by
jaD ~ JO3. FLKBiTNG.
ri!im Oricinal t only trae end genuine
. Indepcadencey.Washlngtonco.',Feb.;24*,lB4-S- :
31a. & E.jScuJ3S>—l willjaat addthat jranrLivcrHUf
have answered the very best purpose in ,my practice,- and
from their FalQtary eflects lh my oWTj.presoriptlona,! can
conftdcntly.andaaielyrecommendthem where I have hltfc
ctlo hesitated with othera of'great repute'." ' '• V 1
- : Ybura,4o, v ■ • • N. W; WHITE, 31. D."_
Prepared and Bold by R. E. SELLERS A CO., 67 Wood
street, and for gale,by DruggUts generally. • je7 .
MONONOAIIELA WHISKY—I9O bblsuld Munongobda
: Wbuky, just received and fbr esle low by
: ; . , r, ; , ; JOHN LITTLE. Jr*. Agent,
. jeS . 124 Second street.
1 BEDFORD MINERAL WATER—Ia bbls asdbalf bblA
.-XF'C Oft Y and mulberry by.
f' 1 LASS —600 boxes, 6x10,9x12 ‘Md-IOxU, M’Kennan A
\X Co. , Bbrand,lnBtareand£jEßale.lw. .•
.:■>»•■•■• : .BINa A MOOTtnEAD;
BARGAINS.—W^ inform :the -paths that we
arp now offering our present stock of fine Watchesend Jew-.
elry, at prices.thst -cannot bn beat.. Therefore, We say to
one and all, you tbat.wlsh t> boy fine Watches and Jewel*
ry, girensa6all,ahdvavefratn2sto&o per cant inyoar
nprcfasses; r whlyh.ydu can certainly do by calling at 67
Market rtreeL.
. N. B—Watch repairing atteuded toin all Its branches,
In a superior thinner. Gold Jewelry repaired ormai:ufae»
t ured to order etabort notice, at -
, Je7 : HOOP’S, 67 Market at.
THE UNDERSIGNED: bavinkeweted n*w sod comae
dions STABLES and CARRIAGE" 6TORI&, in eonnec
■ . .atiflhwithhisoldcatabliflhmeht,. Gy'
la prepared to do 'avrastlv
■ cscasod buMnefs. . TTo.,haapro-tmUMw l ■■.
virion forONEHUNDRED AND ■■Wi.W.ii.'
; FIFTY UQRBE?, Of which he can take an increased nuns
■her on livery; . .
' He baa arranged his new buildlnga with' a aaler
and'storing forjob, of new and second bond Carriages; ol
nil descriptions, to which be will give ample attention.-
There in Qlso w\thln the new building on Equestrian Ring.
- where llorsea are trained and exerclscd,whicls will be found
advaniageoua to persons keeping llutEes with the under
.signed.- '' : . /
■ Tbankfal for an exceedingly liberal patronage in the past
and the fitvors of a maitßulo of frienls, the undersigned
will eoileAvor to command its continuance by deserving it.
are nowrecelvlnganother supplydf Summer Dress
Goods,comprising some very rich: new styles of floured. Be
regev-Silk Tissues, 4c, ‘ Also, ;* forgo assortment of tbs
most fftwhlnnable colors In plain goods, . jeT
Seats at Public Sole.
TTCT-ll <L be sold at publio outcryon SATURDAY, tie 17U>
•. vr day ofJmie,lBs4,thB. valuable property known‘as
IRWIN FARM, situated do Robinson township. Allegheny
aboutfivo niilra from thedtyor
and near the.Steubenvfil* Turnpike; to be divided Into lots'
of one acre and upwards, to suit purchasers; being a part
ufthfi same premises upon which' the Charllara Coal Work?
are now erected.
Tesms ot Sale.—One>ibird;in hand,;and.the balnppain'
three to five equal annual payments, with interest, secu
red by bond and mortgage upon the property. -For farther
particulars apply* to James & Richey, near thBT>rerriißes, or
to Riddle, Allegheny city,or T. J.Coleman, Monon
gnhelvHouse.ldttsbargh., .
The remaining property lately owned by the Chartlew
C-oal Company, and-known as tha hPCormlck. Burniide A
; Marks Farm) will be sold at private sale, ladotfl of one acre
and uptrardfy.-’to suit purchasers. By order of PETER P.
jefida. ; . .. .Real Estate Agent.
