The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, June 12, 1854, Image 2

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T j!-::rii/. 3**7 witVgo to Kanssftand tbatltwinbe aBlavo; bnnga.tte foUowing .startlibg'ttews: ; , :; 4*; jc Wheat on a stock five feet in height, »<£«•
-—e*’ —====“ '" T “i*r,2 State. :.-.%e wonder if hiV wish ie fatbeFto the iWHOaa.of the orew ol the canal boat J7yhiy bh
-J «■ *&t&SS*iVmS& ..*-»- .ra. B,»™,
. ' • thlin have nothing to agitate about, and; make :^ ?^feta .•:":s»k#M^Wi»;B(!ar*«*lee'»J»tB«» v
j “ wjwsgtTPJ"' L little faith in, tween. Capt._ Henry ;B»p,and a parly, com- ner hag been fn . any jnVgohardan^
9 .... ;:::;::niiti: r ..... 'vi,i^iSieS^nif'thSai^'khotttliiihai.'' : '.TheTW» posed principally of the ; ti the repairing ingteh. ‘lt says no one baaeohn-
M n finical faction, seeking only political power, ,^ ,awo ?£ l / ,ib " !h «®«enoftho latter ed of such a thing against •
t«V:?St.a£V’?«;i*i*tjrtaSra&ti ; .... .... .. ._____. *•■ .a-£v»- r-’vSXj? i■ • - fe. ' i' .u were shot down. The oircamstonoea as related pooh fears as absurd. * v
<*■’ eeem willing conntry if they BW aB fo „ 0WB .. --4 V-W. -.Vi In t e , lißen - ce baß risP
«“ I » t ' ro,e ' tt; If 0,0 editor of GereHeie reaUy • At Lasalle. white the FtyingClond wosooming lublo sources in t>-
athoere in hie fears, why does hewotigb toiworhi ■ through tbelooks, one pr.twocf the Boow'screw ■ Anß a l -wm.M«'"
«?s>r "«* ngnps OT*W’Bora«mCoUß** a Uke an honest man. and urge the abolitionists to
"/ ££ 5 Z'Ji'j'if ER3SMI A H S. BLACK*- emigrate at once to Kansas, and head off Blnvery coptatn.thwbhphnpit thh:meuoff ; thsboot; and
» • .«'••“'*'• .there.' -They can well bo spared from the older in no gentle-manner;- They went to-their boat'
S-nV* * » yoB CANAL COMMISSIONER. Btates, and if they are ns nnmerons as the Go- and rallied a party of twenty or more, and took
*1 ' HENRY S. MOTT, &£&’&%£££*?££?'
s®*h-!lSekJa a population that would vote down slavery forty. Jeapatched from Ottawa by a friend f
'iLlL ot rmrsn on bach '
? YOCSn ON MACH j ,: M: : l9 - ato Jiaia foranU ., lttvery loaMtwoCoU'Sre?olver.ande
i we bavonot heard of one abo- arriving^OWgavo^
But no. sane man can that there, no bad - • l
•l :; .Konsaswiil ever beaßlava Stato. . Webavopnb- boat.whentb*
Ushed abundant evidence on tbat point -.The
'opihions v bf men mbit‘competent-tojndgsiv all;. ba y.
i i<i - t Jjtolume of pnblio doouments. agree tbat slavery cannot exist there Col Ben- |
‘ -too-ssys.-the popular vote will expel it.» Ac'
■*- fr^m opo ® nd of ,he land t 0 tbe thl ’*
jjv sV>!<. timent is adopted nad announced. -W>
nt the'Nortb; and Whig and Den>'
at the Sonth, express the a-
Th*Vto a Pittsburgh ■railroad crPittBbnrgh’s n OWj v =-
sreat Wgliway throo g b - th e *><»* ° f iha '
West. It is. a-nontinnaiion of .the, Pittsburgh
aria atnebenvilte-Bailroad.westward, and wb'
6atb ««-“P iated af - h °-' ’ rid °
allwentral.Ohio.nnd the ♦•
b “ *> Q t & boutfourteeo ■
direct western oonneotions w
-Bt.Lonis.and willbe cor
iff*«*sbnrgh »'
•« SSjggtjlSg^&*y . •& £?»*?* ffiw? .
, »*Tlie Pod thinks the Barton mob that led Garrison
£.^-V<'wiJi&VW •'** through the streets with a halter round bis neck, did riaht.”
••>/ J^/ 0 ’ 1 lbiDi ° “"* thiD & “ d has eaid
■ rti-^'f - ' J/ A?'. r ’‘>: !■%**■ ? thln e> Bad Owrtfo knew It when he
kiltj 3Borarag ~smt
(J, ?, 6IXJ.KOBE, Editor and Proprietor.
[onday MORuison^nr
We have received two invitations to .attend
the celebration of.the opening ofdbe Steuben
ville and Indiana Railroad to*dayfltCadiz,Ohio
One invitation comes from tho Company, and
the other from the Mayor and Councils of Cadiz..
A’ graud turn-out is oxpected, and vro- Fonld
like to be there, but cannot leave home.
That is a Pittsburgh railroad —Pittsburgh’s
great highway through tho heart of the mighty is.' a: continuation of .the, Pittsburgh
oud Stuebenville llailroad westward, and when
both arc completed a few hours, rido will carry
us through all -central Ohio, and the time to Cin-.
cinnati will be but about fourteen hours. Then ita
direst western conneotious extend all the way to
St. Louis, and willbe completed in two years. Wo
shall then he able to takebrcakfost.ono.morniog
in Pittsburgh and the; next in St, Louis. From: ]
the latterplaoo thePacifio road is beiogidriven
Westward, and will extend to the Pacifiaoccan.
We look upon this lino of roads as ooe oftho
most-'important in the Onion. It: will bn the
most direot and straight road between the East i
( and West It will be of uniform guage; and will i
I run through the most wealthy end fruitful , re- 1
gioDS of the continent. In this view, of the mat* i
ter the importance of the early completion of i
the Pittsburgh and Steubenvillcroad is appar
ent. It is a short link in the great continental,
highway: When completed the whole rich; and
populous regions between this-point-and. St.
Louis will beoome the immediate markets far
Pittsburgh manufactures and merchandise, iD
exchange for their rich and abundant products.
This is emphatically Pittsburgh’s -great road.
AnAthis is saying mach; for tho Ohio and Penn
sylvania road opens a vast trade to cur city; and
the Cbartiers road Will be perhaps sqnaily im
portant. But the direct western road will be
the ehorteat route to the largest market.
■■■: The interests of tho groat States of Pennsyl
vania and Ohio are,becoming thoroughly identi
tied and blended by the opening of these great
thoroughfares of travel and trade. And thß
Indianiauß, too, will soon be near neighbors. In
two years we shall he able to visit the; capital of
Indiana with about- as much ease as the capital
of oar own State. Bteam and the rail are work
ing wonders in the world. . They, are making
'neighbors and friends of distant communities.,,
They arc equalizing and doubling the value of
i property all over They are en
couraging travel, and thus increasing intelli
gence. They arc stimulating, trado and indns-i
try, and thus increasing wealth, and the comforts
of life, s They are binding all parts of the I
"canntry together,' and - thus practically jrcpudia*i
* ting disunion •
*3 t. . -r r l - --'J 1 ' i'"**— .
.ered ourself traveling on the Atlantic end Pacific
railroad; That' it wIU form a part of each a
Eoeof communication between thetwo oceans,
cannot he doubted; and Pittsburgh will become
ttn important point on that line.
-■ -Success to the Steubenville and Indiana rail
road. It will bo a good investment, a most "val
uable improvement; and it may yet be burdened
with the teas of China.destined for. the; ports of
Europe. Tbtre l that would-have been -about
the substance of our epeech had we gone to
Cadiz and been called on for one. As we coaid
not go, we wore bound to publish it for the ben
efit of all the world, ‘t and the rest of mankind.”
i jjgp* The following communication bos been
■addressed by the State Treasurer to the Com*
missioners of the different.ooantiea of the State,
.Callingfor nspeedy collection of taxes to meot
athe interest on the pnbUo debt, and other de-
T&ju&csz Dbpawcxht OF PdKsnvuni, )
v - IUssiEBDBa, Jaua 1, 1664. f
Tb the CbmviUswruri and Treaturer of ——■ Own ty: .
• ■■ Gfsr&nßK I The undenrignod respectfully calls yoor at
tention to the following prorUfon of the Act of Assembly of
SDibt April, 1844, ti*: w lf nnyveonnty shalt pay into the-
State Treasury its quota of tax levied ,on itae&ld adjusted
valuation* fifteen days prior to. the first day of August in
fc&jye&r, such eotfnty shall be entitled lo an nbUement of
fire per centonthe amount so paid.? I trust you mil! avail
yourselves-of- Ihe benefits of Ibis your county, by
promptly conjplyiogjritbits terms. The credit of the Com*
monwealth must bemaintained, and it con only bo done by
prompUtaSe on the part of tan payees. I fully iulkve ev
ery Pennsylvanian acknowledges- the. sentiment, that the
** laborer is worthy of bis hire”—as well the poor man who
earns his dally pitt&noo on our public works, as the rich
(bond bolder who presents his certificate for the payment -of
Interest semi-annually* A heavy:draft wilt be nude upon
the Treasury on tbs first of August next, far Interest ss well
!as other equally worthy claims, to meet which ! Caller my'
adftbe cltlseni of your county will cheerfully and promptly
contribute their taxes; and so secure to your Treasury the
abatement allowed by law. v
Very respectfully yours; ’
. Jo3>. BAXL7, Slate Treasurer.
■o The Commissioners of oar county should see
to this; and secure to the people of this oounty
the benefit of this provision of the lav. It makes
quite an item for a county, paying such a large
amount'of taxes as this docs.
