P* '■’V * * " ' ' v \* * ' '■-' r X ' ' . \ _ . .... 5 \. > «.• ' f , * * , , , r ' s O * Vv> , , v * . V '• * - , ‘"x - \ ‘V>’> * " . * ~ \ :- _ •> {'fX;>:'^?•.*%•> 7••-i 'y'^.'^^>»V r V.’-y S V., : J-> •-;-. **-4-,; I/W-r ;/■-’' '■'■•■ ■ : --\i-,& , *'Z~ ■ f;" ! *"‘^-. r* ''H; ‘l' •> •**. ■*« v •••. .»►'■>* _ y. •.■■■• -i , . s .. - i ?■ »■• J>. jV^'w.'' - .* ■'**•'' - ~ y•. -.'-to- •■ -.0. .--•■■^■■v--/• . •;-. >•*.-.••.. ...-. .•. - - ■■ • & »«_«,- ■•'•»»► 1 ”***l .I ■ h'A' i:\ r V- - “.'•>> '-rn &■■. '.\-v ivx VjuSjinf l ijty ■> »^ ; W* Wo■> , r^.x . ■- ,v"'; N ,**Aiv* 7 Ss"? *xt £2itv ik* ;> *» - v A4»v. i'i J '*<. -.\Vu'Sv .%.<{,« »■ iV* 5 ** V »* rfc vva^Sv4^isw *] xVv-i^.Ty'f'K'ty,.', % . *.■ ?4'v L A?>-> w'v> .v ;V F /‘* t.* ;'>; >'Ji > f < “' • f<..V'; ; 'yy*s : v> ; ’‘■ v -- I'*:-' i wl mks& MI^P IiMM -?v wiWapssfe Mmi ipHM innflMisK RM *? ‘ik fop* * list 4pMM ■ ■ ■;< i | ' I it iWl*-^<.' ■' '. ■ .•• • : l ■v. ;-■■ '.: ■ ' • ■ HpiiMiWHlM* ™ssgi|ig|S^ v:«sSis-=' - :''B?‘' the dally horning - p,ia -d aai PuWrt-J 'ter) Uimmi, {Suli UV O. F< OlbbMOnß. Ftro m\xti •',y?" , sp‘7"sL y].iu> _ ?4 Doll»rf itllnvMUMjr lajNspliwd ■■; : ■•■.>: fflyeort—fe?/ •:■.:■ ■ *•'■ <.,-■•■.■■■ ■ :■■■: fflttofrafaii fay &g SflTa . ••,-. •. HftCTEDAY MPSSIHg.. l/pubfaite l Ctom thfjwno . 0-4^ ,rtioS»tEWODOItMtS» jrar.lnmlT*n“' . > copw bo Olowutinnoa fo til* city.) ;■■;•.:/ • •* •■~nfr >: r i 'f'"~ '~*-" -- : - v ’ .1 -■. .... - .“■ ■ •.:{:■■■■■*...* j' JOSS ‘i” *’ T^iwMsoKpißSttiQiiuaa:.• ,?• r n .y iifi -•■■ '** “ jonajrcci U . « « SJS “ . « t&mwwkq...... IS u « Sittmth.; •■■-•• •*. “ two nonths....'.—-...~.-.—.i—«—r—?••••-. a 'X • . ,t*i ;.T‘.-~'i,y;L ■'.■■■.■■■. , ; « {onrraontia.~~—ix JJ “. •*••*"•••"•’• i; it ' . ■■* “ one ysar._..» MT.aaP I™"rrrmmtP 1 ™"rrrmmtP On, pgr annum, of Uib F»PO*)- ' professional cards. ■■ j., ......... (JJjO.p.OIU-MOttß, , _ _l ATTORNEY ANPOa.WNaEM.Sn *1 IAW) n/ tlurUSltrrtt ani Vhirry vHty, 1 rjrramiMn, _ , .1 to hls i-tliofflwybctweoi'Uio toon tifWAiHUtad *Y. 1L 4-S: ROBERT E. PBUM-IjfSj 4 J attorney at law; M ‘ * u ftT.Lom,MQ. i MtoSpbrtnl 'nrieiiU6tt Riven to Oonreyanring. ■ [deeply * TTOEN ETTAT i AWAND MUCtoSeIN CHANGER'S to Uu> PortOffl®, SUmNearEJeiOhic ':;''. gvy4. ••;. ■= : 'W - :i •'• A' WORN BY AT XAW—No. 109 Fourth rtrwt, Httehw^, Pa., fourth door- htlov Mr. Rodj. Patterson.* Ilgt; ■BtMilo;" -77 ~ , ~ ■rt 1 'jr.’.s.'lHorrUoni ~ l TTORKEYAKD OOTOSELWB at LAW-Offloj-j; A moved 101i0.44 Grant street, noat Fourth, . : C. Orlando .w—w, ' A TTORNEY AI LAW-080, loarlliitwit,»WTevi' A Jy»-7 .'-TTT " Thomni jjl. PlanhftUr it . A 'ttOBSHX AT LAW— . • stxoftt* • •••■■: ' . • ’.••- ■• ••• • ■ --- —. I " - TTOENBY AT on RmrtJj rtrert,betiireo .. Cherry alto »naaflmt«tr WH© Sail'llnyscm Grant street. ( "U. Il7iiHeHf 7T I ATTdwnSTATtiW— No.lS7Kjnrth«trt*t,Jbpwiui 1 r.rar StaHMeld. ' '"■ ■■■ ■■ -.■ = ■ ■w®“iwSL-i£Sit “SssSssasasasK^ DlrtrrScf J> r . J s!‘sCm.LT,l»t. «» AUcrm.notlta (atT of I’ltts'lttish, are pfacod In mjr pMSMSIoo. h«inff JodsSStt cm t isd Itetab-mjT h«»«» ““"“P i.-'U*d thr.rcon by Afilarmcm mtron. . • N. Uaokma*ter, Aiaerann. ' vnpu r>r»nt itwt> toetwwn Fourth at* and Diamond O Say?* Conveywicloß of all Unda cTreand l»si aorarary. Trtl«f to Eoal EaUtej^- wnlno4»Ao,- •.. • i: _•_•—-- - - - RetaoveAr- . • - • • * - 1. ■ r : 1 DU. D. HD ST, SO wuws DOTp, “aswmcnretf fr Ilf 1.l cffl -1- frr~ v " Foorth Btrect, ta No.lp QBj WyFOURTH goojf>sltMy gffTTi *&**?! to happy to otUmd to dl P»fe^l : . j.RQOTT; DENTIST, Jfomtkstreot, fITO -rrom nl» A. M. to 4 from 2to f o’clock aMS - Iy ) COMMISSION ANO FOSWAHDINIi HESCIIAfrSj Sealsra Oonorally in Cii* ■ oianati and otier | ' - 1 TO 93 1 Front etreeU, bclteem M.trkcl end Ferry etrnU,, • mrawnwn, pa. p L 1 *S- "Libeled cull advances m*le oncondgprora te. ssLjt>»j. Esq^TbomaSßakowell, Esq-, Gecrgo Lcdlfe, Esfli Bo A.- Btoaar, Egq- *- «■« -»-DHAVO. Dliiiotnid* flltsbaigh* Pfc) 5 sets SOSSSSSRESSSF SB.'SS.tf? ebanßeforMcrcliaadiM. of l*ntoth’» Warranted GartanSraia, uni inritoa tta attendonrfaUto tereatal in rural affaire. —-■ —— J®TEA-DEAtEB'ANO.FAMII»Y; OEOCEE,*^* masai or.*a»,*io>.B»a ■ T copartiieriiiip* ■ . ,; f • mnsi nSDBRSIGNEDh»Te this d ,a* n „^l n ' 1 Wnnihlo under tho name and Btylo of J. A. uuxvax M 4 CO.V the purpose of t Qtoony buriuon. ■ THttfcbargbp 1854 . , T * l, rsglisu & riohahosoS* , r AND FORWARD IN LIiIEfUJIIANTSvAjtD aud <». «*£;*& f“£S; "TSiacu a. ‘gSbiyfcßßmSlwrjTif. mBA DBAIEBS AND FAMILY 0R00B^S^»co1«^ I WooaßnAndWillraWoM.JapaniirfTtaffwUot^ . ; keeping U Wholesalo and ReUU.No.MLtbeftJ -:., ttratt, Fittabnrgh. ■ —: "ST -TJMDCCS SaGESEuS?COimiBSIOSSIH«3HAN^ T.uiiffit yajjg BHLEEBB & CO., . Forwarder* and Commt*»lQ».WerelM«>V PROVISIONS, GROCERIES fOSpOlftß, .■■ 1 liS-Im?) - 'jro.BooZihTty.dr ........ ....... ■.DAtfXtt*Auv-;a iudu« AHIi, ; ■' itnjeti Wtttburßh. A VOY Slf.K AND WOOtBS Draß AHB 0184NP8,, V AN No/r ISiBELI-i St, ncsr tho Emmot Hotrt, , - nur4 AiMMgT. pmu„.„ wK.mcwreo*,Pitta{>atBb ’DUxa>^[uier 4.R.tck®t» I“PW Srn£h?ci4«» Prirttos *n4 imppmj P*jj"°| t y“ •' • , ■ r--. • ■ ■ ■5, { i , t> ,#,r i *i -f', ■ ■•-: . i ’>^ o , ; X£l« m. "post , ■« nn. iw» «r «.» «» “»»“■ « «.«° ™*> ™» ™‘° ra “ YOLUME XII. BUSINESS CARDS. . -COCIIiUS flJailHQ. 'FLEUIIR6 BROTHERS^ - ■*. -/(Sliccoßaors to J. , ; -“WHOLESALE DBUGGIBTS, JVb. 60 TTood Stttrf; £*• ■ : * ■} Proprietor bf Ttt; BTLano'e polotnatoi Vermifuge, u-rer Pills,cc. ~ .... j al ?_ - JOSEPH FUSSUS»( " i • hnflClSßVft TO L.<-#HCOX fc 00»j - ■ nORNEB 'MARKET STREET AND DIAMOND, Reaps J constantly on band s .Dill assortment «f anddll ttrlicloa pertain careTdliyj copipoandod. at ’All hoars. • .1 ii2Z .r-T-j ■ :B. A. EMinostock do Co., lsriioiiKBAlK DRDO WABBUOCSK-rOornsr Flntana * and comcr-Woo&iiigt 8irth....... (fool ; j7ABSk. j.Tw^iiaa. TOS. FJoBifING faring : associated with JOB. ABEL* the. 1‘ bnaincsa'VHl hereafter be conduetod under th* Btjlo of , ABEL & 00./ftt the old stand* comer otißmitbfiell and ‘oarth:’ctreets..?. • ' • > • •■■■■.■ •• ■»••• <* a l WBUam - SAS RBHOYJ4B to the earner of UA2»B ana Pi.WS Streets.'Trhere- ns-osuaU attend ipro.mptly U Lla-numerotts friends., Alt articles Intblme are-wertantoa yllh.lha utmost caro. . JOHIJ HAFT, JR., .... (Baee«Bttor to Jas/SrSuffijy, : < : WUoleaale ona RittllDtaMlit,, ; . »• KD Pooler laPAt-NTd, OILB,:DVJJ STUfifS, 40,141 A Wood Btroct,tbreo doors below Vlrtfo rilry,. , ; Jor*.m*ely ■ PlTlofettßOn. ; -J y —; " -w> 8( llw«n- 1 ' • 3 in® OLD WUHXUitUBTABUSHMEn;, (Lil» Jora swnr * Stocaioa,) and BLANK' BOOK: uni STATION B lib to-axoente erory style of •*.