The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, April 26, 1854, Image 2

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Hr. Greeley and a SortUern Republic.
. Mr. Gi-edeyJsofUto devoting. the columns
of the Tribune to speculations open the Talao of
the Union. ' : . •
He doeß notyetopenly advocate the dissolu
tion of the Union; bnt commences with long! ar
guments to satisfy the people thnt the North can
da without the Souths, that the North has twice
the population, wealth; ekUl; entorprlso, indus
try, and military power of the South; and ihnt
a separation of the two seotions 5 wouid ba no
damageto the North. Tbenextstep we suppose
will bo, to satisfy us that secession iaduirable,
and would’ greatly- benefit -Northern interests.•.
Thus the treacherous/poison is to be gradually,
and cunningly administered, .uutll tho Northern
mind is thoroughly Imbued With its balefal ia
fiaenoe, and fully prepared for th e voluntary de
struction of ths noble fabric, of republicanism
and self-gorornmpnt, which our fathers reared,
and oemented with their blood. .
But we do not propose to treatwith mnoh se
riousness this renewed.attempt to foster and en
courage enmity between, iho North and the
: South; and to cultivate .throughout the land a
slight regard*for the Union. There Is too mnoh
good sense'aud patriotism-in the land to permit
snch dangerous counsels to prevail.
Abolitionists, and their ambitious leaders,
would doubtless be , willing to see the confedera
cy dissolved,"and a 'Northern rcpubllo formed,
over which they would hope to role in triumph,
A” 4 ' *«•“ the course pursued by the Tnbune
hitherto, it can hardly be doubted that ita prin
. bar T provided himself, audhis particular friends,
oodd Win au the glory and profit
Seward, Greeley; Theodore Barber, Garrison,
•' ■ ' - aiddiogf,Gei*it Bmhh; end* few other menpf
, • / ,bWndlessambiaon, andeasyconaclences.’.Bpp.ear
t» pave beoame convinced that unless thopre
.■■>;■ Benioonfederacyis destroyed,and new national
-'Boundaries, ah weU as new political parties
••• •••'"’ • '.feniiei,.«fcey.oai»,««?!».gfl«.:tha,peittU«»l.a^eei»s.
r danoy, and the bigh stations to whioh they
- avpiro..
If the Union was dissolved, Wm. H. Seward
: «night possibly become Presideht of the northern
.Bepublie, and Mr. Giddipgs Vice President Bn
-rder sach an administration Mr; Greelqjr mast of
.-■■■■■■. '- courae be Secretary of State. .Taking the files
. ;of the 2Wsime for the last fivo years, and the
principles U has advocated os ovidonco, we may
oonjooluro what would-be the charaoter of the
: ; cabinet .and Congress, and - the- nature of the
‘policy, nnder. snob a Greeley-free-soil northern
- ‘Frederick, Dooglasa ehoald be Seerotary of
;.ihelnterior; He la oas ofMr. Groelry's fcsto. -
1118 Bw- Theqdore Parker should be Secretary
; of War ; Mr. Snmner, Secretary of Iha Xreasaty,
and Mrs. Lucretia Mott, Commander-in-Chlef of
;the Army'. Congressshould be composed of po-
Utical clergymen and strong-minded women. Tho
•••' present constitution would of course bo aboliah
ed, mad the "higher law u substituted; and,lest
different interpretations of that law should cte
; ate disturbance, a council of stateshould be .or*
ganixod to expound it, and settle all questions in
- regard to; its meaning. ■ Wm, Lloyd Garrison,
Bev. Antionetto Brown and Mrs. S. would make
.‘ . propermembers of, this oonncil, in theestlma-
The New York Herald would be suppressed at
' onee> and its snbgoriptioalist transferred to the
JWJtmt " Instead of expensive and noisy politi
esloamnaigns, and stump speeohea, jast on the
IMWsI . are of a general , eleotioo, Mr. Greeley would
l®ffl3&isSi§;tfc , f% , **f3’:- pass through, the eauntry, andtUtaU important
w point*; deliver; in his remarkably graoefal. and
' eloquent manner, theprinted lecture that settles
’• aidesrly and conclusively allqacsßonsbf mor
als and rpoiicy that could possibly..srloe in the
• new republic. Tho loctnre road ln a sofficient
••!.• numherdf places; thepeopl^ewould kavenoth-i
- .’,.-jt<v^ ;^.tot A^,tlM.3n^!tmiv:aa4.w»(B
-;,’. tteticket.: Both sexw:would vote; of.eonrsfl;
; ■.- 'aadone negro’s. vote would; eountsthe.sameas
;^W!aS6^aSßfi^^gijfeSB«W*g | t^«^. r-.-.: the vote of two natnralited eUliona lWe follow
' th« aentimeute of the Trihunt, , „ ’
The policy of the now ropnblio, under euohan
administration, can be predicted from the past
' ?S teaohings of the erratic getdneof the Tribun,.
' AUonr foreign mitdsters,would bo immediate-.
;:•• IjirecaUed.- anddlplomatloirehitions abolished.;;
gtSSaf.-.v.'. It being the declared opinion of Mr. Greeley that
: - ttey are nselese.;,: A tariff would-'be coacted as!
bigh as the Chinese wall; and the “cultivation of
V ' v ' :/ fiax”,eTe*ypoßsiblemeans. .Mr..
- Greeley has devoted'colnmne to that subject el-;
• reaefy., The Navy would he soliont to Bussitt.
Sir. Greeley iis .opposed to Navy. And tdl;
’ wars with anyrnatioß.(e»»pt tho
: publio.) fdreny causowhatCf er, wouldbodeolar
• ed unoonatitutioual and . ThO gorern-;
meet would bnild tbo-Baoifio Bailroad entlrefy
at ite own expense;-and then, dividing It into
' shares,, the shores to tho Galphinß,
~K nudothor faithfalpnbUo servants;upon the sin-;
t|l# condition that itshonld oatrytbe7lr iiun« IVee
of postage. The publio lands woitld be donated:
' lO Altemate balf seeUons 'tp .runoway slaves.
•-;. The white farmers would; buyUhe intermodiate
; : half aßotioua; and tho amalgamation of thu two
«WW would be snitablq .bounties.
;‘A new;bureau wonid be .constitnted;in,the
; State,department of the’ government, entitled
- ■ the Bureau, of Spiritnal Manifestations; over
Bdmonda -to preside. Underjhie- charge, dm
diplomatic relations with tho spirit world would
dpnbtless ba iniimate, and greatly cendnelve to A Cuaiors Law Borax.—A singular exception
the publio proepprity., The Kansas and Nebraska was taken in court yesterday before Justloe
W ; os£l } . territories would be reserved aa hunting T Wells. The constitution of the commonwealth,
rJfSi’ r„. »i la Tmlion. o^ oll^ 8 Leotuhes oh Odd-Bhuowbhit—We have re- chapter 5, article 5, reads:—“ All writs, issuing
v lad ? - H " M ? to0 Cbtttonwa.'! oelved from the publisher;; Wihi Bhll- 8 «‘ of *be olerk’s office in any of the oourta of
I-Vf would bo restored te Mexico, on the grounds, a( j e i D h; a a amall and neat volnmn f’ , l»w, shall be in the name of the commonwealth
SifcS&iSly&'Saivir^lst. That they were nnjostly acquired; aud, ’„„ .. ame, hearing of Massachusetts; they shall be under the seal
2nd- That all annexations, whether by curehase « S * tUle ' 33,086 ‘“‘e™ 1811 >“ tho snb- of the court from whence they issue; they shell
intMamiM am DnnntuitfnHnnai *~n 7 eot of whioh it treats will find itan oblywrit- boar test of the first justice of the oenrt to which
3 Molhnwise, are uoconsUtu«onal ( and badpoli- ten aod ,. . J”* they shall be returnable, who is not a party, and
oy. The Island oTCuba would btf tjonceded to DehißaL ' iignzdly iho clerk of the court,* 1 Bat the Leg-
EagUfitl, on (he condition thaV elafenr should | I ielatare, by Btatu®, faave provided that write may
jsas3ausEMs.B ssBSSS&sSsB
*° awnst the northern republioln. waging .eternal , “Aran. 18,1864. dear as to the point that tho clerk of th, court
" W« on the iMtUofaonaofthe south; the second,
4y®m«t outßne of the policy that Would**-; summer rM^c e P nt Mi ln ’ ** t 0 do J ido iL 1118 “ ew P otat
? ~ - J*a in the republleof the norto, whjmthe BnTeb,* -’Remember meto Mr. - andallinonirina 7 ° 4 ° W Semotli ■ Es4 '' ofU, ° I,al ‘'
an d tbenorthßqbjeoted to the^- S trends. , Ktodaliinqmrlng Bern Poet.
