V ■ ■^T T^ A; A;>V-\; Vt , < f v v» \\'-t' i "% 4 ‘tf %>-'*% t‘» "N *- i\’ ',. ; .-i'' „*• , - \'.' "- *.\- > *„' • '** ‘1 ‘ */', ■*„, , it” * -» 4 -s jT*t T v ? * *-.■* 4 - ?> 4 *, > •» ft* *i-9 zt Jr *-> C’-V* f.» *• * , « i* i., >-» T" * •»> *r« J « * 4 ‘ ,*■ -v i 4«, f i A T V » t . „„ 'a ' ’“k V -' v-> », - wI h 4 I I » A » i V "♦ » r T s * % * * V - 4 u V- * * , . t * *l*\ « ,■* > \ f ♦» * „ . V * , *• * v .*»*'•* ' * i 4 . - •< 5 t l * v\c ** hi *%'? T * , *+ y-:~: >’/' v-: Av * :A> :. ■-■ '■' 1 ■ * * v- >,’>** t <4 \? . / * * *» *-** * x . *« “ »■* Tfci* ** ft'c ~ ‘~ r, ~~ ■** .2 vv 4 * * l Vv'A ' I "l r '- . " - . -• r ’ 'Tmr Vi i n ! -»'* * N: ,-tt * ’ii- - T . --Uj. ;'lC* 'mjmShtS, % -ssSai. s ■jin.'-'V •'•***£? ~ft t, 4 •*•*• »* ' * , >» v -* * '«r Vjrfß»,.oiii: W.’.«•, v fe V ■WjSariiMk - --- t . r /;'-c » % i fc si<,>-"* v ‘•j,j;, «i, , .o ■sgft >r : r A i; gSfe@f&ftSss f tesissß HMMM# :* if e I I Mmfetd s Bgjmffli. m&k i I Wsm [i iiM s 1 I&g>gs#sP I -- r I iitetil I m n ' s S^B'^'e^Sfesiss ‘■“ J " £ Ssrt6?< : “ ”^„ J s - , J : £ * r •;':"v,-;fa ; .;v ; ;j;-r \:~ y . // * - : . mimmrnmmmm ■■ ~ ■ ■ -\ U£,v*~•>-'*,* r :‘•' ‘. ", ‘ ‘' -f. = ■'- "’i V y' ' , > - r \ i| *» *?£s■&-' ’^y .A rv '-j - fii'X:.._ IP® 111 mv:~ ;* v. Tl' . MSxn-vm yty rora arsxxzh, j «iltarxoe.SixDoU«rß *Ullar»ri«Uyber*iuiredlf ant paid •Hijsa&iwr as& tKosjocrcss ■\. JP^We<»sl»TW^fllTO-r^?Meat|a«99oJ»tWfioih* 0^?;l9>^ s -VV.:..- - O. , ?hs wtopa? mbt;;, _,■ S> pUWlllMd ffiran Okftnm* filankat sit* TWO PQEL&Bg 4jWffe ta«w>M. Slnglt eoflea -o « ,of«»Proßri»ttr».)aotft»U uttKHaintaii ' - ■:i to Wet*sr «auefflKa>» ; ptoltobT - , : it tMtfltolaW&MfrintiwOißuilatluiclfy.alKnxdl . aninffjniririi dene m tie iimiatvMx, audited mans’ : tStItWU.- -r - - “ ."ba't£¥<**; fcttWßitTliji&cL - 40BX80. VfOff Jsr TE& pifTMBV&aU &XB3. h 1 * wian«aßMft,Bt CnnQatoWfjnkfcteiOTßfUL, V,,...... 1L ..,. r ka .'.'■. ttdjfldiiidattAl trMurOnn:: ~*,, - -■ :g» ] Z Z 1 .. 1T& w M three *«&4 00 . “ . ' ‘ODB 6 00. “ *• tvoosoQuMw.. TOO u “ ■ 44 four M «lK -13 ; 0Q M u oaa year 00 i ttudifcff Card# six line# or lass, lO 00 -••■■.caunimia*puuscu: ■ •■■:•■ One «prot, per *hiram*(exeltui«e 26 00 pROFBSSIOyAL CARDS. ' ' geo. r. cauioeußi, , ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR. AT LAW OJfce, earner Hmrt/i ttreet and, diary alley, 4 •' ''•••'-■'• yJtTSBOMH.i Jpjbj. -■ 4.. .. 49* Will Attend to bis professional business as qsqaK at bis office, between the hours of BAv-Mt-and-i-P.M.of-each <>»v- - r ‘ 1 - . . ijygQ ' UOBEIIT E. PHILLIPS., ATTORNEY AT LAW, ST. LOUIS, Mo. -it. DlitiUi Hubert*, , A TTORNKY AT No.lESHmltMeMjtrest, xjl between ¥uth and Sixth*. -Collections carefully attend* ed tor-*perf»l Attention gireatoConvayincing* -(docSfly - - ' .-2.TliOraa*Jaeaus, A TtO&NB'EATXAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. JX; Office, next door to the Post Of&ev Steubenville, Ohio; my 4 ••■■• ■•••'••■■• 8> P. Bon, ATTOrtNBV ATLAW— So. 109Fonrlhlstr«t,Ktbrt!tilgh, /t.Pnij IbortlJ fitior Ms* Ur. BMj> Puttorson's LWerjr gfahla jpjs 1 6* Btorrlson, A TTORNET AND OOUNBKLLORAT tAW-Offiee, ». ix toCrtred to No. 44 Gant streetr-near Fourth, Pittsburgh, Pa- .■ •*■ ■■:•>»■ y-aprlfry ". ■■ OtlUldOLiOoniU, ; AT LAVT—*Oiace ? Fovtrthßtrwt f ftboTo'ff'ocd. ■iX** ..>t JTbomna n* JOaCkcbaii,. - AT LAW—Office Lowrftfa Buildings, Rraxth ■ 1 R. B^€ftrn«hua> : • ACTQRNBY. AT- LAW—Office on Fourth street, between Cherry alloy aud Grant street . : • -’ J«2y : J[»Ni U’Clamy/ “~ v . A TTOUNBT. AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW—Office In A :Bakewetr» RlUdlogs, on Grant street jei* r ■ :D* U* -Hnconjy,v. ATTORNEY AT LAW—No.l27Fourth street, abore and : neorSalthficlfl.T: • : ■ .■■ ■ xn*r27y . JOSEPH tVJSAVBR, ATTORNEY and . counsellor at law, Gflioef NoiUf Fooethfltreett •. v;^y-.^-r-rnTsogßQg*:RU:-^r':j / ;,; .%•/ ' v y.v JTUUTV DAHTOS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office* oor&er Flfih ahfl Grant at**, < .■ JaS;lyg] ,' ;i "■".••'■.--TOtfaaoaaif.pA.'’.:-•••■■ ; ■ - •* ■' r Aldertaan WBUon. OJJlce m .Third, xirtet,. cppt&tc Vii did HAi Ojfcc, TY7 Rgftß.all business pertaining to the office of Alder -1? rtsinaed Justice of ths Peaoo will bo promptly at tend odtb> J Acknowlcdgmentaci Deeds and Mortgage*, and ; oth^lnstrnm«nt» < iif. writing, taken at his office, or at the residence of tho patties.- • > ' • <• . - The S,:fiCDLLY, late an Alderman of the l£aDtLtnMter«At4l«rmflUk. - f'VFFICE, Oriijt ttw^betwoenJfwmh it ml Kumpnd VJ alley, Conveyancing of all kinds dona villi lb« groats - est cato and> lSfcles to Beal Estate- «*• anrioodyAe.:.; •... /.■■•■■■.. ■ •■■ ■■ ■ . j*3:> • • Removed*-,:- '. 'gtSSSK' DK.D, HCNT,.Bcbo*o:cDents?, b&s rexnoTed flpiesggjt maon!** fpbta No. “a Foarth etroot, to No* 19 Btmt,oaedoor below FmttWlrtnv hoirlll lrt happj to ftttmd to «J 1 profession*) •1 ■ / ~ .. ■ ■■■■■■ :-■■■■■ • *prf ■ Milt ■ J.SCOTX* DENTIST* Fourth 6tr»VfiT® door* qßffySyratp l 3TArkßt.,s. Onus Soros*-ham cine A. M. to fit* 36&&7 P. Mr r n il. ■ «». AHL, BUtLUEOS DENTWVfttw SEzmlKm ««or to o.w.iftiaisO HO. im smith fcMfcly- BUSINESS CARDS. D. A CO.. COSLSISSiON AND FORWARDING JERCOiNTS. Dealers Generally in Froduco, Httslrargli, Cin cinnati ana other Manufactures, eas. . Wo, 53 JPrtrnZ tlr&ij, beticttn Sljrkei and Terry tirzdt r .. . . .FtTUSCftaa, p*.-’ : 49* Liberal cash advances marie on consignments. Par tlcular attention paid to forwarding Western merchandise. BeftrenUir-ClAT'k. k Thaw, Wa B&galey A Ca, Wm..MV Colly k Boilers Jk Co., liar* k iilac-k* Kramer k Rahm, Uebry Graff, Esq:. Wo. RichbSum, £* SL Jobnstea, K*lt Thomas Bakcwell, Esq., Georg* Led lie, Etq., Solomon. Btoger, Esq; . ; ■•: • ■ ■ ■ v HTCI K, .DRAYO, Diamond, Plttabowb, Pa, dealer - D Jl » CountryProdoee, offers tot sale a choice stock o Grootdas, selected for family use. Spice* of ereiy rartety and tho purest quality, ground at his Steam Mills. Also, Dried Fruits, Foreign and Domestic* . Produce taken lo ex change for Merchandise* P. XL P. has procured a full assortment ofLcndretbV 1 . WambtadGaitien Seeds, and tbo attention of all In« lanstedin rural affaire. ' janll ' "WM. “ TT , A«EAPEALER AND FAMILY GROCER,-T»l • coasaaor woon-asn szxra exnscrs, ■■ ' PilUlvrgh. copartnership* TB&-CNDEftSlGh£D have this day entered Into co-part* nershlp, under the name and Stylo of J« A.IICTCIU* SON £-00.; for the purpose of tranaettnff a Commission and Grocery business. ; • • JAB. XT HUTCHISON,- ■ ' A,iLWALLINGFORD. ’ l, 1654 - • - . fehfi v,a.axuttßH. - j,.!uciUKnsoa. -- •- -• iv- .■ ••■■■■ fed • nanexa o. a. bssbuiy. BAILEYS RE If SHAW, TEA DEALERS AND FAMILY O&OCEKS; Dealers.ln Woodon and IVDIow Ware, Japanned Tin Ware,noose- Wholesale sad Detail, No. £53 Liberty Pittsburgh. • - •• aprlfcy Tiurcift nuBV johs mdou, snsx ewers, ■ FltUlmrgh. Maryland. Pittibtu'gh. • Setler*« Bftcola dfc Co.