' ABE CHANGE.—WiII be sold at a bargain and on ftvp>
; LV rableterms, (as tho owner is about to leave the city,)
throe Brick Dwelling Honsns, each with a good store room,
alt under good rent r situated on Third, street, No. 133. A
dew 3 stoty Brick housoofllrooidf, Ac; finish,
ished iu modern style—alto, $ $nV stOrd rooia. No, 131/%
2 story Housoof 4 room* and atom room. No. 129, a story
House of 3 rpomi and storeroom, with a fine bake ow.!
in thpcellar.. Terms easy.. . 8. CCTUSRRT A 80* K
J!2 - -MmiK street
■■■■*AdvcTttabnaont, l .--' . V -
ANY person wiihtoa to xwko $5OO 6 months, address
XV * me » rw’pjttd. Jhroitogtoiu- < J rom ball county, Ohio.
This is pa fiction or hook ftS*^ cr : y 0 traveling is neceSsa
ry; but any nßrson c* u remain at home and make Hie
aboro sum in tho stated.* Address
Wm.S. SlnTtm. •
James D. M’Gill,
Alexandor Bradley,
John PuUo^t,un>
Robert Galway,
Alexander Iteynolusr, Ann*
strong County,
Horatio H. le*; Sittwnlng,
Hiram Stovre, Bearer* ■
A NOTE dated January 25,1854. payable four months at
ter date, at the office of Winslow,. Lanier A C0.,-New
.York, signed R. Woods,Prerid«rnt Pittsburgh and Steuben*
, vHIa Railread—endorsed, ChtrlesNaylor* Secretary;-’ ‘ -y
-v AU pcrsousAreberohyvrdniednotto buy said ttotoi as
paymmtwOlbt refused. Any person fiofilntfit will confer
an dbUgatidnby leaving it With &. E, Arnold A Co., or
Jea . ••■••••- . • corner Thlrdand WinArf at*.
Grantond Fifth streets, has Just received another lot l
or new ptjle MaDtiUaa,
200 Parasols, ptaln BndfiguredVatlow pritos. Ladles will
always find at this cstahlishment tho Tery newest styles,
apd at tho Tory lowest prices. - • feO '
ERRING—IOO bbls BaltJoaote Heriing iniuore and tor
wde by :: -J -ENGLISH kt RICHARDSON,
my3o ;110.Water and I 5& Front st •
ALTIMORE HERRING—IOO bbls received this day by
Pennsylvania Railrosd. and for sale by '"
• llflWater street...
j^IIAD— 30 fcbifl
HAD—4O bbls Baltiimofe Shad, in store trod for gtle by
HITE FISH—SO bbls Inspected Jhr sale by .
AOKEREL—IOO b&ls No. 8, for sale by ~ ""—““
je6 ENGLBH $r BIQitARTxyiN.
OTATOKS—SOsacksfor wile br- “—: —"
jfefi • HENRY g. Q)LLTNg;
-'■ Notice to the PubllO’ ——
rpHE GARDNERS respectfully informs the public that
_L they intend removing to the saw Diamond. Market, os
the east side of Market street, on Saturday, June 3d, 28&ii
je3lw ■ :, ■: •
AMBO oorwi, and sliced, pot up in
gallon cons, hermoUcaßy sealed, retainlng the origi
nal fiavoraadfreshnergofthefruit) for sale by
• i es ■■ ■ •■■■•.•• w. a.arcLPBG.
■j. " V Notice*
X BONOUGH and JOHN H* STEWART, doing business
under the style of UDonough A Stewart, is this day dlasol-
Trd by mutual consent; John M'Donough disposing of his
interest to John D. Kilgore, who with John XL fitawartwlU .
continue the busluesa at the old stand, No, BC7; Liberty
«t£»t'corner of Hand,.under tho style cf STEWART *
• Stewart A Kilgore will pay aUolaiini against the firm of
M'Donough A Stewart, aQd are alone authorized to receive
all debts due tho late firm, and upon payment made to to*
ceipfc for the same. JOHN BFDONOUGH,
Juno let, 1854. ' , JOHN H. STEWART,
.In roUrlng from the lonodiy bsjioora,X take modi nW^'
nw in recommending the new firm to the patromra of
fijenda and tbe pnblioin genera). * 1
CTP-*“-“ ,dsrr g^S.
/7IHEAP~\VAiiD PAMSRB—A nev aapply of cen.»
:V PtpOTB jart received, fo?«a* by * • <ca>
.. “• . wai/cer r MAnsmiL
J gs • -•■■••■■ • SsWoo4£^ ct :
.. "' •' ' ' ••■'' •
UWfc**— r«oi»ed^aiy,«ndfor .