Tbs Vote.—The Philadelphia Ledger says
that the whig vote for Mayor of that city was
29,607, while, in 1848. the whig vote for Taylor
was 81,228. This shows a falling off in the whig
vote pf over 2000. In 1862 the democratio vote
was 26,022;. for Mayor this year the democratic
vote is hut 21,011; a falling off of over 6000,
These figures show that the democrats did not
turn ont in their fall strength by five or six
thousand votes. . They generally turn out at a
Governor’s eleotion, and will turn out next Tall,
The Whigs, with the Abolitionists, Prohibition
ists, Native Americans, and Know Nothings to
help them, polled - a smaller vote than they did
six years, ago,. A great matter to brag about,
truly. ■
- Tuumbcll Demochat.—The lost number of
that sound democratic paper, published at War
ren, Ohio, contained the valediatory of Mr.-But
ties, who has sold the establishment to" James
Mills & Co. Mr. Mills is a practical printer, a
ready and able writer, and a reliable democrat. >
He has, for the last two years, boon an'aßsis
tant editorof the Pittsborg Pott ; and withhis
experience In the business, industry, talent and-
Intelligence; we have no doubt the Trumbull
Democrat will prosper under his management,
and give satisfaction to the democracy of the
Western Reserve.
ggy-The Journal professed to have discovered
from our remarks that Cato is Our
i remarks justify no suoh conclusion.' It is an
easy way of getting rid of a troublesome task,
however, and mo reply is to be expected. If the
Know-Nothings intend publishing a paper suited
to their name, we would recommend the proprie
tor of. the Journal for its editor.
v..-.. jt.-.-:
W " \ V "
.The GaztUt to prove that sla
very witkgn to Kansaifcand that it will be a slave
State. .We wonder if his wish le father to the
thought. Would he rather have it a slave State
than have nothing to agitate about, and make
i political capital out of ? . Wo.have little faith in
the sincerity of modem abolitionists. They are
a political faction, seeking only political power,
i and seem- willing to .ruin the country if they
cannot rule it. If the editor of Gmtteia really
sincere in his fears, why dqos he not go to work,
like an honest roan, and urge the abolitionists to
emigrate at oncC to Kansas, and head off Blavery
there.' They can well bo spared from the older '
States, and if they are as numerous as the Ga
wife,suppoBh9,ithey canßoon.fill up Kansas with
a population tliot would vote down Blavery forty
tonne. -:Why,dQn!t-the editor of tlio Gaztite go
himself. There is a ,fair, field for anti-slavery
labor them; yet we have not heard of one abo- 1
lllionißt who is proposing to go and oocupy it.
Bnt no sane man can honestly believe that
• Kansas will ever be a Blave State. We have pub- 1
lisbed abundant -evidence on. that point. The |
opinions of men most competent to Judge,-.- all I
agree that slavery cannot exist there. Col. Ben- i
ton'Bays “the popular vote will expel it," And i
from ono end of the land to the other, that sen- 1
| timent is ndoptedoad announced. Whig papers i
I at theNortb; and Whig and Democratic papers
iat the South, express the same opinion. We
have re published many of them in our paper.
[ Whig Senators. aa well as Democratic, have ut
itered the same self-evident trnth. ..Ho slaves
.willever be held in Kansas and Nebraska States.
Now, will any reasonable man believe .that in
the face of this almost unanimous publio senti
ment, anySouthero man will have the reckless
ness to take slaves to a region where, in four or
five years at most, ho will lose them all by the
popular vote. Ho will find no equal competition
in this matter. He Btakes his. property in. the
issue. Tbo Northern man stakes nothing.- The
Northern man, perhaps, is &n Abolitionist
What will be hU influence uponthe slaves?
Long beforo the question coaid be submitted, to
the popular vote, the claves would be enticed be
yond the reach of their owners. The Indians
| wilt not restore fugitives. Tho. wido unsettled
: domains to tho West and North of Kansas would
afford every means of escape- and-none for re
capture. Independent of tho certainty that
*« tbs popular vote will oxpel it,” the ohabco of
esoape is sufficient disoonragement to the South
ern man. ....
;JONE 12.
The repeal of the Missouri Compromise was a
m msnro in favor of freedom; and will add free
States to the Union whereverjthey may be formed
out of our Western and South-Western domain.
The popular vote will dcoido the question every
where, and deoido it right.
Doxtoiob is New Yobe Benator Douglas
was in New York a few days ago. In the even
ing the democrats turned oat in largo numbers
and gave him a hearty weloomo. When he ap
peared before the crowd ho was greeted by three
hearty cheers. The Senator’s speech was an ad
mirable summing up of the elementary principles
of the Nebraska Bill. Ho closed in tho following
emphatic terms:
I see upon one of your transparencies to-night
this motto: No black line shall be drawn
•across onr country.” [Cheers.] I rejoice to
see that banner here, borne as it is npon the
shoulder Of freemen. Wo are a great and elo
rious republic, composed of thirty-one free and
independent States, and each bearing the same
relation to each other as sisters. As sisters they
should ever be. .There shontd be no more broad
black lines drawu across the continent. Let all
eooh black lines be obliterated from tho map.
We are told by the enemies of the Nebraska bill;
that the old parties have been broken by it;
and that the whigs, free soilers; and abolitionists
intend to form a party npon geographical and
sectional lines. If there Is to be such a party—
if the North -is to be arrayed agalnsr the South
—there wilt be found enough patriotic men to
meet, the issue; [Cheers] Let ns moet them
auu ague ill [Eothnsiastic
cheers.]' Tho democratic party, my fellow-citi
zens, is theconetitutional party. ■ It supports
the constitution >o alt its parts, principles, and i
provisions, nnd (ho members of that party will
always be found ready and willing to maintain i
and support the supremacy of tho laws. I
[Cheers.] Now, if the issue on this Nebraska |
matter is to bB between the North and tho Soatb,
let the constitational party meet the facUouists
at the poUs and 6ght it out. [Great checring-[
The democratio party is opposed to ail mobs and.
mob laws upon any . occasion. And now, my
friends, in conclusion, lot me say to yon, that
with these principles os our guide, tho eonstita*
tlon as our banner; and the rights of the people
as our watchword, lot ub forgot all past differ
enooß, and, uniting as one man, press forward to
Iboso triumphs which will ever be tho unfailing
rewards of onr efforts.
Nnw CnoTnwo EsTAUUBHMKNT.—Our friend
Jons Caliaqbas, now at tho corner of Wood
and Water streets, will remove in a few weeks
to his new store on Fifth stroet, between Wood
and Market, directly opposite Mason & Co.’s
store. In his-new house he will mako an entire
change in his line of business. He will devote
his entire attention to Custom Work and the
making up of Youth's Garments, for which no
.artist in bis-lino is .bettor qualified than our
friend J. C. Wo are confident that there is no
man in the olty who can give more full satisfac
tion than our friend, and wo hope that his friends
and-the pubtio will remember bis: new house.
-Ho is worthy of their warmest favors, and we
can assure them that their confidence will not
be mlsplaoed.
A Teae Attee Mabbiaoe, is the title of a
new novel from the pen of T. 8. Arthur, author
of numerous and deservedly popular works of
fiction. It Is published by T. B. Peterson, Phila
delphia. It is eonsidered one of tho best of Ar
thur’s books. -The. moral tone of his writings is
good, his stylo, graceful and -pleasing, and his
sketches of character “to the lire” Prloo 25
oents. For sale by Miner & Co., and Gilden
fenney & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
■-, The prohibitory liquor law convention,
which met at Harrisburg on Wednesday Inst, ad
dressed interrogatories to Governor Bigler and
Judge Pollock in relation to prohibition.
Governor Bigler replies that ho is willing to
sanotion any proper measure for tho suppres
sion of the evils of iutemporanoo.
Judge Pollook’s reply, is more at leugtb, and
goes*for prohibition. :
Asotbeb Wnio Move.—The organization of
the order of Know-Nothings is said to be under
the special auspices and management of Whigs,
who hope by thatmeansto seduce some Demo
crats from the ranks of the party. We hope no
Democrat will be caught by this device of our
old enemy— Federaliemr
S3?* The Courier dee Etats Unis, a very able
Fronoh paper in New York, takes the follow
ing just and sensible view of the Nebraska Bill:
“To take the Nebraska bill by itself, it re
poses, on on a principle so clear in its moral and
constitutional equity that its spontaneous adop
tion by the. moderate men of all parties and of
all latitudes wonld in other times, not have met
with either doubt or difficulty. To leave-to the
population of the Territories fnil and entire
liberty in . their domestic institutions is evidently
much moreconsonant with the dogma of-popu
lar.sovereignty and; the absolute independence
of the States than to fetter the future of hoy
portion of the'XJnlonnnder pretext of its geo
graphical position; it is also no less incontesta-'
bly .the simplest means ofputtingnn end to] all !
oonfliots between the North ond South, toi alt
pressure.of-the latter on the former, and to all i
distrust between them.”
B©* The Liverpool Courier thus -speaks of
English orders for Boston clipper ships,: i
“ Capt. MoKay, brother of the celebrated
ship-builder, takes his departureln the steamer
America, for Boston, this afternoon Since his
arrival here in the .Lightning, he has made ar
rangements for his brother to bnild for different I
Liverpool houses nearly £200,000 worth of ship- ]
ping—a mretty good speoimen of the hnsineßS
habits of the enterprising Yankee." ]
.Another Veufol HloU-seVcu Htii Shot*
Tbo Chicago Democratic Prat of the 7th,
brings,.the following startling news': , ■> '
Oaa.of the crew of the canal boat Flyiny
■Claud, owned .by of
this city, arrived in this oity yesterday, and
brought.intelligence of a terrible enoounter be
tween Capt. Henry Brown, and a party com
posed principally of the-crow cf the repairing
scow, at Ottawa;.in which seven of tho latter
were shot down. The circumstances as related
are as follows: . . , , ,
~~ At Lasalle; while the ; FlyingCloud wasooming
through tbe looks, one or two of the scow’s orow
camo on board and wantonly throw a favorite
dog of Captain Brown’s wife into the look; the
captain .thereupon pat the men off the boat, and
in no gentle manner. They went to their boat
and rallied a party : of . twenty .or more, and. took
wagons and came up to Ottawa, to lie in wait for
the boat and take vengeance. A messenger wsb
despatched from Ottawa by a friend to meet the
boat.and jrarn Captain B. of his danger. He
loaded two Colt’S revolvers and a gun, and on
arriving at Ottawa, gave one. of the pistols to one
of .his men, and taking him with him started for:
the collector’s office to settle 'his -business
there. Ho had not. proceeded far. from -the
boat, when the party fell, on him with, axes and
olubs.. His man fired on the assailants, and
then fled, leavingjthe Captain alone to fight the
He commenced retreating to the boatload as
the men jumped on him. he. disoharged his
weapon with-fatal precision, each shot dropping,
a man. With lbis IOBS the party vnnished;ond
the Captain regained his boat, somewhat bruised
from the blows .fan received, bat not seriously
wounded. ■■■■■■■’■
He subsequently went-up to the town, surren
dered himself to the authorities, was hold to
t bail, gave security and .was discharged. Cap-
I tain Brown is a small man, but. of determined
i charuotsr and -indomitable conrago. He is
i highly esteemed by Messrs. Sheppard & Hough
telling, who represent him to be a qttiet, peace
able man; and one in whom they have great
confidence. Wo have frequently l heard com
plaints of the condnot of. tho men; on tho State
scow—of conduot most aggravating to Captains
and crews.
