The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, June 03, 1854, Image 2

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G. F. GimiOßE; Editor And proprietor.
SATURDAY MORNING::::::::":::”:::!:JUNE 3.
Demooratlo State Central Committee*
. ..•••The DcfiQDcratlc-Stat* Central CommUtco w*H moot ct
- BachVr’A Hotel, la HarrUburff, on Thursday, tho 16th
- Junef A; A.*M«. *
j. JSBLIS BONHAM, Chairman.
Tbo resolutions adopted by the. Whig County,
Convention on Weduesd&y last, ate characterized
by three distinct features. . They announce rank:
nullification, and encourage open resistance to
tho-execution of the laws. . They declare un
compromising hostility to all the interests of the
: Southern portion of the Union. They commit
• the Whig party of this county to entire and im
mediate amalgamation with, the Abolitionists. ,
In the Bccond resolution wo fiad.the following
sentiment: “ TPe will recognize no law that aids
■ "and sustains slavery."* Every one knows that this
is aimed at tho fugitive slave law. That is the
only law that can bo said to aid slavery in the
North.; and it docs no more than the constitu
tion calls for: ■ and Whigs as well as Democrats
-helped to onaot the law. It has been the law of
tho land for four years; and a similar law esistr
cd before it for half a century. This law the
Whigs now declare their intention to nnllify and
resist. Bach a declaration was neocßsary in or
der to procure thorn admission into the ranks of
' Abolitionism, This law, that Henry Clay origin
ated, that Daniel Webster advocated,-that Mil
lard Fillmoro eigaod, and that the wbolo power
of the Federal Government Is pledged to snp
• port and- cxccuto, the Whigs of Allegheny oonn
ty now dcclaro thfey will nullify andTcsist. They
will not “recognize "it as law at all. This-is
the same principle on which the Abolition mob
of Boston ore acting, and on which Batcholdor
was murdered by that mob. And to this princi
ple, and its treasonable and revolutionary ten--
■denoies, the Whigs of this county have been
pledged by tb*irloodors. Will the rank and file
of the party redeem this pledge, and oousent to
this open Bale or their entire oolumu to Aboli
tionism! We jndgehot; from the fact that one
Whig paper, the American, is inclined to attri
bute the resolutions to Mrs. Partington; .and
denounces one of the nominations made by the
same a fraud, and an insult to the
Whig party. Wo take *he following from the
.American of June Ist:
’ 11 The nomination of Wm. ft Stevenßon Is an iniult to
■thoold awl tteddtflßt Antimasonscf theeounty. Thlscen
' tletnaa, we ora inclined to ttsllcvt, naver.voted on Antiitta,:
tonic or Wills ticket. Or stonily a Locoroco, to became .
■ ' convert to the Abolition sect, then the Liberty party, and I.e
now award rab-toDary of the Free Soil oxclorlTea. and al-
Tina steadily opposed to the Whiafi. Snch a man, with
'' can roccivo no support
cation of laws, iB tho aboltHuu uutlaillli'BUu<
the above remarks of ono of tho Whig organs of
this oounty indicate that a portion.of tbo party
will not be sold to Abolitionism.
. Horaos Greeley has,: for some months post,
been teaobing the Whigs that the Union was of
no value to the North. That was tho first step
neoesoary to reconcile them to an attempt to dis
... : .solve the-Union. -Oar late .Whig County Con
vention seemed to -be prepared for the worki In
the:thtrd resolution they say, “far the future the
South mutt take care of itself.” This means, wo
suppose, that henceforth, the South is hardly to
.. .. be .reoogoiiod as a partof-the Union i is entitled.
- to no equal justice or protection from the fede
ral government, and no sympathy, or friendship
from the people of the North. “In futurothe
South musttake care of itself,” sdy the Abolition
And snppoßo that, intkodays of the
Bevolution,the Southern people had Bald, “in
fhtnre-tha-Norfh-must take care “ontsdf
v. Where then would havebeen the cause of freedom?
. It Is a well known historical foot, that, daring the
revolution, tho English government made repeat
ed attempts to detach the South from the North;
and offered liberal terms if the Southern people
would lay down their arms. Bat the South re
fused to abandon the North. The people of that
section-scorned a reconciliation, however advan
itageous to: themselves, that: would-leave their
Northern brethren to Btrnggle alone with-an ex
asperated and powerfal foe. They stood by tbe
v North like faithful allies, and. tbo causa of free
dom prorailed, aad we enjoy its fruits. And
ndwtho Whigs and Abolitionists of the North
proolaim that “ the South must take care of it*
' Tho work of: amalgamation between Wfaiga
.and Abolitionists is now progressing;.but the
Abolitionists, small a fsotion as the; are, mako
the Whigs bid high for the alliance, as the feso -
Inti Ons and proceedings of the late WhlgConvcu
tion in this oounty abundantly, prove. Here
tofore, the Whigs have professed to have some
distinctive principles, and their Conventions have
annually announced them. But this year their
platform is. oonfinod to a single plank, and that
. . flank it AioZilianum.-Not one of their former
tenets are they allowed to rotain. They adopted
- five resolutions, every one on the samo subjeot-
Nallifloation of the fugitive slave law, hostility
to the South and all its interests, and rank, vir
ulent Abolitionism is the only issuo they are
allowed to present; and they submit. Bat this
: is not all. They are required to place on their
tieket one of the moat aotive Abolitionlstß in the 1
county. : They submit ; and William'E. Steven
son is nominated by tho largest vote that any
eindidato reoeiVed in the Convention. Above
Will be sgen what the . editor of . the American
thinks of thjs part of the bargain.
It remains to bo seen whether this unequal
bargain will bo consumated throughout the
State, and how much evil it can accomplish when
it is completed. Wo believe it will, but destroy
the Whig party, without building up another in
: its place. And on this point we quote the lan
gnsge of the Amirican of Thursday. The Ameri
am is one of the Whig orgnnß in this county
■ and it says: 1 :
rt lna Whig Convection wo expect, first,. that none but
Whigs, tnova to be enoh, be pet in nomination. The prin
ciples of the party- ere broad enoegh for all good men to
Stand upon. If Irma wish to anile with us, thero is always
. room in onrjrarhr for them to act in, if they wish for our
“. cooperation. If they do not, their narrow end confined
platform, teb often of a singlo plank, Is bnt ill adapted to
thahral In tho Whig party, and tha attempt to force them
nponfftoundoo confined, con hutdisperse, if not destroy
them.” 1
But Creditor of the American must be blind
if he does not seo that Abolitionists are not com
bing upon the Whigplatform. On the contrary
Whigs must abandon their: own, and step upon
the nbolition platform, consisting of a single
Observe the fact too that the Whig Convention
"Baid not one word about Judge Pollock. The
bargain is not yet complete; and it may be that
Jndge; Pollook will yethave to retire, as the
■tfournat-suggested some time ago, and let Potts
or Wilmot ran the race.
- g©*:Xho Oaietto devotes a considerable por
ilon' of- -five Articles .to ns on Friday morning.
Bat they are made op of stereotyped Abolition
slang. It makes no attempt, however, to answef
-onr arguments as to the great benefits of the Ne‘-
fcr&aka bill; or the great iniquity of tbe Boston
Slot and murder. |
The Gazette — Tits editor ot {he Gazelle,
which is now au abolitionist organ, is perfectly
frantio under the plain, truths wo told him on
Thursday. In bis paper of Friday morning be
says, that we " look with evident glee to the con
summation of the threat made in Boston to mob
Theodore Parker and Wendell Phillips." \
Now, to show how much regard for truth that
paper manifests, we will republish what we said
in relation to the threatened vengeance on Par
ker and Phillips, for the mnder of Batohelder :
** Wo would-deprecate finch vengeance and violence, nod
counsel lawful punishment of the ■ assassins. But a few
more violent deaths at tho hands of oholitionista will scot
- ter all peaceful coonselstc tho" winds; and lead to massa
cres loos to ho remembered-and regretted.”
Those are the remarks of oars from which the
editor of the Gazette draws tho conclusion that
wo “look with glee for the consummation of the
Is it truth or a falsehood? Can the slanders
of such n-tntra do any one hnrm? Yet the
same man, on the same day, calls the President,
and tho whole Democratic party liars. Bntwho
will hoed the idle ravings of such an unßerupu
lons reviler t The abolition malady in its most
malignant form has broken out all over him; and
troth, reason and decency- are henceforth to bo
discarded from his columns.
As Abolition Invasion.—The Boston fanatics
from lack of oourage or numbers, find ihomselveß
unable successfully to resist the law, and have
concluded, therefore, to invite tho assistance of
their confederates from Worcester and adjoining
towns. It is evident, a desperate effort will be
made to get up a riot, when tbe fugitive is sent
back. The indignation, however; against their
trcasononß proceedings is becoming rtr general,
that it is altogether donbtfal whether they will
The American Anti-Slavory. Sooiety, taking
advantage of the excitement now existing in Bos
ton, have called their annual meeting. Some of
the speeches were exceedingly sanguinary, bat
few were willingto carryout the “ bloody inten
tions,” as tho following will show: Henry C.
Wright, in tbe course of his speech, asked, for
tho second time, whether ,his friends were ready
to die for liberty. To this home question a very
weak response was given, showing they.were not
quite prepared to answer. There was tho usual
number of talkers, black Bnd white,' of both
sexes, who were all more or less belligerent. -
((Stand from Under,”
The Journal threatens to “bo down onus”,
.to-day or Monday. It looks like fairness to give
us notice that bo is coming, but it would have
been still more so to tell us tho precise day and
hour of tho “sheer descent.” Wo could then
hove been able to “stand from under," and
avoid being crushed.