—i oommareiai, Oanal and ; Steamboat Job .Printing and itoo It 111 ndinz. and furnish every article la tbo Blanb Boob, ' Paper and Stationary Une, at the ahorlert notlea nnd on th»; . stationery Wareboaoe, ootnet of filaibet * P |*rtnting Office and Boob Bindery, No. 4Q Third et, norlC ' • .B^HVJCZJHorgaile..-.... ..-■■... .. .. .. WOOIiaELIdfR'AND'STATIONER— has aMraye on band a a genomlaissortmentof School, MlacollanooUEand Blanb soobai Printing, Post and Ca>Paiwr, 40,-Wbolm3UoandJl*-. Si, No. lot Wood street, below Fifth, hast side, I‘lttabnrgb. • ; itap> and Tanners'Bcrapi. ■ aplfcly i Re L. ALLEN, : ;.ti: WnOLCSXLS CEALXn IN " ' • Joieiffri ; Winc3i’BKm4ieBj Cigars* Old Wononga*; 1 hela Ryo WMsky* &o.» .. AtiSa, ABOTIPriNO distilleb, -■■■■*■ -_5 'no. 5 WQUD aXIUiIST, PmAUUHGUp-PA*..- ..; IT7INKS. Brandies, Cl®*, Cordials, Jamah* Bpints r bL W jOtS and Now Ktglaudßttm,Clorrt* Champagnes,, • Scotch Ale, London-Brown Stout, Irish, Scotch, Bourbon, OUMonoagahel* Rye and Buclifml W h k k y r A ppie, l v cacft, Wild Cherry and Blackberry Urandlw; Imported Hawaii, &einU&,&nd Principe Cigars; and Common <£ftr*,oUat such luwjmces as to challenge.compo Ulon. Kmcy Bar Kegs and labelled Bottles of -.drery stylo, and Detn'Ooboß of all sixps-v lnTite. an osam{cn lion of my stock, at J«o. 8 WOUJ Street, Pittsburgh, Penna.. f npTo l - 1f —^ '\-.B,uBBeli fi* Cro.) :.'i- . BOOKSELLERS, STAlluNhllS, DEALERS IN BTAb •DAB® AND LIGHT LITKItATBItK, and rabHAera ft ibo I O 0 1\ lUKISN, No. 14 Filth etroct, Bituborgh, Pa.. • marls:ly. , 1 —; ■ ■ - —«JOU« U. MOBOAW, Ag't, ' I T : WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST,, ;•••■■ - : 'AX9 is . - Bye-stufifli-Paictsi «p.» So» 03& Wood street, /one door pouth of CLiUtond alley, - >• .• .pirtSßtJnDK, , [Wy ~ juBH BHTCHKI.Ii, WHOLESALE ANI) RETAIL LItUGGIbT, _ So. 135 -Wood Street, iia.7^l - ■' Kart aoorto H. Child'a tibw Uoix.-t. Plttrtmrgh. I. W. ChadwlcU, - DBAIHR IN BAGS ANI) PAl'Wt,No. JWJJwJ*}*”*' ' Pittsburgh.- The highest price m eaahpald «*. n S*- ;• • mrlly ■ u—i u. - “wmiam Oienn, .' . • n OOKBINDEE—Corner of Ihiid and Wood streets, above P 0 .H. Kay. where he is preaarca to do ircsj ol floling and Bln W;> BAJIK.* JUOSKU* . , A l'hllo Hall. No. SnithfiddslwL p -i- HtiEEL VstJCCXSSOtt TO HvsxtJJ-* Tj(£S,) WOOI*T>EUr . EftASD MUIO3UA.NT, for tho of f ™*TbaaL Woolen floods, N 0.139 Liberty 6vreo>, (qy. —, ISBAIBE In. »n4 LMnOjM L) ftud BRAID UATB. corner of Slarket and Uwftßi,. No. 174 Pittsburgh, P* J. 2_~ Mcltinger* . Tl /TONONOAEELi WiAJiING i Jh.'infisria hit trloiulß tmd the puolie, that nVhment is now In full operation, ana ttnt to fa prepared to with promptness and at the lowest rates.. - Wmertintlv tinrf Plank, planed on one ornoth nongta^tiy m £sbbacn. and ISraldlngß, of ewy deeeriptlon, mad? to: and Carpenter* wonld tmdlttothcSradvsntoge totfrehSi VailpuMom-towlurmehthemtriUi planed for gray dcßoriptuin °t *o.k. JAMES CttISWEO. I *“• *• fc-CBISWELi, BELL AND BUASS FOUNDEUB. : ni’/TAJJUFAGTUItBItS of .all ktndfl of BUASS I/J -a\: 00SI0X1VK, feTBAM BJxGliiK* PLUMBLRS, &o. Al* soJootton Betting Manumcitarcrs. • ■ - foundry onßebeeca street.- Altarbcny City.- - i Affloa aad’Store. .Nftiili Market street, Pi.tsbargh. , I" Eld BRAHS and COPPER taken in onshjnw f ° r w »? r fe or a£3t paid. - Orders left at tbe Foundry or Offloe, V« proapUy ftttandel-to. . •■ . ■ - !o P^? BcbuchDi&n &- Haunlelit} . . « . r TTH(y>RA.PHEES~ThIH street, opposite, th* Post-office, I i pjtirtraigh. ‘ Maps, landicapMtJlUl Ucada, Show HUI«, ail MacUM^mg.,UuSnosß ani VialUneOarJa, BnsraTcd® 1 Bra,nl on Stone, Prlotwi m Bro«V>r Bladt.ta the mast ajrle, UJ4u tho mmt.TcagmaWc prices. . ocuo.iy_ ffsr&Sfcas S&a anas sm?&ss Spirit* Turpentine, Window Gloaa ot nil dies, Putty, Paint Brushes, ici ill oftlio'best quality, and for salo atreMono bio prices. ‘ " 88,,U ' BSTBRPKISB . no. 136 vtoqdbtuzji.t oT*.. v i •‘•>iSSWHEBHEHW •TAIL’ORT.EBS and manufacturers or dental ■’jlffvJD . ■ ■ I INSTRUMENTS, rifles, Ae «»:. keep agenemi assortment ox the above • articleBConBtantly : Oß tand; together with-n inmeial Variety orfin’cy Hardware.; Also* toljAndferolr.M.FlaSta.irmrMiShotßeltejEsp^FoWto, UadMi Ballots; BowtoTBlrk: liWingand PocketKnVres .Tailors And Hair Dresser*’ Shears; Packet Bctaftora, A O, AiimyTriißflfesagd Bopporterti ■' '• . ’ \ description, to VmiervuifthebWt oeterlal/atid -wotlananriilp. Orders Tewired far them at'Wholesale or RefallyVill be fiH* «d with despatch- Hunting parties supplied ;at W^Usale *>\ - . -- and: OW FUtttrgß*. K. : TriOTS’stLbseribersare bow BTBBEP r WTOdandSmith* dfr thslanftst assortment of CHAfcDEUBBS, BRACK* ! rtsißEnSotCS. andall articles connected wit Gas Bitting, ESftfSIS i!?ASa market. Haring arrangementsraade crer opredm inrecciptof new patterns S7£J2*S?«!iviSifldently invite tbe attention of nnr- SilS'wttS&Stton. ' We ac r loxsiinyjiirasa in adyantagoatotliosa dosirtag ttrUclM « toflt op buMtoga of ov^d. .■^sscsass&y-ssva; •'partly ‘ No.lOTFlrctHrebt. . JohQ .PtCtlOr> --i >T TrrrHoiraa ale act : retail deals* in :W %NSTRDMECTB. Pianos, Music, School MAsna >' b?as«sct, No. 122 Wood strtw. _ -TirHOIiESALE LIQUOR MKEOHANTi, 155 I£bos3Patrwt# «nd 51 Diamond alloy* feblQ^ ♦ ‘ - 1 >r' - -n-'J ■: :> V . S'.*'.' .• >•• *•* 3.* t * •~V \ ■•.•*-■«». -i BUSINESS CARDS. JOSHUA RH< WHOLESALE EBOITEB 39 Wood St, P TTAVB ott hand and *r© n y~f which they, offer at the J j 76 bags Ivic&.Almonds; , 25 « Biclljr do -25 hales Bordeaux do . .15 bags Shelled do ,60 Filberts; ; 60: 41 Walnuts; : 60 u CreamNutfl; 600 bushels Pee Nuts?-. 25 bbls. Texan Pecand; 26 “ Illinois, do. 2000 Cocoa Note; : 200 boxes German Plums;. ■! 26kegs • do. do '-lObbls. do do 10 cases Prunes, glass jars, .: io -** *< fancybsa; - 60 casks Currants;- - ‘2O eases CUrtm; , . 200 boxes Cluster Raisins; 100 hf. “ M. B. do 200or.