The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, June 06, 1854, Image 2

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0. V 'oTrxKtbßß.~SditQT and Proprietor.
IDE3DA? 1iQB»S0kksw««!:!«»^?5-^
'peMOCBA’THI ticket.
j;E11 EMI AHJ t ; BLACK,
ot vm ootratt.
Democratic State Central Committee.
Tbs Democratic State Centre! Committee rrill meet »t
Bneh?er>» Hotel, la Derrisborg, on ThmsSty, the 1011.
Jane, A D, 1554, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
’■■■■■: J. ELLIS BONHAM, Chairman.
The Kansas—Nebraska bill, which has now
become a law, has excited the wrath of the
Whigs : khd Abolitionists boyond oil measure.
Why do they oppose it so fiercely ? It oertainly
is not that'they believe that either of those ter
ritories Will ever become slave States, Np one
can entertain such a belief. . The Southern peo
ple have no expectations that slavery can gain a
permanent footing there; and they will not risk
their property in the desperate attempt to make 1
either of those territories slave States. I
they desired that a restriction odious to tiiem,
and unconstitutional in itself, should bo stricken
from the Btatuie boob. It was to bo expeoted, ]
therefore, that Whigs os weU sb Democrats of
the South should vote for the repeal of the Mis
souri Compromise. They did so vote; and the
Whigs of the North have dissolved oil connexion
with them. There is no longer a national V?hig
party. Thia is one effect of the Nebraska bill.
It has sundered and destroyed the Whig, party
as a national parly, forever. Is it to bo won
dored at, then, that the Whigs of the North hate
the hill. ’ It has created an irreoonoilable breaoh
in their party, and utterly dostroyed it for no-
tional lafluonoe* ... .
Bat it bus done more. A. great portion of the
Yfoigs oftho North; seeing that their party is no
longer national, desire to form a Northern, a
sectional party. . Bat in nearly all the Northern
Statesthe Whigs are in the minority. ; To ren
der thelr Northern party available for any pur
pose, they must gain strength by alliances with;
other factions. The ; -haa long
been in tho ffiarket'far s purchaser,-and a por
tion of tho Whigs, lad on by Horace Greeley, have
re Bolted to strike a bargain with the Abolition
ists. Bat-another large portion of the Whigß,
seeing the treasonable and revolutionary ten-:
denoy of Abolitionism, aro opposed to the com
pact ; and will never become parties to il. Thus
the Northern Whig party is dividod again. Tho
Greeley Whigs, thoroughly abolitionised, will
combinowith tho Garrison, Giddiags. Parker and
PhiUips rnbble of fanatics, andproclaim armed |
resistance to tho laws; eternal hostility to all
the interests of tho South, and a dissolution 0f..,
the Union. ■ Greeley is preparing them for tho
last by teaching .them that the Union is. of no
—Karth. Parker is preparing them
for tho first •by ftcifiif arno u. —-o —...
fanatics to marder i tho officers engaged in the
execution of the; laws. . Bat the old line. Whigs,
who love the Union, abhor treason.-and discard
fanataciam, will have nothing to do with this
foul treaty of alliance, that haa already been
sealed by the blood of. one victim. ..Tho.Union
Whigs will doubtless outnumber the Abolition
ists. So the;Greeley Whigs lose more than they
gain by tho bargain. No wonder they hats the
Nebsaska bill, that baa thus shivered their parly
into powerless fragments; and proclaitaed onoe
more the good old Democratic doctrine of State
rights and popular sovereignty. .
But why do. tho r abolitionist hatoltwlth suoh
a perfect hatred ?■ . . -
Hitherto.they have been but a small faction;
hut they to "keep tho country in
O State of continual excitement and alarm, by
persevering in .agitating the subject of slavery.
Nopossible-good have they done. They have
riveted thechains of tho slave more firmly; and
delayed, if not utterly, destroyed all ohaaoe of
emancipation in 'Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky
or Missouri. " They have engendered bitter and
hostile feelings between the North and the South.
They have preached treason until it is now prac
tised: and. armed resistance, to tho laws, and
murder disgrace an eastern oity; and Whig
editors take courage and comfort from the crime;
and recommend its repetition wherever the exe.
cutionof a law of the landis attempted. They
• have kept np the agitation of the subject in the
halls of Congress, to whioh a few of them have
unfortunately gained admittance, until the coun
tiy has become disgusted with the senseless
clamor, and satisfied-thot it is engendering evils
no time can cure, if not speedily and effeo
totally rebuked and crushed. It is time a remedy
was applied-to 1 this growing evil; and.webe
llevenhis Nebraska bill applies a remedy that
will hereafter render it powerless for mischief.
That blll rofera . the question of slavery to the
•popular vote of each State and territory now
formed; or hereafter to be formed; and eßtob
lishes tho principle of non-intervention by Con
gress in the matter. It is a local matter; end
to the local authorities, and the looal popular
will the question properly belongs*whenever and
wherever It comes.up for settlement. Ns Demo
crat can doußt.the correctness of this mode of
disposing of the matter. It iB but a re-affirm
ance of tbeold and time honored doctrine of
States rights, and'self-government. .
The Nebraska bill, repealing as it does -the
unconstitutional Missouri Compromise, thus ex
cludes from tho halla of national legislation that
Whole olaos .bf fixeitiog subjects ;in relation to
slavery, that the Abolitionists in Congress have
heretofore sei*Sd upon, and made the perpetual -
ly recurring occasions of bitter and exasperating
discussions. ; Halfthe time of nearly every ses
sion of Congress ie occupied with them. They
accomplish he'good purpose whatever; but only
tend to alienate the two eeotions of-the Union;
and mako enemies of those who should bo friends.
This repealing section of the Nebraska , Bill is
thus eminently a meaeure of peace. Tt refers
these exoillng questions, asthey severally, arise,
to the people of -the localities to whioh they be*
long. It legislates slavery into no territory.. It
merely leaves the qnestion of slavery or freedom
to tho people: of eaoh new State that, maybe
formed ant of our wide western domain. ■
But the Abolitionists see in this the death-of i
their hopes; Agitators. by profession, and dls
unlonistsat heart, they find that slavery agita
lion is to he driven from the halls of Congress,
arid their -occupation and their power for.mis
ohief is gone. Hence their hatred of the meas
ure, and their hitter revilings at its suceess.
Hence their impotent ory of “repeal,?’. Heneo
their whining appeal to the clergy for help.
Hence their newly awakened wrath against the
fagitive slave law. It is their only ohauoe for
eontinned agitation. The Nebraska bill does
not favor 'slavery. It favors freedom, and will
extend its area,-and soon add twonew/«r States
to the confederacy.
Bmckwoop’b Madazihe for May Is received.
It eontains aome articles of great interest to the
general reader. Its ortioles on China, and the
progreasof Russia in C.entral Asia, are_worth a,
careful perusal . Published by Leonard, Boott
& Co., New York, and for sals nt all the princi
pal book stores and literary depots.
Tho ■' Now York Herald,■: of the .3,1. iubt,,’cua*
tains letters Aom China,-which represent the
revolutionists as gaining ground.. The rebel
ebief has now command of moro thas two
thiida of the Chinese Empire, and, it is believed,
will have possession of Pekin in a short time.
The disaffection to the Tartar dynasty is sup
posed do extend over the whole empire, The
Imperial treasury is exhausted, and tho Imperi
alist troops meet with no success in the attempt
‘tir retake Shanghai. Oao season more, it ia
thought, will complete the change of rulers, and
the nolicy and religion of tho empiro. Wo take
tho following from a letter dated Canton, Maroh.
24,1854, relating to the movements .of the in-'
surgcnt forces
“ After leering NonUin and making it defen
eihlo, the 'army waslargely increased in num
here, went northward, and occupied the oonntry
in the vicinity of TeentBin, whioh is on the river
Pcilio, at the point Of juncture with -thelmpen
al canal.- The river and the canal are tho only
important avenues of supply to Pekin. Before
tho army left the vicinity of Nankin. it took,
and now holds, the city and post of Chin-Kiang,
which, being at the junction of the Imperial oa
nal with the river Yantsze; commands the south
ern entrance of the oannl. In order to make
tho oontrol of this moat, important avenue still
more certain, as wo suppose, Thaeping-wang has ,
taken a oity on ito line, a few miles below its
i nocture with the river Peiho, and at the same
time advances toward Pekin, from which he was
distant on the middle of January, about fifty
miles. It is stated that Pekin is not in any way
prepared for a eiego.
■ “ Coincident with tho movoment we have de
scribed, tho capitol city of the province of Gnan
r Hwuy was taken, and is now held against the
Emperor. This place is in the heart of the
country of moat importance to foreign commerce.
Thus, it will bo ■ seea that the control of the
oonntry at the north is not in possession of tho
Emperor. . Vcry.lately a moat important move
ment has taken plaoo in tho west proviaoes, in
tho places known to foreigners, as tho Oonam
and tho Oopak distriots, oonoerning; which we
have no preoise information; but there seems to
be little doubt but that tho object is to secure
the control of the transit of produce to the sea
board, and of imports on the same line—that Is,
to the north and west. From this quarter a
largo foroahas proceeded to those distriots to as
sist the movement. . i i..