200 Iba do Sngar.tacftki;
Jaat wecJTed on tad thr ealoby
w. A. mSLVha,
J. G. MARTIN, Agent
...;v, -
• i'I*■ 1 *■ (
Baltimore fihad la store nod for ml* tr£
>lo.Water and 360 Front st
JWAT.TKn P. M^ftjaHALli.
QTINifl PAfiitt 'ilAAGtfilHlW.A :.'■ ■* ■ ■i .
tnr galeby; jjgj).
\. * *•,. • *
%* '-TWr , '
-’•* j —--
J -' V'-’.
’■■■ " • v fi ' -r.'ir *■.
v •• •••' p' . : C . I' -; f -. /'•
•• ■». .• ■
.A'-v-/..V . - -V\? ; *'
li. T. CUBE*
: A LL OOMMUNIOATIONSby Matt or Ttfegrapb, nr BlR*
•/V sent byAdams 4 Oo.'s Express, will secure immediate
- Refer to this office, the Hotel* and'Htule Stores.
posting faltbfally attends to.. . • 'fmyfctf
r\AKGO , SrHAlil*(fonaeriyWilkin’s flail,) fhurAtfreelv
nair &aithfict& csii beobtalntid for Parties, Festivals,
Concerts, Pnbßo Meetingßi AeL - Also, CargoVCoUllon and
iox liorxi Band can beloundln readiness at oil times, ly>
applying toWM. FRANK CARGO, afcthO Crystal PMac*
.Lag&eTTean.BoD2ss of B; M. Cargo A Go# Fourth street,orst -
thoHaU* ' A .. t&aiSl '
Strange Devclopement.—Scientific men
uredau; bringing to light new -Inventions; and the
miirchQfprog«sslaQnwanl?peisons'll4lci,orbecomlogeo, pleased to learn thatecsence and long research com-
Mnedl have brought before the pnbllotbo greatest wonder
of the nge, in .the articlaof EMERSON'S AM ERIC AN nxm
BESTOBATITE, a sure enre for Baldness and to prevent
Hair from foiling. See circular ,to he bad of the Agents;
giving full particulars. JPrice $l4lO in largo bottles. Sold
by. : . C.E.FISHEEA CO* Pnmrletors,
; For sale in. Pittsburgh in thefollowing houses:—
"... Fleming Bras* . .. .. L. Wilcox A Co.; •
B.R. Sellers, G.lLKeyser,
i • Joel Mohlor, - ■ . RepJ. Page, Jr*
»MUghmy oli/z-LA. Beckham, Presaly A Means, X.
v ca.—A* Patterson; John G. Smith ; faprfl
WeitemPenniyivanta HoapltaliM
IhrSy Dr*. L. fiCfflESCX,Second, between Wood and Market
ttreets, and J. R*iD, ; :Nortb-east corner of Diamond, All*
gheny city, aretheattendiogPbysldena to the above Inst!- ~
cuilon.forthQ firs/traarierof 1854.
' Applications for adndssion may bd made to them at all
hours at their offices; Or at the Hospital at 2 o'clock,?. M. .
• Recent cams of accidental injury arcroccived at all hoars*
without fonn. ■"■ ■ /• Jilteft*'V
C. TEAORR, 110 MARKET street, Pitt*
burgh. Importer axtfWholesaleDealezin. FAROE
and country daaler/as birge nndweli selected stock' of l i/
Goods as any Essfonr hoose/and same prices, thus saving
rfieht, time and expanses, iaZfcyg;
| vftlii/ SttUlT—iia sacks Dry Apples;
1/ • 15 casks Drr Peaches;, for sale by .
FtUATOKS— 2u bags on consignment, and for mue by
| > avoS JSIIU U luu &Rti-r24 casks received on consignment:
Is and for sale low by .
, If ECKEii’n FARINA ROlLEH>.ThfB.has been found
1A one or the most desirable articles in-tbe way of cook- '
ing utensils yet Invented. Itisalmosttndlspenriblelnthe
preparation of Farina; Orltts, Homony/Green or Driod
fruits, Ac.. For sale by BAILEY A.BENSHaW, -
rBriSO . ; ’2&3-~Liberty street. >»
PUtflbargh and Erie Railroad*
\TOTIOE is-hereby, given to all perionr who have sub-
Lv scribed to the Capital Stock and Erie
;Uilroad Company, and which has been made specially ap
ptlcahle .to the constmeliyi of the Road wltnln turcer
tdunty, that an instalment of Five Dotting per share will
"*e required to be paid to the Treasttrer of the company, at
\?e*t Greenville, Mercer county, on- or before the 26tb day
»f JUNE, 1854. By order of tlje Board. . 1
5 r B. F. BASKIN, Treaanrer.