Tho-Chicago Democrat of tho same date con
cludes an acconnt of this fearful tragedy as fol
This is truly a melancholy nffalr, and wo ore
BOrry to say, is but one of a number of; deadly
riots which have taken place throughout the
country within a fow months. Where this des
truction oflifo is to end, God only knows.-
Count Nbssbleode Hissed —A privateiettor
from a lady of. high rank at St. Tcteraburgb,
states that Couat Nesselrode had been recently
insnlted by the people of that capital, on passing
through the street in bis carriage; ho teas hissed,
booted, and menaced, and was forced to take
refuge in the house of a friend. He was accu
sed by the people of being the cause of the war
—or not haring taken - sufficient care to provide
against its casualties, and of haring shown in
difference and negligence; but, whatever be the
cause, thesymptoms of popular indignation were
not to he mistaken. It Is probable that the in
habitants of Bt. Petersburg!* bare already begun
to feel more sorerely than tho peasants of: the
interior the enls which war brings They
are nearer to thoso parts which ara most ex
posed to hostilities, and they must be among
the first to Buffer. But it is certain that much
fermentation prevails at the capital of the Rus
sian Empire.
AnimiAßLn Consistency. —A Washington cor
rcspoadcDt of tho New York Tribune, writes :
“Gen. Sam, Houston, bus just roturacd from
Texas, looking halo and hearty, and denouncing
tho Nebraska bill. He Bays the peopio of the
South oarc nothing for it, and thrl it is the worst
thing for the South which has ever'transpired
slnco the Union was first formed."
The Bamo Tribaao has all along contended
that the Nebraska hill was a toulhtm measure—
introduced and pasted by eoulhtm iofiuenco, and
for tho sole benefit of the Sou'ft, Having failed
to induce the peopio of the North to believe this,
a change of tactics is indicated. Tbo game now
is to discredit tho measure with the South. The
consistency of tho thing is not less admirable
than the.transltitlon of the Tnbnno is sudden-
Detroit Free Fiat.
I £gy- The New Orleans Picayune has dates
I from Texas to tbo 31st utt. The Indian outrages
odd massacres continued with unabated fury.
I A band of about five hundred Indians, under
Wild Cat, when-about thirty miles west of Vic
toria, attacked !* detaobment of twenty-five U.
S. troops, and killed nil bnttwo of-them. They
I then attacked the mustangs, travelers and clti
> -tens, and killed thirty Mexicans and six Ameri
cans. -
They were still fighting when the Express left.
The Indians were beard to say that they would
desolate tbo country to the llio Grande.
The Expires rider had his horso shot under
him, when he seised an Indian pony and made
his escape. - - .
They are bailding a willow dook at La
Crease, Michigan, It is constructed entirely of
willow twigs, aboat twelve feet long, bound in
bundles, ono foot thick, which are so ingeniously
arranged and woven together that it is impossi
ble far the sand to work out,. or the water in.
Each bundle contains about one hundred small
trees, and it will take fifty thousand of those
bundles to completo tho work..'lt is said.tho
willows will sprout and grow, rooting firmly, to
gether, thereby forming, a diving superstructure
which will last for ngea, without tho least ten
dency to decay. Docks like these occur vory
frequently on the banka of the Rhino, in Ger
j A Najihow Escape.— A private letter from a
I gentleman who arrived in tbo steamer Asia, from
I Liverpool, a few days since, states that tho no
] ble ship had a narrow csoape from wreck, daring
I tho voyage. On tbo 24 alt., wbilo on the banks,
I in a thick fog, she came within an nco of run
ning, at the rate of .twelve knots, into an iee-
I berg one hundred feet in height. Fortunately
I the danger was seen just in timo, and the quick
I “harda starboard” of an officer, enabled the
ship to clear it by a few feet.
Fathih Mathew.— Good Father Mathew has
had another stroke of the palsy. The pbysi
aushave advised.him to try the air of Madeira.
He does not avail himself of the advice for one
reason only—he is poor. He did have a pen
sion of £BOO. But to secure a debt oontraoted
I not for himsolf, but for the Temperanoo cause,
[ which has been so dear to him, it was all paid
to obtain a life insurance policy. A Limerick
paper is the authority for this statement, which
will make maDy friends sad.
JJSiy-Pigeons are abundant in Western Now
York. In Fulton, Hamilton and Herkimer coun
ties immense docks are nesting, and from 4 to
7 a. in., are out in swarms> . Thousands aro ta
ken in nets every day, and' sportsmen, with or
[ Without experience, have bnt.littlo difficulty in
[ taking a dozen, If tho musket “ scatters ” well.
They abound, saye the Johnßtown Republican,
fifteen miles north of that village.
i The City Councils of Cleveland and Ohio
City have finally ratified the terms of conßolida-
I tioa of the two cities, and tboy are, thoreforo,
ono. What a groat inoteaso Cleveland will have
[ for this your. Next year wo shall oxpeot to soo
'■paragraphs going the rounds horalding a most
astonishing growth of tbo City.
Commend Lamps.—Tho injunction, never fill
a fluid lamp when lighted, or when thero is a
light in tbo room, ehould be dinned into the ears
of all persons who uso oamphone or homing fluid
untii.tho habit bßOomcs a second nataro. If this
rule was followed, nine out of ten of the oam
phen aooidents would he avoided.
CnoiEBA Deaths. —Mr. William Rohiuson,
of Wirt county, Virginia, died of cholera, in
Cincinnati, last week. It is also stated that
two fatal oases ooourred at Guyandotte, Va.,
I two at-Kanawha Salines, and one at Long
I Bottom; Kanawha county, Va. flight oases ap
peared at Gallatin, Tenn.;. on. the Blst ult.
: g®- The Missouri papers report Nebraska
emigration brisk.-Hundreds of claims are al
ready taken up.opposite St.- Joseph. Not a day
passed but a few additions aro made to.the nnm-
I her. A train of ten wagons from Illinois, boded -
for Nebraska, paßsed through St -Louis on the
18th ult.
• A capital -portrait has been published
abroad of the King of Prussia, Heisroprosert
edcs standing - between a bottle of champagne
and a'big sword; uncertain aa to whioh of the
two he should draw. It is called “ Meditation
on tho Eastern Question.”
A Nice Little-Pile.— According to. the state
ment of the U. S. jCreasurcr, the Government
had,- on the Ist inst.; 330.958,020 on deposit
and subjeot to draft in the treasury and the-va
rious depositories in the country.
I Washington, June 9.— Thej Union this morn
ing says that the difficulties with Spain have not
yet been adjusted, and that the policy of the Ad
ministration regarding them is unchanged.
Sensible.— ln a list of preminms awarded at
a country fair; a reporter gave under thebeadof
<* Domeetio Articles—Best Bed-Comforter, Mlsa
Mary Hall.”
>i .• *• - 1 * ;
• i
■ .v ■ "t .
fieonstt, of the NewTorTtlfereld.rhas gWo
abroad te take a rjuint at Europe. ■
Wheat on a stock five foot in height, growft
bn the,farm of Hon. Bererdy Johnson, d>as
been exhibited to the editors of the Baltimore
Toe Washington Star denies that Senator Sum
ner has been in any personal danger in Wash
ington. Itsaysno one has counselled or dream
ed of such a thing: against him, and ridicules
Buflh feareaa absurd.'
Intelligence hasreached Woßhingto'D, from re
liable sources in the city of Mexico, that Santo
Anna trill accept the Gadsden treaty.: This be
ing published la the Union of Sunday, is un
doubtedly to bo relied upon.
The city oonncil of Providence hate abolished
the Fourth of. Joly. Instead of celebrating the
anniversary cf r Americnn Independence; - they
will mourn the pannage of the.Nebrapka bill, by
tolling the bells, &o. -
A woman In :male attlrerraa arrested in -Bays
ton, Ohio, who. gave her name as Mrs. Stafford.
She .was pursuing her husband who had gone off
to California-with-her three children, and oars
riod a hatchet to defend herself.
Tho grain crop in New Tort State, promises
to equal if not exeel that of any other year. In
-Monroe, Genesee, Wyoming and Livingston conn
ties, particular encouragement to harvest is af
The scayoity of seomen in merohantservioe is
severely felt in Now York, many Teasels haring
been detained - since last Saturday. Secretary
Bobbin proposes to dnereoso the . wages of sea
men in the nary, in order to increase thennmbcr
of enlistments. ■
A business firm in Memphis, has rsoently
been, swindled by.a rogno representing himself
as a for dealer from Arkansas. Be presented a
forged certificate of deposit for §2,500 on a New
Orleans bank, upon whioh tho firm advanced
him $2OOO. ,
The New Tort Timet poblishes the diplomatic
correspondence whioh passed between Messrs.
Webster, Crompton, Everett, Ingersoll, and Lord
Malmsbury, during Mr. Fillmore’s administra
tion, on the fishery qnesllon and reciprocity of
trade.with Canada. It ocouplesiive oolamns of
that paper.
- The New York Times-understands that the
court martial in the ease of Major Wyse has
fionud him guilty of disobedienoe. of orders in
refusing to embark on board the steamship
Falcon; and- that' he has been sentenced to
diimitiion fromtho service, os a punishment
• The ladies of Lyons, Town; by . needle work,
andassidious labor, have earned enough money to
bay a bell for the school-house in that flourish
ing town, and they now propose earning o
school library. llow pleasant such no
ble enterprise. : No woman’s rights or bloomer
nonsense there.;
A correspondent of the Journal of Commcrco
estimates the strength of Cuba, as larger than
generally believed, and remarks that tho foolish
young fellows in the States, whojoin the fili
busters Id expectation of plunder and easy con
quest, will be disappointed,—and, instead of re
alizing these expectations, will find defeat
death—or imprisonment. .