We wonder not that tho editor of the Journal
fio-ls it necessary to take time to answer our ar
ticle. Ho has some homely, old fashioned truths
there, that it will require much time and skill
to controvert. Wo hope tho reply will oome
to-day. Wo are anxious to be at onr re
Important, if True.—A. despatch from Wash
ington, dated tho 31st, informs ns tbat nt an
early hoar on Wednesday morning, the President
summoned a special meeting of the Cabinet, and
tie members wero soon in attendance. A num
of Senators, probably twenty-five, among whom
was Mr. CaSa, were present, ns stated, by re
quest, at the executive mansion, about the same
time. Tho conncil did hot remain in session
couple of hours. As ttnrmavs from
otherwise, it is
surmised that iho goYernmoal
despatches from Spain, or at least, was consid
er,qg matters in that
expected proclamation, or message of the Presi
SSS“ It is understood the expulsion of the
Greeks from Constantinople was postponed for
a .month, in. consequence of Carroll Sponco,
inq., United States,. Minister*-respectfully and
earnestly remonstrating against ffio course pur
sued towards so largo n number of peaceabjelu
habitants.: The eentimonto which be expressed
on the subject, as set forth in tho document, it
is further stated, arc highly commended by most
of tho diplotaatio functionaries in Constantino--
plo. The number of Greeks in the city are about
.40,000, and they are represented as
prossedjanob-gratitmtir-to Mr. Spence for his
'efforts on thoir behalf. ,
: US?” While two men were engaged in throw
ing up a quantity of earth, near Richmond, Va. (
01.0 of them discovered a sparkling: substance
which ho threw aside ns of no value; but the
other waß so impressed with -the singularity of
its appearance, that ho determined to pocket it,
Subsequently ho Bhowed it to several jewellers,
and Professor Dowey, of Richmond, all of whom
pronounce it to bo a diamond of tbe first water.
It is a gem of exquisite beauty, and weighs
niactoen carats—the largest ever discovered in
North America. Professor D. supposes it to
have been washed to the spot whore it was dis
West Point Militaby Academy.— Tho exami
nation of the; graduating olass took placo on
Friday. Pennsylvania has four representatives
in the class, viz: John T. Qreblo, Waterman
Palmer, Jr., (of Pittsburgh,) Samuel Einoey,
David P.r Hanoook and David H. Brotlierton.
The appointments for next year, taking effect
after the 20th of Jane, 1854,-number ono hun
dred and one. Of theso, ten were from this
State, ns follows: A. K. Arnold, E. E; Coryell,
Gilbert Kermster, J. B. leyord, W. P. McNama
ra, J. G. McConnell, F. J. Crnlly, Of. H. Cross
man, Joseph Wright and Mobbs Wright
. Hit him Again !—Shillaber, of tho Boston
Pori, gives it to the Socialist philosopher of tho
Tribune after thia manner:
. I* Some of the..Now.Yorlt Whigß are talking of Horace
■ Grew y for tho next Govornor of the '*lsmpiro State!”
. “ Thick of tliat, Master Brooke—a men for Governor of
agr*atCommoaw*allh,'.whoCan’fcgoT9ra hlaown. temper i
-!« “ excellency V who exoels In nothing but Impudence,
lastnto Bud fanaticism—a “ ruler of tha people” who Is
hiraMir ruled by caprice, Ignorance, end “ all uncjiaritoblo
peter Go to. If it wan Absurd iu the Komau emperor to
rnako a consul of a horse, itf can’t be much less preposterous
to mako b Governor of an ass ”
Impoutant Announcement!—Smith Exon
erated,—Another meeting of the Gnardains of
the Poor of Philadelphia county, took place on
Wednesday, at whioh a rosolntlon was passed
exonerating Townsend Smith, member of tbe
thirteenth ward, for sleeping In' <* the women’s
department of the Alms House.’'
' <6f* A despatoh from New Orleans, dated the
27th, says the failures in the cotton trade, an
nounopd in yesterday’s Post, have had no mate
rial, effect upon that staple, exoept to create a
momentary dallness in the market Some par
tics express the belief that tha failures will be
more beneficial than otherwise. ;
. - Cholera Items.— Tbe cholera ,is "reported to
have broken ont at Vicksburg, Miesisaippi, and
several deaths are rumored. At Nashville, Tenn.;
it is also said tp have broken out on Sunday laßt,
andiifteea deaths ore reported-to have oeourred.
' For the Dally Morning Poet
County Begisteh:— lt may not be generally
[ known that our respected fellow-citizen, Samuel
Snowden, will accept a Domination for the office
of County Register. Wo are well Informed that
Sir. S. rniH take the nomination if offered to
him, and we are free to say that a better man
could, not be brought before the Convention.
Give him the nomination, and ho will be elected
Dy thousands of Ms . Fellow Citizens. t
_. At the reoent sitting of the North Carolina
Dioocsan Convention'of the Protestant Episcopal
Church, a letter was received from tho-Rev. Dr.
■Forbes, of Bt. Ann’s (Roman Catholic} Church,
in Now York, offering to refand $7oO of tho
money whioh the late Bishop Iveß received from |
.the diocese just before bia departure forßnroper]
BESTmjcrroH or life and FKOPEr.TX.
- The city of Wilmington,. Del., seems destined
to periodical explosions, the results of which
are always dcstruotiTe to property and often
fatal to life* It is scarcely six months - since .a
mill .blow up in tho same vicinity* -.Tbo frequen
cy of these explosions will soon Induce, the cit
izens to look upon these mills as a dangerous
nuisanoo, benco the alacrity of tho Messrs. Du
pont, in offering to pay for all damage sustained.
Tho increased profitableness of powder manu
factnring, wo snpposo will enable them to do so
easily enough. Subjoined is Ihemoßtcondensed
account of the calamity: :
Our citizens were thrown into a terrible oom
motion, shortly before 11 o’clook this morning,
( Wednesday,) by a succession of reports, as if
of thunder, accompanied with a sensible jar of
every building in the plaoo, while the concussion
of tho air caused immense destruction to the
glass. Doors and windows wero burst opea, as
if Bhakon by an earthquake.
It .was soon ascertained :to have proceeded
from an explosion of powder, at tho corner of
Fourteenth and Orange elroetß, and in that vi
cinity the destruction beggars description. An
earthquake could not have caused-greater de
Three largo teams, containing 450 hags of
powder, tho whole estimated at five tons, were
on the way fnom tho mill 3 of Dnpont & Co., to
tho wharf, for the purpose of hetng shipped.
In passing along Fourteenth street, the last,
wagon was opposite Orango street, and imme
diately in front of Biehop Lob’s elegant resi
dence, the other wagons being in advance, the
head one about sixty feet beyond. It is not
known whioh of the wagons wan first exploded,
or how the powder became ignited. Nothing
but fragments remain of wagons, horses and
Bishop Lee’s house was terribly shattered.
The roof was lifted up bodily, and broken into
fragments, the front wall blown oat, tlio floors
broken up, and every window and door torn
away. The beautiful gardes, and even the
aummer-honse, well known to every visiter to
these charming grounds, were destroyed.
Tbo -Bishop and his family wero fortunately
absent, attending the Convention of the diocese,
in St. Andrew’s eburobi a fow squares off. A
female servant was in tbo house, with a child.
The latter was slightly hurt; the servant is bad-:
ly cut, bnt is not dead, as was erroneously re
ported. Three houses on Orange street, below
Fourteenth, were completely destroyed. Of one
frame house, not a portion remainßetsndljig. .
A young Irishman, boarding with John Mo-
Laughlio, was fatally injured and died shortly
after- MoLaugblln was very ba'diy out, nnd bis
clothes torn off. Ilia wife ifl : very seriously in
jured, nnd Mb child, about two years of ago,-
wasmissing, and it was supposed bed been kill
ed, when it was subsequently taken from the
cellar uninjured.
Tho families of W<n, McCoy and Richard Rey
nolds; living in tho other honees,-aro alt more or
less, injured. Tho wife of the latter quite scri
ously. ■ ■
The residence of James Canby, corner of Mar
ket and Fourteenth streets, was terribly shatter
ed and will have to come down, The inmates
were badly cut by tho glass and falling plaster.
Tho brief stables and barn, together with tha
earrings house and tine garden; wero all de
Oq tbo opposite sido of the street, tho elegant
residence of James E. Price was so much injured
that it will havo to be re-built On tho south
Bide of Fourteenth stroef, the barn and stables
of Joseph Price, John K- Price, and James E
Price, were all .completely destroyed. In tho
latter, Robert Henry, a colored man was killed.
The following were abo killed : -John Reese.
Thomas Talley and Thomas Hughes, employed
as drivers of the teams.
The trees along the'street, snd in the gardens
bnraering, were stripped of their leaves, and
some tern np by tho roots. Fragments of the
wagons, horses-and drivers, were blown, in va
rious directions. A human arm was found at a
distance of tliroo hundred feet; nun of the dri
-»y,awaa blown overtho trees, and the fragments
oftniß Omjjrloilgcd on the shore of the Brandy-
Injured by tbo explosion,
instead of from it. The appearance of tho hou:-
sea shows that the great vacuum caused by; the
explosion .had caused the air in the hotmos to
burst them,.., In Sir. IMce’s boose, the hfiivy
folding doors between tho parlors,: which were
closed at the time, wero forced violently from
tho hinges, and carried to the end of the room.
Tho windows and doors, in every tfiiao, were
driven outwards.
Tho tire of one wagon, weighing one hundred
pounds, was thrown a dbtnnco of two hundred
feet, and a fragment of another tire. Tout inches
broad, was driven directly through the trunk of
a large tree. Though nothing ha.-ai-,-,!—g
tbo wagons asaatiTi ni» iii-traguituita, ITio places
WhOfeihey stood is marked on the had cf the
road, which, by tho force of tho expiooion,. has
boefi- fiizfile two fcei»
Nearly all the bonses along Orongeatrect, as
far no Tenth, have the glass broken and the plast
ter of the interior shattered from tho walla. On
Market street; adjoining the residence of Joe,
F. Price, tbo elegant dwellings of John R. Pla
ter, John H. Prico and Joseph T. Price, were
i grcotly injured and tbo furni'tcro and glassware
broken. Seven dwelliuga on Thirteenth street,
called Bright’s -row, wero much damaged, the
windows shattered sad the plaster detached from
the walls and ceilings.