ESJ <V ><r «Cr/ f'Z*’C^ a&U-jsatjsto, -Allowtnereanalftyours,& a, fcam-yard
»-'&*•?;Other immmerablodims thatr.iS; . P T ... ~ ■ Q ' W. O-Goajus. of^ 1 o ”^on^^U-o^ieaaer.
- -'V.--‘ >r *rVv„<ss- -., 7 ->, , f/r -1 thlitfcifc-qnnecoaeary for yon to an- Thia is the first time we ever heard of a cow t
C = , -M, l .*?f ’*«l you know my whweabouto." being charged with larceny. **, .
Bnilij ftinmrag
G. F. GILLHOKE, Editor ana Proprietor.
WE ONES Dl?^E«nSr : APaili 2S
or soanan oocsrv.
itfi&TOYS. MOTT,
' .-»• frfr-Tre*TWWv;»)Mlttßß WILL BEFOTOPOH EACH
tfi: ■■.XiJfui
Tits Appropriatios Bax.—A despatch re
ceived 4n“tbls city yesterday afternoon, from
Harrisburg, states thatthe’Appropriation Bill
passed tbe-Housa of Bepresqatatires on Monday
night, at 10 o'clock.
TRt W««ak ot tlio Mhlp |>o«hiitt>o<
Wo published on Monday an aooonnt of the
wreok of the above named ship, and tbe loss of
all on board. Further particulars, have Bines
been obtained, whioh- prove it to liava been one
Of the most monrdful marioo disasters that has
ficcbrred on the coast of .‘‘.the stormy Atlantic"
for many years.
'lt appears there ttere.SU passengers on board,
mostlyflerman-emigTanta, besides the officers
and crew.. The ship struck on a bar not mere
than 100 yards from the shore, so near that Capt.
Myers, her commander spoke -with Capt. Jen
nings, ttreok master on the coast, begging him
to afford help, and to take care of those‘who
might be waslfed on shornMivo;,-Capt Jennlngß
had to send six miles for a government life boat,.
jmd r before the boat arrived the ship had gone to:
pieces. Capt, Jennings says:
“NeTerdWFroefcttcharigliMa my life. Nerer do I re
member witnessing sach a dreadful galoor such *blgb run
ning Mftjr: ltijtttany placesH pwde complete breaches otct
thejsl&nd, and carried, no doubt, many a poor fellow Into
the lay behind it.”
. A- 1 correspondent Of the N.Y.iTirraW, writing
fromtheficcßeoftha disaster; says: •
“ About thirty trunks, .vltb-good* in thfim, laypilWup
’ logotheiv among them fcetfcr&l of the eeamsnVthwta and
the trank or tho fl»t hate, Ambwna KingalandJtogeM, in
which -were several lettera,piece* of poetry,a dagaemtape
Hkentea, ft !oCk of alatfy w hair,and a utimbef of ahfrts, hd- •
1 derclothlog,coat* and pasfeloo&S. All along theShora fur
miles,were scattered theremnants of the chests and trunks:
• of the passengers, thacy of thou), baring names Inscribed cn
the lids and aides. Feather hods, cooking utensils, empty ••
casks and pieces of tbe vcsselwere to ba-eeen oncrcry side.
Letters or the dead were scattered bare and there»-and bfc
blcs and prayer booki lay glistening in tbe boo, the whole
desolation presenting a melancholy and heartr rending
'aeene. u
Another letter, dated Absocom,April2o, says:
One of the women fotint£was about twenty-tight years of
ago, of handsome fkatutcsj and apparently an. American;
: Tho clothing of another or tho victims, about twenty Tears
of age, ftliowed her .to belong to .the wealthy class of Qer*
.mans. .Sho wns a beautiful looking creature,; eves as she
• lay la ueath. .On her fingers she worn two dugs—ope plain
and. other bating a heart attached to It. They were marked
«P. B.” and «B &. n 1854. - *
A number of the woßten and children washed ashore had
nothing on but their night clothes. . One Interesting Httla
• girl, abont.eleTen years of Age,- was la-her: boro fl»*ts her
right eye Was knocked out, andtbedghtiid&ofher&cewas
black and bins. A little boy, abonteightyaaraofag«,c«ma
' alongside of her. dates® was swollen up to twice ft* natnr
nlrfso; Aman,apparenUy.a.kailor, who eatpo
the samh times had hi* akulL broken.; The bodies had the
appearance of beingdasbed against tho wreck.
-A repoH from lAttleHgg Harbor states that a German was
picked op there alive. He has b«a delirious ever since,and
of course we cannot get any information from him.- dVa
received a report thatthe captain and mate of tho
Powhatan hare been saved on Long Beach. Beverat.of tbe
dead bodies on Brigantine Beach axe reported to hare been
v About two-hundred and fifty bodies -hove
washed ashore.
It is much to be regretted that Congress so
long overlooks its duty to provide means of. res*
cue along the coast. A few life boats and men ;
at the pointwhere.this disaster occurred, might
have saved a hundred lives. A bounty offered
to wreckers along the coast, would induce pri.
vato exertions, and undertakings, that.wohidd re*
suit in the resono of many -unfortunate pass Sn.
gore and seamen .in..the frequent .storms along
tho Atlantia oosst.
Certainly,'the melancholy disasters of tho last
six menths call for some efforts of tho govern
ment to diminish their fatality horeafter. In the
case of tho Po whatton; a wreck-master is com
pelled to stand on tho shore and witness the do.
strnction of nearly throe hundred and fiftyiives,
because no life boat eould bo found within six
Ton Cahav CoHHissioxxßs.—.Quito a mass
has been “kicked op” at Harrisburg, in conse
quence of the Canal Commissioners having re.
dneed. the rates of toll on the main line of tie
State canal
It is no more than has been done by tho Canal
Board every spring, we believe ; and it is net
ally found necessary to meet the competition tf
tho railroad, and the other rival Unes, -north and
south of os. Bat tho friends of tho solo of the
publio works profess to discover in the act this
year a design on the part of the Canal Board to
defeat tho sale.- The act providing for tha sate,
prohibits the purchaser from charging higher
rates of toll than those charged when: the net
becomes n law. By reducing tho tolls jast be
fore it becomes a law, purchasers will be less
, likely to bo found at tho price fixed; and it 1b
charged that the Canal Board made tho redac
tion jaet at this time to defeat tbo sale.
Whether tho Canal Commissioners or their ac
cusers are rogues, remains to bo seen. Bat one
thing is pretty evident; tho friends of the solo
of the works aro resolved to carry the measure
by storm; and have circulated a number of re
ports that are unworthy of credit Wo hope all
oorroptionwill bo exposed and punished; but
wo have still os much faith in the honesty of Mr.
Forsyth, one of tho Canal Board, oa in any of
his accusers in this matter. Mr. Clover, it ap
pears, voted against the redaction. Wp writ for
Messrs. Gloss &Cai» gave/a splendid enter
tainment to their friends and the pablio yester
day, on opening their new Hotel.- The house
eras crowded; and ofier partaking of an excel
lent dinner,.and other refreshments, the guests,
one and atl, manifested.their gratification at the
prospect that thßCity Hotel was likely to become
one of the most pi.pular and, agreeable resorts for
travelers, and boarders la the city. The dinner
was good, decidedly good. The honse has been
re-fitted and farnlshed in good taste; and the
arrangements .in tho culinary, department are
such ns to insare neatness, and well-cooked food,
got up in short order. The lodging apartments
are neat, shy, and well .farnlshed. Thelocation
of this hotel-Is one of the most pleasant lathe
city, and there: is no doubt of its success and
popularity la charge of its experienced and gen
tlemanly proprietors. We wonld recommend this
•“ City Hotelto tbs traveling pablio.
.. PiTTBBtJEan Mvsic.u Academy.—The openiog
of this Institution took place yesterday, and was
attended by quite a nnmber of the ladies and
gentlemen: of the city, . There aro Yew of tho
fine arte mere ennobling ana refining tban mu
sio, and we could wlah nothing better far
every, family in the land than ■ that some one of
its members wob possessed of a musical edacn
■Goo.... .For this reason It is, that music is maos
a branch of education in some of the pablio
sahools in the neighboring State of Ohio; bates
it is not the case with us, our citizens will be re
quired to do it at their own' expense. To such
we woold commend tho-Academy, Philo Hall,
Third street near Market, as worthy of tholr
consideration. The advertisement will bo found
in another column. ~ . .
g@* Georgia is n good State for |lhe invest
ment of Banking capital,: -if wo may take the
Mechanics' Bank of Augusta asa oritcrlon. It
has declared a dividend of ten percent., from Its
profits for the last sir months, and a farther
dividend, ent of ita-surplus profits, of twen
ty P« payable in July. The Brunswiok
Bank, of the same State, has also deolarcd a
dividend of .five-percent., for tho past six months.
v i
> -> V ft ' :: 'i: *.• f 7 j '
V-. X ; , .
