*-> .-+ t- y yj- .v * 'k-: v. . »;~V;V*-C-’'.? ** V' », , ' 4 >%■ ■',>'•> -v.» •> - - > :> i • >* -.»V • ' 'A *-Vr. :-'.->i-. w.-''-'•• -'-W. - t ■'■' ,-v-- ;, v v;-’."! , '\'' , :V“ < ' r ‘'>; i a ;• I* i -- •..- .;;;v \-yc V4 ;A. t . „ . , .: * *v* ,'v' A , v‘A - * <* 1 '* v t *„ ? , „> : >A *'»-** *r' ,•- ,- . .-. -~ .. . < - * = - * lJ '*r s * i - ~ ~ t. " a a- vyy' ; ■ ■ ■ ■ * >!# i*$ 4 «*■.* »* • »>* *k *•» j^v 't> ■• *:^ 4 .> h V- ■ mmMt . *»w—- MMMMwMm «■*“■ — r Ml@»i%fftsli!4:|if]3 !■ 'rntmMm 1 > n t ?S?|>4^?lfefi{ifet l «S>. i ‘!&.Ja^t'£«fsg{ i ?'‘i-,‘t! » fetgfetilfM IflMtaM i j 'stable, nhd dfh rtrbyed It almost immediately,nothln#bntthnfrontpirt of tho houeo being saved. It waaa-large and eommodidns tavern, : ani contained a great deal er valuable furniture,: which .was nearly nil destroyed. The amount of the ion we cov’d UDt ascertain « ~~ Ktoin thence; it extended itself ulongEddcrel strect uptn. ] ■ it'reached tho corner of:, the Diamond; destroying.ln It* j course the hat store of J. Wilson, tho clothing store or Kies 4 Kaufman,.T. Miller’s saddlery shop, a dry goods store be* longing top. Meers, W. n M’ClM’aclothlngstora.J.M’Srot ■ ty’s clothing store, ■, and Morris 7. From this list U will ,ba Seen that a gratifying decrease taalaten plice In the amount of crime committed fn our Poisoned. —A. fen days ago, a child of I •thename of Smith, sndwbose rstmts rcrUe on Cong To-a j street; In rambling about the boose,-came across a bp* of t rat-poison.and not belngawcre.ofthe danger, demoted a J large portion of the mixture, before it was. dlseoTered. Bveryteffort ha* since boon mado by Its afflicted parents to dcstKfy* ’ the' (Sffects of the poison, hut without await, end yesterday; after two or three days of intense sallerfog, the. ehilddled. -People -who sue mixture of this hind, eannot be too careful In keeping it ontof tho hands of ckiUlroo,! and an example like tha present ought tobeafcarfol warn" ] lng to all who harojt,in their, houses. -• p ; • A of arow was feinted up yesterday by four men standing on the eornorof Second, and Bmlthfield streets, andikuocklng down eyery.pae who /eame wlthln their reach, j Officers Heed and Slrpst attemph ; cd to arrest them, when a muffle ensued, which resulted In. Ffost being beaten In » Tory ear ego and dangerous manner, Feed, bowe-rer, succeeded in securing one cf tha rioters, nnd officer Moon coming to the rescue, took another prison er. The other two made their escape. ' BnsoyATED.—Mr, Crawford, theindofitigabln I JtSlor, baebeen at work again : with the whitewash brush, and’h«a given the Jail a complete renovating .from tap to j : bottom. In fact, through the exertions of Mr. Crawtbnt, : It has been made no' clean and comfortable looking, that It 1 aeoms-more like a pleasure .than a punishment to ha c*n tlne4 In It. No one knows better than Mr. Crawford how;. to keep an establishment of this kind In complete Older. Bbicudb Emotion. —The following was tber TOto polled by ‘the Notional Guards, of Birmingham, fee the differevt Brigado Offloers, at the oleellon held on Mon day For ‘Brigadier General—l. W.N. Snodgrass received 35voter. BrlgodelnspectorTcJ'.n.?l'^lhenny l lB;Praneia Van Bwartlov, 20. tieut.Colonel-T. O’Connor, 41. Ma lot—A.B. Stevenson, 39. Adjutant— H. B. Wallace, jj, . Pxjr?riuEQH akd EbieUailhoad..—Welearn j •from thoCArenicfe; that this readrb&vp bed a route along | tho Commons; in Allegheny, surveyed -for a jaesage bring- j log It into the city. ‘Whether the Mleghealanaarill extend •a privilege to this Company; which they refused to theOhlo and Pennsylvania, remains to bo seen.,.: Acoidhst.—AsMr’. John Wilkinson, one of the 'Superintendents 'em section- No. 3, of the Tittsbnreh ana Steubenville Railroad; was engegmrin examining the roof of the tennel on his section, a large plcco. of rock fell on hU leg, iojorlng It very severely. No bancs were broken, 'wetiellevo’. •••*• •• •. .....: ■ ' Ahhivebsaiiy.— The Sabbath SoboolAlifislon • ary Society held their annual meeting !a»t night, to the Booth Common Methodist Eplscipcl Church, Allegheny, A ; «t'lMncnt of the financial wndltlpn/of tbo Bocicty wM made, ami addresses delivered by Ret. W. », Upward and others.-. - • Rkpaibed —The Neptune Fire Engine, wbiob ] TraTlnjnrrf St the Into tiro on SmlthfieM etrwt, bus Wi repaired. am>l9 to wrrlco 8 K» lp - _ •. Dibtilic® Coror—Before Judge WtUiems. Intlrf ernanf Barbara Stewart;vit Thomas to wulorMndnUon*! In yertenlat’a paper W on trial,ato ilet vw>tcd4«mS in f»rnr of tiswetohMfy wounded, lutnoonewas hilled, Tbopxdtement, howerer, was to teil'O.and ths fight raged with mMh Tiolence fbr eome ttmo/Qcletirta finally restored by tbo military. ! Bsunsna*,' Jens fl.—ThaclecUtm lor Mayor of Washing ton resulted lnthe choice of Towers,' the Whig candidate, orer Monty,Democrat. ■■ The result Is claimed as a Know-. Nothing-Theory, as Monry Is said to haTemeelTCdjtho.Bor £tsn. : Cfib»]lo rotes.' ..The JtoJority for TW«» to abquUOO. •. f.‘ ■ -Mw»r • • ■- Ngtw Oatsiws, June 6.—Theetlps 151 Doihdo and Daniel Webber arrired-oaihloDdiy, with GaUfofaifc ,datcs to the ; The George t&w and Star of the .West sallMXtonv4eplnr Vail for New Tdtk, with $2,000,000 In triafore. The pas sengers made the-ttip through to New.OrieanMD 20dajs* ABSENT OP A MOBDKKBB. , ■< Ni» ToM. Joiie o.—Ftcholas Bata, tbontordetororMt, Wickham and wirufaud ancgro‘toj,irascaptnred yester day to the,wsoda on long Island. PmußttHiu, Jane 8,-The ejection b rrogreadngqulet lv. and there will probably. ?* » heavy- vote. Tho.Knqw-. Nothings ara operating io.eome ef&ct. and they predict Ol* eleolonof Conrad, Whig, for Mayor, hyalarge majority. ' fTp.irimmL Jana G.*-Tbe election In this city.today (01 tho paw cotmolldated gorernmeut Is proceeding quietly. TEtESEATH:HABKETB, New Yoas..lone'U —Cotton Unsettled. Coffee: sales 11001 htgelUo aMO?