The explosion oaused n terrible sensation
throughout the city. In tbo neighborhood/ the
people trashed from the houses in great terror.
A gentleman riding on horseback some distance
from the head of the wagon, felt the ground
trembling, ond at the same moment was lifted
from his horse, and seeing the windows falling
into the street, thought an cnrihqunka had oc
curred. Many suppose that poraons passing
along the street at the time were killed, and their
bodies destroyed.-. So far, only See aro known
to bare been killed. The bodies or fragments of
four have been found found, and an inquest held
on the remuins by John Moore, Deputy Coroner, i
: The explosion was felt at tbo brick meeting
house, thirty.five mileß South of Wilmington
JThe total loss. is,estimated at not less than
$75,000, including the powder and teams, valued
at $5,000, ..Tbo. .Messrs. Dupont arc on tho
i ground, actively engaged in doing all they can
to relieve the sufferers. They declare their in.
tention to pay all the damago done to property. ■
Among tho injnred ia tho wife of Richard Rey
nolds, who had her leg broken. A lady living
near Bishop Dco’s residence says that a few mo
ments before the explosion, she caw a man walk
ing towards the wagons.- Tho explosion pros
trated her, and when she recovered she eould see
nothing of tho man, and thinks, without doubt,
ho was killed. -
Proclamation Against Flllbusteri&m.
The President baa issued bis proclamation to
the United sStatea Marshals, &a./to prevent ony
movement by Filibuators agamat Oaba, tihd ffam*
iog adventurers of the cousequfcnces:
Whereas, information has beon received that
sundry persona, oitizens of tho XTuiteCl States;
ami others residing therein, aro engaged in or
ganizing and fitting oat a military expedition for
tho invasion of tho island of Cuba—and irhere
as, the said undertaking is contrary to the spirit
and express stipulations of treaties between tho
United States and Spain, derogatory to tho char
acter of this nation, and in violation of'the obi
vions duties and obligations of faithful oudpi
triotio oitizens, and whereas, it is the duty of
the oonstitutod nuthoritioßiof the United States
to hold and maintain tho. control of tho great
question of peace, or war; audnot suffer: tho same
to be' laTrleßsly. oomplicatcd under any pretence
whatever; ■ and whereas, to that cud all private
enterprises of a hostile character: within tho
United States against any foreign power with
whioh the. United ' States arc at peaco, aro for
bidden and deolared to bo a high misdemeanor
by any express not of Congress.. Now,; there
fore, in virtue of the authority vested' by tho
Constitutions the President of tho United States,
I do issue this prooiaqiation tp w<irn alt persons
that the generalgovernmeut-olaims it as <v right
and duty to interpose for the honor of its flag,
the rights of itß citizens, tho national security,
l and the preservation of the pnblio tranquility;
from whatever quarter mcnaoedand it will not
i fail to prosecute with duo ouergy nil; those who,
unmindful of their own and their, country’s fame,
t: presume thus to disregard the laws of the land
i and oar. treaty-obligations. I earnestly exhort
I all good oitizensto discountenance and prevent
I any movement in conflict; with laws arid national
I. faith, especially charging the several District
I Attorney, Collectors; and other-officers of the
i United States, olvil ond.military, having ■ lawful
power ip the premises, to exert the same for the:
purpose of maintaining the : authority and pre-:
serving the peaoa of the United States.
■ ■■■ Given under my hand and the seal of the
United States,: at Washington, the thirty-firar
day of May; in the year of our Lord; one thous- :
and eight hundred and.flfty-four,: and the seven-:
ty-eighth* of: the* iadependonoo • of. the - United
-By the President:
_ W. li. Mawt, Beoretary of State.
1 i.
‘ * V ' * ’ ; #
;\. '*
. ..V- >-'i ..'-.l* 1 '"'.l- .
. .
.■••:'• 'V.^ v '" :?v:
••■- ;v>v<v.:-:*r* V, ... ..
Fanny Kemble rev! Jolins Cnmr in Some
ode iijglit in E tsier ;
: The EuroDa for Liverpool took out $659,277-
83, and the Havre Bteamer sailing to-day iB also
oxpected to take out a large amount.
One iraok farmer alone, sends a thousand
quarts of strawberries into the Phildelphia.mar
In the notion of Lieut Coll Cooke and 200 U.
S. troops with the Indians, the total killed was
21, and wounded.29—total 45.
Sinoo the breaking out of the war Mr. McKay,
of Boston, has received oroiiis tor budding ships
to the amount of $200,000.
Mr. Homans, the son of tho poetess, has resi
ded atßome for more than six years, ns tho cor
respondent of a London newspaper. He is-a
member of the Roman Catholic Church.
At Elyria, Ohio, on Thursday night, minute
guns were fired, bells were tolled, and muffled
drums boot, on nooouat of tho pnß3age of the
Nebraska bill! -Elyria ts determined -to serve
the country. The patriots are not yet all dead.
Jullien’s last dodgo to attract aa audience
to Castle Garden, is a promise of a magnificent
Champagne fountain, disbursing drinks gratia to
all who nre thirsty I The wine to be served by
beautiful young ladies, too!
Gen. C. M. Reed, of Philadelphia, recently:
sold n number of lots in Buffalo to the New York
Central Railroad Compauy for tbo sum of $90,-
000, for which in the year 1846, ho paid only
about $l,OOO. adding thereto, some $12,000, or
$15,000 in the erection of buildings.
John Mitchell, the Irish exile, returned to:
Richmond from Charlottesville, Vo., on Friday,;
and had an enthnsihstio reception. At the Ex
change Hotel he was called out, and made an elo
quent address to the multitude. Oa Saturday
evening bo partook of a complimentary dinner.:
It is said he is to deliver an address before the:
literary societies of tho University of Virginia,
in June. : . ■ .. .
Mr. John Tope, a submarine diver, who was:
testing an apparatus with whiah ho was to ex
plore a wreck, met with a horrible death at Buf
falo, by the raaohinery becoming disarranged,
causing a pressure of the water equal to ten
tons on his lower extremities. The body of the
deceased below the neok oppeared as if the
Mood had been entirely forced out of it, present
ing an appearance as white end clear as a piece
of marble souipturc: ■
■Ol- Mr*. Vanderbilt, No, 189 Suffolk fit.,
says of Dr. bPLanes Colobrated Liver Pills: ■■
■ Being. unwell, and: not knowing whether it proceeded
from derangement of. tho liver or merely hysterics, I’ waa
persuaded to purchase a bo* of Dr. Sl’Lane’a Celebrated
LirerPHhysud teforolhad used them all, was entirely
relieved. lam now enjoying perfect health, and cheerfully
recommend Dr. SfLanv's Celebrated Liver Pills to all slml
lntly alflloted. ..
Snv VoitK, March 25, IPOS. v
.. I*. S.—l>r. IVLano** celebrated LWcr rills, *lat> tig' grtat
Vermifuge or Worm Destroyer, cau. now bo had at all
sijectaMoDrog Stores la thU dty.'-
Purehawrs will flcaso ba careful to osk fjr, and take'
mma but Dr. Memo's Mrer Pills. There are other Pills,
purporting to 1» Llm Pills, now betoretho public.
Ato for sale by ? =• ;.
Successors loJ.ltidii A Co.,
fiO Wood street.
ELIXIR OB COrtDIAL.—A ‘W'oao to Moical MAntfszts.-
—Thtire lire fjrmaUits and dogmatists jh ail professions,
who deny thy truth of emery thing they don’t flud set down
Id certain book# wblbb- they have been taught to regard ns
tte 'sutznvm btiumyt theprlnciples and. practice of tfciiir.
callings. Bach men are mill-stouos round the noefc of Pro*
grefis; but all their efforts cannot chain down Isvcstfgnllon
and cspcrfmeDt, nor discredit their malts. Medical mar.
tip*t* might possibly bo' fqnnd .who would, deny .that
safest uud mostwrhdn moatTs uf fitioyailng a broken down
pj. ; jti.-rn, and restoring shattered or relaxednerves to their
full vigor and tension, that ; tbe world ha* yet seen; - Let
tbm deny iU Omnipotent troth is.mightier, than they"
Call the recovered rtjkto tbs. witness-box, and let them trs,
tify against .pj^adfcb.'3bet;,iiot 'combat'- theory, and dho
g»r.thud» of thousands, eared from a life of auETcribg and a
. premature grave, drown with its acclaim tba cavillings of
tb.vo who arc too w|*o In their own conceit to examine and
te.d.vrh.ii they condemn. When tho shaken oerves bceome
tbc vlgoronpy thefeehlo robust*
tho dejected joyous, tflasufforiog free from pain, the h?d*
Tldda&RAUrej when we we etory- pporfes cf functional dla*
to. (his lnsriimAblovCur&tfre, ought we to Do
ijie or'even doubling, ita extra*
‘’'ir!L t ’?'TT U=lt it. caurtor?
for twelve dollars. - , CrU-UINO, Vroprfetcr,
. ~, * 1W Broadway, Kow„Yorkv
Srbi-by .DruKsiats tJaroughout the'-United States, Oaaaaa.
and tho W«st Indies. • •
i F»MMiyG„ & OO Wood street, Piltsbarcb*. '
»« or,/H.EEnrstfcs„.io wjodnS«, “1“
J.l* H.BMINO, Altsghon, City. jolsliw ,
LPantalooita*—Tho T?cU>kso«o sapgrfority of
i .GHIHBJi/E’S fit is IfcoGanagnU itacdft
rp¥ftj3 l JfnsJ§2aWkppwlf Tfr-"
[ j*iiT ir lft ‘“T l ii~V^ rf i"-titt- unretb£*en_£{t&wUii Ih®
, era 6 ess® i»4 61m. m> bcf» to bfona hii pa
[ Irons arid liw pabHiv'fcliat Ids stock U no* r-’plclr Jrtth the
I =e~csl ttyjra for costs', Testa and pant*, snitablo for the
present season. -I - £e a KIBBLE,
Tailor and Pantaloon Maker.