“Those in China who aro well informed, be
lieve the whole country to be disaffected, and it
apt cars to be probable when the leader of the
northern army has taken Pekin, or at whatever {
point-of time he: may choose to attempt an or
ganized government, be will have found himself
in oommand of every usual and regular source
of revenue. Canton, nnd other oities not yet in
insurrection, can bo taken without much blood
shed in a very short tlmo. wo are to suppose, if
we are correctly informed of the nature and the
extent Of tho seoret organized opposition to gov
ernment within their walls. -
“In Canton and Shangae, foreigners appear to
think themselves safe, in person and property,
while under the protection of a small foreign
Another letter from Sbanghae of a few days I
earlier date has the following: I
‘‘ The provlnoe of Gnan-Hwuy: is one of the 1
wealthiest and most populous in the empire, and I
boing joined to the posossions of the rebel chief,
places him in authority, over more than two- 1
thirds of tho empire. According to the last con-1
son, in 1812. it contained in area 48,661 square I
i miles, 34,108,059 population, on tho. average of
I 705 to every square mile. It contains some of
the richest silk manufaotnring cities in the em
pire, and it produces, besides silk and team
gre it quantity, gold, silver, copper aod.coal, in I
I great abundance. Altogether it is considered a |
great loss to tho Emperor. Now, as tho spring 1
( opens, the army of Thao-ping-wang will advance 1
towards Pekin, and complete their success by I
| the capture of it, as also tho whole empire, j
| \7b it will bo his policy towards foreigners, after
I being flashed with such unparalleled success, it
I Iy 'iiooessary for Amenoou l
| minister, Hon. R. MoEane, should be here at ]
(this point, because it is bo much nearer the.cap- i
ital than Canton, to take advantage of whatever
| may arise. Tho English and French oro on
(band, and wo have justhoard that MrHSJotisno
will be hors the last of this month. "Wc hope it
is true. That will be in nmplo time: and when
(the diplomatic • ball opens, lie will have. a fioe
I field to display that mental prowess which the
| Americans have given him the credit of possess
j ing."
It is believed that tho new Emperor, when en
tire success ha 3 crowned his arms, will favor, a
liberal commercial policy, and-'that tho whole
empire will - be open, to commerce of England,
Franco nnd tho United States.
tThe Paris correspondent of tho London SHnutt
writing May 15th, says; •
« Poring a Tecaat Interview, granted tax foreign diplo-!
matte agent, then on his way ta a distant mission, the Era- 1
peror;Louis Napoleon, is said to bare expressed himself i
very openly and earnestly on the.quoetlon of the project of i
aggrandizement attributed to tbo .Americans, and directed :
tbo Spanish colonies, The Emperor esprattd hti \
decided disapprobation of that : ambitunu and enzreacldnp '
spirit that has characterized Vie American pocemmmt,all
republican at it is. - He declared, thaMto for as bis'foreign,
policy was coneorued, it should bo tho some la the West as
In t l ie East—that policy was based on tbo faltbfa! obsarT
anc j of treaties, and "was opposed to attempts on tho part of
any power to take advantages of the weakness of a neighbor
ito rob it of its territory; and I rather think that assnraneva
L were given that Spain had nothing to fear about Cuba..
Wbat will be the period of the-war with EuwU, co man
can with certainty say, but whenever the eastern question
be resolved, I should not ho at all surprised if a western
question were to arise, which may also require the interfe
'renco, perhaps the active intervention, of the powers. * The
enormous extent of a republican government may be as
dangerous to tho peace of the world as the unbounded and
unprincipled ambition of & single despot, aod the South
American Elate* may before long require protection from
their powerful republican neighbor, as the Ottoman empire
from linssia."
It will bo seen by tbo above that tbo govern,
meats of England and Franco bold tho same
bold 'language in regard to the United States as
towards Eneeia. Tbo hypocrisy of the language
is detestable. They are opposed to any acqui
sition of territory by other nations. Vet vrlthin
a few years England has effeoted the conquest
of largo territories in tbo Indies, and France
has conquered nearly all tbo States of Northern
Africa. ; Their Intention is to aggrandize their
own empires, and hold all others in check. Pre
vent the growth of nil other nations, and add to
their own dominions; by.conquests; in all direc--
tions. An usurper and tyrant talking of mode-,
ration, and rebuking ambition. -We hope our
govornment wilt pursue a determined course to
wards Spain; and demand ample “indemnity
for tbo past, and seourity for the futureand
if England and France.interfere, join Russia in
obastising tho insolent braggarts.
E<mßW;Eoosß.—The Pittsburgh Journal has I
read Horace Greeley out oftheWhig party. It i
says his language” and; “outrageous
rhodomontade,” reader him unfit to be a party
loader. - Wo tako the following from the Journal
of yoeterday:
. “GreeltyhM said, tbo Abolitionists hove sold, tho wbols
Whig party hoa said it would be better to burn Up tho Capi
tol, a 8 the .British did in tho war.of.lBl2, than to allow the
majority to role. This the cry, and tho Ignorant, and wil
fully fanatical, wilFt&ke it up end-re-echo. It, beliovlng, of
oourse, every irord of it If-every Northern newspepor
■should rave in this manner, what sort of a face would we
present to the world f •
.- “ A loose tongueia a cum taanybody, but even the best
: of us will, in the heatof excitement-fet slip wonls that
ought not to have bean uttered.. . But how a man. of talent
ana kuowlodgeof the world can sit down coolly, and writo
outrageous rhodomontade, is, to mq .a mystery. It really
; - seems to us that our prosperous neighbor eboufd reform &
i lUtle ln thlsrospeot,jm.long,at aa he Is confounded
with the Whig party."
Horace Greeldy,iben, la not muoh longer to
La with the Whig party. How
is it possible that the Journal has oomo to Its
senses so soon. . It used jaafr as strong language
in regard to the Boston riot and murder as
Greoley did, and now it turns round and admin
isters a severe rebuke to :the raving maniao of
•tho Tribune
r Tet the language of tbo. Tribune is not. a bit
more wild and treasonable than the language of
tbo Pittsburgh JWnafwithin the lost few days..
The riot and murder in Boston gaTQ u
and u encouragement M to its editor.
Fnnt; linUe’t lisilei Outttei
Of Paris, London' and New York Fashions, for
Jane; is receUed. -It is fall cffasbion plates,
and directions .upon the various ,styles of bon
nets, and dresses, and direotionsfor making
them. We presume itis a good.magarino, and
would be useful to those interested in such mat
tersj to wit, the ladies. It is probably the most:
expensive work of the kind published in the
country; and our friend Lanffer, bookseUer, on
Wood street, will supply ail callers cheap:.
*•! -
T ,^..
•,::'-s' , 'ii'i-'-^,-L r ;'f'li'-t{* - ■,-•!».•,Jr o7'^J•>" '•"•'•.■ I'-, •-■•'•’i-V/.V.--■ •’
' j-*.
\ZlfuliWimer^ifortherirWphi& r A3tTcis£&iE!nig'of
the Bards, and their Alliance with Abolitionists
—Proclamation against Filibusters —The Black
Warrior—‘Message on Cuban Affairs Expected—r .
Mr. Souls—The Boston Slave Case— financial
Crisis. -■ :*v-" . ■■ ■
■ Washington, D.C., June 3,1864, ,
Washiogtd® City is ns quiet now as yon can
Imagine a City of its size to bo. Nine-tenths of
themembors of the two Uouses ore abscut.dur-,
ing the recess, either, at their houses for ..a f°.w ■
days, or on short excursions by way, of recjtea?,
■ion, after the confinomentand fatigues of the
Nebraska' disonSßiow. -Tho holla of tho ■; two
Houßosseem deserted, excepting the workmen
busy preparing it for a long aummer session.
Nothing of importance will be done before Mon
day-week next, tho 12th instant. ,1:,- -----
I mentioned in oueof my letters that the
Northern IVhig members of Congresaweraabout
to issue an address to that section, fSlativo to
the-passage of the. ffobraska-KansM.BtH,—wHb
the deßiga of rallying It op an anfi-Blayery plat
fore. It appears-that itwo.Addrdsses bavobeon
prepared—one by. Mr., -.Csmpbell,i ; of Qhio, .tbo
BepresentatlTe-of tbe more extreme anti-Blar,ery,
■sentiment, and; another.,by . Mr Chandler, of
Philadelphia; who entertains more moderate
views on the subject. Neither seems to have
been regarded as satisfactory, and consequently
|-none has yet appeared. The effort la. certainly
to be made, however, to organize s strong ,sep.
tional party on this basis, having in viow,‘prob
ably tho nomination of Mr. Seward for Presi
dent, inIBGB. Snoh are tbe far*ebsaowings,.of.
somo of tho Northern Whig proas, tha first step
•being Mr. Seward’s election to the Governorship.
of the State of'Now York.
Instead of tho Whig address, wo bare <mo
from tho New York “.Hards,’.’.- (several of them
at least,) justifying their /rotes against the Ne
braska-Kansas Bill. Tbo reasons are precisely
tho same -as those 6f tba Whigs who voted
against it, in fact, being only a rehash .of orgn-,
meats bad allegations to be found in tho New
Yorlfjviione and Tima,-•. These gontiomon have
waged an unceasing warfare upon tbo President
and tho Administration, on tho ground of ap
pointifig Free Boilers to office, and harp always
represented thomßelvcs as the ouly true and re
liable friends of tbo South to be found at the
North, yet they not.only vote against a bill which
received nearly tho unanimous vote of theSoutb,
but they charge tho South with 'initiating , o bo- .
rics of measures, of which this is the . first, to
render tho-influence of that seotiou paramount
to all others in tho Government. ;. Jodge Per
kins of La, who submitted somo remarks to
tbo House, said that bo was pot aware of any
each scheme, and that it bod no existence. «-
bent in tho diseased imagination of Abolition
agitators. These "Hard" gentleman, finding
I that tho principles of the Bill were auelamcd by
tuo President, could not yield their personal op
| position even where a principle, was mvalved. al
tbonph it was well known that Mr. Dickinson,
whom they sustain unanimously, was in favor of
the bill. The address ieprepared for.thetr con T
Stltiienta, but its publication was procured in the,
National Intelligencer, and was doubtless intend
ed as a stab at the Jcmocratio, organization. at
tho North. In principle they have affiliated
i with tho whigs of tbo JVjiune school, and Qree-
I lev says that bo should be willing to bob ntery
I man from Now York re-cleoted who voted egainst
I the'Nebraska Bill, regardless of bis opinions on
other subjects This seems to sustain the ol-
I legation of some of tho “Soft” papers of New
York that there is an alliance, between tho
Hard's and the SowaTdttes to get possession of
the State Government and divide out tbo Bpoils.