{. -Flout declined lSaKmute; sales JOOO I 7K -Coles 8000 Southern I red S2t Southerner hi te J2.SO; market dull, with * deelln-1 inn tendency. SalesSfcOOObusheleOoro: mariretunehang.l ad; a moderate demand »t previous ratwq 751@55., Sngar; j CTIM | my, hbls Prison at 28W PrOTlsious: rntk market dull, I »Hh declining tendency; pales ISOO bbl* Pork at glddiOPh I 13 67?m1« WO bbls.Utf-prices h trill* higher, *ls#. Bard: sale* SOObhlftlo«eri»lS- .'8e10a376 bWB CUtmmta I it6-jf@B. Iron firm: Balca .160 tone at *39@40- Money 1 easier. Btecka higher. I * Ntw-Hoax. Jure e.—BiUl* Xarl-tt -The price l or Cattle I am *a fbllowV ; Beef,Cattle*lO@|l3. Cowe and Calves *SS (3KO. Veal Calves $4,50@J7.: Sheep s2,GO{st3. Swine, I mm fed, 44,25044 60. i Tnnumann. June o.—Flour market nnchsnged. *9,12. | Ttro Flour, 15 60. Com Meal, nothin* doing. Moro Wheal l offering, and bnt little demand .for lt; ; red. beld at s*,7o:. white tMO. Bye Wanted at *1.15. Com in good demand, aod sale* SOOO hue yellow at M,afloat.:. Oats: nothing do lag. Whisky: small sales otTlOc. PmlADHrini. June G—Chide J/arirf—Beef cattle: 1000 (3112 50 per 100 lbs. Feed eta, *2s® 40. Sheep, In demand l iod settee. Bold as high aa*7 per 100 ft», lbe weight. Lambs worth from 84fh.V Hogs, t5,50@6,5Q per 100 lbs. Chlres, *5@S,6O per 100 tbs, ltfe weight • :CnreiSwwi. JoneCe-Flour fadnoderatedemand fet'local i trade at 87.85@8. SothlngdpUigtort lhao J»noy , *3Port T9Uo; eeeond«n«: py A report of tho trill of llaUhrw.F, Word. . The knowKothftjs*: on - expwa uf Iho aectet.order of Kno* NcrfWos*: by a Know Bomtihlcj. . P«tcrt6n , eNoUoMlßlag»*ioej&r Jon®* ;v ?■ OreiamV Mwailoe, IHr June. n«l*y t el»Jy*eßook,l , otJuh®<' . •■•■.. ynnVehfdo ' do .-.do; 60bblsEt. Jamcnf.lu do; - - 10 bbh end bV W» Ko. ILnrd OB \ Cfi tiercw VTimft Wee; ': 50 bw “MTixlwrtr Stfentw;: , • 60do?BearerJJocketa; - ‘ . 10 ipiCCO l?lj» J - •. ' 10 bw white lUr*tiji fiog*r; ,tn rtor. ad to *O. by t MCKETSOS . XTBW' BOOKS, .KECKIVEO «* BXl'KKiS:—ForcaiUe IN Y*ib*: from » MMthlpmiitf* to* ■, -the Bo«a to nolo, or th* D»o*o» of th» To«n. ; ThelUtal Bo»atior,or li>TeAn4 Wplomofiy,- ■ i Tbs Proottoromen; * NsimUr* of 1753. , . •- Tbs Practical Dnroshtsmsn: conblstalnisol. - Cooper's Leather Stoeilns TslsrrlnJ-rolK bsw jdltta. Fi.mlebl’ vB. T» G» MOiUlaNiV nyW * lot fPooO rtrsst. I OOK losencdan adfertiraict In the i of May last* that I would sell •el! 3tlam«ne# for tba month at lfi?f , It appcara thlc advertisement not P« ) t?* i - r * ni3, 7? tc »? C w whirl* I Would now *ay that I wUI«H all Mttgatinc*. on and alter iba fifth of each month of thrir tone, for ft) cent# wr cumber: and at tba and of neb tawny* mooth,of tb*srpabllfta«eß, « fortber reduction wiirbomado. A» who now *bh to ion 20 per «ot, wIU all tt thvmir .ml •*?? ■«* st °” of SCQAB A2il> MOLAKSEB— 7Sbt>l» -::85c;-.-"-.r:r. , - ; - choice rtxlet .Merrimack enaCwheeoTrtiitOSWe; Also. * fine eieerlment of good*, to ICTll °%»¥*&£« «t.~ ATTANTM)—A ritomioa bjr * xtltM the I W Oenaao and Emrliih Umraegw.M Clwk or Porto in a atore or ararebouta RefutmtmiflTßß; - .. : Also, a situation tut a VouDff Man, ffi«iß*n,|Bbo*P«**s the English and German fluenUji as lUrtmeper, Toner,or to drlTB «M«t Bit a priiate faoillj v... : -r ■ . Alao, aattnatlno fat an fxre!Unt C»k of horses end dthee 12& WorSI :. , i - tN DIA iIUOQEtt OOSlßS—Ame# tat, oon&Utlftgof Pre»- log r Poff*nd LonffOcmt*,ofTarloßSiitW»tecBirrfwwl d«t ?& a nnmra. /"UtAPK gUAWLI*/—A. A. * CO. b»« juit another largo ossortnent cfrlai : plala hagemhrridcred Crape Shawl*. . v ShyoO [ iTTOWIKa HACUlSES—Worrantol to cattromlOto lS JJ'J. aoresef Grouper ijefierftboßeoße-entn.of horse* ioidriTPr. Forealefcy .[oyJOV E, R. SHANKtiASD. TTPIUGUT STEAK HttOllEBS—A ft»*b Sopplpjatt re- U for «i» by « rtosiuw. rnkANSPABBST OttEßtr OIL CLMU-IMO T/S f °jQE^ O nLBR. pAEIMPBACIIAWO TVUBD DEKf—lotlerceaB.o.Beet- mwma . XJ my 29 Jf. aBLUSEg & CO I>AOOK-*-18 cuki BtionWet» an4!l«a»)t» ?J!2®? 5 utmuwriwuw "’* ■ A.''K*BON fl 00 Cull.<*«* w* .PMKJSM end mo*t awlittls o!Vty O» rath. soth ami 8t«l of M»y, mn o.nnM»ra.inH—iioo J>» Eaelitli.a Terf flne wloyi Jaat lljg*"* "**'•*'* JLEMINQ BBOS. CAttu ' bM ‘ ln eU,re t vL4mm%rn. r’l 35MIINB' FARINA OOUWN&-A. Ittge MPPJy Of l Vgwta Farino Cologne,r.cdTedttuawby^. [KTAK’d BALSAII Olf WIUU OHEBIIY—I g«OSJ«f I^OMt.’SINVIGOSAWNaOOI^IA^^ggn^; A- Y m“2B°> ÜBBIIY WJOIWAI '“ 1 B*Sm IMOOf HMtOOri ~ 181053 1 aktilb eakv—K jatgo *opt>iy of *“sfe r 2!?r£§?, u “ i. soap, ttcMthh any tr [mylil ‘ JOB. ygMINU. fr 1 mva 5001 ""* *'* iam ma TxatsSSSF 0IL ~ 14 hm “* a Jjnm? ffiSmSm-' freah ‘ 'grTooS bora trim. C. g g»., i jggtog H K OTa~ WjDbla f Dy it cqiitxws. JIUBH liI»EMS-60 pww.lhw « ! tny® - ' • --S' corner Print And yifth rtreeta. T> CBSKU, * BEU. b»« Jtv Kidckcrbocker, for Jnn«,#t the WIEBABY OTm, 15 Y|tlh street, Bear Market; -■ . - t> ° rCM °° Cf-the cast: -ufa can.-? j£t—Capt Rogers has “ delegated ” the boat bearingthe aboTd-Bune todo Bojnolhlng for hiflfrietttJs and himself, daring the cflminglow.water Mason/ .;; ; QjpUanA Jkan Is getting his new fcoat welt *on to com pletion, but* same , , The rf«rw»idowly weeding tnrterenlbg. with 8 foet 4 inches water In tho canal* and 8% fcet.on the fells. During tha pterions 24 hoars the river bad risen 6. inches.- Thu ir«aUier y«tetdayi was cloar'and pleasant . : -, . ;■<■:■'- Anotker £ufcte JWjV-Tbe fcmtms Orysial Palace arrived firomfit evening , hefbw . 8 baring mods the trip rotrad in4s hoars, the qutekcat trip this season and hard to Charter, Jiitte 3. --•■ ■ POET OF FITTBBUBQB.. ‘ 3 rm 11 utc&G' vam is xns esaxaiL, ram mass. ARRIVED. _ . Steamer Jefferson, Parkinson, Brownsville.- . .. . •» Luserne,Bennett.BrownsTtUe.- it Thomas Shtivcr, Headricfocq.WestNowton. « - Qen. BararflyPeebUs, Elisabeth.: 1 « Michigan, No;2, .> ; , ** . Venture Gordon, Rearer. . fa^rtnnfcHj.Konnla.Cincinnati. ■ ... •« Sam Snowden, Knox, Loalsrillo, tt Hoxrongahela Belle, Bowen, Dtownsrilb. «« Forrest Qtjr,sloort, Wheeling; - DEPARTED. « Jefferson, Parkinson, Brownsville^ <• Lucerne, Dennott.Brow’nsTiUe. 4 u Jjhcimas Bhriver»llci>drick»n, West Newton, « ,. « Michigan, NO. 3, Wolf, WellsrOle. « Venture, Gordon, Bearer. • - ‘f . ff. 8. Mall, Brtcfc.'Ußt. Lends. .» . Americas,Batchelor,Si.I*>ul*. •.