WO liberty st,besa of Wood. .
prS* Tho trnth concerning Sellers* Ver
,K^uge--A ringlc-TUI producing mnScra.—Hoad
•tUirfvlloi?i»jr -
;> . •* • • Vmy. tp i deflforsan c o t Jan.iff,lBs2. :
rift. R. K.Sum*: filr-X bought of J. n. Row ono hot
or your, vermifuge, and gave it to a child of urine, - and
It expelled SS largo Worms, and gotten number of tmaUe*
'.'• 31. PATMIny. '
■ „ feWT* i&fc/*•
„ -»}** B. E. fiatsim—Having triedyour Vermifuge: to my
timi y, I can say that it Is not to be sorpasied by any Ver
mifuge in the world for expelling Worm?, O.itnoAM.
„ WtraJow tp., Jefferson co. FeV17,1552.
Mp, IX. h. SELtsa?—iCTveonebotUaofyoorTonnlfoes
to my child, and lirxp&ffcd 75 large Worms. I thlnk tfc
thobestlnnse. Yours, respcctfulJy,
rwpawj on.! fo!d by B. E. WlSXns&'m.ftfVfai
street, and for sale by. Broggista pp-penUlv. •/;.• my2T
life, r^andMarihelnroranceCompany•
■ _ ■ • • ' „ JAMES 8, Uootl,:fresident;
CifAßua A. Cqitotv Secretary. .
This Company make? every insurance upper tainlm? to or
connected Kith LIKE BISKS. : : ”
Also, Hull and Cargo lUeka on the Ohio and Mlr*
Fisslppl rlTtrsnnd tributaries, and Marine Hist* generally:
And against Loss ao( j ogalnst the
Perils of tUePflanndlnland NarigHtlon andTranspertaUon.
.Policies Insuredat tbolowefttrates consistent with safety
to all parties. v
James 8» Ifoon,
Samuel M'Clurkan,
. William.
John Soott,
Jiwcph P. Gaza run,
John M’Alpin,
ffm.F, Johnston,
James Marsha:!,
Goorgo 8. fie!ileir, ;
mutual Hro & Marias Insurance) Company,
Branch 0?:cr cor. Fcnrlh and SniUtfitld s!s- ruiibumh. ;
Capital, 350,000 Dollars. "
■ pisectjojib: .
John P. Hutherford, Riuphlneo,;P. 0. Sortreick, Harris
burg: Samuel Jones, Philadelphia;,A. WllkiDs, Banker.
PlttaburKh; A. A. Carrier, Pittsburgh; John B-KatherfonL
Dauphin co.; A. J. Qillett; Hartlahurg; S. T. Jones, Harriot
bnrg; Eoberl Kloiz, Carbon co. ; ': v.. ,*, ;
■ •. ■ JOHS ?; President.
A. A.CAnUIDD, Act’y. A' J.GIttiEXT, Secretary.
~ She nhqre company nlu Insure against perils of eon and
inland tmngftuon.ana transportation; also, onbuHdJnza
lfr.cltror wantfy.nt |qw«t rate* eeasfc*
..tent with safety, Policies Issued on dwelling house* cither
iporprtuflityorfortt term ofyeai'a. ■ • ' r *Jal3 j
Girard Fire and. Marino Insnranoo Comnanv
Offu of Pittsburgh Money. cor/ftnirlh and Snti/tMi tli
- Capital, 300,000 Dollars. ’ *
' 1 MEECTOiti: !
F* M. Bnsln, .1. V. Staner, '
JI. A. Shackelford, PiulXliiirlctr,
E.M.Daris, J. B. Flanimn,
. Xlies, 8. Mitchell, . Samuel Jones, ■ • .
, ,B. D. Comcgye, . , Thomas Crave!),
IVm. H-Soirern, ?. p. Ehonnan.
A. Hart, Phfilji P. Snyder,'
Win. P. Hitclter, Alex. Heron, Jr:,
■ „ Funnan Sheppard. • •
JOEL JONES, President. : AS 8. GlLLETO.Socrotnry. 1
Mill insure Cotton orWcolon Factories, UulMings, Stores.
Merchandise and property genotolly; on tho mosuhvoreble
terms, U»131 A. A. CARRIER, Agent.
•Insnranoo. Company of the Yalloy of -Vireinia,
Capital $300,000. “ ■ i
.'•> •/:•: * ' JnaißcToaa:,V. '•J r---: r : : r
Jos. 8. Carson, • John Harr* ■ . . j
Lloyd Logan, ■ J&mea H. Bnrge&a, • . •. I
James P. Rlloy, N.W. lUdhardam, « i
■ H» ELMcQayre. ■
JOS. S. CAUSONVPrcsldent. , aS. PONK. Secretary. :■
• ; .0. P» Actuary. >
"The aßcntfanoEtho conjmtyjify' ia'espefljally lUTltod*to
tliis company,.Bß an Institution bawd upon on ample capl*
tal, and contluoted. on the *tri<jte9t principles of equity and
;ecbnoray.• -Policies issued da Boats, Cargoes, -and property
generally, by ; i A. A. OAlUtlEtti Agent. *
■JaV* : Ofllco cor. Ponrth ond BmitMeld fits.
pr : S»A9SQCiA.a’.ISfI Firemens insurance
vK£y.. Company of iheClty of Pittsbafchi
J. K. JMOOIUIE AD, Prosiicnt—RQlUSßT FINNEY, Socre.
.tary. • :•
Will Inraro* and MARINE RISKS of all
kinds,;o£lce::No.99 WaUrstmfc, .:
r -; H ,-j: ■'»> ,•
l ’.: . . J.K.filoorhoad, : W. J.Anderscp,:
I B.O.SaTryer, R.B. Simpson, ,
i , Wm.M. Edgar, H.B.WUklrifl, .
■:. ivO. H. Paulson, .. .. -William Colli ngwood,.
R. B. Roberts, John M. Irwin?
Josoph Kayo, . . Wm. Wilkinson,
David Campbell* <
'ATTENTION! 8. L.G;—You are hereby notified to
_ „ -attend at your Anaorr, on MONDAYB, /WJBDNES
DAYS ami ,FRIDaVS| for sucbbtwi
riesa as-oiay. ‘coiU4lj'efcco:tlii}.Cyrop£yjy , ,j v SANJr j : .. : >
mat29:6ma •:, •'Secretary'pro iem.
O* o. E l *—Placo of meeting, Washington Hal),
Wood street, tetwoon Fifth street and Virgin alloy;
I'' PrprsiiTOQS liOMii No,-33&—Mfi8 ts every Tnesdayevening.
. Mee&lstzlb Ehcahphest, No. 87—Meets first: and third
Friday of each month v ' * • ; (marS&ly. i
/• 1 ’ '
v\*>. ■",
Wm, B. Haven,
James D. STGIH.
. Alexander Bradley,
Robert Galway,
.Alexander Reynolds, Arm
strong Oounty. ;
Horatio N. Leo, Klttannlng,
Hiram Stowe, Uoarer.
Strange De>v«lopem«i*t.»*SdentsfloincE j
arodaily•lu!jsrsiuc to.light now inventions, and the ;
• march of progressia onward 5 pcr-An? S-ib!.'or LeromlogM,-j
wtU’bO pleased to learn that scienewnod lnag wa* \
blood, have brought before the pnblio the Rreuteßt-wnDdar-j
of the age. in the article of EMERSON'S AMERICAS HAIR
RESTORATIVE, 5 sore caro for Boldness and to prevent
Qalrfrom falling.. J3ee clronlar to be had. of the Agents,
firing full particulars. Price. $l,OO in largobottles. Sold
by - a E-PIBHEB & 00.. Proprietorsi
OTSawsflor street, Cleveland. Ohio.
.For sale In Pittsburgh in the foliowloghouses:—
: Fleming Bros., \ L. Wilcox A Co.,
R.E. Sflllers, . ; . 0. H. Kcyser, . • -
Joel Mohlcr, Benj.Pagdj-Jr^.-;
•; J. EkCas£el. r v..'; '-"' - r
Allegheny city—l* A. Beckham, :Pressly A Means, J. P.
.Fleming.: ;
- Birmingham.—A. Patterson; John G. Smith TaprS .
CITIZENS* insurance Company of
Pittsburgh—lZ. D. KING, President; BAM*
GEL L. MARSHALL, Secretary.
• Office: 04 Water Strielfctxoun Market and Wood tirtdt, •
Insures HULL and CARGO Risks, on the Ohio and Missis*
slppi Rivers and tributaries.
Insures against Loss or Dam&go by Fire..- .
ALSO—Against the Perils of the Sea, and Inland Navigt*
Mon and Transportation.
"irl ;Utacoxons:
H.D.Kisg, Wm, Larimer, jr.i
William Bagaley, - Samuel M. Kier,-
Samuel Rea, -. •>. .William Bingham,
BobertOunlapfin, John S.Dil worth,
Isaac M. Pennook, Francis Sellers,
B. Harbaugh, J.Schoonmaker,
Waltorßryant, . William B. Bays.
, . .. .. . - JohnShlpton. • --r v
Ihy bine: insurance: company, or
Pennsylvania* CAPITAL, sloo*ooo* CHAR*
Presidents- Hon. AUGUSTUS 0: KEISTER.