, jOfflce of P. AE.R. R. Co., >
| New Castle. May gft; 1854.
<7i I Tuns NO. I SCOTCU FIO METAL, arriving and for
I" f rtaleby fjeT)-. WM. BINGHAM A CO; •
genuine Macassar Oil, received by •
•)»i- - ■ : joa. FLEMmo;
\ . BANKERS, . •' - ■.*
k ND Pealrrt In Exchange, Bank Notes, Gold add Silver
: t\ Coin. Corrent and Pur FnzidA- received on deporft.' -
and sold on commission. -Collections made
abßQypoiptiD.tbe‘United-States*. * . . <
gon’h East comer oTM&rket and Fifth streets, >•<- -*
~ ' PmEBPROH, PA.' -
fRESB PINS APPLES.-—4oofrephPlae Apples, lofcr
xirety Express, Tor sale *y \
No. fl Wood street, ■■■:
"D EAPINCTMACHUIBS—Warranted toent from 10 to 15
Ct seres ofWhftat os other small min per day, with on* ■'■■
*phn of horses and driver. Forsaleby.
. tny3o 129 Wood rtreet. *
(TtRAFE SHAWLS.—A. A. MASON ft 00. have Jast re
v y ceired; per express, another large assortment of rkZf '>
■■lqin and embroidered Crape Shawls. *• • ~~ ■ myS&
\XOWING MACHlNES—Warranted to cutirom IQ to *
t»l- *CTesof/GTossper span Of horse* '
«nji tfrWfr.- For sale by 'fioySOl B.R.gHAff KLAfIP. ;
rTpiUGHT STEAK BROILEIIS—Afrftsir supply Just rfr
iy and Tor sale by' - _■
mrSQ PAILEt 1* BKNgHAW. * •
r pdANS*»AHKNT GRBKffOIL OLOTU—I2*> yard?, Itl-*
. V widths tantrinff from S 3 to 4$ inches, for sale wholesale
mrl retail at the Oil Cloth WawroomC No. 116 Market st. .*
mrSa , ~J. ft H PHILLIPS.
B ICON—IB cask* Shoulders and 2 casks prime
.article, received per s tea merU u ron, and for fialeby ..
frv94 ' ' *. ~A: HUTCHISON * CO.
a A. MAboN £ CO—OCO eases and packages of • *
ft • , latent,andmosi desirable styles of Dry Goods will bo ..
Pfoedeu the -ggausoth and May. iay2? -
XMRD do* very handsome,: of ▼ariou* ri*M>
IJnnd patterns,f&rialoattbe Be«lStore, Fifthstreet - ,/ ' >
fcn*27 JAMES WAflDß^,t£' A;
TftACON—2msks Bhcml«lers; • . : * •
IJ 2 do Bides*
i f ■ 2 do Hams; for saloby .
P° 18 Kpg*T..-TP~ •
31LEHATM—15 6bli uni. 4obole*^or"iaf(Trr7’ '
~~ mTOT ' • ~ . ~ tetscum.. Cjj
BUOOMS— 96 doz lor sale bj
myZr.....,, .: ....
/7iOPPER-f225 boga for paTeby "'~t ■" 1
TM«TJHt»ICK WATER—3 bbls rocelTed this-d at bj ,
corner oftba piamo&d atul Market efc.
TTISftMILLIUN—2OO fl>s very fino colOTiJoat'
.9- received and for rale by . 1
m * 2 ° : ' . FLEMIKO BROS.
OAltu. 80DA—2uo kega received act! for Bale by
VTO. 1 LAUD 01L—25 bbla In atore and fbritala by ■
O.KNUINB FAKINA COLOGNE—A largo auppjy of Ibw, :.v
VX nennina Farina Cologne, received Oita da? by :
tny2ti 7 , S- JOS. FLKMING.
MT.piJSß'aiNVlGOllA'nsa racetret
J-Tby Itnyail "' ' JO3: FLKMraO.
BAUKT’B XlUCOPflEliab&—l grooa received by .
rmyjg - 303 FLBMDIG
*J; hwt article of the kind la we.; Forala by;• -T" .. i
rgiau ’ '
R PRSE>.L ifc Ttmi. ....n. , . i-—, - I, ■ i ...
15 Finfa streetyttaar «» MTEIUET DEPOT,
T>lCK—S4tierce* — -■- —*• ■'
IV ,my 29; : ;.-- v '.»