•.;•«« Adeiia, Graham, Zanesflßo. - m Forest City. Moore. STEAMBOATS. “1854:" PITIBBTOOS, CIHCIHHATI, tOWBVIIXE, SAisiM&oyis. t Rttebnrgli and Cincinnati Steam Paoket . line# - ■ ■ - WV**OX CO#VlTm*p* - . FABSSSQBRB AflD VAEIOET ■•/v ■..■■■•.■MlWttJr.. - W CINCINNATI, XOBISVIBW!, And Salat XicnUi ' : ttms U» ta teapotcd of wroa , w fstt.wrspffs Linsof Sto&o3cr* Eroia lAndnoaU to leBlOTlllo«o4_£»int LoaU, bT «ibicajpWBen£CT* tad treisht af» Uctxiel wrfrt (Wo» ifofe. now Btouaers h»T» bwa odded touM Ltao/wMefc bow contUU of U» SmU. 1 CbpSjioa. fnmJVubvrr/iL BUCKEYE BTAta-...»M. W. BnnHoOr»ar~BUtttoj. UJSBSBNOEB. No. 2.... J. B B<,va.™-.„«-Hoii3af. ALLKQHEXV ...aio srLu* .Tnoslay. -., CRYSTAL PALACE. KOOTS .^..Vtbnnlsj. PHILADELPHIA A Quiet. ...„„Tsior*!»jr, PIITOBUItOIL. .„......f|tUar. ;7 PESSBYLVANIA........ J*a KuwCTnattL...—B»tard«y. IA»to daily »t 10 o'clock, A. JL, pi*ci*»ly..V . Ko ftoliht reoelred altar aJao o’clock oa tbo sustains of "*Fort»rtlsol6rt. txrrfr on board, or to irorpiruraisr* *vs£ ns B Atn u JOHN >'LACE, |AgT>. fUnOile&will late roe lbe ebore end lntermedlete port* Ttb itut , At 10 AM. JorlMght end Agent. “! ■!.: T?or l>.' lt °2 ctmnU- Excbing«, EitUlnugb. *IU *» f r Tbonutf PftTlxon* Ilxeeutox pf Awtcllx Btxtxnflxldi dept]., IMhxroiOoWsixaalilWlgsOotoj^o^Etortt^ CVKKJKa AND COUPON BONUS AT AUCTION.— Op D THUBSDAY EVENING, June Btb, at the Mercbenta’ Exchauffe, FOurthetraet* wlttko offered: ,40 ehareeKiehettgaCanlt Stock; .. ■ - m io Ohio ami Peuntyleaula Railroad Stock; 10 D Aeeoeiated Firemen’* Inauraoe* Co. Stock; ff Bondi, 11000 each, Allegheny CountFCoupOne, paya ble In No, York, (a. BmW UX.) p DAVIfJ , Aoct ,, EXEGUTOR'8 1 BALE Oil iil6i)o!(oAlitltA' NAkIOA HOH COMPANY BTOCK/--OU TnCJISDAY EVEN- Imj. jnneSth, atB o'clock, at the Merrbanta Kxcbaßjtc,, Fourth etrMt.wUl bo offered krordcr of A. J. Miller. Ex-: ieeator of Mlthirl BoirW»,:deo f d.j,lS ehatw Monougabela Navigation Company Stock. *M. DAYIB, AncVr.' VtUOOEiiißa, 1 *O., Air' “WBDNBBDAi It AFTERNOON, 7th \ntl, at 2 tfcloct* it the Cowan* elaS gala* Boom*.corner of Wood and Fftb cti> wlllbc sold, 8 ban Rio OcJTeo; 6 No. 1 Herring* 7 do LakeFlfebi « bye, tobaeco; ffOdoCheoee,do, Anefc 80MMEB ARBANOEUENTB. THE PENNSYLVANIA BAXXiBOAD OOM'PIiBTB'Dt' planes avoidedi - ’ . THROUGH IN FIFTKES HOURS. mHE MAIL TRAIN will leave every morning (gantaj* 11. excepted) AtTo’olock; stopping »i oil tho regnlnt Sta tions. and nrrivlog In Philadelphia at 13 tfclock,. P M.. THE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves the Depot eveiy evening , ot 0:30 o'clock, stopping only at Irwins, qroensburgb, jitrobe, mllilde, Johnstown, Lilley’s, aclllttcn, Altoonni. 4c., connecting .pt Hsrrisbnrg with the train, lor. Bojtl- 1 more, end arriving In Philadelphia cr llahlmoro, at 12,30, “"the ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will loave every alter-, noon (except Sunday) pt 6 o’clock, stopping ot ell regular Stations, end running only as far as -Blauvrille. v • ■RBToRNING TRAINS arrive In Pittsburgh.Accommo,, detlon.B3s.A M, Express,l.P.-M. Moll 13.P.M. ; , Pare to New Vork , SIO, W : pare to Philadelphia, $8; pore checked to all fitationscn tho Pennsylvania Rollr. roadTwa to Philadelphia and Baltimore. ~40-’w ?sfon?tes^r«tefflSsnomlnoUon(ban fivedpllare will be la paymont for tickets* except those issued of the Bank* of Pennsylvania. > .; * • case of loss, the Company will hold thomselTCßtcsponaibla fbr personal baggage Only, ati3 Tot • Akmml not exceeding ftlOO. ■ ,v , ■ , * v -,t^v v B.—Tho Excelsior Omnibus line has boon employei apid/S' I*’ 1 *’ J.MEBKIMEN, Agent, At the P. BiB» Passenger BtotiOiit on Mbottystw— -sb, Jane l»t. 1864-o^, Httehatii-. —Meia and Miner*! Wpter lonmiuiw , nfttpß; Kd -il’lWru Bt«et, next floor to SUsotUo. W deiaortn^aDlTwiflOONFEgTMNAllY I® CrSm/of the beet qunUty, sonefl op during tho sea lS®****. ooflolW SnOta, dur|ng tho «»soo. o» tho most maraabls tonM, I Orders tro MpootldUy solldtefl. . , * „ V > F. K. DAVIB, Awsttoneor. COMMERCIAL POST. PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TBaDE~A! FLOUR—Silts 330 bblsjstipcrSne ani ertra from, wharf at,iB,*o,tB > 3o@sB,4o; 20do i)na from storo.ot sS 4 «}4l 60. do aaporßno do at $8,50 . .. |. :■ OR AlN—3oobuBh Oats depot at 43c; 74d0 do {torn wharf I at 440; 2SO do Corn In oirs,lwm Etoro, atn Philadelphia—, .92,00 BANK STOCKB. 8ank0fHtte1r0tgha..............i.v.. M5O Merchant* a Manufacturers'llanK 57,00 Exchange Bank - 60,26 Itomers'DopOSltßank..—...... , . Allegheny Barings Bank. 00,00 BRIDGE EEOOKB. Monongahela Bridge.. *?>« St, Clalratrcct Bridge— ••••■ BMMmt Bndge»,..—>-i—... : , .00,00 Northern Llbcrtlcshrilge., 30,00 INSURANCE STOCKS. ' Western Inanracco Oomp*nyi.~: OUions’ Insnrance COTipeny..- • IG.M Assncdatod Fireincn’a Company—; 6,00 TELEGRAPH STOCKS. Attinticand.Oblp.....,—,®K PlttshuKh.ClndnnattaLonlsTiUe «,» XtkeEne.,..«M , - Pittsburgh Qas Works.—. ij ® W MonongahelaSlochnater. .-s RAILROAD STOCK. ’ Pennsylvania Rai1r0ad.....—.... ■ 10,00 Ohloand PeßnsylTanlaßallroada, ’ 48,76 Cleveland a Plttabureh MlrtdSU. 60,00 Marini Railway and Dry Dock... 102,001 TuttleCrecU Plank R0i1.......... Wfh PenyeTlUePlankltoad........... 20.00 Oreensborg Turnpike: 8,00 ChartlersCoal Company. . COPPER STOCKS. . , Pittsburgh andßostop North American * 03.00 North West,.™ ... 20.00 North Western—.—r“j . , JJS* Adventure————............ ; 0,26, J,M Ohio Trap Gocli .* .1 71?,50 i Minnesota—. . , p, »o,w Pittsburgh and Isle Unyal— O.OOt ■"* J4S Do S|l*7 6,00 Ontonogan.....—j • RMff8.............a..L. • **“[ . TgOfl nrelteel - Bluff. *,CO 2^o Peninsular..™.., —... • .(■ Arery . I 2,00 F0re5t....... —: 0,00 Phctmlx., T,ot>! 0,00; Iron City— RtO R» ' The Only CefUln nemedr* i 1 OESTLTSMAJV wall known la this muxannlty, of 1 J\. atflct nttopllTt banded U 9 the vutyolaed statement «t i f«rdft?**!ne& It ir bat on® amongst thousands ?