* PAOBtrCE ksa Q£NSiU7< OOHUXSSION MBBCHASTfI, No. 800 liberty street, Pittsburgh, Fa. _6perm» Linseed and tard Oils.- f «atWUL ; .1664 , / .T&L'B SELLERS & CO., Fonrar(l»itfAdCOAUttlillOAJl«rehaate . r. -DEAIttS IS • PBO VISIONS, GIIOOHHUBS AND OILS, J»s:lia3)- » r jVb.3OO Lttxrty street, I\Uiburgh,Tte. a&vugfc n’cu7ujur....jpna v. ' HERB-OI f& CO+* WHOLESALE Grocers, Produce Ds»l«r***fltd Owpmi*. i •; rioo Merchants. 50. 243 Libertyutrert. :i &prM ; •*- *•••■••• PITTSBUROBt PA..- ;* \ra/*isaaArt_:^»;:. ^ LM^.^ « l.- . r._^o.»;.^ « raco.' cisauAtf - WM. BINGHAM «fc CO., auo coiuiiaaioN mr&chants, JUboiyzlrtitj bppotxii Pcnna. RaQroitd Depot, « ftprT :---• ~"PiTTginniqii, Tjl. u j liIVIffGSTOSS & COm ” FOBWABDEBS, COEMISSION MERCHANTS, fiteamboat Agent*, J»2lk2ni. Itaro gturgrlst'A. . Henry U. Colilna* ■T?OH.WAIH>IRO AND COMMISSION: MNROpANT, and ■r Wbolenalo Dealer: lh ChKesa. Batter, Seeds, Fish, and Prodded tanmlly. No; 85 WOOD Bi~ Fittsbarnh, ; [o»r6 ■ :* Paul A JUnrdockt €oummon and fobwabdinq mebchanb. and STEAMBOAT AGENTS—Nd.TWaIer Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. • •' ' •• ' faplttf Klaff A Noorhcßdi WHOLESALE GBOCEBS AND PBODBGB DEALERS— No. 37 Wood street, Mttstargh. :f . fmy23 ■ smith «JlaeltUi .'• T)l7'notEßAtß. GBOCEBS AND COMMISSION MEBv W CHANTS—OomerWooa-gnii yigtgte.: .' fhOT3 . : • - Better- ffl'OaUoichtA Co., WHOLESALE GBOOERS and Commission Merchants, corntf or Peon andlnrlußtropt*, PittoVgh. 1 tftfclyg k. 3. OAO&M. HAOAS A AHL, WHOLESALE «n WHOLESALE and Be tail BADDLR, HARNESS,. ■■H&TBUNK, VALISE and CARPET BAG taahnfco. ijttjß f aTer *^ 0 ' 106 street, PHtaborsh, Pa.„_ rr l NEW PAPBB HILL. CANTON* OHIO. TftBHBR, ANDHBSON A. CO* have just started their p*» JC par mIU a t the shore plaw, where they will be happy to gfffre pTflera ibr printing-ami wrappmg. all —'7--^",,. "■ a. R OILLMOdB it THE -POST BOIbDIHOS/' OWNER OP FIFTH AND WOOD STREETS, AT $6,00 PER ANNUM, OR $6,00 WHEN PAID STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. VOLUME xnT f . PEEBHNO BHOTttEHsT^ ! .* .1 „ (SocciMots to j. Had a co.) WHOLES A LB'DRUGGISTS, i PtoMitor. of Dr. M^m’b T KSSS JJl»,ac. . t “ jaio I - , - JOSEPH Eli Em ISO, L * I TBOOO.seoB *0 l. wiioo* » 00.1 .HABB3ET SIBEBt'AND BIAMQHD, faSep. V oOMtactly bfitumUa full isaortmonf of DfugilUeiE Perfumery, end all articles pertain lp£ to his business. * * / * t [ 49* Physician# 'Prcsortpllons - carefully? cbmpdunded at afll hoars. 1 f , fo-Qr ' [ ' . B* A* FalineltOtik &Co«. : '- jntrilOLliSALK DRDa WARKUOUBE—Corner First and jf T Wood atreets, and, cctmor.Wood sad Sixth. ‘ w i jHotlee* TOS.-FtEIUNG haying- associatedlritb JOS, ABEL, the. w .htistneaa will hereafter be conducted under ihrt stylo of 4 A ®“" « 9?w.«t the old stand, corner of SmUhlleid and fonrth streets J y TUorn^DxoßgU^ LIAS, MUO VRD;. io. the corner of HAND; nod PENN XJL Stnsdls, where he will, as usual, attend promptly tc Ids anmerous friends. All arUclesln hlsitae ore warranted pure, andpnt np wUh-lbantmoatcare.. :-• m*rl4:Cm ,• I JOHB B.AFT, JH., i (Sui'cnseor toJcs. M'GalTDy.) j ■ Wholeiale nni Bctitl Druggist. A ND Denier InKM-tT*, OtLS.DYE BTTWSyiii.. Ul Vfotanatei, tbreedoore below 'nrgim.lley, .. v ;«pr* mlely ,f HTiißllaOtt, ’ PBINTUIO ESTABLISHMENT, (Ut* Jomt blank book «n> btahose. Y WAEBUQVSK—I»ptMpuod to o. 8 WOOD Slniicr, MXIaBEIaaU, PA. tITINBS, ttnmdlM, Ulas, COrUim!«, Bflrib»,Bt. V W ■ Croix and New England Ham, Clara t** C&&13 pagans, ; iiorch Brown Stout, Irish, fiooteii. Bourbon. 4* WopongahpU Bje aad-1U»llfleil »’hb«Xy, Apple. Warh Cherry and Blackberry Brandies; imported llarana! «*g*Ua, ftDd Principe Clears; and Common ■%*nyflUat such low p»fc«s *s to challenge eampnitfoo. L»Wtlled DntlUs of «r*ry styfe, and of all rises. X rfcrpceifally Inrite an esauittia* ttyacfiaystock, al No.-# WUUB Street, Httsburgb, . J 4ana.’ ■■ -■ ■ ■■•■■< ' ••» ■•■•■■■ aprffil/ t ■: KUHll.ftUtOi , ; r)OOEBKLIEFJ>, STATIUNKES, DIiALSRS W STAN ' Ii>.DAIU> AKDltam UTKBATCnK.wuIPnbIUhm C': gi..au-v.TOO W , t N a Fifth juncmniuboTEb, r*. ■L„iL j>Oll« U* MOEB*», A«Ht v. : -' ” Wholesale and ketau. dauqqist, 1 *X9 cuua t.i DychStai&, Paint j ...... Oils r Vaml&kes, &©., 03>$ Wood street, fens door south of Diamond alfrjr, V j '.■■■ < -.. ■-.: . ■• : WtTAttUttSg, ■ , .-. • fjafc} • L' ■ . JuaimiTiiUKLb, : Wholesale and retail imnaaisT, I • So. 130 -Wood Street, ■ K«xt Cam ta-H. Cfalu» gboa llirnw, RlUTnfgh. X* 'WvcixcidtirleJE* . IKALEE IN BIOS AND No. US Wood Street, ’ Pittsburgh. Xhe highest price In cub paid fcp rag*. ' . ...... 'WlUittm Qieui} r ofand Wood 0 JI. Kat. trhMo ha is preparedto do avery dsiwrt r>U«a inllng and Biucnag. ld««3 .■• UAaa * asusKUt •‘ . PbUolUli*2>»©.?&ThW*tii»t, k. Pittsbarjrb; and eastaldacf Ue Diamond, Albsbccy. fl£4o. i. ■ ■ * •. i r .. ■ WoiUr pr«Brthalt; ifPORTSBvni Ufil« io Fncettimd AQRieift'lifMr Hangtattf. - . . ts&x3 ■ FT 7 .. ■■ lUnoral. te-JNO. E. SOffKUiO, CLOTHIER,-SO, TAEnoored to S3I USISiTV rtmt,ropoduOcMicn BtwA Jko. U £>EYi»KI If,n»ar KioithUrW, vhet* batfcsauoAofhi* blonds tn 4 ttis public utnrtxrd to ibo bVer &UAt>¥'4lA&K 430UD3 alwuy* 6a baud. Al»» HU*, Cowiinorw and Y«ettSj» far wcrt. A fail kttmsai of fiurtutfclc? tioai* Bst sraUt&ca, fbrldd&z ft* of;oU quail o*% Trnok*. UmbreUaryac,. l^ctamT. \. jWfcole*alaaad Be tail CtolM&e Slcrcli&aU. : f , tfQ. e* WOOD STIIUE^; .'TIUB sabaertber* respectfully Inform thidr oM ctulcmcro h and tharubUcJujccoarsl,that tfcpj fc*To iM* otiaieQ thernsvlTtMu Uio aboTp bu*l&c£/t, under the Cna ittfOUK M'CLOSffKY A CO. Tbey respectfully saUHt * • injure o! pablie patronage. She uroTiou*buiinc»«r«aeb will ba aettit*! by tbra* wpwQwly. •' f-t(5 ‘ Jamercrvvaitr"* '** aaumAST TAXLOIfr-Ko. « Jlfth ctoMt, eppestt* the Theatre;Pittsburgh, - *?t? gL&i&D, flat* of. Lbs firw of Couut A i>42&o,> haring * Opeuftl tiTORE fiO. 9» (two doers Atom the old 4tipfl,> for the purpose ; or carrying on the CkUTUINU AIfSXNKSS, hopes by etrict aUenitea to tnuiocss to merit a atfe oc the p*tronas» of the lain firm, . J.fc.—Clothing made to onler la the meet Ottldatable tea, and.oa the ahorlnt notice-inferior to ocna la the * jusupu t. lowbv7 ' ~ i Ab. A 3 OOryier of Pi fin and l{nd findi, o{3aecp stair*, Entrance from Firth etr«!t. PKUfcarzfc, aUSPhCXITCLLV tianrm&oa'to - tne public that be bar commenced Lb* URAL ESTATE AGEJftTY, in «*&&«?• uop-. with Intelligence and Usceral Collecting. |!i «rQ| •24> Attend to noting. Pence* in want of «*rrsntiv In any capacity,or thosefn want of places, wHJt»*Bppltal alafccrt totioe* All bcalnftw entrusted to hi* tars promptly m* '.ended to. ■.•••.