O-WhH the Bow York City Folka any
Nnr Tow, input 25,1552.
. TMil Is to certify that lam well acquainted with a o—n
fifty yearn of ace* for many years a resident of thlsclty, who
has been at tlmra extremely ill, hat coali) not tell from
what cauait, aulexs It waa norma. Ur arid 1:1, mu-ruling
physician hit suspicions, Imt the physician at once ridiculed
tho idea; and refused to attend him aoy longer. Ills sou
thea mentioned Dr. M'Lone’B Vermifuge, and ashed him If
ho would uko It; hia reply was—l must toko somcthlngto
got relief, or die.
They a( once procured a bottle of Hr. U'L&no's celebrated
Vermifuge, and tooh ouo-half at quo dose,, The result trns,
he passed upwards of Vow quarter/ ir.orms,cutup iueTtry
form, tie got welt immediately, and is now enjoying most
excellent health; and, liko the good Samaritan of old, is
endeavoring to reltoeo his unfortunate neighbors. tie
mokes it his business to bant up and select all eases rimi
lsr to hla own, that may bo given over liy the regular phy.
ridans, end Induces them to try Dr. M’haao'e Vermlfugo,
Sofsrhehasiudncod more than twenty persons to tako
the Vermifuge, and In orery case with tho most happy re
sults. Ite Is well satisfied that Dr. U’Lsne’a Vermifuge Is
for ea perl or to any other known remedy, aud that If more
generally known would not fall to sore many valuable
Uvea. : For farther particulars emjulroof Mrs. lJordle, IMJ4
Cannon street, New Vorkelty.
P. B—'The sboTO valsable remedy, also Dr- SFLaue’j cel
ebrated hirer Mils, an now bo hod at all respectable Drug
Stores in tbis dty.
Purchasers will be careful to ask for, and take miue but
Dr. MTaino’s Vermifuge. All utters, in comparison, ora
worttiless. ■
Alw, fernls by thf tola proprietor*,
SuKcssom to J. Kidd A Co.,
■ • ■ ■ 00 Wood fttrnct.
:ox worse’s Invigorating Ktlxlr or
OTcr-wrought brain amd debilitated body
fioil tbcir bast solace and must potent rastoraUreln lb(s
unrivalled tonic. Upon tho stomach, which l* always weak*
sued by an excess of intellectual labor or an over-taxio# of
tho physical powers) it acts Ilko a charm, imparting to that
regulator and balance-wheel of tho corporeal machine the
strength to perform Its functions, snd the power to secrete
In duo quantity the solvent juices necessary for perfect di
gestion. There b no species or nervous disease, from neu
ralgia ami tic dolowux to tho lightest fluttering* of the
nervous system, whbh may not be promptly sabdned by
tbb pwriess lnvlgorant For all functional complaints,
whether the remits cf dissipation, nr proceeding from In
voluntary causes, it is, in tho fullest pease of tho word, in
valuable. Indies, who suffer so sererety from this descrip
tion of ailments, will do well to bear this fact In mind.
The Cordial is pot op, highly concentrated, in pint hot
ties. Price three dollars per bottle, two for five dollars, six
for twelve dollars. 0. XI. RING, Proprietor,
192 Broadway, New York.
anKheV^fdi* 8 throughout tho United States, Canada,
FLEMING ft BROB-, No. 00 Wood street. Pittsburgh.
DR. GKO. It. KE7BKR, No. 140 Wood stmt, do
J. P. FLEMING. Allegheny City. >o*<law
4a* Old Sores* Ulcers* am} »u eruptions and did*
eases arising front ao Impure or depraved state of tha blood.
800 the extraordinary enre of Wm. 0- Harwood, a highly
mpco table cititen of Rlehmond,Va., b/ Carter's Spanish
Mixture. He had ulcers and sores of tbo worst description
and finally got so bad bo was unablo to walk, except on
crutches. A few bottlos of Carter's Spanish Mixture, the
great blood purifier, cured him, as it has cured hundreds
of others who bavo suffered with rboumatlsm, bad effects
of mercury, cal pains and uleors of the bones and joints.
***3co advertisement jelOclmdsw
Pantaloon**— The wel]*kno\fn superiority of
QUIBBLE'S fit in the Garment, needs no comment on his
part; it has boon acknowledged by all who have filtered him
with their order*, that they have cover boen fitted with the
samo ease and Atyle as by him. Hebegs toiofonn hlspa
irons and tho public, that his stock is now replete with the
nowest ityles for coats, tests and pants, suitable for tho
present season. E. QUIBBLE,
Tailor and Pantaloon Maker,
240 Liberty st, head of Wood.
Life, Fir© and Marino Insurance Company ;
JAMES & BOON. President.'
CffAJiua A Cowos,. Becretaiy. •
This Company makes o*o7 insurance appertaining to or
snnectod with LIFE RISKS. •••■•■>• 5
Aleo.agolnetUaJlandCargolUekjion the Oliioabd Mis
sissippi rivers and tributaries, and Marine Risks generally.
And against Loss and Damago by Fire, and against the
Perils of the Boa and Inland Navigation and Transportation.
Policies Insured at the lowest rates consistent with safety
to all parties.
James 8. Boon,
Samuel M’Clurkan. . .
William Phillips,
John Scott,
Joseph P. Gauam, M.,D.,
John M’Alpln,
Wm. E. Johnston,
James Marshall, .
Goorgo 8. Sclien,
my2s:ly . . .
IfftBASSOCiATfiD 'Firemen’s Insurance
Company of the City of Plttsbnrgli*
J. K. MOOIUIiJAD. President—ROßEßT FINNEY, Secre
Will torero against FIRE and MARINE RISES or all
kinds. Office: So. 99 Water street. >. . . .
• sxunoas:
J.K. Moorhead < W.J.. Anderson,
B.C.Bawyer, 8.8. Simpson,
Wm.M.Edgar, - H.BvWflkins, ...
O.lLPaalson, William Oollingwood,
R. B. Roberts, John M. Irwin, v.
Joseph Kaye, Wm. Wilkinson, :
David Campbell. . . jal2
rp=» CITIZENS’ lnanranoe company of
IKS/’ Pittsburgh#—H. D. KING, President; SAM*
UEL L; MARSHBLL, Secretary. • >
Offal 94 Water StruLbchoeen Market and WbodsireeU, .
Insures HULL and CARGO Risks, on the Ohio and Missis*
slppl Rivers and tributaries.,
insures against Loss or Damage by Fire.
ALSO—AgalnstthePerilsof tbe'Bea,and Inland Navlga#
Uon and Transportation.. :
ILD.KIng, v Wm.LarimerJr.,
William Bagaley, \ Samuel M; Kfer,
Bamuolßca, . William Bingham,
BobertDunlap,Jr., JohnS.DQwortb,
Isaac M. Pennock, • . Francis Bellers, ■ •
. fi.Harbaugh, J.Behoonmaker, -
Wolterßryant, WlUlamß. Haya.
John Bhlpton. .. dec2S
Fennaylvanta* CAPITAL, 0100,000. USAS*
JVeridCfrf-Hon. AUGUSTUS O. HEIBTER. : /
&?refair-THOMAB H. WILLSON, Req.
Hon. A. 0, Holster, Samuel W. Hays,
WBliam Robinson, - Thomas Gillespie,'
William F. Fahnestock, John B. Coz, '
Harvey Bollman, Jacob Peters, •
John Walker, Jr., . William Colder, Jr.,
Jacob S.Halderman, Aaron Bornbaugh.
4 Offiee,in Lafayette Bmldirgs,
JeB (entrance on Wood street)
'•iv-; .! •. **•. «• ' '
Wm. S-Haron,
James B.M’dlll,.
Alexander Bradley,
John Fullerton,
Robert Galway, .
Alexander Reynolds,.Arm
strong County, : :
Horatio N. Lee, Hittanning,
Hiram Btowe, Boarer. :
•C‘ ‘i’ .J K'. '-'i
v y ■v. ■
—lt la auo to Klfcßiß Hfrifrevm -xtr
(rt&F rty that St has been known to completely, eradicate
eyery veatnKfl of this dreadful disease in less time than any •
other remedy, audvat less cost or inconvenience to thepa
tlent* • y y \
r- The thousands o'fcertificates (n the hands of'the ptopiW?
tor, many of which arsfrom well known citlseus'.cf the city
of WttsbuT'tb and its immediate vieJnity,goc to show dearly
end beyond til doubt, that Kier’b Pkibqiscm Is a medicine
of no common volne, cotonlyasa localremedyin TUralfr
tis, Rheumatism, Deafnest, lossof
Internal remedy, inviting tho investigating physicians, as
well as thoßufferlng patient, to become acquainted with Its
Thosehavlng adreadof mixtures are assured that this
medicine is; purely natural, and la bottled aait flaws from
the bosom or the earth.
TJiMfoUovnnaca’tificaUU copiedfromapaperpubltihed of
Syracuse, N. K, and bean dale
atoo appended the ceftiJicaUoftheceUbrattd ZL
c/Syracdsei" '•••• "A- -•'•>' : -v- ■' - ->
v This may intruth certify, that.lbave-beeh so badly af
flicted with Scrofula forthe last seveoy earethat mostofthe
flmeT-haye.beaniinoble to attend business
aqdmuch of the time unable' to and'confined'to my
bod,, and havebeen treatedhcarlyaU thetlmd by the best
Physlclanaour some
nncore,ahd continued fogrowworgauntil DrlFoot
recommended me to try tho Petroleum; OrKock OD; a£( ere*
rything else, hod foiled* I did so without faltbat firsts but
theeffectwaa astonishing tit threWthe poison to
atoncebegan togrbwbstter,.-andby;uHing
seven bottles! have got a cure worth thousands of dollars. -
This may certify that* I have been acquainted with ‘Kiel’s
Petroleum, or Bach OIL for morp.than a re*
heatedly Jfltnesscditfi DtineSdal effects in the cuts of ind'v.
lent nicer sand otherdiseases for which itiflyecommended,
andean with confidence recommend it to be 4 medidnewms
thyofaitentloniondcaiisafelygay'that suecosS has attend
ed tis use where other medielne had foiled.