>f fad*, < and as such «e pnbUrtt It, forth* benefit orthos* who are i •offering from Worn*, puh*pv** Ja this case, after tUKU other article*, purporting to-bo fotatUM* worm detrtyw*, witbonteoy efait ' LiYCap&ifc, Cotatnbfa&A Co., May 13, 1853. J/Hirt &A. SUhna:orsd o>, (Jcantaxs: AchUd oi jaine»agod abotltfiva had beeft allUg ftr acme Unt*» and, whtt* at dinner r-tirr day, arts taken with sjmm*;ourdtetor.trag’Mnt for; ho said that Worm* wa* thA .cauwu- Wo procured romc of R,:A. VAUN'KSXOCK'S VEaMIFCaii/roci and gar* ! the child a tnappanfal and shalf; In Ipsa than an hour It ! p-?4fc-jan innumerableauanUtvofAVariu*,andlaasbort I time **s restored toperx«oi:bc*tU!i/ >T« ircuM not ho wlttwai youKTcmifugo ualer nnjr ctmridrrerlon. Jm» AMtcxie, .Fornsrrl/of ntb!bun;b, Pi. ■ XSP’Prppar^l.andeoU-t’j':'-'• - •••■ * D. A. FAHNESTOCK k CO., : corner of llrnt au»t Wood itrcet*. OItEAT UAKGAINS IN US¥ GOODS AT A. M’TIOHE’B HEW BTOEE, corxei! or gha&'t Afrit Firm sweets B AVISO TTU9 DAT OPKSO) «T,SfiW BTORB, I b«s I care to rail tbo aUrfOtUfU' «f t tba Ladles to-lb© ANJ> SUMMER GOODS* just rocetf<4, Aiiir*!® ll* *Ux* may Iw Jcum! of tlw *ery Hwm £nola ao* toporte-L* li comprises In part, 200 idc*** Mack ami faft<*y Dress.SnVa Wet*.to $2 per tsl 6SW do lion*. • American, Fr*m'h wr.t KnaTMi Prlnb»; ' •••■•. i f,:jo flu Vrwnah«*J EntftMi Larw*; ! 2tfH> French CulUrs from,l2Js-imtetn £VK>: i jfahUllascf th* latent style*. amon* ..wMeb.«* ftio* i of th*mo*tt*st!iTfUUsipdTto«llowthUe AniMDmttenUw*, Cna acid Tbrval l*co; allot vhlrO will be »ld unusually Ten fea’iWifardarWoMuslijt at rixcemt j*T!U»ti»liltrtJ fnr «rr«!tis»ii» «pl_JO«r of too* '•-•Ttaritt-fWWW tli» nor imjirotoiaiin of fwo Htrale brv!,t>t, tins 1-a*» rttins# runuloe oter aml ob\*e ibo Uri>]«. They *ro fullr twrantar to stata) aof rlltnotOi and tn oxcrHn rapacity for ataroiiox talon* ftrteraranjpi rmtntKOto*Boo- Al«o,»ffio lotofl'UnrarrerolhomtOu factortmof tiUXfUM *OO-modulsoljttlflTK,!jKWTOS A UtlADUmtr, W. V- AlUha*bnr«»lH potfUTrlyM*jU at Factory prlcra, niihoat *4mfloMV chaw for frrlsbt, rUk.ote-rif. - v.— :HRNU\KIihMEBj;- BothAgonlforNunnoAClarlt’rVlanos, . NO.IU Third «tn*t, ' Sijnonho (loMeo Harp. AUigh'wTooW **• ... . . M«l» 1). Harbor; 1 SfitlfM U bctcliypirrn that, ln . kirareuamoef *n Ontar io Equity, neb s of John Garber. J pawn! by.the DKtrlet Coort, April 24, 18H4, there will be *n examlomlon. In rwrpotnwn memo. rib of the irabrertblnir witnesses to the will of John turner, •t the office of Beta Wnshloitloo- KwuNo. HM Fourth st, enBMUIIDAY, JuoolT,lS44,«t 16 o'clock. A. M. * inAsSw _■ _J; LUDKWtO KQgtUEN. Attorney. ...■ T/ahE'WHnoK—wlubr sold »t n bargain and onfcror IV ruble terms. (»»the owner b shout to Dare the city.) three Brick Dwelling House*, each with a good eloreJtooro, ; ell under good rent; rltuatel on Third atrrcl, ho. 133. A. 1 how 3 «U>W Brick house of 11 rooqm, hath room, 4o j Bnlah isbedln modern stylo-elm. n tine tIOTC r-om- No. 131, a 3 itory House or 4 rooms and etoreropm. ho. 123, n j story Hook, of 3 rooms nod stew room, *®S» ° T< ® Inthecellnt. .Termscwy. -6. CtraiXßßHJ.* SOS, jgfl • . . ■ HOTniw A«wt THOMPSON PE*-*- .>..«.»«n»»»«»»«yJKO» A»CAUQUI>T< .f HOHFBOK BEIX & CO , BANKBKB AKD BROKKRB.-- : thmrr of Tbiri nnd.IKW llmti. IVhburgh, Jv. ■ ■ Notice. . ■ • TVAI-Vfl STOOKINd MANUFACTORY, No. SO Filth st., I ) flrat cornor oboeo Msrhet, Htieburgh, Pa.,_-»hcrB *llt be found the lergesl end beet inserted stock of Hosiery arcr offered for nolo in thU elty. , Ihirehnmrs will Ond It to their (siren two to cell it tbit estiMlehracnt end wremltM. for thomsolTM; It la all I need to Insure their custom^ he fcheep Stocking Comer. tnyM K. H.—flemroW. ITUJkWkTn AUKKOVi VABSKNUBII * KRMltffiScß V OFFICE blames EUKdy ; hn* arrangetncoti ffiiao ■wjth Kdutera ttousa* Trblrh ; cnablcß bun to jjavablenlalgbt, fofany, jtaoonV io london, Wwrpooi, Lublin i Parta, an! Trankfbrt on the Main ; also, at a»thy Provincial UnnVa nnaßrancboa In flormany, Kronen, urent Britain, and Ireland. Draft* ovor one hunilral poonita at $4 05 to 51. 0 flic*, carper of Borontb ana BmlthfloM fta. my2s TPUIt nilTs—That rplf oilM »«rm orffii acrot, of 1 1* "l» J. r Vierotnifio (Moles Walter3f •prtO '• .. Pofctm Tvft Btoro,SSFifthat, Valuable Property. For Sale. ■ 371T8 lIANDSOMH BUllillNQ MTS, sUanto on Centre < Avonue; nest Fulton strcot, end rrltUa ten -minutes the Post Olflco. • :-r* ■ I.U , ttOTPOr orWood KDd Xftfth Bts. r- .AUHXittB Oil. ULO'm—S.OOOyaMa'of. tho pluiu ana ■en«moll«i flnWi, manufacture.! pa plaln.twllMtna Vmvv dark good*; nolil wholesale and retail attho Oil Clotn. n . plumps I f OT.OOUV AND »UOWJait UATUB-rOpenwOT day. H mundws «oopto(ia from6A.m. to. 10 tho BarbCTfihop, Potry Uote!, conior ot Hamiockstroct and Dnguwmfr*ay* my? 4 Jma C'ILISA_VEH ; BUONKVBUAI?B—12Kros.S*C8.J™a4iMU!l 'JSr n - m * m ’ tC - IIK ° ITOj "*sEfißwB BROS public 8al«, 0N TnDRPBAY THH BTn'OA-r:OP JUNE, 1854, at 10 o’doijfcA.lt-iamnLDIUQ up, rf TrafettcrtMd r oaMot to 110; ti tao feet dley. TheabOTOtotSire rery: desirable for.btllliUnsor manufeo tniitepurposcs,ondwill be roldat mmlomo,pricca t BBd ' No. 17U Fourth street ot "• :. • . JAMES C. KIOOBY, ■ ‘BeaVEeteteAeent. St Ihlaofflce. TTAKPBU’B midUß* for WiSolqiN, ‘ 104 Wood atmt. FROM TBB NEi9 HATJQT PALLADIUM. ': 49* Frost Wart «r fioeklUwaoi is»lltii» under the title of u Bock Rose,” made from a plant of that Damo, is bavins a great ma in_this riciDily for its curative properties. The cry of “ ciuack”Bo truly applicable toat least one half of the medicines of the day, cannot heJustly applied to the Bock Boso, for It has “made Its mark?: is th's city iueeveral cases, to the reilefaadcnreof euSfercn, when other remedies hara failed—and what is ipaite re. markable, soma of ,our best physicians do not hesitate to speak very ihTorably of the compound. The certificates of now anrnoi fabrications, hnt fromhighly respectable per sons, most of reborn are well know to us. The mannfoctn i reels also well known tons as a gentleman whowould not l ie engaged In u humbug, or. in deceiving tho public in any >wsy.