•■ ..: .. Refermca-JT. J. nfoftam, Esq, Richard Cowan, Em., W. O. Jiealle, Dr. Alex, black, Jamea Hacker*!, A. A. Mason, : ■•• ; feats J Anitla.Loomli). . TjEAXi ESTATE AO£ST, Merdraudko, Slock, and MU £V Broker, Offlc®, ho. 9i Jtourtb BCr*>rt«(aboTe Wood*) Tfc* cnftMSf b*r haying op«nnl on office at tbe a bore place, (or the pnrpoee ox negotiating Doan*, kill*. Bond*, Mortgagee, and another Initnuarcti tor the security of Money, end (or tbe pnebase and oale of Blocks. Will also giro prompt and nafticular&Ueol&ra to buying, selling, renting of and leoa nj E**l Estate. ljs?j AttbTlN DGOMiS. *. cPTflAttT^..:..^,ccruaxar. J V S.CCTIIBKUT A SOS, H> EAL ESTATE AND.tiEXCUAL AGENTS, JVo. 00 IjL BniUtJUld ttrtrU • . dot! • "•. -1 nara*'*-*•: . ET («r COMMISSION: MERCHANT, far the sale ofEAmarican Woolen Goods, No. 139 Liberty streets |my4 _T : b' B. Uttvtrard, HvEAtEn is BOOTS,SUOttVTKUNKS *nd LEOHOIIN ;1/ ,and ÜBAXD n AT#* comer of Marketand Liberty Sis-, Ni 174 Htisborgb, Ha. Jc&j { JiuSaafiieXitnffciv ~~ IyTONONOAnRLA. PLACING; in£U-WouMrop«l/tiITT .■ill. inform fals friends, and tfi* pnalie/thftt hU n« cnUb* • lisnxaant is now in fall operation* unt i&at bo is prspared to fafniah Boat Cabins, and fill all ora era tor Planed Ltuaber, wUb promptness, and at tba.loweft rates. Board and Plank, placed «a one or noth aides, constantly onihatul- t-*-: jaa Door*, and Hcoldfop> cferwy description, mad* to BaUders and Carpenter! weald findittottudradvantegn to giro him a call, a*fc« can now junmb them with piaaad rtUff suitable for 8. HZ'Kinley, gODSB, SIGN,-AND ;OBN AMKNTAL PAINTER, AND Dealer In Painte-rNo, 44 gt, Clair street, Pittsburgh, constantly on hAna 'air kium ot BAifite* olther dry or. mUed, Japan And Copal Varnish- UnseM OU, Boiled Oil, gpltitaTurpentine, WlndoerOl&ur or ail sizes, Putty, Paint Bnfflber*Ac4 all of tho best quality, and for sale at rcasonA*. blespricoa. ■ .. . aepll J>A!tKtL Allir JS ; I BSTKBPHISS WOOKB. (to. 138 woods*sew, t isd two* snow vmant nut..■ Bewir a TBTisr. SIAIi'QRTERS and manufacturers of OOTUSRY, SURGICAL AND PKNTAL ntarncuEHis,rifles, a* keep a general assortment ortho ahon articlesconstantly oft hand; together r of Pansy Hardware. Also, Guns, Plo-. asks/Horns, Shot Belts, Oops, Powder, Lead and Bullets;'Bovio,‘Dlrfc; Hunting and Pocket Knifes; on aha Hair Dressers’ Shears; Pocket Bdssore, Aoe— i.Tnmoe and Supporters.. . , ibblni and repairing neaUverCoated. jtJFLEiS!—We are miking Blflesof ereiy:description,to order, ot thobcsttoeteri&l, knd workmanship Orders reesWed fbrtiiem at Wholesale or Retail, will be 1111- ’ed With despatch.* Banting parties enpplled at Wholesale .prices. —• myls ; Chandelier* and Qii FAxtttrei. 31pS subscribers are now opening at tholl newWarorocm* .!. NO. 109 ..FIRST STREET, between Wood tad Smith* Id, the largest assortment ofCHANDELIERS, BRACK ETS, FBKDANTS,tedallartidosboni!ieotedwitQuintUnK, arcs offered la this market -Having arrangements made by \fhloh they will be confftatrtiyiii receipt ofnow patterns and rarieties, they confidently lavltetha ettontton of pur chase* to their selection* Wo are determined* to sell as lo* as any house Jh the West, and being practical Gas Flt : tars, can offer peculiar advantages to those desiring articles in this line. . ~ . We continue as heretofore to fit up buildings of eroTj de qprtption fotgas* water and stout.. .. mss GasUnee of uU kinds made to order promptly. XON'G, MILLER & CO _ jfiar22ry ■ • No. 100 First street w --jolmH*Mclioiy •HOLEBAfo ANB RETAIL DEALER IN MUSICAL . « ZNSTRUBIES2XS. Planafr Music, rßchooT Books and Stationery, M 0.122 Wood street, fjanl AND DETAIL XIQtJOfc MEECEANTJ IT 166 sad &1 Diamond ftU<7> fcblter 'BtISINESS CARDS. _| _W* 8. * i . .. ... y..v»«n'v ■ - «v , ». , ■* *' " * A >* * ■**■ ** ' Hr'* f *f- *■* > ±±x,b,^s~s?^'T': * M * IB"-* * ■ Wi 'Wm' H* vm jßt' H BUSINESS CAEDS. JOSH-UA UR WHOLESALE FSUIIE 39 Wooa> Br.> I IJ aVB on hand and are i XL which Ibdj offer at the >.7M)*ga3Tica Almonds;' > 25 «. Sicily do : 25 bales Bordeaux do 1 15 bags Shelled do' 50 “ filberts; SCO <* Walnuts; <6O <* Cream Nuts; £OO bushels PofcNnts; • •, 25 < btds.:Tcxen Pecans: .. ■■ ■ i 25 “ Illinois do 2000 Cocoa Nuts; 200 boxes Gorman Plums ; i 25bcr»'-do ‘ *do i flO bble. vdo • do- ‘ ] 10 caseaPrunes, ffl&saiarsji 10. V. , t ,.. « fancy bx£-i ! 69 casks Currant*;* ' l eases Citron; -200 boxes Claster Batatas; loOhf.« M.B. do 200 qr.* l “ do 1 200 boxes • No. 1 Herring; 100 Scaleddo ■v: Lease Mace; 1 bbl.Natmcgs; ; t • ClOTes; : • • 25 grossßlacklng; ; <25 baskets flalaa OH; Q, AKPKKDOS & COV ; v Ho. 6 Wood street Pittsburgh, Pa., \JU HOLE3ALE Ifcalors In Foreign Fruits, Nats, Spirt*, ¥? OoUfwUonery.Bugnrs, Cigars, fie-fie,- folstas, Ftg*, Prune*, Oranges, lemons, Lime*, Dates, CitroDp, Almond*, IJlbvrts. Walnut*, Cretun Huts, Pea Nats, Cocoa .Nut* i'l o Apple Cheese, Sordines, Ploble*, Sauces, Rock Candy, Vcxv lulcelll, Maccm-onl, QHve Oily Ac.; Ac. •■' • aprdQjly:; CKOHOEIbLIiTCH EH, " FUOM.HEW YOBS, : ; -< : MANCFACTUlUSnofthßwlfbratrf • r <3(u*arocr 'Ventilating- Wfff, .Elastic ■v Band Toupee*, end every dewrlptlon / vgb, of Ornamental Hair; for.Ladle* and =Samtlcmcn, 70 FOURT?! STREET, Wood ondMarket, Pitt** *bnrgb; •■, ■•,:.■< UucrcOxn’i jtyittm ennWce l>u!lcx and Gentlemen to measure Ibelrbead* vith accuracy-;: ;* volt tvras. No.l.TherouudcrUie Head.' • .. i No. 3. SVcundbe farchoad.over the head 19 node, No. 2. 1 No. 3. Jfrem ear to car, over the top. No. 4.From ear toear» round the forehead; • lor Tcupccs, to torer the top of the bead on ly*-» paper 1 patton.tbnexaetFhap*cft!ie v. ■ Imy4 >.j EHTEQFniSG FOUIIDat, ALLEGHENY Hlk. 'i&t FieiScrat tired, near fht Rntfpt. HAVING fitted Up toy establishment With till thAUtaet Improvements, embracing every facility tor tnanuft* luring In the bent and cheapest «ylc: and owning Ui* *%• dnrfrw ln J. J. Johnson** Cox Smoothing I ton*, tod John Jobn«oo> Self-healing Gaai'cnst Iron*, patent*)-Jan* Mtxj 10. H&4. superior it* anything of the kind lathe mtr> katf tud &>*o having » patent*] Improvement tormouMlng the above Iron*, Wagou Boxes, tni Fipo Do***, 1 uu pr* parodtoaril wholesale athl maH ctrto.tr terms. jAny persons wishing topurehasa the tight fur moulding upon the IcnpWTwl clftJijtjH tDtDUturturing aoj or ail of the aboTa Anfcln, will pntse address C KJNGSL4NC, ■ tnySShSxa /■•’'.■■ Allegheny rfty.vj • SO. 103 WOOS STREET. • s TOQ3T C, PARE?, (eufiesaaor to J, C. Party * Iwg* V tolnform theeiulwtr.rr* of th*old 6m f «nd the t-cbHa generally, tltai ho ha* now on bands, and is exttcurivriy wu* gaged in aanuacturi&f, rt«i dtscriptfeni of CASTINGS— each a* r patent ChUled Bolls; largo Ernie* and Cortw; PstAt Ketttai, tot Boap, Put Asa, 6«da A*b; Fugar Kettle* forth* manatoaturo of Cans Kas*r—ctf eaxi an a pctef ptpocxi, known «*J.