At any rato the Ilatds intend to keep op their
Separata organisation, tleeffoot of which will be,
SnEomber elections, to secure, a victory
throughout to the Sewordites.- This result is
-mrty nrwwmy™*- — . - —.
r Tlie President s Proclamation against Hm
bUJtering appeared on Thursday; and gives unl
vcrs4 satisfaction. 11a ia determined to use ail
bispower to scours respect for the laws, and , to
punish those that disregard it It ought to sat
isfy the most'to our National honor,
WweU' ns the Government of Spain, .that our
Government will maintain its good faith towards
all others, whatover may be -said of its aggrec
civoobaraoter. . , ... ,
■- xbo Blaok'Warrior affair is-doubtless settled
by tbo remission of the fine inflicted upon tbe
owners of that ship by tho Cuban authorities.
Bat thiS by no means places our relations with
Spain, or Cabo, on tho ssmo footing as previous
to her ecisure. Oor interests require, that somo
arrangement shall be entered into; which shall
avoid similar difficulties hereafter. As Spain
has declined to ncocdß to our demauds on this
point, tho President will, in all probability, lay
the whole matter before Congress at an early
day, recommending tho appointment of a joint
commission, to proceed to Madrid and - respect
fully present our ultimatum; if its acceptance is
still reftised, it will bo followed by a declaration
on their part, that tbo United States will tborc
[ after hold tho Caban authorities directly reapen-
I siblo forall their intercourse with the United
| Stales. This is all that is required to protect
' the interests of tho Government, and, I observe
I from letters of Mr. Jefferson recently published,
I is precisely the position taken by blmin tho ease
lof Louisiana. ; ,
1 The English papers seem to look upon our
i difficulty with Spain as likely to result in war,
i and the correspondent of tho London Tima cs~
1 pcoially, labors-to make out an untenable • case
i f or the United States. I have already intimated
| that tho statements of English papers relating to.
i onr interests and diplomacy should bo reoelved
I with much allowdnoo.' That Mr. Btmlo pursued
l a violent course at Madrid; is not to be believed
I for an instant; it is not consistent With his ehar-
I actor, and if true, would havo been cut short at
l once by tbe Spanish- Government sending him
his passports, ns they did on a former occasion
to the English Minister.
The telegraph nnnonncea this morning • the
decision of thO U. 8. Commissioner, in the case
of Burns, the fagitivo siavo, nt Boston. The
mojOßty of the law has been Bostainod,,although
a Boston mob of fanatics and negroes conspired
together to set it at defiance, and trample upon
the constitution of the country. Many of the
demonstrations mads on the oooaslon ofhiß ear-,
rendor, bad an eye, doubtless, to- politiesand
business. I remember to have seen on a former
occasion, of tho surrender of, o fagitivo in Bos
ton, - a daguorrian ■ establishment,- completely
ehronded in black—the objeotboiDg- not to ex
press sympathy with or for the slave,-but to at*
traot attention, get puffs and notioesin tho news
papers, and in thfitvery way enlarge tbe kusT-
Biness of the establishment. Sympathy was
fonnd to bo a paying .business,nod it is not at nil
astonishing that it has imitators in'the case of
Borns. : • , . . .., , ..... ■,
As-far as I can learn, tbo impression in busi
ness ciroles is that a financial crisis-is-approaoh
ing,—not snob a one as the greet erisis of 1837,
but still sufficiently violent,to greatly disarrange,
tbc bnsinoss of the oonntry. The,exportation
of specie to Europe is ■ very great, while the
credit ißsues nf the- banks aro onornions. The
recent-failures in Baltimore and Now Orleans,
and the late one in Philadelphia are -intimations
of what is'coming. Beal estate is alrendy on
tbo deolino. Money oontinnes doar, nnd tho,
high rates of interest,paid mast soon stop , the
weakor mercantile firms, trading oh little or.
no capital: The Bank of England has raised itß
rate of interest, and, it is stated, contemplates
another risoti Possibly the rconrtnuaV.draiu of
epeoie from its vaults may compel it to suspend
Specie payments. Tho crisis may not come, but
it is Well enough for every.onaAohaye an, oyo to
their own affaire, and place themselves in tho
most seoure poßitlon from its disasters.-.
Upgy Pt ofeßaor atowc,, huaband of Mrs.; Har
riet Beeoher Stowe, has promised not ,to shave
himself till the fugitive slave law is repeated.
If he' lives long enough he will step on his.beard
i.Soseral cases of cholera have oooorred la
Brooklyn, N. T.
A man hai teen fined $5O, in Cincinnati,,
for tilling, with intent to seli,'the meat of ( -dis- ;
eased dogs.' , <
A\ Nashville, Tenn., on Sunday, the 28th
of May, 15 deathß from cholera ooourred. ;
One thousand hoUßea weTe lately de
stroyed by a conflagration in Constantinople.
■ Senator Beodhead has onr thanks for a
volume of Public Document* Report
of Seleot Committee on Mexican elaimtf.
-PtiiSast. —Going to “meet her by n
light,” *nd afteMioßip? for two hoofs, to
yourself still “ a10ne,''?.,.... .1,
~- V-‘V -6.-V' •••» ••
Cr V „ \
', \
'LI : -T-
' ' ‘ . ‘» ‘ t •'' r
‘ ‘ > .'t
• v-^'^--V; v^’.
We ai*o gratified tbloiimdhut CoiXLEQ vR j
Councils, last night, passed an ordinance by j
nearly a nnanimous -rote, for a subscription of
$300,000 to this road. The exhibit made to
Councils was a substantioloud satisfactory one—
and this subscription, with the jneans. on band,
will-enable the Company to complete the rood in
sis months from this time. This road,-we hays
oyer regarded; as the most important of oil the
roads leading to our city, la a word, it willen
able ns to oontrol them- all; and it has otsr been
our poiioy that it should bo owned andgovomed
entirely by our oommunity. It is for this rear.,
son, and - this alone, that we ore in faror of A
farther subscription to this road. Wo are.gens
orally against municipal subscriptionsbut as
thiß road is necessary for the success of all our
roads terminating here, aed- gives us the com
mand of them nil, we. bail the aid giyen last
-night by' Councils ns eminently. satisfactory,
1 This road.must bo put through—and that, with
out delay, if our„ oommunity would: sustain a
growing position among thO.oUies.of the. Union.
Hn. aiiLMOEE, Editor oe Post :
Dear Sir;—From the time that the Nebraska
and Kansas, bill was first introduced into the
Senate of the Doited. States, the Whigs, and all
the other opponents of the right of the people to
legislate for themßelres, have been as indnstrl-,
bus ini villifying and misrepresenting it, as it was
possible, for .them to be.. And m'virtue.of-,this
faet. and that tbo public min'd.may- bs disabused
in regard to the great and cardinal; principle of
the bill, we would earnestly request yo.u to pub
lish itin fall. ‘ ■ ■ - ,
We believe, when-this measure is. properly,
placed before the people,- and underatood. that
it will become eminently popular, and aopeptabio
to the great majority of the coun
Wo publish the.above: communication,with,
pleasure, and entirely agree with it nnthore that
when the people understand the Kaneas-Nebrns-
Ua bill, it will become. !* eminently popular,!’,
: We will publish tbe-oct lf.n;fc» days.
tion of the not that Abolitionists and political;
agitators bare raißed such an alarm’ about, op
peared in onr paper some days ago. The bill is
lengthy, but will appear Boon.
, Anthony. Dorr' «■ Co’s. C l re nlar. _
■; London, May 16, 1804
■ Doting tho past fortnight the only political
nows of importance is,tho sncocssfol Bombard
ment of Odessa—tho actual commencement of
the war on tho part of the allied powers.
The statements of the Chancellor ofExchcquer,
and the discussions in Parliament, enables ns to
judge approximating)? of the: probabto cost of,
the nar, which cannot fall, much short at the
present, moment of two million? sterling: por
month; or twenty-four millions per annum, .
1 Honey has been comparatively easy on first
class bills at pet cent, until tho past.few.
daye, since which time the rate has advanced
the present quotatlottis fiito 6J percent', with
out extreme pressure from any quarter. Tho
rise in the rata orinterest from 6 to 6| per cent,
by-theßankof England, onThursdaylast, and
the reduction in the rate from 6 to 4 por cent,
by the Bankof France on tho eame day, appears
to have neutralixed each other, and consequent
ly prevented any unfavorable effects in our msr
bet. The deereaso in tho Bullion, and the re
sources of the Bank of England, appear to have
been absorbed by: the Bant of France, which
chows about : o ,corresponding increase.. In all
branches of trade great caution Is exercised, and
there is a disinclination to operate, except on a
very limited scale, owing to tho uncertainty of
oifiSre, and to the impression that tho .Interest
on money may still bo higher. •• , ,
The'returns'of tho Bank: of England and
France indicate that the trade of both countries
> uas received a severo check as compared with
the end of last year, and thus far without many
mercantile disasters. ,
Wc regret that wo cannot write a moro hope.
ful circular, but the features arc not in favor of
,• utj f wp«u rw iit.iiui.. ••
- prece&t, " . ■ ■ *•
v Your friends and obedient servants,
Wo taka the following Uemsfrom the N.
Y. Evening Poet of the 8i iost—Satnulay.: :
' The retail price of floor, in this city to day is
Sl* 60 per barrel,;.... The C. 8.. mail steamship
Franklin, Capt. WottoU, left this port at twelve
o’clock to day, for Havre via Southampton, with
two hundred and thirty passengere, a full freight
and Sli26li4ofti*epocie.,;...The Episcopal Con
vention,:whioh Woe held in Baltimore, adjourned
on Friday last, to meet there again in June next.
The;-private advices from Europe, are en
couraging. The opinion is gaining ground, that
the war cannot be a longoue., The fears on the
continent respecting the resnlte, are not so
favorable to'tbo investment of European capital
in onr: securities aa they would be if reverses
were expected in Germany or Franco.
jgyWe are gratified to announce to our read
ers n Catuabtic Pitt, (of which seeadvertise
ment in our ooinmna,) from that jaatly celebrated
Pbyaioian and Chemist, Dr. J. C. Arstt. His
Cherry Pectoral, everywhere known as the beßt
remedy ever offered to the publio for Conghs,
Ssc., haa prepared them to expeot that any thing
from hla laboratory would be worthy of atten
tion. .AS no one medicino is moTO universally
taken, than a Physical Pill, the pabllo will be
glad to know of one from snob a'trustworthy
source. We happen to know, and can assure
thorn that thisartiole haa Intrinsic merits, folly
equal to any compound that has over issued from
his Crucibles, and consequently is well worthy a
trial whenever such a medicine -becomes ueccs-
Gary.— ltacinrCam. Ado.