' •: D. Y. FOOT/M. D. :'
. • For sale by olf the Druggists haWttgbnrgfr. rauTfcdAwv
rrl» Indigestion and I*lver\ Complaint
CUBED BY .KIER’S P£TRULEUJS£--Read the fc.l-'
lowing letter Bom Bev. O. Dickinsojt, a.Missionary in
Oregon:- ; ' •“ :■ \.- *■* .>* ■ ■
: Ma.J. UvExca— -Dear .-Myself an<l wife having boon
greatly the asoofyour Petroleum,.! wish to
nave yoasend me » box of.two or. tHrea dozen bottles. 1
*m theCongregstiohaLMinteter in this plaayaud several
of my people aro alfacted with indigestion sma an Inaction
of toe liver, the eatno of myself and wife, before taking
your Pareouim, oa EocK Oil. We .topk several hotUcs—
two or threu each-rabout a vear and a half ago, and wo
have neverenjoyed so good:health for' years oa we have
sioco that time., 1 had .not-'taken.* single bottle, before
that fallnestfdf tho.stomach which so distresses the dyW*
pepilo was relieved, und 1 have folt nothing of it since thnt
thus;' My wife was also relioved from a chronic disease of
the liter, which had been of several yoareatandlng, by the
use of yoor Petroleum. : ».
Bold by S. M. ElER,Oanal Basin, fIKO. lt KEY3ER, 140.
Wood.'Vtreet, and Druggists and Mddidno Dcalora etery
.Where,--' .lv-■. ,/• . - • oct2s
O*. F*—Place of meeting, Washington Hall,
Woodstreet,between 1 Fifth street and Virgin alley. ■
• Pxn&BCsaß.Lobas, No.3oo—Meotspvery Tuesday everting.
-Mzncjjmxx ExcAbpiibnt, No,B7—Meets first and iWrxl
Priday of each month. :. ~ i {mar2s:ly'
Asgertraa r Lodge, No. 2?9, I. O. of O. every
Wednesday 'evening in Washington Halß Woodet. ffjylry
Class PreminmixDDff's CoUcge^o
usual handsome: Premiums will beawawed at
an examination of . this lastftutioai in JULY
NEXT, fer; tbs greatest .pwfictcqoy ici Bookkeeping, Pep*
mandtlp, and Mercantile Law. , . r . ' - , jeSdw .
CIETY, of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, the
first and third WEDNESDAY of every month, at tho FLORI
DA HOUSE,-Market street. By order.
Jjffcy; JOHN YOUNO, JIL, Secretaiy. •
B. L, O.—You are hereby notiflnd to
IrtSK attend at your. Armory, on MONDAYS, WEDNE3*
DAYS and FRIDAYS, for drill, and to LransACt Kuch bosi*-
nesvaa may come before the Company. P. EANE,
. marfid-.Cmd . . Secretary pro tcia. .
On Tburalav, June Bth. by tho Per. J. M. JlaMJugs
JOHN BBMPLE.M. D, to Miss NAN THOMPSON, daughter
of IS, Thompscn, both of Wlllteosburg, . *
i On Mouduy, the iLh Inst; Mr; ALMOS L; ftHED, aged 20
years.' d :
(Buffnlc and Milwaukie pajers plwo copy.)
rr“=m> Prec Lecturc.-*JOHN M. KIRKPATRICK,
E»i > wiU alwrture before the Penn Literary
Institute, on MONDAY.KYEXIKG. Jons 12th, at 8 o'clock.
In Uie IlaU <rf the FIRST WAR b ■-SCHOOL HOUSE, gliort
srrect, between First and- Second fitrocbv. Subject—Tns
PatsffßT Aua. •>-: -
Ladles and Qeof?eroer» tr>,ai Vn<<. . >!•?•*
Bythe President.or tno timtU btnxc»»
IN pursuance of law. L FRANKLTN L’IKRCE,
: of the Unltwd Ftut&t of America, «lo hereby declare nud
znaVok&owa that paUie will be held nl ibo
me&Unned OlBccs, In the Slate of MICHIGAN, at the
periods hereinafter de»Uoa ed. vie:-
. . .At the land Omre.i'f SAUI.T STB. MARIE, commencing
oh Monday, the faurth U«V rf September next, for the din
posa! of the public lands sUoalcd withlo tho following
named township*, to wit: . ,
' North of V\e Lass lint, andvKSl of Ike principal meridian.’ ■
- Townsbff'3fjrty*ftx, forty so Ten, anti forty-eight, of range
- Township i»rty-eigbt, of range pi^wn.
Township forty-nine, of range fifteen.
Townships forty-two, forty fvur, and ftrly-Gve, of range
Townships forty-four, and fhrtyflve, of. rang*; twenty-:
fttly-two, forty-three, forty-four, aud fort v-five,
of rauge 1
Township forty-three, of range twcntT-five.
Townships forty two, and forty-lhrea/ofrantrelwcntj-slr-
Towhshlp Jbrty-nloo,. of romro twentv eight.
Townahipe forty nine, nod fifty, of range twenty nin<N
Townshlpifiwty-ftl&e, ani flftr, of range thirty.
Townships forty-nine, and fifty, of range thirty-one..
fory-soVen, f>rty-elght, and forty
nine, orrang^thlrty-two,; - .
Townships forty-six, futly-r even; forty-eight, and forty-
range thlity*.tbreor -
• Townships forty-two,forty-throc, fotly-fiVo, forty-six, atid
fbrly-setcn, of range thirty-four.
Townships finrty-fivc, and fbrty-ecfooVof rangcthlrty five.
Townships.forty-f.vuf, and.forty-five, of range fbrty-bae
Townships fdrt.v-fdur*and.fortyrllTO t bfrabga
land OJBco at uUNCAN, connhoticlng on Monday,
the eighteenth day of September hftxcj'for' tho d|:sp<wai or
■thopnmlo lands situated in UiofonowiDgnam&ito^rnsblpp,
jVi yrthcf the bate iitieyand tcest of the principal tncrulian.
'Townships thirty-seven; tbirty-elght, thirty-nine, flirty,
Snd forty-one, of ranjp twenty-fcrnr.
Townships thirty-men* thlrty-eifrlitj thirty-nine, and
forty, of ring® twenty-fir*. '
nino, forty- and forty-one.ofxang* twenty eir.
Townships thirty-rix, thirty-eight, thirty-nine* and forty,
of range tventy-wvetu ... -
TOwnaWp thirty-rix, of rtnge twenty-eight,
lands appropriated by law (Or Ibe nsoof Schools Milita
ry arxtT other purpose*, together with-those “sWamp and
overflowed land*, made thereby unfit for cultivation,” U
any, granted to the State by tho act entitled “An tutfc to ena
ble the Stato of Arkanmw and other States to reclaim the
‘swamp lands* within their limits,*-* approved September $B,
1860, tattl be excluded frim the talu. •
The offering of tboabova lands will bo eommencedon the
days appointed, and will proceed lb. the order fo which they
aro advertised until thowbolc shall havo been offered^and
the sales thus closed; hut no sale shall bo kept open longer
than two weeks, and no.private.entry of any of. the lands'
trill be admitted:until otter the exDlration of t lu two week*.
Qlven under my hand, at tho city of Woshiuglorv this
eighteenth day of May, Anno Domini, one thousand eight
hundred and fifty-four, FRANKLIN FIERCE.
By tho President: JOttN WILSON. •
. , . OmmiisioTtfr qf the General Zand Office,
Every person entitled to tho right of preemption to any
of the lands within tbo townships and parts'of : township*
above enumerated, is required to ortablhh tbo /nine to tho
satisfaction of tho Register end Receiver or the proper. hand
Office, and make payment tboreTor assoon arrrdcfi<iaife af
ter teeing thisnoticc, and before tho day appointed'for the
commencement of the jmblio sales of the lands embracing
;tbo tract clalmed; otherwise pncb olaini will be forfeited.
lt - - JOHN WILSON, •
jeiaiawfiaw Vommitsimrrt>fthe &m*ral land Office.
grounds have lmproved, and tbo.'Houße rendered
more attractive, generally. .The. proprietor will bb happy
to see hi* friend*,. rrj
■ An Omniyna of tho Excelsior tine Is nowrunninc
from the* station, on Fifth street, to the.GLENHOTEL
Leaves the station at 8 o’clock, A. M., and 5 p.'Mu return
ing at 9 A. andC*£ P. M.
jel&Om JkQ. MARTIN. Agent. .
" :• - Coal Works For Sale; 11 '
QIXTY TIIUEE ACRE* OF LAND, with.2so acres of Coal
Cr attached, and all tbo improvements thereon in snreese
ful operation. Haid Farm ta situated on tho Monongahelo.
river, 84 miles above Pittsburgh, and is supplied: with o
F&rm House, Barn, Tenant Houses, Orchard, Railroad, and
an excellent harbor.
The vein of Ooal is five feet thick, and cannot bo surpassed
In quality. For further particular* apply to
jelfctf • -• v No. 2J5 Liberty street.
' ■ ■: Notice. ‘ ” ;
IN, order to complete the classified Cataloguo of Books be
longing to the. Young Men’s Mercantile Library, no
Books given out from Monday next June 12th. to
Monday June 19fcb.
All mambera having Books which belong to tho Institu
tion, arc requested to return them within three days.
je!2dw JOFIN C.BCHAAD; Librarian.