&l > amV,ftod*r* iut*riorftr dura* btZity to any other, nnd field forcr than tbnee xtudeon tba old plan. ■■"■■:■■■■■ HOLLOW central anorttaaot,#!! from w» acd Improved pattens,VYagim Cox**,Uos Iron*, fiad irons,. -' ■: tLoiULOff KC! GarJngx, and Machinery ef vttzj description., always cs band or &**£» to order. • Cbob Starts, Kstehco Cange*, and Coal Stove*, ef every dr*rripltoct I Eß?er*«, too* aloes; PmalomCteofc Store*'; Sfcgaad {UdUtorCoalblovee: Ac. Parlor Urate* and Fenders, great varitfv, UwuUteny •nataalhsL Csaaou G rales.as4 building tnawrial of every description. A emi vtririyof Qrsasuvtal tUßi&g.torOssrieritsa&d F*ndug. " ■■ * :■• .■ JYcnspAi oruT Pfr&t A Urga stock vt all the kind* la war, and will be attedueedhriOM. Hair* F*t^ itrt Uw, Vrw . Amcrlsan, K^aa v *. crab*'*, Stnl.sde'a, Wood»*, Pe*f v /Xww , il^4i«*- ; ri»'-s!iehig , an. &s»W# Rocyrh, *hkh ha* taXea lh#’ -at 'tha -tful# tain of Naw^-Portu' and Obi's«rf w!«w#tt* tea t«co e-VMM»d. Irou and NaiKPlov* !Ipe»&ttln Vfa?»—*U of »bkh t vtll«eHaiUe lovr#?t and rv*ratfc&y luili* th# tuhUotO riv«Ta»oauU at th*oJd eUni. ru •rsi-* r ronablv tens*, Iron H«rb tor Bridge*. 0»r .4*l**, Uuarrr Work, fitou* Cut*.**** nod Vwoor Teo.;#, SiUS Gearlo-g, dlarhiov to crarrai. and hraty rwy deacrieUflD. Al«u t HUitSK tsanufaesurwj by SStiUt*t Puitnl tferti Skv* Jtfts.iAsw. Ihe U»jre* tlsa*. Sla rblee will be ia operated a>«ul tb* titadl* cf tvlruary, when alt order* tor ftrtvawuf tfirsd with fmtapt etteurlfla. Mill Ptrk* tzs&de and Gr>N*i hy mail or u?l» graph a!tend<*d to on the short *-*t untif*. JallT Cario'illaguerreotype'afld ArMiaifery, JLf*&e> JHoittifig t Ao. 7C Al/urtV to /.)&/< C(inwiiT«jwnKn.J a. B. M. CARGO A CM. hsrri&g Cliai up tb» hu>«l ample roeos lnth*el?y vrtlh nauimr.ili »Xy tnj £ aide light*, ol !et rtm das* to jg**ya atvia to suit all, rafyl&g la pri <* arscfuJ-sA to and quality cf caxr, Ar. Oil *t lh~ tT~* “ * !, -f-| “ * cn*i< biMUos during lb# day aiul «*«ialßg. Citixen* »r«4 a Iran rm ar» iarltod so call and extols* •pwHme&.eand Pti&t jpgg.-- • • ..: - - • t| *&*! ut^^rg£ftTituuci JAMBS WAUCIWP, OFPERa tor eaIeOANA&Y Olll&ftof th* sortri brood, being t*rir hardy, and fin* dnl&wds Mill ft, Bout aud uUed iwed. Ikiuquvu will be ntmisbed rempoavd of Iba fiaaxt PU>WSU#, viit CanttUas,Boo* Cudr, lleCotrupea, hs. Cvvrgrveuottn pclfj torOhririmasTrcffi, from the bond and norlkultural No. 4B fifth rU oy Wood. j , ' ■ • uoammoThe Habhe< “ ~ mUB onhseriber I tore end *«M HWKENEY‘B HOT AlJt AND SSIOKH (kiN'bDMI.HG y URN ACE. i* prrparM tnrorHTftcrdnrstnd cuniraet tor beating tuUdiDg* with ths non «n < creonV*l Pumaco now is u*t. Th* alhraltonuf thnea U ooibitiKL Anr inrjnnkUoa can t# had of A. DRADtET, No« *iaud4Woodrimt.trof . 3. CACIfiaKXAU, d*c24:tf l Iron CityStov* Warehouse. No-131 ttond ft, Depotof - lawoa Wine* Anil Oraudy, mm! Unocrrigotfd bus rcotlvcd aud ofTpre h;r nl*. of do- X etnnon merx. a largo quantity of Logwctth A Zinnur mas r *iu*i< Bic.-fiTaAttv. W. I. McOO.NAI.Li, M. A., Vtftmtu TUB D«t vAkm oftbt, LojUtutlon-»1)I conim»oc» «a MONDAY, the 6th of SeptAmotr next, at l!to r->om ccr* car of Ferry and liberty streets, lately occupied by the Uewrs. Voider.. ’ B*fcrcncu-~ Won. A. W. Loclisls, C. Knap, Jr., 8. Y Yon oohorftt, R. MlH*r. df. auuJA Sew Coae&'and Carriage Factory 1 ‘ JOHHSTOH, BBOTHEBS 6 CO., Qjmcr tif Rebecca and Belmont t&nrU, Allegheny City % . ■ nll y-, WOULD rwpoctfully Inform their friends rJOTUcg>jbw»tcd the public generally, Uiai they bar* ooantQtul tlia manufacture* of Carriages, wii iliLwßawpches, Itockaways, Buggies.B)olghs and Chariots, in all their rarions styles of finish axut proportion. All onion will bo executed with strict regard to durability and beauty of finish, nepalrs will also be attended to on the most reasonable terms, Using In aU their work the boat Eastern Shaft*, Polos, and Wheel staff, they fed eonfl' dent that all who frror thorn with their patronage, will be perfectly satisfied on trial of their work. Purchasers are requested to give ns a call, before pur*ha> ring elsewhere. 1 ... oclO:ly G HINA HALL. JOHH J. O’IEAHY, . (JtfO&Kfi, WUOItSZLB ABD (UTAH. pIAUHI W 0 BIN A, G I, A 8 8 A N D Q U E B N 9 W A RE, Table CuiUry. DtlllOMUi and Silver Plattd Wiirt, Solar Lamp*, waiters and llouso Furnishing Good*, 1 BTo* Oil IHaTlcet street* Between Third snd Fourth, opposite Geo. R. white’*, 1 sprlfrly > PITTSOVROn, PA; .»■ Blank books- . legew, Journals, Day Books, : " , --..Cubßook*, Receipt Book#,. DockoH, Oranydescrip tloA of BLANK BOOKS MADE TO ORDER at short notice, of the most superior qualßyof papor, bound in any style required. Blank Boohs pAoko to order, 4 large and excellent stock of Blank Books altrays on hand and for sale at loir rates, consisting of O&p, Dotny and Medium work, In all styles of binding. The trade gappllod on liberal terms. W. 8. HAVEN, i Blankßook Manufacturer, •••.■ s jafl? r ' • f£nu HATVOBTU. oornet of Diamond and Diamond | d Sallet, wishes to inform bis customers and tbo puLUo ! generaliv. that hols sow rocetvlng a largo and ohoico eeleo I tiotf of GROCERIES. each os choice Young Hyson, Impov I rlaliuunpowacn extra fine Souchong,:Ningjong, l Oolong, Congo. and scooted Orange Pehoe TBAB 5 Mocha; Old Joyo I nndjßJo COFFEES; fine SUGARS and SYRUPS; BUheb, i Cluster. Valencia; San and-Sultana- RAISINS ; fresh CUR* RANTS v jtraroma Citron, Lemon and Orange j nupe> rfttf!French BRANDIES; fort* Sloddra, TeaerWo, Cham* pagno* Sherry and-Malacft WINeS; ; together with -a-gg&erai assortment of noro BPIOESr-aUof which ho is determined to.sell at such LOW PIUOES that cannot bo freatby any other Store In the city. , ■■■ • novl? GOFFfifi— 300 bags.prime'Rio Coffee j»• /.r--;2Q :do .do Lagnytfldo; ■ 60 pocfcets Old GoYormaent Java do: for talc: by \:: ., V MILLER: &MOKEIBOH. TNAIA. KTBBEK LEGGINS, PiTTjKcg fob Steam, Oas oh Water. ; No, S&Mftrkot Btreet» Pittsburgh; : j&iy?* have sold oat Furnaces, Patterns, Ac., to Merabs. ABNOLD.A WILLIAMS, whom wtv cordially.Tijoonmiond to tbe patronage of the nubHc. ! ‘ I^3g SPAUK, ATKIKSON A ORET/F. A Xc TOR*VI au n pn'Tu urnLET, Sign oi THE O£D STAND* TmTILIIAH ;UAI*V bar returned Trow the Arrmufictur-1 If ho i «littai,iarc4*h,* myeitarMdTo and v*)l ajochuf! the beatdwcriptkmt liocfci*. Uadtirshirla* i rawer*, <>U>Ta;win?, ?4w*i;!wcf Children’* end i Irabey £ lockings, UJgsll.v* with fchdomwU* stock of i'iUA-1 burgh Uaovtotm! JlnJary. IfcwW aril by vNcnl«or i T?4ari»tNewlerk JnK'rteci’pilrr*...,. „ ... mixuii dau a co RnoemUr tfc* pjorr—No, JU, high at XU U-OLD STAND. ■ —....- J lioan Oiace. ■■■ . ~ OBJ. A.O’BIUES.GT BMITUMEU) ETKKLT, rsutUi «M Dtaaurd tili-y. do 7ir»4}..v.' f’rißi«ftilaaa.Sm4ehOr*jLOjH^!tt",ai t o .'•fifnsiotl 6. A ttrt e 3f«vjt LnjHth breaLin G*p . n# >i ft Xti» tea.■ wiy Sj'Jsom Wmdß,74fc’g ft, «»li» £ne \«UH2 Hjoiasati isstr'S,!,«? -p ft. ter? tyjonaoa fojjyrtsl, M bjft, t*attei«*fcMB» pu«— Tir.ui't 7'rt Sftiiift.fimcr of Fteex oit*l Mto-jai *2t t? a .Wfri f-,to-n,» «»»* t> di4Uf¥* ’\ ■ ■ - " ittiu "" *“■ TNK ■ ’A «>*•>&£*»***c< tfy flj *•**■'•* lii*iitLs*ir^-?