-—JMZad*«7». • V i We cheerful!y endorse the above, having witnessed, its good effect} ourselves, on pulmonary, and scrofulous com plaints. We believe it is tho best compound.for.eolds and coughs, extant Rock Bose hw long been known *s* plant of rate medical virtues, aud its preparation is super* Interidod by a gentleman of, ability and character; in this dty.--.y. S Rcgixtar. This la itfecrtify that the notice of the Rock Rosa medi cine published in our paper in connection with one fronx tbo P*Uadiam>wasnot only unsolicited, but wos-wrfttoh by the Editor of bis own judgment and observation; OSBORN A BALDWIN. Palladium Omcs, New Haven, Bee; 22,185 E This will certify that tbo favorable notice of the medicine knownastbe “Bock Rose,V was a ralunlary testimonial, Induced by the writers’ knowledge of the curative effects of the article la certain eases, as well as by thefevorableopln ions which others, woll known to him, had expressed of it;. and furthermore, the article was written without pay or tho promise of payment, or the knowledge of the manu&e* tnrer. BABOOCK A WILDMAN. :Ps3t St ■■■■*' eDrokcrSy ••hurgJu ■ i \l\xr Fal i $ 100,00 : ‘..100,00 100,00 100,00 100,00 .103,00 100,00 100,00 XQOfiO MYEBS* EXTRACT OP ROOK ROBE. > This wonderful mallclne b fast gaining for itself a papa- i lotlty which no other m?dlclaeean boast of. ;Tho plant, Bock Bose; Is usod end recommended by.many eminent \ phjßidaimof our country. Hear what J.B.Thompson ft of Philadelphia, says; “I have prescribed It in ba wards and outwards. There was a large oposlng on the hip iMdtag to the bone, Into which 2 could thrust my fin* ger. X counted three ulcers. He had been under several physicians, who had given him up. 1 ordered a decoction of Bock Bos»—in two days hla night sweats ceased,l then ordered a tea spoon fhl of Bock Bose, three times a day. Thlrty*nl&e days after,ho wasentirely well. - Bold by Dr. GEO.H. KEY3EB, No. 140, comer of Wood street and Virgin oiler. . 49*glgn of tbo Golden Mortar. -65,75 ' 60,00 67.60 - 60,00 66.60 60,00 00,00 2,1 i r:; wl7i00 *4,00 .43,00 ‘24,(J0 J 46,00 00,00 -w,oo 50,00 60,00 60,00 • 00,00 60,00 60,00 'lOO,OO ‘ 06,00 .. 25,00 20,00 40,76 >’4*oo •‘-63,00 105,00 12,00 Bipedal Sotl(9 to- Persons Using God L Ivor Oll»»«Tbft subscriber havtagmade arrange* meats with'Messrs. Poppleia 4 Thompson, Dr a regular papply of tholr'gcnnicc GOB LITER OIL, pat upln plat bottles, would respectfully Inrite the attention of the pub* He to an examination of the urtlde, befog fully persuaded that for purity and frccneaa from rancid taste or swell, it is unequal#). There is new no God hirer Oil in this country i superior, if equal, to the above, Hundreds oi bottles hove i been sdld, and given unrivaled satiatketion. IntboerUcle i of God lilver Oil, persons taking it ehcrnld be careful to ob* i min a genulno article and one frea from a rancid taste and r smell, as Its virtues are greatly enhanced by Its being aeeep. I table to theslomarb and not producing nauauea—purity and I a pleasant taste makes it more readily taken up by tho lao* teals and abanrbed into the blood, and thereby In causing tho richness of that fluid giving atone and healing Impres* Sion to every organ through which it passes. Sold by mylOulaw N B-—I also keep all kinds of Genulno Patent or Propri etary fur many-of which X hold tho exclusive agency, and which will be sold by the dozen or gross at New York and Philadelphia prices, v .v- ....-r. |- /Eg* My era* Extract of Rock H avzw, Xanuary at, 1852.—My eon Charles has been afflict* cd with inflammation of tho hip joint. Attho age of five he wu firet attacked, inflammation Increased unlit the hip 1 waaveiybudly diseased, eud the joint eerlously affected his 1 leg, drawn up so that it was Impossible to straighten: it; a ( professor of surgery gave It as his decided opinion that the 1 leg would never heal, and that the young man would never I walk again. Tho disease increased so rapidly that fbr two I and a half yean be only walked with a crutch, and tho ef* I fbristoeaeTCiso the Umb was attended with great -pain, so I that he could not sleep. 1 watched him so attentively that ] ftr five mouths X did not bavoono fall night’s rest. Hehad | been treated-by diriinguished medical practitioners by | leeching, blistering, 4u, bo hadalso been before the Medical j CUalqueof YaloColtego. The remedies they recommended I were most fidthf&lly tried but without aVtiL ThU was his I disease and dreadful condition eighteen months: since when {ho commenced taking Myers’Bock Bose. One bottle was hot ! partly taken when ho was much better, continuing until {three bottles had been taken,when u cure was entirely com* | pteteO, now ho ls in otceUcnt health* This Is the testimony of nod reu tie onnubosated by.addressing | Mjy.C«nraaaMc{*iu»9i Wallace si. New Haven t CL I Or can belhlly substantiated by hundreds*# witnesses, or I by addressing a lino to Her. XT. W. Balden, New Haven, CL i wholesale and retail. at Dr.G.li-KEYBER’S I pfuj. gipre, No. 140 comer Wood street and Virgin alley. ■ 1 sten of the Oeldcn Mortar. , . . myll. jxg* or. Kiyaer's Poctoral Syiup.»-A CURB or bronchitis near home—mt.isaao wilson, ol Westmoreland county, Burrell township, says that he was cured about ono year ago, of a violent aUnck of Bren* chitiss, by one bottle of Dr. Kejwria Pectoral Syrup, alter 1 taring been attended for eight weeks by; a physician, and his breast was completely covered with tartar emetic sarra witkoot any relief. Ha ts now entirely welt, and has not > bad an attack risen. For sale wholesale and retail at DR. KEYBER’S Drug Store, No. 140, corner oC Wood street and Virgin alloy, myl&d*w Sign of tho Golden Mortar. . BOOTS Aim SHOES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.. TAUE&iVUßtthuUttriup ta tptoadU Stylo ids store, *1 Ha. 83 Mmrkot street, and Ho- 6 Union street,, between ttftb street end the Diamond, end bw now completed his Spring stock of BQOT3.BHOKS, BMPPKRS, GAITERB. end Palm Leah Pedal, Dustin and BratfHATS, to which ho Invites the attention' cf mil purchasers, whether at whole* and He* Turk, and be trusts cannot fclUo plc*» all. 1 Great care has bwtt giecn In sdecUng tan choicest goods; all or which be warnalfl, . ar II Xfemlso continues to m&mi&ctuw, as heretofore, all ue •cripttoas of Boots and Shoes, ana Bum this long ejpartanc* of om twenty year* la .business Inthisdiy ,Is, ketrnst®* a sufficient guarantee that those who faror hia with their eustotn, »IU bo fairly doall with. . aprlfttf ''« QoMen Mortor. D'OOIINEIjL & WULOOK BANKERS. HAHD WAKE i. . v .'a‘ J. 1 ... ? / •»>. > ~y NEW GOODS AT HORNE’S U , ° *■ ' NO-' 77* MARKET 6TRET, PII -<* JOSEPH A BE NOW OPENING A X.VRGE AND ELTS3ANTA&3OjtTAJ£r xL Bonnot Ribbons, Hosiery, Glofes Parasols anlFano, tti-ntfame FANCY GO MAKING THEIR STOCK COMPLETE : Their numerous customers and the public generally ora invited. < ALLY LOW PRICES: Country Merchants will always find our stock of TRXWSIIHGStI, please.