* r ** ‘ • do ; 200 boxes tio.l. Herring; i 100 u Bcalod do . lcaseUaeo, . lbbl.Nutmegßj 1 f* Clotes; : 25 grcasßlacklng; 25 baskets Balad Oil r. i'." J.C.ASDEUSON * cp., ~ Ho. 6 Wood street, Pittsburgh. *a., ■ HOLKSALEDeaIcra in Foreign Frulta, NnU. SpIcCT, ■ VV- Confectionery,Sugars, Cigars, dot A'- Msins.FM, Prunes, Oranges„l«aons, Limes, Dates, < pi l n Filberts, Walnuts, Cream Nuts, l'oa N uWCoeoa Huts, PJ- p : Apple Oberso, Sardines, Pieties, Sauces, Hock. Candy, To?. ; mlceUl. Macaroni. OUre.OIU&o.. Ao.: aprJl.ly 1 - "GKOkelfi BDKTCUBIi, j ynoa HEW SORK, J , - MASEVACTUItERof tho celebrated 1 Gossamer ■ Ventilating- Wig,: Mafia /\f \ : Band Toupees, and eyery- desmiptlon of Ornamental Hair,Tor. Ladies ttnd ] L/^=sGentlemen,■ 70. FOCEJH. STIU.F.T, z'-~ ■. e_-between Wood - and. Harltot,. -Pltt3»| bursh. . ■ ; ] ■ BLSTCBEBts-.system enables Ladi® 3 TSyfejgsllfll and Gentlemen to measure tbclrbeads i a/>Z[g*W srltb accuracy. . • • • I r job wios. No -1. Tile round of thu Head, :. v „ No. 2. From the ftrebead oyer tbo beoddo nccb.Nc. S°o 4 r r’,;onnd h tbe?a-rebe»d. For Toupees, towerthotoportho.heaa attorn, tho exact abapa of the bald p-.rt. i y i ■ ESTEBFKISE PO V RBttV > AELEQHKNT OITI. ■ iTjrehmm, Federal ttrett, near the Undue, TtAVUiQ fitted opmy rstabllehmeut with nil the latent I* a fnim-hvenictits. embracing every facility for nienufjC ciurirc right In J. J Jobimon'e Boa Smoothing I-otis, end Jt.hn Jn»\nKin’s Self-heating Cn&rooal Irons* paUntwl i . M if. fiuncrior to anything of- the. Mod In thdiiiat*> also having o patented Improvement Tor mouK.ag Satovoti; *Sp»i Bo*«, end JV*™** I** 1 ** naml to stU wholesale ohdivtaHcn fair teriD». , Any persona whhlag to pttttbaso the right fonnootemg u] £” y the improved plan. end mnnufactuilng any .or oil of the above nrtlclsi» oill plcaso K , sogUsp . ! Allegheny city.. IUW.A FODNDB^V • NO* lOa WOOD 6TISCKT. ‘ JOHN c PAUKY, (successor to J»o* P&rry « 00-t) P®jS* ] tolnform the old: firm* onil the puWiiv, generally; that he has now on hands, cnurod in camafccturlDEr, etery dcscnptino/ of «STbs: Patent Chilled Bolls; large Kettles "uf Curbs, Patent Kettles, tor Soap, Pot ABb, Sods, Ash, ■ for the teannfmttnre. of Cone Sugar—all cast-on a mient proeea, known as J.O. Parry’s, nidete TOpjnorf« ; .<*«tf»- : ’ Lillty to any other, anil sold lower than. there naade jn tJP Oi iIOLLOW WABE—A general assortment, ell ftoin now and Improved patterns, Wcgnn Boses, D=a Ir(®s, Bad Iren,,, Ac*, Sr. . , g Mill Ca»tlngi,ttniS Machinery or story description, tlnvi c 3 ot id&_ : •• c HINA H A L L: JOHN J. O’tEABY, ■ nipoum, wnoiesous asd kw ° 11 Between Third and fourth, opposite Geo. .. aprlO'.ly . ■ ? -.. ■• ■• ~. —r Blank books— , ' *'**£?« ; ;■/; i 3oa c^o^ 3BSE^Sgfe»«= Medium work, in nil styles of binding. Urn trade supplied onliberel ' Blink Book MinnfecturoTd ' si>b2 ' Corner of Market Mid Second afreets. _ 'f-ejiu M'DF.vri'T a BltO., Grocers and Bealere io J°Fo»lgn end Domestic Liquors, liberty afreet, °PP°4 te nd of Smlthfleld at. TBHU UiWOßTn.,corner of. Diamond. *«. aii»T. wishes-to' inform his customers and the p^iDiifl Hnerallr. that lie lsjiDtrrewising ft large andchoi^alw ;sS^QßOOEßlE3.aach as choice Young Ilyran^lmpe' riS, uunDo-oatr.eltra fine fvnrtft mhd scented Orance Pehoe TKA.S; Mocbay v*y a T a OOFFKKS; fine~BUQAKS and SYRTJPSjBuecW ClnstS Sultana BAlSlNSrireflh OUB* “ ssr —iitfKMjs—sdo bags prime Kio UoUee; .1 - | 2d do do Laguyrodo; .. ■.. .- t -| •' •.■■■■ so pockets Old Gorernmont Jarados forsiwo by floret MILLER k RICKETS OKr INAIA Ml)mia LKUUIMS, of tha beat quality oi aMi?'- Uc Eubber~Al«o. u commoner article, fbr:»le a« the Bobber Depot, lift Market atteet. , „ p^.r.TPS. • oy* ■ ■ V * _ PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, JUNE \% 1854, ARNOLD & ‘WILLIAMS, heating jAHD venot/ating warehouse, , O? • CMlaon rumaces, Wrought Iron Wring, ' r AKP FltflHQd FOR STEAM. (3 AS OE WATtt. , • teg* Noi 25 Market street, Pittsburgh. ; ODES 4fc CO., 18 & CONPECTIOHEES, | CTIBDCKOII, Pa., I eceUing ttofollounig. Goods, i lowest morltettate*:— ■ ; 20 boxes Macearoni; <•, 20 “ Vemleella; • 60" u Farina; SO M W.Rock Candy; •- 26 -« A No.X do 10 i{ Bod ‘ do r . 16 « Capertj .. -.15 « Olifes; . ■... i 76 «' Guns Drops; 100 'M.' Loxonges; 60 “ Jujube Paste; : 60 dor. assorted Pickles;. 80 «■ M preserves; 100 Pepperßaueo; 10 casos Sardines; t 5 » ■ <* ■ h£ bxs. : (I' , if do ■ 200 bags Brazil Bngar; . 40 bbla S.C. Sugar; • 25 “ Lorerlng’s Sugar; mf-Vin hare sold our Furnaces, Patterns, &c n to Messrs. WILUAMB, whom we’cordially recommend j | & 08F.Lt 1 A , U, AMTUN,aniIH. aOUagKlUSß.wxjuld. XjL respectfully announce to the dtieeneaf TiUsburgli cntl Alleuhroy that tbeyJwSll- gwo instructions to the Pumo, Guitar, .VIoHn aadHute..:.lnquire »t U. Schioeder* Co.'c HEW MtJSIOSTOTCK. 84 Fourth stmt. saps 3 , —' '• " '.'-"Til. GALWAY, TORE PACKER AND PROVISION’ DEALER, ja7r^^ 7 '4 OtfWEBCiAi. Bow'j 4 LiBBiT wansr,-'. • :- r . , SI. nBAFy... *.»J)k&SISXKd£S Bt. GRAFF ft. CO., „ ; Western Foundry, Wo. 12fc “Wopd street, . frmsotracir, pa., 1 n JTANUFAOTUBBBS.OF pOORING-STOVES, Coal end' jJJi Wood Stores, Potior Stores, Hollow FaneyOrates,Plainand Fancy Fenders, Sad andPog IrOns,: Sugar Kettles, Tea Kettles; Wagon Boles, Ac. [snB:ly?' ■ 10 coses Liquorice;. •' 25 boxes Ref\l do • • •■; 20,000 Principe Cigar#; - ; 10,000 Havana ao 16,000 Regalia do ' 2 600 Half Spanish Cigars; i 60 gr. Mrs. Miller’s P.Cut •SQgroCa AndcrsonV do , BUSINESS CARDS, JACOB : •WHOLESALE AKJ> RETAIL CIGAR MANUFAOTTjRBR ' <*si> psAlsn i* Airfcijnm 07 : ■ SnnCT, and cigars, . .. JVo. 2d Fifth sLilWUburvhiFa. .£3* Keeps constantly on band a large supply of ajl the rarious'brands'of Imparted-Cigars. . . . ■ J&&2. ‘ Joseph CHAmra; WHOLESALE AN D RETAIL DEALER IN IMPOKCCBD CX'eAK.9, ;•? 4- ypr 63 M asset sxasgr, PmamjßQg. s T> LOUTH* BftO., Boat blrmingham* manufactureis of li. Bar Iron, anti Email Iron or all descriptfocp, and matte,al&o, the flneafcqoality ofHooDC, Bounds ttfld Squares.' ' \(®"LeaTearder9 for lim to, the box, at the city Dost '.OQai,’: V ■ ■■ ■ ' co»PnrtneraUip* r.,-r r- ■» fpUB subscriber# have this day formed a partnership for | thbparposa of carryirig cin Cbciruinon and Fcrward- 1 ixtg t in connection,with the and Oil, and Pro- \ duct business generally,under tbe style of Esousn & lUca i abdsoitj warehouse'No. - 116 Witof- end 160 Front streets; j fbrnjiirlyoccupied by BurbridgeA logbrnm. _ •* »■ B. UNGIiISH,; m i •, JA&XF.9TUCHARD3ON, . ” JAB* J, BENNETT, Pittsburgh,February Ist, 18G4:fel>3 ■ ■■ r Tbe Oreftteat liiTention br tbe Age* . i r-w to AVOID tkoso unpleasant, feelings that usually j - / Maccmnpatiy the tnjarlog of a new-Hat, tbe OONFOB ■ 'M'M ath re, firtriy imported fronrPdrls, forms the Hat to tEoexact sbaponad alze.of the bend. : A neat fit, and a,good , Hat may babad W 77 Wood street.,,. 5 oprB \?