«>^>tnu-' It U f*l _ «.UM\U _ tT*r hi*. ?-J#TX.t *ir9*t A *w*+tf2lL \J #vW JJVMO *ttt»r/ril:ffr.s 3?s»e -i. A j'ifc BA PuttTth #Nfy«i. ft'cbt-««srtt!hjWjrM> erf faiths. aJi'-l' cj>#*»4 lUH3ti*aJftvrB>3n!:trm;M>.ria£n&* f'vi.cf t'irii. a*U Jlr fcultf, A ?,%J AJi Mil J fr'> !«,try iwa> ftvra lf> frrn t f vshV-‘i «> cSfr n thr* s ab'io Brr* hhrra! tve.f ( f-eltt ffr'cSitat J.*sC;ftefr ß . „ „ Jt c :i f u-!h«t t AstA «ul {.VfHr- Xs»ft« Tfc ijn »ajr<£sr£st tf rslffnl atii wbli* fiivy *o<} iT ?* * c,t*w»l rt’irr* *, t e\+ T *i Ic-a'^SS rfcrrri c? figrjr a Inf w rtarls, <4W.hr?r'.»e>t.* t |*Jpltt BJi/I f*r.r?' 5v!.-.?*; >vlm*. fr-Surfe* ll*«'Jfkttti.seC*»joiawT In tie -ciir, .fkAbtaiaU; rwl *fc«? «ni} tafcii*. - - •. *Efssfr* tA tin* Tftitvt ‘ajj Uua p£tf j-rj v"!!’-** nirtira, J.r A. U.IMLm..,, {I. StrVJl lon«rinrr*h(i» .Notkr A?? tVUMllfjl SAttNfMatr U* c « »*«r Jhrm«H*i«i*a B. A, IiKKAH. wvl A. H. ricCYIU *-■* < fti.J ( rtfr* orivltf (ht tam* tsl rttFv A OX R A.Kwttitetf A, R Htwtil wtli twr »*y tli« aboto fom, a&J &a i*r> tw trvlrbtai ta « , -ivhrT t *r?;tfc'? abota c*ft;«i Vi>Vuab* l ar* AOts Air. KfiUVtt. A.ftX • Slav IMJa* USl— : tn*lt " UOUTfil ASP KtlOKh, r— — WIIOLES ALR AM) It ETA JL. I t»M>tn *t|ja la< wvrtu. 9f No, W VntUvl K??n-L mbJ \r> « liev*o S ba> ow fnfsi-ViM M* >t*iy*kpf.llf»OTH.?Jß»y, Ar . ho<» ra!nX»tr*Pr)*!. I>a)tlir*oi3 Pr»U4tATA;t/» ablrti hit intiUft the vf *!} j'njYbßapr** whftlifT *{ fA^OMVUiJ. TM*UoOfttf »h»f»rjwfc twrrontd in cod N>» York;- kofl fc* tru*ta /«ntiut -W (n pb-eft* »1U 6rr*tf»r*h«»tn i !n>4lv«D.iafplee(iet tba tb<&vr«t ftU *>f wblci* h* vtnunui.- rc&tluce* to t:«iui*rtons *i» kor*!rrf«r<\ all»}*- fcrrif.Utm# of IkoU *iul fin?**, nu<) rm::i H»!j» Jodr of o**r jf*u .tabtwta*-## lh iMi ri'f.if, fei* trnti*. * *u£i: font tint i!u>o> who fkTor Wa *lM> tht-if ttvdltwi. »Uj 1w frlrly r,» toeHl to toy wtatfetatatttfh pX'd* ta fi}»y mar Wrnt.B? prfc** u low ** di«? can to ucmsUt Last: and *&» partita? fetal of *!*« tn&4* ta order *t nlwrt ■ Or>r» »nt} r*U< K> Ucjtatfromßelief* taMil roluf ftocur, m infill-to to to call b#t»m jwirhwde;; rW-wbmv Customer work mad® m hcrtlufuyi*. : TirOS* A IllSTON,Appel,, •naagm ;•■•••. •-• . :y0,49«-t»uaiar. T. M cYa t! O H CTn " "" FiublonabTt Root mid 8tio« fffeltera No» 05 FOUHTIf RTIIKET, N'ttAH \YOOJ>, (Directly qmuitr.tfiii!ixva}*tostf.} HK is tVKM* PJIKP4IIKD to Una* and will wnmud lb«m nt<\ lofirtoT to anr MrolJar artidrJtn Uiodty. Ho u^rrll-prfjirtrml lo Trr opened In this sri*ffceU together with hs?ortinbht of Hardware, Cutlery, Torti»ftoilTl«biog!rarXlo,oH of which we offer at the lowest possible prices to cash purchaser*, or forfeood opplov&d paper. .... . . :. : •■ • • tpurlS' lleTolverii - JUST RECEIVED—B? Kxprr&f.direct from itaem&nufiio > turns, a splendid Martin rot of Colt's Repeating Pis toled, 6 and 0 Inches barrel, nil of which wo will sell for i rash 03 low as they can bo Ixmrchfc in the city of Now York.- t Persons going to. Austral In or California, will find that ihev eando bettor by purchasing their eqhlppagent home, than tfiej' cm amonfffftnmmsvntwe.ffiTß; poroons a chance to try any of the above Pistols, before leaving the city; and inc&soofa (allure, werafgudtboiQonnv. . BOAVN A TETLEY. ’ foblfl ■ ' ‘ V lh6 Wooastfeet, v PlttHbnrch; - w. B* SOAIFK - ,” ' ' " *f7JUST STREET, BETWHE N : WOOD • AND MARKET Jp ? STREETS, PA., bulldo Francis’ Patent Metallic Life Boats,of Galvanlted Iron: alj»oi manufactures Copper anil Sbwtlroa Work,Cooking Storra for Steamboats and Hotels, ‘ Portable Porgeff. Forjced' Iron Work, Large I Bolts for. Bridges. AC.J Cork,Life Preservers, tile best and eboapest klnd.. Sirambnat work attended t 0.... .f"jT26.y : JSoitce %*Mti A vGREEATtIEa cest ,-being.thofifth instalment of their #uhTOripucai,-wlllbo-dae ana p&y&blo OirtJio26th:cf Jan 0,1854.; • < :: WM. S. ITONTER, j - *■ • -- - Treasurer O. Fill.Association* - - . '-mygO > comer'-M&Tfcetand gwrrtd eta.' . . ; - BUIIil>l«U l/OT POR SALK* - A iLOT 24 foot front on WyiilEnstrooty nod: lending /V back 109 foefc to Wide alley. On the 1 tacit part of the Lot|s a Cellar Wall, built for two small This Let Is Itfft deairflble location for ft reatdeneo? and will be sold lowland on - famrablo terms; Title good, and clear 1 from iorambrance. Enquire of GEO.' F.■ QILEMOXIE, . '• 'fob23- • At Ofiea-of Homing Post )•' :- J: V }* '.-. vi \* : " -■? -\ w .. ;> -v ;• .'1 » ,i », *. ' •** »i.‘ ;. ■".. ' ■* -».'.••■ - . . Jt-jj _ ~~ r «- k'*' * 1 -, <- ’ , WOHtD’S FAIRS, L ■■ l#ndon, 1851, «nan«w T«Jk,-18S3. - ARIUMPH OVJSI; TUB COMPETITION OP TliK WORLD ; ,a THE first and only PRIZE MEDALS for Hot ‘ 'jfeyPV ness ntthearontExhlbltionslnLondon,lB6l, ifll? “ 4to,, "uOTt l *limfi^ 4ed to » ins SSSSKSSS: Mfetecp. tho largest stock ofrwdy.made Harness and gsddler of any honso In tie United States. They lari rcducKtllieboslneps ofmannfoctnringto eochportect srs tew, that, for quality and price, they are beyond all com psttt!6n.i_nie best of Leather only Is need,-and no pains awfipawa to reach perfection io ©very article; ; ‘lt 1* acknwlddged, that for elegance, lightnesff, comfort and real value, the Harness and Saddle* of Lacey £ phll- Kgaaaothera.. They invite a close examination of 5 Attention Is pallod to the follow Ins scalo of prices: 000d f plain, serviceable Single 11amfeeR,......5X2.00 to £25,00 «ncy “ “ «< . ~..28,60 t 036 00 { “ plain Doable Harness,.., 40.00 to'6ooo ;.! SperhaTftß , branch of-thelr establishment it New Or lean*, tfo. 81 Charles street.. ; .Country Harness Makers can be supplied with Harnoss ancHMr than they can aanalhcturo them. - r ' 1 «S“Antunboror HARNESS MAKERS aro offered con «anl! onjplosment, tha year round. .The highest wages #»«>• APPIy t° LACEY i PHILLIPS. PMi^b^pl 10 - Eonth Kflh street, near Minor street^ „'' " UiSOHGJB J, HENKEL'S CIT YC A-B X SET WAR EH O USE, ! Jfo. 173 CHESTNtrT STUKUT, (Oppositi Inogrgsnxsc* H*u„) ■■ '■ ■■ PhlladelpMa. . ■■■ FtmurnraE, in eveet style! Wdff,feuriH»r*ia number; with Shops contkrupuis auffl dent to employ 200 hands, which is a guarantee that the *££!i.* I K onrtUlldOT m y ol * o immediate inspection-' ' . thn Store,sad-Furniture 50 - wry aafrfywj distance. Visiters to Fhlla dcJpliia are respectfully invited, aaporenaKers or otherwise, thoGoods, ...’, • ;-. »n2S‘lv— T ; '" : sT;'LouiBr“':'~'~. . JOBKI'II MOGUIDGE. OOHMIBSIOS AMll FOaWARDLNO MKSCaAKT. ' M 0.38 OcalfUait, onowXHn Biset», . 