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4 - »
Habjusbueo, April 2d, 1861.
Bditob Post:—No inconsiderable excitement .
prevailed this morning on the appearance of an
“Extra,” from the"office of the: “Democratic
Htdon,';. charging the Canal Commissioners with'
an effort to’defast the sale of the publlo works.
It appears that on Saturday .last the Board :
adopteda new tariff of.tolls onthe pablio works
largely reducing f ormerrates for the balance of
the year. Under the not of May, 1860, they
have power to do so; bat a reduction at this
time, it was supposed, would operate against n
sale, by reason of a provision In the law prohib
iting the corporation ns purchasers,' from charg
ing higher or greater, tolls: than those charged
when tfie transfer of the-public works took place.
The Commissioners reported to both Houses
this morning that their late..act would not take
effect until o/fer tha law went into operation;
How that is remains for farther remark.-
hlr. Qaiggle reported: a hill to. consolidate the
interests of the Sunbary and Erie Company with,
the Cleveland and Asthabula road, for . the pur
chase of the.LakeShore Bailway..■; Tho contest
is against the Grand Jnnetion; for this profitable
branoh of the Btate improvements.
The conference committee have reported os:
the temperance hill, and that ’.report has been
adopted—ayes 7. - The House will also
acquiesce in the measure. .The bIU la snbstanti
.. ally-the one originally reported hyDr.-M'Clin
, took giving the entire disposal of the qnCßtion of
prohibition to the People.
A petition from the Board of Trade, at Pitts
burgh, protesting against: the transfer, of: the
Pittsburgh and. Erie Railroad franchise to the
Ohio.and Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
In the House the Chief concern throughout the
day, was the appropriation bill, which: may bo
passed to-night. The House oontinne4helr eea
slon till about 10 at night
... I forwarded this forenoon the “JSSefro ’I men
tioned above.
> The following bills were returned by the .Gov
ernor with bis approval, and the same are now
enrolled as port and parcel of the laws of this
. ;: 1. Aet relating to board walk In Booth Pitts
burgh. 2. To facilitate collection of ground
rents. : 3. Farmers High Sohool. .4. Elections,
and fixing places of holding same by vote of
people. 6. Pinos and forfeitures in Allegheny
connty. U. Birmingham and Brownsville Plank
and jdoAdomized road. 7 Supplement to Tem
perannevile and Noblestown, and Bailer and Al
legheny plank roads. 8. Notary Pablio in Atle
. gheny county, for. Manchester, &o. 9. Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company. 10. Same. 11. Trust
Company of Pittsburgh. 12. Mount Union
Cemetery. 18. Supplement to -Pittsburgh and
Steubenville turnpike read, plank branch. 14.
Associate dodges salaries. IS, Act to open Fer
guson street and vacate Bell’s alley.. 16. Bop.
plemcnt to Pennsylvania Railroad Company, To
uting to blook between Penn street and Ex
- change alley; 17. Monoogaheln Insnraape Com
pany. ; 18. Pittsburgh: and Birmingham bridge
authorised to borrow money. 19. Supplement
to charter of South Pittsburgh. .
BiU relative to recording of ordinances in Bir
mingham, read a third time in Honse.
: Also, an act relating to Westmoreland Cool
Company, passed Sonato on. motion of Senator
MsParland. PARMER
Svwi sod FMU tlroa all qntrlwi.
A census of Philadelphia is suggested as one
of the first acts of the new consolidated city
government - -
Some Provincial natural historian states, that
it is now ascertained beyond doubt that a swan
sings before it dies. Query s Is the yolk ef the
egg to bo considered ns the fiunfta of tit lay t
P. W. Hughes, Attorney General of the com
monwealth, Is about erecting o splendid rcai*;
denos at the corner of Broad and blaster etreets,
Philadelphia. It will have a front of 28 feet an
Broad eireot, and be built of white marble.
The Delaware Stato Journal saya much anxi
ety la folt for the peach crop, os the trees were
in foil bloom when tbs late snow storm was ex
perienced. The most reliable accounts from Ohio
represent the poach and appto crop as unharmed;
y Bev, T. Stork; Pastor of St. Mark’s Lutheran
Church, Thirteenth and Spring Garden, Phila
delphia, has resigned the pastoral charge of that
Church, The congregation has gtron a unani
mous call to Rev. Sir. Wilson, of Easton, to bo
come their pastor.
Accounts from Ireland give cheering accounts
of the progress of farming work. The quantity
of wheat sown by far exceeds that of last year.
Notwithstanding the cheering prospects of the
country, however, emigration proceeds with even
increased earnestness.
The Massachusetts Bouse of Representatives
has passed by a votn of 238 yeas to 0 nays, a
resolve. for amending the constitution so as to
porvido for the election by the people of the
Secretary of State, Treasurer, Auditor and At
tomey General.
Hon. Latherßeverence, of Maine, late Doited
States Commissioner at the Sandwich Islands,
has returned to his home, afflicted with an lnou
rablo cancer, which, it is eaid, has already eaten
away bis lower lip and ehtn and (e extending
among the glands of the throat, where the flesh
is rotted out androqnirea constant dressing. lie
Is notoally being eaten up alive.
The Religion* Anniversaries will Boon com
mence in New Pork. The pecuniary condition
of the various societies is said to be of n vary
satisfactory character. Ton of them show an
aggregate of contributions amounting to $1,899,-
282, which Is on increase of $120,910 over last
year’s. The receipts of the American TrnotSo
ciety alone reach $414,159, being an increase of
$29,632; and those of the American Bible So-"
elety amount to $395,000; Increase $48,459,
■ The Mein Line of the Pablio Works of Penn
sylvania, which It is proposed to sell for notless
than $10,000,000, consists of the Philadelphia
and Columbia Railroad, the Canal from Colom
bia to the janotionat Daaean’e Island, tho Ju
nlata Canal from thence to Hollidaysbarg, the
Allegheny Portage Railroad, including the new
road to avoid the inollned planes, in its condition
at the iimo of the transfer, and the canal from
Johnstown to Pittsburgh.
Tub Onset Navies or inn Wobu>.— We find
in oar exchanges a table ehawing the extent of
the five first navies of the world. It pnrporte
to come from a pamphlet published by an intelli
gent - American navel offioer, and la doubtless
correct, or nearly so, Here it is:
Vessels of War. No. of Guns.
England..; C 67 18,389
France...................... 828 MMMtMVIOMMIIt 7,144
Bassia... ............170.................... 5,890
Holland ....................102.................... 2,819
United 8tat58............. 69 2,029
. The same writor says:
“I find from the British Navy Ltat of 1852,
that the government of Groat Britain had 480
war vessels, besides those employed far harbor
and coast defenco, of which there are quite a
latge nnmber. They do not, according to my
computation,amount to quite so large a number
as that stated above. Bat since the list was
prepared an addition had been made, In view of
the Rueso-Tnrkieh war, which would doubtless
make the nnmber as great as that stated above.
Great Britain has now, acoordiog to a statement
in an English peper, two hundred and two steam
vessels of war, of fifty-thousand threo hundred
horsepower. - ■ . --
“ According to our lest Navy Register, the
United States-have: two thousand one hundred
and fifteenguns, instead of two thousand and
twenty-nine, as stated above. It is dear that
the United States, with a commerce and tonnage
equal' to that of Great Britain, has only about
one-eighth of her naval force. This 1b too great
a disparity. What would she do against Eng
land and Prance oamblned 1”
» * " » ’* 4
i- 'V •V;-''.• •• v tv-.
By tb» O'Belli? Unn for tbs Homing f o»t
. Spam and (&• Bluß Warrior Atffoir.
Proviriom firm.
..*rti T ed tUi morning, with Llrerpool date. to
UiMtn. ThoPodAoorHraioatonaielith. ' ■
Xh.M*. by the Arabia is intenutlns. .
, Adytees tom Madrid stats Ibat tbo Bpanlsb goremmont
has made prompt reparation Tor tbs Blast Warrior ont
rafto. - - , 1
Thorn has boon no fighting either on sea or land.