>i DOUGLAS. BTOCKINO FACTORY, • I XiQ 2* FIFTH STJUMT., Sign cf THE OLD &TAHD. -TTrrxT'.TTAM T>XLY baa returned from tbo Manofactcr-. *W; w Hosiery Districts of Europe, where he has pur* ehaited, fhr «L«fr, a Tery exteii«iyejind well assorted Block of the host descriptions only of Stockings, Socks. Uudorf-hirts.. Drawers, Glares; also, rrewMyJe of Children** and Wlfses . TiuicyStochingfi, with his domestic stock or Pitta* htirgtt Utniufactuiwi He will sellhywholeAoleor .t K.» Yopklit'i■ ttorf P*£ tlAll MLY4CO Eemember the place— No. 24, Elga of THE OLD STAND. my 23 ;■ • ' • J° t v> fcOSX* OIH0««: ■ ■ mtf A. CTBIUKN, CT SiirrUfc'lELD - Kainiotid eHey.' Mdneyloauedbn Go. u and Silver Plate, Diamonds, Gold and Silvis? IVatcbca, J«welry> MusieaUn*traincnta,Gui>ettnd Pistol*, Feailier Beds, Fut«. nUure* and all Linds of .articlo-v-ror any length. cX Um<* agreed oh. -CKargea far.'rtoraee considerably lower tba* heretefore: Prirart' entnmto through tho Loll door. All . . : - ; £3-Forfeited pledge* sold immediately after temp out or ilatf* unless redeemed., .BargainsofGold and SilverWawb' C 3, Jewelry, Ac.,&hrayB on hand. • ■ apTlCMlm« f r WEAK t ; TEAS! TEABIr- AWOttTll»thcGri!ritioleud J[ only Importer in thtol - -me best Congo leaslrora London, Js now receWinc at.- v iorgn and choice .selection of TEAS, which bo la deter c. ned to sell at such price? and, flnetiei® of quality,-pjat'alt thtf rccaloia puffer* in-thUor tbescxteitycannotfcoati Hetao*tresj*cctfullylnYitcstiic ladli-a and gentlemen of thia and the surrounding dtetrict?. Tittbont distinction; of nation* to cnli and try his Teas, tvbieh be eclls'Butocct to be returned, If they don’t giro aatlsfacttoa. r Tbo following ard the prices; ■ ■ ■ • mlv i . Prim* Oolong, Souchong and Congo, 37 50 v *"■ l A Terr superior English breakiaat Congo, 50c r -KxiraChe,aterjd«lldou»Congo,7&c.^B>. , Fine Young Hyson, 40@50c.$ to. .■ .••• w _ - Extra line Yoang Uyaon and iippenai, 700. 0 , Very bust Young Yyeon and Imperial, SI sft>. • ObnHmistakeibtf'pliu»- PAQOnA TEA bTTORE, corner of Diamond and Diamond alley - A liberal reduction made to aware. , .la 112 !- * Warren** c-9ugre«i : lnl*. . , • • rpHIS **?]£ Is pr»paml by a purely chemical prices*, ana I l* wummlctf injurious tn mctehcpnit. It in pale when first' usudu but by exposure to the at r be comes gradually of,a mo3t lulenfce and permanent black, for sale In bottles bfT&ri ius«lzo, by wholPPale or TctMl,at '' sepS"' r ‘ ' i». S. iIAVJsit o • ■ Btatloa*ry W&r Qa». Market streoUcnmcr of 2d. ISW MUSIC IlYlMtK—The subscribers Lave opened at | No. 83 Fourth street, a- cboico collection of nmdc and. nxuslsat Instrumeuta, .Italian and 6enaan.ctrings i PWno»f bv M'Erord, or Paris, und Mr. Arnold; Flutes; by ai.'Ealer, | Frankfort. A. M 4 Clarionets, do. All kinds of brass Inslrur j ments from the best French we I oiler to thttjmWlcon more liberal terms, feeling coofiatmt that we can wilder entire satisfaction. . „ > r . H. SCOHOEDEIt A CO., No. 63 Fourth st% , E Schroeder and Q. Anton will givo Instructions on the piano, violin and guitar.* - eo * >^.'- : , . Jnit Received TJtiiu Uny, ; , AT WM.DIGBY’S, 181 I.IBEUTX, Street, a splcnda ns- | sortment of colored and white fancy Linen Drillings , vfcoa Ducks, of the newest patterns, for pants nod coats; ,ip.; pieces of fancy a lur e stock oUaftmbroons, Cashmcrett-, plain and faney colors; esthigs, iblrts, 810 ck.% Uandkercblofs.otc., to be sold very cheap tat.trib> thelirgostftook of fkney Summer Clothing in the city, fashionably cat and well made. Orders In the Tailoring Lino, executed In Ihe host manner nt the shortest notice. • m> 16.1 m b; A. kxyiu. - a- a- ! Copartnership notice. ! A N UNLIMITED PARTNERSHIP hai) this day been ■A.' formedbetween33. A. KfcEVHr and A. EKhEVIL,. for tho purpose of wholesale and retail dealing and msnu facturimr of Hats. Cops and Furs, under the name and style of ALF-KERVId A 00. AU the debts of R. A*. Keevll and A. B. KcetU will be settled by the above Aim, and all per sons indebted to either of the above partly will make l. pay ment to Alf. Kcevil & Co. . ALP. KLLVIL A CO. Pittsburgh. May lOtb.lSM-rmyll - ■ . Proclamation' . ; ! BY virtue of a. precept under the hands of Win. B. Mo* 1 ClunvVredJent of tbo Court o£ Common Elyas, in and I for the sth Judicial dhtrlct of Pennsylvania, and Juettco of the Court of Oyer and Tormlnar, and general Jail Delivery , 1 la and for said District, and 'MlUatn Boggs and Gabriel 1 Adams, ErqA, Associate Judges of tbe same county, m and for the county of Allegheny, dated, tho Ift day, of the year of our I*ml ono thousand eight hundred and fifiy fonrV and to me directed, ftr holding \S°^ ttQ l^? 0T “<2 Terndner and Ocneral Jail Delivery, at the Court llousoin I thealty of Pittsburgh, on the let Monday of June, ot lO I ° Is hereby given to attofc the Jnstires of the. Peace. Coroner and Constables of . the rcounly of Allegheny, that they be then and the-#, in their proper P or^° |, » I thdrrolß. records, Inquisitions, examinations and otherre- SS?cST* uU things Which to tbebr r«protjve offices, in. their behalf .appear# to be also those, that Will prosecute the prisoners that now are « maybe in the Jail of said county of Allegheny, to bo thenandthere to prosecute against thorn as shall be Jus t. Given und«r my hand, In Pittcbnrgh. thlslstday of Mpy, in tho year of our .Lord, one eight hundred and o ° fflmonw^ U |SiblLl. Slwlg. —: public notice. i : l - BoAootlitrunnsi,! | Harrlshurs, lley 10,1864. > I By Urn 431 Section of the.- “ Aefctat the_resalaUom ** continuation cf the Common School Sypjcmy vawed., May 8,1854, it is made thedmy of Oia . Common Schools, to give no lice by puTolicaUon^ K rS?b”. mWof thenholonumbcr of Duecfen r,«eavjno person nrilterirrfnd .cientlßo find of skill and caperomCTj.in the art of tcaohliig, ns county Superintendent; fbr threo succeeding school , _ The'tßobonl.Directors -pMnmt, in• such. cenTartJpn, £» moJoißy. of' them, ?totl,aWhß ttae.te the cOTpeu^ JjtoSrtnna the Post Office uddrmJ, of the perMnuho mey b °^n toUnty ..... O E PO3 this offlmjjnfel S 12o’clMU.of the 28tb day of Juno, for the 6 i l PP i f T f4u^t Boef,'e°»»««“ gT Brow* Bugari of the beat quality..- ;*v.‘W ..... ; - Tea, Hyson... •«•••••- Soap. Sperxa Canale*.,.. Coffee-.-... Batter, best quality..-.*., m-*-: -Middling 8ae0n.;..»»......^... Flour, beat superfine..*—».“ Molasses..-... *;»«.* Port Wins... Vinegar^— UUk........™----*-* Best Bolted Meal.-.- Potatoes. ....«■ Beaus—* *»••« .£ggi.„—....... 8a1t..-?.