E&v&S»U A- ft k v« *. v*> :Zv -vv • - • : x w -i " !vv!vll'; ' , .‘; .v‘. -• Vis', • >;,**--. V . v-,:A V~\ . , v»-«- -p v~' ( *-'-' H- 4 - :i4PPP:::; - : p’- -C •. •: j^:r'^»fev.. ; •.•' <^ ■ ■■■ ?■-- ~ •• ■• k ’■ ! 4o*T:P v/'p: 4* ' V p" ,P>hV<’ ' rrsv\S^V*^^VV-•'>“-P *, :.,iV';;; P‘ PP-' T 4 '• *4 -- 4- .p?4p >„/,* ~ ** * S-ft* ** s \ ..f *l'i l *’ « *,•.•’■» »- * . t * ‘ ,i, *«„** P - *~ * ’ T' £«*j|r% -vj’ ‘.j h v v - ■> >•*?,«-i «k v vV 'fjfc. i’**j •*:••*?■'i; ?*’■'*»> V*- b t *. 1£ • • HV.'-v’i' - .v» .vH<- * 1. v-; ■ ihx° :■ t! Vs' *' *& x \ ci ’••! v «'*’ * r;v ■" f%P i^MI fipiMi! WW wWsaiß&tifjiateii §|iil4ii|#& MfiidMb)^ sßßgSßm^^ nMIS g@MM§ #&plapi d&m ■SK* MpttMifl ■NMMMfeII: BSs^saK^^^WJ#^@BsB^ra^^#Ss!M®fefe'g?i JflßMflMt WM^SsAoi&%B£m mmm§§omrn - j -"' w . Mmmmmmmi sir «*’*■* v^. >. ■ : *' ’■ . •' ' ' ;. ’-- •^^••:;:-,,,, y,l-,.:• - ; : H -*-' ■Daihj Blunting Q, jF. BIIitHOSE, Mitor nna Proprietor. PITTSBURGH: FEIDAY DEMOCRATIC TICKET. FOll P^VKhJJOE, WILLIAM BIGLER. FOlt J83T1C35 0? TUB SLTUEJIB COURT, . jekemiah s'.black, . •• • .. . . u? Eoauaurr cocrtjr. FOB CAN&L COMMISSIOKEIt, HENEY S. MOTT, op pnas oonstr. ■ £2?- READING SCATTER WILL BB FOUNp ON EACH PAGE OV THIB PAPER ' JOB PRINTI . Wo Rave one of the host Job Printing Offices ia tho city, sndwe would respectfully ask mer chants nud all others.who. want Cards, Circulars, Bills of Lading, Bill Heads, Blank Checks, Hand bills, oto., to giro us a oall.. All our Job Typo oro of tho most modern manufacture and. can-, not fall to please all our customers. Our work men are perfect masters of their .business, and will labor assiduously to please all who will fa vor us with an order. Democratic State Central Committee. ;Tho Domocratlo State: Central Committee will meet at Buvh'ort Hotel, in Harrisburg, on Thur.*3ar, tbo 15$b Jnno, A. D., 1554, at lOoYloclt, A. M. : J CIAI3 BONHAM, Chairman. TIBI? TO THB GITV AiiMB'HOCSB ANH - I.VBA.ISJS ABTIitH. ' Yesterday, .Tone Ist, a largo company of our oitisens visited tbo City Alms House, oix .miles tip the Mouongahela river, in' purauanceof an invitation from the Board of Guardians. .Over • fifty persons left by tho Brownsville packet, at ‘ eight o'clook in the morning, and a pleasant riio. of-an hour bronght as to the farm: and splendid bnildings erected for tho aoooramtfdation of the insane and the poor of our city. The visiter* ■ rrero cordially roceirod by Mr. Chess, the Su perintendent, and by him and Mr. George For tune, the Secretary of tho Board, were shown -'through.the buildings and grounds. : Probably but few of onr oitis ensure aware of tho amount of work that has been accomplished in pishing those institutions opon snob a footing ■ns tho character of onr city, and its wants de mand. - . . Soven or eight years ago, a. farm of one hun dred acres-was pnrohased for ton thousand dol lotb. Buildings wore immediately erected and famished, and tho poor of tho city removed to them; and the skillful,and tasteful cultivation of the soil commenced. .But it soon bsoame evi dent that more umplo aooommodatiooß for the poor would bo needed, and that a home for the insano should bo provided. Binoe then, another very laTge building haß beon emoted, that for atyie of architecture, and excellence of arrange mehts, wiH compare favorably with aoy of the publio Charitable insittntiqne pf the Eastern or Western citifs. Its furniture is neat* andenited ~~ 111 mm' ar J r —"-"""d it have ono hundred aun sixty poor' __ prOl'tll'l ty-nlno iuaane persons fiftoon males, and four-' ■ teen femaleß. It is capable of accommodating 'an hundred patients; while the Aims House could -■ accommodate probably four hundred persons, . Tho building 3 are abundantly supplied with prrppjjft gtttM-- brought in nearty a mile distant, to a cistern holding near* ly 1200 barrels, from whence it is carried by hosp to all parts of the buildings. The buildings and improTcmentshave now cost nearly $40.000; and are.paid far. Something niOTO will he required to complete them accord ing to tho original designs; and ’when completed -will provide homos for thtt insane upon a plan crcditsblo to the henevoTentchnrkcterCf our citizens, yet far mere economical than the ! plan pursued before the board of Guardians were j organized. But wo have wandered from our purpose,... was to describe tho visit of . a large party to f hie : institution yesterday* We have only spaoo to say further thatjalLwerg gratiOcd, -. to a neat, bountifaVdinner; not, " French ified and fashionable" bat such as the woil tilled farm and garden, and the well managed dairy and cook room can supply. Tho most pleasing characteristics of tho whole institution are perfect : neatness, oxaot order, good ventilation of the bnildings and pleasant , soonery around; and, above all, the expression of satisfaction-and gtatitndo upon the,countenances; of the nnfortn ttate inmates. After dinner the company sought each amuse ments as salted their tastes, tho younger por tion, by a “game of ball,” until the boat re . turning from BroWnßvillo took ns on board for the city. ■ - On tho return trip, a meeting was organized on board the boat. Hou. 0. Shalor was called to the obair. and J. Heron Foster and J, Bow man -weitzer, Esqra., appointed Seorotariea; On taking the chair, Jadgo Sbsler. made somo 'appropriate and eloquent remurks, In relation to the munificent provision made by oar city for -the care and support-of tho insane and tho in digentand thanking the Board of Onardians for the excellent entertainment they had provid ed for the company.. ’ On motionof Mr. Swcltzer, the Chairman ap pointed Q. F, Gillmoro, A. 8. 8011, and )V. Alex ander, a committee to draft resolutions expres sivo of tho Sens'S of the meoting. 