South O’Bbier not Pabdosbd. *-The editor of
the Savannah Courier was informed by Thos. F,
Meagher, Esq., daring the recent visit of that
geOtlomuhtb Savannah, that the general impres
sion in this country that Smith O'Brien haa re
ceived his pardon is unfounded. The declara
tion of lord Palmerston in the House ef Com.
mons, appears only a common State trick, resort
ed to at a critical period. whcn it was desirable
to flonoUieto the Irish. Instead of being uncon
ditionally set at liberty, a pardon is offered to
Smith O'Brien if he will apply for it, and if,
in doing so, he will sign papers recognising the
justice pf hie Sentence— neither, of which he would
ever oonsont to do?
Mbs; Robiksor, the McbdebXss, iREtAtaVE
6? Queer Viotoeia A friend of ours, an Eng
lishman, welt posted in what relates to. titles,
and blood, asserts that Mrs. Robinson-is related
to Queen Victoria, her father (Wood, of Qoehee)
being a son of the Pake of York I—2Voy Whig.
KUXtR OB COEDIAL,—A Woao soMiniCu SlUrtiawa.
4-Thcrearo formalists and dogmatists, in *ll professions,
who <joa7 tho truth of everything thoy.dotft find sdVdown
In certain btokswhlch they hpve bean taught to regardaa
the iummaj».6onw»i of the principles and proctle© of their
calUngß. Sacb mea ere miH-fitooea round thenwkof Pro*
\ gross; but oil their efforts cannot chain dona- Investigation
pud experiment, nor discredit their results* MedlcalVnar.
! tlhots might possibly bo found who would dcb/that
i safest and most certain means of renovating* broken down
system/dud restoring shattered or relaxed nerves to their
full vigor and tension,, that tho t world hasyefcSoen. Let
tbom deny It!" Omnipotent truth is mightier than they.
Call the recovered sick to the: witness-box, andlofcthem tea. |
tify against pndadleo. - Let feet corabattbeory, andtho:
gratitude of thousands, saved from a Ufe of suffering.and a j
premature grave, drown with Its’acclaim tho oavJlllngs ; of
thbso yrbo aro tqO wise In their own conceit to examine and
test what they condemn* When tho shaken nerves become
firm, tho weak dfgeative powers vigorous, tho feeble robust,
tlio delected joyous, thosufferfng free-from pain,
ridden active; when we see every, species of functional die.
Order yielding to this Inestimable curativo, ought we to lie
ngaibit'tho light*■'by.denying, or even doubting, Its extra*
ordinary properties! Forbid It, candor!
• The Cordial ,Is put up,.highly concentrated, la pint bob
tlcs. Price throo dollars per bottle, two for five dollars, six
to twelve dollar* r . ..... . .0* H. BING, Proprietor,
, 1W Broadway, New York.
"■ Sold by Druggists throughout the United States, Canada,
and the West Indies.
V-:.j!LßMma :
DU.CEG.IL-SBYSEB-NOrUO Wood street, . do
j, p. JLBMING, Allegheny City; ... jel:d*w
' -*ff i I?oa»tolOonB.--Thewelt-knoirn. sapeilorlty of
GBUJBIE’k fit tn the Garment, neods no comment on bis
Jt hoi been acinowleilgeahy all who havs farored him
wlth’thelr orders, that they hare noTer.been fitted with the
aamnnaso anastyla as fcythlm. 'He tegs to Infbrm bis pa
items and tho-pohUe, that his atoeltla now replete with the
' SoTTMt styles to coats, Testa and pants, suitable to the
| present season. '
- -vr.-<.s4o Liberty et, bead of Wm 4.
Slots roa salis—ftoatiog 24 f»ton Bioftßufr ouMta
street*; t JolhKg'tW ifroperty; of Jlt; Hoskinson, «nd
Marion street, near, tho Fourth Btreot
a»a, a> by io« f«t. Agonoy osnv
• . . 66Kith streak peer the fogt Office.-
E 1” gEUjEEB4OOi
}%}'■<. iv-.V
T.Hfl, wwiiiid HatiM Inroranco Company; i
DiASUniv a HOOK, PrcsHsnt.
CUAiiifl A. Coltopt, Secretary. .. . .1
This Company makes erery insurance appertaining to or
connected with,LIFE KIBKB* . xt. 1 . nuiJ ait*.
Also, against Hull and Cargo Blska pn ti* Ohk*ana ate*,
dsstppl rivers and tributaries, and Maritie
And against Loss and Damage by Eire,
Perils ofUns Boa and Inland Navigation
Policies insdred at the lowest rotes eonsfetent.wUn safety
I to all parties.
James 8. Hoon,
gfimuel sr&arkao,
William Phillips,
John Scott,
Joseph P.Oazxamj U. D.,
John M'AJpla*
Wm.F.Johnston, -
James Marshall, ...
Goorge 8. Bolaen,
my26:ly. • • j
rFSASSOOi&'TED Firemen’s Insurance
Ik§voompa»yetiheCltr of PlUsbnrghil
J. K. MOORHKAD.-.President--ROBERT PINNEY, Secre-
WIU insure against FIRR and MARINE RISKS o t all I
kinds. Office: No, 99 Water street.
For the Motnlog Post.
CITIZENS’ Insurance CompAnyol
Ik^TJE*ltt»bargl»i—lT. D.:£lNG,President!; SiM
DUL L. . V
Ofiicei 04 WakrSlridibelioten'MaTketaiid lF&o£rfr«i*. .
. Insures HUED and OARGOElsfcs* on the Ohio and Missis*
aippi EWers andtrilraXarfoB. -.- - .
. ■■■ ■...
Al£o—Againstthe Perflßof the Sea, and Inlandwavlgi?
UonandTronsportatfem. . :
• pin»Roß».
: M.D.Kiag, Wm.BarlmerJr., .
■ William Bagalejr, - BamnelMvKier, :
. Samuel Era, William Bingham*
EobertDxmlapJr., v
IsoacM. Pennoch, ! -FrancisSellers,
Si Uarbangh, ■ -J. Schoonmiiher, *
Walter Bryant, * William B. Hag*.
\-5... John Bhlpton. * - -
i W~"
OAPIIALf 0100)0004 - QBAJfr.
TER PERPETOAL. •... .■ - .
rr#idcnt-Uon. ATTGUSTDa 0. HBISIEB.
flecr«iory—TEOMAS n. WILLSOS, Esa*.' •
. - -•- ’jjlEßot6BS»
Jlon. A. o.Hoiator,-- - r .■*< '.fiaffluelW/HBya,,,
.-•■ffimaia RottMomtf**--- : HMMa«gUlttSw».
William ’ - •
; The truth concejEnlnff SelUtß’ Ver
-1 UtS? totfage—Aßingiejlalprodacinff woniore.—Read
(bo following: f j e [Toreon u>, Jan. 27,1852. ’
• HB.’ R» : & SsUXߣi Sir—l bought of J. R* ReeSona bot
tle of jour Vermifuge, *nd.g*Te It to jychilil ormlne, and
It expelled 68 largo .Worms, and quite a numberof ranauer
ones*. ; . ■.IU.rASMSSm•
■ GaakUl tp., Jef&rsanco-Feb. 7*1862;’
' E. Sjoaxss—HaTin g tried jour, vermifuge Ipray.,
family. I can snythat It la not by*uy-Yet»
mlfuge In the world for expelling Worms. .0. RHOAb&^.v.
Winslow tj>., Jefferson co. t Bob. IT, 1862.^
' Slk. 11. B. Sellses—l gat 0 000- bottle of your Vermifuge
to 'my child; and'it expelled 76 largo Worms., I think it
the best in use. Yours,, respectfully, __ _
. .Pstt& • • j by It. 15. SELLERS A CO., 87 Wood
street, imdfotaelsby HragEteta generally. QyZ7 .
ir^Sz i . Induction and lty« Complaint I
I]^CURED UV KIRK’S nmtOLEOJL-Jlcad: the fol-I
lowing letter Horn Ear. O. Botedbos, a Missloniffy in 1
°^u£ I J.JI. Ktia— Deny Sir .-Myself anil wife haring boen I
gnsattr BeneMted by the use of yoor Petroleum, I wish to 1
tha To you pood jno a box of two or three, dosen bottles, II
, 'mt]» ttongregallonnb Minister In this place, «hd*eTeral|
of my people are affected with indigestion andon Inaction]
of the war, the tsiae .of ihyself end wife, before taWng I
your Prooincw, oaKoc* pa.: W« ttjofceoreral bottles— 1
two or three each—about a'yaar and a: half ago, and we I
hare heterenloyal ’*» gwd.heatlb fcr jearw ue we hare I
elnee that time; iTiaif not taten * elngle bottle, before I
that fullueMof tbe atoraacb wlflcb so distresses the dys
peptic was rellored, and I bstre felt nothing of It alnce that
Ume. My wife was alto rellored from a chronic disease of
tha liver, which had been of aoreral years standing, by the |
hjKIL KIMVCaniJ BaringEO-H. KEK3EB, WO |
Wood street,.and Bragglsta and Medicine. Jhailere every* i
where. . '' 1 ■ oet2s
ri-nsn Struntto IJbvelopoment.—sdenullc ojbd
nig dally bringlogto light new,. Invention* ,>x»a the.
march.of progress Is onward* or becoming so,
wUTbe pleased to learn that i»eletic» mod-tong research com:
JtESTOKATTYB* iisans cureior Baldness and ; to? prevent
Hair from Tailing. . .See circular 16;‘bo bad of .ino Agoutis
dying fall particular#. Price' SI,CO In larjrc bottles. Sold
„by . • • aB. FI9UKU & CO.. Proprietor* >r '
■■ • 67 Superior street,CieTtu»nd> Obio*
For sale In Pittsburgh In the followiug bousis:-*
Fleming 8r0#.,: , . .L. Wilcox A Co., -
- nVEiSeUew. G.HtKeyscr, .
t-.- • JoclHohier, JJcnj. r«s*>Jf*r
- “ l J.XL racAaU -
.d&yArtF etty.—k. A. BecXhcm, Presaly A Means, J. V.