—-v . Hominy—— ;,Priee pef qt: , M ,.„..:Price perbu. • do; *>•! :.;;,U..Prlce per oofc* ...,.*Prlce per peck, dtt- I i.„i M Pric6percord* SfSSiSSSesfab SSS:r£mtSw«~=sss':*“' i “^ at d» JJSaSSfioS Slid. t&re uIU to utoat 10 • BCIIiDISO tOT FOR SALE. I , tacumtonw.' Enquire of .«*>• £ *^4.; ;.^ J .-- r l -- .'• •.-,- •’. <■ , ;’^l : -!;V‘i ; \V':(''“ ;.v:!' '1 r -tr A. *- -* "** “" **" "*~ ' * ___ _ 4 PHILADELPHIA. * WOBtD’S FAIRS, ■ ‘ Hondon, 1881, and ■Sew-York, .1853. . TfiiyllPil OVhU THE COMPETITION OF THE "VyOIILD, _*l THE first and only PRIZE MEDALS for Har, i/SaSaTV snd'in Non. York, 1863,-waamrtolto . j... "ra LACEY * PHILLIPS, , L 1 ■ Messrs. LACEY A PIIILLIPS, at their extensive cstob-, ilshmenti Nos: lSj 14 old 16, Bonth Fifth-Wfect, Fblladel phia,-Tiecp the largest stoelt of wady-mada Harnessnnd Saddles .of any-house, in the United: States, .They have, reduced the business of manufacturing to such perftctsyß: ’ tern, that, ibr duality and price, > they aw beyond all com petition." The best of Leather only is HFed,and no palps ■ aw snored to; reach perfection in CTery. articles ). It is aclmwledgcd, that for elegance, lightness,, comfort and real Yaluo, the UarncHS and caddies of Lacey & Phil* lips surpets an others. They inti to a close examination nf j tbelratoobs’ •• ■_•••• ■ : ;i. •- . I Attention U called to the following scale ©r prices: ’ ■ i Good/ plain, serviceable Single Ilamess ..-$12,00 to 1 tc fancy “ “ ** 28,60 to .35,00 i.i . <«. tpjajn < J)oublo Harness,4o,oo.to- 80.0 Q. I * They have a branch of their establishment at Hew Or-, | l£aHU,No.BlChoHesßtreCt. ■** •• Chnntry Harness Mahers can be supplied -wlth llamefs I cheaper thanthcycan manufacture them* , f ,63*4 number of HABNjBSS 6TAKEKS are offered cop 6fdnt'employment, tbo year round;: The highest wag*& [‘GiYcatr -Apply to •' < . > LACEY A PHILLIPS, f • No.-12,14 and 16, South Tilth street, near Minor street, ■Philadelphia*?a« - <\... . t . • - feh2 v. • ; .7 G£OEUB.J. HKNKEI/S -Li CITY CABINET WAREHOUSE,. • v ]N*. 173 CHESTNUT STREET,. \ • : : ;(QPPOSIT£DffiOTIttBPC* lUlt,) ; } ..ij. . : Philadelphia* ' FTOHETUBE, IH EVEBYSTJIB! ConuiriMnfi Louis XIV, Louis 3TV, Huabcllmn and AntiquE, with Sculpture Carving end moderUEtyle; • In Rosewood, Walnut, Mahogany,Satanwood and Maple J . all of superior construction, and finished in the i ' ' ' bestßtylcyequal to, if not excelling in quaN .- ' ( Uy, the Goods of any Establish • • mentistheUnltedStates. f EMPLOYING nono but experienced workmen, (apprep-.: ticos being positivelyexQlodcdtfand using the bestmp- 1 teriala, the worV cannof fell to give satisfaction ,to rnx-.., rfiaflerfc"-amongst - the ‘many advantages offered to p«r« i chasers, is the facility of Furnishing* Mouse, either In efc- 1 cant or plain style, completely from one establishment; by ; -which means all: the drtkles In each: room correspond |n 'style and quality, and.the lmnxenso stock always c-S hand,_ helpg so various in design, enables purchasers to please their “taste in a selection, without the delay necessarily caused In Furniture,-w : .v-1,. To plvftattidouof the finished Furniture on band,li\etd Mr' " -"in that my Hoomsare 176 reet loner; by 27 for onlyfnrorux you that my Hoomß tire* —*■. fi??' wide, four noors in nurnbor; - with Shops contiguous, suffi cient to- employ 200 hands, .which is a guarantee .that tpe • work!« aU done under ay own immediate Inspection* , •. «• lacking Is all donefn the Store* ond Purniture Warranted to carry safely any distance. "Visiters to .Phils. delphla are respectfully incited, aa purenaeera or otherwise, to call ana examine the floodo. ■ - • airia.iyr VOSBUl! UOGRUMiB. . ’ :; '* COMMISSION ’ANl*' -FORWARDING ■; MEECEAST, * : ' : --NO.-S8 (JoWIIIOAI, beww.Pisa. Btrsx% | Bti lioniS) Blo«. .. .. ! • ; CONSIGNMENTS nnlCommlssloßß will meet with proxa V_/'fcndpcrsoaal attention, and. advaM.'* will be glren when required, on Consignments orßilisof Lading, tor the purchase of Lead; Grain, Hemp ond-oUiet •produce. will he promptly filled at thelowest.mwfcot prices. . Tho Receiving, onditorwarding of Merchandise and. Pro duce Will meet with especial caro and dispatch: the lowest ratei df Freight will always bo procured, and the expense orStOTagohadDrayogeasmuch aapoealhle avoided. : t . . -isnEKTCHi! Pago £ Bacon, St. tools;. EUls & Monon. . Cindunati; t Chariefeff.Blow A Co.i do; Strader A Gortoan, do? I Choutcaa 4 Valle, do; -llOßca*Fraser^-J ;:\.jdo,- I Doan, King A Go* dor > Springer A Whitmans, do; J.W.Buttar ABroi^lttabh; : E.O.Gcoodzann AJW. „ <*o? D. Leech 4 Co., . do; B.AC.Yarfioil AOo ; ,PbiledB;, Wm.HolmeflACo., do; Morgan,J.M.BackAMorgan:. |>BlowAMarch, NowYorfc. Biß.Comegya, do;. I-Frost AParrent, . do;.. .Sbiolda*,Mdler,. _ I Charles A.Mcips, do; Joslah-Les 4C0.. Baltimore.. I A.G.F*nroliACo.,Boston; Abraham J.Cole, ■ ■ do; I toward,Bon &Co>, do;- W.B.Keyßoiaa*- XonlsrUle; I ■ • . H. D. Newcomb A Bro., do; j T.O.TwlchellACo.,OoipiniPßlon Merchants* Now Orleans. • have an open Policy of Insurance* which wiU coyer, nil shipments to my address, when advised: by letter per mall, or when endowed on. bills of lading M l * timo of shipment. . : JOSEPH _MOG RIDGE, . a uec • ...■■:"> ■ ■? . Hfc t^>m«.Mlsßoori .sbwxaepbts. Sprint;Style*. 1 T THE CHEAP OAItPET -WAREHOUSE, No. 62 A. THIRD Street,—We. nre nowiweirlog turf i ppoiJni! oooof the largest and choicest;;*toelia orCajpaUnga, OU. Clothe Mata,Slatting,'Rugs, Ac,:"^3S"*£:JHS I 2v New York. The otockhas tcenadceted wllh, Pcrsonsin wantof any articles in our line, are rcspccilulty Incited to call and oxamlno. Our assortment eonsistsln, part oflhelbnouiog, six: : . '.x*-•„ 'Boyal-Telretand BrusselsCarpctdngOj■> Tapestry Brussels; AohuescnOoryets; • • • . . ••• Extra Imperial and Super Three-ply; Patent Tepcetry Ingrain; , Superfine and Fine Ingrain; * . • Worsted and Wool Oarpotat :r ■Wool and Cotton do Venitlan 34%, -Jj, and 44; HempCarpdtp,yeiydunp; . WhitSfand'oheek Canton Mattlogß, Ji. W, 6-4, and 64; ■ Cocoa Malting, 24; &, 44,54, and 64; Spanish Matting, eery cheap; . Elegant Mosaic Itngß, $6O per pair ; _ , .: ; 1 Axminlstcr.Chenille, and Tutted Engs, all prices; ■ .■ IHney English Sheepskin Mats, Jlfi per prir; , Colored do do do tom s2,6oto»each,■ ,| Sjrogetberwithalargaselectronof Coooa, Jute, Adeiawe,, Vclfet,aod other Blots; . . • . v-t . - Kmbottcd and primed doth table and piano covers, ©I entirely new designs, very. rich*.. . Damask table and piano carets; also worsted damask D ? th®yard,toilnett,doylcwj*e. . . 