84. I*onJ» f .Bio;*.. ■.. air! Ccoratoioc. wil J P’ ent with prompt . vy urt pertasrf kite soon; and llbi.l adearuyj will Klrenr»btarfquinK),oji Coulguacsu or Riiuor iAdlas; .fflf hams, . ■... Ondertter the pun&ase of food. Grata, Ilomp and other *' l* promptly filled ntthe lowest market prices. -V arhoßoecxTios and Forwarding of Merchandize and Pro* ddea trill xaeet with espoclal ean and dispatch; the lowest r«« oi might will always bo procured, and the expense eSHtorege and Draysgeas much as possible aroided. •■•• •Mnsxscxsj l St. UroJa; £lll,* Moran. Clnrino.U: Cparlrss, Blow h Co., do; Strader h Gorman. L dot Chouteau ft Valle, do; Hone* A Fraser. do; J.W.JtaLUr f PUtgbh; 11.0-Goooanxan & Co-,' do; - do; E. AC.Tornall ACcu/PMUdfc; WJa.lloteM.Ob,, doj MoiE».J.M.Buetilloitani BJow A Atercb, Nc* ark. B. i!. OarsorT,. . . 1 do; iMtit’ormt, do* Bil«W,*Sllß(ir, do; i . do; Jo»!4hGM*Coi BUlteora A,O.larwtlldOo.,Cotton; . Abraham J.Cole, do: •Howard, Boa ACro, do; W.tt. Beyuold*. * Louisville? •• • .'■• - H« P.Newcomb ftProi - do: T.C«Twfebollft Co Tnlsrton. Merchants, J?evr Orleans, jBSJt have an open Policy of lasunaee. wbfeh will core* au mr aidreWfirhnt.aaftßod itr.leUee per taaxljct wbmendoreed on bills of lsdiae before, cr at the tua» Of shipment, JOSfcpH WOfIBIDGtV •gg* - *t. tottU. MUwotl. 1 * »KW CAttPETS, '. " AT TTfB CHEAP C A KPb/ WAREnOUBK, Ho. S 3 TtU;u)fcUtet—JTe are new rwtWlnfc. and opening oaeof th* largest and choicest etnek* of Carpetings: Ofl- CktJtv Mats, Uotttegv Hag** det, *«ter exhibited waste? NpwVurfc. The sttwkka* faceuecJceted with greatear*.. IsfKinata want nr*, respectfully infiJn toeall and Oxemtn*. •- oat nsaortawnt consists la pirt of the fcljQ»leZ r *ijT Aojultelvet »n.t liruuvLi Carm. k ii»»: Tape/try Croft*]*; •.•■'•■■ * ■ ■•••■ r. : ABea#jcnCS*rprts: 'Extra and Super Threfi.pljr; P*l*otT*f<«ivy Ingrain; ,Hof«rCne«tui rine Injrtata; :iWorstnl and Woul Carpets; vr«.»lsDiVCi>Ut?n 4o A«lti*a&4 s£.?*» «****; •■ . » lifts? Curpeta, very cheep: U»t,Bd K,f, ia VtiS, ,nd tiaci; CttwoMitiins* SJ. *4, M, in* M; CK» M»*Ur ff . Sd. «, (A; ■ SronUb ,?ry cirt*a»; .Klwi&t Morale lion, .■■■'."■■ *»“**»* IMA ml Tniua pjfow; • --• Tkoey Boillfb Mat^juypa-rslr; Colemi co do do V (v »*u.«r*>!h * l*'*' «!«Uon Of Cocci, Jule, AJeUUe. *f"*V Ao l.f ribtoi lclciV lable ,nd piano ooren; of ia*l'e*r n»« dfjdfsj, ,«y tfcb. tab:?oj3,l lUoooicr*; ,' L «3 wcra’.ei iiama-*k br lb* vail, loSlsfii, .!sylcr». 40. ■ ■: ■: A crml Tatirty ofpalt«m*i la Soor c!l-flolb, froia 21011 fbetolde. ■ ■ ■■■::■ Buff HollaaJ, fcr wlr.Joro, do, 52, M,«, 42, it, wide, i*t>H btmJerw! ahades, entirely new*ray rich. ' ' Wlmijiw sbaihw nf etfTy dseeHpiioo, Ora) and bellow stslnmli, mpet binding, tack*. 1c * Alkh the Ur.* »1 Tuthlih Bath Towels, together with erery tbtmt usually kept Is Carpet llcuka. * l small profits and ... * C. IhCRAHLYAr OO t rosrATnae , . ,«2 Third stwwt, CHINA HALL: . . .. a*HKtT stabler.. XTUM, tb«lar£»*t and best selected slocks X\ ft CHtVA,CLASS aodQCECNKWABIXembrouxht in ihh coa«LMjog la tart of White Iron Stone DJn cer 4 T*A *n3Tcllct AVara, which we would particularly In* *Ue the ijuUc# !o call and examine, u the shapes are *n* tlr»l/ o*9 and Uit. wam Tfry >oipcricr t basins come twelve dsfffrent t»«*nui of Toilet Ware, either In fulleMts or ilA«l»aG>] Pitcher* ttparMts ATesreselUoir them at ?ery taodmi* rOA*. ■ • AJsn, a r«ry hamisem* awwtment of Fitfich China TV«i sod Dinner *«U*, orsrparste pieces of plain wbU , toUI band, cr fancy HJttrtu*. |>ur d«k of Flour-Vase* wk nf FUMmrcL Olwsa, ... ThapuMinare wejwrtfully Invited to call and examine ourgrmU.: JOHN J. O’LKAKV, No, 03Mirlwt et» tvt'n Third and Fourth, tiylS.lf . opposite (ldorge It. WnlteV 1. a. c. nuaiou JONES & BUCHER. IRON FOUNDERS AND MACfITNISTS, /knwylrattfci JJ nitnadyfooi nf . Tfsxxd it* JLnrvrfwry »■ /U, HAVING incmsml our Machinery, which is now of the most Improved order, and having added many fltclil tios n>r dispatching work, we are now manufacturing First Cl«*s BTEAJtIENGISEB, : >OU FCRNACIiS ANB BOLLING MILLS, : Blowing Cylinders, BoileiSf Ftunaeo, Bolling, BAVrANDQUIEIT MILL MAQIIING&V SCASTIKaS, Qu nad \T»lrri'lp,slljdniuta l ll.torl.* I L»mprtßbs Bltob . ■ Ing Posts, Column** Olnlem, 6hafUngi Uangen>,- . BmcltatSjCeilit Grates, BathsngTuhf,Bpouiß, Kafluiy, Virandahs and Omamtntal Ca«ftn£«. Wo pay particular attention to thetsanulhetmn and in struction of Cast Iron ,■:■ Fronta for Houees nnd Stores. . Saving anextcnnve asjioiintent of beautiful Carved Pat tern* of Uie most approved architectural order, our groat facilities for mannfacturlng.and shipping enable us to com . peto with our cltlea ... . Partins erecting Furnaces or Roiling Mills, Mill Owner* and MUMV rights, will fiod it much to their advantage to coll and examine our extensiva elock of Patterns betbre bofidieg. . - ■ . ■ IROX AXD J7RASS CABTWQS, Of every description; Smith Work, Pattern Making, Put* . tw?o and Forge finiew* (UrolHhsd to order. . fmylfcy <• OECieoa AWIIhT..M.i...JACOB : .• 1 Now,don’t lbrget the placor»No;S3 Market street; corner - Of the Dlamond.- s [apria) > - FRANK VAN GQBPER, ‘ bolder Si ■’DAUJi.KLUU'iER h&a remOTeJ bJs liITERA’R'? DEPOT Depot, and Hallroad Trank IT JromWo.-TiTWrdstrcotfHoPlftb'itTeeii'OppoßUflr Uie -- A DAMB & CO.’SFRKIGHTDKPOT ON' EIBBETT 1 atwfttxe > '*hert h»-will bo happy .to teohiafcnneriiatfOTJS, StreeVvitb Raiiiwad Switch* awt aprort* ond ftUcibßn of panfcutag any of tb&cucftpXK n&neaS'fbr a term of years.' Jnauiw at tbaSxptass Ofitav testers of OM Carroll township! ' 4-'' Ta ''*««**»*» wM Offef at irablle e&1(}» on SIONOAy,- June 12(b,!1864 > tlwiijUowinifTjuiiablß •Real Estotey to wit: \ -• • : Tbo oxi Dr; Ban* known ad tt Nauroo” to wilcshls-attaphpd wrly acreaofXand, more or loss, with sabs tin tial’dwelling.hoaMS, the accbm njodation.of those employed atlhe work* Ttmlsnd abounds, :in BtoneCoaland Limefctonc, and includes about ten scres' vcduahle bottom )smd| filtaaied os the ritor soar Mandator* « by.tbo.Hcmpfiold Railroad. TbU Tropenypn-sratsuri usual Inducements totbbnlanuiic{ur* r ft w ragitaljst, aso gafeabd desltoblointestment. Also—-A Trairt of Land, fituatb bußgeon Crook, Contain* xog tprgnty acras, more or least &Cd known: nis the “MUI Prd perty,, on which are Greeted -a comfortable dwelling house, MBL I*3^ll 1 * 3^11^5 buildiD S designed - fora 'Saw' ftet * n front and running back 69 Cheaf* 1 iuSTGrew’a plan afout lots, adjoining plot ot ln 5,01 of CbeM property ofßonjnmlulkmUey ? D »iS£>? I T l> J lb ,?? I F O7 ’ ® B »*«h>fag about one acre. tAtof-rOnatci adJoSMn g-pni party d But E; Bentley. anil ircnting ou tlie turnpike, containing near onaacn;. acres on the turnpike, adjoining lands Of; Henry Touruf, Jamea l*,,St*wartf. EHijS-Teefle, amp E*J? b! " tIMt > ,f not 80,11 entire, wlllboof ?u«d in lots containing five or six acrco each, sultablo fbr pasture Jota, gatden«, or country., residences. It n.-ownt* pnusual attractions to those who wlehTo secure a pleasant spot for o country home. v “ f Oyjhregptog property will bo exhibited abd' made kdown on the day of solo. • Sale to • commence ot 30 O clock a. M t on tho day of sale. - uij24:3wd PropMty tor Sals. . Htaa)Dabl » tOTmS * . 