- ' - Hen Wanted* HUNDRED MEN/WANTED bn the Control Raft* V/ road* between Wilhinsbargand.lnrtaY Station. The wageswiU bo $1;121£ a day, payable at .tfce.cnd of each month. Al*o, GOIIOkSES and CARTS wanted on tbeE&mo work, for which the highest wages will be given* Enqulro at tho office, Eroddoctra Fields myg9 tf ' JAMES FENXON. X AND WABKANTB WANTED—SITBW>-1 wish to.pur* 1 j chtiv Lnnd Warrants to the amount of Five Thoaeaud Acres, in 160,80 or 40 acre Warranto J.lbr which will bo bald *l7B in gold, for 260 acres, and In tor 80 and 40 acres. Apply to . JAMES BLaKEDT, Real Estate And European Agent, tny3 - comer of floTSnth and Smlthfieid strcote. TTTAKTED—Throo Houses, containing tfaiw’wibor W rooms each, at a moderate lent, jrlthtaa lew squares of tho Court House or Fo*t Office, Auoly.afc.- . FBANOIBOUS’ Agency Offlcd* v c‘; 65 Fifth street* near Post Office- - LIST OF GEHOTHEIAtEHT HEDICIHES, OR HASD-iSiDTOnfIALf BT FIiBMI NGt BBOTQBEB] ' •' -c- - Pwptfetenior m»a»W«naltßsj ' ■ Wholesale Druggist* and Dealers in Jhtait Medicines,: Corner Fourth ftccJ Wood Plttaburgh. - TTEELER'B IHEBtOAN COMPOUND; iX Jayne's Attentive : « Carminative Balsam; <"« HolrDyo: “ Expectorant; “ Sanative PIIIb: <3 • Meen Fan; ~ • Scarpa’s Acoustic OH; • , Merchant's Gargling OUi.: ... Hash ton, Cl&rtfoACo.’sCpdLiver Oil; McAllister's Ointment; .• Bings 1 Itch:. : do;-. ’ • Ferrel’s do; : ■ Gray's- . ■. do: ■ - Trask's Magnetic Ointment; . Jodkln’s • -.’do;. ;•>- * -• • Bwahn’s Panacea; ; > r *• . JlOQck's /do; • Bargant'*Tfi&nt Panacea; ■': . Fieny Da*M Pain Killer; ■ ..Ayer'sCherry Pectoral; r noughten’sPeprin; -.. = Bier’s Petroleum; . • Mclfine’s Celebrated Llrer Pills; . Brandreth's;.. .-do- Wright’s Indian Vegetable PUJ#; .. • LeeVAnU-biiious .. do; . ~ BarsajarfUaßlood ;• • . do;- . •• - Even’s ■ . do; • ■ . . Bwayaes’Extract Sarsaparilla Blood Pills;. • Jayncfa Anodyne Cough . . do; .-. . Townsend’s Health- . - do; < .■ Jew David’s Plasters: . . . Shoemaker’s- . do: • j ■ Dr. Newman’s do; Bod way's Beady Belief; Morris’Kernedy; .. ProE. Wood's Hair Restorative; ’ . .Emerson’s- . do; . Bull’s Barsaparilla; : Townsend’s- do;• • Bind’s. ■■■: do; Guysotfs Extract Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla; WoUTs Schiedam; Schnapps; BoopjCleaver’sHnnoy; M Highly Scented Brown Windsor « Husk; v McLane’s BndoriCe Gough Syrup; Tyler's Gum Arabic.. do; > Sehcrs* . 1 . do; Bwayne’s Syruj* of Wild Cherry;. ■: . pm ». Smith'* Toute Syrup; • • Barty , a Trloophmoufl; Nonrood's Tincture of Tantrum Yjriie;' Celebrated Vermifuge, Tft. LocoeVaPulmonicWafers; Thompson’s Eye Water;.. ■ . ; Agents for ell of Dr.BleCUntocfc'a Family DnNcedbaitfa BreaslPutopav:' . Water’* Atmospheric Breast Pumps; Qua Elastic :■-■ do, do. , CHINA HALL. JOHff J. O’IEABYj '«JJCPOMI*, WDOIEHSU ARD.BXTAn. v&usa cv : CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARB, KiMt VuScrt/, Brittania and. SXrtr Plate! Wart? . >i - Bo!ar Lam pm Wal terp and House Furnishing Goods, Ko* G& Starket street, Betveeo Third and Fourth, opposite Geo. It. White’s, . aprtfcly PJTT3&UKQH, PM w ( BW UOOivS JUST RK: That;and The 1 Other :by Ellen Louisa Chandler; TvoL, doth./ The Bride of the Wilderness r by Emerson Bennett, r Virginiaand Magdalina,or th&Pozter.Sisterßrby Emma D. 13. N. Soathworth. Tbe-SiarChamber, an Historical Boaanee: by Win* "Bat*. risen Ainsworth.. The Bboarded Baoghter, orTho.Chlldren of the Tele: by Emma D. 11,11. Boqtlnvorttu : • • • The Know Nothing: by a “Enow Something.” : • Sweeny Todd,or tho BnfiUn Barber: by Capt. Merry. Martin MerriralefbyP&ol Grey ton;2d part.' ,•: TheDodd Fmily Abroad:.by.Charles Lever. Josephine, aßomance of the Present: by J» Harrington* Esq. /■■ Peterson**Ladies* Magazine for Juno.- - Yankee Notions, -_. ngegipGTor doofciog...: The above thl* day received aod for eale by . roy23 8. a LAUCTHR, 87 Wood etraot. NEW Sweet auxste—Knight. Herdsman's Mountain ■.;■ ••?■/ - - . \ to Jasmin Valso—Wallace, • rmeMerry Leaching Girl—Glover. ... Bweet Wbrnan-^tMTSon. - , <" ~ , Evening Homo Song.: . . •; • ■ ,- v :j ■ •■>•'•'■ Agreeable Schottlsch—Brown.. : "Widowed Bride. T A Passing Glimpse—Yosf. Bream Life Polfea. Racrfan Bora Dance—Grobo, Polka. ■./•:■. v,- . Hptmish FamUngo—Grobc. The Separation—Guitar. . ' - - • , May Breetea— ■:v ;■ .My Homo, My nappy Homo—Guitar. - Just received and for sale at __ ' . XIIAKTiOTTE BLAME'S Old Established Plano Depot, 118 .Woodj NoUce to Stockholders* A <3 REKABLT to d reablation of the Board of Trustees j£jL ofthe Odd Follows nallA&soclatjGttof tbecityofPittfr ! burgh, passed at a meeting hold at the office, on Tuesday, I 23d lost.. Urn subscribers to tho Stock of said Association J are hereby notified that. tEoflQ] pta czar ± being the fifth I instalment of their. Bubßcriptwo* will be doe and payable i on the Sfith Of June, 1554.~ WW. 8-HUNTER, Treasurer O; F. H. Association, ... - • ■ tomer; Market and gaoondsts. - WA mvSO TVHJBLE WATJSK. iTTCHKH—Just received* cno cask 1 / Fremltm Ice Fitcbers, adapted Ibr table,- Parlor* and all othar purposes.' They are a great laxurj, and »eiy eco nomical No family can dispense vrldijUwm.- • npUBEE COAL FARMS* SO gOOdFanns, 20 Houses and X Lois in different locations In the ddes, 40 country seats,. I of the beat kind In the vicinity, ail of.