1 . , ■ .. • A great rarioty of patterns In floor oitcloth* from 2to «4. Hollands-for windows, SO, 32,54,36,33,4.0, 42,44, robeswide< . ' Gold border*! shades, entirely new, very nen. ; : Window shades of erery description. v . :% y Or stand hollow stair-rods, carpet binding v taefcs. Ac. Also, tho Boyal Turkish Bath Towels, together wlthoTery thing usually kept in Carpet Houses. " 1 *“*" *«•; CHINA. H A„Li L. s MARKET SPKKKT. . - . •XTOW opened one of th* largest and bestwlPcteoßtociJ , 'JN - or citika, glass add qukbnswarh;.ct«.browM; to this market: consisting in port of Whito Iron JjMe Din ner, Ten end Toiletware, which wo :’t°sldp»ifl«nßriyin, rite tho Ladies to call and eiamine, as *• I **s“ S?.f“ tlrely new and the wore wry aoparlor.haTlngsomn' twolva different pnttorcaof Toilet Ware, ; either in fail eet« or Bswls and Pitchers separate. Wo are soiling them atterf “JHsnia reiyhandaome assortment ofErmch .China lea and Dinner setts*.Dr separate pieces of plain whit ~sold ' ba Our°t ®i?” n mace noil Forro'l'uvenn. furnlahed to order. - l.myi»y, - 7 ~ JACOB.OJULDWJEtt a^no T“^S n ffi-) staW °* fcl-fe ta. flurat OiEKlAGffift and tt» beat HOKBKB - j, Gardner bavin* beta lon* In too. buetnese, nIU gtvo tfor aide. _•_ U __juj_ii lim I im : dO, - ........Prtao pec-bbt „,..i.-Prico purjgal. <;••" ■ ■■* • ' *tl'.- ’ • VT - ST. LOUIS. BUBEBT H. PATTJBHSUJy’S LIYEBY AND sale Corner Diamond street nnd Clierry «Ueyi o-rtfctf PITTSBURGH,?^ Sew Trimming Store, . - ; . y O . 83 its •rgyPraEMH. GOBDBB *wl^tof6 t^o^onalftA^X7to. (l H«l»Ba^a --1-. . Tir try rcniovixlbrfl UXBUAB? DEPOT ; iheatre, trheralto Wfll k® tho (Imn til ■,« "F vf * .* k ' .u . ■.* * . ■ v. ' .v r . ' * . , i ~V >■■-• **• -fe NUMBER 260, FOBALE AND TO LET.; VALII4BLE B.EAI, ESTATE FORSAIB, TpHE Executorß of Marcus Black* late of CAirolf . township, r X Waebiogton.oQQnty, deceased,wiUolfer-at pnbhc Falo, on MONDAY, Jane 12tb, 18M, the following Tala*l*le Beal Estate, to wit i » i -v. The Glass Factory, on Dry Bon. known && u Nauvoo,” to which lfl'Uttaefced'forty acres of Land, - more orltss* wtyh i-substantlaldwelUDg,nooses* tenements, for-the nceota* moditlon of those employed attheworks. Thetandabomnis lb Stone Coalnnd Lime Stone, And'includes about ten aroea valuable bottom laud>BUnated.on the river. near Monongv ’ helA City,'and crcffiSfid hytbo HempfleldHaHroad; This property pr'sentatmtunnuindueemootstothe manufactur er or capitalist* as a safe chddesirablo Investment. . {• • * ‘ situatoon !PlgeOtf Craekioonta&jv log twenty acres, moreor. loss, apd knowiiaa.the 4 ‘MmFn>. pertv,” on which afo erected a comfortable dwelling howw : and a Jatgs itnd: substantial bvMlng. designed for a.jßaw. Mill and Grist Mill. ' / i • , -u i« • • Also—Three Lots ■6G feel la ftont and trnnning tack M feet, situated in M , Grew*B jlan of plotpf containing about half an ocro.• „t -‘ : Als6**Ono Lot adjoining 1 property ofißebjaxain Bentley and Mrs. Elisabeth Bentley, containing about mid aero. ] ■ Also—OneLol adjoining property Mrs. B. Bentley, a^a turnpike, contalnlbg,near one aero. I - Also—Twenty-six acres ontbo turnpike, adjoining lanps .Of ;HenryYoang,,'JamesP.iStewßTt,Blsj»h.Teop3e.:ana [sa«»c This tract, if hot sold entire, will bo ©£: ' ferai : In LOtS containing lire ©r'-Sfa; acres each* suitable for pasture rlots'gardnos^or-coon try : residence a. It pjosents dnasualattractions to.those who wish tosteuxe 'a pleasant, •spot for a country.fcoifte.r . - *• .. igjrPlota of the foregoing property will be exhibited and, inade known'bh thC dey of sale. Snleto commence at JO VclockA. iu on tbe day of enle.y .7 i > »tn; 2&Bwd• : A - ■;- . : tor Sale* •■ ~7 |- h ‘ fT*HE 'rabscriberoiters'fdr Eaio; 'on very-'re&aonable terms* . T th 6 itollowiDgproperty > Tj*:. - . L Three Story BrfcxDwelling House, No. 110 Penn strept, between Hay street arid Evans? al3ey;andljot 2 a fretfrent, extending back 112 feet to an alley. The House Is one of the. best buildings.'and in one ofthetnoat pleasant neighbor hoods iU-thepty.-, •• w: f y,' :*: >;.V Vi . , & v:- r X ' ■' Pivo Lota—emoradng corners of Front ana Ferry streets;. ■ono hundred and fire fcet; front on Ferry and stxty feet on Front street, with a good throe story Brick Building on the, corner/a two story Frame on Front strand two Brick BnCd* aa ahopßy on Fairyeti ; . : .V ; - 5 <•' ' AliOt,®! wJrriiSwyamJttiMit -framii Dwelling; LotSff-fLt 1 -00, fronting bh Congress and £ltn sts. • .-w .■<■? j AHonse and Lotion TVylie street, near the new Court Hoiiso. 1 . The house is well arrangod and In good order,'end fs nowoccnptßdas.aihoteL > r : A Three Story Brick; on Smithfleld street, near Seventh—- • belngln ah.cxcellonthusini»» location; -The Leila 20byi 80 feet deep, fronting on. Bmifbfield fit- . : ><' ■ vi ;* '' v A Cottage Frame and' Loti CS by 120 feet, fronting on Anne ; and Robinson stmts, Allegheny City. ..This is a very deriva ble and pleasuntlocatiori for a residence. . . rj; : Nifcff LotMii tbe ttnrEi-Of M’Keesport, each 60 flat by l 50.: Sovoralofthcsearoon ihe Main street* "•? . 1 - • Eleven Aires to T.Sinetown, on the Hpuongahdls Elver,ion 1 which thereare 4 houses; there are somo 6 or 7 acres of pX-i . cellont stone coal, and abundance of limestone,' convenient- i itotheiandingiand two coal pits ojKin.’ ;• ■ 'j Ninety Lots in the town of Columbia, 60 feet by lfiOeacht l nearly all level; and well located.: The tenant of each {hi I ;has thaprivilege:of uring .whateverstone coal hemay xe- : \ for his own' use, from a pit near; the Locks. Columbia isapleas&nt<nation-'ohiheba&h ox tfceMonongabelaviv er, a short distance below Look-No. 0, in the midst of nn ex tensive rtbUe coal region, endwould bea'dcairabiepoict jor manuthctnriug establSEhinents. . t ] Hundred acres of superior Stone Coal,with Ifodse,. 2Uflroad,' -Th!» property has a front ofHO rods on tbo river; an excellent landing; good grade and: foundation for railroad—with : encuglrleveF ground at One point for honees for manufactories. 1 The v^dnisdcepe&oogh ; ts aßow'hor?astobe used In hiol ing ont the coal—the quality of which, for trim work, steam, gaSj'or for any ©rdfcduy asflr,l4 not snrpassed Lyaaylnpie oonnlry. : .