B , S 7 OLOTH—"ooo jrard» of th« pUiQ .nil
' r «taC«?i!l?v - ■nunofaotared on plain, tvitied and *
and retail at the Oil Cloth
warerooms, No. 116 Market street
m ? 2Q J. &IL POTLLIP&; v
and BHOWKit BATHS— Open arery dar. r
1;I (Sondays excepted,) from 6 i. M. to IB >vß.y «t lbo>
•wbot shop, Perry uolci, <on»r ot . Hancock., stmt; «n& <
Dottaeypo.wsy. my24.3n4 '
CftLl£AY£R*B HONEY SOAPS—32erog*,Noa. Band 4; Musk.
/ Brown Windsor, noatrod and for rale'by
H ABREK'S MAGAZINE, for Jape, for «ala by
B. T. a MORGAN, *
EXTIIAOT LOQWOOD*-4000‘&«ioi Btofeiititi'tor ftttl*bjr ‘ *
'■ . BaccessDTtokEiddACo^
i>g. * No. 60.W00d street.
*iW' oaa - R, B INVIGORATING OORDLAt-i ffTOM in store*''
IVI end for sale fry ' : [Je2T FLEMINOBBOS. ,
,Vf OIUfMIA TDLWiAS—2S ooa in store and.for sale br «.
AItttCTTS BUOTOH BNTJFF—9OO H* ioitore and for
sale by , Tiog| -- - FLEMING BBO&.
It'MJSRY— .2WKI Ste assorted sixes, In store-and for sale by
% J je2 FLEMING 8808.
•/^UPM ARABIC—# bblB .vbite. i2i store and for raJeby
VT-J* 2 PLgMnWfr BROft.
** ln ■‘ssass'aa
.VJ4CON—£O,OOO Ibe, bog round,for saie'by"" • •'
O'l'Aß (MNDliES—34boxc*forßal»bT
■J 3 63 sunk * SINCLAIR.
V_; k)njbur*h.—3 Urge lot*; at*l2s, each ; 4 do at
oich ;1 (lo at $250; on ttsj terms. T*-?
B. CDMmisnT * SON, '
140 Third itmt.
75bbla do Moiassof: ' - • • *-
v., 25 do; foriatbbr /
tnygg aTCMTRgAy, HERRpfr > '
PIO IKON~-100 tnng Mercet cOUpty. > I.5P* fz
for Mlo by fmygl]- >- ■: KING A MOO*
tIQFFKiJ— 218 tagsprlxse Jtio Coffee;
/ • 20 pockets old Gov't Java Coffee ; ■'■••
Becolved amHbr saleby---
ElBDjSsef-10 tlorcea 8.0. Beet.
m\& •• -• ■ ■■■ y;
L^ ku ,?JV>* < o,l—
*liti Tor rK'.e bV*
josii Mouusa.
Evv BOWM—Sypa or Mm ,
edition, $1,50. *ind;ne3Minw>|J!.;iMgo
u£»of Dr. Alexander ;now J • " •
. Pntnaaijfor Joiie. • ■ ••-tfoppjy.- ■• ••■ •
Farmloßdala: by Corolla *
Mothw-in-latr ; hy Bi«f ■■ m Thoman ■-
BeaertodWlfe: «■ AA.B. 1L SouUnrortS.
. Cats® of Clifton : v £'■■ • ••. **• • a
Chambers’Joonipl * ’• • u ■ u
4™**™°*’ MoKi *«•»- ‘
by express, and Ibriulo br ■
■i°3 - . SiM'li B JiAUFPJjjgd'-, >
TfcThw p - . . Wood dtrwt/'-
8 Al ' mNba * «'•'*» «i anuSss
byCaiolltt, Thomas.
fJSJw ■ rf * toß « Hooter.
BsM. - < l a “ rterl T®aTl»w.n>r April.
udth«BcOTss: bji^ TEtd j; w : _ •
■ : -n learnt; second scries.; ...
xte Qumcy's Theological Eesaja. ' .
- •» «P»b
je2 ' H.MINKRAO>, 4
■ 32 SmlthffoM st. •• . ■■*
OUCKKTS-ou aoa for sale by
J smith: k siNnr.un
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— 1 ' aaiTn a giscr.AiiL
} rccsiTed omltbr sals by
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*ioU 1 1— 1& ObJa new roiytuao Harriot:
Alro.nrilfttH.rrtß*; Ho. Mb'
da pickled; eo band end •
TSTiotah'o uitoAn or nun uui.hhi_i
TVthla cdebralM medicine received thtadev h* “*
■■■ ■ . 303. StEJIIKa.
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IAUAZIN B, for Juno, jost received by
- 8.T.0. MORGAN,
•. 104 Wood street.
consJspment ofid for r ale by . :j >