AM Prosnan and Anstrian goremmonts ars negotiating.
It is reported that the Russian expedition has sneeeeded
In opening thoponsof Japan.
. Liyaaran.ilaßXirA—Ootton; The business of the root
..? l <««,«».PH»«K!wr>-.WfMBoiißt.4f Good Friday. : Cotton: a
■ good domandiwm the trade, nhleh »e» met by holders at
an adranco cf ; thesales amounted to 40,000 hales.
Breadstuffs.—Them is an adranoo or 6d on Wheat, add Is
on Float. Chip Fiourim , Whits Wheat. 12s 3J. Corr^~
gort guaiitisa rhiteiAasiyetiosr; «b; i
PreTlairas.firm, andin&lrdemandi Lnd,Ma. Rloohas
alightly adtanced.
Omuls, BJ% ,
Bread»tußs.,.Flour firm, with npnard tondaneyj iprloes
oonsidsrsUy higher; sdrsnml Is; with* speealattre do
-88a; straight: Baitimoro 38sM;
good Ohio 395. Wheat: prices eonSderahly higher; an no
tire spoeniatira demand, adranced Bd@Bd; white lls Bd@
8d; red mixed 10s Bd@lla r Bd. Com:Arm;.prisesa
trlflehlgber, adrenoed Od; Western whito 3ls@33s; West
ern yellow and mixed ai@32s. -.v-wfi i
ProTisioDS_aardlner reports Beef unchanged; a mode
rate demand at prorions rates. Pork nnchanged, a mnder&te
demand at prortona rates. Bacon «msidorab!y lower; do
ell nod is. llama and rhonlderr quiet. Laid :pitaa easier,
U^VWs. 10 *"' ‘ ” pDrtea “ taoflo °
Teliow dull; prtoosashadelower, la; «Bs@o9A; Biroun
changed; amoderate hnsinessat ptwrlona rats*v
From Manchester ad rices are mrorahlo but buyers area
shade lower.
Money easier; guotedetB?K.
fit .Muue—Affairs on the Danube ore unchanged.
The allied fleet, are at Varna. Napier’s fleet had suddenly
pa t to sea to.eonieanence of the lee haring broken op.
.It Is.not true, that the Prussian miniate has been recalled
from Lo&Don. .
The Austrians are reported as entering Servian
.All contumacious Greeks ora ordered to leave Turkish
-The Glasgow steamer, injured ia tho C)yda,waa discharg
Unsi w TnwuPS^SopttJhti^earApril llUu—Foot
steam mgat«s;under Admiral plomrUge, are from
Napicrt fleet, and sent to Finland Gult '
The British frigate Tmperfense, chased a Russian corvette
into Sveabotg.
. Beaux, Oth.—Prince Barclay da Tolly proceed* to London
on a special mtadon. ■■ ■■' ■
Bcciu&cT, o;h.—No battle has yot been fought In fiiiod*
itotaw* 2d,—AU Englishand French teasels are ordered
oat of port
St. FxmSBUSO, 6ih.—A reserobataUlon It called out
and the 2d reserve baiter/ fry each corps. >
MasibxiUu, 14th.—Bruat will replace admiral Hamelln tn
thu Black Sea, for the purpose of giving Admiral Pnsdaa
chief command of tho combined float. 'Gen* fit. Amaad Is
to harerammaadof thecombined land ftroe.-
Tbsre Is no later authentic nswa from Turkey* -
• Oorix luaer, lilh.—The British frigate Amphyon Is ashore
near Dramgo, and cannot be got oft
HiuUßffj 14th,—NapJerhavlug arrived, there is arsport
that 10 Russian ships anchored at Belringidw, were making
preparations to attack them;
< Tba English and French vessels of war, on the coast of
Thessaly, have orders to search all vessels saspectad of-hav-
Imr munition* of war aboard* and Arise them when found
.Vents, Friday.—The Baortesbovodoonaidmbleflrmness:
threea closed *t 63,20; four-amPahslf per cents 8934;
Rio Josuao. Martb 12.—The En«isn frigate recently ly
ing there, is offered for sale.
The Brazilian steamer Ecuador had foundered.-
Austria appears to bo more In unison with the Western
powers. Prussia leans more to Borate, though temporising
with both parties* *
April Othk—Zheprotood gturanieelog the Integrity of the
Ottoman territory, was signed at Vienna, by the four pow
er*, Including Prussia, baft riaoltanecasly . Prussia Intro
daeedl&to her mutosl olllaneo tmtr with Austria* condk
tioo and limitation which would render the. treaty a dead
letter, and which Austtla consequently ref uses to accept.
AU military arrangementsaririogontof the proposed trea-
W have taro.iwftrrad to a commiatoa, prmldsdovar by the
Prince of Froohu
Ilenorer eldeawilh the Western Powers. AU the minor
German States ora like visa except Bararia>arul wlilsnpport
Austria In foretng Btosi* to declare herself, should the sab
jeet coma before Uiaftdaml diet. v
Thalndepeadcnea Beige announces positively that the
treaty with theGeraist-Alllanee, effearive arnTdefonrive,
has Jnsft bwo signed by FTaoca and England. Independent
of the treatiesc£tbepresent war. / .■
April 11—Admiral Eaptcr left Eloge Bay for
Gothland, it being reported that acme Boarian ports were
opened, and that the Basalts squadron wa* oft Farou It
was alto reported that Lhtcn American ships ware tome*
whore la the Baltic with stores for Boss'*, and an EngiWi
steamer bas been darpatebed for them. ■ •
There was but Utlla tea in Finland. :
The whole of the allied fleets were in the Fierif &*&, near
Tarns. AU the marines of ike fleets were to be landed, to
protect that plaoa. •
Admiral Dundaihad ordsrs to take, burn, and destroy ev
erything. Qis fleets were in eoamunkatlon with the Turk
ish land force.'' -
Prince Paikiewitch arrived on the Clh at Burharcsl.
Gortaehlkofl rateiowl comnund of the artsy, but was
March 33.—A0 Important sally was mads on Ksdafot. and
a sanguinary conflict of fmr hours occurred* Tba SnssUna
were rooted, and puimdaeonriderabls diatanctf.
<t Tbe BriUah war steamer Cycfopa arrivrf at Malta on the
Jtb, btlngloff Important new* The Turks purposely left a
free paxage for tba Bussia&e to Htrsova, and then aua ktd
them In the mr. After a. hard fight, half the Russians
were cat to pieces, ead the remainder retired across the
The Turks had evacuated the fonms of Osar Xarode, In
Jobrudseba, It Is also KatoJ, without that 30,000
SufiU&v crossed at Galois without opwritiou. Ail the at>
ecaots, however, ate werycooftwed. •
Two CngJUb vfjsvlf ca the Danube, loaded with grain*
were fired Into by Russian batteries. One was sunk.
Three thousand Freseh troops arrired atCoiivtantinonte
on thaflrd. . • • v
The deciantlon of war by France and England causad im
mense at OoustabUnopla on the Cd.
It I- reported that the French Oil Den has been kllltd In
»reeonnrisaufe*. ITebelonged tothastaffafOmsrpMha. -
8v Feteniinig w»» UlntahuM, ud D. Diasii wm nng
on the passage of the Danube. . '
. T 2» Greek InrarracUos makes no progress. Tbainsur*
gents have been repulsed In several plaora
. A frf remonstrance tte* been forwarded to
Athena, holding the Greek government responsible for all
mischlcfarUlogfrom the insurrection. '
OasAT dull ioconsequsnoaof the
bolhisys. Fariiaaentwasnotinaassioii*
w General £ir Richard Armstrong and Admiral Love ar»
Two marina angtaoors for Bu*;U were seised at Napier's
works, on the Clyde. . ...