- < -• : ? /:*. y.v s . In; my absence; my agent, James Blakely; will gWe oil necessary Information,spd bo guthorised-to glva wonjan tee deeds for any property cold* JAME& MAY, t •'xoy26'(NAllOPenn stross ni V hold" DBIVKR'I LOCOfIOXIVJS- AKEM£I{ Real Estate Farm for Sole* : T|^ltß : subscriber It* authorized 1o^ell:2S4 7; ACRES [Off I LAN D. situated -Inr Versailles .Township, Allegheny County. Pennsylvania* lying' back'of SlcKeApbrt; fcncfwn as the White-oak Flats, and in sight oftbe proposed -Station on the CppneilsrjUo; BaiJroad. , Improvements &g follows; A^SqntoQ'Log ; llouse,oo and- Square bySOfeei—both: neTrnuddn .-gfccdr order; two fine, youngjJrcbnrdik best grafted. frnit r just commencing to bear. ' There Ts9o to ICO Acres cleared' rind. • in a-bigbstateof culHtstibn. ciid the haJahce is -well jsct wiih white-oak timber of the first order. This Land fsrtelfc calculated for a Stoclt fform f -bfilbg Teir larel, and the foil - of an exceUebt quality for grass growing, and bclngwell having. sotno twelre or j fourle6a -nereHMlfng. springs of ezceUentwntor-thereoit.: This Land bos fad Hues i mely mdr Witlr, being- within half a /mlle.-oftbeTouhh. river, and oho mile of Mon6hgafiela,ohd almost on the IJne of thefJonndlrsinAßhnrijad; nnd W fiuppcsed to cbnmln an inexhaustible bed of IRON ORE. ThisLabd would fcot bein the market, only that the owner ie about to remora to the Far West Terns easy, and price moderate^''For fcr» then particulars, onquiroof W. J. REYKOLDS/at-Lorcpa 1 , Glass Worfes, or of. • • .JA2d£S:O.'BICHEX, | • dccSky - - . Beal Estate Agent.at this flfflcq. i> 3 pjoptny Tor aule jit # Go1 of coal, and 168 acres of enrftcoi situated at Rtomen’c. landing on .the iOhio Bircr, in HimdcocMo,Ya,Tbls property has facilities rarely tnet wlth: the rim being 7 | tfco very best quality of bituminous coat, *nd atn point on the rlced where the-water isalJdut 13 feetat tbolowa-tstago,andaver? large pool,eufilclentto harbor. 200 coal boats. Also acharto to the purposeef estahtotong : coal works at the Game point. Tho&btivawul DO sola r ♦WwN&marter. ortho ■whole, tb salt puttihftEeTS.'Tetißß I easy, and pries moderates. For farther panicalars enquire ofKOBEBI KEENAN, onto. ; . Real Estate Agentoattble office- .. L''jr.*’©*-«?*•" V- i ’ TTII.Ii SEIiTi iny, unexpired leasa, » , t a Leasa-v.-——— ir, ioWsitaate on O’Hara. stre«tan& Spring aL'ey, ifijthe I'lSt hWard-iOft frontingon back 100 ft. on Spring alley, otovhidi o . storied-Brlck House, 40 fteqaare, with a flam®, two atones, 60ft. on Spring, alley, well calculated to carry 09 buy : branch ofmanufaeturingbutfncsa.' Bcln godgeged in njan nfacturlngin the. country, I.offer the abotefor : sale. .in “ üb “ tye - mrmrmk. t'ums, Ho»seii,*c.i,To Xitt. i ' . ONE OB two FARMS, uitli domm6diora Brfck Duell ings, anil StablHynear. to the city, fa? 'AIBO,-a convenient Brick-Country .large enough-fim a resjiectable fauiily. Alfo, cue snalh-j piece l and an excellent Two Starr Briek finished basement ond.attlo-rontha hanhoftheAlJgWWi . • JA £wffi ■ -'Bearitinrisnea ftt Conntry Horoeß^_{ mp UD*ersigned_offera forsale,oueaiy.terms,riuix •i; W)TS,Udd oflandri-stricted for rural residences.: s0 > auBStIKE SQUARE, ou the bank of the AHeghjnjtme 1 ;' T«Toct 2OO fit deep; having touts' on Slary-Ini Julia Ann Avenues, and Henrietta and Herr Sira® A ‘.ixS sonare coiitiuus.mtiny fruit Trees of the choicest- kind, end rammands a fine view of the picturesque mAmnmOa £»■. herytaratia. Tamdeslrnuaof preserving this- cqunreleu-. lira, as it Would afford one otjthe most cgicrmlps endjhtg nifieent eites for a gentleman’s summer residence, in ? he. Immediate vicinity of the two cltiesi - „ ; rI. ■, AlKJ.ahoOt 'rUlti E. ACEK3 OFGROUhD, at thohoadof. : the Island, cdvantagcnnsly situated ftr manufacturing pur- ahove property iadtnated in on. thehigh and mWi-hahk of Herr’s Xslaml,anaiareaehe4 by a verysubstantial Sty&fT&lKte*** J&S 1 ply at my reEldehcerin Boquesne borough, on the ulam bank, fronting thebead of Harris Mand.-orotMllN TON LAP 4 CO.i corner of SeOTn^ondMM^twts^Sljtshurih. : aprliitf ..y'ivii -by-i ■iVM. C- MILIIEo 'Valuatit©Prop©rty *or, BaU» % r _ -rvw TTQKH'ry" RTig?iyr'. adjoining ODISTSmYASD,’^BA^CANAL,BASIN-^. Jnowffib only dotoable piece hood not already boo £ ht an by the.PemolUanlo. Mlro^.. fVimnftnv Frontirz onH«Tty feO feet, on-Xlta elreC|»100 : to-tbo Methodist ibet,.to property is-most desirable vA a Hotel. - I The I to esatblni?' tie premises. | :api?B:tf-. •"•■ -V-:-- —HOY RILL LOTS AT oboice ±|aik«n| Lots inNew Troy •will be'offered at public raison lbe premises, on day of 3 o c!«|k P*. ar-Sach lot is2f»feetiront on . Union street fay „nd prints a beautiful location g"J» sale* \ 140 Third street. * . IP\5O •••.• • :•• •:■■• •■■• ". ■ ■."■•-■ • ■■"■ 1 1800 "tteofarionrirer 0 £?. *&g££ ton wllUinaoUbtelly be ijulll, wln nm ymy lho MDlßtom, «a! -SSs^^^?S s SSS¥s sfiteir““«ssr No. 147 gonrtb street.. febgfccwxutf •*' SMALT. JfAMI; attoate :. A abont onn mile from the BOT6agbdfßlrmingh”°>”»° , mmloTsiXlJAOlUa.raorj “ 4 ■■■ To it* • Hi’-. ; nhon tvrt uniat'ibe -Heptane Engine or produce. Iniulroof 267 Liberty street,., ■ 1 ! "feet. s>™»~'to '•_ . ,r! * ■-%*._ u’ •t V V * :• - * f :J '♦■ ! "■*•• • 'U'k'y. ; * , - - — r- —■ ■' .*l.l /.••,’ J«. ..V *** Mf‘- - 1 MokiM *<->«• ~ tin: flmi.a Uo-r F'rsr, to i.irf —.Weh4 aa-itp,.£e 1 it t-MS-Hj 1 inif&nq o.’'Tug'S oitd h’.vi- orrtvsff'isT fnr,fa*tfn£ C 4 ,»^%mni£K%eesf| • I utotiqn fo B'to;y rts-'ec.t'on.r that the-deathsJ l o -r«ii Juor.g apetiod-fif «pver« years. IfJ deaths of 2,88 ft pereobs.h&d.cssnrred’-inditfi .a., have oscarredLeaoli .TMtfi" 3*3*; this was "by j■, v, %’. means tbo qiso. ■'There are -two hours lo'wbl * the proportion •waa' rciaarlt afcly’belo W thfgi'lj;; V minima in faci—natffrlaSitßiiSiilgbtto 1 o’clsj when tb'n per cent below f overage, end fromJncon to 1 o’clock, when »h wero 20 ’3*4i jot? cepErholcff. ;- • - o'clock a, tn.; Inclusive,' andTrom 8 To l 6’clq p. ro., tbcro is agrhdu4Tltlorcase,.iD,the for« of 28 1 2 per cem obove tjieovetftA, lp the-u ter of 5-1-2 percent. TheVntotiimwtof•aeef-'v - • Is from 6 toft e'clock-ai mii-wben it is 40 f-.= . ■■■ cent above the 4verager,the next, daring <[ boar before midnight, When it Is 25 per cent] excess ; a ttiird houf'of exceßsis-fhatfrom ft lOo’clock in the-morning,'being 17-1:2 perefy , above. From 10 a. m., to 8 p.m., thedeath»4 ‘lose numerous, being 161 2percent below f i average, the hour before noon, being tbe'ntoat | i.tal,,;Fron\,3 to 7'_p,ni.