'Baring the absenea of the committee! tho meeting was addressed by Messrs. : ;Sweiizsr,' fibipton, Howard, Jr., Marshali, J. 8. Franklin, and Capt. Pratt. • JJt. Gillmoro, from the commltto, reported the following resolutions,; whioh were unanimously adopted. . .Eelotrad, That tho company tender.thank* to the Board of Guardians for the Invitation to visit tbs Aims House and farm of.the city cf Pittsburgh, and for tho pleasant and-hos* .' pltable ontertafninent provided for them. • ■ Ra lived. That It Is the sense of the mooting that the ' Board of! Guardians-have manifested good lodgment gond ' taste, and enlightened and liberal views In the plan or the -buildings, the lmprovemen tof the farm and gardens, and Jn the ample yet economical provision mßde for thecate’ahd ■ oomfbrt of those’ unlhrtnhaTo. olasses’oTour.citlzena,’ for - whose well-being and inaihtalnnnce they were designed, - ■v Re&’ctd, That, in ibe opinion cftt;ts meeting, tho-ppoar ance of the hultdlngs, the Inmates, and the ground, fnrnlah - abundant evidence that Mr-Chessi, the Superintendent, and '. Mre JVUson,the Matron, are deserving of much praise fhr - their fhltrfnl end skillful attention to the duties of-their • respective offices. • Re-dvid, That. In the opinion of this mcetiog, the Board ■ .. of Guardians are faithfully discharging their duties, both to thelnsano. and; Indigent .under their care, ,and to tho : city tney represent. and are.reudoring the AlmsHouße . and au honor to'Pittsburgh. - HesSced, That Doctor Charles F. Williams is deserving - of eommendstlol.for hie ekill and care towards the sick and Inflrm-nnder his care at the- Alms House; and that equal - commendation Is duo to Dr. T. IL Ismg, who has charge of i thelneans. , RaAvei, That tho company has been, furnished ■ with I . »hun out-evidence th «t Mr. .George Fortune. the Indus* j - : triousaud efficient Se. retarv ortho Board, discharges ths ! numerous dmies of hie office in a manner-that should; be j entirely satisfactory to the Board, end to the public: .. . -■ On motion, the meeting adjourned C. BHALER, Chm’n v* r* F I S ]■ Seorotariea, J. B. bwairzKß. j jggpgoveral very heavy failures have ooaurred in New Orleans. One 1b the bouse of ffright Williams & Co., cotton-factors, doing business on Common Btreet. The liabilities are sot down nt neatly two muuons doliaes ! Another fail* n-« mentioned is that of Moses, .Greenwood & Co., farm-aiding andoommisson merchants, od - Carondelet street. It is nleo reliably stated that - Several other large ootton houses will- follow, - The above firms bave connections at the North and in Europe. jfty Dr. Pinmer, of Baltimore, has declined ' the appointment to the Allegheny Professorship, tendered him by the Presbyterian General As-; Hsably. YfEEKLT HOHET- AfcTICIE. ] Ainas JlaaTnv WiSHtsaros eisoseus Ik- There is complaint of scarcity of money in dictbo—Kissahe abj> Cote Ee-Aattßsico.—A this market at the present time; and the rate of new phase has taken place in the Martha \¥ash interest is high. One and-ahalf per cent per legion Conspiracy case, now on trial at Helenai niohth haß been paid this’week, on paper of un- Ark. Private letters have been received in pin doubted safety. The busy season has passed, cinnati by the relatives of the defendants, sta and business is more dull on the wharf, and in ting that all hope for the present was now gone, the -warehouses. Money is easy and tolerably abundant in:New York; but the shipments of gold to Europe arc Still- large. The steamer of Wednesday took abouts4oo,ooo in gold barsj and the steamer Eranklin.-whioh leaves to-morrow, is expected to take out, for France, nearly $BOO,OOO. i The prlceß of eteoks in Now -York have de clined a little, but the market is active. Toe balance in the sub-treasury at New York on Wednesday morning waß $8,928,871 76. i ■ Tho value of the foreign importations in this port, exclusive-of Bpooie, for the period sinoe Ist July last; instated as follows by tho. Journal of Commerce •July Ist to-Sept- 30th ■Oct. lrt to Dec. 51fit........ Jao. UttoMny 27Ui. Total tom July 1Et...... 5170,437,257. •.•140.768,477 Increase this fiscal year... ... $23,080,810 Exports of produce and merchandize from Now York to foreign-porta: July Ift toBept.3Qth.... Oct-lfittoDeikSlet;.... Jan. lwt lo May 27 . Total from July let ~.,$43,034,083 , $69 402,^4 Increase this fiscal year. The exports have iooreasod in greater degree ttai tho imports, the exocsa being $2,700,000. I’ho Detroit Advertiser has the following, re-, spooling thoDaho Superior mines, which we pre sume will bo interesting to some o£ our readers in this region, who are interested in mining operations. I'OMiam'Srlilay, Slay 12.1854. Tho mines In this section are looking extremely »oIL Me Uoyole Is showing « large amount of copper. I ortagw nover looked better, and among eight parties who ere now wnr'iln* at different points In the is onlj one that Is not In ompor. l’he Shcldoir and Huron are also e&, trcmulyrlon. There canibo no donbt that prove felly equal to the lele Royalei..: The Albion (mdOMSn». tesutna areloohlog.the same as at tbo date of lar i’Ub now vein opened upon tlzo Montoimna is thought to b*t a (rood one.. ‘Die IMpley, Pewablo and.Qalncy are all showing BipMr.- Thiv Quincy and Ripley nave opened soma new. »«ine that, are promlring, and tbeoplnlon la entertained that they will ; proto valuable. The new mine on the northwest quarter of Section 2 is opening well, cud th&stocslsiirtCDJoujjniroh I bsllore *he mines generally have exceeded expectation* nnd during no winter bos so much been done towarda de veloping the mineral refcorces of Lake Superior. .. ! T*»e UiunewtA is affording largo qu&ntidescf o alive su- Ter. to rnuob that a guard Is constantly set to prcvont-lts 11 KortS American, Copper Falls, and ern bar© tally reallred the expectations which their preri oui *u«*as has created. The Cliff ia truly a great mine, i Copper Falls, I am told, has never looked better than it has doriDir the past winter ■ - ■ Ills difficult to predict what it lobe the faturo of the hake Sap trior mineral district. Notwithstanding nit that has boon nMd nnd written* and the greatoumbers that bare vis-, itea ltfor the purpose of explorations* little Is known orlts weslib ' The mineral range is only a fow feet elevated, above the Aorroundlnxr country, and is covered, fht the most part, with n deep soil that completely shuts out from view tba trai *rock beneath. Where the range 13 catbya deep ravine or i*o elevated grot project* above the drep driftend toll, its mineral character has, to tome extent, became known. But the*o are mere dots upon the ranee; all also remains une tplored. What Umo and labor will do toward opening thl* mineral treasure Is hardly to bo estimated* Tho following is from the Cincinnati Pric« Cur7t.nl of the 81st: . “The total exports of ftfew leading articles, from tho Doited States to Forelgoootintrtea from January let to latest dates: *r. ' 18W4 IMM Tlmir. bbla,.., 1,432 M 3 I^oo-13* Park bUrJJ " tohhil* i SICS -J-l-fa .