Fleming; “& . %+ .
• jfrm/qqftam.—A, pattarrou. John 0. Smith . T aprO
i Wm. 8. Hatcq,
:•“ James £. 31’Gill,
Alexander Bradley,
. John JftilleetOD,
Hoberfr Galway, -■■■■
Alexander Reypolfla, Ann*,
•i strong County,
nornttoN. Loo, Kittanning,
' Hiram Stowe, Bearer*
J.K. Moorhead, ■ ;W,'J. Anderson;
■B.C. Sawyer, ,
Wm. M, Edgar, . BLB. Wilktat... ,
O.H.paulsoa, .WllUam OolUngwood, <,
Joseph Kaye, .. Tto. Wilkinson,
* David Campbell
Har*©y:BoUfluinj' ■••Jaedb-Paters, - • .
John Walker,WilliamCollier* Jr., y
Jacob S.Holderman. - -Aaron Bombaogh. •
OfßcOyln La&yette-Baltdingi, • ■
■g- • .. (entrance on; Woftlgtrep.t)
lmportant to cupper* andLeeohers. :
Dr. KKYfIISB, 14ft Woof atreot, has received an v \
eortmentofj* ■
• > r ’TboihU* Mechanfcal.Deeches; ■
.*■■ •»* • Copping Glasses; .. •.: ....■: -■ -v.
« : Breast Glasses;
• « KyoCups; •
. Dental Leeches;. \
* ' Scarificator.
. These are really important Inrestionst and conn^
. nient •to ‘theva Who- follow .leeching. C&U and aee.tham.
. Wood andTlradnalley. ' jsß -.
rfs» Weitern l»en«*»jrlvaiiia tloipiifci.-*
U*Dn*. L. dcukSCK. Second, between Wood and Market,
streets, and J. Run,North-east cornea or .DiataomL Alle
gheny eltv» are the attcudiogPbysie'lanstDthenbovelnsii
tutloD.for theCrsLiJoartorof 183 - ■:■ o • ■■■-- <.'•
Applications for admission may be.-mado to.them at all'
boon at their offices, or at tho Hospital at 2 o'clock. P. M.
Recent cases of accidental Injury are reeolved at all hours,
without Conn. ■ ' . : : v.-v >,w. •■•■-••••••■•. jalfcg*;-.
O. YBAGEK) HO MARKET street,: Pitta-
Lkv burgh; Importer abd FANCY
and country-dealers as large acdwoU selected stock of
Goods as any Eastern boose, and same prices, thus saving,
rctght, timtf.and expenses.
tr=a Kottcc—The JOURNEYMEN TAIhUUa fcQ
CIETY, of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, meat* on the
lint and third WEDNESDAY of every month, atthe FLORD
DA HOUSE, Market street. .By order. . :
jel:y- . JOHN Sooretary.:
ATTENTION J 8. L. G.—Yon are hereby notified to.
(ItSk attend at your Armory, on MONDAYS, WEDNES
DAYS ami FRIDAYS, fpt drill, and to transact suchbosi*
ncas oa may come belbro the .Company.- P. KANE,
marSlkfimd , : •• • Secretary protem.,;
O* -O* i»V—Place or meeting* Washington Hall,
hcyVWoodstrootjbetween Fifth street and Virgin alley.
prrrtßraa» Eo»ot,No,S3fi—‘M»tv every
Uc&ciKttts Excaxnost, No. s7~Hcota first and third
’Friday of each month. - - * [marSoOy :
Besleter»—HENßY WOODS la acamUdotefar
the nomination far Register, before the WhigOonv
ventiosi aprStto’
‘lKy' Angoxoua Dodge, No. 289*-X. 0. 0f0.F., metis: every
Wednesday evening In. Washington HalLWood st.. fiyiafc -
pm»SorofoUU -—lt laduot© E2ER*S ‘Phfr6teznn>|
IhfP that it has been known to completely eradicate I
every vesture of this dreadful disease in Icsstime than any I
other remedy, and at leaacofltorinoonTeniencefoth&'pa- I
fcient.- ' • % f vi
The thousands of cortificatoa. tethehaadsoftlhe proprie* I
tor, many of which am from well known oitlseus of thecltyl
andbeyontlVU doubt; that KiSß’aPrrEcixuMlfi a -medldhe • I
of no epmmatt valued notbnly as a localTemedyinnifcroly? |
sir, fWcutaaium, Dtafneix, lozx of < SipTUi- but as a vtluabl* I
Internal remedy, Inviting the investigating physicians; aa 1
well aa the suffering patient, to b&oxno wjth its I
Thosehaving mixtures' ‘axe aaanred that this |
gtrfirfpfl is purely natural, and la bottled as It Rowe {cum 1
thebosom'of the earth. ...i
iSVracuse, JY. K,and hearj date Uuarut £1852, towhichi* I
quo append thsc&iificatzQfthecdebraUdp* PI Jbof,if. Zh, I
qfSynctutz ■ ■■•- • -. ■•• • <, • r I
: This may In truth certify, that X hate been so. badly a?* I
dieted with Scrofulafor theloetoeveilyearsthat mostofthe 1
■tim» T have boon unable to attend to any kind of business,]
and much of thutliiiounable tb,vralh andcouflnedtomy |
bed, and have been treated nearly all. th* time by the beat I
phydeianscur country affords; loccaaonally • got eomore*
Hof, but no cure, and continued tograwworsetmtlf'Dr.Foot
teebtnaended meibiry th«Petroleum,or Rock Oil, move
'rTthlngelß6'hadfai]ea.;Tdl4&o I
theeffectw&saiitonJsbliigjUthrewthepoisontothesajrftcfl |
at once, and I at once began togrowbefcter,andby using i
mren bottles I hare got a cure worth thousand! of dollars,
This may eertliy that; I hare bemlaofUalnted with Kiel’s
Petroleum, or Rock GlLfar more thau aycaf,
leut ulccrs and. other diseases for whioh- 1 tls recommendai,
end can with confidence recommend it to be a medlcjne.wor
thy bf attention, and can safely. say that success has attend.
ndiU use whereottwr medlemehod failed.
; D. 'Yt-FOOTi'M.'D. .
Fot sate by all the Druggists In Pittshurah.; fau27M4w* =
' Valuable Country Beau,At Publlo Sale. ■
WII Lbe sold at publlo. outcry on. BATURDAY t the 17th.
day of June, 1854, the valaablo property known as
IRWIN PARM,*Bituat«d:;in Robinson.lpwhshlprAllegheny
. county; Pa., about fire -milea Dom the aty of PlttSburgh,
and near the SteubocvlUd
of one sore and upWards, to suit purchasers t 'belim. a ; part
of tho same premises upoawhkh the Char tiers Coal Works
■ are now erected. *
. Truna or Bils>-Ono-third In hand, and the balance In
three to fivo equal > annual payments, -with interest,-secu
red by bond and mortgage upon the property. - Far farther
particulars apply to James C. Richey, near the or
to Geo. "Ri Kiddloy Allegheny city, or T. J. Coleman,Mdnon
gahela House. Pittsburgh.
The remaining property lately owned by tho Chartlers
Goal Company, and known as the M'Cormick, Burnside A
Marsh Farm; will bo sold at private sale, in lots of one acre
and upwards, to suit purchasers. By order of PETER J.
jefcta • ■■ . Beal Estate Agent.
IH don, and New York Fashions, for June, containing all
the latest styles up to that date.
Thofollowlna wfll be found ln the June number : Now
Rennets 38 styles; ManGUas ll; HvadDresses 4; Dresses
8‘ Dress Patterns 9; Dreo Trimmings 7; Basque Waists $
Children's Dresses 4; Ladies’ Mondng Dress 1; Misses' Man-;
tilla and paper pattern 1; Ladies’ Bathing Dress !;- Chemise
Collars and Loco 3; Lace Hitts 2; Lace-Stockings 2; Pat
terns of-New Ribbons 5;: Jewels and fancy articles 3; Pat
terns for patch work 11; CroOhst 4; niastraUons of
Stay making 1; Wax flower modeUbg.lo; Pattetna.far
work Uv JMastrißiUonbf hew. books S. engrzwings; l
Portrait of Julia Dean lido; New music, :.‘‘ / Tw® oa.a Sunt
day moming," sdng by Mde. Anna JulUen'a.eon
cSrt f The colorod plate in this number is superW .For ale
iLo J ''-'-'..--. MINER Ar.CO^’:..--
'Je3*- ’ ,r- . •-.No.32flmlthfieldstreet;.--
ft Hi* York Fashlousi—The June number coctalnsf
145 pattams of the newest styles; awper pattern far*
• SHtts*-Mantilla j patterns far Needlework; a .new sheet of
Surici and much lnterestiug and useful reading matter. ;
ThoMwg»rinacf Artfar June. .
Ail the Manrinea can bo had at the Cheap Book Star©* of.
AJi uie w A GILDENFENNKY k 00.* 4
■l&. : 7fl Fourth street..
■ j****' ■ • • ■ - • ■ -i
XBrANTH) AT THIS OFFIOB-A Pavor, to do « ro»U-
W iobofwnri. if
■ ‘ v ■ ■ • ■ 7 ■ :
i'y. y.'-' 'h ’ v .•' ; ;
‘ . ■'T. ,
h . jps»Mrfl* VandeyWMi HOf 10D SaffolS Bt**
of Dr. HTadm Celebrated Liver Pillfl:
!" IhoTTfcr orlaeroly hysterics, I vw
persuaded to purchase * box of Dr.. Mine’s Celebrated
Liver Pills, end before Lhad used them nil, was entirely
relieved. I am-»ow enjoylogperiect health, and cheerfully
reconunend-CrvMHda??* Celebrated Liver Pills to all simi
larly oiBlc'&li ;• .’'(v.. . > .