>,tho4eat! ‘ rise to 5 12 per cent above' the average,, ei, • then fall from that hour to. 11 p. m„ areragi 6 1-2 per cent betovr the mean... Daring .f ■ i boors .bram 9 to 11 6’clook in the evening tly is a nqnimtm of 8 lr2.per; cent below the av . ..... age. .Thus the least.mortality .is-dnjring fr ’*’• ’ • " midday bonre—namely, from TO to 3 o’clocj the greatest daring oarly morning hoars, frq 8 to 6 o’clock,. .About .en.e,-tbir.d .of the to? were children under. Ova yoarir of agd?and show tho influence of the Tatter Still inoro s% kingly. 'At ail hours,’ from 10 o’cloek in t morning until midnight,’tho deaths are-at otT; . ... low mean; -ibc houra from 10, to 11 a. m., fie 4t06 p. m., and from 9tolo p. m.'being fllS> . me, but the hour after midnight;-beiog tho It( cßt maximnfn ;''at:-!nU hourfl /fom-,2 tq lO,a.'jt the deaths are above. : tbs., mean, attaining, lbs. maximum at from : B,.to,fl T a,m., whcnltls 45 V per cent Quarterly Remus. | ; v ‘Wawiisq- tßosf ■ (Hnxr # CniTiMßenry, Cl Bald ia >lB3o,,and it applies pittMmWfokiforcei the j>rcBcnL.timo J • .. The aboirtionialß, let me-'snppose, saeoeoa their present aim- ofuuiilng ; tho inhabitants! : the free States aa onc min against- the lnhah ante of-tbs slave. States.. Union on the,otia ej. - ‘piU beget. Ph.itip pn the other. And this proci; of reoiprooalje'ohisolidatlon pjll bo attended . all the vioWtprf-Jd;lioes;-embitteredpoBßioii • And itnplabableanitnositiia .Which everdegrati, or.deformed bumamietore,, A’ mntual di6eo|- tion of the Union Pill have taken place, wbj ' .the forms of' ; ife;,ciistence remain.. : The;mt:, valuable element of union, triutnalikindnflSßV b. , _ ■feelings of sjmpathyjtho fraternil bondSfPbl ; 1 iioP happily willihave,been extingnlj. -,,?;^ ed.;, Oneßeotion'tilletnridin'monaoingandh! ... . tilearray ngaiint'llbe otbeK- The collision! opinion folWpeiJ by : tho‘ olosbj •arm's. .• t f- ,fropi the Briti6li oropn t :and established opr t, v : ■tibual independence.*’ ' . ft EDWARD ....... '‘V- lonol indepe..—„ ... ... ii let every man reflect ob this, font isnp/tißij but the prophecy of’a. vjiao ond patriotio etfltj .juait. j o'Aa lobs aSabolHlopism was cppflned.tts few fanatics, there was little,dangerbat wt honest and sensible citiioneellow their feellig, to interfere with their regard Tor the land. 1 ourexistenee as & nation .is in. JBeiU a Port. ’ • ,* ... !r ■: ‘ : ' J . 06 the 9th .instant, an Imperial manifesto* published at St. Petersburg to the followipg j; foot: That the Emperor-having considered i) Ssussrio navy by a conscriptiou'of nine men ontof ovu -thousand of ■the.Chrietion.pppulatiou, end of t. men out of every .thousand oftfip Je,wiBb.pop ■ \ lotion.' This conscription- ia to commence dn h 27th of Joly; to bdiioncluded inPa'montb, n>! ■ be oonfinfed to the; eastern fpsoylnces .of-the tf, ■>_« Cronßtadt, theJftaiian.flcet liSß.iU.fttp • cnt‘perfect readiness for action.'' ‘ The- fottr .. Itself BWarms marines and abldif Upwards of, 10,800. tinned .men. .are. -quarte , within the circuit of the. fortifications; and •, * the island the troops ate posted in tents, Wb extend'to the westward of the fortress. In -hatbor-of'SfcTeter there are a great number,-, . meTShanf ivesaela lying-at their anchors. -« ■/ English veeseVonly—the Ann MoAllißter—tsl ■be seen among them., This is the vessel also] . board of which Sir Hamilton Seymour’s lUgge , and other-effepts were net permitted to be stM •- ■ I for transfefstice'to England. - .'iJ . • The Csar baa Informed-hie subjects that u . arhable to defy tho tyretlc; allies of tlie •• * crescent. Ih apito, however, of this informaH - bis Imperial Majesty goes in daily fearer see Sit'charias Sepler,in:the Water or the Neva, t - is tahing. every possible, precaution to place .Beteraburg.ih an .attitude of extraordinary fence. .The .city .is divided into fopr'dlstri' and each district is tmdor the strictest milit ropSirvißion'.' Over these, districts arc placed * general officers.. To the command of the spe district in'which* stands Bt. Petersburg its t -the disiriot of Oohtensk, and ,Ifyborß, Gent^ . Miller; end of tho district of the Admiralty*; - Narva,-General Bscheffshy. , All mutters,wbj •have been submitted hitherto to the decisior; the p'olice or .oivil'inthprity, erenow placed' dor the administration of thpSe'four offioars.> their bands are vested the life and death, hbo, And ImprisSUmenf (if hil classes of persons,'S GUBat Mbit—One of the chief charaotaf a truly great mSnfishis Refusal to bo.eutlS moulded into the form of the society in wb i .be live?, and bia striking out • bold and origv i path& of hia own., Ho often, fights with * ■ idbitobUrcireutnßtanbosj raises a sp»‘ B '- dead weight pressing' him do*n, - Indeed • would -soenrwhenthe- Almighty intended gt 'faculties taienemia, .be placed hl>n biroamatanees-} injorder .that. tps, wojpStjriA might of those powers might be by their struggle *with theirpdtwardt foesj great inan; it is true, must express, to a oert extent;: th'o t'pilit Of the -Age,.but ho guL even.when-ho obeys ih-.Qemus jets up. standard - of revolt sgainst oTd ofjmicna J ■ thousands who were before, the -vamllatingrtb to 1 it.-'Grbatr minds • perceive With cleam those ideas of-progress .which:small minds j cels.e indistiotly—hence, the enthusiasm,i common to great men. They feel so per®, assured of‘the trnth'of their opinions,'that go* right onward in ; their üburse, sustained, ht nnfftwcriog.RiUi fioi with and feftTa..common, to indistinct Tour tiuly greet is energetic vny tote own will, and is not to be shaken. irc?aj purpose. , „ ' j . —Wi ■ ' lIMH •. u.. ■ 1. ■■ fi©“ A' tyrannical- husband looted ■■ tne'4 , against his wife, who wna out visiting a, pe} , bor. and. when-she.applied for. admittance,* * pretended notto. know her. She threatens ?dnip in 'the wcUt-if ho did notion the a« He bid no idea that ehe would do eo, and o% nately insisted that he did not know her, w > took a. log,-and plunged it into the well, , dmultaneouß ..with tho Bplaeh itmade, she >„ ced herself by the side of thd door, and as s m the husband darted ottt in his night clot! she dortedin, locked the door, and declared, did not know him. She froze him till be > penitent, and then let him in. > A SSAKZ 8to»t.— According to-'th'eßlcbni . Bulletin',' fand'it'Sttysita authority is reliat' •Mr.'Wm. H. Cole, of Carolina connty, Va.,l' ly killed in hie field a huge blank snake, and oil cutting the reptile open, found snugly dta : away in in the stomaoh,' five yonug hares; - ‘the most' -wonderfnl .part, of tb.e. story t !remalnß;ta-.ba: told. .