^„.^..^eM,lltf^^Ag33,B27 lov?s: New York, 3 000 hhds; Baltimore 2 500 hhtla; New OrletGSs, o IV hhdi: Boston, 450 hh Ja. Tho bolk of tbcse cx* ports were to Orest Britain. The condition sad prospeots of the Wheat' orop are sow. looked ..to with-great'interest, os upon the quantity and qualltj*orxbe yield mnoh'; of our • future prosperity depends. A. tatinro' would be on irreparable calamity. Jpe present high prices of breadslaffa are bearing beastly i upon/the masses, and they injpeh to ricrange-the Jinanoesof-tte country.VlJidthlng •short of a full crop will fie enfficionfc-tp work any jibango in this respect. Front all the information thatVoiutyS been able to gather,itbtKeondition. offfh® crops ap*-' pears to be otfollowsi In many places the crop ■is geod«a*bow on average. : ?Id other, localities it is the rerersßi and in some portions of Indiana and Ohio wheat fields hate been plowed np for corn. •• • : ".■ l _ r " r • thstbostoh BIOT. We. aro yet in hopes to Sod several whig newspapers condemning the Boston outrage and -it* guilty perpetrators. It oaonot be that all wlig papers aro to become abolition printeat once. The masses of thewhig party aro honest* and will not consent to bo driven into the ranks of abolitionism by their unscrupulous leaders. And a few whig editors will doubtless yet be found who nro the friends of law and order, and will condemn as it it deserves, armed and mur derous resistance to the execution of the laws. A large portion of the whigs, too, aro, we be lieve, tob intelligent not to know that 'all the hue anti cry abont the Nebraska bill is but an attempt to make politioal capital out of a mere abstraction. If slavery cannot exist, in Kansas and Nebraska, as is now the general opinion, it il a mere abstraction. That tho passage of the bill - then, should bo made tho excuse for abolition riots, and open armed resistance to the laws of the country, is a gross deception; and tee are glad to see that the Boston Courier, a whig paper, condemns the out rage and murder in that city, in terms as strong and indignant as any of tho democratic paperß employ. There is a conservative element yet in the whig ranks ; and a general and cordial nmol' gtmation of tho.whigs with Garrison, Parker, Greeley and Giddings abolitionism is still a doubtfal experiment. Some of the whig papers seem to bo fully determined on snob a coalition. Bat there are many whigs in this oounty that will sot ho thaß misled. A justification of the Boston riot and murder is ont of plaoo in one of tho most intelligent counties of Pennsylvania. Whig Conventions may wink at the ontrage; but the sober second thought of tho people, without distinction of party, will yet condemn it. Bale ofXotsat Flepccdslc. Theealo of lots at this bsaatlfal looation will : take place to-morrow.- •It is one of the most at tractive spots in western Pennsylvania.; ,It is sltnated in. the Valley of Chartlers, whioh for beauty of scenery and richness ofsoll, oannot ,be exoolled-by any place in the Union'. .. It has been called bymany the ideal of Moore’s sweet poem " Vale of Oboua,” and wo oro fair to say that the rich imagination of the .poet oonld not do more th an justice to.thiß beautiful Valley. Tho Messrs. Murphy proposes to. sell their valuable property, to-morrow; in snoh quantities os msy suit purchasers, and we would oall the particular attention of those who desire pleasant conntry residences,*to their advertisement; The farm is adjacent to the Stenbenville Railroad, and in the immediate vioinity of. tho celebrated; minerals springs, known for many years bb Scully's Springs.” ~ It is at a convenient dis tance from the city, and those who may :pqr>. chase oaahavo the afaoiao'of three or fonr of the best roads in tho connty. , (©"■ Washington correspondents, have tele graphed a ramor to rations parts of the country, .that .the.. President has already appointed ootn . missipnerB to. proceed at onoe to Madrid to .ne gotiate for the purohoae of As waß very natural, they, even went so far, to mate the attf. ry appear more, plausible, as to mention Messrs. Dallas' and. Cobb.as.the. gentlemen appointed; The story is much spoiled by the feet that no oomfinisßioners can be appointed by the President aithont the consent of, and an appropriation from Congress; and that if Bach a proposition irero now tobe jnade in either House, it would elioit st-thTeemOnths’d'bate. , , . f®* John P. flala and J.R.Giddingßara at* tending the examination of the alleged fugitive •lavs, Bubs, _ * s as they had been indioted by the Grand Jury of Phillips county, and the feeling was snob that there was no probability of getting bail. It's? sane and Cole were ro arrosted and imprisoned. The letters also stated that two witnesses for tho prosecution had been indicted for per jury. Considerable oxoitement was created in Cincinnati on Tuesday ev euingr by the report that the " Albert Pike ” brought down Bome new testimony^implicating certain parties in the lat ter oity. NewScUOOI PaCSBTTEEIAHS AKD THE SLATE bv Question. —At the last General Assembly held in Buffalo, it will be remembered resolu tions wore passed after an angry discussion, rev questiagdlstinet and fall statements to be made In regard to the-slavery institution at the next General Assembly.' The soutneru members re sisted it on the ground that it was an intcrfcr" enco in an ins itution that did not concern them, and they therefore failed to make tho statements asked. The General Assembly uow in session at Philadelphia, refused to take action on the subject. Thia ia looked upon as n virtual en dorsement of the southern mqmbors course; but 0 protest baß been got up and signed by some twenty-eight members. After some discussion the protest pros ordered to be entered upon the minutes. 1852-3. 1858-4. C 07.591 $58,657,780 557 38,174.318 ....78,722,620 75,706.178 $9.(55.790 $10,810,510 11.684.493 24,165.3"0 ... 41.09 UM .28,W0.019 07,011 Who is Potts'?