4 thrwStoiy Brick Dwelling House, No:llO'Pennrtrect, between Hay street and Br-ana* .allay and 2fS?sfe£ l3act^12feet t^ftllttlle y* The House Is one of the to -emo of the inost pleasaarnctobhor , hoods far the city, ■•■•'.. , , • * ■■ ... ° !; HVeUotMuibradng comers of front and Perry streets: S&iSSj? l^® TB ii a . t , ftTO 'i on Perry and sixty feet on front street, with agood three story Brick Bunding on the comer, a two etoryFnuna on front lit, and two Brick Bufld rings,psedns shops, on Feny-st - ; ■“ ?&£££s&& 80 ftH 4 "»“ front,between t2ofeBt sod IsoL on "Wylls street, near the new Court ;&b^4°s^hSi! emag6i ”**»»*«**"* .^lAJhieeSfoty Brick*oh Smllhfioldstreet;nearSeventh— S^^CouSm.K 01 '- »«■•*»*» He and pleasant location for a residence. >prxu™int- 2 1, JP t . 8 “h 0 ortliahdaJundihce of Uroestouo, couverdrat t* the landing; and two real pita open. ■ Ninety ln the town of Oolumbla, CO Retire 160 each. i rtl lo S!f a ' Tbs tcnnntor each Lot iM the privilego ‘of wring whatever done coal-he. mavre. antra for hie own use, from a pit near : the lock*. ’ Columbia IS a Pleasants!tuatkm oir the bank of the MoaongUndlrii er,a short distance below Look No. 3, lathe midstofin ex t«l»iroskmo coal region, and wohld boa dffliraWe l ßotat&r manufacturing estqbliah&eflta, r«*“*iu* TSlS^ ar^L‘, er “ ofOT P erfw Btol,e Ooal,with Honse. Ballroad,tk. This property hast front Of ISO roSomtS- Slimtmgahela riyerj an excellent landing: good mad* amt foundation for railroad—wim enough levcTgronnd at One : polrtl for houses and gardera, or locations fbr ruauafectories. -l3w vein la deep enough to;allow horses to bo jn haul.' lag oatthe coal—tho quality of which, for Iron Wurlnsteam, country “ ur orJiEal7 181101 surpasaed by any in the .In my agent, James Blakely.Boj- wlll give •U uccccEary Information, and be anthorfred to jgße warraa tee dertaAr any property eold.' . : „ axareaiMsy daygl - - . |go.MaPtmn«trJw HOU. JSXTEBI IOCOBOTiyR-awwamt nmh Parm;for sS ' - T rrrsliea-ritKrr Is authorirod to sell 2gt ACHES CP X BANB,. rituated ini Versailles Township, Allegheny 'Wt»St barb of McKeesport, known sa the.WhltocakiPlats,and in sight of the prop Med Station x l inexhoustttte tod of IRON OWL. Th& land wonldiot J* tasf'fsjjpniy that tho ownor la about to remove to |hormvwert. •I'grma ca'y, and;price moteatc.., For fbr. •ttsr pjrticalars, euqulreof W; 3. BETROLDS, at Loren? a! 5”'J Mi8 >orof -JAMES cTI3cnEV. ' .derilOy . . . . Beal Estate Agent, at this otHcn. - Plfth Ward & ' XMo'at u Good TIIREE VALCABLSdt TbMo.Lols embrace a front on Penh slrcet. of CO feet 0 reiiuß.toaafe«trtley; Oh which there Is erected a value. -We Mocked Brick Houses, twq stories high, with kitchen and rellar in basomcnt,4l feet front onPenn sheet,, and SO feet deep on Locuu street. This is a very deslrehla sitoa. Uanforeithcraßtoro or a Tavern: Penh street tofug the great tbrehshftra ofth»dty:.aadthlaprupeitytolngccn asnlent to the Baliraed Repot ■ - ;ThSshrepBWcrilh Ilsndroek TOs' *» &vcUWoa.Tare)y i .; met with;- tho vein being 7 feeftbiek, ortho very best quality of UtumlttDtiacoM, 1 an J Me point on Ujq river where the water Is about 13feelnt the lowe*uUge» au4 a *erylw9T>ool l «uffldent tobarbor 200 coal beet* Alsoaeharterlbrtowpurposeofestablishircr coal worki same point. / Tht abore will he toM-ht!# thrteqhwtcr, or the whole, to suit purchaser* Term* moderated For further particular enouire of ROBERT KEENAN, bn Ore premises, or to - jambs a richey, ■ ■ ; mart< Real Estate Agent» at this office. JPor'fluln#--. ; I : JYIXI* BELLmj onexplred lease, (fourteen years) of a onO'Harwrtreet. and Spring «Vey,in the FttthWard—4o ft fronting on O'Hara street, and running *?<* J?£, w a e P rlD 5 aileron which Is erected a four storied^Brick a frame, twostorica. 00 ft. OB Spring alley, WelYcalculatcd to carry on any branch of mabufacturtogbu«!n**& . • Being engaged In man o&cturing ta the country, I offer the above for sale, Irr quire at ho. 425 Liberty stmt. . . : • ocls:tf -EDWARD FADER. Farmi, iiousesi Ae.i To Leu" ' • fV5® OR'TWO FARMS; aria commodious Brick Dwril 5-';ineH£? 4 s**> I ** »*** city, and suitable far Gardena,Milk Farms; or to fatten cattlo for this market, Also, a convenient Brick Country Mansion and ; Stablo; enough fbr a respectable-family. Also, one smaller placa; and air eswUoat.Two Story Brick Dwelling, with finished basement and attic—on lb* tank of tho Allegheny, ahovathft aqueduct* JAMES S- CRAFT. -V' ■ . flec23:tf yo>lH Fourth et. . BeanriftOSlt®* for fountry Homes. ' *T*HK- uo-ereigned oir-rR-forsiUe, on ea*y:tcrtns; FIFTY X I*OTS, laid off and restricted for rural residences. . Al«o, an ENTIUE SQUAUB. ob the bank bf the Alleghany river. «#* long by. 200 feet deep ;havlng froutsen Mary and Julia Ann Avenues, and. Henrietta and Herr airee*a. 'This *qwa» contains tpany FroltTrees of tho chefcSsSt'ktad; and commands a fine Ylew of tho picturesque and romantic sce nery around, lam desirous of preserving this square en tire, a* it would afford one bf the mopt charming and mug nlfircnt tited fot * gentleman's. summer fetidtmee, ln (ha lmrocdiatavirinUy ottbe two cities. <•■ . Atto, about TITRi B ACRES OF GROUND, at the head bf the Island, tilv*ntageoaaly eUuated frr manufacturing pur- abotb property la dtuatod: In Duquflatitt borough* Oh the high and main bpxdt of Herr's Island* and Is reached by a Bridge ’orun^ i fipan.‘- For particulars n> ply at my residence, to- : Duda«un. borough, oh the main /cratiDg the bead of Wand, or of JOHN DUN- corner of Beoond and Market sts., Pittsburgh. -tyiVtXt; r ff)T. OMILLEB. Valnabie Property for sale, r : ON LIUKRTY-STREET,. ADJOINING TtHB MKTHO BIST GRAYB'YARD, NEAR CANAL BASIN'.-—Tills to now the only deslrablopleca of property in. this neighbor hood not already bought Up.bj the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Fronting on Llberty.6o feet, on Kim street lW .feet, tbenee to thoMothcdist Grave Yard S6U foetto Libcr ty IIOXoeL ; -l - ■ •».-,• ' This property Umost clorirabWhfi a Hotel.' The building now un it; a good eubstao Hal three story brick; with all the back buildings, has ibr a long time been occupied ns the union Hotel, doing a good business. Capitalists and othorsdealrona of making n gocdstnvcrtment. wlil do well to axamlm* the premise* • - f : Apr2S:lf ; . - : . EDWARD FABER. im.L LGTS AX AUCTION.