On( ) BUILDING. LOTS FOR SALK, lying between the
boroughs of Stewartstown and Sharpsburgh
The undersigned has recently bad eutvayedoff Into Build
ing Lots that very ellgiblo and beautiful lot of land, con*
talning about 20 acres, lying on the bank of the Allegheny
river, between the .above towns, and will offer them for
sale at public auction, on SATURDAY, tho 241 h day of
June, at S o’clock, P.M. .For beauty of sconeryand salu
brity of location, this property Is notexcelled In the county,
audit offers inducements to purchasers; not-only to men
of moderate means, but also to those wishing to purchase
a sitofor a suburban residence,rarely to be met with. The
bridge across.tho Allegheny at or near Bharpaburgh, fend
which Is now.under contract,) will bo located on this nron
orty, connecting with tho Lawrencoville and Bbarpsbarirh
Plank Rood, and bringing It within 4. miles' of the CPurt
House when Ihe Allegheny Valley Railroad isllhfsbfd. end
it la have the ears on this fall; the station will
be noar tho bridge, and will tons enable persons to leave
homo and bo at their plfleo of business in a few minutes
Two regular dally packets from fiharpsbamh to Pittsburah
passthrough tho property several times a day, hnd the Ex
celsior Line of Omnibuses also paSslfcovery hour. Plotoof
the grounds will bo ready for delivery In a few days
• corner of sts
P|RY GOODS.—A. amoilfi, renter of 'iQratiiand Fifth
U itretUi -has now. on hand 10 cases blSed musUn
from up: 60. pieces Irish linen: 25 pieces white
molls, rorladlea’dresses ;76p!ocos linen; cotton and woolen
goodi. for.boys’ wear; a few pieces fine black challe: black,
barred and plain berago and tissues; mantillas; mantilla
Bllk and trimmings of overv description; tan oolotod and bage; dress gingham?;. 500/pieces Mofrimaok
P r j List colors—allof which, will be sold extremely low.
TKA. ISRKIKS,—IIotois, ; hoarding Mooses, and Parni
lles will find a constant supply of strawberries, of tho
largest and finest fruit, for tho .tablo or preserving, fresh
from the vino at 10 o’clock In tho morning, and at 4 P. M
at the Seed Store, 47 Fifth street- - : V • •“»
&ALB— aix acres Luud. situate near the JUloersviJle
. Rood, \% mile from the Court House; on whlch is a
small two story Brick House, stable, and other bulldinzs •
also, an excellont Orchard. Terms—4)neTourth cash, bal
ance in live equal annual payments.' Eunuiry of
Jel2 ;• AUSTIN LOOMIS, 02 Fourth sh
r I ?BLMMINQa.«—A general assortment of Trlmmiugs com-
JL prising the most desirable colors in lace head and knot
tedEilk Trimmings, Laces, Ac., just received per express
and now opening by : ■ •••
J Bl2 A. A. MAiSQN * CO.
TTJScTINGS.-rA. A.-MAttON & CO; have jast received 60
T pswhlto and col’d Marseilles Ycstings. AlS(£ several
other different materials and styles suitable for the sea
sOP - je!2
SUMttblt OUAVATP.—We are now opening a varloty of
new stylcsof Lawn and Glnghom Cravats and Ties for
summer wear Also, some vary rich and fashionable plain
and fancy Silk Cravats anil Ties.
' - A. A. MASON h CO
iQia V 25 Fifth street.
_ ’ OAimiAGBB FoRml7 '
widersJvncabjLSjustrecaTed ethis >
\near the TyaMlle - -
of VEHICItERi of every desmptibhj and will, continue td
And eeeond hand Carriage** SuUeietf
sell on the very lowest terms for
in pnttingdownallcompetltiOQ, - - ;
Those purchase are respectfully Invited to caU
and see for themselves.' - • *
Eapedal and prompt attention paid to repairlngof Carri*
ages, Ac.. . tg>ylBMawv*| . JOSEPH WHITE.
rj SUE UISTOKY OFBITTriBORG U, from the earUest po*
X n f d when if was: visited by-white inoU. down to Hie
close of-the last centnry,withiioticBSof some of the impor
tant manufactures and works of internal improvement, up
toihopresout ( time:;by.Neviließ^Gralg < >Esq;. •
About onehundred copies of. the abovo highly interest
ing work remain on hand—the price reduced: to 75 cents a
copy. Published and for sale by -- -- - r ,:
jelO. \ r • 81 Wood street.
EASTEKN .TURNBIKiL-—For sale, a desirable'property
on,the EastemTkimpike,oppoaUethe
Arsenal wall, 6y140 feet deep, to an alley f WftHaiargetwo
story Frame House, a.well of good water at the'door/and
otherlroprovymentsl - -Fri«i'slooo.• J 325 in hand s
balaucoiVU, aaoddyears. 8
jelO ■ v • ' ’ I ■ ■ 14(?Thirdgtreet. -
:'VT.EW WORK.—ttrcmlnm K*say l btrihejCharficUjrtalci
Xi ahd la'wr of Prophetic Symbols ibyßotvEdward Wto
ibrppj A. &L, Rector of St. Paul’s Chords tforw-alk; Ohio.
Pabltshod by F. Knlght, lW'Nassair street' N. T. Just re
- 87 Wood'
■•f?^s2Ji4P I H^ A fc. OF NEW JJOJKS, AINU. 87 WOOD
.'JL -. STREET.—The Nuatioo* or tbo lui ■oftSioWAshiosy
toos: byGco.LJppar^^“
- Shannofidate:- by Emm* D, B N. Soixtbvorib. •
. Th-Cttrseof Clifltm::- ** ,
Farmlogdale: by Carolina Tbotawi ’ Jast r*»lrea by; ?
. J el ° a P. LAUFPEIL
BRY PEAOHJttS-25 bmpriiae, fofflal 6 l r y
BHY AVI-bnfe—* lb us for Bale by - " - . ■ - !
-- jelO .-' ' ; -HEKBT g COI,LINB. I
GHKKBE-:100 boxes Jirlmo W;iC Cutting, ftrsaledrr - i
JriQ' -■ ~ - HEHEY H. COLT.TSfI ;
T INBEED bbls-for sale by ■ 7 . . ■
A Very Deelrable Country Seat at Prt*
__ ■■■ - •
THR subscriber u authorised to .nil the folloirlog niece
cf property, wntalnlog. acres jof land, situotedln
w.illn« lp., Allc B ;hear county, be. bSalv
fully Iccatcdon.the baukof the Allegheny river, about 4
milea from tbneity; haring two fronts, otic on tho law.
renccvUlo and Sharpsburgh MankfioadjandthaAllcgbeny
nter: »ndebont.Bo,rod4belo«.U«i ftrrr, and jnettelow
the now bridge, now being built ovrr the river. For fur
ther partlcnlaia enquire of . JAMEa tt KICUEV,
.. ,Ileal Estate A sent. •
- • OehJnud Miti at Auouuui.
AMIUI3ER of those beautiful Loto adjoining the Omni
■ bus fetation, in Oakland, rrlllbo offered at pnblic raid
on FIUBAY, the lOUUnaWat 3 o’clock, P. it..
For easy access, beautiful scenery and pleasant neighbor
hood, thcseJhotAarannsarpassedby snyintbomukoLand
should claim the attentitmjrf aU .who deslreAcomfbrtable
retidenee or a good investment . Omnibuses reave the cor
-ncrof BAIIKBT and FOURTH Streets,- o’clock. P;M
rersons desiring to purchase at privateMle.catfieanlane
at the odlce of ■ .-< i A. WILKINB 400
Xo-TlTourth street
.. A. A UU ii&TO recetYedLazAlner
JU IftW acorUacntof EogUth Straw, aotf aIJ
Uiodaof fkucy Straw Botmeis, «nd .mlases’ and chßdrenV
a great variety of new and elegant sty lei of
Crape and Silk Donnetg.- - . : i
GOODS.—Afnil afiwrtment orWhite
press QooJa, coßjpridnff the beat anomies of Bootf.
dfslraWfl patterns of dotutfaad figured BfffcV*e» for sale
nt rery lowpricce, by ■ ’ ’ ***'
-*?•' ■• '■ '■■■ A. A. MASON 4 CO.
'FUWN Lvro AUjCUttCrtK OirY iUii BALK—w-
X fßpotajt *t the corner ofFalnaountiitreeL 100 feet Eatt
from S«le , «l rtrejVthMM Korti, 160 to High street,
theneaalong High streatEaat 20 feet, thimce BouttKOfiel
to Fairaoun t etreet, thence. Meat along Falimonhtefroet to
place of bogJnniag.,Applyai, .- - - : ; - .
. . •• = ' - i: •. «-? SAfifCKCDS* Agency Office,
i* J o 5 Rith gtrect, ne&rttfo Fost Office. > ’
CIT. M AGNEhI A—6 dozen, prepared and for sale by
_ i’p. -JOB. FLEMING
f -iIitILEB.A AND DYSEhTfcttY MIXTURE—A eery ea
W «e ifnt article for the aKTVe .coaplsiDts: 1 (rre>* re
eelved by -' -fje9] : ’ JQ3. FLEMING. 1
Ploce oF Gronnti For ante.
I ii ill publicaaloon thepremlseVoh'WEPNES-
L »AT, June 15th,18M, at 3 o’clock,
piece eThand, rituals In Lower St Clair township, adMa
mg lands of O.Ormsbj'ehtars, tind of'Johri STCtutg, and
witbln one-half mile of Birmingham; containing abom
twentj-fico acres, on which 1< erected two Dwelling Uoose-
Fruit Trees. *c„ la ahhndanco. The coll la Hell. anilaolta
■Wef*tpgarUcolog. • o'
. - ! Title indispatabl*. -Tense easy, as* fn&’tefenova os «3aj
«r walc. For fuilber particular* onqolre on lbs premises
° r .. 3. a-munnesats = ■
J t,B:fe ' JAMES C. Rf< HEY. Agent.•
I'*** 4 . yhly tmo and genntnc
«» •«. /Indeptruderce, Wasbingtonco.yFeb 24; ~
51a. R. B. SELtsaA:—l wilt just add that jouP LWer I'flh
have onswciyd tho vory best purpose 1a tny practice,' and.
from their salutary effects In my own prescriptions, ! car.
confidently and cueiy recommend: them where 1 have hitb
eru> hesitated wjthotbcra of great repute. »•
. . Youtb,Ac. /: . N. W. WHITE', M.’d.
Prepared and sold by R. E. SEILERS A CO:, 57 Wood
strwt. and for sale bvPruggh-ta generally, * jt-7
- on *, wile street. by2lG to * 20feetlane, alt
hind,.the. balance at $s, A month. These Jnta are
pleasantly situated, within 5 minutes waiter the InclihW
i ume, trad arc offered on such easy tonus as cannot fail to
. Property on MU' WrahlngtbiUa rapidly advancing '
! n °? x *. to the ahd.sat&Q size, art
hold at $3OO each. . ' 8. COTHBEaT A SON?