“Wo oeked this question last week, on soeioguho gentleman’s name brought forward as the FreeSoll candidate for Governor . The Chester ;connty Democrat' Baja ho is a oitl ten of that county, and was formerly a whig, but recently his sympathies have been with the Free Seilers and Abolitionists. He formerly represented that district In Congress, but of late Shas taken no active part in p-litjcs. Should Judge Pollock take tho/advice of his friends and •decline, Mr. Potts would’poU a very'-roepectnble vote. = Will Jndgo Pollock dcoline? That is the question. . ’ The .following is given as an infallible cure for hydrophobia: ■ * ■ ■ , “ Take of the,root of allacampane one onnoe and a half, out it. finof then boil if in one pint Ofnewmilkdownto ahalf pint; take this three mornings, fasting, and eat no.food till 4. o’olook in , tbe afternoon. It should bo taken every other morning ; the two last doses .must weigh two onnoes eaoh. This remedy will have the desired effect, if .taken, at any timo within twcu ty-fonrs after the acoident.” ' l ean more easily understand why de formity of person shonid make one wretohed than why beauty shonid maho one vain; The weakness which desires to please is an amiable one, and there is no good reason why the re cipient of Godß bounty shonid be vain of, rather than grateful for it.— Simru. A OertUlcati Orom one of oor WII- Usnuhargh Erlnidi, -. . Kxw Yonx, August 30.1653. ■ X-hopeevery one, whsthor adult or chil'Ywho may have reason to bnlleve they oro troubled with worms, will take Dr* M’Lone’s Celobrated -Yormifogo. I firmly boliove it is ono of the groatest worm destroyers of tho ago—certainly the most extraordinary I know of. - A child of mine, about Oro years old, has boon trpnblsd with worms about six months.baeh; ws coaid got nothing ■torelioToitantil wo came across Dr M*Lano!a Vermifugo, of-which we gave hnt a small quantity. ..Tho result, how* ever,-was extraordinary.. Tho child passed oyor throe hun* dred worms*-* * , ' MB. DENT, - . P.B.—The above Tollable Tenedy, alno'Dr. cel ebrated JjJrer Pills, can now be bod at all respectable Drug Stores in this city.- : _ -• • Purchasers■will be Careful to osbibr, and take ouuo bu‘ Dr.'- SFlone’s Vermifuge. All others, in comparison, are worthless. - . Successors to J. Kidd A Co- AO WoM ptreei ' 4ST Pnntaloonai—The wllinom superiority of QMBDLE’S fit in the GarraenVneeds no. ornament on hie pert 5 It hss been acknowledged t>y eH who have favored him with their orders, that they hATC OBTer boea fitted with the rm n «1 StOJUhertr it, hwdofWoed, ; ] •r f, t ' ■■■ ■... f*.--1■ ~»,* „■■■ ' . ggy* A tailoring firm in New York city adver tise that tliey'will give to every patron who pur chases goods to the amount of three dollars a sealed envelope, "containing a . gift of some kind, varying in value from 25 cents to ©3O, which can be opened Immediately after tho pur chase, and the article obtained." Josiah Petr ham and J. Wesley Jones hide your diminished heads 1 ■ . Joseph Cooper, of Cincinnati, has leased the National Roadla Ohio; for the sum of 50,601. Rose Do YrieaMtallan Opera troupe arc play ing with great success at Nashville. "Colored Assistants 1 ': is tho name given the negro rioters in-Boston. The taxes of Baltimore for city and county purposes for. tho present year, ts.ll&f cents on the $lOO,. last year it was 02 cents on the $lOO.. E Cunard &Co, advertise that tho New York. Bermuda and St. Thomas line of steamers will be discontiaaed for the present. ' ’There is an express wagon ia Cincinnati call od’tbc “ Buoy Stone.'’ Of course it belongs to the fast lino, tho Pilot Line from Now York to Philadelphia, iff the traok on Monday nipbt. : No? one woe "" 1 •* — : ? tir, aaf-T 4® MelbouTHTJrwfflC'ira-thiiF tba passage bel«oao thatportnnd . II days Ices than any othor steamer. 400 PartuanewHiraprlCfiTleia,Jaa.«Bnwt]snn*irT "jacksouilUe, who havo emigrated from the Is laod of. Madeira,. They arc auhoacat, rCabeiy aodlstfußtrious people, andhtitcnlieady'eSnv $6OO to assist some of tbelf friysds in Madeira, to reach this' country* m vWhest fa'lhiemarket, saJJalßocheater, (JJ, y.) paper, rs now worth $216. -i'Jmit after'tht late war with England, about 18(6, it wa* 25 costa higher. A few yenslater, 1820-21 before. tbeErie Cinalreaehcdua.itfelltoo eery low' fignre—the market'price being BJJ-cents.. Oar of ftmr wf/ninont miller# lufarme m that he purr chaseAXaeat at that' price,' and paid for it jiv goods, r Sales were actually made for CBsirsslow as 81} cents. PENSSYI/V ASIA SJffitOEK Codstt.—Floor is retailing in Meroer nt tEe rate of SII.OO per bb1...,..C01. A B. Chambers; late editor of. tbs Missouri Rtpuhli eon, was born and raised In this count;, where most of his relations still reside Tbs Phil hartnonlo Glee Clab of-Jamestown were to give a concert in Mercer last evening. WnsTMonnnaxD Coosty.—About 2 o’clock, on the morning of Tuesday, the 23d ultimo, the dwelling house of-Major Thomas Borland, in Franklin township, was discovered to be on fire, and, before tbe flames coaid be arrested, was entirely -consumed." Scarcely anything was saved. Tbe hoaso was n briok one, and will be a heavy loss. The fire ia supposed to have originated froffi;o ohnnk of wood at the cooking stove;.....Mr. Frederick Bollinger, of llempfiold township, a few days since, obtained from three sbeep the following fleooes: one of 7}, one of BJ; and one of 6 pounds of wool. The largest fleece was cot from a lambi less than a year old— the first shearing..;... A short time since, a little boy about two and a half years old—a son of Mr. Sbinefelter, of Derry township—accidental ly fell into a well, and was drowned before he could be rescued...... Tho jory In the trial of Peter Myers, for' the murder of John Wash bangb, after an absence of eomo hoars, returned a verdict on Thursday morning last of “ man el nughter." lie was then sentenced .to two years confinement in the penitentiary, - How Bunns, tbe Antsaßn FuomvE, was Discoyebed.—Boon after Burns’; arrival; as, it now appears, he wroto a letter to hie brother, in Alexandria, who is also a slave of Mr. Suttle’e, stating that be was at work with Coffin Pitts, in TJraitlo street, cleaning old olotbes. 'This letter he dated “Boston,”• but sent it to Canada, where it was post-marked and sent according to the an perseriptiott to Barns’ brother, in Alexandria. Aa is the cnetom of the south, when letters are received directed to elaves, they are delivered to the owner of snob elaves, who opens - them and examines their contents:.. This Uppers to have been tbe Case with Burns’ letter, and by bis own; hand, his place of retreat was discovered by.his master.