;v. . biBMTOBs;
Qon.A.O.Heinter, - Samuel W-Hays,
William Robinson, Jr., Thomas Gillespie,
William F. Fahnestock, John B. Cox,
Harvey Bollman, . Jacob Poton,.. 1
John Walker, Jr., . William Colder, Jr.*
JacobS.Haldeman, ; Aaron Bornbangh.
Office, in Lafayette Buildings,
JeB . (entrance on Wood ftroat.) •
TT5f» Important to Cnppere and JLeeohers*
KEYSER, 140 Wood street, has received an as
aortment of
; Cupping Glasses;: ?
: “. Breast Glasses;.. -r
-. .- 11 ■ ByoCups;: .■
V Dental Leeches;
Thenoaro really important Inventions, and very conve
nient to those who follow-Leeching. Call and sco them.-
: J®“ConjerWoodat ahd Virgin alley, . .. jafl :
Weitern Fennsyivonta Hospital.***
(r-eSy Brs. Li-SciiENcs; Second, between Wood And Market
streets, and J< Rxed, North-east corner of Diamond. AlleV
gheny city, am the attending Physicians to the above Insti
tution, for tha firflt qnartorof 1854.
-. .Appilcatlons'for.admissioh may <be at.all.
hours at their offices, or at the Hospital at 2 o’clock. F, SL .
• Recent coscsof accldentallnjury are received at all. hours,
without form. • , ■ ■■'■- ' . rjalthS* :
VT-S* C* YEAGERj 110 MARKET street; Pitt*'
burgh, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in FANCY
and country dealers as large arid welt, selected Stock of
Goods asany Eastern house,'fthd Bame prices, thus saving.
•refght, time and expenreß. i' ~ j r jaityg
wotic«*—*The. journeymen; tailors so
• CIKTP, of Pittsburgh and. Allegheny, moots on the
first and third WEDN EBDAY of every month, attl;e PLOKL
DA lIOUSE, Market stroet By order. ;
jeby • . JOHN YOUNG, Jit, Secretary. :•
rrs* Begmer—HENßY WOODS ifl acandldate for
- the nozqinaUon for. Register, before the Whig:Con>
.ventioa/ i; aprfido .
- liv Angerona Lodge, No. 259, Lo.of O; meets every
WeshloiriogHall»W6od at.: (Jyliy ■'
WliSDn 21*Cuudlesa has removed lii*o» l ce
to No. ICO FOURTH Stoat, near Grant.- [myl7:2w
' Board of Trade And JUcrohonts*
Kxebange •*■ a regular moixlhly meeUng of ihe
Association will Oe celd at their; Rooms, MONDAY EVTU-i-
INO, Jonß Alh, at * P. SL
• je3 • S..HAVEN, Secretary.
• IIELIU 1008 Service for the first time in-the new
Eecoud A. R. Chotcb, on Diamond street, TOMOH
ROW MORNING, by the Pdstor, • Rev. J. 0. BROWN, and
at 3 P. U., by D. R..EERR - Collections will be taken -
up at tho dose oi each perrlco. :
Clark's PUmo.
AFRESlLarrivol of NUN NS *CL AKK'fl ■ ■
celebrated PIANOS hesjust been
by tho subscriber. They hove been mwle 1 "fl
and carefully selected expressly for tbls mniyV * • *; U •
ket, and arecoasldered uneqaalled for sweetness and power
of tone. They ihe now Improvement of two
ieptrrate brulgrj, the bass strings rumjlog';ofer *nd above
ihn treble. They nro fully warrcnfrtTtosttthd aiiy climate,
and to excel in capacity for 16 tone/--'Pricwrange
from $250 fe Also, aflne.lot of Pianos from themnnu -
fueiOriMof DUNHAM A CO., and aIsoXIGHTB.vNIiWTON
A BRADBURY, N. Y* All thealx>vo will be sold
at . Factory prices, 'Without ad'JUlonnl'cbargß' for freight,-
risk, etc., etc. HENRY KLBRER,
' Sole Agent for Pianos,
No. 101 Third stmt,
•: ■ Sign of Hie. Golden Harp.
New arrival of ChicJterliig’y P»auos.
■' 1 : JL)HN JO..MfckLOK, «l :*«*.*.streo't, wHl'
RtPS^£i^^3liaTii open .todtv? (ttutarlayVtha followinp
HTff' i |T ia PIANO iORTKS, fn ia the celebrated
V.■;*■. “U * umimicatoryofCniCßEßlKG A SOX3,Bc&
’ - ,
TvoeupeTbly-carted? oetara PJanew.
Jour plain Jlosmwccl 7.;
Ihseo camd. . do 63**.“. ; **.
carrcii ,(§f| .
ji- Three .tramut —:• • - c -
All the ftbOTe laairumenta'ijHvc lmt«Ke(TffirnTi)?TEr
tul.taocln.end arc of tbo latsßtsiyles.of.fariiitarer;• InVa*
rlably at BOSTON Fit ICKS, nndeTPryPiano Trarra’ctwl.. •
No. 81 Wbod.itrcoi
‘ le3 •- • •,. Agoat for ChlcVnriwg &,scn£ Beaton.
, •>■>. HoticetottxePubllc- • ■
TpUR GARDNERS respect£*»j informs • tha public. the
•Jhf l h—’•■--n'K to th-f netr.DinrtiQiui-M»-rar!fj on-
Jihurket vtieeV on Bitur day rjuneSd ,18
’:T- 4ERK.--UaviugJnecHcd an the
the. Ifitfc ff-May lost,that l woald sell
alt Mttgasipesror tb?month aflS%cents, r - Ithp'pcdratWa
adrerlMemeotwas Uotpropaflya‘ndetstoood.: Tooxi>ifl{u ;
which I would now eay-thnfcl wUltell all MagailocL on
and alter the fifth of each month of their issue: for 20 cents
?^ nau^ r * a * the end of each respective mouth of
their pubilcatioff, a farther redaction: win be made. "All
who now wish to save 20 per amt, will call at .thanew and
eb **P Book Store cf B. LAUS^Eft.
■ J* 1 - 3 ' r ' "rn 87 Wood Street.
XBy the PreslWent or the United states*'
iW&! n ?’*/P AS,KUS
.ortho United States of, hereby.declarn and
..make fcaowu that will bo hold at thoundonheni
tloneil hand Offices, in tha State of WISCONSIN, at the
poriodsharoluafcer designated; vis: ’ 1 *
f?”: 1 ! ’ OIN ” r . «»nicnclog TO
Sssi*Si?, 0 ur ‘ h< ?*y ofSaptomber nest, for tha dlfpo
sMpVVia > ona3 dt!,alo<3 la tho following named town
: 2frrGi of the baa linr, itn J coif of Vie fourth principal me
*. • •• ntften;
Townships twcoty-ooe, twenty-fivc; twenty-xlx.amJ twen
ty-seven* of range two. . ■ ■
.Townships twcuty-Are, twenty-six; twenty rpven.twentT
«!*ht, twenty.nioe, anil thirty, of range three. ' ’ 1
twonty-eoron, tironty-eight, twcnty-nlne, and
thirty, of range four. ...*..
tbSy and
twenty-Boven, twenty-olght, twenty-nine, and
thirty, of range ten. ‘ • . • , ’ ... * -*
mgT&'XZ™' ‘ WCDt^!BM ' *"***»>. «n
. At ‘»» fed <MS« at I. A OROSSB, commending on SlOr.-
sr7a?* ajßtttacnth day of September noit, for the
of tne public lands within tlie undermentioned townships;
.AVrOV if Or. tout tne, and weal ofthe fourth principal met
• • • ■ • riilian,- ..- v . •
twenty-two, twonty-three, twenty-fonr, twen
ty-eight, and twenty-nine, of rangpono. *■ : .
Townships twenty-two, twenty-three, and twenty-hink of
range two./. ' 1 .• * *
Township twenty-nine* of range three,
T?wnsh!p* twenty three, twoniy-fonr, twenty-five, twontv
six, tweuty-scrpD,«ad twenty-eight*of range Ibur!
. Towtialupl twenty-onej twenty-two* twenty-three,iwentv
nty tmDt J- myra - “* ‘»S?^
- Townships tweniy-tbiao on! twoaty : font,«fringo’K)T«ni
A’orti of Vie baa tine, and east of- the . fourth principal mb
ridian. -
Township Iwenty-flTp, r,f r * nKe cue. ■■:..!
M^ t .» 0 f? n(, , OCI ' !o .^‘. WII fS' V HlVkß,ccn.mendlD S on
MondaytheelerentlidoyorSoplcral'er noxt, for thaois
-0,0 pnWlo lands situated within ..tho following
named townships, to wit: - ,
Mtrth flf de bate line, and west of the fourth principal me
:• •_ .••• •4;- • - . ridian;- . . ... . ..■ '•■
Township tblrlv-Eoren,-orrange fix. .. ' •
, Townflhlpfl.tblrty-Blx, lhirty-6evcn,-and thirfcy-ekhL of
rangealgbt 9 tUrtj ' flT '> - Ui!rt 3' £lx . and Ihltty-soTcn; of
, Townships thirty.foiir, thlrly-avo,. thirty-si*. and thlity
eoven, of tango nlno. ■ ’ “ ““V;
Townships thirty.four and thirty.ffve, of range ton. *
Towmbip thirty-five* of range eleven. •■■••• • n
Township thirty five, of range twelve:--
Ttrwnahlpß thirty-five, forty-seven, and forty-nine, ©B tlio
south-ehore .of Lake Superior, at thor mouth of St, Loots
"river, of rango thirteen.
foflrtfl3n tMrty,'thirty-flvo, imd 'forty-ftToUVTrf
twenty-nine, thirty, and: thirty-five; of xafifce.,
■Townships twenty-nine, thirty, thirtyflve # nnd forty-onc£
of range f>lxteon. • • ,•••■' , . r '. ... .* w
Township thirty-five, of range «rrentcon. ;
Townships ttairty-nke and-forty, of raego clkhtMU; » '
tWtty '° ,Sht ’ ““W «a
’At the Lend om©e at MENASHA, comraenctowon Mon
day, tho twonty-first day of; Augast next & for iho disposal
on^puWlclandawithin the following named lown&njps,
■Xtrth of tht,b<uc line, and tastef thtfourih principal
North of Vie baaUne,and east oflht fourth tortnopaJme!