’Sz?tJ£o6& > March 25,1553.
>i'p. g:—Dri bTLantfa celebrated Liver Pills, also his great
iYermlfageorWona Destroyer, can now be had at all re-,
•spectable Drug Btorasiathls city. I> :,
4 - Purchasers rwfli-please'be careful to ash for; and take
1 nono"but Dr. M’Lane’s Liver Pills. Thera ore other Pills,
purporting to be Liver Pills, now before the public.
Also for sale toy the solo proprietors,
- Baecessors-to J; Kidd & G 0.,.
No.-60Wop£ street.
ILSTEAI».SOCIKI3r-wiU liol4Jta juontbly meeting on
WlSDNEfDAY,7thlnst.»in the'Officoor James. Wsrdrop,
Fiftlr street, at 10 : o'clock. A*punchutf attendance la re
qrested. By orient ■ H.- WOODS' Mint
JA3. & BtatJT.'BwOTtafy. ~ ~ JeO ,
■—— C»1t«» hwt «r Btnr<d> .j :
from my prcmltOT, pn too Wuhlogtoo Tom
iS nike. fouf milesfttna*b* c}ty*<m the lstof TWO
OALVJSS* on* N moolay andVlJg'bA red, anil tho other Is
• jSrold/'' Anjpersdn wtxnrntog thsm to si?, or giving any.
lutbrmaUoffconcernlns them*,* 111
•■■*' - .’• .On the premise*. •
k NpTE
.A- terdate, at the office of Winslow.- "Wl®* * 3:57:
Ybrk, idgued R. Woods, President Pittsburgh end Steubeh*
• rflh> Charles - Naylor* Secretary. :...
. 'All petybns ore hereby .warned not-to .-buy e&id iiow, -us
payment vriU be refuted* -< Any person flodltigK will .-confer
an obUfcatfon; by leaving It wlthß; 8.- Arnold A Co., or ,'. .
'fT-t'i - ’ .THOMPSON BEEL & CO,
jsQ "'7' ■"■■■ “cotnerThlrdaPd.Woodjtu...
'■ :•.;-..Y
EHBREAS, J 2ny wife has left me witboUtany jutf cause
brprofrocation,Tthereforuwarn ell persons ■ against
ringur trusting her, asl wlUpay no debts by hereon-*
traotedi •/DANIKI# BMITIX*
Etnni Alleghenyooubtyr Jnneb|lBSi.«~-jc&dSLIKU y ’.:
„ / 173 gheep for Salo.
rpHE subsecriber offers fbr sale one hundred ked setenty-
JL flyehefidof in £sst Deer town
(ibiiii od the Oreensbunr e p d Butler l Bead,-16 miles from
•the city. ' ' i '•*« , D, ;
!> x '> . On tfre premies.
1 i near-Fourth. , ' r
The Llfaof Dr. Alexander son, J, W.Alexacdsr, I
; .The Ukgatipes at2o cents per number; our present and I
future priced- ~ : ■ 1 ■■ I
Daniel; a Model for Young Hen: by Pzjßqolt, of New On I
lean*+-&cbyrseofXecturea* 1
Fern lAmr, soopnd iferies, j .1
. Tbe.l’arishSldej abettcr book thao either Bonny Side. I
or BbadyiSldej 1 ”: • • •*.' .T.. ..x* •]
Carter's Ne"» Books for Youth, vis: Mabel Croat,Charles |
ItouEsel, the Wood Cutters and Exiles of.Xebaoon.,Ac.> Ap.:|
- Alexander on Consolation; cheap edition*s!,£>• >.> - 'I
v Manual of-'Mlsslons, or Sketches of Foreign Missions of:
-tbs Presbyterian Church >by Bar. J.C. Lowrie; with maps,
“showing Ad •' • . : ; :: v ; v ; -v:' •'
A&ica and the Amencau-Flag. ‘ .7 ' .
■ • «J» B. DAYISON,. . ■ l.j
'. v js6 | • 6&Market gtreet,t>earYourth. I]
TO F UROHABJB—• All kinds of old refaxspsA
. yy ' per, dry and elean, for which ons half oast per pound]
-will be giren In cash. -Apply at '•-••••.•: ~vr ,•.
* -'j Agency.Office,
, jeft 5 W Fifth street, dearths Post Office.
I3OR &KNT—A.smalf Hoot©,. containing,ihte* rdonia.
' For terms eppl? ftt AgOTCjoffloB)
• “ *•*6s■?»fthitraotynearthe Post Office. „>
'T?OH BALK—A valuable Lot inlbedtj; and-tme in Blr- ]
JC nlrigham; if not sold soon at'Trfratowlo, will be of
fercd attucilon*. Apply at *
, FBANCSCUS* Agency Office?
•j*6 \ , , ' 65 Fifth street, near the ttwt Office. j
-TOST iSEOKIVLD,—Frank Leslie's Ladles’ OarettO: .of
(I Fart#, London and New YoTkyMblona, for June..
Tfctf Illustrated Hagaaane of Arty for June. .. .
; TboNew Toik Joarn*l;forJar»o.. - r .'-• >..•■■;
: ' lUglxxildLyle;orthaAdopted Heir:/bf Misaraxdae.
HOcoircd nnJ for sale at .. - ■ •■-,•••• -•-• —.-/ •• •
PAUL KLEINER’S Lftertay ftepot,
; -jeS ‘/• . • ; TTiflhsttftet,oppOfrlte theThcatre.
I?UBaU aut'L'LLßd.—Fara Leaves; second aeries. . ; .1
'J?'-. Lamplighter: - tibodj'Sidei . I
‘ Lificud Baytngs of .Mrs.PardngtOD. -;. .. . ]
. .Homefar All: a new mode ofbuildlnjp.'• ; |
r"UjdropathisCdoK'Buo)c«.‘ ..•. v i. ... i
. Also, Frank Leslie’s Ladles' GnsfettoofFashions, for Jane.
Heceitaliljy BUSSELL h -880 ~- , :-j
'"-••'jfegy .-.'i' ■'••■ ,v... : - 15Fifth,etteet., t ■]
VTKW BtXLK >Ml , TiaaE, 'comer of ]
J.\Grant and Fifth streets, has Joat another lot:
•of oeff’BtyleJiaDtlllafl, indhdiDgall the fashionable colors; ;
; Abo»afew pieces : of very derirnbte Tissues.anff.Granedlnea,
’2OO ParWfols, plain and figured", at low:'prices. ’Ladles will
nlirnjs iirv.l at tbis establUbmeat - lb. rotj.TiowMt stales,
ani.t tlm very lowest prices.- . -
I'IALUMOIUf atltKlSU—loot)l)laxmiTClUhl3 d»jf tj
II Pen*sylTat.laTtal!n>:id, and for rale ky ■ :
itC. , c 110 tYatereln-ft.
tSUAD—4!) Ml. Baltimore Shad, Instore and liar sale by./
\St BITE FISH—SO bbls lnr[XKted, for .
MAOSKKISL— 100 Lila SO. o,fjr aate by;- -
■ Esauan a klcharpson.
STHEtIE has. long existed a public
demand for an effective purgative pill
Which co aid boreluaion as satß .and
perfectly safe In- its operation. v This
him betnri>repared to .meet that de
tnaud.£hd An extensive trial.ot IL«*
vlrtucsliaseoncluxtoety shown -with
■whiit success ft accompUahc* the par
peso derignetL ItisAaflytomoke t
i phjribal yrfZZ, but nol,easy to-make
.-ttas beet Uf4tijrittv~*iOne which shouMharehoneof the olv
jocHod?, tutuJl tbff «drantages,ofc«tery otber./i This- has
been attotnpted hew, uud with whaisuceess-vre
(tpectfullj ffub»U-to4lw:irabUededfllon.v. It has been Ufa- 1
fortunate for the patienthitherto that almoatevery purga
tive medicine Is.acrimonious and irritating to the bowels; ]
This Is not. Atony of them produce so much griping pain |
oni ramlHlon In the aystem mote than countarbslance.
the good to be derived from them*. These pfi/rprodceo no
irrilftUbnorpain, unle&lt arise firotaa previously existing
bbstracUdnordfirangement In this Being-porelt
vegetable, no harin theft us© *h any quanta
ty (hot it to better that any-medicine should be taken Jodi-.,
clously, iMlnutn directions:fori Undrjtub in' the sercral.
. diseased tnwbifchtheyaretroplfcablebreglveUon the box.
complaints which havß.been ppbedUy cured by
them, weraaytnehUon hirer Oomplalnt,lnita Various form*
of Jaundice, Indigestion,lAtignor,and Loss of Appetite,
Ustle£sne£S,lrrltability, BHiQus Headache, Billons Fever,
fever and Ague, Pain fcuth&Slde and Loins;’ for.lntrutb.
i all these are bnt thoeoiurdqaence of diseased action in the
i llTar. Asanaperlent, they affortlprompt and sore relief
i laCcetiveness, Plies, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, BcrcfuU
and Scuryy, Colds with soreness of the body, Dicers and im
purity ofitbe blood; In short, anyandevety case where a
ls required. •
They hire also prods rod scmoringularJy successful euref.
tionof Heart, Pains in.the Baelc, Stomach and Bide.
They should be Iteely taken in-tbe spring of- tbo year, to
purify th? blood and .prepare the > systttufbrth© change of
seasons. ; An,occasional dose stlznalates tbe rtamilch aQd.
bowels Into healthy acUaD,»nd,-xestuta the appetite and i
ylgof .They purify the bloodjttsd, by/ their aumtzlant ae* i
tion Qn.the circulatory system, renew© ihustrength of tin*: I
. bodyiahd restore the -wasted OT .diseased Anarrief of the
whole organism. , Hence ait ocrorioual doss to adta&ta
geouir >N 6retithough no serious dexangement'existß; but üBH
aeccssarydbelng should nerer. be ctaTled motor, as every i
purgative medicine, reduces the streagUJu' wh'en : tahen to
Tha'thousandjrore* in which a'physfo to required
cannothe; enumerated but they, suggest themßelees
tilth'© reasonnf eterybodyt and i
-ihlaplll will answer rpurporothan any thing which.
hashUhertobeen available to/nraolrirtd. When their vir
tu ts'are-ouce kuovruj.thapuhlic wlllno longerdoubt.what
ro’iiTtdy. to. employ, wheuin need of a cathirtio medicine.