-vrhlch aTOdeecribed] in tty printed register, which X will:, bo pleased to, give to. I anyone who will call, and also a good Ixargata In what I j bare to MIL- ■ Call and sea. THOMAS WOODS,. - mylOtlmt • Commercial Rrokar t 73 Fourth et I [3BPFORD bbl» and 10-lialf bbla of this eelfr t>brattd Water receded fresh ftomtho springs by myll JOS. FLBMIKO. BAOON— 2 caa&s Shoulders; ~ • <•.. 2do . Sides; i < SJv-ilo Hams; for ado by SMITH ft SINOfcJJR MACK£££L—lO MbWaNo. 1 aiacker&U . 19 do No*2 do; T 20 k!ti No.l do; G dd ' do Halmott;_for sale by ' it'-.j/W; AiWOLVB&. BLOO3IS— 00 tons No” l “ Uap "cahaud; • - . % 100 “ Eak* Champlain, to arrive, fbrsalehy,. ny2A KIMO & MOORHEAD. , T7EK3U PINE APPLES:—«O froth Plus Applm, to W A? rite by Express, ibr sale by ' ■ J; 0. AOTEBEON A CO, . No. g Wood street. G pry juju tthti main building of House on * Nursery HIU, with about an acre or ground. -Enquire of J* BTEDEFOBD. on the premises, or of ■=. ■■ nj23 THOMPSON BELL * CO, . ILHB —A. A. MASON A CO. ore tiow opening same 60 pcs of rich plaid, striped and piainSllkfl; also, SO pea best make black BUka» -.. •. :..-my27. notice to.vontraotore* -1 TbROPOdALS will be received at tho ofilca of - the Norths I ‘Jr Wostero RalhPoad Company, in Bntterj Butler county* j ?a. t nntiltho 7TH OF JUNE, 1854/inclusive, (br the gra* I ding and mascmry of lbot portion of~tho North-Western ;| Hailroad oxtending front: Blairsvßle. to.Freoport, a distance I : 0 f 05 miles* comprising some heavy excavations, bridging, | end two -tuuneW rangiag -from 1000 to 1400 feet each* ! Plans, profiles, qnd epeciflcatfonswUl be ready fbr oxamioa- | tion on and .slur the.29thlnst, at the engineer's office* in | Ulainvttle, Indiana county, and at Butler. .. • - This-lmo‘Offers snperior. advantages to contractors, tho country being healthy and easy of access, and provisions: j very cheap. , . A r At thavamo time and place, some' of tha heavy sections i between Freeport and Butler, and west, of Butler, will be offered for letting. k . . , ■ ihy22;tdi MALONE, PAINTER, CLABS &.GQNDKIV rpo. LBTwA good Dwelling House on J Penn street, Ninth :l ; Ward. > AiBovth& 2d story room of No. 040 Third et, suitable for rooms. -,- ~;; • S..CbTHBEBT, & SON, myss _ 140 Third street. /“iitADlWG.—Wanted to enter into a contrast lor gT&ding. \T a*oad' along Fairmont street Allegheny* beginning at the bead of Federal ewwM o * l junniMeast.ofc tbobontth: crn Bido of Nunnery HilUy. . THOMPSON A - • 4 -iiiy26 ;•: Obrner 6f Third and Wood! streets. HY, tern* tor sale by > aprld v ■■ • ’I *iir.<\ V.- . • • y' * r, • ■.' -■ vt ■ s r -: . ;...•• .*. .■•: u. ■ K - • -j. *»i HOI WANTS. btais received thU day by JOB. VLISMXNO, comer of the Diamond end Market si. vr w.'Wh.son, Agent! bt PUtatorglu Joqnet ui4 landßame, f at-; WALtEK P. MABSBAtL -.1*., ■■ ■ J ... . j •*, f . . *•' • • ... * ■ *Hffi is®M; im : SM IK COKKEOTIOK TOI! STBAMEItS FOREST CITT A2TO DIURNAL. ’ j „ ' Great .Reduction Of Fare* * - \ TIA WELLSVXXAB « i - . ; w. • X." oago, Xasalle? Hocld&Hl* Qalctlfc St.-Iciitß/afla-ttitt. .s- | ■■•• .' i“ , Norlk?e*t > rlaClflToleind. Tlds rbota <3 40 milofl shorter X and about.-blrourt quicker io Chicago* than.-, thuctouftoitt _ ~? ' onoTialnaiiinapfcks. ' ' j tottni iireflent aTTaugetaciitof the Trains of tfco ' «“ Ohio amlPonnsyiwmiaEiiilfoad Company, the train* of this i Company, cahnot be rtra to connect vith ' f as heretofore* withouttoo great a sacrifice of their ‘ uiate business. ; Ob and after Wodnc&loy, March S,lBs4»rasaengBrTraia» rundaily^.(Bunday sexcepted) as follows: • - •>• J/eares WeltffpfiTeat 3,P M,AlllAncoat 740 -A Sl,and 6.10 P and reach Cleveland atlQ A&IyattdT.SOPM. ■>.. fcaye Olovelimd at 0,30 A M* and &&0 PH, And-reteh .' , A])ianreotl3M,nndCrJoPM,auaWellffTlisat2^oPM; •Passengers for Cleveland, Toledo, Chlcago^nd.the North •;:• vest, also passongers going south -or; east from Cleveland;:: . ; : ntpftm«>rg . ffORfiST CITY:or. DiPBfTALy at 10 A 5L > . Whnrf,»Pi tisbttrgh. and go directly;-fcinrairg ;.. bythe3 P M KspressTralnfroia Wollffvme,reacmngClevo* —;.v i land at 7.50 P. M, connecting with the TAG J?; M. Train tor. TolodoandCblcago,an'rtbedr si Traln far.EriCjPunhlrfc -. • andßuffalo*: -■■- • • ■'■■!• . .•••■;- . •' :.. , • Baggage checked through to viHetefond on board th(r I boat^'and accompanied by.abaggago master.. . i• »• ?o connection Iff mnd fl either the SA. • / I»,or3P.M;TrainitbfO. and Pwlhß, pftssongeralbrOlete-. ! land who go on the llxst train nlh bo dQtalned.Bte hoax*, end thoso on tho 3 P; M. Train mi next morning at T*®)*/. Passengers. aro ticketed through to Cleveland, Toledo Chicago, Laaallo, and. fih' Xonis. vthrongh to.;St ; . 8005,48 hours. ... • •..• •.» •: •■; Pare t0AU1ancd»...;,.,.*..51,G0: Pare to Bb/.Lonis...*hi.sls,Bo.. ;:do - Cleveland.... 3,00 do llockfonl—-.13,80 do - Toledo,.——. 8,00 do. • Lasalle;.— ISJIO ' do Chicag0..........—10,50 \do Freeport——.l3,so . . Passengers am requested to procure tickets at tho office of tbeCleveland and pittshu; ghlUflroad Company, Monon cahela House, snoosd door from the corner*: .... v : : <■ :J. DlTEAND.Sup’tiCleTelacl. < 3. A. CAVaiUSY, Agent,' : maj2o Monopgahelalloasot: Water st,, Pittsburgh* OHIO AHD EEHHBYLVAHIA BAILBOAD. ; Kew Arrangemeati CO SIM ENOING FEAR NARY 2s, ltti . 1854. Matt.. TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh afcS-AMjiHnfis at AM ance; takes tea at CrcstllDc. jisl>etroit and Chicago with Rncyrns, Upper i Sandusky, Forest, and the towns on £ho Mad illvor Bead.- -. Also, with Mount Vernon* Newarky Zanesville and towns on the Mansfield road. - ' FaretoaytonsB£o; ; to Toledo $6; to Columbus: $5.25; to ZaneSrUla to .. Cleveland Throogh tickets to Loaisvillii Et rediiced - nla ' BETIWiIKei tub EXPRESS SBAIN loaves Crestline at 1.15 PM, andreachCa:PittabnTgU at 8.00 P M, cannectinc with the; fast Express Train through in fifteen bouts to Pluladolphfcu at att. TRAIN leaves Crestline at 2.30,'A. M.yon the ar* ■ rival of the Night Express Train Cincinnati* and v arrives at Pittsburgh at IMD, PM.