- 2J l *s ,^'*,,r te^**7flty»andiheflim»rsoomplaln..
cf Cambridge, and t/frd Region and staftarri
oa lha 10th* Napoleon had a grand review of
25,000 mss nn theaccasten. The Duke carried>
graph leitcr from Victoria to Nspoteop,
, W4wn*CTQ» Cmr* April Sl.SfcTwfe.-The Senate went
Into executive session soon after meeting, and ratified tba
Gadsden treaty. The InJancUoa of secrecy was not re
moved. *r ■ •
ffmut—Tl» H«u* mat Into «ooitt«oti tiedrfldeo.'
cy mu.
q«Kb *gx)Mt th.N.tnruk*
nui, us sail ha had waited to m what northern men had
10 S? U) * ?osiUou; u Iho propoMUon aufng Aba Fhwetnteqa.itlon. H.hnLiunr-'
»r.r, nil .long, Hi o*o coatictten* of rteit mod duty, nod
U>*o, It. knd MOW lato pollUn!
nr. opoa_th*t compromlu,ud itood neon It Mot* thirty
jwynd Intondedtonnnd opon lt “MlitMj asd Mon*."
u need be.
wasniNQTON, April 26,—The fipanlih goysremant having
«w*tefora in ita correspondence with oar at Mad
rid, broadly asserted the right of search; whenever rircum
stance* may, in their opinion JaxtliyiLor when mere sa>
pickmsof, flUibustering designs arise* It appear* from
dwpatche* reamriy reccivod from Mr. Sonia, dated Madrid, '
3d> be plainly told the Spanish minister of State the
Staple snsplcion only, that a vessel under the flag uf the
linluri Btetcs has been forcibly detain od andsaarhod by one
of•herMajesty's armed cruisers, In time of peace, wfil al
wais be saffldent to ozdto the very Mrioas attention of tho
government of the United States, and must necessarily, In
every case, lead to a rigid Investigation of the circumstance*
which may have conduced to the taking of m a
. stop. .
Tho committee on foreign relations have not yet coma to
anyoonclusionontheßUek Warrior case, but it Isprcau
oftlwUl shortly act; they aro now hating the great mass
ox printed documents before them.
The Nebraska s&ho&e has been abandoned* after oraailsg
much excitement ®
Mr. ponton speaks against jho Senate MU tudey. :
haw Onmjra, April 21—The steamer United States from
ArplnwoU arrived with California dates to tho lit of April.
Tb" bbwi Utneasra end themarketls excessively denreKod.
_ The BrilUh ahlp Cbaliongehts bccn eeleed for violating
tho revenue lews.
Col, Watkins of the Walker expedition was found guilty
but was recommended to mercy* ' •
A duel took place between Mr.’Washington, ono of the
editors of the Times, and Hr. Washburn of thoAlto-Callfor
jusn; tho latter was badly wounded.
The Japan squadron arrived at Loo Ohoo In January; all
The steamer Illinois leftAgpinwaU on the 17th with the
mailt and 760.pa88engers, and upwards of ono million of
specie, which hod beonbroughtdowDby thesteamer Oregon.
Arrived at Sen Fya&oUcoen the 28th—the Dashing Wave
and propellor Arispe,Copt* D. L. Wilcox, of PhUadel&ilfc -
Wabhxnoion iCitt, April 2k—The • Washington Globe
learn* that the chain-bridge over Little Falls, on the Poto
mac, fell yesterday mornluff, killing several penons*amona
whom .was Mr* Ryder, the contractor. ->
jr'gaSerofttla. n Is dot to HIKE’S JUrtwim to
tNSr ray ttmt It hu bean known to oomplotely eradicate
every TQSfe&M of this dreadful disease in less time'thon any
ctberremedy, and at lemooat or Inconvenience to the o*.
UOnC. ' :■■■■ ' ..
The thousands of certificates In the 0 f the propria
°twhich ***ftom well known oltiaena of thecltj
of Pittehorrh and ita immediate vicinity, go to show clearly
and poyoad ul doubt, that Kiss’s pn&ouuit Is a medicine
or noeommjQ value, not only as a local remedy in J’ordhb
ni, mu 0/ &ght t but os ar&luehle
internal remedy, tanting the. investigating physfalans, a#
well as thosufferlng patient,,to. become acquainted with Its
merits. . . . ~
Those haring a dread of mixtures are assurediihatthis
mediclnela purely.oafcural, andiabottled asifc flewaftoa
the bosom of the. earth..
if. 2% and bears date Avgvxt % 1862. tojohichi*
aim cippended tht certylcattc/theceleorated D. f.iW.if.p
tf&yrucvMr ■■ :> ■ . *V
- Thlamayiatratb certify, that I hare been so badly af- 1
dieted with Scrofula for the lasteevenyearsthai mostof the f
time I have been unable to attend to any kind of business. ’
; anil mush of the time unable to walk and Confined- to my!
bed, and have been treated nearly all the time by the beet 1
Physicians Our country affords; I occasionally got some to-1
Uefctout nooure,and oonttauedtogrow worse until Dr;Foot
reeommendodmetd try the Petroleum, or RocfcOiLasm’H
wthingelse hadfalled.: I did ao wlthoutfaith at first, hut
the e ffect was astonishing; It threw the poison tothe sumbe* I
atoneeiandT attmoe began: to grow better; and fcw wrfw» I
wren bottleslhave got* cure worth 1
Thiimaycertifythitl have boon acquainted with Kiarii
PeteolaunuorfiockOil,for more thannyear, andhavawll
ptafesdly witnegodita beneficial effects m thecure of indol
tent olMrseud other diseases for which ltlsreccmmendad' 1
andean with oonfldanna wiemmiiMia It to ha * j
< ■ >«]ltli»PranmalnElttalmfgb: i
Tailor mil Pantaloon Makar, -.-liT)'.
S4oin»rty«t,braaof WooilXV
haw Yoek, April 25.—Tho steamer Wa. Norris, vrds cold
at auction to4*y, at $27,000, by John Graham. • - ■
- . Tbo etoamer Arabia arrtved_at Halifax this -
New Yoax, April 25.—iPbon.—Flour: salesBsoobbli,at
sales 600 bbls Southern, market firm, at 88,-
50©8,87. Grain: sales2ooo bushel Wheat, firm J Bales 10,.
000 bushels Corn, dull, at Bl@Bs, WhUky: sales 650 bbls
prison, heavy, at 27; Ohio 20.- j Provisions unchanged;
CnwiXNMi, April 25.*-^ben.—The river Is etationory;
weather warm; qultti" WhUky...l9><.
Nothing doing. la Provisions. Groceries nnebanged. M01u505.;.21@22.
lusos.;.21@22. Oo&eoV..ll@l2. •
Baltin one* April 25.— CbtOe Jfaritri—The offerings for
the -week were 700 head of Beef OatUe, 100 of which wera
driven East, and the balance sold at prices from 414&&16
on the hoof, equal to 0@10& net Hogs: a large supply;
oolos at not . r •
PjnuniLMA, April iforlxt—Daring tho woek
the. offerings, of beef cattle amounted to 1500 head, 600
were driren to New York; sold at 6@lOV, Cows and Calm
!As®4o;F(«dorasl6®2o. Bbeep: a smoU supply at so@
0,60 9 100 for* Lambs In demand; eold at s43gi6 ©.head*
Hogs g^26@6 > 75 7MOO foe.
Nsw York, April 25.— OMt NarUL— The offerings in
the week were 2683 Baevas 1469 Oowa and Calves,’ 8703
Sheep. Therehaabeen atUrsbow of eattlerince our last,
with a good demand.
...49F Puittlooniv-Tbo well-known superiority of
QUIBBIFE[ fit In the Garment, needs nocomment on Us
part; It ha* been acknowledged by all who bare favored fefay
with their orders, that theyhare nerer been fitted with the j
same ease and stylo as by him. He begs ta Inform Ws pa*i
treat and the public, thatfcls stock is now replete with the;
newest styles for coats, veats and pants, suitable fbe Uie I
present season. v |
•U.'-.- I '.- ■ l ■ ■ •*.* 5 t-
\.N QTIGK.—A mooting. of,-Stockholder*.hi the
Lh£y “ PlftaburghLifij Insurance Company," wlUbe held
at thelrOftee, on THURSDAY, Aprtr27th, 1854, at 7 o’clock,
P.3L, to tat upofctho Supplement to thfr Chariar*?
apr!s td 1 Q. A* COLTON. Secretary.
KiruiUULIC CKMJSWI.—Tbe undersigned bare
supply xst BoesoaX HY-
Dit&ULIO. CKMEN T, of.wavranted’qualify. This article
is the beat aDd.cheapesf'xnaterial for CISxERNS; a single
four inch course of bricks laid In and plastered-frith this
CBMffiNT,.wHl endure foe ages * r and-OTea.plsstQtod on day
veils, in-enoecssTve oonrwstu the thickness of an Inch, be
comes in a few days so solid as to redd any ordinary 4%™
of ontsido pressure, nor Is tho water in tha -least degree af
.This CEMENT should be used for alt underground, no*
derwater, and exposed structures, for all Important build
ings, and tbr vails, copiug walls, chimney tops* bridges,
aqueducts, canal locks, and erory speeies o! brick and stone
structure exposed to water, damp,brfrott • " '
aprlS 118 Water street; ISO grout street.