Prepared^by JAME 3 C. ATKR, Assayer end PracUeal
Chemist, Lowell,Mass.'- Price £5 cent* per box. fire boxes
far $l.
' Bcrid'by B. A.FAHNESTOCK A CO, Pittsburgh, and by
all Druggist*. - jefl.6pd*w.
: •: ..,H
’ m-tßi BiVn> cou qv ■■ i..> ■
. >.•■ ~WE iaTlta the attention of the i
public to tha certificate appended !
• T lBS&ilw 1 below/thd bespeak fonhern that can- i
r Ty|pjg|gjcdid consideration which their honest
I • :;, ‘ tnraknea dgeemt.'
■. -\BTLig6?spg^t.' Heivlh shclfstatfona as many who
;>.-lYIs& tolamerfly bear witness to thecfflc*
CJjr ' NaJH»Y fly and .Value of Cnaa y Pxctobal, do
wantonly: ttlfir with, on distort
CsS«aoMßraßaß«Bifiyjtß,-HoroTerßUtetheJr cOfftictiona.
Judge then, w hetbiriWiis jiotrtheinedlcine to trust when
: you must hare lungs;- judge soo*.
’whether eTCTyfarallyohght'liofc to hayo it by them, ess
«tfeguirf against the everywhere prevailing enemy, which
' ateaie.wi tH fetal fre&uency/iTxfcaii ' nltaoflt; every fio* fc, and
„ Ja J*cison-d fcy,o* 20 lb Ncv.,1852;
Da. J; C. ATO*r;fiir--Tbe Carnal PreroßAt is much ln
nuirod titor. Several of-'Ob? .best fhyriclans.baTßused it)
three of them in.tbeis oWh;.caße*.andalweys withthehsp-.
pieat cfffccta. Thenumerous patent medicines, always be
•fort theo,ilsad totncrodhlityrinwganl to erery nowreme*
drtrcndStls crtiiy idler nnttoubte&erldenMnr.Talne In any
article,- that'anythin# like a general , confidence can be ox*
d ine unrlrallel'exeslleneo of this combination of agents;
fin the Ohsbbt PacwaaL,) pwTed beyond earil by repeated
trial under fßelrown obeerrationj hAa compelled, modlcal
man to proclaim-abroad Its usefulness, It Is beyond all
’doubt tho best general remedy wo haVo for the Pulmonary
Affections of this climate, at the same time sed&Ure and
rare combination of properties;
■ fn'tho hope {hat 11*111 pror* its own Toward, I subscribe
mrself.’JUspetondllyjonroeialiantserTant, -
7 , JAfi* 2L a MELLEB, SI. D.
. JaX gcnilemen-of VitZegaiPrqfwionmaTkihit case.
. Wllamsbarg,X>.£,BoptB«lBs&;:
i - Pb; J. C, Arsnj DearSlr-rOyer application for the-past
i three years in' my duties as an adrccate, brought os some
i eight months ago a sotere irritation of the bronchial tube*,
I which was a constant annoyance to me, and fast becoming
great Everyremedy tried failed
to even relle ye ine, tiU I used ybur CnaJiT ProwiuL.; This
has not only. Mitered saX trnst, wbrilreuMd me-
I cere notbdng for therepataliou of advocating Patent Me
dicines, and ihls Is atyotir service. I shall recommend it;
-to menibert of the bar, and others whom I may meet, la-.
boringundorsimilarindlspoaitlotts, :
. .' Yours truly, . ... : JONES.
. Montgomery, Ala., October 4,184 P.
’ Db; J, 0. Awb: Sir—l hare csed ybnr .admirable com
pound exclosirely In my practice,and tosurpass* by
far, any other remedy, we hare h?r curing discasta.npon the
lungs. .. Yourobcaientservant, - *
- B. B.JONBJ, M/D.
‘Whtryet remains to conrlnca the most Incredulous that
the Cherry Pectoral isali that it purports tobe, Via: an no
cqnaUcd Temedlaiageniibr.aiidiseaBesbf the Throat and
inngs. 3 , heoxp«i fln . e * ;ft * years baa proven it to be such,
and wdahbMtU to the people, believing- that 1 tarirtnes
will foßy snaintain ltsteputatim .
prepared by J.C AXES, Chemlst,liawell,Mass. ; Beware
of vcrthimt preparation*, attempted to be palmed off under
a similarityofname. . ■ ••• .
. . - Soid in Pittsburgh by all Druggists, tnd by B. X MHN
'ESTOOK * wholssale and reudL i jeftgmdaw - ■•.
J - AWfitM-A. A* MAflwt &~w* an now opening more
j-tban.looo pieces fin* BaWns, all of which are entirely
- new style, and wiU he ottered at reduced price*. . ■-.. Jel
ENUINGJffACABBAK, fiupply or Rculand's
VJ genuincMaeasaar Oil, rewired by mJ . m . -_ -; ..,-
jrt * job, pishing.
r 1 ■.y ’ - ; '
: V , •■■ •
■■■•■ 'V ■ ■, ’■
\ *•
'■"" -v:.-'f. ' y''V~
Uy==3>. 'TUBATRIL— Joseph C, Mbtra, lath ant Ham 1
[tfS^fir—ltfflb Btreet,aboyc Wor-i Prices of ad m iuio tl
Boxai an® Pafqbelte Mi :; ErWala Baira.lma *8.49- M
I HTrtntL aß|‘fiflcoud'Tler« 2oo; Boies for colofed persons,wy..
I Persons securing Bfintawin he css< eitraibf the, .
I cerlifibato.'' ®cw» opBtrat tfclock i perfonnahw to cow* •. ■ ‘
I xsehce at 8 0’c10ck...... Sianid xflghfidf of .
t Mr nnd Mra SF. J craning, JunafV .
| will bo presented itto newlrish dntDs.ol UMTIw •
I CABIN: patser Finncgan, a tinker, Sir Florence; Hon#y.
MoffQiro.a siioban keepor,Mrs Florence; Alice McMahon, \
I Mrs Binar.* litYho cocrso oi tbo piece, Hra Florence will
I dance an J1g”......Da8ce, WlssJS •
I conclude with tbo comedy of THE YANKEE GAL* £ Ba»pey
f O'Connor, Mr Florence; Per Ann Memtablo Hlggloflutur,
1 Mrs Florence. In which, she. wUI sioff Anwr aqngq»l.Z«d ,
1 “Bobbin Around.^
L. ¥. CLARK*
. .' mat ' Vl r -. ;
\ I M COMMUNICATIONS tiy Mull «r Telegraph; or Bills
.'J\ sonfrby AiDmis A Oo,?s Express/will secure inifliedliw
Attention. :. • " ■
I Refer to this office, tho Hotels nntl Music Stores.
| posting falthfbHy mttendefl to. •■>
t HALL, (formerly lViiitln*BJißU,) ttmrth strut,
'\yh«f SmiUtfUld, can beobtainedGnrPartlea,■FestivaL 5 , .
OcmecrtSf PttWo Meotiogfc Ac.- Alao,-Cargo’s Cotillon afij-
Hax Hon»Bamtcanbefoxin<l tnrcadiucss at all times, ty
applyitfgto-WM.' FBANKCAUQO, at the Crystal Palao*
Daguerrtanltooma of XLM. Cargo * Co.» Fourth street* .or a t
thollalh * • mftrgl
JSJ- Fxoat Woiit or Hock Roae.—A medicine
tire‘UUoot'“-Eocltllo30,"-madafrcfm.a pTnntof that
name* IsfcfcvihK-agreatTun in thie tldnityfor its earetivo .
properties. The cry af “quack,’-so truly applicable toat
IraSLorolndpoXjhnffiedidnenof>cannotbejastly';< ;
Bpplicd;to*tbef Eoc&'Eom,'tbr it " made It* maA tt In'- ' .
-th*e cttj in several cases, 1 16 the'reEofaadcuxcof sufferers,” ; •
when other remedies havg fallod—and what ■is (jutte re?
ratkable, some of: our-best ■physicians do notheriUto to .
speak veTy favorably of the compound.. Tbe certificates of - ‘
curesafe not fabrications, but from highly respectable per* ~
sons,'most ofwhom ara wdl know to us. The manufaotu- /
rer Is also woll knoWto-ns as a gentleman who would not - '
be-ehgaged In a-hnmbugjOr,indcc?i»iiiyth£t publioin any., .■•■■-
' ■,. ■.■■». 7- * s - ••
• Wo cheerfully''endorse the-above/baying,witnessed i!s
gn*ieffect,ouraelres, on pulmonary and ectofnlous com-,....
TTe believe U is thebMt'eomponndjfo? cotOsand. j..
rcoagbsjbxtont. The Rock Boss has.fonjs,beoa known u»
plantof rare medical virtue*, and'its preparation is super
intended by a gentleman character, In this
city—iY. S. Rigbler. ; L u. „ -
. .. <v _ * - .•»• -i .: J?jjw nsvat,Bec.2o,lB6l; v
.- ..This Is to certify that the notice of Bock Jlof.e medJ*
dnepublUhed In .our papet In connection with one from the
'PaUadittm, was sot only unsolicited, - bat was written by
the Editor of :his own Judgment and observation. ..