: .Islands situated In saoUona twelve*ihlrtecn.foarteen.and
twoutv-two, of .township nine,- and sactW thlrty-rfm itf
township ten, of range; six; • .”
~ Islands situatedln asotiona atxmnd soTon, in.tnwnabin 7 Bmi PKtiocs oni', .two, nine, anil clfirep, ip townahrl
ton, of ranga aoyon, > ■■■■■■■ . ■•■■■■•' •'-r.'-rWFSywf.
, : Land, appropriated by las for fho nao o'i’ Bohoels, Mllitai
ry and othor parpose?, together with those “swamp and
for enltiTatlon,''lf
tJw Ststa by tho actemklfvi “An act’ la ana*
bla the State of Arkansas and. other ..States to reclaim, th.
1650(.i0i« bo BftJuied from the, tala.
* The offeiing of tho ; above lands will be commenced on the
days appointed, and wIU proceed la the order ln..whlch they
nr© advertised, until the wholo shall have beendieted,"anti;
the sales thnsdoseiirhutnerKalr shall be kept openlohgen
tbantwoTreeks.and nopriTateontty ofaDy of thelandk
fl nt H oiler tbo ex plratlon of the two-weeks.
under my -hand, at Ibo city of thla
elgbteenthday of Slay, Anno Domini, one Ihounm&eikht
hundred and tiJty-fonr. FRANKLIN PIERCE^:
Ity the Presidents r JOHN WILSON,' -
Cbmmfrifonrr of (ht General Land qffir,-;
Eveiy parson eutitled to the right of pre-emption, toanyi
or the lends, within the townships and parts of townships!
aboye Bnuraerated L is.reonirqd to establish' :fhe fametoibS'
simsfbotipn pf tho Begistef ancl Receiver of f haproper land’
Office; and moke payment therefor asradfc oepracticaUea/--
ter itcing ihit notice, and beftr* the dayappolnted for tf»:
commencument of the pnbUe sales of the lands embrudngl
tho tract claimed; otherwise! such doftnwilt be forfisHW* j
' jeS:Jawfl3w Ctamißfener. of.ike General ZandfyfeA
■ i \- *y' :
'V ‘
*■ i
‘ t / -*
•“■?•*• \C *■ . fj' ••• : t .■
THE MAIL IE AIN willleave every morning {Sundays
excepted), at 7 o’clock, stopping' at all the regaiar sta
tions, and arriving in Philadelphia at 12 o’clock,. P3L.
TUB EXPKE33 lEAlNJeavea the Depot eveiy evening
at 9:30 o’clock, stopping onlyaC'lrwins, Grcensbargb,
Latrobo, Hillside, Johnstown, Lillfiy f ft GaUlUen; Altooi:a*
Ac., connecting at lUitiabure with the train 1 for BoDL
more, and airlvlng in Philadelphia or Baltimore, at 12J30*.
neon. r
TETE ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave cveTy after
noon (except Sunday) at 5 o’clock, slopping. at all rognlar
Elations. and ranting only oa far as Blalrsvlllo.
ftHTdRNINQ TRAINS arrive In Pittsburgh. Accommo
latioti, 8:25, A. M. Express, 1/P/M. Mall 12, P.M.
Fare to New York,slo,so} Fare to Philadelphia, $8; Faro
Baltimore* $B. - -
Baggngo checked to all stations on the Pennsylvania Bail'
road, and to Philadelphia and Baltimore.
Passengers purchasing tickets In Carr, will bo charged res
casta in addition to the slatJonrates, except from, stations
where the Company hare no Agent
. No cotes of a lees denomination than' fire dollars will be
received Sn payment ibr tickets, oxcept those issnod by fcho
Banks of Pennsylvania, ..
JC&* NOTICK.—In case of..loss, /tho. Company will hold
themselvearesponsible for personal baggage only, and for
an amountnot exceeding $lOO, y
N.B.—The Excolslor-Omnibus Lino haa • been cm ployed
to convey passengers and baggage to and frenrthe Depot, at
a charge.notvto exceed 15- cents for each passenger,'and
12V£ctintslbf each trunk;
: Per tickets; apply;to - .J. MESKIMEN, Agent,
At tho P. B; It. Passenger Station, on Liberty rt» .
Pittsburgh. Jobe TnL ISM—fjo3 ..
tpo tho Honorable the- Jndgcs or the Court of General
JL. Quarter Sessions of the Peace,, in: and, for tho conntyof
■Allegheny: ■
The . petition of John Martitr, of ritt-to unship, in
the oonnty aforesaid, homhly shewetb;—*That .yonr jpiK
titioncr hath provided Wnwelf with "materials ibr the iic*'
tCommodatidn: of travelers ahddtherpy: at "his j dwelling;
housaln the. township aforesaid, and prays that yonr Hon-'
ors will be pleased togrant him a license to keep »--pub)lc:
house of entertainment, and your petitioner, as in duty;
bound,wiUpray,■ '•••.• •• •- . • JQUN MARTIN.-.
. ne t thfr subscribers, citizens of the- townshlp'oforesaid,-
do certify, that the above petitioner is of good repute Jar;
honesty nnd temperance, and is well provided TriLhhoasc
room and conveniences' for the ftccommodatioajnfrdlodg-:
ing of strangers and travelers, and that -Said tavern Is ne
cessary.-. ■ r. t
. George Ramsey, Thomas Baker, B. H. Miller, 11, SJcTn
tyre, Alexander Hardin. Lear Mclntyre, James Jordan, Ja
cob Greenawalt, William M. Donaldson; John Robinson. XL
Myers. Thos.Server. v.-‘ , ;
forty acres on the Fourth Street Koail.'
-»•. a* the Big Spring opposite Joseph H'Farlasdy. Wn dp
get up an excitement, gjvefreodinnora and fW6:
rideji, but want buyers to look at and calmly dedde on its
mtntF, and see .If it is not tho loveliest and Lest location !
nd;olning the city to have a bcanlifal residence. It white
dlndcd in lots .to suit purchasers.', P.nqolra of
jes--- .... - ■■■■•-- ;7&Fourth street:
By tho President of'ttte United" State*,
IN pursuance of, low, I, FRANSLIK PIERCE, Prosldcnt*
m tho United States of America, do hereby declare and
masa known that Futile Sales, will be he’d at the- under
metdionod Land Offlcasj Jn tho Stata ot lOWA, at the pei iods
herdmifiordesignated, to wit: . , . ;
• At the land commencing on Mon- ;
day, the fourth day of September next, for the disposal of
tbe public Hnds situated within the following named town-'
, J VotUi of the base line, and wat of the jlflh principal ■
• meridian, ■
T rwn'shlpa £BT*nty-nine, ;cighty; eighty^ne,'eighty-two.i
eighty-three. eighty-four, eighty-five, cighry-slx, eizbtv
soveo, and eighty-eight, of ranae thirty-four. ■ >
Townslupa sownt^nlne,-eighty; t-ighly-oM, elolity-two,
eighty three, ,eighty-S)nr, clglitv-Bse, eight,-eli. oljbtv-'
eeven, end eight,-eigli t, of mnge thirty-fire.’ --
: Townships 6oyent,-ft>nr,6ovont£flve.Be,enty.elr I petrenty-’
ninp, .oightyg elehty-oniv. eighty-two,- olghty-threo,. and;
«ghty-&ur, of range thirty , «it» ‘ u •• ■;
- . ®'*n;Wps seventy-nine, eighty, cighty-one, eight*-!wo,i
Bignty-thrco., eighty-fonr, eighty-five, 'efzhty-sixv efcb’tv
aud eighty-eight, of range thirty-reven. • ■■■»■
. \Wjbljia seventy-nino, eighty, eighty-one, elghty-two,’
eighty-three* algbty-flve, eighty-aix,
sovpn, and eighty-eight, of range thirty-eight. . ' 1 .
/Jownshlps;; seventy-six, seventy-seven; seventy-nlne.>
• * J Shty-thri»c,. eighty-four;. eJghty.five,- eighty-six; eighty-*
and eighty-eight, of range thirty nine; - . ;
'aigbty-two, eighty-three.-eichfy
»'>ur, eight y-Qve, eighty-six, eigbty-soven, and eighty eight’
or range forty. • • f ■■■• . . ...
- At the tame jAact, commencing on .Moaday..tharffl'h -
. of Boptomber next, lorthe. disposal Jif.tho pub-'
situated witido the undermentioned townships, to :
2*orthof th« hau ling amf-wetf of the fifth principal
•• /^warfctfan:•
tv^v- ?s c [«J|yt^oanißlnctj-°no f ofrancc-forty-ono.
r >WDship» elghty-two Bfi-1 ninety, of rtnco forty-two
_ rc.wn.hlps dßlity-t'TO, eighty three, eighty four, eighty.
rort?ti l reef 1X ’ ti 2 ht T- a, v<™. on<l eighty eight, ofran s ,-
Si? 1 '* 7 * «W“y on «- eigbtv-two. eighty (1,.,
JWy?t*> elghty-eeveny end elghty-elght, of ringo-fortyi.'