CHOlots POULTRY.-—Shanghai and Uramahpoolra
irisx pure for setting* can bo ob
tained. At JXorgrsve’e Drug Slow, corner of Penuand Locust
streets, Fifth ward, ~ qprl
fitato mutuaUFirodiilsriiisi Insurance Company,
• SranchOJJlu cor,pjurtJ?und SmWtJUId ttij Pittsburgh
capital) 350|000 odlarfi
* nißEcnoks: - >
. John P.fiufherfoid, Dauphin 004 P*o. Sedgwick, Harris
b org ? Samuel Jones* -Philadelphia; A. Wilkins, Banker,
Pittsburgh: -A<A.Carrleri Pittsburgh; John R Rutherford,
Dauphin co 4 A. J. GUleti, Harrisburg; 8; T. Jones, Harris*
burgpßobert Kioto, Carbon eo. r-" T -'.-*v •■■= ,
- JOHN P. RUTHERFORD, President.
A. A. CARRIER, Act’y. A. J. GILLETT, Secretary.
The above company will insure against perils of sea and'
Inland navigation and transportation; also,'on buildings
and merchandise In city or country; at lowest rates consul
tent with safety. Policies issued on dwelling houses either
perpetually or fora term of years.- > • ja!3
Girard Firo and marine Insurance Company
Office qf PilUtntrgh Jgeney cor. IburUi and SmWiJUld sts.
Capital, 300,000 Dollars* -
Wm.M* Swain, . ,J«p.Steiner, ..
IL A. Shackelford, > -i, ;»Pan| Thurlow,
EM.Daria, J.R.JFlanigen, .
Thos. S. Mltcbell, Samuel Jobes,, .r- . . .
JLlkOomegys, ThomasOraTen, ; —-
Wm.H. Sowers, F. D. Sherman,
A. Ilflrt, Philip F. Snydsr r
Wm. P.. Hacker, . Alex*Heron, Jr*
. Furman Sheppard.
JOEL JONES,President. A. & GILLETT, Secretary. ■'
WiU Insure Cotton, or Woolen Factories, Buildings,
Merchandise and property generally, on the mostfevorabta
terms. [Jala] A. A. CARRIER. Agent,
Instance Company .of tfc&YaUey of Virginia*
Capital saoo,ooo.
i, zaßxorons:
Jos.E. Carson, Jotoßatr.:.:
Uoyd Logan, . Janes JELBoneu,
James P, BBey, ~\ . v IT, W.lUclia*ajß«i. A
JOS. B.OABBON,Presldent.; : C.B.yTJSK, Secretly.
0. P. Actuary.
The attention ofifcocommunity isespecially haritoi to-
Ibis com puny, as on instltatlonbasedupon an ample capl-;
UJ,and condnctod on the strictest principles of equity ami.
: economy. • Polldas issaodcnXtatlAj'Q&rgQeA, «n& property 1
gensraUyvby. A. :
- JalA . _ Offlce cor. Foarth and, flmlthflwid St* • •
Company oflb« City of plttibnrelu
WIU lnret. aatort TIES md MA&INE RISKBof all
kindfc. Offlw Mo. W Water strwt. .
-••J.E.Mocrhpad, - ,W.J,Anderson,-.
:B.C.Bawyer,, : E^B.SlmpacFi!,
Win. M.Edgar, . XL B. Wilkins,
O.IL Paulson, s . •:. ..WfllfaunOollingwoodf ■ ■?•
• B. B. Roborta, John M.Trwln, • •
Joseph Kaye, ...: Wm.WUkinixin, 2
Pavfci Campbell. Jala
Pennsylvania* CAPITAL, 9100,000* CHAR
JPtert<re*f--Hou. AUGUSTUS O. HEIBTKS.
• ' II;.WILLSO N rEsq.. > •
. DHttcruns; '>
Son.A.O.Heirter, . SszanelW. Koy^
• . William Bobtoson, Jr., Thomas GiHespla,:
■ WilliamF.Fahnestock, : Johnß.Cor,-
Em «y Bollman,. - ? Jacob Peters, ».v ..
-William Colder, Jr, :
Jsoob B-Ualdenoaa, Aaron Dornbaugb,
BUSSELL ft OAKK3, Agents,
Office, in Laftyette Buildings, ■
:jeft \ , (eo trance cm Wood strewt.):
frsa ClTlZKSS’lnournnce Company of
Flttatrarfflu—H. D. KlNG;President;- SAM
UEL U MARSnELUSeeretarr.
• Office: 84 Water StmtyUtvi&n NarkeUuvi WjoditretU.
Insures HULL and CARGO Kicks, oa tbe Ohio and Missis
sippi Biters and tributaries, ■
■ ■?■■■■<
■ ALSO—Agoinsi tiro Perils cf the Sea, and Island ftevlg*
■ •mattnroMs
El.Eisgr ••
William Bagaley, .. Samuel M. Kftr, —
Samuel Bea, . - - wmt*m rongh*m f ■•
BobertDutdafc.Jr., y JohnB.Dllwortb, •
lose M. Vemipcfc, Francis Sellers, ' T ' i
B.Hartaiugh, J.Schocmmaher,
.Waltarßryant,. WlHlamß.Haja.
: . . . JohnShlptati. ■: d<*2B'
Strange Hcvejopenzettt.—Sdcatiflomeo
lK£y are daily bringing to light. oewiirrctiUon*, ccdth*
march ofprogress is onward; persons Bald, or becosfogro,
will be pleased to learn thateclonce and long research com
bined, hay* brought before tho public the greatest wonder
of the agß.tft.tiio articleof EMERSON'S AMERICAN IT A) It
RE37OUATIVB, a aura cure for Bslioess and to prevent
Hair from lulling. . See dxnular u> he had of the. Agent*.
String full particulars. /Price *l,OO to large bottles. Sold
by €,SL FI3BER ft 00.. Propriatoxs,
. £7 Saperfor strect,Clereland,CtUo. v
. , ' For sale to'Pittsburgh In the following houses• •...• i
: Flrtalog Bro*, kWllcoxACo.,
IL E. Seilers, . .0, 11. Keyset, .
JoetHoblor, . Bettf. Page, Jr., •
. J. H» CftKwi
. MUghnty city.—L. A. Beckham, Preuly ft Slcona, J.P,
A. Pati»iw»n. John (1. Smbh. ;
tf3? I&dtffentlon aua Liver Lwntoiautt
lowing UUcr from Bet, 0- Diau»aos, a Missionary ia
Oregon: /
Me. J. M.Kua—rDear &r; Hjseltonil eiiohavinghcen
neatly benefited by the use or. your Petroleum. X vuh to
hate yoo send mc a bos of two or-time dozen battles. I
am tho Congregational Minister in this place, and seterol
of my people are affected with Indigestion and an inaction
of the liter, the Kama of myself and . viffi, before taking
your PiTßoinDt t o& Bock Oil. We took several hotUee~
two or thpje each—whoat a year and a half ago, ozul Ve
have never enjoyed so good, health for .years astro hava
al&ee.that Urns. X had noi takan a stogie bottle, baftro
that fullness of tho stomach which an distresses the dye
peptic was relieved, and I have felt nothing of it since
.time. My wife was also reliat ed from a chronic disease of
the Uv«r» which had boon of rover al years standing* by tbtf
usacfyon* Petroleum. "•:•■ -i
Boid by 8. It BIER, Canal Baris, OEO. 0. KEYSER, 140
Wood street, and Druggist* and Medicine Dealer* every
where. - < : -A- '
JT§» GOOld'a ThirdPublio sale of B a list*
Ihy Ins Lots
Will take place upon the premlsea, on SATURDAY, the
lUhlnst, at lO o’clock. Verßous desiring at nalf~
price, must apply soon, as the l&O set apart for those who
would first call, ere nearly all gone.: After the third sale
no more will bo offered al.balfprice. but knocked down to
tbs highest bhldsr, .v ; ;
. ln hand, balance toono and two veant
Coed warranty deeds from Ovid Pinnay, Esq. whose titlo U
perfect, beyond dispota. anvil
icaportatnt to cuppers andbeeefitrs;
uvy Dr. KbY&fiß, 140 Wood street, tus received as «>'
Tbomsy MrchontealLeeches;* - .■■'■n.-w::---:--.
u Cupping Glasses;
4 * Breast UUsses;
41 Eye Cops; •
■ ** Dental Leccbat'' ;
• 5* . • Reariflcotor. '
These .are really important tuvontlons, and very oonve
nleut tortbosewbo fellowXecahlng. Cul and roe them.'
gjhOomor WoQdst. and Virgin SUey. ~ : jaO :
Post Office D gildings, Third • Likenessestaken
in all:kinds of weather,from 8 A. M* to* p« iL,giving on
accurate artUtio and animate tikouoss, unlike and vastly su
perior to the common cheap daguerreotypes, at the following
cheoppriecsjgLßO, $2, g3,s4jgs and according to
the site end quality of cose or name.