—.Boeion Gaieltc. 'WflUamsborgb, Xotig lcl&n•■■■■ Humors of the bombardment of Revel are received, but they aro unreliable.. Tho Cologne Gazette:; 'states that tho Emperor of Russia had a relapse of his illness.’ Tho inhabitants of Bt. Petersburg aro obliged to find quarters for the troop?,.and there aro in the environs of tho . .A It In stated that tho Russian government has insured tho Greek government a subsidy of 1,000,000.. Tho plan of tho campaign Is said to be to Invade Russia proper-.' : V The Tni*ke have gained two victories on the Danube. Auttrla’fl position Is decidedly hostile to Russia; she has called out 200,000 men to defend her frontier from the Rus sian?. • Paskio witch U turning tbo flrontof war to tho banks of Sereth and Dniester. It is reported ihat the Vienna conferencels to borenowed on the bads of the Austro-Prussian and Anglo-French al liances. Tbo Arctic struck the Tuscan roek. on Thursday morning, and wan slightly damaged. It la thought eho win be ready for sea In about a wools:. . 1 Tho Russian fleot left Helsingfors to Join the Cronstadt RapieiVfleefc lay 25 miles from Cronstadt fo iniercopt them. ■ ' The Turkish fleet entered the Black Sea to destroy all the Russian positions on tbe'Circassian coast, ; . • The Spanish difficulty with tboUnlted States is exciting much nttonlloil Mr.fkinlo sendaa.messenger by .tlieAsia. | A dispatch to the London Time* from Vienna,dated 10th, i states that a government messenger had rwtehed Galita on i ■ the 11th Mat, with ro'iable Intelligence that Sebastopol 1 had been bombarded, for four days, . BtfCHAitrsT, May 15tli The English steamer Tiger, of 16 guns; was sttanded close to'Odessa and was obliged to sur render tn the Russians, Two other steamers were sent to her .assistance and Lombardi the Russian works, but with littlerfleet. . Paoli, Friday Evening—Thrco per cents closed4kt.C3;lo; foar and nhalfpor cents 01:10. - Cardinal LombroneMne died at Rome cm the 11th, . COMMERCIALIHTELUGBHCK. LrvjairooL, Friday evening.—Codon: Tbo Aria’s adrleea ■had no effect fist Colton; which was conridared du‘l thmugh* out the Tbo martotclosed at a reduction of tin*rican cumut qualities* Tbo: sales today were G,OOO bales* .'• ■ :■■;.:' ■■■■■ '■*■ ■ V • U^asrocLMißKETS—Cctton,..DcD , nlston4TO>...reports t»r Cotton at 46 000 holes . Orleans fair 6)£; tnld dllng ■ Cplanufair S l /; middling s;.mUdlioj? and low-. orquaUile* have declines toosU demand taodcr* ate; other grades hare ■a At ManeheatW prices wot© In farorof boyar*. .. Flottr.»dctDAnd good end prices advanced 2*Cd; , Wes:erii oaual 41S} Wheat dull, all qualities baT& eon* sMerably advanced; whttel3si red 12*4d ; coed, prices edrsneed; yeltrrtr 41s 01; white 42siW.' lh‘OTlsloM...lAtdt;aU qualities have slightly decUnol: sales at 60s. Beef astir© ;• prims qualities bare implored m“-st, i 6s. Port marketftcwre. Bacon ditto. lUrns, May ntb — Cottot>...TbßMlea were 0000 bales; all quail ios here slightly adraoerd. . Wasuwotos Crrr, June I*—Srnafe—Eleren Senatorspras-: ont The journal wa* read. \ ir<7U£( —Ten member* present. Journal read* - Each adjourned until Monday. OLD SCUOOI PRE3BYTERTAN-ASSEMBLY* Buffalo, May 31.—Tho report of thu committee oaFyite- OAtio henerolenee, wan adopted with trifling amendmentF, and tbo following gentlemen were appointed a committee nn pyrteraatic benemleneo: tbo Iter. I). N. Binlth, B. Robin* eoi/and James L*Dixon. The election fur dime tom of Seminary boards resulted the finiP an last year, except thattbaßjrt.R. Q. Swift was chosen In plsr** of the Rer. 3. M. Cook declined, to: the l Allegheny ; fe A c'.mmltfcoor cdo from OScb synod wporWon tborob iwt of o>tn!starf»J Mjpport Tlloy roccrarocod reiolotiooi 'ead**fcitjff the churches not to hold oat false hopß3 oflargu aalatlM to ministers, aud recommend presbjtwlrt to do clltu* allowing a minister to rattle In a oongwwtloo able to support a pastor, without be rceeltes xafllcleot support* The jftoort was adopted alter a warm debato. . .. ■ . Dr. Uodgo Introduced resolutions in substance similar to the majority report on church extension,, wblah was tabled TIIE POWDER EXPDOSIOX. i\ ■ ■ muttMtoK H»y SIA-fito p«K>n» only.»» k wwa : t». -*lt4T« tea Mtlrtby Uwnxjtotoo. *b« WlucrlrtgiMntf of fwtir r<{tb«n, foflDd. -Ad inquest waa ucMon Jhe ?im*loJil3rthi' deputy Coroner. Tlwlr Mjpr4ar*Jobn aav.fig«aa ■ SEWE “ taT6 wo wt> k«a taken from New. i vS s*”«JKfe ‘V 800 iSSSS^ <* w Waited Huto twoftS remalnat the Jotirt fl f Borns Tb«atftt* *re U»;CUy ttan and o? RM under ordert at the armories M®o* initio? ttfdfrgymen, to coniiidet the interest* of 'rn?t*tihm T hm held In Unr city to day; It Waa called by the TUifr'idZ* 81. X>9Xter, wlio carriml tho el«rrK?ineQ , a ratnon etraoee to of Keene, presided TUB FUGITIVE SLAVE CASE. JJostos* Hay 31.—Mr. Dana occupied several hours in hi* argument* which was no. able and eloquent defanco of hi* client. Seth T. Thomas dosed far the claimant, conlendlng that the precise day la the record waa immaterial, and that the Identity and ownership was sufficient. Thedeejlon will be had on Friday morning. WAintNQTPX Cm-; May 31.—The President has Issued a prodiunutlon to tJ. 8. Marshals, etc., to prevent the move* meat* of Flllibuslora in Cabs, and warning adventurers of the consequeoees. . r : * Was qisctos, Jane I.—Both houses motthia morning *nd adjourned over until Monday. Only ten Senators and eleven Bepre«otattres were present. * New Yobf, .Tnoe I.—Cotton. uooetUed. Coffee: sales 200 baa* Rto at 10%; sales 1000 do Java at 14. Sna*r: ealca 4uO hfads Orleans at muscovado Havana o^.. Mo* lasses; pale* 375 bids Orleans at 24; mustmvndo 23J-<* Floor advanced 12@18a; sa>cs .9000 bbla ats9@&,37: saiejil.GOO bbls Southern at $9,12©9,50. Grain: sales 6000 bu wheat, prices easier but not qantably lower; sales 43.000 bu Com; market opened buoyant, hut closed heavy nt 76@54. ' Pro visions: saloa 1800 bbla Pork, prices a trifle lower. 13 25; sales22s tin Beef firm,sl4,7s. Lard: sales2sobbls, market dull, at 9s£ Bales4so bbls Out Meats at Whisky: «Uw 2W bbla Ohio at '25%; prfroriSO. Lluaced Oil: sales 2000 gala at BD@B2, quiet. Mpney in&rkot an* changed;.stocks lower. life, giro and Marino Insurance Company SX&SOKIO HALL, PITTSBURGH; PA. • • »• :: : JAMES 8. HOOIV President. CflAMtaA.Coltow, Secretary. This Company makes ■*-*. 