JIL '•••"•: .. v 140 Thlrdrtreet -
TACKSON-*Uit*Aoli.FoK SALfc—Tb© Furnace Jssitii
y; atea on. Sandy creek, In Cranberry and Rockland town-:
shi|M, C(mi&lzilog I2QO acres of good wood. and. cultivated
laud, with a superabundance of ore, of the brat quality, at
tending from oDft quarter or a mile to three ftom thefar
uauw, yielding 40 oer cent; ; with jM the appurtenances be
longlng to a well regulated ratabliahmenv/Thfr nefebborv
deUveroL"- 1 * wUch «n be Obtain*! nt.gUnl,;
*. „« JJ|J^CIB£!iJ8 k - Agenty Officv?
JOS. 03 Fifth street, near the Post Wee;
\| 90bbl80la Monot^helV
iIA. Whisky, jttakr«d,TDil MdfbrraloloTT by. - '
. JOES UTILE, Jr* Agent, i
-J”...- , ; 124 Becond street.
BKUTOKD UINfcKALWATKR—In bbls andtmlf bblK
,(o«S and ranlberrj cooperage,) for seleby • M »
OLABS— 6°o boxes, 3*l°, 9 x13 ona iosl4, 61’Kennen t
Co.’* brand, In atom ondfor sale by • - i.
FlOlt fplondld Farms ; ono of 100 acres, and
®>vrnshlp Hank Boad, B mn« ftom Iho cltyiSdi
of them lying* 0 estodiTlde IntolOacre lotß.harlngaKooa
flprfog on each. It la a splendid opportunity for a Epccula .
Uon, Time who want a good home, or rriah. to make
moooy, would do won to took at It, as we wMsellto the
first that offers us our low price, tuloteoralltozllUmr.; '
- Also, ffro Country Beate, 1 mllo from Woods’run.and
“j 1" fro , m Allegheny woyof tho Newßrloh
fewd t B*' a They are fine healthy locatlonSj Snd cf
„A, 1 “-, tp . n Cfantry Boats on -the Ohio and Pebnsyivahla
m ‘ tia > I “W U» ass’- They wlube sold separuit
or together to a colony or building. aasSclnHon. nfe •
lovely location, and cheap, of course. “ • -
;_Also, one hot of two acres, and'two smaller nieces of
“ Woods’ ran"offe£d?t ,
n?a ,0 r. pri “ for ,s° flno a Property. An assortment of
lots, always on hand, and described in
myregister. Beftre hnylng you would do well to call bnd
enouireof THOMAS WOODS, ~
..75-Fbqrth *trtfl&
’ BAKOAI.VS.-We wleb to lufom the pubMe *kt w
are^ now offering our present stock of fine Watches and Jew'
elry, Bt prices that cannot bo. beat. Therefore, wreay to
°° e 2£ S u ’ y °V hat , wish flue'WatohMand Jcweh
ry, give us a call, and save from 25 to 60 per centm vine
Mart 1 e“slTOt 5lllhy ° U **“ certainly do by.calling aY M
. N. B—Watch repairing attended to In all Ha branches.
In a superior mannor. Gold Jewelry repaired or maun fee?
turod to order at abort notice, at . 1 “W“\
Jc7 ' » HOOD’S, 67 Merited st.
W Val "?810 Country Seats at Public sale:'
11 .L be sold at public outcry on SATURDAY, the 17tb
• day of Judaism, Ihs ytlooblo DroMrtv kririwn •«
-IBWIK vFAßM,situated iu Bobinson lown£h!p f AUe?hßQy"
connty, Pa,, about firo milea ftoojth® dtrofPlthiMttr^
and near the Btetibcnvlllo Turnpike ; to bedWldedintoloti
°.Jo®?‘®CTe ond upward3,to mils purchasers;, be inir a d*h
of the premises npoa which the CharUera CoS Wort*
arcnow.:erect«U c. “wm^uxk*.
10 h “d, and th* balanco In
Witt interest, seen.
Theremaining property lately.owned bytheCimrUoro
wm * aitsasp,
.. j y t ! : Rrol&tettfjsim..
.■■ ■ . : ■ ROHY PATTUKSOSN , ■■-■
A .dious BTABtES aot OABBIAOB ElOag3, in ro?niSi-
A tloa wUh hiaoldcatab»w'hTpfl T it imiiw iii n
i &ryf*\la prepared to go a >»««»}
l hualness, H»
' Fira : YmMM a^ r 2v, E^FNl)aEl) AM >
beron f hkhho »n take an Inereaaed train i;
now bnildingaVwlth orlew to'aalea
”fr,w r in?i? r3o f’J?ewrmdsecond hand Carriages, ol
»» will giro ample attention.
VhlZ EW? Ring,
will command Ite ecnttauanc* by defcrrl™ tf
myl&<m<Uw , ROPY. PATTEncffiy
IjiaAfcK UiHUa-a iiAuuss uazkttii- «r u„ tl ,. j
* dm, and New York Fashions, for June «, riftS 1 .,
tbo latest stales opto that date. ■ "'“““InlBs ml
I The following trill bo found in the June nnmi™. W- -
BonnetsSS.styfes: MnntiUas Jl;
’■JF’S Kowet modellng;l!)-Batteraj for
PmSiltef^nii'®®* books 8 sograrinss;
“^ rw * s on a anno
SS m aT?.% S D ? by Md*. Ann* Zenr,at JalUcn’s fenj.
. tert. The colored plate in this number is superb. For sale
b y. . MI. HINEB.* CO,
jeC No. 33 faolthfleld street:
IjUHU BUMMHtt uiossa GOODS.— A. A. M4BUN *CO
JL .are noirreceltlng another supply of Summer I rose
uooiH, comprising some scry rich new styles of figured B.
Tissues, Ac, Auo, a large assortment of tho
n>ost raanicraa])!# colors in plain goods.
v V. ■** ' l
t)Dl”fKK—lit kegs at sale by ’
AiSXi2£>—A gt*xi*ita*Uoo S>r,* HoowßeerW/ AppH
«VFftANCISCUS* Agency Office*;- -
J*** C 5 Fifth etrrot, pear the PostQffice. •
doivery BaperiorWeil India Bay Rum
receive* bj , r, • JOS- FLKMiNO. r
coT3wrcf thftT)iagibna and Market at.
i‘ Ulb—li yuis mr saio oy .
J Se 2 ' F. SELLERS > CD.
A UElll ‘ Y mwubal, ash uaiuaktii
«*V rlbuo—l gross of each received by
l* 9 ■ JO3. KJCMDiO.
BbWoTU) WATER—IO fctdf Vbls rooeiTed 1., ~
> a . : • JOS. FLEMING.
KU’Utr.i INDELIBLE INK—I grewreceivedhr
__ ft 9 ' JOS FtßMlh‘o.
IjIEVKB AND AOOE All YTUKE—tltio d the lx'P.Z. I;rePS-
J. rations now in nee; a largeaupnljr rro-ivod br'
J» n • ’ • . JOS. FLEMING. :■
. *■■ *. •
Yj_ 5
'J’ :l y V*-’ "’rf■
£ *y\ ■■
rsjfC;, XIIBATB E.rJbssFfl mut Mans'
Vr& grr—nflb£tn>€r l al»TQWood....^l , ric«ofadmlMlou
Boxes nnd rpargnette 60o; Privateßoxes, lartfe, |8 ■ do.d.n
small/#) 2 .Becqml Tier, 2to; Boxes for colored persons,
PBrsonssecuring Beats will bochsjrgcd 32}£cts.exira for the
certificate. vDoora open at o’clock: performance to onto,
mence at 8 tfdOck......Grdfad extra: night,-'for the Farewell
Complimentary) Benefit of Mr. J. P.BRKLfIFORD, tendered
him hy ihohilixent of'Pittsburgh, and his last appearance
in.thie dfcy. .Mrs. W. J.FhOBNNGB has .'volunteered,- and
aill.appearln a Oaaan Masur T>l&cz. ; Mr. 8, B. RYAN
has also volunteered, and. will make. his . first appearance
hero for several months......Tbiaeveulptfi J ana 12, wDJ he
presented Bulwer’s beautiful play of MONEY; 08, DU
PIJOITY EXPOSED: AUred Evelyn, Mr' Bralsford; filr
Frederick usount, Mr C Foster: Clara Douglass. Mrs Byfttr
• V*fSBS*SIP: Dance, Miss J& WBJdegrsTe....«After which,
.Mrs. W wiliapp*ar In a Grand Medley Dance
-TorcoficludOwlthihe'-tiew frwa entitled LIFE IN COBBI-'
CA; OK, A. TfIUMBINa LEGACY : Jerry Ominous, Hr 8
Rosetta, Mrsdlrelßlta].- . 7 ,
- ... tg& < .
AlilrCftMHUNlGATlONSbyMai] orTelcgrapft, or Bills
sent by Adams AOo.'sExpress, trill secure immediate
. thedlotoleand Music Stores.' .>'••• '•
porting faithfully attended to* fmyfrtf
obtained fokFitfUes; Festivals,
Concerts, Rubßc Meetings, do, . Also, Cargoes CoUllon an i
Sax llom Band can, ho found,iri readiness at an times,'ly
applying to WM, FR AN K: OARQO;' at the CrvEtalPolao’
Dsgnerreanlfogml of Co.-.Fourihstreet.ors t
the Hag. "• ' ' . . ' r mar2t
fjTS*fC S **,**Us P*V*Uppeinen4.«-Sdontifio men
,ua£r are daily bringing to light new invention?, and, the
march of progress, is. onward/persona Bald, or becoming so;
vrillbe.piessed-to-’learß that«cleneo endlong research com
oT thtfafcejln the*rtidfl.ofEM^BSON t 3 i AMEBICAN HAIR
: RE3TOKATlVi3,'&'sur£eiito'ftr Baldno&r and to prevent
Bair from falling* -r Bee circular lo she bad"Of the': Agents,
wiving fall particulars* Price $l,OO in Urge bottles* gold
by - . C. E. FISHER 4:.00n Proprietors, v
.«;.■• j- :> ■ - .■- filSawriorstrect,Cleveland,Ohioi
Forsaloin PittsburgbixttbofoUbwingbotueg;——
Flooingßroa, X*. Wilcox* Co,
, , U. B. Sellers, O.B.Eeyser, 1
Joel Mofcler, . Benj.-Pago,Jr»* * ■ -
JXUghmy dly.—Li A;Beckham; pressly A Means, J.~
Fleming. * *.