: Hourafor enlldnn, from U A. M; to 2 P.M.-■
N. deceased persons takenln any:
portoftherity.; fnov^-iy 7
Onnotn Blaterloii, ana
.(hrir: Cartain Trimmings or every deseription. FurnUute
Plashes, Brooatelles, Lace ana Muslto' Curtaini. N. Y.
Painted Window Bhades, Gilt Cornices, Cartain Pins, Bondi. 1
at wholesale and retail. . ; ; W. H. OABBYfI,
- ; No,lCTCheanntstreet,corner With, phil«n*ipwfc :
v Oortatna .Mode and Trimmed io the very newest French
riyle. , fmarakly
Cornell Goraiilt a great many par
lh£r sons Ore dreadfully tormented with corns. A certain
remedy will be found-fa Dr. Oou»*s Oorw Pustxe, for
Sale by Dr. GEO. 8. KEYBER, 140 Wood street. • 1
Pries, retail at 12U and 25 eta. per box* eopB
to those who buy to sell again.
ATTENTION J . 8. L, Aro hereby notified
vt£r ' attood at your Armory, on MONDAYS, WEDNES
DAYS and FRIDAYS, for drill, Cad to transact such busl- :
ness os may come before the Company. P. SANE,
PtarghOmd Secretary pro tem.
}TS*i* o* O. F.—Place of meeting, Washington Kali,
streot, between Fifth street and Virgin
_ Pmsnmas Down:, No.33B—Moots oveiy Tuesday evenfnr.
. Mtsciumi Etoamsiowt, No. 87—Meets tetand thS
Friday of each month. ~ ' ImarSfely
-DA HOUSE, Market street. • ' By order.'
Jely JOHN YOUNG, JIL, Secretary.
Hal], Wood et. Uf^f
T 2& •“E” 101 ' article Bice
Stour, Jut rwrtTrtbyfepiSQ Jo9„BuanH<V^|
-.- / /
;' .; - ;-.'*s'=^r. ; >.7-i ;if'-r'
i\ J
vi_' i'V v -
\r '
■ hit
- ".if-:- ::-r : V
WHion, in. abdehos to Tima pMnotrs spbiko pueotasb, ooumass xhb most sobhs
T t AOdnmplaU (bKk «m «xI4MMIb Orirataa eonsbx—to wMcb. <H« lmlt« tha kttesOoa «f ' -
SbS® 0,9 OM tntOted to offer CQualiadwsmtatnetth Ou Urrgtri;Baton
So&rss&. -
:gMgjgfcgffgs, nil „„ t[ „„ - '
to! “' ‘ w » 5SS5Sa53a?*
400 DOTOfI BOftßrtßtbllOM} 200- ** ud bslM AflttM«*hM( ■ ri.f- TV in. ■ ■ (rn«tli4tf
MUto«7 t a«^of 6T«ySMoijUon; 40 •*
s April 17U>, IBst—lmdwr * 1 „ ... fflHtoSwet.
q. JB, aEADIrTT & oo;s
Cheap Carpet Warehouse,
-1 vfh* 82 Thirtl Street,
.: .W'JBnteli and Sleamlwate aujplled on the mort rtaaonabla Unm."®,"
~ / *&s&&**«+■•?~ u
*sg& 4? ' »'K,^^«a4V, ,! ?SSI O X^f KL
Extra end Imperial Thrall,; ■nSSggKlSSgj. M - ft „ n t.- > .
Patent Tapestry Ingrain; Coooa Matting*, 24, 84, 441&4, 6-1; Warmed BaSea 4a
.Bnperflno»ndflnoTn*raln;- Spaatalr Matting, ;iSes yard; : Tnaaparent Grteann rinh, •
Wonted mJWootGwpctit - finale; GoSSSrd ?waHM. ■
. Woolana Oottoa do , Axministcr,Chenille ATnuedHogot Vraaraarant t£ato^rs«vn^iw^.-
Hall and Stair VeoHlaa; ' Colored and Pansy Wool MaSf *»«» “*« t
34,7-4,84,12,18 add 9t U» moat celebrated tnanotariorers. ’ 1 wnusa-M, *■*,*■»,
BMP UOLL4KB3,iar Window*, 50,42,34,38,88,40,«, 44, and SO Inelraa wide.
Oral acd boUoarßran StairEodai'Ounetißsdinga r ZukaV'BoUer Enda and Back Psllieai' ■'■■■•’ ■
PoreonalnwentofenyartlrleiitottrUoe,*!* respectfullylnvitedtotal! andexamine.- ■■■-■;.■;■'■>>. e-v-es,'-:"
-„ . 11- P; HEABEY ACO., 82 dhlrd street.
- - .3 ■ *.. ' , WHOLESALE XffiAtEfi m - '
Boots, ShoeB, Boimeta, Hatß, leather^&c..
Jlfo- 86. Wbo& Street, Pittsburgh, ' vm >
takes ptaum. tn *UU« tt. Wteotta> cf Jlisj? «£»u/ to t.
Purchase! dirwt triai tba No» Knglaad Mann&emnn, prlnetf ally fcr tin. coroiatlßa oe- -
. -oraB.aooo :) T.“
-tl auoottknto «T» Ml wtlrfieUon, A&o, BONJiETTRIMMINQS. ? >NN *^ B ** Y ?*•*•“* wrt«l,»B«fc
Spring and Sumator Bala,, U T ery larp>, «si wsljiriw iil jb» aijteto b* ftmndra pan,
«l»anc« on BasUro cow, comparing foo«My with Mw Tortand Si “
H CHIZiDS & CO., . ■
Wholesale Boot and Shoe Warehouse.
Cinderella Slippers, Kid Glare Baiton do, Cloth and GttMedC»Dß ' IhSi V*' kin ’
SQntoge&EorekM,- OtfordtadCaiaiiTiw, Pluoh andVel’etCW
BaaluaaaiidGaiteii,: CalfandKlp'Bdota,- ! ChilrfrenV aini, V®£ B >.
Alhont & UMC&u
tolhe Watsmtan., wpm «p«hUdti tSa^KOot SSS^SnTOt^iS. * l ?.S*?g 0 *» f <X>lR?*a& lt£ tlxptrl
b K! Br *““*»> fliOwr in New fort, Phnadrfphis or Jwfimon? BpriP?r m determined mi toboottio^j
4SF* A «( ©a*r aeq tulntaae *» Hr*.Poir
flll, 3T<M& Stanton .-itweV New York,vns'troubled with
liver complaint Car ft long tlmo, and *fttr trying many re’
mrffcf, vasedTlJed to try Dr. STLsnu’* Cfelebxatad ZJrer
Pills, fibs did *<v end can that trith n» box she vas char
taalljr eared. >' -
. In llg*stioo tjrioppog* of Urn DM&eeSjeortiteoea,
oral imgularil? of tbstowels,aroall dilews originating
In tlw saffio prolific causa, u ii also" that dxeadfoi tenturge
DrsPEPHA. Those who era afflicted with any of the ala tb
oaamr rated disease*,, may rsrt assotadthat Um soune of ml 1
thclrxDaltdi6fli*iatb*Uver r aadijrits correction thebast
n ned y crer < Herod t*th*pot>Bc U Dr. UXsna’s Celebrated
LlrwpllK Try them. The money refunded if not eat r
.9. B.—The aboro valuable remedy, Also Dr. eeK
ebr&tei VcnaifOge, can now be bad at ail rvspacubiolfrng
tiCOTeain this city. .■
Pnzcbaaen will be careful to uk for* and take jTinrr ba :
Dr. liter Pnil. TLera hT**f PflU pnrparting
to VtofaJoataUtiri
r»pcct*blel>rai: fitoroin tba United States acd Cfttutfla.' K
. Also, fbrsoleby tbo solo propzieioT*, ' ;. y
Baoceottt toJVKidd&Go, '
On Tuesday morale?, the SS!h Inat-bylbo Her. Mr.lj'
npHB publicfa respectfully tnlbnocd IhatUr.JSIIKS
■ 1 WldKEßBnur,Vo.aOUaaad. U our (toy enthra
lled egret In Pittsburgband ridnlty. •
.. Mr. W. s. BOBSRTS is no longer an axesl of our*, hi*
agency haetngoeoaedabentthe Ist. : - ’ .