'T ~ **"' «•-* , -~_n r *>• *- *>f K v tyr-sj, Bifftjt Devclopement.—Sdautlflomen are dally bringing to light.ao *. Inrenthnvnod tb«* i mnrchnf progress Is vnward; persons Bald, or becuuiipg 80, - f trill bo pleased to leara that science and long .research com- UneJ, havo brought before tho-publU the greatest wouaer of Uio sge.in the article of ESIBRSON’S AMERICAN HAIR RESTORATIVE, a sure euro tor Baldness and to prevent Hair from falling.: See circular to be had of the Agents, giving full particulars. Price $l,OO in Urge bottles. Sold by •• 0. B. VISHER & • 67 Sunerlbr street*Cleveland, Ohio, For sale In Pittsburgh lathe following bouses:— Fleming Bros., ■ ■■■■;• ; I». WUoox A Co., . : R.B.Bdllors, Q. H. Keyset, .. Joel Mohler, Benj.Fago* Jr.* J H. CesSel. . f „ Allegheny city.—l». A, Beckham, Prcssly & Moans*J» 1.. Fleming. •. Birmingham.—A., Patterson, John G. Smith rr=B Indigestion and Liver Complaint Ihgr CURED BY KIER’B PETBOLEUM.—Read the fol lowing letter from Rev; 0. Dickwsos, a Missionary in Oregon: ■ . - Mu. .T. M. Kraft— Dear Sir: Slysolt ond wife having boon Siatly boneHtted by the use of your Petroleum, I wish to re you send mo a box of twoor three dozen bottles.. I nm the Congregational Minister in this place, ond several of my poople ore affected with indigestion and an Inaction of the liver,'tho samo of myself and wife, before taking your Prreolech, on Rocs On. Wo took several bottles— two or three each—about o wear and a half ago, and vre have never enjoyed so good health, for years os wo haV«r ; sisco that time. I bad not taken a single bottle, before that fallaeM of the stomach which so distresses iho dys peptic was relieved, and I have felt nothing of it since that time. My wifo was also relieved from a chronic disease of the liver, which had been of several years standing, by the use of your Petroleum. . Sold by 8. M. KIBR, Canal Basin, GEO. XL KEYSER, 140 Wood street, and Druggists and Medicine Dealers every where.- -OCt25 jpa> CITIZENS* Imuranoe Company of Pittsburgh-—H. D. KING, President; SAM* UEL L. MARBHELL, Secretary. Office: 64 Water Slre/Übriwen Market and Wood strut*. Insures HULL and CARGO Risks, on the Ohio and Missis sippi Rivera and tributaries. . Insures against Loss o? Damage by Fire.' - ALSO—Against tho Perils of tbo Boa, and Inland Navlga lion and Transportation-. . sisxcrons: Wm. Larimer Jr.* William Bagaloy, Samuel M. Kicr, - Bamuelltoa, William Bingham, Robert Dunlap, jr.,. John 9. Dilworth, Tsaflc M 4 Pennock, Francis Sellers, • 8. Harbaugb, J. Schoonmaker,. ■ : Walter Bryani, William B. Hays. - John Shipton. - dec2S CASH EIBTCAL FIRE AND fllA- INSURANCE COMPANY- of Pennsylvania* CAPITAL, 9100,000. CHAR. TSR PERPETUAL. Presidents Hon- ADGDSTUB 0. HEIBTER. Secretary-^ XHOMAB H. WILLSON, Esq. • • warotoßs: Hon. A-O.lteUter, ... Samuel W. Days, : William Robinson, Jr., Thomas Gillespie,. WHUam F. Fahnestock, John B. Cox, Harvey Bollman, Jacob Peters, John Walker, Jr., WRllam Colder, Jr., JaeohB.Halderman« Aaron Bombangh. BUSSELL A OAKES, Agents, Office, In Loftyctte Buildings, leB . (entrance on Wood street.) . Important to Cuppers and JLeechera. {fr£>r Dr. BRIBER, 140 Wootf street, has received an os. sortment of : v : Thomas* Mechanical Leeches; •«: Capping Glasses; i **:■' Breast Glasses; .. ■ .*« v. EyoCups; ■ r l J‘. Dental l-wchea; Scarificator.' These ore ireally important inventions, and very conve- Aleut to those who follow Leeching. Call and see them. .without form. ■ , ■ n"-==*» Ot YEAUER, 110 MARKET street, Pitts (krjr burgh, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in FANCY AND STAPLE VARIETY AND DRY GOODS, offers to city ; and country dealer* as large and well selected stock of Goods, as any Eastern house, and same prices, thus saving telght, time and expenses. jtflfcyg • Motlcei—The JOURNEYMEN TAILORS 80 CIETY, of Allegheny; meets on the firstand third WEDNESD AY Of every month, at tho FLORI DA HODHB, Market street. By order. , • _ Jolty. JOHN YOUNG, Secretary. ipt l " *»a< ti. HnsT. nnnHiti, after u shortab sauce; city, and will be pleased.to'aiteod to ell profrafilonarcgnay -hfeuew peat, second door frotg.Llbcrty-on FERRY Street. - pnj** 1 ... ATTENTION You arc hereby notified Jo, attend al your Armory, on MONDAYS WEDNES DAYS and F.RIDAYB, for driU,and to trauanet such. busL • neasaa may oome bvfoto IhoCompanyi ~ P* EANE, aaf29:Cmd . Secretary pro tern. O* O. B l #—Place of meeting, Washington Hall, ik^ 7 Wood street, between Fifth street and Virgin alley. prrrKBOBOH LoDaiNo-SdS-Meetsevcty Tueadayevenlng. Mcbcarth* EscAJamm, No. ST—Meets firsthand thitd '•Friday'.ofeach month, ■. ~ : ■ [msriaayv cr-==» - -K* N. Avery* Principal of thevPlrst Word Public Schools,* Pittsburgh; is a canoidato foe .ihe ofiiGfc of vf Scho<2s i >ASQEROSA WUnirn M’gm? «esy of thi» dwawlftU r S I rth at rowdy, mteS *t less cost <;?£ eoiapleJcly waaicraU fcfc*hL > 7*“■ \j ~ -V.:'- 'J-Vi/*; To InvaMdo.••-MORSE’S INVIGORATING ELIXIR OR COBDIAL —A Woao to Mb>ical ; Mmjsxis; —Xoore are formalist* and dogmatists in allprofesrions, who deny the truth of every thlog they don't find set doff n -In certain boohs which they have been taught to regard os the ximmum fomm of the principles andpractice of their callings, Such men arc millstones round_the neck of Pro* gress; bat all their efforts cannot chain down investigation and experiment, nor discredit their results. Medical mar* Unet3 might possibly ba fonnd who would deny that. MORSE'S INVIGORATING ELIXIR OR CORDIAL Is ibo safest and moat certain means of renovating a broken down system, and restoring shattered or relaxed nerves to their full vigor and tension; that the world has yet seen. Let them deny it! Omnipotent truth is mightier than they** Coll tbu recovered sick to the wHaessbox, and lot them tea,, iifyngolust prejudlee. Let feet combat, theory, and the gratitude of thousands, saved from a life of suffering and a -■premature grave, drown with its the cavillings of tho: o who ore too wise la their own conceit to examino and tost what they condemn. When the ehaken starves beoome Arm, the weakdigcatlvo powers.vlgorous, the feeble robust,, tho drjected joyous, the suffering free from pain, the bed*. ridden active; when we see .every species of functional dir order yielding to this Inestimable curative, ought wa to lie against tho light; by donying,or even doubting, its extra* ordinary properties ? Forbid! t, condor! . ThcCordial is pat-up, highly: concentrated, In pint hot: ties. Price three dollars per . bottle, two for five dollars, six: for twelve dollars. 