Townshfoa <-ightv:-yr,mremT..
eghey-fonr,eighty five cighly-six,
L ‘lgl>t»of range fnrtj-Sve. “ . . v, : ,-..i|
_ Tosothips elghtj-two, eighty thteo. eUhtr foßt, eighty-1
Orry aightjedi, eighty wren, end elghty-eight of range fori
, Townshipseighty-font.: eighty-fire, elghty-aix, eighty-
Weu?ami eighty eight, of raot& firty-PfiTcn J '■■■■■"■■ ■ i
ana eighty'tight, of range -fortj-l;
, Xtliho land.oSceot FORT'DBS -MGINB3, commencing! I
1 on. Monday, the fourth day of Scprmter n«xt: for tho
i r****#t the public lands within the following town !
ships,to wit: ■■""'■ ti
Aerfiae die late lint, and veil of the iiJVi principal ■!!
■ ' ' mending. . J
: Townshlps-nlncty-thrce, ninety-five, nlnety-Slx; nlnetv-* I
: Be ninety-eight, end ninery-dino, of range seventeen/ 1 1
—T.wnships nlrereflve, nlrety-sIT. ninftj-Mten, nlnoly .
-Townships nluety-lhreo,ninety-four,trfneHifiTeTnniht>4-
I twrntT. 1 " ’'- Vea ’ Dlnot 5 , : i s ht > and nlnety-nine, of rang?
1 ninety dme..ninety iwo, .niootyithrco, ntnetv-l
.fma. ninety flro. ninety six. nlnety-Eeran, •nlhStvSSl'
Vul; nV'e.y-nlue, of range .twentyeae. ‘ ,- - :
6»V nincts '' thr “« e!aely-*>ur,.ninety.
lMOai ° 3 »“Star«h*. and parcel
■.. *«*» votive line, and west of thejifth nrtnclml- i
nSn,»t,S M ”'' “ a Dlnoty-three, ol
twenty D flre r ' 6lsht^n,B *" nll,et Ti a »4 ninotj-ihrea, ofrang^
wo^?fL'f n rL nerr ' t T2t! IMpt "■'ton-save, seven, nlno,th-, !
wert half of tb<» nortbwcrt .quarter of fifteen, feTentcan*
ei!T n ,’ aI ; J 6 'V'nty-onu. of range twenty-seven. : 1
'■ ‘“''to l *® of township: eighty-Uireit
sni townshiprAncty-two. east of iho Dos links es rive We* I
' tt r-^ ycn - a^“nrtwira..
twenty rone, tweDtyithree,SrJrj
fty-fiTO, twenty jsren, north halfof
thirty Are,) of range °!
;.iJ Po T I L s ii! p 3 s[!Tenty-50T.-n, eighty-four, e-ghty-five elvh tv '■
tfc andelghtyielght,(eicopt the 7 east’ Sf oi
the northeast quarter. And the. east half of thU Hinth™-'
quarter of section one,) of range thirty '
V-, <dght?fivef eights 1
«!x; elghtyieeven, And slghty-elght, of rahSe thttv-oh£ - I
. Townships eighty-four, elghty-flvo eighty-OJi ej„hi v ;
'sirn, nnS etghly-elght, of rango Ihlrty-tTOV 7 . • ■ B -' 7 ]
sJ™ U J P V^ h V'fi ar t dgllf 3 , ? lro ’ *l8l>ty«!w; elghtyi
seven,-end eightv-olght, of Tange thirty-three. --■■■■’: l ■ ,
At the land offlcp on Mctulav I:
nnWi?T o^f"»£? Allg , oBt n “ t > fw ‘to d!Sposal"bf tt(i!
pnhllo lends within the ondermenUoncd township?, via: ;
Aor!7i of (tie hast line, and vat of thi jlfth prinanal 1
: o.t ■* j
Tc unship en.ehnndted, of rango three.- • ■' 1
. Township odo hundred, of raogo fonr. ■ i
fewnshipa nfnetEhine and hnndred, of range ton.■ j
tinge etevr'n nln<!t y ,<I 8 hf > ninety-nine, end one hundred; ol
Township one hnndred, ofrattge twelve. '' !
Township ninety eight, of ran- ’.hlrteen
... ofrangothteejUr ' !
nlnotypOTTO and nlnety-Sight; orrrago four:
Township* ninety-ear on and raii CT f) fleet.'
towlt* lQ -^ t “ ale< * following bamod t 0 wngalps*
A-nr'lA of the hate Uw, and .out of the fifth principal i
• " ’’ . meridian. - * r
• Township Ebcty-fistea, of maun ftreotr-nino. ;
. lown»h]ps_gisty>PoveDjand sorentj-tlre, of ttmrclhirfr;
rango * ■<_* ' / • v • J . j i
. lantl office atFAHOTEIit), coioxncnolDff on TifhnJ
• A.°
■ AorfA a/ tt,t Ixise Une. anavica qf.thc i
■ _• .. . . • mmdvuw - - . .!
TwoWnnJs Jtuilod la section* two araftnrlo iownshlti
seven); fix, of rango taro.
on Sion!
L&nls, eT* fot lh ° '“‘l’®* l 1
_■. A ” rlA o/tf» toushne, tmdteat i-fatfi/lh jirinciral ]
! ■■ ;I-inas:apd» Iswfortho nrtoTßchools. Mill-!
!“?£“* V®> , P u n«ce3, together with those “ ewarop oncf
oeerthrored lands; toado thereby nnfit'ror cultiTnllon ” 5
«>««t entitled- AnM
enable the State of Arkansas and. other. Statbs tivreoSml
tho awninp lands-’ within their limits.”ar,cmr«T jSSKtj:
to 2S, IBS J, trfß i, silKdrf/rSaZ e 5/«. rPO a * teu 1
‘*»™ landswillJ» commenced on thd
days appointed* and will.proceed In the order Id wfclchthev!
are ndrertbed unm the whole shmhare fcion offered, a£d<
-tho sales thus closed i hot no sale eheU he
. than two weeks, anff no private'Snlre of ana •of’fße ivShs
will beadmitUed unllUftcr the eiptrstlon“?thetwow^*S
Jons-Wilson, Commissioner of the General tind Office’
' ■ •■.■- i
i Dtrtt'OfXowjubim]
to Mt »wSh.the.sunfcuTttiof
o®“>“ a pejment therefor as soon aspraotfcaHe
«wd betire.the day appointed for[
..thsopmmo.noement.flrthe puhlleyale of the-lands embra- ! -
.cmg tlW'-tiaqt cJaunc«J jotberwtoimch dalmwill, l»: fori i
io -e rf ' JOJDf ]i
j6j.o,iT7:i j1
- A; tr«U ifcaowa la. .ibls.cotninutittr.-bf
BtrlQt veracity, baDdrf.ustbe subjoined Statement a
,»* day* since* Xt iabatune araoDpt thousands of f»W«
»*• »«*&&££
aiSSSt 1 " 10010 -’^ 1^853 '
t Qsstisbis : A chili or mine, m about 'r.V« -Ctl
been amis lSrcbme time, tatwhile at
WMtabeaaitfcjiputiu i oiLraoetoMfas*eml?m- O hJ
that Worms rrai thc eaoraT We mi.,,rS^ ,f i
a,n J U < mto d n. BP< '> ’'*?* ’““jSSuSSSf I ■
'(■:> Formerly of >
- -US'Prepared and sold by,
. . ' ' ' KA. FAHttpstOCK 4 CO,
■ ***■ . . of First end Wood streets.
. .'-i » ■'■ *• ' *i-» "' ' 1 ‘J-. ; . ‘
‘ V 5
l:" t X
' V •
v-‘r.rfv'-••;»*• ».*. i>eW ; - ; •?:=•*•
v;-* 'r-'' *
r 'if’O.'-' "♦ -
■; . ,V /> •/ '
fr .THEATER,— SostYQ C. losiLftf Z-Szjce ond JfartX" •
. yer—-Fifth street,above
Boxes and .Pattiv.etie 6(w ; Prlr«te Vaxc-i* torpe; £8; do* d>; - '■:
small, $5; SecondTier,2Gej.Boxc.sTorootorwJ pemnp,6frf. ; •
Personssecuring *ea tewHl bn charged 12*r.ct».cxtr» U# the -
certificate. Doom open at7-o'clock; p*-vfomwm v e tcrruv.
mence at 7 14 o'clock..;...Emit nightof Mr atd Mr* W J
FLORENCE, when they will appear. In, three of tbefr beat
j leccs..,...Thfs evening, Judo 3, wlUba presented the fievr-
Irish comedy of BUMPOLOQY: Jerry Murjihy, slr Flor
ence; Mary, Mrs Brdpfonl Dur.m. iiJsj ElTalcfczraTO -
;..*..To be followed MISCHIEVOUS ANNIE? Tim
:Sotms, MrllorencQ Annie i
dlDkispup, Bridget. {an old woman,) Mims.Primp, (a dan- . .
fouos,) Azmlufa Duzcuberry, Mrs Florence, During the- •
piece, “La Quarto Nation,” by Mrs Horenco; Also,al)ut«h :
Bong, accompanied by.bemdi on Ihtr Hand Organ; and the ;
-popuJareongof‘TodderEliJcof Jtmlair , ,..-Ti>conclndowltb •
LORD FLANAGAN: Flanagan, MrFloreceo; HuldaCorn
daffor. Mrs Florenc/v ... ■ •.. ......-. •
A LL COMMUNICATIONS ty Molt orTelcurnpli, or Bills
i \ tent, by Adams k Co.’s Express, wilt secure riomediate
, ; "Refer to this office, the Ilottls end Music Stores,
' poetic* faithfully utter;del to
tIA-hiiCfti UALb* {formerly ft jikia’R t<M\\.) ]'tiurUi tirtrl ,
f .ntar\x, obtained ft* Partii*,- Festival?,'
Concerts,, PubFc Meotlbjrs, <£c, Also. CaTgoV Cotillon an i
Bax Horn Sand can be found in readiness attiß-limes, i/v
applying to WM, FRANK CARGO, at tbo CryHlal Palao *
Imgnnrrcan Rooms of IUM; Cargo & Co., Fourth street, nr at
the Hall. :•• • nmi2l.