- NEW BRIGHTON ACCOMMODATION TltilN’ leave# v. Pittsburgh at 10 A M, and & PM, and New Brighton nt'P.i • AM,and 1.16 PM.’ FREIGHT TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh at T A M, and 9P; M-j and arrives at -tSO A M, and 4 30, PM. ■:jߧF The Trains do,not runen Sunday. > Tickets or further information, apply at:.tbe ticket , offices of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company, of J.Q« CURRY, at the corner office under the Manongaheln . Uou*», Pittsburgh, or pf • DEOIWE PABKIN, Kdtot Agent, Federal street Station* ■'r - JOHN KELLY. Passenger Agent. : - TOTHE EABTEEHOITIBB. 1854. D. LEECH & CO/S LINE, VIA CANAL AND RAILROAD, BETWEEN Pittsburgh, Ifew York*Pbliadelpblaand Bnltiinore. 'f\S tho opening of Canal, ne urn preparedto CaiTy a \J largeqvanMy of produce and merchandise to and from . the Eastern cities, baring m addition to our own. stock of; ■boats and cars, recently, eddod, bj purchase TTxtb another ''party,thostoc&ofßingham'sUoe,whichrrillincreasemu*. i terl&Uy our capacity andlaellily for transportation. The : . * Pennsylvania ilallroad Company havlngnowwitfcdrawn - from the Portage Railroad, it wiEonableonr cars to pasa.it • in one third the timo prorionslytabim; this will give us in* * creased despatch. Shipments enusigbed to either of tho ua-: dersigntd, will be forwarded withontebarge for commEfcioa, ■ and aU Instrnctlbim.pjrompßy altcndcdto,.,-t; \ Freights always carried at tho lowest current ratciv - Addresser apply to " . B..LEECH & Ct>.» . • Penn Street and Canal. Pittsburgh. HAEMS k XiEEOII, { Receiving dcpot,l3 South Third street,._>•;••• lEeliveringdepotj.Bocfest,Philadelphia; " A. SMITH, Agent, •: .No, •T&North, street, Baltimore * ' J. Agent, No. 8,-Battery.Place* New- York. - BWffS YLV AUIA & -OHIO LIRE ■■ ' BBTWBEN,-.- Pittsburgh and the E&stern Cities* . OFFIOIAII NOTICE has town given that the State Wort a trill be open on thelat of Match. rWcare prepared to.. Plait our Lines in two or-threo days after* and, are now ready to receive freight fbrl’hiladclphla, New York end , Baltimore, at moderate rates. • ■■ v. ■-v " Having recently added extensively to our.cat and ,boat etort, by parebiwe with anotberjiarty, a part.Of the stock of Bingham & Co., (who retire as wllfbe seen by tha ac companying notice*. from the business of transportation,) our tonnage capacity. la greatly increased. 1 The Withdrawal of thecawcf thoTonnsylvau: Company from the State Road. ,will : cnel>l .CLARK *TIIAW, :: J . Canal Basin, Piitebonth, Pa. LEWIS * BUTLER,- 219 Market HttaiKl 108 HoothFrontnt.. FHIs, - JOHN F. CLARKE, No.'l South William at,'New Tati: WILLIAM FALL,' . 181,23 '■ • ' 7 8 North Hirer t, Haiti in are. , ! BINGHAM’S LINE. ; . SKIS Is 6) give notice that wo h'avo reurod from, toe Transportation, Business on the,Pennsylvania, canal railroads, between Pittsburgh anil:Philadelphiaand : t Baltimore; and tie recommend our former customers who . wish to HUpgOQds by the aboveronte, to natronue B. Leech. : A Co.’*, and tho Pennsylvania and Ohio Hno, •, . . : - . BINOHAM A BOOK, ’ fet>23 ® ' WM. BINGHAM A CO. Penaiyivwiti Railroiul* . CiUMiIERTAKUF between Pittsburgh, Philadelphia ana , - '& BalUmoroj conSittendiig . :'v t > First Codar and Wooden ’Ware, leathers, - Furniture, second hand, Para, Pianos, Poultry f.Wlhes, ip;, baskets or boxes: 76 cents 100 lbs-.-.-', v-.*- ‘• •• ; ' &conrf Fruit, Boeawtt, Beer. Shins, Clorct .v and Timothy Seed, Glassware, Hardware, Rags, Wool and • • Sheep Pelts, and. Eggs: tiOe. $ 100 &3.. •: • - • • . ■_;. -- Third Clow—Bacon and Pork (loosb,) Butter, in firkins, hega Tho Glass Factory, on Dry Bun, known es to which Is attachedTarty acres of Land/: more or :Teas,:with ,*:■■ substantial dwelling houses; tenements, do;, for, the ace«a* .. . ■••• ThDtaadabonnfl ßY . / .■■■,■■■■: inStonnCoal and Lime Stone, and Includes about tw>Beres TaluabU bottomland,situated on'tbe river nearMoncrnga* • hela City, and crossed by thoilemplield EatiroDd. v !Ehis property-or-sentsunusual inducements to tbomanu&ctur- v er or capitalist; as a safe ahd desirable investment. w of Land, rifcuato on Pigeon “Creek, contain-/ lug twenty beres, more or less, and known.astha^MlUPro-. : xerty.” on which are creerod a comf&rtablu dwelling house, ■. and a lahw and Bubstantittl bnllding designed for a*,Eaw • MU! and Grist Mill* Lots, €0 feet la fiont and-running back 08 feet, situated in M’Grew’s plan of out lots; adjoiningplotof / , Lot adjoining thoaboro in plot of A. B. CIlcS-v ; containing about half on acre. . , • ' ' . ■ ~ ; * 'Also--Ouaiot adjoining property 'of Benjamin Bentley • and Mrs. Elisabeth Bentley, containing about one acre. Also—OueLot adjoining property of Mrs; It Bontloy,acd' fronting onthe turnpike', contalninsuenr one acre. - acres outho turnpike, adjoining lands • of Henry-Yopn& James B. Stewart, Elijah Teeple, and Isaac VanToorhVs. This tract, Knot sold entire, will bo of fered in Lota containing fire or six acres each, sulUhlfl for pwturo lotSi gardens, or country rcsidencos* It presents ; nnUßual attnetions to those who wish to secure a pleasant spot for a country home. , s _ , ' J nrPlots of the ftregoing property will be exhibited onu made known on the day of Ale.; Sale, to/commence at ID o’clockA.M.on tho day of sale. . mfSkutttl' . ’ WTB. SOAJFK, STREET, BETWEEN TFTOOD AED MARKET j* STREETS, YITTSBUBOEfj feA;j builds Francis’ Patent Metallic LlfoßofttAjOf Gahrnnlxcd Iron ; tilao, manntactuna Coppez &ndSlieetiWa.Work,CookingStovwforSteamboats - and Hoiels, Pottsble Forg«s.Forgetl T?6it Wotk, Xaxgo Bolts fbrS&ge&i&tOortfr Xifa Pwierrerii* tba nest and chenpestMml • BteambtofcwoTkattgnaefltOy- - ftnySfcyc - il IRES II REACHES—SfIos nn»rtiaTisi'OT'-isal»by :• . ayga -W. A. M’CCTBtt. A LEXABDRIA SENNA—BOO ftwftodl,Ju*t rnttni and il. &r Bale by (aj2o] ELEUINQ BROS. <- ' * f y . r ir^% r , - '■■X&- -‘' V- "A , *■»/> * J GEORGE O. THAKCISOTH> ■-• • «.'■ a» r 2 - - v ■**■ - ■’•■ fey-v^f ! -- ; v •- : - : -5-' ! .\''- ■■•■ ■ \- • |4'- fi ?^|-5 ’i r^- v. 11 •r}-^