0. H. BING, Proprietor, • 193 Broadway, New York; • Sold by Druggists throughout tho United BtatesyCanou*, and the West Indies.': i V-: --- ; l; : - AGENTB. FLEMING A BROS., No GO Wood street, Pittsburgh. , DR. OEO. EL KEVSBR, No. 140 Wood street , do . J. P FLEMING, Allegheny City. JelMaw HEW ADVEETIsmEHIB. Mead and Mineral Water Fountain*. Tir HOWE, No. 01 FIFTII Street, next door to Masonic W • Hall, dealer.in FRUIT and CONFECTIONARY. Ice Cream, of the bent quality, served up during tho sea*: son v Also, Strawberries and Cream,' • Families can be supplied with. Strawberries and other Fruits. during tho season, on tho most reasonable terras.. Ordfits arn eoHcitfd. • ,F.nl>lfte Sale*- . ON THURSDAY THE BTH DAY OF JUNE; 1854, at 10 o'clock, A. M.—l 2 BUILDING LOTS, in the village of Temperanceville; each lot 2d feet by. 110, to a 10 feet alley. . The Above lota are very desirable .foe bnllding or. manufao* turiug purposes, and will bo sold at moderate prices, and: on reasonableterms; Title indisputable. Enquire cr -,.vi WM. J. HOWARD, Jr*. No. 179 FourlhretreeV or ; JAME 3 a calcined, in atoru and for sate by 1 1 *»*"-■ -■ gncMTxfl BROS.' BAt Jf 1N—30,000 tbs, hog root je2 STAR. CANDLES—3o boxeafor sale by. ... .. . ... j«3 - SMITJ A SINCLAIR. BUUKETd— 00 dox for sale by jpZ BMTga A SINCLAIR. T UBd*-*lO cox large for sale by .. j«2 SMITH A SINCLAIR; T INBKED OIL -12 bbU for sale by JLi j»2 g. HELLERS A CO. B-JUlvbl BuUKMI Fern Leaves ;. «econi series. * .. Persons and Pictaros;. from the bDtorie* of Fra&fe am. England: by-llenr* William Herbert. , .--v •••-':<• v ■ Photographla Egypv Post and Ftcsentt by ;Jr: 'P Ttiompson v „ : without ji tnoraL ' . ThompsQiT7X>etee:or, > ' ' Yatikee Notions j’ffgsh aupply. Jnst reedred and fo* '< ‘BKOr.- MtiSMtLL A BIW. buve rewired 11 arpoKTaw.- June,at the UTRRAR.Y DSWh.i 15 my3l.-; \f AGAZWfcb.— liarper'a for Juno. ... • tioduy'a LadyVßoofc, « -. ~7~' ?X.: IlooevLoM Word*, .. u . . .••v: Yankee Kotlona,; - -- - Wack wood’s for BJny, - The Art Journal, : ■/ BeceiVed and fbr sale ai -' ~v*-- PAVL KLKTSEH.'S, Literary EspoV FtHh street, opposite the Theatre- HABt'JSU’o WAUAZLKjfci, XurJuu©, fur saieby •Ut'T.'C, MOKGAN, lMAVoodutrtMt; O LQlafOR B ib St— fronting -Zi fiatdu'lttuir ana tausef ****** orMt - HMUn “ n ' St M %°pV af' 1 tt ' PoUrthßteC - KHANDISCUS’ -Agency Office, 85 fifth stroefc, neaTtho Fd«t Office. VX^ANTbD— A eituation by ttGerman,who writes th : „ Uerman andKugliah languages, as Clerk or Porte - m u store or warehouse. -EefereneesglTOft. j Also* a. situsUon for# Young Many {German,) wbo speaV t the togllshuud German fluently, sis Barkeeper. Porter, o .< to drive carri&gefbruprivate iamUj > Also, a situation for an excellent Cook or House-kewr i and an Assistant Cook, in a first class Hotel Or publicity « tution. Apply at , FiiANCISCUtf Agency Office, ! . rayHl .. C& Fifth street,near &e Po&tOffice. I r« THH Hlbrjucl CUUItTOP THE UMTBD'BTAm- ?■ A f° r ibo WesternDisfrict of Pennsylvania. ll The United States, at the instance ofl >■ William Arnold* ( T .. , i xs - - Vln Admiralty. {, Steamboat QaakerCity. • I ■ . 4 \ »>y vittiio r t| 0,1,10 Strict Court afthe Ko: ■ f? District of PfnnßylTkula.dtiu I dl *y or Mny, A. DMB34, and to me directod,-1 a V tacbcd the ctembMt Quaker City, Ju a plaa cltll otmat, • ■ tll ' , ,7 ljoro !S ““United States; at the insunca of Willtai, ; I Arnold* are libellants, and the owners and Captain of th ! l steamboat Quaker ttliy arerespondenta; and that the Com ; I have appointed the 80TH DAY OF MAY, InsU* an the tim I of hearing of sold attachment. «au#u ; myl7:td - WESLEY YaOJTj Marshal J .me nearing of the above eausa continued until Frida * I flexe r Jone , ftpd i J854... mySI-td • K*»« JttAliroatt. . \I uTros ifl-hereby , given to all persona wbohave sut : Ai. ecnh«d to the Capital Stock ottho Pittsburgh and Erl itollroad Company, and which has been inode specially er : plleable to the construction of*theßoad within blercpr county,that an instalment of Fiva DoLUBS per Share' wii .JSjjyglbed tube paid to the Trcaanrar of the company,’ ej OSco of R.B. B. Co, ! Nets Castle, May 25.1854. {■■WySOflw - , Treiuuret’a tifflde or th« CDurUers VaUeyi • TTr ,rij..Li‘', Hauroad Company, • ■ • # i O ÜBStmiBEIB u, th.»bo,.Jtoad^Shy notlflod iha - meaihfkiTscrileilibr» *coudinstalli] ®FIVi Dotuas per share, payable to tho Traaaunn-1 KhnS on Rra Dollora> peti >k t^le Monday .of each ensuing.month, unU'' J the whole amount la jald. . u *‘ u i. j m?3o:tf VALYAN Wlbgrag, Treasurer | CAJLVBIL*P A m Srds EmS?}' *^m J r In, *jP."Bttdaesa tnim wanting 21 - ? to thelr tulT “'"2<> to cj; uJ. * hß * »?«*““« ran be teen? and orl J with neatness and despatch.' W, 8« BOHKftTSis noIQUMr an Kjtoat of oun w«- agency having ceasod about the Jrtof>4prit 1 . . C4LVEBI, A Si’CIANB, ...... ! ho. 48 Sonth Third at.' PhlladalnKui. j I • ; '.-..'Strajr..Cow®«• • '■ Uiij time,) the other is a Bed Cow, fresh milk, Anr btrnnil o:at - - ■ -HENRY gLRXgTvrt . /lIIUIV HILL, i/OTB AT AUVHON.—B ebotch JL I«ta la New Troy will be oUoTed atymblle ea3e,cn ,he K®*9; “«g*Wday cf Jone,atltfeiS, R al Kaeh lot-taAibet front od Unlon atreetb? SO diin aad proseats a beautllul locaOon ftr resident'TenMaf „V°o s- odtubebt k SON, . HO. Third street. NT “i ftr ealo &t MINES t CO. 3, .uwfoJyinatmcttTa tmd arnniH^, Behind the Screen: by Lady.Bahrer -- .. Greoce and the Golden Horn* by Stenhen Olln. D 1) *” Fora. * Wenßiey,afitoiy wlthontamoraL * - ' • ■ » »rJiS*JK? a 1)e ?* top * Jan«r 78, Fourth afreet. ■: %*££%&**»*■ J r P-Wurdj afresh supply. - . I^iSfTßftrßalob J ! BTaruDHEB, *&*> 1. BrWood«lwct. JUVO UAIK wtj largo amurtomt wd J&insaesiand hSt YW.WWd-lqr -. . , £mj2S] - • JOS. PIEMIKOT ... v : ..*•• t. .. • .4'. •■ -i . ‘ .. ' 3.'*** if '•&’ t* « v ' •< •, \ *' : • 'l*. • v -5 i ' : &:■;*&. srj: ->>• i' **• ~- v- • ••-• WSSku.,. 