. Mead and'BXiner&l Water Fountain!
A\r noWE. No. 61-FiFTfI Street, outdoor to Masonlo v
, ?T • Hall, dealer in' FRUIT rttd CONFECTIONARY
,Ice Cream, of the beet quality, served u>. during the sea
Fon. Also, Strawberries nod Cream.
•Families can he supplied with Strawberries and other - :
TFroitsi during the season, oh the iaost reasonable terms/ ■ •
Orders are respeetfolly solicited, - . ■ , ’. : • ;> ■- jefclf
Public Sale*
:v/< Select* A.M.—l2 BUILDING LOTS, imho vUlawof
T«n:-peroneeTjnQ; each lot 25 iVei hy 110 to a 10 foet alley.
Tlie aboTeJota are feiiy deslrahle'for bhlidlcK or muDoibe*
luting purposes', and will W-foM at mcderatn jnir-es, Riul
on reasonable terms. Title iodkputable. .Knquiie of -' -
' * WM J.nOWARD, Jr*,
:i NoV 170 Fourih'atroet t or -; ’ '
3lral Estate A pent, at this oElce.
rVTEW of Manning; tier supply; largo '
,j.l «dltlni»ysl,so’.--- —.
• Life of Dr; Alexander; now supply, : - . ’
VutnußT, for Jano.
. Jlother-in-Law-i-by.EmmaD/E. M. Sontij-worib;
■ Desurted Wifo: ••••.,- -• •■•:■•«■<■■
Curse ofCHfcm: • . <» ; . ; « -
. ’ CbaTfll>er^ : Jonrnali'for.’Ecbttfaryj irSicb, Ajrll
JCnlslrcTfcccfcr;for Sunn. : : -;-
The alxrre Just i'eedrcd by expwss, and Ibf.jiß'lo by T ' •
f rt SAM’I/. B LAtJiFKB,
• i°* • .. ■.. . •’ ■'■ . 87 WoocTntwot..
NJ>W,BUOKS AT 4UNKK 4 No. 3a Binithai;l4
. .. Farnmgdato: by Caroline TLoffltw;' •' •
Tljo Hlro of tba.Eetf Hauter. •'- • • ; r
[London <br ApTli ‘
Behind the gcenesrby Liult Lnlwcr. /-
second series.
■. De Quincy** Theological Tisiwyp.,
All the new'Boo>sreceived ■'by■ soon a? Bute
ILbedi and for salb at eastern ~
LOGWOOD—4».'OO store nutf lor aal«;-t*y-
-Sucsegaor fo S-ELM ft Co,'V' ; v' : '
•No, GO Wood street. '
• and for snip by . [jjgj H.BMINO BltOR.
'oVI .11)IfPUAS—ro doz in store and for sale by
(' 1 AKBfiTjyS SCOTCH SNUFF-—yOO ib* m store ontl-for
VTsaioty. V fJc2l ■/ ■■■ FLEMING BROS.
;lj'ailiKYrr**>s assorted siaes, in store oiKf for sale
Ct AltAßXtt-rlt-ltbls-wlntei tn store and tor.
M AQ.VErfZA—iKiOHu toloinod, in slots nnMTof 'eAtlyby
j°2 Fllmimj Buns.
BA'.SJ', - —BinO'jO ItlSj hf.e rolled, ier ride t) j . , :
OTAR CANIiLES—3S boses for sMe by. e . s
O 3" 2 ■ fHITH /; SINCLATB-
BUCKETS —tu.doa for sale by :
E'USd —ID nos large for Rato by ■■ ■■■■..
i OIL-ia telij by •••'% -
l^.--|e2 : V.r-v •-: y:-;g, gESTiStiS : ;£cg t
’V A \y.VSt,~Ai A. # ASW+rartfO;. nro- uov? opening m&ro
-,'iJ .than IGOG pieces fine;TA^nPi’.iiUof whJcli nrb entirely'
.new ytylo, ntid vrHl. nt rfidiic-M prica*,- -?• jbT
'"i, n MW „T.K f'i linn,,'.',, yi,,,
iylo«ofciiqoaliiy-:. ... '
* •- - '•
T)Eubo2fB desirous, of purchasing 'a bittutiful cbUiitry ’ '
L. rosWefice triirpre^ciainiaotliofjllrTlbxrAralua--
; '.-fetpropcrty
of.o itoomaini4: '
: jJli«U3 r :refrof)d,drj’;cdlftr,fertn£jjih'of.40feetinrcdatofth*
well-anil puio?»:'BbrlczV .
Uouae, barn, carrtegQtbouso/ponliry bdutcVU-btin’t-bocrr*; • '
r Cotrsnrden, npwardd of-COO.'paar trees ;iilsb.'jvTjtrJ.v:
*[?: , 0 / scJ<* b.ppJ¥;.j?earti t tMmn n* 0 cherry irees? IPO ffrtpo-’'-'
; vjLe< pr,iUb beet quality; bulfftp RCre of finis «t»»t»fcMeL*?.;v
leogth,Jte;;;fie. - Por price anti trrin3 enquire at tbri hfeal
-Lstitfu Office of. . :...: B-..CHTIIBKB.T7/
- liD Tbirdetreet,
PEKHISIJS K Y.—l ]i«.ru i>ii : ;haa'd tie Hriest-lot'OC:-'
getimoo. Unpclisb; -'Fronch nnil Am'^rlcnTi' •*">
FlbiTfijSSLi? P^tßbur^b,e^n c - j4 !Rff Gf P«,Ln»tlw, Er»i*Ois,
tto rtOTe Srtid.M.wt.aW
BlockbeforeiiurduLiiiti;ejMwLcw... •
BA-i II I*l.' Miiorii. te-1t,,,, in
e.r flatting Strops,.and'o variety of other tindit’ ■ - ■-> /- . •
J “ l ’ JO Q , FLi:MI?O.
*' IW tontolfto, for
~ ‘ 'jos. h,i;mi?jo.
rjEMj-IXG MACASSAR OIL.-A sappy or ltudlnml'a
VX gomiina Jlucassar Oil, roccitea fy : Jiujiamla
—: ' JOF rUiMIKQ.
OOK8r«(jOK»I! • •
; Fora XeaTes ► seconJ series.' : •'
Vio ' r ” ofln£ ”’ p “t “J PrcFcnt: by j[
JJft'lPXiia sfcty amorol. ■■ -■ : - v.'
. Detwror, for Jnbi).- ■ ■ ■
.frcsb supply, Jast irxfivca-ana far
%2S: ~. • HTOSK.Lt A BRO.,
™^ 31 13 t iftii nrrct. lieur .Mathpf.
IT? ifi*’ 'BKO. K»»o received Harper;. Uraliam aria
•:••• - GrahamV -.'»••
-Enkkflrbock(*r“ h
- Oodi’i i y , /jXady , sß*ok t «
... Household Words, : • ,
.’"Vscftee NYilfontf, '«:•
Mazarine,for May. ; :
■„ ; ‘The’ Art Journal, ■ ■ u ' "';.
Reeolrcd owl for sain at , ' . :
t,l:r:vi:I t’S> literary Eebbfj ■"■v.
■• F f!l * Mrr '<‘t. opposite tIS Iliiatrtr.
jnTARI.i.K-s ;- y
mySl 4 0. MOKGAN,
: —* -'- u •'•' f • '-• .104 Word street*
ranmag bacfclSft ffet. •-.* > : ; •?>r l ?'r, .raul.
nc,r - tho Fra » strwt
■ O'; wnwt CIS P CS ' Af " co '' omre,.
“•■>■ Oj Hflii ttrct. near tht. 1W ;
’gss a *mu&&
CoFlltl.street, near.he/catOa'ce
Sfel?S3SSs£sW a - s »K?
Office of P,4 JE. IU.B. Co I /' DASKIN * Iwaawmv
> Not-Ciwtle. Sl«y,2s.isw. / »}~o:3ct :;•:
SSZSfiSSg&S&r « r*
_• AT/VAy WUKTSgrhiw,'-
la TitfaTturgh nntl-.tlcTnltT*'• HiHno tJ y-tmUlOtiXetl
■ .. .„„ flator.B.CiiTvrjrACoT . foath Thlnl at.. pi,im.m'i.
■mjSO' - 8. CDTHBERT 4.*03,
" • . ■■•..•:. •.I4ftTOtnlstrowfc- -.v
1 »" 4 «■tWtor
a na»IUTc-of 1783
Tht, Be £ D J lCs ( n Uel t 0 tteyai Fa™rito, f
“3*!r J !? ?. uln: b ? "Hi T. Roberta. -
Tfla LTinpUgbt«f«
Kcport at Uie XflaJ of M&ttfceir F. Wfcr* i -
-UnJekortoctcr, A" Jane Beeetod &tiS for *aJ- Lt ,
-,. ;;W. A*.QILDfiSFENNRy A 7; r"
No. 70 Foorth titfCffe = ?
tlosLadl*®* flao jCace-Mitp-ftf
_ j_ a: ftranrinv.
*?&«•■ *33tS &&?»
«r°tartl i n| W l S ? A >' E!iT ICC CHE*'!f>'sn?a’« :^h»
-c!*? ,l lo of Ibo italtn UM, For tala bv '"' h
SS ™ ' W! *Ri3N3ffiHW
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': k y:.v • ;3£ BroitllfleW pf.
Jrc.—-V*« hi\TO,jii>»c reccirtti a ljirpo lot ofovtfry
,y> .airn trees,ritifl £**o\ t emah’fl.Qlovr*■
*" "'’Us, of the b<st
■ . r JO3. FLEMING,
eorcoi* of thoDtarq'onrt acd Mnrfefet-kt; J.
■' . V v - '. • ■' . %