? , / 03B(5RN’A,BAUlW12f.
j ,pMiUDitJii'Ornc]E,Now Haven,Deo.^2,lBsl,
This will certify that the favorable notlco of the medicine
tnownaa the "Rock Rose," was nrattratary testimonial,
in deed by the knowledge of the curatlre effects of
tbehfiltfle in certain ewes,, newel! *a by thofatorable opln-*
lans whrcli others, well ItDOwn-ta him, had.oxpressod of it,
'nnd.Xurtbermore/tho article was written without p*/.or
iho promise of payment, or the know?cdg*.of .tbo mann£a>
‘This wonderful medicine Is fast gaining foritselfa popu
larity which no other .medlcine can hoatt of.- The plant, ■
i Rock'Roio,ls need. and; rccommonded by many eminent - -
i of our «ottstry; ; near what Jilt Thompson, of
[•FUlTadelphia; napar hate proscribed Itin bad cases.; cf i..
I 1 Scrofulous
[ erteted the attention of rcnlor physicians. Ho reports the: .-..
I following remarkable case of Whilo Swotting of: the rights
t Mp,iriTibtntfiy,” 1844. The lad was aetenyearr.bld, arid >
I had the 4l«iea«o fir three ye«rs, the bono wob dislocated ujk ..
I wardaacol outwards.' There sraa & Jarge opening .on the
hip leading to tho bone, Into which ! could, throat my fln« -
gcE I counted; three ulcers. He had been node? MTorol
| phyElclatjsj Who hadgiTcn him up. - Vorderoda decoction
[of Uockßosa—lutwodays his night sweats ceased, I-then
I «rdered i tea spoonful of Rock Rose, three times nd»y. ,
[•TBirty-n&e daya after, he wm entirely wdL
I- Sold by Dr. GEO.: H„ corner of Wood- :
I.str/fttandTirginnlley. -•
1 JST the Golden. Morton., , je&dtw ..
■ i ■ . Statement
Oy th£ oondUion of iho PITTSBURGH TRUST Co3l>
-pAtfY, as required by the Charter: .
.. ■ | DR. .... ...
To Dills Of Exchange .and Notes
r .. Diw0imted............ .....•••..$504,014.85. .r ;
! : .EXpen» account... • 488-74 • :•••.* .
I Banking H0u5e....... OO j
!..■ Cash due by 8ank5....... 32,55( 00
on? hand.................... -72,778.80:
; ■ CB.
Bj CftoitaJ Stock 00
JliTldetyls naptha . 2,252 Co..
DlscontftaandpremSoxos rec\Lu 2£34 59;
- -OontiEaenl funiL...w.~». -11,279 to
’ Cirttdaoto Batiks.... 6 t 33S 41- ■ ' ■-
-IndWltlnal depositors dniutere&S 223,503
Indiridiial dep05it0r5.....'......;... 177,200 80/ *W*«»
; \ JOHV D. EGUIAY, Cashier.
; Tlttabureb, Jm3esth,lBs*—3t
•.. 3. ' .Davltlintiixxi r .
IRWIN Street,Pi£faßargh fc 'hti3 for s*le,aa follows?—? >
(ROacres cfland in Coder cduuty.rowo, ICmflestroni Mae- .
:attne,onjlbexasinroad■tojMarion* and. 8 milcstrom Tip-
two'Xallrbtil 'depola:. 90 acrrs.ia tinder. \-
v t
./leV^lP*** bearingsApple' Orchard.. . Tbe'farm Is well
catered, high, dry, good laud, In a rory'-healthy county. '
- wery gueat bargain can be bad'of this farm for prompt
■*3 ay;;- Enquire as abovoj or of Ur. John Munn,on tho pro* - ■;
'Also, 3 Acres of land, with a largo Steam Saw Mill, now •"
;q successful operation ;3 Frame Dwellings, Bain, Black
•tmhh Shop and Tools, Boat Scaffold, Work Shop, *e., aitu
3(e.on the; bank of tho -Allegheny river, at Miller's Eddy, I-' -
Armstrong county, Fa Enquire ns above, -or of Mr,
lurra/on'thepremises./ v ; ; j, ••
•1 atso want to purchase 5 to 600,000 feet, B.- XT., of good -.
White Oak (.lank*Slnches thick,Borlgteot long, 7 told
<uches wide, part to be delivered In October nest-and park •
-m Enquire as above. ..
■ Al*o, foj sale, all the Beds, Furniture, and every thing of
-he fitting out of a large Hotel, in the city of Pittsburgh,
? row dolnga very! rge business. Two to ftve years of tho -
•mseofthe hourecanaleobehad/andimmcdiate possession •
freqnlrefl. ;Enquire asabove, . * •
• 1 • \AtOtUse* ...
pHßpattnerridp heretofore exlstlngbetwwn JOHN M’-
{ DONQUGUand JQHN H. STEWART, doing .business,
•ande* theptyleof MTDonough & Btewart r U this day dlssoK.
/id. by mutual consent; John M'Bonoagh disposing ofhla
-interest to John D. Kilgore, who with John-H. Stßwari will
-Antinue tho hardness at-the : old stand,' No. 2G7 liberty
;‘txeet; corber of Hand, under the style of STEWART &
• Stewort A Kilgore -will pay all claims against tho Arm of
M’Donough&S&ewarE, and are alone authorised to-receive
ill debts dpe the late firm. and-upon payment made to re*
:slpt for tho same. * . JOHN H’DOXOUGH,' •
June 18&4. JOHN U. STEWART.
In retiring from the Foundry business, X take much ptcas
.are in recommending the new firm to the patronage of my
; Moods and tbepublfp in geperah -
jefc2w j JOIDf MTDONOtTGtt.
» Sewlebley Property;..
qpHE subscriber offers for. sole that valuable Trnfit'of •
L landJcontalnlcg SOO Acres, Situated on Slg Bowlchley
Creek, and the Ohio-Rlver; the. Ohio and. Pennsylvania
ttailroad running through the oenter, and' the- Station on
; .ho premises, watch makes It one of the most desirable pla~; ■
.ws of casjf and quick access to the clty-tbr business men,
it all times. The satnais -offered In idta to ftUiv purchwcre ■
Enquire ai the Beaver County-Ullk Store, Union Ktreeh ■
jefcStdalkw* . W. a BUNN. -
War Blerchsuts Onljr, . ■
vA T No. .39 MAKSET Street, beloxr Third, a new and
A. cholci tot of Embroideries, hlneuv White Goods,-Silk
Mitts, Gloves, etc. ■ The goods will bo'sold atlowprkep,and'.
*s they hate been brought to this city for thWexcloeivo ad
'f antago it is expected that they will Improve „
k ho opportunity which will be offered fore fow.davs..
. WM..OECTg»
AAA HfeN,on Sectiona&i and 65, Pittsburgh and. Con-
JUU Wages per day. - - -
. jes3w \ ' - ,« JONES, k
Nttffr BOOKS! :*(KW BOOKS!!—Putaam’s M<raih]y,for ;
-June.? '’
•vFeral*eiiTeB; eeeoudseries.
FrocUenmed; asAmtlToof 1783: - -■-••■■■. ■. ,
..The Rival Beauties to Boyd Ifrrarifa. - y .,
Tbeßoadtoßulu:;byEdwiu Y.'Robertt: ~ - -
Qleason'd Pictorial and all .the;e&stem-literary s*j>6rs 2br
this week. haVb beenrccdTod at
: PAUIiKLEiaEH’B, LHorary liepot,'
t : • > Fifth afcroet, opposite the Theatre.
I>OTATUEa—SO stcifl for sale br- .
'-X ' w '"jes ; , mm r n. ootuss.
i >UK£3ifr—2oo boxes prime W.ttwcattlng, lor mils by
O Jc6 ) ' HENIiY 11. COLLINS.
Y~IUEAP WALL PAPERS--* «ew suppljr or ©fla
\JJfrpersjustrecoiTed,lbr sjileby
66 Wood street, :
jes' , - -
■VrKW'UEOOKATIONB—Et. Mickmu’hitoat chamber pat- 1
• J.Y-tenß for sale by- ;’ *'• -
•jMNE PAPER HANGINGS—A choice' assortment in '
JC chintsi broc&tcllo. and satin imitations; for sale by r -•
IfTINWHY. tfHADKd,iflgft Screens,-Centers,Muse* *o.,
W • forsolo'by -i [jebl WAI/TER P. MABBHALL; *
(IORW—IOO socks received this Jay, and foreale hr
f~\RIED FRUXT~2o sacks Dry Apples;
JL/ : - Ifi cMirEwpiaachw; ror.telQby ':
POTATOES—2O bag* on consignment. obd for fruebt -
IT . Job- ; M’OLURg.AN. HERRON A do.
.1 >AUUW SHO ULDERn—24 casks received on conslcaiaeat
l>oud for sale low by • ~
ies • : M’CLtTBHAN. HEREON & CQ.
-iU.;7 kega Maple of 8 galls. o&cb ;■ • '
, _ lba-- do-'flngar,incsies; r ; _
: Just received on consignment, and for sale by
3e& 4 . .. :;w. a. ai’CLURq.
P ASIBOvAPPLES—Pored, cored amlrllced, pat up in
lb gallon cans, hermetically scaled, retaining the orfgj.
: nal flaverand freshness of the fruit; for sale by
jefl " ■ .W.-A.M’CLURQ.
I ffcOKUH’S I’AmWA HOILEE*—This has been fnnnd
one or the most desirable articles In the way of coolu
ing utensils yet invented. It is almost In dls possible inth»
preparation ■of Farina, Grltts, Homony, Green or Dried
Fruit*. Ac. v Tor sale by BAILEY A RENSUaW,
mvSO ■.• ••'■ ■ ■ ■-. :■■&&& bjhortT Kirset.• *
Fern Leaves; second scries.
persons and Pictures; Cram the histories of France and
England; by Henry WUI lam -Herbert' ■
ttotographio Views of Egypt* Past and Present: by.J. :
P. Tbompßon.;
Wemley; a story .without a moral.
. Thompson*# Deteojor, for June.
.Yankob Notions* fresh-supply. Just .received, and for
MJ&I : • ~16 Fifth si reot< near Market .
BANDOLINE.— 1 have received this (Jay a lareo assort
ment of ftonssol- & - Pivora* genuine -BandoHn#, for
betntuyisg tha hair.
. , r- *
- , *% ■*
.. *-$O2l-,78T 35
• .V ~V