'l-'iyf-i• - - * •irs» TIIKATRIWdbewi u ■■■■'<■• IKsy (?cr— Vjftb6trf#it,»bot6Wcr MENAGERIE •posting faithfully attondcdta f HALL, (iurinerly Wiibin’Ht&ll,) kcuriti Hrttt, J near Southfield, canboobtaioed for Parties,Featm!! l , Concerts, Public Meetings, Ac. Al.no,- Catgb’fl Cotillon act i Bax Horn Band can .be found In readlnefw at all times, ty • applying toWM. FRANK CARGO, at the Crystal Palac 1 Daguerrem Booms of R.M. Cargo & Co., Fourth street, or • t tboHalt. > ■ . . mar2l JO3EPU CQAPMANhasonhand the following brands of Imported Cigars: - Cnclosldad Cabana Regalia; ■ • •• la Perla do do; ■ Oentaaro London; *- - El Rio do; • Honterodo; . . La Fontica Open; - • UlUlndr&los Plantation; 14 Ambrosia; . • 121 Noptuno, Ist; : - ■ . EsLaCbay;. . ■■ • • La Puebla; . llot Josedirz; ■ Arlanol Cubana v- ■ * ■• . LaProntltude. . - The best brands of Virginia Chewing -Tobacco ntrays on : t band. CIGAR EMPORIUM, to Market street, bet-Thirds..,,- and Fourth. mySH . Fleecedale *'arme.tA'n.ction» *TIIIIB beauUfal JPaim having been-dlvidcd by, thembv JL scriboriatolotsyranging wcm one-to fiTo acres. wilt : booiroredatpablicsaloontho premises, on SATURDAY,, dune 3d, at 11 o'clock.. This property* is situated in Cbazv '. tiers Valley, about four miles from tho city. The land fa extremely, fertile and well watered, and suitable for private**-’ residences and para-'nmg purpopcp. Itii bum fhortdis* - Unco from the Tunnel-fetation of the Steubenville.Railroad. It la almost surrounded withgead toads, and Can be reached . with ease at all acasnDS of the fear. There is upon one of the lots an excellent Zlow9. Jlara,andoiheroalbulidlogs,and •;.••• a large number of Fruit frees In good :beailuj* order, dutiable refreshments wiJjt ho provided on tbagroundv Om« ■ minifies will .be iu readiness at the cornor-of l-iftb&cd i Market, to lake out those ’■thing to purchase. • Plots can i bahadbf calling on the Terms liberal :.. B. iIXAIN, 2V Ptfth>treet; or . •W.G.A J lUSICHPITYV : W. B. (iCA»PE, FTRST STREET. TJETWKEN WOOIT'AND. .MARKET STUEE?TS, PITTSmJKaUi PA-, bol!JßFrands* Patent ; lron aleO, manufactures. •lopwr and Sheet Iron WorhjOookm- Stores for Steamboats ■tod Holds, Portable \VorgeBr Forgod Iron Work,. Largo. B Ue for Bridges, &C 4 Cork .Life Preservers, the best-and.: hlmL, Bteombont votk attended-to. [«^y2o.y NKWrlkßiKti AT KUSSIJII/B.—Greece aud theGoldoa : Horn :by Stephen 01int l). I>. L,L: D. r Behind the Scenes: •• Ulßckwood r f| Magasinci forfilay;.: ■. • The Working Fanner:, by Prof. HafeSi - : : The. Practical .Draughtsman. ~Parfc.AX -. / . • Gnrnclfa Or the KOYerti Gath. . .” Gleason's Victori&l,T , hil"delpMal’o?fc,£alnnl4y Conrierv .- WnTerfy.Masrasiue, Spiritual Telegraph* 4c, 4*„:for this 1 »e h, rccblved by BUSSELL A UHO, .;mv2o'...■; 15 Fifth street. UcarMaTket. : . iVIOOPKB.'SLEATnEtt STOCKING V from Ulu puWli)hoTSi ;oipre», Ctwpert • , ?tj a b. laotfer. rajSO , 87 Wool atwau • ' 21« u Waiitetl. r\NE HIKjD&ED MEN WANISD' on the Cfcnlßrt BftU* V./ roaij, taiveen nnU Irwin*a'Btotion. -Tliw ' wilt •be *sl r & dAj,vp&Tahta: at tbeontf of *«arhiV '- JI 2; o f £0 QOKJbK3 ftnd;o4B7B wantedon tbepacu* •rotk I .for wliJoh UiaWfllie«t'wficrea vlllba eJren -JSftQolra - »t * “ - myafctf > 3k\i2&JEtitoy>' - Aouee ta S(o«|(ttoiaer4. - <•. - 4 GIlEEATiijr us # resoitjtton or the* Bvatd df r " o'tUlffdtjt'oif' ' *mrx!i ( pawmd ata^b«rj!^tb0.fiteksfifsaKtAawciatlftn.v -*rehOTrbtn'itlfli; ontboiCUs or -Jobe, 18JU ”W». & HUbTfill. , “" ' TrcasurerO. II A^iaUciTi, [farbctaml • ■ Lbis fi • mySC { * COLOUNB-A l-nge > U pp,jr if ffi». AT ;K*namß laiiaa Cologne. rece!i-«j tbli day by "ulr.-i™ J 08; EbßMisn." tY this eelebratSAftiSpvffl?, t sro4S <*- • tnj2o . - > by - > 1 303, FLttMiyfl. t^ angaK Sassis^ A* reeei ted b? • ' r -n>Q, JO4 PLKSIING. yALVABLERKU t'UB EMcutorAof Marcus Mines, '' nf . 1 ;I”^ O . D^ O ", Dt - r * • ‘iecmued.i.m offerTt jW S3b.W® to wit: ” ' Mfi4 ’ ** Tia oia?s Factory, on Dry Knn, Known as “NauW’ta n h lS l Sri t f h m for L y acrcsof more or Itsß.Vitb tenements, 4c., for tbo aec^^.Vj, ‘UKletJoiroflhoFeemployefttitiheiyOTka. ThßiafadabcuoS* ao4 includii alwnt tett oena\ *MS* rf on the rirer fttononca* v ela City, and crossEd hy.thc Mompffeia .ItaiirD&d. Thl* ' i . •Wptrtypri sentsanusiiulinduevineiitsto.thoinanufdisujr- - | . r or repltouat, as a eafe nbddeslrubleiijTestinnt l Ato>--A tita&tuon Ittgcon Creek, • [ >g twenty acres, more or loss, and known as tlin u jjlli pro*. • drty, on which gra erected a comfortable awelllbtrhouae*. 1 [ a i?lnidGru“flHl tatal,U ” l buUdln S fo?u £a» :- A!eo—Threolola. 60f,willtio of- J™eontelnmtt hro cr six acres curb, suitable for .astnreulots, pardeuspor.cGuntry, residences,; It n .-ivon!,* -nnpunl attractions to those '.bo trish to secure a pleasant KSp-Tlots Of theforegoing proporfy nllt boeililblterl aria ■ lade known on the day or sale. sie to commence et lo rlorke,>t;on the day of wile. rnyMaVg ■ sL ° the testimony on the trial of Matt • afrrdtof FPeCC - b tflh ! dl3tin 3«lshed counsel ctK i&goamtfcec&so; received andfcrssle nt :■'.■■ ; ?AUL ICLEIN'KR'S literary Depot, •-fifth atrect. oppoßlto-tha Thcxtr-nr I A»f<» itllll JJKKAOto —. Li ' E»st«loredlOTD»nt 12%e; ' . • FJqo "do Borages, 20c; . Choice stj-ira Mentoact Md CochccoPrluts. Uf* l »hlch'(hoj!oTlto fh» attention or the laiiee. ° n - yZi n.i(it.V 4t iHU-ill Moiket ft. ANTUJiAii.*-'A, A. MABON. & CO, bivu now-for'fcnl'v roprg than 100 latest Mautjltas. * 110MEK—ina baga-iiama Bla Odkev'T v 4 : l° P«*ei*o]d <}oy’t JatiColToo:' ' Uwcl-pol ami fur v le by • Ki?— MILLER * lUCEETSOM. I jOTAMH—Jim raeivei and .' - * _JOKI MOULER. |V I=U! Well (I—ls bbls new Potomac Hurt jag; Iroseoebn. Also, Ifallfox Hontog; Ko.t’HSaM'Jkl™?- aloon, smoked; do.-p!eH«I; ou hood sod (brtaT. il ' “>» • :. * RBft'SllAff.SgaLlherTvtfieLe SUGAR AAiirMOLAtfAkji— • , • • £0 hhda N. O. Sopar;- TB.bhla . do Molasses: -'-■■■ «-3,0;, B.JI. Mo!assea; : ror sale bV M*CLUftgAN, HBKROIV A CO R 1 immb— ~ . 100 tfercea Evans & fiwlft’a • v®...-do. fitogg & SliftjV “_iby292_ JO tierces b.C.iiecf, ..'rrmr -7 - -? ,a> g. PELLEItft > CO: |~- -&KD OILr—SO bbb No; 1 Oil - JU „ - 25 do-No,! d* Mh, uv : — ± W. A. M’CM’Ba. : w --Ay M’OJTOO, _j' JU'C T JpiIa; --S ppSygegl T BUM! S KKB&Jwf" 1 ■■■-] ■ ... lAiO Uib .jl 'f,. i Vo-cC-SSr- V article of tto Mad In wo. For ai by EDS ~ Xb ‘- "** ■ ' V ' BAU>bV * koibhaw. . " *1 • l * ■■ v ■ v# A '' v VO* ■! AMUSEMENTS, corner of tho Diamond jind ; MartoTiCfc- g. BELXBB3 * CO. f- ra BBNHTH Cor.T.lvn Vs'V?- ; - -■ . .. r :Xb SALE, L«WP t