-B Choice -Building X tots In Now at public sale, on ihe on Saturday; the Cdday or June, at a o’clock, P. M Each lot Is 2o feet front on Union street by 90 d«p, and presents a beautiful location for residences. Terms at sole.' . fl. CUTHBERT A SON* PJ3Q i- , 140 Third street. for Sale. I Qnn ACRES OF BAND IN FOREST CbUNTTf hear IOUU tho Clarion-riTer. This land Is hcaTlly timbered, has an excellent soil,and. Is sold to contain an nbnnd&oco of Iron ore, ond n thick vein of bituminous coal. The Venan go railroad, which win undoubtedly be built, will run vety near to lt,’if not directly across & The HillfitawnJcfock runs through It, . ALSOjSOO acres In Elk county, well timbered andWatored; and tving near the route of the Snubaiy and Erie railroad. -• No better inTOstmont could bo mode than in these lands. Tho completion of the Bnnbury.and Erie, the Allegheny Valley, and tho Venango railroads through that region will render tho coal, lumber; Iron ore auu solh of YhinOi Enquire of 0.8-M.BM3TH, "V' - ' -' ; ( . - Attorney at Law, •* fth22:csmitf .. , •' .. Nq.l47FoUrlhatreet.. For Said* ■ ' •; A- SXIAtX FARM, eituatolnliowe^BLOlalrßiWTißldp, ..aa. .about ooe mils fmu the* BoroocßofßlnaißKbanu cos* tainlpg SIXTY-AOBESj more or less. - It la allcleared and under cultltauou. For farther particulars, apply to • ■:. ■ jlfllitf - ■ -W. BYMHEB, Blrmfagluumi ... v • . - .-tarliGt* 1 "- -*V f ;. ::4 .V ' • GOOD DRY CELLAR, under the Naptuno Begins .fi. HoaiOyOu Seventh street, eolfcablo tor storing molasses or produce. .Inqulrt of.'. JOHN H.. BTEwaBT,' * * . igKrt? - •;■/.■?•■• •: -'SOT Liberty atroet.'- > . To Let* fPHE dwelling- house now by me on-Federal >JL- street, AlieGheny,'N3i Plrftpftp* II ircholfl W( rJd j . Tlirouttktifl U'rnaml ftcalybeaven* Cl.rUtma* stat* w* HUdlntf hrfc&i; Tlin j tfliPletjldglacij>florthffffJratfUy-''- Almost maictod thdrgleomlne Hirht i . An! the . •••-'-• . AnithewinieP wloda woro efftningr - r agooneCbrbtmos Dlgitt, Ie « *%**? and *t«eple, * rv«Sl 55& ells W® BoajatJl °fir clear, T oT wjth aachtoneftof aladneSfc > ‘Whea Christai\a time la near*) • - ao ttasmorTT. ■ Wba bad tolled through all the j Cfl r. Tlmtnlghl saw old Prangs forgireb. Friends loug parted reconcile; Tolecitjallunmedto latighte>r« ' ."v-.v .Byrathathadf-TTgottoimlie.- hearts tbatTearedthembrToir; 1 Freed from.oU.theircareaftWhUe. - ?■?.. * • Bleb.ana.poor {bit tie ramo hleisJa* Korn tho gr&riotu* seasotrftU % '■■ Joyaad plentyia tig cottyh&n : there; , /WTbtie ILe child thus dinging. floated Towardsiiio mOTPjnas of tbs Blest, • from bisfihlzjjnjj guardians __To the fiowcra upon ms breast,--' i: " ->• / 1 **»*-JJ» nun fmllte® * On tlielitile heavenly ®ucstj , . tbatbearro. ' ' t W ~tf 'Mao’* poor Joys fisiitbero an echo■ yurt as surely a* 2iln p*in ;?' • , tore, on oarti as f*Mj striving, • ;,t ■ -IdropdWno la bfaren again I <" ■!, ■■' • “Ones In youdor .toaorbolov- u>, i ,„ In ft pooraod narrow street, Dwrf ta little sicfcly orphan t. : . Gentle aid. orpity gwcet, -, ■; :-;v- Never itHife's togged pathway '• : .< ; Glided his poor tottering feet ’ • , v : • • Tbat should only oome with age, 5 weighed upon his baby spirit/ •, . ...Phowed-bltnsoon life's sternest caffe: •• Grtm TTafltwi* aud Sorrow Was hit only heritage I ‘ ’> -••.;■‘ K All too Weafc for childish paaUmei ' ; . r ,J)rrajoj:slhe.lionrßpppd4 , ; v .. : . OshlBbaßde,*OFmiUlan(ltrcmbltar? , P?orAidUntf head, ' I -v .Or L through darkondpalnfal hour*. i Lying sleepiest oh no bod. “pre&tal&g atnurge and louriog fancfei ' f- Oluoolfoteotsfwawfty::-, / • . , Dreams of rosy, happy children; i :■ - J; ’’ ■•' :«lcanied above the Barter rtt*ot. : Aud tho irultry air of rammer ■ . :•• .. ' (Sliafc you called so vara and iwwtV v 4 - • Vavendtha.poor. :. .In the crowded alley's street. wm»f«bto fcotatmr .Slowly forth badired tocriiwL ; :■: i Crowded pity’* psthwaya..: r-'••: . - _Till bo reached a garden ' • ' /. giant branoliw, - . - /VoWet glades wfcenj shadow's hide; Tlwo wert SpaiKUnc fijnnUhis gfeadtn. * waftedbljreMb-ofpfeefonsperfatDe • ; To. the chlld.wfca stood outs Eds. : “Ha against tho gate of |y0f1.... ... , A Preseed hla wan nnd-wistlbl fees,' * i . -jj Garin* wfch rataawtrtteKpleastixr, * w -. > At the gloriesof the place ; v Never had bis fairest day-dream . ‘-* 41 Tan weie playing in thutgardeo, Throwing Blossoms in. the air. ‘ AMUhghing . • ' ■ J&awmtatdfOuycorgrtdenhalr: And the find eyes watching tfer yon;' ‘ J ■■ - And the splendor jjprred b?fore-you r . Told) a houses hopo was the^e. ■V Whca^onrSclents,(W -of eeofag . Hie prieftceo? want and woe, 1 ‘ • Torninff to the ragged orphan,- Gave him eoln, and bade him ro, Bosm hlacheokSyao. thin and wasted, ■ • " ... MWe*sea?a.began to flow. * . .. « tiit look of ebtidifih sorrow ,- On your tender young heart fell. And yon plockOd tho reddest rosea - ! .:. From, tne tjeejou loved. s>weU— ■" • ; v. Pa«dng them through tha (torn mating, ; . ■. ’■■:• ..... • I - ' ■:■■• •• .■■•■■■- ■■■-'• ■•■. Un&divlnetndpureggrinl” l : Thus tho angql ecasedjhad gently.,: :.• y •<< . ffcthlslKtla burthen-leant? - whila the chUdgaxed from tho shining r ; ■> loving eyes that tf*r him b«nV . : . To tbo. blooming roeea by him, ■ ' • > -• Wondering" whatthat myßtcry msanti-- Tfactt’theradlaQtangel-aninrered, ••■■■• i Andtrtlhholy mcpnlpg smiled :• ■“Ere your tender* loving spirit J ' : ' : Bin and tbe bard world Aefllod; . Mercy gave me leave to aeofc you : • I was once, that little child r ■ iv Napoleqs Asn EuaEViß/—A correspondent of tho N. Y. Commercial, in a later letter,'aays the ‘ French Emperor nod EmpreriloftPariff.wriheH ' possible pomp, for St, Cloud, on Sunday leat,,- ■ f.k. The_re„waB on unusual display for so ordinary on oocaalpn, , Flourishes of trnmpotsi oalracade, presented,pistols, reception at the palace by a great concourse of functionaries, - grand water-works, and ceremonious dinner.'' Tba aeten wires of tbo telegraph, connecting tbo.ehateattwith tho,Xnilleries, since been - ■ in constant operaUon. His Majesty converses ,witb his Ministers ni Paris, ns be might aeroas ■ ’ a green baiso tabic.- Relays of fast horses are . t stationed at intemls upon the route for tbs conveyance of despatches. The health of tbo Empress is now good.; I may say enjpaeeant, that no further hopes aro'entertaineJ of the blrthof ' an heir to- the throne. „ _r A. os Tag -Failo.— A canal boat wan seen lodged qn Niagara Falls a few days einoe,’ and possibly la now. '' <‘l understand,” says the ~ (Writer,•“-that therewaaai* persona• on board**.- '• flremehaUd.-ooe;Woinan;tbat a Bpanofhor»es 01 - . wastowiag tho boas in the shallow, water, near-' Sohlosser rapids, .when by some mismanage-"' ' meat, she elded round to the carreDt, and to ' - I sarethe team,-they were obliged to cot tho tow line. Those on'.board made, their escape ina-- . small boat, On tho- deck are risible a trunk, a. red .flannel, ehlrt, wash baeln, &o;,< and in the 7 cabin, f amtold, the tea table vis spread, -rt'ls"'"*’ 7 said tbere ta n ralnahle 1 dogonboard.” "15MA- OOSlBfirrAiHew lot, eoosJstloir of Dnffi% ■'■■'"* l '■ “i 2 ® J. * fir. KntxiP3. 4V. W*-* O. *; 1 f *• . ■■ ill