John.G..Bmlth foprfl
Pepm yivantn Hospital,—
*cUwc*t-B«ond,between Wood and Market
steeets, and J, RatD, of Diamond, Alle
gbeay city, aro the attending Physicians to the above Instb
tutiod r fbr the first quarter of 16&S. ■ •’.
Applications-foradmission may bemade to them at all
hours-at their offloe*, or at the Hospital at 2 oVIOck, p T M. -
... Raeant cases of accidental injury ero recolrodat all hcrarsi
without form. . jal(h|»
lK£> r _burell, Im|jorter and Wholoalc. Dealer lo FANCY
»td conotry awinrß us largß anA rWell eolectcd stock of
Boofo is any Ewtora boOM, and sama prices; thru .ayiee
reight, time and r; / : ' ja&yj
■. ■ ' ■ Advertisement. < T~~'-
* A. NY_pereon;wisliing to mako fSOO In 6 months, addteas
iJL me, post-paidv JarmlngtoD,.Xrumbull county, Ohio;
This is no cr booh agency, No traveling is necessa
ry ; out any person , can remain at homo and make tha
above sum la the time stated. Address
; rjpl^g».. >■, / , PROF. BYBON H. 8088,
ps fiuo Berege. Delaines,'of
1> the best styles and colors, for ade as low ae cents
per yard, by - - tjo7j A*. A;.MASON:g OQ..
OlLK*FjtiiNoii3,-r\ye witt opaa In. a low .days nfreala
O supply of.those.very desirable Xece Head Bilk Fringes,
n all tnedlflenmt widths andmost-ftehfcroaMebolbr*.
_Jj2 ~ >A. A. MASOS A 00. ••
Li»iUK'tf LADY'S W4ZSITJS or Paniiouuotj
i ■ and New York Fashions.—The Jana number cnctaina.
newest styles; >■-paper pattern Xir a,
Misr MaatuJa, patterns foe Needlework; a new sheito£-
°_pd mOcbfoteresUog and readinsr matter.)
The Kfagszineof Act for June. " '• ~
AU IheMajatincs can be had at ihe Cheap Shot: StbrffoP
■ i 6 * . ; ' 76 Fonrih street
. JaOS*. 1
A “HOXR dated January- 25; 18M. payable ftrarmonlfcsafr
/i.ter qaiKtkt ttre olltee of Winslmr, Lanier- A Co.. New'
n R. Woods," PresidentPHtaburgh and Btbabsn>
ChkrleS Noylor/Beoretary. ' '
. All pers&tn* are hereby warned not tor bny wld note; 'as
pupm<HMPiH Ofi.fx/t«rd. Any person fiodingitwU confer
an obligation by.bating It wl!h'd; E."Anibld* Co;;6r
AftrjiU ’isj.r UKuaflah—All Huids of oid ruTuse pa-
TJ. clean* for which one: balf cent per pound
wilf buglittiLln cash. Apply at, •:... - ■ ■
'■ Ageing pi3ce*!
65 Fifth rtrect, near tho'«wtOlMA»
•WjHanj, London sod Now Toit Pa? Mon», for June.
TftolHusttiitHlJlapailosof Art, for Juno. ■ - ‘i
Th« NertrYortt Journal, forjupr.. ' ' - -
ißoglinildLjflot (rf thit Adopted Heir: fcy Mlffl Pardie.
ReeftireJ and for sal* el : ; 1 '
PAHt:KLBINBH’S Liferary -Depot;
Tiflh street QppoelU thaTh^fr*;
|jliL£aU ftUFKLlKs.—FemLeaTcs?^second series,- :’•" '■»
l Umplighter* Shady £Jde.- ■ '
: .Ufa«Bil‘di9lngsoMUi9. , -FartlaBtflik. , '-.- : " 4 '>•'-
. ilome f>r AU: a new mode of buiMloir; . •r. - ■•
HydropathicCookßook; •
Prank LfcaUtt 1 * LadiM*C«B«oof P«Mona, for Jqm.
BrccXvßd by.; * *.. . IRUSSEhL * BROU
-4” 15 Fifth street.
MKWfrStYJMS' 7MANiribtaa>~A.; mmuSTT^
ftt»nt anj Fifth: reeeiwd?another "lot
Mania!**, frcliuUng allthe fcahTonable oolow.
Q?** fe»pie«3 of Tery desirable Tissues and
this esiabTislimetit the scry newest' piyW.
sod utthe Tory lowest prices. ■. . ■. ' ... ;je(T*
ALTIMOHE lUfiilßJsit}—loo bbl3t«»iTed thl3"day >b*
-.-•viL.-. , H 6 WaterstretiL
J HAD—36 bbls ttaJUmore Bbad.iHßtoreftod for saTdbr
116 Water «Pd 156ProBt:4t.
3 IIAU—jo bbla iJilUmorethact, la more »od for s*]e by'
■l* 6 ' ~ _ EKOLTSg ft KIOHAIiDSOW.
inspected. Jar falobr’ - -
. . , .- KN T fIUBH4 mCPARDSOS.
]\/fICKKKKL—iOO bbJa So. 3, for Bala by —'
jTL 3«c . V :: &IC?IIABDS017
pcrr ATO£&~3O picks rot salt) by
IT. jcS.-... . -IIEHRY H. COLLIN?,
■ 1 JSottco to the Public- .
G A'RDNKIIS. TiispcfttfuUy informs tho public that
,A. itpjiQUndmnoTlne to the new Diamond Marion on
** ar * ,t street, on Saturday, Jana 3d, 18&4 g
cored, and sllcal, pat ud la
XV ffallaa can*, hermetiftally seated, retaining the mici.
ual flavor and ftuehness of thgTroit; forsaleby 1
J”.. ■ W. A. M’CIURQ.
- ru , u ,' ■' . Notice# ; \ ■
” n ?sf t!l “ I 1 of M’Donongh iStewert, si thisdoy aissol
wUV I, v' ’ Jt * n M 'Don°osh dlspOslogor hla
Meore. who-wUh John H. Stewort-wilt
continue lho l)upines3 at tho old £hmd, ho. 2C7 Libcrtv
0f «* ow. Of ETKWAEII
.n areoloneauthoriied torecciTo
•UdoMsOao the late firm, and uponnajrment tnadeto re
ceipt Jar tho • JOrtN M'BONOOGH,
June Ist, ISM. JOHH H. BlBwJdttf.
„ In jnUring fiom thq Foundrybusiness,! tote much nlens
je&awr JonN-M’ixrannnH
'NKW BOlJKB!!—Putnam’s Monthl^Tor
. F«ri -tteond'mfu,*'- • "•. •••’ « *‘*i
FronUenrcnen; % narmUre of 1?83. '
•PATJLKLEI2iEB.*8 > Litox»ry'D<*poL
Fifth fitreflt. oppofltc the Thwtre.
■>lo hoxca primo W. U.eutttng,ior wto ay "
/ 'JiIiSAP. WALL i'APKKg—A: new”Bapp!« oX «m.
rsperti jost received, Ibraoleby '*> . <?. .
Jeo 85W004 fltrtot.
jcs ■. -\.i
I’At’hlt IIANQINQa—A.-Cholcc ~fi t
I? chintz, brocatello, and satin Imitations, for sale by
BIIADJStf, iflro Screen*, Centers, Musts, 4c.
iitfftJoby [je&l- MALTEILPJ^RBItSIT
lOttnr-iuu emcka received this day.and Ibr ale br~
lI'CIUSKAN. UERRnrf £ o&.
KllU) tffIUXT-ia sacks toy Applra;-.
.15 cuks Pit Pncbmt for tale »»-•
pol'ATOl3_2u b«ga on comljronient, sod for sale bv
*- **' ■ ■ _ M'CLUitKAJf. IIBRKON A GO.
B 4^a "fS'toi? S4 “* k3rKelTea on conflsmna,t
W - :■■ - . . . M*OLPEKAy, HBRItOV A 00.
-7-kegs Maple Holuse*, ofBnUa;«achs »
'2OO lbs do Sugar, In cakes;
Just received on conajgmaent,ni2tlfor6alot>y ■ ■
J** ' ■ W. A.; M’CLirmfr
HBOKKtt'S JfAIUNA tm beet, fc'mS
ono orilie most desirable articles inthoworof oook
>°?oteosila ™t loTeoted. Itia almostlndlswmableinthe
preparation of Fax na. antts; llomtmy. OrSn or nSJ
gw Liberty stnV
hi IOVKSMfuOKB!! -
I Fdrh Wares; ieeoni series • -
P nSrH™^iilK^ t ° ri ” 0f -
P B<£f Viow ‘ of P“t «>a Pwnoot: by J.
- Si 1 - 7: ,* t* 01 ? a mor»l.
Jobs. -
«a»“" 0U0IU,: frah J»t roaSwl Md fcr
lßFltth street, near M arfcet
UTOTM® ifhUSF*." 4 *
givon.toaU pomona whoMrosob
'KntlJ£rt7\™° Stockof tho Pittsbiujb nndfrio
nIS& y ’S
?Sv «* “'“'"“oUoo or the Hoid irlthl„ MirtCT
touoty, thatra Instalment of Fnra Douuss pw shaSTwm
rMQljvd tn be paid to the Treasurer of l!
rtf^nSv e ?JiS'*SJ®* 8 *couoly, on or before: the
of 3UN15,1851.- -By order cf tueßoart,..... • “ “ 0l ? <“J
OBIc crp.iE.itt. Co., R / , “* SKll, . ! r™>»t)TO'.
T Pfog nwgrU. MRvgfio IS&4,| ia ‘ -
«haw on lie «rat• MondsT nr£!ir, i? 2 ~ r .*:-Wiar» tar
the whole ymamt Is peW. T ' eosuill
tf: ■'■'■' 1 AtVAK WTHtraa rrmn,.
= x::J:
p S^
■■ i. - • 304 V<vi| Atn>ot.
I 4- K! ' ull ' u Juauabsak uXu—a■ •aisiT\5 _ Srn —r
VT ( genuino tSiaumi OU, recrlred by w 7 « *
JOS. blfmino
TOW T iisF B wss¥ir
,1 .
-i- v. r . ■ ■':
- '■>-
;Mv': <»/'•
’ % *** *
NlchoJos* bridal chamber pat-