■ ■ ■ v ■ ■■■: ■ lat»T.B.Cal*irtACa, ■
nprgfedt. So,dBSoulbTiiltdattoet,pnHaaaluME
Mtiag Company, and far sale at the India Bobber Depot,
No-Uo Market meet -- ■J.* a. pmujf3,
abUB--. . 1 Aganta far the company. i
A IB BALLS.—IOO down eaaorted tires, ptalaand em .
XlLbaasrd,fancy painted and gilt; far tsde-wholesale and
retell at thelndla Bobber-Depot, No. UOMurketitteot- ,
•VM■ ’..T. fa H.PHIUUPS.
Ijwn. BALLS—Manufactured ;of India Bobber, tbe
' altohgeat and tacit par&ctanr before otfaratfareala
Iptblsclly. ... J.AB.PHILUPB,
aprgfl' ‘ 80. 118 Market at. •
t pulton ETKKKrßuuwaunf—Waito,tio 33 Funta
tstieet, a Houreof 8 looma, wllh good Mot; $l,OOO. No.
149 eultoualxeet, a Utrcne of 6 rocma, good etore room and:
finished attic; 12.500. No. 151 Fulton street, six rooms end
dnlshodattic; JMOO. ffortermserraulreM/V;;' '
“ • . 8. COTHBBBTABON, -
.. apr23 Beal Estate Agents. HOWrd at.
GUIV BRSBKD—39 bufaelajuat received, end far.aala by
cptia ~ ■■ - HBSBg lL COLUSA
T\BV APPLES—3otnaJuatrecedTedendfor aaloby ■
U aprao . . HBMBY H. OOLLIN3.
Emperor of China Banco; Walnut Eetehns; - -.' !
Worcestershire. da; Moahroom da;
John Ball - do; Tomato do; _
• Athenffinm ■ ■■; - - do; ;• Earencoof Bhritupa; ;; V. ■
ltoynl Table.. do; Do Anchovies;
|*PP« , , do; Bengal Chutney;
Boyera T ßallah; : India Cnnle;:
.. Voder wood’s ltellsh; French Mustard; \
From Croeao ABUCkvall. London,’ and Underwood, Bor
ton. Fornalaby 1 . rapriS] 1 W. A.M’OUJKq.'
Fllth Ward 'Btogmlr «tr aalett a Good
A These LOUembiaoeafaont on BeanatneCorca feet 6 :
Inches, to aS faet alley; os Whlchthare li.ereeledeveltia-'
bio block or Brick Houses two storfes high;, with kitchen
end cellar In basement, <1 faet front on Peunatreet, and 80
Diet deep oulsccusi street. < This ta a very -desirable aitn'a- ■
tlonforelthora Store or nTevern; Penn itreetbetnythe
- This property wonld In the market only that the
owncrlallrioglnWaahlngtmi connty, and flnda It extreme
ly Inconrenlent to attend to It. . ; . ; v ,
Tertnseaay and pdee moderatet farfarther partienlen
enquire of BOBBBX BAX, IllUa Ward.
or JAS. a KtOHET, •
aar2> S Ileal Estate Agent, at this ofS—
(urn BRown’a,)
Corner of Smlthdeld and Thlrd etreeta,
. -.-•Ptt’TaßFfi Off, ffj.
OLASS fa CAEB, Propriotair.
(Uta atuapr rut rsumti oa».> . jtm H Onto a rtnr rtews)
rpillS large and 00 mm odious lionso hayleg undergone
thorough repair and-farolshed wlth new. eqnlpnreut*
throughout, is now open far the reception of the tnrellna
pablide. Czukaxß vosnuzs; • •px3b6ai '
** BA Book fixonsj
The Lamp Ltghtar, third auoply;
.Chaljbaua Ott SpeealaUToHuloaopl^;,:
BiltvheU’a Directed Map#;
Bunnt, or Prejudice at Homo 5 ■■•■■?.•.'
. The Heavenly Borne: by Harbaugh* . - ._■
Tomer on the Epistle to the Hehrm; > • -•
.Neander’e Commentaries, complete lnlvol, «d iuins
rate vole.
Melrille’s Practical Lecture*;
Hoget'a Thcsawros;
Hackett os tb« Aetaj
The Priest and the Hogeaot; .
dlsdplea: by Tveodls;
Pnetor’cHaadßook: ■.». -v; ■
ScripUirtTwtßoolciißlTmiity; .-jv
yr.Cumningtf Warty..« emu. largo Appl? <rf
nchooUcollogo WJwmlaMymt aoiitaLf'-:■■■;■.4tpgs>/
UUli UUiUUVB MW. WUKK&— bSj ©bool sod
•chool mutes,ortheatiwy of mredbSttato : 1145,
hft two reeorfv the mcaeto tad the geobfttal, or leo*
tore. Stoats. * '
hia oihertrorka, tU: Pint Itnprsslca* of Baglaod
and Its people, vlUiafiaettkeneascf ue entbor. 11.
“ ThlabookU ewcitk*.
We hare read Hwith dacplntciest, azuTirUh lurdeat.adnil
rauoa of tb* temper and ..wala*;- Jtlaatrusurr
ofjtttotmation *R4 enterfau&aenf.”
The Foot Prtnta af the Cteatccr,with buoy pkte*u|l.
: TheOia Red Bawdatone.YrithnaoxTOOjmnkjraMnwf. *1:
Otmlatt JSATOOJTS' Boot »W
»PTgS gyMttketrtrwUwrggk.
STABLE, l .jgSESj^p
corner Uliimond • treat utgkSnrSlnk
smsXMl , - flKtSBOBVB; rjc'
i a/ •tol»rarottir®i pwehuta aa
ibftaAMbuttdAAt ~ JSSSwIffB^
•■■•-■;■•' *• ' .'jf-lifti*, ;-, i ;• V :-.:■ :•■■•■-•■ .-.V '
."■ .*? *~ ***£:„■ ■ ■.'
• v*-:* ’ -... *•• ■•■••
.. •.:■■. -fclf * . ■■ '•■ • ....
• - .. ? * ,r <7* •. . i .»..■
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>• . • -'.v -
■ V ! v
■ '''' ? ■;-*; ?:*; »:;
'< •,! l. *■ •
A- A. gSABOXr & Go.
t'■ • »
; V- : V"yS\ :';vi
■ r
y - ’
N I£^- K 2'^ I!,y ,? )oKS " s en r booksh
toSS r S?S^s^!?l¥ lljM > a « ! tyo-w.pta. .
JEngUA OenmW
c ' rl “ 3mra ‘ to ” i :•
•-* w ' AQlU),is fei!,
sassSSi!?S f ,aS'»
— P* BB •■. . '. ccrciir Climumd tnd Hpket rtNtti-
wrtS 30 ** Bo*«rOuic4 White Slab- teol.bT
-_ PrtS - - HKNHY h. COtUffl"
■ ' a ,
- * pri - 5 ' HEMET
loalrf H»iloaa- M»g«ito« ml YMtMr f^
«l: .. - -
«J>_Qod»T’.Ud] l ’ t ßoo) T Mir. - i , l
" werwa’g »atoga«l frr« y - * -
V A U^sfeSyt 6l> * r “ 1 ' 1
“4»oan erUto
V* A.
yporfb atrort.
* Op**#** ?■<•
&**' aSmßjft, &‘g %U„.,, "
Ug&vstz&sss iSgßSS&
'•££! .
w l jK!2ss:ast r . - - -
V AMggli MmtfHS, FOR riAV—Jn« neural br » j
*-E2 a t. a MOBa as. im wZ££Z 1 ,
lct P
tiXUfL >'CXCTigAJr..^^yOB»
, yoiiiragAßr. nSmo^Sco^ I^-
QrotWj: ftnhw3>>afama
■ TV . 249 liberty ttMfcfci--- •
*prS . 'FiTTSBUtiC
ttr.MBO •aperfln. lfcni£3BJ& l &-.g,IjjgJWft
aaorfinratof wool, cotton, hnmswhd^ViMWu!.-ftft'SßtaSL'.
Ttblo ud Piano Oowj, BWi {to*. oS8» «25®.?"!?*
to,rilof wMdi^ffirrtSi^SgpS^NwC
.ptaairo] omw, h. yriahr. ukoaSaai afcj
' ’w** cg ”**** muagßstm*. . .
qMll»; rttrt^«aamlT«BfeSdKl^itS! , T >,*”»«<»•
—‘—-' -»- - ■■■-*-■■ ■ ■ «i~ <, r- ■•
[*^.totbgga«aw.:: a* aoU li ifes ra S mltrtM
U »u. ,n
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